Need & Scope of Corporate Governance in India
Need & Scope of Corporate Governance in India
Need & Scope of Corporate Governance in India
Shareholder value get lost when things are done illegally, when principles of corporate
governance are not adhered to, when cohesive action is not taken - Cyrus Pallonji Mistry
Importance and need of corporate governance were felt after the Scams such as Satyam and
Sahara. It was recognized that good corporate governance not only improves transparency and
efficiency in a company but also increases the investor trust in the company. Corporate
governance focuses not only on shareholders but on all the stakeholders of the company.
The need for corporate governance was felt because of the increasing non-compliance of the
standards related to the financial reporting and accountability by the board of directors and
management which in turn was the reason of the huge losses to the investors of the company.
Not only in India, but companies around the world were not complying with the standards of the
financial reporting and the fallout of companies like Enron in US and Satyam in India lead to the
emergence and need of corporate governance in India for an enterprise. As it was said that these
companies fall out because of having bad corporate governance policies or framework and
because of the corrupt practices followed by the board of directors and the management of the
said companies and their financial consulting firms.
Today a company has a very large number of shareholders spread all over the nation and even
the world; and a majority of shareholders being unorganised and having an indifferent attitude
towards corporate affairs. The idea of shareholders’ democracy remains confined only to the law
and the Articles of Association; which requires a practical implementation through a code of
The pattern of corporate ownership has changed considerably, in the present-day-times; with
institutional investors (foreign as well Indian) and mutual funds becoming largest shareholders in
large corporate private sector. These investors have become the greatest challenge to corporate
managements, forcing the latter to abide by some established code of corporate governance to
Corporate scams (or frauds) in the recent years of the past have shaken public confidence in
corporate management. The event of Harshad Mehta scandal, which is perhaps, one biggest
scandal, is in the heart and mind of all, connected with corporate shareholding or otherwise being
The need for corporate governance is, then, imperative for reviving investors’ confidence in the
Society of today holds greater expectations of the corporate sector in terms of reasonable price,
better quality, pollution control, best utilisation of resources etc. To meet social expectations,
there is a need for a code of corporate governance, for the best management of company in
Hostile take-overs of corporations witnessed in several countries, put a question mark on the
efficiency of managements of take-over companies. This factors also points out to the need for
corporate governance, in the form of an efficient code of conduct for corporate managements.
(vi) Huge Increase in Top Management Compensation:
It has been observed in both developing and developed economies that there has been a great
increase in the monetary payments (compensation) packages of top level corporate executives.
There is no justification for exorbitant payments to top ranking managers, out of corporate funds,
This factor necessitates corporate governance to contain the ill-practices of top managements of
(vii) Globalisation:
Desire of more and more Indian companies to get listed on international stock exchanges also
focuses on a need for corporate governance. In fact, corporate governance has become a
buzzword in the corporate sector. There is no doubt that international capital market recognises
The need of corporate governance is also felt as it provides for the better financial strength of a
company by maintaining a competitive environment which further provides for the financial
growth of a company and increased improvement in the accountability system which results in
risk mitigation substantially. Corporate governance policy laid great emphasis on the
transparency and disclosure in the company and provide that if there is transparency in an
organization and if an adequate framework of corporate governance is adopted by the company
then it will minimize the risk of the happening of scams which have been witnessed by the
corporates in the past.
Combating Corruption: Companies that are transparent, and have sound system that provide
full disclosure of accounting and auditing procedures, allow transparency in all business
transactions, provide environment where corruption would certainly fade out. Corporate
Governance enables a corporation to compete more efficiently and prevent fraud and
malpractices within the organization.
Easy Finance from Institutions: Several structural changes like increased role of financial
intermediaries and institutional investors, size of the enterprises, investment choices available to
investors, increased competition, and increased risk exposure have made monitoring the use of
capital more complex thereby increasing the need of Good Corporate Governance. Evidences
indicate that well-governed companies receive higher market valuations. The credit worthiness
of a company can be trusted on the basis of corporate governance practiced in the company.
There is a lot that goes into building its position and image. Corporate Governance is one such
hidden force. After numerous scandals, maligned reputations and economic downturns,
companies are now realising that few concrete steps towards better governance could have saved
years of their labour.
Most companies chase only monetary gains and take corporate governance for granted. Due to
lack of trust on governance, investor sentiments go awry resulting in mass outflow of FII funds,
sale by majority shareholders, reduced market value and so on.
Designing the framework of corporate governance in India is no mean task in itself. The
requirement and fundamentals vary across sectors, industries as well as nationalities. Profound
corporate governance is a must for banks and healthcare in particular.
Other sectors, such as FMCG, IT and Retail need to prioritize good governance, but this may not
help them in enhancing their market value. The influence of governance on value also varies. It
gains more importance during tough times rather than smooth sailing periods.
Nevertheless, corporate governance in India will continue to be crucial no matter what. The
approach must be a perfect balance between excessive stringency and too much flexibility. Only
the framework must be holistic and take the interests of all the stakeholders into account.
The scope of Corporate Governance in India includes collecting processes, procedures, &
provisions through which the company operates & controls. It refers to the mechanism by which
an organization manages and directs its affairs. Business ethics play a vital role in Corporate
Governance & it is the substantial factor influencing Corporate Governance.
The ideal model of Corporate Governance excels on the globally accepted principles of corporate
Governance. As per the ideal model, the company conducts its business as per the stakeholder’s
desire to reap profits. Board of Directors (BODs) and other associated committees are
accountable for running the company and maintaining a balance between individual and societal
goals, and social goals, and economic goals.
If the corporate governance of the company is proper it will ultimately lead to better
economic growth and more success rate.
Better corporate governance helps in getting the confidence of the investor which will
ultimately help the company in raising and acquiring the capital fast and effectively. It
also lowers the cost of the capital that is required for investment.
It also helps in increasing the share price of the company.
Proper corporate governance help in attaining efficiency and also minimizes
mismanagement, risk, and corruption.
It plays in building up the goodwill of the corporation.
It helps in managing and running the operations in the organization according to the
interest of all of its stakeholders.
2. Fairness
(a) Corporate governance ( CG ) protects the rights of Shareholders.
(b) CG treat all shareholders equally including minorities
(c) Provides effective redressal for any violations i.e Customer care
3. Transparency
(a) CG makes ensure timely, accurate disclosure on all material matters of the company
including the financial situation, performance, ownership.
4. Independence
(a) CG makes procedures, rules, and structures in place to minimize or avoid conflicts of
(b) CG appoints Independent Directors and Advisers i.e. to take the free decision from the
influence of others
2. Access Foreign Capital
Foreign capital means getting capital investment from foreign countries. Foreign capital
markets want high standards for efficiency & transparency of the company. Good corporate
governance is important to bring efficiency & transparency to the company which helps the
global market players to gains credibility and trust.