Student Name Student ID Qualification Code and Name Trainer Name

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Student Name Student ID

Qualification Code and Name SIT40516 Certificate IV OF Commercial Cookery
Trainer Name Olive Hasan
This Unit Assessment Agreement (UAA) includes information about your obligations as an International student under the National VET Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act 2011) and
the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act 2000), to ensure you meet your visa requirements for Course Progress (meeting your course assessment
requirements) and Participation (meeting the minimum course contact hours of 20 Hours per week).
Australian Tertiary Institute (ATI) as a Nationally Registered Training Organisation, and an approved CRICOS Provider, is required to monitor and manage each International
student’s course progress and participation in accordance with the Standards for RTOs, 2015, and the National Code 2018.
Student are required to read and sign this UAA document to confirm they have received a copy and a briefing from the ATI representative regarding their Assessment Due Date
Requirements for the Unit of competence as shown below.
Part 1 – Unit Outline
Subject/Cluster or Unit Code and Name BSBSUS401- Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Trainer Name Olive Hasan
Trainer Email
Student Support Email

Part 2 – Assessment Agreement and Due Dates

Trainer is to confirm the approved ATI Assessment Method for each assessment activity from the below:
- Written/Knowledge - Case Study - Role Play - Project - Demonstration/Observation
Assessment No. Assessment Name Assessment Method Assessment Due Date
Assessment 1 KA1 Written/Knowledge 13/06/2021
Assessment 2 KA2 Written/Knowledge 13/06/2021
Assessment 3 KA3 Written/Knowledge
Assessment 4 KA3 Written/Knowledge
Assessment 5 CS1 Case Study
Assessment 6 P1 Project 13/06/2021
Assessment 7 P2 Project 13/06/2021
Assessment 8 WBT (Workplacement) Demonstration/Observation 07/06/2021
Under the Standards for RTO’s 2015, Australian Tertiary Institute has implemented assessment systems, policies and procedures to ensure Assessment is conducted in
accordance with the Principles of Assessments and Rules of Evidence.

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Please go to the ASQA - Users’ guide to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 located at
1.12 or refer to the ATI Student Handbook for more information regarding the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence.

Student Acknowledgement
Students are to complete this acknowledgement section to confirm they have read and agree to the above Unit Assessment Agreement / Due dates:

Student Signature Date:

2 2018 Edition

Part 3 – ATI Assessment Rules and Requirements

This UAA summaries the assessment rules and requirements that govern assessments conducted at Australian Tertiary Institute.
An ATI Trainer or representative will issue ATI students with an UAA at the commencement of each new unit of competence. Students will be briefed by the ATI Trainer or
Representative and will then be required to complete and sign their individual UAA – to confirm they have read and understand the rules and requirements within the
Student assessments will not be accepted for marking without the student having completed and signed each relevant ATI UAA.
Once the UAA has been completed and signed by each relevant student, the ATI trainer (or ATI representative) will take a copy for ATI retention on the students file, and the
student will be provided a copy for their retention/future reference.
In accordance with the relevant NVR and ESOS Standards, ATI is required to retain all student assessment records for International students for a minimum period of 2 years.
Student are strongly encouraged to retain a copy of all assessment/s they have completed and submitted to the Trainer or ATI . ATI does not take responsibility for students
lost or stolen assessments prior to their having been received in the ATI allocated Assessment inbox or for assessments/correspondence that has not been sent by the student
to the correct ATI email address – as instructed and documented to all ATI students.
ATI reserves the right to request any/all original assessment documentation from students at any time during and/or after a student has submitted an assessment.
Assessment Readiness
Students who have demonstrated that they have satisfactorily participated in scheduled classes will be deemed “Assessment Ready”, unless identified otherwise by the trainer
or student.
Assessments are not to be accepted for marking from students who have been identified as not being “Assessment Ready”.
Assessment Authentication
All ATI student assessments/evidence received by ATI must be sufficiently authenticated – ATI is to have processes and systems in place that provide evidence and/or
confidence that the assessment/evidence received is the assessment and/or work of the actual enrolled student and that the enrolled student has submitted the
assessment/evidence for marking.
ATI Authentication methods may include but are not limited to:
 the inclusion of a student formal acknowledgement within the assessment document
 restricting assessments to only being issued and received via the ATI allocated student email account
 authentication questioning – where relevant trainers quiz students on work they have submitted – completed face to face, via telephone, and/or web chat program i.e Skype.

ATI assessment outcomes and/or results must show evidence of a least one Assessment Authentication method having been used or identified.
Note: Students are encouraged to ask the ATI trainer or representative any questions they may have or seek clarification should the need to at any time during the UAA briefing

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Part 4 – Submitting of Assessment/s and Evidence

Students are required to ensure their completed assessments and/or evidence are always submitted by the student for marking to the relevant ATI Training Section
Assessment Email address from the following email addresses only:
 Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Business Courses – Email to:
 Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced of Hospitality Courses – Email to:

Students must ensure all assessments and/or evidence must include ALL of the following details:
 Class Number
 Student Name
 Student ID Number
 Unit Code
 Assessment Number
 Trainers Name
 Date the student is submitting the assessment

For example: C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020

NOTE: Student assessments and/or evidence will not be accepted for marking if submitted using any other method.
In EXCEPTIONAL circumstances students may seek assistance from their relevant trainer to request written
approval from the Training coordinator.

Part 5 – Assessment Outcomes/Results and Feedback

Students whose assessment/s submitted have not achieved a “Satisfactory” outcome or “Competent” result, will receive a written response, feedback and guidance from their
trainer via their ATI individual allocated student email account within two (2) weeks of the unit assessment Due Date.
The student is responsible for checking their ATI individual email account for their assessment outcomes and/or results on a regular basis. Students may also login to their
allocated Student Portal (access via Australian Tertiary Institute website) to check for their assessment outcomes and/or results at any time.
Part 6 - Assessment Attempts and Fees
Students enrolled with ATI are provided up to three (3) attempts per assessment activity in attempting to achieve a Satisfactory assessment outcome. Students will then be
offered and opportunity to re-enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been unsuccessful in completing.
This may vary for each student depending on a student’s individual circumstances. Students’ progress is managed on a case-by-case basis and not on a one-fits-all approach.
Please refer to the following related ATI policies/procedures for further assistance if required:
 ATI Monitoring Student Progress and Participation policies and Procedures,

4 2018 Edition

 ATI Intervention Policy/Procedures

 ATI Assessment Policy

Scheduled Assessment – Due Date as per UAA (1st assessment attempt) No Fee Charged
Students are required to complete assessment activities and tasks in order to progress in their course/units of study – for each unit of competence, students are scheduled to
complete the assigned and scheduled assessment activities – as agreed/signed in the individual ATI UAA (1 st assessment attempt) where a student does not achieve a
“Satisfactory” outcome for a scheduled assessment activities or task, they will not be marked with an assessment outcome of “Competent”.
In these circumstances, the student will be provided with relevant and appropriate feedback, guidance and support from their Trainer in person and also written feedback via
email on areas that require further action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity outcome (eg: Not Competent, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend).
The Trainer will provide the student – in writing via the student email with an Assessment Re-submission(2nd attempt) - Due Date.
The student’s initial assessment (1st assessment attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI Competence Record Form (CRF) by the trainer.
Re-Submission – Due Date Issued to Student in Writing(2nd assessment attempt) No Additional Fee Charged
Students who have not successfully achieved a “Competent” outcome for a scheduled Re-Submitted assessment
(2nd assessment attempt) activity or task, will not be marked with an assessment outcome of “Competent” against their scheduled assessment re-submission/2 nd attempt. In
these circumstances, the student will be provided relevant and appropriate feedback and guidance and support opportunities from their Trainer in person and via email on
areas that require further action/response from the student and advised of the assessment activity outcome (eg: Not Satisfactory, Did not Submit, or Did not Attend). The
Student’s Re-Submission (2nd Assessment Attempt) outcome will be recorded via the ATI Competence Record Form (CRF) by the trainer.
The Trainer will then provide the student – in writing via email with a final Re-Assessment (3rd assessment attempt) opportunity – The Due Date will be the end of the 2nd week
of the next Term Break.
The student will be advised of the cost associated with undertaking a “Re-Assessment” activity or tasks/s and will confirm the Re-assessment must be scheduled and paid for in
advance by the Student via the ATI Student Services officer/Reception and will be conducted during the students NEXT term break.
NOTE: NO further assessment extensions will be available to students after the “Re-Assessment” opportunity.
Re-Assessment – Due Date last day 2nd week of students next Term Break.(3rd/Final assessment attempt) Fees to be Charged
 Each Written/Knowledge/Theory Assessment = $50 per assessment,
 Each Practical, Observation/Demonstration Assessment = $100 per assessment

