Topic - 8
Topic - 8
Topic - 8
(IX - X semester)
3 hours
Dnipro 2019
1. Actuality of theme:
During long time role of herpes viruses, as causative agents of infection of human underestimated. A lot
of generations of doctors behaved to the herpetic infections, as to easy indisposition which is accompanied
only with the short lasting rash on lips. However, as far as development of processes of urbanization, growth
of the psychical loading and stresses in everyday life, worsening of ecological environment, expansion of
clinical application of immune depressive drugs and as a result of distribution of HIV-infection, role of
herpes viruses in pathology of human was revised. Development of our concept on herpetic infections in a
great deal rendered assistance to appearance of modern methods of diagnostics of viral diseases.
Herpetic infection is characterized with different localization of process and various clinical forms
and caused by viruses from Herpesviridae family, that contain DNA and characterized by long persistence in
human population, taking 3rd place after cardiovascular and oncological pathology. Diseases caused by
herpes viruses 1st and 2nd type taking 2nd place (15,8%) after influenza (35,8%) as cause of death after viral
infections by data of WHO. Herpes simplex and cytomegaloviral infection belongs to TORCH – complex and
causes pre-natal infections. НSV- infection takes part (in an association with papiloma viruses, СМV,
Chlamydia and mycoplasma), such as cancer of uterus and tumors of prostste. Also herpesviruses take part in
aterosclerotic process and severe affection of internal organs and formation of psychological problems. In
70% of cases infection is results from asymptomatic carriers.
Most unfavorably course of herpetic infection observed in children of early age and patients with
immunodeficiency of different origin, in which the most severe generalized forms of infections, are observed.
Moreover, relapsing course and generalized forms of herpetic infection are AIDS-indicated diseases.
Herpetic infections are AIDS-indicating states because at the damage of T- helpers and macrophages,
course of the disease acquires the severe clinical form. Herpetic infection often meets in patients with AIDS
(in 17% of patients, registered in Ukraine). It should be noted that herpetic infections can be not only
opportunistic «indicator» infections, but cofactor of activating and progress of HIV-infection and AIDS.
Etiologic role in pathology of human take part 8 types of herpesviridae, that by biological properties
and genetic likeness divided on 3 subfamilies:
α- herpesviridae: Poikilovirus (Herpes zoster - VZV or HHV-3) and genus of Simplex virus (virus
simple herpes 1 type НSV-1 and 2 type - НSV-2). α-herpes viruses have least long cycle of replication and
cause a strong cytopathogenic effect in cellular cultures and are affined to the epithelium and cells of a central
nervous system.
β - herpesviridae is included genus of Cytomegalovirus (cytomegalovirus or СМV, or ННV-4). This
group of viruses circulates in the organism of human and are affined to lymphatic tissue. Herpes viruses 6 and
7 types last years were obtained from a human organism, their clinical value now is unclear. It is known that
ННV-6 causes the syndrome of sudden exanthema in children, and HHV-7 has a pathogenetic value in
development of syndrome of chronic fatigue.
γ – herpesviridae, genus Rhadinivirus. Genus Lymphoscyptovirus is also belongs to γ- viruses, like a
4 type virus of human or Epsteyn-Barr virus (HHV-5, EBV).
Character of clinical course of infectious process, probability of development of manifest or latent
forms of disease, possibility and frequency of his relapses is determined by the state of unspecific
mechanisms of immune defense and immune activeness of organism, mainly - by the factors of cellular
immunity, and also antigen type of virus.
•to know: about the place of herpetic infection in the structure of infectious diseases, history of its study,
scientific role of domestic scientists, including employees of department of infectious diseases of KNMU, in
history of scientific researches in this area.
•to get to know: with modern statistical information in relation to prevalence of herpetic infection, mortality,
frequencies of complications in Ukraine and in the world.
•to adhere to the basic rules of work bedside of patient with a herpetic infection, chicken pox and herpes
•to collect anamnesis of illness with the estimation of epidemiology information;
•to examine a patient and find out basic symptoms and syndromes of herpetic infection, chicken pox and
herpes zoster, to ground a clinical diagnosis for timely direction of patient in a hospital;
•to conduct differential diagnostics of herpetic infection, chicken pox and herpes zoster;
•to make a plan of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics;
•to interpret results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.
