2015 CPH - Report No. 2 - Philippines

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Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population,

Report No. 2 – Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics
Philippines, June 2017

ISSN 0117-1453
ISSN 0117-1453


2 0 15 C e n s us
of P op ul a t i on

D e m o gr aph i c
and Socioeconomic


Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Statistics Authority






National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

Copyright © 2016 by Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

PSA Complex, East Avenue, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines

Foreword iii

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms vii

Explanatory Text

Introduction ix

Content and Coverage of this Publication ix

Authority to Conduct the POPCEN 2015 x

Coordination for the POPCEN 2015 x

The POPCEN 2015 Field Organization xi

Method of Enumeration xii

Definition of Census Terms and Concepts xii

Unit of Enumeration xii

Demographic Characteristics xvii

Socioeconomic Characteristics xviii

Dissemination of the POPCEN 2015 Results xx

Population Map of Philippines: 2015 xxi

Philippines at a Glance xxii

Philippines: Highlights on Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics xxiii

List of Tables

Statistical Tables

1 Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by Region: 1960 – 2015 3

2 Total Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015 5

3 Household Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015 7

4 Total Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015 9

5 Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015 18

6 Total Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex,
and Region: 2015 27

Philippine Statistics Authority v

Table of Contents

7 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status,
Sex, and Region: 2015 45

8 Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex: 2015 63

9 Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending School

by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015 64

10 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group,
Sex, and Region: 2015 67

11 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed, Sex,
Age, and City/Municipality: 2015 73

12 Overseas Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed,

Sex, and Age Group: 2015 128

13 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Major Occupation Group,

Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015 129

14 Household Population by Relationship to the Household Head

and Household Size: 2015 165

15 Number of Households by Age Group, Sex of the Household Head,

Household Size, and Region: 2015 167


A. Excerpts from Republic Act No. 10625 Relevant to the Conduct

of the 2015 Census of Population A-1

B. Executive Order No. 352 – Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate
Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector B-1

C. CP Form 1 – Listing Booklet C-1

D. CP Form 2 – Household Questionnaire D-1

E. CP Form 4 – Institutional Population Questionnaire E-1

F. 2015 Census of Population – List of Report No. 2 F-1

vi Philippine Statistics Authority

AHS Average Household Size
ANS Assistant National Statistician
C/MCCB City/Municipal Census Coordinating Board
CAS Census Area Supervisor
CO Central Office
CP Census of Population
CPS Census Project Staff
CRCSO Civil Registration and Central Support Office
CSC Census Steering Committee
CTCO Census and Technical Coordination Office
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DNS Deputy National Statistician
DPC Data Processing Center
EA Enumeration Area
EN Enumerator
EO No. 352 Executive Order No. 352
E-QN Electronic Questionnaire
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FAS Finance and Administrative Service
FO Field Office
GAA General Appropriations Act
HUC Highly Urbanized City
ILQ Institutional Living Quarter
ITDS Information Technology and Dissemination Service
LGU Local Government Unit
NCCB National Census Coordinating Board
NCR National Capital Region
NCS National Censuses Service
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NS National Statistician
NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board
PCCB Provincial Census Coordinating Board
PCPS Provincial Census Project Staff
PHCD Population and Housing Census Division
PGR Population growth rate
PO Provincial Statistical Office
POPCEN 2015 2015 Census of Population
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority
PSGC Philippine Standard Geographic Code
PSO Provincial Statistics Officer
PSOC Philippine Standard Occupational Classification
PSS Philippine Statistical System
RA 10625 Republic Act No. 10625
RCCB Regional Census Coordinating Board
RCPS Regional Census Project Staff
RD Regional Director
RSSO Regional Statistical Services Office
SAQ Self-Administered Questionnaire
SPED Special Education
SOCD Statistical Operations and Coordination Division
SDD Systems Development Division
SOID Systems Operations and Infrastructure Division
SS Scan Station
TNT Tago ng Tago
TOR Terms of Reference
TS Team Supervisor
VHU Vacant Housing Unit

Philippine Statistics Authority vii



The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) conducted the census-taking for the
2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) in August to September 2015. This was the third census
of population that was undertaken in between two decennial censuses. Mid-decade censuses were
previously conducted in 1995 and 2007. POPCEN 2015 was the 14th census of population in the
country since the first census in 1903.

POPCEN 2015 was designed primarily to take an inventory of the total population in the
Philippines and collect basic information about its characteristics. It aimed to provide government
executives, policy makers, and planners with population data, especially updated population counts of
all barangays in the country, for use as bases in their social and economic development plans,
policies, and programs.

The census of population is the source of information on the size and distribution of the
population, as well as its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. These information are vital
for making rational plans and programs for local and national development.

The population sizes and their geographic distribution were presented in the regional
volumes of POPCEN 2015 Report No. 1 (Population Count by Province, City/Municipality, and
Barangay). The population counts down to barangay level were declared official for all purposes by
former President Benigno S. Aquino III under Presidential Proclamation No. 1269 dated 13 May 2016.
Report No. 1 also presents the household population size, number of households, and average
household size (AHS) by city/municipality.

Content and Coverage of this Publication

This publication, POPCEN 2015 Report No. 2 (Demographic and Socioeconomic

Characteristics) presents the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population,
which were collected using the CP Form 2 (Household Questionnaire) and CP Form 4 (Institutional
Population Questionnaire).

Below are the data presented using total population:

 Age and sex distribution,

 Age and sex indicators,
 Marital status,
 Religious affiliation, and
 Highest grade/year completed.

This report also presents the characteristics of the household population in terms of the

 Relationship to the household head,

 School attendance,
 Literacy,
 Overseas worker, and
 Usual activity/occupation.

The POPCEN 2015 Report No. 2 is published by province and highly urbanized city (HUC),
for a total of 105 publications, including the national volume.

Philippine Statistics Authority ix

Explanatory Text

Authority to Conduct the POPCEN 2015

The authority and mandate of PSA to conduct the POPCEN 2015 emanates from Republic
Act (RA) No. 10625 and Executive Order (EO) No. 352.

RA No. 10625, also known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, which was approved on
September 12, 2013, states that “PSA shall be primarily responsible for all national censuses and
surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of administrative recording system, and compilation of
national accounts”. Specifically, Section 6(b) of this Act mandates PSA “to prepare and conduct
periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry, and other sectors
of the economy”.

EO No. 352 – Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for
Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector, stipulates the conduct of a mid-decade
census primarily to update the population count in all barangays nationwide.

Moreover, Presidential Proclamation No. 1031, Declaring August 2015 as National Census
Month, enjoined all departments and other government agencies, including government-owned and -
controlled corporations, as well as local government units (LGUs) to implement and execute the
operational plans, directives, and orders of the PSA Board through PSA, relative to this proclamation.

Coordination for the POPCEN 2015

At the national level, a National Census Coordinating Board (NCCB), composed primarily of
the members of the PSA Board was created for POPCEN 2015. The National Statistician (NS) acted
as the Executive Officer of the NCCB, with the Secretary for Socioeconomic Planning of the National
Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) as Chairperson. PSA Board Resolution No. 07, Series
of 2014 - Designating the PSA Board as the NCCB for the POPCEN 2015, and Approving its Terms
of Reference (TOR) and Assistance to be Rendered to the PSA also enjoined all agencies and
instrumentalities of the national government, particularly the member-agencies of the NCCB to
provide assistance to PSA in connection with POPCEN 2015.

As part of the PSA Board’s function of establishing mechanisms for statistical coordination at
the regional and LGU levels, the PSA Board has approved PSA Board Resolution No. 09,
Series of 2014 - Approving the Composition and TOR of the Regional, Provincial, City, and Municipal
Census Coordinating Boards for the POPCEN 2015.

The Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO) was responsible for the entire census
operation in the region. Specifically, it was responsible for the coordination, monitoring, and
supervision of the conduct of enumeration in the areas under its jurisdiction. As stipulated in the PSA
Board Resolution No. 09, Series of 2014, the PSA Regional Director (RD) acted as the Executive
Officer of the Regional Census Coordinating Board (RCCB), with the NEDA RD as Chairperson. In
the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the RD coordinated with the ARMM regional
government regarding the conduct of the POPCEN 2015, including the organization and convening of
the R/P/C/MCCBs, with TORs and membership in accordance with PSA Board Resolution No. 09,
whenever appropriate and practicable. In the case of the National Capital Region (NCR) where there
is no NEDA regional office, an official of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
was designated as chairperson of the RCCB.

The Provincial Statistics Officer (PSO) of the PSA Provincial Statistical Office (PO) acted as
the Executive Officer of the Provincial Census Coordinating Board (PCCB), with the Provincial
Governor as Chairperson. Due to the absence of provinces in NCR, no PCCBs were established in
the region.

x Philippine Statistics Authority

Explanatory Text

At the city/municipality level, the statistician/permanent staff of the PO acted as the Executive
Officer of the City/Municipal Census Coordinating Board (C/MCCB), with the City/Municipal Mayor as

The POPCEN 2015 Field Organization

PSA, headed by the NS, was the agency mandated to formulate and execute plans for
POPCEN 2015. All directives pertaining to the census emanated from the Office of the NS. The NS
was the Chairperson of the Census Steering Committee (CSC) for POPCEN 2015. The CSC was
responsible for the overall guidance of the conduct of the census. The NS was assisted by the
Deputy National Statistician (DNS) of the Census and Technical Coordination Office (CTCO). Specific
instructions and orders were delegated to the field supervisors through a chain of command.

For the entire duration of the census, the DNS of CTCO, together with the Assistant National
Statistician (ANS) of the CTCO-National Censuses Service (NCS) supervised the entire operations of
the census. Under the supervision of the ANS of NCS was the Population and Housing Census
Division (PHCD), which was responsible for the planning, implementation, and technical supervision
of the census operations. The ANS of the CTCO-Information Technology and Dissemination Service
(ITDS), on the other hand, supervised the Systems Development Division (SDD), the unit responsible
for the development of the entire machine processing system of the census in the Field Offices (FOs)
and Central Office (CO); as well as the Systems Operations and Infrastructure Division (SOID), which
spearheaded all census mapping activities. The ANS of the Finance and Administrative Service
(FAS), under the Civil Registration and Central Support Office (CRCSO), meanwhile, was responsible
for transferring funds to FOs and the procurement and other logistics requirements at the national
level. Both ITDS and FAS closely coordinated with NCS on all POPCEN 2015 concerns to ensure the
smooth flow of operation. The POPCEN 2015 Census Project Staff (CPS 2015) which was created at
NCS, served as the monitoring hub and communications and action center for the nationwide
undertaking. All communications to and from CO and FOs were sent to CPS 2015.

At the regional level, RSSO was responsible for the entire census operation in the region.
Specifically, it was responsible for the coordination, monitoring, and supervision of the conduct of
enumeration in the areas under its jurisdiction.

Further, RSSO managed the POPCEN 2015 Data Processing Center (DPC 2015) in the
provinces under its jurisdiction, as well as the POPCEN 2015 Scan Station (SS 2015) in RSSO, if
any. DPC 2015 was responsible for the manual and machine processing of the Census of Population
(CP) forms and maps. SS 2015, on the other hand, took charge of the scanning/interpretation and
archiving of the forms and maps. Selected DPC 2015 had their own SS 2015.

A Regional Census Project Staff (RCPS) was formed in RSSO. It was headed by the Chief of
the Statistical Operations and Coordination Division (SOCD) in RSSO and included concerned
statistical and other permanent staff, and hired census staff. The RCPS was in charge of all aspects
of the census in the region, including data processing and evaluation.

At the provincial level, PO was directly responsible for the coordination, monitoring, and
supervision of the field operations in the areas under its jurisdiction.

PO supervised the operations in DPC 2015. Further, all provinces designated to host the
entire machine processing had direct supervision over the scanning/interpretation and archiving of the
CP forms and maps in DPC 2015.

A Provincial Census Project Staff (PCPS) was established in PO. It was headed by a
permanent statistician of the PO. The PCPS was in charge of all aspects of the census in the
province, including data processing and evaluation.

Philippine Statistics Authority xi

Explanatory Text

The Head Census Area Supervisor (CAS), who was a statistician/permanent staff of PO was
responsible, on a fulltime basis, for the coordination, supervision, and monitoring of the conduct of
enumeration in the cities/municipalities under his/her jurisdiction. He/She supervised all the hired
CASs assigned in his/her areas. The number of hired CASs supervised by a Head CAS depended on
the number of PO statisticians/staff available and the number of hired CASs in PO.

The hired CAS was responsible for a group of five teams, with each team consisting of one
team supervisor (TS) and four enumerators (ENs). Generally, his/her teams covered a
city/municipality. However, in big cities or municipalities, two or more hired CASs were assigned.

The TS was in charge of supervising around four ENs. He/She was responsible to report to
his/her CAS the progress of enumeration in the areas assigned to him/her.

The EN, on the other hand, was responsible for the complete enumeration in the area/s
assigned to him/her.

Method of Enumeration

The gathering of population and housing data was performed by the census ENs through
house-to-house visits and interview of a responsible member of each household. Self-Administered
Questionnaires (SAQs) and/or Electronic Questionnaires (E-QNs) were provided to households living
in special areas, such as high-rise buildings/condominiums, exclusive subdivisions/villages and
townhouses, and institutional living quarters (ILQs) where personal interview was not possible. A
complete listing of buildings which contain living quarters, including the vacant ones, as well as
housing units and ILQs was also done.

A complete enumeration was conducted in all barangays nationwide to obtain the population
count and data on selected demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the household
population. Also asked were selected housing characteristics. For institutional population, selected
demographic and socioeconomic characteristics were likewise gathered.

Information about households of Filipinos working in Philippine embassies, consulates, and

missions in foreign countries, as well as those of the homeless population were also gathered and
included in the total population of the country.

Definition of Census Terms and Concepts

Most of the operational definitions and concepts adopted in POPCEN 2015 have also been
used in past censuses of population. The use of the same operational definitions of terms and
concepts and adherence to national and international standards in population censuses aimed at
ensuring the comparability of census results across different census years and census data of other
countries. The POPCEN 2015 ENs were instructed to adhere strictly to these operational definitions.


A barangay is the smallest political unit in the country. Generally, one EN was assigned to
enumerate one barangay. To facilitate enumeration, large barangays were divided into parts, and
each part was called an enumeration area (EA).

The official list of barangays of DILG based on the Philippine Standard Geographic Code
(PSGC) as of December 2015 was used for POPCEN 2015.

xii Philippine Statistics Authority

Explanatory Text

Usual place of residence

All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, which refers to the geographic
place (street, sitio/purok, barangay, city/municipality or province) where the person usually resides.
As a rule, a person’s usual place of residence is the place where he/she sleeps most of the time.
Hence, it may be the same as or different from the place where he/she was found at the time of the


A building is defined as any structure built, designed or intended for the enclosure, shelter or
protection of any person, animal or property. It consists of one or more rooms and/or other spaces,
covered by a roof, and usually enclosed within external walls or with common dividing walls with
adjacent buildings, which usually extend from the foundation to the roof.

For purposes of the census, only those buildings which contained living quarters, whether
occupied or vacant, were listed.

Living quarters are structurally separate and independent places of abode. They may:

1. have been constructed, built, converted or arranged for human habitation, provided that
they were not, at the time of the census, used wholly for other purposes, or
2. have been constructed for purposes other than human habitation but were actually used
as living quarters at the time of the census.

Housing unit

A housing unit is a structurally separate and independent place of abode which, by the way it
has been constructed, converted or arranged, is intended for habitation by one or more households.
Structures or parts of structures which were not intended for habitation, such as commercial,
industrial, and agricultural buildings, or natural and man-made shelters such as boats, abandoned
trucks, culverts, and others, but which were used as living quarters by households, were also
considered as housing units.

Housing Units Identified in a Building

A housing unit is generally intended for habitation by one household. However, in some
cases, two or more households may share the same building or the same housing unit as their place
of habitation. The building may have more than one housing unit but from its physical layout, the
different housing units may not be discernible.

A portion of a building (a room or a group of rooms) qualified as a separate housing unit if it

met both the following requirements:

1. Separateness – the portion of a building had facilities for sleeping, preparing and taking
meals, and its occupants were isolated from other households in the building by means of
walls or permanent partitions, and
2. Direct access – the portion of the building had direct access from the outside of the
building, that is, the occupants can come in to the portion of the building without passing
through anybody else’s premises from the street, pathway, alley, road, yard, catwalk,
public or communal staircase, passage, gallery, ground or through a common hall.

Philippine Statistics Authority xiii

Explanatory Text

Housing Units Listed

Only the following housing units were listed:

1. Occupied or vacant housing units (VHUs) in single residential houses,

2. Occupied or VHUs in multi-unit residential buildings such as duplex, accessoria or row
houses, condominiums, tenement houses, townhouses, and others,
3. Occupied barong-barong or shanties,
4. VHUs in residential buildings with one or more housing units presently not occupied by
households but used for purposes other than residential,
5. Housing units which were still under construction, but the roof and walls were already in
6. Occupied housing units in ILQs such as hotels, motels, dormitories, lodging houses,
seminaries, mental hospitals, and others,
7. Occupied housing units in nonresidential buildings such as offices, rice mills, barns,
churches, and others,
8. VHUs with complete facilities for cooking, dining, and sleeping in ILQs and nonresidential
9. Occupied mobile housing units such as boats, trailers, and others, and
10. Occupied improvised housing units in structures such as culverts, abandoned trucks,
caves, container vans, tents, and railroad cars.

Institutional living quarter

The place of abode of an institutional population is not called a housing unit; it is referred to
as an ILQ. An ILQ is a structurally separate and independent place of abode intended for habitation
by large groups of individuals (10 or more). Such quarter usually has certain common facilities such
as kitchen and dining room, toilet and bath, and lounging area, which are shared by the occupants.


A household is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who
sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption
of food.

In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties, such as
parents and their children. In some instances, however, several generations of familial ties are
represented in one household while, still in others, even more distant relatives are considered as
members of the household.

Household helpers, boarders, and nonrelatives were considered members of the household,
provided that they slept in the same housing unit and had common arrangement in the preparation
and consumption of food and did not usually go home to their family at least once a week.

A person who shared a housing unit with a household but separately cooked his/her meals or
consumed his/her food elsewhere was not considered a member of the household he/she shared the
housing unit with. This person was listed as a separate household.

Household population

Household population comprises persons who belong to a household. The basic criterion in
determining household membership is the usual place of residence or the place where the person
usually resides. This may be the same or different from the place where he/she is found at the time of
the census. It is the place where he/she usually sleeps.

xiv Philippine Statistics Authority

Explanatory Text

Institutional population

Institutional population comprises persons who are found living in ILQs. They may have their
own families or households elsewhere but at the time of the census, they are committed or confined
in institutions, or they live in ILQs and are usually subject to a common authority or management, or
are bound by either a common public objective or a common personal interest.

Who Were Enumerated

As in past censuses, ENs of POPCEN 2015 were provided with guidelines on whom to list as
members of a household and ILQ. This helped ensure uniformity in determining household
membership, institutional population, and in identifying persons to be included in the enumeration or
excluded from it. Further, this prevented omission or duplication in the enumeration of persons and
households during the census-taking. The following guidelines were used in determining the
household membership and institutional population:

Persons enumerated as members of the household

1. Those who were present at the time of the visit and whose usual place of residence was
the housing unit where the household lived,
2. Family members who were overseas workers and who were away at the time of the
census and were expected to be back within five years from the date of their last
3. Those whose usual place of residence was the place where the household lived but were
temporarily away at the time of the census for any of the following reasons:
a. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or training somewhere in the Philippines and
were expected to be back within six months from the date of their departure,
b. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or studying/training abroad and were expected to
be back within a year from the date of their departure,
c. working or attending school outside their usual place of residence but usually came
home at least once a week,
d. confined in hospitals for a period of not more than six months as of the time of
enumeration, except when they were confined as patients in mental hospitals,
leprosaria/leper colonies or drug rehabilitation centers, regardless of the duration of
their confinement,
e. detained in national/provincial/city/municipal jails or in military camps for a period of
not more than six months at the time of enumeration, except when their sentence or
detention was expected to exceed six months,
f. on board coastal, interisland, or fishing vessels within Philippine territories, and
g. on board oceangoing vessels but were expected to be back within five years from the
date of their departure,
4. Boarders/lodgers of a household or employees of household-operated businesses who
did not usually return/go to their respective homes weekly,
5. Citizens of foreign countries who had resided or were expected to reside in the
Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, except members of diplomatic missions
and non-Filipino members of international organizations,
6. Filipino balikbayans with usual place of residence in a foreign country but had resided or
were expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, and
7. Those temporarily staying with the household who had no usual place of residence or
who were not certain to be enumerated elsewhere.

Philippine Statistics Authority xv

Explanatory Text

Persons enumerated as members of the institutional population

1. Permanent lodgers in boarding houses,

2. Dormitory residents who did not usually go home to their respective homes at least once
a week,
3. Hotel residents who had stayed in the hotel for more than six months at the time of the
4. Boarders in residential houses provided that their number was 10 or more; otherwise,
they were considered as members of regular households,
5. Patients in hospitals who were confined for more than six months,
6. Patients confined in mental hospitals, leprosaria or leper colonies, and drug rehabilitation
centers, regardless of the length of their confinement,
7. Wards in orphanages and other welfare institutions,
8. Prisoners of corrective and penal institutions,
9. Seminarians, nuns in convents, monks, and postulants,
10. Soldiers residing in military camps, and
11. Workers residing in mining and similar camps.

The following persons were not considered members of the institutional population and
were included in the households to which they belonged:

1. Military officials/enlisted men or draftees (and members of their households) who had
housing units within military installations or camps,
2. Managers (and members of their households) of refugee camps, dormitories, hotels,
hospitals, and others, who occupied and regularly used as their place of abode a living
quarter in the institution that they managed, and
3. Priests, who together with their relatives and/or household help, occupied and regularly
used as their place of abode a living quarter in the church or seminary.

Persons Included in the Census Enumeration

Included in the enumeration were those who were alive as of the census reference date,
that is, 12:01 a.m. of 1 August 2015. Specifically, these were the following:

1. Filipino nationals permanently residing in the Philippines,

2. Filipino nationals, who as of 1 August 2015, were temporarily at Philippine sea, or were
temporarily on vacation, business/pleasure trip or studying/ training abroad and were
expected to be back within a year from the date of their departure,
3. Filipino overseas workers, including those on board oceangoing vessels, who were away
as of 1 August 2015 but were expected to be back within five years from the date of their
4. Philippine government officials, both military and civilian, including Philippine diplomatic
personnel and their families, assigned abroad, and
5. Civilian citizens of foreign countries who had their usual residence in the Philippines, or
foreign visitors who had stayed or were expected to stay for at least a year from the date
of their arrival in the country.

xvi Philippine Statistics Authority

Explanatory Text

Persons Excluded from the Census Enumeration

Excluded from the enumeration were the following persons, although they happened to
be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines at the time of the census enumeration:

1. Foreign ambassadors, ministers, consuls or other diplomatic representatives, and

members of their families,
2. Citizens of foreign countries living within the premises of an embassy, legation,
chancellery or consulate,
3. Citizens of foreign countries who were chiefs or officials of international organizations,
who were subject to reassignment to other countries after their tour of duty in the
Philippines, and members of their families. Examples of these international organizations
are United Nations, International Labor Organization, Asian Development Bank, Food
and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization or the United States Agency for
International Development,
4. Citizens of foreign countries, together with non-Filipino members of their families, who
were students or who were employed or had business in the Philippines, but who had
stayed or were expected to stay in the country for less than a year from their arrival,
5. Citizens of foreign countries and Filipinos with usual place of residence in a foreign
country, who visited the Philippines and who had stayed or were expected to stay in the
country for less than a year from their arrival,
6. Citizens of foreign countries in refugee camps/vessels, and
7. Residents of the Philippines on vacation, pleasure or business trip, study or training
abroad who had been away or were expected to be away from the Philippines for more
than one year from their departure.


A respondent was any responsible member of the household who furnished the information
or answered the questions during the interview.

Demographic Characteristics

Head of the household

The head of the household is an adult person, male or female, who is responsible for the
organization and care of the household, or who is regarded as such by the members of the

The census questions for this item, which were asked from the respondent were: Who is the
head of this household? Who are the persons residing here as of August 1, 2015?

Relationship to the household head

The members of the household were classified in terms of their relationship to the head of the

 Head  Grandson  Nephew

 Spouse  Granddaughter  Niece
 Son  Father  Other relative
 Daughter  Mother  Nonrelative
 Stepson  Brother  Boarder
 Stepdaughter  Sister  Domestic helper
 Son-in-law  Uncle
 Daughter-in-law  Aunt

Philippine Statistics Authority xvii

Explanatory Text

The census question for this item, which was asked for all members of the household, other
than the household head was: What is ____’s relationship to the head of the household?


Sex of a household member is classified as either male or female.

The census question for this item, which was asked for all household members was: Is ____
male or female?

Age as of last birthday

Age as of last birthday referred to the interval of time between the person’s date of birth and 1
August 2015. It was expressed in completed years, thus, recorded in whole number.

The census question for this item, which was asked for all members of the household was:
What is ______’s age as of his/her last birthday?

Marital status

Marital status refers to the personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage
laws or customs of the country. It is the same as civil status, the term usually used in official and
private records, documents, transactions, and others, in the country. For the POPCEN 2015, the
person’s marital status was as of the date of the visit.

The following were the categories used for marital status:

 Single – person who has never been married.

 Married – person married in a religious, civil ceremony or tribal rite, either living with
his/her spouse at the time of visit or temporarily living apart because his/her spouse is
employed elsewhere (as in the case of a person whose spouse is an overseas worker or
one who works with the Armed Forces and residing somewhere else).
 Widowed – married person whose spouse died and who has not married up to the time of
 Divorced/separated – person who is permanently separated from his/her spouse, legally
or through mutual consent. This is also applicable to a person whose marriage with
another person has been annulled or dissolved and can, therefore, remarry.
 Common-law/live-in – person cohabiting or living consensually with another person as
husband and wife without the benefit of a legal marriage.
 Unknown – person whose marital status is unknown to the respondent, or whose marital
status is being concealed by the respondent/person himself/herself.

The census question for this item, which was asked for all persons 10 years old and over
was: Is ____ single, married, widowed, divorced/separated, or in a common-law/live-in arrangement?

Socioeconomic Characteristics

Religious affiliation

Religious affiliation refers to a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors
constituting man’s relationship with the powers and principalities of the universe.

The census question for this item, which was asked for all persons was: What is _____’s
religious affiliation?

xviii Philippine Statistics Authority

Explanatory Text

School attendance

School attendance referred to the attendance in any educational institution, public or private
to obtain formal education for School Year 2015-2016.

The census question for this item, which was asked for household members 5 to 24 years
old was: Is ______ currently attending school?


Simple literacy is the ability of a person to read and write a simple message. As such, a
person is said to be literate if he/she can both read and write a simple message in any language or
dialect. A person who could not read and write a simple message, such as “I CAN READ” was
considered illiterate. Moreover, a person was still considered illiterate if he/she was capable of
reading and writing only his/her own name or numbers. Similarly, a person was illiterate if he/she
could read but not write, vice versa. A person who knew how to read and write but at the time of the
census could no longer read and/or write due to a physical defect or illness was still considered

The census question for this item, which was asked for household members 5 years old and
over was: Can _____ read and write a simple message in any language or dialect?”

Highest grade/year completed

Highest grade/year completed referred to the highest grade or year completed in school,
college or university as of August 1, 2015. This may be any one of the specific grades or years in
elementary, high school, post secondary school, college, and post baccalaureate levels of schooling.
It also included preschool education and grade levels in K-12 Program.

A person’s highest grade/year completed was categorized as follows:

 No grade completed (did not undergo formal schooling)

 Preschool
 Special Education (SPED), undergraduate
 Special Education (SPED), graduate
 Elementary from Grade 1 to Grade 7
 Elementary graduate
 High school from 1st Year to 4th Year, including Grade 7 to Grade 11 in K-12 Program
 High school graduate, including Grade 12 inK-12 Program
 Post secondary from 1st Year to 2nd Year
 Post secondary graduate
 College undergraduate from 1st Year to 6th Year
 Baccalaureate/College graduate
 Post baccalaureate (a graduate or a post baccalaureate course referred to any course for
which an undergraduate degree is required). Master’s and doctoral degree students and
graduates both fell under this category. Also included here were students in law or
medical school, as well as students who were still working on their master’s degree,
taking doctoral studies, and those who had already completed their master’s or doctoral

The census question for this item, which was asked for all persons 5 years old and over was:
What is the highest grade/year completed by _____?

Philippine Statistics Authority xix

Explanatory Text

Overseas worker

An overseas worker was a household member who was at the time out of the country due to
overseas employment. He/she may or may not have had a specific work contract or may have been
presently at home on vacation during the census but had an existing overseas employment to return
to. Undocumented overseas workers, or “TNT” (Tago Nang Tago), were considered overseas
workers for as long as they were still considered members of the household and that they had been
away for less than five years. However, immigrants were excluded from the census.

The census question for this item, which was asked for household members 15 years old and
over was: Is _____ an overseas worker?

Usual activity/occupation

The term usual activity/occupation referred to the kind of job or business, which a person was
engaged in most of the time during the 12 months preceding the interview. In other words, it was the
person’s principal means of earning a living during the past 12 months, such as being a rice farmer,
primary school teacher, police inspector, accounting clerk, medical doctor, building architect or

For persons who did not work during the past 12 months, their usual activity/occupation
referred to the non-gainful activities that they usually did during the past 12 months, such as being a
housekeeper in own home, student, pensioner, retired or person with disability or dependent.

The 2008 Philippine Standard Occupational Classification (PSOC) was used in classifying the
usual activity/occupation of household members 15 years old and over.

The census question for this item, which was asked for household members 15 years old and
over was: During the past 12 months, what was ______’s usual activity/occupation?

Dissemination of the POPCEN 2015 Results

The results of the POPCEN 2015 will be disseminated to data users in various forms, such as
reports, press releases, factsheets, and statistical tables posted in the PSA website, and published
and/or disseminated in various fora. Licensed microdata files will also be made available to data

The following are the reports or publications on the POPCEN 2015:

Report No. 1 - Population by Province, City/Municipality, and Barangay

(in regional volumes)
Report No. 2 - Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Population (in
provincial and HUC volumes)
Report No. 3 - Population, Land Area, and Population Density (in national volume)
Report No. 4 - Urban Population (in national volume)
Report No. 5 - Institutional Population (in national volume)
Report No. 6 - Barangay Characteristics (in national volume)
Report on Housing Characteristics (in regional volumes)
Population Counts by Legislative District (in national volume)
Census Facts and Figures (in national volume)
Special Report on Birth and Death Registration (in national volume)

xx Philippine Statistics Authority



Total Population * 100,979,303

Male 51,069,962
Female 49,909,341

Total Population by Specific Age Group

Under 1 2,076,015
1– 4 8,742,916
5– 9 10,842,920
10 – 14 10,493,942
15 – 64 64,035,924
65 and over 4,787,586
18 and over (Voting-Age) 62,615,419
60 and over (Senior Citizens) 7,548,769

Annual Population Growth Rate (2010 to 2015) 1.72

Population Density (persons per square kilometer) 337

Sex Ratio 102

Median Age (years) 24.3

Dependency Ratio 58

Household Population 100,573,715

Male 50,774,021
Female 49,799,694

Number of Households 22,975,630

Average Household Size 4.4

Literacy Rate 98.3

* Excludes 2,134 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad.

xxii Philippine Statistics Authority

Highlights on Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics

Total population of the Philippines increased at the rate TABLE 1 Total Population by Census Year
of 1.72 percent annually Philippines, 1960 to 2015
Total Population
Census Year
Based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN), the (in millions)
Philippines posted a total population of 100,981,437 persons 1960 27.1
as of 1 August 2015. This was 8,643,585 persons more 1970 36.7
than its total population of 92,337,852 persons in 2010. The
1980 48.1
increase in the total population count from 2010 to 2015
1990 60.7
translated into an average annual population growth rate
(PGR) of 1.72 percent. This was lower than the 1.90 percent 1995 68.6
annual PGR of the country between the census years 2000 2000 76.5
and 2010. 2010 92.3
2015 101.0
If the average annual PGR recorded at 1.72 percent during
Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population
the period 2010 to 2015 continues, the population of
Philippines would double in approximately 41 years.

Region IV-A (CALABARZON) was

FIGURE 1 Total Population by Region the most populous region
Philippines, 2015
Among the 17 administrative regions
CAR 1,722,006 in the Philippines, Region IV-A
CARAGA 2,596,709 (CALABARZON), was the most
MIMAROPA 2,963,360
populous with a population size
III 3,451,410
IX 3,629,783 making up 14.3 percent of the
ARMM 3,781,387 country’s total population in 2015.

VIII 4,440,150 National Capital Region (NCR) came

XII 4,545,276
in second with 12.8 percent share,
X 4,689,302
XI 4,893,318
followed by Region III with 11.1
I 5,026,128 percent, Region VI with 7.5 percent,
V 5,796,989 Region VII with 7.3 percent, and
VII 7,396,898 Region V with 5.7 percent. The rest of
VI 7,536,383
III 11,218,177
the regions contributed less than 5.0
NCR 12,877,253 percent each.
IV -A 14,414,774
0 7,500,000 15,000,000 The least populated region was
Cordillera Adminstrative Region
Total Population (CAR) with 1.7 percent share of the
Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population
country’s total population. It was also
the least populated region in 2010.

Sex ratio was posted at 102 males per 100 females

Males accounted for 50.6 percent of the country’s total population in 2015, while females comprised
the remaining 49.4 percent. These figures resulted in a sex ratio of 102 males for every 100 females.
The same sex ratio was recorded in 2010.

Philippine Statistics Authority xxiii


Regions VIII, XI, and Caraga posted the highest sex ratio of 106 each. Moreover, NCR and ARMM
were the only regions which reported more females than males, that is, with sex ratios 98 and 99,

Median age was 24.3 years

FIGURE 2 Age-Sex Pyramid of the Total Population
In 2015, the median age of the country’s total Philippines, 2015
population was 24.3 years, which meant that
80 and over
half of the total population was younger than 75 - 79 Male Female
24.3 years. Median age was highest in 70 - 74
65 - 69
NCR (26.2 years) and lowest in ARMM A 60 - 64
(18.3 years). The national median age in 2010 g 55 - 59
e 50 - 54
was 23.3 years. 45 - 49
40 - 44
G 35 - 39
Moreover, 31.8 percent of the total population r 30 - 34
was under 15 years old. Children aged 5 to 9 years o 25 - 29
u 20 - 24
and 0 to 4 years comprised the largest age 15 - 19
groups (with 10.7 percent share each of the 10 - 14
5 - 9
total), followed by those in the age groups 0 - 4
10 to 14 years (10.4 percent). Males 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
outnumbered females in the age groups
Percent to Total Population
0 to 54 years. On the other hand, there were
more females than males in the older age Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population
groups (55 years and over).

Three fifths of the total population was of voting age

The voting-age population or persons 18 years old and over accounted for 62.0 percent (62,615,419
persons) of the country’s total population in 2015, up from 55.72 million or 60.3 percent of the total
population in 2010.

The five regions with the highest proportion of voting-age population were NCR (67.2 percent),
Region III (64.2 percent), Region IV-A (64.1 percent), Region I (64.0 percent), and Region VI (63.9
percent). ARMM had the lowest proportion of voting-age population with 50.7 percent.

Dependency ratio was posted at 58 dependents per 100 persons in the working age group

Of the country’s total population, 63.4 percent belonged to the working age population (15 to 64
years). Children below 15 years of age comprised 31.9 percent, while older persons (65 years and
over) accounted for 4.7 percent.

The overall dependency ratio of the Philippines was 58, which indicated that for every 100 working-
age population, there were about 58 dependents (50 young dependents and eight old dependents).
Higher dependency ratio was recorded in 2010, at 60 dependents per 100 working-age population
(53 young dependents and seven old dependents).

There were more males than females among the never-married persons

Of the 79,317,452 total population aged 10 years and over, 43.9 percent was never married while
40.9 percent was married. The rest of the total population was categorized as follows: in common
law/live-in marital arrangement (9.1 percent), widowed (4.5 percent), divorced/separated
(1.5 percent), and had unknown marital status (less than 0.1 percent).

Among the never-married persons, a higher proportion of males (54.1 percent) than females
(45.9 percent) was reported in 2015. Meanwhile, the proportion of females was higher than males

xxiv Philippine Statistics Authority


among those who were widowed (77.0 percent), divorced/separated (61.4 percent), in common
law/live-in marital arrangement (50.5 percent), and married (50.2 percent).

Across regions, ARMM (48.2 percent) had the highest proportion of never-married persons while
Region II (50.7 percent) had the highest proportion of married individuals. Moreover, it was observed
that Region I (5.6 percent) reported the largest proportion of widowed, Region VIII had the largest
proportion of those in common law/live-in marital arrangement (13.9 percent), and NCR had the
largest proportion of divorced/separated (2.1 percent) persons.

More females had attained higher levels of education

Of the 89,757,717 total population aged five years and over, 33.5 percent had attended or completed
elementary education, 36.4 percent had reached or finished high school, 10.5 percent was college
undergraduate, and 11.1 percent was baccalaureate/college graduate. Among those with a
baccalaureate/college degree, the females (56.0 percent) outnumbered the males (44.0 percent).
Similarly, more females (59.9 percent) than males (40.1 percent) had pursued post baccalaureate

Roman Catholics accounted for 79.5 percent of the total population

Almost four fifths (79.5 percent or 80,304,061 persons) of the total population of the Philippines in
2015 reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. The corresponding figure in 2010 was
80.6 percent (74,407,708 persons).

The next largest religious affiliation in the country was Islam, comprising 6.0 percent of the total
population. It was followed by those who were affiliated with the Iglesia ni Cristo (2.6 percent share).

Household population comprised 99.6 percent of the total population

In 2015, the household population of the Philippines reached 100,573,715 persons, representing
99.6 percent of the country’s total population. The remaining 0.4 percent (405,588 persons) was
comprised of the institutional population or those residing in collective or institutional living quarters
such as dormitories/lodging houses, prisons, seminaries/convents, military camps, and logging and
construction camps and Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad
(2,134 persons).

Average household size was 4.4 persons

The number of households in 2015 was recorded at 22,975,630, higher by 2,803,731 households
compared with the 20,171,899 households posted in 2010. The average household size (AHS) in
2015 was 4.4 persons, lower than the AHS of 4.6 persons in 2010.

TABLE 2 Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size

Philippines, 2015 and 2010
Census Year Household Population Number of Households Average Household Size
2015 100,573,715 22,975,630 4.4
2010 92,097,978 20,171,899 4.6

Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics Authority xxv


Seven in every 10 persons aged 5 to 24 years TABLE 3 Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old
attended school Who Were Attending School by Sex
Philippines, 2015 and 2010
Of the 40,835,754 household population aged 5 to Attending
24 years, 69.0 percent was attending school in Sex School
School Year (SY) 2015-2016. In 2010, the rate of (Percent)
school attendance in SY 2009-2010 was lower at 2015 a Both sexes 69.0
64.5 percent. Male 68.6
Female 69.6
By sex, the school attendance rate in 2015 was 2010 b Both sexes 64.5
higher among females (69.4 percent) than among Male 64.1
males (68.6 percent). The same trend was Female 64.9
observed in 2010. a
School Year 2015-2016
School Year 2009-2010. Based on 20-percent sample.

Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 4 Literacy Rate of the Household Literacy rate was recorded at 98.3 percent
Population 10 Years Old and Over by Sex
Philippines, 2015 and 2010 The Philippines posted a literacy rate of
Literacy 98.3 percent among the 78,918,842 household
Sex Rate population aged 10 years and over. This is higher
(Percent) than the 97.1 percent literacy rate that was recorded
2015 Both sexes 98.3 in 2010. In the 2010 Census of Population and
Male 98.2 Housing and POPCEN 2015, a person is considered
Female 98.4 literate if he/she is able to read and write a simple
2010 a Both sexes 97.1
message in any language or dialect.
Male 97.0
Female 97.2 Literacy rate in 2015 was slightly higher among males
(98.2 percent) than among females (97.2 percent).
Based on 20-percent sample The same trend was observed in 2010.
Source: PSA, 2015 Census of Population

Three in every five persons aged 15 years and over were engaged in a gainful activity

In 2015, the country had 68,438,430 household population aged 15 years and over. Of this total,
approximately three in every five (58.5 percent) were engaged in a gainful activity during the
12 months preceding the census. Males with gainful activity during the last 12-month reference period
comprised 65.7 percent, while females accounted for the remaining 34.3 percent.

By major occupation group, workers engaged in elementary occupations comprised the largest group
(22.2 percent of all persons with gainful activity). Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers
came in next (16.6 percent), followed by service and sales workers (15.9 percent).

About 3.2 percent of the household population was overseas worker

Of the 68,438,430 household population 15 years old and over, 2,196,423 persons or 3.2 percent
were overseas workers. Male overseas workers outnumbered their female counterparts as they
comprised 52.3 percent of all the country’s overseas workers. Overseas workers aged 45 years and
over made up the largest age group, comprising 22.1 percent of the total overseas workers, followed
by those in the age groups 30 to 34 years (19.4 percent), 25 to 29 years (18.6 percent), and 35 to 39
years (17.6 percent).

xxvi Philippine Statistics Authority

Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 3

TABLE 1 Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by Region: 1960 - 2015

Censal Year
Region 1960 1970 1975 1980 1990
February 15 May 6 May 1 May 1 May 1

PHILIPPINES 27,087,685 36,684,486 42,070,660 48,098,460 60,703,206 a

NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 2,462,488 3,966,695 4,970,006 5,925,884 7,948,392

CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION 551,032 730,906 811,103 914,432 1,146,191
REGION I - ILOCOS 2,042,865 2,488,391 2,726,220 2,922,892 3,550,642
REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 1,035,750 1,462,723 1,665,245 1,919,091 2,340,545
REGION III - CENTRAL LUZON 2,568,206 3,695,955 4,300,196 4,909,938 6,338,590
REGION IV-A - CALABARZON 2,316,173 3,356,327 3,904,174 4,603,435 6,349,452
MIMAROPA REGION 1 722,227 1,020,222 1,219,609 1,408,040 1,774,074
REGION V - BICOL 2,362,707 2,966,881 3,193,721 3,476,982 3,910,001
REGION VI - WESTERN VISAYAS 3,078,305 3,618,326 4,146,390 4,525,615 5,393,333
REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS 2,522,802 3,032,719 3,387,274 3,787,374 4,594,124
REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS 2,040,966 2,381,409 2,599,728 2,799,534 3,054,490
REGION IX - ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA 900,730 1,334,446 1,541,459 1,821,751 2,281,064
REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO 1,101,957 1,611,228 1,883,408 2,226,169 2,811,646
REGION XI - DAVAO 893,023 1,475,936 1,825,386 2,198,683 2,933,743
REGION XII - SOCCSKSARGEN 652,020 1,186,963 1,365,078 1,722,727 2,399,953
REGION XIII - CARAGA 631,007 950,129 1,114,336 1,371,512 1,764,297
AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO 1,205,427 1,405,230 1,417,327 1,564,401 2,108,061


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
4 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 1--Concluded

Censal Year
Region 1995 2000 2010 2015
September 1 May 1 May 1 August 1

PHILIPPINES 68,616,536 b 76,506,928 c 92,337,852 d 100,981,437 e

NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 9,454,040 9,932,560 11,855,975 12,877,253

CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION 1,254,838 1,365,220 1,616,867 1,722,006
REGION I - ILOCOS 3,803,890 4,200,478 4,748,372 5,026,128
REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2,536,035 2,813,159 3,229,163 3,451,410
REGION III - CENTRAL LUZON 7,092,191 8,204,742 10,137,737 11,218,177
REGION IV-A - CALABARZON 7,750,204 9,320,629 12,609,803 14,414,774
MIMAROPA REGION 1 2,033,271 2,299,229 2,744,671 2,963,360
REGION V - BICOL 4,325,307 4,686,669 5,420,411 5,796,989
REGION VI - WESTERN VISAYAS 5,776,938 6,211,038 7,102,438 7,536,383
REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS 5,014,588 5,706,953 6,800,180 7,396,898
REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS 3,366,917 3,610,355 4,101,322 4,440,150
REGION IX - ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA 2,567,651 2,831,412 3,407,353 3,629,783
REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO 3,197,059 3,505,708 4,297,323 4,689,302
REGION XI - DAVAO 3,288,824 3,676,163 4,468,563 4,893,318
REGION XII - SOCCSKSARGEN 2,846,966 3,222,169 4,109,571 4,545,276
REGION XIII - CARAGA 1,942,687 2,095,367 2,429,224 2,596,709
AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO 2,362,300 2,803,045 3,256,140 3,781,387

a The 1990 total population includes homeless population and Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions
abroad numbering 2,876 and 2,336 respectively.
b The 1995 total population includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad numbering 2,830.
c The 2000 total population includes the counts in the disputed barangays and Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates,
and missions abroad numbering to 18,989 and 2,851 respectively.
d The 2010 total population includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad numbering 2,739.
e The 2015 total population includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad numbering 2,134.
1 Renamed pursuant to Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, Various Census Reports

Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 5

TABLE 2 Total Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015

Single-Year Age Both Sexes Male Female


All ages 100,979,303 a 51,069,962 49,909,341

Under 1 2,076,015 1,073,401 1,002,614

1 2,090,987 1,079,503 1,011,484
2 2,191,622 1,131,865 1,059,757
3 2,235,349 1,155,396 1,079,953
4 2,224,958 1,150,320 1,074,638

5 2,181,326 1,127,218 1,054,108

6 2,173,491 1,120,396 1,053,095
7 2,237,482 1,156,157 1,081,325
8 2,140,435 1,104,671 1,035,764
9 2,110,186 1,088,395 1,021,791

10 2,193,001 1,136,857 1,056,144

11 2,085,930 1,073,760 1,012,170
12 2,094,826 1,075,507 1,019,319
13 2,030,127 1,041,707 988,420
14 2,090,058 1,077,587 1,012,471

15 2,204,033 1,138,933 1,065,100

16 1,966,921 1,006,127 960,794
17 2,037,137 1,042,265 994,872
18 2,035,409 1,030,597 1,004,812
19 1,947,685 984,317 963,368

20 1,983,679 1,003,598 980,081

21 1,891,452 963,422 928,030
22 1,899,713 960,935 938,778
23 1,854,499 936,416 918,083
24 1,838,151 931,401 906,750

25 1,862,478 946,657 915,821

26 1,655,623 836,733 818,890
27 1,660,730 847,134 813,596
28 1,651,214 841,747 809,467
29 1,530,402 780,546 749,856

30 1,580,095 810,475 769,620

31 1,433,084 736,387 696,697
32 1,488,671 761,303 727,368
33 1,419,567 723,069 696,498
34 1,420,477 724,729 695,748

35 1,531,273 789,041 742,232

36 1,358,134 693,255 664,879
37 1,292,717 661,047 631,670
38 1,301,543 663,152 638,391
39 1,259,020 640,854 618,166

40 1,306,929 671,080 635,849

41 1,110,913 568,489 542,424
42 1,189,800 608,178 581,622
43 1,163,116 597,619 565,497
44 1,078,570 550,025 528,545


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
6 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 2--Concluded

Single-Year Age Both Sexes Male Female

45 1,234,633 634,424 600,209

46 1,079,179 548,168 531,011
47 1,022,526 519,335 503,191
48 976,952 490,340 486,612
49 971,035 488,197 482,838

50 1,017,174 514,602 502,572

51 901,398 455,389 446,009
52 901,964 453,795 448,169
53 821,532 411,230 410,302
54 788,479 392,563 395,916

55 858,562 430,349 428,213

56 735,267 365,816 369,451
57 690,159 342,276 347,883
58 670,231 327,968 342,263
59 652,615 319,027 333,588

60 668,172 324,982 343,190

61 572,178 276,692 295,486
62 562,744 269,542 293,202
63 498,278 237,222 261,056
64 459,811 217,377 242,434

65 508,893 238,331 270,562

66 391,834 180,676 211,158
67 372,429 171,097 201,332
68 341,184 154,153 187,031
69 301,785 134,070 167,715

70 285,524 125,613 159,911

71 236,736 102,668 134,068
72 249,663 106,378 143,285
73 242,447 103,246 139,201
74 205,710 85,332 120,378

75 218,656 89,577 129,079

76 175,817 69,868 105,949
77 163,409 64,494 98,915
78 160,837 62,146 98,691
79 140,379 52,435 87,944

80 years and over 792,283 268,313 523,970

a The 2015 total population excludes Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad

numbering 2,134.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 7

TABLE 3 Household Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015

Single-Year Age Both Sexes Male Female


All ages 100,573,715 50,774,021 49,799,694

Under 1 2,075,441 1,073,092 1,002,349

1 2,090,349 1,079,136 1,011,213
2 2,191,020 1,131,539 1,059,481
3 2,234,812 1,155,121 1,079,691
4 2,224,376 1,150,008 1,074,368

5 2,180,700 1,126,910 1,053,790

6 2,172,796 1,120,019 1,052,777
7 2,236,650 1,155,729 1,080,921
8 2,139,569 1,104,226 1,035,343
9 2,109,160 1,087,838 1,021,322

10 2,191,716 1,136,131 1,055,585

11 2,084,417 1,072,822 1,011,595
12 2,092,242 1,073,961 1,018,281
13 2,026,422 1,039,557 986,865
14 2,085,615 1,075,042 1,010,573

15 2,198,355 1,135,787 1,062,568

16 1,956,206 1,000,792 955,414
17 2,020,544 1,034,118 986,426
18 2,015,993 1,019,932 996,061
19 1,929,214 973,628 955,586

20 1,966,614 993,135 973,479

21 1,876,923 953,824 923,099
22 1,885,867 951,214 934,653
23 1,841,076 926,731 914,345
24 1,825,675 921,967 903,708

25 1,849,583 936,638 912,945

26 1,644,739 828,157 816,582
27 1,649,718 838,312 811,406
28 1,640,030 832,603 807,427
29 1,520,391 772,154 748,237

30 1,569,759 801,807 767,952

31 1,416,805 721,498 695,307
32 1,479,889 753,895 725,994
33 1,411,391 716,148 695,243
34 1,412,692 718,126 694,566

35 1,521,866 780,986 740,880

36 1,350,585 686,885 663,700
37 1,285,711 655,057 630,654
38 1,294,376 657,206 637,170
39 1,252,385 635,318 617,067

40 1,299,882 665,220 634,662

41 1,105,407 563,943 541,464
42 1,183,646 603,085 580,561
43 1,150,231 585,672 564,559
44 1,074,003 546,253 527,750


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Table 3--Concluded

Single-Year Age Both Sexes Male Female

45 1,229,145 629,957 599,188

46 1,074,489 544,339 530,150
47 1,018,130 515,772 502,358
48 972,937 487,180 485,757
49 967,304 485,194 482,110

50 1,013,423 511,686 501,737

51 898,274 452,920 445,354
52 898,923 451,359 447,564
53 818,788 409,120 409,668
54 785,785 390,685 395,100

55 855,949 428,333 427,616

56 733,257 364,310 368,947
57 688,394 340,964 347,430
58 668,586 326,794 341,792
59 651,184 318,009 333,175

60 666,592 323,867 342,725

61 571,072 275,876 295,196
62 561,645 268,799 292,846
63 497,278 236,555 260,723
64 459,021 216,831 242,190

65 507,981 237,748 270,233

66 391,205 180,282 210,923
67 371,825 170,735 201,090
68 340,619 153,836 186,783
69 301,278 133,785 167,493

70 285,054 125,357 159,697

71 236,348 102,476 133,872
72 249,261 106,163 143,098
73 242,042 103,038 139,004
74 205,360 85,160 120,200

75 218,238 89,396 128,842

76 175,511 69,749 105,762
77 163,125 64,383 98,742
78 160,512 62,026 98,486
79 140,148 52,357 87,791

80 years and over 790,191 267,758 522,433

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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TABLE 4 Total Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 100,979,303 a 51,069,962 49,909,341

Under 1 2,076,015 1,073,401 1,002,614
1 - 4 8,742,916 4,517,084 4,225,832
5 - 9 10,842,920 5,596,837 5,246,083
10 - 14 10,493,942 5,405,418 5,088,524
15 - 19 10,191,185 5,202,239 4,988,946
20 - 24 9,467,494 4,795,772 4,671,722
25 - 29 8,360,447 4,252,817 4,107,630
30 - 34 7,341,894 3,755,963 3,585,931
35 - 39 6,742,687 3,447,349 3,295,338
40 - 44 5,849,328 2,995,391 2,853,937
45 - 49 5,284,325 2,680,464 2,603,861
50 - 54 4,430,547 2,227,579 2,202,968
55 - 59 3,606,834 1,785,436 1,821,398
60 - 64 2,761,183 1,325,815 1,435,368
65 - 69 1,916,125 878,327 1,037,798
70 - 74 1,220,080 523,237 696,843
75 - 79 859,098 338,520 520,578
80 years and over 792,283 268,313 523,970

0 - 4 years 10,818,931 5,590,485 5,228,446

0 - 14 years 32,155,793 16,592,740 15,563,053
15 - 64 years 64,035,924 32,468,825 31,567,099
18 years and over 62,615,419 31,289,897 31,325,522
60 years and over 7,548,769 3,334,212 4,214,557
65 years and over 4,787,586 2,008,397 2,779,189


All Ages 12,877,253 6,368,365 6,508,888

Under 1 239,132 124,258 114,874
1 - 4 961,311 497,923 463,388
5 - 9 1,163,719 600,902 562,817
10 - 14 1,135,592 583,036 552,556
15 - 19 1,253,803 618,218 635,585
20 - 24 1,349,005 661,172 687,833
25 - 29 1,265,102 626,570 638,532
30 - 34 1,104,618 555,830 548,788
35 - 39 963,867 480,592 483,275
40 - 44 817,789 408,420 409,369
45 - 49 712,253 347,683 364,570
50 - 54 591,442 282,371 309,071
55 - 59 468,406 220,867 247,539
60 - 64 345,164 158,211 186,953
65 - 69 223,238 98,704 124,534
70 - 74 122,964 49,693 73,271
75 - 79 83,702 30,692 53,010
80 years and over 76,146 23,223 52,923

0 - 4 years 1,200,443 622,181 578,262

0 - 14 years 3,499,754 1,806,119 1,693,635
15 - 64 years 8,871,449 4,359,934 4,511,515
18 years and over 8,650,660 4,198,943 4,451,717
60 years and over 851,214 360,523 490,691
65 years and over 506,050 202,312 303,738


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Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 1,722,006 879,340 842,666

Under 1 34,589 17,657 16,932
1 - 4 144,843 74,533 70,310
5 - 9 180,804 92,663 88,141
10 - 14 176,388 90,553 85,835
15 - 19 179,349 90,554 88,795
20 - 24 175,450 89,439 86,011
25 - 29 150,426 78,417 72,009
30 - 34 126,185 66,665 59,520
35 - 39 108,324 56,770 51,554
40 - 44 90,559 47,483 43,076
45 - 49 85,083 43,923 41,160
50 - 54 74,845 38,590 36,255
55 - 59 62,068 31,440 30,628
60 - 64 46,194 22,803 23,391
65 - 69 31,675 15,026 16,649
70 - 74 21,059 9,310 11,749
75 - 79 16,591 6,924 9,667
80 years and over 17,574 6,590 10,984

0 - 4 years 179,432 92,190 87,242

0 - 14 years 536,624 275,406 261,218
15 - 64 years 1,098,483 566,084 532,399
18 years and over 1,078,523 549,648 528,875
60 years and over 133,093 60,653 72,440
65 years and over 86,899 37,850 49,049


All Ages 5,026,128 2,536,297 2,489,831

Under 1 96,663 49,848 46,815
1 - 4 405,449 208,878 196,571
5 - 9 510,858 265,710 245,148
10 - 14 502,318 260,945 241,373
15 - 19 474,530 246,278 228,252
20 - 24 438,415 224,792 213,623
25 - 29 391,660 200,362 191,298
30 - 34 365,782 186,981 178,801
35 - 39 336,500 172,499 164,001
40 - 44 295,564 152,404 143,160
45 - 49 276,698 141,283 135,415
50 - 54 237,159 119,702 117,457
55 - 59 201,337 99,159 102,178
60 - 64 159,163 74,971 84,192
65 - 69 123,030 54,649 68,381
70 - 74 82,362 33,644 48,718
75 - 79 61,471 22,958 38,513
80 years and over 67,169 21,234 45,935

0 - 4 years 502,112 258,726 243,386

0 - 14 years 1,515,288 785,381 729,907
15 - 64 years 3,176,808 1,618,431 1,558,377
18 years and over 3,218,951 1,598,471 1,620,480
60 years and over 493,195 207,456 285,739
65 years and over 334,032 132,485 201,547


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Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 3,451,410 1,758,773 1,692,637

Under 1 69,746 35,929 33,817
1 - 4 292,963 150,689 142,274
5 - 9 358,204 185,150 173,054
10 - 14 337,967 175,039 162,928
15 - 19 332,294 171,484 160,810
20 - 24 318,664 163,209 155,455
25 - 29 279,492 144,020 135,472
30 - 34 247,474 128,276 119,198
35 - 39 233,394 120,751 112,643
40 - 44 205,056 106,846 98,210
45 - 49 187,765 96,747 91,018
50 - 54 166,434 84,888 81,546
55 - 59 138,279 69,547 68,732
60 - 64 104,998 50,794 54,204
65 - 69 69,552 32,223 37,329
70 - 74 43,042 18,488 24,554
75 - 79 33,989 13,376 20,613
80 years and over 32,097 11,317 20,780

0 - 4 years 362,709 186,618 176,091

0 - 14 years 1,058,880 546,807 512,073
15 - 64 years 2,213,850 1,136,562 1,077,288
18 years and over 2,193,273 1,108,519 1,084,754
60 years and over 283,678 126,198 157,480
65 years and over 178,680 75,404 103,276


All Ages 11,218,177 5,669,379 5,548,798

Under 1 215,714 112,014 103,700
1 - 4 895,593 465,381 430,212
5 - 9 1,132,672 586,200 546,472
10 - 14 1,111,511 576,203 535,308
15 - 19 1,102,758 566,621 536,137
20 - 24 1,049,764 536,909 512,855
25 - 29 936,666 475,184 461,482
30 - 34 841,508 425,538 415,970
35 - 39 792,663 401,340 391,323
40 - 44 685,221 348,904 336,317
45 - 49 631,634 319,573 312,061
50 - 54 523,013 262,967 260,046
55 - 59 420,021 208,169 211,852
60 - 64 323,375 154,955 168,420
65 - 69 231,907 105,790 126,117
70 - 74 136,968 58,138 78,830
75 - 79 97,310 37,245 60,065
80 years and over 89,879 28,248 61,631

0 - 4 years 1,111,307 577,395 533,912

0 - 14 years 3,355,490 1,739,798 1,615,692
15 - 64 years 7,306,623 3,700,160 3,606,463
18 years and over 7,198,321 3,586,293 3,612,028
60 years and over 879,439 384,376 495,063
65 years and over 556,064 229,421 326,643


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Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 14,414,774 7,221,488 7,193,286

Under 1 284,341 146,230 138,111
1 - 4 1,176,349 607,710 568,639
5 - 9 1,450,150 749,125 701,025
10 - 14 1,416,192 730,685 685,507
15 - 19 1,420,167 723,168 696,999
20 - 24 1,383,125 693,398 689,727
25 - 29 1,248,437 622,823 625,614
30 - 34 1,138,390 568,979 569,411
35 - 39 1,061,579 533,933 527,646
40 - 44 884,528 448,371 436,157
45 - 49 786,730 394,909 391,821
50 - 54 639,573 317,755 321,818
55 - 59 518,053 252,980 265,073
60 - 64 395,471 185,643 209,828
65 - 69 262,170 116,370 145,800
70 - 74 152,773 62,497 90,276
75 - 79 104,806 39,042 65,764
80 years and over 91,940 27,870 64,070

0 - 4 years 1,460,690 753,940 706,750

0 - 14 years 4,327,032 2,233,750 2,093,282
15 - 64 years 9,476,053 4,741,959 4,734,094
18 years and over 9,235,514 4,549,871 4,685,643
60 years and over 1,007,160 431,422 575,738
65 years and over 611,689 245,779 365,910


All Ages 2,963,360 1,520,129 1,443,231

Under 1 66,367 34,292 32,075
1 - 4 279,847 144,504 135,343
5 - 9 353,556 182,926 170,630
10 - 14 344,044 177,648 166,396
15 - 19 313,526 162,072 151,454
20 - 24 257,770 132,461 125,309
25 - 29 217,831 111,454 106,377
30 - 34 197,716 102,194 95,522
35 - 39 182,857 95,887 86,970
40 - 44 162,145 85,164 76,981
45 - 49 145,383 75,919 69,464
50 - 54 123,584 64,560 59,024
55 - 59 101,579 51,908 49,671
60 - 64 76,883 38,372 38,511
65 - 69 54,733 25,914 28,819
70 - 74 36,722 16,352 20,370
75 - 79 25,687 10,373 15,314
80 years and over 23,130 8,129 15,001

0 - 4 years 346,214 178,796 167,418

0 - 14 years 1,043,814 539,370 504,444
15 - 64 years 1,779,274 919,991 859,283
18 years and over 1,721,320 877,770 843,550
60 years and over 217,155 99,140 118,015
65 years and over 140,272 60,768 79,504


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Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 5,796,989 2,951,135 2,845,854

Under 1 129,356 67,608 61,748
1 - 4 557,274 288,973 268,301
5 - 9 705,946 365,352 340,594
10 - 14 708,763 366,391 342,372
15 - 19 626,147 326,702 299,445
20 - 24 487,018 251,588 235,430
25 - 29 401,138 206,831 194,307
30 - 34 358,015 184,661 173,354
35 - 39 339,814 174,463 165,351
40 - 44 300,568 153,674 146,894
45 - 49 283,743 144,711 139,032
50 - 54 240,351 121,684 118,667
55 - 59 200,418 99,482 100,936
60 - 64 156,772 74,993 81,779
65 - 69 116,952 52,799 64,153
70 - 74 80,762 34,151 46,611
75 - 79 54,908 21,158 33,750
80 years and over 49,044 15,914 33,130

0 - 4 years 686,630 356,581 330,049

0 - 14 years 2,101,339 1,088,324 1,013,015
15 - 64 years 3,393,984 1,738,789 1,655,195
18 years and over 3,295,305 1,653,447 1,641,858
60 years and over 458,438 199,015 259,423
65 years and over 301,666 124,022 177,644


All Ages 7,536,383 3,830,514 3,705,869

Under 1 145,425 75,123 70,302
1 - 4 619,015 321,134 297,881
5 - 9 786,406 407,139 379,267
10 - 14 767,684 396,141 371,543
15 - 19 747,712 386,425 361,287
20 - 24 687,080 354,815 332,265
25 - 29 596,409 311,848 284,561
30 - 34 522,127 274,691 247,436
35 - 39 473,384 248,647 224,737
40 - 44 423,809 220,066 203,743
45 - 49 399,381 203,980 195,401
50 - 54 353,754 178,078 175,676
55 - 59 301,886 148,371 153,515
60 - 64 240,535 114,257 126,278
65 - 69 171,973 77,030 94,943
70 - 74 121,228 50,296 70,932
75 - 79 91,017 34,203 56,814
80 years and over 87,558 28,270 59,288

0 - 4 years 764,440 396,257 368,183

0 - 14 years 2,318,530 1,199,537 1,118,993
15 - 64 years 4,746,077 2,441,178 2,304,899
18 years and over 4,761,213 2,394,090 2,367,123
60 years and over 712,311 304,056 408,255
65 years and over 471,776 189,799 281,977


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14 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 7,396,898 3,743,601 3,653,297

Under 1 162,763 84,315 78,448
1 - 4 650,717 336,835 313,882
5 - 9 805,114 415,422 389,692
10 - 14 771,030 397,281 373,749
15 - 19 728,697 373,778 354,919
20 - 24 688,915 349,544 339,371
25 - 29 601,759 307,753 294,006
30 - 34 521,584 268,783 252,801
35 - 39 467,901 240,525 227,376
40 - 44 413,989 211,598 202,391
45 - 49 372,302 188,493 183,809
50 - 54 324,721 162,712 162,009
55 - 59 268,442 132,562 135,880
60 - 64 216,145 103,263 112,882
65 - 69 151,067 69,476 81,591
70 - 74 106,498 46,163 60,335
75 - 79 75,490 30,249 45,241
80 years and over 69,764 24,849 44,915

0 - 4 years 813,480 421,150 392,330

0 - 14 years 2,389,624 1,233,853 1,155,771
15 - 64 years 4,604,455 2,339,011 2,265,444
18 years and over 4,561,076 2,280,088 2,280,988
60 years and over 618,964 274,000 344,964
65 years and over 402,819 170,737 232,082


All Ages 4,440,150 2,285,355 2,154,795

Under 1 95,543 49,965 45,578
1 - 4 403,530 209,055 194,475
5 - 9 508,998 263,853 245,145
10 - 14 513,551 265,458 248,093
15 - 19 487,753 255,480 232,273
20 - 24 393,853 206,405 187,448
25 - 29 313,629 164,589 149,040
30 - 34 273,749 144,188 129,561
35 - 39 257,230 134,422 122,808
40 - 44 236,541 123,477 113,064
45 - 49 219,637 113,714 105,923
50 - 54 190,622 98,084 92,538
55 - 59 161,670 82,247 79,423
60 - 64 125,877 62,273 63,604
65 - 69 97,164 45,520 51,644
70 - 74 70,118 31,281 38,837
75 - 79 47,737 19,733 28,004
80 years and over 42,948 15,611 27,337

0 - 4 years 499,073 259,020 240,053

0 - 14 years 1,521,622 788,331 733,291
15 - 64 years 2,660,561 1,384,879 1,275,682
18 years and over 2,611,804 1,336,505 1,275,299
60 years and over 383,844 174,418 209,426
65 years and over 257,967 112,145 145,822


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Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 3,629,783 1,850,878 1,778,905

Under 1 81,826 42,238 39,588
1 - 4 347,313 178,874 168,439
5 - 9 426,976 219,553 207,423
10 - 14 407,767 209,593 198,174
15 - 19 386,524 197,177 189,347
20 - 24 339,502 172,406 167,096
25 - 29 277,763 142,400 135,363
30 - 34 235,015 121,563 113,452
35 - 39 219,601 113,481 106,120
40 - 44 198,421 102,086 96,335
45 - 49 179,642 92,106 87,536
50 - 54 153,170 78,527 74,643
55 - 59 121,729 61,581 60,148
60 - 64 94,589 47,171 47,418
65 - 69 63,479 30,200 33,279
70 - 74 42,401 19,544 22,857
75 - 79 28,307 12,281 16,026
80 years and over 25,758 10,097 15,661

0 - 4 years 429,139 221,112 208,027

0 - 14 years 1,263,882 650,258 613,624
15 - 64 years 2,205,956 1,128,498 1,077,458
18 years and over 2,129,511 1,079,825 1,049,686
60 years and over 254,534 119,293 135,241
65 years and over 159,945 72,122 87,823


All Ages 4,689,302 2,396,000 2,293,302

Under 1 103,417 53,602 49,815
1 - 4 443,717 229,065 214,652
5 - 9 540,552 278,685 261,867
10 - 14 509,950 261,680 248,270
15 - 19 480,062 245,191 234,871
20 - 24 436,995 223,150 213,845
25 - 29 383,203 199,051 184,152
30 - 34 317,383 165,628 151,755
35 - 39 292,395 152,163 140,232
40 - 44 257,235 133,106 124,129
45 - 49 233,050 119,102 113,948
50 - 54 199,915 101,440 98,475
55 - 59 163,434 82,165 81,269
60 - 64 124,663 61,658 63,005
65 - 69 81,761 39,270 42,491
70 - 74 51,845 23,201 28,644
75 - 79 37,262 15,655 21,607
80 years and over 32,463 12,188 20,275

0 - 4 years 547,134 282,667 264,467

0 - 14 years 1,597,636 823,032 774,604
15 - 64 years 2,888,335 1,482,654 1,405,681
18 years and over 2,797,702 1,422,889 1,374,813
60 years and over 327,994 151,972 176,022
65 years and over 203,331 90,314 113,017


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16 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 4--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 4,893,318 2,514,244 2,379,074

Under 1 103,911 53,447 50,464
1 - 4 434,443 224,364 210,079
5 - 9 535,293 276,333 258,960
10 - 14 505,296 259,257 246,039
15 - 19 492,813 250,352 242,461
20 - 24 467,052 238,285 228,767
25 - 29 422,657 220,272 202,385
30 - 34 354,639 187,134 167,505
35 - 39 319,076 168,880 150,196
40 - 44 279,180 146,941 132,239
45 - 49 249,553 129,313 120,240
50 - 54 210,031 107,481 102,550
55 - 59 174,844 88,389 86,455
60 - 64 132,471 65,913 66,558
65 - 69 88,258 42,953 45,305
70 - 74 54,291 25,338 28,953
75 - 79 37,507 16,637 20,870
80 years and over 32,003 12,955 19,048

0 - 4 years 538,354 277,811 260,543

0 - 14 years 1,578,943 813,401 765,542
15 - 64 years 3,102,316 1,602,960 1,499,356
18 years and over 3,018,187 1,549,349 1,468,838
60 years and over 344,530 163,796 180,734
65 years and over 212,059 97,883 114,176


All Ages 4,545,276 2,323,144 2,222,132

Under 1 102,506 52,715 49,791
1 - 4 429,084 221,239 207,845
5 - 9 525,893 271,269 254,624
10 - 14 496,412 254,372 242,040
15 - 19 478,761 241,798 236,963
20 - 24 436,120 220,610 215,510
25 - 29 382,347 197,311 185,036
30 - 34 321,367 167,039 154,328
35 - 39 297,171 154,564 142,607
40 - 44 258,198 134,440 123,758
45 - 49 228,152 118,368 109,784
50 - 54 178,895 92,083 86,812
55 - 59 137,943 70,170 67,773
60 - 64 102,267 50,699 51,568
65 - 69 69,520 33,265 36,255
70 - 74 44,900 20,351 24,549
75 - 79 29,658 12,777 16,881
80 years and over 26,082 10,074 16,008

0 - 4 years 531,590 273,954 257,636

0 - 14 years 1,553,895 799,595 754,300
15 - 64 years 2,821,221 1,447,082 1,374,139
18 years and over 2,698,607 1,374,990 1,323,617
60 years and over 272,427 127,166 145,261
65 years and over 170,160 76,467 93,693


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Table 4---Concluded

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 2,596,709 1,336,340 1,260,369

