MajorProject (Batch1)
MajorProject (Batch1)
MajorProject (Batch1)
Assistant Professor
This is to certify that the project entitled “PERFORMANCE AND ANAYLSIS OF A GRID
CONNECTED PV SYSTEM USING FPGA” is being presented with report by CH. VISHNU
VARMA, K. USHASRI, M. MANITEJA bearing roll numbers 17831A0211, 17831A0220,
18835A0210 in partial fulfilment for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and
Electronics Engineering to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
To be a world – class educational and research institution in the service of humanity by promoting high
quality Engineering and Management Education.
M3: Maintain high academic standards and teaching quality that promotes the analytical
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M5: Offer collaborative industry programs in emerging areas and spirit of enterprise.
GNIT is committed to provide quality education through dedicated and talented Faculty, world
class infrastructure, Labs and Advanced Research center to the students.
To be recognized as one of the best EEE departments in the region and to develop the
department to a level of par excellence that produces Electrical Engineers who can be an asset to the
➢ To nurture young individual into knowledge, skillful, and ethical professionals in their pursuit of
➢ To promote academic growth by offering state of the art programmers for the students and
➢ To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectuals capable of being an asset to
the country can emerge.
2. ThegraduatesofElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringProgramshouldbeabletoesta
blishthemselves as practicing professionals in Electrical Transmission Distribution,
Electrical grid, Generating Plant, or sustain a life-long career in related areas. Also,
the graduates of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program should be able to
use their skills with a strong base to prepare them for higher education.
4. ThegraduatesofElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringProgramshouldhaveanexpo
sure to emerging cutting edge technologies, adequate training and opportunities to
work as team on multidisciplinary projects with effective communication skills,
individual, supportive and leadership qualities and also be able to establishan
Understanding of professionalism, ethics, public policy and aesthetics that allows
them to become good professional engineers.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics
and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual,
and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex
engineering activities with the engineering community and with
society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the engineering and management principles and
apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team,
to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long
learning in the broadest context of technological change.
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This is to certify that the work reported in the present project report titled
“Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected PV System Using
FPGA” is a record of work done by us in the Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Ibrahimpatnam.
No part of the this is copied from books / journals / internet and wherever
the portion is taken, the same has been duly referred in the text. The reported work is
based on the project work done entirely by us and not copied from any other source.
K. USHASRI 17831A0220
M.MANITEJA 18835A0210
The major project entitled “Performance and Analysis of Grid Connected PV
System Using FPGA” is the sum of total efforts of our batch. It is our
without whom it would not have gained a structure
We are very thankful to our parents, friends and other faculty of Department of
electrical and electronics Engineering for their constant support for completion of this
M.MANITEJA 18835A0210
5.3 FPGA Based MPPT Controller Simulation Diagram 39
5.4 I-V and P-V Characteristics of one module at 250C 40
5.5 I-V and P-V Characteristics of array at 250C 40
5.6 Simulation results of rapid-change in irradiance (increasing). 40
5.7 Simulation results of steady-change in irradiance. 41
5.8 Grid Voltage Waveform 41
5.9 Simulation results for inverter, grid and load under
temperature variation 42
5.10 Simulation results of power and current for inverter,
grid and load under temperature variation. 42
5.11 shows the temperature variation of solar changes capture
the variation of DC load power, Battery power and PV power. 42
5.12 Simulation results of DC load 43
5.13 Simulation results of Battery SOC 43
2. Declaration IX
3. Acknowledgment X
4. Abstract XI
1.1 Introduction 1
2.1 Introduction 9
2.3.3 PV Array 11
2.3.4 PV Characteristics 12
3. 4 Applications 24
4.2.5 AC to DC Converters 33
4.2.7 DC to DC Converters 35
5.1 Introduction 38
6.1 Conclusion 44
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
1.1 Introduction
The present day electronics world is moving towards miniaturization and low priced
equipments. At the risk of making a trite observation, the last two decade of advances
In modern contest the world is moving from conventional energy sources to the
from fossil fuels, renewable energy sources can be participated in the energy mix. One
of the renewable energy sources that can be used for this purpose is the light received
from the sun. This light can be converted to clean electricity through the photovoltaic
process. The use of photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation started in the
Power electronic devices are working as an interface between grid and solar
power output. Power electronics refers to control and conversion of electrical power
with the help of power semiconductor devices, which used as switch. Advent of silicon
controlled rectifier led to the development of new area of applications [1]. Simple
triggering circuit can be realised by R or Resistance and Capacitance network. They are
not expensive and little power required for its operation. However, the control and
hence the load output voltage susceptible to device temperature variations. Moreover,
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Non-Renewable Resources are those natural resources which are exhaustible and
cannot be replaced once they are used. Nonrenewable resources are as follows:
a) Coal
b) Petroleum
c) Natural gal
d) Uranium etc.
