Babylon Complete

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...will be utterly burned with fire


David W. Dyer


...will be utterly burned with fire.

David W. Dyer 2005

Second printing 2006

Third “revised” edition 2012
Fourth printing 2014

Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are from

the New King James version of the Bible.

Copies are available from the website:
Author’s email:

1. THE PROSTITUTE . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. BABYLON . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


4. TODAY’S BABYLON . . . . . . . . . 29





How easy it is to criticize others but to

think well of ourselves! It comes to us so natu-
rally to perceive the deficiencies of others but
not be aware of our own errors and failings. It
is actually quite common for us to think of our-
selves as not really being as bad, as erroneous
or as misled as “those others.”
But, as you already know, those who think
this way are just exposing their own hearts,
revealing the pride and self-centeredness which
is within them. They are failing to understand
the true nature of their own soul.
The truth is that at the bottom of our hearts,
no one is better than anyone else. All of us are
sinners of the worst kind.
This little discussion has everything to do
with our present subject. For example, never in
my entire life, have I heard someone declare, “I
am taking part in Babylon, “ or, “I am involved
in spiritual adultery.” Instead, it is always “the
others” who are wrong and never “me” or “us.”
It’s not hard in these days to find someone
insisting that, “that church is part of Babylon”
or, “that religious system is Babylon.” Those
who make these declarations often do so to
make themselves feel better or superior, since
they are letting those listening to them know
that they are not nearly so wrong as, and there-
fore much better than, those they are judging to
be in error.
However, I imagine that God would like to
change this practice. He would like to bring an
end to this all-too-human habit. God’s objective
is not, and never has been, to expose the sins of
others to us so that we can feel better about our-
Instead, He is always working to expose the
true condition of our own hearts so that we can
repent and, as a result, experience ever more of
the salvation which He purchased for us.
With all this in mind, I would like to ask all
readers a favor. Could you please, at least for a
few moments, lay aside all preconceived ideas
about this subject. Run a little risk by opening
your heart and mind to something which might
be different from what you already believed.
Open your hearts to God, asking that His
light could shine in a way that you could
receive a new understanding, a new revelation
which would transform your lives.
The biblical revelation of Babylon – the
prostitute of these last days – is extremely
important for every child of God to understand.
My prayer is that this little book would be
used by God to enlighten and bless every read-
er, preparing them for the imminent, second
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Because [the prophets] have seduced My peo-
ple, saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace...”
(Ezek 13:10).

“Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, the

prophets say to them, “You shall not see the
sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will
give you assured peace in this place.‘

And the Lord said to me,

‘The prophets prophesy lies in My name.
I have not sent them, commanded them,
nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you
a false vision, divination, a worthless thing,
and the deceit of their [own] heart’”
(Jer 14:13,14).

“They have also healed the hurt of My people

slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is
no peace” (Jer 6:14).


God is infinite, eternal and all-powerful. He is

the creator of all things. There is nothing He
needs. Consequently, we human beings have very
little to offer Him. He does not need our intelli-
gence. He does not covet our money. He does not
need our efforts on His behalf. This even includes
“Christian” efforts. Simply put, He is able to do
His work without our help – without our particu-
lar ministries, gifts and abilities. If necessary, He
can simply raise up “sons to Abraham” from the
stones along the road (Lk 3:8).
However, there is one thing which God does
want from us. He desires our heart. This is the one
thing which we can give to God which pleases
Him. If and when our heart is entirely His, then
the rest of His work can be done in us and
through us with power, speed and efficiency.
Any lack on our part of intelligence, gifts
and/or ability can be supplied by His power and
grace. When our heart is thoroughly and com-
pletely His, then all the outward things, involving
our personal needs and our work for Him, can be
taken care of with great ease. When our heart is
His, then there are no obstacles too great for us
because our loving Master is in control.

Of course you remember the first command-
ment which our Lord gave to us. It reads: “You
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Mt
22:37). Obviously, since this is the first and great-
est commandment, God is telling us something
very essential about what our relationship with
Him should be.
Again He says in Proverbs: “My son, give me
your heart...” (Pr 23:26). This verse is the summa-
tion of all that God really wants or needs from His
children. He wants our hearts. He yearns for the
complete yielding and surrender of our inner man
to Him. His desire is that we would give ourselves
totally and fully to Him. This is an essential and
fundamental truth of which all His children
should be aware.


Yet God has an enemy, the devil. This enemy

is no fool. He understands what it is that God
wants from man, perhaps much better than we
do. So, the devil works to distract the hearts of
men from our Lord. He labors intensely to keep
men and women from entering into and/or from
maintaining such an intimacy with their God.
Please pay careful attention to this. One of the
main works and purpose of Satan is to turn the
hearts of men away from their Creator and fix
them on other things. If and when he succeeds in
doing this, they then become impotent and use-
less in the Kingdom of God and in furthering His

purposes on the earth. Once their hearts are cap-
tured by other things – once their love and affec-
tion is given to something else – then the work of
God in them and through them is blocked.
The devil is the “ruler (or prince) of this
world” (Jn 14:30). When tempting Jesus, he
claimed that all the kingdoms of the world and
their “glory” were his and that he could give them
to others as he pleased.
We read: “Then the devil, taking Him up on a
high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of
the world in a moment of time. And the devil said
to Him, ‘All this authority I will give You, and
their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and
I give it to whomever I wish’” (Lk 4:5,6). Jesus did
not dispute this assertion.
Now the devil in his earthly kingdom has a lot
to offer which appeals to the natural man. His
arsenal of temptations is vast and attractive. He
has riches to give. He has a great variety of pleas-
ures to offer. These include but are not limited to:
sex, drugs, entertainments, foods of many kinds,
fame, money, leisure, and sports.
If you enjoy intellectual stimulation, he can
offer education, research or even puzzles or trivia
game shows. If you like travel, his world is full of
different destinations with their sights, sounds,
and entertainments. If you prefer fame and popu-
larity, he will help you pursue it – even within the
church. If you want power over others, this too is
available in the realm of business, politics, reli-
gion, etc. How about status or success? Does this
draw your heart? Will you be glad when others

look at you with envy because of your house, car,
bank account or the amount of things you own?
The devil has an enormous array of enjoy-
ments and earthly pursuits with which he works
to attract and then capture the hearts of men and
women. The above list is by no means exhaustive.
It is merely meant to be a kind of basis from which
the reader can begin to understand the power and
attraction of the devil’s kingdom.
Not only does the devil work to distract the
common man from God, he especially works on
Christians to capture their heart with his offerings
of fulfillment, excitement, and pleasure. When
and if believers allow themselves to be seduced
by these worldly attractions and enjoyments, God
calls this “adultery.”
In James 4:4 we read: “Adulterers and adul-
teresses! Do you not know that friendship with
the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore
wants to be a friend of the world makes himself
an enemy of God.” When we give our heart over
to the attractions and pleasures of this world, we
commit adultery against our Lord.
When our hearts love something other than
Him, we betray Him in the same way an adulter-
ess betrays her allegiance to her husband. In this
way, we find ourselves being an enemy of God.
The book of Proverbs is full of warnings
against being seduced to commit adultery.
Chapter 7 is particularly potent and up-to-date in
its instructions and warnings. While these verses
certainly can apply to physical adultery, its admo-
nitions undoubtedly also apply to us in our walk

with Jesus. I think that it might be important for
all readers to review this chapter here.
“My son, keep my words, And treasure my
commands within you. Keep my commands and
live, and my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them
on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your
heart. Say to wisdom, ‘You are my sister,’ and call
understanding your nearest kin, that they may keep
you from the immoral woman, from the seductress
who flatters with her words.
For at the window of my house I looked through
my lattice, and saw among the simple, I perceived
among the youths, a young man devoid of under-
standing, passing along the street near her corner;
and he took the path to her house, in the twilight, in
the evening, in the black and dark night.
And there a woman met him, with the attire of
a harlot, and a crafty heart. She was loud and rebel-
lious, her feet would not stay at home. At times she
was outside, at times in the open square, lurking at
every corner. So she caught him and kissed him;
with an impudent face she said to him: ‘I have peace
offerings with me; today I have paid my vows. So I
came out to meet you, diligently to seek your face,
and I have found you.
I have spread my bed with tapestry, colored
coverings of Egyptian linen. I have perfumed my
bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us
take our fill of love until morning; let us delight
ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home;
He has gone on a long journey; He has taken a bag
of money with him, and will come home on the
appointed day.’

With her enticing speech she caused him to
yield, with her flattering lips she seduced him.
Immediately he went after her, as an ox goes to the
slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks,
till an arrow struck his liver. As a bird hastens to
the snare, he did not know it would cost his life.
Now therefore, listen to me, my children; pay
attention to the words of my mouth. Do not let
your heart turn aside to her ways. Do not stray
into her paths; for she has cast down many wound-
ed, and all who were slain by her were strong men.
Her house is the way to hell, descending to the
chambers of death” (Ps 7:1-27).
Clearly this prostitute of proverbs is not sin-
gle. She has a “man” in her life (vs 19). Yet she is
seducing the unwary among God’s people.
In the same way, the devil too has his
“woman,” his prostitute. She is extremely beauti-
ful and attractive. She is seductive in the extreme.
She is called: “the world” and “all the things
which are in the world.” With these things, she
draws the hearts of men away from God and
entangles them in a web of earthly pleasures and
pursuits, thereby committing spiritual adultery
against God.
Please do not miss this truth. The prostitute of
the devil, his “woman” so to speak, is no ugly
hag. Instead, she is astoundingly beautiful. The
things which she offers men and women, to dis-
tract and capture their hearts, are the most attrac-
tive and alluring things available on this earth.

Although there is certainly a deception here
since none of these things ultimately satisfy the
human heart, their appearance is that of the most
desirable and appealing things and pleasures pos-
Now the devil is very generous with his
woman, his prostitute. He will gladly share her
and all her pleasures with anyone who is the
slightest bit interested. He generously offered to
Jesus all the kingdoms of this world and their
glory (Lk 4:5,6). So today, he is willing to share the
“delights” of his kingdom to all who will open
their hearts to them.
Let us be clear that many of the devil’s offer-
ings are not in themselves sinful. Making money
is not sinful. Buying things is not sinful. Having
some entertainment or leisure time is not sinful.
Yet, if we are not careful, these and many
other things which this world has to offer begin to
capture our hearts. They begin to seduce us, tak-
ing our time, attention, and affections. They begin
to occupy a place in our hearts which should be
reserved for God alone.
We read: “Do not love the world or the things
in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of
the Father is not in him” (I Jn 2:15).
Our God is a jealous God. He is jealous for our
affections. He wants to be the One who fills our
hearts. He is the One after whom we should long
and He should be the focus of all our desires. This
is not only what He seeks, but it is also the one
and only thing which will truly satisfy the human

We were created to be in this kind of love rela-
tionship with our Creator. Therefore, it is only
when we yield ourselves to Him in complete sur-
render, that we find satisfaction. It is only then
that we find ourselves complete and contented.
The delights, pursuits and goals which the world
offers as a substitute for this are always elusive.
Even if we manage to attain them, they never
really “hit the spot.” When we pursue the devil’s
offerings of earthly pleasure and/or attainment
we will never be at peace and never truly find the
satisfaction which we are seeking. We were made
by God and for God. Therefore, it is only when we
find our all in Him that we will also be content
and at peace.



