To Hell and Back Again v1.3

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Solo TO HELL &


By Kienna Shaw and Donathin Frye

Meet fantastic new friends and survive the ire of devils and fey
in this avernus adventure for characters of first to third level
To Hell and Back Again
A solo D&D5e adventure written as a prequel to Wizard of the Coast’s
.official Descent Into Avernus campaign

Written by Donathin Frye and Kienna Shaw

Cover Art by Anne Isaksson

Interior Art by Wizards of the Coast, Abandoned Arts, Brett Neufeld, Gary Gupuis, Darrin Scott
(inspired by Dungeons & Dragons products; modified), Samantha Darcy, and Aaron Lee.

Layouts by Kienna Shaw

Additional Design by Donathin Frye

Edited by Edelyn Parker-Frye

Playtested by Jean-Francois Mean, Billy Depetro, Matt Evans, James H., Charlie Smith, and
Susanah Grace

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos
are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work
is copyright ©2019 by Donathin Frye and Kienna Shaw, and published under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

©2019 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-
Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11
1ET, UK.
Introduction�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
How to Play������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1
Combat, Maps, Movement, and the Theater of the Mind������������������������������������������������������ 2
Playing With Others ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Welcome to the Sword Coast�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Baldur’s Gate ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Ulgoth’s Beard������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
The Cloakwood���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Chapter One: Into the Cloakwood��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Chapter Two: Welcome to Hell������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Chapter Three: The Lady in Green ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
Chapter Four: What Comes Next ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54
Playing Descent Into Avernus�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Destiny, Consequences, and Future Adventures�������������������������������������������������������������������� 54
Chapter Five: Appendix ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
Items and Equipment���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Bestiary and NPCs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 58
Bryn, the Virtuous Vagabond���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
Ekkja, the Retired Raider������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 67
Mordecai, the Ambitious Archaeologist�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������71
Myastan Rhogar, the Anarchistic Acolyte ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 75

Overview Consult the table below for results appropriate for low
level character ability challenges:
Not far west of the exciting and sprawling city of
Baldur’s Gate, rests a sleepy Sword Coast hamlet. Difficulty Check (DC) Difficulty
Ulgoth’s Beard is home to mostly shepherds, 5 Very Easy
fishermen, and -- most notably -- the weird wizard
8 Easy
Shandalar. Naturally, as is the case with most
strange sorcerous sorts, Shandalar requires the 10 Average
help of an eager would-be adventurer. That’s where 13 Hard
you come in. 15 Very Hard

Your quest will take you into the fey-haunted 20 Nearly Impossible
Cloakwood on a seemingly simple mission. But
what you witness in the forest will start a chain
of events that will lead you through hell itself, Though this adventure does not require a Dungeon
requiring you to use all of your skills and wits to Master, it does use the rules of D&D 5th Edition.
survive. Can you escape Avernus unscathed, or will You will play a level 1 D&D character. To offset
you become just another lost soul in the planes of the difficulty of this adventure, you may choose to
the damned? set your character’s total hit points to the maximum
for their class. Wizard of the Coast’s Player’s
To Hell and Back Again is a D&D5e adventure Handbook and D&D Beyond are excellent options
that can be played without a Dungeon Master, for creating a new character. Make special note
by yourself (or alternatively, with a group of of feats, class and racial traits, proficiencies and
adventuring players). It can act as the perfect spells -- these may prove vital to your survival, or
prelude for a character or party looking to play provide you with options not otherwise available to
through Wizard of the Coast’s Descent Into you in the story.
Avernus, or it can be enjoyed as an exciting
standalone adventure. If you are a beginner to D&D5e, or if you want
to immediately jump into the adventure, there are
several easy-to-play pre-generated characters in the
How to Play back of this book and attached as an accompanying
To Hell and Back Again is inspired by classic PDF to help you. The pre-generated character
interactive fiction series, or gamebooks, that sheets are designed to show the character’s
ask you to make choices so that you have a new improvements from level 1 to level 3, so that you
experience each time you play. This adventure do not need to manually level up as the adventure
lets you roleplay in the realms of fey and devils, dictates.
meet fantastic friends and terrifying villains, and
As To Hell and Back Again progresses, you will
leave your mark on the Forgotten Realms. The
come across bolded text that indicates something
dice and your choices will determine the outcome,
important for your character to note during
and to help you through the adventure, scenes
their adventure. Your character will be given
are annotated so that you may keep track of your
opportunities to take Short or Long Rests, allowing
them to restore their hit points, spell slots, and
other resources. They may also gain new items, all
Going Off the Written Path of which you can refer to in the Appendix at the
Of course the most important part of roleplaying is using
back of the adventure. And when you reach a major
the power of your imagination! Your character may at- story milestone, your character will gain a level,
tempt to handle situations in ways that do not appear as marking their growth as a person and adventurer.
options in the book. Consider the challenge of what you When you gain a level, instead of rolling dice to
want to attempt, select one of your character’s abilities determine your hit point growth, add the maximum
that you believe applicable, and roll the dice to determine number of hit points that you can gain for your
the outcome. Using ability checks is also a great way to class to offset the difficulty of this adventure.
determine if you can deal with enemies and threats in
ways that do not require combat; remember that violence
does not always need to be the answer to every problem!

Combat, Maps, Movement, and the Theater Destiny Points
of the Mind
Every adventurer has a destiny. Destiny points
Unlike many D&D adventures, To Hell and Back represent the twists and turns of fate that allow for
Again does not make use of combat encounter adventurers to be heroic, or to escape danger by
maps, tokens, or miniatures. Instead, it asks you to the skin of their teeth. You begin your journey with
play the adventure in your head like it is an action 5 Destiny points. During your adventures, you
movie, using your imagination to paint the scene can choose to spend a Destiny point to overcome
and determine variables like distance and cover. If an obstacle by automatically succeeding any single
you prefer to use maps and tokens, you may find dice roll (such as an ability check or saving throw).
it helpful to draw out grid maps to keep track of
combat, with each square on the grid representing You may also spend a Destiny point to survive
5 feet of movement. death when your hit points would be reduced
to 0. When you do so, you do not receive the
If you play this adventure alone, during its unconscious condition; instead, immediately
combat encounters you will be required to roll roll 3d6 and reset your current hit points to the
initiative, make decisions, and act for enemy Non- number rolled. Some encounters will also note
Player Characters (NPCs) who are out to kill your when you are able to spend Destiny points to
character. To have the most fun, attempt to get into run away or otherwise survive the encounter by
the mindset of the enemies, imagine what they unconventional means, and you may do so at any
might do or say in reaction to your character. Try time during your turn.
as hard as you can to root for the bad guys on
their turns as much as you do for your character You must have Destiny points remaining to spend
on your turn. Your character’s journey to the them. However, if the adventure notes that you lose
end of the adventure will be all the more fun and a Destiny point, and you have no Destiny points
meaningful for their struggles, narrow escapes, and remaining, you can still continue to play.
the moments where they overcame great adversity.
Spend your Destiny points wisely, as they may
be the only thing that can save your life in a
challenging encounter. The amount of Destiny
points you have at the end of the adventure will
have a lasting impact on your character, as they are
forever changed by their journey.

Playing With Others

You may choose to play To Hell and Back Again with
friends, in which case you should all create level 1
characters to form an adventuring party. If you are
playing in person or over conference applications
like Discord or Zoom, you may wish to read the
story out loud, or you may also read each section
quietly on your own. When you have to make a
choice or decide which character will make an
ability check, you can confer as a group, or take
turns making decisions. You may even select one
person in the group to act as the Dungeon Master
(DM), who uses To Hell and Back Again as a guide
to play the story as they would a more traditional
adventure module.

In any case, the following rules changes apply for a

multi-character adventuring party:

• No matter how many characters are in your

adventuring party, you all share the same
pool of 5 Destiny points. However, when your
character is reduced to 0 hit points, you may

opt to make Death Saving Throws on your turn Welcome to the Sword Coast
instead of spending Destiny points, so long as
The Sword Coast is the western area of Faerûn
at least one of the other player characters is still
that runs along the coast of the Sea of Swords.
Stretching along tall white cliffs, the region is
• When the adventure requires you to make an notable for its many settlements and city-states that
ability check or saving throw, either a DM or use the sea for trade. In 1492 Dalereckoning(DR),
your group as a whole must use the context of the year this adventure takes place, things are fairly
the story to decide whether one character, or peaceful along the coast. While recent decades have
all characters in the party, should make the seen major political upheaval and chaos in large
roll and experience any consequences. cities like Baldur’s Gate, most of the territory has
settled back into routine.
• If there are two characters in the party, double
the hit points of each enemy they encounter.
Baldur’s Gate
• If there are three or more characters in the The biggest metropolis along the Sword Coast,
party, also double the amount of damage dealt Baldur’s Gate is a giant hub for commerce and
by any source (enemies, traps, hazards, etc). trade. Known for welcoming anyone regardless of
their race, creed, or history, the sprawling city has
• If you’re not playing with a DM, during each
a widely diverse population.
round of a combat encounter, rotate which
player gets to also control enemy actions on
their turn. Players roleplaying enemies
and monsters are highly encouraged to
descriptively narrate how the enemies act
and what they do.

In 1492, Baldur’s Gate is recovering from a couple
of decades of tumultuous political tension and
upheaval, which came to a head not too long ago
after an assassination threw the entire city into
chaos and nearly brought about a civil war. Though
political unrest still lingers beneath the surface of
the city, most people believe the Council of Four
that rules Baldur’s Gate is in control.

Ulgoth’s Beard
Ulgoth’s Beard is a sleepy hamlet southwest of
Baldur’s Gate. Life in Ulgoth’s Beard is uneventful
and quiet for the poor shepherds and fishermen
that live there. An adventurer may note that there
isn’t even a tavern or inn in Ulgoth’s Beard. Despite
its close proximity to Baldur’s Gate, there are no
roads to Ulgoth’s Beard, and the few travelers
passing through must traverse over rolling hills or
by boat to reach the town.

One of the only notable inhabitants is the

eccentric wizard Shandalar, who lives with his
three daughters in a floating house just east of the

The Cloakwood
The Cloakwood is an overgrown ancient forest
across the river from Ulgoth’s Beard. Filled
with towering trees and stream-cut ravines, the
Cloakwood is a beautiful but rugged place to
navigate. There are many stories about the fey
creatures and other beasts that lurk within the
trees, which is why most people avoid entering the
forest entirely.

What You Need to Begin

• A set of dice, or a dice rolling app
• A character sheet for a level 1 character
• A notebook and a pencil with an eraser
• A thirst for adventure and a good story!

Chapter One: Into the Cloakwood
A1 - On the Outskirts of Ulgoth’s Beard A2 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop
It’s a cloudy midmorning, and you stand at the Shandalar leads you through the tight wooden
edge of the sleepy hamlet Ulgoth’s Beard. Above hallways of his home, eventually opening a door
you is a floating house that circles lazily in the and ushering you into a room. You find yourself
coastal breeze. From your view on the ground, it’s inside a crowded workshop. Tools and gears hang
clear that this house used to be a ship, converted on the wall next to shelves of books and jars. In the
with a roof and additional rooms to accommodate centre of the room is a table covered in blueprints,
permanent life anchored to the small village. In the dried mushrooms, and various crystals. One
house’s shadow, you take the folded job posting particularly large piece of quartz catches your
from your pocket, smoothing out the parchment to attention as it pulses with a faint white light.
read it once more.
Your observations are interrupted by Shandalar
placing a flagon of mystery liquid on the table in
front of you.

“What I need you to do is to go deliver this to the

Seeking adventurer for an easy delivery job Lady in Green that lives in the Cloakwood, along
HUGE 200 GP reward
with the message that I, Shandalar, require her
Come to floating house at the edge of Ulgoth’s Beard for
more details services in the caverns below my house. Nature-
based magic is powerful, you see, and I cannot sell
- Shandalar mushrooms if I cannot grow them, and I cannot
grow them without her magic,” Shandalar rambles
his instructions. “As you can tell, this job is very
important, and you will be rewarded well once you
As you crane your head up to confirm that this return with her.”
was indeed the right floating house, the magical
structure comes to a stop in the air. From far He pauses for a moment, waiting for you to nod
above you can hear faint clicks and rattles as a before he continues. “If you just go across the river
mechanism is activated, and a moment later a rope and into the Cloakwood, take a left and then… wait,
ladder unravels itself with the end landing right at
your feet. With no spoken invitation, you start to
climb up the ladder, hoping to not lose your grasp
as you sway in the wind.

After a climb that stretches on for a little too long,

you finally reach the deck. Pulling yourself up onto
the wooden surface, a pair of feet comes into view. A
human man peers down at you through askew half-
glasses, his eyes wide and twinkling with a manic
energy. His long white hair and beard stand on end
as if someone had just zapped him, giving him an
even wilder look as he leans down with a grin.

“Ah! You must have received my summons, yes?

I was expecting someone days ago, but you’ll
do, you’ll do,” the man you can only assume is
Shandalar says hastily, his words almost tripping
over each other. “Come along now, no time to waste!
I have a storm to catch shortly.” He turns to head
inside the ship, expecting you to follow him.

As you follow him inside, go to A2.

I should have a map somewhere...” He turns to his A5 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop
bookshelf, starting to search through his tomes.
You attempt to pocket the Crystal of Identify
As Shandalar searches for the map, you have a before Shandalar can catch you. Make a DC 13
moment to digest his instructions and investigate Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
an object a little further.
If your check succeeds, you tuck the crystal away
If you peek inside the cask, go to A3. into your pocket. While you can’t see the glow of the
quartz anymore, it feels warm against your body, a
If you pick up the quartz, go to A4. reminder of its powers. Go to A7.

If your check fails, the light within the crystal

A3 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop suddenly flares. As you blink away the spots
Cracking open the flagon, you find a light pink from the intense light, you see Shandalar now
liquid inside. Make a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) standing in front of you with a sour expression.
check. “Adventurers...” he mutters, shaking his head as he
takes the item. “Mark my words, you’ll always get
If your check fails, you are unsure of what the caught red-handed, yes...”
mystery liquid is, and you close the lid of the flagon.
Perhaps some things are better left unknown. Go to Note the following trait on your character sheet:
A7. Red-Handed. Every time you steal an item, your
hands will turn a bright crimson until the item is
If your check succeeds, you note the creamy returned to its owner. Go to A7.
texture and the sweet yet oddly coppery smell of
the liquid. After a moment, you are able to identify
this liquid as an unconventional mixture of milk, A6 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop
honey, and blood. You close the lid of the flagon, As Shandalar turns around to put down a stack
and Shandalar notices over his shoulder. He shrugs of books, you catch his attention and attempt to
nonchalantly. “It’s her favorite drink, handmade convince him to let you have the magic crystal.
with my own blood! Powerful Fey beings like the Make a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
Lady in Green have very particular tastes.” Go to
A7. If your check succeeds, Shandalar pauses for
a moment as he listens to your request. He then
A4 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop shrugs with a small nod. “Ah yes, that would
indeed be useful in your journey, I assume. Take it
As you pick up the quartz in your hand, it feels as a form of prepayment or something.” As he turns
warm to the touch. The white light continues to back around to continue his search for the map,
pulse with a slow and gentle rhythm, the crystal you take the Crystal of Identify and add it to your
unmistakably arcane in some way. Make a DC 10 inventory. Go to A7.
Intelligence (Arcana) check.
If your check fails, Shandalar shakes his head and
If your check fails, the arcane nature of this takes the crystal from your hands. “Unfortunately
crystal escapes you. You put it on the table before this is a very valuable item and I can’t be giving
Shandalar can notice that it had been moved. Go to things to random adventurers willy-nilly. Maybe
A7. you can buy one for yourself after the job.” He puts
it into his pocket and returns to his search for the
If your check succeeds, you’re able to identify this map. Go to A7.
object as a Crystal of Identify (see Appendix, page
57). You know this would be a very valuable tool for
any adventurer on a quest. A7 - Inside Shandalar’s Workshop
If you put it back on the table before Shandalar After a few minutes of cursing and shuffling papers,
notices, go to A7. Shandalar suddenly shoots upright and spins
towards you with a piece of parchment in hand.
If you try to pocket it for yourself, go to A5. “Aha, I knew it was in here, I just didn’t expect to
find it inside of that... anyways, here’s a map!” He
If you try to convince Shandalar to let you take it, places it on the table in front of you next to the
go to A6. flagon.

On the parchment is a hastily scribbled drawing it would mean trying to navigate without the help of
of the Cloakwood. Dashed lines show a winding the map.
pathway through the forest, dipping into thickets
and creeks before arriving at a cave. At the bottom If you take the overgrown pathway, go to A9.
of the map is a note written in Common.
If you take the clear pathway, go to A11.
Beware of Cloakwood! In the forest you will find more
dangers than you bargained for...
A9 - Through Overgrown Brush
When you finish reading the map, Shandalar claps You push your way through the thicket, bending
his hands. “Well then, I look forward to seeing foliage out of your way as you carefully navigate the
you back here again with the Lady in Green. Good dirt path. Branches and leaves snag on your clothes
luck!” Before you can object, a glow emanates and bag, slowing you down on your trek. The path
from your feet. You look down and see that you’re dips down onto the shores of a ravine before taking
standing in the middle of an arcane circle. With a you back up and winding through crowded trees.
blink, you no longer stand inside of Shandalar’s Though you can’t see the sun through the canopy,
home. you believe that you have been travelling for over an
Add a flagon of mystery liquid to your inventory,
and then go to A8. As you stop to take a breather and drink some
water, you hear a skittering noise above you. Make
a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A8 - At the Cloakwood’s Edge
You are standing in front of a large, ancient forest. If your check fails, you don’t see anything, but
Gnarled and twisted trees tower above you, their you do feel something against your hand. As you
branches intertwining into a dense canopy. Very look down, you see thick, white thread stuck to
little sunlight pierces through the leaves, covering your hand. As you try to move your hand away, the
the forest floor in shade. The sound of distant thread sticks to you, starting to pull on what you
running water mixes with the buzz of insects, and now realize is a giant spider’s web. Above you, the
the air is filled with the smell of decaying leaves and skittering noise resumes, and it dawns on you that
damp earth. you’re about to become something’s meal. Go to
As you consult your map, you notice two pathways
in front of you. The one that the map guides you If your check succeeds, you spot something
towards is a narrow path on the left, barely visible glimmering in the faint amount of sunlight. On
through the overgrown brush. You quickly realize closer inspection, it’s a giant spider’s web. Following
that you would have to spend a lot of energy and the web’s threads with your eyes, you see that it
time bushwhacking flora to get anywhere that way. spans the entire width of the path directly ahead
The other trail is a well-trodden and clear pathway of you, and it looks like it would be big enough to
on the right. It seems a much easier walk, though catch someone your size. However, you also spot
a tear in the web, allowing you to safely sidestep
around this spider’s trap. Go to A15.

A10 - Caught in the Spider’s Web Giant Cloakwood Spider
Looking up, you see the dark form of a spider Large beast, unaligned
starting to descend down the web. You better get Armor Class 12
out of there before the spider succeeds on making
Hit Points 15 (2d10+4)
you into its snack!
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
During this encounter, the giant spider begins
20 feet above you on the giant web. It attempts STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to cocoon you from a distance with its ranged web 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
attack, before it gets up close to attack you with
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
its paralyzing bite. Because you are caught in the
spider’s web, at the start of each of your turns, you Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13
must succeed on a DC 11 Strength (Athletics) Languages -
check, or your movement speed is reduced by half
until the start of your next turn. Challenge 1 /4 (50 XP)

If you decide to escape this encounter, you must

spend 1 point of Destiny. You watch in horror as
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing
the spider descends towards you with clacking
to make an ability check.
mandibles. Just before you are devoured, another
dark shape flits across your vision. You see an even Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider
larger giant spider appear, suddenly attacking the knows the exact location of any other creature in
smaller spider! As the two monsters begin to fight contact with the same web.
each other, you have enough time to free yourself Web Walker. The spider ignores movement
and run off down the pathway to live, uneaten, restrictions caused by webbing.
another day.

If you survive your encounter with the giant Actions

spider, you only realize once you have escaped the
sticking web that you have lost a flagon of mystery Bite. Melee weapon attack:+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
liquid from your possessions and are unable to find creature. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage, and the target
it again despite all effort. You can feel your heart must take a DC 8 Constitution saving throw, or become
paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
beat a little faster with panic, as your adventure
seems to already be in jeopardy. Remove the item Web (Recharge 5-6). +4 to hit, range 15/30 ft., one creature.
from your inventory, and then go to A15. Hit: the target becomes cocooned by webbing and is
restrained and blinded. As an action, the restrained target
can make either a DC 11 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check, bursting free from the cocoon on a

A11 - Through the Clear Pathway A13 - The Side of the Pathway
You turn to the right and head down the clear Trying to placate the boggarts, you reach into your
pathway. The walk is level and easy, with only the bag and take out a gift for them. Holding it out, you
gentlest of slopes through the Cloakwood. The way offer it to them as your toll for using their road.
before you is lit by sunbeams that pass through the Make a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
canopy and dot the forest floor with spots of warm
light. If your check fails, then go to A14.

After a few minutes, your pleasant walk is If your check succeeds, you are able to persuade
interrupted when you feel something hit your arm. the boggarts that this is an appropriately valuable
Instinctively looking to see what has struck you, item to pay the toll. They snatch your offering from
and a small rock falls to the ground next to your your hand and run off cackling with their ill-gotten
feet. Before you can react, another rock pelts you treasure. After they leave, you find a bag of ball
right in the forehead. As you rub the sore spot on bearings in the bushes where they had been hiding
your head, you hear maniacal giggling from a bush out. Go to A15.
next to the road ahead of you.

If you turn around to follow the overgrown path

instead, go to A9.

If you investigate the giggling bush, go to A12.

If you ignore the bush and continue, go to A14.

A12 - The Side of the Pathway

Following the sound of giggling to the bush,
you peer through the foliage and see a group of
boggarts. A total of five of them roll around on the
ground, cackling to themselves. Their squat noses
are scrunched up in laughter, their clawed hands
clap in delight, and their smiles are pulled wide
enough to see all of their long, wickedly sharp teeth.

When they notice that you’ve spotted them, the

boggarts stand up straight and huddle together.
One of them points an accusatory finger at you.
“You! Traveller! You pass on our road, and you must
pay the toll!”

If you try to placate the boggarts, go to A13.

If you try to brush the boggarts off, go to A14.

Swarm of Wild Boggarts A14 - The Side of the Pathway
Medium swarm of small fey, chaotic neutral “How dare you?!” shrieks the boggarts in a terrible
chorus. “Traveller thinks they’re clever, trying to
Armor Class 11
not pay the toll, and now they must pay with their
Hit Points 22 (5d8) blood!” With that, the group of boggarts swarm you,
Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft. attempting to tear you apart with their tiny, but
razor-sharp nails.
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) During this encounter, the swarm of wild boggarts
begin 10 feet away from you. They attempt to
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3 swarm around you, jump and climb on top of you,
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive perception 13 and knock you prone before ripping into you with
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing their sharp little teeth.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, If you decide to escape this encounter, you must
paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
spend 1 point of Destiny. As the boggarts tear into
Languages Common, Sylvan you, stripping you of your belongings and throwing
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) them off to the side, a flagon of mystery liquid
falls and shatters. All of the boggarts stop and stare
at it with wide, fearful eyes. “Oh no, oh no, we’ve
Pile On. Any creature that ends its turn in a space occupied hindered the delivery, the Lady will be SO angry.
by the swarm must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving We must hide, hide, hide!” The boggarts scramble
throw, or be knocked prone. off of you, skittering deep into the forest. Remove
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space the item from your character sheet and continue
and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any reading.
opening large enough for a small creature. The swarm can’t
regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. If you manage to survive your encounter with the
swarm of boggarts, you gather yourself, and then
continue your hike through the Cloakwood. Go to
Actions A15.
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing
damage, or 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage if the swarm has half
A15 - The Entrance of a Cave
of its hit points or fewer. After walking through the Cloakwood for another
hour, you turn a bend and find yourself in front
of a cave. You can see delicate leaves and flowers
carved into the dark green stone that marks the
cave’s entrance. You feel a soft, fresh breeze from
the opening, and see a faint purple light emanating
from much deeper within the cave. Confirming your
location with your map, you’re sure that this is the
dwelling of the Lady in Green.

