RSC Advances: Review
RSC Advances: Review
RSC Advances: Review
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Accompanied by the increasing demand for organ transplants and personalized medicine, recent years have
witnessed great developments in the regeneration of tissues/organs, which has benefited from various
manufacturing technologies, especially 3D bioprinting. In 3D bioprinting, according to the morphogenesis,
cellular microenvironment, and biological functions of the native tissues/organs, cells and biomaterials are
printed by layer-by-layer assembly to form 3D bio-functional units. However, there are still substantial
differences between existing 3D printed constructs and actual tissues and organs, especially in microscale
structures such as vascular networks. By manipulating controllable fluids carrying biomolecules, cells,
organisms, or chemical agents, microfluidic techniques aim to integrate biological or chemical functional
units into a chip. With its features of biocompatibility, flexible manipulation, and scale integration on the
micro/nanoscale, microfluidics has been a tool that has enabled the generation of micro-tissues/organs
with precise configurations. With the inspiration of these two technologies, there have been efforts to
Received 9th April 2018
Accepted 5th June 2018
fabricate functional living tissues and artificial organs with complex structures via a combination of 3D
bioprinting and microfluidics, which may lead to unexpected effects. In this review, we discuss advances in
DOI: 10.1039/c8ra03022g
microfluidics-assisted bioprinting in the engineering of tissues/organs and provide future perspectives for this combination in the generation of highly biomimetic tissues and organs in vitro.
21712 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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from the host are promising for personalized medicine, improvements in resolution, the construction of microscale
including customized tissue/organ implantation, predictive structures for vascularization and innervation within complex 3D
drug screening, and other effective regenerative therapies.5 tissues, and the subsequent integration of culture and monitoring
3D bioprinting, which is a new type of tissue engineering systems for printed tissues/organs.
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technology, has come into the spotlight owing to its ability to In microuidic techniques, namely, lab-on-a-chip approaches,
produce biomimetic architectures.6,7 The aim of this technique is controllable uids carrying biomolecules/cells/organisms or
to fabricate 3D organized heterogeneous structures that are phys- chemical agents are manipulated with the aim of forming bio-
iologically and morphologically similar to the relevant in vivo logical or chemical functional units within a chip.16 Owing to its
biological architectures. In this technology, cell-laden biomaterials essential features of biocompatibility, exible manipulation, and
are used as bioinks and raw materials. In the course of rapid scale integration on the micro/nanoscale, microuidics has been
prototyping and additive manufacturing, cells are deposited with regarded as a tool for enabling the generation of tissues/organs
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
directional control according to the respective design data. Via with precise congurations.17,18 In particular, organ-on-a-chip
layer-by-layer accumulation, 3D tissues and organs are generated techniques have recently arisen as a new direction for develop-
that are similar to the corresponding biological structures. Since ment, in which human cells are conned in microchannels to
the rst bioprinting concept was proposed by Mironov et al. in form constructs, microtissues, or organoids with bio-func-
2003,8 increasing numbers of research studies have attempted to tions.19,20 The properties of organ-on-a-chip confer great benets
develop biomimetic architectures using this technology. In in the simulation of human bodily responses, and they may
comparison with conventional scaffold-based tissue engineering become an alternative drug screening model, replacing some
strategies, the advantages of 3D bioprinting lie in the following animal studies, in the near future. However, the most obvious
aspects.9,10 Tissues/organs constructed by 3D bioprinting have disadvantage of microuidic techniques in the regeneration of
higher resolution owing to the precise control of the spatial tissues/organs is the difficulty of scaling up microtissues or
distribution of biomaterials and cells during the printing process, organoids, which leads to great differences in size from that of
which helps to improve the biological activity and function of the the actual tissues/organs.
tissues. These technologies enable one-step and smart combina- Recently, combinations of bioprinting and microuidics have
tion of biomaterials, biological factors, and cells to integrate into been used to engineer 3D tissues/organs. These approaches
one entity. Personalized printing of tissues/organs based on could complement each other to create functional articial
patients' physiological data can meet the specic demands of tissues and organs with complex architectures via layer-by-layer
patients. Rapid printing processes enable the assembly of tissues/ assembly for the “growing up” of biological units by 3D bio-
organs in a very short period of time to ensure cell survival. With printing and regulation of precise structures on the micro/
the development of 3D printing and biological technologies, 3D nanoscale by microuidics. In particular, 3D bioprinting may
bioprinting technology has extended its eld of application to the require the assistance of microuidics for the construction of
regeneration of complex tissues such as bone, cartilage, and blood some microscale structures. To date, there have been several
vessels, as well as the 3D microstructure of complex organs detailed reviews of 3D printed microuidic devices,21–23 which
including the liver, skin, etc.11–15 However, reported printed tissue mainly deal with the fabrication of microuidic devices using 3D
structures are unlike the presents in actual tissues, and most printing. However, no review has addressed the bioprinting of 3D
biological printing methods are still at the stage of shape control, tissues/organs in combination with microuidics, and this is the
rather than function control. Current bioprinting approaches still rst attempt to summarize this topic. Here, we initially introduce
have many obstacles to overcome with respect to further the basic operations used in 3D bioprinting and microuidics for
the generation of tissues/organs. Then, we divide bioprinting/
microuidics combinations used for the construction of
Jing Liu is currently a Professor in tissues/organs into three classes. According to the method
the First Affiliated Hospital of employed to combine the two techniques, recent advances in the
Dalian Medical University, bioprinting of 3D tissues/organs in combination with micro-
China. She has been appointed as uidics could be categorized into microuidic modied printing
the Director of China's rst batch nozzles, cell printing in the microuidic receiving plate, and
of Stem Cell Clinical Research bioprinting of constructs with built-in microchannels. Finally, we
Institution, State-level Stem Cell provide future perspectives for this combination.