In the scriptures the devil’s “woman,” his

prostitute, has another specific name. In prophet-
ic scripture, she is called “Babylon.” Babylon is a
woman who is beautifully attired. She is bejew-
eled with precious stones, pearls, and gold. She no
doubt has her makeup well done and her hair
expertly styled.
This woman is sensationally attractive. She
represents the best and most alluring things and
pleasures which this world has to offer. Her entire
function is to seduce men’s hearts away from God
to the riches and delights which this world has to
In Revelation chapter 17 we read about her. It
seems that she is doing her job well. The kings of
the earth are debauching in an adulterous rela-
tionship with her and the inhabitants of the world
are drunk – literally intoxicated – with the pleas-
ures and things which she has to offer (vs. 2).
They are all committing adultery with her.
Their hearts are far from God and a submitted
love relationship with Him and instead are insa-
tiably chasing satisfaction with the devil’s substi-
tute. They are all in an insane rush to obtain and

enjoy everything which the devil’s kingdom has
to offer.
Why is she called “Babylon?” It is because
Babylon of the Old Testament was the epitome of
such worldly behavior. She was the center of an
indulgent, sinful culture full of excesses of every
kind. She was the most luxurious, the most pros-
perous, the most powerful place on earth at one
All that the world is and has to offer was con-
centrated there in her, at the peak of her influence
and power. She was the paragon of the worldli-
ness and sin of that time. “Babylon” therefore
serves as a type of all the sensuality, pleasure, and
sin which this world has to offer.
Of course today, this spiritual, immoral
woman still exists. In fact, she is rampantly visible
in our current world. We read that this prostitute
“sits on many waters” (Rev 17:1).
This means that her influence is widespread.
It reaches all around the globe. We are told that
“The waters which you saw, where the prostitute
sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and
tongues” (Rev 17:15).
In her hand is a golden cup. This cup is full of
her seductive attractions. It is brimming over with
her “fornication.” It represents all the things
which this world has to offer. She is offering this
cup to all, inducing them to come and drink until
their senses are dulled and their hearts aban-
doned to seeking the things of this world. Great
multitudes are swilling down this “beverage” as
fast as they can, giving themselves over complete-

ly to an adulterous relationship with the devil’s
No matter where you may travel in this
world, most of the populations of the nations are
drunk with this wine. They are madly pursuing
success, fortune, leisure and all that the world has
to offer. They are in a headlong rush to acquire
more and more of everything that is really part of
the devil’s kingdom.
Satan’s ruse, his subtle trick of offering men
and women an attractive substitute for a relation-
ship with God is working! Most of the world, both
inside and outside the church, is in a frenzy to try
to satisfy their carnal desires by indulging in all
the many the pleasures this “woman” has to offer.
They are indeed drunk with the wine of her forni-
Consequently, their hearts are far from God.
Their affections have been drawn away and cap-
tured by the offerings of the devil’s kingdom.



Another feature of this prostitute is that she

too is drunk. But she is drunk with a different sub-
stance. She is intoxicated with the blood of the
saints and the martyrs of Jesus (Rev 17:6).
Although this may seem a little strange, in fact
it is very scriptural. I John 3:13 warns us: “Do not
marvel, my brethren, if the world hates you.” We
also read: “If the world hates you, you know that
it hated Me before it hated you” (Jn 15:18).
You see, those who are indulging themselves
in the kingdom of this world will always hate
those who are not. Even the presence of those who
are not committing adultery with the prostitute is
a silent condemnation to whose who are.
This testimony of righteousness and love for
God causes a reaction in those who love the
world. They cannot help themselves. They begin
to hate those who are not like them. They have
another father, the devil, (Jn 8:44) and another
passion, the things and pleasures of this world.
Therefore, they cannot stand those who are not
like them.
With the passage of time, this hatred culmi-
nates in a desire to kill those who are holy. In
order to get rid of them, to blot out the negative

effect which righteous people have on their guilty
consciences, they end up murdering them.
This is what induced the people of Jesus’ day
to kill Him. It is what has precipitated the death of
the all martyrs since that time. Be warned, this
same hatred is still in force today.
Although many do not realize this – perhaps
simply because they have not thought about it –
all religion is also worldly. It is a product of, and
part of, the system of this world. It is part of the
devil’s kingdom.
It is clear that the religions which Christians
consider erroneous do not have their origin in
God, but in the world. For example, we can be cer-
tain that the one true God did not establish
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and a great variety of
other religions. Therefore, we know that they
have another source.
Although some of the adherents of such reli-
gions exhibit a kind of “piety” in fasting, self-
denial, etc. the fact is that such exercises are not
genuine holiness, but a human (and therefore
earthly) imitation of the divine.
Such things also are part of the system of this
world. They are just as unrighteous and rebellious
as other sins such as drunkenness, sex outside of
marriage, murder, etc.
While it is obvious that sensuality, excess,
pursuit of fame and power, etc. are part of the
devil’s prostitute’s offerings, it is perhaps less evi-
dent that he has some segments for those who like

to think well of themselves. He also has room in
his kingdom for the smug, the proud, the disdain-
ing of others, the self-confident and the self-right-
eous. There is space for whose who have a strong
will and like to demonstrate this through self-dep-
rivation, austerity, and abnegation.
For some of these, religion is the perfect vehi-
cle to express their superiority. Through adhering
to some set of religious standards, they can
demonstrate their ability to control their natural
passions, follow a set of self-imposed practices
and therefore show how much better they are
than other “less able” people around them.
It is also possible for such people to use
Christianity to accomplish these ends. They
become very religious using the Bible. Both
Christians and Jews can use the scriptures in a
way which does not have its source in God.
The natural human being, using his intellect,
can produce a sort of religious philosophy – a
code of seemingly biblical behavior and ethics to
follow resulting in a seemingly “righteous”
appearance – without much, if any, relationship
with God Himself.
This too is human and earthly. It too is part of
the system of this world. It is part of the devil’s
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were a good exam-
ple of this. They were extremely religious. They
not only tried to rigorously follow the law of
Moses, they extrapolated it even further to
include an enormous number of little rules and
regulations which they themselves invented.

For them, this religious behavior was of the
utmost importance. Following these rules gave
them a false sense of security and self-importance.
They felt superior to all the others who did not
have the strength of will to adhere to their code of
So when Jesus came and demonstrated the
true holiness which was not based on a set of rules
but on a relationship with God Himself, they
became offended. They became angry.
This manifestation of genuine righteousness,
whose source was the life of God, exposed their
system as being misguided, human, and earthly.
It was revealed to be simply a pathetic, worldly
religion, without the power to change the ugliness
of the fallen human nature. It was in fact, a seg-
ment of the devil’s kingdom.
For this reason, Jesus could justly say to them:
“You are of your father the devil” (Jn 8:44). They
appeared to be following the law of God, but were
in fact merely expressing a part of the kingdom of
darkness. They were in the religious segment of
the world system, the prostitute.
The exposing of their worldly religious sys-
tem ignited a hatred in the hearts of these self-
righteous people. Soon, their hatred led to mur-
Things are no different today. Religion is still
the same. Religious people feel and act the same
way. Since their “holiness” is not a product of
their relationship with God Himself, they hate,
persecute, and even kill those whose lives are
truly holy.

This malady is not limited only to Pharisees. It
also works in those who call themselves Christ-
ians. Even among some who are “born-again,” it
is actually the flesh, the carnal human nature,
which is active in their religious life.
For many, following a set of rules – be they
Old Testament laws or New Testament principles
– is the source of their security and “righteous-
ness.” What many mistake for Christianity is far
too often simply the natural human being trying
to live up to some standards, believe in some doc-
trines, and follow some prescribed practices.
Just as with the Pharisees, Christians too can
become very religious. While they may believe
that they are following Jesus because they are con-
forming themselves to some biblical pattern, in far
too many cases it is simply their flesh adapting to
a new code of ethics and behavior.
As in the case of Buddhists, Hindus, or
Moslems, the flesh can also make a good show of
religion in Christianity. When the changes which
are made in our lives are not a result of intimacy
with Christ – which produces a spontaneous and
genuine transformation – then it is merely the
flesh becoming more religious.
It is all too possible for some who claim to be
Christians to make a good show of their religion.
Perhaps they stop smoking and drinking. Maybe
the change their dress habits. Possibly they begin
carrying a Bible and alter their speech patterns.
They may become zealous, faithful partici-
pants in some Christian group or other. But much
of this may not be genuine transformation. It

could very easily be their flesh becoming reli-
Perhaps the army would be a good analogy
for us here. There everyone is conformed to the
same pattern. Their dress, words, and actions are
all programmed and regulated. They learn to
march in step. They are taught how to address
their superiors. They are all trained to the same
pattern. Yet all this is simply something done
through the power of the flesh, the natural man.
Much of today’s Christianity also fits into this pat-
When our Christianity is religious instead of
real, it will manifest itself in many ways. One of
these is hatred for others who do not agree with
us. It will manifest itself in a dislike for those who
have a life of intimacy with Jesus which exposes
our true condition.
It is revealed in our lack of love for others,
including our enemies. It is evident in a person
who thinks principally of themselves, who is eas-
ily irritable, ambitious for position, who loves
money and the things of the world, who uses
other people for their own benefit, who borrows
and does not repay, who promises and does not
do what he has said, and many other such things.
While following a set of rules and principles
may produce a superficial appearance of good-
ness, our daily living will always reveal what is
really in our hearts.
This is why Jesus insisted that some in the
church Philadelphia were in fact part of the “syn-
agogue {or congregation} of Satan” (Rev 3:9).

These people professed that they were “Jews” –
that they were in fact God’s people. They were
obviously practicing some kind of religion which
they considered biblical and were probably par-
ticipating in the church.
Yet their life was a lie (Rev 3:9). It was just the
fallen flesh becoming religious and consequently
was a manifestation of the devil’s kingdom. Their
Christianity was the really just the “synagogue of
Therefore, it becomes very clear that being
seduced by religion, even if it has a “form of god-
liness” (2 Tim 3:5) or Christianity, is no different
from being seduced by sex, drugs, alcohol, fame,
wealth, or power.
This seducing religious force is also a part of
or an aspect of the devil’s kingdom. It is part of
Babylon, the prostitute. It is simply another
method Satan uses to deviate the hearts of men
and women away from a genuine intimacy with
God and captivate them with a false, yet subtle,
With this in mind, we can discuss with more
clarity how this prostitute, Babylon, who is
revealed in the book of Revelation, can be drunk
with the blood of the martyrs. It is clear that many
worldly people, moved by a rising hatred for
those who do not share their lifestyle, have killed
many saints of God.
This was true in the early church during the
Roman Empire. Many believers were killed for

sport in the arenas. Since that time, uncounted
numbers of Christians have been murdered by
various earthly governments and others because
of their testimony.
What confuses some believers is when some-
thing called the “Church” also begins to kills
Christians. For some reason, they cannot see that
this is merely another segment of Satan’s worldly
kingdom. Since it has an appearance of being reli-
gious, or even “Christian,” they fail to discern that
it is no different that the rest of the devil’s realm.
In recent years many have tried to imagine,
for example, that religious Christianity – princi-
pally in the form of the Catholic Church – has
been the primary source of persecution of believ-
ers during the previous centuries. But this is not
Although they were leaders in this persecu-
tion for a time during what is called the “dark
ages,” many other governments, groups, and per-
sons have also been responsible for the deaths of
millions of believers.
The Muslim empires slaughtered uncounted
Christians. The Soviet Union also did so. Today
thousands of believers are being imprisoned, tor-
tured and martyred in Africa, China, and many
others parts of the world. All this cannot be
blamed on the Catholic Church. Instead, we see
that the prostitute is a multifaceted entity which is
the embodiment of all the devil’s worldly offer-
In fact, this prostitute in Revelation is not
merely guilty of the blood of the martyrs. Her sin

is much, much larger than that. She is actually
guilty of the blood of “...all who were slain on the
earth” (Rev 18:24). This seems to indicate that
every murder and even every casualty of war can
be laid at the feet of this harlot.
How can this be? It is because the devil’s king-
dom has been working since before the creation.
Cain killed Abel because of envy. Others since
then have murdered each other because of jeal-
ousy, hatred, greed, fear, lust for power, and all
the others things which are the hallmarks of
Satan’s woman.


From this discussion, it should be clear to any

honest reader that, in spite of what many insist,
the Catholic Church cannot be thought of as the
summation of what is meant by the word
“Babylon” in the book of Revelation.
Instead, this prostitute which the devil uses to
seduce the world, is much more than mere reli-
gion. She is the embodiment of all that this world
has to offer to seduce the hearts of men and
women and thus keep them from an intimacy
with God. She represents the vast array of attrac-
tions which are part of Satan’s kingdom.
The prostitute Babylon is having lots of suc-
cess. She is succeeding is seducing many men and
women, both in the world and in the church. She
is also finding pleasure in killing men and women
who are made in the image of God, when and
where she can arrange it.

The kingdom of this world, the prostitute of
the devil, is responsible for all the bloodshed
which has happened on this earth since the begin-
ning and is still happening today.
The seductive kingdom of the devil has exist-
ed since the beginning of this world. Satan cer-
tainly succeeded in enticing Eve to eat the forbid-
den fruit, showing her that it was attractive, deli-
cious, and would make her wise and self-fulfilled.
Throughout the history of humanity, the devil
with his prostitute, has also prevailed in captur-
ing the hearts of many – even men and women of
God. We read that: “For she has cast down many
wounded, and all who were slain by her were
strong men” (Pr 7:26).
Yet at the end of the New Testament, John
records a vision of this harlot in a new form. This
vision has much in it for us to understand. This
vision we will examine in the next chapter.



