Jharkhand BOQ r0

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Tender Inviting Authority : Executive Engineer, Drinking Water & Sanitation Division, Garhwa.

Name of Work :- ADAR-BARDIHA-OBRA AND JATROBANJARI-SUKHNADI Rural pipe Water Supply Scheme under Drinking Water & Sanitation Division, Garhwa on turnkey
basis for the Year 2020-21
Contract No : DWSD/GAR/ADAR-BARDIHA/08/2020-21 (2 Call) P.R. No. 242242
Name of the Infra limited
Firm /
Company :

(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders
are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )


No. Estimated Figures To be TOTAL AMOUNT In Words
Item Description Quantity Units Rate in entered by the Without Taxes in
Rs. P Bidder Rs. P
Rs. P

1 2 4 5 6 13 53 55
1.00 Elevated Service Reservoir
Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,
designing, getting it approved by competent authorityand
Providing all labours and equipment for designing &
construction of ESR all complete job. (Please refer to
Section 5,Sl. 2.8 of SBD)

13528000.00 13528000.00 INR One Crore Thirty Five Lakh Twenty Eight
3.00 (i) ESR 7.60 lakh Litre Capacity. Staging ht.22.00m 1.00 job 0.00 Thousand Only
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 23 23

10295000.00 10295000.00 INR One Crore Two Lakh Ninety Five Thousand
4.00 (ii) ESR 7.10 lakh Litre Capacity. Staging ht.17.00m 1.00 job 0.00 Only
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2

5.00 Water Treatment Plant

Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data, 22237600.00 22237600.00 INR Two Crore Twenty Two Lakh Thirty Seven
designing, getting it approved by competent authorityand Thousand Six Hundred Only
Providing all labours and necessary equipment for
6.00 1.00 Comp Job 0.00
designing & construction of Uncononventional WTP of
5.50 MLD capacity. With all complete job. (Please refer to
Section 5,Sl. 2.3 of SBD)

7.00 Construction of R.CC intake well cum pump

Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data, designing
aesthetically, getting it approved by competent authority
and Construction of 6.00 m dia and Total height of
IntakeWell =15.0 M [(9.71 M below River Bed level ,2.34M
bed to floor and floor level of pump house is 6.14M above
river bed level and Roof level of pump House is 5.00 M
above floor of P.H) cum Raw Water Pump House(Please
refer to Section 5,Sl. 2.1 of SBD).
Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches of toe
wall,spillway,head ragulator,outlet,intake well etc. as per
designed section in all kinds of soil, including moorum soil,
soil muxed with kanker, pebbles and boulders up to 300
mm size and disposal of the same (beyond 50 M away
from the toe of the dam base in the country side) with in
initial lead of 1.5 M all lifts as per specification and
direction of E/I.
606.06 139072.59 INR One Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand &Seventy
10.00 Lift 14.71 m to 13.21 m 229.47 cum 0.00 Two and Paise Fifty Nine Only

580.13 73566.29 INR Seventy Three Thousand Five Hundred &

11.00 Lift 13.21 m to 12.21m 126.81 cum 0.00 Sixty Six and Paise Twenty Nine Only

533.72 57449.62 INR Fifty Seven Thousand Four Hundred & Forty
12.00 Lift 12.21 m to 11.21m 107.64 cum 0.00 Nine and Paise Sixty Two Only

499.59 44983.08 INR Forty Four Thousand Nine Hundred &

13.00 Lift 11.21 m to 10.21m 90.04 cum 0.00 Eighty Three and Paise Eight Only

Earthwork in excavation of cut off trenches as per

designed section in soft rock or ordinary rock (vide
classification of soil item C) with disposal of spoil (beyond
50 M away from the toe of dam within 1 km with II lifts by
14.00 truck including loading,unloading, construction and
maintenance of haul road etc as per specification &
direction of E/I. (soft rock where blasting is not required
and approved by the concerned chief Engineer)( 0% of
667.49 51977.45 INR Fifty One Thousand Nine Hundred &
15.00 Lift 10.21 m to 9.71 M 77.87 cum 0.00 Seventy Seven and Paise Forty Five Only

648.38 45548.70 INR Forty Five Thousand Five Hundred & Forty
16.00 Lift 9.71 m to 9.21 M 70.25 cum 0.00 Eight and Paise Seventy Only

616.98 38882.08 INR Thirty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred &

17.00 Lift 9.21 m to 8.71 M 63.02 cum 0.00 Eighty Two and Paise Eight Only

592.41 33281.59 INR Thirty Three Thousand Two Hundred &

18.00 Lift 8.71 m to 8.21 M 56.18 cum 0.00 Eighty One and Paise Fifty Nine Only

576.03 28899.43 INR Twenty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred &

19.00 Lift 8.21 m to 7.70 M 50.17 cum 0.00 Ninety Nine and Paise Forty Three Only
Providing and laying PCC or RCC M 150 with nominal mix 7183.00 33400.95 INR Thirty Three Thousand Four Hundred and
(1 : 2 : 4) in various components of barrage foundation with Paise Ninety Five Only
approved quality of 20 mm graded coarse aggregated of
required grade as per design and aproved quality of sand
of requisite F.M. (2.5 to 3.0) washed and screened
20.00 4.65 cum 0.00
excluding cost of shuttering or from work as well of
reinforcement, its cutting bending, binding and placing but
including necessary tools and plants and vibrating, curing,
royalty all taxes etc all complete job as per specification
and direction of E/I.
Providing RCC M 300 with nominal mix (1:1:2) in various 8265.00 177614.85 INR One Lakh Seventy Seven Thousand Six
components of barrage foundation with approved quality of Hundred & Fourteen and Paise Eighty Five Only
20 mm graded coarse aggregated of required grade as per
design and aproved quality of sand of requisite F.M. (2.5 to
21.00 3.0) washed and screened excluding cost of shuttering or 21.49 cum 0.00
from work as well of reinforcement, its cutting bending,
binding and placing but including necessary tools and
plants and vibrating, curing, royalty all taxes etc all
complete job as per specification and direction of E/I.

Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/

granite /quartzite /gnesiss metal for RCC work as per
details drawing and design or as directed by engineer-in -
charge including normal normal dewatering Plywood
Formwork , bully steel prop-ups , compaction, finishing the
formed surfaces with CM (1:3) of sufficient min. thickness
to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or
roughing if a special finish is to be provided and curing
etc.cmplete (by weight batching and mix design for M-25
and M-30 only) (Exculding M.S or Tor reinforcement.)
8425.00 739967.75 INR Seven Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand Nine
23.00 Vertical wall of Intake well 87.83 cum 0.00 Hundred & Sixty Seven and Paise Seventy Five
Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ 9580.00 32188.80 INR Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred & Eighty
granite /quartzite /gnesiss metal for RCC work as per Eight and Paise Eighty Only
details drawing and design or as directed by engineer-in -
charge including normal normal dewatering Plywood
Formwork , bully steel prop-ups , compaction, finishing the
24.00 3.36 cum 0.00
formed surfaces with CM (1:3) of sufficient min. thickness
to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or
roughing if a special finish is to be provided and curing
etc.cmplete (by weight batching and mix design for M-25
and M-30 only) (Exculding M.S or Tor reinforcement.)

Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ 9625.00 109340.00 INR One Lakh Nine Thousand Three Hundred &
granite /quartzite /gnesiss metal for RCC work as per Forty Only
details drawing and design or as directed by engineer-in -
charge including normal normal dewatering Plywood
Formwork , bully steel prop-ups , compaction, finishing the
25.00 11.36 cum 0.00
formed surfaces with CM (1:3) of sufficient min. thickness
to give a smooth and even surface wherever necessary or
roughing if a special finish is to be provided and curing
etc.cmplete (by weight batching and mix design for M-25
and M-30 only)(Exculding M.S or Tor reinforcement.)
Providing RCC M 250 with nominal mix of in columns with 9625.00 21078.75 INR Twenty One Thousand &Seventy Eight and
approved quality of stone chips 20 mm to 6 mm size Paise Seventy Five Only
graded and cleaned coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3 including
26.00 screening, centering, shuttering, mixing cement concrete in 2.19 cum 0.00
mixer and placing in position ,vibrating,striking,curing(but
excluding the cost of reinforcement,taxes,and royality all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I)

Providing RCC M 200 with nominal mix of (1:1:5:3) in band 9475.00 18571.00 INR Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred &
at lintel level with approved quality of stone chips 20 mm to Seventy One Only
6 mm size graded and cleaned coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3
including screening, centering, shuttering, mixing cement
27.00 1.96 cum 0.00
concrete in mixer and placing in position
,vibrating,striking,curing(but excluding the cost of
reinforcement,taxes,and royality all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I)
Providing RCC M 200 with nominal mix of (1:1:5:3) in roof 9475.00 43016.50 INR Forty Three Thousand &Sixteen and Paise
slab with approved quality of stone chips 20 mm to 6 mm Fifty Only
size graded and cleaned coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3
including screening, centering, shuttering, mixing cement
28.00 4.54 cum 0.00
concrete in mixer and placing in position
,vibrating,striking,curing(but excluding the cost of
reinforcement,taxes,and royality all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I)
2235.00 9655.20 INR Nine Thousand Six Hundred & Fifty Five
Providing 63 mm average thickness RCC M 200 with and Paise Twenty Only
nominal mix of (1:1:5:3) in chhjja with approved quality of
stone chips 20 mm to 6 mm size graded and cleaned
coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3 including screening, centering,
29.00 shuttering, mixing cement concrete in mixer and placing in 4.32 sqm 0.00
position ,vibrating,striking,6 mm cement plaster (1:4) in
ceiling and side of chhjja with sand of FM 1.5 , curing(but
excluding the cost of reinforcement,taxes,and royality all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I)

Providing MS reinforcemnet(tor steel) as per approved 72650.00 1272101.50 INR Twelve Lakh Seventy Two Thousand One
design and drawing,removal of rust, cutting, bending and Hundred & One and Paise Fifty Only
30.00 binding including supplying annealed wire, placing MS rods 17.51 MT 0.00
in position all complete as per specification and direction of
E/I(1.5 % of RCC quantity)
Brick work in designation 75A with CM 1:6 in 742.25 12232.28 INR Twelve Thousand Two Hundred & Thirty
superstructure with approved quality of coarse sand of Two and Paise Twenty Eight Only
requiite FM(2.5 to 3.0) washed and screened with raking
31.00 16.48 SQM 0.00
out joints to 12 mm depth curing, scaffolding and its
removal whereever required including royality and all taxes
etc. complete job as per specifiction and direction of E/I
Supplyiing fitting & fixing M.S Grill made of 20 x 6 mm MS 171.50 49392.00 INR Forty Nine Thousand Three Hundred &
32.00 flat as per approved design & drawing in window 3 x 1.2 x 288.00 P/kg 0.00 Ninety Two Only
2.0 x 7.20 m² @ 40kg P/M²
Supplyig, fitting and fixing fully glazed steel doors,windows 4672.15 33639.48 INR Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred & Thirty
or ventilation of standard rolled "Z" and mullion steel Nine and Paise Forty Eight Only
sections and size as per IS-1038 joints met and welded
with 100 x 16 x 3 mm MS lugs fixed in cement concrete
(1:2:4) blocks 15 x 10 x 10 cm size including cost of
oxidised iron fittings, with hinges handle per steps, catch
33.00 7.20 SQM 0.00
springs,, 3mm thick plain glass panes with aluminium
beads and inner frame fixed with ligs with 20 mm long 6.3
mm GI counter sunk mchine screw and nuts and applying
a coat of red lead paint carrige to work site hoisting and
placing in position in all storys and taxes all complete as
per building specificatio as direction of E/I
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved,made of 4417.50 37107.00 INR Thirty Seven Thousand One Hundred &
required size MS lathes interlocked together through their Seven Only
entire length and jointed together at ends by end locks
mounted on especially designed pipe shafts with
brackets,side guides and arrangement for inside and
outside locking with pull and push operation
34.00 8.40 sqm 0.00
complete,including the cost of providng and fixing
necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from
high tensile steel wires of adequate strength confirming to
IS:4454 -part 1 and MS top cover of required thickness for
rolling shutters
80 x 1.25 mm MS laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover
156.00 312.00 INR Three Hundred & Twelve Only
providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutter 2.00 each 0.00
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:6) with approved 287.62 51958.55 INR Fifty One Thousand Nine Hundred & Fifty
quality of sand of requisite FM 1.5 washed and screnned Eight and Paise Fifty Five Only
36.00 including curing , scaffolding wwhereever required and its 180.65 sqm 0.00
removal ,royalty and all taxes etc complete job as per
specification and direction of E/I
Providing 12 mm thick water proof cement plaster (1:3) 215.40 84977.45 INR Eighty Four Thousand Nine Hundred &
with approved quality of sand of requisite FM 1.5 with 5% Seventy Seven and Paise Forty Five Only
cico or any other approved water proofing compound
37.00 394.51 sqm 0.00
including screnning including curing , scaffolding and all
taxes etc complete job as per specification and direction of
Providing 06 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in ceiling of 247.75 21053.80 INR Twenty One Thousand &Fifty Three and
P/H and intake well with clean coarse sand of requisite FM Paise Eighty Only
38.00 1.5 including screnning including curing , scaffolding and 84.98 sqm 0.00
all taxes etc complete job as per specification and direction
of E/I
Providing two coats of snowcem of approved shade and 119.77 34296.14 INR Thirty Four Thousand Two Hundred &
make over a coat of cement primer on new surface Ninety Six and Paise Fourteen Only
39.00 including preparing the plastered surface smooth with sand 286.35 sqm 0.00
paper ,scaffolding,curing, and taxes all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I
Providing two coats of painting with ready paint of 252.52 6590.77 INR Six Thousand Five Hundred & Ninety and
approved shade & make over steel surface including Paise Seventy Seven Only
40.00 26.10 sqm 0.00
cleaning the surface throughtly scaffolding and taxs all
complete as building specification and direction of E/I.
RS joist 250 x 125 (Grade A) size fitting and fixing in 34850.00 8364.00 INR Eight Thousand Three Hundred & Sixty Four
position including cutting to required in shape and size its Only
41.00 0.240 MT 0.00
carriaage applying a primer coat of red lead paaint etc all
complete as per building specificaation and direction of E/I.
Supplying laying fitting and fixing 25 mm dia G.I pipes of 1487.50 35238.88 INR Thirty Five Thousand Two Hundred & Thirty
medium class railling well lengths of approvided make is Eight and Paise Eighty Eight Only
three rows each passing through 50x50x6 mm angle at 1.5
42.00 m c/c and additional post of every snowcem add painting 3 23.69 RMT 0.00
coats full paint over. one coat of aaticornssive paint of
approved colours add shade including cost of all labour ,
transporting , beats to curve shape etc. all complete job.
Providing and fixing in position CI type dapuri steps of 22 295.00 13865.00 INR Thirteen Thousand Eight Hundred & Sixty
mm dia MS bar steps with proper anchorage etc and Five Only
43.00 47.00 each 0.00
providing and applying three coats of anti corrosive paint
etc complete as per directed by E/I
Providing and fixing M.S sluice gates in position as per 185.70 74280.00 INR Seventy Four Thousand Two Hundred &
detailed drawing and specification including cost of all Eighty Only
44.00 materials,labour,opearting pedestal, connecting 400.00 each 0.00
rod,painting with three coats of anti corrosive paint, etc
complete as directed by engineering in charge.
Providing and fixing in position C.I./M.S rose pieces in 222.35 44470.00 INR Forty Four Thousand Four Hundred &
intake wells including cost of all materials and labour, Seventy Only
45.00 200.00 each 0.00
painting with three coats of anti-corrosive oil paint,
etc.complete as directed by engineer-in-charge.

