Demag Hoists Catalog
Demag Hoists Catalog
Demag Hoists Catalog
32987 33968
34335 35380
29087 25781
Lifting, conveying, driving, positioning,
distributing, storing these are the
tasks Demag Cranes & Components has
concentrated on for more than 180 years.
We have initiated significant new develop-
ments, realised new technologies and
considerably furthered progress with
materials handling solutions.
Innovation and performance have made
us the leading world manufacturer offering
the most comprehensive range of products
in the industry. Hoists have been a part
of our range since we launched the first
steam-driven crane at the 1873 World
Exhibition in Vienna. With ever new
improvements, they have not only become
indispensable in the crane sector, but
are now also valuable components used
in many other fields for a wide variety of
applications in theatres and above
stages, in load lifts, on industrial furnaces,
in mining equipment, in aircraft mainte-
nance systems, in refuse incineration
Demag DH hoist units combine our
extensive experience with state-of-the-art
technology and modern, functional design.
They are of consistent modular construc-
tion and are based on perfectly matched
components of outstanding quality which
are manufactured in series. Our hoists are
the optimum basis for solutions tailored
to meet your needs with a maximum of
safety and reliability.
Demag DH hoist units
giving you the certainty of significant benefits
Additional emergency
brake or holding
brake, acting directly
on the rope drum.
Whatever you are planning and reliable function monitoring,
building with our hoists you can low dead weight,
implement a reliable solution to
compact design,
meet your needs without any
problems and set new standards for simple integration in automatic
lifting, conveying, transferring, facilities,
towing, holding and positioning energy saving units,
thanks to design which complies with
minimum maintenance, national and international
convenient operation, engineering standards.
Demag sliding-rotor
motor with integrated
conical brake; i.e.
high braking capacity
and reliable braking
without any control
devices on switch-off
Gearbox assembly or in the event of a
power failure; asbestos-
Demag planetary gear- free brake linings.
box, working on the 24609
free-floating principle;
high efficiency,
low-noise operation,
24631 lubricated for life.
Pole-changing creep speed giving 1:6 and
1:4 ratios; separate creep speed motor giving
a ratio of 1:10 or more for high starting
For maximum dynamics, reliable braking
frequencies, three or four speeds when
and the outstanding positioning
combined with a pole-changing main hoist
characteristics of the Demag brake motor;
motor. Up to 12 motor types for each
permits infinitely variable speed control.
hoist size squirrel-cage motors, slip-ring
24598 motors, DC motors, explosion-proof motors.
Stationary or travelling hoists to move your loads
EUDDH standard-
headroom articulated
monorail hoist
Articulated trolleys
enable the travelling
hoist to negotiate
curves with radii down
to 800 mm. Also as
double trolleys for
loads weighing up
to 25 t.
EKDDH low-headroom
articulated monorail
Optimum dimensions
and outstanding curve-
negotiating character-
istics make this the
ideal solution for
suspension monorails.
A lowered version can
travel through track
switches for suspension
monorail systems with
many branches.
EZDH double-rail crab
For higher loads on
double-girder cranes;
optimum utilisation
of the available space
thanks to the low-
headroom design and
favourable approach
Electrical and electronic equipment
connection to state-of-the-art technology
EG integrated pulse generator
Integrated in hoist and travel drive
motors, generates 30 rectangular 24570
Full load
km -values
3/4 load
1/2 load
Dead load
1/4 load
No load Time
Rope reeving
Rope drums
Of high-tensile steel (St 52.3), with up
to eight grooves; double-groove
design without any hook travel; rope
lead-off in any direction.
Centrally driven by a multi-splined
connecting shaft. Low-maintenance
drum bearing with sealed roller
bearings and large patented bearing
at the motor end.
Various drum lengths for lifting
heights up to 104 m.
Hoist ropes
Long service life and high safety and
reliability, ropes dimensioned to FEM.
For special applications: high-
strength and high-density ropes to
increase hook paths by up to 25 %.
Demag DH hoists at the click of a button
With our design tools, the parts cata- File Edit View Window ?
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our DH hoist units into your designs Demag DH hoist unit properties
Selection Search Electrics 1 Electrics 2 Extras Rope Trolley
(AutoCAD) and to select and order hoists
SWL Hook path Type Creep Reeving FEM group Speed
or spare parts with all the convenience all
400 kg
1 Am
> = 4 m/min
Size: DH 165
Hook path: H19
Motor type: K = Käfigläufer
Hoist speed: V2
Reeving: 2/1
Creep lifting: F4
Hoist selection
Demag DH hoist units you have the choice:
from 500 to 100000 kg, from 0.1 to 36 m/min
Selection criteria
Explanation of size designations
The size of the hoist is determined by the load spectrum,
average operating time, SWL and reeving. E U DH 525 H12 K V1- 4 / 1 F6 300 12,5
1. What are the operating conditions? Travel in m/min
2. What is the specified safe working load? Flange width of the girder in mm
3. To what height must the load be lifted? F 6 Creep lifting 1:6, DH (pole-changing)
4. What is the required lifting speed? F 4 Creep lifting 1:4, DH 160/200 (pole-changing)
5. Do the loads need to be lifted and lowered with great F 10 Creep lifting 1:10 DH (microspeed unit)
accuracy? Single-groove drum
6. Is horizontal load travel necessary? Four-fall reeving
7. How is the hoist to be controlled? Lifting speed
Motor type: K = Squirrel-cage
S = Slip-ring rotor
Important: G = DC
DH hoist unit with pole-changing motor X = Explosion-proof motor
Main lifting speed = 80 starts per hour Hook path 12 m (for 2/1 reeving)
Creep lifting speed = 160 starts per hour Rope pull on the drum 25 kN
Size 525
DH hoist unit with mechanical microspeed unit Range 500
Main lifting speed = 240 starts per hour Demag hoist unit model DH
Creep lifting speed = 240 starts per hour U = Monorail hoist
K = Low-headroom monorail hoist
Z = Double-rail crab
E = Electric travel trolley
Example (see blue line) R = Push travel trolley
Load capacity 5000 kg
Load spectrum light from table The average operating time per working day is estimated or calculated as follows:
Main lifting speed 8 m/min
Creep lifting speed 1.3 m/min 2 · av. hook path · no. of cycles/h · working time/day 2 · 4 · 20 ·8
Operating time/day = = = 2.66 hours
Reeving 2/1 60 · lifting speed 60 · 8
Average hook path 4m
Cycles per hour 20 For the light load spectrum and an average daily operating time of 2.66 hours, the table shows SAA group M4
Working time per day 8 hours (FEM group 1 Am). For a load capacity of 5000 kg and 2/1 rope reeving, the table indicates hoist size DH 525.
