Advocate Notepad: An Android Application: Sonal Gupta Aayushi Gupta Aayush Mittal
Advocate Notepad: An Android Application: Sonal Gupta Aayushi Gupta Aayush Mittal
Advocate Notepad: An Android Application: Sonal Gupta Aayushi Gupta Aayush Mittal
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 139 – No.10, April 2016
2.2 Web-based Applications and client details as well as lack behind in keeping updated
These applications uses a website as an interface between user Laws and Rights [7].
and application that allow user to access anytime, anywhere According to the market survey, the above mentioned are
using browser and internet facility.Some of these are some of the web-based and android based tools developed for
discussed below advocates, each having pons andcons that make their usage
limited and inappropriate. To overcome the shortcomings of
2.2.1 these existing work and providing advocates much more ease,
This site is used to maintain the details to be managed by we developed an Android Application which will be available
Advocates about their different Cases, Detail of their Clients, at Google Play Store Free of cost and also provides high
Search various Cases via various ways etc.The major con of Quality Service to the Advocates as well as easy
this site is its non-availability on Smart-phones, hosting cost, understandability to the Common man.
Large overhead to manage bulk of data, portability and high
maintainance, internet connection. As Android App can 3. PROPOSED DESIGN
provide these facilities with more without Laptop or PC An Android app named ADVOCATE NOTEPAD is
usage, it will be better to port such applications on developed and presented in this paper for advocates to help
smartphones [1]. them in maintaining the records of the cases on day to day
basis with the details of the nature of the proceedings
2.2.2 Indian Kanoon conducted on a particular day. The life of an Advocate
It is aSearch Engine for different Rights and Law by various revolves and guided by his/her Diary of cases and is virtually
keywords like acts related to Women, Property Act, Acts handicapped without it. Using this app, they can have all the
defining traffic rules, Acts against Exploitation of Children, information they need about all the cases of the clients, at
Domestic Violence Act etc.But the understanding of various their fingertips, which they can use anytime of the day or
sections and their further subdivision may be difficult for night and at any place. This app helps them to manage and co-
ordinate their cases, which will enhance their productivity and
common people.So a direct source of information for common
earning. Time to time Reminders to advocates about their
Laws and rights seems better [2]. cases is an additional feature incorporated in the app.
2.2.3 Advocate-Diary The proposed app is represented with the help of an use case
This tool is designed to provide an electronic assistant to the diagram as shown in Fig.1 that represents advocate and user
advocates to manage their case and client’s information, to that can use the app and access its features at their ease.The
maintain their schedule and fees details etc. app will be available at google play store free of cost.Every
The availability of all case details at a place enhance this person who installed the app needs to sign-in himself at first
website, but the major con is its trial period of 15 day step.Once sign-in, the advocate will have access to the app
onlyafter whichcharges are imposed for further usage. Also, it with the entire database maintained personally on his
does not provide features like notifications, reminder, phone.Different features are available to the Advocate like
information regarding laws and rights[3]. add a case, view all cases, Search a case (by a keyword),
Access to Laws and Rights, get notification for today’s case
2.3Android Applications etc.
Since the usage of smart phones is more common than
computers today and they offer many features in a portable
and simpler way,Android applications are much in
trend.Some of the android based applications for advocates
are given below:
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 139 – No.10, April 2016
The project is basically divided into following modules:
Registration Module, Add A Case Module, All Cases Module,
Search A Case Module, Today’s Case Module, Laws Module,
Rights Module, Admin Portal Module, Settings Module. This
section describes the basic functioning idea of each module.
Registration- A new user can register by filling registration
form by filling its email-id and phone number a two
mandatory fields that creates an account on Advocate Notepad
to access its features.
Add a Case Module- An advocate can add new case details
in the app such as Name of Client, Mobile No. , Email,
Address, Case Name, Case Details, Case Category, Date.
All Cases Module- The all cases module enables advocate to Fig 2: Sequence Diagram
look onto his various cases and its history. It provide all the
cases added by each advocate. 5. RESULTS
Search a Case Module- An advocate can use this module to To evaluate the functioning of each mentioned module,the
search and get entire details for the case which have been results of each working module is snapped and shown from
added by him in the past, so its time get saved. fig.3 to fig. 7isshown as:
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 139 – No.10, April 2016
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 139 – No.10, April 2016