THS Yearbook 1994

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Board & Administration ..................................... 6

Faculty ................................................................... 7
Staff ....................................................................... 8
Library & Office Aides ........................................ 9
Freshmen ............................................................ 10
Sophomores ........................................................ 12 •
Juniors ................................................................. 14


Senior Portraits .................................................. 18
Foreign Exchange Students ............................... 20
Senior Portraits ................................................... 22
Foreign Exchange Students ............................... 24
Homecoming Week ............................................ 26
Homecoming Dance & Court ............................ 30
Senior Class ........................................................ 31
Senior Officers .................................................... 32
Senior Candids ................................................... 33

Football ............................................................... 36
T-Club ................................................................. 38
Academic All-Conference & Sports Awards ... 39
Volleyball ............................................................. 40
Boys' Basketball ................................................. 42
Girls' Basketball ................................................. 44
Scoreboards 45
Girls' Track 46
Boys' Track ......................................................... 47
Cheerleading ....................................................... 48
T.H.S. Spirit ........................................................ 49
Yearbook ............................................................. 52
Papoose .............................................................•.. 53
Student Council .................................................. 54
FHA ..................................................................... 55
Band .................................................................... 56
Chorus ................................................................. 58
Pop Ensemble ..................................................... 59
Scholastic Bowl ................................................... 60
Teens of the Month & World Affairs ............... 61
Musical ................................................................ 62
National Honor Society ...................................... 64
Academic Awards ............................................... 65
Prom .................................................................... 66

Graduation .......................................................... 72
Senior Record ..................................................... 74
Index .................................................................... 76
Boosters ............................................................... 78
350 Washington Street, Tiskilwa, IL 61368

The Gen1 of the

Indian Valley

Freshmen load up their

lockers on the first day of

Sponwred h~
Ti,kllwa. II,

he theme "A

with other high school
Time for districts. and/or a possi-
Reflection·· was ble tax increase within
chosen for the the Tiskilwa High
1994 Arrow because of School District.

the potential changes
The yearbook staff
regarding the possible
annexation of our knew that no matter
Tiskilwa High School what the outcome
District to the Princeton of this emotionally

Sponsored by
High School District,
the possible consolida-
- charged issue, the
1993/1994 school year
Below - Shelly Sear-. and Chrhty tion of the Tiskilwa would be a time for
St;RGICAL TR\DI!\G CO. Me et) di,et'l a sh;~rk in
High School District reflection.
Tiskilwa, IL advanced biology cia".

Right - Charlotte \1ast quffs ~ev­

enteen grapes in her mouth O\ er
lunch hour for a chool record.

Left - Christa Colby practices
CPR for health cia~ .

Below Ju>tm Forbet k, Joe wen, Wllhe

Forbed. Shannon Luca • and Chrt un~
Huff return from the Area Vocauonal

Spon ored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Participation makes Tiskilwa unique.

SJWnsored b)'
Princeton, IL

Spon ored b)
Tiskilwa, JL

Fud the h:b become a

tradition for homecoming and
"eek .

The Popoosc stol'f and M . Gerig

pa ~ out candy to childn:n along the
Homecoming Po rude route-.

Rtpainnan mD) not~ in th~ prioctpat•,

job description, but .Mr. l.amour bo•o.
bls •er atilll) at repairing the copy

Directing Changes

Board of Education: Charle\ ·t dams, \lia President; David Samp-

son, PreSident; Dale 4nderson, SeaefmJ; Cyntlzza .'Hauptn, Donald
~murker, Phil Kaufmann, and Gemge Kauffman. Dean ofStudents:john Garvin

Principal: Ron LaMour Superintendent: James Wlutmore

Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Timely Instruction
Mark Brown
Marcia Burress
Karen Carlson
Ann Darwish
Chris Dombroski

Celeste Faber
John Garvin
Beth Gerig
Doris Hamilton
Elaine McVety

Innovations at THS
Technology has advanced at Tiskil-
wa High School this year. The library
bought a 486 IBM computer with a CD
Rom and X-Press which gives faculty
and students the opportunity to
research a greater variety of topics.
Also the computer lab received a net-
work version of Horizons, a career
planning program to give students the
capability of exploring future schools
and occupations.

Mrs . Shull celebrates her bllthday with

other faculty members durmg lunch.

Greg Sarver
Marie Shull
.. Stev e Vossen
Sharon Young

Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Time To Work
\Irs. Sharon Borg, the Distr in #:~00 organized. tom left) and Gene clean chalk boards, .tnd
high sdwol secrctan (top The staff works diligently Gust<tfson (bottom right), keep our building clean
left). and \11 s. Sharon during the school year to the custodi.tns, work and operating efficiently.
Anderson, the district insure that all bill'> <He before and after school The staff and their hard
bookkeeper (top 1 ight). paid and office business is keeping the school pre- work is appreciated by the
are hard at work in their completed effective!\. sentable for the public. administration and the
respective offices to keep Liz DobrO\\Olski (bot- Thev vacuum, •meep, facult}.

Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Using Their Time Wisely
Ltbrary aide~ thi year are Sherrie
Ribas, Holly Kauffman, Chri-.ty
McVety , Terenna Laffert} Ch1d
Sroka"-, Angie Hooker. Shel ly Sear.,
Becky Forbeck, Gabriel Andriott,,
and Hannah Fo-.~ .

Mr~ . McVety is the high

school librarian half of the
day, so the library aides keep
the library open while she's
away. Becky Porbeck like
being uhle to ''get a chance to
know other people at chool
better." Library aides put
away and check out books;
return magaLines to the tor-
age room and make copies.
They also try and keep the
library quiet while students

enior librar)· aides & the chool

librarian this year; Chri,ty ~1cVety.
M rs McVety . H olly Kauffman.
Shelly Sears & Becky Forbeck .
Underc.lassmen also help in the

Taking Time to Help Out

David Johnson and Cara Comerford
are the office aides this year. The>
help out b} answenng the phone,
\\.rtting pa"e'· and greeting people
while M rs. Borg '' at lunch.

pon ored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Joel shows off his voneyball skills
during Homecoming Week.

Row 1: President Jennlfer Madsen,

Secretary Angela Baker, Tresurer
Nicole Sampson, Vice-President Bob
Wald . Row 2: Sponsors Beth Gerig
and steve Vossen. :::::::::::~

Above: Bob and Joel help each other out during keyboarding

Below: Jolm gets punished for being a lresbman!

ponsoced by
Princeton. IL
Crystal Adams
Justin Albrecht
Jason Arbuckle
Angela Baker
Christopher Borys
Terenna LafJerty
Vicld Lenihan
Jennifer Madsen

Dana McCauley
Joel McComber
Robin Morris
Ryan Musil
Sheri Nelson
Tara Olson
Nicole Sampson

John Sayre
Rebecca Schertz
Molly Sears
David Wagner
Robert Waldo
Tania Waldo

Tan.ia and Terenna •shalcing the

room• at the Homecoming Dance.

Above; Freshmen worlc hard during English on Hats and

Shades Day.

Left: The freshmen compete in the Tollet Paper Wrap during

Anything Goes.

ponsored by
Princeton. IL PEOPLE
Gabriel Andriotis
Chad Brokaw
Joseph Case

Christa Colby
Hannah Foss
Angela Hooker

Richard Humphreys
Amanda Kay McVety
Suzanne MWlSon

Christina Perry
Sherrie Ribas

"Pagina" - Sophomore girls. A word

most often heard in Sophomore Span-
ish. Irs a Spanish word, meaning page,
that Sophomores love.

Christa Colby enjoys the Homecoming dance.

"Boom Shake the Room" was the theme.
English n sees Tiskilwa in a new
way. The assignment was to
observe Tiskilwa as it it was our Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Cyndi Saal
William Sims
Ben Spacek
Jill Stowe
Jessica Strass

Brian Thompson
Nicholas Vujanov
Anthony Wooden

Sponsored by
Pete Worgess PIZZA HUT
Katherine Wright Princeton, IL

Sophomore Class Officers: President Wes Sampson,

Treasurer Cyndi Saal, Secretary Christina Perry, and
Vice President Suzie Munson. Sponsors are: Mrs.
Young and Mr. Brown.
Sophomores "wrap it up" during Homecoming activities.

Theresa Baker
Heather Balensiefen
Greg Borys
Shirley Borys
Justin Forbeck

Cory Friel
Rick Funderberg
Staci Hayes
Jonathan Huebner
Christina Huff

Danny Jaggers
Matthew Janssen
Shannon Lucas
Keith Magnuson

Erica McComber
Ryan Morris
Joseph NJ..Ssen
Colette O'Neill
Jeremy Piacenti

Bryan Read
Joshua Reed
Stephanie Ribas
JoAnn Schertz
Scott Stahnke

ponsored by Jason Whitford

Hayes Auto Sale Andrew Wright
Princeton, IL Dawn Wright
Julie Yepsen

Class of 1995
Our class thought they had won the toilet paper wrapping contest; but little did we know the
Semo~ had beaten us.
DarmyJaggers is busy to figure out how to complete his Ozemistry
lab experiment.

The Junior Qass in 1994 was represerrted by: President - Cory Friel, Vice-President -
Erica McComber, Treasurer- Ryan Morris, Secretary -Julie Yep en; and therr spons~
On Hats and Shades Day, Bryan Read was caught on camera wearing a
uJere: Marcia Burress, John Garvin and Karen Carlson.
umque hat and 60's style glasses.

Daw'.' W'!ght, julie Yepserr, JoAnn Schert::., and Staci Hayes stopped to pose for a
candrd prcture on Hats and Shades Day.

pon ored b}
chertz Countr} ide Sales During theJunior Social, &ith Magnuson flipped pork chaps and burgers while
Greg Borys & Rick Funderlmg offered adt>ice.
Tiskilwa, IL
0 eco
Homecoming week found many cniors participutin~ in "Hat and A rather unconventional pic eatln~ style won the contest for the
Shades Day,. but still ready to finish accounting signments. senior cia. but len Simon ~tichcl covered in banana cream pic.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

El 1IOR & HOY1EC0\1L G

Chad Brokaw. Gabriel Andriotis,
David Johnson and Scott Stahnke
cheer on their cia ses during the
"An:tthing Goes'' competition.

John Gra) come' up "ith a "~tuff

block" during the champion\hip of
cl~\ v • cla~s ~ollt)ball.

Aki. Han • Ta ·,ito & Simon nperi·

tncc Homecoming llnd Homt'Com·
ing Parades for the first time.

Sponsort.-d by
Princeton, IL
"The time has finally come_!'
~ 0 . 4-J.Au.~~
Bryan Dale Anderson

Hans Ruedi Born

Adam James Brokaw

Cora Ann Comerford

Rebecca Lyn Forbeck

~,J(,a~ d.~~~- 'FJLJ

William Christopner Forbeck

.JuJ.m Davis Gray

Steven Paul Greathouse

~(S· q_~_uru
Bobbi Jo Haun

)nne Doruca Humphreys

Dav1d Abraham Johnson

Holly Ivilchelie Kauffman

drl PJll ~*
Benjamin Matthew La11e:~y

~10.t\c<4.S l~
Amanda S e Lee
SE. 'lOR
Hans Born
Hans Bom, the son of Hansruedi & l rsula Bom,
nunc from Klingnau, Switzerland. He h.1s Ct~joyed
IllS sta\ with the Schmitt f.unih (rniddk kft)and the
nc\\ fnends he has made tlu ·\ear.
Hans \'isited Chicago se\eral time and says that
Chicago ts his f~1vorite cit) (bottom right).
America ga\'e him the "possibility" to get hi dri-
\er's hceno.;e; he passed as number one of the '94 fall
test taJ...ers (middle right).
Hans ts more the adventurous type of person and
loYes to 'ikt (bottom left).
After graduation Hans plam on finishing college
in Swiuerland. He al o plans on coming bacJ... to
America for a longer sta\.

Spon ored by
Rich and Carolyn chmitt
Tiskilwa, IL

Simon is the son of Willy

and Erika Michel and is from
Switzerland. When he came to
America, ht~ expected to lh·e
in a big city. However, he end-
ed up staying in rural Tiskilwa
(bottom left) with the Har-
man family (middle left).
While in America, he had
many experiences, such as
carving a pumpkin on Hal-
loween (top left). going to
Great America (top ceo ter).
visiting Arizona (top right),
and driving Hans' truck (mid-
dle right). While in the United
States, Hans Born and Simon
had many good times together
(bottom right) .

•~ ! ' ,' ·. ·'.

' . . .- Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL


Charlotte Irene Mast

Christina Marie McVety

Simon Michel

Tassilo Moeschke

~ rncP..'?.' <-a
Mindy Jo Morns

T _. an Alan Morris
Aki Nakajima

Michael Nelson

~ IY(. 11~
Tori Michelle Ru y 11~

erv<ilitL ~
Mary Christina Saal

5~ K. ~~
~ne,_ ~ __ Jtrueen Sears

h~L . 5~
Kevm Lynr ~ l s

.1v.uv 1Ub'! ~UJ l J v "l T~

~ - --...- ...,.... - ~ ~ - ~--


Ta-.silo is the son of Jochen and

Monica Moeschke and comes from
Leinzig, Gennany. He is staying
with the Doug and Chris Albrecht
Tassilo's experiences while in
the Vnited States have included:
being a Tiskilwa Indian (middle
right), riding in his host father's
truck 1 top right), skiing at Chestnut
Resort (top left). meeting Bugs
Bunny (middle left). and arm
wrestling with his host brother
(bottom left).
When Tassilo returns to Ger-
many he will certainly miss his
host sisters, Chcrith and Angie, and
host brothers, Cameron and Justin
(bottom right).

pon ored by
Tiskilwa, IL


Aki Nakajima
Dear THS Student\ and Ft'achcrs!

