Bacterial Proteinaceous Compounds With Multiple Activities Toward Cancers and Microbial Infection
Bacterial Proteinaceous Compounds With Multiple Activities Toward Cancers and Microbial Infection
Bacterial Proteinaceous Compounds With Multiple Activities Toward Cancers and Microbial Infection
In recent decades, cancer and multidrug resistance have become a worldwide problem,
resulting in high morbidity and mortality. Some infectious agents like Streptococcus
pneumoniae, Stomatococcus mucilaginous, Staphylococcus spp., E. coli. Klebsiella
spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida spp., Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B and
C, and human papillomaviruses (HPV) have been associated with the development
of cancer. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and antibiotics are the conventional treatment
for cancer and infectious disease. This treatment causes damage in healthy cells
Edited by:
and tissues, and usually triggers systemic side-effects, as well as drug resistance.
Bingyun Li,
West Virginia University, United States Therefore, the search for new treatments is urgent, in order to improve efficacy and
Reviewed by: also reduce side-effects. Proteins and peptides originating from bacteria can thus
Ramya Viswanathan, be a promising alternative to conventional treatments used nowadays against cancer
National Institutes of Health (NIH),
United States and infectious disease. These molecules have demonstrated specific activity against
Hai Liang, cancer cells and bacterial infection; indeed, proteins and peptides can be considered
National Institutes of Health (NIH),
as future antimicrobial and anticancer drugs. In this context, this review will focus
United States
on the desirable characteristics of proteins and peptides from bacterial sources that
Octávio Luiz Franco demonstrated activity against microbial infections and cancer, as well as their efficacy in vitro and in vivo.
Specialty section: Keywords: antimicrobial, anticancer, bacteriocin, protein, peptides
This article was submitted to
Antimicrobials, Resistance
and Chemotherapy, INTRODUCTION
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Microbiology
In recent years, global health authorities have had to deal with two significant problems: the
Received: 14 April 2019 alarming number of people suffering from cancer and the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Accepted: 09 July 2019
Cancer is the second most prevalent cause of death worldwide (O’Brien-Simpson et al., 2018;
Published: 06 August 2019
Shoombuatong et al., 2018). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the
Citation: International Agency of Research on Cancer [IARC] (2018) in there were about 18.1 million
Rodrigues G, Silva GGO,
new cases of cancer and 9.6 million deaths. The estimate for AMR is that 700,000 die annually
Buccini DF, Duque HM, Dias SC and
Franco OL (2019) Bacterial
worldwide, and the annual number of deaths is likely to increase to 10 million by 2050 (Arias and
Proteinaceous Compounds With Murray, 2009; World-Health-Organisation [WHO], 2018; Ghosh et al., 2019).
Multiple Activities Toward Cancers Additionally, 16.1% of newly diagnosed cancers may be attributable to infections [National
and Microbial Infection. Cancer Institute – Epidemiology and Genomic Research Program1 (accessed March 12, 2019)].
Front. Microbiol. 10:1690.
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01690
Oncologic patients are more susceptible to infectious the extracellular environment and that target other bacteria
complications caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, (Cascales et al., 2007). Likewise, these proteins and peptides
Stomatococcus mucilaginous, Staphylococcus spp., E. coli present variable structures linked to their activity, and these
Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Helicobacter pylori, and characteristics make their classification difficult (Daw and
Candida spp. (Zorina and Styche, 2015; Rolston, 2017). Another Falkiner, 1996; Vasilchenko and Valyshev, 2019). These structural
concern related to cancer patients are infections caused by diversities are represented in Figure 1, by toxins like colicin
viruses such as hepatitis B and C, and human papillomaviruses and pycin, and peptides represented by nisin, pediocin and
(HPV) (Vedham et al., 2014; Rolston, 2017). plantaricin (Jain, 2001; Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). Colicins
In fact, patients with a chronic infection induced by are formed by three domains, the N-terminal, central and
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter C- terminal, which act in membrane translocation, binding
baumanii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter species receptor and activity domain, respectively (Cascales et al., 2007).
have been shown to have greater susceptibility to cancer Pyocins are composed of four domains: domain I represents
development, as a result of their precarious immune system the receptor binding at the N-terminal, domain II has no
(Felício et al., 2017; Rolston, 2017). At the same time, antibiotics defined function yet, domain III is responsible for translocation
are used to prevent microbial infection in post-cancer surgery, across the outer membrane and domain IV is responsible
and after chemotherapy or radiotherapy (Thundimadathil, 2012; for DNase activity at the C-terminal end (Michel-Briand and
Gaspar et al., 2013; Felício et al., 2017; Leite et al., 2018; Baysse, 2002). Nisin has two variants, A and Z, and the
O’Brien-Simpson et al., 2018; Shoombuatong et al., 2018). only difference between them is the change of His27 by Asn.
