Lecture CIMPA School
Lecture CIMPA School
Lecture CIMPA School
Representation of Algebras;
CIMPA School;
Homological Methods in the Theory of
Representations and Its Applications
Preliminaries 5
1 Preliminaries 6
1.1 Posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Representations of Posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Algorithms of Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Some indecomposable objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.2 Tiled Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Quiver Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.4.1 Auslander-Reiten Quiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.5 Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.8 Digital Watermarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.9 Homological Persistence Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3 Appendix 79
3.0.1 DVII in MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.0.2 Wavelet Transformation and Singular Value Decompo-
sition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
In this notes, we intend to describe some applications of the theory of repre-
sentation of posets and quivers in number theory, combinatorics and cryptog-
raphy, in number theory we describe how indecomposable projective modules
of some path algebras give information on the number of partitions of an inte-
ger number into three triangular numbers, in particular, the Vietá’s formula
arise from the spectrum of Dynkin diagrams of type An and Dn and the
Euler’s counterexample on the primality of the Fermat number F5 arises as
mutations of clusters of a particular cluster algebra [37].
On the other hand, the theory of representation of posets was used by Zavad-
skij and Kirichenko to classify tiled orders or semimaximal rings [77, 78] such
tiled orders are helpful to determine the number of two-point antichains in
the powerset Pn of the set {1, 2, . . . , n} as a particular case of the famous
Dedekind’s problem which consists of enumerating the number of antichains
in Pn . Besides, 01-tiled orders can be used to construct emerging images,
this kind of images have been used in different CAPTCHAs (Completely Au-
tomated Turing Test to Tell Humans and Machines Apart), recently it has
been constructed emerging videos which are the based of Nu-CAPTCHA
which is one of the more strongest CAPTCHA developed up to date. We
also describe a relationship between some aspects of the visual cryptography
with some matrix problems.
Chapter 1
1.1 Posets
An ordered set (or partially ordered set or poset) is an ordered pair of the
form (P, ≤) of a set P and a binary relation ≤ contained in P × P, called
the order (or the partial order ) on P, such that ≤ is reflexive, antisymmetric
and transitive [25]. The elements of P are called the points of the ordered
set. We will write x < y for x ≤ y and x 6= y, in this case we will say x is
strictly less than y. An ordered set will be called finite (infinite) if and only
if the underlying set is finite (infinite). Usually we shall be a little slovenly
and say simply P is an ordered set. Where it is necessary to specify the order
relation overtly we write (P, ≤).
(2) For each covering pair x < y in P, take a line segment l(x, y) joining the
circle at p(x) to the circle at p(y).
d e
d d
d @db
f @
@d a
Figure 1
We have only defined diagrams for finite ordered sets. It is not possible to
represent the whole of an infinite ordered set by a diagram, but if its structure
is sufficiently regular it can often be suggested diagrammatically. Of course,
the same ordered set may have different diagrams. Diagram-drawing is as
much an art as a science, and, as we will see, good diagrams can be a real
asset to understanding and to theorem-proving.
Perhaps one of the most interesting problems regarding antichains was pro-
posed by Dedekind in 1897 in his famous Über Zerlegungen von Zahlen durch
ihre größten gemeinsamen Teiler (About breakdowns of numbers by their
greatest common divisor). The nth Dedekind number D(n) is given by the
number of monotone boolean functions on n variables or by counting the
number of antichains in the powerset 2n ordered by inclusion [72].
A formula for D(n) for any n has not been found up to date. Actually,
only the following eight Dedekind numbers are known at the present time
(A000372 in OEIS), [79]:
D(0) = 2
D(1) = 3
D(2) = 6
D(3) = 20
D(4) = 168 (1.1.1)
D(5) = 7, 581
D(6) = 7, 828, 354
D(7) = 2, 414, 682, 040, 998
D(8) = 56, 130, 437, 228, 687, 557, 907, 788.
U = (U0 ; Ux | x ∈ P) (1.2.2)
U ⊕ V = (U0 ⊕ V0 ; Ux ⊕ Vx | x ∈ P).
A representation U ∈ rep P is said to be indecomposable if U 6= 0 and is not
a direct sum of two non-zero representations.
For example if
P= d d d
a1 a2 a3
is a poset consisting of three incomparable elements, then the following is a
complete list of indecomposable representations:
1 0 1
k(ai ), k(ai , aj ), k(a1 , a2 , a3 ), and U3a = , where i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and
0 1 1
i < j.
P0b = (P \ b) ∪ N
2+5 d
d5 db
d @d
2+4 5
2 d
2 d 0 @d
@ d4 d7 −→ @
1 d @ b @ d1+3 @@ d
1 d
@ @
@d d6 @d d6
3 3
Figure 2
U00 = Ub ,
Ux0 = Uxb for x ∈ P\ b,
0 (1.3.4)
Ux+y = U(x+y)b for each diad {x, y} ⊂ N,
ϕ0 = ϕ | Ub for any linear map-morphism ϕ : U0 → V0 ∈ rep P.
The following theorem was proved by Gabriel in 1973 [32].
Theorem 1.1. The functor of differentiation with respect to a maximal point
F b : rep P → repP0b ,
in particular
|Ind P| = |IndP0b | + |N
b | + 1.
Where |Ind P| denotes the number of classes of indecomposable objects in
rep P, |N
b | is the size of N
b and hInd N i denotes the ideal consisting of all
morphisms passing through sums of indecomposable objects defined by the
subset N , in this case rep P/hInd N i is a quotient category [31, 44, 66].
These results allowed to Kleiner to give the following finite type representa-
tion criterion:
Theorem 1.2. A finite poset P is of finite representation type if and only if
P 6⊃ K1 , . . . , K5 where
d d
d d d d
d d d d d d d d d d
d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
Figure 3
P = aO + C + b M
P0(a,b) = P\{c1 , c2 , . . . , cn } + {a + c1 , a + c2 , . . . , a + cn } + {c1 b, c2 b, . . . , cn b},
n d bd
db @
d d
cn c+ c−
@ n
d 2
d @d
0 c+
1d @d
c2 (a,b)
@ 2
d d d @d
a c1 a c−
Figure 4
U00 = U0
Uc0+ = Ua+ci = Ua + Uci
Uc0− = Uci b = Uci ∩ Ub
x ≤ y =⇒ Ux ⊂ Uy
x y =⇒ F (Ux ) ⊂ Uy .
where x y denotes a strong relation between points x and y in P whereas
x y denotes a weak relation between them. And F (Ux ) is the hull of the
subspace Ux obtained from Ux via a natural complexification process.
Figure 5
We define a representation U for P over the pair (R, C), in such a way
that the set of vectors {e1 , e2 , e3 , e4 , e5 } is a basis for the R-space, U0 = R5 .
Ua = C{e2 + ie3 },
Ub = C{e4 + ie5 },
Uc = C5 = U
f0 ,
Ud = C{e1 , e4 + ie5 }.
Each equipped poset P naturally defines a matrix problem of mixed type over
the pair (F, G). Consider a rectangular matrix M separated into vertical
stripes Mx , x ∈ P, with Mx being over F (over G) if the point x is strong
x -y
⊗ ⊗ e e
M= G G F F
(a) F -elementary row transformations of the whole matrix M ;
(b) F -elementary (G-elementary) column transformations of a stripe Mx if
the point x is strong (weak);
(c) In the case of a weak relation x ≺ y, additions of columns of the stripe
Mx to the columns of the stripe My with coefficients in G;
(d) In the case of a strong relation x y, independent additions both real
and imaginary parts of columns of the stripe Mx to real and imaginary
parts (in any combinations) of columns of the stripe My with coefficients
in F (assuming that, for y strong, there are no additions to the zero
imaginary part of My ).
