Chloramine (Mono) and Nitrogen, Free Ammonia
Chloramine (Mono) and Nitrogen, Free Ammonia
Chloramine (Mono) and Nitrogen, Free Ammonia
Free Ammonia
Indophenol Method1 Method 10200
0.04 to 4.50 mg/L Cl2 Powder Pillows
0.01 to 0.50 mg/L NH3–N
Scope and application: For the determination of free ammonia and monochloramine simultaneously in finished
chloraminated water. This product has not been evaluated to test for chlorine and chloramines in medical
applications in the United States.
1 U.S. Patent 6,315,950
Test preparation
Before starting
Samples must be analyzed immediately after collection and cannot be preserved for later analysis.
Install the instrument cap on the DR 900 cell holder before ZERO or READ is pushed.
In bright light conditions (e.g., direct sunlight), close the cell compartment on spectrophotometers, if applicable, with the
protective cover during measurements.
For best results, measure the reagent blank value for each new lot of reagent. Replace the sample with deionized water in
the test procedure to get the reagent blank value. Subtract the reagent blank value from the sample results automatically
with the reagent blank adjust option.
Review the Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) for the chemicals that are used and use any recommended personal protective
Dispose of reacted solutions according to local, state and federal regulations. Use the Safety Data Sheets for disposal
information for unused reagents. Consult the environmental, health and safety staff for your facility and/or local regulatory
agencies for further disposal information.
Items to collect
Description Quantity
1. Start program 66, 2. Fill two sample cells to 3. Clean the 4. Insert the
Monochloramine LR. For the 10-mL line with sample. monochloramine sample monochloramine sample
information about sample Write Free Ammonia on cell. cell into the cell holder.
cells, adapters or light one sample cell. Write
shields, refer to Instrument Monochloramine on the
specific information second sample cell.
on page 1.
Note: Although the program
name may vary between
instruments, the program
number does not change.
5. Push ZERO. The display 6. Remove the sample from 7. Add the contents of one 8. Close the sample cell.
shows 0.00 mg/L Cl2. the cell holder. Monochlor F Reagent Shake the sample cell for
Powder Pillow to the sample about 20 seconds to
for monochloramine dissolve the reagent. A
measurement. green color will show if
monochloramine is present.
2 Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method
9. Add one drop of Free 10. Close the free 11. Start the instrument 12. When the timer expires,
Ammonia Reagent Solution ammonia sample cell. timer. A 5-minute reaction clean the monochloramine
to the sample cell for free Invert the sample cell to mix time starts. sample cell.
ammonia measurement. the reagent. For samples colder than
Close the reagent bottle to If the sample gets cloudy by 18 °C, refer to Table 2
keep the reagent stable. the end of the reaction on page 4.
period, pre-treat the sample
and do the test again. Refer
to Interferences
on page 4.
13. Insert the 14. Push READ. Results 15. Exit program 66. Start 16. Leave the
monochloramine sample show in mg/L Cl2. program 388 N, Ammonia monochloramine sample
cell into the cell holder. Free. cell in the cell holder. Push
ZERO. The display will
show 0.00 mg/L NH3–N f.
17. Remove the 18. When the reaction time 19. Close the sample cell. 20. Start the instrument
monochloramine sample cell in step 11 is complete, add Shake the sample cell for timer. A 5-minute reaction
from the cell holder. the contents of one about 20 seconds to time starts.
Monochlor F Powder Pillow dissolve the reagent. A For samples colder than
to the Free Ammonia green color will show if 18 °C, refer to Table 2
sample cell. monochloramine is present. on page 4.
Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method 3
21. When the timer expires, 22. Insert the free 23. Push READ. The
clean the free ammonia ammonia sample cell into results are in mg/L NH3–N f.
sample cell. the cell holder.
This method is intended for finished, chloraminated drinking water samples that have a
measurable combined (total) chlorine disinfectant residual. Samples that do not have a
disinfectant residual and samples that have a chlorine demand may show low ammonia
test results. Blanks and ammonia standards that are analyzed without a disinfectant
residual must be prepared with high quality, reagent grade water.
The substances that are shown in Interferences on page 4 do not interfere in the free
ammonia determination at or below the given concentration.
