BU 1-Year PGDM Syllabus - 06122020

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Acme Business School in Collaboration with Bharathidasan

University Business Development Centre (BDU-BDC)

One-year Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

(OFF CAMPUS) Calendar Year 2021 onwards
FULL TIME: 12 Months with no vacation. 2 Semesters of 6 months each

Semester Courses Credit Subject
I 6 5 30 Core Courses
II 4 5 20 Specialization Courses
Paper - 11 Compulsory
Project Work related to 10 Dissertation - Viva
respective functional area
Total Credits 60


MarksUniversity Exam

Internal Marks
Course Type
Course No.

Paper Core subjects Title Credit Total


Semester I
I 1. Paper - 1 Human Resource Management Core 5 75 25 100
I 2. Paper -2 Marketing Management Core 5 75 25 100
I 3. Paper - 3 Financial Management Core 5 75 25 100
I 4. Paper - 4 Operations Management Core 5 75 25 100
Paper - 5 Business Policy and Strategic Core 5
I 5. 75 25 100
I 6. Paper - 6 Business English - Lab Core 5 75 25 100
Total 30 450 150 600
Semester II
Core and Elective subjects
Any Single Specialization
II 7. Paper - 7 Research Methodology Core 5 75 25 100
II 8. Paper - 8 Specialization Paper - I Core 5 75 25 100
II 9. Paper - 9 Specialization Paper - II Core 5 75 25 100
II 10. Paper - 10 Specialization Paper - III Core 5 75 25 100

II 11. Paper - 11 Project – Viva Core 10 75 25 100
Total 30 325 125 500
Human Resources Management
II 1. Paper - I Performance Management Elective 4 75 25 100

II 2. Paper - II Compensation and Rewards Elective 4 75 25 100

II 3. Paper - III Labour Laws in India Elective 4 75 25 100

Marketing Management

II 1. Paper - I Consumer Behaviour Elective 4 75 25 100

II 2. Paper - II Advertising and Sales Promotion Elective 4 75 25 100

II 3. Paper - III Retailing and Rural Marketing Elective 4 75 25 100

Financial Management
II 1. Paper - I Accounting for Managers Elective 4 75 25 100

Paper - II Investment Security & Portfolio

II 2. Elective 4 75 25 100

II 3. Paper - III Capital Markets Elective 4 75 25 100

Operations Management
Facilities Location and Process
II 1. Paper – I Elective 4 75 25 100

Computer Integrated
II 2. Paper – II Elective 4 75 25 100

II 3. Paper – III Advanced Operations Management Elective 4 75 25 100

Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Supply Chain
II 1. Paper – I Elective 4 75 25 100

Global Logistics and Transportation

II 2. Paper – II Elective 4 75 25 100

Export-Import procedures,
II 3. Paper – III Elective 4 75 25 100
Documentation and Logistics
Digital Marketing
II 1. Paper - I Social Media Marketing Elective 4 75 25 100

II 2. Paper - II E-Mail Marketing Elective 4 75 25 100

II 3. Paper - III Mobile Marketing Elective 4 75 25 100

Paper - 1: Human Resource Management
To provide exposure on the role of HR manager and managing personnel; Job analysis, job
design and human resource planning; Training and performance appraisal; promotion, job
evaluation, compensation; and quality of work and participative management
Teaching Methods
Lecture Case Study, Role-play, Management Games and Group Discussion
Unit-I: Introduction
Human Resource Management - Importance - Challenges - Line and Staff aspect - HR
management activities - Role of personnel manager - Images and qualities of HR manager -
Integration of employee/management interests -Environment of Human Resource Management
- Role of External forces, Internal forces
Unit-II: Job Analysis, Job Design and Human Resource Planning
Job analysis - Content, steps in job analysis, methods of collecting job data, potential problems
with job analysis - Factors affecting job design - Job design approaches - Job specification -
Human resource Planning - Importance - future personnel needs, creating talented personnel,
foundations for personnel functions - Factors affecting HRP - HR supply/demand forecast -
Recruitment - Factors affecting recruitment - Recruitment policy - Internal/External sources of
recruitment - Methods of recruitment - Selection procedure - Orientation program
Unit-III: Training and Performance Appraisal
Distinction between training, development education - Inputs in T&D - Skills, Development,
Ethics, Attitudinal Changes, Decision making skills - Gaps in training - Principles of learning -
Learning curve - Training process - Evaluation of the job and off the job training methods.
Training techniques - Management Development - Factors of Appraisal - Traditional methods -
Modern methods - MBO process - Appraisal techniques failure - Ethics of appraisal - Potential
appraisal - Potential attributes - Career planning and development - Succession planning -
Retention determinants - Organizational components and organizational career opportunities -
Unit-IV: Promotion, Job Evaluation and Compensation
Promotion - Promotion policy - Types of Promotion - Basis of Promotion - Seniority - Merit -
Ability - Transfers - Reasons, principles and types - Separation - Lay off, Resignation, Dismissal,
Retrenchment, Voluntary retirement scheme - Job evaluation - Procedure, Advantages,
Limitations - Job evaluation methods - Components of remuneration - Wages and salary,
incentives, fringe benefits - Factors affecting employee remuneration - Minimum wage, fair
wage and living wage - Executive remuneration

Unit-V: Quality of work life and Participative Management

Scope and ways of participation - Staff council, joint council, collective bargaining, Job
enlargement/enrichment, suggestion schemes and quality circle - Total quality management -
Structure of participative management - Nature and benefits of participation - Managing
diversity - Gender issues in equal employment - Quality of work life - Role of supervisor in QWL -
Safety - Types of accidents - Safety programs - Work place health issues - Work place violence -
Outsourcing HR activities
1. Aswathappa K., and Sadhana Dash, International Human Resource Management, 2 nd
Edition, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. Cynthia D. Fischer, Lyle F Schoenfeldt, James B Shaw, Human Resource Management,
Biztantra, New Delhi, 2004.
4. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
5. Gupta. C.B., Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi, 2011.
6. Luiz R. Gomez Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy, Managing Human Resource, PHI
Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
7. Mamoria, C.B. and S.V. Gankar, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2006.
8. Rao, P.L., Comprehensive Human Resource Management, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2006.

Paper - 2: Marketing Management
The participants will acquire knowledge about marketing and its environment; market analysis
and segmentation; product and pricing strategies; physical distribution and promotion; and
consumer behaviour and CRM
Teaching Methods
Case Study, Role Play, Seminar, Group Discussion, Visit the company, Audio Video Visual, In-
basket exercise, Minor project and Meet the consumers
Unit-I: Marketing and its Environment
Definition - Role of marketing - Concepts of marketing - Production concept - Product concept -
Selling concept - Marketing concept - Societal marketing, Relationship Marketing concept; Tasks
of Marketing; Marketing Environment - Macro and Micro Environment - Marketing strategies -
Market Leader Strategies - Market follower Strategies - Market Challenger Strategies and Market
Niche Strategies
Unit II: Market Analysis and Segmentation
Market Analysis - Types of Markets - Marketing mix elements - Market Portfolio Planning -
Demand forecasting methods - Survey - Buyer’s opinion - Composite Sales force opinion -
Experts opinion - Market test method
Market Segmentation - Bases of Segmenting Consumer Market and Industrial Market - Target
Marketing - Product differentiation - Market Positioning Strategy
Unit-III: Product and Pricing Strategies
Product - Classification of consumer goods and Industrial goods - Product lines - Product Life
Cycle - New Product Development - Launching New Product - Product Innovation; Brand - Types;
Packaging - Labelling Trade Marks - Copyrights - Patents. Pricing Strategy - Methods of Setting
Price - Discounts and Allowance - Price of
Unit-IV: Physical Distribution and Promotion
Marketing Channels - Direct Marketing - Industrial Marketing - Network Marketing - e-marketing
- B2B - B2C - Distribution Network - Channel Management - Retailing - Wholesaling - Promotions-
Advertising - Publicity - Sales Promotion Methods - Sales force Management - Qualities of Sales
Manager - Performance Evaluation of Marketing Programmes; Marketing Research - Process -
MIS; Ethics in Marketing - Consumerism - Environmentalism - Global Marketing - Services
Unit- V: Consumer Behaviour and CRM
Consumer Behaviour - Factors influencing Consumer Behaviour - Demographics - Psychographics
- Behavioural - Psychological influence - Purchase decision process - Strategies - Family decision
making - Stages in buying process - Dissonance behaviour. Customer Relationship Management
1. Carl Mc. Daniel, Charles W. Lamb and Joseph F. Hair, MKTG, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2011.
2. Dhrav Grewal, Michael Lerg, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

3. Gupta, G.B. and N. Rajan Nair., Marketing Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New
Delhi, 2011.
4. Joel R. Evans and Barry Berman, Marketing Management, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,
5. Karen Webb, Consumer Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
6. Philipkotler, Kevinkeller, Abraham Koshy and Jha, Marketing Management, 14 th Edition,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012.
7. Philipkotler, Keller, A Frame Work of Marketing Management, 5 th Edition, Prentice Hall,
8. Ramaswamy, V.S. and S. Namakumari, Marketing Management, Global Perspective
Indian Context, Macmillan, New Delhi, 2009.
9. Russel S. Winer, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.

