CrossFit Wichita Falls Program
CrossFit Wichita Falls Program
CrossFit Wichita Falls Program
Recently I lost interest in posting repetitive daily updates to the CrossFit Wichita
Falls website. We follow a carefully made program that revolves around
progressive loading barbell training and two, maybe three, metabolic conditioning
workouts a week. I will outline this program here. Future posts on this website will
share my weekly thoughts on the success (or lack thereof) regarding the
programming as well as the experience, thought, research, study, conversation,
and experimentation that goes on in our gym.
Squat – Weight lifted x 5 reps x 3 sets, sets across
(Increasing 2.5kg per workout)
Press – 5x3, sets across
(Increasing 2.5kg per workout)
Chins/Pull-ups – 3 sets of as many reps as possible
(Performed from a dead hang and with body weight initially)
Power Clean – 3x5, sets across
(Increasing 2.5kg per workout)
Off Day or Skill Day
Squat – 5x3, sets across
(Increasing 2.5kg per workout)
Bench Press – 5x3, sets across
(Increasing 2.5kg per workout)
Deadlift – 5x1
(Increasing 2.5kg to 5kg per workout)
“Sets across” means performing the same amount of weight for all of the working
· The pulling exercises (Power Clean and Deadlift) were originally programmed
for Monday and Thursday. This would essentially make them workouts A and B
on the novice linear progression model outlined in Practical Programming for
Strength Training (Rippetoe & Kilgore, 2006). However, time became the
limiting factor in completing the exercises, so moving them to the following day
was the logical solution to include them in the program.
· Skill day can include activities such as POSE running skills, active rest,
stretching, massage or other necessary rehabilitation, learning about conceptual
frameworks concerning training or nutrition through lecture, and/or hanging out.
These are some of the Met-Cons from the old site:
200 m running repeats with 1 minute rest periods (After Power Clean Workout)
Repeated 4 to 6 times, depending on the individual