First Cut Proposal Form (Olaoluwa David Akinyemi) (1) 1
First Cut Proposal Form (Olaoluwa David Akinyemi) (1) 1
First Cut Proposal Form (Olaoluwa David Akinyemi) (1) 1
Number: M00808247
Database, web application, UI, MySQL, java enterprise, JavaScript, Healthcare, Nigerian health
care system, Nigeria, Public health.
When a patient who is in dire need of medical attention, in some cases the patient is left to endure
his/her pain as the nurse starts frantically searching for his/her file or other scenarios a patient might
be given wrong medication because the person on duty could have been exhausted and written in the
wrong information for the patient. This is where a hospital management system shines.
The Hospital management system is easy to use, flexible and is developed to deliver considerable
benefits to hospitals.
The Hospital Management system includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system,
The software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient
and the staff automatically. The doctor has the ability to check his appointments online, can search for
a particular patient,. The patients can check their medical history and book appointments.
The system provides important information for both the patients and the medical personnel ensuring
effective decision making. It also improves the management of hospital therefore improving the overall
quality of work and its effectiveness.
Description & ProblemDefinition(approximately100words / 1 page):
A high percentage of Nigerian hospitals mostly those in the public sector still used a file-based system to
store patient data thereby leading to files being mishandled or at times even misplaced. With this in mind
A web
the Nigerian government
applicationpassed a law in 2011 requiring all private and public hospitals to go digital by
2014 butResearch
storing any sort of data still remains a huge issue in Nigeria.
Information Systems protoype
There is a need for a proper information system that can effectively handle the huge amount of patients
data that needs to be handled. The system in this project provided will store patient’s details, their
medical history, and appointment history and enable them to book appointments.
Resources needed:
3. Andrea Caldelli and Marisa Luisa Parmigiani (2004) ‘Management Information System: A Tool for
Corporate Sustainability’, Journal of business ethics, 55(2), pp. 159–171. doi: 10.1007/s10551-
4. Zarei, J. and Sadoughi, F. (2016) ‘Information security risk management for computerized health
information systems in hospitals: a case study of Iran’, Risk management and healthcare policy, 9,
pp. 75–85. doi: 10.2147/RMHP.S99908.