Table 16.1 Some Common Acids and Bases and Their Household Uses

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Table 16.

1 Some Common Acids and Bases and their

Household Uses.

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16.1 Arrhenius Acid-Base Definition
This is the earliest acid-base definition, which classifies
these substances in terms of their behavior in water.

An acid is a substance with H in its formula that dissociates

to yield H3O+.

A base is a substance with OH in its formula that

dissociates to yield OH-.
When an acid reacts with a base, they undergo
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)

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Brønsted-Lowry Acid-Base Definition

An acid is a proton donor, any species that donates an

H+ ion.
•  An acid must contain H in its formula.

A base is a proton acceptor, any species that accepts

an H+ ion.
•  A base must contain a lone pair of electrons to bond
to H+.

An acid-base reaction is a proton-transfer process.

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Figure 16.2 Dissolving of an acid or base in water as a Brønsted-
Lowry acid-base reaction.
Lone pair
binds H+

(acid, H+ donor) (base, H+ acceptor)

Lone pair
binds H+

(base, H+ acceptor) (acid, H+ donor)

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Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs
In the forward reaction:
NH3 accepts a H+ to form NH4+.

H2S + NH3 HS- + NH4+

H2S donates a H+ to form HS-.

In the reverse reaction:
NH4+ donates a H+ to form NH3.

H2S + NH3 HS- + NH4+

HS- accepts a H+ to form H2S.

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Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

H2S + NH3 HS- + NH4+

H2S and HS- are a conjugate acid-base pair:
HS- is the conjugate base of the acid H2S.
NH3 and NH4+ are a conjugate acid-base pair:
NH4+ is the conjugate acid of the base NH3.
A Brønsted-Lowry acid-base reaction occurs when an
acid and a base react to form their conjugate base
and conjugate acid, respectively.

acid1 + base2 base1 + acid2

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Table 16.2 The Conjugate Pairs in some Acid-Base Reactions
Conjugate Pair

Acid + Base Base + Acid

Conjugate Pair

Reaction 1 HF + H 2O F- + H3O+

Reaction 2 HCOOH + CN- HCOO- + HCN

Reaction 3 NH4+ + CO32- NH3 + HCO3-

Reaction 4 H2PO4- + OH- HPO42- + H 2O

Reaction 5 H2SO4 + N 2H 5+ HSO4- + N2H62+

Reaction 6 HPO42- + SO32- PO43- + HSO3-

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Sample Problem 16.1 Identifying Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

PROBLEM: The following reactions are important environmental

processes. Identify the conjugate acid-base pairs.
(a) H2PO4-(aq) + CO32-(aq) HPO42-(aq) + HCO3-(aq)
(b) H2O(l) + SO32-(aq) OH-(aq) + HSO3-(aq)

PLAN: To find the conjugate pairs, we find the species that donated
an H+ (acid) and the species that accepted it (base). The acid
donates an H+ to becomes its conjugate base, and the base
accepts an H+ to becomes it conjugate acid.


(a) H2PO4-(aq) + CO32-(aq) HPO42-(aq) + HCO3-(aq)

acid1 base2 base1 acid2
The conjugate acid-base pairs are H2PO4-/HPO42- and CO32-/HCO3-.
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Sample Problem16.1

(b) H2O(l) + SO32-(aq) OH-(aq) + HSO3-(aq)

acid1 base2 base1 acid2

The conjugate acid-base pairs are H2O/OH- and SO32-/HSO3-.

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Net Direction of Reaction

The net direction of an acid-base reaction depends on

the relative strength of the acids and bases involved.

A reaction will favor the formation of the weaker acid

and base.
H 2S + NH3 HS- + NH4+

stronger acid weaker base

stronger base weaker acid

This reaction favors the formation of the products.

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Figure 16.3 Strengths of conjugate acid-base pairs.

The stronger the acid is, the

weaker its conjugate base.
When an acid reacts with a
base that is farther down the
list, the reaction proceeds to
the right (Kc > 1).