Paper - 3: Financial Management
The students will gain a fair knowledge on various functions of financial management, managing
short and long term financial requirement; taking appropriate decision on dividend policy and
cost of capital; capital structuring and leasing
Teaching Methods
1. Lectures and Seminar Presentation
2. Students are to be examined on theoretical aspects 80% and problem aspects 20%
Unit-I: Introduction to Financial Management
Finance function: Meaning – Definition – Scope of Finance function – Executive functions and
Incidental functions – Goals of Financial Management – Profit maximisation and Wealth
Unit-II: Short – Term Financing
Sources of short term financing: Meaning of working capital – Net working capital – Financing
mix approaches – Sources of working capital financing – Management of cash and marketable
security: Importance of cash and liquidity – Cash balance deciding factors – Determination of
cash cycle – Receivable management – Objectives – Formulation of Credit and collection policies
- Inventory management – Objectives of Inventory – Determination of optimum level of
inventory – Types of Inventory
Unit-III: Long – Term Financing
Sources of long term financing – Nature of long term financing – Common stock – Preferred
stock – Debt financing: Secured and Unsecured debts – Repurchase of shares – Under writing of
shares – Rights issue: Meaning – Procedure – Pricing – Underwriting of rights – Dilution of
market price rights – Market price of shares
Unit-IV: Dividend Policy Decision and Cost of Capital
Dividend policy decision: Dividend and Retained earnings – M.M. Model – Walters Model –
Dividend practices – Factors affecting dividend policy – Dividend payout ratio – Stock dividend
and Stock splits – Issue of bonus shares and its procedure
Cost of Capital – Significance – Determining component of Cost of Capital – Weighted Average
Cost of Capital – Flotation Costs
Unit-V: Capital Structure and Leasing
Capital Structure – Features of an appropriate capital structure – Determinants of the capital
structure – Modigliani–Miller Hypothesis under No taxes – MM Hypothesis under corporate
taxes – Analysis of capital structure in practice (simple problems)
Leasing: Characteristics of leasing – Leasing as a source of finance – Types of Leasing – Leasing
arrangements – Advantages and Disadvantages – Hire-Purchase – Meaning and Characteristics –
Hire-purchase Vs Instalment payment – Fixation aspects
1. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Chandra Prasanna, Financial Management – Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., 4th ed., New Delhi, 2007.

3. Eugene F. Brigham & Joel F. Houston, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Cengage,
4. Hanif M, A Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, Volume III, Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
5. Khan, M.Y. and P.K. Jain, Financial Management – Text and Problems,
4th ed., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
6. Kuchhal, S.C., Financial Management, Allahabad, Chaitanya Publishing House, 2004.
7. Pandey, I.M., Financial Management, (9 th Edition), Vikas Publishing House, 2009, New
8. Srivastava. R.M., Financial Management, Himalaya Publication House, Mumbai, 2010.
9. VanVan Horne. James C and Sanjat Dhamija, Financial Management and Policy, Pearson,
New Delhi, 2012.

Paper - 4: Operations Management

The students shall be exposed to various production functions; plant layout and maintenance;
production planning and control; inventory managements; and various purchase functions
Teaching Methods: Lecture and Case Study
Unit-I: Production Function
Operations management- Concept - Functions - Product Design and development - Product
design and its characteristics - Product development process (Technical) - Product development
techniques -Process selection- Project- job- Batch - Mass and Process types of Production
Systems- Product -Process Mix
Unit-II: Plant Layout and Maintenance
Facility Location- importance - Factors in Location Analysis- Location Analysis Techniques-Facility
Layout - Objectives - Advantages - Basic types of layouts - Capacity Planning - Concepts Factors
Affecting Capacity Planning - Capacity Planning Decisions - Production Planning & Control (PPC)
-Concepts - Objectives - Functions - Work Study - Productivity - Method Study-Work
Unit-III: Production Planning and Control
Introduction to modern productivity techniques - just in time - Kanban system - Total Quality
Management & six sigma - Functions of Purchasing Management - Objectives - Functions-
Methods - Procedure - Value analysis - Concepts- Stock control systems - Virtual factory concept
- Production worksheets
Unit-IV: Inventory Management
Inventory Management - Concepts - Classification - Objectives - Factors Affecting Inventory
Control Policy - Inventory costs - Basic EOQ Model - Re-order Level - ABC Analysis
Unit-V: Purchase Function
Purchasing function - Purchasing policies and procedures, legal aspects of purchasing, tax
considerations in purchasing, selections and sources of supply and make or buy decisions -
Vendor evaluation and rating - vendor development
1. Krajewski & Ritzman Operations Management 5th Pearson Gaither Operations
Management Cengage
2. Adam, EE & Ebert, R., Production and Operations Management, PHI Learning, 6 th ed.,
New Delhi, 1995.
3. Buffa, E.S., Modern Production Management, Engle Wood Cliff, New Jersey, Wiley, 1993.
4. Chary, S.N., Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 1999.
5. Kanishka Bedi Productions and Operations Oxford Management
6. Nair, N.K., Purchasing and Materials Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi,
7. Paneer Selvam, R., Production and Operations Management, PHI Learning, 2007.

Paper - 5: Business Policy and Strategic Management
This course aims to develop the ability of the student in business concepts and business policy;
Business portfolio analysis; basic concept of strategy, planning and control; business
development strategy; and corporate social responsibility
Teaching Methods: Lecture and Case Study
Unit-I: Basic concepts and Business Policy
Business Policy: Meaning and definition - Importance - Scope - Need Essentials of An Effective
Business Policy, Types and Classification of Policies - Organizational Direction: Vision - Mission -
Objectives - Goals of business, Business Planning: Process - Benefits - Limitation
Unit-II: Business Portfolio Analysis
Business Portfolio Analysis: BCG matrix - GE matrix, Industry Analysis: Michael Porter’s Five force
model - Strategic Competitive Advantage Analysis - Values Chain in Analysis - 7’ Frame work -
SWOT analysis
Unit-III: Basic concept of strategy
Evolution of Strategy - Strategic Management - Benefits - Strategy Vs Policy - Strategy
Formulation - Strategic Planning - Strategic Management Process - Strategic Decision Making -
Strategic Risks - Corporate Level Generic Strategies - Strategy Implementation: Functional Issues,
Challenges of Strategy Implementation - Strategic Evaluation and Control Process - Monitoring
Performance and Evaluating Deviations
Unit-IV: Business Development Strategies
Corporate Governance - Business Growth Strategies: Intensive - Integrative - Diversification
Strategies, Functional Strategies: Marketing Strategies - Production Strategies - HR Strategies -
Financial Strategies - Product Strategies, Business Process Re-engineering
Unit-V: Business Vs Social
Corporate Social Responsibility - Social Audit: Benefits - Procedures, Ethical and Social
Considerations in Strategy Development - Business Organization in Society - Social issues in
Business - Strategic Management in Non-Profit Organization
1. Arthur A Thompson, Crafting and Executing Strategy, 13th edition TMH, 2006.
2. Azhar Kazmi, Business Policy and Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
3. C.B. Mamoria, Cathis Mamoria and P. Subba Rao, Business Policy and Strategic
Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2011.
4. Charles W.I. Hill. Jareth R. Jones, An Integrated Approach to Strategic Management,
Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
5. Francis Cherunilam, Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2008.
6. Fred R. David, Strategic Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
7. Ghosh, P.K., Strategic Management Text & Cases, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi, 2012.

