The Companies Act, 1994: Chapter-1
The Companies Act, 1994: Chapter-1
The Companies Act, 1994: Chapter-1
Ans : There a number of privileges and exemptions allowed to a private limited company by
the Companies Act in different sections. Of these, the most important ones are listed below:
1. It may consist of two members only (section-5)
2. Statutory meeting and the connected statutory report are not applicable [section 88
3. Two directors will suffice [section 90(2)].
4. Retirement provisions not applicable [ section 91(2)]
5. No need to file a statement in lieu of prospectus [section 91 (2)]
6. No restriction on allotment of shares [section [48 (13)]
7. No need to obtain a certificate of commencement [ section 150 (6)]
8. Submission of annual accounts to members not required [section 191 (5)]
9. Regulations 79 to 87 of Schedule-1 on retirement and rotation of directors are not
compulsory for inclusion in the articles of association of a private limited company.
Question 3: What are the difference between Private & a Public Ltd. Company?
Ans : Difference between public limited company and a private limited company:
Point of Difference Public Ltd. Company Private Ltd. Company
1. Minimum nos. of members 7 2
2. Maximum Numbers of 50
Members Limited by Share
3. Issuance of share in the public Shares can be issued Prohibited
4. Transfer of share Transferable Restricted to transfer
5. Listing Can be listed with stock Cannot be listed
6. SEC regulations Are required to be complied Compliance are minimum
Question 4: State the steps involved in the formation of a company under The Companies Act-
(i) Promotion.;
(ii) Registration;
(iii) Commencement of business.
Promotion stages-
(i) Promoters
(ii) Clearance of name
(iii) Sponsors equity
(iv) Consent of the Directors
(v) Selection of objectives.
Commencement of business:
- For a Private Limited Company, the business of the Company can be commenced after
getting the registration i.e. certificate of incorporation.
- For a Public Limited Company, the Company shall obtain the certificate of
commencement of business from the Registrar.
Ans : That the Certificate of Incorporation is conclusive evidence about the following matter:
1. All the requirement of the Act have been complied with respect of registration and
matters precedent and incident thereto.
2. The association is a company authorized to be registered and duly registered under the
3. The legal existence of the company begins from the date of issue of the certificate.
One the certificate is issued, the incorporation cannot be challenged even though there were
irregularities prior to registration.
Question 6: What is the way of conversion of a Private Ltd. Company to a Public Ltd.
Question 7: What is the way of conversion of Public Company into Privet Company?
Ans : The Memorandum of Association is a document which contains the fundamental rules
regarding the constitution and activities of a company. It is the basic document which lays
down how the company is to be constituted and what work it shall undertake. The purpose of
the memorandum is to enable the members of the company, its creditors, and the public to
know what its powers are and what is the range of its activities. The memorandum contains
rules regarding the capital structure, the liability of the members, the objects of the company,
and all other important matters relating to the company. The memorandum is altered only
after certain formalities are observed.
e. Transmission of shares
f. Forfeiture of shares.
g. Conversion of shares into stock.
h. Share warrants.
i. Alteration of capital
j. General meetings and voting rights of members.
k. Appointment and remuneration of directors, board of directors, managers and
l. Dividends and reserves.
m. Accounts and audits.
n. Capitalization of profits
o. Winding up
Question 10: State the point of difference between the Memorandum of Association and
Articles of Association of a Limited Company?
Ans : The difference between the Memorandum and Article of Association are as follows:
Memorandum Articles
01 The memorandum is the fundamental The Articles are rules regarding Internal
constitution of the Company Determining Management
its Objectives.
02 Memorandum is main guideline of the Any rules in the articles contrary to the
company/ articles memorandum is invalid.
03 Alteration of Memorandum is difficult, in Alternation of article is casy; it requires a
some cases it requires Court‟s permission special resolution only.
04 Memorandum defines the power of the Articles define the internal regulation
Company and Management Process.
05 Acts done by the company beyond the Acts done by the Company beyond the
power of the memorandum is void which articles can be ratified by the share
cannot be ratified. holders provided they are within the
power of the Memorandum.
06 There are 5 clause There are long list of clauses.
Question 11: Who is promoter? Describe the Position and remuneration of a Promoter.
Ans : Promoter
A promoter is a person who undertakes to form a company with reference to a give project and
to set it going and who takes the necessary steps to accomplish that purpose. A professional
man who forms a company a client is not a promoter, the client is, a person whether he is a
promoter or not depends upon the circumstance of each case. However, a person who takes a
conspicuous part in formation of the company is promoter.
A promoter may have three possible position:
1. He may be promoter to acquire the property for the company, in which case, all the
rules of agency would apply. Accordingly, any profit he may make will belong to the
2. He may acquire the property himself and then decide to form a company and sell the
property to it, in which case no question of agency of trusteeship arises. He can make
where bargain he chooses without being under any obligation to disclose the profits.
3. He may acquire the property with a view to result it to the company which he intends
to promote, in which case he becomes bound by the fiduciary obligation and if he
makes a profit he must disclose it to the company.
Promoter remuneration
A promoter is entitled to a reasonable remuneration. The following could be the modes of
i. The vendors may agree to pay him a commission on sale of their property to the
ii. The promoter may purchase a property and sell in to the company at a profit.
iii. The promoter may be given deferred of founder‟s shares full paid up.
Question 12: All listed companies are public companies but not vice- versa- Discuss the
Question 13: What is prospectus? What do you know about registration of prospectus?
