Mode of Transmission
It is important to note that people with HIV who are taking ART and
are virally suppressed do not transmit HIV to their sexual partners.
Early access to ART and support to remain on treatment is therefore
critical not only to improve the health of people with HIV but also to
prevent HIV transmission.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS
Donated blood in the United States has long been tested for HIV
(since 1985) and is considered very safe. Also, if a pregnant woman
knows she is HIV-positive, her medical team can now take special
steps to help prevent her baby from becoming infected.
Condom use
Consistent and correct use of the male latex condom reduces the risk
of sexually transmitted disease (STI) and human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) transmission. However, condom use cannot provide
absolute protection against any STI.
Latent TB doesn’t have symptoms. A skin or blood test can tell if you
have it.
TB isn’t easy to catch. You usually have to spend a long time around
someone who has a lot of the bacteria in their lungs. You’re most likely
to catch it from co-workers, friends, and family members.
Tuberculosis Prevention