Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction

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Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction

for Dynamic Loading-A Review

Salman Ali Suhail1(&), Fawad Ahmed Najam2, and Adnan Nawaz3

Geotechnical and Earth Resources Engineering,
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand
Structural Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),
Bangkok, Thailand
Civil Engineering Department, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology, Wah Cantt, Pakistan

Abstract. A significant increase in the construction of high-rise structures have

been observed in the last two decades, to accommodate the growing urbaniza-
tion and increasing population needs. A considerable number of these high-rise
structures is pile-supported and is located in seismically active areas. This urges
the need for developing improved analytical techniques for the evaluation of
complex dynamic response of pile-supported high-rise structures. Dynamic
analysis of a soil-pile interaction system is one of the most complex problems in
the field of geotechnical engineering. It involves the detailed considerations of
various simultaneously occurring and coupled phenomena including the mod-
eling of soil-pile interaction, pile group interaction factors and inertial interac-
tions. A clear physical insight of soil-pile-structure interaction is of primary
importance for accurate prediction of the true nonlinear behavior and response
of the structures subjected to dynamic loading. This article is an attempt to
review some appropriate tools to model the soil-pile interaction with more
emphasis on the modeling of soil media. Various approaches, their applicability,
practical considerations and limitations are also discussed. The presented
information is intended to assist practicing geotechnical engineers in selection of
appropriate modeling scheme for research and practical design purposes.

Keywords: Soil-pile interaction  Modeling of soil media  Dynamic soil

response  Analysis of soil-pile systems

1 Introduction

The behavior of any structural system depends on the behavior of its key components.
Generally, for civil engineering structures, the complete structural system comprises of
3D frames in superstructure, its foundation and the surrounding soil. In-depth under-
standing of the interaction among the aforementioned components is of utmost
importance for an efficient, safe and economic design of overall system. Due to rapid
increase in the urbanization, the construction trend has been shifted towards high-rise

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018

T. Abdoun and S. Elfass (eds.), Soil Dynamics and Soil-Structure Interaction for Resilient
Infrastructure, Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63543-9_12
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 129

buildings, widespread road networks, and long span bridges etc. In most of these
structures, generally, piles are selected as an appropriate foundation type to resist, the
static as well as the anticipated dynamic loading. Therefore, for the accurate predictions
of design demands, a thorough understanding of soil-pile interaction is of vital
importance. The soil-pile interaction comprises of two phenomena i.e., kinematic
interaction and inertial interaction. The effect of ground motions on the foundation is
referred to as the kinematic interactions, whereas the effect of superstructure loads on
foundation is termed as inertial interactions (Fig. 1). Under dynamic loading, both
interaction phenomena are needed to be considered in the analysis for an appropriate
response prediction of soil-pile interaction (Peiris 2014).

Kinematic Interaction

Inertial Interaction

Fig. 1. Kinematic and inertial interaction

For the dynamic analysis and design of structures, a common practice is to model
the structure in such a way that its movement at the base is restricted. However, in
actual scenario, there is always some flexibility at the supports which decreases the
stiffness of the system and enhances the natural period. Depending upon the type of
soil/site and the characteristics of anticipated ground motions, the design response
spectrum may show a significant variation in the spectral acceleration with slight
change in natural period of the overall system. In this way, an increase in natural period
can significantly alter the overall dynamic response of soil-pile interaction. Also, apart
from affecting the shift in natural period, different soil media can exhibit different
130 S.A. Suhail et al.

damping characteristics. These issues remained a subject of immense research during

the last two decades (Jonathan et al. 1999; Stewart et al. 1999). In general, for a more
realistic and physical insight, the combined soil-pile system should be modeled from
the perspective of structural mechanics. Therefore, the selection of appropriate mod-
eling and analysis techniques and methods is of great importance for accurate pre-
diction response of soil-pile system.
The classical modeling approach for pile foundations is using the traditional beam
theory (i.e., either Euler beam or Timoshenko beam). In Euler beam element, shear
deformations are ignored and the mathematical formulation is based on the assumption
of plane sections remain plane and normal to the longitudinal axis. The deformation at
a particular section is rotation due to bending only. As transverse shear stress is not
considered in Euler beam element, it provides good results for the normal stress and is
proficient in apprehending the bending-controlled deformation fields. On the other
hand, Timoshenko beam element considers the shear deformations, however, the
analysis is still based on plane sections remain plane assumption but it is no longer
normal to the longitudinal axis. Transverse shear stresses are taken into consideration
and therefore, Timoshenko beam elements are widely used to model thick beams
(Goerguelue 2009). This paper presents a summary of various modeling techniques
available in the literature for the dynamic analysis of soil-pile system, with more
emphasis on the modeling of soil media.