Under 1 58,211 30,115 28,096
1 - 4 250,840 130,094 120,746
5 - 9 303,451 157,273 146,178
10 - 14 289,914 149,643 140,271
15 - 19 264,849 137,846 127,003
20 - 24 232,683 120,596 112,087
25 - 29 203,151 106,710 96,441
30 - 34 167,959 88,871 79,088
35 - 39 151,924 79,714 72,210
40 - 44 138,453 71,649 66,804
45 - 49 129,783 66,759 63,024
50 - 54 113,114 57,813 55,301
55 - 59 93,732 47,359 46,373
60 - 64 69,872 34,602 35,270
65 - 69 49,770 23,596 26,174
70 - 74 34,587 15,584 19,003
75 - 79 24,168 10,429 13,739
80 years and over 20,248 7,687 12,561

0 - 4 years 309,051 160,209 148,842

0 - 14 years 902,416 467,125 435,291
15 - 64 years 1,565,520 811,919 753,601
18 years and over 1,528,578 782,996 745,582
60 years and over 198,645 91,898 106,747
65 years and over 128,773 57,296 71,477


All Ages 3,781,387 1,884,980 1,896,407

Under 1 86,505 44,045 42,460
1 - 4 450,628 227,833 222,795
5 - 9 554,328 279,282 275,046
10 - 14 499,563 251,493 248,070
15 - 19 421,440 209,095 212,345
20 - 24 326,083 156,993 169,090
25 - 29 288,777 137,222 151,555
30 - 34 248,383 118,942 129,441
35 - 39 245,007 118,718 126,289
40 - 44 202,072 100,762 101,310
45 - 49 163,536 83,881 79,655
50 - 54 109,924 58,844 51,080
55 - 59 72,993 39,040 33,953
60 - 64 46,744 25,237 21,507
65 - 69 29,876 15,542 14,334
70 - 74 17,560 9,206 8,354
75 - 79 9,488 4,788 4,700
80 years and over 8,480 4,057 4,423

0 - 4 years 537,133 271,878 265,255

0 - 14 years 1,591,024 802,653 788,371
15 - 64 years 2,124,959 1,048,734 1,076,225
18 years and over 1,916,874 946,203 970,671
60 years and over 112,148 58,830 53,318
65 years and over 65,404 33,593 31,811

a The 2015 total population excludes Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad numbering 2,134.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Statistics Authority
18 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

TABLE 5 Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 100,573,715 50,774,021 49,799,694

Under 1 2,075,441 1,073,092 1,002,349
1 - 4 8,740,557 4,515,804 4,224,753
5 - 9 10,838,875 5,594,722 5,244,153
10 - 14 10,480,412 5,397,513 5,082,899
15 - 19 10,120,312 5,164,257 4,956,055
20 - 24 9,396,155 4,746,871 4,649,284
25 - 29 8,304,461 4,207,864 4,096,597
30 - 34 7,290,536 3,711,474 3,579,062
35 - 39 6,704,923 3,415,452 3,289,471
40 - 44 5,813,169 2,964,173 2,848,996
45 - 49 5,262,005 2,662,442 2,599,563
50 - 54 4,415,193 2,215,770 2,199,423
55 - 59 3,597,370 1,778,410 1,818,960
60 - 64 2,755,608 1,321,928 1,433,680
65 - 69 1,912,908 876,386 1,036,522
70 - 74 1,218,065 522,194 695,871
75 - 79 857,534 337,911 519,623
80 years and over 790,191 267,758 522,433

0 - 4 years 10,815,998 5,588,896 5,227,102

0 - 14 years 32,135,285 16,581,131 15,554,154
15 - 64 years 63,659,732 32,188,641 31,471,091
18 years and over 62,263,325 31,022,193 31,241,132
60 years and over 7,534,306 3,326,177 4,208,129
65 years and over 4,778,698 2,004,249 2,774,449


All Ages 12,787,669 6,303,888 6,483,781

Under 1 239,018 124,195 114,823
1 - 4 960,836 497,625 463,211
5 - 9 1,163,108 600,586 562,522
10 - 14 1,134,446 582,377 552,069
15 - 19 1,244,186 613,605 630,581
20 - 24 1,335,898 652,711 683,187
25 - 29 1,254,938 619,153 635,785
30 - 34 1,088,095 541,279 546,816
35 - 39 955,532 474,098 481,434
40 - 44 803,784 396,148 407,636
45 - 49 707,138 344,149 362,989
50 - 54 587,738 280,123 307,615
55 - 59 466,194 219,518 246,676
60 - 64 343,615 157,304 186,311
65 - 69 222,234 98,139 124,095
70 - 74 122,310 49,332 72,978
75 - 79 83,223 30,501 52,722
80 years and over 75,376 23,045 52,331

0 - 4 years 1,199,854 621,820 578,034

0 - 14 years 3,497,408 1,804,783 1,692,625
15 - 64 years 8,787,118 4,298,088 4,489,030
18 years and over 8,567,314 4,137,415 4,429,899
60 years and over 846,758 358,321 488,437
65 years and over 503,143 201,017 302,126


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Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 19

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 1,714,220 874,188 840,032

Under 1 34,566 17,645 16,921
1 - 4 144,782 74,502 70,280
5 - 9 180,692 92,620 88,072
10 - 14 175,921 90,274 85,647
15 - 19 177,041 89,426 87,615
20 - 24 173,885 88,350 85,535
25 - 29 149,475 77,648 71,827
30 - 34 125,565 66,158 59,407
35 - 39 107,852 56,385 51,467
40 - 44 90,192 47,167 43,025
45 - 49 84,810 43,710 41,100
50 - 54 74,610 38,402 36,208
55 - 59 61,936 31,345 30,591
60 - 64 46,135 22,764 23,371
65 - 69 31,628 14,999 16,629
70 - 74 21,034 9,301 11,733
75 - 79 16,561 6,914 9,647
80 years and over 17,535 6,578 10,957

0 - 4 years 179,348 92,147 87,201

0 - 14 years 535,961 275,041 260,920
15 - 64 years 1,091,501 561,355 530,146
18 years and over 1,072,573 545,377 527,196
60 years and over 132,893 60,556 72,337
65 years and over 86,758 37,792 48,966


All Ages 5,014,622 2,528,136 2,486,486

Under 1 96,648 49,841 46,807
1 - 4 405,384 208,839 196,545
5 - 9 510,759 265,662 245,097
10 - 14 501,785 260,588 241,197
15 - 19 472,448 245,102 227,346
20 - 24 436,351 223,363 212,988
25 - 29 390,145 199,195 190,950
30 - 34 364,427 185,862 178,565
35 - 39 335,478 171,670 163,808
40 - 44 294,735 151,705 143,030
45 - 49 276,071 140,785 135,286
50 - 54 236,688 119,362 117,326
55 - 59 201,015 98,952 102,063
60 - 64 158,979 74,862 84,117
65 - 69 122,920 54,587 68,333
70 - 74 82,282 33,605 48,677
75 - 79 61,425 22,944 38,481
80 years and over 67,082 21,212 45,870

0 - 4 years 502,032 258,680 243,352

0 - 14 years 1,514,576 784,930 729,646
15 - 64 years 3,166,337 1,610,858 1,555,479
18 years and over 3,209,044 1,591,265 1,617,779
60 years and over 492,688 207,210 285,478
65 years and over 333,709 132,348 201,361


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Statistics Authority
20 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 3,443,493 1,753,556 1,689,937

Under 1 69,718 35,915 33,803
1 - 4 292,876 150,647 142,229
5 - 9 358,084 185,089 172,995
10 - 14 337,721 174,889 162,832
15 - 19 330,458 170,606 159,852
20 - 24 317,208 162,383 154,825
25 - 29 278,357 143,195 135,162
30 - 34 246,682 127,639 119,043
35 - 39 232,744 120,224 112,520
40 - 44 204,498 106,376 98,122
45 - 49 187,409 96,453 90,956
50 - 54 166,176 84,681 81,495
55 - 59 138,104 69,408 68,696
60 - 64 104,883 50,709 54,174
65 - 69 69,502 32,186 37,316
70 - 74 43,023 18,476 24,547
75 - 79 33,967 13,366 20,601
80 years and over 32,083 11,314 20,769

0 - 4 years 362,594 186,562 176,032

0 - 14 years 1,058,399 546,540 511,859
15 - 64 years 2,206,519 1,131,674 1,074,845
18 years and over 2,186,668 1,103,956 1,082,712
60 years and over 283,458 126,051 157,407
65 years and over 178,575 75,342 103,233


All Ages 11,184,068 5,642,992 5,541,076

Under 1 215,655 111,985 103,670
1 - 4 895,384 465,271 430,113
5 - 9 1,132,203 585,971 546,232
10 - 14 1,110,397 575,561 534,836
15 - 19 1,098,654 563,816 534,838
20 - 24 1,043,790 532,265 511,525
25 - 29 931,151 470,697 460,454
30 - 34 836,930 421,671 415,259
35 - 39 788,590 397,882 390,708
40 - 44 682,391 346,603 335,788
45 - 49 629,581 317,902 311,679
50 - 54 521,713 261,952 259,761
55 - 59 419,244 207,596 211,648
60 - 64 322,970 154,665 168,305
65 - 69 231,667 105,644 126,023
70 - 74 136,817 58,077 78,740
75 - 79 97,205 37,212 59,993
80 years and over 89,726 28,222 61,504

0 - 4 years 1,111,039 577,256 533,783

0 - 14 years 3,353,639 1,738,788 1,614,851
15 - 64 years 7,275,014 3,675,049 3,599,965
18 years and over 7,167,770 3,561,943 3,605,827
60 years and over 878,385 383,820 494,565
65 years and over 555,415 229,155 326,260


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 21

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 14,365,137 7,184,231 7,180,906

Under 1 284,283 146,192 138,091
1 - 4 1,176,105 607,587 568,518
5 - 9 1,449,608 748,822 700,786
10 - 14 1,414,391 729,378 685,013
15 - 19 1,411,284 717,745 693,539
20 - 24 1,373,883 686,600 687,283
25 - 29 1,241,200 616,945 624,255
30 - 34 1,132,617 564,062 568,555
35 - 39 1,056,632 529,717 526,915
40 - 44 880,979 445,388 435,591
45 - 49 783,888 392,588 391,300
50 - 54 637,836 316,388 321,448
55 - 59 517,068 252,236 264,832
60 - 64 394,889 185,261 209,628
65 - 69 261,759 116,157 145,602
70 - 74 152,537 62,400 90,137
75 - 79 104,571 38,964 65,607
80 years and over 91,607 27,801 63,806

0 - 4 years 1,460,388 753,779 706,609

0 - 14 years 4,324,387 2,231,979 2,092,408
15 - 64 years 9,430,276 4,706,930 4,723,346
18 years and over 9,192,873 4,517,024 4,675,849
60 years and over 1,005,363 430,583 574,780
65 years and over 610,474 245,322 365,152


All Ages 2,946,505 1,505,927 1,440,578

Under 1 66,354 34,287 32,067
1 - 4 279,783 144,470 135,313
5 - 9 353,476 182,888 170,588
10 - 14 343,668 177,455 166,213
15 - 19 311,875 161,171 150,704
20 - 24 255,677 130,899 124,778
25 - 29 215,467 109,413 106,054
30 - 34 195,635 100,303 95,332
35 - 39 180,837 93,995 86,842
40 - 44 160,431 83,554 76,877
45 - 49 143,734 74,367 69,367
50 - 54 122,352 63,433 58,919
55 - 59 100,740 51,111 49,629
60 - 64 76,478 38,016 38,462
65 - 69 54,585 25,789 28,796
70 - 74 36,657 16,306 20,351
75 - 79 25,653 10,348 15,305
80 years and over 23,103 8,122 14,981

0 - 4 years 346,137 178,757 167,380

0 - 14 years 1,043,281 539,100 504,181
15 - 64 years 1,763,226 906,262 856,964
18 years and over 1,705,787 864,268 841,519
60 years and over 216,476 98,581 117,895
65 years and over 139,998 60,565 79,433


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Statistics Authority
22 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 5,780,963 2,939,419 2,841,544

Under 1 129,315 67,585 61,730
1 - 4 557,123 288,897 268,226
5 - 9 705,753 365,260 340,493
10 - 14 708,201 366,069 342,132
15 - 19 622,896 324,909 297,987
20 - 24 484,345 249,740 234,605
25 - 29 398,493 204,555 193,938
30 - 34 356,166 183,047 173,119
35 - 39 338,421 173,271 165,150
40 - 44 299,657 152,940 146,717
45 - 49 282,930 144,045 138,885
50 - 54 239,772 121,222 118,550
55 - 59 200,028 99,188 100,840
60 - 64 156,568 74,841 81,727
65 - 69 116,830 52,729 64,101
70 - 74 80,674 34,110 46,564
75 - 79 54,833 21,121 33,712
80 years and over 48,958 15,890 33,068

0 - 4 years 686,438 356,482 329,956

0 - 14 years 2,100,392 1,087,811 1,012,581
15 - 64 years 3,379,276 1,727,758 1,651,518
18 years and over 3,281,792 1,643,084 1,638,708
60 years and over 457,863 198,691 259,172
65 years and over 301,295 123,850 177,445


All Ages 7,515,560 3,815,403 3,700,157

Under 1 145,384 75,102 70,282
1 - 4 618,844 321,043 297,801
5 - 9 786,151 407,022 379,129
10 - 14 767,135 395,874 371,261
15 - 19 744,339 384,544 359,795
20 - 24 682,875 351,876 330,999
25 - 29 593,262 309,321 283,941
30 - 34 519,670 272,582 247,088
35 - 39 471,537 247,046 224,491
40 - 44 422,387 218,852 203,535
45 - 49 398,266 203,055 195,211
50 - 54 352,966 177,455 175,511
55 - 59 301,405 148,031 153,374
60 - 64 240,226 114,041 126,185
65 - 69 171,773 76,923 94,850
70 - 74 121,071 50,231 70,840
75 - 79 90,872 34,161 56,711
80 years and over 87,397 28,244 59,153

0 - 4 years 764,228 396,145 368,083

0 - 14 years 2,317,514 1,199,041 1,118,473
15 - 64 years 4,726,933 2,426,803 2,300,130
18 years and over 4,742,839 2,380,188 2,362,651
60 years and over 711,339 303,600 407,739
65 years and over 471,113 189,559 281,554


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Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 23

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 7,359,900 3,718,097 3,641,803

Under 1 162,741 84,303 78,438
1 - 4 650,555 336,751 313,804
5 - 9 804,765 415,260 389,505
10 - 14 768,256 395,980 372,276
15 - 19 719,381 368,874 350,507
20 - 24 682,697 345,235 337,462
25 - 29 596,635 303,583 293,052
30 - 34 517,960 265,681 252,279
35 - 39 464,852 237,947 226,905
40 - 44 411,830 209,827 202,003
45 - 49 370,683 187,166 183,517
50 - 54 323,738 161,971 161,767
55 - 59 267,782 132,072 135,710
60 - 64 215,814 103,029 112,785
65 - 69 150,838 69,328 81,510
70 - 74 106,358 46,079 60,279
75 - 79 75,377 30,215 45,162
80 years and over 69,638 24,796 44,842

0 - 4 years 813,296 421,054 392,242

0 - 14 years 2,386,317 1,232,294 1,154,023
15 - 64 years 4,571,372 2,315,385 2,255,987
18 years and over 4,532,893 2,258,818 2,274,075
60 years and over 618,025 273,447 344,578
65 years and over 402,211 170,418 231,793


All Ages 4,425,172 2,274,204 2,150,968

Under 1 95,520 49,953 45,567
1 - 4 403,409 208,994 194,415
5 - 9 508,842 263,774 245,068
10 - 14 513,019 265,111 247,908
15 - 19 484,412 253,756 230,656
20 - 24 391,490 204,803 186,687
25 - 29 311,848 163,092 148,756
30 - 34 272,293 142,893 129,400
35 - 39 255,882 133,184 122,698
40 - 44 235,393 122,460 112,933
45 - 49 218,686 112,876 105,810
50 - 54 189,903 97,450 92,453
55 - 59 161,219 81,882 79,337
60 - 64 125,605 62,046 63,559
65 - 69 97,011 45,411 51,600
70 - 74 70,030 31,221 38,809
75 - 79 47,696 19,704 27,992
80 years and over 42,914 15,594 27,320

0 - 4 years 498,929 258,947 239,982

0 - 14 years 1,520,790 787,832 732,958
15 - 64 years 2,646,731 1,374,442 1,272,289
18 years and over 2,599,367 1,326,691 1,272,676
60 years and over 383,256 173,976 209,280
65 years and over 257,651 111,930 145,721


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Statistics Authority
24 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 3,615,108 1,840,300 1,774,808

Under 1 81,787 42,219 39,568
1 - 4 347,156 178,797 168,359
5 - 9 426,747 219,417 207,330
10 - 14 407,338 209,320 198,018
15 - 19 383,637 195,735 187,902
20 - 24 336,656 170,698 165,958
25 - 29 276,048 141,023 135,025
30 - 34 233,576 120,328 113,248
35 - 39 218,093 112,132 105,961
40 - 44 197,195 100,997 96,198
45 - 49 178,730 91,306 87,424
50 - 54 152,591 78,009 74,582
55 - 59 121,379 61,282 60,097
60 - 64 94,410 47,025 47,385
65 - 69 63,408 30,152 33,256
70 - 74 42,350 19,515 22,835
75 - 79 28,282 12,264 16,018
80 years and over 25,725 10,081 15,644

0 - 4 years 428,943 221,016 207,927

0 - 14 years 1,263,028 649,753 613,275
15 - 64 years 2,192,315 1,118,535 1,073,780
18 years and over 2,116,899 1,070,357 1,046,542
60 years and over 254,175 119,037 135,138
65 years and over 159,765 72,012 87,753


All Ages 4,663,108 2,376,968 2,286,140

Under 1 103,387 53,587 49,800
1 - 4 443,607 229,003 214,604
5 - 9 540,370 278,583 261,787
10 - 14 509,424 261,386 248,038
15 - 19 474,107 242,105 232,002
20 - 24 430,916 218,918 211,998
25 - 29 378,986 195,543 183,443
30 - 34 314,666 163,234 151,432
35 - 39 290,306 150,316 139,990
40 - 44 255,716 131,790 123,926
45 - 49 231,983 118,194 113,789
50 - 54 199,164 100,813 98,351
55 - 59 162,988 81,820 81,168
60 - 64 124,440 61,497 62,943
65 - 69 81,638 39,197 42,441
70 - 74 51,789 23,176 28,613
75 - 79 37,202 15,633 21,569
80 years and over 32,419 12,173 20,246

0 - 4 years 546,994 282,590 264,404

0 - 14 years 1,596,788 822,559 774,229
15 - 64 years 2,863,272 1,464,230 1,399,042
18 years and over 2,774,791 1,405,426 1,369,365
60 years and over 327,488 151,676 175,812
65 years and over 203,048 90,179 112,869


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Table 5--Continued

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 4,867,168 2,494,335 2,372,833

Under 1 103,889 53,435 50,454
1 - 4 434,322 224,299 210,023
5 - 9 535,109 276,229 258,880
10 - 14 504,736 258,944 245,792
15 - 19 488,469 247,851 240,618
20 - 24 462,368 234,828 227,540
25 - 29 418,644 216,924 201,720
30 - 34 351,608 184,546 167,062
35 - 39 316,638 166,867 149,771
40 - 44 277,095 145,119 131,976
45 - 49 247,932 127,988 119,944
50 - 54 208,814 106,450 102,364
55 - 59 174,042 87,750 86,292
60 - 64 131,988 65,524 66,464
65 - 69 88,072 42,824 45,248
70 - 74 54,174 25,267 28,907
75 - 79 37,401 16,596 20,805
80 years and over 31,867 12,894 18,973

0 - 4 years 538,211 277,734 260,477

0 - 14 years 1,578,056 812,907 765,149
15 - 64 years 3,077,598 1,583,847 1,493,751
18 years and over 2,994,836 1,530,984 1,463,852
60 years and over 343,502 163,105 180,397
65 years and over 211,514 97,581 113,933


All Ages 4,531,642 2,313,642 2,218,000

Under 1 102,477 52,696 49,781
1 - 4 429,019 221,199 207,820
5 - 9 525,705 271,157 254,548
10 - 14 495,560 253,885 241,675
15 - 19 475,717 240,401 235,316
20 - 24 433,591 218,972 214,619
25 - 29 380,474 195,778 184,696
30 - 34 319,995 165,841 154,154
35 - 39 295,969 153,515 142,454
40 - 44 257,260 133,634 123,626
45 - 49 227,510 117,811 109,699
50 - 54 178,509 91,766 86,743
55 - 59 137,741 70,018 67,723
60 - 64 102,123 50,596 51,527
65 - 69 69,453 33,222 36,231
70 - 74 44,847 20,329 24,518
75 - 79 29,633 12,765 16,868
80 years and over 26,059 10,057 16,002

0 - 4 years 531,496 273,895 257,601

0 - 14 years 1,552,761 798,937 753,824
15 - 64 years 2,808,889 1,438,332 1,370,557
18 years and over 2,687,618 1,366,801 1,320,817
60 years and over 272,115 126,969 145,146
65 years and over 169,992 76,373 93,619


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Statistics Authority
26 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 5-- Concluded

Age Group and Region Both Sexes Male Female


All Ages 2,588,131 1,329,881 1,258,250

Under 1 58,203 30,111 28,092
1 - 4 250,785 130,064 120,721
5 - 9 303,354 157,212 146,142
10 - 14 289,710 149,527 140,183
15 - 19 263,312 137,061 126,251
20 - 24 231,029 119,458 111,571
25 - 29 201,637 105,409 96,228
30 - 34 166,970 88,001 78,969
35 - 39 151,105 78,981 72,124
40 - 44 137,915 71,186 66,729
45 - 49 129,323 66,349 62,974
50 - 54 112,824 57,562 55,262
55 - 59 93,552 47,210 46,342
60 - 64 69,765 34,526 35,239
65 - 69 49,721 23,561 26,160
70 - 74 34,555 15,566 18,989
75 - 79 24,148 10,418 13,730
80 years and over 20,223 7,679 12,544

0 - 4 years 308,988 160,175 148,813

0 - 14 years 902,052 466,914 435,138
15 - 64 years 1,557,432 805,743 751,689
18 years and over 1,521,076 777,084 743,992
60 years and over 198,412 91,750 106,662
65 years and over 128,647 57,224 71,423


All Ages 3,771,249 1,878,854 1,892,395

Under 1 86,496 44,041 42,455
1 - 4 450,587 227,816 222,771
5 - 9 554,149 279,170 274,979
10 - 14 498,704 250,895 247,809
15 - 19 418,096 207,550 210,546
20 - 24 323,496 155,772 167,724
25 - 29 287,701 136,390 151,311
30 - 34 247,681 118,347 129,334
35 - 39 244,455 118,222 126,233
40 - 44 201,711 100,427 101,284
45 - 49 163,331 83,698 79,633
50 - 54 109,799 58,731 51,068
55 - 59 72,933 38,991 33,942
60 - 64 46,720 25,222 21,498
65 - 69 29,869 15,538 14,331
70 - 74 17,557 9,203 8,354
75 - 79 9,485 4,785 4,700
80 years and over 8,479 4,056 4,423

0 - 4 years 537,083 271,857 265,226

0 - 14 years 1,589,936 801,922 788,014
15 - 64 years 2,115,923 1,043,350 1,072,573
18 years and over 1,909,185 941,512 967,673
60 years and over 112,110 58,804 53,306
65 years and over 65,390 33,582 31,808

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 27

TABLE 6 Total Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and Region: 2015

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 79,317,452 34,792,653 32,445,928 3,555,623 1,211,262 7,254,368 57,618

Below 20 20,685,127 20,037,841 193,063 4,097 10,831 425,735 13,560

20 - 24 9,467,494 6,432,429 1,468,623 12,304 61,539 1,487,698 4,901
25 - 29 8,360,447 3,432,945 3,179,599 26,452 113,492 1,603,557 4,402
30 - 34 7,341,894 1,691,984 4,245,500 48,973 151,640 1,192,099 11,698
35 - 39 6,742,687 979,040 4,663,319 82,092 173,780 840,877 3,579
40 - 44 5,849,328 628,907 4,334,122 134,320 168,870 572,641 10,468
45 - 49 5,284,325 490,727 3,999,875 211,255 159,084 420,826 2,558
50 - 54 4,430,547 355,195 3,340,018 315,796 131,066 286,467 2,005
55 - 59 3,606,834 254,986 2,651,207 408,342 101,758 189,212 1,329
60 - 64 2,761,183 182,067 1,894,733 500,506 67,174 115,706 997
65 - 69 1,916,125 120,543 1,201,227 493,232 37,885 62,434 804
70 - 74 1,220,080 73,961 658,382 438,807 17,933 30,518 479
75 - 79 859,098 54,927 382,974 394,709 9,774 16,337 377
80 years and over 792,283 57,101 233,286 484,738 6,436 10,261 461

Male 39,882,640 18,823,441 16,148,597 817,332 466,953 3,589,653 36,664

Below 20 10,607,657 10,452,559 46,543 1,865 2,716 96,364 7,610

20 - 24 4,795,772 3,656,473 507,660 4,314 14,230 610,824 2,271
25 - 29 4,252,817 2,015,379 1,380,855 8,594 34,437 811,445 2,107
30 - 34 3,755,963 1,007,665 2,018,479 15,541 54,779 649,574 9,925
35 - 39 3,447,349 581,318 2,306,759 24,966 68,695 463,661 1,950
40 - 44 2,995,391 366,628 2,193,639 39,379 71,065 315,656 9,024
45 - 49 2,680,464 275,102 2,052,386 56,390 66,910 228,422 1,254
50 - 54 2,227,579 183,686 1,751,180 78,768 54,555 158,561 829
55 - 59 1,785,436 120,705 1,419,276 94,230 41,594 109,068 563
60 - 64 1,325,815 75,158 1,040,496 111,944 27,645 70,182 390
65 - 69 878,327 42,276 675,637 105,065 16,013 39,036 300
70 - 74 523,237 21,971 380,452 93,268 7,783 19,581 182
75 - 79 338,520 13,490 228,075 82,186 4,084 10,547 138
80 years and over 268,313 11,031 147,160 100,822 2,447 6,732 121

Female 39,434,812 15,969,212 16,297,331 2,738,291 744,309 3,664,715 20,954

Below 20 10,077,470 9,585,282 146,520 2,232 8,115 329,371 5,950

20 - 24 4,671,722 2,775,956 960,963 7,990 47,309 876,874 2,630
25 - 29 4,107,630 1,417,566 1,798,744 17,858 79,055 792,112 2,295
30 - 34 3,585,931 684,319 2,227,021 33,432 96,861 542,525 1,773
35 - 39 3,295,338 397,722 2,356,560 57,126 105,085 377,216 1,629
40 - 44 2,853,937 262,279 2,140,483 94,941 97,805 256,985 1,444
45 - 49 2,603,861 215,625 1,947,489 154,865 92,174 192,404 1,304
50 - 54 2,202,968 171,509 1,588,838 237,028 76,511 127,906 1,176
55 - 59 1,821,398 134,281 1,231,931 314,112 60,164 80,144 766
60 - 64 1,435,368 106,909 854,237 388,562 39,529 45,524 607
65 - 69 1,037,798 78,267 525,590 388,167 21,872 23,398 504
70 - 74 696,843 51,990 277,930 345,539 10,150 10,937 297
75 - 79 520,578 41,437 154,899 312,523 5,690 5,790 239
80 years and over 523,970 46,070 86,126 383,916 3,989 3,529 340


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
28 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 10,513,091 4,855,191 3,754,901 408,148 216,943 1,244,213 33,695

Below 20 2,389,395 2,321,036 11,446 558 2,150 50,705 3,500

20 - 24 1,349,005 997,866 107,577 1,449 11,323 228,014 2,776
25 - 29 1,265,102 630,268 315,553 2,882 20,214 293,934 2,251
30 - 34 1,104,618 331,050 499,219 5,350 26,467 232,628 9,904
35 - 39 963,867 187,189 575,660 9,308 30,403 159,471 1,836
40 - 44 817,789 116,002 541,679 16,767 31,167 103,052 9,122
45 - 49 712,253 91,607 490,700 27,155 29,618 71,950 1,223
50 - 54 591,442 67,280 409,608 42,601 24,409 46,421 1,123
55 - 59 468,406 45,497 321,142 53,941 18,773 28,528 525
60 - 64 345,164 27,743 225,057 64,329 11,503 16,098 434
65 - 69 223,238 17,003 134,496 57,296 6,177 7,879 387
70 - 74 122,964 9,134 63,588 44,537 2,519 2,956 230
75 - 79 83,702 6,734 36,285 37,543 1,329 1,629 182
80 years and over 76,146 6,782 22,891 44,432 891 948 202

Male 5,145,282 2,491,377 1,857,747 82,925 71,576 616,932 24,725

Below 20 1,201,254 1,182,199 3,485 225 453 13,308 1,584

20 - 24 661,172 526,568 38,400 481 2,560 91,797 1,366
25 - 29 626,570 340,199 135,386 907 5,754 143,102 1,222
30 - 34 555,830 179,433 233,646 1,527 8,843 123,266 9,115
35 - 39 480,592 97,854 281,657 2,471 10,621 86,823 1,166
40 - 44 408,420 57,038 270,644 4,266 11,172 56,893 8,407
45 - 49 347,683 42,679 247,935 6,209 10,527 39,699 634
50 - 54 282,371 28,734 209,416 9,256 8,225 26,293 447
55 - 59 220,867 17,862 168,913 10,820 6,104 16,927 241
60 - 64 158,211 9,283 121,856 13,030 3,752 10,121 169
65 - 69 98,704 4,834 75,467 11,009 2,087 5,166 141
70 - 74 49,693 2,184 36,183 8,460 865 1,896 105
75 - 79 30,692 1,432 21,075 6,689 390 1,034 72
80 years and over 23,223 1,078 13,684 7,575 223 607 56

Female 5,367,809 2,363,814 1,897,154 325,223 145,367 627,281 8,970

Below 20 1,188,141 1,138,837 7,961 333 1,697 37,397 1,916

20 - 24 687,833 471,298 69,177 968 8,763 136,217 1,410
25 - 29 638,532 290,069 180,167 1,975 14,460 150,832 1,029
30 - 34 548,788 151,617 265,573 3,823 17,624 109,362 789
35 - 39 483,275 89,335 294,003 6,837 19,782 72,648 670
40 - 44 409,369 58,964 271,035 12,501 19,995 46,159 715
45 - 49 364,570 48,928 242,765 20,946 19,091 32,251 589
50 - 54 309,071 38,546 200,192 33,345 16,184 20,128 676
55 - 59 247,539 27,635 152,229 43,121 12,669 11,601 284
60 - 64 186,953 18,460 103,201 51,299 7,751 5,977 265
65 - 69 124,534 12,169 59,029 46,287 4,090 2,713 246
70 - 74 73,271 6,950 27,405 36,077 1,654 1,060 125
75 - 79 53,010 5,302 15,210 30,854 939 595 110
80 years and over 52,923 5,704 9,207 36,857 668 341 146


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 29

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 1,361,770 631,536 604,590 59,137 14,603 51,882 22

Below 20 355,737 347,473 4,199 23 38 3,987 17

20 - 24 175,450 126,416 36,552 125 375 11,982 -
25 - 29 150,426 67,217 70,043 394 1,121 11,650 1
30 - 34 126,185 32,622 83,039 698 1,787 8,039 -
35 - 39 108,324 17,895 81,645 1,143 2,107 5,533 1
40 - 44 90,559 10,924 72,072 1,894 2,016 3,652 1
45 - 49 85,083 8,737 68,683 3,085 1,932 2,645 1
50 - 54 74,845 6,730 59,631 4,907 1,702 1,875 -
55 - 59 62,068 4,999 48,027 6,548 1,358 1,136 -
60 - 64 46,194 3,202 33,777 7,574 966 675 -
65 - 69 31,675 2,088 21,179 7,525 539 344 -
70 - 74 21,059 1,270 12,018 7,246 333 192 -
75 - 79 16,591 902 8,001 7,410 180 97 1
80 years and over 17,574 1,061 5,724 10,565 149 75 -

Male 694,487 347,323 301,754 14,016 5,858 25,525 11

Below 20 181,107 179,240 848 7 8 996 8

20 - 24 89,439 71,507 12,719 36 82 5,095 -
25 - 29 78,417 40,979 31,066 97 325 5,949 1
30 - 34 66,665 20,761 40,626 192 651 4,435 -
35 - 39 56,770 11,516 41,044 321 869 3,020 -
40 - 44 47,483 7,096 37,030 477 840 2,039 1
45 - 49 43,923 5,566 35,297 768 850 1,442 -
50 - 54 38,590 4,066 31,506 1,243 740 1,035 -
55 - 59 31,440 2,897 25,653 1,622 589 679 -
60 - 64 22,803 1,667 18,636 1,722 399 379 -
65 - 69 15,026 926 11,957 1,700 226 217 -
70 - 74 9,310 513 6,949 1,577 149 122 -
75 - 79 6,924 300 4,734 1,757 65 67 1
80 years and over 6,590 289 3,689 2,497 65 50 -

Female 667,283 284,213 302,836 45,121 8,745 26,357 11

Below 20 174,630 168,233 3,351 16 30 2,991 9

20 - 24 86,011 54,909 23,833 89 293 6,887 -
25 - 29 72,009 26,238 38,977 297 796 5,701 -
30 - 34 59,520 11,861 42,413 506 1,136 3,604 -
35 - 39 51,554 6,379 40,601 822 1,238 2,513 1
40 - 44 43,076 3,828 35,042 1,417 1,176 1,613 -
45 - 49 41,160 3,171 33,386 2,317 1,082 1,203 1
50 - 54 36,255 2,664 28,125 3,664 962 840 -
55 - 59 30,628 2,102 22,374 4,926 769 457 -
60 - 64 23,391 1,535 15,141 5,852 567 296 -
65 - 69 16,649 1,162 9,222 5,825 313 127 -
70 - 74 11,749 757 5,069 5,669 184 70 -
75 - 79 9,667 602 3,267 5,653 115 30 -
80 years and over 10,984 772 2,035 8,068 84 25 -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
30 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 4,013,158 1,682,034 1,723,865 226,690 59,524 320,255 790

Below 20 976,848 950,621 5,818 180 405 19,786 38

20 - 24 438,415 300,028 69,788 731 2,630 65,146 92
25 - 29 391,660 161,400 156,205 1,290 5,184 67,470 111
30 - 34 365,782 85,861 217,833 2,483 7,424 52,102 79
35 - 39 336,500 49,742 236,650 4,110 8,620 37,291 87
40 - 44 295,564 33,842 221,242 6,625 8,258 25,525 72
45 - 49 276,698 27,513 210,977 10,928 7,850 19,357 73
50 - 54 237,159 20,514 180,410 16,562 6,481 13,144 48
55 - 59 201,337 15,340 148,887 22,889 5,106 9,067 48
60 - 64 159,163 12,119 109,182 28,886 3,515 5,416 45
65 - 69 123,030 8,733 76,635 32,435 2,088 3,107 32
70 - 74 82,362 5,940 44,254 29,648 1,018 1,473 29
75 - 79 61,471 4,643 27,179 28,310 530 796 13
80 years and over 67,169 5,738 18,805 41,613 415 575 23

Male 2,011,861 923,498 857,980 47,816 24,567 157,762 238

Below 20 507,223 501,118 1,225 87 89 4,692 12

20 - 24 224,792 173,552 23,398 242 572 27,006 22
25 - 29 200,362 98,000 66,685 361 1,489 33,788 39
30 - 34 186,981 53,089 102,486 727 2,755 27,905 19
35 - 39 172,499 31,176 116,243 1,118 3,637 20,297 28
40 - 44 152,404 20,902 112,063 1,829 3,740 13,848 22
45 - 49 141,283 16,147 108,141 2,843 3,690 10,437 25
50 - 54 119,702 11,183 94,207 3,981 2,985 7,329 17
55 - 59 99,159 7,412 79,118 5,083 2,296 5,231 19
60 - 64 74,971 4,831 59,226 5,997 1,574 3,334 9
65 - 69 54,649 2,818 42,479 6,417 939 1,985 11
70 - 74 33,644 1,485 25,018 5,699 426 1,010 6
75 - 79 22,958 941 15,968 5,311 221 513 4
80 years and over 21,234 844 11,723 8,121 154 387 5

Female 2,001,297 758,536 865,885 178,874 34,957 162,493 552

Below 20 469,625 449,503 4,593 93 316 15,094 26

20 - 24 213,623 126,476 46,390 489 2,058 38,140 70
25 - 29 191,298 63,400 89,520 929 3,695 33,682 72
30 - 34 178,801 32,772 115,347 1,756 4,669 24,197 60
35 - 39 164,001 18,566 120,407 2,992 4,983 16,994 59
40 - 44 143,160 12,940 109,179 4,796 4,518 11,677 50
45 - 49 135,415 11,366 102,836 8,085 4,160 8,920 48
50 - 54 117,457 9,331 86,203 12,581 3,496 5,815 31
55 - 59 102,178 7,928 69,769 17,806 2,810 3,836 29
60 - 64 84,192 7,288 49,956 22,889 1,941 2,082 36
65 - 69 68,381 5,915 34,156 26,018 1,149 1,122 21
70 - 74 48,718 4,455 19,236 23,949 592 463 23
75 - 79 38,513 3,702 11,211 22,999 309 283 9
80 years and over 45,935 4,894 7,082 33,492 261 188 18


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 31

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,730,497 1,059,306 1,383,527 138,693 36,900 111,694 377

Below 20 670,261 641,243 15,984 51 252 12,715 16

20 - 24 318,664 191,983 97,998 509 1,985 26,159 30
25 - 29 279,492 94,736 159,122 1,069 3,975 20,558 32
30 - 34 247,474 45,292 180,523 1,906 5,289 14,413 51
35 - 39 233,394 26,545 186,988 3,026 5,864 10,903 68
40 - 44 205,056 16,955 169,924 4,828 5,065 8,226 58
45 - 49 187,765 12,827 156,201 7,647 4,557 6,500 33
50 - 54 166,434 9,190 136,733 12,004 3,667 4,801 39
55 - 59 138,279 6,858 109,418 15,985 2,697 3,294 27
60 - 64 104,998 5,200 76,242 19,812 1,677 2,060 7
65 - 69 69,552 3,203 45,362 19,033 920 1,028 6
70 - 74 43,042 1,938 23,870 16,302 426 502 4
75 - 79 33,989 1,602 15,426 16,357 290 309 5
80 years and over 32,097 1,734 9,736 20,164 236 226 1

Male 1,387,005 592,130 691,379 32,012 16,459 54,853 172

Below 20 346,523 339,347 3,717 18 52 3,385 4

20 - 24 163,209 114,465 36,010 159 455 12,108 12
25 - 29 144,020 59,004 72,571 320 1,284 10,827 14
30 - 34 128,276 29,246 88,341 603 2,210 7,857 19
35 - 39 120,751 17,267 93,915 900 2,744 5,892 33
40 - 44 106,846 11,148 87,224 1,465 2,545 4,437 27
45 - 49 96,747 8,044 80,745 2,177 2,368 3,399 14
50 - 54 84,888 5,285 72,121 3,144 1,802 2,516 20
55 - 59 69,547 3,513 59,020 3,793 1,338 1,870 13
60 - 64 50,794 2,218 42,179 4,314 807 1,271 5
65 - 69 32,223 1,175 25,997 3,982 431 633 5
70 - 74 18,488 615 13,942 3,398 205 326 2
75 - 79 13,376 432 9,286 3,341 121 192 4
80 years and over 11,317 371 6,311 4,398 97 140 -

Female 1,343,492 467,176 692,148 106,681 20,441 56,841 205

Below 20 323,738 301,896 12,267 33 200 9,330 12

20 - 24 155,455 77,518 61,988 350 1,530 14,051 18
25 - 29 135,472 35,732 86,551 749 2,691 9,731 18
30 - 34 119,198 16,046 92,182 1,303 3,079 6,556 32
35 - 39 112,643 9,278 93,073 2,126 3,120 5,011 35
40 - 44 98,210 5,807 82,700 3,363 2,520 3,789 31
45 - 49 91,018 4,783 75,456 5,470 2,189 3,101 19
50 - 54 81,546 3,905 64,612 8,860 1,865 2,285 19
55 - 59 68,732 3,345 50,398 12,192 1,359 1,424 14
60 - 64 54,204 2,982 34,063 15,498 870 789 2
65 - 69 37,329 2,028 19,365 15,051 489 395 1
70 - 74 24,554 1,323 9,928 12,904 221 176 2
75 - 79 20,613 1,170 6,140 13,016 169 117 1
80 years and over 20,780 1,363 3,425 15,766 139 86 1


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
32 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 8,974,198 3,759,587 3,817,766 412,219 168,350 812,452 3,824

Below 20 2,214,269 2,135,946 20,943 239 1,418 54,258 1,465

20 - 24 1,049,764 697,901 181,533 1,279 9,279 159,491 281
25 - 29 936,666 374,610 375,943 2,796 16,758 166,241 318
30 - 34 841,508 186,674 497,083 5,352 22,442 129,666 291
35 - 39 792,663 109,973 550,192 8,919 25,312 98,000 267
40 - 44 685,221 71,504 507,046 14,811 23,729 67,864 267
45 - 49 631,634 57,586 475,825 24,469 21,909 51,614 231
50 - 54 523,013 41,312 392,472 36,431 17,252 35,362 184
55 - 59 420,021 28,815 308,038 47,123 12,947 22,934 164
60 - 64 323,375 20,683 220,963 59,368 8,450 13,809 102
65 - 69 231,907 14,198 145,448 59,946 4,839 7,389 87
70 - 74 136,968 7,956 73,960 49,784 2,110 3,102 56
75 - 79 97,310 5,980 42,941 45,549 1,144 1,648 48
80 years and over 89,879 6,449 25,379 56,153 761 1,074 63

Male 4,505,784 2,051,352 1,897,861 91,259 61,309 402,407 1,596

Below 20 1,142,824 1,123,196 4,933 102 265 13,660 668

20 - 24 536,909 402,017 64,186 420 2,067 68,095 124
25 - 29 475,184 222,095 164,670 795 4,815 82,688 121
30 - 34 425,538 112,056 235,771 1,534 7,707 68,338 132
35 - 39 401,340 65,395 270,909 2,517 9,376 53,041 102
40 - 44 348,904 41,634 256,367 4,083 9,619 37,111 90
45 - 49 319,573 32,583 243,736 6,234 8,681 28,248 91
50 - 54 262,967 21,381 205,836 8,843 6,952 19,870 85
55 - 59 208,169 13,493 165,396 10,516 5,049 13,650 65
60 - 64 154,955 8,317 121,308 13,173 3,260 8,861 36
65 - 69 105,790 4,744 81,544 12,705 1,935 4,829 33
70 - 74 58,138 2,128 42,586 10,350 876 2,178 20
75 - 79 37,245 1,282 25,194 9,189 448 1,117 15
80 years and over 28,248 1,031 15,425 10,798 259 721 14

Female 4,468,414 1,708,235 1,919,905 320,960 107,041 410,045 2,228

Below 20 1,071,445 1,012,750 16,010 137 1,153 40,598 797

20 - 24 512,855 295,884 117,347 859 7,212 91,396 157
25 - 29 461,482 152,515 211,273 2,001 11,943 83,553 197
30 - 34 415,970 74,618 261,312 3,818 14,735 61,328 159
35 - 39 391,323 44,578 279,283 6,402 15,936 44,959 165
40 - 44 336,317 29,870 250,679 10,728 14,110 30,753 177
45 - 49 312,061 25,003 232,089 18,235 13,228 23,366 140
50 - 54 260,046 19,931 186,636 27,588 10,300 15,492 99
55 - 59 211,852 15,322 142,642 36,607 7,898 9,284 99
60 - 64 168,420 12,366 99,655 46,195 5,190 4,948 66
65 - 69 126,117 9,454 63,904 47,241 2,904 2,560 54
70 - 74 78,830 5,828 31,374 39,434 1,234 924 36
75 - 79 60,065 4,698 17,747 36,360 696 531 33
80 years and over 61,631 5,418 9,954 45,355 502 353 49


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 33

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 11,503,934 5,028,140 4,473,772 498,368 215,757 1,286,431 1,466

Below 20 2,836,359 2,758,001 13,952 354 1,903 62,062 87

20 - 24 1,383,125 974,518 160,206 1,523 11,456 235,243 179
25 - 29 1,248,437 540,353 406,794 3,254 19,944 277,926 166
30 - 34 1,138,390 269,965 610,058 6,794 28,084 223,308 181
35 - 39 1,061,579 154,407 697,326 11,870 32,556 165,250 170
40 - 44 884,528 95,280 626,500 19,757 30,703 112,144 144
45 - 49 786,730 74,864 570,220 31,238 28,667 81,610 131
50 - 54 639,573 52,889 462,539 47,672 22,637 53,738 98
55 - 59 518,053 37,250 366,041 61,691 17,517 35,466 88
60 - 64 395,471 27,423 259,189 76,352 11,339 21,098 70
65 - 69 262,170 18,091 156,054 71,578 6,091 10,308 48
70 - 74 152,773 10,219 77,275 58,084 2,618 4,554 23
75 - 79 104,806 7,429 43,222 50,267 1,397 2,461 30
80 years and over 91,940 7,451 24,396 57,934 845 1,263 51

Male 5,718,423 2,669,065 2,226,855 106,165 76,972 638,746 620

Below 20 1,453,853 1,434,130 3,519 154 441 15,571 38

20 - 24 693,398 537,358 56,261 529 2,642 96,531 77
25 - 29 622,823 303,940 175,968 985 5,824 136,033 73
30 - 34 568,979 152,064 287,152 2,015 9,595 118,066 87
35 - 39 533,933 86,094 342,617 3,389 12,054 89,708 71
40 - 44 448,371 52,072 317,159 5,418 11,817 61,816 89
45 - 49 394,909 39,582 291,767 7,818 11,024 44,667 51
50 - 54 317,755 25,952 241,851 11,023 8,651 30,242 36
55 - 59 252,980 16,521 195,923 13,197 6,456 20,852 31
60 - 64 185,643 10,359 141,852 16,070 4,259 13,075 28
65 - 69 116,370 5,576 87,525 14,247 2,361 6,646 15
70 - 74 62,497 2,609 44,449 11,354 1,023 3,055 7
75 - 79 39,042 1,555 25,746 9,535 541 1,655 10
80 years and over 27,870 1,253 15,066 10,431 284 829 7

Female 5,785,511 2,359,075 2,246,917 392,203 138,785 647,685 846

Below 20 1,382,506 1,323,871 10,433 200 1,462 46,491 49

20 - 24 689,727 437,160 103,945 994 8,814 138,712 102
25 - 29 625,614 236,413 230,826 2,269 14,120 141,893 93
30 - 34 569,411 117,901 322,906 4,779 18,489 105,242 94
35 - 39 527,646 68,313 354,709 8,481 20,502 75,542 99
40 - 44 436,157 43,208 309,341 14,339 18,886 50,328 55
45 - 49 391,821 35,282 278,453 23,420 17,643 36,943 80
50 - 54 321,818 26,937 220,688 36,649 13,986 23,496 62
55 - 59 265,073 20,729 170,118 48,494 11,061 14,614 57
60 - 64 209,828 17,064 117,337 60,282 7,080 8,023 42
65 - 69 145,800 12,515 68,529 57,331 3,730 3,662 33
70 - 74 90,276 7,610 32,826 46,730 1,595 1,499 16
75 - 79 65,764 5,874 17,476 40,732 856 806 20
80 years and over 64,070 6,198 9,330 47,503 561 434 44


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
34 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,263,590 959,275 977,298 102,240 27,686 196,768 323

Below 20 657,570 632,577 8,676 296 412 15,413 196

20 - 24 257,770 155,122 56,172 491 1,596 44,372 17
25 - 29 217,831 70,710 102,169 786 2,485 41,666 15
30 - 34 197,716 33,948 128,988 1,446 3,195 30,122 17
35 - 39 182,857 19,937 135,794 2,420 3,823 20,861 22
40 - 44 162,145 13,535 126,827 3,740 3,811 14,212 20
45 - 49 145,383 10,339 115,047 5,723 3,589 10,673 12
50 - 54 123,584 7,526 96,958 8,597 2,981 7,513 9
55 - 59 101,579 5,308 77,635 11,195 2,362 5,074 5
60 - 64 76,883 3,766 54,579 13,642 1,623 3,271 2
65 - 69 54,733 2,551 35,290 14,181 909 1,798 4
70 - 74 36,722 1,586 20,512 13,205 464 953 2
75 - 79 25,687 1,166 11,692 12,028 282 518 1
80 years and over 23,130 1,204 6,959 14,490 154 322 1

Male 1,158,407 536,948 487,798 24,515 12,121 96,877 148

Below 20 339,720 334,015 1,835 139 139 3,525 67

20 - 24 132,461 93,870 19,361 187 344 18,691 8
25 - 29 111,454 44,746 44,187 293 742 21,477 9
30 - 34 102,194 22,398 61,426 536 1,172 16,651 11
35 - 39 95,887 13,537 68,138 836 1,693 11,671 12
40 - 44 85,164 9,266 64,909 1,253 1,855 7,866 15
45 - 49 75,919 6,839 59,793 1,702 1,748 5,825 12
50 - 54 64,560 4,807 51,651 2,441 1,530 4,126 5
55 - 59 51,908 3,118 42,019 2,743 1,152 2,873 3
60 - 64 38,372 1,910 30,582 3,139 820 1,921 -
65 - 69 25,914 1,193 20,060 3,084 453 1,120 4
70 - 74 16,352 618 12,085 2,798 252 597 2
75 - 79 10,373 353 7,165 2,382 146 327 -
80 years and over 8,129 278 4,587 2,982 75 207 -

Female 1,105,183 422,327 489,500 77,725 15,565 99,891 175

Below 20 317,850 298,562 6,841 157 273 11,888 129

20 - 24 125,309 61,252 36,811 304 1,252 25,681 9
25 - 29 106,377 25,964 57,982 493 1,743 20,189 6
30 - 34 95,522 11,550 67,562 910 2,023 13,471 6
35 - 39 86,970 6,400 67,656 1,584 2,130 9,190 10
40 - 44 76,981 4,269 61,918 2,487 1,956 6,346 5
45 - 49 69,464 3,500 55,254 4,021 1,841 4,848 -
50 - 54 59,024 2,719 45,307 6,156 1,451 3,387 4
55 - 59 49,671 2,190 35,616 8,452 1,210 2,201 2
60 - 64 38,511 1,856 23,997 10,503 803 1,350 2
65 - 69 28,819 1,358 15,230 11,097 456 678 -
70 - 74 20,370 968 8,427 10,407 212 356 -
75 - 79 15,314 813 4,527 9,646 136 191 1
80 years and over 15,001 926 2,372 11,508 79 115 1


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 35

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 4,404,413 2,010,408 1,687,214 212,107 48,827 444,503 1,354

Below 20 1,334,910 1,303,111 5,110 83 344 25,487 775

20 - 24 487,018 326,051 62,511 651 2,704 95,044 57
25 - 29 401,138 152,106 146,064 1,314 4,370 97,192 92
30 - 34 358,015 75,241 203,668 2,359 5,636 71,042 69
35 - 39 339,814 46,092 233,966 4,049 6,575 49,071 61
40 - 44 300,568 30,460 223,330 6,909 6,604 33,209 56
45 - 49 283,743 24,061 216,579 11,403 6,436 25,210 54
50 - 54 240,351 17,150 183,210 16,466 5,589 17,890 46
55 - 59 200,418 12,021 149,120 22,400 4,341 12,493 43
60 - 64 156,772 8,967 108,786 28,141 3,018 7,830 30
65 - 69 116,952 5,851 73,892 30,699 1,656 4,823 31
70 - 74 80,762 3,806 43,495 29,907 840 2,700 14
75 - 79 54,908 2,715 24,002 26,148 458 1,573 12
80 years and over 49,044 2,776 13,481 31,578 256 939 14

Male 2,229,202 1,110,472 833,954 47,827 19,822 216,237 890

Below 20 693,093 686,211 973 32 72 5,166 639

20 - 24 251,588 193,530 19,888 228 513 37,410 19
25 - 29 206,831 95,372 60,921 431 1,217 48,852 38
30 - 34 184,661 48,143 94,984 758 1,976 38,763 37
35 - 39 174,463 29,571 113,905 1,314 2,669 26,967 37
40 - 44 153,674 18,900 111,360 2,153 2,997 18,240 24
45 - 49 144,711 14,483 110,518 3,297 2,929 13,460 24
50 - 54 121,684 9,582 95,530 4,345 2,573 9,633 21
55 - 59 99,482 6,185 78,951 5,328 1,938 7,062 18
60 - 64 74,993 4,030 58,808 6,237 1,388 4,515 15
65 - 69 52,799 2,109 40,589 6,402 801 2,888 10
70 - 74 34,151 1,184 24,793 6,071 407 1,694 2
75 - 79 21,158 669 14,241 5,051 228 966 3
80 years and over 15,914 503 8,493 6,180 114 621 3

Female 2,175,211 899,936 853,260 164,280 29,005 228,266 464

Below 20 641,817 616,900 4,137 51 272 20,321 136

20 - 24 235,430 132,521 42,623 423 2,191 57,634 38
25 - 29 194,307 56,734 85,143 883 3,153 48,340 54
30 - 34 173,354 27,098 108,684 1,601 3,660 32,279 32
35 - 39 165,351 16,521 120,061 2,735 3,906 22,104 24
40 - 44 146,894 11,560 111,970 4,756 3,607 14,969 32
45 - 49 139,032 9,578 106,061 8,106 3,507 11,750 30
50 - 54 118,667 7,568 87,680 12,121 3,016 8,257 25
55 - 59 100,936 5,836 70,169 17,072 2,403 5,431 25
60 - 64 81,779 4,937 49,978 21,904 1,630 3,315 15
65 - 69 64,153 3,742 33,303 24,297 855 1,935 21
70 - 74 46,611 2,622 18,702 23,836 433 1,006 12
75 - 79 33,750 2,046 9,761 21,097 230 607 9
80 years and over 33,130 2,273 4,988 25,398 142 318 11


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
36 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 5,985,537 2,692,171 2,475,630 320,270 65,362 430,321 1,783

Below 20 1,515,396 1,479,025 7,477 202 386 27,910 396

20 - 24 687,080 491,186 89,279 877 2,761 102,723 254
25 - 29 596,409 266,937 219,812 1,704 5,390 102,381 185
30 - 34 522,127 138,393 304,724 3,234 7,755 67,875 146
35 - 39 473,384 84,190 330,540 5,699 8,827 43,978 150
40 - 44 423,809 59,079 317,111 9,571 8,821 29,119 108
45 - 49 399,381 47,035 306,696 16,064 8,751 20,648 187
50 - 54 353,754 35,425 271,518 25,146 7,647 13,936 82
55 - 59 301,886 27,757 224,198 34,269 6,144 9,441 77
60 - 64 240,535 21,170 166,521 42,791 4,172 5,786 95
65 - 69 171,973 15,070 107,751 43,536 2,367 3,207 42
70 - 74 121,228 10,250 65,169 42,856 1,196 1,735 22
75 - 79 91,017 8,177 39,987 41,143 729 959 22
80 years and over 87,558 8,477 24,847 53,178 416 623 17

Male 3,027,118 1,484,867 1,230,855 70,995 27,258 212,187 956

Below 20 782,566 775,377 1,417 96 113 5,285 278

20 - 24 354,815 285,189 27,291 352 560 41,254 169
25 - 29 311,848 163,053 92,603 555 1,502 54,053 82
30 - 34 274,691 86,946 144,615 1,047 2,802 39,221 60
35 - 39 248,647 53,409 164,340 1,734 3,807 25,287 70
40 - 44 220,066 37,377 159,471 2,863 4,073 16,228 54
45 - 49 203,980 28,839 155,644 4,322 4,093 10,961 121
50 - 54 178,078 19,464 141,305 6,281 3,507 7,486 35
55 - 59 148,371 13,944 118,571 7,846 2,820 5,166 24
60 - 64 114,257 9,251 90,307 9,492 1,842 3,333 32
65 - 69 77,030 5,438 59,698 8,861 1,102 1,916 15
70 - 74 50,296 3,116 36,834 8,743 565 1,032 6
75 - 79 34,203 1,913 23,206 8,202 303 572 7
80 years and over 28,270 1,551 15,553 10,601 169 393 3

Female 2,958,419 1,207,304 1,244,775 249,275 38,104 218,134 827

Below 20 732,830 703,648 6,060 106 273 22,625 118

20 - 24 332,265 205,997 61,988 525 2,201 61,469 85
25 - 29 284,561 103,884 127,209 1,149 3,888 48,328 103
30 - 34 247,436 51,447 160,109 2,187 4,953 28,654 86
35 - 39 224,737 30,781 166,200 3,965 5,020 18,691 80
40 - 44 203,743 21,702 157,640 6,708 4,748 12,891 54
45 - 49 195,401 18,196 151,052 11,742 4,658 9,687 66
50 - 54 175,676 15,961 130,213 18,865 4,140 6,450 47
55 - 59 153,515 13,813 105,627 26,423 3,324 4,275 53
60 - 64 126,278 11,919 76,214 33,299 2,330 2,453 63
65 - 69 94,943 9,632 48,053 34,675 1,265 1,291 27
70 - 74 70,932 7,134 28,335 34,113 631 703 16
75 - 79 56,814 6,264 16,781 32,941 426 387 15
80 years and over 59,288 6,926 9,294 42,577 247 230 14


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 37

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 5,778,304 2,568,443 2,310,514 261,370 66,479 569,855 1,643

Below 20 1,499,727 1,463,489 6,200 117 231 28,866 824

20 - 24 688,915 481,715 82,466 413 1,943 122,278 100
25 - 29 601,759 251,224 208,886 1,378 4,952 135,193 126
30 - 34 521,584 120,778 295,784 2,749 7,611 94,573 89
35 - 39 467,901 69,932 321,129 4,962 9,184 62,607 87
40 - 44 413,989 47,268 306,737 8,401 9,247 42,264 72
45 - 49 372,302 37,028 282,483 13,629 8,848 30,220 94
50 - 54 324,721 28,219 247,120 20,650 7,807 20,875 50
55 - 59 268,442 21,310 199,338 27,515 6,352 13,866 61
60 - 64 216,145 16,995 149,869 35,474 4,657 9,101 49
65 - 69 151,067 11,418 96,137 35,545 2,830 5,113 24
70 - 74 106,498 7,730 58,773 35,753 1,523 2,688 31
75 - 79 75,490 5,707 34,695 32,950 792 1,332 14
80 years and over 69,764 5,630 20,897 41,834 502 879 22

Male 2,907,029 1,385,088 1,148,186 64,384 26,021 282,303 1,047

Below 20 771,059 762,797 1,238 64 48 6,138 774

20 - 24 349,544 272,245 26,834 140 403 49,898 24
25 - 29 307,753 147,938 89,066 437 1,431 68,843 38
30 - 34 268,783 72,183 140,561 796 2,679 52,534 30
35 - 39 240,525 41,891 158,894 1,519 3,622 34,570 29
40 - 44 211,598 27,608 154,450 2,489 3,875 23,149 27
45 - 49 188,493 20,593 144,150 3,683 3,695 16,334 38
50 - 54 162,712 14,365 128,329 5,440 3,219 11,342 17
55 - 59 132,562 9,809 105,356 6,943 2,620 7,812 22
60 - 64 103,263 6,856 80,469 8,569 1,979 5,368 22
65 - 69 69,476 3,983 52,895 8,207 1,215 3,169 7
70 - 74 46,163 2,267 33,113 8,416 670 1,690 7
75 - 79 30,249 1,413 19,948 7,660 354 870 4
80 years and over 24,849 1,140 12,883 10,021 211 586 8

Female 2,871,275 1,183,355 1,162,328 196,986 40,458 287,552 596

Below 20 728,668 700,692 4,962 53 183 22,728 50

20 - 24 339,371 209,470 55,632 273 1,540 72,380 76
25 - 29 294,006 103,286 119,820 941 3,521 66,350 88
30 - 34 252,801 48,595 155,223 1,953 4,932 42,039 59
35 - 39 227,376 28,041 162,235 3,443 5,562 28,037 58
40 - 44 202,391 19,660 152,287 5,912 5,372 19,115 45
45 - 49 183,809 16,435 138,333 9,946 5,153 13,886 56
50 - 54 162,009 13,854 118,791 15,210 4,588 9,533 33
55 - 59 135,880 11,501 93,982 20,572 3,732 6,054 39
60 - 64 112,882 10,139 69,400 26,905 2,678 3,733 27
65 - 69 81,591 7,435 43,242 27,338 1,615 1,944 17
70 - 74 60,335 5,463 25,660 27,337 853 998 24
75 - 79 45,241 4,294 14,747 25,290 438 462 10
80 years and over 44,915 4,490 8,014 31,813 291 293 14


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
38 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,432,079 1,533,012 1,204,168 166,032 52,638 475,428 801

Below 20 1,001,304 970,698 3,504 22 336 26,125 619

20 - 24 393,853 257,930 39,162 347 2,791 93,604 19
25 - 29 313,629 118,150 92,806 986 4,763 96,900 24
30 - 34 273,749 58,676 133,617 1,791 5,797 73,848 20
35 - 39 257,230 36,544 157,808 3,231 6,547 53,072 28
40 - 44 236,541 25,328 160,042 5,076 6,916 39,161 18
45 - 49 219,637 19,776 154,967 8,079 6,713 30,084 18
50 - 54 190,622 14,285 135,827 12,116 5,974 22,403 17
55 - 59 161,670 10,554 113,537 16,635 4,995 15,937 12
60 - 64 125,877 7,813 83,192 20,948 3,399 10,516 9
65 - 69 97,164 5,248 59,440 23,670 2,158 6,640 8
70 - 74 70,118 3,349 37,184 24,446 1,214 3,924 1
75 - 79 47,737 2,349 20,831 21,923 647 1,985 2
80 years and over 42,948 2,312 12,251 26,762 388 1,229 6

Male 1,762,482 859,969 599,754 43,551 23,827 234,759 622

Below 20 520,938 514,712 648 4 45 4,967 562

20 - 24 206,405 156,462 12,346 114 540 36,937 6
25 - 29 164,589 74,916 38,454 350 1,534 49,329 6
30 - 34 144,188 38,236 61,618 703 2,374 41,251 6
35 - 39 134,422 23,674 76,859 1,166 3,025 29,689 9
40 - 44 123,477 16,420 80,333 1,831 3,415 21,472 6
45 - 49 113,714 12,380 79,217 2,689 3,427 15,994 7
50 - 54 98,084 8,385 71,085 3,555 3,024 12,028 7
55 - 59 82,247 5,894 60,458 4,580 2,472 8,837 6
60 - 64 62,273 3,926 45,223 5,417 1,718 5,986 3
65 - 69 45,520 2,358 32,543 5,664 1,126 3,828 1
70 - 74 31,281 1,318 20,997 5,987 610 2,369 -
75 - 79 19,733 744 12,183 5,209 335 1,261 1
80 years and over 15,611 544 7,790 6,282 182 811 2

Female 1,669,597 673,043 604,414 122,481 28,811 240,669 179

Below 20 480,366 455,986 2,856 18 291 21,158 57

20 - 24 187,448 101,468 26,816 233 2,251 56,667 13
25 - 29 149,040 43,234 54,352 636 3,229 47,571 18
30 - 34 129,561 20,440 71,999 1,088 3,423 32,597 14
35 - 39 122,808 12,870 80,949 2,065 3,522 23,383 19
40 - 44 113,064 8,908 79,709 3,245 3,501 17,689 12
45 - 49 105,923 7,396 75,750 5,390 3,286 14,090 11
50 - 54 92,538 5,900 64,742 8,561 2,950 10,375 10
55 - 59 79,423 4,660 53,079 12,055 2,523 7,100 6
60 - 64 63,604 3,887 37,969 15,531 1,681 4,530 6
65 - 69 51,644 2,890 26,897 18,006 1,032 2,812 7
70 - 74 38,837 2,031 16,187 18,459 604 1,555 1
75 - 79 28,004 1,605 8,648 16,714 312 724 1
80 years and over 27,337 1,768 4,461 20,480 206 418 4


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 39

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,773,668 1,204,253 1,225,337 124,059 40,713 177,455 1,851

Below 20 794,291 763,548 15,663 158 408 13,491 1,023

20 - 24 339,502 215,752 79,304 708 2,518 41,092 128
25 - 29 277,763 99,452 135,304 1,385 4,225 37,274 123
30 - 34 235,015 45,084 157,213 2,298 5,130 25,196 94
35 - 39 219,601 26,031 165,508 3,535 5,836 18,606 85
40 - 44 198,421 16,573 157,218 5,595 5,553 13,369 113
45 - 49 179,642 11,823 144,401 8,143 5,139 10,078 58
50 - 54 153,170 8,225 121,611 11,979 4,149 7,152 54
55 - 59 121,729 6,055 93,528 14,221 3,212 4,653 60
60 - 64 94,589 4,539 67,914 16,923 2,144 3,035 34
65 - 69 63,479 2,730 41,573 16,269 1,169 1,703 35
70 - 74 42,401 1,882 24,082 14,807 628 981 21
75 - 79 28,307 1,257 13,425 12,809 335 473 8
80 years and over 25,758 1,302 8,593 15,229 267 352 15

Male 1,410,213 659,496 611,653 32,632 17,313 87,876 1,243

Below 20 406,770 399,297 3,813 66 104 2,623 867

20 - 24 172,406 126,568 27,586 240 647 17,321 44
25 - 29 142,400 60,180 60,240 450 1,437 20,049 44
30 - 34 121,563 27,808 76,527 823 2,055 14,302 48
35 - 39 113,481 16,185 83,167 1,177 2,511 10,394 47
40 - 44 102,086 10,229 80,015 1,815 2,629 7,339 59
45 - 49 92,106 7,043 74,864 2,431 2,414 5,325 29
50 - 54 78,527 4,566 64,693 3,363 1,958 3,921 26
55 - 59 61,581 3,035 50,694 3,698 1,485 2,642 27
60 - 64 47,171 2,066 38,055 4,257 1,005 1,772 16
65 - 69 30,200 1,113 23,704 3,832 525 1,012 14
70 - 74 19,544 619 14,393 3,605 276 639 12
75 - 79 12,281 408 8,281 3,129 150 308 5
80 years and over 10,097 379 5,621 3,746 117 229 5

Female 1,363,455 544,757 613,684 91,427 23,400 89,579 608

Below 20 387,521 364,251 11,850 92 304 10,868 156

20 - 24 167,096 89,184 51,718 468 1,871 23,771 84
25 - 29 135,363 39,272 75,064 935 2,788 17,225 79
30 - 34 113,452 17,276 80,686 1,475 3,075 10,894 46
35 - 39 106,120 9,846 82,341 2,358 3,325 8,212 38
40 - 44 96,335 6,344 77,203 3,780 2,924 6,030 54
45 - 49 87,536 4,780 69,537 5,712 2,725 4,753 29
50 - 54 74,643 3,659 56,918 8,616 2,191 3,231 28
55 - 59 60,148 3,020 42,834 10,523 1,727 2,011 33
60 - 64 47,418 2,473 29,859 12,666 1,139 1,263 18
65 - 69 33,279 1,617 17,869 12,437 644 691 21
70 - 74 22,857 1,263 9,689 11,202 352 342 9
75 - 79 16,026 849 5,144 9,680 185 165 3
80 years and over 15,661 923 2,972 11,483 150 123 10


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
40 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,601,616 1,554,073 1,537,499 152,226 49,095 307,043 1,680

Below 20 990,012 953,433 10,614 55 174 24,372 1,364

20 - 24 436,995 276,674 83,824 318 1,658 74,473 48
25 - 29 383,203 139,973 168,809 1,110 4,496 68,759 56
30 - 34 317,383 64,401 201,123 2,233 6,052 43,538 36
35 - 39 292,395 38,055 213,706 3,767 6,908 29,928 31
40 - 44 257,235 24,368 198,840 6,123 6,777 21,092 35
45 - 49 233,050 18,228 183,077 9,320 6,520 15,877 28
50 - 54 199,915 13,052 155,985 13,722 5,760 11,381 15
55 - 59 163,434 9,314 124,218 17,714 4,452 7,725 11
60 - 64 124,663 6,481 88,467 21,828 3,052 4,815 20
65 - 69 81,761 4,085 52,743 20,665 1,718 2,534 16
70 - 74 51,845 2,535 28,660 18,540 823 1,283 4
75 - 79 37,262 1,731 17,458 16,919 408 740 6
80 years and over 32,463 1,743 9,975 19,912 297 526 10

Male 1,834,648 854,482 767,967 37,591 21,106 152,447 1,055

Below 20 506,871 498,355 2,375 27 42 5,130 942

20 - 24 223,150 162,227 28,599 106 390 31,812 16
25 - 29 199,051 85,606 74,375 331 1,523 37,198 18
30 - 34 165,628 39,987 97,592 713 2,443 24,884 9
35 - 39 152,163 23,909 107,280 1,169 2,977 16,815 13
40 - 44 133,106 15,014 101,306 1,851 3,219 11,701 15
45 - 49 119,102 10,721 94,370 2,589 3,001 8,412 9
50 - 54 101,440 7,246 81,875 3,538 2,646 6,131 4
55 - 59 82,165 4,741 66,674 4,437 1,992 4,315 6
60 - 64 61,658 3,006 49,217 5,133 1,379 2,914 9
65 - 69 39,270 1,708 30,369 4,876 785 1,523 9
70 - 74 23,201 920 16,794 4,287 404 796 -
75 - 79 15,655 571 10,601 3,813 184 485 1
80 years and over 12,188 471 6,540 4,721 121 331 4

Female 1,766,968 699,591 769,532 114,635 27,989 154,596 625

Below 20 483,141 455,078 8,239 28 132 19,242 422

20 - 24 213,845 114,447 55,225 212 1,268 42,661 32
25 - 29 184,152 54,367 94,434 779 2,973 31,561 38
30 - 34 151,755 24,414 103,531 1,520 3,609 18,654 27
35 - 39 140,232 14,146 106,426 2,598 3,931 13,113 18
40 - 44 124,129 9,354 97,534 4,272 3,558 9,391 20
45 - 49 113,948 7,507 88,707 6,731 3,519 7,465 19
50 - 54 98,475 5,806 74,110 10,184 3,114 5,250 11
55 - 59 81,269 4,573 57,544 13,277 2,460 3,410 5
60 - 64 63,005 3,475 39,250 16,695 1,673 1,901 11
65 - 69 42,491 2,377 22,374 15,789 933 1,011 7
70 - 74 28,644 1,615 11,866 14,253 419 487 4
75 - 79 21,607 1,160 6,857 13,106 224 255 5
80 years and over 20,275 1,272 3,435 15,191 176 195 6


