Baveja Microbiology PDF
Baveja Microbiology PDF
Baveja Microbiology PDF
Features of
I. Introduction
II. Scientific Development of Microbiology
A. Louis Pasteur B. Joseph Lister
C. Robert Koch D. Paul Ehrlich
Ill. Virology
IV. Immunology
V. Chemotherapeutic Agents
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· '&nit I: General Microbiology
flasks of previously heated putrescible fluids. This view .-e-:-Live vaccin~. He introduced attenuated live vaccine
was opposed by Spallanzani (1769) who found no such for prophyl ctic use. An accidental observation that
generation of microorganism after long heating of the chofera bacillus cultures left for several~
putrescible fluids. He proved that organic contents of l ~ h ~ t y but retained their ability to
flask supported the microbial growth when exposed to protectTiiebirds against subsequent infection by them
air. Later on, Pasteur proved conclusively that all forms led to the concept of attenuation and development
of life, even microbes, arose only from their like and of live vaccines. He attenuated the anthrax bacillus
not de novo. by incubation at high temperature (42°-43°C) and
proved that inoculation of such bacilli in animals
induced specific protection against anthrax. He
II. SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT convincingly demonstrated the protective role of
OF MICROBIOLOGY anthrax vaccine in a public experiment (1881) where
Scientific development of microbiology was ushered by vaccinated sheep, goats and cows were challenged
Louis Pasteur, perfection on microbiological studies by with a virulent anthrax bacillus culture. All the
Robert Koch, the introduction of antiseptic surgery by vaccinated animals survived while an equal number
Lord Lister and the contributions of Paul Ehrlich m of unvaccinated control animals died. Pasteur coined
chemotherapy. the term vaccine for such prophylactic preparations to
commemorate the first of such preparations, namely,
A. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) cowpox, employed by Jenner for protection against
He was a trained chemist of France. smallpox.
His studies on fermentation led him Pasteur's de:elopme_nt of a vaccine f o ~
to take interest in microbiology. marked a milestone m development of 1mmum 1 ,
He established that fermentation in ~ e . He obtained the fixed virus of rabies
was caused by microbial agents. h5yserial intracerebral passage in rabbits. The rabies
He further noted that different vaccine was prepared by drying pieces of spinal cord
types of fermentations_ were from rabbits infected with fixed virus. This work
associated with gjfferent kinds of was acclaimed throughout the world. The Pasteur
microorganisms He is also known Fig. 1.1 Louis Pasteur Institute, Paris, was built by public contribution for
asfath~ ogy. the preparation of vaccines and for the investigation
of infectious diseases.
1. Microbiology is the science of living organisms that are only visible under microscope.
2. Scientific development of microbiology is contributed by several scientists.
3. A microorganism can be accepted as the causative agent of infectious disease only if it fulfills the Koch's
4. Nobel prize has been awarded to various scientists for their discoveries.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Robert Koch (b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Koch's postulates (d) Koch's phenomenon
(e) Paul Ehrlich
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b)
---++• - - -
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Chapter 2
I. Introduction
II. Microscopy
A. Optical or Light Microscope B. Phase Contrast Microscope
C. Dark Field (Dark Ground) Microscope D. Interference Microscope
E. Fluorescent Microscope F. Electron Microscope
Ill. Study of Bacteria
A. Unstained (Wet) Preparations B. Stained Preparations
C. Morphology of Bacteria D. Bacterial Anatomy
Method Reagents
1. The carbol fuchsin stain is poured on a slide containing A. Albert I or Albert stain
fixed smear. Gentle heat is applied to the underside 1. Toludine blue .. 0.15 gm
of the slide, by means of a spirit flame, until the 2. Malachite green .. 0.20 gm
stain just commences to steam. The carbol fuchsin 3. Glacial acetic acid 1 ml
is left on the slide for 5-10 minutes with intermittent 4. Alcohol (95 per cent ethanol) .. 2ml
heating during that period. Care must be taken to 5. Distilled water to make 100 ml
ensure that the stain does not dry out, to counteract
drying more solution of stain is added to the slide B. Albert II or Albert's iodine solution
and the slide reheated. Heating of the stain is required 1. Iodine 2 gm
for penetration of the dye into the cell wall. 2. Potassium iodide 3 gm
2. Wash in tap water. 3. Distilled water to make 300-ml
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Ch 2: Microscopy an d Morphology of Bacteria _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 13
Microscopic Examination of the Smear filaments. They are very small in size (50-300 nm in
Corynebacterium diphtheriae appear as green coloured diameter). They can reproduce in cell-free medium.
bacilli with bluish black metachromatic granules. These 6. Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae: These are very small,
bacilli are arranged in Chinese letter or cuneiform obligate parasites. Due to their inability to grow
arrangement. outside living cells, they were previously considered
+.J.!dJ!:1-.. as viruses. Now they are classified as bacteria because
C. Morphology of Bacteria of typical bacterial cell wall, possession of various
Depending on their shape, bacteria are classified into bacterial enzymes and structural similarities with
several types f- g 2 ): bacteria.
1. Cocci (from kokkos, meaning berry): These are oval
or spherical cells. These cocci may be arranged in D. Bacterial Anatomy
pairs (diplococci), chains (streptococci), clusters The outer layer or cell envelope of a bacterial cell consists
(staphylococci) and groups of four (tetrads) or eight of two components-
(sarcina). 1. a rigid cell wall.
2. Bacilli (bacillus, meaning rod): These are rod shaped 2. underlying cytoplasmic or plasma membrane.
cells. Some of these bacilli may be having peculiar The cell envelope encloses the protoplasm which
arrangement or shape as follows: comprises cytoplasm, cytoplasmic inclusions (mesosomes,
(i) Cocco bacilli- length of bacteria is approximately ribosomes, inclusion granules, vacuoles) and a single
same as its width e.g. Brucella. circular chromosome of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
(ii) Streptobacilli- These bacilli are arranged in (Fig. 2.2) . Besides these essential components, some
chains e.g. Streptobacillus. bacteria may possess additional structures, such as,
(iii) Chinese letter or cuneiform pattern- arranged capsule, flagella and fimbriae.
at angles to each other e.g. Corynebacterium.
(iv) Comma-shaped- curved appearance e.g. Vibrio.
(v) Spirilla- rigid spiral forms e.g. Spirillum. 1. THE CELL WALL (TABLE 2.2)
3. Spirochaetes (from spiera meaning coil; chaite The cell wall is a tough and rigid structure, surrounding
meaning hair): These are slender, flexous spiral forms the bacterium like a shell. It weighs about 20-25% of the
e.g. Treponema. dry weight of the cell. The thickness of Gram negative cell
4. Actinomycetes (from actis, meaning ray, mykes wall is 10-25 nm. The cell wall has following functions:
meaning fungus): These are branching filamentous 1. Accounts for the shape of the cell.
bacteria resembling fungi. They have a rigid cell 2. Provides protection to the cell against osmotic
wall. damage.
5. Mycoplasmas: These bacteria are cell wall deficient 3. Confers rigidity upon bacteria.
and hence do not possess a stable shape. They may 4. It takes part in cell division .
occur as round or oval bodies and as interlacing 5. It possesses target site for antibiotics, lysozymes and
I Cocci I
,.,,. f(
-~- --s~
•• II
- ..
Cocci in chains Cocci in clusters Tetrad Sarcina
I Bacilli I
_,,,. •••
-\\-.#' ~ ) ~;\,JP
½/1I\ "
!:7Y tR
Bacilli Coccobacilli Bacilli in chains Comma shaped Chinese letter pattern
,- ---+-4- Ribosomes
Cell wall
-- 1
Fig. 2.2 Bacterial cell
Teichoic acid
Lfi Lipopolyic~ de - -
Fig. 2.4 Structure of Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial cell wall
(ii) Gram-positive Cell Wall presence of penicillin or other agents that interfere
(a) Peptidoglycan: This layer in Gram positive bacteria with synthesis of cell wall. These are difficult to
is thicker (16-80 nm) than that in Gram negative cultivate and require agar containing solid medium
bacteria (2 nm) (Fig. 2.4). having right osmotic strength. L-forms are sometimes
(b) Teichoic acid: Gram positive cell wall contains spontaneously formed in patients treated with
significant amount of teichoic acid which is absent in penicillin. L-forms are more stable than protoplasts
Gram negative bacteria. The teichoic acids constitute and spheroplasts.
major surface antigens of Gram positive bacteria. (iii) Protoplasts: These are derived from Gram positive
They are water soluble polymers, cont~ining ribitol bacteria. They contain cytoplasmic membrane and
or glycerol polymers. Teichoic acids are of two types, cell wall is totally lacking. These are produced
cell w ~ i d and m e ~ a c i d . artificially by lysozyme in a hypertonic medium.
The cell wall teichoic acid is covalently linked to These are unstable. Hypertonic condition is necessary
pept'ictoglycan; and tne membra°ile te1choic acid to for their maintenance.
cytoplasmic membrane. (iv) Spheroplasts: These are derived from Gram negative
(c) Other components: Certain Gram positive bacteria. They are produced in presence of penicillin.
cells also contain antigens such as protein and They are osmotically fragile and must be maintained
polysaccharides. in hypertonic culture medium. They differ from
the protoplast in that some cell wall material is
Demonstration of Cell Wall retained.
The cell wall cannot be seen by light microscope and
does not stain with simple dyes. Demonstration of cell Pleomorphism and Involution Forms
wall can be done by following methods: Certain species of bacteria which exhibit great variation in
(a) Plasmolysis- When bacteria is placed in a hypertonic shape and size of individual cells are called pleomorphism.
saline, shrinkage of the cytoplasm occurs, while cell Some bacteria show swollen and aberrant forms in ageing
wall retains original shape and size. laboratory cultures and are known as involution forms.
( b) Microdissection Defective cell wall synthesis is often responsible for
(c) Differential staining development of these two abnormal forms.
(d) Reaction with specific antibody
(~) Electron microscopy.
Bacteria with Defective Cell Wall It is 5-10 nm thick elastic semipermeable layer which lies
The synthesis of cell wall may be inhibited or interfered beneath the cell wall separating it from the cell cytoplasm
by many factors such as, antibiotics, bacteriophages and (Fig. 2.2). Electron microscopy shows the presence of
lysozyme. Lysozyme, an enzyme normally present in many three layers constituting a unit membrane. Chemically,
tissue fluids, lyses susceptible bacteria by splitting the it consists of lipids and protein molecules. Sterols are
linkage of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. When lysozyme absent, except in mycoplasma.
acts on a Gram positive bacterium in a hypertonic solution, Cytoplasmic membrane act as an osmotic barrier.
a protoplast is formed. In case of Gram negative bacteria, It is the site of numerous enzymes (permease, oxidase,
the result is a spheroplast. Bacteria with defective cell wall polymerase) involved in the active transport of selective
may probably have a role in the persistence of certain nutrients. It acts as a semipermeable membrane controlling
chronic infections such as pyelonephritis. Bacteria without the inflow and outflow of metabolites to and from the
cell walls or with deficient cell walls are of four types: protoplasm. It also contains cytochrome oxidase, enzymes
(i) Mycoplasma: This is a naturally occurring bacteria of tricarboxylic acid cycle and enzymes necessary for the
without cell walls. Mycoplasma is classified as an cell wall synthesis.
independent bacterial genus. They don't require
hypertonic environment for maintenance and are 3. CYTOPLASM
stable in culture medium. The bacterial cytoplasm is a colloidal system containing
(ii) L -forms: Kleineberger-Nobel, while studying a variety of organic and inorganic solutes in a viscous
Streptobacillus moniliformis in the Lister Institute, watery solution. It lacks mitochondria and endoplasmic
London, observed abnormal forms of the bacteria and reticulum of eukaryotic cell. It contains ribosomes,
named them L-forms after the Lister Institute. mesosomes, vacuoles and inclusions. The cytoplasm stains
L-forms develop either spontaneously or in the uniformly with basic dyes in young cultures.
composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and ribosomal surrounds some bacteria as their outermost layer (Fig.
proteins. Ribosomes are integrated in linear strands of 2.2) . When it diffuses into the surrounding medium
mRNA to form polysomes and it is at this site that code and remains as a loose undemarcated secretion as in
of mRNA is translated into peptide sequences. They L euconostoc, it is known as slime layer. When this
arel0-20 nm in size with a sedimentation constant of secretion is organised into a sharply defined structure,
70 S (S for Svedberg units). Each 70 S unit consists of as in Stre tococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus), it is
a 30 S and a 50 S subunit. known as the capsule. Capsules which are very thin and
cannot be demonstrated under the light microscope are
(ii) Intracytoplasmic inclusions ca11ed microcapsules e.g. Ne zsserza meningitidis. The slime
These are sources of stored energy and present in some layer or capsule is generally-polysacchanae in nature but
species of bacteria. Their function and significance is it is polypeptide in anthrax bacillus. Some bacJeria may
uncertain. They may be present as polymetaphosphate have both a capsule and a slime layer (e.g. Streptococcus
(volutin), lipid, polysaccharide (starch or glycogen) and salivarius). Bacteria like Klebsiella secreting large amount
granules of sulphur. They are most frequent in bacteria of slime produces mucoid growth on agar, with a stringy
grown under conditions of nutritional deficiency and consistency when touched with the loop.
disappear when the deficient nutrients are supplied.
