EMO Lab Manual
EMO Lab Manual
EMO Lab Manual
Section: B-1
Function Generator
Oscilloscope is also known as a O-scope, CRO, DSO or simply Scope. Oscilloscope is a
graphical display device which is used to visualize time-varying signals such as a voltage signal
changing rapidly or slowly w.r.to time which cannot be measured with multimeter. The
displayed waveform can then be analyzed for properties such as amplitude, frequency, rise
time, time interval, distortion, and others.
To view the signals coming directly from devices such as sound cards, allowing the real-
time display of waves.
In medicine, to display the waveform of the heartbeat as Electrocardiogram.
In engineering,
To test the circuits (how much noise is in your circuit)
Determining the frequency and amplitude of a signal,
Identifying the shape of a waveform -- sine, square, triangle, sawtooth,
complex, etc
Vertical Section
Vertical section controls the amplitude of the signal.
Volts/Div (Vertical scale) knob: controls the amplitude per division setting for a waveform, using
ground as a reference.
Rotating the Volts/Div knob clockwise will decrease the scale, and counter-clockwise will increase. A
smaller scale – fewer volts per division on the screen – means you’re more “zoomed in” to the
Position knob: The position knob controls the vertical offset (position) of the waveform on the screen.
Rotate the knob clockwise, and the wave will move down, counter-clockwise will move it up the
AUTOSET button:
Automatically sets the scales according to the input waveform.
Trigger Section
The trigger determines when to display or store the captured data.
It controls the start event of a sweep.
It tells the scope what parts of the signal to “trigger” on and start measuring.
It is used to stabilize the waveform. It converts unstable displays or blank screens into
meaningful waveforms.
The trigger can be set to restart automatically after each sweep or can be configured to
respond to an internal or external event.
The principal controls of this section are the source and coupling selector switches, and
an external trigger input (EXT Input) and level adjustment.
Function generator
A function generator is a device to generate arbitrary time varying waveforms. It is used for
testing and designing circuits in a lab environment. The function generator used in this lab is
Instek AFG 2225. A function generator has a frequency range, and we can get varying
amplitude from its main output. We can verify its frequency and wave shapes by applying its
output to oscilloscope.
Generating a Signal
Turn the power on and press the output key.
Enter a value of 2 using numeric keypad and then choose units to be kHz. We can also specify time period
instead of frequency if we press the “Freq” soft key and then specify the time period.
Similarly press the Amplitude soft key to enter amplitude and offset soft key to enter DC offset.
The units can be changed by pressing first the +/- key and then entering new units.
Similarly, by pressing the square, ramp, pulse etc. keys we can generate arbitrary waveforms of
different characteristics.
1. Turn on the oscilloscope and function generator.
2. Set the function generator to 1 KHz frequency by pressing 1 KHz button and multiplier
to X1.
3. Generate different types of waveforms from function generator.
4. Now observe the signal by attaching the probe of the function generator to any probe of
the oscilloscope channel.
5. Adjust volt/div and time/div to observe proper signal.
6. Measure the amplitude of the signal (Peak and RMS value of the voltage).
7. Time per div = t =
8. No of divisions in which wave complete its 1 cycle = N =
9. Time period = T = Total No of divisions (N) x Time per div (t) =
10. Repeat the process.
No. of V rms
Frequency Volts V rms
S. No Vertical V P−P VP V
(Hz) ¿ V rms = P VP
Divisions √2
1 1Hz 0.1 10V/Div 100 10 7.0710 0.70710
2 10Hz 0.01 10V/Div 200 20 141.421 7.0710
No. of V rms
Frequency Volts V rms
S. No Vertical V P−P VP V
(Hz) ¿ V rms = P VP
Divisions √3
1Hz 0.1 10V/Div 100 10 5.7735 0.70710
10Hz 0.01 10V/Div 200 20 11.5470 0.70710
20Hz 0.05 10V/Div 300 30 17.3205 0.70710
Experiment 06
To calculate the Time Constant of RC Circuit using
Oscilloscope and Function Generator
To measure the “Time Constant” of RC circuit.
Function Generator
Resistor 100 KΩ
Capacitor 1μF
Connecting wires
Series RC Circuit - An Introduction
The simplest type of RC circuit (1st order RC circuit) is shown in the figure which is composed
of one resistor and one capacitor.
Time Constant
When voltage is applied to the RC circuit, current will begin to flow. Energy will dissipate
through the resistor and in the form of charges, it starts depositing on the capacitor plates.