Small partial load 4 Very heavy up to 0,25 0,25-0,5 0,5-1 1-2 2-4
Small dead load
50 0 10 0 0 2000 - - - - - - 16 5 -
Heavy partial load
Medium partial load 630 12 50 2 50 0 - - - - - 16 6 - -
Medium dead load
80 0 16 0 0 3200 - - D H 16 0 - 16 8 208 - 308
Operating time
10 0 0 2000 40 0 0 - - - - - 2 10 3 10 410
10 0 0 0 20000 40 0 0 0 63000 80 0 0 0 - - 2 10 0 - - -
12 50 0 2 50 0 0 50 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 D H 2 0 0 0 2 12 5 - - - -
Selection tables
Reeving 1/1 2/2 Lifting speed 1) 2) Reeving 2/1 4/2 Lifting speed 1) 2)
Size SAA Hook path Hook path m/min Size SAA Hook path Hook path m/min
kg (FEM) m m V1 V2 V3 (FEM) m m V1 V2 V3
50 0 DH 165 M6 24; 38 20,6 18/4,4 28/7; -
(3 m) 22,4/3,6
630 DH 166 M5 24; 38 20,6 - 22,4/5,6 28/7
(2 m) - 18/3 28/4,6
80 0 DH 168 M4 24; 38 20,6 12,5/3,2 14,2/2,4; 28/7
(1 Am) - 18/4,4; 22,4 28/4,6
DH 208 M5 20; 32 18,2 22,4 28/7 -
(2 m) 18/4,4;18/3 28/4,6 -
DH 308 M7 24; 40 12,6; 24 16 25 32 3)
(4 m) 20/3,4 25/4,2 32/5,4
10 0 0 DH 210 M5 20; 32 18,2 18 22,4/5,6 - DH 165 M6 12; 19 10,3 9/2,2 14/3,5 -
(2 m) 14,2/3,6 22,4/3,6 - (3 m) 11,2/1,8
DH 310 M6 24;40 12,6; 24 12,5 20 32 3)
(3 m) 16/2,7 20/3,4 32/5,4
DH 410 M7 24;40 12,6; 24 12,5 20 32 3)
(4 m) 16/2,7 20/3,4 32/5,4
12 50 DH 212 M4 20; 32 18,2 14,2 18/4,4 - DH 166 M5 12; 19 10,3 7,1/1,8 11,2/2,8 14/3,5
(1 Am) - 18/3 - (2 m) 9/1,5 14/2,3
DH 312 M5 24; 40 12,6; 24 16 20 32 3)
(2 m) 16/2,7 20/3,4 32/5,4
DH 412 M6 24; 40 12,6; 24 10 16 25
(3 m) 12,5/2,1 16/2,7 25/4,2
DH 512 M7 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 16 25 32 3)
(4 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 16/2,7 25/4,2 32/5,4
16 0 0 DH 316 M4 24; 40 12,6; 24 12,5 16 25 DH 168 M4 12; 19 10,3 6,3/1,6 7,1/1,2 14/3,5
(1 Am) 12,5/2,1 16/2,7 25/4,2 (1 Am) - 9/2,2; 11,2 14/2,3
DH 416 M5 24; 40 12,6; 24 12,5 16 25 DH 208 M5 10; 16 9,1 11,2 14/3,5 -
(2 m) 12,5/2,1 16/2,7 25/4,2 (2 m) 9/2,2; 9/1,5 14/2,3 -
DH 516 M6 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 12,5 20 32 3) DH 308 M7 12; 20 6,3; 12 8 12,5 16
(3 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 12,5/2,1 20/3,4 32/5,4 (4 m) 10/1,7 12,5/2,1 16/2,7
DH 616 M7 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 12,5 20 32 3)
4) (4 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 12,5/2,1 20/3,4 32/5,4
2000 DH 320 M3 24; 40 12,6; 24 10 12,5 20 DH 210 M5 10; 16 9,1 9 11,2/2,8 -
(1 Bm) - 12,5/2 20/3,4 (2 m) 7,1/1,8 11,2/1,8 -
DH 420 M4 24; 40 - 10 12,5 20 DH 310 M6 12; 20 6,3; 12 6,3 10 16
(1 Am) - 12,5/2 20/3,4 (3 m) 8/1,3 10/1,7 16/2,7
DH 520 M5 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 12,5 20 32 3) DH 410 M7 12; 20 6,3; 12 6,3 10 16
(2 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 12,5/2,1 20/3,4 32/5,4 (4 m) 8/1,3 10/1,7 16/2,7
DH 620 M6 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 10 16 25
4) (3 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 10/1,7 16/2,7 25/4,2
2500 DH 525 M4 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 10 16 25 DH 212 M4 10; 16 9,1 7,1 9/2,2 -
(1 Am) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 10/1,7 16/2,7 25/4,2 (1 Am) - 9/1,5 -
DH 625 M5 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 10 16 25 DH 312 M5 12; 20 6,3; 12 8 10 16
4) (2 m) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 10/1,7 16/2,7 25/4,2 (2 m) 8/1,3 10/1,7 16/2,7
DH 1025 M7 32; 48 14,8; 25,8 20 32 3) 50 3 ) DH 412 M6 12; 20 6,3; 12 5 8 12,5
(4 m) 80; 102 48,4; 64,8 20/3,4 32/5,4 44,8/7,4 (3 m) 6,3/1 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
DH 512 M7 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 8 12,5 16
(4 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 8/1,3 12,5/2,1 16/2,7
3200 DH 532 M3 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 8 12,5 20 DH 316 M4 12; 20 6,3; 12 6,3 8 12,5
(1 Bm) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 - 12,5/2 20/3,4 (1 Am) 6,3/1 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