As you put away the map, you hear something

carried along by the breeze that escapes from
within the cave. The sound changes, becoming
melodic, a voice humming a soft and soothing song.
It pulls at you, and you feel compelled to enter the
cave. Make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw.

If your check succeeds or you are immune to

the charmed condition, you are able to shake off
the charming effect of the song. As you step into
the cave, you find a Wand of Shield (see Appendix,
page 57) nestled behind a rock. Add the item to
your inventory, and then go to A16.

If your check fails, the enchanting melody draws woman’s true, sinister form revealed; her eyes glow
you to find its source. You enter the cave, ignoring red, black-feathered wings explode from her back,
everything but the song. Go to A16. and a halo of fire ignites around the top of her

A16 - Inside the Cave “You heard the Lady. Begone, you fool of a mortal,”
As you move deeper into the cave, the strange, the terrifying being’s many voices echo. The portal
purple light grows brighter, refracting across flares with arcane energy, though now that magical
crystals that line the rocky walls. Stone floor gives light changes from purple to a deep crimson. The
way to grass and wildflowers under your feet, armoured woman lifts a hand, and before you can
softening your footsteps. The humming becomes say or do anything, she snaps her fingers. The red
more clear and loud, and then you turn a corner light floods your senses, forcing you to close your
to find yourself in a small cavern. The ceiling is eyes, and you feel as though you’re falling and
covered in large crystals, and butterflies flit through falling and falling… until you can feel nothing at all.
the air. A gentle breeze blows through, carrying Advance your character to level 2, gain the
with it a faint and sweet floral scent. benefits of having taken a long rest, and then go
In the middle of the cavern are two figures to B1.
illuminated by the glow of a shimmering purple
portal, the source of the strange light that led you
here. One of the pair looks to be a blonde elven
woman in a green dress, sitting with her legs
tucked under her. The Lady in Green looks down
at her companion, and a soft smile touches her
lips as she hums. The other figure appears to be
a human woman sitting on the ground with her
head resting on the Lady’s lap. She’s dressed in a
heavy gold chestplate and a black skirt that spills
out onto the grass. Black warpaint streaks across
her pale face and her shaved head, giving her a
fierce appearance, but her eyes are closed and the
expression cast across her face is serene.

As you take one step closer, the humming abruptly

stops, and you can see the Lady in Green staring
at you with a flustered expression. She stands
up quickly, and her abrupt, hasty rise reveals
that beneath the Lady’s green skirt, she stands
on a pair of very hairy goat legs. The armoured
woman follows suit, rising majestically, her serene
expression now gone, replaced by a burning scowl.

“How dare you trespass into my home?,” the Lady

in Green demands. Though her voice is sweet, it
carries a resonating anger. Her hands bunch into
the skirt, her face still flushed red. “Get out at

The armoured woman takes the Lady’s hand and

presses a short kiss to her knuckles. The woman
then speaks with a proud voice that booms over
a chorus of a hundred quieter, tortured voices
whispering the same words. “Do not worry, my
Lady. I will make certain they are dealt with, as
I always do.” After her promise, she turns her
attention back towards you, and you see her
form flicker. For a moment, you see the armoured

Chapter Two: Welcome to Hell

B1 - In a Dark, Bone-Littered Cave B2 - The Forgotten Memorial

You open your eyes and find yourself lying You stand before a simple wooden torch that
awkwardly in a pile of objects that press sharply glows with a pure white flame. The fire is cool and
into your back. The area around you is gloomy and calming, and you feel your panic subside when you
dark, barely lit by a single torch glowing with a dim, are near it. The torch’s sconce is a few simple iron
but pure white flame. You struggle to push up to bands holding it into the obsidian wall. Next to it on
your feet, and as your eyes adjust to the dark, you the wall, you can see the faint outline of what might
find yourself in a large cave. Something cracks and have once been a passage, but the indentiation has
groans under your feet, and as you look down, you been filled in now, sealing you inside this tomb with
notice that you are standing on an ancient pile of only the dead to keep you company.
brittle human bones that protest loudly beneath
your weight. At the foot of the obsidian wall, the torchlight
focuses on a small iron pedestal that rises a foot off
You wade through the bones and towards that dim of the ground. The area around it has been cleared
white light at the other end of the cave, ready at of skeletons and bones. Laid out on the pedestal
any moment for the dead to rise and grasp at you are three objects, covered in dust and ash: a small
with skeletal fingers. You can see shadows dancing silver amulet carved into the shape of an eye, a sea-
all around you with every crunch, every footfall. green emerald that glows beneath the light, and a
Your heart is pounding against your chest as you sharp but slightly bent copper spear.
reconcile your new reality.
The base of the pedestal has beautiful runes etched
Where are you? Are you still in the Cloakwood? And into its surface.
how will you get out of this cave?
If you understand the Celestial language, you can read
Make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. the words etched into the pedestal. Otherwise, skip this
section and continue reading on the next page.
If your saving throw fails, note the following trait on
your character sheet: Fear of Bony Things.
To Fight the Darkness, We Must Always Hold Onto the
Go to B2. Light.

If you ignore the items and try to find a way out of she … was wroooong.”
here, go to B3.
Casting the spell Identify or using a charge from a
If you pick up the silver amulet, go to B4. Crystal of Identify on the amulet reveals it to be an
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location (see
If you pick up glowing emerald, go to B5. Appendix, page 57).

If you pick up the copper spear, go to B6. It’s time to leave. For taking an artifact from the
tomb, lose one point of Destiny, and then go to
B3 - At the Exit of the Dark Cave
You leave the ancient items where they lie and
B5 - The Forgotten Memorial
turn your attention towards the sealed passage
that seems to be your only way out of this horrible Holding the glowing emerald in your hands, you
place. The torchlight’s glow shows that the outlines get a closer look. Beneath its shining surface lurks
on the wall stretch the width of a bear and are a shifting shadow that seems to avoid your touch,
nearly twice your height. However, the indentations and when you hold the gem up to your ears and
seem completely filled in by some sticky, tar-like shake it, you can hear something sloshing about
substance. inside. If you would like to put the emerald back
and examine a different object, return to B2 and
If you try to force the passage open with brute make a different choice. Otherwise, continue
strength, go to B7. reading.
If you try to remove the tar sealant with thieves’ Suddenly, a thunderous rumble shakes the cavern
tools, go to B8. and nearly rocks you off of your feet. Slowly, the
sealed exit rolls into the obsidian wall, revealing a
If you try to cast a spell, decide which spell you are tunnel that seems to lead out of this tomb. At the
casting, and then go to B9. other end of the tunnel, you can see a bright red
If you would rather examine the pedestal again, go light. When you look back at the pedestal, however,
to B2. it and the other items are simply gone -- as though
they were never there at all.

B4 - The Forgotten Memorial A haunting wind whips through the tunnel, and
you hear it whisper to you in a tortured voice.
You pick up the amulet and take a closer look at
it. Its chain still shines beneath the glow of the “Zariel had many friends, from the hosts of the upper
torchlight, and its silver emblem is etched into a planes, to the elementals who roamed the worlds of
feminine eye. As you hold the amulet in your hands, their own making. But it was not enough! She … she
you feel as though someone is watching over you, should have known … the fiends … will never stop
even here in this grim place. If you would like coming … until they swallow all of the planes into
to put the amulet back and examine a different the Abyss!”
object, return to B2 and make a different choice.
Otherwise, continue reading. Casting the spell Identify or using a charge from a
Crystal of Identify on the gem reveals it to be an
Suddenly, a thunderous rumble shakes the cavern elemental gem (water) (see Appendix, page 57).
and nearly rocks you off of your feet. Slowly, the
sealed exit rolls into the obsidian wall, revealing a It’s time to leave. For taking an artifact from the
tunnel that seems to lead out of this tomb. At the tomb, lose one point of Destiny, then go to B10.
other end of the tunnel, you can see a bright red
light. When you look back at the pedestal, however, B6 - The Forgotten Memorial
it and the other items are simply gone -- as though
they were never there at all. When you pick up the bent copper spear in
your hand, it seems to be nothing more than an
A haunting wind whips through the tunnel, and unremarkable, broken old weapon. A moment later,
you hear it whisper to you in a tortured voice. you feel a crackle of energy trickle into your hand
up through your elbow, and you begin to hear a
“Arrogance! Pride! Zariel once believed … that the soft buzzing in your right ear when you grip the
devils and the demons … would never find us, while haft of the spear. If you would like to put the spear
she led our hosts into battle. Oh pity on us ... that

back and examine a different object, return to B2 you work against the black stone, you can feel
and make a different choice. Otherwise, continue an unnatural cold creep out from it, searing your
reading. nerves and draining the energy out of you.

Suddenly, a thunderous rumble shakes the cavern Make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking
and nearly rocks you off of your feet. Slowly, the 2d6 necrotic damage on a failure, and half as
sealed exit rolls into the obsidian wall, revealing a much damage on a success. If you are still alive,
tunnel that seems to lead out of this tomb. At the you can continue to try to open the tunnel by
other end of the tunnel, you can see a bright red making a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check.
light. When you look back at the pedestal, however,
it and the other items are simply gone -- as though If your check succeeds, you escape the tomb
they were never there at all. and proceed down a narrow tunnel that leads to a
bright red light at its far end. Go to B10.
A haunting wind whips through the tunnel, and
you hear it whisper to you in a tortured voice. If your check fails, you find yourself inexplicably
drawn back to the altar. Go to B2.
“I remember the day when our host was defeated,
when Zariel’s sword lay shattered on the ashen
plains … I made this place my own, a shrine to B8 - At the Exit of the Dark Cave
remember those that we lost … and so I waited, and You use your thieves’ tools to try to loosen the
waited, for Zariel to return here and rescue me … but sticky sealant so that you can slide open the
instead she betrayed me, she betrayed us all! … Did stone barring your exit. As you work, the strange
you know that an angel could die of a broken heart?” substance begins to fall away, and pieces of it
attach to your clothes and skin with a sickening
Casting the spell Identify or using a charge from a
slurping sound. Where the alien material makes
Crystal of Identify on the spear reveals it to be a
Javelin of Lightning (see Appendix, page 57).
contact, you feel a searing cold, and find yourself
getting dizzy and weak.
It’s time to leave. For taking an artifact from the
tomb, lose one point of Destiny, and then go to Make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, taking
B10. 2d6 necrotic damage on a failure, and half as
much damage on a success. If you are still alive,
you can continue to try to open the tunnel by
B7 - At the Exit of the Dark Cave making a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight-of-Hand)
You dig deep into the reserves of your strength
and heave your body against the sealed exit, trying If your check succeeds, you escape the tomb
to force your way out of this horrible place. As and proceed down a narrow tunnel that leads to a
bright red light at its far end. Go to B10.

If your check fails, you find yourself inexplicably

drawn back to the altar. Go to B2.

B9 - At the Exit of the Dark Cave

You cast a spell in hopes that it may help you
escape the skeletal corpse-filled tomb.

If the spell you cast was Dancing Lights, Light,

Produce Flame, Faerie Fire, or a similar spell that
creates a new light source, the tomb responds to
your magic. Otherwise, your spell was not helpful
and the sealed exit no longer responds to your
magic. You may not try casting a spell to escape the
cave again. Go to B2.

If your spell worked, continue reading on the next


Suddenly, a thunderous rumble shakes the cavern “Aw, Robb, that’s one of the nicest things you ever
and nearly rocks you off of your feet. Slowly, the told me,” Amelia answers obliviously, before their
sealed exit rolls into the obsidian wall, revealing a dialogue trails off, replaced by a few muffled grunts.
tunnel that seems to lead out of this tomb. At the
other end of the tunnel, you can see a bright red You carefully peer down over the ridge to see more.
light. When you look back at the pedestal, however, Go to B11.
it and the other items are simply gone -- as though
they were never there at all.
B11 - Looking Down at an Infernal Machine
A haunting wind whips through the tunnel, and As you peer down over the ridge, you see a crimson
you hear it whisper to you in a damned voice. sand dune nestled up against the foot of the hill
you’re on. And there, in the shadow of the ridge,
“The devil Zariel was once the most glorious of all you see Robb, a bald dwarven male with a long
of our host … but now, now, now, the traitor has black beard, wearing a loose-fitting tunic and
fallen so far. Perhaps there is some light ... burning sandy pants. Arguing with Robb is Amelia, a tall,
inside of her shriveled heart … but we-the-dead will tan-skinned human woman wearing battered
neeeever forgive her … for what she has done!” armor, shield, and helm. Both of the figures are
armed with longswords, while the dwarf also has a
It’s time to leave. Go to B10.
light crossbow hanging from his belt. It only takes
a moment to realize that Robb and Amelia are
B10 - A Scorched Canyon bandits, and you watch them drag several black-
robed corpses through the sand, away from a great
The entrance to the tomb seals behind you, and it’s
metal machine.
a short walk through the narrow tunnel to what
lies beyond. As you get closer to the red light at the The dark steel machine that the bandits are
other end of the underground corridor, the choking dragging the bodies away from immediately steals
air becomes dry and hot. When you emerge, you your attention. Its twenty-foot long body is mounted
find yourself standing on a ridge overlooking on many wheels of varying sizes and is reminiscent
a lifeless canyon of obsidian rock, dotted with of a carriage, but only vaguely so. The wheeled-
crimson sand and ruined, scorched buildings. machine is encased in dangerous armored plates
that are wrapped in black chains and decorated
Everything about this hellish landscape seems
with jagged, intimidating steel edges. At the hood
dangerous and alien to you: There is no sun, nor
of the machine, where its width narrows, is a large
clouds or stars in the blood-red sky above you.
humanoid head made out of wax, its expression
Instead, you see streaks of fire shoot across the
twisted in perpetual torment. On top of the machine
horizon, blasting the wasteland wherever they fall.
is a slender metal canon loaded with a long, iron
You are so taken by the shock of what you are harpoon. Meanwhile, two smoking silver rods that
seeing that it takes you a moment to realize that remind you of oversized magic wands are sticking
there are voices coming from beyond the edge of the out of the machine’s tail.
ridge you’re standing on.

“Nah, nah. Strip’em first, then ya drag’em, ya big

oaf. It’s too hot to lug around anythin’ we can’t
barter, and we’ve gotta get this machine workin’
if we wanna survive gettin’ back across the river
before Mad Maggie and her gang catches us out’ere
on her turf,” you hear a nasally man bark, his voice
cracking several times.

“Oi, Robb! What you think we can get for their

robes? Might make for a good disguise,” a deep
female voice bellows back, sounding almost merry
despite their oppressive surroundings.

“We’ll get a big nothin’ for those robes, ‘cause

they’re covered in blood! I swear, Amelia, if ya
weren’t so good at murder...” Robb bemoans, his
voice cracking again at the end.

As you survey the scene, realizing that this Add any items you take to your inventory. If you
machine may be your one-way ticket out of have marked on your character sheet the Red-
this hellish canyon, make a DC 10 Wisdom Handed trait, your hands begin to glow a bright
(Perception) check. fiery red when you pick up the objects. The light
attracts the attention of the two nearby bandits,
If your check succeeds, you notice that a small who stop their arguing and turn towards you. Go to
leather backpack is lying in the sand near the B13.
Infernal War Machine. If you want to try to sneak
around the bandits to retrieve the backpack quietly, If you decide to continue to avoid the bandits while
go to B12. they argue, you are able to use the key to unlock
the Infernal War Machine and climb quietly inside
If your check fails, or if you do not attempt to without being noticed. Go to B16.
stealth, you will have to deal with the bandits
directly. If you, instead, greet the bandits to learn more
about where you are, go to B13.
If you try to greet the bandits and hope they will
help you, go to B13. If you would rather ambush the bandits, go to B14.

If you try to ambush the bandits before they spot

you, go to B14. B13 - A Scorched Canyon
As soon as the two bandits see you approaching,
B12 - A Scorched Canyon they drop the corpses they are dragging with a soft
thud into the red sand. Robb, the dwarf, reaches
You try to climb quietly down from the ridge and down to draw his crossbow. “Oh ho-ho, what’ve we
sneak across the dune without being spotted by the got here?” he squeaks out. “See if they got any coins
bandits. Make a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) check. on’em.”
If your check fails, you kick a large black stone Before you have a chance to do anything, the
half-buried in the sand and nearly trip, drawing the muscular human bandit, Amelia, is already
bandits’ attention. Go to B13. stomping through the sand, a vicious-looking
serrated sword in hand. “I’m gonna carve you up
If your check succeeds, you manage to keep your
real, real pretty,” she growls with a wicked smile in
face covered from the onslaught of sand being
her sky-blue eyes.
kicked up by howling winds, and you sneak past
the pair of bandits as they continue to argue with Uh-oh. It doesn’t look like they want to talk.
each other. When you reach the backpack you find The bandits will get to act first in the following
the following items inside: a bag of salt, a soul encounter. Go to B15.
coin, and a heavy black iron key.

B14 - A Scorched Canyon

You move as quietly as you can across the dune,
staying low to avoid being spotted as you try to get
a jump on the dwarf and human. Make a DC 13
Dexterity (Stealth) check, remembering to include
any penalties you may have for wearing armor.

If your check succeeds, you get to act first in the

following encounter, and you have advantage on
your first attack. Go to B15.

If your check fails, you are spotted before you can

get the jump on the bandits. Go to B13.

B15 - Fighting the Wasteland Bandits
Before you can investigate the Infernal War
Machine, you’ll have to survive the bandits, Robb
and Amelia. During the encounter, Robb will circle
around you, staying at a distance of 20 feet, and
fire at you with his crossbow. Amelia begins the
encounter 5 feet away from you. Amelia attacks
with her longsword and uses her shield bash as
a reaction if you attempt to move out of her melee
range. She will do everything she can to protect
Robb, and her morale will suffer if you manage to
defeat him.

Wasteland Bandit Brains, Robb Wasteland Bandit Muscle, Amelia

Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 12 (padded cloth) Armor Class 15 (half plate)

Hit Points 13 (3d8) Hit Points 16 (3d8+3)

Speed 30 ft.
Speed 25 ft.
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
8 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills Athletics +5
Skills History +4, Perception +3
Senses passive perception 9
Damage Resistances poison
Languages Common
Senses passive perception 13
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Languages Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Poor Morale. If Amelia’s bandit ally Robb is defeated, the
creature who defeated Robb may immediately use a free
Dwarven Resilience. Robb has advantage on saving throws action to make a DC 10 Charisma (Intimidate) check. If the
against poison. check succeeds, Amelia is unable to attack and attempts to
Shoot ‘Em While They’re Down. Robb does not have flee on her turn. If the check fails, Amelia takes 1d6 psychic
disadvantage on ranged weapon attacks made against damage, but will continue to fight until she is defeated.
prone creatures.
Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
target. Hit: 3 (1d8-1) slashing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range Shield Bash. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage, and target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13
throw or be poisoned. The target can repeat the saving Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and have their
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on movement reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn.
itself on a success.

If you decide to escape this encounter, you must with golden hide, two small sets of feathery wings,
spend 1 point of Destiny. By some stroke of gory and big, white eyes that look somehow sad despite
luck, a fiery streak of brimstone falls from the sky, their purity. The strange creature is flapping its four
crushing both bandits beneath it as it explodes wings, floating just above the machine’s passenger
into the red sand. As the smoke clears, you look seat, and it is blowing sparkles out of its trunk and
down into the crater left behind to see nothing on into your face.
their person survived except for a soul coin and a
heavy black iron key. After you retrieve the items, As the creature stops spraying you in the face with
you can investigate the inside of the Infernal War sparkles, you feel a wave of calm and happiness
Machine. Go to B17. come over you, washing away the dread you felt
If you manage to defeat both bandits, you will
find the following on their bodies: a soul coin, a “Hi there! I’m Lulu, and I’m a hollyphant! At least I
heavy black iron key, two longswords, a hand think I am. A devil with six tongues told me so the
crossbow, and a small vial of pulsating liquid. other day, right before he tried to eat me,” the small
Investigating the two black-robed corpses they had elephant-like being blurts out, and then continues,
been dragging reveals the dead men to have battle- not slowing down until it runs out of breath. “Wow,
scarred faces and a crude skull branded into their I’ve never seen anyone make it out of that cave
foreheads. The corpses have been stripped of all of alive. You must be really special, huh? So tell me,
their possessions. my new bestest special-friend, how did you get out
of there? And what’s it like inside that creepy cave
If you cast the Identify spell or use a Crystal of anyhow? I think I went in there once, but I can’t
Identify on the vial, your magic reveals it to be remember anymore. I can’t remember lotsa things.”
a small vial of demon ichor that seems to be
unstable and temperamental, but has fuel-like Lulu’s head falls a bit at her admission, and she
properties. Because of your deeper understanding blows a small, sad puff of sparkles out of her trunk.
of the liquid’s power, you can use this item twice in
If you tell Lulu the truth about how you got here,
total before removing it from your character sheet.
go to B17.
Key in hand, you try to find your way inside the
If you lie about how you got here, make a
Infernal War Machine, hoping to escape this place.
Charisma (Deception) check. Note the result and
Add any items you take to your inventory, and then
go to B18.
go to B16.
If you try to cheer Lulu up, make a Charisma
(Persuasion) check. Note the result and go to B19.
B16 - Inside the Infernal War Machine
You jump into the Infernal War Machine and close If you respond cruelly to Lulu, go to B20.
the door behind you, its hinges creaking with rust.
The interior of this large vehicle seems to be able to
seat up to eight individuals, and several of the seats
in the back are currently occupied by several sand-
blasted skeletons. You feel a cold chill run down
your spine as the wind howls hungrily outside of
the machine. The skeletons rattle a bit, and one of
their hands falls off, disappearing beneath a back
seat. If you have marked on your character sheet
the Fear of Bony Things trait, take 1d10 psychic

“Don’t worry!” a sing-songy voice rings out from

beside you. “The mean bandits just kept those old
bones around for decoration. They can’t hurt you!”

You turn to look at the seat beside you and are

immediately sprayed in the face with sparkles. As
your eyes come into focus, you realize that you are
looking at a small elephant the size of a large dog,

B17 - Inside the Infernal War Machine so honest with me. This place you’re trapped in is
called Avernus. It’s the very first layer of hell. It’s
“Wow!” Lulu exclaims, pepping up immediately
a very scary and very sad place that makes you
when you tell her how you came to be here. “It
forget things, like how to do magic or who you are.
sounds like you’ve had some really bad luck, new
Sometimes, even I have trouble keeping my spirits
bestest special friend. You walked in on a powerful
up here, and everyone knows that hollyphants have
fey creature in an intimate moment with…”
the brightest spirits!”
The winged elephant creature’s words trail off for
Go to B21.
a moment and her pure white eyes begin to shake
rapidly. It’s unsettling to witness, but your new
friend calms down after a moment and continues to B19 - Inside the Infernal War Machine
speak, her tone a little more introspective now.
If the result of your ability check was less than
“You saw Zariel, the Archdevil. She rules this 12, your words don’t seem to shake her from her
place. She- she must have sent you here, thinking sudden sadness. Go to the bottom of B16 and
you would never escape. I’m sorry to tell you this, make a different choice to proceed.
but you’re in Avernus, the first layer of hell. It’s
a very scary and very sad place that makes you If the result of your ability check was 13 or
forget things, like how to do magic or who you are. higher, you are able to comfort the hollyphant.
Sometimes, even I have trouble keeping my spirits Note the following trait on your character sheet:
up here, and everyone knows that hollyphants have Hollyphant Whisperer.
the brightest spirits! We’re magical celestial beings
too, just a lot nicer than the one you met.” Lulu’s small white eyes seem to grow twice the size
they were before, and her long trunk reaches up to
Lulu settles down into the seat next to you, no gently touch the side of your face. She speaks with
longer floating. She stares out through the window a tiny voice, quivering with emotion. “Thank. You.
of the infernal machine. It’s quiet for a long time, I really needed that. Wow! I’m so lucky that I found
and then Lulu whispers in her sing-songy voice. you here. Please, let me give you a gift!”
“I think maybe I knew Zariel a long time ago. I The hollyphant coils her trunk up into a tight
think she used to be my best friend in the world. knot on her face, flaps her wings hard, and hums
It’s hard to remember what she was like back then. a song so loud that the entire infernal machine
Now, she just scares me.” begins to vibrate. The skeletons in the back seats
Go to B21. of the machine rattle loudly, and several more of
their limbs fall off to the floor. And then, the song
suddenly ends.
B18 - Inside the Infernal War Machine
Lulu slowly uncoils her trunk and presents to you
If your Charisma (Deception) check was less than a gift: add a multi-colored ball made of sparkles
15, go to B20. Otherwise, continue reading. to your inventory. She looks at you with wide eyes,
waiting to speak until after you accept her present.
“Oh, wow, what a story! You should write books
about adventurers doing adventurous things, like “It’s a ball made out of all of my feelings about how
rescuing helpless princes and romancing enchanted you are the most awesome person in all of Avernus!
dragons!” Lulu exclaims once you finish lying When you’re feeling really super sad, or maybe even
to her, the little elephant creature’s four wings in complete and utter despair, take it out and rub it
fluttering with excitement. Only a few moments on your face. It’s hollyphant magic, so it’ll make you
later, though, her wings stop flapping and she feel better right away!”
settles down into the seat next to you. She stares
out through the window of the infernal machine. You take the present and stow it away. As you
It’s quiet for a long time, and then Lulu whispers in hold the ball in your hands, you just cannot help
their sing-songy voice. yourself: you smile a big, goofy grin. You stow the
present away and look back to Lulu.
“I really, really, really don’t like talking about sad
things. Hollyphants are happy magic creatures that “Hmmm. Now, we were talking about something…
spread joy and fuzzy feelings wherever we go! But oh, right! How did you get outta that case,
I feel like I gotta tell you the truth, since you were anyhow?`` she asks, her voice bright and curious.