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in

Both sexes 3,819,671 1,629,109 1,577,356 160,460 51,300 396,293 5,153

Below 20 998,109 957,279 10,316 150 386 27,761 2,217

20 - 24 467,052 299,940 73,970 649 2,504 89,372 617
25 - 29 422,657 161,704 163,029 1,296 4,569 91,471 588
30 - 34 354,639 76,839 207,043 2,329 5,957 61,969 502
35 - 39 319,076 43,603 222,053 3,855 7,017 42,085 463
40 - 44 279,180 27,878 209,505 6,266 6,991 28,339 201
45 - 49 249,553 20,655 191,537 9,683 6,782 20,633 263
50 - 54 210,031 14,350 161,023 14,614 5,833 14,103 108
55 - 59 174,844 10,368 130,974 19,631 4,742 9,025 104
60 - 64 132,471 6,718 93,187 23,663 3,170 5,703 30
65 - 69 88,258 4,103 56,835 22,566 1,761 2,959 34
70 - 74 54,291 2,419 30,129 19,412 837 1,484 10
75 - 79 37,507 1,674 17,380 17,126 471 847 9
80 years and over 32,003 1,579 10,375 19,220 280 542 7

Male 1,960,100 907,562 789,813 41,162 22,354 197,379 1,830

Below 20 509,609 501,573 2,070 56 103 5,373 434

20 - 24 238,285 177,739 23,400 243 629 36,009 265
25 - 29 220,272 100,272 69,320 486 1,553 48,354 287
30 - 34 187,134 48,748 99,506 791 2,337 35,492 260
35 - 39 168,880 27,878 111,955 1,261 3,149 24,413 224
40 - 44 146,941 17,561 107,962 1,965 3,274 16,080 99
45 - 49 129,313 12,766 98,940 2,806 3,248 11,425 128
50 - 54 107,481 8,257 84,721 3,930 2,678 7,845 50
55 - 59 88,389 5,546 70,555 4,838 2,262 5,137 51
60 - 64 65,913 3,271 51,854 5,781 1,484 3,513 10
65 - 69 42,953 1,829 33,094 5,297 850 1,872 11
70 - 74 25,338 1,019 18,353 4,599 417 945 5
75 - 79 16,637 612 11,051 4,188 227 556 3
80 years and over 12,955 491 7,032 4,921 143 365 3

Female 1,859,571 721,547 787,543 119,298 28,946 198,914 3,323

Below 20 488,500 455,706 8,246 94 283 22,388 1,783

20 - 24 228,767 122,201 50,570 406 1,875 53,363 352
25 - 29 202,385 61,432 93,709 810 3,016 43,117 301
30 - 34 167,505 28,091 107,537 1,538 3,620 26,477 242
35 - 39 150,196 15,725 110,098 2,594 3,868 17,672 239
40 - 44 132,239 10,317 101,543 4,301 3,717 12,259 102
45 - 49 120,240 7,889 92,597 6,877 3,534 9,208 135
50 - 54 102,550 6,093 76,302 10,684 3,155 6,258 58
55 - 59 86,455 4,822 60,419 14,793 2,480 3,888 53
60 - 64 66,558 3,447 41,333 17,882 1,686 2,190 20
65 - 69 45,305 2,274 23,741 17,269 911 1,087 23
70 - 74 28,953 1,400 11,776 14,813 420 539 5
75 - 79 20,870 1,062 6,329 12,938 244 291 6
80 years and over 19,048 1,088 3,343 14,299 137 177 4


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Statistics Authority
42 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,487,793 1,481,638 1,613,861 145,051 43,986 201,930 1,327

Below 20 975,173 929,188 27,827 224 541 16,929 464

20 - 24 436,120 264,676 120,125 677 2,427 48,081 134
25 - 29 382,347 129,531 201,651 1,679 4,587 44,756 143
30 - 34 321,367 59,143 223,387 2,929 5,811 29,993 104
35 - 39 297,171 33,647 231,579 4,620 6,510 20,723 92
40 - 44 258,198 20,777 209,476 7,206 6,134 14,521 84
45 - 49 228,152 15,065 186,202 10,484 5,706 10,622 73
50 - 54 178,895 9,774 143,156 14,621 4,438 6,850 56
55 - 59 137,943 6,945 106,085 17,339 3,166 4,359 49
60 - 64 102,267 4,912 72,474 20,164 2,150 2,529 38
65 - 69 69,520 3,136 44,896 18,898 1,241 1,312 37
70 - 74 44,900 1,981 24,866 16,667 656 708 22
75 - 79 29,658 1,430 13,609 13,921 373 315 10
80 years and over 26,082 1,433 8,528 15,622 246 232 21

Male 1,777,921 816,460 806,542 35,133 18,742 100,342 702

Below 20 496,170 485,398 6,687 86 165 3,464 370

20 - 24 220,610 155,697 43,873 223 607 20,165 45
25 - 29 197,311 79,645 91,304 584 1,603 24,136 39
30 - 34 167,039 37,138 109,314 959 2,295 17,301 32
35 - 39 154,564 21,574 116,719 1,466 2,913 11,849 43
40 - 44 134,440 13,290 107,863 2,192 2,891 8,165 39
45 - 49 118,368 9,344 97,782 2,782 2,658 5,768 34
50 - 54 92,083 5,573 76,982 3,667 2,025 3,808 28
55 - 59 70,170 3,636 58,528 3,992 1,470 2,525 19
60 - 64 50,699 2,275 41,415 4,515 982 1,493 19
65 - 69 33,265 1,310 26,403 4,098 575 859 20
70 - 74 20,351 714 15,242 3,670 281 441 3
75 - 79 12,777 444 8,691 3,244 177 217 4
80 years and over 10,074 422 5,739 3,655 100 151 7

Female 1,709,872 665,178 807,319 109,918 25,244 101,588 625

Below 20 479,003 443,790 21,140 138 376 13,465 94

20 - 24 215,510 108,979 76,252 454 1,820 27,916 89
25 - 29 185,036 49,886 110,347 1,095 2,984 20,620 104
30 - 34 154,328 22,005 114,073 1,970 3,516 12,692 72
35 - 39 142,607 12,073 114,860 3,154 3,597 8,874 49
40 - 44 123,758 7,487 101,613 5,014 3,243 6,356 45
45 - 49 109,784 5,721 88,420 7,702 3,048 4,854 39
50 - 54 86,812 4,201 66,174 10,954 2,413 3,042 28
55 - 59 67,773 3,309 47,557 13,347 1,696 1,834 30
60 - 64 51,568 2,637 31,059 15,649 1,168 1,036 19
65 - 69 36,255 1,826 18,493 14,800 666 453 17
70 - 74 24,549 1,267 9,624 12,997 375 267 19
75 - 79 16,881 986 4,918 10,677 196 98 6
80 years and over 16,008 1,011 2,789 11,967 146 81 14


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 6--Continued

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 1,984,207 847,110 805,025 89,531 24,341 217,910 290

Below 20 554,763 535,701 3,786 23 116 14,972 165

20 - 24 232,683 146,495 35,978 211 902 49,083 14
25 - 29 203,151 73,043 79,081 530 2,072 48,400 25
30 - 34 167,959 32,750 99,051 1,099 2,727 32,317 15
35 - 39 151,924 18,696 105,960 1,816 3,165 22,273 14
40 - 44 138,453 11,976 104,093 3,031 3,429 15,911 13
45 - 49 129,783 9,112 100,142 4,942 3,248 12,334 5
50 - 54 113,114 6,360 87,629 7,609 2,958 8,553 5
55 - 59 93,732 4,560 70,921 10,024 2,358 5,856 13
60 - 64 69,872 3,004 49,410 12,121 1,583 3,748 6
65 - 69 49,770 2,132 32,067 12,483 911 2,174 3
70 - 74 34,587 1,318 19,279 12,276 474 1,235 5
75 - 79 24,168 1,020 11,290 10,972 250 631 5
80 years and over 20,248 943 6,338 12,394 148 423 2

Male 1,018,858 475,101 401,943 22,408 11,134 108,084 188

Below 20 287,489 283,915 633 6 21 2,765 149

20 - 24 120,596 88,939 11,339 49 201 20,066 2
25 - 29 106,710 46,077 33,925 177 684 25,843 4
30 - 34 88,871 21,246 47,583 388 1,132 18,516 6
35 - 39 79,714 12,128 52,918 636 1,436 12,595 1
40 - 44 71,649 7,716 52,420 1,014 1,736 8,756 7
45 - 49 66,759 5,639 51,401 1,438 1,653 6,627 1
50 - 54 57,813 3,703 45,893 2,048 1,467 4,698 4
55 - 59 47,359 2,401 38,037 2,491 1,153 3,272 5
60 - 64 34,602 1,454 27,263 2,930 749 2,203 3
65 - 69 23,596 868 18,059 2,927 440 1,302 -
70 - 74 15,584 450 11,279 2,826 263 763 3
75 - 79 10,429 318 6,989 2,599 133 388 2
80 years and over 7,687 247 4,204 2,879 66 290 1

Female 965,349 372,009 403,082 67,123 13,207 109,826 102

Below 20 267,274 251,786 3,153 17 95 12,207 16

20 - 24 112,087 57,556 24,639 162 701 29,017 12
25 - 29 96,441 26,966 45,156 353 1,388 22,557 21
30 - 34 79,088 11,504 51,468 711 1,595 13,801 9
35 - 39 72,210 6,568 53,042 1,180 1,729 9,678 13
40 - 44 66,804 4,260 51,673 2,017 1,693 7,155 6
45 - 49 63,024 3,473 48,741 3,504 1,595 5,707 4
50 - 54 55,301 2,657 41,736 5,561 1,491 3,855 1
55 - 59 46,373 2,159 32,884 7,533 1,205 2,584 8
60 - 64 35,270 1,550 22,147 9,191 834 1,545 3
65 - 69 26,174 1,264 14,008 9,556 471 872 3
70 - 74 19,003 868 8,000 9,450 211 472 2
75 - 79 13,739 702 4,301 8,373 117 243 3
80 years and over 12,561 696 2,134 9,515 82 133 1


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Statistics Authority
44 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 6--Concluded

Total Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,689,926 1,297,367 1,273,605 79,022 28,758 9,935 1,239

Below 20 921,003 895,472 21,548 1,362 1,331 896 394

20 - 24 326,083 228,176 92,178 1,346 2,687 1,541 155
25 - 29 288,777 101,531 178,328 2,599 4,387 1,786 146
30 - 34 248,383 35,267 203,147 3,923 4,476 1,470 100
35 - 39 245,007 16,562 216,815 5,762 4,526 1,225 117
40 - 44 202,072 7,158 182,480 7,720 3,649 981 84
45 - 49 163,536 4,471 146,138 9,263 2,819 771 74
50 - 54 109,924 2,914 94,588 10,099 1,782 470 71
55 - 59 72,993 2,035 60,100 9,222 1,236 358 42
60 - 64 46,744 1,332 35,924 8,490 756 216 26
65 - 69 29,876 903 21,429 6,907 511 116 10
70 - 74 17,560 648 11,268 5,337 254 48 5
75 - 79 9,488 411 5,551 3,334 159 24 9
80 years and over 8,480 487 4,111 3,658 185 33 6

Male 1,333,820 658,251 636,556 22,941 10,514 4,937 621

Below 20 460,588 451,679 7,127 696 556 316 214

20 - 24 156,993 118,540 36,169 565 1,018 629 72
25 - 29 137,222 53,357 80,114 1,035 1,720 924 72
30 - 34 118,942 18,183 96,731 1,429 1,753 792 54
35 - 39 118,718 8,260 106,199 1,972 1,592 630 65
40 - 44 100,762 3,357 93,063 2,415 1,368 516 43
45 - 49 83,881 1,854 78,086 2,602 904 399 36
50 - 54 58,844 1,137 54,179 2,670 573 258 27
55 - 59 39,040 698 35,410 2,303 398 218 13
60 - 64 25,237 438 22,246 2,168 248 123 14
65 - 69 15,542 294 13,254 1,757 162 71 4
70 - 74 9,206 212 7,442 1,428 94 28 2
75 - 79 4,788 103 3,716 887 61 19 2
80 years and over 4,057 139 2,820 1,014 67 14 3

Female 1,356,106 639,116 637,049 56,081 18,244 4,998 618

Below 20 460,415 443,793 14,421 666 775 580 180

20 - 24 169,090 109,636 56,009 781 1,669 912 83
25 - 29 151,555 48,174 98,214 1,564 2,667 862 74
30 - 34 129,441 17,084 106,416 2,494 2,723 678 46
35 - 39 126,289 8,302 110,616 3,790 2,934 595 52
40 - 44 101,310 3,801 89,417 5,305 2,281 465 41
45 - 49 79,655 2,617 68,052 6,661 1,915 372 38
50 - 54 51,080 1,777 40,409 7,429 1,209 212 44
55 - 59 33,953 1,337 24,690 6,919 838 140 29
60 - 64 21,507 894 13,678 6,322 508 93 12
65 - 69 14,334 609 8,175 5,150 349 45 6
70 - 74 8,354 436 3,826 3,909 160 20 3
75 - 79 4,700 308 1,835 2,447 98 5 7
80 years and over 4,423 348 1,291 2,644 118 19 3

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 45

TABLE 7 Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and Region: 2015

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 78,918,842 34,541,603 32,353,962 3,549,928 1,207,459 7,239,822 26,068

Below 20 20,600,724 19,957,714 192,465 4,052 10,779 425,397 10,317

20 - 24 9,396,155 6,369,552 1,465,002 12,208 61,365 1,485,720 2,308
25 - 29 8,304,461 3,393,494 3,168,573 26,272 113,176 1,600,489 2,457
30 - 34 7,290,536 1,669,651 4,230,051 48,707 151,145 1,189,127 1,855
35 - 39 6,704,923 963,560 4,646,432 81,658 173,168 838,414 1,691
40 - 44 5,813,169 618,904 4,319,483 133,804 168,311 571,047 1,620
45 - 49 5,262,005 483,338 3,988,163 210,637 158,558 419,768 1,541
50 - 54 4,415,193 350,431 3,331,923 315,146 130,661 285,923 1,109
55 - 59 3,597,370 252,080 2,646,193 407,722 101,480 188,925 970
60 - 64 2,755,608 180,320 1,892,100 499,871 67,009 115,564 744
65 - 69 1,912,908 119,340 1,200,024 492,790 37,778 62,378 598
70 - 74 1,218,065 73,120 657,778 438,454 17,894 30,496 323
75 - 79 857,534 54,101 382,693 394,423 9,744 16,325 248
80 years and over 790,191 55,998 233,082 484,184 6,391 10,249 287

Male 39,590,403 18,653,961 16,069,026 814,185 464,199 3,577,076 11,956

Below 20 10,561,770 10,408,761 46,124 1,826 2,693 96,148 6,218

20 - 24 4,746,871 3,613,613 504,803 4,240 14,115 609,293 807
25 - 29 4,207,864 1,984,093 1,371,438 8,447 34,208 808,770 908
30 - 34 3,711,474 989,292 2,004,879 15,341 54,399 646,896 667
35 - 39 3,415,452 568,674 2,291,824 24,643 68,219 461,462 630
40 - 44 2,964,173 358,831 2,180,848 39,033 70,626 314,220 615
45 - 49 2,662,442 269,556 2,042,241 55,999 66,511 227,516 619
50 - 54 2,215,770 180,458 1,744,143 78,390 54,270 158,095 414
55 - 59 1,778,410 118,932 1,414,980 93,920 41,412 108,820 346
60 - 64 1,321,928 74,203 1,038,272 111,595 27,541 70,049 268
65 - 69 876,386 41,754 674,646 104,851 15,947 38,984 204
70 - 74 522,194 21,705 379,947 93,109 7,763 19,564 106
75 - 79 337,911 13,290 227,852 82,089 4,068 10,536 76
80 years and over 267,758 10,799 147,029 100,702 2,427 6,723 78

Female 39,328,439 15,887,642 16,284,936 2,735,743 743,260 3,662,746 14,112

Below 20 10,038,954 9,548,953 146,341 2,226 8,086 329,249 4,099

20 - 24 4,649,284 2,755,939 960,199 7,968 47,250 876,427 1,501
25 - 29 4,096,597 1,409,401 1,797,135 17,825 78,968 791,719 1,549
30 - 34 3,579,062 680,359 2,225,172 33,366 96,746 542,231 1,188
35 - 39 3,289,471 394,886 2,354,608 57,015 104,949 376,952 1,061
40 - 44 2,848,996 260,073 2,138,635 94,771 97,685 256,827 1,005
45 - 49 2,599,563 213,782 1,945,922 154,638 92,047 192,252 922
50 - 54 2,199,423 169,973 1,587,780 236,756 76,391 127,828 695
55 - 59 1,818,960 133,148 1,231,213 313,802 60,068 80,105 624
60 - 64 1,433,680 106,117 853,828 388,276 39,468 45,515 476
65 - 69 1,036,522 77,586 525,378 387,939 21,831 23,394 394
70 - 74 695,871 51,415 277,831 345,345 10,131 10,932 217
75 - 79 519,623 40,811 154,841 312,334 5,676 5,789 172
80 years and over 522,433 45,199 86,053 383,482 3,964 3,526 209


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
46 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 10,424,707 4,810,900 3,742,410 406,795 216,109 1,241,002 7,491

Below 20 2,378,632 2,312,417 11,384 556 2,140 50,629 1,506

20 - 24 1,335,898 987,307 107,213 1,433 11,294 227,618 1,033
25 - 29 1,254,938 622,940 314,584 2,854 20,171 293,389 1,000
30 - 34 1,088,095 326,007 497,651 5,310 26,394 232,005 728
35 - 39 955,532 182,983 573,570 9,242 30,277 158,868 592
40 - 44 803,784 113,269 539,471 16,669 31,064 102,667 644
45 - 49 707,138 89,598 488,834 26,989 29,483 71,668 566
50 - 54 587,738 65,937 408,390 42,436 24,303 46,263 409
55 - 59 466,194 44,692 320,284 53,763 18,686 28,456 313
60 - 64 343,615 27,244 224,489 64,166 11,449 16,053 214
65 - 69 222,234 16,698 134,140 57,169 6,146 7,861 220
70 - 74 122,310 8,911 63,379 44,455 2,508 2,953 104
75 - 79 83,223 6,505 36,205 37,483 1,321 1,627 82
80 years and over 75,376 6,392 22,816 44,270 873 945 80

Male 5,081,482 2,462,474 1,848,218 82,422 71,143 614,133 3,092

Below 20 1,195,982 1,177,836 3,434 223 449 13,246 794

20 - 24 652,711 519,736 38,104 468 2,545 91,444 414
25 - 29 619,153 334,838 134,637 887 5,730 142,613 448
30 - 34 541,279 175,613 232,392 1,505 8,795 122,692 282
35 - 39 474,098 94,601 279,986 2,428 10,548 86,301 234
40 - 44 396,148 55,051 268,961 4,221 11,113 56,557 245
45 - 49 344,149 41,319 246,572 6,131 10,455 39,471 201
50 - 54 280,123 27,888 208,541 9,205 8,171 26,171 147
55 - 59 219,518 17,397 168,288 10,778 6,068 16,877 110
60 - 64 157,304 9,006 121,438 12,979 3,734 10,082 65
65 - 69 98,139 4,691 75,196 10,964 2,068 5,150 70
70 - 74 49,332 2,109 36,006 8,424 860 1,893 40
75 - 79 30,501 1,379 21,017 6,660 388 1,032 25
80 years and over 23,045 1,010 13,646 7,549 219 604 17

Female 5,343,225 2,348,426 1,894,192 324,373 144,966 626,869 4,399

Below 20 1,182,650 1,134,581 7,950 333 1,691 37,383 712

20 - 24 683,187 467,571 69,109 965 8,749 136,174 619
25 - 29 635,785 288,102 179,947 1,967 14,441 150,776 552
30 - 34 546,816 150,394 265,259 3,805 17,599 109,313 446
35 - 39 481,434 88,382 293,584 6,814 19,729 72,567 358
40 - 44 407,636 58,218 270,510 12,448 19,951 46,110 399
45 - 49 362,989 48,279 242,262 20,858 19,028 32,197 365
50 - 54 307,615 38,049 199,849 33,231 16,132 20,092 262
55 - 59 246,676 27,295 151,996 42,985 12,618 11,579 203
60 - 64 186,311 18,238 103,051 51,187 7,715 5,971 149
65 - 69 124,095 12,007 58,944 46,205 4,078 2,711 150
70 - 74 72,978 6,802 27,373 36,031 1,648 1,060 64
75 - 79 52,722 5,126 15,188 30,823 933 595 57
80 years and over 52,331 5,382 9,170 36,721 654 341 63


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 47

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 1,354,180 625,814 602,928 59,084 14,546 51,787 21

Below 20 352,962 344,706 4,194 23 37 3,985 17

20 - 24 173,885 124,959 36,461 125 372 11,968 -
25 - 29 149,475 66,558 69,778 393 1,115 11,630 1
30 - 34 125,565 32,347 82,736 695 1,777 8,010 -
35 - 39 107,852 17,726 81,364 1,137 2,101 5,523 1
40 - 44 90,192 10,829 71,834 1,886 2,003 3,640 -
45 - 49 84,810 8,665 68,502 3,076 1,925 2,641 1
50 - 54 74,610 6,659 59,483 4,898 1,697 1,873 -
55 - 59 61,936 4,962 47,945 6,541 1,353 1,135 -
60 - 64 46,135 3,179 33,744 7,572 966 674 -
65 - 69 31,628 2,066 21,159 7,521 538 344 -
70 - 74 21,034 1,255 12,010 7,244 333 192 -
75 - 79 16,561 879 7,994 7,410 180 97 1
80 years and over 17,535 1,024 5,724 10,563 149 75 -

Male 689,421 343,843 300,325 13,985 5,812 25,446 10

Below 20 179,700 177,839 843 7 8 995 8

20 - 24 88,350 70,510 12,641 36 80 5,083 -
25 - 29 77,648 40,461 30,836 96 320 5,934 1
30 - 34 66,158 20,553 40,365 189 642 4,409 -
35 - 39 56,385 11,383 40,808 318 865 3,011 -
40 - 44 47,167 7,022 36,815 471 829 2,030 -
45 - 49 43,710 5,516 35,149 763 844 1,438 -
50 - 54 38,402 4,021 31,374 1,239 735 1,033 -
55 - 59 31,345 2,876 25,586 1,618 586 679 -
60 - 64 22,764 1,656 18,609 1,722 399 378 -
65 - 69 14,999 921 11,940 1,696 225 217 -
70 - 74 9,301 511 6,942 1,577 149 122 -
75 - 79 6,914 296 4,728 1,757 65 67 1
80 years and over 6,578 278 3,689 2,496 65 50 -

Female 664,759 281,971 302,603 45,099 8,734 26,341 11

Below 20 173,262 166,867 3,351 16 29 2,990 9

20 - 24 85,535 54,449 23,820 89 292 6,885 -
25 - 29 71,827 26,097 38,942 297 795 5,696 -
30 - 34 59,407 11,794 42,371 506 1,135 3,601 -
35 - 39 51,467 6,343 40,556 819 1,236 2,512 1
40 - 44 43,025 3,807 35,019 1,415 1,174 1,610 -
45 - 49 41,100 3,149 33,353 2,313 1,081 1,203 1
50 - 54 36,208 2,638 28,109 3,659 962 840 -
55 - 59 30,591 2,086 22,359 4,923 767 456 -
60 - 64 23,371 1,523 15,135 5,850 567 296 -
65 - 69 16,629 1,145 9,219 5,825 313 127 -
70 - 74 11,733 744 5,068 5,667 184 70 -
75 - 79 9,647 583 3,266 5,653 115 30 -
80 years and over 10,957 746 2,035 8,067 84 25 -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
48 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 4,001,831 1,674,579 1,720,770 226,482 59,429 319,811 760

Below 20 974,233 948,046 5,799 178 405 19,774 31

20 - 24 436,351 298,181 69,640 726 2,625 65,091 88
25 - 29 390,145 160,362 155,848 1,283 5,175 67,370 107
30 - 34 364,427 85,196 217,273 2,474 7,414 51,992 78
35 - 39 335,478 49,350 236,117 4,090 8,604 37,232 85
40 - 44 294,735 33,601 220,743 6,602 8,246 25,471 72
45 - 49 276,071 27,321 210,608 10,909 7,837 19,327 69
50 - 54 236,688 20,365 180,127 16,549 6,469 13,132 46
55 - 59 201,015 15,213 148,721 22,873 5,099 9,061 48
60 - 64 158,979 12,042 109,102 28,867 3,512 5,411 45
65 - 69 122,920 8,687 76,591 32,419 2,085 3,106 32
70 - 74 82,282 5,906 44,228 29,632 1,017 1,473 26
75 - 79 61,425 4,620 27,174 28,296 528 796 11
80 years and over 67,082 5,689 18,799 41,584 413 575 22

Male 2,003,794 918,631 855,349 47,725 24,501 157,364 224

Below 20 505,690 499,614 1,209 85 89 4,684 9

20 - 24 223,363 172,287 23,280 241 570 26,963 22
25 - 29 199,195 97,230 66,391 357 1,484 33,695 38
30 - 34 185,862 52,561 102,004 722 2,750 27,807 18
35 - 39 171,670 30,886 115,784 1,105 3,624 20,245 26
40 - 44 151,705 20,721 111,621 1,816 3,731 13,794 22
45 - 49 140,785 16,022 107,820 2,833 3,678 10,410 22
50 - 54 119,362 11,107 93,971 3,976 2,975 7,318 15
55 - 59 98,952 7,358 78,981 5,076 2,293 5,225 19
60 - 64 74,862 4,802 59,165 5,986 1,571 3,329 9
65 - 69 54,587 2,802 42,442 6,411 937 1,984 11
70 - 74 33,605 1,475 24,998 5,692 425 1,010 5
75 - 79 22,944 934 15,964 5,309 221 513 3
80 years and over 21,212 832 11,719 8,116 153 387 5

Female 1,998,037 755,948 865,421 178,757 34,928 162,447 536

Below 20 468,543 448,432 4,590 93 316 15,090 22

20 - 24 212,988 125,894 46,360 485 2,055 38,128 66
25 - 29 190,950 63,132 89,457 926 3,691 33,675 69
30 - 34 178,565 32,635 115,269 1,752 4,664 24,185 60
35 - 39 163,808 18,464 120,333 2,985 4,980 16,987 59
40 - 44 143,030 12,880 109,122 4,786 4,515 11,677 50
45 - 49 135,286 11,299 102,788 8,076 4,159 8,917 47
50 - 54 117,326 9,258 86,156 12,573 3,494 5,814 31
55 - 59 102,063 7,855 69,740 17,797 2,806 3,836 29
60 - 64 84,117 7,240 49,937 22,881 1,941 2,082 36
65 - 69 68,333 5,885 34,149 26,008 1,148 1,122 21
70 - 74 48,677 4,431 19,230 23,940 592 463 21
75 - 79 38,481 3,686 11,210 22,987 307 283 8
80 years and over 45,870 4,857 7,080 33,468 260 188 17


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 49

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,722,815 1,054,472 1,381,134 138,617 36,851 111,533 208

Below 20 668,179 639,185 15,973 51 252 12,707 11

20 - 24 317,208 190,701 97,886 506 1,978 26,117 20
25 - 29 278,357 94,059 158,729 1,066 3,967 20,518 18
30 - 34 246,682 45,011 180,072 1,903 5,280 14,385 31
35 - 39 232,744 26,380 186,555 3,024 5,855 10,891 39
40 - 44 204,498 16,834 169,543 4,821 5,060 8,215 25
45 - 49 187,409 12,750 155,970 7,633 4,553 6,489 14
50 - 54 166,176 9,143 136,560 11,993 3,664 4,797 19
55 - 59 138,104 6,812 109,310 15,977 2,695 3,292 18
60 - 64 104,883 5,165 76,179 19,801 1,675 2,060 3
65 - 69 69,502 3,190 45,332 19,029 920 1,028 3
70 - 74 43,023 1,927 23,866 16,300 426 501 3
75 - 79 33,967 1,588 15,423 16,355 290 308 3
80 years and over 32,083 1,727 9,736 20,158 236 225 1

Male 1,381,905 589,330 689,373 31,962 16,426 54,756 58

Below 20 345,495 338,331 3,710 18 52 3,382 2

20 - 24 162,383 113,747 35,936 158 451 12,087 4
25 - 29 143,195 58,519 72,271 317 1,279 10,805 4
30 - 34 127,639 29,033 87,956 601 2,204 7,839 6
35 - 39 120,224 17,143 93,549 898 2,736 5,882 16
40 - 44 106,376 11,052 86,888 1,463 2,542 4,428 3
45 - 49 96,453 7,982 80,547 2,166 2,365 3,391 2
50 - 54 84,681 5,256 71,968 3,135 1,800 2,514 8
55 - 59 69,408 3,486 58,922 3,788 1,338 1,868 6
60 - 64 50,709 2,203 42,124 4,305 805 1,271 1
65 - 69 32,186 1,170 25,969 3,980 431 633 3
70 - 74 18,476 609 13,939 3,396 205 326 1
75 - 79 13,366 429 9,283 3,340 121 191 2
80 years and over 11,314 370 6,311 4,397 97 139 -

Female 1,340,910 465,142 691,761 106,655 20,425 56,777 150

Below 20 322,684 300,854 12,263 33 200 9,325 9

20 - 24 154,825 76,954 61,950 348 1,527 14,030 16
25 - 29 135,162 35,540 86,458 749 2,688 9,713 14
30 - 34 119,043 15,978 92,116 1,302 3,076 6,546 25
35 - 39 112,520 9,237 93,006 2,126 3,119 5,009 23
40 - 44 98,122 5,782 82,655 3,358 2,518 3,787 22
45 - 49 90,956 4,768 75,423 5,467 2,188 3,098 12
50 - 54 81,495 3,887 64,592 8,858 1,864 2,283 11
55 - 59 68,696 3,326 50,388 12,189 1,357 1,424 12
60 - 64 54,174 2,962 34,055 15,496 870 789 2
65 - 69 37,316 2,020 19,363 15,049 489 395 -
70 - 74 24,547 1,318 9,927 12,904 221 175 2
75 - 79 20,601 1,159 6,140 13,015 169 117 1
80 years and over 20,769 1,357 3,425 15,761 139 86 1


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
50 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 8,940,826 3,739,780 3,807,809 411,557 167,863 810,623 3,194

Below 20 2,209,051 2,130,989 20,900 236 1,415 54,222 1,289

20 - 24 1,043,790 692,619 181,120 1,264 9,267 159,285 235
25 - 29 931,151 370,874 374,649 2,766 16,701 165,884 277
30 - 34 836,930 184,510 495,239 5,326 22,362 129,275 218
35 - 39 788,590 108,571 548,068 8,857 25,226 97,663 205
40 - 44 682,391 70,695 505,473 14,737 23,650 67,635 201
45 - 49 629,581 57,031 474,654 24,407 21,829 51,473 187
50 - 54 521,713 40,946 391,772 36,359 17,202 35,295 139
55 - 59 419,244 28,642 307,587 47,063 12,931 22,894 127
60 - 64 322,970 20,579 220,761 59,304 8,434 13,797 95
65 - 69 231,667 14,126 145,364 59,886 4,836 7,381 74
70 - 74 136,817 7,896 73,924 49,740 2,109 3,099 49
75 - 79 97,205 5,931 42,928 45,514 1,143 1,647 42
80 years and over 89,726 6,371 25,370 56,098 758 1,073 56

Male 4,479,765 2,036,688 1,889,244 90,869 60,913 400,804 1,247

Below 20 1,139,377 1,119,936 4,897 100 263 13,635 546

20 - 24 532,265 397,925 63,851 408 2,055 67,931 95
25 - 29 470,697 219,123 163,559 771 4,770 82,374 100
30 - 34 421,671 110,291 234,143 1,516 7,650 67,984 87
35 - 39 397,882 64,262 269,033 2,471 9,303 52,736 77
40 - 44 346,603 41,043 255,005 4,032 9,549 36,909 65
45 - 49 317,902 32,175 242,728 6,189 8,611 28,126 73
50 - 54 261,952 21,151 205,223 8,794 6,912 19,811 61
55 - 59 207,596 13,397 165,018 10,480 5,038 13,616 47
60 - 64 154,665 8,260 121,144 13,133 3,246 8,849 33
65 - 69 105,644 4,715 81,479 12,674 1,933 4,821 22
70 - 74 58,077 2,120 42,558 10,330 876 2,176 17
75 - 79 37,212 1,271 25,185 9,180 448 1,116 12
80 years and over 28,222 1,019 15,421 10,791 259 720 12

Female 4,461,061 1,703,092 1,918,565 320,688 106,950 409,819 1,947

Below 20 1,069,674 1,011,053 16,003 136 1,152 40,587 743

20 - 24 511,525 294,694 117,269 856 7,212 91,354 140
25 - 29 460,454 151,751 211,090 1,995 11,931 83,510 177
30 - 34 415,259 74,219 261,096 3,810 14,712 61,291 131
35 - 39 390,708 44,309 279,035 6,386 15,923 44,927 128
40 - 44 335,788 29,652 250,468 10,705 14,101 30,726 136
45 - 49 311,679 24,856 231,926 18,218 13,218 23,347 114
50 - 54 259,761 19,795 186,549 27,565 10,290 15,484 78
55 - 59 211,648 15,245 142,569 36,583 7,893 9,278 80
60 - 64 168,305 12,319 99,617 46,171 5,188 4,948 62
65 - 69 126,023 9,411 63,885 47,212 2,903 2,560 52
70 - 74 78,740 5,776 31,366 39,410 1,233 923 32
75 - 79 59,993 4,660 17,743 36,334 695 531 30
80 years and over 61,504 5,352 9,949 45,307 499 353 44


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 51

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 11,455,141 4,994,339 4,462,688 497,681 215,161 1,284,218 1,054

Below 20 2,825,675 2,747,495 13,849 347 1,899 62,032 53

20 - 24 1,373,883 966,011 159,798 1,512 11,423 235,037 102
25 - 29 1,241,200 534,869 405,570 3,233 19,891 277,518 119
30 - 34 1,132,617 266,782 608,108 6,759 28,003 222,840 125
35 - 39 1,056,632 152,312 695,099 11,804 32,461 164,835 121
40 - 44 880,979 94,015 624,698 19,698 30,606 111,861 101
45 - 49 783,888 73,867 568,741 31,174 28,606 81,399 101
50 - 54 637,836 52,314 461,624 47,594 22,579 53,636 89
55 - 59 517,068 36,932 365,532 61,632 17,475 35,413 84
60 - 64 394,889 27,211 258,935 76,293 11,309 21,080 61
65 - 69 261,759 17,891 155,933 71,521 6,074 10,296 44
70 - 74 152,537 10,093 77,221 58,042 2,613 4,549 19
75 - 79 104,571 7,287 43,202 50,216 1,387 2,460 19
80 years and over 91,607 7,260 24,378 57,856 835 1,262 16

Male 5,681,630 2,644,964 2,217,253 105,779 76,500 636,778 356

Below 20 1,447,123 1,427,525 3,444 150 440 15,548 16

20 - 24 686,600 531,131 55,941 518 2,615 96,366 29
25 - 29 616,945 299,565 174,922 968 5,785 135,670 35
30 - 34 564,062 149,410 285,450 1,990 9,530 117,641 41
35 - 39 529,717 84,389 340,643 3,340 11,975 89,334 36
40 - 44 445,388 51,108 315,560 5,371 11,737 61,562 50
45 - 49 392,588 38,862 290,464 7,774 10,973 44,480 35
50 - 54 316,388 25,569 241,059 10,973 8,607 30,150 30
55 - 59 252,236 16,325 195,491 13,166 6,422 20,804 28
60 - 64 185,261 10,255 141,648 16,042 4,234 13,057 25
65 - 69 116,157 5,506 87,435 14,217 2,350 6,634 15
70 - 74 62,400 2,576 44,408 11,339 1,022 3,050 5
75 - 79 38,964 1,519 25,733 9,520 533 1,654 5
80 years and over 27,801 1,224 15,055 10,411 277 828 6

Female 5,773,511 2,349,375 2,245,435 391,902 138,661 647,440 698

Below 20 1,378,552 1,319,970 10,405 197 1,459 46,484 37

20 - 24 687,283 434,880 103,857 994 8,808 138,671 73
25 - 29 624,255 235,304 230,648 2,265 14,106 141,848 84
30 - 34 568,555 117,372 322,658 4,769 18,473 105,199 84
35 - 39 526,915 67,923 354,456 8,464 20,486 75,501 85
40 - 44 435,591 42,907 309,138 14,327 18,869 50,299 51
45 - 49 391,300 35,005 278,277 23,400 17,633 36,919 66
50 - 54 321,448 26,745 220,565 36,621 13,972 23,486 59
55 - 59 264,832 20,607 170,041 48,466 11,053 14,609 56
60 - 64 209,628 16,956 117,287 60,251 7,075 8,023 36
65 - 69 145,602 12,385 68,498 57,304 3,724 3,662 29
70 - 74 90,137 7,517 32,813 46,703 1,591 1,499 14
75 - 79 65,607 5,768 17,469 40,696 854 806 14
80 years and over 63,806 6,036 9,323 47,445 558 434 10


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
52 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,246,892 949,487 971,902 101,927 27,396 195,904 276

Below 20 655,543 630,571 8,662 296 411 15,407 196

20 - 24 255,677 153,229 56,047 489 1,589 44,307 16
25 - 29 215,467 69,018 101,666 779 2,474 41,519 11
30 - 34 195,635 32,832 128,232 1,427 3,163 29,971 10
35 - 39 180,837 19,055 134,928 2,386 3,771 20,684 13
40 - 44 160,431 12,819 126,041 3,714 3,759 14,090 8
45 - 49 143,734 9,715 114,214 5,676 3,535 10,589 5
50 - 54 122,352 7,112 96,292 8,545 2,939 7,458 6
55 - 59 100,740 5,073 77,145 11,142 2,341 5,036 3
60 - 64 76,478 3,655 54,342 13,611 1,612 3,256 2
65 - 69 54,585 2,495 35,220 14,165 907 1,795 3
70 - 74 36,657 1,562 20,482 13,200 460 952 1
75 - 79 25,653 1,156 11,675 12,022 281 518 1
80 years and over 23,103 1,195 6,956 14,475 154 322 1

Male 1,144,282 529,217 482,758 24,257 11,867 96,081 102

Below 20 338,626 332,938 1,824 139 138 3,520 67

20 - 24 130,899 92,467 19,261 186 338 18,640 7
25 - 29 109,413 43,317 43,725 286 733 21,347 5
30 - 34 100,303 21,380 60,745 520 1,148 16,506 4
35 - 39 93,995 12,715 67,324 804 1,646 11,503 3
40 - 44 83,554 8,591 64,171 1,231 1,807 7,751 3
45 - 49 74,367 6,257 58,995 1,662 1,699 5,749 5
50 - 54 63,433 4,440 51,025 2,398 1,493 4,075 2
55 - 59 51,111 2,903 41,544 2,692 1,134 2,836 2
60 - 64 38,016 1,823 30,358 3,117 811 1,907 -
65 - 69 25,789 1,156 19,992 3,070 451 1,117 3
70 - 74 16,306 605 12,059 2,796 249 596 1
75 - 79 10,348 348 7,150 2,378 145 327 -
80 years and over 8,122 277 4,585 2,978 75 207 -

Female 1,102,610 420,270 489,144 77,670 15,529 99,823 174

Below 20 316,917 297,633 6,838 157 273 11,887 129

20 - 24 124,778 60,762 36,786 303 1,251 25,667 9
25 - 29 106,054 25,701 57,941 493 1,741 20,172 6
30 - 34 95,332 11,452 67,487 907 2,015 13,465 6
35 - 39 86,842 6,340 67,604 1,582 2,125 9,181 10
40 - 44 76,877 4,228 61,870 2,483 1,952 6,339 5
45 - 49 69,367 3,458 55,219 4,014 1,836 4,840 -
50 - 54 58,919 2,672 45,267 6,147 1,446 3,383 4
55 - 59 49,629 2,170 35,601 8,450 1,207 2,200 1
60 - 64 38,462 1,832 23,984 10,494 801 1,349 2
65 - 69 28,796 1,339 15,228 11,095 456 678 -
70 - 74 20,351 957 8,423 10,404 211 356 -
75 - 79 15,305 808 4,525 9,644 136 191 1
80 years and over 14,981 918 2,371 11,497 79 115 1


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 53

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 4,388,772 2,000,095 1,683,015 211,890 48,689 443,962 1,121

Below 20 1,331,097 1,299,353 5,095 80 341 25,473 755

20 - 24 484,345 323,664 62,351 645 2,696 94,942 47
25 - 29 398,493 150,424 145,300 1,304 4,362 97,054 49
30 - 34 356,166 74,397 202,822 2,347 5,613 70,947 40
35 - 39 338,421 45,575 233,253 4,032 6,551 48,981 29
40 - 44 299,657 30,140 222,840 6,886 6,588 33,174 29
45 - 49 282,930 23,798 216,130 11,378 6,418 25,174 32
50 - 54 239,772 16,961 182,882 16,442 5,580 17,873 34
55 - 59 200,028 11,910 148,898 22,380 4,324 12,484 32
60 - 64 156,568 8,900 108,669 28,130 3,015 7,828 26
65 - 69 116,830 5,799 73,845 30,687 1,653 4,822 24
70 - 74 80,674 3,766 43,471 29,894 837 2,700 6
75 - 79 54,833 2,681 23,983 26,132 456 1,572 9
80 years and over 48,958 2,727 13,476 31,553 255 938 9

Male 2,217,677 1,103,524 830,199 47,693 19,728 215,790 743

Below 20 690,978 684,130 967 29 71 5,158 623

20 - 24 249,740 191,902 19,758 222 511 37,335 12
25 - 29 204,555 93,954 60,218 423 1,211 48,740 9
30 - 34 183,047 47,431 94,211 747 1,961 38,679 18
35 - 39 173,271 29,146 113,266 1,305 2,651 26,891 12
40 - 44 152,940 18,666 110,937 2,136 2,988 18,207 6
45 - 49 144,045 14,302 110,117 3,277 2,912 13,428 9
50 - 54 121,222 9,459 95,233 4,329 2,568 9,618 15
55 - 59 99,188 6,121 78,754 5,320 1,925 7,054 14
60 - 64 74,841 3,998 58,703 6,229 1,385 4,513 13
65 - 69 52,729 2,090 40,548 6,398 799 2,887 7
70 - 74 34,110 1,174 24,771 6,065 405 1,694 1
75 - 79 21,121 661 14,224 5,043 227 965 1
80 years and over 15,890 490 8,492 6,170 114 621 3

Female 2,171,095 896,571 852,816 164,197 28,961 228,172 378

Below 20 640,119 615,223 4,128 51 270 20,315 132

20 - 24 234,605 131,762 42,593 423 2,185 57,607 35
25 - 29 193,938 56,470 85,082 881 3,151 48,314 40
30 - 34 173,119 26,966 108,611 1,600 3,652 32,268 22
35 - 39 165,150 16,429 119,987 2,727 3,900 22,090 17
40 - 44 146,717 11,474 111,903 4,750 3,600 14,967 23
45 - 49 138,885 9,496 106,013 8,101 3,506 11,746 23
50 - 54 118,550 7,502 87,649 12,113 3,012 8,255 19
55 - 59 100,840 5,789 70,144 17,060 2,399 5,430 18
60 - 64 81,727 4,902 49,966 21,901 1,630 3,315 13
65 - 69 64,101 3,709 33,297 24,289 854 1,935 17
70 - 74 46,564 2,592 18,700 23,829 432 1,006 5
75 - 79 33,712 2,020 9,759 21,089 229 607 8
80 years and over 33,068 2,237 4,984 25,383 141 317 6


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
54 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 5,965,181 2,678,142 2,470,676 320,016 65,189 429,678 1,480

Below 20 1,511,474 1,475,150 7,458 202 381 27,897 386

20 - 24 682,875 487,393 89,102 872 2,754 102,639 115
25 - 29 593,262 264,628 219,201 1,701 5,374 102,209 149
30 - 34 519,670 137,046 303,803 3,227 7,739 67,737 118
35 - 39 471,537 83,373 329,680 5,684 8,798 43,881 121
40 - 44 422,387 58,571 316,334 9,548 8,796 29,047 91
45 - 49 398,266 46,662 306,050 16,033 8,733 20,615 173
50 - 54 352,966 35,165 271,069 25,116 7,627 13,918 71
55 - 59 301,405 27,574 223,949 34,249 6,132 9,435 66
60 - 64 240,226 21,036 166,383 42,765 4,167 5,781 94
65 - 69 171,773 14,960 107,699 43,514 2,355 3,205 40
70 - 74 121,071 10,157 65,134 42,833 1,193 1,734 20
75 - 79 90,872 8,067 39,974 41,127 727 957 20
80 years and over 87,397 8,360 24,840 53,145 413 623 16

Male 3,012,236 1,475,423 1,226,504 70,875 27,128 211,629 677

Below 20 780,418 773,258 1,405 96 111 5,278 270

20 - 24 351,876 282,601 27,153 348 554 41,188 32
25 - 29 309,321 161,222 92,100 552 1,490 53,909 48
30 - 34 272,582 85,810 143,810 1,043 2,789 39,096 34
35 - 39 247,046 52,740 163,562 1,721 3,782 25,198 43
40 - 44 218,852 36,977 158,775 2,847 4,054 16,162 37
45 - 49 203,055 28,560 155,068 4,306 4,080 10,932 109
50 - 54 177,455 19,303 140,901 6,266 3,491 7,469 25
55 - 59 148,031 13,853 118,350 7,837 2,813 5,160 18
60 - 64 114,041 9,182 90,183 9,478 1,838 3,328 32
65 - 69 76,923 5,398 59,653 8,851 1,094 1,914 13
70 - 74 50,231 3,091 36,804 8,735 563 1,032 6
75 - 79 34,161 1,889 23,194 8,199 302 570 7
80 years and over 28,244 1,539 15,546 10,596 167 393 3

Female 2,952,945 1,202,719 1,244,172 249,141 38,061 218,049 803

Below 20 731,056 701,892 6,053 106 270 22,619 116

20 - 24 330,999 204,792 61,949 524 2,200 61,451 83
25 - 29 283,941 103,406 127,101 1,149 3,884 48,300 101
30 - 34 247,088 51,236 159,993 2,184 4,950 28,641 84
35 - 39 224,491 30,633 166,118 3,963 5,016 18,683 78
40 - 44 203,535 21,594 157,559 6,701 4,742 12,885 54
45 - 49 195,211 18,102 150,982 11,727 4,653 9,683 64
50 - 54 175,511 15,862 130,168 18,850 4,136 6,449 46
55 - 59 153,374 13,721 105,599 26,412 3,319 4,275 48
60 - 64 126,185 11,854 76,200 33,287 2,329 2,453 62
65 - 69 94,850 9,562 48,046 34,663 1,261 1,291 27
70 - 74 70,840 7,066 28,330 34,098 630 702 14
75 - 79 56,711 6,178 16,780 32,928 425 387 13
80 years and over 59,153 6,821 9,294 42,549 246 230 13


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 55

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 5,741,839 2,539,719 2,304,319 261,002 66,278 568,909 1,612

Below 20 1,487,637 1,451,505 6,152 100 223 28,838 819

20 - 24 682,697 475,898 82,237 405 1,938 122,121 98
25 - 29 596,635 247,125 208,122 1,367 4,934 134,967 120
30 - 34 517,960 118,454 294,735 2,731 7,588 94,368 84
35 - 39 464,852 68,239 319,982 4,938 9,154 62,456 83
40 - 44 411,830 46,278 305,711 8,371 9,218 42,184 68
45 - 49 370,683 36,308 281,681 13,596 8,829 30,176 93
50 - 54 323,738 27,836 246,596 20,627 7,779 20,850 50
55 - 59 267,782 21,038 199,013 27,489 6,335 13,848 59
60 - 64 215,814 16,867 149,732 35,428 4,644 9,096 47
65 - 69 150,838 11,303 96,063 35,514 2,823 5,111 24
70 - 74 106,358 7,664 58,736 35,721 1,521 2,685 31
75 - 79 75,377 5,634 34,678 32,927 792 1,332 14
80 years and over 69,638 5,570 20,881 41,788 500 877 22

Male 2,881,783 1,366,321 1,142,917 64,158 25,875 281,490 1,022

Below 20 764,854 756,655 1,212 47 47 6,121 772

20 - 24 345,235 268,244 26,661 133 400 49,775 22
25 - 29 303,583 144,625 88,435 427 1,417 68,646 33
30 - 34 265,681 70,226 139,636 781 2,659 52,352 27
35 - 39 237,947 40,484 157,903 1,501 3,597 34,437 25
40 - 44 209,827 26,855 153,560 2,466 3,852 23,071 23
45 - 49 187,166 20,020 143,468 3,658 3,683 16,300 37
50 - 54 161,971 14,116 127,896 5,422 3,200 11,320 17
55 - 59 132,072 9,645 105,074 6,931 2,607 7,795 20
60 - 64 103,029 6,786 80,351 8,539 1,970 5,363 20
65 - 69 69,328 3,922 52,832 8,189 1,211 3,167 7
70 - 74 46,079 2,234 33,083 8,397 669 1,689 7
75 - 79 30,215 1,396 19,934 7,657 354 870 4
80 years and over 24,796 1,113 12,872 10,010 209 584 8

Female 2,860,056 1,173,398 1,161,402 196,844 40,403 287,419 590

Below 20 722,783 694,850 4,940 53 176 22,717 47

20 - 24 337,462 207,654 55,576 272 1,538 72,346 76
25 - 29 293,052 102,500 119,687 940 3,517 66,321 87
30 - 34 252,279 48,228 155,099 1,950 4,929 42,016 57
35 - 39 226,905 27,755 162,079 3,437 5,557 28,019 58
40 - 44 202,003 19,423 152,151 5,905 5,366 19,113 45
45 - 49 183,517 16,288 138,213 9,938 5,146 13,876 56
50 - 54 161,767 13,720 118,700 15,205 4,579 9,530 33
55 - 59 135,710 11,393 93,939 20,558 3,728 6,053 39
60 - 64 112,785 10,081 69,381 26,889 2,674 3,733 27
65 - 69 81,510 7,381 43,231 27,325 1,612 1,944 17
70 - 74 60,279 5,430 25,653 27,324 852 996 24
75 - 79 45,162 4,238 14,744 25,270 438 462 10
80 years and over 44,842 4,457 8,009 31,778 291 293 14


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
56 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,417,401 1,522,679 1,200,676 165,836 52,516 474,896 798

Below 20 997,431 966,849 3,490 22 336 26,115 619

20 - 24 391,490 255,742 39,064 346 2,786 93,533 19
25 - 29 311,848 116,826 92,460 982 4,756 96,800 24
30 - 34 272,293 57,849 133,103 1,782 5,784 73,755 20
35 - 39 255,882 35,879 157,230 3,226 6,532 52,988 27
40 - 44 235,393 24,827 159,504 5,057 6,897 39,091 17
45 - 49 218,686 19,416 154,466 8,055 6,695 30,036 18
50 - 54 189,903 14,037 135,425 12,092 5,957 22,375 17
55 - 59 161,219 10,396 113,302 16,602 4,982 15,925 12
60 - 64 125,605 7,717 83,057 20,920 3,393 10,509 9
65 - 69 97,011 5,187 59,373 23,652 2,154 6,637 8
70 - 74 70,030 3,317 37,152 24,428 1,211 3,921 1
75 - 79 47,696 2,337 20,813 21,915 646 1,983 2
80 years and over 42,914 2,300 12,237 26,757 387 1,228 5

Male 1,751,483 852,887 596,555 43,401 23,722 234,297 621

Below 20 518,867 512,655 638 4 45 4,963 562

20 - 24 204,803 154,982 12,275 113 536 36,891 6
25 - 29 163,092 73,829 38,139 346 1,528 49,244 6
30 - 34 142,893 37,515 61,150 695 2,362 41,165 6
35 - 39 133,184 23,074 76,319 1,162 3,011 29,610 8
40 - 44 122,460 15,994 79,840 1,813 3,400 21,407 6
45 - 49 112,876 12,092 78,749 2,669 3,410 15,949 7
50 - 54 97,450 8,181 70,713 3,536 3,011 12,002 7
55 - 59 81,882 5,789 60,246 4,557 2,459 8,825 6
60 - 64 62,046 3,863 45,095 5,394 1,712 5,979 3
65 - 69 45,411 2,328 32,481 5,651 1,124 3,826 1
70 - 74 31,221 1,307 20,966 5,974 608 2,366 -
75 - 79 19,704 739 12,165 5,206 334 1,259 1
80 years and over 15,594 539 7,779 6,281 182 811 2

Female 1,665,918 669,792 604,121 122,435 28,794 240,599 177

Below 20 478,564 454,194 2,852 18 291 21,152 57

20 - 24 186,687 100,760 26,789 233 2,250 56,642 13
25 - 29 148,756 42,997 54,321 636 3,228 47,556 18
30 - 34 129,400 20,334 71,953 1,087 3,422 32,590 14
35 - 39 122,698 12,805 80,911 2,064 3,521 23,378 19
40 - 44 112,933 8,833 79,664 3,244 3,497 17,684 11
45 - 49 105,810 7,324 75,717 5,386 3,285 14,087 11
50 - 54 92,453 5,856 64,712 8,556 2,946 10,373 10
55 - 59 79,337 4,607 53,056 12,045 2,523 7,100 6
60 - 64 63,559 3,854 37,962 15,526 1,681 4,530 6
65 - 69 51,600 2,859 26,892 18,001 1,030 2,811 7
70 - 74 38,809 2,010 16,186 18,454 603 1,555 1
75 - 79 27,992 1,598 8,648 16,709 312 724 1
80 years and over 27,320 1,761 4,458 20,476 205 417 3


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 57

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,759,418 1,195,995 1,220,350 123,815 40,526 177,051 1,681

Below 20 790,975 760,305 15,608 155 406 13,479 1,022

20 - 24 336,656 213,282 79,048 705 2,506 41,010 105
25 - 29 276,048 98,425 134,759 1,379 4,208 37,168 109
30 - 34 233,576 44,545 156,482 2,284 5,098 25,099 68
35 - 39 218,093 25,664 164,505 3,512 5,802 18,559 51
40 - 44 197,195 16,331 156,347 5,578 5,520 13,338 81
45 - 49 178,730 11,660 143,723 8,122 5,114 10,066 45
50 - 54 152,591 8,142 121,180 11,944 4,137 7,145 43
55 - 59 121,379 5,995 93,292 14,191 3,202 4,648 51
60 - 64 94,410 4,509 67,799 16,897 2,142 3,031 32
65 - 69 63,408 2,719 41,537 16,254 1,164 1,702 32
70 - 74 42,350 1,874 24,063 14,786 627 981 19
75 - 79 28,282 1,252 13,417 12,799 333 473 8
80 years and over 25,725 1,292 8,590 15,209 267 352 15

Male 1,399,867 654,385 607,237 32,462 17,159 87,547 1,077

Below 20 405,055 397,630 3,773 63 102 2,621 866

20 - 24 170,698 125,152 27,386 237 637 17,264 22
25 - 29 141,023 59,391 59,776 445 1,422 19,959 30
30 - 34 120,328 27,354 75,894 812 2,025 14,221 22
35 - 39 112,132 15,877 82,249 1,158 2,483 10,351 14
40 - 44 100,997 10,024 79,230 1,802 2,602 7,311 28
45 - 49 91,306 6,916 74,248 2,419 2,393 5,313 17
50 - 54 78,009 4,504 64,296 3,331 1,949 3,914 15
55 - 59 61,282 2,991 50,487 3,673 1,476 2,637 18
60 - 64 47,025 2,046 37,952 4,241 1,004 1,768 14
65 - 69 30,152 1,105 23,676 3,824 524 1,012 11
70 - 74 19,515 617 14,378 3,595 276 639 10
75 - 79 12,264 405 8,273 3,124 149 308 5
80 years and over 10,081 373 5,619 3,738 117 229 5

Female 1,359,551 541,610 613,113 91,353 23,367 89,504 604

Below 20 385,920 362,675 11,835 92 304 10,858 156

20 - 24 165,958 88,130 51,662 468 1,869 23,746 83
25 - 29 135,025 39,034 74,983 934 2,786 17,209 79
30 - 34 113,248 17,191 80,588 1,472 3,073 10,878 46
35 - 39 105,961 9,787 82,256 2,354 3,319 8,208 37
40 - 44 96,198 6,307 77,117 3,776 2,918 6,027 53
45 - 49 87,424 4,744 69,475 5,703 2,721 4,753 28
50 - 54 74,582 3,638 56,884 8,613 2,188 3,231 28
55 - 59 60,097 3,004 42,805 10,518 1,726 2,011 33
60 - 64 47,385 2,463 29,847 12,656 1,138 1,263 18
65 - 69 33,256 1,614 17,861 12,430 640 690 21
70 - 74 22,835 1,257 9,685 11,191 351 342 9
75 - 79 16,018 847 5,144 9,675 184 165 3
80 years and over 15,644 919 2,971 11,471 150 123 10


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
58 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,575,744 1,536,210 1,530,705 152,007 48,923 306,239 1,660

Below 20 983,531 947,031 10,566 53 171 24,346 1,364

20 - 24 430,916 271,139 83,469 309 1,643 74,314 42
25 - 29 378,986 136,951 167,864 1,101 4,477 68,541 52
30 - 34 314,666 63,207 199,800 2,218 6,026 43,380 35
35 - 39 290,306 37,435 212,408 3,744 6,875 29,814 30
40 - 44 255,716 23,994 197,799 6,099 6,757 21,036 31
45 - 49 231,983 17,989 182,325 9,295 6,501 15,846 27
50 - 54 199,164 12,895 155,459 13,687 5,744 11,366 13
55 - 59 162,988 9,218 123,922 17,686 4,440 7,711 11
60 - 64 124,440 6,414 88,342 21,809 3,048 4,808 19
65 - 69 81,638 4,032 52,691 20,653 1,714 2,532 16
70 - 74 51,789 2,507 28,642 18,533 822 1,281 4
75 - 79 37,202 1,691 17,447 16,911 408 739 6
80 years and over 32,419 1,707 9,971 19,909 297 525 10

Male 1,815,795 842,619 761,872 37,479 20,991 151,793 1,041

Below 20 503,491 495,031 2,340 25 40 5,113 942

20 - 24 218,918 158,417 28,305 99 385 31,700 12
25 - 29 195,543 83,123 73,553 326 1,512 37,015 14
30 - 34 163,234 38,971 96,383 699 2,424 24,748 9
35 - 39 150,316 23,392 106,087 1,156 2,953 16,716 12
40 - 44 131,790 14,722 100,365 1,836 3,203 11,652 12
45 - 49 118,194 10,543 93,689 2,575 2,989 8,389 9
50 - 54 100,813 7,146 81,389 3,522 2,634 6,119 3
55 - 59 81,820 4,682 66,418 4,429 1,982 4,303 6
60 - 64 61,497 2,973 49,108 5,124 1,377 2,907 8
65 - 69 39,197 1,687 30,326 4,871 783 1,521 9
70 - 74 23,176 913 16,780 4,285 404 794 -
75 - 79 15,633 560 10,592 3,811 184 485 1
80 years and over 12,173 459 6,537 4,721 121 331 4

Female 1,759,949 693,591 768,833 114,528 27,932 154,446 619

Below 20 480,040 452,000 8,226 28 131 19,233 422

20 - 24 211,998 112,722 55,164 210 1,258 42,614 30
25 - 29 183,443 53,828 94,311 775 2,965 31,526 38
30 - 34 151,432 24,236 103,417 1,519 3,602 18,632 26
35 - 39 139,990 14,043 106,321 2,588 3,922 13,098 18
40 - 44 123,926 9,272 97,434 4,263 3,554 9,384 19
45 - 49 113,789 7,446 88,636 6,720 3,512 7,457 18
50 - 54 98,351 5,749 74,070 10,165 3,110 5,247 10
55 - 59 81,168 4,536 57,504 13,257 2,458 3,408 5
60 - 64 62,943 3,441 39,234 16,685 1,671 1,901 11
65 - 69 42,441 2,345 22,365 15,782 931 1,011 7
70 - 74 28,613 1,594 11,862 14,248 418 487 4
75 - 79 21,569 1,131 6,855 13,100 224 254 5
80 years and over 20,246 1,248 3,434 15,188 176 194 6


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 59

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,793,848 1,614,721 1,570,728 159,946 51,178 395,374 1,901

Below 20 993,205 953,446 10,269 150 383 27,725 1,232

20 - 24 462,368 296,222 73,700 647 2,496 89,209 94
25 - 29 418,644 159,163 162,317 1,272 4,557 91,222 113
30 - 34 351,608 75,446 206,066 2,295 5,940 61,774 87
35 - 39 316,638 42,762 221,030 3,813 7,009 41,944 80
40 - 44 277,095 27,139 208,413 6,219 6,979 28,273 72
45 - 49 247,932 20,148 190,730 9,637 6,764 20,593 60
50 - 54 208,814 14,010 160,278 14,576 5,821 14,088 41
55 - 59 174,042 10,168 130,485 19,587 4,738 9,020 44
60 - 64 131,988 6,619 92,917 23,570 3,160 5,695 27
65 - 69 88,072 4,057 56,748 22,528 1,752 2,959 28
70 - 74 54,174 2,376 30,086 19,385 834 1,484 9
75 - 79 37,401 1,633 17,347 17,097 470 846 8
80 years and over 31,867 1,532 10,342 19,170 275 542 6

Male 1,940,372 896,584 783,867 40,846 22,278 196,589 208

Below 20 506,795 499,238 2,036 56 103 5,351 11

20 - 24 234,828 174,868 23,195 242 624 35,882 17
25 - 29 216,924 98,047 68,714 462 1,548 48,127 26
30 - 34 184,546 47,492 98,618 762 2,325 35,323 26
35 - 39 166,867 27,156 111,035 1,226 3,145 24,283 22
40 - 44 145,119 16,913 106,962 1,936 3,262 16,019 27
45 - 49 127,988 12,338 98,217 2,778 3,237 11,394 24
50 - 54 106,450 7,999 84,029 3,907 2,671 7,834 10
55 - 59 87,750 5,428 70,102 4,810 2,261 5,132 17
60 - 64 65,524 3,216 51,599 5,716 1,477 3,507 9
65 - 69 42,824 1,809 33,012 5,278 845 1,872 8
70 - 74 25,267 1,000 18,316 4,586 415 945 5
75 - 79 16,596 605 11,028 4,179 226 555 3
80 years and over 12,894 475 7,004 4,908 139 365 3

Female 1,853,476 718,137 786,861 119,100 28,900 198,785 1,693

Below 20 486,410 454,208 8,233 94 280 22,374 1,221

20 - 24 227,540 121,354 50,505 405 1,872 53,327 77
25 - 29 201,720 61,116 93,603 810 3,009 43,095 87
30 - 34 167,062 27,954 107,448 1,533 3,615 26,451 61
35 - 39 149,771 15,606 109,995 2,587 3,864 17,661 58
40 - 44 131,976 10,226 101,451 4,283 3,717 12,254 45
45 - 49 119,944 7,810 92,513 6,859 3,527 9,199 36
50 - 54 102,364 6,011 76,249 10,669 3,150 6,254 31
55 - 59 86,292 4,740 60,383 14,777 2,477 3,888 27
60 - 64 66,464 3,403 41,318 17,854 1,683 2,188 18
65 - 69 45,248 2,248 23,736 17,250 907 1,087 20
70 - 74 28,907 1,376 11,770 14,799 419 539 4
75 - 79 20,805 1,028 6,319 12,918 244 291 5
80 years and over 18,973 1,057 3,338 14,262 136 177 3


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
60 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 3,474,441 1,472,903 1,610,039 144,881 43,839 201,490 1,289

Below 20 971,277 925,346 27,797 224 535 16,914 461

20 - 24 433,591 262,443 119,939 673 2,419 47,992 125
25 - 29 380,474 128,327 201,112 1,666 4,572 44,660 137
30 - 34 319,995 58,626 222,664 2,918 5,792 29,895 100
35 - 39 295,969 33,298 230,828 4,609 6,486 20,664 84
40 - 44 257,260 20,584 208,835 7,183 6,101 14,473 84
45 - 49 227,510 14,931 185,750 10,465 5,690 10,603 71
50 - 54 178,509 9,687 142,897 14,600 4,429 6,840 56
55 - 59 137,741 6,890 105,972 17,318 3,157 4,357 47
60 - 64 102,123 4,867 72,397 20,149 2,147 2,525 38
65 - 69 69,453 3,110 44,866 18,891 1,237 1,312 37
70 - 74 44,847 1,951 24,854 16,658 655 708 21
75 - 79 29,633 1,417 13,604 13,916 373 315 8
80 years and over 26,059 1,426 8,524 15,611 246 232 20

Male 1,768,590 811,141 803,158 35,017 18,613 99,986 675

Below 20 494,286 483,551 6,662 86 160 3,458 369

20 - 24 218,972 154,287 43,716 220 601 20,109 39
25 - 29 195,778 78,694 90,834 573 1,588 24,054 35
30 - 34 165,841 36,709 108,663 950 2,278 17,212 29
35 - 39 153,515 21,283 116,044 1,458 2,892 11,801 37
40 - 44 133,634 13,139 107,296 2,175 2,862 8,123 39
45 - 49 117,811 9,242 97,377 2,768 2,642 5,750 32
50 - 54 91,766 5,515 76,752 3,654 2,018 3,799 28
55 - 59 70,018 3,605 58,432 3,979 1,462 2,523 17
60 - 64 50,596 2,252 41,352 4,503 981 1,489 19
65 - 69 33,222 1,300 26,376 4,095 572 859 20
70 - 74 20,329 706 15,233 3,666 280 441 3
75 - 79 12,765 442 8,686 3,241 177 217 2
80 years and over 10,057 416 5,735 3,649 100 151 6

Female 1,705,851 661,762 806,881 109,864 25,226 101,504 614

Below 20 476,991 441,795 21,135 138 375 13,456 92

20 - 24 214,619 108,156 76,223 453 1,818 27,883 86
25 - 29 184,696 49,633 110,278 1,093 2,984 20,606 102
30 - 34 154,154 21,917 114,001 1,968 3,514 12,683 71
35 - 39 142,454 12,015 114,784 3,151 3,594 8,863 47
40 - 44 123,626 7,445 101,539 5,008 3,239 6,350 45
45 - 49 109,699 5,689 88,373 7,697 3,048 4,853 39
50 - 54 86,743 4,172 66,145 10,946 2,411 3,041 28
55 - 59 67,723 3,285 47,540 13,339 1,695 1,834 30
60 - 64 51,527 2,615 31,045 15,646 1,166 1,036 19
65 - 69 36,231 1,810 18,490 14,796 665 453 17
70 - 74 24,518 1,245 9,621 12,992 375 267 18
75 - 79 16,868 975 4,918 10,675 196 98 6
80 years and over 16,002 1,010 2,789 11,962 146 81 14


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 61

Table 7--Continued

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 1,975,789 842,051 802,347 89,410 24,244 217,448 289

Below 20 553,022 533,983 3,775 22 116 14,961 165

20 - 24 231,029 145,038 35,870 210 896 49,001 14
25 - 29 201,637 72,092 78,667 529 2,057 48,267 25
30 - 34 166,970 32,359 98,567 1,091 2,708 32,230 15
35 - 39 151,105 18,493 105,431 1,805 3,149 22,213 14
40 - 44 137,915 11,847 103,738 3,023 3,421 15,874 12
45 - 49 129,323 9,025 99,832 4,930 3,228 12,303 5
50 - 54 112,824 6,316 87,416 7,590 2,953 8,544 5
55 - 59 93,552 4,533 70,787 10,012 2,355 5,852 13
60 - 64 69,765 2,986 49,348 12,101 1,580 3,744 6
65 - 69 49,721 2,117 32,040 12,481 909 2,171 3
70 - 74 34,555 1,310 19,265 12,266 474 1,235 5
75 - 79 24,148 1,013 11,280 10,969 250 631 5
80 years and over 20,223 939 6,331 12,381 148 422 2

Male 1,012,494 471,697 399,524 22,342 11,057 107,687 187

Below 20 286,588 283,028 625 5 21 2,760 149

20 - 24 119,458 87,947 11,255 49 197 20,008 2
25 - 29 105,409 45,285 33,546 176 672 25,726 4
30 - 34 88,001 20,924 47,136 383 1,116 18,436 6
35 - 39 78,981 11,958 52,433 627 1,422 12,540 1
40 - 44 71,186 7,618 52,102 1,008 1,729 8,723 6
45 - 49 66,349 5,570 51,113 1,430 1,637 6,598 1
50 - 54 57,562 3,674 45,697 2,034 1,463 4,690 4
55 - 59 47,210 2,381 37,920 2,485 1,151 3,268 5
60 - 64 34,526 1,445 27,210 2,920 749 2,199 3
65 - 69 23,561 860 18,039 2,925 438 1,299 -
70 - 74 15,566 446 11,267 2,824 263 763 3
75 - 79 10,418 315 6,982 2,598 133 388 2
80 years and over 7,679 246 4,199 2,878 66 289 1

Female 963,295 370,354 402,823 67,068 13,187 109,761 102

Below 20 266,434 250,955 3,150 17 95 12,201 16

20 - 24 111,571 57,091 24,615 161 699 28,993 12
25 - 29 96,228 26,807 45,121 353 1,385 22,541 21
30 - 34 78,969 11,435 51,431 708 1,592 13,794 9
35 - 39 72,124 6,535 52,998 1,178 1,727 9,673 13
40 - 44 66,729 4,229 51,636 2,015 1,692 7,151 6
45 - 49 62,974 3,455 48,719 3,500 1,591 5,705 4
50 - 54 55,262 2,642 41,719 5,556 1,490 3,854 1
55 - 59 46,342 2,152 32,867 7,527 1,204 2,584 8
60 - 64 35,239 1,541 22,138 9,181 831 1,545 3
65 - 69 26,160 1,257 14,001 9,556 471 872 3
70 - 74 18,989 864 7,998 9,442 211 472 2
75 - 79 13,730 698 4,298 8,371 117 243 3
80 years and over 12,544 693 2,132 9,503 82 133 1


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Table 7--Concluded

Household Marital Status

Sex, Age Group, Population
and Region 10 Years Old Divorced/ Common-law/
Single Married Widowed Unknown
and Over Separated Live-in