DH 632 M4 24; 40 10,4; 20,4 8 12,5 20 DH 416 M5 12; 20 6,3; 12 6,3 8 12,5
4) (1 Am) 80; 104 45,2; 60,4 - 12,5/2 20/3,4 (2 m) 6,3/1 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
DH 1032 M6 32; 48 16 ; 2 7 16 25 36 3) DH 516 M6 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 6,3 10 16
(3 m) 80; 102 49,6; 66 16/2,7 25/4,2 36/6 (3 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 6,3/1 10/1,7 16/2,7
DH 616 M7 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 6,3 10 16
4) (4 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 6,3/1 10/1,7 16/2,7
40 0 0 DH 320 M3 12; 20 6,3; 12 5 6,3 10
(1 Bm) - 6,3/1 10/1,7
DH 1040 M5 32; 48 16 ; 2 7 16 25 36 3) DH 420 M4 12; 20 6,3; 12 5 6,3 10
(2 m) 80; 102 49,6; 66 16/2,7 25/4,2 36/6 (1 Am) - 6,3/1 10/1,7
DH 520 M5 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 6,3 10 16
(2 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 6,3/1 10/1,7 16/2,7
DH 620 M6 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 5 8 12,5
4) (3 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 5/0,8 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
5000 DH 1050 M4 32; 48 16 ; 2 7 12,5 20 32 3) DH 425 M3 12; 20 6,3; 12 4 5 8
(1 Am) 80; 102 49,6; 66 12,5/2,1 20/3,4 28/4,6 (1 Bm) - - 8/1,3
DH 2050 M7 - 13,8; 24,8 16 25 32 DH 525 M4 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 5 8 12,5
(4 m) - 48,8 16/2,7 22,4/3,7 - (1 Am) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 5/0,8 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
DH 625 M5 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 5 8 12,5
4) (2 m) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 5/0,8 8/1,3 12,5/2,1
DH 1025 M7 16; 24 8; 13,5 10 16 25
(7 m) 40; 51 24,8; 33 10/1,7 16/2,7 22,4/3,7
Rope reeving arrangements
1/1 2/1 4/1 6/1 8/1 2/2 4/2-2 4/2 8/2
Optimum arrangement for each Tandem hoists cater for heavy loads and Rope drums with one, two or four
application. extreme lifting heights. grooves.
In addition to the preferred 4/1 reeving, Special designs are available for lifting The hook is centered on the 2 groove
our standard range includes one, two six heights or hook paths over 80 m. variant; rope lead-off in virtually any
and eight-fall reeving. direction.
SWL 1) The 1:6 main/creep lifting speed given is achieved with a 2/12-pole motor.
Reeving 4/1 Lifting speed 1) 2) Creep lifting speed 1:10.
Other creep lifting speeds available on request.
Size SAA Hook path m/min
2) The 1:4 main/creep lifting speed given for the DH 160/200 is achieved with a pole-changing
(FEM) motor.
m V1 V2 V3 3) Lifting speeds 1/1 and 2/2 available on request.
4) DH 600 hoist units with hook paths H40 and H52 are only available in flange-mounted
2000 DH 165 M6 6; 9,5 - 7/1,7 -
design FDH. EUDH, EKDH monorail travelling hoist units and EZHD, EZLD double-rail crabs
(3 m) 5,5/9,9 on request.
4000 DH 210 M5 5; 8 4,5 5,6/1,4 - Technical data sheets Volume 1 203 341 44
(2 m) 3,5/0,9 5,6/0,9 -
Volume 2 203 346 44
DH 310 M6 6; 10 3,1 5 8
(3 m) 4/0,6 5/0,8 8/1,3 Component parts DH 160 222 567 44
DH 410 M7 6; 10 3,1 5 8 DH 200 222 706 44
(4 m) 4/0,6 5/0,8 8/1,3 DH 300 222 302 44
DH 400 222 726 44
5000 DH 212 M4 5; 8 3,5 4,5/1,1 -
DH 500 222 307 44
(1 Am) - 4,5/0,7 - DH 600 222 731 44
DH 312 M5 6; 10 4 5 8 DH 1000 222 312 44
(2 m) 4/0,6 5/0,8 8/1,3
DH 2000 222 655 44
DH 412 M6 6; 10 2,5 4 6,3
(3 m) 3,1/0,5 4/0,6 6,3/1 Operating instructions
DH 512 M7 6; 10 4 6,3 8 DH 160 DH 200 214 391 44
(4 m) 20; 26 4/0,6 6,3/1 8/1,3 DH 300 DH 2000 214 286 44
Foot positions and rope lead-offs View of the main hoist motor
Foot position A B C D
3 2 1
3 1 1
3 2 2
2 1 2
1 1 3
a £ 4°
1 3
SWL Reeving 1/1 2/2 Lifting speed 1) Reeving 2/1 4/2 Lifting speed 1)
Size SAA Hook path Hook path m/min Size SAA Hook path Hook path m/min
kg m m V1 V2 V3 m m V1 V2 V3
6300 DH 1063 M3 3 2 ; 48 16 ; 2 7 10 16 24,2 DH 532 M3 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 4 6,3 10