Two representations are said to be equivalent or isomorphic if they can be
turned into each other with help of the admissible transformations. The
corresponding matrix problem of mixed type over the pair (F, G) consists of
giving of all its indecomposable representations up to equivalence.
Remark 1.3. The matrix problem for representations (a)-(d) occurs natu-
rally in the classification of the objects U ∈ rep P up to isomorphisms. In
this case, it is associated to the representation U its matrix presentation
MU = (Mx ; x ∈ P) defined as follows:
If a point x ∈ P◦ (P⊗ ) then the columns of the stripe Mx consist of coordi-
nates (with respect to a fixed ordered basis B of U0 ) of a system of generators
G of Ux+ (respectively, G-subspace Ux ) modulo its radical subspace Ux+ (re-
spectively, Ux ). Problem (a)-(d) may be obtained by changing basis B and
the system of generators G.
ordered basis {e1 , . . . , e5 } of the vector space U0 .
a a b
T (a) = 1 , a ∈ P⊗ , T (a, b) = 1 0 , with a ≺ b.
u u 1
If we consider the notation (1.2.2) for objects in rep P then the object T (a)
may be described in such a way that, T (a) = (T0 ; Tx | x ∈ P), where
T0 = F 2 and
T0 = G ,
e if x ∈ aO ,
Tx = G {(1, u)t } , if x ∈ ag ,
0, otherwise.
where (1, u)t is the column of coordinates with respect to an ordered basis
of T0 .
G{(1, u) },
if x ∈ ag \ B,
Tx = Te0 = G2 , if x ∈ aO + B ∨ ,
0, otherwise.
The definitions given above allow us to write the matrix representation (1.3.6)
of the equipped poset described in Figure 5 as the following direct sum of
indecomposable objects:
a b c d
1 1 e1
1 1 e2
T (a) ⊕ T (b) ⊕ P (c, d) =MU = i e3
1 1 e4
i e5
Remark 1.4. In [74] it is proved that P (∅), P (ci ), T (ci ) and T (ci , cj ),
for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n are the only indecomposable representations (up to
isomorphisms) over the pair (R, C) of a completely weak chain C = {c1 ≺
· · · ≺ cn }. In fact, if U = (U0 ; Uci | 1 ≤ i ≤ n) is a representation of C
over (R, C) then in the corresponding matrix representation each block Uci ,
1 ≤ i ≤ n, may be reduced via admissible transformations to the following
standard form:
Uci =
where the columns consist of generators of Uci modulo its radical subspace
Uci = Uci−1 with respect to a fixed basis of U0 (In this case, empty cells
indicate null coordinates). This result can be generalized in a natural way
to the case (F, G) by using a suitable scalar u ∈ G instead of the constant
i ∈ C in the matrix presentation of Uci showed above.
The following is the description of the algorithm of differentiation VII:
A pair of incomparable points (a, b) in an equipped poset P is said to be
VII-suitable, if a ∈ P⊗ , b ∈ P◦ and
P = aO + bM + {a ≺ c1 ≺ · · · ≺ cn },
(1) Points a− , a+ , c− +
i y ci inherit the relations that points a and ci had in
the original poset P \ {a + C}.
In Diagram a double line denotes strong relations between all points in the
up-cone A and the weak point a, this notation is not necessary in case of
relations between a strong point (b for instance) and any point of an equipped
The functor of differentiation D(a,b) : rep P −→ rep P0(a,b) = 0 : rep P −→rep
P0 (a,b) , is defined in such a way that for U 0 = D(a,b) (U ) ∈ rep P0(a,b) , if 1 ≤ i ≤
n then it holds that
U00 = U0 ,
Ua0 − = Ua ∩ Ub ,
Ua0 + = F (Ua ),
Uc0− = Uci ∩ Ub , (1.3.7)
If (E0 , W0 ) is a (Ua+ , Ub+ )-cleaving pair of the space U0 then U ↓ is the repre-
sentation of the reduced derived poset which satisfy the condition
U 0 = U ↓ ⊕ P m (a+ ),
pair of fields (R, C) in such a way that:
U00 = R8 = R{et | 1 ≤ t ≤ 8},
Ua0 + = C{ei | 1 ≤ i ≤ 6},
Ub0 = C{ek | 5 ≤ k ≤ 8},
Ua0 − = 0,
Uc0+ =Uf0 ,
Uc0− = Ud0 = C{e8 },
with U0 = E0 ⊕ W0 , E0 = R{ei | 1 ≤ i ≤ 4}, W0 = R{ei | 5 ≤ i ≤ 8}.
Then the representation W = U ↓ is such that :
W0 = R{ei | 5 ≤ t ≤ 8},
Wa+ = C{e5 , e6 },
Wb = W
f0 ,
Wa− = 0,
Wc+ = Wb = Wc+ ⊕ C{e7 },
Wc− = Wd = C{e8 }.
Therefore, if U ∈ rep P has an associated matrix presentation MU with the
a cxd b
1 1
MU =
1 1
1 1
Ub = W0
1 1
a+ c d b
then U 0 ' U ↓ ⊕ P 4 (a+ ). Note that, blank cells denote null coordinates of
vectors with respect to a fixed basis of the space U0 .
The following is the main result regarding differentiation VII.
Theorem 1.5. Let P be an equipped poset with a pair of points VII-suitable
(a, b). Then the differentiation functor
D(a,b) : rep P −→ rep P0(a,b) ,
induces a categorical equivalence between quotient categories
R/I → R0 /I0
Corollary 1.6. If Γ(R) y Γ(R0 ) are the Gabriel’s quivers of R and R0 then
The following is the matrix presentation of the differentiation VII and its
corresponding process of integration.
a A c1 cn B b
E E0
iE E
iE E
∗ X1 Xn Q
∗ G ∗ ∗ F1 Y1 ∗ Fn Yn ∗ ∗ Ub
a −
1 c−
a+ c+
1 c+
1.3.2 Tiled Orders
A field T is said to be of discrete norm or discrete valuation if it is endowed
with a surjective map [77, 78]
ν : T → Z ∪ {∞},
O = {x ∈ T | ν(x) ≥ 0}.
Ring O is such that O ⊃ πO, where πO is the unique maximal ideal, therefore
ideals of O generate a chain of the form
O ⊃ πO ⊃ π 2 O ⊃ · · · ⊃ π m O ⊃ . . .
Λ consists of all matrices whose entries ij belong to π λij O, in this case the
eij ∈ T n×n are unit matrices such that eij ekl = δjk eil (δjk = 1, if j = k,
δjk = 0 otherwise). Numbers λij are integers which satisfy the following
1. λii = 0, for each i,
2. λij + λjk ≥ λik for all i, j, k.
A = (π α1 O, π α2 O, . . . , π αn O),
Note that, A ' A0 if and only if αi = αi0 + k, for some k ∈ Z and any
1 ≤ i ≤ n.
Irreducible right modules which are contained in a Q-simple module of a Λ
order constitute a lattice denoted LR (Λ).