In circumstances where a student has not successfully achieved a “Competent” assessment outcome/s in their Final 3 rd assessment attempt, or the student failed to submit the
relevant assessment/s by the allocated Due Date for marking, the student will be provided relevant and appropriate feedback and guidance and support opportunities from
their Trainer in person and via email on areas that remain unsatisfactory.
Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a relevant unit of competence (for example a Business course) will receive an
assessment result for the relevant unit of competence of “NYC” (Not Yet Competent),or “DNS” (Did Not Submit) or “DNA” (Did Not Attend).
Students who have not achieved a “competent” outcome in all assessment requirement for a relevant Unit of competence (for example a Commercial Cookery Course) will
receive an assessment outcome for the relevant units of competence of “NS” (Not Satisfactory),or “DNS” (Did Not Submit) or “DNA” (Did Not Attend).

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NOTE: Students will be required to ensure they have paid the due “Re-Assessment” fee and booked their attendance in for the Re-Assessment prior to attending any final/Re-
assessment activity.
Students who do not achieve a Competent “C” result for the relevant unit they are enrolled in OR an Assessment Outcome of Not Competent “NC” for the relevant units they
are enrolled will be required to apply to Re-Enrol in the relevant unit/s that they have been deemed “NYC” OR “NC”. Fees for Re-Enrolment are available to the student via the
ATI website, the Student Handbook, or via the Student Services /Reception Staff.
The Trainer will record the students 3rd/final assessment outcome or result on the relevant ATI Competence Record Form (CRF).
Fee Per Unit of Competence/Per Week = $440
Learning Support Sessions
Fee = $60 per hour**
ATI is committed to provide our students who are committed to their learning and academic goals with the most relevant and appropriate support and assistance. FREE support
sessions are available to students however, students who demonstrate a low commitment to their class participation of course progress through a demonstration of poor
participation and/or unsatisfactory progress may be required to pay a fee for additional or extra requested one to one tuition support from trainers.
** Fee per hour may differ depending on number of students in the session and on the individual student’s circumstances.
PLEASE NOTE: Students with poor class participation or unsatisfactory course progress due to medical or other compelling or compassionate circumstances (with evidence
available to support circumstances) will not be required to pay the Re- Assessment Fees listed above. As each student is monitored and managed on a case-by-case basis they
will be offered support and assistance when ATI are made aware or identify such circumstances with appropriate evidence provided.
Part 7 – Plagiarism and Cheating
Students must ensure that the evidence they submit as their assessment/work is their own, and/or where applicable, they have acknowledged in writing within the assessment
evidence to the trainer the work of others (see reference guide below).

In an educational environment plagiarism is cheating and is considered as instances where a student acts dishonestly in misleading the Trainer in submitting evidence/ work
that is not their own.
At the ATI, plagiarism is considered as a serious breach of the Australian Tertiary Institute’s Student Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism and/or Cheating is
defined as:
 Submitting some or part of someone else’s work as your own (with or without that person’s permission)
 using any part of someone else’s work without the proper acknowledgement, this may also breach copyright Laws
 submitting an exact and/or partially duplicated assessment and/or evidence as your own
 knowingly letting another student submit all or part of your work as their own
 copying full or partial sentences and/or paragraphs from one or more sources
 submitting substantial copies or extracts from books, articles, theses, unpublished work such as working papers, seminar and conference papers, internal reports,
computer software, websites, lecture notes or tapes, without clearly indicating their source/origin

6 2018 Edition

 using notes, your mobile, input from others, or other unauthorised resources without permission
 have one or more other people assist or contribute to your assessment/evidence submitted and represented (implicitly or explicitly) as being your own/individual work
 stealing an assessment document or assessment guide/trainer guide from within ATI
 imitation of a transcript or an idea;
 Another person helping in the creation of an assessment/evidence without the express need, consensus, or knowledge of the Trainer
 asking someone else to write and/or submit assessment work/evidence on your behalf
 downloading from the internet and submitting the contents ‘as is’ and as your own work.

Where plagiarism and/or cheating has been identified within a students submitted assessment/evidence, ATI will contact the relevant student/s individually and invite them to
an Intervention Meeting to discuss the findings, evidence and seek feedback from the student. In circumstances where plagiarism and/or cheating has been confirmed, one or
more of the following actions, fees and penalties may apply:
1st offence:
 written warning issued and student required to meet with Student Services Officer (SSO),

 student is required to pay the required $50 administrative fee, and

 student to request permission to do a RE–ASSESSMENT of the assessment and/or evidence,

 trainer and/or SSO to confirm approval to RE-ASSESSMENT of the assessment and/or evidence, confirm in writing the new set assessment Due Date. For the RE-

 Student is required to pay the ATI RE-ASSESSMENT Fee for each assessment/each week

(please refer to Re-Assessment Fees listed above)

2nd offence:
 second written warning issued and the student is required to meet with SSO,

 student required to pay the required $50 administrative fee; and

 student must request permission to RE-ENROL in the relevant unit of competence, and

 Student is required to pay the ATI RE-ENROLMENT Fee for each unit.

(please refer to Re-Enrolment Fees listed above)

3rd offence:

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Where an ATI student has been identified as having submitted assessment/s and/or evidence that is plagiarised or the student has cheated for a third or more occasion, ATI
may commence action to issue the student with a Notice of Intent to Cancel their enrolment under Standard 9 of National Code 2018, which would include details being
forwarded to the relevant and appropriate required Government agencies.
NOTE: ATI trainers are required to report all instances of suspected plagiarism and/or cheating - this information and supporting evidence must be submitted to the
Compliance Officer, Training Coordinator and Student Services Coordinator for further review and action where applicable.
Part 8 - Written Assessment Format Requirement/Guide
Students are to ensure that written assessment and supporting evidence are submitted using the following ATI written assessment format requirements.
Failure to submit assessments following ATI formatting requirements may result in the student’s assessment/s and/or supporting evidence not being accessible to the student
in order to meet the relevant assessment requirements, and/or that the ATI trainer may not have access and/or be in a position to interpret and/or mark the content of the
student’s assessment and/or supporting evidence. This may result in the student not achieving a satisfactory outcome or competent result:
Font Type: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5
Font: Arial or Times New Roman, Font Size: 12
Font: Arial, Font Size: 9
Header Content: Australian Tertiary Institute (Right side) and Unit Title (Left side)
Font: Arial, Font Size: 9
Footer Content: First Name & Family Name Student ID Date: dd/mm/yy Page no.
LEFT: 4cm TOP : 4cm BOTTOM: 4cm RIGHT: 4cm
References must include the following information:
From a book: Book title, author, year published and Page No.
From a newspaper: Newspaper Name, Issue No. Date and Page No.
From the internet: Website address, Author (if available), Date downloaded
Save your written assessments as follows:
Class Number, Student Name, Student ID Number, Unit Code, Assessment Number, Trainers Name, Date the student is submitting the assessment
For example: C3B9_Singh_P123_SITXWHS0023_KA3_Leejo_02012020

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Part 9 - ATI Appeal Policy and Procedure

Students who feel dissatisfied with the way they have been assessed and/or the assessment outcomes or results recorded for them, should in the first instance communicate
the issue and/or concerns with their relevant trainer as soon as possible from the effective date of the incident or decision.
If the issue or concern cannot be solved informally, the student may complete an ATI Complaints and Appeals form. Appeals must be lodged within 20 calendar days of the
initial event/decision.
A student completes the ATI Complaints and Appeals form, then submits this completed form to Student Services in person at the ATI reception or by emailing and attaching
the completed form to:
If the student is not successful in the complaint/appeal process or are not satisfied with the outcome they must be advised within 10 working days of the outcome that they
have the right to access an external complaints/appeals handling process by contacting the Overseas Student Ombudsman via email:
Part 10 - Privacy Statement
Australian Tertiary Institute recognises and respects your privacy. Australian Tertiary Institute collects, stores and uses personal information only for the purposes of
administering students and prospective student admissions, enrolment and education.
The information collected is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority
requirements and/or to authenticate information provided to us as part of our application process. Australian Tertiary Institute’s Privacy Policy reflects the National Privacy
Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 as well as the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Information Privacy Bill 2007 (WA). Further information about our Privacy
Policy is available on request.
Part 11 - Student Acknowledgement and Agreement

I have read and agree to the ATI Assessment Rules and Requirements as provided and outline in the signed UAA.
I understand that my assessments and supporting evidence may be refused for marking if I have not submitted them in accordance with the content, rules and
requirements contained within this UAA read and signed by me as indicated below.