Conventional cancer treatments do not act on specific targets, They interact with the membrane surface in the C-terminal
such as malignant cells, resulting in severe side effects for patients, moiety (Lins et al., 1999). Pediocins interact with the target-
and these may contribute to the selection of cells that are cell surface in the N-terminal domain, and the C-terminal
resistant to antibiotics and anticancer drugs (Vedham et al., 2014; domain penetrates the membrane. Indeed, for pedicins, the
Zorina and Styche, 2015). domain is the major specificity determinant (Fimland et al.,
As a result, the development of a new class of molecules 2005). Plantaricin can present three variable forms, with 26-
with selectivity and specificity against microbial infection and residue peptide and two N-terminal forms containing 23 and
cancer is essential (Gaspar et al., 2013; Felício et al., 2017; 22 residues; these forms result from a 48-residue precursor
Shoombuatong et al., 2018). Bacteria have an arsenal of proteins encoded by the plnA gene. Besides that, the amphiphilic
and peptides with both antibacterial and antitumoral activity, nature of plnA can induced pore formation in cell membrane
which can be explored in the search for these new compounds (Kaur and Kaur, 2015) (Figure 1).
(Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). In addition, several strategies could be designed to try to
Among these promising molecules are toxins, immunotoxins combat antimicrobial infection and carry out cancer therapy
(Jain, 2001; Gorgal et al., 2012), enzymes (Chakrabarty et al., using proteins and peptides (Shilova et al., 2018). For example,
2014), bacteriocins (which are part of the same group as peptides) proteins and peptides can be combined with conventional drugs
and a vast range of proteins (Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). (Liberio et al., 2013; Felício et al., 2017; Leite et al., 2018).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with anticancer activity can be They can be used as a heterologous compound infusion with
classified according to the spectrum of their activity on tumor other proteins or peptides that help in site-directed activity
cells, and they are divided into two main categories: (i) peptides (Kawakami et al., 2006; Leshem and Pastan, 2019). It is possible
that show potent activity against bacteria and tumor cells, to coat or conjugate proteins and peptides with polymers, such
without causing damage to mammalian cells; (ii) peptides that as polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Kelly et al., 2016). Another strategy
are toxic to cancer cells, bacteria and healthy cells (Hoskin and is rational design for these molecules, because it then becomes
Ramamoorthy, 2008; Bandala et al., 2013). possible to substitute naturally occurring amino acids with
Therefore, this review will focus on the desirable unnatural ones (Gordon et al., 2005; Uggerhøj et al., 2015).
characteristics of proteins and peptides originating from In the various ways described above, these molecules have
bacteria that demonstrated activity against microbial infections shown different applications and modes of action against
and cancer, as well as their efficacy in clinical trials, and will antimicrobial infections and cancer. Nevertheless, in this study
discuss future prospects. we focus on bacteriocins that have been previously characterized
and/or synthesized with dual activity (Figure 2).
FIGURE 1 | An overview of different structures of bacteriocins, proteins (A) and peptides (B) with dual anticancer and antimicrobial activity. All of these structures are
available on the PDB.
and elimination of possible competing microorganisms in their can resemble the defensins, AMPs produced by eukaryotic
natural environment (Nes and Holo, 2000). cells, which have membrane-permeabilizing characteristics
As demonstrated above, proteins and peptides have variable (Singh et al., 2015).
structures (Vasilchenko and Valyshev, 2019). Regarding Another relevant feature of bacteriocins is their low
classification, which is a challenge, it is known that 80% of the toxicity when in contact with mammalian cells. Due to these
bacteriocins are of cationic and amphipathic nature, due mainly characteristics, bacterial strains producing bacteriocins have been
to the excess of residues of lysine or arginine amino acids (Nes implemented in foods as probiotics (Cutter and Siragusa, 1998).
and Holo, 2000; Hammami et al., 2010). These characteristics of Their low toxicity has already been demonstrated in studies,
bacteriocins may be linked to their efficacy in combating cancer for example, a bacteriocin named laterosporulin did not show
cells, possibly by the interaction of these cationic molecules with hemolysis in the presence of erythrocytes, even at concentrations
the negative surface charge of the cancerous cell membrane exceeding the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values
(Saito et al., 1979; Baindara et al., 2015). A visible example (Singh et al., 2015). The same can be observed in studies
of such characteristics can be observed in lantipeptides, a with penisin, a class IA lantibiotic, which in addition to not
class I bacteriocin, which can form pores, resembling cationic being hemolytic showed no cytotoxic activity against mouse
antimicrobial peptides (cAMPs) (Smith and Hillman, 2008). In macrophages (RAW) (Baindara et al., 2015). These characteristics
addition, some bacteriocins produced by Gram-positive bacteria are important from the point of view of the development of
new therapies, since their affinity with tumor cells and low Michel-Briand and Baysse, 2002; Spector et al., 2010; Yang et al.,
toxicity show that the bacteriocins are excellent candidates for 2014). However, only colicin and pyocin have been reported in
the treatment of cancer, besides presenting antibacterial activities the literature as presenting dual activity.