IIi.' Holl''l it going? .'.fa\'ht•, I'm fine. Wht'll you rt'lld thi1, /already
am hack. at .1clwol in Japan. I gul'ls I'm rt'allv milling Tisk.il11l1,
fnend~. school, and mll\·he e1·erything, ht•catHe I had a 1·ery nice time
11 ith all of you. I 'II IW\'er forget that my \'IIIIey haii 1k.ills 11 ere poor, and
how nice Mr. Garrin w,n 10 lt•t me participate. When fln'nl to .1clwol
for the jint tune and I wlk.t•d wllh you all, I was really nen'mH and
ten\t'. A1 the day.1 1\'l'nlt/11, you all made m1' fi•t'i really welcomed am//
felt lik.e !wa.1 at home. /learned many nt•w things. not only English hut
how friends and fwmly are tmporltllll 10 me. Alw. I I can do itt/
I heliert'd inmy1elf I can't e\pre ~my big memorie1 in the 1wrc/.1 hut/
can 1cn· tmh· thi.\ 1mrds "Thank.
ymt HI much" 10 my ho 1 jiuniil',
jriend.1, teacher.\, Ham , Simon.
Ta.1.1ilo, their ho.\1 familie\. and Spon ored by
my IEC. I'll ne1·er forget a1 you
chet'red me up, ht'iped me and LORNA RIBA & FAMILY
el'erythillg. I hope you wt/1 Tiskilwa, IL
wmetime.\ rememht•r me.

I am changing!?

October 31. 1992 Augu\t 15, 1993 :-.:ovember 27. 1993 March 20, 199-l




' 9 1
pers, curlers, and the late t leep wear Staci Have wtth Cara Comerford,

D uring Homecoming
Week, Tiskilwa High
School was very active.
Students and farulty members were
involved in activities that took place
fashions (6). The pajama winners
were: 1st place- Cara Comerford
(J) with her cabbage patch doll, 2nd
place tie between - Olristi Saal with
her lovable teddy bear and Angie
Hooker with her twin trolls, and Jrd
and Be~ky Schertz with Dana
McCauley and J-way tie for Jrd place
between julie Yepsen with Dawn
Wright, Shelly Sears with Becky For-
beck and also Bobbi llaun with Holly
Knu.!Jman. During lunch, the junior
each day. place Wllmers Gabriel Andriotis, class won the volleyball competition.
Tuesday was a combination of Dauidjohnson and Keith Magnuson. Friday was Spirit Day with Feed
Hats/Shades and Tie/Bo:rer Day (8). Durmg lunch, Anything Goes wa the Indians at lunch ( 1 ). Early dis-
Winners were: 1st place -Simon held and consisted of class vs. class missal was followed by the traditional
Michel, 2nd place - Becky Schert: activities. Some of those activities homt>coming parade with many stu·
and Jrd place - Daunt Wnght. Dur- were: Pie Eating Contest (4 ), Egg denb and faculty participating. The
mg lunch, the famous Mi Pigskin Toss (7) and Toilet Paper Wrap (10). King R.van Schert: and Queen Mandy
Contest was held. This year Steve For thefirst time ever, the Seniors won Lee reigned over the parade and
Greathouse was crowned Mtss the days competition! dance (9).
Pigskin. /lis court included 1st runner Thursday was Multiple Birth Da_v
up -Andrew Wright, 2nd runner up During the week everyone looked
(2). Every where _vou looked, you foru.rard to the game ort Friday night
- Cory Friel with other participants would see students and faculty dressed
Nrck Vujanov and Wes Samp on (5). and the SaturdaJ dance, ""Boom,
the same. The winners were: 1st place 5hake the Room! ( 11)
Wednesday was Pajama Day. - Bryan Read and Wes Sampson,
Many students were seen wearing slip- 2nd place tie between joann Schert::.,

SE~IORS & IIOl\lEC0\11 'G 27

Top right - John Gra) and the
cheerleaders help Ste"e Greathouse
and Andre" Wril!ht prepare for the
:\li~., Pig-.kin Pageant. Right -\\in-
ner of the lint · "hades Coote t:
Becky Schert7, econd place; Simon
.\Iiebel, fir t place; Da"n Wright.
third place. Left - Winner-. of the PJ
Conte t: Cara Comerford, first place:
Chri ti Saal & Angie Hooker, ~cond
place; Gabriel Andrioti Da\id John-
son & Keith lagnu on, third place.
Bottom right - \\ inners of the Tie &
Bo:\er conte t: R) an Schertz, first
place; Amanda Ka~ Mc\'ety, second
place: Julie Ycpsen, third plal·e. Bot-
tom Left - Winner · of the Multiple
Birth Conte t: Br) an Read & We.
Sampson, first place; Staci Ha) es.
Cara Comerford, Jo nn Schertz.
Beck) Schertz & Dana McCaule). ec-
ond place: Julie Yepsen, Dawn Wright.
Shelly Sear.., Becky Forbeck, Bobbi Jo
Haun & lloll) KaufTman, third place.

pon ored by
Princeton, IL

hake The Room

• ···nr~1t01r.for
the dance ~ere: Top Ro~ -Jon Huebner.\\~ amp,on. :\lind) \1 rrb.
an \nder,on. :\liddle Ro~ -:\land) Lee. Chad Brol..a~. Gabriel Andrioti.,, l.ihirle)
m,, Sheri , 'el!>on, Terenna Laffert). Front Ro~- Holl) Kauffman. Reel.) Forbrtl...
\nn ·chertz. Moll) Sean. and AJ..i >'lakajima.

Top - The senior ~irl ...,trike a po e'" during their Ia t

Homecoming: Cara Comerford. \'\onne Humphre • Bobbi
Jo Haun. :\land) Lee. Tori Ra)ne. Holl) Kauffman. \lind)
.\lorri and Christi aal.

Belo"- Friend' record 1993 Hom~ oming memori :Joel

McComber. Ton) \\ooden. Chri ta Colb). :'\lick \"ujano,.
John ·a) re. Chrhtina Perr). JC 1le. amp on. Fred Thatch-
er. Pete Worge.,. Bill ·im'>, uzie :\tun on and W~ ·amp-

ponsored b)
CRO\\ lAl TE
Princeton. IL

Riel. Funderberg. JO!>h Reed and Cr) tal Adams rela" at a table during the dance.
Holly Kauffman Mandy Lee
Secretary Pre ident

Christy Saal Mindy Morris

Trea urer Vice Pre ident

® eniors & Homecoming

ponsored by
Princeton, IL

Mand} Lee & Han Born


Charlotte Ma t & Bryan Anderson

Ton Rayne & Ke\ in Sights

Cara Comerford, Kevm S1gh~, & Ryan. chenz


Bobbi Haun & Ryan hertz.

Chrhu Saal & K vin S1ghts

Mindy Monis Ryan Schenz

Tori Rayne. Adam Brokaw, & Ryan Schertz
1. Kevin dresses up for the camera.
2. Seniors attempt to ditch class and hang out in the study hall!
3. Seniors gathering together was a familiar sight everyday dwing
Becky F,ubec , Bobbi Haun. & Bryan nder on
Holly Kauffman & Adam Brokaw

pon ored b.}

E. lOR A: D HO.ME Ol\IL .G
Princeton, IL
"What time is it?" "It's ga1ne time!"
Charlottt> , I t plays a great defen,he game but h had her be t .\ndre~ \\right ~•ret~h j~r.t a litt lll(ll"t! than hi dd'roshe man to <;C(lf'e t"o
offenshe night yet with 11 point against Gaha's Lad) Cats. poinb forth 'J biJiwa lrtdiarb.

Sponsored by
Princeton. IL
The 1993 \'ol/eydolls celebrate
their Six-peat Illinois \'alley
Conference Champion~hip llilh
Coach Ganin.

R}an SchertL (221 and John

Gray (68) execute a screen.

The intensity of Volle}doll

Coach John Ganin has pro,id-
ed the drhing force behind
more than 300 career \ictories.

Sponsored by
HOME Princeton, IL

The 1993 football season marked makes the hit on a kickoff return. ~ta­
the 5th ·car for the Bradford-Tiskilwa u ucians \\ere: Bryan Anderson,
Co-op. It was a fairly successful \ear \land~ Lee & Keith ~tagnuson. Cap-
and had it not been for a few losses by tains were R\an Sc hert/, John (.ray &
only a point or two, we would have Ste\e Greathouse. Photo 4: John Gray
made the playoffs. Photo I: Joe '\issen, blocks for Brandon Atchley on a run
R\arl ~cheru & Andy Wright block on up the middle. Photo ): ~tC\' C
<l runnmg play. Photo 2: Ryan ')chert/. Greathouse (Mouse) prepares to Ia~ a
is tackled, after a first down, while John hit upon a Peoria Heights runner.
Gray looks or1. Photo 3: Josh Reed

Sponsored by
Wyanet, IL

•G •
1--------------------- Sponsored by
Princeton, IL C O . - - - -

40 •
20 •

• • •
. ,, "-J
1993 Bradford-Tiskilwa Varsity Football- Ro" I· 1\rt.lll Knoblod.. \lzlt· '-hipk,, (,nf l.t· m~t·I, 1\randon ,\tchl, R\ \1\ l.nmn~n, S<.ott C.ulht·Jt<t;(m,Jo'h Rc.:c:d , .uul R\JJ\ s, hc:rlJ . Ro\\ 2: )t•rttrn
'odt·r, Coach C.l\ · fc;rrl Coach ~ mmcll Shut·makcr, lit ,ul Coach (,n'l': '·r, C< S"·"· S,l'h, Co.u h)t'IT) 1 o np"-C"H, Coad1 G~tn \'uj;uul\, and <.ort'\ '-.;odc:r Ro" ~: Br.u1don Rc..·c.•d, T ·
Cam\\dl, Gre-g & d "'ttc.·H· (;J t'alhoUSt·, \1arl Ht"ilthcoat, 1\nan ReacLJn h Dunn, ouul J. I mdlt:\ Row \: Jot• ~j, S) \\ al..ig~c:ll. ~hn1n \f<Dt·J mutt, \t1tt h St.tnRt', Rofr(c:r R.t-..~ll, :\tt k \ upr::
John ( ,r,l\, .uui Jt'"'•t· Sn . Ro\\ .l; { ·harlic: Dic:tz, 1 rl)\ \\',til. .\uch \ft 1~ht. \\'c.·, S.llllJhuu Jt,l.n Forht:'l. { 'h,td 1\uh,. ( n' Fric:l. R\.Ul \fm ri,. ~uui ( rrant 1\unon.

ponsored by
Princeton, lL

1993 Bradford-Tiskih.a Junior Varsit} Foot-

ball---- Rm' l J,.u·m' 1\nchn-, R'an l.carun~c.T,
Jod \h( "inlH r , ( orn ~odc.·r, R\an \tu,JI ,
and \1.\lt Slnpp. Rm, 2 : Cnllin Lc.·mmRc.'r. Jot·
<.lc•nnt'\ Pa1 \\'all, 1\r.lllrlon Rn·cl, lukc·
HC'\o\Hl, .uuJ (.cut·, \tuodu· Ru\o\ !\: ~1ck
\ Ujatu>\ , \lanm \ldkrmoll, Charlo \lrOt·r·
mntt, ( hn Ron'· .uut John Forht•.s. Ro\\ I·
llc•,ut Cnach ~tc:H• S.t.,h, \\c.-s \.unpson, Chad
Buh,, Da\1cl \\a;:ner, Corn 1\uh,, ancl (.<M<h
~ mm<·U Sh~makt·r

T..Ciubm=b~n -Rowl <••t'l(ll<>f) .'ihirlt'\
lion • Colcllc OS.-ill, I'h~r= ll>lc·r. Chri•ti-
n.t l't·rn. C'mdi '-.1al, htCJ \lcComlx-r, Julie·
Yc.·p..c.·n, .md '-;tad ll.tH' . Ro\\ !!: RJ(k 1-undc.·r-
bf:rg, (:(u"' 1-nt·I . Jonathan lllu:lHtc.·r, Srmcm
\ltdwl, Ton\ \\uorkn, l\1'\-an R<~acl. \ki :\aka-
Jima, and C'harlottt• \fa•t . Ro"' 3: ('had
\taupm. Rvan ~torn ... \t 1ch l .t"t" Cara Com
rrfurd, Tun R.l\IH", \1 n<h \tor is R\J.II
S<.hnl.J Kt•\in t..;,ghts, Ch11'ti S. 1l uui Holh
~ullm.m . Ru"" I ~ndn~ \\rr)(h1 . .John (,r.n,
llau\ Born, SttH' (,n. athuu-..c.·, Adam Brolay,,
Bn.m .·\.ndc.•t"m. and Ta ..,ilo \tot·""- hkc.·

Far left - Academic AU-Conference
Athletes. Row I: Colette O'Neill in
volleyball and Charlotte Mast in
girls' basketball. Row 2: Mandy Lee
in volleyball, Mindy Morris in vol-
leyball and Bryan Anderson in boys'

Left - Mindy bump\ one out of the

net for the Volleydolls.