Both sexes 2,680,017 1,289,717 1,271,466 78,982 28,722 9,897 1,233

Below 20 916,800 891,337 21,494 1,357 1,328 893 391

20 - 24 323,496 225,724 92,057 1,341 2,683 1,536 155
25 - 29 287,701 100,853 177,947 2,597 4,385 1,773 146
30 - 34 247,681 35,037 202,698 3,920 4,464 1,464 98
35 - 39 244,455 16,465 216,384 5,755 4,517 1,218 116
40 - 44 201,711 7,131 182,159 7,713 3,646 978 84
45 - 49 163,331 4,454 145,953 9,262 2,818 770 74
50 - 54 109,799 2,906 94,473 10,098 1,781 470 71
55 - 59 72,933 2,032 60,049 9,217 1,235 358 42
60 - 64 46,720 1,330 35,904 8,488 756 216 26
65 - 69 29,869 903 21,423 6,906 511 116 10
70 - 74 17,557 648 11,265 5,337 254 48 5
75 - 79 9,485 410 5,549 3,334 159 24 9
80 years and over 8,479 487 4,111 3,657 185 33 6

Male 1,327,827 654,233 634,673 22,913 10,486 4,906 616

Below 20 458,445 449,566 7,105 693 554 315 212

20 - 24 155,772 117,410 36,085 562 1,016 627 72
25 - 29 136,390 52,870 79,782 1,035 1,719 912 72
30 - 34 118,347 18,019 96,323 1,426 1,741 786 52
35 - 39 118,222 8,185 105,799 1,965 1,586 623 64
40 - 44 100,427 3,335 92,760 2,409 1,366 514 43
45 - 49 83,698 1,840 77,920 2,601 903 398 36
50 - 54 58,731 1,129 54,076 2,669 572 258 27
55 - 59 38,991 695 35,367 2,301 397 218 13
60 - 64 25,222 437 22,233 2,167 248 123 14
65 - 69 15,538 294 13,250 1,757 162 71 4
70 - 74 9,203 212 7,439 1,428 94 28 2
75 - 79 4,785 102 3,714 887 61 19 2
80 years and over 4,056 139 2,820 1,013 67 14 3

Female 1,352,190 635,484 636,793 56,069 18,236 4,991 617

Below 20 458,355 441,771 14,389 664 774 578 179

20 - 24 167,724 108,314 55,972 779 1,667 909 83
25 - 29 151,311 47,983 98,165 1,562 2,666 861 74
30 - 34 129,334 17,018 106,375 2,494 2,723 678 46
35 - 39 126,233 8,280 110,585 3,790 2,931 595 52
40 - 44 101,284 3,796 89,399 5,304 2,280 464 41
45 - 49 79,633 2,614 68,033 6,661 1,915 372 38
50 - 54 51,068 1,777 40,397 7,429 1,209 212 44
55 - 59 33,942 1,337 24,682 6,916 838 140 29
60 - 64 21,498 893 13,671 6,321 508 93 12
65 - 69 14,331 609 8,173 5,149 349 45 6
70 - 74 8,354 436 3,826 3,909 160 20 3
75 - 79 4,700 308 1,835 2,447 98 5 7
80 years and over 4,423 348 1,291 2,644 118 19 3

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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TABLE 8 Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex: 2015

Religious Affiliation Both Sexes Male Female


Total 100,979,303 a 51,069,962 49,909,341

Aglipay 756,225 384,767 371,458

Association of Baptist Churches in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao 3,312 1,615 1,697
Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches in the Philippines 183,253 92,397 90,856
Bible Baptist Church 553,790 274,639 279,151
Bread of Life Ministries 7,089 3,446 3,643
Buddhist 26,346 14,163 12,183
Cathedral of Praise, Incorporated 3,645 1,707 1,938
Church of Christ 319,987 160,953 159,034
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints 196,303 96,457 99,846
Convention of the Philippine Baptist Church 24,125 12,074 12,051
Crusaders of the Divine Church of Christ, Incorporated 47,877 24,384 23,493
Door of Faith 15,170 7,364 7,806
Evangelical Christian Outreach Foundation 87,322 43,931 43,391
Evangelicals (Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches) 2,445,113 1,227,698 1,217,415
Faith Tabernacle Church (Living Rock Ministries) 41,645 21,259 20,386
Good News Christian Churches 11,362 5,758 5,604
Higher Ground Baptist Mission 714 357 357
Iglesia Evangelica Unida de Cristo 1,656 846 810
Iglesia ni Cristo 2,664,498 1,350,290 1,314,208
Iglesia sa Dios Espiritu Santo, Incorporated 61,623 31,661 29,962
International Baptist Missionary Fellowship 6,970 3,505 3,465
International One Way Outreach 42,753 21,868 20,885
Islam 6,064,744 3,026,152 3,038,592
Jehovah’s Witness 438,148 208,716 229,432
Jesus is Alive Community, Incorporated 10,677 5,201 5,476
Jesus is Lord Church 435,851 211,097 224,754
Love of Christ International Ministries 5,041 2,480 2,561
Lutheran Church of the Philippines 45,842 24,091 21,751
Miracle Revival Church of the Philippines 12,279 6,129 6,150
Missionary Baptist Churches of the Philippines 17,102 8,779 8,323
National Council of Churches in the Philippines 1,146,954 583,258 563,696
Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association 9,306 4,709 4,597
Philippine Ecumenical Christian Church 21,948 11,315 10,633
Philippine Good News Ministries 940 473 467
Philippine Grace Gospel 37,247 19,357 17,890
Philippine Independent Catholic Church 66,959 34,410 32,549
Potter’s House Christian Center 2,223 1,090 1,133
Roman Catholic, including Catholic Charismatic 80,304,061 40,707,712 39,596,349
Salvation Army, Philippines 10,330 5,157 5,173
Seventh Day Adventist 791,552 392,992 398,560
Things to Come 2,504 1,318 1,186
UNIDA Evangelical Church 7,412 3,675 3,737
Union Espiritista Cristiana de Filipinas, Incorporated 135,208 69,682 65,526
United Church of Christ in the Philippines 419,017 213,053 205,964
United Pentecostal Church (Philippines), Incorporated 306,273 154,609 151,664
Victory Chapel Christian Fellowship 107,378 51,019 56,359
Way of Salvation Church, Incorporated 8,571 4,371 4,200
Other Baptists 434,407 215,238 219,169
Other Protestants 467,369 232,569 234,800
Other Religious Affiliations 1,839,936 913,180 926,756
Tribal Religions 243,704 125,744 117,960
None 19,953 10,423 9,530
Not Reported 65,589 40,824 24,765

a The 2015 total population excludes Filipinos in Philippine Embassies, Consulates and Mission Abroad numbering 2,134.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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TABLE 9 Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending School by Age Group, Sex,
and Region: 2015

Household Population Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old

Age Group and Region 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending School
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 40,835,754 20,903,363 19,932,391 28,182,055 14,344,356 13,837,699

5- 9 10,838,875 5,594,722 5,244,153 10,176,246 5,237,731 4,938,515
10 - 14 10,480,412 5,397,513 5,082,899 10,050,772 5,131,082 4,919,690
15 - 19 10,120,312 5,164,257 4,956,055 6,518,312 3,219,570 3,298,742
20 - 24 9,396,155 4,746,871 4,649,284 1,436,725 755,973 680,752


Total 4,877,638 2,449,279 2,428,359 3,295,804 1,680,522 1,615,282

5- 9 1,163,108 600,586 562,522 1,091,728 562,071 529,657
10 - 14 1,134,446 582,377 552,069 1,105,257 565,419 539,838
15 - 19 1,244,186 613,605 630,581 878,038 434,466 443,572
20 - 24 1,335,898 652,711 683,187 220,781 118,566 102,215


Total 707,539 360,670 346,869 516,101 257,506 258,595

5- 9 180,692 92,620 88,072 175,142 89,612 85,530
10 - 14 175,921 90,274 85,647 170,759 86,662 84,097
15 - 19 177,041 89,426 87,615 130,906 61,524 69,382
20 - 24 173,885 88,350 85,535 39,294 19,708 19,586


Total 1,921,343 994,715 926,628 1,335,959 685,682 650,277

5- 9 510,759 265,662 245,097 491,887 255,449 236,438
10 - 14 501,785 260,588 241,197 488,357 251,877 236,480
15 - 19 472,448 245,102 227,346 298,945 148,215 150,730
20 - 24 436,351 223,363 212,988 56,770 30,141 26,629


Total 1,343,471 692,967 650,504 926,878 470,956 455,922

5- 9 358,084 185,089 172,995 343,548 177,109 166,439
10 - 14 337,721 174,889 162,832 322,108 164,465 157,643
15 - 19 330,458 170,606 159,852 215,541 105,060 110,481
20 - 24 317,208 162,383 154,825 45,681 24,322 21,359


Total 4,385,044 2,257,613 2,127,431 2,961,092 1,517,349 1,443,743

5- 9 1,132,203 585,971 546,232 1,079,125 556,761 522,364
10 - 14 1,110,397 575,561 534,836 1,072,285 551,680 520,605
15 - 19 1,098,654 563,816 534,838 680,659 338,924 341,735
20 - 24 1,043,790 532,265 511,525 129,023 69,984 59,039


Total 5,649,166 2,882,545 2,766,621 3,857,788 1,972,067 1,885,721

5- 9 1,449,608 748,822 700,786 1,375,851 708,301 667,550
10 - 14 1,414,391 729,378 685,013 1,371,503 702,935 668,568
15 - 19 1,411,284 717,745 693,539 919,166 458,886 460,280
20 - 24 1,373,883 686,600 687,283 191,268 101,945 89,323


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Table 9--Continued

Household Population Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old

Age Group and Region 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending School
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 1,264,696 652,413 612,283 889,311 452,787 436,524

5- 9 353,476 182,888 170,588 331,762 171,148 160,614
10 - 14 343,668 177,455 166,213 327,290 167,213 160,077
15 - 19 311,875 161,171 150,704 193,548 95,190 98,358
20 - 24 255,677 130,899 124,778 36,711 19,236 17,475


Total 2,521,195 1,305,978 1,215,217 1,828,899 931,837 897,062

5- 9 705,753 365,260 340,493 674,340 347,941 326,399
10 - 14 708,201 366,069 342,132 682,563 349,093 333,470
15 - 19 622,896 324,909 297,987 398,626 196,496 202,130
20 - 24 484,345 249,740 234,605 73,370 38,307 35,063


Total 2,502,419 1,289,564 1,212,855 1,763,193 899,737 863,456

5- 9 653,767 338,183 315,584 629,265 324,792 304,473
10 - 14 639,337 329,612 309,725 617,837 315,446 302,391
15 - 19 628,857 323,879 304,978 422,964 209,601 213,363
20 - 24 580,458 297,890 282,568 93,127 49,898 43,229


Total 2,975,099 1,525,349 1,449,750 2,071,344 1,055,079 1,016,265

5- 9 804,765 415,260 389,505 767,684 394,690 372,994
10 - 14 768,256 395,980 372,276 740,409 377,459 362,950
15 - 19 719,381 368,874 350,507 459,477 227,715 231,762
20 - 24 682,697 345,235 337,462 103,774 55,215 48,559


Total 1,780,238 918,270 861,968 1,219,441 620,188 599,253

5- 9 476,374 246,170 230,204 450,640 231,960 218,680
10 - 14 465,270 239,794 225,476 442,692 224,999 217,693
15 - 19 440,829 227,955 212,874 268,210 132,592 135,618
20 - 24 397,765 204,351 193,414 57,899 30,637 27,262


Total 1,554,378 795,170 759,208 1,085,118 549,663 535,455

5- 9 426,747 219,417 207,330 396,547 203,065 193,482
10 - 14 407,338 209,320 198,018 386,998 196,786 190,212
15 - 19 383,637 195,735 187,902 243,292 119,426 123,866
20 - 24 336,656 170,698 165,958 58,281 30,386 27,895


Total 1,954,817 1,000,992 953,825 1,338,840 678,393 660,447

5- 9 540,370 278,583 261,787 504,854 259,463 245,391
10 - 14 509,424 261,386 248,038 484,450 245,916 238,534
15 - 19 474,107 242,105 232,002 287,485 141,070 146,415
20 - 24 430,916 218,918 211,998 62,051 31,944 30,107


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66 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 9--Concluded

Household Population Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old

Age Group and Region 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending School
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 1,990,682 1,017,852 972,830 1,353,452 686,644 666,808

5- 9 535,109 276,229 258,880 504,905 259,769 245,136
10 - 14 504,736 258,944 245,792 483,076 245,299 237,777
15 - 19 488,469 247,851 240,618 296,117 145,936 150,181
20 - 24 462,368 234,828 227,540 69,354 35,640 33,714


Total 1,930,573 984,415 946,158 1,304,813 659,709 645,104

5- 9 525,705 271,157 254,548 483,501 248,513 234,988
10 - 14 495,560 253,885 241,675 465,697 235,769 229,928
15 - 19 475,717 240,401 235,316 288,647 141,355 147,292
20 - 24 433,591 218,972 214,619 66,968 34,072 32,896


Total 1,087,405 563,258 524,147 759,796 387,574 372,222

5- 9 303,354 157,212 146,142 287,145 148,197 138,948
10 - 14 289,710 149,527 140,183 277,305 141,354 135,951
15 - 19 263,312 137,061 126,251 160,676 80,017 80,659
20 - 24 231,029 119,458 111,571 34,670 18,006 16,664


Total 1,794,445 893,387 901,058 1,213,931 600,732 613,199

5- 9 554,149 279,170 274,979 428,101 215,166 212,935
10 - 14 498,704 250,895 247,809 440,043 219,593 220,450
15 - 19 418,096 207,550 210,546 268,028 128,861 139,167
20 - 24 323,496 155,772 167,724 77,759 37,112 40,647

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Philippine Statistics Authority
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TABLE 10 Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 78,918,842 39,590,403 39,328,439 77,576,473 38,889,317 38,687,156

10 - 14 10,480,412 5,397,513 5,082,899 10,381,879 5,338,140 5,043,739
15 - 19 10,120,312 5,164,257 4,956,055 10,032,623 5,110,205 4,922,418
20 - 24 9,396,155 4,746,871 4,649,284 9,304,800 4,692,312 4,612,488
25 - 29 8,304,461 4,207,864 4,096,597 8,211,475 4,154,587 4,056,888
30 - 34 7,290,536 3,711,474 3,579,062 7,194,122 3,656,958 3,537,164
35 - 39 6,704,923 3,415,452 3,289,471 6,597,178 3,356,908 3,240,270
40 - 44 5,813,169 2,964,173 2,848,996 5,697,529 2,901,647 2,795,882
45 - 49 5,262,005 2,662,442 2,599,563 5,149,647 2,603,193 2,546,454
50 - 54 4,415,193 2,215,770 2,199,423 4,311,043 2,161,030 2,150,013
55 - 59 3,597,370 1,778,410 1,818,960 3,512,314 1,734,714 1,777,600
60 - 64 2,755,608 1,321,928 1,433,680 2,676,657 1,283,618 1,393,039
65 years and over 4,778,698 2,004,249 2,774,449 4,507,206 1,896,005 2,611,201


Total 10,424,707 5,081,482 5,343,225 10,406,058 5,071,692 5,334,366

10 - 14 1,134,446 582,377 552,069 1,130,983 580,247 550,736
15 - 19 1,244,186 613,605 630,581 1,241,398 611,870 629,528
20 - 24 1,335,898 652,711 683,187 1,333,568 651,298 682,270
25 - 29 1,254,938 619,153 635,785 1,253,298 618,229 635,069
30 - 34 1,088,095 541,279 546,816 1,086,748 540,535 546,213
35 - 39 955,532 474,098 481,434 954,474 473,540 480,934
40 - 44 803,784 396,148 407,636 802,858 395,678 407,180
45 - 49 707,138 344,149 362,989 706,230 343,683 362,547
50 - 54 587,738 280,123 307,615 586,920 279,759 307,161
55 - 59 466,194 219,518 246,676 465,533 219,258 246,275
60 - 64 343,615 157,304 186,311 343,003 157,082 185,921
65 years and over 503,143 201,017 302,126 501,045 200,513 300,532


Total 1,354,180 689,421 664,759 1,324,002 676,384 647,618

10 - 14 175,921 90,274 85,647 175,106 89,752 85,354
15 - 19 177,041 89,426 87,615 176,101 88,791 87,310
20 - 24 173,885 88,350 85,535 172,853 87,676 85,177
25 - 29 149,475 77,648 71,827 148,385 76,954 71,431
30 - 34 125,565 66,158 59,407 124,487 65,435 59,052
35 - 39 107,852 56,385 51,467 106,614 55,642 50,972
40 - 44 90,192 47,167 43,025 88,738 46,310 42,428
45 - 49 84,810 43,710 41,100 82,958 42,698 40,260
50 - 54 74,610 38,402 36,208 72,437 37,298 35,139
55 - 59 61,936 31,345 30,591 59,489 30,225 29,264
60 - 64 46,135 22,764 23,371 43,676 21,712 21,964
65 years and over 86,758 37,792 48,966 73,158 33,891 39,267


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68 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 10--Continued

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 4,001,831 2,003,794 1,998,037 3,971,330 1,989,060 1,982,270

10 - 14 501,785 260,588 241,197 499,521 259,174 240,347
15 - 19 472,448 245,102 227,346 470,189 243,641 226,548
20 - 24 436,351 223,363 212,988 434,140 222,062 212,078
25 - 29 390,145 199,195 190,950 388,239 198,051 190,188
30 - 34 364,427 185,862 178,565 362,616 184,805 177,811
35 - 39 335,478 171,670 163,808 333,834 170,727 163,107
40 - 44 294,735 151,705 143,030 293,091 150,730 142,361
45 - 49 276,071 140,785 135,286 274,542 139,933 134,609
50 - 54 236,688 119,362 117,326 235,177 118,540 116,637
55 - 59 201,015 98,952 102,063 199,556 98,196 101,360
60 - 64 158,979 74,862 84,117 157,438 74,165 83,273
65 years and over 333,709 132,348 201,361 322,987 129,036 193,951


Total 2,722,815 1,381,905 1,340,910 2,686,385 1,362,982 1,323,403

10 - 14 337,721 174,889 162,832 335,743 173,645 162,098
15 - 19 330,458 170,606 159,852 328,221 169,126 159,095
20 - 24 317,208 162,383 154,825 314,914 160,949 153,965
25 - 29 278,357 143,195 135,162 276,169 141,850 134,319
30 - 34 246,682 127,639 119,043 244,499 126,285 118,214
35 - 39 232,744 120,224 112,520 230,357 118,768 111,589
40 - 44 204,498 106,376 98,122 202,080 104,895 97,185
45 - 49 187,409 96,453 90,956 184,876 94,993 89,883
50 - 54 166,176 84,681 81,495 163,417 83,205 80,212
55 - 59 138,104 69,408 68,696 135,472 68,083 67,389
60 - 64 104,883 50,709 54,174 102,406 49,545 52,861
65 years and over 178,575 75,342 103,233 168,231 71,638 96,593


Total 8,940,826 4,479,765 4,461,061 8,888,156 4,452,511 4,435,645

10 - 14 1,110,397 575,561 534,836 1,104,484 571,815 532,669
15 - 19 1,098,654 563,816 534,838 1,093,645 560,726 532,919
20 - 24 1,043,790 532,265 511,525 1,039,055 529,443 509,612
25 - 29 931,151 470,697 460,454 927,320 468,481 458,839
30 - 34 836,930 421,671 415,259 833,229 419,576 413,653
35 - 39 788,590 397,882 390,708 784,895 395,845 389,050
40 - 44 682,391 346,603 335,788 678,793 344,611 334,182
45 - 49 629,581 317,902 311,679 626,361 316,176 310,185
50 - 54 521,713 261,952 259,761 518,582 260,360 258,222
55 - 59 419,244 207,596 211,648 416,760 206,295 210,465
60 - 64 322,970 154,665 168,305 320,534 153,522 167,012
65 years and over 555,415 229,155 326,260 544,498 225,661 318,837


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Table 10--Continued

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 11,455,141 5,681,630 5,773,511 11,402,990 5,654,471 5,748,519

10 - 14 1,414,391 729,378 685,013 1,408,242 725,567 682,675
15 - 19 1,411,284 717,745 693,539 1,405,912 714,375 691,537
20 - 24 1,373,883 686,600 687,283 1,369,305 683,823 685,482
25 - 29 1,241,200 616,945 624,255 1,237,595 614,840 622,755
30 - 34 1,132,617 564,062 568,555 1,129,378 562,194 567,184
35 - 39 1,056,632 529,717 526,915 1,053,513 527,920 525,593
40 - 44 880,979 445,388 435,591 877,845 443,570 434,275
45 - 49 783,888 392,588 391,300 780,912 390,862 390,050
50 - 54 637,836 316,388 321,448 634,968 314,864 320,104
55 - 59 517,068 252,236 264,832 514,646 250,995 263,651
60 - 64 394,889 185,261 209,628 392,319 184,077 208,242
65 years and over 610,474 245,322 365,152 598,355 241,384 356,971


Total 2,246,892 1,144,282 1,102,610 2,186,973 1,114,313 1,072,660

10 - 14 343,668 177,455 166,213 339,060 174,835 164,225
15 - 19 311,875 161,171 150,704 307,275 158,696 148,579
20 - 24 255,677 130,899 124,778 250,457 128,214 122,243
25 - 29 215,467 109,413 106,054 209,850 106,517 103,333
30 - 34 195,635 100,303 95,332 189,875 97,407 92,468
35 - 39 180,837 93,995 86,842 174,974 91,050 83,924
40 - 44 160,431 83,554 76,877 155,312 80,942 74,370
45 - 49 143,734 74,367 69,367 139,236 72,108 67,128
50 - 54 122,352 63,433 58,919 118,420 61,379 57,041
55 - 59 100,740 51,111 49,629 97,568 49,495 48,073
60 - 64 76,478 38,016 38,462 73,563 36,622 36,941
65 years and over 139,998 60,565 79,433 131,383 57,048 74,335


Total 4,388,772 2,217,677 2,171,095 4,344,080 2,193,305 2,150,775

10 - 14 708,201 366,069 342,132 703,850 363,343 340,507
15 - 19 622,896 324,909 297,987 619,118 322,495 296,623
20 - 24 484,345 249,740 234,605 480,614 247,407 233,207
25 - 29 398,493 204,555 193,938 395,381 202,683 192,698
30 - 34 356,166 183,047 173,119 353,404 181,340 172,064
35 - 39 338,421 173,271 165,150 335,538 171,523 164,015
40 - 44 299,657 152,940 146,717 296,713 151,187 145,526
45 - 49 282,930 144,045 138,885 279,776 142,205 137,571
50 - 54 239,772 121,222 118,550 236,887 119,581 117,306
55 - 59 200,028 99,188 100,840 197,577 97,793 99,784
60 - 64 156,568 74,841 81,727 154,267 73,666 80,601
65 years and over 301,295 123,850 177,445 290,955 120,082 170,873


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70 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 10--Continued

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 5,965,181 3,012,236 2,952,945 5,872,240 2,959,869 2,912,371

10 - 14 767,135 395,874 371,261 762,150 392,636 369,514
15 - 19 744,339 384,544 359,795 739,169 381,003 358,166
20 - 24 682,875 351,876 330,999 677,326 348,150 329,176
25 - 29 593,262 309,321 283,941 588,269 306,073 282,196
30 - 34 519,670 272,582 247,088 514,667 269,293 245,374
35 - 39 471,537 247,046 224,491 465,996 243,501 222,495
40 - 44 422,387 218,852 203,535 416,076 214,916 201,160
45 - 49 398,266 203,055 195,211 391,520 198,967 192,553
50 - 54 352,966 177,455 175,511 345,739 173,198 172,541
55 - 59 301,405 148,031 153,374 294,633 144,094 150,539
60 - 64 240,226 114,041 126,185 233,651 110,410 123,241
65 years and over 471,113 189,559 281,554 443,044 177,628 265,416


Total 5,741,839 2,881,783 2,860,056 5,659,366 2,837,962 2,821,404

10 - 14 768,256 395,980 372,276 763,433 392,847 370,586
15 - 19 719,381 368,874 350,507 714,709 365,737 348,972
20 - 24 682,697 345,235 337,462 677,785 342,121 335,664
25 - 29 596,635 303,583 293,052 592,437 300,934 291,503
30 - 34 517,960 265,681 252,279 513,648 262,981 250,667
35 - 39 464,852 237,947 226,905 460,097 235,030 225,067
40 - 44 411,830 209,827 202,003 406,578 206,644 199,934
45 - 49 370,683 187,166 183,517 365,093 183,883 181,210
50 - 54 323,738 161,971 161,767 317,770 158,624 159,146
55 - 59 267,782 132,072 135,710 262,434 129,196 133,238
60 - 64 215,814 103,029 112,785 209,835 100,062 109,773
65 years and over 402,211 170,418 231,793 375,547 159,903 215,644


Total 3,417,401 1,751,483 1,665,918 3,321,566 1,691,359 1,630,207

10 - 14 513,019 265,111 247,908 507,916 261,700 246,216
15 - 19 484,412 253,756 230,656 479,243 250,080 229,163
20 - 24 391,490 204,803 186,687 385,375 200,561 184,814
25 - 29 311,848 163,092 148,756 306,099 159,124 146,975
30 - 34 272,293 142,893 129,400 266,378 138,749 127,629
35 - 39 255,882 133,184 122,698 248,920 128,431 120,489
40 - 44 235,393 122,460 112,933 227,170 116,916 110,254
45 - 49 218,686 112,876 105,810 210,329 107,328 103,001
50 - 54 189,903 97,450 92,453 181,848 92,183 89,665
55 - 59 161,219 81,882 79,337 154,365 77,521 76,844
60 - 64 125,605 62,046 63,559 119,231 58,153 61,078
65 years and over 257,651 111,930 145,721 234,692 100,613 134,079


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Table 10--Continued

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 2,759,418 1,399,867 1,359,551 2,665,487 1,353,263 1,312,224

10 - 14 407,338 209,320 198,018 402,781 206,520 196,261
15 - 19 383,637 195,735 187,902 378,998 192,809 186,189
20 - 24 336,656 170,698 165,958 331,122 167,338 163,784
25 - 29 276,048 141,023 135,025 270,535 137,789 132,746
30 - 34 233,576 120,328 113,248 227,753 116,981 110,772
35 - 39 218,093 112,132 105,961 211,244 108,466 102,778
40 - 44 197,195 100,997 96,198 189,155 96,817 92,338
45 - 49 178,730 91,306 87,424 170,653 87,306 83,347
50 - 54 152,591 78,009 74,582 144,604 74,136 70,468
55 - 59 121,379 61,282 60,097 114,454 58,079 56,375
60 - 64 94,410 47,025 47,385 87,641 44,083 43,558
65 years and over 159,765 72,012 87,753 136,547 62,939 73,608


Total 3,575,744 1,815,795 1,759,949 3,500,422 1,774,810 1,725,612

10 - 14 509,424 261,386 248,038 502,866 257,253 245,613
15 - 19 474,107 242,105 232,002 468,804 238,729 230,075
20 - 24 430,916 218,918 211,998 425,568 215,600 209,968
25 - 29 378,986 195,543 183,443 373,609 192,317 181,292
30 - 34 314,666 163,234 151,432 309,212 160,033 149,179
35 - 39 290,306 150,316 139,990 284,175 146,894 137,281
40 - 44 255,716 131,790 123,926 249,330 128,196 121,134
45 - 49 231,983 118,194 113,789 225,783 114,911 110,872
50 - 54 199,164 100,813 98,351 193,499 97,810 95,689
55 - 59 162,988 81,820 81,168 158,331 79,322 79,009
60 - 64 124,440 61,497 62,943 120,314 59,459 60,855
65 years and over 203,048 90,179 112,869 188,931 84,286 104,645


Total 3,793,848 1,940,372 1,853,476 3,714,650 1,897,640 1,817,010

10 - 14 504,736 258,944 245,792 499,526 255,668 243,858
15 - 19 488,469 247,851 240,618 483,637 244,796 238,841
20 - 24 462,368 234,828 227,540 456,741 231,369 225,372
25 - 29 418,644 216,924 201,720 412,741 213,398 199,343
30 - 34 351,608 184,546 167,062 345,923 181,134 164,789
35 - 39 316,638 166,867 149,771 310,129 163,094 147,035
40 - 44 277,095 145,119 131,976 270,396 141,367 129,029
45 - 49 247,932 127,988 119,944 241,495 124,492 117,003
50 - 54 208,814 106,450 102,364 203,040 103,349 99,691
55 - 59 174,042 87,750 86,292 169,105 85,200 83,905
60 - 64 131,988 65,524 66,464 127,223 63,269 63,954
65 years and over 211,514 97,581 113,933 194,694 90,504 104,190


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Statistics Authority
72 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 10-- Concluded

Household Population
Age Group and Region 10 Years Old and Over
Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female


Total 3,474,441 1,768,590 1,705,851 3,316,172 1,690,916 1,625,256

10 - 14 495,560 253,885 241,675 486,834 248,529 238,305
15 - 19 475,717 240,401 235,316 467,131 235,251 231,880
20 - 24 433,591 218,972 214,619 423,557 213,063 210,494
25 - 29 380,474 195,778 184,696 368,705 189,163 179,542
30 - 34 319,995 165,841 154,154 307,584 159,303 148,281
35 - 39 295,969 153,515 142,454 281,540 146,346 135,194
40 - 44 257,260 133,634 123,626 241,250 125,996 115,254
45 - 49 227,510 117,811 109,699 211,501 110,522 100,979
50 - 54 178,509 91,766 86,743 164,536 85,405 79,131
55 - 59 137,741 70,018 67,723 126,958 65,125 61,833
60 - 64 102,123 50,596 51,527 92,129 46,258 45,871
65 years and over 169,992 76,373 93,619 144,447 65,955 78,492


Total 1,975,789 1,012,494 963,295 1,940,668 992,697 947,971

10 - 14 289,710 149,527 140,183 286,961 147,748 139,213
15 - 19 263,312 137,061 126,251 261,021 135,542 125,479
20 - 24 231,029 119,458 111,571 228,545 117,858 110,687
25 - 29 201,637 105,409 96,228 199,300 103,961 95,339
30 - 34 166,970 88,001 78,969 164,619 86,554 78,065
35 - 39 151,105 78,981 72,124 148,511 77,450 71,061
40 - 44 137,915 71,186 66,729 135,173 69,546 65,627
45 - 49 129,323 66,349 62,974 126,543 64,781 61,762
50 - 54 112,824 57,562 55,262 110,137 56,081 54,056
55 - 59 93,552 47,210 46,342 91,302 45,933 45,369
60 - 64 69,765 34,526 35,239 67,700 33,432 34,268
65 years and over 128,647 57,224 71,423 120,856 53,811 67,045


Total 2,680,017 1,327,827 1,352,190 2,375,928 1,176,083 1,199,845

10 - 14 498,704 250,895 247,809 472,423 236,861 235,562
15 - 19 418,096 207,550 210,546 398,052 196,538 201,514
20 - 24 323,496 155,772 167,724 303,875 145,380 158,495
25 - 29 287,701 136,390 151,311 263,543 124,223 139,320
30 - 34 247,681 118,347 129,334 220,102 104,353 115,749
35 - 39 244,455 118,222 126,233 212,367 102,681 109,686
40 - 44 201,711 100,427 101,284 166,971 83,326 83,645
45 - 49 163,331 83,698 79,633 131,839 68,345 63,494
50 - 54 109,799 58,731 51,068 83,062 45,258 37,804
55 - 59 72,933 38,991 33,942 54,131 29,904 24,227
60 - 64 46,720 25,222 21,498 31,727 18,101 13,626
65 years and over 65,390 33,582 31,808 37,836 21,113 16,723

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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TABLE 11 Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed, Sex, Age, and Region: 2015

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 90,160,372 2,181,326 2,173,491 2,237,482 2,140,435 2,110,186

No grade completed 2,953,630 1,395,510 219,534 50,319 26,635 19,525
Preschool 2,530,069 751,907 1,399,097 285,735 45,665 15,413
Special education 46,238 16 1,163 1,854 2,012 2,262
Elementary 30,164,423 - 550,808 1,897,731 2,064,701 2,071,777
1st - 4th grade 15,179,527 - 550,808 1,897,731 2,064,701 2,071,777
5th - 6th grade 5,162,553 - - - - -
Graduate 9,822,343 - - - - -
High school 32,859,661 - - - - -
Undergraduate 12,735,458 - - - - -
Graduate 20,124,203 - - - - -
Postsecondary 1,810,668 - - - - -
Undergraduate 93,833 - - - - -
Graduate 1,716,835 - - - - -
College undergraduate 9,481,653 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 10,049,337 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 136,478 - - - - -
Not stated 128,215 33,893 2,889 1,843 1,422 1,209

Male 45,479,477 1,127,218 1,120,396 1,156,157 1,104,671 1,088,395

No grade completed 1,525,495 726,949 118,061 28,509 15,236 11,366
Preschool 1,322,947 383,668 724,308 159,012 27,178 9,249
Special education 26,785 8 765 1,201 1,304 1,394
Elementary 16,159,212 - 275,767 966,500 1,060,214 1,065,769
1st - 4th grade 8,368,008 - 275,767 966,500 1,060,214 1,065,769
5th - 6th grade 2,769,797 - - - - -
Graduate 5,021,407 - - - - -
High school 16,545,197 - - - - -
Undergraduate 6,512,537 - - - - -
Graduate 10,032,660 - - - - -
Postsecondary 783,949 - - - - -
Undergraduate 45,981 - - - - -
Graduate 737,968 - - - - -
College undergraduate 4,571,179 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 4,418,250 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 54,758 - - - - -
Not stated 71,705 16,593 1,495 935 739 617

Female 44,680,895 1,054,108 1,053,095 1,081,325 1,035,764 1,021,791

No grade completed 1,428,135 668,561 101,473 21,810 11,399 8,159
Preschool 1,207,122 368,239 674,789 126,723 18,487 6,164
Special education 19,453 8 398 653 708 868
Elementary 14,005,211 - 275,041 931,231 1,004,487 1,006,008
1st - 4th grade 6,811,519 - 275,041 931,231 1,004,487 1,006,008
5th - 6th grade 2,392,756 - - - - -
Graduate 4,800,936 - - - - -
High school 16,314,464 - - - - -
Undergraduate 6,222,921 - - - - -
Graduate 10,091,543 - - - - -
Postsecondary 1,026,719 - - - - -
Undergraduate 47,852 - - - - -
Graduate 978,867 - - - - -
College undergraduate 4,910,474 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 5,631,087 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 81,720 - - - - -
Not stated 56,510 17,300 1,394 908 683 592


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Statistics Authority
74 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 11,676,810 238,626 233,066 242,796 227,458 221,773

No grade completed 206,821 151,203 20,857 3,110 1,233 835
Preschool 266,757 80,736 148,467 30,936 3,700 1,211
Special education 11,684 9 245 444 477 521
Elementary 2,310,604 - 62,866 207,813 221,628 218,848
1st - 4th grade 1,172,172 - 62,866 207,813 221,628 218,848
5th - 6th grade 390,571 - - - - -
Graduate 747,861 - - - - -
High school 4,549,396 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,337,287 - - - - -
Graduate 3,212,109 - - - - -
Postsecondary 262,252 - - - - -
Undergraduate 11,047 - - - - -
Graduate 251,205 - - - - -
College undergraduate 1,832,843 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 2,148,778 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 28,071 - - - - -
Not stated 59,604 6,678 631 493 420 358

Male 5,746,184 123,561 120,143 125,631 117,166 114,401

No grade completed 109,003 79,074 11,232 1,844 791 509
Preschool 138,959 41,218 76,729 17,124 2,206 683
Special education 6,979 5 163 284 331 338
Elementary 1,180,586 - 31,683 106,126 113,619 112,697
1st - 4th grade 616,860 - 31,683 106,126 113,619 112,697
5th - 6th grade 200,598 - - - - -
Graduate 363,128 - - - - -
High school 2,269,631 - - - - -
Undergraduate 675,995 - - - - -
Graduate 1,593,636 - - - - -
Postsecondary 109,711 - - - - -
Undergraduate 5,039 - - - - -
Graduate 104,672 - - - - -
College undergraduate 904,778 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 977,181 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 12,847 - - - - -
Not stated 36,509 3,264 336 253 219 174

Female 5,930,626 115,065 112,923 117,165 110,292 107,372

No grade completed 97,818 72,129 9,625 1,266 442 326
Preschool 127,798 39,518 71,738 13,812 1,494 528
Special education 4,705 4 82 160 146 183
Elementary 1,130,018 - 31,183 101,687 108,009 106,151
1st - 4th grade 555,312 - 31,183 101,687 108,009 106,151
5th - 6th grade 189,973 - - - - -
Graduate 384,733 - - - - -
High school 2,279,765 - - - - -
Undergraduate 661,292 - - - - -
Graduate 1,618,473 - - - - -
Postsecondary 152,541 - - - - -
Undergraduate 6,008 - - - - -
Graduate 146,533 - - - - -
College undergraduate 928,065 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 1,171,597 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 15,224 - - - - -
Not stated 23,095 3,414 295 240 201 184


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Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 1,542,574 36,026 35,658 37,628 36,054 35,438

No grade completed 62,393 28,720 3,165 348 192 155
Preschool 37,762 6,810 25,597 4,291 437 153
Special education 691 - 10 23 34 41
Elementary 479,663 - 6,884 32,963 35,390 35,089
1st - 4th grade 252,198 - 6,884 32,963 35,390 35,089
5th - 6th grade 80,948 - - - - -
Graduate 146,517 - - - - -
High school 500,715 - - - - -
Undergraduate 205,937 - - - - -
Graduate 294,778 - - - - -
Postsecondary 31,335 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,149 - - - - -
Graduate 30,186 - - - - -
College undergraduate 204,632 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 219,049 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 5,815 - - - - -
Not stated 519 496 2 3 1 -

Male 787,150 18,466 18,125 19,430 18,430 18,212

No grade completed 29,488 14,731 1,702 208 108 99
Preschool 19,609 3,510 13,043 2,395 264 97
Special education 388 - 2 17 22 26
Elementary 272,891 - 3,377 16,808 18,036 17,990
1st - 4th grade 143,888 - 3,377 16,808 18,036 17,990
5th - 6th grade 46,891 - - - - -
Graduate 82,112 - - - - -
High school 271,733 - - - - -
Undergraduate 111,573 - - - - -
Graduate 160,160 - - - - -
Postsecondary 9,943 - - - - -
Undergraduate 486 - - - - -
Graduate 9,457 - - - - -
College undergraduate 94,676 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 86,138 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,048 - - - - -
Not stated 236 225 1 2 - -

Female 755,424 17,560 17,533 18,198 17,624 17,226

No grade completed 32,905 13,989 1,463 140 84 56
Preschool 18,153 3,300 12,554 1,896 173 56
Special education 303 - 8 6 12 15
Elementary 206,772 - 3,507 16,155 17,354 17,099
1st - 4th grade 108,310 - 3,507 16,155 17,354 17,099
5th - 6th grade 34,057 - - - - -
Graduate 64,405 - - - - -
High school 228,982 - - - - -
Undergraduate 94,364 - - - - -
Graduate 134,618 - - - - -
Postsecondary 21,392 - - - - -
Undergraduate 663 - - - - -
Graduate 20,729 - - - - -
College undergraduate 109,956 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 132,911 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,767 - - - - -
Not stated 283 271 1 1 1 -


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Statistics Authority
76 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 4,524,016 101,069 101,773 104,654 101,772 101,590

No grade completed 101,326 65,343 7,243 974 469 388
Preschool 116,678 34,060 69,742 10,515 1,083 345
Special education 1,824 - 53 65 83 116
Elementary 1,317,784 - 24,716 93,090 100,135 100,740
1st - 4th grade 590,700 - 24,716 93,090 100,135 100,740
5th - 6th grade 188,895 - - - - -
Graduate 538,189 - - - - -
High school 1,902,019 - - - - -
Undergraduate 562,100 - - - - -
Graduate 1,339,919 - - - - -
Postsecondary 110,816 - - - - -
Undergraduate 5,262 - - - - -
Graduate 105,554 - - - - -
College undergraduate 436,151 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 528,420 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 7,298 - - - - -
Not stated 1,700 1,666 19 10 2 1

Male 2,277,571 52,367 52,881 54,580 52,930 52,952

No grade completed 51,993 34,065 3,963 590 294 231
Preschool 61,101 17,528 36,310 5,826 639 216
Special education 1,020 - 36 36 58 69
Elementary 680,765 - 12,564 48,124 51,937 52,436
1st - 4th grade 315,080 - 12,564 48,124 51,937 52,436
5th - 6th grade 98,816 - - - - -
Graduate 266,869 - - - - -
High school 998,504 - - - - -
Undergraduate 300,114 - - - - -
Graduate 698,390 - - - - -
Postsecondary 44,217 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,406 - - - - -
Graduate 41,811 - - - - -
College undergraduate 210,453 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 226,055 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,673 - - - - -
Not stated 790 774 8 4 2 -

Female 2,246,445 48,702 48,892 50,074 48,842 48,638

No grade completed 49,333 31,278 3,280 384 175 157
Preschool 55,577 16,532 33,432 4,689 444 129
Special education 804 - 17 29 25 47
Elementary 637,019 - 12,152 44,966 48,198 48,304
1st - 4th grade 275,620 - 12,152 44,966 48,198 48,304
5th - 6th grade 90,079 - - - - -
Graduate 271,320 - - - - -
High school 903,515 - - - - -
Undergraduate 261,986 - - - - -
Graduate 641,529 - - - - -
Postsecondary 66,599 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,856 - - - - -
Graduate 63,743 - - - - -
College undergraduate 225,698 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 302,365 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 4,625 - - - - -
Not stated 910 892 11 6 - 1


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Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 77

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 3,088,701 71,953 73,166 73,605 70,613 68,867

No grade completed 80,188 40,112 4,421 807 496 393
Preschool 88,874 30,573 48,116 7,128 1,083 353
Special education 861 - 17 29 30 39
Elementary 1,128,940 - 20,599 65,639 69,004 68,082
1st - 4th grade 539,841 - 20,599 65,639 69,004 68,082
5th - 6th grade 177,855 - - - - -
Graduate 411,244 - - - - -
High school 1,065,705 - - - - -
Undergraduate 436,789 - - - - -
Graduate 628,916 - - - - -
Postsecondary 48,278 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,984 - - - - -
Graduate 46,294 - - - - -
College undergraduate 329,130 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 338,800 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 6,623 - - - - -
Not stated 1,302 1,268 13 2 - -

Male 1,572,155 37,185 37,689 38,136 36,488 35,652

No grade completed 41,612 20,885 2,420 507 318 252
Preschool 46,537 15,678 24,975 3,966 667 215
Special education 491 - 9 18 17 24
Elementary 611,493 - 10,277 33,644 35,486 35,161
1st - 4th grade 300,650 - 10,277 33,644 35,486 35,161
5th - 6th grade 96,962 - - - - -
Graduate 213,881 - - - - -
High school 549,910 - - - - -
Undergraduate 226,099 - - - - -
Graduate 323,811 - - - - -
Postsecondary 16,653 - - - - -
Undergraduate 906 - - - - -
Graduate 15,747 - - - - -
College undergraduate 159,348 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 143,162 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,309 - - - - -
Not stated 640 622 8 1 - -

Female 1,516,546 34,768 35,477 35,469 34,125 33,215

No grade completed 38,576 19,227 2,001 300 178 141
Preschool 42,337 14,895 23,141 3,162 416 138
Special education 370 - 8 11 13 15
Elementary 517,447 - 10,322 31,995 33,518 32,921
1st - 4th grade 239,191 - 10,322 31,995 33,518 32,921
5th - 6th grade 80,893 - - - - -
Graduate 197,363 - - - - -
High school 515,795 - - - - -
Undergraduate 210,690 - - - - -
Graduate 305,105 - - - - -
Postsecondary 31,625 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,078 - - - - -
Graduate 30,547 - - - - -
College undergraduate 169,782 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 195,638 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 4,314 - - - - -
Not stated 662 646 5 1 - -


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Statistics Authority
78 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 10,106,870 228,239 227,046 235,118 223,381 218,888

No grade completed 212,403 132,675 17,287 3,368 1,624 1,093
Preschool 262,823 93,617 139,250 22,804 3,304 1,217
Special education 4,715 2 132 193 212 220
Elementary 3,092,577 - 70,282 208,726 218,236 216,346
1st - 4th grade 1,358,161 - 70,282 208,726 218,236 216,346
5th - 6th grade 452,656 - - - - -
Graduate 1,281,760 - - - - -
High school 4,127,320 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,362,680 - - - - -
Graduate 2,764,640 - - - - -
Postsecondary 271,165 - - - - -
Undergraduate 14,473 - - - - -
Graduate 256,692 - - - - -
College undergraduate 1,041,525 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 1,080,421 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 9,433 - - - - -
Not stated 4,488 1,945 95 27 5 12

Male 5,091,984 118,433 117,270 121,837 115,576 113,084

No grade completed 111,254 69,651 9,501 2,034 964 655
Preschool 137,409 47,810 72,433 12,914 1,952 724
Special education 2,786 1 84 144 128 140
Elementary 1,606,601 - 35,203 106,729 112,529 111,559
1st - 4th grade 720,183 - 35,203 106,729 112,529 111,559
5th - 6th grade 236,517 - - - - -
Graduate 649,901 - - - - -
High school 2,117,929 - - - - -
Undergraduate 711,130 - - - - -
Graduate 1,406,799 - - - - -
Postsecondary 125,242 - - - - -
Undergraduate 7,104 - - - - -
Graduate 118,138 - - - - -
College undergraduate 514,385 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 470,395 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,804 - - - - -
Not stated 2,179 971 49 16 3 6

Female 5,014,886 109,806 109,776 113,281 107,805 105,804

No grade completed 101,149 63,024 7,786 1,334 660 438
Preschool 125,414 45,807 66,817 9,890 1,352 493
Special education 1,929 1 48 49 84 80
Elementary 1,485,976 - 35,079 101,997 105,707 104,787
1st - 4th grade 637,978 - 35,079 101,997 105,707 104,787
5th - 6th grade 216,139 - - - - -
Graduate 631,859 - - - - -
High school 2,009,391 - - - - -
Undergraduate 651,550 - - - - -
Graduate 1,357,841 - - - - -
Postsecondary 145,923 - - - - -
Undergraduate 7,369 - - - - -
Graduate 138,554 - - - - -
College undergraduate 527,140 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 610,026 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 5,629 - - - - -
Not stated 2,309 974 46 11 2 6


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 79

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 12,954,084 294,562 291,723 299,544 284,946 279,375

No grade completed 257,886 165,294 22,951 4,286 2,049 1,380
Preschool 347,718 125,699 180,848 31,452 4,954 1,779
Special education 9,109 1 237 402 417 469
Elementary 3,572,320 - 87,544 263,362 277,499 275,729
1st - 4th grade 1,726,519 - 87,544 263,362 277,499 275,729
5th - 6th grade 603,805 - - - - -
Graduate 1,241,996 - - - - -
High school 5,314,774 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,632,662 - - - - -
Graduate 3,682,112 - - - - -
Postsecondary 282,157 - - - - -
Undergraduate 21,293 - - - - -
Graduate 260,864 - - - - -
College undergraduate 1,517,689 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 1,634,069 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 13,712 - - - - -
Not stated 4,650 3,568 143 42 27 18

Male 6,467,548 152,450 150,911 154,829 147,140 143,795

No grade completed 135,664 86,710 12,727 2,587 1,262 852
Preschool 181,379 64,085 93,851 17,675 2,974 1,070
Special education 5,336 - 173 270 260 285
Elementary 1,868,820 - 44,088 134,280 142,628 141,574
1st - 4th grade 922,664 - 44,088 134,280 142,628 141,574
5th - 6th grade 316,429 - - - - -
Graduate 629,727 - - - - -
High school 2,675,329 - - - - -
Undergraduate 841,614 - - - - -
Graduate 1,833,715 - - - - -
Postsecondary 126,683 - - - - -
Undergraduate 10,881 - - - - -
Graduate 115,802 - - - - -
College undergraduate 742,746 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 723,619 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 5,706 - - - - -
Not stated 2,266 1,655 72 17 16 14

Female 6,486,536 142,112 140,812 144,715 137,806 135,580

No grade completed 122,222 78,584 10,224 1,699 787 528
Preschool 166,339 61,614 86,997 13,777 1,980 709
Special education 3,773 1 64 132 157 184
Elementary 1,703,500 - 43,456 129,082 134,871 134,155
1st - 4th grade 803,855 - 43,456 129,082 134,871 134,155
5th - 6th grade 287,376 - - - - -
Graduate 612,269 - - - - -
High school 2,639,445 - - - - -
Undergraduate 791,048 - - - - -
Graduate 1,848,397 - - - - -
Postsecondary 155,474 - - - - -
Undergraduate 10,412 - - - - -
Graduate 145,062 - - - - -
College undergraduate 774,943 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 910,450 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 8,006 - - - - -
Not stated 2,384 1,913 71 25 11 4


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
80 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 2,617,146 71,151 72,031 72,997 69,062 68,315

No grade completed 130,999 52,258 7,722 2,286 1,605 1,147
Preschool 83,693 17,842 53,197 9,003 1,660 607
Special education 1,149 2 33 43 70 57
Elementary 1,051,634 - 11,021 61,651 65,722 66,502
1st - 4th grade 525,485 - 11,021 61,651 65,722 66,502
5th - 6th grade 166,834 - - - - -
Graduate 359,315 - - - - -
High school 885,804 - - - - -
Undergraduate 411,302 - - - - -
Graduate 474,502 - - - - -
Postsecondary 50,723 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,556 - - - - -
Graduate 48,167 - - - - -
College undergraduate 214,831 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 193,569 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,438 - - - - -
Not stated 1,306 1,049 58 14 5 2

Male 1,341,333 36,608 37,148 37,871 35,854 35,445

No grade completed 67,382 27,159 4,216 1,253 932 666
Preschool 43,758 8,949 27,427 5,163 1,022 369
Special education 688 1 20 31 46 33
Elementary 575,585 - 5,454 31,414 33,852 34,377
1st - 4th grade 294,796 - 5,454 31,414 33,852 34,377
5th - 6th grade 91,907 - - - - -
Graduate 188,882 - - - - -
High school 447,485 - - - - -
Undergraduate 212,515 - - - - -
Graduate 234,970 - - - - -
Postsecondary 24,794 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,411 - - - - -
Graduate 23,383 - - - - -
College undergraduate 100,377 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 79,347 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 1,314 - - - - -
Not stated 603 499 31 10 2 -

Female 1,275,813 34,543 34,883 35,126 33,208 32,870

No grade completed 63,617 25,099 3,506 1,033 673 481
Preschool 39,935 8,893 25,770 3,840 638 238
Special education 461 1 13 12 24 24
Elementary 476,049 - 5,567 30,237 31,870 32,125
1st - 4th grade 230,689 - 5,567 30,237 31,870 32,125
5th - 6th grade 74,927 - - - - -
Graduate 170,433 - - - - -
High school 438,319 - - - - -
Undergraduate 198,787 - - - - -
Graduate 239,532 - - - - -
Postsecondary 25,929 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,145 - - - - -
Graduate 24,784 - - - - -
College undergraduate 114,454 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 114,222 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,124 - - - - -
Not stated 703 550 27 4 3 2


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 81

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 5,110,359 140,857 140,332 145,037 139,199 140,521

No grade completed 147,608 95,418 14,322 2,680 1,091 784
Preschool 160,108 42,520 92,872 18,857 2,955 965
Special education 2,511 1 67 103 103 119
Elementary 2,117,450 - 32,921 123,357 135,042 138,651
1st - 4th grade 935,734 - 32,921 123,357 135,042 138,651
5th - 6th grade 313,752 - - - - -
Graduate 867,964 - - - - -
High school 1,768,796 - - - - -
Undergraduate 819,955 - - - - -
Graduate 948,841 - - - - -
Postsecondary 99,828 - - - - -
Undergraduate 6,673 - - - - -
Graduate 93,155 - - - - -
College undergraduate 387,515 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 412,539 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 10,138 - - - - -
Not stated 3,866 2,918 150 40 8 2

Male 2,594,554 73,080 72,489 75,228 71,903 72,652

No grade completed 77,733 50,031 7,928 1,612 653 462
Preschool 84,229 21,590 48,107 10,937 1,809 605
Special education 1,445 1 44 61 71 74
Elementary 1,141,387 - 16,328 62,597 69,367 71,510
1st - 4th grade 517,310 - 16,328 62,597 69,367 71,510
5th - 6th grade 170,337 - - - - -
Graduate 453,740 - - - - -
High school 892,315 - - - - -
Undergraduate 423,877 - - - - -
Graduate 468,438 - - - - -
Postsecondary 42,180 - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,340 - - - - -
Graduate 38,840 - - - - -
College undergraduate 181,742 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 167,691 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,648 - - - - -
Not stated 2,184 1,458 82 21 3 1

Female 2,515,805 67,777 67,843 69,809 67,296 67,869

No grade completed 69,875 45,387 6,394 1,068 438 322
Preschool 75,879 20,930 44,765 7,920 1,146 360
Special education 1,066 - 23 42 32 45
Elementary 976,063 - 16,593 60,760 65,675 67,141
1st - 4th grade 418,424 - 16,593 60,760 65,675 67,141
5th - 6th grade 143,415 - - - - -
Graduate 414,224 - - - - -
High school 876,481 - - - - -
Undergraduate 396,078 - - - - -
Graduate 480,403 - - - - -
Postsecondary 57,648 - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,333 - - - - -
Graduate 54,315 - - - - -
College undergraduate 205,773 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 244,848 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 6,490 - - - - -
Not stated 1,682 1,460 68 19 5 1


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
82 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 6,771,943 156,857 157,161 162,736 156,268 153,384

No grade completed 174,785 92,004 10,292 1,709 915 781
Preschool 192,459 62,792 106,519 17,566 2,306 788
Special education 3,294 - 83 148 123 184
Elementary 2,399,102 - 40,209 143,305 152,920 151,631
1st - 4th grade 1,272,057 - 40,209 143,305 152,920 151,631
5th - 6th grade 419,529 - - - - -
Graduate 707,516 - - - - -
High school 2,347,413 - - - - -
Undergraduate 966,638 - - - - -
Graduate 1,380,775 - - - - -
Postsecondary 241,127 - - - - -
Undergraduate 9,206 - - - - -
Graduate 231,921 - - - - -
College undergraduate 607,887 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 791,868 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 10,477 - - - - -
Not stated 3,531 2,061 58 8 4 -

Male 3,434,257 81,200 81,492 84,331 80,941 79,175

No grade completed 92,362 47,904 5,547 991 559 508
Preschool 101,016 32,308 55,402 9,837 1,415 488
Special education 1,815 - 57 84 69 107
Elementary 1,305,082 - 20,451 73,414 78,896 78,072
1st - 4th grade 718,933 - 20,451 73,414 78,896 78,072
5th - 6th grade 227,873 - - - - -
Graduate 358,276 - - - - -
High school 1,187,092 - - - - -
Undergraduate 508,094 - - - - -
Graduate 678,998 - - - - -
Postsecondary 107,318 - - - - -
Undergraduate 4,272 - - - - -
Graduate 103,046 - - - - -
College undergraduate 282,346 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 351,310 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,847 - - - - -
Not stated 2,069 988 35 5 2 -

Female 3,337,686 75,657 75,669 78,405 75,327 74,209

No grade completed 82,423 44,100 4,745 718 356 273
Preschool 91,443 30,484 51,117 7,729 891 300
Special education 1,479 - 26 64 54 77
Elementary 1,094,020 - 19,758 69,891 74,024 73,559
1st - 4th grade 553,124 - 19,758 69,891 74,024 73,559
5th - 6th grade 191,656 - - - - -
Graduate 349,240 - - - - -
High school 1,160,321 - - - - -
Undergraduate 458,544 - - - - -
Graduate 701,777 - - - - -
Postsecondary 133,809 - - - - -
Undergraduate 4,934 - - - - -
Graduate 128,875 - - - - -
College undergraduate 325,541 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 440,558 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 6,630 - - - - -
Not stated 1,462 1,073 23 3 2 -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 83

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 6,583,418 158,465 161,576 165,932 159,847 159,294

No grade completed 202,129 108,641 11,735 2,646 1,422 974
Preschool 179,176 47,676 106,728 17,958 3,219 1,158
Special education 3,195 - 87 135 149 164
Elementary 2,555,037 - 42,951 145,169 155,018 156,952
1st - 4th grade 1,360,906 - 42,951 145,169 155,018 156,952
5th - 6th grade 418,498 - - - - -
Graduate 775,633 - - - - -
High school 2,213,336 - - - - -
Undergraduate 978,655 - - - - -
Graduate 1,234,681 - - - - -
Postsecondary 86,169 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,352 - - - - -
Graduate 83,817 - - - - -
College undergraduate 636,393 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 696,005 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 7,906 - - - - -
Not stated 4,072 2,148 75 24 39 46

Male 3,322,451 81,977 83,285 85,800 82,447 81,913

No grade completed 105,986 56,492 6,411 1,660 878 613
Preschool 94,286 24,439 55,257 10,331 2,016 723
Special education 1,809 - 54 89 99 107
Elementary 1,365,170 - 21,517 73,711 79,437 80,452
1st - 4th grade 754,723 - 21,517 73,711 79,437 80,452
5th - 6th grade 224,551 - - - - -
Graduate 385,896 - - - - -
High school 1,084,274 - - - - -
Undergraduate 498,286 - - - - -
Graduate 585,988 - - - - -
Postsecondary 33,887 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,049 - - - - -
Graduate 32,838 - - - - -
College undergraduate 303,803 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 327,645 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,218 - - - - -
Not stated 2,373 1,046 46 9 17 18

Female 3,260,967 76,488 78,291 80,132 77,400 77,381

No grade completed 96,143 52,149 5,324 986 544 361
Preschool 84,890 23,237 51,471 7,627 1,203 435
Special education 1,386 - 33 46 50 57
Elementary 1,189,867 - 21,434 71,458 75,581 76,500
1st - 4th grade 606,183 - 21,434 71,458 75,581 76,500
5th - 6th grade 193,947 - - - - -
Graduate 389,737 - - - - -
High school 1,129,062 - - - - -
Undergraduate 480,369 - - - - -
Graduate 648,693 - - - - -
Postsecondary 52,282 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,303 - - - - -
Graduate 50,979 - - - - -
College undergraduate 332,590 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 368,360 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 4,688 - - - - -
Not stated 1,699 1,102 29 15 22 28


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
84 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 3,941,077 100,352 101,495 105,531 100,132 101,488

No grade completed 145,292 66,103 9,894 2,117 1,081 806
Preschool 116,167 32,570 65,511 12,704 2,313 865
Special education 700 - 23 46 45 35
Elementary 1,719,039 - 25,979 90,640 96,689 99,777
1st - 4th grade 897,202 - 25,979 90,640 96,689 99,777
5th - 6th grade 309,498 - - - - -
Graduate 512,339 - - - - -
High school 1,242,120 - - - - -
Undergraduate 650,667 - - - - -
Graduate 591,453 - - - - -
Postsecondary 43,038 - - - - -
Undergraduate 819 - - - - -
Graduate 42,219 - - - - -
College undergraduate 327,410 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 336,949 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 7,935 - - - - -
Not stated 2,427 1,679 88 24 4 5

Male 2,026,335 52,069 52,438 54,803 51,975 52,568

No grade completed 82,322 34,702 5,478 1,311 685 515
Preschool 61,610 16,491 34,139 7,474 1,476 550
Special education 385 - 11 28 28 19
Elementary 950,999 - 12,760 45,980 49,783 51,481
1st - 4th grade 521,017 - 12,760 45,980 49,783 51,481
5th - 6th grade 169,553 - - - - -
Graduate 260,429 - - - - -
High school 608,948 - - - - -
Undergraduate 324,813 - - - - -
Graduate 284,135 - - - - -
Postsecondary 17,389 - - - - -
Undergraduate 405 - - - - -
Graduate 16,984 - - - - -
College undergraduate 155,600 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 144,634 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,936 - - - - -
Not stated 1,512 876 50 10 3 3

Female 1,914,742 48,283 49,057 50,728 48,157 48,920

No grade completed 62,970 31,401 4,416 806 396 291
Preschool 54,557 16,079 31,372 5,230 837 315
Special education 315 - 12 18 17 16
Elementary 768,040 - 13,219 44,660 46,906 48,296
1st - 4th grade 376,185 - 13,219 44,660 46,906 48,296
5th - 6th grade 139,945 - - - - -
Graduate 251,910 - - - - -
High school 633,172 - - - - -
Undergraduate 325,854 - - - - -
Graduate 307,318 - - - - -
Postsecondary 25,649 - - - - -
Undergraduate 414 - - - - -
Graduate 25,235 - - - - -
College undergraduate 171,810 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 192,315 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 4,999 - - - - -
Not stated 915 803 38 14 1 2


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 85

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 3,200,644 86,440 84,163 88,269 83,894 84,210

No grade completed 155,222 60,193 10,300 2,187 1,209 937
Preschool 98,184 24,579 55,893 13,524 1,948 761
Special education 1,186 - 37 36 49 71
Elementary 1,357,588 - 17,879 72,507 80,686 82,440
1st - 4th grade 728,788 - 17,879 72,507 80,686 82,440
5th - 6th grade 268,643 - - - - -
Graduate 360,157 - - - - -
High school 961,604 - - - - -
Undergraduate 512,269 - - - - -
Graduate 449,335 - - - - -
Postsecondary 45,229 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,418 - - - - -
Graduate 42,811 - - - - -
College undergraduate 305,975 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 269,117 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,554 - - - - -
Not stated 2,985 1,668 54 15 2 1

Male 1,629,766 44,535 43,311 45,470 43,115 43,122

No grade completed 76,792 31,328 5,539 1,210 682 559
Preschool 50,837 12,386 28,678 7,335 1,131 449
Special education 661 - 27 20 33 43
Elementary 743,142 - 9,034 36,896 41,269 42,070
1st - 4th grade 410,667 - 9,034 36,896 41,269 42,070
5th - 6th grade 146,166 - - - - -
Graduate 186,309 - - - - -
High school 472,353 - - - - -
Undergraduate 253,951 - - - - -
Graduate 218,402 - - - - -
Postsecondary 19,704 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,162 - - - - -
Graduate 18,542 - - - - -
College undergraduate 146,099 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 116,811 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 1,410 - - - - -
Not stated 1,957 821 33 9 - 1

Female 1,570,878 41,905 40,852 42,799 40,779 41,088

No grade completed 78,430 28,865 4,761 977 527 378
Preschool 47,347 12,193 27,215 6,189 817 312
Special education 525 - 10 16 16 28
Elementary 614,446 - 8,845 35,611 39,417 40,370
1st - 4th grade 318,121 - 8,845 35,611 39,417 40,370
5th - 6th grade 122,477 - - - - -
Graduate 173,848 - - - - -
High school 489,251 - - - - -
Undergraduate 258,318 - - - - -
Graduate 230,933 - - - - -
Postsecondary 25,525 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,256 - - - - -
Graduate 24,269 - - - - -
College undergraduate 159,876 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 152,306 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,144 - - - - -
Not stated 1,028 847 21 6 2 -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
86 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 4,142,168 110,126 108,557 110,150 106,550 105,169

No grade completed 159,007 82,543 12,945 2,922 1,422 1,063
Preschool 125,209 26,149 73,204 19,320 3,458 1,178
Special education 1,467 - 51 57 77 80
Elementary 1,572,019 - 22,261 87,822 101,593 102,848
1st - 4th grade 840,910 - 22,261 87,822 101,593 102,848
5th - 6th grade 274,476 - - - - -
Graduate 456,633 - - - - -
High school 1,446,286 - - - - -
Undergraduate 667,577 - - - - -
Graduate 778,709 - - - - -
Postsecondary 52,154 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,400 - - - - -
Graduate 49,754 - - - - -
College undergraduate 394,652 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 382,241 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 6,211 - - - - -
Not stated 2,922 1,434 96 29 - -

Male 2,113,333 56,881 55,921 56,533 54,987 54,363

No grade completed 82,687 42,853 6,969 1,666 793 594
Preschool 65,941 13,284 37,901 10,730 2,105 722
Special education 820 - 26 41 52 48
Elementary 867,889 - 10,969 44,084 52,037 52,999
1st - 4th grade 478,031 - 10,969 44,084 52,037 52,999
5th - 6th grade 152,018 - - - - -
Graduate 237,840 - - - - -
High school 719,753 - - - - -
Undergraduate 333,306 - - - - -
Graduate 386,447 - - - - -
Postsecondary 20,642 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,114 - - - - -
Graduate 19,528 - - - - -
College undergraduate 186,231 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 165,189 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,433 - - - - -
Not stated 1,748 744 56 12 - -

Female 2,028,835 53,245 52,636 53,617 51,563 50,806

No grade completed 76,320 39,690 5,976 1,256 629 469
Preschool 59,268 12,865 35,303 8,590 1,353 456
Special education 647 - 25 16 25 32
Elementary 704,130 - 11,292 43,738 49,556 49,849
1st - 4th grade 362,879 - 11,292 43,738 49,556 49,849
5th - 6th grade 122,458 - - - - -
Graduate 218,793 - - - - -
High school 726,533 - - - - -
Undergraduate 334,271 - - - - -
Graduate 392,262 - - - - -
Postsecondary 31,512 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,286 - - - - -
Graduate 30,226 - - - - -
College undergraduate 208,421 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 217,052 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,778 - - - - -
Not stated 1,174 690 40 17 - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 87

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 4,354,964 107,402 108,410 108,482 106,440 104,559

No grade completed 137,909 57,071 8,841 2,232 1,181 890
Preschool 133,978 48,369 66,356 13,458 2,784 1,012
Special education 1,557 1 46 68 78 77
Elementary 1,620,132 - 32,997 92,636 102,344 102,556
1st - 4th grade 836,535 - 32,997 92,636 102,344 102,556
5th - 6th grade 278,661 - - - - -
Graduate 504,936 - - - - -
High school 1,569,919 - - - - -
Undergraduate 708,274 - - - - -
Graduate 861,645 - - - - -
Postsecondary 60,727 - - - - -
Undergraduate 5,613 - - - - -
Graduate 55,114 - - - - -
College undergraduate 431,109 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 386,818 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 6,038 - - - - -
Not stated 6,777 1,961 170 88 53 24

Male 2,236,433 55,419 55,867 55,982 55,108 53,957

No grade completed 71,639 29,559 4,848 1,285 670 534
Preschool 70,551 24,868 34,435 7,686 1,716 611
Special education 903 - 29 42 52 42
Elementary 903,164 - 16,482 46,922 52,643 52,753
1st - 4th grade 478,571 - 16,482 46,922 52,643 52,753
5th - 6th grade 155,224 - - - - -
Graduate 269,369 - - - - -
High school 786,285 - - - - -
Undergraduate 356,661 - - - - -
Graduate 429,624 - - - - -
Postsecondary 28,088 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,935 - - - - -
Graduate 25,153 - - - - -
College undergraduate 203,428 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 166,910 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,662 - - - - -
Not stated 2,803 992 73 47 27 17

Female 2,118,531 51,983 52,543 52,500 51,332 50,602

No grade completed 66,270 27,512 3,993 947 511 356
Preschool 63,427 23,501 31,921 5,772 1,068 401
Special education 654 1 17 26 26 35
Elementary 716,968 - 16,515 45,714 49,701 49,803
1st - 4th grade 357,964 - 16,515 45,714 49,701 49,803
5th - 6th grade 123,437 - - - - -
Graduate 235,567 - - - - -
High school 783,634 - - - - -
Undergraduate 351,613 - - - - -
Graduate 432,021 - - - - -
Postsecondary 32,639 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,678 - - - - -
Graduate 29,961 - - - - -
College undergraduate 227,681 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 219,908 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,376 - - - - -
Not stated 3,974 969 97 41 26 7


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
88 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 4,013,686 106,985 106,053 108,672 103,056 101,127

No grade completed 243,095 75,858 12,763 3,515 2,067 1,566
Preschool 125,443 29,722 72,228 17,015 2,930 1,032
Special education 616 - 16 23 34 30
Elementary 1,530,691 - 20,721 87,871 97,812 98,315
1st - 4th grade 832,668 - 20,721 87,871 97,812 98,315
5th - 6th grade 290,032 - - - - -
Graduate 407,991 - - - - -
High school 1,369,431 - - - - -
Undergraduate 618,665 - - - - -
Graduate 750,766 - - - - -
Postsecondary 78,517 - - - - -
Undergraduate 3,174 - - - - -
Graduate 75,343 - - - - -
College undergraduate 348,463 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 303,788 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 5,158 - - - - -
Not stated 8,484 1,405 325 248 213 184

Male 2,049,190 55,340 54,627 56,103 53,074 52,125

No grade completed 119,729 39,446 6,817 1,949 1,201 924
Preschool 65,716 15,186 37,390 9,275 1,739 615
Special education 357 - 13 18 19 17
Elementary 841,547 - 10,243 44,741 50,011 50,479
1st - 4th grade 466,220 - 10,243 44,741 50,011 50,479
5th - 6th grade 158,711 - - - - -
Graduate 216,616 - - - - -
High school 684,593 - - - - -
Undergraduate 312,174 - - - - -
Graduate 372,419 - - - - -
Postsecondary 35,771 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,671 - - - - -
Graduate 34,100 - - - - -
College undergraduate 164,033 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 131,145 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,052 - - - - -
Not stated 4,247 708 164 120 104 90

Female 1,964,496 51,645 51,426 52,569 49,982 49,002

No grade completed 123,366 36,412 5,946 1,566 866 642
Preschool 59,727 14,536 34,838 7,740 1,191 417
Special education 259 - 3 5 15 13
Elementary 689,144 - 10,478 43,130 47,801 47,836
1st - 4th grade 366,448 - 10,478 43,130 47,801 47,836
5th - 6th grade 131,321 - - - - -
Graduate 191,375 - - - - -
High school 684,838 - - - - -
Undergraduate 306,491 - - - - -
Graduate 378,347 - - - - -
Postsecondary 42,746 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,503 - - - - -
Graduate 41,243 - - - - -
College undergraduate 184,430 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 172,643 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,106 - - - - -
Not stated 4,237 697 161 128 109 94


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 89

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 2,287,658 61,758 61,627 62,064 58,932 59,070