(Chakrabarty et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2014; Kaur and Kaur, 2015; Colicins are proteins produced by E. coli, and they present
Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). a diversity of molecules (E1-3, K, A, L, B, Ia, Ib, V, D, and M)
In this section, we will address the issue of protein with varied masses between 27 and 80 kDa (Konisky, 1982). The
and peptide bacteriocins isolated from bacteria. Only those structure of colicin proteins presents three domains; these are the
molecules with a molecular mass of 10 kDa or less will receptor-binding domain responsible for target interaction, the
be classified as peptides. Among the bacteriocins studied to N-terminal domain that mediates interaction with transporters,
date, some have been submitted to tests with tumor cells. and the cytotoxic domain that allows antibacterial activity
Table 1 lists the bacteriocins that have been evaluated so far (Vasilchenko and Valyshev, 2019). Colicins act by binding to
and have demonstrated activity against bacterial and cancer the outer membrane of integral membrane protein receptors,
cells (Figure 3). These activities are divided into membrane transporting the colicin to the inner membrane through Tol
adsorption (Figure 3A) and conformational change (Figure 3B). complex, inducing membrane depolarization, and degradation
Membrane adsorption is represented by carpet model (in which of DNA, ribosomal RNA, or tRNA (Duché and Houot, 2019)
the formation of membrane micellar structures occurs in an (Figure 3B). Colicins show activity on a wide bacterial range
area with high peptide densities); barrel-stave model (protein (Duché and Houot, 2019), and they also showed cytotoxic
and peptides form a pore in a perpendicular orientation to activity on breast carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma,
the membrane surface and interact with the phospholipid osteosarcoma, and colon carcinoma (Bandala et al., 2013;
acyl chains); toroidal pore model (the contact of protein and Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). In this sense, a study using the
peptides with the phospholipid head groups during the pore different isolates of colicins, E1, E6, E7, K, and M, was evaluated
formations causes expanding membrane curvature); disordered against E. coli strains from patients with bacteraemia of urinary
toroidal pore (which promotes the internal curvature of lipid tract origin. The colicin isolates were tested in concentrations
molecules for pore formation with few peptides; this process of 1, 10, and 100 µg/ml. The results showed that colicin E7
occurs in randomic form); non-bilayer intermediate (the peptide was able to kill 87% of the strains tested. The results showed
aggregation on the membrane surface activates the formation that colicin E7 at 10 µg. ml−1 was able to kill 87% of strains
of the intermediate bilayer, causing membrane disruption, tested. The inhibitory activity of combinations of colicins E7, K,
allowing the peptide to be translocated into the internal leaflet); M and E1, E6, E7, K effectively inhibited the growth of pathogenic
membrane thinning/thickening (originates with peptides aligned E. coli strains (Budič et al., 2011). Furthermore, colicin presents
parallel to the surface of the membrane, provoking thinning anticancer activity. This activity was elucidated by Chumchalova
or thickening due to hydrophilic characteristics associated with and Šmarda (2003), in a study that used four colicins (A, E1, U,
the lipid bilayer) (Lohner, 2009; Haney et al., 2010; Nguyen E3) against 11 cancer cell lines. They detected anticancer activity
et al., 2011; Gaspar et al., 2013; Gabernet et al., 2016). The in most of cell lines tested. Although fibrosarcoma HS913T has
conformational charge is represented by anion carrier (this demonstrated 50% inhibition with colicin E1, it was also shown
model acts directly on the membrane through lipid isolation to be sensitive to colicin A and U. Only colicin E3 did not exhibit
or addresses oxidized phospholipids, or even acts as a small significant inhibition activity against tested cancer cells. Another
anion carrier through the membrane); charge lipid cluster study demonstrated the efficiency of colicin E3 against murine
(cationic peptides interact with clustering of anionic lipids leukemia P388cells. It tested colicin E3 in final concentrations
in the membrane region, and this interaction allows pore of 0.4 mg. ml−1 , 0.8 mg. ml−1 , 1.6 mg. ml−1 , and 3.2 mg.
formation); electroporation (occurs subtly, when proteins or ml−1 for 0, 24, 48 and 72-h cultivations at 37◦ C. The results
peptides bind small anions across the bilayer, inducing the demonstrated the colicin E3 was able to inhibit the proliferation
efflux and changes in the membrane potential); non-lytic of murine leukemia cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner
membrane depolarization (proteins and peptides induce charge (Fuska et al., 1979).
modification, cause membrane instability, and allow the proteins Pyocins originate from P. aeruginosa (Ghequire and De
and peptides to translocate across the cytoplasmic membrane); Mot, 2018); their size varies between 77 and 157 amino acid
and oxidized lipid targeting [stimulating the formation of cellular residues (Ghequire and De Mot, 2014). Three different types of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) causing oxidative cellular damage, pyocins are described, namely the R, F, and S type. The R-type
developing metabolites that can be mutagenic, cytotoxic and also pyocins connect to the outer membrane receptor and induce
promote cellular aging and apoptosis] (Gifford et al., 2005; Epand the depolarization of the cytoplasmic membrane in relation to
and Epand, 2011; Nguyen et al., 2011; Hasegawa et al., 2012; pore formation (Figure 3A). S-type or colicin-like pyocins show
Gaspar et al., 2013; Gabernet et al., 2016; Alexander et al., 2019). endonuclease activity when placed at the C-terminal end, and this
activity induces cell death by interrupting DNA, RNA and protein
Colicins and Pyocins syntheses (Michel-Briand and Baysse, 2002) (Figure 3B). These
There are a small number of proteins classified as bacteriocins, proteins act on Gram-negative bacteria (McCaughey et al., 2016),
including colicin, pyocin, pesticin, butyricin, and megacin and demonstrated activity against embryonal ovary carcinoma,
(Konisky, 1982). These proteins are used by bacterial species for human hepatocellular carcinoma, and cervical adenocarcinoma
intraspecies competition (Di Masi et al., 1973; Chai et al., 1982; (Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018).
Rodrigues et al.
TABLE 1 | Anticancer and antimicrobial activity of proteins and peptides from bacterial origins.
