Final Project Imr664 (CCRM Record Center)
Final Project Imr664 (CCRM Record Center)
Final Project Imr664 (CCRM Record Center)
Prepared by:
Prepared for:
Submission Date:
24 January 2021
4.3 E-mail.............................................................................................................................
6.0 Standards and/or conventions adopted and observed for managing records.....................
11.2 SharePoint....................................................................................................................
15.0 Appraisal..........................................................................................................................
16.0 Preservation issues..........................................................................................................
19.0 Recommendation.............................................................................................................
20.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................
In preparation of our assignment, we had to take the help and guidance of some
respected persons, who deserve our deepest gratitude. As the completion of this assignment
gave us much pleasure, we would like to show our gratitude to Dr. Ahmad Zam Hariro Bin
Samsudin for giving us good guidelines for assignment throughout numerous consultations.
We would also like to expend our gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly
guided us in writing this assignment.
In addition, a thank you our classmate have made valuable comment suggestion on our
assignment which gave us an inspiration to improve the quality of the assignment.
1.0 Introduction to the Organization
The policies and procedures of our record centre are according to the National Archive Act
2003. Instead of that, our record centre implements the technology and automation in our
daily operation to manage the record storage professionally and effectively. By using the
technology, we can get many advantages such as reduce cost, reduce time, minimize client
waiting period and also to provide 100% accuracy. In the early years of our operation, we
only have two record officers, one head of security and maintenance and one supervisor.
Currently, we are able to hire approximately about 15 staff. Basically, our clients are
government agencies, non-governmental agencies and private individuals.
As a privately held company, CCRM is not driven by shareholder interest or stock market
valuations. We’re in control of our long-term strategy, and our customers and employees are
an inextricable part of who we are and what we do. Our philosophy is simplicity itself.
Whether it’s storing and managing millions of documents, or providing information audits or
workflow solutions, our goal is to remove the complexity. We look to make your life simpler
by integrating your physical and electronic data assets, unlocking the potential within your
own organisation, and ensuring a smooth flow of information throughout your business.
on the planet. The services and facilities have been designed to integrate modern digital
technology with traditional information resources.
The past few years have seen an explosion in how data is created, stored and used. In
many countries we now offer a fully comprehensive range of digital services to assist our
customers, ranging from intelligent scanning of documents and safe disposal of media items,
to rigorous information audits.
Our mission to be an essential business resource for member companies, their employees,
and the marketplace in the global information management industry through education,
advocacy, industry promotion, and networking.
We help clients to maximize the value of their “corporate memory” using technology to free
up your data. Machine learning, and artificial intelligent solutions help you to make the most
of your data, enabling much wider collaboration and better working practices. With our global
reach, CCRM offers data consultancy services, helping organisations unlock their corporate
memory; much of which has been locked within files and boxes for decades. Scanning and
workflow solutions give you the freedom to share information in a very safe and controlled
manner and then, when you’re done, preserving that information for the future forms a key
part of the strategy.
Our new generation of facilities set the highest standards in security, safety and work-flow
efficiency. In over 50 countries, we provide secure document storage and retrieval of
information in physical and electronic format, as well as digital imaging, media management
and secure data destruction. We provide all of this within a multitude of different facilities,
many of which we own and manage ourselves, as we’re here for the long term.
Working with virtually every private industry, including financial services, healthcare, legal,
manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, as well as many public sector organizations, CCRM
gives organizations the “power of memory.”
Organization Chart of Information Resources Department
Archive Assistant,
Acquisition Services
3.0 Activities of the Acquisition Services
3.1 Information Resources Officer, Acquisition Services
Key responsibility:
A printed requisition form is no longer available as the form has goes fully
B. PO list
PO List is a document that is generated by the Acquisition Officer from the
MyProcurement system, Acquisition Module. It is as a supported document to the
official PO that is issued by the Finance Department.
Every PO list generated will be classified with the PO List number. The
reference number is arranged as such: Organization name/Information
Resources/Year of PO List/Supplier code name/ PO List number.
Example: R20256885
All printed documents from Acquisition Services were kept in a file which has
been classified in order to ease the retrieval of documents. The main files hold by the
unit is the vendors file that supplies books/periodical materials to the Record Center.
New files are created every beginning of the year.
Each files were classified according to File Year, File name (Supplier Name /
File description) and File Number and Each of the vendor file contains complete set
of a PO documents which consist:
D. Magazine files
The Magazine file is for any Magazine related documents which consist of:
Quotation Summary Form
Document of approval requisition from the Dean/ Head of Management Unit
Suppliers quotation
These file are manage by the Acquisition Resource Officer. This file is
updated annually as the review and destruction of records is done in the first quarter
of the year. The file contains:
The electronic Requisition form can be found from the CCRM website. The
users are encouraged to use the electronic requisition form in order to place their
Should a requester have more than a title to request, they are recommended
to submit the requisition form in Ms-Excel format. The form must be submitted via
email to the Acquisition Services team. Softcopy of book requisition is saved in the
unit SharePoint.