We learn from the book of Revelation that

ancient Babylon is not the only time which the
prostitute has come to the fore. It was not the only
time when worldliness came to a head. It was not
the unique period or place in which all that the
world has to offer, including entertainment, sex
and sin, was manifested in fullness.
According to our text in Revelation, there
have been other locations and occasions where
her lust and depravity came to a peak. It seems
that there have been, until today, six such “mani-
festations” of the prostitute.
How can we know such a thing? Let us inves-
tigate this together. We are told that this prosti-
tute is riding on a beast which has seven heads. In
another book Antichrist, we showed that in Bible
prophecy when a beast in a vision has multiple
heads this refers to a succession of rulers or king-
doms. Applying this principle, we can conclude
that Babylon will rise up to a peak seven times in
world history.
Next we are told that five of these manifesta-
tions had already come and gone by the time John
saw this vision. We read: “Five have [already] fall-
en...” (Rev 17:10). Five of these places where the
spirit of Babylon rose to preeminence, had already
come to a peak and then disappeared before John
saw this vision.
Although we cannot know exactly which past
empires are also included in this list along with
Babylon, it is possible that ancient Egypt under
some of the Pharaohs might also have risen to the
heights of excess which we have described.
Possibly the Medo-Persian empire or the later
kingdom of Alexander the Great, or even ancient
Assyria could fit our pattern. Exactly who they
were is not critical to our understanding. Certain-
ly there were five and they have already come and
gone or “fallen.”
Then we read, “one is.” When John saw this
vision, he was actually witnessing the sixth such
“embodiment.” At that time, the Roman Empire
qualified to be just such an incarnation of
Babylon. Certainly, this empire was noted for its
worldly excesses in every aspect of its culture.
Rome was the cultural, economic, and political
center of the western world at that time. She was
famous for her sinful dissipation. Drunkenness,
orgies, sports events which included murders,
entertainments and all the pleasures which this
world has to offer were found there in abundance.
Sex, opulence, leisure, luxury, riches, and all
the other things which characterizes the system of
this world was available there. Certainly, that

empire qualifies to be one of the manifestations of
the devil’s prostitute. So we see that ancient Rome
fits exactly into the pattern which we have been
describing. This must be the “Babylon” of the
time of John’s vision.
But even when we then include Rome as the
one which “is,” this still leaves us with only six
“Babylons.” One is still lacking.
Then we learn the secret. The one last great
embodiment of Babylon is yet to come. It will
appear sometime in the future. He says: “...and
the other has not yet come” (Rev 17:10)
Here we see that there will be, at the end of this
age, one last great manifestation of Babylon. It will
be a final embodiment of the prostitute, a place on
the earth which in the last days would be a symbol
of all of Satan’s attractions and seductions.
At the time of the end there will exist on this
earth a nation which becomes extremely wealthy
and decadent. This “empire” will be famous for
its excesses and extravagance. It will be a “reincar-
nation” of the Roman Empire with all of its world-
ly sinfulness. We will see one place which epito-
mizes all the sensual and even intellectual pleas-
ures and pursuits which this world has to offer.
This will be the seventh and final manifestation of
this evil prostitute.
It is this place, the final Babylon, which will be
destroyed by the Antichrist and his ten kings (Rev
(For a more detailed investigation of this
prophecy, please see the note at the end of the
final chapter of this book on page 93.)

We have seen how the prostitute which the
Bible describes is in fact the system of this world.
It is the “woman” which the devil uses to seduce
the hearts of men away from God.
But if we are at the end of the age today,
where is today’s Babylon? Is there, at this
moment, a place in the world which fulfills this
prophecy? Is there a place which seems to fit with
all that we have been describing? Let us look in
the Bible together and see how these things might
fit into our present world scene.


As we read through chapters 17 and 18 of

Revelation probing for the identity of Babylon,
two things are readily evident. One is that it is a
“great city” (Rev 17:18). Also, it will be destroyed
by fire (Rev 17:16). So we can conclude that this is
in fact a real, physical place and not merely a kind
of “spiritual” entity.
Although – as we have seen – there is a spiri-
tual aspect to Babylon, it is clear that there is also
a definite, physical place epitomizing the spirit of
Babylon at the time of the end, which will be
destroyed by fire.
In the Old Testament there was a real city of
Babylon. It was the capital of an empire which
was also referred to as “Babylon.” The city was
the center of and thus a kind of symbol for, the
entire empire.
Therefore, it could be that this New Testament
“city” is more than merely an individual city but

an entire nation which is typified by the city. So
what we are going to be studying about the “city”
Babylon probably applies to an entire country and
its culture. Although there is some speculation
here, the evidence for it will become clear as we


In searching for the identity of the place

“Babylon,” we will begin with the clearest parts of
the biblical revelation. One thing which is strik-
ingly evident upon the reading of these two chap-
ters is that this final Babylon is the marketplace of
the world. This fact is very important. Here we
have confirmed for us that she is not merely a
spiritual entity.
Babylon is a major center, or even the center of
world commerce. It is a place where everyone
who has anything to sell is marketing it. This one
location buys so much that the merchants of the
entire earth are becoming wealthy selling their
goods to Babylon.
We read that: “...the merchants of the earth
have become rich through the abundance of her
luxury” (Rev 18:3). So when we wish to identify
this woman, we must look for some real place on
this earth which fits this description. It must be a
location which buys much, if not most, of what
the world produces.
Then we are given a long list of luxury goods
which Babylon has been buying. Verse 12 reads:
“...merchandise of gold and silver, precious

stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and
scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of
object of ivory, every kind of object of most pre-
cious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; and cinna-
mon and incense, fragrant oil and frankincense,
wine and oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and
sheep, horses and chariots and bodies and souls of
This is quite a list. It includes every kind of
item which was considered expensive, attractive,
and desirable in the day in which this revelation
was given. It represents the best of all the things
the world has to offer.
Since almost 2,000 years have passed since the
writing of this list, a few things have changed. We
have concluded that the Babylon which will be
destroyed is not the ancient one but a modern day
entity, consequently it would not be stretching the
sense of the scriptures to speculate that this list
today might include other items.
Perhaps presently the list might read: jewelry
items, clothes (linen, purple, silk, scarlet), auto-
mobiles (chariots), furniture (precious wood),
granite and marble (the current rage in bathrooms
and kitchens), all sorts of imported foods, fruits
and vegetables, perfumes, spices and all kinds of
domesticated animals and even millions of labor-
ers who are exploited, perhaps because they are
not citizens.
In short, everything made in the world which
is desirable, Babylon is importing to satisfy her
lust for luxury. Therefore, to identify her today,
we must find a city/nation which has an insa-

tiable desire for every kind of ornate and beauti-
ful item.
Notice that this “city” does not appear to
manufacture much herself. Many of the goods
which she consumes with abandon are imported.
So, we may conclude that she is primarily a con-
sumer nation.
Not only this, but the word of God tells us
how these goods come to Babylon’s shores. This
gives us an important clue to her identity. Please
pay careful attention to this. These goods arrive
by ship. This is not just any ship or a few ships,
but it appears that the appetite of the prostitute
requires the services of almost everyone who owns or
works on ships.
Verses 17 and 18a read: “And every shipmas-
ter, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as
trade on the sea, stood at a distance and cried out
when they saw the smoke of her burning.” Then
again in verse 19 this fact is repeated, the sailors
and ship owners are weeping and wailing, saying
“Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had
ships on the sea became rich by her wealth!”
(The ancient city Babylon which Saddam
Hussein recently tried to reconstruct could not be
a fulfillment of this prophecy. The Babylon of Iraq
lies hundreds of miles up the Euphrates river
which is not navigable by oceangoing ships.)
The sheer volume of the trade which is done
with Babylon supports the idea that she is not
merely a city but a city which represents a larger
nation. No one city, no matter how large, could
ever consume so much that it would require the

services of virtually every ship and ship owner in
the world to satisfy her desires.
Further, we may safely conclude from these
scriptures that Babylon must have access to the
sea. In fact, it must be very accessible. She is a
location that requires most goods which are
imported to arrive by ship. The main route of
these items is not by land but by sea.
Therefore, Babylon must have many, many
seaports to provide access for “every shipmaster”
(Rev 18:17) in the world to service her. No one city
in the world has anywhere close to enough harbor
space to accommodate so many tens of thousands
of vessels.
Babylon is exceedingly rich. Therefore, she
must be the world’s most wealthy nation – the
world’s largest economy. This is a very reasonable
conclusion to draw, since in order to purchase so
much of the earth’s most valuable items, she must
have a great abundance of money. In Revelation
18:19 we are told that “...all who had ships on the
sea became rich by her wealth.”
So when we are seeking to identify modern
Babylon, we must certainly look for a place in the
world which is known for its profligate spending
and abundant wealth. Her population in general
must have a very high level of income which they
spend with abandon on themselves.
When we speak about Babylon, naturally we
are referring to the general characteristics of the
population. It is the people who live in Babylon
who act in specific ways which give her a certain
international fame.

Of course there must be exceptions. Among
the inhabitants of the Babylon of today there must
exist, just as in the days of Sodom, at least one
righteous man. In fact, we can be sure of this since
God calls His people who are in her to come out
of her (Rev 18:4).
But in general we understand that even
though there are righteous men and women who
live in this place, the principal character of the
population is what is described in Revelation.


Another important characteristic of Babylon,

one that will help us to identify her, is that she
loves luxury (Rev 18:7,9,14). In fact, she is addict-
ed to it. She pampers herself with every imagina-
ble purchase with which she can gratify her soul.
Perhaps her houses are full of every kind of knick-
knack and decoration. We can imagine that her
“chariots” are shiny and new.
No doubt, her attention is constantly on her-
self, seeking how she can try to satisfy more fully
the constant itch for more comfort and ease. This
probably includes such pursuits as more and
more clothes, more and more jewelry (Rev 17:4)
and an unending search for the finest foods and
We may speculate that she spends much of
her time shopping and trying out new restaurants
and bars or tea and coffee shops. Entertainments
probably occupy a large part of her time. Every
kind of movie, sports event, theater, or party

might be the focus of her attention. It may even be
true that new cars, sporting goods, boats, ATV’s,
snowmobiles, motor homes, jet skis, and many
other such things consume a considerable portion
of her disposable income.
It is probable that the average person in the
final Babylon lives at a level which, until very
recent times, only kings and nobles enjoyed.
Perhaps the inhabitants of Babylon can buy
almost any kind of food or drink their heart could
There can be no doubt that the homes of
Babylon’s inhabitants are filled with every kind of
convenience, luxury and even extravagance. Their
televisions are large and their sofas comfortable.
Their closets are never big enough to accommo-
date all the clothes they have jammed in them.
They have their electronic “servants” to wash the
clothes and the dishes.
Increasingly, instead of having to cook their
own meals, they dine in restaurants where they
are waited on. If they could want anything, they
simply hop in their “chariot” and within a few
minutes their desires are satisfied. They live roy-
ally in every respect.
Perhaps you think that I am going too far
afield in my postulations concerning the character
of Babylon. But the Bible tells us plainly that
Babylon lives “luxuriously” (Rev 18:7). In our
world today, to live “luxuriously” must be to live
exactly as we have described. Anything less than
this would not qualify. She must be the epitome of

Babylon lavishes upon herself anything and
everything that she can possibly afford. Her econ-
omy appears to be very dependent upon con-
sumerism. She has gained worldwide fame for
her self-indulgence. Her inhabitants love the
world and all the things which are in the world.
Their hearts are completely devoted to and
seeking after all that this present world has to
offer. All the sensual pleasures, entertainments,
goods and comforts available are their constant
pursuit. Truly, “she glorified herself and lived
luxuriously” (Rev 18:7). Nowhere, ever, in the his-
tory of the world has there been a nation like


Another characteristic of Babylon which will

help us identify her is that she holds a command-
ing position on the world scene. God’s word tells
us that: “...the woman whom you saw is that great
city which reigns over the kings of the earth” (Rev
This is amazing! Babylon is some city/nation
which is dominating the world scene. She is so
powerful and influential that she can be said to be
“reigning” over the other rulers of the earth. This
tells us that we must look for some place that is a
kind of superpower, perhaps the superpower.
Babylon must be a very obvious, prominent
location. Although she probably does not rule the
whole world directly, she dominates the other
rulers and nations. She finds ways to influence the

other countries to cause them to do her will. We
cannot tell from the scriptures if this is done
diplomatically, militarily, or by economic pres-
sure, but it is clear that her power and influence
are tremendous.
Undoubtedly because of her dominant posi-
tion, Babylon is proud. Her heart is lifted up
because of her position and power. She is totally
self-centered and thinks of herself as being the
best in every respect. Some of Babylon’s mer-
chants (and perhaps corporations) are world
famous. Their financial influence is dominating.
Perhaps some of these merchants have
become billionaires and their names are known
almost everywhere. The scriptures teach us these
facts by saying: “...[her] merchants were the great
{important} men of the earth” (Rev 18:23).
The final embodiment of the prostitute is
utterly confident of her strength and invincibility.
Probably, she exists in a location which is isolated
from the rest of the world and so feels quite safe
and secure. She imagines that no one could ever
bring her down.
The Bible reveals that: “She says in her heart,
‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see
sorrow’” (Rev 18:7). Perhaps she even believes
that her position and affluence is because of God’s
This attitude of pride, world dominance, and
sense of great security are characteristics which
we can use to identify modern-day Babylon. The
one, unique place which today would fit all these
descriptions is the United States of America. She

is the one nation on this earth today which could
fulfill all these aspects of Babylon.


