Rhonda Schmidt
Rhonda Schmidt
Rhonda Schmidt
515-633-5148 (W) 515-321-0163 (C) schmidtr@wdmcs.org
Master of Science in Education Leadership, PK-12 Principal Licensure 2017 - 2019
Drake University, Des Moines, IA
Bachelor of Arts – Elementary Education 1999 - 2003
Clarke University, Dubuque, IA
Curriculum Leader, K-6 Literacy and Social Studies 2016 - Current
West Des Moines Community School District
Provide leadership, vision, organization, and coordination in developing and
implementing Professional Learning Communities
Facilitate continued growth in instructional practice
Guide the continued curation of a guaranteed and viable curriculum
Identify, develop, and provide professional learning
Collaborate to effectively implement best practices for core instruction, intervention,
and enrichment
2 Grade Teacher, West Des Moines, IA 2012 – 2016
West Des Moines Community School District
Implement a range of evidence based instructional strategies
Facilitate rigorous learning and promote active engagement
Maintain an intentionally focused and constructive learning environment
Differentiate lessons and schedules to accommodate all learners
Assess student success and identify goal areas
Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES) Teacher 2011 – 2012
West Des Moines Community School District
Substitute Teacher 2004 – 2011
West Des Moines Community School District
Professional Involvement
District Leadership Team, 2019-present
Professional Learning Course Instructor, 2018-present
Drake Continual Improvement Network, 2017-present
Cognitive Coaching, I and II, 2018-2019
Effective Grading Practice Member, 2017-2020
Iowa Department of Ed. Statewide Literacy Leads Team Member, 2016-present
Iowa Department of Ed. Advanced Learner MTSS Guide Vetting Team Member, 2017-2018
Iowa Department of Ed. Instructional Rubric Advisory Committee Member, 2017-2018
Teacher Leader Compensation Review Committee Representative, 2016-2018
District PLC Academy Leadership Team Member, 2016-2017
C4K Administrator Webinars Task Team Member, 2016-2017
Demonstration Teacher, 2014-2016
Building Leadership Team, 2014-2016
PBIS Tier I, 2014-2016; PBIS Tier II, 2014-2015