(iii) Mesosomes (chondroids) (i) Capsule enhances bacterial virulence by inhibiting
Mesosomes are vesicular, multilaminated or convoluted phagocytosis. Loss of capsule may render the
structures formed as invaginations of the plasma bacterium avirulent. Bacteria tend to lose capsules
membrane into the cytoplasm (Fig. 2.2) . They are the on re ea ures.
principal centres of respiratory enzyme and are analogous (ii) It acts as protective coyerj.g,g against antibacterial
to mitochondria of eukaryotes. These are more prominent substances such as, bacteriophages, phagocytes,
in Gram positive bacteria. There are two types of enzymes.
mesosomes- septal and lateral. The septa! mesosome (iii) Capsular antige is specific for bacteria and can be
is attached to bacterial chromosome and is involved in used for identification and typing of bacteria.
DNA segregation and in the formation of cross-walls
during binary fission. Capsulated Organisms
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella sp. , Bacillus anthracis,
Haemophilus infiuenzae, Cryptococcus neoformans ( a
4. NUCLEUS fungus ) .
Bacterial nucleus has no nuclear membrane or nucleolus. It
cannot be demonstrated by ordinary microscope but needs Demonstration of Capsule
an electron microscope. The nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid Capsule has little affinity for ~asic dyes, therefore, it can't
(DNA) doesn't appear to contain any basic protein. The be stained by Gram staining. The following methods have
genomic DNA is double stranded in the form of a circle. been used for demonstration of capsule.
It measures about 1 mm (1000 µm) when straightened.
The bacterial DNA is haploid, replicates by simple fission · ndia ink staining (negative staining)
and maintains bacterial genetic characteristics. Capsule appears as a clear halo around bacterium as the
Some bacteria may possess extranuclear genetic i~ can't penetr~te the capsule (Fig. 2.5) .
material in the cytoplasm consisting of DNA named
as plasmids or episomes. The plasmid replicates
autonomously. They are not essential for the life of the Capsule
cell, but may confer on the bacteria certain properties,
such as drug resistance and toxigenicity which constitute
a survival advantage to the bacteria. These plasmids can
be transmitted from one bacterium to another either by
conjugation or by the agency of bacteriophage. Besides
these methods, plasmids may be transferred to daughter
cells during cell division by binary fission . Fig. 2.5 Pneumococci stained with India ink to show capsule
"Y\ ,,
(c) Spreading of bacteria in semisolid agar e.g. spores are formed within the parent cell, these are called
Craigie's tube metl!Q.d.
'l'hese are hair-like. appendages projecting from the cell
endospores. Sporulation is not a method of reproduction.
In the process of sporulation, each vegetative cell forms
only one spore and during subsequent germination, each
spore gives rise to only one vegetative bacterium.
surface as shaight filaments. They are also called pil"
They are 0.1 to 1.0 µm in length and less than 10 nm Sporulation (Fig. 2.8)
thick (shorter and thinner than flagella). Fimbriae are Bacterial cell undergoes spore formation in nutritionall
found in some Gram negative bacteria. Each bacterium de rived conditions and this process is called sporulation.
possesses 100-500 fimbriae peritrichously. They are more Spore develops from a portion of protoplasm (forespore)
numerous than flagella. They are antigenic. They are best near one end of the cell. The remaining part of cell is
developed in freshly isolated strains an m 1quid cultures. called sporangium. Bacterial DNA replicates and divides
They tend to disappear when subcultures are made on into two DNA molecules. One of these is incorporated
solid media. Fimbria is composed of protein called pilin. into forespore and other into sporangium. A transverse
They are unrelated to motility and are found on motile septum grows across the cell from the cell membrane.
as well as non-motile bacteria. It divides forespore and sporangium. The forespore is
completely encircled by this septum as a double layered
Types membrane. The inner layer becomes the spore membrane
There are three main types of fimbriae. and the outer layer becomes thickened spore coat. Between
(!),Common pili- These are of six types depending the two layers is spore cortex.
/ on their morphology, number per cell, adhesive
properties and antigenic nature. Morphology of Spore
(u) Sex or F (fertility) pili The clear area in the protoplasm of cell becomes
iii) Col I (colicin) pili gradually more opaque with condensation of nuclear
chromatin forming the forespore. The cell membrane
Functions grows inward and forms spore wall around the core
(i) Adhesion- Fimbriae are or a esion. This (forespore). The inner-most layer of the spore wall forms
property e9hances th virulence f bacteria. the spore membrane from which the cell wall of future
(iz) Transfer of genetic mate · - ex pili are present in vegetative bacterium develops. Outside this membrane
male bacteria. 'these p1h a?e"longer (18-20 µm) and is thick layer, the cortex and a multilayered tough spore
1-4 in number. They help the male cells to attach coat. Some spores _have an additional apparently rather
with non-male (female) cells in forming "conjugation loose, outercovering called exosporium (Fig. 2.9).
tubes" through which genetic material is believed to
be transferred from the donor (male) to the recipient Shape and Position of Spores
(female) cell. The precise position, shape and relative size of spore
are constant within a particular species. Spores may be
Detection of Fimbriae / central, subterminal or terminal (Fig. 2.10). They may be
(i) Electron microscopy. oval or spherical in shape. The diameter of spore may be
(ii) ,Haemagglutination- Many fimbriated bacteria (e.g. same or less than the width of bacteria (Bacillus) , or may
7 ~ erichia coli, Klebsiella) strongly agglutinate red be wider than the bacillary body producing a distension
blood~ells of guin~~' fowl , horses and pigs; or bulge in the cell ( Clostridiufn ).
human and sheep ce ls weakly and ox cells scarcely.
This property of haemagglutination is a simple
method for detecting the presence of fimbriae. The Resistance
haemagglutination can be specifically inhibited by Bacterial spores are extremely resistant to ordinary
D-mannose. .5.3 5 (V) boiling, disinfectants and heating. The high resistance
. of s · due to hi content o calcium nd dipicolinic
~ TERIALSPORE acid; low water content; he thick impervious cortex and
Spores are highly resistant resting stage formed in spore coats; their low metabolic and enzymatic activity.
urµavourableenvironmental conditions presumed to However, spores of all medically im ort
related to the depletion of exogenous nutrients. As bacterial are destroyed ·ng at 121 °C for
( J1s ) DNA
Germination of
Vegetat;,e cell
I GD DNA replication
Free endospore
Formation of sporangium
and forespore
:::::==:f===::=:;:::---- Spore coat
~ - ~ - Spore cortex
,.___.,,._,,___ Spore membrane
Mature endospore
inside the cell
Formation of a double
layer membrane
The process of conversion of a spore into vegetative cell
under suitable conditions is known as germination. The
spore loses its refractivity, and swells when transferred
to conditions conducive to vegetative growth. The spore
wall is shed and the germ cell appears by rupturing the
spore coat. The formation of vegetative bacterium occurs
by elongation of the germ cell.
_09f:am staining Spores appear as an unstained
Fig. 2.9 Structure of bacterial spore refractile body within the cell.
(ij}Modified ·Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining- Spores
Methods of disinfection and sterilization should ensure appear as acid-fast (red colour). Ziehl-Neelsen
destruction of spores also. staining with 0.25-0.5% sulphuric acid (instead of
-- ~ -fan~
1. Microorganisms are living structures of microscopical size. They belong to prokaryotes.
2. Microscopy can be done to observe these microorganisms.
3. Unstained (wet) and stained preparations are examined for the study of bacteria.
4. Bacteria are either Gram positive or Gram negative on Gram staining.
5. Broadly bacteria are classified into cocci or bacilli.
6. Bacterial cell possesses several components such as the cell wall, the cytoplasmic membrane, the cytoplasm , the nucleus,
the bacterial capsule, the flagella, the fimbriae and the bacterial spore.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Phase contrast microscope (b) Dark field microscope
(c) Fluorescent microscope (d) Electron microscope.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b)
I. Bacterial Growth
A. Bacterial Cell Division B. Generation Time
C. Bacterial Count D. Bacterial Growth Curve
E. Batch Culture and Continuous Culture F. Bacterial Growth in Vivo
II. Bacterial Nutrition
Ill. Bacterial Metabolism
A. Oxidation B. Fermentation
C. Oxidation-Reduction (O-R) potential
The replicated DNA molecules are distributed to the In the plating method, appropriate dilutions of
two daughter cells. A transverse septum grows across the specimen are inoculated on solid media, either on
the cell from the cell membrane. This is followed by the the surface of plates or as pour plates. The number of
deposition of cell wall material and the two daughter cells colonies that grow after incubation gives an estimate of the
separate. In some bacterial species, the daughter cells may viable count. Each colony represents a clone of bacteria
remain partially attached even after cell division. derived from a single parent cell. Therefore one colony
is equivalent to one bacterium. Number of colonies are
Clinical Significance equal to number of bacteria in the specimen.
Some bacteria are present as 'diplococci' ( e1ssena,
Pneumococcus) and others in chains (Streptococcus). Clinical Significance
Morphology of 'diplococci' and 'in chains' are due to Viable count is useful in clinical microbiology for testing
non-separation of daughter cells after cell division. These of water by presumptive coliform count (Ref. Chapter
morphological features are very useful in identification 80) and also in diagnosis of urinary tract infection (Ref.
of these bacteria in the laboratory. Chapter 69).
produc exotoxi~
In the phase of Involution forms are ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING
decline c ommon. GROWTH
1. Moisture and Desiccation
E. Batch Culture and Continuous Culture Moisture is an essential requirement for the growth
When bacteria are grown in a vessel of liquid medium of bacteria because 80% of the bacterial cell consists
(batch culture), after sometime the cell division ceases and of water. However, the drying has varying effects in
multiplication is arrested due to depletion of nutrients different organisms. Some organisms like Treponema
or accumulation of toxic products. By the use of special pallidum and N gonorrhoeae die quickly after drying
devices for replenishing nutrients and removing bacterial while M. tuberculosis and Staph. aureus may survive
cells, continuous culture of bacteria is maintained. The drying for several weeks. Drying in cold and vacuum
techniques namely chemostat and turbidostat are in (lyophilisation or freeze drying) is used for preservation
use. Maintenance of continuous culture of bacteria is of microorganisms.
sometimes required for industrial and research purposes.
Clinical Significance
F. Bacterial Growth in Vivo Transport media are used for transport of those clinical
There is a _significant difference of bacterial growth specimens which may contain delicate organisms such
acceptors, while the anaerobes use hydrogen acceptors by the process of fermentation and aerobic respiration.
other than oxygen. They derive their energy by fermentation in the absence
of oxygen but switch over to aerobic respiration in the
A. Oxidation presence of ·oxygen.
In case of aero bes, where the ultimate hydrogen acceptor is
oxygen, the carbon and energy source may be completely Clinical Significance
oxidised to carbon dioxide and water. The conversion of Biochemical reactions are used for identification of Gram
adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate negative bacilli. Carbohydrates are fermented to produce
(ATP) provides energy in this process. This process is acid (lactic acid, pyruvic acid etc.) and gas (hydrogen,
called oxidative phosphorylation. Small amount of carbon dioxide).
hydrogen peroxide produced in the process is disposed off
by enzymes catalase or peroxidase present in aerobes. C. Oxidation-Reduction (O-R)
Potential (Redox potential)
B. Fermentation Oxidising agent is a substance which can accept electrons
In anaerobic respiration, hydrogen acceptor compounds while reducing agent is able to part with electrons (Fig.
are nitrates or sulphates, instead of oxygen. In fermen- 3.3). The oxidising or reducing condition of a system is
tation, a series of oxidoreductions occur in which the indicated by the net readiness of all the components in
carbon and energy source acts as both the electron that system to accept or to part with the electrons. This
donor and electron acceptor. The organic end products is called oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential.
of fermentation include acids (lactic acid, formic acid, The redox potential of a medium is determined by
pyruvic acid), gas (hydrogen, carbon dioxide) and recording the electrical potential difference set up between
alcohols. the medium and an 'unattackable' electrode immersed
During fermentation, energy rich phosphate bonds in it. The electrode potential (Eh) can be measured in
are produced by the introduction of organic phosphate millivolts. This depends upon the state of oxidation or
into intermediate metabolite. This process is known reduction of the solution.The more oxidised the system,
as substrate-level phosphorylation. These energy-rich the higher is the potential and in reduced system potential
phosphate groups so formed help in conversion of ADP is lower. The redox-potential of the medium can also
to ATP. Fermentation is carried out by both obligate and be assessed by the use of certain indicator dyes such as
facultative anaerobes. methylene blue or resazurin, which become coloured in
The oxygen and hydrogen peroxide are toxic to oxidised state. It is a simple but less accurate method.
anaerobes. The reason for this toxicity is not well Anaerobic organisms require low redox potential for their
understood. It is suggested that in the presence of oxygen, growth.
hydrogen peroxide accumulates in the media and inhibits
the growth of anaerobes The enzyme catalase, which splits Clinical Significance
hydrogen peroxide, is present in aerobic bacteria but is Anaerobic jar is used for growing anaerobic bacteria in
absent in the anaerobes. Another reason might be that it. Methylene blue solution is kept in the anaerobic jar
anaerobes possess essential enzymes that are active only to acertain anaerobic conditions in the jar. Methylene
in the reduced state. blue solution is colourless in anaerobic conditions and
The facultative anaerobes may act in both ways i.e. blue in aerobic conditions. (Ref. Chapter 6).
