Logistic Measurement Journal
Logistic Measurement Journal
Logistic Measurement Journal
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performing as expected (English et al., 1999).
. . . the problem is that there are too
In our context, we are discussing a
many performance measures ± too many that
are obsolete and too many that are not performance metric. The set of performance
consistent. indicators is used to determine the efficiency
and/or the effectiveness of a single system, or
While performance measures will readily
to compare alternative systems. The available
accumulate, they are rarely removed. It has to
literature identifies several important
be considered that inclusive performance
performance measures in the evaluation of
measures for supply chain systems may be
supply chain efficiency and effectiveness
constructed by combining a number of
(Beamon, 1998). Many authors have
different individual performance measures
categorised them. Neely et al. (1995) consider
into a system or function of performance
four main categories: quality, time, flexibility,
measures. But only the performance system
and cost; while Lockamy and Cox (1994)
resulting from the combination of individual
define customer, resource and finance as
measures would allow a more inclusive
primary categories of performance
measure of the overall system (Beamon,
measurements. According to Caplice and
Sheffi (1994), a good metric has to capture
the critical elements of the logistic process:
` ... A generally applicable systematic time, distance, and money. For Mendoza
approach to performance measurement there are three primary groups of performance
has not been developed yet, mainly due measures: financial, quality, and resources
to the specific measurement (English et al., 1999). Moreover, a ``good''
characteristics required by different
logistic performance measurement system
systems... '
should be comprehensive, casually oriented,
vertically integrated, horizontally integrated,
internally comparable, and useful (Caplice
According to the literature available, a system's
and Sheffi, 1995).
efficiency and effectiveness could be
As Beamon (1998) highlights, some
determined by a set of performance measures questions are now opened in this research
or indicators. In various spheres of competence field:
and operative activities, different aspects of . Are the existing performance measures
logistic service quality management are systems appropriate for the supply chain?
covered by a set of indicators. Moreover, these . What are the appropriate performance
measures have to be referred to a service measures for supply chains?
quality model evaluation (Parasuraman et al., . Is there a hierarchy among the performance
1985, 1988). indicators?
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
main factors ± also called dimensions ± should transferred to another company that creates its
be considered: added value. Thus you cannot deal with a single
. Tangibles (appearance of physical facilities, process, but with several processes that together
equipment, personnel, and generate the supply chain.
communication). Therefore, supply chain is a mix of processes,
. Reliability (ability to perform the promised which ties together firms from purchasing to
service dependably and accurately). distribution. It is also seen as an integrated
. Responsiveness (willingness to help process, wherein raw materials are
customers and provide prompt service). manufactured into final products and then
. Assurance (knowledge and courtesy of delivered to customers (Beamon, 1996). In this
employees and their ability to convey trust process, numerous entities work together in
and confidence). order to modify semi-manufactured products,
. Empathy (caring, individualised attention, developing some main activities such as:
which the firm provides its customers) manufacturing (transformation of inputs into
(Franceschini and Rafele, 2000). outputs); warehousing (recovery of stock);
These are fundamental factors for the quality of transport (satisfaction of customer request) and
a service. A correct and comprehensive metric others. Each of these activities can influence the
of performance measurements should therefore logistic performance.
include them.
The PZB model is one of the best-known ` ... In order to analyse performance
models for the quality service evaluation. It is measures, the logistic supply chain can be
applicable to all kinds of services, including broken down into its elementary links;
logistics. each of them includes activities for
The paper introduces a proposal for a supply transforming inputs into outputs... '
chain performance measurement system
according to the service quality requirements,
defining an ordered framework for the logistic Two basic aspects are detected in every single
indicators. The framework should be able to step of the chain: the first is internal to the firm,
cover all the logistic activities inside the supply called intra-firm aspect; the second one ties
process. together suppliers and clients, creating the
inter-firm aspect. Thus, it is very important to
analyse how a firm is internally organised and
A measurement model managed, but it is also significant to evaluate its
behaviour in external phases.