No grade completed 76,961 43,517 5,140 1,099 599 450
Preschool 70,649 18,087 42,373 7,279 1,396 528
Special education 621 - 26 38 31 39
Elementary 913,413 - 14,082 53,647 56,906 58,053
1st - 4th grade 470,323 - 14,082 53,647 56,906 58,053
5th - 6th grade 177,514 - - - - -
Graduate 265,576 - - - - -
High school 802,291 - - - - -
Undergraduate 393,812 - - - - -
Graduate 408,479 - - - - -
Postsecondary 30,453 - - - - -
Undergraduate 2,142 - - - - -
Graduate 28,311 - - - - -
College undergraduate 198,710 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 191,114 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 3,127 - - - - -
Not stated 319 154 6 1 - -

Male 1,176,131 32,095 31,693 32,287 30,552 30,646

No grade completed 40,786 22,824 2,779 659 352 278
Preschool 37,213 9,194 21,900 4,282 889 341
Special education 346 - 17 18 19 22
Elementary 509,177 - 6,995 27,327 29,292 30,005
1st - 4th grade 271,471 - 6,995 27,327 29,292 30,005
5th - 6th grade 98,140 - - - - -
Graduate 139,566 - - - - -
High school 396,970 - - - - -
Undergraduate 195,566 - - - - -
Graduate 201,404 - - - - -
Postsecondary 14,343 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,158 - - - - -
Graduate 13,185 - - - - -
College undergraduate 94,019 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 81,944 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 1,104 - - - - -
Not stated 229 77 2 1 - -

Female 1,111,527 29,663 29,934 29,777 28,380 28,424

No grade completed 36,175 20,693 2,361 440 247 172
Preschool 33,436 8,893 20,473 2,997 507 187
Special education 275 - 9 20 12 17
Elementary 404,236 - 7,087 26,320 27,614 28,048
1st - 4th grade 198,852 - 7,087 26,320 27,614 28,048
5th - 6th grade 79,374 - - - - -
Graduate 126,010 - - - - -
High school 405,321 - - - - -
Undergraduate 198,246 - - - - -
Graduate 207,075 - - - - -
Postsecondary 16,110 - - - - -
Undergraduate 984 - - - - -
Graduate 15,126 - - - - -
College undergraduate 104,691 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 109,170 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 2,023 - - - - -
Not stated 90 77 4 - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
90 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Total Age
Highest Grade/Year Completed, Population
Sex, and Region 5 Years Old
and Over 5 6 7 8 9


Both sexes 3,244,254 110,458 109,654 114,267 112,831 107,118

No grade completed 459,606 78,557 39,656 14,033 7,980 5,883
Preschool 124,391 30,106 52,196 31,925 6,135 1,461
Special education 1,058 - - 1 - -
Elementary 1,426,430 - 16,896 67,533 98,077 99,218
1st - 4th grade 839,328 - 16,896 67,533 98,077 99,218
5th - 6th grade 350,386 - - - - -
Graduate 236,716 - - - - -
High school 792,732 - - - - -
Undergraduate 470,189 - - - - -
Graduate 322,543 - - - - -
Postsecondary 16,700 - - - - -
Undergraduate 1,272 - - - - -
Graduate 15,428 - - - - -
College undergraduate 266,738 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 135,792 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 1,544 - - - - -
Not stated 19,263 1,795 906 775 639 556

Male 1,613,102 55,552 55,106 57,306 56,985 54,333

No grade completed 229,063 39,535 19,984 7,143 4,094 3,115
Preschool 62,796 15,144 26,331 16,062 3,158 771
Special education 556 - - - - -
Elementary 734,914 - 8,342 33,703 49,392 50,154
1st - 4th grade 436,944 - 8,342 33,703 49,392 50,154
5th - 6th grade 179,104 - - - - -
Graduate 118,866 - - - - -
High school 382,093 - - - - -
Undergraduate 226,769 - - - - -
Graduate 155,324 - - - - -
Postsecondary 7,384 - - - - -
Undergraduate 642 - - - - -
Graduate 6,742 - - - - -
College undergraduate 127,115 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 59,074 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 747 - - - - -
Not stated 9,360 873 449 398 341 293

Female 1,631,152 54,906 54,548 56,961 55,846 52,785

No grade completed 230,543 39,022 19,672 6,890 3,886 2,768
Preschool 61,595 14,962 25,865 15,863 2,977 690
Special education 502 - - 1 - -
Elementary 691,516 - 8,554 33,830 48,685 49,064
1st - 4th grade 402,384 - 8,554 33,830 48,685 49,064
5th - 6th grade 171,282 - - - - -
Graduate 117,850 - - - - -
High school 410,639 - - - - -
Undergraduate 243,420 - - - - -
Graduate 167,219 - - - - -
Postsecondary 9,316 - - - - -
Undergraduate 630 - - - - -
Graduate 8,686 - - - - -
College undergraduate 139,623 - - - - -
Academic degree holder 76,718 - - - - -
Post baccalaureate 797 - - - - -
Not stated 9,903 922 457 377 298 263


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 91

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 2,193,001 2,085,930 2,094,826 2,030,127 2,090,058 2,204,033 1,966,921

No grade completed 18,797 14,269 14,255 13,580 14,826 24,842 29,416
Preschool 7,405 3,720 2,333 1,731 1,543 1,175 751
Special education 2,261 2,234 2,228 2,109 2,378 2,208 1,897
Elementary 2,163,197 2,064,557 1,805,625 957,753 468,839 339,609 250,434
1st - 4th grade 1,814,620 784,923 314,087 169,840 117,647 100,520 78,377
5th - 6th grade 348,577 1,024,813 595,798 210,009 107,351 74,080 55,833
Graduate - 254,821 895,740 577,904 243,841 165,009 116,224
High school - - 269,185 1,053,958 1,601,357 1,834,841 1,470,533
Undergraduate - - 269,185 1,053,958 1,601,357 1,709,696 870,818
Graduate - - - - - 125,145 599,715
Postsecondary - - - - - - 808
Undergraduate - - - - - - 808
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 211,456
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 1,341 1,150 1,200 996 1,115 1,358 1,626

Male 1,136,857 1,073,760 1,075,507 1,041,707 1,077,587 1,138,933 1,006,127

No grade completed 10,908 8,401 8,524 8,112 8,905 13,867 15,711
Preschool 4,517 2,325 1,421 1,050 948 752 490
Special education 1,398 1,389 1,323 1,267 1,420 1,321 1,119
Elementary 1,119,357 1,061,025 940,822 538,879 291,796 223,984 167,800
1st - 4th grade 954,305 447,324 195,450 111,233 80,034 71,044 56,383
5th - 6th grade 165,052 495,255 316,401 122,610 67,824 49,041 37,189
Graduate - 118,446 428,971 305,036 143,938 103,899 74,228
High school - - 122,831 491,935 773,973 898,355 728,792
Undergraduate - - 122,831 491,935 773,973 842,419 460,289
Graduate - - - - - 55,936 268,503
Postsecondary - - - - - - 378
Undergraduate - - - - - - 378
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 91,091
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 677 620 586 464 545 654 746

Female 1,056,144 1,012,170 1,019,319 988,420 1,012,471 1,065,100 960,794

No grade completed 7,889 5,868 5,731 5,468 5,921 10,975 13,705
Preschool 2,888 1,395 912 681 595 423 261
Special education 863 845 905 842 958 887 778
Elementary 1,043,840 1,003,532 864,803 418,874 177,043 115,625 82,634
1st - 4th grade 860,315 337,599 118,637 58,607 37,613 29,476 21,994
5th - 6th grade 183,525 529,558 279,397 87,399 39,527 25,039 18,644
Graduate - 136,375 466,769 272,868 99,903 61,110 41,996
High school - - 146,354 562,023 827,384 936,486 741,741
Undergraduate - - 146,354 562,023 827,384 867,277 410,529
Graduate - - - - - 69,209 331,212
Postsecondary - - - - - - 430
Undergraduate - - - - - - 430
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 120,365
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 664 530 614 532 570 704 880


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
92 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 231,143 221,476 227,156 224,416 231,401 242,754 229,716

No grade completed 710 571 540 568 573 2,021 3,360
Preschool 551 227 131 97 113 66 28
Special education 528 552 589 498 636 570 532
Elementary 228,962 219,807 187,229 82,566 30,749 18,258 12,718
1st - 4th grade 184,347 67,562 20,528 9,948 6,611 4,765 3,224
5th - 6th grade 44,615 115,178 56,155 13,890 6,176 3,714 2,828
Graduate - 37,067 110,546 58,728 17,962 9,779 6,666
High school - - 38,334 140,380 198,961 221,370 169,329
Undergraduate - - 38,334 140,380 198,961 199,622 81,598
Graduate - - - - - 21,748 87,731
Postsecondary - - - - - - 110
Undergraduate - - - - - - 110
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 42,886
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 392 319 333 307 369 469 753

Male 119,818 113,979 115,946 114,516 118,777 123,634 114,306

No grade completed 433 346 357 335 348 1,046 1,736
Preschool 329 139 79 52 64 41 18
Special education 347 364 356 308 400 354 323
Elementary 118,526 112,976 96,814 45,563 18,582 11,614 8,112
1st - 4th grade 96,713 37,846 12,518 6,349 4,320 3,203 2,246
5th - 6th grade 21,813 57,384 29,714 8,088 3,851 2,435 1,824
Graduate - 17,746 54,582 31,126 10,411 5,976 4,042
High school - - 18,183 68,126 99,181 110,358 84,541
Undergraduate - - 18,183 68,126 99,181 100,346 43,110
Graduate - - - - - 10,012 41,431
Postsecondary - - - - - - 49
Undergraduate - - - - - - 49
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 19,184
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 183 154 157 132 202 221 343

Female 111,325 107,497 111,210 109,900 112,624 119,120 115,410

No grade completed 277 225 183 233 225 975 1,624
Preschool 222 88 52 45 49 25 10
Special education 181 188 233 190 236 216 209
Elementary 110,436 106,831 90,415 37,003 12,167 6,644 4,606
1st - 4th grade 87,634 29,716 8,010 3,599 2,291 1,562 978
5th - 6th grade 22,802 57,794 26,441 5,802 2,325 1,279 1,004
Graduate - 19,321 55,964 27,602 7,551 3,803 2,624
High school - - 20,151 72,254 99,780 111,012 84,788
Undergraduate - - 20,151 72,254 99,780 99,276 38,488
Graduate - - - - - 11,736 46,300
Postsecondary - - - - - - 61
Undergraduate - - - - - - 61
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 23,702
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 209 165 176 175 167 248 410


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 93

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 34,834 35,722 35,190 35,445 35,197 35,509 34,834

No grade completed 148 142 134 161 161 223 280
Preschool 61 40 28 20 18 16 9
Special education 28 34 40 43 37 32 27
Elementary 34,597 35,506 30,689 15,198 6,637 4,116 3,134
1st - 4th grade 29,272 12,089 3,828 1,828 1,268 1,044 941
5th - 6th grade 5,325 19,152 10,017 3,116 1,395 879 617
Graduate - 4,265 16,844 10,254 3,974 2,193 1,576
High school - - 4,299 20,023 28,344 31,122 27,259
Undergraduate - - 4,299 20,023 28,344 28,726 14,185
Graduate - - - - - 2,396 13,074
Postsecondary - - - - - - 9
Undergraduate - - - - - - 9
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,116
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Male 18,128 18,309 18,078 18,018 18,020 18,392 17,582

No grade completed 97 92 98 101 102 131 169
Preschool 40 27 16 11 10 10 6
Special education 19 16 24 26 22 19 17
Elementary 17,972 18,174 16,029 8,756 4,394 3,071 2,396
1st - 4th grade 15,541 6,961 2,534 1,301 931 837 749
5th - 6th grade 2,431 9,327 5,488 1,943 974 664 461
Graduate - 1,886 8,007 5,512 2,489 1,570 1,186
High school - - 1,911 9,124 13,492 15,161 13,299
Undergraduate - - 1,911 9,124 13,492 14,214 7,886
Graduate - - - - - 947 5,413
Postsecondary - - - - - - 4
Undergraduate - - - - - - 4
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 1,691
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Female 16,706 17,413 17,112 17,427 17,177 17,117 17,252

No grade completed 51 50 36 60 59 92 111
Preschool 21 13 12 9 8 6 3
Special education 9 18 16 17 15 13 10
Elementary 16,625 17,332 14,660 6,442 2,243 1,045 738
1st - 4th grade 13,731 5,128 1,294 527 337 207 192
5th - 6th grade 2,894 9,825 4,529 1,173 421 215 156
Graduate - 2,379 8,837 4,742 1,485 623 390
High school - - 2,388 10,899 14,852 15,961 13,960
Undergraduate - - 2,388 10,899 14,852 14,512 6,299
Graduate - - - - - 1,449 7,661
Postsecondary - - - - - - 5
Undergraduate - - - - - - 5
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,425
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
94 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 103,840 100,606 100,042 96,468 101,362 104,807 91,924

No grade completed 343 380 355 336 392 1,107 1,034
Preschool 173 61 59 47 59 46 28
Special education 88 88 91 67 102 90 74
Elementary 103,236 100,077 85,638 35,625 13,602 8,362 6,427
1st - 4th grade 85,367 26,809 7,714 3,787 2,577 2,065 1,514
5th - 6th grade 17,869 59,329 23,420 5,690 2,578 1,457 1,143
Graduate - 13,939 54,504 26,148 8,447 4,840 3,770
High school - - 13,899 60,393 87,207 95,202 74,540
Undergraduate - - 13,899 60,393 87,207 87,601 31,394
Graduate - - - - - 7,601 43,146
Postsecondary - - - - - - 28
Undergraduate - - - - - - 28
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 9,793
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Male 54,202 52,215 51,876 50,055 52,597 55,075 47,775

No grade completed 201 228 217 208 242 583 536
Preschool 113 41 40 31 35 27 21
Special education 51 56 50 37 55 51 39
Elementary 53,837 51,890 45,043 20,601 8,823 5,939 4,658
1st - 4th grade 45,221 15,637 5,003 2,600 1,745 1,529 1,153
5th - 6th grade 8,616 29,631 13,042 3,564 1,687 1,039 838
Graduate - 6,622 26,998 14,437 5,391 3,371 2,667
High school - - 6,526 29,178 43,442 48,475 38,266
Undergraduate - - 6,526 29,178 43,442 44,858 17,700
Graduate - - - - - 3,617 20,566
Postsecondary - - - - - - 14
Undergraduate - - - - - - 14
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,241
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Female 49,638 48,391 48,166 46,413 48,765 49,732 44,149

No grade completed 142 152 138 128 150 524 498
Preschool 60 20 19 16 24 19 7
Special education 37 32 41 30 47 39 35
Elementary 49,399 48,187 40,595 15,024 4,779 2,423 1,769
1st - 4th grade 40,146 11,172 2,711 1,187 832 536 361
5th - 6th grade 9,253 29,698 10,378 2,126 891 418 305
Graduate - 7,317 27,506 11,711 3,056 1,469 1,103
High school - - 7,373 31,215 43,765 46,727 36,274
Undergraduate - - 7,373 31,215 43,765 42,743 13,694
Graduate - - - - - 3,984 22,580
Postsecondary - - - - - - 14
Undergraduate - - - - - - 14
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 5,552
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 95

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 70,560 68,261 67,801 64,469 66,876 70,379 63,302

No grade completed 413 336 352 335 381 545 615
Preschool 183 113 65 69 61 48 44
Special education 28 47 28 44 53 34 29
Elementary 69,936 67,764 55,236 23,343 11,304 9,070 7,297
1st - 4th grade 55,785 18,772 6,869 3,742 2,776 2,642 2,283
5th - 6th grade 14,151 38,529 14,857 4,508 2,235 1,692 1,382
Graduate - 10,463 33,510 15,093 6,293 4,736 3,632
High school - - 12,120 40,678 55,077 60,682 46,810
Undergraduate - - 12,120 40,678 55,077 54,863 22,903
Graduate - - - - - 5,819 23,907
Postsecondary - - - - - - 7
Undergraduate - - - - - - 7
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 8,500
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - 1 - - - - -

Male 36,654 35,298 35,035 33,224 34,828 36,551 32,869

No grade completed 251 220 211 204 254 364 335
Preschool 118 79 40 48 37 34 31
Special education 11 37 17 26 33 21 17
Elementary 36,274 34,961 29,278 13,724 7,484 6,302 5,228
1st - 4th grade 29,505 11,048 4,493 2,571 1,985 1,974 1,745
5th - 6th grade 6,769 19,072 8,263 2,797 1,519 1,206 994
Graduate - 4,841 16,522 8,356 3,980 3,122 2,489
High school - - 5,489 19,222 27,020 29,830 23,603
Undergraduate - - 5,489 19,222 27,020 27,311 12,584
Graduate - - - - - 2,519 11,019
Postsecondary - - - - - - 4
Undergraduate - - - - - - 4
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,651
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - 1 - - - - -

Female 33,906 32,963 32,766 31,245 32,048 33,828 30,433

No grade completed 162 116 141 131 127 181 280
Preschool 65 34 25 21 24 14 13
Special education 17 10 11 18 20 13 12
Elementary 33,662 32,803 25,958 9,619 3,820 2,768 2,069
1st - 4th grade 26,280 7,724 2,376 1,171 791 668 538
5th - 6th grade 7,382 19,457 6,594 1,711 716 486 388
Graduate - 5,622 16,988 6,737 2,313 1,614 1,143
High school - - 6,631 21,456 28,057 30,852 23,207
Undergraduate - - 6,631 21,456 28,057 27,552 10,319
Graduate - - - - - 3,300 12,888
Postsecondary - - - - - - 3
Undergraduate - - - - - - 3
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,849
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
96 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 229,860 219,175 222,162 215,474 224,840 235,136 208,177

No grade completed 1,089 870 923 895 1,027 2,449 3,051
Preschool 599 321 199 149 155 88 67
Special education 255 215 232 221 244 244 180
Elementary 227,912 217,657 179,812 77,881 35,154 25,795 19,592
1st - 4th grade 179,608 59,284 20,998 11,447 8,042 6,607 4,885
5th - 6th grade 48,304 119,258 47,736 14,119 6,985 4,755 3,492
Graduate - 39,115 111,078 52,315 20,127 14,433 11,215
High school - - 40,932 136,320 188,241 206,552 154,138
Undergraduate - - 40,932 136,320 188,241 184,929 73,226
Graduate - - - - - 21,623 80,912
Postsecondary - - - - - - 155
Undergraduate - - - - - - 155
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 30,978
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 5 112 64 8 19 8 16

Male 119,711 113,594 114,632 111,611 116,655 122,340 106,931

No grade completed 649 558 602 579 670 1,350 1,571
Preschool 363 188 109 85 99 61 44
Special education 153 131 143 131 139 149 116
Elementary 118,542 112,608 94,519 44,773 22,146 17,140 13,104
1st - 4th grade 95,012 34,401 13,176 7,467 5,373 4,598 3,480
5th - 6th grade 23,530 59,375 26,279 8,502 4,436 3,204 2,362
Graduate - 18,832 55,064 28,804 12,337 9,338 7,262
High school - - 19,252 66,037 93,588 103,636 78,312
Undergraduate - - 19,252 66,037 93,588 93,704 40,244
Graduate - - - - - 9,932 38,068
Postsecondary - - - - - - 83
Undergraduate - - - - - - 83
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 13,694
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 4 109 7 6 13 4 7

Female 110,149 105,581 107,530 103,863 108,185 112,796 101,246

No grade completed 440 312 321 316 357 1,099 1,480
Preschool 236 133 90 64 56 27 23
Special education 102 84 89 90 105 95 64
Elementary 109,370 105,049 85,293 33,108 13,008 8,655 6,488
1st - 4th grade 84,596 24,883 7,822 3,980 2,669 2,009 1,405
5th - 6th grade 24,774 59,883 21,457 5,617 2,549 1,551 1,130
Graduate - 20,283 56,014 23,511 7,790 5,095 3,953
High school - - 21,680 70,283 94,653 102,916 75,826
Undergraduate - - 21,680 70,283 94,653 91,225 32,982
Graduate - - - - - 11,691 42,844
Postsecondary - - - - - - 72
Undergraduate - - - - - - 72
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 17,284
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 1 3 57 2 6 4 9


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 97

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 290,975 279,328 282,112 278,449 285,328 296,973 268,081

No grade completed 1,275 1,050 1,025 1,046 1,192 2,425 3,531
Preschool 909 369 262 206 175 151 84
Special education 465 432 464 435 460 442 359
Elementary 288,305 277,455 234,409 109,432 50,034 33,553 24,199
1st - 4th grade 231,146 88,466 32,619 17,621 12,077 9,600 6,955
5th - 6th grade 57,159 144,838 68,462 21,265 10,738 6,815 5,141
Graduate - 44,151 133,328 70,546 27,219 17,138 12,103
High school - - 45,915 167,312 233,459 260,389 200,324
Undergraduate - - 45,915 167,312 233,459 234,340 101,553
Graduate - - - - - 26,049 98,771
Postsecondary - - - - - - 172
Undergraduate - - - - - - 172
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 39,398
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 21 22 37 18 8 13 14

Male 151,778 144,032 144,918 142,380 147,577 154,449 136,744

No grade completed 782 649 644 653 726 1,370 1,883
Preschool 544 217 158 119 97 93 48
Special education 301 269 281 280 279 269 213
Elementary 150,139 142,885 122,480 61,692 31,147 22,273 16,170
1st - 4th grade 122,497 50,517 20,291 11,459 8,175 6,730 4,991
5th - 6th grade 27,642 71,234 37,047 12,431 6,805 4,548 3,482
Graduate - 21,134 65,142 37,802 16,167 10,995 7,697
High school - - 21,335 79,627 115,325 130,439 100,574
Undergraduate - - 21,335 79,627 115,325 118,430 55,101
Graduate - - - - - 12,009 45,473
Postsecondary - - - - - - 78
Undergraduate - - - - - - 78
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 17,769
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 12 12 20 9 3 5 9

Female 139,197 135,296 137,194 136,069 137,751 142,524 131,337

No grade completed 493 401 381 393 466 1,055 1,648
Preschool 365 152 104 87 78 58 36
Special education 164 163 183 155 181 173 146
Elementary 138,166 134,570 111,929 47,740 18,887 11,280 8,029
1st - 4th grade 108,649 37,949 12,328 6,162 3,902 2,870 1,964
5th - 6th grade 29,517 73,604 31,415 8,834 3,933 2,267 1,659
Graduate - 23,017 68,186 32,744 11,052 6,143 4,406
High school - - 24,580 87,685 118,134 129,950 99,750
Undergraduate - - 24,580 87,685 118,134 115,910 46,452
Graduate - - - - - 14,040 53,298
Postsecondary - - - - - - 94
Undergraduate - - - - - - 94
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 21,629
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 9 10 17 9 5 8 5


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
98 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 71,304 68,295 68,489 66,172 69,784 72,266 62,566

No grade completed 1,097 836 844 706 768 1,058 920
Preschool 363 174 117 76 75 43 32
Special education 63 60 68 49 43 50 43
Elementary 69,781 67,223 60,453 32,563 17,558 13,437 10,110
1st - 4th grade 59,908 25,854 11,480 6,456 4,698 4,161 3,364
5th - 6th grade 9,873 34,329 19,003 7,108 3,922 3,004 2,087
Graduate - 7,040 29,970 18,999 8,938 6,272 4,659
High school - - 7,007 32,778 51,340 57,678 47,308
Undergraduate - - 7,007 32,778 51,340 54,882 28,404
Graduate - - - - - 2,796 18,904
Postsecondary - - - - - - 20
Undergraduate - - - - - - 20
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,133
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - 2 - - - - -

Male 36,968 35,220 35,304 34,077 36,079 37,369 32,516

No grade completed 624 447 490 396 443 566 491
Preschool 218 105 60 50 50 26 20
Special education 42 41 43 22 30 25 23
Elementary 36,084 34,626 31,566 18,567 11,014 8,775 6,715
1st - 4th grade 31,526 14,998 7,085 4,197 3,154 2,863 2,348
5th - 6th grade 4,558 16,444 10,276 4,237 2,514 1,926 1,428
Graduate - 3,184 14,205 10,133 5,346 3,986 2,939
High school - - 3,145 15,042 24,542 27,977 23,572
Undergraduate - - 3,145 15,042 24,542 26,761 15,291
Graduate - - - - - 1,216 8,281
Postsecondary - - - - - - 10
Undergraduate - - - - - - 10
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 1,685
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - 1 - - - - -

Female 34,336 33,075 33,185 32,095 33,705 34,897 30,050

No grade completed 473 389 354 310 325 492 429
Preschool 145 69 57 26 25 17 12
Special education 21 19 25 27 13 25 20
Elementary 33,697 32,597 28,887 13,996 6,544 4,662 3,395
1st - 4th grade 28,382 10,856 4,395 2,259 1,544 1,298 1,016
5th - 6th grade 5,315 17,885 8,727 2,871 1,408 1,078 659
Graduate - 3,856 15,765 8,866 3,592 2,286 1,720
High school - - 3,862 17,736 26,798 29,701 23,736
Undergraduate - - 3,862 17,736 26,798 28,121 13,113
Graduate - - - - - 1,580 10,623
Postsecondary - - - - - - 10
Undergraduate - - - - - - 10
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,448
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - 1 - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 99

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 145,569 143,544 143,567 134,937 141,146 144,715 128,390

No grade completed 673 601 540 514 642 709 764
Preschool 425 225 133 87 90 72 50
Special education 124 129 109 96 143 135 107
Elementary 144,344 142,587 130,637 74,692 37,757 25,488 18,403
1st - 4th grade 126,596 61,341 24,702 11,680 7,514 5,517 4,187
5th - 6th grade 17,748 69,054 47,074 17,346 8,441 5,421 3,648
Graduate - 12,192 58,861 45,666 21,802 14,550 10,568
High school - - 12,148 59,548 102,514 118,311 101,453
Undergraduate - - 12,148 59,548 102,514 113,004 67,545
Graduate - - - - - 5,307 33,908
Postsecondary - - - - - - 92
Undergraduate - - - - - - 92
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 7,521
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 3 2 - - - - -

Male 75,676 73,916 73,859 69,771 73,169 75,744 67,072

No grade completed 420 357 338 308 374 444 417
Preschool 261 152 93 49 51 45 30
Special education 70 76 63 57 87 75 53
Elementary 74,924 73,329 68,144 42,862 24,336 17,859 13,115
1st - 4th grade 66,916 35,805 15,972 8,088 5,376 4,156 3,200
5th - 6th grade 8,008 32,235 25,018 10,602 5,617 3,873 2,634
Graduate - 5,289 27,154 24,172 13,343 9,830 7,281
High school - - 5,221 26,495 48,321 57,321 50,464
Undergraduate - - 5,221 26,495 48,321 55,093 36,102
Graduate - - - - - 2,228 14,362
Postsecondary - - - - - - 42
Undergraduate - - - - - - 42
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,951
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 1 2 - - - - -

Female 69,893 69,628 69,708 65,166 67,977 68,971 61,318

No grade completed 253 244 202 206 268 265 347
Preschool 164 73 40 38 39 27 20
Special education 54 53 46 39 56 60 54
Elementary 69,420 69,258 62,493 31,830 13,421 7,629 5,288
1st - 4th grade 59,680 25,536 8,730 3,592 2,138 1,361 987
5th - 6th grade 9,740 36,819 22,056 6,744 2,824 1,548 1,014
Graduate - 6,903 31,707 21,494 8,459 4,720 3,287
High school - - 6,927 33,053 54,193 60,990 50,989
Undergraduate - - 6,927 33,053 54,193 57,911 31,443
Graduate - - - - - 3,079 19,546
Postsecondary - - - - - - 50
Undergraduate - - - - - - 50
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,570
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 2 - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
100 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 157,130 152,840 152,660 149,689 155,365 163,912 144,236

No grade completed 707 626 586 613 763 979 1,135
Preschool 391 232 156 125 111 81 76
Special education 167 150 142 161 164 159 136
Elementary 155,856 151,830 137,121 82,565 38,017 26,772 18,553
1st - 4th grade 136,277 67,436 24,974 13,346 9,081 8,003 6,244
5th - 6th grade 19,579 71,764 51,776 17,720 8,924 6,139 4,232
Graduate - 12,630 60,371 51,499 20,012 12,630 8,077
High school - - 14,644 66,220 116,308 135,915 113,527
Undergraduate - - 14,644 66,220 116,308 130,669 75,733
Graduate - - - - - 5,246 37,794
Postsecondary - - - - - - 69
Undergraduate - - - - - - 69
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 10,732
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 9 2 11 5 2 6 8

Male 81,381 78,859 78,437 77,170 80,294 85,267 74,710

No grade completed 445 369 376 389 488 600 633
Preschool 240 153 103 81 65 51 55
Special education 103 89 69 81 91 85 75
Elementary 80,586 78,247 71,369 46,693 24,390 18,497 13,195
1st - 4th grade 71,587 38,796 16,173 9,318 6,561 6,030 4,832
5th - 6th grade 8,999 33,719 27,186 10,728 5,878 4,309 2,981
Graduate - 5,732 28,010 26,647 11,951 8,158 5,382
High school - - 6,512 29,923 55,259 66,032 56,392
Undergraduate - - 6,512 29,923 55,259 63,807 40,245
Graduate - - - - - 2,225 16,147
Postsecondary - - - - - - 35
Undergraduate - - - - - - 35
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,318
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 7 1 8 3 1 2 7

Female 75,749 73,981 74,223 72,519 75,071 78,645 69,526

No grade completed 262 257 210 224 275 379 502
Preschool 151 79 53 44 46 30 21
Special education 64 61 73 80 73 74 61
Elementary 75,270 73,583 65,752 35,872 13,627 8,275 5,358
1st - 4th grade 64,690 28,640 8,801 4,028 2,520 1,973 1,412
5th - 6th grade 10,580 38,045 24,590 6,992 3,046 1,830 1,251
Graduate - 6,898 32,361 24,852 8,061 4,472 2,695
High school - - 8,132 36,297 61,049 69,883 57,135
Undergraduate - - 8,132 36,297 61,049 66,862 35,488
Graduate - - - - - 3,021 21,647
Postsecondary - - - - - - 34
Undergraduate - - - - - - 34
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,414
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 2 1 3 2 1 4 1


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 101

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 157,359 154,669 153,624 150,866 154,512 160,408 139,848

No grade completed 900 799 820 780 857 964 779
Preschool 480 289 183 129 117 89 65
Special education 159 173 156 176 170 126 131
Elementary 155,801 153,387 135,769 75,413 39,001 27,937 19,814
1st - 4th grade 133,355 61,184 25,892 14,194 10,200 8,540 6,459
5th - 6th grade 22,446 77,516 45,992 16,940 8,815 6,073 4,051
Graduate - 14,687 63,885 44,279 19,986 13,324 9,304
High school - - 16,670 74,352 114,350 131,270 108,198
Undergraduate - - 16,670 74,352 114,350 125,516 67,066
Graduate - - - - - 5,754 41,132
Postsecondary - - - - - - 15
Undergraduate - - - - - - 15
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 10,832
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 19 21 26 16 17 22 14

Male 81,398 80,001 78,964 77,416 79,502 82,975 71,687

No grade completed 557 538 527 510 554 635 508
Preschool 304 189 115 86 81 60 46
Special education 96 104 86 101 105 83 87
Elementary 80,429 79,162 70,775 43,297 25,293 19,416 13,856
1st - 4th grade 70,082 35,830 16,851 9,787 7,380 6,473 4,930
5th - 6th grade 10,347 36,731 24,229 10,017 5,813 4,236 2,873
Graduate - 6,601 29,695 23,493 12,100 8,707 6,053
High school - - 7,440 33,414 53,459 62,769 52,721
Undergraduate - - 7,440 33,414 53,459 60,309 35,523
Graduate - - - - - 2,460 17,198
Postsecondary - - - - - - 4
Undergraduate - - - - - - 4
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,461
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 12 8 21 8 10 12 4

Female 75,961 74,668 74,660 73,450 75,010 77,433 68,161

No grade completed 343 261 293 270 303 329 271
Preschool 176 100 68 43 36 29 19
Special education 63 69 70 75 65 43 44
Elementary 75,372 74,225 64,994 32,116 13,708 8,521 5,958
1st - 4th grade 63,273 25,354 9,041 4,407 2,820 2,067 1,529
5th - 6th grade 12,099 40,785 21,763 6,923 3,002 1,837 1,178
Graduate - 8,086 34,190 20,786 7,886 4,617 3,251
High school - - 9,230 40,938 60,891 68,501 55,477
Undergraduate - - 9,230 40,938 60,891 65,207 31,543
Graduate - - - - - 3,294 23,934
Postsecondary - - - - - - 11
Undergraduate - - - - - - 11
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,371
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 7 13 5 8 7 10 10


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
102 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 106,040 103,106 103,757 98,357 102,291 110,182 97,793

No grade completed 749 629 604 549 672 762 608
Preschool 446 248 155 106 91 77 44
Special education 41 44 28 36 36 29 27
Elementary 104,804 102,185 91,266 50,708 27,356 21,473 16,653
1st - 4th grade 87,959 40,403 17,461 9,383 6,663 6,036 5,056
5th - 6th grade 16,845 52,412 35,081 13,458 6,919 4,907 3,700
Graduate - 9,370 38,724 27,867 13,774 10,530 7,897
High school - - 11,703 46,958 74,136 87,841 73,877
Undergraduate - - 11,703 46,958 74,136 83,482 49,020
Graduate - - - - - 4,359 24,857
Postsecondary - - - - - - 3
Undergraduate - - - - - - 3
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,581
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - 1 - - - -

Male 54,930 52,967 53,481 50,805 53,275 57,624 51,086

No grade completed 487 400 398 361 436 502 414
Preschool 273 185 103 72 61 53 28
Special education 21 28 18 23 20 14 16
Elementary 54,149 52,354 47,936 29,197 17,680 14,761 11,797
1st - 4th grade 46,531 23,605 11,341 6,429 4,826 4,519 3,905
5th - 6th grade 7,618 24,617 18,744 8,039 4,560 3,360 2,609
Graduate - 4,132 17,851 14,729 8,294 6,882 5,283
High school - - 5,025 21,152 35,078 42,294 36,257
Undergraduate - - 5,025 21,152 35,078 40,574 25,943
Graduate - - - - - 1,720 10,314
Postsecondary - - - - - - 2
Undergraduate - - - - - - 2
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,572
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - 1 - - - -

Female 51,110 50,139 50,276 47,552 49,016 52,558 46,707

No grade completed 262 229 206 188 236 260 194
Preschool 173 63 52 34 30 24 16
Special education 20 16 10 13 16 15 11
Elementary 50,655 49,831 43,330 21,511 9,676 6,712 4,856
1st - 4th grade 41,428 16,798 6,120 2,954 1,837 1,517 1,151
5th - 6th grade 9,227 27,795 16,337 5,419 2,359 1,547 1,091
Graduate - 5,238 20,873 13,138 5,480 3,648 2,614
High school - - 6,678 25,806 39,058 45,547 37,620
Undergraduate - - 6,678 25,806 39,058 42,908 23,077
Graduate - - - - - 2,639 14,543
Postsecondary - - - - - - 1
Undergraduate - - - - - - 1
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,009
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 103

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 87,816 82,399 81,567 77,107 78,878 85,539 75,478

No grade completed 812 603 566 526 605 875 1,115
Preschool 331 188 106 65 52 59 26
Special education 68 68 64 52 62 66 61
Elementary 86,604 81,539 72,519 44,385 25,356 20,640 15,382
1st - 4th grade 74,949 39,214 18,537 10,614 7,418 6,610 5,144
5th - 6th grade 11,655 35,469 27,959 12,301 7,064 5,326 3,978
Graduate - 6,856 26,023 21,470 10,874 8,704 6,260
High school - - 8,312 32,079 52,803 63,899 52,847
Undergraduate - - 8,312 32,079 52,803 61,340 38,707
Graduate - - - - - 2,559 14,140
Postsecondary - - - - - - 13
Undergraduate - - - - - - 13
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,034
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 1 1 - - - - -

Male 45,543 42,357 41,845 39,516 40,332 43,925 38,376

No grade completed 484 382 345 335 366 485 607
Preschool 203 108 62 37 31 40 14
Special education 40 40 42 28 38 40 37
Elementary 44,815 41,826 37,700 24,728 15,246 13,139 9,914
1st - 4th grade 39,502 22,184 11,359 6,829 4,902 4,551 3,616
5th - 6th grade 5,313 16,626 14,433 6,940 4,183 3,388 2,553
Graduate - 3,016 11,908 10,959 6,161 5,200 3,745
High school - - 3,696 14,388 24,651 30,221 25,357
Undergraduate - - 3,696 14,388 24,651 29,219 19,617
Graduate - - - - - 1,002 5,740
Postsecondary - - - - - - 3
Undergraduate - - - - - - 3
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,444
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 1 1 - - - - -

Female 42,273 40,042 39,722 37,591 38,546 41,614 37,102

No grade completed 328 221 221 191 239 390 508
Preschool 128 80 44 28 21 19 12
Special education 28 28 22 24 24 26 24
Elementary 41,789 39,713 34,819 19,657 10,110 7,501 5,468
1st - 4th grade 35,447 17,030 7,178 3,785 2,516 2,059 1,528
5th - 6th grade 6,342 18,843 13,526 5,361 2,881 1,938 1,425
Graduate - 3,840 14,115 10,511 4,713 3,504 2,515
High school - - 4,616 17,691 28,152 33,678 27,490
Undergraduate - - 4,616 17,691 28,152 32,121 19,090
Graduate - - - - - 1,557 8,400
Postsecondary - - - - - - 10
Undergraduate - - - - - - 10
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,590
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
104 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 109,975 104,121 100,633 96,653 98,568 105,046 93,892

No grade completed 990 805 696 683 675 852 726
Preschool 587 300 178 124 103 75 30
Special education 85 80 66 90 77 89 73
Elementary 108,313 102,936 90,126 54,432 28,839 22,319 16,555
1st - 4th grade 95,578 49,500 20,560 11,611 8,253 7,136 5,579
5th - 6th grade 12,735 44,411 32,455 12,408 6,831 5,204 3,664
Graduate - 9,025 37,111 30,413 13,755 9,979 7,312
High school - - 9,567 41,324 68,874 81,711 70,144
Undergraduate - - 9,567 41,324 68,874 78,432 47,619
Graduate - - - - - 3,279 22,525
Postsecondary - - - - - - 14
Undergraduate - - - - - - 14
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,350
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Male 56,732 53,250 51,779 49,329 50,590 53,581 47,939

No grade completed 605 492 423 418 437 504 441
Preschool 366 182 126 79 70 52 16
Special education 46 44 42 59 37 52 37
Elementary 55,715 52,532 47,044 30,405 17,953 14,439 10,974
1st - 4th grade 49,874 28,018 12,837 7,637 5,696 5,065 4,029
5th - 6th grade 5,841 20,560 17,075 7,114 4,308 3,359 2,440
Graduate - 3,954 17,132 15,654 7,949 6,015 4,505
High school - - 4,144 18,368 32,093 38,534 33,888
Undergraduate - - 4,144 18,368 32,093 37,138 24,426
Graduate - - - - - 1,396 9,462
Postsecondary - - - - - - 7
Undergraduate - - - - - - 7
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,576
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Female 53,243 50,871 48,854 47,324 47,978 51,465 45,953

No grade completed 385 313 273 265 238 348 285
Preschool 221 118 52 45 33 23 14
Special education 39 36 24 31 40 37 36
Elementary 52,598 50,404 43,082 24,027 10,886 7,880 5,581
1st - 4th grade 45,704 21,482 7,723 3,974 2,557 2,071 1,550
5th - 6th grade 6,894 23,851 15,380 5,294 2,523 1,845 1,224
Graduate - 5,071 19,979 14,759 5,806 3,964 2,807
High school - - 5,423 22,956 36,781 43,177 36,256
Undergraduate - - 5,423 22,956 36,781 41,294 23,193
Graduate - - - - - 1,883 13,063
Postsecondary - - - - - - 7
Undergraduate - - - - - - 7
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,774
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 105

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 105,238 103,278 100,140 98,341 98,299 103,177 94,290

No grade completed 797 657 672 602 662 871 726
Preschool 505 252 154 128 102 82 45
Special education 83 82 79 73 87 78 68
Elementary 103,839 102,261 85,686 51,825 28,839 21,999 16,160
1st - 4th grade 84,090 42,763 19,916 11,677 8,266 7,102 5,636
5th - 6th grade 19,749 46,105 28,699 12,392 7,071 5,065 3,560
Graduate - 13,393 37,071 27,756 13,502 9,832 6,964
High school - - 13,529 45,700 68,589 80,117 68,185
Undergraduate - - 13,529 45,700 68,589 77,402 49,802
Graduate - - - - - 2,715 18,383
Postsecondary - - - - - - 38
Undergraduate - - - - - - 38
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 8,880
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 14 26 20 13 20 30 188

Male 54,674 53,152 50,935 50,249 50,247 53,126 48,144

No grade completed 506 421 402 380 396 515 418
Preschool 337 145 91 81 64 59 30
Special education 49 48 48 43 51 51 41
Elementary 53,775 52,527 44,429 29,090 17,667 14,341 10,796
1st - 4th grade 44,549 24,566 12,351 7,614 5,639 5,099 4,101
5th - 6th grade 9,226 21,920 15,009 7,143 4,356 3,334 2,368
Graduate - 6,041 17,069 14,333 7,672 5,908 4,327
High school - - 5,956 20,652 32,064 38,150 33,156
Undergraduate - - 5,956 20,652 32,064 36,984 25,500
Graduate - - - - - 1,166 7,656
Postsecondary - - - - - - 14
Undergraduate - - - - - - 14
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,612
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 7 11 9 3 5 10 77

Female 50,564 50,126 49,205 48,092 48,052 50,051 46,146

No grade completed 291 236 270 222 266 356 308
Preschool 168 107 63 47 38 23 15
Special education 34 34 31 30 36 27 27
Elementary 50,064 49,734 41,257 22,735 11,172 7,658 5,364
1st - 4th grade 39,541 18,197 7,565 4,063 2,627 2,003 1,535
5th - 6th grade 10,523 24,185 13,690 5,249 2,715 1,731 1,192
Graduate - 7,352 20,002 13,423 5,830 3,924 2,637
High school - - 7,573 25,048 36,525 41,967 35,029
Undergraduate - - 7,573 25,048 36,525 40,418 24,302
Graduate - - - - - 1,549 10,727
Postsecondary - - - - - - 24
Undergraduate - - - - - - 24
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 5,268
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 7 15 11 10 15 20 111


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
106 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 105,303 98,781 99,634 95,239 97,455 105,554 93,296

No grade completed 1,529 1,099 1,154 1,079 1,140 1,842 1,990
Preschool 520 291 180 124 105 78 67
Special education 29 32 31 28 25 27 25
Elementary 102,999 97,223 89,421 54,038 29,184 23,705 18,064
1st - 4th grade 91,183 45,335 20,545 11,757 8,388 8,066 6,585
5th - 6th grade 11,816 43,276 32,260 12,524 7,112 5,537 4,518
Graduate - 8,612 36,616 29,757 13,684 10,102 6,961
High school - - 8,680 39,849 66,823 79,686 66,454
Undergraduate - - 8,680 39,849 66,823 76,373 46,246
Graduate - - - - - 3,313 20,208
Postsecondary - - - - - - 23
Undergraduate - - - - - - 23
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 6,497
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 226 136 168 121 178 216 176

Male 54,465 50,627 51,039 48,458 49,783 53,632 47,268

No grade completed 881 648 680 657 721 999 1,061
Preschool 318 182 104 68 71 43 44
Special education 20 21 17 15 11 16 13
Elementary 53,127 49,708 46,351 29,627 17,554 14,713 11,324
1st - 4th grade 47,631 25,183 12,426 7,354 5,475 5,379 4,467
5th - 6th grade 5,496 20,667 16,765 6,996 4,383 3,429 2,800
Graduate - 3,858 17,160 15,277 7,696 5,905 4,057
High school - - 3,801 18,028 31,345 37,757 32,032
Undergraduate - - 3,801 18,028 31,345 36,309 23,580
Graduate - - - - - 1,448 8,452
Postsecondary - - - - - - 14
Undergraduate - - - - - - 14
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,696
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 119 68 86 63 81 104 84

Female 50,838 48,154 48,595 46,781 47,672 51,922 46,028

No grade completed 648 451 474 422 419 843 929
Preschool 202 109 76 56 34 35 23
Special education 9 11 14 13 14 11 12
Elementary 49,872 47,515 43,070 24,411 11,630 8,992 6,740
1st - 4th grade 43,552 20,152 8,119 4,403 2,913 2,687 2,118
5th - 6th grade 6,320 22,609 15,495 5,528 2,729 2,108 1,718
Graduate - 4,754 19,456 14,480 5,988 4,197 2,904
High school - - 4,879 21,821 35,478 41,929 34,422
Undergraduate - - 4,879 21,821 35,478 40,064 22,666
Graduate - - - - - 1,865 11,756
Postsecondary - - - - - - 9
Undergraduate - - - - - - 9
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,801
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 107 68 82 58 97 112 92


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 107

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 61,100 58,577 57,559 55,405 57,273 60,971 52,630

No grade completed 400 328 353 325 324 446 506
Preschool 258 130 79 49 45 30 25
Special education 50 46 39 39 36 32 16
Elementary 60,392 58,073 51,390 29,361 15,496 11,739 8,453
1st - 4th grade 51,954 23,472 9,931 5,611 3,999 3,483 2,735
5th - 6th grade 8,438 28,649 16,882 6,401 3,629 2,731 2,038
Graduate - 5,952 24,577 17,349 7,868 5,525 3,680
High school - - 5,698 25,631 41,372 48,724 40,181
Undergraduate - - 5,698 25,631 41,372 46,792 27,429
Graduate - - - - - 1,932 12,752
Postsecondary - - - - - - 12
Undergraduate - - - - - - 12
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 3,437
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Male 31,679 30,139 29,686 28,548 29,591 31,691 27,258

No grade completed 247 202 218 193 209 268 276
Preschool 154 92 48 30 22 21 21
Special education 29 25 23 29 20 14 8
Elementary 31,249 29,820 26,857 16,710 9,906 7,952 5,876
1st - 4th grade 27,416 13,679 6,422 3,811 2,871 2,612 2,066
5th - 6th grade 3,833 13,408 8,976 3,841 2,366 1,774 1,412
Graduate - 2,733 11,459 9,058 4,669 3,566 2,398
High school - - 2,540 11,586 19,434 23,436 19,652
Undergraduate - - 2,540 11,586 19,434 22,620 14,252
Graduate - - - - - 816 5,400
Postsecondary - - - - - - 6
Undergraduate - - - - - - 6
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 1,419
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -

Female 29,421 28,438 27,873 26,857 27,682 29,280 25,372

No grade completed 153 126 135 132 115 178 230
Preschool 104 38 31 19 23 9 4
Special education 21 21 16 10 16 18 8
Elementary 29,143 28,253 24,533 12,651 5,590 3,787 2,577
1st - 4th grade 24,538 9,793 3,509 1,800 1,128 871 669
5th - 6th grade 4,605 15,241 7,906 2,560 1,263 957 626
Graduate - 3,219 13,118 8,291 3,199 1,959 1,282
High school - - 3,158 14,045 21,938 25,288 20,529
Undergraduate - - 3,158 14,045 21,938 24,172 13,177
Graduate - - - - - 1,116 7,352
Postsecondary - - - - - - 6
Undergraduate - - - - - - 6
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,018
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
108 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Both sexes 124,955 91,752 98,733 92,640 91,483 106,705 88,468

No grade completed 6,165 3,937 4,091 3,862 3,992 6,714 8,276
Preschool 623 260 148 130 71 74 31
Special education - 2 2 1 3 5 9
Elementary 117,516 87,047 88,224 63,726 33,956 24,946 18,920
1st - 4th grade 107,246 55,439 27,533 15,138 9,816 9,143 7,586
5th - 6th grade 10,270 25,544 37,970 18,823 8,516 5,361 5,754
Graduate - 6,064 22,721 29,765 15,624 10,442 5,580
High school - - 5,728 24,413 52,959 74,372 55,959
Undergraduate - - 5,728 24,413 52,959 71,723 48,388
Graduate - - - - - 2,649 7,571
Postsecondary - - - - - - 28
Undergraduate - - - - - - 28
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 4,788
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 651 506 540 508 502 594 457

Male 63,120 45,845 49,693 46,564 46,271 53,558 43,864

No grade completed 3,239 2,052 2,198 2,085 2,139 3,505 4,215
Preschool 336 141 74 71 40 36 18
Special education - - 1 1 2 3 4
Elementary 59,214 43,400 44,488 32,594 18,181 13,753 10,570
1st - 4th grade 54,202 28,250 14,618 8,422 5,625 5,426 4,525
5th - 6th grade 5,012 12,305 18,857 9,628 4,574 2,957 3,130
Graduate - 2,845 11,013 14,544 7,982 5,370 2,915
High school - - 2,655 11,573 25,679 35,965 26,706
Undergraduate - - 2,655 11,573 25,679 34,742 23,185
Graduate - - - - - 1,223 3,521
Postsecondary - - - - - - 9
Undergraduate - - - - - - 9
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,127
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 331 252 277 240 230 296 215

Female 61,835 45,907 49,040 46,076 45,212 53,147 44,604

No grade completed 2,926 1,885 1,893 1,777 1,853 3,209 4,061
Preschool 287 119 74 59 31 38 13
Special education - 2 1 - 1 2 5
Elementary 58,302 43,647 43,736 31,132 15,775 11,193 8,350
1st - 4th grade 53,044 27,189 12,915 6,716 4,191 3,717 3,061
5th - 6th grade 5,258 13,239 19,113 9,195 3,942 2,404 2,624
Graduate - 3,219 11,708 15,221 7,642 5,072 2,665
High school - - 3,073 12,840 27,280 38,407 29,253
Undergraduate - - 3,073 12,840 27,280 36,981 25,203
Graduate - - - - - 1,426 4,050
Postsecondary - - - - - - 19
Undergraduate - - - - - - 19
Graduate - - - - - - -
College undergraduate - - - - - - 2,661
Academic degree holder - - - - - - -
Post baccalaureate - - - - - - -
Not stated 320 254 263 268 272 298 242


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 109

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 2,037,137 2,035,409 1,947,685 9,467,494 8,360,447 7,341,894 33,462,490

No grade completed 23,673 20,669 17,587 85,289 84,661 87,618 792,625
Preschool 653 599 532 2,366 1,703 1,306 6,435
Special education 1,914 1,821 1,689 6,832 4,040 2,452 4,868
Elementary 249,033 249,375 242,193 1,290,447 1,261,685 1,265,067 10,971,592
1st - 4th grade 80,297 82,759 81,041 427,505 409,738 425,137 3,708,019
5th - 6th grade 55,358 55,620 53,217 278,638 268,453 255,525 1,779,281
Graduate 113,378 110,996 107,935 584,304 583,494 584,405 5,484,292
High school 1,124,130 928,187 848,149 4,160,169 3,846,480 3,308,554 12,414,118
Undergraduate 464,607 324,771 263,685 1,115,272 960,621 823,447 3,278,041
Graduate 659,523 603,416 584,464 3,044,897 2,885,859 2,485,107 9,136,077
Postsecondary 2,890 8,709 33,149 292,735 297,482 231,010 943,885
Undergraduate 2,837 4,978 2,881 16,557 14,453 11,511 39,808
Graduate 53 3,731 30,268 276,178 283,029 219,499 904,077
College undergraduate 632,971 816,237 749,707 1,982,253 1,106,838 917,278 3,064,913
Academic degree holder - - 52,722 1,634,828 1,740,747 1,501,270 5,119,770
Post baccalaureate - - - 4,600 9,667 12,531 109,680
Not stated 1,873 9,812 1,957 7,975 7,144 14,808 34,604

Male 1,042,265 1,030,597 984,317 4,795,772 4,252,817 3,755,963 16,470,431

No grade completed 13,485 11,850 10,255 49,376 47,254 48,121 370,605
Preschool 427 398 378 1,543 1,040 810 3,433
Special education 1,147 1,035 946 3,800 2,141 1,317 2,490
Elementary 169,480 167,557 161,827 848,225 808,977 786,677 5,504,556
1st - 4th grade 58,783 59,899 58,320 304,886 282,467 285,114 2,034,516
5th - 6th grade 37,707 37,136 35,389 181,033 169,798 156,214 899,148
Graduate 72,990 70,522 68,118 362,306 356,712 345,349 2,570,892
High school 581,963 483,999 440,853 2,130,241 1,952,732 1,688,829 6,250,694
Undergraduate 265,691 188,210 150,840 616,697 527,320 446,139 1,626,193
Graduate 316,272 295,789 290,013 1,513,544 1,425,412 1,242,690 4,624,501
Postsecondary 1,369 3,870 15,158 134,768 140,450 112,737 375,219
Undergraduate 1,352 2,359 1,415 8,177 7,291 5,993 19,016
Graduate 17 1,511 13,743 126,591 133,159 106,744 356,203
College undergraduate 273,549 355,991 330,769 955,915 524,295 444,013 1,595,556
Academic degree holder - - 23,248 666,232 768,429 657,266 2,303,075
Post baccalaureate - - - 1,851 3,993 4,825 44,089
Not stated 845 5,897 883 3,821 3,506 11,368 20,714

Female 994,872 1,004,812 963,368 4,671,722 4,107,630 3,585,931 16,992,059

No grade completed 10,188 8,819 7,332 35,913 37,407 39,497 422,020
Preschool 226 201 154 823 663 496 3,002
Special education 767 786 743 3,032 1,899 1,135 2,378
Elementary 79,553 81,818 80,366 442,222 452,708 478,390 5,467,036
1st - 4th grade 21,514 22,860 22,721 122,619 127,271 140,023 1,673,503
5th - 6th grade 17,651 18,484 17,828 97,605 98,655 99,311 880,133
Graduate 40,388 40,474 39,817 221,998 226,782 239,056 2,913,400
High school 542,167 444,188 407,296 2,029,928 1,893,748 1,619,725 6,163,424
Undergraduate 198,916 136,561 112,845 498,575 433,301 377,308 1,651,848
Graduate 343,251 307,627 294,451 1,531,353 1,460,447 1,242,417 4,511,576
Postsecondary 1,521 4,839 17,991 157,967 157,032 118,273 568,666
Undergraduate 1,485 2,619 1,466 8,380 7,162 5,518 20,792
Graduate 36 2,220 16,525 149,587 149,870 112,755 547,874
College undergraduate 359,422 460,246 418,938 1,026,338 582,543 473,265 1,469,357
Academic degree holder - - 29,474 968,596 972,318 844,004 2,816,695
Post baccalaureate - - - 2,749 5,674 7,706 65,591
Not stated 1,028 3,915 1,074 4,154 3,638 3,440 13,890


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
110 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 254,369 266,393 260,571 1,349,005 1,265,102 1,104,618 4,404,971

No grade completed 2,164 1,199 866 3,060 2,093 1,852 10,006
Preschool 30 26 13 70 50 56 249
Special education 463 492 445 1,841 1,127 609 1,106
Elementary 13,128 12,900 12,299 61,562 58,097 60,440 600,734
1st - 4th grade 3,221 3,095 2,859 13,245 11,787 12,362 117,463
5th - 6th grade 3,034 2,903 2,792 13,694 12,366 12,144 101,082
Graduate 6,873 6,902 6,648 34,623 33,944 35,934 382,189
High school 121,439 104,544 99,023 526,595 529,483 480,109 1,919,829
Undergraduate 38,981 29,119 24,828 106,373 87,179 76,053 315,859
Graduate 82,458 75,425 74,195 420,222 442,304 404,056 1,603,970
Postsecondary 336 1,042 5,049 44,066 42,719 34,858 134,072
Undergraduate 318 527 326 1,875 1,701 1,371 4,819
Graduate 18 515 4,723 42,191 41,018 33,487 129,253
College undergraduate 115,851 145,134 130,328 362,515 230,612 187,441 618,076
Academic degree holder - - 11,538 343,987 394,513 324,439 1,074,301
Post baccalaureate - - - 1,044 2,315 2,640 22,072
Not stated 958 1,056 1,010 4,265 4,093 12,174 24,526

Male 125,363 128,245 126,670 661,172 626,570 555,830 2,100,456

No grade completed 1,190 703 517 1,878 1,282 1,140 4,242
Preschool 19 20 7 47 23 29 132
Special education 284 279 254 1,056 610 332 591
Elementary 8,715 8,405 8,149 40,894 37,099 37,028 263,984
1st - 4th grade 2,323 2,172 2,037 9,667 8,237 8,312 56,792
5th - 6th grade 2,036 1,940 1,910 9,230 8,024 7,470 44,879
Graduate 4,356 4,293 4,202 21,997 20,838 21,246 162,313
High school 61,544 51,799 49,982 270,235 272,512 246,687 936,483
Undergraduate 21,833 16,054 13,806 59,237 47,855 40,545 147,719
Graduate 39,711 35,745 36,176 210,998 224,657 206,142 788,764
Postsecondary 152 441 2,204 20,128 20,837 16,845 49,055
Undergraduate 148 245 148 872 839 700 2,038
Graduate 4 196 2,056 19,256 19,998 16,145 47,017
College undergraduate 53,063 66,145 60,353 180,107 112,168 94,039 319,719
Academic degree holder - - 4,757 144,401 179,084 148,556 500,383
Post baccalaureate - - - 459 1,018 1,120 10,250
Not stated 396 453 447 1,967 1,937 10,054 15,617

Female 129,006 138,148 133,901 687,833 638,532 548,788 2,304,515

No grade completed 974 496 349 1,182 811 712 5,764
Preschool 11 6 6 23 27 27 117
Special education 179 213 191 785 517 277 515
Elementary 4,413 4,495 4,150 20,668 20,998 23,412 336,750
1st - 4th grade 898 923 822 3,578 3,550 4,050 60,671
5th - 6th grade 998 963 882 4,464 4,342 4,674 56,203
Graduate 2,517 2,609 2,446 12,626 13,106 14,688 219,876
High school 59,895 52,745 49,041 256,360 256,971 233,422 983,346
Undergraduate 17,148 13,065 11,022 47,136 39,324 35,508 168,140
Graduate 42,747 39,680 38,019 209,224 217,647 197,914 815,206
Postsecondary 184 601 2,845 23,938 21,882 18,013 85,017
Undergraduate 170 282 178 1,003 862 671 2,781
Graduate 14 319 2,667 22,935 21,020 17,342 82,236
College undergraduate 62,788 78,989 69,975 182,408 118,444 93,402 298,357
Academic degree holder - - 6,781 199,586 215,429 175,883 573,918
Post baccalaureate - - - 585 1,297 1,520 11,822
Not stated 562 603 563 2,298 2,156 2,120 8,909


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 111

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 36,516 36,681 35,809 175,450 150,426 126,185 553,972

No grade completed 282 242 181 1,014 1,035 1,015 24,795
Preschool 8 11 6 38 37 31 151
Special education 32 27 20 94 60 42 67
Elementary 3,123 3,265 3,281 18,582 19,071 18,416 173,722
1st - 4th grade 1,010 1,084 1,108 6,502 6,298 6,339 69,261
5th - 6th grade 578 680 674 3,792 3,945 3,721 27,057
Graduate 1,535 1,501 1,499 8,288 8,828 8,356 77,404
High school 18,679 13,656 11,952 59,613 57,288 47,829 180,651
Undergraduate 7,007 4,724 3,745 16,351 15,478 12,714 50,341
Graduate 11,672 8,932 8,207 43,262 41,810 35,115 130,310
Postsecondary 69 187 474 5,091 5,573 3,500 16,432
Undergraduate 69 57 36 171 162 107 538
Graduate - 130 438 4,920 5,411 3,393 15,894
College undergraduate 14,323 19,276 18,947 51,734 24,716 19,520 52,000
Academic degree holder - - 948 39,050 42,213 35,257 101,581
Post baccalaureate - - - 234 433 575 4,573
Not stated - 17 - - - - -

Male 18,312 18,269 17,999 89,439 78,417 66,665 278,859

No grade completed 177 152 123 663 655 681 9,399
Preschool 5 6 5 24 30 20 90
Special education 19 17 14 48 31 15 34
Elementary 2,443 2,558 2,584 14,471 14,687 13,593 95,552
1st - 4th grade 835 892 930 5,347 5,140 5,022 40,657
5th - 6th grade 453 546 536 2,973 3,043 2,781 15,271
Graduate 1,155 1,120 1,118 6,151 6,504 5,790 39,624
High school 9,948 7,757 7,018 34,452 32,901 27,560 99,110
Undergraduate 4,294 3,018 2,404 10,308 9,692 7,837 27,393
Graduate 5,654 4,739 4,614 24,144 23,209 19,723 71,717
Postsecondary 23 66 166 1,543 1,767 1,329 5,045
Undergraduate 23 27 14 60 67 52 239
Graduate - 39 152 1,483 1,700 1,277 4,806
College undergraduate 5,697 7,705 7,780 24,451 11,538 9,413 26,401
Academic degree holder - - 309 13,712 16,647 13,867 41,603
Post baccalaureate - - - 75 161 187 1,625
Not stated - 8 - - - - -

Female 18,204 18,412 17,810 86,011 72,009 59,520 275,113

No grade completed 105 90 58 351 380 334 15,396
Preschool 3 5 1 14 7 11 61
Special education 13 10 6 46 29 27 33
Elementary 680 707 697 4,111 4,384 4,823 78,170
1st - 4th grade 175 192 178 1,155 1,158 1,317 28,604
5th - 6th grade 125 134 138 819 902 940 11,786
Graduate 380 381 381 2,137 2,324 2,566 37,780
High school 8,731 5,899 4,934 25,161 24,387 20,269 81,541
Undergraduate 2,713 1,706 1,341 6,043 5,786 4,877 22,948
Graduate 6,018 4,193 3,593 19,118 18,601 15,392 58,593
Postsecondary 46 121 308 3,548 3,806 2,171 11,387
Undergraduate 46 30 22 111 95 55 299
Graduate - 91 286 3,437 3,711 2,116 11,088
College undergraduate 8,626 11,571 11,167 27,283 13,178 10,107 25,599
Academic degree holder - - 639 25,338 25,566 21,390 59,978
Post baccalaureate - - - 159 272 388 2,948
Not stated - 9 - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
112 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 95,158 93,524 89,117 438,415 391,660 365,782 1,840,453

No grade completed 1,106 549 411 2,020 1,647 1,557 15,672
Preschool 35 29 18 105 62 48 163
Special education 91 79 54 258 150 103 172
Elementary 6,777 6,747 6,746 36,721 37,527 38,532 513,086
1st - 4th grade 1,683 1,668 1,665 8,234 7,665 7,989 113,282
5th - 6th grade 1,134 1,116 1,058 5,500 5,185 5,412 58,004
Graduate 3,960 3,963 4,023 22,987 24,677 25,131 341,800
High school 53,413 45,623 42,389 214,788 203,343 189,757 821,465
Undergraduate 14,215 10,338 8,848 38,596 34,832 32,606 142,171
Graduate 39,198 35,285 33,541 176,192 168,511 157,151 679,294
Postsecondary 141 507 1,675 15,051 15,550 13,984 63,880
Undergraduate 139 287 122 705 693 645 2,643
Graduate 2 220 1,553 14,346 14,857 13,339 61,237
College undergraduate 33,595 39,990 35,014 81,261 45,317 41,139 150,042
Academic degree holder - - 2,810 88,008 87,664 80,049 269,889
Post baccalaureate - - - 201 400 613 6,084
Not stated - - - 2 - - -

Male 49,595 48,005 45,828 224,792 200,362 186,981 892,503

No grade completed 658 350 254 1,180 967 900 6,326
Preschool 27 18 10 61 35 32 91
Special education 50 43 31 147 90 36 85
Elementary 4,909 4,840 4,842 25,917 25,849 25,247 233,309
1st - 4th grade 1,294 1,279 1,286 6,291 5,765 5,729 55,487
5th - 6th grade 837 838 764 4,014 3,602 3,560 26,784
Graduate 2,778 2,723 2,792 15,612 16,482 15,958 151,038
High school 29,225 25,059 23,097 114,670 106,592 100,824 433,150
Undergraduate 8,821 6,471 5,478 23,477 20,853 19,588 73,722
Graduate 20,404 18,588 17,619 91,193 85,739 81,236 359,428
Postsecondary 72 250 809 6,712 7,085 6,397 22,878
Undergraduate 71 143 64 331 337 291 1,155
Graduate 1 107 745 6,381 6,748 6,106 21,723
College undergraduate 14,654 17,445 15,479 39,819 21,017 19,400 78,398
Academic degree holder - - 1,306 36,193 38,533 33,922 116,101
Post baccalaureate - - - 91 194 223 2,165
Not stated - - - 2 - - -

Female 45,563 45,519 43,289 213,623 191,298 178,801 947,950

No grade completed 448 199 157 840 680 657 9,346
Preschool 8 11 8 44 27 16 72
Special education 41 36 23 111 60 67 87
Elementary 1,868 1,907 1,904 10,804 11,678 13,285 279,777
1st - 4th grade 389 389 379 1,943 1,900 2,260 57,795
5th - 6th grade 297 278 294 1,486 1,583 1,852 31,220
Graduate 1,182 1,240 1,231 7,375 8,195 9,173 190,762
High school 24,188 20,564 19,292 100,118 96,751 88,933 388,315
Undergraduate 5,394 3,867 3,370 15,119 13,979 13,018 68,449
Graduate 18,794 16,697 15,922 84,999 82,772 75,915 319,866
Postsecondary 69 257 866 8,339 8,465 7,587 41,002
Undergraduate 68 144 58 374 356 354 1,488
Graduate 1 113 808 7,965 8,109 7,233 39,514
College undergraduate 18,941 22,545 19,535 41,442 24,300 21,739 71,644
Academic degree holder - - 1,504 51,815 49,131 46,127 153,788
Post baccalaureate - - - 110 206 390 3,919
Not stated - - - - - - -


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 113

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 65,576 67,174 65,863 318,664 279,492 247,474 1,214,606

No grade completed 521 503 456 2,180 2,055 2,055 23,212
Preschool 41 42 31 174 137 84 529
Special education 32 27 36 116 75 46 151
Elementary 7,616 8,144 8,198 45,757 47,258 49,873 494,820
1st - 4th grade 2,526 2,709 2,760 14,983 15,229 16,689 168,752
5th - 6th grade 1,469 1,562 1,582 8,219 8,319 8,465 70,885
Graduate 3,621 3,873 3,856 22,555 23,710 24,719 255,183
High school 32,077 26,882 25,451 129,310 122,017 105,241 409,360
Undergraduate 11,797 9,102 8,047 37,182 33,662 29,151 122,207
Graduate 20,280 17,780 17,404 92,128 88,355 76,090 287,153
Postsecondary 37 72 695 7,048 7,573 5,622 27,224
Undergraduate 36 60 51 312 285 256 977
Graduate 1 12 644 6,736 7,288 5,366 26,247
College undergraduate 25,251 31,504 28,857 68,953 37,518 31,625 96,922
Academic degree holder - - 2,137 64,905 62,460 52,310 156,988
Post baccalaureate - - - 220 395 618 5,390
Not stated 1 - 2 1 4 - 10

Male 34,027 34,355 33,682 163,209 144,020 128,276 604,977

No grade completed 329 310 285 1,340 1,248 1,231 10,648
Preschool 35 31 26 121 90 51 295
Special education 21 14 23 64 34 27 78
Elementary 5,441 5,761 5,746 31,586 31,780 32,086 251,274
1st - 4th grade 1,945 2,070 2,112 11,294 11,240 11,769 92,331
5th - 6th grade 1,086 1,150 1,115 5,772 5,593 5,449 36,177
Graduate 2,410 2,541 2,519 14,520 14,947 14,868 122,766
High school 17,463 14,486 13,691 67,988 63,188 54,961 212,969
Undergraduate 7,038 5,335 4,540 20,894 18,811 15,955 61,900
Graduate 10,425 9,151 9,151 47,094 44,377 39,006 151,069
Postsecondary 17 27 272 2,669 2,827 2,321 8,516
Undergraduate 17 25 20 147 135 124 434
Graduate - 2 252 2,522 2,692 2,197 8,082
College undergraduate 10,721 13,726 12,838 33,755 17,501 15,334 51,822
Academic degree holder - - 800 25,603 27,206 22,050 67,503
Post baccalaureate - - - 82 143 215 1,869
Not stated - - 1 1 3 - 3

Female 31,549 32,819 32,181 155,455 135,472 119,198 609,629

No grade completed 192 193 171 840 807 824 12,564
Preschool 6 11 5 53 47 33 234
Special education 11 13 13 52 41 19 73
Elementary 2,175 2,383 2,452 14,171 15,478 17,787 243,546
1st - 4th grade 581 639 648 3,689 3,989 4,920 76,421
5th - 6th grade 383 412 467 2,447 2,726 3,016 34,708
Graduate 1,211 1,332 1,337 8,035 8,763 9,851 132,417
High school 14,614 12,396 11,760 61,322 58,829 50,280 196,391
Undergraduate 4,759 3,767 3,507 16,288 14,851 13,196 60,307
Graduate 9,855 8,629 8,253 45,034 43,978 37,084 136,084
Postsecondary 20 45 423 4,379 4,746 3,301 18,708
Undergraduate 19 35 31 165 150 132 543
Graduate 1 10 392 4,214 4,596 3,169 18,165
College undergraduate 14,530 17,778 16,019 35,198 20,017 16,291 45,100
Academic degree holder - - 1,337 39,302 35,254 30,260 89,485
Post baccalaureate - - - 138 252 403 3,521
Not stated 1 - 1 - 1 - 7


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
114 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 221,053 224,362 214,030 1,049,764 936,666 841,508 3,931,991

No grade completed 1,793 1,324 1,109 4,946 3,840 3,796 29,244
Preschool 49 48 44 199 145 106 462
Special education 219 186 191 666 399 230 474
Elementary 21,181 21,571 20,817 111,215 108,815 114,288 1,197,297
1st - 4th grade 5,131 5,086 4,757 23,112 20,468 22,136 273,010
5th - 6th grade 3,728 3,620 3,317 16,897 15,859 16,035 148,551
Graduate 12,322 12,865 12,743 71,206 72,488 76,117 775,736
High school 117,652 104,220 97,604 500,598 481,473 429,559 1,670,031
Undergraduate 38,944 29,650 25,184 112,510 99,097 88,871 344,776
Graduate 78,708 74,570 72,420 388,088 382,376 340,688 1,325,255
Postsecondary 534 1,544 6,507 49,847 42,768 35,056 134,754
Undergraduate 529 1,184 458 2,721 2,023 1,752 5,651
Graduate 5 360 6,049 47,126 40,745 33,304 129,103
College undergraduate 79,616 94,332 80,301 197,188 114,353 99,107 345,650
Academic degree holder - - 7,445 184,665 184,169 158,446 545,696
Post baccalaureate - - - 336 614 797 7,686
Not stated 9 1,137 12 104 90 123 697