Ans : Prospectus:
A prospectus is an invitation to the public to purchase shares or debenture of a company. In
other word, a prospectus may be defined as any document that includes any notice, circular,
advertisement or other document inviting offers from the public for the subscription or
purchase of any share or debentures of a body corporate. Prospectus has the following
1. It is a document described or issued as a prospectus.
2. It includes any notice, circular, advertisement to the public for sale of securities.
3. It is an invitation to the public,
4. The public is invited to subscribe the shares or debentures of a Company.
Registration of Prospectus:
Before publication of a prospectus inviting people to subscribe shares or debentures of a
Company, a copy of the prospectus must be delivered to the Registrar for registration on or
before the date of publication. It should be signed by the Directors or proposed Directors of the
Company or by their agent. On the face of the prospectus delivered to the Registrar for
registration, it should be stated that a copy has been delivered for registration, and must
contain a list of statements included in the prospectus. The registrar shall not register a
prospectus unless the prospectus contains all the required elements as per Companies Act,
1994, Public Issue Rules 1998, and other SEC regulations and the prospectus is accompanied
by the consent in writing of the person if any, named there in as the auditor, legal adviser,
attorney, solicitor, banker or broker of the Company to act in that capacity. No prospectus
shall be issued more than ninty day after the date on which a copy thereof is delivered for
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registration. If a prospectus is issued without delivering a copy thereof to the Registrar, the
Company and every person from those who have knowingly been a party to the issue of the
prospectus shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to five thousand taka (Section
Question 15: What could be an alternative to prospectus? Write a few lines about it.
Question 16: What are the documents to be prepared and submitted for registration with
Ans : For registration, the preparation and the filling of certain documents are necessary.
These documents are to be filled with the Registrar of joint Stock Companies together with
the requisite fees. The documents to be delivered are the following:
(a) Memorandum of association signed by each subscriber and dated. The signatures of the
subscribers must be witnessed by a third person, Each of the subscribers undertakes to
subscribe for one or more shares of the company.
(b) Articles of association signed dated and witnesses as for the Memorandum (and b the same
(c) A statutory declaration of compliance by an advocate entitled to appear before High Court
who is engaged in the formation of a company or by a person named in the articles as a
director, manager or secretary of the company to the effect that the requirements of the act as
to registration have been complied with [Section 25(2)]
(d) Notice of situation of registered office (Sec. 77)
(e) Particulars of Directors, Managing Agent, Managers (Sec. 115)
(f) A list of persons who have consented to become directors (Sec. 92)
(g) A written consent of the Directors to acc (5.92). This does not apply to a private company.
Thereafter the proper stamp duty for registration has to be paid and the Registrar then enters
the name of the company on the register of companies and issues a certificate of incorporation.
The company then comes into existence as legal person.
Ans : The article of association of a company may include all cr. any of the regulations
contained in the First Schedule of the Companies Act 1994. But whatever may be the case,
there are certain mandatory ….. which must find places in the Arciles. Based on Section 17(2)
the following regulation of schedule -1 are compulsory for all companies, including private
No of Regulation Description
56 About meetings at different places and adjournment
66 On signature of proxies
71 Directors qualification shares
95 Defect in appointment not to invalidate acts of directors
96 Directors may pay interim dividend
105 Books of account to be at head office and open for directors inspection
108 Contents of profit and loss account
112 About appointment of auditors
113 to 116 Provisions for sending notices.
Ans : When all the shares of a company have been fully paid, they may be converted into
stock in a general meeting if so authorized by the articles [sec 53(1). The use of term stock
merely denotes that the company have recognized the fact of the complete payment of the
shares, and that the time has come when these shares may be assigned in fragments, which
for obvious reasons could not be permitted before” Per Lord Cairns in Morris Vs. Aylmer.
Shares and stock are two methods of denoting the interest of a member of a company. The
difference between share and stock are stated below:
1. The shares of the same company are of equal nominal value. But stock may be divided
into unequal amounts. Thus Tk. 100 worth of stock can be divided into parts of Tk. 50
2. Shares cannot be issued or transferred in fragments. Thus member cannot hold half of
a share. But as stock can be transferred in fragments.
3. Share may be partly paid. Shares can be converted into stock only when fully paid.
4. Stock cannot be issued when a company is initially formed. Shares re issued when a
company is formed.
5. Shares are numbered consecutively. Stocks are not numbered. But the names of the
stock-holder are recorded in Books of the Company.
6. Shares can be directly issued to the whereas stock cannot be issued directly.
Ans : When the capital of the company is not sufficient to meet the needs of business of the
company, it can raise loan by the issue of what is known as debenture. So debenture
represents the loan of the company. In fact debenture is an instrument acknowledging
the debt by a company issued under its common seal and containing provisions as to
payment of interest and repayment of principal.
Characteristics of Debenture
1. Each debenture is numbered.
2. Each debenture contains a printed statement of the terms and conditions,
3. A debenture usually creates a floating charge on the assets of the company,
4. A debenture may create a fixed charge instead of a floating charge.
5. Sometimes debenture holders are given the right to appoint a receiver in case of
non-fulfillment of the terms of the debenture by the company.
6. Sometimes a series of debentures are issued with a trust deed by which trustees
are appointed to whom some or all the properties of the company are transferred
by way of security for the debenture holders.
Ans : If the company fails to pay interest or principal on the due date or fails to comply with
any of the terms and conditions under which the debenture was issued, the debenture holder
can adopt any of the following remedial measures.
