Brain Music System Icmc

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Adrian Attard Trevisan Lewis Jones

Sir John Cass Center For Arts , Media and Design Sir John Cass Center For Arts , Media and Design
London Metropolitan University London Metropolitan University

ABSTRACT and delta. These categories are associated with the

rapidity of oscillation (frequency) of brainwaves.
Music-making has normally been associated with
manual activity apart from the creative “cortical It may be asked why usage of sound waves itself are
activity” ( for example , playing the piano or holding a adopted, rather than light or visual rays. This can be
guitar both need the use of hands ) . Clinical equipment resolved by understanding that EEG signals can be
such as Electroencephalography (EEG) , made easily represented by sound waves due to similarity of
biofeedback a possibility for music-makers but still both in many of their characteristics. The selection of
restricted its use to the few musicians that could afford sound waves instead of light or visual rays is due to the
such an expensive device. This paper describes a system properties of light itself. “Light is composed of
named “Brain Music System” which is a novel , transverse waves in an electromagnetic field....The
affordable and powerful system that is able to generate denser the medium, the greater the speed of sound. The
musical outputs based on information collected through opposite is true of light.... Sound travels through all
an EEG collecting device. The research is influenced by substances, but light cannot pass through opaque
the works of Professor Eduardo Reck Miranda, where materials.” (Comparison of Light Waves with Sound
different frequency bands trigger corresponding piano Waves). The stated properties of light makes it
notes through, and the complexity of the signal inappropriate to be compared with EEG signals which
represents the tempo of the sound. The accuracy of the are more alike sound waves.
musical conversion has been established through
experimental work, where data of participants of a pilot 2. NEURAL SIGNALS AND SOUND-
group were gathered and analysed in order to determine PROCESSING
which musical properties should be associated with the
The sonification of EEG is of great value to the
right brainwave type. The uses of such a device can be
developers of musical applications: weather technologies
extremely beneficial when it comes to "inclusion" of
or software solutions. On the other hand, this study
people with manual disabilities in music-making.
recognized the importance of looking at this subject from
a theoretical point of view as it helped in choosing the
best methods of measuring, analyzing and converting
We know that “Sound is a regular mechanical vibration brainwaves.
that travels through matter as a waveform” which
exhibits all characteristics of longitudinal waves. There are various distinct processes involved in
(Kurtus).Sound waves with specific characteristics can converting neural signals to sound signals or sonification
be viewed as music. Alterations of ordinary sound in of neural signals. “Analyzing multichannel EEG signals
tone, note, time durations etc. create melody or music. using sounds seems a natural method: using a
The words of N’Diaye “a distributed network of brain sonification of EEG signals.... perceive simultaneously
areas has been repeatedly evidenced in timing tasks” every channel, and analyse more tractably the time
identify musical touch of brain waves and activities. dynamics of the signals – hoping to gain new insights
(N’Diaye, Garnero and Pouthas). Each state of brain is about the brain signals.” (Vialatte and Cichocki). The
represented by certain waves called brain waves of sonification of neural signals is done in various steps
which Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta are the having separate sets of procedures. “This process
recognized brain waves. Gamma waves (30 to 70 Hz) consisted of the following stages:
are produced while “processing of various attended
stimuli…. From an EEG point of view, they will be 1. Data acquisition
present mostly while a subject is awake, but they will 2. Data pre-processing:
always be supported by other waves in the beta, alpha, 3. Intermediate representation (the creation of
theta, or delta ranges.” (Instant meditation: The visual and sonic map);
Concept). Usual considerations are given to main brain
4. Visualization and sonification (Brouse et al, 9)
waves excluding supporting gamma waves. Brainwave
activity tends to fall into four groups: beta, alpha, theta
2.1 Brain Wave Conversion 3. BRAIN MUSIC SYSTEM

A number of methods are available to be employed in The system used in the current project is built on the
analysing the various factors involved in transforming basis of the LORETA algorithm discussed about by
brain waves to music. Power spectrum analysis (PSA) Filatriau et al. (2007, p. 2). In more detail, the system
and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT ) techniques are design includes three major stages, i. e. EEG collection,
suitable in our context. “The Fourier Transform of the digital signal processing, and MIDI representation.
Auto correlation Function is the Power Spectrum.”
This system design permits collection of the EEG waves
(Nyack). Power spectrum is used in analysing various
of the participants’ brains with the help of electrodes
images which finds application in this investigation as
placed on their both hemispheres. Next, the data
well. The first step in PSA is to Fourier transform the
collected is processed with the help of the LORETA
image I(x, y) and calculates the square modulus of the
algorithm (Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2), and after this the
FT to generate the power spectrum, p (u, v).
system produces MIDI files on the basis of analogies
between the qualities of EEG waves and specific
musical notes.
p(u,v) = |FT[I(x, y)]|2 (1) As seen from the above statement (Filatriau et al., 2007,
(Power Spectral Analysis) p. 2)., the LORETA algorithm plays a crucial role in the
operation of the system design This algorithm is based
In order for us to obtain the active PSA , the FT array is on four major criteria defined and calculated as first, it is
rearranged according to frequencies in a way “that the necessary to measure the potential of EEG wave
zero frequency is in the centre of the array, the 1st occurrence, Φ. Second, the value of the sources
quadrant is in the upper right, the second in the upper producing those EEG waves, φ, is measured. The third
left, etc.” (Power Spectral Analysis). and the fourth criteria that help in estimating the second
The resulting array was later converted to get values point are the lead field matrix, G, and the rate of
from 1.0 to 10.0 whose logarithm to base 10 is obtained. additional noise, ŋ (Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2):