Transplantation and Regenera-
tive Medicine International
Cooperation Base, and National 2. Basic strategies involved in 3D
& Local Joint Engineering Labo- bioprinting and microfluidics for
ratory. She has published more generation of tissues/organs
than 40 peer-reviewed papers
and two books. Her current research interests are stem cell thera- The main steps involved in 3D bioprinting include data acqui-
peutic strategies for nerve injury repair, and bionic synthesis of sition (e.g., via computed tomography or magnetic resonance
biological materials by microuidic and 3D bioprinting imaging), computer-aided 3D modeling (CAD-CAM), bioink
technologies. preparation, and tissue structure printing.6,7 A thorough
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understanding of the structure and microenvironment of actual our published review,28 which was specic to 3D cell-laden
tissues/organs is the foundation of the replication of heteroge- constructs produced via microuidics, this term refers to
neous tissues and organs. Factors that should be taken into materials with sizes in each dimension of almost the same
consideration include the distributions of functional and sup- order of magnitude that exhibit a “construct” appearance, and
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porting cells, the concentrations of soluble and insoluble the sizes in at least two dimensions are on the millimeter scale.
factors, the composition and mechanical properties of the Microuidic syntheses of 3D cell-laden constructs usually adopt
extracellular matrix (ECM). The essential function of the bioink a hydrogel assembly strategy, including the formation of
comprises loading cells that provide an outer supporting envi- hydrogel constructs with tunable geometries via microchannel
ronment for cells loaded during the printing and culture constrictions,29 bottom-up engineering of hydrogel building
processes.24 Matrix materials include synthetic and natural blocks,30 and the assembly of 3D constructs from microuidic
polymers and the ECM secreted by cells. The cell source should spun microbres (e.g., via reeling, weaving, or direct
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
contain basic functional cells and cells that play roles in sup- writing),31–33 as shown in Fig. 1e–g. However, research works on
porting the function and structure of the microenvironment. microuidic 3D cell-laden constructs are relatively scarce owing
Current 3D bioprinting techniques can be divided into four to the increased complexity of the microuidics design and
categories on the basis of their working principles, namely, operation needed for the preparation of 3D materials.
inkjet bioprinting, extrusion-based bioprinting, laser direct-
write bioprinting, and stereolithographic bioprinting, as
shown in Fig. 1a–d. Several detailed studies have covered the 3. Microfluidic modified printing
characteristics of these printing methods.25–27 Here, we briey
introduce their working principles. In inkjet bioprinting, also
called “drop-on-demand” printing, bioink droplets are sprayed As a novel biofabrication method, 3D bioprinting still suffers
through an inkjet nozzle to predened locations to produce from some limitations, which relate to: (i) the ability to deposit
a 2D cell pattern by layer-by-layer assembly and eventually form multiple biomaterials/cells into a single construct; (ii) the ability
a 3D construct. The production of droplets can be triggered by to print precise congurations; and (iii) the possibility of changes
pressure pulses induced by thermal or acoustic (piezoelectric) in cell phenotype due to damage from heat or mechanical force
forces. Extrusion-based bioprinting utilizes pneumatic or during the printing process. In these cases, microuidic modi-
mechanical (piston- or screw-driven) extrusion systems to ed printing nozzles with specic designs could facilitate the
extrude continuous bres of cell-laden hydrogel bioinks. In deposition of the bioink to create intra-complex architectures
laser direct-write bioprinting, a high-intensity laser is focused within a single bulk. It is possible to enhance the accuracy and
on an absorbent substrate to propel bioink droplets, which are printing quality to a degree that was previously unachievable. In
dripped in noncontact mode. Using the principle of photo- addition, in comparison with commonly used bioprinting heads,
polymerization, stereolithographic bioprinting employs a scan- a microuidic printing nozzle can offer a mild fabrication envi-
ning laser beam to selectively transform liquid photosensitive ronment, which is assumed to protect cells from damage induced
bioinks into the solid state in a layer-by-layer manner. by the printing process. In particular, microuidic printing heads
The use of microuidic technology to design and prepare are compatible with micro/nanometer-scale synthesis, and the
functional 3D cell-laden constructs has recently become resulting printed structures may match blood vessels, nerve and
a popular topic. According to the denition of 3D materials in muscle units.
Fig. 1 (a–d) Bioprinting techniques most commonly used for the generation of tissues/organs; (e–g) microfluidic approaches involved in
creating tissues/organs.