1. He may file a suit for the recovery of money
2. He may file an application for the appointment of a receiver by the court.
3. He may himself appoint a receiver if the terms of the debenture entitled him to do so.
4. The trustees may sell the properties charged,
5. He may apply to the court for the foreclosure of the company right to redeem the
properties charged for the payment of the money.
6. He may present petition for the winding up of the company.
Ans :
1. A share holder has a proprietary interest in the company. A debenture holder is
only a creditor of the company.
2. Every share is included in the capital of the company. Debenture is a loan to the
3. Debentures generally have a fixed or floating charge upon the assets of the
company. Shares do not have any charge on the assets of the company because the
shareholders are the proprietors of the company.
4. A debenture holder is entitled to a fixed interest. Equity holder is entitled to
dividend on profit.
5. Debenture holders get priority over shareholders when assets are distributed
upon liquidation.
6. Debenture interest is a charged against profit. The dividend on share are part of
Ans : There are certain mandatory previsions which must be observed while appointing
directors in the case of public limited companies. For private companies, it is usual that the
articles provide the mode of appointment of the directors. But they have to look for the
provisions applicable both for the public as well as private companies. The provisions for
appointment of director in public limited companies are:
1. Every company shall have at last three directors [(sec.90 (1)]
2. Only natural persons can be appointed directors [(sec.90 (3)]
3. The directors shall be appointed by the members in general meeting [91 (1)(C)]
4. Causal vacancy may however, be filled up by the directors [91 (1)(C)]
5. The duration of office of a director shall be liable to determination at any time by
retirement in rotation [91 (2)].
6. A consent in writing by persons to act as directors must be filed with the registrar
[92 (1) (a)]
7. A consent of directors to take qualification shares must be filed with the register
or sign the memorandum of association by taking qualification shares [92 (1) (b)]
8. A signed consent to act as director should accompany the proposal for directorship
to the company (93).
9. A director away from Bangladesh for a consecutive period of a at least three
months may appoint his alternate director if so authorized by the article or by a
resolution of the general meeting (sec.101).
Articles of Association of a Company usually fix the minimum number of shares which every
Director must subscribe in order to become a Director. The minimum number which is
determined by the Articles is known as qualification number of shares as contained in Section
97(1) of CA 1994. Every Director shall hold that minimum qualification shares within 60 days
or within the time as may be specified in the Articles whichever is earlier.
As per Section 97(2), if after the expiration of the period mentioned in sub section (1) any such
unqualified person acts as a Director of the Company he shall be liable to pay fine not
exceeding Tk. 200 per day for the period of holding as an unqualified Director under this
As per section 92 every person shall not act as a Director unless he has-
- Signed and filed with the Registrar to consent in writing to act as such Director and;
- Signed the Memorandum for a number of shares not less than his qualification shares,
or taken from the Company and paid or agreed to pay for his qualification shares.
Q 27: State the provisions of companies Act. 1994 as to appointment of Managing Director.
The Managing Director is normally appointed by the shareholders in the general meeting of
the Company amongst the members of the Board of Directors. The first Managing Director is
appointed by the signatories of Memorandum of Association.
As per section 109 of the CA 1994 no Public Company, no Private Company which is a
subsidiary of a Public Company shall after the Commencement of this Act, appoint any person
as a Managing Director, if he is a Managing Director or Manager of any other Company.
Provided that no appointment shall be made to any person as the Managing Director of the
Company without the consent of the shareholders in the General Meeting.
As per Section 110 no Company shall appoint or employ any individual as its Managing
Director for a term of exceeding five years at a time.
Appointment of the Managing Director of Banking Companies:
As per Banking Companies Act 1991 and Financial Institution Act. 1993 Managing Director is
appointed as contractual employee. Any person who has at least 10 years of experiences in the
line of Bank and Financial institutions with well conversant for Managing the Bank or
Financial Institutions is eligible for appointment as the Managing Director, following rules to
be complied with.
1. Term of appointment will be three years and will be eligible for reappointment.
2. The Managing Director shall not be a shareholder of the bank.
3. Prior approval of Bangladesh bank should be taken for the appointment of the
Managing Director.
4. Terms and condition of appointment including salary and allowances and other
benefits to be specified and to be informed to the Bangladesh Bank for approval.
5. The Managing Director will not be eligible for any special bonus.
6. A person aged over 65 years will not be appointed as the Managing Director.
Question 28: Directors are trustees as well as agents of the Company. Discuss.
All acts and things done by the Board of Directors, within the powers given to it by the
articles, are valid and binding on the company.
It may be noted that a Director individually has no authority over the affairs of the Company
except as regards matters, which have been specifically delegated to him by the Board.
Liabilities of Directors
The liabilities of Directors may be analyzed with reference to liability of Directors to third
parties, liability to the company, liability for breach of statutory duties and liability for acts of
his Co-Directors. Directors, liability may be civil liability, criminal liability and unlimited
Civil Liability
The directors may, under certain circumstances, be liable to pay compensation to the
Company and to outsiders, such as:
1. Untrue statements in the prospectus.
2. Ultra vires acts.
Criminal liability
For certain breaches of duty the Companies Act imposes criminal liabilities upon Directors
such as:
1. Untrue statements in prospectus, failing to keep certain register, falsification of books
and reports etc.
Question 30: Section 103 lays down about “Directors Loan”- Rewrite the contents in your way.
Question 31: What documents, register and books are to be maintained in a company‟s
registered office?