Carriage of construction materials to work site including

loading, unloading & stacking etc. all complete.
105.00 6029.10 INR Six Thousand &Twenty Nine and Paise
47.00 Cement 30 KM lead 57.42 MT 0.00 Ten Only

105.00 1838.55 INR One Thousand Eight Hundred & Thirty Eight
48.00 Steel 30 KM lead 17.51 MT 0.00 and Paise Fifty Five Only

68.00 3251.76 INR Three Thousand Two Hundred & Fifty One
49.00 Sand 30 KM lead 47.82 Per M3 0.00 and Paise Seventy Six Only

1.70 11605.90 INR Eleven Thousand Six Hundred & Five and
50.00 Bricks 30 KM lead 6827.00 each 0.00 Paise Ninety Only

78.00 6229.08 INR Six Thousand Two Hundred & Twenty Nine
51.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 79.86 Per M3 0.00 and Paise Eight Only

52.00 Construction of Gang Way 55 M long and 3.00 M wide

Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,

designing, getting it approved by competent authorityand
53.00 Providing all labours and necessary equipment for
designing & construction of Gang Way (Please refer to
Section 5,Sl. 2.2 of SBD).
Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches as per
designed section in all kinds of soil, including moorum soil,
soil muxed with kanker, pebbles and boulders up to 300
54.00 mm size and disposal of the same (beyond 50 M away
from the toe of the dam base in the country side) with in
initial lead of 1.5 M all lifts as per specification and
direction of E/I
55.00 Lift 0.00m to 1.50m 75.00 cum 0.00 283.00 21225.00 INR Twenty One Thousand Two Hundred &
Twenty Five Only
56.00 Lift 1.50m to 2.00m 50.00 cum 0.00 312.78 15639.00 INR Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred & Thirty Nine
Providing PCC M 150 with nominal mix (1 : 2 : 4) in 7125.00 53437.50 INR Fifty Three Thousand Four Hundred & Thirty
various components of barrage foundation with approved Seven and Paise Fifty Only
quality of 20 mm graded coarse aggregated of required
grade as per design and aproved quality of sand of
requisite F.M. (2.5 to 3.0) washed and screened excluding
57.00 7.50 cum 0.00
cost of shuttering or from work as well of reinforcement, its
cutting bending, binding and placing but including
necessary tools and plants and vibrating, curing, royalty all
taxes etc all complete job as per specification and direction
of E/I.
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap / 8575.00 180075.00 INR One Lakh Eighty Thousand &Seventy Five
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation Only
like raft , grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC
columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering
58.00 21.00 cum 0.00
, plywood from bully / steel propups compaction, finishing
and curing etc. complete .(by weight batching and mix
design for M-25 and M-30 only. (excluding M.S or Tor in
RCC M-25) M-300
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap / 8575.00 76060.25 INR Seventy Six Thousand &Sixty and Paise
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation Twenty Five Only
like raft , grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC
columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering
59.00 8.87 cum 0.00
, plywood from bully / steel propups compaction, finishing
and curing etc. complete .(by weight batching and mix
design for M-25 and M-30 only. (excluding M.S or Tor in
RCC M-25)
Providing and laying in situ cement concrete of trap / 9587.00 423361.92 INR Four Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Three
granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation Hundred & Sixty One and Paise Ninety Two Only
like raft , grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC
columns and steel stanchions including normal dewatering
60.00 44.16 cum 0.00
, plywood from bully / steel propups compaction, finishing
and curing etc. complete .(by weight batching and mix
design for M-25 and M-30 only. (excluding M.S or Tor in
RCC M-25)
Providing RCC M- 200 with nominal mix (1:1.5:3) in roof 9587.00 237278.25 INR Two Lakh Thirty Seven Thousand Two
slab nominal mix in foundation and plinth, plinth beam Hundred & Seventy Eight and Paise Twenty Five
,band etc. with approved quality of stone chips 20 mm to 6 Only
0 mm size graded and clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to 3.0
61.00 including screening ,shuttering mixxing cement concrete , 24.75 cum 0.00
in mixter and placeing in position , vibration, strinking
curing (but excluding the cost of reinforcement taxes in
roylaty all complete job as per building specification and
direction E/I
Providing MS reinforcemnet(tor steel) as per approved 72650.00 563037.50 INR Five Lakh Sixty Three Thousand &Thirty
design and drawing,removal of rust, cutting, bending and Seven and Paise Fifty Only
62.00 binding including supplying annealed wire, placing MS rods 7.75 MT 0.00
in position all complete as per specification and direction of
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster(1:4) with approved 287.62 100399.51 INR One Lakh Three Hundred & Ninety Nine
quality of sand of requisite FM(2.5 to 3.0) washed and and Paise Fifty One Only
63.00 screened including curing,scaffolding whereever required 349.07 Per m2 0.00
and its removal,royalty and all taxes etc complete job as
per specification and direction of E/I
Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster(1:4) in ceiling with 247.75 31394.88 INR Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred &
clean coarse sand of FM-1.5 including curing with all Ninety Four and Paise Eighty Eight Only
64.00 126.72 cum 0.00
leads & liftss caffolding taxes & royality all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I
Providing and fixing G.I. pipe railing having 1.0 M height 1487.50 163625.00 INR One Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Six
consisting 50 x 50 x 6 mm thick M.S. angles as verticals at Hundred & Twenty Five Only
1.5 M c/c and additional posts at every corner with 3 rows
of 25 mm dia G.I. pipes of medium class variety as
65.00 110.00 per m2 0.00
horizontal and painting 3 coats of oil paint over 1 coat of
anticorrosive paint of approved colour and shade including
cost of all labour, transporting bends to curved shape, etc.
Providing two coats of snowcem of approved shade and 119.77 56985.37 INR Fifty Six Thousand Nine Hundred & Eighty
make over a coat of cement primer on new surface Five and Paise Thirty Seven Only
66.00 including preparing the plastered surface smooth with sand 475.79 per m2 0.00
paper ,scaffolding,curing, and taxes all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I
Carriage of materials from divisional store or kiln site or
67.00 quarry site to work site including contract profit, loading,
unloading, transportation, etc. all complete.
68.00 Cement 30 KM lead 22.02 MT 0.00 105.00 2312.10 INR Two Thousand Three Hundred & Twelve
and Paise Ten Only
69.00 Steel 30 KM lead 7.75 MT 0.00 105.00 813.75 INR Eight Hundred & Thirteen and Paise
Seventy Five Only
70.00 Sand 30 KM lead 18.29 Per M3 0.00 68.00 1243.72 INR One Thousand Two Hundred & Forty Three
and Paise Seventy Two Only
71.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 32.20 Per M3 0.00 78.00 2511.60 INR Two Thousand Five Hundred & Eleven and
Paise Sixty Only
72.00 Coffer Dam
Providing, construction coffer dam in river basin/dam
storages as per type design including excavation,filling the
middle portion with B.C. soil (in gunny bags if required ).
Providing impervious/semimpervious materials on both
side of B.C. (in gunny bags if required ) including
ramming,compacting to satisfaction of Engineer-in-
charge,till the completion of works and disposing off
material as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

74.00 (a) For Gangway 800.00 Per M3 0.00 715.00 572000.00 INR Five Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Only

75.00 (b) For Intake Well 977.93 Per M3 0.00 715.00 699219.95 INR Six Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Two
Hundred & Nineteen and Paise Ninety Five Only
Dewatering the excavate d trenches and pools of water in
the building trenches/pipeline trenches,well works by using
76.00 pumps and other devices including disposing off water to
safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-Charge (including
cost of machinery, labour, fuel etc Complete)

77.00 (a) For Gangway 3600.00 Hrs 0.00 78.00 280800.00 INR Two Lakh Eighty Thousand Eight Hundred
78.00 (b) For Intake Well 6000.00 Hrs 0.00 78.00 468000.00 INR Four Lakh Sixty Eight Thousand Only

79.00 Mechanical & Electrical Work at Intake well

Supply, installation, testing and commisssioning of

80.00 vertical turbine pumpsets with allied equipment as
under (Please refer to Section 5,Sl. 2.4 & 2.6 of SBD)
1524780.00 4574340.00 INR Forty Five Lakh Seventy Four Thousand
Supplying, Installation and commissioning of Horizontal Three Hundred & Forty Only
split casing centrifugal pump set of KIRLOSKAR / WPIL /
Matter and Platt make capable of discharge against
required head and mounted of common base plate coupled
with TEFC squirrel cage IE3 induction motor (As per IS
Marathon make operated on 415 volt 10%, 3 phase 50 Hz
81.00 A.C. supply having speed 1500 rpm including cost of 3.00 Set 0.00
supplying fitting and fixing of all required accessories such
as D.I. D/F special sluice valve, N.R. valve, foot valve ISI
maked and D.I. D/F pipe of suitable size and length as
required for suction and delivery main, common header,
etc. (Contractor will once again have to check the design of
motor, Pump & get it approved by the Deptt) (Pump &
Motor).Discharge-1905 LPM Head=100 m (2W+1S)

Supply, installation and commissioning of power control 526875.00 526875.00 INR Five Lakh Twenty Six Thousand Eight
cum distribution cubical panel board, made of 2 mm thick Hundred & Seventy Five Only
82.00 1.00 Set 0.00
MS, sheet of suitable size , dust and vermin proof,
consisting of following accessories
a) Incoming feeder-500A, 415V 4P MCCB thermal release
range adjustable and breaking capctity with rotary
83.00 operating mechanism handle
ofL&T/SIEMENS/HAVELLS/HPL/ Schneider/ C&S make -
1 no.
b) Fully automatic star delta starter to operate 75 HP
induction motor working on 415V, 3phase, 50 Hz with no
volt coil, over load element, ON-OFF push buttons, with
necessary materials and connected to supply, etc- 3 nos.
c) Bus bar- 4 pole 500 amp. Copper strip bus enclosed in
MS sheets etc all completed.
d) Voltmeter - (0-500) volt, voltmeter with selector switch of
suitable make.
e) Ammeter- (0-500) ampere, ammeter with selector switch
of suitable make
f) Indicating lamp LED/L&T/SIEMENS make in red, yellow
and green colour- 1 Sets
g) 200A, 415V TP MCCB thermal release range
adjustable and breaking capctity with rotary operating
mechanism handle of L&T/ Schneider make for light - 4
nos. for lightning & other loads.
h) Outgoing feeder 32A,63A, 100A & 415V TP MCCB
thermal release range adjustable and breaking capctity
with rotary operating mechanism handle ofL&T/SIEMENS/
Schneider make - 4 nos.
i) Panel should be duly painted with two coats super
enameled paint of approved colour, one coat red oxide
primer and internally wired with suitable size of copper wire
including Protection Relay, ELCB, RCCB, other Protection
units, cooling & insulation pads all complete as per site
requirement and IE rules. including capacitor banks
(APFC) for power factor, correction with all complete
materials and acessories.
Supply, installation and commissioning with Earthing as 19450.00 77800.00 INR Seventy Seven Thousand Eight Hundred
92.00 per analysis with all materials as per IS-3043 for each 4.00 Set 0.00 Only
Cost of 240 Sq mm x 3.5 core 1.1 KV Grade stranded 2012.50 402500.00 INR Four Lakh Two Thousand Five Hundred
aluminium conductor PVC insulated PVC sheathed Only
93.00 200.00 Per metre 0.00
armoured cable including laying on wall or on floor as and
where required etc. all complete
Cost of construction of 50 sq mm x 3 core unarmoured 485.00 36375.00 INR Thirty Six Thousand Three Hundred &
copper conductor PVC insuated PVC sheathed 1.1 KV Seventy Five Only
94.00 75.00 Per metre 0.00
grade cable including laying on wall or on the floor as and
where required etc. all complete
Cost of construction of DP structure for transformer,
supplying and erecting PSC pole , top bracket channel,
back clamp, 11KV disc insulator with hardware, earthing
set complete. MS nut and bolts, MS inbuilt lightning
95.00 arrester ,MS angle, GI wire , clamp for transformere base,
top channel, AB switch, HG & do fuse, stay set etc. all
complete job, 11 kv lightning arrster as per the site
requirement and as per the direction of E/I & IE rules
Cost of providing electric wiring inside and outside the 127276.00 127276.00 INR One Lakh Twenty Seven Thousand Two
pump house for lighting including cost of lamp of Hundred & Seventy Six Only
96.00 1.00 Job 0.00
250/400W, switches etc all complete as per the instruction
of E/I.
Supply and installation of 1.6mm thick double door sheet 18950.00 18950.00 INR Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred & Fifty
steel enclosed lighting distribution board having 32A 30mA Only
97.00 1.00 Nos. 0.00
4P ELCB as incomer and 9 nos. 6-20A 10kA SP MCB as
outgoing feeders
Supply and installation of servo controlled 200 KVA air 325000.00 325000.00 INR Three Lakh Twenty Five Thousand Only
cooled 3-phase Automatic voltage stabiliser with input 270-
98.00 460V and output 415V +/-1%, 3-Ph, 50Hz, Cu 1.00 Nos. 0.00
woundtransformer air cooled, etc. all complete as per IE
Rule and site requirement
Supply, delivery and installation of Fire Extinguisher ABC 8150.00 16300.00 INR Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred Only
99.00 2.00 Set 0.00
Type 4.5 kg