(1 Bm) 80 ; 10 2 49,6; 66 - 16/2,7 22,4/3,6 (1 Bm) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 - 6,3/1 10/1,7
DH 2063 M6 3 6 ; 54 13,8; 24,8 12,5 20 25 DH 632 M4 12; 20 5,2; 10,2 4 6,3 10
(3 m) 94 48,8 12,5/2,1 18/3 - 2) (1 Am) 40; 52 22,6; 30,2 - 6,3/1 10/1,7
DH 1032 M6 16; 24 8; 13,5 8 12,5 18
(3 m) 40; 51 24,8; 33 8/1,3 12,5/2,1 18/3
8000 DH 2080 M5 36; 54 13,8; 24,8 12,5 20 25 DH 640 M3 12 , 2 0 5,2; 10,2 3,1 5 8
(2 m) 94 48,8 12,5/2,1 18/3 - 2) (1 Bm) 40 ; 52 22,6; 30,2 - 5/0,8 8/1,3
DH 1040 M5 16 ; 2 4 8; 13,5 8 12,5 18
(2 m) 40 ; 51 24,8; 33 8/1,3 12,5/2,1 18/3
SWL Reeving 4/1 Lifting speed 1) Reeving 8/2 Lifting speed 1)
Size SAA Hook path m/min Size SAA Hook path m/min
kg m V1 V2 V3 m V1 V2 V3
6300 DH 316 M4 6 ; 10 3,1 4 6,3
(1 Am) 3,1/0,5 4/0,6 6,3/1
DH 416 M5 6 ; 10 3,1 4 6,3
(2 m) 3,1/0,5 4/0,6 6,3/1
DH 516 M6 6 ; 10 3,1 5 8
(3 m) 20; 26 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 8/1,3
DH 616 2) M7 6 ; 10 3,1 5 8
(4 m) 20; 26 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 8/1,3
80 0 0 DH 320 M3 6 ; 10 2,5 3,1 5
(1 Bm) - 3,1/0,5 5/0,8
DH 420 M4 6 ; 10 2,5 3,1 5
(1 Am) - 3,1/0,5 5/0,8
DH 520 M5 6 ; 10 3,1 5 8
(2 m) 20; 26 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 8/1,3
DH 620 2) M6 6 ; 10 2,5 4 6,3
(3 m) 20; 26 2,5/0,4 4/0,6 6,3/1
10 0 0 0 DH 425 M3 6 ; 10 2 2,5 4 DH 1025 M7 4;6,7; 5 8 12,5
(1 Bm) - - 4/0,6 (4 m) 12,4;16,5 5/0,8 8/1,3 11,2/1,8
DH 525 M4 6 ; 10 2,5 4 6,3
(1 Am) 20; 26 2,5/0,4 4/0,6 6,3/1
DH 625 2) M5 6 ; 10 2,5 4 6,3
(2 m) 20; 26 2,5/0,4 4/0,6 6,3/1
DH 1025 M7 8; 12 5 8 12,5
(4 m) 20; 25,5 5/0,8 8/1,3 11,2/1,8
12 50 0 DH 532 M3 6 ; 10 2 3,1 5 DH 1032 M6 4;6,7; 4 6,3 9
(1 Bm) 20; 26 - 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 (3 m) 12,4;16,5 4/0,6 6,3/1 9/1,5
DH 632 2) M4 6 ; 10 2 3,1 5
(1 Am) 20; 26 - 3,1/0,5 5/0,8
DH 1032 M6 8; 12 4 6,3 9
(3 m) 20; 25,5 4/0,6 6,3/1 9/1,5
16 0 0 0 DH 640 2) M3 6 ; 10 1,6 2,5 4 DH 1040 M5 4;6,7; 4 6,3 9
(1 Bm) 20; 26 - 2,5/0,4 4/0,6 (2 m) 12,4;16,5 4/0,6 6,3/1 9/1,5
DH 1040 M5 8; 12 4 6,3 9
(2 m) 20; 25,5 4/0,6 6,3/1 9/1,5
20000 DH 1050 M4 8; 12 3,1 5 8 DH 1050 M4 4;6,7; 3,1 5 8
(1 Am) 20; 25,5 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 7/1,1 (1 Am) 12,4;16,5 3,1/0,5 5/0,8 7/1,1
DH 2050 M7 9; 13,5 4 6,3 8 DH 2050 M7 3,4;6,1; 4 6,3 8
(4 m) 23,5 4/0,6 5,6/0,9 - (4 m) 12,1 4/0,6 5,6/0,9 -
2 50 0 0 DH 1063 M3 8; 12 2,5 4 6,3 DH 1063 M3 4;6,7; 2,5 4 6
(1 Bm) 20; 25,5 - 4/0,6 5,6/0,9 (1 Bm) 12,4;16,5 - 4/0,6 5,6/0,9
DH 2063 M6 9; 13,5 3,1 5 6,3 DH 2063 M6 3,4;6,1; 3,1 5 6,3
(3 m) 23,5 3,1/0,5 4,5/0,7 - (3 m) 12,1 3,1/0,5 4,5/0,7 -
32000 DH 2080 M5 9; 13,5 3,1 5 6,3 DH 2080 M5 3,4; 3,1 5 6,3
(2 m) 23,5 3,1/0,5 4,5/0,7 - (2 m) 6,1;12,1 3,1/0,5 4,5/0,7 -
40 0 0 0 DH 2100 M4 9; 13,5 2,5 4 5 DH 2100 M4 3,4; 2,5 4 5
(1 Am) 23,5 2,5/0,4 3,6/0,6 - (1 Am) 6,1;12,1 2,5/0,4 3,6/0,6 -
50 0 0 0 DH 2125 M3 9; 13,5 2 3,1 4 DH 2125 M3 3,4; 2 3,1 4
(1 Bm) 23,5 2/0,3 2,8/0,4 - (1 Bm) 6,1;12,1 2/0,3 2,8/0,4 -
For innovative
solutions and unusual
28810 28522
28149 26980
The right load
handling attachment
for every load
Circular magnet
for magnetizable
bulk materials
24227 32120
After-sales service
all over the world
Demag Cranes
Printed in Germany DZS/300603/2T
For swift service in wind turbine installations
Wind turbines are designed for high availability to In accordance with the operating conditions, the chain
generate power under changing wind and weather hoists, which can be supplied in several sizes, are fitted
conditions. If the system comes to a standstill as the with appropriate chain collector bags. Alternatively,
result of malfunctions or maintenance work, power the chain can be led through a tube into a separate
generation comes to a halt. The required spare parts container. Safe and reliable operation over long lifting
and equipment have to be lifted into the nacelle as paths is ensured by cut-off of the lifting and lowering
quickly as possible. motions in the highest and lowest hook positions.