Protein Bacterial origin Size (kDa) Net charge Hydrophobicity < H > Antibacterial activity Cancer cell lines References
Colicins E. coli 27–80 Gram− MCF-7, ZR75, BT549, BT474, Karpinski and Adamczak,
MDA-MB-231, SKBR3, T47D, 2018; Duché and Houot,
HOS, SKUT-1, HS913T, HT29, 2019
Pyocins P. aeruginosa 77–157 Gram+ HFFF, HeLa, AS-II, HepG2, Karpinski and Adamczak,
mKS-ATU-7, HCG-27. 2018
Peptide Bacterial origin Size (kDa) Net charge Hydrophobicity < H > Antibacterial activity Cancer cell lines References
Nisin A Lactococcus lactis 3.49 3 0.569 Gram+/Gram− MCF-7, HepG2, HNSCC, HT29, Kuwano et al., 2005; Maher
CaCo-2, SW480. and McClean, 2006; Joo
et al., 2012; Shin et al.,
2016; Ahmadi et al., 2017
Nisin Z Lactococcus lactis SIK-83 3.47 3 0.548 Gram+/Gram− HNSCC, HUVEC. Kamarajan et al., 2015;
Preet et al., 2015
Microcin E492 Klebsiella pneumoniae 7.8 −4 0.171 Gram− Jurkat, RJ2.25 HeLa, CRC cells. de Lorenzo, 1984; Hetz
et al., 2002
Bovicin HC5 Streptococcus bovis HC5 2.4 – – Gram+/Prevotella MCF-7, HepG2 Mantovani et al., 2002;
bryantii Paiva et al., 2012
Laterosporulin- LS10 Brevibacillus laterosporus SKDU10 6.0 2 0.409 Mycobacterium HeLa, H1299, HEK293T, HT1080, Baindara et al., 2015; Singh
tuberculosis and MCF-7 et al., 2015
S. aureus
Pediocin PA-1 Pediococcus acidilactici PAC1 4.6 3 0.343 Gram+ Lung carcinoma (A-549) and CRC Henderson et al., 1992;
(DDL1) Beaulieu, 2005
Pediocin K2a2-3 Pediococcus acidilactici K2a2-3 4.1 2 0.360 Gram+ HT29, Hela Villarante et al., 2011
Pediocin CP2 P. acidilactici CP2 MTCC501 4.6 3 0.343 Gram+ Hela, HepG2, MCF-7, Sp2/0-Ag14 Kumar et al., 2011
Plantaricin A Lactobacillus plantarum C11 2.4 6 0.369 Gram+/Gram− Jurkat, GH4 , Reh, PC12, N2A. Nissen-Meyer et al., 1993;
Diep et al., 1996; Zhao
et al., 2006
m2163 Lactobacillus casei ATCC334 2.7 3 0.508 Gram+ SW480 Tsai et al., 2015
m2386 Lactobacillus casei ATCC334 2.7 2 0.324 Gram+ SW480 Tsai et al., 2015
KL15 Lactobacillus casei ATCC334 1.9 5 0.491 Gram+/Gram− SW480, CaCo-2 Chen et al., 2015
FIGURE 3 | Different mechanisms of action of proteins and peptides with anticancer and antibacterial activity. (A) This section represents the protein and peptide
interaction with the carpet model, barrel-stave model, toroidal pore, disorder toroidal pore, non-bilayer intermediate and membrane thinning/thickening, which are
mechanisms that act in the conformation of the external membrane (I), target the inhibition of phospholipase, lipid II and LPS permeabilization. In the inner
membrane, these mechanisms act in DNA synthesis (II) and inhibition of fold protein (III). (B) This section represents the action of proteins and peptides interaction
the other mechanisms described above, such as anion carrier, charged lipid clustering, electroporation, non-lytic membrane depolarization, and oxidized lipid
targeting, act in the destabilization of membrane components (I): in addition, they act in the inner membrane by interrupting DNA (II), RNA(III), and protein syntheses
(IV) and (V). All these mechanisms can cause bacterial death and, in cancer cells, can cause disruption of membrane, apoptosis, necrosis, and control of
angiogenesis. The model described in (A) and (B) acting in bacteria and cancer cells.
Thus, Ling et al. (2010) studied the pyocin S5 in different approximately 99.99% of the bacteria in the blood and spleen
concentrations (3.5, 14, 56, and 225 µg. ml−1 ) against seven samples. This study suggested that R-type pyocins could be an
clinical P. aeruginosa isolates (DWW3, InA, InB, In3, In4, In7, effective therapy (Scholl and Martin, 2008).
and In8). Their results indicated that isolate DWW3 is most A different test using purified pyocin S2 and partially purified
sensitive in an inhibitory concentration of 12.6l µ−1 , and pyocin from P. aeruginosa 42A was evaluated against human
the other isolates were killed in a concentration of 225 µg. tumor cell lines, HepG2 and Im9, and the normal human
ml−1 isolates (Ling et al., 2010). Additionally, R-type pyocins cell line HFFF (Human Fetal Foreskin Fibroblast). Pyocin S2
were tested in a lethal mouse peritonitis model. The researchers and partially purified pyocin were tested at concentrations
infected female mice (Charles River Laboratories) with 0.5. of 6.25, 12.25, 25, and 50 U. ml−1 , for 5 days. The results
ml−1 of inoculum of P. aeruginosa strain 13s per mouse, in showed cell line Im9 was more sensitive than HepG2, and
concentrations of 106 to 107 CFU. ml−1 . The treatment with maximum growth inhibition of 80% was observed at the
0.1. ml−1 of pyocins was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) and maximum pyocin concentration of 50 U. ml−1 after 5 days (Abdi-
intravenously (i.v.). At 24 and 48 h after treatment inoculation, Ali et al., 2004). According to the examples cited above, the
blood and spleen samples were evaluated. The result showed colicins and pyocins demonstrated efficacious antimicrobial and
that i.p. and i.v. dose responses were similar, and pyocin killed anticancer activity.