Male 114,017 114,539 108,794 536,909 475,184 425,538 1,925,329

No grade completed 1,047 778 639 2,914 2,194 2,106 12,792
Preschool 29 33 27 129 89 72 248
Special education 137 108 101 382 227 133 239
Elementary 14,565 14,621 14,075 74,075 70,546 71,078 558,789
1st - 4th grade 3,809 3,686 3,442 16,696 14,404 14,967 133,652
5th - 6th grade 2,596 2,508 2,324 11,413 10,311 10,001 69,676
Graduate 8,160 8,427 8,309 45,966 45,831 46,110 355,461
High school 62,482 55,394 51,443 260,550 244,535 218,697 864,003
Undergraduate 22,883 17,438 14,648 64,247 55,137 48,915 175,037
Graduate 39,599 37,956 36,795 196,303 189,398 169,782 688,966
Postsecondary 277 694 3,104 24,948 22,090 17,755 56,291
Undergraduate 276 551 231 1,365 1,017 900 2,681
Graduate 1 143 2,873 23,583 21,073 16,855 53,610
College undergraduate 35,475 42,429 36,403 98,030 53,928 47,464 186,962
Academic degree holder - - 2,996 75,683 81,276 67,835 242,605
Post baccalaureate - - - 142 251 330 3,081
Not stated 5 482 6 56 48 68 319

Female 107,036 109,823 105,236 512,855 461,482 415,970 2,006,662

No grade completed 746 546 470 2,032 1,646 1,690 16,452
Preschool 20 15 17 70 56 34 214
Special education 82 78 90 284 172 97 235
Elementary 6,616 6,950 6,742 37,140 38,269 43,210 638,508
1st - 4th grade 1,322 1,400 1,315 6,416 6,064 7,169 139,358
5th - 6th grade 1,132 1,112 993 5,484 5,548 6,034 78,875
Graduate 4,162 4,438 4,434 25,240 26,657 30,007 420,275
High school 55,170 48,826 46,161 240,048 236,938 210,862 806,028
Undergraduate 16,061 12,212 10,536 48,263 43,960 39,956 169,739
Graduate 39,109 36,614 35,625 191,785 192,978 170,906 636,289
Postsecondary 257 850 3,403 24,899 20,678 17,301 78,463
Undergraduate 253 633 227 1,356 1,006 852 2,970
Graduate 4 217 3,176 23,543 19,672 16,449 75,493
College undergraduate 44,141 51,903 43,898 99,158 60,425 51,643 158,688
Academic degree holder - - 4,449 108,982 102,893 90,611 303,091
Post baccalaureate - - - 194 363 467 4,605
Not stated 4 655 6 48 42 55 378


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 115

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 287,174 288,316 279,623 1,383,125 1,248,437 1,138,390 4,897,623

No grade completed 2,450 1,594 1,421 5,349 3,993 3,627 31,948
Preschool 75 69 41 145 106 89 305
Special education 401 356 351 1,277 761 468 912
Elementary 24,511 23,445 22,599 115,976 110,005 118,861 1,235,402
1st - 4th grade 6,964 6,640 6,271 29,423 24,901 27,512 322,190
5th - 6th grade 5,317 4,963 4,893 24,031 22,311 22,840 205,032
Graduate 12,230 11,842 11,435 62,522 62,793 68,509 708,180
High school 152,801 133,060 127,124 659,350 631,672 570,606 2,132,762
Undergraduate 51,667 35,443 29,326 125,098 106,195 96,399 405,955
Graduate 101,134 97,617 97,798 534,252 525,477 474,207 1,726,807
Postsecondary 560 1,472 5,940 48,566 45,259 37,380 142,808
Undergraduate 554 910 649 3,907 3,168 2,785 9,148
Graduate 6 562 5,291 44,659 42,091 34,595 133,660
College undergraduate 106,365 128,295 112,484 287,783 175,960 154,166 513,238
Academic degree holder - - 9,641 264,035 279,453 251,824 829,116
Post baccalaureate - - - 544 1,138 1,286 10,744
Not stated 11 25 22 100 90 83 388

Male 146,674 144,879 140,422 693,398 622,823 568,979 2,379,370

No grade completed 1,374 956 856 3,236 2,333 2,077 13,987
Preschool 40 36 25 85 60 49 153
Special education 247 198 191 729 393 265 433
Elementary 16,943 16,106 15,429 78,790 72,216 74,875 585,105
1st - 4th grade 5,135 4,843 4,562 21,746 17,806 19,032 162,310
5th - 6th grade 3,715 3,479 3,422 16,301 14,746 14,507 97,070
Graduate 8,093 7,784 7,445 40,743 39,664 41,336 325,725
High school 79,982 69,013 65,422 335,394 317,219 286,923 1,074,076
Undergraduate 30,035 20,596 16,911 71,114 59,332 52,645 201,163
Graduate 49,947 48,417 48,511 264,280 257,887 234,278 872,913
Postsecondary 266 718 2,922 24,077 22,851 18,905 56,866
Undergraduate 264 459 333 1,984 1,650 1,465 4,648
Graduate 2 259 2,589 22,093 21,201 17,440 52,218
College undergraduate 47,815 57,835 51,404 142,193 83,869 74,752 267,109
Academic degree holder - - 4,157 108,582 123,289 110,596 376,995
Post baccalaureate - - - 244 537 488 4,437
Not stated 7 17 16 68 56 49 209

Female 140,500 143,437 139,201 689,727 625,614 569,411 2,518,253

No grade completed 1,076 638 565 2,113 1,660 1,550 17,961
Preschool 35 33 16 60 46 40 152
Special education 154 158 160 548 368 203 479
Elementary 7,568 7,339 7,170 37,186 37,789 43,986 650,297
1st - 4th grade 1,829 1,797 1,709 7,677 7,095 8,480 159,880
5th - 6th grade 1,602 1,484 1,471 7,730 7,565 8,333 107,962
Graduate 4,137 4,058 3,990 21,779 23,129 27,173 382,455
High school 72,819 64,047 61,702 323,956 314,453 283,683 1,058,686
Undergraduate 21,632 14,847 12,415 53,984 46,863 43,754 204,792
Graduate 51,187 49,200 49,287 269,972 267,590 239,929 853,894
Postsecondary 294 754 3,018 24,489 22,408 18,475 85,942
Undergraduate 290 451 316 1,923 1,518 1,320 4,500
Graduate 4 303 2,702 22,566 20,890 17,155 81,442
College undergraduate 58,550 70,460 61,080 145,590 92,091 79,414 246,129
Academic degree holder - - 5,484 155,453 156,164 141,228 452,121
Post baccalaureate - - - 300 601 798 6,307
Not stated 4 8 6 32 34 34 179


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
116 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 63,394 59,121 56,179 257,770 217,831 197,716 932,703

No grade completed 929 1,124 1,047 5,689 6,165 6,388 38,410
Preschool 23 19 25 105 71 41 220
Special education 45 50 47 170 83 58 115
Elementary 10,142 9,727 9,554 51,685 48,765 49,933 395,807
1st - 4th grade 3,562 3,543 3,624 19,367 17,916 18,376 138,280
5th - 6th grade 2,052 1,848 1,774 9,291 8,344 8,331 55,868
Graduate 4,528 4,336 4,156 23,027 22,505 23,226 201,659
High school 36,351 27,931 24,969 112,962 97,634 84,426 305,420
Undergraduate 15,494 10,364 8,605 36,471 30,932 27,909 107,116
Graduate 20,857 17,567 16,364 76,491 66,702 56,517 198,304
Postsecondary 76 184 764 7,392 8,078 6,451 27,758
Undergraduate 75 122 76 374 430 306 1,153
Graduate 1 62 688 7,018 7,648 6,145 26,605
College undergraduate 15,828 19,919 18,591 46,131 23,910 20,934 65,385
Academic degree holder - - 1,182 33,560 32,932 29,194 96,701
Post baccalaureate - - - 76 193 291 2,878
Not stated - 167 - - - - 9

Male 33,104 30,282 28,801 132,461 111,454 102,194 472,578

No grade completed 522 560 574 2,931 3,193 3,256 18,663
Preschool 17 13 16 67 38 27 121
Special education 27 29 31 106 44 33 61
Elementary 6,762 6,447 6,207 33,508 31,210 31,425 207,582
1st - 4th grade 2,469 2,442 2,457 13,168 11,990 12,246 78,756
5th - 6th grade 1,404 1,238 1,177 6,206 5,427 5,368 29,704
Graduate 2,889 2,767 2,573 14,134 13,793 13,811 99,122
High school 19,317 14,860 13,214 57,349 48,275 42,532 157,660
Undergraduate 9,081 6,195 5,024 20,110 16,796 15,087 55,441
Graduate 10,236 8,665 8,190 37,239 31,479 27,445 102,219
Postsecondary 39 97 423 3,747 4,013 3,432 13,033
Undergraduate 39 70 54 194 226 191 627
Graduate - 27 369 3,553 3,787 3,241 12,406
College undergraduate 6,420 8,221 7,792 21,533 10,811 9,673 34,242
Academic degree holder - - 544 13,196 13,806 11,700 40,101
Post baccalaureate - - - 24 64 116 1,110
Not stated - 55 - - - - 5

Female 30,290 28,839 27,378 125,309 106,377 95,522 460,125

No grade completed 407 564 473 2,758 2,972 3,132 19,747
Preschool 6 6 9 38 33 14 99
Special education 18 21 16 64 39 25 54
Elementary 3,380 3,280 3,347 18,177 17,555 18,508 188,225
1st - 4th grade 1,093 1,101 1,167 6,199 5,926 6,130 59,524
5th - 6th grade 648 610 597 3,085 2,917 2,963 26,164
Graduate 1,639 1,569 1,583 8,893 8,712 9,415 102,537
High school 17,034 13,071 11,755 55,613 49,359 41,894 147,760
Undergraduate 6,413 4,169 3,581 16,361 14,136 12,822 51,675
Graduate 10,621 8,902 8,174 39,252 35,223 29,072 96,085
Postsecondary 37 87 341 3,645 4,065 3,019 14,725
Undergraduate 36 52 22 180 204 115 526
Graduate 1 35 319 3,465 3,861 2,904 14,199
College undergraduate 9,408 11,698 10,799 24,598 13,099 11,261 31,143
Academic degree holder - - 638 20,364 19,126 17,494 56,600
Post baccalaureate - - - 52 129 175 1,768
Not stated - 112 - - - - 4


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 117

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 127,240 114,781 111,021 487,018 401,138 358,015 1,823,332

No grade completed 828 642 598 2,895 2,399 2,056 19,452
Preschool 46 37 39 168 115 82 370
Special education 90 120 96 368 227 147 227
Elementary 18,116 16,546 16,983 87,839 85,799 86,756 801,532
1st - 4th grade 4,296 4,025 4,165 20,705 18,913 19,129 192,993
5th - 6th grade 3,453 3,075 2,958 14,193 12,959 12,373 96,009
Graduate 10,367 9,446 9,860 52,941 53,927 55,254 512,530
High school 79,958 57,909 52,350 223,929 189,914 164,321 606,441
Undergraduate 36,487 22,409 18,375 72,072 59,776 52,265 203,812
Graduate 43,471 35,500 33,975 151,857 130,138 112,056 402,629
Postsecondary 318 816 2,087 18,029 16,990 12,448 49,048
Undergraduate 317 766 295 1,276 956 686 2,285
Graduate 1 50 1,792 16,753 16,034 11,762 46,763
College undergraduate 27,884 37,977 37,034 85,188 39,420 33,375 119,116
Academic degree holder - - 1,834 68,384 65,716 58,045 218,560
Post baccalaureate - - - 218 558 785 8,577
Not stated - 734 - - - - 9

Male 66,548 59,909 57,429 251,588 206,831 184,661 893,029

No grade completed 479 398 355 1,736 1,363 1,191 8,867
Preschool 26 26 26 111 81 51 179
Special education 53 60 51 211 121 84 133
Elementary 13,031 11,677 11,842 59,472 56,192 54,934 399,868
1st - 4th grade 3,371 3,084 3,160 15,551 13,666 13,553 105,610
5th - 6th grade 2,561 2,273 2,142 9,959 8,797 8,034 48,584
Graduate 7,099 6,320 6,540 33,962 33,729 33,347 245,674
High school 41,615 31,261 27,984 115,731 95,741 83,061 309,100
Undergraduate 21,546 13,888 11,194 41,107 33,082 28,527 103,301
Graduate 20,069 17,373 16,790 74,624 62,659 54,534 205,799
Postsecondary 140 361 902 8,006 7,744 5,930 19,055
Undergraduate 140 339 148 675 490 362 1,144
Graduate - 22 754 7,331 7,254 5,568 17,911
College undergraduate 11,204 15,510 15,522 40,050 18,110 15,616 62,779
Academic degree holder - - 747 26,204 27,285 23,524 89,931
Post baccalaureate - - - 67 194 270 3,117
Not stated - 616 - - - - -

Female 60,692 54,872 53,592 235,430 194,307 173,354 930,303

No grade completed 349 244 243 1,159 1,036 865 10,585
Preschool 20 11 13 57 34 31 191
Special education 37 60 45 157 106 63 94
Elementary 5,085 4,869 5,141 28,367 29,607 31,822 401,664
1st - 4th grade 925 941 1,005 5,154 5,247 5,576 87,383
5th - 6th grade 892 802 816 4,234 4,162 4,339 47,425
Graduate 3,268 3,126 3,320 18,979 20,198 21,907 266,856
High school 38,343 26,648 24,366 108,198 94,173 81,260 297,341
Undergraduate 14,941 8,521 7,181 30,965 26,694 23,738 100,511
Graduate 23,402 18,127 17,185 77,233 67,479 57,522 196,830
Postsecondary 178 455 1,185 10,023 9,246 6,518 29,993
Undergraduate 177 427 147 601 466 324 1,141
Graduate 1 28 1,038 9,422 8,780 6,194 28,852
College undergraduate 16,680 22,467 21,512 45,138 21,310 17,759 56,337
Academic degree holder - - 1,087 42,180 38,431 34,521 128,629
Post baccalaureate - - - 151 364 515 5,460
Not stated - 118 - - - - 9


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Statistics Authority
118 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 148,492 147,257 143,815 687,080 596,409 522,127 2,664,525

No grade completed 1,052 1,035 887 4,415 3,818 3,728 48,740
Preschool 44 58 52 253 179 121 609
Special education 129 119 127 519 288 167 328
Elementary 18,115 17,867 18,076 93,858 91,545 91,897 968,965
1st - 4th grade 6,456 6,607 6,921 35,970 34,243 35,942 392,492
5th - 6th grade 4,127 4,051 4,108 21,169 20,339 19,420 166,181
Graduate 7,532 7,209 7,047 36,719 36,963 36,535 410,292
High school 89,707 70,972 64,096 299,375 264,975 225,379 886,295
Undergraduate 38,729 26,260 21,202 85,759 71,736 61,860 257,518
Graduate 50,978 44,712 42,894 213,616 193,239 163,519 628,777
Postsecondary 303 1,338 3,746 33,988 39,088 31,029 131,566
Undergraduate 293 312 222 1,314 1,415 1,115 4,466
Graduate 10 1,026 3,524 32,674 37,673 29,914 127,100
College undergraduate 39,134 55,548 52,918 130,001 67,015 55,269 197,270
Academic degree holder - - 3,901 124,135 128,721 113,519 421,592
Post baccalaureate - - - 331 667 916 8,563
Not stated 8 320 12 205 113 102 597

Male 76,910 75,618 73,920 354,815 311,848 274,691 1,303,198

No grade completed 647 644 551 2,794 2,364 2,321 24,232
Preschool 31 40 46 166 130 69 336
Special education 71 79 73 263 159 87 173
Elementary 13,176 12,695 12,869 66,232 63,499 61,895 490,906
1st - 4th grade 5,091 5,092 5,343 27,688 25,843 26,215 219,531
5th - 6th grade 3,014 2,883 2,928 14,776 14,008 12,952 83,512
Graduate 5,071 4,720 4,598 23,768 23,648 22,728 187,863
High school 46,967 38,013 34,275 156,778 138,226 119,134 439,581
Undergraduate 23,284 16,196 13,028 50,686 42,692 36,365 130,097
Graduate 23,683 21,817 21,247 106,092 95,534 82,769 309,484
Postsecondary 134 524 1,639 15,117 17,844 15,006 57,019
Undergraduate 127 141 95 588 666 582 2,038
Graduate 7 383 1,544 14,529 17,178 14,424 54,981
College undergraduate 15,878 23,385 22,137 60,959 31,208 25,897 98,564
Academic degree holder - - 2,323 52,220 58,065 49,870 188,832
Post baccalaureate - - - 104 263 331 3,149
Not stated 6 238 7 182 90 81 406

Female 71,582 71,639 69,895 332,265 284,561 247,436 1,361,327

No grade completed 405 391 336 1,621 1,454 1,407 24,508
Preschool 13 18 6 87 49 52 273
Special education 58 40 54 256 129 80 155
Elementary 4,939 5,172 5,207 27,626 28,046 30,002 478,059
1st - 4th grade 1,365 1,515 1,578 8,282 8,400 9,727 172,961
5th - 6th grade 1,113 1,168 1,180 6,393 6,331 6,468 82,669
Graduate 2,461 2,489 2,449 12,951 13,315 13,807 222,429
High school 42,740 32,959 29,821 142,597 126,749 106,245 446,714
Undergraduate 15,445 10,064 8,174 35,073 29,044 25,495 127,421
Graduate 27,295 22,895 21,647 107,524 97,705 80,750 319,293
Postsecondary 169 814 2,107 18,871 21,244 16,023 74,547
Undergraduate 166 171 127 726 749 533 2,428
Graduate 3 643 1,980 18,145 20,495 15,490 72,119
College undergraduate 23,256 32,163 30,781 69,042 35,807 29,372 98,706
Academic degree holder - - 1,578 71,915 70,656 63,649 232,760
Post baccalaureate - - - 227 404 585 5,414
Not stated 2 82 5 23 23 21 191


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 119

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 145,942 143,543 138,956 688,915 601,759 521,584 2,466,319

No grade completed 940 962 866 4,677 4,138 4,123 55,106
Preschool 61 34 43 186 120 94 547
Special education 146 131 107 514 274 154 243
Elementary 19,633 19,342 18,872 104,227 103,438 109,836 1,072,477
1st - 4th grade 6,861 6,933 7,002 39,101 38,678 43,087 459,330
5th - 6th grade 3,933 3,891 3,686 20,780 20,524 20,953 162,898
Graduate 8,839 8,518 8,184 44,346 44,236 45,796 450,249
High school 85,982 69,342 63,491 313,205 282,731 228,739 725,006
Undergraduate 36,530 25,307 20,096 87,767 78,455 65,121 267,425
Graduate 49,452 44,035 43,395 225,438 204,276 163,618 457,581
Postsecondary 46 181 1,123 11,693 13,984 10,512 48,615
Undergraduate 45 90 60 383 401 270 1,088
Graduate 1 91 1,063 11,310 13,583 10,242 47,527
College undergraduate 39,115 52,800 51,219 140,405 77,712 62,174 202,136
Academic degree holder - - 3,217 113,602 118,703 105,018 355,465
Post baccalaureate - - - 298 552 847 6,209
Not stated 19 751 18 108 107 87 515

Male 74,998 73,768 70,350 349,544 307,753 268,783 1,209,890

No grade completed 621 639 556 2,907 2,574 2,476 26,330
Preschool 41 24 32 127 79 66 270
Special education 75 67 58 256 138 80 124
Elementary 13,895 13,456 12,971 69,472 67,119 68,474 532,438
1st - 4th grade 5,293 5,316 5,283 29,247 27,900 29,951 245,283
5th - 6th grade 2,849 2,764 2,603 14,007 13,675 13,141 81,266
Graduate 5,753 5,376 5,085 26,218 25,544 25,382 205,889
High school 44,030 36,203 32,465 156,543 139,875 113,513 351,842
Undergraduate 21,442 15,151 11,817 48,996 43,601 35,388 131,746
Graduate 22,588 21,052 20,648 107,547 96,274 78,125 220,096
Postsecondary 18 69 385 4,677 5,678 4,578 18,478
Undergraduate 17 33 18 174 186 130 487
Graduate 1 36 367 4,503 5,492 4,448 17,991
College undergraduate 16,309 22,568 22,067 67,094 37,326 30,455 103,523
Academic degree holder - - 1,809 48,308 54,695 48,772 174,061
Post baccalaureate - - - 107 206 327 2,578
Not stated 9 742 7 53 63 42 246

Female 70,944 69,775 68,606 339,371 294,006 252,801 1,256,429

No grade completed 319 323 310 1,770 1,564 1,647 28,776
Preschool 20 10 11 59 41 28 277
Special education 71 64 49 258 136 74 119
Elementary 5,738 5,886 5,901 34,755 36,319 41,362 540,039
1st - 4th grade 1,568 1,617 1,719 9,854 10,778 13,136 214,047
5th - 6th grade 1,084 1,127 1,083 6,773 6,849 7,812 81,632
Graduate 3,086 3,142 3,099 18,128 18,692 20,414 244,360
High school 41,952 33,139 31,026 156,662 142,856 115,226 373,164
Undergraduate 15,088 10,156 8,279 38,771 34,854 29,733 135,679
Graduate 26,864 22,983 22,747 117,891 108,002 85,493 237,485
Postsecondary 28 112 738 7,016 8,306 5,934 30,137
Undergraduate 28 57 42 209 215 140 601
Graduate - 55 696 6,807 8,091 5,794 29,536
College undergraduate 22,806 30,232 29,152 73,311 40,386 31,719 98,613
Academic degree holder - - 1,408 65,294 64,008 56,246 181,404
Post baccalaureate - - - 191 346 520 3,631
Not stated 10 9 11 55 44 45 269


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Statistics Authority
120 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 98,749 93,120 87,909 393,853 313,629 273,749 1,449,544

No grade completed 730 767 789 4,232 3,978 3,980 46,242
Preschool 53 51 56 180 122 89 486
Special education 33 23 23 92 49 30 60
Elementary 16,988 16,388 16,189 86,720 82,309 82,791 690,124
1st - 4th grade 5,633 5,820 5,870 32,955 31,793 34,208 294,877
5th - 6th grade 3,637 3,472 3,510 18,261 16,758 16,309 114,229
Graduate 7,718 7,096 6,809 35,504 33,758 32,274 281,018
High school 58,381 45,129 39,011 165,126 127,418 104,695 407,845
Undergraduate 28,640 19,633 15,637 60,986 47,263 41,339 171,870
Graduate 29,741 25,496 23,374 104,140 80,155 63,356 235,975
Postsecondary 35 161 505 5,375 6,282 4,656 26,021
Undergraduate 33 37 31 133 111 101 370
Graduate 2 124 474 5,242 6,171 4,555 25,651
College undergraduate 22,529 29,991 29,772 76,793 36,341 27,719 97,684
Academic degree holder - - 1,561 55,151 56,635 49,091 174,511
Post baccalaureate - - - 184 494 698 6,559
Not stated - 610 3 - 1 - 12

Male 51,809 49,157 45,804 206,405 164,589 144,188 726,362

No grade completed 510 524 540 2,834 2,611 2,661 26,953
Preschool 37 36 42 130 78 68 314
Special education 21 14 15 49 21 12 27
Elementary 12,045 11,543 11,314 58,305 53,880 52,903 363,131
1st - 4th grade 4,366 4,501 4,480 24,529 23,128 24,372 174,481
5th - 6th grade 2,610 2,432 2,460 12,382 11,005 10,304 58,813
Graduate 5,069 4,610 4,374 21,394 19,747 18,227 129,837
High school 30,228 24,034 20,413 83,950 63,141 51,247 196,129
Undergraduate 16,669 11,795 9,000 32,568 24,691 21,198 81,120
Graduate 13,559 12,239 11,413 51,382 38,450 30,049 115,009
Postsecondary 10 61 222 2,350 2,773 2,107 9,864
Undergraduate 10 17 14 63 59 51 189
Graduate - 44 208 2,287 2,714 2,056 9,675
College undergraduate 8,958 12,387 12,578 36,837 17,207 13,551 51,510
Academic degree holder - - 677 21,888 24,712 21,371 75,986
Post baccalaureate - - - 62 166 268 2,440
Not stated - 558 3 - - - 8

Female 46,940 43,963 42,105 187,448 149,040 129,561 723,182

No grade completed 220 243 249 1,398 1,367 1,319 19,289
Preschool 16 15 14 50 44 21 172
Special education 12 9 8 43 28 18 33
Elementary 4,943 4,845 4,875 28,415 28,429 29,888 326,993
1st - 4th grade 1,267 1,319 1,390 8,426 8,665 9,836 120,396
5th - 6th grade 1,027 1,040 1,050 5,879 5,753 6,005 55,416
Graduate 2,649 2,486 2,435 14,110 14,011 14,047 151,181
High school 28,153 21,095 18,598 81,176 64,277 53,448 211,716
Undergraduate 11,971 7,838 6,637 28,418 22,572 20,141 90,750
Graduate 16,182 13,257 11,961 52,758 41,705 33,307 120,966
Postsecondary 25 100 283 3,025 3,509 2,549 16,157
Undergraduate 23 20 17 70 52 50 181
Graduate 2 80 266 2,955 3,457 2,499 15,976
College undergraduate 13,571 17,604 17,194 39,956 19,134 14,168 46,174
Academic degree holder - - 884 33,263 31,923 27,720 98,525
Post baccalaureate - - - 122 328 430 4,119
Not stated - 52 - - 1 - 4


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 121

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 75,373 77,627 72,507 339,502 277,763 235,015 1,127,097

No grade completed 1,058 1,076 922 4,617 4,510 4,726 58,385
Preschool 26 21 12 109 62 60 362
Special education 52 38 43 148 101 61 109
Elementary 14,875 15,255 14,613 77,024 70,863 69,043 495,978
1st - 4th grade 5,201 5,653 5,408 29,062 26,756 27,464 213,246
5th - 6th grade 3,774 3,806 3,712 18,969 17,325 16,274 101,031
Graduate 5,900 5,796 5,493 28,993 26,782 25,305 181,701
High school 41,125 34,087 29,726 134,150 112,055 87,675 312,846
Undergraduate 23,032 16,497 13,147 53,314 44,345 35,707 132,986
Graduate 18,093 17,590 16,579 80,836 67,710 51,968 179,860
Postsecondary 50 148 499 7,160 7,351 5,642 24,366
Undergraduate 49 95 70 467 410 297 1,017
Graduate 1 53 429 6,693 6,941 5,345 23,349
College undergraduate 18,183 26,013 25,376 72,200 36,533 28,509 93,127
Academic degree holder - - 1,307 43,972 46,032 38,956 138,850
Post baccalaureate - - - 99 216 309 2,930
Not stated 4 989 9 23 40 34 144

Male 38,494 39,829 36,553 172,406 142,400 121,563 567,074

No grade completed 605 622 526 2,677 2,569 2,608 24,863
Preschool 14 15 10 72 30 38 184
Special education 29 25 21 76 45 27 50
Elementary 9,631 9,880 9,273 48,230 43,633 41,619 264,239
1st - 4th grade 3,693 3,972 3,801 19,912 17,802 17,812 121,463
5th - 6th grade 2,452 2,395 2,292 11,804 10,630 9,730 53,427
Graduate 3,486 3,513 3,180 16,514 15,201 14,077 89,349
High school 20,630 17,396 15,005 66,539 55,487 43,634 155,349
Undergraduate 12,536 9,147 7,123 27,448 22,924 18,228 64,974
Graduate 8,094 8,249 7,882 39,091 32,563 25,406 90,375
Postsecondary 18 77 211 3,138 3,302 2,809 10,146
Undergraduate 18 49 37 235 195 148 477
Graduate - 28 174 2,903 3,107 2,661 9,669
College undergraduate 7,564 10,949 10,939 34,150 17,467 13,674 48,912
Academic degree holder - - 559 17,462 19,742 17,012 62,036
Post baccalaureate - - - 40 86 109 1,175
Not stated 3 865 9 22 39 33 120

Female 36,879 37,798 35,954 167,096 135,363 113,452 560,023

No grade completed 453 454 396 1,940 1,941 2,118 33,522
Preschool 12 6 2 37 32 22 178
Special education 23 13 22 72 56 34 59
Elementary 5,244 5,375 5,340 28,794 27,230 27,424 231,739
1st - 4th grade 1,508 1,681 1,607 9,150 8,954 9,652 91,783
5th - 6th grade 1,322 1,411 1,420 7,165 6,695 6,544 47,604
Graduate 2,414 2,283 2,313 12,479 11,581 11,228 92,352
High school 20,495 16,691 14,721 67,611 56,568 44,041 157,497
Undergraduate 10,496 7,350 6,024 25,866 21,421 17,479 68,012
Graduate 9,999 9,341 8,697 41,745 35,147 26,562 89,485
Postsecondary 32 71 288 4,022 4,049 2,833 14,220
Undergraduate 31 46 33 232 215 149 540
Graduate 1 25 255 3,790 3,834 2,684 13,680
College undergraduate 10,619 15,064 14,437 38,050 19,066 14,835 44,215
Academic degree holder - - 748 26,510 26,290 21,944 76,814
Post baccalaureate - - - 59 130 200 1,755
Not stated 1 124 - 1 1 1 24


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
122 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 95,026 95,281 90,817 436,995 383,203 317,383 1,474,023

No grade completed 755 773 834 3,997 4,178 4,253 37,895
Preschool 25 30 23 107 79 41 198
Special education 64 55 50 227 98 53 95
Elementary 16,112 16,467 16,031 84,107 80,887 75,494 544,877
1st - 4th grade 5,807 6,166 5,926 31,529 30,261 29,973 218,507
5th - 6th grade 3,543 3,579 3,425 18,339 17,348 15,545 94,989
Graduate 6,762 6,722 6,680 34,239 33,278 29,976 231,381
High school 56,035 45,890 41,616 201,382 178,864 138,369 512,510
Undergraduate 25,975 18,326 14,728 65,322 58,756 46,932 191,722
Graduate 30,060 27,564 26,888 136,060 120,108 91,437 320,788
Postsecondary 38 105 646 7,117 8,450 5,708 30,076
Undergraduate 38 76 84 413 382 285 1,108
Graduate - 29 562 6,704 8,068 5,423 28,968
College undergraduate 21,997 30,619 30,336 85,042 47,042 38,107 135,159
Academic degree holder - - 1,277 54,798 63,159 54,791 208,216
Post baccalaureate - - - 215 441 562 4,993
Not stated - 1,342 4 3 5 5 4

Male 48,559 48,906 46,206 223,150 199,051 165,628 739,948

No grade completed 448 470 490 2,363 2,393 2,364 17,964
Preschool 17 21 19 72 45 30 104
Special education 34 32 29 127 46 26 42
Elementary 10,834 10,986 10,604 54,686 52,125 47,403 292,100
1st - 4th grade 4,289 4,497 4,263 22,493 21,187 20,444 127,613
5th - 6th grade 2,426 2,390 2,278 11,966 11,162 9,678 51,421
Graduate 4,119 4,099 4,063 20,227 19,776 17,281 113,066
High school 28,265 23,515 21,392 101,699 91,122 70,943 255,790
Undergraduate 14,458 10,365 8,126 34,553 31,447 24,688 93,500
Graduate 13,807 13,150 13,266 67,146 59,675 46,255 162,290
Postsecondary 16 37 231 2,991 3,879 2,768 10,713
Undergraduate 16 27 35 211 175 142 501
Graduate - 10 196 2,780 3,704 2,626 10,212
College undergraduate 8,945 12,914 12,875 39,583 21,893 18,345 69,100
Academic degree holder - - 563 21,546 27,374 23,530 92,176
Post baccalaureate - - - 83 172 219 1,959
Not stated - 931 3 - 2 - -

Female 46,467 46,375 44,611 213,845 184,152 151,755 734,075

No grade completed 307 303 344 1,634 1,785 1,889 19,931
Preschool 8 9 4 35 34 11 94
Special education 30 23 21 100 52 27 53
Elementary 5,278 5,481 5,427 29,421 28,762 28,091 252,777
1st - 4th grade 1,518 1,669 1,663 9,036 9,074 9,529 90,894
5th - 6th grade 1,117 1,189 1,147 6,373 6,186 5,867 43,568
Graduate 2,643 2,623 2,617 14,012 13,502 12,695 118,315
High school 27,770 22,375 20,224 99,683 87,742 67,426 256,720
Undergraduate 11,517 7,961 6,602 30,769 27,309 22,244 98,222
Graduate 16,253 14,414 13,622 68,914 60,433 45,182 158,498
Postsecondary 22 68 415 4,126 4,571 2,940 19,363
Undergraduate 22 49 49 202 207 143 607
Graduate - 19 366 3,924 4,364 2,797 18,756
College undergraduate 13,052 17,705 17,461 45,459 25,149 19,762 66,059
Academic degree holder - - 714 33,252 35,785 31,261 116,040
Post baccalaureate - - - 132 269 343 3,034
Not stated - 411 1 3 3 5 4


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 123

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 98,721 100,709 95,916 467,052 422,657 354,639 1,577,214

No grade completed 823 858 916 4,747 5,000 4,876 45,487
Preschool 43 38 46 121 104 53 326
Special education 70 58 58 233 116 66 136
Elementary 16,057 16,257 15,943 85,207 82,146 77,120 586,260
1st - 4th grade 5,766 6,059 6,237 32,443 29,844 28,698 217,505
5th - 6th grade 3,556 3,572 3,384 17,851 16,891 14,899 95,867
Graduate 6,735 6,626 6,322 34,913 35,411 33,523 272,888
High school 57,001 48,982 44,801 216,034 202,468 163,119 561,394
Undergraduate 29,655 20,826 16,818 69,026 62,584 51,832 202,511
Graduate 27,346 28,156 27,983 147,008 139,884 111,287 358,883
Postsecondary 176 556 1,440 12,485 13,518 8,088 24,426
Undergraduate 171 221 211 1,263 1,097 710 1,902
Graduate 5 335 1,229 11,222 12,421 7,378 22,524
College undergraduate 24,360 32,498 30,931 91,234 52,773 43,355 147,078
Academic degree holder - - 1,538 56,204 65,516 56,905 206,655
Post baccalaureate - - - 262 531 639 4,606
Not stated 191 1,462 243 525 485 418 846

Male 50,224 50,324 48,534 238,285 220,272 187,134 804,800

No grade completed 503 516 545 2,829 2,885 2,843 21,584
Preschool 28 20 33 71 65 35 176
Special education 47 35 34 127 62 40 62
Elementary 10,827 10,910 10,567 56,506 53,832 48,992 320,105
1st - 4th grade 4,242 4,479 4,489 23,352 20,983 19,528 128,779
5th - 6th grade 2,414 2,397 2,246 11,789 11,216 9,392 52,414
Graduate 4,171 4,034 3,832 21,365 21,633 20,072 138,912
High school 28,652 24,791 22,676 108,962 104,029 85,030 282,167
Undergraduate 16,173 11,596 9,207 36,672 34,096 28,015 99,746
Graduate 12,479 13,195 13,469 72,290 69,933 57,015 182,421
Postsecondary 87 271 719 5,711 6,324 4,286 10,676
Undergraduate 86 120 105 624 583 413 990
Graduate 1 151 614 5,087 5,741 3,873 9,686
College undergraduate 9,997 13,653 13,189 42,082 24,619 20,778 75,498
Academic degree holder - - 665 21,619 27,932 24,611 92,083
Post baccalaureate - - - 128 255 285 1,994
Not stated 83 128 106 250 269 234 455

Female 48,497 50,385 47,382 228,767 202,385 167,505 772,414

No grade completed 320 342 371 1,918 2,115 2,033 23,903
Preschool 15 18 13 50 39 18 150
Special education 23 23 24 106 54 26 74
Elementary 5,230 5,347 5,376 28,701 28,314 28,128 266,155
1st - 4th grade 1,524 1,580 1,748 9,091 8,861 9,170 88,726
5th - 6th grade 1,142 1,175 1,138 6,062 5,675 5,507 43,453
Graduate 2,564 2,592 2,490 13,548 13,778 13,451 133,976
High school 28,349 24,191 22,125 107,072 98,439 78,089 279,227
Undergraduate 13,482 9,230 7,611 32,354 28,488 23,817 102,765
Graduate 14,867 14,961 14,514 74,718 69,951 54,272 176,462
Postsecondary 89 285 721 6,774 7,194 3,802 13,750
Undergraduate 85 101 106 639 514 297 912
Graduate 4 184 615 6,135 6,680 3,505 12,838
College undergraduate 14,363 18,845 17,742 49,152 28,154 22,577 71,580
Academic degree holder - - 873 34,585 37,584 32,294 114,572
Post baccalaureate - - - 134 276 354 2,612
Not stated 108 1,334 137 275 216 184 391


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Statistics Authority
124 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 93,924 95,725 90,262 436,120 382,347 321,367 1,372,786

No grade completed 1,657 1,763 1,658 8,787 10,231 10,847 102,550
Preschool 42 41 43 178 144 122 581
Special education 17 30 15 95 45 40 74
Elementary 17,497 18,633 18,019 95,728 91,816 83,907 485,738
1st - 4th grade 6,585 7,334 7,238 39,316 38,401 36,731 200,485
5th - 6th grade 4,363 4,785 4,499 23,699 22,435 19,177 94,031
Graduate 6,549 6,514 6,282 32,713 30,980 27,999 191,222
High school 53,160 45,078 39,462 189,361 170,533 136,734 473,611
Undergraduate 26,066 19,030 14,836 62,846 54,089 43,410 160,417
Graduate 27,094 26,048 24,626 126,515 116,444 93,324 313,194
Postsecondary 81 187 1,474 13,121 15,942 9,959 37,730
Undergraduate 81 115 92 625 573 382 1,283
Graduate - 72 1,382 12,496 15,369 9,577 36,447
College undergraduate 21,276 29,438 28,168 78,545 41,032 33,868 109,639
Academic degree holder - - 1,198 49,333 51,723 44,918 156,616
Post baccalaureate - - - 134 306 514 4,204
Not stated 194 555 225 838 575 458 2,043

Male 47,659 48,056 45,183 220,610 197,311 167,039 696,791

No grade completed 942 974 953 5,055 5,592 5,545 44,684
Preschool 28 34 31 123 91 75 299
Special education 11 19 9 47 27 18 46
Elementary 10,987 11,562 10,967 58,040 55,611 49,994 266,508
1st - 4th grade 4,445 4,939 4,822 25,794 24,381 22,725 115,725
5th - 6th grade 2,706 2,871 2,612 13,917 13,244 11,059 51,766
Graduate 3,836 3,752 3,533 18,329 17,986 16,210 99,017
High school 26,714 22,706 19,962 95,190 86,228 70,314 240,516
Undergraduate 14,216 10,331 7,995 32,995 28,887 23,276 81,411
Graduate 12,498 12,375 11,967 62,195 57,341 47,038 159,105
Postsecondary 50 85 696 5,893 7,404 5,137 16,492
Undergraduate 50 56 45 332 309 206 659
Graduate - 29 651 5,561 7,095 4,931 15,833
College undergraduate 8,833 12,271 11,897 36,236 19,189 16,200 56,711
Academic degree holder - - 568 19,577 22,765 19,368 68,867
Post baccalaureate - - - 58 125 185 1,684
Not stated 94 405 100 391 279 203 984

Female 46,265 47,669 45,079 215,510 185,036 154,328 675,995

No grade completed 715 789 705 3,732 4,639 5,302 57,866
Preschool 14 7 12 55 53 47 282
Special education 6 11 6 48 18 22 28
Elementary 6,510 7,071 7,052 37,688 36,205 33,913 219,230
1st - 4th grade 2,140 2,395 2,416 13,522 14,020 14,006 84,760
5th - 6th grade 1,657 1,914 1,887 9,782 9,191 8,118 42,265
Graduate 2,713 2,762 2,749 14,384 12,994 11,789 92,205
High school 26,446 22,372 19,500 94,171 84,305 66,420 233,095
Undergraduate 11,850 8,699 6,841 29,851 25,202 20,134 79,006
Graduate 14,596 13,673 12,659 64,320 59,103 46,286 154,089
Postsecondary 31 102 778 7,228 8,538 4,822 21,238
Undergraduate 31 59 47 293 264 176 624
Graduate - 43 731 6,935 8,274 4,646 20,614
College undergraduate 12,443 17,167 16,271 42,309 21,843 17,668 52,928
Academic degree holder - - 630 29,756 28,958 25,550 87,749
Post baccalaureate - - - 76 181 329 2,520
Not stated 100 150 125 447 296 255 1,059


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Table 11--Continued

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 52,114 50,559 48,575 232,683 203,151 167,959 825,651

No grade completed 495 424 391 1,938 1,742 1,722 16,762
Preschool 19 8 17 64 50 42 170
Special education 24 27 16 84 38 12 28
Elementary 8,251 8,214 8,055 43,392 43,174 41,418 343,317
1st - 4th grade 2,725 2,894 2,929 15,828 15,430 15,584 131,060
5th - 6th grade 2,137 2,136 2,085 10,780 10,384 9,648 71,576
Graduate 3,389 3,184 3,041 16,784 17,360 16,186 140,681
High school 32,281 26,168 23,922 109,835 95,167 73,803 279,509
Undergraduate 14,864 10,309 8,635 37,295 33,381 27,432 114,974
Graduate 17,417 15,859 15,287 72,540 61,786 46,371 164,535
Postsecondary 44 122 359 3,907 5,071 3,599 17,339
Undergraduate 44 75 61 338 366 262 984
Graduate - 47 298 3,569 4,705 3,337 16,355
College undergraduate 11,000 15,438 15,133 44,886 24,785 19,220 64,811
Academic degree holder - - 682 28,501 32,944 27,839 101,148
Post baccalaureate - - - 76 180 304 2,567
Not stated - 158 - - - - -

Male 27,270 26,349 25,278 120,596 106,710 88,871 415,192

No grade completed 300 258 234 1,183 1,011 1,030 8,265
Preschool 12 4 11 47 26 27 92
Special education 18 14 7 46 19 6 12
Elementary 5,770 5,707 5,552 29,415 29,025 26,792 184,927
1st - 4th grade 2,082 2,190 2,202 11,823 11,245 11,152 78,281
5th - 6th grade 1,471 1,453 1,404 7,227 6,949 6,130 37,896
Graduate 2,217 2,064 1,946 10,365 10,831 9,510 68,750
High school 16,717 13,732 12,532 55,719 48,090 37,570 135,962
Undergraduate 8,524 5,949 4,777 19,659 17,832 14,313 54,080
Graduate 8,193 7,783 7,755 36,060 30,258 23,257 81,882
Postsecondary 24 54 187 1,933 2,573 1,995 7,571
Undergraduate 24 36 34 193 203 152 510
Graduate - 18 153 1,740 2,370 1,843 7,061
College undergraduate 4,429 6,431 6,466 20,959 11,564 9,243 33,508
Academic degree holder - - 289 11,265 14,337 12,108 43,945
Post baccalaureate - - - 29 65 100 910
Not stated - 149 - - - - -

Female 24,844 24,210 23,297 112,087 96,441 79,088 410,459

No grade completed 195 166 157 755 731 692 8,497
Preschool 7 4 6 17 24 15 78
Special education 6 13 9 38 19 6 16
Elementary 2,481 2,507 2,503 13,977 14,149 14,626 158,390
1st - 4th grade 643 704 727 4,005 4,185 4,432 52,779
5th - 6th grade 666 683 681 3,553 3,435 3,518 33,680
Graduate 1,172 1,120 1,095 6,419 6,529 6,676 71,931
High school 15,564 12,436 11,390 54,116 47,077 36,233 143,547
Undergraduate 6,340 4,360 3,858 17,636 15,549 13,119 60,894
Graduate 9,224 8,076 7,532 36,480 31,528 23,114 82,653
Postsecondary 20 68 172 1,974 2,498 1,604 9,768
Undergraduate 20 39 27 145 163 110 474
Graduate - 29 145 1,829 2,335 1,494 9,294
College undergraduate 6,571 9,007 8,667 23,927 13,221 9,977 31,303
Academic degree holder - - 393 17,236 18,607 15,731 57,203
Post baccalaureate - - - 47 115 204 1,657
Not stated - 9 - - - - -


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Statistics Authority
126 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 11--Concluded

Highest Grade/Year Completed,
Sex, and Region
17 18 19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35 and Over


Both sexes 78,316 81,236 66,715 326,083 288,777 248,383 905,680

No grade completed 6,090 5,834 4,235 20,726 23,839 27,017 188,719
Preschool 33 37 23 164 120 147 707
Special education 6 3 10 130 149 166 571
Elementary 16,911 18,607 15,918 90,847 100,170 96,462 371,456
1st - 4th grade 6,870 7,443 6,301 35,730 41,155 42,918 185,286
5th - 6th grade 5,523 6,561 5,760 33,173 37,161 33,979 115,991
Graduate 4,518 4,603 3,857 21,944 21,854 19,565 70,179
High school 38,088 28,714 21,162 104,556 99,445 78,193 209,143
Undergraduate 26,524 17,434 11,628 48,304 42,861 33,846 86,381
Graduate 11,564 11,280 9,534 56,252 56,584 44,347 122,762
Postsecondary 46 87 166 2,799 3,286 2,518 7,770
Undergraduate 46 44 37 280 280 181 376
Graduate - 43 129 2,519 3,006 2,337 7,394
College undergraduate 16,664 27,465 24,298 82,394 31,799 21,750 57,580
Academic degree holder - - 506 22,538 28,194 20,669 63,885
Post baccalaureate - - - 128 234 137 1,045
Not stated 478 489 397 1,801 1,541 1,324 4,804

Male 38,702 40,107 32,864 156,993 137,222 118,942 460,075

No grade completed 3,133 2,996 2,257 10,856 12,020 13,691 90,806
Preschool 21 21 12 90 50 71 349
Special education 3 2 4 66 74 96 300
Elementary 9,506 10,403 8,836 48,626 50,674 48,339 194,739
1st - 4th grade 4,101 4,445 3,651 20,288 21,750 22,285 97,765
5th - 6th grade 3,077 3,579 3,176 17,297 18,366 16,658 60,488
Graduate 2,328 2,379 2,009 11,041 10,558 9,396 36,486
High school 18,184 13,980 10,282 48,492 45,571 36,199 106,807
Undergraduate 12,858 8,685 5,762 22,626 19,592 15,569 43,843
Graduate 5,326 5,295 4,520 25,866 25,979 20,630 62,964
Postsecondary 26 38 66 1,128 1,459 1,137 3,521
Undergraduate 26 21 20 129 154 84 199
Graduate - 17 46 999 1,305 1,053 3,322
College undergraduate 7,587 12,417 11,050 38,077 14,880 10,179 30,798
Academic degree holder - - 179 8,773 11,681 8,574 29,867
Post baccalaureate - - - 56 93 52 546
Not stated 242 250 178 829 720 604 2,342

Female 39,614 41,129 33,851 169,090 151,555 129,441 445,605

No grade completed 2,957 2,838 1,978 9,870 11,819 13,326 97,913
Preschool 12 16 11 74 70 76 358
Special education 3 1 6 64 75 70 271
Elementary 7,405 8,204 7,082 42,221 49,496 48,123 176,717
1st - 4th grade 2,769 2,998 2,650 15,442 19,405 20,633 87,521
5th - 6th grade 2,446 2,982 2,584 15,876 18,795 17,321 55,503
Graduate 2,190 2,224 1,848 10,903 11,296 10,169 33,693
High school 19,904 14,734 10,880 56,064 53,874 41,994 102,336
Undergraduate 13,666 8,749 5,866 25,678 23,269 18,277 42,538
Graduate 6,238 5,985 5,014 30,386 30,605 23,717 59,798
Postsecondary 20 49 100 1,671 1,827 1,381 4,249
Undergraduate 20 23 17 151 126 97 177
Graduate - 26 83 1,520 1,701 1,284 4,072
College undergraduate 9,077 15,048 13,248 44,317 16,919 11,571 26,782
Academic degree holder - - 327 13,765 16,513 12,095 34,018
Post baccalaureate - - - 72 141 85 499
Not stated 236 239 219 972 821 720 2,462

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Philippine Statistics Authority
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TABLE 12 Overseas Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed, Sex, and Age Group: 2015

Total Age Group

Highest Grade/Year
Completed and Sex
Worker Below 20 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45 and Over


Both sexes 2,196,423 26,766 171,901 407,519 426,018 386,295 293,451 484,473
No grade completed 3,411 305 345 367 397 407 413 1,177
Preschool 65 7 13 8 4 8 7 18
Special education 124 18 19 21 26 16 10 14
Elementary 86,923 3,932 8,355 10,926 10,744 11,746 10,815 30,405
1st - 4th grade 18,806 1,161 2,061 2,563 2,379 2,382 2,142 6,118
5th - 6th grade 17,716 1,094 2,544 2,911 2,441 2,410 1,838 4,478
Graduate 50,401 1,677 3,750 5,452 5,924 6,954 6,835 19,809
High school 722,773 14,817 53,862 126,994 136,613 128,502 102,591 159,394
Undergraduate 91,204 5,804 9,193 16,203 16,355 15,184 11,012 17,453
Graduate 631,569 9,013 44,669 110,791 120,258 113,318 91,579 141,941
Postsecondary 141,167 378 11,683 28,947 25,632 24,344 21,178 29,005
Undergraduate 5,678 85 497 1,143 1,110 979 767 1,097
Graduate 135,489 293 11,186 27,804 24,522 23,365 20,411 27,908
College undergraduate 336,440 6,368 25,156 61,157 70,049 61,426 42,954 69,330
Academic degree holder 901,811 916 72,274 178,649 181,994 159,293 114,959 193,726
Post baccalaureate 2,943 - 68 309 413 436 449 1,268
Not stated 766 25 126 141 146 117 75 136

Male 1,149,135 11,341 82,661 182,846 210,486 203,032 162,438 296,331

No grade completed 1,518 167 155 134 175 165 190 532
Preschool 25 4 2 2 2 5 3 7
Special education 69 12 9 12 13 9 7 7
Elementary 31,803 1,545 2,630 3,370 3,489 4,029 4,030 12,710
1st - 4th grade 7,837 529 815 897 903 948 900 2,845
5th - 6th grade 5,713 372 629 786 693 719 632 1,882
Graduate 18,253 644 1,186 1,687 1,893 2,362 2,498 7,983
High school 311,871 6,007 21,310 47,643 54,583 52,860 44,856 84,612
Undergraduate 31,665 2,464 2,856 4,667 4,903 4,961 3,844 7,970
Graduate 280,206 3,543 18,454 42,976 49,680 47,899 41,012 76,642
Postsecondary 69,326 180 5,465 13,206 13,186 12,094 9,863 15,332
Undergraduate 2,977 42 236 545 603 474 400 677
Graduate 66,349 138 5,229 12,661 12,583 11,620 9,463 14,655
College undergraduate 165,685 2,836 11,026 25,288 32,076 29,932 22,647 41,880
Academic degree holder 567,019 580 42,004 93,010 106,713 103,683 80,548 140,481
Post baccalaureate 1,541 - 28 142 201 215 263 692
Not stated 278 10 32 39 48 40 31 78

Female 1,047,288 15,425 89,240 224,673 215,532 183,263 131,013 188,142

No grade completed 1,893 138 190 233 222 242 223 645
Preschool 40 3 11 6 2 3 4 11
Special education 55 6 10 9 13 7 3 7
Elementary 55,120 2,387 5,725 7,556 7,255 7,717 6,785 17,695
1st - 4th grade 10,969 632 1,246 1,666 1,476 1,434 1,242 3,273
5th - 6th grade 12,003 722 1,915 2,125 1,748 1,691 1,206 2,596
Graduate 32,148 1,033 2,564 3,765 4,031 4,592 4,337 11,826
High school 410,902 8,810 32,552 79,351 82,030 75,642 57,735 74,782
Undergraduate 59,539 3,340 6,337 11,536 11,452 10,223 7,168 9,483
Graduate 351,363 5,470 26,215 67,815 70,578 65,419 50,567 65,299
Postsecondary 71,841 198 6,218 15,741 12,446 12,250 11,315 13,673
Undergraduate 2,701 43 261 598 507 505 367 420
Graduate 69,140 155 5,957 15,143 11,939 11,745 10,948 13,253
College undergraduate 170,755 3,532 14,130 35,869 37,973 31,494 20,307 27,450
Academic degree holder 334,792 336 30,270 85,639 75,281 55,610 34,411 53,245
Post baccalaureate 1,402 - 40 167 212 221 186 576
Not stated 488 15 94 102 98 77 44 58

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Statistics Authority
128 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

TABLE 13 Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Major Occupation Group, Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 40,045,980 1,984,777 5,383,069 5,808,970 5,231,913

Managers 3,092,256 24,359 143,623 265,687 351,343

Professionals 2,494,908 7,998 358,063 506,415 399,678
Technicians and associate professionals 2,178,480 60,673 359,625 395,918 333,209
Clerical support workers 2,531,681 48,948 561,776 571,174 420,270
Service and sales workers 6,375,419 403,838 1,175,122 1,081,995 845,626
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 6,644,822 215,887 476,126 623,511 677,226
Craft and related trades workers 3,709,043 114,383 393,921 474,109 479,788
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,900,312 87,821 379,189 532,958 593,125
Elementary occupations 8,893,998 964,271 1,513,742 1,325,652 1,105,871
Armed forces occupations 109,002 758 10,974 21,987 17,370
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 245 40 59 37 34
Not reported 115,814 55,801 10,849 9,527 8,373

Male 26,295,990 1,270,247 3,348,267 3,787,468 3,509,781

Managers 1,314,611 10,217 60,305 115,814 150,408

Professionals 949,640 3,481 124,991 193,903 152,623
Technicians and associate professionals 1,208,711 29,644 183,266 222,790 193,750
Clerical support workers 1,094,842 20,518 216,398 253,251 188,644
Service and sales workers 3,092,320 164,739 559,409 569,718 456,906
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 5,923,763 193,132 437,741 579,341 627,506
Craft and related trades workers 3,051,771 89,815 325,365 403,486 410,446
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,684,481 71,894 324,408 487,394 561,985
Elementary occupations 5,814,519 656,214 1,101,500 936,774 747,179
Armed forces occupations 103,190 688 10,013 20,451 16,328
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 179 24 42 32 26
Not reported 57,963 29,881 4,829 4,514 3,980

Female 13,749,990 714,530 2,034,802 2,021,502 1,722,132

Managers 1,777,645 14,142 83,318 149,873 200,935

Professionals 1,545,268 4,517 233,072 312,512 247,055
Technicians and associate professionals 969,769 31,029 176,359 173,128 139,459
Clerical support workers 1,436,839 28,430 345,378 317,923 231,626
Service and sales workers 3,283,099 239,099 615,713 512,277 388,720
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 721,059 22,755 38,385 44,170 49,720
Craft and related trades workers 657,272 24,568 68,556 70,623 69,342
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 215,831 15,927 54,781 45,564 31,140
Elementary occupations 3,079,479 308,057 412,242 388,878 358,692
Armed forces occupations 5,812 70 961 1,536 1,042
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 66 16 17 5 8
Not reported 57,851 25,920 6,020 5,013 4,393


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Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 5,632,528 187,683 815,104 950,361 831,578

Managers 532,602 2,504 23,694 47,736 63,974

Professionals 528,535 1,934 77,914 113,031 86,178
Technicians and associate professionals 412,280 5,809 56,330 75,660 67,611
Clerical support workers 777,970 14,276 170,034 191,063 140,962
Service and sales workers 1,230,646 61,522 234,280 233,714 180,133
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 27,819 1,154 3,598 3,781 3,301
Craft and related trades workers 577,609 13,080 55,331 72,616 76,873
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 580,896 6,620 38,363 64,119 82,547
Elementary occupations 915,792 71,317 150,796 142,720 124,192
Armed forces occupations 10,819 22 581 1,433 1,478
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 156 31 29 27 25
Not reported 37,404 9,414 4,154 4,461 4,304

Male 3,317,639 96,720 435,824 548,519 505,085

Managers 246,223 1,131 10,545 22,848 30,012

Professionals 240,722 851 32,055 50,270 39,868
Technicians and associate professionals 239,523 3,321 30,400 44,122 40,489
Clerical support workers 336,822 5,918 67,250 84,487 63,391
Service and sales workers 647,489 26,897 115,024 126,818 102,700
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 25,515 1,077 3,351 3,535 3,070
Craft and related trades workers 483,315 10,542 47,198 63,354 66,896
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 554,613 5,688 34,366 59,767 78,579
Elementary occupations 515,950 36,488 93,264 90,040 76,720
Armed forces occupations 9,705 18 461 1,214 1,281
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 118 18 24 23 20
Not reported 17,644 4,771 1,886 2,041 2,059

Female 2,314,889 90,963 379,280 401,842 326,493

Managers 286,379 1,373 13,149 24,888 33,962

Professionals 287,813 1,083 45,859 62,761 46,310
Technicians and associate professionals 172,757 2,488 25,930 31,538 27,122
Clerical support workers 441,148 8,358 102,784 106,576 77,571
Service and sales workers 583,157 34,625 119,256 106,896 77,433
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,304 77 247 246 231
Craft and related trades workers 94,294 2,538 8,133 9,262 9,977
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 26,283 932 3,997 4,352 3,968
Elementary occupations 399,842 34,829 57,532 52,680 47,472
Armed forces occupations 1,114 4 120 219 197
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 38 13 5 4 5
Not reported 19,760 4,643 2,268 2,420 2,245


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130 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 746,019 32,364 97,926 113,452 99,643

Managers 55,252 487 3,227 5,656 6,851

Professionals 57,203 130 8,435 12,063 9,584
Technicians and associate professionals 24,409 248 3,259 4,116 3,664
Clerical support workers 29,075 397 6,969 6,686 4,385
Service and sales workers 79,807 4,277 15,790 15,248 11,271
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 181,263 3,539 12,547 18,339 20,080
Craft and related trades workers 41,292 1,220 4,553 5,805 5,702
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 64,418 1,919 8,034 11,238 11,057
Elementary occupations 208,468 19,592 34,532 33,308 26,398
Armed forces occupations 4,024 37 516 947 612
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 808 518 64 46 39

Male 468,639 23,364 61,813 72,011 63,919

Managers 23,355 191 1,153 2,242 2,690

Professionals 19,671 53 2,419 3,989 3,336
Technicians and associate professionals 12,503 139 1,516 2,238 2,081
Clerical support workers 10,941 148 2,279 2,624 1,772
Service and sales workers 37,621 1,740 7,067 7,929 5,859
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 154,078 3,191 11,417 16,844 18,269
Craft and related trades workers 36,218 1,091 3,986 5,162 5,135
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 62,062 1,857 7,651 10,740 10,630
Elementary occupations 107,951 14,633 23,825 19,334 13,554
Armed forces occupations 3,825 33 485 884 573
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 414 288 15 25 20

Female 277,380 9,000 36,113 41,441 35,724

Managers 31,897 296 2,074 3,414 4,161

Professionals 37,532 77 6,016 8,074 6,248
Technicians and associate professionals 11,906 109 1,743 1,878 1,583
Clerical support workers 18,134 249 4,690 4,062 2,613
Service and sales workers 42,186 2,537 8,723 7,319 5,412
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 27,185 348 1,130 1,495 1,811
Craft and related trades workers 5,074 129 567 643 567
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2,356 62 383 498 427
Elementary occupations 100,517 4,959 10,707 13,974 12,844
Armed forces occupations 199 4 31 63 39
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 394 230 49 21 19


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Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 2,019,172 86,687 246,020 270,299 260,088

Managers 121,675 751 5,287 9,932 13,520

Professionals 121,022 295 17,836 24,168 19,118
Technicians and associate professionals 74,690 1,262 11,059 12,828 11,523
Clerical support workers 79,701 1,284 18,127 16,006 12,134
Service and sales workers 372,948 21,337 64,523 59,796 49,506
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 384,334 7,041 19,097 28,995 36,395
Craft and related trades workers 157,200 5,208 16,580 19,104 19,701
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 184,659 2,757 14,212 23,199 29,040
Elementary occupations 517,291 44,988 78,861 75,548 68,505
Armed forces occupations 3,169 20 283 591 554
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 10 - 4 3 -
Not reported 2,473 1,744 151 129 92

Male 1,347,680 58,451 157,164 179,174 175,584

Managers 51,615 283 2,172 4,340 5,703

Professionals 43,057 138 5,931 8,911 6,887
Technicians and associate professionals 43,149 766 6,023 7,746 6,974
Clerical support workers 36,330 606 6,999 7,573 5,726
Service and sales workers 156,056 8,615 29,260 29,132 23,342
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 358,199 6,586 18,103 27,653 34,825
Craft and related trades workers 135,744 4,325 14,123 16,916 17,745
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 180,104 2,537 13,317 22,277 28,268
Elementary occupations 339,165 33,681 60,911 54,005 45,553
Armed forces occupations 3,006 19 251 545 520
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 9 - 4 3 -
Not reported 1,246 895 70 73 41

Female 671,492 28,236 88,856 91,125 84,504

Managers 70,060 468 3,115 5,592 7,817

Professionals 77,965 157 11,905 15,257 12,231
Technicians and associate professionals 31,541 496 5,036 5,082 4,549
Clerical support workers 43,371 678 11,128 8,433 6,408
Service and sales workers 216,892 12,722 35,263 30,664 26,164
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 26,135 455 994 1,342 1,570
Craft and related trades workers 21,456 883 2,457 2,188 1,956
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 4,555 220 895 922 772
Elementary occupations 178,126 11,307 17,950 21,543 22,952
Armed forces occupations 163 1 32 46 34
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 1 - - - -
Not reported 1,227 849 81 56 51


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
132 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,462,146 77,745 190,633 201,694 182,051

Managers 91,440 737 4,928 8,130 10,515

Professionals 75,610 223 11,948 15,334 11,449
Technicians and associate professionals 42,144 736 7,723 8,273 6,110
Clerical support workers 48,206 789 12,657 9,783 6,605
Service and sales workers 214,419 12,991 39,068 38,935 31,140
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 335,368 7,538 21,164 30,706 34,643
Craft and related trades workers 78,796 2,816 8,791 9,862 9,382
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 103,663 1,821 9,279 14,397 16,409
Elementary occupations 466,617 48,775 74,458 65,251 55,027
Armed forces occupations 4,092 25 445 958 720
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 9 - 9 - -
Not reported 1,782 1,294 163 65 51

Male 998,083 55,908 127,068 135,757 124,354

Managers 38,941 327 2,077 3,603 4,534

Professionals 25,844 83 3,995 5,556 3,866
Technicians and associate professionals 22,838 445 3,852 4,718 3,677
Clerical support workers 20,641 275 4,693 4,419 3,047
Service and sales workers 80,877 4,905 16,625 16,065 12,136
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 305,828 6,813 19,741 28,842 32,688
Craft and related trades workers 71,839 2,601 8,169 9,253 8,884
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 101,996 1,754 9,027 14,093 16,174
Elementary occupations 324,437 38,005 58,415 48,266 38,626
Armed forces occupations 3,932 25 416 901 694
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 2 - 2 - -
Not reported 908 675 56 41 28

Female 464,063 21,837 63,565 65,937 57,697

Managers 52,499 410 2,851 4,527 5,981

Professionals 49,766 140 7,953 9,778 7,583
Technicians and associate professionals 19,306 291 3,871 3,555 2,433
Clerical support workers 27,565 514 7,964 5,364 3,558
Service and sales workers 133,542 8,086 22,443 22,870 19,004
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 29,540 725 1,423 1,864 1,955
Craft and related trades workers 6,957 215 622 609 498
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1,667 67 252 304 235
Elementary occupations 142,180 10,770 16,043 16,985 16,401
Armed forces occupations 160 - 29 57 26
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 7 - 7 - -
Not reported 874 619 107 24 23


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 133

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 4,549,522 207,815 624,350 652,969 595,714

Managers 377,381 2,680 16,946 30,588 40,153

Professionals 291,931 1,466 47,394 60,204 45,180
Technicians and associate professionals 271,686 7,028 43,145 46,963 41,776
Clerical support workers 296,485 7,669 67,778 62,164 46,753
Service and sales workers 794,624 54,415 148,506 130,457 101,279
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 421,392 11,660 25,785 33,475 39,400
Craft and related trades workers 587,006 21,341 68,477 77,143 77,736
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 569,459 13,108 54,321 72,569 81,088
Elementary occupations 920,770 84,546 150,042 136,697 120,028
Armed forces occupations 11,354 85 1,242 2,168 1,853
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 15 2 6 1 2
Not reported 7,419 3,815 708 540 466

Male 2,999,553 131,849 386,315 424,997 397,776

Managers 168,718 1,177 7,676 14,179 17,911

Professionals 114,512 595 16,866 23,877 17,619
Technicians and associate professionals 163,989 3,744 23,463 28,320 25,897
Clerical support workers 133,932 3,262 27,563 28,659 21,446
Service and sales workers 389,446 22,221 71,644 69,178 54,408
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 392,094 10,649 24,245 31,662 37,255
Craft and related trades workers 465,053 15,557 53,347 62,565 63,353
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 534,420 10,607 44,845 64,556 75,809
Elementary occupations 623,153 62,108 115,221 99,767 82,127
Armed forces occupations 10,624 77 1,121 1,952 1,704
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 11 1 5 1 1
Not reported 3,601 1,851 319 281 246

Female 1,549,969 75,966 238,035 227,972 197,938

Managers 208,663 1,503 9,270 16,409 22,242

Professionals 177,419 871 30,528 36,327 27,561
Technicians and associate professionals 107,697 3,284 19,682 18,643 15,879
Clerical support workers 162,553 4,407 40,215 33,505 25,307
Service and sales workers 405,178 32,194 76,862 61,279 46,871
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 29,298 1,011 1,540 1,813 2,145
Craft and related trades workers 121,953 5,784 15,130 14,578 14,383
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 35,039 2,501 9,476 8,013 5,279
Elementary occupations 297,617 22,438 34,821 36,930 37,901
Armed forces occupations 730 8 121 216 149
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 4 1 1 - 1
Not reported 3,818 1,964 389 259 220


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
134 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 6,024,908 256,703 851,620 907,574 835,079

Managers 494,421 3,024 20,736 39,643 55,766

Professionals 422,300 1,578 62,493 85,926 69,218
Technicians and associate professionals 654,079 34,025 146,328 134,900 102,941
Clerical support workers 475,160 8,848 102,267 104,734 82,214
Service and sales workers 1,028,789 59,825 175,950 167,778 140,036
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 435,785 13,014 27,259 34,473 40,147
Craft and related trades workers 729,896 20,434 72,251 90,602 98,566
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 768,996 17,846 79,035 101,414 113,048
Elementary occupations 992,263 93,682 162,807 144,628 129,931
Armed forces occupations 14,444 85 1,550 2,731 2,568
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 8 2 1 1 2
Not reported 8,767 4,340 943 744 642

Male 3,763,372 149,989 488,996 554,474 530,327

Managers 208,323 1,346 9,010 17,410 23,530

Professionals 174,712 707 23,120 34,533 28,734
Technicians and associate professionals 346,599 14,635 68,938 70,527 56,979
Clerical support workers 203,557 3,685 38,797 45,676 35,932
Service and sales workers 528,917 26,173 90,205 93,251 78,728
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 391,205 12,132 25,589 32,173 37,140
Craft and related trades workers 566,851 14,573 55,327 71,954 78,906
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 692,650 11,733 56,916 83,656 101,658
Elementary occupations 632,942 62,659 119,345 102,533 86,054
Armed forces occupations 13,170 64 1,317 2,395 2,329
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 5 2 - 1 1
Not reported 4,441 2,280 432 365 336

Female 2,261,536 106,714 362,624 353,100 304,752

Managers 286,098 1,678 11,726 22,233 32,236

Professionals 247,588 871 39,373 51,393 40,484
Technicians and associate professionals 307,480 19,390 77,390 64,373 45,962
Clerical support workers 271,603 5,163 63,470 59,058 46,282
Service and sales workers 499,872 33,652 85,745 74,527 61,308
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 44,580 882 1,670 2,300 3,007
Craft and related trades workers 163,045 5,861 16,924 18,648 19,660
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 76,346 6,113 22,119 17,758 11,390
Elementary occupations 359,321 31,023 43,462 42,095 43,877
Armed forces occupations 1,274 21 233 336 239
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 - 1 - 1
Not reported 4,326 2,060 511 379 306


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 135

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,106,478 69,356 143,344 143,103 135,009

Managers 75,626 602 3,438 6,229 8,518

Professionals 50,536 124 6,644 9,328 8,172
Technicians and associate professionals 41,768 922 5,974 6,525 5,545
Clerical support workers 38,461 710 8,743 7,564 5,302
Service and sales workers 135,209 9,878 24,533 20,559 16,448
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 348,005 15,247 30,586 36,201 38,969
Craft and related trades workers 80,293 2,533 7,795 9,001 9,302
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 76,034 1,812 7,734 10,810 12,109
Elementary occupations 256,499 36,223 47,613 36,392 30,136
Armed forces occupations 2,389 11 237 450 457
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,658 1,294 47 44 51

Male 771,743 48,186 99,076 101,838 97,046

Managers 28,521 214 1,172 2,181 2,987

Professionals 15,692 46 2,054 3,071 2,462
Technicians and associate professionals 19,884 453 2,914 3,325 2,852
Clerical support workers 15,908 306 3,164 3,226 2,249
Service and sales workers 57,624 3,626 11,220 10,153 8,167
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 313,326 13,679 28,455 34,030 36,379
Craft and related trades workers 66,210 1,986 6,618 7,892 8,190
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 73,695 1,616 6,998 10,299 11,855
Elementary occupations 177,839 25,615 36,251 27,239 21,455
Armed forces occupations 2,226 10 207 400 426
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 818 635 23 22 24

Female 334,735 21,170 44,268 41,265 37,963

Managers 47,105 388 2,266 4,048 5,531

Professionals 34,844 78 4,590 6,257 5,710
Technicians and associate professionals 21,884 469 3,060 3,200 2,693
Clerical support workers 22,553 404 5,579 4,338 3,053
Service and sales workers 77,585 6,252 13,313 10,406 8,281
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 34,679 1,568 2,131 2,171 2,590
Craft and related trades workers 14,083 547 1,177 1,109 1,112
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2,339 196 736 511 254
Elementary occupations 78,660 10,608 11,362 9,153 8,681
Armed forces occupations 163 1 30 50 31
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 840 659 24 22 27


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
136 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 2,082,198 127,537 265,531 263,354 244,327