The array obtained was then used to obtain the required

equivalent; here brain waves underwent power spectrum Φ = G φ+ ŋ (2)
analysis to get music equivalent for them. Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT) is another procedure carried
out. “The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) At the same time, Ito et al. (2006, p. 1153) propose a
allows the computation of spectra from discrete-time slightly different formula that includes the role of mental
data... in discrete-time we can exactly calculate spectra.” change in sound stimulation, S, and the additional noise,
(Johnson). This definition itself explains the relevance of N, for the calculation of Y, the time series data:
this method in our analysis of brain waves. Accurate
computation is significant for conversion of brain waves
to music waves so that least redundancies result. Y =S+N (3)

2.2 Brainwave Collection and Analysis

In any case, both formulae require additional
The method adopted for data collection can be seen calculations, and Filatriau et al. (2007, p. 2) provide
through the transformation of the EEG data, which was rationale for them, arguing that the bayesian formalism
collected by an EEG collecting device as raw data. The fits the goal of defining the value of the sources
approach is influenced by the interface described in the producing those EEG waves from the above formula.
article Brain-Computer music interface for composition So, the design system discussed here uses the following
and performance by Eduardo Reck Miranda, where formula to obtain the final data that are later sent to the
different frequency bands trigger corresponding sound synthesis module (Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2)
responses to the recording device (Hofstadter, 2009)
Installation of an EEG unit poses many restrictions like
size and cost , which led us to adopt the usage of a P(φ/Φ) = P(Φ/φ)P(φ) / P(Φ) (4)
device named pendant EEG. “Pendant-EEG is a
lightweight 2 channel EEG unit that can be clipped to
your clothing and connects to your computer via a The data obtained through the above formula are ready
wireless receiver.” (Pendant-EEG). for processing with the help of the LORETA algorithm
The communication essential for the application is given that includes four stages:
through wireless technique with efficiency by this. Our
application can be relied with confidence on pendant 1. Sending the data to the sound synthesis module;
EEG as “it can reliably process signals from 0.1 to 56 2. Associating the brain zones with cognition,
Hz.” (Pendant-EEG). visualization, and movements;
3. Creation of dipoles from the calculated data;
4. Computing the dipoles and using them as
features for creating the respective MIDI files
(Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2).
Thus, the use of the LORETA algorithm is the basis on
which the performance of the discussed system design is
founded and the scheme described in figure 2.1 becomes
possible with the use of this cheaper technology :

Figure 2. Graphical representation of Pilot Results with

Figure 1. Brain Music System Technology flow the mean result recorded for each Brainwave type of
every subject..
At this point, the system’s design performance follows
this scheme and uses the LORETA algorithm to enable
the researchers to convert the EEG waves into MIDI

The results for ten subjects undergoing a regular
recording of 15 second active blocks using the Brain
Music System (as described by Attard Trevisan &
Jones ) with a Pendent EEG collecting device were
collected and presented in the table below. The four
different brain waves i.e., Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta
were color-coded as green, red, yellow, and blue
respectively. The table below presents the average
values of the four forms of EEG waves for ten subjects Figure 3. Graphical representation of Pilot Study results
undergoing 15 seconds of useful recording blocks. with the trend of the most stable results recorded for
each Brainwave type.
Objectives of the Study

The linear Band Frequency Graph 2 shows that

1. Check if there are common patterns and levels throughout the analysis of brain waves, the Beta wave
of Brainwave activity in EEG outputs which can presented as the most significant form of brain with the
be optimally used in the musical process of the highest mean wave followed by Theta and Alpha waves
Brain Music System respectively. The least form of brain wave was the Delta
wave which had consistently lower figures in most of the
2. Compare Output Brainwave levels by subjects. According to the linear graph, Delta is
the"modified LORETA" with published statistically insignificant in this study in awake subjects
literature studies and is thus deemed not relevant to include it. The means
of the relevant bands recorded in the table above were
4.1 Results analyzed and the results presented as Band Frequency
Graph 1 (figure 2) and Band Frequency Graph 2 (figure
3) .They clearly indicate which of the bands had the most
stable output, in order to further confirm which bands
should be given priority for its role in the brain music
system. The results show that the Beta waves have the
most stable output, followed by the Alpha and the Theta

Throughout the analysis of brain waves, the Beta wave

presented as the most significant form of wave with the
Table 1. Results of Pilot Study with the mean result highest mean wave followed by Theta and Alpha waves
recorded for each Brainwave type of every subject.. respectively. The least form of brain wave was the Delta
wave which since the experiment needed subjects to
remain assertive had consistently lower figures in each of
the ten subjects .
In this study, the Beta wave provides the best avenue for described music as being “your own experience, your
the study of the interaction between a musical piece and thoughts, your wisdom“. This study shows that even
the brain. The results indicate that the left frontal regions people that cannot contribute physically to music-
of the brain are more involved in processing as shown by making can transmit all those 3 musical features to an
the higher mean of the Beta range. The right hemisphere audience.
may also be increasingly engaged with higher
frequencies of the Beta wave. The Beta range can be
used to indicate the part of brain that is involved in
processing a particular kind of music. The Theta band
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