Table 16.1 Some Common Acids and Bases and Their Household Uses
Table 16.1 Some Common Acids and Bases and Their Household Uses
Table 16.1 Some Common Acids and Bases and Their Household Uses
Lone pair
binds H+
Conjugate Pair
Reaction 1 HF + H 2O F- + H3O+
PLAN: To find the conjugate pairs, we find the species that donated
an H+ (acid) and the species that accepted it (base). The acid
donates an H+ to becomes its conjugate base, and the base
accepts an H+ to becomes it conjugate acid.
(a) H2PO4-(aq) + NH3(aq) HPO42-(aq) + NH4+(aq)
stronger acid stronger base weaker base weaker acid
PLAN: A stronger acid and base yield a weaker acid and base, so we
have to determine the relative acid strengths of HX and HY to
choose the correct molecular scene. The concentrations of the
acid solutions are equal, so we can recognize the stronger acid
by comparing the pH values of the two solutions.
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Sample Problem 16.3
K a=
The value of Ka is an indication of acid strength.
In pure water,
[H+] = [OH-] = = 1.0x10-7 (at 25°C)
pH = -log[H+]
The higher the pH, the lower the [H+] and the less acidic
the solution.
pH = -log[H+]
pKw = pH + pOH = 14.00 at 25°C
pOH = -log[OH-]
pH paper
pH meter
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Weak Bases
A Brønsted-Lowry base is a species that accepts an H+.
For a weak base that dissolves in water:
Lone pair of N
pair binds H+
A-(aq) + H2O(l) HA(aq) + OH-(aq) Kb = [A-]
The assumptions
• [H3O+] from the autoionization of H2O is
• A weak acid has a small Ka and its
dissociation is negligible. [HA] ≈ [HA]init.
OR for weak bases, [B] ≈ [B]init.
Ka = [H3O+][PAc-]
©2013 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited
Sample Problem 16.7
Concentration (mol/L) HPAc(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + PAc-(aq)
Initial 0.12 - 0 0
Change -x - +x +x
Equilibrium 0.12 - x - x x
[H3O+] = 10-pH = 2.4x10-3 mol/L which is >> 10-7 (the [H3O+] from water)
0.12 mol/L
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Sample Problem 16.8 Determining Concentration from Ka and
Initial [HA]
PROBLEM: Propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH, which we simplify as
EtCOOH) is a carboxylic acid whose salts are used to
retard mold growth in foods. What is the [H3O+] of 0.10
mol/L EtCOOH (Ka = 1.3x10−5)?
Since Ka is small, we will assume that x << 0.10 and [EtCOOH] ≈ 0.10 mol/
[H3O+][EtCOO-] x2
Ka = 1.3x10 =
-5 =
[EtCOOH] 0.10
1.1x10-3 mol/L
Check: [EtCOOH]diss = x 100 = 1.1% (< 5%; assumption is justified.)
0.10 mol/L
Check assumption:
3.0x10-2 mol/L x 100 = 2.0% (< 5%; assumption is justified).
1.5 mol/L
Kw 1.0x10-14
[H+] = = = 3.3x10-13 mol/L
[OH-] 3.0x10-2
PLAN: Sodium salts are soluble in water and acetate is the anion of
HAc so it acts as a weak base. We write the base dissociation
equation and the expression for Kb, and solve for [OH-]. We
recall that any soluble ionic salt dissociates completely in
solution, so [OAc-]init = 0.25 mol/L.
Kb =
Kw 1.0x10-14
Kb = = = 5.6x10 -10 mol/L
Ka 1.8x10-5
[HOAc][OH-] x2
Kb = 5.6x10-10 = ≈ so x = [OH-] = 1.2x10-5 mol/L
[OAc ]
- 0.25
Kw 1.0x10 -14
[H3O+] = = = 8.3x10-10 mol/L
[OH-] 1.2x10-5
H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) HPO42-(aq) + H3O+(aq) Ka2 = = 6.3x10-8
[H2PO4 -]
HPO4 2-(aq) + H2O(l) PO4 3-(aq) + H3 O+(aq) Ka3 = = 4.2x10-13
Checking assumptions:
1. [H3O+] << [H3O+]
from HAsc- from H2Asc : For any second dissociation,
[H3O+] ≈ = = 6x10-8 mol/L
from HAsc-
PLAN: We identify the cation and anion from the formula for each salt.
Depending on an ion’s ability to react with water, the solution
will be neutral (strong-acid anion with strong-base cation),
acidic (weak-base cation with strong-acid anion), or basic
(weak-acid anion and strong-base cation).
(a) K+ is the cation of a strong base (KOH) while ClO4- is the anion of
a strong acid (HClO4). This solution will be neutral.
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Sample Problem 16.13
(b) Na+ is the cation of a strong base (NaOH) while the benzoate
anion (C6H5COO-) is the anion of a weak acid (benzoic acid). The
benzoate ion will react with H2O to produce OH- ions:
(c) NO3- is the anion of a strong acid (HNO3) and will not react with
H2O to any great extent. Cr3+ is a small metal cation with a fairly
high charge density. It will become hydrated and the hydrated ion
will react with H2O to form H3O+ ions:
Cr(H2O)63+(aq) + H2O(l) Cr(H2O)5OH2+(aq) + H3O+(aq)
Kw 1.0x10-14
Ka of NH4 + = = = 5.7x10-10
Kb of NH3 1.76x10-5
Kw 1.0x10-14
Kb of CN- = = = 1.6x10-5
Ka of HCN 6.2x10-10