Supply, delivery and installation of First aid box with 1560.00 1560.00 INR One Thousand Five Hundred & Sixty Only
100.00 1.00 Set 0.00
gloves, scissors, adhesive plaster, sterilising solution etc.
Cost of supplying triple spur gear type chain pulley block of 7800.00 7800.00 INR Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Only
1 ton lifting capacity with 6 m lift complete with load chain
101.00 & hand chain suitable for above lift, tested to 50% over 1.00 Set 0.00
loadas per IS 3832 carrying ISI mark etc. all complete for
site requirement
102.00 (Mechanical & Electrical Part at WTP)
Supply, installation, testing and commisssioning of
horizontal casing centrifugal pumpsets with alied
equipment as (Please refer to Section 5,Sl. 2.5 & 2.6 of
Supplying, Installation and commissioning of Horizontal
split casing centrifugal pump set of KIRLOSKAR / WPIL /
Matter and Platt make capable for suitable discharge
against total head and mounted of common base plate
coupled with TEFC squirrel cage IE3 induction motor (As
per IS 12615) of
make operated on 415 volt 10%, 3 phase 50 Hz A.C.
104.00 supply having speed 1450 rpm including cost of supplying
fitting and fixing of all required accessories such as D.I.
D/F special sluice valve, N.R. valve, foot valve ISI maked
and D.I. D/F pipe of suitable size and length as required for
suction and delivery main, common header, Pcc
foundation,etc all complete with required material &
acessories etc. (Contractor will once again have to check
the design of motor, Pump & get it approved by the Deptt)
(Pump & Motor).
1445740.00 4337220.00 INR Forty Three Lakh Thirty Seven Thousand
Discharge:- 1905 LPM; Head:-74 m (2W+1S)= 3 no. of
105.00 3.00 Each 0.00 Two Hundred & Twenty Only
pump set

Supply, installation and commissioning of power control 576875.00 576875.00 INR Five Lakh Seventy Six Thousand Eight
cum distribution cubical panel board, made of 2 mm thick Hundred & Seventy Five Only
106.00 1.00 Set 0.00
MS, sheet of suitable size , dust and vermin proof,
consisting of following accessories
a) Incoming feeder-500A, 415V 4P MCCB thermal release
range adjustable and breaking capctity with rotary
107.00 operating mechanism handle
ofL&T/SIEMENS/HAVELLS/HPL/ Schneider/ C&S make -
1 no.
b) Fully automatic star delta starter to operate 60 HP
induction motor working on 415V, 3phase, 50 Hz with no
volt coil, over load element, ON-OFF push buttons, with
necessary materials and connected to supply, etc- 3 nos.
c) Bus bar- 4 pole 500 amp. Copper strip bus enclosed in
MS sheets etc all completed.
d) Voltmeter - (0-500) volt, voltmeter with selector switch of
suitable make.
e) Ammeter- (0-500) ampere, ammeter with selector switch
of suitable make
f) Indicating lamp LED/L&T/SIEMENS make in red, yellow
and green colour- 1 Sets
g) 100A, 32A 63A, 415V TP MCCB thermal release range
adjustable and breaking capctity with rotary operating
mechanism handle of L&T/ Schneider make for light - 4
nos. for lightning & other loads.
h) Outgoing feeder 60A, 415V TP MCCB thermal release
range adjustable and breaking capctity with rotary
operating mechanism handle ofL&T/SIEMENS/ Schneider
make - 4 nos.
i) Panel should be duly painted with two coats super
enameled paint of approved colour, one coat red oxide
primer and internally wired with suitable size of copper wire
115.00 including Protection Relay, ELCB, RCCB, other Protection
units, cooling & insulation pads all complete as per site
requirement and IE rules. including capacitor banks
(APFC) for power factor.
Supplying and fixing following way prewired TP&N MCB
distribution board of steel sheet for 415 volts on surface/
recess complete with loose wire box, terminal connectors
for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with
suitable size FR PVC insulated copper conductor up to
terminal blocks, tinned copper bus bar, neutral link, earth
bar, din bar, detachable gland plate, interconnections,
powder painted including earthing etc. as required.(But
without MCB/ RCCB/
Isolator) (415 V ,50HZ,100A)
Cost of Earthing with all the materials as per IS-3043 for 19450.00 77800.00 INR Seventy Seven Thousand Eight Hundred
117.00 4.00 Set 0.00 Only
each motor.

Cost of supplying triple spur gear type chain pulley block of 7800.00 7800.00 INR Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Only
2 ton lifting capacity with 6 m lift complete with load chain
118.00 1.00 Each 0.00
& hand chain suitable for above lift, tested to 50% over
loadas per IS 3832 carrying ISI mark.
Cost of 240 Sq mm x 3.5 core 1.1 KV Grade stranded 2012.50 402500.00 INR Four Lakh Two Thousand Five Hundred
aluminium conductor PVC insulated PVC sheathed Only
119.00 200.00 Per Metre 0.00
armoured cable including laying on wall or on floor as and
where required etc. all complete
Cost of construction of 55 sq mm x 3 core unarmoured 485.00 36375.00 INR Thirty Six Thousand Three Hundred &
copper conductor PVC insuated PVC sheathed 1.1 KV Seventy Five Only
120.00 75.00 Per Metre 0.00
grade cable including laying on wall or on the floor as and
where required etc. all complete
Supply and installation of servo controlled 250 KVA oil 467990.00 467990.00 INR Four Lakh Sixty Seven Thousand Nine
cooled 3-phase Automatic voltage stabiliser with input 220- Hundred & Ninety Only
121.00 460V and output 415V +/-1%.with all accessories,etc all 1.00 Nos. 0.00
complete including earthing , oil,change over switch, etc as
per site requirement.
122.00 Supplying & Fixing lightning protection at ESR 1.00 Set 0.00 4500.00 4500.00 INR Four Thousand Five Hundred Only

Supply, delivery and installation of Fire Extinguisher ABC 1065.50 2131.00 INR Two Thousand One Hundred & Thirty One
123.00 2.00 Set 0.00 Only
Type 4.5 kg

Supply, delivery and installation of First aid box with 1250.00 1250.00 INR One Thousand Two Hundred & Fifty Only
124.00 1.00 Set 0.00
gloves, scissors, adhesive plaster, sterilising solution etc.

125.00 Raw Water Rising main.

Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,
designing, getting it approved by competent
authorityand Laying of Raw water Rising Main (Please
refer to Section 5,Sl. 3.0 of SBD).
Supplying centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pressure
pipe for water supply with socket and spigot ends
confirming to IS839/2000 in standard lengths of class K-9
suitable for push on joinr( rubber gasket jointing) with
127.00 cement mortar lining on inside surface and outside surface
zinc coating with bituminous paint including all other taxes
insurance carriage to work site with loading unloading etc.
stacking includfing inspection charges and all taxes all
128.00 DI Pipe 300 mm dia class K-9 12880.00 M 0.00 3871.00 49858480.00 INR Four Crore Ninety Eight Lakh Fifty Eight
Thousand Four Hundred & Eighty Only
Providing and supplying ISI standard D.I. specials and 127.00 950976.00 INR Nine Lakh Fifty Thousand Nine Hundred &
fitting with rubber gasket of S.B.R. complete with cast iron Seventy Six Only
follower gland and M.S. nut & bolts coated from rusting
129.00 and suitable for D.I. pipes including cost of all labours and 7488.00 kg 0.00
materials and transportation to stores/ site, loading,
unloading including all taxes, etc. complete as per I.S.
Non return valve (DWSD120A) wthout by pass P.N 1.6 45250.00 226250.00 INR Two Lakh Twenty Six Thousand Two
130.00 5.00 each 0.00 Hundred & Fifty Only
300 mm dia
Providing double flanged sluice valve confirming for IS
2906/14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test
131.00 pressure stainless steel spindle caps including all
transportation etc. complete PN-1:6 without bypass
132.00 Sluice Valve (300 mm dia) 0.00
63700.00 445900.00 INR Four Lakh Forty Five Thousand Nine
7.00 each
Hundred Only
Providing and supplying air valves as per IS-14845-2000
andf MJP's standard specifiations double orifice type
combined with screw down isolating valve, small orifice
elastic ball resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large
133.00 orifice vulcanite ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet and
dreilled including all taxes ( central and local) insurance
third party inspection charges, loading, unloading,
transportation uotp departmental stores/site etc.complete
double ball flanged type PN-1.0 with small orifice 50 mm
20700.00 165600.00 INR One Lakh Sixty Five Thousand Six Hundred
134.00 Air Valve=50 mm 8.00 each 0.00
carriage of K-9 DI pipe 300 mm dia lead 500 KM (payment 40.00 515200.00 INR Five Lakh Fifteen Thousand Two Hundred
135.00 12880.00 m 0.00
will be made as per actual lead) Only
Earthwork in excavtion ( as per IS 3114/1965) for laying of 196.00 2576484.68 INR Twenty Five Lakh Seventy Six Thousand
different types and size of pipes so as to give one meter Four Hundred & Eighty Four and Paise Sixty
average cover over the socket of pipe with disposal of Eight Only
136.00 13145.33 cum 0.00
excavated earth within initial lead and lift as per
specification and direction of engineer -in -v\charge ( b0 for
classification of soil item-B
Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches as per 433.75 633530.91 INR Six Lakh Thirty Three Thousand Five
design section in ordinary soft rock( wide classification of Hundred & Thirty and Paise Ninety One Only
soil item-c) and disposal of excavated materials so
137.00 obtained ( 50 M away from the edge of the trenches) with 1460.59 cum 0.00
initial lead of 150 M and initial lift of 1.5 m as per
specification and direction of E/I in ordinary or soft rock(
where blasting is not required)
Supplying labours, tools, tackles, lubricant etc for laying
and jointing C.I.S/S tyson pipes ( class LA ) trenches
supplying rubber gasket ( rubber gasket confirming to
I.S.S.-5382-1969) and making gasket joints including
138.00 providing night guard barrier and red light to safe guard
against accident , all complete ( pipe to be supplied
departmentally free of cost and laying of pipes is to be
done as per ( I.S.S.-3114-1985) as per design ,
specification and direction of E/I. With out gas kate.
95.00 1223600.00 INR Twelve Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Six
139.00 300 mm dia DI K-9 12880.00 M 0.00
Hundred Only
Providing laying and fixing in proper alingment in position
all types of DI air valves as directed by engineer- in -
140.00 charge including cost of conveyance from store to site of
work , cost of all material and giving satisfactory hydraulic
testing etc. complete for all class of valve
780.00 6240.00 INR Six Thousand Two Hundred & Forty Only
141.00 50 mm dia 8.00 Each 0.00

