Select Your Remedy: by Rai Bahadur Bishambhar Das

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With a view to serving the suffering humanity, I chose to study of
Homoeopathy, a system of treatment I considered to be cheaper and comparatively
more effective than the other systems and the study which at first appeared to be very
easy but in practice, found to be very difficult and required a good deal of labor and
application of mind. The uphill task was, however, successfully completed through
the Grace of God, Who bestowed upon me the requisite determination, diligence and
dexterity to attain the cherished goal.
After having practiced this system for over thirty-five years, I was persuaded by
my friends and patients to reduce the results of my study and experience to writing.
Since I had, throughout my career as a Homoeopath, given treatment free of charge, to
all my patients irrespective of status, caste or creed, I felt that it would be against my
principle if I were to market my knowledge and experience by placing a publication of
this kind for sale. I have, therefore, decided to distribute copies free to all those who
wish to undertake the study and practice Homoeopathy without any thought of
remuneration or return.
In this book I have attempted to place before the reader all the knowledge and
experience I have gathered during 35 years of practice and study. The arrangement
adopted herein is substantially the same a followed in ‘Repertories’ of Homoeopathic
Materia Medica. The diseases as commonly named are given in the appropriate
chapters together with the medicines to be used on the basis of the symptoms shown
against each. With a little care it should not be difficult to understand the arrangement
in the book. Medicine is such a vast subject that it cannot be expected to be covered in
a publication of this kind. Still I am confident that with the aid of this book a
practitioner will be able to cure 90% of the cases that he may be called upon to treat.
To understand the subject well, a Homoeopath should know its theory well. I,
therefore, would like to place before you the vast knowledge of the science of
Homoeopathic system in a systematic but brief manner.
Homoeopathy is based on the principle of ‘similia similibus curantur’ which
means ‘similar cures similar,’ discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843), a
German Doctor of Allopathic discipline. While working on ‘CINCHONA’ (Quinine)
he discovered that if it is given regularly for some days to a healthy person, it
develops chilliness, fever with thirst, flushes the face etc and if the same is given
methodically to a patient having the above symptoms the person is cured. Thus he
established that a medicine creating certain symptoms can cure similar symptoms.
This in Homeopathy is called the ‘Proving’.
According to Dr Hahnemann, the disease is a state of disturbance in the
Normal/Natural vital force of Body. Homoeopathy is, therefore, concerned with two
things: (1) Patient (2) The correct Remedy the patient needs to cure him ‘Rapidly,
Gently and permanently’ through ‘simple and minimum’ doses of as far as possible
single medicine.

The ‘Real Man’ is made of different Parts and organs from head to foot with a
‘Will’ and ‘Intellect’. It is the working of the Dynamic or natural force that causes
Action. The disturbance in this Natural force in him is known as disease which
becomes apparent in him through some symptoms. Thus the observation of these
symptoms from Head to Toe is very important in Homoeopathy. Also important are
the Timings and causes of Aggravations and Ameliorations. Only the correct study
and classification of symptoms, timings, and causes of aggravations and ameliorations
lead you to the correct choice of Medicine. If the well selected medicines fail to give
the desired effect, we are compelled to find out the disturbance in the functioning of
the vital force which is called ‘constitution’ or ‘Miasm’. During his 12 years of
experimentation Dr. Hahnemann observed that certain diseases are cured easily by
simple remedies while in some he was disappointed. But with continuous and
sustained efforts he inferred that it was due to miasm and for the cure of chronic or
suppressed diseases, cure of Miasm is prime and foremost. So where you fail to get
desired results with well selected remedies cure miasm first.

Selection of the Medicine

The selection of the medicine in homoeopathy is very important in order to give
speedy, gentle and permanent relief to the patient. The Homoeopathic medicine is
selected very carefully and cautiously. The most important task for the homoeopathic
practitioner is to collect the symptoms which can be classified under three heads:
a) General symptoms They pertain to the patient’ will and intelligence’
‘Desires and Aversions’ and ‘Hatred and Affection’. For the success
of the Homoeopathic medicine, it is important to study the mental
symptoms as they rank highest.
b) Particular Symptoms They are burning or pain or choking in throat
or swelling in a particular part of the body etc.
c) Modalities which mean the relief (amelioration) or increase or
discomfort (aggravations) under certain circumstances, e.g., pressure,
fomentation or lying on bed gives relief etc.

These sets of symptoms help a lot in selecting the correct medicine. Therefore,
they should be correctly taken out of the patient through interrogation.

The most puzzling problem for the practitioner is the dilution (strength) of the
medicine to be used. So far as I know, no guidance has been given by any author for
the benefit of beginners. It is mainly by experience that the practitioner learns which
strength of a particular medicine is more effective than the other. The determination of
dilution depends mostly on the constitution of the patient, his nervous temperament,
his habits and environment. For instance in the case of organ remedies, small material
doses act best, indeed marvelously; such remedies also need to be repeated at short

intervals. On the contrary organ hypertrophies from constitutional causes are not
curable by organ remedies at all, until the constitutional disease has been cured by
infrequently repeated high dilutions of remedies closely homoeopathic thereto. As a
rule medicines should be used in the 30th dilution. The next higher dilution, which is
normally used, is 200. This should be given if the improvement from lower dilutions
stops or if the remedy is well indicated but the patient does not respond to the lower
dilutions. Higher dilutions should not be repeated more frequently than once a week.
The dilutions normally used 6, 30, 200, 1000 (1M) and CM. Any dilution up to 30
comes under category of “lower dilutions”, while 200 and above are called “higher

Repetition of Medicine

The interval for the repetition of medicines is also equally difficult to

determine. The lover dilutions should be repeated every two to four hours but in the
case of acute suffering, they can be repeated every 15 minutes in order to ensure
speedy relief to the patient. Here the practitioner has to use his discretion which he
mostly derives from his experience. I have indicated in this book, dilutions to be used
in specific medicines for specific diseases to a limited extent. Generally 30 th potency 2
or 3 doses a day be given.

Medium of Medicine

The medium through which medicines should be administered is no less

important to know. The practitioner of today generally administer medicines through
the medium of globules, tablets and triturations. Against this, I have throughout my 35
years’ practice, been using water as the medium, mainly because I was forced to adopt
this method owing to the large number of patients attending my Free dispensary
making it impossible to administer medicines other than through water. Later this
method was happily found to be the only correct one for administering the medicines,
when during the course of my probing in the homoeo-literature, I found to my utmost
joy, an unambiguous support from no less an eminent person than the inventor of the
homoeo-Science himself Venerable Dr. Hahnemann. He has, in paras 246 and 271 of
the publication entitled, “Organon of Medicine”, very strongly urged that all Homoeo-
Medicines should be administered in water and has unequivocally condemned the
other mediums, such as globules, tablets, etc. I little knew that my method of
administering the medicine in water was the only correct method. I solely attribute
this to the Divine inspiration and hidden guidance by God almighty.
All concerned are, therefore, advised that generally speaking, all homoeopathic
medicines should be dispensed or dissolved in water alone.

Preparation of Medicine

Preparation of medicines is an important factor which a practitioner should be
well acquainted with. All medicines are prepared in the first instance in Mother
tincture (or call it a refined preparation from crude substance). From this main source,
medicines are prepared as follows:-

Centesimal Scale

One drop of tincture and 99 drops of alcohol give the 1 st potency. One drop of
the 1st potency and 99 drops of alcohol give the 2 nd potency. All the following
potencies are prepared with one drop of the preceding potency and ninety-nine drops
of alcohol. Each time the solution is given counted shakes.

Decimal Scale

As the mother tincture in this method contains 1/10 of drug power, it

corresponds to 1x potency. One drop of mother tincture and 9 drops of alcohol give
the 1x potency. One drop of 1x potency and 9 drops of alcohol give 2x potency.
The next higher potencies are prepared with one drop of the preceding potency
and nine drops of alcohol.
The medicines falling under (a) Centesimal scale are called 1, 2, 3, 30 or 200
etc. whereas medicines falling under (b) Decimal scale are called 1x, 2x, 3x etc.

Female Diseases

The preface would not be complete if I did not give some special hints about
the female diseases. Almost all diseases in females centre round their sex. It is
therefore, essential that when collecting symptoms from females or when carrying out
physical examination of women, no shyness should come to a physician’s mind in
putting frankly questions pertaining to the sex or in examining the parts affected.
Doctor Ellis Barker in his work entitled “My treatment of Healing” has, on page 26
thereof, very clearly emphasized that he would frequently insist upon the patient
undressing completely in order to find out what is wrong with her. This position
cannot be tolerated in our orthodox country, yet without offending the patient,
examination should be made as possible on the lines indicated by Dr. Ellis Barker by
keen questioning.


Homoeopathy does not claim to do away with the surgery altogether but it can
help and eliminate surgery in many cases. Diseases like appendicitis, Mastoiditis,
tonsils, tumors, boils, stones in kidney and Gall bladder etc. can be treated
homoeopathically with success. Surgeon must be called when a foreign body or Pus is

lodged Deep in the body and there is suppression in the internal organs of deep in


Nature should in no case be defied. The human body and its system is very
delicate and every human being’s constitution works according to a certain routine
and some natural-Laws. Therefore, the Laws of Nature should not be violated
regularly or beyond limits.


Miasms are very important in Homeopathy. Whenever you fail to achieve

desired results with sure and well selected remedies, go find out the miasmatic-
disorder. Cure it and you shall surely achieve the desired results. They have been dealt
in another chapter in the next pages.

My aim and acknowledgements

In placing before public the results of my long study and practice of

Homoeopathy, I have been actuated by the sole desire of endeavoring to relieve the
suffering of sick humanity as far as possible. Owing to the cheapness and effective
results, homoeopathy has proved to be most suited to the conditions in this country. If
this publication helps to create and interest in Homoeopathy in the minds of the
readers, and if it tends to dispel suffering and promote health, the hard and patient
labour of the author will be amply rewarded. I freely acknowledge the debt I owe to
many authors of books on Homoeopathy on whom I have drawn without hesitation in
the production of the book.


Constitution play important part in the selection of remedies under
Homoeoapthic system of treatment. Dr. Clarke has written a book on ‘Constitutional
Diseases’ dealing with various types of constitutions recognized by Homoeopathy and
the remedies for such constitutions. In this chapter an effort has been made to give a
bird’s eye view of these constitutions. Normally homoeopaths divide all their patients
in three Constitutions called Maisms.
They are: 1. Syphilitic 2. Sycotic 3. Psoric

The above miasms may be inherited acquired at any stage of life. In syphilitic
constitutions, the old history of Syphilis in the family may be traced. This, if
necessary, be confirmed by testing blood in a laboratory. In the Sycotic constitution,
the hereditary cause may be Gonorrhoea. In the Psoric constitution we may trace the
history of skin diseases in the family or the patient. To antidote these miasms we
generally give mercury for syphilitic, Thuja for sycotic and Sulphur for psoric. These
remedies are to be thought of in ailments where well-selected remedies fail either to
effect cure or improvement. So far as my experience goes, there are other remedies
also, the administration of which is necessary in order to remove the ill effects of any
of the three miasms. For instance, Typhoid fever is normally found in patients who
possess Psoric constitution. At times, the disease remains unabated until a dose of
Tuberculinum 200 or 1000 is administered as an intercurrent remedy. By this remedy
several cases are to my credit out of prolonged fevers. It is not uncommon where
typhoid fever may continue for 2 to 3 months or even more to the utter
disappointment of the attendant and the physician. In all such cases the constitutional
remedies should be given as inter-current constitutional remedy. I generally give
Sulphur 200 as the first intercurrent constitutional remedy. If this fails, I try Psorinum
and last of all Tuberculinum in high potencies such as 200 or 1000. With the last
named remedy several cases have been cured which would not otherwise yield to well
selected remedies. Similarly in cases of Gout or Rheumatism it may be necessary to
administer a dose of Medorrhinum 200 or higher in order to achieve good results.
Here again I have learnt by experience that in several cases of Gout and Rheumatism
which are based on Sycotic Poison in the system. Medorrhinum is the remedy which
cannot be ignored and which cures permanently cases of Gout and Rheumatism. It
should be given in high potency (not less than 200) and doses should not be repeated
too often. Mercury is an antidote for Syphilis but Syphilinum which is a nosode
should not be overlooked. At times it may be necessary to take resort to a nosode
when other well-selected remedies fail.
Turning now tot the modalities of the chronic miasms, Syphilitic patients
generally suffer or are worse during night; Sycotic patients feel worse during the day.
Pseudo-Psoric patients can be worse at amy time during the day or night and
medicines for them are to be selected according to the modalities of each case.

Dr. Grauvogl has, however, divided paitents in an other type of three
constitutions, namely :-
i. The Hydrogenoid constitution is characterized by an excess of
Hydrogen and consequently of water in the human system.
ii. The Oxygenoid is characterized by an excess of Oxygen or
exaggerated influence of Oxygen on the organism.
iii. The Carbo-Nitrogenoid constitution is characterized by an excess of
Carbon and Nitrogen in the organism.

The Hydrogenoid Constitution corresponds closely to Hahnemann’s Sycotic

whereas Oxygenoid Constitution corresponds to Syphilitic. The Carbo-Nitrogenoid
corresponds Hahnemann’s Psoric. In order to combat diseases under the various
constitutions we must treat them with remedies indicated in the corresponding
constitutions indicated by Dr. Hahnemann.
For Hydrogenoid constitution, Dr. Grauvogl recommends Nux Vomica in low
potency. IX works wonders. The patients possessing this constitution are worse during
rainy season or wet weather. They feel cold even in hot weather and are worse by
drinking cold water. The other remedies suitable for such constitution are Natrum
Sulph and Aranea Diadema. Similarly the other constitutions mentioned by Dr.
Grauvogl should be studied with reference to the corresponding constitutions
mentioned by the Master Dr. Hahnemann.


All the medicines prescribed in this book should, as a general rule, be used in
30 potency unless otherwise indicated against each medicine. If, by any chance, 30 th

potency is not available, 6th or 3rd or any other potency lower than 30th can, with equal
efficacy, be used. The physician should, therefore, use his discretion in selecting the
potency. It may be necessary to increase or decrease the potency of the medicine in
certain cases where it does not show the desired effect or where the improvement is
slow or stopped.


A true homoeopath has to follow Homoeopathic Rules. He is not only a

‘Symptom-coverer’ but has to acquire knowledge of ‘Miasmatic-Treatment’.
They Treat the Disease which a patient has, while we Treat the Patient as a
whole who has a disease or diseases;

Homeopathic cure is simple and medicine is generally Minimum dose and

single medicine one.

Its action is rapid, Gentle and Permanent.


Mental Diseases
ABSENT-MINDEDNESS (See also “Forgetfulness” and “Thinking”).

Nux Moschata. On waking up does not know what to answer and where he is.
Senseless as if intoxicated.
Lac Caninum. Makes purchases and goes off without them. Goes to post a letter and
comes back with the letter in his hand.
Bovista. Absent mindedness in urticaria. Whitish or pinkish elevation with itching
and buring.
Agnus Castus. After sexual excesses or masturbation. Finds it difficult to read or
keep up the train of thoughts.
Aethusa. Inability to think or fix (pay) attention.
Cenchris Contortrix. Absent-minded. Dreamy. Took a wrong car for his own.


Anacardium. Wants to curse and swear. Loss of memory.

Hyoscyamus 200} Wants to abuse without being offended.

Lyssin 200 } If first medicine does not help, try the second.
Give only one dose of each every week.

Kali Iod. Abusive. Harsh and ill – tempered with his family and children.

Lilium Tig. Can hardly speak in decent words. Will snap even when spoken to
kindly. Irritable. Her friends cannot pacify her. Fanatical religious ideas, or religious
melancholy. Impossible to please her.


Ranunculus Bulbosus Maniacal attacks of drunkards.

Coffea. Headache due to alcoholism. As if nails were driven into head. Worse in open
air. Sleeplessness, convulsions and liveliness.

Antim crud. Nausea continues for long time after drinks.

Capsicum. Morning vomiting, sickness of stomach, frightful vision and delirium.

Zincum. Headache caused by a small quantity of liquor.

Cantharis. The patient attempts to bite with urinary complaints and sexual
Asarum Europeum. A great longing for alcohol.

Avena Sativa. Nervousness and sleeplessness. Takes away the longing of alcohol.

Cimicifuga. Sleeplessness with mental depression and mild delirium.

Nux Vomica. Nervousness due to drinking wine or liquor. Is frightened by little noise
and springs up at night with dreadful visions. It antidotes bad effects of liquor, such as
gastric troubles, giddiness, restlessness, etc. Tendency to jealousy and envy; to suicide
by shooting or stabbing.

Apocynum Can. For acute alcoholism.

Hyoscyamus. Constant delirium with loquacity and insomnia. Outburst of laughter

alternating with weeping.

Cannabis Ind. Violence and talkativeness due to alcoholism. Delusions and

hallucinations relating to exaggerated subjects, time space, etc. Face flushed, pupils
dilated, perspires easily.

Opium. In old sinners who have had delirium tremors over and over again.
Expression of fright or terror on the face. Breathing strenuous, visions of animals and
ghosts with uneasy sleep. Face dark red. For brandy drinkers. For those who get drunk
even after taking mild wines.

Sulphuric Acid. Head remedy for chronic alcoholism. Cannot tolerate even the
slightest amount of food. Cannot drink water unless mixed with whisky. Craving for
brandy. Patient is pale, shriveled and cold.

Stramonium. Suitable for habitual drunkards. Has vision of animals coming at him
from every corner and he tries to escape. Face bright red. Hallucination and illusion
are fright and terror producing.

Conium. Intoxication after taking the smallest quantity of liquor or even wine in

Coca. Longing for alcoholic liquors.

Syphilinum. Craving for alcohol in any form. Hereditary tendency to alcoholism.

Alumina. Easily made drunk by even the weakest spirituous drink.

Lachesis Ill-natured people, inclined to violent crimes, vindictive, jealous, envious,
induced to kill others and not himself. Talkativeness before and during drunkenness.

Petroleum. Drunkards without energy, without strength of will, unable to refuse a

glass of wine. Vomiting after the least excess in drinks. Talking much then drunk.

Ars Alb. Thirst for drinking alcohol. Is also a head remedy and should be tried first.
Inclined to vomiting and still more to diarrhea. Trembling of limbs in drunkards.

China off. To remove the craving for alcohol in drunkards who wish to reform. Give
ten to thirty drops a dose twice daily.

Note. Give all the above medicines in dilutions not lower than 200 (except where
otherwise stated) every week till the habit of drinking or craving is completely


Staphisagria. Excellent remedy for anger or for its bad effects. Speechless from
suppressed indignation; trembles from head to foot; loss of sleep. Cannot control
himself. Least action or word annoys his feelings. Easily aroused to anger seldom
manifests it.

Chamomilla. Anger in children which may result in diarrhea, cough or convulsions;

quarrelsome children. Child wants something new every minute and refuses it when
offered. Strikes the nurse in the face in order to get something. Loses temper on
trifles. Give in 1M or CM dilution, one dose every week.

Aurum Foliatum. Trembling when he cannot give vent to his anger. Tries to pick up
quarrel with somebody to relieve him.

Bufo. Becomes angry, if misunderstood.

Colocynth 200. Indignation with silent mortification (acute disappointment) which

causes violent-neuralgia in the head, eyes, intestines and along the nerves.

Calcarea Carb. Anger after coitus.

Nux Moschata. Anger during pregnancy.

Aurum Met } Anger from least contradiction.

Nux Vom. }

Iodum 200. Violent anger. Wants to kiss anybody who comes near him. Feels
pleasure when he is by himself.

Hepar Sulph. Quarrelsome, hard to get along with: nothing pleases over sensitiveness
to persons whose presence disturbs him and to places. Desires constant change of
persons, things and surrounding but these changes again displease him and make him

Kali Iod. Very strong degree of irritability, cruelty and aharshness of temper with his
family and with his children and others. Abusive.

Nat Ars. Anger at trifles, furious from contradiction. Mind dull, better in open air,
worse in bed and at night.

Crocus Sat. Anger with violence followed by repentance.


Staphisagria 200. The least words that seem wrong cause anger and indignation.
Impulse to throw things at persons who had caused a trifling imaginary irritation.

Cocculus Indica. Least disturbance causes annoyance.

Arsenicum Album. Caused by noise or light.

Conium. Trifling matter cause annoyance.

Tuberculinum 200. Difficult and bad tempered child. Kicks off clothes and is rude to
other children without any reason. Never a smile on the face. Terrible storm of
temper. Violent rage and loud uncontrolled weeping Give one dose a week for about
two months and repeat longer, if necessary.

Phosphorus 200. Wild temper. Rages a storm of temper, Physically as well as

mentally. Would fight with children and teachers in school. Unmanageable child.
When angry, would lock himself into a lavatory. Easily frightened. Trembles and
shakes with fear. Frightened of darkness. Constitution thin and slim; fair

Aesculus. Loses temper quickly but regains it slowly.




Ignatia. To amusement, to tobacco smoke, cannot stand smoking.

Sepia. To family members, to business or profession, to the opposite sex. Irritable,

indifferent, tired. Wants to be alone in dark. Creates aversion to beer.

Platina. To family members or others due to pride; thinks herself too big in status.

Pulsatilla. To women and coition; to marriage.

Cadmium sulph. To doing anything mental or physical.

Aconite N. To music.

Raphanus. In women to opposite sex.

Nux Vomica. To work when due to indigestion or nervous dyspepsia. If she works,
does everything wrong.

Plumbum. To work when accompanied with chronic constipation.

Cyclamen. To work in dyspepsia. Disgust for meat. Aversion to bread and butter; to

Natrum Mur. Aversion to bread, to fats and to rich food.

Lac Vac Defl. Aversion to milk, men, women and children. Cannot drink milk as it
makes them sick. Aversion to seeing and talking to people. Headache from
drinking milk.

Glonoine. To husband.

Chelidonium. To work or move after dinner. Aversion to cheese.

Argentum Nit.} To work in melancholia. If the first medicine does not help,
Lachesis } try the second.

Acid Thior. Aversion to family members and dearest friends. Wants to go away from
home. Low mindedness due to sexual excesses in men who are debauches.

Conium. Does not want to work and prefers to play.

Cajuputam. Averse to being spoken to, though likes to hear other people talk. Cannot
bear to look inside the books he usually studies. Aversion to company of own
Natrum Carb. Inability to work due to overstudy. Aversion to milk which if taken,
Causes diarrhea.
Picric Acid. Aversion to marriage; the very idea of marriage is unendurable.
Kali Bich. Aversion to food and drink.
Cocculus. Aversion to food and drink.
Calcarea carb. Poor appetite with aversion to meat and craving for boiled eggs.
Acid Nitric.} Cannot bear the sight or through of meat.
Acid Mur. } Aversion to meat.
Lycopodium. Aversion to coffee and meat. Hates to take them.
Veratrum viride. Aversion to sweets. Even water tastes sweet.
Abrotanum. Aversion to milk in marismic children who crave for bread boiled in
milk to satisfy in anger.
Alumina. Aversion to potatoes which do not agree, to meat which has no taste; to
Alumina Phos. Aversion to company and to answering questions.
Antim Tart. Aversion to milk which makes the patient sick, causing nausea and
vomiting. Aversion to any kind of nourishment.
Osmium. Aversion to coffee and tobacco. Disgust at their odour.
Petroleum. Strong aversion for fat food, to meat, to open air, worse from eating
Chamomilla. Aversion to coffee, warm drinks, soups and liquid foods.
Silicea. Aversion to mother’s milk which is vomited when taken.
Magnet polis Australis. Aversion to conversation.
Ipecacuanha. Great repugnance and dislike to all food.
Carbo Veg. Aversion to digestible things and best of food. Desire for coffee, acids
Stramonium. Aversion, to liquids. Even a cup of water brought to her lips will cause
violent spasms. Liquid can only be forced down the throat with difficulty.
Grindelia. Aversion to darkness. Wants light in the room all night.
Tarentula H. Sensitive to music. As soon as she hears music, she will jump and
Theridion. Aversion to noise and every sound seems to penetrate through the whole
body causing nausea and vertigo. Sound penetrates into the teeth. Worse on
closing the eyes.
Tuberculinum. Aversion to all food, to meat which it is impossible to eat.
Causticum. Dislike to sweet things. Fresh meat causes nausea.

Mag Carb. Aversion to vegetable food.
Upas T. Aversion to meat and eggs, the very thought of them brings nausea.



Acid Phos. Over one’s condition; over disappointed affection.

Ignatia. Over imaginary bitter events and troubles.
Nux Vom. Over a law suit which may be pending against.
Lilium Tig. Listless, inert yet does not want to sit still, but will brood and think over
the past.
Veratrum Alb. Brooding in silence.
Gelsemium. Brooding constantly over the loss of a child.


CLAIRVOYANCE (Foretelling object or events which are not in sight.)

Iodum. Head remedy when the patient is on the verge of insanity. Violent, beats or
destroys things without any rhyme or reason.
Lyssin. Says he can see the hands of the dial-plate of the clock or of a watch which is
not within his sight. Says that he knows where a certain person not within his
sight is sitting.
Aconite N. Says that his beloved miles away is singing a certain song.
Phosphorus. Great lowness of spirits, fearfulness, easily vexed. Clairvoyant state.
Agaricus M. Inclination to make verses and prophecies.


Aversion to:
Colocynthis. Friends; tries to get away from them.
Cactus. In hysteria.
Conium. During menses, aversion to company, yet dreads to be alone.
Natrum Mur. During pregnancy.
Cuprum Met. During asthma.
Bufo. In order to indulge in masturbation.
Ignatia. In nervous patients.
Cajuputum. Feels better in the society of ladies although naturally bashful. Does not
like to talk to men.
Pulsatilla. Aversion to company of the opposite sex which she considers to be a
dangerous thing to cultivate.

Lycopodium. Hates company but wants somebody to be near him in the adjoining

Desire for:
Aurum Met. In heart diseases.
Conium. In hysteria.
Stramonium. In mania. Desire for light.
Argentum Nit. Wakes his wife or child for company, fears to be alone.
Arsenic Alb. Wants company which relieves his fear.



Anacardium. In himself. Insanity with loss of confidence.

Lycopodium. In hysteria; in physician and remedies.
Aurum metallicum. Thinks there is no remedy for her with physicians and this
makes her unhappy.


Sulphur. On waking up in the morning.

Aesculus hip. Wakes up with confusion of mind, looks all round the room in
confusion, bewildered, does not know the people, wonders where he is and
what is the meaning of the things he sees. Great sadness, irritability, loss of
memory and aversion to work. Sadness due to not getting thing he wants.
Zincum. Brain becomes affected in course of nervous disease, scarlatina or summer
Belladonna. After delirium.
Lachesis. In diphtheria.
Nux Vomica. After eating. Caused by worry and much mental strain with too little
bodily exertion.
Kali Brom. In melancholia, caused by overwork, sensation as if about to lose senses.
Gelsemium. In onanists.
Stramonium. Got up after midnight and waked about in confusion. Confusion with
Picric acid. Brain fag and headache in occiput-cervical region. Brain fag of literary
people and teachers, lack of will power, aversion to talk, think or perform any
mental exertion. He loses interest in things; becomes irritable from any mental
Petroleum. Confusion and dizziness; so dazed that she loses her way in the street.
Imagines there are other persons near her when there is none; her limbs are
double; someone else is in bed with her dreams that she is two or more.

Calcarea Carb. Confusion and inability to think; fears he is unwanted; fear of failure;
internal tension; depressed on account of wounded pride.
Coca. Wearing out under mental and physical strain.
Allium Cepa. After wine.
Alumina. Confusion of intelligence. Unable to affect a decision. Judgement disturbed.
The things that he knows or has known to be real seem to him to be unreal and
he is in doubt whether they are so or not.
Abra Grisea. Confusion of mind; goes from one subject to another. Asks a question
and without waiting for the answer, asks another. Jumps from one topic to
another. Premature old age.
Hydrocynic Acid. Feels as if cloud going over brain.
Centaurea Tagana. Stupidity and confusion of mind. Can never concentrate on one
thing, starts one thing and then leaves it incomplete and takes up another and so
on. Slow and unable to concentrate. Memory lost; anxiety and feels as if she
will die suddenly. Suspicious; thinks her husband is going to send her to insane
asylum. Takes wrong bus or train realizing not where she was going. When
talking the correct route, passes the place intending to get off at.
Dulcamara. Mental confusion. Cannot find the right word for anything.
Acetic Acid. Confusion of mind; does not know her own children; forgets even recent
happenings; attacks of anguish; peevishness; thinks something is going to happen.
Agaricus M. Says foolish and silly things, sings and whistles at an inopportune time,
makes verses and prophesies or he lapses into an opposite state, becomes indifferent
to his surroundings, becomes self-willed, obstinate and conceited. Stupid, awkward
and clumsy.
Anacardium. Mind feeble; almost, if not complete imbecility. Comprehension slow;
memory weak; forgetful; dullness and sluggishness of the mind. Irresolution, cannot
take a decision whether good or bad, he hesitates and often does nothing.
Cannabis Sat. Confusion as to his personal identity. Vertigo with confusion of mind.
Cicuta Vir. The senses of sight and smell and all other senses are disturbed and
confused. His house and familiar places and faces look strage.
Silicea. Brain fag in students, lawyers, clergymen due to prolonged efforts and
sleepless nights in completing their task.


Natrum Muriaticum. Sad and weeping mood aggravated by consolation.

Lilium Tigrinum. Consolation aggravates trouble in uterine dementia.
Pulsatilla. When patient feels better by consolation.
Ingnatia. Symptoms are aggravated by consolation in hysteric persons.
Sepia. Consolation aggravates symptoms in persons subjects to constipation with

Coffea. Does not want to be consoled. Wants to enjoy his misery alone. He resents
being jollied or any other attempt to cheer him up.
Sabal Ser. Sympathy make her angry.


Aurum Met. Ailments resulting from contradiction.

Lycopodium. Cannot bear contradiction.
Coffea. Headache from contradiction.
Ferrum Metallicum. Intolerance of contradiction. Quarrelsome.



Conviction of:
Baptisia T. In typhoid fever.
Lachesis. In dyspnoea.
Psorinum. In typhoid fever, but better by nose bleed.
Camphora. In gastralgia.
Apis. In organic diseases of the heart.
Coffea. In labour pain.
Aconite N. During pregnancy with fear of death.
Helleborus Nig. Predicts the day of death without any fear of death.

Fear of:
Aconite N. Fear of death during pregnancy. Predicts the day and hour of death; is sure
her illness will prove fatal.
Digitalis. In heart diseases.
Nux Vomica. With suicidal tendency, but he is afraid to die.
Alumina. Fear of death with thoughts of suicide.
Kali Phos. Due to weary of life.
Veratrum Album. In cholera; with cold sweat on forehead.
Cocculus. Fear of death and unknown danger.
Opium. Fear of impending death with expression of fright and terror.
Arsenic Alb. Fear of death coming on suddenly when alone.
Actea Spicata. Fear of death, especially at night in bed.

Longing for:

Aurum Fol. Longing for death with utmost delight as he feels he is not fit for the

Aurum Met. Constantly dwelling on suicide on account of perverted mind. Profound
melancholia. Imagines he cannot succeed in anything. Does everything wrong.
Hopelessness and therefore loathes life. Thinks he is unfit for this world.


Plumbum. Inclination to deceiving or cheating. Slow perception. Constipation. To

feign sickness; to exaggerate one’s ailments.
Coca. Sense of right and wrong is lost. Irritable, delights in solitude and obscurity.
Argentum Nit. Fearful and nervous. Faintish and tremulous sensation. Tendency to
Causticum. Desire for cheating with inclination to quarrel. Fussy.



Stramonium. Vision of animals, black dogs etc. (It also cured pneumonia on these
symptoms). Thinks himself double. Tall and a part missing and objects around him
small. Cannot bear solitude and darkness; must have light and company. Sees ghosts,
hears voices and talks with spirits. Feeling as if a long trail of bedbugs is pursuing her,
and after them a procession of beetles and then comes crawling over her a host of
cockroaches. Sees horrifying images at his side than in front him. Sings amorous
songs and utters obscene speeches. Hallucination and delirium. Attempts to stab and
bite. Calls things by wrong names, his boots the logs of wood; his bedroom the stable.
Has communication from God, delivers sermons, and prophesies.

Lactuca Virosa. As if swimming in the air or walking above the ground.

Lac Can. Delusions about snakes. Imagines he is sorrouded by them. Afraid of
closing the eyes for fear of being bitten by a snake. Feels to be walking in air.
Tormenting thoughts. No reality in things; thinks that everything she says is a lie; she
is not herself; her properties not her own; wears someone else’s nose.
Sabadilla. Erroneus impressions as to the state of her body e.g. that she is pregnant
when she is merely swollen with flatus.
Platinum. Pride or over-estimate of one-self. Thinks she is superior to all others.
Thinks her body is longer that those of others. Arrogant and haughty.
Camphor. Everything that moves is a ghost and inanimate things in the room become
alive and terrify him. Aversion to do any business. She is sad and melancholy. Full of
fear, weary of life.
Ailanthus. Feels as if a rat or something small is crawling up the limb and over the
Anacardium. The patient finds himself to be between good and evil. His external will
wants him to do something evil, but his internal will stops him from doing this.
Indecisive. One moment he thinks it is so and the next moment has enough reason left

that it is not so. Low spirited, disheartened, fears he is pursued by someone; looks for
thieves, expects enemies, fears everything and everybody. He is persuaded by his evil
will to do acts of violence and injustice, but is withheld and restrained by his good
will. (See also Hyosc, Bell and stram.) Hears voices of sister and mother who are far
Helleborus Nig. Stupefaction and sluggishness of the body and mind. Stupor from
which he can be aroused with difficulty and when so aroused he will talk about spirits
or say that he sees devils with horns and tails. Hallucination.
Causticum. Conscience stricken as if she had committed a crime.
Ferrum Iod. As if body had grown 30 feet high.
Baptisia T. Feels as if body scattered into pieces.
Chamomilla. Hearing voices of absent persons which disturb his sleep.
Zincum Met. Voices from within him speaking in abusive and filthy language.
Belladonna. Sees frightful faces and monsters. Bites and strikes. Patient will not
injure himself or others unless he thinks he is acting in self-defense. He will attack the
person who is acting against the patient’s will.
Spigelia. For apprehensive and nervous persons. Will not use razor, as something is
constantly urging him to cut throat with it. Urge to commit suicide with fork when at
dining table and so on. Afraid of sharp and pointed instruments.
Thuja. Sensation as though a living child were in the abdomen. Feels body thin and
delicate, frail, easily breakable as if made of glass.
Cannabis Ind. Errors of perception as to space and as to time. The patient feels as if
he had not taken any food for the last six months, although he had just finished his
meals. A mile distance looks as if it were a hundred miles. Mind is full of unfinished
ideas. Delusion of rhinoceros and elephants following him up. Imagines he hears
sweet music, shuts his eyes and is lost in most delicious thoughts and dreams.
Imagines someone calling him. Imagines as if he exists without form throughout a
vast extent of space. His body seems to expand and the arch of his skull to be broader
than the vault of heaven. All seem unreal. Feels himself unreal. All impressions
extremely exaggerated. Hears voices and most sublime music; sees vision of beauty
and glory, only to be equaled in paradise.

Arsenic Alb. Imagines house full of thieves. Runs through the house in search of
them or hides himself in the house on account of fear.

Cicuta Virosa. Feels as if he were in a strange place and not living in ordinary
conditions; everything appeared strange and almost frightful. Contempt of mankind.
Runs away from his friends on account with their follies.

Viscum Alb. Delusion as if upper part of the body is floating in the air.

Coculus. Delusion as if something is rolling on walls, chairs, floor or elsewhere and

will also roll on him.

Hyoscyamus. Talks to imaginary people as if they are sitting by his side. Talking to
dead wife, sister or husband as if they were here again on earth. Imagines the things
are worms, vermin, rats, cats and mice. Feels as if his hands and fingers are too large.

Cocaine. Thinks he hears unpleasant remarks about himself; hallucination of hearing.

Cannot sleep for hours after retiring. Sees and feels bugs worms in his room and bed.
Moral sense blunted.

Alumina. When he says anything, he feels as if another person has said it. Similarly if
he sees anything, he feels as if another person had seen it, or as if he could transfer
himself into another person and then only he could see. Confusion of personal

Glonoine. Chin feels elongated to knees. Touching the chin repeatedly to be sure it
was not so.

Carboneum Sulph. Hears voices and believes he has committed robbery.

Lachesis. When she sees anyone in whispering conversation, she thinks they are
talking about her to her detriment. She thinks herself under superhuman control whose
commands (partly in dream) she must obey. Fears that she is pursued by enemies; the
medicine is a poison; that there are robbers in the house and she wants to jump out of
Melilotus. Delusion; thinks everyone is looking at her; fears to talk aloud; wants to
run away.

Agnus C. Delusion of smell as of herring (kind of fish) or musk.

Coca. Delusion; of worms on the skin or clothing.

Aethusa. Delusion; sees cats and dogs; wants to jump out of bed or window.

Asarum Europ. As if hoveing in the air. Vertigo as if drunk.

Baryta Carb. As if everything with him, as in a ship.

Crocus. As if something alive is in abdomen. Imaginary pregnancy. Alternating


Morphinum. As if room filled with babies. Man at foot of bed. Cannot describe
symptoms. Sobs at trifles.

Medorrhinum. Feels as if things done today were done a week ago; as if someone is
whispering behind her, faces appearing from behind the furniture and look at her and
say, “come”. Feels life unreal like a dream. Had committed unpardonable sin, and was
going to hell. Not caring whether she goes to hell or heaven. Impatient, very selfish.

Mercurius. Feels as if worm rising in throat; apple-core stuck in throat; ice in ear;
cold water running from ears.

Palladium. Feels that she has been neglected. Wounded pride.

Petroleum. Imagines that another person or a child is in bed with her. Dreams that
she is two or more. That her limbs are double.

Platinum. It seems to her that she does not belong to her own family; after a short
absence everything seems entirely changed. Lost sense of proportion in both ocular
and mental vision.

Psorinum. Feels as if brain separated from the body; as if there is not enough room in
forehead with ears not his own.

Cyclamen. Thinks herself impure and wants to take bath every time she touches
somebody or something. Every thing seems double. As if person lying in bed.
Ailments from duty not done or bad act committed.

Staphisagria. When he walks he feels as if someone were following him. This causes
anxiety and fear and he cannot look behind.

Sulphur. Everything turns into beauty. Old rag and old stick looks to be a beautiful
piece of workmanship. Every thing looks pretty which the patient takes fancy to.
Wishing to touch everything.

Cannabis Sat. Hears hissing whisper to kill himself. This is an order from the most
high command.

Cuprum Aceticum. Delusion that a policeman has come to seize him. Hallucinations
of all kinds of figures and premises, especially in the evening, when shutting eyes or
when going to sleep.

Oleander. Washes herself and her clothes after touching anything or any person, as
she believes she has touched a dirty thing as a result of which she must wash.

Pyrogenium. Hallucination that he is very wealthy and has a large sum of money in
the bank.

Nux Moschata. Seems as if he is two persons and watches his other self playing. He
seems lost, and when spoken to would come to himself confused. Feels as if he has
two heads.

DEMENTIA PRECOX (Loss of intellect, memory and reason)

Nux Vom. Disposition to find fault with everything and everybody; extreme
sensitiveness to the words and attention of others, inclination to kill his best friends;
wants to commit suicide but is too cowardly to do so; very irritable, quarrelsome,

Mercurius. Complete loss of all sense of decency: filthy in body with groveling
mentality; great weakness of memory; impaired vision; foul breath; heavy coated

Ignatia. Extreme mental sensitiveness due to grief. Disappointment in love affairs.

Calcarea Carb. Complete lack of development of brain and other organs with
forgetfulness. Slowness and inability to acquire knowledge.

Lycopodium. Great depression of spirits, despondent; worried about his salvation;

about being able to perform his duties; about passing his examination, fretful,
irritable, morose; very vehement and angry. Constipation, eructation of sour food.

Staphisagria. Sleeplessness. Coward with shamefulness, disgust, humiliation,

despair, shyness with desire for solitude.

Chamomilla. Sensitiveness; irritable, peevishness; very easily angered and suffers

profoundly as a result thereof.

Tarentula His. Rages over something and throws whatever in hand and whatever he
could reach. On slightest contradiction or objection he will hit the person with
whatever he can get hold of.


Kali Brom. After seminal emissions; with painful delusions, sleeplessness and dread
of impending destruction of all near him; with fear and anxiety. Delusion and feeling
of moral deficiency.

Aurum Met. Depression so great as to drive the victim towards suicide.

Nux Vom. After seminal emissions.

Ambra Grisea. Depression a day before an attack of epilepsy.

Helleborus. After scarlet fever.

Crotalus. Depression with debility, faintness and aching in left iliac region.

Cadmium sulph. Depression with state of resentment, hopelessness, lack of grit. Use
200 dilution.

Zincum Met. For depression with skin affection; should be given twice daily.

Nitric Acid. In the evening.

Cannabis Sat. In the forenoon.

Phosphorus. From belief that he has an incurable heart.

Gelsemium. From heat; due to impotence.

Natrum Mur. With canine hunger.

Cadmium. From impotence.

Digitalis. With palpitation

Coca. By overwork and excesses.

Phytolacca. In rheumatism; in syphilis.

Agnus cast. General debility and depression of vital power. Great sadness with a
fixed idea of approaching death.

Murex. When leucorrhea is better.

Acid Phos. Depression which takes the form of extreme indifference, listlessness,
apathetic, etc.

Ammonia Carb. Depression of spirits. She weeps much, has fainting fits, anxiety,
uneasiness and exhaustion from motion. Dyspnoea due to weakness.

DESIRE (Craving) (See also “EATS”)

Suphur. Wants to drink liquor all the time, morning till evening. Child eats discharge
from the nose. Longing for brandy in pregnant women.

Phosphorus. Takes away desire for drinking liquor by removing irritation of stomach
which causes abnormal appetite therefore.

Plumbum. It is a peculiar symptom that an individual will steal money in order to by

liquor, but the moment prohibition is withdrawn, the desire for drinking liquor

Acid Sulphuric. In order to take away craving for alcoholic drinks; a mixture of one
part of sulphuric acid and three parts of alcohol may be prepared and given in doses of
ten to fifteen drops three times daily for three to four weeks.

Tarentula H. Desire for eating ashes especially during pregnancy, and in

dysmenorrheal. Desire for eating sand.

Acid Nitric. Desire for eating chalk. Desir for fat, salt, lime and earth or plaster.

Alumina. Craving for starch, uncooked rice, chalk, charcoal, tea and coffee ground,
acid and indigestible things. He has aversion to potatoes, meat and beer.

Cicuta Vir. Child puts coal into mouth, crunching, swallowing with apparent relish.
Wants to eat raw potatoes. All this is due to the fact that he cannot distinguish
between things fit or not fit to be eaten.

Quercus. Takes away bad effects of alcohol, tobacco, tea etc.

Strophanthus. Takes away craving for liquor. Give in mother tincture 5 to 10 drops a
dose-twice daily.

Passiflora In.} Takes away craving for morphia and opium

Avena Sat. } Give in mother tincture 5 to 10 drops a dose.

Phytolacca. Irresistible inclination to bite teeth and gums. Craving for smoked meat
especially and other meat generally.

Manganum. Desire for always lying down in bed. He feels better by rest and his
troubles and anxiety are aggravated by movement.

Hepar Sulphur. Great desire for vinegar and pickles.

Hyoscyamus. Desire for work in insane persons.

Caladium. Antidote for tobacco and takes away the craving for it. Loss of memory,
absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Everything is done in great haste. It also cures
cysts on the eyes with the above symptoms.

Palladium. Desire to be flattered.

Ledum P. It takes away the craving for whisky.

Kali bi. Longing for beer and for acid drinks.

Medorrhinum. Craving for salt, sweets, green fruit, ice, sour things, oranges.

Mercurius. Desire to eat cow-dung and the mud of ponds.

Sanicula. Irresistible desire to look behind.

Sepia. Desire for wine, vinegar and sweets.

Iodum. Desire for meat; for spirituous liquors.

Thlapsi B. Desire for butter milk.

Cyclamen. Craving for sadines.

Crotalus H. Craves for snow.

Stramonium. Violent desire to bite and tear things with his teeth. Great desire for
acids. Better by vinegar.

Magnesia Carb. Inordinate craving for meat in children of T.B. diathesis.

Cistus Can. Craving for cheese with tendency to catch cold which would last for a
long time, worse in winter. Love for acid food or fruits which cause pain and diarrhea.

Allium Cepa. Desire for raw onions.

Conium. Likes to wear his best clothes, makes useless purchases, cares very little for
things, wastes or ruins them.

Calcarea Carb. Desire for eggs, eats lime, slate pencils, chalk, clay, raw potatoes,
sweets, ice cream etc.

Agaricus Emet. Sudden, violent longing for icy cold water during the worse attacks
of anxiety which gives relief.

Calcarea Phos. Craves bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats; much flatulence, cholera

Argentum Nit. Desire for eating sugar and sweets which do not agree. Cannot take
starch or egg etc. in any form without being sick.

Selenium. Longing for spirituous liquors, with almost irresistible maniacal desire.

Bufo. Desire for solitude in order to practice masturbation. Longs for solitude, yet
dreads being alone.

Lycopodium. Craves for sweet things, for hot drinks. Hates coffee and meat.

Bryonia. Desire for something but he knows not what. You give a child one toy after
the other but he will reject all.

Lac Fel. Great desire to eat paper.

Mezereum. Craving for fat, ham and for drinking milk.

Natrum Sulph. Desire for ice and icy cold water.

Antim Tart. Desire for acid and sour fruits which make him sick. Stomach trouble
from vinegar, sour things, sour wines and sour fruits.

Veratrum Alb. Craving for eating his own stool and drinking his own urine.

Coca. Longing for alcoholic liquors and tobacco; for the accustomed stimulants.

Arnica M. Longing for vinegar, especially in pregnant women.

Nux Vom.}
Lachesis } Longing for brandy. Try in the given order.
Pulsatilla }

Causticum. Young girls burning with the desire of marrying.

Tabacum. Takes away craving for smoking. Given in 200 or 1000 dilution every

Carbo Veg. Longing for coffee, acids, sweet and salty things. Aversion to digestible
things and the best of food.

Angustura Vera. Greatest craving for coffee.

Lechechis. Craving for milk.


Belladonna. Envious, rages, bites, strikes, desires to escape. Sees hideous faces,
frightful images.

Cantharis. Furious delirium, crying, barking with great sexual desire.


Baryta Carb. Lack of development of the mind whilst the body grows. We see the
fear and the simplicity in these patients as are found in children. Child-like simplicity
and innocence. Childishness in girls of 18 to 25 years of age. Plays with dolls and says
foolish things. Childish behaviour. Late in coming into womanhood. Late in taking on
the uses and activities of women.

DREAD (See also “FEAR”)

Cadmium Sulph. Dread to do anyting, mental or physical.

Conium. Dread of being alone.

China off. Dread of dogs and other animals.

Phosphorus. Dread as if something were creeping out of every corner.

Borax. Dread of downward motion.

Lycopodium. Apprehensive, melancholy and irritable. Dread of men; aversion to

company, yet afraid to be alone.

Gelsemium. Dread of movement. Nervous fear in singers and speakers.

Ignatia. Dread of trifles.


Veratrum Alb. Eats his own stool and drinks his own urine.

Sulphur. Child eats discharges from nose. Has tendency to catarrhs.


Belladonna. Desire to escape or to hide under the furniture or in bed.

Opium. Desire to escape in fever, especially typhoid fever.

Lycopodium. Desire to escape from her children.

Veratrum Alb. Desire to escape in cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Mercurius. Desire to escape in hysteria as if she has committed a crime.

Hyoscyamus. Jumps out of bed and tries to run away.


Argentum Nit. Specific for examination fear of failure. Terrors of anticipation which
may cause diarrhea. Wants seat near the door to escape. School boys who are afraid to
go to school or church.

Anacardium. Fear before examination. Nerve exhaustion from over-study. Nervous

prostration from seminal emissions. Impairment of memory.

Lycopodium. Depression about passing examination. Susceptible to natural causes of

fear which make a profound impression on bodily organs. Peevish.

Aethusa Cynapium. Inability to think or fix attention. With this symptom the patient
will overcome examination funk.

Gelsemium. Funk before an examination.

FEAR (Fear also “DEATH” and “DREAD”)

Aconite N. Fear of death, darkness, noisy places, music. Fear of death during
pregnancy. Fear of ghosts. Fear of entering trolley car or railway trains. Fear with
vexation. Fear of crossing streets. Intense fear with awful anxiety and restlessness.

Stramonium. Fear in delirium. Fear of dogs. Fear caused by hallucinations. Fear of

water, of light, of doing things wrong and of being scolded. Fear of darkness, yet
horror of glistening objects; of night; of being injured. Great thirst but dreads water.

Opium. Fear perstiting after some traumatic experience. When fear causes diarrhea.
Easily frightened. Fear of death. Especially when fright causes timidity.

Nux Vomica. Fear of fantastic dreams. Haunted by fear. Fear of noise. Suitable for
nervous and irritable persons.

Cuprum Metallicum. When fear causes spasmodic dyspnoea.

Mercurius. Fear with desire to escape as if she had committed some crime.

Arsenic Alb. Fear of being killed with a knife. Fear to be alone, wants company.
Great restlessness.

Cuprum Aceticum. Fear of bed clothes or house catching fire.

Silicea. Brain-fag. Fixed ideas; thinks only of pins, fears them, searches and counts

Arnica M. Fear and horror of sudden death, fears some dreadful thing will happen.
Rises up in the night and grasps at the heart. Full of nightmare and dreadful dreams.
Fear of being struck by those coming towards him.

Calcarea Carb. Anxiety or fear that something terrible and sad will happen. Fear that
people will observe her confusion of mind. Fear of insanity.

Belladonna. Fear of imaginary things or evils. Wants to run away. Fear of animals; of

Hyoscyamus. Fear of being poisoned, of being injured, of being scolded, of water, of

people. Fear of being bitten by beasts.

Succinum. Fear of trains and closed rooms.

Ignatia. Air-raid fear in hysteric persons who faint at slightest provocation. Sadness
due to fright.

Bryonia. Fear of poverty.

Gelsemium. Fear of bombing and air-raid etc. Stage fright. Palpitation of heart due to
a shock from hearing news of anticipated bombing or air-raids. Tired feeling and
trembling. There is restlessness and anxiety running about in this remedy. Fear of

Argentum Nitricum. Over-anxious, frightened, hasty individual, due to air-raids and

bombing etc. Restlessness and running about is characteristic of this remedy. Fear that
death is nearing. Fear of going in a crowd, church or cinema or in a stuffy room where
he cannot breathe, such as an elevator or tunnel.

Phosphorus. Fear of impending disaster; of darkness; of being alone; of suffocation;

of thunderstorm; of something bad to happen.

Alumina. Fear of evening.

Lyssin. Fear of water, the sight of which creates urge for urination. It is specific when
there is a fear of water.

Cannabis Ind. Fear of being eternally lost. Cannot bear the calling of the name of
God since he feels he is dying. Fear at the sight of bright objects, at little breath of air
or at the approach of any one. Fear of darkness.

Lycopodium. Fear of being alone, of crowds, of dark, of death, of ghosts, of people.

Cocculus. Fear of death and unknown danger.

Kali carb. Fear of the future, of death, of something going to happen, of ghosts in
persons who are tiresome, irritable and sensitive, never at peace, never wants to be

Clematis. Fear of being alone, but disinclined to meet otherwise agreeable company.

Anacardium. Fears he is pursued, looks for thieves, expects enemies, fears

everything and every body. Full of internal anxiety, cowardly in the extreme. Can do
bodily injury without feeling. Cruel; malicious; wicked.

Caladium. Extreme nervousness; afraid of his own shadow, awake all the night with
lascivious thoughts, apprehensions, especially before going to sleep; afraid of the

Camphor. Extreme fear with anxiety, fear of persons, strangers of the dark and of
imaginary specters (ghosts).

Manganum. Anxiety and fear. Great apprehensiveness, Something awful is going to

happen. He attempts mental occupation, tries to occupy his mind, the more he does
this, the more anxious he becomes. He cannot meditate or think as he is tired and
careworn. He lies down and all this passes away. Better by lying down.

Spongia. Fear of death of the future, of something dreadful that might happen,
accompanied with dyspnoea and anxiety.

Paullinia Finata. Fear of becoming consumptive.

Onosmodium. Fear of falling or going up and down stairs.

Mancinella. Fear of getting crazy; of evil spirits.

Medorrhinum 200. Fear of death; worse when alone. Frightened sensation on waking
as if something dreadful had happened. Fear of the dark.

Sanicula. Fear of darkness. Constant desire to look behind herself.

Cannabis Ind. Fear of darkness.

Tarentula His. Indefinite fears; fear of something going to happen, fear of something
that does not exist, sees terrible things that are not there.

Staphisagria. Afraid of his own shadow. Vexation with indignation, deep internal
mortification attended with throwing away what was held in hand.

Hydrocyanic acid. Fear of imaginary troubles. Fears everything, horses, wagons,

houses falling etc.


Palladium. Desires flattery.



Lac Caninum. The patient is absent-minded. He is very forgetful. Buys things in the
market and walks away without them. He omits letter or letters of a word when
writing. While speaking he unconsciously and inadvertently substitutes objects seen
instead of objects thought of. In writing he uses too many words and not the right
ones. Cannot concentrate to read or study.

Acid Phos. Loss of memory due to sexual excesses. Listless; impaired memory,
cannot collect his thoughts.

Anacardium. Forgetfulness due to mental exertion. It is most marked in the morning.

After general paralysis. Weakness or loss of memory. Irresistible desire to curse or

Baryta Carb. Is useful in the case of old people where age has taken the keenness out
of all mental faculties.

Cannabis indica. The patient is utterly forgetful. Cannot finish the sentence as he
could not remember what he wished to say.

Selenium. Forgetful during his waking hours and in sleep he dreams what he has

Syphilinum. Forgetful, weak-minded, laughing and weeping without cause, despair to

recovery, melancholy, indifference to business and other matters.

Glonoine. Forgetfulness renders the patient ludicrous. He forgets the names of well
known streets, the number and location of his own house, although he has been living
in the same for years. Way home seems too long. Well known streets seem strange.

Staphisagria. Loss of memory after masturbation or seminal emissions, or constantly

dwelling on sexual subjects. When he reads something, he remembers only dimly and
after long recollection he could hardly recall it.

Lac. Vacc. Defl. Loss of memory with listlessness and aversion to mental work.
Sadness and desires death by easiest means.

Caladium. Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, extreme excitement, due to sexual

excesses or from tobacco poisoning. He cannot think and the more he thinks, the
more he gets away from the subject. This may be due to mental and physical
prostration. It is also useful for “doubtful” patients who are not sure of anything, even
after they have seen and felt a particular thing, they begin to doubt its existence after a
while when they go away from it.

Iodum. Easy forgetfulness. Forgotten something which he does not know what it was.
It weighed on his mind; makes him restless and nervous.

Ailanthus Glandulosa. Even things spoken of a moment ago are forgotten. Constant
loss of memory.

Oleander. Weak memory and forgetfulness with slowness of perception.

Ambra Grisea. Cannot remember even the simplest words or facts owing to nervous
exhaustion; premature old age; changing from one subject to another.

Conium. Weakness of memory; forgetfulness, inability to sustain mental effort.

Kali Brom. Loss of memory with potency; anaemia; emaciation; single words
forgotten; syllables dropped.

Zincum Phos. Mental weakness varies from mere forgetfulness to imbecility (idiocy
of lesser degree). Burning along the spine; dull aching about the last dorsal or first
lumbar vertebra, worse sitting, also worse from study or exertion. Weakness,
trembling and twitching of the muscles of the extremities. Extreme restlessness of the
legs and feet. Violent erections and emissions following drawing pains in the testicles
and spermatic cord.

Medorrhinum. Forgetful of facts, figures and names; of what he has read, makes
mistakes in writing, of spelling and words. Time moves too slowly, everybody moves
too slowly.

Natrum Carb. Forgetfulness with nervous and physical exhaustion; inability to add
up figures; forgets what he reads. In reading a page, the one previous to it soon goes
out of the mind. The memory will not hold out from the beginning to the end of a

Lycopodium. Uses wrong words, syllables and letters, spells wrongly or omits parts
of words. Confused thoughts. Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he

Sulphur. Very forgetful. Cannot recall names and recent events; stupid and confused;
avoids conversation; cannot find proper words or misplaces words while talking or
writing; sad during the day and happy during evening. Broods and speculates but does
not work.

Rhododendron. Loss of memory; words are omitted while writing; sudden

disappearance of thought; forgets what he is talking about.

Rhus Tox. Incapability of mind for continuous thought. The patient meaning to write
12 will write the figure 1 but cannot recollect the figure which should follow.

Stramonium. Uses wrong words, cannot find right words.


Mercurius Viv. Great gamblers. Sometimes spending money freely and sometimes

Sulphur. Gamblers with habit of thieving. Tobacco users.






Capsicum. Is the head remedy for home-sickness. He has red cheeks. Sleeplessness.
In school, children cannot study or work and want to go home.

Iris Tenax. Gloomy. Cast down, home-sick feeling.

Acid Phos. Ailments resulting from home-sickness.

Ignatia. Changeable mood, silently brooding, sad, tearful. After shocks, grief,


Nux Vomica. Marked irritability; ugly, desire to kill members of his family, also
himself. Sensitive to noises, odour, light and cold; finds fault about his food, clothes
etc., all caused by sedentary habits, excess in food or drinks, especially alcoholic.

Actea Racemosa. A female remedy when the attacks of depression and melancholia
come before the menses. Afraid of imaginary executioner who may be a nurse, a
physician, a friend, a rat, a mouse, a cat or a dog. Not fit to live yet afraid to die.

Calcarea Carb. Apprehensive, fear of death, of misfortune, of losing mind, of
contacting disease; paroxysms of anguish with weeping and sobbing; dreams of the
dead and other unpleasant objects.

Staphisagria. Suited for nervous system affecting brain and sexual organs. Wants to
be alone to tell his symptoms. Face haggard; eyes dull, hands trembling, cold clammy
sweat all due to masturbation and sexual excesses. Sensitive to both mental and
physical expressions.

Phosphorus. Timidity or irresolution due to sexual excess or masturbation. Patient

may be of Tubercular diathesis. Violent, loquacious, delirious, weeping, sad,
hysterical. Brain weak, idiocy.

Aurum Met. Extreme despair; disgusted with himself; wants to commit suicide, but is
afraid to die. The male patients scold and curse; the females sob and cry. Both are
poor sleepers; the women sobbing in their sleep, the men swearing. Self
condemnation, self reproach, self criticism are the main symptoms. Imagines he
cannot succeed in anything and he does everything wrong. He feels he has neglected
his friends and his duty and therefore not worthy of salvation.

Sepia. Sadness about one’s health and her domestic affairs; fits of involuntary
weeping and laughter; great irritability, alternating with indifference; dread of being
alone and yet great excitability in company; anxiety with fear about real or imaginary

Natrum Mur. Sad and weeping patients who dislike consolation and detest those who
offer it; joyless, taciturn, tired of life, hateful, vindictive, moved by trifles.

Conium. Hypochondriasis due to abstinence from sexual intercourse.


Ignatia. Sensation of chocking with marked constriction of the chest; profuse

secretion of a clear watery urine with an indescribable odour; convulsions; twitching
and jerking of groups of muscles; crying and laughing alternately. Use mother tincture
during the attack and thereafter in higher dilutions. Head remedy for hysteria. A
woman who loses her child or husband suffers from headache, trembling,
sleeplessness and excitement. She is unable to control herself. Thinks that she has
neglected some duty. Does foolish things of which she is so proud and thus exhibits
them. She is crazy in her excitement. If this trouble recurs in spite of Ignatia, give Nat
Mur. Which is chronic of Ignatia.

Actea Recemosa. It has a mixture of choreic and hysteric convulsions involving both
the nervous and the muscular systems. Great depression. Aggravation of all symptoms
before menses. In this remedy the cause generally is the irregularity in menses or
other uterine or ovarian diseases.

Asafoetida. When the fit is caused by a ball rising from the abdomen. Regurgitation
of food during the attack. Urinary affections. Globus hystericus which is pronounced
by pressure in the oesophagus, tightness of throat.. Nausea with frequent swallowing.

Cicuta Virosa. With loss of consciousness accompanied by involuntary twitching and

jerking of the muscles, especially of the arms and fingers.

Pothos. Given in ten drops doses of the mother tincture. Is specific for hysteria.

Cinnamonum. When attack goes off with eructations, nausea and vomiting. Profuse
and prolonged bleeding during menses.

Magnesia Mur. Spasms, fainting, globus, bearing down in uterine region, uterine
spasms, menses black with pains in back. Leucorrhoea after every stool and uterine
spasms. Digestion disturbed. Faints at dinner; relief from eructations. Palpitation
better on moving about.

Senecio Aureus. Hysteria due to suppression of menses.

Ipecac. Hysteria with nausea and vomiting.

Valeriana. Nerves irritated. Cannot keep still; tearing cramps, better when moving.

Nux Moschata. Loss of memory. Forgets past evernts. Forgets that she was talking to
her son the whole day. Forgets even what she was doing immediately before, if
disturbed. Drowsiness, faintness. The state varies from bewilderment, in which the
surroundings are strange, dreamy or fanciful, to a condition of absent mindedness,
sleepiness and finally deep stupor with loss of emotion and sensation; alternating
moods, laughs at one time and sad at other. Errors of perception. Objects look larger
that what they are but they begin to look normal as she continues to look at them
steadily. Bodily agony. Dropping of the head and the chin on the chest. It rolls as if
bulky. Dryness of mouth and throat, palpitation of heart. Enormous tympany.

Hyoscyamus. Hysteric fits with little or no convulsion; fits of long duration lasting
for two or three days with unconsciousness. Patient crying and laughing alternately in
fits. Cannot bear touch of finger even on abdomen.

Moschus. Is suited when the patient faints readily. One cheek is red and cold and the
other pale and hot. Excited, scolding, fainting, coldness, spasms of glottis and lungs.

Platina. Is indicated in violent mania or lofty supercilious (haughty and

contemptuous) mood.

Lilium Tigrinum. For hysterical women. She can hardly speak decent words.
Extreme irritation, full of fanciful notions, insanity, religious melancholy, and
imaginations with cardiac affection. Bearing down as if all the interior organs were
dragging down.

Castoreum. Nervous attacks preceding undeveloped hysteria, nervous colic,

twitching of muscles with extreme exhaustion. Pains better from pressure. Menstrual
colic with pallor and cold sweat.

Thyroidinum. Hysteria when preceded by oedema of limbs and face. Attacks coming
on at the time of menses.

To cure the tendency to attacks of hysteria, the following medicines may be tried:-

Zincum Val. 30; Sepia 30; Moschus 6; Kali Phos 30; and Scutellaria tincture or 1st

Ammonia Carb. Hysteria with dyspnoea, fainting fits, uneasiness and exhaustion
from mition. Give in 200 potency or above.

Natrum Mur. Is chronic of Ignatia. It should be given after that medicine stops
acting. Alternate weeping and laughing, unable to control her affection and falls in
love with a married man, domestic servant, coachman etc. She knows that she is not
wise yet she cannot help it. The use of this remedy will turn her mind into order.

Tarentula H. Singing and dancing without control; dancing mania; strikes head. Pulls
hair, tears up clothes and destroys things; strikes herself and others. Mocks at old
people about their ages. Attacks end in comatose sleep.

Conium. Hysteria due to abstinence from sexual intercourse.

Causticum. Worse during menses. Worse from exposure to cold dry wind.


Tuberculinum. Treatment should be started with this remedy. It should be given in
1M dilution once every fortnight along with other indicated remedies.

Baryta Carb. Head remedy for idiocy. Children are mentally and physically dwarfish
and do not grow or develop; swollen abdomen; take cold easily. Swollen tonsils. It
may be alternated with Tuberculinum in 1M dilution.

Calcarea Carb. Apprehensive, worse towards evening, fears loss of reason,

misfortune. Forgetful, confused and low spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy.

Baryta mur. Children who talk with their mouth open and talk through the nose.
Appearance stupid.

Calcarea phos. Weak, thin and anaemic patients; peevish; always want to go

Syphilinum. An intercurrent remedy when Tuberculinum and Baryta Carb, do not

completely cure or when they have proved ineffective. It may be necessary to
alternate this remedy with other remedies mentioned above.

Aethusa. Idiotic children who cannot assimilate due to mental repletion. Although
working to limit for an examination he finds it useless to attempt further studies.
Confused, cannot retain what he has been taught.


Iodium. Violent impulses in hot patients who always want cool air and bathe in cold
water. An impulse to beat somebody without rhume or reason. Impulse to kill himself
without any cause, but he resist it. Uncontrollable and sudden impulse to kill or
destroy something. Impulse to run away.

Aurum Met. To commit suicide by throwing himself from a height or from a

window. Thoughts of suicide. Impulse to jump.

Nux Vomica. Wants to cimmit suicide but lacks courage. Impulse to throw her child
into fire.

Arsenic Alb. Impulse in a barber, who is a cold patient and desires to be in a warm
room, to kill his customer with razor when shaving.

Argentum nit. Impulse to jump into the river or out of a window.

Lyssin. Impulse to commit suicide particularly by drowning.

Alumina. When he sees sharp instrument or blood, impulses rise within to kill

Platinum. Inspiration to kill her child; irresistible impulse to kill her husband whom
she loves passionately and with whom she is perfectly happy.

Staphisagria. Impulse to throw things on some body who has caused even a trifling
and imaginary irritation.

Hepar Sul. Impulse to be violent and commit murder without being offended and
without cause. The modality of this remedy and that of Ars. Alb. Should not be
overlooked. Both are chilly and are sensitive to cold; they want warmth and heat,
whereas Iodium patient is hot and wants to be in cold atmosphere.

Mercurius Sol. Desire to kill persons contradicting her. Impulse to kill or commit
suicide or violent things. Fear of losing reason in order to carry out impulses.


Ambra Grisea. Indifference towards all things, to joy, to grief, to people etc. Treating
with indifference things that would break the heart of a well balanced person.

Acid Phos. When due to sexual excesses which caused debility; towards affairs of
life. Indifferent state of mind to all things. Shows no interest in life or in the outside

Arnica } After concussion of the brain.

Cicuta }

Phosphorus. Indifferent towards dearest friends due to the bad effects of alcoholism.
Idifferent even to his own children.

Cyclamen. Due to mental disturbance, during climacteric period. i.e. the period when
menses stop in after the age of 40.

Fluoric Acid. Indifference towards those whom he loves best, yet likes strangers.

Sepia. Great indifference to one’s family or occupation and to those who love her/him

INSANITY. (Melancholia) (See also “MANIA”)

Hyoscyamus. The patient is talkative, quarrelsome, restless and wants to uncover. He

is spiteful and hypochondriacal. Foolish laughter. Makes ridiculous gestures. Rushes
at people with knives. Strikes and tries to murder those he meets. Fancies men are
swines. Peculiar fear of being bitten by beasts. In despair wishes to end his life by
drowning. Thinks he is in the wrong place, foolish laughter almost always jolly; talks
in a hurried and cheerful manner; intensely jealous; inclined to uncover the body and
expose the sexual organs; sings amorous and obscene songs.

Belladonna. When there is a congestion in the head, bloodshot eyes and the patient is
furious. Tears clothes, strikes, kicks, howls and shrieks.

Acid Fluor. The stage of insanity when the patient will sit in the corner and say
nothing all day, never uttering one single word and hardly answering when spoken to

Stramonium. Acute mania without the head symptoms as in belladonna. Sees and
hears imaginary persons and things, melancholy, terrified, loquacious; desires light;
avoids food and drink, saying they are poisoned; restless, trembles, has involuntary
stools and urine. Insanity during pregnancy.

Agaricus M. Fearless, threatening, destructive frenzy; turns against himself and

injures. Prophesying; making verses. Cheerful and careless mood. Says foolish and
silly things. Sings and whistles at an opportune time.

Aurum Met. Perverted mind. No love for living, wants to commit suicide. Depressed,
dejected, hopelessness, low spirited. Considers himself unfit for this world. Broods all
the time. Better in hot weather and aggravated by cold.

Argentum nit. Progressive paralysis of the insane.

Silicea. Post-influenzal insanity.

Tarentula H. Insanity with sudden changes of mood in which she will strike herself
and others; tear and destroy. Sudden violent and destructive movement. She will be
sorry and apologize after paroxysm. Fears of some thing going to happen; fears of a
thing does not exist; sees terrible things that are not there. Sings and dances with
complete loss of control. Strikes head and pulls hair; restlessness; eyes wide open and

Lachesis. Religious mania. Self-conceit, envy, hatred and cruelty. An improper love
for self. Jealousy, suspicion. When she sees someone in whispering conversation, she
thinks they are talking about her.

Cann. Ind. Mania with exalted ideas, time passes slowly. Space seems infinite.

Euphorbinum. Insists on saying his prayers at the tail of a horse.

Ars. Alb. And Veratrum Alb. In alternation every two hours for a week. When the
insanity is accompanied with intermittent fever, double rise. Patient lived in a damp

Natrum Sulph. Insanity and mental trouble from injuries to head.

Lyssin 200. Insanity with mental symptom of dislike for water or bathing, not even
desire to drink water. Wants to jump from the roof of his house.

Kali Brom. Violent on hearing some particular name and seeing any particular object.

Causticum. Insanity with violent delirium, mental exhaustion, hopelessness, despair

after suppression of eruptions with outer application.

Baryta Mur. Any form of mania with increased and strong sexual desire. Increasing
muscular weakness and enlarged glands.

Cyclamen. When menstruation brings relief of melancholy.

Sulphur. Scattered ideas. Unable to collect his thoughts, Hasty. Walks briskly. Would
spit on his food. Puerperal mania or insanity. Lost all interest in family after
childbirth. Does not even feed the baby. Wants to remain quiet. Give in 1000 potency.

Crocus. Violent outburst of rage to kill his dearest friend or relative and immediately
thereafter he would repent. Alternating mood. Laughter followed by tears.

Thuja. Patient feels as if he is make of glass and therefore tries to protect himself by
wrapping papers or other material next to skin. Hates touching anything for fear of its
breaking into two.

Melilotus. This remedy is indicated in the following combination of symptoms:-

1) The patient wants to run away, wants to kill himself, vicious, threatens to
kill those approaching him, thinks there is devil in his stomach contradicting
all he say.

2) Wants to hide, as she thinks that other people are looking at her, nervous,
timid and does not want to talk aloud as she is afraid. Insomnia.
3) Mania to escape and kill herself.
4) Religious melancholy.

Veratrum Alb. Wants to destroy things, tears up his clothes, marked violence and
destructiveness, wants to be busy praying for hours on his knees; believes he is the
risen Chirst. Puerperal mania and convulsions with coldness and cold sweat. It is
claimed to cure one third cases of insanity. Religious mania. Inconsolable. Runs about
in the room. Looking upon the ground, or sits brooding in a corner. Wailing and

Sepia. Climacteric mania with dyspnoea and constipation. Hot patient. Give in 200

Staphisagria. Insanity due to masturbation. Wants to curse and abuse everybody

approaching him.

Phosphorus. Insanity due to masturbation or excessive sexual indulgence; insanity

resulting from pthisis; cerebral and spinal softening or other wasting disease.

Iodium. Later stage of insanity when anxiety reaches the brain at a terrific speed. He
forgets what he just thought and becomes anxious. Brain seems to get no rest and the
speed of thoughts coming into the brain make him mad. Overcrowding of ideas during
meals while eating. Talkativeness; ideas come so rapidly to the brain than he can talk
for hours with enthusiasm and over-confidence. Clairvoyance.

Anacardium. Insanity with great weakening of memory, difficulty of concentration.

Apathy, hypochondria, melancholia etc.

Aurum Ars. Insanity of fanatics; of drunkards; of religious persons. Lamenting

loquacity and laughter. Loathing of life. Extreme irritability. Obstinate and easily
offended. Reproaches himself for having done wrong. Reproaches others for
imaginary injury.

Bufo. Inclination to bite.


Hyoscyamus. With attempts to murder, with rage and distrust; with erotic mania. Bad
effects of jealousy.

Apis M. In women. Suspicious and jealous worse from heat, hot rooms and hot bath.

Lachesis. With frightful images, tendency to mock, ridiculous ideas. From ailment.
Wife does not trust her husband or husband his wife; always watching their actions
and movements. Looking for trouble. Jealousy and suspicion in girls. Suspicion about
their girl friends.

Pulsatilla } Try these in the given order, if the above remedies fail.
Nux Vom. }

LOVE- Disappointed

Acid phos. When it causes drowsiness.

Helleborus. When it causes amenorrhoea.

Hyoscyamus. In despair, epilepsy, inclination to laugh, melancholy. It is also useful

in suicidal mood with tendency to drown himself. Jealousy. Unhappy love with

Ignatia. When disappointed love causes silent grief. A sensitive young girl finds that
she misplaced her love; the young man has disappointed her, she will become
philosophical and sensible by the use of this remedy.

Natrum Mur. Disappointed love. Wants to break connection on that account but
cannot do it. Try this when Ignatia fails.

LOVE- Falling in.

Natrum Mur. For misplaced love. Cannot control passion and falls in love with a
married man or with domestic servant which she should normally avoid. She feels she
is unwise in her efforts, but she cannot help it. The use of this medicine will turn her
mind into order.



Opium. Is useful in the cause of persons who are in the habit of telling lies.

Calcarea Carb. Inclination to steal and tell lies.

Morphinum. Tell lies. Irritable, fault-finding. Dream-like state.


Baryta mur. Any form of mania with increased sexual desire.

Melilotus. Wants to run away or kill himself, vicious, threatens to kill those who
approach him. Religious melancholy.

Stramonium. Violent mania with tendency to commit murder. Inclination to stab or

bite. With anxiety. Burrows his mouth in the ground like a pig. Desire for light and
company. Clasps hands. During pregnancy. Religious mania. Wants to pray all the
time. Great loquacity expressing wild and absurd fancies. Hallucination with delirium.
Pureperal mania. Talkativeness, throws himself about. Worse from light and better in
the dark.

Cocculus Ind. When mania is caused by suppression of menses.

Hyoscyamus. Comical. Wants to be naked, puts off his clothes. Mania with jealousy.

Veratrum Alb. Desires to cut and tear everything, especially clothes. Wants to kiss
everybody. Violent. Excited state of religious frenzy.

Lachesis. Mania after domestic calamity. Before epileptic attack. Religious mania.
Full of wickedness; self-conceit, envy, hatred and cruelty. She would annoy her
relatives and friends by telling them the story of the damnation of her soul for all the
awful things she has done. Thinks she has committed unpardonable sins for which she
must go to hell about which she is reading in religious books.

Opium. Mania with frightful vision. Indecent.

Sepia. Mania during profuse menses or at the climacteric period when the menses
stop suddenly and the interest in family is lost.

Pulsatilla. Mania during suppressed menses.

Belladonna. At one time merry, but would again spit and bite at those around him. IT
stands half way between stramonium and hyoscyamus. Startles and jumps, falling on
waking from sleep.

Mercurius. Mania. Throws away clothes at night. Tears clothes and scolds. Talks and
scolds much to herself. Frequent spitting, spreads the saliva out with her feet, licks
some of it up again. Licks cowdung and mud of ponds, does no harm to anyone but
resists when touched. Strong inclination to catch passing strangers by the nose when
taking a walk.

Tarentula H. Mania; at first quarrelsome and then starts abusing everyone, destroys
whatever she can lay hands on, tears her clothes, laughs and sings; mocks at old
people about their age. Attacks end in a comatose sleep. Wants everything to be in
motion. Cannot bear to see any one. Wants her relatives to move about round the
house without any aim. She does not want any body to sit idle and be lazy.

Sulphur. Philosophical mania. Doing nothing but meditating all the time as to what
caused this and that thing and finally leaving to Divine Providence and then asking
who made God and who was his father and so on.

Actea Recemosa. Following disappearance of neuralgia.

Cuprum Met. Mania; attacks end in sweat.

Platina. After vexation.

Iodium. Better from quietness and meditation.

Calcarea Carb. Religious mania. Religious minded, sense of proportion lost as a

result thereof.

Camphor. Puerperal mania with eyes convergent, sparkling and staring, pale face and
cold forehead. Scolds in abusive language. Skin dry.

Nux vom. Mania caused by sleeplessness, prostration and excitement.

Ustilago M. Mania for bathing. Impulse to commit suicide particularly by drowning.





Lycopodium. Head remedy for avarice or miserly habit.

Pulsatilla. Miser, covetous, distrustful, absent-minded and low spirited.

Arsenic Alb. To take away miserly habit when the above remedies fail.


Lycopodium. In calculating; in syllables; in using words; in spelling; in writing.

Nux Vom. In measures and weights he gives wrong answers.

Glonoine. } Mistakes localities. (Try these meidicines in the given order.

Nux Mos. }

Natrum Mur. Tendency to make mistakes in speaking and writing.

Cannabis Sat. Makes mistakes in writing and speaking and misunderstands what he
reads and hears.

China. Using wrong words or misplacing words.

Lachesis. Mistakes in writing words.

Thuja. Makes mistakes in reading and writing. Speaks slowly as if at a loss for the

Xarophyllum. Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last
letters of the word first. Mis-spells common words.

Alumina Silicate. Making mistakes in speaking and writing. Forgetful, indifferent,

irresolute; deficiency of ideas.


Lachesis } Mocking at others and at relatives. Try in the given order.

Platinum }


Caladium. Extreme nervousness, afraid of his own shadow. Awakes all night with
lascivious thoughts, apprehensions, especially before going to sleep. Afraid of the
future. Foolish boldness. Startled by the slamming of a door or the rattling of a

Iodium. Extreme nervousness. Throws away articles and breaks them. Wants to beat
persons without reason. Forgetfulness, weakness and irritability.

Acid Phos. Nervous debility due to continued grief, over exertion of the brain, sexual
excesses or any nervous strain on the body or mind.

Castoreum. Nervousness and irritability after typhoid fever, nervous attacks

preceding undeveloped hysteria. Twitching of muscles with extreme exhaustion.

Apis M. Nervousness in girls with restlessness, excitability, ill-timed laughter

together with fickleness at work. Awkward, dropping things and then laughing.

Kali Phos. Is an excellent and head remedy for nervousness.

Lac Can. Oversensitive. For example a patient lies in bed for days with the fingers
separated, would go wild if they touched each other.

Natrum carb. Perturbed from least noise, the slam of door, nervous excitement and
palpitation with prostration. The rattling of paper causes palpitation, irritability. Music
causes tendency to suicide.

Coffea. Nervous excitement, sleeplessness, weeping delirium, neuralgia, twitching of

muscles, toothache, face ache, red face and hot head, specially due to joy or pleasant
surprise or when the patient has been labouring for some great cause.

Colocynthis. Irritation and nervous exhaustion due to business affairs having gone
wrong or in a woman watching her husband day and night to keep him away from
other women.

Conium. Nervousness in widows and wodowers who have suddenly been deprived of
their sexual relations. Weakness of body and mind, cannot concentrate. Trembling,
jerking and twitching of the muscles. Nervous, broken down condition, tired of life.

Kali Iod. Nervousness and mental exhaustion; worse when resting and by constant
movement and walking. Harsh, cruel and irritable.

Crotalus Hor. Nervousness, trembling, tremulous, weakness. Sudden and great
prostration of vital forces. Talkativeness.

Aurum Met. Dejected and full of grief. Dissatisfied with everything. Melancholy,
imagines he is not fit for this world; longs for death which gives him joy.
Quarrelsome, peevish, vehement, cannot stand the least contradiction.

Camphor. A medicine of extremes. At first extreme violence, excitement and frenzy

and later irritability disappears and there is loss of sensation with unconsciousness and
coldness. Prostration and exhaustion.

Nux Vomica. Quarrelsome. Disposed to scolding even to violence. Cannot bear

strong odours, bright light, any noise or speaking. Irresolute.

Cocculus. Brightened look. Little concern for his own health; Very anxious about
others’ sickness. Extreme irritability of the nervous system. The least noise or jar is
unbearable, limbs straightened out and held there for a while are painful when flexed.
Activities of the mind and body, slow producing paralytic weakness.

Theridion. Highly sensitive nervous condition with weakness, trembling, coldness,

anxiety, faintness and easily excited, cold sweat. Extreme sensitiveness and morose,
worse closing eyes.

Gelsemium. Complaints from fear, shock and embarrassment. A soldier going into
battle gets involuntary stools. Involuntary discharge from fright and surprises
accompanying fright.

Argentum Nit. Sudden attack of diarrhea when preparing for meeting a friend or a
stranger or when dressing for an opera; all this is due to nervous excitement.

Kreosote. Mentally very irritable, wants numerous things but refuses when offered.
There is nothing that will suit him and nothing satisfies him.

NEURASTHENIA (Nervous prostration, brain-fag or exhaustion) (See also


Kali Phos. An excellent remedy for neurasthenia. It is especially useful for the young
who were born weak or deficient in nerve power. Shyness and nocturnal emission,
utter prostration after coition and sexual power diminished are the main symptoms.

Strychnia Phos. This remedy is thought to be the on next to Kali Phos. It is indicated
in irregularity of nerve power, at times too much, at other times too little; a lack of
control of both mind and muscles. It is also given in general anaemia.

Picric Acid. This comes next to Strychnia Phos. Weakness both mental and physical
is its ranking symptom and aggravation from exertion is its leading modality. Tired
feeling on least exertion; no desire to talk or to do anything; wants to lie down; poor
appetite; general sense of torpidity.

Ambra Grisea. Compelled to dwell upon most disagreeable things that force
themselves upon him and he cannot get rid of them. Fleeting inquisitiveness. Dwells
upon most disagreeable things that force themselves upon him and cannot get rid of
them Nervous wreck and mental prostration due to shocks such as deaths in family,
businees failure etc.

Natrum Mur. Delights to dwell upon past unpleasant occurrences and lies awake at
night brooding over them. It is chronic of Ignatia and therefore complementary to it.

Argentum Nit. When Kali Phos. Fails, try this remedy, in particular when there is
loss of co-ordination, loss of nerve and muscle control, with limbs trembling. When
about to meet an engagement, he is anxious, breaks into a sweat with anxiety; when
going to a wedding or opera or to a church, the anxiety is attended with fear, even
with diarrhea. Craving for sweets which disagree. Nervous melancholia, headache
with coldness and trembling, brain fag, vertigo. Pains better by light bandages and
pressure. Feeling of strangulation in throat, belching and vomiting of thick mucus,
gastritis which is worse by warmth and at night.

Zincum Phos. Exhaustion of brain and nerves when it is due to epilepsy or its
maltreatment. It is also useful for the result of worry in businessmen and of close
application of mind in students. Memory weak; inability to think; frequent attacks of
vertigo which are better by lying down; patient is listless, apathetic. Impotency due to
sexual excesses. The remedy should be continued for a long time in changed potency.

Hypericum. Nervousness of any kind that may be due to shock either on account of
change of place or accident with a car etc. The speech becomes jerky and hesitating.
The patient may keep quiet and take no interest in life.

Anacardium. Nerve exhaustion due to over study or seminal emissions. Memory

weak, feels that he is double, there are strangers on his either side; her husband is not
her husband and her child is not her child; mind and body separated. Different
influences exerted on him at the same time. One to do harm and the other to do good.
All seems dream and nothing is real in this world.

Argentum Met. Disturbance of memory and intellectual part of man. Inability to
reason. Inability to think. Labouring with intellectual faculties in businessmen,
students, readers and thinkers.

Aurum met. Ailments from grief, disappointed love, fright, anger, contradiction,
mortification. He broods silently over his state and his hatred of the world. He tells
nobody about his state of mind and then commits suicide.

Conium. Unable to sustain any mental effort. Want of concentration. Cannot fix
attention on anything. Perception slow.

Digitalis. Horrible anxiety, wants to be alone, sadness, melancholy, despondency and

restlessness. Indecisive. Irregular, weak, slow pulse. Inability to apply himself.

Cypripedium. Nerves shattered by long illness, excessive indulgence in tea or coffee;

mental excitement following influenza.

Magnesia Carb. Exhausted nerves of worn out people by excesses of the cares and
worries of life. Give 200 dilution.

Zincum Met. Sensitive to noise, to crumpling of paper, to talking or listening even to

his dearest friends.

Mephities. Given in low potency tones up the nervous system and removes

Apis M. Nervous girls with restlessness and excitability, ill-timed laughter together
with fickleness at work. Awkward, dropping things and then laughing.

Carbo Veg. Inability to perceive or to feel things irrespective of the fact whether they
are pleasant or unpleasant. Horrible things, when told, do not seem to affect him
much, nor pleasant things give him pleasure. School boys and girls who are slow to
learn and suffer from night terrors. They will not sleep alone, or go into a dark room
without someone with them.

Centaura Tagaana. Stupidity and confusion of mind. The patient dashes here, there
and everywhere. Starts doing one thing and leaves it incomplete, and starts another
and so on; thus keeping everything incomplete. Slow and unable to concentrate.

Ignatia. Nervous break-down with headache; trembling sleeplessness after the loss of
child or husband. She weeps and is sleepless; unable to control herself; is ashamed of

Tuberculinum Bov. Loss of love. Does not love her husband or children. Mental
disability. All these symptoms with tubercular history.

Calcarea Carb. Irresolute, timid, restless and nervous; fears he is unwanted, fear of
failure, confusion and inability to think. Internal tension, depressed, anxious; ill at
ease with women. Worse in cold wet weather.

Naja. Forgetful, absent-minded, suicidal tendency, brooding over imaginary things.

Moved to tears by slightest emotion. Anxiety about his sexual inability even though
the desire is there. As if everything were done wrong and could not be rectified.
Increased perception of what he ought to do and an uncontrollable inclination not to
do it. Stupid, confused.

Sanicula. Wandering of mind; cannot keep to anything, starts a thing and drops it to
pick up another. No appetite, tongue coated, mouth dry. Worse in warm and closed
room. Give in 1M potency.

Cocculus. Thoughts are fixed on a single disagreeable subject; absorbed in thoughts

and sees nothing about her. Appearance of imbecility. Mind seems blank. Looks into
space and slowly turning the eyes towards the questioner answering with difficulty.
Neurasthenia due to nursing the sick with anxiety, worry and loss of sleep. This does
not apply to professional nurses. His mind works slowly, forgets what he has just
read. Confusion of mind.

Lac Can. Despondent, hopeless, nothing worth living for, her disease is hopeless; has
not a friend in the world; weeping mood; cross and irritable. Child cries and screams
all the time.

Staphisagria. When a person is dissatisfied with the treatment of his superiors,

although he has done his best and strained himself to the utmost to earn appreciation.
He suffers in health as a result and this remedy will improve instantly.

Nitric Acid. Vexed at least trifle. No disposition to work, to perform any serious
business. Mind weak and wandering. Weakness of memory. Great anguish of mind
from loss of dearest friend. Over exertion of mind and body from nursing the sick.

Drosera. Full of mistrust as if he has deal with false people. Uneasy. Sad disposition.
Imagines to be deceived by spiteful envious people. Fear of listening to something

Sepia. Nevous and jumpy. She wants to go away from everybody and everything, and
lie down alone in the dark and close her eyes. If she can get ten minutes sleep she

would be a changed woman. Dull, indifferent, tired, irritable. She has a stupid and dull
look. Dullness of intellect, thinks slowly and is forgetful.

Platinum. Physical symptoms disappear when mental symptoms appear, and vice
versa. The body suffers when mind is cheerful and the body is in comfort when the
mind is affected.

Silicea. Wakes in the morning crying that his hands have gone to sleep. Thinks only
pins, fears them, searches them and counts them carefully. Has been looking
everywhere for pins.

Tuberculinum. Constant desire to change, to travel, to go somewhere and do

something different. Persons on the border-line of insanity.

Theridion. Every sound seems to penetrate though the whole body, causing nausea
and vertigo. Every shrill sound penetrates the teeth.

Sterculia. It regulates the circulation, is a tonic and anti-diarrhoeic, regulates cardiac

system and acts diuretically. Weak heart.

Alumina Phos. Aversion to answering questions and to company very excitable and
forgetful. Chronic effects of grief and thus it follows Ignatia. Mental prostration.
Useful after sexual excesses and prolonged mental efforts. Mental breakdown at the
end of college life. Wants to lie down all the time as slightest exertion or walking
brings all the symptoms. Absent-minded. Nervous debility. Indifference, irresolution,
deficiency of ideas. Brain-fag after prolonged mental exertion.

Cannabis sat. Hears hissing whisper to kill himself. This is an order from the Most
High Command.


Chamomilla. Children obstinate. Will not do things as they are asked to do. Will cry
for things but refuse when offered.

Calcarea Carb. Constitutional remedy for obstinate children who are inclined to
grow fat.

Staphisagria. Ill-humoured children who cry for things but refuse when offered.

Nux Vom. Resists wishes of others; insanity; in menorrhagia.

Argentum Nit. Very obstinate and has the queerest objection to whatever is proposed.
Full of strange thoughts. Wants everything cold; cold air, cold drinks and cold food.
Feels suffocated in warm room.


Aurum Met. Peevishness alternating with cheerfuness.

Lycopodium. Peevishness in diarrhea or on awaking.

Chamomilla. Peevishness in children during dentition, with dyspnoea.

Ferrum Met. Peevishness, intolerance of contradiction, quarrelsome.

Petroleum. Very peevish. Would beat anyone without provocation.


Colchicum. Perception diminished in typhoid.

Baryta carb. Perception diminished in constitutionally weak children.

Plumbum. Perception slow. Slowness in feeling. Paralytic dementia. Operations of

the mind are slow. All this may lead to paralysis.

Agaricus Mus. Perception lost, takes long steps and jumps over small objects as if
they were trunks of trees; a small hole appears as a frightful chasm, a spoonful of
water an immense lake.


Allium sat. Fear of being poisoned.

Hyoscyamus. Suspicious of being poisoned. Give one dose in 1M dilution.

Lachesis. Imagines her relations are trying to poison her and she refuses to take food
through them.


Palladium. Wounded pride. Fells that he/she has been insulted by deeds or words.

Platinum. Mental traumatism. Feels hurt on slightest contradiction; deeply wounded;
cut to heart; broken-hearted.

Lycopodium. Stiff and pretentious. Overbearing.

Lachesis. Pride, mania. Self-conceited. The Envy, the hatred, the revenge and the
cruelty are the characteristics of the man.

Ferrum Met. Pride. As an intercurrent remedy when well-selected remedies fail.

Sulphur. Pride. As an intercurrent remedy when well-selected remedies fail.



Graphites. Sadness worse during music. Thoughts of death.

Platina. Sadness with aversion to men.

Plumbum Met. Sadness, melancholia, feeling as if something terrible would happen;

that she has sinned away the day of grace; that she ahs committed unpardonable sin.
Thinking makes her worse. Sleeplessness.

Ignatia. Sadness after grief.

Aurum Met. Sadness and imagines she has lost affection of friends.

Aconite Nap. Sadness about future.

Acid Phos. Weakness caused by sadness.

Aurum Foliatum. Melancholy; he feels he is not fit for the world and therefore longs
death with utmost delight.

Cocculus. Melancholy and sad. Sensitive to insults. Easily offended. A trifle makes
him angry.


Gelsemium. Shy of appearing in public, bashful; cowardice, vacant feeling of the

Baryta Carb. } Shyness due to lack of self-confidence, fear and cowardice.

Kali Phos. }

Sulphur. Timidity with tendency to be frightened.

Alumina. Timidity alternating with assurance.

Coca. Bashfulness with great mental excitement.

Pulsatilla. Shyness with timidness.


Medorrhinum. Sleeping in knee-chest position. Even the adults assume that position
whilst sleeping.

Cocculus. Can hear what is going on when asleep, even snoring.

Muriatic acid. Tendency to slide down to the feet of bed.

Ignatia. Sleep so light that he hears everything in it. Dreams all night of the same

Cadmium Sulph.} Sleeps with eyes open.

Ipecac }
Lycopodium }

SLEEPINESS (Narcolepsy)

Cimex. Irresistible sleepiness.

Cyclamen. Sleepiness, moroseness, lassitude, stupor, disinclination to work, great

dejection and melancholy.

Indol. Sleepiness with lassitude. Wants to lie down all the time. No desire to work.

Natrum Sulph. While reading.

Phosphorus. After anger or after laughing. From weakness.

Pulsatilla. While eating.

Arnica M. } When answering. (this state generally occurs in typhoid, intermittent

Baptisia } fevers, influenza etc.)

Magnesia Carb. After eating. While standing.

Sulphur. After stools.

Aethusa. After stools or after vomiting.

Hyoscyamus. After mental exertion.

Naja. Sleep profound like a log with stertorous breathing, a typical reptilian state.

Natrum Mur. Sleepiness and drowsiness after meals.

Causticum. Intense sleepiness during the day, can scarcely resist it, must lie down.

Chelidonium. Drowsiness which is so marked even in the open air, that she is near
falling asleep while walking.

Kali Brom. Drops asleep in chair.


Coffea. Is indicated wide-awake condition; impossible to close the eyes; physical

excitement through mental exaltation. After happy news, after overwork which brings
joy and after pleasant surprise, but not form discomfort or pain. Due to prolonged
watching or abuse of drugs.

Senecio. For sleeplessness from prolapsus of uterus. Utrine irritation during


Cypripedium. When due to the overcrowding of the brain with all kinds of pleasant
ideas, Little babies often wake up and play the whole night to the annoyance of their

Mag Carb. Sleeplessness from oppression in abdomen or from anxious uneasiness

and internal hear, with a great dread of being uncovered. Sleeplessness from flatus.

Kali Phos. Head remedy for sleeplessness, especially during the latter part of the
night. The patient is a nervous wreck due to business worries and excessive mental

Muriatic acid. Sleepy, but unable to sleep; tosses about; dreamy and restless all
through the night. Irritable.

Causticum. Sleeplessness at night on account of dry heat, cannot rest in any posture.
He cannot get quiet position.

Ferrum met. Can sleep only by change of position of the bed with head to the north.

Ignatia. Sleeps so light that he hears everything in it. Dreams all night of the same
object. Sleeplessness due to anxious thoughts, grief, sadness or any depressing
emotions. Restlessness with a tremor passing through the body.

Arnica Mont. Sleeplessness caused by over-exertion and weariness of mind and


Aconite N. Sleeplessness form anxiety, restlessness, anguish and fear; child tosses
about feverishly.

Arsenic Alb. Sleeplessness due to fear of air raids etc.

Opium. For sleeplessness when coffea fails.

Sulphur. ‘Cat nap sleep’ Sleeps all day and is sleepless at night.

Clematis. In the morning sensation of not slept enough.

Passiflora Inc. A very useful remedy for sleeplessness, but it should be given in
massive doses of mother tincture, viz. 10 to 30 drops a dose.

Ambra Grisea. Sleeplessness arising form worries of mind as from business trouble.
The patient retires to bed feeling tolerably tired, yet as soon as the head touches the
pillow he becomes wakeful.

Tabacum. Sleeplessness or insomnia due to nervous break down.

Bellis P. Waking up too early in the morning and cannot get to sleep again. Use
mother tincture.

Cocculus Indica. Sleeplessness due to night watching, not of professional nurses but
of relatives who have to nurse patients with worry and anxiety. Thinking of the
business of the day prevents sleep.

Scutellaria Lat. In nervous patients who are very intelligent, ambitious, active. They
are the head of a society or business concern but cannot sleep well and continue
brooding over the society and business affairs. Sleeplessness due to nervo-bilious
headaches located at the base of brain.

Nux Vom. Sleeplessness in drunkards or when it may be due to abuse of coffee or tea
or deranged stomach.

Belladonna. Sleep is extremely restless due to congestion in the head. Cannot close
the eyes, as he sees dreadful images on doing so. Children wake from sleep

Hyoscyamus. Sleeplessness from nervous excitement. Brain full of bewildering ideas

and images. Sleeplessness in children who twitch, cry out, frightened and tremble.
Irritable and easily excited individuals.

Chamomilla. Sleeplessness due to pain.

Gelsemium. For insomnia of brain workers. Useful for men who pass restless nights,
awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs.

Cannabis Ind. In obstinate form of insomnia with irregular sleep. Give in mother
tincture in 10 drop doses.


Calcarea Carb. Inclination to steal and tell lies. Takes away habit of stealing money.
Motiveless dislike for certain persons.

Artemisia Vul. Habit of stealing in epilepsy.

Stramonium. Habit of stealing in mania.

Staphisagria. General tendency for stealing.

Sulphur. Habit for stealing in tobacco users or gamblers.

Opium. Habit of thieving and telling lies.


Veratrum Alb. Craving to swallow his own stool or urine.

Suicidal Tendency (See also “IMPULSES”)

Anacardium. By shooting and by no other means. Wants to commit suicide but too
timid to carry it out. Give in 1M dilution.

Rhus Tox. Wants to throw himself through the window and yet fears death. Wants to
drown himself, if near the water; on entering kitchen also endeavors to get into the
stove and burn to death. The patient is in constant motion and lamentation.

Calcarea carb. Wants to commit suicide by stabbing himself.

Capsicum. Persistent thoughts to commit suicide but does not want to kill himself
and resists the thoughts. (He has no desire to commit suicide. When there is a desire to
commit suicide, select other remedies, it is not capsicum).

Alumina. A low spirited patient. He doubts, if he is himself. Evil ideas come to him
and he wants to make short of his intolerable existence by cutting his throat. Suicidal
tendency on seeing knife or blood.

Agnus Castus. Suicidal tendency with aversion to her husband, baby and to sexual

Aurum Met. Sovereign remedy for insanity with suicidal ideas. He wants to shoot
himself or throw himself from a height. Wants to commit suicide by drowning, as she
is of no use in this world. All this is due to brooding silently and not telling anybody
his worries.

Antim Crud. In sentimental insanity. From non-gratified craving the patient gets
gloomy and peevish and wants to end his miseries by shooting or drowning himself.

Natrum Sulph. Another great remedy for suicidal mania. He is in constant need of
restraint lest he might do himself bodily harm. He dreads music which will make him
melancholy. This suicidal tendency is generally because of an injury on head. Impulse
to self-destruction yet he fears it, as he does not want to die. Aversion to company.
Does not want to speak or to be spoken to.

Ustilago. Tendency to commit suicide by drowning in water.

Ignatia. Wants to end sufferings by eating phosphorus from matches after business

Zincum Met. Suicidal thoughts with depression and melancholy. Too timid to
commit suicide. Desire to torment someone. Give in 1M dilution.

Cannabis sat. Hears hissing whisper to kill himself. This is an order from the most
high command.

Argentum Nit. Strange thoughts when on a height. In crossing a bridge he thinks that
he might kill himself by jumping into the water or when looking out of high window
he thinks it will be awful to jump out of it. Sometimes these impulses actually
persuade him to jump out.

Gelsemium. Wants to commit suicide as a result of having been accused of theft etc.
by some persons. He takes the accusation to heart and ends his life.

Iodium. Wants to kill himself without any cause but he resists it.

Lac Vacc. Deff Loss of memory, listlessness and aversion to mental work; sadness,
desires death and meditates upon the easiest method of self-destruction.

Medorrhinum. Tendency to commit suicide; gets up and takes his pistol but is
prevented by inner will.



Lachesis. Thinks people are talking about him or about her. Suspicion of being put in
asylum or being poisoned. Feels under super-human control and is commanded to
steal or murder which he must obey. Jealousy.

Hyoscyamus. Suspicion of being poisoned. He is being pursed and people have all
turned against him. Suspicion of being watched by the members of his family with
whom he had a misunderstanding; changes clothes every day to avoid being
recognized by them; does not want to leave the house. Suspicion that his wife is
untrue to him.


Causticum. Extreme sympathy for the sufferings of others.

Nuphur. When Causticum fails.


Agaricus M. Sings, talks, but does not answer, indifference, fearlessness. Delirium,
characterized by singing, shouting and muttering rhymes and prophesies.

Actea R. Incessant talking, changing from one subject to another as in delirium


Sticta P. Great desire to talk about anything, does not care weather anyone listens,
can not keep her tongue still.

Hyoscyamus. Very suspicious and talkative. Obscene and lascivious mania; uncovers
body; inclined to laugh at everything. Low muttering speech. Talking or crying out in
sleep. Talking to himself. Delirious-Repeats one thing several times.

Cannabis Ind. Incoherent talking. Exhalation of spirits with excessive loquacity.

Laughs immoderately. Losing himself every few moments. Knows that he is talking
nonsense but he cannot help it. Shouts, makes verses extempore. Does not know
whether he existed and if so for what purpose. Extreme loquacity with mobility of

Lachesis. Head remedy for talkativeness. Wild excitement. Sad, no desire to mix in
world. Restless and uneasy. Wants to be as someone all the time. The talking is so
rapid that as soon as someone starts saying something he will take it up and finish the
story although he never heard about it. Makes speeches in select phrases but jumping
off to the most different subject; lack of sequence. Sometimes the sentences are only
half finished and she takes it for granted that you understand the balance.

Crotalus. Talkativeness with mumbling, jumbling and stumbling over his words. A
low passive state like intoxication. Lachesis patient talks clearly without mumbling or

Stramonium. Ceaseless talking, laughing, singing, swearing, praying, rhyming.

Rapidly changes from joy to sadness. Delusion about his identity, thinks himself tall,

double, a part missing. Cannot bear solitude and darkness. Must have light and



Aethusa. Inability to think or fix attention. An excellent remedy for students who
have no mind to study.

Cajuputam. Thinking of thousand things in a minute.