The locking device, which is fitted as standard, secures
Here, Demag DC-Wind chain hoists with hook paths the trolley against any unwanted travel caused by
of up to 180 m are proven lifting appliances in wind movements of the wind turbine.
turbine systems. Fitted to slewing jibs, as stationary
units or installed on bridge cranes, they transport The Demag DC-Wind chain hoist, which is specially
heavy loads with ease. Thanks to their high lifting designed to meet the requirements of the industry,
speeds, they accelerate the supply of spare parts, is one of the hoists most frequently used by leading
thus cutting maintenance work and downtimes to manufacturers of wind energy installations.
a minimum.
39904-11 38696
39273-1 39303-3 39799-6
The low-headroom design offers Lever with single-hand operation Sheet-metal chain collector boxes
special benefits in the often restricted to lock the trolley for long chains and/or special
space available in the nacelle requirements
creep speed securely in any operating situation and prevents the load
■■ Optimum handling thanks to compact, ergonomic from dropping
control pendant and flexible control cable ■■ The corrosion-protected brake with IP 55 enclosure is
■■ Compact dimensions due to low trolley design arranged beneath an electrical equipment cover that
■■ Practical storage compartment for the control pendant also features the same rating
on the outside of the chain collector bag (optional) ■■ Improved safety due to operating limit switches for
■■ No damage to the inner or outer surface of the tower the highest and lowest hook positions
by lifting motions thanks to a protective sleeve on ■■ Safe switching and operation due to 24 V contactor
also at large lifting heights thanks to motors with ■■ Trolley can be simply locked with a handle.
■■ cold-climate versions
38695 38671
Technical data
Load Chain hoist Hoist speed Hook path Trolleys with Chain Maximum weight 1)
capacity type for 50 Hz H frame dimensions
RUDC Stationary
500 12/3 43 36
IP 55 enclosure, 60 % cyclic duty factor. For further information please refer to our brochure
213 605 44 “Demag DC-Pro chain hoist and Demag DCM-Pro Manulift”
0910 EN 213 069 44 701 IS 817
Efficiency and high operating reliability are clearly defined With expertise for materials handling components, cranes
requirements to be met by state-of-the-art material flow, and hoists gained from almost 200 years of experience,
logistics and drive solutions. Demag Cranes & Components Demag Cranes & Components supplies efficient product
develops and manufactures innovative products for solutions and services to companies in all industries and
industrial drives, load handling and material flow applica- to customers of all sizes. Demag Cranes & Components
tions for a wide variety of production and storage solu- places priority on meeting customer needs, so that its
tions. Products that guarantee minimised maintenance products and services can be seamlessly integrated into
requirements thanks to low wear. the customer’s value creation process.
Demag DR rope hoists – high performance for tomorrow’s needs
Outstanding versatility
Available in four basic designs, the right solution can be
found for virtually any application with Demag DR rope
■■ EKDR monorail hoist Demag rope hoists move helicopters into position for
■■ ZKDR double-rail crab maintenance.
Safety and efficiency down to the last detail
■■ Pulse encoder to monitor the speed and direction rollers mounted on anti-friction bearings
of rotation as standard ■■ Inclined pull up to 4° without touching the rope guide
■■ Demag DC disk brake with brake release monitoring, protect the opening where the wire rope enters the
minimum brake safety factor of 1.8 bottom block
■■ Fast acting brake thanks to integrated electronic modules ■■ Two handle recesses make it easier to handle and
State-of-the-art electrical equipment Ergonomically optimised controls
■■ Reliable internal signal transmission ■■ Cable-connected Demag DSE-10R control pendant
■■ Electrical equipment completely of modular design ■■ For two-stage and stepless operation
■■ Electrical enclosure with IP 55 protection ■■ Control cable available in three lengths, each infinitely
■■ Load spectrum recorder integrated in the controls adjustable in length by 4 m or with 2 TY cable for
to determine the remaining safe working period extremely arduous applications
■■ Load display for use with electronic overload protection
■■ Automatic cut-off of the lifting and lowering motions ■■ Tough hand-held transmitter with proportional push-
■■ Other functions, e.g. an operating limit switch, can also ■■ Both control pendant switches fitted with a display for
GDR basic hoist – the optimum solution for plant engineering
FDR foot hoist – the solution ready for installation in cranes
■■ Load capacities up to 50 t
EKDR monorail hoist – the series travelling hoist
for single-girder cranes
gentle positioning
■■ Cross-travel inverter and braking resistor integrated in
EZDR double-rail crab – the series hoist for double-girder cranes
safety as standard
■■ Load capacities up to 50 t
Demag Service – always ready to help
Demag Cranes & Components offers you comprehensive Service systems: Demag IDAPSY
and reliable service with its world-wide network of Demag Cranes & Components has developed an
Demag expert service teams and Demag partners. They integrated service system for Demag DR rope hoists:
ensure the maximum possible availability and safety in Demag IDAPSY. IDAPSY stands for Inspection Diagnosis
your installation. Application System.
Rapid and reliable spare part supply Service system with a wide range of benefits:
Customers all over the world are supplied with the ■■ Transparency
required spare parts quickly and flexibly by Demag By recording utilisation of the installation, Demag
Cranes & Components and its service network. IDAPSY facilitates predictive and plannable service
to ensure a high level of availability.