 I have read, acknowledge and agree to the above Unit, Assessment and set Due Dates outlined in this UAA.
 I understand and agree to only submit assessments and supporting evidence that is my own work, unless I otherwise make reference.
I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to submit all scheduled assessments and supporting evidence by the allocated Due Date/s and that failure to meet
these dates may result in my assessment/s not being marked.

I understand and agree that I am responsible for the retention of all my original assessments and supporting evidence and that I must provide theses original
assessments to the ATI trainers and/or representatives when requested specifically where plagiarism and/or cheating is suspected.

I understand and agree that ATI is required to photocopy and retain a copy of this completed and signed UAA, and that I must ensure I retain the copy I will be provided
with by the trainer for my own records and future reference.

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Student Name Student Signature Date

Olive Hasan
ATI Trainer/Representative Name Trainer Signature Date


You are to answer all questions.
Read each question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required information.
On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor via the LMS.


Q1: Outline the role of federal, state and territory legislation in environmental sustainability.
 The role of Federal, State and Territory legislation is that of protecting the environment from degrading. The legislation makes it illegal
for those activities which destroy the quality of the environment and espouse those practices which aim at promoting environmental

10 2018 Edition

Q2: What role does the local council play in environmental sustainability? Discuss.

Ans. A Local Government, or Local Council, t is an administrative body responsible for local issues such as planning, community development,
the environment, and recreational areas. In Australia, local councils and communities have long been leaders in Eco-friendly action, implementing
initiatives to minimize their carbon emissions in their own buildings, as well as the houses and buildings in their precincts. Many of the councils are
inspiring communities by leading through example, through measures such as solar PV, energy management systems, and encouraging energy
efficiency programs in households such as environmentally friendly transport and switching appliances off to avoid standby power

“We have local governments ranging from our very largest metropolitan councils, such as City of Sydney and Brisbane, through to tiny rural shires
joining the Cities Power Partnership. The local government race to renewable is well and truly on.”

Q3: What is the benefit of having codes of practice?

Ans. Safe Work Australia has developed codes of practice which support the new WHS Act and Regulations. These are largely based on existing
codes and guidelines that supported the previous health and safety legislation. A code of practice provides detailed information on specific work
tasks to help you achieve the standards required under the work health and safety (WHS) laws. A few advantages of having a business code of
conduct are: It enhances the company's core values, beliefs and sets the right culture. These do not replace the WHS laws, but For people who
have health and safety duties under the WHS Act, the model codes of practice aim to make it as easy as possible for those people to understand
what they need to do to comply with their duties.

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Q4: Discuss the relevance of WHS legislation to environmental sustainability.

Ans.  Environmental Sustainability is Equates to Work Health Safety Standards requirements that could impact on the way we implement and
monitor environmentally sustainable work practices. WHS requirements include: identifying hazardous substances and dangerous goods code,
safe operating procedures and SDS (Safety Data Sheets). SDS provide information on chemicals, how they affect health and safety, correct
storage and handling, emergency procedures and disposal guidelines.

Q5: Quality assurance is one of the principles of quality management. What does quality assurance mean and how can it help an organisation
comply with environmental regulations?
Ans. The process approach is all about efficiency and effectiveness. Implementing systematic analytical tools and techniques that allow for the
control and monitoring of quality service/products standards. By becoming a more efficient organisation, you can build a strong trust in your
stakeholders by optimising performance. Manage processes by making responsibilities clear and ensuring your resources are used in the best

Q6: What is benchmarking and how can it help an organisation comply with environmental regulations?
Ans. Benchmarking involves researching competitor best practices and processes that are found inside and outside an organisation.
with the aim of adapting, modifying and applying the best of these practices to your own organisation.

Q7: Compliance auditing involves reviewing and checking the organisation’s systems, processes and SOPs and how they adhere to regulatory
guidelines. List three aims of compliance auditing.

Ans. obtaining an understanding of the entity’s business and its compliance environment which includes the key elements of the entity’s
compliance framework and understanding of the requirements, the suitable criteria and other engagement circumstances which, depending on the
subject matter, may include obtaining an understanding of internal controls and testing the effectiveness of these controls. All relevant
environmental sustainability legislation, such as the Environmental Protection or Biodiversity Conservation Act.-Environmental protection
regulations.-Codes of Practice, including resource hazards and risks associated with a work area, job descriptions, duties
specifications and SOP’s.

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Q8: What sort of information should be assessed when looking at an organisation’s resource efficiency systems and procedures?
Ans. Gathering information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures that your industry sector has defined is an important
part of the investigation process. plant nursery invests in water saving devices and composts food scraps from several local cafe’s, reducing
landfill.-A paint manufacturer switches to more environmentally friendly chemicals and improves their waste disposal processes

Q9: Where can you go for help, information and assistance in collecting, monitoring and evaluating resource usage?
Ans. Emphasizes the involvement of stakeholders in design and implementation and discusses how to create a learning environment for managers
and for project implementation. You can also take help from organizational specifications, regulatory sources, relevant stakeholders and
resource usage statistics/reports

Q10: What is life-cycle mapping used for?

Ans. The life cycle mapping is a qualitative tool that can provide insights into the product life cycle and some of the sustainability benefits and
impacts associated with each stage and with this, you can use in-house to map out all your operations, it is not designed to replace the customer
journey map which explores a more intimate path taken by customers through actual interactions with the business or brand.

Q11: What does life-cycle mapping involve? List the steps.

The life cycle map is a qualitative tool that can provide insights into the product life cycle and some of the sustainability benefits and impacts
associated with each stage. A process tree, or 'map', of the product life cycle is drawn up by asking a series of questions.
A. Step 1: Identify all the resource, energy, water and labour inputs and emission, waste, and co-product outputs. Remember to include transport
inputs/outputs. At the same time identify the performance criteria that need to be considered at each point. The quality of packaging and the
product that go into it should not be compromised
B. Step 2: Try and identify the potential environmental impacts associated with the inputs and outputs highlighted in Step 1. Then consider any
potential opportunities to address the impacts identified. Explore the potential actions/ changes to improve the quality of your packaging. Use the
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs) strategies to guide your thinking.
C. Step 3: Identify where and how within your business systems/processes you may be able to integrate/address actions identified. The items
identified should in effect ensure the ongoing assessment of new packaging items within the same packaging category as the product being

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D. Step4: Develop strategies for your business to minimise potential environmental impacts identified

Q12: A waste audit is a common method used to measure and document waste produced by a department and/or organisation as a whole. Briefly
outline the steps involved in a waste audit.
Ans. Step 1: Decide the scope and objective of the waste audit, including the factors like time frame, locations to be audited and the people who
will take part.
Step 2: Collect background information, tools and Determine Your Waste Categories and determine work that will be done by each team
Step 3: Collect the waste. Label bags showing waste location and date collected.
Step 4: Transport the waste to a designated Sort waste area
Step 5: Sort the waste according to Weigh, different materials. Count and weigh materials recording the data and Analyse Your Results

Q13: Discuss two methods that could be used to collect and monitor energy consumption in a workplace.
Ans. Monitor the Facility and usage of different condition Before you can begin to manage the energy consumption in your facility, you first have to
gain insights into what your energy usage and quality patterns are. After all, you cannot manage what you cannot see.

Q14: What are the six steps in analysing and documenting current purchasing strategies?

Ans. process, to identify areas for improvement.