2 Classical Approaches for the Modeling of Soil Media

The most important part in modeling of soil-pile interaction is the modeling of soil
media. Two traditional modeling approaches are available in the literature for this
purpose, (a) modeling using the Winkler model (1867) and, (b) the continuum-based
approach. The main objective of foundation is to uniformly distribute the loads
transferred from the superstructure to the soil. Considering this viewpoint, both
approaches have their own advantages and limitations. The basic principle and the
merits and de-merits of both approaches are discussed below.
The basic Winkler (1867) model idealizes the soil as identical and linearly elastic
springs. Each spring behaves independently and deforms only under the loaded area
(Fig. 2). The elastic load-deformation relationship is given by the following form of
Hook’s law.

p ¼ kw ð1Þ

Where p is the pressure, k is the coefficient of subgrade reaction and w is the

deformation. The precise evaluation of subgrade modulus is important, since it is the
only parameter that governs the behavior of soil when Winkler approach is used. Few
experimental approaches used to determine the value of subgrade reaction are the plate
load test, consolidation test for cohesive soils, tri-axial test and the California bearing
ratio test (Terzaghi 1955). The major limitation of Winkler’s hypothesis is that con-
tinuum material is modeled using independent springs and hence the interaction among
soil particles under the applied loading is not considered. Therefore, the effect of
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 131

external load becomes confined. Furthermore, springs used to model soil are linear
elastic whereas under dynamic loading, soil behaves nonlinearly which is another
serious limitation of Winkler model. To address these limitations, many researchers
proposed refined/improved Winkler models which are illustrated in the later sections of
this article.


Rigid Layer

Fig. 2. Winkler foundation model

The second approach of modeling soil media is the continuum-based approach.

Bossinesq (1885) was among the first to analyze the infinite, homogenous and elastic
solid under normal force using classical theory of elasticity. The soil mass was assumed
to be composed of small particles connected through inter-granular forces. The prob-
lems commonly dealt in soil mechanics involve very large boundary distances and
loaded areas compared to the size of the individual soil grains. Hence, in effect, the
body composed of discrete molecules gets transformed into a ‘statistical macroscopic
equivalent’ amenable to the mathematical analysis. Therefore, continuum mechanics
theory is much more appropriate to model soil media. In this approach, soil is modeled
as semi-infinite and isotropic material in order to make the model less complex. An
important advantage of this modeling approach is simplicity of input parameters since
soil elastic modulus (E) and the Poisson’s ratio (v) are the only parameters required.
However, continuum-based approach of soil modeling also has limitations in solving
practical problems and it may lead to inaccurate evaluation of reactions at the edges of
the foundations. The imprecise prediction of surface displacements away from the
loaded region is also one of the limitations of this approach (Fletcher 1971). Various
limitations in these discussed classical modeling techniques opened the doors for the
researchers to develop improved models to represent soil media, as discussed in next

3 Improved Models for Foundations and Soil

In order to address the shortcomings of the classical modeling, various modified and
improved foundation models were proposed for both the Winkler approach and the
continuum-based approach. In general, two improvement techniques are employed by
most of the improved models. In the first technique, structural elements are introduced
to develop continuity in soil springs, whereas in the second approach, continuum-based
models are simplified to develop more realistic soil representation.
132 S.A. Suhail et al.

3.1 Improved Versions of the Winkler Model

(a) Filonenko-Borodich Foundation Model: In this approach, an elastic membrane is

introduced in the basic model to develop the connectivity in the Winkler springs.
This elastic membrane is subjected to tension (T) and is attached to the top of the
springs (Fig. 3). The governing behavior of this model is given by Eq. (2). The
behavior of introduced elastic membrane accounts for the interaction among the
springs, which was not considered in the classical modeling approach (Filonenko

Stretched Membrane with Tension T


Rigid Layer

Fig. 3. Filonenko-borodich foundation model

For rectangular or circular foundations:

p ¼ kw  Tr2 w ð2Þ

For strip foundations:

p ¼ kw  T ð3Þ

Where, T is the tensile forces and r is Laplace operator.