Nisin (400 and 800 mg/kg per day) by oral gavage for 3 weeks.
Nisin can be secreted by Lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis and The researchers observed that the in vitro test demonstrated
has a low molecular mass of 3.49 kDa with 34 amino acid residues. notably increasing levels of apoptosis when compared to cells
This polycyclic peptide belongs to a class of lantibiotics, which treated with control medium. Furthermore, the concentrations
have unusual amino acids such as lanthionines (Moll et al., 1997; of nisin tested in vivo significantly decreased the tumor volumes
de Arauz et al., 2009; Shin et al., 2016). Nisin exhibits stability (13.5 and 88.5 mm3 for nisin ZP 800 mg/kg, nisin ZP
at different temperatures and has potent activity against different 400 mg/kg, respectively) compared to controls (232.8 mm3 ).
bacteria, including pathogenic strains, acting primarily on Gram- The authors concluded that nisin is an alternative therapy
positive bacteria (Jack et al., 1995; Severina et al., 1998). In view of for HNSCC, exhibiting HNSCC cell apoptosis, suppressing
this, nisins are classified as broad-spectrum peptides, presenting HNSCC cell proliferation, inhibiting angiogenesis, HNSCC and
activity in different classes of bacteria (Shin et al., 2016). In tumorigenesis in vivo (Kamarajan et al., 2015). Different studies
addition, nisins share some similarities with pore-forming AMPs, demonstrated the capacity of nisin to reduce, control and increase
such as positive net charge and amphipathicity. These peptides the apoptosis of distinct types of tumor cells (Preet et al., 2015;
may exhibit different mechanisms of activity that may involve Ahmadi et al., 2017).
interaction with membranes facilitated by lipid II binding In addition, bovicin HC5 is a peptide with a strong similarity
(Christ et al., 2007). This can lead to the formation of pores to the structure and function of nisin. This peptide can cause cell
in the membrane (Moll et al., 1997) (Figure 3). Due to its membrane disruption through pore formation and by modifying
low toxicity, this molecule has been used for a long time in cellular potassium efflux (Figure 3A). It is a lantibiotic secreted by
food preservation (Gharsallaoui et al., 2016). In addition to its Streptococcus bovis HC5 and presents about 2.4 kDa of molecular
antibacterial activity, nisin and its natural variants have been mass. It can be considered as an AMP with a broad spectrum of
shown to be effective in combating cancerous cells (Joo et al., activity on Gram-positive and negative bacteria. It is considered
2012; Kamarajan et al., 2015). a stable molecule at high temperatures and low pH, but it may
In this sense, several studies have been carried out to undergo loss of activity in the presence of pronase E and trypsins
demonstrate the efficiency of nisin against microorganisms. One (Mantovani et al., 2002). Bovicin HC5 has already demonstrated
of these studies purified nisin Z, which exhibits antimicrobial anticancer activity against human adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7)
activity against S. aureus and E. coli. However, the test using and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) (Paiva et al., 2012).
nisin Z and 100 mM NaCl demonstrated activity just for
S. aureus (Kuwano et al., 2005). Another study described the Microcin
nisin activity against cariogenic microorganisms (Streptococcus Bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family are
spp., Lactobacillus spp., Actinomyces spp.). According to the responsible for the production of microcin. These peptides can
researchers, electron microscopy showed that nisin exerted have a molecular mass up to 10 kDa, and they present activity
bactericidal activity by forming small pores on the surface of cells on different strains of pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella,
(Tong et al., 2010) (Figure 3A). Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Escherichia, and Citrobacter (de Lorenzo,
In addition, we described studies using nisin with anticancer 1984). The microcins are classified in two classes: class I is
activity. Joo et al. (2012) demonstrated that nisin decreases represented by peptides with molecular masses <5 kDa, being
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) tumorigenesis codified by cluster genes located either on plasmids or on the
in vitro and in vivo by inducing increased cell apoptosis and chromosome, like microcins B17, C (or C7, C51 or C7/C51),
decreased cell proliferation. For the in vitro test, the researchers and J25.6. Class II is represented by higher molecular mass
used a concentration of 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 µ−1 nisin against peptides ranging from 5- to 10-kDa. Additionally, they are
three different HNSCC cell lines, and after 24 h of treatment they subdivided into two subclasses, IIa and IIb. Class IIa presents
observed increased levels of DNA fragmentation or apoptosis. three plasmid-encoded peptides, microcins L, V, 6 and N.
