Atomic and Laser Physics: PH-102 (Physics) : B. Tech. - I Year Spring Semester: 2006-07 Tutorial Sheet No. 3
Atomic and Laser Physics: PH-102 (Physics) : B. Tech. - I Year Spring Semester: 2006-07 Tutorial Sheet No. 3
Atomic and Laser Physics: PH-102 (Physics) : B. Tech. - I Year Spring Semester: 2006-07 Tutorial Sheet No. 3
– I Year
Spring Semester : 2006-07
Tutorial Sheet No. 3
Atomic and Laser Physics
1. Specify all the quantum numbers of a hydrogen atom in its ground state and first excited state.
3. The Zeeman components of a 500 nm spectral line are 0.0116 nm apart when the magnetic field is 1.00 T.
Find the e/m ratio for the electron from these data.
4. Estimate the strength of the magnetic field produced by the orbital motion of electrons, which results in the
two D-lines of Na ( 5889.95 Å and 5895.92 Å).
5. (a) Determine all the possible states of one-electron atom corresponding to n=3 and compute the angle between L
and S vectors for the states 2D5/2. [Ans.: 2S1/2, 2P3/2, 2P1/2, 2D5/2, 2D3/2, 61.9o]
(b) Calculate the possible orientation of the total angular momentum vector J corresponding to J = 3/2 with respect
to a magnetic field along the z-axis [Ans. 39.2o, 75.0o, 105o, 140.8o]
6. Given an electromagnetic field characterized by a scalar potential φ and a vector potential A (corresponding to
which the electric and magnetic fields are given as E = - grad φ - ∂ A/ ∂ t, B = curl A), the time-independent
Schrödinger equation in three dimensions is given by: -ħ2 /2m ( ∂2/∂ x2 + ∂2/∂ y2 + ∂2/∂ z2) ψ – ieħ/m A.grad ψ +
e2/2m A2 ψ = (E + e φ) ψ , E being total energy of the particle.
(a) What is A corresponding to a constant magnetic field B ?
(b) For a strong constant magnetic field B along the z-axis, show that the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation
given above is equivalent to the motion of the particle in a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential. How is
the “spring constant” of such an oscillator related to the magnetic field? {Ans: (b) e2B2/(4mc2)]
7. (a) Derive the expression for the Lande g-factor with the help of the law of cosines and the fact that averaged over
time, only the components of µs and µl parallel to J contribute to µj.
(b) Explain in terms of the vector atom model why is the 4D1/2 term not split in a magnetic field?
(c) The ground state of an atom is 2P3/2. Find its magnetic moment. Into how many substates this ground state will
split in a weak magnetic field. [Ans.: µj = 2/3(15)1/2µB, 4 substates]
8. A beam of hydrogen atoms in a Stern – Gerlach experiment obtained from an oven heated to a temperature of 400
K passes through a magnetic field of length 1.0 meter and having a gradient of 10 Tesla/m perpendicular to the
beam. Calculate the transverse deflection of an atom of the beam at the point where the beam leaves the field. The
value of the Bohr magneton µB is 0.928 x 10-23 amp-m2 and k is 1.38 x 10-23 J/K. [Ans.: ±0.28 cm]
9. Show the Zeeman transitions using energy level diagrams for D1 and D2 lines sodium [i.e. for 2P1/2 → 2S1/2 and
P3/2→2S1/2 in the magnetic field]. [Ans.: 4 lines, 6 lines]
10. (a) A 3 mW laser beam of wavelength 6 x 10-5 cm and beam width 1 cm is incident on the eye. If the focal
length of the lens in the eye is 2.5 cm and the pupil diameter is 2 mm, calculate the power density and electric field
strength in the focused spot at the retina. [Ans. 4.24 MW/m2, 5.65 x 104 V/m]
(b) Find the power density created by a 6 cm diameter incandescent lamp of 500 W on the retina at a distance of 5
m from the lamp. Assume the pupil diameter to be 2 mm and the distance between retina and the pupil of the eye to
be 2.5 cm. [Ans.: 70 W/m2]
(c) Next calculate the intensity at the retina if we are directly looking at the sun. Assume that the intensity of solar
energy on earth is 1.35 kW/m2 and sun subtends an angle about 0.5o on earth. [ Ans.: 28 kW/m2]. Compare and
explain your results in all three cases.
11. (a) For a normal optical source at 500o K, calculate the number of stimulated emissions if the numbers of atoms
per unit volume in the excited state are 5 x 1018 cm-3 and spontaneous life time of the excited state is 2 x 10-8 s.
Assume the wavelength of light is 5 x 10-5 cm. [Ans.: 2.5 x 107 m-3s-1]
(b) In the 2P → 1S transition in the hydrogen atom the spontaneous lifetime of the 2P state is 1.6 x 10-9 s. Calculate
the value of Einstein’s B coefficient. [Ans.: 4.25 x 1020 m3J-1s-2]
12. A hologram is broken into pieces. Is it still possible to reconstruct image from it? Support your answer with
adequate arguments.
13. Optional Problem: In the electron-proton system, if one treats the proton non-relativistically and the electron
relativistically (which would also imply considering the spin of the electron, then for small values of the external
magnetic field it can be shown that the energy is shifted from its value when there is no external field, by an amount
given by the expectation value of eB/(2mec)(Lz + 2 Sz) (for the magnetic field directed along the z axis) w.r.t. the
ground state (denoted by Ψ j m_j l) in the absence of the external magnetic field. The electronic wave-function Ψ j m_j l
is a product of the wave-function in coordinate space ψl m_l and a spin-dependent wave-function χ (refer to problem
2(c) above). As m_j=m_l+1/2 can be obtained by the addition of (l,m_l) and (s=1/2,m_s=1/2) or (l,m_l+1) and
(s=1/2,m_s = -1/2), one can write Ψ j m_j l = α ψl m_l χ+ + β ψl m_l+1 χ-, where χ+ and χ- are spin-up and spin-down
part of the wave-function, and α and β are constants to be determined .
(a) Using J 2 Ψ j m_j l = ħ2j(j+1)Ψ j m_j l , S2 χ±=3ħ2/4 χ±, Sz χ± = ± ħ/2 χ±, Lz ψl m_l = m_l ψl m_l ,
L.S = Lz Sz + ½( L+ S- + L- S+) [L± and S± are referred to as ladder operators used for increasing/decreasing the
values respectively of m_l,m_s in steps of 1 justifying the adjective “ladder”] where S± χ±=0, S+ χ- = χ+, S- χ+ = χ-
and L+ ψl m_l = ħ√(l-m)(l+m+1) ψl m_l+1, L- ψl m_l = ħ√(l+m)(l-m+1) ψl m_l-1, show j is either l – ½ or l + ½.
(b) Assuming the two coordinate-space parts and spin-dependent wave functions are individually normalized to
unity and are mutually orthogonal and Ψ j m_j l is also normalized to unity, determine α and β for j=l±1/2 taking α
and β to be real.
(c) Calculate the expectation value of eB/(2mec)(Lz + 2 Sz) w.r.t. Ψ j m_j l for j=l+1/2 and j=l-1/2 separately and
hence determine the shift in the energy after switching on a weak magetic field.
(d) Using (c) show that the difference between successive energy levels for 2P3/2 is double the corresponding
separation for 2P1/2. [Ans: (b) (α,β)=(√(l+m+1)/(2l+1),√(l-m)/(2l+1)) for j=l+1/2, (α,β)=(√(l-m)/(2l+1),-
√(l+m+1)/(2l+1)) for j=l-1/2]
(After solving the above problem, one would have understood the anomalous Zeeman effect and its