(b) Hetenyi Foundation Model: Hetenyi (1950) proposed a model in which, the
interaction among the discretized springs is obtained by introducing an elastic
beam/plate. However, this elastic beam/plate endures flexural deformations only
(Fig. 4). The mathematical representation of Hetenyi foundation model is given in
Eq. (4). This foundation model is considered a reasonable compromise between
the Winkler foundation and the continuum-based approach, and is widely used for
dynamic soil-pile interaction problems (Hetenyi 1950).

p ¼ kw  Dr4 w ð4Þ

Here D is the flexural rigidity of the plate and can be evaluated using Eq. (5).
D ¼ Ep h3p = 12 1  lp ð5Þ
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 133

Beam or Plate with Flexural Rigidity D

Rigid Layer

Fig. 4. Hetenyi foundation model

Where; Ep is the Young’s modulus of the plate material, hp is the plate thickness
and lp is the Poisson’s ratio of the plate material.
(c) Pasternak Foundation Model: Pasternak’s (1954) foundation model can be con-
sidered as modified version of Hetenyi (1950) foundation model as it also
incorporates the shear interaction mechanism among the spring elements by
introducing beam/plate element that undergoes shear deformations only (Fig. 5).
Vertical equilibrium is considered and pressure-deflection (p  w) relationship is
defined by Eq. (6) (Pasternak 1954).

p ¼ kw  Gr4 w ð6Þ

Here G represents shear modulus of newly introduced shear layer.

Shear Layer with Shear Modulus G

Rigid Layer

Fig. 5. Pasternak foundation model

(d) Generalized Foundation Model: An additional assumption is made to Winkler

hypothesis i.e., at each contact point, the moment is directly proportional to the
rotation angle. This additional assumption leads to the development of the gen-
eralized foundation model. The mathematical representation is given by Eqs. (7)
and (8). The assumption made here is rather arbitrary, however the physical
implications of this model are established in literature (Kerr 1964)
134 S.A. Suhail et al.

p ¼ kw ð7Þ
mn ¼ k1 ð8Þ

Where; mn is the moment in n direction, k1 is the proportionality factor.

(e) Kerr Foundation Model: Shear surface/layer is familiarized in Winkler foundation
model. In this mode, the coefficient of springs above and below this surface/layer
are anticipated to behave differently (Fig. 6). Mathematical representation of Kerr
foundation model is shown in Eq. (9) (Kerr 1965).

k2 G
1þ p ¼ r2 p þ k2 w  Gr2 w ð9Þ
k1 k1


First Layer k1
Shear Layer with
Shear Modulus G

Second Layer
Rigid Layer

Fig. 6. Kerr foundation model

(f) Beam Column Analogy Model: A new subgrade model is introduced in the clas-
sical “beam on elastic foundation” model (Fig. 7) and the prevailing differential
equations are articulated as shown in Eq. 10. Modeling with this approach shows
significant improvement over Winkler hypothesis, however, it may also lead to
inaccurate results due to introduction of a fabricated shear force in the model.

Applied Force

Rigid Layer

Fig. 7. Beam column analogy

Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 135

d 4 wð xÞ d 2 w ð xÞ
Eb Ib 4
 Cp2 þ Cp1 wð xÞ ¼ qð xÞ ð10Þ
dx dx2
Where Eb Ib is the flexural stiffness of the beam, wð xÞ is the settlement of beam,
qð xÞ is the load applied, Cp1 and Cp2 are constants (Horvath 1993).
(g) New Continuous Winkler Model: An idea was proposed to incorporate interac-
tions among springs by intermeshing of springs instead of introducing new
structural element in the model. The meshing is carried in such a way that the
interconnection among the springs is achieved (Fig. 8). This powerful idea leads
to the development of new continuous Winkler model. Physically, interaction
among springs without additional structural element is achieved by adding
another spring having specific axial stiffness which is not in contact with the
foundation. More details and the case studies for this model are available in the
literature (Kurian 2001).

Fig. 8. New continuous winkler model

3.2 Improved Versions of the Continuum Model

(a) Vlasov Foundation: The variational principle had been adopted in continuum
approach to develop a foundation model that represents soil-structure interaction
in a more realistic way. This model limits the deformations of an elastic layer by
introducing a certain function in the formulation, as illustrated below:
(i) Vertical displacement is computed as function of hðzÞ which governs the
variation of deformation in vertical directions. Vertical displacement is
computed using Eq. (11).

wðx:zÞ ¼ wð xÞ:hðzÞ ð11Þ

(ii) Horizontal displacement is assumed to be zero.

The pressure-deformation equation of Vlasov foundation model is developed
using the principle of virtual work and is given by Eq. (12) (Vlasov 1949; Vlasov
et al. 1960).
136 S.A. Suhail et al.

p ¼ kw  2t ð12Þ
Eo H
Z dh
k¼ dz ð13Þ
ð1  vo Þ2 0 dz

Eo H
t¼ h2 dz ð14Þ
4ð 1  v o Þ 0

Eo ¼ ð15Þ
ð1  v2 Þ

vo ¼ vð1  vÞ ð16Þ

(b) Reissner Model: This model is based on two assumptions, (a) the plane stresses in
the foundation are very small, hence can be ignored, and (b) the horizontal
stresses are zero (same as in Vlasov foundation model). The pressure-deformation
relationship at the interface between foundation and subgrade is determined as
disturbance of foundation below the slab and is shown in Eq. (17).

