Candra 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 725 012110
Candra 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 725 012110
Candra 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 725 012110
Abstract. The encrypted traffics are sensitive to losses, while wireless link in
prone to error. Although solutions have been proposed in each TCP/IP stack layer,
error or losses is always exist. In order to reduce losses of part(s) of encrypted
data, bytes or packets should be as many as possible received by the receiver. This
paper examines data compression impact in reducing losses of encrypted data.
NS-2 simulator is employed to evaluate the study by using the 802.11 radio link.
Simulations show that the 3DES decryption rate increases when compression
applied. Packet losses can be reduced about 0.32% and 0.54% for TCP and UDP
subsequently. The successful encrypted data rises in average 0.3% and 1.3% for
both TCP and UDP.
1. Introduction
TCP/IP network stacks allow solutions for link quality limitation performed in many
layers. In application layer, concealment is an example of the solution of incomplete data as
result network quality degradation. In transport layer, transmission control protocol (TCP)
guarantees data transmission by employing acknowledgement services [1]. Various
techniques in transport layer have also been proposed [2-5]. Medium access and physical
layers provide various choices [6].
The application data is the main objective for these solutions. Some applications are very
sensitive to losses such as encrypted data. Packet losses often result to failure to decrypt the
cipher text. Many applications apply encryption such as email, e-commerce data and social
media packets. In term reliability, those applications rely on TCP for the end to end
transmission. When channel quality worsens, TCP often experiences loss packets. Meanwhile,
on streamed application, UDP is often employed. UDP provides fast transmission but ignores
loss packets.
In order to reduce loss packets, this paper proposes compression performed in radio link
layer. Some researchers have applied compression, but mainly for data header [7]. The paper
is organized as follows. The assessment method for the encrypted data transmission either
compressed or not is outline in research method. Results of of assessments are reported in
section results and analysis, followed by the conclusion.
2. Methodology
In order to examine the performance of compressed and uncompressed encrypted message
transmission against link quality (packet losses) which increase to number of involved nodes,
network simulator (NS-2) [8] is employed. In order to trace the network performance
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3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012110
parameters, Evalvid framework [9] is inserted to NS-2 code. The modelled 802.11 radio
consists of 2 to 20 mobile nodes as illustrated in Figure 1.
Huffman compression [10] and 3DES encryption [11] techniques are employed. The
cypher texts are transported in160 bits packet. Each cypher text slice is packed in TCP
segments or UDP datagrams with length of 1024 bytes. Each node transmits data at 200kbps
rate. After simulation, the lost packet id is identified and mapped by using the Evalvid
software. Afterwards, the received messages were decompressed and decrypted so that
successful received packets were obtained.
3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012110
Figure 2. TCP and UDP delays Figure 3. TCP and UDP losses
The successful uncompressed encrypted received packets are depicted in Figure 4. TCP
successfully transmitted 99.27% of the encrypted data, while UDP did 96.44%. In decryption process,
3DES algorithm successfully decrypted TCP packets 99.44% of the original messages. TCP
successfully delivers data much higher than UDP which generates only 64.5% successful decrypted
By applying data compression with Huffman compression, which by the time evaluation
produces 80% compression ratio, the number of successfully transmitted packets increase.
Figure 6 and 7 shows the received packet rate for TCP and UDP subsequently. TCP received
data increases consistently for all number of nodes. The average increment is 0.32%. In
3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012110
average, UDP experiences 0.54%. Both increments occurred as compression causes less data
sent by the sender.
Figure 6. Uncompressed versus compress TCP Figure 7. Uncompressed versus compress UDP
received packets received packets
After reconstructed the received data, TCP with compressed data successfully decrypted
messages up to 99.35% in average. This is 0.3% higher than uncompressed data. Likewise,
UDP successfully decrypted message increase about 1.3% from 64.42% to 65.76% after
applying compression techniques. Both results are plotted in Figure 8 and 9.
Figure 8. Uncompressed versus compress TCP Figure 9. Uncompressed versus compress UDP
decrypted packets decrypted packets
3rd NICTE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (2020) 012110 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/725/1/012110
4. Conclusion
To conclude, TCP is able to deliver encrypted data better than UDP, so that the decrypted data
is much higher than UDP. TCP produces x% decrypted data while UDP x %. These figures
show that it is important to supress packet loss caused by link quality as low as possible for
encrypted data.
The proposed compression process for wireless link is able to increase the decryption ratio
as number of packet losses decrease. The compressed 3DES cipher text by using Huffman
code transported by TCP experience decryption rate increment about 0.3% as loss packet
decreases 0.32%. UDP experiences higher decryption rate increment up to 1.3% as packet
loss decreases 0.54%.
5. Acknowledgement
This research has been funded by the Directorate of Research and Public Services (DRPM)
Indonesia under the applied research schema no.D/79.K/POLTAS/IV/2019.
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