We denote P(Λ) = PR (Λ) the subposet of LR (Λ) which consists of irreducible
projective modules the projective modules Pi are called principals where
Pi = (λi1 , λi2 , . . . , λin ) = Pi0 , Pi0 ∈ PR (Λ)
In this poset there are as many projective modules as infinite chains. In such
a case, modules of the form
Pik = (λi1 + k, . . . , λin + k), k ∈ Z
are projective modules isomorphic to Pi0 . Therefore:
P(Λ) = {Pik | 1 ≤ i ≤ n}
k − l ≥ λij , PL (Λ),
Pik ≤ Pjl if and only if
k − l ≥ λji , PR (Λ).
Thus, the poset P(Λ) is infinite, periodic and the sum of n chains with the
form {Pik | 1 ≤ i ≤ n, k ∈ Z}, with width w (P(Λ)) ≤ n. For instance, the
tiled order
0 2 2 O π2O π2O
Λ = 2 0 2 = π 2 O O π 2 O ,
2 2 0 π2O π2O O
has associated the following poset of projective modules:
.. .. ..
. . .
P1−4 d dP3
Sa !!
S a " d!!
a ! %
P1−3 d S a !" a
! a
b 2
% P −3
!d 3
Sa! "
! a b !
" a " d!!
aS a ! %
! %
P1−2 d! %a P −2
! a
"SS Sa "a!a Pb
b 2 %
bd 3
Sa! "
!S! %b
a %!!
" a S d%!
aS a !
!% a%
−2 ab
P1−1 d! %a P −1
"SS Sa ""a !
b 2 % bd 3
! !S a
% b %
"!S S d% −1 %
a b
P10 d! adP30
" S P2 % b b
S %
S d% 0
.. .. ..
. 24. .
Figure 7
The map σ : PR (Λ) → PL (Λ), given by σ(Pik ) = Pi−k is a natural poset
antiisomorphism, thus the pair {O, P(Λ)} defines the tiled order Λ up to
isomorphism, in the sense that
0 0 0
Λ ' Λ if and only if {O, P(Λ)} ' {O , P(Λ )}
0 0
That is, O ' O and P(Λ) ' P(Λ ) which means that there exists a poset iso-
morphism ϕ : PL (Λ) → PL (Λ ) such that A ' B if and only if ϕ(A) ' ϕ(B).
Λ and Λ are Morita-equivalents provided that ϕ preserves isomorphisms.
The following result characterizes isomorphic orders via matrix problems [44]:
Theorem 1.7. Two orders Λ and Λ are isomorphic if the corresponding
exponents matrices λij and λij can be turner into each other with the help of
the following admissible t-transformations:
The following is the finite type representation criterion for tiled orders intro-
duced by Zavadskij and Kirichenko [77, 78].
for instance the following (0, 1)-orders are isomorphic (Actually, for each
n ≥ 3 it is possible to build 01 tiled order of these types Λn and Γn ):
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 7
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 @
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 d4 d5 @ d6
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Λ3 = @
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 d1 @ d2 @ d3
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 @
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 @d
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
N(Λ3 )
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 @
d1 d2 @ d4
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Γ3 = @ @
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 @ @
d3 @ d5 @ d6
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 @
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
N(Γ3 )
Figure 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Λ4 =
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Γ4 =
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.4 Quiver Representations
A quiver Q = (Q0 , Q1 , s, t) is a quadruple consisting of two sets Q0 whose
elements are called vertices and Q1 whose elements are called arrows, s and
t are maps s, t : Q1 → Q0 such that if α is an arrow then s(α) is called
the source of α whereas t(α) is called the target of α [2]. A path of length
l ≥ 1 with source a and target b is a sequence (a | α1 , α2 , . . . , αl | b) where
t(αi ) = s(αi+1 ) for any 1 ≤ i < l. Vertices are paths of length 0 [2, 4, 7, 8, 66].
If Q is a quiver and k is an algebraically closed field then the path algebra
kQ of Q is the k-algebra whose underlying k-vector space has its basis the
set of all paths of length l ≥ 0 in Q, the natural graph- concatenation is the
product of two paths [2, 56].
A k-algebra A is said to be basic if it has a complete set {e1 , e2 , . . . , el } of
primitive orthogonal idempotents such that ei A ej A for all i 6= j.
A relation for a quiver Q is a linear combination of paths of length ≥ 2 with
same starting point and same end point, not all coefficients being zero [2].
Let Q be a finite and connected quiver. The two sided ideal of the path
algebra kQ generated by the arrows of Q is called the arrow ideal of kQ and
is denoted by RQ , RQ is the ideal of kQ generated as a k-vector space, by
the set of all paths of length ≥ l. A two sided ideal I of the path algebra kQ
is said to be admissible if there exists m ≥ 2 such that RQ m
⊆ I ⊂ RQ2
If I is an admissible ideal of kQ, the pair (Q, I) is said to be a bound quiver.
The quotient algebra kQ/I is said to be a bound quiver algebra.
Gabriel proved the following result:
Theorem 1.9. Let A be a basic and connected finite dimensional k-algebra.
There exists an admissible ideal I of kQA such that A ∼
= kQA /I.
A k-linear representation or representation M of a quiver Q is a system of
the form:
M = ((Mx , ϕα ) | x ∈ Q0 , α ∈ Q1 )
where Mx is a k-vector space for each x ∈ Q0 and ϕ : Ma → Mb is a k-linear
map associated to each arrow α : a → b ∈ Q1 .
Gabriel also proved the following theorem [2]:
Theorem 1.10. Let Q be a finite, connected, and acyclic quiver; k be an
algebraically closed field; and A = kQ be the path k-algebra of Q.
hn−1 h
− Xn−1 −−−→ Xn −−n→ · · · (infinite or finite) of right A-
A sequence · · · →
modules connected by A-homomorphisms is called exact if Ker hn = Im hn−1
for any n. In particular:
u r
− L→
− M→
− N →0
The pair (K, S) is called a Krull-Schmidt category with short exact sequences
provided K is a Krull-Schmidt category, and S is a set of pairs (g, f ) of maps
in K such that f is a kernel of g in K, and g is a cokernel of f in K (this
means that for (g, f ) ∈ S, we have gf = 0, and if gf 0 = 0 for an f 0 in K then
f 0 = f ν for an unique ν in K, and if g 0 f = 0 for a g 0 in K then g 0 = γg for an
unique γ in K). The pair (K, S) is said to be an exact category provided K
is a Krull-Schmidt category, such that there exists a full embedding K ⊆ A
with A an abelian category such that S is the set of all short exact sequences
belonging to K, and moreover K is closed under extensions in A [56].
source and sink maps were called by Auslander and Reiten minimal left
almost split map and minimal right almost split map respectively.
Let (K, S) be a Krull-Schmidt category with short exact sequences. The pair
(g, f ) is said to be an almost split sequence or Auslander-Reiten sequence of
(K, S) provided (g, f ) belongs to S with f being a source map in K and g a
sink map in K.
@ @
@ @
@ R
@ @ @
@ @
@ @
0001 0010 0100 1000
Figure 9
1.5 Sections
Let Σ = (Σ0 , Σ1 ) be a connected and acyclic quiver. An infinite translation
quiver (ZΣ, τ ) has the set (ZΣ)0 = Z × Σ0 = {(n, x) | n ∈ Z, x ∈ Σ0 } as its
set of vertices, and for each arrow α : x → y ∈ Σ1 there exist two arrows
And these are all the arrows in (ZΣ)1 . The translation τ on ZΣ is given by
the formula τ (n, x) = (n + 1, x), and for every (n, x) ∈ (ZΣ)0 it is defined a
bijection between the set of arrows of target (n, x) and the set of arrows of
source (n + 1, x) by the formulas:
S(1) Σ is acyclic.