6. Penalty for non – compliance is six months imprisonment or with fine of Tk. 5,000 or
with both:
In addition to above following documents are also to be maintained by the company:
A register of members
A register of minutes
Question 32: Who can inspect all those documents and books and take copies thereof? What do
you know about time limit, if any, in this regard?
Ans : Companies Act 1994 is the prescription to guide and control the activities of the
registered companies. It also, in its text and spirit, exercises some protection to the
shareholders, in that it requires some returns to. be filed to the Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies which have bearing on the shareholders interests. Returns are nothing but
disclosure of some facts as per the relevant sections, in the prescribed format to the Registrar.
The submission of returns are mandatory, failure of which leads to various penalties and
other complications. Therefore, due care is to be laid in submitting returns as per statutory
time limit and according to various provisions. Some important returns as per different
sections are given below:
1. Returns of Allotment (Form XV]:- To be filed within 60 days after the date of
allotment (Section 151). The capital allotted to be added and entered in the next
annual list of members and summary.
2. Particulars of Mortgage (PM):- To be filed within 21 days after the date of execution
of the mortgage deed (Section 159).
3. Particulars of Modification of Mortgages (PMM):- To be filed within 21 days after
the date of execution of modification deed [Section 167(3)].
4. Particulars of Satisfaction of Registration of Office (PSPI): To be filed within 2 days
from the date of satisfaction of the loans or debts (Section 172).
5. Notice of situation of Registration of Office: To be filed within 28 days after
establishment or change of the registered office [Section 77] [Form VI]
6. Proceeding of Special or Extra Ordinary General Meeting: To be filed within 5 days
from the date of meeting (Section 88).
7. Prospectus: On or before the date of issue of the prospectus (Section 38).
8. Change of name of the company: To be filed within IS days from the date of special
resolution relating to change of name [ Section11(6) and 88].
Ans : A company having share capital and incorporated under the Companies Act. 1994 shall
have to file the following statutory returns to the Register every year.
1. The annual list of members and summary [Schedule-X]:- To be filed within 21 days
after the date of holding the annual general meeting. The transfer of share if any
shall be entered or reflected in return.
2. Balance sheet and Profit & Loss accounts: To be filed within 30 days from the date
of annual general meeting (section 190). The profit and loss accounts to be filed
separately in the case of a private company.
3. Consent of Auditor [section 210]:- The company shall inform the auditor or auditor
or auditors in respect of his/their appointment within 7 days form the date annual
general meeting and the auditors shall inform the Register whether the
appointment has accepted or refused by him or them within 30 days form the date
receipt of such information.
4. Statutory Report: It is a applicable in the case of public limited companies (section
5. Particulars of directors (Form XII): The information in respect of appointment of
Directors or any change thereof and in the case of retirement of Directors by
rotation and re-election in public company.
6. The consent of Directors to act (Form IX). Section 92.
Ans : To meet the requirements of Companies Act, it is obligatory to maintain certain books
and registers which should record the important data and information of the company.
Because those, are specifically prescribed by the statute, in addition to the customary books
and records, they are called the statutory registers. The Act also requires the registers to be
open for inspection by those concerned. Also there are some other books the purpose of which
cannot be dispensed with. Those are the subsidiary registers. The fact that various statistical
and financial information are available in those documents, they are called the statistical
The following are the statutory registers:
1. Member Registers (section 34): It contains names, addresses and descriptions of the
members, number of shares held, distinctive numbers, number of certificates, amount
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paid, shares transferred, date of becoming a shareholder and the date of ceasing to be
2. Register of Directors (sec.115): The company is obliged to maintain a register of its
director. The names, nationalities, address, occupations and other business
connections of all directors, with date of becoming or ceasing to be directors are entered
in this book. All changes of the particulars of the directors are also to be noted in this
book with the date of change. If the company fails to maintain this register, the
company and every other officer of the company knowingly and in defaults shall be
liable to five Taka hundred.
3. Register to mortgage and charges (sec. 174) : There should be a register to record all
mortgage and charges specifically affecting the property of the company. This register
contains the kinds, particulars and descriptions of the mortgages, the amount received
and description of the property in respect of each mortgage and the names of the
mortgagees or the persons entitled thereto. If any director, manager or other‟ officer of
the company knowingly and willfully authorizes or permits the omission of any entry
required under section 174, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Taka two
4. Register contracts With Directors (sec. 130):- It must contain the full particulars of all
contracts or arrangements in which any director is directly or indirectly interested.
This register also is indispensable and every officer of the company who knowingly and
willfully acts in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding Taka one thousand.
5. Register of Debenture holders (sec. I 76): The full particulars of the debenture holders,
their names, addresses and occupations, the date of allotment and redemption, the
number of debentures held by each. distinctive numbers, amount paid upon each
debenture, the dates when paid, and transfers in respect of any debenture are all to be
incorporated in this register. The Act in this section does not say that this register is
necessary, but starts with inspection of such a register. However, treatment of this
book is almost the same as with the register of members.
6. Minute Books (sec. 89): These are used for recording all resolutions and the
proceedings of „meetings of the directors and the members of the company. Two minute
books are maintained, one being directors minute book and another for the meetings of
the shareholder.
Question 36: Discuss the provisions of the Companies Act, 1994 relating to auditors as to:-
(i) Appointment;
(ii) Qualifications
(iii) Rights, and;
(iv) Duties.