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Sample Problem 16.2 Predicting the Net Direction of an Acid-
Base Reaction
PROBLEM: Predict the net direction and whether K is greater or less
than 1 for each of the following reactions (assume equal
initial concentrations of all species):
(a) H2PO4-(aq) + NH3(aq) HPO42-(aq) + NH4+(aq)
(b) H2O(l) + HS-(aq) OH-(aq) + H2S(aq)

PLAN: We identify the conjugate acid-base pairs and consult figure

18.8 to see which acid and base are stronger. The reaction
favors the formation of the weaker acid and base.

(a) H2PO4-(aq) + NH3(aq) HPO42-(aq) + NH4+(aq)
stronger acid stronger base weaker base weaker acid

The net direction for this reaction is to the right, so K > 1.

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Sample Problem 16.2

(b) H2O(l) + HS-(aq) OH-(aq) + H2S(aq)

weaker acid weaker base stronger base stronger acid

The net direction for this reaction is to the left, so K < 1.

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Sample Problem 16.3 Using Molecular Scenes to Predict the Net
Direction of an Acid-Base Reaction
PROBLEM: Given that 0.10 M of HX (blue and green) has a pH of 2.88,
and 0.10 M HY (blue and orange) has a pH 3.52, which
scene best represents the final mixture after equimolar
solutions of HX and Y- are mixed?

PLAN: A stronger acid and base yield a weaker acid and base, so we
have to determine the relative acid strengths of HX and HY to
choose the correct molecular scene. The concentrations of the
acid solutions are equal, so we can recognize the stronger acid
by comparing the pH values of the two solutions.
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Sample Problem 16.3


The HX solution has a lower pH than the HY solution, so HX is the

stronger acid and Y- is the stronger base. The reaction of HX and Y-
has a Kc > 1, which means the equilibrium mixture will contain more
HY than HX.
Scene 1 has equal numbers of HX and HY, which could occur if the
acids were of equal strength. Scene 2 shows fewer HY than HX,
which would occur if HY were the stronger acid.
Scene 3 is consistent with the relative acid strengths, because it
contains more HY than HX.

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Strong and Weak Acids
A strong acid dissociates completely into ions in water:
HA(g or l) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + A-(aq)

A dilute solution of a strong acid contains no HA molecules.

A weak acid dissociates slightly to form ions in water:

HA(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + A-(aq)
In a dilute solution of a weak acid, most HA molecules are
K= has a very small value.

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Figure 16.4A The extent of dissociation for strong acids.

Strong acid: HA(g or l) + H2O(l) → H3O+(aq) + A-(aq)

There are no HA molecules in solution.

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Figure 16.4B The extent of dissociation for weak acids.

Weak acid: HA(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + A-(aq)

Most HA molecules are undissociated.

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The Acid Dissociation Constant, Ka
HA(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + A-(aq)

OR HA(aq) H+(aq) + A-(aq)

K a=
The value of Ka is an indication of acid strength.

Stronger acid higher [H3O+] larger Ka

Weaker acid lower % dissociation of HA smaller Ka

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Table 16.4 Ka Values for some Monoprotic Acids at 25°C

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Classifying the Relative Strengths of Acids
•  Strong acids include
–  the hydrohalic acids (HCl, HBr, and HI) and
–  oxoacids in which the number of O atoms exceeds the number
of ionizable protons by two or more (eg., HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4.)
•  Weak acids include
–  the hydrohalic acid HF,
–  acids in which H is not bonded to O or to a halogen (eg., HCN),
–  oxoacids in which the number of O atoms equals or exceeds
the number of ionizable protons by one (eg., HClO, HNO2), and
–  carboxylic acids, which have the general formula RCOOH (eg.,

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Classifying the Relative Strengths of Bases
•  Strong bases include
–  water-soluble compounds containing O2- or OH- ions.
–  The cations are usually those of the most active metals:
•  M2O or MOH, where M = Group 1 metal (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
•  MO or M(OH)2 where M = group 2 metal (Ca, Sr, Ba).
•  Weak bases include
–  ammonia (NH3),
–  amines, which have the general formula
–  The common structural feature is an N atom with a lone
electron pair.

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16.2 Autoionization of Water

Water dissociates very slightly into ions in an equilibrium

process known as autoionization or self-ionization.

H2O (l) H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

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The Ion-Product Constant for Water (Kw)
H2O (l) H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1.0x10-14 (at 25°C)

In pure water,
[H+] = [OH-] = = 1.0x10-7 (at 25°C)

Both ions are present in all aqueous systems.