1. The minimum nutritional requirement for growth and multiplication of bacteria includes sources of carbon, nitrogen,
hydrogen, oxygen and some inorganic salts.
2. Bacterial cell division occurs by binary fission .
3. The time required for the bacterium to give rise to two daughter cells under optimum conditions is known as the
generation time.
4. Viable count measures the number of living (viable) bacteria while total count indicates total number of bacteria in
the specimen, irrespective of whether they are living or dead.
5. Bacterial growth curve has four phases namely lag phase, log phase, stationary phase and phase of decline .
6. On the basis of requirement of oxygen, bacteria are divided into aerobes and anaerobes.
7. Some organisms require higher level of carbon dioxide (5 -10%), for their growth, they are n amed as capnophilic
8. Majority of bacteria grow between temperature range of 25°C to 40°C i.e. mesophiles.
9. T he oxidising or reducing condition of a system is indicated by the net readiness of all the components in that system
to accept or to part with the electrons. This is called oxidation reduction potential or redox potential.
10. Anaerobic organisms require low redox potential for their growth.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Bacterial growth curve (b) Redox potential.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b)
I. INTRODUCTION: SOME DEFINffiONS 2. For media and reagents used in the microbiology
Microorganisms are responsible for contamination and laboratory.
infection. They are present all around. The aim of 3. In food and drug manufacturing to ensure safety
sterilisation is to remove or destroy them from materials from contaminating organisms.
or from surfaces.
~ rilisation A. Physical methods
It is a process by which an article, surface or medium is 1. Sunlight ~ ~v-"~-~ ~
-~ ).~
made free of all microorganisms either in the vegetative 2. Heat /
or spore form. --- (a) Dry heat • . /4
(b) Moist heat
Disinfection 3. Ozone
It means the destruction of all pathogens or organisms 4. Filtration
capable of producing infections but not necessarily spores. 5. R adiation
All organisms may not be killed but1file:m:mrl:reris7roaceu-
to a level that is no longer harmful to health. B. Chemical met hods
1. Alcohols
Antiseptics 2. Aldehydes
These are chemical disinfectants which can safely be 3. Phenols
applied to living tissues and are used to prevent infection 4. Halogens
by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. 5. Oxidising agents
6. Salts
Asepsis 7. Surface active agents
The technique by which, the occurrence of infection 8. Dyes
into an uninfected tissue is prevented. 9. Vapour phase disinfectants
of wtravia)et xa,zs. It is a natural method of sterilisation passed through bunsen flame without allowing them to
in cases of water in tanks, rivers and lakes. become red hot.
Factors influencing
(i) Nature of heat: D ry heat or moist heat
t oe,!_
-f i
(ii) Temperature and duration: The time required for
sterilisation is inversely proportional to temperature
to which organisms are exposed.
(iii) Characteristic of microorganisms and spores present:
Bacterial spores are killed by moist heat at j 21 °C
for 15 minutes. Most vegetative bacteria, fungi and
viruses are killed in 30 minutes at 65°C by moist Fig. 4.1 Hot air oven- Diagramatic
(iv) Type of material: A high content of organic
substances tend to protect the vegetative form and
spores against the lethal action of heat. Materials
containing organic substances require more time
for sterilisation. Proteins, sugars, fats and starch
are some of the organic substances.
( vii) The oven must be allowed t<_?. cool fQ[ two hours
before opening the doors, since the glasswares may
(ii) At a Temperature of 100°C
(a) Boiling Boiling for 10 to 30 minutes may kill most
of the vegetative forms but many spores withstand
crack by sudden cooling . boiling for a considerable time. When better methods
.- !'2-.<;'1-- are not available, boiling may be used for glass
Sterilisation control syringes and rubber stopper . It is not recommenaed
(i) The spores of BacillzisfzF rlls ubsp. niger (NCTC for the sterilisation of instruments for surgical
10075 or ATCC 9372) are kept inside the oven. procedures.
These spores should be destroyed if the sterilisati.9.~~ (b) Tyndallisation- Steam
is proper. ,W ,, ,A'o \P- ' • on three successive days · is known
(ii) Thermocouples may also be used. ,;J £.-lP · as tyndallisation or intermittent sterlisation. The
(iii rowne' tu6e with green spot is available. After principle is that the first exposure kills all the vegetative
proper sterilisation green coJo ·s produced after forms, and in the intervals between the heatings the
two hours at l 60°q. remaining spores germinate into vegetative forms
which are killed on subsequent heating. It is used
MOIST HEA STERILISATION for sterilisation of egg, serum or sugar containing
---.UllS-lll-e-1~rer of sterilisation may be used at different media which are da at higher temperature of
temperatures as follows. ;.,-----=-~;,::.o-=n~ly:......:used is Koch's
(i) At a temperature below 100°C or Arnold's steam nliser.
(ii) At a temperature of 100°C (c) team sten iser t 100°C for 90 min es-Koch's or
(iii)'-At a temperature above 100°C Arnold's steam st · iser (Fig. 4. ually used for
media which are decomposed at high temperature of
(i) At a Temperature below 100°C autoclave. The articles are kept on a perforated tray
(fl' fasteurisation o mil Two types of method,._ holder through which steam can pass. They are exposed to
method (63°C for 30 minutes) and~ metl!gd (72°C steam at atmospheric pressure for 90 minutes. Most
for 20 seconds followed by coolingqwckly to l3°C of the vegetative forms are killed by this method
or lower) are used. All nonsporing pathogens such except thermophiles.
as mycobacteria, brucellae and salmonellae are killed
except Coxiella burnetii which being relatively heat (iii) At a Temperature above 100°C n er ressure)
resistant may survive in holder method. Water boils when its vapour pressure equals that of the
(b) ~ 'g]J"SS£.1..U£!lJ--,Some serum or egg media, such as surrounding atmosphere. When the atmospheric pressure
Lowenstein-Jensen's and Loeffier's serum, are rendered is raised then the boiling temperature is also raised. At
- - - - - - -- - - Perforated tray
AUTOCLAVE c:;;.;.--
100°C or satu am has a better killing Fig. 4.5 Autoclave (inner view)
power than dry heat. Bacteria are more susceptible to
moist heat as bacterial protein coagulates ra.e,idly.
- - -
steam can penetrate porous material easily.>
When steam comes into contact with a cooler surface it The cylinder is filled with sufficient water and the material
condenses to water and liberates its latent heat to that to be sterilised is placed on tpe tray. The lid is closed
surface, for example, 1600 ml of steam at 100°C and at with the discharge tap open. The heater is put o~ Safety_
atmospheric pressure condenses into one ml of water valve is adjusted to the required pre·ssure: After boiling
at 100°C and releases 518 calories of heat. The large of w a t e ~ m and air mixture is allowed' to escape
reduction in volume sucks in more steam to the same till all the air has been displaced. This can be tested by
site and the process continues till the temperature of leading the escaping steam-air mixture into a pail of water
the article is raised to that of steam._ The condensed through rubber tubing. When the air bubbles stop coming
water produces moist conditions for killing the m1cro6es in the pail it indicates that all the air has been displaced.
Components of autoclave
Autoclave is a modified pressure cooker or boiler. It
The discharge tap is now closed. The steam pressure
rises inside and when it reaches the desired set level
(15 pounds (lbs) per square inch), the safety valve opens
and the excess steam escapes. From this point, the holding
a vertical or horizontal cylinder of gunmetal period (15 minutes) is counted. After the holding period,
or stainless steel in 'a supporting iron case. The lid is the heating is stopped and autoclave allowed to cool till the
fastened by screw clamps and rendered air tight by an pressure gauge indicates that the pressure inside is equal
asbestos washer. The lid bears a discharge tap for air and to the atmospheric pressure. The discharge tap is opened
steam, a pressure gauge and a safety valve.. Heating is slowly and air is allowed to enter the autoclave. The lid
~ al)y done by electric_i!y. The steam circulates wiiliin is now opened and the sterilised material removed.
the jacket and is supplied under high pressure to the Note: The domestic pressure cooker works on the
inner chamber where materials are kept for sterilisation same principle and may ~sed for sterilisation of small
(Figs. 4.4 and 4.5).
articles in clinics.
rubber bung. After use, the filter disc is discarded . High energy electron radiation is not used widely
Each time a fresh disc is used and the outfit is in medicine.
sterilised by autoclaving. Th se filter discs are (ii) Non-ionising ra iations- The-se inclu~e infrared and
available in different grades. ultraviolet (UV) radiations. Infrared is used for
(iii) Sinterea g ass flit s- These are prepared by fusing ~ e r i l i s a t i o n of syringes and catheters.
finely powdered glass particles. These are available U ~ radiation with wavelength of 240 to
in different pore sizes. 280 nm has marked. gactericidal activity. It acts
(iv) embr e lter - Membrane filters are made by <ieoaturation of bacterial protein and interference
up o ~ These are routinely used with DNA replication. UV radiation is used for
in water analysis, sterility testing, and for the disinfecting enclosed areas such as bacteriological
solutions for parenteral use. laboratory, inoculation hoods, laminar flow and
it ocellulose illipore) membrane filters are operation theatres. Most vegetative bacteria are
>f"' widely used. Membrane filters are available in susceptible to UV radiation but spores are highly
pore sizes of 0.015 to 12 µm. The 0.22 µm filter -.r- resistant. Susceptibility of viruses is variable.
is the most commonly used because the pore size is Sf11
smaller than that of bacteria. For bacterial counts B Chemical Methods -=:::::::::::i_
of water, a known amount of water is filtered A vane ents are used as antise tics and
through the membrane filter disc. The upper side disinfectants. A§lideal antiseptig o disinfectant ould
of filter disc is placed on a culture medium and (i) have wide spectrum of activity and e e ective
incubated. The colonies develop on the medium. against all microorganisms including bacteria (both
Viable counts can be calculated by counting the vegetative and spore forms), viruses, protozoa and
colonies. fungi,
(v) ir 7ilters- T hese filters are used to deliver (iz) act in the presence of organic matters,
clean bacteria-free air to a cubicle or a room. (iii) have high P.enetration power and quick action,
High efficiency particulate air HEPA filters are (iv) be stable and effective in ~Ldi&- as well as in alkaline
used in air filtration in laminar air flow system mnditioos,
in microbiology laboratories. HEPA filters can (v) not co e metals,
remove articles of 0.3 µm or larger. (vi) be ati with other disinfectants,
( vi) rin efilter - Syringes fitted with membrane of (vii) not caJISe local irritation,
different diameters are available. For sterilisation, ( viii) not be toxic if absorbed into circulation,
the fluid is forced through the disc (membrane) (ix) be safe and easy to use, and
. , p by pressing the piston of the syringe. (x) be easil~ available =;;d cheap.
C fv'\ y-. ~J The disinfectant which possesses all the above criteria
5. Radiations X' - ,, ' is yet to be found.
Two types of radiations are used for sterilisatio~bii1fui g "'fhe following factors influence the potency of a
and non- ·onising. · -:,,- disinfectant :
(t) o ising radiations - Ionising radiations include (i) concentration
gamma rays, X-rays and cosmic rays. They have (ii) time of action
very high penetrating power. They are highly lethal (iii) pH
to all cells including bacteria. They damage DNA by (iv) temperature
yarious mecbaoism.s...Gamma radiaiions from a Cobalt (v) nature of organism and
60 source are commercially used 'lisation ( vi) presence of organic matter.
of disposable items such las ·c s r· swabs, tants can be divided into three
culture plates, cannulas cat rs tc. This method ....-i. !:!,!gh level disinfectants.
is also known a cold sterilisat · n ecause there is no ~!,o.ulrmediate level disinfectants.
appreciable incr em temperature. The advantages J ~Low level disinfectants.
of this method include speed, high penetrating power
(it can sterilise materials, through outer packages and 1. High level disinfectants
wrappings), and the absence of heat. Bacillus pumilis ~tiveness of high level disinfectants may be
has been used for testing the efficacy of ionising · to that of sterilisation. These disinfectants
radiations. are used for certain types of endoscopes, cystoscopes
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34 Unit I: General Microbiology
ll-iLoib' ¥'•"&,obL
@ Sea;,., I
'1 , ~ < >t ~
s~ I) olb,~
positive than Gram negative bacteria with no action radical on decompos ition of H 20 2 . These free radicals
against tubercle bacilli or spores and have very little are the active ingredient in the disinfection process. H 0
2 2
activity against viruses. They have a good fungicidal is used to disinfect contact lenses, surgical prostheses and
activity. plastic implants. It is used for high level disinfectio n and
(iii) Chloroxy lenol-It is an active ingredient of dettol. It sterilisation.
is less toxic and less irritant. It is readily inactivated
by presence of organic matter. It is inactive against ~ ~id
Pseudomo nas. Peracetic acid is an oxidising agent. It is one of the
(iv) Hexachlorophane- It is more active against Gram high level disinfecta nts. It is effective in resence of
positive than Gram negative bacteria. It is applied organic matter. It is a more poten errnicidal age t than
on skin as prophylax is against staphyloco ccal hydrogen peroxide. The end pro uc s ace 1c acid and
infections. It is bacteriost atic at very high dilutions. It oxygen) of this agent are non-toxic. It is also used in
is potentially toxic and should be used with care. plasma sterilisatio n procedure.
surface active agents or surfactants. They are classified into
one example of commonly used iodophore s. anionic, cationic, nonionic and amphoter ic compound s.
