SWTR Turbidity GM Final 508
SWTR Turbidity GM Final 508
SWTR Turbidity GM Final 508
This document provides guidance to states, tribes, and U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) exercising primary enforcement responsibility under the Safe Drinking
Water Act (SDWA) and contains EPA’s policy recommendations for complying with the
suite of Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTR). Throughout this document, the terms
“state” and “states” are used to refer to all types of primacy agencies including states,
U.S. territories, Indian tribes, and EPA.
The statutory provisions and EPA regulations described in this document contain legally
binding requirements. This document is not a regulation itself, nor does it change or
substitute for those provisions and regulations. Thus, it does not impose legally binding
requirements on EPA, states, or the regulated community. This guidance does not confer
legal rights or impose legal obligations upon any member of the public.
While EPA has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the discussion in this
guidance, the obligations of the regulated community are determined by statutes,
regulations, or other legally binding requirements. In the event of a conflict between the
discussion in this document and any statute or regulation, this document would not be
The general description provided here may not apply to a particular situation based
upon the circumstances. Interested parties are free to raise questions and objections
about the substance of this guidance and the appropriateness of the application of this
guidance to a particular situation. EPA and other decision makers retain the discretion to
adopt approaches on a case-by-case basis that differ from those described in this
guidance, where appropriate.
This is a living document and may be revised periodically without public notice. EPA
welcomes public input on this document at any time.
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CHAPTER 1 – Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of Document .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Overview of Suite of Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTRs) ................................................. 1
1.3 Other Applicable Rules ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Summary of Chapters and Appendices ......................................................................................... 5
1.5 References ..................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2 – Turbidity Requirements ................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Performance Standards and Monitoring Requirements ................................................................ 8
2.2.1 CFE Requirements ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Special Provisions for PWSs that Use Lime Softening....................................................... 16
2.2.3 IFE Turbidity Requirements ............................................................................................... 16
2.2.4 LT2ESWTR Toolbox Options ............................................................................................ 21
2.3 Reporting and Recordkeeping ..................................................................................................... 24
2.3.1 CFE Reporting .................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 IFE Reporting...................................................................................................................... 24
2.3.3 LT2ESWTR Toolbox Reporting Requirements.................................................................. 25
2.3.4 Recordkeeping Requirements ............................................................................................. 26
2.4 Additional Compliance Issues .................................................................................................... 26
2.4.1 Individual Filter Follow-up Actions.................................................................................... 27
2.4.2 Notification ......................................................................................................................... 28
2.5 References ................................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 3 – Turbidity Methods & Measurement ............................................................................ 33
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 33
3.2 Approved Turbidity Methods...................................................................................................... 33
3.2.1 EPA Method 180.1.............................................................................................................. 33
3.2.2 Standard Method 2130B ..................................................................................................... 33
3.2.3 Great Lakes Instrument Method 2 (GLI 2) ......................................................................... 33
3.2.4 Hach FilterTrak Method 10133........................................................................................... 34
3.3 Turbidimeters .............................................................................................................................. 34
3.3.1 Bench Top Turbidimeters ................................................................................................... 34
3.3.2 Continuous Turbidimeters................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)............................................................................. 38
3.4.1 QA Organization and Responsibilities ................................................................................ 38
3.4.2 QA Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 38
3.4.3 SOPs .................................................................................................................................... 38
3.4.4 Sampling Strategy and Procedures...................................................................................... 40
3.4.5 Calibration and Verification................................................................................................ 43
3.4.6 Data Screening and Reporting ............................................................................................ 46
3.4.7 Performance and System Audits ......................................................................................... 46
3.4.8 Preventative Maintenance ................................................................................................... 46
3.5 Data Collection and Management ............................................................................................... 47
3.5.1 Data Collection Methods .................................................................................................... 47
3.5.2 Data Management ............................................................................................................... 48
3.6 References ................................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix A — Glossary ........................................................................................................................... A-1
The original guidance manual (USEPA, 1999) focused on the requirements of the IESWTR as it relates to
turbidity. This guidance manual focuses on technical information regarding specific requirements of the
IESWTR, LT1ESWTR, and LT2ESWTR relating to turbidity. It is intended for experienced operators and
others in the regulated community.
Copies of this document and other referenced documents can be obtained by:
• Accessing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Safe Drinking Water website at
• Calling the National Service Center for Environmental Publications at 1-800-490-9198 or visiting
its website at: www.epa.gov/ncepihom/.
• Maintenance of a disinfectant residual in water entering, and within the distribution system.
• For filtered PWSs, a turbidity limit for the combined filter effluent (CFE) of 5 nephelometric
turbidity units (NTUs) at any time, and a limit of 0.5 NTU in 95 percent of measurements each
month for treatment plants using conventional treatment or direct filtration (with separate
standards for other filtration technologies). These requirements were superseded by the 1998
IESWTR and the 2002 LT1ESWTR.
• Watershed control programs and water quality requirements for unfiltered PWSs.
PWSs that qualify for filtration avoidance determinations must meet source water quality and site-specific
conditions to remain unfiltered. If any of the criteria for avoiding filtration are not met, PWSs must install
filtration treatment within 18 months of the failure. One of the avoidance criteria established by the
SWTR and later enhanced by the IESWTR and LT1ESWTR is that turbidity levels cannot exceed 5 NTU
in the water immediately prior to the first point of disinfectant application. Turbidity measurements must
be made at least once every four hours, and a filtration avoidance PWS must report to its primacy agency
within 24 hours if it has exceeded the 5 NTU standard (40 CFR 141.71). This guidance manual does not
further address the turbidity requirements for filtration avoidance PWSs. Unfiltered PWSs should discuss
with their primacy agencies the requirements for successfully maintaining filtration avoidance status.
The IESWTR (USEPA, 1998) applies to PWSs serving at least 10,000 people and using surface water or
GWUDI as a source. These PWSs were to comply with the IESWTR by January 2002. The requirements
listed in 40 CFR 141.170 through 141.175 include:
• For treatment plants using conventional treatment or direct filtration, a turbidity performance
standard for the CFE of 1 NTU as a maximum, and 0.3 NTU as a maximum in 95 percent of
monthly measurements, based on 4-hour monitoring (these limits supersede the SWTR turbidity
• Continuous monitoring of individual filter effluent (IFE) turbidity in conventional and direct
filtration plants and recording of IFE turbidity readings every 15 minutes.
• Filter profiles and/or assessments required under different monitoring results and scenarios, as
detailed in Section 2.2.3 of this report.
• PWSs using alternative filtration techniques [defined as filtration other than conventional, direct,
slow sand, or diatomaceous earth (DE)] must demonstrate to the state the ability to consistently
achieve 2-log removal of Cryptosporidium and comply with specific state-established CFE
turbidity requirements.
• The development of a disinfection profile and benchmark (to assess the level of microbial
protection provided), before facilities change their disinfection practices in order to also meet the
requirements of the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR).
• All new finished water reservoirs must be covered [40 CFR 141.170(c)].
The LT1ESWTR (USEPA, 2002) extends most of the requirements of the IESWTR to surface water and
GWUDI PWSs serving fewer than 10,000 people.
The LT1ESWTR requirements listed in 40 CFR 141.500 through 141.571 differ from the IESWTR in a
few ways, including:
• If the PWS has two or fewer filters, it can perform continuous monitoring of the CFE in lieu of
IFE monitoring.
• If turbidity monitoring equipment fails, a PWS has 14 days (rather than 5 working days under
IESWTR) to resume continuous monitoring before incurring a violation.
• If the IFE turbidity exceeds 1.0 NTU for two or more consecutive 15-minute readings in one
month, the PWS must report the cause of the turbidity exceedance, if known, but a filter profile is
not required.
• If the IFE turbidity exceeds 2.0 NTU in two or more consecutive 15-minute readings for two
months in a row, the PWS must arrange a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE) no later
than 60 days after the filter exceeded 2.0 NTU for the second straight month (30 days under the
IESWTR), and it must be completed, and the report submitted to the state within 120 days after
the final exceedance (90 days under the IESWTR).
• PWSs are required to monitor weekly (rather than daily) when preparing a disinfection profile.
• PWSs using either chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection are required
to complete a disinfection profile (PWSs using chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection under
IESWTR were not required to complete a profile).
EPA promulgated the LT2ESWTR in 2006 (USEPA, 2006a). The LT2ESWTR builds upon the
requirements established by the SWTR, IESWTR, and the LT1ESWTR and can be found in 40 CFR
141.700 through 141.722. Key provisions of the LT2ESWTR include:
• Source water monitoring for Cryptosporidium, with reduced monitoring requirements for small
• Additional Cryptosporidium treatment technique (TT) provisions for certain filtered PWSs based
on source water Cryptosporidium concentrations.
• Requirements that PWSs conduct disinfection profiling and benchmarking to ensure continued
levels of microbial protection while PWSs take the necessary steps to comply with new
disinfection byproduct (DBP) standards.
• Requiring PWSs to cover an uncovered finished water reservoir or treat the water exiting the
uncovered finished water reservoir prior to entering into the distribution system.
• The PWS recycles one or more of the following: spent filter backwash, thickener supernatant, or
liquids from dewatering devices.
Affected PWSs were required to report information about their system to the state by December 8, 2003.
The FBRR also requires regulated recycle streams to be returned through all processes of a PWS’s
existing conventional or direct filtration system or at an alternate location approved by the state. In
addition, the FBRR has recordkeeping requirements for affected PWSs.
The numerical MCLs for the Stage 2 DBPR are 0.080 mg/L for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), and
0.060 mg/L for the five regulated haloacetic acids (HAA5). Compliance determinations for the Stage 2
DBPR are based on a locational running annual average (LRAA) (i.e., compliance must be met at each
monitoring location) [40 CFR 141.620(a)]. EPA has adopted a population-based monitoring approach for
Because Stage 2 DBPR MCL compliance for some PWSs is based on individual DBP measurements at a
location averaged over a four-quarter period, a PWS could measure higher TTHM or HAA5 levels than
the MCL values, while at the same time maintaining compliance with the rule. This is because the high
concentration could be averaged with lower concentrations at a given location. For this reason, the Stage
2 DBPR includes a requirement for operational evaluations that investigate the cause(s) of the high
TTHM or HAA5 concentrations. A PWS has exceeded an operational evaluation level at any monitoring
location when the sum of the two previous quarters’ compliance monitoring results plus twice the current
quarter’s result, divided by four, exceeds 0.080 mg/L for TTHM or 0.060 mg/L for HAA5. If an
operational evaluation level is exceeded, the PWS must conduct an “operational evaluation” and submit a
written report of the evaluation to the state (40 CFR 141.626).
Appendix A – Glossary
Appendix A provides a list of definitions for terms used in the Guidance as well as other useful
terms associated with turbidity.
1.5 References
USEPA. 1989. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Surface Water Treatment Rule; Final Rule.
54 FR 27486. June 29, 1989. Available at:
USEPA. 1998. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule; Final Rule. 63 FR 69478. December 16, 1998. Available at:
USEPA. 1999. Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment
Rule: Turbidity Provisions. EPA 815-R-99-010.
USEPA. 2001. National Primary Drinking Water; Filter Backwash Recycling Rule; Final Rule. 66 FR
31086. June 8, 2001. Available at: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2001-06-08/pdf/01-13776.pdf.
USEPA. 2002. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule; Final Rule. 67 FR 1811. January 14, 2002. Available at:
USEPA. 2006a. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule; Final Rule. 71 FR 653. January 5, 2006. Available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-
USEPA. 2006b. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection
Byproducts Rule; Final Rule. 71 FR 388, January 4, 2006 Available at:
USEPA. 2013. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Revisions to the Total Coliform Rule;
Final Rule. 78 FR 10269, minor corrections 79 FR 10665, February 13, 2013. Available at:
The CFE turbidity standards and some aspects of CFE turbidity monitoring vary by treatment technology.
The following Sections discuss the standards and monitoring requirements based on three groups of
treatment technologies:
Monitoring Requirements
CFE turbidity must be measured every four hours during plant operation [40 CFR 141.74(c)(1)].
Monitoring frequency may be reduced for PWSs serving 500 or fewer persons to once per day if the state
determines that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective filtration performance.
Likewise, the state may require additional or more frequent monitoring for conventional or direct
filtration systems of any size. PWSs should check with their state about their CFE turbidity monitoring
requirements to ensure they are meeting state requirements.
A PWS may substitute CFE continuous turbidity monitoring for grab sample monitoring if the continuous
turbidimeters are validated for accuracy on a regular basis using a protocol approved by the state.
Figure 2-1 presents a flowchart of the CFE turbidity provisions for conventional and direct filtration
Figure 2-1. Flowchart of CFE Turbidity Provisions for Conventional and Direct Filtration
A PWS may substitute continuous CFE turbidity monitoring for grab sample monitoring if the continuous
turbidimeter is validated for accuracy on a regular basis using a protocol approved by the state.
Figure 2-2 presents a flowchart of combined filter provisions for slow sand and DE filtration. Figure 2-3
shows a slow sand filter in Idaho.
Figure 2-2. Flowchart of CFE Turbidity Provisions for Slow Sand and DE Filtration Systems
Turbidity Standards
The state establishes the turbidity standards for PWSs using alternative filtration based on demonstration
of a PWS’s performance. The CFE turbidity for alternative filtration systems must be less than or equal to
the state-established limit (not to exceed 1 NTU) for 95 percent of the readings taken each month and may
Monitoring Requirements
CFE turbidity must be measured every four hours that the PWS serves water to the public [40 CFR
141.74(c)(1)]. For alternative filtration systems of any size, the state may reduce the sampling frequency
to once per day if the state determines that less frequent monitoring is sufficient to indicate effective
filtration performance. Likewise, the state may require additional or more frequent monitoring for
alternative filtration systems of any size. PWSs should check with their state on CFE monitoring
requirements to ensure they are meeting state requirements.
Figure 2-4 presents a flow chart of CFE turbidity provisions for alternative filtration technologies. Figure
2-5 shows two cartridge filters at a small PWS.
Figure 2-4. Flowchart of CFE Turbidity Provisions for Alternative Filtration Systems
Guidance Manual for Compliance with the 15
Surface Water Treatment Rules: Turbidity Provisions
Figure 2-5. Cartridge Filters Installed at a Small PWS
EPA recommends that acidification protocols lower the pH of samples to less than 8.3. EPA also
recommends that the acid used be either hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid of Standard Lab Grade. Care
should be taken when handling the acid. EPA recommends that PWSs maintain documentation regarding
the turbidity with and without acidification, pH values before and after acidification, and the quantity of
acid added to a given sample volume.
A brief summary of turbidity monitoring requirements for the specified number of filters is shown in
Table 2-1. Figure 2-6 provides an illustration of IFE and CFE turbidity monitoring requirements.
Table 2-1. CFE and IFE Turbidity Monitoring Requirements for Conventional and Direct
Filtration Systems
For PWSs with two filters, CFE turbidity or IFE turbidity must be recorded at least every 15 minutes. In
addition, CFE turbidity must be recorded every 4 hours:
For PWSs with more than two filters, IFE turbidity must be recorded at least every 15 minutes and CFE
must be recorded at least every 4 hours:
Figure 2-6. Turbidity Monitoring Requirements for Conventional and Direct Filtration
Plants [40 CFR 141.74(c)(1), 40 CFR 141.174, 40 CFR 141.560, and 141.562]
Table 2-2 describes the follow-up actions that are required based on the 15-minute readings.
Table 2-2. Follow-up Requirements in Response to IFE Turbidity Triggers (40 CFR
141.175(b) and 40 CFR 141.563)
• PWSs with two filters that monitor CFE instead of IFE must
conduct a self-assessment of both filters.1
• The PWS must also arrange for a CPE (conducted by the state
or third party approved by the state), no later than 30 days for
PWSs serving 10,000 or more persons, or 60 days for PWSs
2.0 NTU in two or more
serving fewer than 10,000 persons2 following the day the filter
consecutive 15-minute readings for
two months in a row... exceeded 2.0 NTU for two consecutive measurements for the
second straight month.
1. The self-assessment must consist of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance; development of a
filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections;
and preparation of a filter self-assessment report.