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A change in [H3O+] causes an inverse change in [OH-],
and vice versa.
Higher [H+] lower [OH-]
Higher [OH-] lower [H+]

We can define the terms “acidic” and “basic” in terms

of the relative concentrations of H3O+ and OH- ions:

In an acidic solution, [H+] > [OH-]

In a neutral solution, [H+] = [OH-]
In basic solution, [H+] < [OH-]

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Figure 16.6 The relationship between [H3O+] and [OH-] and the
relative acidity of solutions.

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Sample Problem 16.5 Calculating [H3O+] or [OH-] in an Aqueous
PROBLEM: A research chemist adds a measured amount of HCl gas
to pure water at 25°C and obtains a solution with [H3O+] =
3.0x10-4 M. Calculate [OH-]. Is the solution neutral,
acidic, or basic?

PLAN: We use the known value of Kw at 25°C (1.0x10-14) and the

given [H+] to solve for [OH-]. We can then compare [H3O+]
with [OH-] to determine whether the solution is acidic, basic,
or neutral.
Kw = 1.0x10-14 = [H+] [OH-] so
Kw 1.0x10-14
[OH-] = = = 3.3x10-11 M
[H+] 3.0x10-4

[H+] is > [OH-] and the solution is acidic.

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The pH Scale

pH = -log[H+]

The pH of a solution indicates its relative acidity:

In an acidic solution, pH < 7.00
In a neutral solution, pH = 7.00
In basic solution, pH > 7.00

The higher the pH, the lower the [H+] and the less acidic
the solution.

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pH, pOH, and pKw

Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1.0x10-14 at 25°C

pH = -log[H+]
pKw = pH + pOH = 14.00 at 25°C
pOH = -log[OH-]

pH + pOH = pKw for any aqueous solution at any temperature.

Since Kw is a constant, the values of pH, pOH, [H+], and

[OH-] are interrelated:
•  If [H+] increases, [OH-] decreases (and vice versa).
•  If pH increases, pOH decreases (and vice versa).

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Figure 16.8 The relations among [H3O+], pH, [OH-], and pOH.

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Sample Problem 16.6 Calculating [H+], pH, [OH-], and pOH
PROBLEM: In an art restoration project, a conservator prepares
copper-plate etching solutions by diluting concentrated
HNO3 to 2.0 mol/L, 0.30 mol/L, and 0.0063 mol/L HNO3.
Calculate [H+], pH, [OH-], and pOH of the three solutions
at 25°C.
PLAN: HNO3 is a strong acid so it dissociates completely, and [H+] =
[HNO3]init. We use the given concentrations and the value of
Kw at 25°C to find [H+] and [OH-]. We can then calculate pH
and pOH.
Calculating the values for 2.0 mol/L HNO3:
[H+] = 2.0 M pH = -log[H3O+] = -log(2.0) = -0.30
Kw 1.0x10-14
[OH-] = = = 5.0x10-15 mol/L
[H+] 2.0
pOH = -log[OH-] = -log(5.0x10-15) = 14.30

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Sample Problem 16.6

Calculating the values for 0.30 mol/L HNO3:

[H+] = 0.30 M pH = -log[H+] = -log(0.30) = 0.52
Kw 1.0x10-14
[OH-] = = = 3.3x10-14 mol/L
[H+] 0.30
pOH = -log[OH-] = -log(3.3x10-14) = 13.48

Calculating the values for 0.0063 mol/L HNO3:

[H3O+] = 0.0063 mol/L pH = -log[H+] = -log(0.30) = 2.20
Kw 1.0x10-14
[OH-] = = = 1.6x10-12 mol/L
[H+] 0.0063
pOH = -log[OH-] = -log(1.6x10-12) = 11.80

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Figure 16.9 Methods for measuring the pH of an aqueous solution.

pH paper

pH meter
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Weak Bases
A Brønsted-Lowry base is a species that accepts an H+.
For a weak base that dissolves in water:

B(aq) + H2O(l) BH+(aq) + OH-(aq)

The base-dissociation or base-ionization constant is

given by:
Kb =

Note that no base actually dissociates in solution, but ions are

produced when the base reacts with H2O.