Renewable sources of energy are never-ending and can be used to generate energy
again and again. Renewable energy resources are categorised as given in Figure 1.1.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Various researchers and authors have presented their work for modelling and control of
Grid connected converter. It is due to its greater abundance and environment friendly
and inverter control. Many methods have been proposed and discussed in literature.
The grid-connected inverter has various functions for small DG systems. First of
all is a power conversion from the dc energy sources to the ac grid and local loads [1].
This power conversion makes the ac grid current be synchronized with the grid voltage.
Another important function is a grid power quality control, especially, the control like
the compensation of the harmonic distortion at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC).
Because most of local loads are non-linear in home application, it distorts the grid
current. However, to connect the inverter to the grid, the utility standards such as
EN61000- 3-2 and IEEE1547 have to be met [2]. The inverter, therefore, has to regulate
not only the fundamental component of the current but also the harmonic currents [3].
The DG systems are usually small modular devices close to users, including solar
energy systems and fuel cells. Such systems commonly need dc–ac inverters as
M. Wolf, and H. Rauschenbusch (1963) [68] represented the PV cell with an equivalent
electric circuit that composed of different lumped components, each one made up of a
A. Celik, and N. Acikgoz (2007) [5] presented the modeling and experimental of
the model parameters were determined, the operating current was calculated using both
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
H.L. Tsai, C.S. Tu, and Y.J. Su (2008) [6] presented implementation of a generalized
which can be representative of PV cell, module, and array for easy use on simulation
scheme for studying the I-V and P-V characteristics of a PV array under a non-uniform
V. Lo Brano, et al. (2010) [8] presented a new five-parameter for single diode model
that was capable of analytically describing the I-V characteristic of a PV module for
The parameters of the equivalent electrical circuit were extracted by solving a system
procedure for the extraction of the two-diode model parameters of PV modules was
described. A PSO algorithm was used to fit the calculated current– voltage
K. Ishaque, and Z. Salam (2011) [10] described a differential evolution (DE) based
M. Petkov, D. Markova, and St. Platikanov (2011) [11]: In this Reference, the classical
and the modified single diode models have been used to model the electrical
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
for the simulation of PV modules with Matlab/ Simulink. Single diode equivalent
K. Agroui, et al., (2011) [13] summarized the electrical and thermal characterizations of
thin film PV modules based on amorphous triple junctions (3J: a-Si) and Copper
K. Ishaque, Z. Salam, and H. Taheri (2011) [14] proposed a Matlab Simulink simulator
for PV systems where a two-diode model had been used to represent a PV cell. The
accuracy of the simulator was verified by applying the model on five PV modules of
approach for the two-diode model of PV module based on four parameter. The
crystalline and thin film) from various manufacturers. The performance of the model is
J. Maherchandani, Ch. Agarwal, and M. Sahi (2012) [16] presented an efficient and
accurate single diode model for the estimation of the solar cell parameters using the
hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) and Nelder-Mead simplex search method from the given
voltage-current data.