Table 3 Non-interfering substances
Substance Maximum level tested
Aluminum 0.2 mg/L Al
Chloride 1200 mg/L Cl–
Copper 1 mg/L Cu
4 Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method
Table 3 Non-interfering substances (continued)
Substance Maximum level tested
Iron 0.3 mg/L Fe
Manganese 0.05 mg/L Mn
Nitrate 10 mg/L NO3––N
Nitrite 1 mg/L NO2––N
Phosphate 2 mg/L o-PO4
Silica 100 mg/L SiO2
Sulfate 1600 ppm as SO42–
Zinc 5 ppm Zn
Samples that contain high levels of both Total Hardness and Alkalinity may become
cloudy after the addition of the Free Ammonia Reagent Solution. If this occurs by the end
of the first reaction period, the sample for Free Ammonia measurement must be
pretreated as follows:
1. Measure 10 mL of sample into the sample cell for Free Ammonia.
2. Add the contents of one Hardness Treatment Reagent Powder Pillow to the sample.
3. Tighten the cap on the sample cell and invert until the reagent is dissolved.
4. Remove the cap.
5. Use the pretreated sample in the test procedure for the Free Ammonia sample.
Note: The sample for Monochloramine measurement does not need pretreatment.
Accuracy check
Standard solution method
Items to collect:
• Buffer Powder Pillow, pH 8.3
• Nitrogen, Ammonia Standard Solution, 100-mg/L as NH3–N
• Chlorine Solution Ampules, 50–70 mg/L
• 100-mL Class A volumetric flask
• 50-mL graduated cylinder
• Pipet, TenSette®, 0.1–1.0 mL and tips
• Pipets, Volumetric, 2-mL Class A and Mohr, 5-mL
• Pipet bulb
• Organic-free water
Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method 5
g. Open an ampule and use a glass Mohr pipet to add the calculated amount of
Chlorine Solution slowly to the ammonia standard in the beaker. Keep the beaker
on a stir-plate at medium speed during the chlorine addition.
h. Stir the monochloramine solution for 1 minute after the Chlorine Solution addition
is complete.
i. Quantitatively transfer the monochloramine solution to a clean 100-mL Class A
volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark with organic-free water and mix well. This is a
nominal 4.5-mg/L (as Cl2) monochloramine standard.
2. Use this standard within 1 hour of preparation. Use the test procedure to measure the
concentration of the monochloramine standard solution.
3. Compare the expected result to the actual result.
Note: The factory calibration can be adjusted slightly with the standard adjust option so that the
instrument shows the expected value of the standard solution. The adjusted calibration is then
used for all test results. This adjustment can increase the test accuracy when there are slight
variations in the reagents or instruments.
1. Use the test procedure to measure the concentration of the sample, then keep the
(unspiked) sample in the instrument.
2. Go to the Standard Additions option in the instrument menu.
3. Select the values for standard concentration, sample volume and spike volumes.
4. Open the standard solution.
5. Prepare three spiked samples: use the TenSette pipet to add 0.3 mL, 0.6 mL and
1.0 mL of the standard solution, respectively, to three 50-mL portions of fresh sample.
Mix well.
6. Use the test procedure to measure the concentration of each of the spiked samples.
Start with the smallest sample spike. Measure each of the spiked samples in the
7. Select Graph to compare the expected results to the actual results.
Note: If the actual results are significantly different from the expected results, make sure that
the sample volumes and sample spikes are measured accurately. The sample volumes and
sample spikes that are used should agree with the selections in the standard additions menu. If
the results are not within acceptable limits, the sample may contain an interference.
6 Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method
b. Dilute to the mark with deionized water. Mix well. Prepare this solution daily.
2. Use the test procedure to measure the concentration of the prepared standard
3. Compare the expected result to the actual result.
Note: The factory calibration can be adjusted slightly with the standard adjust option so that the
instrument shows the expected value of the standard solution. The adjusted calibration is then
used for all test results. This adjustment can increase the test accuracy when there are slight
variations in the reagents or instruments.
Method performance
The method performance data that follows was derived from laboratory tests that were
measured on a spectrophotometer during ideal test conditions. Users may get different
results under different test conditions.
Program Standard Precision (95% Confidence Interval) Sensitivity
Concentration change per 0.010 Abs change
66 2.60 mg/L Cl2 2.58–2.62 mg/L Cl2 0.04 mg/L Cl2
388 0.20 mg/L NH3–N 0.19–0.21 mg/L NH3–N 0.01 mg/L NH3–N
Summary of method
Monochloramine (NH2Cl) and free ammonia (NH3 and NH4+) can exist in the same water
sample. Added hypochlorite combines with free ammonia to form more monochloramine.
In the presence of a cyanoferrate catalyst, monochloramine in the sample reacts with a
substituted phenol to form an intermediate monoimine compound. The intermediate
couples with excess substituted phenol to form a green-colored indophenol, which is
proportional to the amount of monochloramine present in the sample. Free ammonia is
determined by comparing the color intensities, with and without added hypochlorite. The
measurement wavelength is 655 nm for spectrophotometers or 610 nm for colorimeters.
Consumables and replacement items
Required reagents
Chloramine (Mono) (4.50 mg/L) and Free Ammonia (0.50 mg/L), Indophenol Method 7
Optional reagents and apparatus
© Hach Company/Hach Lange GmbH, 1989–2013. All rights reserved. 04/2013, Edition 8