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Figure 16.10 Abstraction of a proton from water by the base

Lone pair of N
pair binds H+

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Table 16.6 Kb Values for Some Molecular (Amine) Bases at 25°C

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Anions of Weak Acids as Weak Bases

The anions of weak acids often function as weak bases.

A-(aq) + H2O(l) HA(aq) + OH-(aq) Kb = [A-]

A solution of HA is acidic, while a solution of A- is basic.

HF(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + F-(aq)

HF is a weak acid, so this equilibrium lies to the left.

[HF] >> [F-], and [H3O+]from HF >> [OH-] from H O ; 2

the solution is therefore acidic.

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If NaF is dissolved in H2O, it dissolves completely, and F-
can act as a weak base:

F-(aq) + H2O(l) HF(aq) + OH-(aq)

HF is a weak acid, so this equilibrium also lies to the left.

[F- ] >> [HF], and [OH- ] from F >> [H3O+ ] from H O ;

the solution is therefore basic.

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Ka and Kb for a Conjugate Acid-Base Pair
HA + H2O H3O+ + A-
A- + H2O HA + OH-

2H2O H3O+ + OH-

Kc for the overall equation = K1 x K2, so

[H3O+][A-] x [HA][OH-] = [H3O+][OH-]

[HA] [A-]
Ka x Kb = Kw

This relationship is true for any conjugate acid-base pair.

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Solving Problems Involving
Weak-Acid/Base Equilibria

The notation system

•  Molar concentrations are indicated by [ ].
•  A bracketed formula with no subscript
indicates an equilibrium concentration.

The assumptions
•  [H3O+] from the autoionization of H2O is
•  A weak acid has a small Ka and its
dissociation is negligible. [HA] ≈ [HA]init.
OR for weak bases, [B] ≈ [B]init.

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Sample Problem 16.7 Finding Ka of a Weak Acid from the
Solution pH
PROBLEM: A substance called 2-phenylacetic acid (C6H5CH2COOH,
simplified here as HPAc) builds up in the blood of persons
with phenylketonuria, an inherited disorder that, if
untreated, causes mental retardation and death. A study
of the acid shows that the pH of 0.12 mol/L HPAc is 2.62.
What is the Ka of phenylacetic acid?
PLAN: We start with the balanced dissociation equation and write
the expression for Ka. We assume that [H3O+] from H2 is
negligible and use the given pH to find [H3O+], which equals
[PAc-] and [HPAc]dissoc. We assume that [HPAc] ≈ [HPAc]init
because HPAc is a weak acid.

SOLUTION: HPAc(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + PAc-(aq)

Ka = [H3O+][PAc-]
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Sample Problem 16.7
Concentration (mol/L) HPAc(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + PAc-(aq)

Initial 0.12 - 0 0
Change -x - +x +x
Equilibrium 0.12 - x - x x
[H3O+] = 10-pH = 2.4x10-3 mol/L which is >> 10-7 (the [H3O+] from water)

x ≈ 2.4x10-3 M ≈ [H3O+] ≈ [PAc-] [HPAc] = 0.12 - x ≈ 0.12 mol/L

(2.4x10-3) (2.4x10-3)
So Ka = = 4.8x10-5
Checking the assumptions by finding the percent error in concentration:
1x10-7 mol/L
[H3O ]from H O =
+ x 100= 4x10-3 % (<5%; assumption is justified).
2.4x10-3 mol/L
[HPAc]dissoc = 2.4x10 mol/Lx 100 = 2.0 % (<5%; assumption is justified).

0.12 mol/L
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Sample Problem 16.8 Determining Concentration from Ka and
Initial [HA]
PROBLEM: Propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH, which we simplify as
EtCOOH) is a carboxylic acid whose salts are used to
retard mold growth in foods. What is the [H3O+] of 0.10
mol/L EtCOOH (Ka = 1.3x10−5)?