Carrasco et al. [17] proposed Power-Electronic Systems for the Grid Integration of
Renewable Energy Sources and presented new trends in power electronics for the
technology was introduced for the resources whose output changes. Kazantzakis et al.
[18] proposed a method to integrate the photovoltaic system into distribution network
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
appropriate control. Power modulation should be such that power quality remains
within specified limit. D.C. Riawan et al. [19] presented a scheme for transferring
power from the photovoltaic (PV) modules to a storage battery using a solar charge
N. Femia, et al. (2005) [41] applied a constraint on perturbation step size (ΔD) to
enable conventional P&O algorithm to overcome the deviation from MPP or instability
problem due to rapid variation of weather. Although the modification successes to track
MPP under rapid-change of weather, a higher value of step size (ΔD) caused high
T. Kerekes, et al. (2006) [86] provided an overview of the existing MPPT algorithms
algorithm for MPPT. This algorithm selected a variable voltage step change according
D. Sera, et al. (2008) [43] suggested maximum and minimum threshold value of power
change (ΔP) to overcome the problem of conventional P&O algorithm. This suggestion
was not optimal solution due to constraints on power change that was depended mainly
on weather conditions.
PWM for single-phase inverters and given algorithms for efficient online calculation of
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
connected PV systems. This review was given for inverters for a power level up to
was used and the DSP of Texas Instruments TMS320F241 for the implementation of
This project introduces a surveying for PV system technology and its applications in
modern life. It presents a literature review for PV modelling, MPPT, and grid-
connected PV power systems. Also, it presents the objectives of the project and the
contents of its project. The overcome the problems associated with generation of
electricity from fossil fuels, renewable energy sources can be participated in the energy
mix. One of the renewable energy sources that can be used for this purpose is the light
received from the sun. This light can be converted to clean electricity through the
photovoltaic process. The use of photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation
started in the seventies and is currently growing rapidly worldwide. In fact, many
organizations expect a bright future for these systems. The European Photovoltaic
Industry Association (EPIA) expects that the global cumulative PV capacity will reach
Off-grid applications, where solar arrays are used to power remote loads that are
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
On-grid or grid connected applications, in which solar arrays are used to supply
The aim of this project is provide more stable solution for grid-connected PV systems,
received by the PV arrays to the AC power injected into the grid, and makes a review of
the recent achievements and current research activities in the field. It presents a
Also, it presents the objectives of the project and the contents of its project. The overall
objective is to develop methods that improve performance and extract the PV/ FC and
Battery system. The constant voltage MPPT charge controller is designed based on
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
This chapter gives an overview of grid connected inverters and the PV systems.
Grid connected technologies have been discussed. The important solar characteristics in
relations to temperature and irradiance and how the open circuit voltage is affected are
connected systems discussed in this chapter play the significant role at the point of
Solar PV systems convert sunlight into electrical energy. Photons of light hitting
the solar panel knock electrons in the substrate material into a higher level of activity;
these electrons are then channelled off of the panel to create DC electricity. In most
cases, an inverter will be used to convert the DC power into AC power, making it more
It works on the principle of simple PN junction. PV cell converts sun energy into
direct current. To get required dc power cells are connected in series and parallel to get
required power level. When cells are connected in series increases the voltage while in
parallel connection increase the current [6]. Figures 2.1 show photovoltaic energy
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
and are given in terms of the nominal peak power of the panel at standard test
conditions (STC). PV generator gives the total installed power which is the sum of
nominal peak power of each solar panel present in the PV installation [15]. This PV
The grid-connected inverter must be designed for the peak power and must obey
conditions that deal with issues like power quality, detection of islanding operation,
grounding; MPPT and long-life [14]. Inverter maximum power is exactly referred to the
total installed power of the PV generator and has to optimize the energy injected to
grid. Since the expected irradiance in the physical location of the PV installation is
lower than the nominal or standard one, a current practice is to select the inverter
maximum power than the nominal peak power of the PV generator. This practice is
what is known as under sizing of the Inverter and has been discussed.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
generates power at only a part of its nominal capacity and the inverter thus operates
under part load conditions with lower system efficiency [14]. Despite of the irradiance
effects of temperature when selecting inverters. The two factors contribute to inverters
than the band gap then the electron is emitted and the flow of electrons creates current.
