Unit of Work 1b
Unit of Work 1b
Unit of Work 1b
In this unit of work, students will develop abilities to further knowledge on trigonometry and apply to real world simulations. The unit is designed for students
in stage 5.3 and will provide students with concepts to deepen knowledge used within mathematics. In this unit of work, students are assessed on different
criterions based on their strengths. Students that excel in creativity, problem solving and/or modelling will all achieve similar grades on the assumption that
they achieve similar grades in the other sections of the marking criteria. The activities presented in this unit of work is created to promote individual student
strengths. The activities are designed for the teacher to differentiate students according to their strengths and attempt to promote shared learning with students
of other strengths.
The primary focus remains as student learning and students are expected to achieve the standards the Australian Curriculum expects. All content taught is all
in accordance to the curriculum which spans over the length of five weeks. The aim is for all students to achieve the outcomes specified in the curriculum
while teachers provide an engaging and relatable unit of work. The approach taken to formulate this unit of work was Skemp’s instrumental vs relational
understanding. His work consisted of separating ‘understanding’ a piece of work into instrumental and relational understanding. Simply put, mindlessly
answering the given questions vs understanding what method to use and why it is appropriate to use it (Gould, 2009). This unit of work is structured in a
relational approach so that each topic can be related to another regardless of the progress. It is designed so that students will continuously be learning
something new every lesson but also referring to previous lessons to solidify their conceptual understanding of the unit and solve future examples. Students
should be constantly encouraged to use formal mathematical language when explaining their reasonings for arguments and/or proofs.
James La [1800 3723]
Subject: Trigonometry + Non-right-angle Trigonometry Course: Mathematics Number of Weeks: 5
Unit title: Further Trigonometry
Trigonometry in 3D Trigonometry plays a major role in predicting and managing real life scenarios. The importance of
this lesson is for students to develop these skills and apply to real world situations.
Sine and cosine rules
Exact ratios
angled triangles as a Creativity and complexity will be marked under one criterion. Students
means of will not be marked low if their question is creative and entertaining
measurement? (assuming it is solved correctly). Teacher will be able to distinguish the
students to their strengths and can cater their lessons depending on the
Scaffold from previous situation.
example to further their
knowledge on the introduction Before starting the worded questions, check with the class if they have drawn
to 3D trigonometry the diagram accurately (assess student ability to sketch from worded questions).
Solve worded problems using Example: I am standing on top of a building of height 60 meters. I spot my
diagrams including right friends Bob by the river at an angle of depression of 75 degrees and Johnny
angled triangles in 3D. spots me from the streets at an angle of elevation of 70 degrees. If I wanted to
Students should consider: use a flying fox to get to either one of their locations, how long does each wire
- Does the question have to be to reach either Bob or Johnny? Answer to 2 decimal places
clearly describe what
is required?
- Is the diagram
- What is required to
solve? Image self-taken in Japan 2018
- How do they want the
James La [1800 3723]
Diagram of worded
question. Self-created on
James La [1800 3723]
Graph standard unit circle and Coterminal Angles and Reference Angles
- Justification, Problem
1-2 derive x and y coordinates in
James La [1800 3723]
terms of sine and cosine using Angle Inclination of a Line - Concept - m=tan θ (Timestamp: 0:00 to 1:28)
ACMMM036 rise Trigonometry/Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions – Why certain quadrants
- Using m= to
run are negative
- Fluency, Problem
Solving, Reasoning, show relationship
sin θ Sample concentrated study unit: The Unit Circle
ACMMM037 =tanθ with
cos θ
reasoning. Trigonometric Functions - Relationship of tan
Show students angle of
- Communicating,
Understanding, inclination video on taken in
Justification resources tab. Watch up to
ACMMM030 1:28 to teach students why
- Understanding, tanθ is the gradient. Elaborate
Communicating further if required by students
relationships lesson
for graphing functions
if required.
- Explain the reasoning
behind why it works
like how it does
works using
respective graphs
- Assess student ability
to work with
coterminal angles and
reference angles
o Angles that
extend past
360 degrees
and explain
reasoning how
to solve
Scaffold from previous point.
Assess student ability to
identify the relationship of
sine and cosine coordinates in
obtuse angles.
- Cosine and tangent
are negative between
90 ≤ x ≤ 180 (refer to
- Proceed to pose a
question to the student
James La [1800 3723]
- Have students
switched off due to
- Do they understand
the content?
- Was the scaffold done
at the right time?
- Justification, Problem The teacher should Complimentary Angles of Sine and Cosine
3 Solving derive the origin of
exact ratios. Teachers Exact Angles
should challenge
students by issuing
limited information –
James La [1800 3723]
- Will students
remember how to
sketch the exact ratio
triangles if required?
- Which students are
James La [1800 3723]
struggling/doing good
so far?
- Who needs help?
ACMMG273 Sine Rule Proof
- Fluency,
Proving sine rule:
3-5 Justification, Problem - Use concepts of basic Cosine Rule Proof
Solving, Reasoning,
knowledge – solve 1
Area of a Triangle - Area= absinC
with students. 2
- After proving sine
rule for acute angled Activity – Outdoors
triangles, challenge - Students to go outside and map a triangular route somewhere within
ask if it is possible to - Students can use the school map to aid their path if required
solve for the obtuse - Students will then walk that path and measure the length and/or angle
and how. - Students will work in groups – using a measuring tape, one student will
- Prove that it works walk from point A to B and measure the distance travelled in a straight
with inverse functions o volume required to fill triangle if school wanted to build a pool
- Recognise when sine - Students will then cross-check their measurements with the calculations
rule is applicable - Students to then upload their activity to the class cloud server once
Proving cosine rule done
- Repeat same steps - Differentiation – Students of higher order thinking will create explicit
with sine rule and critical resources to challenge their knowledge. Students of more
Area of triangle creativity will create basic shapes but in a unique manner.