2. For PWSs serving fewer than 10,000 persons, if a CPE has been completed by the state or a third party approved by the state
within the 12 prior months or the PWS and state are jointly participating in an ongoing Comprehensive Technical Assistance
project at the PWS, a new CPE is not required.
Table 2-3 summarizes the turbidity requirements related to each of these toolbox options. Turbidity must
be measured using approved methods as described in Chapter 3 of this manual [40 CFR 141.74(a)].
Table 2-3. Microbial Toolbox Options that Incorporate Turbidity and their Turbidity
Criteria [40 CFR 141.715(b)]
The toolbox options that incorporate turbidity are discussed in more detail in the following Sections. A
complete list of toolbox options and all of the associated requirements can be found in the LT2ESWTR
Toolbox Guidance Manual (USEPA, 2010a) which is available at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/long-
States may not grant this credit to PWSs with membrane, bag/cartridge, slow sand, or DE plants, due to
the lack of documented correlation between filter effluent turbidity and Cryptosporidium removal for
1. Filtered water turbidity is less than or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95 percent of the 15-minute
values recorded at each filter in each month; and
2. No individual filter has a measured turbidity level greater than 0.3 NTU in two consecutive
measurements taken 15 minutes apart.
If the individual filter is not providing water which contributes to the CFE (i.e., it is not operating, is
filtering to waste, is being backwashed, or its filtrate is being recycled), the PWS does not need to report
turbidity for that specific filter.
If the PWS receives credit for this toolbox option and fails to meet both criteria, the PWS incurs a
treatment technique violation unless the state determines:
• The failure was due to unusual and short-term circumstances that could not reasonably be
prevented through optimizing treatment plant design, operation, and maintenance.
• The PWS has experienced no more than two such failures in any calendar year.
• The presedimentation basin must be in continuous operation and must treat all of the flow taken
from a surface water or GWUDI source [40 CFR 141.717(a)(1)].
• A coagulant must be continuously added to the presedimentation basin while the plant is in
operation [40 CFR 141.717(a)(2)].
• The presedimentation basin must achieve a monthly mean reduction of 0.5-log or greater of
influent turbidity (or state-approved alternative). This reduction must be determined using daily
turbidity measurements in the presedimentation process influent and effluent and must be
calculated as follows: log 10 (monthly mean of daily influent turbidity) − log10 (monthly mean of
daily effluent turbidity) [40 CFR 141.717(a)(3)].
• Turbidity measurements must be performed on representative water samples from each wellhead
every four hours that the bank filtration system is in operation or more frequently if required by
the state.
• If the monthly average of daily maximum turbidity values at any well exceeds 1 NTU, the PWS
must report this finding to the state within 30 days. In addition, within 30 days of the exceedance,
the PWS must conduct an assessment to determine the cause of the high turbidity levels and
submit that assessment to the state for a determination of whether any previously allowed credit is
still appropriate.
• Challenge testing is performed before the membrane system is in service and determines the
membrane’s ability to remove introduced Cryptosporidium oocysts or surrogates in simulation of
operational conditions.
• Direct integrity testing is a physical test applied to the membrane unit in order to identify and
isolate integrity breeches and is conducted at a frequency of not less than once each day that the
membrane unit is in operation.
• Indirect integrity monitoring involves monitoring an aspect of filtered water quality that indicates
how much particulate matter is removed. PWSs must continuously monitor and record effluent
turbidity (or an alternative parameter approved by the state) for each membrane unit at least every
15 minutes. If the filtrate turbidity readings are above 0.15 NTU for a period greater than 15
minutes (i.e., two consecutive 15-minute readings are above 0.15 NTU), direct integrity testing
must immediately be performed on the associated membrane unit [40 CFR 141.719(b)(4)].
The maximum removal credit that a membrane filtration process is eligible to receive is based on the
removal efficiency demonstrated during challenge testing or the maximum removal efficiency that can be
verified through direct integrity testing, whichever is lower.
• The number and percentage of CFE turbidity measurements taken during the month which were
less than or equal to the PWS’s required 95th percentile limit of 0.3 NTU.
• The date and value of any CFE turbidity measurement taken during the month that exceeded 1
• The number and percentage of CFE turbidity measurements taken during the month which were
less than or equal to the PWS’s required 95th percentile limit of 1 NTU.
• The date and value of any CFE turbidity measurement taken during the month that exceeded 5
Alternative Filtration
• The total number of CFE turbidity measurements taken during the month.
• The number and percentage of CFE turbidity measurements taken during the month which were
less than or equal to the PWS’s required 95th percentile state-established limit (not to exceed 1
• The date and value of any CFE turbidity measurement taken during the month which exceeded
the state-established maximum limit (not to exceed 5 NTU).
That the PWS conducted individual filter turbidity By the 10th day of the following month.
monitoring during the month.
The filter number(s), corresponding date(s), and By the 10th day of the following month.
the turbidity value(s) which exceeded 1.0 NTU
during the month, but only if two consecutive
measurements exceeded 1.0 NTU.
For PWSs serving 10,000 or more persons, the By the 10th day of the following month.
filter number(s), corresponding date(s), and the
turbidity values which exceeded 0.5 NTU during
the month, but only if two consecutive
measurements exceeded 0.5 NTU at the end of the
first four hours of continuous operation. PWSs
must also report the cause for the exceedance. If
the PWS does not know the cause, it must
produce a filter profile within seven days of the
exceedance, and report to the state that the profile
has been produced.
If a PWS is required to conduct a filter self- By the 10th day of the following month (or 14 days
assessment, the PWS must report to the state, the after the filter self-assessment was triggered only if
date that it was triggered and the date that it was the filter self-assessment was triggered during the last
completed. four days of the month). See Chapter 5 for more
information on the filter self-assessment process.
If a PWS is required to conduct a CPE, the PWS By the 10th day of the following month.
must report to the state that the CPE is required
and the date that it was triggered.
Copy of the completed CPE report. Within 90 days after the CPE was triggered for PWSs
serving 10,000 or more persons and 120 days after
the CPE was triggered for PWSs serving fewer than
10,000 persons. See Chapter 6 for more information
on CPEs.
Bank Filtration
After establishing a log removal credit for the bank filtration toolbox option (either 0.5- or 1.0-log
removal credit), a PWS is only required to report to the state if the monthly average of the daily maximum
turbidity is greater than 1 NTU. If this occurs, the PWS must report the result to the state, and submit an
assessment of the cause within 30 days following the month in which the PWS conducted the monitoring
[40 CFR 141.721(f)(5)].
Membrane Filtration
After reporting results of the challenge test and the initial direct integrity test to establish log-removal
credit for the membrane filtration toolbox option, a PWS must routinely report to the state, by the 10th day
of the following month, all direct integrity tests above the control limit; and if applicable, any turbidity or
alternative state-approved indirect integrity monitoring results triggering direct integrity testing, and the
corrective action taken by the PWS [40 CFR 141.721(f)(10)].
Section includes information on PWS record keeping requirements for public notification (PN).
A filter profile is a graphical representation of individual filter performance based on continuous turbidity
measurements or total particle counts versus time for an entire filter run, from startup to backwash
inclusively that includes assessment of filter performance while another filter is being backwashed. The
run length during this assessment should be representative of typical plant filter runs. The profile should
include an explanation of the cause of any filter performance spikes during the run.
Examples of possible abnormal filter operations (which may be obvious to operators), include:
Chapter 6 briefly discusses how to conduct a CPE. Additionally, EPA has developed additional guidance
that can be found in EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the
Composite Correction Program (USEPA, 1998) which is available at:
https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/interim-enhanced-surface-water-treatment-rule-documents .
2.4.2 Notification
PWSs are required to notify the state and the public of certain violations or situations related to turbidity.
The requirements for public notification are discussed below.
• Tier 1 PN is required for violations or situations that have significant potential to have serious
adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure.
• Tier 2 PN is required for violations or situations with potential to have serious adverse effects on
human health.
• Tier 3 PN is required for all violations or situations not included in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Table 2-5 shows each violation for turbidity and its required PN by Tier [40 CFR 141 Subpart Q,
Appendix A]. Additional guidance on the PN requirements for both turbidity related violations and all
other National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs), can be found in EPA’s Revised Public
Notification Handbook (USEPA, 2010b). TNCWSs should reference EPA’s Public Notification
Handbook for Transient Non-Community Water Systems (USEPA, 2010c). Both documents are available
at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/public-notification-rule-compliance-help-water-system-owners-and-
Table 2-5. Turbidity Violations by Public Notification Tier [40 CFR 141 Subpart Q,
Appendix A]
Tier Violation
Tier 1 • A single exceedance of the allowable turbidity limit where the state determines,
after consultation with the PWS, that a Tier 1 PN is required or where
consultation does not take place within 24 hours after the PWS learns of the
Tier 2 • A single exceedance of the allowable turbidity limit where the state determines,
after consultation with the PWS, that a Tier 2 PN is appropriate.
• For conventional and direct filtration PWSs, individual filter monitoring is not
performed using an approved method, calibration of the turbidimeters is not
conducted using procedures specified by the manufacturer, or results of turbidity
monitoring are not recorded every 15 minutes.
• For conventional and direct filtration PWSs, failure to conduct grab sampling
every four hours if there is a failure of the continuous turbidity monitoring
equipment or failure to repair the equipment within 5 business days for PWSs
serving 10,000 or more persons and 14 days for PWSs serving fewer than
10,000 persons.
• For conventional and direct filtration PWSs, failure to perform individual filter
follow-up actions as triggered by results of continuous turbidity monitoring. The
results that trigger follow-up action are discussed in Section 2.2.3 of this
1. PWSs are required to consult with the state after learning of a single exceedance of the allowable turbidity limit. For filtered
systems, the limits are based on the type of treatment employed by the PWS and are discussed in Section 2.2.1 of this chapter.
For PWSs approved for filtration avoidance, the limit is 5 NTU.
The PWS must also submit to the state, a representative copy of each PN that the PWS distributes,
publishes, posts, and/or makes available to persons served by the PWS and/or the media. The PWS must
also certify that it has fully complied with the PN regulations within 10 days of completing the notice [40
CFR 141.31(d)]. The PWS must retain copies of public notices and certifications provided to the state for
three years [40 CFR 141.33(e)].
2.5 References
AWWA. 1991. Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for
Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Systems. Denver, CO.
Logsdon, G., M.M. Frey, T.D. Stefanich, S.L. Johnson, D.E. Feely, J.B. Rose, and M. Sobsey. 1994. The
Removal and Disinfection Efficiency of Lime Softening Processes for Giardia and Viruses. AWWARF,
Denver, CO.
NSF International. Verification Testing Protocol for Equipment for Physical Removal of Microbiological
and Particulate Contaminants. Available at: http://www.epa.gov/etv/pubs/059205epadwctr.pdf.
Viessman, W., and M.J. Hammer. 1993. Water Supply and Pollution Control. Fifth Edition. Harper
Collins, New York, NY.
Von Huben, H. 1995. Water Treatment: Principles and Practices of Water Supply Operations. Second
Edition. AWWA.
Von Huben, H. 1995. Basic Science Concepts and Applications: Principles and Practices of Water Supply
Operations. Second Edition. AWWA.
USEPA. 1998. Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite
Correction Program. EPA/625/6-91/027. Revised August 1998. Available at:
USEPA. 2010a. LT2ESWTR Toolbox Guidance Manual. EPA 815-R-09-016. April 2010. Available at:
USEPA. 2010b. Revised Public Notification Handbook. EPA 816-R-09-013. March 2010. Available at:
USEPA. 2010c. Public Notification Handbook for Transient Non-Community Water Systems. EPA 816-
R-09-009. March 2010. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/public-notification-rule-
3.3 Turbidimeters
As noted, turbidimeters must conform to one of the four approved methods for measuring turbidity. For
regulatory reporting purposes, either a continuous or a benchtop turbidimeter may be used to monitor the
CFE. A continuous turbidimeter should be used to monitor IFE because continuous monitoring is
required. If a PWS chooses to utilize continuous units for monitoring CFE, they must validate the
continuous measurements for accuracy on a regular basis using a protocol approved by the state [40 CFR
Bench-top Basics
Although durable, turbidimeters need to be stored and operated in a safe and protected environment.
Moisture and dust need to be prevented from entering and accumulating. Humidity also needs to be
controlled to prevent condensation inside the instrument. Turbidimeters should also be located where they
will not be exposed to corrosive chemicals or fumes. Chemicals such as chlorine and acids can ruin
instrumentation. Finally, turbidimeters should be located in an environment that is temperature controlled,
at a consistent temperature between 0°C and 50°C.
Generally, the instrument should be left on at all times (unless otherwise specified in the user’s manual).
If any instrument is not left on at all times, it may require a warm-up period before sample analysis.
The length of the sample piping or tubing from the sampling location to the point where the sample is
drawn off, should be minimized. It is best to limit sample lines to ten feet or less. Long sample lines can
lead to problems with biological fouling and scaling which can impact turbidity values. Long sample lines
can also cause confusion due to the lag time as the sample travels through the piping. The longer the lag
time, the more difficult it is to correlate turbidity fluctuations to actual process changes that might be
Sample taps in piping should be located on the sides of pipes. Samples taken from the top or bottom will
not accurately represent the turbidity of the water. Samples taken from the bottom will often contain
sediment while samples from the top may contain a greater number of air bubbles. Ideally, sample taps
should be angled into the water flow at an angle of 0 to 45 degrees and should extend into the center of
PWSs should maintain bench-top instruments in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The following includes a list of recommended practices:
• Clean lenses, light sources, and other glassware with appropriate materials to avoid scratches and
dust accumulation.
• Avoid the use of chemicals or other materials when cleaning unless instructed by the
• Do not touch the optical components with bare hands (soft cotton gloves are recommended).
Bench-top turbidimeters, just like most instruments, have an effective service life. Various elements
within the instrument can deteriorate over time and with repeated use. Daily usage can result in wear on
electronics due to movement and temperature. Microprocessor-based electronics are also prone to
memory loss during power supply fluctuations. Service personnel can often provide insight on instrument
life and can make recommendations for specific maintenance items. Since turbidimeters have become
integral parts of a water treatment plant operation and reporting, it is imperative to maintain instruments
and budget for replacements. PWSs may also want to consider having backup storage to ensure records
are kept.
In addition, instruments should be verified on a daily basis using a secondary standard. If verification
indicates significant deviation from the secondary standard (true) value (greater than ±10%), the
instrument should be thoroughly cleaned and recalibrated using a primary standard. If the problem
persists, the manufacturer should be contacted. Calibration and verification are discussed in detail in
Section 3.4.5.
To the extent possible, turbidimeter samples should be obtained directly from the process flow and not
pumped to a remote instrument location. Pumped samples can be non-representative of the process flow
due to changes in the character of particles caused by the pump or the addition of bubbles due to rapid
pressure changes. If pumping is required, the use of peristaltic pumps is desirable, as they have the least
amount of impact on particles in the sample.
Several of the continuous turbidimeters available today have various sample chamber sizes. It is
important to note that the size of the sampling chamber will affect the instrument response. The path
length of the light passing through the sample is inversely proportional to resolution of the instrument.
Therefore, the larger the sample size the more likely that the turbidity reading will be dampened.
Continuous turbidimeters should be installed in accordance with manufacturer instructions. The goal of
proper installation is to ensure proper operation; easy access for maintenance and calibration procedures;
and to obtain an accurate, representative, and timely sample. Proper installation should take into account:
• The location of the sample tap, which should provide a representative sample of the water being
monitored. If an individual filter is being monitored, the sample tap should be located as close to the
filter as possible. The tap should provide a sample from the centerline of the pipe, as opposed to the
bottom or top of the pipe where sediment or air bubbles may interfere with sample integrity. Ideally,
the sample will flow by gravity from the sample tap to the turbidimeter without a sample pump.
Sample pumps may have an effect on turbidimeter measurements.
• The length of conduit between the sample tap and the instrument, which should be minimized, to
the extent possible. Lengthy sample runs can delay instrument response time and may cause
changes in sample quality (i.e., settling of particulate matter, increased opportunity for biological
growth). In selecting sample tubing or pipe, the required sample flow rate and pressure should be
considered. Sample lines of insufficient diameter may not provide adequate flow to the instrument
and may be prone to clogging. Excessively large diameter sample lines will delay the instrument
response and may permit settling of particulate matter. Line flushing valves and ports may be
necessary depending on the water being sampled.