son n-channel of the semiconductor junction and gets converted into current or voltage
Usually a number of PV modules are arranged in series and parallel to meet the
(generally sized from 60W to 170W). For example, a typical small scale desalination
Series connections are responsible for increasing the voltage of the module where as the
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
inverters have maximum and minimum voltage inputs. During rating of power
electronics equipment, these variations should be taken into account especially for the
q(V IRs )
I = Iph I0 (e nKT
1) R (2.2)
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
The I-V characteristics of PV cell shown in fig1.6.The double exponential model and
single exponential model eqn1.2 are used to characterize the PV cell. [1–3] A PV cell
behaves differently depending on the size/type of load connected to it. This behavior is
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
The module’s temperature increases, the voltage value decreases and vice versa. It is
important to put into consideration the cold and hot temperatures during PV design as
shown in PV calculations. If the temperature of the module is less than the STC value
of 25°C, the module’s open circuited voltage, Voc value will actually be greater than
bright the sun is. Higher levels of irradiance will cause more electrons to flow off the
PV cells to the load attached. However the amount of voltage produced by the PV
module is affected by the irradiance value, but the effect is very small. As
demonstrated in Fig.
2.5 the PV module’s voltage changes very little with varying levels of irradiance.
Many MPPT methods have been reported, such as perturb and observe, incremental
conductance, neural network based and fuzzy logic control as it has been said in [7]
[10][12]. Together with the efficiency, each method has its advantage and
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
disadvantage. These approaches have been effectively used in standalone and grid-
connected PV solar energy systems and work well under reasonably slow and smoothly
[5] [10].
In order to utilize the maximum power produced by the PV modules, the power
This is a device which tracks the voltage at where the maximum power is utilized at all
times. It is usually implemented in the DC-DC converter, but in systems without a DC-
DC converter the MPPT is included in the DC-AC inverter control [7]. MPPT will
ensure that, PV modules operate in such away maximum voltage, Vmp an maximum
current, Imp of the modules will be attained and produce maximum power, Pmp point.
However these values together with short-circuit current, Isc and open circuit
voltages, Voc as illustrated on the Fig.2.6 are specified in the PV module data sheet of
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
attached to it. The values are at standard test condition (STC) and they are called PV
performance parameters.
utility grid, and are generally designed and sized to supply certain DC and/or AC
electrical loads. These types of systems may be powered by a photovoltaic array only or
systems are usually a utility power alternate. They generally include solar charging
such as power loss reduction, improvement in the voltage profile, and reduction in the
maintenance and operational costs of the electric network. However, improper choice
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
of the location and size of the PV systems and unsuitability of the output power profile
of the PV system to the profile of the electric network can impose operational problems
on the network. The building blocks of a grid-connected photovoltaic system are shown
in Figure 1.4. The system is mainly composed of a matrix of PV arrays, which converts
the sunlight to DC power and a power conditioning unit that converts the DC power to
AC power. The generated AC power is injected into the grid and/or utilized by the local
loads. In some cases, storage devices are used to improve the availability of the power
systems. Their major role is to convert DC power into AC power. Furthermore inverter
interfacing PV module (s) with the grid ensures that the PV module(s) is operated at the
maximum power point (MPPT) [1]. Based on the photovoltaic arrays output voltage,
output power level and applications, the photovoltaic grid-connected system can adopt
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
There are several standards on the market dealing with the interconnection of
distributed resources with the grid [7]. In this context PV system is of importance
where all practice for wiring, design and installation has been explained. This thesis is
Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and National Electrical Code (NEC). Standards and codes
governing the design of the proposed PV system at NTNU electro building is based on
PV electrical installations practices and interfacing with grid. In the standard [13] IEEE
which gives the guidance to PV system practices. These practices include power quality
and protection functions [26]. The IEEE 929 standard also containing UL 1741
standard which has been used as the key to select inverters used in this design.