Paper - 6: Business English - Lab
The key objective of this subject is to acquire proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and
writing in English language particularly enhancing the ability to do business successfully
Teaching Methods:
 Lectures, extempore presentation, debates, discussions, associated with activities
 Students are to be examined on practical aspects 100%
Unit-I: Brush-up of grammar
Brush-up on grammar: Tenses - Irregular verbs - Eight parts of speech - Spelling - Articles -
Punctuation - Homophones - Homographs - Change of voice - Change of speech; Building word
power: Practising useful vocabulary - word games - synonyms & antonyms-Confusing words and
common errors in English
Unit-II: Speaking skills
Speaking skills: Overcoming nervousness - Acquiring oral fluency - Initiating conversation -
Simple talk & expression - Adding flavour in speaking - Developing phrases - Framing questions
and answering - Express opinions - Giving directions - Describing things - Story telling - Speaking
with imagination/creativity - Speaking extempore on a topic and answer queries - Ability to
communicate, negotiate, initiate and respond professionally - Elements of good talking and
acquiring public speaking skills
Unit-III: Writing skills
Writing skills: Sentence structuring - Spelling guidelines - Sentence order - Spotting errors &
sentence improvement - Paragraph writing - Acquiring clarity and brevity in writing - Writing
with flavour, feel and in depth - Internal company communication - Understanding the purpose
of correspondence - Collecting factual details - Writing emails, letters, memos, memorandums,
circulars and reports - Constructing correct and effective business correspondences - Reminders
and follow-up letters
Unit-IV: Listening skills
Listening skills: Listening to a short conversation or monologue - Understanding of spoken
English - Extracting factual information - Answering multiple choice questions - Filling missing
information - Extracting specific information as required; Understanding variety of voices, styles
of delivery and accents to make predictions about what they are likely to hear
Unit-V: Reading skills
Reading skills: Practising to improve reading speed - Analysing structural and coherence of
language - Working in pairs - Extracting relevant information from texts - Form filing and note
completion exercises - Exposure to a wide range of notices and short text to business - Practise
answering simple questions - Interpreting graphic data - Understanding different parts of
heading, sub-heading and different parts of the text - Familiarise with relevant topics and
business terms
1. Dr.S.RM.Sokkalingam - The Art of Speaking English - Versatile Publishing House 4th
revised edition 2018

2. Dr.Homai McDowell, Dr. Khorshed D.P. Maddon and Deena S. Thacker - Business Letters
for All Occasions - Strand Book Stall
3. Stevel E. Pauley, Daniel G.Riordan- Technical Report Writing Today - AITBS Publishing &
Distributors, India 5th edition - 2000.
4. Robert L.Shurter, Effective letters in business Third Ed. 1983.
5. McGraith- Basic Managerial Skills for all Prentice Hall of India - 6th Edition 2002.
6. Halliday, M.A.KyR.Hasan, Cohesion in English, Longman, London 1976.

Semester II
Paper - 7: Research Methodology
To equip the students with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide
an insight into the application of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of
management decision making
Teaching Methods
Group Discussions, Role play, Lectures, Seminar Presentations, Computer Aided Teaching
Unit-I: Introduction to Research and Research Methodology
Research - Meaning - Types - Nature and scope of research - Problem formulation - Statement of
research Objective - Value and cost of information - Importance of research in Management -
Research process - Research design
Unit-II: Data Collection
Methods of data collection - Observational and Survey methods - Field work plan -
Administration of surveys - Training for field investigators - Sampling methods - Sample size
Unit-III: Research Tools
Source of Data - Primary - Secondary data - Questionnaire Design; Attitude measurement
techniques - Scaling Techniques
Unit-IV: Application of Statistics in Research
Introduction to Statistics - Estimation of Population parameters - Point of Internal estimates of
means and proportions - Correlation - Regression - Hypothesis testing - Chi-square test - T test -
F test - Tabulation of data - Analysis of data - Advanced techniques - ANOVA - Discriminate
Analysis - Factor analysis - Multidimensional Scaling - Cluster Analysis
Unit-V: Report Preparation
Research Applications - Types of Report - Report preparations - Format - Languages - Tables -
Pictures & Graphs - Bibliography Comments
1. Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology, New Age International (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Arora, P.N. & S. Arora, Statistics for Management, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Bhandarkar Wilkinson Laldas, Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai, 2004.
4. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler, Tata McGraw Hill, 9 th Edition,
New Delhi.
5. Dwiedi, R., Research Methods in Behaviour Science, Macmillan India Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2001.
6. Krisnasamy, O.R. and M. Ranganathan, Methodology of Research in Social Science,
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2005.
7. Panneerselvam, R., Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
8. Vohra, N.D., Business Statistics, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.

Paper - 11: Project

Each student is required to prepare a project report on the basis of investigations carried
out by him/her in a business or industrial organization and offer possible solutions for a
typical problem of current interest in the area of Management. The report should
demonstrate the capability of creative thinking with original approach to solve the
identified problems duly taking in to account of the internal & external environment,
cost effectively. The report should include field studies, surveys, interpretation, planning
and design of improved integrated management systems, presented in a comprehensive
manner with recommendations for solutions based on scientific deduction.

Paper - 8: Performance Management
The objective of learning this subject is to understand performance management, its process,
planning, performance review and managing team performance
Unit-I: Introduction
Introduction: Definition of Performance Management - History of Performance Management -
Dimensions of Performance Management -Role of Performance management Systems in
Organizations - Characteristics of an Ideal Performance Management System - Dangers of Poorly
Implemented Performance Management System
Unit-II: Performance management process
Performance Management Process: Defining Performance - Determinants of Performance -
Approaches to Measuring Performance - Performance in performance Management -
Performance and human Resource Management
Unit-III: Performance planning
Performance Planning: Theories of Goal Setting - Setting Performance Criteria - Components of
Performance Planning - Objective of Performance Analysis - Performance Analysis Process
Unit-IV: Performing review and discussion
Performing Review and Discussion: Significance of Performance Review in Performance
Management - Process of Performance Review; Process Ratings: Factors Affecting Appraisals -
methods and Errors - Reducing Biases in Appraisals; Performance Review Discussions: Objectives
- process - Role of mentoring and Coaching in Performance Review
Unit-V: Managing team performance
Managing Team Performance: Types of Teams and Implications for Performance Management -
Rewarding Team performance; Implementing Performance Management System: Pitfalls of
Implementation - Traditional practices in the Industry
Reference Books
1. Aguinis H. , Performance Management, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2008
2. Armstrong M, Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance management, 4 th Edition, Kogan
page, 2012
3. Bacal R, Performance Management, 2nd Edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012
4. Cokins G, Performance management, Integrating Strategy Evaluation, Methodologies,
Risk Analytics, John Wiley and Sons, 2009
5. Daniels A, and Daniels J E, Performance Management: Changing Behaviour that Drives
Organisational Effectiveness, 4th Edition, performance Management Publications, 2004
6. Kholi A S and Deb T, Performance Management, Oxford university Press, 2008
7. Rao T V, performance Management and Appraisal Systems, Response Books, 2004