C2 2
C1 w  C2 r2 w ¼ p  r p ð17Þ

Where C1 and C2 are the constants. Several other improved continuum-based

models are also proposed and are available in the literature (Harr et al. 1969; Rao
et al. 1971; Nogami et al. 1987; Horvath 1989; Vallabhan et al. 1991).

With the development of advanced computational technologies, the determination of

relative accuracy of various models to idealize the soil media in soil-pile interaction, is
now an active research area. It is worth mentioning here that the overall behavior of
soil-pile system may heavily depend on the modeling scheme and the uncertainties
involved in determining the governing parameters used in model. The foundation
models discussed in this article require the determination of various parameters e.g.
modulus of subgrade reaction, soil damping coefficients, index and strength properties
etc. These parameters can be determined using field or laboratory testing of the soil.
The complexity of any model increases with the number of required input parameters.
The Winkler model (for representing soil) offers the most practical convenience as it
only requires the modulus of subgrade reaction, which can be easily determined using
the plate load test. The value obtained can be conveniently modified for actual foun-
dation size, shape etc. (Terzaghi 1955). Other required parameters can be obtained
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 137

using the rigid stump test (Siva et al. 1969; Pranesh 1970; Siva et al. 1971; Siva et al.
1973; Vallabhan et al. 1991). The major shortcoming of Winkler approach is the lack
of interaction among the soil springs, as it models the soil media using independent
springs. In the case of continuum-based modeling approach, the young’s modulus of
soil is the necessary parameter. Since an accurate determination of the young’s mod-
ulus of soil is relatively complex, the Winkler modeling approach gained more
appreciation among the practicing geotechnical engineers (Bowles 1997).

4 The Complex Soil Behavior and Their Modeling

The response of soil to dynamic loading is complex enough due to a number of reasons.
As discussed earlier, soil is composed of granular particles that are joined together by
intergranular forces. The stress-strain characteristics of soil govern the overall dynamic
soil-pile interactions. Under a general loading, the soil mass tends to attain explicit
structural configurations so that the potential energy becomes minimum. Under certain
level of loading, the soil stress-strain behavior remains elastic, after then it enters into the
plastic range, with an unproportioned increase in deformation with increasing loads.
This soil deformation is followed by viscoplastic deformation which is dominant in fine
grained soil. This initial deformation in the soil is mostly occurred due to the expulsion
of pore water under the loading while simultaneously transferring the pore pressure to
the solid soil mass. As a result of this behavior, the rate of strain decreases with time.
This whole process of expulsion of water from the soil under the action of loading and
squeezing of soil mass is termed as the primary consolidation. After attaining primary
consolidation, the soil still resists load for certain interval of time and secondary
compression of soil occurs following the logarithmic function of time (Bowles 1997). It
must be noted that the behavior of unsaturated soil having sufficient elastic range will be
different, as the strain will no longer be the function of time. On the other hand, for a
fully saturated soil sample, the strain will be a function of time under dynamic loading.
This hardening behavior of fine grained saturated soil must be incorporated in the model
for the accurate prediction of response of soil-pile structure system, since this
time-dependent property causes a reasonable increase in the strength characteristics of
the soil (cohesion and angle of internal friction). Furthermore, under dynamic loading,
the stress-strain behavior of soil no longer remains linear, as the soil exhibits inelastic
behavior. Hence, the nonlinearity of soil must also be considered in the modeling and
analysis of the dynamic soil-pile interaction problems.

4.1 Elasto-Plastic Idealization

The idealized elasto-plastic behavior is one of the most common ways to incorporate
soil nonlinearity in the soil-pile interaction model. There are numerous ways to model
elasto-plastic behavior of soil. One of the ways is the introduction of elasto-plastic
element in the model. Hookean spring element is the most appropriate elasto-plastic
element. The Coulomb element (Zeevart 1972), which efficiently represents the plastic
deformation of soil, is used in conjunction with the Hookean spring element to model
138 S.A. Suhail et al.