Of these, the cationic surfactant s have been the most
5. Oxidising Agents important antibacterial agents. These act on the phosphate
(i) Hydrogen peroxide groups of the cell membrane and also enter the cell.
Hydrogen peroxide (H 20 2) is effective against most This results in loss of membr,.ane semiperm eability and
organisms at concentra tion of 3-6%, while it kills all the cell proteins are denatured . Quaternar y ammoniu m
organisms including spores at higher concentra tion (10- compound s are the most important cationic surfactant s.
25%). Mode of action is by liberation of free hydroxyl Although these compound s are bactericid al for a wide
range of organisms, Gram positive species are more 9. Vapour Phase Disinfectants
susceptible. They have no action on spores and tubercle FO~
bacilli. They are active against viruses with lipid envelopes This is employed for fumigation of operation theatres,
(e.g. rabies virus) and much less against non-enveloped wards laboratories etc. Forma ehyde gas is generated
viruses (e.g. enteroviruses). The common cationic by adding 150 gm of KMn0 4 to 280 ml formalin for
compounds are acetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide 1000 cu. feet of room volume. This reaction produces
(cetavalon or cetrimide) and benzalkonium chloride. The considerable heat, and so heat resistant containers should
activity of these compounds is greatest at an alkaline pH. be used. The doors should be sealed and left unopened
Acid inactivates them. Antibacterial activity is reduced for 48 hours. Sterilisation is achieved by condensation
in the presence of organic matter. Anionic surface active of gas on exposed surfaces. The gas is irritant and toxic
agents, like ordinary soaps, render them inactive. when inhaled. After completion of disinfection, the effect
The anionic compounds, e.g. common soaps, have of irritant vapours should be nullified by exposure to
strong detergent but weak antimicrobial properties. These ammonia vapour.
agents are most active at acidic pH. They are effective
against Gram positive organisms but are relatively ETHYLENE OXIDE (ETO)
ineffective against Gram negative species. It is a colourless liquid with a boiling point of 10.7°C. It
The amphoteric compounds, known as 'Tego' is effective against all types of microorganisms including
compounds possess detergent properties of anionic and viruses and spores. It is a highly penetrating gas and it
antimicrobial activity of cationic compounds. They are readily penetrates some plastics. It acts by alkylating the
active against a wide range of Gram positive and Gram amino, carboxyl, hydoxyl and sulphydryl groups in protein
negative organisms and some viruses. They are active molecules. In addition, it reacts with DNA and RNA.
over a wide range of pH. The presence of organic matter It has a potential toxicity to human beings, including
reduces their activity. mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. It is highly inflammable.
It forms explosive mixture when its concentration in air
8. Dyes is greater than 3 per cent. By mixing it with inert gases
Two groups of dyes, aniline dyes and acridine dyes have such as carbon dioxide, its explosive tendency can be
been used extensively as skin and wound antiseptics. eliminated.
Both are bacteriostatic in high dilution but have It is specially used for sterilising plastic and rubber
low bactericidal action. Aniline dyes include crystal articles, respirators, heart-lung machines, sutures, dental
violet, brilliant green and malachite green. They are equipments and clothing. It is commercially used to
more active against Gram positive bacteria than sterilise disposable plastic syringes, petridishes etc. It has a
Gram negative bacteria. They have no activity against high penetrating power and thus can sterilise prepackaged
M . tuberculosis, and hence the use of malachite green materials. Ethylene oxide steriliser called a chemic/ave is
in the Lowenstein-Jensen medium makes it selective for used for sterilisation. It is unsuitable for fumigation of
isolation of tubercle bacilli. They are non-toxic and non- rooms because of its explosive nature. It is irritant, and
irritant to the tissues. Their activity is inhibited by organic personnel working with it have to take precautions.
material such as pus. They interfere with the synthesis Bacillus globigi (a red pigmented variant of Bq.cillus
of peptidoglycan component of the cell wall. These dyes subtilis) has been used as biological control for testi~g
are used in the laboratory as selective agents in culture of ethylene oxide sterilisers.
Acridine dyes include acriflavine, euflavine, proflavine
and aminacrine. They are affected very little by the BETAPROPIOLACTONE (BPL)
presence of organic material. They are also more active This is a condensation product of ketane and formaldehyde.
against Gram positive bacteria than Gram negative It has a boiling point of 163°C. Though it is a gas, it has
bacteria but are not as selective as the aniline dyes. These a low penetrating power. It has a rapid action and is used
dyes are used in clinical medicine. They interfere with in 0.2 per cent. It is effective against all microorganisms
the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in bacterial including viruses. It is more efficient for fumigation than
cells. formaldehyde. Unfortunately it has some carcinogenic
Gentian violet and acriflavine are two widely used activity. BPL is used for inactivation of vaccines.
dyes for skin disinfection especially in Gram positive Methods of sterilisation and disinfection of some
bacterial infections. important materials are shown in Table 4.1.
Recommended concentrations of some commonly sterilises the suspension in a given time is divided by the
used disinfectants are given in Table 4.2. corresponding dilution of phenol. This gives the phenol
coefficient. The phenol coefficient of 1.0 means that the
Table 4.2 Recommended Concentrations of Some test disinfectant has been as effective as phenol. Higher the
Disinfectants phenol coefficient, more effective is the disinfectant. The
Disinfectant Concentration phenol coefficient does not, however, give any indication
Ethyl alcohol 70% of how the test disinfectant will function practically in
G lutaraldehyde 2%
the presence of organic matters.
Lysol 2.5%
2. Chick Martin Test
Savlon (chlorhexidine and 2%, 5% Chick Martin test is a modification of Rideal Walker test.
In this test , disinfectant acts in the presence of organic
Dettol (chloroxylenol) 4% matter to simulate natural conditions. Organic matter, in
Bleaching powder (calcium 14 gm in one litre of water the form of dried yeast or faeces, is included .
Sodium hypochlorite 1%, 0.1 % 3. Kelsey-S ykes Test
Betadine (Iodophore) 2% This test gives a measure of the capacity of a disinfectant to
retain its activity when repeatedly used microbiologically.
III. TESTIN G OF DISINFE CTANTS It is also named as capacity test. The standard organism
(Staphylococcus aureus, Esch. coli, Ps. aeruginosa) is
1. Rideal Walker test added to the disinfectant in three successive lots at 0,
2. Chick Martin test 10 and 20 minutes. These three lots are in contact with
3. Kelsey-Sykes test disinfectant for eight minutes and samples are transferred
4. In- Use tests at 8, 18 and 28 minutes respectively to a recovery medium.
The disinfectant is judged by its ability to kill bacteria
1. Rideal Walker Test (growth or no growth on recovery medium) and not by
In Rideal Walker test, suspensions contammg similar comparison with phenol. The test is carried out under
quantities of organisms are submitted to the action of both 'clean' and 'dirty' conditions. Thus it also measures
varying concentrations of phenol and of the disinfectant the effectiveness of a disinfectant in the presence of an
to be tested. The dilution of the test disinfectant which organic matter.
1. Sterilisation is a process by which an article, surface or medium is made free of all microorganisms either in the
vegetative or spore form.
2. Disinfection means the destruction of all pathogens or organisms capable of producing infections but not necessarily
3. Asepsis is the technique by which, the occurrence of infection into an uninfected tissue is prevented.
4. Methods of sterilisation include physical methods and chemical methods.
5. Hot-air oven and autoclave are two commonly used methods of sterilisation. Hot-air oven is a dry heat sterilisation
method while autoclave is a moist heat sterilisation.
6. Temperature and time period for hot-air oven is 160°Cfor two hours (holding time) whereas it is 121°Cfor 15 minutes
at pressure of 15 pounds per square inch for autoclave.
7. Other important methods of sterilisation include filtration, radiations, glutaraldehyde and ethylene oxide.
8. Filtration is used to sterilise sera, sugars and antibiotic solutions.
9. Gamma radiations and ethylene oxide (ETO) are the methods commercially used for sterilisation of disposable syringes
and other disposable items.
l 0. Glutaraldehyde is used for sterilisation of cystoscopes, endoscopes and bronchoscopes. It is effective against bacteria
(including M. tuberculosis), fungi and viruses (including human immunodeficiency viruses and hepatitis B virus).
1. Define sterilisation. How does it differ from disinfection? Classify the various agents used in sterilisation. Add a note
on the principle and functioning of autoclave.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Hot air oven (b) Autoclave
(c) Filtration (d) Sterilisation by radiation
(e) Vapour phase disinfectants or Gaseous sterilisation.
3. Write briefly about:
(a) Sterilisation by moist heat (b) Tyndallisation
(c) Inspissation (d) Pasteurisation.
(e) Sterilisation of prions
Answers (MCQs):
I. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (a)
I. Introduction
II. Types of Media
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Ch 5: Culture Media _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41
Synthetic Media
These are prepared from pure chemicals and the exact
composition of the medium is known. These are used for
special studies such as metabolic requirements. Dubo's
medium with tween 80 is one example of a synthetic
Special Media
(a) Enriched Media
When basal medium is added with some nutrients such
as blood, serum or egg, it is called enriched medium.
Some examples of enriched media are:
Blood agar (Fig. 5.4) - Blood is added to nutrient
agar. It may be used for gro ·n a number of bacteria
but one specific example is Streptococcus mres
blood for its growth.
Complex Media
All media other than simple media are complex. Complex
media have added ingredients for bringing out certain
properties or providing special nutrients required for the Fig. 5.5 Chocolate agar
growth of the bacterium in question.
Loeffier's serum slope (Fig. 5.6) - Serum is added for (d) Differential Media
enriching the medium. This medium is used for grouping When a medium contains substances which help to
Corynebacterium diphtheriae. distinguish differing characteristics of bacteria, it is called
These media are employed to grow organisms which "differential medium" e.g. MacConkey's medium, which
are more exacting in their nutritional needs. contains peptone, lactose, agar, sodium taurocholate
and neutral red. The lactose fermenters (LF) form pink
coloured colonies whereas non-lactose fermenters (NLF)
produce colourless or pale colonies.
media are: -
.. enrichment meoia which are liquid. Examples of selective gonococci) which may not survive the time taken for
transit or may be overgrown by nonpathogenic bacteria
Deoxycholate citrate agar ( DCA ) - Addition of (e.g. cholera organisms). For transport of specimens to
deoxycholate acts as a selective agent for enteric bacilli the laboratory, special media are devised and these are
(Salmonella, Shigella). termed transport media. Examples of transport media
/ Bile salt agar ( BSA ) - Bile salt is a selective agent. are:
It favours the growth of only Vibrio cholerae whereas (a) uart's transport medium is a non-nutrient soft agar
inhibits the growth of other intestinal organisms. gel conta· · ucing agent to prevent oxidation,
and charcoal to neutralise bacterial inhibitors. It may gas production is indicated by gas bubbles accumulated
be used for organisms such as gonococci. in Durham's tube. Certain bacteria are exacting in their
(b) Buffered glycerol saline transport medium for enteric growth requirements and need serum for their growth
bacilli. e.g. Hiss's serum sugars for pneumococcus.
4. Enrichment media
(i) Alkaline peptone water Peptone water (pH 9.0) Culture of Vibrio
(ii) Selenite F broth Peptone water, Sodium selenite Culture of faeces for salmonellae
and shigellae
(iii) Tetrathionate broth Nutrient broth, Sodium thiosulphate, Calcium Culture of faeces especially for
carbonate, Iodine solution salmonellae
(iv) Cooked meat broth (CMB)/ Nutrient broth, Predigested cooked meat of ox Culture of anaerobic bacteria
Robertson's cooked meat broth heart
(t) Blood agar Nutrient agar, Sheep blood (5-10%) Routine culture
(it) Chocolate agar Heated blood agar (55°C x 2hr) Culture of Neisseria, H.
(iit) Loeffier's serum slope (LSS) Nutrient broth, Glucose, Horse serum Culture of C. diphtheriae
3. Indicator medium
(i) MacConkey's medium Peptone Culture of Gram negative bacilli
Sodium taurocholate
Neutral red
4. Selective media
(t) Deoxycholate citrate agar Nutrient agar, Sodium deoxycholate, Culture of Salmonellae and Shigellae
(DCA) Sodium citrate, Lactose, Neutral red
(it) Bile salt agar (BSA) Nutrient agar, Sodium taurocholate Culture of Vibrio cholerae
(0.5%) pH 8.2
I. Culture media are required to grow the organisms from infected material to identify the causative agent.
2. The basic constituents of culture media are water, electrolyte, peptone, meat extract, blood or serum and agar.
3. When basal medium is added with some nutrients such as blood, serum or egg, it is called enriched medium.
4. Some substances are incorporated in the liquid medium which have a stimulating effect on the bacteria to be grown
or inhibits the competitors. Such media are called enrichment media, e.g., selenite broth.