■■ Analysis
prevention regulations
■■ Inspection and maintenance
Crane system data can be read out for predictive and scheduled service.
Technical data – selection criteria
The size of the hoist is determined by The group is determined from the operating time and load spectrum.
■■ the load spectrum
Load spectrum Average operating time per working day (h)
■■ the average operating time
1 Light 2 – 4 4 – 8 8 – 16 over 16
■■ the load capacity and
2 Medium 1 – 2 2 – 4 4 – 8 8 – 16
■■ the reeving arrangement
3 Heavy 0.5 – 1 1 – 2 2 – 4 4 – 8
2 4 8 12.5 – – – – ■ –
2.5 5 10 16 – – – ■ – –
4 8 16 25 32 – – – ■ –
5 10 20 32 40 – – ■ – –
6.3 12.5 25 40 50 DR 20 ■ – – –
Example The average operating time per working day is estimated or calculated as
Load capacity 5t follows:
Load spectrum “medium” 2 av. hook path * no. of cycles/h * working time/day
Operating time / day = *
from table 60 * lifting speed
Lifting speed 6 m/min 2 * 3 * 20 * 8
Operating time / day = = 2.66 hours
Creep lifting speed 1 m/min 60 * 6
Reeving 4/1 For the “medium” load spectrum and an average daily operating time of
Average hook path 3m 2.66 hours, the table shows FEM group 2 m. For a load capacity of 5 t and
Cycles per hour 20 4/1 rope reeving, the table indicates hoist size DR 5 - 5.
Working time per day 8 hours
Selection table
Range SWL Hook path Lifting speed Group of SWL Hook path Lifting speed
2/1 4/1
1.6 2m / M5 ** 3.2
DR 3 12 6
1.25 12/2 18/3 1 – 25 * 3m / M6 ** 2.5 6/1 9/1.5 0.5 – 12.5 *
20 10
1 4m / M7 ** 2
2/1 4/1
2.5 12 2m / M5 ** 5 6
20 10
2 30 12/2 18/3 1 – 25 * 3m / M6 ** 4 15 6/1 9/1.5 0.5 – 12.5 *
1.6 4m / M7 ** 3.2
DR 5
2.5 9.9 2m / M5 **
1.6 4m / M7 **
2/1 4/1
2/1 4/1
12.5 1Am / M4 25
10 24 2m / M5 20 12
36 6/1 12/2 1 – 16 * 18 0.5 – 5 * 0.5 – 8 *
8 3m / M6 16 6/1
54 27
6.3 4m / M7 12.5
4/2 6/1
12.5 1Am / M4 40
DR 20 10 12.3 2m / M5 32 12
21.2 6/1 12/2 1 – 16 * 18 4/0.7 0.3 – 3.3 * 0.3 – 5.3 *
8 33.2 3m / M6 25 24.7
6.3 4m / M7 20
8/2 8/1
25 1Am / M4 50
20 10.3 2m / M5 40 9
16.3 0.5 – 5 * 0.5 – 8 * 13.5 3/0.5 0.3 – 2.5 * 0.2 – 4 *
16 6/1 3m / M6 32
23.4 18.5
12.5 4m / M7 25
* Loads weighing up to one third of the rated load are moved at 1.5 times the rated speed (Prohub)
** Gearbox service life 20 % longer than the ISO / FEM full load service life
The fast way to select your Demag DR rope hoist is the address where all The practical and intuitive user interface ensures that you
important facts and data on Demag DR rope hoists can find the right solution to meet your needs quickly and
be found. This information and planning platform pro- easily. You can then send us your specific enquiry at a
vides you with a comprehensive product overview and click.
contains all the data you need for project engineering.
You can also download the CAD drawings of the entire You can also use the fax form to send us your enquiry.
Demag rope hoist range and integrate them into your In addition, experienced Demag engineers are ready to
design drawings. provide you with help and advice.
Demag DR rope hoist project sheet
Town/post code
Attention of
No liability for errors or omissions. Subject to change.
0210 EN 213 133 44 701 IS 813
3 9
The DC-Pro chain hoist is a fully
featured, highly versatile chain hoist,
which can be installed and put into
service in a minimal amount of time.
Certified 11
DC-Pro chain hoists are tested
and approved by several standard
authorities including CSA. 4
Electromagnetic compatibility is
rated according to EN 61000-6-2 12
to 4 for interference immunity in
industrial environments and for
interference emissions in commercial
and industrial environments.