• A location and plumbing arrangement that will minimize the potential for bubble formation. Most
continuous turbidimeters have the capability to eliminate minor bubble interference through baffles
and/or degassing chambers, but if the problem is severe, the turbidity measurements may be
• Ease of access for routine maintenance and calibration procedures. The turbidimeter should be
protected from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures (<32ºF/0ºC and >104ºF/40ºC), and rapid
• That the turbidimeter drain should provide easy access for flow verification and collection of
calibration verification samples. Flow rate and calibration verification samples are important in
establishing data validity. Therefore, hard piping the turbidimeter drain without an air gap is not
• A weekly inspection is recommended, but this frequency may vary depending on the instrument’s
location and raw water quality. Warm or turbid samples may dictate more frequent cleaning. An
instrument mounted in a dusty environment may also require more frequent cleaning.
• Inspect and clean, among other things, lenses, light sources, sample reservoirs, air bubble traps,
and sample lines.
– Lenses, light sources, and other glassware should be cleaned with appropriate materials to
avoid scratches and dust accumulation. During maintenance, care should be taken not to
touch the surface of any bulbs or detectors without properly covering the fingers. Soft
cotton gloves should be worn when changing bulbs or detectors.
• Verifying sample flow rates on a weekly basis. Flow rates should be within a range specified by
the manufacturer.
Continuous turbidimeters, just like most instruments, have an effective service life. Various elements
within the instrument can deteriorate over time and with repeated use. Daily usage can result in wear on
electronics due to movement and temperature. Microprocessor based electronics are also prone to
memory loss during power supply fluctuations. Many continuous units with unsealed sensor electronics
are vulnerable to damage by outside contamination and splashing. Service personnel can often provide
insight on instrument life and can make recommendations for specific maintenance items. Since
turbidimeters have become integral parts of a water treatment plant operation and reporting, it is
imperative to maintain instruments and budget for replacements.
Instructional steps should be concise and precise, using the following guidelines:
• Limits/and or tolerances for operating parameters should be specific values and consistent with
the accuracy of the instrumentation. Procedures should not include mental arithmetic.
• “Notes” should be used to call attention to supplemental information. Notes present information
that assists the user in making decisions or improving task performance.
• Documentation methods should be incorporated as part of the procedure including what data
needs to be recorded, if the individual needs to sign or date data, etc.
After developing an SOP, the author(s) should consider the following questions:
• Can the user locate and identify all equipment referred to in the procedure?
• Can the user perform the procedure without needing to obtain direct assistance or additional
information from persons not specified by the procedure?
• Are words, phrases, abbreviations, or acronyms that have special or unique meaning to the
procedure adequately defined?
After completing the SOP it should be tested to the extent possible. It is also a good idea to ask a
technical reviewer to verify the accuracy of the procedure. SOPs should be reviewed at least once every
two years to determine if the procedure and requirements are still accurate.
3. Combine the equal volumes of the hydrazine sulfate solution and the
hexamethylenetetramine solution into a clean, dry flask and mix.
All turbidimeter manufacturers emphasize proper techniques and include detailed instructions in their
literature. Water treatment plant operators responsible for conducting turbidity measurements are urged to
review these instructions and incorporate them into their SOPs. Specific instruction for securing samples
and measuring turbidity will differ for the various instrument manufacturers and models, but there are
certain universally accepted techniques that should be utilized when conducting measurements. The
following paragraphs highlight some of these techniques.
Matched sample cells are required to minimize the effects of optical variation among cells. If possible, it
is better to use a single sample cell for all measurements to minimize the variability due to cell-to-cell
imperfections. Once the orientation of a cell has been established, the operator should always use the
same orientation when placing the sample cell into the instrument. An example protocol for indexing and
matching cells is described below.
– Step 1. Pour ultra-pure dilution water into a sample cell (several cells if performing
matching) that has been cleaned according to the techniques described previously in this
– Step 2. Select sample cell and place it into the turbidimeter. Rotate the cell within the
instrument until the display reads the lowest value. Record the reading. Using a marker or
pen, place a mark on the top of the sample cells neck. Do not put the mark on the cap.
Use this mark to align sample cells each time a measurement is made.
– Step 3. Select another sample cell, place it into the turbidimeter and rotate the cell
slightly until the reading matches that of the first sample cell (within 0.01 NTUs). Using
a marker or pen, place a mark on the top of the sample cells neck. If unable to match the
readings, select a different sample cell. Repeat the process until the appropriate number
of cells has been matched.
• Addition of a surfactant compound to a water sample lowers the surface tension of the water and
allows entrained gases to readily escape. There are a variety of surfactants used in turbidity
measurements. Because of the variety in chemical composition, it is difficult to provide guidance
for their use. It is important to note that some surfactants may have constituents which serve as a
coagulant and cause particles to aggregate and settle out. Other chemicals might contain
constituents with an ionic charge that cause particles to rise to the surface. The use of surfactants
is more appropriate for measurement of highly turbid waters such as raw water. The most
appropriate instrument-specific advice regarding the use of surfactants can be obtained by
contacting the instrument manufacturer.
• The use of an ultrasonic bath creates vibrations in the sample to facilitate the escape of gases.
Ultrasonics is a specialty field/science that utilizes an inaudible spectrum of sound frequencies
ranging from about 20,000 cycles per second to 100,000 cycles per second. Ultrasonic baths are
used for thoroughly cleaning supplies in the medical, electronic, and metals industries. When high
frequency sound waves are passed through a cleaning fluid, such as water with suitable detergent
additive, many millions of microscopic bubbles form and then rapidly collapse. The bubbles are
the result of the stretch and compress phases of the sound waves within the fluid, a process
known as cavitation. Ultrasonic devices may be most effective in severe turbidity conditions or
with viscous samples, however if used for degassing samples, samples should be sonified for no
more than 1 to 2 seconds. Sonification can change particle size ranges, affecting a turbidimeters
response if improperly utilized (Burlingame, 1998).
Timeliness of Samples
Samples should be measured expeditiously after being collected to prevent changes in particle
characteristics due to temperature and settling. Temperature can affect particles by changing their
behavior or creating new particles if precipitates are created. Dilution water may dissolve particles or
change their characteristics (Sadar, 1996). Operators are encouraged to draw samples only when
turbidimeters are ready to be operated. Do not draw a sample and allow it to sit while the instrument
warms up or is being readied.
• Sample cells should be used only with the instruments for which they were intended. Do not mix
and match.
• A visual observation should be performed of the sample cell every time a measurement is made.
It should be verified that there are no visible bubbles in the sample and the cell is clean and free
of scratches.
• Samples entering the turbidimeters should be at the same temperature as the process flow
samples. Changes in temperature can cause precipitation of soluble compounds and affect
• Sample cells should be evaluated with a low turbidity water (after cleaning) to determine if cells
remain matched. If the evaluation determines that a cell is corrupted, discard the cell. PWSs
should consider conducting this evaluation weekly.
• When in doubt, throw it out - If there is a question as to whether a sample cell is too scratched or
stained, it should be replaced.
Calibration should always be conducted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. PWSs’ should
review these instructions and incorporate them into an SOP that should be read, learned, and followed by
operators at the plant. The SOPs for conducting a calibration should be posted next to the turbidimeter.
The appropriate technical requirements should be determined for calibration based on the following:
• Manufacturer.
• Model name and/or number.
• Parameters to be calibrated.
• Range to be calibrated.
• Acceptance criteria.
• Mandatory calibration procedures or standards.
• Required calibration program.
After calibration, performance of the turbidimeter should be verified with a secondary standard. If the
instrument has internal electronic diagnostics designed to assist in determining proper calibration, the
operator should use these tools to verify proper calibration and operation.
Calibration Standards
A calibration standard must be used to conduct a calibration [40 CFR 141.74(a)]. Standards are materials
with a known value which, when placed in the instrument, should be used to adjust the instrument to read
the known value.
There are a variety of standards on the market today which are used to calibrate turbidimeters. They are
most often characterized as primary, secondary, or alternative standards. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater (1995) describes a primary standard as a standard which is
prepared by the user from traceable raw materials, using precise methodologies and under controlled
environmental conditions. Standard Methods also defines secondary standards as those standards a
manufacturer (or an independent testing organization) has certified to give instrument calibration results
equivalent (within certain limits) to results obtained when an instrument is calibrated with a primary
Standard Methods and EPA differ in their definitions of each of these standards. EPA recognizes the
following three standards for approved use in the calibration of turbidimeters.
PWSs need to realize that some instruments have been designed and calibrated using specific primary
standard(s) listed above. For optimal results, PWSs should contact the manufacturer of the instrument to
determine the recommended primary standard to be used for calibration.
• Glass/ceramic cubes.
• Manufacturer provided instrument specific secondary standards.
The need to reconcile the definitions and differences among primary and secondary standards will be a
continuing issue. It has been recognized that the standards need to be unbiased, easy to use, safe, available
for a range of turbidities, and reproducible.
Manufacturers differ in their steps to conduct a calibration, but the following points are applicable to all
• Standards should be checked to ensure they have not expired. Never pour a standard back into its
original container.
• Care should be taken when preparing formazin. If a spill occurs, clean up immediately according
to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) provided with your chemicals. Make sure to inspect
the tube/cuvette for scratches and chips prior to pouring in the solution.
• The tube/cuvette should be checked to make sure it is lined up properly according to the indexing.
Care should be taken to not scratch the tube when inserting; and ensure that the tube/cuvette is
free of dust, smudges, and scratches.
• When obtaining the reading, the value should be written legibly onto a form similar to the one
found in Figure 3-1. The date of the calibration should be recorded as well as the individual
conducting the calibration, the value, and any peculiar situations or deviations from normal
calibration procedures (e.g., switch to a new lot of formazin, switch in standards, use of a new
tube/cuvette, etc.). These measurements will allow for an understanding of whether the
performance of a turbidimeter is in question. For example, if for 6 months a turbidimeter reads
approximately 20.152 when calibrated using polystyrene beads and one morning it reads 25.768,
this could be an indication that the bulb in the turbidimeter has a problem. Conversely, if the
standard in use was switched that morning, the resulting change might be due to change in
• It is extremely important that individuals who conduct the calibration have been trained to do so.
Year ___________
• PWSs should establish the acceptable deviation from the primary standard during secondary
verifications. Readings in excess of the deviation should trigger immediate re-calibration of the
instrument. (±10 percent is recommended by EPA).
• A time of day should be chosen when full attention can be devoted to the calibration. Calibration
at the end of a shift or right before a break can often lead to mistakes and sources of error. A
calibration time should be established when operators are fully alert and focused on completing
the task.
• The dates for full turbidimeter calibration should be identified and scheduled in advance and
recorded on the plant calendar or work scheduling chart.
• Preparations should be made, and adequate supplies maintained to prevent delays in the
calibration schedule. It is important to keep an appropriate stock of standards. Due to the limited
shelf-life of various standards, the age of the stored standards should be monitored so they can be
replaced or reformulated as needed.
• Calibration duties should be assigned to a select group of individuals and made one of their
standard activities. All appropriate individuals/operators should be trained in conducting a
calibration in the event that one of the regular individuals is not available.
Data obtained from Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), data recorders, or strip charts
should be verified on a weekly basis by comparing the turbidimeter reading with the data recording
device reading. If verification indicates greater than ±10% deviation, the electronic signal should be
recalibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Newer models include digital readouts as well as the capability to transfer data to data loggers or other
data acquisition systems. The greatest disadvantage to using chart recorders is the difficulty in
incorporating data into electronic format and archiving such data. Recorders also require the purchasing
of replacement pens and charts.
Data Loggers
Data Loggers are “black boxes” which store data which is received from input channels. The box records
the data in memory which can then be downloaded at a future time. Data loggers consist of two distinct
components: hardware and software.
The units themselves typically consist of a device containing solid state memory encased in a plastic
weatherproof enclosure. Units have a varying number of inputs that can be either analog (records actual
numbers) or digital (records a series of 0s and 1s), as well as an output to download data. Systems most
often are battery powered, but some can be connected to existing power supplies. Nearly all systems
contain lithium or other batteries to keep memory active in the event of a power failure.
Two software components are important to data loggers/acquisition devices. First, specialized software is
necessary to configure the logging unit. This configuration specifies the unit frequency at which to obtain
turbidity readings. The second part of the software is used to retrieve the data from the logger and import
Several methods exist to transfer data from the logger into a computer. Data acquisition systems are often
equipped to be compatible with telemetry to upload data to computers via telephone, cellular telephone,
or radio. Alternatively, either a laptop or tablet can be connected to the unit to download information, or
the data logger can be brought into the office where the computer is located and plugged into one of the
input/output ports on the computer. The better method could necessitate utilizing a second data logger to
take the place of the first logger when it is being downloaded. PWSs may wish to schedule downloads to
occur at times when a filter may not be in operation (when off-line or being backwashed).
SCADA systems can take inputs from a variety of sources and instruments. These systems collect and
display the data produced by a variety of instruments so that the plant operator can monitor the entire
treatment process from one location. SCADA systems are typically used for a variety of functions at a
water treatment plant including flow control, pH and temperature monitoring, automated disinfection
dosing, and a host of other functions. Control may be automatic or initiated by operator commands. The
inclusion of continuous turbidity monitoring could be incorporated into the regime of items being
measured and controlled by a SCADA/DCS system at a treatment plant.
SCADA systems can also be used to log and store data for recording purposes. Signals sent from remote
instruments located at the plant site are interpreted at the base unit. This unit provides the logic to
interpret all of the different signals and display real-time measurements. The central unit could be
programmed to automatically transfer historical data to other storage media such as a flash drive,
dedicated computer, and/or online server.
• Data Format.
• Data Storage.
• Data Interpretation and Analysis.
Data Storage
Storage of the data is the next step in effective data management. Maintaining these data points for future
analysis may pose a problem due to the amount of computer memory required. PWSs should consider the
use of flash drives or external hard drives for storage of data. Hard drives can be used to store data while
manipulating or evaluating. PWSs may want to provide redundant storage as backup should an online
storage location fail or become corrupted.
The software, which can be custom designed for SCADA/DCS systems, also allows operators to trend
and analyze data. Easy-to-use software provides clear graphics for operators to evaluate. Typically, data
can be exported to various spreadsheets or database programs for later analysis. Software is typically
interactive, with the ability to change colors, and graph sizes.
PWSs should analyze turbidity data to check process control and treatment plant optimization. PWSs may
wish to evaluate backwash turbidity spikes for individual filters, how storm events affect the filtration
capabilities, or the effect of various chemical dosages on filtered effluent. Analysis could be undertaken
to compare different filters within a system or the effect of different flow rates. Chapter 5 provides
information on conducting a filter self-assessment and analysis which PWSs may wish to implement.
3.6 References
AWWARF. 1998. Treatment Process Selection for Particle Removal, AWWARF International Water
Supply Association.
Burlingame, G.A., M.J. Pickel, and J.T. Roman. 1998. Practical Applications of Turbidity Monitoring. J.
AWWA. 90(8):57-69.
California Department of Health Services (CDHS). 1998. Turbidity Monitoring Guidelines, June 18.
Great Lakes Instruments, Inc. “Turbidity Measurement.” Technical Bulletin Number T1 Rev 2-193.
Milwaukee, WI.
Hach Company. 2000. Hach Method 10133 — Determination of Turbidity by Laser Nephelometry.
Revision 2.0. January 7, 2000.
Hach Company. 1997. “Low Level Turbidity Measurement.” Loveland Colorado, September.
Hart, V.S., C.E. Johnson, and R.D. Letterman. 1992. An Analysis of Low-level Turbidity Measurements.
J. AWWA. 84(12):40.
King, K. 1991. Four-Beam Turbidimeter For Low NTU Waters. Journal of the Australian Water and
Wastewater Association, October.
Lex, D. 1994. Turbidimeter Technology Turns on the High Beams. Intech. 41(6).
Sadar, M. 1996. Understanding Turbidity Science, Technical Information Series-Booklet No. 11, Hach
Sadar, M. Turbidity Standards, Technical Information Series-Booklet 12, Hach Company, Loveland, CO.
Sethi, V., P. Patanaik, P. Biswas, R.M. Clark, and E.W. Rice. 1997. Evaluation of Optical Detection
Methods for Waterborne Suspensions. J. AWWA. 89(2): 98-112.
