Bible Reading Guide

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Exegetical Questions

A Weekly Bible Reading Guide

Prototype Edition
Exegetical Questions is merely a guide to help you discover main truths from your daily
Bible reading. The Holy Spirit is the only One who can truly enlighten you with spiritual
insight from His all-sufficient Word. But God uses means such as pastors, Bible teachers,
and commentaries. This guide pushes you to discover God’s truth: to read Scripture
carefully, consider its main ideas, and state them in writing as best as you can. This kind
of forced meditation can help any of us. However, the ultimate goal is transformation by
renewing your mind and practical obedience to God’s authoritative Word.

Using Exegetical Questions

This guide uses a new Bible reading schedule called “Through the Bible in a Year, Psalms
on Sundays.” Psalms is the inspired worship guide, especially helpful for the Lord’s Day.
Therefore, in this schedule, Psalms is read on Sundays but with no exegetical questions.
This makes Sundays different and an opportunity to focus on the Lord’s messages to you
through your local church. The other days of the week go through the rest of the Bible
divided into portions of approximately the same length.

The author’s suggestion is that you read the Bible before you read the questions, so that
the Holy Spirit can freely impress something upon you. However, many get more out of
reading if they have questions in mind, so you can also read these questions in advance.
If you do not have time to answer all the questions, answer at least one. Someday, you
would be helped by writing an answer for every question. Lastly, many of the questions
do not have only one right answer. If your answer is what the text says, it is right!

The Sunday blank is for the date. If you would rather write in your own devotional journal
instead of this guide, that is great! You can reserve this guide to use another year and
write as much as you want each day in your own journal. One thing you should add to
your writing is applications and personal decisions regarding the truths you discover. May
our Savior and Lord help each of us to come to His Word daily with desire, expectation,
trust, humility, and submission.

Copyright © 2020 by Philip J. Kamibayashiyama


⃞ MONDAY: Read Genesis 1–3

1) What did God create, and what was it like?

2) What part of creation was special, and why?

3) What brought severe pain and difficulty upon all creation?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Genesis 4–7

1) What aspect of God’s judgment on sin is mentioned in each chapter?

2) Each chapter also mentions people who pleased God. What did they do?

3) What do these chapters tell us about God’s attitude toward sin?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Genesis 8–11

1) Amid God’s justice on sin, what “opposite” attribute of God is seen?

2) In chapters 9 and 11, what problem of man has not changed?

3) Since everyone descended from sinners saved by grace, what implication does that
have for all people today?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Genesis 12–16

1) What are two examples in these chapters that the LORD sees everything and
watches over us?

2) We see both Abram’s good actions and bad actions. What does this teach us about
those whom God chooses as His people?

3) What was God’s two main repeated promises in His covenant with Abram in
chapters 12 and 15?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Genesis 17–19

1) What is good and what is bad in the responses of Abraham and Sarah to the things
God said?

2) Although Lot was righteous / a believer, what is evidence that his life was
spiritually weak?

3) How do we see God’s mercy in these chapters?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Genesis 20-23

1) In chapter 20, what are the two opposite choices of what we trust in for

2) What attributes or actions of God do we see in chapter 21?

3) In chapter 22, what was more important to Abraham than his beloved son?
WEEK 2: PSALMS 6-9 & GENESIS 24-39

⃞ MONDAY: Read Genesis 24–25

1) What evidence do we see in chapter 24 that Abraham (and his servant) believed in
God’s promise and His working in their lives?

2) What attribute(s) did the LORD display that caused his servant to worship the

3) In chapter 25, what characteristics do you see in God’s actions and words (vv. 21-
23), and what characteristics do you see in Jacob and Esau’s actions and words?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Genesis 26–28

1) What blessings did God promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

2) What is evidence that Isaac and Jacob sometimes failed to be spiritual men?

3) Why did the LORD bless them even though they sometimes failed to be spiritual?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Genesis 29–30

1) What sinful actions here are contrary to God’s perfect will?

2) What wrong attitudes or thinking are also evident in these chapters?

3) Despite the sins of these individuals, what works did God do in these chapters?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Genesis 31–33

1) What did the LORD do to protect Jacob (physically and financially)?

2) What attributes of God are displayed in His protecting and providing for Jacob?

3) Why did Jacob wrestle and cling to God even though his hip was dislocated?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Genesis 34–36

1) What sins of Jacob or his sons are mentioned in chapters 34-35?

2) Despite their sins, what did God do for Jacob in both 35:1 and 35:9-15?

3) In chapter 36, how do we see that wrong choices have many long-term
consequences but also that God is still merciful?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Genesis 37–39

1) List some sins of Joseph’s brothers in chapter 37.

2) Although Judah sinned in chapters 37-38, what expression of humility began his

3) Why was Joseph successful in all he did? (But interestingly, the answer does not
eliminate Joseph’s experiencing temptation and injustice.)
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 10–13 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Genesis 40–41

1) What does this teach about God’s knowledge and control?

2) How does the cup-bearer’s time with both Joseph & Pharaoh show God’s working?

3) How does 41:50-52 summarize the sudden reversal that God can work in our lives?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Genesis 42–44

1) Why does chapter 42 mention that Joseph remembered his dreams (chapter 37)?

2) Why did Joseph hide his identity and do what he did to his brothers? What did he
want to see regarding his brothers’ hearts?

3) What is the evidence that Judah and his brothers changed since the time that they
hated Joseph and lied to their father?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Genesis 45–47

1) What is evidence that Joseph forgave and restored fellowship with his brothers?

2) God allows us to suffer for others’ benefit. According to chapters 45-46, for what
two benefits to the children of Israel did God send Joseph to Egypt?

3) Jacob’s dying request shows his faith in which one of God’s promises, a promise
which God also alluded to in His message to Jacob at Beersheba (46:1-4)?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Genesis 48–50

1) What do we learn about the effect of God’s blessing upon our lives (chapter 48)
and the effect of each person’s choices upon God’s plan for him (chapter 49)?

2) What is said about God’s promise to Israel (48:4; 50:24) or Israel’s rule (49:10)?

3) What beliefs help a person to forgive and show forgiveness? (50:17-21)

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Exodus 1–4

1) What do these chapters reveal about the LORD’s heart for His people?

2) We also see both what God promised in His covenant and the terrible sufferings of
His people. What does this teach us about God’s promises even though we suffer?

3) How can the LORD tell Moses exactly what will happen?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Exodus 5–7

1) When burdens get worse, does that mean that God has not started to rescue us?

2) What is the covenant and promise that led God to deliver Israel?

3) Why does the LORD make someone’s heart hard? What is His plan/purpose?
Week 4: Psalms 14–17 & Exodus 8–26
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 14–17 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Exodus 8–10

1) Why does the LORD make His people distinct from other people?

2) What is the LORD showing people by afflicting them with plagues and calamities?

3) Why does the LORD harden some people’s hearts?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Exodus 11–13

1) How does chapter 11 illustrate that the LORD rules over even unbelievers’ actions,
attitudes, lives, and circumstances?

2) In chapter 12, what did a family have to do to be delivered from death?

3) In chapter 13’s instructions to remember the LORD’s deliverance from slavery in

Egypt, what is mentioned four times regarding how the LORD delivered them?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Exodus 14–16

1) According to chapter 14, why does the LORD sometimes put us in difficult, fearful

2) According to chapter 15, how should we respond to God’s judgment and salvation?

3) What are the two main sins of God’s people in chapters 15-16 (and 17)?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Exodus 17–20

1) In chapter 17, what did Moses do that led to God’s helping His people, both when
they complained about water and when they were attacked by Amalek?

2) In chapter 18, what did Moses do to help Jethro realize that the LORD is God and
to help people realize God’s way and be at peace?

3) According to chapters 19-20, how do we show that we honor and fear the LORD?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Exodus 21–23

1) How do God’s laws help those who are slaves, those in accidents, and the needy?

2) What do God’s laws do to those who intentionally hurt others and do evil?

3) According to 23:14-32, what are two responses that God wants from His people?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Exodus 24–26

1) How does chapter 24 show us that the LORD wants to reveal Himself to people?

2) What was the LORD’s purpose for the Tabernacle?

3) Why do you think the LORD emphasized how the Tabernacle should be made
(25:9, 40; 26:30)?
Week 5: Psalm 18 & Exodus 27–Leviticus 4

⃞ MONDAY: Read Exodus 27–28

1) How would you describe the materials for the Tabernacle and priests’ clothes?

2) Why do you think God specified those kinds of materials?

3) What does chapter 28 say is special about the LORD’s priests? (28:2-3, 36, 41)

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Exodus 29–31

1) What is the connection between blood and being holy?

2) What is the common element of the two main ideas: “holy to the LORD” and “offer
to the LORD”?

3) What did the Spirit do for Oholiab and Bezalel that He can do for believers today?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Exodus 32–34

1) What does a person's stubborn, rebellious worship of idols deserve?

2) What is so important about God's presence, both praying in His presence and
having His presence with you?

3) These chapters emphasize obeying God's word, especially what command?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read Exodus 35–37

1) Describe the hearts of those who give to help the work of the Lord.

2) What does the LORD give by His Spirit for His work to be done?

3) What does the detailed description about how they built the Tabernacle teach us
about how to do the LORD's work?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Exodus 38–40

1) What is the most repeated description of how they built the Tabernacle in relation
to the LORD's commands?

2) What is the repeated description of the priests, their garments, the Tabernacle, all
its furnishings, and the place of God's special dwelling?

3) What is the result of making the place of the LORD’s special dwelling according to
His commands?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Leviticus 1–4

1) Why did the offerer put his hand on the head of the animal to be sacrificed?

2) Why do you think that the sacrifice needed to be without blemish?

3) To whom is the offering presented and to whom should it please?

Week 6: Psalms 19–21 & Leviticus 5–21
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 19–21 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Leviticus 5–7

1) What sin does chapter 5 describe that is serious and requires sacrificial death?

2) What word describes the sing offering, grain offering, guilt offering, etc.?

3) What do all these specific instructions about offerings tell us about the LORD and
His worship?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Leviticus 8–10

1) What is one or two timeless requirements for God’s worship to be holy?

2) How does the LORD respond when everything done is pleasing to him?

3) What does the LORD do when His priests do not strictly follow His instructions on
how to worship?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Leviticus 11–13

1) According to 11: 44-45, why did the LORD tell His people what they can eat/not eat
and what is clean/unclean?

2) According to chapter 12, a woman was not ceremonially clean after what?

3) In God’s Old Covenant with Israel, what kind of uncleanness came from a
contagious skin disease or infectious mildew: physical? ceremonial? moral?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Leviticus 14–15

1) When a skin disease was healed or a house’s infectious mildew was removed, the
person or house was not yet clean. What kind of clean and unclean is this?

