Caraga Regional Science High School San Juan, Surigao City
Caraga Regional Science High School San Juan, Surigao City
Caraga Regional Science High School San Juan, Surigao City
A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty
of Caraga Regional Science High School
Angelo Gabriel L. Dihayco
Karl Lawrence J. Nepomuceno
Anthony Geron C. Ampater
Rohan D. Amarilla
Sand, however insignificant it may appear, is an essential component of our lives. It is the
principal raw material used to construct modern cities. The concrete used to build commercial
malls, offices, and residential towers, as well as the asphalt required to connect them, is mostly
made up of glued-together sand and gravel. While a bag of stones or gravel may look fairly
benign, the process of getting it to us is anything but benign. Aggregate is mined from the earth,
either dug out of pits or blasted out of quarries. This process has many significant environmental
impacts. Creating the pits or quarries requires the removal of virtually all natural vegetation, top
soil and subsoil to reach the aggregate underneath. Not only does this lead to a loss of existing
animal wildlife, it also leads to a huge loss of biodiversity as plants and aquatic habitats are
destroyed. Moreover, adjacent eco-systems are affected by noise, dust, pollution and
contaminated water. Pits and quarries disrupt the existing movement of surface water and
groundwater; they interrupt natural water recharge and can lead to reduced quantity and quality
of drinking water for residents and wildlife near or downstream from a quarry site. This study
aims to reduce the use of sand and gravel in hollow blocks, by using recycled shredded paper as
This study will never be successful without the individual efforts of the following people;
To my Research Adviser whose dedication and eagerness to work with the paper is superb.
To our energetic Principal, Ma Luisa A. Guyano, your support and assistance are reasons enough for us
To Mr. and Mrs. Dihayco and also Mr. Mrs. Amarilla for their assistance in collecting and making the
To the teaching force of CARAGA REGIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL, thanks for the prayers and
And lastly, to our all mighty God for all the blessings given to us. We cannot do this alone without the
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Methodology
Research Design…........................................................................................................5
Schematic Design….....................................................................................................5
Every year, the globe consumes more than 600 billion pounds of paper. This equates to
around 100 pounds of consumption per person on a worldwide scale. Every year, 3.5 to 7 billion
trees are taken down. As a result of the lack of trees that absorb the carbon generated by
factories, cars, mining, and other sources, climate change and global warming have resulted.
As a result of global warming, ice caps are melting quicker, causing sea levels to rise far
faster than projected. Every year, we utilize 50 billion tons of sand, making it the most exploited
natural resource on the planet; however, sand is becoming scarce. Sand is becoming more scarce
as more people use it for building materials and exports. According to research, we will run out
of sand by 2055 owing to overuse, and by that time, more than 7 billion people would have
The goal of the study was to reduce the use of sand in hollow blocks used to
mechanical and thermal performance, the group came up with this study to alleviate the concerns
Without a doubt, recycled paper may have the potential to revolutionize the construction
industry. A significant benefit is the ease of fabrication. We chose paper as an aggregate since it
is widely available in the local market and is low in weight, making transportation easier.
Homemade hollow blocks are light and easy to move, unlike traditional hollow blocks, which are
Statement of the Problem
Blocks for Creating Commercial Building” will try to identify its acceptability of the recycled
1. How strong is our alternative hollow blocks when undergone a Drop test?
2. Is there any significant difference between the commercial standard hollow blocks and the
alternative hollow blocks when treated by the drop test
The study entitled “Recycled Shredded Paper as an Ingredient in Alternative Concrete Hollow
Blocks for Creating Commercial Building” if proven successful will benefit the following:
Local government: The local government benefits the study because it will lessen the problem in relation
to Quarrying since the said sand will never be used anymore in making blocks
Community: The community will never experience excessive flooding since the problem of quarrying and
Future Researchers: This study will give more enriching ideas for the students to explore more and
conduct research.
The respondents in this study are Caraga Regional Science High School juniors. Hollow
blocks are the focus of this investigation. The problems with paper and sand can be reduced,
This study presents an experimental approach for the use of Papercrete for construction.
Green materials are now the preferred material for construction since they are capable of lighter
weight and affordable. Based on recent studies, alternative building materials are cost effective,
light weight when dry, and efficient to use. (Birhane S., Koshe W., 2017)
These days CO 2 emission from construction sites because of cement use is a global
issue. In order to address environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing and
constantly depleting natural resources, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make
concrete industry sustainable. On the other hand, more waste paper ends up in landfills or dump
sites than those recycled due to which all countries are facing a serious challenge in disposing of
The construction industry uses large quantities of raw materials, such as aggregates and
crushed rocks, and this significantly depletes the sources of natural aggregates. Due to the
environmental impacts associated with opening new quarries, the use of secondary materials,
such as recycled aggregate, is being considered more often by the building industry. Also,
preliminary tests on recycled aggregates have shown that recycled masonry has a similar specific
gravity as scoria and relatively good strength, therefore crushed masonry can be used to replace
natural aggregates for concrete production. (Daniela L., Joe P., Bandita M., Jeremey S., David R.
Definition of Terms:
Drop Test - involve an object being dropped from a predefined height onto a second object or surface.
Concrete - a mass formed by concretion or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body.
Research Design
The experiment was conducted at Brgy Taft, 8400 Nueva Street, Surigao City on one of
the researcher’s residence. Other members will just stay at their residence and help virtually
because of the pandemic during the experiment. The researcher’s will be guided by grown-ups or
their respective parents to avoid any incidents. The researcher produced 3 hollow blocks, two of
which hard shredded paper as an aggregate. The three hollow blocks were then dropped from a
height of six feet to test the strength of the individual hollow blocks
Schematic Diagram
For this research the equipment used were, scissors, basin, hollow block molder, shovel.
As for the ingredients half a bag of cement, half a bag of sand, quarter of a bag of
Experimental Procedure
For this research, we gathered recycled paper Lasertech Copier Services and the other
materials such as cement, grave, sand were bought at the local market.
All of the materials were weight and were noted down for the results, the components
were combined to provide a material solution for the experiment. After mixing the solution, it
will be poured into a hollow block mold and let to cure for a day.
The three hollow blocks were put to the test with a dropped of a height of 6 six feet to
After that, the researcher looked at the findings of the data from the drop test
Based on the result presented in the table above, the strength result of sample A withstood 5 out
of 6 drops. sample B withstood 4 out 6 drops, meanwhile sample C only withstood 2 out of 6
This showed the strength level of Sample A withstood more drops meanwhile sample B
Using statistical analysis, Sample C has a significant difference while sample A and B
As interpreted by the result, it was further recommended that this alternative cement hollow blocks can be
an alternative to a commercial hollow block. The researchers were happy to inform the reading public that
the alternative hollow block has a capacity to be an alternative. Quarrying concerns will be alleviated by the
use of sand and gravel.
After the period of experimentation, the following topics emerged and will be the spring board of further
1. The finished product will be used in building concrete walls for houses and buildings and other
2. Study further on the hollow blocks making, using the alternative hollow blocks.
3. More strength test will be conducted so that validity of data will be assured, make sure to use test’s