BMGT 28 Taxation Problem Set
BMGT 28 Taxation Problem Set
BMGT 28 Taxation Problem Set
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
Course Requirement and Review Material on Individual and Corporate Income Taxation
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This assessment material is created to review all the discussion points and learning about
the concepts and principles discussed in the course. To note, honesty is always the best
policy. That is, it is better to get a failing “0” than a stolen “100”.
1. __________ refers to the inherent power of the state to exact an enforced contribution upon
persons, properties or rights to generate revenues for the use and support of the government.
A. Power of Taxation C. Police Power
B. Power of Eminent Domain D. Power of the State
2. __________ refers to the inherent power of the state to expropriate private property for public
purpose in return for a just or reasonable compensation.
A. Power of Taxation C. Police Power
B. Power of Eminent Domain D. Power of the State
3. __________ refers to the inherent power of the state to promote general welfare of the people
by limiting or regulating the rights or properties of any person.
A. Power of Taxation C. Police Power
B. Power of Eminent Domain D. Power of the State
4. Constitutional limitations are limitations specifically cited or written in the provisions of the
Philippine Constitution. All of the following are constitutional limitations, except:
A. Due Process Clause
B. Granting Tax Exemptions with Minority of the Congress
C. Uniformity, Equitability, and Progressivity
D. Answer Not Given
5. Inherent limitations are limitations which are not specifically cited or written in the provisions of
the Philippine Constitution. All of the following are inherent limitations, except:
A. Prohibition of Double Taxation
B. Exemptions from taxation of government entities
C. Tax laws must not be subject to international comity
D. Answer Not Given
6. _________ is one of the basic principles of a sound tax system. This means that tax laws must
be capable of reasonable and convenient enforcement, just and effective administration.
A. Fiscal Adequacy C. Administrative Feasibility
B. Internal Acceptability D. Equality or Theoretical Justice
7. __________ refers to the territorial jurisdiction of the government where it has the authority to
impose its taxation power which is to levy and collect taxes on persons, properties or rights.
A. Scope of Taxation C. Situs of Taxation
B. Nature of Taxation D. Basis of Taxation
8. One of the phases of taxation is __________ which refers to the imposition of tax.
A. Levying C. Assessment
B. Collection D. Management
9. The reciprocal duty of the state and the people is __________ and __________ that must be
exercised, respectively.
A. Support; Protection C. Protection; Support
B. Welfare; Complying D. Complying; Welfare
10. __________ means residence or domicile of the taxpayer; while __________ means location
of the property of the taxpayer.
A. Mobilia Sequuntur Personam; Lex Rei Sitae
B. Mobilia Sequuntur Sitae; Lex Rei Personam
C. Lex Rei Personam; Mobilia Sequuntur Sitae
D. Lex Rei Sitae; Mobilia Sequuntur Personam
Php 00,125,000.00
Php 00,375,000.00
Php 01,750,000.00
Php 04,670,000.00
Php 10,200,000.00
TAX PROBLEM TWO. Given the following cases, compute for the taxable net income and the
tax due using applicable formats or computational patterns.
Required. Compute for the taxable net income and the tax due of the taxpayer.
Required. Compute for the taxable net income and the tax due of the taxpayer. If the
gross sales amounted to Php 3,000,000.00 or below, compute the tax due for both options.
[Question] If the taxpayer elected to use Option 2, is it a good election or decision? Why
or why not?
Required. Compute for the taxable net income and the tax due of the taxpayer.
TAX PROBLEM FOUR. For the taxable year, a corporation had a gross income within the
Philippines as well as without the Philippines of Php 12,750,000.00 and Php 9,550,000.00,
respectively. Its business expenses within the Philippines amounted to Php 9,980,000.00
whereas those outside the Philippines amounted to Php 7,575,000.00.
Required. Compute for the taxable net income (TNI) and corporate income tax due (TD) using
applicable formats or computational patterns assuming that the corporation is:
A. a private university with 75 percent unrelated activity (total asset is 120 million)
B. a private hospital with 45 percent unrelated activity (total asset is 80 million)
C. a non-resident foreign corporation, in general
D. a resident international carrier, in general
E. a non-resident cinematographic film owner, in general
F. a non-resident owner of aircraft, machinery, and equipment, in general
Less: AD, PH
Less: AD, AB
WORDS FOR IMPROVEMENT. “End is not about saying goodbye but it is about saying hello to
the next chapter of our journey!” This quote is indeed a reminder that learning continues and
journey always opens door for advancement. With the discussion and all the experiences, leave
comments and suggestions for the teacher’s growth and improvement.