Far left - Charlotte shoots for two for

the Lady Panthers.

Left - All-Conference Athletes.

Row I: John Gray (2nd team offen-
stve tackle and honorable mention de-
fenstve tackle) and Ryan Scher!/.
(unanimous first team basketball).
Row 2: Mindy Morris (unanimous
first team volleyball) and Julie
Yep. en (first team volleyball). ot
pictured: Adam Brokaw (honorable
mention basketball guard).

ponsored by
Princeton, IL

1993 J-VVolleyball Members: Row 1 - Suzie ~1unson & Chnstina Perr>. Row 2 -Jennifer ~adsen, Tara
"Suz1e, you're SLPPOSEO to go there." Olson, Hannah Foss, jill Stowe & Cyndi Saal. Row 3 - Dana ~cCauley, Vicki Lenihan, Kathy Wright &
Coach Polte.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

1993 Varsity Volleyball Members: Row 1 - Holly Kauffman & Cyndi Saal. Row 2 - Colette O'!':eill,
Alo '\'akaJima, Stao Haves, Christina Perl) & ~find) ~!orris. Row 3 -Theresa Baker, Christi Saal, Volleyball Managers Statisticians: Amanda
( .ara Comerford, \1andy Lee,Julie Yepsen, Erica McComber & Coach Ganin. McVety, Shirle; Borys & Charlotte ~ast.
Left: Vollt-ydoll ht•at Wyant·t, making • 00
wins for Coach Can·in. Be low: \'ollevdolb
ct'lchralt· after winning agaimt Wyanet:

~ rlie' & Gt•ntl<·nwn ... Cara Con~t•di>rd!"

Coach Ganin cncourJ.ges the tt•am to go out on tht• coun to "play your best."

Sponsorod by
Princeton, IL
Developed from pride and tradition ...
Maintained through dedication and hard work

Varsity - Row 3: Jason Whitl()ld, Rvan :\1orri , Bn,\ll Read, Rick Funderberg, Tom Wooden, Andrew \\'right, Sm10n \1•chd , Tas'il
\1oeschke, Chad :'\1aupm, Hans Born & Con· Friel Row 2: Greg Borys, manager; Adam Brokaw, Stew Greathouse, Ryan Scheru, Coacl
(,reg ·an·er, Asst. C.oach Stew Vossen, .John (,rav, Ke\'lll S•ght~ . Bf)an Anderson, .Jon Huebner, manager. Ro\' 1: Varsity Cheerleaders
Ton Rame, :\1indy :0.1orns, Amanda :0.1c\.ct\, Stephanie Ribas & Chnsll "iaal.

Frosh-Soph - Row 3: Pete Worgess, Bnan Thompson ,

Da\'Id Wagner, .Joel :'\1cC.omber, Coach Ste\'e Vossen.
Row 2: Ben pacek, Wes ampson,John Savre, Joe Cas(•.
RO\\ 1: Frosh-Soph Cheerleade rs - \'icki Lenihan,
li7IC \1unson.Jennifer :0.1adsen, Cmdi Saal & Chri tina
Perry :-\ot pictured: Justin Albrecht.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

I om· and .John arl' ~t·t to n·< l'in• tht· rebound. Andrew b "on till' guard" during tlw games.

Ryan goes in for the layup.

Pete ~tan<h a len. read} to gt ah the n•-


Sponsored by Adam gm·s in fot tht• drin· to makt• a basket

St\·n• aYoids a block from the opponent to "ore
two. PRINCETON ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC, S. C. for the Indians.
Princeton, IL
Charlotte Mast was the
only Tiskilwa member of
the B-T Lady Panthers.
Charlotte has played
girls' basketball for 4
years and was a co-cap-
tain. The Lady Panthers
ended their season with a
loss to Neponset for the
Regional Championship.
The ladies were coached
by Janice Bickett & John

Sponsored by
HARPER WYMAN CO. Smwr Co-Captains, Mary Rouse and Charlotk Mast, are honored on Senior Parent.\'
Princeton, IL Night for four years ofgirls' basketball.
B-T Opp. B-T Opp.
30 Pnnceville () 7 Galva 26
28 Walnut-LaMoille 12 34 Wethersfield 20
6 Manlius-Tamptco 22 12 Walnut-LaMoille 14
6 Peoria Hetghts 32 14 Manlius-Tampico 15
0 Western Depue Wyanet 16 49 Peoria Heights 22
6 Pnnce\tlle 0 38 Western-Depue-Wyanet 8
0 Annav,:an 14 24 Princeville 17
12 St Bede 14 0 Annawan 51
34 Arthur 27


Tiskilwa Opp.
2 Wethersfield I Tiskilwa Opp.
l Earhille 0 51 Mid-County 72
2 La\1oillc () 58 Spnng Valley Hall 68
2 Western 0 75 Moline Temple Christian 62
0 Putnam County 2 91 Neponset 38
0 Hall 2 47 Manlius-Tampico 57
I Rtchmond Burton I 50 Stark County 73
2 IMSA 0 78 Wyanet 51
I Driscoll I 60 Bradford 66
Wenona () 59 Earlville 51
() Burltngton Central
.., 77 LaMoille 51
2 Mtd-County 0 71 Wyanet 42
2 Depue 0 51 Putnam County 66
.., 67 Prince\ tile 84
0 Princeton
2 Bradford () 58 Sparland 45
.., 74 Wyanet 46
0 Sparland 2 38 Annawan 59
2 LaMoille 0 56 Henry 67
2 Pn nee vi lie 0 60 Ohio 61
2 LaMoille I 58 Buda-'Ne'itern 46
2 Manlius-Tampico I 57 DePue 59
2 Ohto 0 62 Bradford 67
l Ohio 2 50 Walnut 52
2 'N alnut 0 42 Annav,:an 51
2 Wether..,fteld 0 102 Neponset 55
2 Wyanet 0 79 Bradford 66
I Lowpoint-Washburn 2 78 Stark County 79
2 Western 0
2 Annawan I
2 Depue ()
Sponsored by
2 Western ()
0 Pnnceton 2 SERVICE
Princeton, IL

Rig ht - ~1ind) .\1orm and Julie
'r ep,en take a break.

BeiO\\ - Julie Yep,en jump,,

Above - Ti,kil\\a member\ of the B-T Girl\' Track Team. Tania Waldo, Mindy Right - Mindy Morri' demonstrates
Morris !Captain & Academic All Conference), & Julie Yep,en. her long jump abilities.

ponsored by
Princeton, IL
BOYS' TRACK Left - Tio,kilwa member. of the B-T Boys Track team.
Front row: Ja,on \\'hitford. Bl)an Read, Ryan Scheru {Cap-
tain), and David Wagner. Back row: Jo,hua Reed, Andrew
Wright, Nick Yujanov, Pete Worge,s, and Rick Fundcrberg.

Below - Ryan Schcrt1 talko, strategy with Coach Greg


Middl e l e ft - ick Vujanov &

Andre\\ Wright in the fiN running of
the 4 x l<Xl rela).

:'\tiddle right - R1ck Funderberg and

Dav1d \\ agner have no problem get·
tmg over thC\e hurdle,.

Far left - Jason Whitford in the relay.

Left - The third time·, the charm for

Pete Worgeso, to clear the bar.

pon ored by
Princeton, IL

Junior \arsity Squad: Ro"' 1 - Suzie Munson and Cyndi Saal.

Ro"' 2 - Terenna Lafferty (alternate), Christina Perry and
Vicki Lenihan. Ro"' 3 - Jennifer Madsen.
Above Right: eniors take time to say good-bye.
Right: Both quads "'ork together to create the lo)alty mount.

ponsored by Above: Cheerleaders sing telegrams for Valen-

tine's Day!
FAUCETT'S PHARMACY Right: "Chief Whapahoe!" Amanda McVety
Princeton, IL
Left: Cheerleader. get the fans involved to show their
support for the Indians!
Varsity 'iquad: Row I - Chri. ti Saal and Stephanie
Ribas. Ro\t 2 - Mascot Amanda \1c\'ety. Ro\t 3 -
Mindy Morris and Tori Rayne. Absent- Holly Kauff-

Above Left: Co-Captain - Mindy !\torri and Christi

aal. pon or- Christine Dombrosl..i.
Above: The Junior Varsity quad cheers "Don't let em'
Left: quad performs a routine to ";\1r. Vain".

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

These are the times we will always reme1nber.

, hJdmts \islkd •ith OH'J' In order lllin>estigate the~· job

Tiskilwa tudents admire Hans Horn' experti e at the piano. Han
mart<tt ol the tlU'dl lllh ~"'P<'<1i>< ('Mttr Fair. Morning pro• idtd Slulk:nts lnfonna.
used this talent to ccompany leral group at the choral fcstinl. lloo on auttr dlokr.o., ~ Wl"idn!: and lo!tnir" lo.'Ciutlque5.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Dedicatl'd sophomon.'S, Gabriel,
C"had, Hannah, Sherrie & Angie
support the clru by working con-
cc~>sions during the home ball

Senior phy ie1. ~tudents prepare

the ripple tank in order to tudy
wave motion.

Tiskilwa students gathered in

the library to await .!\tichael
Jordan''> news conference an-
nouncing his retirement.

ponsored by
Princeton & Sp~g Valley, II.

ponsored by



Lower left: Yearbook editor

Becky Forbeck and ponsor,
Mrs. Young, look over past
Middle left: The Yearbook
staff: Cyndi Saal, Becky Forbeck,
Chad Brokaw, Christina
McVety, Ald Nakajima, Christi-
na Perry, Amanda McVety,
Staci Hayes, Bryan Anderson,
Tassilo Moeschke, Bobbi
Haun, Hans Born, Simon
Michel, JoAnn Schertz,
Gabriel Andriotis, Suzie Mun-
son, and Christi Saal.
Upper left: The Yearbook
staff enjoyed the Christmas
party at Mr ·.Young's home.
Upper right: Suzie Munson,
Cyndi Saal, and Christina Per-
ry at the Yearbook Christmas
~POOSE - Keeps Us Up To Date
ponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Left: The Papoose Staff - Row 1:

Aki i\akqjima, Terenna Lafferty,
Beck) For·bcck, Hannah Foss,
Heather Balens1efen. Gabriel r\ndri-
otis, Dana \1cCauley, Rebecca
Schertl: & \'icki Lenihan. RO\\ 2:
Christina ~1c\ ety, ( had Brokaw,
Shirley Borys, Tara Olson, Christi
Saal & Amanda Mc\'et\. RO\\ 3: An-
gela Baker, herrie Ribas, Jennifer
Madsen, hell)- ears & Angela Bak-
Bottom left: Sherrie Ribas, An-
gela Baker & Chad Brokaw at a
newspaper planning session.
Bottom right: Chnsti aal, a sis-
tan t editor; \1s. Gerig, Papoose
sponsor; and Christ)- \1cVetv, news-
paper editor
tudent Council

A bove: Swdent Council members Row 1 Rmn Scherr;;. Holly Kauffman. Becky Forbeck, Bryan Ander·
son, Bobbt Haun & Mandy Lee. Row 2: Wes Sampson, JoAnn Scherr~. Jonathan Huebner, Cory Friel
Keith Magnuson & Dana McCauler. Row 3: Rvan Musil, Jennifer Madsen, Cyndi Saal, Chad Broka"
Amanda Ken Me Very. Gabnel Andriotis. Beck) Scherr~ & Justm Albrecht.
Left: Justin Albrecht & Dana McCauley decorate for the Winter Dance.

Bobbi }o Haun and Becky Forbeck sell pizza to Francis Tan as a money mak-
ing project for Student Council during noon hour.

Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL

Freshman load David with basketballs during the school

Christmas party.
..tbove: The Jlii!IOr class tries to untie the class knot during the school Chnstmas party.
Right: Jill Stowe. Angie Hooker. Wes Samp.wn & Ryan Morris help themselre~ to food
during the Chrwmas pot luck.

Below: FHA officers Christi Saal, Tresurer; Shelly

Sears, President; Yvonne Humphreys, Secretary; Holly
Kauffman, Vice-President; and Marcia Burress, spon-

FHA Members: Row 1 Christina Huff, Shell)· Sears, Mindy Morris. Bobbi
Hewn. Holly Kauffman. Yvonne Humphreys & Shannon Lucas. Row 2: Brian
Thompson. Ben Lafferty, Christi Saal, Mand_v Lee, Tori Rayne & Cara Comer- j
ford. Row 3: Mike Walters, William Forbeck. Simon Mtchel. John Grav. Hans
Born, and sponsor Marcia Burress.

Sponsored by
F. H. A.
Princeton, IL 55
Keepin' Time •••
And Ravin' Funl

Sponsored by Senior Band Me mbers- Top row· Brvan -\nderson and \1tkt• :-;d.
Cyndi Saal and Colette 0''-Jetll enjo} Pep son, middle row: Ton R.l.vne, Mrs. Faber, and Christi Saal, bottom
OK USED CARS Band. row: Holly Kauffman, Christy McVerv, and Charlotte ~last.
Princeton, IL

Christy McVety has her hands fu ll before a

Pep Band performance.

STUDENT LIFE Band Council - Back row: Christy McVety, Andrew Wright, Holly Kauffman, Tori Rayne, and
Gabriel Andriotis. Front row: Charlotte Mast, Mrs. Faber, and Angela Baker.
Tribal Music

~tike :\'elson,ju\l ont• of mam ~t·mon, prepan·s fi>r

a band performann·.