Standard Methods. 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Nineteenth
Edition. Franson, M.H., Eaton, A.D., Clesceri, L.S., and Greenberg, A.E., (editors). American Public
Health Association, AWWA, and Water Environment Federation. Port City Press, Baltimore, MD.
USEPA. 1993. Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples.
EPA-600/R-93-100. August 1993. Available at:
USEPA. 1993. Determination of Turbidity by Nephelometry. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water
and Wastes. August 1993. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-
• Provide safe drinking water and maximize compliance with required standards.
• Maximize performance without making major capital expenditures.
It is important to remember that the items listed in this chapter may not apply to all PWSs. Optimizing
water treatment plants is by nature a site-specific process. For that reason, this chapter does not try to
provide a one-plan-fits-all for optimizing a water treatment plant, but does however, highlight the areas
that most often can be improved to optimize water treatment and improve turbidity removal.
• A Composite Correction Program (CCP); which includes a regulatory requirement for PWSs that
are not meeting IFE turbidity levels;
• The Partnership for Safe Water; a program managed by the American Water Works Association
(AWWA) and a Steering Committee of partner organizations.
• If a CPE indicates that optimization of existing major unit processes can result in the desired
finished water quality, the CTA phase is implemented. The CTA systematically addresses those
factors identified and prioritized in the CPE. For additional information on the CCP, including
detailed CPE procedures and qualifications for CPE providers, see EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing
Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program (USEPA, 1998a)
which is available at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/interim-enhanced-surface-water-treatment-
Overview of an AWOP
EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW), participating EPA Regional Offices, and
ASDWA manage the national program and facilitate participating primacy agency representatives to
effectively implement AWOP in their respective individual agencies. Implementation of an AWOP uses
approaches designed to optimize the performance of existing treatment processes, through enhanced
process control and operational practices within water treatment plants and distribution systems. A “train
the trainer” approach is then utilized to empower primacy agency staff to impact water system regulatory
compliance while building an awareness of the benefit of moving beyond regulatory requirements, thus
increasing public health protection. AWOP activities focus on optimization of existing treatment
processes using more effective process control, which can limit the need for unnecessary major capital
expenditures and/or inform the need for needed capital improvements.
AWOP approaches have been developed for turbidity control, as well as minimizing disinfection
byproduct (DBP) formation in water plants and distribution systems, while maintaining distribution
system water quality in wholesale and consecutive systems. The focus of this discussion will be on
turbidity optimization in keeping with the scope of this document.
Components of an AWOP
Effective AWOP implementation is achieved through activities by a state drinking water program which
support three interrelated functional areas described as:
The intent of these activities is to create a sustainable program that continually facilitates optimized
performance of treatment facilities at the water system level and documents impacts of the program.
Status Activities
Status activities for turbidity performance include adopting, building awareness of, and establishing
turbidity performance goals that a state uses to assess performance of water treatment plants. Tools are
available to assist in the implementation and documentation of treatment plant-specific performance
Under an AWOP, a state develops criteria to prioritize and rank surface water systems relative to chosen
indicators of public health risk (e.g., turbidity removal performance, population served, violations). Once
criteria have been established, the state uses turbidity data and other information obtained about the
participating water systems to prioritize treatment plants, identifying and targeting the highest risk plants
and water systems. In doing this, the state can more effectively apply available resources and appropriate
This framework allows a state to monitor and assess these plants on a regular basis, proactively providing
technical assistance, if needed. Another benefit of the status component activities is that it allows state
staff to develop or strengthen relationships with the water utilities while encouraging them to pursue
continuous performance improvement.
AWOP utilizes data-based decision making and therefore has tools to assess and impact the integrity of
each data point from sampling through reporting. The Washington Department of Health described its
data integrity approaches for turbidity and disinfection in two published articles. (Deem and Feagin, 2014;
Deem and Feagin, 2016)
A variety of tools have been developed and are available to use to improve performance at surface water
plants. These can range from inspections to direct technical assistance. Options for an AWOP include, but
are not limited to, enhanced inspections and surveys, CPEs, CTAs, performance-based training (PBT),
technical assistance modules, as well as agency awards and recognition programs. States have the
flexibility to incorporate the tools they find most appropriate given their skill level and available
resources. Implementing an AWOP can help states utilize existing information and technical assistance
tools and organize it in a way to target oversight activities to achieve long-lasting improved performance
on a system-by-system basis.
Other sources of assistance that do not use state personnel can also be used. PWSs may be encouraged to
join national programs such as the Partnership for Safe Water. States may also choose to work with third-
Maintenance Activities
Maintenance activities, such as documentation, application to other state programs, and ongoing
improvement support three functional areas: (1) sustain; (2) integrate; and (3) enhance. Sustaining an
AWOP includes maintaining ongoing documentation of performance improvements for use by decision-
makers and ensuring there is a robust internal capability to implement the program. Integrating an AWOP
into an existing state drinking water program allows state program staff to take lessons they have learned
from the implementation of the status and targeted performance activities and apply them to other related
areas of the program (e.g., design reviews, permitting, training activities, inspections and/or sanitary
surveys, and enforcement). Efforts to sustain capability and improvement of all AWOP activities can be
enhanced by training state drinking water program staff on new technical tools. State drinking water
programs that participate in AWOP benefit through improved treatment plant performance and public
health protection, effective compliance assistance for water systems, enhanced state and water system
staff capability and morale, and effective use of state resources. AWOP can help states track water system
performance and more effectively allocate their resources to water systems that are most in need.
As noted in Section 3.5.2, the Partnership for Safe Water is a voluntary effort
between AWWA, other drinking water organizations, and more than 300 water
utilities throughout the United States (as of 2020). The goal of this cooperation
is to provide an added measure of to millions by encouraging water utilities to
voluntarily improve performance beyond regulatory requirements.
There are four phases in the treatment plant optimization program of the
Partnership for Safe Water. The first three phases are required to be in the
program while the fourth phase is optional:
• Phase I: Commitment – PWSs that partner with the Partnership for Safe
Water must be committed to the program by changing the focus to go beyond just meeting
drinking water regulations to thinking of ways to improve and optimize the system.
• Phase II: Baseline and Annual Data Collection – PWSs provide a year’s worth of performance
data to AWWA including raw and filtered water turbidity data. PWSs then receive a technical
manual with approaches for plant optimization and software applications that will graph turbidity
data collected for trend analysis.
• Phase III: Self-Assessment – PWSs assess existing operations and administration practices and
identify performance limiting factors. PWSs complete a checklist and write a report that includes
a plan to make improvements that address limiting factors. Reports are provided to a committee
of trained professional peers to review and ensure that the findings are useful and constructive.
• Phase IV: Fully Optimized System – This phase is for awarding PWSs that achieve the highest
level of optimization. To be considered for the two awards offered, PWS performance must be
assessed against stringent performance goals.
Certain technologies, especially those involving large financial expenditures, should be implemented only
with appropriate engineering guidance. The following should be considered during the evaluation:
• Quality and type of source water including variations over the course of the year and over
multiple years;
• Economies of scale and potential economic impact on the community being served;
Under the Lead and Copper Rule [40 CFR 141.90(a)(3)], prior to the addition of a new source or
any long-term change in water treatment, a PWS is required to submit written documentation to
the state describing the change or addition. The state must review and approve the addition of a new
source or long-term change in treatment before it is implemented by the water system. Also, states may
have additional requirements for notification prior to changes.
• Optimal coagulant dosages are critical to filter performance. Maintaining the proper control of
these chemicals can mean the difference between an optimized surface plant and a poorly run
surface plant.
• Inadequate mixing of chemicals or their addition at inappropriate points within the treatment
plant can limit performance.
An evaluation of the water quality and chemicals used in the treatment process can identify the
appropriateness of the coagulation chemicals being used. A thorough understanding of coagulation
chemistry is necessary, and changes to coagulation chemicals should not be made without careful
consideration. The following questions and considerations may be useful for evaluating coagulation
chemical systems:
– Generally, primary coagulant should not be shut off, regardless of raw water turbidity.
• Are chemicals being dosed properly, paying special attention to pH? Is dose selection based on
frequent jar testing or other testing methods such as streaming current monitoring, zeta potential,
or pilot filters?
– PWSs should develop SOPs that may include decision trees or flow-charts, that establish
a decision-making and testing method that is suited to the plant and personnel.
• Are effective chemicals being used? Is the appropriate coagulant being used for the situation?
– Changing coagulant chemicals or adding coagulant aids may improve the settleability of
the flocculated water and in turn optimize performance. Coagulants may also be changed
• Do operators understand the principles of coagulation in order to respond to varying source water
quality by making the necessary adjustments to the coagulation controls to ensure optimum
performance? Do operators understand and follow established process control SOPs?
• Are solutions used promptly? Are chemicals utilized before the manufacturer’s recommended
expiration or use-by dates? Are manufacturer safety data sheets with this information readily
– Adding a supplemental source of alkalinity, such as lime or soda ash, may be necessary
for proper floc formation. However, adding lime (or other alkali supplements) and iron-
or aluminum-based coagulants at the same point can degrade turbidity removal
performance. Adding coagulant and alkalinity at different locations in the process may be
necessary depending on the water chemistry.
– Adding an acid, such as sulfuric acid, may be necessary for some PWSs to lower the pH
to optimize coagulation. These systems usually adjust the pH up again with a base (e.g.,
sodium hydroxide) before the water enters the distribution system. PWSs making such
adjustments should consider carefully the impacts of pH changes on other treatment
processes (e.g., disinfection CT, corrosion control).
– The order in which chemicals are added is very important, as certain chemicals interfere
with others. For example, if both powdered activated carbon (PAC) and a coagulant are
added during rapid mixing, interference from the coagulant could reduce the adsorption
rate of the PAC with organic contaminants. Water treatment knowledge, jar tests, and/or
desktop studies should be utilized to develop optimal sequences (AWWA, 2011b).
– Operators should consider checking the accuracy of systems at least once daily or once
per shift. The PWS may want to install calibration columns on chemical feed lines to
perform pump calibrations and verify proper dosage or provide some other form of
calibration. PWSs should not set the chemical feed pumps to operate at maximum stroke
and feed rates, which can damage the pumps.
– The PWS may want to consider an automatic mixer in the chemical tank to provide
thorough mixing.
Feed Systems
Feed systems are another important aspect of the coagulation step in typical treatment processes. These
systems are responsible for delivering coagulants into the system at rates necessary for optimal
performance. The following aspects should be evaluated regarding feed systems:
• Is redundancy a consideration?
– Redundancy built into the feed systems can help the proper feeding of chemicals in the
event of failure or malfunction of primary systems.
• Is the feed system large enough to address variable raw water quality conditions?
– Feed systems should be sized so that chemical dosages can be adjusted to meet expected
raw water quality conditions.
– Diaphragm pumps feed chemicals in a pulsing flow pattern particularly at low stroke and
speed settings unless they include a variable eccentric drive which minimizes pulsation
and produces a more continuous flow. Continuous pumping allows better contact with
chemicals and water.
• Does the plant stock repair parts for all critical equipment?
– Repair parts with a long lead-time for delivery should be reordered as soon as possible
after removal from inventory.
• Is adequate dispersion taking place? Is adequate mixing time built into the process?
– Coagulation is optimal when chemical coagulants are thoroughly and rapidly mixed
mechanically with the water.
– Metal salts should be introduced at the point of maximum energy input. Low molecular
weight cationic polymers can be fed with metal salts at the rapid mix or to second stage
mixing following the metal salt. High molecular weight nonionic/anionic floc/filter aids
should be introduced to the process stream at a point of gentle mixing. Most polymers
have specific preparation instructions that should be followed.
– PWSs should check the condition of equipment, and ensure that baffling provides for
adequate, even-flow.
4.3.2 Flocculation
Flocculation is the next step in most treatment plants. It is a time-dependent process that directly affects
clarification efficiency by providing multiple opportunities for particles suspended in water to collide
through gentle and prolonged agitation. The process typically takes place in a basin equipped with a
mixer that provides agitation. This agitation should be thorough enough to encourage interparticle contact
but gentle enough to prevent disintegration of existing flocculated particles. Effective flocculation is
– Tapered mixing (i.e., decreasing velocity gradient through the basin) is most appropriate.
• Are mechanical mixers functioning properly? Are flocculator paddles rotating at the correct rates?
– If the speed of the paddles is too slow in the earlier stages of the flocculation process, the
result can be insufficient floc formation. If the speed of the paddles is too fast in the later
stages, the floc that is formed could shear or break apart.
• If flow is split between two flocculators, are they mixing at the same speed?
– Same-speed mixing between two flocculators will ensure floc formation is occurring at
the same rate in both flocculators.
– Basin outlets should avoid floc breakup. The velocity gradient at any point from the
flocculation basin to the sedimentation basin should be less than the velocity gradient in
the last flocculation stage. For information on how to calculate velocity gradient refer to
Water & Treatment, Sixth Edition (AWWA, 2011b).
– Inlet diffusers improve the uniformity of the distribution of incoming water. Secondary
entry baffles across inlets to basins impart head loss for uniform water entry.
• What size are the conduits between the rapid mix basin and the flocculation basin?
– Larger connecting conduits help reduce turbulence which can upset floc.
– Baffling should allow head loss through opening to prevent short-circuiting and to allow
plug flow conditions. Dividing the process into two or more defined stages or
compartments will help prevent short-circuiting and permit defined zones of reduced
energy input. To ensure that short-circuiting does not occur, baffles are typically placed
between each stage of flocculation. For mechanical (non-hydraulic) flocculation basins,
the baffles are designed to provide an orifice ratio of approximately 3 to 6 percent or a
velocity of 0.3 m/s (0.9 fps) under maximum flow conditions (USEPA, 1999b).
• If the PWS uses a solids contact clarifier, it may want to evaluate the recirculation rate of water
through primary and secondary reaction zones, sludge blanket depth, settling rate, percent solids,
and raw water flow rate. Sudden changes in raw water flow rate may upset the sludge blanket and
cause sludge carry-over to the effluent collectors and onto filters. There are several types of solids
contact clarifiers, and each has unique flow patterns and sludge blanket requirements. Therefore,
PWSs should consult their operations manual for proper operation and troubleshooting of
performance problems.
4.3.3 Sedimentation
Sedimentation is the next step in conventional filtration plants (direct filtration plants omit this step). The
purpose of sedimentation is to enhance the filtration process by removing particulates. Sedimentation
requires that water flow through the basin at a slow enough velocity to permit particles to settle to the
bottom before the water exits the basin. PWSs should consider the following items when evaluating
sedimentation basins:
• Conducting a tracer study in the sedimentation basin. Often, relatively simple design changes
such as modifications to the inlet or outlet can be made to improve sedimentation basin
performance. For more information on tracer studies, consult Appendix C in the Guidance
Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for Public Water
Systems Using Surface Water Sources (USEPA, 1991) or Tracer Studies in Water Treatment
Facilities: A Protocol and Case Studies (Teefy, 1996).
– Inadequate sludge collection and removal can cause particles to become re-suspended in
water or upset circulation.
– PWSs that maintain a sludge blanket, should disrupt it as little as possible. Sludge draw-
off rates can affect the sludge blanket. Sludge draw off procedures should be checked
periodically, making sure sludge levels are low; and sludge should be wasted if
– Sludge pumping lines should be inspected routinely to ensure that they are not becoming
plugged. These lines should also be flushed occasionally to prevent the buildup of solids.
– Settling basin inlets are often responsible for creating turbulence that can break up floc.
Improperly designed outlets are also often responsible for the break-up of floc. Finger
launders (small troughs with V–notch weir openings that collect water uniformly over a
large area of the basin) can be used to decrease the chance of short-circuiting.
– Poorly formed floc is characterized by small or loosely held particles that do not settle
properly and are carried out of the settling basin. This is the result of inadequate rapid
mixing, improper coagulant dosages, or improper flocculation. PWSs should look to
previous steps in the treatment train to solve this problem.
– If the basin is not properly designed, water bypasses the normal flow path through the
basin and reaches the outlet in less time than the normal detention time. The major cause
of short-circuiting is poor influent baffling. If the influent enters the basin and hits a solid
baffle, strong currents will result. A perforated baffle can successfully distribute inlet
water without causing strong currents. Tube or plate settlers also improve efficiency,
especially if flows have increased beyond original design conditions. Tube settlers can
significantly increase the basin’s original settling capacity.