5. Selective media contain substances that inhibit all but a few types of bacteria and facilitate the isolation of a
particular species. Example is bile salt agar (BSA) .
6. Differential medium contains substances which help to distinguish differing characteristics of bacteria. Example is
MacConkey's medium.
7. Indicator media contain an indicator which changes colour when bacterium grows in them. MacConkey's medium is
differential as well as an indicator medium.
8. Anaerobic media are used for cultivation of anaerobic bacteria, e.g., cooked meat broth (CME).
1. List of types of media.
2. Basic differences between enriched media, enrichment media, selective media, differential media, indicator media and
examples of these media.
3. Composition and uses of different liquid media and solid media.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Enriched media (b) Enrichment media
(c) Selective media (d) Differential media
(e) Indicator media (f) Transport media.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c)
- - - - •++----
I. Methods of Culture
A. Streak Culture B. Lawn Culture
C. Stroke Culture D. Stab Culture
E. Pour Plate Culture F. Liquid Culture
II. Anaerobic Culture Methods
Ill. Methods of Isolating Pure Cultures
A. Streak culture
B. Lawn culture
C. Stroke culture
D. Stab culture
E. Pour plate culture
F. Liquid culture
loop in parallel lines (Fig. 6.2) . The loop is flamed and of molten agar, mixed well and the contents of the tube
cooled in between the different set of streaks. It is done poured into a sterile petridish and allowed to solidify.
to obtain isolated colonies over the final series of streaks. These plates are incubated at 37°C for overnight. Colonies
The culture plate is incubated at 37°C for overnight. will be seen throughout the depth of the medium and
Confluent growth occurs at the primary inoculum and can be counted using colony counter.
well separated colonies are obtained on the final streaks.
Single isolated colony is the best to study the various Uses
properties of bacteria. (a) To estimate viable bacterial count in a suspension.
(b) To quantitate bacteria in urine cultures.
F. Liquid Culture
Primary Liquid cultures in test tubes, screw-capped bottles or
flasks may be inoculated by touching with a charged
loop or by adding the inoculum with pipettes or syringes.
This type of culture method is adopted for blood culture
and for sterility tests, where the number of bacteria in
the inocula are expected to be small. Liquid cultures are
Fig. 6.2 Streak culture (surface plating) on solid medium preferable for specimens containing antibiotics and other
antibacterial substances, as these become ineffective by
dilution in the medium. Liquid cultures are also preferred
B. Lawn Culture when large yields of bacteria are required.
This type of culture method is employed in antibiotic
sensitivity testing (disc diffusion method) and in Disadvantages
bacteriophage typing. It may also be employed for (a) It does not provide a pure culture from mixed
preparation of bacterial antigens and vaccines where inocula.
a large amount of bacterial growth is required. Lawn (b) Identification of bacteria is not possible.
cultures are obtained by flooding the surface of the plate
with a liquid culture or suspension of the bacterium. Incubation of Culture Media
Culture plate is kept for a minute and then excess material Most of the pathogenic organisms grow best at 37°C
is poured off. Alternatively, the culture plate may be i.e. body temperature of human beings. The inoculated
inoculated by a sterile swab soaked in liquid bacterial culture media are incubated at 37°C in an incubator (Fig.
culture or suspension. Plate is then incubated at 37°C 6.3).
overnight to obtain bacterial colonies. ' S:Jv? /25:"
{}f--'IJf- itr-~
Stroke culture is done in tubes containing agar slope and is Anaerobic bacteria grow only in the absence of oxygen
employed for providing a pure growth of the bacterium for (anaerobic conditions). These anaerobic conditions or
slide agglutination and other diagnostic tests. Commonly anaerobiosis can be established by various methods.
used agar slope is Nutrient agar slope.
D. Stab Culture
Methods of Anaerobiosis
1. Production of a vacuumJv
®- 0¥J~~
Stab culture is performed by a straight wire, charged with 2. Displacement of oxygen.
culture material (bacteria), by puncturing deep inside the 3. By displacement and combustion o oxygen.
agar. This technique is employed to demonstrate gelatin 4. Absorption of oxygen by chemical or biological
liquefaction, oxygen requirement of the bacterium and methods. r) c.,~(__ r.ll\ I
to maintain stock cultures for preservation of bacteria. 5. By reducirlg a~~hts. LY ro~ lo1
6. Anaerobic chamber.
@~ 0 7
E. Pour Plate Culture
Tubes containing 15 ml of agar medium in each are 1. Production of a Vacuum CJ) 1CA/2,. ftA.l?-
melted and kept to cool in a water bath at 45-50°C. Cultivation in v uum was attempted by incubating
The inoculum to be tested is diluted in serial dilutions. cultures in a acuum desiccato·r but it proved to be
One ml of each diluted inoculum is added to each tube unsatisfactory. This metho 1s not in use now.
6~Qj Fig. 6.3 Incubator
2. Displacement of Oxygen the terminals to heat the catalyst for its activity. Nowadays
Displacement of oxygen by inert gases like hydrogen, catalyst (without heating) at room temperature is used.
nitrogen, carbon dioxide or helium is sometimes employed. Culture plates inoculated with specimens are placed
Oxygen can never be removed completely by this method.
A popular, but ineffective, method is the use of cc,lJldle. A
inside the anaerobic jar with an indicator. The lid is
clamped tight. The outlet tube is connected to a vacuum
lighted candle is kept in a lar~ir-tight container loaded pump while inlet tube is closed. The air inside is evacuated.
with inoculated plates. It is expected that burning candle The outlet tube is then closed and hydrogen gas is passed
will use up all the oxygen inside before it is extinguished through inlet tube till reduced atmospheric pressure is
but some amount of oxygen is always left behind. brought to normal atmospheric pressure (i.e. 760 mm
Hg) which is monitored on the vacuum gauze as zero.
3. By Displacement and Combustion of Oxygen Electric terminals are switched on to heat the catalyst
Anaerobiosis obtained by "McIntosh and Fi and if ' room temperature catalyst' is used, heating is not
anaerobic jar (Fig. 6.4) is the most reliable and widely required. The c~rst helps ta combine hydro_gen and
~- residual ~yg~ to form water.
Reduced methylene blue is generally used a ~ r
Procedure of anaerobiosis in the jar. It remains col~r~s in
McIntosh and Filde's anaerobic jar consists of a stout anaerobic conditions, but turns blue on exposure to
glass or metal jar with a metal lid which can be clamped oxygen .
air-tight with a screw. The lid is fitted with two tubes with
taps, one acting as inlet for introduction of gas and the 4. Absorption of Oxygen by Chemical or
other as the outlet. The lid also contains two terminals Biological Methods
rical supply. cafa:lys . Clj)i,M
alla m ) is suspended~ Pyrogallol
y stout wires which are connected with Alkaline pyrogallol absorbs oxygen. This method was first
5. By Reducing Agents
J rt}_~ y,'L»-'>/ 1. Surface plating
\~.N C.- It is routinely employed in the laboratory.
Oxygen in culture media can be redu~d lYy various 2. Use of enriched and selective media
agents such as glucose, thioglycollate, cooked meat pieces, It is employed for isolating pathogens from specimens
cysteine and ascorbic acid. Based on this principle, the with varied flora e.g. faeces.
two most widely employed anaerobic liquid culture media 3. Pretreatment of specimens
are: Suitable bactericidal substances are used for pre-
treatment of specimens to isolate a particular bacteria
THIOGLYCOLLATE BROTH / e.g. concentration and decontamination of sputum
It contains nutrient broth and 1% thioglycollate. before culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
4. By heating liquid medium
COOKED MEAT BROTH (CMB) _ / Specimens are heated at 80°C to destroy vegetative
It is also known as Robertson's cooked meat (RCM)
forms of bacteria but spore bearing bacteria survive
It contains nutrient broth and pieces of fat-free e.g. isolation of tetanus bacilli from dust and similar
minced cooked meat of ox heart. sources.
1. Various culture methods namely streak culture, lawn culture, stroke culture, stab culture, pour plate culture and liquid
culture are used in microbiology laboratory.
2. Streak culture is the routine method employed for bacterial isolation in pure culture.
3. Anaerobic bacteria grow only in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic conditions) and hence require anaerobic culture
methods for their growth.
4. McIntosh and Filde's anaerobic jar is the most reliable and widely used method for obtaining anaerobiasis. Gas-pak
is now widely used for preparing anaerobic jars.
5. Commonly used anaerobic culture medium is cooked meat broth (CMB).
1. Write briefly about anaerobic culture methods.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Streak culture (b) Lawn culture
(c) Pour plate culture (d) Cooked meat broth (CMB) or RCM medium
(e) Methods of isolating pure cultures.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (a)
---• ••-- -
A. Morphology of Bacterial Colony
0- Uodolate
The appearance of bacterial colony on culture medium
is usually characteristic. The following features of the
colony are studied:
(i) Size-in millimetres e.g. pin head size is characteristic
of staphylococci whereas pin point size is a feature
of streptococci colonies.
(ii) Shape - Circular, irregular
(iii) Surface - Smooth, rough, granular
0 - Crenated
(iv) Elevation - Colony may be flat, raised, low convex,
convex or umbonate (Fig. 7.1).
(v) Edge-Entire, crenated, lobate, undulate, ciliate Fig. 7.2 Various types of edges of colony
(Fig. 7.2)
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52 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit I: General Microbiology
Cotton plug
C. Staining
Staining methods are employed to examine smears
prepared from the bacterial colony or liquid culture.
Commonly used stains are as follows:
(i) Gram's staining-It divides bacteria into Gram
positive and Gram negative. It may be used for
almost all the bacteria. Sugar medium
D. Hanging Drop Preparation
It helps to distinguish motile bacteria from non-motile I r'' L
E. Biochemical Tests
Fig. 7.4 Sugar fermentation tests
Bacterial species differ in their capacity to break down
different sugars. Some biochemical tests are based on
presence of specific enzymes such as catalase, coagulase, Examples of fermentative bacteria
oxidase, urease, gelatinase etc. Some of the widely used Glucose fermenters- All members of the
biochemical tests are described below. Enterobacteriaceae
Glucose and lactose fermenters- Escherichia coli, Positive and negative bacteria
Klebsiella sp. Indole positive- Esch. coli, Proteus sp. other than P
Glucose and mannitol fermenter- Salmonella sp . mirabilis, Edwardsiella
, .-:-\ Indole negative- Klebsiella sp., Proteus mirabilis
2. ~n~ole Production ~ · r.t..- h0\ ~,A'
· 3. Urease Production
To determine the ability of an organism to decompose Principle
aminoacid tryptophan into . Tr tophan is To determine the ability of an organism to produce an
decomposed e,,J:cyptophanase p oduced by enzyme urease which splits urea to ammonia. Ammonia
certain bacteria. + ") __ 1
_; , makes the medium alkaline and thus phenol red indicator
l\tpl.JJ11Af,>'V\_ - j J:nc:W~anges to pink/red in colour.
Indole production is detect~ by inoculating the test Procedure
bacterium into~ptone wa~(tryptophan rich) and The test is done in Christensen's urease medium. The test
incubating it at 37°C for 48-96 hours. 0.5 ml of Kovac's organism is inoculated on the entire slope of medium
reagent is added to the bacterial growth and gently and incubated at 37°C. It is examined after 4 hours and
shaken. after overnight incubation.
Interpretation Interpretation
Indole positive (Fig. 7.5)- A red coloured ring near Positive (Fig. 7.6)- Pink colour.
the surface of the medium Negative (Fig. 7.6)- Pale yellow colour.
Indole negative (Fig. 7.5) - Yellow coloured ring
near the surface of the medium
6. Oxidase Test
To determine the presence of an enzyme cytochrome
oxidase which catalyses the oxidation of reduced
cytochrome by molecular oxygen.
Freshly prepared solution of 1% tetra-methyl paraphenylene
Negative Positive diamine dihydrochloride (oxidase reagent) is used . There
Fig. 7.7 Citrate utilisation test are different methods to perform this test.
(i) A filter paper strip, soaked in the oxidase reagent,
Positive- Deep purple within 10 seconds
Negative- No colour change
Positive Turbidity due to growth
egative - Clear (no growth)
F. Antigenic Structure
Biochemically identified organisms are further confirmed
by agglutination or precipitation reaction. Unknown
bacterial antigen is identified by known specific antisera
by slide agglutination test.
Salmonella typhi or other salmonella can be confirmed
Fig. 7.9 Triple sugar iron (TSI) agar by agglutination with the specific antisera.
the identification simpler and rapid. For example, gas obligate anaerobes. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
liquid chromatography (GLC) is based on identification of nucleic acid probes carrying specific DNA or RNA base
specific fatty acids (metabolic end products) produced by sequences are some molecular methods being widely used
the organisms. This technique is very useful in identifying for identifying microbes.
1. After isolation of bacteria in pure culture from a specimen, it can be identified by morphology of bacterial colony,
staining, hanging drop preparation and various biochemical tests.