Ans : Appointment and Remuneration of Auditors, Section -210
Auditors are appointed in the Annual General Meeting by the Shareholders;
First Auditors of the Company is appointed by the Directors;
The Directors may appoint Auditors in case of casual vacancy;
The Govt. may appoint an Auditor if the above authorities fail to appoint an Auditor;
Auditor‟s remuneration is to be fixed by the authority of appointing the Auditor.
Qualification of Auditors, Section -212
The auditor shall be a Chartered Accountant as per P.O.2 of 1973.
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Following persons are not eligible for appointment as Auditor of the Company:
Officers and staff of the Company.
Any partner, staff or officers of the officers and staff of the Company.
Any person indebted to the Company for more than Tk. 1,000.00 or indebted by any
Guarantee for the above amount.
Any Director, Partner, Member of Managing Agent firm.
A person who hold the shares exceeding 5% in nominal value of the subscribed capital.
The SEC regulation imposed some additional qualifications for appointment of Auditors.
Right and duties of Auditor, Section -213.
The Auditors have right to access any books of accounts, information, voucher,
statement as required to perform the audit work.
The auditors may require any information explanation from any officers, staff of the
Company for the audit.
They should investigate the following:
Security given against loan and advances whether it is recorded or not and whether
the terms are detrimental to the interest of the company.
The transactions, which have been shown in the books of accounts, whether they are
determinate to the interest of the company.
Whether or not any assets shares debenture or any other securities have been sold
lower than the purchase price (other than banking).
Any loan and advances have duly been shown or not by the company.
Whether or not any personal expenditure has been shown in the revenue account.
Any share issued in cash whether the cash actually received or not and whether the
presentation in the Balance Sheet for the same is misleading or not.
The auditors will enclose the audit Report with the Accounts and their report shall includes.
i) Whether or not they have obtained all information and explanations as required by
ii) Whether or not the Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts exhibits a true and
fair review of the state of affairs of the company;
iii) Whether or not proper books of Accounts have been maintained.
iv) Whether or not the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account are in agreement
with the books of Accounts kept by the company.
If any Ans is in the negative the Auditor should disclose the fact and report to the
Question 37: Who are authorized to make an application to the court for the winding up of a
According to Section 239, the winding up of a Company may be done in any one of the
following three ways:
1. Compulsory winding up by court.
2. Voluntary winding up by the members or by creditors
3. Voluntary winding up under the supervision of the court.
In above all cases winding up may be made by the application of:
i. Any member of the Company with the special resolution;
Question 38: State the circumstance in which a company may be wound up by the court.
Question 39: In which ground the Registrar of Joint Stock Company can present a petition for
winding up a company?
Question 40: Discuss the circumstances on which the court orders for winding up of a
Company on “Just and equitable” ground.
Question 41: When a company is deemed to be unable to pay its debts and what consequence
may follow for such inability of payment of debts b y a company.
Ans : The Company unable to pay its debt would fall under following consequences:
As per section 242, under the following circumstances a Company may be treated as unable to
pay its debt:
i. Any creditors issue demand notice for his receivable amount for more than Tk.
5,000 and company does not take any action neglected for 3 weeks.
ii. Any order passed by the court for payment but no action is taken by the company
iii. If the Court is satisfied that the company is unable to pay its debt.
As per section 241 a company shall be wound up compulsorily if it is unable to pay its debt. As
per section 286 a Company may be wound up voluntarily if the Company is unable to pay its
debt and any extra ordinary resolution is passed for winding up of the Company.
Ans : Contributory
As per section 237 of CA 1994, any person who is liable to contribute to the fund of the
company as per the provision of the act to meet up its financial obligation at the time of its
winding up. The contributory may include.:
- Any past and present directors
- Any shareholders
Question 43: To what extent are the different types of contributories liable on the winding up
of a company?
Question 44: How does the winding up affect the position of officers of the company?
breach of trust, the court may examine into this conduct and order him to repay or
restore money or property or to pay compensation.
b) Criminal liability
Section 332 provides punishment of 7 year imprisonment or with fine for falsification,
destruction, alteration or any fraudulent activities in the books/ papers of the
Question 45: Tabulate the difference between the winding up of a company and the
dissolution of a partnership.
Ans :
Sl. Dissolution of partnership
Point of difference Winding up of a company
No. firm
01 Meaning of winding up/ The activities of the Dissolution of partnership
dissolution company is ended among all the partners
02 Related laws Companies act 1994 Partnership Act 1932
03 Liability of the owner Liability is limited Liability is unlimited
04 Distribution of assets As per companies Act As per partnership deed
05 Cause of winding up/ By the death of a member Partnership will dissolved
dissolution it is not wound up. Because by the death of a partner.
it has perpetual subsection.
Question 46: State the requirement of a liquidator to call general meeting at the end of each
year according to section 295 of the Companies Act, 1994.
Ans :
Section 262 confers on the official liquidator the following powers:
to bring and defend actions in the name of the company.
i. to carry on the business of the company so far as may be necessary for the
beneficial winding-up of the company.
ii. to sell and transfer the property of the company by public action or a private
iii. to execute and seal documents and deeds on behalf of the company.
iv. to prove, rank and claim in the insolvency of any contributory for and balance
against his estate and to receive dividends in respect thereof.
v. to draw, accept, make and endorse any bills of exchange, hundis or promissory
notes with the same effect as if draw, etc, by the company in the course of its
vi. to raise money on the security of the assets.
vii. to take out in his own name, letters of administration to any deceased
viii. to do all other things as may be necessary for wining-up the affairs of the
company and distributing the assets, and
ix. to appoint and advocate entitled to appear before the Court in order to assist
him in the performance of his duties, provided that where the official liquidator
is an attorney, he shall not appoint his partner unless the latter consents to act
without remuneration (sec.264.