– Wind can create currents in open basins that can cause short-circuiting or disturbances to
the floc. If wind poses a problem, barriers lessen the effect and keep debris out of the
– Although primarily a problem in open, outdoor basins, algae can also grow as a result of
window placement around indoor basins. Algae should be removed regularly to avoid
– Operators should be able to measure the sludge depth and percent solids to ensure the
sludge blanket is within the manufacturer’s recommendations. A timing device to ensure
consistent blanket quality characteristics should control sludge removal rates and
• Is the recirculation rate for solids contact clarifiers within the manufacturer’s recommendations?
– Various designs have different recirculation rates and flow patterns. PWSs should refer to
the manufacturer’s operation manual.
• Granular bed filters (e.g., rapid granular bed and pressure filters).
• Slow sand filters.
• Diatomaceous earth (DE) (precoat) filters.
• Membrane filters.
Improperly designed, operated, or maintained filters can contribute to poor water quality and sub-optimal
performance. There are a host of items which PWSs will need to evaluate regarding filters that may be
contributing to poor performance. This Section focuses on optimization of granular bed filters.
• Is the correct media being used? Issues such as size and uniformity coefficient should be
evaluated. Is the media at the proper depth?
– Media can be lost during backwash operations or when air trapped in the media is
suddenly released. Only a small amount of media may be lost at a time, but it will add up
to a substantial reduction in media depth over time. Media depth should be verified and
recorded at least annually. Consistent losses may be indicative of other problems such as
inadequate freeboard to the wash water collectors. Media should be added any time the
depth changes by more than two inches across the filter.
• Is the PWS aware of the condition of filter underdrains? Are underdrains adequate or have they
been clogged, damaged, or disturbed?
– At some plants (typically smaller PWSs), the flow may be operated at a level that
hydraulically overloads unit processes. Operating at lower flow rates over longer periods
of time prevents overloading and increases plant performance.
– Underloading filters can also be a problem. If a PWS is treating an extremely low flow
rate, it may choose to take some filters off-line for a period of time so that the remaining
filters can achieve the design loading rate. However, issues can arise when filters are
taken off-line because they still have standing water in them which can contribute to the
Filter Backwashing
Filter backwashing has been identified as a critical step in the filtration process. Many of the operating
problems associated with filters are a result of inadequate backwashing. Utilities should consider the
following items when evaluating filter backwash practices:
– PWSs should establish criteria such as time, head loss, turbidity, or particle counts for
initiating backwash procedures. If more than one criterion is used, the criteria should be
prioritized to identify which one is most critical for establishing when to backwash the
– Media should be allowed to settle after backwashing before bringing filters back on-line.
Filters should be brought back online slowly. Several filters should not be brought online
at the same time. Filters should not be brought back on-line without backwashing first.
• When a filter is backwashed, is more water diverted to the remaining filters, causing them to be
overloaded during backwash?
– During the backwash, flow going to the remaining filters may need to be cut back to
ensure the filters are not overloaded or “bumped” with a hydraulic surge causing particle
pass through.
• Is the loading rate gradually increased until the design hydraulic loading rate is achieved?
– Starting the filter slowly will purge trapped air in the media.
Air Binding
Air binding happens when large amounts of air bubbles accumulate in the filter bed. This may result in a
large head loss through the filter bed. If a high-water level is maintained in the filter, air binding may be
minimized due to the increased head applied to the bed. This practice may not be possible with some
package plants because package plants are limited regarding the depth of water over the filter. Air binding
may be more common when water is cold during the winter or spring, when there is a high concentration
• Filter to waste (discarding filter effluent that is produced during the filter ripening period
immediately after backwash due to its impaired quality);
• Adding coagulant chemical or cationic polymer to settled water as it fills the filter box after
backwash is terminated.
Filter-to-waste consists of wasting water to a site other than the clearwell until the filter effluent meets an
acceptable turbidity (regulatory or plant performance standard) or particle count value. Some PWSs may
filter-to-waste for a preset time, but filter-to-waste may be more effective if terminated based on a
specific turbidity or particle count value. Some filtration plants may not have adequate piping to carry the
wasted filtrate when the filter is operated at its full filtration rate. In this circumstance, filter-to-waste
should be conducted with the filter operating at a reduced rate, and after filter-to-waste has ended, the
filtration rate should be increased to the appropriate level. PWSs should carefully manage the filter rate
change because sudden increases in the hydraulic loading rate could also result in unwanted turbidity
spikes. If a plant does have filter-to-waste capabilities, it should make sure that the waste line does not
create a cross connection for the plant. One method to consider is to provide an air gap between the filter
waste line and the receiving device (whether it is a recycle line, sanitary sewer pipe, or trough).
Delayed start of the filter has also been shown to reduce initial turbidity spikes. In a study conducted by
Hess et. al. (2000), the results showed up to 50 percent reduction in peak particle counts between delayed
start filters and filters that were placed on-line immediately after backwash. PWSs should be aware that
resting a filter before starting a new run is not a cure-all; some plants have reported that the delayed start
did not consistently control initial turbidity.
Slow-starting a filter consists of starting the filter at a low filtration rate and gradually increasing the rate
over a period of time, such as 15 minutes. To slow-start a filter, the filter should be equipped with rate
control valves that can be gradually increased. This approach has been found to be effective at some
plants while failing to eliminate the initial turbidity spike at other plants.
PWSs could also consider adding a polymer during the backwash process to accelerate the filter ripening
process and reduce initial turbidity spikes (USEPA 1998a). The polymer is typically added during the last
couple of minutes of backwash.
Overdosing either an inorganic coagulant or a polymer could have a negative effect on the filter.
Applying chemical overdose for too long at the beginning of a run may cause filtered water turbidity to
rise at the end of the dosing. In addition, if excessive alum is added to the influent settled water, mudballs
might develop in the filter. Excess polymer dosages can also result in short filter runs and mudball
PWSs should also perform filter runs with and without the coagulant or polymer for comparison
purposes. Some utilities have found that using a combination of the above procedures provides the best
control of initial turbidity spikes.
4.4 References
AWWA. 1994. Preventing Waterborne Disease: How to Optimize Treatment, Participant Guide. AWWA
Satellite teleconference.
AWWA. 2011a. M37 Operational Control of Coagulation and Filtration Processes, Third Edition.
Denver, CO.
AWWA. 2011b. Water Quality & Treatment, A Handbook on Drinking Water, Sixth Edition. McGraw
Bucklin, K., A. Amirtharajah, and K. Cranston. 1998. Characteristics of Initial Effluent Quality and its
implications for the Filter to Waste Procedure. AWWARF, Denver, CO.
Deem, S. and N. Feagin. 2014. A Turbidity Data Verification Project in Washington. J. AWWA.
Deem, S., and N. Feagin. 2016. Disinfection Data Integrity in Washington State. J. AWWA. 108(10):24-
Hess, A., M. Chipps, G. Logsdon, and T. Rachwal. 2000. An International Survey of Filter O&M
Practices. National AWWA Conference, Denver, CO.
Kawamura, S. 2000. Integrated Design and Operation of Water Treatment Facilities, Second Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Logsdon, G., A. Hess, P. Moorman, and M. Chipps. 2000. Turbidity Monitoring and Compliance for the
Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule. National AWWA Conference, Denver, CO.
Logsdon, G. 1987. Evaluating Treatment Plants for Particle Contaminant Removal. J. AWWA. 79(9):82-
Partnership for Safe Water. 1995. Voluntary Water Treatment Plant Performance Improvement Program
Self Assessment Procedures. October.
Teefy, Susan. 1996. Tracer Studies in Water Treatment Facilities: A Protocol and Case Studies. AWWA
Research Foundation and American Water Works Association. Denver, CO.
USEPA. 1989. Technologies for Upgrading Existing or Designing New Drinking Water Treatment
Facilities. EPA/625/4-89/023, Center for Environmental Research Information, Cincinnati, OH.
USEPA. 1991. Guidance Manual for Compliance with the Filtration and Disinfection Requirements for
Public Water Systems Using Surface Water Sources. Washington, DC.
USEPA. 1998a. Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite
Correction Program. EPA/625/6-91/027. August 1998. Available at:
USEPA. 1998b. Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Washington, D.C.
USEPA. 1999a. Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts Rules Simultaneous Compliance Guidance
Manual (EPA 815-R-99-015, August 1999)
USEPA. 1999b. Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced Precipitative Softening Guidance Manual. Office
of Water, Washington, D.C.
USEPA. 2007. Simultaneous Compliance Guidance Manual for the Long Term 2 And Stage 2 DBP Rule.
EPA 815-R-01-017 Available at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/stage-1-and-stage-2-compliance-help-
• Preparation of a report.
Prior to beginning the assessment, PWSs should refer to their state drinking water requirements to see if
there are any requirements related to how filters should be operated (e.g., hydraulic loading rates, filtering
to waste). PWSs should record a general description of the filter being assessed including size,
configuration, placement of wash water troughs and surface wash type (if applicable), filter media design
(e.g., type, depth, and placement) and if filter-to-waste is present and/or used; and if any special
conditions exist regarding placing a filter back into service (e.g., is the filter rested, and is polymer or
coagulant added prior to placement into service). Table 5-1 provides a worksheet to assist the evaluator in
collecting this information as well as any other information gathered during the assessment.
Number of filters
Media 1 – Sand
Duration (minutes)
Plotting the performance data versus time on a continuous basis is the desirable approach for development
of the filter profile. For purposes of developing a filter profile, PWSs may want to consider taking
turbidity readings more frequently than every 15 minutes (the requirement) and may consider recording
readings once every 5 minutes, every minute, or more frequently, if possible. This increased frequency
will allow PWSs to more accurately capture spikes. The filter profile should represent a typical filter run
and should include (if representative of normal filter operations) the time period when another filter is
being backwashed or is out of service in order to determine if such practices have an impact on finished
water quality. The filter profile should include an explanation of the cause (if known), of performance
spikes during the run. Flow and changes in flow to the filter should be identified on the filter profile.
When possible, the profile should be plotted using data collected during the turbidity event that prompted
the filter self-assessment.
Table 5-2 describes filter performance examples for complete filter runs for six different scenarios. Figure
5-1 through 5-6 show filter profiles for each of these scenarios.
Figure 5-3. Example Filter Profile with Long and High Initial Spike
Peak hydraulic loading rate should be calculated by dividing the peak flow to the filter (gpm) by the
surface area of the filter (ft2). Equation 5-1 demonstrates this method of calculating the peak hydraulic
loading rate.
Since the filters can be most vulnerable during excessive loading rates, it is critical to determine the peak
instantaneous flow that filters are experiencing and to minimize the occasions when filters are overloaded.
The peak instantaneous operating flow rate can be identified by looking at operating records, operational
practices, and flow control capability. However, review of plant flow records can be misleading in
determining the peak instantaneous operating flow. The average daily flow rate can be calculated if the
plant keeps track of total daily flow (total daily flow/minutes of plant operation) but it is difficult to
calculate instantaneous flow with total daily flow information. The peak instantaneous operating
conditions should be correctly identified when reviewing flow data. If pumps are used in multiple
combinations throughout the operational day, care should be taken to determine the actual peak loading
on the filters during the day. As seen in Example 5-1, the peak hydraulic loading rate to the filters did not
occur during peak plant flows. More than one operating scenario may need to be examined to correctly
identify peak filter hydraulic loading rate.
Peak hydraulic loading rate = Peak flow (gpm)/Filter Surface Area (ft2)
= 4.0 gpm/ft2
This loading rate is within suggested rates. However, the PWS would want to avoid loading rates
much higher than 4 gpm/ft2 unless higher rates are allowed by design or recommended by the
manufacturer and as long as the filtered water quality is acceptable.
For the same plant, the peak filter hydraulic loading rate could occur under a different set of
circumstances. During the first hour and a half when the two pumps are on, one of the filters is
taken off-line for backwashing. The peak flow is 540 gpm.
Peak hydraulic loading rate = 540 gpm / ((1 filter) X (100 ft2/filter))
= 5.4 gpm/ft2
This loading rate to the filter is higher than the loading rate realized during the peak flow and
exceeds the suggested range.
For more information on other indices to consider or use for calculating, including filter performance over
time, unit filter run volume, and length/depth ratio, refer to the AWWA 2018 Filter Evaluation Procedures
for Granular Media, Second Edition (Nix and Taylor, 2018).
2. As the filter is drained, observe the filter surface carefully. Note areas where vortexing or
ponding occurs. Areas of vortexing should be inspected for proper media and underdrain
placement. Areas of ponding are a good indicator that the filter surface is not level.
3. The filter should be drained enough to allow for excavation of the media to assess the depths of
each media type as well as each media interface (i.e., just below the anthracite/sand interface in a
dual media filter). Deeper excavation of the filter may be warranted if evidence suggests
disrupted support gravels or an inadequate underdrain system (see Section 5.5). Care should be
taken not to disrupt the support gravel or media while coring or probing.
Anyone who enters a filter box needs to be aware of confined space entry and lockout/tagout issues.
Confined spaces may present safety hazards. Check with the local Occupational Health and Safety
Administration (OSHA) office for confined space entry requirements.
• Make sure all the tools used to inspect the filter have been collected and removed from the filter.
It is a good idea to make a list of tools that will be used before entering the filter to ensure all
tools are removed upon exiting the filter.
• After completing the filter excavation, the filter should be backwashed prior to returning it to
service. The backwash should be started very slowly to remove air. Disinfectant could be added
to the filter prior to backwash. Filtering to waste after the inspection and before discharging to the
clearwell is also an option.
• Step One – Visually inspect the filter during a backwash for the presence of excessive air boiling
or noticeable vortexing as the filter is drained. Look for signs of pooling in low areas, which may
indicate that the support gravel is not level.
• Step Two – “Map” the filter using a steel or solid probe. This is the most common method of
assessing the placement of filter support media. The mapping procedure involves a systematic
probing through the filter media down to the support gravels of a drained filter at various
• Step Three - Determine whether filter media has ever been found in the clearwell. This should be
determined visually or by reviewing recent clearwell maintenance records. Clearwell inspections
should be only be conducted following appropriate safety procedures while minimizing negative
impacts on necessary plant operations. Clearwells containing a significant amount of filter media
may indicate a greater problem than just disrupted support gravels. The problem may be
attributed to a severe issue with the filter underdrain system. An in-depth assessment of the
underdrains typically involves excavation of the entire filter bed.
PWSs should use best professional judgment and seek additional guidance if undertaking an underdrain
assessment, as it is outside the scope of a typical filter self-assessment.
Table 5-4. Example Filter Support Gravel Placement Grid Depth of Filter Support Gravels
(in inches) Measured from the Wash Water Trough
2 ft 4 ft 6 ft 8 ft 10 ft
2 ft 41 40.75 41 41 41
4 ft 40.75 40.5 41 41 40.75
6 ft 41 41.25 40.75 41 41
8 ft 40.75 41 41 40.75 40.75
10 ft 41 41 40.5 40.5 40.75
12 ft 41 46 46.5 41 41
14 ft 40.75 46 46.25 39 40.75
16 ft 41 39 38.75 37 40.75
18 ft 40.75 41.25 40.75 41 41
The assessment of the filter backwash procedure should include the following:
• A collection of general information related to the backwash (such as when to initiate backwash
and length of backwash);
• Determination of the backwash rate and expansion of the filter media during the wash.
The individual filter self-assessment worksheet (Table 5-1) can be used to collect general information
regarding the backwash.
If pumping rates or flows are unavailable or suspect, backwash rates can be determined by performing a
rise rate test of the filter. Periodic rise rate tests can also be used to verify the backwash flow
measurement instruments. The rise rate test entails determining the amount of time it takes backwash
water to rise a known distance in the filter bed. Typically, a metal rod marked at 1-inch intervals is fixed
in the filter to enable measurement of the distance that water rises during the wash. The rise rate test
should be conducted such that measurements are taken without the interferences of the wash water
troughs in the rise volume calculation. Extreme care and great attention to safety should be followed
while conducting the rise rate test. See Equations 5-2 and 5-3 and Example 5-4 for details on how to
calculate the backwash flow using the rise rate test and backwash rate.