Step 1: Identification of the need
Step 2: The learning of the product characteristics and gather information of risk involved
Step 3: Drafting the specifications
Step 4: Supplier sourcing
Step 5: In-depth analysis of applications in progress
Step 6: Determine how the good will be disposal

14 2018 Edition

Q15: Steps in the data collection and analysis process for resource usage involve collecting data, analysing data, identifying key business
activities and estimating resource usage and waste generation. What step is missing? Explain this step.
Ans. Implement a transition plan or contractual supply chain improvements Winning suppliers should be invited to participate in implementing
improvements. Identifying activities based on performance in workplace rather than by department and using the baseline data to review against
your two-year period data. Determine if this represents a typical year. If it doesn’t than indicate why and estimate what a typical year should look

Q16: What is the benefit of using a data collection plan?

Ans. Data Collection Plan. Definition/Purpose: having collection of data give u a sense of what customer need and words as a helping hand while
understanding the purpose Use of this tool helps to remind you of why you're collecting data, reinforces standard methods for data collection,
and shares the plan among team members and the data collection plan is typically used during the current state analysis portion of a process
analysis or improvement project.
1. Select what to measure: In selecting what to measure, focus on the key questions you are trying to answer or the key issues you’re trying to
resolve. What are the established measures of performance for the process? How do you know if the process is successful? try to know your end
results Do you have any service level agreements (SLA’s) for the process, and if so, how are those evaluated? Ideally, all metrics identified on the
project charter would be included in this plan, as would any supporting metrics for those identified.
2. Develop operational definitions: Develop a common definition for the metric to be evaluated, being specific about items to be measured and any
conditions that need to be applied to the plan. The definition must be agreed upon by everyone involved in the collection of the data and should be
tested prior to the implementation of the plan.
3. Prepare data collection plan: Document the plan for collecting the data identified using a Data Collection Plan. Identify the following information
for each metric: name, operational definition, data source, collection method, and owner.
4. implement & refine plans: Execute the plan. Ideally start with a small pilot test of the plan and then review and revise as needed.

Q17: When you review current work practices, systems and SOPs to identify areas for improvement, what questions can you ask? List two.
Ans. A Standard Operating Procedure is a document which describes the regularly recurring operations relevant to the quality of the investigation.
The purpose of a SOP is to carry out the operations correctly and always in the same manner. Most importantly, you need standard operating
procedures because they take the guesswork out of how your company performs essential, repetitive tasks.

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1. Your routine jobs’ process improvement. For example, let’s say your company has a return policy. It makes sense to have defined rules guiding
employees on criteria to be met before you accept returned goods or issue refunds, right? That’s an excellent case of why you need standard rule
and order that is to be followed. With one, you don’t need to remind employees every time on what to look out for before they perform a task.
2.Codes of Practice, including resource hazards and risks associated with a work area, job descriptions, duties specifications and SOPs
a. Does my organization need change in any operational matter?
b. How well is my SOP working?
These are the two questions I will ask to improve

16 2018 Edition


Q18: Why is involving stakeholders in issues of environmental sustainability important to your business?
Ans. Stakeholders are the one who has the highest authority and they know how to make benefit in business and sharing issues related to
environment and sharing purpose with them can result in finding the middle way for the growth of business and environment sustainability. For
example, individual consumers may prefer to purchase 'green' products from 'green' suppliers. Taking into account the requirements of key
stakeholders will help you develop a sustainability strategy that delivers the greatest business benefits. We need clean air, natural resources and a
nontoxic environment for example, individual consumers may prefer to purchase 'green' products from 'green' suppliers. Business customers may
also prefer to source from more sustainable suppliers, as part of their own commitment to sustainable development. Other key stakeholders
include suppliers, employees, investors and regulators. In each case, understanding and reflecting their concerns can help you develop a more
effective business strategy.

Q19: Imagine you are on an environment team and chair a stakeholder committee as part of your role. Why is it important to be familiar with your
organisation’s structure and decision-making processes?
Ans. a) Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
The manager is the one who makes decisions and decision making is the essence of planning is the first and most important function of
management as a process that determines all other functions, organizing, managing human resources, managing and control
b) Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternatives resolutions.
Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decision by organizing relevant information and
defining alternatives.

Q20: When evaluating solutions to workplace environmental issues, what factors should you consider? List four questions you could ask.
Ans. A) In order to maintain a safe work environment, you should consistently search and eliminate work place hazards. You can do this by
conducting routine maintenance and housekeeping measures. Educate employees on identifying hazards and risks and have them report to you if
they encounter any.1. Consult governmental guidelines to ensure compliance and reduce risk exposure.2. Hire an environmental consultant to
manage workplace environmental issues.3. Train your employees about work environmental issues.

B) Industrial energy use or greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Introduction. Policies directed at improving industrial energy efficiency or
exploratory function of setting targets can, for example, be observed in the allocation of resources. SMART targets,such as the environmental
permitting system in. Here are a few more examples of what a SMART

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Q21: Write an example of a SMART target for resource efficiency, such as reducing energy consumption or landfill.
Ans. Industrial energy use or greenhouse gas emission reduction targets Introduction. Sustainability performance measures and
recycling objectives should be To make that difference it's crucial to stretch targets to the limit. Its often the case that the higher the ambition
more the employees will buy into the target we set. Industrial energy use or greenhouse gas emission reduction targets Introduction. Policies
directed at improving industrial energy efficiency or exploratory function of setting target scan, for example, be observed in the allocation of


Q22: Outline four tools or techniques an organisation could use to achieve a ‘green office’.
Ans. Aim to change behaviours around printing, recycling and other sustainable practices. For organizations, failure to comply with your country's
environmental for your green initiatives to demonstrate the savings that they will make. Place recycling points in prominent spots around the
office, and clearly signpost which items people can and cannot recycle Use environmental and resource sustainability initiative products. Use
electricity wisely. 2.Reduce, reuse, and recycle. 3.Use environmentally friendly office products. 4.Use non-toxic cleaning products.

18 2018 Edition

Q23: Explain how an organisation can use carbon offsets to help achieve its efficiency targets.
Ans. As determine by industry or organisation carbon offsets can be used voluntarily or to meet regulatory requirements. Some company also offer
carbon offset as an upsell during the sales process so that customer can mitigate the carbon footprint related to their purchase. Adopting energy
efficiency measures and shifting to renewable energy are Carbon Neutral is proud to be the only company that can offer most types of Offset
buyers choose to support carbon off set projects that have an inherent.

Q24: The concept of continuous improvement involves an organisation-wide commitment to making incremental improvements in processes,
products and services. List five strategies or components of continuous improvement.
Ans. Principle 1 – Improvements are based on small changes, not only on major paradigm shifts or new inventions
Principle 2 – Support employee’s idea with giving them rewards
Principle 3 – Incremental improvements are typically inexpensive to implement
Principle 4 – Employees take ownership and are involved in improvement
Principle 5 – Improvement is reflective

Q25: Outline what should go into a resource efficiency or sustainability plan.

Ans. Using environment and resource efficiency improvement plans for own work group with other operational activities. business should consider
not just the financial cost, but the social and environmental costs and impact of their business. Help team members to identify possible areas
for improved practices and resource efficiency in work areas. Natural Step organisations can be found in 11 countries around the world.
CERES works with business, investment and advocacy groups to promote the benefits of sustainability and help companies apply strategies
to improve sustainability performance. CERES: a non-profit organisation advocating sustainability leadership. CERES works with business,
investment and advocacy groups to promote the benefits of sustainability and help companies apply strategies to improve sustainability

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Q26: Getting employees committed to the sustainability plan can require a change in attitudes and work processes. Outline how you could use
Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change to building commitment to the sustainability plan.
Ans. 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency To begin transformation, a Change Agent must create a sense or urgency in why change is needed in the
first place. At its core and sharing the goal here is to “help others feel a gut-level determination to move and win, now”.
2.Create a Guiding Coalition Change can only come about with the right leaders. You need to create a group with the power to lead change. No
one person in the organization is capable of single-handedly. Try building teams for guiding
3.Develop a Change Vision In this step, the Guiding Coalition need to clarify how the future will be different from the past. This is achieved through
an Organizational Vision.
4.Communicate the Vision for Buy-in In this step, the Guiding Coalition need to ensure that as many people as possible understand and accept the
5.Empower Broad-Based Action In complex, layered organizations this can be incredibly difficult to achieve. Under communication and
inconsistency due to fragmented freedom in silo create stalled transformation efforts.
6.Generate Short-term Wins After the vision has been defined and communicated, the organization needs to remove as many barriers as possible
and unleash their employees to do their best work.
7.Never Let Up! Barriers usually take two forms - Structural and Supervisory This step is predicated upon generating and making visible
success as soon as possible. It is critical to drive short-term wins in any long-term change effort
8.Incorporate Changes into the Culture. This step is about consolidating gains and producing more incremental change. Resistance is always
hiding in the wings trying to re-assert itself when you least expect it. Remember that this is a marathon. At this point, the focus is on
anchoring new approaches into the culture for sustained change. New practices need to be deeply entrenched to remain there, especially as
these are composed of Norms of Behavior (defining appropriate attitudes) and Shared Values (defining what is important).