One of the most obvious attributes which we

use to identify a prostitute is promiscuous, fre-
quent sex. Babylon is not only a prostitute but a
“great” one (Rev 17:1). Therefore, we would
expect to see that the society of the nation which
we have identified as “Babylon” would be preoc-
cupied with sex. She would be obsessed with the
Perhaps the media of that location is full of all
kinds of suggestive photographs, seamy articles,
and lewd films. She is probably always looking
for more and more stimulation in the area of sex.
Therefore, pornography, nudity, and immor-
ality of every type and description should be
increasingly common within her borders. We
might expect that those who have influence in the
entertainment industries such as cinema, music
and print would be constantly pushing the enve-
lope to see how much raw filth they can spew out.
Before her judgment comes, Babylon will prob-
ably be as bad or worse than Sodom and
Gomorrah. She will most likely be just as perverse
as the inhabitants of the earth were in the days of
Noah. Her appetite for luxury will only be rivaled
by her lust for sex of every kind.
We know, for example, from the story of Lot
and his escape from Sodom that the citizens of
that city gathered at his door demanding him to

turn over what seemed to be two men. They want-
ed them so that they could vent their perverted
lust upon them in plain view of everyone. We can
imagine that Babylon also, before her judgment
comes, will abandon every shred of conscience or
Unbridled sex breeds violence. I’m not sure
why, but these two things, unrestrained sex and
violence, go hand in hand. In Noah’s day, not
only was immorality of every kind rampant, but
“...the earth was filled with violence” (Gen 6:11).
So we can expect that before the end of this age,
we will see not only an increasing emphasis on
nudity and sex, but an upswing in shocking and
uncontrolled violence.
Eventually Babylon becomes so filled with
filth, perversion and unrestrained lust that a host
of demons and foul spirits are attracted to her.
When her depravity is in full bloom she becomes
“...a habitation of demons, a prison for every foul
spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated
bird” (Rev 18:2).
Undoubtedly these malignant spirits swarm
there, like flies to a dead carcass, to participate in
and stimulate her evil appetites more and more.
For many years as I read this passage, I thought
that Babylon’s condition of being saturated with
demons was something which happened after her
destruction. But today, a careful reading shows
something different. Here we see that this is her
condition before she is judged. It is her fallen, deca-
dent state which attracts every kind of evil spirit
and demon. This infestation of evil spirits appar-

ently accelerates her moral decay which then
leads to her judgment.
No one of us knows how far we are from the
end of this age. Anyone who claims that they do
is deceived and should not be listened to.
Therefore we might assume that, although
Babylon will eventually reach a great zenith in the
areas of self-indulgence, unbridled sex and vio-
lence, she probably has not yet arrived at these
great heights (or depths).
In fact, there is no location on the earth at this
moment which could really fulfill this description
completely. Consequently, in our search for this
identity of Babylon, we must look for a country
which has not quite yet fully arrived at this condi-
tion but is merely well on the way.
We read in Revelation 18:2 that “Babylon the
great is fallen, is fallen.” Here we learn that mod-
ern Babylon did not begin at this degraded moral
state. Evidently she was once better than this but
then fell further and further until she was twice
fallen. So, when we are seeking to identify
Babylon today, we should look for a wealthy, self-
indulgent “city/nation” which is in the evident
process of a steep moral decline.


In the hand of the great prostitute is a golden

cup which is brimming over with something. That
something is the “abominations and the filthiness
of her fornication” (Rev 17:4). This cup contains a
mixture of her unbridled lust for riches, comfort,

pleasure, and sex, including perversion of every
form. Her cup is full – that is her sinfulness has
reached the saturation point. But is she repentant?
Is she seeking forgiveness and freedom from her
degraded situation? No! Instead she is busy trying
to seduce others to drink from the same cup.
Using all her power, she is enticing others into
the same shameful state as herself. And she is suc-
ceeding! The Bible says that the “inhabitants of
the earth were made drunk with the wine of her
fornication” (Rev 17:2).
Not only is she “reigning” over and manipulat-
ing other nations to suit her will, but she is using
her prominence to spread her extravagant,
immoral way of living all over the globe.
But how does she accomplish this? The scrip-
tures do not say, but we can perhaps speculate a
little. It may be that through the media: the film
producers, the magazine publishers and the
music industry, Babylon is publicly displaying
her whorish ways and luring others to act as she
It could be that the movies and television
shows she produces are full of all kinds of dirty
jokes, sexual immorality, ever increasing nudity,
and an emphasis on perversion.
It is possible that the entertainers and singers of
Babylon glorify, through their art forms, every
kind of satanic lust, sexual impurity, and rebellion
against the laws of God. It is just conceivable that
instead of being ashamed, she glorifies her
immorality and unrestrained lust for pleasure in
an attempt to draw others into it.

Sadly, she is succeeding. All over the world,
people are drinking this wine. They are hearing,
reading about and seeing from many sources the
shameful behavior of the prostitute. Instead of
being appalled, they are heedlessly running after
Yes, the nations are truly drunk with the wine
of her fornication. They are striving to be like her.
There is one place in the world today which the
nations envy and are ambitious to emulate. When
we identify this location, then we also identify
Everywhere you go, in most of the nations of
this world, men and women are intoxicated with
the idea of being just as prosperous and success-
ful as this one place – Babylon. They admire her
well-integrated infrastructure. They like how well
her society seems to work. They are yearning to
achieve the same standard of living. They are jeal-
ous of the apparent sense of security and well-
being she expresses.
All that luxury, ease, wealth and yes, immoral-
ity seem very attractive to the average inhabitant
of this world. They are drinking deeply at the
thought of being just like her. Without a doubt,
some nations are envious and pretend to look
down their nose at her, but deep inside they all
wish that they had what Babylon has. They want
to be as rich, powerful, comfortable, and sinful as
the prostitute.
It is in this way that Babylon is giving birth to
daughters. She is reproducing herself all over the
globe. So she becomes known as “...the mother of

harlots and of the abominations of the earth” (Rev
17:5). This is the name which God gives her. She is
doing her utmost to bring everyone she can down
to her level, drinking of and wallowing in her self-
indulgence and filth with her. Do you know any
place like this?
Perhaps in your travels or through your contact
with other countries you have already noticed this
intoxication of other nations to be like Babylon.
Or, possibly it is even evident from the news you
hear and other information sources to which you
have access.
When you meditate on this for just a moment,
you will soon realize that, at this point in history,
there is one place, just one nation, which all the
others want to be like or to which they want to
move. This place is the United States of America.
Many will insist that they despise her, but in their
hearts they yearn to be like her. Truly the nations
are drunk with the wine of her fornication.



Parts of this chapter are taken from

the book “Antichrist” by this same author.

In the following section, we will engage in

some speculation about how some future events
could unfold. Therefore, these ideas should be
held somewhat lightly as we wait to see what will
actually occur.
But, if and when these things begin to become
real in our world, when the news is full of stories
along these exact lines, then it is time to take seri-
ously the warnings contained in this series of
books about the end times.
It is clear from the scriptures that it is the com-
ing Antichrist who will destroy the place called
“Babylon” (Rev 17:16-18). It is inevitable that by
doing so, he will also deal a great blow to the
financial system of this world. This seems a little
strange. Why would such a man who is anointed
by or even possessed by the devil, destroy such a
marvelous exhibition of Satan’s kingdom? Why
would Satan destroy his own prostitute?
We must understand that the devil has no
devotion to the things and pleasures of this world.
He is merely using them to achieve his ends. He is
employing them to seduce the hearts of men and
women away from God. He himself does not need
them. They mean nothing to him personally.
In the English language, a man who controls
prostitutes is called a pimp. Normally, he has no
emotional attachment to the women he sells. His
interest in them is to use them to make money.
When they become difficult, old, or sick often he
has no qualms about simply killing them. When
they are of no more use to him, they are disposable.
In the same way, the devil is merely using the
system of this world for his own ends. Satan has
no commitment to this world’s system along with
its riches and pleasures. Even though the inhabi-
tants of this earth are in love with these things, he
himself is not attached to them.
Human beings are completely deceived by
them, but the devil is not. He understands with
clarity that all this is just an illusion. He doesn’t
need either money or things. His purpose is to
control men and women. He will use whatever
tools are available to him to accomplish his ends.
When the future Antichrist appears and sets
up his kingdom, he will exert tremendous pres-
sure and control over the world. He will have the
necessary apparatus to force the inhabitants of the
world to do his will. Of course, the force behind
this coming Man of Sin is the devil. The devil will
give the Antichrist his own power and authority.
We read: “And the dragon [Satan] gave him [the

Man of Sin] his power, his throne, and great
authority” (Rev 13:2).
Using this tremendous power, the Antichrist
will exert pressure over the inhabitants of the
world to do his will. He will have a lot of success
with his program. He will be able to make most of
the world worship him (Rev 13:8,15).
He will also be allowed by God to kill many
who oppose him, especially believers. We read:
“And it was granted to him [by God] to make war
with the saints and overcome them” (Rev 13:7).
Through the coming Beast, Satan will assume con-
trol over the planet.
So, after the devil succeeds in consolidating
his control over the world through the person of
the Antichrist he won’t need his “prostitute” any-
more. He won’t have to entice or deceive anyone.
He’ll have the people of the world in the palm of
his hand. His control will be much more absolute.
Consequently, for him to destroy a rich and
opulent place (which perhaps in times past dis-
played a semblance of Christianity) along with
the world financial system, would give him the
greatest pleasure. When he doesn’t need her any-
more, she becomes disposable. The destruction of
the embodiment of his prostitute will not make
him the least bit sad.
Therefore, his prostitute will be of little more
use to him. He won’t need to seduce or deceive
anyone anymore. He will then be in control of the
world through the person of the Antichrist. He
will be able to simply force everyone to do his
will. If not, they will die.

As we studied in the book Antichrist, this com-
ing Beast is very religious. He revels in self-denial.
He is probably a severe ascetic. He does not
seduce people through worldliness, but coerces
them through fear and financial pressures.
So, now this Babylon prostitute of the devil is
dispensable. She is no longer necessary. Since it
suits his purposes, Satan will allow the coming
man of sin to destroy her.
Since Babylon is the largest economy of the
world, her destruction will have a severe impact
on the rest of the world’s financial situation. No
doubt, her judgment will precipitate a world-
wide monetary collapse.
Not only those who live in Babylon will suf-
fer, but those who are attached to and depending
upon this world and the things of it will suffer
Those who have not learned to depend upon
God will be severly impacted. Those whose hearts
are entwined with the system of this world will
weep in anguish. Those who are committing adul-
tery with the devil’s woman will be exposed and
punished (Rev 18:15-19).


The future Antichrist will have a problem, a

very formidable problem. He will want to consol-
idate his power in the Middle East. His ambition
is to dominate the world and make the inhabitants
of the earth do his will. But, if he is manifested in
these days, there is one nation which will stand in

his way. That pesky “world policeman,” the
United States, will no doubt oppose his rise to
power and also his control over the oil fields (See
the book Antichrist, chapter 3). They, as they have
done in the past, would certainly send troops,
ships and missiles to try to stop any such endeav-
or. So, if he is to accomplish his will, he must elim-
inate the United States from the picture.
As we speculated in the book Antichrist, let us
suppose that some Middle Eastern tyrant suc-
ceeds in taking power and uniting ten countries
under his leadership. Sooner or later, he will have
the threat of the United States resisting him if and
when he tries to begin controlling the rest of the
Therefore, the Antichrist must find a way to
paralyze her and/or eliminate this threat to
accomplish his agenda. This will be absolutely
Due to her overwhelming military might, the
United States would have to be removed from the
world picture if the Antichrist is to accomplish all
his will. In order for any Middle Eastern dictator
to consolidate power and use his oil resources to
control the world, for example, the U.S. would
definitely have to be taken out of the way.
Another piece of this puzzle is the tremen-
dous hatred that the Islamic zealots have for the
U.S. Supposing her to be a Christian country and
witnessing the luxury in which she lives along
with the enormous amount of sexual impurity
and filth in which she indulges, many in that
region have developed an intense hatred for her.

