CNS - Important Questions
CNS - Important Questions
CNS - Important Questions
1. Name the components of basal nuclei. Describe the connections with a suitable diagram.
Discuss the functions of basal nuclei. Add a note on Parkinsonism
2. What are the functional divisions of cerebellum? Describe the connections of cerebellum.
Discuss the functions of cerebellum. Add a note on effects of cerebellar lesions.
3. Name the ascending tracts. Describe the origin, course, termination and functions of dorsal
column tracts with a suitable diagram.
4. Describe the origin, course, termination and functions of pain pathway. Add a note on referred
5. Name all descending tracts. Describe the origin, course, termination and functions of pyramidal
tract. Add an account on effect of lesion of pyramidal tract at various levels
6. Name the hypothalamic nuclei. Explain the functions of hypothalamus.
7. Define muscle tone. Describe how it is generated and regulated . Add a note on disorders of
tone (hypotonia and hypertonia)
8. Define memory. What are the types of memory? Explain the mechanism of short term and long
term memory.
9. What are the components of vestibular apparatus? What are their functions? Write the
mechanism of activation of hair cells in semicircular canals and otolithic organ.
1. Describe the formation, circulation and functions of CSF. Add a note on lumbar puncture
2. Describe the classification, structure and mechanism of transmission of nerve impulses across
the synapse. Add a note on IPSP and EPSP
3. Explain the properties of synapse
4. Give an account of synaptic inhibitions and facilitation
5. Explain the properties of receptors
6. Explain the endogenous pain relief system/ modulation of pain (gate control theory)
7. Explain the properties of reflexes
8. Stretch and inverse stretch reflex
9. Withdrawl reflex and its properties
10. Muscle spindle – structure and functions
11. Extrapyramidal tracts – functions
12. Thalamus – Nuclei, functions and features of thalamic syndrome
13. Spinocerebellar tacts – course and functions
14. Neuroglia – types and functions
15. Reticular formation – Functions
16. ANS –Components & Functions . Add a note on Horner’s syndrome
17. Name any four neurotransmitters and describe their functions.
18. Functions of frontal lobe and features of prefrontal lobe syndrome
19. Functions of temporal lobe and features of Kluver – Bucy syndrome
20. Describe the normal EEG rhythm. What is alpha block? Correlate EEG rhythm with different
stages of sleep
21. Define sleep. Explain the theories of sleep . Differentiate REM and NREM sleep
22. Blood Brain Barrier and circum ventricular organs
23. Describe the role of conditioned reflex in the mechanism of learning.
24. Describe the mechanism of speech and the role of speech centers. Add a note on speech
disorders and describe the types of aphasia in brief
25. Describe the features of hemisection of spinal cord (Brown – Sequard syndrome)
26. Describe the features of complete transection of spinal cord. List out the effects if the
transection is at T1 level.
27. Describe the postural reflexes
28. Differentiate UMN and LMN lesion
29. . What are the structures of limbic system? And list out the functions of limbic system
30. What is decerebrate rigidity? Explain the mechanism of decerebrate rigidity