Simad University: Chapter 8: Data Warehousing
Simad University: Chapter 8: Data Warehousing
Simad University: Chapter 8: Data Warehousing
Data Mart: A departmental data warehouse that stores only relevant data and typically consist
of single subject area e.g. marketing and operation. Data mart can either dependent or
1. Dependent data mart: A subset that is created directly from a data warehouse and its
source is data warehouse so DW must be implemented first.
2. Independent data mart: A small data warehouse designed for a strategic business unit
or a department, but its source is not EDW.
Other Data Warehousing related Definitions
Operational data stores (ODS): A type of database often used as an interim staging area
for a data warehouse, unlike static content of data warehouse , the content of ODS are
updated throughout the course of business operations. An ODS is used for short term
decision involving mission critical applications rather than medium and long term
decisions associated with EDW. An ODS is like short term memory that stores very
recent information.
Oper marts: An operational data mart that are created when operational data needs to be
analyzed multidimensionaly. The data for oper marts come from ODS.
Enterprise data warehouse (EDW): is a large scale data warehouse that is used across
the enterprise for decision support and provides
Metadata: Data about data. In a data warehouse, metadata describe the contents and
structure of a data warehouse and the manner of its acquisition and use
Describe data warehouse process
1. Data sources: data are sourced from multiple independent operational systems and
possibly from external data providers.
2. Data extraction: data are extracted using custom-written or commercial software called
3. Data loading: data are loaded into a staging area, where they are transformed and
cleaned. The data are then ready to load into the data warehouse.
4. Comprehensive database: essentially, this EDW to support all decision analysis by
providing relevant summarized and detailed information originating from many different
5. Metadata: metadata are maintained so that they can be access by IT personnel and users.
Metadata include software programs about data and rules for organizing data summaries
that are easy to index and search, especially web tools.
6. Middleware tools: enable access to the data warehouse. Power users such as analysis
may write their own SQL queries. Other may employ a managed query environment,
such as business objects, to access data. There are many front end applications that
business users can use to interact with data stored in the data repositories, including data
mining, OLAP, reporting tools, and data visualization tools.
List major components of data warehouse
1. Data sources
2. ETL
3. Data mart
4. Middleware
5. Application visualization (OLAP, dashboard, etc)
Describe Data warehouse architecture
There is several architecture for data warehousing. Two tier and three tier architecture:-
Three-tier architecture
1. The data warehouse itself, which contains the data and associated software.
2. Data acquisition (back-end) software, which extracts data from legacy systems and
external sources, consolidates and summarizes them, loads them into the data warehouse.
3. Client (front-end) software, which allows users to access and analyze data from the
Two-tier architecture
First 2 tiers in three-tier architecture is combined into one
One tier architecture
Client is both client/server.
Explain Web based architecture
web based architecture for data warehousing are similar to other data ware housing architectures,
requiring a design choice for housing the web data warehouse with the transaction server or as a
separate servers.
DW Architecture Considerations
Issues to consider when deciding which architecture to use:
Which database management system (DBMS) should be used?
Will parallel processing and/or partitioning be used?
Will data migration tools be used to load the data warehouse?
What tools will be used to support data retrieval and analysis?
List the alternative data warehousing architectures
1. Independent data mart architecture
2. Data mart bus architecture with linked dimensional data marts
3. Hub and spoke architecture
4. Centralized data warehousing architecture
5. Federated architecture
Which architecture is the best?
There are two gurus of the data warehousing field. Bill Inmon and Ralph Kimball, are at the
heart of this discussion. Inmon advocates the Hub-and spoke Architecture whreas Killball
promotes the data mart bus architecture with conformed dimensions.
Data Integration and the Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL) Process
• Issues affecting the purchase of and ETL tool
– Data transformation tools are expensive
– Data transformation tools may have a long learning curve
• Important criteria in selecting an ETL tool
– Ability to read from and write to an unlimited number of data
– Automatic capturing and delivery of metadata
– An easy-to-use interface for the developer and the functional user
Benefits of DW
• Direct benefits of a data warehouse
1. Allows end users to perform extensive analysis
2. Allows a consolidated view of corporate data
3. Better and more timely information
Some organizations want to completely outsource their data warehouse efforts. They simply do
not want to deal with software and hardware acquisitions, and they do not want to manage their
information systems. One alternative is to use hosted data warehouse.
Data warehouse structure
Data warehouse structure: can be star scheme or relational schema
• Many variations in data warehouse architectures are possible. The most important one is
the start schema. The data warehouse design is based on the concept of dimensional
modelling. Dimensional modelling is a retrieval based systems that supports high
volume query access. The star schema is the means in which dimensional modelling is
implemented. A star schema contains a central fact table surrounded by several
dimension tables; the fact table contains large number of rows that correspond to the
observed facts.
Examples of star schema:
• Grain: the grain of data warehouse defines the highest level of detail that is supported. The grain
indicates whether the data warehouse is highly summarized or also includes detailed transaction data.
• Drill down analysis: is the process of probing (searching) beyond a summarized value to
investigate each of detail transaction that comprises the summary.
• Slice: Projection operations are performed on the dimensions.
Relational structure
Relational structure: is a structure based the concept of relationships between entities or
objects. These structures have no central table that stores data from different entities, but deals
all entities as relationships among them.
Best Practices for Implementing DW
• The project must fit with corporate strategy
• There must be complete buy-in to the project
• It is important to manage user expectations
• The data warehouse must be built incrementally
• Adaptability must be built in from the start
• The project must be managed by both IT and business professionals (a business–supplier
relationship must be developed)
• Do not overlook training requirements
• Be politically aware.
List Risks in Implementing DW
• No mission or objective • Architectural and design risks
• Quality of source data unknown • Scope creep and changing requirements
• Skills not in place • Vendors out of control
• Inadequate budget • Multiple platforms
• Lack of supporting software • Key people leaving the project
• Source data not understood • Loss of the sponsor
• Weak sponsor • Too much new technology
• Users not computer literate • Geographically distributed environment
• Political problems or turf wars • Team geography and language culture.
• Unrealistic user expectations
Things to Avoid for Successful Implementation of DW
• Starting with the wrong sponsorship chain
• Setting expectations that you cannot meet
• Engaging in politically naive behavior
• Believing that data warehousing database design is the same as transactional DB design
• Choosing a data warehouse manager who is technology oriented rather than user oriented
Real time data warehouse
Real time data warehousing (RDW) also known as Active data warehouse (ADW) is the
process of loading and providing data via the data warehouse as they become available.
Enabling real-time data updates for real-time analysis and real-time decision making is
growing rapidly.
Comparing Traditional and Active DW