Sponsored by
.\lr~.Faber enjO\~ working with two of her fn•shman. Pictured with ~1rs. Faber are Crystal BRAD WILCOX AUTO SALES
:\clams and '>hl·ri '\elson.
Princeton, IL

Band members - Row 1 ( hrisn \1< \'et,, ( hnstl Saal, Tori Rayne , Colette O''\el11 & Holly Kauflman . Row 2: Angt'la Baker, C.harlottt• \fast, Franns Tan,
CHlCh ~aal. Amand,t \h \ t•ty, Robin \1orns, ">hen '\elson & ( .nstal Adams. Row ·~: David Johnson, Keith .\1agnuson,Jonathan I lut•bnn '-,(otl ">t.. hnkc,
Mikt• '\clson. Gabnel \ndnolls, Bryan Andlr son &. Jill ">tow e. Row 4: Chad Brokaw, R~an ~1usil · .\tr.... Faber.
Angela Baker, Sheri Nelson, Molly Sears, & Becky Schertz take
time out of chonlS to have "girl talk ".

Senior 010n1S Members -First Row: Bryan Anderson, Mrs. Doris Hamilton, & Holly Kauffman.
Second Row: john Gray, Kevin Sights, Mindy Morris, Mandy Lee, Christi Saul, & Aki Nakajima .
Third Row: Ryan Schertz, Shelly Sears, Tori Rayne, Bobbi Haun, Cara Comerford, Charlotte Mast,
& Yvonne Humphreys.

Owrus Memb~ - Row 1: Terrona Lafferty, Tara Olson, Angekl Baker, Sheri Nelson, Molly Sears, Becky
Schertz, Nicole Sampson, Crystal Adams & Dana McCauley. Row 2: O!rista Colby, O!ristina Perry, Sherrie
Ribas, jt'lmifer Madsm, Robm Morris & Vick1 Lenihan. Row 3: Staa Hayes, joAnn Schertz, Angie Hooker,
Amanda McVety, Kathy Wright, jessica Strass, Ham1ah Foss, S11Zie Munson, C)?Jdi Saal & julie Yepsro. Row 4: Sponsored by
Cora Comerford, Yvonne Humphreys, O.risti Saal, Shirley Borys, Colette O'Neill, Theresa Baker, Mindy Morris,
Ton Ro)?ll.', Holly Knuffrrum, Bobbi Haw1 & O!arlotte Mast. Row 5: Brian Thompson, Tony Woodt'll , O.ris DUNBAR COMPUTERLAND/
Borys, Bob Waldo, jason ~Vhitford, Nick Vu1anov & Jill Stowe. Row 6: Wes Sampson, john Gray, Kevin Sights, MEL'S GAS & SERVICE
B')'<ln And~on, David johnson, Ryan Schertz, jererrry Piacenti, Mandy Lee, &ith Magnmon & jon Huebner.
Princeton, IL
Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Pop Ensemble Members- Row 1: Becky Schertz, Christi Saal, Charlotte Mast, Holly Kauffman, Mandy Lee,
Cyndi Saal, Christina Perry, Amanda McVety, Bobbi Haun and Molly Sear . Row 2: David Johnson, Ryan
Schertz, Kevin Sights, Keith Magnuson, John Gray, Bryan Anderson, Brian Thompson, Wes Sampson, Nick
Vujanov and jon Huebner.

J Chorus SoloiSts - St-atrd: O.arlotte Mast. Amanda \1c\'rl) , and jon Huebner. Standinfr- \toO) St-an. \"icki unihan.john Gra).jrnnirer
~Iandy Lee demonstrates her muscular abili-
Madsen. Keith MagnU>On, Cara Comerrord, Bryan Andenon, Holl} Kaurrman, Oa.;d Johnson, Bobbi Jlaun, O.ruti Saal, and C)ndi Saal.
ties at lifting john Gray.



Top Left- The Junior Varsity Scholastic Bowl

Team: Vicki Lenihan, Gabriel Andriotis , Chad
Brokaw, and Amanda McVety.
Top Right- Did you know the an wer, Amanda?
Left- The Varsity Scholastic Bowl Team: Row}-
Charlotte Mast, Christina McVetr , and john Huebner:
Row 2-Mrs. Burress, coach; Shirley Borys, Bryan An-
derson, cott Stahnke, David John on, and Colette
0' Teill.
Lower Left- The Scholastic Bowl team competed
in the Knowledge Bowl Tournament on the comput-
er in the fall.
Lower Right- David really gets into those bonus
round questions.

Sponsored by


6 STUDENT LIFE Princeton, IL
"Dedicated to
the Advancement
of Internation-
al Goodwill and
Peace through a
better understand-
ing of World Prob-

Mind} Morri
and Paul King le},
who moved, at-
tended the annual
vVorld Affairs Sem-
inar this year from
June 13-18.

World Mfairs Seminar

Bryan Anderson*

1 'ovember

Charlotte Mast

David johnson

Mindv, Morris

B cky Forbeck

Tori Rayne

*Bureau County
teen of the

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL TUDE 'T LIFE ®
ltv ST I Oul5 \ T THF F \IR ts set dunng the 190-+ World' s office. Louie (Jonathan Huebner) is Flossie·., boyfriend from
Fmr that mtroduced the \\Orld's first great outdoor lightmg dis- Montana who poc.;ses as the Chef who wa.., supposed to cook all
play. The musical comedy featured many authentic songs of of the meals.
the era and \\as fun to perform 1\1iss Hathaway (Mindy Morris). the snobby woman in
The play re\olves around Dtd. Harns (Bryan Anderson) charge of concessiOns at the fa1r, tnes to close the dining room
and Rose Lo\eJOY (Holly Kauffman). Dick and Tom (Keith but is stopped by M.... Thornton (Cara Comerford). Adding
Magnuson) are engmeer-.. workmg on the lightmg dtsplay and authentiCity to the play are the Sorrel Sisters (Mandy Lee.
their friend Johnny (Da\ td Johnson) IS the Oldsmobile repre- Bobbie Jo Haun and Cyndi Saal). who are makmg records for
sentative at the fair Rose 1s a \\aitress m a dining room at the the ne\v phonographs, and Lucy Devon (Tori Rayne). a famous
Fa1r. her friends Hoss1e (Amanda Kay McYety). Luc1lle kinetoscope actress. Lucy's manager 1s Harry Barker (John
(Chnstl Saal) and HaLe! (Charlotte Mast) all work with her. Gray), a '>Cam artist who convmces Floss1e to go to New York
Their friend Nellie (JoAnn Schertt) works at the telephone with him.

Front Rov. - Dori' Hamilton, Chri' AndeNm.

Ryan Schertt. Hannah Fo", ="'icole Samp,on.
Staci Haye,, Sune .\1un-.on. Da'' n \\ nght. Dana
\1cCaulej Colette 0''\elll. Jenmfer :0.1ad,en.
Cry,tal Adam\. Tam a \\ aldo and Jo\h Reed.
econd Ro.,.; - Angela Baker. Je" l.a Stra".
Sheri Nel,on. Aki akajima. Jill Stowe. Shelly
ear,, JoAnn Schcnt Chri'll Saal Holl) Kauff-
man. Mandj Lee. C) ndt aa . Bobbi Jo Haun.
Amanda Kaj \1c\tetj. Charlotte .\'last. Jason
Whitford. Chri-.tina Perry. herrie Riba ... Chri,ta
Colb) and Robtn :0.1orm. Bal.k Rov. - Ton]
\\ ooden. Pete Worge". Sm on ~1ichel. Kevin
tghh. Ketth :0.1agnu'o Oa\ 1d John,on. Br\an
Ander,on. John Gra). Tori Rayne. !\1tnd) \1or-
ri-.. Cara Comerford, Jonathan Huebner. Shtrlej
Bof) ' · '\tck \"ujanov, Kath) Wright. Bob\\ aldo
and \\ e' Samp,on.

A bo\e- Bryan. David. Christi. Holly and Ketth discu'' the openmg of the fair.
Left - Holly and Bryan sing 'Tell Me Your Dream, I'll Tell You Mine".

ponsored by
BRYANT NURSERIES/SUPERLATIYES We would like to dedicate these two pages, with all of our
62 Princeton, IL love to "H," because she has given her love to Tiskilwa for
almost 40 years.
Amanda tell~ Charlotte. John and Tori that she has al\\<ays \\<anted to be an actrcs~.

Cara and ~ind)- are served \Orne of Chef LoUie's "delicacies" by the chef him~elf
(Jon) and Holiy.

\bove Dana. Jennifer. Da\\<n, Su11e. Stact and Colette dance to "Meet Me In St Louts" Sponsored by
Right - Jon smgs "Goodbye My Lad) Love" to Amanda.
Princeton, IL
National Honor Society Members of National Honor Society were: Row 1 - Becky Forbeck, Charlotte Mast, Bobbi Jo Haun and
is an organization made up l\1ind) :\torris; Row 2 - Jonathan Huebner, Julie Yepsen, Tori Rayne, Christy McVety, Bryan Anderson,
of students that have shown Colette O'Neill, Scott Stahnke, Shirley Borys, Ryan Schertz and Ryan Morris. The 1994 inductees were: Ro\1
3 - Holly Kauffman, Jill Stowe, David johnson, Hannah Foss, Gabriel Andriotis, Chad Brokaw and Aman·
scholarship, leadership, da Ka) McVety.
sen·ice and character. A
student can be inducted as
a sophomore, junior or
senior. The student applies
for membership, but is selected by a fac-
ulty council. A student recehing a
majority of the faculty council's vote will
be inducted into the Indian Chapter of
the 'ational Honor Society. When
accepted as a member. the student must
maintain a 3. 2 grade point average and
continue to exercise leadership, charac-
ter and service.

Above- Some of the senior members wait for the ceremony to begin.
Below - Congratulations are extended to the new inductees.

Becky For beck reads her Voice of Democracy speech

at the induction ceremony.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Tiskilwa Students Excel
Illinois State Scholars
Charlotte Mast, Bryan Anderson,
Becky Forbeck & Christy McVety were
selected by the Illinoi Student A sistance
Commission as Illinois State Scholars.
Chosen on the basi of high school class
rank and ACT scores during their junior
year only about 10% of Illinois' seniors
are designated as State Scholars. They
will receive a Certificate of Achievement
for their accomplishments.
Each of these students has been suc-
cessful academically and also been in-
volved in many Tiskilwa' s extra curricu-
lar activities.

Voice of Democracy
The Voice of Democracy broadcast cript writing scholar-
lhip program gives students the opportunity to speak out on
particular themes and share in almost $2 million in scholar-
hips, avings bonds and other awards given at local and na-
ional levels.
Tiskilwa' s Voice of Democracy representative, Becky Forbeck,
.vas chosen from participating senior students. The topic wa
"My Commitment to America" and Becky expressed the belief
:hat it is the responsibility of every American to continue the
democratic ideals that have been developed through the years
'Y our elected leadership.

Daughters of the American Revolution

Mind} Morri wa the cho en by her classmate from three

faculty nominated students based on her out tanding qualitie
of leader hip, dependability, service and patriotism for chool,
home and country.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Decorating For Prom

Top left Shrrley Bory~ builds a pillar as Stac1 Haye~ and Heather
Balensiefen look on.
Top right: Heather Balensiefen. Colene o· 'eill and Shtrley Bory~
oper.tte the mr pump and blow up hundred' of balloon\.
Middle left. StaCI Haye~ and Ryan Morris mea\ure carefully while
Jube Ye~n laugh dt olher junior \Oiunteer;.
!\fiddle right: Daown Wright. Staci Haye' and Joann Scher:tz take time
to try out the portran backdrop.
Bottom left: Scott Stahnke and Chad Maupin co~truct part of the
intricate scenery.
Bottom right: Chad \1aupin, Andrew Wnght. Keith Magnuson, Sponsored b}
Heather Balensiefen. Stal;l Hayes. Bryan Read, and Jeremy Piacenti
a.<.\emble the main archway
Princeton, IL

Top left: King Adam Brokaw and Queen Chmt Saal dance
to the coronation darl<:e, Faithjull).
Top right: Joann Schertz cro\vlh Queen Chmti Saal.
!\>fiddle right: 199-1 PROM COURT - Seated King Adam
Brokaw. Queen-Chri't Saal. \tanding I 't Altemate,-Steve
Greathou\C and Mindy Moms, :!nd Altemate,·Ryan Scherv
and Mandy Lee, and Prince-Ryan Morri~ and Prince~s-Julie
Bottom left: Prince,,-Julie Yepscn and Prince Ryan Morris.
Bottom middle: I t Alternates-Steve Greathouse and ~1indy Sponsored b}
Bottom right: 2nd Alternates-Mandy Lee and Ryan Scherv.
Princeton, IL
1J1nrcucr Inurn

1. Br)'an Read · Stan HaH"'; 2. Christinia Huff.· Aaron Gapinski; 3 :\tan) wuple'
dann•cl throughout tht' night. 4. Kl"ith :\lagnu,on &.Jes\it· 1\.;.t\dla; 5. Ch,tcl \laupin
& Ellen Ro ; 6. Gn·g l~orp & Kt•n Feller; 7. Andrt•w Wright & C~ndr ~aal; 8 .
Heather Balensiefen & Tom \\all ct·; 9. Junior Ladies: There'a Baker ( olette
0". 't•ill, Heather Balt•n,icf<'n Sl r ey Bor;,, Staci Ha~t''· .Julie Yt•p,en, .Joann
Scht•rtt & Dawn \\'right 10 Junior Guys: Brvan Read, Ancln·w Wright, Chad
:\taupin, Rick Funclt•rht•rg, Br;n· \tarqui\, Cor) Frid, R)an :\lorri' ·Jonathan

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Date: May 7, 1994
1. :-:athan .\1om & Joann Scherll; 2. Ryan .\1orri~ & .\land)' Lee: 3. Holly Kauffman & Ja on Byrd; 4 Steve
Grcathou\e & Tori Rayne; 5. Hans Born & Cara Cc. ·d; 6 Adam Brokaw & Julie Yep en; 7. Bobbi Jo Haun & Time: 6.00-11.00
Joe Ru' elburg; 8 . John Gray & Alli"a :-:ashold 9 cnior Ladie..: Aki Nakajima. Charlotte Ia t, .\1ind) Morri ,
.\1and} Lee, Cara Comerford, I ori Rayne, Becky r , Chri ty McVety, Jenny 0\erhide, helly Sears, Chri ti Place: Bureau County tetro Center
Saal, Bobbt Jo Haun & Holly Kauffman
Colors: Red. White and Bla k

I0 R} an Schertz · Chri tina Guier. II Becky Forbeck,. helly Se~ nd Chn ty M ety.
12. ·enior C.u) : Hans Born. Ta ~•lo Moe hke, , 'athan tom , John Gray, 'tmon
Miche o: e Greathou,e, Da\ld John on, Bryan And rson, Ryan ~chertz & Adam

P' nsored h.
HOLLA~o· \\ ES-:- ._ C./BC B TV & APPLIA, ·cE
Pnm:eton/ _ 6

The best times of our young lives were at THS.
to work han.! Charlotte \1a t and \1ichael Walter~ panicipate in tht! proce
Elgar' Pomp and ClrcumJtance.