Cannabis Ind. Absorbed in thinking with closed eyes.

Coffea. Full of ideas, thinks of thousand things when lying awake; hears the clock on
the distant steeples; hears the dogs barking; memory active, full of ideas; thinking
increased and debates.

Onosmodium. Want of power of concentration or co-ordination.

Argentum Nit. Thinking causes diarrhea, dimness of vision.

Osmium. Thoughts of accidents which occur to others; make him think as if he were
to do the same injuries to others.

Baptisia. Inability to think in Typhoid fever.

Acid Phos. Inability to think after coition.

Terebinthina. Inability to think. Disturbance of memory and the intellectual part of

man; headache and pain in back.

Nitric Acid. Thinking over past troubles.

Bryonia. Thinks he is away from home, wants to be taken home.

Crot Tig. Cannot think other man himself.

Stramonium. Wild thoughts.


Pulsatilla. It incidents whether joyful or sad. Cries when telling her symptoms. On

Moschus. Weeping alternating with laughter.

Natrum Mur. Marked tendency to weep. Worse from consolation.

Coffea. Weeping from sudden pleasant surprises, pains, hurt feelings and neglect.

Camphor. Desire to weep with eyes dry.

Stramonium. Weeping loudly. Weak minded with inclination to give offence and feel

Kali Phos. In religious mania.

Platina. In silence.

Sepia. Weeps when questioned about her symptoms.

Allium sat. Weeping during sleep.

Medorrhinum. Cannot speak without weeping.

Carbo An. Weeps when she eats.

Lycopodium. Weeps when receiving a friend or meeting an acquaintance. When



Anacardium. Contradictory thoughts, one positive and the other negative. One to
commit murder and the other to do otherwise.


Stramonium. When person is witty but indecent.



Magnesia Phos. An excellent remedy for writer’s cramps when due to long use of
hands and fingers and chorea when there is relief by heat. Give in 1M dilution.

Gelsemium. Head remedy for cramps, trembling of hands. Lack of muscular control.
Cramps in the muscles of fore-arm.

Rhus Tox. Fingers stiff, pain more in the tendons than in muscles. Better from rest
and dry warmth (except the stiffness), like heat of electric pad.

Aconite N. Paralytic weakness of the arm and hand especially when writing. Tingling
in the fingers when writing.

Cupurm Met. Jerking and twitching of muscles. Coldness of hands. Cramps in

palms, great weariness of limbs.

Stramonium. Weakness of the fingers with slight cramping.

Actea R. Trembling of fingers when writing.

Zincum Phos. This should be tried when all other remedies have failed. Cramping of
the fingers in patients suffering form paralysis with the beginning of degeneration of
the brain.

Muriatic acid. Spasmodic pain like cramp on the ball of the right thumb when
writing. It goes off when moving the thumb.

Sulphuric acid. Writer’s cramp, tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries.

Lead poisoning.

Ferrum Iodatum. An excellent remedy for writer’s cramp.

For curing ‘Nervous-system’ it is essential to have knowledge of our nervous system
which includes (1) Brain (2) Spinal Cord (3) Nerves.

Brain. is a very complicated and most delicate part of our body kept by ‘Nature’ in a
very safe and hard box within our head. It has mainly three parts:

(I) CEREBRUM (Upper Part) which controls our senses, feelings & memory
(II) CEREBELLUM (lover part) which coordinates our body functions and
maintains different equilibriums.
(III) MEDULA OBLANGATA – is a bulb like organ which controls circulation
of blood and the functions of Heart, Lungs and Glands.

Besides these three parts. “SPINAL CORD” placed within the back-bone is our
second brain and conducts all sensations and impulses to brain and carries the order of
the brain for action to different parts of the body.

NERVES are the fine fibres whose network runs in all parts and organs of our body.
They convey the impulses & sensation of different parts of the body & vice-versa.

This system’s working is effected by our feeling, mental shocks and stresses and
physical strains. Heridity and constitutional defects also play an important role in the
proper functioning of this system, while taking up a Nervous-system case following
observations are important:

(1) What and where has it been effected

(2) Cause of the start of the disease
(3) General symptoms
(4) Specific symptoms
(5) What part has been effected
(6) Heredity and constitutional impact if any?

Only after careful study all these, can you prescribe the correct medicine, Potency &
the Dose-interval.


Diseases of Nervous System


Aconite N. Full pulse with great anxiety of mind and body. Restlessness. When due to
chill or sudden fright. Redness of the face. Give in 1X dilution every 15 minutes
during attack.

Belladonna. Great redness of the face with congestion in the head. Fall and rapid
pulse, pupils dilated. Give in 6th dilution and repeat every 15 minutes till attack

Opium. Cerebral apoplexy, jaws dropped, pupils dilated, hot sweat, one sided
paralysis. Coma with dusky red face and stertorous breathing, when due to sudden and
excessive joy; slow and laboured pulse. This is the head remedy and should be given
in 1M dilution every week.

Glonoinum. Intense heat, shining skin, cold extremities, stertorous breathing, the
coma are the guiding symptoms.

Nux Vomica. Is complementary to Opium for completing the cure, but is useful
independently in patients of bilious, sanguine or nervous and irritable temperament. Is
also indicated in persons who have indulged in wines and liquors.

Ignatia. When due to concentrated grief or when the exciting cause is depressing
emotions and the patient possesses nervous temperament.

Lacesis. Frequent abstraction of mind, giddiness with congestion. Pains deep in the
brain especially the left side. Stiffness of joints. Face pale and puffy.

Pulsatilla. Lethargy; loss of consciousness; bloated and bluish red, pale and puffy
face. Attacks occurring after full meal which has been hurriedly swallowed. Palpitaion
of heart with pulse entirely suppressed.

Ferrum Phos. In anaemic and pale persons. Pulse rapid, slow and wiry.

Helonias. Violent pulsations of the heart shaking the chest and abdomen.
Unconscious with twitching of the muscles.

Gelsemium. Drowsy, slow in movement, tongue paralyzed, pulse slow, full but soft;
pupils dilated.

Strychnia Phos 3X. Fatty degeneration of muscular tissues. When the speck seems to
have come from the heart undergoing fatty degeneration.

Arnica Mont. Apoplexy due to injury. Head hot and body cold. It should be given
when sensibility is recovered. Soreness and aching all over the body.

Formica. If apoplexy is due to weakness of the brain. It strengthens the brain and
stops recurrence.

Laurocerasus. Apoplexy occurring suddenly without warning, with palpitation, cold

moist skin and convulsions of the facial muscles.


CHOREA (Deisease of the nerves attended with involuntary twitchings) (See also

Ignatia. Chorea due to fright, threat, punishment, or bad news. After grief or after
emotion. Tingling in limbs, pain in joints. Obstinate and irritable.

Cuprum Met. After seeing a child in convulsion creeping under table. Choreic
movement starts in fingers and toes and extend to limbs. Better during sleep, but when
awake terrible contortions and awkward movements start again.

Stramonium. Chorea preceded by inclination to weep, with laughing and sprightly

humor. Rotates the arms and clasps the hands over the head.

Nux Vom. Spinal chorea with unsteady gait and dragging of the feet. Constipation.

Causticum. When right side is more affected than the left, the muscles of the face,
tongue, arms and legs are all involved. Words are jerked out when talking. Patient
continually changes position until he falls asleep exhausted. Children who have learnt
to walk fall easily, clumsy in their gait.

Mygale. For uncomplicated cases of chorea. The legs are in motion while sitting or
dragged while attempting to walk.

Agaricus Mus. Cerebral chorea with twitching and spasms of the eye-balls and
eyelids. Spasmodic motions of the extremities which run diagonally, i.e. it affects
upper part of one side and the lower part of the other.

Tarentula His. Chronic movement of right leg and right arm which continue even at
night and are brought on by fright, grief etc. Restlessness with sensitiveness of spine
and trembling. The patient can run better than he can walk. Diversion of mind,
especially music relieves.

Zincum Met. Constant motion of feet which may continue during night, especially
when brought on by suppression of eruptions or by fright.

Actea Recemosa. For spinal irritation with rheumatism mostly in females at the time
of puberty and the menopause. Going crazy, talkative. Frequently changing from one
subject to another. Jerking of the muscles when in a state of emotion or from
becoming chilled. Jerking of the side lain on or the parts pressed. Numbness or jerking
of the muscles.

Thaspium. Chorea, hysteria, epilepsy, Suicidal; depressed, laughing and weeping

moods alternate.

Ferrum Ars. Chorea due to anemia (loss of blood).

Rhododendron. Chorea of left leg, arm and face, worse at the approach of storm.

Avena Sat. Nerve tremors of the aged; numbness of limbs as if paralysed.

Viscum Alb. An excellent remedy for chorea with vertigo.

Hyoscyamus. Limbs cold, trembling and numbed. Convulsive movements and

shaking; eyes prominent, cries, grinding of teeth. Symptoms manifest after eating or

Laurocerasus. Constant jerking; twitching, cannot keep still. Peculiar sensations are
gasping; coolness of forehead, weight on top of head; extremely nervous.

Arsenicum Alb. Trembling of limbs, chiefly the arms. Trembling of limbs in

drunkard. Sensation of torpor in limbs as if dead. Emaciation.


Baryta Carb. In apoplexy.

Antim Tartaricum. With suffocation; in bronchial catarrh; awakened by cough.

Opium. With stertorous breathing, involuntary urination and stool. Uraemic, pulse
full and slow.

Acid hydrocyanicum: With cerebral congestion interrupted by sudden convulsive

movements. After epileptic seizure.

Zincum Met. From cerebral exhaustion. On disappearance of eruptions.

Gelsemium. In cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Lachesis. During labour.

Glonoine. From exposure to sun.

Helleborus. In concussion of the brain.

Baptisia T. }
Phosphorus} In typhoid fever.
Arnica. }

Crotalus H. In septic fever; in apoplexy.

Bufo. After epileptic seizure in persons who abused their sex by masturbation etc.

Terebinthina. Coma which can be roused only by shaking but falls immediately into
it again. Staggering gait as if drunk. Insensibility of extremities.

Aluminium Metallicum. In diabetes. Give 200 dilution.

Sulphur. Before and/or during epilepsy.

Platina. Puerperal convulsions.

Ranunculus Bulbosus. In epieleptic fit from drinking liquor.



Belladonna. Head remedy for convulsions. Head hot with throbbing pain, eyes staring
and pupils dilated. Pulse full and bounding. Convulsions during teething. The child
becomes rigid suddenly. Convulsions in children which come on suddenly, head hot
and feet cold. Give 200 dilution and repeat every month fourth day till recovery.

Cocculus. Convulsion after loss of sleep.

Gelsemium. Convulsions associated with fever. Rigidity of the back and neck
preceded by aching and pain in shoulders. The eyes roll from side to side, the patient
is restless and intensely hot, but moist.

Cina. Convulsions due to irritation in intestines fro worms or from indigestion. The
child is cross and has a variable appetite. An unhealthy skin due to intestinal irritation.
Twitching of facial muscles.

Hyoscyamus. Falls suddenly to the ground with cries and convulsions. Convulsions
of children, especially from fright. Convulsions after eating.

Calcarea Carb. Convulsions due to rickets or convulsions occurring during dentition

or pneumonia.

Aethusa. Convulsions especially in children with great weakness and prostration with
sleepiness. Dosing of the child after vomiting and after stool with convulsions. Eyes
turn downwards instead of up or sidewise. There is appearance of sunkenness in the
face with pearly whiteness on the upper lip, bounded by a distinct line from the outer
nasal orifice to the angles of the mouth.

Helleborus. Convulsions due to suppressed eruptions such as measles, constant

chewing motion, automatic motion of one hand and foot, boring the head in the
pillow. Unconscious. Suppression of urine.

Cicuta Virosa. Violent attacks of head, arms and legs. Convulsions with terrible
distortions of limbs, head turned back into shoulders, spasms of the muscles, face dark
red, lips blue and bloody, froth from the mouth. Convulsions spread from above
downwards and from centre to circumference. Convulsions caused by slightest touch
or jar. After regaining consciousness he remembers nothing of what has occurred.

Zincum Phos }
Aurum Mur. } Convulsions due to degeneration processes of the brain and cord in
businessmen, students, debauches or the victims of epilepsy and of its maltreatment.
These should be tried in the given order.

Cuprum Met. Convulsions with blue face and clenched thumbs. Vomiting during
convulsions. Puerperal convulsions in cholera. The attack begins with jerking and
twitching of the extremities, followed by rolling of the eye-balls which finally become
fixed and turned upward. Convulsions spreading from extremities to centre. Better by
cold drinks which if given in the beginning will alleviate the suffering.

Sulphur. When well selected remedies fail to respond. This may be given as an
intercurrent remedy in 200 dilution.

Nux Vomica. Convulsions with consciousness due to bad digestion. Chewing motion
of the jaws. After abuse of alcohol.

Chamomilla. Convulsions in children from nursing after a fit of anger of the mother.
During dentition, if belladonna fails.

Opium. Convulsions in children form nursing after sudden fright of the mother. Child
wakes frightened, screaming and crying until the spasms set in. Worse from heat and
hot application.

Glonoine. Convulsions of children due to heat or from congestion in the head during
dentition. To be tried if belladonna fails. During spasms fingers and toes are spread
apart. Difficulty in breathing and audible palpitation.

Veratrum Viride. Uraemic convulsions with dim vision, spasms, dilated pupils,
opisthotonos, cold, clammy perspiration.

Gratiola. Convulsive conditions without loss of consciousness.

Arnica. }
Hypericum.} Convulsions immediately upon birth in forceps delivery or long
impaction of the head. Give in the given order in 1000 potency every two hours until
cured; four doses of each. In Arnica is hot and the rest of the body cold.

Secale Cor. Convulsions and twitching of muscles of various parts with the fingers
spread widely apart. Rigidity of the body which at times alternates with relaxation.

Stramonium. Violent convulsions involving every muscle of the body, opisthotonos,

violent distortions, contraction of the limbs, biting of the tongue. Convulsions due to
fright or dreadful dreams with consciousness; renewed by exposure to bright light.
Sight of water, light or mirror or anything glittering brings on convulsions. Cannot
bear solitude or darkness. Convulsions arising from suppression of eruptions.


Belladonna. Violent delirium with bloodshot eyes. The patient tears the clothing,
bites, strikes, kicks, howls, shrieks and wants to get away from some imaginary
persons. Extremities cold, head hot; heat and burning all over the body; wants to run
away; wants to jump out of window on account of violence. Disposed to bite with
convulsions; in congestion; fever; sees monsters; with distortion of face indentation;
grinding of teeth; disposed to strike; difficulty in swallowing; on disappearance of
tumor. Visions of rats, mice, etc.

Hyoscyamus. After being harshly accused of theft; with glistening eyes, with great
physical activity; talking from jealousy; from hysteria; of imaginary wrongs; wants to
unclothe himself. Hyoscyamus is in between Belladonna and Stramonium in intensity
of the disease. Sings obscene songs. Delirium accompanied by periods of stupor.
Talking to himself.

Stramonium. This is the third remedy in the trio for delirium. The first two remedies
are belladonna and Hyoscyamus. Calls for someone to console; full of the fear as if
dogs were attacking him; furious delirium, but not so furious as in Bell. Or
Hyoscyamus. Talks to spirits or hears their voices. From joy; queer with sexual
excitement, shy and wants to hide himself. Laughs incessantly, absurdly, claps hands
and opens eyes. Noisy with hallucinations. Incoherent murmuring. All hallucinations
are fright and terror producing. Sees things black instead of red. Urine suppressed.

Agaricus M. Great mental excitement, cheerfulness, courage, loquacity, incoherent

talk, melancholy. Delirium with inclination to make verses and to prophesy and to
kiss companions.

Lachesis. Muttering delirium; In erysipelas of scalp, on shutting eyes; in afternoon or

after sleep; delirium tremors. Stupor on account of suppression of measles. Pale,
anaemia of the face with expression of sadness in diphtheria; vision of snakes and
other hideous objects, choking sensation in throat and springing out of sleep suddenly
as if in dream.

Bufo. Delirium with dysentery.

Plumbum. Delirium alternated with colic. Delirium due to the idea that his life is in
danger from assassination or poisoning and that everyone around him is a murderer.

Cuprum Met. Delirium in cholera, desires to escape. Delirium due to suppression of

discharges or eruptions.

Veratrum Viride. Delirium during child-birth, fever or puerperal delirium. Uraemic
convulsions. Abdomen bloated, and eyes staring and wild, both hands in constant
motion; pulse weak; violent palpitation of the heart.

Arsenic Alb. Delirium with depression, restlessness, fear of death, fear of being
alone, suicidal tendencies. Anaemia of the brain and of the whole body.

Actea Recemosa. Delirium tremens, sees all sorts of objects of various colors and of
many forms; rats, snakes, lions, bugs, flies, etc. Is talkative and changes constantly
from one subject to another. Irritability, restlessness and sleeplessness are marked.

Nux Vom. Delirium tremors, when the patient is cross, irritable, ugly all due to use of

Baptisia. With deafness, in diphtheria.

Opium. For old sinners who destroyed their constitution by excesses. Visions of
animals springing up from various parts of the room. They see ghosts, devils, etc. with
whom they converse.

Cannabis Ind. Ideas of grandeur and errors of perception as to space and time.

Cantharis. Violent delirious state intermingled with sexual ideas and talk; sings lewd
songs and talks about human genitals, urine and faeces.

Calcarea Carb. The moment the patient closes his eyes he sees fearful visions which
compel him to open them again. Sees and plays with animals (due to nervousness).

China. Sees objects and people when closing the eyes and they disappear when
opening. Great debility, loss of appetite with irresistible desire to sleep after eating, or
sleeplessness alternately. Anaemia.

Zincum Met. Delirium with high temperature, unconscious, jerking of the limbs.

Cocculus. Delirium at onset of menses with mental symptom of delusion as if

something alive is rolling on the walls, floors, chairs etc. and would roll on her.

ENCEPHALITIS (Inflammation of the brain)

Gelsemium. Chilliness down the back which makes her shake; long and exhausting
heat; headache with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders, dullness, vertigo,

listlessness, dizziness, watery bland discharge from the nose, face hot, heavy, flushed,
eye-lids heavy, dim-sighted, loss of muscular control.

Arsenicum Alb. When degenerative changes in the brain or any organ begin.

Hyoscyamus. Cerebral inflammation, congestion of head and face; violent throbbing.

Giddiness. Delirium violent.

Stramonium. Inflammation of brain, with heat and pulsation of vertex. Delirium

tremors. Delusions about his identity. Must have light and company.

Helleborus. Inflammation of brain with stupefaction. Weakness of memory.

Melancholy. Drowsiness.

Argentum Nit. Acts on mucus membrane, especially of the alimentary tract. It has
deeper action on the brain, i.e. more deterioration, more destruction of nerve cells than
Gelsemium, but its action on muscular system is less marked.

Baptisia. Wandering, muttering, delirium, stupor, falls asleep during conversation,

mental confusion, head feels sore, too large, breath fetid, offensive.


Causticum. Epilepsy at the age of puberty due to menstrual irregularity or

suppression of eruptions or to some fright, worse during new moon. Involuntary
urination. Better by drinking cold water.

Passiflora Inc. Attacks coming on at the menstrual period. The aura is a tight feeling
in the chest.

Oenanthe Crocata. Sudden and complete unconsciousness with terrible convulsions.

Non-appearance of menses in young girls which lead to epilepsy and convulsions;
worse at the time when menses should have appeared. Special indications:- vomiting,
tympanitis and semipriapism during the attack. Swollen red face with frothing of the

Plumbum. When due to cerebral sclerosis or tumors. Heaviness and paralytic

sensation before the attack and there is often paralysis and prolonged snoring
thereafter. Constipation severe.

Belladonna. In recent cases only. The convulsions begin in the upper extremities and
extend to face, eyes and mouth; fits of short duration several times during the day and
passing off suddenly.

Argentum Nit. Caused by fright or at the time of menses. Dilatation of pupils for
days or hours before the attack and restlessness and trembling of hands after the
attack. Sharp cry. Violent muscular twitching, especially of the throat. Complete
unconsciousness with frothing at mouth; often bites her tongue, then deep sleep for
about three hours. Fit brought on by taking sweet fruits.

Cuprum Met. The aura begins in the lower extremities and ascends to the
hypogastric region when unconsciousness, convulsions and foaming of the mouth
supervene. The patient continuously protrudes and retracts tongue during the attack.
Worse in a warm room. Oppressive headache preceding the attack.

Natrum Mur. Twitching of arms and legs before and during the attack; aversion to
bread. Dullness, difficulty of thinking, depression and irritability. Aura begins in the
arms or may be as if mouse ran up the leg to right side of abdomen. Attacks preceded
by vertigo, sleep, gritting of teeth, nausea and vomiting, froth at mouth. Trembling.
Body jerks, legs rapidly drawn up, hands clinched, thumbs not drawn in. Chronic
cases of psoric taint, suppressed itch.

Nux Vomica. Convulsions with consciousness, worse with anger, touch, emotion,
moving, indigestion. Convulsions with titanic rigidity, opisthotonos, red face and
closed eyes. Involuntary defecation and urination in fit. Aura from epigastrium. Deep
sleep follows the attack. Worse in open air.

Kali Brom. When the fit comes at the new moon and headache follows the fit. Mental
dullness, slowness of expression, vertigo, uncertain gait, morose and sleepy.

Luna. Epilepsy worse at full moon.

Bufo. When due to masturbation or sexual excesses. The fit may return during coition.
An awful sensation of anxiety in the abdomen and then there is a sudden loss of
consciousness. Pupils largely dilated and unaffected by light before the attack. Aura
starts from sexual organs or abdomen. Mouth wide open before an attack and
dropping of the jaw after the attack. Urine passes involuntary after the attack or
epilepsy occurs during sleep.

Baryta Mur. With distension of blood vessels, emaciation, fainting spells.

Complaints worse in spring. Formication all over the body.

Artemisia V. The fits are caused by violent emotions, the convulsions come close
together, and then follows a long interval of rest.

Alumina. The fits come on mostly while passing stools.

Absinthium. When the fit is preceded by trembling, vertigo and giddiness. Loss of
memory after the attack. Give in mother tincture or lower dilutions.

Ignatia. Epileptic fits which occur after mortification or great fright from anger with
silent grief; from anxiety; unhappy love.

Thuja. Epileptic fits occurring after vaccination when pustules disappear which had
appeared as a result of vaccination. Ears feel numbed before attack. Give in 1M

Stannum. Epilepsy during dentition with symptoms of worms. Pale face with
twitching of hands and eyes, with tossing of limbs.

Lycopodium. Obstinate persons with a very logical mind. Contemptuous of those he

consider fools, yet personally lacking in self-confidence. Worse in the afternoon.

Silicea. Epilepsy in slender, tall, dark, chilly, arrogant, thirstless persons, constipated
with clammy, sweaty palms and unhealthy skin. Nightly attacks occurring about new
and full moon.

Viscum Alb. For epilepsy when vertigo persists after the attack.

Calcarea Carb. Epilepsy in children with open fontanelles and late dentition;
sweating of the head and neck. Dread of an attack and broods over his affliction which
makes him melancholic. Epilepsy due to suppression of eruption, orgasm or sexual
excesses. Sensation of something burning in arms, or from pit of stomach downwards;
sudden attack of vertigo, loss of consciousness without convulsions; chewing motion
of mouth before the attack. Confusion and loss of memory. Headache, dizziness, thirst
and hunger after the attack.

Cicuta Virosa. Sudden rigidity followed by jerks and violent distortions, oppression
of breathing, lockjaw, face dark red, frothing at the mouth with opisthotonos; great
prostration after the attack. Epileptic fit with swelling of stomach. Thumbs turn
inwards during fit. Remembers nothing after the attack. Staring at the same object and
if she turns her head away she falls unconscious. The fit is worse by slightest touch or

Thaspium. Hysteria, epilepsy and chorea with suicidal tendency; alternate laughing
and weeping; chorea specially during sleep; fidgety lips. Lameness in arms and
spasmodic twitching. In male, lassitude after coition. In female, pain left ovary with
retarded menses.

Hyoscyamus. Twitching and jerking with frothing at the mouth and biting of the
tongue. Humber previous to attack. Epileptic fit due to fright. Before the fit there is
vertigo, ringing in the ears, spark before the eyes and gnawing hunger. During the fit
face is purple, eyes projecting; shrieks; grinding of teeth and enuresis followed by
spoor and snoring.

Agaricus M. In epilepsy when after the attack there is great flow of ideas and the
patient talks too much. Fit of epilepsy every seven days. Begins with paroxysm of

Ferrum Phos. For patients who are reverse of Belladonna, viz. anaemic, weak,
nervous, face pale, mucus membrane pale.

Glonoine. Most violent, pulsating and pressing headache thirty-six to forty-eight

hours before or after the attack. It is worse in warm room and by warm application.
Feeling of heart-beat throughout the whole body.

Sulphur. This should be given as an intercurrent remedy, especially when the cause is
hereditary. It should be given in 1M dilution. It is indicated in tubercular diathesis and
in suppression of eruptions.

Zincum Phos. A remedy for mental deterioration caused by epilepsy of any variety
where the bromides have been in large doses.


Moschus. On slightest excitement, if disposed to hysteria.

Opium and Aconite. When frightened.

Sulphur and Phos. From hunger.

Sulphur, Conium and Podophyllum. After stool.

Magnesia Carb. When sitting for her dinner.

Alumina. When compelled to stand.

Carbo Veg. When compelled to sit.

Lycopodium, Thuja and Murex. Before menses and on lying down.

Acetic Acid. Fainting spells in weak; anaemic subjects; headaches; face pale and
waxy; epistaxis; unquenchable thirst.

Ammonia Carb. Fainting due to poisoning by charcoal fumes.

Opium. Fainting due to inhalation of charcoal gas: drowsy stupor; painless.

Asafoetida. After emission.

Agaricus. After coition.

Sepia. During chill and on exertion.

Nux Moschata. When standing long or without any apparent cause. Tendency to
constipation and piles. When one sees blood or someone in severe pain.

Petroleum. Following palpitation of heart.

Berberis Vul. If from riding in a carriage.

Spigelia. If from mechanical injury.

Crocus. If from bleeding from the nose.

China. If from debilitating bleeding.


Belladonna. Throbbing and bursting headache in temples with fiery red and hot face.
Eyes bloodshot and red. Face flushed. The pains disappear as suddenly as they appear.
Sun headache with full bounding pulse. Unconsciousness.

Gelsemium. Pains beginning in the nape of neck and shift over to head, causing a
bursting sensation in the forehead and eye-balls. Feels as if head is full and big.
Unconsciousness. As if there is a band around the head.

Glonoine. Headache due to working under gas-light, in the sun when heat falls on the
head. Head feels enormously large. Sun-stroke and sun headache without
unconsciousness. Better by cold application or by keeping head high or from long
sleep but not by taking a nap which sometimes aggravates. Violent headache and
wants to jump from the window on that account.

Natrum Mur. When the headache increases with the rise of the sun and stops at sun-
set. Headache with sweat. The greater the pain the greater the sweat. Headache of
school girls or boys, worse on eye straining. Fiery zigzag before headache.
Hammering headache as if hammers are knocking the head. Bursting, compressing as
if in a vice, as if the skull would be crushed in. Headache due to disturbance of vision.
Cannot bear anything on head even heat or pressure. Want’s to fix the head as
slightest jerk aggravates pain.

Spigelia. Nervous headache beginning in the morning at base of brain, spreading over
the head and locating in eye orbit and temple of left side. Intolerable pressive pain in
the eye balls. Tic douloureus of left side. Pain disappears in the evening. Sensation as
though the head were bound around the vertex.

Natrum Phos. Headache at menstrual period with flow thick, clotted, dark lasting
only for day. Gall stone colic. Cold feet. Impulse to commit suicide.

Sanguinaria C. For the same symptoms as in “Spigelia”, except that it is a right-sided

remedy. Bilious headache when going without food. Veins and temples distended.
Headache once in seven days, begins on waking in the morning in occiput and travels
to the right eye and temple; the patient is driven into dark room and has to lie down,
starts vomiting bile which relieves him. Heat in palms and soles. Bursting headache
worse with sun rise. Has false hunger with aversion to thought and smell of food.

Platina. Tic Douloureux. Pain extends backward from right eye which is injected and
waters freely. Give in 1000 dilution.

Cedron. Severe unbearable pain recurring daily at 6 p.m. Tic Douloureux.

Bryonia. Headache when stooping as if brain would burst through forehead. Worse
on motion. Headache brought on by playing or watching the play.

Melilotus. Violent congestive and nervous headache which is relieved by epistaxis

(bleeding from the nose). Congestive headache as though the brain would burst
through the forehead.

Collinsonia. If accompanied by piles and constipation.

China off. Headache, congestive, throbbing and hammering like on temples; worse by
slightest contact and better by hard pressure.

Kali Bi. If headache begins with blurred vision. Sight returns as headache increases.

Kali Cyan. After full meals.

Kali Carb. Headache comes on when the discharge ceases from taking cold and it is
relieved when the discharge is re-established.

Lac Vac. Headache with nausea and constipation or at the time of menstruation;
relived by frequent urination.

Lithium Carb. When headache is relieved by eating.

Ruta. Brought on by reading and eye-strain. Head remedy for eye-strain.

Oleander. As if heavy weight is put on the scalp which is crushing the head; better by
looking side-ways or crossing eyes.

Arnica M. When trauma (injury) is the cause, pain, aching, bruised, occasionally
sharp, as if nails were being driven into the brain; mental confusion. Aching pain is
aggravated by rinsing the head and is relieved by having the head elevated.

Hypericum. Headache due to injury on the spine. It is complementary to Arnica and

removes hypersensitiveness after Arnica has controlled the congestion and the bruised

Nux Vomica. Headache due to indulging in alcoholic and other stimulants. It has
aching pain as if beaten; tensive; heavy; dull; confused; dizzy; sinking and bruised
with associated symptoms of nausea and vomiting of sour and nasty matter.
Ineffectual urging for stool. Headache better in the evening.

Chamomilla. Headache with peevishness. The patient is cross and angry. This
headache occurs normally in patients who use alcohol in excess and take opium to
counteract its effect or who take strong coffee to quieten the nerves.

Chininum Sul. Headache due to abuse of quinine with ringing, buzzing, roaring in
both ears. Violent pulsating pains in the forehead and eyes. Give in 1000 dilution.

Kali Mur. This is another remedy for abuse of quinine when chin. Sul. Fails. It has
noises in the head like chirping of crickets (Grass insects). Give in 1000 dilution.

Iodium. Headache as if tied up with a band, worse by going into the warm room or
near fire. Better in cold room and in cold air and while eating.

Paris Quadrofolia. Sense of expansion of head with headache from spinal origin.

Phytolacca. With increased sense of hearing.

Calcarea Phos. Headache of school girls and boys who apply themselves too closely
to their books especially children who are growing rapidly and whose mental
development is out of proportion to their physical strength.

Thuja. Headache as if a nail were driven into the occiput or into the frontal eminence.

Coffea. Headache as if nail driven into the occiput.

Picric acid. On slightest mental exertion due to softening of the brain. Headache in
school children after reading or after examination. Student’s headache.

Robinia. Bilious headache with gastric symptoms, pain in stomach, sour vomiting and
acidity. Feels as if the head is full of boiling water.

Chloralum. Terrific, dull, heavy, frontal headache of several days duration.

Tarentula His. As if thousand needles were pricking in head; worse by noise, touch
and strong light. Better by rubbing.

Lac Defl. Sick headache begins in forehead extending to occiput with throbbing,
nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation, at the time of menses; relieved
by frequent urination.

Veratrum Alb. Nervous headache with vanishing of sight and icy cold sensation in
vertex better by cold application. (Give 200 potency). Headache that changes the face
almost inducing insanity.

Viola Odorata. Headache begins suddenly without apparent cause with defective

Chionanthus. Specific for sick headaches. Listless and apathetic. Dull frontal
headache over root of nose, over eyes, through temples, worse stooping and moving.
Use mother tincture.

Pothos. For hysteric headaches.

Allium Sat. Headache better on onset of menses, worse thereafter.

Calcarea Acet. Stupefying pressive pains in forehead. Had to stop work and did not
know where he was.

Epiphegus. Nervous headache with characteristic symptom of spitting constantly,

saliva viscid. Headache preceded by hunger.

Ignatia. Nervous headache after grief. Terminates with a profuse flow of urine.
Headache in hysteria. Pain as if a needle or nail was driven into the head.

Lobelia Infl. Headache, Meningitis. Give in 1X dilution two or three drops a dose
every two hours, six times daily.

Lycopodium. Relieved by uncovering.

Aurum Met. Maddening headache as if air was blowing upon him although he finds
no draught. Extremely sensitive to cold. Wants to wrap up his head.

Silicea. Headache relieved by wrapping and covering. Worse in the dark and better in
light. Nervous headache caused by extensive study at school.

Onosmodium. Due to strain, or eye strain, vertigo; nervous headache, neurasthenia.

Actea R. Frontal, vertical or occipital headache with great pain in eyeballs, better by
pressure and worse by slightest motion.

Nux Moschata. Eating a little too much causes headache.

Pulsatilla. Headache due to taking ice cream. Gastric headache. Worse by warmth.

Sepia. Headache, darting pains, right side head and face rolling and beating against
frontal bone; darting and tearing pain in left temple, over left eye extending towards
occiput. Headache on vertex, throbbing, feels as though head would open on top,
worse from noise. Aversion to food of any kind with feeling of emptiness and
goneness sensation in stomach. Better after meals and relieved completely by sleep.

Tuberculinum. Headache in persons with tubercular history in family. The character

of pain as if he had a tight hoop of iron round the head, a distressing sensation of
damp clothes on his spine.

Aurum Ars. Headache with icy cold hands, legs and feet.

Staphisagria. Headache after eating beef. Headache with roaring in ears. Aching
stupefying pain in head, especially forehead. Pains are pressing inwards and outwards;
they are increased on slightest touch.

Calcarea Iod. Pain in the head; binding up the hair makes the pain worse.

Crotalus Hor. Sick headache, vomiting of bile in large quantities. Cannot lie on right
side or on back without producing black bilious vomiting.

Anacardium. Headache relieved entirely by eating; worse during motion and

working. Gastric and nervous headaches.

Chelidonium. Severe frantic headaches that make the patient to chop off her hands.

Cocculus. Pain in the back of the head, as if the parts were alternately opening and
closing. Headache comes on like a shadow. Can hear what is going on whilst asleep,
even snoring. Nervous headache with giddiness, nausea and vertigo. Holds the nape of
the neck firmly with hand owing to the severity of the pain.

Ptelia T. Bilious headaches with burning sensation of skin, face, even breath that
burns the nostrils.

Iris Versicolor. Bilious headache with burning and acidity. Throbbing and severe
pain causes disturbance of vision. Pain is relieved by vomiting which is better.

Psorinum. Headache due to hunger, wants to eat but cannot get enough.

Alumina Silicate. Headache worse by binding the hair; biting the teeth together;
before and during menses; stepping heavily; better by cold air and cold application,
from binding up the head, moving the head and from walking.

Phellandrium. Pain as though a weight were on the top of the head.

Cannabis Ind. Sensation as if head were opening and shutting along the vertex.

Badiaga. Severe headache between 2 and 7 P.M. Vertigo, fullness of head. Worse
cold; better by heat.

Kalmia Latifolia. Headache of occiput; sunrise to sunset. Worse stooping. Vertigo

and confusion.

Jaborandi. Headache everyday at noon. Nausea. Hot flushes and perspiration.

Natrum Sulphuricum. Basal headache as if crushed. Mental trouble from injuries to
head. Vertigo. Stitches in ears. Boring in temples. Worse music and damp weather.

Selenium. Headache caused by indulgence in alcohol or in tea, by hot weather, by

over study and aggravated by strong odors. Increased flow of urine during headaches.

Podophyllum. When headache alternates with diarrhea.

Plumbum. Frontal or occipital headache, usually with colic and bilious vomiting
especially when, with the headache, there is a sensation of a ball rising from throat to

Phosphorus. Headache relieved by cold application and aggravated in warm room

and by warm application. Sense of coldness in the base of brain.

Petroleum. Occipital headache of obstinate nature with nausea and vomiting.

Lachesis. Violent headache during the menstrual period, specially at the time when
the flow slackens. Headache, like the menstrual pain, is relieved by the flow. Bursting
and hammering headache with blood rushing to the head.

Conium. Headache and vertigo brought on by alcoholic drinks. Sick headache

brought on by seeing rapidly moving things.

Alumina. Headaches with nausea and vomiting. Headaches due to offensive crusts in
the nose; watery discharge with aggravation in headache. Relived by eating.

Calcarea Ars. The particularity in this remedy is tat the pain moves from the side lain
on and goes to the side not lain on and the patient continues changing position.

Ambra Grisea. Headache pressing downward and the tearing pain starts from the
temples. Headache when blowing nose; burning in the right eye and the eyelids.
Aggravation after eating.

Fluoric acid. Headache due to non-attendance to the desire to urinate.

Agaricus Mus. Due to scanty urine and constipation; relieved by stool. Intermittent,
drawing and tearing pain in the forehead.

Alumen. Pain at the top of the head with burning like fire and it presses as if the skull
would be crushed in. It is relieved by hard pressure and icy cold application.

Ammonia Carb. Neuralgic and rheumatic pains in the head. Tearing in temples.

Bovista. Pain deep in the brain with feeling as if head is swollen and enormously
large associated with deranged menses and palpitation of heart which also seems

Calcarea Carb. Chronic headache in fatty persons with tendency to sweating of the
face. Icy coldness of the head and clamminess of extremities.

Lycopersicum. Very severe nervous headache all over the head but selling in back of
eyes and temples with great force. Complete relief from tobacco smoke, in warm
room or by external heat.

HYDROCEPHALUS – (Accumulation of fluid in head)

Hedera helix. Give one drop-one dose only. Next morning clear flow of fluid through
the nose will appear and only one dose will cure. Give second dose if recurrence is

Apis Mel. Bulging of the fontanelles. Face swollen and pale; patient is listless,
drowsy, quiet, occasionally startling with a sharp cry. After scarlet fever.

Zincum Met. The patient rolls his head and wakes from sleep as if frightened; the
occiput is hot, the forehead cold; grinding of teeth; eyes sensitive to light; fixed and
starting; nose dry; jerking of muscles during sleep.

Helleborus. Depression of the sensorium is the ranking symptom. Eyes they have but
they see not; ears they have, but they hear not, etc. Automatic motion of one arm and
one leg. Rolling of the head and boring it into the pillow is an important indication of
this remedy. The Cephalic cry is also present. Convulsions are frequent and severe.
Meningitis is a complication. Urine is suppressed and the eyes do not re-act to light.

Calcarea Carb }
Calcarea Phos } The first remedy is indicated in flabby patients with open
fontanelles, extraordinarily large head; skin hanging in loose folds; sweating of the
head. The letter remedy should be thought of in weak puny children; They are peevish
and irritable. Have craving for saltish things. The muscles of the abdomen are sunken.

Kali Iod. This remedy is useful in cases where family history points to syphilis. There
is strabismus, elaborate respiration and convulsions, paralysis and dilatation of pupils
with automatic movement of limbs.

Merc Sol. Hydrocephalus after measles and scarlet fever, stupefaction or delirium,
violent headache, red and fiery eyes.

Tuberculinum – May be given as an intercurrent remedy.

Sulphur. Suitable for scrofulous children, cold sweat, jerking of limbs, congenital

Apocynum Can. Hydrocephalus; forehead projecting; sutures open; stage of

exudation, stupor, involuntary motion of one arm and leg. Sight of one eye lost.
Excretions diminished especially urine and sweat.


Lyssin. The treatment should be started with this remedy. One dose of 200 dilution
may be given and repeated, after 4 hours, be followed by other indicated remedies
mentioned below.

Belladonna. Most violent delirium. The patient is furious, he strikes, bites, tries to
escape, and, if opposed, fights like a demon. Throat dry, red, glazed and painful.
Aggravation from cough, light and jar. A remedy for the first stage.

Stramonium. The same symptoms as in Bell, but in a milder form. Stramonium has
an aggravation from water. It is the characteristic symptom of this medicine. A low
muttering delirium. A remedy for the second stage. Hydrophobia due to the bite of
rabid animals.

Hyoscyamus. When there is persistent insomnia and constant choreic movements of

the muscles of the throat.

Cantharis. Furious delirium; frenzy; excitement. Furious paroxysms of rage; barking;

anxious; restlessness ending in rage, acute mania; all aggravated by touching the
larynx and drinking cold water. Swallowing difficult; contriction with pain; burning,
dryness. High fever.

Agave AM – This is a reputed medicine for this disaease.

FAGUS – Dread of liquids and with salivation.

TANACETUM VUL – Has been used as a substitute for Pasteurian vaccinations with

HYPERAEMIA OF THE BRAIN (Rush of abnormal blood to the brain)

Belladonna. Severe throbbing headache with flushed face. Better by cold application
or by keeping the head high.

Aconite N. Head hot, dry skin, rapid small wiry pulse, great restlessness and anxiety.
Should be thought of in the beginning of the disease.

Hyoscyamus. Delirium with eyes red and sparkling.

Glonoine. Throbbing headache with fullness of head, worse by heat of sun and by jar.

Gelsemium. Passive hyperemia with head enormously distended and full. Dull,
listless besotted expression of the face.

Veratrum Viride. Congestion of the base of the brain. Head hot. Eyes blood shot.
Diplopia. Pulse soft and slow.


Aconite N. Cerebral congestion from heat of the sun or from sudden emotional
excitement. In early stage of the inflammation of the brain. Worse by noise or light.

Belladonna. Severe throbbing headache with flushed face. Better by cold application
or by keeping the head high.

Glonoine. Sensation as if head were enormously large and full of blood. Worse by
bending backward and relieved by motion and uncovering the head. It is
distinguishable from belladonna which has relief by bending backward, but covering
the head and motion aggravate.

Hyoscyamus. Cerebral inflammation with pulsating waves through the head, better by
shaking the head and sitting with head bent forward-opposite of belladonna.

Alumina Silicate. Neuritis with numbness of painful parts.

Magnesia Phos. Congestion of the brain when diarrhea has caused suddenly.
Neuralgia and rheumatic headache.


MENINGITIS (Cerebro Spinal meningitis)

Belladonna. Violent delirium; fights to escape some imaginary objects, blood-shot

eyes, throbbing of carotids, drowsiness broken at times when the patient ourcries as if
frightened. Sensitiveness to noise and light. The pulse is rapid and bounding.
Temperature high. Covered parts moist. Grinds teeth.

Bryonia. It follows well after belladonna, but should never be given in alternation. It
is to be given when Bell has reduced the fever and slowed the pulse. The cough
becomes loose. It is better indicated in rheumatic patients. Benumbed sensation,
stupid looks, stiffness of neck. Abdomen distended.

Tuberculinum. This should never be forgotten and should be administered at the

commencement of the treatment. It is a constitutional remedy and prevents as well as
cures tubercular meningitis. Give a single dose of 200 dilution and no medicine for 6
to 12 hours, unless the patient’s condition demands immediate change to another
indicated medicine.

Apis M. In tubercular meningitis or acute cerebral effusion due to suppressed or un-

developed eruption. The patient cries in sleep with shrill.

Helleborus. When forehead is wrinkled, pupils dilated and the lower jaw tends to
drop. Automatic motion of one arm and one leg. Cold sweat on forehead. The patient
is greedy to take water and he catches the spoon with teeth when water in put in his
mouth. Eyes do not react to light. Complete unconsciousness. Tubercular meningitis.
Complete or partial stupor, sluggishness.

Cuprum Met. When there is loud screaming followed by violent convulsions; the
thumbs are clenched, face pale with blue lips, the eye-balls are constantly rotating.

Hyoscyamus. It is indicated after convulsions have subsided and the patient lies
stupid and unconscious with mild delirium.

Glonoine. Cephalic cry (as if Apis) with sensation as if head were enormously
expanded. Spasmodic vomiting with intense congestion and throbbing of the head.
Meningitis due to sun or heat stroke.

Zincum Met. In cerebral irritation. The child awakes with fear, rolls his head, cries
out and startles in sleep. Indicated in anaemic children prone to develop eruptions.

Cicuta Virosa. With convulsions, frightful distortions of limbs and whole body; with
loss of consciousness; opisthotonos; renewed from slightest touch, noise or jerk.

Mercurius Sol. Cerebral meningitis with effusion of traumatic origin. Cerebro-spinal
meningitis due to suppression of discharges from the ear. With the use of this remedy
the discharge is re-established within twenty four hours and other symptoms or
meningitis disappear.

Aconite. Idiopathic cerebral inflammation, cerebral congestion from anger or

exposure to sun. Fever with fear, restlessness, dry skin and great thirst.

Gelsemium. Complete or partial loss of muscular power, vision and speech; vomiting,
great prostration and debility, throbbing headache, nausea, feeble pulse, laboured

Veratrum Viride. Coldness of body, loss of consciousness, dilated pupils, laboured,

slow irregular pulse, convulsions and cerebral congestion.

Crotalus Hor. Scarlet fever. Pain in limbs, severe headache, delirium, open eyes, red

Opium. Spasmodic convulsions, stupor due to grief, fright, fear. Body rolls side-

Sulphur. In tubercular meningitis. Cold sweat on forehead, jerking of limbs, spasms,

suppressed urine.

Iodine. Useful in tubercular meningitis.

Calcarea Carb. Suitable for phlegmatic temperament, large head, open fontanelles,
pale face, large abdomen.


Scutellaria. In nervous sick headaches which are caused by excitement and over-
exertion. Frequent scanty urination. Give 5 drops a dose of the mother tincture.

Tongo. Migraine and neuralgic affections.

Chionanthus. Migraine due to acidity and sluggishness of liver.

Damiana. As excellent remedy for migraine. It should be given in mother tincture in
15-20 drop doses every 2 hours. In severe cases it may be given every half hour and
the patient will sleep after two doses.

Calcarea Lac. It is useful in T.B. diathesis. Give in 3x dilution.

Iris V. Periodical nervous sick headache which comes on after the patient relaxes
from a mental strain. With school teachers it comes on Saturday or Sunday, and with
preachers on Monday. The patient usually vomits a bitter bilious substance and the
vomiting gives relief to the pains in the head. Migraine of the eye with constipation.
Object could only be seen in halves.

Cyclamen. If Iris V. fails, this remedy may be tried provided migraine is

accompanied with sparkling before the eyes.

Coffea. An excellent remedy for headache caused by loss of sleep following


Ignatia. When due to grief in hysterical patients. Frequent urination, profuse or


Belladonna. Headache in plethoric and healthy persons. The cause is some

disturbance of the circulatory system. The headache is violent, pounding and

Iris Tenax. Headache which begins on Saturday before rising, beginning on left eye
extending thence to left half of head.

MYELITIS (Inflammation of the spinal cord) (See also “PARALYSIS”.)

Belladonna. When the upper part of the cord is involved. Shooting, stabbing pains in
the cord; twitching of the muscles as if touched by an electric spark, high fever.

Bryonia. In stitching, tearing pains in the cord worse by motion; stiffness and
numbness of the muscles.

Arnica M. }
Hypericum. } Pain and inflammation of the spinal cord when due to an injury or blow
on the spine. Pain from least movement; extreme sensitiveness to touch, fear of
attempting to stand or walk.

Plumbum. Much pain in spine, pyrexia, convulsions.

Oxalic Acid. Lower limbs stiff and pain.

Cicuta Virosa. Severe convulsions when the patient screams.

Cuprum Ars. Cramps relieved by pushing against the foot; numb and paralysed
feeling in the leg; frequent urging to urinate.

Strychnia Phos. Myelitis accompanied with fatty degeneration of the heart after
break in compensation.

Alumina Silicate. Congestion of the brain and cord and spinal nerves with marked
burning and stinging pain.


NUMBNESS (Anesthesia) (See also “NUMBNESS OF FINGERS” under


Aconite. Numbness and tingling of recent origin.

Platina. Numbness sensation in small spots, in head, especially in the evening and in
bed; numbness of teeth, crawling in the tongue, numbness of coccyx whilst sitting.
Complains of trembling, numbness, crawling and cramping shocks.

Hydrocyanic Acid. Sudden and complete loss of sensibility.

Coca. Numbness of hands and feet with feeling of internal coldness. Weakness of

Arsenicum. Creeping sensation in hands and feet with numbness.

Morphinum. Numbness of legs and feet with falling on attempting to stand. Icy
coldness of left sole. Twitching.

Mezereum. Paralytic weakness in arms. Legs and feet go to sleep.

Gelsemium. Numbness and weakness of arms. Paralytic affections, muscles weak and
will not obey the will. Prostration of whole muscular system with entire motor

Agaricus M. Parts cold and blue, dead feeling as if frozen. Creeping sensation as of

Secale Cor. Numbness of fingers and pricking of tips. Numbness, insensibility and
coldness. Crawling sensation, worse by heat.

Lachesis. Numbness of hands and fingers; contraction of tendons on waking up in the

morning in patients who are loquacious and worse during night or early morning and
improved as the day went on. Worse by heat and after sleep.

Oxalic Acid. Numbness of the back and limbs. Numbness and sensation of swelling
in ball of thumb. Numbness from shoulder to finger tips.

Plumbum. Deadness and insensibility, especially of right side. The functions of the
organs are slowed down. The nerves do not convey their message with the usual
lightning like rapidity. Anaesthesia of the skin.

Cicuta Virosa. Limbs benumbed with paralysis. Numbness of whole body; coldness
of hands.

Ignatia. Numbness, deadness of heels whilst walking.

Conium. Numb feeling over the whole body. Great debility. Trembling, jerking and
twitching of the muscles.

Raphanus. Numbness of hands and soles of feet.

Bufo. Patches on the skin with loss of sensation.

Cadmium Sulph. Sensation or feeling as if ants crawling in the extremities deep in

the muscles and the skin. Numbness of parts, in spots. Crawling in paralyzed parts.

Ambra Grisea. Diminished sensibility of all parts; feeble circulation. Music

intolerable. Soreness. Coldness, trembling and stiffness of limbs.

Alumina. Conductivity of the nerves impaired so that a prick of pin on the extremities
is not felt until a second or so afterwards. Numbness of soles of feet. Incoordination
with other limbs.

Phosphorus. When the cause is masturbation, Bright’s Disease etc. Numbness of the
body accompanied by pricking, numbness and insensibility of arms and legs, and of
tips of fingers.

Oversensitiveness. (Hyperesthesia).
Coffea. Over sensitiveness in children; in puerperal fever with coldness of arms and
legs, increased perception of slight passive motion. Oversensitiveness to touch and
noise. Sensitiveness of vision, of hearing, of smell, of touch; pains are increased by
noise. Great sensitiveness of female genital organs, often preventing coition owing to
vagina being hot and sensitive.

Chamomilla. It is indicated when coffea fails. Oversensitiveness to pain. Body

painfully sensitive to touch, sends a shudder through frame, twitchings and spasms.

Asarum Eur. Scratch by finger on nail on linen or silk, crackling of paper or the like
creates very disagreeable sensation, arresting momentarily all his thoughts and
actions. Cold, shivers from any emotion. Imagines he is hovering in the air like a
spirit. Sensation of gliding while walking.

Belladonna. Oversensitiveness to least jar or noise. Cannot bear either of them. Scalp
sensitive, does not want hair to be combed or brushed.

Sulphur. Oversensitive to filthy odors, but filthy substances themselves he will eat
and swallow.

Theridion. Sensitivity that a painful thrill passes over the body in waves and nausea
follows. Nausea from noise is strikingly strange.

Hepar Sulph. Oversensitiveness to impressions, to surroundings and to pain.

Oversensitiveness to cold for which he has no endurance. Wants abnormally warm
room. Delicate patients.

Lac Can. Oversensitiveness; sensitive to light and noise. The page is not clear when
reading. She sees faces before her in the dark.

Nux Vom. Oversensitiveness to external impressions, to light, to noises, to odors, to

least current of air, to many kinds of food disturb him; craves for stimulants etc.
which will brace him up. Irritable and touchy. Aggravation from and aversion to meat.
If a chair comes in his way he will kick off, or when undressing if a part of his
clothing catches in a button, he would pull it off, at times tearing the clothes. An
uncontrollable state of irritability. Wants to force things his own way. When details
are given about anything, he gets angry and wants to get away, tears things up, scolds,
goes home and talks it out with his family. He quarrels, reproaches, scolds, insults
from jealousy, soon afterwards howls and weeps aloud.

Arsenic Alb. Sensitiveness to smell and touch. Oversensitiveness to surroundings of
the room. Extremely fastidious; wants everything placed in order in the room.

Cocculus. Numbness and paralytic feeling in the arms. Sometimes one hand numb as
if asleep and at other times the other hand.

Silicea. Hands and feet go to sleep on working. Sensitiveness to noise.

Alumina Silicate. Numbness of single parts and of painful parts. Flushes of heat and
rush of heat to the head.

Phosphorus – Sensitive to storms and thunder.

Hyoscyamus. Oversensitiveness of cutaneous nerves with the result that the patient
desires to be naked.

Opium. Oversensitiveness to noise; can hear flies walking on the wall and the clock
striking in a distant place.

Bufo. Increased sensation on certain patches upon the skin. There may be numbness
on other parts.

Plumbum. Excessive hyperesthesia of the skin accompanied with paralysis and loss
of power. He cannot bear to be touched which hurts him. The hyperesthesia is in acute
affections and in chronic affection there is anesthesia of the skin.

Theridion. Oversensitiveness of nerves. Scratching of linen or silk, crackling of paper

is unbearable. Symptoms worse on closing eyes.

Graphites. Sensitiveness to cold in winter and heat in summer.

NEURALGIA (Pain affecting nerves)

Arsenicum Alb. When the cause is malaria and the paroxysms come at regular
intervals. Burning is the ranking symptom. The left supra-orbital and left sciatica are
the nerves most frequently affected.

Magnesia Phos. It has preference on the right side. It may affect any section of the
nerve supply, of the eye, ear, ovary or leg. An anti-spasmodic remedy. Excruciating
pain with contraction of muscles. Better by hot application, pressure or going to a dark

Agaricus M. It is useful for Tic Douloureux or other forms of facial neuralgia. The
pains are tearing, lancinating, sharp and always severe. The pains are excited by the
least touch, always accompanied by twitching of the muscles. Stiffness and coldness
of the tissues in which twitching occurs.

Belladonna. When the attacks come on suddenly and go suddenly. Aggravation by

noise, light and concussion and also by currents of air. Neuralgia of tri-facial nerve.
Sharp cutting pains in the right superior and inferior maxillary region.

Chamomilla. It is indicated when every nerve is crying for morphine, cocaine or even
coffee of which the patient has been deprived, for unbearable pains odontalgia,
(toothache) and ovaralgia (pain in ovaries.)

Argentum Met. Rending, tearing pains in joints along the nerves and in the
cartilages. Worse during cold, damp and stormy weather. Better on movement.
Although tired and exhausted, yet the pains are so severe that they drive him to walk.

Argentum Nit. Rending, tearing pain down the extremities as in locomotor ataxia,
fulgurating, shooting pains. Wants cold air, cold room, drinks like ice cream. Worse
by warmth.

Stannum Met. Neuralgic pains which begin gradually, increase steadily and then
diminishing gradually. Aversion to any work. If the pain is suppressed it will result in
phthisis. It is the remedy for women where violent neuralgia had stopped and then
copious yellow, green leucorrhea started thus saving her from phthisis.

Colocynthis. Acts best upon the nerves of abdominal organs. The pains are cutting,
twisting and grinding, better by pressure, doubling up and walking about. Neuralgia
caused by unripe fruits, mixed drinks especially cold drinks. Neuralgia in the head, the
eyes, down the spine in the intestines after anger or bad humor. In some cases there is
numbness, pricking and tingling like the crawling of ants in the affected part. Sciatica
pain on left side for which use 200 dilution.

China Off. Neuralgia due to repeated hemorrhages, long continuous lactation or

repeated attacks of intermittent fever. It is indicated when the pain is in the infra-
orbital and supra maxillary branches of fifth nerve. It is aggravated by least touch or
draughts of air. Periodicity is marked.

Thuja. Violent twitching pain along the nerve and in the teeth with sensation of
coldness in the mouth and twitching of the upper lip. Left sided facial neuralgia.

Xanthoxylum. Shooting neuralgic pain as from electricity all over limbs. Ovarian

Mezereum. Best remedy for ciliary neuralgia following herpes of the lips and orbits,
when the cause is carious teeth. Numbness in the region of the pain. Twitching of the
muscles of the cheeks is also prominent. Worse by heat and touch.

Phosphorus. For facial neuralgia when the cause is great mental exertion or
excitement. The pain are burning, tearing and drawing. Every movement of the facial
muscles aggravates the pain. Vertigo and all sorts of noises accompany the pain.

Bryonia. Has an affinity for the ulnar nerve of the right arm. Over exertion and
movement aggravate the pains. Aching in the arm above the elbow. Neuralgia with
inordinate chilliness after anger or bad humor.

Natrum Mur. When the symptoms return between 9 and 11 a.m. Obstinate
constipation and dryness of the skin. Pain worse at see-side and when taking too much
of salt.

Capsicum }
Pulsatilla } For otalgia (Earache)
Verbascum. }

Arnica M. }
Staphisagria. } For odontalgia (toothache).
Plantago. }

Scutellaria. For neuralgic headaches.

Kali Cyanatum. Agonizing pains between temporal region and ciliary arch and
maxilla. Pain in left upper jaw also cured. Intractable sever pain in head due to brain
tumor. Give in 1000 or higher dilutions.

Kali Iod. Neuralgia over the left eye with soreness of head.

Magnesia Carb. Toothache with nausea in pregnant women.

Spigelia. Neuralgia of the left side, left eye, left orbit and in the left brachial plexus,
pains shooting, burning, tearing, as if hot needles are passing through the face and
neck. Pain in the neck and shoulder are better from heat, those about the eyes are
better from cold.

Rhus Tox. Neuralgic pain due to exposure or when drenched in water after
perspiring. Pains are worse on first movement and better by subsequent movements or
when walking.

Nux Vom. Caused by drinking or abuse of alcohol. Pains are fierce, terrible,
excruciating, cutting, griping and scarping. Indigestion, vomiting and belching,
diarrhea or constipation, worse by cold water and in the morning. Facial neuralgia in
gouty persons accompanied with a feeling of chilliness.

Kali Bi. Neuralgia everyday at the same hour.

Plumbum. Multiple neuritis with terrible drawing cramping pains which begin from
the abdomen and radiate to all parts of the body. Constipation, stool hard, balls like
sheep dung.

Sanguinaria C. For neuralgia on right side with symptoms as in Spigelia.

Ruta. Stinging, tearing and burning pains. Worse by cold and by lying down. Chronic
pains are ordinarily covered by this remedy.

Lycopodium. Sciatica pain. Give in 200 or CM potency.

Gnaphalium. Specific for sciatica pain, worse by rest and on first movement.

Ignatia. }
Staphisagria. } neuralgia after bad humour.

Nat Sulph. Sycotic neuralgia. Sudden pain in the hip joint when walking.

Valariana. Nervous pains aggravated by rest.

Strontium Carb. An excellent remedy for surgical shocks.

Hura Braziliensis. The harder the pain the more the patient laughs, a peculiar
symptom. May call it laughing neuralgia.

Cimicifuga. Severe pain which subsides with the setting of the sun and appears again
as soon as the day begins. Give one dose in 200 dilution. The patient is depressed but
talkative. Worse by taking alcohol.




Gelsemium. Jerking, twitching, lightning like pains, headache, soreness, lameness;
also Diplopia, ptosis and various other forms of paralysis. Easy fatigue of the
extremities, stiffness of the neck. Mind sluggish and muscular system relaxed. State of
paresis-mental and bodily.

Oleander. Painless paralysis.

Ambra Grisea. Diminished sensibility of all parts; feeble circulation. Unsteady.

Alumina. When the conductivity of the nerves is impaired so that a prick of pin on
the extremities is not felt until a second or so afterwards. Pain in the spine as if a red
hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra; lightning like pains shooting through
back and abdomen; heaviness of the lower extremities so that they can scarcely be
moved; inability to walk except in the day time and even then must watch steps
carefully: tension of the skin of the face as though the white of an egg had dried on it,
excessive sexual desire; involuntary emission. Constipation. Heel feels either numb or
burning hot. Infantile paralysis lower limbs.

Plumbum. For general and partial paralysis, constipation. Paralysis preceded by

mental derangement, trembling spasms, shooting and darting pain in nerves.
Hyperesthesia of skin, can’t bear to be touched as it hurts him. Wrist drop due to
paralysis of muscles of the fore-arm. It also cures foot drop.

Sulphur. Is indicated when paralysis is due to over dosing of Aconite. Special

irritation from suppression of menses.

Arnica Mont. Obstetric paralysis. In infants it may be due to injury at the time of
birth that may result in paralysis. It may be due to compression of the brain or spinal
cord resulting from forceps delivery.

Rhus Tox. Numbness of affected parts; from getting wet or lying on damp ground
after exertion; parturition, sexual excesses, ague or typhoid; paresis of limbs; ptosis,
coldness, numbness, and tingling. Injury to nerves by a strain causing paralysis. May
be tried after arnica fails.

Phosphorus. Burning along the spine with formication which is the ranking symptom
of this remedy. Sexual excitement which is present at earlier stages, has not only
subsided but is also followed by impotency. Fatty degeneration of brain tissues with
disinclination to work, study or concentrate.

Kali Hyd. It is indicated where there is history of syphilis in addition to the affection
of nerves and glands. Gummata (gummy tumour) of the brain and often of the liver

and other glands and glandular organs. The lightning like pains so characteristic of the
disease are more frequent in the head than in the lower extremities. These pains are
worse from heat and from lying on affected side.

Picric Acid. When due to mental and sexual excesses or anemia. The stage of sexual
desire may have passed and that of exhaustion supervened. Mental exertion
aggravates. Weak, tired and heavy sensation of the lower extremities which makes
walking difficult. Anesthesia is marked.

Picrate of Iron. May be substituted for picric acid when in addition to anesthesia
(want of feeling) there is profound anemia.

Opium. Inaction of the esophagus or paralysis thereof, as a result of which fluids go

down the wrong way or come out through the nose.

Curare. Paralysis of the motor system, reflex action is diminished or abolished,

general paralysis, nervous weakness, dizziness, dyspnoea, vertigo. Dropping of the
eye lids, paralysis of muscles without affecting either the muscle or nerve substance.

Hypericum. Bad effect of nervous shock, spasms or convulsions from injuries to the
head. It will promptly relieve facial paralysis resulting from forceps delivery, when
Arnica fails.

Lathyrus Sat. Paralysis of extremities, especially the lower extremities. Spastic

paralysis. Lower limbs emaciated. Legs blue, swollen when hanging down. Stiffness
and lameness of ankles and knees, toes do not leave the floor and heels do not touch
the floor. Patient sits bent forward, straightened up with difficulty. Feels as if limbs
are heavy weight and floor irregular so that he is to see the ground to guide his feet.
Worse by touch and damp weather.

Bacillinum. As an intercurrent remedy when the well selected remedies fail. Give
only one dose of 200 dilution on empty stomach early in the morning.

Causticum. Paralysis of single parts, vocal organs, pharynx and esophagus, tongue,
eyelids, face, extremities, bladder, generally of right side; from exposure to cold wind
or draught; after typhoid, typhus or diphtheria. Paralysis due to lead poisoning.
Paralysis of tongue of compositors from type held between lips. Give in 1M dilution
and go higher when there is no improvement or improvement stops.

Argentum Nit. It has the same symptoms as Gelsemium but it is given as

complementary in cases where Gels has ceased to act. Paralysis of the insane. Silly,
easily excited; jolly one minute, mad and sullen the next; mind weak, cannot write a
sentence. Sharp cry with twitching of the muscles. Epilepsy.

Actea Recemosa. Specially adapted to the reflex form of spinal affections arising
from uterine complaints and where the lumbar region is mostly affected.

Agaricus Mus. Tingling and burning in the spine as if bitten by frost, muscular
twitching in various parts of the body, especially of eye-lids. Sensation as if needles of
ice thrust into the skin.

Zincum Met. Spinal irritation with aching pain in the back which is better by
walking. Burning along the spine.

Physostigma. When every nerve is irritated with burning and twinging sensation in
the spine; numbness of the feet and hands. Crampy pains, muscles of the back rigid.
Paralysis of the left side with shooting pain down the limbs.

Thuja. Paralysis of the arm and sores after vaccination against small-pox. Give in 1M
dilution twice daily morning and evening for a week.

Syphilinum. As an intercurrent remedy for staggering gait which is normally based

on back-ground of syphilis.

Aurum Met. Paresis with suicidal tendency. Disgust for himself and for everybody
and everything. Desires and aversions are extreme.

Arsenic Alb. Tabes dorsalis. Burning and shooting pains, darting like a red hot needle
through all parts of the body. Better by hot application.

Conium. Paralysis commences from the foot and goes upward. Parts cold to touch.
Cannot expectorate and swallows sputum.

Cocculus. Softening of the spinal cord; locomotor ataxia; affection of the lumbar
region of the spinal cord with pain and weakness of the small of back as if paralyzed.
It gives out; knees give out when walking. Thighs ache, soles of feet feel as if sleep.
Hands and arms fall asleep. Limbs straightened and held there for a little while, can
only be flexed with great pain. Paralysis of eye-lids (ptosis) and the throat producing
paresis of deglutition. Soles of feet go to sleep when sitting.

Drosera. Spinal caries followed by T.B. of fingers and/or of knees. Give in 200
potency every fortnight.

Alumina Silicate. Painless paralysis of lower limbs, also pain in the affected parts.
Tension in the upper limbs. Tingling pricking in all the limbs, hands and feet.

Zincum Phos. At the commencement of locomotor ataxia with sharp lancinating
pains, great weakness of the limbs, especially the lower limbs. Sense of heat in spine.
Restlessness during sleep, tossing of the limbs and feet.


Gelsemium. Trembling ranks the highest in this remedy; weakness and paralysis,
especially of the muscles of the head. Staggering gait. Head remedy for tremors. Mind
sluggish and muscular system relaxed.

Argentum Nit. It is complementary to Gelsemium. Memory impaired; easily excited

and angered; flatulence and greenish diarrhea.

Agaricus Mus. Trembling, itching and jerking. Stiffness of muscles; itching of skin
over the affected part and extreme sensitiveness of the spine. Cannot bear touch.

Absinthium. Tremor of tongue; of heart.

Cocculus. Hand trembles while eating, and when it is raised higher. Knees sink down
from weakness. Totters while walking with tendency to fall on one side. Cracking of
the knee when moving.

Magnesia Phos. Trembling; shaking of hand. Give in 1000 potency every week.

Lathyrus. Tremors of upper extremities with paralytic weakness of the lower limbs.
Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy. Feels as if floor is irregular
and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet.

Rhus Tox. When the tremors start with pain which is relieved by motion. There is
stiffness of the parts affected.

Physostigma. Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of muscles, worse from motion
or application of cold water. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the
whole body.

Ambra Grisea. Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement;
coldness and stiffness of limbs. The finger nails become brittle and are shriveled.

Heloderma. Trembling along nerves in limbs. Tired feeling, very weak and nervous.
Fainting, numb sensation.

Zincum. Violent trembling (twitching) of whole body especially after mental
emotion. Twitching of Children. Chorea. Paralysis of hands and feet. Trembling of
hands when writing.




Medorrhinum. Normally due to suppression or otherwise of gonorrhea. Give in 1M


Plumbum. An excellent remedy for sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis. Give in 200 dilution
every week.

Tarentula His. Multiple sclerosis and posterior spinal sclerosis. Lancinating, shooting
and jerking pains in various parts. Myelitis. Muscular prostration.




Hydrocyanic Acid. In persistent tonic spasms, especially of the muscles of face, jaws
and back, embarrassed respiration with lividity and frothing of the mouth. Firm
rigidity of the limbs and body and is bent backward.

Lachesis. In lock jaw and spasms of the larynx with blueness from asphyxia and the
patient sleeps into the paroxysm.

Veratrum Album. Lock jaw with spasms of the glottis, constriction of the chest
amounting almost to suffocation. The hands and feet are drawn inwards and the pupils
are contracted. Here convulsions are secondary to an exhausting disease whereas in
Strychnia they are primary.

Belladonna. Tetanus of infants; twitching; sudden startling; dilated pupils; staring

eyes; severe convulsions; rigidity of throat muscles; opisthotonos.

Stramonium. Tetanic convulsions worse from touch and light. Mind confused with

Camphor. Is indicated in tetanic convulsions with showing of the teeth from drawing
up of the corner of the mouth with mania.

Cuprum Met. Spasms with loss of consciousness which may be due to traumatism or
to injury from sharp weapons. Paleness of face, contraction of the jaw, frothing of the
mouth, jerking of the limbs and severe opisthotonos.

Strychninum. Convulsion with constriction of the chest. It may be tried when Nux
Vom. Fails.

Angustura Vera. In tetanus, traumatic or otherwise, when there is spasmodic

twitching or jerking of muscles catalepsy, with body bent backward. Convulsions.
Twitching and jerking along the back, like electric shocks.

Physostigma. Tetanic convulsions, Locomotor Ataxia. Numbness in paralyzed parts,

crampy pains in limbs. Fibrillary tremors.

Passiflora Inc. Specific for tetanus. It should be given in ten drop doses of mother
tincture. It has extreme rigidity of the muscles of the neck and shoulders with
difficulty in swallowing. Peculiar sardonic smile and cry.

Cicuta Virosa. In sudden rigidity with jerking; violent distortion, followed by utter
prostration, tonic spasms renewed by touch. Great oppression of breathing, lock jaw,
face dark red, froth at the mouth, opisthotonos, loss of consciousness. In suppurating
wounds or when the discharge of pus is stopped.

Arsenic Alb. Tetanus wit attempt to commit suicide by hanging. Spasms with
frightful contortions of the limbs. Pronounced septicemia.

Aconite N. Fear, anxiety, tension of muscles, tingling and numbness.

Hypericum. With excruciating pains in the wounds. It should be given as a

prophylactic in newly born children whose navels present unhealthiness.

Silicea. In suppurating wounds or when discharge of pus has ceased.

Nux Vom. Tetanic convulsions with opisthotonos, distortion of eyes, of face, with
dyspnoea. Renewal of spasms by slightest touch, light or noise. It should be especially
thought of when the consciousness is retained.


TUMOURS. (Brain).

Tuberculinum. A dose of 200 should be given at the commencement of the

treatment. This will arrest the disease and cure the headache which is so common in
brain tumours.

Calcarea Carb. Headache with vertigo on turning the head. Heaviness and painful
pressure extending into the nose. Confusion as if head were too full. Stitching pain in
the skull. Worse from cold and wet weather; icy coldness in and on the head.

Calcarea Fluor. }
Calcarea Phos. } These may be tried when Calcarea Carb fails.

Merc Iod. It arrests and absorbs bony brain tumour of the skull.

Kali Iod. Lightning like pains through the sides of the head over the eyes and nose,
worse from the heat of pillow. Syphilitic history.

Hypericum. Slow developing tumours activated by traumatism.

Thuja. Brain tumours with intense migraine and headache. Patient is emotional,
sensitive, irritable. Enjoys cold bath daily. Liking for acid and salty food. Flatulence
with rumbling in abdomen. Constipation. Sweat on forehead and arms.



Lachesis. When due to hemorrhage in the brain. Restless and uneasy, although

Helleborus. Complete unconsciousness; picks lips and clothes; staring; involuntary


Opium. Complete loss of consciousness; constipation; stertorous breathing.

Hydrocyanic Acid. Unconscious with fear of everything.

Phosphorus. When alternating with delirium.

Arnica Mont. Unconsciousness but answers correctly when spoken to. In shock from

Cicuta Virosa. Unconsciousness during convulsions.

Cina. Unconsciousness before attack of cough.

Glonoine. Unconsciousness during headache. In sun-stroke.

Nux Mosch. Unconsciousness with immobility of left leg.

Aethusa. Legs stretched out in unconsciousness.

Cannabis Ind. Losing himself with opisthotonos.

Causticum. Attack of unconsciousness while sitting (due to anemia).

Hyoscyamus. Is aroused when spoken to in delirium.

VASODILATATION. (Abnormal nervous circulation due to changes in the function

of glandular organs. Dilatation of blood vessels.)

Ferrum Phos. Rapid and nerve pounding of the heart with face flushed. Pulse rapid
and weak but regular. Anaemia. Dyspnoea and shortness of breath. Flushed face,
bright red.

Glonoine. Pulsation is the ranking symptom, not only of the chest from the heart beat,
but also of all the parts of the body. Flushed face but not as bright as in Ferrum Phos.

Belladonna. Acts rapidly and violently on the vascular system. Flushed face,
throbbing blood vessels and rapid change from one condition to another. Menses too
profuse, too early and very offensive.


Chininum Sulph. Vertigo due to affection of aural nerve with pain in forehead,
banging and roaring in the ears with deafness.

Cocculus. Head remedy for vertigo, which is worse when sitting up or riding. There
may be vomiting.

Chenopodium. Sudden vertigo due to numbness of auditory nerve. Incomplete
deafness, which is better for high pitched than a low pitched voice; but worse for the
human voice. Ringing in ears.

Graphites. Vertigo in the morning on waking; in the evening; on looking upwards, on

rising, from stooping; must lie down. Inclination to fall forward.

Natrum Sulph. Vertigo with ringing in the ears as of bells.

Magnesia Carb. This should be given when Natrum Sulph fails.

Belladonna. In full blooded patients with throbbing in carotid arteries. Turning in bed
or moving the head makes him dizzy. Things go round. Lies in bed and cannot hold
the head up.

Glonoine. Vertigo with pain in vertex. Vertigo caused by shaking the head.
Intoxicated feeling when stooping.

Gelsemium. Vertigo due to improper functioning of the eyes. Diplopia is very

marked. Tendency to stagger.

Nux Vom. Gastric vertigo which comes on after eating or in the morning after night

Ferrum Phos. Vertigo due to anemia or loss of blood; face pale, muscles flabby,
flushes bright red during the attack; pulsations of rapid heart.

Thuja. When closing the eyes.

Lachesis. When inclined to fall to the left in vertigo. Vertigo on closing the eyes.
Sinking sensation.

Scolopendra. When accompanied with blindness.

Gratiola. During and after a meal. On closing the eyes while reading; or rising form

Theridion. On closing the eyes, from motion, from stooping, on board a vessel.
Vertigo causing nausea and vomiting with blindness and pain in the eyes.

Selenium. On rising from bed or seat, on moving about, with nausea, vomiting and
faintness after eating.

Nitric Acid. Early in the morning on rising. Must lie down.

Lac. Vacc. Def. When rising her hands high to thread her needle. When turning in
bed or on moving head from the pillow.

Conium. Brought on by alcohol drinks. Vertigo as if turning around in a circle

whether standing, sitting or in bed. The bed or chair seems to be going round. Vertigo
worse turning head side ways or turning in bed. Vertigo as if turning head side-ways
in a circle.

Cadmium Sulph. When in the room, the bed spins round.

Ambra Grisea. With feeling of weight on vertex. Worse after sleep, especially in the
morning. Worse after eating; had to lie down on account of vertigo and feeling of
weakness in stomach. Vertigo due to old age.

Cicuta Virosa. Vertigo when trying to rise, objects whirl before the eyes, then comes
darkness before the eyes when he has to lie down again; eyes sunken, cheeks pale,
hearing poor, breathing difficult, appetite lost, bed wetting.

Caladium. Vertigo on closing the eyes. Cannot stand or walk with eyes shut.

Lac Can. Vertigo with sensation of floating in mid-air, or when lying she feels as if
she were not on the bed.

Laurocerasus. Vertigo in open air. He must lie down.

Alumina. Vertigo with numbness of soles of feet, staggering gait, Incoordination with
other limbs.

Morphinum. Vertigo from least movement of head.

Asarum Euro. Vertigo as if drunk. Hovering in the air.

Mercurialis Perenis. Vertigo by going downstairs.

Calcarea Sulph. Vertigo in the morning on getting up or again in the evening; better
in open air. Vertigo with nausea.

Agaricus M. Vertigo in the morning returning at short intervals during the day.
Vertigo excited by strong sun-light. Attacks of vertigo with tottering gait; in open air.

Phosphorus. Vertigo when looking upwards or downwards; in the open air; after
eating; in the evening.

Ceanothus. Most alarming vertigo on turning over to the right side; there is no
vertigo on lying on the left side.

Ptelia T. Giddiness with persistent nausea and vomiting. Unsteadiness of legs with

Ailanthus. Giddiness with nausea, retching and some vomiting; tottering gait,
staggering. Electrical thrill starts from the head and goes to the extremities.

Argentum Nit. Vertigo caused by the sight of high houses in the street. It makes him
to stagger. He cannot look up and down. Vertigo on closing the eyes.

Calcarea Carb. Vertigo when climbing into high places; on going upstairs; or up a
hill; on suddenly raising or turning head when at rest or on walking; inclination to fall
backwards or sideways.

Muriatic acid. Whirling in the open air and unsteady in walking. Staggering when
walking, from weakness of thighs.

Staphisagria. Vertigo whilst sitting. Better by walking about in a circle.

Aconite N. Vertigo which comes from fear, from sudden fear, and the fear of the
fright remains, i.e., when she is pursued by a dog or a thief etc. Staggering to the right;
vertigo with nausea especially when rising; vertigo worse on shaking head whereby
complete darkness comes before the eyes.

Iodium. Vertigo only on the left side, worse stooping. Vertigo with tremor at heart
and fainting.

Pulsatilla. Vertigo relieved by walking. Vertigo as from intoxication, especially when

sitting. Head heavy.

Rhododendron. Vertigo when lying in bed, better while moving about.

Salicylic Acid. Vertigo with inclination to fall to left, while surrounding objects seem
to fall to the right. Auditory nerve vertigo.

Alumina Silicate. Vertigo morning and evening; while sitting; walking; turning the
head suddenly; by closing the eyes; better by lying.

Bromium. Vertigo with tendency to fall backward. Worse when crossing a bridge and
looking at running water or from rapid motion before him.

Baryta Carb. Everything rocks with him as in a ship.


Calcarea Mur. Corneal abscess.

AMBLYOPIA (Dimness of vision) See (“VISION”)

ASTHENOPIA (Weakness of Ocular muscles of the eyes.)

Cina. }
Artemisia Vul. } From defective accommodation. Eyes begin to ache on reading; the
letters become blurred and a cloud comes over the field of vision. Relief is obtained
by rubbing.


Nux Vomica. Atrophy of retina with intense pain on attempting to use the eyes,
intolerance of light; worse in the morning.

Phosphorus. Atrophy of the optic nerve with cataract.

Arsenic Alb. Atrophy of the optic nerve due to smoking or tobacco chewing.

BLEPHARITIS (Inflammation of the eyelids.)

Petroleum. Blepharitis marginalis. Loss of eyelashes.

Chrysopharicum Acid. Blepharitis, Keratitis, Photophobia, etc. Internally use 30

dilution. Externally four grains with one ounce Vaseline ointment to be applied.

Morbillinum. When followed by measles or due to bad effects thereof.

Graphites. Eruptions on lids which become red with margins covered with scales or
crusts. Eye-lids red and swollen. Lids thickened. Tendency for the lids to crack and

Mercurius Cor. Especially when due to syphilis. The lids are thick, red, swollen and
ulcerated. Sensitive to heat, cold or touch. Worse open air or cold application. Aching
and itching in the eye-balls.

Hepar Sulph. In acute cases after the first stage has passed and the suppuration is
about to set in or has already taken place. The lids are inflamed with throbbing pain
which are sensitive to touch. Worse by cold and better by warmth.

Alumina. Chronic granular lids; thickening of mucus, membranes; falling of eye-

lashes, parts becoming entirely denuded of hair.

Pulsatilla. Blepharitis resulting from high living and fatty food. There may be acne of
the face. Tendency to the formation of styes. Discharge from the eyes profuse and

Staphisagria. Margins of the lids dry with hardened styes or tarsal tumours.

Calcarea Carb. Blepharitis in unhealthy “pot-bellied” children of scrofulous diathesis

who sweat much about the head. The lids are red and swollen.

Calcarea Iod. In Blepharitis with enlargement of the glands especially of the tonsils.

Rhus Tox. Swelling of the lids accompanied by profuse lachrymation.

Mezereum. Eczema of the lids and head characterized by thick hard crusts.

Conium. Lids indurate, thick and heavy. Epithelioma (Cancer) of the lids and of nose
and cheeks.


Helleborus. When the cause is not known.

Silicea. With sudden appearance of furuncles (boils)

Ferrum Met. In hysteria.

Phosphorus. After lightning stroke.

Gelsemium. With ptosis and/or dilated pupils. In hysteria or from grief. Blindness
due to hemorrhage in the eye.

Bovista. When due to paralysis of optic nerve.

Kali Mur. When caused by snow; all seems smoke and mist.

Glonoine. During or after cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Sulphur. This remedy should be given in 200 dilution as an intercurrent remedy.

Lycopodium. It is the head remedy for night blindness. It should be tried first.
Sudden blindness with cutting pains.

China Off. It should be tried if Lycopodium fails. Feeling as if there is sand in the

Petroselinum. With swelling of the eyes.

Physostigma. Night blindness with or without glaucoma or myopia.

Ranunculus Bulboses. Night and day blindness in women during pregnancy.

Hyoscyamus. Night blindness accompanied by quivering and jerking.

Kali Bich. Blindness preceded by headache, the sight improves as the pain becomes

Mancinella. Blindness caused by intense inflammation.


Lycopodium. Blinking of the eye-lids with nervous debility. The patient is

temperamental, fears darkness, of being left alone; twitching of facial muscles.

Belladonna. Blinking of the eye lids in full-blooded patients.

Euphrasia. Constant blinking of the eye-lids.

Kali Bich. Constant blinking in epileptic attacks.

Crocus. }
Calcarea Carb. } Blinking of eye-lids during and after reading.


Bovista. Eyes without brightness.


Euphrasia. Burning and biting with tears and lachrymation; must wink.

Allium Cepa. Burning as from smoke; wants to rub the eyes. Watery discharge from
the eyes.

Ruta. Feels as if balls of fire are in the eyes during night.

Kreosote. Burning with lachrymation, worse in bright light.

Iris Tenax. Burning in eyes without tears.

Causticum. Burning as from glowing coals in small spots.

Agaricus M. Burning in the eyes which glues the eyelids together.


Causticum. In incipient stages with high degree of myopia (give 1M every month).
There may be astigmatism and presbyopia and weakness of internal recti muscle.

Calcarea Fluor & Sulphur. In later stages, Sulphur should be given every fortnight
in 200 dilution and no medicine a day before or after it. For the remaining days give
Calcarea Fluor. 30 thrice daily at 5 hours intervals.

Phosphorus. Is also a good remedy for cataract. Black floating spots before the eyes.
Colours before vision. The eyes feel inflamed from heat of fire. Misty haze before the
eyes. Give in 1M potency a dose every month.

Sulphur. Cataract with sinking feeling at the pit stomach, heat rising to the face;
fainting on going to take bath. Intercurrent remedy to be given along with Calcarea
Fluor every fortnight.

CHORDITIS (Choroid, inflammation of)

Sulphur Iod. }
Iodium. } Cataract with tongue hard, stiff like a cardboard.

Aurum Met. Pressive pain in the eye from above downward or from without inward,
or pain I the bones around the eye, worse on touch and sensitive to light.

Kali Iod. The best general remedy for syphilitic choroiditis of any form, especially
where haziness or opacities of the vitreous are present.

Mercurius Cor. Intense pain both in and around the eye choroiditis when the iris is
also involved.

Phosphorus. When accompanied with photophobia and the things look of various
shapes and colors (red predominating). Black spots pass before the eyes.

Prunus Spin. Severe pain as if the eye-balls were being pressed asunder. Sharp,
shooting crushing and cutting pain though the eye and corresponding side of the head.

Hepar Sulph. After suppuration of choroid has begun. Eyes sensitive to touch and
pains severe and throbbing, better by warm application.

Phytolacca. Lids very hard, red swollen with pus in the interior of the eye.

Duboisia. Vessels of the optic disc and retina much enlarged and tortuous. Congestion
of the optic disc.

Tuberculinum. Used as an intercurrent remedy when well selected remedies fail.

Give only one dose in 200 or higher dilution.

CILIARY BODY – Diseases of.

Jaborandi. In spasms of the accommodation, or irritability of the ciliary muscle.

Everything at a distance is blurred without concave glasses, though near objects are
seen distinctly. The vision may be constantly changing. Nausea and vertigo on using
the eyes.

Physostigma. Twitching in the lids and around the eyes. Spasmodic action of the
ciliary muscles.

Agaricus M. If associated with spasms of the lids or general chorea. Twitching of the


Phosphorus. An excellent remedy for color blindness, a routine remedy.

Strontium. Objects appear as if tinged with blood.

Ars. Alb. Objects look green.

Capsicum. Objects look black.

Actea Spi. Objects look blue.

Camphora. Objects look bright and glittering.

Anaholinum. Colored vision of most over-powering brilliancy.

Stramonium. Things look black instead of red and black objects look grey.

Cina. Objects look yellow.

Agaricus M. Deception of colors and figures before the eyes.

Digitalis. Pale objects look white.

Carboneum Sulph. Red and green objects look white.

Hyoscyamus. Objects look golden.

Belladonna. Red objects look yellow.

Conium. Objects look red, rainbow colored; striped; double vision: aversion to light;
weakness of sight.

Gratiola. Green objects appear white.



Calcarea Fluor. Cyst on the eye-lids, give in 6x or 30 potency.

Nitric Acid. It may be given when Calcarea Fluor fails.

Staphisagria. An excellent remedy for cyst formed after styes.





Staphisagria. Blue or black rings around the eye.

Cyclamen. Blue ring round the eyes.

China. Blue rings round the eyes due to anemia.

Veratrum Alb. Blue rings during or after the attack of cholera. It cures green rings

Natrum Carb. Blue rings with pale face.

Phosphorus. Blue rings after menses.

Cina. Blue rings due to worms or anemia.

Nux Vom. Yellow rings.

Secale Cor. Eye balls sunk in the sockets and surrounded by blue margins.

Actea R. Eyes large, sunken and surrounded by dark rings.

Berberis V. Eyes sunk, surrounded by bluish or dark grey circles.

Mancinella. Blue circles around eyes.


Iodium. }
Lycopus Vir. }
Kali Mur. } Protrusion of eyeballs. Try in the given order.

Ignatia. Pendulum-like movements of the eye-balls which oscillate though he tries his
best to fix his look on you. This stops only during sleep.





Agaricus M. }
Cyclamen. }
Natrum Mur. } Should be tried in the order given.

Phosphorus. Head remedy for glaucoma. If it fails, try Lycopodium and silicea.

Physostigma. Good remedy for Glaucoma myopia and Night Blindness.

Spigelia. Caused by severe headache on the left side.

Prunus Spin. It should be tried when Spigelia fails.

Hepar Sulph. }
Graphites. } Granular lids. Try in the given order.

Borax. Granular lids, when lashes turn inwards towards the eye and inflame it.
Thickening of the mucus membrane of the lids. Lower lids entirely inverted.
Difficulty in opening of the lids.

Pulsatilla. Is also a good remedy for inward turning of lashes, when borax fails.

Gelsemium. Specific for glaucoma when headache commences from the nape of the

Osmium. In glaucoma when patient sees rainbow colors, with severe pain above or
under the eye with lachrymation; green halo around light; increased intraocular
pressure; photophobia. Vision weak. Sharp severe pain through the eyes and head.

Sulphur. As an intercurrent remedy when well-selected remedies fail. Burning at the
pit of the stomach.

Colocynth. For glaucoma with sciatica pain and flatulence.


HEMORRHAGE. (Bleeding)

Crotalus Hor. Bleeding from the eyes. Non-inflammatory retinal hemorrhage.

Lachesis. Hemorrhage from the retina into the interior chamber of the eye. It will
absorb effused blood.

Gelsemium. An excellent remedy for hemorrhage in the eye resulting in blindness.

Give in 200 potency, twice daily, morning and evening.

Phosphorus. This should be tried when Gelsemium fails.

Arnica M. When hemorrhage is due to injury. Give in 1000 potency, once daily every
morning on empty stomach.

Sulphur. Hemorrhage from the lids.


Kali Carb. Falling of hair from eye-brows.

Anantherum. When Kali Carb fails, this remedy may be tried in falling of hair from

Alumina. Falling of eye-lashes.

Rhus Tox. Falling of eye-lashes.

Pulsatilla. Sensation of hair in the eye.

INFLAMMATION (Conjuctivitis) (See also “GLAUCOMA”)

Aconite Nap. From cold, injury, dust, surgical operations; scrofulous inflammation
with enlarged glands.

Acetic Acid. When it is impossible to remove tough mucus.

Belladonna. When eyes are blood-shot and very red. Much inflamed and painful.

Merc Cor. This is the best remedy for eye-sore. It may be given for some time in
acute as well as chronic cases and you will never be disappointed. (Use sixth

Euphrasia. With watering from the eyes which is acrid.

Argentum Nit. Profuse, purulent discharge; cornea opaque, lids sore, thick, swollen
and ulcerated; agglutinated in morning. The canthi are red as blood. Mucus obstructs
the vision unless frequently wiped off. Catarrhal, ulcerative; opacities of cornea.
Better by cold application.

Kali Iod. Copious, thick green discharge from the eyes.

Kreosote. Inflamed and red eyes bleed easily.

Morbillinum. Due to affection following measles.

Apis M. Swelling of the lids with stinging, shooting pain and photophobia.

Rhus Tox. Thick purulent discharge. Great swelling of cul de sac. Profuse hot
lachrymation. Restlessness. Worse about midnight.

Aurum Mur. Inflammation due to hereditary syphilis. Irritating lachrymation. Some


Ruta G. Pain in the eyes due to straining which is worse from cold (reverse of
Argentum Nit).

Sulphur. Lids swollen and bleed easily.

Alumina silicate. Pain in the eyes; burning in the evening as form smoke.
Inflammation in the open air with itching. Burning in the lids and in the canthi. Pain in
the eyes as from sand.

Mancinella. Intense inflammation causing blindness for some days.

Hepar Sul. Inflammation of the eyes with offensive thick, purulent discharge. Ulcers
of the cornea with bloody, offensive discharge.


Arnica M. }
Hypericum. } in all eye troubles due to injury give Arnica 1M in the beginning two
or three doses at 24 hours interval. If there is no improvement by this, give Hypericum
6 or 30 every two hours.

Hamamelis V. For irritation of the optic nerve with photophobia and soreness in the

INTERSTITIAL KERATITIS – (Cornea becomes thick and hazy without


Merc Sol. Intense pain in cornea with acrid tears.

Hepar Sulph. Sensitiveness of the eyes to touch and light. Discharge of thick yellow
matter. Opacity near large areas of corneal tissues.

Natrum Mur. Syphilitic Keratitis. Pain of dull aching character of the entire orbit.

Nitric Acid. Syphilitic Keratitis with nightly aching pain. Profuse acid tears, dense
opacity and tendency to superficial ulceration.


Mercurius Cor. Head remedy for all forms of iritis, especially gonorrheal or
syphilitic. The pains are usually severe in and around the eyes, in forehead and
temples. Pains worse at night. Sensitiveness to light. Iris discolored, pupil contracted;
it cures and stops formation of adhesions. Inflammation of the retina, Choroid and of
the optic nerve. All sorts of disturbed vision.

Hepar Sulph. When the inflammation has extended to the neighboring tissues, cornea
and ciliary body and when there is pus formation in the anterior chamber (hypopyon).
Pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by motion. The patient feels chilly and wants
to keep warmly covered.

Cedron. Severe neuralgic pain in the course of the supra-orbital nerve, especially

Nitric Acid. Head remedy for syphilitic iritis. It also covers sycotic miasm resulting
in iritis.

Rhus Tox. Rheumatic iritis when caused by exposure to wet, or when found in a
rheumatic patient. Suppurative iritis occurring after cataract operation. Lids swollen
with profuse rush of tears on opening the eyes.

Thuja. Syphilitic iritis, with gummata on the iris. Large wart-like excrescences on the
iris, with severe, sharp, stinging pain in the eye, aggravated at night and relieved by

Arnica Mont. In iritis due to injury and in some cases it also helps in rheumatic iritis.

Aurum Met. Serviceable in syphilitic iritis and after dosing with mercury or potash.
Much pain deep into the bones surrounding the eyes, worse by touch. Pain extends
from up down-wards and from without inwards, worse by rest and pressure.


LACHRYMATION. (See also under “TEARS”)

Calcarea Carb. Lachrymal duct closed from cold exposure.


Borax. In growing of lashes in eyes.

Pulsatilla. In growing of eye-lashes, when borax fails.

Graphites. Eye-lashes become wild and turn inwards towards the ball of the eyes and
irritate the conjunctiva.

MYOPIA. (See also remedies under “VISION”)

Calcarea Carb. Can only read by bringing the paper near the eyes touching the nose.

Physostigma. When due to ciliary spasms. Head remedy for glaucoma and myopia.
Night blindness.

China Off. Myopia after Typhus Fever, with diarrhea.

Agaricus M. Spasms of ciliary muscles to touching the lids. Short-sightedness,

dimness of vision, everything appears obscure, as if it were covered with cobweb.

Phosphorus. Halo around the candle; black reflections or sparks and black spots
before the eyes. Sees better in the morning and by shading eyes with hands.

Nitric Acid. Myopia with black spots dancing before the eyes. Short sight due to
syphilis or abuse of mercury.

Carboneum Sulph. Myopia Asthenopia, Achromatopsia, Dyschromatopsia,

cloudiness and atrophy of the optic disc. Right hemiplegia following sudden loss of


Calcarea Fluor. Of cornea. Head remedy. Should be tried for considerably long

Naphthaline. Of cornea as well as of lens.

Magnesia Carb. Of cornea after ulceration.

Silicea. Of cornea after small pox. Should be used for a long time.

Argentum Nit. Opacities of cornea after ulceration.



Ruta. By reading.

Belladonna. On account of inflammation, blood shot eyes; very painful.

Spigelia. When pain on left side of the head shoots into the left eye ball.

Sanguinaria. When pain on the right side of the head shoots into the right eye ball.

Natrum Mur. When pain on either side or both sides shoots into the eye ball.

Cedron. Pain over left eye after coitus.

Onosmodium. Feeling of tension in the eyes, as from straining them to read small
print. Desire to have things far off to look at them.

PHOTOPHOBIA (Intolerance to light)

Belladonna. Intolerance of light due to inflammation resulting in dry and injected

eyes without lachrymation. It is the head remedy for photophobia.

Graphites. Extreme photophobia in sunlight with copious lachrymation.

Nux Vom. Leading remedy for photophobia due to excessive use of alcohol or
following night’s debauch. Excessive drinking may cause atrophy of the optic nerve,
which will be cured by this remedy. Irritation of the brain and nerves is also cured by
this medicine.

Mercurius. The light of fire dazzles the eyes greatly. The eyes cannot bear the light
of fire or day-light.

Aconite N. Photophobia with painful inflammation of the eyes from cold or from
acrid substance in the eyes.

Glonoine. Should be tried when belladonna fails.

Rhus Tox. Great intolerance of light so much so that the eyes cannot be opened even
at night. It has edematous swelling of the eyes with redness and acrid discharge.

Euphrasia. Photophobia with profuse excoriating discharge from eyes. Cannot bear
artificial light.

Calcarea Carb. Cannot even stand ordinary light; standing in sun light is simply


Arnica M. Principal remedy for after effects of operation; give in 1M dilution.

Ignatia. Violent pains in temples.

Rhus Tox. Pains shooting in head.

Ledum Pal. Hemorrhage in anterior chamber of the eye after iridectomy.

Bryonia. Pain in head accompanied by vomiting.

Asarum. Jerking pain with vomiting and diarrhea.

Crous. Hammering and jerking in the eyes.

Thuja. Stinging pain in temples.

Senna. Promotes the absorption of lens debris.

Strontia. Object appears as if tinged with blood.


Gelsemium. Ptosis. Eyelids heavy. Patient can hardly open them. The eye balls feel
sore, worse on moving. Muscular paralysis of the eyes due to diphtheria, meningitis,
emotion or exposure to cold or wet weather.

Rhus Tox. In rheumatic patients as a result of getting wet.

Sepia. When associated with menstrual irregularities.

Kalmia L. In rheumatic patients when lids feel stiff.

Causticum. In rheumatic subjects when the paralysis of ocular muscles causes

headache due to exposure to dry cold. It has less paralysis then Gelsemium but more
than Rhus Tox.

Alumina. Associated with rectal inertia and consequent constipation.

Cocculus. Ptosis after diphtheria when Gelsemium fails.

RETINA and OPTIC NERVE. Disease of ----

Duboisia. Hyperemia of the retina. Inflammation of the retina. Retinal vessels large
and tortuous, especially the veins. Optic papilla swollen. Hemorrhages in the retina.
Pain through the upper part of the eye-ball.

Phosphorus. Retinal hyperemia. Eyes sensitive to light and vision improved in
twilight; halo around the light. Inflammation of the retina.

Pulsatilla. Hyperemia and inflammation of the optic nerve and retina accompanied by
severe pain in the head which is relieved in the open air.

Bryonia. Serious retinitis or hyperemia with a bluish haze before the vision and
severe sharp pain through the eye and over it. Worse on motion.

Mercurius Cor. Retinitis with marked aggravation at night. Sensitive to glare of the
fire. Head remedy for albuminuric retinitis. The fatty degeneration, extravasation of
blood from the weakened vessels and all pathological changes in the eye as well as in
the kidney are covered by this remedy.

Agaricus M. An excellent remedy for atrophy of optic nerve. Give six times daily for
a considerable period.

Apis Mel. Albuminuric retinitis with swelling of the lids and general dropsical
condition. Patient is drowsy, with little thirst and scanty urine. Fluid beneath the
retina. Pain in the lower part of the eye-ball with flushed face. Stinging pain in the
eyes with swollen lids. Detachment of retina.

Arsenic Alb. Albuminuric retinitis when the patient is restless, especially after
midnight with thirst for small quantities of water. Urine scanty and albuminous.

Gelsemium. Albuminuric retinitis occurring during pregnancy. White patches and

extravasations of blood in the retina. Dimness of vision appears suddenly. Detachment
of retina due to injury or myopia. Give in 200 dilution every week and after 2 months
increase the potency to 1000 to be repeated every fortnight.

Lachesis. Head remedy for hemorrhages into the retina. With its use the hemorrhage
disappears speedily along with the inflammation. Inflammation and congestion of
optic nerve and retina.

Crotalus. This remedy absorbs quickly exctravasation of blood in the retina in snake
poisoning. It also cures inflammation of the retina.

Belladonna. Apoplexy of the retinal, especially when arising from and accompanied
by congestive headache. Aching pain in the eyes and the retina. Optic neuritis with
inflammation. Photophobia. Throbbing pain.

Aurum Met. Detachment of retina. Upper half of vision covered by black body, and
lower half visible. The retina is inflamed and there are opacities. Pain and soreness in
the head and around the eyes.

China. }
Ferrum Phos. } Anemia of the retina causing loss of eyesight.

Conium. Over-sensitiveness of the retina to light, especially if accompanied with

asthenopic symptoms with pain deep in the eye.

Arnica M. Detachment of retina due to injury. Retinal hemorrhage.

Napthalin. Detachment of retina; soft cataract. Exudation in the retina, choroid and
ciliary body. Opacity of cornea. Retinal infiltration; deposits on the retina.

Natrum Salicylicum. Retinal hemorrhage, albuminuric retinitis with hemorrhage.


SQUINT (Strabismus)

Gelsemium. Is head remedy for squint.

Cyclamen. If Gelsemium fails, this remedy should be tried.

Hyoscyamus. When due to after-effects of anti-toxin drugs. Give in CM dilution.

Magnesia Phos. Nystagmus; strabismus; spasmodic squinting; ptosis.


Causticum. Enlargement of the eye-ball, with bulging out of the cornea and dim
sight. Give in 200 dilution.

Ilex Aquifolium. Infalmmation of cornea; eye ball looks like a lump of flesh. Buring
pains in orbits; worse at night. Rheumatic inflammation of the eye. (To be given in
mother tincture or IX).

Apis M. Bulging of the cornea or seclora of the eye.


Pulsatilla. Styes, especially on upper lids.

Staphisagria. An excellent remedy for styes which is normally given when Pulsatilla
fails. In my experience I have found this remedy effective in all cases of styes whether
chronic or otherwise or whether on lower or upper lids. Recurrent styes. Scurfy
margins of the lids.

Hepar Sulph. When there is a tendency for recurrence and when Staphisagria fails.

Alumina Silicate. Styes with swollen lids; redness of eyes: soreness and pain as from
sand in the eyes.

(See also “CYST” when the styes become hard).


Euphrasia. When discharge is acrid and creates irritation in the eyes.

Allium Cepa. When discharge is bland.

Merc Cor. Watering of the eyes due to inflammation.

Rhus Tox. When tears overflow due to blocking of nasolachrymal duct; burning in

Silicea. In obstruction of lachrymal duct when Rhus Tox fails.

Petroleum. Inflammation of lachrymal duct with suppuration.

Fluoric Acid. Fistula or obstruction of lachrymal duct.



Zincum Met. On upper or lower lids; tarsal tumors.

Calcarea Carb. Cystic tumors.

Conium. }
Staphisagria. } Nodules on the lids.

Kali Bi. Polypus under the eyelids.

Thuja. Cysts on eye-lids when there is a history of suppression of vaccination or

when the vaccination did not take place.