•to work out an individual plan of treatment taking into account epidemiological information, clinical form,
stage of illness, presence of complications, condition of a patient, allergic anamnesis, accompanied
pathology; to give the first aid on the outpatient level;
•to work out a plan of anti epidemic and prophylactic measures in the pesthole of infection;
•to give recommendations about bed regimen, diet, diagnostic measures and supervision in the period of
•to develop the creative capabilities of students in the process of conducting of clinical researches, analysis of
scientific sources;
•to bring over students to work in the student scientific circle of department;
•to offer themes for UDRS and NDRS on most actual questions, for example: «Problems of prophylaxis of
relapses of herpetic infection», etc..
•To develop deontological presentations in the process of study of theme; to be able to adhere to the rules of
conduct bedside of patient, principles of medical deontology; to capture ability to set a psychological contact
with by a patient and his family.
•To develop the picture of influencing of socially-sanitary factors on prevalence of herpetic infection.
•On material of theme to develop sense of responsibility for a timeliness and rightness of professional actions.
Reanimation and intensive Urgent stages: brain To diagnose in good time and give
therapy edema. the first aid.
Next disciplines
Family medicine Pathogenesis, epidemiology, To conduct differential diagnostics
dynamics of clinical symptoms, of illnesses of different genesis
possible complications of herpetic with a herpetic infection. To
infection. Features of clinical recognize a herpetic infection, its
course of herpetic infection. complications; to estimate
Principles of prophylaxis and information of laboratory
treatment. diagnostics. To hospitalize a
patient in good time in infectious
hospital. To fill an urgent report.
To render the first aid in the case
of necessity.
Interdisciplinary integration
Infectious diseases Features of infectious diseases. To conduct differential diagnostics
Principles of diagnostics, treatment of herpetic infection with other
and prophylaxis of infectious infectious diseases. To recognize
diseases. Pathogenesis, herpetic infection, its
epidemiology, dynamics of clinical complications; to estimate
symptoms, laboratory diagnostics, information of laboratory
possible complications of herpetic diagnostics. To prescribe
infection. Features of clinical treatment. To give the first aid on
course of herpetic infection. outpatient stage.
Principles of prophylaxis and
Clinical classification
Localized form
Inoculation of Fusion of envelop Replication of virus in
virus into sensitive of virus with epithelial epidermal and
Skin affection or vegetative cellular membrane dermal cells
Herpetic dermatitis
Extraction of Assembling of
nucleocapsid in nucleocapsid
Herpetiform eczema cytoplasm of cell
5. Content of topic of lesson*
cellular surface
Ulcerous necrotic dermatitis
Mixed from
Herpetic affection of Herpetic affection of skin
mouth cavity