2) For someone or something to be clean, what was required that involved animals?

3) Why is God so strict about these things, including bodily discharges? What does
15:31 say?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Leviticus 16–18

1) How does the Day of Atonement illustrate truths of Christ’s atonement for us?

2) How does chapter 17 remind us that this entire law code was for ancient Israel?

3) How does chapter 18 show that aspects of this law are moral issues for all people?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Leviticus 19–21

1) What is the repeated reason for these various commands regarding all areas of life?

2) Although all sins are sins, how does chapter 20 teach that all sins are not the same?

3) Why does God give to His people (especially priests) stricter rules and directives?
WEEK 7: PSALMS 22–24 & LEVITICUS 22–Numbers 6
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 22–24 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Leviticus 22–23

1) What repeated reason is given why only non-defective animals can be offered and
eaten by only ceremonially clean priests and their families?

2) What are two features common to each of the LORD’s appointed festivals/feasts?

3) Although NT believers do not need to keep these feasts, what was their purpose?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Leviticus 24–25

1) How does chapter 24 tell us that remembering the LORD and reverencing His
name is a high priority?

2) What attitude toward God is needed to follow His instructions not to take
advantage of others and to treat relatives well?

3) Giving the land a year of rest, returning land, and releasing Israelite relatives are all
based on who their true owner is. Who is that?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Leviticus 26–27

1) What does the LORD do if His people honor and obey Him, and what does He do
if they disobey His commands?

2) Even when the LORD must punish Israel and they humbly confess, what will the
LORD remember and keep?

3) What does it mean that someone is consecrated/dedicated or holy to the LORD?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read Numbers 1–2

1) What do groupings in sequence and names of individuals tell us about how God
wants His people to march to war?

2) According to 1:47-53, why did Levites care for the Tabernacle & camp around it?

3) What words repeatedly describe how Moses and the Israelites did what they did?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Numbers 3–4

1) Although all Israel was God's people, why were the Levites special?

2) Why were the Kohathites warned? What did they carry?

3) Why does Scripture repeatedly say they did according to God’s commandment?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Numbers 5–6

1) Why was God concerned about their being defiled and wronging one another?

2) How does chapter 5 show us that adultery is a serious defilement?

3) How does chapter 6 show that there is a special level of being separated to God?
WEEK 8: PSALMS 25–28 & NUMBERS 7–22
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 25–28 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Numbers 7–8

1) Why did God record in detail what each tribe gave even if it was the same?

2) How does chapter 8 teach that God wants His worship to be done a certain way?

3) In chapter 8, what two things must happen to people to do special service before
God? (summarized in v. 15)

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Numbers 9–11

1) What do the Passover laws, cloud of the LORD, and silver trumpets all teach about
the LORD's commands and instructions?

2) What happens when people complain?

3) What did the LORD place on 70 leaders so they could help carry the burden of the

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Numbers 12–14

1) For what sin was God very angry with Miriam and Aaron?

2) For what sins did God discipline His people by their wandering in the wilderness?

3) What did Moses do in response to both God's judgment on Miriam and His plan to
destroy Israel?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Numbers 15–16

1) According to chapter 15, what are two general ways that people pleased the LORD?

2) What is God's response to those who deliberately rebel against Him and His word?

3) In chapter 16, how did people rebel against God? Who were they complaining

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Numbers 17–20

1) In chapter 17, what does God want stopped among His people?

2) Chapter 18 illustrates that God gives His servants sacred privileges and also what?

3) What condition before God does He specifically want His people to avoid?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Numbers 21–22

1) Who saved Israel from great need or distress and gave them victory?

2) What did they do to experience God's help?

3) What was the main guideline that the LORD repeatedly told Balaam?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 29–31 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Numbers 23–25

1) Why will Israel certainly be blessed, triumph over enemies, and possess the land?

2) What does 24:17-19 state will come from Israel to be its Star and crush its enemies?

3) What is the LORD’s response to His people’s joining in the idolatry of others?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Numbers 26–28

1) What is the key characteristic of the Israelites in chapter 26 (see 26:64-65), and
what does that teach us about the LORD?

2) What does chapter 27 teach us about what leaders must do?

3) What is the repeated requirement for those animals to be offered and what is the
LORD’s repeated attitude toward those offerings?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Numbers 29–31

1) What lesson do all these details about feasts tell us about worshipping the LORD?

2) How does God view vows and a woman’s relationship to male leadership?

3) Besides worship and vows, what else does God have a specific will on (chapter 31)?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Numbers 32–33

1) What was the reason why these 2 ½ tribes were strongly urged to not discourage
the other tribes and to fulfill their responsibility?

2) What is the benefit of remembering how the LORD led us step-by-step?

3) Why was Israel supposed to drive out the Canaanites from the land?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Numbers 34–36

1) Why was it important for God to give Israel the land and for them to divide it?

2) In chapter 35, how do God’s laws provide justice for both the accidental slayer and
the intentional murderer?

3) Maintaining a tribe’s land inheritance was so important that the daughters of

Zelophehad had to marry within their tribe. Do you think God has a will regarding
marriage that involves a larger purpose than just us?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Deuteronomy 1–2

1) Why did God’s people rebel against the LORD’s command?

2) How does Israel’s years in the wilderness show both God’s care and His judgment?

3) What are two ways that the LORD implements His sovereign plan regarding which
nations will inhabit certain places?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 32–34 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Deuteronomy 3–4

1) Chapter 4: What is the key to God’s people being wise and blessed in the land?

2) What sin does the LORD specifically warn them against?

3) What was the reason why Israel was able to conquer its enemies?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Deuteronomy 5–7

1) In chapters 5-6, what is the overall responsibility of God’s people in order to honor
the LORD and be blessed by Him?

2) In chapter 6, what are 2-3 main commands that are part of obeying the LORD?

3) Chapter 7: Why was Israel commanded to destroy the people of the land?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Deuteronomy 8–11

1) According to chapter 8, why did God give His people various experiences of
difficulty in the wilderness?

2) According to chapter 9, what is not the reason why God blesses His people?

3) In 10:12-11:32, what are the main 2-3 commands that God requires of His people and
that determine whether He will judge them or bless them?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Deuteronomy 12–14

1) Why do you think the LORD commanded that they offer in one certain place and
destroy other offering places?

2) What should be our attitude toward those who speak to turn us from God?

3) Why was Israel not to eat anything declared unclean?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Deuteronomy 15–18

1) Why should God’s people give freely to the poor and slaves?

2) What is the overall reason why Israel was to celebrate these annual feasts?

3) What is one truth we learn from these prohibitions (bribes, defects, idolatry, etc.)
and these guidelines (for kings, priests, Levites, prophets, living among pagans)?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Deuteronomy 19–22

1) What is the main reason for having cities of refuge, 2-3 witnesses, property
boundaries, and inheritance rights?

2) Why did God tell Israel to kill rebels, the immoral, and nearby idolatrous nations?

3) Why should God’s people not fear the enemy?

⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 35–36 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Deuteronomy 23–26

1) Why were some things to be rejected and others to be accepted by God’s people?

2) Many of the things commanded by the LORD and pleasing to Him show what
attitude toward others?

3) According to chapter 26, why should God’s people worship and obey the LORD?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Deuteronomy 27–28

1) What is one or two of the sins for which God pronounced a curse?

2) What did God’s people need to do to be blessed and not cursed?

3) Describe 2-3 contrasts between the promised blessings and the promised curses.

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Deuteronomy 29–31

1) What is the evidence that this covenant with the LORD is serious and must be
taken seriously?

2) What does chapter 30 say to show that obedience to God’s law must not be just
outward but from your heart?

3) According to chapter 31, who were God’s people to fear and not fear?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Deuteronomy 32–34

1) What is the LORD and what has He done for His people that they should not act
corruptly toward Him?

2) What is the source of Israel’s blessing in the land promised by covenant?

3) What truth lesson is prominent to you regarding Moses?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Joshua 1–4

1) What command did God repeatedly tell Joshua in chapter 1 because He had
commanded them to possess the land?

2) Why did the Canaanites melt in fear, and why was Rahab convinced that the
LORD is God? (one answer)

3) What larger purpose did the LORD have in having the ark carried into the river
and drying up the waters so they could pass over?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Joshua 5–7

1) What was the symbolic meaning of circumcision?

2) Why did God command the Israelites to deal with Jericho the way that they did?

3) What can be the effect of not obeying God to destroy or set apart something?
WEEK 12: PSALMS 37–38 & JOSHUA 8–24
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 37–38 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Joshua 8–9

1) Why were the Israelites victorious over Ai?

2) What did Joshua emphasize by what he wrote on stones and read to God’s people?

3) What was the key fault in the leaders’ decision-making?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Joshua 10–12

1) What is the main overall work that the LORD does that leads to Israel’s victories?

2) What was the basis for the Israelites fighting and conquering the entire land?

3) What kind of person does chapter 12 focus on to highlight Israel’s extensive,

mighty victory?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Joshua 13–15

1) Why was Israel’s possessing the land so important?

2) Why did God give the hill country of Hebron to Caleb as his special possession?

3) Why does God give so much detail in Scripture regarding the land?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Joshua 16–19

1) What is the problem with tribes not driving Canaanites out of the promised land
and not being able to drive them out?

2) Why is it important that all the promised land was divided up among all Israel?
What is the significance of that?

3) After receiving their land inheritance/allotment, what did the tribes still have to
do to dwell in it?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Joshua 20–22

1) What was the purpose of creating cities of refuge?

2) After the Levites received cities to dwell in and pasturelands for their livestock,
how does the end of chapter 21 summarize what the LORD did for Israel?

3) Why were the other tribes fearful and about to fight the 2 ½ other tribes? What
would be the consequence if the new altar of witness was for offering sacrifices?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Joshua 23–24

1) How would you summarize what the LORD did for Israel?

2) What is Israel now supposed to do and not do?

3) What will happen if Israel disobeys God’s laws and serves other gods?
WEEK 13: PSALMS 39–41 & JUDGES 1–16
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 39–41 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Judges 1–3

1) What was the failure of many tribes and what was the root reason why they failed?

2) What evil was repeatedly mentioned that God’s people did?

3) When God’s people cry out from His discipline, what does God do to deliver them?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Judges 4–6

1) Since God conquers exactly as He plans, what should be Barak’s response?

2) As chapter 5 illustrates, who and what should we praise and sing about?

3) Despite His people’s evil, what do we see about God when they cry for deliverance?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Judges 7–8

1) Why did the LORD want only a very small group to attack the huge enemy?

2) In chapter 8, what examples do you see of people selfishly depending on their own

3) What was the Israelites’ main sin described in 8:22-35?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read Judges 9–10

1) What was the sinful attitude of the leaders of Shechem?