Managers 157,934 1,239 6,284 11,740 16,651

Professionals 107,528 297 14,149 19,595 16,079
Technicians and associate professionals 83,956 1,636 12,225 13,206 10,988
Clerical support workers 74,841 1,361 16,601 14,794 10,600
Service and sales workers 277,374 20,860 51,246 41,821 33,327
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 508,883 15,737 32,249 42,935 49,102
Craft and related trades workers 184,699 6,690 19,802 21,326 21,230
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 137,787 3,077 12,926 18,820 22,041
Elementary occupations 539,274 72,932 99,233 77,545 63,044
Armed forces occupations 5,572 42 704 1,456 1,177
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 - - 1 1
Not reported 4,347 3,666 112 115 87

Male 1,417,351 85,946 177,291 184,318 173,369

Managers 59,181 435 2,283 4,366 6,124

Professionals 34,697 149 4,571 6,732 5,023
Technicians and associate professionals 44,005 892 6,238 7,309 6,206
Clerical support workers 32,037 574 6,235 6,402 4,645
Service and sales workers 128,473 8,281 23,905 22,318 18,426
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 454,165 14,271 29,412 39,545 45,383
Craft and related trades workers 143,028 5,120 15,959 17,793 17,705
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 134,204 2,775 11,984 18,160 21,626
Elementary occupations 379,647 51,244 75,991 60,235 47,042
Armed forces occupations 5,376 39 656 1,388 1,147
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 - - 1 1
Not reported 2,535 2,166 57 69 41

Female 664,847 41,591 88,240 79,036 70,958

Managers 98,753 804 4,001 7,374 10,527

Professionals 72,831 148 9,578 12,863 11,056
Technicians and associate professionals 39,951 744 5,987 5,897 4,782
Clerical support workers 42,804 787 10,366 8,392 5,955
Service and sales workers 148,901 12,579 27,341 19,503 14,901
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 54,718 1,466 2,837 3,390 3,719
Craft and related trades workers 41,671 1,570 3,843 3,533 3,525
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,583 302 942 660 415
Elementary occupations 159,627 21,688 23,242 17,310 16,002
Armed forces occupations 196 3 48 68 30
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,812 1,500 55 46 46


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 137

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 2,986,578 143,223 381,894 412,275 372,739

Managers 193,732 1,200 7,667 14,615 20,535

Professionals 164,229 324 20,671 33,058 25,607
Technicians and associate professionals 108,736 1,517 14,728 17,013 15,593
Clerical support workers 145,096 2,567 33,384 31,190 22,427
Service and sales workers 456,617 26,706 87,333 76,479 57,363
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 514,145 16,386 34,179 44,505 48,700
Craft and related trades workers 226,467 6,214 21,956 27,403 27,698
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 280,368 4,416 25,340 39,865 45,436
Elementary occupations 887,102 81,358 135,668 126,414 108,123
Armed forces occupations 6,063 49 731 1,501 1,090
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 10 1 - 2 2
Not reported 4,013 2,485 237 230 165

Male 1,988,422 92,792 243,449 276,789 257,000

Managers 75,111 458 2,843 5,644 7,960

Professionals 51,387 139 5,710 10,576 8,151
Technicians and associate professionals 59,575 904 7,886 9,901 8,943
Clerical support workers 57,348 1,033 11,582 13,085 9,465
Service and sales workers 218,644 10,631 40,927 41,595 32,417
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 458,450 14,976 31,767 41,667 45,347
Craft and related trades workers 192,834 5,285 19,532 24,911 25,030
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 275,339 4,241 24,604 39,079 44,697
Elementary occupations 591,764 53,699 97,812 88,777 73,873
Armed forces occupations 5,847 46 692 1,441 1,052
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 7 1 - 1 1
Not reported 2,116 1,379 94 112 64

Female 998,156 50,431 138,445 135,486 115,739

Managers 118,621 742 4,824 8,971 12,575

Professionals 112,842 185 14,961 22,482 17,456
Technicians and associate professionals 49,161 613 6,842 7,112 6,650
Clerical support workers 87,748 1,534 21,802 18,105 12,962
Service and sales workers 237,973 16,075 46,406 34,884 24,946
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 55,695 1,410 2,412 2,838 3,353
Craft and related trades workers 33,633 929 2,424 2,492 2,668
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 5,029 175 736 786 739
Elementary occupations 295,338 27,659 37,856 37,637 34,250
Armed forces occupations 216 3 39 60 38
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 - - 1 1
Not reported 1,897 1,106 143 118 101


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
138 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 2,987,958 149,321 396,293 419,864 377,110

Managers 224,157 2,209 10,546 19,060 26,365

Professionals 168,729 538 26,204 34,984 29,044
Technicians and associate professionals 131,307 2,300 17,800 22,748 21,022
Clerical support workers 174,088 3,890 43,359 43,328 28,973
Service and sales workers 462,242 30,040 83,813 75,560 59,305
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 537,764 13,140 28,124 39,195 45,285
Craft and related trades workers 371,849 11,610 43,793 52,857 50,241
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 277,545 8,497 35,400 41,667 42,529
Elementary occupations 631,942 74,088 106,617 89,421 73,523
Armed forces occupations 3,352 13 289 716 572
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 4,983 2,996 348 328 251

Male 1,892,347 89,856 235,972 267,162 247,816

Managers 106,247 1,356 5,696 10,003 13,317

Professionals 62,385 226 8,228 12,840 10,738
Technicians and associate professionals 76,718 1,273 9,797 13,680 12,798
Clerical support workers 73,201 1,539 16,119 18,848 12,893
Service and sales workers 216,054 12,271 40,548 40,109 31,706
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 434,713 11,399 23,785 33,430 38,422
Craft and related trades workers 305,473 9,129 35,119 43,951 43,057
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 238,427 4,714 23,519 33,159 37,397
Elementary occupations 373,103 46,006 72,758 60,305 46,841
Armed forces occupations 3,152 13 253 668 532
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 2,874 1,930 150 169 115

Female 1,095,611 59,465 160,321 152,702 129,294

Managers 117,910 853 4,850 9,057 13,048

Professionals 106,344 312 17,976 22,144 18,306
Technicians and associate professionals 54,589 1,027 8,003 9,068 8,224
Clerical support workers 100,887 2,351 27,240 24,480 16,080
Service and sales workers 246,188 17,769 43,265 35,451 27,599
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 103,051 1,741 4,339 5,765 6,863
Craft and related trades workers 66,376 2,481 8,674 8,906 7,184
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 39,118 3,783 11,881 8,508 5,132
Elementary occupations 258,839 28,082 33,859 29,116 26,682
Armed forces occupations 200 - 36 48 40
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 2,109 1,066 198 159 136


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 139

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,645,227 103,819 203,005 202,611 186,825

Managers 136,203 1,092 5,505 10,081 13,956

Professionals 82,398 137 10,133 15,929 13,253
Technicians and associate professionals 48,766 726 6,324 7,707 6,895
Clerical support workers 55,149 958 11,339 10,968 8,123
Service and sales workers 204,776 15,931 37,120 30,619 24,069
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 443,219 13,668 29,532 37,047 40,442
Craft and related trades workers 122,744 4,079 12,303 13,827 14,060
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 102,362 1,921 8,956 13,941 16,245
Elementary occupations 441,542 62,854 81,065 61,168 48,881
Armed forces occupations 5,168 78 616 1,266 844
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 5 - 3 1 -
Not reported 2,895 2,375 109 57 57

Male 1,139,192 71,846 140,740 144,465 134,592

Managers 50,537 429 2,070 3,835 5,331

Professionals 26,072 69 3,085 5,169 4,199
Technicians and associate professionals 25,133 413 3,218 4,289 3,827
Clerical support workers 23,262 417 4,158 4,801 3,683
Service and sales workers 96,997 6,347 17,583 16,504 13,390
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 398,515 12,839 28,044 35,216 38,285
Craft and related trades workers 104,122 3,501 11,091 12,631 12,697
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 100,573 1,829 8,681 13,688 16,012
Elementary occupations 307,123 44,418 62,165 47,059 36,309
Armed forces occupations 5,080 75 602 1,244 832
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 5 - 3 1 -
Not reported 1,773 1,509 40 28 27

Female 506,035 31,973 62,265 58,146 52,233

Managers 85,666 663 3,435 6,246 8,625

Professionals 56,326 68 7,048 10,760 9,054
Technicians and associate professionals 23,633 313 3,106 3,418 3,068
Clerical support workers 31,887 541 7,181 6,167 4,440
Service and sales workers 107,779 9,584 19,537 14,115 10,679
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 44,704 829 1,488 1,831 2,157
Craft and related trades workers 18,622 578 1,212 1,196 1,363
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1,789 92 275 253 233
Elementary occupations 134,419 18,436 18,900 14,109 12,572
Armed forces occupations 88 3 14 22 12
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,122 866 69 29 30


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
140 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,301,862 78,655 168,087 175,321 155,805

Managers 89,023 1,062 4,791 7,951 9,715

Professionals 71,694 158 8,761 13,371 11,289
Technicians and associate professionals 43,656 621 4,841 6,504 5,911
Clerical support workers 43,125 641 8,712 8,747 6,504
Service and sales workers 162,480 13,499 31,111 26,711 20,207
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 439,823 18,473 38,366 45,599 45,919
Craft and related trades workers 86,351 3,200 9,698 10,817 10,266
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 99,815 3,171 12,026 15,772 15,611
Elementary occupations 253,805 35,091 48,876 38,053 29,056
Armed forces occupations 8,921 50 805 1,733 1,267
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 3,169 2,689 100 63 60

Male 922,733 53,878 116,226 125,393 113,955

Managers 38,277 454 2,125 3,550 4,309

Professionals 23,274 69 2,752 4,366 3,630
Technicians and associate professionals 23,428 361 2,568 3,722 3,399
Clerical support workers 19,957 274 3,551 4,217 3,230
Service and sales workers 81,189 5,220 14,197 13,989 11,546
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 388,858 16,452 35,500 42,737 42,816
Craft and related trades workers 76,140 2,706 8,696 9,917 9,452
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 96,711 2,914 11,394 15,240 15,211
Elementary occupations 164,469 23,613 34,707 26,033 19,140
Armed forces occupations 8,435 40 702 1,588 1,191
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,995 1,775 34 34 31

Female 379,129 24,777 51,861 49,928 41,850

Managers 50,746 608 2,666 4,401 5,406

Professionals 48,420 89 6,009 9,005 7,659
Technicians and associate professionals 20,228 260 2,273 2,782 2,512
Clerical support workers 23,168 367 5,161 4,530 3,274
Service and sales workers 81,291 8,279 16,914 12,722 8,661
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 50,965 2,021 2,866 2,862 3,103
Craft and related trades workers 10,211 494 1,002 900 814
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,104 257 632 532 400
Elementary occupations 89,336 11,478 14,169 12,020 9,916
Armed forces occupations 486 10 103 145 76
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,174 914 66 29 29


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 141

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,805,642 110,236 236,296 255,765 222,613

Managers 130,788 1,225 6,189 11,408 14,762

Professionals 93,106 155 10,901 17,712 15,077
Technicians and associate professionals 66,898 1,032 8,012 11,094 9,430
Clerical support workers 77,097 1,312 15,138 16,404 11,960
Service and sales workers 253,134 19,337 47,502 41,393 30,534
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 377,815 12,656 28,119 36,989 37,605
Craft and related trades workers 130,967 3,949 13,932 17,648 16,512
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 141,744 3,629 14,022 21,060 22,367
Elementary occupations 524,239 64,177 91,780 80,691 63,339
Armed forces occupations 6,665 27 598 1,283 974
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 1 - - 1
Not reported 3,186 2,736 103 83 52

Male 1,222,910 72,300 157,673 176,894 155,434

Managers 49,248 454 2,234 4,268 5,478

Professionals 31,344 67 3,310 6,201 4,889
Technicians and associate professionals 37,245 633 4,477 6,459 5,626
Clerical support workers 33,724 618 5,804 7,500 5,492
Service and sales workers 121,557 7,487 22,011 22,002 16,888
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 325,914 10,785 25,021 33,394 33,896
Craft and related trades workers 118,204 3,503 12,811 16,502 15,509
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 138,765 3,453 13,582 20,589 21,953
Elementary occupations 358,549 43,577 67,810 58,712 44,741
Armed forces occupations 6,444 25 569 1,230 928
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 1 - - 1
Not reported 1,913 1,697 44 37 33

Female 582,732 37,936 78,623 78,871 67,179

Managers 81,540 771 3,955 7,140 9,284

Professionals 61,762 88 7,591 11,511 10,188
Technicians and associate professionals 29,653 399 3,535 4,635 3,804
Clerical support workers 43,373 694 9,334 8,904 6,468
Service and sales workers 131,577 11,850 25,491 19,391 13,646
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 51,901 1,871 3,098 3,595 3,709
Craft and related trades workers 12,763 446 1,121 1,146 1,003
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2,979 176 440 471 414
Elementary occupations 165,690 20,600 23,970 21,979 18,598
Armed forces occupations 221 2 29 53 46
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,273 1,039 59 46 19


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
142 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,897,144 106,174 257,126 282,321 245,479

Managers 136,211 1,404 6,810 12,469 16,033

Professionals 95,584 308 12,595 19,662 15,382
Technicians and associate professionals 74,352 1,478 9,891 12,478 10,672
Clerical support workers 100,804 2,284 23,254 23,267 16,076
Service and sales workers 264,746 20,311 54,123 48,171 34,849
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 381,728 12,353 27,701 35,581 37,285
Craft and related trades workers 137,376 5,057 16,267 19,225 17,756
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 196,113 5,873 20,858 29,971 31,501
Elementary occupations 500,663 53,735 84,832 80,165 65,082
Armed forces occupations 5,522 74 618 1,196 748
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 4,045 3,297 177 136 95

Male 1,329,253 69,356 172,363 197,741 175,946

Managers 55,678 526 2,654 5,030 6,540

Professionals 33,735 146 4,181 7,130 5,466
Technicians and associate professionals 41,989 896 5,835 7,536 6,379
Clerical support workers 43,646 967 8,842 10,305 7,318
Service and sales workers 127,458 7,807 24,499 24,612 18,609
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 341,266 11,174 25,791 33,462 34,799
Craft and related trades workers 123,472 4,526 14,940 17,914 16,565
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 191,499 5,529 20,164 29,253 30,891
Elementary occupations 363,677 36,621 64,786 61,266 48,612
Armed forces occupations 5,370 68 593 1,167 723
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 1,463 1,096 78 66 44

Female 567,891 36,818 84,763 84,580 69,533

Managers 80,533 878 4,156 7,439 9,493

Professionals 61,849 162 8,414 12,532 9,916
Technicians and associate professionals 32,363 582 4,056 4,942 4,293
Clerical support workers 57,158 1,317 14,412 12,962 8,758
Service and sales workers 137,288 12,504 29,624 23,559 16,240
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 40,462 1,179 1,910 2,119 2,486
Craft and related trades workers 13,904 531 1,327 1,311 1,191
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 4,614 344 694 718 610
Elementary occupations 136,986 17,114 20,046 18,899 16,470
Armed forces occupations 152 6 25 29 25
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - -
Not reported 2,582 2,201 99 70 51


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 143

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,714,588 111,097 239,231 255,873 221,724

Managers 104,568 1,077 5,339 10,104 12,199

Professionals 76,380 141 10,727 14,972 11,881
Technicians and associate professionals 50,051 660 6,178 7,937 6,861
Clerical support workers 59,718 939 12,691 12,513 8,988
Service and sales workers 208,897 15,015 41,188 37,421 27,346
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 483,312 15,537 42,447 57,555 57,629
Craft and related trades workers 93,199 3,365 11,652 13,432 12,102
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 150,125 4,459 17,530 24,282 25,137
Elementary occupations 470,400 66,638 89,659 74,824 57,617
Armed forces occupations 10,486 67 983 2,224 1,467
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 8 - 3 1 1
Not reported 7,444 3,199 834 608 496

Male 1,217,018 76,452 164,439 181,618 160,263

Managers 41,090 342 1,881 3,725 4,697

Professionals 25,294 61 3,371 5,292 3,892
Technicians and associate professionals 24,728 370 3,070 4,387 3,731
Clerical support workers 26,350 424 4,804 5,696 4,173
Service and sales workers 95,805 5,510 17,723 17,906 13,681
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 445,382 14,118 40,222 54,955 54,768
Craft and related trades workers 77,899 2,716 9,671 11,422 10,364
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 147,243 4,243 17,031 23,839 24,756
Elementary occupations 319,174 46,836 65,329 51,930 38,542
Armed forces occupations 10,243 66 947 2,159 1,435
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 6 - 3 1 1
Not reported 3,804 1,766 387 306 223

Female 497,570 34,645 74,792 74,255 61,461

Managers 63,478 735 3,458 6,379 7,502

Professionals 51,086 80 7,356 9,680 7,989
Technicians and associate professionals 25,323 290 3,108 3,550 3,130
Clerical support workers 33,368 515 7,887 6,817 4,815
Service and sales workers 113,092 9,505 23,465 19,515 13,665
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 37,930 1,419 2,225 2,600 2,861
Craft and related trades workers 15,300 649 1,981 2,010 1,738
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2,882 216 499 443 381
Elementary occupations 151,226 19,802 24,330 22,894 19,075
Armed forces occupations 243 1 36 65 32
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 2 - - - -
Not reported 3,640 1,433 447 302 273


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
144 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 971,919 58,091 124,812 133,959 115,907

Managers 73,826 739 3,514 6,640 8,155

Professionals 47,337 113 6,162 9,064 7,224
Technicians and associate professionals 34,481 516 4,006 5,361 4,601
Clerical support workers 36,932 601 7,683 8,204 5,443
Service and sales workers 121,172 9,804 21,776 19,152 14,601
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 257,602 7,013 17,841 24,678 25,484
Craft and related trades workers 66,174 2,085 6,770 8,247 7,808
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 80,598 2,167 8,070 12,233 13,026
Elementary occupations 249,568 34,692 48,442 39,553 28,995
Armed forces occupations 3,699 54 502 778 540
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 7 - 1 - -
Not reported 523 307 45 49 30

Male 676,391 40,153 86,506 95,167 83,492

Managers 27,277 284 1,254 2,422 3,008

Professionals 15,144 59 1,969 3,095 2,273
Technicians and associate professionals 18,889 319 2,234 3,190 2,713
Clerical support workers 16,651 328 3,237 3,902 2,721
Service and sales workers 54,080 3,731 9,626 9,339 7,430
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 230,794 6,272 16,428 23,109 23,811
Craft and related trades workers 58,936 1,845 6,214 7,618 7,305
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 79,207 2,093 7,872 11,995 12,835
Elementary occupations 171,447 24,932 37,170 29,721 20,850
Armed forces occupations 3,615 52 488 753 529
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 4 - - - -
Not reported 347 238 14 23 17

Female 295,528 17,938 38,306 38,792 32,415

Managers 46,549 455 2,260 4,218 5,147

Professionals 32,193 54 4,193 5,969 4,951
Technicians and associate professionals 15,592 197 1,772 2,171 1,888
Clerical support workers 20,281 273 4,446 4,302 2,722
Service and sales workers 67,092 6,073 12,150 9,813 7,171
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 26,808 741 1,413 1,569 1,673
Craft and related trades workers 7,238 240 556 629 503
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 1,391 74 198 238 191
Elementary occupations 78,121 9,760 11,272 9,832 8,145
Armed forces occupations 84 2 14 25 11
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 3 - 1 - -
Not reported 176 69 31 26 13


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 145

Table 13--Continued

Total Gainful Age Group

Sex, Major Occupation Group, Workers
and Region 15 Years Old
and Over 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34


Both sexes 1,112,091 78,271 141,797 168,175 150,222

Managers 97,417 2,327 8,722 13,705 13,675

Professionals 40,786 77 5,096 8,014 5,943
Technicians and associate professionals 15,221 157 1,802 2,605 2,066
Clerical support workers 19,773 422 3,040 3,759 2,821
Service and sales workers 107,539 8,090 17,260 18,181 14,212
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 566,565 31,731 57,532 73,457 76,840
Craft and related trades workers 37,125 1,502 3,970 5,194 4,853
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 85,730 4,728 13,083 17,601 13,934
Elementary occupations 117,763 19,583 28,461 23,274 13,994
Armed forces occupations 3,263 19 274 556 449
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 11 3 3 - -
Not reported 20,898 9,632 2,554 1,829 1,435

Male 823,664 53,201 97,352 121,151 113,823

Managers 46,269 810 3,460 6,168 6,277

Professionals 12,098 23 1,374 2,295 1,590
Technicians and associate professionals 8,516 80 837 1,321 1,179
Clerical support workers 10,535 144 1,321 1,831 1,461
Service and sales workers 54,033 3,277 7,345 8,818 7,473
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 505,461 26,719 50,870 67,087 70,353
Craft and related trades workers 26,433 809 2,564 3,731 3,653
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 82,973 4,311 12,457 17,004 13,634
Elementary occupations 64,129 12,079 15,740 11,552 7,140
Armed forces occupations 3,140 18 253 522 432
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 6 1 1 - -
Not reported 10,071 4,930 1,130 822 631

Female 288,427 25,070 44,445 47,024 36,399

Managers 51,148 1,517 5,262 7,537 7,398

Professionals 28,688 54 3,722 5,719 4,353
Technicians and associate professionals 6,705 77 965 1,284 887
Clerical support workers 9,238 278 1,719 1,928 1,360
Service and sales workers 53,506 4,813 9,915 9,363 6,739
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 61,104 5,012 6,662 6,370 6,487
Craft and related trades workers 10,692 693 1,406 1,463 1,200
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 2,757 417 626 597 300
Elementary occupations 53,634 7,504 12,721 11,722 6,854
Armed forces occupations 123 1 21 34 17
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 5 2 2 - -
Not reported 10,827 4,702 1,424 1,007 804


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
146 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 4,873,339 4,253,124 3,821,100 3,119,255 2,401,027 1,509,805 1,659,601

Managers 407,464 403,847 403,229 365,529 300,059 200,678 226,438

Professionals 329,095 269,384 227,969 180,591 127,126 57,041 31,548
Technicians and associate professionals 278,881 217,785 181,597 143,688 106,315 57,787 43,002
Clerical support workers 305,099 199,804 154,823 121,226 85,161 41,174 22,226
Service and sales workers 723,986 597,596 521,368 403,059 291,269 172,397 159,163
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 716,536 724,028 731,932 682,632 603,814 471,136 721,994
Craft and related trades workers 492,332 462,694 425,431 336,494 250,746 146,740 132,405
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 617,256 530,996 438,181 320,189 222,215 111,674 66,708
Elementary occupations 975,966 826,538 720,961 554,264 407,684 247,422 251,627
Armed forces occupations 19,525 14,730 10,568 7,481 3,442 1,356 811
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 20 18 12 12 8 5 -
Not reported 7,179 5,704 5,029 4,090 3,188 2,395 3,679

Male 3,279,321 2,857,083 2,549,700 2,069,812 1,581,222 983,917 1,059,172

Managers 172,162 172,420 171,820 157,398 129,909 84,773 89,385

Professionals 124,264 101,083 87,623 71,274 50,486 23,416 16,496
Technicians and associate professionals 161,107 124,653 103,138 80,222 58,263 29,880 21,998
Clerical support workers 134,033 89,294 70,118 54,057 38,677 18,763 11,089
Service and sales workers 375,587 292,163 242,683 183,187 125,725 67,342 54,861
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 657,669 656,451 655,021 603,132 525,316 402,694 585,760
Craft and related trades workers 416,441 388,531 355,104 277,304 197,815 107,900 79,564
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 593,922 514,835 426,760 312,779 217,104 109,091 64,309
Elementary occupations 622,035 500,606 424,732 321,279 233,154 137,661 133,385
Armed forces occupations 18,630 14,276 10,272 7,244 3,282 1,275 731
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 14 16 7 7 7 4 -
Not reported 3,457 2,755 2,422 1,929 1,484 1,118 1,594

Female 1,594,018 1,396,041 1,271,400 1,049,443 819,805 525,888 600,429

Managers 235,302 231,427 231,409 208,131 170,150 115,905 137,053

Professionals 204,831 168,301 140,346 109,317 76,640 33,625 15,052
Technicians and associate professionals 117,774 93,132 78,459 63,466 48,052 27,907 21,004
Clerical support workers 171,066 110,510 84,705 67,169 46,484 22,411 11,137
Service and sales workers 348,399 305,433 278,685 219,872 165,544 105,055 104,302
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 58,867 67,577 76,911 79,500 78,498 68,442 136,234
Craft and related trades workers 75,891 74,163 70,327 59,190 52,931 38,840 52,841
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 23,334 16,161 11,421 7,410 5,111 2,583 2,399
Elementary occupations 353,931 325,932 296,229 232,985 174,530 109,761 118,242
Armed forces occupations 895 454 296 237 160 81 80
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 6 2 5 5 1 1 -
Not reported 3,722 2,949 2,607 2,161 1,704 1,277 2,085


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 147

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 729,155 611,626 527,448 413,939 297,439 152,110 116,085

Managers 71,612 71,378 70,212 64,401 52,516 31,981 32,594

Professionals 67,602 53,338 45,394 36,058 25,574 12,507 9,005
Technicians and associate professionals 56,707 44,429 36,809 29,430 21,003 10,658 7,834
Clerical support workers 95,756 59,822 42,999 30,929 19,844 8,275 4,010
Service and sales workers 146,149 115,271 95,202 71,664 49,330 24,695 18,686
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,048 2,780 2,699 2,517 2,157 1,433 1,351
Craft and related trades workers 78,726 76,179 71,262 56,045 41,248 21,433 14,816
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 93,563 87,991 76,389 59,006 42,162 19,509 10,627
Elementary occupations 110,616 95,801 82,646 60,743 41,596 20,302 15,063
Armed forces occupations 1,929 1,833 1,540 1,249 513 142 99
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 15 11 8 4 3 3 -
Not reported 3,432 2,793 2,288 1,893 1,493 1,172 2,000

Male 450,015 376,545 323,264 251,448 179,916 88,440 61,863

Managers 32,809 32,674 32,082 29,960 24,928 14,866 14,368

Professionals 31,090 24,496 21,166 17,239 12,326 6,252 5,109
Technicians and associate professionals 33,972 26,205 21,684 17,034 12,268 5,789 4,239
Clerical support workers 42,159 26,119 19,192 13,715 9,014 3,707 1,870
Service and sales workers 82,650 62,685 49,821 36,824 24,822 11,384 7,864
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,804 2,537 2,443 2,295 1,937 1,270 1,196
Craft and related trades workers 67,537 63,728 58,977 45,787 32,819 16,363 10,114
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 89,976 84,903 73,924 57,332 40,911 18,949 10,218
Elementary occupations 63,659 50,161 41,473 29,244 19,768 9,204 5,929
Armed forces occupations 1,719 1,700 1,439 1,182 473 129 89
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 11 10 4 3 3 2 -
Not reported 1,629 1,327 1,059 833 647 525 867

Female 279,140 235,081 204,184 162,491 117,523 63,670 54,222

Managers 38,803 38,704 38,130 34,441 27,588 17,115 18,226

Professionals 36,512 28,842 24,228 18,819 13,248 6,255 3,896
Technicians and associate professionals 22,735 18,224 15,125 12,396 8,735 4,869 3,595
Clerical support workers 53,597 33,703 23,807 17,214 10,830 4,568 2,140
Service and sales workers 63,499 52,586 45,381 34,840 24,508 13,311 10,822
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 244 243 256 222 220 163 155
Craft and related trades workers 11,189 12,451 12,285 10,258 8,429 5,070 4,702
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,587 3,088 2,465 1,674 1,251 560 409
Elementary occupations 46,957 45,640 41,173 31,499 21,828 11,098 9,134
Armed forces occupations 210 133 101 67 40 13 10
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 4 1 4 1 - 1 -
Not reported 1,803 1,466 1,229 1,060 846 647 1,133


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
148 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 86,963 73,926 69,372 59,759 47,548 30,462 34,604

Managers 7,477 6,975 6,973 6,332 4,970 3,168 3,136

Professionals 7,627 5,826 4,888 4,030 2,859 1,254 507
Technicians and associate professionals 3,081 2,666 2,459 2,014 1,582 820 500
Clerical support workers 3,179 2,115 1,904 1,562 1,120 549 209
Service and sales workers 8,740 6,963 6,200 4,725 3,327 1,755 1,511
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 19,769 19,058 19,657 18,894 17,329 13,063 18,988
Craft and related trades workers 5,433 4,768 4,466 3,766 2,740 1,562 1,277
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 9,373 7,261 5,968 4,609 2,898 1,365 696
Elementary occupations 21,605 17,761 16,454 13,556 10,629 6,887 7,746
Armed forces occupations 642 504 384 251 79 29 23
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 37 29 19 20 15 10 11

Male 55,034 46,076 42,527 36,519 28,672 18,289 20,415

Managers 3,100 3,025 3,025 2,849 2,279 1,448 1,353

Professionals 2,597 2,141 1,837 1,505 1,052 468 274
Technicians and associate professionals 1,637 1,354 1,216 1,011 681 363 267
Clerical support workers 1,224 809 739 635 441 189 81
Service and sales workers 4,346 3,281 2,839 2,089 1,359 609 503
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 17,707 16,517 16,544 15,503 13,915 10,258 13,913
Craft and related trades workers 4,892 4,206 3,916 3,281 2,313 1,289 947
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 9,107 7,043 5,779 4,463 2,804 1,318 670
Elementary occupations 9,785 7,199 6,251 4,929 3,744 2,315 2,382
Armed forces occupations 625 486 372 246 76 26 19
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 14 15 9 8 8 6 6

Female 31,929 27,850 26,845 23,240 18,876 12,173 14,189

Managers 4,377 3,950 3,948 3,483 2,691 1,720 1,783

Professionals 5,030 3,685 3,051 2,525 1,807 786 233
Technicians and associate professionals 1,444 1,312 1,243 1,003 901 457 233
Clerical support workers 1,955 1,306 1,165 927 679 360 128
Service and sales workers 4,394 3,682 3,361 2,636 1,968 1,146 1,008
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,062 2,541 3,113 3,391 3,414 2,805 5,075
Craft and related trades workers 541 562 550 485 427 273 330
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 266 218 189 146 94 47 26
Elementary occupations 11,820 10,562 10,203 8,627 6,885 4,572 5,364
Armed forces occupations 17 18 12 5 3 3 4
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 23 14 10 12 7 4 5


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 149

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 244,811 216,619 200,972 166,980 133,199 88,293 105,204

Managers 15,485 15,478 16,005 15,029 12,392 8,389 9,407

Professionals 16,360 13,058 10,640 9,045 6,230 2,787 1,485
Technicians and associate professionals 9,391 7,698 6,801 5,679 4,239 2,391 1,819
Clerical support workers 9,001 6,243 5,343 4,826 3,481 2,001 1,255
Service and sales workers 42,761 35,713 31,590 24,424 18,535 11,764 12,999
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 40,443 42,305 45,527 43,894 40,225 31,721 48,691
Craft and related trades workers 19,832 18,943 17,925 14,428 11,293 6,889 7,297
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 30,786 26,430 22,189 15,629 10,723 5,895 3,799
Elementary occupations 60,089 50,278 44,529 33,769 25,954 16,375 18,395
Armed forces occupations 574 411 357 215 88 46 30
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - 1 - 1 -
Not reported 89 61 66 41 39 34 27

Male 164,781 146,146 134,988 112,096 89,247 59,065 70,984

Managers 6,609 6,711 6,824 6,616 5,424 3,441 3,492

Professionals 5,476 4,485 3,754 3,285 2,423 1,010 757
Technicians and associate professionals 5,676 4,484 3,847 3,099 2,282 1,259 993
Clerical support workers 4,154 3,082 2,600 2,307 1,627 992 664
Service and sales workers 18,368 14,181 11,643 8,622 6,150 3,468 3,275
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 38,450 40,044 42,592 40,803 36,828 28,813 43,502
Craft and related trades workers 17,780 17,069 16,033 12,559 9,339 5,284 4,571
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 30,291 26,069 21,886 15,422 10,555 5,787 3,695
Elementary occupations 37,380 29,592 25,424 19,148 14,515 8,951 10,005
Armed forces occupations 561 400 349 211 85 42 23
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - - - 1 -
Not reported 36 28 36 24 19 17 7

Female 80,030 70,473 65,984 54,884 43,952 29,228 34,220

Managers 8,876 8,767 9,181 8,413 6,968 4,948 5,915

Professionals 10,884 8,573 6,886 5,760 3,807 1,777 728
Technicians and associate professionals 3,715 3,214 2,954 2,580 1,957 1,132 826
Clerical support workers 4,847 3,161 2,743 2,519 1,854 1,009 591
Service and sales workers 24,393 21,532 19,947 15,802 12,385 8,296 9,724
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 1,993 2,261 2,935 3,091 3,397 2,908 5,189
Craft and related trades workers 2,052 1,874 1,892 1,869 1,954 1,605 2,726
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 495 361 303 207 168 108 104
Elementary occupations 22,709 20,686 19,105 14,621 11,439 7,424 8,390
Armed forces occupations 13 11 8 4 3 4 7
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - 1 - - -
Not reported 53 33 30 17 20 17 20


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
150 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 173,947 153,089 137,570 118,792 95,078 63,603 67,944

Managers 12,124 11,884 11,623 10,821 8,761 5,918 5,999

Professionals 10,550 7,964 6,066 5,450 4,026 1,871 729
Technicians and associate professionals 5,078 4,034 3,282 2,698 2,176 1,210 824
Clerical support workers 5,119 3,399 2,961 2,835 2,170 1,246 642
Service and sales workers 26,536 20,117 16,120 11,816 8,223 4,858 4,615
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 37,853 38,511 38,766 37,041 32,789 24,565 31,792
Craft and related trades workers 9,716 9,506 8,751 7,511 5,605 3,666 3,190
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 16,680 14,257 11,488 8,529 5,754 3,172 1,877
Elementary occupations 49,457 42,871 38,165 31,867 25,462 17,042 18,242
Armed forces occupations 786 513 329 190 67 38 21
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 48 33 19 34 45 17 13

Male 117,977 104,540 94,345 81,654 65,298 43,879 47,303

Managers 5,220 5,134 5,037 4,535 3,695 2,447 2,332

Professionals 3,405 2,586 2,071 1,854 1,390 655 383
Technicians and associate professionals 2,875 2,103 1,673 1,418 1,032 572 473
Clerical support workers 2,270 1,556 1,307 1,183 956 592 343
Service and sales workers 9,324 6,512 5,284 4,173 2,862 1,547 1,444
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 35,505 35,690 35,334 33,326 29,189 21,550 27,150
Craft and related trades workers 9,175 8,887 8,131 6,805 4,823 2,939 2,172
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 16,485 14,094 11,360 8,402 5,675 3,108 1,824
Elementary occupations 32,931 27,456 23,816 19,751 15,591 10,420 11,160
Armed forces occupations 765 505 321 189 63 36 17
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 22 17 11 18 22 13 5

Female 55,970 48,549 43,225 37,138 29,780 19,724 20,641

Managers 6,904 6,750 6,586 6,286 5,066 3,471 3,667

Professionals 7,145 5,378 3,995 3,596 2,636 1,216 346
Technicians and associate professionals 2,203 1,931 1,609 1,280 1,144 638 351
Clerical support workers 2,849 1,843 1,654 1,652 1,214 654 299
Service and sales workers 17,212 13,605 10,836 7,643 5,361 3,311 3,171
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,348 2,821 3,432 3,715 3,600 3,015 4,642
Craft and related trades workers 541 619 620 706 782 727 1,018
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 195 163 128 127 79 64 53
Elementary occupations 16,526 15,415 14,349 12,116 9,871 6,622 7,082
Armed forces occupations 21 8 8 1 4 2 4
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 26 16 8 16 23 4 8


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 151

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 570,104 495,067 449,069 356,729 266,328 165,471 165,906

Managers 48,075 48,484 49,534 45,094 37,302 26,749 31,776

Professionals 38,816 31,734 25,990 19,358 12,692 5,870 3,227
Technicians and associate professionals 36,266 28,462 24,195 18,638 13,165 7,146 4,902
Clerical support workers 35,085 23,230 18,918 14,689 10,197 5,662 4,340
Service and sales workers 89,632 74,108 66,625 50,578 35,791 21,797 21,436
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 44,051 46,515 50,381 48,123 42,718 32,879 46,405
Craft and related trades workers 79,531 72,554 66,149 50,520 36,232 20,518 16,805
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 85,870 75,397 66,109 49,769 36,707 20,346 14,175
Elementary occupations 110,279 92,816 79,747 58,929 41,006 24,221 22,459
Armed forces occupations 2,078 1,432 1,147 770 334 143 102
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 1 1 1 - -
Not reported 421 334 273 260 183 140 279

Male 380,806 332,651 302,742 241,730 180,609 111,313 108,765

Managers 20,952 21,623 21,994 20,183 16,838 12,216 13,969

Professionals 14,922 12,103 10,467 8,216 5,487 2,615 1,745
Technicians and associate professionals 22,505 17,733 15,183 11,626 8,215 4,325 2,978
Clerical support workers 16,031 10,930 8,948 6,995 5,063 2,822 2,213
Service and sales workers 46,732 37,317 31,824 23,491 15,777 9,053 7,801
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 41,435 43,626 46,865 44,770 39,521 30,208 41,858
Craft and related trades workers 63,652 58,038 53,429 40,960 28,152 15,218 10,782
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 82,278 73,175 64,506 48,750 36,063 20,004 13,827
Elementary occupations 70,132 56,535 48,271 35,871 25,075 14,643 13,403
Armed forces occupations 1,964 1,401 1,119 742 317 133 94
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - 1 1 - -
Not reported 203 169 136 125 100 76 95

Female 189,298 162,416 146,327 114,999 85,719 54,158 57,141

Managers 27,123 26,861 27,540 24,911 20,464 14,533 17,807

Professionals 23,894 19,631 15,523 11,142 7,205 3,255 1,482
Technicians and associate professionals 13,761 10,729 9,012 7,012 4,950 2,821 1,924
Clerical support workers 19,054 12,300 9,970 7,694 5,134 2,840 2,127
Service and sales workers 42,900 36,791 34,801 27,087 20,014 12,744 13,635
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,616 2,889 3,516 3,353 3,197 2,671 4,547
Craft and related trades workers 15,879 14,516 12,720 9,560 8,080 5,300 6,023
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 3,592 2,222 1,603 1,019 644 342 348
Elementary occupations 40,147 36,281 31,476 23,058 15,931 9,578 9,056
Armed forces occupations 114 31 28 28 17 10 8
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - 1 - - - -
Not reported 218 165 137 135 83 64 184


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
152 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 785,700 656,926 576,119 447,459 334,515 194,903 178,310

Managers 67,435 65,562 65,638 59,604 49,791 32,589 34,633

Professionals 58,166 46,359 39,006 28,052 18,934 8,015 4,553
Technicians and associate professionals 78,641 52,772 40,021 28,154 19,668 9,929 6,700
Clerical support workers 61,067 38,681 29,300 21,591 14,722 7,190 4,546
Service and sales workers 125,421 102,790 89,481 67,302 48,562 27,943 23,701
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 44,182 46,183 49,389 48,269 45,562 36,194 51,113
Craft and related trades workers 105,200 96,528 86,752 65,764 47,988 25,826 19,985
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 122,045 104,631 87,927 64,430 44,720 21,779 12,121
Elementary occupations 120,277 101,234 86,878 63,062 43,944 25,094 20,726
Armed forces occupations 2,706 1,733 1,376 947 422 197 129
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 2 - - - - -
Not reported 560 451 351 284 202 147 103

Male 506,142 426,542 372,079 289,538 215,517 122,448 107,320

Managers 27,607 27,290 27,395 25,429 21,699 14,042 13,565

Professionals 24,482 19,598 16,613 12,636 8,325 3,595 2,369
Technicians and associate professionals 44,618 30,823 23,506 16,473 11,215 5,368 3,517
Clerical support workers 26,529 17,270 13,330 9,792 6,928 3,344 2,274
Service and sales workers 68,140 53,017 43,799 32,315 22,446 11,816 9,027
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 40,479 41,868 44,341 43,068 40,324 31,549 42,542
Craft and related trades workers 83,285 76,104 68,366 51,699 36,634 18,313 11,690
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 114,438 100,251 84,938 62,609 43,579 21,224 11,648
Elementary occupations 73,789 58,447 48,303 34,475 23,881 12,943 10,513
Armed forces occupations 2,491 1,660 1,330 900 390 178 116
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - - - - -
Not reported 284 213 158 142 96 76 59

Female 279,558 230,384 204,040 157,921 118,998 72,455 70,990

Managers 39,828 38,272 38,243 34,175 28,092 18,547 21,068

Professionals 33,684 26,761 22,393 15,416 10,609 4,420 2,184
Technicians and associate professionals 34,023 21,949 16,515 11,681 8,453 4,561 3,183
Clerical support workers 34,538 21,411 15,970 11,799 7,794 3,846 2,272
Service and sales workers 57,281 49,773 45,682 34,987 26,116 16,127 14,674
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,703 4,315 5,048 5,201 5,238 4,645 8,571
Craft and related trades workers 21,915 20,424 18,386 14,065 11,354 7,513 8,295
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 7,607 4,380 2,989 1,821 1,141 555 473
Elementary occupations 46,488 42,787 38,575 28,587 20,063 12,151 10,213
Armed forces occupations 215 73 46 47 32 19 13
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - - - - -
Not reported 276 238 193 142 106 71 44


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 153

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 128,823 116,033 104,673 88,520 70,524 48,034 59,059

Managers 9,877 9,800 9,642 8,579 7,197 5,158 6,586

Professionals 6,645 5,420 5,057 4,415 3,001 1,222 508
Technicians and associate professionals 5,062 4,616 4,114 3,404 2,693 1,639 1,274
Clerical support workers 4,341 3,275 2,836 2,366 1,777 987 560
Service and sales workers 14,876 12,666 11,178 9,009 6,881 4,579 4,602
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 39,060 37,896 35,429 32,414 28,210 21,545 32,448
Craft and related trades workers 9,737 9,836 9,275 7,902 6,146 4,094 4,672
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,388 10,209 8,097 5,874 3,840 2,016 1,145
Elementary occupations 26,327 21,989 18,772 14,389 10,685 6,753 7,220
Armed forces occupations 462 293 234 137 69 26 13
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 48 33 39 31 25 15 31

Male 91,720 81,797 72,501 60,995 47,727 32,398 38,459

Managers 3,620 3,721 3,760 3,522 2,807 2,000 2,537

Professionals 1,966 1,619 1,531 1,323 936 417 267
Technicians and associate professionals 2,401 2,070 1,853 1,553 1,188 710 565
Clerical support workers 1,774 1,428 1,225 1,030 779 438 289
Service and sales workers 6,801 5,192 4,185 3,289 2,318 1,409 1,264
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 36,170 34,699 31,926 28,940 24,637 18,491 25,920
Craft and related trades workers 8,546 8,555 7,936 6,583 4,725 2,827 2,352
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,192 10,078 7,984 5,803 3,776 1,987 1,107
Elementary occupations 17,784 14,137 11,849 8,805 6,485 4,088 4,131
Armed forces occupations 438 282 229 133 65 24 12
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 28 16 23 14 11 7 15

Female 37,103 34,236 32,172 27,525 22,797 15,636 20,600

Managers 6,257 6,079 5,882 5,057 4,390 3,158 4,049

Professionals 4,679 3,801 3,526 3,092 2,065 805 241
Technicians and associate professionals 2,661 2,546 2,261 1,851 1,505 929 709
Clerical support workers 2,567 1,847 1,611 1,336 998 549 271
Service and sales workers 8,075 7,474 6,993 5,720 4,563 3,170 3,338
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,890 3,197 3,503 3,474 3,573 3,054 6,528
Craft and related trades workers 1,191 1,281 1,339 1,319 1,421 1,267 2,320
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 196 131 113 71 64 29 38
Elementary occupations 8,543 7,852 6,923 5,584 4,200 2,665 3,089
Armed forces occupations 24 11 5 4 4 2 1
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 20 17 16 17 14 8 16


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
154 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 238,388 215,152 204,329 170,917 137,125 94,581 120,957

Managers 20,102 19,796 20,868 18,681 15,775 11,572 15,226

Professionals 14,638 12,645 10,645 8,787 6,565 2,836 1,292
Technicians and associate professionals 10,287 8,954 8,165 6,925 5,245 3,248 3,077
Clerical support workers 8,763 6,207 5,443 4,710 3,628 1,734 1,000
Service and sales workers 29,901 25,300 23,627 18,768 14,068 9,144 9,312
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 52,477 53,917 57,110 54,091 49,110 39,362 62,793
Craft and related trades workers 22,629 22,000 21,213 17,118 13,255 8,888 10,548
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 23,205 19,288 15,519 10,618 6,838 3,403 2,052
Elementary occupations 55,359 46,487 41,323 30,925 22,510 14,332 15,584
Armed forces occupations 960 507 351 242 92 22 19
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - 1 - - - -
Not reported 67 51 64 52 39 40 54

Male 166,506 147,737 138,396 114,576 90,524 61,811 76,877

Managers 7,559 7,623 7,990 7,172 5,963 4,298 5,368

Professionals 4,514 3,858 3,407 2,834 2,156 894 559
Technicians and associate professionals 5,596 4,762 4,248 3,521 2,549 1,473 1,211
Clerical support workers 3,743 2,829 2,543 2,110 1,671 770 515
Service and sales workers 15,349 11,532 9,963 7,636 5,291 3,094 2,678
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 48,153 49,006 51,392 48,338 43,330 34,072 51,263
Craft and related trades workers 18,599 17,836 16,827 13,177 9,339 5,690 4,983
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 22,866 18,977 15,322 10,470 6,714 3,348 1,962
Elementary occupations 39,148 30,787 26,321 19,055 13,400 8,127 8,297
Armed forces occupations 943 495 346 233 91 20 18
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - 1 - - - -
Not reported 36 32 36 30 20 25 23

Female 71,882 67,415 65,933 56,341 46,601 32,770 44,080

Managers 12,543 12,173 12,878 11,509 9,812 7,274 9,858

Professionals 10,124 8,787 7,238 5,953 4,409 1,942 733
Technicians and associate professionals 4,691 4,192 3,917 3,404 2,696 1,775 1,866
Clerical support workers 5,020 3,378 2,900 2,600 1,957 964 485
Service and sales workers 14,552 13,768 13,664 11,132 8,777 6,050 6,634
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 4,324 4,911 5,718 5,753 5,780 5,290 11,530
Craft and related trades workers 4,030 4,164 4,386 3,941 3,916 3,198 5,565
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 339 311 197 148 124 55 90
Elementary occupations 16,211 15,700 15,002 11,870 9,110 6,205 7,287
Armed forces occupations 17 12 5 9 1 2 1
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 31 19 28 22 19 15 31


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 155

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 342,431 308,379 289,549 251,566 203,643 131,173 149,706

Managers 23,720 24,087 25,651 24,679 20,758 14,111 16,709

Professionals 20,783 18,402 16,044 13,140 9,837 4,244 2,119
Technicians and associate professionals 13,813 11,791 10,526 9,250 7,170 4,108 3,227
Clerical support workers 16,486 11,128 9,085 8,327 5,989 2,984 1,529
Service and sales workers 46,863 39,891 37,285 30,896 23,645 14,920 15,236
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 50,926 53,296 56,204 55,894 51,568 40,546 61,941
Craft and related trades workers 27,847 26,968 26,453 22,170 17,407 11,091 11,260
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 45,456 38,527 30,361 22,771 16,191 7,607 4,398
Elementary occupations 95,346 83,499 77,246 63,981 50,847 31,410 33,210
Armed forces occupations 1,014 663 467 360 124 39 25
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 2 - - 2 1 -
Not reported 177 125 227 98 105 112 52

Male 235,905 209,809 193,772 166,162 133,026 85,179 94,539

Managers 9,385 9,794 10,324 9,740 8,217 5,256 5,490

Professionals 6,316 5,592 4,998 4,227 3,142 1,503 1,033
Technicians and associate professionals 7,749 6,433 5,748 4,819 3,732 1,974 1,486
Clerical support workers 6,641 4,495 3,640 3,249 2,323 1,184 651
Service and sales workers 24,854 19,204 16,759 13,197 9,278 5,228 4,554
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 46,928 48,350 50,238 49,295 44,732 34,784 50,366
Craft and related trades workers 25,075 23,746 22,841 18,502 13,642 7,904 6,366
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 44,829 37,949 29,915 22,444 15,898 7,446 4,237
Elementary occupations 63,059 53,533 48,711 40,286 31,882 19,817 20,315
Armed forces occupations 979 647 459 357 120 34 20
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 2 - - 1 1 -
Not reported 90 64 139 46 59 48 21

Female 106,526 98,570 95,777 85,404 70,617 45,994 55,167

Managers 14,335 14,293 15,327 14,939 12,541 8,855 11,219

Professionals 14,467 12,810 11,046 8,913 6,695 2,741 1,086
Technicians and associate professionals 6,064 5,358 4,778 4,431 3,438 2,134 1,741
Clerical support workers 9,845 6,633 5,445 5,078 3,666 1,800 878
Service and sales workers 22,009 20,687 20,526 17,699 14,367 9,692 10,682
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,998 4,946 5,966 6,599 6,836 5,762 11,575
Craft and related trades workers 2,772 3,222 3,612 3,668 3,765 3,187 4,894
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 627 578 446 327 293 161 161
Elementary occupations 32,287 29,966 28,535 23,695 18,965 11,593 12,895
Armed forces occupations 35 16 8 3 4 5 5
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - 1 - -
Not reported 87 61 88 52 46 64 31


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
156 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 343,265 307,176 275,418 236,654 187,520 128,970 166,367

Managers 29,867 29,733 28,579 26,403 21,480 14,275 15,640

Professionals 21,801 17,021 14,434 11,175 7,716 3,623 2,189
Technicians and associate professionals 17,413 14,497 11,948 9,418 7,281 3,956 2,924
Clerical support workers 18,972 11,995 8,820 6,738 4,918 2,242 853
Service and sales workers 49,850 42,874 38,007 31,110 23,173 14,806 13,704
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 49,163 53,292 56,875 59,141 56,038 48,625 88,886
Craft and related trades workers 48,600 44,295 38,769 31,502 22,759 13,754 13,669
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 42,584 36,603 27,556 19,419 13,002 6,552 3,736
Elementary occupations 64,159 56,238 49,954 41,392 30,916 21,004 24,630
Armed forces occupations 604 448 276 226 127 50 31
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 252 180 200 130 110 83 105

Male 225,858 200,581 178,207 151,642 118,448 79,095 97,710

Managers 14,460 14,032 13,346 12,162 9,791 6,093 5,991

Professionals 8,210 6,183 5,570 4,496 3,208 1,533 1,153
Technicians and associate professionals 10,303 8,665 6,990 5,447 4,127 2,110 1,528
Clerical support workers 8,180 5,212 3,914 2,943 2,127 982 444
Service and sales workers 24,853 19,496 16,131 12,855 8,958 5,151 3,976
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 41,409 44,279 46,826 47,928 44,932 37,906 64,397
Craft and related trades workers 41,384 37,687 32,959 26,429 18,166 10,054 7,538
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 38,411 33,828 26,180 18,700 12,613 6,360 3,546
Elementary occupations 37,956 30,675 25,925 20,405 14,351 8,820 9,061
Armed forces occupations 567 434 269 217 125 46 28
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 125 90 97 60 50 40 48

Female 117,407 106,595 97,211 85,012 69,072 49,875 68,657

Managers 15,407 15,701 15,233 14,241 11,689 8,182 9,649

Professionals 13,591 10,838 8,864 6,679 4,508 2,090 1,036
Technicians and associate professionals 7,110 5,832 4,958 3,971 3,154 1,846 1,396
Clerical support workers 10,792 6,783 4,906 3,795 2,791 1,260 409
Service and sales workers 24,997 23,378 21,876 18,255 14,215 9,655 9,728
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 7,754 9,013 10,049 11,213 11,106 10,719 24,489
Craft and related trades workers 7,216 6,608 5,810 5,073 4,593 3,700 6,131
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 4,173 2,775 1,376 719 389 192 190
Elementary occupations 26,203 25,563 24,029 20,987 16,565 12,184 15,569
Armed forces occupations 37 14 7 9 2 4 3
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 127 90 103 70 60 43 57


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 157

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 180,655 169,150 158,407 136,376 112,440 79,100 112,839

Managers 16,989 17,518 18,003 16,146 13,426 9,742 13,745

Professionals 10,919 9,139 7,708 6,546 5,239 2,361 1,034
Technicians and associate professionals 6,187 5,363 4,638 3,989 3,285 1,815 1,837
Clerical support workers 6,538 4,756 4,165 3,493 2,746 1,461 602
Service and sales workers 21,345 19,074 17,521 14,244 10,557 6,961 7,335
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 43,058 46,133 47,940 45,655 42,477 34,759 62,508
Craft and related trades workers 15,040 14,977 14,050 11,600 9,196 5,964 7,648
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 17,110 14,572 11,504 8,264 5,355 2,734 1,760
Elementary occupations 42,583 36,972 32,411 26,080 19,981 13,227 16,320
Armed forces occupations 841 600 424 299 128 48 24
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - - - - -
Not reported 45 45 43 60 50 28 26

Male 127,879 118,367 108,606 92,417 75,195 52,263 72,822

Managers 6,451 6,739 6,681 5,943 4,954 3,527 4,577

Professionals 3,350 2,826 2,397 2,064 1,691 759 463
Technicians and associate professionals 3,267 2,764 2,281 1,996 1,616 776 686
Clerical support workers 2,826 2,072 1,825 1,460 1,112 609 299
Service and sales workers 10,935 8,977 7,824 6,284 4,307 2,533 2,313
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 40,163 42,501 43,492 40,795 37,183 29,644 50,353
Craft and related trades workers 13,421 13,211 12,113 9,691 7,313 4,339 4,114
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 16,872 14,361 11,341 8,145 5,267 2,680 1,697
Elementary occupations 29,739 24,295 20,210 15,714 11,599 7,333 8,282
Armed forces occupations 830 596 417 293 122 47 22
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - 1 - - - - -
Not reported 25 24 25 32 31 16 16

Female 52,776 50,783 49,801 43,959 37,245 26,837 40,017

Managers 10,538 10,779 11,322 10,203 8,472 6,215 9,168

Professionals 7,569 6,313 5,311 4,482 3,548 1,602 571
Technicians and associate professionals 2,920 2,599 2,357 1,993 1,669 1,039 1,151
Clerical support workers 3,712 2,684 2,340 2,033 1,634 852 303
Service and sales workers 10,410 10,097 9,697 7,960 6,250 4,428 5,022
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 2,895 3,632 4,448 4,860 5,294 5,115 12,155
Craft and related trades workers 1,619 1,766 1,937 1,909 1,883 1,625 3,534
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 238 211 163 119 88 54 63
Elementary occupations 12,844 12,677 12,201 10,366 8,382 5,894 8,038
Armed forces occupations 11 4 7 6 6 1 2
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 20 21 18 28 19 12 10


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158 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 148,725 136,169 123,841 105,009 81,180 56,719 72,351

Managers 11,320 11,569 11,731 10,252 8,192 5,739 6,701

Professionals 9,332 8,406 7,339 6,239 4,067 1,853 879
Technicians and associate professionals 5,842 5,209 4,652 3,849 2,993 1,816 1,418
Clerical support workers 5,334 3,914 2,947 2,726 2,128 1,095 377
Service and sales workers 17,450 14,680 12,784 9,959 7,079 4,535 4,465
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 46,334 46,751 46,146 42,416 35,883 28,507 45,429
Craft and related trades workers 10,694 10,414 9,795 7,976 5,917 3,944 3,630
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 15,618 12,560 9,650 6,947 4,496 2,396 1,568
Elementary occupations 25,148 21,170 17,841 13,980 10,068 6,703 7,819
Armed forces occupations 1,603 1,430 915 638 317 115 48
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 50 66 41 27 40 16 17

Male 108,160 98,280 88,496 74,209 56,357 39,136 48,643

Managers 4,823 4,872 5,065 4,512 3,515 2,412 2,640

Professionals 3,069 2,610 2,395 2,068 1,349 588 378
Technicians and associate professionals 3,119 2,750 2,395 1,954 1,503 919 738
Clerical support workers 2,496 1,902 1,376 1,239 968 485 219
Service and sales workers 9,733 7,811 6,602 5,005 3,406 1,952 1,728
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 42,422 42,167 40,941 36,846 30,330 23,620 35,027
Craft and related trades workers 9,786 9,490 8,736 6,986 4,876 3,053 2,442
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 15,287 12,287 9,411 6,778 4,368 2,347 1,474
Elementary occupations 15,856 12,969 10,659 8,183 5,722 3,643 3,944
Armed forces occupations 1,547 1,394 898 623 298 109 45
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 22 28 18 15 22 8 8

Female 40,565 37,889 35,345 30,800 24,823 17,583 23,708

Managers 6,497 6,697 6,666 5,740 4,677 3,327 4,061

Professionals 6,263 5,796 4,944 4,171 2,718 1,265 501
Technicians and associate professionals 2,723 2,459 2,257 1,895 1,490 897 680
Clerical support workers 2,838 2,012 1,571 1,487 1,160 610 158
Service and sales workers 7,717 6,869 6,182 4,954 3,673 2,583 2,737
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,912 4,584 5,205 5,570 5,553 4,887 10,402
Craft and related trades workers 908 924 1,059 990 1,041 891 1,188
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 331 273 239 169 128 49 94
Elementary occupations 9,292 8,201 7,182 5,797 4,346 3,060 3,875
Armed forces occupations 56 36 17 15 19 6 3
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 28 38 23 12 18 8 9


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Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 208,933 186,973 169,565 143,930 113,417 74,190 83,724

Managers 16,914 17,201 16,720 15,466 12,732 8,605 9,566

Professionals 12,059 10,921 9,451 7,544 5,525 2,554 1,207
Technicians and associate professionals 8,459 7,410 6,557 5,755 4,525 2,688 1,936
Clerical support workers 9,352 6,540 5,400 4,821 3,823 1,738 609
Service and sales workers 26,554 23,061 20,469 17,203 12,694 7,735 6,652
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 39,979 40,420 41,256 38,551 33,959 26,733 41,548
Craft and related trades workers 16,641 15,714 14,559 11,913 9,200 5,798 5,101
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 22,321 18,752 14,955 10,932 7,594 3,862 2,250
Elementary occupations 55,392 46,017 39,512 31,155 23,058 14,336 14,782
Armed forces occupations 1,193 904 656 558 285 118 69
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - 1 - - -
Not reported 69 33 30 31 22 23 4

Male 145,102 128,113 114,398 95,758 74,822 48,407 54,009

Managers 6,353 6,506 6,318 5,906 4,973 3,244 3,514

Professionals 3,968 3,605 3,091 2,704 1,972 947 590
Technicians and associate professionals 4,857 4,122 3,530 3,020 2,313 1,287 921
Clerical support workers 4,113 2,925 2,465 2,050 1,691 744 322
Service and sales workers 14,002 11,319 9,427 7,691 5,440 2,906 2,384
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 35,540 35,564 35,658 32,929 28,691 22,168 32,268
Craft and related trades workers 15,480 14,570 13,321 10,642 7,833 4,580 3,453
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 21,981 18,428 14,686 10,743 7,410 3,775 2,165
Elementary occupations 37,617 30,171 25,246 19,511 14,215 8,627 8,322
Armed forces occupations 1,157 883 644 549 275 117 67
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - 1 - - -
Not reported 34 20 12 12 9 12 3

Female 63,831 58,860 55,167 48,172 38,595 25,783 29,715

Managers 10,561 10,695 10,402 9,560 7,759 5,361 6,052

Professionals 8,091 7,316 6,360 4,840 3,553 1,607 617
Technicians and associate professionals 3,602 3,288 3,027 2,735 2,212 1,401 1,015
Clerical support workers 5,239 3,615 2,935 2,771 2,132 994 287
Service and sales workers 12,552 11,742 11,042 9,512 7,254 4,829 4,268
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 4,439 4,856 5,598 5,622 5,268 4,565 9,280
Craft and related trades workers 1,161 1,144 1,238 1,271 1,367 1,218 1,648
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 340 324 269 189 184 87 85
Elementary occupations 17,775 15,846 14,266 11,644 8,843 5,709 6,460
Armed forces occupations 36 21 12 9 10 1 2
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 35 13 18 19 13 11 1


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Statistics Authority
160 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 224,849 197,095 174,234 143,799 115,014 72,269 78,784

Managers 18,056 17,992 17,287 15,557 13,119 8,595 8,889

Professionals 12,131 10,510 8,907 7,397 5,401 2,148 1,143
Technicians and associate professionals 9,751 8,337 6,955 5,818 4,631 2,525 1,816
Clerical support workers 11,661 8,038 5,999 4,659 3,416 1,543 607
Service and sales workers 28,676 23,189 19,180 14,720 10,813 6,048 4,666
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 39,445 40,300 41,519 40,048 36,618 28,576 42,302
Craft and related trades workers 17,443 16,097 14,268 11,383 9,246 5,612 5,022
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 30,967 25,880 20,228 13,813 9,437 4,863 2,722
Elementary occupations 55,641 45,877 39,332 30,023 22,125 12,278 11,573
Armed forces occupations 1,002 808 495 336 159 59 27
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 76 67 64 45 49 22 17

Male 161,511 141,061 123,964 101,289 80,282 50,591 55,149

Managers 7,377 7,514 7,090 6,483 5,460 3,505 3,499

Professionals 4,236 3,584 3,092 2,643 1,868 782 607
Technicians and associate professionals 5,634 4,569 3,701 2,977 2,356 1,186 920
Clerical support workers 5,169 3,680 2,751 2,072 1,528 715 299
Service and sales workers 14,878 11,402 9,193 7,038 4,955 2,553 1,912
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 36,350 36,774 37,275 35,238 31,684 24,353 34,366
Craft and related trades workers 16,173 14,842 13,019 10,050 7,787 4,347 3,309
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 30,383 25,397 19,823 13,499 9,211 4,742 2,607
Elementary occupations 40,303 32,474 27,500 20,932 15,246 8,341 7,596
Armed forces occupations 975 792 484 329 159 57 23
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 33 33 36 28 28 10 11

Female 63,338 56,034 50,270 42,510 34,732 21,678 23,635

Managers 10,679 10,478 10,197 9,074 7,659 5,090 5,390

Professionals 7,895 6,926 5,815 4,754 3,533 1,366 536
Technicians and associate professionals 4,117 3,768 3,254 2,841 2,275 1,339 896
Clerical support workers 6,492 4,358 3,248 2,587 1,888 828 308
Service and sales workers 13,798 11,787 9,987 7,682 5,858 3,495 2,754
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,095 3,526 4,244 4,810 4,934 4,223 7,936
Craft and related trades workers 1,270 1,255 1,249 1,333 1,459 1,265 1,713
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 584 483 405 314 226 121 115
Elementary occupations 15,338 13,403 11,832 9,091 6,879 3,937 3,977
Armed forces occupations 27 16 11 7 - 2 4
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - - - -
Not reported 43 34 28 17 21 12 6


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Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 207,956 181,493 159,790 123,249 91,812 58,334 64,029

Managers 14,134 13,815 13,729 11,778 9,197 6,180 7,016

Professionals 10,041 8,467 7,412 6,129 4,219 1,681 710
Technicians and associate professionals 6,572 5,776 5,229 4,261 3,268 1,887 1,422
Clerical support workers 7,365 5,251 4,317 3,432 2,583 1,161 478
Service and sales workers 23,183 19,178 16,204 11,671 8,099 4,882 4,710
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 59,244 57,086 54,029 44,562 35,298 25,496 34,429
Craft and related trades workers 11,836 10,922 9,861 7,543 5,542 3,605 3,339
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 24,036 18,952 14,916 9,676 6,307 3,048 1,782
Elementary occupations 49,067 39,913 32,823 23,290 16,696 10,091 9,782
Armed forces occupations 1,975 1,682 870 603 361 155 99
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 1 - - 1 1 - -
Not reported 502 451 400 303 241 148 262

Male 149,975 130,848 114,904 87,751 64,676 41,028 45,064

Managers 5,331 5,468 5,667 4,844 3,789 2,537 2,809

Professionals 3,211 2,703 2,439 1,916 1,426 623 360
Technicians and associate professionals 3,345 2,713 2,429 1,905 1,397 749 632
Clerical support workers 3,288 2,396 2,056 1,560 1,187 529 237
Service and sales workers 11,349 8,984 7,651 5,494 3,579 2,039 1,889
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 55,878 52,954 49,464 40,314 31,365 22,271 29,073
Craft and related trades workers 10,144 9,471 8,450 6,390 4,463 2,642 2,166
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 23,654 18,672 14,664 9,492 6,199 2,983 1,710
Elementary occupations 31,580 25,607 21,028 15,096 10,813 6,437 5,976
Armed forces occupations 1,944 1,655 859 587 350 150 91
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - - 1 - -
Not reported 251 225 197 153 107 68 121

Female 57,981 50,645 44,886 35,498 27,136 17,306 18,965

Managers 8,803 8,347 8,062 6,934 5,408 3,643 4,207

Professionals 6,830 5,764 4,973 4,213 2,793 1,058 350
Technicians and associate professionals 3,227 3,063 2,800 2,356 1,871 1,138 790
Clerical support workers 4,077 2,855 2,261 1,872 1,396 632 241
Service and sales workers 11,834 10,194 8,553 6,177 4,520 2,843 2,821
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 3,366 4,132 4,565 4,248 3,933 3,225 5,356
Craft and related trades workers 1,692 1,451 1,411 1,153 1,079 963 1,173
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 382 280 252 184 108 65 72
Elementary occupations 17,487 14,306 11,795 8,194 5,883 3,654 3,806
Armed forces occupations 31 27 11 16 11 5 8
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 1 - - 1 - - -
Not reported 251 226 203 150 134 80 141


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Statistics Authority
162 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 13--Continued

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 107,187 99,411 93,130 80,861 65,073 42,274 51,214

Managers 9,410 9,571 9,697 8,717 7,106 4,776 5,501

Professionals 5,915 5,517 4,518 4,073 3,024 1,171 556
Technicians and associate professionals 4,294 3,947 3,610 3,195 2,515 1,441 995
Clerical support workers 4,410 3,133 2,497 2,221 1,676 794 270
Service and sales workers 12,460 11,339 10,317 8,439 6,281 3,721 3,282
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 26,150 26,876 28,446 27,608 25,046 18,927 29,533
Craft and related trades workers 8,088 8,045 7,633 6,394 5,088 3,010 3,006
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,364 10,463 8,506 6,187 4,094 2,186 1,302
Elementary occupations 23,491 20,063 17,554 13,753 10,093 6,188 6,744
Armed forces occupations 582 446 337 250 138 53 19
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 2 - - 3 1 - -
Not reported 21 11 15 21 11 7 6

Male 76,156 69,006 64,168 54,935 43,797 28,364 34,647

Managers 3,545 3,565 3,610 3,235 2,666 1,688 2,000

Professionals 1,880 1,687 1,370 1,217 958 385 251
Technicians and associate professionals 2,389 2,056 1,886 1,629 1,236 697 540
Clerical support workers 1,963 1,373 1,094 892 682 324 135
Service and sales workers 6,088 5,103 4,391 3,565 2,446 1,331 1,030
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 24,236 24,497 25,706 24,505 21,795 16,200 24,235
Craft and related trades workers 7,521 7,369 6,888 5,651 4,261 2,348 1,916
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,210 10,312 8,374 6,104 4,020 2,129 1,263
Elementary occupations 15,737 12,609 10,506 7,874 5,589 3,204 3,255
Armed forces occupations 573 434 333 245 136 53 19
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 1 - - 2 1 - -
Not reported 13 1 10 16 7 5 3

Female 31,031 30,405 28,962 25,926 21,276 13,910 16,567

Managers 5,865 6,006 6,087 5,482 4,440 3,088 3,501

Professionals 4,035 3,830 3,148 2,856 2,066 786 305
Technicians and associate professionals 1,905 1,891 1,724 1,566 1,279 744 455
Clerical support workers 2,447 1,760 1,403 1,329 994 470 135
Service and sales workers 6,372 6,236 5,926 4,874 3,835 2,390 2,252
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 1,914 2,379 2,740 3,103 3,251 2,727 5,298
Craft and related trades workers 567 676 745 743 827 662 1,090
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 154 151 132 83 74 57 39
Elementary occupations 7,754 7,454 7,048 5,879 4,504 2,984 3,489
Armed forces occupations 9 12 4 5 2 - -
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 1 - - 1 - - -
Not reported 8 10 5 5 4 2 3


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Table 13--Concluded

Age Group
Sex, Major Occupation Group,
and Region
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 - 64 65 and over


Both sexes 151,447 128,840 107,614 74,716 49,172 29,319 32,518

Managers 14,867 13,004 11,337 7,990 5,345 3,131 3,314

Professionals 5,710 4,657 4,470 3,153 2,217 1,044 405
Technicians and associate professionals 2,037 1,824 1,636 1,211 876 510 497
Clerical support workers 2,670 2,077 1,889 1,301 943 512 339
Service and sales workers 13,589 11,382 9,578 6,531 4,211 2,254 2,251
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 81,354 72,709 60,559 43,514 28,827 18,205 21,837
Craft and related trades workers 5,339 4,948 4,250 2,959 1,884 1,086 1,140
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,890 9,223 6,819 3,716 2,097 941 698
Elementary occupations 11,130 7,552 5,774 3,370 2,114 1,179 1,332
Armed forces occupations 574 523 410 210 139 76 33
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 2 - 2 1 - - -
Not reported 1,285 941 890 760 519 381 672

Male 115,794 98,984 82,343 57,093 37,109 22,211 24,603

Managers 6,961 6,129 5,612 4,307 2,911 1,753 1,881

Professionals 1,572 1,407 1,425 1,047 777 390 198
Technicians and associate professionals 1,164 1,047 968 740 553 323 304
Clerical support workers 1,473 1,216 1,113 825 580 337 234
Service and sales workers 7,185 6,150 5,347 3,619 2,331 1,269 1,219
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 74,040 65,378 53,984 38,239 24,923 15,537 18,331
Craft and related trades workers 3,991 3,722 3,162 2,112 1,330 710 649
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 12,662 9,011 6,667 3,623 2,041 904 659
Elementary occupations 5,580 3,959 3,239 2,000 1,278 748 814
Armed forces occupations 552 512 404 208 137 74 28
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified 2 - 2 - - - -
Not reported 612 453 420 373 248 166 286