The IEC standard has been discussed in [7] and they show to give out the
characteristics of PV system and grid interface at the point of common coupling (PCC).
National Electrical Code in article 690 Photovoltaic power systems [23] as well as
explain in literatures [16] and [17] shows the necessity and important information for
proper installation of PV system. The 690 code explain most of the important
information in both design aspects and installation. Some of this important information
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
normally unique point on the P-V curve to obtain the highest efficiency. This point
varies its location as a result of change weather conditions [8]. MPPT is intended to
monitor the terminal voltage/current of the PV system for extracting the MPP. This is
done by adjusting the duty cycle of a DC/DC converter that matches the output load
with source impedance of the PV system. Normally, the optimal MPPT should track
MPP at all times whatever the weather conditions or load variations are being. It also
Among all MPPT methods, the P&O algorithm is the most popular and widely used due
to its simplicity, ease of implementation and low cost. The two main problems of the
P&O are the oscillations around the MPP in steady-state conditions, and poor tracking
(possibly in the wrong direction, away from MPP) under rapid-change of irradiance.
Although conventional P&O has remarkable advantages and many research modified it,
the oscillation problem and tracking of MPP under rapid-change of weather are still
challenging problems.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
The successive rapid increase of irradiance causes drift or instability problem due to
level from (400-800) W/m2, whiles the PV system operates at point MPPT.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
circuit (ASIC). Circuit diagrams were previously used to specify the configuration but
this is increasingly rare due to the advent of electronic design automation tools.
gates that can be inter-wired in different configurations. Logic blocks can be configured
to perform complex combinational functions, or merely simple logic gates like AND and
XOR. In most FPGAs, logic blocks also include memory elements, which may be simple
early phase of the development, and allow various system partitioning (SW and HW)
Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have large resources of logic gates and
very fast I/O rates and bidirectional data buses FPGAs can be used to implement any
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
logical function that an ASIC can perform. FPGAs have analog features in addition to
the end of the decade, FPGAs found their way into consumer, automotive, and industrial
They implement the logic functions required by the design and consist of logic
components such as transistor pairs, look-up tables (LUTs), and Carry and Control
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
They are connect logic blocks with external components via interfacing pins
horizontally) that provide the routing path for the programmable logic blocks. Routing
paths contain wire segments of varying lengths which can be interconnected via
The use of FPGAs makes you independent of component manufacturers, because the
functionality is not in the module itself but in the configuration. This can be
different FPGAs.
and adaptations can be carried out even after delivery, directly at the customer.
of the hardware development lies in design of the IP cores. In the course of this, it is
As the largest possible user group is to be addressed with standard components, these
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
possibility of developing systems that are exactly tailored to the intended task, which
Complex tasks are often solved by software implementations with fast processors.
FPGAs offer a cost-effective alternative, which, via parallelization and adaption to the
can be achieved using FPGAs. Due to the offered flexibility, even complicated
means that they can no longer be processed in a timely manner using sequentially
operating systems. The use of FPGAs offers an outstandingly scalable solution via the
An FPGA can be used to solve any problem which is computable. This is trivially
proven by the fact that FPGAs can be used to implement a soft microprocessor, such as
the Xilinx Micro Blaze or Altera Nios II. Their advantage lies in that they are
nature and optimality in terms of the number of gates used for certain processes.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
toconsumers. Electrical grids vary in size and can cover whole countries or continents.
It consists of:
Power stations: often located near energy and away from heavily populated areas
Although electrical grids are widespread, as of 2016 1.4 billion people worldwide
people with access to grid electricity is growing. About 840 million people (mostly in
Africa) had no access to grid electricity in 2017, down from 1.2 billion in
need for electric grid security. Also as electric grids modernize and introduce computers,
manage grids.[5]Grids are nearly always synchronous, meaning all distribution areas all
operate with three phase alternating current (AC) frequencies synchronized (so that
peaks occur at virtually the same time). This allows transmission of AC power
throughout the area, connecting a large number of electricity generators and consumers
and potentially enabling more efficient electricity markets and redundant generation.