Supplying labour and tool for fixing DI sluice valve trenches

with a pair of DI tail pair including making flanged joints as
per iS specification, including flanged joists as per IS
specification confirming to I.S.S. 782-19978 confirming to
I.S.S. 6557-1972 and nuts and bolts confirming to I.S.S.
1364-1983. including drilling holes in flanged if required as
per specification and direction of E/I. (sluice valve and
pieces to be supplied departmentally free of cost).
5260.00 63120.00 INR Sixty Three Thousand One Hundred &
143.00 300mm dia sluice valve + NR Valve 12.00 each 0.00
Twenty Only
Earthwork in back filling the trenches after laying different 97.00 1133445.00 INR Eleven Lakh Thirty Three Thousand Four
types and sizes of pipes with earth removed during Hundred & Forty Five Only
144.00 excavation within initial lead and lift as per specification 11685.00 cum 0.00
and direction of engineer-in charge ( for classification of
soil item A& B)
supplying labours, tools and tackles for testing of lead C.I.
or D.D. or U.P.V.C. or H.D.P.E. or A.C. Pressure pipe
145.00 upto 60 mtr head of water all complete as per specification
and direction of E/I ( water to be supplied free of cost
12.00 154560.00 INR One Lakh Fifty Four Thousand Five
146.00 300 mm dia 12880.00 RM 0.00
Hundred & Sixty Only
Supplying all materials, labours, tools and equipment and 27800.00 556000.00 INR Five Lakh Fifty Six Thousand Only
constructing brick masonry chamber of (1.20 X 0.9 X 1.50)
. inner size having 25cm. thick 75A brick masonry wall in
C.M. (1:6), over 150mm. P.C.C. M- 150, laid over one brick
flat soling on 100mm. local sand filling, including 12mm.
thick cement plaster with punning of inner surface and
147.00 exposed surface of B/W in C.M. (1:6) and R.C.C. M- 150 20.00 each 0.00
cover slab 150mm. thick with 20mm. to 6mm. graded
stone chips, and clean coarse sand of F.M. 2.5 to 3
including providing CI surface box and screening
shuttering, mixing, placing, striking, curing, taxes and
royalty all complete as per approved design, drawing &
specification and direction of E/I.
Supply all materials & construction of Thrust Block of RCC 5870.00 88050.00 INR Eighty Eight Thousand &Fifty Only
M - 200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in foundation and
148.00 15.00 each 0.00
plinth with approved quality of stone all complete job as per
specification and direction of E/I.
149.00 Clear Water Rising main.
Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,
designing, getting it approved by competent
authorityand Laying of Clear water Rising Main (Please
refer to Section 5,Sl. 3.0 of SBD)
Supplying centrifugally cast ( spun) ductile iron pressure
pipe for water supply with socket and spigot ends
confirming to IS839/2000 in standard lengths of class K-9
suitable for push on joinr( rubber gasket jointing) with
151.00 cement mortar lining on inside surface and outside surface
zinc coating with bituminous paint including all other taxes
insurance carriage to work site with loading unloading etc.
stacking includfing inspection charges and all taxes all
2426.00 24405560.00 INR Two Crore Forty Four Lakh Five Thousand
152.00 DI Pipe 200 mm dia class K-9 10060.00 M 0.00
Five Hundred & Sixty Only
3871.00 77420.00 INR Seventy Seven Thousand Four Hundred &
DI Pipe 300 mm dia class K-9 20.00 M 0.00
Twenty Only
Providing and supplying ISI standard D.I. specials and 127.00 443738.00 INR Four Lakh Forty Three Thousand Seven
fitting with rubber gasket of S.B.R. complete with cast iron Hundred & Thirty Eight Only
follower gland and M.S. nut & bolts coated from rusting
154.00 and suitable for D.I. pipes including cost of all labours and 3494.00 kg 0.00
materials and transportation to stores/ site, loading,
unloading including all taxes, etc. complete as per I.S.
Non return valve (DWSD120A) wthout by pass P.N 1.6 17870.00 89350.00 INR Eighty Nine Thousand Three Hundred &
155.00 5.00 each 0.00
200 mm dia Fifty Only
Providing double flanged sluice valve confirming for IS
2906/14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test
156.00 pressure stainless steel spindle caps including all
transportation etc. complete PN-1:6 without bypass
157.00 Sluice Valve (200 mm dia) 8.00 each 0.00 36850.00 294800.00 INR Two Lakh Ninety Four Thousand Eight
Hundred Only
158.00 Sluice Valve (300 mm dia) 1.00 each 0.00 63700.00 63700.00 INR Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred
Providing and supplying air valves as per IS-10845 andf
MJP's standard specifiations double orifice type combined
with screw down isolating valve, small orifice elastic ball
resting on a gun metal orifice nipple, large orifice vulcanite
159.00 ball seating on moulded seat ring, inlet and dreilled
including all taxes ( central and local) insurance third party
inspection charges, loading, unloading, transportation uotp
departmental stores/site etc.complete double ball flanged
type PN-1.0 with small orifice 50 mm
20700.00 165600.00 INR One Lakh Sixty Five Thousand Six Hundred
160.00 Air Valve=50mm 8.00 each 0.00
carriage of K-9 DI pipe lead 500 KM (payment will be
made as per actual lead)
32.00 321920.00 INR Three Lakh Twenty One Thousand Nine
162.00 200 mm dia 10060.00 mtr 0.00
Hundred & Twenty Only
40.00 800.00 INR Eight Hundred Only
163.00 300 mm dia 20.00 mtr 0.00
Earthwork in excavtion ( as per IS 3114/1965) for laying of 196.00 1634400.88 INR Sixteen Lakh Thirty Four Thousand Four
different types and size of pipes so as to give one meter Hundred and Paise Eighty Eight Only
average cover over the socket of pipe with disposal of
164.00 8338.78 cum 0.00
excavated earth within initial lead and lift as per
specification and direction of engineer -in -v\charge ( b0 for
classification of soil item-B
Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches as per 433.75 401882.39 INR Four Lakh One Thousand Eight Hundred &
design section in ordinary soft rock( wide classification of Eighty Two and Paise Thirty Nine Only
soil item-c) and disposal of excavated materials so
165.00 obtained ( 50 M away from the edge of the trenches) with 926.53 cum 0.00
initial lead of 150 M and initial lift of 1.5 m as per
specification and direction of E/I in ordinary or soft rock(
where blasting is not required)
Supplying labours, tools, tackles, lubricant etc for laying
and jointing C.I.S/S tyson pipes ( class LA ) trenches
supplying rubber gasket ( rubber gasket confirming to
I.S.S.-5382-1969) and making gasket joints including
166.00 providing night guard barrier and red light to safe guard
against accident , all complete ( pipe to be supplied
departmentally free of cost and laying of pipes is to be
done as per ( I.S.S.-3114-1985) as per design ,
specification and direction of E/I.
Providing laying and fixing in proper alingment in position
all types of DI air valves as directed by engineer- in -
167.00 charge including cost of conveyance from store to site of
work , cost of all material and giving satisfactory hydraulic
testing etc. complete for all class of valve
20700.00 165600.00 INR One Lakh Sixty Five Thousand Six Hundred
168.00 50 mm dia 8.00 Each 0.00
Supplying labour and tool for fixing DI sluice valve trenches
with a pair of DI tail pair including making flanged joints as
per iS specification, including flanged joists as per IS
specification confirming to I.S.S. 782-19978 confirming to
I.S.S. 6557-1972 and nuts and bolts confirming to I.S.S.
1364-1983. including drilling holes in flanged if required as
per specification and direction of E/I. ( sluice valve and
pieces to be supplied departmentally free of cost).
3786.45 49223.85 INR Forty Nine Thousand Two Hundred &
170.00 200mm dia sluice valve + NR valve 13.00 each 0.00 Twenty Three and Paise Eighty Five Only
5260.00 5260.00 INR Five Thousand Two Hundred & Sixty Only
171.00 300mm dia sluice valve 1.00 each 0.00

Earthwork in back filling the trenches after laying different 97.00 718988.25 INR Seven Lakh Eighteen Thousand Nine
types and sizes of pipes with earth removed during Hundred & Eighty Eight and Paise Twenty Five
172.00 excavation within initial lead and lift as per specification 7412.25 cum 0.00 Only
and direction of engineer-in charge ( for classification of
soil item A& B)
Supplying labours, tools, tackles, lubricant etc for laying
and jointing C.I.S/S tyson pipes ( class LA ) trenches
supplying rubber gasket ( rubber gasket confirming to
I.S.S.-5382-1969) and making gasket joints including
173.00 providing night guard barrier and red light to safe guard
against accident , all complete ( pipe to be supplied
departmentally free of cost and laying of pipes is to be
done as per ( I.S.S.-3114-1985) as per design ,
specification and direction of E/I. With out gas kate.
64.00 643840.00 INR Six Lakh Forty Three Thousand Eight
174.00 200 mm dia DI K-9 10060.00 M 0.00
Hundred & Forty Only
95.00 1900.00 INR One Thousand Nine Hundred Only
175.00 300 mm dia DI K-9 20.00 M 0.00
supplying labours, tools and tackles for testing of lead C.I.
or D.D. or U.P.V.C. or H.D.P.E. or A.C. Pressure pipe
176.00 upto 60 mtr head of water all complete as per specification
and direction of E/I ( water to be supplied free of cost
8.00 80480.00 INR Eighty Thousand Four Hundred & Eighty
177.00 200 mm dia 10060.00 RM 0.00
12.00 240.00 INR Two Hundred & Forty Only
178.00 300 mm dia 20.00 RM 0.00

Supplying all materials, labours, tools and equipment and 27800.00 611600.00 INR Six Lakh Eleven Thousand Six Hundred
constructing brick masonry chamber of (1.20 X 0.90 X Only
1.50). inner size having 25cm. thick 75A brick masonry
wall in C.M. (1:6), over 150mm. P.C.C. M- 150, laid over
one brick flat soling on 100mm. local sand filling, including
12mm. thick cement plaster with punning of inner surface
179.00 and exposed surface of B/W in C.M. (1:6) and R.C.C. M- 22.00 each 0.00
150 cover slab 150mm. thick with 20mm. to 6mm. graded
stone chips, and clean coarse sand of F.M. 2.5 to 3
including providing CI surface box and screening
shuttering, mixing, placing, striking, curing, taxes and
royalty all complete as per approved design, drawing &
specification and direction of E/I.
Supply all materials & construction of Thrust Block of RCC 5870.00 117400.00 INR One Lakh Seventeen Thousand Four
M - 200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in foundation and Hundred Only
180.00 20.00 each 0.00
plinth with approved quality of stone all complete job as per
specification and direction of E/I.
Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,
designing, getting it approved by competent
182.00 authorityand Providing all labour, materials, equipment
to procure and laying of DI class K-7 pipes with
Cement Mortar Lining for distribution main
Earthwork in excavtion ( as per IS 3114/1965) for laying of 196.00 14235985.68 INR One Crore Forty Two Lakh Thirty Five
different types and size of pipes so as to give one meter Thousand Nine Hundred & Eighty Five and
average cover over the socket of pipe with disposal of Paise Sixty Eight Only
183.00 72632.58 cum 0.00
excavated earth within initial lead and lift as per
specification and direction of engineer -in -v\charge ( b) for
classification of soil item-B
Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches as per 433.75 3500488.29 INR Thirty Five Lakh Four Hundred & Eighty
design section in ordinary soft rock( vide classification of Eight and Paise Twenty Nine Only
soil item-c) and disposal of excavated materials so
obtained ( 50 M away from the edge of the trenches) with
184.00 8070.29 cum 0.00
initial lead of 150 M and initial lift of 1.5 m as per
specification and direction of E/I in ordinary or soft rock(
where blasting is not required) balance 25 % of total earth
work of taken classification soil item-C
Pucca road ( except black top only taken out material to be 360.00 770209.20 INR Seven Lakh Seventy Thousand Two
185.00 used) for cutting road as per requirement. Assuming 20 % 2139.47 sqm 0.00 Hundred & Nine and Paise Twenty Only
of total road cutting

Water Bound Macadam Road ( taken out material will be 2875.00 6150976.25 INR Sixty One Lakh Fifty Thousand Nine
186.00 2139.47 sqm 0.00 Hundred & Seventy Six and Paise Twenty Five
used for cutting road as per requirement
Dismantling plain cement or lime concrete work including 1020.00 436447.80 INR Four Lakh Thirty Six Thousand Four
stacking serviceable materials in countable stacks within Hundred & Forty Seven and Paise Eighty Only
187.00 427.89 cum 0.00
15 meter lead and disposal of un- seviceable materials
with all leads all complete as per direction of E/I.

Providing PCC M-150 in nominal mix of (1:2:4) in 7125.00 3048716.25 INR Thirty Lakh Forty Eight Thousand Seven
foundation with approved quality of stone chips 20mm- Hundred & Sixteen and Paise Twenty Five Only
6mm size graded and clean coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3.0
188.00 including screening shuttering mixing cement concrete in 427.89 cum 0.00
mixer and placing in position vibrating striking curing taxes
and royalty all complete as per building specification and
direction E/I(150mm) 5238.46x0.30x0.15
Earthwork in back filling the trenches after laying different 97.00 6262543.10 INR Sixty Two Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Five
types and sizes of pipes with earth removed during Hundred & Forty Three and Paise Ten Only
189.00 excavation within initial lead and lift as per specification 64562.30 cum 0.00
and design of engineeer-in-charge ( for classification of soil
item B & C)
Supplying centrifugally cast(spun) ductile iron pressure
pipe for water supply with socket and spigot ends
confirming to IS8329/2000 in standard lengths of class K-7
suitable for push on joint ( rubber gasket jointing) with
190.00 cement mortar lining on inside surface and outside zinc
coating with bituminous paint including all other taxes
insurance carriage to work site with loading unloading etc.
including inspection charges and all complete ( including
carriage up to 450 km)
1050.00 125505450.00 INR Twelve Crore Fifty Five Lakh Five Thousand
191.00 100 mm dia 119529.00 RMtr 0.00
Four Hundred & Fifty Only
1630.00 19925120.00 INR One Crore Ninety Nine Lakh Twenty Five
192.00 150 mm dia 12224.00 RMtr 0.00
Thousand One Hundred & Twenty Only
2080.00 1664000.00 INR Sixteen Lakh Sixty Four Thousand Only
193.00 200 mm dia 800.00 RMtr 0.00

2675.00 11259075.00 INR One Crore Twelve Lakh Fifty Nine

194.00 250 mm dia 4209.00 RMtr 0.00
Thousand &Seventy Five Only
3265.00 2899320.00 INR Twenty Eight Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand
195.00 300mm dia 888.00 RMtr 0.00
Three Hundred & Twenty Only
carriage of K-7 DI pipe lead 450 KM (payment will be
made as per actual lead)
12.00 1434348.00 INR Fourteen Lakh Thirty Four Thousand Three
197.00 100 mm dia 119529.00 Mtr 0.00
Hundred & Forty Eight Only
15.00 183360.00 INR One Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Three
198.00 150 mm dia 12224.00 Mtr 0.00
Hundred & Sixty Only
23.00 18400.00 INR Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Only
199.00 200 mm dia 800.00 Mtr 0.00