If you tell Lulu the truth about how you got here, that you will need to use to run the thing. She also
go to B17. tells you that if the machine runs out of fuel, the
only way to get it started again is feeding something
If you lie about how you got here, make a called a soul coin into its furnace. She adds that
Charisma (Deception) check. Note the result and she really hopes you don’t run out of fuel.
go to B18.
Once you are finally able to get the vehicle up and
If you respond cruelly to Lulu, go to B20. running, its engine begins to rumble to life with a
dark and hungry roar. The machine’s wheels begin
to turn quickly, spraying the area all around you
B20 - Inside the Infernal War Machine
with flying sand. You place your hands on both of
After you respond cruelly to the winged elephant the steering wheels, using them in conjunction to
creature, a chill immediately goes down your spine. control the vehicle’s direction as you speed away
Lulu stops floating and flops down into the seat from the haunted cave. A few short moments later,
next to you. She crosses her wings over her body you nearly lose control of the machine and crash,
and narrows her white eyes at you. but Lulu wraps her trunk around one of the wheels
to help you correct your course.
“I don’t know why I bother. I guess I just thought
you had a nice face, but nooo. You’re just like With your new hollyphant companion’s help, you
everyone else in Avernus. A big meanie!” she pouts begin to get the hang of driving. Go to B22.
and blows her trunk at you, but no sparkles fly out
this time. There’s a long, awkward silence, and then
Lulu launches herself at you from the passenger B22 - Driving the Infernal War Machine
seat! You gain the benefit of having taken a short
rest, and can spend hit dice to restore hit points
She gives you a big hug and says, rapidly, “Oh no,
before you continue.
I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean it! I’m sure you’re nice
and you’re just stressed out and that makes total
sense because Avernus is a very scary place that Infernal War Machine and Damage
makes you forget things, like who you are and how When this adventure tells you to mark damage to
to do magic, and I didn’t mean it! I take it back! your Infernal War Machine, refer to your character
You’re still my new bestest special friend!” sheet and any previous damage you’ve marked. If you
have already marked damage previously during the
After showering you in sparkles, Lulu finally calms adventure, you must spend 2 points of Destiny. If
down and settles back into the passenger seat as you do not have enough Destiny points to spend, the
though nothing ever happened. Infernal War Machine is destroyed.
When the Infernal War Machine is destroyed, it
Note the following trait on your character sheet:
explodes in a screaming ball of hellfire, killing you
Mean to Hollyphants, feel bad about yourself, and instantaneously. However, though your body perishes,
then go to B21. your soul survives for several agonizing days, trapped
within the burning wreckage of the vehicle.

B21 - Inside the Infernal War Machine If you do not have a vial of pulsating liquid or one
“Okay, new friend. Here’s the good news! I just that’s been identified as a vial of demon ichor,
remembered that I know a way out of Avernus. It’s then go to B23. Otherwise, continue reading.
a portal that’s not too far from here at all, at the top
Lulu’s trunk curls up when she notices the vial in
of this crazy-looking tower! The bad news is that it’s
your possession. “That stuff is really gross, it’s the
really-really dangerous to get there, even in a big ol’
insides and blood of demons! There’s a lot of demon
Infernal War Machine like this one. Thankfully for
blood in Avernus, because demons are always
you, I’m the best back seat driver around! I’ll teach
getting killed here. Y’know, ‘cause of the Blood War
you how to drive this thing and help you navigate
between the demons and the devils! Still, their
the area!”
blood can be pretty useful sometimes. If you feed
Lulu keeps speaking, talking so quickly that you it into that tube there, you can power the engine’s
wish you had time to take notes. As she explains blaze-boosters to go super fast, or you can power
the mechanisms of the Infernal War Machine to one of the machine’s big weapons.”
you, she uses her trunk to indicate various wheels,
cranks, buttons, tubes, and other contraptions

“In this particular machine, it looks like there’s three the volcanic falls choking you already, but you hold
main weapons. There’s the acid sprayer, that one’s onto the side of the machine and find your way to
real nasty. Then there’s the harpoon chain gun, its rear, where you find a large panel marked with
that’s my favorite because you can do all sorts of the same skull emblem you noticed on the coin you
neat tricks with it! And then … ick. This one really found outside of the cave.
creeps me out. You know that scary wax head on
the hood of the machine? It’s called an infernal And as you notice the emblem, you realize that
screamer, and if you turn that crank there, there’s you are already holding a soul coin in your hand,
a tortured soul inside that will cry out and it’s though you don’t remember taking it out of your
really loud and scary and annoying. If you use that belongings. The coin hums in your hand with a life
one, pleasepleaseplease warn me first. Hollyphants of its own.
have really sensitive ears!”

After familiarizing yourself with the cranks, levers What Are Soul Coins?
and knobs that control the Infernal War Machine’s These heavy coins are made from a strange metal of
special weaponry, you focus on driving and indeterminate origin that is very hot to the touch. Each
continue through the sandy wastes towards your coin is inscribed with Infernal writing on one face.
next major landmark. Go to B23. If you make either a successful DC 13 Intelligence
(Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) check, you realize
that this coin contains a soul and the story of how
B23 - Near the Volcanic Falls its soul became trapped in Avernus. A deep sense of
anguish and longing overcomes you when you touch
You drive for several hours through rocky the coin, as though it were somehow alive and in pain.
wasteland, sometimes crossing great, scorched Despite the horror of that realization, you also feel as
dunes of black sand. The relentless red of the though the coin also contains a sort of inherent energy
hellish horizon stretches out in every direction, or power that could prove useful in many different
sometimes broken by streaks of fire falling from situations in, or out, of Avernus.
the sky. There is not much to note of the landscape
here, as you follow Lulu’s directions looking for You open up the panel on the back of the machine
your first major landmark. Occasionally, you pass and discover the furnace is dead, just as Lulu
by large, unmarked graves full of countless, half- feared. While pondering re-igniting the furnace, you
buried dead. suddenly feel a cold anxiety grow in your stomach
when you notice a large shadow appear from over
You are just starting to feel confident behind the your shoulder. You spin around to see a terrifying
two wheels of your machine when you reach your sight: a skeletal knight looms over you, only scraps
first landmark, an intimidating cliff. Glowing molten of ancient plate mail armor still clinging to its
obsidian rock flows over the cliff, falling down into brittle, blackened bones. The undead knight holds a
a massive lake of roiling lava below. You slow down kite shield in one hand and a large, wicked-looking
to take in the majesty of the site, and then you greatsword in the other. A spectral blue fire burns
hear an ominous sound: clink-clink-clink-CLUNK. from within its armor and empty eye-sockets.
Suddenly, the Infernal Machine stalls.
Make your choice of a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight)
“Oh no! I was afraid of that!” Lulu admits, suddenly check or Intelligence (Arcana) check.
so excited and anxious that her flittering wings
cause her to float up and bump her head into the If your check fails, then go to B24.
roof of the vehicle. “This machine must be outta
If your check succeeds, instead go to B25.
fuel. Those bandits said they were looking for more
coins. If you found any scary-looking coins, it might
be a good idea to go out and check on the furnace.
If the fire’s out, throwing in one of those creepy
coins is the only way to get it started again. Don’t
worry! I’ll wait here and keep a look out.”

As Lulu fills the inside of the vehicle with another

rain of fuzzy-feeling sparkles, you steel yourself,
open up the driver’s side door of the machine,
and climb out into the brutal heat of the obsidian
landscape outside. You can feel the hot air from

B24 - Near the Volcanic Falls Sir Albin, the Ghostly Knight
If you do not have Fear of Bony Things marked Medium undead (specter), lawful good
on your character sheet, go to B25. Otherwise,
Armor Class 20 (plate mail and shield)
continue reading.
Hit Points 22 (5d8)
For a moment, you are frozen in fear. Take 1d10
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
psychic damage.
After your initial panic, you spring into action to
defend yourself against the knight. It seems to 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
move slowly, the spark of unlife within it dim and Skills Athletics +4, Insight +7
weak. You will act first in the following encounter. Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
The ghostly knight begins 5 feet away from you, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
and its movements are are slow, monotonous, and attacks
uninspired. It will not use any reactions, or attempt Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
to flee or change tactics at any point during the
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
If you decide to escape this encounter, you must prone, unconsciou
spend a point of Destiny. At some point during Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 12
the fight, the skeletal knight turns away from Languages Common, Celestial
you, ignoring your blows, and begins to slowly
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
walk towards the nearby lake of lava. You watch,
confused, as the undead warrior walks into the
lava, its bones catching aflame before they melt like Incorporeal Movement. Sir Albin can move through other
wax and vanish forever. creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an
If you defeat Sir Albin the Ghostly Knight, his object.
remains clatter to the obsidian shore in a mangled Great Swordsman. Sir Albin can wield a greatsword in one
heap. The only salvageable item within the remains hand.
is an ancient greatsword, which you can add to
your inventory.
Quickly, before anything else tries to kill you, you
toss a soul coin into the dead furnace. Remove the Ancient Greatsword. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.
item from your character sheet and go to B26.

B25 - Near the Volcanic Falls B27 - Near the Volcanic Falls
When the skeletal knight looming before you does After you hear the ghostly knight’s warning, you
not raise its massive sword to attack, you get the see a spray of sparkles rain down from above you
feeling that it somehow does not mean you any and instantly feel a little bit better. “Sir Albin!” Lulu
harm. Slowly, the spectral light brightens beneath proclaims from above you, where she flies in excited
the undead creature’s half-shattered helm. A loops over the Infernal War Machine. “I remember
ghostly face appears, translucent over the skull. you. It’s me, Lulu!”
The ghost’s face is that of a tired old man’s, with
sad eyes that seem to stare down, deep into your The ghostly knight looks up slowly, his old bones
soul. creaking beneath sandblasted armor. “Lulu.
Y-y-yes. I remember you. Zariel’s courageous
The wind howls, kicking up obsidian rock and warmount. Sh-she … you were her best friend. I
carrying on it the dead knight’s voice. The ghost always liked you. Al-always made me feel like there
speaks to you in a gentle tenor that sometimes was still hope, even here.” The ghost’s voice is
quivers with some ancient regret. distant and sad, but curious too. “How have you not
been corrupted by this place, after all this time?”
“Wh-why, you! Y-y-you are not like the others. You
have not yet been … corrupted by this place. Ohh, Lulu floats down to perch with her tiny elephantine
young one, wh-what a pity! What a pity that you legs over the back of the vehicle’s roof. She answers
have come here, to Avernus. Do not let this place the question thoughtfully, her earnest voice ringing
change you! N-not like it changed her, and so many out over the roar of the volcanic falls nearby.
brave people. Ohh, what … a pity.”
“I think maybe hollyphants can’t be corrupted,
If you have marked on your character sheet the Sir. At least not the same way angels and other
Hollyphant Whisperer trait, then go to B27. creatures can be. But there’s an awful lot that I
can’t remember anymore. Like why I can’t grow into
Otherwise, the ghostly knight begins to mumble to a great big powerful warmount or what happened
himself as the howling wind dies down. He turns to my magic. I used to know all sorts of wonderful
and slowly wanders off towards a distant sand spells!”
dune, no longer seeming to see or respond to you.
Left alone with nothing else to do here, you quickly The wind howls again, and the ghost speaks to Lulu
throw a soul coin into the machine’s furnace and through it. “Beware, m-my gentle friend. The River
wait to see what happens. Remove the item from Styx! Many drink from its waters, so thirsty, but
your character sheet and go to B26. they forget a part of themselves each time.”

“Oh! I think maybe I do remember drinking from

B26 - Near the Volcanic Falls a big river. The water tasted so, so sweet,” Lulu
You hear the long, anguished, piercing scream muses thoughtfully, scrunching her face adorably
of a tortured soul as the Infernal War Machine’s as she tries to recall a memory that seems to slip
furnace ignites with a hellish blaze. As the soul coin through her grasp.
trapped inside begins to burn, you grimace with
“P-please, adventurer,” Sir Albin the skeletal
the realization that it isn’t the metal of the coin
knight croaks as he turns back to you. “Help Lulu
that fuels the machine, but the captured soul of a
remember. A-and do not let her drink from the dark
once living person. Note the following trait on your
river… if anyone can reach Zariel and make things
character sheet: Soul Sacrificer.
right, it is Lulu. Th-they were such good friends.
Quickly, you shut the panel to the furnace and A-and I still believe … the Archdevil … can be
jump back into the machine. In the passenger seat, saved. It is never too late for redemption.”
Lulu looks downtrodden as she stares off into the
If you promise to help Lulu remember her past,
distance. “Avernus is a terrible place. It makes
note the following trait on your character sheet:
people do very bad things. But you can still escape!
Oathbound. Whether you promise or not, go to
You have to,” she whispers, meaningfully. Hoping
to do just that, you grab both wheels of the vehicle
and speed away from the Volcanic Falls, leaving the
skeletal knight and the steaming lake of liquid rock
behind you. Go to B29.

B28 - Near the Volcanic Falls The ghost then gently asks that both you and Lulu
get back into the vehicle and shut the door. You
“Say, Sir Albin!” Lulu interrupts energetically. “I am
realize, sadly, that he does not want you to see the
trying to help this really cool and brave adventurer
fate that awaits him. Even from within the vehicle,
here escape Avernus, and prove once-and-for-
though, you can still hear Albin’s occasional
all that anything is possible with the power of
screams while you drive, as his soul burns in your
friendship! Have you seen anything scary on the
vehicle’s furnace. Go to B29.
road ahead that we should know about?”

The ghostly knight shakes his head very slowly, and

B29 - At a Fork in the Road
his old spectral face grows even sadder than before.
“N-No,” he whispers on the wind. “I have been stuck You gain the benefit of having taken a short
here for a long, loooong time. This is where I died, rest, and can spend hit dice to restore hit
c-cut down by my general, Zariel. With my dying points before you continue. If you have in your
breath, I forgave her for falling from her path. B-but possession an ancient greatsword, lose 1 point of
my forgiveness only seemed to anger her even more! Destiny. You gain a +1 bonus to your attack and
So Zariel cursed me so that I can never leave this damage rolls with the greatsword, but every time
place of my own free will. It is … very lonely, here.” you hold it or attack with it, you feel the pang of
unrequited love, and unresolved grief. It counts as a
“I wish there was something we could do for poor magical weapon.
Sir Albin,” Lulu says to you, with worry in her eyes.
You drive for a while longer, through winding black
“P-perhaps. Perhaps there is a way out for me. It obsidian roads that cut between bleak mountains.
would be painful, but when it is done, at least I The memories of the skeletal knight still cling to
would finally be free,” Sir Albin suggests as the you, making you feel uneasy. Allowing yourself to
undead knight kneels down next to you and the become distracted, you don’t spot a fork in the road
Infernal War Machine’s open panel. He stares with ahead until you are nearly upon it.
phantom eyes into the machine’s dead furnace.
“Y-you will need this machine to escape Avernus, Lulu slings her trunk across your chest like a seat
young one. But to fuel these machines, you must belt. “Whoa, slow down!” she squeaks out. With a
feed them souls! L-let my soul help you escape, squeal of smoking tires, the Infernal War Machine
help do one last good deed. It would be my honor.” rolls to a halt a few feet back from the intersection.
Lulu lets you go and gestures with her trunk
“No!” Lulu protests, launching herself at Sir Albin between the left, downward-sloping path, and the
to attempt to wrap him up in a tiny hug. The right pass that climbs up towards a higher plateau.
hollyphant bounces off of the old knight’s armor
and falls dazed to the rocky ground. “We’re almost through these mountains! We just
gotta pick our path out. The left path goes through
“Yes, my old friend. Go and learn of your past, who some really dark and creepy caves full of all sorts
you really are. Help this adventurer. You will need of nasty critters. It’s like a maze down there! The
a soul to feed the machine. At least, if it is my soul, right path leads up to a pass near the top of the
it was my choice,” Sir Albin says proudly, seeming mountain, it’s sort of a short cut! But for some
more steadfast than he has since you first met him. reason, those fireballs that fall outta the sky really
Lulu stares back at him, heartbroken. like to land there. If you go that way, you’re gonna
have a real need for speed, or we’ll be doomed!”
If you refuse to allow Sir Albin to sacrifice himself,
and instead throw a soul coin into the furnace, Lulu continues, talking faster and faster the more
remove the item from your sheet. The ghostly knight excited she gets. “Either path should get us to the
looks at you, grief struck by your decision, and Ashen Plain. We just gotta cross those plains and
then turns to silently shamble away, mumbling to get to the really BIG river that runs through most
himself about redemption. Go to B26. of Avernus. Just past the river is the Tower with the
portal back to your world. It’s just that easy! But
If you agree to allow Sir Albin to sacrifice himself, also, it’s really super-duper dangerous.”
he gives you his holy weapon, an ancient
greatsword, and tells you to wield it honorably
or find it another who will. Add the item to your

If you turn left and drive down into the dark and deep underground begins to get to you, and it’s
cavernous tunnels, go to B30. in a moment of anger that you smash the front of
your Infernal War Machine into an obsidian tunnel
If you turn right try to cross the exposed alley, go wall. Your head slams forward, smashing into
to B50. one of the vehicle’s two steering wheels. Take 1d6
bludgeoning damage.
B30 - Within a Maze of Tunnels When you try to move the machine in reverse, your
You roll into a series of twisting tunnels that back wheels begin to spin without gaining any
quickly descend deep into the side of the mountain. traction. You are stuck.
Only the glow of weird phosphorus plants and
insects provides light here, making it very difficult If you get out of the vehicle and try to push the
and slow to navigate. Several times you reach a dead machine free, go to B32.
end and must reverse your vehicle to find another
If you have a vial of pulsating liquid or a vial of
path forward.
demon ichor, and want to try to free yourself using
Make a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) check. the Infernal War Machine’s blaze-boosters, then
remove the vial from your character sheet and go to
If your check fails, go to B31. Otherwise, B35.
continue reading.

You proceed very carefully, being sure not to let B32 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
yourself get lost as you explore the empty obsidian You get out of the vehicle and begin to push against
caverns. At last you reach a junction that splits off its hood, hoping to roll its rear tires back over the
into two larger and less claustrophobic tunnels. The rocks they are stuck between. You put all of your
tunnel to the left glows with a hint of distant red strength into the push, heaving.
light, while a brighter, eerie green light spills out
from further down the tunnel straight ahead of you. Finally, you manage to get the vehicle free of debris.
Sweat pours off of your temple and you double
If you follow the faint red light and take the left over to catch your breath. When you look up again,
tunnel, go to B37. you see four small reptilian creatures staring at
you with wild, manic eyes. Each of them wields a
If you follow the brighter green light and continue
jagged spear in one hand and a torch in their other.
driving straight, go to B38.

Make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.

B31 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Despite your best efforts, you become more and If your check succeeds, you manage to free your
more confused with every dead end and backtrack Infernal War Machine before the kobolds could
you’re forced to take. The frustration of being lost surround you. If you would like to attack the
kobolds, you will automatically get to act first in
initiative. Go to B33.

If you want to try to escape and drive away, make a

DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid being

If your check succeeds, go to B34.

Otherwise, continue reading on the next page.

You trip over a nearly invisible wire tied between

two stalagmites, and fall crashing to the cold, stony
ground. The kobolds immediately jump to attack
you. They will get to act first in the encounter, and
you begin the encounter knocked prone. Go to

B33 - Ambushed By Kobolds! Kobold Tunnel-Dweller
Kobolds are cowardly, if sometimes surprisingly Medium humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
clever creatures. Without the advantage of numbers Armor Class 13
against their prey, they are likely to run from most Hit Points 5 (2d6-2)
encounters. Each of the four kobold tunnel-
dwellers begin the encounter 10 feet away from Speed 30 ft.
you, surrounding you from all sides. They use
their torches to keep you distracted and confused,
and once one of them hits you with a torch attack 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1)
on their turn, the rest take turns stabbing you with Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 8
their spears until the start of your next turn. If you Languages Common, Draconic
manage to defeat two of the kobolds, the other two
will run away using the dash action on their next Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
turn, escaping into the tunnels unless you stop
them. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Because you are surrounded, you cannot spend (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Destiny points to escape this encounter, though
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll
you can still spend Destiny points to survive and
against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is
heal from damage that would otherwise reduce your
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
hit points to 0.

If you survive the kobold attack, you may search Actions

their remains, but will find little of value to add to
your inventory. Each kobold has a crude spear and Crude Spear. Melee or Ranged weapon attack: +1 to hit,
a torch. If you managed to defeat at least three of reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6-1)
the four kobolds, you also find a bag of salt. piercing damage.
Torch. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
The tunnels are quiet again after the ambush. target. Hit: 1 fire damage and the target has disadvantage
on all attack rolls and ability checks until the end of their
next turn.

Wiping kobold guts off of your equipment, you hop Ahead of you in the tunnel, you see four small
back into your Infernal War Machine. “Oh dear, that reptilian creatures wielding torches in one hand
was a close one. Too close,” Lulu says, giving you a and jagged spears in the other. Kobolds!
hug with her tiny elephantine arms and long trunk
once she sees that you are okay. Make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.

A short drive later, you find your way back to If your saving throw succeeds, you are able to
a more familiar series of obsidian caverns. You avoid running over the kobolds, and quickly speed
eventually reach a junction that splits off into two past as they wave their torches at you and shriek
larger and less claustrophobic tunnels. The tunnel out in anger at your escape. Go to B36.
to the left shows signs of a distant red light, while
If your saving throw fails, it’s too late for you
a brighter, eerie green light spills out from further
to dodge with the Infernal War Machine’s blaze-
down the tunnel straight ahead of you.
boosters propelling you forward at such a reckless
If you follow the faint red light and take the left speed. The vehicle squishes all four of the kobolds,
tunnel, go to B37. crunching their bones, and bouncing forward.
Unfortunately, one of the kobold’s remains gets
If you follow the brighter green light and continue caught up in one of your vehicle’s wheel axles,
driving straight, go to B38. making it harder to steer. Mark damage to your
Infernal War Machine, and then go to B36.