Initially, there is very little charge on the plates, however, as time goes, charge on the plates
builds up and the increased voltage across the capacitor will reduce the flow of current through
the circuit. After some time, circuit will be in new equilibrium or steady state condition that
means, capacitor is fully charged. Now, remove source, charge that has built up in the capacitor
flows through the resistor and circuit is again in transient state for capacitor discharging.
Thus, “the time required by the reactive components (capacitor or inductor) to attain
maximum voltage for charging or discharging state is called as time constant” or delay. This
time, also called the transient response, required for the capacitor to fully charge, is equivalent
to about 5 time constants. This transient response time T is measured in terms of τ = R x C,
in seconds, where R is the value of the resistor in ohms and C is the value of the capacitor in
Farads. This then forms the basis of an RC charging circuit were 5T can also be thought of as
“5 x RC”.
1. Turn on the oscilloscope and function generator.
4. Press square waveform button to generate square wave from function generator
5. Observe the generated signal by attaching the probe of the function generator to the probe of
the oscilloscope channel.
8. Choose resister and capacitor values wisely to satisfy time constant condition i.e., τ = 5(R x C),
so that resultant charging and discharging curve is visualized clearly.
10. Use cursor button to turn on cursors for voltage and time.
11. Set the time cursors at the start and end of charging curve and measure the duration between
2 cursors (i.e., note down the delta value).
12. Set the voltage cursors, at the top and bottom of charging curve and measure the voltage
difference between 2 cursors (i.e., note down the delta value). This should be maximum value
of the peak voltage.
13. This verifies that the time constant calculated by the formula τ = R x C is same as observed
by the oscilloscope.
14. Now move one of the time cursors (2 nd one) at 1τ time (100ms in this case).
15. Move the top voltage cursor to intercept the time cursor at 1τ time (100ms in this case),
while staying both the cursors on capacitor output curve.
16. At this point, measure the value of voltage (delta value), this should be 63% of the peak
17. This verifies that the time constant calculated by the formula τ = R x C is same as observed
by the oscilloscope
18. Repeat whole process for different values of frequency, resistor and capacitor.
τ (sec) τ (sec)
1 100kΩ 1µ 1 10 5×10−7 53.957s
Experiment 07
Transient Analysis (Transient Response) of Series RL
Circuit using Oscilloscope
To measure the “Time Constant” of RL circuit.
Resistor 5Ω
Inductor 200mH
Connecting wires
Time Constant
Thus, “the time required by the reactive element ( inductor) to attain maximum current for
charging or discharging state is called as time constant” or delay. This time, also called the
transient response, is equivalent to about 5 time constants. This transient response time T is
measured in terms of τ = L/R, in seconds, where R is the value of the resistor in ohms and L
is the value of the inductor in Henry’s. 5T can also be thought of as “5 x L/R”.
1. Make a series RL circuit and apply DC voltage to it.
2. Choose the values of resister and inductor wisely to satisfy time constant condition i.e.,
τ = 5(L/R), so that resultant charging and discharging curve is visualized clearly. (In our case R =
5Ω and L = 200mH)
8. Use “Transient Analysis” from multiSIM to observe the voltage and current flowing through the
9. Calculate the time constant τ = 5(L/R) by keeping the value of inductor fixed while changing the
value of resistor. Verify your results from scope .
10. Repeat whole process for different values of resistor and inductor.
Time Observed
Steady State Measured
Resistance Inductance Constant
S.No. Current Time
(sec) Steady State
(Ohm) (Henry) Constant
V Current
L I= (sec)
5 τ =5 R
Experiment 08
Find the Impedance and Phase Angle of a Series RLC
Circuit using Multi-SIM
Find the Impedance and Phase angle of a Series RLC Circuit.
Where X L =ωL and XC =
and ω=2 πf
(X ¿ ¿ L−X C )
θ=tan −1 ¿
θ=tan −1
(ωL− ωC1 ) (2)
V R1 L1
Procedure: Calculations
11. Make the circuit as shown in the figure.
12. Set the frequency f = 500 Hz and the values of resistor and inductor as given in the
13. Use Eq. (1) to calculate the impedance.
Procedure: Simulations
1. Make the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Set the frequency f = 500 Hz and the values of resistor and inductor as given in the
3. Set the simulation mode to “Single Frequency AC”.
4. Generate the expression for impedance “ ” from “Single Frequency AC” tab.
5. Simulate the circuit for three different case as given in tables.
6. Take a print out of all the graphs for each case.
Case#3 And Its Graph
Experiment 09
Find the Impedance and Phase Angle of a Parallel RLC
Circuit using Multi-SIM
Find the Impedance and Phase angle of a Parallel RLC Circuit.