27.00 113643.00 INR One Lakh Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred &
200.00 250 mm dia 4209.00 Mtr 0.00
Forty Three Only
32.00 28416.00 INR Twenty Eight Thousand Four Hundred &
201.00 300mm dia 888.00 Mtr 0.00
Sixteen Only
Providing and supplying ISI standard D.I. specials and 127.00 7638669.00 INR Seventy Six Lakh Thirty Eight Thousand Six
fitting with sealing rubber gasket of S.B.r. complete with Hundred & Sixty Nine Only
cast iron follower gland and M.S. nut and bolt coated or
202.00 otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for D.I. pipes 60147.00 Kg 0.00
including cost of all labours and materials and
transportation to stores/site, loading , unloading including
all taxes, etc. complete as per I.S. 9523
Labour charge for one cutting of cast iron pipe and
specials including supplying necessary tools and plants
,chipping or filling the surface finish as per specification
and direction of E/I
68.00 40664.00 INR Forty Thousand Six Hundred & Sixty Four
204.00 100 mm 598.00 Each 0.00
97.00 6014.00 INR Six Thousand &Fourteen Only
205.00 150 mm 62.00 Each 0.00

153.00 612.00 INR Six Hundred & Twelve Only

206.00 200mm 4.00 Each 0.00

165.00 3465.00 INR Three Thousand Four Hundred & Sixty Five
207.00 250mm 21.00 Each 0.00
197.00 985.00 INR Nine Hundred & Eighty Five Only
208.00 300mm 5.00 Each 0.00

Supplying labours, tools, tackles, lubricant etc for laying

and jointing C.I.S/S tyton pipes9 class LA) trenches
supplying rubber gasket ( rubber gasket confirming to
I.S.S.-5382-1969) and making gasket joints including
209.00 providing night guard , barriee and red lkight to safe guard
against accident all complete ( pipe to be supplied
departmentally free of cost and laying of pipes is to be
done as per I.S.S. 3114-1985) as per design, specification
and direction of E/I.
67.00 8008443.00 INR Eighty Lakh Eight Thousand Four Hundred
210.00 100 mm dia 119529.00 Mtr 0.00
& Forty Three Only
72.45 885628.80 INR Eight Lakh Eighty Five Thousand Six
211.00 150 mm dia 12224.00 Mtr 0.00
Hundred & Twenty Eight and Paise Eighty Only
83.00 66400.00 INR Sixty Six Thousand Four Hundred Only
212.00 200 mm dia 800.00 Mtr 0.00

98.70 415428.30 INR Four Lakh Fifteen Thousand Four Hundred

213.00 250 mm dia 4209.00 Mtr 0.00
& Twenty Eight and Paise Thirty Only
112.65 100033.20 INR One Lakh &Thirty Three and Paise Twenty
214.00 300 mm dia 888.00 Mtr 0.00
Providing double flanged sluice valve confirming for IS
2906/14846 including worn gear arrangements as per test
215.00 pressure stainless steel, spindle, caps including all
transportation etc. complete without bypass arrangement
PN 1
10619.75 849580.00 INR Eight Lakh Forty Nine Thousand Five
216.00 100 mm dia 80.00 Each 0.00 Hundred & Eighty Only

15476.48 263100.16 INR Two Lakh Sixty Three Thousand One

217.00 150 mm dia 17.00 Each 0.00 Hundred and Paise Sixteen Only
30952.75 30952.75 INR Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred & Fifty Two
218.00 200 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 and Paise Seventy Five Only

36289.50 254026.50 INR Two Lakh Fifty Four Thousand &Twenty Six
219.00 250 mm dia 7.00 Each 0.00 and Paise Fifty Only

44827.50 44827.50 INR Forty Four Thousand Eight Hundred &

220.00 300 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 Twenty Seven and Paise Fifty Only

Providing double flanged sluice valve/SV conforming for IS-

2906/14896 including worn gear arrngement as per test
pressure stainless steel,spindle caps including all
transportion cmplete
10419.75 104197.50 INR One Lakh Four Thousand One Hundred &
222.00 100 mm dia (for scouring) 10.00 Each 0.00 Ninety Seven and Paise Fifty Only

Providing , installing and giving satisfaction field testing of

flanged ends bulk water meter of following type and as
mentioned below in (a) and (b) with FGI-250 cast iron body
223.00 , class "B" confirming to I.S. 2373 or as per ISO 4064,
marked to resd in metric system, alongwith manufacturer's
test and guarantee certificate including cost of all material
with ISI mark or EEC mark enclosed type as per IS 2373
46460.00 46460.00 INR Forty Six Thousand Four Hundred & Sixty
224.00 250 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 Only
85288.00 85288.00 INR Eighty Five Thousand Two Hundred &
225.00 300 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 Eighty Eight Only

Supplying labour and tool for fixing DI sluice valve trenches

with a pair of DI tail pair including making flanged joints as
per iS specification, including flanged joists as per IS
specification confirming to I.S.S. 782-19978 confirming to
I.S.S. 6557-1972 and nuts and bolts confirming to I.S.S.
1364-1983. including drilling holes in flanged if required as
per specification and direction of E/I. ( sluice valve and
pieces to be supplied departmentally free of cost).

227.00 Sulice Valve + Scour Valve

2094.75 188527.50 INR One Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand Five

228.00 100 mm dia 90.00 Each 0.00 Hundred & Twenty Seven and Paise Fifty Only
3142.65 53425.05 INR Fifty Three Thousand Four Hundred &
229.00 150 mm dia 17.00 Each 0.00 Twenty Five and Paise Five Only
4189.50 4189.50 INR Four Thousand One Hundred & Eighty Nine
230.00 200 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 and Paise Fifty Only
4713.45 32994.15 INR Thirty Two Thousand Nine Hundred &
231.00 250 mm dia 7.00 Each 0.00 Ninety Four and Paise Fifteen Only
5760.00 5760.00 INR Five Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty
232.00 300 mm dia 1.00 Each 0.00 Only
Supplying labours, tools and tackles for testing of lead C.I.
or D.I. or U.P.V.C. or H.D.P.E. or A.C. pressure pipe upto
233.00 60 mtr head of water all complete as per specification and
direction of E/I( water to be supplied free of cost
9.50 1135525.50 INR Eleven Lakh Thirty Five Thousand Five
234.00 100 mm dia 119529.00 Mtr 0.00 Hundred & Twenty Five and Paise Fifty Only

12.75 155856.00 INR One Lakh Fifty Five Thousand Eight

235.00 150 mm dia 12224.00 Mtr 0.00 Hundred & Fifty Six Only

16.45 13160.00 INR Thirteen Thousand One Hundred & Sixty

236.00 200 mm dia 800.00 Mtr 0.00 Only

19.50 82075.50 INR Eighty Two Thousand &Seventy Five and

237.00 250 mm dia 4209.00 Mtr 0.00 Paise Fifty Only

23.00 20424.00 INR Twenty Thousand Four Hundred & Twenty

238.00 300mm dia 888.00 Mtr 0.00 Four Only

Supplying all materials, labours, tools and equipment and 27800.00 3224800.00 INR Thirty Two Lakh Twenty Four Thousand
constructing brick masonry chamber of (1.20 X 0.90 X Eight Hundred Only
1.50). inner size having 25cm. thick 75A brick masonry
wall in C.M. (1:6), over 150mm. P.C.C. M- 150, laid over
one brick flat soling on 100mm. local sand filling, including
12mm. thick cement plaster with punning of inner surface
239.00 and exposed surface of B/W in C.M. (1:6) and R.C.C. M- 116.00 Each 0.00
150 cover slab 150mm. thick with 20mm. to 6mm. graded
stone chips, and clean coarse sand of F.M. 2.5 to 3
including providing CI surface box and screening
shuttering, mixing, placing, striking, curing, taxes and
royalty all complete as per approved design, drawing &
specification and direction of E/I.

Twin Type Staff Quarter - 1 Unit (Please refer to

Section 5,Sl. 2.7 of SBD)

E/W in Excavation in foundation trenches in ordinary soil 196.00 10095.96 INR Ten Thousand &Ninety Five and Paise
(Vide classification of soil Item -B) & disposal of excavatd Ninety Six Only
241.00 earth obtained to a distance up to 50 M including all lift 51.51 Cum 0.00
leveling ramming the foundation trenches removing root of
trees scrubs all complete as per approved design.

Providing ,coarse clean sand in filling in foudation trenches 496.00 2127.84 INR Two Thousand One Hundred & Twenty
/in Plinth including ramming & watering in layers not Seven and Paise Eighty Four Only
242.00 exceeding 150 mm thick with all leads lift including cost of 4.29 Cum 0.00
all materilas ,labour , royalty & taxes all complete as per
building specification & direction Of E/I

Providing designation 75 A one brick flat soiling joints 412.00 23582.88 INR Twenty Three Thousand Five Hundred &
243.00 filled with local sand including cost of watering taxes royalty 57.24 Sqm 0.00 Eighty Two and Paise Eighty Eight Only
all complete as per building specification & direction of E/I
Providing P.C.C M-100 in nominal mix of (1:3:6) in 5265.00 45226.35 INR Forty Five Thousand Two Hundred &
foundation with appoved quantity of stone metal (50 mm Twenty Six and Paise Thirty Five Only
25 mm dia size)graded & clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to
244.00 3 including screening , shuttering , mixing cement 8.59 Cum 0.00
concrete in mixer & placing in position , vibrating , striking ,
curing taxes & royalty all complete as per building
specification & direction of E/I
Providing designation 75 A brick work in C.M. (1:6) in 5743.00 211974.13 INR Two Lakh Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred
foundation 7 Plinth with approved quality of clean coarse & Seventy Four and Paise Thirteen Only
sand of F.M 2 to 2.5 including Providing 10 mm thick
245.00 mortar joints ,Cost of screening , materials , Scaffolding , 36.91 Cum 0.00
raking out joints to 15 mm depth curing , taxes & royalty
all complete as per building specification & direction of
Providing 25 mm thick damp proof coarse with cement 305.00 8704.70 INR Eight Thousand Seven Hundred & Four
concrete M-150 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with approved and Paise Seventy Only
quality of stone chips of 20 mm to 6 mm size graded and
clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to3 including screening ,
246.00 shuttering mixing cement concrete in mixer with 5% cico 28.54 Sqm 0.00
or any other approved water proffing compound and
placing in position , vibrating , striing , curing , taxes &
royalty all complete as per building specification &
direction of E/I
Providing designation 75 A brick work in C.M (1:6) in 5743.00 236209.59 INR Two Lakh Thirty Six Thousand Two Hundred
super structure with approved quality of clean coarse & Nine and Paise Fifty Nine Only
sand of F.M. 2 to 2.5 including providing10 mm thick motar
247.00 41.13 Cum 0.00
joints ,cost of screening , materials, scaffolding,raking out
joints to 15 mm depth curing , taxes & royalty all complete
as per building specification & direction of E/I

Providing R.C.C M-150 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) in lintel 12675.00 36630.75 INR Thirty Six Thousand Six Hundred & Thirty
level with approved quality of stone chips 20 mm to 6mm and Paise Seventy Five Only
size graded & clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to including
248.00 screening , centring, shuttering and mixing cement 2.89 Cum 0.00
concrete in mixer & placing in position vibrating striking
curing (but excluding the cost of reinforcement ) taxes &
royalty all complete as per building specification of (E/I.

