LSMW: BOM Upload Using Direct Input Method: Onday
LSMW: BOM Upload Using Direct Input Method: Onday
LSMW: BOM Upload Using Direct Input Method: Onday
Direct Input Method
Uploading BOM for Materials , EQ …. are general requirements for any type of project. Creating a LSMW by
recording will be difficult and will not work for complicated data upload requirements. This is due to the fact that
the structure of BOM is broken down to Header , Item and Item details.
LSMW by direct input method is the easiest way to upload mass data withease.BDC processing might work but I
personally prefer LSMW.
Note :
2. A common reference field should be defined in both the structures for linking header with items.
Note: The first column in both the structures should be the same.
Note : Maintain Tcode as required. T Code defines the BOM as a Material , Functional location or a equipment
BOM.Assign other fields as required for the upload
7. Prepare 2 upload files , 1 for header with header field structure and 2 for item with the field structure defined.
8. Assign files
BOM Upload Instructions.pdf
BOM Upload Instructions.pdf
Sample Upload Files
Mostly BDC's are used for uploading BOM's.
Instead of using LSMW for BOM header as well as BOM items,
use T code SHDB - Transaction Recorder for uploading BOM's for material.
you will be required the same 2 files in this case also,one for BOM header & one
for BOM items.
Get the help from ABAP 'ers.
It is a lot easier and quicker to load material masters using the Standard Direct Input object in LSMW
rather than with a recording of transaction mm01 or mm02. (To learn more about loading data using
recording, see this post)
One input file can be used to create all the views of the material master. For all the material types.
Even if different views and fields are used for the different materials.
Steps to take
All steps are discussed in this post. A sample data file and LSMW Project can also be found in
attachment. (see end of this post).
Please take note that my project and input file will need slight modification to work fully on your SAP
system. You will have different material types, number ranges, field selections, etc. To get going,
use my LSMW Project and data file and make changes as required to get a simple dataset loaded.
The most difficult bit in loading materials is getting the input file correct. I suggest you create the file
from a database (SQL) or programmatically. Excel does work but it sometimes convert numbers /
strings (example 0100 becomes 100). More notes about this at the end of this post.
Let's first go through LSMW steps -; then look at the input file.
You can either create the LSMW project manually or load my project (in attachment at end of post).
Import Project
Define here all the fields that will be in your input file (text file with data). As a rule, keep the field
names the same as in SAP. This way mapping can be done automatically.
The order of the fields is not important. For simplicity, make field size bigger than required, in this
case mostly 40.
What fields can be included? See next step for that
Here you map the one input file to structures that was selected in step one (direct input objects).
To get an idea what material master field can be loaded -; click on the structure. Example for
You will see BMM00 is to select the Views and BMMH1 contains bulk of the material fields.
The fields can also be viewed via ABAP Dictionary (se11 /se12) and display the database table
BGR00, BMM00, BMMH1, BMMH2 (or other).
Map field in input file to fields in SAP Material master. If your fieldnames in file is same as in SAP,
then you can map them automatically by selecting Menu: Extras > Auto-Field Mapping
Not all fields need to be mapped, only those that you are loading (as defined in input file). Don't
worry to much about the warning that 'Source field is longer than target file' just make sure your input
data is correct. Example material type must be 4 characters.
Specify source file (on your PC) and what the files will be called on the SAP server.
Also indicate how your input file will look. Example, TAB delimited and Field names in first row.
Step 9: Read Data
At this point your input file must be ready. More about the input file later. You may want to use
sample file attached to this post as a start.
Note you don't need to specify path / filename. This was done is step above.
For big files -; many thousand of records this might take a while.
The input file is now on the SAP server and can be displayed.
We now need to convert the data to format so that SAP can process.
You can display converted data to ensure that all is ok so far before creating the materials.
First run it in test mode (not creating material) by selecting the 'Check data, do not update' option
You might get a view messages -; just press OK. In my case I got NO errors.
I now run it without the test option. same as above but 'untick' the 'Check data, do not update' option
Materials were successfully created.
At this point you may still have errors. Either your input data is incorrect, you may have fields as
mandatory that was not in your input fields, different material types, etc. etc.
In step 7 above we have indicated that we are using TAB delimited files.
TIP: if you will be working with LSMW files a lot, get a decent text editor. Some suggestions are:
UltraEdit or Crimson Editor (if you want a good free one).
This is how my input file looks (via Crimson Editor). The funny '>>' fields are TAB's. My editor is set
up to show TAB characters.
In my file, every line is unique material / plant / sloc. The input file can be prepared using database,
spreadsheet or other program. In my case I generated the tab delimited file directly from database
I find the easiest way is to prepare the material master data is using a SQL database. I
used MySQL []. That way a sql script can be created that implement all the conversion
This sample file used in this post was created directly from the database program. Below is the SQL
statement (used in MySQL) that created the final data file. The header (field names) was added in
another step.
SELECT 'MATLD','500','SAP123','Y','/','MM01', '0','B',mat_type, plant, sloc,
'/','/','/','X','/','/','X','/','X','X','/','/','/',base_uom,'MAT DESCRIP','0100',
FROM main_table
If above code is meaningless to you. Don't stress, you don't need to use any of this in LSMW. (But I
do suggest you buddy up with someone who knows SQL :) ).
Very detail help is available in SAP Help Files. For SAP Help files,
goto []
Cross Application Components > CA Data Transfer > Data Transfer Objects > LO logistics General
> Material Master
This post was prepared using SAP R/3 Enterprise (and LSMW version 4.0.0)
With this sample and reading the SAP Help files, I hope you are in a position to load your own
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