21714 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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Vascularization provides functions to supply nutrients and using a microuidic printing head with coaxial geometry via the
oxygen to, and remove waste from, living tissues and organs. extensive diffusion of interior calcium ions into a surrounding
The resulting network system should feature sufficient annular alginate phase (Fig. 2c(i)). These tubes could be
mechanical strength and elasticity, and high perfusability.34 assembled into scaffolds or tissue constructs using a 3D
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However, vascularization in engineered tissue/organ constructs printing system. The hollow channels could also be embedded
remains a major challenge. With the assistance of microuidic within calcium alginate constructs loaded with Escherichia coli
printing heads, vascularized tissue/organ constructs that con- (Fig. 2c(ii)) or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs,
sisted of hollow bres mimicking blood vessels and cell Fig. 2c(iii)). The perfusion of medium for HUVECs facilitated by
constructs encapsulated in the bre walls could be successfully the channels caused a signicant increase in cell viability in
bioprinted. Zhang et al. utilized a pressure-assisted coaxial comparison with that in non-vascularized bulk gels. This
microuidic needle to print vessel-like hollow hydrogel la- approach enabled a wide range of cells, growth factors, and
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
ments with the potential to be used in the fabrication of vas- ECM materials to combine to create a potential alternative
cularized tissues/organs. These channels could not only support vascular network.
mechanical integrity but also enable the transport of uid to Besides the fabrication of vascularized organs, microuidic
a cellular assembly in a 3D cellular environment. Cartilage modied printing has also been employed in other contexts.
progenitor cells encapsulated in the hydrogel wall could main- Ghorbanian et al. used a microuidic direct writer to fabricate
tain high viability during prolonged culture in vitro and exhibit cell-laden hydrogel constructs with openings that permitted
cartilage-producing functions.35 Similarly, with the aim of con- exchange of medium, as shown in Fig. 2d.40 By computer-aided
structing vascularized organs, Dolati et al. printed vascular layer-by-layer bioprinting through a microuidic printing head
conduits reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNTs), in which in coaxial ow format (Fig. 2d(i)), 3D multilayer constructs
the CNTs enhanced the mechanical properties, perfusability, assembled from calcium alginate bres (Fig. 2d(ii)) or from
permeability, bioprintability, and biocompatibility of the bres loaded with HEK-293 cells could be generated
materials, as conrmed by the culture of human coronary artery (Fig. 2d(iii)). Costantini et al. used customized microuidic
smooth muscle cells. More importantly, these synthesis enhanced bioprinting for the alignment of myoblast-laden
conduits may guide biomaterials reinforced with natural hydrogel bulks as organized myobers and then as articial
protein nanobres for the integrated fabrication of large-scale skeletal muscle tissue,41 as shown in Fig. 2e. The microuidic
tissue constructs.36 Gao et al. developed high-strength cell- bioprinting head featured a multi-inlet Y-junction and a coaxial
laden hydrogel structures with internal microchannels by 3D geometry (Fig. 2e(i)). Fig. 2e(ii) shows the bioprinted construct
bioprinting with the assistance of a coaxial microuidic nozzle, composed of unidirectional aligned PEG-brinogen bres. With
as shown in Fig. 2a.37 The adjacent hollow calcium alginate the assistance of the microuidic printing head and its variants,
laments that were extruded could be fused by controlling the 3D multicellular assemblies compartmentalized into different
crosslinking time and incorporated into a hydrogel block. types of encapsulated cells could be fabricated by extruding
Fig. 2a(i) shows that sodium alginate solution and calcium different bioinks simultaneously or by rapidly switching the
chloride solution were distributed through the outer and inner bioink. The ability to engineer hydrogels containing muscle
of the coaxial nozzle, respectively. Perfusion test in the printed precursor cells to form long-range multinucleated myotubes in
hollow lament in Fig. 2a(ii) displays the feasibility of nutrients parallel alignment (Fig. 2e(iii)) and, subsequently, macroscopic
media supply. Under the fusion effect of adjacent alginate articial muscle for scaling up skeletal muscle tissue has
hollow laments, the printed structure consisting of multi- potential applications in muscle repair.
layers of hollow laments seems to be a unied whole with
built-in microchannels (Fig. 2a(iii)). The viability of encapsu-
lated broblasts in the laments conrms the biocompatibility
of this method (Fig. 2a(iv)). Gao et al. also generated 3D 4. Cell printing in the microfluidic
hydrogel-based vessel-like structures with macrouidic chan- receiving plate
nels by rotating hollow alginate laments with microuidic
channels, as shown in Fig. 2b.38 The microchannels were loaded Bioprinting is the process of printing cells directly and assem-
with smooth muscle cells and broblasts (Fig. 2b(i)) and bling them into an organized structure, which implies that the
extruded through a coaxial nozzle. Meanwhile, endothelial cells printed constructs should be followed by in vitro culture and
were seeded into the inner wall of the macrouidic channels detection of their biological function. At present, these subse-
(Fig. 2b(ii)). Fig. 2b(iii) shows the structure of macrouidic quent culture and analysis processes are independent. Bio-
channels with outer microuidic channels. Using this system, printing technology will be better employed if it integrates these
vascular circulatory ow, simulations of cerebral artery surgery, two processes. The concept of organ-on-a-chip refers to the
and cell co-culture could be achieved. Fig. 2b(iv) displays co- creation, culture, and analysis of articial living organs on
culture of L929 mouse broblasts, smooth muscle cells, and a chip that mimic the physiological responses of real organs.42
endothelial cells in this printed vessel-like structure. Attalla With this as an inspiration, researchers have attempted to
et al. developed an instantly perfusable vascular network utilize microuidic channels and chambers as the receiving
combined with cell-laden gel scaffolds, as depicted in Fig. 2c.39 plate, i.e., to carry out 3D printing on a chip. This method can
A hollow structure of articial vascular tubes was generated complete the printing and culture of, administration of stimuli
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Fig. 2 3D bioprinting of tissues/organs assisted by microfluidic modified printing head. (a) Coaxial nozzle for printing cell-laden 3D hydrogel
structures composed of vessel-like perfusable filaments. (i) Solution distributions in the coaxial nozzle; (ii) perfusion test of cell culture media in
the printed hollow filament; (iii) the cross-section of the adjacent alginate hollow filaments; (iv) fused channel structure and encapsulated cells.
