Mba Ii Syllabus - Mmu
Mba Ii Syllabus - Mmu
Mba Ii Syllabus - Mmu
The MBA Regular program is divided into 6 trimesters. The course is designed to enhance the
students and develop analytical, organizational and interpersonal skills and reflecting the
management reality.
The world has become increasingly information sensitive with a need for all managers to be able to
incorporate vast amount of information into their decision making. The programme also envisages
this corporate reality. The course is designed also to offer a balanced perspective that leads to an
understanding of the interrelationships of all the management functions.
In addition to the academic schedule, the students will be exposed to co-curricular and extra
curricular activities like Seminars, Group Discussions, Debates, Quiz, Role Play, Case Study and
interaction with the corporate community.
Candidates for admission to the first year of M.B.A. (Industry Integrated) course shall be required to
have passed any under-graduate degree from a recognized university / institute or any other
examination accepted as equivalent thereto by the Syndicate of MAHARISHI MARKANDESHWAR
The course shall extend over a period of two years (trimester pattern) Examinations shall be
conducted at end of every trimester.
Course of Study
The course of study for the MBA (Industry Integrated) shall consist of core as well as elective
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction and examination for all the subjects shall be in English only.
Passing Requirement
a) A candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination in a subject if he/ she secured
more than 40% in the university examination.
b) A candidate who successfully completes the course and passes the examinations prescribed in
all the subjects of study shall be declared to have qualified for MBA (Industry Integrated).
C) If a candidate does not complete the course successfully within a period of 4 years from the date
of his/her joining he/she will not be eligible to receive the MBA (Industry Integrated) Degree.
Classification of Successful Candidates
a) All candidates securing 60% or more of the aggregate marks shall be declared to have
passed in FIRST CLASS.
b) Other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examination in SECOND
List of Specializations
All Candidates need to choose the specialization in the fourth trimester. Following are the
a. Marketing Management
b. Human Resource Management
c. Financial Management
d. Production & Operations Management
e. Retail Management
f. Information Technology
In 4, 5 & 6 trimester two elective subjects will be taken with the core subjects.
Teaching Methodology
As this is an Industry Integrated Course hence tutorials are supplemented with the case studies,
role plays, group discussions, simulation exercises as well as corporate interaction.
Scheme of Examination
The Theory examination duration will be 3 hrs. For practical & viva –voce it will be as per the
stipulated time given by the MAHARISHI MARKANDESHWAR UNIVERSITY, MULLANA.. All the
exams will be for 100 marks in which 40 will be the internal marks & 60 external.
All candidates who enrolled in MBA (Industry Integrated) are required to join OJT from the 4th
trimester. In 4th, 5th & 6th trimester they need to spend at least 3- 4 days per week in the Industry to
get the real hands-on experience. Along with this they need to spend 2-3 days per week in the
institute to build the theoretical foundation.
`CREDIT Perspective Management. 3 MBL-101 Communicative English 2
MBA-102 Leadership & Organizational Behaviour 3
MBA-103 Quantitative Methods 3
MBA-104 Financial Accounting 3
MBA-105 Managerial Economics 3
MBA-106 Communicative English 3
MBA-107 Entrepreneurship-I 3
Total 23
R - II
CT ` Marketing Management-I 3 MBL-201 Managerial Computing Lab 2
MBA-202 Human Resource Management 3 MBL-202 Business Communication Lab 2
MBA-203 Operations Management 3
MBA-204 Managerial Accounting 3
MBA-205 Entrepreneurship-II 3
MBA-206 Managerial Computing 2
MBA-207 Business Communication 2
Total 23
`CREDIT Marketing Management-II 3 MBL-301 Mgt. Information System Lab 2
MBA-302 Business Environment 3 MBL-302 Personality Growth Lab 3
MBA-303 Legal Regulatory Framework 3
MBA-304 Financial Management 3
MBA-305 Management Information System 3
MBA-306 Business Research 3
Total 23
R - IV
`CREDIT E - Commerce 3 MBL-401 Training Report 3
MBA-402: Operations Research 3 MBL-402 Dissertation 3
Optional –I 3
Optional –II 3
Total 18
Business Ethics & Corporate
MBA-501: Governance 3 MBL-501 Training Report 3
MBA-502: Enterprise Resource Planning 3 MBL-502 Dissertation 3
Optional –I 3
Optional –II 3
Total 18
MBA-601: Strategic Management 3 MBL-601 Training Report 3
Optional –I 3 MBL-602 Dissertation 3
Optional –II 3
Total 15
Grand Total 120
Reference Books
1. Samuel C. Certo - Modern Management, Tenth Edition , Pearson
2. Koontz and Weihrich – Essentials of Management, TMH
3. Hellriegel, Jackson & Slochm - Management – A competency based approach,
4. Sharma and Gupta,Organisation Structure and System, Kalyani Publishers
5. Ricky W. Griffin – Management, Biztantra, New Delhi
6. VSP Rao – Management Text & Cases, Excel Books, New Delhi
7. Robbins- Fundamentals of Management, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi.
8. Mary Jo Hatch – Organisation Theory – Oxford
9. Jones – Organisational Theory, Design and change- Pearson Education
10. Hall, Richard – Organizations: Structure, Processes and Outcomes, 8th Edn, PHI.
11. Giuseppe Bonazzi- How to study an Organization, S. Chand.
12. R. Daft, Understanding the Theory & Design of Organization, Cengage Learning/Thomson
1. Robins & Sanghii – Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Aswathapa.K, Organisational Behavior, Himalaya. Publishing house.
3. Mcshane and Sharma, Organisational Behavior, TMH
4. Udai Pareek – Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford
5. Gupta and Joshi,OrganisationalBbehaviour, Kalyani Publishers
6. Rao & Narayan – Organisational Theory & Behaviour – Konark
7. P.G. Aquinas, Organisation Behaviour, Excel Books.
8. Kinicki & Kreither – Organisational Behaviour, TMH.
9. Hellriegel – Organisational Behaviour – Thomson Learning
10. Lawrence – Applied Management Science - John Wiley
11. Luthans - Organisational Behaviour – TMH
12. Heresy & Blanchard – Management of Organization Behaviour, PHI
13. Uma Sekharan – Organisational Behaviour – TMH
14. Fincham & Rhodes – Principles of Organisational Behaviour- Oxford
15. Greenberg – Behaviour in Organisations– Pearson Education
16. R. S. Dwivedy – Human Relations and Organizational Behaviour – Macmillan
17. Slocum, Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, Cengage/Thomson
18. M.Gregory, Managing People & Organization, Biztantra
Reference Books.
1. Gupta C.B. & Gupta, Vijay-Business Statistics
2. Sancheti D.C. and Kapoor V.K.,Business Mathematics Sultan Chand & Sons.
3. Kothari C.R., Quantitative Techniques, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Hooda.R.P., Statistics for Business & Economics, McMillan India Ltd.
5. Sc Gupta, Vk Kapoor Statistical Methods, Vol 1.
6. Statistical Inference CR Rao
7. Statistical Inference Gupta Das Gupta
8. Probability Theory Pl Mayer
9. Probability Theory Hogg And Kraig
10. Quantitative Methods NP Bali
11. Sharma J.K., Business Statistics, Pearson
12. Srivastav and Rego, Statistics for Management, TMH
13. Kothari,C.R, Operations Research, Vikas
14. P.N. Arora, Comprehensive Statistical Methods, S. Chand
15. Levin & Rubin, Statics for Business, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi
16. Anderson, Quantitative Methods in Business, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
17. Monga, G S., Maths for Management & Economics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
18. Chandan, J.S. An Introduction to Statistical Methods, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
Meaning & Nature of Accounting, Its objectives and functions, Advantages &
Limitations, Accounting cycle, Accounting events & transactions, classification
Of Transactions and their effects on Accounting Equation Statements, showing
The effect of transactions on assets, liabilities and capital. Accounting concepts
As applicable to Balance Sheet and Income statements. The Rules of Debit and
The Journal, Ledger Posting, Subsidiary Books of Accounts capital & Revenue
Transactions, fixed Assets & Depreciation Policy.