4.3 E-mail
Email messages are often used as communication in the Acquisition Services
Unit and across the organization. It is the substitute for the telephone as well as to
transmit substantive information or records previously committed to paper and
transmitted by more traditional methods. The email messages can contain records,
and in many cases, may be the only record created documenting a transaction, an
action taken, or a policy determination or interpretation. This combination of
communication and record creation and record keeping has created uncertainties on
the status of email messages as University records.
The weakness of email is the record will be lost when the user permanently
delete the information for reason of inbox capacities. The solution taken by
Acquisition Department is to print out all the vital information in email transaction for
record keeping. Printed email is a black and white proof for the audit. Among email
records that are important to the unit is the:
Requisition form
Requisition approval from the Dean / Head of School
Supplier quotation
Tolong tukar gambar lepas tu delete tulisan merah Active File stored on the wooden shelves
Files that are 3 years and above are considered semi-active files. It is stored
in the record room store and organised on the steel shelves. Acquisition Services
records will be reviewed annually after 7 years of the file creation. In case of
important documents that are needed for future audit, it is advisable to proper safe-
keeping of all these form/papers, trail/documents/emails printouts.
Tolong tukar gambar lepas tu delete tulisan merah Semi active files stores in the record
room store
B. SharePoint storage
The Acquisition Services electronic records are updated daily. Below is the
example of files contained in each folder:
New request > Requisition Form / Price comparison table
C. Email storage
Only the official copy of an email record must be filed and maintained in a
recordkeeping system. Additional copies are considered convenience copies and are
considered non-records, which may be disposed of when they are no longer needed.
6.0 Standards and/or conventions adopted and observed for managing records.
Services frequently update records and hence the workflow chart is a useful tool as
their reference.
There is no proper policy or guidelines in order to classify the records in this unit. The
Acquisition Officer will be the person who is responsible to decide and plan on what
classification methods suitable for the unit’s record classification. The officer classifies the
records based on logic with the alphanumeric combination. As files in the unit are created
every year, most of the unit files state the year of the file.
Naming a record or folder is equally important as the record itself. By naming the
record or folder properly, it will be easier to search and retrieve the record quickly and easy.
It also prevents the record from missing. Unfortunately, there is lack of awareness about
naming guideline for this system. Although they are using recognizable name for all their
records and folders, it will become problem in the future. There are several guidelines or
standard can be use so in the future new employee still can have the same understanding of
the standard or naming procedure. There are different guideline in naming the folder and
record. The guideline that can be used in naming folder is:-
separator, as in the address window in Windows Explorer (Procurement \
The top two levels of shared drive structures should map to a classification
scheme. Lower levels of shared drive structures must reflect the needs of the
service or function.
10.0 Records storage retrieval
The physical records can be retrieved easily according to the classification of the
year of file and supplier name. The semi active files that were stored in the record room
store access is restricted to only staff designated to process the data.
Only staff of Information Resources Department has the access to the SharePoint
according to their unit of department they are attached to.
From the PO menu, the user (license holder) is able to search for PO records
at any point of time. User can retrieve a record of PO by entering any of the related
information of the PO such as:
Order Number
Supplier Code Or Name
PO Detail Title
PO Detail Author
Budget Code
Order Year
Order Status
The statement management has two functions which is Item Processing and
Item Processing
Statement Search
Invoice Number
Order Number
Supplier Code Or Name
Invoice Year
Invoice Status
Create Statement
11.2 SharePoint
trail features that can assist staff to search for files without having to go through each
and every folder. It is also tool to retrieve a file when staff accidentally moved or
deleted a file to a different folder.
The work to protect possibly appropriate data presents great problems for most
organizations. Preservation of custodian data on laptops and desktop systems can be
specially challenging. The where about of mobile specialists and the accessibility of data are
difficult to establish from the administrative location. Developing accessibility, presence, and
get a handle on around enterprise data across laptops and desktops is not merely important
for company continuity, but it can also be a legal duty that companies today must satisfy.
Organizations need to find out what data they have in order to realize the connected
company expenses, dangers, and regulatory obligations. Using Backup Data to complement
a legal hold process can dramatically reduce the time it traditionally takes to execute legal
hold on laptops and desktops and can replace the high cost and protracted effort of manual
solutions with a defensible process.
Data backup reduces nearly all the danger of data reduction from enterprise
desktops and notebooks, whether regional or remote. By immediately backing up PC data in
the backdrop, the solution guarantees detailed data defence without interrupting users.
Applying patented technology, Data Backup communicates just changes to data for copy, to
truly save time, network bandwidth, and storage space.
A record retention policy helps establish a uniform rule across the organization as to
how long something should be retained. A record retention policy not only assists the
organization with which records to retain, it also serves as a guide for when certain records
can be destroyed due to physical or electronic space constraints. A good record retention
policy can also reduce legal risks and discovery costs, as well as recovery effort time,
associated with legitimate lawsuits.
This system does not have any systematic schedule of records retention. So we have
few suggestions that can be implementing to the system. All record should have its own
schedule from the creation of the record to disposal. The record schedule should be assign
to each record according to their usefulness and important. There are several records that
should not be disposed because of legal risk and evidence for the organization. Those data
are purchase or order details and vendor details.