Elastic Element

Plastic Element

Fig. 9. St. Venant’s unit

elasto-plastic behavior of soil. This conjunction forms the schematic system referred to
as the St. Venant’s unit (Fig. 9). It is worth mentioning that St. Venant’s unit should be
used in large number and connected in parallel for smooth transition of soil from elastic
to plastic state. In case if only one element is used, the transition is abrupt and the
accuracy of results can be compromised (Dutta et al. 2002). The mathematical
expression for strain moduli for elastic and plastic range is shown in Eq. (18):
eep ¼ Me r þ Mp log ð18Þ
ru  r

Where; Mp and Me are the plastic and elastic strain moduli, respectively, and ru is
the ultimate load. This model appears to be useful, however, practical problems can
occur with regard to the selection of input parameters and arrangement of springs.
Numerous yield criterion such as Von Mises, Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager and
Tresca yield criterion (Harr 1966; Das 1983) had been available in the literature, which
can be adopted for modeling elasto-plastic idealization of soil. The post-yielding
behavior can be incorporated in the model using either deformation theory, flow theory
or incremental theory (Desai et al. 1987). In deformation theory, plastic strains are
uniquely defined by the state of stress, whereas in incremental theory, plastic strains are
dependent on multiple factors including the state of stress, increment in stress and strain
etc. Generally, the incremental theory is applied in modeling the post-yielding
behavior. The constitutive modeling of soil can be developed using one of the fol-
lowing methods; iterative method, initial strain method, initial stress method and
incremental method. The detailed formulations are available in the literature (Desai
et al. 1987; Ziendkiewicz et al. 1989). The key advantage of these formulations
includes relatively simple coding of yield function and flow rule, as only simple soil
parameters (which can be easily obtained) are required to implement the aforemen-
tioned formulations in computer programs. The 3D elasto-plastic model for the
unsaturated soil is also proposed recently (Sun et al. 2000).

4.2 Viscoelastic Idealization

The permeability of soil is a vital parameter governing the deformation characteristics
of saturated fine grained soils. As mentioned earlier, the water in pores is expelled
under the loading, resulting in soil deformation and pore water pressure on soil mass.
The pore water pressure results in a time-dependent, progressive growth in effective
stress of soil, which ultimately leads to the time-dependent settlement of foundation.
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 139

Load P

Spring K

Coefficient θ

Fig. 10. Maxwell element

Various models attempting to idealize the rheological characteristics of clayey soil are
well documented in the literature. These include mechanical models, theory of plastic
flow and the molecular theory of flow (Vyalov 1978). The elastic element in con-
junction with viscous and plastic elements is a common way to model rheological soil
properties. Springs and dashpots are used in combinations for this purpose. These
springs and dashpots can be connected either in series i.e. Maxwell model (Fig. 10) or
in parallel i.e., Kelvin model (Fig. 11). Various conceptual details and explanation of
these models are available in the literature (Vyalov 1978).

Load P

Dashpot Spring K
Coefficient θ

Fig. 11. K element

5 A Review of Various Analysis Approaches for Soil-Pile

Interaction System

The complete analysis of soil-pile interaction system involves the modeling and
analysis of piles and pile cap, the selection of boundary conditions, the modeling of soil
media, soil-pile interaction, non-linear soil response and various other important
components and phenomenon. Various analytical methods, based on idealization of
140 S.A. Suhail et al.

soil behavior, were developed over the past few decades to predict the response of
soil-pile system subjected to dynamic loading. The analytical methods can be cate-
gorized into two types i.e. the “beam on elastic foundation” approach and the
“continuum-based” approach. Their brief introduction and underlying concepts are
reviewed as follows.

5.1 Beam on Foundation Approach

In this analytical method, the soil is modeled as a series of discretized springs and their
stiffness (k) defines the soil strength (Fig. 12), while the pile is modeled as a flexible
beam. It is based on the basic idea proposed by Winkler i.e., the subgrade resistance in
vertical direction against any external force is directly proportional to the ground
deformation (Basu et al. 2008). In 1946, Hetenyi presented static solution of laterally
loaded piles by adopting Winkler model. The closed-form solution was obtained by
considering elastic spring resistance as a function of pile lateral displacement (Hetenyi
1946). This leads to the formulation of standard framework of analysis of piles based on
Winkler model. Following this study, various analytical solutions based on Winkler
method have been proposed and reported in the literature (Glesser 1953; McClelland
1956; Matlock et al. 1961; Wood 1979). The deflection of the beam can be determined by
the fourth-order governing linear differential equation as shown in Eq. (19). Hetenyi
(1946) presented one of the earliest studies based on the closed-form solution of this
equation by considering elastic spring resistance as a function of pile lateral displacement.
d4y d2y
Ep Ip 4 þ Q 2 þ ky ¼ pð xÞ ð19Þ
dx dx

