2012 Mrcog 1 Recalls

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March-Sep 2012(RECALLS)
Note: RECALLS are collected from the students who appeared in previous exams, Answers of
these questions are not verified (Use RECALL only for the purpose of Exam pattern/trend

1-Pudendal nerve relation to pudendal artery.

It accompanies the internal pudendal vessels upward and forward along the lateral
wall of the ischiorectal fossa, being contained in a sheath of the obturator fascia
termed the pudendal canal.
-Medial to pudenal Artery

2-Reduced arterial PCO2 (same question as in March 2000)

- Occurs in normal pregnancy. T
- Occurs at high altitudes over 2500 m. T
- Increase cerebral blood flow. F
- Leads to more alkaline urine. T
- Reduces blood ph. F

3-B-lymphocytes. (March 1997-September 2000)

-Present antigen to t cells. T
-Produce IgE.
-Produce antibodies.
-Produce Complements. F

4-Which structure develop into kidney and renal duct?


5-HIV viral load tests are reported as the number of HIV copies in a milliliter
(copies/mL) of blood. (Less than 50 Copies/ml)
If the viral load measurement is high, it indicates that HIV is reproducing and that
the disease will likely progress faster than if the viral load is low. During treatment
and monitoring, a high viral load can be anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000
copies/mL. Initial, untreated, and uncontrolled HIV viral loads can range as high as
one million or more copies/mL. A low viral load is usually between 40 to 500
copies/mL, depending on the type of test used. This result indicates that HIV is not
actively reproducing and that the risk of disease progression is low.

6- 60 years old,female, smoker patient in the ward for preoperative preparation
for abdominal hysterectomy due to endometrial carcinoma. Which investigation
of the following you don’t require?
-Chest X ray
-Complete blood film
-Coagulation profile
- Blood for cross match and saving

7-50 yrs old female had hysterectomy 2 hrs ago. The nurse noticed that urine
output was 35 ml/hr in the past 2 hours. What is the normal rate of urine
output per hour?
1- 0.25 ml/Kg/hr
2- 0.5ml/Kg/hr
3- 1ml/Kg/hr
4- 1.5ml/Kg/hr
5- 2ml/Kg/hr

8-The woman who had Myocardial infarction and was on some kind of drugs?
-Cocaine .
9-.Clinical question of suprapubic pain and leucocytosis. (PID)

10-Adominal aorta divides into 2 common iliac at which level


11-Colorectal cancer is protected by OCP

12-The phases of eukaryotic cell division in which cell can go into quicsent stage

13-The stage at which DNA is checked

14-Which ascending artery can be damaged during open appendicectomy?

-Iliolumbar artery
-Superficial circumflex artery
-Deep.circumflex artery.
-Sup gluteal artery

15-When you hold the bony pelvis in anatomical position which two landmarks
are at the same level horizontally?
-Anterior inferior iliac spine and greater sciatic notch
-Symphesis pubis and ischial spine.
-S.P and S3.
16-Submentobregmatic diameter? 9.5cm
17-Frequency of transvaginal USG? 7.5MHz
18-what makes a dimple in the gluteal region
-Ischial spine
-Post.sup.iliac spine
-Post.inf.iliac spine.
-Sacroiliac ligament.

19-The whole scenario but the next step of mangement for a woman who has
Hb 6.2 %
-Arrange 2 packs of blood
-Give IV Dextran
-Give O -ve blood immediately.

20-The question about Bayer's theorem.

21-Dexa scan. (OnRCG)

The normal should be T higher than -1 to be in the average range ...between (-1,+1)
so I assumed the normal would be T= 0

22-what is the type of cells lining labia majora.
-Keratinized stratified squamous
-Simple squamous
-Simple columnar

23-Clinical question about cause of ovarian failure? FSH 40

24-Insulin get active by removing which part ? C peptide

25-Ant. fontanalle closes at what age? 18months

26-One question of statistics to calculate PPV? 36/44 = 81%

27-One question of statistics to calculate SEM? 3

28-One clinical question about some movement disorder or neurological side

effect after giving antiemetic drug? Metoclopramide

29-A patient who had her 3rd baby a few weeks ago came presenting with
heaviness I think and was found to have ant segment prolapse only. Which
ligment is affected in this case? The options I remember. Cardinal ligament.
Uterosacral ligament. Inguinal ligament