Authorized share capital, Types of share capital – subscribed, Issued & paid up
Share capital .Format of Income statement and Balance sheet, Issue of share
Capital, Preference share capital and Debentures also journal entries for the
Reference Books
1. Financial Accounting: By P. C. Tulsian (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. New Delhi)
2. Financial Accounting: By A.Mukharji & M.Hanif (Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.Ltd. New Delhi)
3. Financial Accounting: By S.N. Maheshwari & S.K. Maheshwari (Vikas PublishingHouse Pvt. Ltd)
4. Advanced Accounts: By M.C.Shukla & S.P. Grewal (S.Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi)
5. Advanced Accountancy: By S.P. Jain & K.N. Narang ( Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi)
6. Advanced Accountancy: By R.L.Gupta & M. Radhaswamy (Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi)
7. The Chartered Accountant: Journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
8. The Accounting World : ICFAI Hyderabad
Cost and Managerial Decision Making, Types of costs, short run and long
Run cost functions Price and output decision under Perfect. Monopoly
Monopolistic & Oligopoly markets.
Stative and dynamic, the auxiliary system, finite and non-finite, tense and time,
Subject verb agreement and rules of the game, voice, Prepositions and commonly
Used conjunctions in oral comm., interrogation and phrases, Articles,
Vernacular and Colloquial English
Reference Books
1. Effective English Communication by Mohan, TMH
2. Effective Technical Communication by M.Ashraf Rizvi (Tata McGraw Hill)
3. Business Communication Today by Bovee et al ( Pearson)
4. “Ship or Sheep” by Ann Baker (Cambridge)
5. “Tree or Three” by Ann Baker (Cambridge)
6. A University Grammar of English by Quirk et al (Pearson)
7. Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh (Oxford)
Business Planning Process, Environmental Analysis - Search and Scanning, Identifying problems
and opportunities, Defining Business Idea - Sources of new ideas, methods of generating ideas,
creating problem solving, product planning and development process.
Sources of capital, Record keeping, recruitment, motivating and leading teams, financial controls.
Marketing and sales controls. E-commerce and entrepreneurship, Internet advertising.
Reference Books:-
The objective in introducing phonemic transcription is to enable students to find out the
correct pronunciation of words with the help of a dictionary, which will help them to
monitor and correct their own pronunciation.
b. Listening
i listening with a focus on pronunciation (ear-training) : segmental sounds, stress,
weak forms, intonation
ii listening for meaning (oral comprehension) : listening to talks, lectures,
conversations, discussions, jokes, riddles etc.
Students should be exposed to several varieties of English during listening practice – e.g.
Standard Indian, British and American.
c. Speaking
i pronunciation practice (for accent neutralization), particularly of problem sounds, in
isolated words as well as sentences
ii practising word stress, rhythm in sentences, weak forms, intonation
iii reading aloud of dialogues, poems, excerpts from plays, speeches etc. for practice
in pronunciation
iv practice in the production of scripted as well as unscripted conversation ; speaking
briefly (for 2-3 minutes) on topics of interest ; taking part in debates and group
Marketing Planning –Meaning and its process. Marketing strategy and the
Marketing Mix, Managing the Marketing efforts, Marketing control.
Reference Books
1. Kotler Philip and Armstrong, Gary: Marketing : An Introduction,Pearson Education,New
2. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management: The Millennium Edition, Prentice Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd,New Delhi.,2000
3. Saxena, Rajan, Marketing Management,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Stanton, William J .et al. Fundamentals of Marketing,McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New
5. Varshney R.L. & Gupta S.L,Marketing Management: An Indian Perspective,2nd Ed., Sultan
Chand & Sons,New Delhi, 2000.
6. Neelamegham S., Marketing in India, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi
7. Czinkota & Kotabe, Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi
8. Perreault, William & McCarthy, E.Jerome, Basic Marketing : A global Managerial Approach,
TMH, N.Delhi.
9. Kotler, Philip, A Framework for Marketing Management,,Pearson Education, N. Delhi.
10. Ramaswamy, V.S. & Namakumari. S., Marketing Management-Planning, Implementation &
Control in the Indian Context, McMillam India Ltd. N. Delhi.
11. Zikmund, Marketing, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
12. Srinivas, Case Studies inMarketing, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
Human Resource Planning, Job analysis & Job design, Recruitment and selection.
Selection procedure- Tests, Orientation, Promotion, Transfer, Separation, Outplacements
Career Management.
Training –Meaning, Importance, Process (Five steps Training & Development), Learning
Principle –On the Job, Off the Job, In basket Training, Transactional analysis, sensitivity
Training, Grid Training, Apprenticeship training .Evaluation of training, HR Scorecard.
Reference Books
1. Garry Dessler – Human Resource Management, Pearson / PHI
2. Rao, P.S.-Essentials of Human Resource Management and IR, HPH
3. Aswathapa, - Human Resource & Personnel Management, TMH
4. Gupta & Jhoshi, Human Resource Management, Kalyani Publishers
5. C.S. Venket Ratnam & B.K.Srivastav – Personnel Management, TMH.
6. Bohlander, Human Resource Management, Cengage/Thomso
7. Mamoria ,Gankar – Personnel Management, Himalaya .
8. Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy-Managing Human Resources, Pearson
9. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management,Excel
10. Bhatacharya, Human Resource Management, Excel
11. W.F.Cascio – Managing Human Resources, TMH
12. Jyothi Venkatesh. – Human Resource Management – Oxford
13. Mathies and Jackson – Human Resource Management, Thomson
14. A.M. Sheikh, Human Resource Development & Management, S. Chand.
15. Fisher & Shaw, Human Resource Management, Biztantra.
Meaning, Nature and scope, Relationship with other functional areas, Types
Of Production system, recent trends in operation Management, JIT and Lean
Reference Books
1. Chase, Jacobs, Aquilano, Agarwal, - “Operations Management”, TMH
2. Mahadevan, B.,Operations Management- Theory and Practice, Pearson
3. Aswathappa & Sridhar Bhat, - “Production and Operations Management”, HPH
4. Finch, Operations Now, TMH
5. Buffa & Sarin, - “Modern Production / Operations Management”, J.Wiley & Sons
6. Schroeder, - “Operations Management”, McGraw Hill.
7. Chunawalla & Patel,- Production & Operations Management, Himalaya
8. Paneerselvam, - Production Operations Research , PHI
9. Kanti Swarup- Operations Research- Sultan Chand
Reference Books
Features and evaluation of Joint ventures, acquisitions, mergers, franchising. Public issues, rights
issues, bonus issues and stock splits.
Technical, Financial, Marketing, Personnel and Management Feasibility. Estimating and Financing
funds requirement - Schemes offered by various commercial banks and financial institutions like
IDBI, ICICI, SIDBI, SFCs, Venture Capital Funding.
Role of Central & State Government. Directorate of Industries, District Industries Centers (DICs),
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), State Financial Corporation (SFCs), Small Scale
Industries Development Corporations (SSIDCs), Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC),
Technical Consultancy Organisation (TCO), Small Industries Service Institute (SISI), National Small
Industries Corporation (NSIC), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
Preparing a Business Plan:- a business plan will consists of seven key components: Executive
summary, Business description, Market strategies, Competitive analysis, Design and development plan,
Operations and management plan, financial fact.
Reference Books
Reference Books
Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, TMH Publication.
Introduction to Computer Science. ITL Education Solutions Ltd, Pearson Education.
D. Morley, Understanding Computing, Cengage/Thomson
Basundhara B. S., Computers Today, Galgotia Publication.
Fundamentals of Computers, V. Rajaraman, PHI Publication.
Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education solutions Ltd., Pearson Education
D.P. Nagpal, Computer Fundamentals, S. Chand.
White, Data Communications & Computer Network, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
Shelly, Business Data Communication, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
B.Ram, Computer Fundamentals, New Age Int.