Each company develops lots of processes in In order to analyse performance measures,
order to gain market share with its own the logistic supply chain can be broken down
products or services. Every process is a mix of into its elementary links; each of them includes
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
activities for transforming inputs into outputs, responsiveness of the logistic process but,
as shown in Figure 1 (European Committee for looking to the measurement definition, they
Standardization, 2000). could be considered as an effect.
Three main points should be analysed at each Traditionally, financial performance has
step: input side for purchasing activity, been the primary measure of success in most
transformation for production activity, and companies but conventional financially-based
output side for distribution activity. Input and reporting systems generally do not provide all
output sides relate to suppliers and customers; the required information about logistics
instead of transformation, which is internal to performance (Brewer and Speh, 2000).
the firm. Indeed, a complete performance
As discussed above, a very difficult issue in measurement system has to consider both
logistic measurement is the deployment of an engineered/operational and financial
effective performance measurement system. indicators (Brewer and Speh, 2000). Each
The selection of what to measure and the engineered ratio leads to a particular cost.
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relevant targets can be complex because of the The global consideration of the two sides of
interdependence of all activities in the supply the logistic organisation allows the firm to
chain. A good performance measure system is find the best compromise between cost and
necessary to determine the efficiency and the quality in the supplied service. That is the
effectiveness of a single productive system or to reason why financial indicators have to be
compare competing alternative systems related to engineered indicators, as shown in
(Beamon, 1996). It is a part of the ``control Figure 2. In fact, it is possible to determine
cycle'' and all its elements should be sets of indicators related to company
implemented to achieve a fully functional effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
control process. They could be called engineered indicators.
Referring to Figure 1, our analysis is focused
Measures derived from these indicators could
on a part of the entire supply chain process; in
influence the company's financial and
particular, we consider what happens to the
economic indicators. The choices derived
single N process and how it is linked to the
from the analysis of the two groups of
others in the supply chain. Also, we might
indicators (engineered and financial) will
observe all the elements that can modify the
influence the future logistic performances
service level.
through the investment decisions.
Obviously, a product-oriented firm brings up
several costs that are visible during the entire
Figure 2 Engineered and financial indicators
logistic process. In fact, process has costs tied
to its physical organisation and its way of
operating, because they depend on productive
and technological choices and also on
investment strategies.
In our study, the financial measurements will
be considered in a next phase, as a consequence
of the operational performance. Of course, the
economic aspect influences the logistic
performances, since it defines the
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
. inventory (raw materials and semi-finished (2) service care (it comprises the parameters for
products to transformed into finished carrying out a supply service);
products to push along the chain); and (3) supply conditions (it defines the physical way
. availability, which indicates the existence of of the supply service); and
products along the process. (4) lead time (it indicates the duration of the
delivery activities).
The ways of fulfilment class considers
how the service is supplied to customers, The last branch, informative actions, is divided
and the ability of suppliers in managing into four sub-classes comprising the informative
order variations in terms of quantity or activities before, during and after the order, and
time. Also this class is divided into four the new way to communicate with the network.
sub-classes: In the informative actions class, the division is
(1) flexibility (it represents the ability of a as follows:
company to satisfy variations in scheduled (1) marketing (information on products and
orders); selling conditions);
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
(2) order management (checks on order Drawing from literature review and
flow); practitioners' indications, the most general way
(3) after-sales (relations with the customers to to consider LoS could be expressed through the
solve problems or needs); and following ratio:
(4) e-information (it considers the new way to Deliveries
manage and control orders by the LoS :
In the ratio, the deliveries to be considered are
Now, we have defined the model structure
those satisfying completely the requests of the
and we have highlighted the main actions
customer in normal or urgent conditions: right
or subjects involved in the service. In
shipments, deliveries on time, in the correct
order to provide consistency to the
ordered quantity, in the way requested, suited
classification described, we have to identify for the customer, without damage and without
measures of performance able to evaluate the mistakes in the paper work.