Where; Ep and Ip are the elastic modulus and moment of inertia of pile foundation,
respectively, Q is the axial load, x is the vertical depth and y is the lateral deflection of
the pile at a depth x. It is worth mentioning here, that in the case of foundation springs,
the spring deflection multiplied by the spring constant results into resistive force of the
ground, unlike the conventional spring which provides the spring force. Using this
approach, various important characteristics such as the deflection of beam, bending
moment and shear force can be evaluated. The basic parameters required to calculate

Fig. 12. Beam on elastic foundation

Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 141

the aforementioned characters are elastic modulus, beam dimensions, loading condi-
tions and the spring constant. The spring constant can be obtained conveniently using
empirical methods. Due to its simplicity, the beam on foundation approach has been
widely used for the dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction. However, the prediction
of dynamic behavior of soil-pile interaction is relatively complex due to soil nonlin-
earity (Matlock et al. 1960). Also, several important factors are ignored in this
approach. These include soil-pile gapping, soil slippage, damping and analysis over the
wide range of frequencies, which are not possible to consider using elastic springs on
one side of the pile foundation.
Various refinements in the beam on foundation approach were proposed by the
introduction of dashpot in addition to springs (Fig. 13). Due to the addition of the
dashpot, the dynamic response of the soil-pile interaction can be obtained over a wide
range of frequencies (Nogami et al. 1989). Furthermore, to account for the nonlinearity
of soil media, soil is divided into two regions i.e., near field element and far field
element. Near field element accounts for the soil nonlinearity, whereas the far field
element governs the elastic behavior (Fig. 14) (Nogami et al. 1992). To account for the
soil-pile gapping and soil slippage phenomena, the near and far field element concept
was extended and used at both sides of pile foundation. The near field element com-
prises of nonlinear springs and stiffness is calculated assuming that the plane stress
conditions govern. The near field element is modeled by a homogenous isotropic
viscoelastic material. The second part is far field model, which accounts for the wave
propagation away from the pile.


k1 k2 k3

c1 c2 c3


Fig. 13. (a) Winkler model (b) Near and far field element & interface model

A modified version of beam on foundation approach commonly known as the

“p  y” method was also proposed, in which the pile is modeled using Euler beam
element and soil is treated as a series of springs. Here p defines the soil resistance
whereas y is the pile deflection against loading (Ashour et al. 2000; Prezzi et al. 2009).
The p  y method consents the pile response to be evaluated while considering the soil
nonlinearity (Anderson et al. 1999). The beam on foundation approach was extended
by incorporating the inelastic p  y curve in the modeling and hence the elastic
142 S.A. Suhail et al.

Interface Model

Far Field Element


Near Field Element

Expandable Frame


(a) (b)

Fig. 14. Spring and dashpot

foundation is replaced by nonlinear foundation. In beam on elastic foundation methods,

the spring constant was used as an input for the analysis, however in this approach, the
complete load-deflection ðp  yÞ curve is required as an input parameter. The predic-
tion of complete cyclic behaviors can also be accurately obtained using the detailed
hysteretic models. A generalized hysteretic model has four major components i.e.,
backbone curve, unloading curve, reloading curve and cyclic degradation rule. The
basic soil load-deflection curve is generally used as backbone curve. It is important to
note that the accuracy of results using this model primarily depends on the adequacy of
the basic p  y relationship. Special care must be taken in order to obtain the accurate
load-deflection curve for the given site (Allotey et al. 2008a, 2008b). The strain wedge
method was introduced to generate p  y curves. With the introduction of this method,
various important parameters such as the 3D soil–pile interaction, soil continuity, cyclic
strength, degradation of stiffness, soil slippage and gapping phenomenon, are taken into
consideration using the beam on nonlinear foundation approach. The traditional ways
of determining the p  y relationships may result in some shortcomings such as the
lack of consideration of soil continuity, material stiffness, cross-section shape and head
conditions (Heidari et al. 2014). The p  y method is considered as a useful tool as
compared to the Winkler method, since it indirectly considers the soil continuity in the
analysis. However, there is no explicit method in p  y analysis approach to incor-
porate soil as continuum material. Care must be taken while extrapolating the p  y
curves especially in cases where no experimental tests are performed, as a small
amount of error may lead to significantly inaccurate results (Chen et al. 2014)
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 143