Miller, Understanding Data Communication & Networks, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Leon & Leon, Introduction to Computers, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Shay, Understanding Communication and Networks, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Leon and Leon, Computers for Everyone, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Douglas E Comer, Computer Networks & Internet, Pearson Education
A.S.Tannenbaum , Computer Networks, PHI, N.Delhi.
Forouzan , Data Communications & Networking , TMH, N.Delhi.
How to be a good reader: developing reading skills and strategies skimming and
Scanning, predicting, guessing, inferring, reading critically, making notes for
One’s own use etc, how to become a good writer: the characteristics of effective
Writing: clear organization and structuring of ideas, clarity of language, stylistic
Variation etc, Strategies for effective writing: planning and structuring of
Content, anticipating reader response, establishing rapport, using the process of
Writing to discover what you want to say, writing reports, and memos.
Differentiation between soft skills and hard skills, relation between soft skills and
Communication skills, Concept of leadership, skills and qualities of a good leader,
Functions of leadership, Concept of Creativity, Characteristics and creative
Methods) Evolution, Synthesis, Revolution, Reapplication, and changing
Reference Books
1. Business Communication Today by Bovee et al ( Pearson)
2. Young, Foundation of Business Communication, TMH
3. Lesiker, Basic Business communication, TMH
4. Business Communication by Meenakshi Raman and Prakash Singh (Oxford)
5. Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research by H.S.Friedman and M.W. Schustack,Pearson
6. Personality Theories by Barbara Engler (Houghton Mifflin Company)
7. Crash Course in Personal Development by Brian Clegg ( Kogan Page)
8. Activities for Developing Emotional Intelligence by Adele B.Lynn (HRD Press)
9. Lateral Thinking by Edward De Bono (Penguin)
10. Technical Communication, Pfeiffer and Padmaja, Pearson
11. Technical Writing,Gerson and Gerson, Pearson
12. Dutta, Rajeevan & Prakash, A course in Communication Skills, Foundation Books
13. Madhukar, RK,Business Communication, Vikas
a. Lab sessions should be used to provide practice in all the communication skills, and should take the form of
role-play activities, simulating communication in different social/work-related situations. These actives can
be designed around various ‘speech acts’ or ‘language functions’, a sample list of which is given below.
(Students can first be given model dialogues, to be used for role-play, and then asked to prepare and present
their own dialogues.)
i establishing and maintaining social relationships : greeting an acquaintance/ friend, making a new social
contact, introducing oneself, introducing a friend to another or to a group, developing and extending a
conversation, breaking off a conversation politely,leave-taking ; extending an invitation and accepting or
declining aninvitation.
ii.eliciting and providing information ; making and responding to inquiries ; expressing
an opinion
iii asking for clarification / repetition (e.g. when one is unable to hear or uncertain of the
intended meaning)
iv expressing different emotions : pleasure, sorrow, regret, anger, surprise, wonder,
admiration, disappointment etc.
v expressing agreement/ disagreement, contradicting/ refuting an argument
vi narrating or reporting an event (using different principles of organization, e.g. chronological, spatial etc.) ;
vii describing people, objects, places, processes etc.
viii ordering / directing someone to do something
ix making requests ; accepting / refusing a request
x expressing gratitude ; responding to expressions of gratitude
xi asking for or offering help ; responding to a request for help
xii asking for directions (e.g. how to reach a place etc, how to operate a device etc.) and giving directions
xiii asking for and granting/ refusing permission
xiv prohibiting someone from doing something
xv suggesting, advising, persuading, dissuading
xvi praising, complimenting, felicitating
xvii expressing sympathy (e.g. condolence etc.)
xviii complaining, criticizing, reprimanding
b. Reading
Short passages dealing with the problems of cross-cultural communication should be used
to provide practice in reading. Students should be expected to read at least 5 such passages, about 300-600
words in length.
c. Writing
Practice should be provided in functional writing (writing letters, reports, memos, summaries, scientific and
technical papers.) The focus should mainly be on the development of paragraphs and sequences of
i. paragraph structure : topic sentences ; variations in their placement
ii developing coherent paragraphs from topic sentences ; different patterns of
logical development in paragraphs
iii re-arranging the sentences in a paragraph to improve coherence
iv. producing sequences of related paragraphs
Demand for and supply of money, objectives of monetary and credit policy,
Recent trends-Role of finance commission. Balance of Payments, causes for
Disequilibrium in BOP, Recent Trends.
Reference Books:
1. Dutt and Sundaram , Indian Economy, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2007.
2. K.Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment, 9/e Himalaya, 2007.
3. Justin Paul: Business Environment, 1e 2006, Tata MH
4. Misra and Puri: Indian Economy,, Himalaya, 2007.
5. Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment: Text and Cases, 17/e, Himalaya
6. Recent Economic Survey Report of Government of India.
7. Suresh Bedi: Business Environment, Excel, 2007.
8. Palle Krishna Rao: WTO--Text & Cases, 1/e, PSG Excel Series, 2005.
9. Misra & Puri, Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi, 2003
10. Feransis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House,
11 Feransis Cherunilam, International Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House,
Reference Books
1. P.K. Goel, Business Law for Managers, Biztantra
2. Rohini Aggarawal, Mercantile & Commercial Laws, Taxman
3. S.S.Gulshan, Marcantile Law, Excel Books.
4. M.C. Kuchhal - Business Law, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
5 .Bulchandani - Business Law for Management, Himalaya Publishing House
6. A. Pathak - Legal Aspects of Business, Tata-McGraw Hill Co. Ltd
7. Pillai and Bhagabati- Business Law, S.Chand & Co.
8. ND Kapoor, Business Law, Sultan Chand
Time value of money, Present value & future value, concept of Return and Risk,
CAPM Model, Concept of value. Investment evaluation criteria- NPV, IRR,
Payback ,Discounted Payback. Cost of capital, Equity share capital, Preference
Share capital, cost of Retained earnings.
Reference Books
1. Van Horne, Bhaduri – Fundamentals of Financial Management- Pearson
2. I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikash Publications.
3. Khan & Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill
4. E.F. Brigham, Corporate Finance, Cengage/Thomson
5 I.M. Pandey, - Cases on Financial Management,
6. R.P. Rastogi - Cases on Financial Management.
7. Keown - Financial Management: Principles and Applications –Pearson
8. P. C. Chandra – Financial Management- Tata McGrawhill.
9. Sharan - Fundamentals of Financial Management- Pearson
10. Paresh P.Shah, Financial Management, Biztantra.
11. Rajesh Kothari & Bobby Dutta, Contemporary Financial Management, MacMillan.
12. Gupta & Sharma, Financial Management, Kalyani Publishers.
Reference Books
1. Brien, James, Management Information System, Tata McGraw Hill, N.Delhi.
2. Stair, Principles of Management System, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
3. Mckeown, Information Technology and the Networked Economy, Thomson Learning
4. Brady, Cases in MIS, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
5. Muneesh Kumar, Business Information Systems, Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi.
6. Parker, Charles, Management Information System, Tata McGraw Hill, N.Delhi.
7. Mudrick & Ross, Management Information System, PHI, N.Delhi.
8. Kanter, J., Management Information System, PHI, N.Delhi.
9. Basandra,S.K. Computers for Managers, Professional Managers’ Librarey, Global
Business Press, N.Delhi.
10. Laudon & Laudon, Management Information System, Pearson Education, N.Delhi.
Definition, Nature and Scope, the Research Process, Problem identification and
Definition, Determination of Information needs, Hypothesis formulation,
Exploratory, Descriptive, Experimental, Observational studies and surveys.
1. C.A.Moser & G.Kalton, Survey Methods in Social Investigation, Heinemann Educational
Books Ltd.,
2. C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, Wiley International Ltd.
3. Cooper, Business Research Methods, TMH, N.Delhi.
4. McBurny, Research Methods, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
5. P.L.BhandarKar & T.S.Wilkinson, Methodology and Techniques of Social Research,
Himalaya Published House, Delhi
6. S.R. Bajpai, Methods of Social Survey and Research, Kitab Ghar, Kanpur.
7. Sharma, Shenoy and Srivastava, Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Decision Making,
8. William J.Goode & Paul K.Hatt, Methods in Social Research McGraw Hill, N. Delhi
MIS Project:
Communication practice activities for all four language skills can be planned around the
following situations.