Caladium. In heavy smokers where smoking leads to absent mindedness and

forgetfulness. It cures cysts and takes away craving for smoking.


Agaricus M. Twitching and jerking of the eyes. Also cures pendulum like motion of
the eye balls. All these motion stop during sleep. (Give one dose of 1000 potency).

Raphanus. Constant twitching of eye-lids, muscles of right check and of pit of

stomach. Annoying twitchings.

Magnesia Phos. Spasms and jerking about the eyes, or prolonged tonic spasms
producing strabismus.

Crocus. Twitching of eyelids specially in Hysterical subjects.


Hepar Sulph. Abscesses of the cornea and in hypopyon. Sloughing form of ulcer
with severe pain of throbbing nature. Intense photophobia.

Mercurius Sol. For superficial or deep ulcers with considerable infiltration. Profuse
and excruciating discharges.

Silicea. Sloughing ulcers of the cornea; chronic abscesses. Opacities of the cornea
following Keratitis.

Graphites. Ulcers with thick creamy pus.

Pulsatilla. Ulceration in blue of the eye. The patient is of mild temperament with
gastric disturbance.


Phosphorus. Blindness after typhoid, sexual excesses, loss of fluids; also for
blindness after lighting. Blindness due to paralysis of the optic nerve.

Physostigma. Night blindness. Glaucoma and Myopia.

Pilocarpus. Distant sight improved by this remedy. Eyes easily tired from slightest
use. Heat and burning in the eyes. Lids twitch. Irritation from light eye strain.

Ranunculus B. Day and night blindness in women during pregnancy.

Cyclamen. Vision reduced by suppression of itches. Cloudiness or veil before the

eyes. Smoke or fog before the eyes. Right half of visual field defective.

Iodium. Sudden loss of vision.

Cocculus Ind. Dim-sightedness and disturbance of vision; paralytic weakness of the

muscles of the eyes as well as of the muscles of accommodation.

Bovista. Blindness due to paralysis of optic nerve.

Abra Grisea. Nervous dimness of vision coming on without any apparent defect in
the condition of the eye.

Sulphur. Cloudiness or veil before the eyes. Smoke or fog, worse in the morning on

Natrum Mur. }
Chin Sulph. } Either half invisible.

Agaricus M. Shortsightedness; dimness of vision; indistinct vision; every-thing

appears obscured. Jerking and twitching of the eyes which is most marked. Sensation
of a mist and cobweb before the eyes. Deception of color and figures before the eyes.

Gratiola. Vanishing of sight due to rush of blood to head.

Mephites. Myopia, confusion of letters when reading. Inability to read small print.

Lithium Carb. Right half not visible.

Calcarea Carb. Left or right half not visible.

Aurum Met. Lower or upper half not visible. Upper half covered by black body and
lower half visible. Large letters cannot be distinguished. Yellow bodies floating
before the eyes.

Sepia. Dimness of vision after seminal emissions. Loss of sight with contracted
pupils. Either half invisible.

Graphites. Blindness due to general paralysis. Flickering and fiery zig zags outside
the field of vision.

Lycopodium. Night blindness. Sees only one-half of an object. Eyes half open during

China. Night blindness in anemic retina. Blue color around eyes. Pressure in eyes.

Bothrops Lanciolatus. Day blindness. Blindness from hemorrhages into retina. Can
hardly see his way after sun-rise.

Aconite N. Sudden attack of blindness due to congestion. This should be tried in early

Causticum. Sudden and frequent loss of sight as from a pellicle drawn over the eyes.
Dimness of vision as of fog or veil before the eyes.

Gelsemium. Is indicated in sudden and total blindness with giddiness; the eyes heavy
and sight dim. Loss of sight on account of masturbation. Upper half of visual field

Lachnanthes. When sight is obscured by looking at anything steadily; when grey

fixed rings are seen; the eyes are brilliant, and the pupils enlarged, with red cheeks.

Mercurius. Momentary paroxysm of blindness. Eyes very sensitive to light or glare

of a fire.

Cicuta Virosa. Frequent vanishing of sight as if from absence of mind with great
giddiness particularly when walking; when reading the letters appear to and fro

Titanium. Half of the object only can be seen at the beginning. Catarrhal tendency.
Impotency with early discharge in coition.

Pulsatilla. Sensation as if the dimness of sight could be removed; lachrymation: the

pupils are contracted.

Silicea. May be indicated in cases of long standing; or where the medicines apparently
indicated have failed to produce permanent good effect.

Alumina Silicate. Vision dim, worse at night by artificial light and be exertion of
vision; foggy; weak.

Duboisia. Eyes feel cool and tired. Things seemed elevated. Faces repeated in all
directions. Hallucinations of vision. Finds a chair waiting for him when there is none;
imagines it is dark when it is quite bright; grasps in the air above his head for his
watch which had been taken from him. Cannot make out print within two feet; it
shows several colors, blue, orange and reddish brown. Hyperemia of optic nerve;
optic nerve paralyzed. Arteries diminished.

Cina. As if looking through gauge, ameliorated by wiping the eye.

Veratrum Vir. Loss of sight on account of congestion or irritation of the optic nerve.
Green circles appear round the candle which turn red, if vertigo comes on.

Ruta. Eyes easily fatigued when reading. Dimness of vision due to too much reading.
Feeling of burning and heat in the eyes when reading. Pain in the eyeballs when
reading. Vision blurred after reading or after straining over fine work.

Medorrhinum. Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision and black or brown spots in
the field of vision. Objects look double or small. Sensation of sand or sticks in the

Conium. Vision remains steady even on minutest objects so long as the eyes remain
fixed thereon, but all becomes hazz and confused on directing the eyes to another
object until they are again fixed on the second object. The moving of the eyes causes
giddiness and confusion until securely fixed. Lines seem to move when reading;
objects appear red.

Cuprum Met. Blindness due to suppression of discharges or eruptions. It may

accompany convulsions.

Ferrum Met. Capability to see things in the dark at night.

Carboneum Sulph. Everything seemed in a fog as if spider’s web over objects; green
or red. Blindness of right eye and great impairment of vision of the left eye. Atrophy
of optic nerve.

Acid Phos. Myopia. Black bands before the eyes; ciphers; sees objects lying near him

Note- In addition to the above internal medicines, the following eye exercises are
recommended for the improvement of eyesight.

(i) Opening and shutting the eyes under cold water after the day’s toilet.
(ii) Deliberate blinking at any item of the day, especially after prolonged strain.
(iii) Gentle-squeezing of the eyes under the lids at the close of the day.
(iv) A steady rolling of the eyes in their sockets.

These are a few elementary eye culture methods which together with an occasional
“Euphrasia douche” will preserve your eyes from youth to old age and may be
instrumental in dispensing with your glasses.


Causticum. Double vision on turning the eyes to the right.

Gelsemium. Double vision on turning eyes to either side but single vision on holding
the head erect. There may be ptosis.

Hyoscyamus. Illusion of vision where he sees two objects instead of one.

Alumen. Sees things double by candle light. Purulent Ophthalmia; chronic sore eyes.

Senega. Double vision, better only by bending the head backwards. Seeing double
with both eyes but normal when seeing with one eye.

Graphites. Letters appear double when writing; letters run together when reading.

Plumbum. Double vision when seeing with both the eyes but normal when seeing
with one eye.

Stramonium. Letters or objects appear double.

Veratrum Vir. Double vision associated with congestive headache.

Aurum Foliatum. Everything seems double so that one object presents itself to him
mingled with another with violent tension in the eyes.

Aurum Met. Double vision and objects seem to run into one another.


Hyoscyamus. Red spots before eyes.

Ruta. Candle light seems surrounded by red halo.

Thuja. Floating stripes before the eyes.

Atropin. Shadows passing over whatever is looked at. Also cures illusion of vision.
Everything appears large.

Cyclamen. Fiery flames and glittering sparks before the eyes. Could not read owing
to burning flickering of eyes. Dim vision; objects seem through smoke and mist.

Ammonium Carb. Yellow spots before the eyes.

Sulphur. Black spots floating before the eyes. Near objects seem at a long distance.

Phosphorus. A sea of fire on closing the eyes. Letters appear red when reading. Black
spots pass before the eyes, halo around the candle. Black reflection or sparks before
the eyes.

Belladonna. Flames before the eyes. Flashes before the eyes. Objects appear
elongated and/or inverted. Objects look red.

Cedron. Objects seem red at night and yellow by day.

Stramonium. Sees things red instead black. Objects seem to small. Objects look
black, crooked and oblique.

Alianthus. Flashes of light before the eyes on closing lids at night.

Argentum Nit. Grey spots and bodies in the shape of serpents move before the eyes.

Aurum Met. Double vision and objects seem to run into one another. Tensive pain
when looking at things, less severe on closing the eyes.

Nitric Acid. Black spots dancing before the eyes.

Veratrum Vir. Immense green circles appear round the candle, which, as vertigo
comes on, turn to red.

Alumina. Yellow halo around the candle. Sees fiery spots, white stars. As if looking
though a fog or feathers.

Kali Bi. Various colors and bright spots before the eyes. Objects seem to be covered
with yellow veil.

Mercurius. Black insects or flies seem to be always flying before the right eye. Mist
before the eyes. Dimness of sight. Cannot bear light of the fire which dazzles.

Sepia. Fiery sparks before the eyes. Flickery when looking at light. Black spots before
the eyes. Fiery zig zags. Zig zag wreath of colors.

Cina. Vision yellow.

Graphites. Letters appear double when writing; they run together when reading.

Medorrhinum. Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision, black or brown spots
before the eyes. Objects look double.



Diseases of Ears and Hearing


Aurum Met. Burning in the ears when walking in cold air.

Sanguinaria. Burning in ears with red cheeks.

Mercurius Sol. Burning deep, worse in left ear.

Ammonia Mur. Burning in the ears when walking in cold air.

Agaricus M. Burning, redness and itching in ears, as if frost-bitten.


Kali Mur. General remedy for deafness. Very useful in inflammation and obstruction
of Eustachian tube.

Hepar Sulph. Due to perforation or abscess in the ear.

Ferrum Picricum. With co-existence of warts or by living in noisy quarters. Nervous

deafness without any changes in blood vessels. Vascular deafness.

Merc Dulcis. Catarrhal deafness in elderly people and in obstruction of Eustachian

tube. Worse in damp weather.

Cicuta V. 200. }
Hydrocyanic Acid} deafness due to cerebro-spinal meningitis. Give alternately every
week for a long time.

Pilocarpinum. When due to defects in internal cavity of the ear; hearing better in
noises as of train.

Graphites. For deafness when hearing is better in noises.

Mezerium. After eczema in the ear or when due to chronic catarrh; may be due to
obstruction of Eustachian tube; drum retracted or scarred. Thickening of membrane

tympani. Give 30 potency before each meal. When deafness is due to suppression of
eczema give 30 potency once daily early in the morning on empty stomach.

Pulsatilla. Due to cold or following measles or scarlet fever. Worse in damp weather.
Obstruction of the Eustachian tube on account of catarrh. Abuse of quinine.

Iodium. Deafness due to obstruction of Eustachian tube with hoarseness and pain in

Baryta Carb. Hardness of hearing and also cracking noises.

Kali Ars. Deafness of years standing.

Mephitis. Deafness chronic or from birth is cured by this remedy. Start treatment with
30 potency and go higher. It should be given a long trial say for six months or a year.
A dose of Tuberculinum 200 should be given every month as an intercurrent remedy.
No other medicine is to be given two days before and after.

Verbascum. Deafness due to obstruction in the ear. Feeling as if there was a covering
on the ear.

Causticum. When hearing is better in damp weather. Deafness due to paralysis of

auditory nerve.

Silicea. Deafness worse in damp weather.

Ledum. Deafness due to suppression of coryza or discharge from the ear (otorrhoea).

Viscum Alb. Catarrhal deafness with noises in the ears.

Arsenic Iod. Deafness combined with depression, worse at night.

Mag. Carb. Deafness which comes on from fright or in a cold.

Medorrhinum. Nearly total deafness of both the ears. Partial or transient deafness.
Feeling as if a worm crawls in the ear and is boring the interior wall of auditory canal.

Salicylic Acid. Deafness with noises in ears with auditory nerve vertigo.

Phosphorus. Deafness especially for human voice.

Chenopodium Anth. Hears high pitched tones but is nearly deaf to the sound of
voice. Hears human voice best when riding in a street, car or noisy auto. Cannot hear
in a quiet drawing room.

Lobelia. Deafness due to suppressed discharges or eczema. Shooting pain from throat.

Veratrum Alb. Pretended deafness.



Aconite. From cold.

Pulsatilla. When Aconite fails and there is thick bland discharge (yellowish or
greenish) from the ears.

Belladonna. Digging, boring and tearing pain which comes suddenly and is very
severe. It is the remedy for pain which is too violent for “Pulsatilla”.

Silicea. Suppuration of ear with caries and necrosis of the bones with offensive
discharge containing small pieces of bone.

Hepar Sulph. When there is an abscess or boil in the ears. Sensation of stopping up
of the ear then bursting and pressure in the ear and then perforation of eardrum.

Act. Spicata. Twitching pain in ears when blowing nose or sneezing.

Chamomilla. When the pain is intolerable, worse by warmth and at night. Almost
specific for ear ache in children.

Gelsemium. Ear ache during menopause. The ear feels hot and full.

Tarentula His. When snapping cracking pain associated with hiccup.

Kali Mur. With swelling of ear-gland and cracking noises in ears when swallowing.

Manganum. When pain shoots from ear to teeth.

Spigelia. Ear ache worst at night. Threatened mastoid abscess. Otitis media, with
rupture of the membrane tympani. Soreness of the mastoid portion of the temporal

bone with bursting headache and chilliness. The ears are hot and pain goes to the

Osmium. Ear pain when nose is blown.

Magnesia Phos. Is indicated in purely nervous ear ache.

Aurum Ars. Discharge from the ear fetid, offensive, purulent, thick and yellow. Pain
in the ear, behind the ear, inside the ear, burning and stitching. Hearing acute at first
for noise, later impaired and finally lost.

Aethusa. Ear ache better by putting finger in the ear or by widening the ear with the


Kali Mur. Head remedy for noises such as of moving of a train, sounds of birds, etc.
Snapping and cracking on swallowing or blowing of nose.

Nat Sulph. Ringing of bells in the ear, Tickling of ears.

Kali Iod. Singing and hissing in the ears as of rain on roof or river sweeping by.

Kali Sulph. }
Baryta Mur. } Noises in the ears when chewing.

Kreosote. }
Petroleum. } Noses during menses.

Ferrum Met. }
Veratrum Alb.} Noises during menses. Ringing in ears.

Ledum Pal. Noises in the ear like ringing of bells or like a storm of wind. Roaring in
the ears, as from wind.

Alumina. Crackling noises in the ears when chewing.

Aloe. Sudden explosion and clashing in left ear just before going to bed as from
breaking of glass- a peculiar symptom.

Viscum Alb. Noises in the ears with catarrhal deafness.

Nitric Acid. Roaring in the ears. Cracking when chewing.

Mancinella. Feels as if ears are closed. Ringing, roaring, drumming nose-like voices
in ears.

Muriatic Acid. Whizzing noises in ears.

Graphites. Cracking or noise like the explosion of a gun.

Baryta Carb. Reverberation of noises when blowing nose. Cracking noises with
hardness of hearing.

Cannabis Indica. Noises in ears.

Dulcamara. Noises of buzzing character which come on at night time.

Causticum. }
Lycopodium. } Echoes and re-echoes. Hears his own voice echoing and re-echoing.
Phosphorus. }
Sepia. }


OTORRHOEA (Discharge from the ears.)

Kali Bich. When the discharge from the ear is sticky.

Hepar Sulph. When it is caused by an abscess in the ear; perforation in the ear is also
cured by this remedy.

Psorinum. It should be given in cases where the above remedies have failed to act.
Fetid discharge from the ear.

Aurum Met. Where there is even entire loss of the drum of the ear and decay of the
bones. Foul smelling discharge. Obstinate otorrhoea. Humming, buzzing and rushing
in ears.

Tellurium. It has cured otorrhoea of long standing in sixth potency; higher dilutions
having failed. Discharge fetid, smelling like fish brine stained with blood, tin and
watery serum with excoriation and blistering.

Pulsatilla. When the discharge is bland and is of yellowish or greenish colour.

Graphites. Discharge glutinous, fetid and sticky, honey colored and blistering where
the discharge touches the skin. The patient is susceptible to cold and exposure which
cause increase in the discharge and enlargement of tonsils.

Scarlatinum. When following scarlet fever.

Streptococcin. When discharge is due to streptococcal infection. Give 200 dilution.

Gaertner. In septic condition when the child is thin and weak with flabby muscles
and pallid complexion, mentally restless and fears darkness and solitude.

Hydrastis. Muco purulent discharge which is accompanied or has been preceded by a

general catarrh of the entire mucus membrane.

Viola Odorata. Murmuring and tickling before ears. Brings on discharge that has
stopped or heals a discharge in few days. (Discharges of both ears with deafness cured
with one dose of Q.)

Calcarea Carb. Muco-purulent bland discharge of white color.

Silicea. Discharge offensive due to caries of bones. It contains small pieces of bones.

Mercurius. In suppuration of middle ear with thin and acrid discharge especially in
syphilitic ear condition. Hardness of hearing due to swollen tonsils. Profuse green,
thick, acrid pus and fetid discharge from the ears.

Aethusa. Yellow discharge from right ear with stitching pain which is relieved by
inserting the fingers and drawing the parts as under.

Nitric Acid. Yellowish white discharge from the ear with lachrymation from the eyes,
puffy face and urine smelling like horse’s urine.

Sanicula. Fish brine discharge from the ear.

Elaps Corallinus. Yellow or green discharge from the ears.

Calcarea Sulph. Offensive and purulent discharge from the ears with thick and
bloody pus.

Carbonium Sulph. Discharge from the ears bloody, fetid, offensive and purulent.
Redness of the ears. Eruption behind ears. Noises in ears.

Kali Iod. Copious, thick, green discharge from the ear. The patient is a hot patient
better in cold.


Silicea 200. This should be given every fortnight.

Hepar Sulph. This should be given four times at an interval of four hours every day
except on the day when Silicea is given. It should be given for considerably long
period, say for six or eight months.


Conium. Accumulation of wax in the ears.

Diseases of Nose, Throat,
Pharynx & Larynx



Bacillinum. Should start treatment with this remedy and it should be repeated every
fortnight in 200 dilution along with other indicated remedies. No other remedy should
be given on the day of its administration and for two days before and after.

Agraphis Nutans. An excellent remedy for adenoids. It may be given in 3x potency.

Calcarea Carb. In pale, fat children, cold (Clammy) feet, head perspiring at night.

Calcarea Phos. In thin and weak children, pale face. It is highly recommended by the
profession. Child is peevish and obstinate. Sneezing without coryza.

Calcarea Iod. Is another remedy which should be remembered in the treatment of


Hydrastis Can. Specific for adenoids. Mucus Membrane is yellow and there is
excessive enlargement.

Baryta Iod. Very useful remedy for adenoids if the child is mentally weak.

Cistus Can. Scrofulous swelling and suppuration of glands of throat. Burning high up
behind uvula. Must swallow saliva to relieve dryness.


Hydrastis mother tincture….10 grams.

Pure glycerine………..…… 60 grams.

Cotton tampons well saturated with the above mixture may be introduced into the
nose at bed time. It will afford great relief and will obtain atrophy of the adenoid


Bryonia. Is an excellent remedy and should be tried first. Give in 1X dilution.

Millefolium. It is a general remedy for epistaxis without knowing the cause and when
Bryonia fails.

Trillium. An excellent remedy for bleeding from the nose which is bright red or dark
and clotted. The mother tincture of this applied to affected part will arrest the bleeding
from nose, teeth etc.

Arnica M. When due to a blow. Coldness of the nose.

Ammonia Carb. Bleeding from the nose when washing face in the morning.

Graphites. When preceded and accompanied with flushing of face and neck, i.e.,
there is rush of blood to the head with nose bleeding.

Crocus. Dark, stringy blood.

Hamamellis. When the blood is of dark color.

Melilotus. With intense redness of the face.

Phosphorus. Frequent and profuse bleeding. Haemorrhagic diathesis.

Arum Trip. Constant picking at the nose until it bleeds.

Vipera. Great remedy for nose-bleeding even in cases of life long standing.

Natrum Sulph. Nose bleeding before, during or after menses.

Crotalus Hor. Nose bleeding in old and broken down constitutions. May be given
when other remedies fail. Depraved state of blood with flushes of face, vertigo or

Ammonium Mur. Bloody crusts from nostrils.

Agaricus. Blood from nose blowing.

Eupionum. Nosebleed when flow (menses) intermits.

Arsenicum Alb. Violent bleeding from the nose, with burning pain and irritability.

Erigeron. Specific for bright red hemorrhages and congestions in all parts of body.

Pulsatilla. A useful remedy in lose bleed with suppressed menses. Obstruction and
swelling of nose. Loss of taste and smell.

Mercurius Sol. Painful swelling of nose. “Dirty nosed children.” Frequent and
profuse epistaxis.

Thlaspi Bursa. Nose bleed, passive. Dull pain at root of nose. Free discharge of blood
and mucus.

Bovista. Nose bleeding early morning. Confusion in head.

Rhus Tox. Nose-bleed at night and on stooping or hawking; blood dark.



CORYZA (Acute and Chronic). See also “HAY FEVER” and “SYPHILIS”

Agaricus. Clear water from nose without coryza.

Natrum Mur. Watery, transparent discharges causing blister like eruptions. Loss of
taste or smell.

Aconite. This is the best remedy at the onset, but this stage is generally passed
without treatment. The patient at the earlier stage is with dryness and tingling in the
nostrils. Restlessness.

Bryonia. Nose blocked with congestion in the head. Cannot breathe through the nose.
Dry cough with pain in the chest. An excellent remedy for flu.

Ferrum Phos. It is specific for colds at early stages and should be given in 30

Gelsemium. It is indicated in bland discharge from the nose which is thick. It has
sneezing, headache, chilliness in the back and aching pains. The patient is dull and

Arsenic Alb. It has the symptoms of watery discharge from the nose which is acrid
and thin. There is sneezing and pain in the limbs as in Gelsemium. It has proved to be
the best remedy for “Flu”.

Carbo Veg. Coryza due to stomach disorders. Coryza with sneezing when going to an
overheated room.

Allium Cepa. Is useful when there is an acrid discharge from the nose accompanied
with bland discharge from the eyes. Soreness of muscles and tired feeling is also
there. Better when out of doors, worse in warm room. Very sensitive to odors of
flowers and skin of peaches.

Euphrasia. Is the severe of Allium Cepa. Both have discharges from the eyes and
nose, but in Euphrasia the discharge from the eyes is acrid whereas from the nose it is

Psorinum. This remedy should be thought of in chronic catarrh and should be given
in 1M dilution. If there is an improvement no other remedy need be given. Watery
discharge from the nose; worse by dust and tobacco odor; tickling and itching in the

Lycopersicum. Coryza worse out of doors.

Ipecac. Cold followed by suffocative fits. Complete aphonia from cold. Congestion of
vocal cords.

Lemna Minor. Chronic catarrh with post-nasal dropping. Nasal polyp. Reduces nasal

Dulcamara. Dry coryza renewed by slightest exposure, worse after getting wet or by
living in damp basements, in the open air and night. Nose stuffs up in cold wet

Pulsatilla. When there is thick yellowish-green discharge from the nose. It is useful
for what is generally termed as ripe cold. The absence of thirst is a marked symptom
of this remedy. Cold with consequent coryza and loss of smell and taste.

Arsenic Iod. This remedy is indicated in later stages of Arsenic Alb. The difference in
the two remedies is that of modality. Whilst the Ars. Alb, patient is better in a warm
or by hot application, the Arsenic Iod. Patient is worse by warmth.

Hydrastis. The discharge under this remedy is thick, viscid, ropy, yellow, bloody and
acrid. There may be ulceration in the nose. There is amelioration of symptoms in open
air. Nose blocked. Ropy mucus is drawn from posterior nares into the throat.

Cinnabaris. For chronic catarrh.

Sumbul. Nasal and pharyngeal catarrh.

Sanguinaria Nit. Post-nasal catarrh. Chronic bronchitis and laryngitis.

Calcarea Sulph. Inveterate cases of coryza; better in open air. Dry coryza. Discharge
from the nose is bloody, excoriating, offensive, purulent, thick, yellow or greenish.
Crusts from the nose. Offensive odor from the nose.

Merc Cor. Nasal catarrh thick, acrid and glue like; excoriating.

Theridion. Nasal catarrh, obstinate, with thick yellow or greenish yellow discharges.
Paroxysms of violent sneezing.

Silicea. Nasal Catarrh due to suppression of foot sweat..

Sinapis Nigra. Acute coryza with sneezing and lachrymation, itching and burning in
nose and eyes, dryness of nose or acrid discharge.

Iodium. Thick yellowish green discharge from the nose. It burns and excoriates. The
patient immediately begins to emaciate when the complaint comes on and is very
hungry. Sinusitis. Loss of smell, deafness due to obstruction of Eustachian tube.
Hoarseness. Tonsilitis. Dry short, barking cough with sawing respiration. Burning and

Kali Hyd. Thick yellowish discharge; worse in warm room with rawness and burning
in the nose; external nose very sore to pressure; whole face aches and the patient is
extremely restless. Wants to walk in the open air which does not fatigue him.

Nux Vom. Stuffing of the nose in warm room.

Cajuputam. Constant inclination to spit and hawk up large quantities of tough white
mucus which he could feel drawn through the nares.

Nitric Acid. Nasal catarrh with violent itching and obstruction in the nose. Discharge
acrid, watery at night, yellow, offensive, corroding with swelling of upper lip. Coryza
every winter, no sooner does he get over one cold he gets another.

Coffea. Cold followed by pains and inclination to weep.

Cistus Can. Chronic nasal catarrh with frequent and violent sneezing, worse in cold
weather and by inhaling cold air. Craving for cheese. Affects mucus membranes
which throw out thick, yellow offensive mucus. Old and troublesome catarrh. Feels
raw after emptying the chest and nose. There is relief to this rawness when the chest
and nose are filled up with mucus again.

Sepia. Dry coryza, nostrils sore, swollen, ulcerated and scabby, discharging large
green plugs. Very sensitive to noise, music and odors. Smell of cooking nauseates.

Antim Tart. Catarrh of chest, coming in winter with white expectoration. Prostration
coldness, sweat, Pallor, Blueness of face.

Hepar Sulph. Catarrh of the nose, ears, throat, larynx and chest. No mucus membrane
is exempt. Coryza with sneezing and running from the nose when going into a cold
wind. Watery discharge from the nose in the beginning and finally ending in a thick,
yellow, offensive discharge. Pain in throat on swallowing as if full of splinters.
Putting the hand or foot out of bed brings aggravation of all complaints.

Medorrhinum 200. Obstinate nasal catarrh; post nasal obstruction with loss of smell.
Mucus white or yellow. This should be tried when other indicated remedies fail.

Mercurius Sol. Coryza with thick greenish, yellow, acrid stinking discharge with
affection of nasal bones. Nose bleed and bloody discharge. Worse at night and better
in the daytime.

Aurum Ars. A most useful remedy in old stubborn catarrhs. Caries of the bones of
the nose. Coryza may fluent or dry. Discharge bloody, offensive, fetid, greenish,
purulent, thick or watery, yellow.

Magnesia Carb. Dry coryza which admits of respiration only through mouth. Comes
every month before periods.

Ammonia Carb. Dry stuffed coryza, worse at night; breathes with mouth open.
Inability to blow the nose. Catarrh of the chest coming on every winter with yellow

Naphthaline. Acute coryza with fluent excoriating discharge and much sneezing.

Phytolacca. Most distressing and long lasting catarrh, lingering, inveterate old
catarrhs with destruction of the bones of the nose. Total obstruction of the nose; when
riding patient must breathe through the mouth.

Ailanthus G. Coryza is exceedingly acrid, excoriating, burning wherever it touches,
the nostrils get sore and cracked.

Kali Iod. Chronic catarrh of the eyes, nose and throat with copious green discharge of
muco pus which sometimes is very fetid. Coryza recurs after little cold, makes the
nose red and swollen. Perforation of the bone. Voice becomes nasal, hoarse or is lost.
Worse in heat and warmth of bed.

Kali Carb. Opening up of the nose in open air with burning and headache which is
very severe; the nose stuffs up in warm room, when it commences to discharge, the
patient feels comfort as the headache disappears with the discharge.

Cadmium Sulph. Nasal catarrh which has progressed till the nasal bones are being
destroyed by caries. Ulceration. Pain in the bones. Sneezing, coryza, boils, abscesses.

Bromium. Coryza acute with much sneezing and burning in the nose and a sensation
of coldness from inhaling cold air. Bleeding from the nose. Ulceration in the nose. It
is useful for June-July cold, i.e., for coryza in hot season.

Alumen. Tendency to colds which settle in the throat. In those who keep on taking
cold and whose tonsils keep on growing and indurating.

Balsamum Peru. Bronchial catarrh state, nose and throat dry and stuffed up, pain in
forehead over the eyes; large green offensive crusts in the nose; chronic catarrh.
Dimness of vision, as if looking through a fog.


Tuberculinum. It is always good to start treatment of hay fever with this remedy. It
cuts short the duration of the attack and sometimes completely cures the patient. It
should be given once in a fortnight, four doses only and thereafter it need only be
repeated every six months for about years. Dose 200 dilution.

Psorinum. Useful in patients who are sensitive to cold. A dose of 200 dilution as an
intercurrent remedy to be given along with other indicated medicines.

Sabadilla. Fluent coryza and violent sneezing, knowing not when will it end. Worse
cold. Asthmatic form of hay fever.

Sticta Pulmonaria. When there is also tendency to bronchitis.

Succinum 3X. One or two grains to be dissolved in 12 teaspoonfuls to be taken every
2 hours.

Arsenic Iod. Frequent sneezing and copious watery nasal discharge that burns the lip.
Burning watery discharge from the eyes like Arsenic Alb., but Ars. Alb patient is
better by hot application and from snuffing hot water in the nose. Ars. Iod. Is worse in
warm room and better in open air and cold application.

Arsenic Alb. Thin watery discharge from the nose with irritation and sneezing.

Kali Sulph 1X. With frequent sneezing, lachrymation, watery mucus, redness of nose.
Sometimes bronchial asthma.

Merc kali Iod. Profuse watery mucus from the nose with sneezing, coughing and
watering of the eyes.

Sinapis Nigra. Hay fever with coryza, sneezing and lachrymation, itching and buring
in eyes, dryness of nose or acrid discharge.

Carbo Veg. Watery discharge with irritation extending into chest accompanied by
hoarseness and rawness.

Allium Cepa. When there is excoriating discharge from the nose and bland discharge
from the eyes. It has sensation as if hooks were in the larynx and sometimes below
larynx. It is also worse in a warm room.

Naphthaline. An almost specific as preventive and curative in hay fever. Excoriating

discharge from the eyes and nose. Eyelids swollen. Tendency to asthma.

Sulphur. Hay fever or asthma due to allergy for eggs, butter, animal fats, fish, etc. It
is to be used as an intercurrent remedy when well selected medicines fail. Hay fever
due to feathers or use of feather pillows.

Sepia. Morning sneezing in bed, worse in cloudy weather, worse in company or when
consoled. Indifferent to relations, conscientious, thirstless, worse cold, breath
offensive, face yellowish.

Euphrasia. Copious burning discharge from the eyes and bland discharge from the

Iodium. Discharge from the nose thick, yellowish green. It burns and excoriates. The
patient immediately begins to emaciate when the complaint comes on and is very
hungry. Asthmatic form of hay fever.

Sanguinaria C. hay fever due to smelling of flowers and odors. Sensitive to flowers.
Hands and feet burn, the patient keeps them out of bed for relief.

Staphisagria. Sneezing with or without coryza. At first thick mucus and afterwards
thin discharge from the nose. Itching, fine sharp pricks in sternum. Tightness of chest.

Calcarea Phos. Sneezing without coryza.

Kali Hyd. Thick yellowish discharge worse in warm room with rawness and burning
in the nose, external nose very sore to pressure, whole face aches and the patient is
extremely restless. Wants to walk in the open air which does not fatigue him.
Asthmatic form of hay fever.

OZENA. (Chronic disease of the nose accompanied a fetid discharge depending on

ulceration or caries of the nose). (See also remedies under “SYPHILIS”).

Aurum Met. It is the leading remedy. Deep seated destruction of the tissues, caries of
the nasal bone, fetid discharge, burning pains, worse at night.

Aurum Ars. Ozena with obstructed nose and itching. Pain in the nose bones, with
burning and boring; ulcerative pain. Frequent sneezing. Nose swollen.

Hippozaenium. It is indicated in chronic cases involving ulceration of nasal cartilage

and bones leading to exposure of the necrosed septum, vomer and palate bones.

Thuja. Ozena with thin yellow-greenish discharges.

Merc Cor. Ulcers in the nose, excoriating discharge, especially, if there is a thick
gluey discharge from the nose, always associated with burning pain.

Merc. Viv. With soreness of the bones.

Mezereum. With burning pain in bones of nose and face.

Petroleum. Formation of scabs and cracks in wings of nose.

Pulsatilla. With yellow bland discharge, aggravation towards evening.

Hydrastis. With profuse and bloody discharge and tendency towards ulceration.

Calcarea Carb. With thick purulent, fetid discharge, swelling at the root of the nose
and ulceration.

Tuberculinum. May be given as an intercurrent remedy, as sometimes the disease

may be used on tuberculosis of the nose.

Kali Iod. Syphilitic ozena. Necrosis in the bones of the nose which become flat.
Copious green discharge from the nose.


Lemna Minor. Is the head remedy for polypus. Give in 1X dilution.

Teucrium. With stoppage of nose on the side lain on.

Sanguinaria C. When accompanied with sick headache.

Thuja. Polypus with nasal sinusitis, bad smelling, thin greenish discharge with loss of

Calcarea carb. }
Nitric Acid. } Are also useful in nasal polyp.

Alumen. Nasal Polyp of left side.


Kali Bi. }
Silicea. } Give Silicea 200 every fortnight and no medicine two days before
and after that. During the interval, give Kali Bi. 30 four times daily, every 4 hours.

Iodium. Sinusitis with shooting, hammering pain in head and the lower jaw,
especially during attack of catarrh, worse by bending forward. It affects right side of
the head, ear and lower jaw.

Kali Iod. Tearing or jerking stitches in sinuses. Digging and aching coryza occurs
repeatedly. Nose red and swollen. Discharge thick green and offensive.


Anacardium. Smell perverted.

Silicea. In nasal Catarrh.

Hepar Sulph. Smell like old cheese.

Mercurius Sol. In pharyngeal catarrh, in cold of old standing.

Kali Bi. Putrid smell with watery discharge.

Aurum Met. Putrid smell when blowing nose.

Sulphur. Victim of filthy odors. Filthy breath, intensely fetid stool; filthy smelling
genitals which can be smelled in the room in spite of his clothing. All discharges are
fetid and excoriating, having strong offensive odors. In spite of washing, the axilla
gives our a pungent odor.

SMELL (Diminished or lost)

Alumina. Sense of smell diminished, fluent coryza. Point of nose cracked, nostrils
sore and red, worse by touch. Scabs with thick yellow mucus.

Aurum Met. Loss of smell due to deformity in the nose on account of latent syphilis,
chronic catarrh, etc.

Argentum Nit. Smell diminished in typhoid fever.

Mezereum. Diminishing of smell with dryness of nose.

Merc. Cor. Impairment of smell with sore throat.

Pulsatilla. Loss of smell with sore throat.

Natrum Mur. This should be tried if Pulsatilla fails in thick mucus.

Cup Met. In catarrh of frontal sinuses.

Elaps. In chronic inflammation of nasal membrane. In ozena.

Thuja. Sinusitis with bad smelling greenish discharge from nose. Loss of smell and
allergic rhinitis. (Cold).

Benzoic Acid. Sense of smell diminished. Perversion of smell. Highly concentrated

urine with offensive smell.

Kali Iodatum. Loss of smell. Sensation as if worm crawling at root of nose.

Magnesia Mur. Loss of smell and taste following catarrh.


Graphites. To flowers. Smell very acute.

Colchicum. To food. Odors make him beside himself. Smell of eggs causes nausea
and vomiting.

Belladonna. To tobacco.

Sulphur. As an intercurrent remedy and for hypersensitiveness generally.

Phosphorus. Strong odors cause cough. Fainting from smell of flowers.

Sepia. Smell of cooking causes nausea.

Sulphur Acid. Hypersensitive to odor of coffee.

Nux Vom. Vertigo from smell of flowers.


Sulphur. For illusion of smell start treatment with this remedy. If it does not help, the
following may be given according to the symptoms:-

Graphites. Smell of burnt hair.

Anacardium. Smell of burnt sponge and of chicken dung.

Croton Tig. Smell of stools.

China. Smell of a dead body.

Belladonna. Smell of rotten eggs, of fish brine.

Pulsatilla. Smell of old putrid cold.

Calcarea Carb. Smell of manure.

Euphorbium. Illusion of smell, odor of mice.

Sanicula. Odor of fish brine from child’s genitals. Child’s parts smell like fish brine
even after bathing.



Lemna Minor. Snoring due to obstruction in the nose. Enlargement of nasal bones.

Hippozaenium. Snoring with swelling and redness of the nose, with obstinate catarrh.
Cartilage of the bone become exposed. Caries or enlargement of spinal bones.

Opium. Snoring in asthma; in apoplexy; in coma; puerperal convulsions: with mouth

wide open; with chest congestion.

Pulsatilla. Snoring after convulsions with irregular labor pains.


Sulphur. Brown and black spots on the nose.

Sepia. A yellow saddle across the nose.

Sabina. Black Pores around nose.


CHOKING (See also “DYSPNOEA” and “SORE”)

Chamomilla. When something seems to rise as if she would suffocate.

Spigelia. Caused by copious mucus from posterior nares.

Lachesis. As if someone grasped him, causing suffocation. Worse waking in the

morning. Spasmodic. On swallowing warm fluid. Suffocating on swallowing warm
tea or warm drinks.

Cactus. Choking with heart trouble.

Mephites. Choking while eating and drinking.

Nitric Acid. A morsel sticks in pharynx when eating as if pharynx is constricted.

Choking. Swallowing very difficult; distorts face and draws head down.

Cicuta Vir. After swallowing a sharp piece of bone, or other injuries to the pharynx,
the throat closes and there is danger of suffocation and choking.

Magnesia Phos. Spasmodic constriction of throat with sensation of choking.

Enlargement of tonsils at first and then comes redness of the roof; dryness and
difficult swallowing.

Medorrhinum. Spasms of the glottis with clucking in the larynx; air expelled with
difficulty but inhaled with ease.

Bromine. Spasms or constriction of glottis.

CROUP (Non Diphtheric) (See also “LARYNGITIS”)

Aconite Nap. At the onset of the disease. Throat painful with difficulty in
swallowing. Husky, dry, deep, barking cough, high fever, restlessness, frightened,
burning in throat and larynx. Desire for cold water which is difficult to swallow.

Spongia. Hoarse croupy cough with laryngitis, cough sounds as sawing through a

Kali Bich. Dyspnoea, hoarse rough cough, breathing sounds as if air were passing
though a metallic tube.

Belladonna. When there is barking cough and face becomes red on coughing. Dry hot
skin; full sharp pulse. Swollen red tonsils.

Sanguinaria. When there is burning and dryness in the larynx. Hoarse croupy cough
with wheezing and whistling.

Hepar Sulph. For frequent attacks of croup and laryngitis due to exposure to cold
wind. Hoarse, dry barking cough, whistling respiration. For rattling and choking
cough, worse in the morning. The child chokes during coughing spell.

Phosphorus. When hoarseness persists and the disease shows signs or relapse.

Antim Tart. Face cold, bluish, covered with cold sweat, pulse slow, voice soundless;
sawing respiration, rattling respiration as if air passages were full of mucus without

Sambucus. Severe attacks of croup coming on after midnight. Wheezing, crowing

and suffocating cough.

Lachesis. Ulceration of the throat, red, grey deep dusky. Empty swallowing far more
difficult than swallowing of solids. Larynx painful to touch; great prostration.


Lachesis. Thin discharge from the nose which is acrid. Throat dark red, grey deep
with bluish tinge; membrane more marked on the left, affection going to the right.
Swelling of glands about the neck; drowsiness feebleness of pulse. Cold extremities.
Worse after sleep. Swallowing liquid or saliva very painful. Give in 200 dilution
every two hours.

Lac Can. Unlike Lachesis it changes sides starting on one side, frequently the left; the
soreness and swelling suddenly shifts to the opposite side only to return in a few hours
to the starting point. The membrane is grayish, yellow and curdy. If ulcers are formed,
they show like silver glass; paralysis of the throat so that the fluids return by the nose
when drinking.

Crotalus. When there is persistent epistaxis (bleeding from the nose). Blood coming
from the nose and mouth escaping from mucus membrane of the buccal cavity.

Naja. When the pharynx is invaded. The patient grasps at the throat with a sensation
of choking, fetid breath and short hoarse cough with raw feeling at larynx or upper
part of the trachea.

Lycopodium. Aggravation from the 4 to 8 p.m. The right side is mostly affected. The
child awakes from sleep frightened or cross and angry. Fan-like motion of alae nasi is
its red line symptom. Feeling of contraction in throat, nothing goes down; food and
drink regurgitate through the nose.

Apis. When there is edema of the throat, with stinging pains, or it may be violent or
may he painless, aggravation from heat. Blisters on the border of the tongue.
Drowsiness and dullness. Enlarged vulva. Puffy, glossy, bright red parts. Scanty urine,
puffiness about eyes.

Carbolic Acid. With high fever, great burning but no pain in fauces which look fiery
red and covered with diphtheric patches. Pulse extremely fast.

Merc Cyanatus. In very bed a cases of malignancy. Diphtheria with suddenness of

the attack, extreme prostration and threatening collapse; small rapid and intermittent
pulse. Membrane is greenish and spreads to the nose involving a large surface. Give
one dose only of 1M or CM dilution.

Bromium. When due to overheating or by wrapping the child in the summer or at


Diphtherinum. Should be used as intercurrent remedy. It should be given in 200

potency. The treatment may start with this remedy. Bleeding from the nose with
extreme weakness. Collapses almost at the beginning. Pulse weak, rapid and vital
reaction very low. Swallows without pain but fluids are vomited or returned by the
nose. Breath and discharges very offensive.

Phytolacca. When the pain shoots from throat into ears on swallowing; great pain at
the root of tongue when swallowing; burning as from a coal or a fire or a red hot iron;
dryness; difficult to swallow, with trembling of the hands, sensation of a lump in the
throat; continuous desire to swallow. Dark red, blue or ash colored membrane. Cannot
drink hot fluids.

Gelsemium. Excellent remedy for diphtheritic paralysis, no matter where the trouble
is localized. Paralysis, of the pharynx as a result of diphtheria.

Arum Triph. Burning, smarting, rawness of the throat and mouth with acrid
discharges from the nose which excoriate nostrils and upper lip.

Cantharis. This is indicated where there is frequent urination with scalding before,
during and after micturition. There is albumin, blood and/or casts in the urine.

Kali Bich. Is indicated when the pains are sticking, intermittent, shifting from one
locality to another and confined to small spots in each instance. Tongue coated thick
like yellowish brown fur, uvula relaxed with sensation of plug in throat.

Muriatic acid. Diffused, deep redness of throat; uvula swollen; tonsils and fauces
swollen, unable to swallow, voice hoarse, sub maxillary glands swollen, dark putrid
blood from the nose; not much fever but great prostration.

Nitric Acid. Eating and drinking practically impossible. Exudates covers uvula.
Pricking as from splinter, piece of glass or hot wire. Salivation; fever; prostration and
coughing. Strong smelling urine like that of horse’s.


Arnica Montana. Hoarseness, the consequence of overwork of the voice, as in

preachers, singers and speakers.

Arum Triph. Due to exertion and catching cold; public speakers, auctioneers, actors
and singers, while performing their functions as such, catch cold by a draught and
then comes the hoarseness which is immediately relieved by this remedy.

Spongia. As in Arum Triph. The larynx is sensitive to touch and deglutition becomes
painful. With these symptoms, Spongia and Arum Triph may be alternated. Loss of
voice due to exposure.

Gelsemium. When the larynx is completely paralyzed owing to hysteria or otherwise.

Nervous hoarseness. Loss of voice at menstrual periods.

Plumbum. This should be thought of when Gelsemium fails or Causticum does not
help much. Due to paralysis of vocal cord. Aphonia in old cases.

Belladonna. Due to congestion in throat. Confused sounds uttered with pain.

Causticum. Due to the weakness of vocal cord. Hoarseness worse in the morning.

Phosphorus. Due to inflammation and accumulation of mucus which impede speech.

Loss of voice due to exposure. Loss of voice with profuse clammy perspiration and
terrific irritation of the skin. Thirst for cold water. Hoarseness worse in the evening.

Rumex. Due to accumulation of tough gelatinous gluey mucus and continuous
scraping of larynx.

Bromium. Due to over-heating.

Merc Soul. Specific for hoarseness.

Ipecac. Complete aphonia from cold or congestion of vocal cords.

Baryta Iod. Aphonia due to obstruction or a growth in larynx.

Antim Crud. Aphonia due to exposure to heat.

Ignatia. Hoarseness in hysterical cases.

Kali Mur. Hoarseness from cold. Stingy, tough mucus. Cough hard, dry, croupy and

Senega. Hoarseness with dyspnoea and great accumulation of albuminous mucus.

Burning, aching and stitches in chest.

Lachesis. Due to paralysis of vocal cord.

Mentha Piperita. Voice weakened by reading aloud. It helps singers to hold voice.

Alumina. Hoarseness in singers and talkers with cold, tickling in the throat when
talking. Singers break down in the voice from paralysis or overwork of the voice.

Alumen. Voice entirely lost. Chronic loss of voice. All this due to taking fresh colds.

Rhus Tox. Hoarseness relieved by talking. Sensation of excoriation in the chest;

oppressed breathing and violent sneezing. The voice improves after using it for a little
while. Hoarseness only on beginning to sing or talk.

Carbo Veg. Hoarseness and rawness due to hay fever; watery discharge with irriation
extending to the chest.

Sambucus Nig. Hoarseness with deep hollow cough; oppression of the chest; frequent
yawning, restlessness and thirst.

Pulsatilla. When there is a complete loss of voice accompanied with loose cough, or
thick yellow discharge from the nose.

Coca. Loss of voice; hoarseness worse after talking. Give every half hour five or six
drops of mother tincture two hours before the expected demand on voice.

Malandrium. Hoarseness due to small pox or measles.

Aconite N. Loss of voice due to exposure in dry cold wind.

Cina. Hoarseness due to exposure when Aconite. N. Phosphorus and Spongia fails.

Stramonium. Loss of power of utterance. Could only utter hoarse cracking sound
alternated with soreness. Croupy barking cough. Unable to swallow on account of
violent spasms.

Abrotanum. Hoarseness due to cessation of pain in the nodes in joints caused by

rheumatism. Give in 1M potency.

Argentum Met. Hoarseness in public speakers; or professional singers. Chronic

pharyngitis of singers.

Calcarea Phos. Hoarseness. The patient scraps mucus from the larynx before he can
talk or sing.

Argentum Nit. Chronic laryngitis in singers; the high notes cause cough.

Manganum. Is said to be a wonderful remedy for speakers and singers, if Argentum

Nit. Fails. There may be accumulation of mucus in the throat, more forms as soon as
he clears it.

Oxalic Acid. Loss of voice with cardiac complaints. Palpitation alternating with loss
of voice.


Baryta Carb. Hoarseness and loss of voice from cough, mucus in trachea. Paralysis
of tongue. Chronic cases.

Carbo Veg. Obstinate cases worse in the morning and evening and by talking.

Hepar Sulph. An excellent remedy for chronic hoarseness, especially when there is a
history of the patient having been drugged with mercurial preparations under other
treatments. There is a loss of voice and a dry hoarse bark in adults, especially in the
morning and evenings or when exposed to cold wind.

Sulphur. }
Calcarea Carb.}
Silicea. } Should be tried in completing the cure. They will be indispensable in
certain case. They may be tried one after the other.

Senecio Aureus. Hoarseness due to suppression of menses.


Lac Can. Paralysis of the throat with diphtheria. Fluid returns through the nose when


Belladonna. Relaxation of tissues and uvula; swelling of the uvula, sensation of

pepper in the throat.

Sanguinaria Nit. Pharyngitis worse on the right side. Chronic follicular pharyngitis.

Guaiacum. It sometimes relieves pain.

Zincum Met. When inflammation is provoked by alcohol, tobacco or any other


Phytolacca. Throat dark red or bluish red; feels rough narrow and hot. Shooting pain
in ears. Cannot swallow even water. Also relieves the pain when it is of a rheumatic

Cistus Can. It has particular affinity for naso-pharynx snuffling; expectoration of

bitter mucus; tickling and scratching, sometimes sensation of sand in the throat.
Dryness and heat in the throat compelling patient to drink frequently. Inhalation of
cold air provoking pain in the throat. Sensitiveness to cold air is the remedy’s great

Sanguinaria Can. Redness and smoothness of mucus membrane and a glazed and
varnished appearance with lack of saliva. It is an excellent remedy for acute and
chronic pharyngitis with the symptoms indicated.

Kali Mur. One of best remedies for follicular pharyngitis with grey or white
exudation, tonsils are swollen and inflamed with grayish spots of ulcers on them.

Alumina. }
Alumen. } These remedies are indicated in dry catarrhal pharyngitis with lack
of saliva.

Lycopodium. One of the best remedies for dry catarrh, nose obstructed at night. No

Sticta Pul. Acute or chronic dry coryza with sensation of pressure and fullness at the
root of the nose. Constant desire to blow.

Wyethia. An excellent remedy for chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis where there is
constant desire to clear the throat for distinct utterance. Give in 30 dilution.

Sepia. Smarting pain and scratching in the pharynx on swallowing, hoarseness when
speaking and singing. Frequent cough with expectoration of mucus sometimes
streaked with blood and always difficult to detach.

Kali Bi. Is the best medicine for hypertrophic form. A fish bone sensation in the
throat with hawking.


Mercurius Sol. Sore, raw, smarting and burning throat. Ulcers and inflammation
appearing at change of weather. Constant desire to swallow. Loss of voice. Offensive

Mercurius Cor. Throat red, inflamed dry, stiff with a constrictive feeling. Uvula
swollen, painful swallowing.

Arsenicum Iod. When there is unfavorable background tending to tuberculosis.

Kali Brom. In atonic condition of the pharynx.

Kali Iod. In great irritation in the pharynx.

Argentum Met. Chronic Irritation in the pharynx.

Kali Bich. Chronic pharyngeal ulcer.


Lycopodium. Rheumatism of the small muscles of the pharynx. Difficulty in
swallowing and on the least effort in contracting the pharynx. Mucus membrane is
pale, there is no swelling; nothing shows in the throat but the rheumatic history guides
us to diagnosis.


Belladonna. In acute cases with congestion and redness of the throat. Swallowing
difficult. Dryness of the throat, tonsils swollen and enlarged. Right sided sore throat
with pain extending to the right ear.

Sabadilla. Sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat with a constant

inclination to swallow, better by hot drinks.

Magnesia Carb. Ulceration of the throat at the time of menses. Swelling and
ulceration shift from left to right or vice versa and disappear after menstruation.

Lachesis. Sore throat, tonsillitis, diphtheria better by swallowing solid food but finds
difficult to swallow liquids; worse by hot drinks. Sensation of a lump in the throat.
Dryness of throat.

Cistus Can. Worse by inhaling air, cold breath. Thick yellow leathery phlegm cleared
only by local means.

Merc Biniod. When the affection starts from left side. Worse by empty swallowing or
by swallowing food.

Kali Iod. Old ulcers deep in the throat destroying all the soft tissues, the uvula and the
soft palate. (Syphilitic).

Lachnanthes. Sore throat with stiff neck.

Phytolacca. When the pain shoots to the ear; vulva elongated; membrane dark red or
of ash color. Worse by hot drinks. Right sided sore throat with pain extended to right
ear. Swallowing difficult.

Guaiacum. Sore throat with sensitiveness of the parts. Aggravation by heat.

Agaricus Mus. Spasms in the throat and emitting an involuntary peculiar sound of
choking character.

Apis Mel. Loss of power of muscles in typhoid, or after diphtheria. From irritation of
epiglottis. Stinging pain in throat with edema.

Opium. In paralysis.

Hepar Sulph. Sharp splinter-like pains in the throat. Suppuration of tonsils, abscess.

Nux Vom. For irritated throat of smokers, drinkers and preachers; rawness and
scraping in the throat due to smoking, drinking and preaching.

Ignatia. Feeling as if swallowing a bone, with rolling around. In parturition.

Stramonium. From constriction or spasmodic constriction of muscles. With

convulsions. In dryness of throat. With pain in sub-maxillary glands. In meningitis.
Should only utter a hoarse cracking sound alternated with soreness.

Lobelia In. Something seems to rise from the heart to meet food and obstruct its
descent (Cardialgia).

Lyssin. Fluids return through the nose in sore throat.

Kali Carb. Food remains half way with gagging and vomiting (stricture of

Arum T. Sore-throat of actors, auctioneers, orators etc.

Baryta Carb. In chronic tonsillitis.

Iodium. With constriction, fullness or pressure in larynx.


Diphtherinum. When fluids return through the nose while swallowing.

Lycopodium. When food or drink regurgitates through the nose.

Aconite N. Difficulty in swallowing so that in eating he has to press the back of neck
with hand. Burning and pain in neck and parotid region.

Rhus Tox. Difficulty in swallowing saliva. In small pox; in scarlatina. Almost

impossible in diphtheria.

Stramonium. Swallowing difficult on account of violent spasms of the throat.

Lachesis. Can swallow solids more easily than liquids. Warm fluids suffocate.

Belladonna. Swallowing of fluids or solids becomes difficult on account of sore

throat and they are forced into the nose and sometimes out of the nose.

Hyoscyamus. Swallowing difficult on account of muscles of throat, tongue, pharynx,

esophagus becoming stiff. Fluids come out through the nose or go down into the

Gelsemium. Paresis of esophagus causing loss of swallowing power.

Causticum. Food goes down wrong way or enters larynx or posterior nares due to
paralysis of pharynx and esophagus.

Cicuta Vir. Spasms of esophagus which prevent swallowing power.


Aconite N. Should be thought of at the onset of the disease. Anxiety, restlessness and
soreness are the leading symptoms.

Belladonna. This remedy is indicated when the tonsils become inflamed as a result of
exposure. They look red and engorged. Throbbing pain which extends to ears.

Silicea. Severe tonsillitis; pricking pains. Is indicated when the abscess is broken and
does not heal.

Mer. Iod. Is an excellent remedy for tonsillitis especially when there is pain on the
left side.

Streptococcin. Give as an intercurrent remedy in inflammation of tonsils with high


Phytolacca. When the pain shoots into the ears. There is eruption of vesicles on
mucus membranes and upon larynx. Cold drinks agree whereas hot drinks impossible
to swallow. Inflammation of the throat which is dark red or almost blue. Hoarseness
and dry cough.

Hepar Sulph. When suppuration is inevitable. Ulcers in the throat, sensation of

splinters or fish bones in the throat, pain extending to ears. Better by warm drinks.

Apis Mel. Swelling of throat with stinging and burning pains, better by cold. Tongue
and vulva swollen and puffed. Vulva hangs down and causes suffocation with
consequent danger of death.

Baryta Carb. Head remedy for chronic enlargement of tonsils. Children are slow in
development with a backward mentality. Post-nasal catarrh with frequent bleeding
from the nose. Suppuration of tonsils on catching cold. Better open air; dry weather.
Use 200 dilution in chronic trouble and 6 dilution in acute cases.

Laurocerasus. Spasmodic contraction of throat and esophagus; drink rolls audibly

down the esophagus and through the intestines.

Opium. When drinking the fluid does not go down but passes out through the nose;
paresis of esophagus. Fluids go round the wrong way.

Bromine. Spasmodic constriction of glottis.

Ignatia. Pain and suffering in throat is relieved by swallowing or is worse between

the acts of deglutition.

Baptisia. Can swallow liquids only; the least solid gags.

Tuberculinum. This is an intercurrent remedy and should be given in 200 dilution

every month.

Thuja. This remedy should be given in alternation with Baryta Carb. 200 every week
in chronic enlargement of tonsils. These remedies are not to be given in the week
when Tuberculinum is due.

Iodium. Loss of weight with great appetite. Urgent hunger with great thirst. Debility
on slightest effort with perspiration. Enlargement of tonsils and thyroid gland. Worse
in warm and wet weather. Better in open air and eating. Deafness due to obstruction
of Eustachian tube.

Merc Proto Iod. Hypertrophied tonsils combined with chronic post-nasal catarrh.

Lycopodium. When the infection goes from right to left and is better by hot drinks.

Lachesis. When the infection goes from left to right and is worse by hot drinks. Long
strings of saliva. Specific for dark angry-looking parts.

Gunpowder. In septic tonsils.

Rhus Tox. Rheumatism startling on right side but better by cold drinks. Tongue
thickly coated, with most penetrating offensive smell. Constipation.

Mercurius. Tonsillitis starting on right side but better by cold drinks. Tongue thickly
coated, with most penetrating offensive smell. Constipation.

Mercurius Biniod. Quinsy. Toxemia caused by the septic condition of the throat.
Infection travels from left to right.

Calcarea Iod. Should be thought of when the course of Baryta Carb and
Tuberculinum fails and when there is enlargement of thyroid gland also.

Baryta Mur. Is also useful when there is pain on swallowing with feeling of plug in
the throat.

Calcarea Phos. When there is a pale large swelling of the tonsils.

Calcarea Carb 1M and Tuberculinum 1M. In alternation every fortnight have cured
chronic tonsils in children with tendency to grow fat and with tendency to eat earth,
plaster, paper etc. The same remedies in 200 potency should be tried for a couple of
months before 1M potency is used. If this fails, alternate Baryta Carb. 200 and Thuja
200 every week along with Tuberculinum 200 which should be given every month.

Alumen. When the tonsils keep on growing and indurating as a result of tendency to
cold which settles in the throat.

TONSILECTOMY (Ailments after removal of tonsils)

Streptomycin. For all ailments after the removal of tonsils when the patient is pale,
thin, darkness below the eyes, no appetite, listless. Give in 1M dilution every month
for a long time.

Calcarea Carb. Symptoms appearing after removal of tonsils such a post nasal
catarrh and bronchitis. Give in 200 dilution a dose every week.

Sulphur. Heart-burn, craving for sweets, no appetite during the day and then great
appetite for supper, aggravation of symptoms with change of weather, before storms.


Apis M. Specific and head remedy for elongation of uvula.

Mancinella. Elongation of uvula with throat badly swollen.

Merc Cor. Apply a little of low trituration of Merc. Cor. on uvula and it will relieve
immediately and permanently.

Hyoscyamus. Elongation of uvula with tickling cough, worse lying down.

Alumen. When uvula is relaxed with scraping in the throat.


LARYNGITIS. (Inflammation of the larynx or upper part of the wind pipe.) (See
also “CROUP”.)

Aconite N. When there is irritating hacking cough. Fever with restlessness and
anxiety. Dry hot skin and hoarseness.

Spongia. It should generally be administered six hours after Aconite or as soon as the
breathing becomes shrill and is a barking cough, hoarseness and aphonia,
accompanied by pain in the upper part of the wind-pipe.

Allium Cepa. Hoarse, harsh, ringing, spasmodic cough, excited by constant tickling
in the larynx with a raw splitting pain. Severe laryngeal cough.

Hepar Sulph. This should be thought of when the burning heat of skin continues even
after the administration of Aconite. Croupy cough and hoarseness, worse in morning.

Lachesis. Throat sensitive, swallowing difficult, warm drinks aggravate. It is to be

given when the above remedies fail.

Kali Bi. Is indicated when there is thick, sticky and stringy expectoration.

Causticum. When there is weakness of vocal muscles; hard cough, causing urging of

Phosphorus. In dry, irritable, pale and anaemic larynx. Hoarseness that remains after

Manganum. In dry hoarse cough.

Chlorum. Is also useful, if given in 12 or 30 dilution.

Selenium. }
Nat. Mur. } In tubercular laryngitis.

Sambucus Nigra. Accumulation of viscid mucus in larynx. Hoarseness. Suffocative,

hollow, deep cough with agitation and thirst. Sibilant wheezing.

Carbo Veg. Tubercular or otherwise when cold begins in the nose and finally settles
down in the chest and larynx.

Sabal Serulata. Laryngeal phthisis.

Rumex. Irritating, incessantly tickling. Aggravated by breathing cold air.


Bromium. Spasmodic constriction with tickling and burning behind the sternum.
Inspiration which provokes cough is much more difficult than expiration. Enlarged
glands, especially the parotid and thyroid.

Cuprum Met. Spasms of the glottis with suspension of breathing, face blue, thumbs
clenched in the palm with fingers over them.

Chlorum. Spasms of the glottis, epiglottis and trachea, solely due to irritation.
Dyspnoea due to spasms of vocal cords. Wild, staring and protruding eyes with
blueness of the face. Unlike Bromium, the Chlorum patient can inspire easily and
there is difficulty in expiration.

Calcarea Carb. Spasm in larynx when not due to nervous trouble. It is a

constitutional remedy.


Diseases of Gums, Mouth, Teeth and



Mercurius. Suppurating gum boils. Gums swollen, spongy and bleeding; breath
offensive; worse heat of bed and at night.

Hepar Sulph. Should be given when suppuration actually commences. It will have
the dual action of subsiding the abscess or aborting it. Give in 3X potency.

Silicea. Should be tried when Hepar Sulph fails.

Hekla Lava. An excellent remedy for gum abscess, especially from decayed teeth.
Give in 3X potency.

Belladonna. For inflammation when there is throbbing pain in the gums.

Merc. Iod. This remedy may be alternated with Bell. in very painful cases.

Calcarea Fluor. Has proved useful when there is deficiency of calcium and loss of
enamel on teeth.

Arnica Montana. Pain and swelling of gums after wearing false teeth.


Mercurius Sol. Ulceration and bleeding of gums. Itching, burning and redness of

Phosphorus. Is an excellent remedy for gum bleeding. The treatment should be

commenced with this remedy only when ruled out by clear indications of other

Calcarea Fluor. Has also proved useful when accompanied with decaying teeth.

Carbo Veg. When teeth get loose and separated from gums. Teeth decay rapidly.
Bleeding of teeth when cleaning or on slightest sucking of teeth. Pain from both heat
and cold or saltish food.

Lachesis. Bleeding from gums with great thirst for water from a hydrant. Rheumatic
diathesis. Oozing of blood round the teeth.

Antim Crud. Gums detach from teeth and bleed easily.

Staphisagria. Gums spongy which bleed easily by touch of food or finger.

Terebinthina. Bleeding of gums in albuminuria.

Causticum. Easy bleeding of gums in dental fistula.

Cedron. Bleeding of gums during menses.

Calcarea Carb. Bleeding of gums in suppressed menses.

Sulphur. Bleeding of gums in typhoid.

Alumen. Bleeding from gums which recede; decay of teeth.

CANKER-SORES (Cancrum oris-gangrenous stomatitis)

Ars. Alb. With great dryness and burning heat in mouth and tongue.

Hydrocotyle. After the abuse of chlorate of potash.

Lachesis. With dark purplish appearance of the adjacent mucus membrane.

Merc Sol. When there is salivation and soreness.

Nit Acid. In sharp sticking pains. It is specially indicated after over indulgence in


Merc. Sol. Falling of gums.

PYORRHOEA (See also “BLEEDING” under “GUMS”)

Calendula. Head remedy for pyorrhea. Should be given in 30th dilution for sometime.

Calcarea Renalis. Is said to be an excellent remedy.

Mercurius. White spongy gums, bad odor from mouth. Use 6 potency.

Silicea. Painful inflammation; formation of pus in gums; gum boils.

Gunpowder. When there is suppuration of gums and flow of pus.

Kali Carb. Pyorrhea with bad smell from the mouth and loose teeth.

Plantago Major. Teeth sore and sensitive to touch. Stabbing and boring pain.

Kreosote. Diseased teeth with bad odor. Drawing throbbing pain. Gums ulcerated and
bleed readily.

Baptisia. Gums dark, red and offensive. Blood oozes from gums. Fetid salivation.

NEURALGIA (See also “NEURALGIA” – under “MIND” etc.)

Staphisagria. Is the best remedy and should be tried first.

Coccinella. Is the next to be tried.


Magnesia Carb. Tumor of the molar bone.

Nit Acid. Tumor on gums of the size of walnut.

Silicea. When between two bicuspids.


Merc. Cor. When there is too much water saliva along with the ulceration.

Kreosote. When gums are bluish, red, soft, spongy, bleeding and inflamed.

Natrum Mur. }
Nit. Acid. } These remedies are also useful in ulceration of the gums.



Rhus Tox. Cracking of the jaw, with or without rheumatism.

Nitric Acid. May be tried if Rhus Tox fails.

Granatum. Painful cracking of the jaw.

Arum Triph. Pain in jaw joint as if sprained; on swallowing.


EPULIS (A fibrous tumors of the jaw).

Thuja. It is the head remedy for epulis.

Calcarea Carb. It should be tried when Thuja fails. The potency to be used is 200 or

Plumbum Met. }
Lac. Can. } May also be tried if the above remedies fail.

Bryonia. Tumor or swelling of the left angle of the lower jaw.

Magnetis Polus Arc. Swelling and pain in jaws, especially left jaw. Sensation of
coldness is marked.


Actea Spicata. Where there is pain in upper jaw.

Magnesia Phos. Lock jaw. Complaints due to standing in cold water.

Angustura. Lock jaw. The lips are drawn back showing teeth.

NECROSIS (Decay of the jaw)

Angustura. It should be given in 200 potency.

Phosphorus. Necrosis of the left lower jaw.

Silicea. This may be tried in varying potencies, if the above remedies fail.

Agaricus M. Pain in the upper jaw bone and in teeth.



Arum Tri. Bleeding of lips in typhoid fever etc. the patient picks at the lips till they

Bromium. Bleeding of lips in whooping cough.

Lachesis. Bleeding of lips in fevers, in diphtheria.

Natrum Mur. Bleeding of lips with rhagades.

BLISTERS (See under “FEVER”)



Aurum Sulph. Cracked lips.

Arum Tri. Cracked from cold wind.

Bryonia. In diarrhea, during typhoid fever.

Natrum Mur. Cracked lips after malarial fever.

Sepia. Cracked lips in herpes.

Antim Crud. }
Condurango. }
Zincum Met } Painful cracks in corner of mouth.


Angustura. Lips are drawn back showing teeth.


Cadmium Sulph. Swelling of lips.


Condurango. }
Conium. }
Carbo Veg. }
Staphisagria. } These remedies may be tried according to the constitution of the
patient. Conium would appear to be indicated in hard tumors and may be tried first in
such cases. In soft tumors, Staphisagria may be tried first.

Phosphorus. }
Sulphur. }
Silicea. } may be required in the treatment of indurated tumors, either at the
onset, when particularly indicated by general state of the patient, or after the previous
administration of one or more of the foregoing remedies when they failed to produce
beneficial effect.


Oleum Ani. Twitching of lips.



Ars. Alb. Accompanied with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.

Bryonia. With thirst for large quantities of water at longer intervals.

Nux Mosch. Great dryness of the mouth. Tongue so dry that it adheres to roof of the
mouth. Saliva seems like cotton; throat dry, stiffened. No thirst.

Lachesis. Dryness of the mouth, the patient is unable to protrude his tongue.

Alumen. Dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue with thirst for icy cold water.
Mouth burning, ulcerated, dirty and spongy.

Nux Vom. Breath offensive after meals or in the morning.

Pulsatilla. Breath offensive in the evening or at night.

Aurum M. Breath offensive in girls at puberty.

Arum Trip. Putrid odor from the mouth.

Capsicum. A hot pungent and offensive air comes up from the lungs and the throat
tasting foul when coughing.

Hyoscyamus. Dryness of the mouth; tongue dry as burnt leather and tastes like
leather. It rattles in the mouth being so dry.

Baryta Mur. Dryness of the mouth; cracked tongue; bleeding gums; viscid mucus
fills the mouth; offensive odor from the mouth. Biting and burning in skin.

Mercurialis Perenis. Dryness of the mouth and throat, even sugar refuses to melt in
the mouth. Eating aggravates dryness. The breath is hot and dries the lips.

Apis. Is also useful in dryness of the mouth.

Acid Phos. Dryness of the mouth in diabetic patients.

Uranium Nit }
Phosphorus. } These remedies are also useful in diabetic patient s for dryness of

Salicylic Acid. Dryness of the mouth with burning vesicles on the tongue. Cankers
and sores with burning soreness and fetid breath.

Veratrum Alb. Excessive thirst during perspiration.


Lachesis. }
Causticum. } Difficult to open mouth.

Opium. Keeps mouth open during sleep. Cannot close the mouth.

Bufo. Mouth wide open after an attack of epilepsy.

Lycopodium. }
Sulphur. } Cannot close the mouth

RANULA (A cystic tumor beneath the tongue).

Thuja. Bluish, or varicose veins on tongue or in mouth.

Ambra G. With fetid breath.

Hydrophobinum. When recurrence is threatened or when ranula recurs periodically.

Calcarea Carb. This remedy may be tried if the above treatment fails.

Merc. So. Hard and large in size. It may be given in alternation with Thuja.


Merc. Sol. Simple salivation with sore gums sore gums and mouth. Also during
pregnancy. Wets the pillow in sleep.

Natrum Mur. Obstinate salivation with ulcers on the tongue, angles of lips and inner
walls of the mouth with a constant and copious discharge of limpid saliva.

Acetic Acid. Burning water-brash and profuse salivation, day and night. Sour

Iodium. }
Nitric Acid. } In mercurial salivation. The latter remedy should be given, if the
former fails.

Iris V. When accompanied by nervous headache. Ropey saliva.

All. Sat. Copious flow of saliva after eating, drips from mouth during conversation.

Jaborandi. When due to nervous causes, in pregnancy.

Mercurius. }
Nitric Acid. } Offensive and fetid saliva.

Picric Acid. White frothy saliva hangs in strings to the floor.

Kali Bich. Rope like saliva.

Cyclamen. Saltish Saliva.

Ignatia. Sour saliva.

Veratrum Alb. Tasteless saliva. Great debility, coldness of the body; tendency to

Cenchris Con. Profuse saliva running out of mouth on the pillow in sleep.

Epiphegus. Saliva viscid. Almost constant desire to spit in headache.

Ars. Alb. Salivation in debilitated, weak, emaciated and pale persons with nausea,
heartburn and vomiting of food. In pregnancy.

Sulphur. Saliva tinged with blood with tendency to piles.

Pulsatilla. When the salivation in accompanied with nausea and repugnance for food.
In pregnancy.

Chamomilla. Sweetish saliva.

Kreosotum. Salivation during pregnancy.

Colchicum. Saliva in mouth swallowing of which causes nausea.

Baryta Carb. Saliva runs out during sleep.

SORE (Stomatitis)

Belladonna. Dry red, burning. Thirstlessness.

Capsicum. Simple inflammation of the mouth with burning.

Natrum Mur. Simple inflammation with mapped tongue and red insular patches.
Mouth and tongue feel dry, hot and burnt.

Hepar Sulph. Scurfy patches at mouth corners, pimples on chin. Ulcers on the soft
palate which eat away the osseous portion of the roof of the mouth. Extremely
offensive smell from the mouth like that of spoiled cheese. Abuse of mercury.

Merc Cor. Ulcerative inflammation of the mouth.

Muriatic Acid. Aphthous mouth, psoriasis of tongue, recurring ulcers.

Arum Trip. Very sore feeling in the mouth, redness of tongue, elevated papillae, lips
and corners of mouth cracked, nose sore.

Rheum. Mouth covered with offensive mucus after sleeping.

Borax. The mucus membrane looks shriveled as if burnt. Dryness of the mouth.
Stomatitis with thirst and vomiting. The blisters bleed easily on touch.

Hydrocotyle. Flabby tongue, showing the imprint of teeth, with a feeling as if it had
seen burnt, especially on the front part of the tongue.

Psorinum. Tip of the tongued dry and feels as if burnt.

Sanguinaria. Roof of mouth and pharynx feels as if burnt and scalded.

Hydrastis. Specially beneficial in Aphthous sore mouth; tongue heavily coated;

follicular ulcers in the mouth; secretion of tenacious mucus from the mouth.

Baptisia. Ulceration of glands, dark red or purple. Profuse flow of filthy and offensive
saliva. Tongue sore, cracked and ulcerated (of phthisis of mercury origin).

Arsenic Alb. Is indicated in livid and bluish aphthae with blisters in the mouth and on
tongue. Gangrenous Stomatitis of the cheek and gums with fever. Black central spot
in ulcerative portion. Intense restlessness and prostration.

Nitric Acid. Ulceration due to the abuse of mercury or syphilis. Saliva is acrid and
offensive, excoriating the corners of the mouth. Teeth look yellow and are loose and
drop out. It cures ulceration and gangrenous varieties. Foul smell from mouth.

Aethusa. Has general Aphthous conditions of the mouth and throat with difficulty in
swallowing. Child ejects the milk in large curds owing to bad stomach. Vomiting is
spurting in character and attended by prostration.

Phosphorus. Ulcerative Stomatitis with bleeding from gums; white or yellow lines
about the gums; general emaciation.

Mercurius Sol. Very useful in ulcerative Stomatitis where there is no history of abuse
of mercury. Ulcerative gums with great saliva, offensive breath and night aggravation.

Sepia. Pain in tongue as if burnt.

Alumen. Ulceration and dryness of the mouth. Thirst for cold water.

Syphilinum. Ulceration with profuse salivation at night on sleeping and like

Mercurius it soils the pillow.

Natrum Sulph. When there are small blisters or extremely sensitive ulcers with relief
from holding cold water in mouth.

Helleborus Niger. A useful remedy for aphthae with increased saliva, cankers with
yellowish-red edges. Numbness and swelling of tongue. Bitter taste in throat.

Sulphuric acid. Aphthae in mouth. Tongue horribly swollen. Profuse salivation.

Breath offensive. Hemorrhage from mouth.

Lachesis. Aphthae and denuded spots with burning and rawness. Gum swollen,
spongy, bleed. Tongue swollen, buns, trembles, red, dry and cracked at tips.


Cedron. Difficult speech during menses.

Gelsemium. Difficult speech due to heaviness of tongue.

Ammonia Carb. Accompanied with pain.

Cuprum Met. When due to spasms in the throat.

Mercurius. Speech difficult on account of trembling of the mouth and tongue. Speech

Agaricus M. }
Ruta. }
Stramonium. } When due to spasms of the tongue.

Dulcamara. When due to swelling of the tongue.

Lachesis. In typhoid fever.

Argentum Met. When due to weakness of chest or throat.

Kali Brom. Speech hesitating.

Hypericum. Speech jerking.

Chamomilla. Omits words with difficulty in speech.

Nux Vom. Omits words and syllables.

Lycopodium. Uses wrong words and wrong syllables.

Glonoine. Speech difficult and indistinct. Would hardly speak.

Bufo. Stuttering and stammering; gets angry when incoherent speech is not

Cocculus. Speech indistinct.

Ammonia Mur. Cannot speak correctly.

Thuja. Uses mono-syllables.

Aconite N. Speech tremulous and stammering.

SPEECH WANTING (Loss of speech).

Lachesis. Complete loss of speech with difficulty in protruding the tongue out of the

Hyoscyamus. If due to fright. Motions of tongue impaired with numbness and

Strontium Carb. Due to typhoid fever.

Causticum. When due to paralysis of organ.

Nux Vom. After an attack of apoplexy.

Actea Recemosa. Cannot speak a syllable though she makes the effort.

Ferrum Picricum. Failure of voice in public speakers.


Cocculus. Constant desire to spit.

Crotalus H. Spitting of black blood.

Epiphegus. Constant spitting with nervous headache; saliva viscid.

Stramonium. Constant spitting with froth at mouth.

Cajuputam. Constant inclination to spit.


Stramonium. Head remedy for stammering. Exerts himself a long time before he can
utter a word. It must be given for a considerable period. Distorts face and makes great
effort to speak.

Bovista. Stammering in children.

Kali Brom. Stammering, slow difficult speech.

Calcarea Carb. Stammering with tongue large, heavy and hard palate. Should be
given in CM dilution.

Hyoscyamus. May be tried when stramonium Fails.

Natrum Carb. Due to heaviness of tongue.

Cicuta Vir. When he swallows his words.

Causticum. When caused or aggravated by excitement or from vexation. Stammering

from paralytic condition of tongue.

Arg. Nit }
Lycopodium. }
Veratrum Alb.} When due to typhoid fever.

Lachesis: Stammering on certain letters like X,S,V,T, A, P.

Cedron. After coitus in women.

Bufo. Stammering and stuttering; gets angry when incoherent speech is not



China. Everything including water tastes bitter.

Bryonia. }
Natrum Mur. }
Pulsatilla. }
Sulphur. } When food tastes bitter. Maybe tried in the given order, unless other
symptoms of a particular remedy exist.

Aconite N. Everything except water tastes bitter.

Kreosotum. Food tastes bitter after drinking.

Carbo Veg. }
Borax. } Bitter taste before eating.

Cyclamen. Saltish taste. Taste diminished or perverted.

Camphor. Increased taste of all food.

Veratrum Vir. Water tastes sweet. A version to sweets.

Merc Sol. Bread tastes sweet.

Cup. Met. Metallic taste, slimy and sweetish.

Rhus Tox. Taste sour, metallic and greasy.

Nux Vom. Taste bad, sour with all sorts of variations. Milk tastes disgusting as if

Bovista. Taste of blood.

Lycopodium. Everything tastes sour.

Natrum Mur. Taste of food remains long after eating. Saltish taste.

Capsicum. Taste foul like putrid water. A pungent offensive taste in the mouth when

Hydrastis. Food tastes strangely. Taste remains long after eating.

Iodium. Bad taste as of soap. Taste salty at the tip of the tongue. It may be sweetish
or salty.

Cocculus. Sweetish metallic taste with constant desire to spit.

Medorrhinum. Coppery taste with tongue coated; blisters on inner surface of the
cheeks and lips.

Mercurius. Taste salty, sweet, metallic, slimy or of rotten eggs.

Pulsatilla. Taste as of putrid flesh with inclination to vomit; burnt taste in the mouth;
bitter. Diminished taste of all food.

Stramonium. Taste bitter; all food tastes bitter. There may be loss of taste.

Veratrum Alb. Want of taste in mouth. Tasteless saliva. Excessive thirst during




Calcarea Fluor. Head remedy for caries and necrosis of teeth with loss of enamel.
Unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain; teeth become loose in the sockets.

Staphisagria. When the teeth become black and have dark streaks through them and
decay has commenced; sensitiveness of teeth to least touch; aching after eating or
drinking. Milk teeth not fully grown and become black in spots and crumble away.

Merc Sol. Decaying and loosing of teeth; bleeding gums. In the case of children when
the teeth are pegged, it should be given persistently for three months in a low potency,
say 6, repeating this course again after a month or so.

Plantago. Rapid decay and falling out of teeth; teeth sore; bleeding gums.

Kreosotum. When the teeth turn black and decay, as soon as they appear.

Fluoric Acid. Rapid caries of teeth; fistula dentalis or lachrymalis.

Thuja. Teeth decay at the roots, crowns remain sound.

Acid Phos. Yellow teeth, bleeding of gums, swollen, stand off from teeth, painful
nodosities on the gums.

Syphilinum. Teeth crumble and turn yellow. Teeth decay at the edge of the gums and
break off.

Tuberculinum Bov. When teeth do not develop or appear. This remedy will produce
teeth. Teeth look filthy and almost green in color in children; A dose of this remedy
will clean the teeth.

Cheiranthus. For ailments due to cutting of wisdom teeth.

Arnica Mont. A dose or two of this remedy be taken every half hour before going to
dentist. It will prevent surgical shock. Two or three doses may be taken every one
hour after the surgery.

Ipec. Bleeding following tooth extraction, if the blood is bright red profuse.

Phosphorus. Bleeding from dental sockets after operation. Give two or three doses of
this every fifteen minutes. It will stop bleeding and relieve shock. Teeth become
discolored, grey, hollow; bleeding of gums, discharge from teeth sockets, necrosis of

Mezereum. Rapid decay, elongated feeling in the teeth.

Silicea. Caries of teeth in rickety children.

Calcarea Phos. Teeth late in coming or decay soon. Teeth sensitive to touch or

Calcarea Carb. Caries of teeth in fatty children. Teeth do not appear or where they
appear they are distorted: ugly little crowns upon the teeth which are black. It is also a
haemostatic that can favorably influence blood coagulability after tooth extraction.

Carbo Veg. Teeth decay rapidly; spongy gums, bleed easily, drawing and tearing pain
in teeth from hot, cold or saltish food.

Natrum Sulph. Teeth become loose and fall out in sycotic constitution. The gums
separate from teeth. Pain in teeth worse from warm things and better from cold drink
and cold air.


Syphilinum. Teeth deformed, distorted-spotted; decay early, cup-shaped in children.

Violent pain. Crawling in the roots like a worm.

FALLING OUT (See also remedies under “GUMS”)

Merc. Viv In simple cases.

Phosphorus. With suppuration of gums.


Silicea. Dental fistula; gum boils; abscess at the root of teeth; gums sensitive to cold

Acid Fluoricum. Dental fistula with persistent, bloody, salty discharge. Teeth feel
warm. Affects teeth and bones of upper jaw.


Carbo Veg. Separation of gums from teeth. Teeth get loose. Spongy gums. Teeth
decay rapidly. Bleeding from the gums. Pain from both heat and cold.

Alumen. Teeth become loose and decay; the gums recede; bleeding from the gums.


Arum Triph 200. Pain in decayed and broken molar in lower jaw, especially left side.

Chenopodium. When pain is relieved by sweets.

Coffea Crud. When pain is relieved by holding cold or ice water in the mouth. Give
in 200 dilution.

Calcarea Carb. Toothache during pregnancy aggravated by cold and rest. Gets relief
by walking about.

Pulsatilla. Pain relieved by holding cold water in the mouth or by walking in open air.
Neuralgic toothache in pregnant women. The patient is thirst less and perspires
heavily. Worse from warm things and heat of room.

Phosphorus. When pains aggravate by dipping hands in water. Washer-woman’s


Hecla Lava 3X. Toothache, gum abscess, swelling about the jaws; difficult dentition.

Kreosote. Toothache due to decayed teeth, scorbutic gums. Premature decay of milk
teeth. They become yellow, dark and then decay.

Allium Cepa. When pain is better by cold air or cold washing. It is also relieved by
picking or sucking teeth.

Belladonna. Corrects the enlarged feeling of tooth along with throbbing pain in teeth.

Natrum Mur. Toothache. Teeth very sensitive. Pain on drawing the air against the
teeth and on pressure of the tongue and of food. Teeth become loose. Drawing pain
from the teeth extending to ear.

Magnatis Polus Arc. Pain in teeth and lower left jaw with swelling, heat and redness
of one cheek. Coldness of the body.

Agaricus M. pain in teeth and in the upper jaw bone.

Lycopodium. Gums swollen, hot and tender. Jumping toothache, better by warm
drink, worse by touch or pressure on the teeth.

Sepia. Toothache during pregnancy.

Antim Crud. Toothache in hollow teeth. Pain sometimes penetrates into the head.
Worse at night after eating and from cold water. Touching tooth with tongue cuases
pain as if nerves were torn; better walking in open air. Gnawing pain in carious teeth
after every meal.

Natrum Carb. Pain in teeth by taking sweets or sweet fruits.

Bismuth. Toothache relieved by holding cold water in mouth.

China Off. Toothache while nursing the child.

Clematis. Toothache in a decayed molar tooth, much aggravated from a crumb of

bread coming into it; much relieved by cold water. It is also aggravated by smoking

Merc. Sol. When there is inflammation at the root of the decayed teeth. Teeth black
and dirty and decay early. Pulsating toothache worse at night or in damp weather.
Teeth feel elongated and sore. Worse by cold or hot application.

Agnus Castus. Toothache from hot food or drinks.

Hyoscyamus. Toothache with too long, too loose feeling.

Chamomilla. When pain is worse by warm food or drink. It is intolerable. Unbearable

pain affecting the whole row of teeth with pain radiating to ears and face. Toothache
absent during the day and comes on at night as the patient gets into the warm bed.

Staphisagria. Toothache extending to eyes. Black, crumbling, carious, exfoliating
teeth, very sensitive to touch and to cold drinks. Toothache during menses. Gnawing
at the roots of decayed teeth. Toothache in decayed teeth. Worse by least touch.

Calcarea Fluor. Is an excellent remedy for toothache when there is shortage of

calcium and loss or enamel on the teeth. Toothache if any food touches the teeth.

Plantago Major. Toothache extending to ears. The tincture of this remedy may be
applied locally. It will afford immediate relief.

Coccinella. Neuralgia of teeth, gums and mouth, worse at night.

Oleum Ani. Toothache, better pressing the teeth together.

Magnesia Carb. Toothache before and during menstruation, during pregnancy. Pain
on the left side of the face although the roots of the teeth are perfectly sound.

Natrum Sulph. Toothache worse from warmth and better from cold drinks and cold
air. The gums separate from teeth, they get loose and fall out.

Carbo Veg. Drawing and tearing pains in teeth from hot, cold or saltish food.
Bleeding from the gums; spongy gums. Bleeding from teeth when cleaning.
Separation of gums from teeth. Whole row of teeth too long and very tender.

Raphanus. Toothache during early stages of pregnancy.

Rhododendron. Toothache appearing before or during thunderstorm.

Arnica M. For bleeding after extraction of teeth, pain produced by filling or

excavating of teeth.

Spigelia. Tearing pain in carious teeth extending to the molar bone of the affected
side. Painful jerks in decayed teeth from cold or cold water. Pain worse by resting the
head on pillow and relieved on raising the head.

Alumen. Bleeding from the teeth which decay and the gums recede; teeth become
loose. Blood after extraction.




Alumen. Tongue dry, black with burning pain in the evening. Sore feeling, stitches
worse at the tip of the tongue. Tendency to induration whenever inflammatious occur.

Phosphorus. Cancer of the tongue as if a hole has been bored through the centre of
the swollen tongue with elevated and indurated margins. Cancer of the tongue with
severe bleeding in which case give one dose of 200 potency every week.

Apis M. Tumors; indurations; scirrhus or open cancers, with stinging burning pain.
Tongue dry, swollen, inflamed with inability to swallow, cracked, sore, ulcerated or
covered with vesicles. Cancer of the tongue.

Ars. Alb. Tongue bluish or white, ulcerated with blue color. When the subjective
symptoms of Ars are present it will cure in higher potencies. When the
homoeopathicity is more crude, the lower potencies will be required in this case Ars.
Appears to act directly on the cancerous tissues and cancerous elements in the system.

Ars Hydr. Tongue enlarged; deep, irregular ulcers; nodular swellings. Mouth hot and
dry; little thirst.

Hydrastis. Cancer of tongue. Shows imprints of teeth. Fissures towards edges.

Condurango. Cancer of tongue. Painful cracks in corner of mouth. Painful pustules

on upper surface or on right side of tip of tongue.

Kali Cyanatum. Cancerous ulceration of right side of tongue. Lips and mucous
membrane of mouth pale. Tongue dark with white coating.

Arum Met. Metallic taste in the mouth; tongue slightly coated like brownish fur. Loss
of taste, melancholy. Bitter taste in the mouth, sensation of dryness, loss of taste,
tongue hard as leather and immovable. Aggravation from sunset to sunrise. Suicidal
tendency. Constitution broken down by the influence of syphilis and/or mercury.

Aurum Mur. Tongue flat; bad taste in the mouth. Taste entirely lost. Cancer; tongue
hard as leather, hardly movable. Redness, dryness and ulceration of the tongue.

Benz. Acid. Tongue of light blue color. Urine strong smelling and highly colored.
Tongue spongy on surface with deep cracks and with spreading ulcers. Ulcerated
tumor on left side of the mouth, on soft commisure of jaws, behind last molar.

Calcarea Carb. Cracked and fissured tongue. Inflammation of the tongue after abuse
of mercury. White coated tongue, dirty with nasty taste. Tongue, lips and hands
become white and cold. Pain beneath the tongue when swallowing on left side behind
thyroid bone; swelling of sublingual glands. Tongue pushed upwards and to left by a
globular semi-transparent, fluctuating tumor, size of a pigeon egg. Ranula. Cancer or
syphilitic tubercle of tongue, abscess, crack or fissure of tongue. Semilateral swelling
of the tongue.

Calc Fluor. Induration threatening suppuration. Congenital syphilis manifesting itself

in ulceration of mouth and throat. Caries and necrosis, with boring pain and heat in
parts. Cracked appearance of the tongue hardening after inflammation.

Carbo An. Burning on tip of tongue, and rawness in mouth. Burning blisters on tips
and edges of tongue. Dryness of palate and tongue. Induration of tongue. Glands
knotty, indurated, swollen, inflamed with lancinating cutting or burning pains.
Scirrhus indurations. Polypus and carcinoma.

Carbolic Acid. Putrid discharges. Ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks.
Burning sensation in mouth to stomach. Putrid discharge.

Causticum. Intolerance soreness of tongue as if scalded. Painful vesicles on tip of

tongue. Paralysis of tongue. Pain in tongue as if he had bitten it. Pain as of excoriation
and burning in the mouth, in the palate and at the tip of the tongue.

Chromium Ac. Symptoms come and go suddenly and return periodically. Post-nasal

Citrus. Citric acid is used as local application in the pain of cancer of the tongue.

Conium. Speech difficult; distortion of tongue and mouth. Tongue and lips dry and
sticky. Tongue swollen, painful and stiff. Swelling and induration of glands, with
tingling and stitches, after contusions and bruises. Bleeding of ulcers, with secretion
of fetid ichor; a portion becomes gangrenous; concealed cancer of bones; cancerous
swelling and induration of glands; cancer of lips spreading ulcers on face; cancer and
cancerous ulcers after contusions, burning stitches; stinging in affected parts.

Crotalus Hor. Tongue red an sore; yellow, stiff and numb. Swelling of tongue till
there is no more room in the mouth due to inflammation. Tongue swollen to nearly
twice its normal size. Tongue protruded. Syphilis; cancer of tongue, with much
tendency to hemorrhage.


Rhus Tox. Mapped tongue, with mucus, except on edges.

Veratrum Vir. Red streak in the centre of the tongue with mouth and lips dry.
Tongue coated.

Terebinthina. Smooth glossy red tongue with excessive tympanitis. Mapped tongue.

Carbo Veg. Tongue black.

Merc. Sol. With red edges.

Arsenic Alb. }
Hyoscyamus. } Tongue Brown.

Natrum Sulph. Red insular patches on tongue.

Taraxacum. Mapped tongue which cleans off in patches leaving dark red, tender
spots which are sensitive.

Kali Mur. Mapped tongue. Coating of tongue grayish white.


Belladonna. Cracked, dry, parched tongue.

Secale Cor. Cracked, dry tongue, tingling of lip of tongue which is stiff.

Ranunculus S. Peeling and cracking tongue.

Arum trip. Cracked, painful and bleeding tongue. Inflammation of the tongue with
acrid discharge from the nose. Paralytic weakness of tongue and throat which makes
swallowing impossible and the food and liquid are forced out through the nose.
Tongue red, the papillae elevated. The tongue appears to be almost denuded.

Rhus V. Tongue cracked down the centre.

Kali Bi. Tongue cracked and shines like a glass bottle.

Condurango. Painful cracks.

Hyoscyamus. Tongue hard, cracked, bleeding. Difficult or loss of speech; tongue
does not obey.


Hyoscyamus. Tongue rattles in the mouth, dry like burnt leather.

Muriatic Acid. Dry like leather in Typhoid fever.

Camphor. Dry tongue in Typhoid Fever with suppressed urination.

Phosphorus. } Dryness of tongue in Dysentery.

Merc. Sol. } Try in the given order.

Nux Mosch. Dry at night as if it would fall into powder. Tongue sticks to the roof of
the mouth.

Belladonna. Rattles in mouth like a chip.

Bryonia. Dryness of tongue with thirst.

Pulsatilla. Dryness of tongue without thirst.

Secale Cor. tongue dry, cracked, blood-like ink exudes, coated thick. Tingling of tip
of tongue which is stiff.


Merc. Great swelling and protrusion of tongue. Sweet taste in the mouth. Tongue
flabby with imprint of teeth. Tongue will roll in the night occupying the whole mouth.

Aconite N. If there is much fever, it should be followed by Merc.

Cantharis. If the inflammation is due to burn or a scald.

Apis M. Acute oedema. Dry tongue with stinging, burning pains up to the throat.

Acid Oxal. If the tongue is swollen, sore, excoriated and or desquamated.

Benzoic Acid. Swelling and ulceration of the tongue when the pains in the joints
cease suddenly owing to stormy weather and by taking cold.

Pulsatilla. When due to suppressed hemorrhoidal and gouty affections.

Belladonna. When the affection does not speedily yield to Merc. or when the
inflammation is of an erysipelatous or active nature.

Ars. Alb. } Should be thought of when symptoms of threatening gangrene prese-

Lachesis. } nt themselves.

Crotalus Hor. Tongue swollen to nearly twice the normal size; cannot speak a word.
Swelling of the tongue till there is no room in the mouth.


Arnica. Twenty drops of Arnica mother tincture should be mixed in six table-
spoonfuls of water and the mouth rinsed with this lotion thrice daily.

Urtica Urens. The lotion prepared in the same way as in Arnica is useful in certain
cases when there is a burning sensation with little alternation of appearance or when
the affection is caused by burns or scalds.


Manganum. Neuralgia of tongue.

Agaricus M. } Try in the given order for neuralgic pain in the tongue with burning.
Arsenic Alb. }


Causticum. It is the head remedy for paralysis of the tongue resulting in stammering
and should be tried first.

Dulcamara. Tongue swollen and stiff, feels paralysed. Cannot be protruded.

Gelsemium. Tongue feels very thick and he can hardly speak.

Plumbum. Is another important remedy which should not be ignored if other

remedies fail to act.

Lachesis. This should be tried when the patient is unable to put out whole of the
tongue. Tongue seems to be like leather in the mouth; speech difficult.

Baryta Carb. Paralysis of the tongue in old people. Hardness of the tongue in old
people. Premature old age and giving out of muscles.


ULCERATION (See also “SORE” under “MOUTH”)

Acid Mur. Recurring ulcers, fungus; swelling; induration; paralysis of the tongue.

Lycopodium. Ulcers under the tongue.

Nitric Acid. Sublingual ulcer in whooping cough.

Mercurius. When ulceration is due to syphilis.

Graphites. Foul and indolent ulceration; syphilitic psoriasis.

Carbo Veg. Very offensive discharge with burning pains worse in the evening and
during the night.

Kali Bi. Tongue swollen, painful and offensive, covered with black blood. Raw,
denuded, stiff and dry as leather or is made of wood. Aphthous patches; ulcers no
bigger than pinched, become black and offensive.

Amm. Mur. Burning blisters on point of tongue.

Eupionum. Tongue covered with raised nodules.

Condurango. Gagged ulcers on tongue.

Sulphuric Acid. Ulcers on inflamed tongue. Aphthae in mouth. Profuse salivation.

Breath offensive.

Diseases of Chest, Lungs
And Cough


Aconite N. In the first stage when the fever is high and has been preceded by a chill
with engorgement of lungs, due to checked perspiration and exposure to cold
draughts. Watery blood streaked expectoration, but never thick and blood streaked.
Unnecessary anxiety and great restlessness.

Bryonia. Dry cough hurting the head and distant parts of the body with fever and
great thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. Patient want to lie down
quietly and does not want to be disturbed.

Ipec. Cough with loud wheezing. Mucus rales all over chest with violent paroxysm of
coughing. Vomiting and sense of suffocation.

Antim Tart. Has the same symptoms as Ipec except that there is more prostration and
cold sweat. Mucus rales throughout the chest; wheezing; loose cough but no phlegm.
Laboured breathing.

Belladonna. Respiration short, rapid, oppressive, difficult; cough dry, spasmodic;

voice husky, hoarse, sometimes complete aphonia. Urine dark and scanty. Skin hot
and dry but moist on covered parts.

Hyoscyamus. Dry incessant cough worse when lying down; greatly relived by sitting
up and bending forward.

Sticta Pulm. Nose stuffed up. Mucus in the nose and throat with inflammation of the
bronchial tubes. Headache with dull oppressive pains in the eye-balls and ear ache.

Rumex. Cough with tickling in the throat which is worse by cold air, change of
temperature of air, talking and eating. As soon as the patient covers his head with bed
clothes and breathes the same air over and over again, he will feel much better and
there will be no cough; open the window, uncover the mouth and nose and the tickling
and cough will become violent.

Hepar Sulph. When the cough begins to loosen with rattling, fatiguing and choking.
Coughing into a choke is a valuable indication for this remedy.

Phosphorus. Suitable in sub-acute and lingering cases in delicate, tall, slender,

overgrown or phthisical persons. Suffocative pains in chest with constriction of
larynx, hoarseness, mucus rales, bloody and mucus sputum having a salty and
sweetish taste. Cough worse after meals.

Kreosote. Bronchitis with fearful smelling breath and sputum, making it impossible
for anyone to go near the patient.

Mercurius. In inflammatory bronchial catarrh with roughness and soreness down to

the middle of the chest; a dry raw convulsive cough which is very exhausting, sputum
water, saliva yellow and mucopurulent.

Sulphur. An intercurrent remedy when the patches remain unabsorbed. It is also

indicated when the well selected remedies fail.

Tuberculinum. Another important remedy which should be given at the

commencement of the treatment or when the above remedies fail to arrest or cure the


Naphthaline. Bronchitis with oppression and disseminated sibilant rales, shortness of

breath on walking, dyspnoea and wheezing at night. Painful spasmodic cough with
difficulty in dislodging the sputum, Emphysema. It is also useful for asthma,
whooping cough, hay fever, pulmonary tuberculosis and spasmodic cough.

Grindelia. Acts on pneumogastric nerve. It first raises the blood pressure and thus
accelerates the pulse and reduces the blood pressure and retards the pulse. The other
symptoms of this remedy are same as in Naphthaline.

Note. In view of the great similarity between the above remedies they may be given in
alternation every one or two hours according to the condition of the patient. The
dilution to be used is 6. These two remedies will cover majority of the cases and
should be given early in the treatment, unless other remedies on different indications
are necessary.

Capsicum. Chronic bronchitis with fetid breath in deep expiration and expectoration.

Aviaire. In broncho-pulmonary diseases of children. Also broncho-pneumonia due to
complication I measles. Give in 200 dilution, one dose every week along with other
indicated medicines.

Bacillinum. For persons suffering from chronic suffocative catarrh with muco-
purulent expectoration. Give in 200 potency every week along with other indicated

Drosera. Useful in chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough, worse after midnight.
Cough dry, loud, deep sounding and painful which makes the patient hold his chest.
Difficulty in taking solid food. Accumulation of mucus in larynx.

Antim Ars. When the breathing is hard, rapid, wheezy, rattling, dyspnoea marked;
restlessness; skin moist, alternately hot and cold.

Antim Iod. Frequent fits of cough with thick, heavy, yellowish muco-purulent

Kali Bich. A loose cough with whistling, rattling caused by sticking of mucus in the
larynx, pharynx and tubes; expectoration tough, stringy and tenacious. The mucus is
very difficult to dislodge and often causes the patient to cough till he vomits. If the
discharge disappears, rheumatism starts.

Kali Sulph. Rattling in chest after broncho-pneumonia. Rattling without


Causticum. Deep hollow dry cough, pain in chest especially under sternum. Rattling
in chest with soreness. Tightness of chest; must take deep breath. Often involuntary
spurting of urine when coughing.

Carbo Veg. Evening hoarseness with rawness and scrapping in the larynx and
trachea. Oppression of chest. Bronchitis in old people. Profuse yellow fetid
expectoration; bronchial hemorrhage.

Antim Tart. With rattling sound in the chest; pulse rapid and weak. Lungs weak and
partially paralyzed.

Ars Alb. Thin acrid discharge from the eyes, nose, pharynx and bowels in addition to
the bronchial tubes. Extreme restlessness and prostration. Thirst for small quantities of
water at short intervals.

Squilla. Profuse, slimy and sticky expectoration. Because of the slimy and sticky
nature of the discharge the patient must cough a long time before he can raise the

Pulsatilla. Profuse yellow mucus or purulent expectoration from throat, nose and
eyes. The patient is better in the open air. There may be headache in the forehead.

Ammonia Carb. Lack of expectoration is the ranking symptom of this remedy. If any
comes out, it may be blood-streaked. There is palpitation, weakness and rapidity of
the pulse.

Ledum. When accompanied with emphysema.

Narcissus. In chronic cases. Give 1-3 dilutions.

Chlorum. When there is breathlessness after bronchitis.

Sabal Serr. Chronic bronchitis with dilatation of bronchial tubes.


Tuberculinum. Head remedy for broncho-pneumonia and one dose should be given
at the onset of the disease in 200 dilution. Other indicated remedy may be given after
twenty four hours.

Ipecac. Rattling of the chest and tendency to vomiting and nausea. There is a feeling
of suffocation and constriction with sneezing.

Bryonia. When there is dry cough and thirst for large quantities of water at long
intervals. The patient wants to lie quiet or may be restless owing to the pain the chest.
Breathing hard and painful.

