Name----------------------- Date-------------------
First of all I am greatly indebted to God whose mercy, wisdom and grace
enabled me to complete this challenging assignment successfully.
Special gratitude go to the course supervisor Dr. Morris Anene for his
invaluable advise suggestions in numerous ways that helped to shape my
ideas while writing the project.
Staff and management of DALC City Campus for their support and
cooperation during my short stay there. I cannot also forget to thank Dr
Humphrey Oborah, Head of Missions and Curriculum Manager DALC for
his vision in providing a modern learning powerhouse.
Last but not the least, my family for being there and also a great source of
support and inspiration during this busy time.
Information Communications Technology (ICT) has impacted almost every
sector of the economy, however, it is generally accepted that the rate of
development of new technologies has been lower in developing countries.
This study endeavored to examine the awareness and adoption of ICT
among secretarial staff of Kenya National Hospital. The study identified
some problems facing the secretarial staff in regard to access and adoption
of internet.
Declaration ……………………………………………………... i
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………… ii
Abstract ………………………………………………….............. iii
Table of contents ………………………………………………… iv
1.0 Background of Study................................................................ 1
1.1 Background of Study Institution………………………… 3
1.2 Organizational Structure………………………………... 4
1.3 Department of Study……………………………………. 5
3.0 Problem Specifications .......................................................... 20
3.1 Proposed Solutions ………………………………………. 20
3.2 Broad Objectives ………………………………………… 20
3.3 Specific Aims ……………………………………… 21
4.0 Research Design and Methodology ……………………… 22
4.1 Sample Population ……………………………………… 22
4.2 Sampling Technique…………………………………….. 23
4.3 Data Collection…………………………………………… 23
4.4 Data Analysis ……………………………………………. 24
5.0 Data Analysis, Results and Findings ……………………. 25
5.1 Conclusions …………………………………………….. 29
5.2 Recommendations ……………………………………… 30
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Improvement ……….. 30
References …………………………………………………… 33
Questionnaire……………………………………………. 36
and personal life in modern world.
early years. Instead, 4 Mbps bandwidth and a symmetric VSAT ( Very
Small Aperture Terminal) satellite configurations were employed (Mutula,
1.1 Organizational Structure
The Ministry of Health is headed by permanent secretary who is the
Accounting Officer and the Chief Executive Officer. Directly under him is
the Director of Medical Services who is in charge of all technical issues in
the Ministry.
Error: Reference source not found
KEMSA - Kenya Medical Supplies Agency
KEMRI - Kenya Medical Research Institution
KNH - Kenyatta National Hospital
NHIF - National Hospital Insurance Fun
1.3 Department of Study
The study was done at Kenyatta National Hospital which is the oldest
hospital in the Country having been found in 1901 as the Native Civil
Hospital and then largest King George VI in 1952. It is currently the largest
National Referral, Teaching and Research Hospital. KNH was established
a state Corporation in 1987 through a legal notice No. 109.
2.0 Theoretical Review
2.0.1 Information Communications Technology (ICT)
ICT is defined by Lucey (2005) as the acquisition, process, storage and
dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numeric information by a
micro-electronics based combination of computing and
According to Jessup & Valacich (2003) ICT can be viewed as facilitating,
replacement and enhancement technologies as outlined below:
1 Facilitating – the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) facilities
people in communicating and accessing remote information from world
sources and hence remove the constraints of time and distance. ICT also
facilitates the emergence of virtual forms of business operation e.g. E-
2 Replacement –computer automation where computers replace people in
certain business process. ICT can be programmed to automate certain
routine mechanical and business operations and thus replace
humans, totally or partially.
The rapid developments in ICT have a profound impact across all sectors
of human life. Broadly defined, ICT covers any product that stores,
retrieves, manipulates, transmits or receives information in a digital form.
It includes computer, the rapidly changing communication technologies
(radio, television, mobile, and internet), networking and data processing
capabilities, and the software for using the technologies (Primo N.2003).