2) What does 9:22-57 teach us about how God works?

3) What four-phase pattern do we again see in chapter 10 (vv. 6-18)?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Judges 11–13

1) Describe the good characteristics of Jephthah that illustrate that the LORD can use
anyone from any background if he has these characteristics.

2) What is the reason why God’s people conquered their enemies and dwell in the
place of His blessing?

3) Briefly describe the contrast between what the LORD does, and what Israel does
and Manoah says.

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Judges 14–16

1) Why did God empower Samson and allow these conflicts with the Philistines?

2) Why did Samson fail to kill as many Philistines during his life as he did in death?
What characterized his life?

3) Although God allowed Samson to reap the consequences of his sins, how did God
respond whenever Samson prayed to the LORD for help?
WEEK 14: PSALMS 42–44 & JUDGES 17–1 SAMUEL 10
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 42–44 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Judges 17–19

1) In the story of Micah’s idols, his priest, and the tribe of Dan, what overall root led
to all these various sins?

2) Why do you think God included chapter 17-18 in the book of Judges?

3) Failing to respond until receiving a piece of a woman’s body points out that what
various sins were tolerated in Israel?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Judges 20–21

1) Why was God’s will that many Israelites and many Benjaminites be killed?

2) What good response or action did Israel do after many of them were killed and
after they realized they had killed almost all the Benjaminites?

3) The way Israel provided wives for Benjamin illustrates the last verse of Judges.
How can you state this as a warning for life?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ruth

1) What do we learn about God’s relationship to both blessing and bitter suffering?

2) How did Ruth treat Naomi, which led to the LORD’s kindly blessing them?

3) How did both Ruth and Boaz have to sacrifice self to help another person?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Samuel 1–3

1) According to Hannah’s prayer of praise (chapter 2), what truth is illustrated by the
LORD giving children to humble Hannah and silencing proud Peninnah?

2) Why does God hold Eli responsible for his sons’ sins and promise to judge?

3) Summarize the contrast between Eli’s sons and Hannah’s son Samuel.

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 1 Samuel 4–7

1) Why did the Ark of God not help Israel in battle, but when the Ark was in Philistia,
the LORD made their idols fall and afflicted those people with plagues?

2) Why did the LORD kill 70 men who looked into the Ark?

3) What was the root reason why God’s people were defeated and the reason why
they won a great victory at Mizpah and had peace during Samuel’s lifetime?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Samuel 8–10

1) Chapter 8: When people rejected God for something else, how did God respond?

2) According to chapter 9, what is another reason why God chose Saul to lead Israel?

3) Why did God do these signs for Saul, His chosen leader, and work in Saul’s heart?
WEEK 15: PSALMS 45–48 & 1 SAMUEL 11–25
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 45–48 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Samuel 11–13

1) In chapter 11, we see that God works in mysterious ways. What is one or two
happenings that led to Saul’s kingship being affirmed?

2) In chapter 12, Samuel has 2 main points. What did he want the people to realize
about their asking for a king, and what is now the main thing he urges them to do?

3) Even though Israel was at a huge military disadvantage and were scattering in fear,
what is the worst problem that chapter 13 records?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Samuel 14–15

1) What lesson does chapter 14 teach regarding what the LORD “needs” to bring

2) What was the root failure in Saul that ironically resulted in not as many enemies
being destroyed?

3) Why did Saul not really obey the LORD?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Samuel 16–17

1) According to chapter 16, what made David pleasing in the eyes of God and man?

2) What kind of heart led David to fight Goliath?

3) What gives God’s people victory over huge enemies?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Samuel 18–20

1) What was the key reason why David was highly esteemed?

2) What was the root reason why Saul wanted to kill David?

3) Although various people protected David in these chapters, who was ultimately
protecting him?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 1 Samuel 21–22

1) What desperate means did David use in escaping from danger?

2) What help did the LORD provide to protect David?

3) What attitudes led to the massacre of Abimelech, the priests, and their families?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Samuel 23–25

1) What confidence can we have even when God allows us to be in serious danger?

2) What determined David’s actions more than a perfect situation to end a problem?

3) How did Abigail help David to not take vengeance on Nabal?

WEEK 16: PSALMS 49–50 & 1 SAMUEL 26–2 SAMUEL 14
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 49–50 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Samuel 26–29

1) What does the LORD do for those whom He has chosen but who face dangers?

2) What did David and Saul do that were right or wrong in protecting themselves?

3) Why did the LORD no longer answer Saul but instead judged him?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Samuel 30–2 Samuel 1

1) During tragedy that God allows and great blessing that God gives, how is David’s
response an example of how we should respond?

2) According to chapter 31, what does God do to those who dishonor Him?

3) According to 2 Samuel 1, what is the honorable response to the deaths of our

enemies and friends?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 2 Samuel 2–4

1) In what ways does the LORD sovereignly work even when men choose to risk their
lives or to fight?

2) What is evidence that the LORD is fulfilling His promise to David?

3) How does David’s response to unjust killing show why God is blessing him?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Samuel 5–7

1) What was the reason why David prospered?

2) What priorities do we learn from chapter 6’s examples of those who responded

3) In 2 Samuel 7, what are examples that the Sovereign LORD kept His covenant, and
what is the new eternal covenant He now promises to David?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Samuel 8–11

1) What is the “key” or “secret” to be victorious in any endeavor?

2) In chapter 8-10, what 2-3 characteristics do we see in David that we should imitate?

3) What is 1-2 lessons about sin that are seen in chapter 11?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 2 Samuel 12–14

1) According to chapter 12, what actions does the LORD take when we sin, and then

2) According to chapter 13, what are some consequences when one yields to

3) What is wrong with what happens in chapter 14?

WEEK 17: PSALMS 51–54 & 2 SAMUEL 15–1 KINGS 5
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 51–54 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2 Samuel 15–17

1) What are some of the troubles that God allowed in these chapters as consequences
of David’s sin regarding Bathsheba and Uriah?

2) How does David respond to sins done against him?

3) During these troubles and sins, what are some examples of God’s mercies?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 2 Samuel 18–19

1) What does chapter 18 teach is the ultimate result of rebellion?

2) What flaw do you see in David’s response to Absalom’s death?

3) In chapter 19’s responses to David’s return, what does this illustrate regarding
people’s hearts and motives?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 2 Samuel 20–22

1) In chapter 20, who are examples of wisdom that is needed in urgent situations?

2) Chapter 21 reminds us that who is behind every circumstance, whether judgment

or deliverance, famine or victory?

3) According to chapter 22, what are the reasons the LORD delivers His people from
enemies and gives victory over them?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Samuel 23–24

1) According to 23:1-7, all of David’s blessings and accomplishments are from whom?

2) What made these men mighty? In other words, what were they known for?

3) How does the LORD use a leader’s choices to judge people?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 1 Kings 1–2

1) Even in crumbling circumstances in which those who oppose righteousness are

prevailing and God’s promises seem to be failing, who is ultimately ruling to
ensure that His will is done?

2) According to David’s counsel to Solomon, what is the key to prospering?

3) As illustrated by most of chapter 2, what must be done to purge sin, do justice, and
establish rightful rule?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Kings 3–5

1) What is the recurring theme? (what Solomon asked for and God gave to him)

2) Why was the LORD so pleased with Solomon’s request?

3) What should be our priority and single desire?

WEEK 18: PSALMS 55–57 & 1 KINGS 6–19
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 55–57 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Kings 6–7

1) With the use of a carefully planned design, cedar and cypress, carved decorations,
and pure gold, what would be your main impression of this house of God?

2) With the size of the brass/bronze pillars, Sea, and basins, what would be your
other impression as you approach the Temple?

3) While Solomon was building the temple, what conditional promise did God give?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Kings 8

1) What does Solomon emphasize is the real dwelling place of God?

2) Why did Solomon ask God to answer prayer made toward this house of God?

3) What should a person or group do to continue in the LORD’s goodness and to

experience God’s hand of deliverance?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Kings 9–11

1) Although the blessings were great, they could all be destroyed. According to the
LORD’s warning in 9:3-9, what must Solomon do?

2) What does Solomon’s blessings (wisdom, wealth, fame, etc.) tell us about God?

3) Why did the LORD raise up enemies against Solomon to trouble him?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Kings 12–13

1) Why did Rehoboam harshly respond to the people’s request?

2) What was Jeroboam’s great sin?

3) What did Rehoboam do that the man of God also did at first?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 1 Kings 14–16

1) What is the LORD’s attitude toward His people when they worship other gods?

2) Why did David’s descendants continue ruling Judah although many were evil?

3) What is the repeated standard by which a king’s reign is described?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Kings 17–19

1) What does chapter 17 teach us about the Lord’s speaking to us and its result?

2) According to chapter 18, how did the LORD and Elijah fight against the worship of
false gods among God’s people?

3) According to chapter 19, how does the LORD respond to a discouraged, fearful
preacher of His Word?
WEEK 19: PSALMS 58–62 & 1 KINGS 20–2 KINGS 12
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 58–62 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Kings 20–21

1) Who gave victory over huge armies when Ahab listened to Him?

2) What does God require on evil people and those who fail to judge them?

3) What response does the LORD want from evil people?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Kings 22–2 Kings 1

1) According to these chapters, what will certainly be fulfilled in precise detail?

2) When someone does evil in the LORD’s sight, what consequence is unavoidable?

3) Who is in control of all circumstances, even the lies of false prophets?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 2 Kings 2–4

1) What did Elisha do that led to his having the LORD’s special hand of working on

2) What does chapter 3 show us about what the LORD can do for His people?

3) What response should we have to the LORD to see Him work on our behalf?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Kings 5–7

1) According to chapter 5, what kind of heart did Naaman need to obey and be
healed; and what kind of heart did Gehazi have in sinning and being judged?

2) In chapter 6, in both small and great trials, how does God rescue His people?

3) The end of chapter 7 emphasizes the main truth about Samaria’s deliverance from
famine and siege. What is that truth?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Kings 8–9

1) What do the first 2 incidents of chapter 8 tell us about the God of Elisha?

2) Although the LORD keeps His promises for good to the righteous, how does the
LORD deal with those who do evil in His sight?

3) What truth do we learn about the prophecies or words of judgment that God
proclaims through His prophets?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 2 Kings 10–12

1) According to chapter 10, what was fulfilled by the judgment on Ahab’s house?

2) According to chapter 11, what can the LORD do despite all the evil of those with
absolute power?

3) In chapter 12, what project did Jehoash persist in doing until its completion?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 63–66 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2 Kings 13–15

1) In chapter 13, how did Jehoahaz and Jehoash show a measure of faith but not
enough faith to really do what God wanted?

2) In these chapters, what is the LORD doing and why?

3) What sin is specifically mentioned when a king’s rule is summarized?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 2 Kings 16–17

1) Instead of seeking God, what did King Ahaz depend on when he was in trouble?

