Mechatronics Assignment - 1
Mechatronics Assignment - 1
Mechatronics Assignment - 1
Sarthak Jain
Assignment I
1. A combination of various elements connected as a unit to direct or regulate itself or any other
system in order to provide a specific output is known as a Control system.
The need of the Control systems is considered as one of the major aspects of our growing
technology. Every sector of the industry is linked with the control system in some or the other
way. They basically provide the desired responses or application when proper controlling is
provided to them. It is noteworthy here that the input and output of a control system must
have appropriate mathematical relationship between them. When there exists linear
proportionality between input and output of the system then it is known as a linear control
system, otherwise a non-linear system. Control system engineering ensures that there is a
strategic method to improving productivity and enhancing the best practices of your
company. It eliminates the redundant manual controls and reduce human errors that could
cost you a significant amount of money.
The most importance of a control system is having control system monitoring and continuous
improvement tools in place will allow your systems to be properly integrated. It can also
ensure there is communication across all subsystems to ensure complete reliability.
2. A control system is a system, which provides the desired response by controlling the output.
The following figure shows the simple block diagram of a control system.
Here, the control system is represented by a single block. Since, the output is controlled by
varying input, the control system got this name. We will vary this input with some mechanism.
In the next section on open loop and closed loop control systems, we will study in detail about
the blocks inside the control system and how to vary this input in order to get the desired
Examples of a Control System –
The thermostat heater is an example of closed loop control system. The thermostat senses the
temperature of the system and maintains the temperature.
Thermostat heater
Input Temperature
Plant Heater
Controller Thermostat
Output Temperature
4. PID controller is universally accepted and most commonly used controller in industrial
application because PID controller is simple, provide good stability and rapid response. PID
stands for proportional, integral, derivative. In each application, coefficient of these three
actions are varied to get optimal response and control. Controller input is error signal and
output is given to the plant/process. Output signal of controller is generated, in such a way
that, output of plant is try to achieve desired value.
PID controller is a Close loop system which has feedback control system and it compares the
Process variable (feedback variable) with set Point and generates an error signal and
according to that it adjusts the output of system. This process continues until this error gets
to Zero or process variable value becomes equal to set point.
PID controller is universally accepted and most commonly used controller in industrial
application because PID controller is simple, provide good stability and rapid response. PID
stands for proportional, integral, derivative. In each application, coefficient of these three
actions are varied to get optimal response and control. Controller input is error signal and
output is given to the plant/process. Output signal of controller is generated, in such a way
that, output of plant is try to achieve desired valuePID controller is a Close loop system
which has feedback control system and it compares the Process variable (feedback variable)
with set Point and generates an error signal and according to that it adjusts the output of
system. This process continues until this error gets to Zero or process variable value
becomes equal to set point.
6. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware
elements that allows industrial organizations to: Control industrial processes locally or at
remote locations. Monitor, gather, and process real-time data, Directly interact with devices
such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more through human-machine interface (HMI)
software and Record events into a log file. SCADA systems are crucial for industrial
organizations since they help to maintain efficiency, process data for smarter decisions, and
communicate system issues to help mitigate downtime.