20 2018 Edition

Q27: Calculate the payback period of energy and ink-saving printers your organisation wants to install.
 First, calculate the total costs.

Initial investment $
Six printers 5,400
Disposal of old printers 200
Total costs??

Net savings ($ per annum)

Energy cost reduction 1,000
Reduced ink usage costs 1,500
Less annual maintenance (200)
Total net savings 2,300

 Next, use the total costs to calculate the payback period.

Ans. There are essentially four things that you can achieve by simply focusing on and reducing the energy consumption of printers. These are:
1. Cut down your energy costs and improve your operational finances.
2. Follow regulations laid by the government as well as your trade associations.
3. Bend customer demands bases that give preference to dealing with green businesses and buying green products.
4. Do your bit for the environment so that your kids and their kids can reap the benefits

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Q28: List the steps involved in the monitoring process.

Ans. 1) Find out process which needs monitoring
2) Develop Objectives of monitoring methods
3) compare what is happening and what should be happening
4) Design the Monitoring improvements in plan
5) Design the Monitoring Methodology
6) Implement Monitoring as a Pilot Study
7) Implement Monitoring
8) Use feedback to update the performance
9) report and use results

Q29: What tools and techniques can you use to help monitor performance?
Ans. 5 Key Performance Management Tools and Techniques:
1 Be straightforward about what u looking for
2 Be direct about how you measure performance
3 Make sure you focus on work essence and team building
4 Invest in building motivation
5 Monitor & adjust

Q30: Is there a place for qualitative research in assessing the performance of sustainability initiatives? Explain.
Ans. Yes, there is a place for qualitative research in assessing the performance of sustainability initiatives. The qualitative research would be
integrated in assessing performance of sustainability initiatives because sustainability initiatives focus on qualitative factors such as the quality of
life. Sustainability measurement is the quantitative basis for the informed management of sustainability. The metrics used for the measurement of
sustainability (involving the sustainability of environmental, social and economic domains, both individually and in various combinations) are still
evolving: they include indicators, benchmarks, audits, indexes and accounting, as well as assessment, appraisal and other reporting systems.
They are applied over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.

22 2018 Edition

Q31: Briefly describe three ways an organisation can communicate and review progress on its sustainability initiatives and improvement plans to
stakeholders, including employees.
Ans. 1) Improving the quality of life without increasing environmental degradation and without compromising the resource needs of
future generations.
2) Applying life-cycle thinking which considers the impacts from all life-cycle stages of the production and consumption process.
3)  Use technology effectively and appropriately

Q32: Discuss four ways you can reward staff for successful progress towards sustainability initiatives.
Ans. Celebrate and reward staff continuous improvement initiatives with points towards a reward system. Few other ways to reward are
1) Rewarding innovation with responsibility
2) Made freedom and open environment so people can share ideas
3) Culture of Acknowledgement
4) Giving them points, prize and other perks

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Your assessor will do the following.
Observe you in an actual workplace or simulated environment using a range of skills/tasks.
Use the checklist to observe you using a range of skills/tasks.
Observe you over a period of time while you learn and use various skills/tasks.
Ensure that you can consistently perform all tasks multiple times satisfactorily.
Decide when you are competent at all tasks.
You are required to do the following.
You must answer all verbal questions.
You can ask your assessor for further clarification of any question, if necessary.
Provide all necessary information when answering questions.
Your assessor will submit results of your practical demonstration tasks via the LMS.

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Can identify environmental regulations Q: How does federal legislation influence
applying to the enterprise. sustainability?
Q: What is the main legislation to be aware of for
your state or territory?
Q: What regulations and/or legislation is your
local council responsible for?

24 2018 Edition

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Can read and analyse complex texts and Q: What is a code of practice?
information from a range of sources, including Q: How is WHS legislation relevant to
procedures for assessing compliance with implementing and monitoring environmentally
environmental/sustainability regulations, sustainable practices? Explain.
legislation, codes of practice and workplace Q: Explain how quality management principles
procedures that relate to own role and can help an organisation comply with
environmental and resource issues. environment/sustainability legislation and
Q: Outline the five generic problem-solving steps
you could use when analysing procedures for
Demonstrates knowledge of organisational Q: Why is it important to be aware of the
structure, reporting channels and terms and hierarchy and reporting channels within your
conditions of employment including policies organisation?
and procedures, that relate to supply chain, Q: How do you ensure you and your team are
procurement and purchasing, quality familiar with terms and conditions of
assurance, making recommendations and employment, EEO, policies, procedures, etc.?
seeking approvals. Q: What procedure do you have to follow if you
want to purchase new equipment for your team?
Collects information on environmental and Q: Where can you source information on
resource efficiency systems and procedures environmental and resource efficiency systems?
and provides to the work group where Q: How would you collect information on an
appropriate. organisation’s energy consumption?
Can read and interpret reported information. Q: How would you collect information on an
organisation’s water consumption?
Q: How would you collect information on an
organisation’s waste generation?

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 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Demonstrates understanding of quality Q: Explain what systems and processes can
management and quality assurance systems help with compliance.
in relation to sustainability. Q: Describe quality management, including
some of the main components that make up
quality management.
Q: Describe how the auditing process is used to
assure quality.
Can research external benchmarks to achieve Q: What is a benchmark? Explain.
best practice in sustainability. Q: What external benchmark systems are you
familiar with?
Q: What steps would you take to familiarise
yourself with external benchmark systems?
Can collect, analyse and organise information Q: What is a life-cycle assessment? What steps
from a range of sources to provide are involved?
information/advice and tools/resources for Q: What tools do you use to help collect,
improvement opportunities. analyse and organise information on resource
use and improvement opportunities?
Q: What online sources do you use for
assistance and advice in how to improve?
Can measure and document current resource Q: Describe how you could use a desktop audit
usage of members of the work group. to measure the resource usage of a work group.
Q: Show me examples of documentation you
have created or tools you have used to measure
current resource usage, for example, water or

26 2018 Edition

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Can analyse and document current Q: Why is it important to examine your supply
purchasing strategies. chain when assessing the sustainable practices
of your workplace?
Q: Outline the steps involved in analysing your
current purchasing strategies.
Q: Why is step one of this process important?
Q: What sort of documentation should you
collect from suppliers to ensure they comply with
sustainable practices?
Can analyse current work processes to Q: Give me an example of when you used the
access information and data to assist in five generic problem-solving steps to identify an
identifying areas for improvement. area for improvement.
Identifies relevant internal and external Q: What areas for improvement in resource
sources of information and explains how to usage have you identified?
use them. Q: What areas for improvement in WHS and
storage have you identified?
Can plan and organise work group activities to Q: How do you organise your work group to
identify areas for improvement, solve make sure they complete tasks on time?
problems and generate ideas. Q: What planning strategies do you use to get
Can develop plans to manage routine and your work group to solve problems and generate
non-routine tasks for the group and ideas together?
understands how they contribute to the Q: Name one of your work group’s goals and
broader organisation. explain how it relates to organisational goals.
Uses effective communication and Q: What are some of the ways you can
collaboration skills, conventions and protocols communicate with stakeholders?
to seek input from stakeholders, key Q: How could you involve key stakeholders in
personnel and specialists. sustainability initiatives?
Participates in discussions and uses
appropriate language, listening and
questioning skills to elicit views of others
and to clarify or confirm understanding.