Chelidonium. Right lung is affected. Quick and short inspiration. Dyspnoea. Short,
exhausting cough, rattling, expectoration difficult. Stitching pain under right scapula.
Flapping of alar nasi.

Iodine. Right-sided pneumonia, with high temperature. Blood streaked sputum.

Difficult expansion of chest. Difficult wheezy respiration. Pleuritic effusion. Cough
worse indoors, warm and wet weather.

Phosphorus. Dry cough with scanty expectoration and oppression of chest. There
may be loose cough with bloody and purulent mucus. It should not be given in
potencies below 30.

Ars. Iod. It has the symptoms of Ars. Alb but it differs in modalities. The Ars. Alb.
Patient is better by warmth, whereas the Ars. Iod patient is worse from warm
application or by going to a warm room.

Glycerin. Influenzal pneumonia. Profuse coryza and dyspnoea. Consolidation in both


Lobelia Inflata. Broncho-pneumonia of childhood, in imperfect recoveries form chest

affection especially where tuberculosis threatens.

Antim Tart. Dilated sooty nostrils which are flapping with each breath; lungs full of
phlegm (mucus) which is impossible to raise. Rattling sound in chest, great weakness,
lack of reaction.

Lycopodium. For similar symptoms as in Antim. Tart but when that fails to act.
Flapping of the nostrils with each breath and the trouble starting on the right side are
the main symptoms of the remedy along with flatulence.

Sulphur. Is an intercurrent remedy and should not be overlooked to avoid unresolved

patches in the lungs. It cures fever when due to such patches. Useful in neglected
cases and psoric constitutions with a tendency towards tuberculosis. Weakness and


Bromium. On right lobe of the lung. To be given one dose of 2X daily at bed time.

CATARRH (Bronchial)

Baryta Carb. Suffocative cough in old people; sensation of smoke in lungs thereby
rendering respiration impossible.

Glycerin. Influenzal pneumonia. Profuse coryza and dyspnoea. Consolidation in both

lungs. Give in 200 potency.

Arum Triph. When accompanied by laryngeal cough.

Natrum Mur. Chronic bronchial catarrh, winter cough and asthma. Profuse secretion
of mucus.

Balsamum Peru. An admirable remedy for bronchial catarrh. Loud rales in chest,
expectoration thick, creamy or yellowish white.

Pix Liquida. An excellent remedy for bronchial catarrh and also in phthisis
pulmonalis. Expectoration of purulent matter, offensive odor and taste. Pain in left
third costal cartilage.

(The remedies given under “CATARRH-NOSE” should also be studied.)


Naja. Oppression of the chest with choking and obstruction of breathing.

PAIN IN CHEST (Pleurodynia)

Arnica. In sore and bruised feeling of the chest.

Ranunculus B. Best remedy for intercostal rheumatism, sharp stitiching pains and a
sore spot in the chest. Worse from motion or even from breathing, or from pressure or
change of climate. Distressing dyspnoea at times.

Gultheria. It is indicated in pain in the anterior mediastinum (i.e. in the space

between the two lungs).

Rhus Tox. When the pains shoot into the shoulders.

Senega. In cold with stitches, sensation of tightness and much mucus is the chest;
hoarseness; sore throat that hurts the patient when talking. Cough ends with sneezing.

Rumex C. Sharp stitches and stinging pains through the left lung. Early stage of

Asclepias. Sharp stitches through the lower part of the chest. Worse on motion.

Kali Carb. Stitching pain in the chest, especially the right side. Worse between 2-3

Trifolium P. Has hoarseness and choking spells at night with cough. Neck stiff;
cramps in the sterno-cleidomastoid muscles which are better by heat and friction.

Actea Recemosa. Worse on the right side, specially in nervous women.

Acalypha Ind. Constant severe pain in chest with bloody expectoration.


Phosphorus. The only remedy which never fails to cure pigeon chest. It should be
given for a long time say at least three months during which time the chest will
become normal.


Bryonia. It is indicated when the pains, which are of stitching, burning and stabbing
nature in the pleura region are worse from motion. They are better when the patient is
at rest or by lying on painful side.

Ranunculus B. Inflammation of pleura with dropsy and adhesion. Pain or soreness of

chest muscles. Head remedy for pleurisy. Cannot bear pressure on touch on the
painful side.

Arsenicum Alb. When there is great restlessness with thirst for small quantities of
water at short intervals and marked prostration. The pains are of burning character
which are relieved by heat and warmth. Asthmatic breathing and dyspnoea.

Aranea Dia. } These remedies have been recommended in constitutional diseases

Ipecac. } by Dr. Clarke when the Hydrogenoid constitution is present and the
Nux Vom. } pleurisy is accompanied with intermittent fever. Give in 3rd potency.

Cantharis. It is a remedy for second stage in the extreme heat & burning in chest,
large amount of effusion. There may be burning in rectum and anus.

Belladonna. Pleurisy in children accompanied with convulsions. Congestive type.

Apis Mel. Is indicated when the amount of exudation is large, but the inflammation is
less as compared to that of cantharis. Dyspnoea and suffocation due to the large
amounts of fluid.

Asclepias. }

Senega. } These might be considered when Bryonia fails.

Kali Carb. Chronic pleurisy with sharp stitching, wandering and burning pain with
coldness of the chest. Cough and asthmatic breathing with 3 A.M. aggravation. Pain
worse on motion or by lying on painful side. Temporarily relieved by cold

Stannum. With knife like stitches, worse on bending forward and mostly on the left

Arsenic Iod. Purulent pleurisy with great prostration, worse on expiration. Sharp
suppressed cough.

Hepar Sulph. When there is accumulation of pus. The hectic fever and emaciation
are pronounced with repeated attacks of chilliness, fever and sweats, prolonged

Sulphur. } Chronic pleuritic effusion with shortness of breath, oppression of the

Psorinum. } chest and debility. Psorinum is specially called for when there is
offensive breath and pus exceedingly putrid.

Silicea. Indolent suppuration of the pleura lasting over a long period with thin,
offensive pus, slow emaciation.

PLEURODYNIA. (See medicines under “PLEURISY”).


Aconite. In the first stage when the fever is high and has been preceded by a chill.
Engorgement of lungs. Hard dry cough which is rather painful. Watery blood streaked
expectoration, but never thick and blood streaked. Unnecessary anxiety.

Veratrum Viride. In severe engorgement. Violent excitement of the heart as

indicated by the rapid pulse, nausea, faints on rising, tongue red down the centre.

Bryonia. Comes in when hepatization has set in. Cough still hard and painful.
Oppression of breathing. Wants to lie still. Give 1x and later 200 potency when the
amelioration has set in.

Antim Tart. May be alternated with Bryonia, if rattling sound is found in the chest
and paralysis of lungs is threatened.

Phosphorus. Is indicated if Bry. And Antim. Tart fail. It should be given in 200

Sulphur. This remedy must not be forgotten when the exudation sets in. It prevents
formation of undissolved patches and also cures them.

Chelidonium. Pneumonia accompanied with bilious symptoms.

Tuberculinum. Should be used as an intercurrent remedy to remove the constitutional

defect and poison.

Nux Vom. 30 }
Ipecac 30. }
Aranea Dia 30 } In Hydrogenoid constitutions. (By this term is meant the patients
who are susceptible to wet weather or wet dwellings. These patients have too much
water in their system and cannot, therefore, stand wet weather or wet dwellings,)
Hepatization of the right lung; left lung quite clear, alternately feels better and worse.
Feels chilly. These medicines may be tried in the given order.

Senega. When accompanied with pleurisy. Pain in the chest, better by motion; cough
and asthma better by rest.

Iodium. When hospitalization has taken place and the dyspnoea is very marked.
There is hectic flush on the check of the affected side.

Strychnia Phos. This remedy will be indicated when Antim Tart fails. It has all the
symptoms of Ant. Tart viz. rattling of the chest, weak rapid pulse, dyspnoea, cold
sweat, etc. accompanied with weak heart. It should be given in 3 rd potency and
repeated every hour according to the condition of the patient.

Stannum Iod. Is indicated in last stages of pneumonia when the resolution has taken
place in small areas of the solidified portion, leaving the remainder unsolidified. In
unresolved pneumonia, if Sulphur 200 fails.

Grindelia. Will be necessary in similar symptoms as found under Ant. Tart.

Accompanied with fatty degeneration of the heart. Fear of going to sleep lest the heart
stops. Must lie awake to watch the heart continuing beating.

Strophanthus. Best remedy for threatening heart failure during pneumonia. Pulse
weak, rapid and irregular; stitching and twitching pains about the apex.


Phosphorus. Is the head remedy in the treatment of tuberculosis. It has special

affinity for lungs and long bones. The patient is hollow chested or chicken-breasted
and may spit blood. Hoarse, violent tickling cough, worse when laughing or talking
with oppression of chest. Never use this remedy below 30.

Tuberculinum. This is an intercurrent remedy and should be given 200 or higher

potencies every week or fortnight accordingly as the strength of the remedy is 200 or
1000. It should only be administered in small globules four or five globules a dose. It
is better if in a one drachm phial. Small globules are saturated with the medicine by
putting tow or three drops thereof. In drop doses the medicine is likely to aggravate
the disease with fatal results at times.

Ars Iod. Is the best remedy when the exciting cause has been flu or grippe. Weakness
and emaciation are the ranking symptoms. There is intense thirst, but cold water
causes distress in the stomach, and the patient, therefore, wants to take hot drinks.

Iodium. This remedy is called for when the glands are affected. The patient is usually
of dark complexion, has a dry, unhealthy skin and runs high temperature. Emaciation
is slow and the cough persistent and annoying.

Calcarea Iod. Is indicated when the mesenteric glands are involved. Great
emaciation; nothing but skin and bone; abdomen enormously distended; glands being
large and nodular; stools frequent, green or of varying color accompanied by much
flatus. The skin is very dry except during the night sweats. Potency 6 or 30 is
generally used.

Tuberculinum Bov. If given in 1000 or CM potency, it is said to be preventive and

curative. Only one or two doses are to be given in life an an interval of three to four

Carbo Animalis. For the last stage of tuberculosis of lungs. Suffocative hoarseness,
cough that shakes the entire brain, green purulent offensive mucus and pus. Offensive
sputa-sweet, fetid and dyspnoea.

Sabal Ser. Specific for laryngeal tuberculosis.

Gallium Acid. When accompanied with pulmonary hemorrhage. Excessive

expectoration and night sweats.

China Sulph. Consumption with 1) loss of weight; 2) cough persisting for year; 3)
pain in the face, right side, when cough ceases; 4) worse damp weather; 5) worse
every fourth day. In other words this remedy is good in tuberculosis of Hydrogenoid

Phosphorus. }
Kali Nit. } Fever returns in the evening with chill. Loss of weight, night sweats
and slight cough. (At the end of three weeks after the continuous use of these
medicines in alternation every two hours fever disappeared, but had a threatening of
return after a year or so. Nux V. and Ars. Alb. In alternation stopped this tendency.

Stannum Iod 3X. Tuberculosis in persons having a clear complexion and long eye
lashes. Persistent cough excited by tickling in the throat.

Vaccininum 200. As an intercurrent remedy for cough in tuberculosis.

Osmium 200. When urine smells like violets, eructations like radishes, sweat like
garlic. Irritation in respiratory tract.

Lycopus Virg. Incipient phthisis (left apex affected) associated with looseness of

Cocculus Ind. Laryngeal phthisis following bronchial catarrh.

Helix Tosta CM. When accompanied with hemoptysis, continuous hoarseness, dry
tickling cough, worse at night preventing sleep. Dyspnoea, worse ascending stairs.

Sulphur. In persons who are withered, sallow and debilitated. Cough harsh and dry,
rather than moist and relaxed. Burning of feet and hands. Should be given in high
potency say 200 and not to be repeated, otherwise it may light up the tubercular state.

Alstonia C. Slow fever with diarrhea. Potency IX.

Calcarea Phos. May be tried when the patient grows very weak. Give in 1M dilution.

Lachnanthes. Consumption with night sweat, dry cough, pain and stiffness in back or
neck, circumscribed flushes on the face. Also in typhoid fever or typho-pneumonia.

Pix Liquida. In third stage of phthisis pulmonalis with expectoration of purulent

matter, offensive odor and taste, accompanied by pain in left third costal cartilage.

Guaiacum. In advanced stage of T.B. with pleuritic pains in left apex with offensive
purulent sputum.

Betain 4 grains mixed with sugar of milk 96 grains. Give four times daily as much
as lies on the end of table knife. It is said to be useful for tuberculosis.

Yerba Santa. Bronchial T.B. with night sweats and wasting of the body due to
frequent bronchial tuberculosis.

Saccharum lactis. Diarrhea in last stages of consumption.

Stannum. Debility with copious green expectoration.

Sweetish taste of sputum in tuberculosis. Chest feels weak: can hardly talk.

Thuja. Give as intercurrent remedy in 1M dilution in patient who suffer from


Syphilinum. An intercurrent remedy for patients who suffered from syphilis. Give in
1M dilution.

Coto-Bark. Chronic tubercular diarrhea, very copious and exhausting. Give mother
tincture in substantial doses.

Drosera. Specific for laryngeal tuberculosis; T.B of knee joints or of other parts of the

Silicea. Shocking cough with horribly smelling phlegm which sinks at the bottom of
fluid; the phlegm is lumpy, yellow or green. Worse from cold wet weather and better
in cold dry weather. Catarrhal form of Phthisis.

Lycopodium. Phthisis of children following measles and whooping cough with ill-
developed neck and chest, dyspepsia, distention of abdomen, greenish expectoration
and rattling of chest.

Senecio. Phthisis with obstructed menses.



Asthma is a distressing ailment which is not easily cured. It is of 3 types (1)

Atopathic. Which is due to Eczema, cold, coryza, dust or swelling. (2) Non-
Atopathic. Due to allergy (3) Endopathic. No definite reason – May be diet/stress.

After using palliative medicine to overcome acute attack, we should resort to
constitutional medicine for permanent relief in addition to indicated medicines. They
are (1) Tuberculinum (2) Thuja (3) Natrum Sulph (4) Medorrhinum (5) Syphilinum.
Above medicines be given intercurrently in 200, 1M, CM potencies. Food should be
easily digestible with less fat, spice. Avoid cold drink, Food. Rest facilitates.

No other medicine is to be given for two or three days before and after. If any of the
above medicines have the desired effect, further drugging of the patient should be

A hint to the diet is also necessary. The use of white flour and white sugar or its
products, meat, fish, milk and puddings should be avoided. Whole-wheat flour,
Barbados sugar, honey, salads and fresh vegetables should be eaten with eggs and

Aconite 1X and Ipecac 1X. To be given alternately during the attack. It will act as a
palliative and will ease the breathing and the cough. Aconite is also useful for asthma
of Millers.

Ipecac. Spasmodic form of asthma with great weight on the chest with anxiety,
wheezing, shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, worse on movement, constant
cough causing vomiting; chest full of phlegm, cold sweat on hands and feet. Asthma
with skin diseases. Give in 200 potency.

Zingiber. Asthma of gastric origin. Hoarseness. Smarting below larynx; breathing

difficult. Stitches in chest. Worse towards morning.

Kali Carb. This remedy is often indicated, especially when the attack comes at the
night after midnight. It compels the patient to sit which position affords him relief.
Sensitive to atmospheric changes, draughts of cold. Irritable and full of fears and

Belladonna. When there are violent spasms of asthmatic breathing attended by

constriction of chest and a sense of constriction of throat if the patient would
suffocate. An anti-spasmodic remedy.

Aspidosperma. An effective remedy in asthma with difficult respiration. Give in 2X

or 3X dilution.

Grindelia. When there is abnormal accumulation of mucus, breathing stops when

asleep. Emphysema with dilated heart. Asthma in old persons suffering from
bronchitis which causes partial paralysis of pneumogastric nerve. An excellent
remedy for bringing back the appetite and for ameliorating palpitation and dyspnoea.

Carboneum Sulph. Has served well in Asthma with difficult or fast breathing.
Broken down constitutions by abuse of alcohol.

Pulmo Vulpis. With enormous whistling and rattling and dropsy of the lungs.

Blatta Ori. An excellent remedy for asthma with or without bronchitis. There is
dyspnoea with thick and purulent mucus. May be given in 2X or 3X dilution during

Chloralum. Asthma with wheezing respiration; when lying inspiration through the
nose and expiration blown from the lips.

Ambrosia Art. Asthma with hay fever due to observing the pollen of ragweed.

Aralia Racemosa. Asthma alternating with coryza. There is loud wheezing and
whistling respiration coming on lying down or at midnight. After short sleep. Sputum
is warm and saltish. Cough caused by tickling in the throat and constriction of chest;
has to sit up to avoid choking.

Kali Bich. When the attacks are caused by or follow coitus. Early morning
aggravation. Ropy expectoration is its characteristic which comes out in abundance.
Asthma due to bronchitis.

Kali Phos. In nervous asthma. Give 1M potency as an intercurrent remedy.

Kali Nit. With excessive dyspnoea, faintness and nausea with dull stitches and
burning pain in chest-rather free expectoration.

Kali Sulph. 3 Yellow expectoration, much rattling in chest, laboured breathing,

talking almost impossible.

Alumina Silicate. The breathing is arrested by coughing asthmatic breathing with

rattling in chest. Difficult breathing form coughing.

Sulphur. When asthma is due to suppression of eruptions, or alternates with

eruptions, i.e. asthma appears when eruptions disappear and Vice Versa.

Lycopodium. Asthma due to excitement by anger or emotion with fanlike motion of

alae nasi; nervous asthma. Asthma in chilly patients, always catching cold, easily tired
and exhausted. Whenever catching cold, phlegm settles down affecting right lung.
Asthma with burning arising from the epigastric region of the stomach and going up

to the upper portion of the esophagus with eructations, pyloro-duodenal spasms.
Aggravation 4 to 8 P.M.

Naja. With difficult breathing cannot lie down; intense sneezing which relieves
breathing; dryness of lungs with difficulty of breathing. Pulse slow.

Natrum Sulph. Attacks during wet weather or in rainy season. Should be tried when
the patient gets attacks every change of season. Attacks early in the morning. Cough
loose, humid with copious, viscid, greenish yellow phlegm; mucus rales, rattling,
noises, expectorating large quantities of white mucus which is thick and ropy. The
chest feels sore and oppressed. Holds the chest with the hand which gives relief to
cough. Asthma with bronchitis and deformity of the chest. Asthma associated or
alternating with chronic rheumatism. If this remedy fails to give relief, give
Medorrhinum as an intercurrent remedy.

Ambra Grisea. In old people and in children; whistling in chest during breathing;
dyspnoea from any little exertion.

Ammonia Carb. With dyspnoea which increases in warm room until suffocation
seems imminent. Cough from 2 A.M. to 5 A.M. Cough with much rattling in chest.

Mephites. Asthma in drunkards. Violent hacking cough as if would die with each

Drosera. Asthma in consumptives. Oppression worse by heat of bed. Dry cough with
no expectoration. If Drosera fails, try Mephites.

Lachesis. When aroused from sleep by paroxysm. Cannot bear least pressure about
the neck or chest. Finally he coughs up watery phlegm with great relief. Worse during
and after sleep.

Yerba Santa. When relieved by expectoration.

Ars. Alb. In acute and chronic cases with laborious breathing, extreme agitation,
moaning and restlessness; great exhaustion and anguish as if at the point of death,
with cold perspiration. The oppression of breathing is worse when walking, going up
the hill or ascending stairs. The attack comes on at the time of retiring or during the
first part of the night. It also occurs after midnight aggravation. Asthma associated
with emphysema, hay asthma, asthma appearing after the suppression of eruptions.

Bryonia. It is indicated in obstructed breathing at night or towards morning, with

frequent cough, pains under the sort ribs, and inability to recline on the right side, or

without much inconvenience on the left, so that the patient is constrained to lie on the
back. Worse on talking or on slightest movement. Tracheal or bronchial irritation.

Nux Vom. Asthma of digestive origin, nocturnal attacks of suffocating tightness

preceded by disagreeable and anxious dreams. The attack is relieved by lying on the
back or by changing sides or sitting up. There is also flatulence. Oppression begins in
the epigastrium which is very swollen.

Antim Tart. It should be employed against difficulty of breathing with suffocating

cough and anxious oppression at the front part of the chest arising from an excessive
secretion of phlegm in the air tubes; it is of great service in aged people or in children.
Respiration is rapid, painful and noisy.

Opium. Is indicated in obstructed breathing, either from congestion or from spasm of

the lungs with suffocating cough and livid hue of the face; loud mucus rattling in the
chest, with extreme anguish and dread of suffocation; difficult breathing during sleep,
resembling nightmare.

Graphites. Eruptions alternating or co-existing with asthmatic fits.

Sambucus Nig. Rapid and laborious respiration, with loud wheezing; oppression of
the chest as from a weight, attended with anguish and dread of suffocations;
sometimes swelling and livid hue of face and hands; general heat, tremor, inability to
talk much above a whisper; suffocating cough aggravation of the symptoms in the
recumbent posture. Asthma in children, bakers and millers. Child wakes up choked
for want of respiration. Sweating of the body.

Arum Triph. Particularly adapted to hay fever, sneezing, pain and contraction about
the throat with profuse coryza in the afternoon.

Moschus. In asthma of nervous origin occurring mostly in hysterical women, or in

children from exposure to cold; sense of spasmodic constriction in the upper part of
the windpipe with paroxysms of suffocating feeling as if caused by the inhalation of
Sulphur vapor.

Cupurm Met. It is indicated for the same symptoms as in Moschus but it should be
given when the latter fails. Spasmodic asthma threatening convulsions, constriction of
the throat.

Lobelia Inflata. Tightness of the chest, tickling sensation in the trachea and laborious
breathing with disposition to keep the mouth wide open in order to breathe.
Oppression of the chest causing a deep breath to be taken to relieve the pressure;
slight tickling under the breast bone, on drawing a deep breath. There is no cough or

expectoration. Aggravation in cold and by tobacco fumes, the smell of which is

Phosphorus. Useful for asthma of humid variety. Violent thirst for cold water which
is vomited as soon as it becomes hot in stomach. Extreme oppression. Diminution of
urine with albuminuria.

Acid Phos. It should be tried when phosphorus fails. May be given first in 3X
potency, afterwards in 200 potency.

Natrum Ars. Asthma alternating with urticaria. Asthma produced by inhalation of


Agaricus M. Indicated in slender, willowy, nervous and restless persons who get
twitches, quivering of muscles, tingling of nerves: clumsy and awkward persons,
falling about, dropping things and breaking them. Immensely cold feeling; tendency
to consumption: catarrh of the chest with night sweats. Violent coughing fits ending in
sneezing. Breathlessness, palpitation, jerking of limbs followed by extreme tiredness
and weakness in the morning but towards evening he is full of cheer and able to do

Thuja. When asthma follows vaccination. Face becomes palid, sickly, waxy and
shiny. Worse off and on. Dry cough occurring in the afternoon. Infantile asthma with
cough dry or loose. Ozoena with thick yellow-greenish discharge. It should be given
intercurrently when well selected remedies fail.

Hepar Sulph. Asthma following an exposure to cold, dry east wind. Worse by cold of
any form it has strong amelioration in damp weather.

Caladium. Alternates with itching rash.

Sticta P. cough dry, worse in evening and night. Cannot sleep or lie down; the more
he coughs the more he wants to cough. It is indicated in women with scanty milk

Bromine. Asthma of sailors when they go ashore. It is relieved as soon as they go at

sea. Asthma worse by dust or draughts.

Silicea. Is indicated in sycotic and chilly patients. Inveterate cases of catarrh of the
chest, asthmatic wheezing, tremulous suffocation, inability to move, brought on by
overheating and over-exertion with chronic bronchitis and dilatation of the bronchi.
Humid asthma; coarse rattling, and the whole chest seems full of mucus, as if he
would suffocate. Comes on after suppressed gonorrhoea. Emphysema where the

elasticity has diminished and fibers are relaxed up to the breaking point. Worse during
new or full moon.

Ignatia. Asthma aggravated by emotions, by cares and repeated griefs.

Medorrhinum. Is an intercurrent remedy in asthma when other well indicated

remedies fail to act or give complete relief. Choking cough, larynx stopped so that no
air could enter, only improved by lying on face; deep hollow cough, worse by lying
down, better lying on stomach, difficult respiration, wants to be fanned, feels cold yet
throws the covers off, also is made worse by warmth, worse by wet damp draught and
thunder storms, worse from day-light to sun-set, always brighter in the evenings.
Better at sea or near sea-shore and worse inland. (Reverse of Bromium). Alternate or
co-existence of asthma with rheumatism.

Actea Race. Violent spasms aggravated during menses or when talking and at night.
Expectoration is rare.

Rumex. Violent attacks of cough coming on at any change of temperature from warm
room to cold air outside and vice versa, and by talking and laughing. Feeling of
rawness under the clavicles. Cough shaking the chest and head, expectoration scanty
and difficult to raise.

Senega. Asthma with loud coarse rales of mucus, tough and ropy which cannot be
raised; gasping and coughing with dry throat. Chronic bronchitis. Covers catarrhal
condition of respiratory organs.

Acid Sulph. Asthma with short dry hacking cough, frequently finishing up with a
belch or vomiting. Chest weak and full of burning and stitching pains; frightful
oppression and suffocation of the chest which is relieved by hanging the legs down.

Carbo Veg. Asthma which is reflex from accumulation of gas in stomach.

Pothos. Asthma brought on or made worse from inhalation of dust. Relieved by stool.

Colocynthis. Asthma accompanied by indigestion and flatulence. Worse at see-side.

Feels cold even in hot weather.

Psorinum. Feels marked relief by lying down with arms wide apart, thrown across the
bed to relieve breathing; worse when the arms are brought near the body. Aggravation
in winter and cold season. Secretion tenacious and offensive. Asthma of old men.

Hypericum. Asthma worse in foggy weather; the attacks are relieved by copious
expectoration and profuse perspiration.

Dulcamara. Asthma during wet weather or caused by living on wet basements.

Chromico Kali Sulphuricum. Is said by Germans to be specific ins Asthma with

great oppression and thick expectoration, difficult to detach.

Sabadilla. An important remedy for hay asthma with oppression, sneezing and watery

Hydrocyanic Acid. Severe attack of nervous asthma with intense constriction of


Sanguinaria C. Particularly suitable for asthma, worse by or due to odors. Cough is

hoarse, hard and dry.

Syphilinum. Asthma returning every summer. Give in 1M potency.

Pulsatilla. Asthma in persons who are timid and irritable, changeable mood, laugh
and cry easily; fear of dark, of death, suspicious, loath fat; dreams of cats. Give only
one dose of 1M potency and wait for some time.


Aconite N. Asthma with high blood pressure, dry cough and fear of death.

Naja. Difficult breathing; cannot lie down. Intense sneezing which relieves breathing.
Pulse slow.

Sabal Serr. Cardiac asthma with a wheezing, hard cough. Aggravation in cold, damp
weather. Throat husky. Give in 2X and 3X dilution.

Baryta Carb. Asthma with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) with full and
hard pulse, tendency to glandular inflammation, black spots before the eyes, sensation
of fullness in the eye-balls. Humming in the ears with hardness of hearing. Sensation
as if smoke has been inhaled. Deep sounding rales in the chest.

Baryta Mur. Is indicated in old asthmatic patients with high blood pressure. Loss of
memory and mental weakness. Suffocating cough with no power to expectorate.
Worse by every change of weather.

Viscum Alb. Asthma of persons suffering from renal or high blood pressure and
possibly from albuminuria. Suffocating sensation when lying down. Pulse weak and
wiry. Sensation of heaviness and oppression of the heart.

Crataegus. Asthmatic persons having a failing heart and high blood pressure.
Extreme dyspnoea, heart dilated.

Arum Met. Cardiac asthma with dyspnoea and when breathing involves the heart.

Aurum Met. Cardiac asthma with dyspnoea and when breathing involves the heart.

Aurum Mur. Accompanied with loud cough with yellow expectoration. Pain above
the heart.

Sterculia. It is remedy for asthma with a weak heart especially in drunkards.

Ammonia Carb. With weak heart, emaciation, palpitation and difficult breathing on

Digitalis. Is a leading remedy for cardiac asthma. Sudden cessation of respiration.

Troublesome choking sensation with cough. Stitches in heart with irregular beat.

Apocynum Can. Asthma with tendency to uremia. Edema with pains in the kidney
and weakness of heart. Insufficiency of heart valves. Respiration short. Arterial
tension low.

Cactus G. Periodical attacks of suffocation, with fainting, cold perspiration on the

face and loss of pulse; sensation as if a cold were tightly bound around the lower part
of the chest. Oppression and palpitation, preventing lying down; congestion of blood
in the chest. Sensation as if the heart and chest are squeezed by a twice. Attacks
coming towards 11 A.M. Amelioration in open air.


Aconite N. Dry, croupy hoarse suffocating, loud and rough cough. Choking, hard,
ringing and whistling; from dry winds or draughts of air.

Belladonna. When due to congestion in throat, dry, barking cough. Face turns red
when coughing.

Bryonia. Dry cough when following an attack of acute cold; dryness of the mouth.
Stitches in sides of chest.

Kali Bi. When there is sticky phlegm which can be drawn into a rope. The cough is

Hyoscyamus. Dry cough worse when lying down, relieved by sitting up. Worse by
drinking, eating and talking.

Cyclamen. Cough at night whilst asleep without waking, especially in children.

Kali Carb. Cough, dry, paroxysmal, loosens viscid mucus or pus which must be
swallowed; worse between 2 to 4 A.M.

Pulsatilla. Loose cough when it is worse in a warm room and better in open air.

Phosphorus. Cough on going from warm to cold room worse laughing, talking,
eating and drinking and from lying on left side.

Spongia. Cough dry, sibilant, sounding like a saw driven through a pine board; worse
sweets, cold drinks, smoking, lying with head low; worse also when reading, singing
talking and swallowing; better eating or drinking warm things. Croup, wheezing
during inspiration.

Hepar Sulph. Cough when exposed to dry cold winds, worse when walking. Cough
on uncovering body. Weakness of chest; anxious, hoarse wheezing respiration.

Petroleum. Cough worse at night and better during the day when diarrhea sets in.

Sanguinaria Can. Dry and humid cough following inflammation; bronchial cough
with tickling in the larynx and upper chest. Wakes him up at night; does not cease till
he sits up and passes flatus.

Capsicum. Cough with pain in distant parts, fetid breath. Makes people impossible to
sit in the room. Foul smell of air rushing out from the lungs. (Give 200 potency to be
repeated every 12 to 15 hours.)

Mephites. Rattling cough every morning. Cough when speaking or reading aloud.
Passing of urine and stool during each spell of coughing.

Anacardium. Cough after meals. Loss of smell and taste. Belching after each fit of
cough and vomiting.

Natrum Mur. With pain in forehead, involuntary micturition and stitches in the
region of liver. Flow of tears with cough.

Allium Cepa. Cough caused by tickling in larynx. Constant inclination to hawk in
order to relieve it.

Ammonia Carb. Cough after influenza when Bryonia and other remedies fail. Cough
with hoarseness. Spitting of blood. Tickling in throat as of dust. Cough about 3’0
clock morning.

Causticum. Cannot cough deep enough to raise phlegm, or phlegm partly raised back
into pharynx. Urine may spurt during cough. Cough excited by speech and cold but
relieved by sipping cold water.

Cocculus. Loud speaking or brushing the teeth causes cough and vomiting.

Drosera. Spasmodic cough during and after meals.

Cuprum Met. Cough brought on by inhaling cold air, but stopped by drinking cold
water. Cough with gurgling sound in the throat as if water poured out of a bottle.

Silicea. Shocking cough; spitting of awful stuff with it which is lumpy and yellow or
green and it sinks to the bottom of fluid and smells horribly.

Chelidonium. Cough caused by a sensation of dust in the air passages.

Actea R. A dry tearing cough, worse at night and worse on every attempt to speak.

Acalypha Ind. Violent dry cough followed by bloody expectoration. Cough most
violent at night.

Corallium Rub. Children lose their breath and become purple and black in their face;
gasping for breath which may be followed by vomiting. Icy coldness of air passages.
Nervous and minute-gun cough.

Stannum Iod. 3X and Staphisagria 30. Cough of smokers.

Senega. When cough ends in sneezing.

Tarentula H. Cough relieved by smoking; dry cough on lying down at night and in
morning after rising with tearing pain in chest.

Trifolium P. Cough followed by hiccup.

Naphthalinum. Choking cough; unable to get respiration, sometimes so violent as to
cause perspiration.

Ant. Tart. When child gets angry. Coughs and yawns alternately.

Croton Tig. When due to suppression of eczema. It is also a remedy for cough
alternating with vascular eruptions, i.e. cough disappears as the eruptions come on and
it reappears when the eruptions cease. Asthmatic cough coming on in the middle of
the night arousing the patient from sound sleep.

Euphrasia. Cough sometimes dry but generally loose, worse during the day, not
troublesome at night. Cough after disappearance of hemorrhoids.

Lactuca. Cough in paroxysms with feeling of suffocation.

Tuberculinum Bov. Cough in young girls with suppression of menstrual flow.

Squilla. Dry hard cough with sneezing. Urine escapes while coughing. Dyspnoea with
cough. Profuse, salty, slimpy expectoration.

Rumex. Urine passes when coughing. Dry, incessant fatiguing cough, worse by
changing air or room; excited by touching or pressing the throat pit.

Manganum. Cough better by lying down and sensitiveness of the bones.

Antim Crud. Cough worse by looking into the fire.

Coccus Cacti. Cough with thick ropy gelatinous mucus. It starts at the end of the
summer months and continues during the whole of winter. It comes on in cold
weather, but it is actually relieved by cold drinks and cold air. It is aggravated in
warm room and by warm drinks. Tickling in the throat. Spasmodic cough, whooping
cough; drunkard’s cough.

Bromium. Cough in hot weather. It gets worse form dust or from handling dusty

Baryta Carb. Cough excited by irritation in larynx and trachea; relieved by lying on
the abdomen.

Arum Triph. Cough with raw feeling in chest, lungs feel sore. Burning the trachea
and also in the larger branches of the bronchial tubes.

Ambra Grisea. Cough worse when many people are present, also in nervous patients;
worse from music; followed by eructations of wind from stomach. Other remedies are
Acid Sulph., Arnica, Sanguinaria and Veratrum Alb.

Antim Tart. Cough resulting from small-pox.

Aralia Racemosa. Cough during night after first short sleep. Worse lying down
during the fit of cough. It may come immediately on lying during night or more
commonly after fore-mid-nightly sleep.

Bismuth. Cough worse when stomach is empty.

Ammonia Ars. Cough with bloody expectoration, mucus offensive, purulent, tasting
sweetish, tough, yellow. Asthmatic cough at night, short irregular cough, suffocative.


Hydrocyanic Acid. This is the head remedy for cardiac cough. It should be tried first.

Digitalis. Cough with difficult respiration, pulse irregular and intermitting, face
deathly pale.

Spongia. Dry, barking cough, from a sense of plug in the throat; tickling in larynx.

Naja. Gasping at throat with a sense of choking. Irritating dry cough due to heart
troubles. Sticky mucus and saliva.

Aurum Mur. Heart Cough.

Oxalic Acid. Cardiac cough on slightest exertion, choking feeling in larynx.


Pertussin. It is a nosode and should be given at the commencement of the treatment

of whooping cough. In many cases one dose of this remedy may prove curative or cut
short its duration.

Drosera. This is almost specific for whooping cough. It should be given in 30 potency
and should only be repeated after every four days. Some authors think that it may,
with advantage, be given in 3X potency in two drop doses at three hour intervals.
Spells of barking cough coming frequently and not giving patient opportunity to

recover breath. Vomiting and retching ensue. Cough is hoarse, the crowing inspiration
is pronounced. Bleeding from various orifices, nose, throat, larynx etc.

Belladonna. In early stage of whooping cough. Cough dry recurs every half hour or
so, in three or four fits at a time, face becomes flushed. There may also be nose
bleeding at later stages.

Kali Carb. It is specific in whooping cough when Drosera fails. The specific
symptom which would suggest this remedy is bag-like swelling between the upper lid
and the eye brow.

Phosphorus. Indicated in cases threatening to end unfavorably at later stages.

Expectoration tough, rust colored or bright red and frothy phlegm, hoarseness,
aphonia and tickling in the throat.

Ipecac. Is indicated when there is violent cough with vomiting. It is so violent that the
child becomes blue in the face. Profuse discharge of glairy mucus.

Mephites. Hard cough with spasmodic whoop; worse at night and after lying down.
Suffocative feelings-the child cannot exhale. Convulsions at times ensue. Mucus rales
in the upper part of chest. (With the administration of this remedy, sometimes the
patient is worse, but in reality it tends to shorten the course of the disease). Cough
very violent as if each attack will terminate life. Catarrhal symptoms are not present
and there is little or no expectoration.

Corallium Rub. 6. Cough violent, children lose their breath and become purple and
black in their face; gasping for breath and vomiting may follow. Icy coldness of air
passages. Nervous and minute-gun cough. The air feels cold on breathing. Smothering
before the cough is the guiding symptom.

Cuprum Met. Cough with interrupted or suppressed respiration. We have blueness of

the face and vomiting. The finger nails become discolored and the eyes are turned up,
the child coughs until it loses its breath and lies in a state of insensibility. Cough
caused by breathing cold air and better by drinking cold water. Violent fit which is
relieved by cold water. The patient may have convulsions with clinching of thumbs
and fists.

Allium Cepa. In children with vomiting, indigestion, flatulency and offensive flatus.

Coccus Cacti. Whooping cough worse in the morning ending in vomiting of clear
ropy mucus, hanging in long strings from the mouth. Kali Bi has also stringy mucus
but it is yellow in color and not so clear as in Coccus Cacti.

Senega. Cough towards the evening with tough transparent expectoration like white
of egg. Patient feels crushing weight on the chest.

Natrum Mur. When there is flow of tears in cough (whooping).

Napthalin. Choking cough; unable to get respiration; sometimes so violent as to

cause perspiration. The attacks come suddenly and last longer. Constriction of throat
is very marked. (Reflex Cough in females).

Tarentula Cub. Marvelous remedy for whooping cough which tears the patient to


Senecio Aureus. Cough due to suppression of menses.

Sepia. When the cough seems to originate in the pelvis. Expectoration salty.

Millefolium. Cough in suppressed menses or hemorrhoids.

Actea Racemosa. Dry fatiguing cough worse at night with great sensibility of private

Ambra Grisea. With uterine atony when the least emotion increases the cough and

Apis Mel. Barking cough at puberty. Reflex cough with sensibility of right ovary.

Viburnum Opulus. Cough in pregnancy which may bring about miscarriage. This
remedy will stop miscarriage.

Kali Bich. Cough in pregnancy.

Medorrhinum. Cough accompanied by or due to Gonorrhoea or gleet.


Diseases of Heart and Blood

ANEURISM (Dilation of Arteries)

Baryta Carb. Violent long lasting palpitation of the heart by lying on left side,
Fullness of the chest with short breathing, especially on ascending; stitching pain in
chest on respiration. Throbbing in the back. Great weakness as if circulation has
ceased. This is complimentary to the following two remedies in order to ensure
complete recovery.

Carbo Animalis. Thoracic aneurism causing loss of voice. Sharp burning stitching
pain in the chest worse on walking-give 1M dilution.

Lycopodium. Aneurism causing loss of flesh, soreness of lips, tendency to flatulence

and constipation.


Amyl Nitrate. In acute attacks when the heart’s action is rapid and tumultuous;
feeling of a band round the head; constriction about the heart and oppressed breathing;
face flushed. Weakness and tremor of limbs. Anxiety and apprehension.

Cactus. An organic disease of the heart resulting in angina pectoris when there is a
feeling of constriction, contraction and congestion of heart. Fluttering palpitation and

Glonoine. When there is throbbing all over the body with pain radiating from the
heart. Hard breathing with fluttering of the heart.

Crataegus. Sudden and terrible pain on the left side of the chest radiating over the
heart and the left arm; despondent and fearing death. Five drops a dose of mother
tincture in water with or immediately after meals. Head remedy for all heart diseases.

Lachesis. Cramp like pain with fainting. Palpitation of heart and choking from
slightest anxiety. Feels as if heart handing by a thread and every beat would tear it off.
Stitches in region of heart.

Naja. Severe pain in region of heart extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arm
with anxiety and fear of death. Fluttering and palpitation. Pulse slow and irregular.

Aconite. A useful heart remedy when there is mental anxiety, fear of death,
oppression and palpitation. Numbness in left arm and tingling in fingers.

Arsenicum Alb. A good remedy for angina pectoris. Violent and insupportable
throbbing of heart chiefly when lying on back and especially after 12 a.m. Fatty
degeneration-hydropericardium, restless, edemas.

Spigelia. Palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse weak and irregular or full and
bounding with aggravation from motion.

Magnesia Phos. It lessens attacks of angina and relieves pains. Give in hot water in
6X trituration.

Cimicifuga. Sever pains when the heart’s action suddenly ceases and the patient
becomes unconscious, pulse weak and feeble.


Baryta Mur. Head remedy when large blood vessels and aorta are involved. Severe
headache worse at night or when lying down.

Arnica M. In cerebral arterio-sclerosis. Vertigo of the aged. Tendency to


Plumbum. Hypertension and arterio-sclerosis; wiry people: chronic nephritis.

Aurum Mur. Hypertrophy of the heart, congestion in chest and head, strong
palpitation. Has special affinity to the arteries of the head.

Aurum Met. Angina pectoris due to chronic rheumatism that has wandered from joint
to joint. Heart seems to shake on movement and palpitation which compels him to

Ergotin. In the beginning of arterio-sclerosis when only the cardiac irritation and the
hard heart-sounds are present. Stiffening and degeneration of arterial walls; spasmodic
contraction of the vessels with hardening.

Strophanthus. Senile arterio-sclerosis, fatty degeneration, failing compensation,

tendency to dropsical accumulation.

Adrenaline. High arterial blood pressure. Roaring in the ears due to high blood

Arsenic Iod. This remedy is specific for all heart diseases. Slow pulse with
palpitation of heart. Breathless, cannot go upstairs; deficiency of mitral valves. Mitral
constriction with anginous pain. Should be given in 3X trituration twice daily half an
hour after meals, along with any other indicated remedy, i.e. this remedy should be
given along with other indicated remedies in all heart diseases.

Spigelia. Another important remedy indicated in inflammation of heart affecting both

inner and outer lining of the heart. Deficiency of mitral valves due to alcoholism.
Sparks before the eyes is a strong indication of this remedy. Pain in the heart,
dizziness, noises in head, excessive nervousness, choking sensation in throat, inability
to sleep.



Lachesis. It is the head remedy for high blood-pressure. The patient is worse on
waking. Sleeps into an aggravation. Restlessness. Cannot bear tight clothes, wants to
loosen them. It should be tried first and will help majority of cases. Give in 1M

Aurum Met. When due to suppressed anger or resentment. Over sensitiveness;

roaring in head; vertigo; violent headache; fear of death. Palpitation, hopelessness and

Aconite. Palpitation; great anxiety; heat of body. Shooting in heart region. Fainting
with tingling. Pulse full, strong, hard.

Allium Sativa. Suitable for fleshy patients who eat a great deal especially non-
vegetarians. Has vaso-dilatory properties. Arterial hypotension or fall in blood
pressure begins usually in 30 to 45 minutes after 20 to 40 drop doses of tincture.

Strophanthus. Useful for aged in heart trouble dependent on kidney diseases.

Irritable heart with tense arteries and a free discharge of urine. Increases systole and
diminishes the rapidity of heart.

Plumbum Met. When accompanied with constipation and timidity.

Natrum Mur. It reduces blood pressure in patients who have craving salt and who
worry a lot. Suppressed anger. Give in 200 or higher dilutions.

Carbo Animalis. With obstinate occipital headaches.

Gelsemium. When due to sudden disappointed love, and/or due to grief. Give in 200

Glonoine. Lassitude; no inclination to work. Irritability and excitement by opposition

end in congestive headache. Rush of blood to head and heart. Pulsating pains.
Fluttering heart. Constipation with itching hemorrhoids.

Baryta Mur. Arterio-sclerosis and cerebral affection in the aged. Vertigo and noises
in the ears. Increased tension of pulse. Icy cold body with paralysis. Thickening of
arteries with cardiac dilatation and bronchial affection in old persons.

Veratrum Viride. Full-blooded plethoric patients who are quarrelsome. Prostration.

Pulse hard and full with congestive symptoms.

Belladonna. Violent palpitation, prolonged echoing sound in head with laboured

breath. Palpitation from least exertion. Throbbing all through the body. Skin flushed
and hot. Anxiety or fear; no thirst. Vertigo with falling on the left side or backward.
Worse from touch, noise, jar and lying down.

Arsenic Alb. Restlessness with puffiness of the eyes and swelling of the feet.
Difficulty of breathing. Suffocation at night on lying down. Worse going upstairs.

Thuja. High blood pressure, particularly associated with poor arterial wall. Personal
and parental history shows coronary thrombosis.

Adrenalin. High arterial blood pressure. Roaring in the ears due to high blood


Lycopodium. Is indicated in irritable persons possessing uric acid diathesis, with a

liverish hue of brownish patches on the skin: craving for sweets; rumbling flatulence
worse between 4 and 8 p.m., or early morning; relief from motion.

Natrum Mur. With craving for salt. Faints in the hot sun.

China Off. Dizziness; fainting; skipping heart. Everything eaten turns into gas which
will not move up or down. Noises in the ears. Loss of vital fluids.

Sepia. Yellowish tint with dark circles under the eyes, pulsations throughout the body,
desire for sours, relief from violent exercise, empty all gone sensation in the
epigastrium after lunch; liver spots; indifference to life and to loved ones.

Carbo Veg. With low vitality and flatulence in the upper part of the abdomen.

Tuberculinum. It is to be though of as an intercurrent remedy in persons who are

wasting in health.

Calcarea Phos. Is indicated in exhausted, fast growing young persons.

Viscum Alb. Pulse slow and weak. Rheumatism and gout, neuralgia and sciatica.
Buzzing and stopped up feeling in ear. Persistent vertigo. Weight and oppression of
heart as if being squeezed. Unable to lie down. Worse in winter and cold stormy

Gelsemium. Irregular beating of heart, palpitation. Feeling as if heart would stop

beating, if she did not move about . Pulse frequent, soft, weak, suffocation. Paralysis
of lungs.


Mercurius. Weakness of heart as if dying. Awakens with trembling at heart and

agitation as if frightened. Aching pain at the apex of heart extending upwards. Cardiac
oppression; palpitation with fear, worse at night and on slight exertion, with cough
and bloody expectoration.

Medorrhinum. Difficulty of breathing because of oppression of chest. Fluttering

about heart and throbbing pain in heart; acute, quick, dull, sharp pain at apex, worse
on movement. Burning in heart extending to back and left arm.

Lycopodium. Palpitation even in bed, anxious at night on turning over in bed, worse
after eating, during digestion. Heart action muffled and indistinct. Albuminuria.
Cramp and constriction in chest, cannot get breath. Stitches beneath short ribs.

Lillium Tig. Sensation as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice, as if blood had
all gone to heart producing a feeling of bending double, inability to walk straight.
Heart as if violently grasped, then suddenly released; alternately constrictive, pain

about heart running nearly constant, worse by eating, no matter how little; frequent
palpitation, apprehension.

Arnica. Horrors at night, sudden fear of death. Shock; sore bruised feeling over body;
offensiveness is a feature of Arnica; body cold and head hot. Arnica is very useful in
coronary heart disease. The patient wants to be left alone, is morose, irritable, sad
fearful, easily frightened, imagines all sorts of things, horrors in the night, sudden fear
of death, often coming on at night, restless. Tightness, constriction after over-exertion
or tiredness. Arnica will relieve and heal affected lesion.

Secale Cor. Secale has numbness and coldness of extremities, anginal pain and
hypertension, boring in chest, pectoral tenderness.

ENDOCARDITIS (Inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart).

Aconite N. Stitching pain in chest, anxiety, restlessness and fever.

Spigelia. Sharp shooting pains in the region of the heart with palpitation and

Lachesis. Ulcerative pains in the region of the heart.

Kalmia Lat. When accompanied with rheumatism of joints. Shifting pains.

Gunpowder. In Pynemia give 3X trituration.

Naja. Due to valvular affections remaining after the acute stage.


Digitalis. Pulse full, irregular, very slow in the beginning and weak intermitting every
third, fifth or seventh beat, sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved.
Dropsy due to heart diseases. Heavy breathing worse by lying. Flabby heart with
anaemia. Lassitude, faintness, exhaustion and extreme prostration. Horrible dreams
and sinking in the stomach. Fear of going to sleep as it will cause suffocation.

Strophanthus. For dilated heart with palpitation and anaemia. Functional

disturbances of the heart from alcohol, tobacco and tea. Dyspnoea with edema of
lungs and or of feet. It also cures vomiting, cough, hemoptysis and dropsy if due to or
accompanied by heart troubles. Insufficiency of the heart without constriction.

Laurocerasus. Heart failure due to abuse of Digitalis.

Collinsonia. Diseases of the heart with spells of faintness, oppression, difficult

breathing, associated with hemorrhoids (piles). The heart symptoms coming on when
bleeding ceases.

Apocynum. Dropsy due to heart diseases. Tricuspid regurgitation.

Lycopus Vir. Palpitation, slow pulse, difficult to go on higher level like staircases,

Cactus G. Angina pectoris with constriction and general weakness of the heart and
prostration. Feelings as if the heart is twisted with a iron band tighter and tighter.
Contraction and congestion of the heart with rush of blood to the head and coldness of
the extremities. Unequal circulation of blood in the body, chest or heart. Cardiac
insufficiency with constriction.

Bovista. Heart feels enormously large with oppression of the chest and palpitation
after meal or during menstruation. Associated with these troubles there may be
headaches deep in the brain with a feeling as if the head were enormously large and

Gelsemium. Weakness of the heart muscles with feeling that heart will stop beating.
On going to sleep the patient is suddenly aroused by a feeling that heart will stop
beating. Must keep on moving heart will stop. Pulse frequent, soft, weak and almost

Grindelia. Weakness of heart and lungs. When the patient goes to sleep he wakes up
suddenly with sensation as if respiration has ceased.

Magnolia. Oppression of the chest with inability to expand lungs. Distressed feeling
after taking food. Suffocated feeling when walking fast or lying on left side.
Dyspnoea. Crampy pain in heart. Angina Pectoris. Endocarditis and pericarditis.
Tendency to faint. Sensation as if heart stopped beating. Pain in heart accompanied by
itching. Rheumatic heart.

Cicuta Vir. Trembling, palpitation of heart. Feels as if heart stopped beating,

sometimes with faint feeling.

Lachesis. Constriction of heart on walking. Purple bloated face with dropsy and
enlarged liver. Worse during and after sleep. Afraid to go to sleep because of

Phosphorus. Fatty degeneration of the heart. Heart dilated Palpitation worse by lying
on left side.

Crataegus. An excellent remedy for impending heart failure. Faintness and collapse.
Hypertrophy and valvular diseases. Palpitation and rapid action of heart.

Aurum Met. An excellent remedy for rheumatic heart, when the pain wanders from
joint to joint and is finally located in the heart. It affects valves with numbness and
tingling pain in the left arm. Chronic aortitis.

Arsenic Iod. One of the remedies for septic endocarditis and pericarditis and for
dropsical condition of the heart with general edema and puffiness about the eyes and
feet. Heart irregular and pulse intermittent.

Scuttelaria. Weak heart due to smoking.

Phaseolus Nana. Weak and unsound heart. Pulse intermittent and weak. Cured heart
failure when no other stimulant helped.

Cereus Bin. Agonizing and convulsive pains in the heart.

Lycopodium. For low blood pressure and weakness. Water-brash, flatulence and
distention of abdomen after eating. Feeble heart, poor circulation and low blood
pressure. Palpitation even in bed, worse after eating.

Naja. Mitral constriction with anginous pain. Feeling of weight on heart. Angina
pains extending to nape of neck, left shoulder and arms, fear of death. Low tension.

Crocus. Uncontrollable laughter with sensation as if something jumping or pain of

jumping character. Stitches and shocks with sensation as if something was hopping
and jumping in the chest.

Merc. Viv. Endocarditis effusion into joints and pericardium, white tongue, heavy
perspiration with aggravation of symptoms during night.

Ignatia. Palpitation of heart caused by worriment. Give in 1M dilution.

Thyroidinum. Heart pain and palpitation with enlargement of thyroid gland. Unable
to lie flat. Nervous with fits of hysteria or epilepsy. Rheumatic heart with squeezing
pains. Unable to lie down. Severe type of angina pectoris.

Carbo Veg. Heart trouble due to digestion or wind in the upper part of the abdomen.

Thuja. Heart disease due to vaccination or excessive vaccination.

Iberis. Palpitation and breathlessness on slightest motion; soft and intermittent pulse;
pain and dullness down the left arm. Vertigo, cold hands and feet. Choking in the
throat. Nervousness. Symptoms worse at night or towards morning.

Oxalic acid. Palpitation alternates with loss of voice. Trembling, convulsions, loss of
sensation; numbness of the body and limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the limbs
due to the affection of the heart, spinal cord and brain. Violent pains, cutting,
shooting, stitching, tearing; sores and bruises all over the body difficult breathing.

Adonis Vernalis. Mitral and aortic regurgitation. Chronic aortitis. Palpitation.

Dyspnoea. Fatty heart pericarditis.

Adrenalin 200. Heart failure.

Kalmia L. Is useful when rheumatism goes to the heart or when heart trouble is
accompanied with rheumatism.

Colchicum. This may be tried when Kalmia L. fails.

Convallaria. Palpitation of heart with soreness in the uterine region. With the last
symptom Dr. Nash cured a case of cardiac dropsy with 30th dilution of the remedy.

Cactus G. }
Aurum Met.} In valvular diseases with numbness and tingling in the left arm.

Mercurius Cyanatus. Ulcerative endocarditis with rapid heart failure from malignant
cardiac disease.

Lilium Tigrinum. Sensation as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice with blood
going to heart producing feeling to bend double. Pain in heart.

Arnica M. For coronary heart disease with body cold and head hot. Wants to be left
alone. Is morose, irritable, sad, fearful, easily frightened. Sudden fear of death coming
on during night.

Secale Cor. Anginal pain and hypertension with numbness and coldness of

Medorrhinum. Difficulty of breathing due to oppression of chest. Fluttering about
heart, palpitation on light exercise. Sharp, quick and dull pains in heart. Burning in

HYPERTROPHY (Enlargement of the heart).

Crataegus. Hypertrophy of the heart due to valvular deficiency with dyspnoea and

Kalmia Lat. Hypertrophy and valvular diseases of the heart following an attack of
rheumatism or attending with it. Palpitation and/or pain in the heart shooting
downwards in the abdomen.

Arnica M. }
Rhus Tox. } When the hypertrophy is associated with valvular lesions and has been
brought on by prolonged over-exhausted heart which is greatly enlarged owing to
terrible strain. Dyspnoea, cannot climb stairs. Cannot stand smoke. Anaemia.

Laurocerasus. Hypertrophy of the heart with insufficiency of mitral valves, gasping

for breath, low vitality. Out of breath on climbing or walking.

Iberis. Hypertrophy and dilatation of the heart. Violent and sharp action of the heart
with softened pulse. Palpitation on slightest motion or exertion; cold hands and feet;
choking sensation in the throat. Conscious of heart’s action. Give one drop a dose of
the mother tincture.

Cactus. Violent palpitation, worse lying on back, increased by excitement, motion,

rising up suddenly or when walking. Flushed face; headache at the vertex. Throbbing
of the arteries. Hypertrophy of the heart in young people is its special indication.

Aconite N. Simple hypertrophy without any valvular disease; with numbness and
tingling of the fingers. (It may do great harm in valvular diseases.)

Aurum Met. In valvular diseases with numbness and tingling in the left arm. Aurum
Met. has a fatty heart without dilatation.

Nat. Mur. High blood pressure with dilatation of heart in irritable persons who hate
sympathy, are extremely reserved, will never talk about their own worries and
sorrows. Any sympathy on that account makes them angry. Silent grief. Skin yellow
and shining.


Calcarea Carb. Inflammation of arteries.


Hamamelis. Simple and acute inflammation with sensitiveness; veins hard, knotty
and painful.

Pulsatilla. When following childbirth; parts bluish, soreness and stinging.

Hippozaenium. When pus is formed.


Aconite N. Palpitation in heart that retains its vigor. Pain in left shoulder and chest.
Anxiety, fear and tingling in fingers.

Nux Vom. When due to indigestion, flatulence after eating.

Vipera. Inflammation of veins, worse by hanging down the affected limb. Fullness,
pain and bursting sensation in veins. Constipation; worse after eating.

Alumen. Palpitation brought on by lying on right side which is peculiar and

characteristic of this remedy.

Pulsatilla. From indigestion in females or blonde persons, acidity, bowels inclined to

be loose.

Carbo Veg. With excessive flatulence in the stomach after food, better by eructations.

Moschus. Nervous palpitation with fainting.

Thyroidinum. Palpitation and fainting with exceedingly rapid action of the heart.

Crataegus. Palpitation with irregular and intermittent pulse.

Ars Alb. Palpitation of heart when the whole body is shaken thereby and the chest
walls flutter. Better by sitting, bending forward or backward.

Coca. Shortness of breath, oppression, dyspnoea, violent audible palpitation brought
on by hill climbing.

Kalmia Lat. Palpitation or pain in the heart, shooting downwards in the abdomen.
Hypertrophy and valvular diseases of the heart following an attack of rheumatism or
alternating with it.

Laurocerasus. Hypertrophy of the heart with insufficiency of mitral valves, gasping

for breath, low vitality, out of breath on climbing or walking.

Lycopus Virg. Palpitation, slow pulse, difficult to go on higher level, like staircases

Cannabis Ind. Palpitation of heart awakens from sleep.

Iberis. Hypertrophy and dilatation of the heart. Violent and sharp action of the heart
with softened pulse. Palpitation on slightest motion or exertion. Cold hands and feet.
Choking sensation in the throat. Conscious of heart’s action. Give one drop a dose of
the mother tincture.

Oleander. Palpitation of heart with rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting. Pain all over the

Cactus. Violent palpitation, worse ling on left side and at approach of menses. Iron
band feeling round the heart shooting down left arm. Palpitation with giddiness and
shortness of breath and flatulence. Pulse feeble, irregular and quick.

Naja. Feeling of weight round the heart with stitching pain extending to the nape of
neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety and fear of death. Damage to heart after
infectious diseases.

Bromium. Palpitation with nausea and headache and nervous excitement. Aversion to
work, to reading. No interest in house hold duties. Indifferent, tired, sad and

Arnica Mont. }
Rhus Tox. } Palpitation of heart due to over-exertion, in athletes, in men
handling heavy weights. Numbness of the left arm and shoulder. Try in the given

Stannum. Palpitation and anxiety occurring after slightest exertion such as giving
directions about the household.

Calc Ars. The slightest emotion causes palpitation of heart.

Strophanthus. Palpitation due to dilated heart and anaemia.

Argentum Nit. Palpitation on lying on the right side.

Argentum Met. Palpitation when lying on the back with sense of quivering, fluttering
and trembling in the chest and the whole body.

Ignatia. Nervous palpitation in persons of great impressionability; worse at night in

bed, palpitation keeping the patient awake.

Lachesis. Palpitation on the least excitement especially at the change of life.

Ambra G. }
Staphisagria } Palpitation brought on by listening to music.

Antim Tart. Palpitation during stools.

Sulphur. }
Conium. } Palpitation after stools.

Digitalis. }
Opium. } Palpitation from grief and after fright.

Digitalis. }
Sepia. } Palpitation after coition.

Ammonia Carb. Palpitation with dyspnoea, but without any heart disease; worse on

Natrum Mur. When lying in bed or after food. After abuse of quinine and when
palpitation shakes the whole body. Worse lying on left side.

Actea Race. Palpitation with sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach and great
uneasiness and sleepiness.

Spigelia. Violent palpitation with shooting, cutting pain in the region of the heart,
with foul odor from mouth. Pulse weak and irregular. Neuralgia extending to arms.
Craving for hot water which relieves.

Belladonna. Palpitation on slight exertion; with full throbbing headache, flushed face,
great sensibility to light and noise.

Thea. Palpitation with fluttering and momentary suspension of the heart’s action.

Magnesia Mur. Palpitation in hysteric women better on moving about.

Phosphorus. Palpitation due to smoking; tobacco heart, sexual weakness.

Veratrum Vir. When pulse drops down to 40 or low. Sometimes it cannot be felt in
the wrist. The patient has red streak in the centre of the tongue. It should not be used
in the case of weak heart.


Oleander. Pulse fast with tendency to vomiting and nausea. It brings down the pulse

Aconite N. Pulse fast, rapid and bounding.

Belladonna. Pulse bounding, face red, full blooded patient. Throbbing pulse.

Carbo Veg. Intermitting pulse with nose bleeding.

Muriatic Acid. When pulse intermits at every third beat.

Veratrum Alb. Pulse drops to 30 to 40 beats but again rises at once and then falls.
Pulse absent with cold sweat.

Digitalis. Pulse irregular and very slow and weak; intermitting every third, fifth and
seventh beat.

Cactus. Pulse absent with suffocation. Intermitting pulse in rheumatic heart.

Iberis. Jerking pulse; beats seem to run into each other. Double pulse.

Arsenic Sul. Flavum. Pulse fast, irregular, intermittent, small and weak.

VEINS (Varicose, including Varicocele)

Pulsatilla. As a preventive; also when the affected parts are bluish with soreness and
stinging pain. Head remedy for varicose veins.

Formica. When there is debility.

Fluoric Acid. Old standing cases. Obstinate, especially in women, who have
produced many children. Varicose veins and varicose ulcers especially of lower

Pyrogenium. Varicose ulcers. Ulcerated legs which discharge freely and are
extremely painful.

Arsenic Alb. Burning like fire particularly at night.

Nux Vom. During pregnancy due to high living.

Hamamelis. With stinging and pricking pain (Lotion of Hamamelis may also be
applied locally in all cases of varicose veins).

Vipera. Worse on letting the affected part hang down, as if it would burst with
fullness. Bursting feeling is the keynote of this remedy.

Belladonna. }
Glonoine. } Varicose veins in plethoric persons where blood rushes to the head.
Throbbing pain in veins.

Magnetis Polus Aust. Throbbing pain in the legs when hanging down with the
feeling of hot water running down the affected part. Fainting on walking.

Lachesis. Inflammation of veins of the leg during pregnancy.

Millefolium. Most useful remedy in varicose veins; especially when the capillaries
are spongy and enlarged. Veins break easily when congested. Wounds bleed easily
and much. Varicose veins during pregnancy when painful. Varicose veins of legs
ulcerate and bleed in pregnant women.

Sulphur. Veins ulcerate, rupture and bleed. Varicose of the extremities. It should be
tried as an intercurrent remedy when other remedies only partially cure or fail to cure.

In all heart disease avoid flesh, fish, fowl and everything made of them, sugar, cakes,
jam, marmalade, and sweets. Use of salt should also be reduced to the minimum.


Diseases of Digestive System


ALIVE (Presence of Organism)

Crocus. As if something alive moving about in the abdomen or chest.

Anacardium. Believes that when drinking, the drink did not go in his stomach; that
there is a person in his inside who ate and drank everything he swallowed. All these
symptoms are sometimes due to suppression of eczema with mercurial ointment.

Thuja. Sensation of something alive in abdomen. Feels the movement of a child’s

hand or that there is an animal in her bowels.


Bryonia. Stitching and burning pains aggravated on slightest motion. Better by lying
on painful side and by pressure. Tenderness in the right lower abdomen. Patient lies
still with legs drawn up to relax the abdominal muscles. Does not want to be touched
and every breath worsens the pain. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. Give in
1X potency every four hours till the pain stops.

Sulphur. Should be used as an intercurrent remedy to complete the cure.

Iris Tenax. Is the remedy to start treatment of appendicitis. Fearful pain in ileo-caecal
region, great tenderness to pressure; deadly sensation at the pit of the stomach.

Belladonna. It has the same symptoms as Iris T., but it should be given after the later
has failed. It has severe pain in the ileo-caecal region, worse from jerk. Inability to
bear slightest touch, even of bed cover. There is also vomiting. Sleepy but unable to
sleep. Oversensitive to light and other external impressions. Better lying on back with
knees drawn up. Nervousness, throbbing headache. Worse by stooping, must have
loose clothes.

Dioscorea. A valuable remedy when the pain is constant, the patient has never been
entirely free from pain. Bowels filled with gas with griping, twisting pains better by
bending backward. It may be given in hot water.

Mercurius. Where local symptoms are acute. Enteric, or diarrhoeaic condition is also
present. Swelling hard, hot and painful in ileo-caecal region. Bruised sensation in
intestines. No relief from perspiration. Tender lump felt in the appendix region.

Colocynth. Specially indicated by a high degree of pain which may be cutting,

twisting or cramping. Bitter taste. Jelly like stool. Worse by indignation. Better by
pressure, warmth.

Lachesis. A valuable remedy, sensitiveness all over the abdomen and stitching from
the seat of inflammation, backward and downward to the thighs. Patient lies on the
back with knees drawn up. Feels hot, cannot bear clothing even in cold weather.

Lycopodium. Is the remedy in high dilutions (say in 1000) when the acute attack is
over. It should be given fortnightly or monthly to stop recurrence of attacks.

Arsenic Alb. When the condition points to sepsis, it may be the remedy. There are
chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhea, restlessness and sudden sinking of strength.

Rhus Tox. Extensive swelling over the ileo-caecal region and great pain causing an
incessant restlessness. This also covers septic conditions.

Ignatia. Terrible pain in appendix with fear of operation is an important mental

symptom. The knees drawn up to chin. Body hot and rigid. The patient is sensitive,
alert and nervous. He suffers acutely in mind and body at the same time. Has gripping
and stitching pains: In nervous patients treatment may be started with this remedy.

Ferrum Phos. }
Kali Mur. } Useful remedies for inflammation in the ileo-caecal region.
Mag Phos. }

ASCITES (Dropsy of the abdomen)

Apis Mel. Dropsy with thirstlessness. It might have been caused after fevers,
especially eruptive fevers. The skin is pale, waxy, and transparent. The urine is scanty.
Skin dry. Aggravation by heat and better by cold. Give in 1X or 6 potency.

Apocynum Can. Dropsy after typhoid or scarlet fever or due to portal obstruction. Is
useful in ascites when there is organic disease. There is aggravation from cold and
sensitiveness to cold drinks, pain in the abdomen from cold drinks. Urine is scanty as
in Apis and the skin is dry. Dropsy with great thirst but scanty urination.

Ars. Alb. Suitable in all forms of dropsy, particularly when it is due to disorders of
the heart and lungs and in dropsy of renal origin. There is puffiness of the face with
edema about the eyelids, waxy transparent skin, thirsty, vomiting, etc. In dropsy
oozing of serum is also an indication.

Lac. Defloratum. Dropsy from organic heart disease, from chronic liver complaint;
far advanced albuminuria; following intermittent fever.

Digitalis. It is indicated in cardiac dropsies: feeble, irregular heart as if it stood still

with desire to take a deep breath; scanty, dark, albuminous urine, slow pulse, scrotum
and penis swollen. Cold sweat.

Muriatic Acid. Dropsy due to cancer of the liver.

Helleborus. Dropsy with jelly-like diarrhea, urine dark and scanty.

Thlaspi Bursa. Is useful in dropsy. Give in 10 drops doses of the mother tincture.

Urea. Useful for renal dropsy. Albuminuria, uraemia and diabetes. Urine of low
specific gravity.

Liatris Spicata. Dropsy with enlargement of liver and spleen. It is said to get rid of
11/2 gallons urine in a day. Take half and ounce of root and prepare about a pint of
decoction which may be taken in a day, or use mother tincture in 10 drop doses.

Dulcamara. Dropsy after suppressed sweat, suppressed eruption, exposure to cold.

Acetic Acid. Dropsy of the abdomen with gastric disturbances. There is belching,
water brash and diarrhea.

Lachesis. Dropsy, urine dark and albuminous, skin dark or bluish white.

Terebinthina. Dropsy from congestion of the kidneys, dull aching pain in renal
region and dark, smoky urine.

Colchicum. Dropsy with dark urine, especially the complication of rheumatism may
indicate this remedy. The intolerance of smell of food or cooking of food is the
ranking symptom of this remedy.

Lycopodium. Dropsy from liver diseases; lover half of abdomen distended. Ulcers on
lower extremities. Dropsy with enlarged spleen, afternoon fever, with no thirst.
Difficult breathing on lying down; urine scanty and high colored, bowels constipated,
heart’s action weak but regular.

Pulsatilla. Ascites due to menstrual difficulty at puberty or menopause. Especially
suitable for mild, gentle and yielding disposition. Seeks open air even though chilly.


Lilium Tig. Bearing down of the whole of abdominal viscera; dragging down from
the stomach.

Manganum. Dragging down of the intestines, and the whole abdomen feels heavy
from a state of relaxation. Tired, weary, anaemic women with prolapses of uterus and


Nux Vom. Is the head remedy for colic due to indigestion. It should be given in the
beginning in low dilutions in hot water. The pain may be in any part of the abdomen.
Pains are aching or cramping and worse after food and attended with flatulence,
constipation and nausea. Abdominal cramps during pregnancy.

Colocynthis. Griping, clutching, cramping, digging and stabbing pain as if grasped by

the fingers, better by bending double or by hard pressure against the abdominal wall.
Summer complaints and also in dysentery. The colic is caused by flatus, undigested
food or unripe fruits or cold or by violent emotion such as a fit of anger. It is of little
use in inflammatory colic.

Veratrum Album. In abdominal pains better by bending double and by walking

about. Colic as if intestines twisted into a knot, abdominal cramps. Cold sweat on the
face. It is specially suitable in intussusception of bowels. Cold feeling in the abdomen.

Bovista. Finds relief by bending double and after eating. Urine is red.

Croton Tig. Griping pain with profuse watery diarrhea gushing like water from a
hydrant. Aggravated after nursing and eating.

Dioscorea. Pain in the umbilical region, which is continuous and constant, better by
bending backward and by stretching the body. Bilious rheumatic and neuralgic colic.
Regurgitation; sour or better belching.

Cuprum Met. An excellent remedy for inflammatory colic abdomen hard: violent
spasms of colic as if a knife were thrust into abdomen. Aggravated by cold drinks.

Chamomilla. It is suitable in spasmodic pain which comes and goes suddenly. Colic
from anger; worse from warmth. Staphisagria is another remedy which is indicated in
colic after anger or following abdominal operation. Flatulence is relieved by

Aconite N. Where there is a feeling of congestion in the womb and abdomen with full
and frequent pulse.

Cocculus Ind. Nervous colic, worse at night, accompanied by flatulence, the

discharge of which gives no relief. Craving for cold drinks, especially beer. Bitter or
metallic taste. Cramps in abdomen.

Alumen. Tendency to lead colic in those who work in lead such as painters etc.

Plumbum. Abdominal pains radiating in all directions, walls drawn in as if abdomen

and back were too close. There are cramps in legs and obstinate constipation but no
flatulence. Umbilical pain goes through the spine. The patient bends backward.

Pulsatilla. Colic with chilliness caused from pastry or rich food, loud rumbling and
gurgling in abdomen. Flatulent colic in hysterical and pregnant women. Urination
frequent. Stitching or crampy pains attended with nausea.

Cadmium Sulph. Burning and cutting pain in stomach with intense nausea and
vomiting. Black vomiting. The least thing touching the lip will excite vomiting.

Cuprum Ars. Neuralgic pain in abdomen. Burning, cramping and colic pains.

Ranunculus B. Pains stitching, right side or the abdomen under the ribs.
Hypochondriac pain.

Natrum Carb. Pain in stomach relieved by eating. Drives the patient out of bed to eat
at 5 a.m.

Senna. Colic especially infantile colic when the child is full of wind. It also cures
debility with bowels constipated.

Magnesia Phos. Violent, spasmodic pain which is better by hot application. Pain
worse on the right side and better by bending double. Belching and passing of gas
gives no relief. Persistent hiccups with retching day and night. Cramps on lower
extremities. Vesicular colic due to cholecystitis (Gall stone).

Chelidonium. Sharp pain in the epigastrium with anxiety and oppression. The
abdomen feels contracted as if it were tied with ropes. The pain spreads to the right
side, on movement, on change of weather and in the morning. Obstructive jaundice,
cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Epigastric pain due to intestinal fermentation.

China Off. Epigastric pain with sensation of weight and fullness after eating even a
small quantity of food. Great debility due to loss of fluids. Bitter taste. Food has salty
taste. Sensation of hunger and thirst for cold water. Abdomen bloated with gas.
Duodenal pain hiccups.

Belladonna. Abdomen enormously distended, least drink immediately ejected.

Slightest touch gives awful pain. Intestinal obstruction. Bending backward to seek

Dulcamara. Pain or eruptions in the region of the umbilicus, especially the “hole”.

Platinum. Painter’s colic; umbilical pain goes through to back. He screams and tries
to relieve pain by trying all possible positions.

Castoreum. Colics of the nervous kind that seems to be particularly seated in the
small intestine. The pains are better by pressure. There is sudden sinking of strength
as if the very principle of life has been struck down.

Staphisagria. It is useful for colic due to anger.

Stannum. Colic relieved by hard pressure. Pains begin lightly, increase gradually to
the highest point and then gradually decline.

Gratiola. Sever cutting pain in abdomen and rumbling of flatulence with cold feeling
in the abdomen.

Allium Cepa. Violent cutting pain in left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to
urinate which burns. Colic in children with doubling up and offensive flatus.

Jaborandi. Severe pains over pubes with strong desire to pass water which gives

Carbo Veg. pain in upper part of the stomach with flatulence, not better by belching.

Alumina. Painter’s colic.

Lycopodium. Pain or pressure in the epigastrium after eating, with a sour taste, great
distension, especially of the lower abdomen. Tongue dry without thirst. Excessive
hunger. Worse eating meat or bread. Worse between 4-8 P.M. and better by walking,
on belching and expelling gases.

Coffea. Cramps during pregnancy with sleeplessness.

COLITIS (Chronic dysentery)

Sulphur. Head remedy for colitis. Treatment should be started with this remedy. It
would cure a very large number of cases without the help of any other remedy. Use
200 dilution.

Magnesia Carb. Terribly distended abdomen with green watery fluid shot out of
bowels as from a hydrant.

China Off. When colitis is brought on after eating fruits or ice water. Yellow watery
stools with flatulence, painless and worse after eating.

Lachesis. Colitis with offensive diarrhea alternating with constipation. Worse during

Selenium. Tuberculosis of the peritoneum. Colitis brought on by eating apples,

oranges or lemons.

Thuja. An excellent remedy for colitis or amoebic dysentery. Give in 1M potency.


Lachesis. Enlargement of abdomen in young girls.


China Off. When there is flatulence in whole of the abdomen, flatulence distension
almost to bursting. Worse from fish, fruit and wine.

Carbo Veg. When there is flatulence in the upper part of the abdomen, causing
oppression of the breathing, or sharp pains about the chest. Bowels irregular or loose.
Tympanites when flatus is due to decomposition of food.

Lycopodium. When there is flatulence in the lower part of the abdomen, worse in the
evening between 4 and 8 P.M. Everything he eats turns into wind. Little things annoy
and distress. After a more mouthful he becomes flatulent and distended. Discharge of
flatus from the vagina.

Raphanus. When the wind is located round the navel which is difficult to pass and is

Carbolic Acid. Flatulent distension, causing frequent sighing and belching.

Nux Mosch. Flatulent dyspepsia where everything turns into wind.

Chamomilla. Flatulence which is relieved by eructations.

Aloe. Flatus offensive, burning, copious; much flatus with small stool. Rumbling and
cramp in abdomen before and during stool. The hard stool falls out without being
noticed. Rumbling in abdomen is so great that it can be heard by anyone in the room.
It seems as if the abdomen would burst on account of flatulence.

Lac Can. Escape of gas from vagina.

Sarsaparilla. Escape of gas when urinating; the urine flows with a loud noise.

Oleander. Passing of stool with flatus.

Calc Iod. Eructations empty, fetid, bitter, putrid, causing sore pain in epigastrium and
chest, followed by sticking pain in stomach, contractive pain in epigastrium taking
away the breath, collection of wind in epigastrium which is sensitive to touch.

Fel Tauri. Gurgling and rumbling motions in abdomen; odorless and tasteless
eructations; tendency to sleep after eating.

Fucus Ves. By this remedy the flatulency is diminished and ultimately it disappears.
Use mother tincture in 3 drop doses.

Castoreum. Abdomen distended with flatus; dragging in the groins. Cutting about the
navel, better by pressure. Green mucus stools which burn. Nervous colic. For children
suffering from green stools in summer.

Allium Cepa. Indigestion, vomiting and flatulency in children; offensive flatus

doubling up with pain, whooping cough.

Homarus. Awakened in the night to pass wind.

Argentum Nit. Flatulent with distension to bursting; scarcely getting relief from
passing flatus or eructations.

Cocculus. When the retention of flatus results in tympanites.

Lycopersicum. Great flatulency of abdomen particularly between 10 A.M. and 11.30

A.M. with thirst for large quantities of water.

Lachesis. Abdomen hot, sensitive. Painful distension, flatulence; cannot bear

pressure. Frequent emission of flatus. Relieved by eructations.

Pulsatilla. Hard distension of abdomen. Colic often accompanied by vomiting and

diarrhea. Constriction as from a stone extending to bladder. Bad effects of eating fatty
foods, pastry, fruits etc.

Nux Vomica. Bad effects of alcohol, coffee and sedentary life. Pressure of wind
upward, obstructing breathing, oppression of chest as of stones in stomach.
Constipation with ineffectual urging.

HERNIA (Inguinal or Umbilical)

Calcarea Carb. Head remedy with which treatment should be started. It will cure
great majority of cases. In hernia where walls of abdomen are thin and truss cannot be

Lycopodium. Hernia of right side. Strangulated hernia. Give in 1000 potency every
fortnight. Distension of abdomen with rumbling of gas.

Nux Vom. Hernia of left side. Give in 1000 potency every fortnight. It also cures right
side hernia when Lycopodium fails.

Cocculus. Given in 30 potency when Lycopodium and Nux Vomica fail.

Aurum Met. Inguinal hernia in children if the above remedies fail.

Lachesis. Hernia strangulated, sloughing.

Plumbum. Strangulated hernia whether femoral, inguinal or umbilical.

Staphisagria. Hernia of the bladder. Cystocele.

Silicea. Inflammation and swelling of inguinal glands. Painful to touch. Painful
inguinal hernia.

Aesculus H. Inguinal hernia. Cutting in right inguinal region.


Belladonna. For obstruction of intestines, the treatment be started with this remedy.

Opium. Spasmodic retention of faeces in small intestines. Abdomen hard, bloated,

tympanitic. During colic urging to stool and discharge of hard faeces.

Plumbum. Intestines filled with hard faeces, contraction could be distinctly felt and

Causticum. Incarceration of flatus, with hard faeces.

Lachesis. Abdomen tympanitic, sensitive, painful, cannot bear anything around waist.

Nux Vom. Obstruction in the sigmoid flexure of the colon with pain, lying painful
side but relieved by firm pressure. Unable to pass either faeces or flatus.

Rhus Tox. Vomits everything but cold drinks. Tongue coated with red triangular tip.
Restlessness, wants to change position frequently. Numbness and pain on the side on
which he lies down. Unquenchable thirst. Desire for milk. Mouth dry, Drowsy after


Aconite N. Sudden pain with screaming, great restlessness; abdomen distended,

passing of blood and mucus through the rectum; distension of rectum like a balloon;
piece of bowel left high up in the intestines: red jelly-like substance oozing from the
rectum. Give in 30 dilution every fifteen minutes. Acts also in higher dilutions say,

Plumbum. With colic and faecal vomiting. Sensation of drawn in. At times sensation
is felt as if the abdomen and back were too close together.

Opium. With violent colic and convulsions.

Veratrum Alb. Rushes about, better by bending double and by pressing abdomen.
Great anguish.


Lycopodium. Protrusion of navel with flatulence.

Nux Mosch. Ulceration of navel in new born children.

Abrotanum. Oozing of bloody fluid from navel in infants.

Hyoscyamus. Oozing of urine from navel of infants.

Dioscorea. Pain commence and radiate from navel.

Alumina. Retraction of navel.


Iris Ver. Burning distress in the region of the pancreas, with vomiting of sweetish
water, greasy saliva, watery diarrhea which contains undigested fat.

Iodine. It has action on the salivary glands with an increased secretion of water saliva.
Violent copious vomiting of a watery or sour substance; copious diarrhea of soft
water, foamy stools containing fat. Losing flesh while eating well.

Phosphorus. Fatty degeneration of various organs, especially of the heart, liver or

kidneys. Undigested stools containing particles of food, sago like particles, oily
looking stools. Fatty degeneration of pancreas.

Belladonna. Catarrh of pancreas; hemorrhagic pancreatitis.


Aconite N. When due to exposure to cold. Fever with peritoneal pains.

Ferrum Phos. This is another remedy for peritonitis due to cold.

Bryonia. Fever with burning heat all over the body. Great thirst for large quantities of
water. Pain in abdomen worse from pressure and motion.

Belladonna. Swollen abdomen which is tense like a drum, sensitive to touch. Least
jar, noise and light aggravate the pain. Retching and vomiting.

Mercurius Sol. When suppuration has commenced, and the abdomen is tympanitic
with effusion, the patient has rigors and sweats. Diarrhea with chill and fever.

Lachesis. Peritonitis when the slightest touch is unbearable.

Rhus Tox. In peritonitis with typhoid tendency. High fever, dry tongue, tip is red.
Swelling in abdomen. Bitter taste. Desire for milk.

Veratrum Alb. Is indicated when the patient is a picture of collapse, extreme

coldness, weakness. Vomiting, purging and cramps in extremities.

Acetic Acid. Ulceration of stomach, hot, sour eructations, vomiting of blood and all
food taken. Gnawing pain, distention of stomach and abdomen ameliorated by lying
on stomach. Flatulence and dropsy, diarrhea with pure blood. Anemic weak and
emaciated loss of appetite.


Phosphorus. Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands.


Ornithogalum. Ulceration and cancer of both pylorus and caecum, with great
distension of stomach, belching, offensive flatus, agonizing pain, must loosen clothes.
Gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Argentum Nit. Ulceration of intestines, or stomach with vomiting of blood. Pain

immediately after eating.

Kali Bich. Ulceration of intestines with chronic diarrhea.

Merc. Cor. Ulceration of large intestines with bloody stools.

Terebinthina. Ulceration of intestines with hemorrhage.

Nitric Acid. Ulceration in typhoid fever.

Phosphorus. }
Ars. Alb. } Ulceration of stomach with burning pain. Try in the given order.

Euphorbium. Ulcers in stomach that burn like coal fire. Burning pain when
Phosphorus and Arsenic Alb. Fail.

Lycopodium. Having bloated feeling after a few mouthfuls of food. Aggravation

between 4-8 P.M. Use in 1M potency.

Lachesis. Gastric ulcer when the patient feels worse on waking. Cannot bear
constriction of any kind, wants loose clothes. Cannot bear the heat of the sun.

Pulsatilla. Gastric ulcer in patients who cannot bear fats. Better in open air.

Thuja. Gastric ulcers in persons where there is a history of excessive vaccination.

Graphites. Specific in gastric and duodenal ulcers. Stomach pain relieved by hot
food, drink and by lying down.

Natrum Phos. Ulceration of stomach. Pain in one spot after food with hyper-acidity
and acid risings.

Medorrhinum. Duodenal ulcers with pain two hours after food; excessive flatulence
and always better at the seaside. Give in 1M potency.

Aesculus Hip. Congestion and ulceration of the stomach with inclination to vomiting
which is sour; sour eructations. Constant distress and burning in the stomach.

Uranium. Nit. Useful for pyloric and gastric ulcers. Vomiting of mucus mixed with
blood and coffee ground matter; stools tarry, dark.



APPETITE – Increased or Ravenous.

Cina. Increased appetite when the cause is the presence of worms. Child feels better
by eating.

Lac. Can. Very hungry, cannot eat enough to satisfy.

Fluoric Acid. Increased appetite and is continually hungry. He craves for cold water.
All-gone sensation in stomach. Always eating which relieves but it does not last long,
for soon he becomes hungry again.

Abies Can. Gnawing hunger. Tendency to overeat.

Gratiola. Hunger after a meal with feeling of emptiness.

Lachesis. Increased appetite with pain in stomach.

Lycopodium. Ravenous appetite until he begins to eat when it is satisfied after a few

Petroleum. Increased appetite with diarrhea.

Iodine. It is an excellent remedy for canine hunger. Feels faint if he does not eat every
three or four hours. He eats between meals and yet he is hungry. Give in 3X dilution.

Alumina Silicate. }
Alumina Phos. } Appetite increased without relish of food; hungry even after
eating. Ravenous hunger.

Abrotanum. Craves bread, boiled milk to satisfy his gnawing hunger. Aversion to

Rhus Tox. Canine hunger without appetite.

Argentum Met. Hungry after eating full meal.

Arum Triphyllum. Sensation of emptiness after breakfast.

Anantherum. Morbid hunger. Wakes at night. Tape worms.

Hydrastis. Hunger with loathing of food. This symptom is very characteristic of the
remedy. Defective assimilation.

Sulphur. All-gone sensation one hour before the usual time for food especially at 11
A.M. If food is not served he becomes weak and nauseated. Burning of palms of
hands and soles and of the head.

Nux Vom. After use of beer. In chronic dysentery.

Acid Phos. Awakened by canine hunger.

Calcarea Carb. } Excessive hunger alternated with loss of appetite. In marasmus

Ferrum Met. } losing flesh while eating well.
Iodum. }

Merc Cor. In cancer of stomach.

Ars. Alb. Has to eat, although it troubles after sometime of eating.

Hyoscyamus. Canine hunger before epileptic attack.

Eup. Perf. In intermittent fever after quinine.

Zincum Met. With sensation of weakness in limbs.

Natrum Carb. In forenoon with all-gone sensation at the pit of stomach.

Allium Sat. Habit of eating too much; gluttony.

Veratrum Alb. During pregnancy. With frequent urination.

Oleum Jec. In rickety children.

Ignatia. From habitual smoking.

Cannabis Ind. Hunger not appeased by food.


Magnesia Carb. Children refuse milk; get pain if taken. Green stool. Sour breath.

Nux Vom. Bitter taste, tongue coated yellow at back. Main cause is indigestion.

China. Want of appetite which returns when eating.

Ignatia. Complete loss of appetite for food, drinking or smoking without disgust or
bad taste for these things.

Ferrum Phos. Appetite diminished or lost, cannot relish food. Aversion to food, milk,
meat etc. Abdomen distended, liver and spleen enlarged. Much flatulence. Nausea and

Homarus. Loss of appetite with feeling of inability to move when she wakes up in the
morning. Sore throat.

Lac. Vacc. Defl. Loss of appetite with great thirst for large quantities of water.

Abies N. Total loss of appetite in the morning but great craving for food at noon and
at night.

Gerntiana Lut. Simple loss of appetite or after acute illness. Give mother tincture or
3X half an hour before meals.

Prunus S. Fullness after few mouthfuls as if too much had been taken. Also try
Lycopodium on this indication.

Calcarea Ars. Loss of desire for food but thirst for cold water.

Mercurius. Infants refuse milk.


Ornithogalum. Cancer of both pylorus and caecum. This remedy should used in
mother tincture and one drop be given in teaspoonful of water. By this the patient will
start vomiting a black jelly-like substance with great relief. If the first does does not
act, second dose may be repeated after 48 hours.

Carbo Veg. With burning and flatulence in the upper part of the abdomen.

Condurango. Cancer of stomach. Hard knotty swelling in pyloric region.

Arsenic Alb. With burning and restlessness. Thirst for small quantities of water and
relief by hot application..

Chelidonium. Cancer of stomach. Give in 1M or CM dilution.

Phosphorus. With vomiting of coffee ground substance, especially when about to

pass into state of ulceration. Give in very high dilution, say 1M or CM.



Argentum Nit. Loud, copious and painless belchings.

Carbo Veg. Distenstion of the stomach, eructations, with tasting of food taken,
without heartburn.

Carbo An. After Carbo Veg., when flatulence rises up into esophagus and causes
pressure and choking.

Carbolic Acid. Eructations with nervous dyspepsia.

Abies Nig. With sensation of painful lump like a hard boiled egg at epigastrium.

Nux Mosch. Flatulence in nervous patients.

Sulphur. Eructations of particles of food which are very sour.

Osmium. Eructations of radishes.

Sulphuric Acid. Eructations with heart burn which the teeth on edge.

Antim Crud. Belching with taste of what has been eaten. Nausea and desire to vomit.
Bitter taste.

Bismuth. Nausea after every meal. Water is vomited as soon as it reaches the
stomach. Violent rising of a putrid smell. Rumbling in abdomen. Burning in stomach.
Vomiting and diarrhea. Cancer of stomach.

Ipecac. Nausea, empty. Feeling bad effects from eating pork. Vomiting of drink and
of undigested food. Vomiting with diarrhea. Vomiting of blood.

Hydrastis. Eructations of sour fluid. Cancer of stomach. Vomiting of everything
except milk. Bread or vegetables cause acidity. Chronic gastric catarrh.

Ferrum Iod. Food seems to push up.

Cupurm Met. Audible sound when drinking water.

Bryonia. Eructations with bitter taste.

Hydrocyanic Acid. Water rolling as if in empty barrel.

Arsenicum Alb. For acrid and bitter eructations.

Psorinum. Eructations tasting like rotten eggs.

Pulsatilla. Frequent eructations with the taste of what has been eaten. Greasy

Aethusa. Regurgitation of food an hour after it has been taken. Vomiting relieves
distress. Great anxiety and pain.

Chamomilla. May be given in hot water inter-currently, if indicated medicines fail to


Laurocerasus. Eructations tasting like bitter almonds. Fluid rolls audibly in stomach.


Nux Vom. Is head remedy for food poisoning. Vomiting, pain in stomach, diarrhea.

Arsenic Alb. After eating ice cream or over-ripe fruits.

Baptisia. }
Cupurm. } Infectious or toxic poisoning. Select remedy according to indication.

Carbo Veg. After eating spoiled and tainted meat.

Hyoscyamus. Convulsion during food poisoning.

Natrum Mur. Bad effects of eating honey.

Pulsatilla. After eating fat food or after taking chocolate.

Argentum Nit. Complete loss of consciousness, insensibility and convulsions. Black


Nux Vom. Is an excellent remedy for gastric derangements. There is loss of appetite,
pain after eating. Indigestion is the ranking symptom of this remedy. It has pains
radiating to various directions from the epigastrium with spasmodic vomiting.
Nervous gastralgia. The discomfort comes about half an hour after meals, when due to
spirituous liquors.

Carbo Veg. Slow and imperfect digestion, weight in the stomach and intestines, and a
faint all-gone sensation in the stomach not relieved by eating, but after a few
mouthfuls there is a sense of repletion. There is violent burning in the stomach, chest
and abdomen with crampy pain which force the patient to bend double. Heaviness in
the stomach. The eructations are rancid, sour and putrid. There is flatulence in
stomach or upper part of the abdomen.

Iris Ver. An excellent remedy for hyper-acidity. Sour and bitter belching and
vomiting which set the teeth on edge.

Robinia. This should be tried for hyper-acidity when Iris Ver. Fails.

Ptelia T. Biliousness with headache. Chronic gastritis; constant sensation of

corrosion, heat and burning in stomach, constipation and after-noon fever. Liver
swollen, sore on pressure, causing dull and aching pain. Congestion in liver; chronic

China. Where there is flatulence in the whole of the abdomen and the distension is
painful, only relieved momentarily by belching. Sour or bitter eructations or offensive
flatus. Digestion is slow, worse after late supper. Yellow diarrhea, worse at night and
after meals is an important keynote of this remedy. The absence of rancid belching
with burning in this remedy distinguishes it from Carbo Veg. Another important
indication of this remedy is that the food does not digest but lies a long time in the
stomach causing eructations and finally is vomited undigested.

Antim Crud. Diarrhea pasty, sour and offensive. The child vomits every time it is fed
or nursed. Tongue heavily coated white. Chronic disorders of children. Constant
nausea, lump in the stomach, distension exhaustion.

Lycopodium. It is indicated when there is flatulence in the lower part of the abdomen.
Vigorous appetite but few mouthfuls make him feel as if stomach is bloated and he
has to leave his meals. Unlike Pulsatilla and Anacardium, the distress of Lycopodium
is seen immediately after and not half an hour after eating as in the former two
remedies. Nux Mosch has distress immediately after eating but there is intolerance of
pressure about the waist, not all the time as in Lachesis. Another important symptom
of this remedy is desire for sweets. It is specially useful in the atonic and acid forms of
dyspepsia, for it has sour taste, sour belching and vomiting, whenever it does occur, it
is sour. Painful swelling at the pit of the stomach. Belching of gas does not afford any
relief. Red sand in the urine. Colic in newly born children.

Pulsatilla. Dryness of the mouth, putrid taste in the morning on waking and a
sensation as if food had lodged under the sternum are characteristic symptoms of this
remedy. Tongue coated with thick rough white fur; acidity and heart-burn; food tastes
bitter, sour or putrid; water-brash and eructation tasting of food. No thirst, only a
desire to moisten the mouth. Bad taste is special indication of Pulsatilla. It is specially
useful for dyspepsia arising from fatty foods, pork, pastry or mixed diets. The patient
is chilly, but is worse from heat. Worse in the evening unlike Nux Vom, which is
worse in the morning.

Doryphora. Burning in stomach and other parts.

Anacardium. Great relief after eating is the leading indication of this remedy.
Sinking feeling which comes on two hours after eating and dull pain in the stomach
extending to the spine. There are tasteless eructations, occasionally sour. Worse after

Phosphorus. Regurgitation of food. Craving for cold food which is vomited as soon
as it becomes hot in the stomach. Spitting of blood without nausea is also common in
this remedy. Gone, weak feeling in the stomach, which unlike Sulphur and Sepia,
extends to the bowels. Burning between the scapulae is also present at times.
Vomiting in chronic dyspepsia. It has special relation to destructive and disintegrating
processes, hence it is one of the remedies for cancers, indurations, erosions, etc. A
burning, gnawing, circumscribed pain in characteristic. Rapid loss of flesh and

Stannum. The gastralgia compels the patient to walk about for relief yet the weakness
is so great that he is soon compelled to rest. The pains are better by hard pressure.

Gentiana C. Q. Pressure in stomach as if a stool were in it, with inclination to vomit.

Aconite Nap. Pressure in the stomach and pit of stomach as from a hard stone.

Aesculus Hip. Great burning distress in the stomach. Pressure as from a stone in the
pit of stomach: empty eructations of wind.

Graphites. Gastralgia relieved by eating. Hurries to meals to relieve violent pain at

epigastrium; especially to dinner and supper.

Arsenic Alb. An excellent remedy for gastric disorders; irritative dyspepsia and acute
inflammation. Abdominal pains and diarrhea. The pains are of a burning character
accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The stomach is sensitive and sore, patient
prostrated. Taking cold in stomach by eating fruit or ice cream.

Argentum Nit. It has lot of flatulence which is relieved by belching. Gnawing and
ulcerative pain at the pit of the stomach from where pains radiate in every direction.
Gastralgia especially in delicate and nervous women; it may be indicated when the
cause is emotion, loss of sleep or menstrual trouble. Feeling of a lump in stomach.
Vomiting of mucus which may be drawn into strings. Longing for sugar and yet
sweets aggravate and produce diarrhea etc. Gastric ulcer. Pain worse after eating and
on pressure with vomiting of blood, mucus, etc. Chronic gastralgia-colic in newly
born children.

Petroselinum. For gastric and intestinal troubles.

Colchicum. Icy coldness of stomach.

Hippomanes. Icy coldness of stomach. Give 6th or 30the potency.

Gratiola. Acidity with gout.

Natrum Sulph. General bilious condition brought on or aggravated by dampness.

Natrum Carb. Diarrhea from milk. Palpitation. Pain in stomach relieved by eating.
Drives him out of bed to eat early in the morning.

Natrum Phos. Flatulence with vomiting of curdled milk. Hyperacidity, sour smelling
sweats, acid condition of stomach with nausea and vomiting of acrid fluid. Sour
eructations. Vomiting of sour fluid like vinegar. Ulceration of stomach with sour

Lac Vacc Defl. Gastro-enteritis. Chronic diarrhea and vomiting.

Phosphorus. }
Ferrum Met. }
Arsenic Alb. }

Aesculus Hip. } Indigestion. As soon as the food is swallowed, it becomes sour
and he eructates until a while when the contents are vomited. Heart burn and constant
burning in the stomach. Ulceration of stomach.

Antim Crud. Disturbance of the stomach with mental symptom; desire for death.
Rising from stomach after eating with vomiting and/or nausea. Give in 200 or 1M

Nyctanthes. Burning in stomach with nausea and vomiting.

Cadmium Sulph. Inflammation of bowels. Burning in stomach. The abdomen is

swollen and tympanitic; lancination, cutting and stabbing pains. Pain in pylorus.
Diarrhea of bloody stools with bloody urine.

Bryonia. Disorder of stomach with gastric fevers, cold and chilliness. Vexation with
coldness and chilliness.

Crotalus Hor. Wonderful bilious remedy. Vomiting of black bile in large quantities
with sick headache.

Petroleum. Gastralgia of pregnancy whenever the stomach is empty, relieved by

constant eating.

Acid Salicylic. Acidity of stomach.

Valariana Off. Nervous gastric disturbance.

Sulphuric Acid. When there is excess of hydrochloric acid.

Alumen. Gastralgia with obstinate constipation, nausea, vomiting, retching etc. Give
in 1M or CM potency.


HEARTBURN. (Pyrosis)

Ipec. Heart burn with nausea or vomiting and excessive flatulence. It is suitable in
pregnancy also.

Nux Vomica. Heart burn with flatulence and much acidity but without nausea or
vomiting, tongue coated with creamy fur, stomach is generally out of order. It
succeeds when Ipecac, fails. It may be given in alteration with Ipecac.

Calcarea Carb. Burning sensation in the stomach, acrid eructations sour, at other
times alkaline in taste; feeling of pressure over the stomach with vomiting of food and

Staphisagria. Heart burn caused by smokng.

Arsenic Alb. Foul, bitter, or sour taste, hot burning sensation in the esophagus and
pharynx, eructation of sour, acrid fluid, nausea, retching and vomiting of slimy mucus
tingled with blood. Trembling and coldness of extremities with pain in stomach and
oppressive anxiety. Irregular and frequent pulse.


Nux. Vomica. Hiccups with indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea.

Ignatia. When hiccups are aggravated by eating and smoking with empty feeling at
the epigastrium. Annoying hiccup from tobacco chewing. It may be due to silent grief,
shock or disappointment. Hiccup after eating and drinking.

Ratanhia. Violent hiccup which comes soon after eating especially if he had been
without food for a long time. Attacks are preceded by gas in stomach or abdomen
which are distended.

Cina. Violent hiccup. It may be tried when Ratanhia fails.

Cocculus Ind. Hiccup with spasms of diaphragm.

Hyoscyamus. Hiccup occurring after operation of the abdomen.

Teucrium. In jerking hiccup after nursing.

China Off. Hiccup after abuse of quinine. Hiccup causing headache.

Ammon Mur. Hiccup with stitches in the chest and empty gnawing sensation in
stomach after a full meal.

Ranunculus B. Hiccup after alcoholic drinks. Also of drunkards. Hiccup, violent and
convulsive with frequent eructations.

Natrum Mur. For violent hiccup, acute or chronic, especially when due to
overdosing of quinine.

Cyclamen. Hiccup during pregnancy with or without morning sickness (vomiting).

Hiccup after eating.

Stramonium. Very violent hiccup with flow of watery saliva after hot drinks.

Veratrum Alb. Hiccup after cold drink.

Pulsatilla. Hiccup after cold drinks or after smoking.

Cajuputum. }
Acid Sulph. } Hiccup coming on slightest provocation. Tongue feels swollen.
Stricture of the esophagus.

Veratrum Vir. Constant hiccup, painful with spasms of upper end of esophagus.

HUNGER (See “APPETITE” increased or lost)


HYPO-ACIDITY (Deficiency of hydrochloric acid)

Strychninum Nit. Head remedy for low acidity. It increases the amount of gastric
juice and acid in the secretions.

Carbo Veg. Head remedy for absence or low acidity.

Hydrocyanic Acid. Drink rumbles through throat and stomach. Deficiency of

hydrochloric acid. Gastralgia when stomach is empty.

NAUSEA. (See “Vomiting”)



Ipecac. This is the head remedy for nausea and vomiting. Mouth moist, much saliva.
Vomits food, bile, blood or mucus. Hiccup. Clean tongue, faintness and collapse.
Stabbing pains in stomach. Nausea not relieved by vomiting. Heart burn and vomiting
before menses.

Antim Crud. Vomiting with white coated tongue is characteristic of this remedy. The
patient vomits as soon as he eats or drinks. Terrible vomiting which nothing can stop.

Aethusa. An excellent remedy for vomiting of children. The child vomits soon after
eating or nursing. It is followed by great exhaustion which is the keynote of this
remedy. The child falls back exhausted. The vomiting is of green curds of milk. Feels
hungry immediately after vomiting.

Nux Vom. Feeling of weight in Epigastric region with difficulty in breathing. Nausea
with retching. Colic pains with urging to stool which is scanty. Coldness, shivering
and anxiety.