Herpetic pharyngitis: Herpetic stomatitis: ↑tºС, Rash on lips, around mouth, Acquired herpetic infection: Inborn herpetic infection –
↑tºС, weakness, weakness, headache`язів, sides of nose, less frequent More early infection – more transplacental route
headache, sore throat, discomfort and pain in on eyelids, hands, trunk. severe course; Early term of gravidity –
neck lymphadenitis plases of affection, hyperemia→papule→vesicle Late infection gives milder death с of fetus/defects of
hypersalivation, neck →erosion→crust forms/ asymptomatic; development (mycrocephalia,
lymphadenitis Primary herpetic infection microphtalm,
Rash on mucosal layer of has more severe course, choreoretinitis);
pharynx, tonsils: toxicosis, spreading of Late stage / delivery – death
Rash on mucosal layer of Plentiful elements→t=37,5- affection and longer course of infant/development of
cheeks, pharynx, tongue; 38,5ºС, chill, headache generalized herpetic infection
little vesicles, erosions, (often with fatal outcome)
Skin and internal organs
Latent form
Herpetic pneumonia Herpetic esophagitis: Herpetic Herpetic encephalitis: Retinitis: keratitis/keratoconjuncti ↑tºС, weakness,
(nidal character of dysphagia, retrasternal meningitis: ↑tºС, ↑tºС, chill, , fever, inflammatory vitis: pain in eye, myalgias, hyperemia
inflammation) pain weakness, nousea, vomiting, granuloms on deterioration of vision, and edema of tissues,
headache, catarrhal headache, focal retina edema of conjunctives, local pain, itching,
syndrome, affection (paresis, affection of cornea painful urination,
meningeal signs coma, plegia, inguinal lymphadenitis
pathologic reflexes, Relapses: deep
hyperkinesis); keratoiritis, Rash on penis, uretritis,
disturbances of prostatitis: in women on
parenchimatous uveitis,
consciousness outer genital organs,
keratitis, deep ulcer cervicitis, uretritis,
with hypopion salpingitis,
lever and spleen, increasing
syndrome, cramps, dark urine, enlargement of
muscular pain, jaundice,
Herpetic hepatitis: ↑tºС,
weakness, headache,
of serum АlAТ
headache, weakness
affection of skin,
→bronchi→lungs), than –
generalized form(retinitis,
encephalitis, meningitis)
HIV-positive patients
Affection of skin (deep
Herpetic infection in
layers (mouth
Specific immunoglobulin
Epidemiology Host of infection- person with chicken pox or herpes zoster. Routs
of transmission: droplet, contact, perinatal. Susceptibility is high
epithelial cells of skin
lymphatic vessels
and accumulation in
Inoculation into
primary replication
Chicken pox
Concentration in
Gangliodermal form
Ophthalmic form
Hant syndrome
Meningoencephalitic form
enanthema (on
mucosal layer of
cheek, tongue):
aphthosis coated
with gray fur)
Severe forms
(bullas, pustulas,
chill, weakness,
headache, mialgias
Specific immunoglobulin
Local treatment
Additionally to structure and logical scheme in chapter 5 “Content of theme” can be used
tables of differential diagnostics, thesis (depending of theme difficulty, its novelty, presence of
lecture material, etc.), normative documents of MHP regulating plans of diagnostics,
prophylactics, treatment of infectious diseases, included in theme of lesson.
6.Plan and structure of a lesson:
7.1.2. The tests of the 2nd level: choose the right answer α=2
Variant 1
1. The viruses of the Herpes simplex type 1 and 2 are related to the subfamily of:
A. Alphaherpesviruses;
B. Betaherpesviruses;
C. Gammaherpesviruses;
D. 1st and 2nd types are related to the different subfamilies.
10. The rules of the discharge of patient after the chicken pox from the hospital:
A. After 3 times negative result of the culturing of faeces;
B. After the negative result of the Widal´s reaction;
C. After clinical recovery;
D. Not earlier than 21 days after the temperature normal;
E. After the negative result of the hemoculture.
1. A 6. B, C, D
2. E 7. A, C, D, E
3. B, D 8. B, D, E
4. C, D 9. B, D
5. A, B, C
10. C
Variant 2
4. From the beginning the virus of the Herpes Simplex replicates in:
A. Spinal nerve ganglions;
B. The roots of the sensitive nerves;
C. The horns of the spinal cord;
D. Epitheliocytes;
E. Red blood cells.
6. For a complete blood count by the Herpes zoster disease is observed the following:
A. Leucocytosis, increasing of the ESR;
B. Leucopenia, increasing of the eosinophiles;
C. The blood rate is normal;
D. Lymphocytosis, increased amount of atypical mononuclears;
E. Leucopenia, lymphomonocytosis, ESR is normal.
7. What is typical for the eruption in case of Herpes zoster:
A. Haemorrhagic elements star-like shape;
B. Eruption is situated on the skin in the way of groups along nerve trunk;
C. Maculo-papulous rash;
D. Roseola on pale skin;
E. Plentiful little spotted rash on hyperaemic basis.
8. In case of often relapsing herpetic infection the patient needs to be examined on:
A. Enteroviral diseases;
B. Influenza;
D. Meningococcal infection;
E. Measles, rubella.
9. In case of meningeal syndrome in patient with of Herpes zoster infection a spinal fluid is
A. Normal;
B. Lymophocytal;
C. Purulent;
D. With a moderate increasing of protein content;
E. With a moderate reducing of protein content.
1. B 6. E
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. C
4. D 9. B, D
5. B, C, D, E 10. D
Variant 3
1. The source of herpetic infections caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus is:
A. Home birds;
B. Different diseases´ forms patients;
C. Gnawers;
D. Wild mammals;
E. Virus carriers.
2. The material for laboratory diagnostics of diseases caused by Varicella zoster virus:
A. Bone of lymphatic nodes;
B. Blood;
C. Spinal fluid;
D. Eruption elements;
E. Nasopharynx discharge.
6. Herpes viruses are being activated on the basis of the diseases, which in their turn are
followed by:
A. High temperature rise;
B. Jaundice;
C. Increasing of the internal organs;
D. Oropharynx changes;
E. Immune deficiency.
7. Pneumonia caused by Herpes zoster is characterized by:
A. Productive cough with admixture of blood;
B. Cough with poor slimy phlegm;
C. Absence of cough;
D. Rough barking cough;
E. Non-productive cough with asthmatic component.
8. In case of chicken pox the smears, taken from the vesicles content is being worked with a
special serum, marked by isotiocinatus in the reaction:
A. Compliment fixation test;
B. Indirect hemagglutination reaction;
C. Fluorescing antibodies reaction;
D. Radioimmune analysis;
E. Immunoenzyme analysis.
9. The children less than 7 years old, who contacted the chicken pox infected patients and the
children who have never been infected before have been separated from each other on:
A. 3 days;
B. 5 days;
C. 7 days;
D. 15 days;
E. 21 days.
10. Which medicines of the specific therapy are used for chicken pox treatment:
A. Jatren;
B. Aciclovir;
C. Ementine hydrochlorid;
D. Alpisarinum;
E. Metronidazolum.
1. B, E 6. E
2. B, C, D, E 7. E
3. B 8. C
4. C 9. E
5. D 10. B, D
7.2 The materials of the methodical basis of the main lesson level**
7.2.1 The professional algorithm of the practical skills formation and the diagnostic skills of herpetic
№ Task Performance sequence Remarks, warnings as for the self-
1. To study the I. To find out a To select the complaints, which
methods patient’s complaints characterize the syndromes
of clinical - general intoxication
examination II. To collect an anamnesis organs affections
of the patients 1.Anamnesis morbi To pay attention to the beginning (acute or
with gradual etc.);
herpetic To draw attention to the possible
infection, polymorphism manifestations – Herpes
chicken pox Simplex in its process can be acute and
and herpes relapsing, on prevalence local and general.
zoster To pay attention on term, time of
appearing, dynamic:
- eruption
- fever
- pain syndrome
- increasing of the lymphatic nodes
- other symptoms
2. Anamnesis vitae To find out the previous diseases
(especially followed
by immune deficiency). To ask about
pregnancy (in case of a positive answer, to
find out which term.)
** Additionally in the part 7.2 may be used according to the cathedral choice the diagnostic
algorithms, the instructions and the orders of the Ministry of Health towards to prophylactic
measures, the examinations and help to the patients with the infected diseases, which were included
into the lesson topic.
7.2.2. Situational tasks of second standard of learning: =2
Task 1
50-years-old patient, who had paroxysmal pain in the left half of the chest, general asthenia, fever,
headache two days ago, observed appearance of skin rush on his chest. Objectively: multiple integrated
vesicles with edematous top, filled up with transparent liquid of 3-5 mm in diameter – on the left sight of
the body on erythemo-edematous background along IV and V intercostal spaces.
1.Formulate previous diagnosis.
2.Plan of examination.
3.Plan of treatment.
Task 2
23-years-old patient was hospitalized on the 5th day of his disease, which has begun with
forerunners in the form of quick tiredness, headache, skin itching. Blood heat - 38°С. There were
papules on the chest skin which are quickly reformed into vesicles. Objectively: medium-weight state.
There are vesicles with serous contents on the chest skin and lateral surface of body on the left sight.