(b) Coaxially printed constructions with multilevel fluidic channels. (i) Smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts loaded in the microchannels; (ii)
endothelial cells seeded onto the inner wall of the macrofluidic channels; (iii) the structure of macrofluidic channels with outer microfluidic
channels; (iv) vascular cells (L929 mouse fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells) co-cultured in this printed vessel-like structure.
(c) Gels with channels formed by 3D printing with a microfluidic nozzle. (i) Coaxial geometry of the microfluidic printing head; (ii) Escherichia coli
and (iii) HUVECs loaded in the constructs with hollow channels. (d) Microfluidic direct-write bioprinting for fabricating cell-laden hydrogel
constructs. (i) Microfluidic printing head in a coaxial flow format; (ii) and (iii) 3D multilayer constructs assembled from calcium alginate fibres and
fibres loaded with HEK-293 cells. (e) Microfluidic enhanced bioprinting for fabricating functionally organised myofibers. (i) Microfluidic bio-
printing head featured a multi-inlet Y-junction and a coaxial geometry; (ii) bioprinted construct composed of aligned PEG-fibrinogen fibres; (iii)
myotube in parallel alignment obtained from 3D bioprinted constructs after 15 days of in vitro culture. Reproduced with permission from ref.
to, and detection of the function of 3D constructs. Meanwhile, Fig. 3a. The number of layers and the cell types in the resulting
this process achieves the construction of an organ-on-a-chip. micrometer-sized 3D liver cell arrays could be controlled. As
Chang et al. fabricated a 3D liver-on-a-chip as an in vitro indicated from the photograph and illustration in Fig. 3a(i),
model of drug metabolism. The model involved the construc- HepG2 monolayer (1L), HUVEC/HepG2 (2L), and HUVEC/
tion of a 3D liver architecture via a direct cell writing process, its HepG2/HUVEC (3L) hepatic co-culture arrays could be fabri-
integration onto a microuidic device in dened design cated in micro-well plates, and those tissues were labelled with
patterns for perfusion culture, and the assessment of liver cell- albumin expression. This 3D liver tissue chip could be
specic functions and drug metabolism capacity.43,44 Matsusaki employed in high-throughput drug evaluation. Fig. 3a(ii)
et al. achieved the layer-by-layer assembly of hepatocytes and displays cytotoxicity of troglitazone to 1L, 2L, 3L constructs and
endothelial cells at the single cell layer level using inkjet HUVEC monolayer. Bhise et al. developed a liver-on-a-chip
printing and a microuidic receiving plate,45 as shown in system by integrating bioprinted hepatic spheroids onto
21716 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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a chip,46 as shown in Fig. 3b. Fig. 3b(i) displays the hepatic establishment of a model of drug metabolism and diffusion, as
bioreactor integrated with a 3D bioprinter and a biomarker shown in Fig. 3c.48 Cell arrays were patterned on glass slides,
analysis module. Fig. 3b(ii) shows printing of dot arrays which were covered by a layer of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
composed of hydrogel-based hepatic constructs in the biore- with corresponding connecting microchannels (Fig. 3c(i)). Co-
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actor. This platform enabled not only the long-term perfusable patterned hepatoma and glioma cells were used for the drug
culture of human HepG2/C3A spheroids with maintenance of metabolism and diffusion tests. Fig. 3c(ii) indicates HepG2 cells
their function (Fig. 3b(iii)) but also the in situ monitoring of cell metabolized tegafur exhibited an anticancer effect on U251 cells
behaviors. An assessment of acetaminophen toxicity demon- by evaluation of the viability of HepG2 and U251 co-culture
strated the use of this liver-on-a-chip as a model for predicting system.
drug toxicity. Snyder et al. developed two types of cell-laden
microuidic devices, one as a mold for the direct printing of 5. Bioprinting of constructs with
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
Fig. 3 Cell printing in the microfluidic receiving plate for the construction of tissues/organs. (a) 3D tissue chips formed by inkjet cell printing. (i)
Photograph and illustration of the HepG2 monolayer (1L), HUVEC/HepG2 (2L), and HUVEC/HepG2/HUVEC (3L) hepatic co-culture system in
micro-well plates; (ii) cytotoxicity of troglitazone on 1L to 3L constructs and HUVEC monolayer. (b) Liver-on-a-chip system facilitated by
bioprinted hepatic spheroids. (i) The hepatic bioreactor integrated with a 3D bioprinter and a biomarker analysis module; (ii) printing of dot arrays
composed of hydrogel-based hepatic constructs in the bioreactor; (iii) HepG2/C3A spheroids with maintenance of their function (cytokeratin,
ZO-1 tight junction binding protein, and MRP-2 biliary canalicular transporter immunostained spheroids cultured for 30 days), scale bars are 100
mm; (c) controlled printing of multiple cells in a microfluidic chip for drug metabolism tests. (i) Cell arrays patterned on glass slides integrated with
a layer of the microfluidic plate; (ii) tegafur metabolism assay by evaluation of the viability of HepG2 and U251 co-culture system. Reproduced
with permission from ref. 45, 46 and 48.