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
delivery, known as the "power grid" in North America, or just "the grid". In the United
Kingdom, India, Tanzania, Myanmar, Malaysia and New Zealand, the network is known
as the National Grid. Electric utility companies established central stations to take
distribution, and system management.[6] After the war of the currents was settled in
As described earlier, a variety of PFC circuit topologies [26] can be used which
include the boost converter and the buck converter. Though soft switched Zero-Voltage-
Transition (ZVT) techniques can be used for switching all the above topologies, the hard
switched boost converter PFC circuit [4] is more popular due to its simplicity and ability
to achieve a low distortion input current waveform. The Continuous Conduction Mode
(CCM) and Critical Conduction Mode (CRM) PFC circuit topologies are the most
popular. However, both have their advantages and disadvantages. In the following
Since the remaining part of the work is now based on a CCM PFC circuit, a detailed
schematic is shown in the Fig. 4.1. Now, from the above equations, the inductor voltage
and capacitor current waveforms are plotted in Fig. 4.2, D is the on-time duty cycle of
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
iL(t) D
+ VL(t) - +
Q1 R V
Vg C
(1-D) Ts
D Ts
V g-V
(1-D) Ts
D Ts
The total volt-seconds applied to the inductor over one switching period is given by,
V (4.3)
1 D
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
From the above, it is apparent that the output voltage increases as D increases.
However, when component non-idealises are included, there is a limit to the maximum
The DC component of the inductor current (I) is derived from the fact that the
total charge on the output capacitor is always balanced. When the Q1 turns on, the load
current depletes the charge from the output capacitor while the capacitor recharges once
The net charge in the capacitor is found by integrating the above capacitor
current waveform
I (4.7)
1 D
From the plot of this equation shown in Fig. 3.3, it is apparent that the inductor
The inductor current’s DC component is greater than the load current The inductor
current’s DC component is greater than the load current since the boost converter’s
output voltage is greater than the input voltage. The inductor winding resistance and
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
semiconductor voltage drops, through which the inductor current flows, are sources of
power loss. Thus, as the inductor current increases with increasing duty cycle, the
Referring to Fig. 4.1, when the Q1 turns ON, the slope of the inductor current is given
dil t vl t Vg
dt L L
When the Q1 turns OFF, the inductor current slope is given by,
dil t vl t Vg V
dt L L
Fig. 4.3 shows the inductor current waveform with il representing the total inductor
ripple current.
i DT (4.10)
l S
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
From the above expression, it is apparent that the inductor ripples current increases with
lower inductance. The increase in ripple increases the RMS inductor current and this
Figure 4.5 shows this type of control in which two sinusoidal current references IPref,
IVref are generated, one for the peak and the other for the valley of the inductor current.
According to this control technique, the switch is turned on when the inductor current
goes below the lower reference IVref and is turned off when the inductor current goes
above the upper reference IPref, giving rise to a variable frequency control. Also with this
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
In the course of the entire history of automatic control theory, the intensity of
high level. In particular, at the first stage, relay, or “on-off’ regulators, ranked highly
for design of feedback systems. The reason was twofold: ease of implementation and
engineering, and other areas, are characterized by the fact that the right hand sides of
the differential equations describing their dynamics feature discontinuities with respect
to the current process state. The sliding mode control approach is recognized as one of
the efficient tools to design robust controllers for complex high-order nonlinear
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
variations and disturbances which eliminates the necessity of exact modelling. Sliding
mode control enables the decoupling of the overall system motion into independent
feedback design. Sliding mode control implies that control actions are discontinuous
with “on-off ” as the only admissible operation mode sliding mode control has been
The fixed-frequency PWM control is by far the most popular control technique used
forthe regulation of DC–DC converters. It is well known that switching converters are
severe noise generators. With proper filtering, grounding, bonding, and shielding,
forms, namely voltage feedback control and current-programmed control, also known
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
The voltage-mode control is a single-loop control where the output voltage is regulated
by closing a feedback loop between the output voltage and the duty-ratio signal.