Providing average 63 mm thick R.C.C M -150 with 1835.00 34865.00 INR Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred & Sixty
nominal mix (1:2:4) chajja in shelves with approved quality Five Only
of stone chips 20 mm to 6 mm size graded & clean coarse
sand of F.M 2.5 to 3 including making drip course in
concrete , screening , centering shuttering & mixing
249.00 19.00 Sqm 0.00
cement concrete in mixer & placing in position vibrating
,striking ,6 mm cement plaster (1:4) in celling & sides of
chajja with sand of F.M 1.5, Curing ( But excluding the cost
of reinforcement ) taxes and royalty all complete as per
building specification of E/I
Providing R.C.C. M-150 nominal mix of (1:2:4) in roof slab 12450.00 75696.00 INR Seventy Five Thousand Six Hundred &
with approved quality of stone chips 20mm to 6 mm size Ninety Six Only
graded and clean coarse sand F.M. 2.5 to 3 including
making drip course in concrete, screening, concreting,
250.00 6.08 Cum 0.00
shuttering and mixing cement concrete mixer and placing
in position vibrating curing ( but excluding the cost of
reinforcement ) taxes and royalty all complete as per
building specification of E/I
Supplying fitting & fixing good quality ,well dressed & well 107800.00 72226.00 INR Seventy Two Thousand Two Hundred &
seasoned sal wood work in choukhat in doors , windows , Twenty Six Only
skylights , fan light and C/W celestial windows openings ,
251.00 including wedge over all clamps complete including 0.67 Cum 0.00
application of two coats of wood preservative of approved
quality on the surface butting walls & lintels all complete
as per building specification & direction of E/I
Supplying fitting and fixing 250X20X6 mm L-type M.S 236.00 16048.00 INR Sixteen Thousand &Forty Eight Only
Clamp properly fish tailed .including making holes and
setting the same in 375 X125X75 mm cement concrete
252.00 block (1:2:4) with cost of all labour and materials and taxes 68.00 Each 0.00
as per building specification and diection of E/I @6 for
each door & 4 for each window Total Quantity -
(2X3X6+2X4X4)=68 nos
Supplying all materials , labours and fitting & fixing 38 mm 5783.00 168921.43 INR One Lakh Sixty Eight Thousand Nine
(1.5) thick good quality seasoned sal wood battened Hundred & Twenty One and Paise Forty Three
shutter ledged & braced in door and windows with oxidized Only
253.00 iron fitting such as hingles ,sliding door bolts , tower bolts , 29.21 Sqm 0.00
handles or ings hooks and eye , cleats , sand block as per
schedule , taxes & royalty all complete as per building
specification & direction of Engineer -in- charge
Supplying , fittings & fixing M.S /Gril made of 20X6 mm 156.00 47174.40 INR Forty Seven Thousand One Hundred &
M.S flat as per approved design & drawing properly Seventy Four and Paise Forty Only
fabricated with joints continous filllet welded and finshed
254.00 302.40 Per Kg 0.00
smooth , carriage of grill to work site hoisting as per the
building specification and direction of E/I ( where materials
is not supplied by the Deptt .)
Providing 25 mm thick pre cast R.C.C M-150 with nominal 1098.00 592.92 INR Five Hundred & Ninety Two and Paise
mix of (1:2:4) in jali with approved quality to stone chips of Ninety Two Only
6mm nominal size and clean coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3
with 1.6 mm thick M.S wire as per approved design and
255.00 0.54 Sqm 0.00
drawing and placing the same in position true to plumb
and level and properly grouted with cement mortar (1:3)
including cost of curing , Scaffolding and finishing all
complete as per building specification and direction E/I
Providing and fixing fan hook of 16 mm dia M.S bar 1 236.00 944.00 INR Nine Hundred & Forty Four Only
meter long bent to reqired size and shape placed in
256.00 position and fixing in R.C.C slab/beam at the time of 4.00 Each 0.00
casting all complete as per building specification of E/I
where material is not supplied by cheet
Supplying , fitting and Fixing M.S Grill gate made of 20X 6 131.00 33796.69 INR Thirty Three Thousand Seven Hundred &
mm M.S or 16 mm M.S raurbar Flat fitted on 25 mm X 25 Ninety Six and Paise Sixty Nine Only
mm X 6mm M.S angle frame of size 60X60X6 as per
approved design including cost of fabrication & drawing ,
properly fabricated with joints continuous fillet welded &
257.00 finished smooth, providing necessary locking 257.99 Per Kg 0.00
arrangements with Haskell & dummy duly fixed in C.C
(1:2:4) blocks of reuired size applying a priming red lead
paints over steel works , taxes , carriage of grill to work
site , asper the building specification & direction of E/I (
where materials is not supplied by the Dept)
Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in celling with 247.75 11287.49 INR Eleven Thousand Two Hundred & Eighty
approved quality of clean coarse sand of F.M 1.5 Seven and Paise Forty Nine Only
258.00 including screening , curing with all leads & lifts of water , 45.56 Sqm 0.00
scaffolding , taxes & royalty all complete as per building
specification & direction of E/I
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:6) with approved 287.62 125272.89 INR One Lakh Twenty Five Thousand Two
quality of clean coarse sand of F.M 1.5 including Hundred & Seventy Two and Paise Eighty Nine
259.00 screening .Curing with all leads & lifts of water , 435.55 Sqm 0.00 Only
Scaffolding , taxes 7 royalty all complete as per building
specification & direction of E/I.
Providing cement 1:3 (12mm ) plaster with cement mortar 215.40 10793.69 INR Ten Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety
(1:3) using clean coarse sand finishing with neat punning Three and Paise Sixty Nine Only
a dado 6" (150 mm) high a side room and out side wall
260.00 50.11 Sqm 0.00
upto plinth level includng screening , curing with all leads &
lifts of water , scaffolding , taxes and royalty all complete
as per building specification & direction of E/I
Earth work in filling in foudation trenches & Plinth in layers 97.00 2968.20 INR Two Thousand Nine Hundred & Sixty Eight
not exceeding 150 mm thick well watered ,rammed ,fully and Paise Twenty Only
compacted & fine dressed with earth obtained from
261.00 excavation of foundation trenches within a lead of 50 m & 30.60 Cum 0.00
lift of 1.5 m all complete as per building specification &
direction of E/I ( Mode of measurement compacted
Providing average 150 mm thick dry rammed khoa bitten 486.00 23191.92 INR Twenty Three Thousand One Hundred &
to 112mm( compacted with water ) made of well burnt or Ninety One and Paise Ninety Two Only
jhama bricks including ramming properly till compacted
262.00 thickness is achieved, curing and carriage of water with all 47.72 Sqm 0.00
leads making proper slope and blending the top with
cement mortar (1:10) all complete as per building
specification and direction of E/I.
Providing 25 mm thick . First class patent stone flooring 512.00 24432.64 INR Twenty Four Thousand Four Hundred &
(1:2:4) with stone chips in two layers ,bottom layer 19 mm Thirty Two and Paise Sixty Four Only
thick (1:2:4) with 12 mm to 6 mm size graded stone chips
and top layer 6 mm thick (1:2) with 6 mm down stone chips
263.00 47.72 Sqm 0.00
in pannels including cost of curing , finishing the surface
smooth by rubbing with carborandum stone taxes & royalty
with all complete as per building specification & direction
of E/I
Providing designation 75 A one brick on edge flooring in 546.00 20873.58 INR Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred & Seventy
C.M (1:4) with top surface flush pointed in CM (1:4) Three and Paise Fifty Eight Only
approved quality of clean coarse sand of F.M 2 to 2.5
264.00 38.23 Sqm 0.00
including the cost of screening ,raking out joints to 15 mm
depth , curing taxes,royalty all complete as per building
specification and direction (E/I)
White washing three coats over new surface with approved 61.00 16663.37 INR Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred & Sixty
quality of lime including the cost of cleaning surface Three and Paise Thirty Seven Only
265.00 thoroughly and removing the scales & mosh marks with 273.17 Sqm 0.00
jhama rubbing, scaffolding washing of floors and taxes all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I.
Color washing two coats over a coat of white wash over 73.00 16572.46 INR Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred & Seventy
new surface with approved quality of lime in approved Two and Paise Forty Six Only
shade including the cost of cleaning surface thoroughly
266.00 227.02 Sqm 0.00
and removing the scales & mosh marks with jhama
rubbing, scaffolding washing of floors and taxes all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I.
Providing two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved 145.00 9527.95 INR Nine Thousand Five Hundred & Twenty
shade and make over new wooden surface including Seven and Paise Ninety Five Only
cleaning the surface after removing dirt, scales, smokes,
267.00 65.71 Sqm 0.00
grease and sand papering including cost of scaffolding and
taxes all complete as per building specification & direction
of E/I
Providing primer one coat of red lead paint of approved 96.00 2238.72 INR Two Thousand Two Hundred & Thirty Eight
make over new steel surface including preparing the and Paise Seventy Two Only
surface after cleaning , removing rust ,dirt ,scales ,smokes
268.00 23.32 Sqm 0.00
and grease and cleaning the surface thouroughly including
cost of scaffolding and taxes all complete as per building
specification and direction of E/I

Providing two coats of painting with ready mixed paint of 126.00 2938.32 INR Two Thousand Nine Hundred & Thirty Eight
approved shade & make over steel surface including and Paise Thirty Two Only
269.00 23.32 Sqm 0.00
cleaning the surface thoroughly, scaffolding & taxes all
complete as per building specification & direction of E/I.

Providing tor steel reinforcement of 8 mm dia as per 69470.00 55576.00 INR Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred &
approved design and drawing excluding carriage of bars to Seventy Six Only
work site ,cutting, bending and binding with annealed wire
270.00 0.80 per mt 0.00
with cost of wire removal of rust placing the rods in position
all complete as per Specification and direction of E/I.TMT
Fe 500 (Only valid for SAIL and TATA )
Carriage of materials from divisional store or kiln site or
271.00 quarry site to work site including contract profit, loading,
unloading, transportation, etc. all complete .
105.00 3627.75 INR Three Thousand Six Hundred & Twenty
272.00 Cement 30 KM lead 34.55 MT 0.00
Seven and Paise Seventy Five Only
105.00 84.00 INR Eighty Four Only
273.00 Steel 30 KM lead 0.80 MT 0.00

68.00 4721.24 INR Four Thousand Seven Hundred & Twenty

274.00 Sand 30 KM lead 69.43 Per M3 0.00
One and Paise Twenty Four Only
1.70 100784.50 INR One Lakh Seven Hundred & Eighty Four
275.00 Bricks 30 KM lead 59285.00 Each 0.00
and Paise Fifty Only
78.00 4501.38 INR Four Thousand Five Hundred & One and
276.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 57.71 Per M3 0.00
Paise Thirty Eight Only
277.00 Water Supply Sanitation Installation (Plumbing work)

Supplying and laying GI pipes of approved make in

trenches with red lead and yarn with socket and screw
278.00 joints and cutting pipes in size and threading ends where
necessary including carriage of materials up to work site
etc. all complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
340.00 6800.00 INR Six Thousand Eight Hundred Only
279.00 i) 25mm GI. Pipe. 20.00 M 0.00

217.00 7595.00 INR Seven Thousand Five Hundred & Ninety

280.00 ii) 15 mm GI. Pipe. 35.00 M 0.00 Five Only

Supplying materials and labours for fixing GI Pipes with red

lead paints and yarn with screwed and sockted joints on
wall, celling and floor including supplying of wall hooks of
pipe clamp, wooden plugs, cutting pipe to size and
threading ends where necessary all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I.
185.00 5550.00 INR Five Thousand Five Hundred & Fifty Only
282.00 i) 15 mm GI. Pipe 30.00 PMt. 0.00

Supplying, fitting and fixing of GM ferrule of approved 592.00 1184.00 INR One Thousand One Hundred & Eighty Four
make in DI/CI main including drilling and tapping CI/DI Only
283.00 2.00 Each 0.00
main etc. all complete as per specification and direction of
Supplying and fixing GI fittings of approved make all
complete as per direction of E/I.
63.00 1260.00 INR One Thousand Two Hundred & Sixty Only
285.00 (a) Elbow 15 mm dia 20.00 Each 0.00

71.00 568.00 INR Five Hundred & Sixty Eight Only

286.00 (b) Tee plane 15mm dia 8.00 Each 0.00

61.00 1220.00 INR One Thousand Two Hundred & Twenty

287.00 (c) Nipple 15mm dia. 20.00 Each 0.00 Only
186.00 372.00 INR Three Hundred & Seventy Two Only
288.00 (d) Union Socket 25mm dia 2.00 Each 0.00

118.00 472.00 INR Four Hundred & Seventy Two Only

289.00 (e) Union Socket 15mm dia 4.00 Each 0.00

418.00 3344.00 INR Three Thousand Three Hundred & Forty

290.00 (f) Brass bib cock 15mm dia 8.00 Each 0.00 Four Only
225.00 1800.00 INR One Thousand Eight Hundred Only
291.00 (g) C.I stop cock 15mm dia 8.00 Each 0.00

547.00 1094.00 INR One Thousand &Ninety Four Only

292.00 (h) C.I. stop cock 25mm dia 2.00 Each 0.00

98.00 392.00 INR Three Hundred & Ninety Two Only

293.00 (i) Reducing Socket 25x15mm 4.00 Each 0.00

153.00 765.00 INR Seven Hundred & Sixty Five Only

294.00 (j) Tee 25x25x15mm dia 5.00 Each 0.00
Supplying, fitting and fixing vitreous white glazed earthen 6730.00 13460.00 INR Thirteen Thousand Four Hundred & Sixty
were I W C of parry Hindustan or any other I.S.S approved Only
make with 100 mm HCI ‘P’ trap, 15 Liters CI pull and let go
flushing cistern of names or other ISS equivalent make
complete with all fittings C.I. or C.C brackets, 32 mm,
alkathene /PVC telescopic flush pipe about 2 mtrs. long
with one brass coupling and clamps, GI chain and pull
295.00 including supplying and fixing a pair of vitreous white 2.00 Each 0.00
glazed earthen were footrest to be fixed in floor, 15 mm
.CI body brass spindle, stop cock of weight not less than
50 grams, 15 mm. PVC connection pipe 450 mm. long and
the exposed pipe and cistern with two coats of approved
paint over a coat of red oxide primer etc. all complete as
per specification and direction of E/I.
(510mm.long with 12.5 Liter low level PVCSystem).


Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches in ordinary 196.00 3724.00 INR Three Thousand Seven Hundred & Twenty
soil (vide classification of soil item-B) and disposal of Four Only
excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 50 m
297.00 including all lifts, leveling, ramming the foundation 19.00 PM3 0.00
trenches, removing roots of trees, shrubs all complete
as per approved design, building specification and
direction of E/I.
Providing coarse clean sand in filling in foundation 496.00 1433.44 INR One Thousand Four Hundred & Thirty Three
trenches or in plinth including ramming and watering in and Paise Forty Four Only
298.00 layers not exceeding 150mm thick with all leads and lifts 2.89 PM3 0.00
including cost of all materials, labours, royalty and taxes all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I.

Providing designation 75A one Brick flat soling, joints filled 412.00 1961.12 INR One Thousand Nine Hundred & Sixty One
299.00 with local sand including cost of watering, tax, royalty all 4.76 PM2 0.00 and Paise Twelve Only
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I.
Providing P.C.C M150 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) in 7120.00 7404.80 INR Seven Thousand Four Hundred & Four and
foundation with approved stone chips 20mm to 6mm size Paise Eighty Only
well graded and clean course sand of FM-2.5 to 3
300.00 including screening, shuttering, mixing cement concrete in 1.04 PM3 0.00
mixer and placing in position, Vibrating, striking, curing,
taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification
and direction of E/I.
Providing water proof cement plaster (1:3) with clean
course sand of F.M- 1.5mm with 5% cico or any other
301.00 approved water proofing compound including taxes and
royalty all complete as per building specification and
directions of E/I.
293.00 527.40 INR Five Hundred & Twenty Seven and Paise
302.00 (a) 19 mm thick 1.80 PM2 0.00
Forty Only
246.00 2425.56 INR Two Thousand Four Hundred & Twenty Five
303.00 (b) 12 mm thick 9.86 PM2 0.00
and Paise Fifty Six Only
Providing designation 75A bricks work in C.M. in
foundation and plinth with approved quality of clean coarse
sand of F.M. 2 to 2.5 including providing 10mm. thick
mortar joints, cost of screening materials racking out joints
to 15 mm. depth, curing taxes and royalty all complete as
per building specification and direction of E/I.
5667.00 15754.26 INR Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty
305.00 (a) B/W in C.M (1:4) 2.78 PM3 0.00 Four and Paise Twenty Six Only
5625.00 2981.25 INR Two Thousand Nine Hundred & Eighty One
306.00 (b) B/W 75-B in (1:6) for Soak pit 0.53 PM3 0.00 and Paise Twenty Five Only
5120.00 9625.60 INR Nine Thousand Six Hundred & Twenty Five
307.00 (c) Brick work in dry masonry for soak pit. 1.88 PM3 0.00 and Paise Sixty Only

Providing pre cast R.C.C. M-150 with nominal mix of 8573.00 3172.01 INR Three Thousand One Hundred & Seventy
(1:2:4) slab of desired size with approved quality of stone Two and Paise One Only
chips and clean coarse sand of FM 2.5 to 3 including
308.00 curing, shuttering, carrying the slab manually to site and 0.37 PM3 0.00
laying in position all complete (but excluding the cost of
reinforcement), taxes and royalty etc. all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I.

