Humanistic/Existential Theories Holistic-Dynamic Theory Abraham Harold Maslow
Humanistic/Existential Theories Holistic-Dynamic Theory Abraham Harold Maslow
Humanistic/Existential Theories Holistic-Dynamic Theory Abraham Harold Maslow
Capacity to organize one’s self so that movement An intimate nonsexual friendship between two
in a certain direction or toward a certain goal people built the foundation of eros (May, 1969).
may take place (May, 196 Philia cannot be rushed; it takes time to grow, to
develop, to sink its roots.
AGAPE Destiny does not mean preordained or
foredoomed. It is our destination, our terminus,
Agape is an esteem for the other, the concern for our goal.
the other’s welfare beyond any gain that one can
get out of it; disinterested love, typically, the The Power of Myth
love of God for man (May, 1969).
Agape is altruistic love. It is a kind of spiritual Myths are not falsehoods but are conscious and
love that carries with it the risk of playing God. unconscious belief systems that provide
It does not depend on any behaviors or explanations for personal and social problems
characteristics of the other person. (May, 1991).
It is undeserved and unconditional. Myths are the stories that unify a society.
They are essential to the process of keeping our
Freedom and Destiny souls alive and bringing us new meaning in a
difficult and often meaningless world.
Freedom and destiny are a normal paradox of People communicate with one another on two
life. levels.
Freedom and destiny are thus inexorably Rationalistic language
intertwined; one cannot exist without the other. Truth takes precedence over the people who
Freedom and destiny give birth to each other. are communicating.
FREEDOM Through myths
Total human experience is more important
Freedom is the individual’s capacity to know than the empirical accuracy of the
that he is the determined one (May, 1967). communication.
Existential Crises in Oedipus Myth (May,
Freedom is the possibility of changing, although
Separation or exile from parents and home,
we may not know what those changes might be.
Sexual union with one parent and hostility
Freedom entails being able to harbor different
toward the other
possibilities in one’s mind even though it is not
Assertion of independence and the search
clear at the moment which way one must act.
for identity
Forms of Freedom (May, 1981) Death.
Engler, B. (2014). Personality theories: an
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Feist, J., Feist, G. J., & Roberts, T.-A. (2018).
Theories of personality. McGraw-Hill.