PLAN: We write a balanced equation and the expression for Ka. We

know [EtCOOH]init but not [EtCOOH] (i.e., the concentration at
equilibrium). We define x as [EtCOOH]dissoc and set up a
reaction table. We assume that, since EtCOOH has a small Ka
value, it dissociates very little and therefore [EtCOOH] ≈
EtCOOH(aq) + H2O (l) H3O+(aq) + EtCOO−
Ka = [H3O+][EtCOO−]

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Sample Problem 16.8

Concentration (M) EtCOOH(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + EtCOO-

Initial 0.10 - 0 0
Change −x - +x +x
Equilibrium 0.10 - x - x x

Since Ka is small, we will assume that x << 0.10 and [EtCOOH] ≈ 0.10 mol/
[H3O+][EtCOO-] x2
Ka = 1.3x10 =
-5 =
[EtCOOH] 0.10

x= = 1.1x10-3 mol/L = [H3O+]

1.1x10-3 mol/L
Check: [EtCOOH]diss = x 100 = 1.1% (< 5%; assumption is justified.)
0.10 mol/L

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Sample Problem 16.9 Determining pH from Kb and Initial [B]

PROBLEM: Dimethylamine, (CH3)2NH, a key intermediate in

detergent manufacture, has a Kb of 5.9x10-4. What is the
pH of 1.5 mol/L (CH3)2NH?
PLAN: We start with the balanced equation for the reaction of the
amine with H2O, remembering that it is a weak base. We then
write the expression for Kb, set up a reaction table and solve
for [OH-]. From [OH-] we can calculate [H3O+] and pH.
We make similar assumptions to those made for weak acids.
Since Kb >> Kw, the [OH-] from H2O is neglible. Since Kb is
small, we can assume that the amount of amine reacting is
also small, so [(CH3)2NH] ≈ [(CH3)2NH]init.

SOLUTION: (CH3)2NH(aq) + H2O(l) (CH3)2NH2+(aq) + OH-(aq)

Kb =
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Sample Problem 16.9

Concentration(mol/L) (CH3)2NH(aq) + H2O(l) (CH3)2NH2+(aq) + OH-(aq)

Initial 1.50 - 0 0
Change -x - +x +x
Equilibrium 1.50 - x - x x

Since Kb is small, x << 1.50 and 1.50 – x ≈ 1.50

[(CH3)2NH2+][OH-] x 2
Kb = = 5.9x10-4 ≈
[(CH3)2NH] 1.5

x = [OH-] = 3.0x10-2 mol/L

Check assumption:
3.0x10-2 mol/L x 100 = 2.0% (< 5%; assumption is justified).
1.5 mol/L

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Sample Problem 16.9

Kw 1.0x10-14
[H+] = = = 3.3x10-13 mol/L
[OH-] 3.0x10-2

pH = -log (3.3x10-13) = 12.48

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Sample Problem 16.11 Determining the pH of a Solution of A-

PROBLEM: Sodium acetate (CH3COONa, or NaOAc for this problem)

has applications in photographic development and textile
dyeing. What is the pH of 0.25 mol/L NaOAc? Ka of
acetic acid (HAc) is 1.8x10-5.

PLAN: Sodium salts are soluble in water and acetate is the anion of
HAc so it acts as a weak base. We write the base dissociation
equation and the expression for Kb, and solve for [OH-]. We
recall that any soluble ionic salt dissociates completely in
solution, so [OAc-]init = 0.25 mol/L.

SOLUTION: OAc-(aq) + H2O(l) HOAc(aq) + OH-(aq)

Kb =

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Sample Problem 16.11

Concentration (mol/L) OAc-(aq) + H2O(l) HOAc(aq) + OH-(aq)

Initial 0.25 - 0 0
Change -x - +x +x
Equilibrium 0.25 - x - x x

Kw 1.0x10-14
Kb = = = 5.6x10 -10 mol/L
Ka 1.8x10-5

[HOAc][OH-] x2
Kb = 5.6x10-10 = ≈ so x = [OH-] = 1.2x10-5 mol/L
[OAc ]
- 0.25

Checking the assumption:


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Sample Problem 16.11

Kw 1.0x10 -14
[H3O+] = = = 8.3x10-10 mol/L
[OH-] 1.2x10-5

pH = -log (8.3x10-10) = 9.08

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Polyprotic Acids
A polyprotic acid is an acid with more than one ionizable
proton. In solution, each dissociation step has a different
value for Ka:
H3PO4(aq) + H2O(l) H2PO4 -(aq) + H3 O+(aq) Ka1 = = 7.2x10-3

H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) HPO42-(aq) + H3O+(aq) Ka2 = = 6.3x10-8
[H2PO4 -]

HPO4 2-(aq) + H2O(l) PO4 3-(aq) + H3 O+(aq) Ka3 = = 4.2x10-13

Ka1 > Ka2 > Ka3

We usually neglect [H3O+] produced after the first dissociation.

