Literature Review.........................................................................................................................3
Research Methodology....................................................................................................................5
Data analysis:...............................................................................................................................7
The impacts of coronavirus are being seen in all the sectors and segments of people’s lives. It is
being believed that the changes which this pandemic has brought can be positive for some cases
as well. This research proposal has been made in order to discuss the impacts which this deadly
virus has invited over the travel and tourism industry in the United Kingdom. The context for the
research will be The White House, which is a renowned hotel in London, United Kingdom. The
research will be based on the findings obtained from the background and context of this hotel.
The impacts and influences of coronavirus are being seen in each and every sector of every
country in the world. However, the impacts are very evident in case of the travel and tourism
industry. This is because, the nature and consequences of this pandemic is making people scared
and insecure to travel in this disastrous time of the world. Due to the vast and deadly situation in
the European countries, the chances of expecting visitors in the United Kingdom in the
upcoming time and seasons are very low Bas, T. and (Sivaprasad, 2020). However, the travel and
tourism industry is a very vital part of the country and the impacts of the pandemic can be quite
devastating for the country. This is one of the major reasons for conducting this particular
The outbreak of the coronavirus is posing as a great threat for the travel and tourism industry of
the United Kingdom. The findings of Williams, (2020) have found that while the large and
famously known hotels and restaurants are facing significant amount of losses, there are a huge
number of small hotel and restaurant businesses, which have no other idea than shutting their
businesses down due to this pandemic. Innumerable people have lost their jobs in all the sectors
and this is even truer for the travel and tourism industry businesses. It is natural that people
would avoid travelling during this situation and pleasure trips would be very less amidst the
pandemic. Kushwaha et al (2020) have opined regarding this and have that the businesses of
different hotels and restaurants are sure to come to a standstill because of this. Researchers have
found out that over 52% lack of consumer demand has been seen in the travel and tourism
industry of the United Kingdom. The impacts of the outbreak of this virus are much more in the
European countries and thus the impacts are seen to be persisting within the United Kingdom as
well. In order to bounce back from this grave situation and adapt with it, the hotels and
restaurants within the United Kingdom are adopting new techniques and strategies. Everyone
wants to fight this situation and adapt with the new normal world. That is why; the hotel and
restaurant businesses are formulating frameworks and adaptation strategies which would allow
people to get back to their old lives in a new way. According to Bas et al (2020) one of the best
ways which can be adopted by the organizations in this industry will be to focus on availing the
consumers with opportunities and facilities which are hygienic and safe rather than providing
them with the most enjoyable or entertaining facilities.Li, et al (2020) suggested that the
maintaining of the safety standards will be a basic and most vital step taken by the organizations
in the travel and tourism industry in order to cover up and bounce back from the immense
amount of losses which they have faced during the pandemic and afterwards as well.
The aim of this research is to find out how the ongoing pandemic is creating impacts on the
travel and tourism industry of the United Kingdom.
In order to conduct the research in an appropriate and proper way, it has to follow some
particular methods. The different aspects of an ideal research which will be followed for this
research project will be discussed in this portion of the proposal-
Data collection
Data analysis (Chandra, et al 2012).
The data required for the conduction of any research can be collected from two kinds of sources-
primary and secondary. The primary source is the one from which data are collected directly
from the persons involved within the research context. The data can be collected through
interviews, surveys, questionnaires etc. from these people and the data collected from these
sources are known as primary data.
On the other hand, data for research can also be collected from secondary sources. Secondary
sources are different books, journals, articles, newspapers and so on. The data or information
which is generally collected from the secondary sources is known as secondary data (Goddard, et
al 2011).
The data required for the conduction of this particular research will be collected from primary
sources. The sources will be 50 people working in The White House hotel. The research will use
questionnaires in order to carry out the whole process.
A research can be one of several types which are available. It can be descriptive where the sole
purpose of the research is to describe the context and background of the research (Welman, et al
2005).In addition to this, a research can be diagnostic and the purpose of this kind of research is
to find out the cause behind any particular problem. Besides, it can also be experimental. An
experimental research design is that kind which analyzes the cause and effect of a certain
The research design which this research project will be is an experimental one as it will analyze
the cause and effect which the COVID19 has brought over the travel and tourism industry of the
United Kingdom.
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
The qualitative research is the kind of research which carries out an in-depth analysis of the
subject matter of the research. On the other hand, the quantitative kind of research design
depends mostly on mathematical and statistical results for the analysis of the data collected for
the research (Chandra, et al 2012).
The research in concern here will follow the quantitative kind of data analysis which is why
different mathematical configuration of the collected data will be carried out.
The participants of any research are basically the people from who the required data and
information of the research will be collected. For the case of this research project, the
participants will be 50 employees working within The White House hotel. These 50 employees
will not be selected from before; rather they will be selected in a random process in order to
avoid any kind of biasness.
In order to conduct a proper and ideal research, it is very crucial that the research has maintained
both validity and reliability. When the results or outcomes found from the research becomes
correct or same over and over and repeatedly, that research is understood to be reliable (Jha,
2008). On the other hand, a research is considered to be valid when each and every step of the
research methodology is carried out in the most effective and accurate way. The research project
will be conducted very carefully and in order to be valid and reliable, all the steps of the research
will be scrutinized and carried out by followed by the rules and regulations (Welman, et al
Research data analysis is also a very important segment of the research methodology process.
The two kinds of research methods follow different kinds of data analysis processes. The
qualitative research method uses interviews, questionnaires, surveys, etc. for the analysis of their
data (Chandra, et al 2012). On the other hand, the quantitative kind of research method interprets
different fact, figures and numbers collected from these sources in order to conduct the research
and analyze the data collected from those sources (Goddard, et al 2011).
It has been estimated that the time frame required in order to complete the entire research project
is 8 weeks. The time required to complete the different steps of the project can be divided and
showed in an effective manner with the help of a Gantt Chart below-
Analysis of
the data
of the
and analysis
of feedbacks
Writing the
The activities which are required to be carried out for the research project can be broken down
into six segments by following the work breakdown structure as follows-
Idea and objectives development
Data collection
The travel and tourism industry is one of the most important industries within any country. This
industry portrays the culture and tradition of a country while earning a significant amount of
foreign currency. The ongoing pandemic has hit this industry much more than most of the other
industries. It is with hard labor and effective frameworks, countries like the United Kingdom can
regain their previous status of the travel and tourism industry even by embracing the new normal
Bas, T. and Sivaprasad, S. (2020). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on the Travel
and Tourism Sector: UK Evidence. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Goddard, W. and Melville, S., 2011. Research Methodology. Kenwyn, South Africa: Juta& Co.
Li, J., Nguyen, T.H.H. and Coca-Stefaniak, J.A. (2020). Coronavirus impacts on post-pandemic
planned travel behaviours. Annals of Tourism Research, p.102964.
Welman, J., Kruger, F. and Mitchell, B., 2005. Research Methodology. Cape Town: Oxford
University Press.
Williams, C.C. (2020). Impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on Europe’s tourism industry:
Addressing tourism enterprises and workers in the undeclared economy. International Journal of
Tourism Research.