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tissue engineering.49 Various kinds of blood vessels extend over bed between two large uidic vessels for the observation of
tissues and organs that have different sizes (diameters from the angiogenic sprouting.53 Bertassoni et al. chose agarose as the
micrometer to the centimeter scale) and hardnesses and are sacricial layer material to achieve the construction of
composed of different types of cell. Even with advanced bio- a network in a photosensitive cell-laden hydrogel bulk by direct-
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printing techniques, vascularization remains an elusive goal, write bioprinting (Fig. 4c).54,55 The preparation process included
which has led to the failure of the effective transportation of bioprinting of agarose template bres, casting and crosslinking
regional nutrition, subsequent cultivation, and scale-up to form of the hydrogel bulk over the template mould, removal of the
organs. Microuidic assisted bioprinting can help to generate template, and exposure of the fully perfusable microchannels,
a multiscale hydrogel-based ow network, in which ow struc- as shown in Fig. 4c(i). Fig. 4c(ii) shows bioprinted agarose
tures on the micrometer and centimeter scales could be formed templates (green, 3D branching and 3D lattice) embedded in
simultaneously with forms and functions that are closer in hydrogel bulks and the resulting network perfused with a uo-
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
similarity to those of real blood vessels. In addition, the bio- rescent microbead (red, 3D branching and 3D lattice). Also
printing of cellular constructs together with complex 3D using agarose as the sacricial material, Massa et al. bioprinted
microuidic networks could facilitate the fabrication of micro- vascularized liver tissue to study drug toxicity, whereby HepG2/
uidic chips with a biocompatible hydrogel as the substrate C3A cells were encapsulated in a hydrogel bulk and HUVECs
material and the loading of various cellular microenvironments were seeded into microchannels.56 Kolesky et al. studied
within the chip. a multi-nozzle extrusion bioprinting device, in which one nozzle
Two main approaches are used for blood vessel engineering: was used to print the sacricial layer material (Pluronic F127)
direct printing of separate tubular structures and indirect and the other nozzle was used to print a gel material containing
printing of a ow network inside the scaffolds used as organ cells (Fig. 4d).57,58 For the osteogenic differentiation of thick
supports. In the usual state of blood vessels in vivo, they are vascularized tissue, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs)
embedded in tissues and organs. Therefore, the indirect pervaded surrounding the vascular architecture and human
printing of a ow network inside the scaffolds used as organ neonatal dermal broblasts (hNDFs)-ECM lled the interstitial
supports, i.e., printing cell-laden hydrogel bulks with built-in space (Fig. 4d(i)). Aer 30 days of perfusion culture and in situ
channels, can better simulate the actual vascular microenvi- differentiation, hMSCs in the vascularized construct expressed
ronment. The printing methods that are most commonly used osteocalcin (Fig. 4d(ii)).
for the construction of such built-in ow networks include Stereolithographic printing is an efficient manufacturing
sacricial layer-based bioprinting, stereolithographic printing, method that is oen used for printing microstructures of ow
and block assembly methods. networks owing to its high print accuracy. Zhu et al. utilized
In bioprinting based on a sacricial layer process, different a digital optical projection method to print a complex 3D pre-
sacricial materials are available. Wu et al. deposited 3D la- vascularized network on the microscale, as shown in Fig. 5a(i).59
ment networks within a photocurable hydrogel reservoir in an In this process, there was no need of supports and sacricial
omnidirectional manner avoiding layer-by-layer patterning. layer materials, and different kinds of cells could be deposited
They chose Pluronic F127 as the fugitive ink, which is liquid at at precisely the same time. Hepatocellular carcinoma cells and
low temperatures and solid at high temperatures, and this endothelial cells were encapsulated in a gel and printed into
feature was used to achieve the exposure of the network. Hier- blocks with a structure comprising channels with a diameter
archical branching networks could be generated in this gradient. Fig. 5a(ii) shows heterogeneous tissue constructs in
system.50 Miller et al. selected a printable cytocompatible sugar this method with HUVECs along the channels and HepG2 in the
as the sacricial layer material to produce microchannels that surrounding area, and Fig. 5a(iii) shows a 3D imaging of the
incorporated a hydrogel structure (Fig. 4a).51 The entire process endothelial cells which are located along the microchannel
included utilizing an extrusion method to print the 3D sugar walls. Ma et al. established a hepatic model derived from
supporting network, embedding the sugar scaffold into a cell- human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) via stereo-
laden hydrogel material, and dissolving the sugar to expose lithographic bioprinting. A two-step bioprinting process was
a hollow channel network (Fig. 4a(i)). Fig. 4a(ii) shows HUVECs used to build a 3D microscale hexagonal lobular structure by
lined alone the vascular space and 10T1/2 cells distributed in patterning hiPSC-derived hepatic progenitor cells in a gelatin-
the brin bulk. Lee et al. initially printed a layer of collagen and methacrylate hydrogel, as well as a vascular structure by
then a cell-gelatin bre and another layer of collagen. Finally, patterning supporting cells surrounding the lobular structure.