several sides of the service included in each
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Physical and accounting correspondence = Number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) with mistakes divided by the total number of orders (or
UL(*), or quantity) in the warehouse in the same period of time
Stock turnover = Number UL(*) or quantity delivered or shipped divided by the average stock in the warehouse in the same period of time
Stockout = Number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) out of order divided by the total number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) ordered in the
same period of time
Ways of fulfilment
Flexibility Flexibility = Number of special/urgent/unexpected orders (or UL(*), or quantity) confirmed to the customer divided by the total number of
special/urgent/unexpected orders (or UL(*), or quantity) required by the customer multiplied by 100 in the same period of time
Service care Punctuality = Number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) delivered on time divided by the total number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity)
delivered multiplied by 100 in the same period of time
Regularity = Number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) delivered with a t of delay/advance divided by the total number of orders (or UL(*),
or quantity) delivered multiplied by 100 in the same period of time
Completeness = Number of full orders (or UL(*), or quantity) delivered divided by the total number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) delivered
multiplied by 100 in the same period of time
Correctness = Number of mistake orders dispatched divided by the total number of orders dispatched multiplied by 100 in the same period
of time
Number of codes/articles sent back divided by the total number of codes/articles sent multiplied by 100 in the same period of time
Harmfulness = Number of ``damaged'' orders dispatched in a period divided by the total number of orders dispatched in the same period
multiplied by 100
Delay = Number of days of delay or (number of days of delay divided by the number of days promised) multiplied by 100
Supply Delivery frequency = Number of orders (or UL(*), or quantity) delivered in a certain period of time
conditions Shipped quantity = Quantity shipped in a certain period of time or quantity dispatched for each shipment
Way of packaging and way of shipment, etc.
Lead time Total order cycle time occurring from the arrival of a customer order to the receiving of goods or cycle time of the single activities (order
transmission, order processing, order composition, order transfer to the production plant, article production, warehouse delivery, final
delivery to the customer)
Informative actions
Marketing Range completeness, information on products and sell assistance, etc.
Order Documents management (invoices and orders), client contacts and order advancement state, etc.
After sales Back orders, claims management, use assistant and payment management, warranty conditions, etc.
e-information Web site completeness, ease of making orders by network and data transmission security, etc.
Note: UL(*) = unit loads
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
conversion of the indicators based on a time is one of the ``musts''; in the jewellery
weighted scale representing the achieved trade security and the prevention of damage
performances, i.e. value one for low are the most relevant aspects; in the
performance, value five for optimum. automotive chain, operating in just-in-time,
Therefore, in order to achieve an overall value punctuality and correctness are the basic
of the service, the converted value can be factors.
grouped by a ranking method. The global index Finally, all the companies strongly underline
obtained in this way represents a score that the necessity to deepen the comprehension of
reflects several features of the service in a the links among the service parameters together
homogeneous scale. This logistic service index with a classification, which could permit an
can be used for comparison in several oriented research of the sources of inefficiencies
evaluations: for monitoring the same company and mistakes.
at different times, for a benchmarking analysis
of the competitors, for a target definition of the
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services with the partners in the supply chain, Conclusions and further questions
and so on.
The framework described was tested by a We draw the conclusion that customer service is
survey on several companies in the measurable even though it is quite difficult to
manufacturing (for example, Valeo, Embraco) identify client quality perception in
and shipment (for example, TNT, Federal consequence of the informative actions
Express) sectors. Information concerning
component. The level of service is certainly
Italian companies or international companies
influenced by not completely measurable
operating in Italy was obtained by direct
factors like marketing, order managing and
contacts and Web site analysis. In particular,
after-sales activities: these elements modify the
the following issues of the logistic service were
appraisal of the service, but they cannot be
. the most important indicators for the separately evaluated.
logistic service; From this point of view, the measure of the
. the concept of customer service; and service we can obtain should be close enough
. the comprehension of the logistic service to the PS. But what about customers' needs?