2. Biochemically identified organisms are further confirmed by slide agglutination with the specific antisera.
3. Typing methods are useful for epidemidogical studies.
4. Antibiotic sensitivity tests are done to select appropriate antibiotic for therapeutic use.
5. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleic acid probes are rapid methods for identifying microbes.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Indole production (b) Citrate utilisation test (c) Urease test (d) Catalase test (e) TSI
(f) PPA test (g) Nitrate reduction test (h) VP test (i) Oxidase test (j) MR test.
lMC s
1. All of the following bacteria are urease test positive except:
(a) Klebsiel/a sp. (b) Yersinia enterocolitica (c) Yersinia pestis (d) Helicobacter pylori
2. Catalase test is negative in:
(a) Staphy lococcus aureus (b) Salmonella typhi (c) Streptococcus pyogenes (d) Klebsiel/a sp.
3. All of the following bacteria are oxidase test positive except:
(a) Neisseria meningitidis (b) Vibrio cholerae (c) Escherichia coli (d) Pleisiomonas sp.
4. Phenylalanine deaminase test is negative in :
(a) Proteus vulgaris (b) Providencia sp. (c) Morgane//a sp. (d) Klebsie//a sp.
5. Which of the following tests detects the production of acetyl methyl carbinol from pyruvic acid in the media?
(a) Methyl red test (b) Voges-Proskauer test (c) Urease test (d) Citrate utilisation test
6. Triple sugar iron (TSI) agar medium contains all the following carbohydrates except:
(a) Glucose (b) Lactose (c) Sucrose (d) Mannitol
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d)
____ ...
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I. Phylogenetic Classification
II. Adansonian Classification
Ill. Genetic Classification
IV. lntraspecies Classification
and the second name with a small letter, even if it refers by their genes. DNA is extracted from pure bacterial
to a person or place (e.g. Salmonella london) . culture and their G + C (guanine + cytosine) content
is estimated. The nucleotide base composition and base
ratio (adenine- thymine: guanine-cytosine) varies widely
The Adansonian classification was originally proposed among different groups of microorganisms, but for any
by Michael Adanson in the 18 th century. It makes no one species, it is constant.
phylogenetic assumption , but takes into account all the
characters with equal importance. It groups organisms on IV. INTRASPECIES CLASSIFICATION
the basis of similarities in large number of characters. The For diagnostic or epidemiological purposes, it is often
computer has extended the scope of this classificatio n by necessary to subclassify bacterial species on the basis
permitting comparison of very large number of properties of biochemical properties (biotypes), antigenic structure
of several organisms at the same time. The computer (serotypes), bacteriophage susceptibility (phage types) or
analyses the observations and prints out a list of strains production of bacteriocins (colicin types). A species may
on the basis of degree of similarity in their properties. be divided first into groups and then into types.
Thus several broad subgroups of bacterial strains are The application of newer molecular techniques has
identified, which are further divided into species. This led to greater discrimination in intraspecies typing. These
is also known as Numerical classification. molecular techniques are of two types, phenotypic and
genotypic. Phenotypic methods include electrophoretic
typing of bacterial protein and immunoblotting.
It is based on the degree of genetic relatedness of different Genotypic methods include Southern blotting, PCR, and
organisms. This classification is the most natural or nucleotide sequence analysis. Some of these methods are
fundamental since all properties of bacteria are regulated described in Chapter 9.
1. Taxonomy is the classification of organisms into ordered groups.
2. There are mainly three approaches of bacterial classification namely Phy logenetic, Adansonian and Genetic. Bacterial
species can be further subclassified by intraspecies classification.
1. Write briefly about bacterial taxonomy.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (d)
- - - - ++• ----
I. Basic Principles
II. Synthesis of Polypeptide
A. Transcription B. Translation
Ill. Extrachromosomal Genetic Elements
IV. Bacterial Variation
A. Phenotypic Variation B. Genotypic Variation
V. Gene Transfer
A. Transformation B. Transduction
C. Lysogenic Conversion D. Conjugation
VI. Genetic Mechanisms of Drug Resistance
VII. Genetic Engineering
VIII. DNA Probes
IX. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
A. Principle B. Procedure
C. Appl ication of PCR D. Types of PCR
X. Genetically Modified Organisms
XI. Gene Therapy
Genetics is the study of heredity and vanat1on. All a double stranded D A molecule of approximately 1000
hereditary characteristics are encoded in DNA. The µm (1 mm) long when straightened.
chromosomal DNA plays a major role in the maintenance Each strand has a backbone of de-oxyribose (sugar)
of characters constant from generation to generation. and phosphate groups. There are four nitrogenous bases,
This is accomplished by most accurate replication of its two purines : adenine (A) and guanine (G) and two
DNA, yet, heritable variations in small proportion of pyrimidines: thymine (T) and cytosine (C). One of these
daughter cells occur. four nitrogenous bases is attached to each deoxyribose.
The two strands are held together by hydrogen bonds
I. BASIC PRINCIPLES between the nitrogenous bases on the opposite strands.
The DNA molecule is composed of two strands of This bonding is in such a specific manner that hydrogen
complementary nucleotides wound together in the form of bonds can only be formed between adenine and thymine
a double helix (Fig. 9 1) as deduced by Watson & Crick. (A-T) and between guanine and cytosine (G-C)
The bacterial nucleus contains a circular chromosome of 9 7) . Adenine and thymine thus form one complementary
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62 - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - Unit I: General Micf biology
Other strand
Phosphate "
I /
One strand
t-RNA-- --,
m-RNA-- - - u...J....L...,__._..
bacterial cell may or may not be expressed in a given The regulator gene is lac I, which codes for a 'repressor',
environmental situation. which is an allosteric protein molecule. This repressor
can combine either with the operator region or with the
A. Phenotypic Variation inducer (lactose in this case). The promoter and operator
A bacterial cell may exhibit different phenotypic regions lie between lac I and the structural lac genes.
appearances in different environmental conditions. The RNA polymerase has to attach to promoter region
Phenotypic variations are reversible. Some examples of and travel along the structural genes in sequence, for
environmental influence on bacteria are: transcription of RNA for enzyme synthesis. In the resting
l. Synthesis offlagella : Salmonella typhi (typhoid bacillus) stage, the repressor molecule is bound to the operator
is generally flagellated, but when grown in phenol region, preventing the travel of RNA polymerase from the
agar, the flagella are not formed . This effect is reversed promoter region to the operon. The repressor molecule
when subcultured from phenol agar into broth. also has affinity for lactose, in the presence of which, it
2. Sy nthesis of enzyme: E. coli possesses the genetic leaves the operator free so that transcription can take
information for the synthesis of the enzyme, beta- place. When the lactose is completely metabolised and
galactosidase, but the actual synthesis takes place only exhausted, the repressor again attaches to the operator,
when grown in a medium containing lactose. This switching off transcription. Lactose acts both as the
enzyme is necessary for lactose fermentation. Such inducer and the substrate for enzyme (Fig. 9.4).
enzymes which are synthesised only when induced by
the substrate (lactose) are called inducible enzymes. B. Genotypic Variation
The enzymes which are synthesised irrespective of These variations occur in the genetic material. These are
the presence or absence of the substrate are called stable, heritable and not influenced by the environment.
constitutive enzymes. Genotypic variations may occur in bacteria by mutation
or gene transfer.
Gene Regulation
('Operon' concept by Jacob and Monod) Mutation
Lactose fermentation of Esch. coli requires three Mutation is a random, undirected heritable vanation
enzymes, beta-galactosidase, galactoside permease and caused by change in nucleotide sequence of the DNA of
transacetylase. These enzymes are coded by the structural the cell. It can involve any of the numerous genes present
genes lac Z, lac Y and lac A respectively. These genes are in bacterial chromosome. The frequency of mutation
arranged in sequence, forming a functional unit, lac operon. ranges from 10- 2 to 10- 10 per bacterium per division.
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Repressor molecule
Galactoside permease
• •- - Transacetylase
agents, 5-bromouracil and acridine dyes. ~ase pair substitution '\.____ l YOJ\.J y ttY\ /On
Mutation is a natural event, taking place all the time, ,,.(.iirFrame shift mutations I
in all dividing cells. Most mutants go unrecognised as
the mutation may be lethal or may involve some minor Base pair substitution
function that may not be expressed. Mutation is best A single base pair has been substituted for another pair.
appreciated when it involves a function which can be It can be subdivided into
readily observed by experimental methods. For example ~ransition
Esch. coli mutant that loses its ability to ferment lactose (bJTransversion
can be readily detected on MacConkey's agar. (a) Transition
Mutation can affect any gene and hence may modify This happens by replacement of one pyrimidine by
any characteristic of the bacterium e.g. sensitivity to another pyrimidine, and one purine by another purine
bacteriophages, loss of ability to produce capsule or ie. AT replaced by GC. Transition is the most frequently
flagella, loss of virulence, alteration in colony morphology, occurring mutation.
pigment production, drug susceptibility, biochemical (b) Tran~sv~e~rs~i~on~ - - - - - --:----
reactions, antigenic structure. The practical importance of When purine is replaced by pyrimidine and vice
bacterial mutation is mainly in the field of drug resistance versa, it is a,1,~,u transversion, e.g. GC changes to CG.
and the development of live vaccines.
Some mutations involve vital functions producing Frame shift mutations
nonviable mutants (lethal mutation). An important type Sometimes, during DNA replication, one or a few base
of lethal mutation is 'conditional mutation'. A conditional pairs are inserted into or deleted from the DNA. This shifts
lethal mutant may be able to live under certain conditions the normal 'reading frame' of the coded message forming
(permissive conditions) but not under restrictive or non- new set of triplet codon. The coded message is read
permissive conditions. One example of such type of correctly up to the point of addition or deletion, but the
mutant is the temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant, which subsequent codons will specify the incorrect aminoacids
is able to live at the permissive temperature (say, 35°C), (Fig. 9.5).
but not at the restrictive temperature (say, 39°C).
Multisite mutations
~ S OF MUTATION® La~number of base pairs are altered in D A (Fig.
-tli;r; are broadly two types of mutations: 9.6) . This may be of four types such as
1. Point mutation .-- 1--Vi,0 (i) Addition (gain) (ii) Deletion (loss)
2. Multisite mutations -- i"-~
Q'J? (iii) Duplication
deleted base
~~~~e:n~~~------------.i- 1Gr I Icj u I l cjc I 1u r 1 ~------3'
Vol- +Alo-
lc u I
(Second mutation results in insertion of base restores original reading order)
IAj u I -------3'
~--U-- - - -. g-
Stock culture
+ + + ++ + + + + + ' '
Types of Transduction
1. Generalised
2. Restrictec;i
2. Restricted transduction
proved fatal. The live type I capsu ated pneumococcus Transduction may be 'restricted', when a specific
could be isolated from mice that died. It showed that bacteriophage transduces only a particular genetic trait.
rough forms (noncapsulated) were transformed into It has been studied intensively in the 'lambda' phage of
the smooth forms ( "i:. 9.9). It demonstrated that Esch. coli.
some factor in heat-killed type I pnemp.ococcus had ,-
transferred the information for capsule synthesis in the Role of Transduction
noncapsulated_(raugh) strain. Later on, this transforming Transduction is not only confined to transfer of
factor (agent) was identified as free DNA by Avery, chromosomal DN ~,...,......,,isomes and plasmids o
Macleod and McCarty in 1944. Transformation has be transduced. P nicillin res1sta m staphylococci i
been studied mainly in bacteria like pneumococci, due to the plasmi s transferred from one bacterium to
H. influenzae and Bacillus species. another by transduction.
~M ~ o v i d e s an excellent tool for the genetic
B. Transduction Any bacteria for which bacteriophage
Transmission of a_portion of DNA from one bacterium exists can be subject to transduction. Transduction has
to another by a bacteriophage is known as transduction also been proposed as a method of genetic engineering
(Fig. 9.10). Bacteriophages are viruses that parasitise, in the treatment of some i n ~
• •••
••• •• ••• •
••••• •••••
• •••
Live non-capsulated Live-capsulated Heat killed
• •
Live non-capsulated Heat killed capsulated
(rough) type II (smooth) type I capsulated type I type II pneumococci type I pneumococci
pneumococci pneumococci pneumococci
i i t
Survives; no bacteria Dies, Live capsulated Survives; Dies, live capsulated type I
recovered type I pneumococci no bacteria pneumococci recovered
recovered recovered
Fig. 9.9 Transformation experiment of Griffith
0 @3---•
- - - - --
Portion of DNA acquired
through b a c ; ~ ~
--nf'.L + F- - - - - Sexduction
Colicogenic (Col factor and resistance transfer factor
are two medically important factors which can be
)f _ ferred by conjug\tion. (!) G,1 "t
Colicogenic (Col) Fg,ttor Q) p_,f' J
Some strains of coliform bacteria produce colicins which
are antibiotic like substances lethal to other enterobacteria.
Fig. 9.11 The process of conjugation Bacteria other than coliforms also produce similar kind
of substances e.g. pyocin by Pseudomonas pyocyanea,
or 'fertility' (F) factor. When other similar plasmids diphthericin by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, hence,
were also discovered, a name of 'transfer factor' was a general term bacteriocin has been given to these
given to all such plasmids which conferred on their substances. These bacteriocins are useful for intraspecies
host cells the ability to act as donors or male cells in classification of certain bacteria (e.g. Shigella sonnei).
conjugation. Bacterial conjugation was first discovered by Colicin production is encoded by a plasmid called the
Lederberg and Tatum in 1946 in Esch. coli K12 strains. col factor, which may be transferred by conjugation.