DC-Pro chain hoist selection table
Capacity Chain hoist Motor size Hook path 2) Group of mecha- Reeving Max. weight
nisms at H5 / H8
respect. H4
ft/min at 60 Hz
lb [kg] Type ft [m] FEM lb [kg]
[m/min at 60 Hz]
DC-Pro 1 -... 32/8 (9.6/2.4)
275 (125) ZNK 71 B 8/2 4m 49/53 (22/24)
DC-Pro 2 -... 64/16 (19.2/4.8)
DC-Pro 2 -... 32/8 (9.6/2.4) ZNK 71 B 8/2 2m+ 1) 49/53 (22/24)
550 (250)
DC-Pro 5 -... 64/16 (19.2/4.8) ZNK 80 A 8/2 4m 62/66 (28/30)
16 & 26
DC-Pro 5 -... 32/8 (9.6/2.4) ZNK 80 A 8/2 (5 & 8) 2m+ 1) 62/66 (28/30)
1100 (500)
DC-Pro 10 -... 48/12 (14.4/3.6) ZNK 100 A 8/2 4m 106/115 (48/52)
24/6 (7.2/1.8) ZNK 100 A 8/2 106/115 (48/52)
2200 (1000) DC-Pro 10 -... 2m+ 1)
48/12 (14.4/3.6) ZNK 100 B 8/2 124/133 (56/60)
DC-Pro 10 -... 24/6 (7.2/1.8) ZNK 100 B 8/2 16 & 26 (5 & 8) 2/1 144/161 (65/73)
4400 (2000) 2m+ 1)
DC-Pro 25 -... 32/8 (9.6/2.4) ZNK 100 C 8/2 13 (4) 1/1 250 (113)
DC-Pro 10 -... 16/4 (4.8/1.2) ZNK 100 B 8/2 16 & 26 (5 & 8) 2/1 144/161 (65/73)
5500 (2500) 1Am
DC-Pro 25 -... 32/8 (9.6/2.4) ZNK 100 C 8/2 13 (4) 1/1 250 (113)
16/4 (4.8/1.2) ZNK 100 B 8/2
7000 (3200) DC-Pro 16 -... 13 (4) 2m+ 1) 2/1 243 (110)
24/6 (7.2/1.8) ZNK 100 C 8/2
8800 (4000) 2m+ 1)
DC-Pro 25 -... 16/4 (4.8/1.2) 13 (4) 2/1 276 (125)
11000 (5000) 1Am
6 9 11
Round steel chain – a special Demag Hoist motor – high-performance Chain collector box – suspended from
chain of high-strength, hardened motor with large safety reserves even a pivoting connection, is made of tough,
age-resistant material. Galvanized at high ambient temperatures and in flexible and particularly impact-resistant
and other surface-treatments are prolonged operation. 2 hoist speeds plastic; capacity for up to 26ft (8m) hook
available to protect against specific with 4/1 ratio as standard. (Insulation path. A flexible chain container for chain
hostile environments. class F, 360 s/h and 60% CDF) lengths up to 131ft (40m) as well as
special lengths up to 393ft (120m).
7 10
Suspension bracket – DC-Pro chain Chain drive – The unit is a complete 12
hoists are suspended in pendulum assembly consisting of the chain and Bottom block – hoist up to 2200 lb
fashion and make optimum use of chain guide which facilitates quick (1000 kg) are supplied with single
the available height thanks to their and easy replacement of the entire chain fall for improved ergonomic
low headroom dimension. DC-Pro chain drive without having to remove handling of the hook. Chain wear is
units are supplied with short and long the motor or gear parts. Downtime simultaneously reduced, since no chain
suspension brackets as standard and can therefore be reduced significantly. return arrangement is required. The new,
can always be attached to the super- The chain drive consists of highly compact and particularly ergonomic
structure with the optimal connection. wear-resistant materials for a long DC bottom block is used for 2/1 reeving
service life. arrangements. The cut-off springs
Housing – robust and weight-saving required for the limit switches are
die-cast aluminium housing of integrated inside the bottom block
compact and modern industrial design. and therefore save 2.36in (60mm) of
UV-resistant powder-coated finish the valuable headroom dimension.
is resistant to nicks and scratches.
1) 2m+ corresponds to 1900 hours at full load 2) Longer hook paths possible, please consult Demag
Demag DC-Pro chain hoist Improved safety and reliability
A New Industrial Standard
Sensitive and fast The gearbox, brake and coupling operate maintenance
DC-Pro units can be integrated into your work and free for up to ten years (brake for sizes DC 10 – 25 up to
production processes flexibly and precisely. While the 5 years). The brake-coupling system ensures that the load
high lifting speed guarantees fast and effective operation is held securely in any operating situation. The load cannot
at a minimum of 6 ft/min, the slow lifting speed ensures drop. This is achieved by the arrangement of the brake
that loads are placed gently and precisely. directly in the power drive chain (red line). Thanks to
regenerative braking which minimizes wear, the brake
– an even never requires adjustment.
longer service life
for greater efficiency.
Motor Slipping clutch
In practical terms,
Demag means the
service life is extended
by approx. 20%
in comparison with
the conventional 2m
classification for chain
hoists FEM rating. This Chain drive Brake
results in significantly
prolonged time
between service Gearbox
intervals and general
overhauls. This extra
operating life is only Driving Speed
Braking detection
offered by the new
Demag DC-Pro
chain hoist.
1900 hours
1600 hours
800 hours
400 hours
200 hours
A great benefit offered by the new Demag DC-Pro chain Internal diagnostics
hoist is simple commissioning. The pivoting suspension Service technicians can read
bracket and infinitely adjustable flange width of the the standard operating time
U 11, U 22, U 34 and U 56 trolleys make the mechanical counter or call up the relevant
parts easy to install. The plug-in connections beneath the information on the operating
service cover and the power plugs, included in the scope status – from the outside
of delivery, make the electrical parts simple to connect. via the display on the base Diagnostic display
This enables the DC-Pro to be ready for operation in of the chain hoist housing.
a minimum of time.
supply cables
n Chain guide
Chain drive
Demag DCM-Pro Manulift:
Safe, fast and ergonomic single-handed load handling at the workplace
The DCM-Pro Manulift was developed for handling loads The quick-disconnect coupling enables a wide variety
quickly and safely with only one hand. The new DCM-Pro of load handling attachments to be changed with ease.
is based on the DC-Pro chain hoist and the DSM-C control All Manulift load handling attachments are fitted with
unit which is connected to it by a helical cable. The control a connecting pin with a swivel lock, which snaps into
unit is rigidly connected to the load handling attachment the quick-disconnect coupling. It can be easily removed
for right and left-handed operation, the operator only by lifting the unlocking sleeve.
needs one hand to operate the chain hoist and guide
the load. Manulift units can travel on Demag KBK profile sections
and I-beams, which enables them to be flexibly integrated
into work and production processes.
Versatile adaptability to any task
A variety of proven load handling attachments facilitate optimum and
flexible adaptation of the “Manulift” chain hoist to meet your needs.
They range from normal load hooks and various pantograph-type
tongs to parallel gripper systems. The DCM-Pro Manulift can be used
with specially developed load handling attachments. The universal
coupling pin is used to connect customer-designed attachments. It
is provided with an M12 internal thread for connecting special load
handling attachments.