In their hearts they have a firm purpose to
destroy her. This should be evident to anyone
who is familiar with the present world situation.
Don’t think that 9-11 was enough to satisfy them.
The radical Muslims’ goal is the total destruction
of the United States.
These thoughts harmonize exactly with what
we have studied about Babylon in the first part of
this book. From the book of Revelation, we have
seen her revealed as a self-indulgent, opulent, sin-
ful location. She is proud, world-dominating, and
unrepentant. Her wealth, extravagance, and lust
for more and more things requires the services of
every ship, ship owner and mariner in the sea
(Rev 17 and 18).
Babylon is isolated from the rest of the world
and mainly thinks about herself. Her sinfulness,
in terms of adultery, fornication, murder of the
unborn, homosexuality, and other such things,
has become rampant. She has abandoned God as
her Protector, casting Him out of her government
and schools and turned instead to idols of so-
called science and humanism. Consequently, God
decides to judge her.
Interestingly, He chooses the Antichrist and
his ten nations to be the instruments of His judg-
ment. They are the ones who will attack her and
thoroughly burn her with fire. We read: “And the
ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will
hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat
her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God has put
it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose, to be of

one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast,
until the words of God are fulfilled” (Rev
Let us look at the phrase “hate the harlot.” It
is certain that many of the countries which will
probably take part in the Antichrist’s schemes
already hate the United States. Iran, for example,
attacked the U.S. embassy and took some
hostages a number of years ago, calling America
the “Great Satan.”
The hatred in the Middle East towards the
U.S. is tremendous and increasing every day. The
terrorist acts being perpetrated against America
and her allies today are motivated by a great,
deep-seated hatred. These individuals see her as a
corrupt, immoral society doing whatever she
wants to on the world scene, trampling on anyone
who gets in her way.
The Antichrist’s military efforts against
Babylon will probably occur in two stages. First
he must back her off until he consolidates his
power. Then, biblically, he will destroy her com-
pletely. This “backing off” seems to be important,
since no one could rise up and assume control of
ten nations in the Middle East without attracting
the attention of the U.S.
No matter who the Beast turns out to be, the
U.S. will certainly oppose the Antichrist’s rise to
power in that region. She has a long history of
interfering in that part of the world. So, how could
the Antichrist neutralize this threat while he is

consolidating his power? No doubt he will think
about using some kind of terrorist activities.
The first stage of “backing her off” might be
done by some humiliating attacks with weapons
of mass destruction, either chemical, biological, or
nuclear. This could be what the Bible is referring
to when it says that the Antichrist will “make
her...naked” (Rev 17:16). The connection here is
that when you strip someone of their clothes or
“make them naked” you humiliate them.
If the Beast could acquire some nuclear
bombs or other such weapons, he could then put
some on old cargo ships and sail them into
American harbors. Or he could smuggle some
biological weapons into the country. Next he
could attack in one place and then say to the U.S.,
“I have more weapons in your country. You either
leave me alone or I will do it again.”
Through the fear that this kind of attack could
create, he could possibly get the U.S. to tolerate
his agenda, at least for a while. Finally, after
humiliating her and getting her reluctant cooper-
ation for a time, he will then destroy her with
great hatred.
Of course, no one can predict how these
events might occur. Such speculations are only
given to show how such things might be possible
in today’s world. Although many Americans
don’t really think such events are likely and
believe that their government and even God will
protect them, the fact is that God is on the other
side! God Himself will help the Antichrist execute
His judgment upon Babylon!

That’s right. God will put His power behind
the Antichrist and use him to do His will. The
Almighty Himself will empower the coming man
of sin to bring down the world’s most powerful,
wealthy nation and judge her. We read again:
“...for God has put it into their hearts to fulfill his
purpose...until the words of God are fulfilled”
(Rev 17:17).
With such a divine anointing, all the protec-
tion in the world, all the intelligence gathering,
along with all the safety measures will not be
enough to avoid her eventual destruction. Please,
for your own sake, don’t depend upon human
government or resources to protect you. It is
much wiser to hear from the Lord and obey Him.
A passage in Daniel chapter 8, verses 23-25,
says a lot to confirm that a wealthy, powerful, sin-
ful nation, such as the United States, will be
destroyed by the Antichrist. Let us take some time
and analyze this passage together.
We read: “And in the latter time of their king-
dom [the kingdoms of the other three beasts, pos-
sibly England, Russia and Germany (See chapter 1
of the book Antichrist)] when the transgressors
have reached their fullness, [here we see that the
sinfulness of the prostitute must reach a peak as it
did in the land of Canaan before the Israelites
destroyed them (Gen 15:16)] a king shall arise,
having fierce features, who understands sinister

“His power shall be mighty, but not by his
own power. [We have already seen in the book
Antichrist how he will be empowered by the
devil.] He shall destroy fearfully [possibly refer-
ring to the use of terrorist attacks], and shall pros-
per and thrive. He shall destroy the mighty, [this
could be the U.S.] and also the holy people [this
would refer to the coming slaughter of the
Going on in this passage we read: “Through
his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under
his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his
heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity.
[This too no doubt is speaking about the destruc-
tion of prosperous Babylon.] He shall even rise
against the Prince of princes; but he shall be bro-
ken without human hand.”
Another verse which indicates the destruction
of some especially strong nation or nations is
Daniel 11:39 where we read: “Thus he [the Beast]
shall act against the strongest fortresses.”
Today, in the area of the globe once occupied
by the Ottoman Empire (from which will come
the kingdom of the Antichrist) there are several
countries which have or soon will have nuclear
armaments. These same countries also have and
are further perfecting missiles which can deliver
these warheads. Some of these countries also have
ships and “decommissioned” nuclear submarines
bought from the former Soviet Union.
It would be very possible for the U.S. to be
“destroyed in one hour” “by fire” through a
nuclear attack. This attack could be accomplished

with only about ten ships and another ten sub-
marines, each carrying ten missiles apiece.
Such ships do not even need to be military
vessels. Average cargo ships can carry missiles in
their holds. They can be fired by simply removing
the hatch covers and pushing a button.
These vessels could keep well outside the ter-
ritorial waters of the United States and yet hit
every major city, even in the interior of the coun-
try. Such an attack of 100-200 nuclear missiles, hit-
ting many or most of the major cities would com-
pletely destroy the country.
As an example of how this could happen, we
have seen recent news reports on the web which
indicate that Iran is placing some of its long-range
missiles in cargo ships.
Further, the current president of the country
Georgia has revealed that in 1999, his country sold
Iran twelve cruise missiles left over from the
Soviet era. This means that they have had fifteen
years (until today) to copy them, reproduce them
and find the means to use them.
Another recent news item is that Iran is pro-
ducing large numbers of mini-submarines which
could be very hard to detect. If and when they
succeed in producing nuclear weapons, these
could then be fitted in missile warheads.
Although we cannot know the future or if Iran
will be involved in the end-time scenario, they
certainly are in the right place geographically.
I am told by a friend of mine who is a scientist
that someone with a really evil intention could
make such an attack even worse. If a significant

amount of the metal cobalt is included in a war-
head, the area where the missile hits would be
contaminated by radiation for as long as seven to
eight hundred years or even longer.
This means that that region would be unin-
habitable and no one could safely travel through
it or near it for centuries.
At this moment, the United States is working
very hard to develop a missile shield. They are
inventing various means to intercept and shoot
down incoming missiles.
But, if these attacks are launched close to her
borders, it may be that there will not be enough
time to detect them, activate the defenses and
then intercept the missiles. Another possibility is
that the program for development will be can-
celed or delayed to calm the fears of other nations.
What we do know with certainty is that the
Bible clearly teaches that God will work against
Babylon and help her enemies destroy her. He
will anoint the Antichrist and his ten kings to exe-
cute His judgment against Babylon. It therefore
would not be wise for anyone to put their hope in
some kind of missile defense.
The reader may wish to take some time here
and read Jeremiah, chapter 50 and 51. Here we
have detailed for us the destruction of Babylon.
While you are reading, please remember that
part of this prophecy refers to the ancient Babylon
and part to the modern one. Some of these verses
have already been fulfilled and some have a

future fulfillment. It is very possible that many
have a dual significance and apply to both
Which exact verses refer to each one and
which to both is almost impossible to tease out. As
you read, you will no doubt see in some verses
events which could easily happen today. Among
them are a few points which seem very clear.
Babylon is destroyed by someone who comes
“out of the north” (Jer 50:3), “an assembly of great
nations from the north country” (Jer 50:9) and “a
people” who “come from the north” (Jer 50:41).
You may remember that much of the old Ottoman
Empire – the area from which we have concluded
the Antichrist will come (see the book Antichrist,
chapter 1) – was “north” of Israel.
These passages do not seem to demand that
the nations which destroy the “end-times Baby-
lon” be literally “north” of her geographically. For
example, the only nation literally north of the U.S.
is Canada.
It could merely indicate where they are locat-
ed in relationship to Israel, therefore demonstrat-
ing a geographical position which the Jews of that
day could understand.
This interpretation corresponds exactly to
what we have been seeing in the previous book
Antichrist about the man of sin’s empire being
centered in the Middle East.
As you read these two chapters, you will no
doubt notice that there is a strong emphasis on

“arrows.” Please pay careful attention to this. It is
extremely important! Babylon is principally
destroyed by arrows. We read: “Their arrows
shall be like those of an expert warrior” (Jer 50:9).
“...against Babylon all around, all you who bend
the bow; shoot at her, spare no arrows” (Jer 50:14).
“Call together the archers against Babylon. All
you who bend the bow, encamp against it all
around” (Jer 50:29). The attackers from the north
“...shall hold the bow and the lance” (Jer 50:42).
“Against her let the archer bend his bow” (Jer
51:3). “Make the arrows bright” (Jer 51:11).
These verses about arrows could refer, and
probably do refer to missiles being launched at
Babylon. For example, missiles fly through the air
like arrows and are often “bright” because of their
metallic skins.
Of course, this idea cannot be proven. In the
days of Jeremiah, there were no missiles. Arrows
or lances would have been the closest thing to a
missile that the people of that day would know or
understand. So it is very possible that God used
the word “arrows” to symbolize something in the
But it is extremely significant that ancient
Babylon was not destroyed by arrows! Arrows
had very little or nothing to do with its conquest!
Instead, it was conquered by shovels.
That’s right. The tremendous defenses of
ancient Babylon were defeated by shovels, not by
arrows or other normal armaments. The Medes
and Persians spent their time digging a canal to
divert the Euphrates River. This river ran under

the wall of Babylon, through the city and out the
other side.
By diverting the river, the attacking armies
lowered the level of the river enough so that they
could come in under the wall, thus conquering the
city. These invaders encountered little resistance.
The defenses of ancient Babylon were rendered
This fact is very important. Since ancient
Babylon was not literally destroyed by archers or
arrows, we are forced to conclude that these vers-
es must apply to the end-times Babylon! They do
not, and in fact cannot, apply to the conquest of
the ancient city. Therefore, they must refer to the
last Babylon.
Another feature of these two chapters is the
destruction of Babylon by “fire” and the desola-
tion that results. The result of being uninhabitable
is also mentioned. Jeremiah 50:3 says that the
attack “will make her land desolate.” “Because of
the wrath of the Lord she shall not be inhabited,
but she shall be wholly desolate. Everyone who
goes by Babylon shall be horrified and hiss at all
her plagues” (Jer 50:13).
We are told that Babylon will “become a des-
olation among the nations” (Jer 50:23) and that her
attackers will “destroy her utterly” (Jer 50:26).
God will “kindle a fire in his [Babylon’s] cities [it
is significant here that this says more than one
city] and it will devour all around” (Jer 50:32).
Babylon “...shall be inhabited no more forev-
er, nor shall it be dwelt in from generation to gen-
eration” (Jer 50:39). The destruction of Babylon is

compared to Sodom and Gomorrah in which a
fire fell from heaven that made it uninhabitable
(Jer 50:40). God will make Babylon “a burnt
mountain” and she “shall be desolate for ever”
(Jer 51:25,26).
She will become “an astonishment and a hiss-
ing, without an inhabitant” (Jer 51:37). “Her cities
[again plural, indicating a nation] are a desola-
tion, a dry land and a wilderness, a land where no
one dwells, through which no son of man passes”
[possibly because of the residual radiation] (Jer
If this author is correct and modern Babylon
will be destroyed by an atomic attack, this would
produce all the effects about which we have been
reading. No doubt such a large scale nuclear
strike would also contaminate the air, which as it
moves across the globe, will have some effects on
other nations also.
It may be that other countries will make
attempts to deal with the fires and the sources of
this radiation, as they did when the Chernobyl
accident occurred in the Soviet Union, but they
will have little success. Perhaps this is why “The
people will labor in vain, and the nations, because
of the fire, and they shall be weary” (Jer 51:58).