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 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Can access external sources of information Q: What is primary research?
and data as required. Q: Give me examples of primary research you
have undertaken.
What was the research for?
Can evaluate alternative solutions to Q: Explain the strategies you can use to
workplace environmental issues. generate ideas for solutions to problems.
Q: Explain four questions that could be asked
when evaluating solutions to a problem.
Q: What is the difference between voting and
coming to a consensus?
Q: When would you suggest using voting and
consensus? Explain.
Uses planning skills and systematic analytical Q: What does the acronym SMART stand for?
processes to set efficiency targets, gather Q: Give me an example of a smart target you
information and evaluate alternative have set.
approaches. Q: Explain the difference between goals and
Q: What is a KPI? Explain.
Demonstrates technology skills to source and Q: What tools do you use to help achieve your
use appropriate techniques and tools to efficiency targets?
assist in achieving efficiency targets. Q: Show me an example of technology you have
Uses the main features and functions of digital used to help achieve efficiency targets.
tools to complete work tasks and access

28 2018 Edition

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Demonstrates innovation skills in applying Q: What is continuous improvement?
continuous improvement strategies to own Q: What strategies does an organisation need to
work area of responsibility, including ideas have in place to encourage continuous
and possible solutions to communicate to the improvement?
work group and management. Q: What strategies does an organisation need to
have in place to foster and encourage
Q: Why is it important to involve your team in
innovation and continuous improvement
Demonstrates knowledge of environmental Q: Give me five examples of systems and
energy efficiency issues, systems and procedures that can improve energy
procedures specific to industry practice. management in your business or industry.
Q: Give me five examples of systems and
procedures that can improve water management
in your business or industry.
Q: Explain how an organisation using fleet
vehicles can improve its environmental impact.
Q: Give me five examples of how your business
or industry can help its office/work environment
to go green.
Can plan, implement and integrate Q: What should go into a sustainability plan?
environmental and resource efficiency Q: What framework would you use to guide your
improvement plans for own work group with sustainability plan and why?
other operational activities. Q: How can you get your team and/or
organisation to be aware of the plan and
involved in achieving its goals?

© Didasko Digital 2018

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Demonstrates supervision skills to support Q: How can a leader support staff and inspire
team members to identify possible areas for sustainable practices?
improved practices and resource efficiency in Q: How do you (or would you) encourage your
work area. staff to improve practices and resource
Uses change management techniques to Q: Why does significant workplace change often
support sustainability performance, lead team fail?
to adopt sustainable practices and meet Q: Outline Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading
environmental requirements. Change.
Q: Give me examples of what you can do to
ensure that changes implemented stick.
Uses effective communication skills to seek Q: How can you seek and encourage input from
suggestions and ideas about environmental your team and co-workers about sustainability
and resource efficiency management from initiatives?
stakeholders and act upon where appropriate. Q: Give me examples of how, or when you have
engaged with stakeholders about sustainable
Uses numeracy skills to analyse data and Q: Show me examples of how you have
implement costing strategies to fully utilise recorded and analysed resource usage data.
environmental assets. Q: What is a payback period and why is it
Can measure usage and calculate metric important to calculate?
measurements, quantities/ratios and Q: How do you calculate the payback period?
financial data using appropriate tools. Show me examples of these calculations.
Demonstrates technology skills to use and/or Q: Show me examples of equipment, tools and
develop evaluation and monitoring tools and systems you have used to monitor and evaluate
technology. resource usage.
Q: What equipment and tools have you found to
be most useful and why?

30 2018 Edition

 Observable skills/tasks  Verbal questions your assessor may ask to

support demonstration of skill/task
 (Questions may vary according to the practical task
being demonstrated)
Uses literacy skills to document and Q: Show me examples of reports or documents
communicate outcomes to report on efficiency you have created that communicate
targets to key personnel and stakeholders. sustainability outcomes to staff and/or
Uses format and language appropriate to the stakeholders.
audience. Q: Show me examples of data spreadsheets
and/or KPI trackers you have generated to
monitor resource usage.
Can evaluate strategies and improvement Q: Explain the role of primary and secondary
plans. research in evaluating the success of
Can evaluate outcomes of decisions made. improvement plans.
Q: What should you evaluate when assessing
the success of improvement plans?
Q: How could you measure the attitudes of staff
towards sustainability?
Can set new efficiency targets, and Q: Show me examples of new efficiency targets
investigate and apply new tools and you have set as a result of achieving or
strategies. reviewing previous efficiency targets.
Q: What strategies can you put in place to
continually investigate and evaluate
opportunities for improvement?
Uses communication skills to promote Q: Why is promoting successful environmental
successful strategies and reward participants strategies important?
where possible. Q: How can you promote successful strategies
Presents information using language to employees?
appropriate to the audience. Q: How can you promote successful strategies
to external stakeholders?
Q: What approaches can you take in rewarding
your team’s contributions to sustainability

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INSTRUCTIONS (for assessments not embedded within the LMS)

 The assessment must be written using an industry standard software package such as Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, etc.
 Name the file using the assessment task number and then save your file.
 Ensure your submission identifies the unit code and title, the assessment task number and the name of the
assessment at the top of the page. Alternatively, you may place this information in the document header.
 Add your name and student number to the headeror footer on every page.
 On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor via the LMS.

Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to examine the project scope provided and refer to information covered in the online content to answer the
questions provided.

You are required to do the following.

Complete Tasks 1 to 3.
Answer all the questions.
Use the list in the Learner task checklist provided when submitting your assessments. Do not submit your work until you have completed all parts
of the checklist.

Project scope analysis

Task 1
Access various sources to research and select suitable tools for monitoring resource usage.
Choose two tools that are suitable for monitoring and measuring energy, water, waste and carbon footprint. Consider compliance requirements
when making your selection.

32 2018 Edition

Examples may include:

life-cycle mapping tools
carbon footprint calculators
energy monitoring tools and calculators
water usage monitoring tools and calculators
waste audit procedures and tools
external benchmarks
sustainability frameworks such as CERES, The Natural Step, or TBL.
Use the template provided to write a brief summary of the two tools you have selected, including: how it works, how it helps compliance, whether
you would use it and why/why not.
Include details of the source. For example, provide the website name, address and date accessed.

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Name of tool Recycling

Resource area it relates to Waste

(energy, water, waste, carbon footprint)
How the tools works The recycling bins are emptied out at 'Material
Recovery Facilities' where waste is sorted using
advance optical technology. A big drum tumbles the
waste to separate and characteristics all fine materials,
such as soil and dust, and organics, such as food waste,
which would contaminate recycled materials.

How it helps compliance Recycling reduces the need for extraction, refining and
processing raw materials all of which create substantial air
and water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate

Whether you would use it and why/why Recycling helps protect the environment
Recycling reduces the need for extracting, refining and
processing raw materials. Which saves money and is
good for business


Name of tool Renewable energy

34 2018 Edition

Resource area it relates to Energy

(energy, water, waste, carbon footprint)
How the tools works Renewable energy isn't just limited to the sun or wind.
Geothermal plants gather heat from the earth to
generate steam and produce electricity. Hydroelectric
dams exploit the movement of water to turn turbines.
Renewable energy sources provide 8-10% of the
nation's energy, and this figure will increase
significantly in the coming years.

How it helps compliance Environmental and economic benefits of

using renewable energy include:
Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas
emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of
air pollution. Having in house solar panel which can be
costly at start but later can save lot of money.
Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on
imported fuels

Whether you would use it and why/why Renewable energy sources like solar panels
not can be used to produce electricity with fewer
environmental impacts. For comparison, fossil fuels
such as oil, coal, and natural gas are not renewable,
since their quantity is finite once we have extracted
them they will cease to be available for use as an
economically-viable energy source.


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36 2018 Edition

Task 2
Choose two key business activities and/or resource areas from your workplace or training environment.
Apply the ‘data collection analysis steps’ to the two business activities. The data collection steps include the following.

1. Identify business activities or areas in your workplace or training environment where you will collect data.
2. Collect data. Complete a data collection plan. Analyse the data.
3. Establish a baseline.
4. For the activities you have monitored, estimate the resource use and/or waste generation for the next month.

Use any of the tools you selected from Task 1 to monitor and measure resource usage over a designated period, for example, one month.
Respond to all questions.

