MODULE 2 General Directions in Quantitative Analysis
MODULE 2 General Directions in Quantitative Analysis
MODULE 2 General Directions in Quantitative Analysis
Wash Bottles
Usually consist of rubber-stoppered, flat-bottomed
flasks of 500 to 1,000mL capacity fitted with
smoothly bent tubes and a jet made flexible by
means of a rubber joint, should deliver an even
stream of liquid.
Basic Needs for Quantitative Work
A piece of soft rubber tubing fitted to the end of a
glass rod used to loosen adhering particles from
the walls of containing vessels, that are not
removable by a stream of water from the wash
Must be pure
Must conform with USP/NF requirements
Reagents labeled as “analyzed” or “reagent”
grade and those that meet the specs of the
American Chemical Society meet all official
Basic Needs for Quantitative Work
Determinate/Systematic Errors
– Recur in a constant manner in each of a series
of determinations.
– Detectable and hence, it is possible to eliminate
or reduce their effect on the final result.
Indeterminate Errors
– Judgment, skill, and attitude of the analyst.
Determinate Errors
– Personal errors such as inability to judge color
changes sharply
– Faulty procedure such as incorrect sampling,
contamination, improper selection of indicators
– Apparatus errors due to poor construction or
– Used to denote the agreement of an experimental
data or the mean of a series of data with the true
– If the true value is not known, the mean calculated
from results of several methods that are very close
to each other maybe considered the true value.
*Absolute Error
– Difference between the mean and true
value *Relative Error
– Obtained by dividing the absolute error by the true
– Reported on a percentage basis or parts per
thousand basis
– Measure of reproducibility of data within a
series of results.
– Measures how close the data agrees with each
– Precise results are not necessarily accurate
since a determinate error maybe responsible
for inaccuracy of each result in a series of
– Reported as average deviation, standard
deviation and range.
Precision Reporting: Average Deviation
– Obtained by finding the individual differences of the
results from the mean. The differences, regardless of sign,
are then added and divided by the number of
* Dividing the average deviation by the mean shall give the
relative average deviation, expressed in percent or parts
per thousand.
Four separate titrations of NaOH solution yielded the
following normality values:
0.2140N, 0.2142N, 0.2152N, and 0.2146N
Mean (Χ):
0.2140N + 0.2142N + 0.2152N + 0.2146N
= 0.2145N
Average Deviation
0.2140N – 0.2145N = 0.0005N
0.2142N – 0.2145N = 0.0003N
0.2152N – 0.2145N = 0.0007N
0.2146N – 0.2145N = 0.0001N
• The difference between the largest and smallest
results in a series of measurements.
Range (R):
0.2152 – 0.2140 = 0.0012
Rejection of a Result
– S ometimes, one result differ greatly from the
other analytical values although there are no
apparent mistakes.
– If at least four determinations have been
made, the result in which the error appears to
be large maybe rejected when its deviation is
four or more times than the average deviation
of the other values from the mean.
Five determinations of chloride in a NaCl sample
yielded the following percent purities: 95.72%,
95.81%, 95.83%, 95.92% & 96.18%
(X) of the first four values:
95.72% + 95.82% + 95.83% + 95.92%
= 95.82%
d = 0.05%