Percent bed expansion may be determined by dividing the bed expansion by the total depth of expandable
media (i.e., media depth less support gravels) and multiplied by 100 (see Equation 5-4 and Example 5-5).
A proper backwash rate should expand the filter 20 to 25 percent, but expansion can be as high as 50
percent (AWWA and ASCE, 1990). The manufacturer should be contacted to determine the proper bed
expansion for the media in the filters.
Example 5-5. Evaluating Filter Backwash Bed Expansion using a Secchi Disk
The backwashing practices for a filter with 30 inches of anthracite and sand is being evaluated. While
at rest, the distance from the top of the media to the concrete floor surrounding the top of the filter is
measured to be 41 inches. After the backwash has been started and the maximum backwash rate is
achieved, a probe containing a white disk (referred to as a Secchi disk) is slowly lowered into the filter
bed until anthracite is observed on the disk. The distance from the expanded media to the concrete
floor is measured to be 34 inches. The resultant percent bed expansion would be 23 percent.
Depth to expanded media as measured from top of sidewall during backwash = C = 34 inches
The Secchi disk is used by placing the disk on the unexpanded media prior to backwash and recording the
length of the metal rod to the reference point. The disk unit is then removed, and backwashing is initiated.
After the backwash is allowed to reach its peak rate the disk is lowered slowly into the backwashing filter
until media is observed on the disk. The measurement of the expanded media is then recorded, and
percent bed expansion may then be determined. The media expansion should be measured at several
locations to see if expansion occurs over the full surface area of the filter. Uneven bed expansion
throughout the filter could indicate uneven distribution of backwash water or an underdrain or support
gravel problem.
Another device used to measure bed expansion is a steel measuring tape fitted along the shaft to a metal
pole with an attached collection of pipe segments of varying lengths each plugged at the bottom. The
pipes are arranged like a set of church organ pipes with each pipe 1-inch longer than the next as shown in
Figure 5-12.
The unit is solidly affixed, resting on the top of the media. During backwashing, the expanded media fills
each successive piece of pipe until the rise stops. Care should be taken to affix the pipe organ apparatus
such that it can easily be determined where bed expansion ended because during certain situations, all of
the pipe segments will be filled with expanded media making it impossible to accurately determine media
expansion. If this occurs, the apparatus should be emptied, affixed higher in the filter above the media,
and the bed expansion test repeated. The key attribute of any method is that determination of the top of
the expanded media be accurately characterized.
The floc retention analysis can be performed using the following steps:
1. Completely drain the filter at the end of a filter run and let stand for 2-1/2 hours.
2. Mark a one-gallon plastic bag (best to use a waterproof marker) for each depth interval
and collect four to eight samples at representative sites in the filter bed at the following
depths: 0-2, 2-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24, 24-30, and 30-36 inches. If the filter is more than 36
inches deep, collect additional core samples in increments of 6 inches. Place the
composite media samples from each depth in the appropriate one-gallon plastic bag. The
core samples can be obtained using a thin-walled 1½-inch galvanized pipe.
3. Prepare a 50 milliliter (mL) test sample from each of the sample bags by lightly tamping
the core samples into a graduated cylinder. Transfer the 50-mL media sample to a large
(500 mL) flask or beaker and add 100 mL of water. Swirl for 1 minute. Decant the turbid
water from the sample into another beaker. Repeat this washing procedure with each
sample four more times so that a total of 500 mL of water is used to wash out the sludge
adhered to the media from each sample depth. Measure the turbidity of the 500 mL of
7. Backwash the filter and place it back in service. Start the backwash very slowly to
remove air.
8. The results should then be plotted to determine the floc retention before and after
An ideal floc retention profile should show linear results with more particle retention at the top of the
filter than at the bottom of the filter. Figure 5-13 and Figure 5-14 show examples of floc retention
analysis plots. Figure 5-13 indicates that most particles are captured in the upper media of the filter and
the backwash effectively cleaned the media at all depths. Figure 5-14 indicates that most particles are
retained in the upper media and at the sand/anthracite interface. In addition, the backwash was not
effective in cleaning the sand/anthracite interface. Note also the increased particle retention at media
Additional data on the filter media can be gathered, including effective size and uniformity coefficient of
the media.
Figure 5-14. Example of Floc Retention Analysis Results for 4-foot Deep Dual Media Filter
• Delayed start - The delayed start consists of letting the filter rest for a period of time after
backwashing and before placing the filter back into service. This practice has been found to
reduce filter ripening times. The length of this delay varies, so the rest period should be
determined by doing a study.
• Slow start - The slow start technique involves a gradual increase of flow through the filter until
the desired hydraulic loading rate is achieved. This practice can reduce initial turbidity spikes but
may require a modification of the system or manual operation of the valve to control the feed rate
to the filter.
• Addition of a coagulant or filter aid during initial start-up of the filter or backwash – PWSs may
consider feeding a coagulant or filter aid during the initial start-up of the filter or during the last
part of the backwash process. This option has been shown to reduce initial turbidity spikes.
Some PWSs use a combination of the techniques above to minimize filter turbidity spikes.
Placing a dirty filter (one that has not been backwashed) into service should be avoided. This practice can
result in very high turbidities and has the potential to pass pathogens into the finished water.
The figure below shows continuous turbidity measurements for two filters in a treatment plant. Each
of the two filters had rate-of-flow controller problems that became more evident as head loss built
up in the filters. Just prior to initiating backwash in Filter 4, the rate-of-flow controllers were
opening and closing constantly “seeking” the correct position. This was first apparent to the filter
evaluation team who observed constant turbidity fluctuations of the filter effluent during a filter
performance review. Improperly seated valves can also have similar impacts on filter performance.
• Chemical feed processes and coagulation are important for proper floc formation. Poor floc
formation can result in particles being passed through the filter. Chemical feed systems could be
investigated to ensure the proper chemicals and feed rates are being used.
• A sudden change in raw water quality can cause particles to be passed through the filter,
particularly if chemical feed rates cannot be adjusted in a timely manner. Raw water turbidity
values could be checked to see if the turbidity spike was caused by a sudden increase in raw water
• Turbidimeters can lose their accuracy over time and require calibration. Turbidimeters should be
calibrated and verified to ensure they are properly recording filtered water turbidimeter values.
Additional information on calibration is found in Section 3.4.5.
• Extend the filter backwash period to a time that results in acceptable filter turbidity levels.
• Add more filters if filter loading rates were determined to be too high and additional filters are
Many combinations of filter modifications exist, and more than one modification may be needed to solve
the problem.
5.12 References
AWWA. 1998. How to Do a Complete Examination of Your Filters (Without Incurring the Wrath of the
Filter Gods). Annual Conference Workshop Summary.
AWWA. 2011. Water Quality and Treatment. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY. AWWA
and ASCE. 1990. Water Treatment Plant Design. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Bender, J.H., R.C. Renner, B.A. Hegg, E.M. Bissonette, and R.J. Lieberman. 1995. Voluntary Treatment
Plant Performance Improvement Program Self-Assessment Procedure. Partnership for Safe Water,
USEPA, AWWA, AWWARF, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, Association of State
Drinking Water Administrators, and National Association of Water Companies.
James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1985. Water Treatment Principles and Design. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kawamura, S. 2000. Integrated Design of Water Treatment Facilities. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.
New York, NY.
Nix, D.K., and J.S. Taylor. 2018. Filter Evaluation Procedures for Granular Media. Second Edition.
AWWA, Denver, CO.
Peck, B., T. Tackman, and G. Crozes. No date specified. Testing the Sands - The Development of a Filter
Surveillance Program.
Smith, J.F., A. Wilczak, and M. Swigert. No date specified. Practical Guide to Filtration Assessments:
Tools and Techniques.
USEPA. 1998. Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction
Program. Cincinnati, OH.
Wolfe, T.A., and N.G. Pizzi. 1998. Optimizing Filter Performance.
A CPE is the evaluation phase of the larger composite correction program (CCP), as discussed previously
in Section 4.2.1 of this document. Since 1988, the CCP has been developed and demonstrated as a method
of optimizing surface water treatment plant performance with respect to protection from microbial
pathogens. The CCP approach is based on establishing effective use of the available water treatment
process barriers against passage of particles to the finished water. Specific performance goals are used by
the CCP approach to define optimum performance for key treatment process barriers such as
sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. While there are CPE requirements in the IESWTR and
LT1ESWTR, there are no federal requirements to perform the larger CCP.
The goals of this chapter are to present a fundamental discussion of CPE concepts and provide a general
understanding of what a plant should expect when a CPE is completed. Detailed CPE procedures are not
included in this guidance manual but can be found in EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment
Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program (USEPA, 1998) which is available at:
During a CPE, the historic performance of the plant is assessed with respect to pathogen removal and
inactivation. The design, administration, and maintenance of the plant are completely reviewed to
determine if they properly support a capable plant. If they are not supporting a capable plant, the root
causes are identified as to how they are contributing to the performance problem(s). Operational practices
It is important to understand that the CPE has applications in addition to achieving regulatory compliance
and should be applied as appropriate for meeting desired performance needs. All CPE procedures are
designed to focus a plant toward both meeting compliance requirements and achieving a PWS’
performance goals. The original CCP goals for optimized performance, which are evaluated during the
CPE and are included in the CCP Handbook, are presented in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 also compares the
CCP goals with IESWTR and LT1ESWTR requirements and shows how some CCP goals exceed the
regulatory requirements, some areas are not addressed by CCP goals but are addressed by IESWTR and
LT1ESWTR requirements, and some CCP goals are the same as the IESWTR and LT1ESWTR
requirements. Remember, there are no requirements in the IESWTR or LT1ESWTR to meet the CCP
optimized performance goals. CCPEs, however, are required when individual filter effluent turbidity
measurements indicate that a filter is performing poorly (see Section 6.1 for the IESWTR and
LT1ESWTR CPE triggers).
The following subsections discuss each of these components; more detailed procedures are provided in
EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction
Program (USEPA, 1998b).
To achieve desired performance levels (compliance or optimized), a water treatment plant should
demonstrate that it can take a raw water source of variable quality and produce a consistent, high quality
finished water. Further, the performance of each unit process should demonstrate its ability to act as a
barrier to the passage of particles at all times. The performance assessment determines if major unit
treatment processes consistently perform at optimum levels to provide maximum multiple barrier
protection. If performance is not optimized, the assessment also provides valuable insights into possible
causes of the performance problems and serves as the basis for other CPE findings.
During the performance assessment, historical turbidity data for the raw, settled, and finished water is
collected from the plant records and trends are charted as shown in Figure 6-1. From this example data,
the CPE evaluator can see that the plant treats a raw water source that varies moderately throughout the
year. The settled and finished water performance indicates that this plant has a performance problem since
turbidity levels produced for treatment processes are significantly above compliance requirements and
performance goals as described in Table 6-1.
• Filter inspections for media depth and media condition. See Section 5 and AWWA 2018 Filter
Evaluations Procedures for Granular Media, 2nd Edition.
• Filter media expansion during backwash. See Section 5 and AWWA 2018 Filter Evaluations
Procedures for Granular Media, 2nd Edition (Nix and Taylor, 2018).
• Verification of chemical dosages to be sure plant staff are actually adding the amount of
chemicals they are intending to add. See Section 4 and AWWA M37 on jar testing.
• Verification of the benchtop turbidimeter in the plant laboratory with a unit brought by the CPE
evaluators. See Standard Methods or another appropriate resource for handheld units.
Depending on the needs of the CPE evaluators, supplemental data on the performance of individual
sedimentation basins may also be collected (USEPA, 1998b). Continuous monitoring of individual filters
during the CPE allows for an in-depth assessment of the filter performance during critical periods of
startup, backwash, and/or changes in plant flow rates. Figure 6-2 shows the performance of a filter during
a CPE immediately after start-up following a backwash. Backwash spikes of this magnitude also indicate
a possible problem with the plant’s process control procedures.
The major unit process evaluation only considers if the existing treatment processes are of adequate size
to treat current peak instantaneous operating flows and to meet the desired performance levels. The intent
is to assess whether existing facilities, in terms of concrete and steel, are adequate. This evaluation does
not review the adequacy or condition of existing mechanical equipment. The evaluation assumes that if
the concrete and steel are not of adequate size then major construction may be warranted, and the pursuit
of purely operational approaches to achieve performance may not be prudent. The condition of the
mechanical equipment around the treatment processes is an important issue, but in this part of the CPE it
is assumed that the potential exists to repair and/or replace this equipment without the disruption of the
plant inherent to a major construction project. These types of issues are addressed in the factors limiting
performance component of the CPE. It is also presumed in the major unit process evaluation that the
necessary process control procedures are in place and practiced to meet performance goals. By assuming
that the equipment limitations can be addressed and that operational practices are optimum, the evaluator
can project the performance potential or capability of a unit process to achieve performance goals.
During the CPE, a performance potential graph similar to that shown in Figure 6-4 is developed. The four
treatment processes included in this major unit process evaluation are flocculation, sedimentation,
filtration and disinfection. The CPE evaluators determine the peak instantaneous operating flow that the
plant has seen over the last year and collect data on the sizes of the various basins. To prepare the
Flocculation criteria: Hydraulic detention time = 30 minutes; total volume = 202,500 gal; single stage, tapered flocculation
Sedimentation criteria: Surface loading rate = 0.7 gallons per minute (gpm)/ft2; total surface area = 13,440 ft2; swd=15 ft
Filtration criteria; Surface loading rate = 4 gpm/ft2; 6 filters in service; 30 inches mixed media
Disinfection criteria; Total Giardia inactivation = 3 log, 0.5 log required by disinfection; available volume = 900,000 gallons @
depth = 10 ft; pH = 7.5; temp = 0.5 C; chlorine residual = 1.5 mg/L; T10/T = 0.7
To assist in factor identification, a list of 50 different factors and definitions that could potentially limit
water treatment plant performance is provided in EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant
While the definitions for the administrative, operation, and maintenance factors adequately explain when
these factors are identified, plant staff may find several of the design factors confusing when reviewing
the CPE findings. Design factors are included for each of the treatment processes in the major unit
process evaluation. If any of the treatment processes in the major unit process evaluation were classified
as marginal or inadequate, they would be identified in the CPE findings as a factor limiting the plant’s
performance. Treatment processes that were identified as adequate in the major unit process evaluation
can also be identified as a factor when there are equipment-related problems that are limiting
performance. This would occur when key equipment (e.g., filter rate-of-flow control valves) needs to be
repaired and/or replaced before desired performance can be achieved.
A CPE is intended to be a performance-based evaluation and therefore factors should be identified only if
they impact water quality performance. A proper CPE does not contain factors that are primarily
observations that a utility does not meet a particular “industry standard” (e.g., utility does not practice
good housekeeping), unless a clear link is made between the practice and the identified performance
The major challenge in identifying a plant’s unique list of factors is making sure that the root causes are
identified. This is difficult because the actual problems in a plant are often masked. This concept is
illustrated in Example 6-1.
A review of plant records revealed that a conventional water treatment plant was periodically producing
finished water with a turbidity greater than 0.5 NTU. The utility, assuming that the plant was operating
beyond its capability, was beginning to make plans to expand both the sedimentation and filtration unit
processes. Field evaluations conducted as part of a CPE revealed that settled water and finished water
turbidities averaged about 5 NTU and 0.6 NTU, respectively. Filtered water turbidities peaked at
1.2 NTU for short periods following a filter backwash.
Conceivably, the plant’s sedimentation and filtration facilities were inadequately sized. The major unit
process evaluation, however, showed that these processes were capable to handle the plant’s current peak
A review of the plant’s operation procedures revealed that the poor performance was caused by the
operator adding coagulants at excessive dosages, leading to formation of a pin floc that was difficult to
settle and filter. The operators did not have an adequate process control program or equipment to allow
them to identify and set the proper chemical doses. Additionally, the plant was being operated at its peak
capacity for only 8 hours each day, further aggravating the washout of solids from the sedimentation
The CPE evaluators assessed that by implementing proper process control of the plant (e.g., jar testing
for coagulant control, calibration and proper adjustment of chemical feed) and operating the plant at a
lower flow rate for a longer time period would allow the plant to continuously achieve the desired
When the operator and administration were questioned about the reasons that the plant was not operated
for longer periods of time, it was identified that it was an administrative decision to limit the plant
staffing to one person. This limitation made additional daily operating time as well as weekend coverage
The CPE evaluators concluded that three major factors were contributing to the poor performance of the
1. Application of Concepts and Testing to Process Control: Inadequate operator knowledge led to
improper coagulant doses and incorrect settings on the chemical feed pumps which then applied
the incorrect chemical dose.