Capacity Manulift Hoist speed Motor size Lift Group of mecha- Reeving Max. weight
nisms for 2,8 and 4,3
hook path
lb [kg] Type ft/min at 60 Hz m/min at 60 Hz ft [m] FEM lb [kg]
PGS-parallel gripper Pantograph tongs for Pantograph tongs for Load hook adapter Load hook adapter
125 kg gripping square goods gripping round goods up to 250 kg with connected
125 kg 125 kg PGS shaft gripper
Travel Trolleys
Progressive characteristic of the PWM switching Increased hoist speed with partially
elements in the DSC-S control pendant reduced load
Hoist speed
Hoist speed
VNenn VMax
Compared to the DC-Pro with two lifting speeds, n Sensitive operation and optimum ergonomics with
Demag DCS-Pro and DCMS-Pro chain hoists with a switch actuation path of 10 mm and progressive
infinitely variable lifting speed offer further benefits: characteristic offered by the PWM switching elements
n Infinitely variable speed control for lifting and lowering n Acceleration and braking ramps prevent excessive
n Smooth starting and precise positioning due to ramps can be easily modified by means of the
particularly fine control at low speeds control pendant
n Gentle positioning and fast operation in one unit n Improved safety thanks to motor temperature
upper / lower end positions are reached units when they are used with E11 / E22 travel drives
Fully featured instead of hidden extra costs
The Demag DCS-Pro already offers many features as n Rapid access to all important plug-and-socket
standard equipment that have to be ordered and paid for connections, height adjustment of the control pendant
as extras from other suppliers. Thanks to its full set of and chain lubrication thanks to pivoting service cover
features, the DCS-Pro is extremely versatile and can be n Time-saving and ergonomic height adjustment of the
installed and put into operation within a very short time. control pendant requiring no additional wiring
n Easy operation due to ergonomically optimised DSC
An investment with added value made by control pendant with plug-and-socket connection
Demag Cranes & Components: n Flexibility thanks to two different suspension brackets
n Improved safety thanks to 24 V control voltage and variable adjustment of the flange width on the U 11
operating limit switch to U 34 trolleys
n Gearbox, brake and coupling maintenance-free n Elapsed operating time counter and diagnostics
n The load cannot drop, the brake-coupling system without having to remove the motor or gearbox parts
ensures that the load is held securely in any operating n Service technicians can read the standard elapsed time
39044-2 39241-26
Safe operation with one hand – Demag DCMS-Pro Manulift
the DCS-Pro
n Travel speeds from 1.6 to 78 ft/min (0.5 to 24 m/min),
deceleration ramps
cross travel
n IP 55 enclosure
FEM 2m
60% CDF
Our Demag DC-Com chain hoists have always been the cost-effective solution for standard
applications. We have now made them even more attractive by increasing their performance.
The DC-Com model offers significantly more value with twice the service life and a 50%
increase in duty factor (for size 2 and higher).
Load capacity Chain hoist Reeving Group of Lifting speed Lift Continuous 16’ Lift
mechanisms Duty Factor
(for H5)
[lbs] [kg] Type FEM/ISO [FPM] [m/min] [ft.] [%]
175 80 4m/M7
DC-Com 1 32/8 9.6/2.4 60 (40/20)
220/275 100/125 3m/M6
49 / 21
350 160 3m/M6
DC-Com 2 24/6 7.2/1.8 60 (40/20)
440/550 200/250 2m/M5
695 315 3m/M6
DC-Com 5 24/6 7.2/1.8 16’ or 26’1) 60 (40/20) 62 / 27
880/1,100 400/500 2m/M5
High-quality features
are standard
Fast installation and commissioning
Your benefits with the
Demag DC-Com chain hoist
Reliable Demag quality Ergonomic handling
▪▪ 24 V contactor control ▪▪ The length of the control cable can be adjusted
▪▪ High level of safety thanks to the brake arranged in without the need for any wiring, therefore the control
front of the slipping clutch pendant can always be in the right working position
▪▪ Reliable operation from -4 to +113 °F (-20 °C to ▪▪ Fatigue-free operation thanks to the ergonomically
+45 °C) without any reduction in the duty factor optimized DSC and DSE 10-C control pendants
(maximum of up to 140 °F / 60 °C) ▪▪ Single-fall design for simple load handling
▪▪ Two lifting speeds as standard with smooth starting (for units up to 2,200 lbs / 1,000 kg)
and braking ▪▪ Service-friendly
▪▪ Maintenance monitoring thanks to a standard ▪▪ Service Cover allows direct and quick access to:
elapsed operating time counter and IDAPSY ▪▪ Key plug-and-socket electrical connections
diagnostics interface ▪▪ Control pendant height adjustment
▪▪ Outstanding surface protection thanks to high- ▪▪ Chain lubrication port
quality powder-coating
▪▪ IP 55 enclosure Trolleys and electric drives
▪▪ The entire chain drive can be quickly replaced Besides operation with the KBK crane construction kit,
without having to remove the motor or gear parts DC-Com chain hoists can also be used on I-beam and
▪▪ Gearbox maintenance-free for up to 10 years Patented Track Crane and Monorails. The push-travel
trolleys are designed for smooth, low rolling resistance
The Demag DC-Pro chain hoist product range travel. Electric travel drives can also be added to the
offers additional functions and options – trolley for heavier loads. These travel drives feature
also in the form of the variable-speed DCS-Pro and adjustable, two-speed travel as well as smooth starting
DCM-Pro Manulift models. and stopping.
Terex Corporation
Terex Corporation is one of the world’s leading suppliers of crane
technology with Demag industrial cranes and crane components.
The core competence of the Terex Material Handling business
group lies in the development, design and production of technically
sophisticated cranes, hoists and components and the provision
of services for these products. The business group manufactures