B34 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place

You dodge the approaching kobolds before they can B36 - Within a Maze of Tunnels
surround you, at the last minute, jumping over a A short time after escaping the kobolds, you find
tripwire tied between two stalagmites that you had your way back to a more familiar series of obsidian
nearly missed. With no time to lose, you quickly re- caverns. You eventually reach a junction that splits
enter your vehicle and shut the door. As you drive off into two larger and less claustrophobic tunnels.
away, your Infernal War Machine rocks upwards The tunnel to the left shows signs of a distant red
with a gross squishing sound of a kobold being run light, while a brighter, eerie green light spills out
over. A moment later, a mess of reptilian innards from further down the tunnel straight ahead of you.
spray upwards, painting the driver’s side window.
If you follow the faint red light and take the left
A short time later, you find your way back to a more tunnel, go to B37.
familiar series of obsidian caverns. You eventually
reach a junction that splits off into two larger and If you follow the brighter green light and continue
less claustrophobic tunnels. The tunnel to the left driving straight, go to B38.
shows signs of a distant red light, while a brighter,
eerie green light spills out from further down the
B37 - An Exit
tunnel straight ahead of you.
The leftward tunnel is wide, but with a very low
If you follow the faint red light and take the left ceiling, and the Infernal War Machine barely
tunnel, go to B37. manages to avoid getting stuck as you drive. After a
few minutes, the tunnel begins to spiral and climb
If you follow the brighter green light and continue through the mountain side. It continues to climb
driving straight, go to B38. until you can finally see the source of the tunnel’s
distant red glow: ahead of you lies an exit out of the
B35 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place maze and back into the crimson-skied wasteland of
You pour the pulsating ichor from your vial into
the tube that Lulu showed you. At your side, a “Hold onto your seat, friend-o! Here. We. Goooo!”
big red button begins to glow with a beckoning Lulu cries out as your vehicle launches out of a
light. You grit your teeth and press the big red hole in the mountain. You and the machine fly
button; suddenly, the Infernal War Machine’s through the air, hanging for several seconds, before
blaze-boosters ignite and the vehicle explodes you land hard and roll several times. Thankfully,
backwards, freeing itself and smashing into the the vehicle is upright when it stops rolling. Dazed
opposite wall. Gripping tightly onto the handle of and looking around, you realize that you are in a
both wheels, you struggle to control the vehicle for long corridor exposed to the elements. All around
only a moment, before you rocket away from the
you, fireballs fall from the sky, exploding against in a million cat-like eyes that all seem to stare up
the mountainside and leaving smoking craters on at you. Stretching and squirming out of oozing
the ground where they strike. pustules, you see more tentacles than you can
count, each of them a messy pulp that reaches
“Uh oh!” the hollyphant says with a gasp. “We up to grasp at the Infernal War Machine as it falls
somehow ended up half-way through Fireball Alley! through the air.
You’d better floor it or we’ll never make it out of
here!” Make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.

The Infernal War Machine rocks as a fireball lands If your saving throw fails, then go to B43.
just a few feet away from it. The engine starts with
a scream and you speed off, hoping to drive across If your saving throw succeeds, you manage to
Fireball Alley before you are cooked alive inside your keep hold of the wheels and guide the vehicle as
vehicle. it lands on the other side of the chasm, narrowly
avoiding the creature’s humongous, writhing
Go to B51. tentacles. You speed away from the chasm, your
heart pounding, the image of the abomination
burned into your mind. Make a DC 16 Charisma
B38 - In a Green, Glowing Cavern saving throw. If your saving throw fails, take 1d10
You take the straight path at the turn, and find psychic damage.
yourself in a wide open cavern with strange,
disturbing images painted onto walls lit by the After you escape the chasm, it isn’t long before you
cavern’s eerie green glow. The paintings depict see red light and black sand up ahead through an
souls with twisted expressions, burning in fire, opening in the mountain. Finally, you escape the
and humanoids being sacrificed to great demonic underground maze in your vehicle, and drive out
beings. Make a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) into the ashen plains that wait beyond. Go to B64.

If your check fails, you are too late to notice that B40 - Preparing to Jump Over a Chasm
the floor gives way to a great chasm just a few yards Without much time to think, you must quickly
into this cavern! The Infernal War Machine goes decide how to jump the chasm and land on the
flying over the chasm at a high speed, and you cavern floor on the other side. If you have any liquid
aren’t sure if you’ll be able to land on the other side remaining in a vial of pulsating liquid or a vial of
safely. Go to B39. demon ichor, you may use it to ignite the Infernal
War Machine’s blaze-boosters to give you more
If your check succeeds, you notice before it’s too speed before the jump.
late that the tunnel floor disappears just ahead of
you, opening up into a great chasm that seems to If you try to make the jump with the help of the
be the source of green light in this area. vehicle’s boosters, remove the vial from your
character sheet and go to B41.
If you turn around to avoid the chasm and take the
other path, go to B37. If you try to make the jump without the help of
boosters, go to B39.
If you speed up to try to jump the chasm, go to
B41 - Flying Over a Chasm
If you stop the vehicle to investigate the chasm, go
You pour the pulsating ichor from your vial into
to B42.
the tube that Lulu showed you. At your side, a big
red button begins to glow with a beckoning light.
B39 - Flying Over a Chasm You press the big red button and the Infernal War
Machine’s blaze-boosters explode with fiery life a
As your vehicle flies over the chasm, you can see
few moments before your vehicle goes flying over the
a bizarre, gigantic monstrosity some hundred feet
edge of the chasm.
down down in the chasm, clinging to its walls. The
thing’s flesh is purple and covered in green slime As your vehicle flies over the chasm, you can see
that glows with an alien light. Its form is covered a bizarre, gigantic monstrosity some hundred feet

down down in the chasm, clinging to its walls. The B43 - In the Grasp of a Writhing
thing’s flesh is purple and covered in green slime Abomination
that glows with an alien light. Its form is covered
in a million cat-like eyes that all seem to stare up Mark damage to your Infernal War Machine.
at you. Stretching and squirming out of oozing
The many-tentacled thing in the chasm pulls your
pustules, you see more tentacles than you can
vehicle down into the chasm, causing Lulu to go
count, each of them a messy pulp that reaches
flying into the back seat with a series of ‘oomphs’!
up to grasp at the Infernal War Machine as it falls
You watch in horror as the slimy form of the
through the air.
great beast beneath you rips itself open, exposing
However, you manage to keep hold of the wheels hundreds of gigantic lipless mouths with gnashing
and guide the vehicle as it lands on the other side teeth. You feel your entire body lock up, too afraid
of the chasm, narrowly avoiding the creature’s to act, too afraid to think!
humongous, writhing tentacles. You speed away
And then you hear a sound from behind you call
from the chasm, your heart pounding, the image
out, determined and kind. “You can do this, my
of the abomination burned into your mind. Make
new special friend! You just have to believe in
a DC 16 Charisma saving throw. If your saving
yourself!” Lulu encourages you, before she trumpets
throw fails, take 1d10 psychic damage.
her elephantine trunk. A moment later, the entire
After you escape the chasm, it isn’t long before you interior of the Infernal War Machine is filled with
see red light and black sand up ahead through an sparkles and you feel some of your panic subside.
opening in the mountain. Finally, you escape the
As the vehicle is pulled deeper into the chasm,
underground maze in your vehicle, and drive out
you know that you have only a moment to act. You
into the ashen plains that wait beyond. Go to B64.
scramble through your possessions, looking for
anything useful that you can use.
B42 - At the Edge of a Chasm If you want to use a vial of pulsating liquid or
You slow down and turn your vehicle to the side, a vial of demon ichor, you can try to aim your
so that you can look out through the driver side harpoon chain gun out of the chasm. Remove the
window at the glowing chasm below. Your heart vial from your character sheet and go to B44.
nearly stops at the sight.
If you want to use a Javelin of Lightning, then go
Below, you see a bizarre, gigantic monstrosity some to B45.
hundred feet down down in the chasm, clinging to
its walls. The thing’s flesh is purple and covered in If you want to cast a spell, note which spell you are
green slime that glows with an alien light. Its form casting, and then go to B46.
is covered in a million cat-like eyes that all seem to
stare up at you. Stretching and squirming out of If you cannot do any of the above, then go to B47.
oozing pustules, you see more tentacles than you
can count, each of them a messy pulp that reaches
up to grasp at the Infernal War Machine!

You try quickly to get the machine moving to

escape the writhing tentacles, but you cannot gain
enough momentum. After a few violent seconds
of struggling, a slimy tendril wraps around your
vehicle, pulling it -- and you -- over the chasm! Go
to B43.

B44 - In the Grasp of a Writhing B45 - In the Grasp of a Writhing
Abomination Abomination
You pour liquid from your vial into a funnel and You grab the bent copper javelin that you took from
immediately a panel opens up above you and the tomb you appeared in when you first came to
hydraulics beneath your driver seat force you to rise Avernus. You open the driver’s side door of the
up out of the Infernal War Machine. You grip hold Infernal War Machine and the awful stench of the
of the harpoon gun on top of the vehicle and begin abomination below strikes you like a blow. Make
to aim it, spinning in dizzying circles as the great a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6
abomination pulls you ever close to its gnashing poison damage on a failed saving throw, and half
mouths. You can feel the power of the demon ichor as much damage on a successful one.
pulsing in the black metal of the harpoon gun, and
its large trigger is vibrating as you hold it. Holding your breath to keep yourself from retching,
you lean out from the car, javelin in hand, staring
You know that you will only have one shot at this. down at the terrible thing below. This all feels like
Make a ranged attack and add your Dexterity a really bad idea, but you remember Lulu’s words.
modifier. Knowing that at least one person in hell believes in
you, you pull your throwing arm back and unleash
If your attack roll is less than a 10, then the shot the javelin even as you bellow out the word, “Leiptr!”
goes astray and the harpoon bounces off of the
cavern wall. Go to B47. As the javelin flies down at the creature below, an
arc of blue electricity encompasses it. The rumble
If your attack succeeds, continue reading. of thunder echoes throughout the chasm and
a brilliant blast of lightning shoots downward,
You pull the trigger tightly and the harpoon
striking the many-tentacled thing. A piercing
gun launches up into the air and penetrates a
scream echoes from inside your mind, the pained
tunnel wall in the distance, beyond the chasm.
scream of the beast. You shut the door and fasten
Immediately, your chair sinks back down inside the
yourself back into the vehicle, a moment before
vehicle below and the secret panel closes above you.
the monster throws the Infernal War Machine
The enchanted black iron chain that connects powerfully out of the chasm.
the vehicle to the harpoon begins to glow with a
You tumble through the air and strike a wall on the
hellishly red light. The chain cranks and groans,
other side of the chasm with an incredible amount
struggling against the might of the beast below. At
of force. Take 1d10 psychic damage and 1d10
last, just feet above the many-tentacled thing, the
bludgeoning damage, and then mark damage to
harpoon gun proves stronger than the grasping
your Infernal War Machine.
tentacle and you go flying upwards and away from
the abomination, crashing into a tunnel wall. Take Checking over your possessions for a brief moment,
1d10 psychic damage and 1d10 bludgeoning you find that the flagon of mystery liquid given to
damage, and then mark damage to your Infernal you by Shandalar has spilled its contents all over
War Machine. the inside of your pack during the crash; remove
the item from your inventory. Right now, at least,
Checking over your possessions for a brief moment,
you have bigger things to worry about than the
you find that the flagon of mystery liquid given to
wizard Shandalar.
you by Shandalar has spilled its contents all over
the inside of your pack during the crash; remove After you and Lulu finally gather yourselves and get
the item from your inventory. Right now, at least, the Infernal War Machine moving again, you leave
you have bigger things to worry about than the the horrors of the cavern behind. It isn’t long until
wizard Shandalar. you finally escape the maze of tunnels and drive
out, battered and worse-for-wear, into the ashen
After you and Lulu finally gather yourselves and get
fields and open air beyond. Remove the Javelin
moving again, you leave the horrors of the cavern
of Lightning from your inventory, and then go to
behind. It isn’t long until you finally escape the
maze of tunnels and drive out, battered and worse-
for-wear, into the ashen fields and open air beyond.
Go to B64.

B46 - In the Grasp of a Writhing Just before you are devoured, you hear a surprising
Abomination sound: the trumpeting of Lulu’s trunk resounds
deep in the chasm. Beneath you, the abomination
If you chose to cast a spell to damage the many- sneezes, the sound something like a glacier
tentacled thing, it is so large that you are able to shattering. A moment later, you feel yourself flying
strike it with your attack without needing to make through the air as the creature launches you and
an attack roll. Roll your spell’s damage and go to the Infernal War Machine out of the chasm, sending
B48. the vehicle crashing into an unyielding wall of
stone! Take 1d10 bludgeoning damage.
Alternatively, you might have chosen to cast one
of the following spells, or a similar spell, to try It takes you several long minutes to recover from
to distract, confuse, or escape the abomination: the crash, but you are finally roused from your
Command, Entangle, Grease, Hideous Laughter, semi-conscious state by Lulu kindly nuzzling your
Sanctuary, Shield, or Shield of Faith. If you cast cheek with her trunk. “Don’t worry! It’s gonna be
one of the spells listed above, make your choice okay. I promise. But phew, that was a close one,
of either an Intelligence (Arcana) check or an wasn’t it?” she says in her sing-songy voice.
Intelligence (Religion) check, then go to B48.
Checking over your possessions for a brief moment,
If you chose to cast a different spell, go to B47. you find that the flagon of mystery liquid given to
you by Shandalar has spilled its contents all over
B47 - In the Grasp of a Writhing the inside of your pack during the crash; remove
the item from your inventory. Right now, at least,
Abomination you have bigger things to worry about than the
Spend 2 points of Destiny. If you are unable to wizard Shandalar.
spend enough Destiny points, then go to B49.
After you and Lulu finally gather yourselves and get
Otherwise, continue reading. the Infernal War Machine moving again, you leave
the horrors of the cavern behind. It isn’t long until
“Don’t worry, friend! I’ll save us!” Lulu the you finally escape the maze of tunnels and drive
hollyphant declares bravely before she kicks open out, battered and worse-for-wear, into the ashen
the passenger side door and flies out of the Infernal fields and open air beyond. Go to B64.
War Machine before you have a chance to stop her.
You scramble into the passenger seat to look out
the open door for where she went. B48 - In the Grasp of a Writhing
Down below, Lulu flies, nimbly barrel-rolling
between a dozen writhing tentacles that reach for If you cast a spell that dealt less than 12 damage,
her. She blows her trunk with a trumpeting sound, or if the result of your ability check was less
and showers a blast of rainbow-colored sparkles than 15, then you are unable to save yourself with
down into the maw of the abomination, which your magic. Go to B47.
seems to only anger it even further. You watch in
Otherwise, continue reading.
horror as it lashes out with one of its tentacles and
strikes Lulu in her floppy-eared head, knocking her Surprised by your magic, the many-tentacled thing
viciously into a cavern wall. A moment later, Lulu stops pulling you closer to its gnashing mouths.
tumbles, dazed, down into the abyss below and out Instead, it throws you and the Infernal War Machine
of sight. out of the chasm with incredible force. Unless you
can cast the Feather Fall spell, the vehicle slams
And then the many-tentacled thing pulls your
forcefully up against a tunnel wall on the other side
vehicle down deeper into the chasm. Helpless to
of the chasm; take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and
save yourself, you are close enough to the terrible
mark damage to your Infernal War Machine. In
beast now that you can see that hives of maggots
either case, the horror of what you have witnessed
and worms with humanoid arms crawl in and out
takes a deep toll on your sentient mind; take 1d10
of the cavities in its million teeth. The stench and
psychic damage,
sight is so terrible that you hold your breath and
shut your eyes tightly, but you can still see the Checking over your possessions for a brief moment,
maddening insects. Take 2d10 psychic damage. you find that the flagon of mystery liquid given to
you by Shandalar has spilled its contents all over

the inside of your pack during the crash; remove B50 - Approaching Fireball Alley
the item from your inventory. Right now, at least,
You drive right at the fork and climb up into a
you have bigger things to worry about than the
long, wide corridor peaked at both sides by steep
wizard Shandalar.
mountain walls.
After you and Lulu finally gather yourselves and get
“Alright, friendo! This is Fireball Alley. For some
the Infernal War Machine moving again, you leave
reason, a lot of those streaks of fire that shoot
the horrors of the cavern behind. It isn’t long until
across the sky in Avernus land in this corridor,
you finally escape the maze of tunnels and drive
so be careful!” Lulu warns you, and you can
out, battered and worse-for-wear, into the ashen
immediately see that she is telling the truth. Ahead
fields and open air beyond. Go to B64.
of you, the scorched road is full of smoking craters,
and it’s only a few seconds after starting down the
B49 - Food for the Many-Tentacled Thing alley that you see two balls of fire explode against
the mountainside ahead of you.
You are exhausted, and so are your options. The
green glow emanating from the slime-covered many- You grit your teeth and speed up, determined to
tentacled-thing suddenly snuffs out, and you are escape Fireball Alley without being cooked alive in
cast into complete magical darkness. You begin to your Infernal War Machine. Go to B51.
hear a hungry howl from just outside of the Infernal
War Machine. Soon after, another howl pierces
the air, and then another, until a chorus of mad B51 - Driving Across Fireball Alley
howling drowns out everything else. You feel the “Look out!” Lulu cries, then trumpets her
metal body of your vehicle rip open like a sardine elephantine trunk. You look up through your front
can, followed by the sensation of burning tentacles window and see a blazing streak crashing through
invading you from every imaginable angle. the sky directly towards you.
Finally, when the pain becomes so great that your With only a few moments to think, you realize that
mind can no longer register it, the many mouths of you will need to swerve around a crater to your left,
the abomination stop howling. In the dark, alone, without crashing, to avoid the fireball. Make a DC
your last moments before you are devoured are 12 Dexterity saving throw.
filled with the sounds of your own insane laughter.
If your saving throw fails, the fireball explodes
You are dead. next to your vehicle, melting metal and blasting
you with an intense heat; take 2d6 fire damage,
and if you take 10 or more fire damage, also mark
damage to your Infernal War Machine. Otherwise,
you are able to barely dodge the fireball and
continue speeding down Fireball Alley.

Suddenly, through the sound of your engine

screaming, you hear a high-pitched, scratchy,
hungry, feminine cackle. A magically projected voice
echoes through Fireball Alley, shrill and terrible.

You look through your rear window for a moment,

and you see multiple vehicles speeding up in
pursuit of yours. Several two-wheeled war machines
with large, spiked wheels are being driven by old,
tiny figures that look like gnomes wearing bright
red rags and pointed caps. The fey creatures have
hunched backs, wiry muscles, leathery skin and
wicked grins that show off their sharp teeth.

The little monsters’ two-wheeled vehicles flank a

much larger war machine, larger than even yours,
sporting several towering structures that appear
to be arcane turrets manned by more of those fey

creatures. The giant machine’s tail sports a long If you want to try to ram your vehicle into the
beam thrust upwards into the air, attached to a redcap on your right, make your choice of either
thick chain and a wrecking ball that swings wildly a Dexterity (Sleight-of-Hand) check or an
behind the vehicle as it speeds through Fireball Intelligence (Arcana) check, note the result, and
Alley. then go to B54.

“Uhoh,” Lulu whispers, sounding a little scared. If you want to use a Javelin of Lightning, you will
“That’s Mad Maggie and her gang of redcaps, one have to open the driver’s side door and throw it at
of the meanest, most nefarious warlords in all of redcap to your vehicle’s left. Go to B55.
Avernus!” Your hollyphant friend points with her
trunk to a figure standing atop the hood of the
massive war machine behind you, and you realize B53 - Driving Across Fireball Alley
that the figure must be Mad Maggie. She is a blue- You manage to ram into the redcap holding the
skinned hag with a pair of small wings and long, handheld device. The cycle-machine flips with the
taloned fingers. She wears a pair of metal goggles impact, sending the fey creature flying over its
on her forehead and a sandy leather dress that handlebars and exploding head first into the side of
appears to be hand-sewn, decorated by teeth of the mountain with deadly impact.
various sizes and skulls belonging to strange races
that you do not recognize. If the result of your ability check was 13 or
higher, you manage to keep control of your vehicle
“Get that war machine, my pretty little children!” after the impact. The redcap rider to your right
Mad Maggie points a shriveled finger towards your fires a bolt of fire at the wheel of your Infernal War
vehicle and cries out in a shrill and terrible voice Machine, but misses. A moment later, not looking
that seems to project itself magically across the where it is going, the second redcap drives directly
mountain corridor. “Make them boom! Pop! Bang! into the path of a falling fireball. You look through
Whoever brings Mama Maggie the prettiest piece of your rear window to see that nothing remains of the
scrap will get twice as much dessert tonight!” creature, but yet another smoking hole in the road.

Two of the bicycle-like war machines break If the result of your ability check was less
away from the others and begin to gain on you, than 13, you lose control of your vehicle for a few
attempting to flank you from both sides. Go to B52. dangerous seconds after the impact. The redcap
rider to your right fires a bolt of fire at the wheel of
your Infernal War Machine, striking true. You can
B52 - Driving Across Fireball Alley hear the painful screeching of your broken tire, as
A fireball explodes against the mountainside to what’s left of it fails to get traction on the road. A
your right, sending a shower of sparks and stones moment later, the wand-wielding redcap is caught
into your path. You maneuver deftly around the unaware by a ball of fire falling from the sky; both
rubble, but before you can recover entirely, you find the redcap and its vehicle are instantly incinerated.
yourself flanked by the two cycle-machines being Note the following trait on your character sheet:
ridden by a pair of evil-looking redcaps. The redcap Driving on a Flat Tire.
to the left of your vehicle pulls out a small, round
handheld device and pushes a button on it that Several other cycle-machines and their riders break
causes sparks to begin to dance across its surface. off from Mad Maggie’s squad, racing to catch up
Meanwhile, the redcap to the right of your vehicle with you. Go to B56.
nearest to Lulu and the passenger side door laughs
madly, then withdraws a wand from within its
B54 - Driving Across Fireball Alley
rags and aims it down at one of your Infernal War
Machine’s front wheels. You manage to ram into the redcap holding the
wand. The cycle-machine flips with the impact,
If you want to try to ram your vehicle into the sending the fey creature flying over its handlebars
redcap on your left, make your choice of either and exploding head first into the side of the
a Dexterity (Sleight-of-Hand) check or an mountain with deadly impact.
Intelligence (Arcana) check, note the result, and
then go to B53. If the result of your ability check was 13
or higher, you manage to keep control of your
vehicle after the impact. The redcap rider to your
left throws his glowing handheld device at your

Infernal War Machine, but it misses its mark If your saving throw fails, you crash your machine
and detonates with a shower of harmless sparks into a smoking crater; take 2d6 bludgeoning
behind your vehicle. A moment later, not looking damage, and if you take 10 or more bludgeoning
where it is going, the second redcap drives directly damage, also mark damage to your Infernal War
into a smoking crater, crashing into a hole in the Machine.
mountain. You look through your rear window
to see the wounded fey creature crawl up out of It takes you some time to get control of your vehicle
the crater without its vehicle, before collapsing and continue your deadly ride through Fireball
exhaustedly on the road. Alley. By the time you pick up speed again, several
other cycle-machines and their riders break off
If the result of your ability check was less from Mad Maggie’s squad, racing to catch up with
than 13, you lose control of your vehicle for a few you.
dangerous seconds after the impact. The redcap
rider to your right throws its handheld device Remove the Javelin of Lightning from your
at your Infernal War Machine, and it detonates inventory, and then go to B56.
with a shower of sparks that send painful jolts
of electricity through yours and Lulu’s bodies.
B56 - Driving Across Fireball Alley
Take 2d6 lightning damage, and if you take 10
or more lightning damage, also mark damage to You race to avoid four approaching redcaps riding
your Infernal War Machine. Cackling gleefully, cycle-machines, and see a glimmer of hope ahead
the redcap rider to your left doesn’t notice a large of you. The corridor forks left and right here, and
crater in its path. As you struggle to get control of before you can ponder which direction to take, Lulu
your machine once again, the redcap crashes its pipes up cheerfully.
machine into the crater, and you can still hear the
fey creature’s pained yelps as you drive away. “Turn right! There’s a maze of corridors that way
that I think we can lose them in.”
Several other cycle-machines and their riders break
off from Mad Maggie’s squad, racing to catch up Without a better option, you prepare to take a
with you. Go to B56. hard right turn just before you reach the fork in
the road, even as the redcaps continue to gain on
you. Above you, you notice three massive fireballs
B55 - Driving Across Fireball Alley falling from the sky, streaking towards the road
ahead. If you can get to the fork before the fireballs
You kick your driver’s side door open, utter a
crash into the road, you might be able to draw the
magical command word, and your copper spear
redcaps into a trap and escape before the smoke
transforms into a Javelin of Lightning in your
hand. You throw the bolt of lighting out the door,
and can see the redcap’s eyes go wide with fear. If you try to dodge the falling fireballs and maintain
course, go to B57.
“Uhoh, Mama Maggie-o,” the fey creature whispers,
a moment before your bolt strikes it right in the If you have a vial of pulsating liquid or a vial of
chest. The resulting electricity from the lightning demon ichor, and want to use your blaze-boosters
strike detonates the small device in the redcap’s to try to reach the fork before the fireballs crash
hands. The resulting electricity from the lightning into the road, remove the vial from your inventory
strike detonates the small device in the redcap’s and go to B58.
hands, which shoots explosive energy in all
directions. If you have a vial of pulsating liquid or a vial
of demon ichor, and want to slow down to avoid
An arc of lightning curves over-top of your Infernal the fireballs and use your infernal screamer to
War Machine and strikes the vehicle being ridden deal with the redcaps, remove the vial from your
by the wand-wielding redcap to your right. The inventory and go to B59.
redcap and its machine spin out of control,
smashing into the side of the mountain with a
grand explosion.