2) What sin is described as the reason why the LORD caused Israel’s capital, Samaria,
to fall to the Assyrians?

3) What was the main influence on Israel turning to wrong worship and false
worship, just like Ahaz did after being rescued by Assyria?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 2 Kings 18–19

1) According to chapter 18, why was Hezekiah successful against Assyria, a very
mighty enemy that had already defeated others?

2) Chapter 19: How should we respond when an enemy or problem attacks us?

3) What was the LORD’s relationship to Assyria in contrast to His attitude toward
His people?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Kings 20–22

1) What do you think of Hezekiah’s attitude at the end of his lie?

2) What is the summary of Manasseh’s and Amon’s lives?

3) What are the beginnings of spiritual reform?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Kings 23–25

1) To turn to the LORD with all your heart, what must be destroyed and removed
from our lives?

2) When one turns to the LORD with all his heart, how does he live?

3) What does the LORD do to His people when they do what is evil in His sight?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 1–3

1) What common characteristic(s) is implied about every person in human history?

2) What do these chapters of God’s Word imply about what God sees/knows?

3) Since Chronicles was for the Jews returning to Israel from exile, why does God give
this genealogy from Adam to the descendants of Judah’s last king taken into exile?
WEEK 21: PSALM 67–68 & 1 CHRONICLES 4–21
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 67–68 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 4–5

1) Why is Judah (and not Reuben), the first tribe discussed in these genealogies?

2) What did both Jabez and the tribes east of Jordan do that led to God’s working?

3) Why did God cause Assyria to take His people captive and take away their land?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 6–7

1) What service responsibility did God give to the Levites and descendants of Aaron?

2) Why do these genealogy chapters emphasize the land assigned to various tribes?
(Remember this book was written to the Jews in exile and returning from exile)

3) If you were a returning exile, how would these lists of descendants help you
confirm your identity? What is the identity of Jews?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 8–10

1) One of the truths of genealogies is that what may be the most important thing
about you is what one of your descendants will do. How should we react to this?

2) Why were the returning exiles supposed to rebuild their lives on the structure
established by David and Samuel?

3) How does remembering God’s judgment on Saul help God’s people to start anew?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 11–13

1) Why did all Israel make David king and he became more and more powerful?

2) Write at least 3 adjectives to describe the men that God brought to help David.

3) From chapter 13, what are at least 2 truths we learn about the ark of the covenant?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 14–17

1) What did the LORD do for David in chapter 14? Or what is the key difference in
how they brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem in chapter 15?

2) In David’s song of thanks, what is the main content of what we should say to God?

3) What is the key description of the kingdom God will build from David’s house?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 18–21

1) Chapters 18-19: What makes a person victorious over enemies and successful?

2) Chapters 18-20: What are God’s people responsible to do for God to give victory?

3) What was the spiritual reality behind people’s decisions, sins, repentance, and
worship as well as behind plagues and their stopping?
WEEK 22: PSALMS 69–70 & 1 CHRONICLES 22–2 CHRON 13
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 69–70 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 22–25

1) Why did David prepare such great quantities of materials for building the temple?

2) What was the purpose of the temple?

3) Why did David organize the Levites, priests, and musicians? What did they do?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 26–28

1) In chapter 26, some were blessed with unusual ability or numerous descendants,
some were chosen by sacred lot, and some had a role of service simply because of
their ancestry. In all these, what attribute of the LORD do we see in a person’s life?

2) Chapter 27 describes organization and leadership. How do these 2 themes relate?

3) In chapter 28, what was the key to David’s plans for the temple and God’s blessing?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Chronicles 29–2 Chronicles 3

1) Why did God’s people give abundantly in 1 Chronicles 29?

2) What was Solomon’s greatest desire in 2 Chronicles 1?

3) Based on the description of the materials, craftsmanship, and construction of the

temple, how would you describe this place of offering worship and prayer?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 4–6

1) What were the 2-3 kinds of resources used to make the instruments for worship?

2) When did the glory of the LORD fill the temple?

3) What was Solomon’s main, repeated prayer request regarding the temple?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 7–9

1) What was the main attribute of God that His people praised and rejoiced in?

2) The LORD’s promise and warning to Solomon one night explains Israel’s future.
What is the condition that determines their future?

3) How did Solomon’s wealth, wisdom, and power turn foreigners to the LORD?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 10–13

1) Who ultimately caused the division between Israel and Judah to fulfill His warning
that He would judge His people for breaking covenant?

2) Why did the priests and Levites in the northern tribes move to Judah and support
Rehoboam? (the same reason that Abijah gave before God fought Jeroboam)

3) What was the common sin of both Rehoboam and Jeroboam?

WEEK 23: PSALMS 71–72 & 2 CHRONICLES 14–33
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 71–72 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 14–18

1) In chapter 14-17, what is the repeatedly mentioned action that a person must do to
have the LORD work mightily and bless?

2) What does this cause-effect dynamic tell us about the LORD’s heart?

3) Chapter 18: What happens to the LORD’s Word and what He decides to do?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 19–21

1) Chapters 19-20: Although Jehoshaphat feared the LORD, did right, and God was
with him, what wrong did he do that angered God and brought His judgment?

2) Chapter 20: How should we respond when enemies come, and God speaks to us?

3) Why did the LORD bring great trouble to Jehoram and Judah?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 22–24

1) Why did Jehu kill Ahaziah when he visited Jehoram of Israel?

2) Whose courage and conviction rescued Joash and placed him on the throne?

3) What turned Joash from being good to ordering that Jehoiada’s son be stoned?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 25–28

1) What happens when someone (like Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham) seeks the
LORD and is careful to do what is pleasing in His eyes?

2) What happens when he then turns from God in pride to do what he wants to do?

3) Why did Ahaz experience so much trouble and Judah experienced so much harm?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 29–30

1) What area or issue was Hezekiah first concerned about as the reason why the
LORD brought His people low in captivity and great distress?

2) Besides offering sacrifice, what else did the Levites do during the temple
dedication that all the people also did after they offered sacrifice?

3) What was Hezekiah’s exhortation as the reason for celebrating the Passover?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 31–33

1) What is the connection between devotion to God and faithfully keeping His law?

2) Chapter 32: Who is Yahweh, what is His heart & characteristics, what does He do?

3) Chapter 33: What does the LORD do when His people turn from Him to serve
other gods and break His covenant? What does He do if they humbly repent?
WEEK 24: PSALMS 73–74 & 2 CHRON 34– NEHEMIAH 7
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 73–74 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2 Chronicles 34–36

1) Because Josiah wanted to please the LORD and not turn from doing right, what
was the first set of actions he did in chapter 34?

2) What was Josiah’s response to God’s Word?

3) How did the people respond to the LORD in chapter 36? (Their response angered
Him so that He sent the Babylonians to destroy Jerusalem and its people)

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Ezra 1–4

1) What did the LORD do to return worship of the LORD to Jerusalem?

2) Why did the LORD and His people prioritize resuming the worship of the LORD?

3) Why did God’s people prohibit their enemies from helping build and prohibit
those who could not prove they were priests from eating the priests’ share of food?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ezra 5–7

1) Who was working in the hearts of prophets, people, and pagans for the
reestablishment of the worship of the LORD?

2) What was the responsibility of the people and priests in reestablishing the LORD’s
worship and the LORD’s testimony in the land?

3) What should be our response to the LORD’s miraculous working to bring all these
things to pass?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Ezra 8–10

1) What types of things should be set apart for God?

2) How did God show His graciousness to His people?

3) What sins are mentioned here?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Nehemiah 1–4

1) Why was repairing the wall important for God’s people and the LORD’s name?

2) What actions were necessary for this project to begin?

3) How should we respond to opposition and problems?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Nehemiah 5–7

1) What kinds of temptations and trials do God’s people face?

2) What prayer requests did Nehemiah pray that we can pray?

3) In chapter 7, how does Scripture honor those who sacrificed to return to Jerusalem
and rebuild it despite difficulty and opposition?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 75–77 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Nehemiah 8–10

1) How can God’s people respond to God’s Word in a way that leads to worship?

2) According to Israel’s history, what are the main characteristics of God’s people in
contrast to the LORD God Himself?

3) In just one word or phrase, what are these Jews promising God in chapter 10?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Nehemiah 11–13

1) What is a main way that God’s people can honor the LORD’s name?

2) What is another main way that God’s people can honor the LORD’s name?

3) What is needed to keep God’s people from wandering back into sin?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Esther 1–4

1) What are some of the trials that God allows to come upon His people?

2) What is some evidence that God is still caring for His people?

3) What are a couple exemplary ways that God’s people responded to their testing?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Esther 5–10

1) What types of circumstances / situations does God control for the good of His

2) What is the relationship between defeating one’s enemies and rejoicing with great

3) What attributes of God are seen in all these events?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Job 1–5

1) Why did Job experience great trials and suffering?

2) What was the character and practice of Job?

3) What did Eliphaz think was the reason for Job’s suffering?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Job 6–10

1) According to these chapters, what is the summary of Job’s complaint?

2) According to these chapters, what is the summary of Bildad’s response?

3) According to these chapters, what is the summary of Job’s request to God?

WEEK 26: PSALM 78 & JOB 11–42
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 75–77 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Job 11–15

1) What is Job’s view and how is he being misunderstood?

2) What is wrong with some people’s use of truth?

3) What is wrong with some people’s understanding of truth?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Job 16–20

1) Although Job complains about why is God doing this to him, in what is he still

2) How should we speak to one who is suffering?

3) What are Job’s friends wrongly assuming or believing?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Job 21–27

1) In chapter 21, what is the reality that Job is wondering about? Or what kind of
response does God have toward sinners (24:22-24)?

2) What is the assumption of Eliphaz? What lesson can counselors learn from this

3) What kind of relationship does Job have with God?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read Job 28–32

1) According to chapter 28, what truths does Job realize?

2) According to chapter 30, what is causing Job’s suffering?

3) From chapter 31, what areas of Job’s character or practice are especially helpful
examples to you?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Job 33–37

1) Is Elihu right or wrong? What does Elihu’s thinking tell us about our own

2) What is Job’s view that Elihu either does not understand or rejects?

3) What are God’s main attributes that Elihu extols in 36:22-37:13?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Job 38–42

1) In chapters 38-39, what does God emphasize that Job lacks but God has?

2) In chapter 40-41, what does God emphasize that Job lacks but God has?

3) According to chapter 42, what must be done to be forgiven and restored?

WEEK 27: PSALMS 79–81 & PROVERBS 1–26
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 79–81 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Proverbs 1–5

1) What should we do to get wisdom? Where does it come from?

2) What are the benefits of wisdom? What does it do?