Henceforth, we let Ox denote the orbit of a fixed element x ∈ Γ0 . In par-
ticular, if Γ(Mod A) = (Γ0 , Γ1 ) is the Auslander-Reiten quiver of an algebra
of Dynkin type ∆n then each element of the τ -orbit of an indecomposable
projective module will be denoted τin , i ∈ N. We also note that in the case
of representation-finite hereditary algebras A the vertices of the Auslander-
Reiten quiver ΓA corresponding to the indecomposable projective modules
form in ΓA a section of Dynkin class.
Figure 10
In this case sections are S 1 = {τ1 , τ2 , τ3 }, S2 = τ 1 , τ2 , τ3 , τ 1 , τ2 , τ3 ,
S3 = τ1−1 , τ2 , τ3−1 and S4 = τ1−1 , τ2−1 , τ3−1 all of them of type A3 .
Recently, Bravo et al [9] found out the following results regarding categori-
fication of integer sequences. Actually, these results regard categorification
of the integer sequences A049611, A084851 in the OEIS. In this case, S(Ak )h−
denotes the number of sections in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of an algebra
of Dynkin type Ak whose hth vertex (numbering from the left to the right)
is a sink.
Theorem 1.11. S(An )h− = 2n−4 (n2 + 5n + 2), n ≥ 4.
Theorem 1.12. S(Ak )h− = (h + 1)2 − j h−2j
Chapter 2
In this chapter, we explore the use of tiled orders and representation of some
quivers in order to establish connections between number theory, combina-
torics and spectral theory.
where SΛ%n
) is the size of the support of the upper diagonal (lower di-
agonal). And {Bnr | 0 ≤ r ≤ n − 2} is a set-partition of Supp(Λ% n ) such
Bnr gnr −k.
1. For each n ≥ 0, | | is a sum of consecutive positive integers
2n−1 − 1, if r = 0,
gnr = hrn =
[c(s, n − s) − c(s, n − s − r − 1)], if r ≥ 1
n−1 = 2
, if r = n − 1.
3. (
c(h + 1, n), if 0 ≤ h ≤ n − 3,
Tnh =
n − 1, if h = n − 2.
where c(k, n) = k
and tj denotes the jth triangular number.
Remark 2.1. For each r and n fixed, Bnr consists of subsets ρrk with | ρkr |=
gnr − k defining uniquely a projective module Pk0 (r) ⊂ Λn .
= A2n = 3A2n−1 + t2n−1 −1 .
where A2n denotes the number of two-point antichains in N(Γn ) (see Figure
Proof. First of all, we note that projective modules Pi0 = (λi1 , λi2 , . . . , λi2n ) ∈
Λn are uniquely determined by points xi ∈ Pn by definition. That is,
λij ∈ {0, 1} with
Matrix blocks Bnr are obtained by fixing subsets of the form P(1, 2, . . . , r) =
{i1 , i2 , . . . , ir } and determining the set of incomparable
T points of each point
xs ∈ H(1, 2, . . . , r) ⊂ Pn with P(1, 2, . . . , r) = xs and | xi |=| xj |
xs ∈H(1,2,...,r)
for all xi , xj ∈ H(1, 2, . . . , r).
Secondly, we note that, A21 = t2 − 3 = 0, and A22 = t4 − 9 = 1. Suppose now
that the second assertion is true for all j, 1 ≤ j ≤ k − 1, in particular,
A2k−1 = 3i t2k−i−2 = A2k−1 = t2k−1 − 3k−1 .
A2k = 3i t2k−i−1 = 3(t2k−1 − 3k−1 ) + t2k−1 −1
k−1 (2k−1 +1) k−1 −1)(2k−1 )
A2k = 3( 2 2
) + ( (2 2
) − 3k = 2
(32k−1 + 3 + 2k−1 − 1) − 3k .
A2k = 2
[42k−1 + 2] − 3k = 2k−1 [2k + 1] − 3k = t2k − 3k .
For instance:
g40 = 7, g41 = 7
A250 = 633824582216127571845716253751,
A2100 = 803469022128979760250249034840178665431449990319442661731375.
The following results are easy to see via Theorem 2.2:
Corollary 2.4. For n ≥ 1 sequence A2n satisfies the following conditions:
1. If n ≡ 0 mod 4 then 5 | An2 and A2n ≡ 1 mod 3.
2. If n ≡ 1 mod 4 then 3 | An2 and 5 | A2n .
3. If n ≡ 2 mod 4 then A2n ≡ 3 mod 4, A2n ≡ 1 mod 3 and A2n ≡ 1
mod 10.
4. If n ≡ 3 mod 4 then 3 | An2 and A2n ≡ 9 mod 10 .
Theorem 2.5. The sequence A2n has no prime numbers.
Proof. According to the last Corollary, it suffices to consider the case n ≡ 2
mod 4. In such a case if A2n is a prime number p then ( −3
) = 1 and ( −1
) = −1
which is a contradiction.
Remark 2.6. Formula proposed in Theorem 2.2 was also found out by Riv-
iere in [58] by using other methods.
Let k[x] and k[x, y] be the free associative algebras generated by x and by
x and y, respectively (the algebras of the quivers consisting of 1 or 2 loops).
A finite dimensional algebra A is called tame if it is not finitely represented
and if for each d ∈ N there are finitely many k[x] − A-bimodules (or se-
ries) Mi which are free of rank d over k[x] and such that each indecom-
posable A-module of dimension d is isomorphic to k[x]/(x − λ) ⊗k[x] Mi for
some i and some λ in k. It is called wild if there is a k < x, y > −A-
module which is finitely free over k < x, y > and such that the functor
F : modfp k < x, y >→ mod A, N → N ⊕k<x,y> M preserves indecompos-
ability and heteromorphisms in the sense of Gabriel and Roiter.
The following definitions are useful to enunciate the M.I. Platzeck and E.
Fernández’s theorem.
Let ∆ = (∆0 , ∆1 ) be a graph then the adjacency matrix is the n × n-integer
matrix A∆ :
the number of edges between i and j, if i 6= j,
(A∆ )i,j =
two times the number of loops at i, if i = j.
Theorem 2.8. E(Sn ) < E(∆) < E(An ), for any n-vertex tree ∆.
We recall that the main problem in the theory of indices consists of finding
the value of the energy for a significant family of trees.
Thus the energy E(∆) of ∆ is given by the Coulson integral:
Z ∞ b2c
2 1X
(−1)k m(∆, k)xn−2k dx. (2.2.2)
π 0 x k=0
Theorem 2.9. The largest eigenvalue λ1 and√ the maximum vertex degree δ∆
of a graph ∆ are related by the inequality δ∆ ≤ λ1 ≤ δ∆ .
Since it is well known that any number λ in the spectrum of a Dynkin diagram
of type An has the form cos( n+1 ), k = 0, . . . , n. We will focus the study of
the spectrum of An and Dm with n = 2k − 1 and m = 2k + 1, k ≥ 2.
Firstly, we recall the following result given by L.D. Servi [64]:
Theorem 2.12. If b1 lies in the interval [−2, 2] and bi ∈ {−1, 0, 1}, for i 6= 1
If in addition bk 6= 0 then
v v
u u s
u r
bk t b1 π
u u
2 + bk−1 2 + bk−2 2 + · · · + b2 2 + 2 sin(
R(bk , bk−1 , . . . , b1 ) = ).