3. Process Control Testing: Inadequate test equipment and an inadequate sampling program to
provide process control information.
In this example, pursuing the perceived limitation regarding the need for additional sedimentation and
filtration capacity would have led to improper corrective actions. Completing a plant expansion without
correction of the operation and administrative factors probably would not have solved the performance
problems. The limitations in process control would have remained even with a new plant. Administrative
policies that led to insufficient staffing of the old plant could have remained with a new plant. The CPE,
however, indicated that addressing the identified operational and administrative factors would allow the
plant to achieve the desired performance on a continuous basis without major expenditures for
Kick-off Meeting
Plant Tour
Field Evaluations
Conduct Interviews
Assess Applicability of
Comprehensive Technical
Assistance (CTA)
Exit Meeting
• Initial activities are conducted prior to on-site efforts and involve notifying appropriate plant
personnel to ensure that they, as well as other necessary resources, will be available during the
• The kick-off meeting, conducted on site, allows the evaluators to describe forthcoming activities,
to coordinate schedules, and to assess availability of required materials.
• Following the kick-off meeting, the superintendent or process control supervisor conducts a
plant tour. During the tour, the evaluators ask questions regarding the plant and observe areas
that may require additional attention during data collection activities. For example, an evaluator
might make a mental note to investigate more thoroughly the flow splitting arrangement prior to
flocculation basins if one basin appeared to receive more flow than the other units (e.g.,
• Following the plant tour, data collection activities begin. Depending on team size, the evaluators
split into groups to facilitate simultaneous collection of the administrative, design, operations,
maintenance, and performance data. Appropriate forms are provided in Appendix F of the
EPA’s Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite
Correction Program (USEPA, 1998b) to facilitate the data collection activities. After data are
collected, the CPE evaluators will conduct a performance assessment and evaluate major unit
processes are conducted. It is noted that often the utility can provide the performance data prior
to the site visit. In this case the performance graphs can be completed prior to the on-site
activities. However, it is important to verify the sources of the samples and quality of the data
during field efforts.
• CPE evaluators will then conduct field evaluations to continue to gather additional information
regarding actual plant performance and confirm potential factors. This activity typically includes
a special study focusing on an individual filter or filters.
• Once all of this information is collected, CPE evaluators should conduct a series of interviews
with the plant staff and administrators. Initiating all the previous activities prior to the interviews
provides the evaluators with an understanding of current plant performance and plant unit process
capability, which allows interview questions to be more focused on potential factors.
• After all information is collected, the evaluation team meets at a location isolated from the utility
personnel to review findings and identify and prioritize limiting factors. The CPE team will
compile and copy the list of factors, performance data, field evaluation results, and major unit
process evaluation data to use as handouts during the exit meeting.
• The CPE team assesses whether Comprehensive Technical Assistance (CTA) is applicable for
the plant. The CTA is the second phase of the CCP and may be used to improve performance in a
more formal and structured setting. During the CTA phase, the system, with assistance from the
state, identifies and systematically addresses plant-specific factors. The CTA is a combination of
utilizing CPE results as a basis for follow-up, implementing process control priority-setting
techniques, and maintaining long-term involvement to systematically train staff and
• An exit meeting is held with appropriate operations and administration personnel where all
evaluation findings are presented, and the plant staff are given the opportunity to ask questions.
• CPE providers will then generate a CPE report which formally documents the information
presented in the exit meeting. All CPE findings should be presented in the exit meeting and it is
critical that the report not present any additional findings. The CPE provider should not withhold
any controversial findings and present them for the first time in the report.
A CPE is typically conducted over a three to five-day period by a team consisting of at least two
personnel. A team approach is necessary to allow a facility to be evaluated in a reasonable time frame,
and for evaluation personnel to jointly develop findings on topics requiring professional judgment.
Professional judgment is critical when evaluating subjective information obtained during the on-site CPE
activities. For example, assessing administrative versus operational performance limiting factors often
involves the evaluators’ interpretation of interview results. The synergistic effect of two people making
this determination is a key part of the CPE process.
Because of the wide range of areas that are evaluated during a CPE, the evaluation team needs to have a
broad range of available skills. This broad skills range is another reason to use a team approach in
conducting CPEs. Specifically, persons should have capability in the areas shown in Table 6-2.
Regulatory agency personnel with experience in evaluating water treatment facilities, consulting
engineers who routinely work with plant evaluation, design and start-up, and utility personnel with design
and operations experience represent the types of personnel with appropriate backgrounds to conduct
CPEs. Other combinations of personnel can be used if they meet the minimum experience requirements
outlined above. Although teams composed of utility management and operations personnel associated
with the CPE facility can be established, it is often difficult for an internal team to objectively assess
administrative and operational factors. The strength of the CPE is best represented by an objective third-
party review.
Table 6-3 presents a checklist for CPE providers and recipients to assess the adequacy of a CPE relative
to the guidance provided in the CCP Handbook. The following discusses some of the key areas of concern
in more detail.
• Findings demonstrate emphasis on achievement of
compliance and/or optimized performance goals (i.e.,
performance emphasis is evident in the discussion of why
prioritized factors were identified).
• Lack of bias associated with the provider’s background in the
factors identified (e.g., all design factors identified by a
provider with a design background or lack of operations or
administrative factors identified by the utility personnel
conducting a CPE).
• Emphasis in the CPE results to maximize the use of existing
facility capability.
• All components of the CPE completed and documented in a
report (i.e., performance assessment, major unit process
evaluation, identification and prioritization of factors, and
assessment of CTA application).
• Fewer than 15 factors limiting performance identified (i.e.,
excessive factors indicate lack of focus for the utility).
• Specific recommendations are not presented in the CPE
report, but rather, clear examples that support the
identification of the factors are summarized.
• Identified limitations of operations staff or lack of site-
specific guidelines instead of a need for a third party-prepared
operation and maintenance manual.
• Findings address administrative, design, operation and
maintenance factors (i.e., results demonstrate provider’s
willingness to identify/present all pertinent factors).
Another significant challenge in conducting an effective CPE is the tendency for providers to identify
limitations that are non-controversial rather than real factors that may challenge the plant personnel's roles
and responsibilities. For example, it is often easy to identify a design limitation, since the utility could not
be expected to achieve desired performance with inadequate facilities. It is much more difficult to identify
“lack of administrative support” or an operator’s “inability to apply process control concepts" as the
causes of poor performance. This may be especially problematic when the CPE findings tend to criticize
the administrators that have hired the CPE providers.
Failing to appropriately identify these difficult factors is a disservice to all parties involved. A common
result of this situation is the utility addressing a design limitation without addressing existing
administrative or operational issues. Ultimately, these administrative and operational issues remain and
impact the utility’s ability to achieve desired performance. Understanding this concept allows the CPE
provider to present the true factors, even though they may not be well received at the exit meeting. CPE
recipients should be suspicious when a plant has a performance problem and no operations or
administrative factors are identified.
A final consideration when implementing a CPE is to understand the importance that specific
recommendations involving plant modifications or day-to-day operational practices should not be made
by the CPE provider or accepted without question by the recipient. For example, direction on changing
coagulants or chemical dosages is not appropriate during the CPE. These types of changes should be
evaluated to determine if they are truly appropriate for the specific plant. A coagulant that worked for the
CPE provider at one plant may not work for the plant being evaluated; causing unnecessary costs and/or
poor performance. There is a strong bias for providers to give specific recommendations and for
recipients to want specific checklists to implement. CPE providers should focus their observations during
the evaluation on two key areas:
1. Identification of factors limiting the facility from achieving desired performance goals
(compliance or optimized); and
Recipients should, also, not request specific guidance from the providers and, if this guidance is provided,
they should make sure that the information provided is truly appropriate to their plant.
6.7 References
AWWA. 2011. M37 Operational Control of Coagulation and Filtration Processes, Third Edition. Denver,
Nix, D.K., and J.S. Taylor. 2018. Filter Evaluation Procedures for Granular Media. Second Edition.
AWWA, Denver, CO.
USEPA. 1998a. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Interim Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule; Final Rule. 63 FR 69478. December 16, 1998. Available at:
USEPA. 1998b. Handbook: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite
Correction Program. EPA/625/6-91/027. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/interim-enhanced-
USEPA. 2002. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water
Treatment Rule; Final Rule. 67 FR 1811. January 14, 2002. Available at:
A.1 Glossary
accuracy. How closely an instrument measures the true or actual value of the process variable being
measured or sensed.
activated carbon. Adsorptive particles or granules of carbon usually obtained by heating carbon (such as
wood). These particles or granules have a high capacity to selectively remove certain trace and soluble
organic materials from water.
air binding. A situation where air enters the filter media. Air is harmful to both the filtration and
backwash processes. Air can prevent the passage of water during the filtration process and can cause the
loss of filter media during the backwash process.
algae. Microscopic plants which contain chlorophyll and live floating or suspended in water. They also
may be attached to structures, rocks or other submerged surfaces. They are food for fish and small aquatic
animals. Excess algal growths can impart tastes and odors to potable water. Algae produce oxygen during
sunlight hours and use oxygen during the night hours. Their biological activities appreciably affect the pH
and dissolved oxygen of the water.
alkalinity. The capacity of water to neutralize acids. This capacity is caused by the water's content of
carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxide and occasionally borate, silicate, and phosphate. Alkalinity is expressed
in milligrams per liter of equivalent calcium carbonate. Alkalinity is not the same as pH because water
does not have to be strongly basic (high pH) to have a high alkalinity. Alkalinity is a measure of how
much acid can be added to a liquid without causing a great change in pH.
analog. The readout of an instrument by a pointer (or other indicating means) against a dial or scale.
backwashing. The process of reversing the flow of water back through the filter media to remove the
entrapped solids.
bacteria. Singular: bacterium. Microscopic living organisms usually consisting of a single cell. Some
bacteria in soil, water or air may cause human, animal and plant health problems.
baffle. A flat board or plate, deflector, guide or similar device constructed or placed in flowing water or
slurry systems to cause more uniform flow velocities, to absorb energy, and to divert, guide, or agitate
liquids (water, chemical solutions, slurry).
bias. An inadequacy in experimental design that leads to results or conclusions not representative of the
population under study.
breakthrough. A situation in which particles are able to pass through the filter media. This will cause an
increase in filter effluent turbidity. A breakthrough can occur: 1) when a filter is first placed in service; 2)
capital costs. Costs (usually long-term debt) of financing construction and equipment. Capital costs are
usually fixed, one-time expenses which are independent of the amount of water produced.
clarifier. A large circular or rectangular tank or basin in which water is held for a period of time, during
which the heavier suspended solids settle to the bottom. Clarifiers are also called settling basins and
sedimentation basins.
coagulants. Chemicals that cause very fine particles to clump together into larger particles. This makes it
easier to separate the solids from the water by settling, skimming, draining or filtering.
coagulation. Coagulation means a process using coagulant chemicals and mixing by which colloidal and
suspended materials are destabilized and agglomerated into flocs.
colloids. Very small, finely divided solids (particles that do not dissolve) that remain dispersed in a liquid
for a long-time due to their small size and electrical charge. When most of the particles in water have a
negative electrical charge, they tend to repel each other. This repulsion prevents the particles from
clumping together, becoming heavier, and settling out.
combined sewer. A sewer that transports surface runoff and human domestic wastes (sewage), and
sometimes industrial wastes. Wastewater and runoff in a combined sewer may occur in excess of the
sewer capacity and cannot be treated immediately. The excess is frequently discharged directly to a
receiving stream without treatment, or to a holding basin for subsequent treatment and disposal.
community water system (CWS). A PWS which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-
round residents or regularly serves at least 25 persons year-round.
complete treatment. A method of treating water which consists of the addition of coagulant chemicals,
flash mixing, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration. Also called conventional filtration.
continuous sample. A flow of water from a particular place in a plant to the location where samples are
collected for testing. This continuous stream may be used to obtain grab or composite samples.
Frequently, several taps (faucets) will flow continuously in the laboratory to provide test samples from
various places in a water treatment plant.
cross connection. Any actual or potential connection between a drinking (potable) water system and an
unapproved water supply or other source of contamination.
CT or CTcalc. The product of “residual disinfectant concentration” (C) in mg/l determined before or at
the first customer, and the corresponding “disinfectant contact time” (T) in minutes, i.e., “C” x “T”. If a
public water system applies disinfectants at more than one point prior to the first customer, it must
determine the CT of each disinfectant sequence before or at the first customer to determine the total
percent inactivation or “total inactivation ratio.” In determining the total inactivation ratio, the public
water system must determine the residual disinfectant concentration of each disinfection sequence and
corresponding contact time before any subsequent disinfection application point(s). “CT99.9” is the CT
value required for 99.9 Percent (3-log) inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts. CT99.9 a variety of
disinfectants and conditions appear in Tables 1. l- 1.6, 2.1, and 3.1 of CFR section 141.74(b)(3). CT99.9
is the inactivation ratio. The sum of the inactivation ratios, or total inactivation ratio shown as E = (CT
calc) / (CT99.9) is calculated by adding together the inactivation ratio for each disinfection sequence. A
total inactivation ratio equal to or greater than 1.0 is assumed to provide a 3-log inactivation of Giardia
lamblia cysts.
degasification. A water treatment process which removes dissolved gases from the water. The gases may
be removed by either mechanical or chemical treatment methods or a combination of both.
diatomaceous earth filtration (DE filtration). Means a process resulting in substantial particulate
removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support
membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum,
additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the
permeability of the filter cake.
direct filtration. means a series of processes including coagulation and filtration but excluding
sedimentation resulting in substantial particulate removal. Also see conventional filtration and in-line
effective range. That portion of the design range (usually upper 90 percent) in which an instrument has
acceptable accuracy. Also see range.
effective size (ES). The diameter of the particles in a granular sample (filter media) for which 10 percent
of the total grains are smaller and 90 percent larger on a weight basis. ES is obtained by passing granular
material through sieves with varying dimensions of mesh and weighing the material retained by each
sieve. The ES is also approximately the average size of the grains.
effluent. Water or some other liquid-raw, partially or completely treated-flowing from a reservoir, basin,
treatment process or treatment plant.
end point. Samples are titrated to the end point. This means that a chemical is added, drop by drop, to a
sample until a certain color change (blue to clear, for example) occurs. This is called the END POINT of
the titration. In addition to a color change, an end point may be reached by the formation of a precipitate
or the reaching of a specified pH. An end point may be detected by the use of an electronic device such as
a pH meter.
enteric virus. A group of viruses found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals.
entrain. To trap bubbles in water either mechanically through turbulence or chemically through a
filtration. A process for removing particulate matter from water by passage through porous media.
finished water. Water that is introduced into the distribution system of PWS and is intended for
distribution and consumption without further treatment, except as treatment necessary to maintain water
quality in the distribution system (e.g., booster disinfection, addition of corrosion control chemicals).
floc. Clumps of bacteria and particulate impurities that have come together and formed a cluster. Found
in flocculation tanks and settling or sedimentation basins.
flocculation. Means a process to enhance agglomeration or collection of smaller floc particles into
larger, more easily settleable particles through gentle stirring by hydraulic or mechanical means.
garnet. A group of hard, reddish, glassy, mineral sands made up of silicates of base metals (calcium,
magnesium, iron and manganese). Garnet has a higher density than sand.
gastroenteritis. An inflammation of the stomach and intestine resulting in diarrhea, with vomiting and
cramps when irritation is excessive. When caused by an infectious agent, it is often associated with fever.