Sponsored b)
Princeton, IL

/994 GnJduntn Rov. I than M.n~ •
TIUMio Mo.: hk.e, Simon Michel, John
CJfiiY, Hans &m & Kcvm S1~ Row 2
Holl) Kauffman. Chnsuna McVety,
tindy ~1orris. Bobbo Jo H.tun. Y•onnc
Humphrey• & Ak1 l'oahjuna. Ro"' 3·
Charlou~ MJ\1, "dam Brokaw, Ryan
Schcru, Chnsll Sa.ll, Aaron Wade, c:.rn
Co~rtord & Davtd Johnson. Ro,. 4
Shell} Sears, Ben)amon l.afferty, Ro.· y
l'orbcd. Michod Wal1e11o. Bryan Ander
)Oil,Wilham fubcck, Mochael cbon,
Ton Rayne e Grealhotl>e & M.lnd)

John Gray give~ n '"thumb

up'' & Shelly Sear~ await.

Sponsored by
Princeton, lL

''Tomorrow. today will h the past. Li1·e and make each monu.·nt 1ast. The yesterdays and
today.\ we 'II ne1•erjorg t. I p ray that rile tomorrow.\ we '111!£'\'l'r regret. '

Fa r right - Becky Forbecl.: gi,es her

alutatorv Addre".

Right Simon Michel and Steve

Greathl use put on their graduation

Belo~ Shelly ears and Y\onne

Humphrl!ys anx1ously anticipate! the!
beginning of the commencement

C0 \1\t E!'jCE:\t E~T PROG R.\ \1 \1.\ \' 27, 199~ 7:30 P. :\1.
Prlxessional ' 'Pomp and Circumstance" (l::tgar) ......... Conccn Band
Invocation . .. ... .. .. .. . .. . Re' Patrick o· eat. St. Mary's Church
Salutatol') Addrc" ....... Rebc!cca Forbeck
"Another Bridge to Cross" (Strommen) ....... ............ <;enior Chorus
"All the World" (Ray) .. ........ ......... ............ M1xed Chorus
Salutatory Address ............... ................................ Bobbi Jo Haun
"Novena" <James Sweringen) ....................... ......... ..... Concen Band
Yalc!dictOI')' Addre>S ............................................ Bryan Anderson
Presenatallon of Awards .......................................... Ron l.a\1our
Presentation of Cia" . .. .. .... James W. Whitmore <iupc!rintendent
Awarding D1plomas ....... David Sampson. Pres. of Board of Educallon·
Benediction .......... ........ .. Re\ Patrick o· 'cal. St \1a1J·'s Church
Rece,sional "Ceremony at \1argate" <Gordon) Conccn Band
Ushers· Jonathan Huebner and Scott Stahnke

Right - Christy McYety bids !\1r Vossen farewell .

ponsored by
Princeton, IL
Rose Emerald Green

Far left - Bobbi Jo Haun give~ her

Salutatol) Auure\s.

Left - Aaron Wade and :\1ichael Wal-

ters in their graduation caps and
go\\ n'>.

Belo"' - Holl} Kauffman. AJ.. i aJ...a-

jima. and Chmll Saal sing.

199~ GR\OL.\TIO' -H\ .\ROS

Amencan Legton ,\.,ard \l•ndy \1nms
& Ryan Sdaenz
Tt kol"a Women's Club Scholar<;htp Becky l'orbcck
IYfO Schnlar;htp . Ste\e Grc-.uhuu\e
\loose l.ndgc s,holarsh•p .. .•.. Chri ta Saal
Chn!>lana \1cVet)
"""' paper '"ard
Yearbook ·'"ard Becky FOfb<,k, B')an Anderson, Hans Born. Bobba Haun, Chn!>lana
\kVet), Samon \1><hel. Ta.s~lo \1ne hke. ,\ka \akaJmla, & Chn;u SJal
.. . Bctk) lwt'<'tk, lloll) Kauffman, Chr"tina !'>kV<t). & Shell) Sear<;
.. Bahc Ruth Sponsman h•p ,\,.ards Christina Saal & Ryan S,henl
D.\R \\ tnner \ 1tndy \toms Stanley \nder>on
>. thleuc \"' ard . . . R)an S,henl
..... \1md) \1om,\1an:ella Bor~e lo:eener
Br) an Ander-on
\1mdy \toms 1>. R)aO s~henr
Rehecca Forbcck & Bl)an \nder~on
Chn una Saal & B')an \nderson
Academac ~holar<;haps . . Bryan \nder on. Rebecca f"()rbed Bobbt llaun. Da\ld John
lloll) Kauffman. ,\manda Ltt, Charloue \ Ja,r. Chri!>!ma \1c\'et) , \land) \1nrri,. Ton Ra)ne.
. ... .. .......... . ...... .. .... ... ......... .. ...... .. & R)an S hen1
Hauter S,holar<;hap ,\wards Rebecca l'orbeck. Bobba Haun. & Br)an t\nderwn
Ott \1enery \kmooal ,\.,ard RyanS hertz

Left - Ton Ra}ne and Chmll Saal prior to graduation.

Sponsored by
Ti kilwa, IL

Ander on, Bryan - Clas., Prestdent 1: Elk's Teen of Staff 2, 3. 4: Track I: J-V Cheerleader I: FHA 4, Color
Month Ttskll\\J 3, 4 Bureau County 3, 4 Teen of the Year Guard I, 3, Choru., I. 2. 3. 4: Pop I n'>emble 2, 3. 4. Mu.,i-
4, H 2. 3, 4, tudent Counctl I, 2. 3, 4 Treasurer 4; Ill. cal I, 2, 3, 4, IVC Chorus Conte'>t I, 2, 3, 4.
State Scholar 4; Honor Roll I. 2, 3, 4: Valedictonan 4; Humphreys, Yvonne Volleyball I. 2: Concert Band I.
Arro\\ Staff 2, 3. 4; T-Ciub 3, 4; Football Statistician 3, 4; 2: Pep Band I, 2: Marching Band I, 2: IHSA Band Contest
Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4, Stattstlctan I, 2, 3 Acade l. 2, Choru., I, 2, 4; Mustcal I, 2, IVC Chorus Festtval I.
mtc All Conf. 4: L-P Tnbune All Area Team m Academtcs 2; IH A Chorus Contest 2
4; Concert Band l, 2, 3, 4: Pep Band l, 2, 3, 4, Marchmg Johnson, Da"id Elk's Teen of Month for Tiskll\\a 3. 4:
Band I, 2, 3, 4, IVC Honor Band I, 2, 3, 4: IHSA Band NHS 3, 4: Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4: Offtce Asststant 3, 4: Con-
contest I, 2, 3, 4, Chorus l, 2, 3, 4; Pop En emble l. 2, 3, cert Band I, 3. 4: Pep Band I. 3. 4, ~archmg Band I. 3, 4:
4, ~ustcal l, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus festt\al I, 2, 3, 4, IHSA IVC Honor Band 3. 4: IHSA Band Contest 3, 4; Chorus 2.
Chorus Contest I, 2, 3. 4: cholasttc Bowl 2, 3. 4; IHSA 3, 4, Pop Enc.;emble 3, 4; Mustcal 3, 4, IVC Choruc.; Fec.;tival
Honorable Mention All-State All-Academic Team, HOBY 3, 4: IHSA Chorus Contest 3, 4; Scholastic Bowl 3, 4; Aca-
2: Prestdential cia sroom 4; IMEA Dtstnct 3, 4; Knowl- demic Team I, 2; Knowledge Master Open I, 2, 3, 4; Math
edge Master Open 4; IVC Scholarship Winner. Trax I, 2; Science Olympiad 2; Medical Explorers I, 2,
Born, Han ruedi - Swtss exchange c.;tudent: Honor Roll Secretary 2, Stock Market Club I, Computer Club I. 2,
4: Arrow Staff 4; Basketball 4; FHA 4; Concert Band 4. Vtce-Prestdent l, 2.
Brokaw, Adam - Class Vtce-Pres. 3, Honor Roll l: T- Kauffman, Holly - Class ecretary 4; Cia s Trea urer l:
Ciub Member I, 2, 3, 4: Football I, 2 Captain 2; Ba ketball NHS Member 4: Student Council l, 2, 4, Vtce-Prestdent 4:
I, 2, 3, 4 Captain 4 All Conf. Hon. Men. 4; Homecomming Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4, Volleyball I. 2, 3. 4, J- V Captain 2:
Attendant 4; Prom Kmg 4. Track I, 3: J- V Cheerleader I, Varstt) Cheerleader 2, 3, 4,
Comerford, Cara - Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4: Perfect Atten- Captain 3; Concert Band I. 2, 3, 4, Pep Band I. 2, 3, 4,
dance 2; Office A i tant 4; T-Ciub Member 3, 4; Volley- Marching Band I, 2, 3, 4; IVC Honor Band I, 2, 4; IHSA
ball 2, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2; Var'iit) Cheerleader 3; FHA 4: Band Contest I, 2, 3, 4; Chorus I, 2, 3, 4; Pop Ensemble I,
Choruc.; I, 2, 3. 4; Muc.;tcal I, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus Festtval 2, 3, 4; Mustcal I, 2, 3, 4: IVC Chorus Festival l, 2, 3. 4,
I, 2. 3, 4: IHSA Chorus Conte'it I, 2, 1, 4; Homecoming Homecoming Attendant 2: Ltbrary Aide 4
Attendant 3, 4, Prom Princess 3: Pep Club I. 2, 3, 4, IVC Lafferty, Benjamin Honor Roll 3, 4; FHA 3, 4; Chorus
Chorus Conte'it Soloi t 3, 4. 4; IHSA Chorus Contest 4; Librar} Aide 3; AVS Autome-
Forbeck, Becky -Class Secretary 3; Elk'. Teen of chamcs 3, 4: at10nal Guard 4.
Month for Tiskilwa 4, 1\THS Member 2, 3, 4, Trea. urer 4: Lee, Amanda - Class Prestdent 4; Student Council 4:
Salutatorian 4, Student Council 3, 4, President 4, Ill. State Honor Roll I. 2, 3, 4; T-Ciub 3, 4, Volleyball I, 2, 3, 4
Scholar 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Papoose Staff 2, 3, 4; Academtc All Conference 3, 4; Football Statistician 4:
Arrow Staff 3, 4, Editor 4; Library Aide 3, 4; Btg St ter 3, Basketball Stati. tician 4; Track I, Varsity Cheerleader 3:
4; Tutor 3. FHA 4; Choru'i I, 2, 3, 4; Pop Ensemble 2, 3, 4; Musical I,
Forbeck, William - Perfect Attendance 2; FHA member 2. 3, 4; IVC Chorus I, 2, 3, 4: IHSA Chorus Contest I, 2, 3.
3, 4; AVS 3, 4; Electronics I, 2. 4; Homecomming Queen 4; Prom Attendant 4.
Gray, John - Cla s Prestdent I: Student Council I: Per- Mast, Charlotte- Class Treasurer I, President 2: NHS 2.
fect Attendance 3: T -Club Member I, 2, 3, 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4, Prestdent 4; Student Council I, 2; Ill. State Scholar 4,
3, 4, Captain 4, 2nd team All Conf. Offense Tackle 4, All Honor Roll l, 2, 3, 4; T-Ciub 3, 4, Volle)ball I, 2, Stattstt-
Conf. Hon. Men. Defensive Tackle 4: Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, ctan 3, 4; Basketball I, 2, 3, 4, Captam 2, All Conf Hon
Captain 4, Track l; L-P Tribune All Area Team in Football Men 4, Academtc All Conf. 3, 4, L-P Tribune All Area
4; FHA Member 4; Chorus I, 2, 3, 4; Mustcal I, 2, 3, 4; Team m Honorable Mention Basketball 4; Concert Band I,
IVC Choru I, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Conte t 3, 4. 2, 3, 4; Pep Band l, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band I, 2, 3, 4; IVC
Greathouse, teven - Honor Roll 3, 4; T-Ciub Member Honor Band I, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Band Contest l, 2, 3, 4, Cho
I, 2, 3, 4; Football I, 2, 3, 4, Captain 2, 4, All Con f. Hon. rus I, 2, 3, 4; Pop Ensemble I, 2, 3, 4; Musical I, 2, 3, 4;
Men. 3: Basketball I, 2. 3, 4, Captain 4; L-P Tribune All IVC Chorus Festival I, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Contest I, 2.
Area Team in Football and Basketball 3; Homecoming 3, 4; Scholastic Bowl 2, 3, 4; IMEA Chorus 3; Band Prest
Attendant 3, 4; Prom Prince 3; Prom Attendant 4. dent 4.
Haun, Bobbi NHS 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Student Council McVety, Chri tina- Nat'! Ment Scholar 4; NHS 3, 4:
4, Secretary 4, Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; alutatonan 4; Arrow Ill. tate Scholar 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4: Papoo<;e Staff 2,