3) What do these chapters describe as the opposite of wisdom and being wise? What
is the end of that opposite way?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Proverbs 6–10

1) What should you do to avoid immorality?

2) What is connected to wisdom?

3) What are characteristics of a wise person in contrast to a foolish person?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Proverbs 11–14

What is a main truth these chapters impressed upon you regarding the following subjects?

1) Speech or Knowledge:

2) Being Diligent or Kind:

3) The Righteous:
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Proverbs 15–18

What is a main truth these chapters impressed upon you regarding the following subjects?

1) God’s will:

2) Crushed in spirit vs. Happiness and joy:

3) The LORD’s relationship to the righteous and wicked:

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Proverbs 19–22

What is a main truth these chapters impressed upon you regarding the following subjects?

1) What hurts a person:

2) Human nature’s selfishness:

3) Members of a family:

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Proverbs 23–26

1) What are some things to avoid or not do? (Things that are in the way of death)

2) What are some things that we should do? (Things that are in the path of life)

3) What are some principles that are generally true about life in this world?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 82–85 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Proverbs 27–31

1) From chapters 27-29, what are a few principles that you found helpful?

2) From the words of Agur in chapter 30, what is a principle that you found helpful?

3) From chapter 31, what is a principle that you found helpful?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Ecclesiastes 1–6

1) What are some things that are frustratingly vanity or chasing after the wind?

2) What does God want us to enjoy?

3) What is one or two problems of life in this world (under the sun)?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ecclesiastes 7–12

1) Although wisdom does not change the inevitability of death, what are some of the
benefits of wisdom?

2) What are some examples of what foolish people do?

3) According to chapter 12, what should be our attitude and actions toward God?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Song of Songs

1) Based on how the bride and groom speak to one another, what is a characteristic
of beautiful human love?

2) What is some evidence that this couple have an exclusive relationship that
involves marriage?

3) What is the repeated refrain that speaks of not arousing love until the proper

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Isaiah 1–5

1) What are some sins that God’s people (Israel and Judah) have done against the
LORD and against other people?

2) What should they do instead?

3) How will God judge His people (to purge them of sin so He can bless them again)?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Isaiah 6–9

1) What will the LORD do to Israel and Judah because of their sins, trust in man
(Assyria), and pride?

2) Why should we not fear enemies but instead fear the LORD?

3) Who is our hope when in fearful trouble, distress, and anguish (7:14-16; 8:10, 14, 17;
9:2, 6-7)?
WEEK 29: PSALMS 86–88 & ISAIAH 10–36
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 86–88 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Isaiah 10–13

1) Chapters 10 and 13: What is the God attitude to sin, what sin attitude is mentioned,
and what will God do to both the world and Israel because of their sins?

2) What will the descendant of Jesse/David do for the world and for Israel and Judah?

3) What should be our response to God’s judgment (10:20) and salvation (chapter 12)?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Isaiah 14–18

1) Chapters 14 and 18: What will happen to destructive, powerful people; and who
shows that He is all-powerful?

2) In chapters 15-16, because of Moab’s proud rejection of David’s throne, what will be
the repeated response of Moab and the LORD when He destroys Moab?

3) In chapter 17, the LORD will destroy Damascus and Israel until they are very few.
How should (and will) God’s people respond to the Holy One of Israel (17:7-10)?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Isaiah 19–23

1) What does God’s striking great nations in many ways say about human greatness?

2) Describe what will happen to man’s plans/purposes/counsels and work in contrast

to the LORD’s plans/purposes/counsels (what He has spoken that He will do).

3) Instead of depending on man (19:11; 20:5; 23:9), what do we do? (19:18-22; 22:11-12)
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Isaiah 24–28

1) Chapter 24: How will God’s judgment affect the earth physically and emotionally?

2) Chapters 25-27: How should God’s people respond to His judgment of the wicked?

3) Why does the LORD judge His people?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Isaiah 29–32

1) God judges His people for what sins? (29:13-15, 20-21; 30:1-2, 9-10; 31:1; 32:5-7)

2) How will God bless His people someday? (29:6-7, 17-19; 30:28-29; 32:1-2, 15-18)

3) Since God judges & blesses, what should we do? (29:23-24; 30:15, 18-22; 31:6-7; 32:11)

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Isaiah 33–36

1) What attributes or attitudes lead God to deliver Jerusalem by destroying enemies?

2) How will the redeemed (both creation and His people who walk in His ways)
respond to God’s coming to destroy enemies, save us, and transform all creation?

3) How would you describe the Assyrians’ speaking to God’s people about the LORD?
WEEK 30: PSALM 89 & ISAIAH 37–62

⃞ MONDAY: Read Isaiah 37–40

1) How should we respond (and not respond) when in distress? (chapters 37-39)

2) What does the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, rule, and control? (chapters 37-39)

3) Chapter 40: What truths about God can comfort us during troubles?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Isaiah 41–43

1) The LORD alone is God and deserves praise. What things does He do to direct
history and help Israel and the needy?

2) What does the LORD say about idols / images?

3) Contrast the two servants of the LORD: the Messiah who pleases the LORD and
Israel who is blind and sins against the LORD.

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Isaiah 44–47

1) What are the LORD’s repeated descriptions of Himself? (44:6, 24; 45:5-6, 18, 21-22;
46:8-9; 47:4; cf. 44:23; 46:4, 13)

2) What does the LORD do because He alone is God and no other?

3) How should we respond to the LORD, the only Ruler over all and the Redeemer of
His people? (44:1-2, 8, 21-22; 45:22-25; 46:3, 8-9, 12)
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Isaiah 48–51

1) What are the main sinful attitudes or actions of God’s people for which the LORD
rebukes and refines them through suffering?

2) Describe the LORD’s heart for His people. What will He do for them?

3) What will the Messianic Servant of the Sovereign LORD do? (49:1-13; 50:4-9)

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Isaiah 52–57

1) What will the LORD do for His people? (chapters 52, 54, 56-57)

2) What did the Messianic Servant of the LORD do for us? (52:13-53:12)

3) What should we do regarding the LORD and our sins? (chapters 55-57)

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Isaiah 58–62

1) In what ways does God want His people to change so that He can bless them?

2) What will the LORD do for His people in the future?

3) What does this tell us about the LORD and His heart?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 90–92 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Isaiah 63–66

1) What is God’s emotion in judging, and what are the two groups He will judge?

2) What are characteristics of the sins of God’s people against Him?

3) What specific group will God mercifully bless, and what emotion will He restore?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Jeremiah 1–4

1) What sin is Israel and Judah guilty of and will bring God's fierce anger upon them?

2) God has spoken of caring for His people, their sinfulness and judgment, and their
need to confess). What is God emphasizing in repeating that He has spoken?

3) What does the LORD want His people to do regarding their sinful waywardness
and unfaithfulness to Him?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Jeremiah 5–7

1) In chapter 5, what are 2-3 of the sins of God's people which are grieving the LORD?

2) Chapter 6: What is the attitude of God’s people to God's words to walk in His way?

3) Even though the LORD warns them of coming destruction for their idolatry, what
is God's people mistakenly trusting in to save them?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Jeremiah 8–10

1) What will God to His people for their stubborn continuing in various sins?

2) What do false prophets do, and what does a true prophet like Jeremiah do?

3) Besides rampant dishonesty, what other sin is God's people known for instead of
worshipping the LORD who created all?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Jeremiah 11–14

1) What is some evidence that the LORD loves His people whom He must destroy?

2) What are the reasons that the LORD is disgusted with His beloved people and
must surrender them to their enemies?

3) Instead of proudly refusing to listen and stubbornly following their own desires,
what does the LORD want His people to do?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Jeremiah 15–17

1) In chapter 15, what is the LORD's attitude toward His stubbornly sinful people,
and what is His attitude toward His servant who is persecuted?

2) What is to be Jeremiah's response to sinfully idolatrous and dull Judah?

3) Chapter 17: What does God want from His people? (heart attitude and action)
WEEK 32: PSALM 93–95 & JEREMIAH 18–35
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 93–95 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Jeremiah 18–21

1) Give an example of the stubborn rebellion of Judah in chapter 18.

2) Chapters 18-19: What will God do to His people, as the earthen vessel (clay jar)?

3) How did people respond to Jeremiah's preaching, causing him great sorrow?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Jeremiah 22–24

1) What are two examples of the unrighteous actions done by those whom the LORD
loves but must destroy for their injustices?

2) Although God will pour out devastating judgment on His people, what opposite
work He will do for His people and what kind of king will He give them someday?

3) How were the prophets in Judah false instead of the LORD’s true messengers?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Jeremiah 25–27

1) Why will the LORD Judge His people, and why will He Judge many other nations?

2) What is people's reaction to those who proclaim God's judgment against them?

3) Who controls what will happen to all nations and when those things will happen?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Jeremiah 28–30

1) What is the LORD‘s response to someone who says He speaks God's word but
whose life and God's Word shows that he is not really speaking God’s words?

2) Although we want the suffering and shame of God's people to be short, what is
sometimes God's plan regarding our chastening?

3) Ultimately, what is God's plan for Israel and Judah?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Jeremiah 31–32

1) Because the LORD loves His people whom He must Judge for their sins, what will
He do when they repent and embrace the LORD again?

2) What will the LORD do for His people in the New Covenant?

3) Chapter 32: What truth about the LORD's Word is illustrated by what happens in
Jeremiah's life, Israel's history, what is currently happening, and what will happen?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Jeremiah 33–35

1) After God judges Israel, who will He make ruler of a restored, prosperous nation?

2) What did the people of Judah break, causing the LORD to decree their deaths?

3) In chapter 35, what does God exhort Judah to do as the Rechabites did?
WEEK 33: PSALMS 96–99 & JEREMIAH 36–52
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 96–99 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Jeremiah 36–38

1) What were the contrasting responses to God’s words of judgment on Judah?

2) What were the contrasting attitudes toward Jeremiah in chapter 37?

3) Chapter 38: What was the contrasting response to God’s words through Jeremiah?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Jeremiah 39–41

1) In the fall of Jerusalem and its aftermath, what has all come true?

2) What examples do we see in these chapters of the LORD's goodness amidst His
Judgment on those who disobey?

3) In contrast, what is the evil that Ishmael and others do, still in rebellion to the
LORD's plan of chastening His people?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Jeremiah 42–44

1) What can God do for His people even in the worst circumstances, if they obey?

2) What do we tend to stubbornly rely upon instead of believing and obeying God,
who can bless or Judge in any circumstance?

3) Chapter 44: What do God's people stubbornly do, thinking it is a way to blessing?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Jeremiah 45–48

1) Who determines what happens to a nation and when?

2) What do we learn from these chapters about the nation's power in comparison to
God's power?