ICT is a general-purpose technology that has wide applicability in various
sectors. It has strong spread effects and extensive linkages with the rest of
the economy by imbuing greater information and development content in
products and processes. ICT provides new and faster ways of delivering
and accessing information that can improve productivity and earning
opportunities, provide effective ways for communication, create new jobs
and bring about improvements in the delivery of education and other
social services (WWW. Adb.org/ Documents/ conference/ technology
divide, actions from development agencies, stake holders and the
government are needed. Universities are the type of such institutions that
can play big roles in developing and utilizing ICT as well as bridging
digital by creating ICT awareness, literacy and expertise in most cases,
one of these activities leads to achieving another. For example, in the
course of achieving ICT expertise, one is exposed to the awareness and
countries is a new and growing phenomenon, which presents serious
challenges. He further asserts that while vast amount of hardware and
software are acquired in increasing qualities, user, expectations of
improved services are not fulfilled, partly due to the low quality of
management and maintenance of ICT. (Moyo, 1996) and (Valantin, 1996)
argues that the infrastructure, especially communication infrastructure,
bandwidth size and power interruption as the source of the problem in the
application of ICT in the developing world. People’s literacy level,
language ability and cultural background, as well as their age and altitude
towards modern technologies are also inhibiting factors in appreciating
the use of ICT. Massingue (2003) states that the knowledge necessary for
effective use and exploitation is not being transferred at the same speed as
the technology itself.
Most of the present ICT security controls measures are only on an ad hoc
basis and users have expressed frustration of the performance of the new
technology. In order to address these challenges, organizations in
developing countries are attempting to use existing solutions (standards,
framework, models etc) that promise to solve these problems, which are
similar to those found in the developed world. However, the study of
many of these available solutions reveals that most of them have
themselves inherent limitations and are largely costly, impractical,
consume a lot of time to implement and do not address the situation –
specific problems that are unique to organizations in the developing world
(Wanyembi et al: 2000)
information and accompanying changes in technology used to generate,
disseminate, access and manage that information. These developments have
thus created challenges such as the complexity in finding selecting, and
using information. Information users/ seekers encounter diverse and
abundant information choices in their various endeavors. An individual
processes skills that would allow them to evaluate, understand and use
information intelligently and ethically (Chisenga, 2004). Information
literacy is therefore, a transformational process in which the learner finds,
evaluates, uses and creates information in many forms for personal, social
or global purposes ( Simonson et al; 1987)
(Augustino, 2000)
evidence that actual use of e-commerce means tends to build up
trust .
Because the “haves” are better equipped to use ICT and adopt new
technologies, the gap between the “have nots” grows exponentially as new
technologies appears, further compounding the problem (Bridges. Org,
There no one- size – fits – all solution to bridging the digital divides for
countries. An important first step is to establish how e- ready a given
population currently is ( Kirkman, Osorio & Sachs, 2002). Kirkman,
Osorio & Sachs, (2002) defines e- readiness as the degree to which a
certain community is prepared, and has the potential to participate in the
networked world. They state that, since 1998 a number of e- readiness
assessment model and measures have been developed, some even include
indicators to compare the e- readiness of different countries.
When Harvard University’s networked readiness index (NRI) was
originally created, a short-term goal was created to enhance public policy
makers’ understanding of the factors contributing to ICT advancement, so
that business practice and public policy could be shaped in the most
informed manner possible (Kirkman, Osorio & Sachs, 2002). In
comparison of e- readiness assessment models and tools, Bridges. Org
(2001) showed that while there is an overlap between them- e.g. most
consider physical infrastructure, level of ICT use, human capacity and
training, policy environment, and the local ICT economy each has its own
definition of e- readiness and something unique about its measurement
criteria. This diversity of individual standards of e- readiness and therefore,
no one correct tool.
Bridges Org (2001) identified a need for a more comprehensive model that
was a variable, one that offers holistic view of the need for ICT and the
constraints that hamper ICT access and use. The organization realized that
the actual nuts and bolts of computers and network, cables are only one
small part that may limit the growth of the ICT sector; these are just some
of the other important issues to consider. The concept of real interrelated
factors, was thus proposed
According to the Standard (2007), Kenya, like the rest of East Africa, region
lacks terrestrial internet connection to the International bad width .The
World Bank observes that East Africa is the only region that still relies
mostly on expensive and poor quality satellite infrastructure with costs
ranking amongst the highest in the world. It estimates that the regions
international wholesale bandwidth prices are 20 to 40 times higher than
those in the U.S.A. Consequently , businesses are unable to compete in
the global economy ,University Students suffer because the cannot access
internet , and government agencies cannot communicate effectively with
each other because they are not connected.