The question was which lig will used in the repair & i think the ans was
sacrospinous lig

30-In the fetal circulation umbilical venous blood before entering the inferior
vena cava passes through the following structure....
-Foramen ovale
-Ductus venosus
-Ductus arteriosus

31-in fetal circulation blood passes from inferior vena cava to left ventricle
-Ductus arteriosis
-Foramen ovale

32-23y Patient pregnant in her 2nd trimester with lower abd pain, offensive
vaginal discharge , 2 days later come with still birth.What is the causative
-Treponima pallidum

33-One of the answers was internal bleeding any body can recall this one?
Hematocrit value very low

34-The presentaton of foot after vaginal delivery:

-Plantar flexion

35-OCP is contraidicated in the following active disease

-Bronchial asthma
-Wolf parkinsoian white syndrome
-Sytemic lupus erythimetosus

36-Rate of transmission of hepatitis in HBsAg positive mother ? 20%

37-The question of TSH 0.05 mmol/l and T3 18

38-A patient with an old MI infarction

-U waves
-ST segment elevation
-ST segment depression
-Peaked t waves
-Patological Q wave

39-The silicon ? Giant cell tumor

40-A female patient 40 yrs old. She presented with irregular cycles that
eventually stopped this month with a hormone profile
progesterone low
FSH normal
LH normal
TSH was litlle high
I dont remember the options: Hypothyroidism

41-Cancer with endometrioma is clear cell carcinoma

42-What is the most common thyroid disease in a female in child bearing

-Grave's .
-Multinodular goiter.
-Simple nodular goiter.

43-36 yr old woman comes to the physician for evaluation of a 4 year history
of infertility ,severe dysmenorrhea and increasing pain with sexual
intercourse.On pelvic examination an adnexal mass is felt and nodules are
palpated along the uterosacral ligaments. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
a) dermoid cyst
b) ectopic pregnancy
c) endometriosis
d) follicular cyst
e) corpus luteum cyst

44-What is the mot important function of progesteron in the cycle

-Creation of corpus luteum.
-Decidua formation
-Mobility of the fallopian tubes

45-A bicornuate uterus is the result of failure of which embryonic structure to

correctly fuse?
a.Genital tubercles
b.Mesonephric duct
c.Metanephric duct

d.Paramesonephric duct
e.Pronephric ducts

46-To which structures is levator ani attached:

-Cervix F
-Symphsis pubis .
-Obturator internus fascia

47-During abd hystrectomy which structure is palpated to diff b/w body of

uterus n cervix
b.Uterosacral lig
c-Uterovesical fold

48-After protein rich meal

a.Isulin inc glucagon dec
b.Insulin inc glucagon inc
c.Insulin dec glucagon dec
d.Isulin dec glucagon dec
e.No effect on both

49-of 20 women with neonates getting tetanus 19 had not taken a TT vaccine
& of 40 whose babies did not have tetanus,30 had taken 2 TT shots during
pregnancy.the odd ratio will be?

50-A patient has got superficial burn that is severly painfull and blister are
formed,which of the following probably involved in burn?
a)superficial layer of epidermis
b)deep layer of epidermis
c)superficial layer of dermis
d)deep layer of dermis
e)subcutaneous tissue

51-100 working women and 110 women who are house wife are followed up
through pregnancy ,40 working women had LBW babies and 21 house wife
had LBW babies,the relative risk calculated is

• a=no of subjects with event occuring in observed group=40

b=no of sub without event occ in observed group=100-40=60
c=no of suject with event occuring in control group=21
d=no of sub wihout event occ in control grp=110-21=89
e=total no of subjects in observed grp=100
f=total no of subjects in contol goup=110
=40/1oo / 21/110
=40x110 / 21x100
=2.09 = 2.1..........ans

52-A case of female pt 25 yrs with 1ry amenorrhea , normal secondary sex ch.
well formed breast , laparoscope done with uterine aplasia and cervical
aplasia and a tissue may be testes or ovary for Histopathology. (DD)

In AIS there is end organ resistance karyotype is 46xy so there is a testes that
secretes AMH so there will be no uterus or tube and also secretes testosterone
which will not function as there is receptors deficency so no axillary or pubic hair
and bilateral undescended testes but there is breast development and female
charchter due to peripheral conversion of testosterone to E1 in fat . so it is
phenptypic a female but genetic a male

53-Using non parametric test for induction labour interval between normal &
preeclamptic women:
-U Mann Witney test.
-Chi square

54-Daily iron intake during pregnancy should be around 4-5 mg , what is the
dose required in this case
10% absorption..normal person needs 10-15mg (available in diet), pregnant needs
30-60mg (this depends on her current Hb, the presence of singleton or twin
The therapeutic dose in case of mild anaemia is 60-120mg
According to CDC and due to dilutional anaemia of pregnancy, the cutoff point of
anaemia is pregnancy is 11 g/dl or Hct 33 (in first & third trimester) and 10.5 or
Hct 32 in the second trimester.