5.2 Continuum-based Methods

The second approach is continuum-based approach, in which the soil media is treated
as a three-dimensional continuum material unlike beam on foundation approach which
treats soil as one-dimensional discretized springs. This three-dimensional treatment of
soil media is more tempting as it helps in considering the 3D aspects of interaction
among the soil and piles. One of the earliest continuum-based analysis methods is the
finite difference method (FDM). It was developed in late 1760 s but gained more
importance in mid 1920 s when stability conditions were presented for hyperbolic
partial differential equations. The FDM is based on discretization technique to solve
different sets of governing differential equations. With recent advancements in com-
puter applications and information technology, the FDM is also employed to study the
soil-pile interactions, modeling of reinforced earth, analyzing the inherent capacities of
stone columns, soil liquefaction and tunneling etc. For dynamic analysis of soil-pile
interaction, various FDM computer codes were written (such as FLAC) in which 2D
and 3D dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction can be carried out. Various formu-
lations of computer codes and their applications are well documented in the literature
(Chau 2013). Another commonly known continuum-based method for the dynamic
analysis is the boundary element method (BEM). In the BEM, the soil-pile interaction
is undertaken by apportioning the soil and pile into number of slices. The interaction
among different soil and pile slices and the analysis can be done by adopting Mindlin
solutions (Mindlin 1936). The well-known finite element analysis (FEA) is another
continuum-based analysis approach and is considered as the most versatile and
well-established method for the dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction. Its automation
in various programming environments and efficient numerical solvers have currently
made it the most widely-used analysis method. It is a discretization approach in which
the soil and pile are divided into finite number of elements. Various basic principles
and applicability of the FEM for soil-pile interaction system, considering soil nonlin-
earities and geometrical changes, are well documented in the literature. (Desai et al.
1982, 1987; Zienkiewicz et al. 2005). Owing to its wider applicability and ability to
handle complex physical interactions, the FEM approach will be discussed in more
detail in next section.

6 The Finite Element Modeling and Analysis For Soil-Pile

Interaction System

With recent advancements in computational technology and powerful computers, the

use of the finite element method (FEM) to model and analyze the complex physical
phenomena is rapidly increasing. In the case of soil media, the mechanisms such as soil
nonlinearity, non-uniformity, discontinuities, complex geometrical changes etc., can be
modeled and analyzed using the FEM. Similarly, the viscoelastic behavior of soil
media can also be expediently modeled and analyzed using the finite element method
(Thomas et al. 1989). The basic principle of the FEM is based on variational approach,
where the whole system is discretized into finite elements connected at different nodes.
The stiffness matrix of the whole system is determined using stiffness matrices of each
144 S.A. Suhail et al.


Loading Boundary
Conditions Conditions




Fig. 15. Components of a finite element model

finite element. The unknown displacements are evaluated using global loading con-
ditions and boundary conditions. For the purpose of dynamic analysis of a soil-pile
interacting system, the components of a typical finite element model are shown in
Fig. 15.
The general finite element modeling starts with the selection of appropriate finite
elements to represent the soil and pile. For 3D soil-pile interaction models, generally
8-noded brick elements are used to model the soil media. The boundary conditions are
used in dynamic analysis to reduce the analysis domain. Unlike static analysis, the
fixed boundary conditions cannot be applied at some distance from the interested
region, as it can reflect outward propagating waves back to the model and hence can
affect the accuracy of results. Therefore, the selection of appropriate boundary con-
ditions is quite important. Various options for the boundary conditions are available
such as the transmitting boundary conditions, absorbing boundary conditions, contin-
ued fraction absorbing conditions etc. The detailed discussion on the boundary con-
ditions is beyond the scope of this review. The adequacy of interface modeling between
the soil and pile can also significantly affect the dynamic response. It can be done in
two ways i.e., the perfectly bonded interface or frictional interface. The two important
parameters which must be considered while modeling the interface between soil and
pile are the soil slippage and soil gapping. The frictional modeling of interface is a
good option since it directly incorporates the effects of soil slippage and gapping in the
analysis. Various studies are available in the literature to develop interface elements
which can account for discontinuity at the interface (Goodman et al. 1968; Zienkiewicz
et al. 1970; Ghaboussi et al. 1973; Pande et al. 1979; Beer 1985).
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 145