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Table 16.7 Successive Ka values for Some Polyprotic Acids at

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Sample Problem 16.12 Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations
for a Polyprotic Acid
PROBLEM: Ascorbic acid (H2C6H6O6; H2Asc for this problem),
known as vitamin C, is a diprotic acid (Ka1 = 1.0x10-5 and
Ka2 = 5x10-12) found in citrus fruit. Calculate [H2Asc],
[HAsc-], [Asc2-], and the pH of 0.050 mol/L H2Asc.
PLAN: We first write the dissociation equations and the associated
Ka expressions. Since Ka1 >> Ka2, we can assume that the
first dissociation produces almost all the H3O+. Also, since Ka1
is small, the amount of H2ASc that dissociates can be
neglected. We set up a reaction table for the first dissociation,
with x equal to [H2Asc]dissoc, and solve for [H3O+] and [HAsc-].
H2Asc(aq) + H2O(l) HAsc-(aq) + H3 O+(aq) Ka1 = = 1.0x10-5
HAsc-(aq) + H2O(l) Asc2-(aq) + H3O+(aq) Ka2 = = 5x10-12
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Sample Problem 16.12

Concentration (mol/L) H2Asc(aq) + H2O(l) HAsc-(aq) + H3O+(aq)

Initial 0.050 - 0 0
Change -x - +x +x
Equilibrium 0.050 - x - x x
2 2
[HAsc-][H3O+] x x
Ka1 = = 1.0x10-5 = ≈
[H2Asc] 0.050 - x 0.050

x = [H3O+] = [HAsc-] = = 7.1x10-4 mol/L

pH = -log[H3O+] = -log(7.1x10-4) = 3.15

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Sample Problem 16.12

Checking assumptions:
1. [H3O+] << [H3O+]
from HAsc- from H2Asc : For any second dissociation,
[H3O+] ≈ = = 6x10-8 mol/L
from HAsc-

This is even less than [H3O+] , so the assumption is justifed.

from H2O

2. [H2Asc]dissoc << [H2Asc]init:

7.1x10-4 M x 100 = 1.4% (< 5%; assumption is justified).

0.050 M

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16.5 Acid Strength of Nonmetal Hydrides

For nonmetal hydrides (E-H), acid strength depends on:

•  the electronegativity of the central nonmetal (E), and
•  the strength of the E-H bond.

Across a period, acid strength increases.

Electronegativity increases across a period, so the acidity of E-H

Down a group, acid strength increases.

The length of the E-H bond increases down a group and its bond
strength therefore decreases.

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Figure 16.11 The effect of atomic and molecular properties on
nonmetal hydride acidity.

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Acid Strength of Oxoacids
All oxoacids have the acidic H bonded to an O atom.

Acid strength of oxoacids depends on:

•  the electronegativity of the central nonmetal (E), and
•  the number of O atoms around E.

For oxoacids with the same number of O atoms, acid

strength increases as the electronegativity of E increases.

For oxoacids with different numbers of O atoms, acid

strength increases with the number of O atoms.

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Figure 16.12 The relative strengths of oxoacids.

Electronegativity increases, so acidity increases.

Number of O atoms increases, so acidity increases.

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Hydrated Metal Ions

Some hydrated metal ions are able to transfer an H+ to

H2O. These metal ions will form acidic solutions.
Consider a metal ion in solution, Mn+:
Mn+(aq) + H2O(l) → M(H2O)xn+(aq)

If Mn+ is small and highly charged, it will withdraw enough

e- density from the O-H bonds of the bound H2O molecules to
release H+:
M(H2O)xn+(aq) + H2O(l) M(H2O)x-1OH(n-1)(aq) + H3O+(aq)

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Figure 16.13 The acidic behavior of the hydrated Al3+ ion.