Another lightning arc passes directly through your

vehicle, and you feel its wheels lock up. Make a DC
10 Dexterity saving throw.

B57 - Driving Across Fireball Alley B59 - Driving Across Fireball Alley
You attempt to deftly maneuver your Infernal War You slow your vehicle to avoid driving into the
Machine between the path of two falling fireballs, trajectory of the falling fireballs, and the redcaps
then turn hard to the right at the fork in the road. quickly catch up with you. As they pull out flails
Make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. You have of bone and chain, grinning victoriously, you pour
disadvantage on your saving throw if you have the pulsating ichor from your vial into the tube
marked on your character sheet the Driving on a that Lulu showed you. You then grab hold of a
Flat Tire trait. crank that hangs from your Infernal War Machine’s
ceiling, while Lulu wraps her trunk around both of
If your saving throw fails, one of the fireballs the wheels to take a turn driving.
strikes just behind your vehicle, shattering your
windows with the force of its crash, and filling You begin to crank that wheel with all of your might
your lungs with hot, burning smoke. Take 2d6 fire as the redcaps batter the side of your vehicle with
damage, and if you take 10 or more fire damage, their crude weapons. After the second full rotation,
also mark damage to your Infernal War Machine. the infernal screamer, a wax head mounted on the
Additionally, the force from the fireball causes your hood of your machine, begins to come to eerie life.
flagon of mystery liquid from Shandalar to fall It slowly twists its neck in complete circles, while its
from your belongings, bounce against the vehicle’s jaw drops monstrously low. Suddenly, the wax head
dashboard, and fly out through the window. begins to scream in anguish, and the sound of that
Remove the item from your inventory. scream drowns out the cackling redcaps, the roar of
your engine, and everything else in Fireball Alley.
The smoke from the fallen balls of flame fills the
fork in the road, and as you begin to speed down The redcaps all involuntarily reach for their ears,
the right-hand passage, you glance through your and as they do so, each of them loses control
back window and cannot see any signs of the of their cycle-machines. On all sides of you, the
redcaps. Lulu uses her trunk to guide you through redcaps crash spectacularly into each other and
a maze of twisting corridors, pointing whenever into the mountain, even as you try to crank the
there is a sharp turn in the road. wheel above you to deactivate the wax head and
escape its tormented screams. Make a DC 12
You just might make it out of Fireball Alley alive. Go Strength (Athletics) check.
to B60.
If your check fails, you cannot deactivate the
wax head before its screaming gives you a splitting
B58 - Driving Across Fireball Alley migraine; take 2d6 psychic damage.
You pour the pulsating ichor from your vial into
the tube that Lulu showed you. At your side, a big Finally safe, you speed through the smoke cloud
red button begins to glow with a beckoning light. left by the crashed fireballs and turn hard to the
You grit your teeth and press the big red button; right, glad to lose your pursuers at last.
suddenly, the Infernal War Machine’s blaze-
“Well, that was scary!” Lulu says, before she
boosters ignite and the vehicle explodes forwards,
begins to guide you through a twisting maze of
easily clearing the three balls of hellfire hurtling
mountainous corridors, using her trunk to point
through the air and towards the road. You turn
you in the right direction at every turn.
hard and to the right, a moment before you feel the
vibrations of the fireballs striking the road behind You just might make it out of Fireball Alley alive. Go
you. to B60.
As you begin to speed down the right-hand passage,
you glance through your back window and can B60 - Nearing the End of Fireball Alley
see quite a lot of black smoke, but no signs of the
If you have an Amulet of Proof against Detection
pursuing redcaps. Lulu uses her trunk to guide
and Location, then you are able to successfully
you through a maze of twisting corridors, pointing
escape Fireball Alley without further incident. Go
whenever there is a sharp turn in the road.
to B64.
You just might make it out of Fireball Alley alive. Go
Otherwise, continue reading on the next page.
to B60.

You reach one final long and wide corridor of
Fireball Alley. Beyond, you see what Lulu described
to you as the Ashen Plains, a vast wasteland full of
demons and devils, where life is cheap and eternal
wars are waged. To you, from here, it just looks like
a crimson desert. It almost looks inviting.

You are distracted, pondering what adventures

and horrors will await you next, and almost do not
notice the large shadow dropping from a high ridge
to your left. With a resounding crash, Mad Maggie’s
giant Infernal War Machine slams into the road
beside you. You see the old hag’s wrinkled blue face
peer at you. She licks her lips, twists the corners of
her mouth up into a smile as wide as her head, and
claps her hands.

“Oh-ho-ho-ho! Tricky ones, these are. What a

shame! I was so looking forward to having eye-
scream for dessert,” Mad Maggie cackles, and then
claps her hands again. “My babies, my madcaps, do
your worst! No survivors!”

At the hag’s orders, four fey creatures leap off of

one of Maggie’s machine’s towers and onto the roof
of your vehicle. One of them crawls down to your
front window, and you get a good look at its face:
unlike the other redcaps, these terrible little foes
are covered in grotesque slime that seems to have
mutated their face and caused most of their hair to
fall out.

“Madcaps!” Lulu warns you. “They are really bad

news. They can explode, sometimes for no reason at
all! If you want me to, I can drive and you can climb
up and try to knock them off before they blow up.”

If you climb up to the roof of the Infernal War

Machine to confront the madcaps, go to B61.

If you want to use an elemental gem (water) to

summon an ally to deal with the madcaps instead,
go to B62.

B61 - Nearing the End of Fireball Alley Madcap Marauder
Against your better judgment, you push open the Small fey, chaotic evil
driver’s side door. For a moment, your vehicle Armor Class 11
swerves out of control and you nearly tumble out Hit Points 7 (2d6)
into the middle of the road. Lulu takes control of
the wheels however, and with a strong heft, you Speed 30 ft.
pull yourself up onto the hood of the Infernal War
Machine. You can feel the wind rushing past you,
causing your garments to bluster. Carefully, you 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0)
stand up, keeping your center of gravity low and Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 8
hoping you don’t fall off. Damage Resistances poison
Four madcaps, with crazy eyes and slime dripping Damage Immunities fire
from their mouths, clamber up towards you, Languages Common, Sylvan
wielding oversized scythes. Each madcap begins
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
the encounter 5 feet away from you, on top of
the 15 foot long and 10 foot wide roof of the
Infernal War Machine. Madcaps have no sense Self-Combustion. When the madcap’s current hit points are
of self-preservation and will fight to the death, or less than their maximum, at the end of its turn it explodes
until they spontaneously combust. Because of how in a small ball of hellfire and dies. Any creatures within
unsteady it is to fight on top of a moving vehicle, all 10 feet of the explosion must make a successful DC 12
characters have disadvantage on attack rolls for Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) fire damage.
the duration of the encounter.

Whenever a madcap takes damage, but is not Actions

defeated, it will use its next turn to climb down Scythe. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
beneath the wheels of the Infernal War Machine; target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) slashing damage.
you may use your reaction to make an opportunity
attack before they get away. Madcaps that have
retreated beneath the vehicle are out of your line-
of-sight and wait there, laughing maniacally, until
they explode. If your Infernal War Machine takes
10 or more fire damage from exploding madcaps
during this encounter, mark damage to your
Infernal War Machine.

Because you are surrounded, you cannot spend

Destiny points to escape this encounter, though
you can spend Destiny points to survive and heal
from damage that would otherwise kill you, as

If you survive your encounter with the madcap

marauders, you climb back into the passenger
side of the vehicle, as Mad Maggie curses you in an
infernal tongue. Go to B63.

B62 - Nearing the End of Fireball Alley barely avoiding a tumbling boulder, and speed
away. You only look back at the wreckage once.
You pull out the small gem you took from the
There, Mad Maggie claws out of the rubble and
tomb, when you first arrived in Avernus, and hold
stands up weakly.
it in your hand. You whisper a word of power and
squeeze the gem, and it shatters in your palm. You can just make out Mad Maggie shaking an
From its shards, a swirling creature the size of a angry fist in your direction, before you escape out
human and made up entirely of crystal clear water into the Ashen Plain, leaving the hag and scorched
springs forth. You barely manage to kick open the roads of Fireball Alley behind you. Go to B64.
driver’s side door, choking on some of the water to
ask the creature to protect your vehicle from the fey
creatures atop of it. B64 - Driving Through the Ashen Plains
With the sound of a crashing wave, the water After a short drive through the desert, you reach
elemental stretches up through the open door the Ashen Plains. Everywhere that your eyes
and disappears onto your roof. You can hear the can see, a vast blackened wasteland stretches
chittering and insane laughter of the madcaps out towards the horizon. Noticing that you seem
above you for but a few seconds, before you witness exhausted from your adventures, Lulu offers to
a waterfall crashing down on all sides of the drive for a while.
Infernal War Machine. Make a DC 13 Dexterity “You need to rest, friend! Don’t worry. I’m very good
saving throw. You have disadvantage on your at driving,” she tells you with a hollyphant’s bright
saving throw if you have marked on your character confidence. The tiny creature blows her trunk,
sheet the Driving on a Flat Tire trait. spraying you in the face with colorful sparkles.
If your saving throw fails, your vehicle crashes Moments later, exhausted, you drift to sleep.
viciously into the side of Mad Maggie’s much During your ride through the Ashen Plains, you
larger Infernal War Machine, and you take 2d6 sleep peacefully, dreaming of home and the people
bludgeoning damage; if you take 10 or more you care about. You only awaken for brief moments,
bludgeoning damage, also mark damage to your and when you do, you look momentarily through
Infernal War Machine. the passenger window of the Infernal War Machine.
After the impact, you crane your neck to look There you glimpse vignettes of what life must be
back through your rear window. You see the like in Avernus; you see bloody battles of gigantic
four madcaps in the middle of the road behind demons fighting legions of devils, ragged wanderers
you, being drowned by the water elemental. A with dead eyes and hopeless expressions, and pools
moment later, Mad Maggie’s Infernal War Machine of writhing maggots with humanoid faces damned
unceremoniously runs the madcaps and elementals to a loathsome eternity. Each time you open your
over. Several of the madcaps explode, but it does eyes, you close them quickly to shut out the horrors
not seem to slow the hag’s vehicle down at all. of hell, and then you drift back to sleep with the
help of Lulu’s magic.
Remove the elemental gem (water) from your
inventory, and then go to B63. At last, after many hours, you awaken and realize
that your vehicle has stopped. Looking out through
the front window, you see a wide, dark river banked
B63 - Nearing the End of Fireball Alley by a shore of black rocks. Lulu is sitting atop a
dead tree stump, her back to you, looking out over
“No one escapes Mad Maggie and her Marauders!”
the river and an ancient bridge that seems to cross
the hag cries out from atop the hood of her
it. Beyond the bridge, you can see a small two-story
massive Infernal War Machine, as it pulls up right
tower. A purple light shines from a window of the
beside your vehicle once again. She pulls a lever,
tower’s second story, pulsing every few seconds.
and the wrecking ball on the back of the vehicle
begins to spin around in dangerous circles. You Advance your character to level 3, gain the
ready yourself for the worst … and then, a miracle benefits of having taken a long rest, and then go
happens. to B65.
The spinning wrecking ball crashes into the side of
a jutting cliff, and in moments, a massive rockslide
falls from the side of the mountain and buries Mad
Maggie and her machine. You swerve to the right,

B65 - At the Bank of the River Styx The hollyphant curls up her trunk after sniffing
you, but there is a twinkle in her eyes that tells you
You leave the Infernal War Machine, and
she is only playfully teasing.
go to sit next to Lulu. The hollyphant looks
uncharacteristically sad while she looks out across If you bathe in the river before heading to the tower,
the river to the tower, and her big ears droop down go to B67.
to her shoulders.
If you decide not to bathe before returning home, go
If you have marked on your character sheet the to B68.
Hollyphant Whisperer trait, then go to B66.

Otherwise, continue reading. B66 - At the Bank of the River Styx

“I- I’ve really enjoyed our adventure together. It’s “I don’t want you to go,” Lulu begins to weep, her
been so much fun,” Lulu admits to you, ruefully. voice quivering as tears stream down her trunk.
“I think I used to be something of an adventurer, “You’re the first real friend I’ve had since I can
once, a long, loooong time ago. I don’t remember remember.”
that life very much anymore. Just stinky Avernus,
and all of the evil things that happen here.” After crying quietly for a few moments, the
hollyphant reminds herself aloud, “But it’s the right
You follow Lulu’s gaze across the bridge to the thing to do. Avernus is no place for a mortal. You
tower. The purple light inside pulses steadily, have to go home, have to live your life, and be a
almost like a heartbeat. happy, brave adventurer. I- I’m just going to miss
Lulu looks up at you and continues talking,
sounding suddenly cheerful and more herself again. And then Lulu throws herself at you, hugging you
“But you know what? Avernus needs hollyphants with her tiny arms, her strong trunk, and her four
and heroes and good people to make it better here! flapping wings. The embrace lasts for a long time,
Sometimes I get sad, and sometimes I forget things, before she finally breaks away and lifts up into
but maybe I’m supposed to be here. But not you, the air. “All of that crying made me thirsty!,” Lulu
friend! It’s time for you to go home. There’s a portal squeaks out as she wipes a tear from one of her
in that tower there that will take you back. But eyes. “I’m gonna go get a drink, and then I’ll take
before you go, you may want to freshen up a bit. you the rest of the way.”
You’re a little ripe!”
If you have marked on your character sheet the
Oathbound trait, and want to warn Lulu not to
drink the river water, go to B69.

If you have marked on your character sheet the

Oathbound trait, but decide not to warn Lulu
about the river water, then go to B70.

Otherwise, go to B71.

B67 - At the Bank of the River Styx

You agree that you could use to wash up before
returning home. It’s been a very long day, after all.
While you prepare to bathe, Lulu quietly slurps up
the dark water from the river through her trunk.
She is oddly quiet as she does so, perhaps lost in

Finally, you wade into the calm, relaxing water.

As you feel the rippling river wash over you, you
feel your worries fade away. That sensation fades,
however, and you begin to feel anxious: you find
yourself forgetting things.

How did you come to be here? Where are you? ghost said of her lost memories since coming to
And what exactly is this strange winged elephant Avernus. She almost seems to not believe you, until
creature that is watching you? you mention the name of the Archdevil Zariel. You
can see the hollyphant’s eyes flickering side-to-
You drag yourself up out of the river, your head side rapidly, as though her old and forgotten life is
spinning with unanswered questions as you try to flashing before her eyes.
get a hold of yourself. You can feel your memories
slipping from your grasp, and you realize with After a few moments of stunned silence, Lulu
growing horror that it must have been something whispers, “Zariel. She was so good, once. But when
in the water. You find your amnesia coming and we came here to Avernus, to fight the demons and
going, and concentrating on your surroundings has the devils … something changed. Oh, how I wish I
become much more difficult. could remember. I remember some things, though.
I remember how I used to sing to Zariel when she
“That way. I think,” Lulu flitters up next to you, was angry, and it would calm her down. And when
hovering awkwardly in the air. The hollyphant’s I was sad, she would play her harp, and hold me.
voice is distant and tired. You follow her pointing She- she was my very best friend.”
trunk to the tower across the bridge. From its
second story, a purple light pulses with the rhythm Lulu looks so sad that you cannot help but
of a heartbeat. embrace her. She squeezes you back with her trunk
and says, cheerfully “It’s okay! I believe what Sir
Slowly, moving like zombies, the two of you make Albin said. It’s never too late for redemption. I’m not
your way together towards the tower. gonna give up on Zariel. And maybe you could help!
Can I see that ball that I made for you?”
Lose 1 point of Destiny, then note the following
traits on your character sheet: Lulu Drank and You offer the hollyphant the ball of sparkles,
Bathed in the River Styx. Then, go to B73. and as you hold it out for her, you can feel an
overwhelming sense of love and goodness in your
heart. Lulu takes the sphere with her trunk and
B68 - At the Bank of the River Styx
begins to sing.
“Suit yourself!,” Lulu responds when you tell her
that you don’t need to bathe. “Just remember that You listen to the song’s tale of two dear friends, a
good hygiene is one of the brave adventurer’s best faerie and a halfling from different worlds, who are
weapons! Anyhow, wait for me at the bridge. I need only able to speak to each other through the veil
to hydrate. All of that excitement has made me of the feywild one night each year when the green
thiiiirsty!” star L’un-zi shines brightest in the night sky. The
song is sad and hopeful, just like Lulu, and you
You leave the shore and head up to the bridge find yourself entranced by the hollyphant’s magical
to wait for Lulu. The minutes pass, and you are voice. Go to B72.
beginning to get worried about the little hollyphant,
before she finally flies up over a hill on the shore
to meet you. As she approaches, her wings flap B70 - At the Bank of the River Styx
lethargically and there is a confused look in her Note the following trait on your character sheet:
eyes. She almost bumps into you, before she Mean to Hollyphants.
changes directions and begins to fly slowly over the
bridge and towards the tower beyond. You can see You leave Lulu to drink from the dark waters of
that purple light, pulsing from the second story of the river, and head up to the bridge to wait for her.
the tower. After ten minutes, she finally flies up over a hill
on the shore to meet you. As she approaches, her
“This way. It’s this way, I think,” Lulu drones in an wings flap lethargically and there is a confused look
uncharacteristically monotone voice. You quickly in her eyes. She almost bumps into you, before she
follow to catch up. Note the following trait on your changes directions and begins to fly slowly over the
character sheet: Lulu Drank. Then go to B73. bridge and towards the tower beyond. You can see
that purple light, pulsing from the second story of
the tower.
B69 - At the Bank of the River Styx
You stop Lulu, and tell her of the warning Sir Albin
gave you about drinking from the River Styx. She
looks surprised as you explain to her what the old

“This way. It’s this way, I think,” Lulu drones in an Lulu flies off towards the bridge, humming her
uncharacteristically monotone voice. You quickly song through her trunk and whistling happily. You
follow to catch up. Note the following trait on your scramble to keep up. Note the following trait on
character sheet: Lulu Drank. Then go to B73. your character sheet: Lulu’s BFF, and then go to

B71 - At the Bank of the River Styx

You leave Lulu to drink from the dark waters of the B73 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
river, and head up to the bridge to wait for her. The You cross the bridge over the dark river and
minutes pass, and you are beginning to get worried approach the old tower on the other side. As purple
about the little hollyphant, before she finally flies light from its second story window beckons you,
up over a hill on the shore to meet you. As she you can see streaks of fire falling from the crimson
approaches, her wings flap lethargically and there sky in the distance. Eager to escape Avernus once
is a confused look in her eyes. She almost bumps and for all, you do not hesitate once you reach the
into you, before she changes directions and begins tower’s crumbling granite walls. With Lulu flying
to fly slowly over the bridge and towards the tower beside you, you push hard on the ruin’s thick,
beyond. You can see that purple light, pulsing from wooden door. It creaks open with an ancient groan,
the second story of the tower. and you step inside.

“This way. It’s this way, I think,” Lulu drones in an You expected the first floor of the tower to be a
uncharacteristically monotone voice. You quickly small, circular space, but instead you find yourself
follow to catch up. Go to B73. in a long hallway bathed in eerie, blue and purple
light. At the far end of the hall is a set of stairs.
You advance quickly on the stairs, but after several
B72 - At the Bank of the River Styx steps into the corridor, your breath begins to fog
When Lulu finishes singing, the hollyphant the air and your skin begins to crawl. Your chilled
stretches out her trunk and puts the ball of multi- breath expands and grows into a large cloud before
colored sparkles back into your hands. When you, and out of it materializes a beautiful, severe-
you take it, you can hear the song all over again, looking woman with short, fiery hair. She wears
as though it were being sung inside your mind. black leather and a horned crown.
Carefully, you put the sphere away.

Replace a ball of multi-colored sparkles with the

following item in your inventory: Lulu’s Song. So
long as the singing sphere is in your possession,
you can recall Lulu’s song, and have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

“If you ever meet Zariel, will you give her this and
tell her that it’s from Lulu?” Lulu asks. When you
agree, she squeals with joy and flies in excited
circles around your head.

“Thank you! No, really. For everything! Now I know

what my purpose is here in Avernus. I’m going to
save Zariel! And then … maybe, just maaaybe … the
whole wide world!” Lulu trumpets, batting her eyes
hopefully. When she finally calms down, she sucks
in a deep breath through her trunk and adds,
“Okay then, my new Bestest-Friend-Forever! Let’s
get you home, where you belong.”

The woman holds up her hands, just inches from you deny her deal, she will try to destroy you. I- I
you, and fire dances off of her finger tips. She won’t be able to help. OOH! Please, be careful.”
smiles at you and says, in a honeyed-tongue, “Poor
creature. Stuck here, in this hell, against your will. Lulu hugs you around your neck, and then the
My, my, my. What a terrible fate for one with so hollyphant flitters back behind you to watch you
much potential.” deal with the devil. Go to B76.

This close to her, you can smell the sulfur on the

woman’s breath. B76 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
T’an-mo settles her hands on her hips and smiles
“Of course, you are not the first mortal to want to at you. For a moment, you can see a hellish blaze
return to their own plane of existence through my swirl in her irises. “My offer is simple, mortal. You
tower. Things are not so easy, are they? In Avernus, will die here, in Avernus, or suffer a worse fate yet. I
everything has a price. Would you care to hear will let you pass through the portal in my tower and
mine?” return safely to your world. In exchange, I ask only
for your soul when you die. You may live your life
If you have marked on your character sheet the
happily, and in death, you will serve me … in any
Lulu Drank trait, then go to B74.
way that I see fit. Certainly that does not sound so
Otherwise, go to B75. bad, mmh?”

With a snap of her wrist, a piece of parchment

B74 - Inside the Crumbling Tower appears in her hand, and on it is a fully written
contract. Strangely enough, you seem to be able to
“What beautiful hair you have, lady,” Lulu tells
read the contract.
the strange woman standing in your way, as she
flitters in the air behind you. You glance over your
shoulder and notice that Lulu’s tiny eyes are glazed
over. I, ______, agree to sell my soul for all eternity to
T’an-mo. In doing so, I will serve T’an-mo upon
“Why, thank you, dear hollyphant. I am no lady, collection of my soul, in whatever manner she sees
of course. I am T’an-mo, a simple devil making her fit. I agree to be unable to act against T’an-mo,
way in Avernus. Yet do not judge me for how I was disobey her orders, or otherwise scheme to nullify
born: I find most of my kin repulsive and cruel. this contract’s binding magics.
But come, let us speak to matters more important,”
the she-devil speaks gently, her voice sweet and I, T’an-mo, agree to allow this mortal to pass through
sympathetic. Go to B76. my Tower and its portal, and do what else is in my
power to help them return safely to their own plane
of existence. I agree to be unable to take any action
B75 - Inside the Crumbling Tower to hasten this mortal’s death, or otherwise interfere
“Be careful, friend!” Lulu blurts out, waving her with their right to live a normal life.
trunk aggressively at the woman standing in front
of you. “That is T’an-mo, the devil that guards the
tower. It’s said that when T’an-mo barters, you
You read and re-read the contract carefully,
must never accept her first offer!”
considering the heavy offer. Glancing down to your
T’an-mo’s eyes narrow wickedly at the hollyphant hand, you realize that somehow you have come to
and she sucks in air through her teeth, making a be holding a quill. Droplets of your blood trickle out
sort of backwards hissing sound. of a small gash on the palm of your hand, and that
same blood drips from the tip of the quill.
“I am a fair devil. The fairest in Avernus, wouldn’t
you agree?” the beautiful devil says sweetly,
touching the side of your face with a gentle finger.
Her touch is almost painfully cold. “But so be it. Let
us get to the bargaining.”