4.2.5 AC to DC Converters
output voltage can be controlled by varying the firing angle of the thyristors. The AC
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
lines to DC supply for the load. The block diagram of an AC to DC converter is shown
in figure below. Here, the transformer adjusts the primary AC source supply to the
input of rectifier stage. Usually it is a step-down transformer that reduces the supply
voltage to a circuit operating range. The rectifier converts the low voltage AC supply
into DC supply. It comprises diode and/or thyristors based on type of rectifier. The
output of the rectifier is of pulsed DC and hence it is filtered using filter circuit, which
These converters are connected between DC source of fixed input, and variable AC
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Here the fixed DC voltage is obtained from batteries or by DC link in most power
electronic converter.
The output of the inverter can be variable/ fixed AC voltage with variable/fixed
varying the triggering angle to the thyristors. Most of the thyristors used in inverters are
employed with forced commutation technique. These can be single phase or three phase
inverter depending on the supply voltage. These converters are mainly divided into two
groups. One is PWM based inverters and other multilevel inverters. Further, these are
classified voltage source inverter and current source inverter. Each type is subdivided
into different types such as PWM, SVPWM, etc. Multilevel inverters are more popular
in industrial applications.
4.2.7 DC to DC Converters
The DC-DC converter is chosen in the design among the different converter
topologies discussed above. This converter is used in the DC- DC input stage, in which
it will convert the low and varying voltage from the PV array through the input
topology has numerous advantages as discussed. The primary benefit of using a Full-
stability, and symmetry. The DC-DC converter will have to maintain a constant 400V
DC output with a varying DC input range from the combination of series and parallel
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
increasing or decreasing the duty cycle (D) of the square-wave pulses to the switches
S1-S4, the output voltage can be held constant with a varying input voltage.
These converters can converter a fixed DC input voltage into variable DC voltage or
PV inverter circuit topology with DC-DC converter is termed as dual stage, and in
this topology the DC‐DC converter will handle the MPPT and some voltage
amplification ifneeded [7]. As discussed in reference [29] to date, the single-phase grid-
tied P inverter has been constructed using either single-stage or two-stage topology as
illustrated in Fig.4.14.
Figure.4.14: Single and dual stage inverter topology with coupling capacitances
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Single-stage topology Fig.3.1 (a) presents the most reliable and cost effective solution
but with the operational limitation of minimum PV voltage being larger than the peak
ac grid voltage in order to avoid the over-modulation operation resulting in the large
series connection of PV panels which is unwanted from the optimal operation point of
view and can be attenuated by connecting to a line frequency transformer. However this
Meanwhile the AC output power ripple which has double fundamental frequency
minimize the DC voltage ripple and then enhance the solar energy transfer efficiency, a
large value DC link capacitor is normally employed, which however cannot fully
eliminate this problem and leads to the increase of system size and cost.
boost converter and DC-AC inverter can operate in a large range of PV voltage
ensuring the proper PV energy conversion under wide operational range. Moreover, the
inserted DC-DC converter decouples the direct connection of PV panel and ac output so
that the ac output power ripple will not induce the double-line-frequency ripple of PV
voltage. The MPPT efficiency can then be enhanced by using a relatively small input
capacitor to just attenuate the high frequency input voltage ripple in the DC-DC voltage
conversion. Using a DC-DC converter in front, the efficiency of whole inverter would
decrease since more passive and active components are involved in the energy
processing when compared to the single-stage topology but when considering the
improved MPPT efficiency and wide operation range the two-stage solution is superior
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Chapter 4. The grid-connected inverter system has two major parts which are the grid
and a power conversion system. Fig. 1 shows a configuration of the proposed grid-
dedicated current controller and other peripherals. The processor performs the higher
level control and gives a current command to the dedicated current controller. The
It samples the inverter output current, the grid current and the grid voltage through
Analog-to-Digital (AD) converters and executes the control algorithm. Then, it sends
out the inverter gating signal to the full-bridge inverter. When a satisfactory result is
obtained via simulation, implement their design using SIMULINK to allow the user to
DC Bus
PV Panel
First Stage
DC Loads
MPPT Converter
Battery Based
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
result obtained is shown below with the table describing the parameter value used for
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Figure 5.4.a shows I-V and P-V Characteristics of one module at 250C and Figure 5.5 a
shows the I-V and P-V Characteristics of array at 250C depend on the solar radiation.