Spon ored by
Tiskilwa, IL
3. 4. Editor 4. Arrow Staff 4: Concert Band I. 2. 3. 4: Pep Band Secretary 4
Band I, 2, 1, 4: March1ng Band I, 2, 3, 4: IHSA Band Con- Saal, Mary Christine Cla'>s Secretary 2; Class Treasur-
te..,t I. 2. 4, Schola..,tiC Bowl 2, 3. 4: Library A1de I, 2. 1. 4. er 3. 4: Honor Roll I, 2, 3. 4: Perfect Attendance 1:
Michel, Simon Sw1..,s exchange <;tudent: Ba..,ketball 4: Papoose Staff I, 2, 3, 4, Co-editor 4; Arrow Staff 2, 3, 4; T-
Arrow Staff 4 Club Member 3, 4, Volley ball I, 2, 3, 4: Track I: J-V
Moeschke, Tassilo German exchange 'itudent; Arrow Cheerleader I, 2; Vars1ty Cheerleader 3, 4, Captain 4; FHA
Staff 4: T-Club 4: Basketball 4. 4, Treasurer 4; Concert Band I. 2, 3, 4; Pep Band I. 2, 3, 4:
Morris, Mindy Clas.., V1ce-Pre..,1dent 4: Class Secretary Marching Band l, 2. 3, 4; IVC Honor Band I; IHSA Band
I, 1: Class Treasurer 2: NHS 2, 3, 4: Student Counctl I, 2, Contest I, 2, 3, 4; Drum MaJOr 4; Chorus I, 2, 1, 4; Pop
3: Honor Roll I, 2, 3: Papoo'>e I, T Club I, 2, 3, 4: Volley- Ensemble I, 2, 3, 4; Mu<;ical I, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus festi-
ball l. 2, 3. 4, J-V Captam 2. Capta1n 4, Academ1c All val I, 2. 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Contest I, 2, 3, 4; Prom Queen
Conf. I, 2, 3: Track I, 2, 3, 4: State Qualifier in Long 4.
Jump: J-V Cheerleader I, 2: Var'iity Cheerleader 3, 4, Cap- chertz, Ryan Class Vice-President 2; NHS 2, 3, 4;
tain 3. 4: Choru'> I. 2. 1, 4: Mu..,1cal I, 2. 1, 4: IVC Choru'> Student Counctl 3, 4, Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4. T-Club I, 2, 3,
Fe-;tival I, 2. 3, 4; IHSA Choru'> Contest I, 2, 3, 4: Home- 4: football I, 2, 3, 4, Captam 2. 4, Academic All Conf. 2;
coming Attendant I: Pep Club I, 2. 3, 4: Prom Attendant 4. Basketball I, 2, 3, 4. Captain 2. 4, All Conf. 3, 4; Track 4,
Morris, Nathan - Transfer from Putnam County: Ba'>e- Captain 4; Nominated for Notre Dame Athletic Award 4;
ball I, 2, 3. Pop En<;emble I. 2, 3, 4; Mus1cal I, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus
Nakajima, Aki - Exchange Student from Japan; Perfect Fe'itlval I, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Contest I, 2, 3, 4; Home-
Attendance 4: Papoose Staff 4: Arrow Staff 4: T-Ciub 4; commg Attendant 2, Kmg 4; Prom Attendant 4.
Volleyball 4: Choru'> 4. Sears, Shelly - Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Office Assi tant 3;
elson, Michael Football 2; Basketball I: Concert Papoose Staff 4: FHA 3, 4, President 4; Chorus 4; Musical
Band I, 3, 4: Pep Band I, 3, 4: Marching Band I, 3. 4: TRE 4; Library Aide 3, 4; Pep Club 3.
I: IHSA Band Conte'>t I. ights, Kevin Honor Roll I. 2. 3, 4: T-Club I, 2, 3; Ba -
Rayne, Tori NHS 4: Honor Roll I, 2, 3: T-Ciub 3, 4; ketball l, 2, 3, 4; Track l, 2; Chorus l, 3, 4: Pop Ensemble
Volleyball 2; J-V Cheerleader 2: Varsity Cheerleader 3, 4: 4; IVC Chorus Festival I, 3, 4: IHSA Choru Contest I, 3,
Concert Band I, 2, 3, 4: Pep Band I, 2, 3, 4; Marching 4.
Band I, 2, 3, 4: IVC Honor Band I. 2, 1, 4: IHSA Band Walters, Michael - Football Manager 2: Basketball I, 2:
Contest l, 2, 3, 4; Chorus l, 2, 3, 4; Mus1cal l, 2, 3, 4: IVC Track Manager I: FHA 4; Concert Band I: Marchmg Band
Chorus Fe..,tival I. 2, 3, 4: IHSA Chorus Contest I, 2. 3, 4: I: Chorus I, 2.


ONE (front to baLk) Shell}
Sear\, Willie Forbeck. Ke\tn
Sights. and Mike Nehon
THR EE Ro'h !-Charlotte Mast
& Chnstt Saal; ro'h 2 - Holly
Kauffman & Bobbt Haun: row 3-
Becky Forbeck & \1andy Lee:
right column -( front to back )
Yvonne Humphreys. Bryan
Anderson & Adam Brokaw.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Adams, Charles 6 Darwish, Ann 7
m Humphreys, Yvonne 17. 19, 26.
27 29. 31 33 . 51 . 55, 58. 71 .
72. 73 74. 75. 78

Adams, Crystal 4. 11. 17. 26. 27. Dobrowolski, Liz 8

29 30 57 58 62 Dombroski, Chris 7 49
Albrecht, Justin 11 . 24 42. 54
Anderson, Bryan Dale 6 , 16. 18.
27 29 31 33 36 37 38 . 39.
42. 52. 54, 56, 57. 58 . 59. 61. Jaggers, Dan 14. 15 51. 78
Janssen, Matthew 14. 51
62. 63. 64. 65. 70. 71 . 73. 74. Johnson, David 9 . 17. 19. 26. 27.
Faber, Celeste 7 56 , 57 28 31 51 57 , 58 59. 60. 6 1.
Anderson, Chris 62
Forbeck, Rebecca 5. 9 . 18. 26. 62. 63. 64. 69. 71 . 73 . 74 •
Anderson, Dale 6
Anderson, Mrs. Sharon 8 27 . 28. 29. 31 . 33. 52 . 53. 54.
Andriotis, Gabriel 9 12 17. 26. 61 . 64, 65. 69, 71 . 72 . 73 74
27 . 28 29 52 53. 54. 56, 57.
60 64 78
Arbuckle, Jason 11. 78
Forbeck, Justin 3. 14
Forbeck, William 3 18. 31. 55.
71 75
Foss, Hannah 9 . 12. 26. 27 . 40 . Kauffman, George 6
51 53. 58 . 62 64. 74 78 Kauffman, Holly 9 . 16. 19. 26. 27 .
Friel, Cory 14 15 26. 38. 42. 54. 28 29. 30 31 32 33, 35. 38.
68 . 78 40 41 . 49 54. 55 56. 57 58,
Funderberg, Rick 14. 15. 29. 38 . 59. 62. 63 . 64. 69. 71 . 73. 74.
42 47 51 55 68 78 75 78
Baker, Angela 4 5, 10. 11. 53 . Kaufmann, Phil 6
56. 58. 62
Baker, Theresa 4 5. 14. 35. 38.
40 41 51 55 58 68
Balensiefen, Heather 5. 14. 15.
26 53 66 68
Borg, Mrs. Sharon 8 9 Garvin, John 5 6 7. 15. 35. 40
Born, Hansruedi 17. 18. 20. 21. Gerig, Beth 5. 7. 10. 53 Lafferty, Benjamin 19. 26. 27 . 31.
26, 27 31. 33 38. 42. 50. 52. Gray, John 16. 17 . 19. 27 . 28 . 31. 55. 71. 74
55 69 71 73 74 78 33 35 36. 37 38 . 39 42 . 43 Lafferty, Terenna 5 9 11 . 26. 29.
Borys, Christopher 11. 38, 58 . 78 51 55, 58 . 59. 62 . 63. 69, 71 . 48. 50, 53 58
Borys, Greg 14. 15 27 . 38, 42 . 51 73 . 74. 78 LaMour, Ron 5. 6 . 72
Borys, Shirley 5, 14, 15. 27 . 29. Greathouse, Steve 16. 17 . 19. 27. Lee, Mandy 17. 19. 27 . 29. 30.
38 . 40 41. 53. 58. 60. 62. 64. 28 30 31 33 36. 37. 38 . 42 31 . 32. 33 35. 36 37 38 39.
66. 68 43, 67. 69 . 71 . 72 . 73. 74. 78 40. 41 . 54. 55. 58 . 59. 62 . 63.
Brokaw, Adam 18. 27 . 30. 31. 33. Gustafson, Gene 8 67. 69. 71 73, 74. 75 78
38 39 42 43. 51. 67. 69. 71. Lenihan, Vicki 2. 11 40. 42 48.
74. 75. 78 50. 53, 54. 58. 59. 60
Brokaw, Chad 9 12. 17. 29. 51 . Lucas, Shannon 3. 14. 15. 55
52 53 54 57 60. 64. 78
Brown, Mark 5, 7
Burress, Marcia 5 7. 15. 27 . 55.
60 Hamilton, Doris 7 58. 62
Haun, Bobbi Jo 17. 19. 26. 27 . 28.
29. 31 . 33 . 52. 54. 55. 58. 59.
62 63. 64. 69 71 . 73. 74. 75 Madsen, Jennifer l. 10. 11. 26.
78 40. 42. 48. 53, 54. 58, 59. 62.
Hayes, Staci 14. 15, 17. 26. 27 . 63
28. 35. 38 . 40. 41 . 52 55. 58. Magnuson, Keith 14. 15. 17, 26.
62 63 66.68 27 28 , 36 37 , 51 , 54, 57, 58,
Carlson, Karen 7 15 Hooker, Angela 5. 9. 12. 26. 27. 59 62 . 63, 66, 78
Case, Joe 12. 17.42 28. 51. 55. 58, 78 Mast, Charlotte 2. 22. 27 . 31. 33.
Colby, Christa 3 5, 12. 17 26. Huebner, Jonathan 14. 26 29. 34 38 , 39 40. 41 , 44 51 56.
27 . 29 58. 62 78 38 42. 54. 55. 58 . 59. 60. 62. 57 58 , 59. 60. 61 , 62 , 63, 64.
Comerford, Cara 9. 18. 25. 26. 63. 64. 68 , 72 65. 69, 70, 71 , 73, 74, 75, 78
27. 28 29. 30. 31 . 33. 35 38. Huff, Christina 3 14. 15. 26. 51 . Maupin, Chad 14. 15. 38. 42. 55.
40. 41 55. 58. 59, 62. 63. 69, 55 66. 68 , 78
71 . 74 Humphreys, Richard 12. 17 Maupin, Cynthia 6