Lulu hovers closer to you and whispers into your

ear, “Hollyphants have no power over T’an-mo. If

If you sign the contract, then note on your
character sheet the following trait: Sold Your Soul,
and then go to B77.

If you demand a better deal, go to B78.

If you attack T’an-mo, go to B79.

B77 - Inside the Crumbling Tower

When you sign the contract in your own blood,
its infernal script catches aflame. T’an-mo smiles
coyly at you and rolls the parchment back up. “The
portal is just up the stairs” she tells you, easily.
The devil then leans in to give you a kiss on your
forehead, her lips so cold that it sears your flesh.
Take 1d10 necrotic damage.

“Good doing business with you, my dear, sweet,

delicious mortal,” the devil whispers into your ear.
And then she, and the contract you signed, are
simply gone.

Your heart pounds in your chest with the weight of

what you have just done. You know that your life
will never be the same, but feel hopeful that you
will at least escape Avernus. You turn to Lulu, who
says nothing, only offering a small, disapproving
shake of her elephantine head.

Together, silently, the two of you walk to the end of

the ruined corridor and climb the crumbling stairs
to the top of the tower.

Lose 1 point of Destiny, and then go to B87.

B78 - Inside the Crumbling Tower

Unwilling to sell your soul for all of eternity, you
demand that T’an-mo offer you a better deal. She
hisses at you and clacks her tongue to the roof of
her mouth three times. She looks you up and down,
very slowly, as though she were eyeing a piece of
meat at the marketplace.

And then, at last, she asks you a simple question.

“In Avernus, we barter with souls. If you will not
sell me yours, then your counter-offer must be very
charitable, indeed. Tell me, what souls will you offer

You ponder the question carefully, knowing that

at any moment, the devil could grow tired of this
matter and turn on you. Go to B80.

B79 - Inside the Crumbling Tower T’an Mo
You decide that you’ve heard enough from T’an-mo, Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
and spring into action. Lulu flies away from the Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor)
fight, chirping, “I’m sorry! I can’t help against some
Hit Points 60 (11d8+11)
devils, like T’an-mo! J-just, be careful and don’t
hold anything back!” Speed 30 ft.

As you move to attack, T’an-mo summons hellfire STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that dances over her palm and across her finger 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
tips. She grins wickedly at you, and you watch
Saving Throws Con +3, Cha +6
as her beautiful face rots away into something
resembling a horned skeleton with a devilish Skills Arcana +5, Deception +6, Insight +6, Perception +4,
Persuasion +6
purple light that escapes her empty eye-sockets
and open, fanged mouth. She speaks with a voice Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and
like a rumbling volcano, and her breath stinks of slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
brimstone. Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 14
“So, you want to be a hero? Fool! There are no
heroes in Avernus,” she hisses a moment before Languages Common, Infernal
battle is met. If you have marked on your character Challenge 3 (700 XP)
sheet the Fear of Bony Things trait, then your
courage falters and you must make a DC 13
Charisma saving throw at the start of your turn; Devil’s Bargain. Any creature that has signed a contract
until you succeed a Charisma saving throw, all with T’an-Mo that finds and abuses a loophole to escape
of your attacks have disadvantage and you must the contract, or otherwise has the trait T’an-Mo’s Mortal
Enemy marked on their character sheet, is vulnerable to all
attempt the saving throw again at the start of your
damage dealt by T’an-Mo.
next turn.
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede T’an-Mo’s
T’an-mo begins the encounter 10 feet away darkvision.
from you in the 10 foot wide corridor, and you Innate Spellcasting. T’an-Mo’s innate spellcasting ability
begin 70 feet from the stairs leading upward. is Charisma (spell save DC 14). She can innately cast the
She has already cast Mage Armor on herself before following spells, requiring no material components:
the encounter, and proceeds to attack you with At will: Burning Hands, Detect Evil and Good, Disguise Self,
her burning hands spell. If you get within melee Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Misty Step
range of the devil, she uses the Misty Step spell
2/day: Banishment, Teleportation
to retreat further down the corridor. If you try to
move past her to run up the stairs, she will use her
reaction to cast Burning Hands on you, and then Actions
on her turn use her movement action and cast
Misty Step to block your way forward again. If you Burning Hands. Each creature in a 15-foot cone of T’an-
Mo must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
use an elemental gem (water) to summon a water
takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
elemental to aid you in the encounter, T’an-mo will damage on a successful one. T’an-mo can cast burning
cast her Banishment spell on the elemental to try to hands as a reaction when a character within 5 ft. of her
counter its threat. uses their movement to move further away, but the spell
can only target the moving character.
If you manage to injure T’an-mo by reducing her
health to half of its maximum, on her next turn,
she casts her Teleportation spell to vanish from the
tower, and the encounter ends.

If you decide to escape this encounter, you must If you make another offer, then go to B80 and
spend 3 points of Destiny. You manage to push make a choice that you have not made before.
past T’an-mo and race up the stairs. Not looking
back, you can hear Lulu trumpet her trunk If you decide to attack T’an-mo instead, then go to
triumphantly, calling after you, “Run! Run, friend! B79.
And don’t forget me!” T’an-mo’s hateful screams
chase you up to the top of the tower, where you
B82 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
find a large portal glowing with a purple light. With
no time to waste, you leap into the portal without You produce an elemental gem (water) in
abandon. Note the following trait on your character your hand and hold it out to offer T’an-mo. She
sheet: T’an-Mo’s Mortal Enemy, and then go to considers it for a long moment, clacking her tongue
B88. to the roof of her mouth three times as she ponders
your offer.
If you defeat T’an-mo, or T’an-Mo flees, Lulu
gives you a big hug. Without any other obstacles in “The soul of a water elemental is rare, indeed, here
your path, the two of you quickly make your way up in Avernus. Still… I think… no. As much as I enjoy
the crumbling stairs to the top of the tower. Add the collecting rare things, I am simply too fond of you to
following trait to your character sheet: T’an-mo’s allow you to leave here so cheaply. What else do you
Mortal Enemy, and then go to B87. have to offer?”

You look down at the swirling blue gem in your

B80 - Inside the Crumbling Tower hand and realize that you are going to have to offer
more if you want the devil to agree to let you escape
You consider your counter-offer to the devil T’an-mo
carefully. Behind you, you can hear Lulu’s small
wings flutter nervously. If you make another offer, then go to B80 and
make a choice that you have not made before.
If you have a soul coin, and want to offer it to T’an-
mo, then go to B81. If you decide to attack T’an-mo instead, then go to
If you have an elemental gem (water), and want to
offer it to T’an-mo, then go to B82.
B83 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
If you have both a soul coin and an elemental gem
(water), and want to offer them both to T’an-mo, You hold out a soul coin in one hand and an
then go to B83. elemental gem (water) in the other. T’an-mo smiles
at you, and you can see now that her tongue is
If you have marked on your character sheet both forked like a snake’s.
the Mean to Hollyphants and Lulu Drank traits,
it occurs to you that you might offer Lulu’s soul “Oh, my. You have got my attention. Offering two
to T’an-mo. If you decide to make this offer, go to souls for the price of one is a scrumptious bargain.
B84. And yet… I simply cannot quit you, my dear. I want
you. Tell me why I should let you go so easily?”
Otherwise, you decide to tell T’an-mo to pick her
price, so long as it is not your soul. Go to B85. You have piqued T’an-mo’s curiosity, but you also
know that your next words could cost you your very
soul. Make a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
B81 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
If your check succeeds, then T’an-mo reluctantly
You produce a soul coin in your hand and hold it
accepts your offer, presenting you a new, simpler
out to offer T’an-mo. She laughs in your face, the
contract. You feel certain that you will not receive
sound both sweet and scary all at once.
a better deal from the devil, and steady your hand
“A single soul coin? What, did you steal this from a to sign the parchment in your own blood. Note
warlord? Some bandit? Ha! Come now, dear mortal, the following trait on your character sheet: Soul
I know that you can do better than that.” Sacrificer, and then go to B77.

You look down at the coin in your hand and realize If your check fails, then T’an-mo kindly rejects
that you are going to have to offer more if you want your offer. “I still think that you are holding out on
the devil to agree to let you escape Avernus. me, dear one,” she says with an entrancing smile.

If you make another offer, then go to B80 and
make a choice that you have not made before.
I, ______, agree to, upon the yearly anniversary
If you decide to attack T’an-mo instead, then go to of signing this contract, sacrifice the soul of one
B79. sentient, innocent person to T’an-mo. To do so, I
swear to call upon T’an-mo by name and look the
chosen sacrifice in the eye, before I cut out their
B84 - Inside the Crumbling Tower heart. I agree to be unable to act against T’an-
“N-n-n-nooo! You were supposed to be my friend!” mo, or to attempt to harm her in any manner. This
Lulu shrieks out in terror as you barter her soul to agreement shall be binding until the day of my
the devil. death.

T’an-mo clicks her tongue to the roof of her mouth I, T’an-mo, agree to allow this mortal to pass through
three times, and smiles so wide that you can see my Tower and its portal, and do what else is in my
her skin begin to crack along her cheekbones. She power to help them return safely to their own plane
hisses, with a voice that sounds like ash, “You of existence. I agree to be unable to take any action
foolish hollyphant. No one is anyone’s friend in to hasten this mortal’s death, or otherwise interfere
Avernus!” with their right to live a normal life.

The devil raises her arms and begins to chant in

an infernal tongue, flame dancing from her palms.
Lulu shakes with fear, and does her best to blow You finish reading the contract and shiver with
through her trunk as hard as she can. This time, dread at the weight of what T’an-mo is asking.
though, no sparkles trumpet. The only sound the If you sign the contract, then note on your
frightened hollyphant makes is a sad, weak whine, character sheet the following trait: Reaper of Souls,
before she is engulfed by two columns of hellfire. and go to B77.
Your stomach churns as you watch Lulu burn alive,
her golden fur peeling away from the flesh beneath If you rebuke T’an-mo’s offer and attack the devil,
it. After several moments that feel like an eternity, then go to B79.
the poor hollyphant stops twitching on the ground.

“Zariel… forgive... me,” Lulu whimpers with her last B86 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
breath. And then, she is gone.
When you sign the contract in your own blood,
You feel numb as T’an-mo presents to you a new its infernal script catches aflame. T’an-mo smiles
contract, exchanging Lulu’s soul for your ticket coyly at you and rolls the parchment back up. “The
out of Avernus. You raise a shaking hand to sign, portal is just up the stairs,” she tells you, easily.
knowing that what you have done is an affront to The devil then leans in to give you a kiss on your
the Gods and everything good in the world. But forehead, her lips so cold that it sears your flesh.
at least, for now, your actions have allowed you to Take 1d10 necrotic damage.
escape the hell that undoubtedly waits for you.
“Good doing business with you, my dear, sweet,
Note the following trait on your character sheet: delicious mortal,” the devil whispers into your ear.
Damned, and then go to B86. And then she, and the contract you signed, are
simply gone.

B85 - Inside the Crumbling Tower Your heart pounds in your chest with the weight of
what you have just done. You make the lonely walk
Uncertain of what else you have to offer, you ask up the crumbling stairs to the top of the tower.
for the devil to name her price to allow you to leave There, you stand before a large purple portal that
Avernus. This pleases her greatly. She snaps her pulses every few seconds with a steady rhythm. You
fingers and presents a new contract for you to sign close your eyes tightly, trying to forget everything
in your own blood. you have been through since you came to Avernus,
and prepare to step through.

Lose 1 point of Destiny, and then go to B88.

B87 - Inside the Crumbling Tower B88 - Inside the Crumbling Tower
You and Lulu reach the top of the tower, and You step through the portal and its purple light
you find yourself in a small, circular room with changes, glowing with a deep crimson hue. You
crumbling granite walls. In the center of the room is are overwhelmed by a sense of weightlessness, as
a large portal that pulses rhythmically with a bright though you were floating mid-air. And then gravity
purple light. Your gaze turns briefly to the paneless pulls on you and all the light in the world goes
window on the front of the tower wall, and through dark. You feel like you are falling, faster and faster
it, you can get a glimpse of the hell that is Avernus and faster! You are certain that you will crash into
outside. the ground and shatter like glass at any moment.
Just when you believe you cannot take it anymore,
“I don’t want to say goodbye,” the hollyphant tells you no longer feel as though you are falling.
you, tearfully. She floats next to you and lands at
your feet, looking up at you with great fondness in In fact, you can feel nothing at all. Go to C1.
her eyes. “I wish that I knew how to tell you how
much helping you find your way home has meant
to me. I- I think I used to do a lot of good things for
people, a long time ago. I think that I’m gonna stay
here and try to help more people like you. Avernus
might be a bad place, but even the worst places can
be made better with a little more friendship, and a
little more hollyphant magic!”

Lulu wraps her trunk around your leg and hugs

you at your waist. She pleads, softly, “Just don’t
forget me when you’re gone. And… thank you for
giving me a chance to be myself again. I promise I
won’t forget you, either. No matter what.”

You stand there for quite some time, with Lulu

wrapped around you, not able to let you go. Finally,
the hollyphant releases you and flies back to sit
on the ledge of the window. She waves at you and
blows her trunk, filling the air with rainbow-colored
sparkles that make you feel warm and loved.

“Not goodbye. Until I see you again! Now go become

a great big, AWESOME adventurer!,” Lulu says
cheerfully in her sing-song voice. And then you step
into the purple light of the portal, ready to leave
Avernus at last. Go to B88.

Chapter Three: The Lady in Green
C1 - Inside the Lady’s Cave If you try to placate her with an offering or gift, go
to C2.
You open your eyes and find yourself lying down
and staring up at a stone ceiling covered in If you try to convince her that Zariel allowed you to
crystals. The air around you is cool and refreshing, return to the Material plane, go to C7.
soothing your sand-stung lungs. Sitting up, the soft
grass gives way under your fingers, cushioning your If you decide to attack her, go to C15.
efforts to stand. Behind you a familiar portal pulses
with energy, bathing the cavern you’re in with a soft
purple light. You’re out of Avernus and back in the C2 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
Lady in Green’s cave. You decide to try to appease the Lady in Green with
an offering, so that she might listen to you.
Down the tunnel is the sound of clicking footsteps
against stone. The Lady in Green’s voice calls If you offer her a flagon of mystery liquid, then go
out sweetly as she comes into view. Her eyes are to C3.
downcast, fiddling with an intricate wreath of
flowers. If you offer her a vial of demon ichor, then go to
“Zariel, I didn’t expect you to be back so soon-” She
stops in her tracks as she notices you, her eyes If you show her Lulu’s Song, then go to C8.
narrowing at you. “You! How did you get back here?
No one ever returns from Avernus...” Otherwise, you are a bit lost on what to offer her.
Go to C5.
The Lady in Green’s wreath slips from her fingers
and falls to the ground. You can see green magical
energy start to form around the Lady’s hands, as
C3 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
prepares to either attack you or send you back to Miraculously throughout your series of
hell. misadventures, the flagon of mystery liquid that
Shandalar had given you is still intact in your
belongings. As you take it out of your pack, the
Lady’s eyes widen, and she holds out her hand.

Once you hand it over, the Lady immediately opens

up the lid, takes a deep inhale of the contents, and
smiles. She delicately takes a sip, closing her eyes
to savour the taste. As she drinks, you can see
small colourful flowers start to bloom in her hair,
vines twisting their way up her goat-like legs and
joining the greenery of her dress. When she opens
her eyes again, they are a more vivid green, and
they take you in with a serene clearness.

“Only the best blood and honey milk from the weird
wizard,” she says, her voice now calm and sweet,
as lilting as a song. “If you had this, then I suppose
you were sent by Shandalar himself?”

As you nod and tell her Shandalar’s message, she

inclines her head in understanding. “Well then,
I suppose it is time for me to complete my end of
the deal.” She snaps her fingers and you blink,
instantly arriving back in front of Shandalar’s
floating home beside the Lady in Green.

Remove a flagon of mystery liquid from your

inventory, and note the following trait to your
character sheet: Delivered the Flagon. Then go to
Chapter 4.
C4 - Inside the Lady’s Cave themselves in her hair. As she circles back in front
of you, she extends a hand out to you. “Let’s make a
Pulling the vial of demon ichor from your pack,
deal then,” she offers. ”I’ll let you leave untouched,
you offer it out to the Lady in Green. She carefully
so long as you agree upon fulfilling one favor for me
plucks it from your hands, lifts it up to the light,
sometime in the future. Anything that I ask!”
and examines it thoroughly. As the ichor pulses in
the soft purple light of the cave, the Lady lips curl If you accept the deal, go to C6.
into a wide yet insidious smile.
If you decline the deal, go to C15.
Before you can say anything, she closes her eyes,
uncorks the vial, holds it up to her lips, and quickly
drinks down down the ichor. As she swallows, you C6 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
can see the hem of her dress start to turn from a “Very good,” the Lady in Green claps. She touches
dark green to a crimson red. The color spreads up her hand to yours, and a rush of energy flows
her skirt and bodice until her whole dress is the through you, followed by a burning sensation on
same red of the Avernus sands. your wrist. It’s over before you can react, and the
Her eyes open once more to settle on you, and Lady in Green drops your hand. You lift your arm
you can see that her irises are no longer a vibrant up to see a green-inked tattoo of a vine circling your
green, but rather black and pupiless. The Lady wrist, a reminder of your deal now permanently
smiles at you, her teeth just a little sharper than carved on your flesh.
you remember them. Note the following trait on your character sheet:
“Thank you,” she says, her voice soft but resonant, Fey-Sworn. You now owe the Lady in Green a favor
as if layered by other whispering voices. “This will anytime she wishes to call upon it.
make my visits to Avernus so much easier.” Her The Lady smiles at you now, satisfied with the
hand rests on your shoulder, long nails digging in outcome. “You may leave if you wish,” she says,
slightly. “I suppose you came here for a reason… tell indicating the front of the cavern. You explain that
me how I can repay this favor?” you were originally sent here by Shandalar, and
You tell her Shandalar’s message, and she inclines that you can’t leave without delivering the message.
her head in understanding. “Let’s waste no time “Well, I suppose I can take some time to help
then… I’m quite eager to see my beloved.” She the weird wizard,” she says nonchalantly, stifling
snaps her fingers and you blink, instantly arriving a yawn. She snaps her fingers and you blink,
back in front of Shandalar’s floating home beside instantly arriving back in front of Shandalar’s
the Lady in Green. floating home beside the Lady in Green. Go to
Remove a vial of demon ichor from your inventory, Chapter 4.
and note the following trait to your character sheet:
The Lady Drank Ichor. Then go to Chapter 4. C7 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
“Pah! You mean to tell me that Zariel allowed you to
C5 - Inside the Lady’s Cave return?” The Lady in Green seems skeptical of your
Realizing that you don’t have anything suitable to claim. “I’ll need proof that you somehow convinced
offer to the Lady in Green, your mind spins as you her you were worth the trouble, or that she liked
try to think of alternatives. The Lady looks at you, you enough to let you leave her domain.”
her eyes narrowing further as she assesses your If you have Lulu’s Song, then go to C8.
If you offer to answer a quiz about Zariel, then go
“You don’t have anything to offer, do you?” Her lips to C11.
curl into an amused smile that doesn’t quite reach
her eyes. She realizes that she has you cornered.
“But it would be quite rude to offer something and C8 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
not deliver on anything.”
You produce the shimmering ball of multi-colored
She dances around you, her movements graceful sparkles, a gift from your hollyphant friend, and
and musical. She is close enough that you can hold it out to the Lady. While it is in your hands,
smell the sickly-sweet flowers that entwine you can hear Lulu’s sad, sweet song echo in your
ears. The Lady’s eyes widen with shock, and as she

brushes her fingers across the glittering surface If your check fails, the Lady’s brows furrow with
of the sphere, she begins to hum along with the anger. “How dare you try to lie to me, you simple-
song. You realize that she must somehow know this minded mortal?!” Her hands begin to glow fiercely
song too, and the emotion welling up in the Lady in once more, and her expression twists with rage. Go
Green’s eyes betrays how much it means to her. to C15.

Finally, she pulls her gaze away from the ball and If your check succeeds, the Lady’s eyes squint
she looks back at you. “How did you get this?” she in confusion, but she nods at last. “An oddly…
demands, her voice a mixture of sorrow and threat. personal token from her, but I suppose Zariel
has seen something in you that I have not.” She
If you tell her the truth and reveal that Lulu gave it reluctantly withdraws her hand from the ball of
to you, then go to C9. sparkles and takes a step back.
If you lie and tell her that Zariel allowed you to “Clearly you want to be back on this plane for a
leave Avernus, then go to C10. reason,” she says. “Why are you here?”

You tell her Shandalar’s message, and she inclines

C9 - Inside the Lady’s Cave her head in understanding. “I see. I suppose I
You tell the Lady in Green the truth, that you met should fulfill that end of my bargain, then. And
and befriended Lulu, and that she bestowed this allow you to fulfill yours, as well.” She snaps her
gift to you in the hopes that one day Zariel might fingers and you blink, instantly arriving back in
be redeemed. As you describe the story of your front of Shandalar’s floating home beside the Lady
adventure in Avernus with the hollyphant, and the in Green. Go to Chapter 4.
promise you had given Lulu, the Lady’s eyes fill
with greendrop tears.
C11 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
“Oh, Lulu… the sweetest and most faithful friend “A quiz, you say?” The Lady in Green raises a brow,
Zariel could’ve ever had,” the Lady in Green says, and then grows silent for a moment. When she
her voice cracking slightly from old, haunting speaks again, there is a certain fascination that
memories. “If she has given this to you, then you lights up her eyes. “Interesting! Let’s see how well
must hold onto it and do whatever you can to help you do.” She smiles, more amused than anything.
spread Lulu’s goodness to others in the world.” She
squeezes your hand holding onto the singing sphere “First question. If you know Zariel as well as you
longingly before she finally lets you go. claim to, you know what she is beneath her human
disguise. What is she?”
“But something brought you back here… why have
you come here, to my home?” Make a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check. If you
have marked on your character sheet the Bathed
You explain to the Lady that you still have a prior in the River Styx trait, you have disadvantage
quest to complete: to send along a message from on your check. If you instead have marked on
Shandalar and have her travel to his home. She your character sheet the Oathbound trait, you
nods in understanding, and holds out her hand. automatically succeed.
“Come then, let’s go to see the wizard.” With a snap
of her fingers you blink, instantly arriving back in If your check succeeds, then go to C12.
front of Shandalar’s floating home beside the Lady
in Green. If your check fails, then the Lady in Green’s lips
twist in a sneer, having caught you in your lie. Her
Note the following trait on your character sheet: hands begin to glow with a fierce light, and she
Made the Lady Remember, and then go to advances on you with a menacing grace. Go to
Chapter 4. C15.

C10 - Inside the Lady’s Cave

You double down on your lie that Zariel let you
leave Avernus alive. You spin a yarn about how
Zariel gave the singing sphere to you as a token of
good faith. Make a DC 16 Charisma (Deception)

C12 - Inside the Lady’s Cave and vulnerable. “If Zariel did allow you to be free of
Avernus… perhaps she’s taken her first steps down
“Yes, yes, an archdevil. But that was an easy one.
the path of goodness. Perhaps it is not too late for
Next question: who was her closest friend?”
Make a DC 13 Intelligence (History) check. If you
The Lady in Green extends a hand out to you.
have marked on your character sheet the Bathed
“I apologize for how I have treated you. Is there
in the River Styx trait, you have disadvantage
something I can do to help you?”
on your check. If you instead have marked on
your character sheet the Lulu’s BFF trait, you You explain that you are here on a mission from
automatically succeed. Shandalar, and that he requires the help of her
magic at his home.
If your check succeeds, then go to C13.
She inclines her head in understanding. “Then let
If your check fails, then the Lady in Green’s lips
us go, shall we?” She snaps her fingers and you
twist in a sneer, having caught you in your lie. Her
blink, instantly arriving back in front of Shandalar’s
hands begin to glow with a fierce light, and she
floating home beside the Lady in Green.
advances on you with a menacing grace. Go to
C15. Note the following trait on your character sheet:
Made the Lady Remember, and then go to
Chapter 4.
C13 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
“Lulu… a name I haven’t heard in a long time. A
sweet little thing, she was.” The Lady’s smile falters
for a moment, realizing that you may know more
than she expected. “Very well, then. Humor me
with one final question: what was the great sin that
caused Zariel to fall?”