In vivo tests were evaluated with a 150 mg/kg dose of nisin They do not have post-translational modifications and can
administered over the course of 3 weeks. They observed that mice present two, one, and no disulfide bond(s), respectively. Class
that had received nisin treatment exhibited statistically significant IIb is described as linear microcins with post-translational
reduced tumor volumes compared with control. These effects are modification represented by microcins E492, M, H47, and
associated with the activation of CHAC1, broadening calcium presumably I47 and G492 (Rebuffat, 2013). The microcin act
influxes and inducing cell cycle arrest (Joo et al., 2012). taking advantage of iron-siderophore receptors (FepA, Cir,
Another group also tested the efficiency of nisin Z for the Fiu). After receptor interaction, microcin was translocated
treatment of HNSCC in vitro and in vivo. They used nisin Z at though the TonB-ExbB-ExbD inner-membrane protein complex
different concentrations (0, 100, 400, and 800 µ−1 ) against (Morin et al., 2011; Rebuffat, 2013). Thus, microcin induces
normal-human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in an depolarization of the cytoplasmic membrane, reaching a specific
in vitro test. In in vivo tests, they used an oral cancer floor-of- molecular target (de Lorenzo, 1984; de Lorenzo and Pugsley,
mouth mouse model. The treatment started after confirmation 1985; Lagos et al., 1993; Hetz et al., 2002; Morin et al., 2011;
that tumors were established, using a control group that Rebuffat, 2013) (Figure 3A).
was given water (equal volume/control), and the treatment The efficiency of microcin was studied by Yu et al. (2018).
groups were treated with nisin, at two different concentrations They tested microcin (MccJ25) against the ETEC K88 (serotype
O149:K91, K88ac) strain, which is a pathogen related with human different proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, α-trypsin, pepsin,
infants and neonatal diarrhea. They used MccJ25 in 0.125 to papain, and proteases (Kumar et al., 2011). Their N-terminal
256 µg/mL concentrations. The results demonstrated the efficacy region contains the conserved Y-G-N-G-V/L “pediocin box”
of MccJ25 at a concentration of 0.25 µg. ml−1 against ETEC K88. motif and two conserved cysteine residues that are joined by a
They observed that MccJ25 was not cytotoxic, and that is was also disulfide bridge, which forms a three-stranded antiparallel beta-
able to protect the intestine against ETEC K88-induced damage sheet (Papagianni and Anastasiadou, 2009). Pediocins contain a
and inflammatory response. According to the authors, MccJ25 conserved N-terminal region folded by disulfide bonds, and this
can be used as a novel prophylactic agent to reduce pathogenic domain mediates binding of class IIa bacteriocins to the target cell
infection in animals, food or humans. membrane. In contrast, the C-terminal region forms a hairpin
Furthermore, the efficacy of microcin with in vitro tumor cells that is able to penetrate the target cell membrane hydrophobic
was described by Hetz et al. (2002). They studied microcin E492 region, thereby mediating leakage through the membrane
produced by Klebsiella pneumoniae strain RYC492 with 7,887 Da. (Fimland et al., 2005; Drider et al., 2006) (Figure 3A). Pediocins
This peptide was tested against some human tumor cells such as have showed antimicrobial activity. According to Bédard et al.
Jurkat, RJ2.25, colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and HeLa to observe (2018), they synthesized pediocin PA-1 and demonstrated that it
the capacity to induce apoptosis. The authors tested microcin is a potent inhibitor of Listeria monocytogenes (MIC = 6.8 nM),
E492 at different concentrations of 5, 10, and 20 µg/ml. The result similar to that produced naturally by Pediococcus acidilactici.
demonstrated that at a concentration of 5 µg. ml−1 microcin Pediocin PA-1 was also tested against different strains of
induced tumor cells to apoptosis, and at concentrations of 10 and Carnobacterium divergens ATCC 35677 (MIC = 1.9 nM),
20 µg. ml−1 necrosis was observed (Hetz et al., 2002). Leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 23386 (MIC = 1.9 nM),
Listeria seeligeri ATCC 35967 MIC = 4.7 nM), Clostridium
Laterosporulins perfringens AAC 1–222 (MIC = 37.8 nM), Clostridium perfringens
Laterosporulins (LS) are peptides with low molecular masses AAC 1–223 (MIC = 75.7 nM), Listeria murrayi ATCC 25401
(approximately 5.6 kDa) that present a strong similarity to (MIC = 151.4 nM), and Lactobacillus plantarum ATCC 8014
defensins (Singh et al., 2015). This class of peptides exhibits (MIC = 605.5 nM). Studies have shown the antitumor activity of
amphiphilic helical structure, which permits laterosporulin to some pediocins, as exemplified by PA-1, a pediocin produced by
insert itself into the membrane of the target cell, inducing P. acidilactici PAC1. In the presence of human lung carcinoma
depolarization and death (Kaur and Kaur, 2015) (Figure 3A). cells and colorectal adenocarcinoma, PA-1 inhibited the growth
These peptides were isolated from different strains, namely GI- of these cells. Pediocin PA-1 isolated from P. acidilactici
9 and SKDU10, from Brevibacillus sp. and have showed potent K2a2-3 has also been shown to be cytotoxic to human colon
antibacterial activity against several pathogens (Singh et al., adenocarcinoma HT29 and HeLa cells, but the mechanism of
2015). One example is laterosporulin 10 (LS10) isolated from cytotoxicity has not been studied (Villarante et al., 2011). As
Brevibacillus SKDU10, with 6 kDa, which was tested at different also observed, pediocin CP2 produced by P. acidilactici CP2
concentrations of 4, 8, and 20 µM against Staphylococcus aureus MTCC501 has antitumor activity on HEPg2, HeLa and MCF-7
and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtbH37Rv). The result showed human cancer cells (Kumar et al., 2011).