2 4
1 bk bk bk−1 bk bk−1 bk−2 bk bk−1 bk−2 . . . b1
f (bk , bk−1 , . . . , b1 ) = ( − − − ··· − )π.
2 4 8 16 2k+1
r−2 2X
X (2k + 1)π
E(A2r −1 ) = 4 cos( ). (2.2.7)
j=0 k=0
Y |λ| Y ρ(D2r +1 ) 2
Lim = = .
r→∞ 2 2 π (2.2.8)
λ∈Sp(A2r −1 ) r=2
bj =1,1≤j≤k
Since the characteristic polynomial pAe 2r −1 (x) = x1 (pD2r +1 (x))−2 and pDe 2r +2 (x) =
x2 (pD2r +1 (x)) then the following result holds:
Corollary 2.17.
e 2r −1 ) = Sp(A2r−1 −1 ) ∪ {−2, 2},
e 2r +2 ) = Sp(A2r −1 ) ∪ {−2, 2}.
The extended exchange matrix B(µk (Q)) = (b0ij ) of the mutated quiver µk (Q)
is given by the following identities:
−bij , if i = k or j = k,
b + b b , if b > 0 and b > 0,
ij ik kj ik kj
b0ij =
b ij − b b
ik kj , if b ik < 0 and b kj < 0,
bij , otherwise.
if Q is a quiver with set of vertices Q0 = {1, 2 . . . , n, n + 1, . . . , m} and x =
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) forms a free-generating set for F (an ambient field of rational
functions in n independent variables over Q(xn+1 , . . . , xm )) then (x, Q) is a
labeled seed where vertices 1, 2, . . . , n are called mutable and vertices n +
1, n + 2, . . . , m are called frozen.
The seed mutation µk in direction k transforms (x, Q) into the labeled seed
µk (x, Q) = (x0 , µk (Q)) where the cluster (x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) is defined as follows:
x0j = xj for j 6= k,
Y Y Y b Y −b
x0k xk = xt(α) + xs(α) = xi ik + xi ik . (2.2.10)
α∈Q1 α∈Q1 bik >0 bik <0
s(α)=k t(α)=k
A cluster pattern is an assignment of a labeled seed t = (xt , Qt ) to every
vertex in the n-regular tree t ∈ Πn such that the seed assigned to the end
points of any edge k : t → k 0 are obtained from each other by the seed mu-
tation in direction k, the components of xt are written as (x1,t , x2,t , . . . , xn,t ).
We denote:
χ= xt = {xi,t : t ∈ Πn , 1 ≤ i ≤ n}. (2.2.11)
Elements xi,t are called cluster variables, the cluster algebra A associated
with a given pattern is the Z[c]-subalgebra of the ambient field F generated
by all cluster variables. We denote A = (A, Q), (x, Q) is any seed in the
underlying cluster pattern.
The following is the interpretation in cluster algebras of the divisibility of
the Fermat number F5 given by Fomin, Williams and Zelevinsky [37]:
Consider the rank 2 cluster algebra with the initial seed (x, B) where x =
(x1 , x2 , x3 ) and
0 4
B = −1 0
1 −3
x2 + x3
x01 = (2.2.12)
Therefore, the following sequence of mutations has place (writing on the top
a corresponding
3 −1 5 −1 5 −641 −128 −641
0 4 µ1 0 −4 µ2 0
4 µ1 0
−4 µ2
−1 0 =⇒ 1 =⇒ =⇒
0 −1 0 1 0
1 −3 −1 1 0 −1 −1 −3
−128 −F5 /641
0 4
−1 0
0 1
Theorem 2.18. (S.Fomin, A.Zelevinsky, 2002) All elements in a cluster al-
gebra are Laurent polynomials.
Theorem 2.21. (Lee, Schiffler, 2013; Gross, Hacking, Keel, Kontsevich, 2014)
The Laurent polynomial of each cluster variable has only nonnegative coeffi-
A sign function on a snake graph is a map from the set of edges of G to the
set {+, −} such that on every tile the north and the west edge have the same
sign, the south and the east edge have the same sign and the sign on the
north edge is opposite to the south edge.
+ - +
- +
Figure 11
In this case, the sequence of signs associated has the form S = {−, −},
{+, +, +}, {−}, {+, +}, {−, −, −}.
S corresponds to the convergent [2, 3, 1, 2, 3] of the continued fraction 37 =
2 + 3+ 1 . Actually, G has 84 perfect matchings and there is a bi-
1+ 1
2+ 1
m(G[a1 , a2 , . . . , an ])
[a1 , a2 , . . . , an ] = (2.2.13)
m(G[a2 , a3 , . . . , an ])
Corollary 2.23. The number of snake graphs that have precisely N perfect
matchings is precisely φ(N ) where φ is the totient function of Euler.
2.2.3 Palindromic Snake Graphs and Sums of Two Squares
A continued fraction [a1 , a2 , . . . , an ] is called even if n is even and palindromic
if an−i = ai for all i.
A snake graph is called palindromic if it is the snake graph of an even palin-
dromic continued fraction. A snake graph has rotational symmetry at a
center tile if the rotation about 1800 at the center of the central tile is an
automorphism [11].
Theorem 2.24. A snake graph is palindromic if and only if it has a rota-
tional symmetry at its center tile.
Theorem 2.25. Let [a1 , a2 , . . . , am ] = qn
. Then [an , . . . , a2 , a1 , a2 , . . . , an ] =
p2n +qn
pn−1 pn +qn−1 qn
An integer N is called sum of two squares if there exist integers p > q > 1,
gcd(p, q) = 1 such that N = p2 + q 2 .
Corollary 2.26. Let N > 0, if N is a sum of two squares then there exists
a palindromic snake graph G such that m(G) = N . The number of ways one
can write N as a sum of two squares is equal to one half of the number of
palindromic snake graphs with N perfect matchings.
Markov Triples
A triple of positive integers (a, b, c) is called a Markov triple if a2 + b2 + c2 =
3abc, a, b and c are called Markov numbers. The following is a list of Markov
(29, 2, 169)
(29, 2, 5)
(1, 1, 1) −→ (1, 2, 1) −→ (1, 2, 5) −→ (29, 433, 5)
& (194, 13, 5)
(1, 13, 34)
The following is the conjecture proposed by Frobenius in 1913 regarding
Markov triples.
Conjecture Uniqueness. The largest integer in a Markov triple determines
the other two.
Theorem 2.27. Every Markov number is the numerator of an even palin-
dromic continued fraction.
Corollary 2.28. Every Markov number except 1 is a sum of two squares.
Schiffler, Musiker and Williams proved the following result giving a relation-
ship between cluster algebras and snake graphs [11].