Make a DC 13 Intelligence (History) check. If you

have marked on your character sheet the Bathed
in the River Styx trait, you have disadvantage on
your check. If you instead have marked on your
character sheet the Lulu’s BFF trait, you have
advantage on your check.

If your check succeeds, then go to C14.

If your check fails, then the Lady in Green’s lips

twist in a sneer, having caught you in your lie. Her
hands begin to glow with a fierce light, and she
advances on you with a menacing grace. Go to

C14 - Inside the Lady’s Cave

“Betraying the forces of heaven, to rule in hell. The
lowest moment of a once proud angel. Yes… such a
pity.” The Lady’s head bows low and her shoulders
slump forward, the most unguarded you’ve yet seen
her. She continues, her voice full of regret, “I tried
to tell her that going to that final battle wasn’t a
good idea. I was afraid that she would never come
back. And in the end, though she did return, she
was never really herself again.”

The Lady takes a deep breath and then sighs. She

looks up to lock eyes with you, her expression soft

C15 - Inside the Lady’s Cave The Lady in Green
The Lady in Green seems determined that you will Medium fey, chaotic neutral
never escape her home alive. You believe that the Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
only way out of this situation, once and for all, is to
Hit Points 52 (7d8+21)
fight for your life.
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
During this encounter, the Lady in Green begins
15 feet away from you. She attempts to keep you STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
restrained you with her Entangle spell, or her luring 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
song if her Entangle spell proves ineffective. Once Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +6
you are restrained or incapacitated, she uses her
dark kiss attack to drain you of your lifeblood. Skills Arcana +5, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +6
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
If you have a bag of salt, you can make your poisoned, restrained
choice of a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) or Senses truesight 120ft., passive perception 16
Intelligence (Religion) check.
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan
If your check succeeds, you can use your action to Challenge 2 (450 XP)
form a protective salt circle around you with a 5 foot
radius. This prevents the Lady from touching you,
or using melee attacks against you, for as long as Innate Spellcasting. The Lady in Green’s innate spellcasting
you remain within the circle. If you have protected ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
yourself this way, she will use her luring song to attacks). She can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:
try to charm you to leave your protective circle and
walk right into her embrace. Otherwise, she will At will: Calm Emotions, Entangle, Detect Evil and Good,
attack you at a distance of 10 feet with her Eldritch Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast, Faerie Fire, Minor Illusion,
Blast spell. Silent Image

If you decide to escape the encounter, you must

spend 2 points of Destiny. Just when it seems all Actions
hope is lost, as the Lady in Green clutches onto
Eldritch Blast. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft.,
you, her fangs scraping across your neck, the portal one creature. Hit: 5 (1d10) force damage.
behind you flares. The purple light grows brighter,
almost blinding, and the Lady shrinks away to cover Dark Kiss. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature that is restrained or incapacitated. Hit: 3 piercing
her eyes. You use the opportunity to pull away from damage and 2 (1d4) necrotic damage, and the target loses
her grasp, and somehow manage to snap the chain points of Constitution equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
of her necklace. The necklace’s cold pendant falls, If the target’s Constitution is reduced to 0, they fall asleep
and you snatch it out of the air. The Lady screeches and peacefully die. Constitution lost this way can only be
in outrage and she reaches for you -- you can feel regained by taking a long rest, or by Greater Restoration or
her fingers barely brush against your jawline, before a similar spell.
she suddenly vanishes into thin air. The light of the Beguiling Song. The Lady in Green sings a magical melody.
portal fades back to a faint purple glow, leaving you Every humanoid within 300 ft. of the lady that can hear the
alone in the cavern. song must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be
charmed until the song ends. The lady must take a bonus
If you defeat the Lady in Green, her body lays action on her subsequent turns to continue singing. She
still on the cave floor. After a few quiet moments, can stop singing at any time. The song ends if the lady is
vines begin to grow from the ground, reaching up incapacitated.
and curling around her seemingly lifeless form. While charmed by the lady, a target is incapacitated. If
In the span of a few beautiful moments, the Lady the charmed target is more than 5 ft. away from the lady,
is cocooned in vines, leaves, and brightly colored they must move on their turn towards the lady by the most
flowers. The plants seem to whisper, their strange direct route. Whenever a charmed creature takes damage,
language echoing musically in the cavern, before it can repeat the saving throw. A creature who is charmed
can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
they swallow the body into the earth. When all is
turns. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the effect
still once more, there is nothing left of the Lady in ends on it, and that creature is immune to the lady’s luring
Green but her pendant. song for the next 24 hours.
If you survive the encounter, then go to C16.

C16 - Inside the Lady’s Cave
The pendant on the Lady in Green’s necklace is a
green gem encasing a small white flower. You can
feel a strong magical aura emanating from the
object, likely the kind of magic Shandalar might
require at his home. As you reach down to examine
it, the chain of the necklace snakes around your
arm, the metal winding itself around you until
the necklace rests comfortably around your neck.
You feel a surge of energy course through you,
and a faint glow appears around your hands. You
look down in wonder and watch your garments
transform, turning the same dark vivid green as the
Lady’s dress.

Note the following trait on your character sheet:

Fey-Touched. You now wield part of the Lady in
Green’s power.

Having survived quite an adventure, and armed

with the Lady in Green’s necklace and some of
her fey power, you begin the long journey back to
Shandalar’s home. Go to Chapter 4.

Chapter Four: What Comes Next
After a journey filled with trials and tribulations, Playing Descent Into Avernus
you finally arrive back where you started your
You may decide to treat To Hell and Back Again,
quest. Like before, the ladder up to Shandalar’s
your character’s first big adventure, as a prologue
floating home unravels itself, inviting you up.
or prequel to Wizard of the Coast’s epic campaign
Climbing back onto the deck of his ship-turned-
Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus. If you do,
home, the weird wizard himself shuffles over to
your character will begin Descent Into Avernus
meet you excitedly.
more powerful than a normal first level character.
With the help of the Lady in Green’s power, you are Work with your DM to come up with a plan that
able to revive the nature magic in the caverns below makes the beginning of your next campaign fun and
Shandalar’s home and cultivate his mushrooms. balanced for everyone at the table. Some options
Satisfied with your work, Shandalar rewards you include:
with the 200 gold pieces as promised in the job
If you used this adventure’s option to set your
posting. And with your quest completed, the wizard
character’s hit points to their potential maximum
shoos you away, eager to continue his work to grow
for their level, re-roll your character’s hit points
his mushrooms.
normally before beginning your next adventure.
If only he knew everything you went through to help
Reduce all characters in the party to 1st level,
him with his weird mushrooms.
but allow them to retain any traits marked during
As you stand on the outskirts of Ulgoth’s Beard this adventure. Any magic items in the characters’
alone, you think about your journey from inventories, except for a Crystal of Identify and
Shandalar’s home to the Lady in Green’s cavern, Lulu’s Song, lose their special properties after 24
and then to hell and back again. And while you hours of them leaving Avernus and the Cloakwood,
know that your adventure has finally come to an and are no longer magical.
end, you can’t help but think this is the beginning
Allow all characters in the party to remain at
of an even bigger story.
3rd level, retaining any traits marked during this
adventure and one magic item per character. Scale
up the Challenge Rating of all encounters that
take place before the characters reach Avernus by
increasing the number of enemies present, dealing
maximum damage to characters, or by other
means. Additionally, characters only receive one
quarter the normal experience points until they
reach Avernus.

Destiny, Consequences, and Future

Being a true adventurer means making hard
choices, and dealing with the consequences of
your actions. Many of the choices you made in this
adventure, and the outcomes you experienced,
will have a lasting effect on your character in their
many adventures to come.

• If you, or your party, finished the adventure

with 4 or 5 Destiny points remaining, then
the exploits of your deeds in Avernus reach
far across Faerûn, and any individuals or
organizations with an interest in fighting the
forces of hell may approach you to work with
them. For as long as you maintain a good public
reputation, you gain advantage on all Charisma
(Persuasion) checks against NPCs who are
dedicated to fighting devils and their servants.
• If you, or your party, finished the adventure If you meet Lulu again during future adventures,
with 2 or 3 Destiny points remaining, you have she will do everything in her power to help and
survived your harrowing adventure relatively protect you, and you will have advantage on
unscarred. However, during nights where all Charisma saving throws made while in her
a full moon can be seen, you find yourself presence.
haunted by the harrowing memories of your
time in Avernus. Once per such a night, at Sold Your Soul. You bartered your own soul in
your or a DM’s discretion, you must make exchange for safe passage out of Avernus. When
a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, or suffer your character dies, they cannot be resurrected by
from debilitating flashbacks that give you any creature other than T’an-Mo. Upon death, your
disadvantage on all ability checks and attack soul is forfeit to T’an-mo and you will serve her in
rolls for one hour. whatever manner she sees fit. You are unable to
act against her, disobey her orders, or otherwise
• If you, or your party, finished the adventure scheme to nullify your contract. In exchange, T’an-
with 0 or 1 Destiny points remaining, you find Mo is unable to hasten your death or interfere with
that your flesh has been branded by the sign of your life in any way until you die.
Zariel: a flaming sword wreathed by a dark halo. Once T’an-Mo is in possession of your soul, she will
The location of the tattoo is up to the player. send your ghost out to draw other prospective souls
The first time each day that a devil is within 100 to her tower, and may have you act as her emissary
feet of a branded character, the brand begins or do other awful deeds at her behest. The only way
to burn with a hellish light, dealing 2d6 fire your soul may be freed is if another character kills
damage. Devils, celestials, and their followers T’an-Mo, but you are unable to scheme to make
who see the sign of Zariel know of its meaning that come to pass. You may work with your DM
and purpose: the Archdevil is watching the to find a loophole in your contract, but doing so
marked character for some unknowable reason. will forever make you T’an-Mo’s Mortal Enemy and
make you vulnerable to all damage she deals to you
in an encounter.
If you have any of the following traits marked on
your character sheet, note their long-term effects, Damned. You bartered Lulu’s soul in exchange for
bonds, and flaws on your character sheet. Many safe passage out of Avernus, betraying the closest
of these traits will provide you, or your Dungeon thing to a friend you had while in hell. You watched
Master, with story hooks that you can explore in the devil T’an-mo murder Lulu and claim her soul.
the future. This has left you permanently damned for your
actions: celestial beings, good-aligned clerics, and
Red-Handed. Because you were cursed by other such creatures will notice the dark stain left
Shandalar, you will have difficulty stealing or on your soul, and will be wary of trusting you.
taking anything that isn’t yours until you lift the If you encounter Lulu’s ghost wandering in or out
curse. The curse can be lifted with the help of of Avernus, where it serves at T’an-mo’s beck and
a powerful mage, who may demand a favor for call, it will be a sad and defeated reflection of the
payment, or via the Remove Curse spell or similar optimistic hollyphant you remember. The ghost
magic. will not be able to act against you, but will openly
despise you and judge you for your evil actions. You
Lulu Drank. Because you did not stop Lulu from
may yet find redemption, should you free Lulu’s
drinking the waters of the River Styx and warn her
ghost from T’an-Mo, and make further amends for
of their forgetful magics, her amnesia continues
what you have done.
to get worse. If you ever meet Lulu again on future
adventures, she will not remember you at all. It is Reaper of Souls. You signed a contract with the
possible that you might help her recall your time devil T’an-Mo that allowed you to escape Avernus.
together in Avernus, especially if you bring her to In exchange, each year on the anniversary of the
locations that you previously explored. day you escaped, you must ritualistically murder
an innocent person and offer their soul to T’an-
Lulu’s BFF. You helped the hollyphant Lulu
Mo. To do so, you must look them in the eye, call
remember bits and pieces of her past, reminded
on T’an-Mo by name, and then cut out their heart.
her of her quest to help the Archdevil Zariel find
The sacrifice must be a good-aligned (innocent)
redemption, and saved her from drinking the water
sentient being with an intelligence of 8 or higher.
from the River Styx. Congratulations! You’re now
These ritualistic murders are bound to draw undue
Lulu’s Best-Friend-Forever.

attention towards you, and will complicate your be more willing to listen to you, and may stay her
life as an adventurer, particularly should anyone hand at destroying you outright.
discover your heinous deeds.
You may call on the Lady in Green’s aid in Avernus,
If you fail to sacrifice a soul to the devil on the and she will come to your aid for one hour. If she
anniversary of signing your contract, you will suffer is in your presence while you attempt to convince
a heart attack at midnight, die, and your soul will Zariel to redeem herself in the final chapter of
be forfeited to T’an-Mo for all eternity. Additionally, Descent Into Avernus, reduce the DC of your
you may not attempt to directly harm T’an-Mo in Charisma (Persuasion) check to do so by 5.
any way for the remainder of your mortal life.
Fey-Sworn. Because you made a deal with the Lady
T’an-Mo’s Mortal Enemy. You crossed T’an- in Green, you now owe her a favor that she can call
Mo and refused to bargain with her. Though you on at any time. Fey do not take deals or bargains
survived the encounter and escaped with your life, lightly, and the Lady in Green will leverage this in
devils like T’an-Mo are powerful enemies and live her favor, likely at the most inconvenient time for
for a long time. T’an-Mo will send her servants your character. If any other fey creature sees the
after you on quests of revenge, and while they may mark on your arm, they will know exactly who you
attack you, T’an-Mo would much rather them cause owe a favor to, and may also try to trick you into
suffering to the people you care about than to you similar bargains.
directly. After all, breaking your spirit will make
your soul all the more satisfying when T’an-Mo Fey-Touched. Because you now wield part of the
finally claims it. Lady in Green’s power, you are no longer entirely
Should you return to Avernus, T’an-Mo’s revenge mortal. Fey creatures will treat you as one of their
will become relentless, and the devil will attempt own kind. Some more devious fey creatures may
to destroy you and steal your soul for all eternity. attempt to wrest the Lady’s necklace from you by
Finding and eradicating T’an-mo is the only way force or other trickery.
you will ever truly be free from her wrath. Three times per day, you are able to cast Speak
with Plants without spending a spell slot. However,
Delivered the Flagon. You did precisely what the if the pendant is ever removed from your neck,
oddball wizard Shandalar asked of you, something you must make a successful DC 16 Constitution
that he is very appreciative of. Shandalar is likely saving throw, or immediately die. You can remove
to offer you future jobs because of your attention the pendant safely with the Remove Curse spell, or
to detail, and may even ask that you aid him in similar magic. Doing so may require you to seek out
cleaning out his mushroom caves. If you continue the help of a powerful mage, who is likely to ask for
to work for Shandalar, he is likely to become quite a dangerous favor in return for their aid.
fond of you, and will make a very resourceful ally in
your burgeoning career as an adventurer.
If you would like to see how your outcomes stack up
The Lady Drank Ichor. Because the Lady in Green against other players who have played through this
drank the demon ichor you offered her, she is now adventure, please fill out this online form! If you wish to
a strange being who is a cross between both fey and receive news about new releases from the designers of
this adventure (never spam!), you may sign up for future
fiend, with the magics of each. With her newfound
notifications here.
ability to travel freely between Avernus and the
Material plane, the Lady in Green is now even more
powerful than before. It’s possible that your actions
will allow her to wreak havoc across planes, and
About the Designers
that you will have to deal with the consequences of
her threat in later adventures. Donathin Frye is an avid adventure writer who has
worked for Modiphius, Petersen Games, Mage Hand
Made the Lady Remember. You reminded the Lady Press, Saturday Morning Scenarios, and other wonderful
in Green, a chaotic and dangerous fey creature, of publishers. He’s also a professional Dungeon Master and
the value of humanity and being a good person. TRPG streamer. You can find out more by checking out
his Patreon and following him on Twitter!
Because of your encounter, she believes that there
may yet be hope to redeem the Archdevil Zariel. Kienna Shaw is a TRPG creator who designs indie
Should you attempt to redeem Zariel during your games, creates community resources, and streams
games on Twitch. You can find out more by checking out
future adventures, the Lady in Green will do what
her Patreon and following her on Twitter!
is within her power to help you. Because of the
Lady’s intimate relationship with Zariel, Zariel may

Chapter Five: Appendix
Items and Equipment
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Javelin of Lightning

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Weapon (javelin), uncommon

While wearing this amulet, you are hidden from This javelin is a magic weapon. When you hurl
divination magic. You can’t be targeted by such it and speak its command word, it transforms
magic or perceived through magical scrying into a bolt of lightning, forming a line 5 feet wide
sensors. that extends out from you to a target within 120
feet. Each creature in the line excluding you and
the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Ancient Greatsword
throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed
Weapon (greatsword), rare save, and half as much damage on a successful
one. The lightning bolt turns back into a javelin
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls when it reaches the target. Make a ranged weapon
made with Sir Albin’s magic weapon. Each time you attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes
swing the greatsword, you feel in your chest the damage from the javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage.
pang of unrequited love, and unresolved grief.
The javelin’s property can’t be used again until the
next dawn. In the meantime, the javelin can still be
Crystal of Identify used as a magic weapon.
Crystal, uncommon Proficiency with a javelin allows you to add your
proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack
This crystal has 4 charges. While holding it, you
you make with it.
can use an action and expand 1 charge to cast
the identify spell. When the crystal has no more
charges, its magic is spent, and it becomes a Lulu’s Song
normal gem worth 50 gold pieces.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

Elemental Gem (Water) When you are attuned to this sphere of multi-
colored sparkles, you can often hear the angelic
Wondrous item, uncommon voice of Lulu singing a hopeful song about two
distance friends. You have advantage on saving
This gem contains a mote of elemental energy.
throws against being charmed or frightened, and if
When you use an action to break the gem, a water
you are on the same plane as Lulu, she will know
elemental is summoned (see Appendix, page 62)
your exact location.
that obeys your commands, and the gem’s magic
is lost. The elemental disappears back to its own If you attempt to convince Zariel to redeem herself
plane after 1 hour, when it travels through a in the final chapter of Descent Into Avernus
dimension portal, when its hit points are reduced and give her Lulu’s Song as a gift, you will have
to 0, or when it is banished by Banishment or a advantage on your Charisma (Persuasion) check.
similar spell.

Wand of Shield

Wand, uncommon (requires attunement)

This wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can

use your reaction, and expend 1 charge, to speak
its command word and cast the shield spell.

The wand regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at

dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a
d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is

Bestiary and NPCs

Giant Cloakwood Spider Kobold Tunnel-Dweller

Large beast, unaligned Medium humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 13
Hit Points 15 (2d10+4) Hit Points 5 (2d6-2)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13 Languages Common, Draconic
Languages - Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Challenge 1 /4 (50 XP)
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
make an ability check. Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is
the exact location of any other creature in contact with the within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
same web.
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions Actions
caused by webbing.
Crude Spear. Melee or Ranged weapon attack: +1 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d6-1)
Actions piercing damage.
Bite. Melee weapon attack:+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Torch. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage, and the target target. Hit: 1 fire damage and the target has disadvantage
must take a DC 8 Constitution saving throw, or become on all attack rolls and ability checks until the end of their
paralyzed until the end of its next turn. next turn.
Web (Recharge 5-6). +4 to hit, range 15/30 ft., one creature.
Hit: the target becomes cocooned by webbing and is
restrained and blinded. As an action, the restrained target
can make either a DC 11 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check, bursting free from the cocoon on a

The Lady in Green Madcap Marauder
Medium fey, chaotic neutral
Small fey, chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 52 (7d8+21) Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +6 Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 8
Skills Arcana +5, Insight +6, Perception +6, Persuasion +6 Damage Resistances poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, Damage Immunities fire
poisoned, restrained
Languages Common, Sylvan
Senses truesight 120ft., passive perception 16
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Self-Combustion. When the madcap’s current hit points are
less than their maximum, at the end of its turn it explodes
Innate Spellcasting. The Lady in Green’s innate spellcasting in a small ball of hellfire and dies. Any creatures within
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell 10 feet of the explosion must make a successful DC 12
attacks). She can innately cast the following spells, Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) fire damage.
requiring no material components:
At will: Calm Emotions, Entangle, Detect Evil and Good,
Dancing Lights, Eldritch Blast, Faerie Fire, Minor Illusion,
Silent Image Scythe. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) slashing damage.


Eldritch Blast. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft.,

one creature. Hit: 5 (1d10) force damage.
Dark Kiss. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature that is restrained or incapacitated. Hit: 3 piercing
damage and 2 (1d4) necrotic damage, and the target loses
points of Constitution equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
If the target’s Constitution is reduced to 0, they fall asleep
and peacefully die. Constitution lost this way can only be
regained by taking a long rest, or by Greater Restoration or
a similar spell.
Beguiling Song. The Lady in Green sings a magical melody.
Every humanoid within 300 ft. of the lady that can hear the
song must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be
charmed until the song ends. The lady must take a bonus
action on her subsequent turns to continue singing. She
can stop singing at any time. The song ends if the lady is
While charmed by the lady, a target is incapacitated. If
the charmed target is more than 5 ft. away from the lady,
they must move on their turn towards the lady by the most
direct route. Whenever a charmed creature takes damage,
it can repeat the saving throw. A creature who is charmed
can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the effect
ends on it, and that creature is immune to the lady’s luring
song for the next 24 hours.

Sir Albin, the Ghostly Knight Swarm of Wild Boggarts
Medium undead (specter), lawful good Medium swarm of small fey, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 20 (plate mail and shield) Armor Class 11
Hit Points 22 (5d8) Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) Speed 25 ft., climb 25 ft.

14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills Athletics +4, Insight +7 Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Senses truesight 120 ft., passive perception 13
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, Languages Common, Sylvan
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
prone, unconsciou Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 12
Languages Common, Celestial Pile On. Any creature that ends its turn in a space occupied
Challenge 1 (200 XP) by the swarm must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving
throw, or be knocked prone.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space
Incorporeal Movement. Sir Albin can move through other and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He opening large enough for a small creature. The swarm can’t
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
Great Swordsman. Sir Albin can wield a greatsword in one
hand. Actions

Bite. Melee weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one

Actions creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing
damage, or 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage if the swarm has half
Ancient Greatsword. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach of its hit points or fewer.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage.

T’an Mo Wasteland Bandit Brains, Robb
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil
Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor) Armor Class 12 (padded cloth)
Hit Points 60 (11d8+11) Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Con +3, Cha +6 Skills History +4, Perception +3
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +6, Insight +6, Perception +4, Damage Resistances poison
Persuasion +6 Senses passive perception 13
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and Languages Common
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive perception 14
Dwarven Resilience. Robb has advantage on saving throws
Languages Common, Infernal against poison.
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Shoot ‘Em While They’re Down. Robb does not have
disadvantage on ranged weapon attacks made against
Devil’s Bargain. Any creature that has signed a contract prone creatures.
with T’an-Mo that finds and abuses a loophole to escape
the contract, or otherwise has the trait T’an-Mo’s Mortal
Enemy marked on their character sheet, is vulnerable to all Actions
damage dealt by T’an-Mo.
Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede T’an-Mo’s target. Hit: 3 (1d8-1) slashing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged weapon attack: +3 to hit, range
Innate Spellcasting. T’an-Mo’s innate spellcasting ability 30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage, and
is Charisma (spell save DC 14). She can innately cast the the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
following spells, requiring no material components: throw or be poisoned. The target can repeat the saving
At will: Burning Hands, Detect Evil and Good, Disguise Self, throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
Mage Armor, Minor Illusion, Misty Step itself on a success.

2/day: Banishment, Teleportation


Burning Hands. Each creature in a 15-foot cone of T’an-

Mo must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. T’an-mo can cast burning
hands as a reaction when a character within 5 ft. of her
uses their movement to move further away, but the spell
can only target the moving character.

Wasteland Bandit Muscle, Amelia Water Elemental
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Large elemental, neutral
Armor Class 15 (half plate) Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 16 (3d8+3) Hit Points 114 (12d10+48)

Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., swim 90 ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Skills Athletics +5 Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses passive perception 9
Damage Immunities poison
Languages Common
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 10
Poor Morale. If Amelia’s bandit ally Robb is defeated, the Languages Aquan
creature who defeated Robb may immediately use a free
action to make a DC 10 Charisma (Intimidate) check. If the Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
check succeeds, Amelia is unable to attack and attempts to
flee on her turn. If the check fails, Amelia takes 1d6 psychic
damage, but will continue to fight until she is defeated. Water Form. The elemental can enter a hostile creature’s
space and stop there. It can move through a space as
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Freeze. If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially
Longsword. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of its
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage. next turn.