1. Gaining entry into an organization
i. Preparing job-applications and CVs
ii. Facing an interview
iii. Participating in group discussion (as part of the recruitment process)
2 In-house communication
a. superior/ senior subordinate / junior (individual individual / group)
i. welcoming new entrants to the organization, introducing the workplace culture etc.
ii. briefing subordinates / juniors : explaining duties and responsibilities etc.
iii. motivating subordinates / juniors (‘pep talk’)
iv. instructing/ directing subordinates/ juniors
v. expressing / recording appreciation, praising / rewarding a subordinate or junior
vi reprimanding / correcting / disciplining a subordinate/junior (for a lapse) ; asking for an explanation
c. peer interaction
I brainstorming (in-house peer-group discussion to generate ideas, review
work in progress, carry out self-assessment etc.)
ii asking a colleague for assistance, advice, suggestions etc.
iii making presentations (on-going or new projects, products etc.)
iv preparing reports, abstracts, summaries etc. for in-house consumption
d. Business meetings
preparing agendas, conducting proceedings (chairing) and preparing minutes
3 External communication
B. Soft skills:
Awareness of the importance of soft skills should be created through Lab activities such as self-
assessment of attitudes and personality traits, quizzes, case-studies etc.
Introduction, the Internet Vs. Private Nets, Security, Infrastructure, Smart Cards,
Online Catalogs, Electronic Mail, Software Agents, Final Market Forecast.
Reference Books
1. Bhaskar, Electronic Commerce, TMH.
2. David Whitely e-Commerce McGraw Hill.
3. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Kalakota, Whinston, Pearson Education.
4. E-Commerce Management, S. Krishnamurty, Thomson Publication.
5. E-commerce – An Indian Perspective – Joseph, PHI.
6. Brahm Canzer, E-Business & Commerce-Strategic Thinking & Practice, Biztantra.
7. Schneider, Electronic Commerce, Cengage/Thomson
8. E-Commerce K. K. Bajaj, Debjani Nag, TMH.
9. Global Electronic Commerce – Theories and Case studies; J. Christopher Westland,
10. Theodore HK Clark – University Press
Basic concept and its role in decision making, Linear Programming, Formulation
Of Problem and its solution by Graphical and Simplex Methods. Infeasibility,
Degeneracy, Duality.
Pure and Mixed strategy games, Principle of dominance, two person zero sum
game, Queuing theory, Analysis of Queue system.
Simulation: Meaning, Process, advantages, Limitations and Applications.
Reference Books
1.Anderson, Quantitative Methods for Business, Thomson Learning, Bombay. India Ltd New Delhi.
2.Kalavathy, Operations Research, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3.Kapoor, V.K., Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
4.N. G Nair, Resource Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Panneer Selvam., Operation Research, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6.Sharma, J.K., Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Macmillan
7.Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
8.Vohra, N.D.,Quantitative Techniques in Management Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.
9.Gupta, P K and Manmohan, Problems in Operation Research , Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
Culture, Social class, family, Group and Personal Influences, Shaping consumer
opinion and helping consumer to remember.
Reference Books
1. Loudon, David. J & Della Bitta, Albert J.; Consumer Behaviour; 4th ed; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi; 2002
2. Sheth, Customer Behaviour, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
3. Roger Blackwell, Consumer Behaviour, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Schiffman, Leon G & Kanuk, Laslie Lazar; Consumer Behaviour; 6 th ed; Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi;1997.
5. Gupta S.L and Sumitra Pal, Consumer Behaviour: An Indian Perspective; Sultan Chand & Sons; New
6. Nair, Suja R; Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective Ist ed; Himalaya Publishing House; New Delhi;
7. Assael, Henry, Consumer Behaviour, Asian Books Pvt. Ltd., N.Delhi.
8. Hawkins, Delbeet, Best, Roger J. & Coney, Kenneth A., Consumer Behaviour : Building Marketing
Strategy, TMH, N.Delhi.
Advertising media, General and special characteristics of different media, Media planning ,
scheduling, selection and evaluation, Measuring advertising effectiveness (DAGMAR):The
rationale of testing: pretesting, concurrent testing & post testing , recall and recognition.
Advertising Budget: Approach and procedures foe determining the size of the budget,
Administration and control of budget. Regulation of Advertising: Self Regulation by
advertising Media(ASCI), Ethics & Social Responsibility in Advertising , E-advertising.
Reference Books
Shrimp, Advertising Promotion, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
Belch, George E & Belch, Michael A, Advertising And Promotion: An Integrated Marketing
Communication Perspective., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi.
Wells, William D., Burnett, John, And Moriarty Sandra, Advertising: Principles And Practice,
Pearson Education; New Delhi.
D.A. Aaker, R. Batra And J.G. Myers, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall of India, New
Kazmi S.M.H. & Batra, Satish K., Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books, N.Delhi.
Samnik, Promotion and Integrated Market Communication, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
. G.E. Belch and M.A. Belch, Introduction to Advertising and Promotion, Irwin, Chicago.
. H.F. Holtze, Theory and Problems of Advertising, McGraw-Hill, NY.
. W. Wells, J. Burnett and S. Moriarty, Advertising: Principles and Practice, Prentice
Hall, London
Basic concept, The Random Walk Theory, weak form of EMH, Semi strong
form, strong form, Portfolio evaluation and revision.
Reference Books
1. Alexander, Sharpe & Bailey, Fundamentals of Investment, Pearson
2. P.Chandra, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, TMH
3. S. Kevin, Portfolio Management, PHI
4. Gupta and Joshi, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Kalyani Publishers
5. V.K. Bhalla, Investment Management, S. Chand.
6. Fisher & Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pearson
7. Jones- Investments: Analysis and Management-John Wiley
8. Ranganathan- Investments: Analysis and Portfolio Management-Pearson
9. Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, Investments, TMH
10. Hirschey & John , Investments: Analysis & Behavior, McGraw Hill
11. D. K. Khatri- Investment Management and Security Analysis(Text and cases)-Macmillan
12. Reilly, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Cengage/Thomson
13. Pandian, P; Security Analysis and Investment Management, Vikas
Reference Books
1. Machiraju, H.R., Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing House, N.Delhi.
2. Gordan, E and K.Natrajan Emerging Scenario of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Meidan, Arthur Brennet, M Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books.
4. Khan M.Y., Financial Services, TMH, N.Delhi.
5. Batra, G.S., Financial Services and Markets, Deep & Deep Publications, N.Delhi.
Avadhani, V.A., Marketing of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House, N.Delhi.
The Concept of Human Resource Management, The Concept of Strategy, The Concept of
Strategic HRM, The Process of Strategic HRM.
Reference Books
1.Strategic HRM – Jeffery Mello, Thompson publication, New Delhi
2. Strategic HRM- Charles Greer, Pearson education Asia , New Delhi
3. Strategic HRM-Michael Armstrong, Kogan page , London
4. Strategic HRM- Agarwal, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
5. Human Resource Management Garry Dessler, PHI, New Delhi
Reference Books
1. Milkovich, George T and Newman J.M., Compensation, Irwin, USA.
2. Henderson, R.O., Compensation Management, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
3. Martocchio, J.J., Strategic Compensation, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. Armstrong, M and Murlis H, Reward Management, Kogan Page, UK.
5. Cascio, Costing Human Resource, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
6. Sinha P.R.N. – Wage Determination in India
Stages: Selective Control, Demand Forecasting, Lead –time, Safety Stock, Fixed
Quantity Reorder System, Fixed
Reference Books
1. Gopalakrishna and Sundaresan: “Materials Management”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Arnold, Ramakrishnan, Introduction to Materials Management, Pearson.