The consequences of the attack on Babylon,

mentioned in the previous chapter, are extremely
severe and lethal. Therefore, God constantly
warns his people to get out of this place called
Babylon. God says: “Go forth from Babylon!” (Is
48:20). And again he says: “Move from the midst
of Babylon” (Jer 50:8). He warns: “Flee from the
midst of Babylon, and every one save his life!” (Jer
God further exhorts: “My people, go out of
the midst of her! And let everyone deliver himself
from the fierce anger of the Lord” (Jer 51:45).
Finally, God admonishes us with a voice from
heaven saying: “Come out of her, my people, lest
you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her
plagues” (Rev 18:4).
It may be possible that after this attack, some
inhabitants of Babylon will still be able to escape.
It is probable that many millions will survive this
attack. Some of them, because of where they live,
may be able to get across the borders or put to sea
and still escape some of the aftermath of the
plagues and death. To them God says: “You who

have escaped the sword, get away! Do not stand
still!” (Jer 51:50).
This means that those who survive should
take every opportunity to leave and keep going
until they get to somewhere safe. Incredibly, even
after such an attack, some still seem to be reluc-
tant to leave! But God urges them to do so for
their own good.


Coming out of Babylon for some may include

leaving a place of great comfort and prosperity.
But certainly it is much more than that. Many
Christians who don’t live in the United States, still
are in love with the world. They are spending
their lives pursuing the sensual pleasures which
the devil’s woman has to offer. They are commit-
ting adultery against their Lord.
This brings us to the following truth. ALL of
God’s people need to come out of Babylon! They
need to have a change of heart. They desperately
need to stop their lusting after the world and all
the things in it. They must immediately terminate
their adulterous relationship with the kingdom of
God’s enemy.
James says: “Cleanse your hands, you sinners;
and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (Js
4:8). Here our brother is speaking to the church.
He is exposing a common condition among us.
Far too many are living a double life. They are
having a secret (or perhaps not so secret) affair
with the prostitute. They appear to be living in
and participating in God’s kingdom, by being

members of some church or other, and apparent-
ly doing what is expected of them by the group.
But in their hearts they have another lover.
They are loving and pursuing the things of this
world. They are rolling in the bed with the
delights and attractions of this world. The are
committing adultery with the prostitute.
For some this love is money or success. They
spend much of their time and even more of their
thought-life pursuing money. Instead of meditat-
ing in God’s word or having communion with
Him, their thoughts are constantly occupied with
their business, investments, and projects.
In the place of dedicating their time to their
spouse, children, and serving others in Jesus’
name, their time is completely occupied with their
enterprise. Their heart has been seduced away
from Jesus.
For others their secret god is their sports
addiction. They spend a lot of money gathering
paraphernalia which has to do with their team.
They spend much time watching TV to see who
wins or loses, going to see games and talking end-
lessly with others about the subject. God, their
family and other brothers and sisters have to take
second place.
Others are obsessed with surfing, fishing, or
some other pastime. Their time and money is also
dedicated to this amusement. New equipment,
magazines and clothing related to this end are
their main expenditures. What really gets their
attention, what energizes them, what draws their
heart is their sport.

Some like to shop. They are constantly look-
ing for the money and opportunity to buy new
clothes or other things. Others are always preoc-
cupied about their appearance, frequently going
to beauty shops, buying the latest fashions, pur-
chasing all kinds of makeup, reading magazines
about the subject and so on. Still others are always
excited about parties, new movies, soap operas,
going to the mall and various other types of enter-
Still others are always lusting in their heart for
a new car, a bigger house, and more money in
their bank account. They long for the appearance
of success. They secretly love it when others envy
them for what they have.
When they drive that big, new expensive car
down the street, they imagine what others are
thinking and gleefully interpret the glances they
receive as jealousy. When they appear in public in
costly clothes and jewelry, they hope that others
will notice the maker’s mark. This is a sure sign
that they are committing adultery with the world.
There are even some in the church who
preach and teach, but their secret goal is to make
a name for themselves, become rich, or impress
others. Still others have ministries of “worship,”
but their hearts are divided. While they do per-
haps have a desire to minister, they also enjoy the
attention, fame, and accolades which come from
what they do. Many enjoy the attention and
respect which comes from having a title and a
position in a religious institution such as “pastor,”
“deacon,” or even “apostle.”

Even though these things seem to be a part of
the church, they are in reality part of the world.
Those who seek them are committing adultery
with the prostitute. Their heart is not pure
towards the Lord and His intentions but are sim-
ply using the things of God to gratify earthly, car-
nal desires for fame, attention, and money.
These are merely small examples of the many
things which seduce the hearts of believers away
from God. This world offers a whole array of
attractions to draw the hearts of the unwary. The
devil has had thousands of years to study the
behavior and desires of mankind. He has tuned
up his offerings over the years so that they appeal
to the maximum number of people. He also has
increased his variety of distractions so that every-
one can find something they want in his kingdom.
Many believers who are seduced by the world
still live the appearance of Christianity. Figura-
tively speaking, they still live with their spiritual
husband, but they are committing adultery with
the world. Their heart is involved with other
It is to these people that James is speaking. He
is admonishing them to clean up their lives. He is
calling them to purify their hearts from their adul-
terous relationship with the world. He is urging
them to make a deep, heartfelt decision to stop
their lusting after the world and the things in it
and return with their whole heart to God.
As we have seen, the Bible is full of admoni-
tions and warnings to God’s people to come out of
Babylon. God’s judgment is coming. Not only is it

coming upon a place which will be the epitome of
worldliness, but it will also come upon His people
who are committing adultery with the world.
“The Lord will judge His people” (Heb 10:30).
We read: “Come out of her, my people, lest
you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her
plagues” (Rev 18:4). If we refuse to repent of our
adultery, come out of the world and stop sharing
in her sins, we will certainly also “receive of her
Of course, many will argue: “We all have to
work to make money. We all must buy clothes
and wear them. We all need cars and houses.
After all, entertainment is not a sin.”
All this is true. Yet there is the all-important
question. Where is our heart? What are we loving
and pursuing? What has captured our time, atten-
tion, and affection? Are we one hundred percent
after Jesus? Or is there some part of our heart
which is committing adultery with the world? We
all will do well to soberly ponder these questons.
The scriptures admonish those who just have
some involvement in the world to not misuse or
abuse it (I Cor 7:31). Just as a married person must
have some contact with others who are not their
spouse, yet maintain their fidelity, so we obvious-
ly must have some contact with the world, but not
allow our hearts to become seduced by it.


For those who live in the place we have iden-

tified as the embodiment of today’s “Babylon,”

the only way to be able to physically leave is to
first leave the world in your heart. As long as your
heart is held by comfort, luxury, ease, and wealth,
you will never be able to remove your body from
the place which offers you what your heart really
Lot’s wife was one of these. In her case, her
reluctance to leave forced the two angels to actu-
ally drag Lot and his family away from the com-
ing destruction. But even as she left, she looked
back. Her body was moving away but her heart
was still there.
And so, she looked back and “...became a pil-
lar {or statue} of salt” (Gen 19:26). Every one of us
is urged to: “Remember Lot’s wife” (Lk 17:32).
This is an important admonition for all of us.
Those who live in Babylon are required to
leave. All believers who live today in physical
Babylon must have a real, profound, heart-search-
ing time before the presence of God and allow
Him to purify them of all the things which would
hold them back from obeying Him.
They must cleanse their heart of their love for
the world and all the things in it. Next they must
begin to take steps to be obedient to what He is
saying to them right now, today. As we repent
from our involvement in this world and move
toward God’s goals, He will lead us.


It may be that some reading this book live in,

or know someone who lives in, the opulent, sen-

sual Babylonian nation which we have been des-
cribing. It is possible that they have been seeing
the substance of what it is that constitutes the
great prostitute and realize that they are right in
the middle of her.
But, just as Lot was in Sodom, perhaps they
are very secure where they are. They have a com-
fortable, safe, easy life. The salaries are good, the
standard of living is high. Goods of every descrip-
tion are plentiful and easily affordable. Food is
abundant, public services are reliable and there is
a sense of safety and security.
Hospitals, health services, medicines, and
other such things are close at hand. Perhaps their
friends and family are there and life is great. True,
just as Lot also was, they are bothered about the
rising tide of immorality and filth which appears
daily all around them. But they perhaps just turn
off the TV, shrug their shoulders and continue on
with their life.
However, if where they live is in fact the very
place about which the Bible is speaking, if anyone
makes their home right in the middle of modern
day Babylon, then one day something is going to
happen. Someday Jesus is going to say: “Get out!”
He is no doubt already speaking this today.
It is quite clear in the book of Revelation that
our Lord, whom we are required to obey, gives a
clear command to His children concerning the
place called Babylon. He says: “Come out of her,
my people” (Rev 18:4). Here we encounter a very
difficult thing. In fact, this is a word which is so
hard to hear that it is probable that the vast major-

ity of God’s people will not be able to hear it. Im-
agine that God might call someone to one day
leave all that is important to them. To tell them to
abandon their home, their friends, and possibly
their relatives, to leave the comfort and security of
their job and surroundings, all the wealth and
goods which they have accumulated and to go
someplace where life is less comfortable.
Will they go? Will they actually hear such a
command from their Savior? Or will they find one
thousand and one reasons why this could not pos-
sibly be Jesus speaking to them?
My honest opinion is that even if angels
appeared by the bedside of every believer in
Babylon tonight and clearly spoke to them to get
up and leave, only a very, very small number of
them would actually go.
Two angels came to Sodom. They plainly
spoke the word of the Lord to Lot. They urged
him to leave immediately saying: “...whomever
you have in the city – take them out of this place!”
“Arise, take your wife and your two daughters
who are here, lest you be consumed in the punish-
ment of this city” (Gen 19:12,15).
But Lot had a lot of trouble hearing this word.
He felt happy and comfortable where he was. All
his possessions and his family were there. His sur-
roundings were familiar and, therefore, he felt
secure. So, he “lingered.” He was very reluctant to
leave and he was very afraid of what he might
encounter “in the mountains” (Gen 19:19).
Most of his relatives refused to come with
him. They thought he must be joking (Gen 19:14)

or perhaps he had lost his mind. At last, the day
of judgment began to dawn and still he was
delaying. Finally, the angels had to drag him,
together with his wife and daughters, to safety.
My, how the word of God still speaks to us today!
Many, many of God’s people are today living
in Babylon. They feel safe and secure. Not only
are many citizens there, but the Babylon of today
is filled with millions of emigrants who have
flocked there to partake of her prosperity, ease,
and safety. Many of these who live there are pros-
perous and content.
But there are two serious problems. God
warns them of two consequences of remaining in
Firstly, they begin little by little to “share in
her sins” (Rev 18:4). The influence of the immoral-
ity in this place is tremendous. The inhabitants are
bombarded constantly, principally through the
media, with every kind of perversion and
Increasingly, perhaps without even realizing
it, they lower their own moral standards. They are
slowly being influenced to adopt the values of the
world around them. Even more than that, the chil-
dren of these residents are, just as the daughters
of Lot were, heavily influenced by the rampant
Secondly, God warns them that He will judge
this “city.” She will be destroyed by “plagues,”
namely, “death and mourning and famine.” “And
she shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is
the Lord God who judges her” (Rev 18:8). God is

calling for His people to come out of Babylon
because He is going to bring judgment. Anyone
who lives in Babylon should take this fact very
Let me warn you clearly: God will not with-
hold this judgment on Babylon just because some
believers are still there. If they do not respond to
His word and take the steps necessary to remove
themselves from that place, they will suffer the
horrible consequences which God has foretold.
If you are an emigrant and now live in
Babylon, I would like to urge you: Go home!
Leave immediately and return to where you came
from. Now is the time to liquidate your posses-
sions and get out. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
The Bible also teaches us that when someone
begins to take steps to leave Babylon, they will
become examples for others to follow. “Move
from the midst of Babylon. Go out of the land of
the Chaldeans; and be like rams before the flock”
(Jer 50:8). Obedience will also help others see
what they too could and should do.