the gelatin was heated to melt it, and channels were exposed This model exhibited great potential in patient-specic drug
(Fig. 4b(i)). They seeded endothelial cells in internal channels screening and disease studies.60
and investigated morphological differences in the endothelial Tissues and organs are composed of numerous basic func-
cells under dynamic and static culture. The fabricated vascu- tional modules or microscale tissue modules, which can be
lature with a conuent endothelial lining represented a barrier regarded as the smallest structural and functional units in their
for specic biological substances. Fig. 4b(ii) shows character- organization. In theory, complete organizations, such as built-
izations of the printed vascular channel by lined endothelial in ow networks, could be constructed via the rational design
cells and the laminar ow in the channel by the motion of green and self-assembly of these functional modules. Norotte et al.
uorescent beads.52 They also constructed uidic vascular utilized the mutual fusion of multicellular modules to construct
channels with a lumen size of up to 1 mm and a microvascular tubular structures,61 as shown in Fig. 5b. Firstly, cells were
21718 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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Fig. 4 Sacrificial layer-based bioprinting of tissues/organs with built-in microchannels mimicking blood vessels utilizing (a) sugar, (b) gelatin, (c)
agarose, and (d) Pluronic F127, respectively, as the sacrificial layer material to produce vascular networks for perfusable tissues. (a-i) The entire
preparation process included utilizing an extrusion method to print the 3D sugar supporting network, embedding the sugar scaffold into a cell-
laden hydrogel material, and dissolving the sugar to expose a hollow channel network; (a-ii) HUVECs lined alone the vascular space and 10T1/2
cells distributed in the fibrin bulk. (b-i) Vascular construction procedure from cell-gelatin mixture; (b-ii) characterizations of the printed vascular
channel by lined endothelial cells and the laminar flow in the channel by the motion of green fluorescent beads. (c-i) Preparation process
including bioprinting of agarose template fibres, casting and crosslinking of the hydrogel bulk over the template mold, removal of the template,
and exposure of the fully perfusable microchannels; (c-ii) bioprinted agarose templates (green, 3D branching and 3D lattice) embedded in
hydrogel bulks and the resulting network perfused with a fluorescent microbead (red, 3D branching and 3D lattice), scale bars are all 3 mm. (d-i)
Schematic diagram of heterogeneous tissue construction, in which hMSCs pervaded surrounding the vascular architecture and hNDFs-ECM
filled the interstitial space; (d-ii) cross-section image of a vascularized osteogenic construct with a thickness of 1 cm after 30 days of perfusion
culture and in situ differentiation, scale bar is 1.5 mm. Reproduced with permission from ref. 51, 52, 55 and 57.
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Fig. 5 (a) Stereolithographic printing and (b) construct assembly-based bioprinting of tissues/organs with built-in microchannels mimicking
blood vessels. (a-i) Schematic of the stereolithographic printing of prevascularized tissue constructs; (a-ii) heterogeneous tissue constructs with
HUVECs (red) along the channels and HepG2 (green) in the surrounding area, scale bar is 250 mm; (a-iii) 3D imaging of the endothelial cells which
are located along the microchannel walls, red and green colors represent fluorescent cell tracker and CD31, respectively, scale bar is 100 mm. (b-
i) Design template and the printed construct of tubular structures with cellular cylinders; (b-ii) fusion of spheroids in the branched construct after
6 days of deposition. Reproduced with permission from ref. 59 and 61.
processed to form discrete units such as multicellular spheroids (SCs), and supporting agarose rods were alternately patterned as
and multicellular cylinders. Then, these discrete modules were shown in Fig. 6b(i), which produced multiple lumina inside of
printed and assembled in a layer-by-layer manner using agarose the gra. Aer fusion of the discrete bioink cylinders into
rods as a supporting template. Vascular tubes (Fig. 5b(i)), even a nerve gra, the supporting agarose rods were removed. The
with complex branching structures (Fig. 5b(ii)), could be man- gra composed exclusively of cellular components was used for
ufactured by this method. regeneration testing in a rat model of nerve injury. As shown in
Besides vascularization, analogous built-in network Fig. 6b(ii), in the fabricated gra, more axons appeared close to
constructs such as renal tubules62 and nerve conduits63 have the lumina, where the SCs were located.