3. Menon K. S., “Purchasing and Inventory Control”, Wheeler
4. Sridhar K. Bhat, “Production and Materials Management”, Himalaya PublishingHouse.
5. Lee and Dobler: “Materials and Purchasing Management” Christopher Martin: “Logistics
6. P Gopalakrishnan, “Handbook of Materials Management”, PHI
7. Gupta & Chital – Materials Management; Text & Cases, PHI.
Supply Chain as a network of entities: Role and interactions between the entities. Value
Chain Focus of Supply Chain. Impact of Supply Chain Management on Sales, Cost Profit,
Profitability, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, and Customer Accounts Profitability.
Centralized and Decentralized Supply Chains: their coordination and aligning business
Lean and Agile Manufacturing, Virtual Manufacturing, Just –in- time Manufacturing, Lead-
time Components and their Compression, Lot Streaming.
Distribution Management:
Distribution Channels: Structure and Operation, Distribution Cost Components, Pipe Line
Inventory and Response Considerations, Hub and Spoke Models, Cross docking, Carrier
Selection, Vendor Consolidation, Vehicle Loading and Vehicle Routing Methods.
Reference Books
DK Agarwal-Text Book of Logistics and Supply Chain Management-Macmillan
Simchi - Levi, “Designing & Managing the Supply Chain,TMH
Ballou,., “Business Logistics/ Supply Chain Management”, Pearson
Bowersox D, Closs D, and Mixby Copper, M., “Supply Chain Logistics Management”,McGraw
Hill, 2002.
Bozarth-Introduction to operations and Supply Chain Management-Pearson
Bowersox, D.J., “Logistical Management”, McGraw Hill, 2000.
Wisner, Principles of Supply Chain
Factors affecting retail location decision – site selection – Factors affecting site selection-
affecting site selection-steps in selecting site-Location based retail strategies. Store
design-interiors & exteriors-store layout-types of layouts-Factors affecting store layout-
Retailing image mix –Store Facade.
Reference Books
1. Retailing Management – Swapna Pradhan
2. Retail Marketing Management – Swapna Pradhan
3. Retail Management Gibson Vedamani
4. Retail Management – Levy & Weitz
5. Channel Management & Retail Management – Meenal Dhotre
6. Retail Marketing Management – David Gilbert
7. Retail Management – Ron Hasty & James Reardon
8. The Art of Retailing – A.J. Lamba
9. Retail Management – W. Steward
10. Retail Management – Analysis, Planning & Control – David Walters
Supply Chain as a network of entities: Role and interactions between the entities. Value
Chain Focus of Supply Chain. Impact of Supply Chain Management on Sales, Cost Profit,
Profitability, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, and Customer Accounts Profitability.
Centralized and Decentralized Supply Chains: their coordination and aligning business
Lean and Agile Manufacturing, Virtual Manufacturing, Just –in- time Manufacturing, Lead-
time Components and their Compression, Lot Streaming.
Distribution Management:
Distribution Channels: Structure and Operation, Distribution Cost Components, Pipe Line
Inventory and Response Considerations, Hub and Spoke Models, Cross docking, Carrier
Selection, Vendor Consolidation, Vehicle Loading and Vehicle Routing Methods.
History: Advantages and limitations of RDBMS; Users of RDBMS, Software Modules in RDBMS;
Architecture of RDBMS.
Introduction; Codd's Rules; Concept of Domain, Tuple, Cardinality; Comparison between HDB-NDB-RDB
SQL commands. Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values,
Nested Sub queries, Views, Complex Queries, Modification of the Database, Joined Relations, Data-
Definition Language, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL,
MODULE IV Normalization & Extended Relational Model & Object Oriented Database System
Reference Books:
1. Database System Concepts, Silberschatz , Korth, Sudarshan
2. SQL by Scott Urman
Introduction, The Internet Vs Private Nets, Security , Infrastructure, Digital Cash, Smart
cards, online catalogs, final Market forecast.
Reference Books
1. Bhaskar, Electronic Commerce, TMH.
2. David Whitely e-Commerce McGraw Hill.
3. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Kalakota, Whinston, Pearson Education.
4. E-Commerce Management, S. Krishnamurty, Thomson Publication.
5. E-commerce – An Indian Perspective – Joseph, PHI.
6. Brahm Canzer, E-Business & Commerce-Strategic Thinking & Practice, Biztantra.
7. Schneider, Electronic Commerce, Cengage/Thomson
8. E-Commerce K. K. Bajaj, Debjani Nag, TMH.
9. Global Electronic Commerce – Theories and Case studies; J. Christopher Westland,
10. Theodore HK Clark – University Press
Introduction , Importance and need for Business ethics in Indian Context, roots of
unethical behaviour and Issues, Corporate Governance Ethics, How ethics can
make corporate governance more meaningful.
Reference Books
1. A.C. Fernando, Corporate Governance, Pearson ( Also Refer for Cases)
2. C.S.V. Murthy, Business Ethics, Text and Cases, HPH
3. Hartman, Perspectives in Business Ethics, TMH
4. Crane, Business Ethics, Oxford
5. Mallin, Corporate Governance, Oxford.
6. Kesho Prasad, Corporate Governance, PHI
7. Dr S. Singh –Corporate Governance, Global Concept, Excel Books.
8. Swami Parthasarathy, Corporate Governance, Biztantra
ERP and competitive advantage, basic constituents of ERP, selection criteria for
ERP Packages .Procurement process of ERP Packages.
Reference Books
1. Enterprise Resource Planning – Concepts and Practices by Vinod Kumar Garg & N K
Venkatakrishna, PHI
2. Enterprise Resource Planning by S Sadagopan – PHI
3. Enterprise Resource Planning – Alexis Leon Tata McGrew Hill,
Sales Force Job Analysis and Description, Recruiting and Selecting Sales
Personnel, Training Sales Personnel, Motivating the Sales Force, Sales Force,
Sales Force Compensation, Evaluating Sales Performance, Ethical and Legal
Issues in Sales Management,
Reference Books
1. Coughlan A.T., Anderson E., Stern L.W and Ansary A.E. (2001), Marketing Channels,
Pearson Education
2. Anderson, Rolph E, Professional sales Management, TMH Publishing Co. Ltd.
3. Futsell, Sales Management, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
4. Gupta, S. L, Sales and Distribution Management, Excel Books, NewDelhi.
5. Rosenbollen, Bert, Marketing Channels: A Management View, The Dryden Press,
Thomson Learning, Bombay
6. Stern, Louis W, El-Ansary Adel J and Coughlan Anne, Marketing Channels, PHI,
New Delhi
7. Still Richard, Cundiff Edward and Govon Norman, Sales Management; Decisions,
Strategies and Cases, PHI Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
Reference Books
1. K Ram Mohan Rao, Services Marketing, Pearson Education
2. Zeithaml, V. A and Bitner, M. J. Services Marketing. New York, McGraw Hill,
3. Nimit & Monika Chowdhary, Text book of Marketing of Services: The Indian Experience
MacMillan India Limited.
4. Payne, The Essence of Service Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
5. Christopher Lovelock, Service Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, Pearson Education,
6. Hoffman & Bateson, Essentials of Service Marketing, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
7. Valarie A. Zeithaml and Mary Jo Bitner, Service Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus
Across the Firm, Tata McGraw Hill, N.Delhi.
8. Rampal, M.K. and Gupta, S.L., Service Marketing, Galgotia Publishing Co, N.Delhi.
9. Ravi Shanker, Services Marketing : The Indian Perspective, Excel Books, N.Delhi.
10. Jha, S.M., Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, N.Delhi.
Futures, Hedgers And Speculator, Future contracts, Future markets – Cleaning house,
margins, trading, future positions and taxation, Future prices and spot prices, Forward
prices vs. future prices, Future vs. options.
Reference Books
1. Chance, Don M: An Introduction to Derivatives, Dryden Press, International Edition.
2. Chew, Lillian: Managing Derivative Risk, John Wiley, New Jersey.
3. Das, Satyajit: Swap & Derivative financing, Probus.
4. Hull, J.: Options: Futures and other Derivatives, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Kolb, Robert W: Understanding Futures Markets, Prentice Hall Inc., New Delhi.
Phases of capital budgeting, Levels of decision making, objective. Resource Allocation Framework: Key
criteria for allocation of resource elementary investment strategies , portfolio planning tools , strategic
position and action evaluation , aspects relating to conglomerate diversification , interface between strategic
planning and capital budgeting.