Phosphorus. A very useful remedy in chronic vomiting of dyspeptics. There is great

thirst for cold water which relieves vomiting but as soon as it becomes warm in the
stomach it is vomited. It is also useful in vomiting of blood in gastric ulcers and

Iris Ver. Vomiting of extremely sour matter which is so sour that it sets the teeth on
edge and excoriates throat. Ropy saliva.

Crotalus Horridus. Vomiting, diarrhea with distressing nausea and urination

accompanied with agonizing pain. Black bilious vomiting in large quantities.

Hyoscyamus. Vomiting after meals, the food taken is vomited. There may be
convulsions and cramps.

Colchicum. Nausea and vomiting from odor of cooked food especially of fish, eggs
and fatty meat. Slightest movement also causes nausea. Even smell of food in another
room or kitchen will nauseate the patient.

Laurocerasus. Nausea on coming near a warm stove.

Eugenia Jambos. Nausea better by smoking.

Sanguinaria. Nausea with burning in stomach, crampy pains induced by bright light.

Stramonium. Vomiting by even raising the head from the pillow. Induced by bright

Strophanthus. Vomiting and burning in stomach and oesophagus, diarrhea, weak

heart and other cardiac troubles. Edema, especially of the feet.

Nyctanthes. Nausea and vomiting with burning in stomach.

Calcarea Mur. Obstinate vomiting.

Acid Carbolic. Vomiting of drunkards. Ordinary vomiting with weight on

epigastrium. Burning in stomach.

Tabacum. Vomiting due to abuse of tobacco.

Cucurbita Pepo. Vomiting and nausea-intense, after eating during pregnancy.

Cyclamen. Frequent vomiting in morning. Flatulence. Pain in stomach.

Mezereum. Vomiting or nausea disappears after eating. Vomiting of beer (or hot
water) having a bitter taste.

Sepia. Nausea disappears after eating. Worse in the morning. Vomiting and heart burn
after menses.

Cocculus. Vomiting of cerebral origin rather than of gastric. Vomiting of migraine or

cerebral tumors. The thought of food or its smell in the other room or the kitchen will
nauseate the patient. Loud speaking causes vomiting and cough. Nausea felt in head
and mouth.

Ruta. Nausea felt in rectum.

Argentum Nit. Blood vomiting caused by inventerate ulceration of the stomach.

Dioscorea. Nausea felt in ears.

Arsenic Alb. Vomiting and heart burn during the period of menses.

Kreosote. Vomiting or retching when due to weakness of stomach which rejects a

meal remained undigested some hours after it was or when it is caused by the odor of

stool or other bad smelling articles. Vomiting of the food and hour or two after eating
and constant nausea thereafter. Burning pain in stomach immediately after eating. Try
200 dilution, if lower dilution fail.

Vespa. Vomiting and faintness near a warm stove or in a warm room. Anger or
excitement will bring on the spell.

Lobelia Infl. Vomiting with great sweat and saliva.

Theridion. Nausea from noise.

Valariana. Child vomits as soon as it is nursed after mother has been angry.

Chamomilla. Vomiting and troublesome nausea and retching following the

administration of opium and morphine.

Ignatia. Vomiting relieved by taking indigestible things and aggravated by easily

digested food such as milk or toast. Raw cabbage, chopped onions and potatoes stop

Croton Tig. Vomiting or excessive nausea with vanishing of sight, vertigo; worse
after drinking.

Cadmium Sulph. The stomach gives out, i.e. there is no digestion and every thing
taken is vomited. The patient wants to keep quite and wants to die in peace. He does
not want to be bothered or spoken to. Black vomiting. Burning and cutting pain in
stomach with intense nausea and vomiting. The least thing touching the lips will
excite vomiting.

Borax. Constant vomiting; vomiting of sour slime. Flatulent distension after every

Sulphuric Acid. Sour, acid vomiting. Child smells sour all over despite actual

Ferrum Met. An excellent remedy for vomiting only of food after eating or drinking.

Plumbum. Vomiting of faecal matter (Stool).

Crotalus H. Black vomiting.

Arnica M. Vomiting of black inky substance with mouth bitter and general soreness;
darkened coagulated blood.


Merc. Sol. Water brash with frequent swallowing, with nausea.

Lachesis. Acrid water brash makes the mouth sore.

Lycopodium. Water brash during pregnancy with or without cramps; with or without
nausea; in dyspepsia.

Nux Vomica. Water brash with heart-burn; with colic; with indigestion; after eating.

Magnesia Mur. Water brash accompanied with headache. Inability to digest milk
which causes pain. Foul eructations. Disordered stomach.

Pulsatilla. Water brash during and before menses; at night.

Petroleum. Water brash with nausea. In morning.

Carbo An. Water brash saltish, runs out of mouth.

Curare. Water brash in uterine ulcer.

Silicea. Water brash with cleanliness.

Sepia. Water brash after drinking.

Bryonia. Water brash acid; tasteless; with retching.

Chelidonium. Water brash of bitter taste.



Chelidonium. When the right lobe of the liver is affected. The patient feels pain in
the right lobe which is also tender to touch. The remedy is specific for jaundice and
should be given in 6th potency. It has also got pain in the region of liver which extends
to the right shoulder blade, and to chest and stomach. It is indicated in hepatic
diseases. It causes the liver to secrete thinner and more profuse bile. It expels gall
stones and prevents their formation. Pains sharp and lancinating. Vomiting actuated
by hot drinks.

Cardus M. This is an excellent remedy for liver when the left lobe is inflamed or
otherwise affected. It should be given in the mother tincture in five to ten drop doses.
It relieves pains of cancer in liver; jaundice with dull headache, vomiting and nausea.
Urine golden yellow. Liver spots is a special indication.

Myrica Cerifera. It is an important remedy, although very much less used. Useful in
catarrhal jaundice. There is dull headache, worse in the morning, the eyes have dingy,
dirty, yellowish hue, the tongue is coated yellow. The patient is weak and complains
of muscular soreness and aching in the limbs with slow pulse and dark urine. Pain in
the right side below the rigs. No appetite. Desire for acids. Unrefreshing sleep.

Nux Vomica. Liver affections occurring after abuse of alcoholic liquors; highly
seasoned food, quinine or purgatives. Cirrhosis of the liver. Colic may be present.
Jaundice following rich food. Digestion easily upset. No thirst. Jaundice after a fit of
anger. He is generally irritable and angry in the morning. Despondency and jaundice
due to imperfect formation of bile in the liver.

Kali Iod. Enlargement of liver in tertiary syphilis.

Raphanus. Stitching pain in liver. Retching and vomiting, loss of appetite. Distended,
tympanitic, hard gripping about level.

Vipera. Violent pain in enlarged liver, with jaundice and fever. Pain extending from
liver to shoulder and down to hip. Bloody stools.

Theridion. Abscess of liver. Violent burning pains in hepatic region, retching, bilious

Lachesis. Burning and acute pain in liver extending towards stomach. Inflammation
and softening of liver. Hepatic abscess-Gall stones. Abdomen hard and distended, can
bear no pressure.

Lycopodium. The liver is sensitive to touch and there is a feeling of tension in it. The
pains are dull and aching instead of sharp and lancinating as under Chelidonium.
Fullness in stomach after eating a small quantity.

Sulphur. This is an intercurrent remedy and should be used in completing the cure. It
increases the flow of bile. There is much pain and soreness of the liver.

Phosphorus. Fatty degeneration of the liver, with well marked soreness and jaundice.
The stools are grayish white. It is useful in malignant diseases of the liver.

Ptelia T. Aching and heaviness in the region of lover, greatly aggravated by lying on
the left side, which causes a dragging sensation.

Aurum Ars. Atrophy of the liver with or without distension of the abdomen.
Hardening of the liver. Itching of the skin of abdomen.

Natrum Sulph. Enormously enlarged liver. Gouty constitution. Soreness in the region
of liver. Bad taste in the mouth. Hands and feet cold. Pain in coccyx.

Merc Sulph. Enlargement of liver with a lump on gall bladder; fever; pain in the
liver, stools black; constipation; better taste; burning sensation in the body.

Taraxacum. Pain and soreness in the region of liver and bilious diarrhea. It has
mapped tongue and bitter taste in the mouth. Chilliness after eating. Large indurated
liver, pain in the spleen and liver region with coldness of finger tips.

Silicea. For infantile liver. Difficulty in passing stool and often the child cries.
Sweating of the head. Give 200 and when 1000 dilution.

Chionanthus. Hypertrophy and obstruction of liver. Constipation. Clay colored

stools. Chronic jaundice.

Ars. Alb. Pain and enlargement of liver caused by suppression of fever due to
quinine. Give only one dose a day after meals in 3X potency.

Arsenic Sulph. Rubrum 200. Gallstone colic with fever.

Merc Iod. Enlargement of liver with a lump on the gall bladder. Urine like mustard
oil. Great pain. (Give one dose a day).

Ferrum Iod. Enlargement of liver and spleen without fever.

Ferrum Ars. Enlargement of liver and spleen with fever.

Calcarea Ars. Enlargement of liver and spleen with fever.

Opium. Sluggish liver with constipation.

China Off. Pain in hepatic region as from sub-cutaneous ulceration; worse from
touch. Yellowness of skin and conjunctiva. Colic from gall-stones. Swollen hard liver.

Podophyllum. It is indicated in torpid or chronically congested liver when diarrhea is

present. The liver is swollen and sensitive.

Bryonia. Liver swollen, congested and inflamed. Pain in the liver region worse on
motion and is better by lying on painful side.

CHOLESCYSTITIS. (Non-calculus). For calculus see “GALL-STONE).

Chelidonium. Constant pain in right scapula. Nausea in the morning with biliary
vomiting. Pain in epigastrium temporarily relieved by eating. Distension of abdomen.
Constipation with hard clay colored stool and alternate diarrhea. Pruritus ani. Urine
dark yellow and foamy. Better after meals, by pressure and heat and worse in the
morning, open air and by lying on the right side.

Cardus Mar. Elective action on the liver and biliary ducts. Pain on the left below the
ribs. Bronchial asthma of allergy type. Vertigo with backward falling. Constipation
with hard knotty evacuation, expelled with great difficulty or diarrhea with alcoholic-
bright evacuation.

Podophyllum. Pain in epigastrium with distension and sense of vacuum therein.

Longing for acidic food with great thirst for large amount of water. Diarrhea painful,
green, watery, too profuse, fetid, expelled like water jet, alternately constipated as
under Chelidonium.

Chionanthus Vir. Liver affections accompanied with diseases of pancreas, with great
thirst, abundant dark urine with biliary pigments and glucose. Heaviness and pain in
the hepatic region with jaundice and constipation.

Leptendra. Liver troubles after malaria. Enlargement of liver, painful on palpitation,

vertigo with sleepiness, hammering frontal pains. Diarrhea profuse containing dark
blood, bleeding piles. Rectal prolapse.

Myrica Cerifera. Jaundice with progressive loss of weight, asthma and marked
weakness. Headache in temporal and frontal regions. Bitter taste with terrible nausea.
Urine mahogany dark. Itching of the skin due to retention of biliary salts. Longing for
acid food. Nausea increases after eating and is relieved by walking.

Cholesterinum. For chronic cholecystitis with congestive hepatitis of a pre-cancerous

or cancerous form. Burning pain in the hepatic region spreading to the right scapula.
Great weakness and loss of strength with anemia.


Chelidonium. It is the head remedy for gall stones. If taken for a long time, it expels
stones from the gall bladder and prevent their formation.

Cholesterinum. It should be tried in gall stone colic. It removes congestion and cures
fever due to upsetting of gall bladder.

(Note:- Oliver oil a proved “cure” for gall stones. It should be taken half a pint daily.
Take a drink of oil and follow immediately with a drink of lemon juice. After three or
four minutes take more oil and follow it up by more lemon juice. Continue until half a
pint of oil has been taken and finish up with lemon juice. The lemon juice helps in
digesting the oil and prevents sickness. This treatment is said to result in passing of
stones in one day, but in some instances the treatment may have to be repeated for two
or three days.)

Berberis Vul. Colic from gall stones.

Chionanthus Virginica. Bilious colic, gall-stone colic. It liquefies bile, prevents the
formation of stones and expels those already formed; obstruction of liver in malarial
places. Constipation; stools clay-colored, yellow skin, urine almost black.

Cardus M. Enlargement of liver and spleen. Swelling of gall bladder. Gall-stone

colic. Bilious fever. Stools hard, difficult, knotty; alternate with diarrhea.

Calcarea Carb. Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Sensitive to slight

pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen
and painful.

Hydrastis. Gall-stone colic. Weak muscular power, poor digestion and obstinate
constipation. Liver atrophied.

China. Pain in hepatic region as from subcutaneous ulceration, worse from touch.
Yellowness of skin and conjunctiva. Colic from gall stone. Swollen hard liver.
Prevents formation of stones in gall bladder.

Manganum. It dissolves stones in healthy bile. Gall-stone colic. Jaundice. It cures

congestion and tumefaction of the liver.

Natrum Sulph. Gall-stone colic coming after indigestion. Pain in the region of gall
bladder. Dribbling of urine after urination. Pain on the right side which extends up to
the breast.

ICTERUS. (Yellow discoloration of skin, a common disorder of the newly born

Chelidonium. Start treatment with this remedy and if there is no improvement in

reasonable time (this depends on the condition of the child) try other remedies given

Nux Vomica. Bowels torpid and sluggish. Child irritable and crying.

Collinsonia. Pronounced yellowness; stool passed is lumpy and curdy.

Merc Sol. If with jaundice, the hands and feet are cold and all the secretions and the
urine are highly colored.

Chionanthus. When the urine is saturated with bile and the yellowness is exceedingly
pronounced and bright.


Sulphur. Always start treatment of jaundice with this remedy. It should be thought of
for completing the cure. Dilution used is 200.

Chelidonium. This should follow Sulphur after one day. It is specific for jaundice and
is normally given in 6th dilution. Yellowness of the conjunctiva; shallow complexion;
bitter taste, deep red color of tongue; tenderness of liver on pressure; brown-red urine
and light clay colored stools.

Myrica Cerifera. It is an important remedy for catarrhal jaundice. There is dull

headache worse in the morning, the eyes have a dingy, dirty yellowish hue, the tongue
is coated yellow. The patient is weak and complaints of muscular soreness and aching
in the limbs with slow pulse and dark urine. Pain in the right side below the ribs. No
appetite. Desire for acids. Unrefreshing sleep.

Hydrastis. Catarrhal jaundice with sharp stitching pains and excessive secretions of
tenacious mucus. Nausea and vomiting. Atrophy of the liver. Tongue swollen showing
marks of teeth with white or yellow coating.

Chionanthus. Catarrhal jaundice with rumbling: jaundice returning every summer,

soreness and gripping. Tongue and eyes yellow. Urine contains traces of bile and
sugar. Jaundice with suppression of menses. Constipation with clay colored stool.

Merc Sol. A leading remedy for jaundice; accelerated pulse, yellowish tinge of the
conjunctiva; slightly coated tongue; constipated, pale and dry stools; faeces of
consistence of pap: of deep yellow color. Profuse sweat with relief. Increased
secretions, especially saliva; flabby tongue; metallic taste. Sensitiveness over the
region of liver which is swollen and hard with stinging and stitching pains.

Podophyllum. Fullness, soreness with sharp and cutting pain in liver region.
Vomiting of thick bile and blood, eructations tasting like rotten eggs. Constipation
alternating with diarrhea.

Digitalis. Jaundice due to weak heart muscles with enlarged and indurated liver, slow
intermittent pulse; high colored urine. A remedy for jaundice accompanied with heart

Nux Vom. With tendency to piles and constipation. Foul musty or bitter taste.
Aversion to food. Throbbing pain in the region of liver. Fainting fits.

Ptelia T. jaundice with hyperemia of liver. Gripping in stomach with mouth dry.

Chamomilla. Jaundice caused by a fit of anger or by any other excitement.

Congestion of liver, loss of appetite, nausea, foul and slimy taste in mouth, pinching
and twisting pains in the abdomen.

JAUNDICE (Malignant)

Phosphorus. It is indicated only in the early stage of malignancy of the disease.

Enlargement and induration of liver. Acute atrophy of the liver. Interstitial hepatitis.
Malignant jaundice.

Lachesis. Indicated in persons who are anemic, nervous and sensitive. They are worse
after sleep, after hot drinks and in a warm room. Urine foamy, dark and almost black.
Burning and itching of the whole body. Blueness along entire course of veins.

Arsenic Alb. In last stages of malignant jaundice. There may be fever with
restlessness and thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.


Ceanothus. The head remedy for enlargement of spleen. It is normally used in mother
tincture in drop doses. Deep seated pain in the splenic region, deep stitches, worse in
damp weather. Chills and fever, floating and displaced spleen.

China. The next best remedy for enlargement of spleen when there is congestion,
swelling and stitching in the spleen due to protracted and severe fever.

Aranea Diadema. Enlargement of spleen due to chronic effects of malaria. Languor,

lassitude and constant chilliness are useful symptoms.

Capsicum. Useful for sensitive, swollen and enlarged spleens.

Succinum Acid. For improving the condition and function of the spleen.

Bryonia. For simple congestion and inflammation of spleen with stitching and tearing
pain which are worse from motion and better by rest.

Lachesis. Inflammation of spleen with hemorrhagic tendency. Tight bands or tight

clothes cannot be endured. There is violent pain in the region of spleen.



Alumina. Cancerous growth in the rectum with pain after stool. Generally the patients
are constipated.

Ruta. Cancer of rectum with pain which continues for several hours after stool.

Acid Nit. This remedy may be tried if Alumina fails.

Scirrhinum. This should be used as an intercurrent remedy when the above

medicines fails to act.


Camphora. In one drop a dose in mother tincture is the best remedy as a preventive
as well as curative in early stages of cholera when the vomiting and diarrhea have set
in. Early stages with collapse, coldness and sudden perspiration causing prostration.
The patient is extremely cold and the discharges are scanty. There is also dryness and
blueness of the face. There is no vitality to vomit or purge. Better by warmth. Burning
in stomach and esophagus. No sweat but great insatiable thirst.

Veratrum Alb. For the second stage of cholera when the diarrhea and vomiting have
commenced: there is pain in abdomen before stool, great prostration following stool;
cold sweat and cold surface of the body; sense of inner burning. There must be pain in
the abdomen for Veratrum to be well indicated. Copious discharges.

Cuprum Met. Intense spasms and cramps beginning in fingers and toes mark this
remedy; there is coldness of the surface of the body, blueness of the skin, dryness of
the mouth and thirst, violent pain in the epigastrium and ineffectual efforts to vomit. It
has vomiting and purging as great as Veratrum; but not the cold sweat.

Aethusa C. In cholera infantum which comes on very suddenly; the child vomits as
soon as he drinks milk and then it is followed by great prostration. The milk comes up
partly in curds and party liquid accompanied by thin, yellow greenish slimy stool.

Arsenic Alb. An excellent remedy for cholera infantum after Aethusa fails. It has
undigested stools and rapid emaciation. For cholera in adults it is like Veratrum
except that it has more restlessness and less sweat. There is thirst for small quantities

of water at short intervals, intense vomiting and purging, profuse offensive yellow or
brown stools.

Carbo Veg. This is the remedy indicated during last stages of the disease, when the
patient lies quiet, great prostration, cold breath and weak pulse which is rapid and
threat-like. There is no vomiting or diarrhea, pain or spasms. The disease has left the
body but the weakness is so great, as a result of the drain that the patient has reached
the stage of non-resistance.

Hydrocyanic Acid. This remedy is indicated at the stage of collapse with sudden
cessation of all discharges. Unlike Carbo Veg. it has fainting spells and tatanic

Eaterium. Cholera infantum; olive green water stools, coming in a gush.

Lachesis. With burning which is renewed by least exertion.

Secale Cor. A remedy for the last stage when the patient desire to keep cool. Patient
is almost pulse less and cold, but averse to being covered.

Jatropha. Cholera, vomiting of ropy, albuminous matter, great prostration, vomiting

and purging and rice water stools. Cramps and coldness. It pictures cholera perfectly.


Nux Vomica. For patient who are thin, highly irritable and very sensitive to noise and
drafts of air. Bowels move only after strong purgatives and straining pain in bowels.
Constipation due to excessive use of tobacco, wine and coffee. Ineffectual desire felt
in abdomen which is due to lazy habits. Give 200 or 1000 potency.

Bryonia. Stools dry as if burnt and hard. Large and without mucus constipation
accompanied with appendicitis or in warm weather.

Alumina. Constipation due to dryness of the intestinal tract and non-peristaltic action
of the intestines; no desire for and no ability to pass stool until there is a large
accumulation. Great straining, must grasp the seat of closet tightly. Stool hard, knotty
or soft, adhering to parts. There is little or no urging to stool. Complete inertia even of
the rectum so that the soft stool is expelled with great difficulty. Stool hard and knotty
like sheep dung. Dry mouth and irritated tongue to the selection of this remedy. Great
mental depression and want of appetite. Constipation during pregnancy.

Sepia. In women suffering from severe bearing down pelvic pains extending to the
rectum with an ineffectual urge to pass stools.

Anacardium. When ineffectual desire is felt at the rectum. There is sensation of

pressure on the rectum after stool. In Nux Vom, the pressure is felt in the abdomen.

Opium. Constipation due to inaction of the intestines. There is no desire for stool.
When it is passed, it is like hard dry black balls. There is inaction as well as dryness in
the intestines. Dryness of the mouth and stomach. The patient feels no discomfort by
not passing stools for days together. There is no urge for stool.

Plumbum. Head remedy for chronic constipation. It is also like opium constipation
but there is some action in the intestines. There is urging to stool but it is passed with
great difficulty. There is loss of muscular activity and diminished secretion of
intestinal glands. Stool hard and lumpy causing fissures.

Lycopodium. Constipation of the most severe kind. Ineffective urging to stool.

Acidity and burning in the stomach which is better by eructations.

Sulphur. Constipation-stools hard, knotty, dry as if burnt, large, painful; child is

afraid to have stool on account of pain.

Gratiola. Constipation of cancer. Rectum constricted.

Carbo An. Constipation where patient thinks bowels will be moved bout only wind

Selenium. Constipation; hard evacuation which can be removed only by mechanical

aid. Stools exceedingly difficult and threaten to tear anus by their immense size.
Filaments like hair in feces.

Syphilinum. Obstinate constipation for years, rectum seems tied up with strictures.
When enema was used, the agony of passage was like labour.

Natrum Mur. When stool is hard and crumbly. The rectum is dry, the stool is hard to
expel and causes bleeding; smarting and soreness in the rectum, after the motion.

Graphites. Constipation with no urging to stool. No stool for days together when
blotches on the face appear. Constipation with hemorrhoids and fissures which burn,
smart and itch intolerably. Aching of the anus after stool. The general Graphites
temperament of sadness and obesity will easily decide for the remedy. Mucus coated
stool. It suits specially the women who suffer from a neglect to attend promptly to

nature’s call. The patient is exceedingly sensitive, nervous, finds it difficult to
concentrate. Difficulty in getting up in the morning.

Platina. Is indicated in constipation of travelers and emigrants where the trouble is

brought on by change in the manner of living. Frequent urging, scanty and dry stool.
Constipation after lead poisoning when Nux Vom. Fails.

Veratrum Alb. Complete atony of the intestines. The faeces accumulate in large
masses in the rectum, the patient strains and strains, often breaking out into a sweat,
but finally has to give it up, and the feces have to be removed by artificial means.

Stannum M. Constipation on days following rest days.

Podophyllum. Chronic constipation associated with prolapse of the rectum or anus.

Lac. Vacc. Defl. Constipation where rectum seems paralyzed. The stool recedes even
on prolonged straining.

Magnesia Carb. Puny and sickly children who refuse food and milk because they get
pain in stomach if they take it; they suffer from diarrhea, green stools with marasmus.

Causticum. Better able to pass stool standing.

Medorrhinum. Likes to lean backwards to pass stool.

Magnesia Mur. Painful urging before stool; burning in anus after the stool. Intestinal
atony and atony of bladder. Urine can only be passed by leaning down and by
pressing the abdominal muscles. Constipation in children during dentition. Flatulence.
The motions are large, long, hard and knotty but cause no pain.

Asterias R. Obstinate constipation. Stools after 12-15 days.

Alumen. No desire for stools for days. Obstinate constipation, attended with nausea,
vomiting, retching etc.

Hydrastis. For constipation give in 1X potency three drops a dose thrice daily.

Ambra Grisea. Inveterate constipation in old people, especially when stool cannot be
passed if there is anyone near about him.

Sanicula. Constipation: stools large and hard-impossible to evacuate. After great

straining it is partially expelled and a portion recedes which must be removed
mechanically. Stool several inches long not requiring much effort to evacuate.

Silicea. Horribly offensive stools often hard and difficult to evacuate. Foul smelling
wind. Abdomen hard and swollen.

Tarantula H. Inveterate constipation with distress that the patient rolls from side side
to side which affords relief to the distress.


Nux Vom. It is remedy which should be given in acute cases which may have arisen
as a result of indiscreet dieting, overeating etc. Given in 1X potency.

Aloe. It is indicated when the patient is unable to control and has to run to the
lavatory. The stool flows like water from a hydrant. Cutting and cramping abdominal
pains around the navel, worse by eating and drinking. Urge to pass stool when

Ergotin. When the rectum has los all sensation so that the patient has no warning and
is never clean. Give in 2X dilution.

Hyoscyamus. Involuntary stool while urinating. Evacuation painless.

Ars. Alb. Is useful in cases where there is great restlessness, anguish and intolerance
of pain. Great thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Quantity of stool
passed is small and the prostration and weakness is out of all proportion to the
quantity passed. Diarrhea due to chilling the stomach with cold substances; of
malarial origin.

Veratrum Alb. Profuse stools; restlessness; great thirst for large quantities of water;
great prostration follows the stool. Cold sweat, coldness and blueness of the body

Acetic Acid. Diarrhea in phthisis. Diarrhea, thin, bloody or pure blood. Profuse
bleeding from piles, Chronic diarrhea.

Alumina. Diarrhea on alternate days.

Fluoric Acid. On alternate days at a later hour each time.

Bryonia, Ignatia, Colocynth and Staphisagria. Diarrhea after bad humor.

Croton Tig. Diarrhea with three important indications: (1) stools yellow and watery;
(2) expelled suddenly like a shot, and (3) aggravated by drink or food. Soft thin stool
coming out with one gush or squirt. It is associated with nausea and vomiting.
Amelioration from drinking warm water. Every movement causes discharge.

Phytolacca. Diarrhea during dentition with irresistible desire to bite gums and teeth.

Tarentula H. Stools occur immediately the head is washed.

Petroleum. Diarrhea during the day; better during the night when cough starts.
Diarrhea always at the same time.

Argentum Nit. Diarrhea brought on by taking sugar and candy. Nervous diarrhea
from emotions.

Merc Dulcis. Green diarrhea in children. Also study Arg. Nit. And Ipec.

Nux Mosch. Diarrhea during pregnancy.

Oleander. Diarrhea with involuntary stools. Gastric affections. Digestion is paralyzed

and food passes completely undigested. Stool is passed with flatus.

Thuja. Morning diarrhea with rumbling in abdomen as if pouring of water from an air
tight vessel.

Trombidium. Excellent remedy for diarrhea when there is aggravation after eating
and drinking. Crampy pains before, during and after stools. It has also dysentery.

Digitalis. Diarrhea during jaundice. White, chalk-like, ashy, pasty stools.

Sanicula. Stools as often as food is taken; must hurry from table after each meal.
Must cross legs to prevent stool from escaping. No control over sphincter; often soils
himself, standing, running, even at night.

Alstonia Con. Diarrhea of undigested food immediately after eating, has to leave
table before finishing meals. There may be slow fever also.

Merc. Cor. In forcibly gushing diarrhea.

Guaiacum. Diarrhea; food passed undigested; early morning diarrhea; grown anemic:
hot patient, also rheumatic.

Argentum Met. Diarrhea due to mental exertion.

Chaparro Amargoso. Diarrhea and dysentery-chronic or acute when everything else

Graphites. Stool of brown fluid mixed with undigested substances and an intolerably
fetid odor.

Benzoic Acid. Excessive offensive, smelling the whole house. White stool like soap-
suds. Putrid, bloody. Diarrhea of children.

Conium. Diarrhea with cold stools.

Dulcamara. Specific for hill diarrhea. When diarrhea is due to cold.

Syphilinum. Diarrhea always relieved by going to the mountains.

Psorinum. Diarrhea smelling like rotten eggs, horribly offensive. Eructations also
tasting like rotten eggs.

Silicea. Diarrhea from taking milk. Due to exposure to cold and evacuations are
water, slimy, greenish or yellow.

Iris Ver. When stools are watery and burn the anus which feels on fire. Nausea with
burning in the mouth and esophagus.

Septicaemin. It works like a magic in diarrhea in camp life.

Rhododendron. Diarrhea in cold wet weather and renewed before thunderstorm.

Arnica. Involuntary stools during sleep.

Camphora. Collapse at the commencement of the disease.

Gratiola. Summer diarrhea; yellowish, gushing and watery as from a hydrant, from
excessive drinking of water; cold feeling in the abdomen. Swelling of mesenteric

Liatris Spicata. Diarrhea chronic, following exposure in camp life.

Magnesia Carb. Puny and sickly children who get diarrhea after taking milk or food.
They refuse to take food as it gives them pain in stomach and diarrhea with green
stools; marasmus. Stools green and frothy like scum of frog pond.

Sulphur. Morning diarrhea ordinarily at the time when the patient begins to think
about rising; between midnight and morning. Stools offensive and the odor of the
stool follows the patient as if he has spoiled himself; should also be used as an
intercurrent remedy.

Podophyllum. Camp diarrhea due to drinking impure water. Stool horribly offensive.
Early morning stool; watery, pasty, yellow or undigested, forcibly expelled, natural
stool follows later in the day. Stool are painless. Especially useful in obstinate cases of
diarrhea in children.

Acid Phos. Diarrhea, water, thin and comes out without trouble. Patient feels better
afterwards. Sphincter becomes weak and there is involuntary escape of faeces.
Profuse and long continued diarrhea does not cause weakness.

Natrum Carb. Diarrhea brought on by taking milk-it accompanies palpitation as


Lithium Carb. Diarrhea from drinking cocoa or eating chocolate.

Cistus Can. Chronic diarrhea with swelling of the gland and abdomen which may or
may not be tuberculosis.

Opium. In fright when the image causing the fright constantly appears before the
mind; in joy.

Veratrum Alb. In fright associated with cold sweat.

Argentum Nit. When diarrhea follows great excitement especially when the
imagination has been played upon. Green diarrhea in children when the mother has
taken lot of sugar.

Pulsatilla. When the stools are greenish, yellow and slimy, worse at night. Diarrhea in
opium eaters.

Jatropha. Diarrhea and vomiting. Great palpitation with coldness of the body and
cramps in the calves. Simultaneous vomiting and purging as in Asiatic Cholera.

Euphorbia Corollata. Diarrhea and vomiting with cold sweat all over the body.
Peculiar mental state. The patient wants to die.

China. Thin watery painless stools, rumbling in abdomen; much thirst and
perspiration of the whole body. It is worse after food, especially after taking fruits,
and at night or early in the morning.

Rheum. Sourness of the stool. And of the whole body is the ranking symptom of this
remedy. It has frothy green, frog pond scum stools. The medicine is specially suitable
for children with the above characteristics.

Calcarea Phos. For sour and undigested stools in children, especially when child is
passing through dentition period. Spluttering diarrhea, forcibly expelled. It is watery,
greenish and undigested.

Borax. Stools before making water, diarrhea after breakfast.

Strontia. Diarrhea at night with great urgency, patient is scarcely off the vessel before
he has to go again.

Phosphorus. For chronic diarrhea. It has green mucus stools worse in the morning,
often undigested and painless. Stools contain white particles like rice or tallow. The
anus remains open after the stools.

Castoreum. For children suffering from green stools in summer. Nervous colic.

Colocynth. Diarrhea with intense colic; better by pressure, and aggravation from
emotional excitement. Bilious secretions with spasmodic colic pains.

Ferrum Met. The patient can hardly wait till the meal is finished. It is almost
simultaneous with eating and drinking. The stools are undigested and mostly
nocturnal. Evacuation painless in chronic cases.

Gambogia. Diarrhea of old people; the urging is excessive and the stools are expelled
at once with considerable force followed by a feeling of general relief.

Natrum Sulph. Diarrhea from vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food and drinks. It is
indicated in morning diarrhea, after the patient has moved about a little after rising
from bed. It is different from Sulph. Where the urging drives the patient out of bed
long before it is time to leave it. Rumbling and gurgling in bowels, then sudden
gushing noisy spluttering stool.

Elaterium. In olive green stools; profuse and gushing.

Abrotanum. Diarrhea suddenly checked, followed by piles and acute rheumatism.

Alternate diarrhea and constipation.

(Specific for diarrhea in children)

Chamomilla. When the child wakes up on account of pain while passing stool; wants
to be carried all the time. Stools green, watery, corroding, like chopped eggs, sour
smelling, during dentition. Screams with pain; refuses food, drink and toys.

Magnesia Carb. Diarrhea occurs every three weeks, stools green, frothy, like scum of
a frog pond. Milk passes undigested. Diarrhea preceded by cutting pains. The whole
baby smells sour.

Rheum. Difficult dentition, child restless, irritable, peevish, with pale face and sour
smell of the whole body. Child smells sour even after washing and bathing. Constant,
profuse sweat on scalp.

Phytolacca. Diarrhea during dentition with irresistible desire to bite gums and teeth.

Acetic Acid. Chronic diarrhea of children with great emaciation.

Allium Cepa. Indigestion, vomiting and flatulency, will pass offensive flatus.

Medorrhinum. Diarrhea in children with greenish-yellow stools, horribly offensive.

Stools involuntary, watery, slimy, curdled and smelling like rotten eggs. Profuse
discharge of blood and pus.

Gummi Gutti. Cutting pains about the navel, child crying and fretting followed by
expulsion of stool all at one time giving immediate relief lasting for some time that
recurs again after awhile.

Aconite Nap. When the child suffering from watery diarrhea is crying and
complaining very much; bites his fists and is sleeplessness.

Apis M. Specially useful in a peculiar kind of stool in children and infants,

intermingled with blood, mucus and food giving appearance like tomato sauce.


Sulphur. This should be used as an intercurrent remedy in 200 potency. Treatment

may be started with this remedy in acute or chronic cases. In several cases one dose of
this alone has the desired effect. It may be repeated after three or four days, if the
previous dose has done some good.

Merc. Cor. Is the head remedy for dysentery. It has the symptoms of blood in stools
with tenesmus; it has severe and extreme tenesmus which is intensely painful. Stools
are scanty with mucus shreds. Blood is there in abundance or may be scanty. Remedy

is indicated in blood dysentery. There may be burning in anus. Tenesmus before and
after stool.

Merc. Sol. Is indicated in dysentery when there is no blood, but there is mucus. It is a
milder type than what is covered by Merc. Cor.

Thuja. An excellent remedy for amoebic dysentery when Sulphur and other indicated
remedies fail.

Carbolic Acid. Mucus dysentery with marked prostration and cold sweat.

Chaparro Amargoso. Chronic or acute dysentery or diarrhea when everything else

has failed.

Colocynth. In dysentery with tenesmus before the stool. Pain is relieved by doubling
up and pressure.

Trombidium. When dysentery is worse after eating and drinking. Crampy pains
before, during and after stools.

Colchicum. Autumn dysentery with discharges of white mucus and violent tenesmus;
bloody stools mixed with slimy substance.

Cinnabaris. Dysentery worse every night; bloody mucus stools; much straining.
Diarrhea, with greenish stools, worse at night; protrusion of anus during stool.

Streptococcin 200. For blood dysentery of the bacillary type with excessive bleeding
and high rise of temperature, with toxaemia.

Septicaemin. Is a magic for dysentery in camp life. It also covers camp diarrhea.

Terebinthina. Entero-colitis with bleeding and ulceration of bowels.

Crotalus H. Dysentery of septic origin, excessive flow of dark fluid, blood or

involuntary evacuations. Great debility and faintness. Urine scanty, dark red with

Cascarilla. Stools knotty, covered with mucus and associated with colic and burning.
Frequent pale red hemorrhages from the bowels due to diseases of the blood vessels.
It is not hemorrhage from hemorrhoids or from bowels.

Leptandra. Stool black thick, tar like, fetid. Bloody mucus. Sensation as if something
passing out of rectum.

Nux Vom. Frequent urging to stools ceasing as soon as the bowels move. Ineffectual

Aloe S. When there is griping pain in the hypogastrium before stool with blood and
mucus, jelly like mucus is passed in unusually large quantity.

Rhododendron. Dysentery appearing before or during thunderstorm or cold wet



Nux Vom. From indigestible food; cramping or spasmodic pain, flatulence, vomiting
and constipation; dyspepsia of drunkards. Better after the food is digested. Give
alternately with Sulphur for diarrhea and vomiting.

Carbo Veg. Great flatulence, belching of wind; cutting pains in the chest, acidity and
loose bowels.

Abies Can. Craving for meat, pickles and other coarse food; gnawing, hungry and
faint feeling at the epigastrium.

Stannum. In nervous dyspepsia when there is nausea and vomiting from the smell of

Carbolic Acid. Nervous dyspepsia of extremely painful character in drunkards.

Robinia. Dyspepsia with acidity, pain in stomach, sour vomiting etc.

Salicylic Acid. Dyspepsia with putrid eructations, excessive accumulation of flatus,

acidity of stomach, nausea, gagging and waterbrash.

Amygdalus Persica. Diarrhea and vomiting.

Allium Sat. Dyspepsia in old fleshy persons, bowels deranged by the least irregularity
of diet.

Causticum. Nervous dyspepsia, distressing flatulence causing fluttering of heart.

Despondent of life.

Kali Carb. Dyspepsia with a peculiar symptom that if door slams it is felt in the
epigastrium region and if the body is touched, that also is not tolerated by the patient.

Magnesia Mur. Indigestion, gastralgia-constipation in children during dentition.

Leptandra. Bilious vomiting, black stools, dull pain in forehead and as if a bend were
tied across it.

Merc Sol. Pale flabby tongue, foul breath, light stools; depression of spirits.

Calcarea Carb. Ravenous hunger, white coated tongue, heartburn, water brash; milk
disagrees; swelling of epigastrium, tight clothes unbearable; abdomen distended and
hard, offensive white stools.

Sanguinaria. Yellow or white coating of tongue. Longing for indigestible things; for
spiced food, offensive eructations, nausea not relieved by vomiting; salivation, bitter
vomiting with headache, burning pressure or empty feeling of stomach; soreness in

Pulsatilla. From eating fatty food; mucus derangement, thickly coated, moist, white
tongue, nausea with little vomiting, heartburn, absence of pain; feeling of distension,
clothes have to be loosened, bowels loose or regular.

Antim Crud. Tongue milky white, eructation of wind and fetid tasting of food taken.

Lycopodium. Water brash, tongue coated white, flatulent distension of bowels,

cannot bear the pressure of clothes, constipation, gravelly urine, great restlessness
after dinner.

Anacardium. Symptoms disappear after eating and return again after two hours.
(Reverse of Nux. Vom. Which is better after the food is digested.)

Abies Nigra. Dyspepsia with feeling as though the patient has swallowed some
indigestible substance which had stuck at the cardiac orifice of the stomach. There is
also low spiritedness, the hypochondriasis and the constipation incident to dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia caused by smoking or tea, with or without hemoptysis.

Nux Mosch. Acrid rising shortly after meals. Cutting pains.

FETID STOOLS (Offensive stools) (see also “DIARRHEA”)

Podophyllum. Stool like carrion, putrid; in diarrhea of children during epidemic of
cholera; worse in hot weather; sour, with flatulence, gagging and excessive thirst in

Lachesis. Cadaverous, worse during sleep.

Rheum. Offensive stool during dentition, sour smelling with colic in children when
the body also smells sour, screaming and tenesmus with dysentery in children.

Benzoic Acid. Offensive diarrhea like urine in children.

Baptisia. Foul smell in stool in typhoid fever.

Psorinum. Foul smell with discharge from the ear, in eczema or ophthalmia. Stool
like spoiled egg in children in their first and second summer.

Asafoetida. Watery stools of most disgusting odor. Pain in abdomen and discharge of
fetid flatus.

Arsenic Alb. Cadaverous in gastro-malacia, in intestinal catarrh; in scurvy.

Calcarea Carb. Sour stool in cholera infantum, during dentition and scrofula; with
open fontanelles.

Graphites. Sour stool with burning in rectum.

Apis M. In hydrocephloid.

FISSURE (Ulcer at the muco-cutaneous junction of the anus).

Graphites. In persons who are susceptible to eczema. The anus is extremely sore and
the stools are covered with mucus, with no tenesmus or constriction.

Sanguinaria Nit. Irritation, itching and burning in the rectum.

Paeonia. Fissure with much oozing. The anus is offensively moist and sour, smarts all
the time. Burning and biting lasting several hours after stools. Must walk all night.

Silicea. It has irritable sphincter and slipping back of the partially expelled stool. It
has also great pain coming on half an hour after stool and lasting several hours.

Acid Nitric. Fissure with sensation as if splinters or sticks were in the anus. There in
much tenesmus and constriction, and a constant oozing of fetid matter from the parts,
with burning rawness and smarting.

Ratanhia. Fissure with cutting and lancinating pains in the rectum. Dryness of the
anus with sudden stitches in it. Constriction of anus which aches and burns for hours
after stool.

Alumina. Fissure with constipation and much straining, the mucus membrane is
thickened and swollen.

Platina. Fissure of the anus with crawling and itching every evening.

Thuja. Piles. Severe pain during stool. Violent burning while walking. Sensitive to

Berberis Vul. When there is hammering pain in fissure.


Nitric Acid. Is the head remedy for the disease. It should be given in 200 dilution
every week. Soreness and burning pain in the lower bowel; a thin greenish discharge
flowing freely from fistula.

Silicea. When there is a fetid watery discharge from the fistula.

Berb Vul. Fistula in anus, with bilious symptoms and itching of parts.

Lachesis. Pain in fistula as if beaten with hammers.

Acid Fluor. Accompanied with lachrymal and dental discharges.

Bacillinum. Syphilitic and mercurial history. May be given as an intercurrent remedy,

if the well selected remedies fail to give relief.

Calcarea Sulph. Painful abscesses about the anus in case of fistula. Pus-like slimy

Causticum. Fistula and large piles. Rectum sore and burns.

Hydrastis. Fistula in anus. Obstinate constipation. Burning and smarting in rectum.

Hemorrhoids and fainting.

Sulphur. Lancinating pain from anus upwards, especially after stools. Blind fistula,
with painless yellowish green discharge, poor appetite with tickling in throat nasal
catarrh; urates; phosphates and oxalates in urine.

Calcarea Phos. In scrofulous subjects. Alternated with chest symptoms or in persons

who have pain in joints from change of weather.

Calendula Lotion. One drachm in an ounce of water should be used locally.


Hamamelis. When the blood is of dark color and is passed with the stool painless.

Phosphorus. When the blood is passed during emission of flatus.

Lachesis. When blood is passed during menses.

Ammonia Carb. Hemorrhage after stool.

Sanguinaria. Bleeding form bowels which may be due to the application of leeches
for extraction of blood.

Nitric Acid. }
Muriatic Acid.} Are the head remedies for bleeding from anus without reference to
its cause.

Crocus. When the blood is black, viscid, clotting, forming into black strings hanging
from the bleeding orifice.

Terebinthina. Hemorrhage from anus and bleeding piles. Albumin and blood in
urine. Urine fetid with violent odor. Ulceration of bowels.


Nux Vom. }
Sulphur. } Head remedies for bleeding or non-bleeding piles to be given when
there is a burning pain and constipation with ineffectual desire. Give Sulphur 1000
every month for 3 months, but no medicine to be given 2 days before and after the
administration of this remedy. Nux Vom. 30 may be given thrice daily on other days.

Hamamelis. Painless bleeding followed by prostration which is out of all proportion
to the loss of blood. The blood is of dark color. There is anemia, breathlessness and
weakness not withstanding good appetite.

Macuna. One drop a dose of mother tincture is specific for bleeding piles. Two or
three doses a day will arrest the disease in two or three days’ time.

Ficus Rel. Is another remedy which may be tried, if Macuna fails.

Acetic Acid. Profuse bleeding from bowels after checked metrorrhagia (menstrual
bleeding) or otherwise.

Nitric Acid. Hemorrhoids that have ceased to bleed, but are every painful and
hanging down loosely with sharp pricking pain in rectum.

Calcarea Carb. Piles protruding, painful when walking, better when sitting, cause
pain during stool with profuse bleeding.

Phosphorus. With a small stream of blood after every stool.

Kali Carb. Piles painful, burning like fire and bleed copiously. Great distension and
swelling inside. Fistula of the anus. Burning temporarily relieved by sitting in cold
water or by cold application.

Aloe. When the blood passes like water form the hydrant, piles protrude like bunch of
grapes. Better by cold water; flatus with feces. Violent itching and burning in anus;
constantly putting finger in the anus on that account. The ointments increase the

Mur. Acid. Piles like a bunch of grapes which looks purple and burn when touched.
Piles in children; protruding, reddish blue.

Sanguinaria. Persistent bleeding from the bowel, the blood being watery.

Ignatia. Blind piles, painful while standing and sitting. Pain reduced by walking.
Sharp pressing pain in the rectum.

Lachesis. When the piles are inflamed with hammering pain.

Alumina. Piles worse in the evening and better after night’s rest; clots of blood
escape from the anus; feces hard and knotty like sheep’s dung with cutting in anus
fillowed by blood.

Aesculus Hip. Painful, blind or protruding piles of purplish color which are very sore
with aching, burning and itching and a sensation of sticks or splinters in the rectum,
rarely bleeding. Hard dry stools passed with difficulty and followed by a feeling of
prolapse of rectum. Pain in back and hips. Bleeding gives relief.

Apis. With sharp stinging pains relieved by cold application.

Ars. Alb. Burning pain and restlessness relieved by hot application.

Causticum. Intolerably painful piles, worse when walking.

Dioscorea. Piles look like bunches of grapes with darting extending to the liver.

Paeonia. Hemorrhoids with ulceration, the anus and surrounding parts are purple and
covered with crusts, ulcers within the anus very painful; the whole mucus membrane
studded with ulcers and cracks. Biting, itching in the anus that provokes scratching.

Podophyllum. Piles with prolapse following confinement. Congestion of the liver and

Leptendra. External piles with prolapse of rectum. Enterorrhagia. Bleeding piles.

Rhus Tox. Blind piles protruding after every stool with backache and pressure
outward in rectum.

Cactus G. Bleeding piles. The tumours form an account of relaxation of veins which
bleed copiously.

Collinsonia. Hemorrhoids with backache and obstinate constipation. Prolapse of

rectum. Piles bleeding or blind or protruding. There may be alternate constipation and

Slag. Piles with great itching in the anus, soreness and pain in knee caps.

Ammonia Carb. Protrusion of piles after stools with long lasting pains; cannot walk.
Piles also protrude independent of stool. Burning and itching in anus which prevents
sleep. Piles worst at the time of menses.

Capsicum. Piles; burning, swollen, itching, throbbing with sore feeling in anus;
bleeding or blind, with mucus discharge. Fat people easily exhausted.

Carbo Veg. Protruding piles, blue, even suppurating, offensive, swelling, burning in
rectum; oozing of fluid from rectum; flatulence; congestion of the lead and nose bleed
from high living.

Merc Sol. With diarrhea and dysentery.

Gelsemium. From paralysis.

Hypericum. Specific for bleeding piles with pain and tenderness.


Ignatia. Contractive pain shooting and smarting.

Capsicum. When there is tenesmus; burning and violent pain.

Phosphorus. Lancinating shooting pains with burning in anus.

Aloe. }
Podophyllum} In acute cases.

Colchicum. In sub-acute cases with much mucus.

Nitric Acid. In chronic when there is a tendency to stricture.


Ruta. Pain after stool. It may continue for several hours. Give in 1X potency.

Ratanhia. Burning pain in anus for hours after stool due to fissures.

Rhus Tox. Pain in anus during urination.

Mur. Acid }
Nit. Acid } Burning pain in rectum.

Aloe S. }
Sulphur. } Pain during diarrhea, and after flatus.

Capsicum. Pain during dysentery.

Causticum. Pain in rectum while walking.

Ignatia. Sharp pains shooting upward into the rectum.

PILES (See “Hemorrhoids”)


Teucrium. Polypus in the rectum.



Aloe S. With diarrhea, bleeding and tenesmus.

Podophyllum. After every stool or sudden motion, sneezing with diarrhea, specially
in the morning.

Gambogia. With diarrhea green or yellow, with burning pain or with hard insufficient
stool and violent purging.

Muriatic Acid. Prolapsus whilst urinating, with piles.

Ruta. Prolapsus in or after confinement or on slightest attempt at stool.

Belladonna. Head remedy for Prolapsus of rectum. There may be tympanitis in

abdomen and diarrhea followed by rectal prolapsus.

Ignatia. Marked prolapsus of the rectum.

Aesculus Hip. Prolapsus after stool. Several large piles block the rectum. Burning
hemorrhoids. Pain like a knife sawing.


Kali Bich. Spasms of rectum with pain in urethra after coitus.

Nux Mosch. Difficult to pass soft stool with dryness of the mouth, sleepiness all the
time, easy fainting.

China. Difficult to pass soft stool in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis, prolonged
oozing, pallid and weak, distended with flatulence, much belching: passing of gas
without relief.

Sarsaparilla. Passing of blood with stools, frequent urination, loss of memory, urine
thick and cloudy with albumin.

Silicea. Pressive, purging, only mucus passes or else hard stool passes with great


Taiosinaminum. Stricture in the rectum.

Nitric Acid. Cancerous or simple stricture.

Hydrastis. In cancerous strictures. Give in 1X potency.

Ruta. When Hydrastis fails, this remedy may be tried.

TENESMUS (Straining at stool).

Merc Cor. Incessant tenesmus, most distressing.

Aloe S. Tenesmus with uncontrollable desire for stool.

Bell. Urging for stool without result or with scanty stool.

Ignatia. No stool although great tenesmus: rectum protrudes.

Nux Vom. Frequent ineffectual urging.

Podophyllum. Easy protrusion of rectum on straining.

Sulphur. Constant bearing down towards rectum, stools loose, purulent, bloody or
constipated, straining before and after stool.


Cina. It is the head remedy for round, thread and tape worms with grinding of teeth
and should be given in 1X potency. The patient is restless, constant rubbing of the
nose. Loss of appetite or increase in appetite. It also stops convulsions due to worms
in which case it should be given in high potency, say 200 or 1000.

Anantherum. Tape worms with morbid hunger. Wakes at night.

Abrotanum. Destroys worms especially ascaris (Round Worm).

Chenopodium. }
Thymol. } Specific for hook worm disease.

Kousso. An excellent remedy to expel tape-worm.

Filix Mas. An efficient remedy for expulsion of tapeworm especially with


Santonine. This may be tried when Cina fails. Cina and Santonine will cure most of
the cases. It should be given in 2X trituration at 2 hours interval six doses a day for a
few days.

Caladium. Is useful when worms travel over the perineum and get into the vagina in
little girls with tendency to excite masturbation.

Teucrium. For ascariasis or pin worms when there is much irritation in the rectum.
Give in mother tincture or 1X.

Sinapis Nigra. This is another remedy for pin worms. It may be tried when Teucrium

Spigelia. Strabismus, jerking with paleness of the face, blue rings around the eyes,
faint nauseated feeling with colic about the navel caused by worms. The tincture on a
handkerchief with frequently arrest convulsions from worms.

Stannum. The administration of this remedy stupefies worms which are easily
dislodged by purgatives. It has pale sunken face and eyes surrounded by blue rings.
Sluggish disposition, general torpor, fetid breath and passive fever. Patient prefers to
lie on stomach.

Calcarea Carb. An excellent remedy for scrofulous children, fat, pale, lymphatic,
head hot perspiring at night.

Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum. Is said to be an excellent remedy for all kinds of
worms. Should be given in small doses. 1X, in alternation with Nux Vom. 30 four or
five times a day for four to six weeks.

Natrum Phos. Intestinal, long, round or thread worms, with picking at nose and
tendency to rheumatism.

Terebinthina. Burning and crawling in anus as if worms are creeping out. It

discharges round and tape worms.

Tellurium. It causes expulsion of thread worms.

Sulphur. Is head remedy for tape worms (tenia). It should be given for considerably
long time.

Scirrhinum. It helps in the passage of worms when china and Teucrium fail.


Diseases of Urinary System



Thuja. Is specific for b-coli infection of urine. Give in 1M dilution every week.
Prolong the duration to one month when improvement sets in.

Formica Rufa. Of much use for b-coli infection. Large quantity of urine passed at
night which is turbid and bad smelling.

B (E) Coli 30. In clear cases of infection.

Methylene Blue. In cases of fever, tympanitis and delirium with pus in urine.
Nephritis; green colored urine.

Echinacea. When infection affects stream of blood. Urine albuminous and frequent.

BRIGHT’S DISEASE (Inflammation of the kidneys Nephritis)

Aconite N. When brought on by cold or sudden suppression of perspiration by sitting

or lying on damp ground, followed by restlessness, thirst, headache and sudden
suppression of urine.

Apis Mel. In acute cases of Bright’s disease with thirstlessness. In dropsy; edematous
swellings of the face and extremities. Pain in head, back and limbs and also in
kidneys. Urination frequent but scanty. Urine heavily charged with albumin. Feeling
of suffocation and breathing difficult. Puffiness with pitting on pressure. All
symptoms are aggravated by heat and ameliorated by cold. Give in low potency in
which it acts best.

Helleborus. Dropsy due to inflammation of kidney. Urine scanty and dark. Uraemia
with unconsciousness: pupils dilated and insensible to light; convulsions; strong
ruinous odor from the body. Effusion occurring within the brain is guiding symptom.

Arsenic Alb. Covers all stages of Bright’s disease but mostly indicated in later stages
when watery diarrhea sets in, with pale skin, waken appearance. Urine loaded with
casts and albumin. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Desire for
warmth. Restlessness, puffiness of face, anguish, fear of death. Convulsions.

Cannabis Indica. Stoppage of urinary duct by pus and mucus. Urine turbid, reddish.
Emission drop by drop. Stitches and burning in urethra.

Kali Chlor. Violent nephritis with scanty dark albuminous urine containing casts.

Calcarea Sulph. Anemia, with progressive emaciation and debility. There is pus in
urine. Burning during urination. Much distension of the abdomen. Catarrhal

Merc. Cor. Indicated in large white kidney. Scanty and red urine with albumin and
casts. Nephritis of pregnancy. Suppurative nephritis. Swelling of feet from fifth to
seventh month of pregnancy.

Picric Acid. Hemoglobinuria. Urine contains much indicant, granular cylinders and
fatty degenerated epithelium. Inflammation of kidneys with profound weakness, dark,
bloody, scanty urine. Nightly urging.

Phosphorus. Hemoglobinuria. Urine turbid brown with red sediment and blood.

Cantharis. Uraemic delusions with sense of persecution. Suppression of urine with

restlessness, flushed face, sparkling eyes. Urge to pass urine but nothing is voided,
there being no urine in the bladder. Dropsy after scarlet fever or diphtheria. Urination
painful, only a few drops passing at a time. The urine is scaldy and bloody.

Terebinthina. In early stages of congestion of kidneys. Urine bloody with pain along
the ureters and in the back.

Plumbum. Granular degeneration of kidneys, gouty kidney. Pale, bloated, heavy

expression. Constipation. Albuminuria. Kidney contracted.

Digitalis. Granular degeneration of the kidneys with palpitation of the heart, slow

Benzoic Acid. Renal pains that are sharp and severe, radiating through the back and
even to chest. Urine dark and strongly ammoniacal. The odor is exceedingly
penetrating. Nephritis accompanied with rheumatism is the guiding symptom.

Mercurius Cyanatus. Excellent remedy in the first and second stage. The urine is
scanty, dark, loaded with albumin. Pain in the tubes of kidney.

Apocynum. Dropsical condition with scanty urine and thirst. There is no thirst in
Apis with which this remedy is comparable. Indicated in coma and convulsions in
nephritis of pregnancy.

Vesicaria. Nephralgia. Nervous pain in kidneys, dribbling, of urine with burning in

urethra and irritable bladder. Passing urine about thirty times in the night. Gonorrhea,
brick dust sediments in urine. It also cures polyuria. Passing too much urine. Painful
urination, pus, albumin and bloody urine in dropsy.

Colchicum. Albumin in urine which becomes black, scanty urine with dropsical
swelling. Acute from of Bright’s disease.

Solidago. Tenderness of kidneys to slightest touch with pain extending from kidneys
to abdomen, bladder and down the limbs. Urine red, brown, scanty, thick, voided with
difficulty, albuminous, mucus, phosphatic urine, Give 1X or 3X.

Lycopodium. When red sand is passed with urine with nephritis and dropsy.

Nitric Acid. Kidney disease associated with ear trouble such as yellowish-white
discharge from the ear. Urine smelling like that of a horse.

Arsenic Brom. When albuminuria is associated with diabetes. It should be given

when Plumbum fails.

CALCULUS-RENAL. GRAVEL. (Stone in the urinary tract)

Berberis Vul. Head remedy for renal colic, specially when the pain is on left side and
extends from kidney to urethra, with urging to urinate. With similar symptoms it also
cures pain on the right side.

Ocimum Can. Agonizing and twisting pain which makes the patient scream and
groan: red urine with brick dust or white sediments. Urine turbid, red and bloody.

Lycopodium. In chronic cases when the acute pain is over; there is flatulence in
abdomen, specially right side with red sand in urine. It should be given in 30 dilution
and not more than twice daily morning and evening for about three months.

Chin. Sulph. When there is brick dust or straw-yellow deposits in urine.

Sarsaparilla. For white sediments. Urine becomes turbid like clay water immediately
after passing. Much pain at the end of urinating. Urine scanty, slimy and flaky.
Tenesmus of bladder.

Pareira B. When all other remedies fail, this may be given in mother tincture in hot
water five drop doses.

Calcarea Carb. Renal Colic when formation of stone is due to uric acid.

Urtica Urens. Stone in kidney. Urine thick. It expels gravel and stone from the

Natrum Phos. Prevents formation of calculi and keeps the oxalate of lime in solution
and does not allow them to harden liver. Give in 1X trituration four time daily.

Terebinthina. Violent drawing pain in the region of kidneys. Violent burning and
cutting in urine. Burning in urethra. Blood and albumin in urine. It is said to prevent
and dissolve renal calculi in which case it may be given in 1M dilution. Urine red,
brown, black or smoky in appearance.

Belladonna. Shooting pain in the renal region along the ureter through which the
calculus makes its way.

Dioscorea. Writhing with dry and crampy pains with passing of renal calculus,
spasmodic stricture of urethra with pain about navel, relieved by pressure.

Cantharis. Inflammation of kidney, bladder and urethra. Sharp tearing and incisive
pain in kidney. Difficult emission of urine; emission of blood drop by drop.

Hydrangea Arbores. Stone breaking remedy. Dribbling of bloody urine. White

amorphous salts deposit in urine.

Causticum. Excruciating pain which radiates from kidney to testicles. Attack comes
on while sleeping. Urine passed in drops.


Aconite Nap. Acute cases with high fever and hot and dry skin; thirst; fear
restlessness; constant burning pain in bladder; urination painful and difficult. Children
cry out and grasp genitalia with hand.

Apis M. Has cured good many cases more frequently in women than men; urine
scanty, opaque and bloody.

Cantharis. Intolerable burning pain in bladder; spasmodic pain along urethra and
perineum, extending to testes, which are drawn up, burning in glands, orifice red;
urination difficult, passed by drops, with excessive scalding and straining before,
during and after urination. Urine scanty and bloody; priapism; restlessness, fever with
thirst, but drinking or sight of water produces aggravation of all symptoms. Acute
infectious cases.

Dulcamara. Catarrh of the bladder from taking cold in abdomen with an unpleasant
sensation of bearing down towards the vesical region and urethra. Urine passed
involuntary. Urine scanty, fetid, turbid, oily, containing tough jelly like white or red
mucus mixed with blood; urine milky, fetid or muco-purulent, reddish, burining.
Emission drop by drop, slimy sediment. Many old men with very bad cystitis but not
greatly enlarged prostate received great relief with this remedy.

Terebinthina. Very dark bloody urine which deposits slimhy, thick muddy sediment.

Equisetum. Highly colored and scanty urine which is passed frequently with pain
depositing mucus sediment.

Berberis Vul. Urine with thick mucus and bright red mealy sediment.

Copaiva. Chronic cystitis, especially in women, with retention of urine in dropsy;

constant ineffectual desire to urinate.


Calcarea Iod. Should be tried first.

Sepia. May be tried, if Calcarea Iod fails.

HYDRONEPHROSIS (A collection of urine in the pelvis of the kidney from

obstructed outflow.)

Plumbum. }
Ars. Alb. } Plumbum is the head remedy. If this fails, try Arsenic Alb.



(Retention of some harmful substance in the blood which is normally secreted by

the kidneys, causing suppression of urine, convulsions, coma, etc.)

Belladonna. Acute uremia in full-blooded and healthy patients when kidney ceases to
function and urine becomes dark and turbid. Twitching of the muscles with violent

Helleborus. Uremia with unconsciousness, pupils dilated and insensible to light;

convulsions; strong ruinous odor from the body.

Cantharis. Uremic delusions with sense of persecution. Suppression of urine with

restlessness, flushed face, sparkling eyes. Urge to pass urine but nothing is voided,
there being no urine in the bladder.

Cuprum Ars. Acute form of uremia with diarrhea, cholera infantum or indigestion.
The patient may be suffering from diabetes in which case urine suddenly becomes
scanty, dark red with strong odor of garlic.

Urtica Urens. Uremia with suppression of urine with body having highly ruinous
odor. Give in 5 drop doses of mother tincture in hot water.

Plumbum. Uremic coma with a pulling sensation at the navel. Urine suppressed; no
urine in the bladder; face deathly pale, breathing slow. Give single dose in 1M

Terebinthina. Uremia with spasms and lock-jaw which may be occurring every
fifteen minutes. Violent convulsions producing most frightful episthotonos.



Cantharis. Burning in urine which is only passed drop by drop, with erections.
Burning after urination.

Staphisagria. Burning in urethra when not suffering. Burning stops while urinating.

Natrum Carb. Burning after urination.

Merc. Sol. Burning on beginning to urinate with urination every one hour day and

Belladonna. Great irritation in the bladder with constant urge to urinate; burning
along the whole length of urethra; sensitive to jar.

Sulphur. Burning in urine with involuntary discharge of urine.

Terebinthina. Burning with suppression of urine. Burning during urination. Urine

scanty and bloody.

Pulsatilla. Burning before urination.

Clematis. When last drop causes violent irritation and burning.


Lilium Tig. Constant desire with scanty urination. If not attended to, it gives a feeling
of congestion in the chest.

Equisetum. Constant urination, pain in bladder as if too full, not relieved by

urination. The urine is scanty, contains much mucus. It is a wonderful remedy in
cystic irritation of old men, characterized by a constant teasing desire to urinate with
little or no relief thereafter. Excellent remedy for chronic cystitis. Great desire to
urinate, but only a small quantity is passed.

Sulphur. Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing running water. Give 1M potency.

Petroselinum. Urgent desire to urinate. It may escape if not attended to quickly.

Argentum Met. Urgent desire to stool and to urinate.

Conium. Constant desire to urinate in uterine neuralgia.

Natrum Mur. Great desire to urinate with scanty discharge.

Thuja. Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, stream feeble, sensation as if a drop
remained in urethra after urinating. Also vertigo with the above symptoms.

Lyssin. Desire to pass urine on seeing running water.

Cantharis. This should be tried if Lyssin fails.

Staphisagria. Constant urging to urinate in young married women.

Eryng Aq. Constant desire to pass urine about every half hour day and night. There is
burning and after passing urine.


Cantharis. Burning or scalding and painful emission of urine. It is passed drop by


Copaiva. Constant ineffectual desire; constriction of urethra, emission in drops.

Special medicine for women. Chronic cystitis.

Ignatia. Suppression of urine in hysterical cases.

Apis Mel. Burning and soreness when urinating; frequent desire. Passes only a few
drops. Urine scanty and highly colored.

Clematis. When flow is interrupted by sudden spasms of urethra. Flow by fits and
starts, Mucus in urine but not pus. Beginning of inflammatory stricture.

Conium. Urine stops suddenly and does not begin to flow for some moments.

Camphor. In acute cases when due to poisoning or suppression from cold. Give in
low potency.

Terebinthina. Difficult urination with lumbago-like pain.

Magnesia Mur. Urine can only be passed by pressing the abdominal muscles.

Sarsaparilla. Great pain after passing urine. Can pass urine only when standing. It
only dribbles down when sitting. Give in 1M potency every fortnight.

Cannabis Ind. Burning or scalding before, during and after urination. Urging and
straining but cannot pass a drop.

Chimaphila Umbellata. Urine scalding and burning sometimes voided in a large

gush, at others in thready streams and towards the end drained off drop by drop.

Prunus Spinosa. Must press the organs for a long time before urine passes. Urine
seems to pass as far as glands and returns and causes pain in urethra.

Hepar Sulph. Urination impeded. Obliged to wait before the urine is passed and then
it flows slowly. Feels as if some urine always remains behind in bladder.

Natrum Mur. Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Cannot pass it in a
public place.

Muriacticum Acidum. Cannot urinate without having the bowels moved.

Nux Vom. For spasmodic suppression. He must strain to urinate. There is tenesmus,
urging. The bladder is full and the urine dribbles away, yet when he strains, it ceases
to dribble.

Ambra Grisea. Cannot pass urine in the presence of other persons. Bloody urine with
red sediments.

Alumina Silicate. Paralytic weakness of bladder; ineffectual urging to urinate.

Discharge of mucus and pus from urethra; burning whilst urinating. Unsatisfactory
feeling in the bladder after urination.

Mere Sulph. Difficulty in passing urine which is in thin stream. Sometimes

bifurcated, burning and sometimes takes a long time to empty the bladder; sometimes
a few drops of blood are passed at the end.

Pareira. Urine passed only by going down on knees since confinement of two weeks
previously. Must get down on all fours to urinate.

Borax. Child passed only by going down on knees since confinement of two weeks
previously. Must get down on all fours to urinate.

Alumina. Slowness in passing urine and stool owing to paralytic state of the rectum
and bladder. Has to sit a long time before the flow starts with inability to pass, then
stream flows slowly; cannot hurry the flow of urine. Sometimes urine is retained and
it dribbles involuntarily. Urine voiced while straining at stool or cannot pass urine
without such straining.

ENURESIS (Involuntary urination, Bed wetting)

Causticum. Wetting the bed unconsciously during first part of the night when
blowing the nose; during night when cold; during coughing, laughing or sneezing.
Worse from cold. Paralysis of the bladder affecting the muscles of expulsion resulting
in retention of the urine and of the sphincter vesical which causes involuntary
urination not even feeling that the stream of urine is passing.

Gelsemium. Bed-wetting in patients suffering from headache. It cures bed-wetting
when Causticum fails.

Pulsatilla. Urine escapes in the first part of the night especially in hot patients,
involuntary when coughing. Gentle, changeable disposition, craves to go in the open;
dislikes fats; peevish and chilly. Wetting the bed following measles.

Sepia. Involuntary urination in yellow sickly girls. Specific for wetting the bed during
first step. The child wets the bed as soon as she goes to sleep or passes urine within
two hours of going to bed.

Rhus Tox. Urine escapes when sitting quiet. No difficulty in holding the urine when

Bryonia. Dribbling of urine when moving. It flows on walking and relieved only by
keeping quiet.

Hyoscyamus. Involuntary urination on hearing sound of running water. After typhoid.

Involuntary urination during convulsions.

Benzoic Acid. Urination involuntary in sleep, the bed that has been wetted several
times becomes uncleanable. It smells like intensified urine. Specific gravity low.

Alumina. Urine dribbles out involuntarily due to paralysis of the bladder. It is

retained and then dribbles out.

Kreosote. Involuntary urination during the first part of the night, when it is difficult to
wake up the child owing to too profound a sleep. Patient dreams he is urinating in a
decent manner.

Equisetum. A remedy for enuresis and dysuria. When wetting the bed is without any
tangible cause except habit.

Anantherum. Involuntary urination during pregnancy or after labor (delivery).

Arsenic Alb. Involuntary urination during pregnancy or after labor (delivery).

Aconite N. Involuntary urination with thirst and fear.

Calcarea Sul. Enuresis nocturnal. Feels better in cold. Give 30 dilution and then 200.

Sulphur. Pale, lean children with large abdomen, who love sugar and highly seasoned
food. Hate being washed. Constant desire to urinate; a few drops pass involuntary.
Irresistible desire to urinate on seeing water running from a hydrant.

Psorinum. An intercurrent remedy when other well selected remedies fail. Enuresis
following suppression of eczema or eruptions or after severe acute illness. Patient is
chilly and dreads washing. Wetting the bed during full moon.

Medorrhinum. Nocturnal enuresis, passing large quantities of pungent smelling urine

or scanty or highly colored, or copious pale urine with pungent odor. Worse during
menstruation; dribbling of urine; painful tenesmus of the bladder; severe pain at the
conclusion of urination.

Lycopodium. Involuntary urination during sleep. Polyuria during night and normal
urination during the day time. Craving for sugar and hot drinks.

Cina. Urine copious and involuntary with worm symptoms.

Sycotum. Ill-tempered children with fear of the dark, of being left alone; general
irritability; twitching of the facial muscles; blinking of the eye lids, oily skin; the
pretubercular look; low grade inflammation around the genitals, particularly in

Ferrum Met. Involuntary urination during motion and whilst playing when it dribbles
and keeps the clothing wet. It stops when at rest.

Lac Can. Wetting of bed during night. Passing urine in dream which wakes up the

Calcarea Carb. Constant urge to pass urine during the day and wetting the bed
during the night. Perspires easily; appetite poor. For stout fatty children who drink

Acid Phos. Involuntary escape of urine, especially on coughing or movement.

Cicuta Virosa. Vertigo when trying to rise: objects whirl before the eyes, has to lie
down again. Eyes sunken with contracted pupils. Paralysis of bladder, hence
involuntary urination.

Magnetis Polus Australis. As an intercurrent remedy. Strangury forcing him empty

bladder every half hour; first few drops pass involuntary, followed gradually by
passing more by using abdominal pressure. Involuntary urination during night,
detected on awakening.


Argentum Nit. Frequent urination due to indigestion.

Nux Vom. Due to indigestion. Give 200 potency.

Vesicaria. Passing urine about thirty times in the night due to Nephralgia and cystitis,
dribbling of urine. It cures polyuria, dropsy, painful urination, pus, albumin, and blood
in urine.

Mygale. Increased flow of urine, hot scalding with stinging in urethra.

Pulsatilla. Frequent urination. Dribbling of urine on slightest provocation. Has to

keep continuously his mind on it otherwise the urine will escape.

Causticum. Frequent urination at night, urge to urinate but it takes a long time before
he is able to urinate.

Ignatia. Frequent urination after drinking coffee. In hysteria.

Sabal Serulata. Constant desire to pass urine at night. Cystitis, difficult urination,
languor, apathetic, indifference, dislikes sympathy, prostatic trouble. Give in mother
tincture or lower potencies.

Muriatic Acid. Urine too copious, day and night; it escapes when passing wind.

Ledum P. frequent urination, quantity increased or diminished, stream often stops

during flow. Itching, redness and discharge of pus.

Mercurius Sol. Passes much more urine than the liquid taken; too frequent and too
profuse urination.

Alumina. Frequent urination which is voided with much straining. He must strain at
stool in order to pass urine. Burning with discharge of light yellow pus from urethra.

Eryngium. Frequent urination every half hour day and night: scalding urine while
urinating: burning during and sometimes after passing urine. Continuous teasing,
dribbling of urine drop by drop.

Chelidonium. Extremely profuse emission of whitish and foaming urine.

HEMATURIA (Blood in urine).

Terebinthina. Blood in urine. Head remedy. Coffee-ground like sediments. Burning

and most painful strangury during micturition. Albumin in urine and has odor of

Phosphorus. Hematuria, especially in Bright’s disease. Pain in region of kidney and

liver. Turbid urine with red sediments.

China Sulph. Blood in urine without pain or uneasiness.

Hamamelis. Blood in urine with dull renal pain.

Arnica M. Blood in urine from menstrual injuries.

Thlaspi B. Dark blood and thick urine.

Ocimum Can. Bloody urine with red sediments.

Pulsatilla. Dark colored bloody urine with suppressed gonorrhea.

Natrum Phos. Urination frequent at night; during perspiration, involuntary during

sleep at night. Must wait for urine to start.

Staphisagria. Frequent and painful urging to urinate which becomes extremely

troublesome in recently married nervous women.

Alfalfa Q. frequent and excessive urination with loss of weight and flesh. Loss of
appetite; debility.


(See also “CYSTITIS”)

Arnica. Suppression of urine after injuries or exertion.

Aconite N. Retention of urine in cold weather especially in children who are restless
and cry on account of pain.

Opium. In children when the retention of urine is due to fright or passion of the nurse.
Bladder full. From constriction of sphincter or paralysis of fundus.

Cantharis. Urination painful in suppressed gonorrhea. It is passed drop by drop with

Apis Mel. Suppression of urine after exposure or after fever. The patient is drowsy,
tending to coma with marked edema. Retention of urine in nursing babies. Give in 1X
or 1M dilution.

Hyoscyamus. Retention of urine. Bladder distended. Difficult urination, must strain

from pressure.

Terebinthina. Strangury. Tenesmus of the bladder. Scanty, bright colored or bloody

urine. Burning and cutting pain in the bladder. Gonorrhea pyelitis.

Laurocerasus. Suppression of urine on account of paresis, stream feeble; involuntary


Ars. Alb. Is indicated for same symptoms as in Apis. M. but the Arsenic patient is
extremely restless. He is not drowsy and comatose.

Petroselinum. Stopping of urine in children after jumping up and down, with pain
and screaming. Child unable to pass urine.

Cannabis Ind. Burning, scalding before, during and after urination. Dribbling, urging
and straining but cannot pass a drop.

Ruta. Incontinence or urine at night or frequent urination during the day and if she
cannot attend, it seems to paralyze the bladder with inability to void any when the
opportunity presents itself.

Plumbum M. Retention of urine for two days cured in a lady who was also
unconscious. Catheter showed no urine in the bladder. The patient and mental
symptoms several days before the disease, slowness of thought and conception.

Veratrum Alb. Retention of urine in cholera.

Hydr. Acid. In cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Helleborus. Suppression of urine developing uremia. Totally unconscious with

dilated pupils, insensible to light, uremic convulsions, urinous odor from the body.



Aconite N. Burning pain in the bladder due to sudden chill. Sharp cutting pain with
hot, scalding; bright red urine which contains blood. Straining at the time of urination.

Cantharis. Discharge of a few drops of bloody urine and the patient doubles up and
screams with pain and dances in the room in agony.

Prunus Spinosa. Urine seems to pass as far as glands and then returns and causes
pain in urethra. Must passes for a

Petroselinum. Pains cause him to shiver and dance in the room in agony.

Apis M. In affection of prostate. Dances in the room in agony.

Nitric Acid. Carbuncle, a growth on the urinary organ, which is painful and bleeds
easily during urination and coitus.

Nux Mosch. Pain during urination after dull meals.

Cannabis Sativa. Pain before and during urination. It may be due to carbuncle
(growth on the posterior lip of the mucus urinarius) which may easily bleed.

Cannabis Indica. Pain during and after urination.

Sarsaparilla. Painful urination, child cries before urine starts.


Nux Vomica. When due to indigestion. Urine is passed several times during night.
Give in 200 dilution.

Uranium Nit. Profuse urination in dyspepsia.

Acid Phos. Urine passed in quantity larger than the fluid taken during the last 24

China. Profuse urination due to worms; in bronchitis.

Phytolacca. Profuse urination during menses.

Ignatia. Profuse urination during nervous headache.

Stramonium. Profuse urination with dryness of headache.

Equisetum. Clear and light urine passed in excess.

Vesicaria. When Uranium Nit. Fails.

Sanicula. Polyuria with pale and colorness urine, specific gravity 1000: feeling tired
out and exhausted; bad taste and no appetite: very thirsty for large quantity of water.

Murex. Frequent desire to urinate during day and night, with emission of colorless

Argentum Nit. For frequent urination with or without diabetes.

Medorrhinum. It cures polyuria when other remedies fail.


Clematis. Formed by infiltration of corpus spongiosum by coagulable lymph,

formation of a sub-mucus collasity, inflammatory.

Silicea. Stricture due to an injury to genital organ and leads to pus formation at

Graphites. Sudden arrest of the flow, then oozing of snuff colored mucus in long

Opium. Spasmodic, after drinking poorly fermented liquor; also in drunkards.

Stramonium. As if urine cannot be passed owing to the narrowness of the passage.

Retention of urine.



Apis Mel. Head remedy for albumin in urine. During pregnancy. In scarlatina, during

Eupatorium Perf. Albumin in urine with dropsy.

Helleborus. Urine scanty with albumin and dropsical swelling of the whole body.

Glonoine. Tubal nephritis with headache, brought on by walking in the sun;

numbness in arms and hands alternating with intense tingling. Increased secretion of
albuminous urine: has to rise frequently during the night.

Kali Chlor. Nephritis. Hematuria; urine containing albumin, casts. Frequent


Chimaphila umbellate. Albuminuria, Hematuria, from long lasting gonorrhea. Urine

scanty, dark fetid, thick with copious sediment-mucus.

Ferrum Iod. Albuminuria with edema in drinkers. Urine liking for cold drinks but
susceptible to it. Swollen face looks like a balloon.

Enonyminum. Dissolve two grains of 1X trituration in half a tumbler of water and

give a spoonful every hour. It cures with albumin in urine.

Colchicum. Albumin in urine which becomes black like ink.

Acid phos. Albumin in urine during or after typhoid.

Terebinthina. After scarlatina. Urine contains blood, albumin, but few casts, if any.
Urine with violet odor, dark, cloudy and smoky.

Medorrhinum. Albuminous urine with hyaline casts when the patient is waxy, edema
of feet and ankles and tenderness of soles.

Mercurius Cor. Albuminuria in early pregnancy.

Phosphorus. Late and at full term of pregnancy.

Lac Defl. For advanced albuminuria following intermittent fever.


Baptisia. In typhus.

Cantharis. In catarrh of bladder.

Natrum Mur. With red sediments.


Colchicum. Like ink after scarlet fever, in dropsy and in nephritis (inflammation of

Lachesis. Urine almost black, dark red, with edema, after scarlet fever.

Terebinthina. With coffee ground sediments in liver complaint.

Acid Carbolic. Urine dark, black or blackish; olive green or grassy green.



Hypericum. Urine like beer in meningitis due to injury to the head.

Ars. Alb. Like thick beer in typhus.

Sepia. Dark admixture.

Leptendra. In derangements of liver.

Benzoid Acid. In vesical catarrh. Urine highly colored, offensive, smells like horse’s
urine, thick and dark.

Helleborus. Like coffee grounds.

Apis Mel. Urine like coffee grounds in ascites.


Cantharis. Casts cylindrical. Shreds of uriniferous tubule.

Phosphorus. Fatty or waxy casts.

Merc. Cor. Granular fatty tubule in large numbers, showing on their surface epithelial
cells of tubule uriniferi, also in state of granular fatty degeneration.

Terebinthina. Cylindrical coagula (albuminuria).


Nitric Acid. When the urine is cold to touch. He feels it cold when passing.


Mercurius Cor. Urine contains fatty globules.


Carbolic Acid. Urine greenish and smoky with involuntary discharge of mucus from
the anus when passing urine which is grassy green.

Chelidonium. When due to derangements of liver.


Indol. Presence of indicant in urine.

MILKY (White)

Iodium. Milky urine or acrid turbid or yellowish green and corrosive.

Lilium Tigrinum. Urine milky in morning; clear and white; like boiling oil; strong
swelling; phosphatic; copious; sediments white or red.

Acid Phos. As if stirred up with chalk; like chalk and water mixed or like buttermilk.

Phosphorus. Like curdled milk with brick dust sediments and variegated cuticle.

Colocynth. Like milk on cooling. In dabetes.

Spongia. Greyish white.

Apis Mel. Like butter milk.
Agaricus. Urine milky in the afternoon.


Merc. Cor. Urine mixed with filaments, afterwards thick and cloudy; fishlike pieces
in urine.

Pereira. Thick viscid urine.

Chimaphila. Ropy thick urine with sediments copious in dysuria; sediment muco-

Acid Benzoic. Urine mixed with phosphates in sediment (vescical catarrh).

Enlargement of phosphate.

ODOR (See “SMELL” under “URINE”)


Hepar Sulph. }
Lycopodium } Greasy pellicles:

Coca. Oily film in phthisis pulmonalis.

Calcarea Carb. Urine like oil in children.

Sumbul. Oily pellicles in urine.


Oxalic Acid. Head remedy for oxalates in urine.

Causticum. Oxalates present in abundance.

Terebinthina. Oxalates present along with albumin in urine.


Raphanus. Ammonium and magnesium phosphates in excess.

Acid Phos. Urine earthy, loaded with phosphates, in typhoid, in Bright’s disease.

Magnesia Phos. Deficiency or excess or phosphates in urine.

Nitric Acid. Urine bloody and albuminous. Phosphatic urine. Cold on passing. Smell
like horse’s urine.



Bovista. When the urine is red.


Helleborus. Scanty with albumin and dropsical swelling of the whole body. After
scarlet fever.

Apis M. In ascites (dropsy of the abdomen).

Crocus Sat. In cerebral disturbances (brain affections).

Aconite N. Urine dark in asthma. In rheumatic cases.

Stramonium. In delirium dropsy.

Argentum Nit. In prolapsus uteri.

Digitalis. In cardiac dropsy.

Caladium. In evening, in impotency.

Merc. Sol. In feeble stream.

Lachesis. With edema after scarlatina.

Baptisia. In typhus.

Calcarea Ars. Scanty, burning urine, contains albumin and casts. Pain in spermatic
cord after exertion and after drinking water.


Sepia. Brick dust; in meningitis, red powdery, yellowish pasty deposits. White
adhesive film.

Lycopodium. Red sand deposits in urine in renal colic or otherwise.

Tarentula H. Brick dust in paralysis agitans.

Mephites. Brick dust in asthma.

Causticum. Brick dust in bronchitis.

Aesculus Hip. Brick dust of dark brown color.

Apis Mel. Brick dust like coffee grounds.

Sarsaparilla. White sand in urine.

Selenium. Whitish clay like sediments. Silvery white sediments.

Berberis V. Thick reddish or mahogany colored dust with floating jelly-like flocks.
Pain in the renal region which extends to ureters and bladder.

Natrum Mur. Thick muddy urine with sediments and nasty smell. Dirty looking
complexion, emaciation and frontal headache.

Copaiva. Sediments abundant, in bronchial and vesical catarrh.

Phosphorus. Odoriferous urine, with red and brown sediments. Nervy type affected
by storm and noises; easily startled; earthy complexion.

Cantharis. Soreness in the region of kidneys, cutting pain which extends to urethra
and bladder. Urine scanty, dark colored sediment looking like old mortar or reddish
brick dust.

Aurum Met. Urine thick which is cloudy and very fetid with perspiration.

Ledum P. Red sand in urine with burning in urethra after urinating.


Sepia. Offensive and sour urine; cannot be tolerated in room.

Nitric Acid. Urine smells like that of horse. Strong smelling. Worse by warmth.

Lachesis. Ammoniacal in gastric and nervous fever.

Coca. Ammoniacal smell in checked gonorrhea.

Absinthium. Strong smell in urine like horse’s. Orange color. Constant desire to

Moschus. Ammoniacal smell without any other symptoms being present.

Cajuputam. Urine smells like cat’s urine. Flatulent colic.

Baptisia. Smell of rotten eggs in urine. Fetid smell in typhoid fever.

Benzoic Acid. Highly concentrated urine with smell like that of horse’s urine.
Offensive. Putrid. Very dark.

Baryta Mur. Offensive urine in glandular swelling.

Borax. Hot urine with pungent smell.

Osmium. Urine smelling like violets.

Indigo. Horribly offensive after standing for a short time.

Ferrum Iod. Sweet-smelling urine.


Uranium Nit. Specific gravity high, ranging from 1040 to 1044.

Terebinthina. Specific gravity 1018 in Bright’s disease.

Plumbum. Specific gravity low – 1002; also when it is 1016 and 1017.

Brachyglottis. For specific gravity 1004, 1008, 1020, 1023, 1024 and 1034.

Arnica Montana. Specific gravity high.

Sanicula. Specific gravity 1000 with polyuria.

Thlaspi B. Diseases resulting form urates in urine.

Natrum Sulph. Uric acid in urine with gastric and rheumatic troubles.

Sepia. Lactate of urea increases in functional derangement of liver, with prostatis.

Pulsatilla. Urates of ammonia showing a wasted hectic condition.

Benzoic Acid. Uric acid with urine highly colored and very offensive with gouty
symptoms. Renal insufficiency.


Diseases of Genitalia



Pulsatilla }
Aconite N. } These remedies should be given alternately every one hour during the
early stages of the disease, viz., during the inflammatory stage. Give in 1X potency.
Pulsatilla in high dilution may be given in later stages when the patient has mild
disposition; thirstlessness; painless micturition, profuse thick yellow discharge with
orchitis; all these symptoms combined and not even one missing.

Cubeba. When the inflammatory stage is passed and there still remains burning in
urethra at the time of passing urine. Discharge is thick, yellow and pus-like; dark
reddish mucus. It may also be thick and gleety. For second or last stages of gonorrhea.

Silicea. Is specific in chronic gonorrhea. There is pus or pus like discharge from
urethra, slightly shreddy discharge, bloody discharge which is purulent. Thick fetid
pus from urethra. It can be tried with confidence in almost all cases of gonorrhea.
Give in 1,000 potency.

Copaiva. Is useful in chronic gonorrhea with biting and burning at the back of the
bladder and in urethra before and after micturition. Discharge is milky. Urine smells
like violets.

Thuja. In chronic gonorrhea when the discharge is thin and green with scalding pain
during urination.

Tussilago Pet. Gonorrhea extremely violent with yellow and white thick discharge,
crawling in urethra, jerking and drawing in spermatic cord and testicles.

Petroselinum. Intense itching in urethra. Wants to thrust something in the urethra to


Medorrhinum. A constitutional medicine for suppressed gonorrhea. Urine: high
colored; strong smelling; covered with thick, greasy pellicles; intensely yellow; slow
flow; cutting across root of penis.

Sepia. Gonorrhea after acute stage has subsided. Useful for gleet and gonorrheal
warts. Condylomata completely surrounding head of penis. Incisive pains and
shootings in urethra. Urine very offensive.

Cantharis. Suppression of gonorrhea, when it affects bladder. Retention of urine;

burning, smarting on making water. Painful swelling of testes. Inflammation of
ovaries with corrosive leucorrhea.

Cinnabaris. Gonorrhea of long standing complicated with syphilis.

Capsicum. Discharge purulent, bloody, fetid. Protracted gleet. Coldness and

shriveling of genitalia. Impotence.

Alumen. Chronic, painless, yellow discharge with induration and ulceration along the
urethra. Ulcerative patches in the vagina or on the cervix of the uterus.

Natrum Sulph. It should be given to patients of Hydrogenoid constitution; chronic

gonorrhea with yellowish, greenish discharge. Inflammation of prepuce and scrotum.
Itching of genitals, of glands and penis, obliging him to rub them, with burning after
scratching. The remedy covers a wide range of symptoms; glandular swellings,
hydremia; bericaemia; thrombosis; exanthema; excrescences; piercing pains in
extremities; furuncles; blisters; raw palms; exuding serum; paronychia; gumma; bad
nails. These symptoms may be due to syphilis or gonorrhea.

Ars. Sul. Fl. Gonorrhea with terrible pains, discharge copious, yellow, constant;
burning day and night along entire urethra with restlessness.

Sulphur. As an intercurrent remedy for patients susceptible to catch and in mal-

treated cases where there is much irritation, soreness or burning of the parts.

Cannabis Sativa. Burning and smarting in urethra, from meatus to bladder, urethra
swollen and sore. Stitching and burning pain when urinating, worse at the end of
micturition. Almost constant desire to urinate. Urine whitish and turbid.

Millefolium. Swelling of the penis and testicles with discharge of blood and watery

Acid Fluor. Gleety. Stricture. Gleet discharge during night leaving a yellowish stain
on the linen. Frequent desire to urinate with burning in the urethra.

Argentum Nit. Gonorrheal and gleety discharges. Burning in urethra with frequent
desire to urinate. Desire to pass few drops immediately after urinating.

Kreosote. Gonorrhea and urethritis, especially in females. Discharge bloody and very
offensive, acrid with itching and smarting of labia.

Camphor. Strangury not relieved by urination; violent, spasmodic and ineffectual

efforts to urinate with bladder full of urine.

Mercurius. Strangury. Gonorrhea. Urethritis. Urine passed with a feeble stream and
with cutting pains. Lips of meatus red and inflamed. Inflammation of vulva which is
swollen, red and hot. Discharge yellowish green, night sweats, bone pains; worse
during perspiration.

HAIR (Pubic)

Nitric Acid }
Selenium }
Iodium. } Falling of pubic hair. Try this when the above remedies fail.

Sulphur. Pubic hair destroyed by offensive sweat.


Merc. Sol. It is the head remedy for all stages of non-congenital and acquired
syphilis. It should be given in low potencies in acute cases and in very high potencies
in chronic cases. Chancres are red which spread inward with yellowish fetid
discharge. They have tendency to bleed. Syphilis ulceration on tongue, larynx or
lungs; syphilitic rheumatism.

Aurum Met. Is useful in secondary syphilis where there has been abuse of mercury.
Boring pain in the mastoids. Affection of the nasal bones due to syphilis. Tumors in
the brain with excruciating headaches. Caries of the palate and other flat bones with
moderate ozena.

Cinnabaris. Is useful in syphilis complicated with gonorrhea. The chancres are hard
and elevated. Discharge of pus through the urinary passages.

Merc. Dulc. Is useful in syphilis of the females where there are many condylamatous
growths in and around the external genitals.

Nitric Acid. Is useful for syphilitic ulcers which spread more in circumference than in
depth, with stinging pain as if many splinters are hurting him all the time. There is a
tendency for bleeding, exuberant granulation, irregular edges, condylamatous and
cauliflower like growths. Nightly sufferings of syphilitic child when medicines given
for other causes fail. Infantile, labial ulcers; fig warts about the anus; copper color
eruptions over the chest.

Merc. Cor. Chancres with extensive ulceration in mouth, gums and throat. Fetid
breath, profuse salivation, enlarged tonsils, etc. Syphilitic ulceration on tongue, larynx
or lungs.

Calotropis. In secondary syphilis with thickening of the ends of nails. To be given in

mother tincture in 5 drop doses.

Stillingia Syl. Secondary syphilis with bone pains, rheumatism, nodes on the
forehead, tibia, syphilitic cough etc.

Mygale. Increased flow of urine with heat, scalding and stinging in urethra.

Kali Iod. Deep ulceration gummata and edema in larynx, lungs or on tongue due to
syphilis. Syphilitic rheumatism, especially of fingers and toes. Gradual enlargement of
phalanges with or without pain. Excoriating coryza, blistering the nostrils and lips;
throbbing and burning in nasal and frontal bones; gnawing; boring bone pains;
popular eruption on the scalp and back.

Fluoric Acid. Syphilitic ulceration of the mouth; throat and nose when the discharges
are thick acrid. The patient is fretful and peevish. Caries and necrosis, especially of
the nasal bones and tibia.

Kreosote. Acute coryza of syphilis affecting the teeth, causing them to blacken and
decay early. Mouth and throat sore and corners of the mouth are ulcerated and

Kali Bich. Syphilitic coryza affecting mucus membranes of the mouth, nose and
throat. Perforating ulcers in the mouth or nose. Offensive and destructive ozena with
thick yellow nasal discharge.

Thuja. In tubercular syphilides. Nodulationss on the skin, condylomata, ulcers,

syphilitic rhagades, exuding a moisture that excoriates and itches.

Badiaga. Syphilitic infants with hard glandular swellings.

Syphilinum. A nosode which should be given in high potency at the commencement

of the treatment or as an intercurrent remedy when the best selected remedies fail.

Lachesis. It cures syphilitic ozena and aphonia after the abuse of mercury.


AZOOSPERMIA (Absence or diseased condition of spermatozoa in semen).

Damiana. Absence of spermatozoa in impotency due to sexual neurasthenia. Chronic

prostatic discharge.

Chininum Sulph. Absence of spermatozoa with suppression or diminution of sexual


Strychninum. When azoospermia is accompanied with great sexual desire and or

swelling of testicles.

Conium. Absence of spermatozoa accompanied with impotency; insufficient

erections or absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Emissions provoked by
presence of women.

Iodium. Indicated in persons who have violent or constant erections with increased
sexual desire; testicles become small, and painful.


Conium. Cancer of the pains.

Spongia. Cancer of the testis.


Graphites. Averstion to coition with impotency. All of a sudden loses strength during
coition. Coldness of legs after coition. Sweat after coition.

Agaricus M. Lassitude after coition.

Selenium. Ill-humored and feels weakness after coition.

Calcarea Carb. Knees give way after coition. Discontented and angry after coition;

Natrum Carb. Great tendency to perspire after coition.

Staphisagria. Bad effects of sexual abuses; mind dwelling continually on sexual

subjects. Dyspnoea occurring during and after coition. Urge to urinate after coition.

Titanium. Sexual weakness with too early ejaculation of semen in coition.

Sepia. Complaints from coition, especially vertigo.

Moschus. Vomiting after coition.

Cantharis. Pain in urethra after coition.

Daphne. Toothache after coition.

Strychnia Phos. Want of erections at the time of intercourse due to shyness or due to
a thought that he is impotent when actually he is not so. Use in 3rd dilution.

Acid Phos. Sudden relaxation of penis preventing emission. Coitus followed by

increased desire and pollution.

Sulphur. Emission before erection is complete.

Baryta Carb. Falling asleep during coition.

Lyssin. Emission too late or absent.

Lycopodium. Aversion to coition with shriveled penis. Falls asleep during coition.
All of a sudden loses strength during coition.

Ambra Grisea. Asthma on attempting coition.

Kali Carb. Coition followed by weak vision and or backache.

Bufo. Convulsions during coition.

Sabla Serrulata. Urination difficult after coition.

Merc. Cor. Painful spasms of rectum after coition.

Kreosote. Burning in penis after coition after coming in contact with the secretion of
the vagina during coition.

Stramonium. Sexual irritation; hands constantly on genitals.

Millefolium. Want of ejaculation in coition.


Nuphur. Entire absence of erections and sexual desire. Involuntary emission during
stool or when urinating.

Sabal Serrulata. Impotency; genitals cold, testicles shrunk, penis shrunk and cold
with urinary troubles.

Onosmodium. Diminished sexual desire, cold feeling in the glands, penis; nocturnal
emissions; too speedy emissions; deficient erections with diminished pleasure.

Damiana. An excellent remedy for impotency. Give 5 to 10 drops a dose of mother

tincture thrice daily.

Titanium. Sexual weakness with too early ejaculation in coitus.

Caladium. Impotency due to masturbation. Penis relaxed with violent sexual desire.
Erections when half asleep in the morning ceasing when full awake. Impotency in old
debauches, who are unable to perform the marital act for want of erections. Mentally
and physically prostrated from sexual excesses and smoking or tobacco chewing.

Lycopodium. Impotency in old age. Partial impotency. Use 1M potency every month.

Staphisagria. }
Phosphorus. } Impotency due to excesses.

Moschus. }
Cuprum Met. } Impotency associated with diabetes.

Natrum Mur. Retarded emission during embrace.

Yohimbinum. An excellent remedy for neurasthenic impotency.

Graphites. Impotency following secret vice and sexual excesses.

Arnica. }
Hypericum. } Impotency due to fall or blow.

Mercurius. }
Kali Iod. } Impotency due to syphilis.

DESIRE – Increased.

Acid Fluor. Is indicated in low state of mind when a man is not satisfied with one
woman and changes mistresses from one to many. Stands in a street corner and in his
lust craves for innocent women that go along the street. A remedy for debauche who
is never satisfied with his wife and who has aversion to his children and dearest

Phosphorus. Frequent erections and uncontrollable sexual thoughts. Erections in spite

of efforts to control passion in young men, when due to brain and nervous disorders.

Tarentula H. Extreme sexual excitement.

Staphisagria. Improper sexual appetite in adults.

Picric Acid. Violent and terrible erections due to brain and nervous disorders. Penis
distended almost to bursting.

Origanum. Excessively aroused impulses, and in habit of masturbation. Give in 3rd


Anantherum. }
Cantharis. } Venereal appetite increases by every attempt to satisfy it until driven to
onanism and madness. Violent erections. Try in the given order.

Caladium. Violent sexual desire with impotency and relaxed penis. Erctions when
half asleep in the morning, ceasing when fully awake. Automatic erections without
desire, strong and painful.

Nux Vom. Sexual appetite due to alcoholic excesses.

Conium. Slightest emotion brings on emission, discharge and induration of prostate
gland. Bad effects of suppressed desire.

Moschus. Sexual desire increased.

Platina. Impulse to pederasty (sodomy, sexual intercourse with boy through the anus)


Conium. Erection absent, partially or completely.

Dioscorea. Erection frequent, day and night.

Natrum Mur. Frequent erections with pollutions.

Platinum. Erections violent particularly at night.

Cantharis. Violent priapism (erections) which may be painful.

Camphor. Violent attacks of priapism during dreams.

Phosphorus. Erections absent and feeble.

Cannabis Ind. Erection mechanical and painful with increased sexual desire.

Acid Picric. Terrible erections disturbing sleep. Over excitement of sexual system
associated with spinal or cerebral affections in either sex. Penis distended almost to

Osmium. Hard erections early in the morning after rising.

Arnica. M. Erections after walking.

GLANS (Head of the penis) (See also “PREPUCE SWELLING”)

Ars. Alb. Cracking of glands. Burning of the glands during urination.

Merc. Cor. Inflammation of the glans with chronic greasy, fatty, offensive smelling
discharge. Sensitiveness of glans.

Mercurius. Ulcerous erosions of the glans.

Nitric Acid. Moisture around glans.

Copaiva. Pain in glans after gonorrhea.

Rhus Tox. Pain in glans caused by swelling of prepuce causing para-phimosis.

Sarsaparilla. Tearing pain in the glans.

Aurum Mur. Nat. ulcers on the glans going deep.

Acid Phos. Warts on glans, obstinate vegetation.

Kali Mur. Warts on corona after chancre (syphilis).

Sulphur. Soft, cockscomb like warts, spongy, easily bleeding. Icy coldness of the

Thuja. Warts after gonorrhea, small, pointed, discharge of viscid fluid.

Aurum Sulph. Condylomata of the glands, penis with or without impotency.

Inflammation of glans, penis.


IMPOTENCY (See “DESIRE”- Decreased).


Platinum. Masturbation before the age of puberty and its effects.

Conium. Bad effects of masturbation and excesses.

Agnus. Castus. Weakness of the organ after masturbation and excesses. Even his
young and beautiful wife excites no erections.

Caladium. A remedy for taking away the habit of masturbation and removing its bad
effects. Penis glans get flabby. Penis relaxed.

Bufo. Desire for solitude in order to practice masturbation. Mental condition weak.
Runs about in the house in fury.

Organum M. Disposition to masturbation with impulses excessively aroused. Sexual

desire makes him mad.

Ustilago. Irresistible tendency to masturbation. Spermatorrhoea with erotic fancies

and amorous dreams.

Staphisagria. Habit of masturbation in children and for bad effects thereof.


Merc. Sol. Milk in the breasts of boys.

NYMPHOMANIA (Satyriasis). (See also “DESIRE INCREASED.”)

Cantharis. If due to local irritation.

Nux Vom. From alcoholic excesses.

Phosphorus. }
Picric Acid. } From brain or nervous disorders.



Coca. }
Cocaine. } Sensation af if the penis is absent.


Kreosote. Burning in penis during coition with swelling of penis the next day.

Magnesia Mur. Burning with frequent erections early morning.

Pareira. Burning accompanied with urination drop by drop with interruption.


Agnus Castus. }
Lycopodium. } Penis Cold.


Graphites. Herpetic eruptions on penis.

Croton Tig. Vesicular eruptions on penis.

Arnica Mont. Purple red eruptions after injuries.

Causticum. Itching of penis.

HANDLING (See also “PULLING” under “PENIS”)

Stramonium. Keeps hand constantly on genitals.

Bufo. Inclination to carry and constantly to the genital organs.


Ignatia. On coughing.

Digitalis. After emission.

Petroselinum. At root in urethral diseases, especially gonorrhea.

Capsicum. Painful erections during night.

Nux Vom. Painful erections in the morning.

Kali Carb. Painful after copious painful pollutions.

Nitric Acid. Painful, spasmodic at night.


Merc. Sol. }
Cantharis. } Child continually pulls at the penis. Try in the given order.


Ignatia. Becomes small.

Nuphur. Retraction of penis.


Lycopodium. Penis becomes small after masturbation.

Agnus Castus. Penis small and cold.

Ignatia. Becomes small and retracted.


Nitric Acid. Sloughing of entire integument, leaving organ completely denuded.

Lachesis. Mercurio-syphilitic ulcers.


PREPUCE (Foresking of the Penis.)


Apis Mel. Erysipelas after circumcision.