Paper - 9: Compensation and Rewards

The key objective of learning this subject is to understand various compensation programs, its
benefits, handling compensation issues, connected statutory acts, job description, salary
structure and related compensations, preparing and using surveys for job evaluation and fixing
managerial remuneration and managing pay administration
Unit-I: Introduction
Introduction-Concept & Elements; Types of compensation- Base & Supplementary compensation
- Theories of wages - Compensation and Organisational Strategy - Lifestyle and Compensation -
Pay and Social Class - Reward System - Compensation System - Compensation Dynamics - Rates
of Pay - Compensation Program - Jobs and Pay in India
Unit-II: Compensation and statutory acts
Strategic and Tactical Compensation Issues - Compensation at Micro level - Compensation
Strategy at company level - Trend in Compensation Management - concept of internal equity &
external parity - Employees: A critical Resource - Division of labour - Pay Relationships -
Compensation Structure - Salary Structure, Salary Progression, Allowances, Competency based
compensation - Legislation and Compensation - Indian Legal System - Minimum Wages Act,
Apprentice Act, Bonus Act
Unit-III: Job description, evaluation, appraisal and pricing
Job Analysis - Gaining Employee Acceptance - Collecting and Distributing Job Data - Job Facts -
Job Contract - Elements of Job Description - Job Requirements and Pay - Job Evaluation -
Appraisal of Performance and Promotion; Designing Pay Ranges & bands - Tax Planning, Job
Ranking - Market Pricing Approach - Maturity Curve Method - Voluntary Retirement Schemes
Unit-IV: Job evaluation survey
Point Factor Method of Job Evaluation - Job Evaluation Committee - Determining the Need for
Survey - Preparing for the Survey - Identifying Survey Methods - Designing the Survey - Using
Third party Surveys
Unit-V: Fixing remuneration, rewards and benefits
Managerial Remuneration - Elements, Benefits, Strategies & Reward for Managerial
compensation - Pay Structure Architecture - Pay for Performance - Application of Motivation
Theories - Merit Pay - Performance Appraisal Issues and Opportunities - Designing a File Content
- Short-term Incentives - Premium and Differentials - Individual Based Bonus and Rewards -
Long-term Incentives and Deferred Compensation Plan - Executive Compensation - International
Compensation - Benefits Administration - Employee Benefits - QWL and Pay Administration
Reference Books
1. Compensation Management - Text and Cases, Tapomoy Deb, Excel Books.
2. Salary Administration, McBeath and Rands, London Business Books
3. Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, Bhagoliwal, Sahitya Bhawan Publication
4. Personnel Management, C.B. Mamoria, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Compensation and Reward Management, B.D. Singh, Excel Books
6. Understanding Wage System, A.M. Sharma, Himalaya
7. Richard I Derson, ‘Compensation management’ , Pearson Education
Paper - 10: 213 Labour Laws in India
Objectives: To understand various laws relating to industrial relations to manage the employees
and workforce
Unit-I: Introduction
Definition - importance - Evolution - Legal Provision to wages - Working Conditions - labour
Welfare - Industrial Relations - Social Security
Unit-II: Statutory acts-I
Definition, Scope, Important provisions and Case laws related to The Factories Act, 1948 - The
Trade Unions Act, 1926 - The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - The minimum Wages Act 1948 - The
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 - The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
Unit-III: Statutory acts-II
Definition, Scope, Important provisions and Case laws related to The Payment of Gratuity Act,
1972 - The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 - The Employees Provident & Miscellaneous Act, 1952 -
The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
Unit-IV: Statutory acts-III
Definition, Scope, Important provisions and Case laws related to The Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946 - The Apprentices Act, 1961 - The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 -
The Maternity benefit Act, 1961
Unit-V: Statutory acts-IV
Definition, Scope, Important Provisions and Case laws related to Contract Labour Regulations
and Abolition Act, 1970 - The Child labour Prevention and Regulation Act, 1986 - Application of
Labour Laws in Special Economic Zones - Issues, Challenges and Strategies
1. Padhi P.K., Industrial laws, PHI Learning, 2008
2. Kapoor N.D., Elements of mercantile Law, Sultan Chand, 2008
3. Taxmann, Labour Laws, 2008
4. Sinha D.R.N., Indu Balasinha & Semma Priyadharshini Sekar, Industrial Relation, Trade
Unions and Labour Legislation, 2004
5. Mamoria C.B. and Sathish Mamoria, ‘Dynamics of Industrial Relations’, Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi, 1998.
6. Dwivedi. R.S. ‘Human Relations & Organisational Behaviour’, Macmillan India Ltd., New
Delhi, 1997.
7. Ratna Sen, ‘Industrial Relations in India’, Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd., New
Delhi, 2003.
8. Srivastava, ‘Industrial Relations and Labour laws’, Vikas, 4 th edition, 2000.

Paper - 8: Consumer Behaviour
The key objective of this course is to understand consumer behaviour and its diversity,
psychological influences on consumer behaviour, consumer decision making process and E-
buying behaviour
Unit-I: Introduction
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour; Concepts - Significance - Dimensions of Consumer
Behaviour - Consumer Behaviour and marketing Strategy - Methods of consumer research -
Applications of consumer behaviour knowledge in marketing - Contributing disciplines and area
like psychology - social psychology - economics - anthropology etc.
Unit-II: Consumer behaviour
Diversity of consumers and their behaviours - Profiling the consumer and understanding their
needs - Segmentation - Consumer Decision making process and decision making roles -
Industrial and individual consumer behaviour models - Nicosia, Howard-Sheth, Engel-Kollat,
Webster and Wind Consumer Behaviour Models - Implications of the models on marketing
Unit-III: Psychological influences on consumer behaviour
Psychological Influences on consumer behaviour - motivation - perception - personality Learning
and Attitude - Self Image and Lifestyles - Consumer expectation and satisfaction - Communication
and Consumer Behaviour- Influences on Consumer behaviour: Celebrity influence - Word of
Mouth - Opinion Leaders - Socio - Cultural, Cross Culture, Family group, Reference group
influences - Influence of Social Media on Consumer purchase Behaviour
Unit-IV: Consumerr decision process
Consumer Decision Processes: Problem Recognition - Search and Evaluation - Individual
Determinants of Consumer Behaviour: Motivation and Involvement - Information Processing
-Learning - Personality and Self Concept - Attitude Theories and Change - Use of
Unconventional Communication methods
Unit-V: E-buying behaviour
E-Buying behaviour - The e-buyer vis-a-vis the brick and mortar buyer, Influences on e-buying -
High and low involvement - Pre-purchase and post-purchase behaviour - Online purchase
decision process - Diffusion of Innovation - Managing Dissonance - Emerging Issues
1. Leon G.Schiffman and Leslie LasarKanuk, Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education, India
2. Paul Peter et al., Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, Tata McGraw Hill, Indian
3. Frank R.Kardes, Consumer Behaviour and Managerial Decision Making, Second Edition.
4. Assel, Consumer Behaviour - A Strategic Approach, Biztranza,2008.
5. Abbael, Consumer Behaviour: A strategic approach, Indian edition 2005, Wiley2012.
6. Sheth Mittal, Consumer Behaviour- A Managerial Perspective, Thomson Asia ( P) Ltd.,
7. Hed, Hoyer, Consumer Behaviour, 2008 edition, Wiley2012.
8. Das Gupta, Consumer Behaviour, 2008 edition, Wiley2012.
9. Shri Prakash, Theory of Consumer Behaviour, 1st edition,Vikas2012.
10. Srabanti Mukherjee, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage Learning, 2012.

Paper - 9: Advertising and Sales Promotion

The key objective of this course is to understand the advertisement concepts and its role in
modern advertisement, handling various tools in advertisement, classified advertisements,
behavioural effects and ethics of advertisements, media selection and creativity and sales
Unit-I: Advertising Fundamentals and Classification
Advertising - Concepts, objectives - Role of advertising in modern Business - Advertisement
layout - components of layout - Economic aspects of Advertising - Evolution of IMC - Marketing
Communication mix - High control message - Low control message - Strength and weakness of
major IMC tools
Types and Classification of Ads - Advertising appeals: Humour, slice of life, Testimonials,
Demonstrations, Problem solution, Talking heads, Characters, News, emotions - Persuasion
matrix - Risks of using celebrity - Advertisement based on demand influence level -
Advertisement based on audience - Advertisement based on timing of response - Advertisement
based on geographic coverage.
Unit-II: Psychological Principles and Ethical Aspects of Advertising
Behavioural effects of advertising: Sensory level, Cognitive level, Personal and sociological level -
Communication models: AIDA model, Hierarchy effect model - Innovation adoption model,
Information processing Model, Operational model - DAGMAR philosophy - Unique selling
Ethics in advertising - Advertising and Children - Advertising and cultural values - Advertising
Standards Council of India
Unit-III: Media Selection, Creativity and Advertising Agencies
Types of media: print, broadcast, outdoor, transit, internet and other media - Media plan -
Media mix - Media Scheduling - Advertising budget - Methods of determining advertising
appropriation - Computers in media planning
Creative process: Preparation, incubation, elimination, verification - Jingles -Thematic classification
- Creative strategy evaluation - Copy writing - Advertisement evaluation: Pre-testing - Concept
testing, Theme Testing, Copy Research - Post testing - Advertisement agencies - types - functions -
Selecting an agency - Client agency relationship - Agency compensation - Advertisement as a
Unit-IV: Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion - Objectives - Promotional mix - Consumer oriented sales promotion
techniques: Sampling, couponing, Premiums, Contests and sweepstakes, Refunds and Rebates,
Bonus Packs, Price - off deals, Event marketing, - Trade oriented sales Promotion: Trade
allowances - Display aesthetics - Types of Displays - Managing displays - Point of purchase
materials - Trade shows - Cooperative advertising - Salesman trade promotion: Sales force
contest - Evaluation of Sales Promotion - Coordinating sales promotion and advertisement

Unit-V: Public Relations and Corporate Advertising

Public relations - Integrating PR into the promotional mix - Establishing a PR plan - Advantages
and disadvantages of PR - Measuring the effectiveness of PR - Publicity - The power of publicity -
Control and dissemination of publicity - Objectives, types of corporate advertising

1. Arens, Contemporary Advertising, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Chunawalla, S.A., Fundamentals of Advertising, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,
3. George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch, Advertising & Promotion, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2005.
4. Kapoor, D.C., Marketing and Sales Management, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,
5. Ogilvy, David, Ogilvy on Advertising, Crown Publishers, New York, 1985.
6. Rajeev Batra, John G. Myers and David A. Aaker, Advertisement Management, PHI
Learning, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Sangeetha Sharma and Raguvir Singh, Advertising Planning and Implementation, PHI
Learning, New Delhi, 2008.