Q1: Choose two key business activities and/or resource areas from your workplace or training environment. Complete the data collection plan for
the two business activities/areas using the table provided.
What Indicator How When Data Who Report to
Describe This should Need to A week Protecting Employees, Manager .
your be easily undergo a his/her suppliers and
product or understood process of intellectual any other key
service by a person market property people.
unfamiliar research and before it
with the consultation, becomes
concept and development, commercially
demonstrates prototyping, available for
the features drawing up sale in the
and benefits business, mass market.
of your marketing
product or and
service. distribution
The final goal List the For 3 If sufficient Employees, Manager
may be a resources weeks resources are suppliers and
Provide a short-term necessary for not currently any other key
clear project or accomplishin available people
schedule take years to g action step include plan
for complete. It’s for their

© Didasko Digital 2018

completin important to acquisition

g action break down
steps. the timeline
for each step
along the
Describe This should Need to A week Protecting his/ Employees, Manager
your be easily undergo a her intellectual suppliers and
product or understood process of property any other key
services by a person market before it people
unfamiliar research and becomes
with the consultation, commercially
concept and development, available for
demonstrates prototyping, sale in the
the features drawing up mass market
and benefits business
of your marketing
product or and
service. distribution

Q2: Use the tools you selected in Task 1 and the data collection plan from Task 2, Q1, to monitor resource usage for the designated period.
Submit a copy of your completed data tools to your assessor.
Ans. Process Monitor is another tool for Windows process performance monitoring that is primarily useful for real-time monitoring of process
performance. It provides functionality similar to that of Task Manager but without any control over processes. It simply outputs process
performance measurements to the command prompt windows. Process Monitor is not very configurable and only has one update rate: every
five seconds. Like Task Manager and Performance Monitor, Process Monitor gets its performance measures via the system counters. The
advantage of Process Monitor over Task Manager is more in user preference than anything else. Some users who are more comfortable with
command line interfaces or who prefer the simplest view into the state of the processes running on a machine may prefer Process Monitor
over Task Manager. However, there is not any data provided by Process Monitor that is not also displayed in Task Manager

38 2018 Edition

Q3: What benchmarks would you use when analysing the data collected in Task 2, Q2?
Ans. Performance measures used as a management tool need to be broadened to include input and process measures. It can help to mark score
and later can be improved by keeping previous score in mind One approach is to use an array or scorecard composed of multiple measures.
The Balanced Scorecard is one such approach that assesses an organization and its programs from four different perspectives: customer,
employee, process, and finance

Q4: What baseline would you measure results against?

Ans. The trick to setting a sensible and useful KPI baseline is to use enough performance measure values to calculate it, and not use any more
than you need. Any method to set your baseline will depend on the maturity of you KPI. In some cases you can use historic data to set the
baseline. Classification, regression and optimizing are few technic that can be used as baseline to measure results

Q5: For the activities you’ve monitored, estimate the resource use and/or waste generation for the next month.
Ans. Reduce and recycle, is the most effective way of reducing the environmental impact of wasted food and packaging because it prevents
unneeded materials from ever being created. Waste prevention saves the most money by reducing purchasing costs, handling costs, and disposal

Task 3
Set new efficiency targets for the next designated period, for example, one month (or as directed by your assessor) for the resource/activity areas
monitored in Task 2.
Complete a sustainability action plan.
Monitor resource usage for activities/resources for the designated period.
Analyse and review the results.
Respond to all questions.

© Didasko Digital 2018

Q1: Document two new efficiency targets for the next designated period, for example, one month, for the resource/activity areas monitored in
Task 2
Ans. Training Staff While individual managers can influence the amount of food wasted, the food service staff is ultimately responsible for day-to-
day food storage, organization,
preparation, and disposal. Continuous training and acknowledgment of staff is crucial to ensure proper training of all employees, especially if there
is high turnover.
Employing multiple training strategies will increase the effectiveness (for example, in-person training as well as posted signs). Consider offering
recognition or incentives to staff who help to significantly reduce waste or come up with new strategies to reduce waste.

Food service managers should educate their staff on basic

steps to minimize food waste, including:
• Proper storage and organization practices to ensure food does not spoil before use;
• Cooking and preparation of food to reduce prep waste and food sent back to kitchen;
• Refining knife skills to reduce improper preparation
• Reducing batch sizes when reheating foods like soups or sauces to avoid leftovers
• Plating practices to reduce unnecessary food waste
• Waste tracking effort

40 2018 Edition

Q2: Use the template provided to complete a sustainability action plan.

Action item Action implementation Annual cost savings

Energy savings $ per year

Waste savings $ per year

Water savings $ per year

Payback period (years)

Completion date

Total savings $

Project cost $
Start date


Develop Create good team Commercial 1st Jan 30th $10000 $7500 $8000 $7700 $23,200 $25,000
Vision, mission of staff to guide kitchens Jan
cause for planning process should pay
support attention to
the type and
amount of
food that is
coming into
the kitchen.

© Didasko Digital 2018

Develop a logic It is easy and 1st Feb 28th $10,500 $1500 $1300 $1500 $4300 $4000
Develop Goals model to clarify makes sense Jan
and objectives sustainability to buy a lot of
goals, create food at once
specific program and stock up
objectives, and so orders
identify measures don’t have to
to track progress be placed as
and outcomes. frequently.

Research Identify While this 1 31 $10,500 $1000 $1200 $1300 $3500 $3500

*Activity = task, process, service or equipment where efficiency action is being taken.

Q3: Use the tools from Task 2 to monitor resource usage/activities for the designated period again. Submit a copy of your completed data tools to
your assessor.

Ans. Provide sufficient time and resources (physical and human) to complete the activity
• Collect data such a recommendation and suggestions and compare to improve the effectiveness of resource use
• Take feedback on the implemented strategies
• Understand the scope of their project to know the dept of the subject
• Provide mentorship to individual on how to improve resource use where necessary to achieve profit/productivity targets.

42 2018 Edition

Q4: What does continuous improvement mean?

Ans. Continuous improvement is a long-term process to improve the subject by taking feedback and learning from every aspect and we move
forward. A. Continuous improvement, sometimes called continual improvement, is the ongoing improvement of products, services or processes
through incremental and breakthrough improvements. These efforts can seek "incremental" improvement over time or "breakthrough" improvement
all at once.
• Plan: Identify an opportunity and plan for change.
• Do: Implement the change on a small scale.
• Check: Use data to analyze the results of the change and determine whether it made a difference.
• Act: If the change was successful, implement it on a wider scale and continuously assess your results. If the change did not work, begin the
cycle again.

Q5: What innovations and continuous improvement strategies would you put in place to help achieve these efficiency targets?
Ans. Continuous improvement and innovation, or CI&I, is a process that can be used to drive business improvement and innovation. It has eight
steps that help business managers and employees focus on the improvements and innovations that will have the most impact on the goals of the
business. The process has been used by beef, sheep, wool, dairy, cotton and pig business managers in Australia to improve profitability. There are
a range of tools to support CI&I. These are available in the Business improvement toolbox.

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Q6: What stakeholders, key personnel and/or specialists could you consult with to help with your sustainability initiatives? Explain the benefits of
liaising with stakeholders.
Ans. Communication helps you to build positive relationships with people and organizations, such as the media or special interest groups, who
influence other stakeholders. Press releases, interviews with journalists and meetings with interest groups build understanding and ensure that
communications from those groups reflect your point of view.

Q7: Speak to the relevant person in your workplace or training environment about implementing your suggestions for improvement. State who
you spoke to and comment on the outcomes of your discussion including any changes that have been made to work practices as a result of
your research.
Ans. In discussing performance expectations an employee should understand why the job exists, where it fits in the organization, and how the job's
responsibilities link to organization and department objectives. The range of performance expectations can be broad but can generally be broken
into two categories:

• Results (The goods and services produced by an employee often measured by objectives or standards)
• Actions & Behaviour’s (The methods and means used to make a product and the behaviours and values demonstrated during the process.
Actions and behaviours can be measured through performance dimensions.)

Performance expectations serve as a foundation for communicating about performance throughout the year. They also serve as the basis for
reviewing employee performance. When you and an employee set clear expectations about the results that must be achieved and the methods or
approaches needed to achieve them, you establish a path for success.