Female 35,653 29,856 25,271 17,623 12,063 7,108 7,915

Managers 7,906 6,875 5,725 3,683 2,434 1,378 1,433

Professionals 4,138 3,250 3,045 2,106 1,440 654 207
Technicians and associate professionals 873 777 668 471 323 187 193
Clerical support workers 1,197 861 776 476 363 175 105
Service and sales workers 6,404 5,232 4,231 2,912 1,880 985 1,032
Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers 7,314 7,331 6,575 5,275 3,904 2,668 3,506
Craft and related trades workers 1,348 1,226 1,088 847 554 376 491
Plant and machine operators and assemblers 228 212 152 93 56 37 39
Elementary occupations 5,550 3,593 2,535 1,370 836 431 518
Armed forces occupations 22 11 6 2 2 2 5
Other occupation, not elsewhere classified - - - 1 - - -
Not reported 673 488 470 387 271 215 386

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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Statistics Authority
164 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

TABLE 14 Household Population by Relationship to the Household Head and Household Size: 2015

Household Household Size

Relationship to the Household Head
Population 1 2 3 4


Total 100,573,715 1,725,681 5,380,735 11,864,364 17,779,760

Head 22,975,630 1,725,681 2,706,483 3,983,454 4,483,904

Spouse 16,836,294 - 1,530,438 2,976,967 3,713,509
Son 24,408,735 - 373,327 2,073,536 4,182,177
Daughter 21,610,424 - 233,925 1,697,546 3,663,499
Stepson 270,435 - 1,286 21,290 44,200
Stepdaughter 226,209 - 828 16,396 36,851
Son-in-law 737,787 - 544 11,533 45,394
Daughter-in-law 784,952 - 666 16,866 59,760
Grandson 3,082,506 - 64,994 196,255 317,433
Granddaughter 2,752,808 - 47,637 158,206 272,897
Father 198,163 - 6,116 15,454 25,806
Mother 609,844 - 40,457 62,847 93,070
Brother 731,907 - 86,047 111,052 113,989
Sister 684,554 - 73,643 104,214 108,291
Uncle 38,370 - 1,704 2,972 4,786
Aunt 60,932 - 2,660 5,096 7,843
Nephew 706,076 - 28,160 63,391 90,845
Niece 663,955 - 20,105 56,087 87,395
Other relative 1,642,157 - 56,672 127,202 210,286
Nonrelative 1,107,239 - 84,486 125,035 157,248
Boarder 60,386 - 6,776 9,583 10,141
Domestic helper 384,352 - 13,781 29,382 50,436


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 14--Concluded

Household Size
Relationship to the Household Head
5 6 7 8 and Over


Total 18,265,983 15,236,357 11,220,159 19,100,676

Head 3,695,183 2,578,385 1,636,037 2,166,503

Spouse 3,134,123 2,205,601 1,406,659 1,868,997
Son 4,843,629 4,234,738 3,200,504 5,500,824
Daughter 4,315,038 3,804,382 2,886,817 5,009,217
Stepson 55,938 51,773 38,889 57,059
Stepdaughter 47,829 43,720 32,720 47,865
Son-in-law 97,461 128,898 125,664 328,293
Daughter-in-law 115,428 140,931 130,361 320,940
Grandson 438,318 498,772 458,701 1,108,033
Granddaughter 390,076 450,604 416,732 1,016,656
Father 37,109 38,387 30,039 45,252
Mother 117,972 108,199 77,906 109,393
Brother 112,246 97,840 76,349 134,384
Sister 105,463 91,932 72,125 128,886
Uncle 5,999 6,173 5,611 11,125
Aunt 10,173 10,269 8,561 16,330
Nephew 109,207 112,689 97,337 204,447
Niece 107,985 108,677 92,961 190,745
Other relative 278,002 283,334 233,497 453,164
Nonrelative 172,897 162,612 131,271 273,690
Boarder 9,132 7,702 5,899 11,153
Domestic helper 66,775 70,739 55,519 97,720

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

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166 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

TABLE 15 Number of Households by Age Group, Sex of the Household Head, Household Size, and Region: 2015

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 22,975,630 1,784,149 2,810,069 4,043,517 4,509,370

Below 20 174,672 59,323 51,702 42,498 12,629

20 - 29 3,079,757 334,602 495,987 966,969 723,183
30 - 39 5,386,708 280,354 455,381 939,215 1,341,407
40 - 49 5,394,183 253,810 391,096 677,566 1,036,051
50 - 59 4,416,234 268,320 487,020 652,811 753,567
60 - 69 2,806,258 277,483 507,799 476,553 428,287
70 - 79 1,283,469 210,160 309,651 217,764 165,225
80 years and over 434,349 100,097 111,433 70,141 49,021

Male 18,558,410 1,041,966 1,977,932 3,238,900 3,829,172

Below 20 119,668 35,358 36,004 33,600 9,047

20 - 29 2,624,474 219,851 382,034 867,488 658,896
30 - 39 4,771,485 206,442 351,574 813,124 1,224,255
40 - 49 4,637,663 185,265 282,203 538,479 896,918
50 - 59 3,517,939 168,010 335,406 490,187 606,505
60 - 69 1,955,685 128,757 340,517 331,645 308,921
70 - 79 732,075 70,214 191,304 130,124 100,243
80 years and over 199,421 28,069 58,890 34,253 24,387

Female 4,417,220 742,183 832,137 804,617 680,198

Below 20 55,004 23,965 15,698 8,898 3,582

20 - 29 455,283 114,751 113,953 99,481 64,287
30 - 39 615,223 73,912 103,807 126,091 117,152
40 - 49 756,520 68,545 108,893 139,087 139,133
50 - 59 898,295 100,310 151,614 162,624 147,062
60 - 69 850,573 148,726 167,282 144,908 119,366
70 - 79 551,394 139,946 118,347 87,640 64,982
80 years and over 234,928 72,028 52,543 35,888 24,634


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 3,095,766 310,666 440,997 553,746 578,031

Below 20 25,923 9,509 7,004 6,183 1,937

20 - 29 497,237 95,662 102,430 134,837 90,481
30 - 39 789,099 71,973 101,826 148,206 175,036
40 - 49 726,498 47,623 73,764 100,338 138,028
50 - 59 563,263 36,459 67,399 82,962 98,030
60 - 69 333,850 29,159 56,132 54,983 52,313
70 - 79 119,782 14,257 24,171 19,738 16,870
80 years and over 40,114 6,024 8,271 6,499 5,336

Male 2,321,348 179,013 300,501 412,807 458,512

Below 20 16,098 5,628 4,193 4,290 1,266

20 - 29 373,776 57,527 72,976 110,229 74,900
30 - 39 643,785 47,440 75,715 120,365 150,209
40 - 49 575,390 30,340 51,067 73,678 111,631
50 - 59 412,331 19,818 43,430 55,761 73,083
60 - 69 218,030 12,192 35,221 35,102 35,582
70 - 79 64,667 4,536 14,050 10,650 9,438
80 years and over 17,271 1,532 3,849 2,732 2,403

Female 774,418 131,653 140,496 140,939 119,519

Below 20 9,825 3,881 2,811 1,893 671

20 - 29 123,461 38,135 29,454 24,608 15,581
30 - 39 145,314 24,533 26,111 27,841 24,827
40 - 49 151,108 17,283 22,697 26,660 26,397
50 - 59 150,932 16,641 23,969 27,201 24,947
60 - 69 115,820 16,967 20,911 19,881 16,731
70 - 79 55,115 9,721 10,121 9,088 7,432
80 years and over 22,843 4,492 4,422 3,767 2,933


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Statistics Authority
168 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 395,881 47,265 48,611 61,289 68,729

Below 20 7,184 3,703 1,944 1,041 322

20 - 29 54,794 10,675 9,807 15,003 11,303
30 - 39 87,635 6,975 7,061 13,798 20,962
40 - 49 87,497 6,052 6,130 9,458 14,520
50 - 59 78,013 6,620 8,238 10,083 11,162
60 - 69 48,107 5,854 7,756 7,006 6,701
70 - 79 23,159 4,623 5,328 3,497 2,780
80 years and over 9,492 2,763 2,347 1,403 979

Male 316,907 27,746 32,769 48,248 58,489

Below 20 3,517 1,788 885 595 169

20 - 29 43,544 6,778 6,562 12,974 10,174
30 - 39 78,253 5,390 5,346 11,904 19,311
40 - 49 75,769 4,478 4,366 7,384 12,484
50 - 59 62,812 4,192 5,552 7,527 9,035
60 - 69 34,462 2,808 5,275 4,864 4,928
70 - 79 13,867 1,542 3,406 2,225 1,826
80 years and over 4,683 770 1,377 775 562

Female 78,974 19,519 15,842 13,041 10,240

Below 20 3,667 1,915 1,059 446 153

20 - 29 11,250 3,897 3,245 2,029 1,129
30 - 39 9,382 1,585 1,715 1,894 1,651
40 - 49 11,728 1,574 1,764 2,074 2,036
50 - 59 15,201 2,428 2,686 2,556 2,127
60 - 69 13,645 3,046 2,481 2,142 1,773
70 - 79 9,292 3,081 1,922 1,272 954
80 years and over 4,809 1,993 970 628 417


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,151,629 87,876 140,841 202,342 231,719

Below 20 4,588 1,311 1,377 1,326 387

20 - 29 102,839 6,884 14,275 37,126 27,735
30 - 39 234,616 9,674 17,508 43,416 65,849
40 - 49 266,463 12,371 18,662 35,324 55,320
50 - 59 241,127 15,753 27,221 35,781 40,984
60 - 69 171,774 17,745 30,339 28,316 25,489
70 - 79 91,763 15,108 21,586 14,991 11,635
80 years and over 38,459 9,030 9,873 6,062 4,320

Male 924,368 47,764 96,491 161,680 197,945

Below 20 3,320 860 951 1,113 284

20 - 29 92,115 5,139 11,121 34,373 26,108
30 - 39 213,860 7,599 13,671 38,507 61,712
40 - 49 234,835 9,330 13,716 29,043 49,325
50 - 59 195,118 10,074 19,016 27,670 33,583
60 - 69 118,259 8,054 20,129 19,641 18,121
70 - 79 50,292 4,539 12,922 8,549 6,803
80 years and over 16,569 2,169 4,965 2,784 2,009

Female 227,261 40,112 44,350 40,662 33,774

Below 20 1,268 451 426 213 103

20 - 29 10,724 1,745 3,154 2,753 1,627
30 - 39 20,756 2,075 3,837 4,909 4,137
40 - 49 31,628 3,041 4,946 6,281 5,995
50 - 59 46,009 5,679 8,205 8,111 7,401
60 - 69 53,515 9,691 10,210 8,675 7,368
70 - 79 41,471 10,569 8,664 6,442 4,832
80 years and over 21,890 6,861 4,908 3,278 2,311


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Statistics Authority
170 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 804,524 54,810 96,882 154,072 175,294

Below 20 5,786 1,994 1,623 1,555 371

20 - 29 92,218 5,323 11,823 36,689 25,079
30 - 39 177,830 6,195 11,997 34,373 54,226
40 - 49 191,307 7,218 12,618 25,990 42,937
50 - 59 168,910 9,480 20,375 27,216 29,955
60 - 69 105,123 10,963 21,250 18,097 15,482
70 - 79 46,657 8,945 12,500 7,644 5,567
80 years and over 16,693 4,692 4,696 2,508 1,677

Male 687,349 30,112 73,499 133,219 158,530

Below 20 4,043 1,096 1,174 1,325 287

20 - 29 86,200 3,907 10,026 35,313 24,330
30 - 39 167,605 5,076 10,015 31,812 52,200
40 - 49 174,539 5,578 9,889 22,454 39,780
50 - 59 142,521 5,893 15,493 22,482 25,704
60 - 69 76,513 4,585 15,482 13,594 11,766
70 - 79 27,597 2,665 8,510 4,862 3,528
80 years and over 8,331 1,312 2,910 1,377 935

Female 117,175 24,698 23,383 20,853 16,764

Below 20 1,743 898 449 230 84

20 - 29 6,018 1,416 1,797 1,376 749
30 - 39 10,225 1,119 1,982 2,561 2,026
40 - 49 16,768 1,640 2,729 3,536 3,157
50 - 59 26,389 3,587 4,882 4,734 4,251
60 - 69 28,610 6,378 5,768 4,503 3,716
70 - 79 19,060 6,280 3,990 2,782 2,039
80 years and over 8,362 3,380 1,786 1,131 742


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 2,566,558 164,249 304,751 467,008 544,802

Below 20 14,040 3,095 4,574 4,375 1,218

20 - 29 297,199 23,184 47,443 102,745 74,427
30 - 39 583,355 25,876 48,592 109,856 163,150
40 - 49 626,417 26,637 44,277 83,535 136,504
50 - 59 517,442 28,295 56,308 78,453 92,748
60 - 69 332,996 28,413 58,653 55,602 51,326
70 - 79 144,826 19,505 32,672 24,190 19,229
80 years and over 50,283 9,244 12,232 8,252 6,200

Male 2,069,319 98,009 214,576 374,353 462,554

Below 20 10,565 2,141 3,413 3,616 906

20 - 29 257,086 16,640 37,221 92,728 67,704
30 - 39 516,386 19,580 37,436 95,068 149,150
40 - 49 537,426 19,726 31,479 66,164 118,881
50 - 59 412,460 17,669 39,062 59,668 75,501
60 - 69 231,895 13,353 39,938 39,157 36,474
70 - 79 81,714 6,454 20,019 14,274 11,111
80 years and over 21,787 2,446 6,008 3,678 2,827

Female 497,239 66,240 90,175 92,655 82,248

Below 20 3,475 954 1,161 759 312

20 - 29 40,113 6,544 10,222 10,017 6,723
30 - 39 66,969 6,296 11,156 14,788 14,000
40 - 49 88,991 6,911 12,798 17,371 17,623
50 - 59 104,982 10,626 17,246 18,785 17,247
60 - 69 101,101 15,060 18,715 16,445 14,852
70 - 79 63,112 13,051 12,653 9,916 8,118
80 years and over 28,496 6,798 6,224 4,574 3,373


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Statistics Authority
172 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 3,395,383 274,973 433,912 623,523 705,141

Below 20 25,413 9,050 7,083 6,085 1,917

20 - 29 463,515 62,086 84,221 140,503 102,467
30 - 39 850,847 52,210 85,073 161,292 219,771
40 - 49 819,924 42,385 64,329 113,682 174,143
50 - 59 638,454 38,299 71,763 99,224 118,173
60 - 69 389,452 36,793 71,305 67,595 61,502
70 - 79 157,021 23,840 37,269 26,599 21,108
80 years and over 50,757 10,310 12,869 8,543 6,060

Male 2,677,382 160,736 297,982 488,721 589,296

Below 20 16,896 5,296 4,803 4,712 1,313

20 - 29 376,398 38,351 62,617 122,090 90,498
30 - 39 733,594 36,766 64,002 136,862 197,258
40 - 49 687,043 30,052 44,314 88,283 148,898
50 - 59 494,822 23,458 47,493 72,470 93,615
60 - 69 262,890 16,695 46,645 45,449 43,104
70 - 79 84,751 7,552 22,094 15,112 11,906
80 years and over 20,988 2,566 6,014 3,743 2,704

Female 718,001 114,237 135,930 134,802 115,845

Below 20 8,517 3,754 2,280 1,373 604

20 - 29 87,117 23,735 21,604 18,413 11,969
30 - 39 117,253 15,444 21,071 24,430 22,513
40 - 49 132,881 12,333 20,015 25,399 25,245
50 - 59 143,632 14,841 24,270 26,754 24,558
60 - 69 126,562 20,098 24,660 22,146 18,398
70 - 79 72,270 16,288 15,175 11,487 9,202
80 years and over 29,769 7,744 6,855 4,800 3,356


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 682,668 54,814 87,507 122,724 133,326

Below 20 8,295 2,706 2,970 1,876 508

20 - 29 97,703 7,682 15,176 33,146 25,201
30 - 39 159,274 6,340 10,702 25,585 40,764
40 - 49 155,712 7,110 10,462 18,612 27,665
50 - 59 127,284 8,796 15,717 19,907 21,123
60 - 69 81,698 10,040 17,604 14,788 12,077
70 - 79 40,052 8,390 11,202 6,818 4,787
80 years and over 12,650 3,750 3,674 1,992 1,201

Male 573,665 32,387 64,806 102,634 117,450

Below 20 5,798 1,583 2,113 1,565 378

20 - 29 88,210 5,536 12,400 30,903 23,931
30 - 39 146,582 5,218 8,588 22,762 38,141
40 - 49 138,903 5,663 7,934 15,321 24,459
50 - 59 105,592 5,806 11,633 15,807 17,663
60 - 69 58,958 4,766 12,510 10,946 9,159
70 - 79 23,561 2,795 7,451 4,275 3,063
80 years and over 6,061 1,020 2,177 1,055 656

Female 109,003 22,427 22,701 20,090 15,876

Below 20 2,497 1,123 857 311 130

20 - 29 9,493 2,146 2,776 2,243 1,270
30 - 39 12,692 1,122 2,114 2,823 2,623
40 - 49 16,809 1,447 2,528 3,291 3,206
50 - 59 21,692 2,990 4,084 4,100 3,460
60 - 69 22,740 5,274 5,094 3,842 2,918
70 - 79 16,491 5,595 3,751 2,543 1,724
80 years and over 6,589 2,730 1,497 937 545


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Statistics Authority
174 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,216,421 79,773 129,168 190,741 219,519

Below 20 6,225 1,474 1,969 1,824 590

20 - 29 134,386 6,671 16,323 44,319 38,072
30 - 39 264,006 7,986 14,223 36,716 61,027
40 - 49 283,546 10,227 14,460 28,084 44,006
50 - 59 244,494 13,743 23,721 32,707 37,403
60 - 69 167,766 17,164 29,954 27,655 24,694
70 - 79 88,157 15,376 21,396 15,004 10,742
80 years and over 27,841 7,132 7,122 4,432 2,985

Male 988,977 44,817 89,448 150,829 184,752

Below 20 4,462 985 1,439 1,421 409

20 - 29 120,879 5,097 13,227 40,589 35,550
30 - 39 239,302 6,595 11,079 31,857 55,715
40 - 49 248,435 8,057 10,306 22,307 37,658
50 - 59 198,469 9,291 16,432 24,709 29,953
60 - 69 116,533 8,083 20,175 19,101 17,688
70 - 79 48,809 4,856 13,138 8,756 6,353
80 years and over 12,088 1,853 3,652 2,089 1,426

Female 227,444 34,956 39,720 39,912 34,767

Below 20 1,763 489 530 403 181

20 - 29 13,507 1,574 3,096 3,730 2,522
30 - 39 24,704 1,391 3,144 4,859 5,312
40 - 49 35,111 2,170 4,154 5,777 6,348
50 - 59 46,025 4,452 7,289 7,998 7,450
60 - 69 51,233 9,081 9,779 8,554 7,006
70 - 79 39,348 10,520 8,258 6,248 4,389
80 years and over 15,753 5,279 3,470 2,343 1,559


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,716,637 133,916 202,078 309,011 338,437

Below 20 7,018 1,894 2,286 2,001 539

20 - 29 180,798 12,759 26,371 66,220 47,197
30 - 39 355,415 16,063 26,425 67,597 94,590
40 - 49 383,538 19,064 24,249 47,239 73,912
50 - 59 356,777 23,422 35,103 51,161 60,154
60 - 69 250,438 26,603 42,658 42,965 38,875
70 - 79 134,403 22,682 32,340 23,832 17,632
80 years and over 48,250 11,429 12,646 7,996 5,538

Male 1,356,217 79,380 133,514 242,308 281,835

Below 20 4,909 1,262 1,602 1,533 345

20 - 29 159,196 10,022 20,931 60,411 43,162
30 - 39 318,235 13,358 20,818 59,657 86,809
40 - 49 330,697 15,370 17,371 37,858 63,864
50 - 59 281,246 15,822 22,599 37,305 47,569
60 - 69 169,101 12,901 26,149 28,514 27,183
70 - 79 71,995 7,554 17,908 13,316 10,238
80 years and over 20,838 3,091 6,136 3,714 2,665

Female 360,420 54,536 68,564 66,703 56,602

Below 20 2,109 632 684 468 194

20 - 29 21,602 2,737 5,440 5,809 4,035
30 - 39 37,180 2,705 5,607 7,940 7,781
40 - 49 52,841 3,694 6,878 9,381 10,048
50 - 59 75,531 7,600 12,504 13,856 12,585
60 - 69 81,337 13,702 16,509 14,451 11,692
70 - 79 62,408 15,128 14,432 10,516 7,394
80 years and over 27,412 8,338 6,510 4,282 2,873


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Statistics Authority
176 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,699,148 153,891 212,707 284,983 320,451

Below 20 14,431 6,471 3,903 2,680 855

20 - 29 230,693 31,786 38,374 68,258 54,073
30 - 39 382,747 20,251 28,778 60,823 94,118
40 - 49 379,242 17,713 25,433 44,232 68,564
50 - 59 323,890 21,104 36,091 47,055 53,475
60 - 69 216,599 24,507 41,274 37,117 31,841
70 - 79 112,558 21,518 28,477 18,791 13,594
80 years and over 38,988 10,541 10,377 6,027 3,931

Male 1,329,813 86,121 144,112 221,032 265,781

Below 20 8,718 3,683 2,368 1,872 518

20 - 29 184,289 19,628 27,244 58,607 47,247
30 - 39 329,680 14,703 21,309 50,961 83,930
40 - 49 319,558 12,979 17,713 34,108 57,981
50 - 59 254,961 13,063 24,336 34,998 42,628
60 - 69 150,297 11,358 27,906 25,981 23,060
70 - 79 64,286 7,508 17,691 11,454 8,455
80 years and over 18,024 3,199 5,545 3,051 1,962

Female 369,335 67,770 68,595 63,951 54,670

Below 20 5,713 2,788 1,535 808 337

20 - 29 46,404 12,158 11,130 9,651 6,826
30 - 39 53,067 5,548 7,469 9,862 10,188
40 - 49 59,684 4,734 7,720 10,124 10,583
50 - 59 68,929 8,041 11,755 12,057 10,847
60 - 69 66,302 13,149 13,368 11,136 8,781
70 - 79 48,272 14,010 10,786 7,337 5,139
80 years and over 20,964 7,342 4,832 2,976 1,969


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Philippine Statistics Authority
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Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 986,003 80,852 123,181 164,188 178,076

Below 20 5,774 1,514 1,996 1,560 441

20 - 29 117,376 7,890 17,529 37,914 31,384
30 - 39 207,253 8,696 14,400 31,285 47,730
40 - 49 221,921 10,395 14,661 24,820 36,385
50 - 59 195,549 13,656 21,520 28,117 30,586
60 - 69 136,110 16,506 26,404 23,441 19,745
70 - 79 76,391 15,053 19,812 13,027 9,190
80 years and over 25,629 7,142 6,859 4,024 2,615

Male 815,781 49,092 89,454 133,612 153,446

Below 20 4,442 1,121 1,550 1,279 316

20 - 29 107,002 6,549 14,819 35,138 29,541
30 - 39 189,899 7,371 11,680 27,623 44,281
40 - 49 197,354 8,386 11,284 20,383 31,978
50 - 59 161,976 9,434 15,710 22,036 25,244
60 - 69 98,040 8,458 18,139 16,916 14,824
70 - 79 44,960 5,579 12,573 8,120 5,883
80 years and over 12,108 2,194 3,699 2,117 1,379

Female 170,222 31,760 33,727 30,576 24,630

Below 20 1,332 393 446 281 125

20 - 29 10,374 1,341 2,710 2,776 1,843
30 - 39 17,354 1,325 2,720 3,662 3,449
40 - 49 24,567 2,009 3,377 4,437 4,407
50 - 59 33,573 4,222 5,810 6,081 5,342
60 - 69 38,070 8,048 8,265 6,525 4,921
70 - 79 31,431 9,474 7,239 4,907 3,307
80 years and over 13,521 4,948 3,160 1,907 1,236


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Statistics Authority
178 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 799,219 46,593 91,366 144,264 158,471

Below 20 6,696 1,471 2,307 2,003 543

20 - 29 115,498 6,199 16,566 39,014 29,983
30 - 39 185,397 5,748 12,498 30,588 45,164
40 - 49 187,396 6,432 11,657 22,792 34,528
50 - 59 153,506 7,983 16,408 23,517 26,083
60 - 69 94,425 8,694 17,391 16,687 14,892
70 - 79 42,914 6,913 10,846 7,477 5,769
80 years and over 13,387 3,153 3,693 2,186 1,509

Male 677,080 27,626 67,705 120,943 139,583

Below 20 4,966 874 1,729 1,693 408

20 - 29 104,882 4,542 13,530 36,301 28,442
30 - 39 169,931 4,508 9,884 27,234 42,245
40 - 49 166,355 4,857 8,768 18,708 30,551
50 - 59 126,857 5,093 11,758 18,465 21,686
60 - 69 69,699 4,174 12,303 12,352 11,369
70 - 79 27,066 2,542 7,371 4,911 3,955
80 years and over 7,324 1,036 2,362 1,279 927

Female 122,139 18,967 23,661 23,321 18,888

Below 20 1,730 597 578 310 135

20 - 29 10,616 1,657 3,036 2,713 1,541
30 - 39 15,466 1,240 2,614 3,354 2,919
40 - 49 21,041 1,575 2,889 4,084 3,977
50 - 59 26,649 2,890 4,650 5,052 4,397
60 - 69 24,726 4,520 5,088 4,335 3,523
70 - 79 15,848 4,371 3,475 2,566 1,814
80 years and over 6,063 2,117 1,331 907 582


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Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 179

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,042,929 69,171 116,915 186,218 212,870

Below 20 8,985 2,888 2,683 2,360 639

20 - 29 154,503 11,904 20,734 50,669 40,541
30 - 39 242,873 9,357 16,501 39,697 62,459
40 - 49 241,207 9,701 15,234 29,030 46,351
50 - 59 200,461 11,157 21,183 30,244 34,806
60 - 69 124,083 11,512 22,508 21,957 19,279
70 - 79 53,694 8,710 13,552 9,374 6,865
80 years and over 17,123 3,942 4,520 2,887 1,930

Male 874,425 41,821 84,717 154,551 186,637

Below 20 6,566 1,718 2,010 2,006 516

20 - 29 138,634 8,378 16,789 46,938 38,080
30 - 39 221,290 7,255 12,953 35,132 58,159
40 - 49 212,492 7,368 11,084 23,645 41,008
50 - 59 164,162 7,172 14,931 23,501 28,814
60 - 69 90,146 5,628 15,548 15,872 14,521
70 - 79 32,464 3,047 8,782 5,932 4,489
80 years and over 8,671 1,255 2,620 1,525 1,050

Female 168,504 27,350 32,198 31,667 26,233

Below 20 2,419 1,170 673 354 123

20 - 29 15,869 3,526 3,945 3,731 2,461
30 - 39 21,583 2,102 3,548 4,565 4,300
40 - 49 28,715 2,333 4,150 5,385 5,343
50 - 59 36,299 3,985 6,252 6,743 5,992
60 - 69 33,937 5,884 6,960 6,085 4,758
70 - 79 21,230 5,663 4,770 3,442 2,376
80 years and over 8,452 2,687 1,900 1,362 880


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Statistics Authority
180 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,177,461 109,618 154,476 228,630 240,140

Below 20 15,894 8,137 4,106 2,604 704

20 - 29 188,533 26,813 31,565 61,118 41,854
30 - 39 281,021 16,086 24,111 53,515 73,155
40 - 49 266,594 13,860 20,278 37,006 54,948
50 - 59 215,511 14,949 26,423 35,529 39,108
60 - 69 135,170 14,832 27,265 25,191 21,294
70 - 79 57,456 10,391 15,661 10,665 7,291
80 years and over 17,282 4,550 5,067 3,002 1,786

Male 980,866 67,654 113,748 192,387 211,493

Below 20 10,431 4,673 2,953 2,077 508

20 - 29 162,838 17,714 25,193 56,387 38,938
30 - 39 254,635 12,268 19,244 48,135 68,335
40 - 49 234,624 10,469 15,121 30,692 49,018
50 - 59 175,528 9,765 18,660 27,787 32,587
60 - 69 97,870 7,269 19,022 18,506 16,137
70 - 79 35,616 3,914 10,402 7,031 4,914
80 years and over 9,324 1,582 3,153 1,772 1,056

Female 196,595 41,964 40,728 36,243 28,647

Below 20 5,463 3,464 1,153 527 196

20 - 29 25,695 9,099 6,372 4,731 2,916
30 - 39 26,386 3,818 4,867 5,380 4,820
40 - 49 31,970 3,391 5,157 6,314 5,930
50 - 59 39,983 5,184 7,763 7,742 6,521
60 - 69 37,300 7,563 8,243 6,685 5,157
70 - 79 21,840 6,477 5,259 3,634 2,377
80 years and over 7,958 2,968 1,914 1,230 730


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 181

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 1,050,680 70,600 128,752 203,203 216,960

Below 20 11,506 2,636 4,353 3,257 808

20 - 29 177,441 13,469 29,336 61,728 43,165
30 - 39 264,870 11,496 20,557 48,374 67,657
40 - 49 249,646 10,535 17,703 31,995 48,720
50 - 59 181,459 10,561 20,735 28,071 31,977
60 - 69 105,857 10,514 20,403 19,084 16,961
70 - 79 46,189 7,949 11,849 8,377 6,196
80 years and over 13,712 3,440 3,816 2,317 1,476

Male 904,484 44,631 97,797 174,865 194,986

Below 20 9,337 1,779 3,611 2,925 683

20 - 29 163,895 10,110 25,203 58,790 41,562
30 - 39 246,144 9,209 16,943 44,184 64,231
40 - 49 223,920 8,120 13,458 26,819 44,078
50 - 59 149,423 6,678 14,819 21,771 26,560
60 - 69 76,234 4,816 13,832 13,660 12,832
70 - 79 28,223 2,802 7,624 5,382 4,168
80 years and over 7,308 1,117 2,307 1,334 872

Female 146,196 25,969 30,955 28,338 21,974

Below 20 2,169 857 742 332 125

20 - 29 13,546 3,359 4,133 2,938 1,603
30 - 39 18,726 2,287 3,614 4,190 3,426
40 - 49 25,726 2,415 4,245 5,176 4,642
50 - 59 32,036 3,883 5,916 6,300 5,417
60 - 69 29,623 5,698 6,571 5,424 4,129
70 - 79 17,966 5,147 4,225 2,995 2,028
80 years and over 6,404 2,323 1,509 983 604


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Statistics Authority
182 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 574,338 36,145 66,926 99,845 112,776

Below 20 3,996 1,344 1,183 996 292

20 - 29 77,530 4,541 10,638 25,395 21,129
30 - 39 128,587 4,400 8,668 20,334 31,897
40 - 49 132,331 4,932 8,637 15,433 23,689
50 - 59 114,627 6,214 12,256 16,763 18,926
60 - 69 71,523 6,558 13,235 12,704 11,269
70 - 79 35,476 5,741 9,383 6,473 4,445
80 years and over 10,268 2,415 2,926 1,747 1,129

Male 487,737 21,709 49,757 83,824 99,681

Below 20 2,858 804 866 847 214

20 - 29 71,282 3,381 9,012 23,905 20,161
30 - 39 119,194 3,616 7,116 18,265 30,032
40 - 49 118,502 3,862 6,635 12,792 21,198
50 - 59 95,524 4,099 8,896 13,282 15,840
60 - 69 52,735 3,133 9,255 9,416 8,598
70 - 79 22,144 2,041 6,198 4,297 2,950
80 years and over 5,498 773 1,779 1,020 688

Female 86,601 14,436 17,169 16,021 13,095

Below 20 1,138 540 317 149 78

20 - 29 6,248 1,160 1,626 1,490 968
30 - 39 9,393 784 1,552 2,069 1,865
40 - 49 13,829 1,070 2,002 2,641 2,491
50 - 59 19,103 2,115 3,360 3,481 3,086
60 - 69 18,788 3,425 3,980 3,288 2,671
70 - 79 13,332 3,700 3,185 2,176 1,495
80 years and over 4,770 1,642 1,147 727 441


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 183

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

Total Number
of the Household Head,
of Households
and Region 1 2 3 4


Both sexes 620,385 4,234 24,703 42,469 73,027

Below 20 2,918 37 371 787 581

20 - 29 97,494 254 3,077 12,017 19,442
30 - 39 191,883 532 5,236 11,964 23,338
40 - 49 174,944 969 7,188 8,437 14,921
50 - 59 95,467 1,070 4,941 4,942 8,306
60 - 69 41,287 773 2,531 2,794 4,434
70 - 79 12,971 430 1,046 1,204 1,597
80 years and over 3,421 169 313 324 408

Male 572,692 1,716 22,095 38,008 66,397

Below 20 2,742 25 344 745 545

20 - 29 94,248 164 2,798 11,533 18,818
30 - 39 183,110 236 4,792 11,130 22,019
40 - 49 161,821 374 6,656 7,445 13,233
50 - 59 84,137 416 4,382 4,013 6,872
60 - 69 34,023 290 2,112 2,070 3,434
70 - 79 10,063 143 780 858 1,183
80 years and over 2,548 68 231 214 293

Female 47,693 2,518 2,608 4,461 6,630

Below 20 176 12 27 42 36
20 - 29 3,246 90 279 484 624
30 - 39 8,773 296 444 834 1,319
40 - 49 13,123 595 532 992 1,688
50 - 59 11,330 654 559 929 1,434
60 - 69 7,264 483 419 724 1,000
70 - 79 2,908 287 266 346 414
80 years and over 873 101 82 110 115


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Statistics Authority
184 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 3,688,885 2,552,655 1,600,669 1,986,316 4.4

Below 20 4,391 2,179 1,048 902 2.2

20 - 29 324,270 136,503 56,217 42,026 3.4
30 - 39 1,068,571 651,461 348,601 301,718 4.4
40 - 49 1,046,672 794,891 527,471 666,626 5.0
50 - 59 714,836 563,769 395,217 580,694 4.8
60 - 69 363,076 279,660 191,362 282,038 4.2
70 - 79 130,551 97,673 63,800 88,645 3.6
80 years and over 36,518 26,519 16,953 23,667 3.2

Male 3,172,190 2,202,936 1,384,908 1,710,406 4.5

Below 20 2,917 1,448 700 594 2.3

20 - 29 291,467 120,607 48,756 35,375 3.4
30 - 39 983,490 599,101 319,979 273,520 4.5
40 - 49 933,700 716,825 478,411 605,862 5.1
50 - 59 596,611 478,262 339,712 503,246 5.0
60 - 69 266,966 211,225 147,099 220,555 4.5
70 - 79 78,932 61,621 41,144 58,493 3.9
80 years and over 18,107 13,847 9,107 12,761 3.5

Female 516,695 349,719 215,761 275,910 3.7

Below 20 1,474 731 348 308 2.1

20 - 29 32,803 15,896 7,461 6,651 2.8
30 - 39 85,081 52,360 28,622 28,198 3.8
40 - 49 112,972 78,066 49,060 60,764 4.2
50 - 59 118,225 85,507 55,505 77,448 4.1
60 - 69 96,110 68,435 44,263 61,483 3.7
70 - 79 51,619 36,052 22,656 30,152 3.3
80 years and over 18,411 12,672 7,846 10,906 3.0


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 185

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 481,479 330,076 189,787 210,984 4.1

Below 20 669 337 155 129 2.2

20 - 29 42,692 18,581 7,318 5,236 3.0
30 - 39 137,697 82,012 40,062 32,287 4.0
40 - 49 139,255 102,899 60,573 64,018 4.6
50 - 59 95,563 74,539 47,333 60,978 4.7
60 - 69 46,476 36,607 24,374 33,806 4.3
70 - 79 14,534 11,569 7,648 10,995 4.1
80 years and over 4,593 3,532 2,324 3,535 3.9

Male 388,468 266,425 151,833 163,789 4.3

Below 20 398 178 81 64 2.2

20 - 29 34,556 14,500 5,426 3,662 3.1
30 - 39 119,295 70,430 33,998 26,333 4.1
40 - 49 116,880 87,421 51,247 53,126 4.8
50 - 59 74,878 59,455 37,962 47,944 4.9
60 - 69 32,256 25,960 17,431 24,286 4.6
70 - 79 8,112 6,768 4,558 6,555 4.3
80 years and over 2,093 1,713 1,130 1,819 4.2

Female 93,011 63,651 37,954 47,195 3.7

Below 20 271 159 74 65 2.2

20 - 29 8,136 4,081 1,892 1,574 2.6
30 - 39 18,402 11,582 6,064 5,954 3.6
40 - 49 22,375 15,478 9,326 10,892 4.1
50 - 59 20,685 15,084 9,371 13,034 4.2
60 - 69 14,220 10,647 6,943 9,520 4.0
70 - 79 6,422 4,801 3,090 4,440 3.8
80 years and over 2,500 1,819 1,194 1,716 3.7


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Statistics Authority
186 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 59,667 43,356 28,353 38,611 4.3

Below 20 107 42 14 11 1.8

20 - 29 4,975 1,887 667 477 3.0
30 - 39 18,039 11,079 5,435 4,286 4.3
40 - 49 16,106 13,536 9,435 12,260 5.1
50 - 59 11,550 9,748 7,591 13,021 5.0
60 - 69 5,952 4,914 3,627 6,297 4.4
70 - 79 2,210 1,680 1,242 1,799 3.6
80 years and over 728 470 342 460 3.0

Male 51,904 38,243 25,027 34,481 4.6

Below 20 55 18 4 3 1.8
20 - 29 4,441 1,643 562 410 3.2
30 - 39 16,870 10,382 5,091 3,959 4.4
40 - 49 14,526 12,415 8,690 11,426 5.2
50 - 59 9,669 8,421 6,690 11,726 5.2
60 - 69 4,497 3,876 2,905 5,309 4.8
70 - 79 1,445 1,213 865 1,345 4.0
80 years and over 401 275 220 303 3.4

Female 7,763 5,113 3,326 4,130 3.3

Below 20 52 24 10 8 1.8
20 - 29 534 244 105 67 2.3
30 - 39 1,169 697 344 327 3.5
40 - 49 1,580 1,121 745 834 4.0
50 - 59 1,881 1,327 901 1,295 3.9
60 - 69 1,455 1,038 722 988 3.6
70 - 79 765 467 377 454 3.0
80 years and over 327 195 122 157 2.6


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 187

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 190,330 127,916 77,009 93,596 4.4

Below 20 113 41 21 12 2.3

20 - 29 10,909 3,794 1,296 820 3.4
30 - 39 49,657 27,156 12,504 8,852 4.3
40 - 49 55,169 39,078 23,980 26,559 4.8
50 - 59 39,284 30,467 20,848 30,789 4.8
60 - 69 22,110 17,562 12,119 18,094 4.3
70 - 79 9,789 7,395 4,758 6,501 3.7
80 years and over 3,299 2,423 1,483 1,969 3.2

Male 164,295 110,349 66,216 79,628 4.5

Below 20 61 30 13 8 2.4
20 - 29 10,111 3,459 1,136 668 3.5
30 - 39 46,892 25,631 11,738 8,110 4.4
40 - 49 50,701 36,169 22,141 24,410 5.0
50 - 59 33,445 26,218 18,131 26,981 5.0
60 - 69 15,868 13,035 9,247 14,164 4.5
70 - 79 5,646 4,555 3,016 4,262 4.0
80 years and over 1,571 1,252 794 1,025 3.6

Female 26,035 17,567 10,793 13,968 3.6

Below 20 52 11 8 4 2.2
20 - 29 798 335 160 152 2.9
30 - 39 2,765 1,525 766 742 3.7
40 - 49 4,468 2,909 1,839 2,149 4.0
50 - 59 5,839 4,249 2,717 3,808 4.0
60 - 69 6,242 4,527 2,872 3,930 3.7
70 - 79 4,143 2,840 1,742 2,239 3.3
80 years and over 1,728 1,171 689 944 3.0


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
188 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 132,842 84,572 49,141 56,911 4.3

Below 20 130 62 27 24 2.2

20 - 29 8,670 2,949 995 690 3.4
30 - 39 37,951 19,031 8,176 5,881 4.3
40 - 49 40,483 27,590 16,663 17,808 4.8
50 - 59 27,212 20,925 14,094 19,653 4.7
60 - 69 12,957 10,069 6,700 9,605 4.1
70 - 79 4,325 3,112 1,982 2,582 3.4
80 years and over 1,114 834 504 668 2.9

Male 120,577 76,501 44,234 50,677 4.4

Below 20 83 46 17 15 2.4
20 - 29 8,318 2,787 916 603 3.4
30 - 39 36,720 18,355 7,840 5,587 4.3
40 - 49 38,177 26,107 15,788 16,766 4.9
50 - 59 23,957 18,661 12,622 17,709 4.8
60 - 69 9,953 7,968 5,386 7,779 4.3
70 - 79 2,753 2,085 1,383 1,811 3.7
80 years and over 616 492 282 407 3.2

Female 12,265 8,071 4,907 6,234 3.4

Below 20 47 16 10 9 1.9
20 - 29 352 162 79 87 2.7
30 - 39 1,231 676 336 294 3.5
40 - 49 2,306 1,483 875 1,042 4.0
50 - 59 3,255 2,264 1,472 1,944 3.9
60 - 69 3,004 2,101 1,314 1,826 3.5
70 - 79 1,572 1,027 599 771 2.9
80 years and over 498 342 222 261 2.6


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 189

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 444,344 284,200 164,758 192,446 4.4

Below 20 407 194 87 90 2.5

20 - 29 30,294 11,513 4,282 3,311 3.4
30 - 39 121,922 62,931 28,862 22,166 4.3
40 - 49 135,715 90,662 52,565 56,522 4.8
50 - 59 89,396 66,668 44,422 61,152 4.8
60 - 69 45,287 35,252 23,858 34,605 4.3
70 - 79 16,347 13,084 8,324 11,475 3.9
80 years and over 4,976 3,896 2,358 3,125 3.5

Male 380,754 241,076 138,717 159,280 4.5

Below 20 242 133 52 62 2.5

20 - 29 26,897 9,821 3,485 2,590 3.4
30 - 39 112,270 57,424 26,056 19,402 4.3
40 - 49 122,123 81,759 47,171 50,123 4.9
50 - 59 74,882 56,214 37,614 51,850 4.9
60 - 69 32,620 25,992 17,965 26,396 4.5
70 - 79 9,443 7,884 5,173 7,356 4.1
80 years and over 2,277 1,849 1,201 1,501 3.7

Female 63,590 43,124 26,041 33,166 3.9

Below 20 165 61 35 28 2.4

20 - 29 3,397 1,692 797 721 3.1
30 - 39 9,652 5,507 2,806 2,764 3.8
40 - 49 13,592 8,903 5,394 6,399 4.2
50 - 59 14,514 10,454 6,808 9,302 4.2
60 - 69 12,667 9,260 5,893 8,209 3.9
70 - 79 6,904 5,200 3,151 4,119 3.6
80 years and over 2,699 2,047 1,157 1,624 3.3


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Statistics Authority
190 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 553,950 355,785 207,410 240,689 4.2

Below 20 672 326 130 150 2.2

20 - 29 44,593 17,653 6,743 5,249 3.2
30 - 39 162,398 90,746 43,857 35,500 4.2
40 - 49 164,965 113,165 68,892 78,363 4.8
50 - 59 107,829 79,051 52,438 71,677 4.7
60 - 69 51,779 38,946 25,313 36,219 4.2
70 - 79 17,052 12,460 7,916 10,777 3.7
80 years and over 4,662 3,438 2,121 2,754 3.3

Male 468,213 299,820 173,856 198,758 4.4

Below 20 419 189 72 92 2.3

20 - 29 38,555 14,826 5,429 4,032 3.3
30 - 39 146,967 81,685 39,058 30,996 4.3
40 - 49 145,305 100,186 61,033 68,972 4.9
50 - 59 88,558 65,602 43,812 59,814 4.9
60 - 69 36,880 28,421 18,678 27,018 4.4
70 - 79 9,447 7,321 4,788 6,531 3.9
80 years and over 2,082 1,590 986 1,303 3.6

Female 85,737 55,965 33,554 41,931 3.7

Below 20 253 137 58 58 2.1

20 - 29 6,038 2,827 1,314 1,217 2.7
30 - 39 15,431 9,061 4,799 4,504 3.6
40 - 49 19,660 12,979 7,859 9,391 4.1
50 - 59 19,271 13,449 8,626 11,863 4.1
60 - 69 14,899 10,525 6,635 9,201 3.8
70 - 79 7,605 5,139 3,128 4,246 3.4
80 years and over 2,580 1,848 1,135 1,451 3.2


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 191

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 106,892 74,429 46,143 56,833 4.3

Below 20 136 57 25 17 2.1

20 - 29 10,377 3,897 1,321 903 3.4
30 - 39 33,877 21,362 11,208 9,436 4.6
40 - 49 29,624 23,836 16,528 21,875 5.1
50 - 59 19,174 15,471 10,845 16,251 4.7
60 - 69 9,521 6,906 4,485 6,277 3.9
70 - 79 3,384 2,367 1,404 1,700 3.2
80 years and over 799 533 327 374 2.7

Male 95,726 67,006 41,901 51,755 4.5

Below 20 93 39 15 12 2.2
20 - 29 9,810 3,636 1,197 797 3.5
30 - 39 32,044 20,286 10,609 8,934 4.6
40 - 49 27,200 22,134 15,541 20,651 5.2
50 - 59 16,582 13,596 9,750 14,755 4.9
60 - 69 7,384 5,397 3,612 5,184 4.1
70 - 79 2,176 1,607 986 1,208 3.4
80 years and over 437 311 191 214 3.1

Female 11,166 7,423 4,242 5,078 3.4

Below 20 43 18 10 5 1.9
20 - 29 567 261 124 106 2.7
30 - 39 1,833 1,076 599 502 3.8
40 - 49 2,424 1,702 987 1,224 4.1
50 - 59 2,592 1,875 1,095 1,496 3.8
60 - 69 2,137 1,509 873 1,093 3.3
70 - 79 1,208 760 418 492 2.8
80 years and over 362 222 136 160 2.5


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
192 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 193,100 147,687 101,641 154,792 4.8

Below 20 192 100 48 28 2.5

20 - 29 17,800 7,052 2,371 1,778 3.6
30 - 39 57,099 40,032 23,614 23,309 4.9
40 - 49 50,097 44,785 34,410 57,477 5.6
50 - 59 36,728 31,662 24,135 44,395 5.2
60 - 69 20,771 16,217 11,673 19,638 4.3
70 - 79 8,310 6,352 4,404 6,573 3.6
80 years and over 2,103 1,487 986 1,594 3.2

Male 165,782 128,225 88,847 136,277 4.9

Below 20 110 57 25 16 2.5

20 - 29 16,410 6,407 2,103 1,496 3.7
30 - 39 52,960 37,344 22,063 21,689 4.9
40 - 49 44,448 40,649 31,645 53,365 5.7
50 - 59 30,724 27,031 20,945 39,384 5.4
60 - 69 15,190 12,128 8,848 15,320 4.6
70 - 79 4,936 3,874 2,701 4,195 3.9
80 years and over 1,004 735 517 812 3.5

Female 27,318 19,462 12,794 18,515 3.9

Below 20 82 43 23 12 2.5
20 - 29 1,390 645 268 282 3.3
30 - 39 4,139 2,688 1,551 1,620 4.3
40 - 49 5,649 4,136 2,765 4,112 4.7
50 - 59 6,004 4,631 3,190 5,011 4.3
60 - 69 5,581 4,089 2,825 4,318 3.8
70 - 79 3,374 2,478 1,703 2,378 3.3
80 years and over 1,099 752 469 782 2.9


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Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 193

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 270,806 188,339 119,636 154,414 4.4

Below 20 164 71 37 26 2.3

20 - 29 18,132 6,442 2,152 1,525 3.4
30 - 39 71,223 41,254 21,032 17,231 4.3
40 - 49 73,720 57,111 38,502 49,741 5.0
50 - 59 57,769 46,236 33,184 49,748 4.9
60 - 69 32,593 24,982 16,738 25,024 4.3
70 - 79 13,421 9,614 6,271 8,611 3.6
80 years and over 3,784 2,629 1,720 2,508 3.2

Male 227,646 159,452 101,353 130,729 4.6

Below 20 93 40 21 13 2.3
20 - 29 16,195 5,569 1,757 1,149 3.4
30 - 39 65,473 37,732 19,081 15,307 4.4
40 - 49 65,352 51,179 34,677 45,026 5.1
50 - 59 47,506 38,982 28,373 43,090 5.1
60 - 69 23,489 18,736 12,739 19,390 4.5
70 - 79 7,766 5,898 3,847 5,468 3.9
80 years and over 1,772 1,316 858 1,286 3.5

Female 43,160 28,887 18,283 23,685 3.7

Below 20 71 31 16 13 2.3
20 - 29 1,937 873 395 376 3.2
30 - 39 5,750 3,522 1,951 1,924 4.0
40 - 49 8,368 5,932 3,825 4,715 4.4
50 - 59 10,263 7,254 4,811 6,658 4.2
60 - 69 9,104 6,246 3,999 5,634 3.7
70 - 79 5,655 3,716 2,424 3,143 3.2
80 years and over 2,012 1,313 862 1,222 2.9


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Statistics Authority
194 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 263,354 186,028 119,504 158,230 4.3

Below 20 274 132 63 53 1.9

20 - 29 23,848 8,980 3,159 2,215 3.2
30 - 39 78,508 49,830 27,074 23,365 4.5
40 - 49 71,065 57,094 39,902 55,239 5.1
50 - 59 50,414 40,459 28,939 46,353 4.8
60 - 69 26,122 19,973 14,083 21,682 4.1
70 - 79 10,262 7,609 5,004 7,303 3.4
80 years and over 2,861 1,951 1,280 2,020 3.0

Male 221,008 157,216 101,307 133,236 4.5

Below 20 150 71 31 25 2.0

20 - 29 20,235 7,298 2,451 1,579 3.3
30 - 39 70,264 44,493 23,941 20,079 4.5
40 - 49 61,931 50,484 35,397 48,965 5.3
50 - 59 41,515 33,923 24,706 39,792 5.0
60 - 69 19,136 15,100 10,838 16,918 4.3
70 - 79 6,356 4,790 3,256 4,776 3.7
80 years and over 1,421 1,057 687 1,102 3.3

Female 42,346 28,812 18,197 24,994 3.6

Below 20 124 61 32 28 1.9

20 - 29 3,613 1,682 708 636 2.7
30 - 39 8,244 5,337 3,133 3,286 4.0
40 - 49 9,134 6,610 4,505 6,274 4.4
50 - 59 8,899 6,536 4,233 6,561 4.1
60 - 69 6,986 4,873 3,245 4,764 3.6
70 - 79 3,906 2,819 1,748 2,527 3.0
80 years and over 1,440 894 593 918 2.7


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 195

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 150,629 110,700 74,315 104,062 4.5

Below 20 144 69 26 24 2.3

20 - 29 14,130 5,339 1,863 1,327 3.5
30 - 39 43,313 29,324 16,845 15,660 4.7
40 - 49 39,329 33,377 25,015 37,939 5.3
50 - 59 29,154 24,460 18,121 29,935 4.9
60 - 69 16,057 12,026 8,522 13,409 4.1
70 - 79 6,719 4,840 3,132 4,618 3.4
80 years and over 1,783 1,265 791 1,150 3.0

Male 132,300 98,148 66,450 93,279 4.7

Below 20 99 39 20 18 2.3
20 - 29 13,225 4,924 1,671 1,135 3.5
30 - 39 40,731 27,672 15,877 14,664 4.7
40 - 49 35,647 30,726 23,336 35,614 5.4
50 - 59 24,989 21,406 16,127 27,030 5.1
60 - 69 12,360 9,506 6,883 10,954 4.3
70 - 79 4,325 3,181 2,087 3,212 3.6
80 years and over 924 694 449 652 3.3

Female 18,329 12,552 7,865 10,783 3.6

Below 20 45 30 6 6 2.4
20 - 29 905 415 192 192 3.1
30 - 39 2,582 1,652 968 996 4.0
40 - 49 3,682 2,651 1,679 2,325 4.4
50 - 59 4,165 3,054 1,994 2,905 4.0
60 - 69 3,697 2,520 1,639 2,455 3.5
70 - 79 2,394 1,659 1,045 1,406 3.0
80 years and over 859 571 342 498 2.7


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
196 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 128,990 92,066 59,510 77,959 4.5

Below 20 212 91 48 21 2.4

20 - 29 14,000 5,852 2,267 1,617 3.6
30 - 39 38,098 25,450 14,393 13,458 4.7
40 - 49 34,629 28,471 20,150 28,737 5.2
50 - 59 24,478 19,580 14,105 21,352 4.9
60 - 69 12,297 9,037 6,084 9,343 4.2
70 - 79 4,273 2,886 1,968 2,782 3.5
80 years and over 1,003 699 495 649 3.1

Male 114,985 82,510 53,550 70,178 4.7

Below 20 152 63 33 14 2.5

20 - 29 13,187 5,445 2,010 1,425 3.6
30 - 39 35,883 24,005 13,582 12,590 4.7
40 - 49 31,525 26,289 18,757 26,900 5.3
50 - 59 21,083 17,124 12,540 19,108 5.1
60 - 69 9,608 7,166 4,997 7,730 4.4
70 - 79 2,954 1,992 1,328 2,013 3.8
80 years and over 593 426 303 398 3.4

Female 14,005 9,556 5,960 7,781 3.7

Below 20 60 28 15 7 2.2
20 - 29 813 407 257 192 3.0
30 - 39 2,215 1,445 811 868 4.0
40 - 49 3,104 2,182 1,393 1,837 4.3
50 - 59 3,395 2,456 1,565 2,244 4.1
60 - 69 2,689 1,871 1,087 1,613 3.6
70 - 79 1,319 894 640 769 3.1
80 years and over 410 273 192 251 2.8


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 197

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 170,186 117,052 74,031 96,486 4.5

Below 20 229 90 46 50 2.3

20 - 29 18,380 7,198 2,899 2,178 3.5
30 - 39 50,287 31,377 17,296 15,899 4.6
40 - 49 47,074 36,363 24,561 32,893 5.1
50 - 59 32,037 25,214 17,978 27,842 4.9
60 - 69 15,627 11,980 8,176 13,044 4.3
70 - 79 5,202 3,841 2,455 3,695 3.6
80 years and over 1,350 989 620 885 3.2

Male 150,933 104,059 66,026 85,681 4.6

Below 20 169 68 38 41 2.4

20 - 29 17,235 6,638 2,651 1,925 3.6
30 - 39 47,187 29,531 16,235 14,838 4.6
40 - 49 42,843 33,327 22,663 30,554 5.2
50 - 59 27,392 21,889 15,831 24,632 5.1
60 - 69 11,984 9,469 6,560 10,564 4.5
70 - 79 3,367 2,551 1,688 2,608 3.8
80 years and over 756 586 360 519 3.4

Female 19,253 12,993 8,005 10,805 3.7

Below 20 60 22 8 9 1.9
20 - 29 1,145 560 248 253 2.9
30 - 39 3,100 1,846 1,061 1,061 3.9
40 - 49 4,231 3,036 1,898 2,339 4.3
50 - 59 4,645 3,325 2,147 3,210 4.1
60 - 69 3,643 2,511 1,616 2,480 3.7
70 - 79 1,835 1,290 767 1,087 3.2
80 years and over 594 403 260 366 2.9


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
198 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 180,384 116,355 67,932 79,926 4.1

Below 20 198 85 28 32 1.8

20 - 29 16,865 6,417 2,139 1,762 3.2
30 - 39 54,299 31,146 15,278 13,431 4.3
40 - 49 51,831 37,364 23,386 27,921 4.8
50 - 59 34,089 25,519 16,947 22,947 4.6
60 - 69 16,744 11,687 7,640 10,517 4.0
70 - 79 5,198 3,438 2,079 2,733 3.3
80 years and over 1,160 699 435 583 2.8

Male 160,435 103,882 60,526 70,741 4.3

Below 20 134 54 17 15 1.9

20 - 29 15,479 5,771 1,857 1,499 3.3
30 - 39 50,938 29,160 14,250 12,305 4.3
40 - 49 47,321 34,507 21,661 25,835 4.9
50 - 59 29,318 22,222 14,952 20,237 4.7
60 - 69 13,045 9,302 6,065 8,524 4.2
70 - 79 3,523 2,427 1,452 1,953 3.5
80 years and over 677 439 272 373 3.1

Female 19,949 12,473 7,406 9,185 3.3

Below 20 64 31 11 17 1.6
20 - 29 1,386 646 282 263 2.4
30 - 39 3,361 1,986 1,028 1,126 3.6
40 - 49 4,510 2,857 1,725 2,086 4.0
50 - 59 4,771 3,297 1,995 2,710 3.8
60 - 69 3,699 2,385 1,575 1,993 3.4
70 - 79 1,675 1,011 627 780 2.9
80 years and over 483 260 163 210 2.6


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 199

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 167,099 112,587 70,806 80,673 4.3

Below 20 228 118 54 52 2.3

20 - 29 18,069 7,052 2,800 1,822 3.4
30 - 39 52,516 31,902 17,652 14,716 4.4
40 - 49 47,863 36,995 25,043 30,792 5.0
50 - 59 29,355 22,854 16,186 21,720 4.7
60 - 69 13,592 9,861 6,689 8,753 4.1
70 - 79 4,415 3,097 1,989 2,317 3.4
80 years and over 1,061 708 393 501 3.0

Male 151,454 102,429 64,554 73,768 4.5

Below 20 181 88 38 32 2.4

20 - 29 17,264 6,682 2,612 1,672 3.4
30 - 39 50,183 30,495 16,851 14,048 4.5
40 - 49 44,247 34,616 23,496 29,086 5.1
50 - 59 25,420 20,121 14,446 19,608 4.9
60 - 69 10,540 7,838 5,433 7,283 4.3
70 - 79 2,971 2,159 1,426 1,691 3.7
80 years and over 648 430 252 348 3.3

Female 15,645 10,158 6,252 6,905 3.5

Below 20 47 30 16 20 2.1
20 - 29 805 370 188 150 2.6
30 - 39 2,333 1,407 801 668 3.6
40 - 49 3,616 2,379 1,547 1,706 4.0
50 - 59 3,935 2,733 1,740 2,112 3.9
60 - 69 3,052 2,023 1,256 1,470 3.4
70 - 79 1,444 938 563 626 3.0
80 years and over 413 278 141 153 2.6


Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority
200 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines

Table 15--Continued

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 93,971 66,569 42,988 55,118 4.5

Below 20 79 45 31 26 2.2
20 - 29 9,599 3,843 1,388 997 3.6
30 - 39 27,582 17,671 9,504 8,531 4.6
40 - 49 25,121 20,371 14,500 19,648 5.2
50 - 59 18,263 14,913 10,868 16,424 4.9
60 - 69 9,241 6,814 4,796 6,906 4.2
70 - 79 3,320 2,403 1,562 2,149 3.5
80 years and over 766 509 339 437 3.0

Male 84,084 60,012 38,828 49,842 4.7

Below 20 56 28 24 19 2.4
20 - 29 9,088 3,583 1,272 880 3.6
30 - 39 26,174 16,845 9,062 8,084 4.7
40 - 49 23,002 18,956 13,618 18,439 5.3
50 - 59 15,760 13,125 9,635 14,887 5.1
60 - 69 7,294 5,466 3,884 5,689 4.4
70 - 79 2,247 1,708 1,123 1,580 3.7
80 years and over 463 301 210 264 3.3

Female 9,887 6,557 4,160 5,276 3.6

Below 20 23 17 7 7 2.0
20 - 29 511 260 116 117 3.0
30 - 39 1,408 826 442 447 3.9
40 - 49 2,119 1,415 882 1,209 4.3
50 - 59 2,503 1,788 1,233 1,537 4.1
60 - 69 1,947 1,348 912 1,217 3.6
70 - 79 1,073 695 439 569 3.0
80 years and over 303 208 129 173 2.8


Philippine Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics - Philippines 201

Table 15--Concluded

Age Group, Sex Household Size

of the Household Head,
Household Size
and Region 5 6 7 8 and Over


Both sexes 102,843 118,638 111,206 143,265 6.1

Below 20 448 320 214 160 4.3

20 - 29 21,405 18,341 12,685 10,273 5.3
30 - 39 34,764 40,270 36,674 39,105 6.0
40 - 49 24,555 33,028 34,391 51,455 6.5
50 - 59 12,866 16,642 17,881 28,819 6.5
60 - 69 6,225 7,334 6,995 10,201 6.1
70 - 79 2,032 2,152 1,884 2,626 5.6
80 years and over 548 551 482 626 5.4

Male 94,729 110,304 104,396 135,047 6.1

Below 20 426 307 203 147 4.3

20 - 29 20,818 17,841 12,323 9,953 5.3
30 - 39 33,179 38,614 35,390 37,750 6.1
40 - 49 22,312 30,588 32,397 48,816 6.5
50 - 59 11,048 14,695 16,123 26,588 6.6
60 - 69 4,991 6,121 5,996 9,009 6.2
70 - 79 1,551 1,716 1,568 2,264 5.9
80 years and over 404 422 396 520 5.7

Female 8,114 8,334 6,810 8,218 5.4

Below 20 22 13 11 13 4.1
20 - 29 587 500 362 320 4.9
30 - 39 1,585 1,656 1,284 1,355 5.4
40 - 49 2,243 2,440 1,994 2,639 5.7
50 - 59 1,818 1,947 1,758 2,231 5.6
60 - 69 1,234 1,213 999 1,192 5.4
70 - 79 481 436 316 362 4.9
80 years and over 144 129 86 106 4.7

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics
Statistics Authority




SECTION 6. Functions of the PSA. – The PSA shall have the following functions:

(b) Prepare and conduct periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries,
business, industry and other sectors of the economy;

SECTION 25. Obligation to Provide Information. – The National Statistician shall determine whether a
statistical inquiry or survey to be conducted is with or without obligation to provide information. If such
obligation is stipulated, all respondents whether natural or legal persons shall be liable to reply to the
statistical inquiry or survey. This section applies to all statistical inquiries or surveys conducted by
other statistical offices in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS).
The respondents under this Act are required to give truthful and complete answers to statistical
inquiries or surveys of the PSA and other statistical offices of the PSS. The respondent is considered
to have complied with the obligation only upon receipt of the duly completed statistical inquiry or
survey forms. The government shall provide franking privileges, charges and postings to the survey
offices, unless otherwise disallowed by law.

SECTION 26. Confidentiality of Information. – Individual data furnished by a respondent to statistical

inquiries, surveys and censuses of the PSA shall be considered privileged communication and as
such shall be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding.

The PSA may release aggregated information from statistical inquiries, surveys and censuses in the
form of summaries or statistical tables in which no reference to an individual, corporation, association,
partnership, institution or business enterprise shall appear.

The National Statistician and all staff of the PSA shall take a solemn oath regarding confidentiality of

SECTION 27. Penalties. – Respondents of primary data collection activities such as censuses and
sample surveys are obliged to give truthful and complete answers to statistical inquiries. The
gathering, consolidation and analysis of such data shall likewise be done in the most truthful and
credible manner.

Philippine Statistics Authority A–1

Appendix A – Republic Act No. 10625

To ensure compliance, any violation of this Act shall result in the imposition of the penalty of one (1)
year imprisonment and a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00). In cases where the
respondent who fails to give a truthful and complete answer to such statistical inquiries is a
corporation, the above penalty shall be imposed against the responsible officer, director, manager
and/or agent of said corporation.



Acting Senate President Speaker of the House
of Representatives

This Act which originated in the House of Representatives was finally passed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on June 6, 2013.


Secretary of the Senate Secretary General
House of Representatives

APPROVED: September 12, 2013


President of the Philippines

A–2 Philippine Statistics Authority





WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 121, which was issued in January 1987, created the National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) as the policy-making and coordinating body of the
decentralized Philippine Statistical System;

WHEREAS, the NSCB, now an agency attached to the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA), has established a system of designated statistics in accordance with its mandate,
that enables the identification and generation of the most critical and essential statistics required for
social and economic planning/analysis based on approved criteria;

WHEREAS, the generation of said data requires the conduct of nationwide censuses and surveys and the
maintenance/processing of administrative-based records on a regular basis to allow for monitoring, time
series analysis and forecasting by policy-makers;

WHEREAS, the quality of these designated statistics needs to be continuously improved to address
the needs of data users;

WHEREAS, the system of designated statistics is a dynamic process that allows for updating to keep
attuned to the emerging demands of data users;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers
vested in me by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. The activities and statistics that have been designated by the NSCB as per ANNEX of this
Executive Order shall be adopted by the government as the means of generating the critical and essential
data for administrators, planners and policy-makers in the government and private sectors.

SECTION 2. The implementing agencies shall provide the Office of the President thru the NSCB results
of said censuses, surveys and administrative-based reports on a regular basis and ensure the
dissemination of the data to the general public in accordance with the designated time frame.

SECTION 3. The implementing agencies shall be responsible in carrying out the improvements in the
design and methodology of said activities in coordination with the NSCB.

SECTION 4. Any modification, addition or deletion from the above list shall be approved through a
Board Resolution by the NSCB in accordance with its implementing guidelines. The NSCB is
authorized to issue implementing guidelines consistent with the provisions of this Executive Order. It
shall also be responsible in monitoring the system's implementation to attain the objectives of this
Executive Order.

SECTION 5. The NSCB shall regularly conduct adequate consultations with the data users and
producers as a means of updating the lists of designated statistics to be responsive to the emerging
needs of data users.

Philippine Statistics Authority B-1

Appendix B – Executive Order No. 352

SECTION 6. The amounts necessary to carry out the provisions of this Executive Order shall be
provided for in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) in the year following its approval and thereafter.
However, any immediate requirement to implement this Executive Order shall be taken from any
available appropriations in the CY l994 GAA, subject to the usual budgetary rules and regulations.

SECTION 7. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of July in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and ninety six.

President of the Philippines

Excerpt of ANNEX (List of Designated Statistical Activities) of Executive Order 352

For Mid-Decade Census of Population:

Frequency Geographic Schedule of Data With

Activity Agency
of Conduct Disaggregation Dissemination ARC
Mid- NSO every 10 national, regional, Before the end of every
Decade years provincial, city, census year for
Census of municipal, population figures from
Population barangay, national down to
urban-rural barangay levels;
18 months after the
reference year for other
Note: NSO was merged with three other statistical agencies: NSCB, BAS, and BLES

B–2 Philippine Statistics Authority


Philippine Statistics Authority C-1

Appendix C – CP Form 1 – Listing Booklet


C-2 Philippine Statistics Authority

Appendix C – CP Form 1 – Listing Booklet


Philippine Statistics Authority C-3

Appendix C – CP Form 1 – Listing Booklet


C-4 Philippine Statistics Authority


Philippine Statistics Authority D-1

Appendix D – CP Form 2 – Household Questionnaire


D-2 Philippine Statistics Authority

Appendix D – CP Form 2 – Household Questionnaire


Philippines Statistics Authority D-3

Appendix D – CP Form 2 – Household Questionnaire


D-4 Philippine Statistics Authority


Philippine Statistics Authority E-1

Appendix E – CP Form 4 – Institutional Population Questionnaire


E-2 Philippine Statistics Authority

Appendix E – CP Form 4 – Institutional Population Questionnaire


Philippine Statistics Authority E-3

Appendix E – CP Form 4 – Institutional Population Questionnaire


E-4 Philippine Statistics Authority

List of Report No. 2
Philippines 2
Abra 2 - 1N La Union 2 - 53A
Agusan del Norte 2 - 2P Laguna 2 - 54D
Agusan del Sur 2 - 3P Lanao del Norte 2 - 55J
Aklan 2 - 4F Lanao del Sur 2 - 56O
Albay 2 - 5E Lapu-Lapu City 2 - 57G
Angeles City 2 - 6C Leyte 2 - 58H
Antique 2 - 7F Lucena City 2 - 59D
Apayao 2 - 8N Maguindanao 2 - 60O
Aurora 2 - 9C Mandaue City 2 - 61G
Bacolod City 2 - 10R Marinduque 2 - 62Q
Baguio City 2 - 11N Masbate 2 - 63E
Basilan 2 - 12O Misamis Occidental 2 - 64J
Bataan 2 - 13C Misamis Oriental 2 - 65J
Batanes 2 - 14B Mountain Province 2 - 66N
Batangas 2 - 15D National Capital Region - First District 2 - 67M
Benguet 2 - 16N National Capital Region - Second District 2 - 68M
Biliran 2 - 17H National Capital Region - Third District 2 - 69M
Bohol 2 - 18G National Capital Region - Fourth District 2 - 70M
Bukidnon 2 - 19J Negros Occidental 2 - 71R
Bulacan 2 - 20C Negros Oriental 2 - 72R
Butuan City 2 - 21P Northern Samar 2 - 73H
Cagayan 2 - 22B Nueva Ecija 2 - 74C
Cagayan de Oro City 2 - 23J Nueva Vizcaya 2 - 75B
Camarines Norte 2 - 24E Occidental Mindoro 2 - 76Q
Camarines Sur 2 - 25E Olongapo City 2 - 77C
Camiguin 2 - 26J Oriental Mindoro 2 - 78Q
Capiz 2 - 27F Palawan 2 - 79Q
Catanduanes 2 - 28E Pampanga 2 - 80C
Cavite 2 - 29D Pangasinan 2 - 81A
Cebu 2 - 30G Puerto Princesa City 2 - 82Q
Cebu City 2 - 31G Quezon 2 - 83D
Compostela Valley 2 - 32K Quirino 2 - 84B
Cotabato (North Cotabato) 2 - 33L Rizal 2 - 85D
Cotabato City 2 - 34L Romblon 2 - 86Q
Davao City 2 - 35K Samar (Western Samar) 2 - 87H
Davao del Norte 2 - 36K Sarangani 2 - 88L
Davao del Sur 2 - 37K Siquijor 2 - 89G
Davao Occidental 2 - 38K Sorsogon 2 - 90E
Davao Oriental 2 - 39K South Cotabato 2 - 91L
Dinagat Islands 2 - 40P Southern Leyte 2 - 92H
Eastern Samar 2 - 41H Sultan Kudarat 2 - 93L
General Santos City 2 - 42L Sulu 2 - 94O
Guimaras 2 - 43F Surigao del Norte 2 - 95P
Ifugao 2 - 44N Surigao del Sur 2 - 96P
Iligan City 2 - 45J Tacloban City 2 - 97H
Ilocos Norte 2 - 46A Tarlac 2 - 98C
Ilocos Sur 2 - 47A Tawi-Tawi 2 - 99O
Iloilo 2 - 48F Zambales 2 - 100C
Iloilo City 2 - 49F Zamboanga City 2 - 101I
Isabela 2 - 50B Zamboanga del Norte 2 - 102I
City of Isabela 2 - 51I Zamboanga del Sur 2 - 103I
Kalinga 2 - 52N Zamboanga Sibugay 2 - 104I

Philippine Statistics Authority F-1

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