Paper - 10: Retailing and Rural Marketing

To understand retailing characteristics and its functions, selection of retail location, managing
human resources and merchandise and handling rural markets
Unit-I: Retailing - Introduction and Strategy
Introduction to Retailing - Meaning and Definition - Retailing Characteristics - Functions -
Principles - Retailing in India - Organized - Unorganized - Retailing Formats - General
Merchandise Retailers - Food Retailers - Non Store Retailers - Retail Strategy - Meaning - Target
Market and Retail Format - Building a sustainable competitive advantage - Growth Strategies -
The strategic retail planning process
Unit-II: Retail site Location
Importance of Location - Target Market and Store Location - Site Characteristics - Site Location
and Analysis - Restrictions: Signage, Tenant Mix and Operating hours; Costs: Rent, Common Area
Maintenance Fee/Insurance and Advertising Fee - Trading area Analysis - Density of Target
Market - The Estimated Potential Sales that can be Achieved - Advantages and disadvantages of
competing retail outlets located close by - Success and Profitability of a Store -Environmental
Unit-III: Human Resource Management
Objectives of HRM in Retailing - Human Resource Functions in Retailing - Retail Organization
Design - Motivating Retail Employees - Building Employee Commitment - Issue in Retail Human
Resource Management
Unit-IV: Merchandize Management
Presenting the merchandize - Merchandize Amendment Planning - Store display and ambience -
Retail Signage - Types and characteristics - Components of retail store operations - Duties and
responsibilities of store manager
Unit-V: Rural Market
Evaluation of Rural Marketing - Nature and Characteristics of Rural Market - Needs and wants of
rural customers - Rural market and product life cycle - Rural Marketing of FMCG in India -
Commodity Marketing - Life Stock Products
1. Arif Sheikh and Kaneez Fatima, Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2008.
2. Balram Doga and Karminder Ghuman, Rural Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi, 2008
3. Barry Berman and Joel R. Evans, Retail Management: A Strategic Approach,
10th edition, PHI learning, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Bedi, R.V. & N.V. Bedi, Rural Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2004.
5. James R. Ogden, Denise Togden, International Retail Management, Biztantra, New
Delhi, 2009.
6. Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz, and Ajay Pandit, Retailing Management,
6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Patrick M. Dunne and Robert F. Lusch, Retail Management, Cengage Learning, Delhi,

8. Swapna Pradhan, Retailing Management Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,

Paper - 8: Accounting For Managers
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the various concepts, techniques,
methods, process of accounting data analysis and interpretation, decision making in the areas of
Financial and Management Accounting
Teaching Methods
Lectures and Balance sheet Analysis
Students are to be examined on 60 percentage theory and 40 percentage on problem aspects
Unit-I: Introduction to Management Accounting and Financial Accounting
Introduction - Principles - Concept - Accounting conventions - Management accounting - Its
origin - Role - Function - Growth - Cost accounting - Financial accounting - Difference between
various accounting - Financial Accounting - Journal - Ledger - Trial Balance, Trading, P&L account
– Balance sheet
Unit-II: Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis, Fund and Cash Flow Analysis
Analysis and interpretation of financial statements – Analysis of Comparative Balance sheet –
Common size statement (simple problems) – Ratio Analysis – Nature – Classification –
Limitations – Interpretations of Ratios – Funds flow analysis – Concept – Merits and Demerits –
Cash flow analysis – Concept – Merits and Demerits (simple problems)
Unit-III: Marginal Costing, Budget and Budgetary Control
Marginal Costing – Concept – Advantages and Disadvantages – Break even analysis – Cost
volume profit analysis – Budget and Budgetary control – Objectives – Type of budgets –
Preparation of Sales, Cash, flexible and master budgets (simple problems)
Unit-IV: Capital Budgeting
Capital Budgeting – Methods of ranking Investment proposals – Payback method – Average Rate
of Return method – Discounted Cash Flow Method – IRR method – NPV method – Excess present
value method (simple problems)
Unit-V: Reporting
Reporting to management – Objectives of reports – Reports for different levels of management
– Preparation of reports – Uses of Reports – General Principles of a good reporting
1. Bhattacharya. Ashishik, Financial Accounting for Business Managers, Prentice Hall of
India, 2003.
2. Gunasekaran, E., Accounting for Management, Lakshmi Publication, Chennai, 2012.
3. Khan. M.Y. and P.K. Jain, Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Pub., 2004.
4. Maheswari, S.N., Corporate Accounting for Managers, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2004.
5. Maheswari, S.N., Financial and Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand Pub.,
New Delhi, 2003.
6. Pandikumar, Management Accounting, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Sharma. R.K. and Shashi. K. Gupta, Management Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, 2004.
8. Srinivasan, N.P. and M. Sakthivel Murugan, Accounting for Management,
S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2004.

Paper - 9: Investment Security and Portfolio Management
The Objective of this course is to impose knowledge to students regarding the theory and
practice of security analysis and making investment decisions
Teaching Methods: Lecture, Case Study and Seminar Presentation
Unit-I: Nature, Scope of Investment Management and Listing of Securities
Investments - Concept and objectives - Nature of Investment - Scope for Investment - Types of
Investors - The Investment process - Stages of Investment -Speculation - Types of Speculators -
Distinction between Investment and Speculation - Gambling - Features of Gambling - Listing of
Securities: Introduction - Advantages of Listing - Legal Requirements - Key provisions in listing
Brokerage Business: Introduction - Functions of a brokerage firm - Functional specialisation of
members - Selecting a broker - Execution of orders - Types of transactions in a Stock Exchange -
Mechanics of Share Trading - Carry forward Facility - Badla Transactions - Revised Carry Forward
System ( RCFS ) - Brokerage Charges
Unit- II: Common Stock Analysis
Fundamental Analysis: Economic Analysis - Stock market and the economy - Business cycle and
the stock market
Industry Analysis: Classification of industries - Industry life cycle - Methods of analysis - Key
characteristics of an industry analysis
Company Analysis: Introduction - Internal information - External information - General aspects
Financial Analysis: Introduction - Structure of a Balance sheet - Financial Ratios and their
significance - Valuation of shares. (Simple Problems)
Unit-III: Technical Analysis and the Efficient Market Theory
Technical Analysis: Introduction - Tools for technical analysis - The Dow Theory - Advantages and
limitations of technical analysis
Charting Techniques: Introduction - Meaning of Charts - Methods of preparing charts - Uses and
limitations “P” and “F” (charts points and figure) - Pattern of charts and their uses
Dollar cost averaging: Introduction - Meaning of DCA - Guidelines for using DCA - Modified DCA
Unit-IV: Portfolio Management
Introduction - Meanings - Objectives of portfolio - Traditional portfolio analysis - Diversification
of portfolio - Portfolio selection - Portfolio revision Techniques - Advantages and Limitations
Capital Asset Pricing Model - Security Market Line - Capital Market Line - SML Versus CML.
(Simple problems)
Unit-V: Financial Derivatives Markets
Warrants: Definition - Considerations for shares issued through warrants - Gearing effect -
Valuing warrants - Lapse of warrants - Futures markets - Hedging using index futures - futures
versus options - synthetic futures - futures versus forward markets - strategies for futures

Swaps - Basic Swap structures - Interest Rate Swap - Fixed Rate Currency Swaps - Currency
Coupon Swap - Basis Rate Swaps
1. Bhalla, V.K., Financial Derivatives, 1st ed., S. Chand & Company Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2001.
2. Bhalla, V.K., Investment Management; Security analysis and Portfolio Management, 14th
Ed., S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Nofsinger and R. John, The Psychology of Investing, Prentice Hall, 2005.
4. Perman and H. Stephen, Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, McGraw
Hill Irwin, 2001.
5. Prasana Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
6. Preetisingh, Investment Management, 13th Ed., Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing House,
7. Ranganathan, M. and R. Madhumathi, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management,
1st Ed., Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
8. Trivoli and W. George, Personal Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall, 2000.