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16.6 Salts that Yield Neutral Solutions

A salt that consists of the anion of a strong acid and

the cation of a strong base yields a neutral solution.


Na+ is the cation of NO3- is the anion of

NaOH, a strong base. HNO3, a strong acid.

This solution will be neutral, because neither Na+ nor

NO3- will react with H2O to any great extent.

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Salts that Yield Acidic Solutions

A salt that consists of the anion of a strong acid and

the cation of a weak base yields an acidic solution.


NH4 + is the cation of Cl- is the anion of

NH3, a weak base. HCl, a strong acid.

This solution will be acidic, because NH4+ will react with

H2O to produce H3O+:
NH4+(aq) + H2O(l) NH3(aq) + H3O+(aq)
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Salts that Yield Basic Solutions

A salt that consists of the anion of a weak acid and the

cation of a strong base yields a basic solution.


CH3COO- is the anion of Na+ is the cation of

CH3COOH, a weak acid. NaOH, a strong base.

This solution will be basic, because CH3COO- will react

with H2O to produce OH-:
CH3COO-(aq) + H2O(l) CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq)
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Sample Problem 16.13 Predicting Relative Acidity of Salt Solutions
from Reactions of the Ions with Water
PROBLEM: Predict whether aqueous solutions of the following are
acidic, basic, or neutral, and write an equation for the
reaction of any ion with water:
(a) Potassium perchlorate, KClO4 (b) Sodium benzoate, C6H5COONa
(c) Chromium(III) nitrate, Cr(NO3)3

PLAN: We identify the cation and anion from the formula for each salt.
Depending on an ion’s ability to react with water, the solution
will be neutral (strong-acid anion with strong-base cation),
acidic (weak-base cation with strong-acid anion), or basic
(weak-acid anion and strong-base cation).

(a) K+ is the cation of a strong base (KOH) while ClO4- is the anion of
a strong acid (HClO4). This solution will be neutral.
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Sample Problem 16.13

(b) Na+ is the cation of a strong base (NaOH) while the benzoate
anion (C6H5COO-) is the anion of a weak acid (benzoic acid). The
benzoate ion will react with H2O to produce OH- ions:

C6H5COO-(aq) + H2O(l) C6H5COOH(aq) + OH-

This solution will be basic.

(c) NO3- is the anion of a strong acid (HNO3) and will not react with
H2O to any great extent. Cr3+ is a small metal cation with a fairly
high charge density. It will become hydrated and the hydrated ion
will react with H2O to form H3O+ ions:
Cr(H2O)63+(aq) + H2O(l) Cr(H2O)5OH2+(aq) + H3O+(aq)

This solution will be acidic.

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Salts of Weak Conjugate Acids and
Weak Conjugate Bases
If a salt that consists of the anion of a weak acid and the
cation of a weak base, the pH of the solution will
depend on the relative acid strength or base strength of
the ions.

NH4+ is the cation of a CN- is the anion of a

weak base, NH3. weak acid, HCN.

NH4+(aq) + H2O(l) NH3(aq) + H3O+(aq)

CN-(aq) + H2O(l) HCN(aq) + OH-(aq)

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The reaction that proceeds farther to the right determines the
pH of the solution, so we need to compare the Ka of NH4+
with the Kb of CN-.

Kw 1.0x10-14
Ka of NH4 + = = = 5.7x10-10
Kb of NH3 1.76x10-5

Kw 1.0x10-14
Kb of CN- = = = 1.6x10-5
Ka of HCN 6.2x10-10

Since Kb of CN- > Ka of NH4+, CN- is a stronger base than

NH4+ is an acid. A solution of NH4CN will be basic.

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16.7 The Levelling Effect
All strong acids and bases are equally strong in water.

All strong acids dissociate completely to form H3O+, while

all strong bases dissociate completely to form OH-.

In water, the strongest acid possible is H3O+ and the

strongest base possible is OH-.

H2O exerts a leveling effect on any strong acid or base.

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16.8 The Lewis Acid-Base Definition

A Lewis base is any species that donates an electron

pair to form a bond.
A Lewis acid is any species that accepts an electron pair
to form a bond.

The Lewis definition views an acid-base reaction as the

donation and acceptance of an electron pair to form
a covalent bond.

©2013 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited


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