- Start with calculating Henley High School Map
basic right-angle
- Continue with non- Example:
right-angled triangles
Red triangle = path
explain and prove ‘students’ decide to
why formula works. measure. Picture from
Key questions can Henley High School
o What does
Activity: Length of triangle
this formula
- Question is open ended
- Students are either given a triangle on the board/online drive (not to
o What do we
scale) or in written text where they are only provided the area of the
when solving
- Students are tasked to find the potential lengths of the triangle/s
for right
- There could be more than one solution to this activity
James La [1800 3723]
angled - Students must show working out when doing the activity to prove
triangles? fluency in trigonometry
o Are we - Example: A non-right-angled triangle has an area of 120c m 2. What are
missing some lengths and angles that satisfy this area? Show working out.
anything to - Once done, students should upload their solutions to the class cloud
solve for server.
area? - Differentiation – High order students will identify methods to obtain a
- Proceed to do worked whole number and deduce factors to equate to the answer. Lower order
examples using Area will ‘guess and check’ until finding an appropriate response.
of triangle
¿ ab sin C .
- Diagram of worded
question. Self-created on
Use worded examples
to represent the
question at hand
Create questions for each key
syllabus area to assess student
- Was this too much
information in this
James La [1800 3723]
time frame?
- How many students
are lost/switched off?
- How much of the
topic did the students
- What could have been
done better?
Instrumental understanding
3. Graph tan 420 °. What is the value? (2)
Graph drawn and labelled
correctly (1)
7.2 sin 50 °
sin 68 °
AD = 5.9
Conceptual understanding
4.22+8.7 2−6.92
Cosine rule: cos ∝=
2 ( 4.2 ) (8.7)
∝=51 ° 16 °
Area of triangle = ( 4.2 ) (8.7)sin 51° 16 °
Area = 14.25
Triangle ABD:
BD=c cos b – definition of cosine
CD=a−c cos b
AD=c sin b – definition of sine
Triangle ADC: Correctly substitutes the sine and cosine
2 2 2
A C =A D +C D definition (1)
Substitute AD and CD
Correctly substitutes correct lengths (1)
2 2 2
b =( c sin b ) + ( a−c cos b )
b 2=c 2 sin 2 b+ a2−2 ac cos b+c 2 cos2 b
b 2=c 2 ¿
b 2=a2 +c 2−2 ac cos b – Trigonometry identity sin 2 θ+cos 2 θ=1
7. Two people are looking at the same man at the top of a building 20
James La [1800 3723]
meters tall from different locations. The man sees the junior and senior
are approximately 24 degrees apart from each other using his amazing
protractor. The junior and senior also see the man at an angle of
elevation of 51 degrees and 70 degrees respectively before noticing
each other are staring at the same weird man. How far apart are the
junior and senior from each other? Sketch the diagram and solve. (5)
sin 51° = – sine definition
sin51 °
In Triangle ABC:
James La [1800 3723]
sin 70 °= – sine definition
sin 70 °
x 2=( 25.74 )2+ ( 21.28 )2 −2 ( 25.74 )( 21.28 ) cos 24 ° - cosine rule
x 2=114.53
x=10.7 meters
Assessment Details
Limited Basic Sound High Outstanding
Extensive Possesses limited Possesses basic understanding of Possesses sound Possesses substantive Possesses critical
knowledge that understanding of syllabus outcomes. understanding of syllabus understanding of and sophisticated
demonstrates syllabus outcomes. Little working out that outcomes. Demonstrates syllabus outcomes. understanding of
strong Little to no working demonstrates conceptual satisfactory levels of Demonstrates strong syllabus
understanding of out that demonstrates understanding. conceptual understanding. levels of conceptual outcomes.
syllabus conceptual understanding. Demonstrates
outcomes understanding. critical
(Fluency, understanding,
Understanding, thoroughly
Justification, explaining
Problem Solving, concept behind
Reasoning, actions.
Ability to create Demonstrates limited Demonstrates basic abilities to Demonstrates sound abilities Demonstrates Demonstrates
and identify key abilities to create and create and identify the problem at to create and identify the substantive abilities to critical and
James La [1800 3723]
factors on identify the problem hand. problem at hand. create and identify the accurate abilities
diagrams. at hand. problem at hand. to create and
Information identify the
displayed must problem at hand.
be relevant and
accurate to the
James La [1800 3723]
Activity 1
James La [1800 3723]
James La [1800 3723]
Activity 2
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Activity 3
James La [1800 3723]
Question 4 Question 5
James La [1800 3723]
Question 6 Question 7
James La [1800 3723]
Stapel, E. Special Angle Values: 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 Triangles | Purplemath. Retrieved 20 April 2020, from
The_trigonometry_functions. (2011). Retrieved 23 April 2020, from https://amsi.org.au/teacher_modules/The_trigonometry_functions.html
Working Mathematically | NSW Education Standards. Retrieved 27 April 2020, from https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/stage-6-