Sponsored by
Depue, Oglesby, Peru, Princeton, IL
McCauley, Dana l, 4, 11, 26. 27, 28. 58, 59
29, 40. 53 54, 58 59, 62, 63
McComber, Erica 14 15 35, 38. 40.
41 Rayne, Torl 17 23, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33,
McComber, Joel l, 11, 29, 38, 42, 54 38. 42, 49, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61 , 62.
McVety, Amanda Kay 5, 12. 26, 27. 64, 69, 71, 73, 75 Vossen, Steve 7. 10, 42, 72
28, 40, 41 42. 48, 49, 52, 53. 54, Read, Bryan 14. 15. 17, 26. 27, 28. 38, Vujanov, Nicholas 13, 29, 30, 38, 47,
57. 58. 59 60. 62 63, 64. 78 42, 47 , 55, 66. 68 58, 59 62, 78
McVety, Christina 2, 5, 9, 22. 26. 27. Reed, Joshua 14. 15. 17 29. 36, 37,
31 . 52, 56, 57 , 60, 64, 65, 69, 71 , 38. 47 , 62
72. 73, 75 Ribas, Sherrie 5, 9, 12, 26. 51, 53, 58,
62, 78
McVety, Elaine 7, 9
Ribas, Stephanie 14, 15. 27. 42. 49
Michel, Simon 16, 17. 21, 22. 26. 27.
28, 31 , 33, 38, 42, 52, 55, 62, 69,
71 72, 73 75 Wade, Aaron 71 73
Moeschke, Tassilo 17 22. 24. 27, 31 . Wagner, David 11 29, 38, 42. 47, 54
33, 38, 42, 52, 69, 71 , 73, 75, 78 Waldo, Robert 10, 11, 27, 58. 62
Moms, Mindy 3. 17 22. 26. 29 31. Waldo, Tania 11. 46, 51, 62
32, 33, 35 38, 39 40, 41 . 42, 46, Saal, Christi 16, 26, 27 28. 29, 31 32, Walters, Michael 17, 23. 27. 29. 3 1,
49, 55, 58, 61 , 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 33, 35, 38, 40, 41 . 42, 49, 52, 53, 55, 71 73, 75
69, 71, 73, 75 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 67, 69, Whitford, Jason 14, 42, 47. 5 1. 58. 62
Moms, Nathan 22, 27. 31. 69. 71. 75 71, 73, 75, 78 Whitmore, James 6, 72
Moms, Robin 11. 26, 57 . 58. 62 Saal, Cyndi 13, 26, 27, 35, 38, 40, 41, Wooden, Anthony 13. 26. 29, 38, 42,
Moms, Ryan 11. 14. 15, 38. 42. 55. 42, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57. 58, 59, 62, 63 43, 58 62, 78
64, 66 67 68, 69 78 Sampson, David 6 , 26 72 Worgess, Pete 13. 29, 42, 43, 47, 50,
Munson, Suzarme 12. 26, 27. 29, 30, Sampson, Nicole 10. 11 27, 29 58, 62, 78
40, 48, 52, 58,62, 63, 78 62 Wrlght, Andrew 14, 15, 28. 30. 34,
Sampson, Wes 13. 26, 27. 28. 29, 38, 36, 38. 42, 43, 47 , 55, 56, 66, 68, 78
Musil, Ryan 11, 38, 54, 57, 78
42, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 78 Wrlght, Dawn 5. 14, 15, 26, 27, 28,
Sarver, Greg 7, 38, 42, 47
62, 63 66, 68
Sayre, John 1 11. 26. 29 42, 54
Schertz, JoAnn 14, 15, 17. 26. 27 28. Wrlght, Katherine 13. 26, 27. 40, 58,
29. 30. 52. 54, 55, 58, 62, 63, 66, 62, 78
67, 68, 69, 78
Schertz, Rebecca 4. 11. 26 27. 28. 29,
Nakajima, Aki 17, 23. 26. 29, 31. 35. 53, 54, 58, 59
38, 40, 41 , 52, 53, 58, 62, 69, 71 , Schertz, Ryan 23. 27, 28, 30, 31, 33,
73, 75 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 , 42, 43, 47 , 51 .
Nelson, Michael 23, 27, 31, 56, 57, 54. 58, 59, 62, 64, 67, 69, 71 , 73,
71, 75 75, 78 Yepsen, Julie 14, 15, 17, 26. 27, 28,
Nelson, Sherl l, 11 29. 57, 58, 62 Sears, Molly 11. 26. 27, 29, 40, 58. 59 35, 38 39, 40, 41 , 46, 58, 64, 66,
Nissen, Joseph 3, 14 36, 78 Sears, Shelly 2. 5, 9, 16 17 23 26, 27. 67, 68
28. 31 , 5 1, 53, 55, 58 62, 69, 71 , Young, Sharon 7 52
72, 73, 75, 78
Shull, Marte 7
Sights, Kevin 17 23, 27, 31, 33, 38,
42, 50, 51 , 58, 59, 62, 71 , 73, 75, 78
Sims, Bill 13, 29, 78 COLOPHO:\'
Under the direction of Mike Budak and
Smucker, Donald 6
O'Neill, Colette 4, 14, 15. 26, 27, 35. plant ~:on..,ultant Julie :--;eblock. 95 copies of
Spacek, Ben 13. 42 the 1994 ARROW. Volume 82, were print-
38, 39, 40, 41 , 51 , 56, 57, 58, 60,
Stahnke, Scott 14, 17. 51, 55. 57. 60, ed by Walsworth Publi~hing Company. The
62, 63, 64, 66, 68 64 66, 72 78 book'-. theme Wlb A Time Cor Reflection.
Olson, Tara l, 11, 26, 27. 40. 53, 58 Stowe, Jill 13 26, 40, 55, 57, 58, 62. Seventy-eight page~ \\ere printed on 7
64, 78 3/4" x 10 112" #115 signature gl~s paper
Strass, Jessica 5, 13. 26. 58. 62, 78 using variou. ~i1e of American Typewriter,
Lubalin Graph, Mi~tr.ll. 'ew Ba,kenille,
Old Engli~h. and Times Roman print. The
traditional color ..ection mduded homecom-
ing and senio~. An addttional 2 page, of
spot color \\ere earned by Becky Forbeck,
Perry, Christina 12 26, 27, 29, 35, 38, editor, ut the fall workshop and were u<.ed
40, 41,42, 48, 52, 58, 59, 62, 78 on theme pages.
Piacenti, Jeremy 14, 15, 27. 51, 55. Tan, Francis 54. 57. 78 c~ts for publication were shared by the
58, 66 Thompson, Brian 13, 17, 42, 51. 55, seniors and local merchant ponsorships.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Sponsored by
Ray Mabry Auto Sales/ Indian Hills Golf
~ Princeton, IL/fiskilwa, IL
Snowstorms, ice and
sub-zero temperatures
crippled the East Coast
for much of the winter.
In Washington, D.C., the
federal government was

•••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••

ers shut down for one and a
half days, and 'ew York
City received a record
53.4 inches of sno\v.
Firefighters watch helplessly as flames burn out of
control in the Thousand Oaks area of Southern
California. The fires, some of which were set by arson-
ists, lasted 16 days and did 1 billion in damages.
Eighty-four lives were lost due to the fires; 67 of those
were firefighters trying to control the blaze.

Bob Noble/GlOBE
After the Lt earthquake,
more than 14,000 people
were forced to live in les Stone/)YGMA
temporary shelters or The sentiments expressed by this homeowner were
camp out in parks. \tore unfortunately more the exception than the rule during
than 20,000 people were the Midwest floods. \tore than 30,000 people were forced
left homeless, and many to evacuate their homes, and more than 40 died.
would later have to spend
Sometimes mere seconds decided who lived and who died
hours in line trying to get
relief funds and supplies. when an earthquake that measured 6.6 on the Richter
scale hit Southern California in JanuaJ): The quake killed
55 and caused damages that were estimated at $30 billion.
Some highwa} repairs could take ayear to complete.
: Actor Bill Bixby, who tarred : mother gare the child up fo1 : \labarna, Georgia,.\'onh and
~ mMy Fal'Orite Martian and ~ adoption. and later sued for
: South Carolina, and
: The Incredible Hulk. died o : ' tody when she married .
: e•me see were the tares
: prostate cancer at 59. : Jessica'sfather. The suit :

harde t hit b\' a torm svstem
0 0

: .
: tJuched off debates about ~ that 'pped acros the
: \fter acour battle that went : parental and adopGon rights. : Southeast in late ~larch.
~ a ar as the U . Supreme ~IJrt than 40 people were
: Court. two·mr-old
Baby : ~illed as tornados, hail and
: Jessica was returned to he' : heary rains struck the region.
: biological parents. Her natural
The flood in the Midwe t
drewpeople together to help
save their homes and proper-
ty from the ri ing water . Five
state were declared federal
disaster areas, and damage
were e timated at 10 billion.

: Charlotte. ~.C., and

Jack omiUe Fla., 1me
awarded Ill'\\ Kational
: Football Leawe franchi e .
: The Carolina Panther and
: the Jacksomille Jaguar
: broucht the total number of

.: NFL teams to 30.

.: CLA, counterintelligence chief
: Aldrich Ames was arre ted in
~ ~larch one pionage charge .
: Arne sold U.S. secrets to
~ the Russians for nine year
: and could be re_ ponjble for
: betraying at least 10 opera-
... .
: me executed b\ the KGB.
~ ConwayT11itty, who e55
: t\o. I hits I\ ere the mo51 b) a
: country singer, dted in June
: of an abdominal aneul) mat
: the age of 59.
: Damian \\'illiam and Hen!')
~ \\'at on were acquitted on
: charce of attempted murder
__, : for the beating of true er
- - -=----Les-s-_;::..;sv_GMA

. .
Amilitarv arrcraft accident in : Barbra treband, who had : Be!PTiyHillsro210 tar hannen ~ Reginald Denny durinc the
~1en a paid concert in 22
which two planes collided 1 : : Doheny married :\shley
. 1l . riots
: in 1992. \\'illiam
Fort Bragg. X.C., in late
March killed 23 paratroope \
lf , sold out Las Vegas

, lll on ~ew Year' Ere and

Hamilton mSeptember
Dohert), who..e character on
entenced to I0year in
jail for the as ault, and
The two plane ~truck each : ~1.'\1 Year' Day. Ticket pnce : ro210wa)jailedforbreaking : \"' t onreceivedfouryear
other on their approach to ~ ranged from 50 - 1000. ~ into an animal research lab. left ~ p bation.
Pope Air Force ba e. : the show nid rumors that :
: had been fired.
Seven astronauts went into
space to repair the Hubble
Space Tele cope in December.
Aflaw in the main mirror of
the telescope was keeping it
from transmitting clear pic-
tures. The repair, which was
seen as a make-or-break mis-
sion for, ASA, was a success.

Disney was forced 10 cut

scene from it mO\ie. The
Program, 11hen teenagers in
Penn ylvania laidon the cen-
ter line of a road in imitation
of the film. One died after
being struck by a pickup

Dodger fan mourned the los

of two past greats thi year.
Pitcher Don Drysdale 11·hose
treak of 58 con. ecuti1·e score·
les ·innings stood for tim
decades. died at 56 of a heart
attack. Roy Campanella, the
Cynthia Johnson/TIME
first Afncan-.-\merican catcher
PLO leader Yasir Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
in the major leagues, al odied
Rabin met in Washington, D.C., in September to sign an
of a heart attack at age 71. interim peace agreement. The agreement, which was to
begin setting terms for Palestine self-rule in Jericho and the
Don hula, head coach of the Gaza Strip, was lauded as the prelude to peace in the Middle
\iiami Dolphins, broke the East, but both sides had to deal with dissent in their parties.
record for most wins b) an
\FL coach. ending l99311ith
In a four-day visit to Denver that culminated in World
Youth Day, Pope John Paul II met \\ith President Bill
327. hula' season ended
Clinton and addressed 190,000 youths from around the
on a low note; the Dolphins
world. The Pope's Sunday ~1ass drew nearly 400,000.
lost fire straight games and UPI/SIPA
failed to make the playoff . parents, and separate juries Fears about safety particular· Fred Gwynne, the actor who
declared mistrials in both the lv from Germans, led to : was best kn0\1' for his por·

Erik and Lyle ~tenendez were : brothers' ca e . mcrease in ecun~ at Florida ~ trayal of the lovable Herman
put on trial in Los Angele for airports and rental car agen- : in the popular telerision pro·
killing their parents in 1989. !:me to Zedillo 11·as selected as cie after tii'O foreign tourists : gram, The Munsters, died in

The brother alleged that the the presidential candidate for were murdered 11ithin one 0
1993 of cancer. He was 66.
killings were in elf-defen e \texico's governing party afte1 week in eptember.
follo11ing years of exual and the ori~nal candidate Luis
psycholo~cal abuse by their Donaldo Colosio, was gunned
down in lijuana, ~texico.
The passenger train,
un et Limited, plunged
off a bridge into an alliga-
tor-infe ted bayou in Ala-
bama. The crashed killed
47 people, the worst in
Amtrak's history. \ barge
had truck the trestle,
weakening it upport . • •• ••••••• •• •• ••• •• •••• •• ••••••• •••• •••
Originally a humanitarian mission, the United States
involvement in omalia increasingly became more
combative. In capturing three Somali aide , 17 U.S.
soldiers were killed, 77 were injured and one, heli-
copter pilot ~1ichael Durant, was captured and later
relea ed. President Bill Clinton kept hi promise that
all American troops \\ere to be removed b} ~tarch 31.


outh \frican Pre ident EW.

deKierk and ~el on ~tandela
met in October to accept a
\ obel Peace Prize given for
their work to end apartheid.
The South .\frican Parliament
voted to allow blacks to par-
ticipate in government for the
first time. In \m·ember, an
interim constitution was
signed granting equal rights
to blacks and whites for the
fu t time in 300 years.
Grammy award· for Album ~r : H"~t country ~orway won
: lou~ton Oilers tackle Da1id
the Year, Record of the Year : the most Olympic medal : \\ illiam wa docked a
and Female Pop Vocalist
went to Whitney Houston h :
w..h 10 gold. II silrc· a1d .
: week's pay when he failed •v
fin bronze, and the cap- : make agame in Boston
her work on the oundtrack : tured ix gold. fire S1hb and : against the 1\ew En~and
of the film, The Bodyguard. .:
: two bronze medal at the .
: Patriots. He stared behind i
on6of the Year honors 11e q l4 Winter Olympics in : llou~ton to be 11ith his 11ife,
1u A\\1wle 1 \'erl' World fron : L 1ehammer. ~ 1 .10 had ju t ~ren birth to 1ht
the film, Aladdin. : couple' son.
Tonya Harding was nearly
barred from the Olympics
for her alleged role in the
Nancy Kerrigan attack,
but her lawsuit forced the
USOC to let her compete.
Harding finished eighth.
She later pled guilty to
impeding the investiga-
••••••••••• •••••••••••••• tion into the attack.
Short-track speed skater Cathy Turner won a gold medal
in the 500 meter race. Her victory was marred by a
protest lodged by Zhang Yanmei, the Chinese silver
medalist, who refused to take the podium with Turner
after she alleged that Turner knocked her off balance
during the race. Judges later disqualified Turner from the
1000 meter race for cutting off another skater.
WiUiom R. lollot/DUOMO