1 2 1 2
1 1
+ )( −
X L XC )
1 2 2
1 1
Z √(
R )(
−ωC )
2 2
1 1 (1)
√( ) (
−ωC )
Where X L =ωL and XC =
ωC Inductor becomes short circuit at
steady state making a loop in the
and ω=2 πf circuit.
Y = √ G2+( BL −BC )2
1 1
1 1 1 BC = = =ωC
Where G= , BL = = and XC 1
R X L ωL
Phase angle is given as
A θ=tan −1 ¿)
V1 θ=tan −1
( ωL1 −ωC )
R1 1 L1 C1
120Vrms 100Ω R 100mH 100uF
60Hz Key=A Key=A Key=A
100 % 100 % 100 %
θ = tan R . ( ωL1 −ωC) (2)
V1 R1 L1 C1
120Vrms 100Ω 100mH 100uF
60Hz Key=A Key=A Key=A
100 % 100 % 100 %
Procedure: Calculations
14. Make the circuit as shown in the figure.
15. Set the frequency f = 500 Hz and the values of resistor and inductor as given in the
16. Use Eq. (1) to calculate the impedance.
Phase Angle
Case-2: R and C = fixed , L = variable
Procedure: Simulations
7. Make the circuit as shown in the figure.
8. Set the frequency f = 500 Hz and the values of resistor and inductor as given in the
9. Set the simulation mode to “Single Frequency AC”.
10. Generate the expression for impedance “ ” from “Single Frequency AC” tab.
11. Simulate the circuit for three different case as given in tables.
12. Take a print out of all the graphs for each case.
Graph 3:
Graph 4:
Graph 5:
Graph 1:
Graph 2:
Graph 4:
Graph 5:
Graph 1:
Graph 2:
Graph 3:
Graph 4:
Graph 5:
Experiment 10
Half-Wave Rectifiers
To study the characteristics of a diode.
Rectifier is an electronic device that converts alternating current into direct current by allowing
the current to flow through it in one direction only.
DC welder.
DC motor drive.
Battery charger.
DC power supply.
Single-phase rectifiers:
Half-Wave Rectification:
Single diode rectifier is connected across an alternating voltage source.
Since the diode only conducts when the anode is positive with respect to the cathode,
current will flow only during the positive half cycle of the input voltage.
The harmonic content of the rectifier’s output waveform is very large and consequently
difficult to filter.
fout = fin
Bridge Rectifier
This type of rectifier uses four diodes connected in a closed loop “bridge” configuration. The
main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does not require a special center tapped
transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary winding is connected to
one side of the diode bridge network and the load to the other side as shown in the figure.
The four diodes labelled D1 to D4 are arranged in “series pairs” with only two diodes
conducting current during each half cycle.
During the positive half cycle of the supply, diodes D1 and D2 conduct in series while diodes
D3 and D4 are reverse biased and the current flows through the load as shown below.
During the negative half cycle of the supply, diodes D3 and D4 conduct in series, but diodes D1
and D2 switch “OFF” as they are now reverse biased. The current flowing through the load is
the same direction as before.
Procedure: Simulations
1. Make the circuits as shown in the figures.
2. Set some appropriate value for the resistor.
3. Set the simulation mode to “Interactive”.
4. Simulate both the circuits to observe the Half wave and Full wave rectification.
To study the characteristics of a diode.
Power supply
Connecting wires
Diode is a semiconductor device that allows the current to flow in one direction
only. Therefore, it is sometimes called a Rectifier. A diode has two terminals labelled as anode
A (+ve) and cathode K (-ve).
Reverse Bias
The circuit diagram shows the operation of diode in reverse bias mode. When the applied
voltage across the diode gets below 0V, a minute reverse current flows through it whose
magnitude is in micro amperes (µA).
1. Increase the voltage in small steps of 1 volt and measure the current (µA) in each step.
2. Take 20 readings up to 20 volts (voltmeter needle moves to the right side).
Calculations and Graph:
Draw a graph of Voltage Vs Current on the paper by using the calculated values. Take voltage
across x-axis and current across y-axis. The graph (diode characteristics) should look like this.
In the forward bias region, the current first increases slowly and the rapidly while in the reverse
bias region, a very minute current flows until the breakdown region and the increases rapidly.