Poor Internet connectivity has also been identified as key factor to the
deteriorating quality of education offered in University in Kenya. The
Kenyan Minister for Education ,Professor George Saitoti noted that it
was depressing that both public and private Universities continued to
lank poorly internationally saying it was pastry due to the fact that
researches conducted were never posted on the internet and other avenues
where their done by scholars (Daily Nation ,2007)
this infrastructure by liberalizing the market for television and community
radio broadcasting. Community radio broadcasting has also been liberalized
but only Fm stations are permitted to broadcast in the liberalized economy
(Kinyanjui & McCormick 2002)
telecommunication infrastructure and on the rate at which Telkoms and the
regulator CCK promotes investment in affordable digital network. Telkom
owns and manages Jambonet, a satellite network that is used to transmit data
communication services. Inter- country flows of data communication traffic
have been relatively slow and expensive because of the lack of an Internet
Exchange Point (IxP), which would serve as a clearing house for local internet
traffic between Internet Service Providers (ISP). Until early 2002, all email
message traffic and access to locally hosted web sites where routed via North
America or Europe (Kane, 2003). An IXP was formed early in 2002 and was
providing interconnection for 6 of the main ISPs in Kenya.
ISPs play a key role in handling the flow of data communication traffics
between Jambonet and consumers. The ISPs are private organizations that are
licensed to download traffic from Jambonet and to distribute it to consumers.
There has been a proliferation of ISPs, especially in Nairobi. In 1996 there
were nine licensed ISPs and this number had risen to 70 by 2002. Some of the
main ISPs operating in Kenya are: Swift Global, Nairobi net, Africa Online,
Wanainchi Online, and Kenya Web (Kane, 2001,)
The initial internet connectivity in Kenya has been through a dial –up access
with only few digital leased lines. Dial-up connectivity is normally dismally
slow and unreliable. One issue is that in Kenya while the tradition of internet
adoption and utilization has been slow, the access has been limited and
expensive. The low adoption and use of internet in Kenya has largely been
attributable to general ignorance of its potential and limited technical capacity,
thus causing them to rely on external agencies.
There is not doubt that the internet represents and area of immense opportunity,
but without the ability to think of its potential inn an innovative way, Kenyans
will not be able to identify with, nor seize the vast potential offered by the
internet. There is need for demonstrated interventions that will provide
conditions that will enhance individual employees’ interaction, accessibility
and use of internet.
3.0 Problem Specification
Kenyatta National Hospital like many other public institutions in the
country continues to face ICT challenges everyday. The institution has no
free internet access to its staff due to budgetary constraints and therefore
the staff can only access internet through cyber-cafes outside the office.
The ICT challenges facing the institution are those by extension facing the
government of Kenya today:
adoption of information communication technology (ICT) as a tool for
processing and transfer of information among the secretarial staff of the
Kenyatta National Hospital. The study tested the hypothesis that there is not
relationship between adoption of ICT and the personal characteristics of the
secretarial staff.
4.0 Research Design and Methodology
According to Cooper & Schindler (2006) research design constitutes the
blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. This study
adopted a descriptive research design to examine the adoption and
awareness of ICT amongst secretarial staff of Kenyatta National Hospital.
Descriptive research is the type of research that explores and describes the
data or characteristics needed for the research. It has several advantages;
The people being studied are unaware so they act naturally or they
normally do in everyday situation;
Category Target Sample size %
Personnel 30 22 27.5
Administration 30 18 22.5
Procurement 30 20 25
Clinical services 30 20 25
Total 120 80 100
Advantages of questionnaires
The responses are gathered in a standardized way so questionnaires are
more objective, certainly more than interviews.
Generally questionnaires are relatively quick to collect information.