Theorem 2.29. If γ is an arc in a triangulated surface (S, M ) the cluster
variable xγ is given by the formula:
1 X
xγ = x(P ). (2.2.14)
cross Gγ P ∈match G
b 1 2
a 1 γ @ c
@ 1
2 d
@ b 1 3 2 c 1 2
d x2
a 1
Figure 12
x21 + x22 + · · · + x2s = n,
Theorem 2.30. Let p34 (n) be the number of partitions of an integer n into
three triangular numbers and pd34 (n) be the number of partitions of n into
three distinct triangular numbers. Then for all n ≥ 0,
X 1
p34 (n)q n = (ψ 3 (q) + 3ψ 2 (q)ψ(q) + 2ψ(q 3 ))
X 1
pd34 (n)q n = (ψ 3 (q) − 3ψ 2 (q)ψ(q) + 2ψ(q 3 )).
d @d
→ I
@@ @
Γ3 (A4 ) @d @d
d d @d
@@ @
d @d @d d
@ @
@ α1,i @
d @ d @d d d d
@ I
@@ I
@@ 6 @ α1,i β @α2,i
1,i @
d @ d @ d @d d R d Rd
@ @
6 @ 0 @ @
→ β1,i β2,i @
d d d Rd
@ @
Γ2 (A4 ) R
@ R
@ @
6 −
Γ1 (A4 )
→ 1≤i≤3
A4 arrows in each copy are denoted
according to the corresponding copy
@ d15
@ I@
d 12 @ d13
@@ @I@
@d @ d12
d9 d8 @d
@@ I
6 7
d7 @d
@@ @
I@ @
d12 @ d @d d6 d4 Rd
7 4 8
@@ I
@@ I
@@ 6 @ @
d @ d @ d @d d2 R d Rd
@ @
15 9 5 3 5 10
6 @ @ @
d R d R d Rd
@ @
@ @@
1 3 7 13
Figure 13
Quiver Q is bounded by the following relations:
s s 0
αj,i βj,i = 0,
r r 0
βj,i αj+1,i = 0, (2.3.17)
0 00
βj,i βj,i βj,i . . . = 0.
e(P ) = e(P 0 ),
∂P = ∂P 0 .
@ d15
@ I@
d 12 @ d13
@@ @I@
@d @ d12
d9 d8 @ d9
@@ I
ψ 2 (q)
@ d7 d7
@@ I
@@ @
ψ 2 (q) 3
@ d7
@d d6 d4 R ψd (q)
4 8
@@ I
@@ I
@@ 6 @ @
d @ d @ d @ d3
ψ(q 2 )
d2 ψ 3 (q) d
@ R
@ R dψ (q)
15 9 5 5 10
6 @ @ @
d R d R d Rd
@ @
@ @@
1 3 7 13
6 ψ(q 3 ) ψ 3 (q) ψ 3 (q)
Figure 14
Note that the path P = {0, 1, 3, 6, 7} is equivalent to the path P 0 = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7}.
P n(n+1)
Figure 14 shows the action of the Ramanujan function ψ(q) = q 2 on
Q. Thus, each coordinate n of the indecomposable projective representa-
tion P (0) gives the number of partitions of n into at most three triangular
numbers. The labeling of Q is induced by a specialization of the following
mutating quiver of type An linearly oriented:
x4 x04 x00
4 x000
x03 x00 x000
A x3
3 3
. . .
. . .
AU 0 AU 00 AU 000 AU iv
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
x0 x00 x000 xiv
A x
1 1 1 1 1 1
x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = 1
7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9
3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
1 2 3 4 5 ...
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2
Figure 15
Figure 16 shows an interpretation of the bounded quiver Q in the plane,
where equivalent paths belong to one of three types:
14 15
10 - 11 - 12 - 13
9 - 10
- 7 -
8 9
6 7
- -
3 4 5
0 -1 -2 -3
Figure 16
Figure 17
Paths of type I, II and III represent sums of one, two or three triangular num-
bers, thus the indecomposable projective module P (0) allows to enumerate
this kind of partitions. Actually, we have the following result.
Theorem 2.31. Up to equivalence, the jst coordinate of P (0) as indecom-
posable projective representation of kQ is given by the number of partitions
of j into at most three triangular numbers.
A cryptosystem is a sextuple
(A, P, C, K, E, D).
eK (x) = π(x) + α = (x1 , y1 ) ∈ Z × Z
dk (y) = π −1 (y) − α.
Figure 18
2.5 Visual Cryptography
In this section we describe some matrix problems based on some secret shar-
ing schemes as R.J. Serna et al describe in [17].
We also recall that some visual secret sharing schemes (VSSS) have been in-
troduced by using some mathematical structures. For instance, Cañadas et
al introduced a visual cryptography scheme with a special share T0 contain-
ing sets of nested images, all secrets can be revealed by superimposing some
transparencies to this fixed share. These authors also have used some prop-
erties of k-linear maps to generate schemes of multiple secret sharing [18].
Figure 19
In 1998 Koga and Yamamoto [46] proposed a lattice-based TVS for color
images, in this case pixels are treated as elements of a suitable lattice S and
the stacking process is defined as an operation between elements of the lattice,
according to them the commutative and associative laws of such operation
allow to (k, n) VSSS to decrypt k shares by stacking up of all them in an
arbitrary order. Permitting the existence of inverses for all s ∈ S leads
to pathological VSSS for example, stacking a black subpixel with another
subpixel yield to a white or transparent subpixel, finite lattices are one of the
simplest structures that meet these requirements. Under these circumstances
we generalize this kind of TVS by using k-linear representations in such a way
that the VSSS is completely defined by the orbits defined by some admissible
transformations between columns and rows of a matrix representation.
Let m > 0 be given and L a finite lattice of a finite number of colors that
can be physically realized. Suppose that C = {c1 , c2 , . . . , cJ } is a subset of
elements in L, which is not necessarily a sublattice of L. For all q satis-
fying 1 ≤ q ≤ k and distinct i1 , i2 , . . . , iq ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , n} define a mapping
h(i1 ,i2 ,...,iq ) : (Lm )n → Lm by
(i ,i2 ,...,iq )
Xcj1 = {(xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xiq ) : (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Xcj }.
(i ,i ,...,i )
Then Xcj1 2 q , j = 1, 2, . . . , J are indistinguishable in the sense that
they contain the same elements with the same frequencies.
Proof. Let F (x) be such that, Fx = (a1 , . . . , am ) ∈ Lm with k1 1’s, kx x’s and
k1 + kx = m, and a permutation π ∈ Sm such that F x = (aπ(1) · · · aπ(m) ) =
(x · · · , x, 1, · · · , 1). We fix points y ∈ L ∩ x4 , z ∈ L, and an m × n matrix Rx
such that the entries of the first k(x) rows are y’s and the entries of the remain
rows are z’s. Then there exist integers q1 and r1 such that k1 = nq1 + r1 with
0 ≤ r1 < n, kx = nqx + rx with 0 ≤ rx < n.
A= Irx
x, . . . , x
B= Ir1
1, . . . , 1
Worth noting that empty blocks in A and B denote matrices whose entries
are all zeroes.
By construction columns of matrix M x constitute an n-elements set of in-
distinguishable vectors associated to the fixed vector F x . If matrix Mx is
obtained from M x by applying permutation π to the rows then columns of
Mx correspond to n indistinguishable vectors which define a composition of
the fixed vector Fx .
(d.) addition of a given jth column in the stripe Mx to the jth column in
the stripe My with coeficients in (δjy )M , where δjy is the minimum of all
entries in the column of My . If x ≤ y in L.
vectors as defined above and M is obtained via transformations of type (b)
then Fx0 i = Fxi for any 1 ≤ i ≤ t therefore M is equivalent to M 0 .