During conjugation , the plasmid DNA replicates
and ~~f? of it passes from d ~ p i e n t cell
probaly along the sex pilus (conjugation tube). As a
Resistance Transfer Factor (RTF)
This plasmid is responsible for the spread of multiple
result, recirfe'nt (F-) becomes donor (F+) and can in turn drug resistance among bacteria. It was first reported
conjugate with other female cells (F-). This character of by Japanese workers (1959) in shigella strains, resistant
maleness (F+) in bacteria is transmissible or infectious. simultaneously to four drugs. They observed that
patients excreting such shigella strains also shed Esch.
_Hfr ceJl and F' cell coli strains resistant to same drugs. Transfer of multiple
F factor or plasmid has the ability to drug resistance from Esch. coli to shigella strains was
exist in some cells in the i n ~ with the host demonstrated. The resistance is plasmid mediated and
chromosome (same as episome). These cells a r ~ is transferred by conjugation. This mechanism of drug
traa~r-1.,;.hromosomal to recipient -cells w i ~ resistance is known as transferable or infectious drug
fre uency, therefore, named as Hf,r cells. Conjugation resistance.
ith an r cell, an F- rarely becomes F+ but it receives Resistance transfer factor (RTF) and resistance
chromosomal DNA from the donor. determinant (r) are two components of the plasmid
The conversion of an F+ cell i n t o ~ n ell is known as an R factor (RTF + r determinants). The
reversible. "' RTF is responsible f-Or conjugational transfer while each
,__ F+ Hfr .,.. . r determinant carrie~ resistance for one of the several
When the F factor reverts from the 4!!.egrated to fr3 drugs. An R factor can have several r determinants
state, it may sometimes carry with it some chromosomal and resistance to many drugs can be transferred
simultaneously (Fig. 9.13). Sometimes RTF dissociates This is the rationale of combined treatment in tuberculosis.
from the r determinants and both exist as separate However, in spite of this knowledge, inappropriate or
plasmids. In such cases, the resistance is not transferable inadequate treatment has caused extensive resistance in M
though the host cell remains drug resistant. The RTF tuberculosis, leading to 'multidrug resistant tuberculosis'
can also attach to its determinants other than those for (MDR TB) cases.
drug resistance. Enterotoxin and haemolysin production Transferable drug resistance mediated by the R factor
in some enteropathogenic Esch. coli are shown to be is an important method of drug resistance. Acquisition
transmitted by this transfer factor (RTF). of an R factor simultaneously confers resistance to
several drugs, therefore, there is no use of combined
R+ therapy. Table 9.1 shows the differences of mutational
[jJ and transferable drug resistance.
Resistance transfer by transformation can also be
demonstrated experimentally, but its significance in nature
is unknown. The plasmid carrying the gene for beta-
lactamase production can be transferred from a penicillin
o~:r------,; resistant Staphy lococcus to a susceptible Staphylococcus
by transduction .
Table 9.1 Differences between Mutational and
Transferable Drug Resistance
Mutational drug resistance Transferable drug resistance
1. Mutational resistance Transferable resistance
Fig. 9.13 Resistance transfer factor and drug resistance
2. Resistance to one drug at Multiple drug resistance
a time
Transferable drug resistance is seen in various
3. Low degree resistance High degree resistance
pathogenic and commensal bacteria of man and animals
such as Esch. coli, Klebsie/la, Proteus, Vibrio, Pseudomonas. 4. Resistance is not Resistance is transfe rable
Transfer of drug resistance occurs readily in vitro but in transferable to other to other organisms
the normal intestines, it is inhibited by several factors
such as anaerobic conditions, bile salts, alkaline pH and 5. Mutants may be defective Not defective
abundance of anaerobic bacteria. But in the intestines of 6. Virulence of resistant Virulence not decreased
persons on oral antibiotic therapy, transfer occurs readily mutants may be lowered
due to the selection pressure produced by the drug. 7. Resistance can be Cannot be prevented
Transferable drug resistance involves all antibiotics prevented by treatment by treatment with
in common use. Bacteria carrying R factors can be with combination of drugs. combination of drugs.
transmitted from animals to man. Hence indiscriminate
use of antibiotics in animals or in animal feeds can Transposable Genetic Elements
lead to an increase of multiple drug resistance in the Transposable genetic elements are specific sequences of DNA
community. segments that have the ability to move from one plasmid
to another plasmid or from plasmid to chromosome and
vice versa and also within the chromosome. Because of
VI. GENETIC MECHANISMS OF their ability to insert into many sites both on plasmid
DRUG RESISTANCE and chromosome, they have assumed the popular name
Bacteria may acquire drug resistance by mutation or by of jumping genes.
one of the methods of gene transfer. In clinical practice, The transfer of genetic material from one DNA
mutational resistance is very important in tuberculosis. molecule to another is called transposition . It does not
If a patient is treated with streptomycin alone, initially require any DNA homology between transposable element
organisms die in large numbers but soon resistant mutants and the site of insertion. It is, therefore, different from
appear and multiply unchecked. By use of two or more recombination.
drugs, 'a mutant resistant' to one drug will be killed by Transposons are larger (4--25 Kb) transposable genetic
the other drug. The possibility of a mutant developing elements and contain additional genes that encode for
resistance to more than one drug at one time is remote. at least one function (often conferment of antibiotic
0 C-
Single stranded loop _ _ _( \
resistance). They may also encode for toxin production. The DNA can be cleaved by enzymes called restriction
Transposon is defined as a segment of DNA with one endonucleases and the fragments containing the desired
or more genes in the centre and the two ends carrying genes are isolated. These desired DNA fragments are
inverted repeat sequences of nucleotides- nucleotide covalently bound to vectors or carriers, such as plasmids
sequences complementary to each other but in the or temperate bacteriophages. The recombinant DNA
reverse order. Because of this feature, each strand of molecule is sealed by an enzyme DNA ligase and is then
the transposon can form a single-stranded loop carrying introduced into a bacterial host, usually Esch. coli, by
the gene or genes, and a double stranded stem formed by transformation. Many other bacteria and yeasts have also
hydrogen bonding between the terminal inverted repeat been employed for introduction of recombinant DNA
sequences (Fig. 9.14). molecule. Esch. coli containing recombinant molecule
Small transposons (1-2 kb) are known as 'insertion is grown on a suitable medium and bacterial colonies
sequences' or IS elements. Transposons attach at certain carrying specified genes are produced (Fig. 9.15). Thus
regions of chromosomal, plasmid or phage DNA. Bacteria desired protein is obtained in large quantities by growing
acquire new characters by the insertion of transposable these Esch. coli.
elements. Unlike plasmids, transposons are not self
replicating and are dependent on chromosomal or plasmid Application of Genetic Engineering
DNA for replication. 1. Production of vaccines: Preparation of certain vaccines
It has been suggested that R plasmids may have is done by producing specific antigen against which
evolved as collections of transposons each carrying a antibody is required e.g. hepatitis B, rabies and B.
gene that confers resistance to one or several antibiotics. pertusis vaccines.
Transposition is a mechanism of amplifying genetic 2. Production of proteins: Genetic engineering has
transfers in nature. also been used for the production of proteins of
therapeutic interest. These include human growth
hormone, insulin, interferons, interleukin-2, tumour
VII. GENETIC ENGINEERING necrosis factor and factor VIII.
By genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology, 3. Gene therapy: Genetic diseases can be cured by
it is now possible to isolate the genes coding for any introducing normal genes into the patient.
desired protein from microorganisms or from cells of
higher form of life including man, and to insert them Restriction Endonculeases
into suitable microorganisms in such a way so that it These are microbial enzymes which split DNA into
can be expressed in the formation of specific (desired) fragments of varying lengths. They cleave double stranded
protein. Such cloning of genes in microorganisms enables DNA at specific oligonucleotide sequences. Many such
the preparation of the desired protein in pure form and enzymes (for example, Eco RI, Hind III) which act at
in large quantities at a reasonable cost. different nucleotide sequences have been recognised. The
l lntroduce recombinant
plasmid into Esch . coli ability to detect minute quantities of DNA. They are
also very useful in diagnosis of microbes that are either
difficult or impossible to culture. DNA probes which bind
@ Esch. coli
D to RNA can also be designed and has been particularly
used to locate ribosomal RNA.
Bacterial cell multiplication
Application of DNA Probes
Applications of DNA probe technology in microbiology
are shown in Table 9.2.
Colony of cells containing copies of the same recombinant plasmid
Table 9.2 Applications of DNA Probe Technology
• In clinical microbiology:
Fig. 9.15 Genetic engineering - Direct detection of microbes in specimens.
- To detect microbes which are either difficult or impossible
natural function of these enzymes in bacteria may be to culture.
• Identification of culture isolates
the dest~f ion of foreign DNA which may enter the
• Strain identification
bacteriaycell. • To identify toxins, virulence factors
• Identification of resistant markers
DNA probes are radiolabelled or chromogenically labelled Diagnostic DNA probes to recognise Legionella
pieces of single1 stranded DNA which can be used for pneumophila, Campylobacter jejuni, M. tuberculosis,
A- T
A T A A- T
C- G C G C C- G
G- C G C G G- C
Add DNA probe Labelled probe Hybridise
C- G C G G
T- A
T- A
Helicobacter pylori, Esch. coli (LT and ST toxins), (iii) DNA Synthesis
hepatitis B virus, Plasmodium falciparum, rotavirus and Polymerase enzyme derived from Thermus aquaticus (Taq)
human immunodeficiency virus have been developed. triggers the formation of new DNA strand from the free
nucleotides. Taq polymerase and nucleotides are added
Blotting Techniques in the tube for formation of new strands of DNA.
DNA fragments are obtained by restnct10n enzyme These three steps are repeated again and again,
digestion and separated by gel electrophoresis. These a process that is automated by the thermocycler or
fragments can be transferred from the gel by blotting PCR machine. The products of first cycle become the
to nitrocellulose or nylon membranes that bind the template for the next cycle. After 20-30 cycles or more,
DNA. The DNA bound to the membrane is first an exponential increase in the amount of DNA occurs
denatured (converted to single stranded DNA) and (Fig. 9.17).
then hybridised with radioactive single stranded DNA
- - - - - - - - - Double stranded
probes. Hybridisation results in formation of radioactive - - -- - - - ~ - template DNA
double-stranded segments, which can be detected on
X-ray film. This technique of identifying DNA fragments
by DNA:DNA hybridisation is called Southern blotting,
after E.M.Southern who developed it. This is a highly
sensitive technique.
- - - - - - - - - Single stranded DNA
- 0ligonucleotide primers -
- - -- - - - - - are added and
annealing occurs.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ annealing occurs.
of HIV antibody in sera.
A. Principle
It is a DNA amplification system that produces a large
amount of DNA in vitro from small amounts of starting
material. It amplifies a specific DNA sequence (or gene) Two copies have
become four
of interest.
B. Procedure
It involves four main stages which are as follows:
examination of phylogenetic relationships in evolution. this therapy is to permanently cure the physiological
It has been applied in clinical laboratory for diagnosis dysfunction by repairing the genetic defect.
of various infectious agents (Table 9.3). A specific DNA
sequence of a particular infectious agent is amplified with 1. Types
the specific primers. i. Ex vivo gene therapy
ii. In vivo gene therapy
D. Types of PCR
Besides originally described PCR, other types of PCR Ex vivo gene therapy
include reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), nested In this type of therapy, the normal gene is cloned in
PCR, multiplex PCR and real time PCR. These have vectors such as retroviruses (mouse leukaemia virus) or
been described in chapter 79. adenoviruses which are infectious but relatively harmless.
Tissues removed from the patient are incubated with these
Table 9.3 PCR in Diagnosis of Infectious Agents genetically modified viruses to transfect them with the
Bacteria normal gene. The transfected cells are then reintroduced
into the patient by transfusion.
M. tuberculosis, Legionella pneumophila, Helicobacter pylori,
Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae
In vivo gene therapy
Cloning of vector is similar to that of ex vivo gene therapy.
Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus, Hepatitis B virus, However, the step of incubating the excised patient tissue
Hepatitis C virus, Coxsackie virus, Measles virus, Human
with genetically modified viruses is absent in this type
immunodeficiency virus ( HIV-I and HIV-2 ) , Human papilloma
virus, Rota virus, Rubella virus, Human herpes virus-6 ( HHV-6 ),
of therapy. Thus the naked DNA or a virus vector is
rhinovirus, parvovirus, adenovirus. directly introduced into the patient's tissues.
2. Applications
Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans, The first gene therapy experiment in humans was initiated
Pneumocystis jiroveci.
in 1990 at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA.