been reported. Using Pluronic F127 as the sacricial material,
Homan et al. printed 3D convoluted renal proximal tubules with
an open lumen surrounded by the epithelial lining of the
proximal tubule (Fig. 6a). Fig. 6a(i) shows schematic and 6. Summary and outlook
photograph of the printing step during the preparation of
Despite the advances made with 3D bioprinting in tissue engi-
tubules, in which Pluronic F127 is printed on a gelatin-
neering, some limitations remain, such as the inability to create
brinogen ECM. These proximal tubules were embedded in
tissue constructs containing elaborate microstructures for
ECM and housed within a perfusable tissue chip. Features of
appropriate vascularization/innervation or to integrate the
proximal tubule models, including 3D convolutions, open
subsequent culture and analysis steps. Bioprinting of 3D
lumen architectures, perfusion under physiological shear
tissues/organs in combination with microuidics may be
stresses, and longevity, were taken into consideration during
a promising solution. Microuidic modied printing nozzles
the proof-of-concept demonstration. The 3D open lumen
could facilitate the deposition of bioinks with a precisely
structure of the prepared tubule was veried in Fig. 6a(ii), which
tailored spatiotemporal composition in a mild fabrication
was circumscribed by an epithelial lining and could be direc-
environment, which could enhance the accuracy and printing
tionally perfused on a chip. Na/K ATPase, acetylated tubulin and
quality. Utilizing microuidic channels and chambers as the
nuclei were stained. Besides, molecular markers of primary cilia
receiving plate could enable 3D printing on a chip and optimize
in apical side of the tubule, and actin + AQP1 in proximal tubule
the course of the printing and culture of, administration of
were highlighted in Fig. 6a(iii) and (iv). Owens et al. developed
stimuli to, and detection of the responses of 3D constructs. The
a layer-by-layer bioprinting method for the construction of
introduction of the microchannel concept into built-in intra-
a fully cellular nerve gra (Fig. 6b). The types and arrangement
complex architectures helps the generation of tissues/organs
of cylinders used could be controlled. For nerve gra fabrica-
containing a microscale ow network, in which the form and
tion, bioinks composed of bone marrow stem cells (BMSC),
function are more closely related to those of in vivo tubular
cylinders comprised of 90% BMSC and 10% Schwann cells
structures, especially blood vessels.
21720 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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Fig. 6 Bioprinting of tissues/organs with built-in microchannels mimicking (a) renal tubules and (b) nerve conduits. (a-i) Schematic and
photograph of the printing step during the preparation of 3D convoluted and perfusable proximal tubules, in which Pluronic F127 was printed on
a gelatin-fibrinogen layer; (a-ii) 3D view of the renal proximal tubule with an open lumen structure, which was circumscribed with an epithelial
lining and could be directionally perfused on the chip; red: Na/K ATPase, orange: acetylated tubulin, and blue: nuclei, scale bar is 50 mm; (a-iii)
partial tubule showing the apical side, highlighting the primary cilia (red), scale bar is 20 mm; (a-iv) proximal tubule showing actin (red) and AQP1
(yellow), scale bar is 20 mm. (b-i) Schematic and photograph of the resulting nerve graft, red: bioink composed of BMSC, green: bioink comprised
of 90% BMSC and 10% SCs, grey: agarose rods; (b-ii) histological sections of the fabricated grafts (left panel, scale bar is 200 mm) and the axons
shown as black dots (right panel, scale bar is 40 mm). Reproduced with permission from ref. 62 and 63.
Compared to related classical and contemporary micro- direct writing),31–33 microuidics-assisted bioprinting for
uidic technologies, as indicated in Fig. 1e–g, i.e., the formation construction of 3D tissues/organs shows unique advantages: (i)
of 3D cell-laden hydrogel constructs with tunable geometries via on the premise of elaborate structure construction, the volume
microchannel constrictions,29 bottom-up engineering of accumulation and proportional enlargement of tissue blocks
hydrogel building blocks,30 and the assembly of 3D constructs can be realized, which may be closer to the real tissues and
from microuidic spun microbres (e.g., via reeling, weaving, or organs in size; (ii) due to the combination of ne processing
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 | 21721
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capacity in 3D bioprinting, the complexity of the microuidics sensors for the readout of results.65 With the benet of 3D
design, preparation and operation in microuidics-assisted printing, researchers have successfully prepared novel organs-
bioprinting would signicantly reduce; (iii) compared with the on-chips that integrated all these elements (at least, a micro-
relatively closed and limited space in most microuidic uidic device and the living constructs present in it) in a single
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systems, the samples from microuidics-assisted bioprinting continuous procedure using one printer. In the research carried
are easier to be recovered and used for subsequent protein and out by Lee et al. (Fig. 7a), heterotypic cells and biomaterials were
gene analysis, thus contributing to the mechanism study; (iv) positioned for the formation of an organ-on-a-chip with no need
the combination facilitates integration and matching of for a secondary cell seeding process.66 The 3D bioprinting for
microuidic control with peripheral equipment, especially liver-on-a-chip included steps as printing of poly (3-capro-
automatic analysis equipment. lactone) (PCL) cavity, printing of cells–ECM mixture, printing of
Recently, the most widely anticipated direction for develop- cells–ECM mixture or enclosing PCL channel walls, and
Open Access Article. Published on 19 June 2018. Downloaded on 6/19/2018 1:06:04 PM.