AI Tielemons/DUOMO

Tommy Moe took home a gold American speed skater Bonnie Blair won her fourth and
medal in the men's downhill, fifth gold medals at the Winter Olympics. Those medals,
and asilver medal in the men's for the 500 meter and 1000 meter races, gave her the
super-G. The Alaskan resident most total medals won by a U.S. woman Olympian.
became the first American
male to win a medal in Alpine After seven failures, speed skater Dan Jansen fmally won
events since 1984. an Olympic gold medal. Jansen, who holds several world
records, set a new mark for the 1000 meter race in hls last
try for the Olympic gold.
: In hopes of reducing the .: Jav,. Dare, Conan, Arsenio, .: Journalist and author Randv.
: number of guns on the : and Che\y squared off in the : Shilts, whose book, And the
: street, cities aero s the coun- ~ late-night talk show wars. ~ Band Played On, chronicled
: try follO\\'ed Xew \ork's lead : The Fox network was the first : the early years of the AIDS
: and participated in swapping
: programs: people could bring
to throw in the towel, can- :
celling 111e CheLT Chase Shou• :
. epidemic, died of AIDS-relat-
ed complications in February.
: in their guns, no questions
: after only ix weeks of poor :
. He was 42.
: asked, and in return receire :
. ratings.
: items uch as toy , gift certifi-
: cates and concert tickets.
'ancy Kerrigan won a silver
medal in figure kating. finish-
ing mere percentage points
behind Oksana Baiul of the
Ukraine. In Januai), Kerrigan
was clubbed in the knee in
what was later found to be a
plot by Tonya Harding's ex-hus-
band and aformer bodyguard.

~lV moved its popular but

controversial hOI\, Beal'is and
Bunhead, to alater time lot
after an Ohio mother alleged
that references on the how
caused her five-year-old son to
light afire that lolled his
youngt. ister.

\ olan Ryan, con idered by

orne to be the hardest·
throwing pitcher mba eball,
retired at the agt of 46.

\0\·ember saw the pa sage of

.: two highly-debated bills by
: Congre,s: NAI .A. auade
treaty between ~1exico,
Canada and the U.S., and the
Brady Bill, which put a five-
day waiting period on the
purcha eof handgun .

\ orth Carolina barely edged

Loui iana Tech to win the
women· NCAA basketball
championship. 60-59. A
three-p int sh11t by Charlotte
Kurt Cobain, lead singer of : muter train. Six passengers \1anassas, Va., was the scene mith with Ie s than a econd
Nirvana, died of a elf-infl1ct- : were kiled and 19 were of one of the mo ·t closely· remaming on the clock gave
ed gun hot wound. Cobain.
reportedly missing for six
.:: miured. Police believe the attack : watched bials tlus year
was racially motivated because Lorena Bobbitt, charged with
the Tar Heel the victory.

dm. was di covered in hi : letters expressing dislike for maliciou wounding for sever- :
Seattle home AprilS. .
: whites, Asians and some mg her hu band' peni . was
: ~can-Americans were found found not guilty by reason of
Long I land residents were hor- ~ in the gunman's possession. : msanity. Her hu band had
rified when Colin Ferguson earlier been found not guiltv
opened fire on a~ew York com· : of marital exual a ault.
Charle Kuralt hosted his last
broadcast of CBS Sunday
.\foming in April. Kuralt had
been a mainstay at CBS for 37
years with his Sunday appear-
ances and his eries, On tile
Road, which took viewers
through small tmm America .

On Aug. 13, authoritie posi-

ti\elr identified the remain
of a body found in a 5outh
Can mac reek d thoo;e of the
father of former ~BA star
~lichael Jordan. lame
Jordan. The elder Jordan had
been murdered by 1\vo men
who tole his car at a re t

Oregon U.S. Senator Bob

Packwood. accused of sexual
harassment by more than two
dozen women, lo tabattle
11ith the Senate ethics com-
rninee in :-.ovember when hi
colleagues voted that ht per- GLOB£
sonal diaries could be subpoe- Sclzindler's List, Steven Spielberg's gripping, three-hour
naed for the case against him. drama about the Holocaust, won seven Oscars. Included
Packwood later lo tan appeal among those were the Oscars for Best Picture, Best
of the subpoena. Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Parachutist )arne ~Iiller Jurassic Park, Steven Spielberg's movie about dinosaurs
era hed the ~m·ember heavy-
cloned from prehistoric D~A, beat out his own E. T. as the
weight championship boxing
hjghest-grossing movie of all time. With ove~ $700 million
in worldwide ticket sales, Jurassic Park also captured
match bel\veen Evander
Oscars for \isual effects, sound, and sound effects editing.
Holyfield and Riddick Bowe SYGMA

and cau ed a 21-mmute dela\ • Political riot in Mo cow cui- : Queen Elizabeth granted an Race car driver Davey Allison
in the match when he became : minated in atakeover of : honorary knighthood to U.S. : was killed when the heli·
~ copter he wa fl}ing crashed
tangled in the ring rope .After : Russia's parliamentary build- -\rm} General Colin Powell
being pummeled by specta- ing in October. Troops loyal Dec. 15. Powell resigned as : in Alabama. He was 32.
tors, ~Iiller wa finally freed to President 3oris Yeltsin chairman of the Joint Chiefs :
by ecurity guards and taken ejected hafdline rebels of taff in August. : Rising tensions over nuclear
out of the building on a from the building. : accountability led to prob-
stretcher. Holyfield won the : !ems in ~orth Korea early in
match and regained his title. 1994. The country would not
~ctor and rapper Tupac
hakur was comicted of
aggra\'ated a ault and
battery and entenced to
15 days in jail. His arrest
and the actions of similar
recording arti ts rai ed
question about the me ·
age of"gang ta rap."
It was a tough year for Michael Jackson. Amid charges of
exual molestation urrounding a 14-year-old boy,
Jackson cancelled the last part of his world tour and
sought treatment for addiction to painkillers. The civil
charge filed again t Jackson b} the boy' famil} were
dropped following an out-of-court settlement, but the
inger till faced criminal charge .

\YPD Blue stretched the lim-

it of what was normally per·
mitted on network tele\ision
in terms of profanit} and
nudit}. ABC ignored prote t
and the reluctance of adm-
ti er and began broadca t·
ing what was widely consid-
ered to be the be t ne\\ show
on television.

allow U.~. in pector to 1iew : Ruth Bader Gin~burg became : erbs. Croats and ~lu lim
all their nuclear production : thP serond woman to sef\e as : continued to oppose each
faci1itie , causing a break· : U.S. Supreme Court : '1er m0 'l~r=· '"le UX,
0 0

down in ·elation between : Justice when he 11as con- : 1cked b\ U . power,

tt US. d.ld ~orth Korea. : firmed Aug. 3. Gimburg. who : demanded a cease-fire in
; ""l een as an acceptable ; the capital of araje1·o whi!
: nominee to both liberals and : marked the be~nning of sev-
; wol emllhes, won enate l unea ) peac~ in the
: appro1al by amargin of96-3. : war-tom count!).
For the second straight
year, the Toronto Blue Jays
won the \\'orld Series,
beating the Philadelphia
Phillies four games to two.
The Blue Jay came from
behind to \\in Game Six
on Joe Carter's three-run
homer in the bottom of
the ninth inning. •
Former Los -\ngeles Lakers star ~tagic Johnson came back to
coach his old team at the end of the 1994 ea on. Johnson,
who won his first two games as head coach, said that he only
agreed to coach the re t of the season as a favor to team
owner Jerry Buss. Rumors had John on returning as coach
only if he wa allowed to purcha e part of the team.

Ben Von~' · 'DUOMO

\\'ayne Gretz!<)· became the Former ~B.\ great ~tichael Jordan's bid for baseball star-
~HL's all-time leading corer dom \~ith the Chicago White Sox fell short. He was sent to
when he broke Gordie Howe's the AA-class farm team in Birmingham, Ala.
career mark of 801 goals.
Gretz!<}·, who holds 62 ~HL The defending champion Dallas Cowboys defeated the
records, accomplished in 15 Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl, 30-13, handing Buffalo its
seasons what it took Howe 26 fourth straight Super Bowl loss. In March, Dallas head
seasons to do. coach Jimmy Johnson and owner Jerry Jones had a part-
ing of the ways, and Johnson left the Cowboys.

h<. 1non Faulkner became : ter'.ng ~lanin won hi fir t : Ten of thou ands perished
• 1 ·fir t female tudent ~ NASCAR race in February : when a dera tating earth-
: a owed to attend classes at : when he rnumphed at the ~ quake struck India. ~lost of
: the Citadel The U. . : Da}10na 500. : the dead were imporerished
.: Supreme Coun ruled that he : families who epoorly con-
: 1\.Jd attend \\ithout cadet : tructed houses collapsed
: r lking 11-hile she awaited the : on them. Orer 100,000 were
: ·e olution of her exual di - : left homeless.
: c tminanon uit against the
: c.. ·male military college.
The Arkansas Razorbacks won
their first national champi·
onship whenthey defeated the
Duke Blue Oe\il in the men's
~CAA ba ketball tournament.
Arkansas, cheered on by First
Fan Bill Clinton, won 76-72.

: con titutional protection for

: abonion, announced his
: retirement in early April.
~ Blackmun, 85, erred on the
: coun for 24 years.

: Vietnam war protester

. : Katherine Ann Po11 er turned
,.._IIIE"'__.- ...., : herself in after pending 23
~ year on the run. Pmm, in an
: effon to finance anti-war
: actl\iue , wa im oh ed ma
. .
: bank robberY that re ulted in
.: the death of apolice officer
.: \'ince Foster, adeputy\\'hite
: Hou ecoun~el and bo)hood
: 1end of President Bill
: C nton, committed suicide
: in Juh·.. Foster later became
: J- ·focus of in\'e ligations

: ab mt hi role in the
: \\ litewater scandal.
.: \\nile \\Orking on afilm in
: ~lexico, actor John Candy
~ died in his leep of a hean
: attack. He wa 46.

Tom Hank won the Oscar : of Congre shad some 11 on

for Best Actor 'l"tl-1i por-
...: Anna Paqum won Be t
upponing Actre for 111e : dering if it was po ible to
\\ hite\lilter became the late t
astring of controversies
tra} al of an \.::JS stncken : Pumo. : offer insurance to all • that plagued Pre.,ident Bill
attorney mruauuanpl!ia. Be~t : American'. : Clinton and his 11ife, llillaf). A
Actre-,s honor 11 ent to Holly : Uni1·ersal health care lias the special grand jury 1\i!S fonned
Hunter for The Pta no. ~ goal of President Bill ~ U.S. upreme Coun Justice t decide whether there wa
Tommy Lee Jone won Best : Clinton's proposed Health : Harry A. Blarkmun. 11ho an) link between the Arkansas
upponing Actor for The : Security Act but oppo ition : IITOte the Roe vs. Wade real estate \'enture and afailed
Fugitil•e, and 11-year-old ~ from lobb)i'ts and member ~ decision eaabli hing sa1ing and loan institution.
Vincent Price was considered the master of horror
films, making mm·ies that were terri~·ing 1\ithout
being tasteless. Price died in October at the age of 82.
Tele\ ision's top lawyer,
Perl) \fa on, never lost a
ca e, but Raymond Burr,
the actor who portrayed
him, lost his battle with
kidney cancer this year.
Riwr Phoenix died on Halloween night after col-
lapsing outside the L.A. nightclub, The Viper Room.
The actor, who was 23, o\·erdo ed on cocaine and
morphine. Phoenix was a promising young actor
who fir t won acclaim when he was 15 for the movie,
Stand By \fe. He later received an Oscar nomination
for hi performance in Running 011 Empty.
~tu ician Frank Zappa,
who was known for
blending rock, jazz,
blue and classical
music died Dec. 4 of
pro tate cancer. Zappa,
who was 52, released
over 60 albums in a
career that spanned
three decades.

·x-rated· is how some : \e:1r-end college football po11s : Zealot Baruch Gold tein
describe his radio talk show,
but shock jock Howard Stem
: put Florida State at No. 1, : opened fire inside a \luslim
: but the quirl·y sea on had osque in Hebron, in the
made it onto the best- eller : some calling for a playoff ys· occupied \\'est Bank of I rae•
list \\ith hi teU-all book, ~ tern to decide the champion Dozen of people were killed.
Pri\'ate Parts. The autobiogra- : rather than traditional 00\\1 1r d Goldstein himself was

phy sold o\·er a million copies.

: games. beaten to death.

Produced b) 1\alswortHubh hmg Compam C) 1994

Walsworth Publishi11g Company

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