Generation of ideas , monitoring the environment , regulatory framework for projects , corporate appraisal
preliminary screening , project rating index , sources of positive NPV –qualities of a successful entrepreneur ,
the porter model for estimation of profit potential of industries. Situational analysis and specification of
objectives, collection of secondary information, conduct of market survey, characterization of the market,
demand forecasting, and market lanning. Technical analysis: Study of material inputs and utilities,
manufacturing process and technology , product mixes, plant capacity, location and site –machinery and
equipment, structures and civil works, project charts and layouts, work schedule
Estimation of cost of project and means of financing –estimates of sales and production , cost of production ,
working capital requirement and its financing , estimates of working results , breakeven points , projected
cash flow statement , projected balance sheet. Project cash flows: Basic principles
of measurement of cash flows –components of the cash flow streams , viewing a project from different
points of view , definition of cash flows by financial institutions and planning commission , biases in cash
flow estimation. Appraisal criteria: Net Present Value, benefit cost ratio , internal rate of returns urgency ,
payback period , accounting rate of returns , investment appraisal in practice.
Types and measure of risk , simple estimation of risk , sensitivity analysis –scenario analysis , Monte Carlo
simulation , decision tree analysis , selection of project , risk analysis in practice.
Special decision situations: Choice between mutually exclusive projects of unequal life , optimal timing
decision , determination of economic life –inter-relationships between investment and financing aspects ,
inflation and capital budgeting. Analysis of firm and market risk: Portfolio theory and capital budgeting –
capital asset pricing model , estimation of key factors – Forms of project organization , project planning –
project control , human aspects of project management , prerequisites for successful project implementation.
Network techniques for project management , development of project network , time estimation ,
determination of critical path , scheduling when resources are limit , PERT and CPM models , Network cost
system (Only problems on resources allocation and resources leveling)Project review and administrative
aspects: Initial review , performance evaluation , abandonment analysis, administrative aspects of capital
budgeting , evaluating the capital budgeting system of an organization.
Reference Books:
1. Nicholas , Project Management for Business and Technology :Principles and Practice , Pearson / PHI
2. Gray & Larson , Project Management: The Managerial Process –TMH, 3/e , 2005
3. Vasant Desai , Project Management , HPH
System concept, Role of HRD Professionals, HRD climate & its elements, HRD
Matrix, HRD Process, Role of line Managers & supervisors in HRD.
Task analysis, Persons Analysis, Organizational Analysis, and Assessing HRD needs,
implementing HRD Programme.
On the job, IT, Job designing ,job rotation ,job enrichment, job enlargement,
coaching, mentoring & empowerment, Creating HRD environment Evaluation
frame work, collecting data for evaluation, research design, issues concerning
evaluation, assessing impact of HRD.
Work force diversity & HRD, Labour Market changes, adapting demographic
changes & gender issues, HRD practices in manufacturing and services sector.
Reference Books
1. Desimone & Harries – Human Resource Development – Thomson Learning
2. T.V. Rao Human Resource Development Oxford IBH Publication
3. Pareek & TV Rao – Designing & Managing HR System – Oxford IBH
4. Rao, Verma, Khandelwal and Abraham (ed)- Alternative Approaches and Strategies
of human Resource Development, Rawat Publication.
5. Kohli and Goutam (ed)- HRD and Planning Process in India, Vikash Publishing.
6. Pareek. U- Training Instruments in HRD and OD, TMH.
7. Biswanath Ghosh , HRD & Mgt, Vikash .
8. Srinivas R. Kandula – Strategic Human Resource Development, PHI .
9. Mangaraj, S.-Human Resource Development Practices, Himalaya Publishing.
10. Sheikh – Human Resource Development and management , S.Chand
11. Werner, Human Resource Development, Cengage/Thomson
Introduction, History of OD, values, Assumptions & Beliefs in OD, Theory and
Management of OD, Managing the OD process, Action research & OD.
Culture & change process, Power & politics and Organisation Development, Cultural
change strategies ,Corporate reorganization & sub culture management, .Behavioral
implications of change, The manifest, latent & paradoxical consequences of change,
Resigned behavioral compliance, Reaction to Downsizing. Managing
uncertainty & ambiguity
Reference Books
1. Zawackic, Organisation Development & Transformation, TMH,
2. Wendell.L.French and Cecil.H.Bell,Jr”, Organisation Development, Prentice Hall
of India,
3. Dr.Bhupen and Srivastava, Organisation Design and Development, Biztantra,
4. Edward.D.Hess, The Road to Organic Growth”, TMH,.
5. Dr.B.Rathan Reddy, Team Development & Leadership, Jaico Book,
6. Nimit Chowdhary and Bhagwati.P.Sarawat, Organisation Culture & Human
Talent, Macmillan,
7. V,S,Muralidharan, Intelligent Manager, anew books ,
8. Kavita Singh, Organisation change & Development, Excel books,
9. Richard.Daft, Organisation Theory & Design, Thomson,
10. Gareth.R.Janes, Organisational Theory, Design & Change, Pearson Education,
Field Service Organization, Field Service Inventory Management, Field Technical Support
Service, Integrating Field Service with information Technology, Field Service Effectiveness
Evaluation, Field Service and Customer Relations Management.
Reference Books
1.Fitzsimons, A.J., Fitzsimmons M.J., “Service Management Operations, Strategy and Information
Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
2.Haksever C., Render, Russell R S., Murdick R G., “Service Management and Operations” Pearson
3. A.V., “Field Service Management : An Integrated Approach to Increasing Customer Satisfaction”,
4. Business One Irwin/ APICSHeskett J., “The Service Profit Chain”,
5.Simon and SchusterDavis M and Heinke, J., “Managing Services”, McGraw Hill, 2003.
6.Schemenner, R, “Service Operations Management”, Prentice Hall
7.Kalakota R. & Whinston A. B., “Electronic Commerce – A Manager’s Guide”, Pearson
8.Brown S.A., “Breakthrough Customer Services : Best Practice of Leaders in Customer Support”,
John Wiley
9.Metters, Service Operations Management, Cengage/Thomson
Principles of Control Charts: control Charts for attributes and variables, Acceptance
Sampling Techniques, Seven basic tools of quality.
Juran’s and Deming’s Principles, Small group activities: Quality Circle, Suggestion
Scheme, Continuous Improvement, Project Team approach, Total Productive
Maintenance, Design and monitoring o small group activities.
Reference Books
1. Pete Pande and Larry Holpp, “What is Six Sigma?”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Gittow, H, Openheim A and Oppenheim R., “Quality Management”, McGraw Hill,
3. Zaidi, A., “SPC: Concepts, Methodologies and Tools”, Pearson
4. Kanishka Bedi, “Quality Management”, Oxford
5. Montgomery, D.C, “Introduction to Statistical Quality Control”, John Wiley and Sons
6. Dale H. Besterfield, Carol Besterfield-Michna, Glen H. Besterfield, MaryBesterfield-Sacre, “Total
Quality Management”, Pearson
7. Mukherjee, Total Quality Management, PHI.
8. B.Wakhlu, Total Quality, S. Chand.
9. Martin K Starr, Production & Operation Management, Biztantra.
10. Evans, The Management and Control of Quality, Cengage/Thomson
Reference Books
1. Swapna Pradhan; Retailing Management McGraw Hill
2. Easterling, Flottman et al; Merchandising Mathematics for Retailing, Pearson
3. Levy Michael, Barton A Weitz, Retailing Management, TMH.
4. Barry Berman & Joel R. Evans, Retail Management – A Strategic Approach,Pearson.
5. James Ogden & Denise Ogden, Integrated Retail Management, Biztantra
6. Suja Nair, Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
7. Chopra, Meindl, Kalra, Supply Chain Management, Pearson.
8. Bajaj, Tuli, Srivastava, Retail Management, OXFORD
Objectives of a good store design- Store layout –Space planning –Merchandise presentation
The concept, need and evolution of Supply chain management-issues in developing the
supply chain framework-Supply chain integration –innovations in supply chain
management-the food and grocery supply chain – Retail logistics.