Mercurius. Head remedy. Prepuce swollen as if distended with water along with
glands. Fine red eruption, cracks and chaps with burning, biting, itching and pain.

Calcarea Carb. Inflammation with yellow pus. The parts are white and not red.
Cutting and burning in glands. Prepuce red and inflamed.

Corallium. Sore, as if pricked by needles.

Hepar Sul. To stop or promote suppuration, it is an excellent remedy.

Nitric Acid. Inflammation of inner surface and its margins with suppurating ulcers
which are flat. Stinging and tearing pains, worse towards evening and continue the
whole night disturbing sleep.

Aconite N. crawling and stinging pains in the prepuce and glands; prepuce swollen
and inflamed, pinching pain in the glands on urinating.

Apis M. Inflammation and great edema of penis with sharp stinging and burning

Arnica M. Inflammatory condition from mechanical injury. Erections after walking.

Croton Tig. Inflammation of the inner surface of the prepuce with burning in the
glands on urinating. Corrosive itching at the scrotum and glands.

Conium. Inflammation of the prepuce with stinging and cutting pains. Tearing pain
through the penis when urinating.

Rhus Tox. Redness and swelling of the glands, penis and prepuce with burning and
biting in urethra after urinating.

Cinnabaris. Swelling of prepuce with much itching. Warts on the prepuce and
fraenum which bleed when touched.


Cinnabaris. Head remedy for itching.

Ignatia. Itching on inner surface.

Conium. Itching of prepuce with prostatic discharge on every emotion.

Rhus Tox. }
Euphorbium. } Voluptuous itching, worse at night.

Viola Tr. Itching with swelling.

Sarsaparilla. Herpes on prepuce with intolerable itching and discharge. Glands red
and inflamed.


Mercurius Iod. An excellent remedy for phimosis.

Sulphur. In children with discharge of fetid pus.

Hepar Sulph. Discharge of pus, throbbing pain.

Cinnabaris. Discharge of pus-like, fetid pus (secondary syphilis). Prepuce swollen.

Nitric Acid. Prepuce thickened, fissured, can’t get retracted and itches fearfully.

Acetic Acid. Prepuce thickened, fissured, can’t get retracted and itches fearfully.

Mercurius. Caused by syphilis.

Jacaranda. Phimosis with prepuce painful and swollen.

Aconite N. }
Apis M. }
Belldonna. } Acute inflammatory phimosis. Use in the given order.


Graphites. Swelling of a large water blister without pain.

Rhus Tox. Dark red swelling with pain and burning.

Caladium. Swelling along the margins.

Merc Sol. Skin could not be drawn over the glands, copious yellowish green pus
when attempting to do so.




Crotalus H. Cancer with Hematuria.


Conium. On every emotion, discharge with itching of prepuce.

Nux Vomica. }
Sepia. }
Selenium. } Discharge during stool.

Kali Bich. During stool in chronic prostitis.

Silicea. While straining at stool.

Nitric Acid. Discharge after stool.

Thuja. When the discharge is greenish and thick.

Staphisagria. Prostatic discharge after sexual excesses.


Aconite. }
Belladonna. } Suitable medicines for initial inflammatory stage.

Spongia. Suitable when there is small stream of urine which is frothy and swelling of
testes and spermatic cord.

Baryta Carb. Enlargement of prostate gland in old age.

Arnica Mont. In traumatic cases where the enlargement is due to injury. Sensation as
if bruised and beaten, darting or tingling, with numbness.

Thuja. Acute inflammation as from gonorrhea.

Ocimum Can. Hematuria (bloody urine) with prostatic affections or prostatic piles.

Conium. Enlargement of prostate gland. Head remedy.

Sabal Serulata. Chronic or acute enlargement of prostate gland with difficulty in

passing or burning whilst urinating.

Cannabis Ind. Sensation in anal region as if sitting on a ball.

Phosphorus. Chronic hypertrophy with prostatic discharge.

Solidago. In chronic enlargement. Give 2x dilution.

Staphisagria. Frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge in a thin stream or by

drops. Burning during and after urination with urging as if the bladder were not

Pareira. Enlargement of prostate with retention of urine.

Iodium. Inflammation of prostate in scrofulus and tubercular persons.

Merc Iod. In cases where suppuration of prostate has occurred.

Digitalis. Enlargement of prostate gland with heart trouble. Retention and/or dribbling
of urine with enlarged prostate. Dropsy with suppression of urine. Spermatorrhea.
Nightly emissions.


SATYRIASIS – Excessive sexual desire. (See DESIRE – Increased and


SEMINAL EMISSIONS (Spermatorrhea and pollutions).

Acid Phos. Seminal emissions followed by great weakness, legs become weak with
burning in spine; genitals relaxed and testes flabby; the penis has no power of

erections; erections imperfect, semen escapes too soon during coition. Sudden
relaxation of penis preventing emissions. Emissions with or without orgasm.

Selenium. It is the head remedy for seminal emissions. It cures about 95 per cent of
cases. Emissions are too rapid with long lasting thrill.

Kali Brom. }
Digitalis. } These two remedies are indicated in abnormally frequent emissions.
Digitalis is indicated when there is palpitation of heart with seminal emissions.

Picric Acid. Emissions with terrible erections and great desire.

Silicea. Loss of semen at stool when the stool is large and difficult to pass.

Causticum. When the emission is bloody.

Sulphur. Emission before the erection is complete.

Graphites. Absence of emission.

Calcarea Carb. Emission tardy, with burning and stinging pains. Night sweats follow
after every coitus or emission which is followed by weakness of mind and body.
Emission too late.

Sepia. Emissions with insufficient erections.

Carbo Veg. Emissions too soon and then roaring in the head.

Lyssin. Emission too late or absent.

Formica. Emission scanty with incomplete erections.

Conium. Slightest emotion brings on emission. Easily excited in the presence of

females when the semen is discharged.

China. For weakness due to emissions.

Gelsemium. Involuntary seminal emissions at night without dreams. Emission from

slight excitement or exertion.

Nux Vom. When the patient has headache with frequent involuntary emissions at
night without orgasm, especially towards morning, backache.

Digitalis. Emission occurs during deep sleep without waking him.

Stannum. Emissions with excessive prostration. Orgasm is easily produced even by

scratching arm.

Persica. Ejaculation of semen during stool without erection, followed by empty

feeling in hypogastrium and pain in genitals.

Acetic Acid. Weakening emissions: semen passes at stool.

Aconite Cam. Pollutions without voluptuous dreams.

Kali Brom. Frequent seminal emissions, with depressed spirits, dull thought,
backache, staggering gait and great weakness. It may be with or without orgasm.

Zincum Met. Extensive abuse of genital organ with depression and despondency.
Pale sunken face with blue rings about the eyes.

Cantharis. Emission with violent erection.

Caladium. Seminal emissions due to bad effects of sexual excesses when wet dreams
occur without lasciviousness or any sexual excitement whatsoever. Nocturnal
emissions occurring either dreams or with non-sexual dreams. Also for masturbation
and its effects. Penis glans get flabby.

Agnus Castus. Spermatorrhea in old sinners. The parts are cold and relaxed, sexual
appetite absent and the patient is melancholic.

Lycopodium. Emissions in complete impotency when the erections are either absent
or imperfect, the genitals are cold and shriveled.

Titanium. Too early ejaculation in coitus, sexual weakness.

Staphisagria. Emission due to great emaciation caused by masturbation with dark

rings about the eyes, sallow face, well marked peevishness and shyness.

Dioscorea. Seminal emissions atonic. The organ is so relaxed that two or three
emissions occur in one night with dreams followed by weakness particularly about the

Osmium. Larger emissions and continue longer.

Ustilago. Spermatorrhea with erotic fantasies and amorous dreams.

Tarentula H. Bloody semen with burning and heat.

Eryngium Aq. Head remedy for emission of semen with or without erections; give in
2X potency.

Ferrum Brom. Spermatorrhea with anemia.




Aurum Met. In boys with low spirits and pining condition.

Capsicum. In impotency, with coldness of the scrotum and tendency to atrophy of the

Iodium. Dwindling of testes: flowing of semen with dreams. Impotency.

Carbo Animalis. Glans hard swollen and painful with burning, lancinating and
cutting pains.

Conium. Stony hardness of testicles with burning and cutting pains.

Apis M. Stinging pain with dropsy in other parts. Dropsy of scrotum with itching and

Kali Iod. General emaciation of testes. Right testicle disappeared.

Avena Sat. Seminal discharge with impotency after too much sexual indulgences.

Arnica Montana. When due to blow or other injury with bruised pain. Purple red

Rhododendron. Sensitive to touch. Worse in wet weather and better from motion.

Calcarea Carb. }
Silicea. }
Sulphur. } May be tried in the given order when the above remedies fail.


Arsenic Alb. When the patient is restless on account of pain or otherwise. Thirst for
small quantities of water at short intervals. Give 1M dilution thrice daily until
improvement starts when it should be given at longer intervals.

Conium. An excellent remedy for cancer. It should be given in the same as Arsenic

Scirrhinum. A nosode to be given as an intercurrent remedy in 200 or 1M potency.

No other medicine to be given that day.


Ignatia. When due to perverted sexual functions.

Hamamelis. Neuralgic pain with heat and Oversensitiveness of the parts.

Aurum Met. When accompanied with hard and indurated growths.

Colocynth. }
Mag Phos. } When the sense is not known.

ORCHITIS (Inflammation of testicles and Hydrocele.)

(See also “TUBERCULOSIS” under “TESTICLES”).

Bryonia. When born with hydrocele.

Abrotanum. Hydrocele in children when rhododendron fails.

Aurum Sulph. Hydrocele in children; induration of testes, inflammation of glands,

penis; chancres of penis; swelling of testes, especially of right side.

Mercurius. This remedy should be given in badly managed cases of gonorrhea when
gonorrhea is suppressed, but before suppression the patient had thick, purulent, green
discharge. Orchitis of right side with severe pain extending into abdomen and lower
extremities, scrotum red and shining.

Pulsatilla. Should be tried if Mercurius fails. Burning and aching of testicles with or
without swelling. Contraction of urethra with discharge of dark-colored blood with

tendency to inflammation of eyes. Rheumatism, pains wander quickly from one part
to another. Swelling of testicles right or left, chilliness, loss of appetite and thirst.
Yellowish-green discharge reappears after the use of this remedy. Head remedy for

Aurum Met. Fleshy swelling of the testicles. Sarcocele. Chronic variety.

Iodium. Testicles indurated, hard and swollen. Offensive sweat of genitals.

Graphites. Dropsical swelling of testes.

Apis Mel. Painful swelling of testes and prostate.

Thuja. Recurrent attacks of orchitis due to gonorrhea and fig warts or Condylomata.

Clematis. This is another remedy for orchitis due to suppression of gonorrhea. It is to

be tried after Pulsatilla fails. In both the remedies the pain is worse by hot application.

Arnica Mont. When orchitis is due to injury and is accompanied by soreness.

Conium. Testicles enlarged and very hard, especially as a result of injuries.

Rhododendron. Orchitis with a feeling as though the testicles were being crushed.
Drawing pain in testes extending to thighs and abdomen especially right side.
Sensitive to touch, soreness. Hydrosarcocele. Worse in wet weather and better from

Spongia. Orchitis due to suppressed gonorrhea, gradually increasing in hardness.

Oleum Animale. Neuralgia of testicles and spermatic cord.

Oxalic Acid. Neuralgia of spermatic cord.


Aurum Mur. Natronatum. Undescended testicles when boys attain girlish

appearance, disposition and physical constitution. Give one drop a dose of 1%
solution of Auriet Sodichloridii in one ounce distilled water. The medicine is to be
given twice daily, morning and evening. The Homoeopathic name of the medicine is
Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum. It may be given in first potency.


Spongia. Acute, chronic, or tubercular orchitis. Testicles smooth, swollen and

inflamed with strangulating, aching and throbbing pain shooting up to the spermatic

Aurum Met. Orchitis chronic or tubercular; neuralgia; testes swollen with severe
pain, especially at night. Testes on the point of atrophy. Hydrocele. Low spirited,
lifeless, loss of memory. Neuralgic pain in the cord.

Calcarea Carb. Crushing, pressing and bruised pain in the testes in scrofulous

Merc. Bin. Iod. Syphilitic orchitis with sensitiveness of spermatic cord.

Silicea. Elephantiasis of scrotum. Hydrocele. Scrotum itching and moist. Crawling

pain in testes. Abscess and hernia of testes.

Sulphur. Testes relaxed and hang down; moisture on the scrotum. Pressure and
tension in the spermatic cord.


Hamamelis. Head remedy for Varicocele. Testes swollen with drawing pain in
spermatic cord. Organs greatly relaxed and perspiring; darting pain from the scrotum
to abdomen.

Lachesis. When veins assume a livid appearance accompanied with mental


Pulsatilla. Veins appear blue with painful drawing in the spermatic cord which is
swollen and painful.

Ammonia Mur. Stitching and beating in left cord. Many groups of symptoms are
accompanied by cough.

Arnica Mont. Spermatic cord painfully swollen; stitches in abdomen; traumatism.

Belladonna. Tearing pain traveling upwards, worse in the evening or in bed.

China Off. Painful swelling of the cord and testes; tearing in left teste and left side of
prepuce. Easily hurt. Pains cumulative.

Clematis. Right spermatic cord sensitive; testes drawn up. Pain in testes, drawing to
spermatic cord.

Kali Carb. Swelling of testes and cord; scrotum bruised; dragging in left testes and
penis. Cutting pains are characteristic of this remedy.

Staphisagria. Shooting and drawing pain in cord. Aggravation from anger, grief,
sorrow, mortification caused by offences; from loss of fluids; from masturbation; from
sexual excesses; from touching the affected part, from tobacco, from abuse of

Sulphur. Pressure and tension in testes and spermatic cord. They hand down relaxed
with soreness and moisture of the scrotum.



CLIMACTERIC (Change of life or Menopause).

Sulphur. Tiresome. Losing weight. Skin coarse and inclined to look dirty. Everything
around is dirty and indescribably untidy. It should be used as an intercurrent remedy
when other selected remedies fail to give complete relief.

Camphor. Flushes of heat and sweat in warm room; the limbs and abdomen very cold
and she suffers from cold when uncovered and sweats copiously when covered.

Pulsatilla. Irritable temper, which is changeable. Hot perspiration in close and warm
room. Cannot tell her symptoms without weeping.

Actea Racemosa. Violent headache as if the top of the head is torn off. Muscles of
the back and neck sore. Rheumatism or rheumatic diathesis.

Lachesis. Head remedy of climacteric period. Severe headache beginning at the back
and passing over to the front of the head. Hypersensitive to touch. Distressing
palpitation of the heart and pulsations of the body. Hemorrhage of dark color with
patient being incredibly talkative. Burning sensation as if burning coal is placed on the
body. Flushing. Melancholic and irritable. Fainting fit. Hemorrhoids.

Glonoine. Surging pulsations and hammering of the head, worse in warm room in the
heat of the sun. Cannot lie in bed. Palpitation on going uphill.

Calcarea Carb. For pale, flabby, relaxed and cold patients who have become tired by
overwork. Like Sulphur this remedy should also be used as an intercurrent remedy.

Nux Vomica. Profuse bleeding in sensitive women who are irritable and quarrelsome.
They are easily offended. This remedy should only be used provided all these
symptoms are accompanied by digestive trouble.

Sepia. Hemorrhage with prolapse of uterus; bearing down pain. The patient is
constitutionally tall, thin and easily depressed. She is cold, fidgety and spiteful, tired
of affection, disliking sympathy. Leucorrhea with dyspepsia or constipation. Sudden
hot flushes with sweat, weakness and tendency to faint.

Sanguirnaria. Leucorrhea, corrosive, fetid, continues after menses cease.

Platina. Pain in ovaries with excessive bleeding.

Sabina. Bleeding of bright red color with violent pains shooting up from the sacrum
to the front end of the navel.

Crocus. Bleeding with dark clots in hysterical women; with feeling of weight in the
lower part of the abdomen as if she is to give birth to a baby.

Bacillinum. Facial neuralgia of the left side. Worse at bed time.

Medorrhinum. Facial neuralgia after suppression of leucorrhea by injections. Pain in

small bones in the morning with acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath.
Uncleanably dirty tongue, weakness. Pallor, chilliness, worse from cold wet weather.

Bellis Per. For varicose veins during menopause.

Fraxinus Am. It is useful in mental diseases at the time of the change of life with
atonic condition of the uterus.

Trillium. Hemorrhage due to extreme weakness.

Camphor. Flushes of heat and sweat in a warm room. The limbs and abdomen very
cold. She suffers from cold when uncovered and copious sweat when covered.

Oophorinum. For acne rosacea and other skin disorders of the climacteric.



Sepia. It is the head remedy for aversion to coition and dryness of the vagina and
should be tried first. There is leucorrhea with constipation.

Natrum Mur. For aversion. It is indicated in anemic women with dry mouth and dry
skin. Dryness of the vagina with painful coitus.

Hydrastis. Cannot bear the idea of coition. The patient is worse during leucorrhea
which is like white of an egg.

Ambra Gr. Asthma during coition.

Kreosote. Burning, smarting and excoriation in vagina during and after coition;
bleeding after coition.

Staphisagria. Dyspnoea (loss of breath) towards the end of coition; uterine cancer.
Painful coition in women in the early days of married life.

Graphites. Aversion to coition; enlarged hard ovaries; tenderness of uterus and


Cactus. Constriction of vagina during coition.

Bromium. Absence of thrill during coition.

Pulsatilla. Uterus sensitive to touch during coition.

Ferrum Met. Soreness and cutting in vagina during coition.

Platina. Vulva painfully sensitive during coition.

Phos. Loss of sensation in vagina during coition.

Lycopodium. Violent burning in the vagina during and after coition. Obstinate
dryness of the vagina. Bearing down in the groin as if menses would appear.

Cedron. Stammering in women after coition.

Ambra Grisea. Asthma on attempting coition.


Berberis Vulg. Absence of pleasurable sensation during coition. Stitching in parts.

Causticum. Absence of enjoyment with sexual desire too weak.

Sepia. Absence of pleasure with aversion to coition.

ORGASM (Sensation of pleasure in genital organs).

Stannum. Easily produced, i.e. scratching of arms produces intolerable sensation of

pleasure in genital organs.

Berberis Vulg. In delayed pleasurable sensation. Also when the pleasurable sensation
is absent.

Bromium. Pleasurable sensation wanting.

Osmium. Absence of usual thrill during ejaculation.


Ferrum Met. Coition painful with bleeding thereafter. Soreness and cutting pain in

Kreosote. Pain during and after coition.

Argentum Nit. Pain during coition.

Natrum Mur. Pain during sexual intercourse with dryness of the vagina; a feeling as
though stick pressed into the walls of the vagina.

Lyssin. Pain with dislike for coition, since child birth.

Sepia. Terrible pain during coition with leucorrhea.

Hydrastis. Pain with almost constant desire for sex, especially when she has
discharge like the white of an egg.

Merc. Cor. Aching pain on pressing or touching of uterus.

Berb Vul. Discharge painful or too late.



Actea Racemosa. This remedy may be given three or four months before delivery to
ensure safe and painless delivery. It will help safe and painless delivery even if it is
given a few days before the delivery. It also ensures living birth, but for this purpose it
should be given thrice daily for six or seven months before delivery. It checks false
labor pains also.

Pulsatilla. To avoid false labor pains and to ensure safe delivery in due time the
medicine may be given in 1000 dilution every 15 minutes – three doses only at the
time the delivery is expected. Thereafter the delivery will be safe, although it may
actually take place two or three days later. It also puts the child in right position if it
has changed its position in the womb, if given before the membranes are ruptured.
Lochia scanty.

Viscum Alb. Retention of placenta.

Belladonna. Retention of placenta with profuse hot blood.

Cantharis. Retention of placenta with painful urination.

Sabina. Retention of placenta from atonic condition.

Aconite N. When lochia is suppressed.

Nitric Acid. Lochia acrid.

Trillium. Lochia bloody.

Belladonna. Lochia hot and scanty.

Kreosote. Lochia acrid and intermittent.

Aur. Mur. Nat. It should be given to syphilitic mothers to prevent diseases in their
off springs.

Arnica M. An excellent remedy for pains after delivery.

Caulophyllum. Labor pains short, irregular, spasmodic false pains in the beginning of
labor. Hemorrhage after hasty labor: for want of tonicity. After-pains after long lasting
labour, spasmodic, across lower abdomen, extending into groins. Complementary to
Pulsatilla in cases where the fetus is in unfavorable position in the uterus. Given in 30
potency one dose a day for two or three weeks before delivery will make the delivery
easy and prevent false labor pain.

China. After profuse bleeding in delivery. A dose of 1000 dilution will recoup the
strength of the patient.

Stramonium. Nymphomania (excessive or intolerable desire for sexual intercourse)

in lying-in-women i.e. during confinement.

Pituitrin. For delayed labor. Uterine inertia in second stage of labor when os is full

Ruta. Prolapsus of rectum after confinement.

Cuprum Met. During the course of labor the patient suddenly becomes blind. The
labor pains cease and the convulsions come on, commencing in the fingers and toes.

Nux Vomica. Hiccups during confinement, preventing eating, drinking and sleeping.

Platina. Nymphomania. Great sexual desire in laying in women.

Kali Carb. Hemorrhage due to atonic condition of blood vessels and bleeding starts
after one week or labor.

Causticum. Retention of urine after labor.

Viburnum Opulus. For false labor pains which may render a woman’s life a torture
for weeks. For after-pains a dose after every pain will give relief.

DESIRE (Sexual)


Moschus. Increased sexual desire without any apparent cause.

Platina. Nymphomania (unbearable desire) in young girls with premature
development of the sexual organs and instinct. This instinct is worst in lying-in-
women (during confinement).

Asterias Rubens. Insatiable craving which is not satisfied even after coition.
Twitching in womb. Pushing out sensation. Great excitement in morning.

Hyoscyamus. Has a great sexual craving. Imprudently exposes herself. She indulges
in obscene talks.

Kali Phos. Sexual excitement in virgin girls who have premature development. The
desire for sex becomes intense after each menstrual period.

Lilium Tig. Insatiable desire in women with ovarian complaints. There is voluptuous
itching in the vagina with a feeling of fullness. Increased desire; must keep busy to
suppress it.

Origanum. This remedy is indicated in women when the excessive craving drives her
to masturbation. Irresistible emotion and impulse. Great sexual irritation and

Lacc. Vacc. Floc. Sexual desire easily excited when the hand touches the bosom.

Natrum Carb. Women cannot retain semen after an embrace.

Phosphorus. In nymphomania in widows. The excessive desire is due to forced

celibacy (unmarried life).

Tarentula H. Sexual excitement in hysteria with desire to cry. Pain in uterus,

contraction, induration with choking sensation.

Murex. The least contact with the part causes violent sexual excitement.


Conium. Induration and enlargement of ovaries and womb, prolapse of uterus with
induration and ulceration of the cervix, with profuse leucorrhea. All due to suppressed
sexual desire.

Onosmodium Vir. Sexual desire completely destroyed with or without other uterine
troubles such as bearing down pains, cramps, soreness in the uterus. Breasts feel
swollen and engorged. Give in C.M. potency.


Nux Vom. Suitable in most cases of acute metritis with or without peritonitis when
the fever is not high or when the fever has abated. Pain in the hypogastrium, small of
back, swelling of the uterine orifice. Heaviness and burning in the abdomen.

Sepia. In acute metritis. Painful rigidity of the uterus. Choking pressure downwards as
if everything will pass through the vagina. Falling of uterus.

Graphites. In chronic metritis with or without ovaritis but with skin affections.

Platina. In acute metritis and ovaritis after confinement with increased sexual desire
and itching of the womb.

Conium. In chronic metritis with or without ovaritis or peritonitis. Abdomen

distended. Clutching and squeezing in the womb. Painful pressure downwards.
Bloody or milky leucorrhea. Vomiting. Hiccups.

Bryonia. Abdomen bloated and sensitive with lancinating pains. Constipation. Fever
with thirst for cold water.

Chamomilla. In acute metritis caused by severe disappointment, fit of anger, during

menses or after confinement. Abdomen distended and sensitive.

Colocynth. When Chamomilla fails in cases of suppressed menses or lochia.

Kreosote. In chronic metritis. With stitches though the vagina and uterus like electric
shocks-leucorrhea stains the linen grey.

Belladonna. Inflammation after anger especially after parturition. Painful pressure on

the genitals. Digging pain with redness of the face.

China. After loss of blood or after excessive coitus.

Arsenic Alb. During child birth.

Rhus Tox. After delivery with typhoid symptoms.

Pulsatilla. After getting feet wet, or from suppression of menses, with deficiency of
milk, chilliness and thirstlessness. Pulling tension and contraction in hypogastrium.

Apis. Inflammation of ovaries in childhood.

Aconite. Inflammation of ovaries after suppression of menses or due to fear. At the
commencement of the treatment.

Lachesis. Pain in the morning of after sleep.


Sulphur. Dry itching which is terrible and the patient continues to scratch until the
parts bleed.

Collinsonia. Itching of the vulva, especially during pregnancy.

Tarentula H. Pruritus with passing of wind through vagina; sexual excitement and
hysteria with desire to cry. Pain in the uterus, contraction, induration with choking

Urtica Urens. Itching of vulva with burning, swelling and thickening of labia.

Caladium. Head remedy for Pruritus of vulva and vagina. This might at times be set
up by intestinal worms finding their way into the vagina causing masturbation and
even nymphomania (intolerable desire for satisfying sex). Pruritus inducing
masturbation during pregnancy.

Ambra Grisea. Itching of pudendum with soreness and swelling. Discharge of blood
between periods, bluish leucorrhea.

Helonias. Pruritus vulva and vaginal, with intense itching to tear the flesh out. Skin
red and swollen covered with thin white curdy deposits.

Aurum Mur. Nat. Ulcers on fore-skin. Uterine tumor.

Sepia. Itching of vagina with leucorrhea.

Bromium. Pruritus accompanied with mental derangement.

Kreosote. Voluptuous deep itching within vulva with burning and swelling of labia,
obliged to rub all the time. Yellow acrid leucorrhea.

Lilium Tig. Voluptuous itching with fullness of parts.

Borax. Itching during pregnancy.

Mercurius. Pruritus worse from contact of urine which must be washed off. There
may be leucorrhea which is acrid and worse at night.

Oophorinum. For itching which is better for a short time after the period.


Sepia. Thin leucorrhea with constipation. Acrid, corrosive, yellowish, watery, or

reddish-green leucorrhea. Heat, itching of the vulva. Leucorrhea before menses with
soreness in pudendum. Leucorrhea in little girls.

Mercurius. Leucorrhea acrid, burning, itching with rawness, always worse at night,
Pruritus, worse from contact of urine, which must be washed off.

Borax. Leucorrhea like curds, white of an egg with sensation as if warm water were
flowing down; acrid leucorrhea.

Calcarea Carb. Thin milky leucorrhea.

Cubeba. Profuse, yellow, greenish, acrid and offensive leucorrhea. Leucorrhea in

little girls.

Hydrastis. Tenacious, viscid, either uterine or vaginal long thread-like and causing a
sort of itching.

Ars. Iod. When the discharges are irritating and corrosive. They burn immensely.

Nitric Acid. Corrosive with scaly eruptions on labia, burning and tearing pain in the
ovarian region.

Berberis Vul. Leucorrhea with painful urinary symptoms.

Millefolium. Leucorrhea of children.

Pulsatilla. Watery, acrid and burning leucorrhea; milky leucorrhea, thick and white.

Lycopodium. Coming on by fits and starts, milky or nervous (at full moon). Is
preceded by cutting colic at the pit of the stomach (hypogastrium).

Phosphorus. Leucorrhea instead of menses. Leucorrhea like white of an egg before
menses. Weeping mood and frequent desire to urinate. Swelling of gum.
Natrum Carb. Thick yellow putrid leucorrhea.

Stannum Met. green, thick, yellow, copious leucorrhea after obliteration of

Graphites. Leucorrhea instead of menses. Extreme lassitude during menses. Violent
itching of the vulva before menses.
Carbo Veg. The patient feels better when the discharge is on as soon as it disappears,
other troubles appear.

Medorrhinum. It should be given when well selected remedies fail. Give in 1M

dilution one dose every fortnight.
Kreosote. When the discharge is acrid, bloody. Whitish leucorrhea which stains the
linen grey. Pain in small of back. Weakness of legs.

Alumina. When the discharge is so profuse that if flows down the heels. It is also
acrid, stingy, copious, excoriating, thick and yellow. Itching of the vulva.

Ova Testa. It is almost specific for leucorrhea. It should be given in 3X trituration.

Caulophyllum. }

Cannabis Sat. } Leucorrhea in little girls.

Cocculus. Leucorrhea in little girls. Leucorrhea instead of menses.

Iodine. Leucorrhea with swelling and induration of cervix and rendering the thighs
sore as the discharge is acrid. Chronic leucorrhea which is thick, slimy and sometimes
Natrum Phos. Leucorrhea after menses; acrid, copious, creamy, honey colored, sour
smelling, yellow and watery; increased sexual desire.

Aloe. Leucorrhea of bloody mucus preceded by colic.

Thlaspi. Bloody, offensive leucorrhea with profuse, prolonged bleeding at menses.

Onosmodium. Leucorrhea light-yellowish, offensive, excoriating and profuse,

running down the legs.

Aesculus Hip. Leucorrhea, dark yellow, thick and sticky when accompanied with
lameness in lower back which gives out when walking.

Thuja. Discharge between or instead of periods when there is a history of vaccination
not having taken or when vaccination has been done several times.
Sanicula. Leucorrhea with strong odor or fish brine.

China. Leucorrhea before the periods, fetid or bloody leucorrhea. Painful pressure
towards groins and anus.
Murex. Leucorrhea; the spirits are better when the leucorrhea is worse and vice versa.

Carbo Ani. Leucorrhea stains linen yellow.

Syphilinum. Leucorrhea profuse, soaking through napkins and running to heels.

Alumen. Leucorrhea copious with induration and ulcers of uterus and even cancer.
Patient is of yellow complexion.



Hepar Sulph. In inflammation in which suppuration has set in or is about to set in. It
stops suppuration (pus formation). Inflammation with intense heat and throbbing pain.
Belladonna. In early stages of inflammation when the parts are red and hard.

Phytolacca. Hardness like cakes, when suppuration is inevitable. It is an excellent

remedy for hard cakes in the mammae which may be due to injury by the head of a
child or by accumulation of milk.

Bryonia. Hardness of the mammae in early stages when due to accumulation of milk
or other causes. It should be given in 200 dilution every six hours. Three or four doses
will cure.

Silicea. One lobe after another ulcerates, discharges into one common ulcer with pain,
or there may be several orifices, one for each lobe. Purulent sinus substance seems to
be discharged in pus.

Lachesis. Is indicated when the affected parts present a bluish or purplish appearance,
the patient having chills at night and flushes of heat by day.

ATROPHY (Wasting away).

Onosmodium. For restoring diminutive or absent breasts to their normal size. Give in
CM potency.

Chimaphila. An excellent remedy for atrophy or hypertrophy (over development) of


Sabal Serr. Breasts shrunk due to delayed menses, or due to other diseases of uterus.
Nux Mosch. Breasts become flat which were once well rounded. Breasts too small,
and without milk. Nipples retracted.

Kreosote. Dwindling of mammae with small hard painful lumps.

Conium. Atrophy of mammae leaving a flaccid, baglike skin. It also has enlargement
and induration.
Dulcamara. When accompanied by leucorrehea or amenorrhea (absence of menses).
Iodium. Dwindling of mammae while other glands become enlarged.


Lycopodium. Blood in breasts and the child draws it in such a quantity that when he
vomits, it vomits blood. Discharge of blood and water from the mammae; easily
Hamamelis. Bleeding with great soreness.

Sepia. Bleeding with possibility of suppuration.


HYPERTROPHY (Enlargement)

Phytolacca. Hypertrophy; seems full to overflowing.

Fragaria Vesca. It diminishes the size of the breasts and dries up the milk.

Conium. Enlargement either general or lobular.

Chimaphila. This remedy cures both atrophy or hypertrophy.


Bryonia. Inflammation due to consolidation of milk or any other cause.

Belladonna. When the parts are red and hot.

Mercurius. When belladonna and Bryonia fail.

Bellis Per. Inflammation and induration which persists after a blow.

Conium. Induration stage inflammation. The parts become strong, hard and painful.
Stitches of needles in left mammae with swelling and hardness.

Phytolacca. When the mammae becomes hard like stone with great pain.
Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of mammae. Soreness and lumps in the


Calcarea Carb. For increasing milk supply.

Lac. Vacc. Defl. For reducing milk supply.
Chionanthus. For stopping milk supply.
Sabal Serr. For producing milk supply.

Lactusa Vir. For increasing milk supply.

Ricinus. To produce milk supply in nursing women and even in virgins.

Sticta P. Scanty milk, it increases the quantity even in cases where milk is
suppressed. Always annoyed on account of scantiness of milk.
Borax. Milk too thick and tastes badly. This prevents mother from nursing child.
(This medicine should be given during pregnancy so that the milk becomes suitable
and tasty to the child after birth). Child does not want to take breasts due to bad taste
of the milk.

Urtica U. For diminished secretion of milk with swelling of breasts. Also dries up
milk in women who are weaning.
Pulsatilla. For disappearing milk supply in mothers who have stopped suckling their
children. It should be given immediately on stopping suckling. If this does not relieve
pain or inconvenience, Calcarea Carb, may be tried. It is also useful for suppression of
milk with the breasts swollen and painful as a result thereof.

Asafoetida. For increasing and improving quantity of milk supply. Mammae tugged
with milk even without pregnancy.
Lecithin. Excellent galactagog, reders milk more nourishing and increases quantity.

Mercurius. Milk in breasts instead of menstrual flow. Even in boys when there is
milk in breasts, it will be useful. Milk in the breasts of unmarried girls.
Calcarea Phos. Child refuses breast because the milk tastes salty.

Phytolacca. Inflammation of breasts when the milk becomes stringy and hangs down
from the nipple, coagulated milk; milk scanty, thick, unhealthy and dries up soon. A
bloody watery discharge which may continue for years after weaning the infant, is
cured by this remedy.

Bufo. When milk is bloody.

Aurum Sulph. Suppression or disappearance of milk with swelling of mammae.
Lac Can. For drying up milk which is too profuse.

Secale Cor. Suppression or non-appearance of milk after delivery.

Agnus Castus. Deficiency of milk with despair of recovery. When milk fails to
appear after confinement with this mental state.
Chamomilla. When suppression of milk results from a fit of anger.

Alfalfa. Increases quality and quantity of milk in nursing women. Give in 5-10 drop
doses in mother tincture four times daily.


Phytolacca. Nipples sore and tendency to mammary abscess. Retraction of nipples.

Intense pain on putting child to breast. Nipples cracked. Nipples sensitive, sore and
fissured, intensely worse by nursing.

Sarsaparilla. Nipples contracted with painful menses, diarrhea, vomiting and fainting
fits. Nipples small withered and unexcitable.

Castor Equi. Sore nipples, cracked and tagged, exceedingly sensitive, cannot bear

Hydrastis. Abrasion of nipples in nursing women. Retracted nipples.

Graphites. Corrosive blisters or ulcers which ooze sticky fluid which forms crusts
that are removed when nursing but form again. Nipples cracked from nursing.
Causticum. Eruptions surrounded with herpes.

Carbo An. Tumor on nipples, hard, large as hen’s egg.

Croton Tig. Pain from nipple to back whilst nursing the child. Painful drawing in the
nipple as with a string.

Silicea. Pain all over the body and in nipples when nursing.
Phellandrium. Intolerable pain between nursings.

Borax. Pain in opposite breast when nursing.

Ratanhia. Nipples cracked and fissured from nursing.

Origanum. Is effective in masturbation and excessively aroused sexual impulses;
leucorrhea; hysteria. Lascivious ideas and dreams.
Caladium. Pruritus (itching) of vulva and vagina causing inclination for
masturbation. Crampy pains in uterus at night.


MENSES – ABSENT (Amenorrhea)

Pulsatilla. When menses do not appear at the age of puberty, without any apparent
cause. The patient is constitutionally timid, weeps when describing the disease; feels
better in the open air. Suppression of menses due to wetting of feet.

Ferrum Met. When suppression or delay in menses is due to debility or anaemia. It

accompanies with languor and palpitation.

Cyclamen. Suppression of menses by wetting. It is indicated when the symptoms of

Pulsatilla are present but she is worse in the open air, feels giddiness and headache.

Aconite N. When menses are suppressed by catching chill. If this does not give relief,
it should be followed by Pulsatilla.
Sulphur. When the above remedies fail, especially when there is all gone sensation at
the pit of the stomach with headache.

Senecio Aureus. Diseases such as cough, hysteria, chorea, chlorsis, hoarseness and
dyspnoea when due to suppression of menses. Use in tincture or 1X.

Turnera. (Or Damiana). Frigidity of females. Aids the establishment of normal

menstrual flow in young girls. Give in mother tincture 10 to 15 drops a dose twice
daily half an hour after meals.

Stramonium. Ailments due to suppression of menses or lichia etc.

Sabal Serr. Delayed menses due to uterine diseases and shrinking of breasts.
Lac Vacc. Defloratum. Menses suppressed by drinking or putting hands in cold
water, severe pains in uterine region, intense headache.

Nux Mosch. Suppression of menses from mental excitement or getting wet, with
drowsiness, faintness and cold extremities, vaginal flatulence.

Eupionum. Nose bleed when menses flow intermits. Cutting ceases when flow starts.
Backache with yellow leucorrhea.

Magnesia Mur. Menses of black color.

Mercurius. Mammae painful as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period;

milk in breasts instead of menses or at the time of menses.
Apis Mel. Absence of menses at the age of puberty in nervous, hysterical, awkward or
silly patients. It is not a natural awkwardness but one that comes from Incoordination
of muscles.

Castoreum. Absence of menses with painful tympany. Owing to uterine tenesmus the
menstrual blood escapes only in drops. Nervous colic with pallor. Cold sweat and
sudden loss of strength caused by emotion, chilling feet etc. Cutting about the navel.
Distention of abdomen with flatus, dragging in the groins, inclination to stool during

Cocculus Ind. Suppressed menses from grief and anxiety with vertigo, headache and

Sepia. Amenorrhea when accompanied by severe hysteric headache, leucorrhea,

toothache. Delicate constitution with yellowish spots on the face. Alternate
shuddering and heart. Amenorrhea at puberty from cold in feeble women.

Lycopodium. Menses suppressed by fear. Headache, sour vomiting, swelling of feet,
fainting fits and leucorrhea. When she goes to 15, 16, 17, 18 without menstruation; the
breasts do not develop and the ovaries do not perform their function. Discharge of
flatus from the vagina.

Dulcamara. Suppression of menses due to cold or living in damp basement. Breasts

engorged and hard. Warts on the hands. Eruption of skin at each period.

Kali Carb. One of the best remedies for primary or secondary amenorrhea with
dyspepsia, palpitation of heart, abdominal cramps, swelling of the cheek and gums;

Chionanthus. Absence of menses due to jaundice.

(Note. For absence of menses due to anemia or tuberculosis please treat diseases first
with appropriate medicines).


Actea Racemosa. Pain during and before menses. Menses irregular, too soon or too
late. The more the flow the greater the pain. The patient is nervous, restless and
melancholic. Prolapsus of the uterus, suffering during the menstrual flow,
rheumatism, dysmenorrheal, soreness in the uterus and ovarian region, lame feeling
and jerking all over, are the main symptoms.

Nitric Acid. Painful menses with constant urging to urinate.

Aletris Farinosa. Constipation, menses profuse and premature, labor-like pains, or

amenorrhea (absence of menses), debility from loss of fluids, sterility, habitual
tendency to abortion, prolapsus.
Viburnum Op. Excruciating pain which is relieved by bending double before
menses. The pain disappears as the flow starts. Colic pain in lower abdomen which is
unbearable. Pains come suddenly with severity. Give three drops a dose of mother
tincture or in 1X potency.

Chamomilla. Violent colic consequent on profuse and painful menses, labor-like

pains on sides with diarrhea.

Kreosote. Menses too early, to copious and last too long with discharge of dark
colored and coagulated blood. Menses only when lying down, cease on sitting or
walking. When there is violent colic, the discharge is of clear and watery blood. Pains
at the level, followed by whitish leucorrhea. Vomiting and heartburn during the period
of menses.

Lachesis. Menses too late, too scanty and of too short a duration with hemorrhoidal
pains, nose bleed, bloody stools, constipation, leucorrhea and toothache.
Lycopodium. Menses too short and too late or too early and too profuse, reappearing
after every six or eight days. The menses are suppressed by the least fright; flatulence
in the abdomen.
Pulsatilla. Painful menses in timid girls who are easily excited owing to mild
temperament. They weep even when telling the symptoms. The constitution is fatty
with liking for cold and open air. The pain stops as the flow starts.

Lapis Albus. Menstrual pain so severe that she would fall unconscious. Relieved as
the flow starts. Dark clots and black lumps of blood on first day. Pain between
shoulder blades. Headache. Likes to be out of doors.

Sabina. Most distressing pain at menses with bearing down and labor like pain
inflammation of the ovaries and uterus.

Carbo Animalis. Painful menses with enlargement and induration of the uterus,
deranged menses, severe pain in the back which extends to the hip. Constipation.

Cuprum Met. Violent pain with spasms and delirium.

Bufo. Pain with burning in the ovaries and in the pelvis before or during menses.

Caulophyllum. Spasmodic, severe abdominal pains.

Colocynth. Menstrual colic before menses which appear too soon, blood blackish
often in clots. Acrid leucorrhea. Menstrual colic when relief comes by bending
double, and by hard pressure. Pain may be in uterus or ovaries. The patient is nervous.
Sarsaparilla. Menses painful with diarrhea, vomiting and fainting at the time of
menses. Contracted nipples.

Lobelia Infl. Painful menstruation which is irregular. Pain all over abdomen,
especially in the ovaries; legs ache fearfully. Pain all over the body, faints continually.
Vomiting and nausea when the menses are delayed. It has also vomiting before or
after menses when the patient feels broken down and feverish. Diarrhea with
menstrual irregularity.

Gun Powder. An excellent remedy for painful and scanty menses. Flow stops and re-
starts. Give 3X.

Castoreum. Menstrual colic with pallor and cold sweat.

Kali Carb. Menses either too late and too scanty or else too early and too profuse
lasting too long.

Sepia. Insufficient or tardy or early and profuse menstruation with cramp like pains
occurring in the feeble and debilitated persons. In delay of first menses where
leucorrhea occurs instead of menses with determination of blood to the chest.
Sensation of heaviness downwards in the pelvic region. Irritable temper with loss of
appetite. Vomiting and heartburn after menses.
Graphites. Excessively delayed, very scarce menses, associated with tenacious
constipation with knotty mucus evacuation. Induration of the left ovary with stony
hardness. Tendency to skin disease, predisposed to obesity (fatness).

Collinsonia. Terrible dysmenorrheal with hemorrhoids (piles), violent convulsions

preceded by severe pain in the region of womb. Irritation of cardiac nerves.
Suppressed menses return after heart trouble is over.
Veratrum Alb. Painful menses with deathly coldness, lips blue, extremities cold and
blue, sinking sensation; mania to kiss everybody.

Magnesia Phos. Head remedy for painful menses. The pain is relieved by bending
double and by heat or warm application. Give in 6X trituration in acute cases and in
high potency say 1M or CM one dose every week or fortnight to ensure permanent

Calcarea Phos. Painful menses in girls at puberty when due to careless living thereby
causing sterility. Pain in uterus connected with puberty (young age). Labor-like pain
with some bearing down.

Borax. Painful menses with leucorrhea like the white of an egg and ropy, several days
before menses. Pain labor-like.

Jaborandi. When the period begins with a feeling of coldness and faintness, neuralgic
throbbings in head and pelvis, with headache, a drop or two of Jaborandi in hot water
will at once relieve.
Secale Cor. Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heart. Burning pains in
uterus. Brownish, offensive leucorrhea. Continuous oozing of watery blood until next

Calcarea Carb. An excellent anti-psoric constitutional remedy. Ovarian troubles with

decalcification, functional disorder of the thyroid and pituitary glands. Tendency to
obesity (fatness). Itching of external genitals with profuse cold sweat thereof.
Premature menses two or three days too soon. Lascivious dreams, headache, nervous
prostration and swelling of breasts before menses. Polypus in the uterus.
Helonias. Languid, inactive tired patients who wish to be left alone. Delayed menses
due to ovarian insufficiency. Menses offensive and coagulated. May be associated
with nephritis, diabetes, albuminuria and phosphaturia.

Conium. Scanty menstruation with terrible pain in both the ovaries, often associated
with urticaria invading the face and the trunk. Adapted to unmarried girls who are
dejected, timid and inclined to weep.

Oophorinum. Menses appearing every 40 to 65 days which are painful and of short
duration. Vulvae Pruritus (itching).
Xanthoxylum. Suppressed, delayed and painful menses with or without leucorrhea.
Give in 1X dilution every three hours.
Magnesia Carb. Painful menses which are usually too late and scanty. Discharge is
more copious during night and while lying down and ceases when standing or
walking. Canine hunger and stomach ache, nausea, laming and aching pain before
menses. Violent colic.

Nux Vomica. Menses too early and last too long preceded by drawing pain in the
posterior cervical muscles. Lassitude with goose-flesh and rheumatic pain in
extremities; restlessness, irritable and quarrelsome mood. Uterine cramps.
Phosphorus. Menses too early, too copious and last too long with colic and pain in
the sides, discharge of blood between the periods. When menses are too scanty they
are preceded by leucorrhea, cutting pains as if caused by knives, weeping mood and
vomiting of bile.

Platina. Menses too early and too profuse with labor like pains and cramps.
Discharge black, followed by leucorrhea. Restlessness, sleeplessness, suspicious
mood, superiority complex. Cramp, colic with pressure above the vulva, pulling in the
groins; constipation and frequent desire to urinate.

Sulphur. Retarded and painful menses with distress, oppression, constipation and
distension of the abdomen. A constitutional remedy when other selected remedies fail.
Argentum Nit. Painful menstruation with profuse bleeding not only from uterus but
also from nose, chest, mouth etc.


Platina. Offensive and stinking after abortion with much hemorrhage.

Crotalus. Offensive from retained and decomposing matter.

Lachesis. Offensive with saculated ovarian disease.

Colocynth. Offensive in ovarian tumor.

Sulphur. Sour smelling.

Kali Carb. With chilliness and cramping pains in abdomen; pungent.


Calcarea Phos. Menses before the proper age in weak debilitated girls. Menses too
early, excessive and bright; if late, the blood is dark. Leucorrhea like the white of egg.

Sabina. Menses before the proper age which are profuse and bright red. Atonic
condition of uterus.

Calcarea Carb. Menses in little girls with itching and burning of the parts before and
after; milky leucorrhea, headache and colic before menses.
Carbo Veg. Premature and too copious menses, pale blood. Vulva swollen. Burning
in hands and soles of feet during menses.

PROFUSE (Menorrhagia or metrorrhagia).

China. Head remedy for excessive bleeding and of long duration. It should be tried
first, especially when the patient is debilitated, weak.

Rhus Aromatica. Hemorrhage due to atonic condition of the uterus. Give drop doses
of mother tincture.
Thlaspi Bursa Q. Hemorrhage starts slowly and then becomes abundant to the extent
that the patient becomes extremely weak. She hardly regains strength thereafter when
the second month’s flow starts. Give drop doses in mother tincture.
Mitchella. Bleeding with frequent urination which is not very free and satisfactory.
Blood bright red associated with painful urination.

Belladonna. Premature and profuse menses with sensation as if everything will fall
down through the vagina. Foul smelling coagulated blood. Throbbing headache and
red and puffed face.

Stramonium. Profuse discharge of black blood, coagulated blood, drawing pains in

the abdomen, thighs and limbs. Talkative.

Ignatia. Menses every fortnight of long duration with cramps and hardness of
abdomen. Hysteria. Nausea with fainting. Intolerance of light. Vision blurred.
Arnica M. When profuse bleeding is caused by a strain, a false step or other
mechanical injury.

Chamomilla. Profuse menses with drawing, cramp like colic from the sides of the

Ratanhia. Hemorrhage from the uterus with pain in abdomen and loins, bearing down
towards genital organs, followed by leucorrhea.

Silicea. Blood from vagina every time the child takes breast.

Lachesis. Excessive flow with dark clots and excruciating pains which are better as
flow starts and clots pass away. Worse during heat and warm weather, better in cold.
Profuse perspiration with unpleasant odor. Breasts undeveloped or not sufficiently

Viscum Alb. Metrorrhagia (profuse bleeding) following cold foot bath.

Epihysterinum. Profuse bleeding due to fibrous tumor.

Aletris Farinosa. Menses profuse and premature due to atonic condition of uterus,
labor-like pains of amenorrhea (absence of menses), debility from loss of fluids,
sterility. Habitual tendency to abortion. Prolapsus. Constipation. Disgust for food,
nausea and indigestion. Uterine hemorrhages, may it be after an abortion or in
connection with menstruation; large clots followed by copious hemorrhage, may it be
after an abortion or in connection with menstruation; large clots followed by copious

Ambra Grisea. Bleeding between periods on slightest strain in nervous women. Too
early and too profuse, appearing 7 days before time and then comes the horrible
itching, soreness and swelling of genitals.

Ficus Rel. Profuse bleeding from any part of the body including uterus without any
apparent cause.

Kreosote. Bleeding from uterus brought on by lifting, over-exertion and always

followed by coitus. No pain during coitus. Menses regular but profuse and clotted; at
times it is black, very fetid, produces rawness on the genitals and thighs, stops and
then starts again; starts too soon and lasts too long. Constant dull aching pain in back.
Terrible left side headache a day after the flow. Milky leucorrhea. Menses only when
lying down, cease on sitting or walking.

Sabina. Bleeding with bearing down sensation. At times flow does not stop before the
next period begins. Gout and hemorrhage alternately, i.e. hemorrhage starts when gout
stops and vice versa.

Carbo Animalis. Menses too early, too long and copious. Prostration with every
menstrual flow. Burning in vagina in burning coals are put on it. Sensation of
emptiness whenever she puts child to the breast.

Carbo Veg. Bleeding due to non-contraction of uterus for want of tonicity. It may be
after confinement, menstruation or incidental hemorrhage.

Phosphorus. Hemorrhage with uncontrollable thirst for cold water. Head hot.

Ammonia Carb. Menses too soon, blood blackish, often in clots. Leucorrhea is acrid.
Swelling of genitals. Griping and colic before menses. At every menstrual period
bleeding from the rectum.
Ammonia M. Menses accompanied by hemorrhage from the bowels and rectum,
especially in pale, sickly, feeble women. Menses too soon each month with pain in the
back, Flow of blood at night.

Secale Cor. Profuse bleeding of black color with icy cold extremities in lean and
slender women who always suffer from heat. The patient wants to uncover and to be
cool. Blood is thin and fetid. There may be clots in the blood.

Ustilago. Bleeding due to retroflexon of the uterus, the blood is bright red, partly fluid
and partly clotted. The uterus feels soft and spongy to the examining finger.
Trillium. Flow bright red and profuse with faint feeling at epigastrium, pain in back,
coldness of extremities. Prostration with rapid, feeble pulse. Hemorrhage due to
uterine fibroids. It will stop hemorrhage and absorb growths.

Aconite N. When with the gushing bright red blood, there is overwhelming fear of

Ferrum Met. Menses too early, too profuse and lasting too long, causing debility to
the patient.

Ipecac. Bleeding with prostration, bright red blood gushes in a stream running
through clothes, bed and collecting in a pool on the floor. The blood does not
coagulate easily. She is pale, nauseated and fainting. Give in 200 and 1M potency
every fifteen minutes till improvement commences and then stop the medicine.

Platinum. Menses about 4 or 6 days too early and very profuse.

Calcarea Carb. Uterine hemorrhage with large clots mixed with bright red liquid
flow which is copious. Mental shock brings on the flow. Feet cold, damp. It is
indispensable when the menses appear a few days before the period especially when
the flow is considerable.

Vinca Minor. Profuse menstruation or passive menorrhagia when blood flows in one
continuous stream associated with great debility.

Cocculus Ind. Menses too early and last too long in women prostrated from grief and

Fraxinus Americana. Extremely painful menses; delayed put profuse. Coming on at

intervals of five to twelve weeks.


Cyclamen. Scanty with vertigo and headache. Terrible abdominal starting from
sacrum extending along both sides of abdomen to pelvis. Irregular menses appearing
after several months. Patient morose, dejected, unable to undertake any work,
Pulsatilla. Delayed and scanty menses with all the symptoms as in cyclamen except
that the Pulsatilla patient is always better in open air.
Sulphur. Delayed menses with constipation and tendency to skin eruptions, flushings.
All-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach in the forenoon.

Alumina. Menses scanty after which the woman is completely exhausted in body and
mind. Between the periods leucorrhea which is profuse, acrid and corroding, running
down to heels.

Graphites. Occasional flow of the menses which are too pale and of too short a
duration. Abdominal pains, uterine cramps, rheumatic pain in limbs. Edema of hands
and feet. Scanty menses accompanied with other complaints such as headache, skin

Manganum. Menses scanty and too frequent in anemic girls.

Natrum Mur. Scanty with constipation in patients with earthy complexion.

Actea Racemosa. Menses scanty, dark and coagulated. Great general debility. Scanty
flow between the periods.

Gunpowder. Excellent remedy for scanty and painful menses. Flow stops and then
starts after 12 hours.

MILK (See under “MAMMAE).

MONS VENERIS (Projection of the lower part of the abdomen over the vulva)

Platina. Cold, excessively sensitive to touch; cannot bear napkin. Continual pressure
on the vagina or the uterus; painful.

Conium. Large pimples, painful to touch. Itching.


Platina. Is head remedy for nymphomania especially in lying-in-women (after

delivery) or during pregnancy.

Phosphorus. May be tried if Platina fails.

Nux Vom. After onanism.

Agar. M. Itching and irritation of the parts with strong desire for an embrace.
Sepia. }
Pulsatilla. } When accompanied with leucorrhea. Try in the given order.

Gratiola. It is specific for nymphomania and masturbation in females.

Hyoscyamus. Nymphomania with want of modesty.

Murex. Violent sexual excitement in sexual organs, and excessive desire to embrace.
Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement.
Caladium. Nymphomania form worms crawling into vagina and causing irriation.

Zinc. Excessive sexual irritation driving to self-abuse.

Origanum. Great sexual excitement driving her to onanism; scarcely a day passes
without indulgence. Impulse to run.
Sulphur. With desire for onanism.

Stramonium. At the time of menses.

Calcarea Carb. With mental excitement but not physical.


Apis Mel. Congestion and inflammation of right ovary with or without numbness
down the thigh. Tightness of the chest and reflex cough may also be present.

Belladonna. Acute oophoritis; the throbbing pains, worse on the right side, the
slightest jar is painful. Extreme sensitiveness.
Lachesis. Pain left ovary which is relieved by discharge from the uterus. Can bear
nothing heavy on the region. It is also useful for the right ovary with the symptoms as
given for left ovary.
Arsenci Alb. Burning tensive pain in the ovaries which are relieved by hot
application. Restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
Platinum. Burning pain in ovaries with sensitiveness and sexual excitement. Pressure
aggravate the pain.
Lilium Tig. Ovarian neuralgia. Burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down
into thighs; shooting pain from left ovary across the pubes or up to the mammary

Colocynth. Ovarian colic, gripping pains, relieved by bending double.

Iodine. Congestion and dropsy of the right ovary with dwindling of the mammae; dull
pressing pain extending to uterus. Wedge-like pain in the right ovarian region.

Oophorinum. For ovarian cyst.

Palladium. Pain in the right ovary relieved by hard pressure.

Cenchris. Inflammation and pain in the right ovary. Flow dark and dirty with cramps
in the right ovary.

Bufo. Burning heat and pain in the ovaries which extend down to thighs.
Dysmenorrhea with cysts and hydatids about the ovaries.

Carboneum Sulph. Atrophy of the ovaries. Aversion to coition. Itching of the vulva.

Xanthoxylum. Ovarian neuralgia-menses too early and painful with pain in lower
abdomen and loins. Poor assimilation, insomnia, occipital headache.

Mercurius Sol. Pain in the right ovary which is better by warm covering and is
relieved from perspiration. Stinging, tearing and cutting pain in the ovaries.
Vespa. Pain in left overy with frequent burning urination. Erosion around external



Aconite N. Abortion due to dreadful dreams such as the sight of robbers, fire or
drowning in the sea etc. Give in 200 potency.
Arnica M. When abortion is due to a false step or by carrying heavy weight or other
physical over-exertion, shocks, falls, bruises or concussions. There may be pain with
or without flow or flow with or without pain.

Sabina. For abortion every second or third month. Habitual abortion. Discharge of
dark blood. Pain in small of back and genitals.

Viburnum Pru. An excellent remedy to prevent miscarriage, especially in eighth

month when children so delivered die soon after birth. It even neuralizes the effect of
medicines taken for causing abortion. No woman can possibly abort if compelled to
use this remedy.

Sepia. Abortion during the fifth to seventh month. Patient is feeble, delicate.
Disposition to leucorrhea and constipation.

Gelsemium. Abortion due to mental excitement. The pain goes from abdomen
upwards and establishes in the back.
Aurum Mur. Nat. When due to induration of cervix.

Pulsatilla. It is an excellent remedy for exciting abortion; it should be given for a

month or so in 1X dilution. It arrests miscarriage if given in 30 dilution. Patient is
timid. Chilly. Thirst less. Flow intermittent.

Crocus. Abortion of third month. As if something alive in abdomen.

Thlaspi. Abortion when bleeding persists. Use mother tincture.

Gossypium. This is another remedy which is said to be useful for producing abortion.
It should be given in mother tincture in drop doses.

Calcarea Carb. In plethoric women with profuse and premature menstruation,

disposed to leucorrhea. Pain in the small of back.

Camphor. Suitable to females of feeble constitution disposed to leucorrhea, colds on

the chest or in the head or catarrhal discharges.

Ferrum Met. Suitable to chlorotic patients who suffer from amenorrhea and are
suffering form leucorrhea.

Ipecac. Bleeding acute with continuous flow of bright red blood, colic, cutting pain in
abdomen. Violent pressure on the womb.
Platina. This may be tried when Ipecac fails.

Secale Cor. When the uterus is organically diseased or deficient in vitality. Suitable
for feeble and exhausted females. Abortion at the third month.

Note. It should be clearly understood that in homoeoepathy there are no remedies

which would create diseases; hence failure to produce abortion will be the general
rule. The above remedies may, however, be tried in cases where this course is needed
in the interest of the health of the patient. It is a crime to cause abortions in healthy


Apis Mel. It is the head remedy for albuminuria during pregnancy.

Cantharis. Albuminuria with burning and scalding whilst urinating. Urine scanty.

Terebinthina. Albuminuria with retention of urine, or urine is passed in drops.

Euonumin. Albuminuria during pregnancy. Give 2 grains of 1X in half a tumbler of
water, one teaspoonful a dose every hour.

Helonias. Albuminuria during pregnancy.

Mercurius Cor. Albuminous nephritis of pregnancy.

Phosphorus. Albuminuria in late and full term of pregnancy.


Capsicum. Burning in anus during pregnancy.


Sepia. Aversion to bread in pregnancy. Cannot think of food, which makes her sick.
Laurocerasus. Aversion to food during pregnancy.

BEARING DOWN (Prolapsus) – (See also “BEARING DOWN” under “UTERUS”).

Sepia. Is the head remedy for bearing down, whether in pregnancy or otherwise.
Labor like pains at seventh month. Give high dilution, i.e. 1000 or CM.

Sarsaparilla. Drawing pain in the back, radiating to hands, feet and toes. Severe pain
in the back before and during stool.
Kali Carb. Severe pain in the small of back as if a heavy weight came into pelvis
(low down). Give one dose in 1000 potency and wait for three or four days.

Secale Cor. Frequent and prolonged forcing pain. Constitution thin and ill-humored.

Pulsatilla. Labor like pains with bearing down sensation. It may be due to night
watching or mental strain.

Ustilago. Is useful in painful and prolonged pregnancy.


Nux Vom. Difficult breathing during pregnancy.


Kali Bi. Constant hacking cough. Nervous, threatening abortion.

Kali Brom. Reflex cough of pregnant women. Dry fatiguing cough at night.

Causticum. Dry cough.

Conium. Dry constant cough, worse on mental or physical exertion, from speaking or
walking, worse at night.

Bell. Hacking cough, dry face becomes flushed.


Aconite N. Fear of death pregnancy. Use 200 dilution. Two or three doses at 4 hours
interval will suffice.


Veratrum Alb. Desire for acids; wants every thing cold, salty.

Sulphur. Desire for sugar or pickles.

Magnesia Carb. Desire for certain kind of food.
Natrum Mur. Desire for salt and salted food.

Chelidonium. Desire for unusual articles of food.

Nit. Acid. Desire for earth or chalk or lime.

Alumina. Desire for charcoal, chalk or lime.


Apis. Is an excellent remedy with dropsical swelling of feet and face. There is no

Apocynum. When dropsy is due to liver. There is thirst and the patient wants to be in
the open air.
Ars Alb. Dropsy is due to heart trouble with thirst for small quantities of water at
short intervals.

Digitalis. Dropsy with palpitation of heart.


Crocus. Violent fetal movements in uterus or imaginary pregnancy.

Cualophyllum. False conception, imaginary pregnancy.


Pulsatilla. An excellent remedy for putting the fetus or child in the right place. It
covers even when the child turns upside down.

Caulophyllum. When the movement has ceased.

Corcus. When the movements are too violent and painful.

Thuja. Violent movements of child during the seventh or eighth month which disturb
her sleep with urging to urinate.

Arnica M. When sensitiveness, soreness and tenderness is felt in uterus on account of

motion of the fetus.

Lycopodium. Fetus in uterus causing annoyance by excessive movement.

Sulphur. Fetus in uterus as if hurting by fists.

Stramonium. Insanity during pregnancy. Give in 200 dilution.

LABOR PAINS (false) (See under “DELIVERY”)


Actea Racemosa. Living birth ensured in women who have previously delivered only
dead children.

Viburnum Op. Pain or cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy.


Anacardium. This may be given in 200 dilution for sleeplessness in pregnancy.

Coffea. In Anacardium fails, this remedy may be tried. A dose of 200 at bedtime may
Aconite N. If caused by fright, fear or anxiety.

Hyoscyamus. If due to nervousness and irritability.

Ignatia. If caused by disappointment, fright, grief, sadness of any depressing emotion.


Staphisagria. Painful throbbing, gnawing or drawing sensation in teeth and gums;

stupefying or boring headache; teeth loose; black, decayed and brittle.
Spigelia. Tearing and sticking pain with painful jerks, worse by cold; most violent on
retiring to rest, reclining the head on the pillow and diminishing in severity on raising
the head.

Sepia. Is head remedy for toothache during pregnancy.

Chamomilla. When pain proceeds from single carious tooth.

Pulsatilla. When one side of the jaw is affected or the pain shifts about.

Coffea. When the pain is severe and is relieved by keeping cold water in the mouth.
Nux Vom. When the pain proceeds from the decayed tooth to the facial bones and
gets worse by wine, coffee and mental work. Pain sticking, drawing, tearing, digging
or jerking.
Belladonna. When accompanied with headache. Tearing, drawing and throbbing

URINE (Retention of)

Nux Vom. }
Camphor. }

Pulsatilla. } may be tried in the given order in retention of urine during pregnancy.
If there is no relief within 24 hours, catheter should be applied.
Sepia. }

Causticum} For frequent desire to urinate. Urine in few drops escapes before
reaching the vessel.


Nux Vomica alternate with Antim Crud. Arrests vomiting during

pregnancy, of these two remedies are given every one hour alternatively for
a few days. Nux. Vom. Should be given in 1X dilution whereas Antim.
Crud. In 6 dilution. Flatulence without sickness is covered by Nux. Vom.
Tongue coated with creamy fur; acidity and heartburn, with stomach out of
Symphoricarpus Race. Deathly nausea, vomiting continuous, violent
retching. Given in 200 dilution. Head remedy.
Ipecac. Excessive flatulence with sickness and heart-burn. An excellent
remedy for morning sickness.
Colchicum. The nausea is felt in the head and is worse whilst riding a
carriage or sailing. Smell of food brings nausea.
Kali Carb. Nausea without vomiting coming on when walking. Great
sleepiness while eating is the ranking symptom of this remedy.
Cucurbita Peps. Vomiting and salivation during pregnancy. In severe
cases, trial should be given to this remedy. Excellent remedy for tapeworm.
Lactic Acid. Vomiting of pregnancy with water brash, saliva and acidity.
Asarum Europium. Nausea of pregnancy.
Phosphorus. When sight of water excited vomiting of pregnancy. Must
close her eyes when bathing. Aggravated by putting hands in warm water.

Nux Moschata. Nausea or vomiting during pregnancy; for wearing
Kali Chlor. An excellent remedy for nausea of pregnancy with sore throat.
Kreosotum. Nausea and vomiting of sweet water.
Aletris Far. Vomiting with pale, sickly, chlorotic face, would like to lie
down and do nothing but rest. Vomiting in such debilitated pregnant
Sepia. Morning sickness of pregnancy with all-gone sensation at the pit of
the stomach. The vomiting is relieved by eating.

STERILITY (Barrenness)

Sepia. It is the head remedy for sterility. There is irregularity of menses

with leucorrhea and constipation.
Baryta Carb. Sterility due to dwindling of ovaries and mammary glands,
yet the lymphatics become enlarged and infiltrated.
Aurum Mur. Nat. Specific for sterility. It may be given in 3X dilution. It
cures ulceration, induration, chronic metritis, ulcers of the os, swelling of
the ovary. Also covers habitual abortion and prolapsus of the uterus.
Phosphorus. With late and profuse menses; excessive voluptuousness.
Kali Br. From atrophy of ovaries.
Aurum Met. Sterility due to depression of mind.
Nat. Carb. Discharge of mucus after an embrace in the women and
sterility as a result thereof.
Pitutrin. It regulates action of ‘corpus luteum’ in sterile women and
favours conception in many cases.
Agnus Castus. When there is absence of sexual desire and or menses.
Leucorrhea staining yellow.

Aletris F. When sterility is due to weakness of the uterus. This remedy
tones up the uterus.
Platina. Sterility in women with excessive sexual desire, It has cured
sterility of 12 years standing.
Thuja. Sterility with leucorrhea. Anemia may also be present. Hair on the
face and legs of women with offensive perspiration about the genitals.
Caulophyllum. Sterility after leucorrhea in a woman married ten years ago
was cured with this remedy.


Cina. When the child refuse to take breast, although applied within few hours after
delivery. One dose need only be given in 200 dilution.
Mercurius Cor. This should be tried in 6th dilution, if Cina fails.

Silicea. When the infant takes the breast readily, but immediately thereafter returns
the milk.

TUMORS (Cancer, Cysts and Polypus)

(See also “CANCER” under “MISCELLANEOUS”)

Pulsatilla. An excellent remedy for fibroid tumors, especially in uterine wall near
fundus. Give in 1000 dilution and repeat every month or three weeks.

Hydrastis. Tumor of the breast, hard and painful, nipple retracted. Also for ovarian
cancer. Cancer of the mammary gland, worse at night.

Asterias Rub. Cancer of the mammae; hard growth.

Chimaphila. Tumor of the mammae; malignant or otherwise.

Kali Iod. Fibroid tumor of the uterus. This remedy may be tried if Pulsatilla fails.
Womb packed with fibroid tumor, tired sleepy feeling down the limbs, hot burning
feet, tough sometimes immense shivering all over.

Kreosote. Cancer of the uterus, especially of cervix, with terrible offensiveness and
bloody and fetid oozing.
Lachesis. Fibroid tumor in patients who are sad, anxious and loquacious.

Aurum Ars. Cancer of the uterus with increased sexual desire and inflammation of
ovaries. Eruptions on the vulva. Menses absent or too copious, acrid and too frequent.
Itching of the vulva.

Fraxinus Am. }
Veratrum Alb. } To be given in alternation for fibroid tumors with painful menses.
Frax Am. Is to be given at bed time in 10 drops of mother tincture and Ver Alb. In 30
dilution every morning.

Lapis Albus. Fibroid tumor of uterus with intense burning pains and profuse
debilitating bleeding. Cancer of the uterus.
Copaiva. Chronic cystitis in women. Constant ineffectual desire to urinate; retention
of urine with pain in bladder.
Trillium Pendulam. Uterine hemorrhage due to fibroids in uterus. Prolapsus with
great bearing down. Leucorrhea copious, yellow, stringy.
Sulphur. Tumor or cancer of the mammae with internal itching and bleeding piles.
Give 1M or CM one dose at each menstrual period.

Palladium. Ovarian tumor.

Thlaspi Bursa. Cancer of the uterus accompanied with hemorrhage.

Teucrium. Polypus in vagina.

Alumen. Ovarian tumor with obstinate constipation. Give in 200 dilution every week.
Kali Carb. Cancer of the womb with severe pain from hip to knee, especially right
side. Pain in legs is characteristic of this remedy.

Thuja. Polypus on the uterine cervix, prolapsus uteri,, faulty menstruation. Pain in the
uterine region with scanty and burning urine.

Condurango. Cancer of the mammary gland. Tumor hard of the size of an egg on left
breast which increased under Hydrastis and Phytolacca; was checked temporarily by
Conium; was cured by Condurango in first dilution.

Conium. Strong hard tumors on the breasts.

Silicea. Cyst in the vagina as large as a pea or an orange projecting from vagina.

Phytolacca. Lumps in breasts from cold, milk coagulates and becomes stringy and
thick. Bloody milk in nursing women and others is also cured by this remedy. Lump
and enlarged glands with retracted nipples.

Nux Vom. }
Ipecac. } Uterine fibroma in Hydrogenoid constitutions (The constitution which
is full of water and as such the symptoms are worse in wet weather and by drinking

Cadmium Met. }

Cadmium Iod. }
Cadmium Sulph. } For the cancer of the uterus after radium treatment has failed. It
may be tried in the given order in CM potency.

Bufo. Cancar with red streaks.

Scrophularia. Nodosities in the breasts.



Sepia. It is head remedy for bearing down or prolapsus of the uterus with pressure
form back to abdomen. It should be given high dilutions, viz. 1000 or CM potency
fortnight. There is pain from back to abdomen causing oppression in breathing. Pot
belliedness of mother.

Belladonna. As if everything in the abdomen would come out. It is better by standing.

Sabina. Bearing down from lower part of the back, around abdomen and around

Lilium Tig. Is similar to Sepia. It should be tried when Sepia fails. There is bearing
down sensation. Feeling as if the contents of pelvis were pushing down through the
vagina. Must support vulva with hand. Menses early, scanty, dark, clotted and
offensive. Constant urinary flow. Constant desire to pass urine owing to prolapsus of
Arnica M. Prolapsus caused by concussion; cannot walk erect owing to prolapsus.

Lachesis. Prolapsus during climacteric period. Flushes of heat. Heat at the top of
head, congestion in the head.

Helonias. Prolapsus due to heavy uterus. Uterus low down, fundus tilted forward, the
finger passes with difficulty between the os and rectum.

Murex. Violent bearing down relieved by crossing legs.

Frax Am. It is a uterine tonic in all heavy states of the uterus with prolapsus, bearing
down and released ligaments.

Stannum. When prolapsus is worse during stool especially during pressure.

Agar. M. Awfully bearing down pains which are almost intolerable.

Aesculus Hip. Inflammed cervix uteri, retroversion, prolapsus, enlargement and

induration, when characterized by great tenderness, heat and throbbing.

Aurum Met. The muscles, the broad ligament etc. get relaxed causing prolapsus of
the uterus. Cervix congested and indurated with ulcerating and burning and stinging
pain. Purulent, ichorus discharges from the uterus.
Aloe. Prolapsus of the uterus of long standing. Feeling as if a plug was wedged in
between symphysis pubis and os coccys. Labor-like pains in the groin and loins worse
when standing. Dragging down of the uterus as if all parts of the pelvis would rush
Asterias Rubens. Pushing out sensation with twitching in womb.

Natrum hypochloro. Bearing down of pelvis. Uterus water-logged.

Pulsatilla. Bearing down worse by lying.


Helonias. Consciousness of uterus. Ulceration of the cervix. Prolapsus, dark offensive
leucorrhea, irritable, finds fault with everybody, restless, better when mind and body
are employed.

Causticum. For cramps with pain in stomach, chest and small of back, obliging her to
bend double. Worse after eating.
Cocculus. Painful pressure in the uterus with pressure and cramps in the chest,
restlessness and fainting, vomiting and vertigo.

Conium. Uterine cramps with dizzing in the vulva, distention of the abdomen and
pain in the chest.
Magnesia Mur. Uterine cramps with pain extending to thighs and followed by

Ignatia. Uterine cramps with labor like pains followed by leucorrhea.

Bell. Displacement of uterus in full-blooded patients.

Podophyllum. Complicated and accompanied with prolapsus of the anus.

Sepia. Retroverted uterus, fundus against sacrum; os pressed high against the pubis,
fundus low down in the hollow of sacrum.
Lilium Tig. Retroverted uterus, fundus against sacrum; os pushed down on pubis,
anteversion or retroversion with constipation.
Helonias. Displacement low down; fundus tilted forward, finger passed with
difficulty between os and rectum. In weak patients.

Nux Vom. Falling of the uterus, hernia of the uterus, anteversion, inversion; bleeding
from the womb with inflammation.

Sabina. After miscarriage.

Arnica M. After blow on the hypogastrium.

Mercurius. When due to inflammation of the mucus lining the uterus.


Pulsatilla. Dropsy due to suppression of menses, leucorrhea or lochia.

Kreosote. When due to cancer.

Arsenic Alb. When the cause is unknown and there is restlessness with thirst. Better
in warm room or by warm application.

Calcarea Carb.}
Conium. } These remedies may be tried in the given order when the dropsy is due
to polypus.

Thuja. Enlarged to twice its size owing to premature labor.
Sepia. Cervix becomes broad and thick.

Ustilago. Hypertrophy with a soft spongy os and cervix sufficiently dilated to admit

Conium. Enlargement of uterus with lancinating pain, induration of ovaries and

womb with prolapsus and ulceration of the cervix.

Carbo Animalis. Enlargement and induration of uterus with deranged menses, severe
pain in back which extends to hips; constipation.

Natrum Mur. Thickening of cervix with ulcers on os. In old women.


Secale Cor. Head remedy for gangrene of the uterus. Give in 30 or 200 dilution. If
this fails, try Ars. Alb. 30 and Kreosote 30.

GAS (Flatulence).

Acid Phos. An excellent remedy for removal of gas from the womb. It also cures
tympanitis of the uterus.

Lycopodium. When foul smelling gas is passed through the vagina.

Carbo Veg. }
China. } These remedies may be tried in the given order, if the above two
remedies fail.


MOLES (or other foreign bodies like hydatids and sanguineous)

Cantharis. }

Sabina. } Promotes expulsion of moles from uterus. Try in the given order.
Pulsatilla. }

Secale Cor. } For moles try in the given order.

Nitric Acid. }

Acid Phos. } For sanguineous and lymphatic concretions. Try in the given order.

Calcarea Carb. }
Silicea. } For hydatids. Try in the given order.

PAIN (including induration, Ulceration etc.)

Conium. Burning, stinging and darting pain in cervix, lancinating pain. Uterine
Pulsatilla. Pain in uterus with amenorrhea.

Lachesis. Pain in uterus which is relieved by the flow of blood. Hard aching pains in
ovaries after confinement; during menses.
Murex. Pain in right side of the uterus going into abdomen, in certain cases crossing
the entire body and extending upwards to the left breast.

Hypericum. Pain and tenderness all over the pelvis after operation. Give in 200

Sumbul. Facial and ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution.
Lilium Tig. Facile or ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution.
Sharp pains in ovaries, bearing down sensation.

Platina. Pains in ovaries due to chronic gonorrhea.

Podophyllum. Pains in ovaries with retarded menses, worse form motion, better lying
down. From bad liver.
Actea Racemosa. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the cervix uteri.

Lac Can. Pain right ovary, better after flow of bright red blood.
Iodium. Pain commences in the right ovary and passes down to the uterus.

Phosphorus. Pain in left ovary extending down to thighs, during menses.

Bryonia. Pain in right ovary extending down to thighs, better at rest, worse by motion
or touch.
Argentum Met. Pain left ovary with prolapsus of uterus.

Hydrocotyle. Shooting, darting, and lancinating pain in vagina.

Kreosote. Burning and smarting pain in vagina, worse on rising from sitting position.
Vagina swollen.

Calcarea Carb. Head remedy for expulsion of polypi whether vesicular, fleshy or
granular. Frequent bleeding is also covered by this remedy.

Thuja. For fleshy polypi. On uterine cervix with prolapsus and faulty menses which
are very irregular, sometimes appearing at long intervals with profuse discharge, but
slight bleeding all along.

Conium. When the polypi are of fleshy hardenss.

Teucrium. May be tried when the above remedies fail.


Argentum Nit. Head Remedy for ulcers on os. Bleeding ulcers accompanied with
prolapsus; discharge albuminous.
Argentum Met. When Argentum Nit. Fails this remedy should be tried. It has ulcers
on cervix with bloody discharge which may be due to ulcer. Prolapsus.

Kreosote. Inveterate ulcers on cervix which bleed easily with fetid acrid discharge.
Carbo An. Malignant ulcers on os with foul discharge and which bleed easily.

Conium. Ulcers in uterus with prolapsus.

Calendula. It also helps in healing ulcers. It should be given in 30 dilution.

Acid Sulph. Ulceration of cervix in aged.

Ars. Alb. }

Carbo Acid.} Ulceration of cervix with fetid acrid discharge.

Alumen. Ulcers or cancer of uterus. The pain makes the coition impossible. Weight of
uterus presses down.

Aurum Met. Induration and ulceration of the uterus as a result of repeated abortions.



Diseases of Bones, Joints

And Muscles



Calcarea Phos. An excellent remedy for non-union of fractured bones and for caries
of bones when they become soft or are wasted away. Curvature of bones.
Angustura Vera. Caries of long bones, cracking of joints. Pain penetrates to the

Calcarea Carb. Pott’s disease. Caries of the spinal cord. Non-development of bones
and non-appearance of teeth.

Calcarea Fluor. Enlargement of bones with or without cause. This remedy may be
given in alternation with Calcarea Phos, for symptoms similar to those given in
Calcarea Phos.
Acid Fluor. Caries with suppuration of long bones getting better or worse
periodically. Pains worse at night, with great prostration. Offensive discharge from the
ears and nose due to necrosis of the bones.

Platinum. Caries specially of the tarsus.

Silicea. Curvature of bones, rickets and diseases of the hip joint. Offensive sweat may
also be present. Fistulous openings, discharge offensive and parts around it hard and
Aurum Met. In syphilitic patients after abuse of mercury. Caries of cervical bones
and bones of the palate. There is offensive smell and discharge of small pieces of

Asafoetida. Caries of bones with offensive discharge, soreness intolerable, soreness
around the ulcers so much so that even the dressing is not tolerated. Pains dull,
drawing and burning, worse from rest.

Hecla Lava. In bone disease including osteosarcoma, scrofulous and syphilitic

osteoitis and exostoses.
Colchicum. Caries of bones, especially when growing ends are affected.

Phosphorus. Head remedy for caries of the bones. May be tried when Silicea fails to
cure completely or when progress is arrested.

Staphisagria. Shifting pain in long bones; in neuralgia; in caries.

Acid Phos. Curvature of spine due to caries of vertebrae.
Calcarea Carb. Curvature of spine in the region of dorsal vertebrae and of long
bones. Swelling in curvature of neck and back.
Silicea. It covers inflammation, softening and necrosis of bone wherever found.
Abscess of the bones resulting in fistulous opening with offensive pus discharge.
Calcarea Phos. Suppurative process of bony tissues. Caries of hip joint, softening of
bones. Spine weak, disposed to curvatures, especially to the left, unable to support.
Calcarea Fluor. Should be tried when other preparations of Calcarea fail.

Sulphur. In the region of lumbo-sacral, after suppression of scabies by ointments.

Curvature of the back bone and also of the ribs. Give 200 potency every week.

Kali Hyd. Curvature in hip diseases. Spinal caries due to syphilis.

Thuja. Head sinks into knees on sitting on sitting on the floor; bad result of
vaccination. Bent backward, cannot sit erect.


Silicea. Inflammation of cranial bones.

Stillingia. Inflammation of long bones such as femur, tibia, humerus, etc. It may be
due to syphilis.
Strontia Carb. Inflammation of the bones, particularly of the femur (thighbone), with
ulcers which discharge more or less broken bones.

Aurum Met. It is a great remedy for bone pains.

Agaricus M. Pain in the bones of lower limbs.

Manganum. Pains in the bones, worse at night; worse on touching parts, better in the
open air.

Acid Phos. Burning at night due to mercurial, syphilitic or scrofulous poison.

Ruta. Inflammation of the bones due to injury.

Symphytum. Inflammation of bones due to fracture or injury.

Hecla Lava. For big bony growths anywhere in the body. It may be in jaw or

LUBAGO (Backache) (See also “GONORRHEA” and “SYPHILIS”).

Colocynthis. Pain in back and small of the back which finally settles down on the
upper part of the thigh and buttock. Pain confines to a small spot making the patient
limp and finally becomes so severe that he can neither stand nor walk. Severe burning
along sacrum.
Rhus Tox. When pain is relieved by walking and is worse at rest or on first
movement. It is also worse at night. Sacroiliac pain. Change the potency in case one
potency does not help.

Antim Tart. Backache as from fatigue; excruciating pain in lower part of the back.
Slightest effort to move causes retching, cold and clammy perspiration. Sensation of
weight hanging downwards.
Ammonia Carb. Pain in the lumbar region, affecting both the kidneys, with chill and

Actea Race. Muscular pain with restlessness and sleeplessness. Patient is nervous,
melancholy and restless.

Bryonia. When the pain is worse on every motion and better by lying down and at
rest, with bruised feeling in back; wants pressure or something hard under the back.
Worsens at nine or three O’ clock.

Berberis Vulg. Lumbago accompanied with urinary troubles.

Dulcamara. When due to living in damp basements or when due to great variation in
temperature within a period of 24 hours.

Kali Carb. Backward in the lower part of the neck; back broken into two; pain goes
down the back of the legs. The patient is whimsical, difficult, fussy, chilly and

Medorrhinum 200. Lumbago; “lame-back;” lumbo-sacral pain which often extends

to the lower extremities. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back. Intercurrent

Aloe. Lumbago alternating with headache.

Natrum Mur. Backache when the patient wants pressure on the part paining. He
wants to put a book behind him in the chair, a hard thing under him in the bed. The
patient goes around sitting in a chair with his hands on the back.

Alumina. Pain in the back as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae.
Nux Vomica. Backache of big muscles, all up and down the bed. The pain is due to
chill with morning aggravation. Better from heat.
Aesculus H. Backache due to straining sacro-iliac by hard labor or hard work. The
pain is relieved by standing.

Calcarea Phos. It should be thought of for pain in the nape of neck and cervical
regions. It should be tried when Rhus Tox and Aesculus fail. Hip-joint diseases with
pain of severe type.
Hypericum. Severe nerve pain in the hip jont.
Eupatorium Perf. Backache deep into the bones with terrific thirst and chill. This
may be due to after effects of malarial fever, etc.
Calcarea Fluor. Lumbago worse during rest and better from heat. Pain in back
extending to the sacrum. Try when Rhus Tox fails.

Sulphur. Lumbago in venous subjects; cannot walk erect. Drawing pain between
shoulders. Worse at rest. Burning in soles and hands at night. Sweat smelling like

Rhododendron. Tearing pain in all limbs. Lumbago from dry cold; worse at rest and
on approach of storm. Better after warmth and eating.

OSTEOGENESA IMPERFECTA (Fragility and irregular development of
Calcarea Phos. It is an excellent remedy for delicate and easily breakable bones. The
bones of the head are deficient in quality and quantity. They are too thick and scanty.
The bones of the neck are too small and weak to support the head which is normally
large. The bones of the extremities are also weak and fragile. Stools green, undigested
and offensive. No appetite. It is a bone builder and creates new blood cells. It gives
general tone to the entire organism.

Calcarea Carb. It is indicated in patients with open fontanelles and sutures. There is
abundant supply of bony material but it is not properly distributed.

Calcarea Iod. Should be thought of when there is deficiency of muscles and fat in
addition to deficiency of bones. Unhealthy condition of glands is always present when
this remedy is indicated.

Calcarea Fluor. The ranking symptom of the remedy is early decay of the enamel of
the teeth. Relaxed condition of any tissue or of organ. It builds elastic fibers of the
arteries and veins.
Silicea. It should be given next to Calcarea Phos. When cartilaginous tissues have not
been properly converted into bones. The bone is made up of silicea and cartilage.
Silicea is, therefore, an important remedy for this disease. Perspiration and tendency
to suppuration, better from warmth are the ranking symptoms. Cold aggravates the
Silicea patient.


Silicea. An excellent remedy for healing of the wounds. It also takes out small pieces
of broken bones which retard healing.

Medorrhinum. This remedy may be tried when Silicea fails. The patient is irritable,
hot, hot palms, constipated, likes cold food and drink and salty food; likes cold bath
even in coldest winter. Would lie in a knee-chest position which is the characteristic
symptom of this remedy.

Echinacea. Good remedy for bone marrow inflammation & wounds. This may be
given internally in 3X potency and applied externally mixed in water in the proportion
of ten drops to half ounce of water.


Bryonia. When pains are aggravated on slightest motion and relieved by moderate
pressure and warmth. There is inflammation of joints which are hot and swollen, the
patient feels chilly. It may be given in 1X dilution or in 200 when lower dilution or in
200 when lower dilutions fail.
Ledum Pal. It is specific in gout and rheumatism when the affection travels from
downwards to upwards. There is deposit of chalk stone in finger joints, wrists and
toes. There may be inflammation of joints. Chilly and yet the pains are better by cold
application. Irritable, desires to be alone. Pain may be caused by alcoholism, insect
stings, punctured wound. Worse by warm application.

Kalmia Lat. For rheumatic pains when the affection travels downwards with
numbness. Pain with palpitation of heart and slow pulse. Pains shift rapidly. Pain in
ulnar nerve.

Colchicum. A general remedy for gout. There may be aversion to food which smells
as soon as served. Swelling of joints which may be red or pale. Abdomen bloated with
wind. Albumin in urine which becomes black like ink, scanty urine with dropsical
swelling, marked irritability from pains or odors. Worse by motion, touch or mental
effort. Better by warmth, rest or sitting. Gout and rheumatism in smokers.

Rhus Tox. Recurring attacks due to getting chilled when hot. Rheumatism caused by
damp weather and worse in damp climate; there is restlessness and the pains are worse
on first motion, better by continued motion and again worse after moving for
sometime when it becomes necessary for him to repose. It gives best results in 1M

Cacatus G. Rheumatism with dropsy and edematous swelling of extremities. Kidneys

and bowels affected. Cardiac rheumatism when heart is affected and joints are freed
from pain.

Stellaria Med. It is indicated in shifting pains in all parts with soreness; worse by
motion with pains in liver. Enlarged and inflamed gouty joints which are painful (It
can also be used locally in mother tincture mixed with olive oil).

Dulcamara. Rheumatism from getting cold and wet. Due to living in damp basements
or where there has been great difference in temperature within 24 hours, in warm
summer days when followed by cold nights. Rheumatism due to suppression of

Pulsatilla. Affects knees, ankles and small joints of hands and feet, pains shifting
about, coming on at night, in a warm room and at rest; better in open air and by
motion and warm application. Pain in heels like the pricking of nails. Disposition
gentle, timid and easily moved to tears.

Gultheria Oil. In 10-20 drop doses never fails to arrest the pains.
Asclepias Tub. Pains run diagonally.

Malaria Off. Rheumatism after malarial fever.

Ferrum Pic. Rheumatism increased or brought on by walking.

Lycopodium. Rheumatism of finger joints with flatulence.

Lactic Acid. Rheumatism with diabetes.

Guaiacum. Rheumatism and gout engrafted on syphilitic or tubercular constitutions.

Sore swollen joints more painful from warmth and motion. Gouty abscesses of joints.
The leg and ankle bones are especially affected. Shooting pain in legs from feet to
knees. Pains in tibia. Better by cold bath and cold application.
Formica and Formic Acid. Gouty or rheumatic pains due to urates and albumin in
urine. Inflammation of joints which are very painful. They are worse on motion, by
cold or before storm, better on pressure.

Lithium Carb. Chronic rheumatism due to uric acid. Palpitation and shocks about the
heart. Painfulness of the soles of feet and small joints with a sense of burning therein.

Kali Carb. Pains stitching, stabbing and of burning character relieved temporarily by
cold application and not by rest or motion. The patient shrieks on account of pain.
Backache accompanied by great weakness and profuse sweating. If he covers the
painful part, the pain goes to the un-covered part. Aggravation after eating and
uncovering. Give in 1M dilution.
Calcarea Carb. Tardy development of bony tissues; irregular nourishing of the
bones; one part of the bone is nourished while the other is starved. Like Rhus Tox, the
pains in this remedy are relieved by constant walking and aggravated by lying or at
rest. Arthritic swelling or nodular gout of hands and finger joints or knees in fleshy
and sweaty persons. Worse by cold.

Magnesia Mur. When pains are worse by sitting, better by moving and completely
relieved by lying down.

Salicylic Acid. Articular rheumatism attacking joints particularly elbow and knee
joints with great swelling, redness and high fever. Acute and piercing pain better by
heat and worse by cold.

Sticta Pulmonaria. 1X. Rheumatism of right shoulder blade or joint, wrist joint,
ankle or knee joint. It also reduces fluid in the joints.
Acid Tartaricum. Pain in soles and feet and heels.

Trimathylaminum. Pain in wrists and ankles, with fever; it diminishes the amount of

Sarsaparilla 200. Rheumatism in sycotic persons due to suppressed gonorrhea by

injections or other outer applications.

Berberis Vulg. 200. pain in heels relieved by putting most of the weight on them.
Arthritic and rheumatic affection if attended by renal sticking pain and backache.
Myristica Sebifera. Inflammation or/and suppuration of joints or other parts. Pain in
finger nails and phalanges.
Chelidonium. Rheumatism with edema, heat, tenderness and stiffness. Constipation
and whitish stools. Pain is aggravated by slightest movement or touch.. The only relief
is constant with hot water.

Cuprum Met. Tonic spasms of the toe of right foot, very painful.

Gnaphalium. Sciatica pain resulting from strain and alternating with numbness;
worse in cold and damp weather.
Gratiola. Gout with acidity and constipation. Rheumatic and gouty pains in
shoulders, arms, fingers, particularly in the elbow and wrist joints.
Eupatorium Perf. Chronic gouty state with inflamed nodosities of the finger joints,
elbow joints, toes etc. Gouty or arthritic headache may alternate with pain in joints.
Kali Iod. Rheumatic gout affecting every joint. Old gouty subjects who must keep in
motion in the open air which gives relief. They are fatigued when keeping quiet. He is
hot, bad tempered, irritable and harsh.
Rhododendron. Rheumatic pains which wander from joint to joint with swelling of
joints, worse before or during thunderstorm, cold or wet or unsettled weather. Better
from warm wrapping. Enlargement of joints not due to gouty deposits. Arthritic

Phytolacca. Chronic bruised state of body, bone pain, body caches, pain in joints,
worse at night, from warmth of bed or from warm application. He wants cold things,
rheumatism of joints with enlargement of parotid and sub-maxillary glands. Pain in
the cardiac region shooting into the right arm.

Natrum Sulph. When rheumatism is due to uric acid in urine accompanied with
gastric troubles.

Magnolia. Rheumatism with heart trouble. Alternating pain between spleen and heart.
Patient tired but not stiff. Irregular shifting pains. Dyspnoea. Suffocated feeling when
walking fast.

Benzoic Acid. Rheumatic and gouty pains in uraemic and lithaemic constitutions.
When the urine is scanty the patients suffer more whereas it is heavily laden with
deposits and is copious, the pains are relieved. The urine in such a state becomes of
high color and smells strong like that of a horse. Checking of these deposits
aggravates pain. The urine contains uric acid forming the red deposits. The rheumatic
pains cease on catching cold and the inflammation of tongue or stomach starts. In the
latter cast the patient vomits everything he eats. The suppressed pains go to the
stomach and then Benz. Acid, Ant. Crud. And Sang, are likely to be useful. With
complication of asthma. Edema of lower extremities. Forgets words when writing.
Sadness and anxiety when perspiring. Uraemia. Chilly, worse by uncovering, cold air,
changing weather, motion and wine. Better by heat or profuse urination. Wandering
pains which change position suddenly. Gouty concretions on joints. It relieves the
pain of gout.

Oxalic Acid. Left sided rheumatism with sharp pains through the lower lobe of the
left lung which is noteworthy of this remedy. It matters not what the name of the
disease may be, pleurisy, pneumonia or phthisis; when that pain is present- Oxalic
acid shall do its work. Rheumatic gout of joints, especially worse from sweats. It may
have disordered stomach, salivation, tasteless eructations, burning in stomach etc. It
covers oxaluria also. Pain under point of scapula, between shoulders, extending down
wards to small of back. Violent aching pain in back down the thigh relieved by change
of position.

Manganum. Limbs are full of distress, even to gout. Sore bones, burning in soles,
arthritic enlargements, painful periosteum, sore joints. This remedy is useful in
recurrent complaints and is hardly useful in first attack.
Camphor. Pains are felt during a half conscious condition and disappear when
thinking of them.

Chamomilla. Violent sharp pain coming suddenly which makes the patient crazy.
The patient says, that he would prefer death or anything rather than the pains. Is also
specific for pain with numbness.

Saccharum Lactis. Icy cold pains passing in all directions.

Antim Crud. Gout alternated with vomiting, i.e. when gout ceases, vomiting comes
on. Gouty nodules in finger joints and shifting gouty pains but attended by white
coated tongue, cracks in nostrils and corners of mouth. Aversion to cold bath.

Mephites. Wandering pains with pressure to urinate.

Phaseolus N. Important remedy for gout accompanied with diabetes.

Sabina. Gout and bleeding from the uterus come on alternately, i.e. hemorrhage starts
when the gout stops and vice versa.

Sulphur. Pains worse during summer, clear and cloudless days better during damp
and cold weather. Chronic arthritis with burning of soles and top of head.

Lycopus V. When pains are better in warm room or in bed; but not better by direct
Aconite N. Shooting pains which are reproduced by wine or other stimulants; worse
at night and generally disappear in sitting posture.
Act. R. Rheumatism affecting the vertebral joints and especially the neck. Pain in the
nape of neck is its characteristic. When the rheumatism gets better, mental symptoms
appear or the diarrhea comes on when the mind is not disturbed; some flow must be
established in order to get relief.

Actea Spicata. Tearing and drawing pains in small joints and wrists. The joints swell
after a slight fatigue.
Abrotanum. Rheumatism starting after a checked diarrhea. Metastasis of rheumatism
from joints to heart; to spine. There is sudden aching pain in back better by motion.
Symptoms are worse at night and in cold air.

Arsenic Alb. Burning pains worse at midnight and by lying on painful side and
relieved by heat and by moving the affected part. Rheumatic pains from elbow to the

Gelsemium. Burning pains not relieved by heat; worse at 10 a.m. rheumatic pains
wandering in the bones and joints at night.

Hypericum. For rheumatoid arthritis. It has wonderful healing effect on injured

nerve. Knee contracted; leg, foot, toes quite rigid.

Merc. Sol. Rheumatism and arthritic pains with very offensive sweats. The more he
sweats the worse he feels. Exhaustion. Better in bed, but as soon as he gets warm in
bed the pain increases and he has to throw off his clothes to get better. The latter
position also aggravates pain, then again he has to cover himself in bed and so it goes
on the whole time. Worse during night.
Kali Bi. Pains worse by movements and better by warmth. Wandering and shifting
pains from one joint to another. Pains better when diarrhea or catarrhal discharges
reappear which are the ranking symptoms of this remedy. Pain in coccyx when sitting.
Pain in small spots which can be covered with the point of finger. Pain in hip joints
and knee on moving.

Apis Mel. Inflammation of joints with stinging and burning pains which are worse in
warm room and by warm application and better by cold application and cold air. Parts
look red and hot to touch. Oedema. Give high dilution.

Selenium. Rheumatism-tubercular. Extreme weakness following prolonged fever,

great and excessive general emaciation. The withering of the limbs, the falling out of
hair. Diarrhea after taking fruits or wines or tea.
Causticum. Rheumatoid arthritis which is better in damp and warm weather and
worse in cold and dry weather. Contraction and stiffness of tendons with weakness
and trembling. Rheumatoid arthritis especially where joints are stiff and tendons
shortened, drawing the limbs out of shape. Deformity of joints. The patient feels
comfortable when it rains. Paralytic trembling, weakness of limbs.

Medorrhinum. This remedy should be tried when the well selected remedies fail. It is
specially indicated in rheumatoid arthritis which rouses the patient from sleep. Scanty,
high colored, strong smelling urine. Sensitive to cold with tenderness of the soles.
Wants to lie with legs drawn up which position affords him relief. Pain in heels,
weakness of memory, irritable temperament. Use 200 dilution or above.

Syphilinum. For rheumatism in syphilitic constitutions when other well indicated

remedies fail. The pains are worse during night. Give a dose of 1000 dilution at bed

Lachesis. Rheumatic pain in knees and elbows. Swelling of the knees. Face pale from
bleeding. Great thirst for water.

Drosera. Pain in the Tibia and long bones.

Pyrogenium. Pain better when first beginning to move and worse when the
movement is continued with break (Reverse of Rhus Tox). In order to get relief from
pain the patient has to move a little and then stop and then again move a little and stop
and so on.

Arnica Montana. For gouty pain when the patient is afraid to touch or approach. He
feels that anything coming towards him, because he is sore and tender. Rheumatic
fever when heart may be involved.

Aurum Met. Pains wander from joint to joint and finally locate in the heart resulting
in angina pectoris. There is swelling of joints; affection of cartilages and bones:
inflammation of periosteum. Worse at night.

Aurum Mur. Tearing, drawing, pressing, and sticking pains, better by cold and worse
by heat and warm application. Worse at night. He loathes his life.

Natrum Phos. Rheumatism with round worms. Pain at the base of the heart when the
pains in limbs and toes are relieved and vice versa.

Argentum Met. Rheumatic pains in joints along the nerves and cartilages especially
elbow and knee. Legs weak and trembling, worse descending stairs. Swelling of
ankles. Inflamed cartilages infiltrate and form into hard knots.

Caulophyllum. Rheumatism of the short muscles and of small joints of the

extremities, of phalangeal and metacarpal joints. Rheumatism worse at the time of
menses. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.
Petroleum. Stitching pain in the heels as if splinters were lodged in it. Worse on

Urtica Urens. Gout accompanied with thick urine. Give in 5 drop doses of mother
tincture every two or three hours. It will not only relieve the pain but also pass a lot of
gravel with the urine.
Natrum Mur. Rheumatism in patients who dislike consolation, fuss, cold, fat food
and salts. His lips crack in the winter. Gout in persons who have taken much quinine
or are chilly. Worse at seaside.
Calcarea Phos. Weakness and softness of bones. Rheumatism coming on in winter or
cold weather. Better on return of hot weather.

Carboneum Sulph. Useful in chronic rheumatism and gout, especially of joint.

Conium. When the pains are better by letting limbs hang down.

Agaricus M. Diagonal pains i.e. of left arm and right leg or vice versa.

Tarentula. Diagonal pains i.e. of right arm and left leg.

Lycopersicum. Rheumatic pains which are worse outdoor. Pain in the right deltoid is
more marked.

Silicea. Pain in the coccyx as from a long carriage ride. Stinging pain in the coccyx
worse on pressure. Pain in the knee as if too tightly bound.
Staphisagria. Rheumatoid arthritis. Stiffness and sense of fatigue in all the joints,
arthritic nodosities on joints. Worse from slightest touch is the characteristic symptom
of this remedy.
Alumina Silicate. Pain in the joints, in the limbs, shoulders, elbow, forearm, hand,
thighs, legs and feet etc. Pain travels from elbow upwards.
Ammonia Phos. Constitutional remedy for gout and rheumatic diathesis when there
are nodes in the joints. Concretions in the joints and the hands become twisted and out
of shape.

Thuja. It helps in rheumatic fibrosis, especially of the posterior shoulders and hip
regions. It also clears up synovial effusion in the knees. Give in 1M potency.
Rheumatoid arthritis of gonorrheal origin. It does wonders in loosening the joints and
in restoring locomotion when other seemingly indicated remedies fail.
Valeriana. Shifting rheumatic pains relieved by walking up and down and by rubbing
the affected parts. Sudden flushes of heat with thirst and nausea. Sleeplessness before

Calcarea Fluor. It is used for defective bony growths; ulcerations of bones and
fistula. The patient is better by warmth and worse by cold.

Fluoric Acid. Is used in softening and absorbing the nodes and other abnormal
growths of the bones. There is a good deal of pain, some weakness and redness of the
parts. Rapid growth and brittleness of the nails.

Picric Acid. In the experience of Dr. H. B. Halbert this remedy has produced better
results than any other remedy.
Symphytum. For bones broken by injury or in fracture. It is an excellent remedy in
fractures of bones whether simple or compound. Use 1X or 1M potency.

Ruta. Pain in long bones whether due to injury or rheumatism. It is also useful in
injuries and fractures.