Shield Bash. Melee weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Actions
target. Hit: 5 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Multiattack The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and have their Slam. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
movement reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn. creature. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage.
Whelm (Recharge 5-6). Each creature in the elemental’s
space must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a
failure, a target takes 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. If it
is Large or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 14). Until
this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to
breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw
is successful, the target is pushed out of the elemental’s
The elemental can grapple one Large creature or up to two
Medium or smaller creatures at one time. At the start of
each of the elemental’s turns, each target grappled by it
takes 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. A creature within
5 feet of the elemental can pull a creature or object out of
it by taking an action to make a DC 14 Strength (Athletics)
check and succeeding.

Bryn, the Virtuous Vagabond
Lawful Good Human Rogue, they/them
Bryn is a deft archer and fighter that dual-wields the
curved shortswords often used by their bedine tribe.
However, Bryn has become sickly and vulnerable
with old age. They prefer to avoid direct conflict when
possible, especially when they are without allies. In an
adventuring party, Bryn’s many talents and panther-
like reflexes make them extremely valuable both in and
out of combat.

Bryn does not recall their original name, having

forced it from their mind along with many other
unwanted memories of their youth. They were once
a member of a nomadic bedine tribe in Anauroch,
the Great Sand Sea. Their tribe worshipped the
four winds and preached that water and land did
not belong to individuals, but were meant for all
people to share. While Bryn still begins each day
by praying to the four winds, and believes that all
people should share their food, water and shelter --
other aspects of their tribe’s customs offended them
to their core. They could not reconcile their tribe’s
casual attitude towards misogyny, patriarchal
rulership, or war.

At the age of nineteen, Bryn took their few

belongings, then left the Great Sand Sea and
their people behind. Claiming the name Bryn for
themself, they set out to see the world and learn
of different people and different cultures. Their DESTINY
decades of travel have taught Bryn one universal
truth: people everywhere suffer inequality and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
oppression, and they all deserve better. Because of
Bryn’s youth spent with their bedine tribe under
the yolk of Netherese mages, and several more
recent years living in the undead arcanist-ruled ITEMS
nation of Thay, they have also developed a strong Arrows
distrust of magic and those that wield it. Their Leather armor
greatest fear is that they will become enthralled Longbow
by magic, and lose the sense of self that they have Shortsword x2
fought so hard to claim. Rope (hempen)
Bryn moves from city to city and town to town, Torch
always trying to make the world a better place in
small, quiet ways. Despite being generally polite Infernal War Machine
and respectful of other cultures, they are willing to
break the law if they believe that those in power are
corrupt. Sometimes, helping others requires Bryn TRAITS
to steal from oppressors to give to those in need,
a task well-suited to their skills. Bryn’s greatest
weakness is a helpless romantic streak that leads
to them becoming intimately entangled with new
people from all walks of life, everywhere they go.
Too often, their vulnerability and empathy allows
them to be taken advantage of.

Bryn, the Virtuous Vagabond
Human Rogue (level 1)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Longbow +3 1d8+3 piercing

13 Shortsword +5 1d6+3 piercing

DEXTERITY Shortsword +5 1d6 piercing
Unarmed +3 2 bludgeoning



-1 14 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
AC SPEED Light Armor
+3 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Hand, Longsword, Rapier,
HISTORY Shortsword, Simple Weapons
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature
you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have
+4 PERCEPTION advantage on the attack roll. You don’t need advantage on the
14 +2 SURVIVAL attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it, that
enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the
+2 SAVING THROW attack roll.
Thieves’ Cant
+2 +2
PERFORMANCE You have learned thieves’ cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon,
+2 and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal
conversation. It takes four times longer to convey such a message
15 than it does to speak the same idea plainly.

Silvered Shortswords
Bryn’s shortswords are forged from silver and are more effective
than other nonmagical weapons against some creatures.

Language Proficiency
Common, Celestial, and Giant

Tool Proficiency
Flute and Thieves’ Tools

Bryn, the Virtuous Vagabond
Human Rogue (level 2)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Longbow +3 1d8+3 piercing

13 Shortsword +5 1d6+3 piercing

DEXTERITY Shortsword +5 1d6 piercing
Unarmed +3 2 bludgeoning



-1 14 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
AC SPEED Light Armor
+3 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Hand, Longsword, Rapier,
HISTORY Shortsword, Simple Weapons
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature
you hit with an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have
+4 PERCEPTION advantage on the attack roll, or if another (not incapacitated) enemy
14 +2 SURVIVAL of the target is within 5 ft. of it.

+2 SAVING THROW Thieves’ Cant

CHARISMA +2 DECEPTION You have learned thieves’ cant. You have learned thieves’ cant,
+2 a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide
+2 +2
PERFORMANCE messages in seemingly normal conversation.
Cunning Action
You can take a bonus action on each of your turns to take the Dash,
Disengage, or Hide action.

Silvered Shortswords
Bryn’s shortswords are forged from silver and are more effective
than other nonmagical weapons against some creatures.

Language Proficiency
Common, Celestial, and Giant

Tool Proficiency
Flute and Thieves’ Tools

Bryn, the Virtuous Vagabond
Human Rogue (level 3)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Longbow +3 1d8+3 piercing

13 Shortsword +5 1d6+3 piercing

DEXTERITY Shortsword +5 1d6 piercing
Unarmed +3 2 bludgeoning



-1 14 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
AC SPEED Light Armor
+3 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Hand, Longsword, Rapier,
HISTORY Shortsword, Simple Weapons
Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with
an attack with a finesse or ranged weapon if you have advantage on the attack
+4 PERCEPTION roll, or if another (not incapacitated) enemy of the target is within 5 ft. of it.
14 +2 SURVIVAL Thieves’ Cant

+2 You have learned thieves’ cant.

+2 +2
You can take a bonus action on each of your turns to take the Dash, Disengage,
or Hide action.
Fast Hands (Thief)
You can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Sleight
of Hand check, use your thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take
the Use an Object action.

Second-Story Work (Thief)

Climbing no longer costs you extra movement, and when you make a running
jump, the distance you cover increases by +3 feet.

Silvered Shortswords
Bryn’s shortswords are more effective than other nonmagical weapons.

Language Proficiency
Common, Celestial, and Giant

Tool Proficiency
Flute and Thieves’ Tools

Ekkja, the Retired Raider
Neutral Half-Orc Fighter, she/her

Despite her time spent as a pirate raider, Ekkja

does not play well with others when a fight breaks
out. She tends to take the most straight-forward
approach to conflict, and her combination of
speed, might, and skill with her double-bladed
greataxe make her a terrifying foe during combat,
even when she is fighting alone. In an adventur-
ing party, Ekkja’s prowess may prove useful, but
her proclivity towards rushing in no matter the
cost can also make her a liability to the safety of

In the language of the orcish warband in which

she was raised, Ekkja means “the silent leaf”, a
name given to her because of her uncanny stealth
compared to the other soldiers in the warband.
Ekkja was always the runt of her warband, even
amongst the other half-orcs, and was constantly
bullied by her kin. No matter how big or strong
the bully was, however, she always fought back,
never allowing an insult to pass. After a few years
of fighting with the band, Ekkja abandoned the
unit and joined up with a Waterdhavian pirate
captain named Dominic. She spent several years
at sea as part of his crew, where she was treated
with far more respect than she ever received in her
warband. As first-mate of The Blind Lady, she and
Captain Dominic raided small villages and had DESTINY
many adventures along the Sword Coast.

Yet in all of Ekkja’s time fighting, either in a

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
warband or as a pirate, she never felt happy.
Despite how good of a warrior she was, she came
to loathe needless violence and hurting innocent ITEMS
people. Two years ago, Ekkja parted ways with Chain Mail
Captain Dominic and set her anchor in Baldur’s Throwing dagger
Gate. Though she harbors little guilt for her violent Greataxe
life, Ekkja is much happier now: she works as a Rope (hempen)
gnome merchant’s private guard during the day, Tinderbox
and spends her time drinking ale, making friends, Torch
and wooing free-spirited maidens in the dockside
taverns by night.
Infernal War Machine
Stubborn, crass and darkly funny, Ekkja has
become a very popular tavern regular and is well-
liked by Seepo-Sparklegem-Smoochcobbler, the TRAITS
merchant she works for. Seepo has suggested to her
that she is a good guard, but may be better suited
for professional adventuring. After all, whose life is
full of more fun, ale, and free-spirited maidens than
an adventurer’s? Ekkja has taken the merchant’s
advice to heart, and is eager to once again pursue a
new start, and a happier life.

Ekkja, the Retired Raider
Half-Orc Fighter (level 1)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Dagger +5 1d4+3 piercing

16 Greataxe +5 1d12+3 slashing

DEXTERITY Unarmed +5 4 bludgeoning



+3 16 30 ft
Armor Proficiency

16 AC SPEED Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium

Armor, Shields
+1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
INITIATIVE PROFICIENCY Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
WISDOM -1 ANIMAL HANDLING Great Weapon Fighting
You can reroll a 1 or 2 on damage dice with melee weapons wielded with two
Second Wind
Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.

+3 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

+1 +1
PERFORMANCE Savage Attacks
+1 PERSUASION When you score a critical hit, roll one of the dice an additional time and add it
12 to the extra damage.

Language Proficiency
Common, Orc

Tool Proficiency
Dice Set, Vehicles (Land)

Ekkja, the Retired Raider
Half-Orc Fighter (level 2)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Dagger +5 1d4+3 piercing

16 Greataxe +5 1d12+3 slashing

DEXTERITY Unarmed +5 4 bludgeoning



+3 16 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
AC SPEED Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Shields
+1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
HISTORY Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
WISDOM -1 ANIMAL HANDLING Great Weapon Fighting
You can reroll a 1 or 2 on damage dice with melee weapons wielded with two
Second Wind
Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.
Action Surge

+3 You can take one additional action on your turn. This can be used 1 times per
+1 +1
short rest.

+1 PERSUASION Darkvision
12 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Savage Attacks
When you score a critical hit, roll one of the dice an additional time and add it
to the extra damage.

Language Proficiency
Common, Orc

Tool Proficiency
Dice Set, Vehicles (Land)

Ekkja, the Retired Raider
Half-Orc Fighter (level 3)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Dagger +5 1d4+3 piercing

16 Greataxe +5 1d12+3 slashing

DEXTERITY Unarmed +5 4 bludgeoning



+3 16 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
AC SPEED Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Shields
+1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
HISTORY Martial Weapons, Simple Weapons
WISDOM -1 ANIMAL HANDLING Great Weapon Fighting
You can reroll a 1 or 2 on damage dice with melee weapons wielded with two
Second Wind
Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 1 HP.
Action Surge

+3 You can take one additional action on your turn. This can be used 1 times per
+1 +1
short rest.

+1 PERSUASION Improved Critical (Champion)

12 Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Savage Attacks
When you score a critical hit, roll one of the dice an additional time and add it
to the extra damage.

Language Proficiency
Common, Orc

Tool Proficiency
Dice Set, Vehicles (Land)

Mordecai, the Ambitious Archaeologist
Neutral Evil Tiefling Sorcerer, he/him

Mordecai is a sorcerer with a cruel-streak and

much potential, who often relies on his intimi-
dating presence and mind-controlling magic to
diffuse immediate threats to his person. If he
is forced to fight to the death, he has a variety
of combat spells at his disposal, and uses them
strategically to allow him to get the upper-hand on
his enemies. Still, when faced with confrontation,
he prefers to hang back out of harm’s way, mak-
ing him well suited for adventuring parties that
can overlook his untrustworthy nature.

Mordecai was raised in the ruins of Neverwinter,

and he resents the years his family spent poor and
helpless. He does not blame his family, though, as
it was his father who climbed from the rubble to
establish one of the most wealthy merchant houses
that eventually helped the city of Neverwinter
reclaim its former splendor. The journey of his
youth, from poor to rich, shaped the ambitious
tiefling’s world-view and instilled him with

As a young tiefling, Mordecai’s mother raised him

and taught him that he must put his needs and
the needs of his family above all others. Through
her, he learned that her ancestral bloodline granted
him potent magic, if he could learn to wield it. DESTINY
Mordecai took his mother’s words very seriously,
and has spent his adult life as an archaeologist ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
with a particular fascination for the occult. He
has ignored romantic entanglements, or long-term
friendships, in his search for artifacts that might
help him untap the magic in his blood and improve ITEMS
his standing in the world. Rod
Rope (hempen)
Unbeknownst to his parents, who have grown to
disapprove of his frivolous spending and fruitless
“business” ventures, Mordecai is driven by a
recurring dream that he has had since he was five
years old: he has seen himself standing at the top
of a tall tower, lording over an unstoppable army
as Neverwinter’s all-mighty Sorcerer-King. Though
Infernal War Machine
he has never shared his power-hungry dream with
anyone, Mordecai believes it to be his destiny, and
is willing to sacrifice nearly anything to see the TRAITS
dream become reality. To temper the bouts of anger
and madness that come whenever he wakes from
this dream, the tiefling starts each of his mornings
by writing any new details he noticed during the
dream into a locked journal. He then enjoys several
glasses of red wine, while he reads books of tranquil
poetry to center himself and stay focused on his

Mordecai, the Ambitious Archaeologist
Tiefling Sorcerer (level 1)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Spear +0 1d6 piercing

10 Fire Bolt +5 1d10 fire

DEXTERITY Ray of Frost +5 1d8 cold
Shocking Grasp +5 1d8 lightning
Unarmed +2 1 bludgeoning


+1 15 30 ft

+2 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart,
HISTORY Quarterstaff, Sling
You can cast known sorcerer spells using CHA as your spellcasting
modifier (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5). You can use an arcane focus
-1 PERCEPTION as a spellcasting focus.
Dragon Ancestor (Draconic Bloodline)
+5 SAVING THROW You have a red dragon as your ancestor. You can speak, read, and
CHARISMA +3 DECEPTION write Draconic and you double your proficiency bonus for CHA
+5 checks involving dragons.
+3 +3
16 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Hellish Resistance

SPELLS AND SPELLS SLOTS You have resistance to fire damage.

CANTRIP 1ST LEVEL 2ND LEVEL Language Proficiency

Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal
Dancing Lights Charm Person
Fire Bolt Thunderwave
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp

Mordecai, the Ambitious Archaeologist
Tiefling Sorcerer (level 2)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Spear +0 1d6 piercing

10 Fire Bolt +5 1d10 fire

DEXTERITY Ray of Frost +5 1d8 cold
Shocking Grasp +5 1d8 lightning
Witch Bolt +5 1d12 lightning

DEATH SAVES Unarmed +2 1 bludgeoning


+1 15 30 ft

+2 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart,
HISTORY Quarterstaff, Sling
You can cast known sorcerer spells using CHA as your spellcasting
modifier (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5). You can use an arcane focus
-1 PERCEPTION as a spellcasting focus.
Dragon Ancestor (Draconic Bloodline)
+5 SAVING THROW You have a red dragon as your ancestor. You can speak, read, and
CHARISMA +3 DECEPTION write Draconic and you double your proficiency bonus for CHA
+5 checks involving dragons.
+3 +3
You have 2 sorcery points that you regain when you finish a long
16 rest. You can use your sorcery points to gain additional spell slots
or sacrifice spell slots to gain additional sorcery points as a bonus
CANTRIP 1ST LEVEL 2ND LEVEL You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.

Dancing Lights Charm Person

Hellish Resistance

Fire Bolt Thunderwave You have resistance to fire damage.

Ray of Frost Witch Bolt Language Proficiency
Shocking Grasp Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal


Mordecai, the Ambitious Archaeologist
Tiefling Sorcerer (level 3)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Spear +0 1d6 piercing

10 Fire Bolt +5 1d10 fire

DEXTERITY Ray of Frost +5 1d8 cold
Shocking Grasp +5 1d8 lightning
Witch Bolt +5 1d12 lightning

DEATH SAVES Unarmed +2 1 bludgeoning


+1 15 30 ft

+2 +2 Weapon Proficiency
Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart,
HISTORY Quarterstaff, Sling
-1 SAVING THROW Spellcasting
WISDOM -1 ANIMAL HANDLING You cast sorcerer spells using CHA (Spell DC 13, Spell Attack +5).
Dragon Ancestor (Draconic Bloodline)

-1 You double your proficiency bonus for CHA checks involving dragons.
8 -1 SURVIVAL Font of Magic
You can use your sorcery points to gain additional spell slots or sacrifice spell
+5 SAVING THROW slots to gain additional sorcery points as a bonus action.
Twinned Spell (Metamagic)
+3 +3
You can spend sorcery points equal to a spell’s level (1 for a cantrip) to target
a second creature in range with the same spell, as long as the spell at the
+3 PERSUASION level it’s being cast is incapable of targeting more than one creature.
Empowered Spell (Metamagic)
When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll up
SPELLS AND SPELLS SLOTS to 3 of the dice. You must use the new rolls and you can use this option even
if you’ve already used another Metamagic option.
You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft.
Dancing Lights Charm Person Hellish Rebuke
Hellish Resistance
Fire Bolt Thunderwave Mirror Image
You have resistance to fire damage.
Ray of Frost Witch Bolt
Shocking Grasp Infernal Legacy
Thaumaturgy You can cast hellish rebuke once per long rest.

SORCERY POINTS Language Proficiency

Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal

Myastan Rhogar, the Anarchistic Acolyte
Chaotic Good Dragonborn Cleric, he/him

Myastan Rhogar is a fearsome warrior-priest,

whose strong arm, fiery breath, and holy magic
are banes to any who dare face him. He is unable
to abide injustice, and believes it his duty as a
cleric of Lendys to forcefully enact justice as he
sees fit. While his protective and healing magics
make him formidable alone, in an adventuring
party his magic is life-saving… for those he deems
worthy of his protection.

Rhogar, of the Myastan clan, was dedicated at

birth to serve the dragon-god of justice, Lendys.
For the past sixteen years of his young life, he
has been raised by stern clerics who preach
unbending justice and balance in all things. Yet
Myastan Rhogar has grown angry as he approaches
dragonborn adulthood: he is angry at his parents
for abandoning him, angry at a world full of liars
and injustices, and angry at the leading clerics of
Lendys, too.

Myastan Rhogar has come to believe those who

serve Lendys are so inflexible in their views that
they allow true injustices to go unchecked. He
regards all governments, large religions, noble
houses, and world-leaders as corrupt, hiding behind
the letter of the law so that none may see their
crimes of injustice. Myastan Rhogar’s world-view DESTINY
has become increasingly anarchistic, and when
he preaches the word of Lendys, he also preaches ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
that all powerful institutions in the world must be
uprooted if the world is to be made a better place.
His oaths to dedicate his life to doing whatever it
takes to enact true justice and meaningful change ITEMS
has made him an outcast within his religion. It’s Chain Mail
also made him several influential enemies. Mace
On his sixteenth birthday, Myastan Rhogar was
unofficially exiled from his order and sent, alone
and without any coin or food, to preach to the poor
in Baldur’s Gate. Cursing Mysastan Drakjar, the
High Priest who both raised and then exiled him,
Myastan Rhogar has done everything he can to
Infernal War Machine
make the best of a bad situation. He opened small
chapter in an abandoned warehouse, with daily
services dedicated to what he professes to be TRAITS
the true word of Lendys. However, poor as he is,
Myastan Rhogar has been forced to take odd jobs
as a healer and adventurer to make ends meet, and
to provide shelter and food to the handful of needy
individuals in Baldur’s Gate that he has come to
consider his flock.

Myastan Rhogar, the Anarchistic Acolyte
Dragonborn Cleric (level 1)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Mace +4 1d6+2 bludgeoning

14 Guiding Bolt +4 4d6 radiant

DEXTERITY Sacred Flame DC 1d8 radiant
Breath Weapon DC 2d6 fire
Unarmed +4 3 bludgeoning


+2 18 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
14 Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Shields
-1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
You can cast prepared cleric spells using WIS as your spellcasting
modifier (Spell DC 12, Spell Attack +4) and prepared cleric spells
+2 PERCEPTION as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can use a holy symbol as a
15 +2 SURVIVAL spellcasting focus.

+4 SAVING THROW Disciple of Life (Life Domain)

CHARISMA +2 DECEPTION Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore HP, the
+2 creature regains additional HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
+2 +2
Resistance (Brass Draconic Ancestry)
14 You gain resistance to fire damage.

Breath Weapon (Brass Draconic Ancestry)

SPELLS AND SPELLS SLOTS As an action once per short rest, exhale in a 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX DC
12, half damage on success) for 2d6 Fire Damage.
Language Proficiency
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant
Light Bless
Resistance Command
Sacred Flame Cure Wounds
Guiding Bolt
Healing Word
Protection from
Good and Evil

Myastan Rhogar, the Anarchistic Acolyte
Dragonborn Cleric (level 2)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Mace +4 1d6+2 bludgeoning

14 Guiding Bolt +4 4d6 radiant

DEXTERITY Sacred Flame DC 1d8 radiant
Breath Weapon DC 2d6 fire
Unarmed +4 3 bludgeoning


+2 18 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
14 Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Shields
-1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
+4 SAVING THROW Spellcasting
WISDOM +2 ANIMAL HANDLING You can cast prepared cleric spells using WIS as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC
+4 INSIGHT 12, Spell Attack +4).
+2 +2 MEDICINE Disciple of Life (Life Domain)
+2 PERCEPTION Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore HP, the creature regains
15 +2 SURVIVAL additional HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

+4 Channel Divinity
CHARISMA +2 DECEPTION You can channel divine energy to fuel magical effects a number of times per short
+2 +2
PERFORMANCE Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
+4 PERSUASION As an action, you can use Channel Divinity. Each undead that can see or hear you
14 within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving
throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must
spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly
move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions.
SPELLS AND SPELLS SLOTS Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (Life Domain)

CANTRIP 1ST LEVEL 2ND LEVEL As an action, you can use Channel Divinity and present your holy symbol to restore up
to 10 HP divided among any creatures within 30 ft. up to half a creature’s HP max. You
can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.
Light Bless
Resistance (Brass Draconic Ancestry)
Resistance Command You gain resistance to fire damage.
Sacred Flame Cure Wounds
Breath Weapon (Brass Draconic Ancestry)
Guiding Bolt
As an action once per short rest, exhale in a 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX DC 12, half damage on
Healing Word success) for 2d6 Fire Damage.
Protection from
Language Proficiency
Good and Evil
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant

Myastan Rhogar, the Anarchistic Acolyte
Dragonborn Cleric (level 3)


CURRENT HP MAX HP Mace +4 1d6+2 bludgeoning

14 Guiding Bolt +4 4d6 radiant

DEXTERITY Sacred Flame DC 1d8 radiant
Breath Weapon DC 2d6 fire
Unarmed +4 3 bludgeoning


+2 18 30 ft
Armor Proficiency
14 Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Medium
Armor, Shields
-1 +2 Weapon Proficiency
+4 SAVING THROW Spellcasting
WISDOM +2 ANIMAL HANDLING You can cast prepared cleric spells using WIS as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC
+4 INSIGHT 12, Spell Attack +4).
+2 +2 MEDICINE Disciple of Life (Life Domain)
+2 PERCEPTION Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore HP, the creature regains
15 +2 SURVIVAL additional HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

+4 Channel Divinity
CHARISMA +2 DECEPTION You can channel divine energy to fuel magical effects a number of times per short rest

+2 +2
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead
As an action, you can use Channel Divinity. Each undead that can see or hear you
+4 PERSUASION within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving
14 throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must
spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly
move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions.

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (Life Domain)

As an action, you can use Channel Divinity and present your holy symbol to restore up
CANTRIP 1ST LEVEL 2ND LEVEL to 15 HP divided among any creatures within 30 ft. up to half a creature’s HP max. You
can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.

Resistance (Brass Draconic Ancestry)

Light Bless Enhance Ability
You gain resistance to fire damage.
Resistance Command Lesser
Restoration Breath Weapon (Brass Draconic Ancestry)
Sacred Flame Cure Wounds
Spiritual As an action once per short rest, exhale in a 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX DC 12, half damage on
Guiding Bolt
Weapon success) for 2d6 Fire Damage.
Healing Word
Language Proficiency
Protection from
Good and Evil Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant


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