Reference Books
1. Swapna Pradhan, Retailing Management,Tata Mcgraw Hill
2. Levy and Weitz, Retailing Management, TMH
3. Dunne,Lusch,Griffin- Retailing, Thomson
4. Bajaj, Tuli, Srivastava, Retail Management, OXFORD.
5. A. J. Lamba ;The art of retailing -.
6. Gibson Vedamani ;Retail Management
7. Retailing Environment & Operations- Newman & Cullen
8. Berman & Evans, Retail Management – A Strategic Approach, Pearson.
9. Cullen, Retailing: Environment & Operation, Cengage/Thomson
Data compression ,JPEG standard , MPEG standard, DVI Technology, MIDI , brief
survey of speech recognition an degeneration.
Introduction to Web design: Web development process, site types and architectures,
navigation theory and practice.
Introduction to Page: Page size , page types, web design tools, introduction to text, Fonts
and text layout, formatting tags, text design for the web.
Reference Books
1. Villamil and Molina, Multimedia: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall of India
2. Shuman, Multimedia in Action, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
3. Senclair, Multimedia on the PC, BPB Publications.
4. Bufford, Multimedia Systems, Addison Wesley
5. Rosch, Multimedia Bible, Sams Publishing
6. Powell, Web Design The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, N.Delhi.
7. Vaughan, Multimedia Making IT Work, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
Program vs. software products, high – level programming, Control flow-based design ,
Data structure-oriented design, Data flow- oriented design ,Software life cycle models,
Iterative waterfall model, Prototyping model, Evolutionary model, Spiral Model.
Use case diagram, class diagram, Activity diagram, Sequence diagram, Collaboration
diagram, State –transition diagram.
Unit testing, Black – box and White box testing, Integration Testing and system testing,
Software Reliability, Software Quality: ISO9000, ISO9002, SEI CMM, CASE
Reference Books
1. Rajib Mali, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
2. Ghezzi, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
3. Pressman , Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, Mc Graw Hill
4. Jalote, An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, IMH.
5. Leon & Leon, Software Engineering, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
6. Menachem, Software Quality, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
7. Sommervile, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley.
8. Fenton & Pfleger, Software Metrics, Thomson Learning, Bombay
Reference Books
1. Johnson & Scholes, Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
2. John & Pearce II and Richard B Robinson Jr., Strategic Management, Strategic Formulation and
Implementation, AITBS Publishers and Distributors (Regd.), Delhi.
3. Thomson Stricttand, Strategic Management , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Sukul Lomash, Strategic Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Cuno Pumpin , The Essence of Corporate strategy, Gower Publishing Company Ltd., England.
6. C.Roland Christenson, Et., Business Policy Text and Cases, IRWIN Homewook Illions.
7. P.K.Ghosh, Business Policy, Strategic Planning and Management, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
8. Wheelen, T.L and Hunger J.D., Strategic Management and Business Policy, N.Delhi, Pearson Education.
9. Ramaswamy, V.S and Namakumari, S., Strategic Planning – Formulation of Corporate Strategy, New Delhi,
Macmillan India Ltd.
10. Kazmi Ahzar, Business Policy and Strategic Management, TMH, N.Delhi.
11. S.B. Budhiraja and M.B. Athreya, Cases in Strategic Management, Tata Mac Graw Hills Publishing
Company, New Delhi.
Brand leveraging strategies, Brand identity system, Brand valuation and equity,
Building strong brands in Indian and International contexts, Importance of
Branding in terms of Product success.
Reference Books
1. Varma Harsh. V, Brand Management, Excel Books.
2. Lehman Donald, Russell, Product Management, TMH
3. Kurtz and Boone, Principles of Marketing, Thomson
4. YLR Moorthi, Brand Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
5. David Aakers, Managing Brand Equity, New York; Free press.
6. Jean Noel Kapferer, Strategic Brand Management, New York: Free press.
7. Lynn B. Upshaw, Building Brand Identity.
8. David Aaker, Building Strong Brand.
9. Wheelwright, Steven C. and Clark, Kim B, Revolutionizing Product Development
10. Kahn, New product planning, Sage
11. Keller Kevin, Strategic Brand Management, Pearson Education.
12. Sengupta Subroto, Brand Positioning, TM
13. Chunawalla S.A., Product Management, Himalaya Publishing House
14. Gupta S.L - Brand Management, Himalaya
15. Mazumdar, Ramanuj, Product Management in India., PHI
16. R.K.Srivastav, product Management & New Product Development, Excel Books.
17. Debasis Pati- Branding concept and process- Macmillan
Reference Books
1. Oak On visit And J.J. Shaw, International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, and New Delhi.
2. Jain, International Marketing, Thomson Learning, Asian Books, Bombay.
3. P.R. Eateora, International Marketing, Irwin, Chicago.
4. S.J. Paliwoda And M.J. Thomas, International Marketing, Butter Worth-Heinemann, Oxford.
5. S. Majaro, International Marketing, A Strategic Approach To World Markets, George Allen And Unwin,
6. Tarpestra, International Marketing, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
MODULE – I Financial Policy and Strategic Planning
Components of financial strategy; Objectives and goals; Strategic planning process Investments Decisions
under Risk and Uncertainty: Techniques of investment decision- risk adjusted discount rate, certainty
equivalent factor, statistical method, sensitivity analysis and simulation method; Corporate strategy and high
technology investments.
Mergers and amalgamations - corporate restructuring, reasons for merger, legal procedure for merger,
benefits and cost of merger; Determination of swap ratios; Evaluation of merger proposal; Corporate
and distress restructuring.
Meaning, importance, types, tax considerations, and accounting considerations. Evaluation of lease
from the point of view of lessor and lessee; Lease versus buy decision; Venture capital: Concept and
developments in India; Process and methods of financing, fiscal incentives.
Hybrid securities namely convertible and non-convertible debentures, deep discount bonds, secured
premium notes, convertible preference shares; Option financing, warrants, convertibles and exchangeable.
Reference Books:
1. Allen D: An Introduction to strategic Financial Management, CIMA/Kogan Page, London.
2. Chandra, Prasanna: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
3. Copeland, T., T Koller and J Murrin: Valuation: Measuring and Managing the value of Companies, John
Wiley, International Edition, New York.
4. Copeland, T.E. and J.F Weston: Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, Addison-Wesley,
New York..
5. Hampton, Jone: Financial Decision Making, PHI, New Delhi.
MODULE I Introduction
Management of Foreign Exchange with special reference to India: Meaning of the Term “Foreign Exchange”,
Exchange Market, Statutory basis of Foreign Exchange, Evolution of Exchange Control, Outline of Exchange
Rate and Types, Import Export Overview. India’s Forex Scenario: BOP crisis of 1990, LOERMS,
Convertibility. Introduction to International Monetary Developments: Gold standard, Bretton Woods system,
Fixed-Flexible Exchange Rate Systems, Euro market.
5 Non resident Accounts: Repatriable and Non Repatriable, Significance for the Economy and Bank., a
Methods of IN Trade Settlement Open Account, Clean Advance, Documentary Credit, Documentary
Collection. Documentary Credits (Letter of Credit), Types of LC – Parties, Mechanism with illustration.
Statutory Documents, Financial Documents, Transport Documents, Risk Bearing Documents. INCOTERMS:
C.I.F., F.O.B., C.I.P. , Financing of Imports by Opening of Letter of Credit: Documents required, Trade and
Exchange Control Formalities, Sanction of LC Limit. Export Finance: Financing of Export/ Deemed Export:
Pre ship, and Post Ship Finance, Export Methods how to start export, E.C.G.C. and other formalities Uniform
Custom Practices of Document Credits – 93 Revisions, I.C.C. Paris Publication 500Clauses 1 to 49 with case
studies / illustration. Uniform Rules Collection – 97 Revision: Clauses 1 to 22 with case studies/illustration.