Euphorbinum. Burning pains in bones or in cancer like electric shocks. Swelling and
suppuration of the submaxillary gland and necrosis of the bone. Pain in coccyx.
Tamus. For outer application in bone pains. Use mother tincture.

RICKETS. (Softening of bones).

Calcarea Carb. Curvature especially of spine or of long bones. Malformation in

scrofulous persons; extremities deformed, crooked, growing imperfectly. The
fontanelles are late in closing and the teeth are cut late and with difficulty. Potbellied
Kali Carb. Atrophy of the bones.

Calcarea Phos. Mal-formation of bones with loss in weight. Best single remedy for
the rickets. The child is thin, emaciated and abdomen is sunken rather than distended.
Large head and fontanelles remain open longer than in Calc. Carb. Child.

Tuberculinum. 200. Start treatment with this remedy and repeat it every three
months. No medicine to be given two days before and after its administration.

Fluoric Acid. An excellent remedy, especially when there is a combination of

syphilitic and rachitic diathesis. Constitution is weak and complexion sallow; the
muscles are softened and flabby and the feet and hands constantly bathed in

Silicea. Open fontanelles, abdomen swollen and hot with profuse sour sweat on head
and body dry. Boils, abscesses, glands that threaten to suppurate are also covered by
this remedy.

Baryta Carb. When there is mental and physical dwarfing. Tonsils and the glands
about the neck and throat are enlarged and indurated.
Calcarea Fluor. Enlargement and swelling of the parietal bones of infants, deficient
enamel of the teeth, cervical glands unusually hard and nodulations of the bones with

Kreosote. When the teeth show early decay in the rachitic child, especially the milk
teeth, which show dark spots and begin to crumble as soon as they appear.

Argentum Nit. For intelligent and mentally prematurely developed children. Bowels
loose and the evactuation white. Craving for sweets.

Baryta Mur. Pale, dull and rickety children who cannot even stand without help.
Tonsils enlarged, weak heart and very susceptible to cold.


Colocynth. Head remedy for acute sciatic pain. Dull, stitching pain in the hip which
come suddenly and shoot down to the posterior part of the thigh or to knee or foot.
Pain better by heat and worse by touch or emotions. It may be given in high dilution,
viz. 200. Three or four doses may be given at an interval of 4 to 5 hours.

Rhus Tox. When pain is due to exposure or muscular exertion, worse in bed at night
or when at rest. First movement gives terrific pain which is relieved after walking a
Gnaphalium. Intense pain in the nerve, accompanied by cramps or alternating with
numbness; worse lying down. Pains in calf and feet.

Macrotinum. Is said to be an excellent remedy for sciatica pain. It should be given in

2X trituration.

Dioscorea. Tearing pain in legs which is felt on moving or sitting.

Magnesia Phos. Lightning like pains which are better by warmth. Right sided
Acid Sulph. Has cured several cases of sciatica and lumbago when well selected
remedies failed.
Arsenicum. Alb. When the patient has been subjected to repeated attacks of malaria
and the pain is intermittent. Violent, drawing, burning and tearing pain in left hip
extending to thighs. Great restlessness relieved by warm application.

Ruta. It resembles Rhus Tox. in all its symptoms except that the pain of Ruta goes
deeper radiating to the branches of the nerves inwardly rather than outwardly. Worse
from cold and lying down.

Chamomilla. Sciatica pain with a mental symptom “I would prefer death rather than
the pain.”
Calcarea Carb. Sciatica pain with feet cold and clammy. Relieved by walking like
Rhus Tox.

Morbilinum. It should be given as intercurrent remedy when the sciatica pain has
started after measles. Give in 1000 dilution.

Aesculus Hip. Sciatica with dull backache which makes walking impossible.
Stooping and rising is very painful.

Guaiacum. Specific for sciatica when well selected remedies fail. It has acidity,
coated tongue, filthy taste and breath. Give in 1M potency.
Amm. Mur. Sciatica pain as if tendons were too short, worse by sitting or walking.

Medorrhinum 200. When well selected remedies fail and the patient lies in bed with
legs drawn up which position affords him relief.
Colchicum. Right sided sharp shooting pains extending to knee; worse by motion;
pain is sudden, constant and intolerable.

Bryonia. Sciatica of rheumatic origin; worse form motion, relieved by hard pressure.
Plumbum. Sciatica with atrophy of muscles, lightning like pains and cramps in


AMYOTONIA (When muscles are incapable of contraction).

Gelsemium. Relaxed muscles, easily fatigued, weakness and trembling through the
whole system, muscular relaxation, loss of power of the extremities, feeling in the
knees as if the bones did not fit.
Cocculus. When accompanied with vertigo.

Causticum. This remedy should be tried when Gels, fails. Shortening and hardening
of muscles which can be felt by hand as a hard ridge. Contraction of muscles and


Benzoic Acid. Cracking of joints when moving.
Rhus Tox. Is the head remedy for cramps which are worse at rest and better by
movements. Cracking of joints in motion.
Calcarea Carb. Cramps worse at night in bed, and on stretching the legs in bed.

Cuprum Met. Severe cramps, especially in calves.

Secale Cor. Cramps in calves. Give in 200 potency.

Petroleum. Tonic spasms; cracking of joints; inflexibility of joints. Spasms acute or


Calcarea Phos. Cramps in the calves. Stinging and shooting in the toes.
Magnesia Phos. Cramps, stiffness, numbness, awkwardness, deadness of nerves,
from prolonged exertion. Writer’s cramps due to long use of hands and fingers.
Natrum Phos. Cramps in calves and feet; cramps in hands when writing; cracking in
Camphor. Cramps with icy coldness of limbs.


Calcarea Carb. When large back muscles are badly torn and there is evidence of
formation of fibrous tissues; pain in the back as a result thereof.
Causticum. Treatment may be started with this remedy; one dose to be given in 1M
potency. It is also the remedy for myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytic, a disease
characterized by an abnormal exhaustability of the voluntary muscles over which
control is completely lost.

Ferrum Met. An excellent remedy for myasthenia. Weakness of muscles with

anaemia etc.

Plumbum. Muscular atrophy with paralysis of muscles and constipation. It has

special affinity to lower extremities.

Stramonium. With easy mobility; voluntary muscles fails to follow influence of will.

Anacardium. Cannot control voluntary muscles; paralysis with imbecility.

MYOSITIS (Inflammation of the muscles).

Bryonia. It is indicated in inflammation, functional and structural changes in the
muscles, especially in the extremities. With the first the subjective symptoms at
jerking, stitching, tearing and sticking pain etc., with the second there is swelling, heat
and redness, whereas in the third we have stiffness and marked difficulty on motion.
These symptoms will be found in infectious myositis.

Arnica Mont. When the cause when the above condition comes on with rheumatic
Thuja. Myositis ossifirous. It will start de-ossification.

MYOTONIA (Prolonged contraction of muscles on motion).

Rhus Tox. It is the only remedy which may be tried for myotonia.


Plumbum. It is the head remedy and covers symptoms from simple irritation to
complete destruction of muscles. It not only covers the muscles of brain but also of
the trunk, extremities and muscles of other organs. Complete loss of sensation,
weakness, cutting, gripping, trembling, twisting, shooting in the neck, contraction and
atrophy of deltoid, edema, unsteady gait, shortening of muscles. Worse at night and
from motion. Give in 200 or 1000 dilution.

Argentum Nit. Sensitiveness of spine; great pain in spine which is worse at night.
General trembling and weakness of extremities; cannot walk with eyes closed; rigidity
of calves, also debility; walks and stands unsteady. Worse at night and from cold,
better from fresh air.

Baryta Carb. Muscular atrophy at the age of puberty.

Phosphorus. It has hypertrophy in some parts and atrophy in others. The make-up of
the patient should be kept in view-a tall, hollow chested individual with tubercular or
syphilitic diathesis. Burning with trembling, numbness and weakness are the ranking

Mur. Acid. It cures muscular weakness following the excessive use of opium.
Thallium. Muscular atrophy. Pain in locomotor ataxia. Tremors. Pain in stomach and
bowels like electric shocks.

Kali Phos. For muscular atrophy. It destroys the virus associated with this condition.
Is a constitutional remedy and should be given along with other remedies.

Arnica M. }
Cup Met. }

Bar. Iod. } Are also useful in the above disease. They may be tried in the given
order when the above remedies fail.

OSSIFYING MYOSITIS – (Progressive). (General inflammation of muscles plus

a progressive ossification of the same).
Calcarea Fluor. It is an excellent remedy and should be tried for along time. If this
remedy fails to effect an improvement, the following may be tried in the given order:-

Calcarea Phos.

Acid Fluor.


Diseases of Skin, Hair and Nails

The diseases of the skin are very important for a physician to deal with; hence
the need for special mention of certain relevant and important points. Except in rare
cases, all skin diseases come from within. These should, therefore, be treated by
internal medicine from within. The skin does not live an independent life of its own.
The eruptions thereon are merely manifestations of an internal derangement. A
perfectly healthy body must possess a perfectly healthy skin and a diseased skin
cannot possibly exist upon a perfectly healthy body.

1. Thus the treatment of skin diseases by outer applications is a serious and

dangerous professional error. The disappearance of the disease by outer
application amounts to its suppression which might strike inward attacking
some other organs of the body with grave consequences. To treat skin diseases
by outer application or by lotions is wrong in theory and harmful in practice.
2. The skin has an important function to perform. It is an excretory organ, and
being spread out all over the body is often made use of by Nature to keep the
internal organs free from disease. Each portion of the skin corresponds vitally
to some internal organ or part, so the skin disease is often the outward
expression of internal disease.
3. The diet for a person suffering from skin diseases is milk and vegetables. Meat
or eggs should be avoided. Great care must be taken to keep the digestive
system in good order.

4. Washing of affected parts with soap should be avoided. Part should be cleaned
with bran water.




Asterias Rub. Is the head remedy for pimples on the face at the age of puberty.
Kali Brom. This remedy may be tried if Asterias Rub, fails.

Thuja. Acne of the face and nose and nasal dermatitis – (inflammation of the skin)
due to Vaccination.

Ars. Iod. }
Sulphur Iod.} May be tried in inveterate cases. They are of severe type.
Hydrocotyle. Acne of face, when accompanied with uterine derangements.

Agaricus. When there is also a tendency to chilblains.

Berberis Aquifolium. Acne, blotches and pimples on the face of girls. It also clears
the complexion.
Dulcamara. Rash on the face before menses. Humid eruptions and blotches. Worse in
cold and wet weather.

Streptococcin. For acne which is aggravated by taking eggs and during winter.
Frontal headache better by cold air.

Aconite. Lycotonum. Hard tuberculous pimples on the face. Pimples on lips.

Psorinum. Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee, meat.
Calc Phos. Acne in anemic girls at puberty, with verte headache and flatulent
dyspepsia, relieved by eating.
Bovista. Acne due to the use of cosmetics, especially during summer.

Aurum Ars. Acne, pimples on the face and forehead, pustules. Lupus.

Sanguinaria C. Acne of the face which is worse at the time of menses which are
Sulphur. It should be given as an intercurrent remedy when well selected remedies
fail to give relief or when the improvement stops. Give in 200 potency.

Hepar Sulph. Is indicated in pimples which suppurate with white pus.

Ars. Sul Rubrum. Is indicated in acne when accompanied by eczema or psoriasis.


Lithium Carb. Scabby, tettery eruptions on cheeks preceded by red raw skin. Give in
200 dilution, if 30 dilution fails.
Petroleum. Skin dry, sensitive, rough and cracked; cracks bleed easily.
Sulphur Iod. Papular eruptions on face. Hair feels as if erect.

Tellurium. Ring-shaped lesions, offensive odor from affected parts. Stinging in skin.
Rhus Tox. Is an excellent remedy for barber’s itch. It should be tried first before
resorting to any other remedy.

Lachesis. When there are cracks with oozing. Re-appear after suppression.

Lycopodium. Scaly, yellow at base and bleeding at corners of the mouth.

Sulphur. Dry itching, worse on nose and about the eyes.
Graphites. Itching eczema-type with sticky discharge.

Cicuta Vir. Barber’s Itch due to shaving.


Belladonna. When the boils are red during the stage of inflammation. There is
throbbing pain without formation of pus. Blood boils.

Calcarea Carb. When the boils are not red but are pale and painful. Give 200 dilution
every four hours-three or four doses may suffice.

Ars. Alb. Chief remedy for carbuncles with burning, as if coals of fire were put on
affected part. Cutting and burning pain worse after midnight. Indicated when anthrax,

Hepar Sulph. In early stages of pus formation. Excessive sensitiveness of the parts
with sharp stinging pains. Give in 6th dilution every half hour. It will stop formation of
pus or will abort pus in a few hour. After the pus starts coming out, it will be indicated
when pus is thick, yellow and the patient is sensitive to touch. Patient is chilly but
unlike Silicea he is better in wet weather. It is a great pain killer in boils. Suppuration
around the root of the nails and the ends of fingers.

Silicea. When there is low healing power. The pus is thin and watery in indolent
ulcers which refuse to heal. Give in high dilution 200 or 1000 to be repeated weekly
or monthly respectively. The patient is chilly; better in dry and warm weather and
worse in wet and cold weather.

Merc Iod. It is a good remedy in inflammatory stage of boils when there is no pus
formation. In glandular abscesses. When pus is formed, it is green, thin and watery.
Intense shining redness throbbing and stinging pain.
Arnica Mont. Tendency to small painful boils one after another which are extremely
sore. Small boils in crops.

Sulphur. Small boils in crops, if Arnica Mont. Fails.

Anthraxinum. In carbuncles it is an excellent remedy. It has burning and high fever.

Give in 1000 potency every fortnight. One dose will cure or greatly improve the

Calcarea Sul. Abscesses slow to heal after rupture, with a continuous discharge of
yellow pus. Patient desires open air but sensitive to drafts. Tendency to the formation
of abscesses.
Lachesis. Boils of bluish color exuding acrid pus which is offensive. Burning pains.
Sensitive to touch.
Tarentula C. Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, felons, malignant ulcers and gangrene.
Hard, tender, inflamed hair follicle. Specific for boils at any stage. Specific for
abscesses under the arm pit.
Gunpowder. Boils, shingles, ascariasis and for blood poisoning.

Myristica S. Suppuration of joints. It hastens suppuration and shortens its duration.

Abscesses on ends of finger and phalanges. Give in 3X dilution.

Carbolic Acid. Carbuncles on lumbar region with diabetes. Pus discharge with a very
foul odor form several openings. Patient suffers from nausea and offensive vomiting.
Give in 200 dilution.

Stramonium. Abscesses with excruciating pains, inflammation, chronic carbuncles,

boils, abscesses in the joints, especially left hip joint. Vicious septic stage and
formation of pus.

Ledum Pal. Boils or felons caused by needle pricks.

Picric Acid. Boils in the external ear.

Morbillinum. Recurrent boils in the external auditory meatus with terrible pain with a
history of ancient measles.

Secale Cor. Boils small, painful with green contents; mature slowly.



Petroleum. Cracks at the ends of fingers and on the back of hands. Skin rough or
ragged, bleeding, the tissues are hardened. Often much itching. Coldness in spots
stomach, back, abdomen etc.

Rhus Tox. Irritation of the skin with tingling and burning. Crawling sensation in the
tips of fingers. Skin red and swollen. Worse in cold, wet and rainy weather.

Silicea. Delicate pale waxy skin. Cracks at the ends of fingers; pus offensive. Fingers
feel dry. Eruptions itch only in day time and evening. The patient is cold, chilly, hugs
the fire, hates draughts; hands and feet cold.

Sulphur. Rhagades, skin affections after local medication. Worse scratching and
washing. Skin dry, scaly and unhealthy, itches and burnis. Hot sweaty hands. Sleep
light; wakens easily.
Natrum Mur. Dryness and cracking about finger nails. Palms hot and perspiring.
Liable to take cold. Great weakness and weariness. Irritable over trifles. Consolation
aggravates. Greasy skin.

Alumina Silicate. Hands constantly chapped; coldness of hands: coldness of legs and
feet; hands cold as ice and fingers blue. Nails brittle.



Agaricus Mus. Is the head remedy. Chilblains more painful during cold weather.
Itching. Head remedy for frostbite.

Psorinum. Skin rough, chaps easily-becomes thick and scaly; cracks break out in
little scaly eruptions; dingy, dirty and foul look as if covered with dirt.

Petroleum. Cracks on skin about the ends of fingers and on the back of the hands-
skin rough, ragged, cracks and bleeds, the tissues are hardened. Chilblains broken.
Patient is irritable and easily offended. Itching chilblains and chapped hands.

Rhus Ven. It is remedy for itching burning chilblains. The mother tincture applied
locally will give immediate relief and cure.

Rhus Tox. In inflamed chilblains.

Hepar Sulph. In chilblains when the suppuration is threatened.

Cistus Can. Cracks on hard surface especially of workmen due to hard manual labor.
Sulphur. It is useful in persons with irritable skin.

Pulsatilla. In girls with delayed and scanty menstruation. Better in open air, worse in
heat, thirstlessness; dislikes fats. Chilblains that turn blue or bluish-red.

Crotalus. Threatened gangrene, chronic; but occurring in not very hot weather, due to
low vitality.

Tamus. Chilblains and chapped hands.

Acid Nit. Chilblains in toes, foot-sweat causing soreness in toes; patient loves fatty
and saltish things.



Graphites. Constant sensation of cobweb on the skin.

Ranunculus S. As if face covered with cobweb.


Iodium. It is an excellent remedy for changing complexion to fair color. It should be

used in 1000 potency every fortnight for about six months.

Causticum. }

Lycopodium} To be tried in the given order when Iodium. Fails. Use in 200 potency
every week.
Sarsaparilla. For clearing the complexion.


Ferrum Pic. Corns with yellowish discoloration.

Thuja. Head remedy for corns. Externally mother tincture may be applied on the
Sulphur. Corns and callosities from pressure. If a shoe presses anywhere on the skin,
a great corn or bunion develops.

Ranunculus B. When the corns are sensitive to touch.

Ignatia. Painful as if sore.

Antim Crud. Corns inflamed. Horny places on skin of soles of feet, great
sensitiveness of soles, dropsical swelling of the whole body. Thickened skin of soles
and feet.

Natrum Mur. Corns; painful scars.

DERMATITIS (An acute inflammation of the skin due to any external irriation)

Calendula. When due to external injuries of ulcerative nature. Give in 30 dilution and
also apply mother tincture mixed with eighth parts of water on the affected part.
Destruction of skin resulting in ulcers.
Arnica M. Inflammation of the skin due to contused wounds. Apply mother tincture
locally and give a dose of 1000 potency every eight hours until improvement begins
when the repetition should be every fourth day.

Apis M. Caloric or toxic dermatitis which may be due to cold or heat. Burning,
redness and swelling of the skin. It may be due to handling mercury or carbolic acid.

Cantharis. Burning with urinary difficulties. Urine burns and scalds. Caloric
Rhus Tox. For toxic dermatitis occurring in professions handling mercury or carbolic
acid. Washer-men, dyers or miners suffer from similar affections.



Ars. Alb. Skin blackish or bluish in spots.

Sulphuric Acid. Black or blue spots on the skin.

Phosphorus. Yellow or brown on the abdomen.

Iodium. When the yellow skin burns brown.

Lachesis. Skin turns blue after being bitten or after fever. Skin Purple.
Aethusa. Black and blue spots all over the body or the whole body may be of blue or
black color.

Phytolacca. Skin becomes lead colored.

Hypericum. Red lines or streaks extending up to the arms or leg.

Ars. Iod. Skin becomes black in cholera.

Iris Ver. When skin becomes blue after dysentery.

Conium. Green skin.

Lycopodium. Specific for liver spots.

Kali Ars. Discoloration of skin after psoriasis and leprosy.

Natrum Mur. Grey skin.

Sulphur. When the skin looks dirty. The patient remains dirty by habit. Aversion to

Berb Vul. Face pale, with dingy grey tinge, sunken cheeks, deep set eyes surrounded
by bluish or blackish grey border.

Bismuth. Face, deadly pale with blue rings around the eyes.
Capsicum. Cheeks are red and hot and this alternates with paleness; red dots on the

China Off. Face pale, Hippocratic; eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins.
Cina. Face is pale, sickly, white and bluish appearance around mouth; sickly with
dark rings under the eyes.

Sepia. Yellowness of the face and conjunctiva; yellow spots on the chest; a yellow
saddle across upper part of the cheeks and nose.


Variolinum. }

Saracenia P. } For disfigurement of face due to small pox. Give Variolinum 200
every fortnight and Sarracenia P. 6 thrice daily for a long period.
Silicea. }

Calc Fluor. } For disfigurement of face due to acne or scars left by ulcers and boils.


Sulphur. Eczema with intense burning and itching, aggravated by washing or

scratching. The skin is rough and coarse, dry and scaly. Fiery redness of all the
orifices, eyelids, ears etc. Very offensive odor from the body. Sinking at the pit of the
stomach. Hands and head hot. Aggravation or irritation from heat of bed covers,
pillows etc. Eczema caused by hair dyes. The patient is usually dirty and untidy.
Graphites. Eczema weeping. Sticky honey-like fluid comes out on scratching.
Eczema on hands, face, lips and behind the ears and skin sore and hard after rubbing.
Worse by warmth and at night. Give lower dilutions six times daily in acute cases and
higher dilution say 200 or 1000, in chronic cases, repeated every week or every month
respectively. The discharge is gluey, sticky and viscid.

Rhus Tox. Dry eczema with redness and swelling, intolerable itching and burning
which is worse by warmth. Eczema on scalp in infants. Eruptions more or less
vesicular with thin watery and dark colored offensive secretion; tend to form into
scales. Vesicles inclined to suppurate. Give in 200 or 1000 potency; the former every
week and the latter every month.

Urtica Urens. In acute cases when there is burning and itching.

Bovista. Eczema on the back of hand. Baker’s eczema. Moist eczema in the bends of
the knees, appearing during the full moon. Frequently in women who suffer from
Kali Bich. Eczema of the scalp with thick heavy crusts from which oozes a yellow,
thick, gluey substance.

Alumina. Dry, very irritable eczema with constipation.

Skookum Chuck. Eczema, urticaria, itch etc.

Cicuta V. Eczema on hiary parts. Pustules run together; suppurating eczema which
dries into hard crusts and becomes solid like a cap.

Psorinum. Eczema dry and scaly on the scalp and face, crusts over the scalp, the hair
fall out, the oozing lifts up the crusts and exposes new vesicles worse at night and
from the warmth of the bed. Patient is low spirited, despondent and unhopeful.
Discharges thick, fetid, excoriating, offensive like decomposed meat; nauseating
sickening odor from the oozing fluid. This is just the opposite of general symptoms of
Psorinum which is worse by cold.
Natrum Sulph. Breathing and skin symptoms associated with asthma.

Manganum. Skin will not heal. Slight scratches ulcerate.

Anantherum. Ulcers on scalp, penis; vulva.

Hepar Sulph. Moist eruptions in folds of skin with itching on bends of joints. Skin
suppurates easily and pimples form, all due to handling mercury or zinc. Sensitiveness
to touch, worse in dry cold winds. Better in damp weather and in warmth.
Petroleum. Has yellowish green thick crusts on the face and neck which discharge
profusely. It cures eczema with bloody cracks but little or no discharge, Eczema is dry
and scaly or moist disappearing in summer and reappearing in winter or cold weather.
Eczema and fissures occurring on the hands or behind the ear. The discharge is thin
and watery.

Streptococcin. Repeated recurrence of eczema with bleeding cracks, the patient feels
pleasure in scratching. Give in 1M or CM dilution.
Mezereum. Intolerable itching, worse in bed and from touch; copious, serous
exudation. The head is covered with thick leather like crusts, under which thick and
white pus collects, hair are glued and matted together. Pus becomes offensive after a
time and breeds vermin. Eczema on hairy parts.
Luna. Skin diseases, eczema etc. which are worse at full moon.

Calcarea Carb. Violent itch at all times, worse towards morning in bed. Sensation as
if she is wearing cold damp stockings. Liable to suffer from chilblains. Eczema in
children possessing Calc Carb. Constitution. Give in 200 potency.
Tellurium. Itching of hands and feet. Herpetic eruption, ring shaped lesions with
offensive discharge. Barber’s itch. Stinging skin, Eczema on back of ears and on
occiput. Offensive foot-sweat.

Lycopodium. Eczema about and behind ears.

Calcarea Sulph. Dry eczema in children. Yellow purulent crusts and scales. Little
pimples on the head which bleed when scratched.

Arsenic Album. Eczema with burning and restlessness. Itching, burning and swelling
which is worse from cold and scratching. Dry rough scaly skin. Better from cold and
scratching. Dry rough scaly skin. Better from heat and warm drinks. Exhaustion after
slight exertion. Eczema between the fingers and cracks on the tip of the fingers. Scaly
eruptions on scalp and face with acrid and even fetid discharge, intense burning and

Antim Crud. Eczema with gastric derangements. Sensitive to cold bathing. Itching
when warm in bed, thick hard and honey colored scales. Much burning, worse at

Kali Sulph. Vesicles filled with yellow pus which is like thin fluid. Copious on inside
of hands and fingers. Lips cracked. Craves for sweets which aggravate.
Ranunculus B. Eczema with thickening of the skin and formation of hard horny
Staphisagria. Eczema, yellow acrid fluid oozes from under the crusts; new vesicles
form from the contact of exudation; humid itching, fetid eruptions on head and behind
ears. Scratching changes the place of itching but increases oozing.

Natrum Mur. Eczema on hair margins especially at the back of head.

Mancinella. Dermatitis with excessive vesiculation. Oozing sticky serum and

formation of crusts. Heavy brown crusts and scales.

Clematis. Vesicular and pustular eczema, with purulent or watery secretion followed
by scales and crusts which are inflamed during the increasing and dry during the
decreasing of the moon; dark, rough and firmly adhering crusts upon the scalp with
excoriating yellowish discharge. Itching worse by warmth of bed and from washing.

Colchicum. Eczema rubrum in old people, beer or wine drinkers with a marked uric
or lithic condition of the system.

Agaricus M. Eczema with burning, biting and extreme itching; pricking as from
needles; electric-like stitches in the skin; small nodules deep in the skin. Eczema
worse in winter and accompanied with chilblains.

Thuja. Sycotic patients. Eczema after suppression of gonorrhea or following

vaccination. Dirty brown skin, covered with itching vesicles. Suppression of eczema
by injections or when eczema is due to vaccination.

X Ray. Deep cracks and fissures in the hands and feet, knees and extensor surface of
the joints; very deep fissures. Dark blue eruptions resembling a burn. Skin dry; scaly,
cracked, much swelling of the part. It also antidotes abuse of Sulphur.

Tuberculinum. As an intercurrent remedy when well selected remedies fail. The

patient is despondent and morose, takes cold easily. Fiery red skin with rawness and
soreness. Eczema over the entire body, itching worse at night, intense when

Gunpowder. Is a great anti-psoric remedy and a great blood purifier. It helps to clear
up many skin troubles. It should be given for a long time 3X potency.

ELEPHANTIASIS (Filariasis) (Skin becomes like elephant’s skin).

Hydrocotyle. When the skin turns like elephant hide. Also for eczema, leprosy, acne
and other skin diseases.

Merc Sol. Swelling of one or both legs. Patient becomes weak and passes mucus. Use
200 potency if 30 fails.

Rhus Tox. For preliminary stage or when vessels are blocked due to swelling in
lymph glands or nodes. Hot application soothes.

Apis Mel. Skin red, hot, shinning due to heavy edema. No thirst. Heat aggravates.

Bryonia. Fibrous edema of one side or both sides. Thirst for large quantities of water
at short intervals. Motion or exertion aggravates. Wants to lie down quietly.
Natrum Mur. Much edema with craving for salt, dislike for hot drinks & heat. Sun
aggravates complaints, dislikes sympathy.

Sulphur. Can be used in 200 potency as intercurrent medicine once a weak if

accompanied with gastric symptoms. Patient dislikes wash & bath. Skin dry & dirty.

Capsicum. Many cases have been cured by this medicine only. Can be tried when
other medicines fail.

Calc Fluor. A good bio-chemic medicine. Give alone supplementary or



Calcarea Carb. Emaciation of skin with large abdomen. Skin falls down into folds.
Bones undeveloped and stop growing. Non-appearance of teeth.

Abrotanum. Emaciation commencing from lower extremities and gradually spreads


Calcarea Phos. It is an excellent remedy for marasmus. The skin withers out. Skin
dry and wrinkled.

Tuberculinum. This must be administered as an intercurrent remedy for emaciation.
It should be repeated in 200 dilution every month, no other medicine to be given for
three days before and after this remedy.

Natrum Mur. Emaciation of neck or upper limbs spreading downward.

Iodium. When the child is irritable and does not like to be approached by anyone.
Eats ravenously yet emaciated.

Phosphorus. Emaciation after irregular menses.

Hydrastis. Emaciation after measles.

Secale Cor. Emaciated withered skin, unhealthy skin, purplish, bluish, especially
when the circulation is feeble.

Aurum Mur. Emaciation due to syphilis.

Plumbum. Emaciation due to anemia (deficiency of blood).

EPIDERMOLYSIS. (A rare skin disease by which blister forms on the skin on

slightest pressure).

Ranunculus. The only remedy for the so called incurable disease.

ERUPTIONS (Itching, hives, urticaria and Pruritus.) (See also “ECZEMA”)

Calcarea Carb. Nettle rash or urticaria when it disappears on slightest exposure to

fresh air.
Rhus Tox. nettle rash or urticaria on hairy parts. Eruptions on palms of hands which
do not appear in the same place after healing. When itches accompany ague and
rheumatism. Large blobs. Eruptions on genitals, male and female.

Chloral. Rashes large in size like edematous swelling.

Sarsaparilla. Itching eruptions during menses. Moist eruptions in right groin during

Lycopodium. Eruptions on the scalp, on the face, behind the ears, in patches with the
hair off. Oozing of watery or yellowish fluid. Eczema of the infants.
Natrum Carb. Eruptions upon the finger tips and finger the lower part of the sternum
due to bad liver and heart. Sternal patch.

Cardus M. Patch of eruptions on the skin which covers the lower part of the sternum
due to bad liver and heart. Sternal patch.

Corallium. Syphilitic erosions exuding badly smelling ichose, red eruptions which
change to coppery.

Psorinum. Scaly eruptions which disappear in summer and return in winter.

Eruptions in bends of elbows and knees. Violent itching worse by warmth of bed or
by scratching. Eruptions or urticaria disappear in summer and reappear in winter.

Kali Mur. Eruptions, pustules and pimples with whitish discharge and white tongue.
Selenium. Itching in the folds of the skin and about the joints particularly the ankle
Thuja. Eruptions all over the body. Pustular eruptions about the knees. Itching
eruptions relieved by gentle rubbing. Worse at night.
Carboneum Sulph. Eruptions; crusts; eczema, itching on the scalp; moist scaly
pimple, sore and painful. Erysipelas of the scalp.

Ailanthus Glandulosa. Rash coming out in patches, and slow in appearing, purple
appearance of the skin.
Agaricus M. Itching of the hairy scalp, especially in the morning. Icy coldness of the
parts after scratching.
Anthrakokali. Scabies, prurigo, chronic herpes, cracks and ulceration of nostrils.
Better during the full moon.
Sulphur. Irritation worse from heat and undressing and better hanging feet out of bed.

Pulsatilla. Itching with all the symptoms of Sulphur, but the patient is touchy and
irritable; likes sympathy. Hives of gastric or uterine origin.
Croton Tig. Vesicular eruptions with intense itching and burning and multitude of
small vesicles in close contact. By suppression, cough of a dry hacking and unceasing
character appears. Eruptions and itching about the eyes, scalp and specially genitals,
scrotum and penis. Desire for scratching but cannot scratch hardly as the parts are
very sensitive.

Dolichos. Itching without eruptions, worse by scratching and at night.

Lobelia Infl. Eruptions between fingers, dorsa of hands, forearms, consisting of small

Oleander. Violent itching of the scalp as from lice. Smarting after scratching.
Eruptions offensive, smelling.
Ruta. Urticaria brought on by eating meat.

Anagallis. Eruptions and itching on the palms of hands. They appear again in the
same place after they look healed up.

Causticum. Suppression of eruptions which cause paralysis, headaches and nervous


Alumina. Eruptions and itching. Itching of skin even without eruptions and he
scratches till it bleeds. Crusts are produced by scratching. There is no eruption in the
beginning and as he scratches skin comes off and then crusts are formed. Itching
worse at the time of healing. It is only relieved when the skin is raw, moist or
bleeding. Itching in warmth of bed.

Apis Mel. Rashes appear suddenly on the surface of the body, long pinkish white
blotches, raised above the skin with intolerable itching, burning and stinging.
Eruptions may come on as a result of cold or during intermittent fever.

Graphite. Itching of the skin all over the body with or without eruptions, worse at
night in the warm bed. Herpes and eczema oozing a glutinous moisture.
Arsenic Alb. Similar to Apis, but the welts are smaller than in Apis. Especially
indicated when the disease is produced by eating fish. (Also try Terebinthina and
Copaiva when urticaria is due to eating shell fish).

Dulcamara. Eruptions all over the body producing vesicles, crusts etc. with soreness
and itching. Eruptions on the scalp with itching which is not relieved by scratching.

Kali Brom. When hives occur with nervous disease.

Hura B. Itching, pimples on projecting portions of bones. Throbbing in finger tips.

Mezereum. Irritation of outer surface of the body. Nervous feeling, biting, tingling,
changing from place to place on scratching. Parts become cold after scratching. Head
covered with a thick leather like crust under which thick white pus collects here and
there and the hair is glued together.
Stramonium. Intensely red rash on skin, resembling scarlet ever with more shining
appearance. Redness of skin.

Ranunculus B. Blister like eruptions on the palms of hands, of bluish or black color.

Barium Sulph. Itching of the scalp.

Anacardium Or. Dermatitis with intense burning and itching which is increased on

Aethusa. Herpetic eruptions at tip of nose.

Syphilinum. Copper colored spots.

Bovista. Hives attended with diarrhea; the stools being followed by tenesmus and
bearing down.

Sepia. Hives worse in open air. Epithelioma (cancer or tumors) of lips, wings of nose
and eye lids.

Thyroidinum. Intense redness of the skin with intense itching. Pityriasis Rubra.
Rumex. Worse in open air, especially when undressing.
Vinca Minor. Eruptions of the scalp and face and behind the ears; offensive smelling.
It develops a crust which allows the discharge to remain beneath and get decomposed;
the hair falls out and is replaced by grey hair.

Streptococcin. For impetigo and eruption when other remedies fail. Lesions with
yellowish crusts which later become black with bleeding from underneath.

Pix Liq. Eruptions on the back of the hand which itch intolerably at night and bleed
when scratched.

Baryta Carb. Dry eruptions on the scalp of children. Moist crusts upon the scalp.
Falling off of the hair. Children are dwarfish with intellectual defect.

Astacus. Fl. Chronic form of urticaria. Nettle rash on whole body with itching. Worse

Petroleum. Eruptions and itching worse by scratching until burning comes and then
bleeding which relieves. Skin of hands rough, cracked, tips of fingers rough and
cracked every winter. Small vesicles on male and female genitalia.

ERUPTIONS: Suppression Of-

Apis. Inflammation of brain from suppression of eruptions. Short breath. Dropsy.

Gastralgia. Hydrocephalus.

Calcarea Carb. Epilepsy due to suppression of eruptions.

Sulphur. Throbbing toothache, diarrhea, asthma, all due to suppression of eruptions.

Cuprum Met. Convulsions due to suppression of eruptions.

Graphites. Headache, vertigo, debility and loss of appetite.

ERYSIPELAS (Redness, Swelling of Skin)

Aconite. In very early stages of tingling and burning when skin is red, shining, hot
and swollen.

Passiflora Inc. this is specific for erysipelas. It should be given in mother tincture in 4
to 5 drops a dose.

Belladonna. Skin red, smooth and tense. In early stages with bright red skin.
Erysipelas of the face and head, especially right side. Sharp cutting pains or throbbing
in affected parts. Fever and sometimes delirium.

Apis M. Erysipelas of the throat with much swelling, of any part of the body or after
operation, with puffiness and edematous swelling greatly in excess of the pain which
is of a burning and stinging nature, with desire for or relief from cold application to
the parts. Scanty painful urination, from cold application to the parts. Scanty painful
urination, frequently albuminous.

Ars. Alb. Sudden attacks of erysipelas with prostration, restlessness and burning pain.
Intense thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. The disease shifts from
one part to another. Oedema, vomiting and diarrhea.
Borax. Erysipelas of face with a feeling as if a cob-web were on it.
Cantharis. Vesicular type; especially of face, beginning on nose, with restlessness
and burning and stinging pains. Intense inflammation of the skin and tendency to form
large blisters. Vesicles run together and form blebs. Violent fever.

Crotalus H. Blue look; useful in erysipelas after vaccination or bites of insects.

Rhus Tox. Vesicular eruptions with typhoid symptoms. Skin dark instead of red,
rough instead of smooth, moist instead of dry. Intense burning and itching. Pain in
back and legs. The border of hairy parts are mostly affected. Restlessness with
diarrhea. Severe pain in muscles, tendons and joints.

Lachesis. The dark blue and purplish color of the skin. Great depression of the vital
forces. Mental prostration. Face puffed and red when Belladonna fails. Parts affected
threatened gangrene. The cellular tissues are specially involved.

Echinacea. Erysipelas with tendency to boils which are very painful. Use 3X dilution
in drop doses.
Hepar Sulph. Should be given when there is tendency to suppuration.

Silicea. Excellent remedy when abscess fail to heal even though the pus has dried up.
Sulphur. Suitable as intercurrent remedy in protracted cases of a migrating type.

Graphites. Useful for repeated and chronic forms.

Ruta and Phosphoric Acid. When combined with wounds.




Antim Crud. Thick, hard, honey colored skin. Itching when warm in bed; worse
during night.
Hydrocotyle. Thickened skin like that of an elephant.

Ranunculus. B. Thickening of the skin in eczema with hard, horny scales.


Rhus Tox. A routine remedy for herpes with itching, burning and tingling pains
which will cure most of the cases with which the treatment should be started. Barber’s
itch when there is burning or itching.

Ranunculus B. Herpes with burning, bruised and stitching pains; much itching as the
eruptions dry up; the vesicles are of bluish color. Worse in open air, motion, damp
weather, change of weather or temperature. Sensitive to touch and cold air.

Arsenicum Alb. Herpes with burning and shooting pain, worse at night, especially
form 12 to 4 A.M. The crusts are large and deep which bleed when removed. Thirst
for small quantities of water at short intervals.

Merc. Sol. }
Nitric Acid. }

Natrum Mur.} Herpes of prepuce (Genital Organ). Barber’s itch. Locally Phytolacca
may be applied.

Astacys Fl. For chronic form of urticaria. Nettle rash over whole body with itching.
Mezereum. Herpes that follow the course of intercostal or supra-orbital nerves, the
pain is sharp; lightning like, sometimes boring in character.

Cicuta Vir. Barber’s Itch; trouble due to shaving.

Thuja. Herpes everywhere, with excessive neuralgic pain. Eczematous or pustular.

Iris Ver. Black type of herpes zoster with eruptions typically eczematous or pustular.
Dulcamara. Suppurative herpes due to cold and by living in damp houses.

Cantharis. Large blisters with smarting and burning pain. May be given both
internally and externally.

Prunus Spinosa. Herpes zoster. Dropsy. Itching on tips of fingers, as if frozen.

Psorinum. Herpetic eruptions, especially on bends of joints and scalps with itching.
Foulness; lack of vital reaction. Eruptions dry, scaly with little pointed vesicles round
the reddened edges; worst in cold/warmth of bed.




Silicea. This should be tried first in 200 potency to be given every week for six
months or so.
Acid Fluor. When Silicea fails, this remedy may be given in 30th potency thrice daily.

Tuberculinum. To be given as an intercurrent remedy when there is no or little

improvement by the administration of the above remedies.


Hydrocotyle. Head remedy for this disease.

Bacillinum. This remedy should be given as an intercurrent remedy in 200 dilution

every fortnight. No medicine to be given a day before and after the administration of
this remedy.
Aurum Met. When there is an offensive discharge from the nose.

Arsenic Iod. Pricking sensation, dirty-looking, dropping off of fingers and toes,
enlarged glands.

Hoang Nan. Leprosy with numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Hura Braz. Leprosy when the skin is felt to be hide bound.

Graphites. Discharge of sticky fluids from the cracks.

Ant. Tart. Flexors bent inwards in leprosy.

Thyroidinum. Leprosy with syphilitic eruptions; scleroderma; intense redness and

scaling of legs.

LEUCODERMA (White discoloration of the skin.)

Tuberculinum. Treatment of this disease should be started with this remedy. A dose
of 200 potency should be given every month along with the following medicines.

Ars. Sul. Fl. Head remedy for leucoderma. It is to be given for a very long time in
varying dilution. At first give 3X trituration and after two months give 30 dilution
provided there is no improvement from the lower dilution or when the improvement is
arrested. If 30 dilution also fails or does not completely cure within three to four
months, try 200 dilution every week.
Ars. Alb. White skin in scrofula.

Apis M. White skin accompanied by ovarian dropsy. Infantile derangement. Patches

have surrounding redness.

Kali Carb. When the skin is milky.

Hydrocotyle. If Ars. Sul. Flav. Fails, this remedy may be tried. It should be given in
lower dilutions, say 3X or 30 thirce daily. It should be tried for a long time.

Borax. White skin with red patches.

Psorinum. Spot of white skin with white lock of hair becomes natural color under this


Lycopodium. Head remedy for liver spots, especially on abdomen.

Apis M. Liver spots of light white color in patches on the body.

Sepia. It may be tried if Lyco fails.

Plumbum. During climacteric period or in menorrhagia.

Mezereum. On chest and arms. Liver spots of very dark color.

Curare. Liver spots of yellow-brown color.



Bryonia. Very greasy, especially, hair, face yellow, pale, swollen, dropsical, hot and
Mercurius Sol. Constantly moist and greasy. Excessive colorless viscid perspiration;
worse at night.

Natrum Mur. Skin greasy, oily; specially on hairy parts.

Plumbum. Skin of face greasy and shiny.


Helleborus. Peeling of the skin with falling of nails and hair.

Anthraxinum. Peeling of skin in large scales.

Iodium. Peels off and shows loosened scales, a fatty transpiration.
Mezereum. Scaly exfoliation.

Apis M. Peeling of skin with edematous swelling.

Allium Sat. Skin of hands peels off.


Sulphur. Treatment of psoriasis should be started with this remedy which should be
given in CM potency. No medicine for 15 days thereafter.
Kali Brom. Syphilitic psoriasis. Skin cold, blue, spotted, corrugated, large, indolent,
painful pustules.

Kali Ars. Patches of psoriasis on back, arms and spreading from elbows; scaly itches,
scaling off leaves behind the skin. Withered in bends of arms and knees.

Thyroidinum. Psoriasis in chilly and anemic subjects. Dry impoverished skin; cold
hands and feet.

Radium Brom. Psoriasis of penis. Itching eruptions on face oozing. Patchy erythema
on forehead. Burning sensation and itching all over.

Corallium Rubrum. Psoriasis of palms and soles. Red flat ulcers. Coral colored spots
changing to dark red and then copper colored.
Ars. Brom. Is an excellent remedy and should be given in 3X dilution.

Acid Chrysopharicum. Use this as an ointment 4 to 8 grains with one ounce of

Vaseline for outer application. Internally it may be given in 3X or 3rd dilution.
Ars. Sulph Rub. For skin diseases; especially psoriasis and also eczema, acne and
Selenium. Psoriasis-syphilitic- of the palms, itching of the palms, hands withered;
tearing pain in hands. If there is no relief from this, give other remedies according to

Hydrocotyle. With extensive thickening and exfoliation of the skin.

Mezereum. Psoriasis of the palms, itching worse from heat.
Petroleum. Of the hands, with fissures. Worse in cold weather.

Ars Alb. Psoriasis, worse by cold application and wetness, better by warmth. Give in
200 dilution every week.

Ars Iod. Psoriasis better in cold and wet weather, or by cold application: worse by
warmth. Lower dilutions, 6 or 30 preferred, although higher dilutions 200 or 1000 not
ruled out when lower dilutions fail.

Manganum. Psoriasis appearing or worse at the time of menses. Painful cracks.


Bacillinum. It is the head remedy for ringworm and should be given in 200 potency.
It should be repeated only once a week. If there is no improvement in two or three
weeks, the following remedies should be used.

Sepia. This remedy should be tried next if there are no other symptoms which would
point to another remedy.
Calcarea Carb. Should be thought of in cold, pale, plethoric persons, moist hands
and feet.

Sulphur. When the ringworm is accompanied with acidity, indigestion, retching, loss
of appetite and restlessness.
Apis Mel. Ringworm especially of the face and body. The odor of the body and sweat
is offensive and garlic-like.


Psorinum. Skin rough; cracks, bleeds and scaly. Dreads to be washed; looks dingy,
dirty, foul as if covered with dirt. Skin complaints worse from bathing and from
warmth of bed.

Sulphur. Dryness of skin without cracks.



Belladonna. Head remedy for scarlatina. Smooth, red and shiny eruptions, hot dry
and red throat, very irritable stomach causing nausea and vomiting. High temperature.
Acts also as a preventive.
Ailanthus Gland. Exceedingly acrid coryza. When the regular rash does not come
out. Malignant fever, fetid odor from mouth and nose. State of stupor from which it is
difficult to arouse. Suppression of natural manifestations. Inability to concentrate, loss
of memory, stupor, delirium after suppressed scarlatina.
Rhus Tox. Is indicated when in addition to regular scarlatina, there is a vesicular
eruption. Drowsiness with muttering delirium. Eruptions slow to appear.

Apis Mel. It is only useful when there is edema with kidney troubles. The skin is
mottled, red and white blotches. The face is pale and puffy. Swelling of the throat
with sharp stinging pain. Absence of thirst and aggravation from heat should not be

Lachesis. The blood affection first and the mucus membrane second are prominent.
Sloughing ulceration of the throat. Pain in tonsils.

Scarlatinum. Should be used as an intercurrent remedy and as preventive for scarlet
fever. Use in 200 dilution.


Lachesis. Scars bleed easily, break open, red scars.

Kali Iod. Scars left by small boils on face, neck, scalp, chest and back.
Variolinum. }

Serracenia. P. } Pock marks left by small pox on the face. Give Variolinum 200
every fortnight and Serracenia P. IX twice daily except on the day when Variolinum is
Causticum. Deep scars; injuries become sore again.
Lyssin. Scars left by the bite of a dog.

Graphites. Old hard scars.

Acid Fluor. Old scars become red around edges; covered or surrounded by itching

Thiosinaminum. For dissolving scar tissue, enlarged glands, lupus, strictures and
Phytolacca. When the above remedies fail.

Crocus. Old cicatrized wounds open again and again and suppurate.
Silicea. Scars left by boils or ulcers.

SCLEROMA-NEO-NATORUM (Hardness of a part of the skin of babies).

Lachesis. This remedy may be given in 200 or 1000 dilution weekly or monthly



Hypericum. Red lines and streaks extending up to the arms and legs.

Myristica Seb. Bluish and streaks extending to arms and axilla. Streaks up and down
the legs.



Silicea. Ulcers which do not heal quickly. Promotes healing of indolent ulcers. Better
by hot dressing. Granulations difficult, proud flesh.
Acid Fluor. Ulcers relieved by cold dressing.

Hepar Sulph. An excellent remedy for curing ulcers.

Gunpowder. Ulcers commencing around the ankles and extending to the knees,
exuding foul pus; less swollen, red and shiny.
Aranea Dia. Gangrenous ulcers. When Calcarea and Silicea aggravated, Ars. Alb.
only partially relieved, Aranea Dia. completely cured; patient being chilly and worst
on alternate days.

Hydrastis Can. Deep eating spreading ulcers upon the skin or mucus membranes
with burning and thick, viscid, yellow pus.

Comocladia Dentata. Ulcers with hard edges, erysipelas of malignant nature, great
swelling; intense itching.

Carbo Veg. Ulcers in folds of skin. Indolent ulcers which continue bleeding
passively. Ichorous, acrid and thin discharge.
Sulphur. Ulcers with violent scratching.

Staphisagria. Skin readily ulcerates in rickety children.

Nux Mosch. Ulceration in hysterical patients.

Nat Carb. For ulcers on heels, after walking.

Cistus Can. Indolent and gangrenous ulcers. Deep seated eating ulcers about ankle
and shin with copious acrid discharges, worse from bathing, sensitive to open air,
better by warmth.

Kali Sulph. Multiple ulcers. Patient feels better in open air.

Crocus. Old cicatrized wounds which open again and again and suppurate.

Phosphorus. Wounds which appear to have been healed, break out again and again
and bleed. Desquamation of skin. Burning in the skin.

Paeonia. For ulcers caused by biting of shoes.

Tarentula Cub. Malignant gangrenous ulcers. Also for carbuncles and boils. It stops
recurrence of suppuration when Silicea fails.

Condurango. Ulcers with foul smell, Ichorous, obstinate and old ulcers. Proud flesh.
Opium. Ulcers which are perfectly painless, which do not granulate and do not heal
or spread. Insensibility of parts which are in a high grade of inflammation.

Sanicula. Ulceration between toes.


Apis M. Head remedy for urticaria. Worse by warmth in bed, itching and burning but
no thirst. Circumscribed swelling which may be red and pale with violent itching.
Give in IX or 6th dilution.

Urtica Urens. This should be tried when Apis fails. It has the similar symptoms as in
Apis, except that it has frequent urination.

Pulsatilla. Will best meet the hives of gastric origin.

Antim Crud. When due to gastric catarrh or due to the use of acids. Worse by heat.
Astacus Fl. Chronic form of urticaria; nettle rash on whole body with itching.

Rhus Tox. Urticaria with burning and itching which is better in warmth and heat.
Throwing off of clothes aggravates burning and itching.
Nat. Mur. Obstinate cases with constipation and earthy complexion.

Radium. Itching all over the body at night. The skin burns like fire.

Dulcamara. Urticaria over whole body, itching burns after scratches; worse in
warmth, better in cold. Rash before menses.

Arsenic Alb. Should be thought of when the patient has thirst for small quantities of
water at short intervals. Specific when due to eating shell fish. The wheals itch and
burn intensely. Urticaria at the sea-shore.


Thuja. Moles or warts. Warts on or about the genitals. Give in 200 potency twice
daily-morning and evening.

Causticum. For warts on face, hands and eyes.

Dulcamara. Warts large, fleshy and smooth or flat. They may be on eyes, face or
Staphisagria. Condylomata, fig warts and cauliflower like excrescences. Give in 200
potency every week.

WHITLOW (See also “BOILS”)

Myristica. Is an excellent remedy for whitlow. It hastens suppuration and aborts pus
Hepar Sulph. This should be given after the burst of the whitlow. It will help healing.
Felons around the root of the nails and the end of the fingers. The nail suppurates,
loosens and comes off.

Silicea. Should be tired when Hepar Sulph fails or when the improvement in healing
Ledum Pal. Whitlow caused by needle-pricks.

Dioscorea. It is also useful in whitlow.

Allium Cepa. This should be tried when other medicines fail.



A Course for a 3 months duration.

Tub 1M 2 dose 15 days apart → Psorinum 1M 2 dose 15 days apart → Thyroidinum 1M 2 dose 15 days apart

In between continue Acid Fluor 30 + Phosphorus 30 + Baryta Carb 30 TDS (By Dr. Soni Surendranagar)

Allium Cepa (T. F. Allen)

For alopecia, Hippocrates directed the spots to be rubbed with onions, [a10].
- (The hair is made to grow by anointing (applying like oil) the bald spots with onions, 0[_a1].
- (It promotes the growth of hair in baldness better than Alcyonium, 0[a10]).
- It may be used externally for making the hair grow, anointing the shaven head with it; the juice also makes
the hair grow, 0[a10].)
- (For promoting the growth of the hair, the head is washed at evening with French brandy which has stood
over freshly cut onions, 0[a10].
- (Bald spots are to be rubbed with a cut onion till they are red, to make the hair grow, 0[a10].


Sanicula 200. Scaly dandruff over the scalp, eye-brows and other hairy parts. Give
one dose every week.
Phosphorus 200. Copious; falls out in clouds. Falling off of hair in bunches. Itching
of scalp.

Graphites. Herpetic dandruff (dandruff accompanied with eczema or other

eruptions). Scalp scaly with distressing itching, humid. Falling of hair. Burning on
Calcarea Sul. Dandruff on the scalp causing eruptions with thick yellow crusts;
eczema; also pimples due to dandruff; falling of hair.

Thuja. White scaly dandruff; hair dry and fall out.

Sepia. Dandruff in circles, like ringworm. Moist scalp; hair falls out; pimples on
forehead near hair.
Carboneum Sulph. Dandruff on the scalp; eruptions; crusts; eczema; itching; moist
scaly pimples, sore and painful.

Psorinum. Dandruff smells badly.

Nat. Mur. White dandruff, alternating with catarrh or loss of smell.

Sulphur. When well-selected remedies fail.

Ars. Alb. In debilitated subjects. Patients with fair skin. Scalp itches intolerably;
circular patches on bare spots; dry scales; nightly burning and itching.
Acid Fluor. Dry scurfy irritable scalp with falling off of hair.

Mezereum. With great itching and loss of hair.

Cochleria Amoracia: Locally cures Dandruff (Boericke)


Thuja. Falling of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.

Graphites. }

Anantherum.} Falling of beard and eye brows.

Shingurus. Falling of hair especially beard and whiskers.

Ustilago M. Baldness due to syphilis. The hair will fall and will not grow.
Wiesbaden. By the use of this remedy the hair will grow rapidly and become darker.
Give in 200 dilution.

Phosphorus. }
Calc Phos. } Falling of hair in bunches, leaving patches here and there. Try in
the given order.

Acid Phos. Falling of hair from head, also from eye-brows, eye-lashes and genitals;
due to grief.

Selenium. Falling of hair from the whole head leaving the scalp smooth and hairless.
Falling of hair from eyebrows and face giving a strange appearance.

Alumina. Extensive falling of hair of the scalp, parts become entirely denuded.
Falling of hair all over the body including eye-lashes.

Acid Fluor. Falling of hair due to syphilis. The hairs are dry, they mat; they split and
break. Become ragged in masses and lusterless.
Natrum Mur. Falling of hair in pregnancy. Losing hair after chronic headache.

Lachesis. Falling of hair during pregnancy.

Borax. Hair rough and horny, cannot be combed smooth. Hair tangle at the tips and
stick together. If these bunches are cut off, they form again.

Pulsatilla. Sensation of hair in eyes.

Nitric Acid. Profuse falling of hair, especially of vertex with eruptions. It may be due
to syphilis, nervous headaches, debility or emaciation. Scalp sensitive.

Vinca Minor. Bald spots with itching of the skin, oozing moisture, matting hair
together. Irresistible desire to scratch.
Ammon Mur. Falling of hair with dandruff.
Mancinella. Falling of hair after severe acute diseases.

Kali Carb. Falling of hair from eye-brows.

Rhus Tox. Falling of eye-lashes.

Mercurius. Falling of hair due to syphilis.

Sulphur. Very unruly hair-sandy, harsh and lusterless growing in every direction.

Medorrhinum. Falling of hair with itching of scalp. Better at sea-side.

Sepia. Falling of hair during menopause and pregnancy. Losing of hair during
headaches. No desire for conjugal relations.


Thuja. Luxuriant growth of hair on parts otherwise not to be naturally covered by

hair. Give one dose of 1M every month.

Oleum Jec. This remedy may be given in 30 potency in summer and in 3X potency in
winter thrice daily along with Thuja 1M. This medicine is not to be given two days
before or after giving Thuja.

Note. Take yellow sulphate of arsenic and quick lime in equal parts and make into a
paste with hot water. Apply the paste and allow it to dry on the face. No hair will
show there for weeks, may be never.

Thyroidinum. Treatment should be started with this remedy. It should be given in 30
dilution for one month thrice daily and thereafter in 200 dilution every week for one

Acid Phos. }


Wiesbaden. } Should be given in 200 dilution in alternation every week for about six
Pilocarpinum. Should be tried in 1000 dilution if the above remedies fail. Dose is to
be repeated every month.
Natrum Mur. }

Phosphorus. } Grey hair due to exhausting ailments. To be given in 200 dilution

alternately every week.

Ars. Hyd. Snowy white hair on deadened parts.

Nux Vom. Hair turned white (uterine neuralgia).



Thuja. Diseased finger nails with ugly look. Waxy nails.

Myristica Sebi. Pain in finger nails with swelling of the phalanges.

Calc Carb. Corrugated nails which are uneven, spotted and irregular.

Silicea. Ingrowing of toe nails, deformed. It stimulates the growth of new ones.
Fluoric Acid. In crumpled ridges.

Graphites. When the nails are thickened. Formed like a horn.

Apis M. Blood settles under nails.

Causticum. For ingrowing nails when Silicea fails.

Lachesis. Ingrown, proud flesh, purplish, stinging.

Magnetis Polus Aust. Sore pain in the inner side of the nail as if it had grown into the
flesh. Very painful on touch or by the shoe pressing on the toes and nails as from


Natrum Mur. Dryness and cracking round finger nails. Numbness and tingling in
fingers. Weakness of arms and knees. Crack in middle of lower lip. Ulticaria.
Sulphur. Dry scaly unhealthy skin, easily ulcerating. Small wounds slow to heal.
Warts and chilblains. Cold damp feet. Feels cold and dead at night.


Antim Crud. Nails brittle, grow out of shape. Horny warts on hands and soles of feet.
Dry skin-itching when warm in bed. Very irritable and thickly coated white tongue.
Aggravated by heat and cold thing.

Silicea. Affections of finger nails especially if there are white spots on nails. Dry cold
feet with sweat. Crippled nails.

Alumina. Brittle nails. Gnawing beneath finger nails. Dry skin, chaps easily. Itches
when warm in bed. Skin is brittle on fingers. Constipation.

Nitric Acid. Cold blue nails. Warts on hand which bleed on washing. Sensitive to
noise, pain and touch.

Thuja. Nails soft and brittle; crippled. Brown spots on hands and arms. Greasy skin.
Dandruff in hair, perspiration sweetish and strong.

Graphites. Nails grow thick, cracked and out of shape. The patient is sad; disappoint;
weeps; thinks of nothing but death.

Helleborus. Falling of nails with peeling of the skin.

Alumina Silicate. Brittling of nails; hands constantly chapped; icy coldness of hands
and feet, ulceration about the nails.
Acid Fluoric. Nails are crippled, lengthwise corrugations in the nails. Nails grow too
fast and grow awkwardly, that is they are deformed and crippled, too thick in some
places and too thin in others, break easily and brittle.



Aconite N. High fever, restlessness, great thirst for large quantities of water. Face
flushed. Exposure to cold wind. It should only be given in early stages.

Baptisia. Fever with thirst and hunger. Feels warm all over the body after meals.
Restlessness or tossing about in the bed. Talkativeness when the temperature is high.
Diarrhea smells fetid. Alternately the patient may be in deep stupor.

Belladonna. Flushed face, bright red, high temperature, no thirst, wants to be quiet,
are the ranking symptoms of this remedy. Headache, throbbing of carotids. Fever due
to working or walking in the sun.

Gelsemium. Face flushed, dark, with headache commencing from the nape of the
neck. No thirst and patient wants to lie down quietly.

Nux Vom. Patient feels chilly even at the hottest part of the day. Although chilly,
wants to uncover. Obstinate constipation, bitter taste in the mouth. Rise between 10
and 11 A.M.

Arsenic Alb. Fever with restlessness. Thirst for small quantities of water at short
intervals. Weakness and prostration. Rigors and chill of very violent character with a
feeling as if the blood flowing was ice water. During the heat state he feels that
boiling water is going through blood vessels.

Bryonia. Fever accompanied by dry cough with pain all over the body. Wants to lie
quiet, does not want to talk to any body. Thirst for large quantities of water at long
Triosteum. An excellent remedy for gastric or typhoid fevers. It works as specific for
all fevers.

Caladium. Falls asleep every evening during the fever and wakes up after it is over.
Nyctanthes. Bilious fever with vomiting, burning in stomach, nausea, violent thirst
with chill, intermittent, fever, with dropsical swellings.

Ignatia. Fever with thirst during chill and in no other stage; chill relieved by external
heat; heat aggravated by external covering; red face during chill.

Alstonia. Slow fever with diarrhea.

Acid Phos. Low type fever.

Cadmium Sulph. }

Crotalus Hor. } Yellow fever with intense vomiting and nausea.

Acetic Acid. Slow fever with night sweat, skin cold.

Abies Can. Cold shivering all over as if blood turned to ice water-chills down back.

Psorinum. In fevers when the heat and sweat are intense. Boiling sweat in fevers
which is like hot steam.

Apis Mel. Fever with dry heat and sweating alternatively. Kalazar fever with
enlargement of spleen with or without thirst.

BLISTERS (hydora)
Natrum Mur. An excellent remedy for fever blisters. It may be given at any stage. In
intermittent fever. But if it fails to relieve other remedies should be tried.
Ignatia. Intermittent fevers, when Nat. Mur. Fails.

Acid Phos. Crusty, in typhoid fevers.

Lactic Acid. Studded with vesicles and red base.

Hepar Sulph. Pimples sore, smarting. Pustules white apthous on inside.

Silicea. Crusts with discharge from ears.
Rhus Tox. Fever blisters.

Baptisia. Sordes, in typhus.




Variolinum. This remedy should be given at the commencement of the treatment.
One dose only to be given in 200. The administration of this remedy is essential, as if
cuts short the course of the disease.

Antim Tart. This remedy should be started 48 hours after the administration of
Variolinum. It should be given every two hours until fever leaves.
Bryonia. It should be given if there is fever and dry cough. The patient wants to lie
Merc. Sol. Should be thought of after fever has left.

Calcarea Phos. It should be given as a tonic for weakness after small-pox, chicken-
pox and measles.

DENGUE (breakbone fever)

Bryonia. Pain all over the body, but not deep in the bones. Wants to lie quietly. Thirst
for large quantities of water at long intervals.
Eupat Perf. An excellent remedy for breakbone fever. The pains go deep into the
bones. Vomiting and restlessness.
Rhus Tox. Is indicated in dengue fever when there is muscular pain.



HYPERPYREXIA (Excessively high temperature of the body).

Belladonna. A high feverish state with comparative absence of toxemia. Burning,

pungent, steaming heat. Extremities icy cold. No thirst.

Veratrum Viride. High temperature with great variation.


Ars. Alb. It is the head remedy for influenza. Even if it is given indiscriminately, it
cures 95 per cent of cases. Its indications are restlessness with thirst for small
quantities of water at short intervals, sneezing, running from the nose which is thin
and acrid. It may be tried in post-influenzal symptoms when Carbo veg. fails.
Sulphur. Is intercurrent remedy which should never be forgotten in the treatment of
influenza. If the temperature does not subside within 48 hours, this remedy should be
given in 200 dilution on empty stomach early in the morning. It may complete the
cure or help in the selection of other remedies by clearing up the symptoms. When
this remedy is administered, no other medicine should be given for at least 12 hours.

Gelsemium. Should be thought of in early stages of flu. It has sneezing, frequent and
violent chilliness up and down the back, face flushed, dark red; watery discharge from
the nose which is bland (non-irritant). Aching pain in the muscles. No thirst but severe
headache. Give 1X.

Eupatorium Perf. It is indicated in fever with chill followed by vomiting of bile.

Shivering runs down the back and spreads to extremities. There is deep pain in the
bones relieved by pressure and movement. Thirst, but water tastes saltish or oily.
Coryza with sneezing, hoarseness and loose cough. Give 2X dilution. Dryness of the

Bryonia. It is indicated when flu is complicated with pneumonia. There are shooting
pains in muscles which are aggravated (increased) by least movement. Dry hacking
cough causing much pain in the lungs and chest. Sweating of the body.

Kali Bich. For cough after fever which is not dry. Sticky phlegm which can be drawn
into a thread. There is weakness, ulceration of the mucus membrane of the nose,
dryness with pain at the root of the nose and clinkers.
Nat. Sulph. It is specific for epidemic influenza.

Rhus Tox. Flu with constant chilliness as if cold water was poured over the body or
as if the blood ran cold through the veins, with pains in limbs. Restlessness and the
patient tosses about which gives relief. The tongue is dry with triangular tip. Hard
tickling cough.
Dulcamara. One of the best remedies in acute form. Eyes suffused, throat sore; cough
hurts due to muscular soreness, brought on by wet or change to cold weather.

Causticum. High fever, flushed face, no chilliness, much prostration, could hardly get
out of bed. Nose stopped, coryza free, watery. Hoarseness. Dry hacking cough which
is persistent. Give one dose of 1M.

Cardus M. It is useful for flu when liver is affected.

Influenzinum. It is a nosode and should be given as an intercurrent remedy when

other well selected remedies fail to improve the condition. It is given as preventive in
epidemic form of flu. It also cures. Treatment may be started with this.

Carbo Veg. An excellent remedy for post-influenzal symptoms such as prostration,

lack of energy, residual bronchitis, burning in soles of feet as if from a red pepper.
Give in 200 potency twice daily.
Ammon Carb. Cough after influenza when Bryonia and other remedies fail. For such
a cough Ammonia Carb, should be tried first. Give in 200 potency.

Baptisia. In epidemic influenza with besotted countenance, bleary eyes, aching head,
sore throat, pains and soreness all over the body and profound prostration. Stupid look
with stupor from which it is difficult to arouse the patient.
Lycopodium. When literary persons are unable to get to work again after flu; this
remedy will cure them.

China. Head remedy for malaria. It has chill but without thirst during the first two
stages, viz. chill and heat. The thirst commences about the end of second stage when
the fever starts declining. It is prominent during the stage of sweat. In other words
there is thirst before and after the chill. Symptoms are worse every third day. Attack
preceded by nausea, accompanied by agitation, palpitation, headache and feeling of
hunger. Give in mother tincture or in 1X dilution in acute cases. In chronic cases use
higher dilution, viz. 200 or 1000.

Chininum Sulph. The paroxysm in this remedy comes at 10 or 11 A.M. or 3 and 10

P.M. Strong shaking chill with thirst. The heat stage is very violent and is frequently
associated with yawning and sneezing. The first is also present during this stage as
well as during the sweat stage. The sweat is exhausting and long lasting.

Ars Alb. Great prostration anxiety, restlessness, intense burning thirst with irritability
of the stomach, bitter taste. It should be thought of in chronic cases. The chill is
usually preceded by a restless night. Alternate chill and heat. Severe shaking chill
which may last all day. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. During
the chill stage he feels as if the blood flowing through the vessels is ice cold and no
thirst. During the heat stage he feels as if boiling water is flowing through blood
vessels with thirst for small quantities of water during sweat stage. Abuse of quinine.
Suitable when three stages are not distinct.

Eupatorium Perf. Bone pain as if broken. Nausea and vomiting as the chill passes
off. Chill begins in the back and may radiate to other parts. Chill, which begins in the
small of the back is worse by motion, drinking and uncovering. Nausea increases at
the close of the chill till the patient vomits a bitter watery substance. Intense thirst
during the heat. There is sweat in the majority of cases. Heavily coated tongue with
bitter taste. Pressure over skull cap.

Natrum Mur. Throbbing, hammering headache, and intense thirst, which warns the
patient that the paroxysm is at hand. Dreads the long, severe and violent shaking chill
with thirst. Vomits green bilious matter during chill with headache. Every fever
terminates with profuse perspiration. The paroxysms return between 10 and 11 A.M.
This is a marked and a red line symptom of this remedy. Chill begins in the fingers
and the lips are blue. The heat is long continued and severe with increase in headache
which becomes intolerable often causing stupor or even unconsciousness. The face is
yellowish-grey. Spleen and liver enlarged. Blisters on lips.

Pulsatilla. Slightest disorder of the stomach brings on the attack. Bitter taste or sour
vomiting of phlegm or bile. Absence of thirst during attack or thirst only during hot
stage. Attacks coming on in the evening.

Bryonia. When there is sickness of the stomach, belching , bitter taste, tongue furried;
constipation or diarrhea, yawning and stitches in the side during heat; much thirst or
heat before the chills, red cheeks in cold stage.
Gelsemium. When the chill runs up the spine or starts from the feet. Headache in the
nape of the neck. Chill in middle of the day. Drowsiness, dullness and dizziness. No
thirst. Suits children.

Wyethia. Chill at 11 A.M. Thirst for ice-water during chill. No thirst with heat.
Profuse sweat all night. Terrific headache during sweat.
Rhus Tox. The sensation of cold in cold stage and heat in the heat stage, piercing
through the blood vessels: dry tongue. A dry hacking cough before the chill, burning
in forehead and eyes; moist mouth. Restlessness which is relieved by movements.
Watery yellow stools. Triangular tip tongue. Chill starts in the thigh or between the

Apis Mel. Chill with sudden violent vomiting. The fever comes in the evening
between 6 and 7 P.M. The chill begins in the chest and abdomen with feeling of
weight on the chest. Skin dry and hot. Burning and oppression of the chest is most
marked and dyspnoea is alarming.

Cedron. Fever returning at clock-like periodicity.

Meyanthes: Fever with prolonged chill, hands and feet ice cold. Give 200 or 1000
Ferrum Ars. Malaria fever with prolonged chill, hands and feet ice cold. Give 200
and 1000 dilution.

Nux Vom. Violent, long lasting and shaking chill of the fingers and face, especially
the lips and tips of fingers. Very irregular. No thirst during chill and very thirsty
during the stage of heat. Pain in the limbs which are relieved by sweat. Giddiness as if
drunk. Cramps in muscles of abdomen and the calves of legs.

Veratrum Alb. Fever appearing in the morning with severe chill and heavy sweat
which leaves the patient weak and prostrated, limbs becoming deadly cold.

Malaria Off. It is a nosode and may be given in high dilution in chronic cases or
when the cure is not affected even with the well selected remedies. It also completes
the cure. Aching pains etc. which continue in spite of the fact that fever has subsided,
will be cured by this remedy.
Caladium. Always falls asleep every evening during the paroxysm and wakes up
after it is over.
Nyctanthes. Malaria fever with bilious vomiting, constipation, burning in stomach,
nausea, violent thirst with chill and dropsical swellings.

Cimex. Thirst before chill. Pain in joints during chill – Contraction as if tendons are
too short. The legs cannot be extended. Drinking of water aggravates or excites cough
or headache or both.


Bryonia. It is an excellent remedy for measles. It should be given in 2X dilution. It

aborts the disease and definitely cuts short its course. It prevents lung affections which
is a common complication.

Silicea. This remedy should be given for cough after measles.

Pulsatilla. It is also useful in early stages of the disease with coryza and profuse

Gelsemium. When the patient is drowsy and indifferent. Face puffed and refused. No
thirst. Pulse full and soft but slow.
Drosera. Spasmodic cough during and after measles.

Apis M. Meningitis due to suppression of measles with encephalic cry.

Kali Bi. It is indicated when instead of simple catarrh as in Pulsatilla, there are
pustules developed on the cornea. The throat is swollen with pain from throat to ears:
there may be catarrhal deafness.

Malandrium. Preventive for measles. Give in 30 dilution one dose every week.
Euphrasia. Inflammation of the mucus membrane of eyes and nose. Sneezing with
bland discharge from the nose and acrid discharge from the eyes. It turns measles into
a simple form, bringing out the eruptions, controls the fever and relieves the cough.

Ars. Alb. When there is great prostration, thirst for small quantities of water at short
intervals. Restlessness. Dark-green diarrhea with midnight aggravation.

Ailanthus. An excellent remedy for suppression of measles. It is indicated in

meningitis from suppression of measles, with stupor which may be due to effusion.
Rashes recede suddenly or are livid.


Belladonna 3X. Is an excellent remedy for mumps. It may be alternated with Merc.
Iod. 30. The two remedies should be alternated every half an hour.

Phytolacca. This should be tried if the above remedies fail, and when the tumor is
harder and the skin paler.

Pulsatilla. When the ear is involved and the pain is very severe. It is better by heat.
When mumps affect testes of mammae, whereby they are inflammed.
Abrotanum. When mumps affect testes or mammae, and when Pulsatilla fails.
Parotidinum. It is a nosode and is used as a preventive against the infection. It may
be given in 200 dilution once a week for two or three weeks as preventive. It is also
used as a curative and should be given along with other remedies. In that case only
one dose should be given stopping all other medicines for that day.

Pilocarpinum. An excellent remedy as a preventive. It may be given twice daily for a



Ignatia. Is an excellent remedy to be used as preventive and curative. It should be
given in mother tincture-one drop a dose.
Operculina Tur. When lymphatic glands are enlarged and indurated. Boils and
abscesses. Fever is associated with restless, loquacity and delirium.

Tarentula Cub. In septic and toxemia condition. Abscesses with most severe type of
inflammation and pain.

Arsenic Alb. Extreme prostration with diarrhea.

Crotalus Hor. Right sided affections. Tendency to hemorrhages. Patient sleeps into I

Pyrogenium. Septic state with intense restlessness. Horribly offensive discharges

whether diarrhea, vomiting, sweat or breath. Great pain and violent burning in
affected parts.
Rhus Tox. With typhoid fever, with delirium and fear of being poisoned.

Pestinum (Plaguinum). Should be given as an intercurrent remedy during the course

of the disease.

Belladonna. During early stages of the disease when there is acute delirium; fever
with dry burning heat and shooting pains. Face and eyes glistening.

Lachesis. Great restlessness and prostration; sore bruised feeling all over. Eyes

Naja. Is said to be useful in India in bubonic plague and should be given in lieu of
Phosphorus. When accompanied with pneumonia.
Hydrocyanic Acid. During the stage of collapse.


Belladonna. Head remedy for scarlatina. Smooth, red and shiny eruptions, hot dry
and red throat, very irritable stomach causing nausea and vomiting. High temperature.
Acts also as a preventive.

Ailanthus Gland. Exceeding acrid coryza. When the regular rash does not come out.
Malignant fever, fetid odor from mouth and nose. State of stupor from which it is
difficult to arouse. Suppression of natural manifestations. Inability to concentrate, loss
of memory, stupor, delirium after suppressed scarlatina.

Rhus Tox. Is indicated when in addition to regular scarlatina, there is a vesicular

eruption. Drowsiness with muttering delirium. Eruptions slow to appear.

Apis Mel. It is only useful when there is edema with kidney troubles. The skin is
mottled, red and white blotches. The face is pale and puffy. Swelling of the throat
with sharp stinging pain. Absence of thirst and aggravation from heat should not be

Lachesis. The blood affection first and the mucus membrane second are prominent.
Sloughing ulceration of the throat. Pain in tonsils.

Scarlatinum. Should be used as an intercurrent remedy and as preventive for scarlet

fever. Use in 200 dilution.

SEPTICEMIA (Blood poisoning)

Carbo Veg. Wonderful remedy for septic conditions, blood poisoning especially after
surgical operations and after shock. Purplish and mottled appearance of the skin.

Pyrogen. It is an excellent remedy for septic fever. The bed feels hard, parts pain and
feet sore and bruised. Great restlessness, must move constantly. Tongue large, flabby,
clean, smooth as if varnished red. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of all proportion to the
temperature when Foetus retained or decomposed. Offensive discharge after delivery.
Specific for puerperal (after delivery) fever. Weakness and lassitude. Offensive
perspiration. Frequent call for urination as fever comes on.
Ammonium Carb. Blood-poisoning due to animal bites with zymosis. Tendency to
bleeding of black blood which will not coagulate.

Ars. Alb. Septic condition of the blood. Great thirst for small quantities of water at
short intervals. Great prostration, restlessness, anguish, local and general burning.
Putrid discharges.

Echinacea. It should be thought of in sepsis due to injuries. Distension of veins which

become darker in color. Great variation in temperature 97 0 to 1050 F. Dull aching in
head and extremities. Infection spreading from uterus. Tympanitis; sensitive abdomen,
putrid foul discharge.

Baptisia. Putrid discharges, heat all over; muscular soreness; restlessness; great
debility and prostration.
Lachesis. The extreme sensitiveness, the blueness of the parts and after sleep
aggravation are the main symptoms. Bruised and lacerated wounds call for this
remedy. Pyemia, gangrene, and carbuncles. Scanty putrid discharges.
Arnica. Is an excellent remedy for sepsis due to bruises. Tendency to typhoid. Loose
stools, foul odors, mental restlessness.
Rhus Tox. It is the best prophylactic for cases of surgery. It should be given for 48
hours in 30 dilution every three hours. It will prevent sepsis. Suitable in cases of
septicemia with rheumatic affections. Redness and soreness at point of infection.
Chilliness, dry tongue, diarrhea and restlessness.

Anthraxinum. Septic inflammation and ulcerations. Pyemia, gangrenous carbuncles.

Rapid decomposition. Burning pain severer than that of Arsenicum.


Variolinum. It is an excellent remedy as curative as well as preventive. A dose of this

should be given at the commencement of the treatment. The normal treatment with
other remedies should be started 24 hours after. For prevention of the disease the
medicine should be given once a week in 200 dilution. It is never to be below 200. It
cures disfigurement of the face left by small pox. Give one dose of 200 potency every
week, three or four doses along with other indicated remedies. No other medicine to
be given on the day Variolinum is adminitstered.

Bryonia. First stage remedy with high fever and great thirst. The eruptions are slow to
appear. All symptoms are worse by motion.
Antim Tart. It is said to have moderated the entire course of the disease. Normally it
is to be given in the second stage when the pustules have formed.

Thuja. In eruptive stage with milky, flat, painful, offensive pustules upon a dark
inflamed area. Especially suitable in sycotic patient.

Sarracenia. It is an excellent remedy for small-pox. It can be given in any stage. It

not only cuts short the period of incubation, but also stops pitting. It is said to have
proved successful as curative as well as preventive.

Veratrum Vir. Pulse full and rapid, headache worse on the back of head, fever with
perspiration with head hot and extremities cold.

Malandrium. It is another preventive for small-pox. Ill effects of vaccination. Skin
remains rough, unhealthy, dry after vaccination. If given along with vaccination, the
vaccination, the vaccination will not take.

Mercurius. Is to be given when the glands, especially the parotid glands are involved.
Profuse saliva and greenish mucus stools are the ranking symptoms. This will also
prevent pitting.

Cuprum Acet. Small pox with accelerated pulse; cramping spasms in the chest;
difficult breathing; prostration: loss of appetite; face red and swollen; delirious;
cramps in the calves; eruptions consisting of spots of different sizes.

Belladonna. Throbbing headache, purplish face, dry throat, full bounding pulse. Child
wants the head to be held and tied very tightly by cloth.

Phosphorus. When there is complication of pneumonia or with marked hemorrhagic

feature or both. Bright red blood from lungs which is so severe as would induce
fainting and exhaustion. Bleeding from small points or individual pocks.
Hammamelis. Hemorrhagic variety of small pox with dark oozing, bleeding from the
gums, nose, rectum and genital organs.
Acid Nitric. Hemorrhagic from bowels and violent bleeding from nose. The blood is
bright and hot.

Muriatic Acid. Last stage of the disease where the perspiration is excessive and the
patient is in a sunken, exhausted and collapsed condition. Patient loses control of his
functions as a result of disorganization of the blood.
Lachesis. }

Crotalus. } Best suited for putrid types of the disease with general exhaustion,
stupor and blood disorganization.
Hepar Sulph. This remedy is used to hasten the suppuration of diseased glands or


Glonoine. An excellent remedy for sunstroke. It should be given immediately on the

attack. No appetite. Eyes fixed. Severe headache. Jaws firmly clenched.

Belladonna. Face flushed, blood-shot eyes. High fever. Throbbing headache.

Opium. Breathing difficult or obstructed. Face bloated.

Lachesis }

Anacardium.} Loss of memory.



Ars. Alb. I have used this remedy with great success in typhoid fever in three drop
doses every two hours-six doses daily. If the temperature does not abate, give Sulphur
200- one dose on empty stomach and no other remedy on that day. Start again with
Ars. 30 from the following day. If no improvement is seen during the next four days,
give Psorinum 200 in the morning-empty stomach. No other remedy that day and start
again with Ars. 30 from the following day. If this also fails during the next four days,
give Tuberculinum 200 or 1000 in the morning on empty stomach in the same way as
Sulphur or Psorinum. Wait for two days and then again start with Ars. 30. The normal
symptoms for Ars. Alb. are:- restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water at short
intervals, prostration. Extremely red tongue combined with diarrhea, mouth sour with
dry crusts.

Phosphorus. It is used only when typhoid is complicated with pneumonia. It is also

valuable in diarrhea after convalescence has set in.
Hyoscyamus. Cerebral paralysis, low delirium, muscular twitchings, dropping of
lower jaw and involuntary stools.

Baptisia. It is indicated when typhoid is accompanied with diarrhea. The stools are of
four smell and there is stupor from which it is difficult to arouse the patient. Sudden
prostration, indifference and apathy. It cuts short the period, if given in early stage.
Typhoid of unusually rapid onset.

Gelsemium. Is to be given in early stage of typhoid. There is no thirst, but the

headache is troublesome. The patient is otherwise quiet, indifferent, emotionless,
Drooping eyelids, trembling, chilliness, drowsiness, dread of motion, prostration.

Arum Trip. This is an important remedy which should be thought of when the patient
is pricking the nose, lips or finger nails until they bleed. This is an important symptom
of this remedy and is often found in typhoid cases.

Lachesis. It has similar symptoms as in Baptisia, except that Lachesis patient is worse
after sleep and has a tendency to hemorrhage of dark blood. He is sensitive to touch
especially at the neck and waist; loss of speech. Signs of paralysis of brain viz.
dropping of lower jaw, offensive discharges, low muttering delirium, dry trembling
Acid Muriatic. It is indicated in hemorrhage from the intestines. Foetid breath. Putrid
smell. There is extreme prostration. The evacuations are constant with
unconsciousness. The jaw hangs down; in fact the patient is one the very brink of the
grave. Tongue dry, rattles in the mouth. Pulse intermitting.

Syphilinum. After typhoid fever when the patient is very slow in convalescing which
may be due to syphilis. Syphilinum high say 200 or 1000 may be tried.
Abisinthium. Sleeplessness in typhoid. Congestion of base of the brain.

Opium. Paralytic condition, dark red face and stertorous breathing.

Calc Carb. }
Belladonna. } Sees objects and persons on closing the eyes. They appear on opening
Acid Phos. Prostration and weakness following the typhoid fever.

Castoreum. Irritability with weakness and exhausting sweat after typhoid, especially
in women.

Cuprum Met. Typhoid fever with unconsciousness; loss of pulse; suppression of

urine; tympanitic abdomen; restlessness; rolling about on the floor for days together;
great prostration and nervous excitability. Give in 200 dilution every twelve hours till
the improvement starts.

Stramonium. Typhoid fever with oozing of blood from the mouth, tongue dry,
swollen which fills mouth, printed red like a piece of meat.

Terebinthina. Smooth gloosy red tongue with excessive tympanitis.

Croton Tig. For complications of diarrhea with colic.

Kali Phos. Dry brown tongue, dry crusts on teeth, mental depression, delirium. Foul
and offensive discharges.

Vaccinum Mytillus. Yellow loose stool, great thirst and chilliness.



Antim Crud. Worse in evening, from acids, heat, wine, water, washing and bathing.

Sepia. Worse forenoon and evening, washing, dampness, after sweat, cold air and
before thunder storm; by consolation on closing eyes.

Nux Vom. Worse morning, mental excitement, mental exertion, after eating, touch,
noise, spices, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, open air, cold, sitting on cold steps;
smoking. Turning in bed; patent and other medicines, aromatic, bitter vegetable pills,
sedentary habits.

Ars Alb. Worse in wet weather, afternoon and at or after midnight, from cold, cold
drinks or food, seashore, dark, fruits, sneezing.

Bryonia. Worse by motion, warmth, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch,
jar, lying on painless side.

China. Worse on slightest touch; draught of air; every other day; loss of vital fluids,
by bleeding, diarrhea etc; at night, after eating fruit; noise.

Chamomilla. Worse by heat, anger, open air, wind, at night, lying on painless side.
Cistus Can. Worse by slightest exposure to cold air, mental exertion, excitement.

Mercurius Sol. Worse at night or before midnight, wet, damp weather, lying on right
side, perspiring, warm room and warm bed. Worse from the extremes of temperature,
worse from both hot and cold.

Causticum. Worse in cold winds, dry, in clear fine weather, cold air, from motion of

Kali Carb. Worse after coition; in cold weather, from soup and coffee; in morning
about three o’ clock; lying on left and painful side.

Psorinum. Worse by coffee which should be avoided when taking this medicine.
Change of weather, in hot sunshine, from cold. Dread of least cold air draught.
Silicea. Worse on new full moon, in morning, from washing, during menses,
uncovering, lying down, damp, lying on left side, cold consolation.

Zincum Met. Aggravation of all complaints by drinking wine which intoxicates him
even if a small amount is taken.
Acid Phos. Exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses.

Phosphorus. By touch, physical or mental exertion; too much light; warm food or
drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather, evening, lying on left or
painful side, during a thunder-storm, ascending stairs.

Lyssin. Worse sight or sound of running water or pouring water or even thinking of
fluids; dazzling or reflected light; heat of sun; stooping.

Stramonium. Worse in dark room, when alone, looking at bright or shining objects,
after sleep, on swallowing.

Conium. Worse on lying down; changing sides in bed; celibacy (unmarried); before
and during menses; from taking cold; from bodily or mental exertion.
Sulphur. Worse at rest and when standing, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, in
morning at 11 A.M.
Natrum Mur. Worse from noise, music, warm room, lying down, about 10 A.M. , at
seashore, mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking.
Lachesis. Worse after sleep; the patient sleeps during aggravation; ailments that come
on during sleep, left side and then right side, in the spring, warm bath, hot drinks,
closing eyes, tight clothes: at beginning of and end of menses.

Dulcamara. Worse at night; from cold in general; damp rainy weather.

Aranea Diad. Worse in damp weather, late afternoon and midnight.
Natrum Sulph. Worse by music which makes her sad; lying on left side; damp
weather or dampness of basement, storm.

Pulsatilla. Worse from heat, rich fat food like pastry, after eating, towards evening,
warm room, lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hang down.
Erratic, shifting and constantly changing; before and during menses.

Ledum P. Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion.

Sanicula. Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion.

Ambra Grisea. Presence of other persons and conversation aggravate the symptoms.
Aggravation from listening to music.

Natrum Ars. Worse from butter, cold drinks, cold food, fats, fruits, milk, pork,
Lycopodium. Worse when from right to left or from above downwards between 4-8
P.M., warm application except throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks,
mortification from offence.
Alumina. Aggravation from salt, wine, vinegar, pepper and from spirituous drinks.
Worse periodically, in afternoon; from potatoes; in morning on awaking; warm room.
Lac. Can. Worse in the morning of one day and in the evening of next. Erratic,
shifting and constantly changing.

Crocus Sat. Worse lying down, hot weather, warm room, in morning, fasting, before
breakfast, looking fixedly at an object.

Belladonna. Worse to touch, jar, noise, draught, afternoon, lying down, hair cut.
Hepar Sul. Worse from dry cold winds, cool air; slightest draught, from mercury,
touch, lying on painful side.
Staphisagria. Worse from anger, indigestion, grief, mortification, loss of fluids,
organism, sexual excesses, tobacco; least touch of affected parts, misdeeds of others.
Carbo Veg. Worse in evening, night and open air, cold; fat food, butter, pastry,
coffee, milk; warm damp weather, urine.

Colocynthis. Worse from anger and indignation.

Borax. Worse downward motion; noise; smoking, warm weather, after menses.
Ignatia. Worse on hearing bad news, in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee,
smoking, liquids, external warmth, noise.
Colchicum. Worse from sunset to sunrise; motion; loss of sleep; smell of food; in
evening; mental exertion; noise.
Cocculus. Worse after eating, after loss of sleep, in open air, smoking, riding,
swimming, touch, noise, jar; afternoon menstrual period; emotional disturbance.

Carbo Animalis. Worse after shaving; loss of fluid.

Rhus Tox. Worse at night, during sleep, wet rainy weather and after rain, during rest,
when lying on back or right side.

Rhododendron. Worse before storm; all symptoms reappear in rough whether; night,
towards morning.

Coca. Worse on ascending high altitude.

Calcarea Phos. Worse by exposure to damp cold weather, melting snow.

Ferrum Met. Aggravation of suffering comes on during rest, even the dyspnoea and
weakness are worse by rest. Better by gentle movements but any exertion aggravates.

Magnesia Mur. Worse on closing the eyes to go to sleep. On closing the eyes he
becomes so anxious, restless, fidgety that he must throw the covers off, take a long
breath or do something. Aggravation from saltish things, from inhaling sea hair.
Magnesia Phos. Worse on right side, cold, touch at night.

Gelsemium. Worse in damp weather, fog, before a thunder storm, emotion,

excitement, bad news, tobacco smoking, when thinking of his ailment.

Dioscorea. Worse in evening and night, lying down and doubling up.
Bromium. Worse from evening until midnight, when sitting in warm room; warm
damp weather, when at rest and lying on left side.

Cyclamen. Worse in open air, evening, sitting, standing, cold water.

Anacardium. Worse on application of hot water.

Cuprum Met. Worse before menses; from vomiting, contact.

Apis Mel. Worse by heat in any form; touch; pressure; in late afternoon; after
sleeping; in closed and heated room.
Argentum Nit. Worse by warmth in any form; at night; from cold food; sweats after
eating; at menstrual period; from emotions; left side.



Allergy is a condition of unusual or exaggerated specific susceptibility to
substance which is harmless to the majority of persons given in like amounts and
under like conditions, e.g. fish, berries, eggs, white bread or various other foods,
producing symptoms such as urticaria, nausea, vomiting, pains, purging, migraines,
asthma and many other symptoms of various nature. Drugs and medicines that would
be borne by the majority of persons would produce allergic symptoms and even toxic
manifestations in those who are sensitive to a particular kind of food or drug.

Tuberculinum. }

Sulphur. } These are the head remedies for removing allergy against milk,
milk products, eggs, sardines, cooked animal food, hair dyes etc. Tuberculinum
should be given first in 200 dilution. If no improvement is achieved with two doses
given every week, try Sulphur 200 a dose every week. If this potency does not
respond, it may be increased to 1000, a dose or two need only be given every
fortnight. (See also indications against Sulphur below).

Thyroidin. An excellent remedy in allergic rhinitis causing excessive sneezing and

edema of nasal mucus membrane. Dyspnoea without apparent cause or of obscure
character; in allergic asthma with severe dyspnoea. Urticaria. Eczema. Vertigo,
headache, nausea, neuralgias etc. when due to allergy.

Psorinum. Allergy for wheat which causes eczema. It is chronic of Tuberculinum and
should be given where this remedy fails or helps only partially. It should also be tried
when Sulphur fails.

Apium Grav. Allergy for celery sniffle by eating of which itching is produced. Give
in 200 or 1000 dilution to be repeated weekly or fortnightly.
Fragaria Vesca. Allergy to strawberries which produce urticaria; sometimes there is
difficulty in breathing if a weight were on the chest.

Pulsatilla. Allergy for cod-liver oil, fats and orange juice. Sensitive to food
containing proteins. Gets bilious from oils or fats. Tendency to catch cold and become
easily fatigued.

Thuja. Allergy to onions which are just like poison to him.

Lycopodium. Allergy to oysters. The use of oysters is like a poison to him.

Saccharum Off. Allergy to sugar or can sugar.

Urtica Urens. Allergy to milk which causes urticaria.

Natrum Mur. Allergy to eggs, starches, milk, honey, ragweed pollens, onions, wheat,
animal food, etc.
Ferrum Met. Allergy to eggs.

Sulphur. Allergy to feathers and chocolates. Cured hay fever in a patient using pillow
of feathers. Sensitive to hair dyes which produce eczema. Allergy to cooked animal
food. Tuberculinum 200 should be used for ill effects of hair dyes when Sulph. Fails.

Argentum Nitricum. For all allergic disease, having elective affinities for the skin,
mucus membranes and other parts and organs, particularly for lungs.

Pothos: Dust Allergy (Boericke).

Solanum Lycoper. Dust allergy (Boericke).

Wyethia. A/F from AC.


Nux Vom. Better from a nap if allowed to finish it, after sleep in evening, while at
rest, in damp wet weather, strong pressure.

Arsenic Alb. Better from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks, sweat, lying on back
with shoulders raised.

Manganum. All the symptoms are better by lying down. His pains, fears, anxiety and
restlessness disappear by lying.

Bryonia. Better lying on painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.

China. Bending double, hard pressure, open air, warmth.

Chamomilla. From being carried, warm wet weather, sweat.

Cistus Can. Better after eating.

Causticum. Better in damp, wet weather; warmth; heat of bed; bathing.

Kali Carb. Better in warm weather though moist; during day, moving about, sitting
up in bed.

Psorinum. Better from heat, warm weather though moist; during day, moving about,
sitting up in bed.

Silicea. Warmth, wrapping up head, summer; in wet or humid weather, damp warm
Acid Phos. Better from keeping warm, urination.

Phosphorus. Better in dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold open air, washing
with cold water, sleep.
Stramonium. Better from bright light, company, warmth.

Conium. Better while fasting; in the dark; from letting limbs hang down; motion and
pressure; by putting feet on chair.

Sulphur. Better in dry warm weather, lying on right side, from drawing up affected

Natrum Mur. Better in open air, cold bathing, going without regular meals, lying on
right side, pressure against back, tight clothing, consolation.
Lachesis. Better from appearance of discharge, during menses; cool air, must have
windows open.
Dulcamara. Better from moving about; external warmth.

Aranea Dia. Better by smoking tobacco.

Pulsatilla. Better in open air, must have windows open, motion, cold application or
washing with cold water, bathing, cold food and drinks though not thirsty, midnight
until noon, lying with head high.

Ledum P. Better from cold, putting feet in icy cold water.

Lycopodium. Better by motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting
cold, from being uncovered.
Agaricus. Relief from sleep.

Carbo Veg. Better from eructations, from fanning, cold.

Colocynthis. Better doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head bent

Secale Cor. Better cold, uncovering, rubbing, stretching out limbs.

Alumina. Better in open air; from cold washing; in evening and on alternate days;
damp weather.

Ignatia. Better in warm dry weather, motion, walking change of position, rubbing,
warm applications, from stretching out limbs. Restlessness due to pain.
Rhus Tox. Better in warm dry weather, motion, walking change of position, rubbing,
warm applications, from stretching out limbs. Restlessness due to pain.

Arnica M. Restlessness or uneasiness better by constant movement or by changing

position which is due to soreness and not pain.

Rhododendron. Better after the storm breaks, warmth and eathing.

Coca. Better from wine; riding; quick motion in open air.

Calcarea Phos. Better in dry warm weather, in summer, dry atmosphere.

Magnesia Phos. Better from warmth, bending double, pressure, friction, rubbing.

Gelsemium. Better by profuse urination, bending forward; open air, continued

motion, stimulants.
Colchicum. Better by stooping.

Dioscorea. Better standing erect; motion in open air; pressure.

Bromium. Better from any motion; exercise; at sea.

Juglans Cinera. Better getting heated, exercise, scratching, on rising in morning.

Euphorbia Lath. Better by sweat, oil application and closed room.

Helonias. Better from doing something (mental diversion).

Spigelia. Better lying on right side with head high; inspiring.
Cyclamen. Better by during menstrual flow; by moving about; rubbing parts; in warm
room; lemonade.

Anacardium. Better from eating; when lying on sides, from rubbing.

Cuprum Met. Better during perspiration, drinking cold water; from sleep.

Apis M. Better in open air, uncovering, cold bathing.

Argentum Nit. Better from eructations; fresh air, cold, pressure.

Hepar Sulph. Better in damp weather, from wrapping head up, from warmth, after


Ferrum Acetate. Stubborn anemia. It is specific for anemia and should be tried in
preference to other Ferrum compounds. Give in 1M or CM dilutions.

Ferrum Met. In anemia after intermittent fevers. Cerebral anemia with disposition to
faint. Anemia in patients who were once full-blooded and are now pale with puffiness
of the extremities. Anemia with great paleness of parts with sudden fiery flushing of
the face. Patient is puffed up and dropsical; skin pale with pitting.

Arsenic Alb. Extreme prostration and anxiety; edema; violent palpitation. Intense
thirst with irritable stomach. Cerebral anemia due to malaria or excessive use of

Nux Vom. Anemia of the brain due to over-stimulation, mental over-work, softening
of the brain.

Zincum Met. In chronic cases of cerebral anemia with paralytic condition.

Ferrum Phos. Anemia with violent throbbing pain in head with extreme sensitiveness
of scalp. The brain in full of blood but it is watery.
Chininum Ars. Anemia with profuse and exhausting sweat during sleep.

China. When anemia is due to loss of blood and other fluids. Anemia of the brain
with headache and roaring in ears.

Phosphorus. Anemia due to long lasting depression. Palpitation with tightness and
soreness of chest. Anemia of the brain due to mental strain.
Natrum Mur. Anemia due to scanty and delayed menses, Chronic catarrh. When loss
of blood and fluid result in anemia.

Picric Acid. In progressive pernicious anemia.

Acetic Acid. Anemia with weakness, emaciation, loss of appetite, inherited phthisis,
burning thirst and copious pale urine.

Manganum. Broken down constitution, bloodlessness, waxy and sicklier appearance

when the cause is not bleeding or other excessive discharges.

Lecithin. It increases the number of red corpuscles and amount of hemoglobin.

Alumina Silicate. Marked emaciation and anemia. Great weakness and the patient
wants to lie in bed all the time. Losing of flesh.

Tri Nitro Tolvene (T.N.T) Suitable for ammunition workers handling T.N.T Grave
form of anemia and jaundice. Breathlessness, dizziness, headache, faintness,
palpitation and cyanosis.

Aletris Farinosa. Chlorosis: characterized by weariness of body and mind due to

protracted illness. Suitable for chlorotic girls and pregnant women. Habitual tendency
to abortion.

Calcarea Carb. Anemia dates back to childhood. Particularly suitable for

leucophlegmatic constitutions; soft with tendency to be fat. Slow in movement and
teething. Evil forebodings. Craving for indigestible things.

Thyroidinum. Anemia in goitrous subjects who have nervous tremor, of face and
limbs, palpitation and chilliness. Emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating and
tingling sensation.

Ledum P. Antidotes poison of insects and of animals.

Thuja. Antidote to tea and vaccination.

Alumen. }

Alumina. } Antidote to lead poisoning. It removes the tendency of lead poisoning

in printers who work in lead.

Phosphorus. Antidotes chloroform almost instantly and stops vomiting.

Antim T. Coma with pale face or dark red face and blue lips; muscular twitchings. In
infants when there is rattling sound in throat and chest; drowsiness.

Opium. From inhaling carbonic acid gas; in newborn children when Ant. Tart. Fails.
Pulse imperceptible, face purple.

Bovista. Ashpyxia due to charcoal gas.

Carboneum Sul. When due to inhaling coal gas or from alcohol.

Cochleria. Apparent apoplectic death, after heamorrhage from lungs and nose
(whooping cough in a child).

China. In new-born children after great loss of blood by the mother or if infant is
Camphor. Apparent death when cause is not known.

AWKWARDNESS (Clumsy child)

Agaricus M. Difficulty in coordinating the movements of muscles of the body. In-

coordination with brain and spinal cord. In handling things she drops them. Breaking
the dishes etc. by making them fall. Patient is better by heat or by sitting near the fire.

Apis M. The same symptoms as under Agaricus, except the modality which is the
case of Apis patient is better in cold and wants to get out of the kitchen in order to
avoid heat of the fire.
Capsicum. Children are clumsy and awkward. They are homesick and want to go
home from alcohol. Plump and round with no endurance.


Baryta Carb. Lack of intelligence, mental confusion, imbecile condition, slow to

understand, slow to move. Fears every body, strangers more. Inattentive and unsteady,
child is hard-hearted to its parents and comrades and does not manifest suffering.
Incoherent in reasoning and action.
Stramonium. Extremely violent and nervous, agitated, angry, crying, howling;
beating; biting; wishes to run away. Easily frightened and startles up out of its sleep
with wild looks. Wants company, cannot remain alone. Fears darkness, wants light.

Calcarea Carb. Feeble, slow and apathetic. Slow to understand and slow to execute;
all mental works exhaust him, profuse perspiration of head and forehead. Head and
belly big. Acidity in stomach. Better when constipated. Skin pale, white or chalky.
Late learning to walk.
Syphilinum. It is necessary to administer this remedy as an intercurrent remedy along
with Baryta Carb. and Stramonium in infantile backwardness. There is changing
humor, the succession of explosive laughter and deep sadness.

Tuberculinum. This is another remedy which should be given intercurrently to
backward children along with other indicated remedies mentioned above. It is always
beneficial to start treatment of backward children with this remedy. Arrested
development, metal or physical. Non-appearance of teeth.

Aurum Met. Low spirited, lifeless, memory bad, lacking in boyish go.
Silicea. Pale, sickly children who are irritable, do not learn and do not even play, shirk
the least responsibility; utterly lacking in self-confidence and self-assertion.
Agaricus M. Children late learning to talk and walk. A slowly developing mind.
Children who cannot remember, make mistakes and slow in learning.

Natrum Mur. Late learning to talk.

Bufo. Lack of development of intelligence; the childlike state remains while the body
grows; fear and simplicity.
Thuja. Mentally deficient children, very dirty; incontinuence of stool and urine
during night; eats dog’s faeces. Deficiency may be due to excessive vaccination which
did not take. Bad effects of vaccination.