Question 49: One of your prospective clients from USA is contemplating to start their
business in Bangladesh. The client requests your opinion over the legal
position of opening their business in the form of Liaison Office, Branch Office
and forming a subsidiary in terms of: (i) legal steps; 9ii) taxation and (iii)
remittance and employment.
Ans : Regulations relating to legal steps, taxation, remittances and employment of a Foreign
As per section 378(a) of the Companies Act (CA) 1994, any Company incorporated outside
Bangladesh which establishes a place of business within Bangladesh shall be treated as a
Foreign Company. The following regulations are related to Foreign Companies:
Legal Steps as required by the CA 1994:
Registration of foreign Companies:
As contained in Section -379 a Foreign Company can be registered in Bangladesh. The
Foreign Companies, which after the commencement of this Act establish a place of busies
within Bangladesh shall, within one month of the establishment of the place of business,
deliver the following documents to the Registrar for registration.
(a) A certified copy of the charter or statutes or memorandum and articles of the Company
or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the Company; and if
the instrument is not written in Bengali or English Languages a certified Bengali or
English translation thereof;
(b) The full address of the registered or principal office of the Company;
(c) A list of the Directors and Secretary if any, of the Company;
(d) The name and address or the names and addresses of one or more persons resident in
Bangladesh authorized to accept on behalf of the Company service of process and any
notice or other document required to be served on the company.
(e) The full address of the office of the Company in Bangladesh, which is to be deemed to
be its principal place of business in Bangladesh.
etc. on import of raw materials. After the Tax holiday period the Company will also enjoy 50%
Income tax relief on its export earnings.
The VAT rate for export of items of any company is Zero. But if the company sells its products
locally it will pay VAT as per VAT Act 1991 and amendments thereto.
Remittance and Employment
After registration of the Company by the Registrar, it will take permission from the
Bangladesh Bank through the Board of Investment for remittance from the overseas by way
of loan, equity, etc. and for remittance from Bangladesh for payment of dividend, interest etc.
For recruitment of any foreigners in the company, the company will take work permit of the
employees from the Board of Investment. For Bangladeshi employees no such permission is
required to work in foreign companies.
Ans : There are three kinds of meeting: Statutory, Ordinary, Extraordinary meeting. Each
type of meeting is highlighted below:
1. Statutory Meeting : Every company limited by shares and every company limited by a
guarantee and having a share capital is required to hold a Statutory Meeting of the
members of the company within a period of six months and not less than one month
from the date on which the company becomes entitled to commence business (Sec. 83)
2. General/Ordinary Meetings: A general meeting of a company should be held within 18
months from the date of its incorporation and thereafter one at least in every calendar
year. This meeting may also be called an Annual general Meeting. The period during
which the subsequent meeting should be held is 15 months from the previous general
meeting. The articles may provide such meeting shall be held on a certain date every
year. If no such meeting in held, the company and every director or manager who is a
party to the default shall be liable to a fine of TK. 10,000 and Tk. 250 for each day of
default and the Court may on the application of any member of the company, call or
direct the calling of such meeting (Sec. 81,82)
The directors of every company must lay before the company in general meeting a
balance sheet and profit and loss account or in the case of a company not trading for
profit and income and expenditure account for a period covering nine months from the
date of the meeting and in the case of the first meeting after incorporation, for a period
covering eighteen months from the date of incorporation. The balance sheet and the
profit and loss account or the income and expenditure account must be audited by the
company auditor and the auditor‟s report must be attached therewith.
Every company other than a private company must send a copy of such balance sheet
and profit and loss account or income and expenditure account so audited together
with a copy of the auditor‟s report to the registered address of every member of the
company, at least fourteen days before the meeting at which it is to be laid before the
members of the company and shall deposit a copy thereof at the registered office of the
company for the inspection of the members. The directors must also attach to every
balance sheet a report about the state of the company business, the amount if any
which they recommend to be paid by way of dividend and the amount, if any which
they propose to a reserve fund.
3. Extra Ordinary Meeting: All meeting of the shareholders other than the annual
meeting or those provided for in the articles are known as extraordinary general
meeting. These meeting may be called by the directors wither suo moto or on the
requisition of not less than one-tenth of the shareholders. Where the directors fail to
call such a meeting so requisitioned within the prescribed time limit 84 (i) it would be
called, by the requisitionists themselves (84(3).
The requisition must state the objects of the meetings and must be signed by the
requisitionsts and deposited at the registered office of the company, and may consist of
several documents in like form, each signed by one or more requisitionists.
If the directors do not cause a meeting to be called within twenty one days from the date of
the requisition being so deposited, the requisitionists or a majority of them in value may
themselves call the meeting but in either case any meeting so called shall be held within three
months from the date from the deposit of the requisitions.
Any reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionists by reason of the failure of the
directgors to convene the meeting duly must be repaid to the requisitionists by the company
and the company may deduct the sum so repaid from the fees or other remuneration of such of
the directors as were in default.
Ans : Motion is a proposal which is formally put before a meeting for discussion and decision
with or without amendments. A motion when passed is called a resolution. A motion may ,
therefore, be called proposal resolution. The requirements to move a motion in a meeting are
a) It has to be in writing so that a copy of the motion can be passed on to the Chairman
for his consideration.
b) It should usually be seconded by somebody. However, there is no hard and fast rule
that it is required to be seconded by someone.
c) It must be within the powers of the meeting and the scope of the notice covering the
d) It need to be framed in definite and unambiguous words and in affirmative terms.
e) It should commence with word That so that when passed it reads “Resolved that”.
Ans : The following are the steps required for making a public offer of shares.
1. Drafting of a prospectus.
2. Sanctioning of capital by the Securities and Exchange Commission beyond certain limit.
3. Approval of the prospectus by the SEC.
4. Filling of the prospectus with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies.
5. Underwriting agreement with the underwriters.
6. Arrangement with bankers and Manger to the issue.
Ans : Shares may be issued at a premium that is at a price more than their face value. The
Companies Act provided that a company may issue shares at a premium, but stipulates
specific application of the premium fund (sec. 57). There is also no prohibition in the Act
against issue of shares at differential premiums. But such premiums are to be transferred to a
separate Share Premium Account and utilized for certain specific purpose, such as:
a) In paying up un-issued shares of the company to be issued to members as fully paid
bonus shares.
b) In writing off the preliminary expenses.
c) In writing off the expenses of or the commission paid or discount allowed on any issue
of shares or debentures of the company.
d) In providing for the premium payable on redemption preference shares or debentures
of the company.
e) Subject to prior approval, for adjustment or amortization of intangible assets.
Shares issued at a premium and accepted by the public establish the strength and trust
owned by the issuing company.
Ans : There is specific statutory provision for issuance of shares at a discount. Section 153 of
the Companies Act provides that a company can issue shares at a discount, i.e. at a value lee
than its face value if the following conditions are fulfilled:
a) Such issuance of shares at a discount must be
Md. Sayduzzaman Tuhin, S.F. Ahmed & Co, Mob:01552-639307,01740599898;
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Question 56: State the procedures of calling Annual general Meeting and Extraordinary
General Meeting of a Company, State what business are transacted in Annual
General Meeting.
Question 57: What are the different type of resolutions laid down in the Companies Act,
1994? Please write done the purposes of the resolutions.
Ans : Letters of allotment are supposed to be exchanged by definitive scraps called the shares
certificates. A share certificate is after referred to as scrip (not script) by the trading circle,
meaning an instrument containing shares. This term is in vogue particularly in the stock
The Act provides ninety days time after allotment by which period those certificates are to be
completed and kept ready for delivery (Sec. 185)(1)
Share certificates are issued only in pursuance of a Board resolution and in exchanges of
allotment letters. If the letter is lost or destroyed, sufficient indemnity in the form of an
indemnity bond and other formalities such as FIR at the police station and press
announcement shall have to be made by the incumbent if the share certificate is lost or
destroyed the same procedures need to be followed. Before issuance of a duplicate certificate,
it is a good practice to notify the Stock Exchange about the matter.
The share certificate should also conform to certain degree of standards so far as size,
thickness and contenst etc. are concened, However, there is no such rule framed so far in
Bangladesh in this regard. Based on the usage and practice, a share certificate should match
and include the following:
1. It should look like a certificate of worth with a consecutive number.
2. Name of the company with monogram, authorized capital with nominal value.
3. Specification of the shareholder
4. Number of hares, distinctive numbers and folio.
5. Embossed Common Seal of the company.
6. At least two authorized signatures.
7. Revenue stamp as per the Stamp Act (if required)
Share certificates should be delivered to the shareholders, without incorporating the details of
each certificate in the members register and in the scrip book. The best is to make out the
computerized print.
Ans : By virtue of section 46 of the Companies Act, a public limited company, limited by
shares, if authorized by its articles may in respect of fully paid shares, issue under its
common seal, a share warrant stating that the bearer thereof is entitled to shares therein
specified and may further provide for the payment of future dividends on the shares included
in the warrants by means of coupons or otherwise.
It is to be noted that, only public companies may issue share warrants and that too on the
fulfillment of certain conditions as stated below: A public company may issue share warrants
under its common seal provided:
1. There is authority in the articles to issue them;
2. The shares are full paid up.
Since share warrants entitle the bearer to the shares specified in it, and since the share may
be transferred by mere delivery of the share warrant, it follows that a share warrant, unlike a
share certificate, is a negotiable instrument.
Section 50 (1) provides that on the issue of a share warrant, the company must strike out of
its register of members the name of the member and must enter the following particulars.
1. The fact of the issue of the share warrant;
2. The description of the shares included in the warrant, distinguishing each share by its
3. Date of issue of the warrant.
Ans : The company may capitalize its accumulated resources and profits by the issue of
shares called bonus shares. Bonus shares are issued by sloughing back un appropriated profit
or reserve in order to strengthen the capital structure or to meet the working capital needs of
the company.
The requirements to issuance of bonus shares are outlined below. If bonus shared by a
1. There must be like provisions in the company articles.
2. Its authorized capital must be sufficient to cover the same.
3. The shareholders must resolve to capitalize profits or to apply the share premium
account or utilize other reserved and to issue bonus share.
4. The share must be allotted by a Board resolution in the proportion determined by
shareholders in general meeting.
5. A return of allotment must be submitted to the Registrar within sixty days after
allotment of shares.
Question 61: What is meant by the term “ultra vires”? What is the effect of an “Ultra vires”
transaction as far as the company and its directors are concerned?