Spot- Forward Rate, Exchange Arithmetic. Deriving the Actual Exchange Rate: Forwards, Swap[s, Futures
and Options. Guarantees in Trade: Performance, Bid Bond etc. External commercial Borrowings: Buyers
Credit, Suppliers Credit, Forfeiting /Factoring, Country Risk Monitoring Model
Reference Books
1. “M.VY.Phansalkar”, All about Foreign Exchange & Foreign Trade, English edition, 2005.
2. “Walter.OCHYMSKI”, Foreign Exchange Management, Book sorge Publication,2006.
3. “Julian Walmsley”, Foreign Exchange & Money Markets Guide, John wiley, 2006.
4. “Bimitris and N.Shyrafos”, New Technology of Financial Management, Johnwiley, 2006.
5. “Surendra.s.Yadav, P.K.Jain and Max peyrard”, Foreign Exchange Marketsunderstanding
derivatives & other instruments, Macmillan.
Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of wages Act, 1936, Payment of Bonus Act
Indian Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Employment Standing Order Act
1946, Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Reference Books
Malhotra O.P. – The law of Industrial Disputes – Vol –I and II,
Mallik P.L. – Hanbook of Industrial Law, Eastern Book .
Ratna Sen - Industrial Relation in India – Macmillan.
Saini, Debi S- Redressal of Labour Grievances Claims and Disputes, Oxford& IBH.
A.M. Sharma – Industrial Jurisprudence & Labour Legislation, Himalaya
Mamoria and Mamoria – Dynamics of Industrial relation Himalaya.
S.C. Srivastava – Industrial Relation and Labour Laws- Vikash Pubs.
P.K.Padhi – Labour and Industrial Law, PHI.
Sinha, Sinha, & Shekar – Industrial Relations, Trade union and Labour legislation, Pearson
Kapoor N.D – Labour Laws, Sultan Chand
Reference Books
1. Performance Management, Herman Aguinis, Pearson Education.
2. The Talent Management Hand Book, Lance A. Berger & DorothyR. Berger, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
3. Appraising & Developing Managerial Performance-.T. V. Rao,Excel Books
4. 360 degree feedback & assessment & development Centers, Volume, II and III, TV Rao, Excel Books
5. Performance Management, Dixit Varsha, Ist edition, Vrinda Publications Ltd.
Concept of a project, Categories of projects, Project Life cycle Phases, Role and
responsibility of project managers ,Contract organization, Team building ,Contract
tendering and Selection of Contractors.
Project Performance: Performance Indicators, Project Audit, Project Audit Life Cycle,
Responsibilities of Evaluator/Auditor.
Reference Books
1. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects : Planning Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Bhavesh, M Patel, Project Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Machiraju, H. R., Project Finance, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Rao, P.C.K., Project Management and Control, Sultan Chand & Sons, N.Delhi.
Introduction logistics and its interface with production and marketing, logistical
mission: service & total cost, logistical operations integration, customer service,
supply chain relationship, logistical resource, information.
Planning & design & methodology, planning & design techniques, planning, costing
& pricing performance measurement & reporting.
Reference Books
1. Bowersox, Donald J. & Closs David J, Logistical Management : The Integrated Supply Chain Process,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.
2. David Taylor, Manufacturing Operations & Supply Chain Management, Vikas Publishing House, New
3. Weele, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Khanna K.K., Physical Distribution Management : Logistical Approach, Himalaya Publishing House,
5. Christopher, Martin, Logistics & Supply Chain Management ; Strategies for Reducing Cost and
Improving Service, Addison Wesley Longman, New Delhi.
6. Chopra, Sunil & Meindl Peter, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning & Operation, Pearson
Education, New Delhi
Managing effective Customer interface: Service encounter; The RATER model; Self-service
research; Customer values and expectations; managing troublesome customers; customer
education; Help desk redesign.
The CRM Process- collecting customer data-Analysis customer data and identifying target
customer- Developing and implementing CRM program. Transaction Marketing vs.
Relationship Marketing, Concepts of CRM, Building Customer Relationship, CRM
framework, Zero Customer defections.
Reference Books
1. Shainesh G, Sheth Jagdish N; Customer Relationship Management, MacMillan.
2. Shahajahan, Relationship Marketing, TMH
3. Dyche, The CRM Handbook. Pearson
4. Shainesh G, Sheth Jagdish N; Customer Relationship Management, MacMillan.
5. Shahajahan, Relationship Marketing, TMH
6. Dyche, The CRM Handbook. Pearson
7. Mohamed, P.H; Customer Relationship Management, Vikas
8. Berman & Evans, Retail Management- A Strategic Approach, Pearson.
9. Adrian Payne: Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage: winning and keeping Customers.
Drivers of Retail change in India – the size of Retail India –FDI in Retail-Challenges to
Retail Development in India- The evolution of Retail Formats-theories Retail Development-
Life cycle in Retail – Business Model in Retail
Reference Books
1. Swapna Pradhan; Retailing Management McGraw Hill
2. Levy Michael, Barton A Weitz, Retailing Management, TMH.
3. Barry Berman & Joel R. Evans, Retail Management – A Strategic Approach, Pearson.
4. James Ogden & Denise Ogden, Integrated Retail Management, Biztantra
5. Suja Nair, Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
6. Chopra, Meindl, Kalra, Supply Chain Management, Pearson.
7. Bajaj, Tuli, Srivastava, Retail Management, OXFORD
Ciphers and Secret Messages, Security Attacks and Services, Mathematical Tools for
Cryptography: Substitutions and Permutations, Modular Arithmetic, Euclid’s Algorithm,
Finite fields, Polynomial Arithmetic, Discrete Logarithms .Conventional Symmetric
Encryption algorithms: theory of Blocks Cipher Design, Feistel Cipher Network structure,
DES and Triple DES.
Prime Numbers and testing for Primality, Factoring, Large Numbers, RSA, Diffle-Hellman ,
EIGamal, Key, Exchange Algorithms, Public-key Cryptography Standards , Hashes and
Messages Digests Authentication, MID5, SHA , RIPEMD, HMAC.
Certificates, User Authentication: Digital Signature Standard ( DSS and DSA) Security
Handshake Pitfalls, Elliptical Curve Cryptosystems, Authentication of Systems :Kerberos V4,
and V5,Electronic mail Security: Pretty Good privacy(PGP)
Risk Analysis, Organisational Security Policies, physical Security, Legal Privacy and Ethical
issues in Computer Security :Protecting Programs and data Information and the law , Rights
of Employees and Employers, Software failures, Computer crime, Praia issues in Computer
Security , Case studies of Ethics.
Reference Books
1. Forouzan, Cryptography Security And Network Security, TMH
2. Kahate, Cryptography Security And Network Security, TMH
3. Charies P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, PHI.
4. Cryptography & Network Security: William Stalling.
5. Whitman, Principles of Information Security, Cengage/Thomson
Overview of system analysis and design business systems concepts, system development life
cycle, project selection: source of project requests, managing project review and selection ,
preliminary investigation.
Feasibility study: different types of feasibility, investigative study, cost, benefit analysis, fact
System requirement specifications and analysis: data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, hipo,
decision tables, decision trees, Warnier – diagram and Nassi- Shneidermen charts, system
controls and audit trail, system administration and training , conversion and operational plan.
Organizational issues: attributes of a good analysis, the system analysis and law,
communicating with computers: ergonomics, human problems in the automated office,
designing human – machine systems.
Reference Books
1. Awad, Elias M. Systems Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Sharma A.K. Analysis, Design & Implementation of Information System, Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi
3. Satzinger, System Analysis and Design, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
4. Coad, Peter and Edward, Yourdon. Object-Oriented Analysis. 2nd ed., Englewood Cliff, New Jersey,
Yourdon Press.
5. Hawryszkiewyez, I T. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design. 2nd ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall
Of India.
6. Marco, T.d. Structured Analysis & System Specification, New Delhi. Yourdon Press.
7. Rajaraman, V.Analysis and Design of Information Systems. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
8. Van Over, David. Foundations of Business Systems. Fort Worth, Dryden Press.
9. Whitten, J L. System Analysis and Design Methods. New Delhi, Galgotia