Paper - 10: Capital Markets
The students will have a fair knowledge about various regulators of capital market, their role,
primary and secondary markets, capital issues relating to debt and equity, new issue market, and
shares and capital market instruments
Teaching Methods
Lectures, Case Study and Seminar presentation
Unit-I: Introduction
Capital Market - Evolution, need for regulatory mechanism, establishment of SEBI, SEBI
Act/Rules and Regulations Role of Intermediaries in the Capital Market
Unit-II : Functions of Various Markets
Primary/Secondary markets, stock exchanges, National Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange,
OTCE - Merchant Banking - Role and functions
Unit-III: Capital Issues
Capital issues - Equity and debt instruments, pricing, insider trading; Management of pre- issue
and post - issue activities including issue of prospectus/offer documents; Rights issue, bonus
issue, private placements, Loan syndications, Euro Issues, ECBs and GDRs
Unit-IV: New Issue Market
New Issue Market (NIM): NIM and Secondary Markets, Role of the NIM, Methods of Raising
funds, Bought- Out Deals Vs Private Placements, Intermediaries in NIM, Bankers to an Issue,
Brokers to an Issue
Unit-V: Shares and Fixed Deposits
Capital Market Instruments: Meaning, Preference Shares, Equity Shares, Non-Voting Equity
Shares, Convertible cumulative preference shares (CCPS) and Company fixed Deposits
1. Avadhani V.A, Capital Market Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007.
2. Bharat’s Compendium on SEBI, Capital issues and Listing, 2005.
3. Khan M.S, S.M. Faisal, Capital Market and Investment Management, Laxmi Publication,
Pvt Ltd., New Delhi - 110002, First Edition, 2011.
4. Manual of Merchant Banking, 2003.
5. Nabhi’s Manual for Capital Issues, SEBI and Mutual Funds, Nabhi Publications, 2004.
6. Verma J.C, Normal Merchant Banking, 2003.

Paper - 8: Facilities Location and Process Design
The students will have exposure on plant layout and designing layouts, identifying a plant
location and assessment of infrastructure cost, Process design, planning, control and strategic
position, product processes and its flow
Teaching Methods: Industrial visit, Case study and lectures
Unit-I: Introduction
Facilities requirements, need for layout study - types of layout, Model Classification, Criterion
Selection, Model Validation, Design Process.
Unit-II: Planr layout
Layout problem, Plant layout procedures- various approaches, Flow and activity analysis, Layout
Unit-III: Plant location analysis
Plant location analysis - factors, costs, location decisions - simple problems in single facility
location problems, multi-facility location problems, network location problems.
Unit-IV: Process design, planning, control and strategic position
The Process View of Organizations, Performance Measures, Product Attribute and Process
Competencies, Process Design, Planning, and Control, Strategic Positioning and Operational
Effectiveness, Strategic Fit, Matching Products and Processes, Operations Frontier and Trade-offs
Unit-V: Product process and its flow
Process Flow, Key Measures, Flow Time, Flow Rate, Inventory Analysis, Process Flow Chart, Flow
Time Measurement, Flow-Rate and Capacity Analysis, Managing Flow Variability, Process
Integration- Lean operations: Process Synchronization and Improvement
Text Books:
1. Richard Francis, L. Leon McGinnis, F. Jr., John White, A., “Facility Layout and Location -
an Analytical Approach”, Prentice Hall of India., 2nd Ed.
2. Raví Anupindi, Sunil Chopra, Sudhakar Deshmukh, Jan A. Van Mieghem, and EitanZemel,
“Managing Business Process Flows: Principles of Operations Management” Pearson
Education, 2006
Reference Books:
1. G.Halevi and R.D.Weill, “Principles of Process Plannning” Chappman and Hall, Madras

Paper - 9: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
This subject shall bring an awareness on computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems and
maintaining; fundamentals of various designs; various manufacturing systems and coding; and
advanced technology on robotic, automated guided vehicles
Unit-I: Computer integrated manufacturing and functions
Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Definition, Concept, Evolution and Benefits. Types of
Manufacturing Systems and Sub-systems; Automated Systems - Elements, Functions and Levels
Unit-II: Implementing & maintaining CIMS systems
Hardware, Software and Security Requirements for implementing CIM systems; Communication
Systems for CIMS - Communications Matrix, Network architectures and Techniques; Overview of
creating and maintaining a manufacturing systems database
Unit-III: Fundamentals of design manufacturing
Fundamentals of Design for Manufacturing (DFM), Computer Aided Design (CAD), 3D Modelling
packages, Finite Element Analysis packages and transportability; NC, CNC and DNC machines.
Introduction to part-programming; Tool Management; Data Logging and acquisition; Automated
data collection
Unit-IV: Manufacturing systems and coding
Manufacturing Systems - Components, Classifications and Functions; Flexible Manufacturing
Systems(FMS) - Components, Applications and benefits, Planning and Implementation issues in
FMS; Group Technology - Part-Families, Classification and Coding
Unit-V: Robotics and automated guided vehicles
Concurrent Engineering; Role of Expert Systems in CIMS; Robotics-Overview, Types in CIMS;
Automated Guided Vehicles - Types and Technology, Control.-Overview of Automated Assembly
systems-Lean Production -Agile Manufacturing
Text Book

1. Vajpayee Kant. S, Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall India,

Second Indian Reprint, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Mikell P.Groover, Automation, “Production Systems and Computer Integrated
Manufacturing” PHI, 2001.
2. Ronald G.Askin, “Modelling and Analysis of manufacturing” John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Paper - 10: Advanced Operations Management
To understand advanced manufacturing technology, product planning and control, operating
value chains, inventory models and recent trends in operations management
Teaching methods: Lectures, Case Study and Seminar presentation
Unit-I: Introduction
Current challenges in Operations management, Product development considerations - Value
engineering, concurrent engineering, Robust design, Modular design - Selection and Justification
of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Unit-II: Strategic product planning and control
Strategic capacity planning for products & services - Scheduling for batch processing - The design
& scheduling of flow processing system - Production planning & control - Routing, sequencing,
loading, scheduling - master scheduling.
Unit-III: Value chain
Operating value chains - Information technology & value chain Material management & supply
Unit-IV: Inventory models
Special inventory models, Selective inventory control, Operations decision making tools -
Acceptance sampling
Unit-V: Trends in operations management
Recent Trends in operations management - Lean manufacturing, Resource requirement
planning, Synchronous manufacturing & theory of constraints; Agile Manufacturing
Reference Books:
1. Advanced operations management - R. P. Mohanty, S. G. Deshmukh, 1/e Pearson
2. Operations management : Processes & Value chains - Lee J. Krajewski& Larry P. Ritzman,
Indian adaptation, Pearson
3. Operations Management for Competitive advantage - Richard Chase & Nicolas Aquilano,
10/e, TMH
4. Operations Management, Ray wild, 6/e, Thomson
5. Operations management, William Stevenson, 8/e, TMH
6. Operations Management - Roberta S. Russell & Bernard W. Taylor, Pearson / PHI
7. Operations Management - Norman Gaither & Greg Frazier, 9/e, Thomson.