The steady-change of weather will cause wrong decision of P&O algorithm at first
correct this wrong action. Suppose increasing in irradiance level from (600-800) W/m2
and the PV system operates at MPP1 as shown in Fig. 5.6. The increasing of PV power
and voltage will increase voltage perturbation and the operating point from MPP2 will
divert at point 2 as shown in Fig. 5.7. The next perturbation on the same P-V curve –
without weather change - will be negative change in PV power (ΔP < 0) and the positive
Fig.5.8 shows the 3-phase output current & voltage response at grid side. The peak value of
voltage is 380 V and peak value of current is 0.4 A under grid connected mode
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Figure 5.9 Simulation results for inverter, grid and load under temperature variation
Fig.5.9 shows the temperature variation of solar changes capture the variation of. Inverter, grid
Fig. 5-10 Simulation results of power and current for inverter, grid and load under temperature
Fig.5.11 shows the temperature variation of solar changes capture the variation of DC load
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
Fig.5.12 shows the input DC voltage and Fig.5.13 shows the SOC of Battery depends
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
6.1 Conclusion
In this Project attempts have been applied to apply the sliding mode control concept
for the Boost converter using MATLAB/SIMULINK based on FPGA The Grid
connected PV module of 80W, MPP P&O tracker, half bridge inverter, series-resonance
and high- pass filters, step-up transformer, coupling inductor, and an ideal switch to
feed residential load with utility connected grid. To satisfy the results, the PV Module is
simulated under the following conditions: It is envisaged that the proposed model can be
a valuable design tool for PV and MPP field applications. The proposed model is
powerful and accurate for solar PV modules. The conventional P&O algorithm has
oscillations around the MPP and instabilities. A modified P&O algorithm is proposed to
enhance the conventional P&O algorithm for overcoming previously drawbacks. This
recognize the cause of power change either i coming from weather or load change. The
results of modified P&O algorithm using DC/DC buck-boost converter showed a good
The conversion topology has been proposed without transformer in PV system and
verified its results in MA TLAB Simulink which is interfaced with FPGA based Xilinx
system generator. In this topology no common mode voltage is generated, thus changes
in the behaviour of the inverter in terms of high efficiency and insures that no DC will be
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Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
injected into the load. The FPGA based control logic for single stage grid connected
The following are the few areas of future study which can be considered for further
Analyze the impact on the grid performance (power quality) when multiple
Especially, the effect from different waveform generators, for the current
when the grid voltage is a pure sinusoidal and when it contains harmonics
Department of EEE GNIT
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
converters, applications, and design”, John Wiley & Son, Inc., New
Control for PWM Single Phase Boost Power Factor Correction” 5th
Verlag, 1992.
[11] SI Gangquan, ZHAO Weili, GUO Zhang, and SHI Jianquan, “A Novel
[12] Zong-xiang Chen, Jian Wang, Lu-sheng Ge, Ting Jiang, and Yi-fan Liu,
isolated PFC regulator with unity power factor, fast transient response,
Electronics. 2011.
[16] S.C.Tan, YM.Lai, M.K.H, Cheung, and C.K.Tse, "On the practical
Performance and Analysis of a Grid Connected Hybrid Power System Using FPGA
(INDUSCON), 2010.