Potentially information can be collected from a large proportion of a
5.0 Data Analysis, Results and Findings
Table 1:Sex
Sex Frequency Percentage
Female 76 95
Male 4 5
Total 80 100
Source: Researcher (2008)
Age Frequency Percentage
18-30 37 46.25
31-43 40 50.00
44-55 3 3.75
Totals 80 100
Source: Researcher (2008)
Table 3: Length of service
Experience Frequency percentage
0-5 15 18.75
6-15 35 43.75
16-25 24 30.00
26-35 6 7.50
Total 80 100
Source: Researcher (2008)
L ength of service
8% 19 % 0-5
3 0% 6 to 15
16 to 2 5
43 % 26 to 3 5
Table 3 shows that 18.75% of the respondents have worked for 5 and
less years ,43.75% have worked for a period of 6-15 years, 30%
worked for 16-25 years while 7.5 % have service ranging between
26-35 years . .The Implication is that majority of the respondents have
adequate and experience in the profession.
Table 5: Access to computer.
Access to Computer Frequency Percentage
Yes 68 85
No 12 15
Totals 80 100
Source: Researcher (2008)
10 0%
Y es
Table 7 shows all the 80 respondents covered in the survey, 100% agree
that they are fully aware of internet service.
Table 8 shows that out of the 80 respondents covered in the survey, 70%
indicate that they do not have access to internet use whenever need arise
while 30% do have access to the same.
Out of the respondents covered in the survey, 18.75% indicated that they
have adopted internet in their both personal and professional use while
81.25% only use it for official purposes.
Hypothesis testing
Table 10: Adoption of ICT and personal characteristics.
5.1 Conclusions
The study examined the awareness and adoption of ICT among secretarial
staff of Kenyatta National Hospital. The results reveals that a good
number of secretarial staff have access to computer facilities and
can also operate it,however majority do not have access to internet use
when they need it except in official purposes.The reasons for the above
state of affairs is attributed to lack of knowdlege,cost of adoption and also
lack of interest.
The study has also revealed a positive relationship between age, awareness
of internet and experience of the respondents: positive and significant
relationship does also exist between respondents and their access to
The government needs to put in place a national ICT policy that aims to
improve the livelihood of all Kenyans by ensuring the availability of
accessible, efficient, reliable and affordable ICT services in the country. .
5.2 Recommendations.
Recognizing the key role that the secretarial staff play at the
organization ,it is recommended based on the findings of this study,
that more computer facilities be provided with internet connectivity.
The time and finances scheduled for the study were inadequate and
therefore the study did not cover study objectives satisfactorily. Also
limited financial resources implies that the study did not use the most
appropriate data methodology but instead used the most cost effective
technique which may affect the results validity and reliability.
Current research on Internet adoption in the country has been found rare
and the literature surveyed was relatively fragmented and diverse. This
means that the theoretical background of the study was not based on
authoritative data sources and background.
response rate is by enlisting the assistance of colleagues to convince their
workmates the rationale of the study.
Alfarm Khalid Faisal, 2002. ICT production and its limitations;
users in Riyadh city: Users in Riyadh City: Uses and Gratification
Gill ,J and Jackson ,P 2002 ,Research Methods for Managers ,3rd edition
Regional e- government Programmer: Program from Tanzama , 2nd EAC
R regional Contrastive Workshop ,Nairobi 28-29 June
Daily Nation ,2007 Vistor’s and colleges learn to learn & for
students to stay a
Kelly, K.J,2005 Kenya’s brain drain alarming ,says UN report. Daily
Nation , October 26.2005.
Wanyembi G, Looijen M (2000) A model for improving ICT innovation
and Technology.
Simonson MR, Maurer M, Montag- Torardi M and Whitaker M(1987)
Development of a standardized test of computer literacy and computer
anxiety index.
1. Name------------------------------- (optional)
2. Sex: Male [ ]
Female [ ]
31-43 years [ ]
44-55 years [ ]
6-15 year [ ]
16-25 year [ ]
26-35 year [ ]
Higher National Diploma [ ]
Other (specify) [ ]
: Single [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
12 what are the reasons for your non- adoption of the internet use in (ii)?
Cost of adoption [ ]
Not necessary [ ]
No knowledge of operation. [ ]