Paper - 8: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics management is a part of supply chain management enables to plan, implement, and
control forward and reverse flow; storage of goods, services, and related information between
the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer's requirements
Teaching Methods: Industrial Visit, Case Study and Lectures
Unit-I: Logistics Design
Logistics Management - Definition - Meaning - Types. The work of Logistics - Network Design -
Information - Transportation - Inventory - Warehousing - Material Handling and Packaging -
Organizational Structures - Role of Government
Unit-II: Logistics Network
Meaning & Definition of Logistics Network - Design - Produce - Deliver - Logistics Resources -
Principles of Logistics Information - Logistics Information System Flow - Application of
Information Technologies - Electronic Data Inter change - Barcode - Scanning
Unit-III: Logistics Demand
Forecasting - The Nature of Demand - Forecast Components - Forecast Technique - Forecast
Error - Transportation Infrastructure - Principle - Model Characteristics - Logistics Location
Unit-IV: Supply Chain Management Models and Strategy
Supply chain Management - Definition - Objectives - Applications - Types - Conceptual Models -
Mathematical Models - Simulation Models - Formal Models - Implicit Business Models - Key
issues in supply chain management
Inventory Management - The effect of demand uncertainty managing inventory in the supply
chain - Push and Pull systems - Dell’s supply chain strategy - Demand and cash flow in supply
chain management
Unit-V: Supply Chain Management Design
Channel design - The impact of internet on supply chain - E-Business - Integrated supply chain
management (SCM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Supply chain management matrix -
Modules of an ERP system - ERP support to SCM
Note: Theories and concepts only will be taught to the students
1. Ailawadi, Rakesh Singh, Logistics Management, PHI Learning, 2006.
2. David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky and Edith Simchi-levi, Designing and Managing the
Supply Chain Concepts, Strategies and Case, 2 edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
3. Donald J. Bolversox and Davis J. Closs, Logistics Management: The Integrated Supply
Chain Process, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
4. Rahul V. Altekar, Supply Chain Management, Concepts & Cases, PHI Learning, 2006.
5. Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl and Dharam rir Kalra, Supply Chain Management, Pearson,
New Delhi, 2013.

Paper - 9: Global Logistics and Transportation Management

The students will have a fair knowledge on global trade and logistics, different types of cost
effective mode of transports, ship, air, road, rail transport systems; supply chain and global
Teaching methods: Lecture, Group discussions, case study and field trips
Unit-I: Introduction
Global Logistics: Global Trade and Logistics: Introduction, Scope and the Need; Trade
liberalization - Global Freight Transportation &Logistics Challenges; Enablers of Global Logistics:
Multi-modals - Role of Containerization and ICD and CFS; Components: Documentation -
Insurance - Bill of Lading - Insurance - Protective Packaging - FTZ - LC - Strategic Issues
Unit-II: Global transportation - air and seaport
Global Transportation - 1: Global Transportation: Primary and Supporting Transportation Modes
- Basic Terminologies - Comparative analysis of Modes - Cabotage - Transcontinental Bridges; Air
and Seaport Terminals: Location, design and Governance
Unit-III: Global transportation - marine
Global Transportation - 2: Inland Ports - Marine Transportation: Maritime routing Patterns,
Types of vessels - Measurement of Ship capacity- Role of IMO
Unit-IV: Commodity chain
Commodity Chains and Global Transportations: Global transportation and Economic
development - Transport supply and demand - Market Area Analysis - Commodity Chains and
Freight Distribution Analysis - Cold Chain; International Transport policy and planning. - Legal
aspects of Global Logistics
Unit-V: Transportation and geography
Transportation and Geography: Transportation and Geography - Spatial structures - The Notion
of accessibility - Geographical Information Systems (Transportation) - Geography of Freight
Distribution - Future Transportation Technology - ERP for Global Logistical systems: Concepts,
Networking and applications
Reference Books:
1. Douglas Long, International Logistics & Global Supply Chain Management - published by
Kluwer Academic publishers. (2008).
2. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Claude Comtois et al , The Geography of Transport Systems-
published by Routledge (UK) (2009).
3. VinodV. Sople, Logistics Management - published by Pearson, India (2010).

Paper - 10: Export-Import Procedures, Documentation and Logistics
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with knowledge of export-import procedures,
documentation and to expose knowledge of world logistics
Teaching Methods: Lecture, Group Discussion and Case Study and Field Trips
Unit-I: Introduction
Export Offer and Documents, Export Contract and Negotiation with Commercial Banks for
Availing Export Finance and Methods of Export Finance from Commercial Banks
Export Order - Processing of Export Order - EXIM Documentation - International Business
Contracts - Dispute - Methods of Financing Exports - Letter of Credit - Other Methods of
Payment for Export - Packing and Post Shipment Finance - Other Long-term Methods of Payment
- Discrepancies in Export Documents - Negotiations of Documents with Commercial Banks -
Uniform custom and practices (UCP)
Unit-II: Insurance, Foreign Exchange Risk and Forwarding Agents
Business Risk - Cargo and Foreign Exchange Risk, Foreign Exchange - Cargo Insurance, ECGC -
Foreign Exchange Regulations - Quality Control, Inspection and Procedures and Role of Clearing
and Forwarding Agents
Unit-III: Cargo Shipment, Custom Clearance, Export-Import Licences & Other Export Incentives
Shipment of Export Cargo, Excise and customs clearance of cargo, Custom Clearance of Import
Cargo, Procedures for availing export incentives - Duty draw backs - Export licence - Import
Licence and other export incentives from government of India and from Institutions
Unit-IV: Shipping and Containerization
World Shipping, Structure, Liners, and Tramps, Conference System and Freight - Containerization
- Container Corporation of India - Conferences on Sea Transport
Unit-V: Air / Sea Transport and Freight
Indian Shipping, Concept of Dry Port, Air Transport, Freight rate structure - Export Procedures in
Airport and Sea Port - Tariff and Non-tariff for exporters
1. Bhalla, V.K. and S. Ramu, International Business Environment and Management, 5th ed.,
Anmol Pub. (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
2. Francis Cherullinium, International Business, Wheeler Publication, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Francis Cherunilam, International Trade and Export Management, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2002.
4. Government of India Handbook of Import-Export Procedures, Anupam Publishers, New
Delhi, 2002.
5. Nair, S.K., Contract Management, Vrinda Publication, New Delhi, 2005.
6. Paras Ram, Export: What, Where and How, Anupam Pub., New Delhi, 1995.
TAS Balagopal, Export Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2013.

Paper - 8: Social Media Marketing
Unit-I: Important Social Media Websites
Introduction - Meaning - Social Media Marketing: Types of Social Media Websites - Facebook:
Creating a Facebook Page, Creating a Facebook Group; Twitter: Use Hastags, Retweet, Follow
and get followed; Google+ - Create Your Google Page - LinkedIn - Profile Photo, Description, URL
of Your Website; Other Social Network: Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo,
Foursquare, Yelp; Blogging: Types of Blogs - Blogging Platforms - Blogging Recommendations:
Choose a Suitable Design - Be Consistent - Interact with Readers - Analyse the Performance - The
Importance of Social media in Marketing
Unit-II: Handling Social Media
Meaning - Social Media Engagement - Strategy to Increase Social Media Engagement; Social
Media and Target Audience: Meaning - Learning about Target Audience - Use of URL Shortening
Services to Track Audience - Analyse the Sales - Compare your audience; Sharing Content on
Social Media: High Quality Content - Photos - Graphics -Videos: Review Videos, Tutorial Videos,
Entering Videos and Live Chat, Links; Social Bookmarking Websites: Purpose of Bookmarking
website - Most Popular Bookmarking websites; Approach to Social Media - Do’s and Don’ts of
Social Media: Do’s - Post, Interact, Share, Respond, Keep-up with Current Trend, Diversify -
Don’ts: Copy Other People’s Content, Neglect Your Social Media Account, Ignore your Followers,
Complete Automation of Your Account

Unit-III: Social Media Marketing Strategy

Goals - Planning - Strategies - Monitoring - Analysis - Avoiding Mistakes -Tips on using Social
Media in Marketing: Customization - Social Media Optimization - Guidelines to: Texts and URLS
in the Cover Photo, Conditions when Organizing Online Promotions and Other Limitations -
Evaluation; Tips on Social Media in Marketing - Using Social Media for Promotion - Social Media
Promotion Techniques: Paid Advertising - Other Methods for Social promotion - Promote:
Content, Product or Service, others; Hashtags, Use of Images, Share Quotes, Post Engaging
Status Updates, Introduce Via Social media; Social Media ROI: Define Metrics, Set-up Goals -
Quantitative and Qualitative Goals;

Unit-IV: Social Media Branding

Meaning - Branding - Personal Branding - Social Media Branding - Using Social Media for
Establishing Relationship: Relationship with Customers (B2C), Other Business Relationship (B2B),
Social Media Used for Customer Service - Build Your Own Community: Listen, Provide Quality,
Focus on Your Community, Influence - Social Media and SEO: Increase ranking in the search
results, Increase Traffic, Social Media and SEO; Tools for Managing Social Media: Tools for
Planning, Managing and Monitoring; Management Tools: Automation and its Benefits and