Very many believers who live in Babylon

today (or even those looking at her from the out-
side) do not understand why God would even
think about judging that nation. They see their
prosperity and comfort as blessings from God.
Although the increasing sin around them troubles
them, they do not consider themselves to be sin-
ful. They just cannot imagine that their easy, pros-

perous, self-centered “Christian” lifestyle might
be something of which God does not approve.
When reading about Sodom in the Old
Testament, we encounter something very signifi-
cant. God states exactly what her sin was.
Contrary to what we might think, He does not list
many deviant, sexual sins. Although such sin cer-
tainly existed and was repugnant to Him, what
God mentions as the reason for His judgment is
something else.
In Ezekiel 16:49 we read: “Look, this was the
iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daugh-
ter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of
idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of
the poor and needy. “
This is really amazing! The sin for which
Sodom was judged was “pride,” plenty of good
food, and lots of spare time. This is why God
judged her. Most of us probably don’t see these
things as bad. In fact, we often seek after them.
Yet, in God’s mind these were a great offense
to Him. You see, Sodom had a great abundance,
but, according to this verse, she spent it on herself.
She did not use her affluence to minister to those
who were poor and needy.
In the Gospels, Jesus teaches us about what it
is that chokes His word and makes it unfruitful
within us. Joining the various records together,
there are four basic items mentioned. They are:
“the cares of this world,” “the deceitfulness of
riches”(Mt 13:22), “the desires for other things”
(Mk 4:19), and the “pleasures of life” (Lk 8:14).
These four items could be regarded as the exact

definition of Babylonian society. It is what many
would call the “American dream.”
It is for this reason that God is going to judge
Babylon. He has given her so much but she has
spent it on herself. She has used the blessings of
God to lavish upon herself everything she could
desire instead of spending her resources promot-
ing the Kingdom of God. Very soon, God is going
to judge that nation for the way in which she used
what He gave to her.
But before this event, our Lord is urging all of
His people to flee for their lives. He is instructing
them to get out of that nation, culture and society
which will suffer His wrath. All of us will do well
to listen to His voice.
Another series of thoughts which might hin-
der those thinking about leaving Babylon goes
something like this: “It seems God loves that
nation. He has blessed it greatly. There are many
good Christian men and women here. How could
it be that God would allow this country to be
destroyed?” Perhaps we can find some answers
for this by looking again in the Old Testament.
God chose the land of Israel. He led His peo-
ple there. It was a good land, full of all sorts of
good things. At that time, it was incredibly fertile
and lush. It was “flowing with milk and honey.”
It was the kind of place in which it was easy
and comfortable to live. The Lord blessed His
people there. He allowed them to build Him a
temple in Jerusalem. It was God’s chosen place,

full of God’s chosen people who worshipped at
God’s unique temple on the earth.
But these people became disobedient. They
became sinful, immoral, and proud. They never
thought that God would judge them or destroy
their land because of all the foregoing facts which
we have mentioned. Yet He did. He did so
because of the wickedness of the population.
Their sin became so great that finally He
turned His back on them and judged them. He
arranged for another nation to invade them and
utterly destroy them. Today’s Babylon is no dif-
ferent and will not be treated differently from
So if modern Babylon is massacring millions
of unborn babies every year. If they are sacrificing
these children on the altar of their own conven-
If many are regularly practicing fornication
and adultery, not a few of whom have different
partners every night. If divorce, which God hates
(Mal 2:16), is widespread, a product of people’s
insatiable desire for instant gratification.
If pornography is epidemic on the internet,
the TV and in other places. If strip joints and sex
shops are popping up like mushrooms every-
where, especially in the “Bible belt” in the south
of the country. If homosexuality is increasingly
common and blatant. If witchcraft and every type
of occult practice is on the rise, especially among
the youth.
And if all these and many other sins are just as
common or even more so inside the “church” as

they are in the world around them, will God not
judge her? Certainly He will.
If and when a nation which God has previous-
ly blessed and even used for His own purposes
turns her back on Him, He will also turn His back
on her and judge her.
If and when the inhabitants have given their
hearts to seek and worship the things of this fall-
en world, He will judge her. If she is, in fact, com-
mitting adultery with the devil’s painted woman,
God’s wrath cannot be far behind.
Unfortunately, these things are just as much a
part of the lives of those to “go to church” as those
who make no pretense of religion.


Perhaps some of you readers are understand-
ing the substance of this message. You are seeing
how the love for the world and all the things in it,
including the luxuries, excesses and pleasures, are
in opposition to the will of God and His kingdom.
Possibly you are even grieved in your heart
that the world in general is tending toward an
increasingly promiscuous and luxurious direc-
tion. You are seeing ever more clearly how seek-
ing the things of the world keeps the heart of man
from intimacy with God.
But, you say, “Where I live does not fulfill the
previous description. It does not seem that where
I live is the Babylon of Revelation. My country of
residence does not meet the criteria discussed in
this book.” For example, possibly where you live
has no seaports. It might be that the wealth of

your country does not match what biblical
Babylon obviously has. Perhaps the worldly ten-
dencies of the Babylonian spirit are limited by
poverty, governmental considerations, etc.
Therefore, there is no need for you to flee any-
Yet there are still some critical questions for
you to consider. Are you, as a child of God, pur-
suing the things of the world? Do they attract and
grip your heart? Even though you don’t live in
Babylon, do you wish you did?
Has the wine of her fornication contaminated
your soul in a manner that causes you to lust after
all the pleasures and things that the world has to
offer? Are your thoughts and your time con-
sumed with the pursuit of success and money?
If so, then there is a need for a deep repen-
tance. There is a necessity for a genuine examina-
tion of your heart before the Lord. Anything
which He finds within us which is not whole-
heartedly seeking His kingdom first needs to be
The involvement of our heart with the things
of this world is spiritual adultery. If we are caught
in this unclean, spiritually immoral relationship,
we desperately need repentance.
God’s judgment is soon coming on a physical
place called Babylon. But, as already mentioned,
it is also likely that His judgment will be executed
upon some of His children who don’t live in
Babylon, but are committing adultery with the
prostitute – upon those who are in love with this

This possibility is suggested by the fact that
the place Babylon is the apparent center of world
commerce. Therefore, her destruction will certain-
ly have an impact of world-wide proportions.
Many will suffer financial disaster because of her
destruction. Those who are looking to their bank
account and investments for security will be
among the first to be impacted by the fall of
Furthermore, since the coming Beast will
probably gain influence over the world’s financial
systems, those who are dependent upon them will
be easy to target and persecute.
It is also biblical, and therfore certain, that
God will permit the coming Man of Sin to perse-
cute the church. This judgment could fall heavily
upon those who are not living in intimate com-
munion with Jesus, but pursuing the things of this
The reason for this is that these people will
have a much more difficult time hearing from
God and knowing what to do and where to go
when the events of the end times begin to unfold.
Their lack of communication with their Lord will
result in their vulnerability.
Adding to this picture is the scripture which
teaches us that God’s judgment will begin with
His own children, his own house. We read in I
Peter 4:17: “For the time has come for judgment to
begin at the house of God...” God will use the
Antichrist to execute His judgment on His own
house. Besides using him to judge Babylon, it
seems He will also use him to judge His own peo-

ple. We read: “It was granted to him to make war
with the saints and to overcome them” (Rev. 13:7).
Who then “granted” the Antichrist this
power? It must be God Himself, since He is the
only one who could do such a thing. The reason
for this must be that He will use the coming Beast
to both test and purify His people.
Therefore, in these last days, every child of
God should be putting his relationship with God
and his co-operation with His will on the earth in
first place. There is only a little time left. We don’t
have time to waste.
Every believer who is in right relationship
with Jesus should be dedicating all his time, ener-
gy, and money to proclaiming the gospel and
serving others. Instead of using our talents and
time to accumulate wealth and things, we should
invest what we have – be it little or much – in
doing the work of the kingdom of God. In this
way, and only in this way, will we escape His
judgment when we stand before Him.
Once again we hear God to his children: “My
son, give me your heart... For a prostitute is a deep
pit, and a seductress is a narrow well. She also lies
in wait as for a victim, and increases the unfaith-
ful among men” (Pr 23:26).



It is with much reluctance that I enter into the

following discussion, but I feel forced to do so
because of the great prevalence of misguided
opinions. There are many, many Christians who
have been taught and are convinced that the
Babylon of Revelation is the Roman Catholic
Church. Moving on from this conclusion, they
then begin to fabricate some very fantastic escha-
Some have the Pope as the antichrist. Others
have the Roman Church secretly running the
world. Still others have the Ecumenical move-
ment, with the Catholic Church in the lead, rising
up to dominate the world. These and numerous
other such conclusions are a result of misunder-
standing a few simple Bible verses.
One of the most prominent of these is found
in verse 9 of chapter 17 of Revelation where we
read that the harlot sits on “seven mountains.”
Many Bible teachers have looked at this verse and
thought, “Aha, seven hills!” They then jump to
the conclusion that this must be a reference to

Rome, since ancient, secular literature refers to
her as a city on seven hills. They then move on
from this to surmise from this that the Roman
Catholic Church is the “Babylon” of today.
I have even heard it said that John used this
phrase as a kind of code to refer to Rome. Some
say that since he was a prisoner of the Romans, he
did not dare write the true name but had to use a
kind of cipher. As you go along in your Christian
journey, you too will no doubt hear all kinds of
such explanations. The truth is John wrote just
exactly what the angel showed him.
Let us remember here that in John’s day there
were no longer seven prophetic mountains. As we
have seen, five of them had already fallen. This left
only two. Therefore, this cannot be and is not a
secret reference to Rome! Consequently, the
Roman Catholic Church is not in view.
Also, we cannot take our inspiration from sec-
ular literature such as the story of Romulus and
Remus, but only the word of God. Nowhere in the
Bible is Rome referred to as “the city on seven
hills” or any similar thing.
Unfortunately, the King James Version of the
Bible (and NKJV) is responsible for a large part of
this confusion. This version introduces an extra
word in the text which is in no Greek manuscript
that I can find, including the Textus Receptus
from which the KJV was taken.
It is this extra word which produces much
error. This is the word “there.” In the NKJV chap-
ter 17:9,10 we read: “The seven heads are seven
mountains... There are also seven kings.”

Putting the word “there” in this verse disasso-
ciates the mountains and the kings grammatically.
Now instead of being equal, they are additional.
So then when you read: “Five have fallen,” this
could refer only to the kings, leaving the seven
mountains intact.
But in fact, in the original Greek texts, the
word “there” does not appear. All of them read
instead: “The seven heads are seven mountains...
and are seven kings.” The heads, mountains, and
kings are all equal. So then when we read that
“five have fallen” this not only refers to the kings
but to the mountains and heads as well.
So we see that there are not today and, in fact,
were not in the time of John’s vision, seven moun-
tains. There were only two. Five had already fall-
en. This then was not a secret reference to Rome
and therefore does not point us to the Roman
Catholic Church.
All of us tend to interpret scripture in the light
of our current geopolitical situation. Such a sug-
gestion was first made centuries ago when the
Roman Church was affluent and powerful. At
that time she seemed exceedingly rich and domi-
nated much of the political scene in Europe.
However, times have changed.
No doubt, those who first invented this doc-
trine lived in a different time and place than we
do. Yet, when we think about this with a clear
head, other problems with the Catholic Church as
the prostitute also become evident.
For example, Rome is not known as a seaport.
She is located on the Tiber River, some distance

from the sea. The seaport near her which would
service her maritime needs is not one of the prin-
cipal ports of the world.
Further, it could not be said today or even
imagined that the Catholic Church is making
every shipowner rich. It is simply not true that all
the merchants of the world are getting wealthy
selling their stuff to the Vatican. Also we have
already studied the difficulty of one single city
being the source of so much commerce and
Furthermore, the influence of the Vatican over
the governments of the world is waning more and
more every day.
For example, in Brazil, which is considered to
be the largest Catholic country in the world, the
percentage of Catholics is decreasing dramatical-
ly. Although the Catholic church does still have
some sway in many parts of the world, she could
not be thought of as “reigning” over them.
While the Roman Church did persecute and
martyr many believers in past years, this is not
something which is prevalent in our time. Trying
to fit the Catholic Church of today into the
Revelation prophecy is like trying to jam a square
peg into a round hole. It just doesn’t fit.
Another logical difficulty we encounter with
the “Rome as Babylon” scenario is that Babylon is
destroyed “in one hour” (Rev 18:17,19). Although
this may not signify one literal “hour” it certainly
indicates a short period of time. So how could
someone destroy the Catholic Church in one
hour? Would they plant time bombs in every

cathedral timed to go off at the same time? This is
patently ridiculous. There is no logical way any-
one could destroy the Catholic Church with fire in
“one hour.”
Would they simply blow up the Vatican? Eli-
minating the Vatican would not end Catholicism.
Probably it would have the opposite effect. Most
persecuted religions end up only increasing
instead of disappearing.
When we think about this calmly and unemo-
tionally, the Roman Catholic Church does not
really match, in most of the clear details, what we
see in the scriptures.