Finally, let us suppose that δjy is the minimum of the set of entries of the
jth column in a vertical stripe My (gjy = (g1j y y
, · · · , gmj ), that is, δjy ≤ gkj
all 1 ≤ k ≤ m and if gix = (g1i x x
, · · · , gmi ) is the ith column in Mx and we
add z ∧ gix to the column gjy with z ∈ (δjy )M then z ≤ gkj y
for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m
y y
thus (z ∧ gki ) ∨ gkj = gkj which means that (z ∧ gix ) ∨ gjy . Therefore if M 0 is
obtained from M via transformations of type (c) then M = M 0 .
We note that structure of the form (ΓiQual , ΓiForb ) can be interpreted from
this point of view as indecomposable lattice-color matrix representations (see
Figure 21).
0 Y C G 1
1 0 0 Y Y C C G G 1 1
1 0 G 1 Y 1 G 1 1 1
t G
0 1 1 G 1 Y 1 G 1 1
@ 0 0 Y Y C C G G 1 1
Ct @tY
@ Y C G
@d 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
Remark 2.35. According with L. Wolf et al [69], who have used emerging
images to generate Captchas. The main limitation with emerging images
seems to be the difficulty to create a large amount of recognizable models. In
this notes, we describe an algorithm introduced by M.A. Osorio et al which
allows to construct emerging images by using tiled orders.
Example of moving-image object recognition from NuCaptcha.
Figure 22
Markers constitute a sequence M = {mi1 ,j1 , mi2 ,j2 , . . . , mik ,jk } which detects
the boundary of the pattern-image. To do that, the following procedure is
carried out:
1. If ms = mis ,js and mt = mit ,jt are consecutive markers with is < it
then both ms and mt belong to the boundary of T and have pixel value
p(m) = 1.
2. Compute the l1 -distance d = d(ms , Riws +1 ) and let mis +1,jk the pixel
or block of pixels such that d = d(ms , Riws +1 ) then mis +1,jk belongs to
the boundary of T . This process continues until the marker mit ,jt is
In the boundary detection process there are some pixels or block of pixels
belonging to the boundary of T with pixel value p(m) = 0, such kind of pixels
are said to be bridges with the main role of preserve the visual connected-
ness of the boundary. However, formally the boundary of T is an union of
components determined by the markers.
5. Image rotation.
Subset of points induced by a 01-tiled order and image obtained after an
image extraction process.
Figure 23
Figure 24
2.7 A Mathematical Model for Emerging and
Multistable Images
In this section we describe a mathematical model introduced by Osorio’s et
al which uses triangulations to generate emerging images.
If M is a k-module then a model ν of an image repository D is a map (not
necessarily injective) ν : D → M which applies to each element I ∈ D an
element ν(I) = v, in this case, the element v can be seen as the image I and
v is said to be a M -model of I. Henceforth, if a model ν has been defined on
a repository D then we shall assume that each M -model ν(I) ∈ M is again
an image giving at least the same visual information provided by I. Actually,
model ν(I) is the image obtained from I after applications of some image
operations as noise addition, rotation, magnification, translation, reflection,
contraction or deformation.
Under the above circumstances tessellation, emerging image and multistable
image can be defined as follows:
Given an ordered repository of binary images:
(B, ) = {b1 , b2 , . . . , bk }
bi bj if image bi is embedded in image bj .
It is defined a X-model of B with the form:
S = (X, bi , χ, {Xbji } | 1 ≤ ji ≤ ti , 1 ≤ i ≤ k)
Xbri ∩ Xbsi = ∅ if r 6= s
Xbmi ∩ Xbnj = ∅ for all i, j, m, n
ti (2.7.21)
bi = aji Xbjii for any i aji ∈ Z2 1≤i≤k
ji =1
Identities (2.7.21) allow to write χ in the form:
k P
ajh Xbjhh
h=1jh =1
Figure 25
bj = bi + W j
If B 0 = {b01 , b02 , . . . , b0s } is an ordered repository of binary images and for some
h, 1 ≤ h ≤ s there exists br ∈ B with:
b0h = ajr Xbjrr (2.7.22)
jr =1
then the system of binary images (br , b0h ) is a multistable image. This defini-
tion can be generalized by considering a collection B = {B h : 1 ≤ h ≤ p} of
binary images then if for each fixed B h it is defined a model νh : B h → M ,
M a fixed k-module. Thus a system of images (νh , νi ) is a multistable image
if there exists v ∈ M such that νh (I) = νj (I 0 ) = v for some images I ∈ B h ,
I 0 ∈ Bj .
Figure 26
Algorithm 2.7.1:
1. Choose a binary-image repository D.
3. Define χ ∈ M as follows:
P lP
nih = n(i+1)m .
h=1 m=1
Original image, digital watermark and watermarked image.
Figure 27
the pair (R, C), we assume the notation k(ei , ej ) = kei + kiej , where ei and
ej are images and k ∈ R is chosen in such a way that an user only can see
just one of the two images. In image algebra a system of images k(ei , ej ) is
interpreted as a sum of the form kei + kej , for any number k ∈ R.
c+ ⊗ d
⊗ c3 c+
2 ⊗ ⊗
@ c−
⊗ c2 c+
1 ⊗ @
@ c−
⊗ c1 a+
@ c−
⊗a d −−→ ⊗
(a,b) c−
Figure 28
Consider the representation of P over the image algebra given by the following
Ua = αi1 (ei1 , ej1 ) + βs1 hs1 ,
i1 s1
Uc1 = Ua + αi2 (ei2 , ej2 ) + βs2 hs2 ,
i2 s2
Uc2 = Uc1 + αi3 (ei3 , ej3 ) + βs3 hs3 ,
i3 s3
Uc3 = Uc2 + αi4 (ei4 , ej4 ) + βs4 hs4
i4 s4
X 4 X
Ub = γi1 ei1 + βst hst .
i1 t=1 st
α i1 e i1 = αia1 eia1 + αic11 eic11 + αic12 eic12 + αic13 eic13 .
i1 ia
i11 i12
c c
3 X
Ua0 + = αic1r eic1r
r=0 ic1r
Uc0+r = Ua0 + + αir (eir , ejr ) + βsr hsr , 1 ≤ r ≤ 3, (2.8.25)
ir sr
Uc0−r = βsr hsr , 0 ≤ r ≤ 4.
Coefficients in Ua+ are chosen in such a way that the only image that an
user can see is one of thePtype eic1r , 0 ≤ r ≤ 3. On the other hand, digital
watermarks of the form βst hst are given by subspaces Uc0− . And images
P st
αic1r eic1r , 0 ≤ r ≤ 3 are the recovered digital watermarks from subspace
Ucr . Since this procedure is independent of domain, it can be applied in
spatial and frequency domain. In the appendix some examples of MATLAB
routines are implemented to embed system of digital watermarks into nested
emerging images (see Figure 30).
2.9 Homological Persistence Theory
In this section we describe some applications of the homological persistence
in number theory [21, 28].
Perhaps, Betti numbers and the fundamental group are the main invariants
dealing with applications of the algebraic topology in statistical data, however
these invariants are sensible to discontinuous changes. According to De Silva
[21] the challenge in topological statistics is to construct invariants which
enjoy the discriminatory power of the classical invariants but which have
robustness for statistical use. persistent homology is nowadays the most
powerful tool to tackle this problem.
1. The input is a point cloud, that is, a finite subset of some euclidean
space or more generally a finite metric space (actually, it is not manda-
tory that the input be a metric space).
