Knowledge Lecture Five
Knowledge Lecture Five
Knowledge Lecture Five
or Azoth
Azoth is a word formed from the initial and final letters of the Greek, Latin and Hebrew
Alphabets thus; A and Z, Alpha and Tau, Alpha andOmega. It is used with various meanings
by different writers, but generally signifies essence. It is commonly used amongst the writers
on Alchemy.
These three are the Veils of negative existence behind as it where Kether.
Arik Anpin - MACROPROSOPUS or the vast countenance is one of the titles of Kether, yet
another of its titles is the Ancient of Days, Aatik Yomin. Kether or the vast countenance
emanates first as Abba the supernal Father, and Aima, the supernal Mother. Abba is referred
to Yod of YHVH, and Aima is referred to Heh of YHVH. Elohim is a name given to these two
Hypostases united.
As Elohim they are considered the parents of the Son, Zauir Anpin, also called
MICROPROSOPUS, or the lesser countenance.
Abba is referred to Yod and Chokmah. Aima is referred to Heh and Binah. Zauir Anpin is
referred to the 6 Sephiroth Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and of these
especially to Tiphareth.
Malkah the queen and Kalah the bride are titles of Malkuth when considered as the spouse of
Zauir Anpin, the Microprosopus.
Heh to Aima.
These letters are also referred to the four worlds and the four suits of the Tarot thus:
There are ten Sephiroth in each of the four worlds. Each Sephirah has its own ten Sephiroth
making 400 Sephiroth in all - the number of the letter Tau, the Cross, the Universe, the
completion of all things.
The four Aces are placed on the throne of Kether. The remaining small cards of each suit are
placed on the respective Sephiroth, two on Chokmah, three on Binah, etc. The twenty two
Trumps are then arranged on the paths between them according to the letters to which they
are attributed. The King and Queen of the suit are placed besides Chokmah and Binah, the
Knight and Knave by Tiphareth and Malkuth. The Tarot Trumps thus receive the equilibrium
of the Sephiroth they connect.
1. Hiddikel
2. Pison
3. Gihon
4. Phrath – Euphrates
The Pyramid of the four elements admits to the path of Tzaddi, the 28th path.
On the sides of the pyramid are the Hebrew names of the elements. On the apex is the word
ETH, meaning essence and on the base is the word OLAM, meaning world.
The next Badge is the Calvary Cross of ten squares admitting to the path of Peh, Mars, the
27th Path.
The ten squares are referred to the Ten Sephiroth in balanced disposition. It is also the
opened out form of the double cube of the Altar of incense.
Another Badge is the Hegemon’s Cross admitting to the Grade of Philosophus.
This Cross embraces Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod resting upon Malkuth. This Cross
also refers to the 6 Sephiroth of Microprosopus and is the opened out form of the cube.
It embraces all ten Sephiroth on the Tree. It is a fitting emblem of the isis of Nature. Since it
contains all the Sephiroth its circle should be made larger then that of Mercury shown in a
previous diagram.
There are various formats of the Sephiroth. The most frequent has already been given, but
there is another in common usage and will be seen to have been employed in some of the
large Altar diagrams of both the Practicus and Philosophus Grade. It is often referred to as
The Seven Palaces of Assiah attributed to the ten Sephiroth.
This drawing represents the triad of elements operating through the Sephiroth and reflected
downwards into the Tree. Air is reflected straight down the Middle Pillar, from Kether through
Tiphareth to Yesod and the upper quadrant of Malkuth. Water is relfected cross-wise from
Binah through Chesed to Hod. Fire is reflected cross-wise from Chokmah through Geburah to
Netzach. Malkuth therefore becomes the receptacle of the other three elements.
Let the PHILOSOPHUS meditate upon the symbol of the Fire Triangle in all its aspects. Let
him contemplate the symbol of the Planet VENUS until he realises the Universal Love which
would express itself in perfect service to all mankind and which embraces Nature both visible
and invisible.
Let him identify himself with the powers of FIRE, consecrating himself wholly until the Burnt
Sacrifice is consummated and the Christ is conceived by the Spirit.
Let him meditate upon the Triplicity of Fire - its attributes and correspondences.
Let the Aspirant meditate upon the Cross in its various forms and aspects as shown in the
Admission Badges throughout the Grades.
Let him consider the necessity and prevalence of sacrifice throughout nature and religion. Let
him realise the saying of the Master, ‘Whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, and
whosoever shall lose his life shall save it.’
‘Except an ear of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth
forth much fruit.’
Let him endeavour to realise his own place and relative importance in the Universe, striving
to stand outside himself and allowing only such claims as he would allow to another.
Let him carefully abstain from talking of himself, his feelings or experiences that he may gain
continence of speech, and learn to control the wasteful activities of his mind.