Providing for reinforcement as per approved design and

drawing excluding carriage of tor rod to work site including
309.00 cutting bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of
wire removal of rust placing the rods in position all
complete as per Specification and direction of E/I.
72450.00 2898.00 INR Two Thousand Eight Hundred & Ninety
310.00 10 mm dia 0.04 Per MT 0.00
Eight Only
Supplying fitting and fixing H.C.I. Pipe/ H.C.I. fitting of
Approved make confirming to I.S.S 1729 including
supplying nails and bobbins lead and yarn from making
lead caulked joints including earth work or providing
scaffolding as the case may be all complete as per
specification and direction of E/I.
1562.00 1562.00 INR One Thousand Five Hundred & Sixty Two
312.00 (a) 100mm dia H.C.I. Tee. 1.00 Each 0.00
756.00 756.00 INR Seven Hundred & Fifty Six Only
313.00 (b) 100mm dia H.C.I. Band 1.00 Each 0.00

432.00 432.00 INR Four Hundred & Thirty Two Only

314.00 (c) 50mm dia H.C.I. Cowel 1.00 Each 0.00

556.00 1112.00 INR One Thousand One Hundred & Twelve

315.00 (d) 50mm dia H.C.I. Vent pipe 2.00 Per M 0.00
912.00 14592.00 INR Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred & Ninety
316.00 (e) 100mm H.C.I. Pipe 16.00 Per M 0.00
Two Only

Supplying materials and labours and fixing 20mm dia M.S 287.00 1148.00 INR One Thousand One Hundred & Forty Eight
bar steps in wall of 0.3 m interval and staggered in (1:2:4) Only
317.00 4.00 Each 0.00
cement concrete including scaffolding and curing etc. all
complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
Supplying all materials, labours, tools and tackles and 836.00 8360.00 INR Eight Thousand Three Hundred & Sixty
318.00 100mm dia R.C.C hume pipe and laying jointing, testing, 10.00 Per M 0.00 Only
earth work including carriage of materials etc. all complete.
Supplying 50mm size brick bats and filling in soak pit 1145.00 2290.00 INR Two Thousand Two Hundred & Ninety Only
319.00 including carriage and labours etc. all complete as per 2.00 PM3 0.00
direction of E/I.
Supplying materials and labours for constructing inspection 10273.00 20546.00 INR Twenty Thousand Five Hundred & Forty Six
chamber of designation class 75 B bricks size 750mm Only
deep, 600x450mm internal dimension having 250mm wall
thickness in cement mortar (1:6) including 12mm cement
320.00 plaster (1:4) with punning on inside and cement plaster 2.00 Each 0.00
(1:6) with 600x475 mm G.I. Cover With frame ( Weight not
less than 36 Kg.) along with earth work in excavation and
80mm thick P.C.C. (1:3:6) in foundation and refilling all
complete as per specification and direction of E/I

321.00 Electrical Works

Point wiring in PVC conduit with modular type switch wiring 798.00 15960.00 INR Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred & Sixty
for light point /fan point with 1.5 sqmm F.R. PVC insulated Only
copper conductor single core cable in surface/recessed
322.00 20.00 Each 0.00
PVC conduit with modular switch modular plate, suitable
G.I. box and the point with sqmm FR PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable etc as required
Wiring for twin control light point with 1.5 sqmm F.R. PVC 1145.00 2290.00 INR Two Thousand Two Hundred & Ninety Only
insulated copper conductor single core cable in
surface/recessed PVC conduit with two way modular
323.00 2.00 Each 0.00
switch modular plate, suitable G.I. box and the point with
sqmm FR PVC insulated copper conductor single core
cable etc as required
Wiring for light /power plug point with 2 x 4 sqmm F.R. 324.00 38880.00 INR Thirty Eight Thousand Eight Hundred &
PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in Eighty Only
324.00 surface/recessed PVC conduit along with one no 4 sqmm 120.00 M 0.00
FR PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for
loop earthing etc as required
Copper sub main wiring in PVC conduit Wiring for sub
325.00 main wiring with PVC insulated copper conductor single
core in surface/recessed PVC conduit as required
196.00 11760.00 INR Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty
326.00 2 x 1.5 sqmm + 1 x 1.5 sqmm earth wiring 60.00 M 0.00
245.00 14700.00 INR Fourteen Thousand Seven Hundred Only
327.00 2 x 2.5 sqmm + 1 x 2.5 sqmm earth wiring 60.00 M 0.00

Supplying and fixing following way three pole and neutral 5836.00 11672.00 INR Eleven Thousand Six Hundred & Seventy
sheet MCB distribution board 415 volts on Two Only
surface/recessed complete with tinned copper bush bars
328.00 ,neutral link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate inter 2.00 Each 0.00
connection phosphatised and power painted including
earthing etc as required (but with out mcb / rccb / Isolator)
(4 +12 ) double door horizontal type
Supplying and fixing 6 amp to 32 amp, rating 240 volts, B 565.00 3390.00 INR Three Thousand Three Hundred & Ninety
series miniature circuit breaker of single poles in existing Only
329.00 6.00 Each 0.00
MCB DB complete with connecting ,testing, and
commissioning etc as required
Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 M long 40mm dia 5637.00 11274.00 INR Eleven Thousand Two Hundred & Seventy
including accessories and providing masonry enclosure Four Only
330.00 with copper plate having locking arrangement and 2.00 item 0.00
watering pipe etc with charcoal ,salt all complete as per
electrical rule
Supplying ,fitting and fixing following sizes of PVC conduct
along with accessories in surface / races including cutting
the wall and making good the same in case of recessed
conduit as required
93.00 3720.00 INR Three Thousand Seven Hundred & Twenty
332.00 PVC con 20 mm PVC pipe 40.00 Each 0.00
105.00 2100.00 INR Two Thousand One Hundred Only
333.00 PVC con 25 mm PVC pipe 20.00 Each 0.00

297.00 594.00 INR Five Hundred & Ninety Four Only

334.00 Installation commissioning and testing Ceiling Fan 2.00 Each 0.00

56.00 112.00 INR One Hundred & Twelve Only

335.00 Carriage of ceiling fan and regulator 2.00 Each 0.00
Supplying ,fitting and fixing 5 amp ceiling rose on the 94.00 470.00 INR Four Hundred & Seventy Only
336.00 5.00 Each 0.00
existing junction
Supplying ,fitting and fixing breas batten/ angle holder 71.00 142.00 INR One Hundred & Forty Two Only
337.00 2.00 Each 0.00
including connection etc.
Supplying ,fitting and fixing G.I. box with modular plate and 536.00 2144.00 INR Two Thousand One Hundred & Forty Four
cover in front of surface or in recess including providing Only
338.00 4.00 Each 0.00
and fixing 3 pin 5/6 amp modular type switch, connection,
painting etc as required.
Supplying ,fitting and fixing G.I. box with modular plate and 698.00 2792.00 INR Two Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety
cover in front of surface or in recess including providing Two Only
339.00 and fixing 6 pin 5/6 amp and 15/16 amp socket outlet and 4.00 Each 0.00
15/16 amp modular type switch, connection, painting etc
as required.
Supplying and drawing co-axial T.V. cable RG-06 grade 68.00 680.00 INR Six Hundred & Eighty Only
0.7 nn solid copper conductor PE insulated seilded with
340.00 fine tinned cover braid and protected with PVC sheath in 10.00 M 0.00
the existing surface / recessed steel/ PVC conduit as
Supplying and fixing modular switch / socket on the 136.00 272.00 INR Two Hundred & Seventy Two Only
existing modular plate and switch box including connection
341.00 2.00 Each 0.00
but excluding modular plate etc,as required. TV antenna
socket out put
Supplying ,fitting and fixing modular base and cover plate 136.00 544.00 INR Five Hundred & Forty Four Only
342.00 4.00 Each 0.00
on existing modular metal boxes etc as required.
Cost of Earthing with G.I. earth pipe 4.5 M long 40mm dia 11040.00 11040.00 INR Eleven Thousand &Forty Only
G.I.Pipe 600mm x 600mm x 6mm thick copper earth plate,
343.00 and 8 SWG copper wire including cost of making 1.00 item 0.00
1.2x1.2x3m deep pit and filling with charcoal ,salt all
complete as per electrical rule
344.00 Compound Wall/ Boundry Wall (432.80 M Long)

Doing Geotechnical survey, Collecting field data,

345.00 designing, getting it approved by competent authority
Construction of Compound wall. etc. all complete job.
Earthwork in excavation in foundation isolated footing 196.00 22677.20 INR Twenty Two Thousand Six Hundred &
trenches in hard soil (Class A) and disposal of excavated Seventy Seven and Paise Twenty Only
earth as obtained to a distance of 50m. including all lift,
346.00 115.70 Cum 0.00
levelling, ramming the foundation trenches. Removing
roots of trees, shrubs all complete as per specification of
Providing coarse clean sand in filling in foundation 496.00 6363.68 INR Six Thousand Three Hundred & Sixty Three
trenches or in plinth including ramming and watering in and Paise Sixty Eight Only
347.00 layers not exceeding 150mm thick with all leads and lifts 12.83 Cum 0.00
including cost of all materials, labour, royalty and taxes all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I.
Providing designation 75A one brick on edge soling joints 412.00 52958.48 INR Fifty Two Thousand Nine Hundred & Fifty
filled with local sand including cost of watering taxes royalty Eight and Paise Forty Eight Only
348.00 128.54 Sqm 0.00
all complete as per building specification and direction of
Providing P.C.C. M150 in nominal mix of (1:2:4) in 7850.00 100715.50 INR One Lakh Seven Hundred & Fifteen and
foundation with approed quality of stone metal grade-III Paise Fifty Only
(50mm to 25mm size) clean coarse sand F.M. 2.5 to 3
including screening, shuttering, mixing cement concrete in
349.00 12.83 Cum 0.00
mixer and placing in position, vibrating, striking, curing,
taxes and royalty all complee as per building specification
and direction of E/I.

Providing R.C.C M - 200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in 8350.00 161405.50 INR One Lakh Sixty One Thousand Four
foundation with approved quality of stone chips (20mm to Hundred & Five and Paise Fifty Only
6mm size) clean course sand of F.M 2.5 to 3 including
350.00 screening, shuttering, mixing cement concrete in mixer and 19.33 Cum 0.00
placing in position, vibrating, striking, curing, taxes and
royalty all complete as per building specification and
direction of E/I.
Providing RCC M-200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in 9240.00 226564.80 INR Two Lakh Twenty Six Thousand Five
stiffeners with approved quality of stone chips 20mm to Hundred & Sixty Four and Paise Eighty Only
6mm size graded and clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to 3
351.00 including curing, shuttering carrying the slab manually to 24.52 Cum 0.00
site and laying in position all complete (but excluding the
cost of reinforcement) taxes and royalty, all complete as
per building specification and direction of E/I.

Providing RCC M-200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in band 9240.00 181288.80 INR One Lakh Eighty One Thousand Two
at plinth level with approved quality of stone chips 20mm to Hundred & Eighty Eight and Paise Eighty Only
6mm size graded and clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to 3
including curing, shuttering carrying the slab manually to
352.00 19.62 Cum 0.00
site and laying in position all complete (but excluding the
cost of reinforcement) taxes and royalty, all complete as
per building specification and direction of E/I.
Top of Wall

Providing RCC M-200 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) in band 9240.00 99976.80 INR Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred &
at lintel level with approved quality of stone chips 20mm to Seventy Six and Paise Eighty Only
6mm size graded and clean coarse sand of F.M 2.5 to 3
including curing, shuttering carrying the slab manually to
353.00 10.82 Cum 0.00
site and laying in position all complete (but excluding the
cost of reinforcement) taxes and royalty, all complete as
per building specification and direction of E/I.
Top of Wall
Providing Tor steel reinforcement of 10 mm ,12 mm , &16 72150.00 420634.50 INR Four Lakh Twenty Thousand Six Hundred &
mm dia Bars as per approved design and drawing Thirty Four and Paise Fifty Only
excluding carriage of M.S bars to work site , cutting
354.00 5.83 MT 0.00
,bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire
,removal of rust , Placing the rods in position all complete
as per building specification and direction of E/I.

Providing designation 75A brick work in CM(1:6) in 5743.00 1015764.41 INR Ten Lakh Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred
superstructure with approved quality of clean coarse sand & Sixty Four and Paise Forty One Only
of FM 2 to 2.5 including providing 10mm thick mortar
355.00 176.87 Cum 0.00
joints, cost of screening, scaffolding, raking out joints to
15mm depth, curing, taxes and royalty all complete as per
building specification and direction of E/I.