44 2018 Edition

Q8: What constraints or limitations might you encounter when trying to achieve the efficiency targets you set in Q1?
Ans. There where many limitations we had to encounter few are social, economical and political below are they deeply explained.
Social barriers: Population growth, paired with unsustainable consumption and production patterns among the wealthy, are the biggest social
challenges to achieving sustainable development in the world. Absent of a significant change in human behaviour, sustainability will not be
potential. There are other social barriers which are: The marginalization of the poor and entrenched inequities Limited awareness about
sustainable development. It takes lot or rules and regulation for a society to make it uniform and making society understand why this is important
make it easy Environmental issues among both politicians and the wider public fragmented civil society. Inadequate interaction between civil
society and government. Insufficient incentives to for the private sector to pursue sustainable development.

Political barriers: Inadequate economic, social and environmental methods for policies, plans and projects are the major barrier combating the
implementation of sustainable development.

Q9: Did you achieve your targets? Why/why not?

Ans. Set high goal break it in small goal and work for it .We have to agree that it was hard to achieve target so high in so less time but
understanding why this goal is importance made it a lot easier
 Start by creating a supportive environment
 Preach volunteering and spearheading
 Prod staffers to recall what exactly they’re working for
 Let history speak for itself

Q10: Based on the results of your monitoring, what suggestions would you make for improvements to work practices?
Ans. While over coming this target I have learned that it necessary to have a proper planning and having a good support of volunteer made it really
helpful. Having sustainable energy and reusing the compliance is not only good for environment but also for the business. This small saving in
costing can be used more efficiently in other aspect of growth

 Set Milestones.
 Organize, Plan and Prioritize.
 Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions.
 Communicate Effectively.

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Q11: List four ways you can encourage your team and co-workers to adopt changes made and support sustainability initiatives.

Ans. Through past experience I have learned that other than just sharing the work sharing the purpose for the work made a greater effect. Also
showing how this can help our future generation and keep the environment safe. It isn’t going to be easy at first but through time and continues
practice it will become a routing for the team member to follow the sustainable roadmap
 Have mentors to help and guide team
 Take help from volunteer and spearheading
 Have staff to recall what exactly they’re working on

46 2018 Edition

Learner task checklist

To be completed by the learner.
This is a tool to assist you when submitting your assessment tasks.

Have you
completed this
You must complete the following tasks for this assessment task?
Yes No

Selected four tools for monitoring and measuring energy, water, waste and
carbon footprint. Yes

 Used the template provided to write a brief summary of the four tools.

Completed a data collection plan for two business activities/areas using the
table provided. Yes

 Used the tools from Task 1 and the data collection plan from Task 2 to
monitor resource usage for the designated period.

Submitted the completed tools to your assessor. Yes

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Have you
completed this
You must complete the following tasks for this assessment task?
Yes No

 Documented a sustainability action plan. Yes

 Used the tools from Task 2 to monitor resource usage/activities for the
designated period again.

 Submitted the completed data tools to your assessor. Yes

 Analysed and reviewed the results of your monitoring. Yes

 Responded to all questions. Yes

Assessor checklist

48 2018 Edition

To be completed by the assessor.

Learner’s name:

Did the learner successfully demonstrate Completed

evidence of their ability to do the Assessor comments
following? Yes No
Selected four tools for monitoring and
measuring energy, water, waste and
carbon footprint.

 Used the template provided to write a

brief summary of the four tools.

Completed a data collection plan for

two business activities/areas using
the table provided.

 Used the tools from Task 1 and the

data collection plan from Task 2 to
monitor resource usage for the
designated period.

Submitted the completed tools.

 Documented a sustainability action


© Didasko Digital 2018

Did the learner successfully demonstrate Completed

evidence of their ability to do the Assessor comments
following? Yes No

 Used the tools from Task 2 to monitor

resource usage/activities for the
designated period again.

 Submitted the completed data tools.

 Analysed and reviewed the results of

their monitoring.

 Responded to all questions.

50 2018 Edition


INSTRUCTIONS (for assessments not embedded within the LMS)

 The assessment must be written using an industry standard software package such as Microsoft Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, etc.
 Name the file using the assessment task number and then save your file.
 Ensure your submission identifies the unit code and title, the assessment task number and the name of the
assessment at the top of the page. Alternatively, you may place this information in the document header.
 Add your name and student number to the headeror footer on every page.
 On completion, submit your assessment to your assessor via the LMS.

Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to investigate the purchase of an eco-friendly product or service and answer the questions provided.

You are required to do the following.

Read the project scope.

Answer all the questions.
Use the list in the Learner task checklist provided when submitting your assessments. Do not submit your work until you have completed all parts
of the checklist.

Project scope analysis

Task 1
Apply the purchasing analysis steps to investigate the purchase of an eco-friendly product or service within your workplace or training environment.
Examples include office equipment, software, heating and cooling systems, cleaning services, waste minimisation and disposal systems, and
water or energy management systems.
Determine the payback period of the product or service.
Answer all the questions.

© Didasko Digital 2018

Q1: List the details of the product or service you have chosen to investigate for this assessment task.
Ans. Biodegradable / Disposable Waste Bag. Reusable Sandwich Wraps.

Recycled plastic material can be used for non-food grade applications.

 Of the general waste, the rest over food and vegetable waste can be used to turn into manure for gardening waste where as the
biodegradable waste can be composted within the hospital premises and can be used for gardening purposes.
 Reuse is the action or practice of using an item, whether for its original purpose or to fulfil a different function. We can reuse the
bags which reduce to production of new bag
 Recycling is good for environment cause it save energy to dug raw material and remanufacturing
 Reduces the cost of treatment and disposal (80 per cent of a hospital’s waste is general waste, which does not require special
treatment, provided it is not contaminated with other infectious waste)

Q2: When calculating the full cost and savings of your purchase, what should you consider?
Ans. Considering  the payback period when calculating the full cost and savings of a purchase. Your cost of doing business is the result of
an equation. Non-reimbursable expenses, plus your desired salary, equals your total annual costs. Your total annual costs divided by your
number of billable days equals your cost of doing business. Common start-up costs
There are many costs associated with starting a business. These may include:

 Collecting data to find what market needs

 preliminary accounting and legal advice
 tenancy/lease bond, transfer (stamp) duty and lease agreement advice
 Getting necessary equipment for the office
 statutory requirements such as licences and insurance
 power connection and bond

52 2018 Edition

 signage and initial marketing

 equipment, fixture and fittings purchases
 Finding good team members and their salary
 initial raw materials and/or stock purchases.

Q3: What is the ‘payback period’? Explain what it means.

Ans. The payback period refers to the amount of time it takes to recover the cost of an investment. Simply put, the payback period is the length of
time an investment reaches a break-even point. The desirability of an investment is directly related to its payback period. Shorter paybacks mean
more attractive investments

Q4: Calculate the payback period for the product or service you have investigated.
Ans. The payback period refers to the amount of time it takes to recover the cost of an investment. Which is initial investment divided by net annual
saving per year or Simply put, the payback period is the length of time an investment reaches a break-even point. The desirability of an investment
is directly related to its payback period. Shorter paybacks mean more attractive investments

Q5: List two aims of sustainable purchasing or procurement.

© Didasko Digital 2018

Ans. The aim is to encourage innovation in design and implementation of product and service to achieve more sustainable outcomes. Sustainable
procurement aims to reduce the adverse impacts of purchased products and services throughout their life. This includes considerations such as
waste disposal and the cost of operations and maintenance over the life of the goods and services.

Q6: What six steps are recommended in the Sustainable Procurement Guide?
Ans. Seven Steps to Sustainable Procurement
 Align sustainable procurement and core business strategies.
 Institute sustainable procurement policies.
 Create a sustainable supplier roadmap.
 Engage supplier management in goal setting.
 Document baseline performance.
 Enable training and capacity building.
 Monitor and measure supplier performance.

Q7: List three websites, government departments or other sources you can access for help and information on sustainable purchasing.

Ans. A.

54 2018 Edition


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Assessor checklist
To be completed by the assessor.

Learner’s name:

Did the learner successfully demonstrate Completed

evidence of their ability to do the Assessor comments
following? Yes No

Investigated the purchase of an eco-

friendly product or service.

 Responded to all questions.


56 2018 Edition

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