One source of this Rome as Babylon teaching

is a book written by Alexander Hislop entitled The
Two Babylons which was first published in 1916. In
it Mr. Hislop points out many parallels between
the Catholic Church’s rituals, vestments, prac-
tices, and symbols, etc. with those of ancient
Babylon. More recently however, some of his
assertions have been called into question.
Reading this work is a dry and dusty task. He
seems to succeed, however, in demonstrating that
the Roman church has many Babylonian trap-
pings. But, this does nothing to prove that she is
the Babylon of Revelation.
The fact that the Roman Church and even
most of our modern “evangelical” churches are
full of worldly symbols, teachings, methods, and
practices is obvious. But much more than this is

needed (for example some concrete, clear scrip-
tures) to conclude that this is Babylon the Great
It may be that many churches in our day
appear to be part of Babylon. This means that they
have the flavor and character of the world. For
example, many use increasingly worldly means
and methods to attract and hold members.
Frequently, today’s churches employ an
earthly style of authority structure. Often their
various “officers” are chosen because of their
social position or economic standing in the com-
munity. It is common for the content of their
meetings and activities to be much more worldly
than spiritual.
Many churches today have an emphasis on
wealth, luxury, and prosperity. Sometimes their
members seem to be more interested in the pur-
suits and activities of the world than the kingdom
of God. Therefore, these churches appear Baby-
What we should understand from this is: just
as in the Old Testament, so today too, many of
God’s people and Christian groups have been car-
ried away captive into Babylon! They have been
seduced by the prostitute. They are following the
spirit of this age. They are in bondage to the luxu-
ries and the ways of the world. They are living in
spiritual “Babylon.”
Yet this does not mean that they are Babylon,
only that they are in Babylon, spiritually speak-

ing. It reveals that they have been influenced and
contaminated by her.
Many of God’s people lived in ancient
Babylon after they were carried away into captiv-
ity. There they were seduced by her idols and
practices. Yet they were never thought of as being


It has often been taught that chapter 17 of

Revelation speaks of a “religious Babylon” by
which people mean the Roman Catholic Church,
perhaps along with other institutional type
churches. Then they teach that chapter 18 is a
description of “economic Babylon,” which is the
one which I have described earlier in this writing.
However, when we analyze chapter 17, we
cannot find one piece of evidence which clearly
supports their assertions. Nothing religious is
found here. No religious items are mentioned. No
idols, no priests, no offerings, no temples, no
sacred vestments, no rituals, no sacrifices, nothing
clearly indicating something religious is found. In
short, “religious Babylon” is noticeably absent
from chapter 17.
The original Greek text was not divided up
into chapters. There is no compelling reason to
separate it and this vision into two parts.
Truthfully, there is only one Babylon, not two
Babylons, described in these two chapters.
All this is in direct contrast to the Old
Testament prophecies concerning Babylon. There

we do find religious items such as idols, priests,
etc. So you see that the final Babylon revealed in
Revelation is actually notable for its lack of reli-
gion and religious articles.
Instead of being a religious entity, it seems to
be very secular. What should be really impressive
to us is the absence of any clear mention of any-
thing religious in either chapter 17 or 18. This
writer is forced to conclude that there is no “reli-
gious Babylon” to be found in the book of
Many believers imagine that Babylon is the
worldly church of our day. They base their opin-
ions on the fact that she is called a “prostitute.”
Therefore, they reason that she must once have
belonged to God, but then prostituted herself,
much like Hosea’s wife (Hos 1:2). However, when
we take an unemotional, calm look at the scrip-
tures, no such indication is found.
God’s “woman” is revealed in Revelation
chapter 12. She is a holy, shining, glorious being.
She is persecuted by the dragon, not riding on the
beast. She is protected by God rather than judged
by Him. Her “son” is caught up to heaven to rule
the nations (vs 5). Her other offspring “keep the
commandments of God and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ” (vs 17).
She may not be perfect, since she needs to be
“fed” (vs 6) perhaps indicating a need for more
spiritual nourishment. But she is certainly not
described as a prostitute or called Babylon. The
woman found in Revelation 17 and 18 is a com-

pletely different story. Here we find no scriptural
indication that she ever belonged to God. In fact,
when she appears, she is riding on a scarlet beast.
She is the devil’s woman from the beginning. He
is her source. Her dependence is on him.
Further, she is not called an “adulteress”
(which is in Greek MOICHOS [see Js 4:4] indicat-
ing that she once had a marriage commitment),
but a prostitute, PORNE (Rev 17:1.) There is no
necessity for a prostitute to have ever been mar-
ried. No verses demonstrate that she was ever
even betrothed to, or belonged to, the Lord.
Further, the Babylon of the Old Testament
was also never God’s city. She was not the place
nor the people whom He had chosen for Himself.
God never uses the name Babylon to describe His
people or His land.
So when God selects the word “Babylon” in
Revelation to describe the prostitute, He clearly is
not trying to indicate His own people or His
church. Although some of God’s people are living
in Babylon and committing adultery with
Babylon, she herself is not and never has been
When we look at this logically rather than
emotionally, this “Babylon” of Revelation cannot
be a reference to God’s people. Therefore, the
assumption that Babylon is the church or some
part of her which has become sinful does not seem
to have any biblical basis.
Another serious problem with the “Roman
Catholic church along with most denominations”

as Babylon teaching is that it seems to generate a
wrong spirit. In almost all of the groups I have
encountered which hold this opinion, there is a
strong “we are better than they are” attitude.
They look down their noses at people who are
“in the religious system.” They feel superior to all
those other Christians who are so corrupted.
Much of their unity and a large part of their “spir-
ituality” comes from their idea that they have
“come out” and are a kind of spiritual elite.
This attitude does not reflect the heart of God.
If we are in touch with the heart of the Father, see-
ing any dear fellow believers involved in an impo-
tent, worldly religion should generate a different
sort of reaction. We would weep for them. We
would pray for them. And we would try to lov-
ingly minister to them God’s truth to try to help
them escape from their error.
It is without question that the great prostitute
would succeed in seducing the church in her
country and also in the nations over which she
holds sway. It is only logical that she would cor-
rupt them and make them just as fallen as herself.
If then the church of today has become worldly in
many respects, this is because she too has been
drinking of the wine of the fornication of Babylon.
Many of the members of the church today are
committing adultery with the world. Their hearts
have been seduced by her attractiveness. They
love all that she has to offer.
It is also sad, but true, that the churches of our
day are becoming increasingly worldly. The tem-
ples seem to be ever more opulent and the work

increasingly success oriented. The emphasis on
sin and repentance is being replaced by an easy,
comfortable way where God is our servant and
our obligation is merely to attend somewhat reg-
ularly and give generously.
However, all this does not qualify these insti-
tutions to be the Babylon but only a part of her.
They have become Babylonian in their character
and nature. They have been carried away captive
into Babylon.


Since writing the first draft of the book, I have

received a lot of feedback from believers who
insist that Babylon is today’s church. Many of the
arguments which I hear are emotional. Frequently
they are tinged with an antipathy or even hatred
for some church or denomination.
Perhaps these brothers have been wounded
and/or disappointed by some religious group or
other. Therefore they have difficulty detaching
themselves from their experience and looking
clearly at the scriptures. Virtually all of the proofs
offered by these dear believers to demonstrate
that Babylon is the Catholic Church along with
the denominations are quite vague or must be
understood symbolically.
The danger I see here is that while many are
focusing on these quite tenuous “spiritual” reve-
lations, the clear and simple verses of these two
Revelation chapters are being ignored. Perhaps
the emotion which some feel against the “reli-

gious system” blinds them to any other possibili-
While they are trying to prove the case for a
religious Babylon they seem to ignore many
extremely clear verses which need little, if any,
These verses are those which point to a “com-
mercial Babylon.” They point to a physical place
which we can no doubt identify today. It is a
wealthy, proud, self-confident “city” which is
importing everything the merchants of the world
have to offer.
It is a physical place which we urgently need
to be able to accurately identify. It is this secular,
commercial, opulent location that will soon be
destroyed by fire. Therefore, it is this entity which
we need to pinpoint.
Perhaps you have not been convinced by my
arguments against a religious Babylon, and still
believe that she is “the religious system.” So be it.
I do not need to convince you. You can keep your
“religious Babylon” if you wish. But please, for
your own sake, consider the following carefully.
It is clearly a “commercial Babylon” which
will be destroyed by fire. Therefore, putting the
religious ideas aside for the moment, every
believer desperately needs to understand where
this commercial entity is and, if they reside there,
prepare to flee before her judgments come.



Here we will analyze in greater detail a part of the

Revelation passage which is a little bit difficult. Yet, our under-
standing of this part of the vision is necessary to have a complete
grasp the rest of the vision. Please follow with me carefully
through a few simple steps of logic. This vision is not as hard to
understand as it seems at first glance. All that is required is a lit-
tle wisdom which God is happy to grant to all who ask.
We are told that this prostitute is riding on a beast. This beast
has seven heads and ten horns. In the book Antichrist we have
addressed the subject of the beast who has the ten horns. So for
now we will concentrate just on the seven heads of the beast.
What could they mean?
The angel helps us here by explaining: “The seven heads are
seven mountains on which the woman sits and they are seven
kings” (Rev 17:9,10 NASB). Here is a simple formula. Each head
represents a mountain and a king. We could think of it like this:
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
Then we read: “Five have fallen” (Rev 17:10). So we learn
that of the seven [1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king] entities five of
them have already fallen. This means that they have already come
and gone from history leaving only two groups remaining as we
see below:
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king
Of the two entities remaining, we read: “one is, and the other
has not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short
time” (Rev 17:10).

No doubt, after almost 2,000 years of history, the entity
which “is,” or rather was at the time Revelation was written, has
by now also “fallen” or disappeared. So we can also mark it out
too. This then leaves us with the final one which had “not yet

1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king

1 head = 1 mountain = 1 king

What does all this signify? In Bible prophecy, a “head” on

some kind of beast means a leader or a king. We have already
seen this in our “1 head = 1 king” formula. The mountains prob-
ably represent kingdoms. We find some support for this interpre-
tation in the book of Daniel.
While the prophet is seeing a vision, he saw “a stone cut out
without hands” which smashed the feet of a large image and
“became a great mountain and filled the whole earth” (Dan 2:35).
This then would mean when the Lord Jesus returns, He will
smash the antichrist empire and that His Kingdom will become
great (a great mountain) and fill the whole earth. Therefore, we
can conclude that the mountains represent kingdoms.


What we learn here is that Babylon, besides being a spiritu-

al, seductive world system, has had its embodiment in six other
physical places. This would mean that we could look back in
world history and find five instances of an empire which became
successful, wealthy and then totally decadent.
As we saw in the beginning of this book, ancient Babylon
was certainly a place which fits our description.
Although we cannot know exactly which past empires are
also included in this list along with Babylon, it is possible that
ancient Egypt under some of the Pharaohs might also have risen
to the heights of excess which we have described.
Possibly the Medo-Persian empire or the later kingdom of
Alexander the Great, or even ancient Assyria could fit our pat-
tern. Exactly who they were is not critical to our understanding.
Certainly there were five and they have already come and gone or
The one manifestation of Babylon which “is” or rather was
in existence in the days of John the apostle is also one which we
have already identified. The Roman Empire fits our description
exactly. It became famous for its excesses. Orgies, feasts, enter-

tainments including violent, bloody spectacles involving animals,
people and gladiators, sexual perversion, luxury and all the ingre-
dients of Babylon which we have discussed were found in the
Roman empire in full bloom.
This kingdom would then represent the sixth [1 head = 1
mountain = 1 king] entity which by now has also been reduced
to a mere shadow of its former power, fame, and sin.
Yet there was still one manifestation left. One was yet to
come. It seems that in the last days, this spirit of worldly excess
(including religion) will be manifested in all her fulness in some
physical place at some time.
What we are looking for then today is the final, full manifes-
tation of Babylon. We can expect to see in our generation a “city”
which is becoming all that the Roman Empire was and more.
So, we can look for something so self-indulgent, so focused
on surrounding herself with every kind of luxury and pleasure, a
city/nation which is in the process of becoming so immoral and
vile, that it will perhaps put the others six manifestations of this
prostitute to shame.
It is certain that at the end of this age, there will appear a last
great “Babylon” which, in terms of luxury, excess, and sin will
rise up to a kind of final expression of worldly excess, until she is
judged by God and destroyed.

Other books by this same author:










The Father’s Life Version

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