With the propagation of waves in the soil media, their energy dissipates due to the
inherent damping offered by soil. For dynamic analysis using the FEA, two types of
damping are considered i.e., the material damping and geometrical/radiation damping.
The magnitude of damping should be appropriately selected based on the empirical
investigations and existing data. Similarly, the selection of appropriate constitutive soil
model is also a pre-requisite for the accurate dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction
problems. Two types of material models (linear/nonlinear elastic and elasto-plastic) are
generally used in the FEA. It is imperative to apply the initial loading conditions, e.g.
the dead loads and other static loads of similar nature, prior to the dynamic loading on
the model. These initial loading conditions should represent the actual loading that
foundation would resist in the absence of any dynamic load, and thus, should provide a
right starting point for the lateral load analysis.
The earliest applications of the finite element method involved the determination of
behavior of elastic pile considering the 2D soil models. Although the response of piles
was evaluated considering soil nonlinearity and soil-pile slippage, the early studies
were limited to kinematic interaction (Trochanis et al. 1991). Wu et al. (1997a; 1997b)
performed the dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction by considering both the kine-
matic and inertial interaction phenomenon. A quasi 3D finite element model was
proposed which evaluates the time-dependent stiffness and damping factors in addition
to the dynamic response of soil-pile system (Wu et al. 1997a, 1997b). The application
of the FEM for dynamic analysis was extended by introducing the plasticity-based
hierarchical single surface (HiSS) to model the soil media. Various important char-
acteristics such as the deformation modes of bonding, soil slippage, pile-soil separation
and rebounding of piles can be efficiently evaluated by adopting the combination of the
FEM and the HiSS (Cai et al. 2000). The FEM was also employed to predict the
dynamic response of socketed and floating piles as well as micro piles (Naggar et al.
2000; Sadek et al. 2003). The 3D finite element analysis was also used to investigate
the effects of plasticity of soil (Maheshwari et al. 2004). The major disadvantage of
performing dynamic analysis using the FEM is high computation cost. This short-
coming makes it less common in practical design applications. However, the
reduced-dimension finite element formulations are also proposed recently to carry out
the nonlinear analysis of vibrating discs in 2D unbounded domain, considering the soil
nonlinearity. More recently, a simplified finite element formulation is presented as a
fair compromise between the realistic representation of soil-pile interaction and the
accuracy in numerical results (Thammarak et al. 2011).

7 Concluding Remarks

The review suggests that the beam on foundation approach remained the most widely
used analysis approach for soil-pile interaction problems in last few decades. However,
one of the primary shortcomings associated with this approach is that it does not
considers the soil media as 3D continuum, rather it treats it as the one-dimensional
discretized springs. Hence, the radial and 3D interaction components are not consid-
ered. Many improvements had been carried out to the traditional beam on foundation
approach to evaluate the dynamic response of soil-pile interaction system, however,
146 S.A. Suhail et al.

such improvements are not commonly used in practical design due to their complexity.
The beam on foundation approach is also criticized for not accounting the interaction
among the discretized springs, since the displacements at one point does not affect any
other point in the analysis domain. On the other hand, continuum-based approach
addresses most of the short comings associated with beam on foundation approach.
This approach treats the soil as a continuum material and also considers the 3D
interaction among the soil-pile-structure. The most common continuum-based method
(i.e., the finite element method, FEM) is discussed in detail. The FEM have recently
gained more popularity due to its generality and diverse options for modeling the
complex conditions. The complex soil behaviors such as the material nonlinearity,
non-homogenous material conditions, geometrical changes etc., can be modeled with
reasonable accuracy. However, the use of FEM demands significant amount of com-
putational cost to generate results with high precision. Based on the review of modeling
and analysis techniques for dynamic analysis of soil-pile interaction, following are
some observations.
(a) To anticipate the dynamic response of soil-pile interaction, the combined effect of
kinematic and inertial interaction must be considered in the modeling and
(b) Although Winkler hypothesis have obvious shortcomings and limitations, it can
still yield reasonably accurate results. For the practical point of view, Winkler
idealization can be used in combination of modeling structures with fixed base.
(c) In the case of clayey soil, the consolidation behavior is of utmost importance.
Under such conditions, the nonlinear stress-strain relationship must be considered
for the dynamic analysis. The clayey soil has low permeability and
time-dependent behavior under loading, which can be more accurately modeled
using the viscoelastic idealization.
(d) The complete soil-pile interaction system can be modeled efficiently using the
discretization techniques. The finite element modeling can provide reasonably
accurate response predictions and is also quite useful to incorporate the nonlin-
earity, non-homogeneity and anisotropy of soil.
(e) The beam on foundation approach have obvious limitations for the dynamic
analysis, but are still used widely for the design of soil-pile interaction systems.
The main reason of its widespread usage is its simplicity and less computational
cost. However, the accuracy of results can be lower compared to the detailed finite
element analysis, which can now be regarded as the state-of-the-art practice.
This article is an attempt to briefly summarize the widely-used modeling and
analysis methods for the dynamic analysis of soil-pile systems. Further details of any
particular modeling technique or analysis method can be found in the bibliography list
provided as the references.
Modeling and Analysis of Soil-Pile Interaction 147

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