component links. Can the firm really offer what the client
needs? In other terms, what about the desired
The first results of the analysis indicate that service?
companies use almost the same main The desired or expected service (DS) is what
indicators, sometimes with different the customer has in mind, what really satisfies
interpretations. There is a misunderstanding his needs. The desired service is influenced by
about the meaning of customer service and external information, which customers get
there is low comprehension of the influences from the market, developing a benchmarking
among the different components of the activity (Figure 5). Therefore, it is necessary to
service. supply a perceived service closest to the
As regards the first point, the most commonly
used indicators were reliability, completeness, Figure 5 Perceived service and desired service
correctness, harmfulness, productivity, lead
time (especially towards the customer), delay
(in total days or in percentage towards the
due date), regularity, flexibility, availability,
scrap level.
As regards the second point, most of the
companies indicate a different meaning of the
``level of service'', which is generally
identified with the most important indicators:
for example, for the courier sector the lead
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
desired service. Knowing that it is impossible indicators among the others or consider new
to enter into the customer's mind, the ones individually.
company could reach this goal by identifying Second, as we have explained, the economic
the basic elements, which influence customer and financial indicators arise from by the
delays. engineered indicators and the operational
It is not easy to identify these elements, as activities cause the relative costs. Anyway, a
discussed again by Parasuraman et al. (1985; complete logistics measurement has to include
1988). They showed that the elements that both kinds of indicators. A next step of the
could influence DS are: personal experience, research will be the identification of the specific
individual requirements, and marketing. These link between each operational activity/indicator
elements are not quantitative; thus you cannot and its homologous financial one. The
obtain a value for client DS. Indeed, they are definition of the connections will allow one to
inside the clients' minds. evaluate completely the best level of service for
In conclusion, it is not possible to evaluate the company.
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DS directly, but it could be modified through Third, inside each process (i.e. process N),
particular levers. These levers are tied up to many resources work together for the same
goal (i.e. several job shops building different
firm variables as seen by clients. Regarding
parts of the product, more company partners
these variables we can achieve quantitative
developing services inside the same
values of the PS. How to proceed? It is
production process). The complete service is
necessary to define those variables which
an aggregation of all these contributions.
interest clients and then try to evaluate them
To evaluate the upper level of service, a
numerically. Thus, we cannot evaluate DS
vertical integration of the specific
itself, but a PS level close to the DS level could
performance indicators should be defined.
be defined. At this stage, it is important to
However, we supposed that ± in some way ±
support the service-monitoring system with a
we can value service level at a single stage,
benchmarking activity in order to compare the but in a supply chain we have several
level of service of the single firm with the other service levels, one for each tier of the
competitors. chain. Therefore, we have to join indicators
in a horizontal line along the chain. Then,
` ... we have defined a hierarchy of each level of service is a horizontal
activities classes, which contribute to aggregation of other corresponding
the level of service in each tier of the indicators, referring to the previous tiers
supply chain, and we have shown some along the logistic process. Finally, in each
examples of the indicators inside each tier, there are more actors who take part in the
class... ' process development (i.e. more suppliers for
different components to be assembled in
finished products). Thus, for each tier, the
Other questions arise from the previous
global level of service is the composition of
analysis, which we will develop in the next the single contribution of any supplier and
studies. we can deal with transversal integration
First, we have defined a hierarchy of activities (Figure 6).
classes, which contribute to the level of service The definition of a logistic performance
in each tier of the supply chain, and we have measurement system has been till now an
shown some examples of the indicators inside open problem. In this paper, we have tried to
each class. Now, we have to attribute each show a way to classify the performance
indicator used in the logistic practice to the indicators, building a hierarchy among them.
classes. This is necessary for defining correctly Anyway, many questions have to be solved
the contribution of each activity (linked to a before the analysis is finished and a complete
specific indicator) inside the overall process. In outline of a logistic measurement system is
such a way, a company could identify its own effected.
Logistic service measurement: a reference framework Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Carlo Rafele Volume 15 . Number 3 . 2004 . 280-290
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