Giardia lamblia. Flagellate protozoan which is shed during its cyst stage into the feces of man and
animals. When water containing these cysts is ingested, the protozoan causes a severe gastrointestinal
disease called giardiasis.
grab sample. A single sample collected at a particular time and place which represents the composition
of the water only at that time and place.
ground water under the direct influence (GWUDI) of surface water. Any water beneath the surface
of the ground with: 1) significant occurrence of insects or other macroorganisms, algae, or large-diameter
pathogens such as Giardia lamblia; or, 2) significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics
such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH which closely correlate to climatological or surface
water conditions. Direct influence must be determined for individual sources in accordance with criteria
established by the state. The state determination of direct influence may be based on site-specific
measurements of water quality and/or documentation of well construction characteristics and geology
with field evaluation.
hardness, water. A characteristic of water caused mainly by the salts of calcium and magnesium, such
as bicarbonate, carbonate, sulfate, chloride and nitrate. Excessive hardness in water is undesirable because
it causes the formation of soap curds, increased use of soap, deposition of scale in boilers, damage in
some industrial processes, and sometimes causes objectionable tastes in drinking water.
head. The vertical distance (in feet) equal to the pressure (in psi) at a specific point. The pressure head is
equal to the pressure in psi times 2.31 ft/psi.
influent. Water or other liquid-raw or partially flowing INTO a reservoir, basin, treatment process or
treatment plant.
in-line filtration. The addition of chemical coagulants directly to the filter inlet pipe. The chemicals are
mixed by the flowing water. Flocculation and sedimentation facilities are eliminated. This pretreatment
method is commonly used in pressure filter installations. Also see conventional filtration and direct
jar test. A laboratory procedure that simulates a water treatment plant's coagulation/flocculation units
with differing chemical doses and also energy of rapid mix, energy of slow mix, and settling time. The
purpose of this procedure is to estimate the minimum or ideal coagulant dose required to achieve certain
water quality goals. Samples of water to be treated are commonly placed in six jars. Various amounts of
chemicals are added to each jar, and the settling of solids is observed. The dose of chemicals that provides
satisfactory settling removal of turbidity and/or color is the dose used to treat the water being taken into
the plant at that time. When evaluating the results of a jar test, the operator should also consider the floc
quality in the flocculation area and the floc loading on the filter.
legionella. A genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type of pneumonia called
Legionnaires Disease.
linearity. How closely an instrument measures actual values of a variable through its effective range; a
measure used to determine the accuracy of an instrument.
micrograms per liter (µg/L). One microgram of a substance dissolved in each liter of water. This unit is
equal to parts per billion (ppb) since one liter of water is equal in weight to one billion micrograms.
micron. A unit of length. One millionth of a meter or one thousandth of a millimeter. One micron equals
0.00004 of an inch.
microorganisms. Living organisms that can be seen individually only with the aid of a microscope.
mudballs. Material that is approximately round in shape and varies from pea-sized up to two or more
inches in diameter. This material forms in filters and gradually increases in size when not removed by the
backwashing process.
non-transient non-community water system (NTNCWS). A PWS that regularly serves at least 25 of
the same nonresident persons per day for more than six months per year.
non-community water system (NCWS). A PWS that is not a CWS. A NCWS is either a transient non-
community water system (TWS) or a NTNCWS.
operation and maintenance costs. The ongoing, repetitive costs of operating a water system including
for example, employee wages, costs for treatment chemicals, and periodic equipment repairs.
organic. Substances that come from animal or plant sources. Organic substances always contain carbon.
organics. 1) A term used to refer to chemical compounds made from carbon molecules including natural
materials (such as animal or plant sources) or man-made materials (such as synthetic organics); and, 2)
any form of animal or plant life.
overflow rate. One of the guidelines for the design of settling tanks and clarifiers in treatment plants.
Used by operators to determine if tanks and clarifiers are hydraulically (flow) over- or underloaded.
Overflow Rate (GPD/sq. ft) = Flow (GPD)/Surface Area (sq. ft)
particle count. The results of a microscopic examination of treated water with a special “particle
counter” which classifies suspended particles by number and size.
particulate. A very small solid suspended in water which can vary widely in size, shape, density, and
electrical charge. Colloidal and dispersed particulates are artificially gathered together by the processes of
coagulation and flocculation.
pathogens. Microorganisms that can cause disease in other organisms or in humans, animals, and plants.
They may be bacteria, viruses, or parasites and are found in sewage in runoff from animal farms or rural
areas populated with domestic and/or wild animals, and in water used for swimming. Fish and shellfish
contaminated by pathogens, or the contaminated water itself, can cause serious illnesses.
performance evaluation sample. A reference sample provided to a laboratory for the purpose of
demonstrating that the laboratory can successfully analyze the sample within limits of performance
specified by the EPA. The true value of the concentration of the reference material is unknown to the
laboratory at the time of the analysis.
pH. pH is an expression of the intensity of the basic or acid condition of a liquid. Mathematically, pH is
the logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration, [H+]. pH = Log (1/H+) The
pH may range from 0 to 14, where 0 is most acid, 14 most basic, and 7 neutral. Natural waters usually
have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5.
plug flow. A type of flow that occurs in tanks, pipes, basins, or reactors when a slug of water moves
through a tank without ever dispersing or mixing with the rest of the water flowing through the tank.
polymer. A chemical formed by the union of many monomers (a molecule of low molecular weight).
Polymers are used with other chemical coagulants to aid in binding small suspended particles to larger
chemical flocs for their removal from water. All polyelectrolytes are polymers, but not all polymers are
precision. The ability of an instrument to measure a process variable and to repeatedly obtain the same
result. The ability of an instrument to reproduce the same results.
public water system (PWS). PWS means a system for the provision to the public of water for human
consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least fifteen service
connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least 60 days out of
the year. Such term includes: any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of
the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system; and any collection or
pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such
system. Such term does not include any “special irrigation district.” A PWS is either a CWS or a NCWS.
range. The spread from minimum to maximum values that an instrument is designed to measure. Also
see effective range.
reservoir. Any natural or artificial holding area used to store, regulate, or control water.
reverse osmosis. The application of pressure to a concentrated solution which causes the passage of a
liquid from the concentrated solution to a weaker solution across a semipermeable membrane. The
membrane allows the passage of the solvent (water) but not the dissolved solids (solutes). The liquid
produced is a demineralized water.
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). SDWA was originally passed by Congress in 1974 to protect public
health by regulating the nation's public drinking water supply. The law was amended in 1986 and 1996
and requires many actions to protect drinking water and its sources: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, and
ground water wells.
sand filters. Devices that remove suspended solids from water during treatment using a filter bed made
up of sand. Sand filters may be used for conventional, direct, or slow sand filtration processes.
slow sand filtration. A process involving passage of raw water through a bed of sand at low velocity
(generally less than 0.4 m/h) resulting in substantial particulate removal by physical and biological
standard. A physical or chemical quantity whose value is known exactly and is used to calibrate or
standardize instruments.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. A joint publication of the
American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution
Control Federation which outlines the procedures used to analyze the impurities in water and wastewater.
standardize. To compare with a standard. 1) In wet chemistry, to find out the exact strength of a solution
by comparing it with a standard of known strength. 2) To set up an instrument or device to read a
standard. This allows you to adjust the instrument so that it reads accurately, or enables you to apply a
correction factor to the readings.
surface water. Is all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.
surfactant. Abbreviation for surface-active agent. The active agent in detergents that possesses a high
cleaning ability.
suspended solids. 1) Solids that either float on the surface or are suspended in water or other liquids and
which are largely removable by laboratory filtering; or 2) the quantity of material removed from water in
a laboratory test, as prescribed in Standard Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater.
total inactivation ratio. The residual disinfectant concentration of each disinfection sequence and
corresponding CT before any subsequent disinfection application point(s). Also called total percent
transient water system (TWS). TWS means a NCWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the
same persons over six months per year.
tube settler. A device that uses bundles of small bore (2 to 3 inches or 50 to 75 mm) tubes installed on
an incline as an aid to sedimentation. The tubes may come in a variety of shapes including circular and
rectangular. As water rises within the tubes, settling solids fall to the tube surface. As the sludge (from the
settled solids) in the tube gains weight, it moves down the tubes and settles to the bottom of the basin for
removal by conventional sludge collection means. Tube settlers are sometimes installed in sedimentation
basins and clarifiers to improve particle removal.
turbidity. The cloudy appearance of water caused by the presence of suspended and colloidal matter. In
the waterworks field, a turbidity measurement is used to indicate the clarity of water. Technically,
turbidity is an optical property of the water based on the amount of light reflected by suspended particles.
Turbidity cannot be directly equated to suspended solids because white particles reflect more light than
dark-colored particles and many small particles will reflect more light than an equivalent large particle.
urban runoff. Stormwater from city streets and adjacent domestic or commercial properties that may
carry pollutants of various kinds into the sewer systems and/or receiving waters.
waterborne disease outbreak. The significant occurrence of acute infectious illness, epidemiologically
associated with the ingestion of water from a PWS that is deficient in treatment, as determined by the
appropriate local or state agency.
water supply system. The collection, treatment, storage, and distribution of potable water from source to
A.2 References
Calabrese, E.J., C.E. Gilbert, and H. Pastides, Eds. 1988. Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments,
Regulations and Standards. Lewis Publishers. Chelsea, MI.
California State University. 1988. Water Treatment Plant Operation. School of Engineering, Applied
Research and Design Center, Sacramento, CA.
Dzurik, A.A., Rowman, and Littlefield. 1990. Water Resources Planning. Savage, MD.
USEPA. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Chapter I, Section 141.2. July 1. Accessed on-line on
December 27, 2013.
von Huben, H. 1991. Surface Water Treatment: The New Rules. AWWA.
B.1 Introduction
Turbidity is described in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater Method
2130B (EPA Method 180.1) for turbidity measurement as, “an expression of the optical property that
causes light to be scattered and absorbed
rather than transmitted in straight lines
through the sample” (Standard Methods,
1995). This appendix includes a detailed
summary of the various types of instruments
used to measure turbidity and includes
descriptions of the physical properties
associated with the measurements of turbidity
and design configurations.
Particle size, configuration, color, and refractive index determine the spatial distribution of the scattered
light intensity around the particle. As shown in Figure B-2, particles much smaller than the wavelength of
the incident light, which is typically expressed in nanometers (nm), scatter light of approximately equal
intensity in all directions. However, particles larger than the wavelength of the incident light, form a
spectral pattern that results in greater light scattering in the forward direction (away from the incident
light) than in the other directions. This scattering pattern and intensity of the light beam transmitted
through the sample can also be affected by the particles absorbing certain wavelengths of the transmitted
light (Sadar, 1996).
The tungsten filament lamp is also highly dependent on the voltage of the lamp power supply. The
voltage applied to the lamp determines the spectral output characteristics produced, making a stable
power supplies a necessity. In addition, as with any incandescent lamp, the output from the lamp decays
with time as the lamp slowly “burns out,” making recalibration of the instrument a frequent and necessary
To overcome some of the incandescent lamp limitations, some turbidimeter designs utilize
monochromatic light sources, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, mercury lamps, and various
lamp filter combinations. Monochromatic light has a very narrow band of light wavelengths (only a few
colors). By selecting light wavelengths that are not normally absorbed by organic matter, the
monochromatic light source can be less susceptible to interference by sample color. However, some of
these alternate light sources respond differently to particle size, and are not as sensitive to small sized
particles as the tungsten filament lamp.
B.2.3 Photodetector
In turbidimeters, photodetectors detect the light produced from the interaction of the incident light and the
sample volume and produce an electronic signal that is then converted to a turbidity value. These
detectors can be located in a variety of configurations depending on the design of the instrument. The four
types of detectors commonly used include photomultiplier tubes, vacuum photodiodes, silicon
photodiodes, and cadmium sulfide photoconductors (Sadar, 1992).
Each of the four types of detectors vary in their response to certain wavelengths of light. Therefore, if a
polychromatic light source is used, the spectral output of the light source has a direct bearing on the type
and design of photodetector selected for an instrument. The specification of the photodetector is not
nearly as critical when a monochromatic light source is used. In general, with the polychromatic tungsten
filament lamp as a light source, the photomultiplier tube and the vacuum photodiode are more sensitive to
the shorter wavelength light in the source, making them more sensitive to the detection of smaller
particles. Conversely, the silicon photodiode is more sensitive to longer wavelengths in the light source,
making it more suited for sensing larger particles. The sensitivity of the cadmium sulfide photoconductor
is between the sensitivity of the photomultiplier tube and the silicon photodiode.
• “Light Source: Tungsten-filament lamp operated at a color temperature between 2200 and 3000
• Distance traversed by incident light and scattered light within the sample tube not to exceed 10
EPA has recognized two additional standards for turbidimeter design called GLI Method 2 and Hach
FilterTrak Method 10133. Like EPA Method 180.1, these standards are applicable for turbidities in the 0
to 40 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) range, but may be used for higher turbidities by diluting the
sample. The GLI Method 2 standard requires that instruments utilize basic nephelometric concepts, but
unlike other methods (EPA Method 180.1 and Hach FilterTrak Method 10133), this method requires the
use of two light sources with a photodetector located at 90-degrees from each source. This concept, which
is often called a modulated four beam design, pulses the two light sources on and off and utilizes a portion
of the scattered light as a reference signal to arithmetically cancel errors. A full description of the
modulated four beam design is discussed in Section B.3.4.
The design of the single beam instrument is also limited by the need for frequent recalibration of the
instrument due to the decay of the incandescent light source. Because of the polychromatic nature of the
light source, these instruments also can demonstrate poor performance with samples containing natural
color. Since most treated water samples have low or no color, use of the single beam design is
T = Turbidity in NTU
d0, d1, d2, d3 = Calibration Coefficients
I90 = 90 Degree Detector Current
It = Transmitted Detector Current
Ifs = Forward Scatter Detector Current
Ibs = Back Scatter Detector Current
The use of multiple photodetectors and the ratio algorithm gives the instrument much better performance
with colored samples. The transmitted light and the 90-degree scattered light are affected almost equally
by the color of the sample because they travel nearly the same distance through the sample volume. When
the ratio of the two readings is taken, the effects of color absorption on the two readings tend to cancel
This design takes two measurements every 0.5 seconds. In the first phase, light from source #1 is pulsed
directly into photodetector #2. Simultaneously, photodetector #1 measures the light scattered from this
pulse at a 90-degree angle. In the second phase, light from source #2 is pulsed directly into photodetector
#1. Simultaneously, photodetector #2 measures the light scattered from this pulse at a 90-degree angle. In
both phases, the signal from the photodetector receiving the direct light signal is the active signal, while
the signal from photodetector measuring scattered light is called the reference signal. The two-phase
Typical sample flow rates through continuous instruments range from about 0.1 to 1.0 liter per minute.
Some single beam continuous turbidimeters do not contain a glass sample container. The light source is
located above the sample volume, which has an optically flat surface as it flows over a weir. The
photodetector is submerged within the sample volume and requires frequent cleaning to prevent fouling.
Most continuous four beam instruments used in the water industry contain a sealed flow-through sample
volume with windows at each of the light sources and photodetectors. These surfaces must also be
cleaned frequently to prevent fouling.
Most continuous instruments contain bubble traps to eliminate air bubbles from the sample that might
interfere with the turbidity readings. Bubble traps are typically baffled chambers that allow air bubbles to
rise to the sample surface prior to the sample entering the measurement chamber. The volume of the
sample chamber varies significantly between the single beam and four beam design due mostly to the
design of the bubble trap. Single beam devices typically include a bubble trap within the sample chamber,
making the sample volume in excess of two liters. Several other continuous instruments use sample
volumes as small as 30 milliliters.
GLI (Great Lakes Instruments). undated. Technical Bulletin Number T1 – Turbidity Measurement. Rev.
2-193, Great Lakes Instruments.
International Organization for Standards (ISO). 1990. International Standard ISO 7027 – Water Quality –
Determination or Turbidity. ISO.
King, K. 1991. Four-Beam Turbidimeters for Low NTU Waters. Great Lakes Instruments.
Lex, D. 1994. Turbidity Technology Turns on the High Beams. Intech Engineer’s Notebook. 41(6):36
Sadar, M.J. 1996. Understanding Turbidity Science. Technical Information Series – Booklet No. 11. Hach
Standard Methods. 1995. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, nineteenth
edition. America Public Health Association, AWWA, Water Environment Federation. Franson, M.H.,
A.D. Eaton, L.S. Clesceri, and A.E. Greenberg (editors). American Public Health Association, AWWA,
and Water Environment Federation. Port City Press, Baltimore, MD.