Here and there are observed some pustules. Appearance of skin rush attend with strong pain along
intercostals nerves which is keeping during examination.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 3
To 28-years-old woman disease began acutely from blood heat increased until 39°С, headache,
asthenia, pain of head skin that it was impossible to touch head. She took Coldrex and different
polyvitamines independently. On the fibrous part of the head, on the face and body she observed
eruption in the form of blotches on infiltration skin which are quickly reformed into vesicles. To the
second day of disease number of vesicles has increased.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 4
18-years-old patient hospitalized in severe condition. From the mother`s words he is ill during 1st
day. Disease began from chill, headache, blood heat increased until 39,9°С, emesis. OE: coma 1 stage,
excitement, muscular rigidity of neck muscles, Kernig`s symptom +++, pale hot skin, arterial pressure –
70/0, pulse – 140 beating. There is abundant herpetic eruption on the mucosal layer of lips.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 5
70-years-old patient that taken Prednizolon in daily dose 60 mg on the occasion of system disease
of connective tissue, hospitalized with complaints of strong pain, burning pain in projection of optic
branch n.trigiminalis. On the skin of right-hand temporal region and on the scalp visualized reddening,
small serous vesicles, erosions and incrustations.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 6
Patient turned to the doctor with complaints of painful sensation and eruption on his penis, which
appeared after he had flu. OE: on the balanus observed integrated vesicles and erosions with scalloped
edges, with distinct limit, soft by palpation, which are accompanied with painfulness.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 7
Patient turned to dermatologist with complaints of onset of eruption in the corner of his mouth
which is accompanied with itching and pricking. OE: there are integrated small vesicles filled up
with transparent serous liquid and small erosions in the right mouth corner on the erythematic
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 8
23-years-old patient turned to doctor on the occasion of vesicle`s onset in the mouth corner. He
has been ailing over a period of 3 years. The disease recurs 2-3 times a year, as a rule, after supercooling.
OE: in the right mouth corner there are integrated vesicles in a size of 2-3 mm, skin near the vesicles is
ruddy and inflamed.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 9
Acutely to the patient appeared rigor, headache, vomiting, blood heat increased until 38,5°С.
Muscular rigidity of neck, Kernig`s symptom joined in the evening. There are abundant herpetic vesicles
on the mucous tunic of lips and nose.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
Task 10
23-years-old patient which took hormones for a long time hospitalized with temperature 39°С,
abundant eruption on the skin, mucous tunics (vesicles with hemorrhagic contents) and with
lymphadenopathy of submaxillary and cervical lymph nodes. In the hospital observed nausea, single-
phase vomiting, epistaxis.
1. Formulate previous diagnosis.
2. Plan of examination
3. Plan of treatment.
7.3. Materials of methodic supplying of final stage of lesson
7.3.1. Tests of 3 rd
Laboratory control of efficiency of treatment of infection, caused by virus of simple herpes of 1st
type (VSH-1)
Methods VSH-1
DNA-diagnostics +
Biopsy -
Immunefluorescence diagnostics of antigens +
Duodenal intubation -
Detection of IgM`s antybody +
Control of lipidgram -
Control of immunogram +
№ з/п Signs
Average duration of latent
1. 1-2 days 1-2 weeks 2-3 weeks
The day of fever onset from
2. 1-2 3-4 5-6
the beginning of disease
3. Duration of fever (days) 2-7 7-14 14-28
Duration of adding eruption
4. 1-2 3-4 4-6
elements (days)
Polymorphous eruption
5. 1-2 3-4 5-6
(since what day)
1B 2А 3А 4C 5B
Literature by theme:
1. Mandell, Douglas, Bennet Principles and Practise of Infectious Disiases (Fifth edition). – USA:
Churchill Livingstone, 2000 – V.1. – 1534 p.
2. Educational-methodical literature, recommended during learning
3. the subjects “Infectious Diseases” and “Actual problems of HIV infection”
5. Nikitin E. Infectious diseases / E. Nikitin, M. Andreychyn, E. Servetskyy at all //Ternopil.-
Ukrmedkniga.-2004. -368p.
6. Manson's Tropical Diseases /Jeremy Farrar,Peter J Hotez,Thomas Junghanss,Gagandeep
Kang,David Lalloo,Nicholas J. White. - E-Book. - 2014
7. Bennett John E. Principles and practice of infectious diseases. JE Bennett, R Dolin, MJ Blaser -
8. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition Textbook
9. Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents
10. Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents ,
201.Department of Health and Human Services Available at:
11. Editorial Commentary: HIV Infection: Still a Disease for Experts/JE Gallant - 2015
12. Park. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 23rd edition (Hardcover – 2015)