that LS10 inhibited the growth of S. aureus with LD50 of
4.0 µM and M. tuberculosis (Mtb H37Rv) with LD50 of 0.5 µM. Plantaricin
In addition, microscopic studies demonstrated that LS10 acts The peptide plantaracin (Pln) is produced by different strains
on S. aureus cell membrane and the Mtb H37Rv strain by of Lactobacillus plantarum (C11, WCFS1, V90), showing low
disrupting cellular metabolic homeostasis. LS10 was able to alter molecular mass (∼2.4 kDa) (Diep et al., 1996). The amphiphilic
the membrane of the Mtb H37Rv strain, which has a thick lipid nature of the Pln peptide (class IIb), could facilitate the formation
layer (Baindara et al., 2016). Moreover, regarding LS10 antitumor of membrane channels (Nissen-Meyer et al., 1993) (Figure 3A).
activity, this peptide was tested in the concentrations 1–20 µM In fact, Pln has already been shown to permeate eukaryotic cells,
against HeLa, H1299, HEK293T, HT1080, MCF-7, and RWPE-1 but demonstrates affinity to negatively charged membranes and
cells. The results demonstrated that LS10 showed activity against exhibits strong interaction with glycolate membrane proteins
diverse cancer cells like MCF-7, HEK293T, HT1080, HeLa, and (Sand et al., 2013). Some works have demonstrated a broad-
H1299 in low concentrations (10 µM), but failed against RWPE- spectrum activity of these peptides on different bacterial strains
1 cells. Moreover, the LS10 at a concentration of 2.5 µM induced (Nissen-Meyer et al., 1993; Diep et al., 1996). A recent study
apoptosis (Baindara et al., 2018). demonstrated the antimicrobial activity of plantaricins (Pln) A,
E, F, J, and K against Staphylococcus epidermidis. The plantaricins
Pediocins alone were tested at a concentration of 0.097 to 50 µM, and
Pediocins originate from bacteria that produce lactic acid, mainly the plantaricins in association with the antibiotics were tested
species of Pediococcus (Kumar et al., 2011). A variety of pediocins at concentrations12.5 and 6.25 µM. The results showed that
have been identified so far, namely, pediocin CP-2, F, K1, AcH, S. epidermidis was more susceptible to PlnEF than PlnJK, with
AcM SJ-1, and L50, some of which are cited in an extensive review MIC 12.5 and 25 µM, respectively. PlnE, F, J and K inhibited
by Porto et al. (2017). They can be considered as small plasmid- bacterial growth, and PlnEF and PlnJK, at 25 and 50 µM,
encoded cationic AMPs (>5 kDa), with high stability at a variety caused rapid bacterial lysis (data not shown). In addition, PlnA
of temperatures and pHs. However, they may undergo actions of (50 µM) alone repressed bacterial growth. Pln in combination
with low concentrations of antibiotics displayed antimicrobial by Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sung et al., 2007). Therefore,
activity against S. epidermidis. According to results, Pln in pep27 showed MIC 12.5 for Gram-positive and Gram-negative
combination with antibiotics in low concentration was efficient bacteria without a hemolytic effect on human erythrocytes (Sung
against S. epidermidis and exhibited strong potential to treat et al., 2007). Pep27anal2 has a higher number of hydrophobic
infections (Selegård et al., 2019). Pln also demonstrated activity residues compared to the native peptide pep27. This hydrophobic
on cancer cells (Zhao et al., 2006; Sand et al., 2010, 2013). This characteristic of pep27anal2 may be related to the interaction
activity was shown in a study by Sand et al. (2010), in which they with cell membranes and possibly the anticancer activity that
studied the effect of synthesized PlnA against normal human B this peptide has demonstrated (Figure 3A) (Lee et al., 2005).
and T cells, Reh cells (from human B cell leukemia), and Jurkat It demonstrated activity against leukemia cancer cells (Jurkat,
cells (from human T cell leukemia). The cell types were tested HL-60, AML-2), breast cancer (MCF-7) and gastric cancer (SNU-
at a concentration of 10–100 µM PlnA. The results showed that 601). Besides the ability to permeate cancer cells, data indicate
all cells were affected by PlnA, but at low concentrations (10 µM) that the mechanism responsible for cytotoxicity in neoplastic
this did not demonstrate a strong effect. The mechanism of action cells arises from the induction of apoptosis of caspase-free and
was seen to be membrane permeabilization, leading to apoptosis cytochrome-C. In addition, electron microscopy revealed that
along with necrosis. pep27anal2 induced the morphological features of apoptosis
in Jurkat cells, and showed cytoplasmic condensation, cell
Duramycin shrinkage, loss of plasma membrane microvilli, condensed or
Duramycin is a type of lantibiotic produced by streptomycetes. fragmented nuclei, and the formation of membrane vesicles (Lee
This tetracyclic peptide is synthesized by ribosomes and exhibits et al., 2005). Considering its potent activity against cancer cells,
post-translational changes, as well as possessing antimicrobial pep27anal2 is a potential candidate for antineoplastic therapy
activity. It consists of 19 amino acid residues corresponding to a (Lee et al., 2005).
molecular mass of ∼2 kDa (Phoenix et al., 2015; Broughton et al.,
2016). The post-translational changes undergone by duramycin, M2163, M2386, and KL15
such as the enzymatic addition of three thioether bonds, Based on genomic analyses of Lactobacillus casei ATCC334,
besides increasing the proteolytic stability of this molecule, also some DNA sequences responsible for the expression of the
provide selectivity and binding to phosphatidylethanolamine antimicrobial peptides m2163 and m2386 were identified
(PE) present on the membrane of various cell types, including (Tsai et al., 2015). These peptides demonstrated activity on
Gram-positive and negative bacteria (Iwamoto et al., 2007). different lactobacillus strains as well as species of Listeria sp.