55-Which is not normal in CTG during second stage of labour

-Beat to beat variability 25beats/min
-Late decelerations.

56-Treatment of falciparum malaria in preg

Primaquine should not be administered to anyone with glucose-6-phosphate

dehydrogenase deficiency because there can be a severe reaction with hemolytic
anemia.Primaquine is contraindicated in pregnancy, because the glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase status of the fœtus would be unknown. Primaquine
should not be given to patients with NADH methemoglobin reductase deficiency.
The packaging label states that primaqine should not be given to patients with
systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis, but the rationale behind this
is questionable.The answer in the RCOG guidelines is artesunate, if this drug is
not available then quinines can be used!!

57-A female had silicon pad in her breasts, she had deformity and rigidity ,
what are the cells involved in the process
-Giant cells

58- The question about timing of CVS sampling and amniocentesis

I answered 11 & 14 or something like that!!

The least option was 12 weeks
14 weeks w mn b3d kda
I think i answered not before 9weeks and not after 16 weeks

59-transvaginal ultrasound frequency

On 5 weeks

60-Autosomal dominant
-Achondroplasia T

61- HRT reduce the risk of which Cancer?

A.Breast Cancer
B.Colorectal cancer

But now came to know that OCP decrease the risk of endomet,ovarian and
clorectal ca,but inc the risk of breast and hepatic carcinoma.

62-Antiemetic with involuntory movement.


63-Cystic fibrosis is diagnosed by which of the following in serum?

-Sweat test
-Immunoreactive Trypsin



64-Perinatal mortality rate ?

Number of stillbiths andn NND within 7 days of life per 1000 total biths

65-Nerve passing through rectus sheath? Subcostal nerve

66-Test which increases no of copies of DNA
-Western blot

67-SLE is an example of type 3 hypersensitivity

68-A clinical ques about a woman who want to check for previous HSV
the options about IgM and G to check for HSV1

69-Clinical question in which uterus is empty on scan and the level of beta hcg
-Complete miscarriage
-Inevitable miscarriage
-Ectopic pregnancy
70-Effect of atropine on detrusar muscle

71-important cation in Extracellular fluid Na

72- Hpoxic cell deathcell

-Apoptosis T
-Pyknosis T
- Anisocytosis F
-Koilocytosis F

73-Change of axis of heart during normal pregnancy
-30 to +90
-0 to +90

74-A baby had bradycardia and was delivered by ventose His

Umblical artery blood PH 7.05 , bass excess -4 ,While umbilical venous blood
PH 7.25 , bass excess -2.5) What will you tell the pediatrician u found in the
-Normal blood test
-The baby had an acute episode of hypoxia before deliver
-The baby had choronic episode of hypoxia before delivery
we are taking about the artery not the vain,the artery indicates severe acidosis
with possible adverse the baby had an acute episode of hypoxia before delivery.

75-A postoperative patient who is hypertensive and her urine output is not
adequate what to give her?
e.start oral fluids and observation

i dont find a justification to use furosamide with IV fluids for forced diuresis in a
patient who passes urine.Her immediate postoperative period with normal renal
chemistry and can start oral fluids..This may be a case of mild postoperative
dehydration.I don't think it is wise to give her strong diuretic per se!

76-The rule of primitive streak?

-Migration of mesoderm, T
-Migration of neural crest cells F,
-Develop into brain and CNS F

77-Quadruble test positive means

Dec AFP,Inc Beta HCG and Dec unconj E3

78-A patient had an operation and is going to be put on opioids, how can u
monitor opioid toxicity?
-Galascow coma scale.
-Respiratory rate.
-Pulse rate

79-Estrogens sequence according to increasing efficacy


80-Glucagon induces
-Glycolysis T
-Oxidative phosphorylation….F
-Citric acid cycle….F

81-Occuring exclusively in mitochondria
-Oxidative phosphorylation
-Keb's cycle
-Electron transport chain

82-20%estradiol bind to
-Globulin alpha
-Globulin beta

83-What mechanism is required for myometrial contraction?

