Reissue Request Form: Company Shares Held in Account Name Account Number Name of Bank
Reissue Request Form: Company Shares Held in Account Name Account Number Name of Bank
Reissue Request Form: Company Shares Held in Account Name Account Number Name of Bank
The Share Registry,
_______ _____________ (Company Name)
IN CONSIDERATION OF your Share Registry re-issuing the dividend cheque(s) as aforesaid, I/We
HEREBY CERTIFY that I have received the cheque(s) indicated above I request the cheque(s) be issued
to me at the above address. I understand that should I receive/locate the original cheque, I will return
it to the Central Share Registry Limited Office.
Please deposit all future dividends into the bank account as indicated above.
I/We authorize you to act in accordance with my/our instructions set out above. I/We acknowledge
that these instructions supersede and have priority over all previous instructions relating to payments
of dividends to which I/We am/are entitled to be paid.
1. Individual/Joint or Group Shareholders: