Chronicles Chronicles Chronicles: THE THE THE
Chronicles Chronicles Chronicles: THE THE THE
Chronicles Chronicles Chronicles: THE THE THE
Gregor hadn’t planned to fall into another world, or to tumble into an adventure, or to become a hero. But when he
follows his little sister through a grate in the laundry room of their New York City apartment building, he hurtles into the
dark Underland where humans live uneasily beside giant spiders, bats, cockroaches, and rats.
There, the fragile peace is about to fall apart, and Gregor discovers that a prophecy foretells a role for him in the
Underland’s future. Little does he know that his quest will change him—and the Underland—forever.
Discussion Questions for
Book One: Gregor the Overlander
1. G
regor’s life isn’t as easy or as happy as it used to be since his father
disappeared. How has his life changed? Do you think these challenges in
any way prepared him for his quest in the Underland?
2. In the beginning of the story, Gregor believes his father will be back,
but he has created a rule for himself that prohibits him from thinking
about a future that includes his father. Why? How might this aid him in
his quest? Does Gregor ever break his own rule?
3. What are some of the descriptions in the book that show how the
Underlanders have adapted to their new environment? How do the
adaptations help them survive? What might happen to them if they came
back to the Overland?
4. Graph out the line to the royal throne of Regalia. Why are Luxa’s
Gregor is summoned back to the
cousins so awful to her? Is it just because of Henry, or is something
Underland by the terms of a second
more happening here? How do you view Howard? Is he to be trusted?
prophecy, this time about the Bane,
an ominous white rat whose survival 5. Even Gregor is not immune to feelings of confusion over the
may come at the cost of Gregor’s relationship between the rats and the humans, but he knows it’s wrong
dearest treasure — his little sister, to let Twitchtip drown. In what ways does this make Gregor a good
Boots. The Bane is destined to bring leader? Do you think it’s possible for a good leader to also be a good
a World War to the Underland if warrior?
Gregor doesn’t kill it. But when
6. Gregor’s secret is that he is a rager. Why does Gregor find this news to
Gregor comes face to face with the
be so scary? Do you think Gregor is anything like Ripred? Do you think
Bane, he faces a whole new dilemma.
it’s an advantage to be a rager or a disadvantage? Why?
His heart tells him he’s making the
right decision. Will it be a decision 7. According to the Prophecy of Bane, the most essential part of Gregor is
he lives to regret? his heart. How do you reconcile this with his rager side? Do you think
Gregor has come to terms yet with his rager side? Can the two ever
2. R
ipred lied to Gregor about how long he would need to stay in the
Underland. Do you think it was okay for Ripred to lie? What would
have happened if Ripred had told Gregor the truth? Would you lie if
something important were at stake?
3. In the beginning of the story, Gregor worries about his mom being
in the Underland with him—why? How is Gregor different in the
Underland when his mom is around? When she is not around? If his
mom had not been stricken by the plague and accompanied Gregor on
the quest, how do you think this would have affected his quest?
4. Gregor and Ripred often have quite a contentious relationship, yet there
are times when they both seem to genuinely care and look out for each
other. What evidence is there of Ripred caring for Gregor? And Gregor
of Ripred? Why is their relationship so complicated?
5. Why does Luxa almost let Gregor drown in the quicksand? Why has she
With two prophecies fulfilled,
aligned herself with the nibblers? Why do other groups (such as the rats)
Gregor is now focused on the
seem to hate the nibblers?
Prophecy of Blood, which calls for
Gregor and “the princess,” Boots, 6. We learn the story of how Hamnet was forced to flood the garden
to return to the Underland to help thereby killing hundreds of rats. Afterward, Hamnet could not stay sane
ward off a plague. Him mom agrees and he fled Regalia. If you were Hamnet, would you decide to live in
to let them go—on the condition the jungle or return to Regalia? Which is the bravest choice? Which is
that she travel with them. When the more honorable choice?
they arrive in the subterranean city,
7. After telling Gregor and Luxa the story about Hamnet fleeing Regalia,
the plague is spreading—and one of
Ripred says, “The more tales told, the less chance of repeating them.”
Gregor’s family is stricken. Only then
What does Ripred mean by this? What other stories in our own recent
does he understand his role in the history are important stories to hear? Why?
prophecy. He must summon all his
power to end the biological warfare, 8. We learn a lot about Solovet in this book that paints her in quite an
or the warmblood creatures of the unfavorable light. What bothers Gregor about Solovet? Why do you
Underland will die. think Vikus, who in many ways is the opposite of Solovet, seems to
tolerate it? In what ways is Solovet like the heads of other military
powers in the world? Is it necessary to always rule by force?
Discussion Questions for
Book Four: Gregor and the Marks of Secret
1. G
regor feels like an outsider at home in New York City. He finds
comfort in the thought that he can go back to the Underland where he
will fit in. How has his idea of “home” changed? Do you think this helps
explain why soldiers who come back from war often sign up for more
tours of duty even when they aren’t obligated to?
2. W
hy is Lizzie extremely nervous about going away to camp? In what
ways might you compare her and her family to the families that
servicemen and servicewomen have left behind to go fight in a war?
3. Why does Ripred tell Gregor that they must kill the Bane and keep their
plan a secret from everyone? Would you go along with Ripred’s plan if
you were Gregor? Given the past history of Ripred telling lies to get his
way, would you doubt or trust him now?
9. Besides the marks of secret, what other secrets are there in this story?
When is a secret powerful? When is it deadly? Are secrets ever justified?
10. At the end of the story, Gregor says he has no other option but to pick
up Sandwich’s sword and fight. Do you agree with Gregor?
Discussion Questions for
Book Five: Gregor and the Code of Claw
1. V
ikus tells Gregor that even in a time of war there is a time for
restraint. What does Vikus mean by this? When does this advice end up
helping Gregor? Can you think of real-life examples when this advice
might come in handy?
2. W
ere you surprised that Lizzie is actually thought to be the princess?
What clues were there from the very beginning of the series that this
actually could be the case? Why is she such an unlikely princess? What
makes her a good princess?
3. W
hen Gregor learns the truth about how the humans ran the moles out
of Regalia, he feels confused about his role in the Underland. Gregor
explains, “It was a terrible feeling, to be on the wrong side of what was
right.” Why does Gregor feel so conflicted? Do you think the humans
have the right to claim Regalia as their own?
4. We learn that Ripred’s entire family was killed when Hamnet broke the
dike. Does this information change your opinion of Ripred? Does this
make him a more sympathetic or trustworthy character?
Everyone in the Underland has
been taking great pains to keep
5. Ripred admits that he doesn’t believe in the truth of Sandwich’s
The Prophecy of Time from Gregor. prophecies, and Gregor says that he has been doubting them as well.
Gregor knows it must say something Why? By the end of the series, it is left a bit open to our interpretation
awful but he never imagined just as to whether or not the prophecies have any truth to them. Based on
how awful: It calls for the warrior’s the way the prophecies played out, what do you think?
death. Now, with an army of rats
approaching, and his mom and sister 6. At the end of the story, the humans and the rats form an alliance with
still in Regalia, Gregor the warrior one another. How likely do you think this is to last?
must gather up his courage to help
7. Gregor says that after the war there will be no place for him, not in the
defend Regalia and get his family
Underland, not in the Overland, and nowhere in between. Thinking
home safely. The entire existence of about Gregor in the beginning of the first book, how has his idea of
the Underland is in Gregor’s hands, being a hero changed? Do you consider Gregor a hero? Do you think he
and time is running out. There is a considers himself one? Is the author is drawing any parallels to soldiers
code to be cracked, a mysterious who return home from fighting in a war?
new princess, Gregor’s burgeoning
dark side, and a war to end all wars. 8. Do you think Gregor has any other choice but to return home to New
York City after the war is over?
family in Connecticut.
Book Two: Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane Book Five: Gregor and the Code of Claw
Paperback: 978-0-439-65076-2 Paperback: 978-0-439-79144-1
Ebook: 978-0-545-31796-2 Ebook: 978-0-545-31816-7