S1 → S2 → · · · → Sn
V1 → V2 → · · · → Vn
where Vi = Hk (Si ; k). Such a representation is said to be a persistence
M= I[b, d]mbd . (2.9.26)
Escolar, Hiraoka, Di Silva and Carlson generalized these results to the so-
called zig-zag modules and commutative ladders.
3d - d
1 4d
6 6 6
d - d d
5 2 6
Figure 29
Persistent modules have been designed to carry topological information about
a data set at many different scales this information can be extracted from
persistence diagram of a persistence module on an An which is a multiset of
the form {(b, d) ∈ N2 | 1 ≤ b ≤ d ≤ n} such that the multiplicity of (b, d) is
mbd from the indecomposable decomposition.
The Gauss’s theorem regarding sums of three triangular number and the
Legendre-Gauss theorem on sums of three square numbers allow to analyze
points in N2 as a set of data. These results are useful to describe the structure
of some persistent modules.
Algorithm 2.9.1:
1. (Clustering) Define on points p = (i, j) ∈ N2 an equivalence relation
by associating to each point p = (i, j) the nonnegative number
np = i + j. In such a case two points p = (i, j) and p0 = (i0 , j 0 ) are
equivalent (belong to the same class o cluster, p) if and only if
np = np 0 .
Proof. Any integer number of the form 2α (8m + 7), α, m ≥ 0 cannot be
written as a sum of three square numbers.
Example of a digital watermarked system based on emerging images and
Figure 30
Chapter 3
beta = 0.01;
gamma = 0.01;
delta = 1;
epsilon = 0.01;
tau = 0.01;
iota = 0.01;
psi = 0.01;
kappa = 1;
lambda = 1;
mu = 0.01;
eta = 0.01;
nu = 0.01;
xi = 1;
ji = 1;
sigma = 1;
zeta = 1;
xi b = 1;
gamma b = 1;
nu b = 1;
alpha = 1;
alpha a = 0.01;
A = imread(0 Imagen37scan.jpg 0 );
T = imread(0 DV II.png 0 );
R 1 = imread(0 Imagen5.jpg 0 );
R 2 = imread(0 Imagen6.jpg 0 );
R 3 = imread(0 Imagen7.jpg 0 );
R 4 = imread(0 Imagen7scan.jpg 0 );
B = imread(0 doodle6.jpg 0 );
C = imread(0 ty.jpg 0 );
D = imread(0 Imagen1.jpg 0 );
W = imread(0 Imagen4scanbl.jpg 0 );
V = imread(0 Imagen22.jpg 0 );
F 1 = imread(0 zvr.jpg 0 );
F 2 = imread(0 zk.jpg 0 );
E = imlincomb(zeta, A);
F = imlincomb(0.01, B);
G = imlincomb(1, C);
H = imlincomb(1, D);
X = imlincomb(sigma, W );
A = imlincomb(1, V );
F 3 = imlincomb(1, F 1);
F 4 = imlincomb(1, F 2);
T 1 = imresize(T, [740, 740]);
R 5 = imresize(R 1, [256, 256]);
R 6 = imresize(R 2, [256, 256]);
R 7 = imresize(R 3, [256, 256]);
R 8 = imresize(R 4, [256, 256]);
I = imresize(E, [256, 256]);
J = imresize(F, [256, 256]);
K = imresize(G, [256, 256]);
L = imresize(H, [256, 256]);
Y = imresize(X, [256, 256]);
B = imresize(A, [256, 256]);
F 5 = imresize(F 3, [256, 256]);
F 6 = imresize(F 4, [256, 256]);
a = imlincomb(xi, R8 , ji, J);
a 1 = imlincomb(alpha, a);
a 2 = imresize(a 1, [256, 256]);
c 1 = alpha a ∗ a 2 + beta ∗ K + gamma ∗ (I) + delta ∗ R 5;
c 2 = epsilon ∗ a 2 + tau ∗ (I) + iota ∗ L + psi ∗ K + nu ∗ Y + kappa ∗ R 6;
F 9 = imlincomb(1, c 2);
G = imresize(F 9, [256, 256]);
O 1 = eta ∗ F 9 + lambda ∗ R 7 + mu ∗ F 5;
O 2 = imlincomb(1, O 1);
c 3 = imresize(O 2, [256, 256]);
b = xi b ∗ J + gamma b ∗ I + nu b ∗ Y ; beta
f igure, imshow(Y, []), title(0 c+ 2b0 )
f igure, imshow(I, []), title(0 c+ 1b0 )
f igure, imshow(a 1, []), title(0 a0 )
f igure, imshow(c 1, []), title(0 c 10 )
f igure, imshow(c 2, []), title(0 c 20 )
f igure, imshow(c 3, []), title(0 c 3(system of watermarked f rames)0 )
f igure, imshow(T 1, []), title(0 DV II 0 )
alpha = 0.55;
beta = 0.75;
R1 = imread(0 cameraman.tif 0 );
R2 = imread(0 rice1.jpg 0 );
R3 = imread(0 alberti.jpg 0 );
A = imread(0 kirichenko.jpg 0 );
T = imread(0 32dee.jpg 0 );
B = imread(0 zavadskij.jpg 0 );
C = imread(0 ty.jpg 0 );
D = imread(0 iue.jpg 0 );
W = imread(0 zavadskij and bautista.jpg 0 );
V = imread(0 Imath.jpg 0 );
F 1 = imread(0 zvr.jpg 0 );
F 2 = imread(0 zk.jpg 0 );
E = imlincomb(1, A);
F = imlincomb(0.01, B);
G = imlincomb(1, C);
H = imlincomb(1, D);
X = imlincomb(1, W );
A = imlincomb(1, V );
F 3 = imlincomb(1, F 1);
F 4 = imlincomb(1, F 2);
S1 = imresize(R1, [256, 256]);
S2 = imresize(R2, [256, 256]);
S3 = imresize(R3, [256, 256]);
[U y, Sy, V y] = svd(LL2);
q = size(Sy);
[ny, ay, vy] = svd(LL4);
z = size(ay);
[oy, by, py] = svd(LL6);
h = size(by);
I w = imread(0 zk.jpg 0 );
I w = Iw (:, :, 1);
I1 w = imresize(I w, p);
J w = imread(0 zvr.jpg 0 );
J w = J w(:, :, 2);
J1 w = imresize(J w, z);
f igure(15); imshow(I1 w); title(0 original watermark7a0 );
f igure(13); imshow(J1 w); title(0 original watermark70 );
LL2 1 = U y ∗ Smark ∗ V y 0 ;
LL2 2 = ny ∗ nmark ∗ vy 0 ;
[LL1 wmv, HL1 wmv, LH1 wmv, HH1 wmv] = dwt2(I 1,0 haar0 );
[LL2 wmv, HL2 wmv, LH2 wmv, HH2 wmv] = dwt2(LL1 wmv,0 haar0 );
[U y wmv, Sy wmv, V y wmv] = svd(LL2 wmv);
Swrec = (Sy wmv − Sy)/alpha;
W M y = U w ∗ Swrec ∗ V w0 ;
[LL3 wmv, HL3 wmv, LH3 wmv, HH3 wmv] = dwt2(J 1,0 haar0 );
[LL4 wmv, HL4 wmv, LH4 wmv, HH4 wmv] = dwt2(LL3 wmv,0 haar0 );
[nyw mv, sy wmv, vy wmv] = svd(LL4 wmv);
swrec = 2 ∗ alpha ∗ (sy wmv − ay);
W M y1 = nw ∗ swrec ∗ vw0 ;
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