ment comprises the formation of an integrated organ-on-a-chip printing of tube connection part for perfusion. The schematic of
via one-piece bioprinting. Since the research carried out by the 3D bioprinted liver-on-a-chip is shown in Fig. 7a(i) and (ii)
Donald et al. on a lung-on-a-chip was published in Science in demonstrates a 3D/3D vertical co-culture model with HepG2
2010,64 organ-on-a-chip technology has attracted increasing and HUVECs. More remarkably, Lind et al. fabricated cardiac
attention as a new technology. Various organ-on-a-chip models devices via multi-material 3D printing (Fig. 7b).67 They
have since been reported to simulate the internal environments sequentially printed six functional materials as components of
of real organs, including blood vessel, liver, heart, and tumor a comprehensive cardiac chip to test contractile stresses and
chips. The complete range of elements involved in an organ-on- study the response of cardiac tissues to drugs. The operating
a-chip include a microuidic chip, cells or microtissues principle of the cardiac devices is that anisotropic cardiac tissue
cultured in the chip, stimulus-applying components, and contraction induces cantilever deection, which is received by
Fig. 7 Integrated (a) liver-on-a-chip and (b) heart-on-a-chip formed via one-piece bioprinting. (a-i) Schematic of the 3D bioprinting for liver-
on-a-chip, including steps as printing of PCL cavity, printing of cells–ECM mixture, printing of cells–ECM mixture or enclosing PCL channel walls,
and printing of tube connection part for perfusion; (a-ii) a 3D/3D vertical model characterized by co-culturing of HepG2 and HUVECs. (b-i)
Schematic of the device principle: anisotropic cardiac tissue contraction (1) induces cantilever deflection (2), which is received by the gauge wire
in the cantilever; the stretching of gauge wire produces a resistance change used for the measure of tissue contractile stress (3); (b-ii) immu-
nostained laminar tissue on the cantilever surface modified with micro-pin and micro-well structures, white: a-actinin, red: actin, and blue:
nuclei, scale bar in the bottom is 30 mm. Reproduced with permission from ref. 66 and 67.
21722 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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combination manners Cell types Matrix materials Target tissues/organs Ref.
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printing nozzle
Extrusion-based bioprinting L929 mouse broblasts, Alginate Vascular circulation ow 38
with microuidic modied smooth muscle cells, system
printing nozzle endothelial cells
Extrusion-based bioprinting Human umbilical vein Alginate Vascular network 39
with microuidic modied endothelial cells (HUVECs)
printing nozzle
Extrusion-based bioprinting Human embryonic kidney Alginate So tissue scaffolds 40
with microuidic modied cells
printing nozzle
Extrusion-based bioprinting Muscle precursor cells PEG-brinogen Skeletal muscle tissue 41
with microuidic modied (C2C12)
printing nozzle
Extrusion-based bioprinting Hepatocellular carcinoma Alginate Liver 43 and 44
with cell printing in the (HepG2) cells
receiving microuidic plate
Inkjet bioprinting with cell Hepatocytes and endothelial Fibronectin-gelatin Liver 45
printing in the receiving cells
microuidic plate
Inkjet bioprinting with cell HepG2/C3A cells Gelatin methacryloyl Liver 46
printing in the receiving (GelMA)
microuidic plate
Extrusion-based bioprinting HepG2 cells Alginate Liver 47
with cell printing in the
receiving microuidic plate
Inkjet bioprinting with cell Hepatoma and glioma cells Alginate Liver 48
printing in the receiving
microuidic plate
Sacricial layer process and Not mentioned in the Pluronic F127-diacrylate, Microvascular networks 50
extrusion based bioprinting original work (sacricial material:
of constructs with built-in Pluronic F127)
Sacricial layer process and Endothelial cells, 10T1/2 Agarose, alginate, PEG, Vascular tissues 51
extrusion based bioprinting cells, primary hepatocytes, brin, matrigel, (sacricial
of constructs with built-in stromal broblasts material: carbohydrate glass)
Sacricial layer process and HUVECs Collagen, (sacricial Vascular tissues 52
inkjet based bioprinting of material: gelatin)
constructs with built-in
Sacricial layer process and HUVECs, normal human Collagen, brin, (sacricial Vascular tissues 53
inkjet based bioprinting of lung broblasts material: gelatin)
constructs with built-in
Sacricial layer process and HepG2, NIH3T3, mouse GelMA, star poly (ethylene Vascular tissues 54 and 55
extrusion based bioprinting calvarial pre-osteoblasts glycol-co-lactide) acrylate
of constructs with built-in (MC3T3) cells (SPELA), poly (ethylene
microchannels glycol) dimethacrylate
(PEGDMA), poly (ethylene
glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA),
(sacricial material: agarose)
Sacricial layer process and HepG2/C3A cells, HUVECs GelMA, (sacricial material: Vascularized liver tissue 56
extrusion based bioprinting agarose)
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 | 21723
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Table 1 (Contd. )
combination manners Cell types Matrix materials Target tissues/organs Ref.
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the gauge wire in the cantilever; the stretching of gauge wire therapy, organ transplantation, and high-throughput drug
produces a resistance change used for the measure of tissue screening. Interestingly, inspired by the idea of tissues/organs
contractile stress (Fig. 7b(i)). To support thick laminar tissues, printing, the combination of 3D printing and microuidic
the cantilever surface could be modied with micro-pin and technologies is expected to print articial food with precisely
micro-well structures (Fig. 7b(ii)). Moreover, a bioprinting controlled components (cells, biological factors etc.), which
technique combined with a microuidic control enable func- could be used as food safety and quality detection models.68
tionally graded (multi-biomaterial and/or multicellular) addi- Table 1 summarizes the bioprinting-microuidics combi-
tive manufacturing, which represents a promising strategy for nation manners, cell types, matrix materials, and target tissues/
future 4D bioprinting. Together with developments and break- organs of the bioprinted 3D tissues/organs that are discussed in
throughs in research into microfabrication technology, bioma- this review.
terials, stem cells, and physiological microenvironments, it is
expected that 3D bioprinting technology can be used to
construct tissues and organs with functional activities and Conflicts of interest
apply them in the elds of tissue engineering, regenerative There are no conicts to declare.
21724 | RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21712–21727 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018
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