3) In chapter 48, what are the two main sins for which Moab is judged?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Jeremiah 49–50

1) What is the LORD able to do to any nation that is proud of its power and sins
against the LORD?

2) On whom does the LORD have mercy, preserve, and restore?

3) What is the ultimate cause of the destruction of a nation by another nation?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Jeremiah 51–52

1) What will God do to powerful nations who sin against Him or hurt His people?

2) What does the LORD have power and control over?

3) In chapter 52, all the LORD's words of warning come to pass. What must God's
people eventually experience if they continue in disobedience?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 100–102 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Lamentations 1–2

1) What will be the emotion and condition of God's people when He judges them for
their rebellion?

2) What is the LORD’s emotion in destroying His own beautiful Jerusalem?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Lamentations 3–5

1) How should God's people respond to the LORD's chastening?

2) What is the LORD’s character that is the hope of those disciplined by God?

3) What is the reason why God's people are suffering so greatly?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ezekiel 1–4

1) What does this vision portray that is far beyond our imagination and experience in
nature, beauty, and power?

2) Even though people are rebellious and will not listen, what do they still need to

3) When God gives you a message, what will you be held accountable to do?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Ezekiel 5–8

1) What is God’s attitude to His people who rebel against His laws and love idols?

2) What does God want His people to know (realize and be convinced of)?

3) What sinful heart attitude in chapter 7 is a main reason for their detestable sins,
especially the idolatry mentioned in chapter 8?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Ezekiel 9–12

1) What is evidence that the people of Israel lack spiritual understanding and a
spiritual heart? What do they think, feel, or say?

2) What is the main way that Israel comes to know that the sovereign LORD is God?

3) What will God give Israel so they will obey and purge out idols from among them?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Ezekiel 13–15

1) What was the message of the false prophets who were deceiving and trapping
people and who the LORD would destroy?

2) Even though Israel’s leaders were seeking for guidance from God’s prophets, where
had they set up idols that were leading them to sin?

3) According to chapters 13-15, what would the LORD do to unfaithful, wicked Israel
so that they would know that He is the LORD and has spoken?
WEEK 35: PSALMS 103–104 & EZEKIEL 16–31
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 103–104 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Ezekiel 16–17

1) What was the condition of God’s people at first, and what did God do for her?

2) What does chapter 16 teach about God’s view of Judah forming relationships with
other nations and loving many gods?

3) After the parable that Israel cannot get away with breaking its covenant with
Babylon, what does God say about Israel breaking its covenant with the LORD?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Ezekiel 18–20

1) What is the truth of chapter 18, regardless of one’s background or past actions?

2) What is God’s attitude to rebellious Israel, its leaders, and all its people who rebel?

3) What is Israel doing or failing to do in its rebellion?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ezekiel 21–22

1) How does the LORD feel toward sinful Jerusalem, and what will He do to them?

2) What are a couple examples of the wicked things done by those in Jerusalem?

3) What does Ezekiel say about God’s Word, especially by “I the LORD have spoken”?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Ezekiel 23–25

1) What is the spiritual fornication that God’s people committed with other nations?

2) Because of Jerusalem’s murdering and idolatry, what are their dearest treasures
that the LORD will desecrate, destroy, and take away from them?

3) How does the LORD’s message of judgment to Israel, Ammon, Moab, and Philistia,
and then His furious vengeance on them lead them to “know that I am the LORD”?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Ezekiel 26–28

1) What has God spoken regarding what He will do to prosperous and feared Tyre?

2) Describe the contrast of what Tyre was and what it will be.

3) What is the root sinful heart attitude of Tyre?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Ezekiel 29–31

1) What is Egypt’s (and Assyria’s) sinful heart attitude for which God will Judge it?

2) What will various peoples realize when the LORD judges them and restores others
according to His Word?

3) What wrong did Egypt do to Israel, and what wrong relationship did Israel have
with Egypt that brought God’s Judgment upon them?
WEEK 36: PSALM 105 & EZEKIEL 32–48

⃞ MONDAY: Read Ezekiel 32–33

1) What does chapter 32 teach us about the LORD’s position when it describes His
judging even the most powerful or using the powerful as His tool?

2) According to chapter 32, what will happen to the most feared and mighty people?

3) What is the LORD’s message that He wants a messenger to declared to warn

people and turn them?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Ezekiel 34–36

1) What does chapter 34 teach that a shepherd-leader should do?

2) Why will the LORD bring Israel back into the land and abundantly bless them?

3) How will the LORD reveal His holiness to the nations through His people?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ezekiel 37–39

1) What will the LORD put into the people of Israel to make them live again?

2) According to chapter 37, when God unifies Israel and Judah to be one people that
are truly His, how will He make them holy, and who will be their king forever?

3) According to chapters 38-39, what is the LORD demonstrating by bringing Gog

and all his hordes of soldiers to attack Israel but then killing them all?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Ezekiel 40–42

1) Instead of a temple full of idolatry as in chapter 8, this vision tour of the new
temple complex shows that it is perfectly ready for occupation. What is the only
thing that the temple lacks in chapter 40-42?

2) Where is the new temple is located? Therefore, who will be among God’s people?

3) According to chapter 42’s end, what are the temple walls designed to separate?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Ezekiel 43–45

1) What filled the temple, requiring people to be holy and making them ashamed?

2) On what basis were Levites disqualified or still qualified to serve as priests?

3) What was the purpose of offering sacrifices to the LORD?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Ezekiel 46–48

1) What are God’s concerns in chapter 46’s detailed instructions and provisions?

2) Chapters 47-48 describe an abundance of blessing and provision of land for whom?

3) According to the very end of Ezekiel, what makes the place of God’s people special?

⃞ MONDAY: Read Daniel 1–2

1) What two things did God do for Daniel and the other three young men when they
resolved to not defile themselves?

2) Despite the great things a person can know, who alone is the revealer of mysteries?

3) Since this vision of future kingdoms came from God, what does this tell us about
God’s relationship to the future of the world?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Daniel 3–4

1) What does chapter 3 prove about the LORD?

2) What did Nebuchadnezzar learn from his 7-year experience of insanity?

3) What is the length of the LORD’s rule and kingdom?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Daniel 5–6

1) As Nebuchadnezzar, what was the root sin of Belshazzar?

2) What does both chapters 5-6 teach about a person’s future?

3) After God protected Daniel, what did Darius say about God’s kingdom?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Daniel 7–9

1) What does the LORD allow fierce kingdoms to do? But ultimately who will rule?

2) At the end of time, what will the LORD allow a powerful ruler to do to His people,
His temple, and His armies before the LORD breaks him?

3) What truths are in chapter 9 about God’s word (its effect, violation, revelation)?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Daniel 10–12

1) What does chapter 10 reveal about good and evil spirit beings in the world?

2) What is a truth about God that we learn from these visions about the future
struggle of nations and people for power and their attacks against God’s people?

3) What will happen to powerful enemies that oppose God and worship false gods, in
contrast to the wise that know God and worship Him?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Hosea 1–7

1) What does Gomer’s adultery/prostitution against Hosea illustrate about Israel?

2) What were some sins that Israel was committing that led to God judging them?

3) Despite Israel’s idolatries, what is God’s attitude toward Israel (illustrated by

Hosea’s attitude to Gomer), and what does God want them to do to be blessed?

⃞ MONDAY: Read Hosea 8–14

1) What is the main, repeated sin of which God’s people are guilty?

2) What will the LORD do to His people for their unfaithfulness and wickedness?

3) Although the LORD’s anger burns against them, what is the LORD’s plea and
promise to Israel because He loves them?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Joel

1) What natural calamity did the LORD use to call His people to repentance?

2) What will the LORD’s restoration be like when they repent?

3) Who will go to the Valley of Jehoshaphat to be judged in the day of the LORD?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Amos 1–5

1) Beside worshipping other gods, what sins against others was Israel guilty of?

2) What were the 2 main things that the LORD exhorted Israel to do?

3) What kind of events does God send to help people realize that He is displeased?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Amos 6–9, Obadiah

1) Even though the people of Israel will be judged for many sins, what is their
surprising response to the words about God’s fierce anger toward them?

2) Even though the LORD will severely destroy the nation, what merciful action will
the LORD ultimately do for Israel?

3) Obadiah: Why will the LORD destroy Edom? What did they do to God’s people?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Jonah, Micah 1-4

1) In the book of Jonah, what is the LORD trying to teach Jonah about God’s will and
attitude toward people whom He wants to save but whom Jonah wants destroyed?

2) Micah 1-4: What are sins for which those in Israel and Judah will be judged?

3) In the last days, what will the LORD do for Israel and Jerusalem?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Micah 5-7, Nahum

1) Instead of their sins against one another despite all the LORD has done for them,
how should God’s people live?

2) What attribute does both the LORD and Nineveh have but that the LORD has far
more and will use to completely destroy Nineveh?

3) What were a couple of Nineveh’s sins for which the LORD will destroy it?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 108–110 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Habakkuk

1) Who will God use to judge His people for their violence, arguing, and injustice?

2) What are people trying to get through violence and injustice? (But their violence
and injustice will also bring them shame and death)

3) How should we respond to God’s plan to Judge His people by using those more
wicked but also to someday deliver His chosen people by destroying the wicked?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Zephaniah, Haggai

1) According to Zephaniah, what have the nations and Judah-Israel done to cause the
day of the LORD’s anger to come on them to destroy them?

2) According to Zephaniah, what are the attitudes and action of those whom the
LORD will restore and bless again?

3) According to Haggai, what did God do because His people did not build His
temple, and what will God do after they obey?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Zechariah 1–7

1) What will the LORD do to the nations that opposed Judah?

2) What will the LORD do to honor Judah before all the nations?

3) What does God command Judah to do toward one another and to the oppressed?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Zechariah 8–14

1) What is the Jews’ blessed future after they are purified to be God’s people?

2) What is God’s heart attitude toward His people, in contrast to Israel’s enemies?

3) What do chapter 9, 12, 14 say about the Messiah’s coming and rule?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Malachi

1) Although Israel worshipped God outwardly, what was their sinful attitude to Him?

2) Do their questions indicate that they realize their sinful condition or not?

3) What will the LORD’s Messenger do, and what will happen on the great day of the

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Matthew 1–4

1) What would Jesus the Messiah/Christ be, according to Jesus’ connection to David
and the wise men’s description about Jesus?

2) What is a recurring evidence that Jesus was the promised Messiah?

3) What did both God the Father and the devil identify Jesus as being?
WEEK 40: PSALMS 111–113 & MATTHEW 5–21
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 111–113 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Matthew 5–7

1) How does chapter 5 show that Jesus taught with divine authority?

2) Instead of earthly reward and treasure, what should people seek?

3) What are two applications that Jesus made in emphasizing that the kingdom of
God is characterized by doing good and obeying His word?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Matthew 8–10

1) What does Jesus’ miracles prove that the Son of Man has?

