Brain Music System Icmc
Brain Music System Icmc
Brain Music System Icmc
A number of methods are available to be employed in The system used in the current project is built on the
analysing the various factors involved in transforming basis of the LORETA algorithm discussed about by
brain waves to music. Power spectrum analysis (PSA) Filatriau et al. (2007, p. 2). In more detail, the system
and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT ) techniques are design includes three major stages, i. e. EEG collection,
suitable in our context. “The Fourier Transform of the digital signal processing, and MIDI representation.
Auto correlation Function is the Power Spectrum.”
This system design permits collection of the EEG waves
(Nyack). Power spectrum is used in analysing various
of the participants’ brains with the help of electrodes
images which finds application in this investigation as
placed on their both hemispheres. Next, the data
well. The first step in PSA is to Fourier transform the
collected is processed with the help of the LORETA
image I(x, y) and calculates the square modulus of the
algorithm (Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2), and after this the
FT to generate the power spectrum, p (u, v).
system produces MIDI files on the basis of analogies
between the qualities of EEG waves and specific
musical notes.
p(u,v) = |FT[I(x, y)]|2 (1) As seen from the above statement (Filatriau et al., 2007,
(Power Spectral Analysis) p. 2)., the LORETA algorithm plays a crucial role in the
operation of the system design This algorithm is based
In order for us to obtain the active PSA , the FT array is on four major criteria defined and calculated as first, it is
rearranged according to frequencies in a way “that the necessary to measure the potential of EEG wave
zero frequency is in the centre of the array, the 1st occurrence, Φ. Second, the value of the sources
quadrant is in the upper right, the second in the upper producing those EEG waves, φ, is measured. The third
left, etc.” (Power Spectral Analysis). and the fourth criteria that help in estimating the second
The resulting array was later converted to get values point are the lead field matrix, G, and the rate of
from 1.0 to 10.0 whose logarithm to base 10 is obtained. additional noise, ŋ (Filatriau et al., 2007, p. 2):
The results for ten subjects undergoing a regular
recording of 15 second active blocks using the Brain
Music System (as described by Attard Trevisan &
Jones ) with a Pendent EEG collecting device were
collected and presented in the table below. The four
different brain waves i.e., Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta
were color-coded as green, red, yellow, and blue
respectively. The table below presents the average
values of the four forms of EEG waves for ten subjects Figure 3. Graphical representation of Pilot Study results
undergoing 15 seconds of useful recording blocks. with the trend of the most stable results recorded for
each Brainwave type.
Objectives of the Study