Cybercriminals are armed with ways to get their hooks into the data. The most
reliable way to prevent cybercrime is to keep all valuable information off web-enabled
servers. The security on the electronic records is supported by the Information Technology
Services department. IT Services department developed the unit rule which is Information
Technology Security
15.0 Appraisal
The appraisal of electronic records raises many important issues, some of which are
relevant to appraisal of records in any medium and form, and some of which relate to the
overall strategy and tactics of appraising electronic records in a difficult environment. It is
evident that the work of the Appraisal is primarily to identify the particular issues that apply to
long-term preservation of authentic electronic records.
The Acquisition Services Unit appraises their records annually in related to the PDPA
appraisal process. The PDPA was enforced on 15 November 2013 which objective is to
protect personal data of individuals in commercial transactions with the data user. Records
that has been reviewed and need to be destroyed will follow the guidelines.
The evaluation is documents that contain PDPA personal data and the data cannot
be retained longer than necessary to fulfil the function in which it was collected.
1. Records appraisal
2. Identification of records to be destroyed.
3. Discuss with Head of Management unit / Subunit before destroying any
records. The purpose is to verify if the records can be destroyed.
4. Fill up the Disposal Record form the list of records to be destroyed.
5. Authorization to Destroy Records - Email the form to the Head of
Management Unit to digitally sign before destroying the records listed.
6. The nominee is to save a copy of the disposal record form in the network
7. The Subunit will compile all disposal form and forward to the PDPA
committee to be saved in the network folder
8. Acquisition Services to save the Disposal Record Form which was digitally
signed by the Head of Management Unit/Subunit to the internal drive folder.
There is NO single retention period for email messages. The value of email
messages is based upon their informational content. Messages that are deemed to be
records need to be retained the same length of time that they would be retained if they were
hard copy. Because most frequently the user will determine the record status of an email
message, University employees need to acquaint themselves with institutional records
retention policies. (University of Missouri, 2011)
16.0 Preservation issues
A. Physical record
The department only destroys document that contains personal data. Old files
that have already been appraised were kept in the record room store for 7 years at
least. There is no proper preservation done to the old files. Issues on the old files are:
B. Electronic record
With the advent of the personal computer more staff is directly responsible for
creating and filing their own documents without the benefits of training within the records
management process, which leads to inadequate institutional control over the creation and
maintenance of records.
The documents and records that were electronically created are dependent upon
technology to interpret them, and more often than not, they are dependent upon
specific hardware and software system combinations, some which are proprietary
and unique.
Managing electronic records are fully dependable on an electronic device such as a
personal computer. Staff are unable to process a data if his/her computer
breakdown. It will delay the work process.
The power blackout issue seldom happens but when it does, it may cause frustration
for the staff as the data may not be captured during the data entry. Data loss can be
lost during the power blackout. The power blackout also caused the office operation
to breakdown as the work processes are mostly electronic.
Internet/server down can also cause the operation of the Acquisition Services to
breakdown. As the Angka.sa2 system and SharePoint and fully dependable on the
internet to function.
Potential security breaches of electronic records and damage or records via virus
There are a lack of institutional policies and guidelines addressing the management
of electronic records
Without effective tools and/or institutional polices and guidelines for filing and
managing records, the usability, location and accessibility to the records may be
Due to the lack issues as mentioned in previous page, we have highlighted ten
principles that need to be carried out for the organization as solution of effective information
management. Information management is portrayed as an umbrella in term of encompasses
all systems and processes within an organization for the creation and use of corporate
information. In term of technology, information management encompasses systems to
integrate and link from one to another so that it will closely relate and to ease information
These key principles will helps to ensure that information management activities are
effective and successful. The principles are as follows:
Communicate extensively
Aim to deliver a seamless user experience
If these measurements are taking into action, they can practise better electronic
record keeping according to the standards and conventions that been underlined. It is not
only for practising good electronic record keeping as well as to have better control and
maintenance of records for both physical and electronic records.
19.0 Recommendation
Based by our evaluation and observation, this organization may increase their
understanding of record keeping as well as to gain awareness of importance of good record
keeping in organization. Our recommendation for this business organization is as follows:
Record handle by manager who has Hire record manager to handle record in
no specific knowledge of record organization or the manager should take
management additional course or workshop in record
management/record keeping
Filing cabinet is locked with easy-open Change to sophisticated key lock system
20.0 Conclusion
Organization records can be maintained either as manual, computerized
(spreadsheet) or to kept online. If it is operating by systems, ensure the systems is easy to
operate and compliment to the business. To keep organization records can be daunting but
as long as the prime key is holds, it may be breakdown to a straightforward and manageable
tasks. It can be easily access and update in regular basis later on without leaving it piling up.
The benefits of good records keeping according to ISO 15489, it will enable to
improve transparency and accountability, effective policy formation as well as informed
decision making. It also could protect the rights and obligations of either organizations or
employees. Good records keeping will improve ability to demonstrate corporate
responsibility including to meet sustainability goals of organization. As regularly stated, it
may reduce cost and ensure efficiency and effectiveness in everyday tasks.