Providing 12mm cement plaster (1:6) with clean coarse 257.00 494971.72 INR Four Lakh Ninety Four Thousand Nine
sand of F.M. 1.5 including cost of screening, curing with all Hundred & Seventy One and Paise Seventy Two
356.00 1925.96 Sqm 0.00 Only
leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and royalty all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I

Providing two coats of snowcem of approved shade and 105.00 202225.80 INR Two Lakh Two Thousand Two Hundred &
make over a coat of cement primer on new surface Twenty Five and Paise Eighty Only
357.00 inculding preparing the plastered surface smooth with sand 1925.96 sqm 0.00
paper,scaffolding,curing and taxes all complete as per
building specification & direction of E\I.

Supplying fitting & Fixing M.S. grill gate with M.S. grills 156.00 37440.00 INR Thirty Seven Thousand Four Hundred &
made 20x6mm M.S. flat or 16mm M.S. square bars fitted Forty Only
25x25x6 mm M.S. angle frame of size 60x60x6 mm
including cost of fabrication, providing necessary locking
358.00 240.00 kg 0.00
arrangement with haskal and domny duly fixed in P.C.C
(1:2:4) blocks of required size, applying a priming red lead
paint over steel work , taxes all complete as per drawing
specification and direction of E/I.

Filling in foundation trenches and plinth in layers not 496.00 27904.96 INR Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred &
exceeding dressed with earth obtained from excavation of Four and Paise Ninety Six Only
359.00 56.26 Cum 0.00
foundation trenches with a lead of 50 M and lift of 1.5 M all
complete as per building specification and direction of E/I
Providing two coat of painting with ready mixed paint of 126.00 734.58 INR Seven Hundred & Thirty Four and Paise
360.00 5.83 sqm 0.00
approved shade and make over steel surface Fifty Eight Only
Carriage of material from divisional store are kiln side or
361.00 quality side to work including contractor profit loading
,unloading transportation are complete .
105.00 5744.55 INR Five Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Four
362.00 Cement 30 KM lead 54.71 MT 0.00
and Paise Fifty Five Only
68.00 6436.88 INR Six Thousand Four Hundred & Thirty Six
363.00 Sand 30 KM lead 94.66 Per M3 0.00
and Paise Eighty Eight Only
1.70 135677.00 INR One Lakh Thirty Five Thousand Six
364.00 Bricks 30 KM lead 79810.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Seventy Seven Only
78.00 4665.18 INR Four Thousand Six Hundred & Sixty Five
365.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 59.81 Per M3 0.00
and Paise Eighteen Only

366.00 Approach Road

Construction of embankment with approved meterial 1404.50 1163452.69 INR Eleven Lakh Sixty Three Thousand Four
obtained from borrow pits with all lift and leads, Hundred & Fifty Two and Paise Sixty Nine Only
367.00 transporting to site sperading,grading to required slope and 828.38 cum 0.00
compacting to meet requirment of to tables 300.2 rolling
with smooth wheeled roller
Granular sub base with Corse Graded Material (Table:-400- 1670.00 100200.00 INR One Lakh Two Hundred Only
2) for grading one materials
Construction of granual sub base by providing coarse
graded marterial, spreading in unifrom layer with mortar
368.00 60.00 cum 0.00
grade on prepared surface , mixing by mix in place
method with rotavator at OMC , and compecting with
vibratory roller to achiver the desired dencity ,complete as
per clouse 401,
construction of un-reinforced dowel jointed plain cement 2911.45 131015.25 INR One Lakh Thirty One Thousand &Fifteen
concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 and Paise Twenty Five Only
grade cement @400kg per cum, coarse and fine
aggregate confirming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse
and fine aggregate not exceeding to 25mm mixed in a
batching and mixing plant as per approved mix desigen
369.00 45.00 sqm 0.00
,transported to site , laid with a fixed from or slip from
paver , spread ,compacted and finished in a
continuousoperation including provision of contraction ,
expansion,sealant primer, joint sealant,debonding strip,
dowel bar,tie rod, admixtures as approved , curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing
Granular sub base with corse graded material (table:-400- 1670.00 25050.00 INR Twenty Five Thousand &Fifty Only
2) (construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse
graded material,spreading in unifrom layers with motor
grader on prepared surface ,mixing by mix in place method
370.00 15.00 cum 0.00
with rotavator at OMC,and compacting with vibratory roller
2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2

to achieve the desired density ,complete as per clause

for grading I material
Carriage of material from divisional store are kiln side or
371.00 quality side to work including contractor profit loading
,unloading transportation are complete .
105.00 1890.00 INR One Thousand Eight Hundred & Ninety
372.00 Cement 30 KM lead 18.00 MT 0.00
68.00 1377.00 INR One Thousand Three Hundred & Seventy
373.00 Sand 30 KM lead 20.25 Per M3 0.00
Seven Only
78.00 9009.00 INR Nine Thousand &Nine Only
374.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 115.50 Per M3 0.00

97.00 8293.50 INR Eight Thousand Two Hundred & Ninety

375.00 Boulder 10 KM lead 85.50 Per M3 0.00
Three and Paise Fifty Only
376.00 House Connection for 6410nos Consumer.

Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches in hard 196.00 1772723.96 INR Seventeen Lakh Seventy Two Thousand
soil vide classification item-B and disposal of excavated Seven Hundred & Twenty Three and Paise
earth as obtained to a distance upto 50 m including all Ninety Six Only
377.00 9044.51 M3 0.00
lifts,levelling,ramming the foundation trenches,removing
roots of trees,shrubs all complete as per approved
design,building specifications and direction of E/I.
Providing coarse clean sand in filling in foundation 496.00 133533.12 INR One Lakh Thirty Three Thousand Five
trenches or in plinth including ramming and watering in Hundred & Thirty Three and Paise Twelve Only
layers not exceeding 150mm thick with all leads and lifts
378.00 269.22 M3 0.00
including cost of all materials labours , royalty and taxes all
complete as per building specification and direction of
E/I.(mode of measurement compacted volume)
Providing P C C M-150 in nominal mix of (1:2:4)in 7850.00 3572613.50 INR Thirty Five Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Six
foundation with approved quality of stone chips 20mm to Hundred & Thirteen and Paise Fifty Only
6mm size graded and clean coarse sand of F.M2.5 to 3
379.00 including screening shuttering , mixing cement concrete in 455.11 M3 0.00
mixer and placing in position ,vibratig, striking, curing,
taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification
and direction of E/I.
Earth work in back fillingthe trenches after laying of 97.00 839389.50 INR Eight Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand Three
different types and sizes of pipes with earth removed Hundred & Eighty Nine and Paise Fifty Only
380.00 8653.50 M3 0.00
during excavation within initial lead and lift as per
specification and direction of E/I.(For soil item A & B)
Providing 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:3) with clean 215.40 1718988.93 INR Seventeen Lakh Eighteen Thousand Nine
coarse sand of F.M 1.5 with 1.5 mm thick cement punning Hundred & Eighty Eight and Paise Ninety Three
381.00 over it including screening, curing, with all leads and lifts of 7980.45 M2 0.00 Only
water,taxes and royalty all complete as per building
specification an direction of E/I.
Providing and supplying Blue MDPE pipes confirming to 36.00 3461400.00 INR Thirty Four Lakh Sixty One Thousand Four
ISO 4427:1996 manufactured from virgin resin PE 80 food Hundred Only
grade compounded raw materials having blue colour only
assurance certificate from quality agencies like
WRC/CIPET (India) / DVGM / KIWA/SPGN etc for usage
382.00 96150.00 m 0.00
in drinking water with quality system. The cost shall include
testing of all materials all taxes central, state, Municipal,
Inspection charges transportation up to site ,transit
insurance, loading, unloading, stacking etc complete as
specified and directed.PN16(SDR-9) with ED-20 mm
Supplying labours and tools for fixing G.I.Pipes with red 156.00 999960.00 INR Nine Lakh Ninety Nine Thousand Nine
lead and yarn of following nominal bore with screwed and Hundred & Sixty Only
socketed joints on wall ,ceiling and floor including
383.00 supplying and fittings of wall hooks or pipe clamps 6410.00 m 0.00
,wooden plugs, cutting pipes to size and threading ends if
required etc all complete as per specification and direction
of E/I.-15 mm
Lowering laying and jointing HDPE/MDPE pipes in proper 18.00 1730700.00 INR Seventeen Lakh Thirty Thousand Seven
position including all specials by compression fitting / Hundred Only
electrofusion and But fusion jointing procedure including
hydroulic testing as per relevent IS code complete with all
384.00 materials for jointing procedures like Electrofusion machine 96150.00 m 0.00
, electric mirror/heater/ But fusion welding machine with
hydroulic jack,top loading clamp etc pump and
accessories for hyroulic tesing and all labours as directed
by E/I.as per IS-7634 part-2-20 mm
Supplying labours and tools for fixing G.I.Pipes with red 37.00 237170.00 INR Two Lakh Thirty Seven Thousand One
lead and yarn of following nominal bore with screwed and Hundred & Seventy Only
socketed joints on wall ,ceiling and floor including
385.00 supplying and fittings of wall hooks or pipe clamps 6410.00 m 0.00
,wooden plugs, cutting pipes to size and threading ends if
required etc all complete as per specification and direction
of E/I.-15 mm
Supplying and fixing G.M. ferrule of approved make in 516.00 3307560.00 INR Thirty Three Lakh Seven Thousand Five
existing C.I./D.I. main including drilling and taping C.I./D.I. Hundred & Sixty Only
386.00 main all complete as per specification and direction of E/I. 6410.00 Each 0.00
3 mm, 6 mm 10 mm dia ferrule weight not less than 425
Providing and fixing of G.M. Fullway valve of approved 267.00 1711470.00 INR Seventeen Lakh Eleven Thousand Four
quality all complete as per specification and direction of Hundred & Seventy Only
387.00 6410.00 Each 0.00
E/I. 20 dia and weight not
less than 400 Gm
Providing and fixing of male ended C.I.Body brass spindle 530.00 3397300.00 INR Thirty Three Lakh Ninety Seven Thousand
valve and seat Bib cock of approved quality with extra Three Hundred Only
388.00 socket all complete as per specification and direction of 6410.00 Each 0.00
E/I. -15 dia and
weight not less than 400 Gm
Supplying and fixing G.I.fitting of approved make all
complete as per specification and direction of E/I.
47.00 301270.00 INR Three Lakh One Thousand Two Hundred &
390.00 20 mm dia ELBOW 6410.00 Each 0.00
Seventy Only
43.00 275630.00 INR Two Lakh Seventy Five Thousand Six
391.00 15 mm dia ELBOW 6410.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Thirty Only
43.00 275630.00 INR Two Lakh Seventy Five Thousand Six
392.00 20mm dia Reducing socket 6410.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Thirty Only
36.00 230760.00 INR Two Lakh Thirty Thousand Seven Hundred
393.00 20mm dia Nipple 6410.00 Each 0.00
& Sixty Only
27.00 173070.00 INR One Lakh Seventy Three Thousand
394.00 15mm dia Nipple 6410.00 Each 0.00
&Seventy Only
45.00 288450.00 INR Two Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand Four
395.00 20mm dia Union Socket 6410.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Fifty Only
42.00 269220.00 INR Two Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand Two
396.00 15 mm dia Socket 6410.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Twenty Only
56.00 358960.00 INR Three Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand Nine
397.00 20mm dia socket 6410.00 Each 0.00
Hundred & Sixty Only
Carriage of material from divisional store are kiln side or
398.00 quality side to work including contractor profit loading
,unloading transportation are complete .
105.00 3564.75 INR Three Thousand Five Hundred & Sixty Four
399.00 Cement 30 KM lead 33.95 MT 0.00
and Paise Seventy Five Only
68.00 6035.00 INR Six Thousand &Thirty Five Only
400.00 Sand 30 KM lead 88.75 Per M3 0.00

78.00 8792.16 INR Eight Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety

401.00 Stone/Stone Chips 30 KM lead 112.72 Per M3 0.00
Two and Paise Sixteen Only

402.00 Operation & Maintenance for two years

O/M work with Labour component & Materials for 1st

1.60 1807009.89 INR Eighteen Lakh Seven Thousand &Nine
404.00 As per SBD Section - 5 Clouse 9.10 1129381.18 PKL 0.00 and Paise Eighty Nine Only

O/M work with Labour component & Materials for 2nd

1.70 1919948.01 INR Nineteen Lakh Nineteen Thousand Nine
406.00 As per SBD Section - 5 Clouse 9.10 1129381.18 PKL 0.00 Hundred & Forty Eight and Paise One Only

O/M work with Labour component & Materials for 3Rd

1.90 2145824.24 INR Twenty One Lakh Forty Five Thousand
408.00 As per SBD Section - 5 Clouse 9.11 1129381.18 PKL 0.00 Eight Hundred & Twenty Four and Paise Twenty
Four Only
O/M work with Labour component & Materials for 4TH
2.00 2258762.36 INR Twenty Two Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand
410.00 As per SBD Section - 5 Clouse 9.12 1129381.18 PKL 0.00 Seven Hundred & Sixty Two and Paise Thirty Six
O/M work with Labour component & Materials for 5TH
2.10 2371700.48 INR Twenty Three Lakh Seventy One Thousand
412.00 As per SBD Section - 5 Clouse 9.10 1129381.18 PKL 0.00 Seven Hundred and Paise Forty Eight Only

50112189.54 INR Five Crore One Lakh Twelve Thousand One

413.00 Add 12% GST 1.00 job 0.00 50112189.54 Hundred & Eighty Nine and Paise Fifty Four Only

4677137.69 INR Forty Six Lakh Seventy Seven Thousand

414.00 Add 1% Labour Cess 1.00 job 0.00 4677137.69 One Hundred & Thirty Seven and Paise Sixty
Nine Only
INR Forty Seven Crore Twenty Three Lakh
Total in Figures 472390906.70 Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred & Six and Paise
Seventy Only
Quoted Rate in Words INR Forty Seven Crore Twenty Three Lakh Ninety Thousand Nine Hundred & Six and Paise Seventy Only

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