-Electron transport and n ATP generation?
-Oxidation,Citric acid cycle
,Elecrtron transport chain

84-Facial nerve of the baby get injured during vaginal delivery becuz
a.mastoid process is absent
b.mastoid process is rudimentary
c.mastoid process develops ant
d.mastoid process develops post
e.mastoid process underdeveloped

85-There was a question about Golgi complex.

86-4 Cell stage Day 2

87-Max no of ova at which age ? 20 wks

-They reach about 7 million ova at that time then gradually decreases

88 ABO blood grouping is

Parametric nominal
parametric ordinal
Non parametric nominal
Non parametric ordinal

89-Whats in the body secretions e.g cervical secretions attack the bacterial

90-Which causes premature closure of ductus arteriosus? Indomethacin

91-Value represented as diamond on a forest plot chart, What do the

horizontal edges of the diamond represent?

92-Bilateral ventricular dilatation -20 % stroke volume indicates how much

blood volume retains in ventricle at the end of diastole SBA

93-A patient is opting for VBAC after a previous CS, what is the quoted risk
of uterine rupture? 0.5% (1:200)

94-A woman in 2nd trimester goes into premature labour- chorioamnionitis,

what is the most likely organism (Streptocoocus)

95-Woman attends USS in early pregnancy, fetal poles seen but heartbeat not
visible. What is the likely gestation age? 5Weeks

96-At what stage in the cell cycle is mitosis arrested if there is a chromosomal

97-Where in the kidney is the majority of bicarbonate reabsorbed? PCT

99-Given hepatitis serology results (can't remember the values), what is the
patient's infection status?

100-What hormone is deficient in congenital adrenal hyperplasia? 21

Hydroxylase deficiency.

101-Which cell type secretes calcitonin?

102- Case of multiple fibroids, during hysterectomy the part we palpate to

differentiate cervix from body of uterus

103-Most common circulating hormne in females .. Options


104-Raditions dont effect which type of cells...i remmember only one option
Cortical cells of nueron

105- After disinfection which organism survives?

106-Aldosterone reabsorbs sodium from distal convo tubule\collecting tubule..

107-Treatment of chlamydia?

108-Collagen...options were : Cnnot form without vitamen c, Double helical

structure, Banding pattern.

109-CIN...Basement memb intact etc...

110. Pemphigus gestationis- rare skin condition in the UK. Findings on biopsy
of the lesions- Complements or placental tissue?

111. Drug that’s not safe in the 3rd trimester- NITROFURANTOIN

112. Components of the quadruple test and which is increased or decreased.

high beta hCG & inhibin, low AFP & estriol

113. 2 questions on ECG; normal Cardiac axis, and what you’d find on the
ecg of a woman who had an inferior MI 10 yrs ago. She is scheduled for

114. Addisons disease

115. Submentobregmatic diameter

116. What pelvic diameter is horizontal when the female stands erect.

118 Pelvic inflammatory disease- clinical scenario

119 Sweat test for cystic fibrosis

120. Known benefit of hormone replacement therapy- decreased risk of

bowel cancer

121. What is the major effect of progesterone on the menstrual cycle?

122. Hormone that regulates appetite and important in Obesity- LEPTIN
123. A case of Obstetric cholestasis- Pregnant patient presented with
generalized pruritus with normal liver enzymes.

124. Screening tests for down syndr- know when each is done, i.e.
amniocentasis & chorionic villous sampling.

125. Suspected ectopic pregnancy; no adnexal mass or intrauterine

pregnancy seen on ultrasound; beta hCG was done. What’s the likely value?
Less than the discriminatory zone which is 1000. Correct option was

126. Randomised controlled trial with a beta value of 90; what does this

127. In a HIV +ve woman in Labour, at what viral load will you allow
vaginal delivery? 50 copies/ml. Please see the most recent green top guideline
on this topic.

128. Most abundant estrogen in pregnancy. Estriol

129. List the following estogens in the order of their activity on the vaginal
mucosa- Estradiol-estrone-estriol.

130. Risk of uterine rupture during trial of vaginal birth after 1st caesarean
section. 1 in 200.


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