Calendula. It is an excellent remedy for mentally deficient children.

Note: All the above remedies are to be used in 200 dilution to be given alternately
every week. Not more than two remedies should be given in each course of say 3 to 4
months, excluding Tuberculinum and Syphilinum which should be given at intervals
of one month each along with the two remedies. Higher dilution than 200 should be
used when no improvement is seen or when improvement is stopped.

BEARD (See also “HAIR”.)

Anantherum. Falling off beard.

Sphingurus. Falling out of hair especially of beard and whiskers.


Lachesis. With blue edges (in typhoid).

Sulphur. Turn to gangrenous sores, gnawing pain.

Crotalus. From degraded state of blood.

Argentum Nit. Centre covered with dry bloody crusts.

Arnica M. Especially suited for bed sores on hips and sacral region.

Note: Externally Calendula mother tincture should be applied either in crude or

diluted form.

Hypericum. Bites of bugs. In dog bites or others when the wound does not heal and
there is burning and stinging pain with shining red edges.

Acetic Acid. Bite of cat (whether mad or otherwise), lacerated wound, upper and
lower leg swollen (apply also externally).
Lyssin. Bites of dog; burning, better by hot steam. Headache due to dog bite. Peculiar
sensations at seat or in adjacent parts, pricking sensation, boring and burning
proceeding from wound.
Lachesis. Bite by leeches, gangrenous. Is also specific for dog bite.

Golondrina. An antidote to snake poisoning. Its use renders the body immune to the
influence of snake poison and thus is a prophylactic.

Ledum P. Bites by rats or scorpions. Apply Ledum Pal. Mother tincture externally. It
will give immediately relief in mosquito bites, stings of bees etc. Bites of angry
Cistus Can. An excellent remedy for bee things. Outer application in mother tincture
cures and gives instantaneous relief. It will work in the same way as Arnica Mont. to
wasp bite. Also give Cantharis 200 internally.

Hoang Nan. Snake bite.

Cedron. Serpent bites or of other venomous insects.

Arnica Mont. For wasp bites, apply Arnica mother tincture externally and give
Cantharis 200 internally.
Apis M. For bee-stings producing edema and swelling. This makes bee-keeper
immune from effects of bee stings in which case it should be taken in 1X or 6 dilution
for some time.

Ignatia. Bites inside of the cheeks when talking or chewing. Biting of tongue when
Aurum Trip. Biting of nails till they bleed.

Acid Phos. Involuntary biting of tongue in sleep.

Senega. Bite by angry animals.

Causticum. Bites tongue and checks while chewing.

Oleum Ani. Bites cheeks while eating.

Paeonia. Ulcers from ill-fitting shoes. Ulcer in general.

Benzoic Acid. Involuntary biting of lower lip when eating.

Euphorbia Prostata. An infallible remedy against bites of poisonous insects and

snakes, especially the rattle snake.
Phytolacca. Irresistible desire to bite the teeth and gums together.


under “RECTUM and STOOL” and “EYES”).

Lachesis. Bleeding from any orifice, gum, mouth, bowels etc. Every scratch or little
cut or wound keeps on bleeding.

Crotalus Hor. Hemorrhage diathesis. Boold flows from eyes, ears, nose and every
orifice of the body including uterus. Oozing of black offensive blood that will not
coagulate. Bloody sweat.
Kreosote. Bleeding from the kidneys, eyes, nose, uterus etc. Prolonged hemorrhage
from the passages. A prick in the finger will bleed heavily instead of only a drop
coming out. When the eyes are red and inflamed, they bleed easily.

Millefolium. Atonic condition of the blood vessels. Bleeding from any part, from
wound, from ulcers, from the lungs, stomach, rectum, nose, after extraction of teeth.
The blood is generally bright or red.

Phosphorus. Slightest wound bleeds too much.

Secale Cor. Slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks: discharge of serous liquid;
tingling in limbs.

Carbo Veg. Oozing of the blood from inflamed surfaces. Black bleeding from ulcers.
Bleeding from any orifices, viz. lungs, uterus, bladder etc. all due to feeble
circulation. Passive capillary oozing and not active gushing flow.

Ferrum Met. Hemorrhagic diathesis; blood bright red coagulates easily.

Cinnamonum. Bleeding from nose, bowels, lungs or stomach. It is an excellent

remedy for hemorrhages from any orifice.

BREATHING. Fast or difficult. (See “DYSPNOEA”.)



Cantharis. An excellent remedy for all stages of burns and scalds. It prevents blisters.
Is also indicated when there is infection of the kidneys and dyspnoea, pain in passing
urine with passing of blood from the bladder. The injured part should be immersed or
bathed in a few drops of the mother tincture mixed in water.

Ars. Alb. When threatening gangrene.

Causticum. Is indicated in the third stage when it attains chronic form and ulcers do
not heal. Use in 6th dilution which will give immediate relief to pain Locally
Hypericum lotion may be used in the proportion of 1 to 10.

Urtica Urens. Acute, agonizing pain in burns with sensation like nettle-rash. Locally
apply lotion of the mother tincture in the proportion of 1 to 15.

Petroleum. When there is a tendency of the skin to crack with soreness and pain.
Stramonium. When there is a tendency of the skin to crack with soreness and pain.

Cadmium Sul. }

Phosphorus. } Antidote to radium burns in case of treatment of cancer by

radium. Give in 1M dilution.

Hypericum. Burns better by cold application or keeping the part exposed to cold air.
Nervous patient with tremulous speech. Intensely irritable. Pain with mental
confusion. Give 1M dilution.

NOTE: For immediate outer application use tannic acid 5% or Cantharis mother
tincture. The latter should be ounce of water. The part burn should be kept wet to
avoid formation of blisters. This alone will cure the patient of burns if application is
continued for an hour or so. Dressing with mullein oil is also useful in burns.

BURSAE (Housemaid’s knee-hygroma).

Arnica. When due to injury.

Sticta Pul. Simple or diffused. On patella.

Silicea. Threatening suppuration. Cyst. On patella.

Iodium. Cyst.

In treating cancer cases, the cancer diathesis may first be antidoted by giving a dose of
Scirrhinum 200 or 1000, empty stomach. The regular treatment should be started at
least twenty four hours thereafter. The other remedies which should be used as
intercurrent remedies are Psorinum 200 and Medorrhinum 200. These two remedies
are anti-psoric and anti-sycotic respectively. Psora and sycosis are the two miasms
which produce cancer. Tuberculinum 200 may also be given as an intercurrent
remedy, if the history of T.B. be present in the family.

Phosphorus. Cancer of the forehead with an open sore starting from the bone
presenting a corrugated surface with blood and pus, tearing and burning pains in the
affected part-give 200 dilution and repeat every week. Cancer of the tongue as if a
hole and been bored through the centre of the swollen tongue with elevated and
indurated margins. Patient sleeps in knee-elbow position.
Arsenic Alb. Cancer of the stomach with burning heat and dryness of the skin; thirst,
restlessness and apprehensiveness. Give 200 dilution, and repeat every week.

Nitric Acid. Pricking pain with some gnawing. Cancer of the stomach with burning
pain, thirst, water producing an indescribable nauseating effect, inability to retain food
which is returned partially digested; vomiting of slime and blood; bloody dejections,
face yellow, scrawny and emaciated.

Causticum. For pricking pain.

Alumen. Cancer of breast.

Apis M. When the pain is stinging in character and there is itching also along with the
Clematis. Cancer on the lip. If in addition to this there is a warty growth. Dulcamara
may be alternated.

Sepia. Scirrhous indurations. Cancer of lips.

Silicea. Indolent ulcers upon the outer surface of the skin which are flat, shallow with
bluish-white base and clear-cut edges. The patient is chilly with coldness across
shoulders. Vertigo. It may be given in CM dilution.

Chelidonium. Variety of pains in the stomach which are relieved by swallowing hot
substances and by bending backward. The pain begins in the stomach and extends to
the breasts and to the lower angle of right shoulder blade give in CM dilution in hot
water and repeat for several months until the colic disappears or diminishes. The
remedy should be followed by Arsenic Alb. in order complete the cure.

Euphorbinum. Severe burning pain relieved by cold application. Pain like electric
shocks makes him jump out of the bed. Cancer of pelvic bones found relief in
repeated doses of this remedy.
Sulphur. Cancer of stomach with faint sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach akin
to hunger-suppression of disease by taking strong drugs. External hemorrhoids which
itch but do not bleed. Prolapsus of rectum. It should also be given as an intercurrent
remedy in CM dilution when well selected remedies fail.

Kreosote. Cancer of uterus with hemorrhage from uterus; menses ceasing for few
months and then re-starting with dark and offensive smelling blood with acrid,
Ichorous discharges, biting, itching in the uterus with a sense of weight and bearing
down. Cancer of cervix with terrible odor in the discharges.
Phytolacca. Cancer of the mammae. Hard. Irregular tumor with retracted nipples.
Sore lame feeling extended to the arm. Pain in the nipple which was fissured across
the crown.
Conium. It is the leading remedy for cancer of lips. Cancer with stony hard tomor
with sharp pain.

Calendula. It has been in Germany for the cure of cancer. It is used with success at
any stage of cancer. It allays the pains and gives great comfort to the patient.

Condurango. It has genuine curative power over some cases of cancer particularly of
the lips and stomach when the patient has painful cracks in the angles of the mouth.

Kali Phos. After removal of cancer when in the healing process skin is drawn tight
over the wound.
Hoang Nan. Cancer of glandular structures and bites of serpents. Removes fetor and
hemorrhage in cancer; revives the healing process.

Tuberculinum. May be given as an intercurrent remedy if the history of TB in the

family is present.

Aurum Iod. Cancerous affections and in caries of bones. Congestion of blood to

glands and organs. Better when cool and worse in warmth.

Natrum Mur. Cancer of the nose and skin extending to cheeks and eye-lids after
suppression of malaria by heavy doses of quinine. Craving for salt. Unable to urinate
in the presence of others.

Hydrastis. Scrofulous and cancerous cachexia. Cancer of lips or mammae. Cancer

hard; adherent; cutting like knives in mammae. Mother tincture of this remedy may be
applied locally for cancer of lips.
Aurum Ars. Cancer of face and lips. Lips cracked. Pustules. Lupus. Discoloration,
bluish-like, earthy pale.


Cmaphor. From cold air.

Cadmium Sulph. }
Lachesis. } From draught of cold air.

Mercurius Proto. Draught of cold air when perspiring.

Conium. }

Sepia. } From snowy air.

Sulphuric Acid. By raising the arms.

Rhus Tox. By raising arms to lift things. Bathing in fresh or salt water.

Carbo Veg. By taking bad eggs, bad liquors or rancid fat or butter. Due to damp,
warm weather, debauchery, inhaling hot air.
Platina. Bereavement.

Paeonia. Tight boots and shoes. Bed sores on account of pressure.

Petroleum. Cabbage.

Ruta. Carrying heavy weights.

Natrum Mur. Burning and corroding of organic tissues.

Opium. Charcoal fumes. Shame.

Arsenic Alb. Climbing mountains.

Kali Sulph. Chill when overhead.

Magnesia Phos. Working with cold clay. Standing in water. Bathing in cold water.
Cold wind. Catheterization.

Carbo An. Eating decayed vegetables, spoiled fish.

Pyrogenum. Dissecting wounds. Blood poisoning. Ptomaine. Sewer gas.

Dioscorea. Errors in diet. Fasting.
Actea Rac. Business failure.

Rheum. Unripe fruits. Prunes.

Phosphorus. Gas. Hair-cutting. Washing clothes, laundry work. Strong odors.
Drenching in rains.
Natrum Carb. Gaslight.

Argentum Nit. Intemperate habits or sugar.

Veratrum Alb. Injured honor or pride.

Selenium. Lemonade.

Colchicum. Misbehaviour of others.

Crotalus H. Bad smells and sewer gas.

Thuja. Onions.

Conium. Sexual abstinence.

Coffea. Long journey.

CHLOROSIS (Green Sickness).

Manganum. Tired anemic and weakly women with scanty menstrual flows lasting for
a day or two out coming on too soon. Menses pale fluid or a little leucorrhea. Rawness
in the larynx; hoarseness and loss of voice.
Ammonia Carb. Anemic complexion, severe headache with vertigo, frequent
vomiting, tongue coated, thirst, poor appetite, menses absent, respiration short,
palpitation from every motion, pulse weak and slow.

Antim Crud. Frequent headaches; whimsical and angry mood, loss of appetite. Great
laziness which forces her to sleep much in daytime. Menses stopped which were
regular before. Skin pale and lips and tongue lost their natural color.

Arsenic Alb. It is the head remedy for green sickness; there are tremors, frequent
fainting spells, severe physical exhaustion.

Cocculus. Green sickness due to abuse of coffee or other narcotic drugs. Suppressed
or scanty and irregular menses, leucorrhea, dyspnoea. Cramps in the chest, sadness,
uneasiness. Sensitiveness to open air.
Calcarea Carb. A specific for chlorosis with scanty and delayed menses, severe
palpitation; heart beat audible over the entire chest. Severe throbbing of temporal
arteries. Pressing pain in stomach. Legs tire easily. Oedematous swelling of legs
reaching up into thighs. Dyspnoea after taking few steps. Pale, waxy; sickly; pale lips,
pale ears, and pale fingers point to the use of this remedy, especially in anemic girls.
Lycopodium. Should be given after favorable action of Calcarea Carb, or when there
is complete suppression of menses. Lassitude with trembling of limbs and numbness,
drowsiness, melancholy, aversion to company. Falling of hair, desire for sweets.
Carbo Veg. Chlorosis with leucorrhea and scabies. Gums scorbutic, teeth loose.

China Off. Chlorosis with edema of extremities, especially of the soles of feet; blue
rings around eyes; bloating of abdomen; constipation with abdominal pains; poor
digestion; acid eructations; craving for indigestible things.

Ferrum Met. An excellent remedy, for chlorosis when other remedies fail. Iron is
always good for chlorosis. Its compounds are also useful. They are Ferrum Sulph.
And Ferrum Carb. The Ferrum patients have pale bloated face, skin cool; pressure on
skin leaves deep impressions especially around ankle. Exhaustion, tired feeling, weeps
easily, no appetite, aversion to food, acidity in stomach. Menses scanty or suppressed.

Phosphorus. Chlorosis with suppression of menses, difficulty in breating, no appetite,
frequent daily vomiting, bad disposition. This proved efficacious after Ferrum had

Sepia. Cause is always traceable in the sexual system with irritability of various kinds
in sexual organs. Painful downward tension in pelvis as if the uterus will come out of
the vagina. Twitchings and stitches upward in vagina, times with discharge of single
drop of blood. Swelling of pubic region with burning and mucus discharge. Face pale,
wax-like, expression of apathy. Patient is always chilly. Throbbing and buzzing in
head. Least exertion causes severe palpitation.

Sulphur. As an intercurrent remedy. Treatment may be commenced with this remedy.

Pulsatilla. Due to abuse of iron. Metrorrhagia. Burning in the ears, heaviness of the
legs, dyspnoea, gastralgia. Marked desire for spicy things. Timid or gentle disposition.

Nux Vom. Chlorosis due to sedentary habits.

Natrum Mur. Respiration suppressed or difficult. Chlorosis of long standing.

Ignatia. Chlorosis due to mental emotions, grief, fright and disappointed love.


CLUBBING, of fingers.

Laurocerasus. Clubbing of fingers which is a common feature in cyanosis and

phthisis is a characteristic of this remedy.



Cuprum Ars. Icy coldness of the body with cramps and obstinate hiccup. Frequent
vomiting, purging and cold sweat.

Heloderma. Coldness of the body, of all internal parts, such as heart, brain, lungs,
kidneys etc.; even the breath is cold with paralysis and tremors. Coldness of the body
as if frozen with slow pulse and sinking. Give 200 dilution.

Sepia. Sensation of coldness in vertex.

Veratrum Album. Creeping coldness throughout the whole of the body. Hands icy
cold and blue with nails blue whilst feet are hot or vice versa. Copious discharges.

Wyethia. Chill at 11 A.M. Thirst for ice water during chill. No thirst with heat.
Profuse sweat all night. Terriffic headache during sweat.

Petroleum. Coldness in spots is a great feature of this remedy; coldness in stomach,

in uterus, in abdomen, between scapula. Sensation as if heart were cold.

Secale Cor. Coldness to the touch, yet cannot bear to be covered.

Ruta. Coldness from spine downwards.
Thuja. Coldness through entire length of spine; coldness in arms.

Calcarea Carb. Cold sweat. Coldness in patches. Sensitive to cold damp air. Sweat in
patches. Icy coldness of the body with cold sweat.

Lachesis. Cold flushes during the night and hot flushes by day.
Camphor. Outside coldness and internal heat. Icy coldness of hands. Marked nausea.

Valeriana. Sensation of coldness in head.

Laurocerasus. Great general coldness. If he goes in a warm room to relieve the cold,
he gets nausea and sweat breaks out on the forehead which makes him cold again. He
is only warmed up in open air.

Ammonia Mur. Icy coldness between the scapulae not relieved by hot wraps. Icy
coldness between shoulder blades.

Saccharum. Sensation of both coldness and heat. Icy cold pains passing in all

Natrum Phos. Hands, legs and feet cold. Feet icy cold during menses in day time,
burn at night in bed.
Lycopodium. Sensation of icy coldness in the eye-balls, chest etc., especially when
there is aggravation between 4-8 P.M.


Camphor. State of collapse. Icy coldness of the whole body, yet does not want to
covered. Sudden sinking of strength, pulse small and weak.

Carbo Veg. State of collapse from lowered vital power due to loss of fluids, after
drugging; in old people. The patient is lifeless, head hot, body and breath cold. Wants
to be fanned and must have windows open.

Veratrum Alb. Complete picture of collapse with extreme coldness, weakness and
blueness. Post-operation shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face and rapid feeble

Hydrocyanic Acid. Collapse due to some pulmonary condition, not a cardiac

collapse. Coldness. Convulsions tetanus or otherwise.

CONTRACTION-DUPUTRONS (Contraction of the palmar facia causing the

fingers to fold into the palm).

Sulphur. Should be given for a long time to secure good results.

Lachesis. When associated with neuritis of the median nerve.

DEATH – Premature.

Alfalfa. Children or grown up boys who are otherwise robust dying at the age of 18
by wasting out. Give in mother tincture two drops a dose for about six months.
Sulphur. }

Calc Phos. } If babies die during infancy, give to the mother during pregnancy
Sulphur 6 and Calc Phos. 6 alternately daily one dose.

Viburnum Pru. An excellent remedy when children delivered after eighth months die
soon after birth. It also stops miscarriage at the eighth month. Give in 1X potency to
the mother three times daily for the three months before the expected delivery.


Indol. Excessive drowsiness, falling asleep while at work, headache with drowsiness
or mental trouble with drowsiness.

Bellis Perenis. Tired with desire to lie down and also in debility after attack of gout or
Carlsbad. Prostration, weakness, trembling, tired and dejected feeling.

Curare. Debility from loss of fluids and of the aged.

Formica. Weakness of lower extremities.

Merc Dulcis. Pallid as a corpse with flabby bloatedness, pale children who have
swelling of cervical and other glands.

Nux Mosch. Drowsiness with chilliness but thirstlessness.

Tarentula. Weakness, numbness, restlessness of limbs. Pains in limbs. Paralysis,
trembling, jerking convulsions. Creeping and crawling sensation on the skin.

Selenium. Slightest exertion brings great fatigue and weakness, especially in hot
weather. Also after illness and sexual excesses.

Gratiola. Nervous prostration, marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness.

Secale Cor. Emaciated, withered, wrinkled, unhealthy appearance of the skin.

Burning internally throughout, but when the parts are touched they feel cold. Oozing
of blood when there is no inflammation, from the throat, lungs, bladder and rectum.
Wants to be uncovered.
Sarsaparilla. Emaciated, withered, enfeebled by wine and women; children
emaciated, face looks like that of an old person, big belly. Also from hereditary

Picric Acid. Prostration both physical and mental. Physical exertion will bring
headache and pain in limbs.

Naja. Great languor and fatigue, tired feeling. Depression of both mental and physical
powers. Better from walking in open air, very sensitive to cold. Wants to lie in bed for
several days and nights, as a single day or night’s rest is not considered sufficient.
Prostration of strength, especially in lower limbs. Staggering when walking.

Sterculia. Gives power to endure prolonged physical exertion without taking food and
without feeling fatigued. Give in ten to twenty drops a dose in mother tincture.

Carbo Veg. Prostration and debility from nursing. An excellent remedy for debility
after any acute disease such as influenza, diarrhea etc. Give in 200 potency every four
hours-thrice daily for about two months and then increase the potency to 1M to be
given daily for another two months.

Coca. It has invigorating or tonic effect. He is better able to withstand the heat of
summer than the cold of winter.

Alumina. Great lassitude of whole body; slow; tottering gait; great fatigue, especially
on talking. Excessively faint and tired.

Camphora. Extremely slow pulse, not perceptible, cannot be counted, very rapid. Icy
coldness all over with death-like paleness of face. Cold, clammy and wakening sweat.
Face pale or bluish, lip livid bluish.

Acid Phos. Nervous debility. Mental weakness is followed by physical, i.e. the mind
gets tired first. It becomes forgetful and then develops physical weakness. Debility
due to unknown causes.
Muriatic Acid. It is the reverse of Acid Phos. Here the physical weakness comes first
and then it is followed by mental weakness.
Alumen. Paralytic weakness of the muscles, lack of tone; extremities weak.

Natrum Mur. Weakness, emaciation, nervous prostration and irritability in patients

with shiny skin, pale, waxy looks as if greased.

Stannum Met. Increasing weakness, cachexia, catarrhal conditions and neuralgias

dating back over years. Hoarseness, loss of voice due to weakness or paralytic
weakness of vocal cord.

Alfalfa. Acts as fat producer and corrects tissue waste. It cures neurasthenia, uremia,
nervous indigestion, nervousness, debility due to tuberculosis or diabetes. Give 5-10
drops of mother tincture thrice daily for a long time.

Carboneum Sul. Marked lassitude and constant desire to lie down specially when
due to alcoholic stimulants. Weakness and suffocation form ascending stairs. Better in
open air but worse from a draught.

Iodium. Extreme exhaustion form walking and sweats copiously even on slightest
exertion (Kali Iod. Patient can walk long distances without exhaustion).
Cocculus Ind. Physical and mental prostration after nursing. For worn out people due
to worry, anxiety and loss of sleep. The physical weakness leads to paralysis. Unable
to sustain any mental or physical strain. Behind time in all their actions.

Acetic Acid. Weakness of many years, anemia, emaciation, loss of appetite, inherited
phthisis, burning thirst and copious pale urine.
Senna. For debility when the system is broken down with excess of nitrogenous
waste. Exhaustion, sinking sensation after meals.

Kali Phos. Debility from mental strain.

China Off. Debility from excessive discharges and from loss of blood. Debility after
an attack of flu, diarrhea or other ailments or sufferings caused by loss of fluids such
as bleeding, seminal emissions and diarrhea etc. Feels pale, Hippocratic, eyes sunken
and surrounded by blue margins.

Aletris F. }

Helonias. } Debility due to prolapsus of the uterus.

Nux Vom. Debility due to drugging.
Ammonia Carb. Debility, want of energy, power, strength tone. Weak, tired, played
out mind and body. Palpitation and difficult breathing on motion.
Chelidonium. Great laziness and drowsiness without yawning. Lethargy, weary,
indolent disposition. Feeling not well without knowing what the matter with him is.
Debility and lassitude.

Arnica M. Debility due to over exertion and muscular fatigue, caused by injuries.

Ferrum Met. Debility due to anemia.

Alumina Silicate. Nervous debility from mental excitement and from anger and
exertion. Absent-mindedness. Weakness of limbs; cannot ascend stairs as if the body
is too heavy.
Psorinum. Debility after acute diseases; depressed; hopeless; night sweats. Foul
discharges, from ears, bowels, leucorrhea, sweat, sputum etc.


Chamomilla. Head remedy for ailments of dentition. Child is peevish and fretful with
greenish and offensive diarrhea. The gums are red and tender. Screams with pain and
refuses food, drink and toys when offered. Wants to be covered.

Calc Carb. Slowness in teething or where the teething is too rapid. In backward
dentition where the gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on fore-head is the leading

Calc Phos. Suitable in emaciated children with open fontanelles and who are slow in
teething and whose teeth decay rapidly owing to deficiency of bone tissues. Diarrhea
during dentition.

Colocynth. When a baby bolts his food too rapidly or else seems to dislike it. Windy,
tummy pains.

Pulsatilla. When the child is gentle, fair type, fearful and only comforted by patting.

Tuberculinum. For emaciated children where development is arrested mentally and

physically. Non-appearance of teeth as a result of weakness.

Phytolacca. When the child bites the teeth and gums together.
Kreosote. An excellent remedy where dilution is painful and difficult, the gums are
spongy and painful, the teeth when come out show marks of decay on them.
Restlessness and tossing about is also present. Constipation and undigested diarrhoeic
Zincum Met. Tendency to press the gums together or gnashing of the teeth during
difficult dentition; loosening of the teeth and bleeding gums.

Acetic Acid. Diabetes with copious watery urine with or without sugar, great thirst,
weakness, pallor and loss of flesh.

Lac Vacc. Defi. Copious, watery urine with great thirst; also copious, dense urine.
Weakness, anemia.

Arsenicum Brom. An excellent remedy for diabetes with constipation and thirst.
Give in IX dilution three drops a dose thrice daily.

Thyroidin. An excellent remedy for diabetes mellitus when symptoms appear with
great rapidity and extreme weakness.

Acid Phos. Diabetes in nervous patients. The urine is increased. It is of milky color
and contains much sugar. Great debility and bruised feeling in muscles. Diabetes due
to grief, worry and anxiety. Sure cure for diabetes in early stages. There may be boils.
Syzygium. It is considered to be very efficacious in diabetes and in blood sugar. Great
thirst and passing of urine in large quantities. It is specific. Give in 5 to 10 drop doses
of mother tincture every three hours four times daily.

Uranium Nit. Diabetes due to defective assimilation. Digestion weak, languor,

debility and much sugar in urine. Enormous appetite and thirst. It is highly praised in
diabetes originating in dyspepsia. Great thirst, polyuria and dry tongue. Dryness of
tongue, violent appetite even when the stomach is full.
Argentum Met. Diabetes if accompanied with swollen ankles.

Argentum Nit. Excessive urination with sugar in urine.

Natrum Mur. Diabetes in gouty persons, with dryness of skin; itch all over the body.
Restless. Yawning and dejection, passing urine every hour.
Lactic Acid. Diabetes with rheumatism.

Thuja. Diabetes in patients who suffered from gonorrhea; nervousness; sleeplessness;

constipation; palpitation of heart at times; sugar in urine.

Glycerine. Diabetes with weakness, headache, dyspnoea, sugar in urine with acetone.
With or without albumin or casts and with or without rheumatism.

Picric Acid. Sugar with intense thirst and copious urination at night.
Moschus. Diabetes associated with impotency.

Taraxacum. Diabetes with urging to urinate. Copious discharge of urine.

Alumen. Diabetes with obstinate constipation. Stools flat and thin, taking a long time
to evacuate the bowels fully.

Chionanthus Vir. For pre-diabetic state and diabetes in patients suffering from liver
disease, great thirst, abundant dark urine with presence of biliary pigments and
glucose. Insulin resistant.

Aluminium Met. In diabetic coma with drowsiness incapable of recognizing people

or answering questions. Constipation but passing of urine off and on involuntarily.
Give in 200 dilution.

Carbo Animalis. Diabetes in fatty persons with thirst and passing urine a number of
times. Flatulence and constipation present.

Arsenic Alb. An excellent remedy but most neglected by the profession in treating
diabetes. It has dry brittle scaly skin, dryness of the mouth, tongue and trachea with
unquenchable thirst, loss of appetite and constipation. Burning sensation in abdomen
extending to the mouth. The patient dwindles down to a mere skeleton. He loses
strength and sometimes his teeth. The patient is fastidious, wants his clothing neat and
clean, wants everything placed in proper place.

Cantharis. Diabetes complicated with albuminuria.

Carbo Veg. Great dryness in the mouth early morning, excessive thirst and hunger,
pain in the liver as if bruised. Sudden weakness and fainting, physical depression and
Arnica M. When diabetes he due to a blow on the liver.

Nux Vom. Diabetes with stupor and vertigo, buzzing in the ears, sleeplessness. All
these are due to brain and spinal cord affections.
Graphites. Diabetes in broken down, gouty and rheumatic constitutions with
emaciation and general debility, twitching of the limbs and paralytic weakness of
joints. Uneasy with sleepless nights.

Plumbum. Diabetes mellitus with constipation, albumin and casts in urine.

Phosphorus. Used in diabetes and pancreatic diseases especially in those of

tubercular or gouty diathesis. Restlessness and dryness of mouth. Quantity of urine
passed in about 4 to 5 pints in 24 hours. Thirst for cold water.

Ratanhia. Scanty urine in diabetes.


Chamomilla. Agitated, restless, impatient but calm and quiet when carried. Violent
desire for one thing but throws away when offered and tasks for another. Intolerance
of pain and sensitiveness of breasts in young girls are the ranking symptoms.
Ignatia. Nervous, excessively emotional, melancholic and sad. Tendency to grieve in
silence, vexed. Sighs involuntarily. Constantly yawns and weeps for nothing. Mental

Pulsatilla. Unstable, changing humor. Timid and emotional, weeps for nothing,
smiles in tears. Intellectual fatigue, absent-minded, irresolute, anxious, ungrateful.
Fear of opposite sex. Insomnia. Complete absence of thirst. Acne.

Sepai. Sad. Interested in nothing. Indifferent to everything; may it be play, reward,

distinctions, etc. Nothing interests and nothing amuses. Low spirited and feels tired.
Silently weeps in a corner. Very emotional. Yellow spots on nose. Desire for vinegar,
aversion to meat, cannot digest milk.

Iodium. Greedy, irritated and cannot rest still. Always hungry, never satisfied. Rapid
emaciation in spite of eating well. Malsecretion of glands, thyroid, axillary,
mesenteric, inguinal etc.

Hepar Sulph. Wicked. Impulse to do wrong, to beat, to set fire. Never contented,
always changing place. Unhealthy skin. Profuse acrid sweat.
Anacardium. Impulsive. Disagreeable to those whom he loves and respects-knows it
is so, but cannot help it. Laughs on grave matters and becomes grave on minor things.
Apprehensive, irritable, wicked, swears and curses. Better after eating.

Lycopodium. Angry. Extremely irritable, expresses in violent words. Sudden outburst

having no control over himself. Loss of self-confidence. Afraid to shoulder
responsibility. Bad humor when waking up. Loss of memory, forgets letters when
writing. Cannot find the proper word to express himself.

Causticum. Timid. Undeveloped child late in walking and speaking. Anxiety and
agitation in the evening twilight. The child does not go to bed.

Sanicula. Obstinate, headstrong child with progressive emaciation; child looks dirty,
old, greasy. Skin wrinkled about the neck and hangs in folds.

Argentum Nit. Child does not want to go to school. With the use of this remedy in 30
dilution four times daily, the habit of going to school will be formed.

Sulphur. Intoxicated. Continual suffering of asthma, eczema, morning diarrhea,
insomnia, weakness. Great fatigue, cannot keep standing, aversion to physical
exercise. Aversion to washing and bathing. Burning.


Nux Vom. Dreams of accidents cause him to wake up from sleep. Sexual dreams with
emission every 3rd or 4th day. Broods in a secluded corner. Dreams of coffee or wine

Pulsatilla. Dreams of black beasts. Congestion in heart and chest when lying on left

Mercurius. Dreams of animals.

Magnesia Mur. When walking and crying out during sleep. Anxious dreams.
Rhus Tox. Dreams of business in typhoid. Dreams of flying through the air.

Daphne. Dreams of black cats.

Chelidonium. Dreams of funerals.

Arnica. Dreams of graves.

Thuja. Dreams of dead people. Uneasy sleep with dreams. Of falling from a height;
of battles, all due to frequent vaccinations. Give in 1 M dilution.
Sulphur. Dreams that he has been bitten by a dog. Sits on a chamber in dream,
causing her to wet bed.
Belladonna. Dreams of fire.

Kali Carb. Dreams of ghosts. Imaginative. Of misfortunes.

Camphor. Of spirits.

Silicea. Frightful dreams of murder; of corpses and dead persons; of being poisoned;
of choking; of thieves entering the house thus disturbing sleep. Give in 1M dilution.

Kreosote. Urinating in dream in a decent manner and wetting the bed at night.

Glonoine. Of weeping with tears. Fearful dreams.

Bryonia. Dreams all night paying anxious and careful attention to his business.
Occupied with household affairs in dreams.

Lac Can. Dreams of snakes, of urinating and on awakening must hurry to prevent an
China Off. Frequent dreams of vomiting live worms.

Picric Acid. Dreams that she is pregnant.

Arnica M. Full of dreadful dreams, nightmare; dreams of muddy water, robbers etc.
Horrors in the night.

Jaborandi. Dreams of accidents and fights.

Erechthites. Dreams of nudity and shame.

Mag. Carb. Dreams of fire, flood, robbers, quarrels, money, pleasures, misfortunes,
dead persons.

Cocculus. Frightful dreams of hideous objects which come over him as he closes the
Ignatia. Dreams all night of the same subject.

Nat Mur. Frightful dreams of robbers, murderers, thieves and fire. Dreams of burning

Aloe. Dreams of passing stool.

Crotalus Hor. Horrible dreams of murder, of death, of dead bodies and dead people,
of associating with the dead and with corpses, of being in graveyards; even the smell
of cadaver is dreamed of. He rises from sleep as in a fright.

Lachesis. Sleep disturbed by awful dreams and attacks of suffocation after having
slept for a long time.

Natrum Sulph. Dreams of fighting.

Natrum Phos. Great dreamer; dreams anxious, amorous, of dead people, distressing,
of previous events, of fire, frightful, nightmare, pleasant, vexatious and vivid.

Ferrum Iod. Dreams of thieves.


Tuberculinum. This should be given in high dilution not lower than 200. Should not
be repeated frequently. Start treatment with this remedy.
Syphilinum. To be given in alternation with Tuberculinum. (Tuberculinum and
Syphilinum in 200 or 1000 dilution given alternately every week or fortnight
according to the strength of the dilution, will cure the dwarfishness).
Baryta Mur. In retarded physical and metal growths. Give 200 dilution. To be started
one week after the administration of Tuberculinum.
Argentum Nit. Rickets with diarrhea-yellowish green. Give 200 dilution.

Sulphur. }

Calc Phos. } If babies die during infancy, give to the mother during pregnancy
Sulphur 6 and Calc Phos 6 alternately daily one dose.
Xerophyllum. Dull, cannot concentrate much on study; forgets names, writes last
letter of words first; milspells common words.

Baryta Carb. Dwarfishness of the body and mind. Mental backwardness or of

organs. Children are late learning to walk, although their limbs are fairly strong, late
learning to talk or understand. Single organ fails to mature whereas the other develops
or over-develops. Child is timid and bashful with fear of stranger. Keeps the hand up
over the face and peeps out through the fingers owing to bashfulness. Girls at the age
of puberty doing things as a child would do and behave like children and play with
Natrum Mur. Children are late learning to talk.
Calcarea Carb. Children are late learning to walk and talk owing to weakness of
limbs. Late teething, fontanelles slow in closing; rickets and caries.

Agaricus M. Children are late learning to talk and walk.

Alfalfa. Children or grown up boys who are otherwise robust dying at the age of 18
by wasting out. Give in mother tincture two drops a dose for about six months.

Calc Phos. Is indicated in dwarfishness in children who are small, weak, pale, very
large head, fontanelles large, open and bulging out; bones of skull thin and cracking
under pressure like thin tissue paper.

Secale Cor. Deformity due to structural changes in spinal cord. The hands and legs do
not grow. They also drop out in senile gangrene.

DYSPNEA (Loss of breath-see also “ASTHMA”, “HEART” and “CROUP”).

Naja. Oppression of the chest with choking and obstruction of breathing.

Chloralum. Extreme dyspnoea, with sensation of weight and constriction of chest.

Asthma with sleeplessness.
Nux Vom. Dyspnoea due to accumulation of gas in abdomen.

Natrum Mur. Breathlessness accompanied with chill. Better in and desire for open
air. Worse on exertion.

Carbo Veg. Wants to be fanned in breathlessness.

Cedron. Dyspnoea during coition.

Staphisagria. Dyspnoea towards the end of coition.

Arsenic Alb. Dyspnoea accompanied with albuminuria.
Apis M. Dyspnoea in hydrocephalus.

Petroleum. Violent dyspnoea all day.

Glonoine. Dyspnoea in sun-stroke. Albuminuria may also be present.

Lachesis. Suffocates during sleeping or gasping for breath on waking. Dyspnoea after
drinking liquor.

Phosphorus. Dyspnoea on taking slightest food.

Ammonia Carb. Dyspnoea with palpitation due to exhaustion and weak but without
any functional or organic defect; without asthma. Dyspnoea on slightest movement.
Worse in warm room and better in cold open air.

Carboneum Sul. Fast or difficult breathing. Suffocation from alcohol or from coal
gas. Worse in the evening or ascending, closed room, when coughing after eating,
after slight exertion.
Graphites. Suffocation when falling asleep and often wakes up in the night gasping
for breath.

Aspidosperma. Cardiac dyspnoea. Thrombosis of pulmonary artery. Uraemic

dyspnoea. It increases oxygen in the blood.
Silicea. Dyspnoea on stooping.

Ferrum Met. Breathlessness worse during rest. Feels better from gentle, slow, quiet
motion. Rapid motion aggravates.
Psorinum. Dyspnoea worse when sitting up, better lying down with warms wide
spread apart across the bed. Worse when the arms are brought near the body.

Medorrhinum. Spasms of the glottis; air expelled with difficulty but inhaled with
ease. Better by lying down on the face.

Aconite Ferox. Dyspnoea increased to such a degree that he was obliged to breathe
half sitting up, with head resting on palms of hands.


Ailanthus. Sensation of passage of electric current from head into limbs.

Euphorbinum. Pain like electric shocks makes him jump out of the bed.
Strychninum. Pain like electric shocks makes him jump out of bed.

Barium Sul. Electric shocks in head, pulsation in temples.

Note: In the case of electrical accidents or electrocution, sugar of milk in which

electricity has been passed should be given to the patient.


EMBOLISM. (Fomation of clots in the arteries.)

Cactus G. Prevents recurrence of embolism when the clot comes from the heart. The
patient is emotional and neurotic. Sharp, shooting and suffocating pulsations; worse
on walking or lying on left side; constriction as if squeezed by an iron band.

Zincum Phos. Deterioration of the brain due to profuse hemorrhage complicated by

epileptiform convulsions by the abuse of bromides.
Argentum Nit. When deterioration of the brain is due to the use of alcohol and

Colchicum. Softening of the brain with pains all over the body; keenness of the sense
of smelling.


Ginseng. Removes feeling of fatigue imparting a joyous sense of vigor and elasticity
to the limbs and cleanliness of mind.
Arnica M. Fatigue due to over exertion, playing hard games, brisk walking and lifting
heavy weights.

Chelidonium. Feels tired to over exertion, playing hard games, brisk walking and
lifting heavy weights.
Argentum Met. Fatigue both mental and physical. Disturbance of memory and
reasoning faculties. It is good for businessmen, students, readers and thinkers. Fatigue
after a walk.
Carbo Veg. Fatigue from a short walk.

Sepia. Fatigue from a short walk or on slightest exertion.

Picric Acid. From least exertion.

Sterculia. Fatigue due to any cause. Give 5 drop doses of mother tincture twice daily
half an hour after meals.


Nat Mur. Drops things from nervous weakness.

Mezerium. Hands powerless, cannot hold anything.

Kali Brom. Unable to retain grasp, hastily putting objects down or allowing them to


Arnica. This remedy should be given immediately after the fractures, but the case
should be entrusted to a surgeon for setting it up. For the first twelve hours or so the
remedy should be given in 1000 dilution every 4 hours. After that the following
medicines be given to help early reunion of the bones.

Calcarea Phos. This may be given in 6X dilution every two hours six times daily for
one week.

Symphytum. This should be given in alternation with Calcarea Phos. 6X i.e. for one
week Calcarea Phos. May be given and during the next week Symphytum 3X.

Ruta. After reunion in fracture this remedy is very valuable for stiffness and
lameness. It may be given in IX dilution and may be alternated with Rhus Tox. 30
each to be given for a week.

Ignatia. Traumatic delirium, sadness, trembling, twitching, intolerance of noise,

scanty and restless sleep and Oversensitiveness to pain.

Rhus Tox. When the ligaments are torn and the patient is of rheumatic diathesis.
Lachesis. Great anxiety, talkative, fidgety and fearful, sleelessness; uneasy with
restlessness. This should be given for these symptoms after Arnica and Calcarea Phos.
have improved the fracture.

Calc Carb. For green stick fracture in fatty persons with swollen abdomen and
sweaty head. Give in 200 potency.

Lachesis. Bluish purplish appearance of the fungus with hot perspiration, ulcers with
bluish purple surroundings.

Phosphorus. Fungus hematoides, little ulcers bleed much.

Thuja. }

Ars Alb. } These may be tried in the given order if the above remedies fail.


Ruta, Silicea. }

Benzoic Acid. } On back of wrist.


Ars. Alb. Dry gangrene in old people; soreness and burning relieved by warmth.
Restlessness. Often indicated in gangrene of lungs. Fetid diarrhea with great
Lachesis. Gangrene following wounds or injury, blood poisoning. Parts become blue
and purple and then there is oozing of dark decomposed blood and pus. Chilliness
with icy coldness of extremities.

Secale Cor. Senile gangrene with tingling and formication, worse by warmth. Dry
gangrene of toes and feet. Toes and fingers broken off and thrown away. The skin is
wrinkled and dry, shriveled and cold, no sensibility. Large ecchymoses and blood
blisters which become gangrenous point to this remedy. The patient is relieved by
cold and cannot stand covering, opposite of Ars. Alb.

Crotalus H. Hot, bluish, mosit gangrene, the limb being covered with black blisters
and much swollen, emitting four odor.

Kreosote. Gangrene of lungs.

Carbo Veg. Carbuncles and boils becoming gangrenous. The parts affected have
purple look and are icy cold. Secretions are foul with great prostration.

Sulphuric Acid. Gangrene following mechanical injuries.

Bellis Perennis. Any ailment caused by drinking cold water or by eating ice-cream
when the body is in heated condition. Effects of sudden chill from wet cold when one
is hot or perspiring.
Borax. Passing stool before making water.

Acid Mur. He slips to the foot of bed, and must be often lifted. Sliding down in bed.

Ranunculus B. Worse from hot to cold and cold to hot. Any ailments due to sudden
change of temperature.

Stramonium. When going downstairs he takes two steps for one and falls.

Ars. Alb. }

Calc. Carb. }

Silicea. } For cold patients who are worse in cold weather and better in hot
weather and hot application.

Fluoric Acid. }

Kali Iod. } For hot patients who are worse in summer or by warmth and better by
cold application.

Merc So. Cannot tolerate abnormal heat or cold. Feels better in temperate climate.
Hyoscyamus. To do absurd things. To stimulate body.

Absinthium. To be violent, cruel and inhuman. Aimlessly busy.

Graphites. Laughs at re-prooff. Teasing.


Tuberculinum Bov. Tubercular glands in the neck. Give in varying potencies ranging
from 200 to IM or CM. This alone may be sufficient to cure inflammation of glands.
If it fails try the following.

Calcarea Iod. It may be given thrice daily in 30 potency, Tuberculinum Bov. may
continue as an intercurrent remedy in 200 potency every month.

Calcarea Fluor. Induration and infiltration of glands, cellular tissues and bony
formations. Stony hard glands. Rice bodies in cartilages.

Baryta Iod. When the inflammation of the glands is accompanied with the
inflammation of tonsils.

Hepar Sul. Enlargement of lymphatic glands which are hard and without suppuration.
In oncoming of cold weather a particular gland may suppurate.

Cistus Can. Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of glands. It cures caries and old
ulcers. The glands of the neck are enlarged in line like a knotted rope.

Thyroidin. Diseases caused by non-development and removal by operation of thyroid

glands. Should be given for 3 months or so in 30 dilution.

Kali Iod. Indolent glands with hard edges and swelling; glands suppurate with curdy,
this and acrid discharges. Atrophy of glands. Swelling before hardening. Syphilitic.

Kali Mur. Follicular, disturbed action causes pimples on face, neck etc. Lymphatic
effusion after inflammation.
Rhus Tox. }

Pulsatilla. }

Silicea. } Inflammation of lymphatic glands. Try in the given order after Hepar
Sulph fails.
Ferrum Phos. Inflammation of lymphatic glands; face flushes bright red on least
excitement. Menses too frequent and too profuse. Anemia.

Phosphorus. Affection of glands in weak persons suffering from diarrhea and sweat.

Iodine. Inflammation of enlargement of thyroid gland. The mesenteric glands can be

felt as knots. Patient is thin and anemic. Swelling of Sub-maxillary glands. Palpitation
of heart on least exertion. Enlargement of glands while the body withers.

Spongia. Itching, swelling and induration of glands; dryness, heat and restlessness.
Lycopus Vir. Swelling of glands with marked heart symptoms. It lowers blood
pressure, reduces the pulse rate and increases the length of the systole to a great

Carbo Animalis. Glands of the throat, mammae and axilla grow people and indurated
with no tendency to soften or go on to suppuration. Glands do not enlarge much but
they are hard and burn like coals of fire. It also cures stubborn cancerous affections.
Conium. Glands become hard and sore. The glands under the arm inflame and
ulcerate. The glands in the neck, in the groin and abdomen become enlarged.
Inflammation of glands along the course of the lymphatics, causing chain like knots.


Bromium. Enlargement of glands; swelling of testicles. Hardness of glands without

tendency to suppurate.
Calcarea Iod. Inflammation of glands, hardness in glands.

Calcarea Fluor. Indolent glandular enlargements of the cervical and lymphatic

glands with hardness. Enlargement of bronchial and mesenteric glands, worse in damp
weather, better from hot fomentations and rubbing. Use in 6X potency.

Belladonna. Glandular swellings threatening suppuration. They may be in axillary
region or swellings of the mammae which are heavy, red and sensitive. Red streaks
radiating from the inflamed gland with great heat and stitching pains.

Calc Carb. Swelling of glands which tend to suppurate. Sweat on the head which is
sour and offensive.
Graphites. Enlargement of glands of axilla, groin and neck with skin symptoms. The
abdomen is large and hard.
Scrophularia. An excellent remedy for inflammation and suppuration of the glands.
Nodosities in the breasts.

Merc. Iod. Inflammation of glands with pain. Hard and red. It follows Belladonna

Lapis Alb. It covers various forms of growths. Glands are enlarged with a certain
amount of softness rather than stony hardness as in Calcarea Fluor. Enlargement of
mesenteric glands.
Iodum. Enlargement of glands (including tonsils) with withering of the entire body,
the muscles shrink and the skin wrinkles. Except mammary glands which dwindle, all
glands are enlarged.

Carbo Animalis. Glandular swellings. The glands enlarge slowly and then they stay.
They do not suppurate, nor do they enlarge much, they are hard.

Gelsemium. For enlargement and inflammation of lymphatic gland with fever

without thirst coming at 10 and 11 A.M. and completely subsiding by evening.
Cerebral symptoms such as distressing the head, vertigo etc. May be present.
Malignant sarcoma.

Aconite Lycotonum. Swelling of the cervical, axillary and mammary glands and
even where Hodgkin’s disease has been suspected.

Aethusa. Swelling of glands round neck like a string of beads.


Iodum. It is the head remedy for goiter and is indicated in spare dark, active patients.
It should be given in 1M dilution. Marked hardness with sensation of constriction.
Hypertrophy of two lobes, tumor becoming more swollen and painful at each return of
menses. Glandular increase in size, especially right side, soft and without any
fluctuation. Nonlobulated tumor in interior and medium portion of the size as large as
child’s head, rosy red, heavy in weight and soft is cured by this remedy. Patient is thin
but eats heartily. Goiter soft with heat and rapid pulse. The iodum patients are
depressed, low spirited, and suicidal.

Bromium. When Iodium in 1M dilution fails, this remedy should be tried in high
dilutions, viz. 1M. Enlargement of glands with softness. Cannot lie on right side
because of palpitation. The patient is light complexioned, scrofulous and is buoyant
and cheerful.

Lycopodium. On right side, tense, smooth, shining appearance with feeling of

constriction in tumor although not very large.

Natrum Mur. In early stages. Patient is afraid of thunder storm. Afraid to be alone at
night. Heart rate slows down when using stethoscope and accelerates when the pulse
rate counted. Exophthalmic goiter with emaciation, weakness, trembling, palpitation,
thirst, nervous irritability and sleeplessness.

Lachesis. Slight tremor with hot flushes. Awakening from sleep with palpitation and
hot feeling. This remedy also thought of during early stages.
Fucus Ves. Give in mother tincture in drop doses. This is a stock remedy for goiter.
Indigestion, flatulency and constipation are most common.

Calcarea Carb. In simple goiters in fat persons with sweating on the head and neck.
It ma be given in 200 dilution every two hours six times daily until improvement
Adrenalin. Exophthalmic goiter, with quick pulse, rapid heart action and dyspnoea.
Eye balls protruding and throbbing of the arteries at the back of the neck. Adrenalin
may be given in 200 or 1M dilution. If this fails, try Cactus.

Thyroidin. This may be tried if Iod, and Bromium fail.

Spongia. Painful goiter. Asthma with amenorrhea. Pain on swallowing. Goiter in

inhabitants of valleys. It has the complexion and glandular enlargement of Bromium
and the mental anxiety and low vitality of Iodum.

Ferrum Met. Exophthalmic goiter, especially after suppression of menses.

Lapis Albus. Scrofulous enlargement of glands. Goiter with burning and stinging
pain in breasts, stomach and uterus.

Lycopus Vir. Exophthalmic goiter with heart trouble and breathlessness.

Ignatia. When there is pain in goiter in nervous patients.



Doryphora. Burning in different parts of the body, mouth, throat, esophagus,

stomach, abdomen, rectum, mammary organs etc.

Camphor. Internal heat and outside coldness.

Veratrum Alb. Burning white in cold sweat, chill and heat alternating.

Sulphur. Flushes of heat like hot stream in any part which finally ends in sweat. Heat
in patches. Heat in soles of feet and palms of hands.
Ars. Alb. Persistent burning heat relieved by hot application or in warm room. But
burning in inner head is relieved by cold water wash and in a rheumatic state that
effects the scalp and outward nerves, the burning then is ameliorated by heat.

Aconite N. Burning heat with restlessness and better by cold application or in open

Lactic Acid. Burning during diabetes.

Phosphorus. Burning in any part of the body. May be in delirium, typhoid etc.
Throbbing heat, better by rubbing.
Ammon Mur. Boiling sensation throughout the body as if in the blood vessels.
Sensitive to cold. Complaints increase in open air. Flushes of heat ending in sweat.
Sepia. Hands hot while feet cold or vice versa. Guiding symptom.

Pulsatilla. Heat of one part only; the other part is cold.

Theridion. Burning in lumbar region with extreme sensitiveness to noise and touch.

Lycopodium. Burning chiefly between the scapulae.

Medorrhinum. Heat in soles of feet. Burning heat round the back as if burning coal
was placed.

Ignatia. One ear end one cheek red and burning.

Iris Ver. Burning in mouth, tongue, throat down to stomach. Burning of arms when
there is diarrhea.

Apis M. Redness and swelling with stinging and burning pain in face, eyes-lids, lips,
tongue, throat, arms and testicles.
Belladonna. Heat with redness and intense burning. Intensely hot to touch.

Picric Acid. Least study causes burning in the spine. Burning due to mental exertion.
Painless burning.

Ptelia T. Burning heat of skin and face. Even the breath burns the nostrils.

Ruta. Sensation of heat and fire in the eyes.

Terebinthina. Burning of all the parts and orifices in the body. There may be burning
in stomach, rectum, bladder or urethra etc.
Fluoric Acid. Great heat seems to evolve from the body in the evening and at night
without increase of temperature. The feet burn and are put out of bed in the night. He
wants to bathe the face and head with cold water.

Naja. Constant heat on head and face, swelling of palms. Unbearable sensation of
heat. Hot iron sensation.

Alumina Silicate. Extreme heat of summer takes her strength. Walking almost
impossible. Great burning in the spine.

Lachesis. Hot flushes during he day and cold flushes by the night. Isomnia.


Thymol. It is specific for hook worm disease. To be given in 6 th potency twice daily
morning and evening.

Chenopodium. For hook Worm disease. To be used in 10 drop doses for mother
tincture; give only three doses after every two hours.

Carbon Tetrachloride. It is the best vermifuge for the treatment of hook worm
disease in a country where it predominates. A single dose of 3 cc. given on adults has
been proved to remove 95 per cent of all the hook worms harboured.

HORMONES. This term is used for internal secrestions from ductless glands giving
Adrenaline; Thyroidine; Insuline etc. When these ductless glands become deficient,
certain diseases are cuased which can only be cured by making the glands efficient by
the use of appropriate homoeopathic medicines. For instance premature grey hair and
baldness are caused by the deficiency of Thyroid gland. The use of Thyroid in 30 or
200 dilution will not only prevent grey hair but help in restoring natural color.
Similarly Insulin 30 or 200 should be used as an intercurrent remedy in diabetes to
make efficient the glands which produce insulin.


Belladonna. When the swelling is red with burning and throbbing pain. Parts touched
are hot.
Apis M. Puffy swelling as when bitten by flies. Scanty urination. Swelling of upper
lips without any bite.
Calcarea Carb. When swelling is pale and hard. Give in 200 potency thrice daily till

Thyroidinum. In filarial, the swelling is abnormally painless.

Aurum Sulph. Swelling of axillary glands, of mammae.

Lycopus Vir. Swelling with pain. The pain is completely relieved by this remedy
although painless swelling continues.


Hypericum. When nerves are injured along with soft parts as in treading on nails,
needles, pins, in bites of insects and animals. Marvelous remedy for pierced, torn or
injured parts rich in nerves such as lips and finger tips. It is useful for injuries in spine
and coccyx. Give Ledum Pal immediately in order to prevent tetanus. Presence of
intolerable pain during tetanus as a result of injury. Pain in old scars which towards
the body along the course of nerves.

Symphytum. Injuries due to a blow with blunt instrument. Irritable stump after
operation. It should be tried when Ruta fails in injuries to tendons. Slow healing.
Staphisagria. In incised wounds with a sharp instrument or when there is stinging
burning pain in the opening by a surgeon which takes unhealthy look.

Ledum. For punctured wounds which feel cold to touch and to the patient but relieved
by cold application. Wounds that bleed scantily and are followed by pain; puffiness
and coldness of the part. Black eye from a blow or concusion. Wounds caused by
rusty nails from stepping on tacks or on needles that run dangerously into soles of feet
or palms of hands which become septic. It prevents tetanus. But when tetanus has
actually occurred, it is not the remedy; in that case give Hypericum. Withering of
diseased limb after injury or punctured wound.
Anacardium. When tendons are affected.

Aristolochia. Blisters or wounds due to shoe bites, horse back riding, rowing, garden
work etc.
Ruta. Sprain and formation of nodules after sprain. Lameness after sprain, especially
of ankles and wrists. Detachment of tendons from the bone due to injury or sprain.
Bruises of kicks on the stem of footballers and hockey players are cured speedily by
this remedy. Bruises of bones, tendons and cartilage.

Arnica M. Intense sensitiveness due to excessive pains. It may be in gout,

rheumatism, traumatic or other injuries. Injuries to soft parts. Over-exertion, strain
and sprain. Soreness all over the body. Black or blue appearance of the sprained joints
is cured by this remedy.

Calendula. For lacerated wounds.

Allium Cepa. For violent stinging pains in stumps after operation. Burning pain.
Rhus Tox. An excellent remedy for sprains and overlifting. It should be tried when
muscles or tendons are strained and when Arnica proves insufficient.

Calcarea Phos. When the bones are fractured or broken. This medicine may be given
in alternation with Arnica 1M, Ruta and Symptom every alternate day. Should be used
in 1M potency.

Peonia. Ulcers from pressure, as bed-sores, and from ill fitting shoes.
Bellis Per. Great remedy for injuries and sprains, tender to touch. It affects both blood
vesseles and nerves and thus combines the properties of Arnica and Hypericum.
Induration of mammae which persist after a blow.

Crocus. Wounds suppurate.

KNOCK KNEE (Bow Legs).

Tuberculinum 200. Should start treatment with this remedy and it should be repeated
every month. During the remaining time the following remedies should be given
except for two days before and two days after the administration of Tuberculinum.
Calcarea Phos. To be given thrice daily for a long time.

Lathyrus. Knees knock when walking; tottering gait; rigidity and cramps in legs.

Silicea 200. This remedy should be given occasionally in lies of Tuberculinum when
it becomes due.



Arsenicum Alb. Pallor, debility, shortness of breath, action of heart weak, profound
blood changes, glandular enlargements. Its characteristics are restlessness, after-noon
and after midnight aggravation, nervous apprehension and anxiety which should not
be ignored.
China. When the periodicity of fever and chill with enlargement of spleen is marked.
Bowels disturbed and the skin is hot and dry.
Ferrum Phos. Anemia with hemorrhage and general debility and constipation.
Chlorosis in young girls with delayed menses.
Phosphorus. The patient is very much relaxed and debilitated. Palpitation of heart
and shortness of breath on least exertion. Loose and offensive stools with complete
exhaustion thereafter.

Arsenic Iod. May be given after meals.

Natrum Mur. When the complexion is pale, earthy; skin greasy; anemia with
chilliness, cold feet and chills down the back.

Calc. Carb. }

Calc. Iod. } Are especially indicated when the Lymphatic glands especially the
cervical glands are involved. Exhaustive sweat and perspiration.

Natrum Ars.}

Natrum Sulph.} In severe cases of leukemia these may be tried in the given order.
Ceanothus. It is specific for enlargement of spleen resulting in anemia. It should be
given in five drop doses of mother tincture.

LOUSE (Lice)

Staphisagria. When lice are found in pubic hair (i.e. in hair on private parts). It is also
useful for head lice.
Lycopodium. Lice in skin; specific for skin lice. Breeding lice.

Psorinum. Lice in hair on head. If this fails, try Carbolic Acid.

Carbolic Acid. It is also an excellent remedy for lice.


Bacillinum. The treatment should be started with this remedy. It should be given in
200 dilution. The other remedies to be repeated after a week.
Radium Brom. Is head remedy for lupus.

Ars. Alb. Great debility, restlessness, better by hot application and worse by cold

Alumen. }

Alumina. } Lupus or cancer on nose; face pale as a corpse, lips blue.

Note: Each of the above remedies should be tried for a considerable time to achieve

MARASMUS (Emaciation) – (See also “WRINKLES”)

Magnesia Carb. Children who have a tendency to sinking in of the capital bone or
the back of the head and jutting out over it of the parietal bones creating a depression.
This condition is generally found amongst illegitimate infants, those that have been
conceived by clandestine coition.

Abrotanum. Of children with marked emaciation especially of legs; skin flabby and
hangs loose in folds. Head weak, cannot hold it up.

Calcarea Phos. An excellent remedy for marasmus. It should be given in 6X

trituration. Skin dry and wrinkled.

Natrum Mur. Marasmus of neck in children. Utterly dehydrated. Sad and wistful.
Child looks like a tiny hairless monkey.
Picric Acid. Wasting with great appetite.

Sanicula. Child looks old, dirty and greasy. Progressive emaciation. Skin wrinkled
about neck and hands in folds. Mentally obstinate and head-strong, constantly
changing. Sweating of head at night which wets the pillow. Offensive foot sweat.
Baryta Carb. Is indicated in muscular atrophy at the age of puberty. Gradual
dwindling in persons who had been fat and well-nourished. Emaciation of children
with large glands and enlarged abdomen.

Iodum. Is useful when there is a tendency to marasmus. Irritability, child does not
want to be approached. Eats ravenously yet emaciated. Deformed and swollen joints.
Tuberculinum. This should be given as an intercurrent remedy every week in 200


Capsicum. Swelling, painful by contact, caries of the mastoid process.

Silicea. Caries of the mastoid process.

Platina. Numbness of the mastoid process. Tense numb sensation in mastoid process
as if it was screwed to the head.

Cantharis. Tearing pain as if the bone will be torn into pieces.

Merc. Iod. Infammation of the mastoid process.

Belladonna. In early stages when there is inflammation and the parts are red.

Fluoric Acid. Mastoid abscess with continued discharge of thick yellow pus. Diabetes
with high percentage of sugar and thirst. Strong sexual impulse.

MILK LEG (Plegmasia Alba dolens).

Pulsatilla. Is the head remedy for the above disease. Pale white swelling. Pain and
tenderness along the vein trunks. Chilly, but does not want to be covered.

Lycopodium. Swelling of saphenous vein which becomes large and tender. It can be
traced all the way up.

Silicea. Should be thought of when Pulsatilla fails and when the heart is affected. It
has morning aggravation.
Hamamelis. This is another remedy which should be tried if Pulsatilla fails and when
symptoms of Lachesis are not present.


Sabina. Music is intolerable, produces nervousness; goes through bone and marrow.

Thuja. Music causes weeping.

NAEVUS (Birth marks).

Thuja 1M. Treatment to be started with this remedy. The mother tincture of the same
remedy to be applied externally morning and evening.
Radium Brom 200. To be given once a week along with the above remedy. Viz.
Thuja. On that day Thuja should not be given.

Phosphorus. Thy this remedy if the above remedies fail.

Vaccininum. This should be used as an intercurrent remedy once a fortnight in 200
dilution. No other medicine to be given that day.


Silicea. When the healing is retarded. Give in high dilution 200 or 1000 and repeat
after long intervals.

Calcarea Phos.}
Calcarea Fluor.} These are important remedies to be given in alternation to cure or
check necrosis of bones.

Euphorbium. Necrosis of the jawbone. Swelling and suppuration of sub-maxillary

Phosphorus. Necrosis of lower jaw.
Kali Iod. When due to syphilis or abuse of mercury.

Cocculus. Assists expulsion after fracture of head or femur.

Acid Fluor. Promotes expulsion of necrotic tissues.


Magnesia Carb. Facial neuralgia occurring for three to four days after a week or so.
It has shooting pains. Neuralgia of the left side of the face; during night driving him
out of bed; better by keeping in constant motion and worse by stopping motion.

Colocynthis. Pains brought on by excitement or vexation which come in waves and

are better from heat, from pressure and are worse during rest. Left sided neuralgia.
Distortion of face during pain. Pain in the cheek bones, infra-orbital nerve.

Belladonna. Violent pains with red face, flushing eyes, hot head and great
sensitiveness of the part to touch. Right sided neuralgia caused by cold.

Magnesia Phos. Tearing and shooting pains like lightning along the nerves whichare
relieved by heat and pressure. Violent supra-and infra-orbital pains.

Cedron. Supra-orbital neuralgia when the periodicity is well marked.

Mezerium. When the pains are relieved by heat of stove (no other heat applied wet or
dry relieves) and aggravated after eating. Pain in the left cheek running towards the
ear, worse during night.

Lachesis. When the pain is in the shin bone.

Valeriana. When the pain is aggravated during rest.

Aconite N. Pain with tingling of the affected parts.

Spigelia. Left sided with severe burning and sticking pains which are intolerable.
Sulphur. Facial neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, neuralgia of the fifth cerebral nerve
which supplies the face.

Colchicum. When accompanied with paralytic weakness of the muscles but lacks the
severity of Spigelia.
Syphilinum. When neuralgia is worse at night. It has also paralysis of one side of the
face. Give very high 1,000 or CM.

Argentum Nit. For supra and Infra orbital pains.

Stannum. When the pains come in lightly, increasing gradually to a very high degree
and decreasing slowly; supra-orbital.
Chamomilla. When the pain is intolerable and very severe. It is accompanied with
tooth-ache, ear-ache and pain in the neck.
Platina. Cramping pains associated with coldness and numbness.

Plantago Major. Is very useful in almost all kinds of neuralgias as a local application
of mother tincture.

Kali Iod. Excessive sensitiveness of the surface; inveterate cases; syphilitic.

Verbascum. With intolerable drawing in the ear; pain in flashes excited by the least
movement; clenching the teeth or touching them with the tongue; face red, acrid

Sanguinaria C. Neuralgia of face relieved by kneeling down and pressing head

firmly against floor; pain extends to all directions from the upper jaw.
Staphisagria. Prosopalgia. The touching of lips with spoon or fork will cause sever
pain shooting from lip to face.

NEUROMATA (Nervous Tumors – Nodes)

Arnica Mont. For neuromatous tumors. Give in 200 potency thrice daily for about six
months. If this fails or when improvement stops, try the following:-

Hypericum. For neuromatous tumors when Arnica M. fails. Give in 200 potency
thrice daily at four hours intevals.
Calc Carb. Neuromatous tumors appearing every 4 weeks. Suppurating tumors which
contain blood stained fluid.
Bryonia. Head nodosities; in several parts of the skin like small indurated glands.

Calendula. Traumatic and idiopathic neuroma.

Syphilinum. Nodes on the head.

NIGHTMARE (A dream characterized by great distress and a sense of

oppression or suffocation).

Conium. Due to anemia of brain.

Paeonia. Dream of a ghost as if sitting on his chest; frequently waking up groaning.

Cyclamen. After falling asleep.

Ledum. Fears to go to sleep lest she would die. Throat feels swollen, sensation of
Ammonia Carb. Nightmare every night in heart diseases.

Nux Vom. After heavy supper or alcoholic beverages.

Digitalis. In Spermatorrhea.

OBESITY (Accumulation of fat in body)

Calcarea Carb. A constitutional remedy for reducing fat. Sweating on the forehead
which wets the pillow when sleeping. Should be given in 200 dilution and repeated
every week.

Natrum Phos 6X. Two tablets thrice daily. Obstinate case require Natrum Phos 3X.
Average weight loss 1 Kg per Week.

Ferrum Met. Obesity with anemia, face puffy with pitting of flesh.

Amm. Mur. Large buttocks. Fatty tumors. Body fat, legs thin.

Fucus Ves. Try this for corpulence when Calcarea Carb. Fails. To be given in drop
doses of mother tincture.

Thyroidinum. It is also a good remedy for reducing fat.

Aurum Met. With fatty degeneration of heart.

Antim Crud. Obesity in young people.

Graphites. Tendency to obesity particularly in females with delayed menstruation.

OEDEMA (Dropsical swelling).

Aurum Mur. Dropsical swelling with albuminuria, from induration of abdominal

organs, with intermittent fever; hectic fever; from disease of liver or spleen.
Natrum Chloratum. Swelling of hands on walking.

Apis Mel. Oedema in ascites (abdominal dropsy) with scanty urine; Bright’s disease;
after suppressed eruptions; of renal origin with transparency of the skin and
thirstlessness, urine highly albuminous. Oedema of the membrane. Neurotic oedema.
Puffiness with pitting on pressure.

Apocynum. Oedema in ascites with scanty urine but with great thirst. This is reverse
of Apis Mel. Dropsical swelling due to stopping of menstrual flow; distension and
tenderness of abdomen, or it may be due to too much menstrual flow with exhaustion,
gasping for breath and wheezing.

Ars. Alb. Oedema in heart diseases due to hypertrophy of the heart of drunkards.
Oedema mostly of the skin about the eyes, face and ankles. The patient is restless,
anxious and sleeplessness. Dryness of the mouth.

Phosphorus. With diarrhea in nephritits; with anemia.

Vesicaria. Oedema due to complete failure of kidneys, which stop secreting urine. No
urine passed on account of stopping of the function of the kidneys. Give in one
drachm doses of the mother tincture.

Kali Iod. From pressure of swollen glands.

Lachesis. In heart diseases; first right and then left leg.

Terebinth. From congestion of kidneys; with kidney affections, prostration.

China. With debility and anemia.

Phaseolus N. Dropsy due to heart diseases with liver and kidney complications. Renal
and cardiac dropsies are speedily relieved. Urine largely increased in quantity,
albumin quickly disappears.
Hydrocotyle. Oedema, elephantiasis, filarial. This remedy is specific and infallible.
Give in 1X dilution.
Thyroidinum. Oedema of limbs and face without any apparent cause.

Rhus Tox. Oedema of scrotum, the penis, the vulva and about the mouth. It affects
the skin rather than the membrane.

OLD AGE (Premature)

Ambra Grisea. Premature old age with symptoms appearing at the age of fifty should
appear at age of eighty; trembling; tottering and a dreamy state of mind with

Baryta Carb. Premature old age; doing and saying things like a child. Childish
behavior in old people. Giving out of muscles. Defect in intelligence.


Post } (See SHOCKS Surgical)

Calcarea Carb. Perspiration in flabby persons or children which wets the pillow. It is
a constitutional remedy. Debilitating sweat. Sweating of head during sleep. Sweat in
spots. When feet become cold, they sweat.

Silicea. Head remedy for perspiration, especially on palms of hands and soles of feet.
Sweat with foul smell.

Sambucus. During waking hours, non-debilitating. Stops as soon as he falls sleep.

Magnesia Mur. Footsweat or burning in soles of feet.

Veratrum Alb. Burning whilst in cold sweat. Chill and heat alternating. Cold sweat
ordinarily on face.
Magnesia Carb. Sour perspiration.

Petroleum. Perspiration offensive, especially in axilla. It can be observed as soon as

the patient enters the room, it is so offensive.
Benzoic Acid. Perspiration on the side not lain on. Uric acid in urine, highly colored
and very offensive urine like that of horse’s urine.
Tarentula. Profuse sweat from music.

Conium. Sweats as soon as one sleeps whether during the day or night, or even on
closing the eyes. (Reverse of Sambucus).

Mercurius. Profuse perspiration when walking; perspiration day and night though
more during night, fatty, oily and offensive perspiration soaking the bed clothes.
Offensiveness runs all through, offensive urine, stool and sweat, it has a strong,
sweetish and penetrating odor. Anxiety and cold sweat while eating.
Lachesis. Sweat with palpitation of heart; bloody sweat.

Aconite N. Cold sweat on palms and hands. Perspiration on the side lain on.
Kali Carb. Perspiration in painful parts.

Hepar Sul. Cold and foul foot sweat.

Pulsatilla. Sweat only on the part of the body. Similarly heat only of one part of the
body whilst the other part is cold.
Salicylic Acid. Copious foul smelling sweat of feet. Sensation as if feet is to perspire.

Sanicula. Sweating of head at night in emaciated children with offensive foot sweat.
Sweat on covered parts only (opposite of Thuja). Sweating of hands when put

Tuberculinum. Perspiration from mental exertion, stains linen yellow. Night sweats.
Sensitive to change in weather, to cold, damp, warm or rainy weather. Worse before a
Nitric Acid. Profuse sweat of hands and feet.

Ant. Tart. Profuse sweat of hands and feet.

Tellurium. Offensive foot sweat.

Naphthaline. Exhausting night sweats, during the day thin offensive diarrhea.

Carbo Ani. Sweat stains yellow.

Graphites. Sweat stains yellow, sour offensive.

Belladonna. Perspiration on covered parts.

Psorinum. Perspiration on least exertion.

Staph. Sweat smelling of rotten eggs. Night sweats in patients bordering on
Osmium. Axillary sweat like garlic.

Jaborandi. Profuse perspiration beginning on the face and head and extending all
over the body and followed by coldness of extremities and terminating in vomiting of
sour mucus.
Aconite Lycotonum. Sweat on hands.
Laurocerasus. Sweat in cold patients in warm room relieved by walking in open air.

Aurum Met. Perspiration with thick urine which is cloudy and very fetid.
Croton T. Bloody sweat.

Chininum Ars. Profuse and exhausting sweat when sleep.

Ignatia. Sweat on the face on a small spot only while eating.

Caladium. Sweetish odor of perspiration which attracts flies.

Thuja. Sweat on uncovered parts of the body and no sweat on covered parts. Sweat
about genitalia offensive. Sweat oily, sweetish, fetid. Sweat on the side not lain on.

Natrum Mur. Sweats whilst eating.

Chamomilla. The face sweats after eating or drinking.

Fluoric Acid. Hands and feet constantly bathed in perspiration.


Aconite N. When suppressed perspiration brings on catarrh, fever and local


Nux Vom. Dysentery due to suppression of sweat.

Colchicum. Lameness from suddenly checked sweat particularly on feet, by getting

wet all over.

Bryonia. Suppression of sweat during confinement.

Dulcamara. Suppression due to sudden cooling with consequential ailments.



Calcarea Carb. Polypus of the bladder.


Hydrastis. Exuberant polypoid growths of mucus membrane of the ear.

Thuja. Polypus in the middle ear.

Mercurius. Auditory canal, right, blocked by soft, easily bleeding polypi.

Calcarea Carb. Polypus of the ear.


Sanguinaria. Polypus of the larynx.

Berb Vul. Polypus of vocal cord, red with a sessile base.


Calc. Carb. Polypus of the nose with loss of the smell.

Teucrium. Occupying entire nostril; stoppage of nose on the side he lies; large
polypus after badly treated cold; greenish white discharge; enlarges in wet weather.
Head remedy for polypus.

Kali Nit. Polypus growing more rapidly after each attack of headache. Large
distending nose on the right side.

Hecla Lava. Polypus of the nose with deforming face, forcing eyeballs upward,
everting lid, obstructing nostrils; extending downward into mouth making breating
and mastication difficult.

Alumina. Nasal polypus-left side.


Teucrium. Head remedy for polypus. Start treatment with this remedy. If this, fails,
try the following:-
Calcarea Phos. Polypus of rectum.
Phosphorus. Polypus of rectum with inflammation of anus.


Belladonna. Against Scarlet fever.

Kali Iod. Against mouth and foot disease in animals.

Pilocarpinum. }

Parotidinum. } Against mumps.

Lathyrus Sat. Against poliomyelitis.

Variolinum. }
Vaccininum. } Against smallpox.
Malandrium. }

Morbilinum. } Against measles.

Strontium. Against effects of radiation.

Pertussin. Against whooping cough.

Influenzinum. Against influenza.

Diphtherinum. Against diphtheria.



Arsenicum Alb. Pronounced debility; child is emaciated; severe gastro-intestinal

disturbances; exceedingly fetid smell from the mouth.
Sulphur. Is indicated when in addition to the bleeding gums and fetid breath the
patient has old shriveled, withered look and unhealthy state of skin. Discharge of
blood and fetid pus from about the roots of the teeth.
Mercurius. When gums recede from teeth and are blue and unhealthy in color. Legs
swollen and very painful. Unhealthy bluish ulcerations of the skin are the
characteristic symptoms of the remedy.

Kreosote. Mouth putrid and cadaverous; gums ulcerated; epistaxis and discharge
from the genitalia.

Carbo Veg. Persistent hemorrhage from gums and nose. It may also occur from
kidneys and bowels.

Arnica M. }
Symphytum.} For pain in legs. Try in the given order.

Note. Diet is most important for the treatment of scurvy. Fruit juices and vegetables
should be the main food which will result in prompt improvement.

Mouth wash with Calendula mother tincture mixed with ten parts of distilled
water used every two hours will promote healing and remove fetor.

SEASICKNESS (Nausea, vomiting and vertigo whilst traveling in a ship, car or

Petroleum. Specific for seasickness. The patient suffers from violent nausea and
vomiting with vertigo and occipital headache. Nausea from riding in a carriage.
Apomorphia. Vomiting of cerebral origin. Use in 30 dilution or higher.

Tabacum. Worse from least motion and better on deck in fresh cold air, but with
characteristic symptoms of pallor, cold sweat and coldness, especially of the hands.

Staphisagria. For sea sickness in nervous persons. It should be taken at the moment
when dizziness and nausea commenced before vomiting sets in.

Cocculus Ind. When riding in a carriage. Caused by swinging.

Theridion. Sea sickness. For nervous women who shut their eyes to get rid of the
motion of the ship.

Pulsatilla. Better in open air on deck but gets seasickness as soon as she enters the
room. Temperamentally cheerful but easily affected to tears; thirstlessness.

Borax. Nausea and vomiting with its red-line symptom “dread of downward motion.”
The downward motion of the ship or carriage brings on nausea and vomiting.

Bryonia. When the patient feels better by lying down quiet. Every disturbance, even
offering of medicine aggravates his trouble.

Coffea. Continued sickness at stomach with headache, constant inclination to vomit

felt in throat, vomiting of mucus with violent attacks of migraine.


Carbo Animalis. Looseness of all parts. Eyes feel loose in their sockets and brain in
the head.

Amm. Mur. Sensation of coldness in the back between the shoulders.

Daphne. Part of the body being separated from the rest of the limbs.
Sepia. Sensation of a ball in rectum like an apple or potato. Diarrhea and constipation
are also cured with this symptom. Sensation of sand in the eyes.

Crocus. Something alive moving about in the abdomen or chest. (Remedy for violent
foetal movements as well as in cases of imaginary pregnancy).
Secale Cor. Burning sensation as if sparks or burning coal were falling on parts which
are cold to touch. Cannot bear to be covered.

Mezerium. As if teeth are too long.

Mercurius Perennis. Feels as if two noses.

Myrica Cerifera. As if insects crawling on face.

Lobelia Inflata. As if bone in throat.

Lilium Tigrinum. Downward dragging from shoulder. As if tied up in knots.

Leptandra. As if something passing out of rectum.

Laurocerasus. As if flies and spider crawling over body.

Capsicum. Burning sensation as if pepper as sprinkled.
Ars. Alb. Burning sensation relieved by heat.

Sulphur. Head remedy for burning sensation in any part. Sensation of tight band
around the head. Lump of hair in throat. Lump of ice in chest. Mouse running up arms
and chest.

Phosphorus. Burning sensation.

Borax. Sensation of cob webs, bugs or insects crawling on face.

Chelidonium. Sensation as if cold air is blowing on him. Sensation of dust in the air
passages causing cough.
Dulcamara. Sensation of sinking.

Ignatia. Sensation of emptiness.

Terebinthina. Sensation as if he had swallowed a small ball which remained at the pit
of the stomach; as if intestines are being drawn towards spine.
Tuberculinum. Distressing sensation of damp clothes on the spine.

Thuja. Sensation of nail driven into the brain; as if boiling lead were passing through
the rectum; as if anus would fly to pieces during stool; as if legs were made of wood;
as if body was made of glass and would break: as if something alive is bounding about
inside the body.

Theridion. Sensation of something alive bounding about inside the body. It may be
tried after Thuja fails.
Chamomilla. Sensation as if walking on the ends of the bones of the legs and did not
have an feet.

Graphites. Sensation of cob-web on face; tries hard to brush it off.

Camphor. Sensation of great coldness of the surface of the body with a desire to
uncover. Great heat or sweat with desire to cover. Sensation as if cold air was blowing
on covered parts.

Ailanthus. Sensation of a rat running up the legs. Sensation of passing electric current
from head to limbs.

Crotalus C. Sensation as if something alive were walking about in head in circles.

Sensation of red hot iron in vertex. Sensation of an opening in abdomen through
which air passes. Sensation of coldness in stomach after eating. Sensation as if heart is
dipped in water or there is water in chest. Sensation of shortening of right limb.
Pyrogen. Sensation of a crap on head. Sensation as if her head was on the pillow but
knows not where the rest of the body is.
Nitric Acid. Sensation as if the head is in a vice from ear to ear over vertex. Sensation
of sticks in the throat like fish bone.

Aconite N. Sensation of face growing large.

Alumina. Sensation of bandages about the limbs and body. Fishbone sensation in the
throat. Sensation of constriction in esophagus down to stomach every time he
swallows a morsel of food. Sensation of creeping as of ants in the back and legs.
Sensation of cobweb or dried white of egg or dried blood on the face.

Actea Race. Sensation as if a black cloud has settled all over her and developed her
head, so that all is darkness and confusion; it weighed like lead on the head. Waving
sensation in the brain. Sensation as of a bolt through neck to vertex.

Cistus Can. Sensation of coldness in all the parts of the body, e.g. stomach, throat,
chest, tips of fingers etc. Sensation as if ants were running through the whole body
when lying down with anxious and difficult breathing. Obliged to get up and open
windows for fresh air which relieves. Immediately on lying down again these
sensations return.

Cocculus. Sensation of weak, hollow and gone feeling in head.

Glonoine. Sensation as if the chin were elongated to the knee.

Kali Bich. Sensation as if head and nose would burst; as if loose bones rubbed against
each other in the nose; as if a hair high up in the nostril; a hair on back of tongue.
Sensation of a drop of urine remaining in urethra. Sensation of chocking on lying

Carboneum. Sulph. Sensation of a hole close by into which was in danger of falling.
Of a weight between the scapulae compelling her to bend forward.

Kali Carb. Any bang, shock or bad news is felt in the stomach. Sensation or fish bone
or splinter in the throat. Stubborn of chilliness at noon.

Lachesis. Fish bone sensation in the throat. Sensation as if lice were crawling over
surface; worse from heat, motion and at night.

Medorrhinum. Sensation as if a worm crawls in right ear, and commences boring

anterior wall of auditory canal. Sensation as if paper or pin is forcing through the pit
of stomach causing her to rise and double up with screaming; pins seem to come from
each side; sensation of sand under lids.
Mercurius. Sensation of apple-core stitching in throat.

Opium. Absence of sensations points to this remedy in any ailment.

Coccus Cacti. Sensation of hair in the throat.

Onosmod. Sensation of hair in the throat.

Veratrum Alb. Sensation that if he drank water he felt as if it did not go down the
esophagus. Sensation of coldness in vertex. Sensation of cold water running though
the veins. As if pregnant; as if he had committed a crime; as if peppermint has been
eaten, coldness in the mouth and throat; as if something alive were rising form
stomach to throat; as if knives were cutting bowels; as if hot coals in abdomen and
Acid Phos. Sensation as if feet are rising until he stood on his feet.

Valeriana. Sensation as if a thread were hanging down the throat.

Natrum Mur. Sensation as if a thread were hanging on tongue.

Xanthoxylum. Sensation as if gentle shocks of electricity were passing through the

Palladium. Sensation as if an animal were snapping and tearing off small portions
inside the abdomen. Crawling as from fleas on back, arms, abdomen, thighs and
ankles; actual spots like flea-bites appear on various places, lips, nostrils etc. It has
violent itching.

Petroleum. Sensation as if heart were cold. Coldness in spots.

Platinum. Sensation as if thighs are too tightly wrapped; of water in forehead; of

coldness, crawling; numbness in legs. Sensation of retraction of the abdomen.

Ptelia T. Sensation of a nail driven into brain.

Ranunculus B. Sensation as if wet cloth were applied to body on going out of doors.
Ruta. Sensation of heat and fire in the eyes. Sensation of coldness of spine
Sacicylic Acid. Sensation as if foot is perspiring.

Sanicula. Sensation that head was open and wind went through it. Sensation of cold
cloth round brain. Sensation that the back is in two pieces. On swallowing sensation
of hard substance in trachea.
Silicea. Sensation of hair lying on for part of the tongue.
Staphisagria. Sensation as if abdomen and stomach were hanging down relaxed.

Viscum Alb. Sensation as if something is dragging her down from the waist and
immediately thereafter feels as if upper part of the body was floating in the air.

Alumina Silicate. Sensation of crawling of ants in the brain which travels down the
body and leaves at the toes. She wants the body wrapped up but wants head in cold
Barium Sulph. Sensation of motions in the head; feeling of looseness of the brain.

Arsenic Sul. Flavum. Sensation of heaviness of lower limbs and feet. Numbness and
jerking of limbs.

Pediculus. Sensation as if lifted up by hair.

Kali Sulph. Sensation of closely fitted cap on head.

Cannabis Ind. Sensation as though drops of water were trickling from heart.
Kali Bi. Cold sensation as though drops of water were tickling from heart.

Osmium. As if he had swallowed broken stones. As if insects crawling on back and

shoulders. As if a hand round head.

Aconitum Cam. Sensation of ants crawling round in the abdomen.

Clematis. In the morning sensation of not having slept enough.

Aethusa. Sensation as though the stomach was turned upside down, accompanied by
burning feeling in the chest.
Psorinum. As if head with ears not his own.

Alumen. Sensation of a cord or band around the limbs, especially round the leg under
the knee. Soles sensitive to pressure when walking.
Argentum Nit. Sensation of sticks or fish bone in the throat. The patient wants every
thing cold.
Hepar Sulph. Stick in the throat when swallowing, but unlike Argentum Nit the
Hepar Sulph patient wants warm things.

China. Sensation of sand in the eyes.

Magnesia Mur. Sensation as if the hair were pulled. Soreness of the hair follicles.
Better by wrapping the head tightly.
Natrum Mur. Fish bone sensation in the throat.

Sulphuric Acid. Sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs without
visible trembling.

Abrotanum. Sensation as if stomach hanging or swimming in water.

Allium Sat. Sensation of hair on tongue; worse when reading.

Mag Carb. Sensation as if teeth are too long.

Aconite N. Mental shock produced by fright. On rising form recumbent posture, the
red face becomes deathly pale and fear to rise again. Vertigo from a fall or

Opium. Shocks from imaginary fear like those of ghosts. Shocks due to fear of wild
animals, etc.

Arnica M. Stupefaction, loss of sight and hearing due to concussion of the brain.
Unconsciousness due to concussion.

Camphor. Shock from injury; cold extremities, trembling of tongue, hands and feet;
excessive, weakness, prostration and exhaustion. Insensible to touch.

Ignatia. In metal shocks due to deaths in family or other similar happenings which
cause depression or bad feeling.
Cantharis. When shock is due to burns or scalds. Give in 2X dilution and apply
solution of mother tincture in water on parts burnt.

Carbo Veg. Cold breath, throat, mouth, teeth and extremities with great desire to be

China Off. Collapse due to loss of blood. Ringing in ears with desire to be covered.
Hypericum. Mental shock resulting in depression. There is no smile and the patient
does not want to talk at all. Food does not attract him. Has no interest in life. These
shocks may be due to separation, disappointed love or any other unknown cause.
Mental shocks due to injury causing nervousness, numbness and trembling.

SHOCKS (Surgical, post-operation ailments)

Phosphorus. A single dose of high potency of this remedy should be given a day
before abdominal operation to prevent nausea and other distress after operation. It is
indicated in amputation in nervous patients when there is excessive bleeding before or
after operation. It antidotes the effects of chloroform and stops vomiting after
operation. Useful in bleeding after the extraction of teeth.

Arnica M. It is also for surgical shocks. It may be given before or after the operation.
Given immediately after the operation, it will control shocks and prevent soreness. It
relieves headache in head injuries. Loss of control of bladder after operation.
Aconite N. This should be given in operation on tissues that are very sensitive, such
as the eye or urethra. It will give better results than Arnica Montana, which is meant
for major operation.
Rhus Tox. A remarkable remedy in relieving the soreness, restlessness and other
distress after operation involving the right lower quadrant of the abdomen.

Pulsatilla. It is indicated where the patient lies with the hands above the head, keeps
asking for air, and wants the mouth washed frequently.

Nux Vom. It relieves the vomiting after operation when accompanied by much
retching; irritability of the patient.

Allium Cepa. Neuralgic pains in the stump of an amputed limb. Pains are fine thread-
like and shooting in character.

Ammonia Mur. Tearing stitching pain after amputation of the foot, worse in bed at
night and better from message.
Hypericum. Sharp shooting pain due to amputation of the distal phalanx of any of the
fingers due to accident when the top of the finger is cut off or chopped. Pains are
intolerable and out of all proportion to the injury received.
Staphisagria. When the sensation as of a knife-cutting persists long after the surgery.
Pain and distress after operation will be quickly arrested by a dose of this remedy.
Pain after stretching of the urethra. Wounds after operation take unhealthy look.

Veratrum Alb. Great prostration after operation with cold sweat, body cold,
especially extremities, pale face, features distorted, restlessness, tetanic spasms.

Camphor. It covers more serious cases than Veratrum Album. Shock more profound,
breath cold, pulse feeble but rapid, tongue and lips tremble, respiration slow and

Carbo Veg. For collapsed condition of the most intense and desperate character.
Stupor which does not yield to stimulants. Pulse is scarcely perceptible and the
breathing is rattling.
Strontium Carb. Shocks after surgical operations. Much oozing of blood after
operation and coldness and perspiration.

Opium. }

Helleborus. } For persistent stupor. It opium fails, try Helleborus.

Pyrogenium. For septic condition after operation.

SHOE-BITES (See under “BITES”)


Tuberculinum. }

Baryta Carb. }
Thuja. } These remedies should be given alternately every week in 200
dilution for six months or more. Stature can only be expected to be increased to be
increased between the ages of 10 to 17; earlier the age better the result.


Bovista. Smell under arms pit.

Nux Mosch. Bad smell under arms and between breasts of women.


Artemisia Vulg. Walking or doing any other action while in sleep.

Natrum Mur. Rising and sitting about in the room while sleeping.

Ignatia. Sees everything that passes in the streets, but forgets after walking. Describes
clearly the interior of the brain (effects of wounded honor).

Helleborus. Without impairing the senses, nothing is seen or heard; everything has
lost its taste.

SPINA BIFIDA (Meningocele) (Protrusion of the contents of the spinal canal as a

cystic tumor).

Tuberculinum. Treatment should be started with this remedy. Give one dose in 200
Silicea. A dose of this remedy in 200 potency be given after a week of the
administration of Tub 200.

Arsenic Iod. After three days of the administration of Silicea 200, this medicine be
given thrice daily for a fortnight. Silicea 200 should again be repeated and followed
by Ars. Iod. as indicated above. Tuberculinum 200 should only be repeated once in
two months.

Calcarea Carb. Should be tried when Ars. Iod. does not respond.

SPONDYLITIS (Inflammation of one or more vertebrae).

Calcarea Fluor. Indurated cervical glands, cellular tissues. Calcareous deposits; stony
hardness. Synovial swellings. Vertige. Lumbago. Cracking in joints, patient is
sensitive to cold, damp weather; worse during rest ameliorated by heat.

Gnaphalium. Giddy feeling especially on rising up. Numbness of limbs alternating

with pain. Sharp cutting pain in anterior cervical nerve. Tearing pain in thighs, in
sciatic nerve. Aggravation on lying down. Relived when sitting.
Medorrhinum. Vertigo when stooping. Stiff neck. Spasms of neck muscles.
Numbness in limbs. Burning pain, weight and pressure in vertex. Burning of hands
and feet. Nerves quiver and tingle. Oedema of limbs. Pains intolerable. Excruciating
neuralgia; worse from day-light to sun-set. Better at sea-shore; lying on stomach.

Rhododendron. Tension and drawing in muscles of nape of neck. Stiff neck; rigidity
of nape. Tearing in shoulders and back. Tingling and heaviness of arms and tips of
fingers as if there is no circulation of blood.
Ledum. Tearing pain in shoulders, hands and arms on raising or moving arms.
Stinging in hands. Drawing and tearing in arms. Numbness and sensation of torpor in

Fluoric Acid. Rigidity and pain in nape of neck. Weakness, lameness and numbness
of fore-arms and neck. Pricking pain in fingers. Difficulty in writing. Stitches in hip-
bones and under the soles of feet. Legs feel Numb. This medicine is used for softening
and absorbing of nodes and other abnormal growths of bones.
Causticum. Swelling of cervical glands. Tension and stiffness in nape of neck. Pain
in shoulder-blades. Pulling and pain in arms and hands. Paralytic feeling in right hand.

Caulophyllum. Stiffness of nape of neck. Pulling in sterno-cleidomastoid drawing

head to left. Fingers very stiff and drawing. Cutting pain when closing hand.

Actea Spicata. Lame feeling in arms particularly right arm. Paralytic weakness and
pain of hands. Palms very sensitive to pressure.

SPRAIN (See also “INJURY”)

Arnica M. This medicine may be applied on the affected part in mother tincture and
then hot formentation be given. Internally it may be given in 1000 dilution, one dose
every 5 hours. When improvement sets in, the medicine need only be repeated at
longer intervals, say, twice a week. Black and blue appearance of the sprained joint is
quickly cured by this medicine. Fear of persons running towards him.

Rhus Tox. This remedy will be called for if Arnica fails or only partially improves the
sprain. It will complete the cure in a short time. Give in 1M potency.
Ignatia. Will be indicated in mental cases with scanty and restless sleep, intolerance
of noise, watery urine, trembling and twitching.

Ruta G. Sprain especially of the wrist or ankle. Give in 1M dilution and alternate it
with Arnica 1M every third day till recovery.



Ars. Sul. Flavum. Stiffness of all the joints after recovery from poisoning.
Rhus Tox. Stiffness of the neck; neck stretched out, head bent back.
Antim Tart. Stiffness of the neck; neck stretched out, head bent back.

Aconite N. Stiff-neck due to draught or chill with pain worse on moving the neck.
Pain extending from neck to shoulders.

Colchicum. Stiffness with paralysis and pain.

Rhododendron. Pain and stiffness on the right side.

Chelidonium. Pain and stiffness on right side.

Bryonia Alb. Stiffness with pain worse on movement.


Natrum Mur. Child sucks her thumb and bites her nails. Give in 1M dilution every
week. Afraid of worms, birds and small animals.


Salicylic Acid. Is specific for sunburn. (Note: Urtica Urens ointment may be applied
on the burnt part.)
Aconite. With anxiety and fear of death. Patient dull, stupid and worse sitting up.

Gelsemium. Vertigo; band feeling around head with heaviness of eyelids. Pain in
temple extending into ear and wing of nose. Delirious; wants to have head raised on

Opium 200. When there is coma and fatigue. This should be tried after Belladonna.
Glonoine. Severe headache with pale face, fixed eyes, white tongue, full round pulse,
laboured respiration, cerebral vomiting and sinking at the pit of the stomach. High
temperature with unconsciousness at times. Give this every 5 times first then increase

Belladonna. Headache with face flushed and hot, drowsiness, loss of consciousness.
Perspiration on covered parts. Whistling in the ears and constriction of the chest.

Natrum Mur. Chronic effects on sun-stroke with headache returning in hot weather.
Debility and headache by sun heat.

Lachesis. When the sun’s heat makes the patient dizzy and faint. Hot water greatly



SYNOVITIS (Inflammation of joints).

Silicea. Inflammation of joints due to synovial effusion in cold patients who would
use warm clothing even in hot weather; wants to wrap up the affected part with warm
clothing. Coldness specially of the neck and shoulders. Give in 200 or 1000 dilution.
Apis Mel. Violent pain in the knee-joint more outside and to the front. Shooting pain
in the knee with white swelling and burning.

Rhus Tox. Rheumatic knee joint, pain worse during night and damp weather.

Bryonia. Synovial inflammation of knee joints. Stiffness and stitches when moving;
drawing; wrenching.
Iodium. Much swelling; erratic tearing pain.

Pulsatilla. Painless swelling of the knee. Tearing, jerking and drawing pain in the
knees. Hot inflammatory swelling of the knee.
Sulphur. Dropsy of the knee joints; sub-acute and chronic synovitis.

Calcarea Carb. Basic remedy for knee-joint diseases.

Ledum. Acute traumatic synovitis where there is an effusion in the joints; the parts
are sensitive; the pains are aching and tearing.

Ruta. G. Inflammation of synovial membrane. Inflammation of house-maid’s knee.

Lycopus Vir. Fearful thirst, drinks large quantities of water. Nothing but coldest
water would satisfy.
Allium Sat. Thirst which prevents sleep.

Sulphur. When patient drinks much and eats little.

Digitalis. Violent thirst with loss of appetite. May be tried when Sulphur fails.

Arsenic Alb. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals. Dryness of the

Calcarea Ars. Thirst for cold water but loss of all desire for food.
Cantharis. Thirst in the throat but there is aversion to water in the mind. Burning in
the throat.
Gauiacum. Aversion to food or milk with great thirst.


Bothrops Lan. Head remedy for thrombosis. Is also useful in thrombotic phenomena,
as hemiplegia, phasia, inability to articulate.
Calcarea Ars. Collateral veins, circuit unusually developed.

Apis M. In the middle of bend of thighs, a thick sensitive string all along the inner
side of thighs.
Lachesis. A remedy for the thrombosis with high blood pressure.

Sumbul. Is said to be very useful in thrombosis.



Calcarea Fluor. Hardened lumps and knots. Indurated glands of stony hardness. An
excellent remedy for cold abscesses. Prevents development of cancers. Hardened
lumps in female breasts.
Conium. Great hardness of the infiltrated glands with stitching pains, worse at night.
Cancer, mammary tumors, or beginning of cancer. Chief remedy for glandular
contusions and bruises.

Mag. Carb. It has cured body tumors.

Berb. Vul. For tumors and sessile growths.

Thuja. Tumors in irritable and fastidious persons. Constipation causing flatulence,

empty eructations. Cannot tolerate sun-heat, wants to bathe in cold water. Sweat on
uncovered parts.
Bellis P. Tumors of traumatic origin (due to injury). If in addition spleen is affected,
give Ceanothus 1X in alternation.
Radium Br. It may be tried as an intercurrent remedy in cancer. It is useful in all

Lapis Alb. It cures early stage of mammary cancer.

Hecla Lava. It is useful for tumors and arrests pain thus obviating the necessity for
morphia injection. Patient has a typical malignant look; a wasted, pallid and exhausted

Calc. Carb. Tumors in scrofulous subjects. It should be tried in neuroma (neuroma
tumors), suppurating tumors or tumors reappearing every 4 weeks. Sanguineous
tumors which contain blood-stained fluid.

Baryta Carb. Tumors especially about the neck. Fatty tumors, especially on the back.
Tension in the muscles of the back.
Phosphorus. Tumors on the neck.

Hydrastis. Useful in goiter and uterine cancer. It allays the pains in simple glandular
tumors of the breast.

Carbo Animalis. Mammary tumors or cancer or little nodes which are hard as stone;
axiallry glands swollen with drawing pains through the mammae.

Kali Cyanatum. Brain tumor causing severe headache.

Arnica M. 200. }
Hypericum. 200. } Try in the given order for six months in each case, to be given
twice daily-morning and evening.
Baryta Iod. Hard tumors.


Baryta Carb. Burning, especially in neck.

Crotalus Hor. Malignant tumors with burning.

Staphisagria. For neuroma when Cal. Carb. Fails.

Thuja. If given along with vaccination the vaccination will not take. For bad effects
of vaccination, such as eczema etc.
Vaccininum. For bad effects of vaccination with inflammation and oozing out form
the affected parts.

Antim Tart. For bad effects of vaccination when Thuja fails.

VITAMIN. Vitamin theory is very important from the point of view of homoeopathy.
The vitamin pills and capsules containing vitamins A, B, C etc. are prescribed to make
up the deficiency in various salts which normal food fails to provide. The theory of
administering vitamins does not go far enough. What is needed is to make the human
system active with a view to its drawing all the vitamins from the food. To this
homeopathy is the answer. It has appropriate remedies which will not only provide for
the deficiency in salts but will also correct the system enabling it to take the required
vitamins from the food. For instance deficiency in calcium salts will be easily
removed by taking Calcarea Phos. in potency not lower than 6.

Thuja. In crops; wart like excrescences on back of head, on chin, etc. Flat black
warts, large seedy, pedunculated; sometimes oozing moisture and bleeding readily.

Calcarea Carb. Small, horny warts in large numbers with itching and stinging;
inflamed; ulcerated.

Sulphur. Hard, painful, throbbing warts.

Natrum Mur. Warts on the palms.

Kali Mur. Warts on the hands.

Sepia. Warts on margin of prepuce; on the body; large hard black warts.

Causticum. Warts soft at base, horny on surface; warts on arms and hands, on eyelids
and face. May very small warts.
Ruta. G. Warts with sore pains; flat; smooth on palms of hands.
Dulcamara. Warts on back of hands.

Staphisagria. Figwarts, dry pedunculated, cauliflower like, after abuse of mercury.

Nit. Acid. Warts, Condylomata, sycotic, or syphilitic, large jagged, pedunculated,
bleeding readily on washing, moist oozing, sticking pain.

Magnesia Sulph. Warts on entire face.

Sabina. Figwarts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations.

Ferrum Pic. Multiple warts. Hands covered with warts; specific for corns.

Nat. Carb. Warts on palms of hands; sore to touch.



Lycopodium. Wrinkled and sickly, especially the upper part of the body. The
forehead may be frowning or wrinkled. Patient is peevish and irritable; cannot endure

Veratrum Alb. Wrinkled skin; vomiting and watery diarrhea; bluish face; pointed

Abrotanum. When the whole body is emacrated and wrinkled. The face looks old,
the infant looks like an old person. The face is wrinkled and has a sickly look. The
skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.
Aurum Mur. Wrinkles on the face due to syphilis. Boy large and fat but legs too thin.
Argentum Nit. Progressive emaciation especially of flower extremities. Withered,
dried up and old looking.
Sanicula. Progressive emaciation; child looks dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about
neck wrinkled, hangs in folds.

Aconite N. Frequent yawning without sleepiness.

Lycopodium. Yawning after eating.

Nux Vom. Yawning for hours after eating.

Ignatia. Yawning after sleep while eating; excessive yawning as if jaw would be

Rhus Tox: Severe yawning threatening to dislocate jaw. Lower jaw stiff and painful.
Natrum Mur. Yawning with internal chilliness.

Sulphur. Frequent yawning with eructations during the day.

Chelidonium. Frequent yawning with stretching and sleepiness.

Lachesis. Yawning with restlessness and pain in back.

Tellurium. Yawning after retching, drowsy after eating.

Amyl Nit. Profound and repeated yawning. Constant stretching for hours, would seize
the bed and call for help to stretch.

Plumbum. To stretch and yawn incessantly.


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