The interaction of duramycin with target cells can trigger Furthermore, m2163 and m2386 showed effective activity on
plasmatic membrane imbalance, affecting membrane integrity SW480 cancer cells, acting on the cell membrane and then
and influencing the ion transportation mediated by pore penetrating the cell cytoplasm to induce apoptosis (Figure 3B)
formation on the surface of the cell membrane (Sheth et al., 1992; (Tsai et al., 2015). These bacteriocins, m2163 and m2386, were
Oliynyk et al., 2010) (Figure 3A). the sources of inspiration for the development of the KL15
Other effects of duramycin on the plasma membrane have antimicrobial peptide through in silico modifications in their
been shown, such as an inhibitory effect on plasma membrane sequences. KL15, besides having potent antibacterial activity
ATPase activity (Nakamura and Racker, 1984), an increase in on pathogenic bacteria such as Enterococcus, Staphylococcus,
cell membrane permeability, and inhibition of Na+ -K+ -ATPase Bacillus, Escherichia, and Listeria, presented anticancer activity
in the cellular plasma membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells against SW480 and CaCo-2 human adenocarcinoma cells (Chen
(Nakamura and Racker, 1984). Due to these characteristics, the et al., 2015). Moreover, KL15 (50 µg. mL−1 ) has been shown to be
antineoplastic capacity of duramycin has been studied. Since the able to permeate the membranes of SW480 cells, resulting in the
membrane surface of some cancer cells is positive for PE, the formation of porous structures, resulting in necrotic cell death.
effectiveness of duramycin on these cells was visible, decreasing However, the 150 µg. mL−1 dose of KL15 showed cytotoxicity
the proliferation of tumor cells and inducing apoptosis. In on human normal mammary epithelial cells H184B5F5/M10
accordance with a study conducted by Broughton et al. (2016), (Chen et al., 2015).
it was shown that about 11 cancer cell lines (AsPC-1, Caco-
2, Colo320, HCT116, JJN3, Lovo, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MIA
PaCa-2, MM. 1S, and U266B1) expressed PE on the surface. FINAL REMARKS
Furthermore, cell death from necrosis in these cancer cells and
the release of Ca 2+ calcium ions were identified, depending on As mentioned above, cancer and chronic infections are the
the time of exposure as well as the concentration of duramycin. predominant causes of death worldwide. The conventional
Other findings such as morphological changes and influx of treatment for these problems generates resistance against
iodide have also been reported (Broughton et al., 2016). multiple drugs. Moreover, conventional treatments are not
efficient and effective, inducing serious side effects in patients
Other Peptides (Liu et al., 2015; Felício et al., 2017; Leite et al., 2018).
Pep27anal2 Thus, a new class of molecules needs to be developed
Pep27anal2 contains 27 amino acid residues and has a molecular and used to provide a more targeted therapy, by exploiting
mass of 3.3 kDa. This peptide is an analog of pep27, produced more specific interactions between the drugs and their targets
(Gaspar et al., 2013; Felício et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017; Leite cytotoxic effects and increase the specificity of the targeting.
et al., 2018; Shoombuatong et al., 2018). To this end, bacteria Besides that, to expand the use of proteins and peptides it will
have an arsenal of proteins and peptides with both antibacterial be important to combine these molecules with conventional
and antitumoral activity, which can be explored in the search for drugs. This can reduce costs per treatment, besides decreasing
these new compounds (Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). the resistance problem. Therefore, proteins and peptides derived
Various approaches have been discussed here, demonstrating from bacteria with dual activity are an important alternative to
the properties of proteins and peptides derived from bacteria as current treatments against infections and cancer, reducing side
an alternative strategy for cancer treatment. Among the proteins effects and curbing the rise of resistant bacteria.
and peptides that act against bacterial and cancer cells, several
stand out. Colicins act on a wide range of bacteria (Duché
and Houot, 2019), and have also demonstrated activity against AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
breast carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma,
and colon carcinoma (Karpinski and Adamczak, 2018). Another All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual
promising group is the nisins, which act on Gram-positive contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
bacteria (Jack et al., 1995; Severina et al., 1998), and some nisin
variations have demonstrated activity against Gram-negative
bacteria (Kuwano et al., 2005), besides potent activity on HNSCC, FUNDING
reducing tumorigenesis (Joo et al., 2012).
Proteins and peptides have been studied for some years, This work was supported by grants from Fundação de
but recently the number of publications and in vivo tests have Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF), Coordenação
increased. This has led to the rising number of proteins and de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),
peptides approved for use in medical practice. In addition, it is to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
be expected that in upcoming years these molecules may replace (CNPq), and Fundação de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento do
conventional treatments. Thus, it is necessary to improve some Ensino, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul
properties of these molecules in order to decrease or eliminate (FUNDECT), Brazil.
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