Question 62: In what circumstances can the directors decline a transfer of shares?
Ans : I do hereby beg to draw your kind self that the Board of Directors in the meeting held
on ……………… declined to recognize the transfer of enclosed number of shares as applied by
you on …………….. due to the non submission of form 117 from your end.
Ans : Minutes of 120th Board Meeting held on 4th March 2007 of ABC Co. litd. At its
registered office House No., 5 Road No. 16, Danamodi, Dhaka.
A meeting of the Board of Director of Tanmoy Company limited was held on …….at its
registered office.
Folowing members of the Board were present:
1. Mr. X
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2. Mr. Y
3. Mr. Z
Mr. X Chairman of the Board presided over the meeting
Following business were transacted in the meeting:
Agenda: 1 Proposal of transfer of shares of shareholder Mr. T.
The board was informed that Mr. T applied for transfer of 100 shares from his name to Mr. K
and form 117 and related share certificates were submitted duly for necessary action. After
discussion the Board decided as follows:
“The proposal for transfer of shares is approved”
As there being no other issues to discuss the meeting ended with vote of thank to and from the
Question 66: As envisaged in the Public Issue Rules 1998, as amended up to date, mention
the various risk factors to be described in the Prospectus by an IPO aspiring
public Limited Company and use of the proceeds of the IPO funds.
Question 67: What are the requirements of presenting financial statements by an IPO
aspiring public limited company?
Ans : Presentation of financial statement in the prospectus for IPO has some requirements.
These are:
1. The prospectus shall include a financial statement and a report thereon as required by
Companies Act. 1994.
2. The audited accounts and it should be as per BAS & BSA respectively. The financial
statements shall include:
(a) Summary of earnings for 5 years or existence periods which ever is higher;
(b) A consolidated Balance Sheet to be submitted to the SEC for the above period.
(c) A profit and loss account cash flow statements for the above period to be submitted
to the SEC.
Question 67: What is the purpose of stating the “object clause” of a company in its
memorandum? Can it be altered? How?
Objective clause is one of the important elements of Memorandum of Association. The main
objects of the company are disclose clearly in the objective clause. The Companies Act 1994
requires disclosing the main objectives relating to form a company under his Act. The main
objects and objects incidental are identified in the objective clause to enable the members of
the company, its creditors and the public to know the range of activities of the company.
Without stating objective clause no company can be registered under this Act.
A company can change the objective clause under the following circumstances (Section -12)
(1) To carry on its business more economically and efficiently
(2) To attain its business operation by new and improved way
(3) To enlarge the area of operation.
(4) To carry on some operation which will be more advantageous for the interest of the
(5) To restrict, abandon any of its objects.
(6) To amalgamate with any other company or body.
Question 68: What are the pre-conditions of reduction of share capital of a Company?
Question 69: What are the procedures of reduction of share capital and how the same is
A special resolution is to be passed for reduction of share capital. As per section 60 where a
company has passed a resolution for reducing its share capital it shall furnish petition to the
Court for an order confirming the reduction.
As per section 64 order of the Court confirming reduction will be required. The Court if
satisfied with respect to every creditor of the company who under this act is entitled to object
to the reduction, that either consent to the reduction has been obtained or his debt or claim
has been discharged or has been determined or has been secured, may make an order
confirming the reduction or such terms and conditions as it thinks fie.
As per Section 65 the Registrar shall on production on production to him register the following
documents, namely:
(a) The certified copy of the order of the court confirming the reduction of the share capital
of a company;
(b) A copy of the minutes approved by the court showing the following:
i. The amount of the reduced share capital;
ii. The number of shares into which it is to be divided;
iii. The nominal value of each such share;
iv. The amount if any at the date of registration, deemed to be paid up on each
such share.
On the registration under sub section (i) and not before the resolution for reducing share
capital as confirmed by the order so registered shall take effects.
3. Notice of the registration shall be published in such manner as the court may direct.
4. The Registrar shall certify under his hand the registration of the order and minutes,
and his certificate shall be conclusive evidence that all the requirements of this Act
with respect to reduction of share capital have been complied with and that the share
capital of the company is such as is stated in the minute.
Question 73: What contracts are required to be made under the Seal of a Company?
Ans : The common seal of the company shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the
authority of resolution of the Board of Directors, and in the presence of at least two Directors
and of the secretary or such other person as the directors may appoint for the purpose, and
those two directors and secretary or other person as aforesaid shall sing every instrument to
which the seal of the company is so affixed in the their presence.
Question 74: The Act seems not reasonable vocal about the interest of the minority
shareholders” – Comment in your way.
Question 75: Explain floating charges and fixed charges. When does a floating charge
Ans : Floating Charge and fixed charge
A charge on property is created when it is made liable for the payment of the money. A charge
may be fixed or floating.
A fixed charge in one which creates legal interest of a specific property of the company or all
the property of the company. Thus a fixed charge is equivalent to a mortgage. The company
can sell, lease etc. of the property subject to the right of the charge holder.
The floating charge does not amount to mortgage. The owner of such a property can deal with
it and the transferee gets it, free of charge.
Question 76: What are illegal associations? State the effect of an illegal association?
Question 76: Describe the legal positions of pre incorporation contracts. What are the
exceptions to those contracts?
In these circumstances, the simplest and safest course for promoter is to bring the negotiation
to the point of agreement but to postpone any binding contract until the company is formed
and can enter into the contract for itself. In this regard a fresh contract can be accorded by the
company after the incorporation.