2) Since Jesus’ authority is proven by miracles, what response should people have?

3) In chapter 10, after Jesus gives authority to His disciples to minister, how does He
tell them to respond to the hostile rejection they will experience?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Matthew 11–12

1) Why did many people not accept Jesus’ words and miraculous works?

2) What kind of people does Jesus restore and accept into close fellowship?

3) What will happen to those who reject Jesus Christ and do wrong?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Matthew 13–14

1) Why did Jesus speak in parables to the people?

2) What did Jesus say would happen to the wicked who do evil?

3) In chapter 14’s 2 main miracles, what is the root of the disciples’ wrong response?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Matthew 15–18

1) What was the main problem of the outwardly righteous Pharisees and even the
disciples in relation to the miracle-working Jesus?

2) When the disciples realized who Jesus is, what did He reveal that He would do?

3) What is God’s attitude, which should be our attitude, toward those who will turn
from their sin and humble themselves before God?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Matthew 19–21

1) What kind of heart prohibits a person from the kingdom, in contrast to those who
enter it and receive blessings?

2) In chapter 20, what is an example of how the ways of God in His kingdom are
different from man’s way of blessedness and greatness?

3) What are two ways that chapter 21 shows that Jesus is the promised Messiah?
WEEK 41: PSA. 114–116 & MATTHEW 22–MARK 8
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 114–116 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Matthew 22–24

1) What is the sinful heart motive of those who asked Jesus questions in chapter 22?

2) Chapter 23: What is a way that the Pharisees are hypocrites worthy of judgment?

3) Why are the days before Christ returns described as horrible and even the return
of Christ will cause mourning?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Matthew 25–26

1) What will be the tragic end of those who are not ready when Christ returns?

2) What actions characterize the righteous and the cursed in 25:31-46?

3) What does Jesus’ willingness to be betrayed, arrested, and denied tell us about why
Jesus came to earth?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Matthew 27–28

1) What titles were used to identify Jesus or to describe His claim of who He was?

2) What are two different groups of people that we see in chapter 27?

3) What event in chapter 28 completely changes the situation and results in Christ’s
authoritative Commission to make disciples of all nations?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Mark 1–3

1) Who really was Jesus according to those who recognized Him and according to the
works He did?

2) How did Jesus view Himself? What did He claim?

3) What were the attacks of Jesus’ enemies against Him?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Mark 4–5

1) What should we do if we have a heart truly receptive to God’s Word?

2) Why did the outward appearance of both a seed and Jesus seem insignificant to do
much, prompting Jesus to encourage people to have faith in Him?

3) What was the extent of Jesus’ power as seen in the miracles in chapters 4-5?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Mark 6–8

1) What is our common failure, even for those closest to Jesus such as family,
apostles, and others who have seen His miracles?

2) According to chapter 7, what reveals the priority of one’s heart?

3) How is faith related to a person’s understanding of what he sees?

WEEK 42: READ PSALMS 117–118 & MARK 9– LUKE 6
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 117–118 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Mark 9–10

1) What heart response to Jesus leads Him to work miracles?

2) Why did Jesus not want to draw crowds but preferred to be with His disciples?

3) What event did Jesus often predict but the disciples did not understand?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Mark 11–13

1) What can the Lord rightly expect from people regarding His person and authority?

2) What is wrong with the heart attitude of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and religious
teachers in chapter 12?

3) What should be our attitude toward the future persecution of believers and the
imminent coming of Christ?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Mark 14–16

1) In chapter 14’s description of a woman’s devotion, Judas’ betrayal, and Peter’s

denial, what was Jesus’ attitude regarding His imminent suffering?

2) What are the three kinds of suffering that Jesus experienced in chapter 15?

3) Because Jesus rose from the dead, what does He offer to those who believe in Him?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Luke 1–2

1) In chapter 1, all the miracles and all the speeches ultimately focus on God’s giving
what kind of person to His people?

2) As illustrated by the responses, what should be our response to the Good News of
what God has provided for us?

3) In chapter 2, what is some evidence that Jesus is unique?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Luke 3–4

1) What things did John say that leads us to summarize John’s message?

2) According to Luke 3-4, what is the identity of Jesus?

3) What were people interested in seeing Jesus do, but what was Jesus most
interested in doing wherever He went?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Luke 5–6

1) What are a few things over which Jesus is Lord (having power/authority over)?

2) What does Jesus call people to do, like the apostles and other disciples?

3) What is the attitude of Jesus’ enemies to Him and His disciples, but what should
be our attitude toward those who hate us?
WEEK 43: PSALM 119:1–56 & LUKE 7–20
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 119:1–56 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Luke 7–8

1) According to chapters 7-8, what is right attitude that we should have toward Jesus?

2) What is the right heart attitude that we should have toward God’s Word?

3) What does Jesus do in response to faith?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Luke 9–10

1) According to chapter 9, what are negative responses to the message that Jesus is
the Christ, the King of God’s kingdom?

2) What was Jesus demonstrating/declaring by the powerful miracles that He did?

3) Who should we love as ourselves?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Luke 11–12

1) What is the heart problem of those who oppose Jesus, even though they are
religious and experts in religion?

2) Chapter 12: What should we focus on instead of finances and fearing a lack of

3) According to chapter 11, how has the kingdom already come in one sense, and
according to chapter 12, what should God’s servants do now since He will return?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Luke 13–15

1) According to chapter 13, even though the kingdom of God will grow, why will most
people, even religious leaders, perish?

2) Chapter 14: Why will most people not enter God’s kingdom and be Jesus’ disciple?

3) What should be our response when unlikable sinners repent and return to God?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Luke 16–18

1) Instead of living for money, what should we do with money and follow?

2) According to chapter 17, what should Christ’s servants do now, and what will the
world be doing when the Son of Man returns?

3) What does Jesus teach in chapter 18 that is different from people’s usual thinking?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Luke 19–20

1) Chapter 19: Instead of physical rule, what was Jesus’ concern of His 1st coming?

2) Although Jesus was already King, He limited using His authority to what areas?

3) In what way(s) are the religious leaders/teachers in chapter 20 evil?

WEEK 44: PSALM 119:57–112 & LUKE 21–JOHN 10
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 119:57–112 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Luke 21–22

1) According to chapter 21, what two opposite things will God do to Jerusalem in the
future? (one through the Gentiles and one through the arrival of the Son of Man)

2) In chapter 22 after Jesus shows that He knows all and is doing all according to
God’s plan, how does He describe Himself and what He is voluntarily doing?

3) How was Jesus treated by those whom He loved and for whom He was suffering?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Luke 23–24

1) What was Pilate’s, Herod’s, and the Roman captain’s conclusion about Jesus, even
though they followed the hostile people’s demand to crucify Him?

2) How do we see Jesus’ care for others even while He is suffering torture?

3) In chapter 24, what did Jesus’ disciples have such a difficult time believing because
they did not believe the Scriptures?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read John 1–3

1) According to chapter 1, who is Jesus? What is His identity?

2) How did Jesus show that He had divine power and authority in chapter 2?

3) Chapter 3: What heart attitude/response toward Jesus does God want from people?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read John 4–5

1) According to chapter 4, what is the result of believing in Jesus?

2) What must a person believe about Jesus, and what does it mean to believe in Him?

3) According to chapter 5, what are a few ways that Jesus and the Father are a unity?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read John 6–7

1) Why did the crowds leave Jesus? What were the crowds really wanting?

2) What did Jesus say a person must do to never hunger or thirst but live forever?

3) Why were people in chapter 7 filled with confusion, disagreement, and hostility?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read John 8–10

1) In chapter 8, what is Jesus’ response to the hostile Pharisees’ false accusations and
the people’s evil words against Him

2) Even though Jesus healed the man born blind, to what truth were the Pharisees
blind regarding Jesus (even though He told them)?

3) Why did Jesus call Himself the Good Shepherd? What things does He do?
WEEK 45: PSALM 119:113–176 & JOHN 11–ACTS 6
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 119:113–176 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read John 11–12

1) What was the purpose and effect of Lazarus’s dying and being raised by Jesus?

2) Why did the Pharisees want to kill Jesus and even Lazarus?

3) Chapter 12: Despite His popularity, Jesus focused on dying for what purpose?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read John 13–15

1) Although Jesus was burdened that one of His disciples would betray Him, what
heart attitude did Jesus show to His disciples as an example for them to follow?

2) According to chapter 14, what is Jesus’ description of His relation to His Father,
and how does that benefit those who believe and love Jesus?

3) What must we do to bear fruit even though the world will hate us?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read John 16–18

1) In chapter 16, to help us, what did Jesus say will happen after He leaves?

2) Chapter 17: What did Jesus say in His prayer that shows loving care for disciples?

3) While Peter was denying Jesus, what are examples that Jesus stood for truth?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read John 19–21

1) Jesus was unjustly killed by hostile men. In what ways do we see the greatest
contrast between who Jesus was (His identity) and what He did (His ministry)?

2) What does chapter 20 describe as the greatest sign that Jesus is Christ, the Son of
God so that we might believe and have life?

3) Chapter 21: What is the evidence that a spiritual leader really loves the Lord?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Acts 1–3

1) What power and activity are the focus of the current aspect of God’s kingdom?

2) After the Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to witness, what was the message of
their witness? Specifically, what wonderful things has God done?

3) Chapter 3: What must people do regarding Jesus to be healed, cleansed, and saved?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Acts 4–6

1) While persecuted, what message did the disciples boldly proclaim by the Spirit?

2) In chapters 4-5, what was the disciples’ reaction to being persecuted and threated
for preaching about the resurrection of the Messiah and salvation through Him?

3) In chapters 4-6, what were the results of the apostles’ witness among the people?
WEEK 46: PSALMS 120–126 & ACTS 7–23
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 120–126 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Acts 7–8

1) According to Stephen’s sermon, what is the habitual failure of the Jews? (Moses
told them that God would raise up a Prophet like himself: an Israelite & mediator)

2) How did Jewish leaders’ reaction to Stephen exactly illustrate this failure and sin?

3) What was the good result of Christians fleeing persecution and scattering?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Acts 9–11

1) What change occurred in Saul’s life, and what did he realize that changed him?

2) Chapter 10: What did Peter and Jews come to realize about whom God accepts?

3) Chapter 11: Which Jewish believers accepted that God accepts Gentiles and began
telling about Jesus Christ to Gentiles in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch of Syria?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Acts 12–14

1) According to chapter 12’s contrast between Peter and Herod, what did God do to
maintain the spread of the gospel and salvation of souls?

2) Chapter 13: A contrast between what God did to the sorcerer and God’s allowing
Jewish leaders to slander and argue with Paul. In both cases, what was the result?