Social Analytics
Social Analytics: Facebook Insights, Google+ Insights, Other Ways to Track insights: Shortening
Services, Google Analytics; Metrics for Social Media Marketing, The Benefits of Analysing Insights
- Automation and social media - Social Media and Other Types of Marketing

1. Social Media Marketing Fundamentals, eMarketing Institute, Copy Right 2017
2. Social Media Strategy Execution, 10 Steps Digital Series, Siegmar Tittjung, Founder and
3. An Introductory Guide to Digital marketing, www.simpilearrn.com
4. Digital marketing Handbook, PDF generated using open source,
5. Social Media Marketing - Gaining Website Traffic - www.tutorialspoint.co - Simply Easy
Learning - 2015
6. Social Media Marketing Jump, www.digitalmarketingtraining.co.in
7. The Six Fundamentals of Digital marketing, Netmark’s Guide 2016

Paper - 9: E-Mail Marketing

Unit-I: Introduction
Introduction - Email Marketing Overview - Why Email Marketing? - Larger Reach - Delivers Your
Message - More than the Facebook - Drives Conversation - Has Higher ROI - Preferred
Communication Channel - Open platform - Around Forever - Experts Opine Email Marketing
Outperform Most of the Other Digital Channels - Can Reach your Customers Instantly and You
Needn’t have to Talk to them -Where Email Marketing now Stands - Pros & Cons of Email

Unit-II: Email Content:

Types of Email letters & its Advantages & Disadvantages: HTML & Text Emails News Letter
-Announcements - Event Invitations - Digest - Dedicated Email - Lead Nurturing - Sponsorship
Emails - Transactional Emails; Email copywriting- Personalized Emails - Formula KISS: Keep It
Simple and Stupid - Effective Email signature - use of Landing Pages - Ideal landing Pages; Spam:
Spam Compliance - What is Can-Spam? - Is your Email Spam Compliance? How to Avoid
Spamming -SPAM Testing; Blacklisted: Check if You are Blacklisted - What has to be done if
Blacklisted -

Unit-III: Email Strategies and Automation:

Segmentation: Increase Your Segmentation Efforts: Geography, Demographics, Job Title and
Function - Purchasing Frequency - Monetary Spending; Rethink and Refine Your Opt-in
Campaigns - Clean Your List and Maintain - Design for Disabled Images and Preview Panes -
Institute Authentication Standards - Expand Your Email Testing Efforts - Rethink Tired Campaigns

Divide and Conquer - Customize to Maximize - Using Dynamic Content to Send Targeted
Information: a recipient’s Personal Data, Past Purchase History, Past Email Activity Website
Activity, Any Other Data on the Recipients; Taking Personalization Past First Name - Measure and
Modify - Elicit Information You Needed Easily: At Sign-up, Re-register and Survey

Email Automation, Metrics and Marketing Tips Certifications: Scheduling -Tracking; Email
Metrics: Segmentation - Analytics & Tracking; Follow-up: Strengthen Relationship with Email
Marketing; Email

Unit-IV: OPT-in Process:

Understand What Constitutes Opt-in Process - Establish Your Privacy Policy - Create the Opt-in
Page - Know What Information to Collect - Create Opt-in Confirmation page -Send the Welcome
Message - Drive Traffic to Opt-in Page - Collect Opt-ins from other registration and Transactional
Messages; Evaluate Using Double Opt-in - Deliver on Your Promises

Service provider Pricing - Comparison of Service Provider - Email Validation Service - Mailing List:
Meaning - Collection of Emails - Best Sites to Sign-up; organising the Mailing List: Formatting
Emails - Validation - Opt-in and Opt-out

UNI-V: Marketing Challenges, Tips and Assessing Marketing Performance

E-mail Marketing Challenges: Integrating Email Data with other data system - Improving
Deliverability - Growing & Retaining Subscribers - Achieving Measurable ROI - Using Email for
Funnel Optimization; Solution: Integrate your Data System - Practice Good Email list hygiene -
Earn your Email Subscribers - Close the Marketing Loop - Nurture your Leads

Marketing Tips: Managing a Mailing List - Validating Emails - Software that can be Used; Email
Marketing Certifications: Sales-force

Assessing Marketing Performance: Trend Analysis on Several Key Metrics on each Email
Performance: Bounce Rate -Delivery Rate -List of Growth Rate - CTR - Email Sharing - Conversion
Rate - Revenue Per Email Sent - Open Rate -Unsubscribe Rate - Powerful Channel for Driving a
real Business Results to Achieve a Measurable ROI

1. Why email marketing, 7 reasons why your email marketing will help your business grow,
2. How to Start Email Marketing in 10 Easy Steps, FileMaker Pro, Business productivity Kit
3. An Introduction to Email Marketing, A Publication of HubSpot, www.hubspot.com
4. Email marketing, tutorials point, Simply easy learning, www.tutorialspoint.com

Paper - 10: Mobile Marketing

Unit-I: Introduction

Overview -Why Mobile Marketing and Why it’s Important? Mobile Marketing Users - Evolution
of Mobile Marketing - Future of Mobile Marketing - SMS Campaign - Mobile Website Campaign -
Mobile Application Campaign - Mobile Advertisement Campaign - Mobile Social Media
Marketing Campaign - M- Commerce Campaign

Unit-II: Mobile Marketing Technology Reach

Introduction - Definition - Overview - How Technologies have Changed the Way Users Interact
with Mobile Devices - Anywhere Anytime Access: Personal, Always Carried and on, Has a Built-in-
Payment System; Mobile Applications Easier than Websites - personalized Advertisement -Social
media Accessed through Mobile - Mobiles Turning Into Mini-computers Limitations of Mobile

Unit-III: Mobile Marketing Strategies and Privacy Standards

What is Mobile Marketing Strategy? - Synergize Your Marketing Strategy with Your Current
Priorities - Reach for Information - Identify Your Target Audience - Define the Value of Your
Offerings - Outline Your Goals and Objectives - Privacy Standards - Negating Spamming - Use
Right Policy and Channels for Marketing - Mobile Website Marketing Strategies: Meaning -
Mobile Responsive Websites - Functioning of Mobile Websites - Developing Your Domain
Strategy - Designing Your Mobile Website - Creating Mobile-friendly Web Content: Static
Content - Dynamic Content - Downloadable Content - Streaming Content; Benefits of Mobile
Websites -Mobile Application Marketing Strategies: Meaning - Why Mobile Application is
Important? - How Does Mobile Application Work? - Design Your Application for Multiple Devices
and Platforms - Different Ways to Market Your Mobile Application - Benefits of Mobile
Application - Mobile Marketing Strategies: Maximise Your Listings on Search Directories - Create
a made-for-mobile Website - Utilise Location Based Marketing & Social Networking -
Communicate with customers via Opt-in Text Messaging - Bring offline Customers online with QR
Codes - Invest in Mobile Search Ads for Greater Exposure

Unit-IV: Mobile Marketing Campaign:

SMS Campaign: Text Messaging Platform - Creating a User Flow Diagram - Carrier Approval
Certification - Common Short Codes - An Opt-in Marketing Program - Benefits of SMS Campaign
-Mobile Website Campaign: Eco System: Importance of Mobile Advertisement - Quick Reach of
Largest Section - What is Mobile Advertising Eco System - How Doest Mobile Advertisement
Work - Benefits of Mobile Campaign - Mobile Social Media Campaign: Marketing via Social
Media on Mobile Devices - How Does Mobile Social Media Marketing Work? Benefits of Social
Media Marketing - Mobile E-mail Campaign: Meaning - Gets you More Potential Customers -
How Does E-mail marketing Work? Technical and Non-technical Aspects of Mobile E-mail
Campaign: Optimize for Browsers and Devices - Choose an E-mail Marketing Provider - Designing
the E-mail;

Unit-V: Understanding Mobile Users:

Benefits of Mobile E-mail Marketing - M-Commerce: Meaning - Engaging Users to Buy and Sell -
How Does M-Commerce Work? Decide Where to Sell - Set-up Mobile Billing - Benefits of M-
Commerce - Mobile Users Statistics - Ways to Know Your Mobile Audience - Mobile Marketing

1. Mobile Marketing -Personalized Marketing Solutions - tutorials point, Simply easy
learning, www.tutorialspoint.com
2. TAPSENSE - A Complete Guide to Mobile Marketing for 2014
3. An Introduction to Mobile Marketing , The Past, Present and Future
4. Simple Mobile Marketing Strategy - 6 Technologies and Tactics



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