3) Chapter 14: What are descriptions of the way Paul preached and served the Lord?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Acts 15–17

1) What was the decision of the Jerusalem Council regarding whether Gentiles must
be circumcised and keep the Law to be saved?

2) Chapter 16: The Spirit did not allow them to go places, most in Philippi rejected
them, and city officials beat them. But what was the result of being Jesus’ witness?

3) Chapter 17: What are the two opposite responses to God’s Word about Jesus?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Acts 18–20

1) Explain how God used different people in chapter 18 to advance God’s truth.

2) Chapter 19: What are the effects of the Lord’s message if believed and if rejected?

3) How does chapter 20 describe Paul’s ministry, especially his preaching of truth?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Acts 21–23

1) Since whatever God has said will come to pass, what should we do (as Paul did)?

2) Even though Jesus is Lord, how do most respond to those who speak about Him?

3) How will God protect witnesses of the gospel of Jesus until their mission is done?
WEEK 47: PSALMS 127–132 & ACTS 24–ROMANS 16
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 127–132 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Acts 24–26

1) What is Paul doing and advancing even while under arrest and confined?

2) As the Jewish leaders’ attitude was toward Jesus Christ, what was their attitude
towards Paul? But what was the Roman officials’ view of Paul?

3) What are the main truths of Paul’s message? (described 3x in chapter 26)

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Acts 27–28

1) Although believers experience problems, what can we believe that will give us

2) When Christians believe God’s Word, what kinds of blessing does God work in
their lives?

3) What did Paul do until the end toward all those God brought to him in whatever
circumstance he was in?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Romans 1–4

1) What is Paul’s description of the gospel?

2) What is the same condition or situation which both Jews and Gentiles are in?

3) How is someone not declared righteous, and how is someone declared righteous?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Romans 5–8

1) Chapter 5: In God’s loving kindness, what did Christ do for us sinners?

2) According to chapters 6-7, what powers over us are broken, and how should we
live out this freedom?

3) Who do we have indwelling us that leads us as God’s children, and what else will
we never be separated from regardless of our suffering?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Romans 9–12

1) Who has the right to have mercy on whom He will (choose to show mercy)?

2) What must any person, whether Jew or Gentile, do to be saved?

3) Because of God’s mercies to us, how should we live toward God and others?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Romans 13–16

1) Chapter 13: What should be our attitude and actions toward the government?

2) Chapters 13-15: What should be our attitude and actions toward other believers?

3) Chapters 15-16: What was Paul’s attitude and actions regarding serving God?
WEEK 48: PSALMS 133–136 & 1 CORINTHIANS 1 – 2 COR. 9
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 133–136 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Corinthians 1–5

1) What was the root sinful attitude of the Corinthians’ divisions?

2) What was Paul’s descriptions of believers and spiritual leaders that contrast with
the Corinthians sinful attitude, works, and actions?

3) What should be the Corinthians’ attitude and actions regarding the professing
believer living in immorality among them?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 1 Corinthians 6–9

1) Chapter 6: Since we belong to Christ, how should we view the world’s judges?
How should we view our bodies and sexual sin?

2) Whether single or married, what should be our focus according to chapter 7?

3) Chapters 8-9: Although we have freedom to eat meat offered to idols, just as Paul
had the right to be supported, what should we do for the sake of others?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Corinthians 10–13

1) According to the first part of chapter 10, what should we not do (and instead do all
for God’s glory, not hurting anyone’s conscience)?

2) Chapters 11-12: What is 1 of the 3 truths about relationships among God’s people?

3) Chapter 13: What is the most important ingredient in any service to others?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Corinthians 14–16

1) What is the purpose for prioritizing prophesying and for the activities in a church?

2) What is the reason why the bodies of believers will be raised from the dead?

3) What is mentioned at the end of chapter 16 that is part of the reason for collecting
money, ministers coming to them, and the Corinthians doing what they should?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Corinthians 1–4

1) How does the Lord use people’s sufferings to advance His work?

2) What is the glory of the New Covenant (testament) way?

3) What is the desire of those in the ministry of preaching Christ?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 2 Corinthians 5–9

1) Instead of our bodies and the outward, what should be our focus and desire?

2) How does Paul’s ministry prove his sincerity?

3) Chapters 8-9: What ministry does Paul want them to excel in as they excel in other
ministries? (They should do this ministry to show their love and gospel grace.)
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 137–139 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2 Corinthians 10–13

1) Because of false teachers and criticism, what did Paul have to say about himself?

2) What bad effect were these false “servants of God” having upon the Corinthians?

3) What is some evidence here that Paul was concerned for the Corinthians?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Galatians

1) From where did Paul get the gospel he preached?

2) How is someone justified (declared righteous)? What must one do according to

false teachers, and what must one do according to the true gospel?

3) In chapters 5-6’s context of loving fellow-believers instead of being against them,

who should we follow and what should we not follow?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Ephesians 1–3

1) What are some of the rich blessings that God gave to believers in Christ?

2) What special favor did God mercifully do through Christ for those dead in sin?

3) What is the good news of the mystery (hidden plan) that Paul revealed regarding
the Gentiles who were previously excluded from God’s people?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Ephesians 4–6

1) Because of our calling to be in Christ and glorify God, what should the body of
Christ be like toward one another?

2) Because of our calling to be in Christ and glorify God, how should those in Christ
live in contrast to how thy used to live while unsaved?

3) What did God provide for believers to be godly and stand against Satan?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Philippians

1) Chapter 1: What is all the following? Paul’s ministry and desire to see preached,
what believers should walk worthy of, and what believers should spread together.

2) Chapters 2-4: What are 2 of the Christian attitudes we should have toward others?

3) Chapters 2-4: What are 2 heart attitudes or desires we should have to the Lord?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Colossians

1) How is Christ described, the One in whom we trust and are made complete?

2) What are believers warned against that would deceive them and cause them to
drift from Christ?

3) What should characterize the new life that believers have in Christ?
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 140–143 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 1 Thessalonians

1) Chapters 1-3: What is evidence that someone’s faith is genuine?

2) Chapters 1-3: What are characteristics or manifestations of loving care for other

3) Chapters 4-5: What are a few main exhortations or encouragements for living
pleasing to God?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read 2 Thessalonians

1) What will the Lord do to persecutors when He returns?

2) What will the man of transgression/lawlessness do to many people?

3) How should believers live in a way that honors the Lord and the Christian faith?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read 1 Timothy

1) What is the purpose of God’s commands?

2) What is the problem of false teaching, including godless speculations?

3) What is the specific instruction for the people group that you are personally part of
in 1 Timothy?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read 2 Timothy

1) For what purpose was Paul suffering and willing to endure suffering?

2) What should Timothy teach in contrast to the lies of false teaching?

3) What are two evil characteristics of these last days, and what are two godly
characteristics of how Christians should live?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Titus, Philemon

1) What is the relationship between the teaching one learns, whether right or wrong,
and the way one lives?

2) What is the main application that Paul is exhorting in this letter to Titus?

3) In Philemon, what does Paul ask Philemon to do regarding Onesimus, Philemon’s

runaway slave who has gotten saved and is now returning?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Hebrews 1–6

1) In what way is Jesus greater than the angels and Moses?

2) What should be our response to the great salvation which Christ has spoken?

3) What warning here is exhorting us to continue to believe in Christ? (What

opposite action is possible for someone who is only a professing Christian?)
WEEK 51: PSALM 144–146 & HEBREWS 7 – 1 JOHN
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 144–146 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read Hebrews 7–10

1) How is the person of our great High Priest infinitely greater than all the Levitical

2) In what ways is the work of our great High Priest greater than all the work of the
Levitical priests?

3) How is the New Covenant greater than the Old Covenant?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Hebrews 11–13

1) According to 10:19 – 11:40, in what heart attitude toward the Lord should we
continue in order to receive what He has promised?

2) Chapter 12: What should be our response to suffering and divine discipline, just as
Christ responded to suffering?

3) What are 1-2 exhortations in chapter 13 that the Lord impressed on your heart?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read James

1) How should we respond to trials and temptations?

2) What are two indications of true faith according to James?

3) What are two indications of a lack of faith according to James?

⃞ THURSDAY: Read 1 Peter

1) Amid suffering trials, in what future realities should we be glad?

2) What should be our root heart responses to suffering for Christ and for good?

3) What changes in desire and behavior does Peter exhort those who are in Christ?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read 2 Peter

1) Since we have everything we need for life and godliness through knowing the Lord
in His Word, what is chapter 1’s main command to us?

2) What is the nature of false teachers and their end?

3) Although false teachers scorn Christ’s coming, what will Christ do when He
returns, and what should we do to prepare for it?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read 1 John

1) If someone has the Son and eternal life, what is his belief about Jesus?

2) If someone belongs to God who is love, who are the people he will love?

3) Instead of loving the world, how will one who loves God respond to His command?
WEEK 52: PSALM 147–150 & 2 JOHN – REVELATION 22
⃞ SUNDAY: READ PSALMS 147–150 / / _

⃞ MONDAY: Read 2–3 John, Jude

1) 2 John: What does John write that God’s children should walk in and continue in?

2) 3 John: What does John urge Gaius to do to help advance the truth (unlike
Diotrephes who selfishly opposed this)?

3) What danger does Jude warn against, and what is Jude’s exhortation to believers?

⃞ TUESDAY: Read Revelation 1–4

1) Who is the One who sees and knows the sufferings, failings, and good of each
church and is among them?

2) What does He want each church to do if it is not right, and what does He want
each church to do regarding its right ways so that He may reward them someday?

3) What are two main characteristics of God’s presence and the worship of God?

⃞ WEDNESDAY: Read Revelation 5–9

1) According to chapter 5, why is the Lamb worthy to open the scroll (regarding the
earth’s future), break its seals, and be worshipped by all?

2) Why are seal and trumpet judgments on the earth so severe? What is the cause?

3) Who are those whom the Lord shepherds, cares for, protects, and accepts?
⃞ THURSDAY: Read Revelation 10–14

1) What will happen when the 7th trumpet sounds?

2) What does Satan (the dragon), the beast, and second beast oppose and persecute?

3) How should believers respond to Satanic opposition and persecution?

⃞ FRIDAY: Read Revelation 15–18

1) What attitude and attributes of God are the cause of these terrible plagues and
pain that God pours out upon the earth?

2) What is the negative response of earth-dwellers to these plagues from God?

3) Chapters 17-18: What are 2 of the horrific evils of Babylon, this wealthy, dominant
city of the world?

⃞ SATURDAY: Read Revelation 19–22

1) Who is the One who will execute God’s wrath and rule with a rod of iron, both of
which cause God to be praised?

2) What will be the end of all who sin and whose names are not in the Book of Life?

3) Where does the satisfaction of man’s needs (water of life and light) come from?

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