Protozoa This was done on a four year old girl suffering from a
Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Plasmodium sp. severe immunodeficiency disease caused by the lack of
enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA). She was transfused
with her own blood cells which had been engineered to
X. GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS contain a functional ADA gene. Later, other children
The process of artificially introducing foreign DNA were given similar treatment. So far, the children have
into organisms is called transfection. The recombinant shown marked improvement and continue to be healthy.
organisms produced in this way are named transgenic or However, the treatment is not permanent and must be
genetically modified organisms. Foreign DNA have been repeated. Single gene defects such as haemophilia and
inserted into a variety of microbes, plants and animals sickle cell anaemia are possible candidates for therapy.
through recombinant DNA technology. Transgenic Many other clinical trials with gene therapy are also in
organisms are available for a variety of biotechnological progress.
3. Gene line therapy
XI. GENE THERAPY It is the ultimate sort of gene therapy, in which gene are
Gene therapy is a technique by which a faulty gene is inserted into an egg, sperm or early embryo. Although
replaced with a normal gene in persons with fatal or tests in animals seems it to be effective, its use on humans
extremely debilitating genetic diseases. The benefit of has been rather controversial.
1. Genetics is the study of heredity and variation.
2. All hereditary characteristics are encoded in DNA.
3. Genetic information is stored in the DNA as a code. Codon consists of a sequence of three nucleotide bases, i.e.,
the code is triplet.
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Ch 9: Bacterial G e n e t i c s ' - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75
4. Besides the chromosomal DNA, some bacteria may also possess extrachromosomal DNA such as plasmids. These
plasmids are circular DNA molecules and can replicate autonomously. They may carry properties of drug resistance,
toxigenicity, conjugation and others.
5. Some plasmids have an ability to transfer themselves to other bacteria of the same and also of different species.
These are called self transmissible plasmids. This transfer occurs usually by method of conjugation.
6. Mutation is a random, undirected heritable variation caused by change in nucleotide sequence of the DNA of the
cell. The frequency of mutation ranges from 10- 2 to 10- 10 per bacterium per division.
7. Mutation occurs spontaneously but its frequency may be enhanced by mutagens such as UV rays, alkylating agents,
5-bromouracil and acridine dyes.
8. Gene transfer can occur in bacteria. Various methods of gene transfer include transformation, transduction, lysogenic
conversion and conjugation.
9. R. factor is a plasmid responsible for the spread of drug resistance among bacteria. This plasmid is transferred from
one bacterium to other by conjugation. R factor has two components, resistance transfer factor (RTF) and resistance
determinant (r). This mechanism of drug resistance is known as transferable drug resistance.
10. Some bacteria may acquire drug resistance by mutation. It is known as mutational drug resistance. This type of
reistance occurs in M. tuberculosis.
11. Transposable genetic elements are specific sequences of DNA segments that have the ability to move from one plasmid
to another plasmid or from plasmid to chromosome and vice versa and also within the chromosome. They are also
named as jumping genes.
12. By genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology, it is possible to isolate the genes coding for any desired protein
from microorganisms, and to insert them into suitable microorganisms in such a way so that it can be expressed in
the formation of specific (desired) protein. This technique has been used for production of vaccines, insulin, interferons
and interleukin-2. Gene therapy is another application based on genetic engineering.
13. DNA probes are radiolabelled or chromogenically labelled pieces of single stranded DNA which can be used for
the detection of homologous DNA by hybridisation. Various diagnostic DNA probes have been developed for
identification of different microorganisms.
14. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a DNA amplification system that produces a large amount of DNA in vitro from
small amounts of starting material. The PCR provides extremely rapid method for diagnosis of various infectious agents.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Transformation (b) Transduction (c) Conjugation (d) F factor
(e) R factor (f) Extrachromosomal genetic elements (g) Lac operon .
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Transposable genetic elements (b) Genetic engineering
(c) Restriction endonucleases (d) DNA probes and their clinical application
(e) PCR and its application in clinical microbiology (f) Gene therapy
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a)
- - - •++---
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78 - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - -- -- - - Unit I: General Microbiology
to man, through food , by domestic fly. by patients in secretions from the nose or throat during
Biological vectors: The pathogen multiplies in the body sneezing, coughing or speaking. Large drops of such
of the vector, often undergoing part of a development secretions fall to the ground and dry there. Small droplets,
cycle in it. Such vectors are named biological vectors (e.g. less than 0.1 mm in diameter, evaporate immediately to
f emale Anopheles mosquito in malarial parasite; Cu/ex become minute particles or droplet nuclei (1-10 µm in
mosquito in filarial parasite). diameter) which remain suspended in air for long periods,
Ex trinsic incubation period: After the entry of acting as sources of infection.
pathogen into the vector, the time required for the
vector to become infective is called extrinsic incubation (iii) btgestion V
period. Intestinal infections like cholera, dysentery, food
Besides acting as vectors, some insects may also act poisoning and most of the parasitic infections are
as reservoir hosts (e.g. ticks in relapsing fever) . Infection acquired 10n of foo r drink contaminated by
is maintained in such insects by transovarial passage. pathogen . ood borne infections occur mostly through
(d) Soil and water- Some pathogens may survive in carriers engaged in handling or preparation of food and
the soil for very long periods. Spores of tetanus and contaminating the food stuffs. The water supply may get
gas gangrene bacilli remain viable in the soil for several contaminated with the faeces of the patients or carriers.
decades and serve as the source of infection. Fungi causing All these may transmit infection.
histoplasmosis and parasites such as roundworm and
hookworm also survive in soil and cause human infection.
Contamination of water with pathogenic 'atin'r!?CI1rs:,:--:·ifi7some instances, may be inoculated directly
microorganisms (e.g. Vibrio cholerae, hepatitis virus) may into the tissues of the host, for example,Crabies virgs)
act as the source of infection. is inoculated directl(!?y bite of a rabid animJ!> Spores
(e) Food- Contaminated food acts as a source of of Cl. tetani are present in the soil. They get deposited
infection in cases of food poisoning, gastroenteritis, into the host tissue following severe wounds leading to
diarrhoea and dysentery. tetanus.
Infection by inoculation may be iatrogenic when
. Modes of Transmissio ~ .
· orga ·
n spread from one host to
unsterile syringes and equipments are employed. Hepatitis
B and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may be
another by a variety of mechanisms. transmitted by use of contaminated syringes and through
transfusion of infected blood.
(i) Contact
Contact transmission may be direct or indirect. (v) Vectors
(a) Direct contact- Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) V, re arthropods or other invertebrate hosts e.g.
1 · gonorrhoea, herpex simplex type 2 os u ·toes, ies, fleas, ticks, mites and lice. Transmission
x'f'........:1.-a-re--acquired by direct contact. by vector may be either mechanical or biological (Refer
(b) ~ t contact- It may be through the agency of Chapter 81).
which are inanimate objects such as clothing,
toys etc. which may be contaminated by a pathogen (vi) Transplacental
~ a c t as a vehicle for its transmission"'____Face towels Some pathogens can cross the placental barrier and infect
shared by various persons may lead to spread of the foetus in utero. This is known as vertical transmission.
trachoma. This may lead to abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth. In
Contagious disease is term used for the disease case of congenital syphilis, live infants may be D·v_l:,J~'i-1.J.J
acquired by direct contact. manifestations of the disease. Infection with ella vir ,
Infectious disease is the disease acquired by other especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, a to
modes such as inanimate objects. The distinction between congenital malformations. Such infections are known as
contagious and infectious disease is now not generally teratogenic infections. Other organisms which may cause
employed. congenital in1ID~~;.-.a.r,e toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus
pes simplex virus.
(ii) Inhalation
Respiratory infections such as common cold, influenza, (vii) Iatrogenic and laboratory infections
whooping cough and tuberculosis are acquired by If meticulous care in asepsis is lacking, certain infections
inhalation. These organisms are shed into the environment like AIDS and hepatitisB may sometimes be transmitted
during procedures such as injections, lumbar puncture, (b) Close adherence of the bacterium assures that
blood transfusion, dialysis and surgery. These are known the toxin will be delivered in high concentrations
as iatrogenic infections. Laboratory personnel handling directly to the host cells.
infectious material are particularly at risk. Special care (c) If bacterium is invasive in nature, adherence helps
should be taken to prevent laboratory infection. in penetrating host cells.
Besides above mentioned adhesins, other structures
3. Susceptible Host which play role in adherence are outer membrane protein,
The infectious agent enters the body by one of the following flagella, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and glycocalyx. Most
routes: oral, respiratory, genitourinary, conjunctiva! or of the bacteria make use of not just one but several of
cutaneous. This is known as portal of entry. these factors.
Incubation period: It is the time interval between Loss of adhesins often renders the strain avirulent.
the entry of infective agent and the onset of clinical Adhesins are antigenic in nature. Specific immunisation
features of the disease. The infective agent, after reaching with adhesins has been attempted for prevention of
the selective tissue, undergoes multiplication during this gonorrhoea in human beings.
The outcome of an infection depends on interaction
between microbial factors which predispose to (ii) Invasiveness
pathogenicity and various host factors which contribute This refers to the ability of an organism to spread within
to resistance. the host tissues after establishing infection. Highly invasive
pathogens produce, spreading or generalised lesions (e.g.
C. Factors Predisposing to Microbial streptococcal infections), while less invasive pathogens
Pathogenicity cause localised lesions (e.g. staphylococcal abscess). Some
Pathogenicity refers to the ability of a microbial species pathogens though capable of causing fatal diseases lack
to produce disease. Virulence is the ability of a strain of invasiveness but remain confined to site of entry and
a microorganism to cause disease. The pathogenic species produce the disease by elaborating a potent toxin e.g.
M. tuberculosis contains strains of varying degrees of tetanus bacillus.
virulence including those which are avirulent, such as the
vaccine strains. The virulence of a strain is not constant
and may undergo variation. (iii) Antiphagocytic factors
Exaltation: Enhancement of virulence of a strain is Macrophages and polymorphs play role in phagocytosis
known as exaltation. This can be induced by serial passage of microbes. There are certain factors which oppose
in an experimental animal. phagocytosis for survival of bacteria. These factors are
Attenuation: Reduction of virulence of a strain is as follows:
known as attenuation. This can be achieved by repeated (a) Capsule- Cell wall in many bacteria is enclosed by
passages through unfavourable hosts, repeated cultures gelatinous layer known as capsule. Most capsules are
in artificial media, growth under high temperature or in polysaccharide in nature except that of Bacillus which
the resence o -Q.A---i..i..;septics. is polypeptide. Capsule contributes to the virulence of
bacteria by preventing phagocytosis. Non-capsulated
t --------- 5?i~'\ w
The initial event in the pathogenesis is the attachment of
variants usually exhibit low virulence.
(b) Streptococcal M protein-The M protein present on the
surface of group A streptococci binds both fibrinogen
the bacteria to body surfaces. The attachment is a specific and fibrin to the bacterial cell wall thus masking the
reaction between surface receptors on the epithelial cells bacterial receptors from complement.
and adhesive structures on the surface of bacteria. These (c) Cy totoxin- Cytotoxins produced by certain bacteria
adhesive structures are named adhesins. Adhesins usually interfere with chemotaxis or kill the phagocyte. Staph.
occur as fimbriae or fibrillae and pili or as colonisation aureus produces haemolysins (can damage both
factors. RB Cs and WBCs) and leukocidin (only WBCs are
Advantages of adherence are as follows: damaged).
(a) It prevents the microbes from being flushed away (d) Bacterial surface antigens-Vi antigen of S. typhi and
in mucus secretions, urine and by peristalsis in the K antigen of Esch. coli enable these bacteria to resist
gut. phagocytosis and lytic activity of complement.
(iv) Survival within the phagocyte (a) Endotoxins- They are lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Ingestion of a microbe by a phagocyte results in the in nature and form an integral part of the cell
formation of a phagolysosome by the fusion of phagosome wall of Gram negative bacteria. They are released
with the lysosome. Any organism which interferes with the from the bacterial surface by natural lysis of the
formation of phagolysosome can survive intracellularly. bacteria or by the disintegration of the cell wall.
(a) Interference with the oxidative burst-Superoxide and They are heat stable. The toxicity of endotoxin
H 2O 2 produced are lethal to bacteria. Staph. aureus depends on the lipid component (lipid A). Lipopo-
produces an enzyme catalase which breaks down lysaccharide binds to neutrophils via lipid A and
H 20 2 and enables the bacteria to survive. Listeria alter neutrophil functions as follows:
monocytogens produces another enzyme superoxide • it decreases chemotactic activity.
dismutase which neutralises the oxygen radicals • random migration of neutrophils is decreased.
leading to survival of the bacteria. • alters the metabolic and bactericidal properties
(b) Prevention of fusion and degranulation- Cell walls of of neutrophils.
some organisms modify the phagosomal membrane The endotoxins are not destroyed by autoclaving,
in such a manner that fusion of lysosome with hence infusion of a sterile solution containing
phagosome is prevented e.g. Chlamydia. endotoxin can cause serious illness. They cannot
B. pertussis produces adenylate cyclase which is be toxoided. They are poor antigens and the
inhibitor of degranulation and thus enhances toxicity is not completely neutralised by the
intracellular survival. homologous antibodies. Massive Gram negative
(c) Resistance to lysosomal enzymes-This may be due septicaemia may cause the syndrome of endotoxic
to the presence of capsular polysaccharide (M. shock characterised by fever, leucopenia,
lepraemurium) and mycoside (M. tuberculosis). thrombocytopenia, profound fall of blood pressure
(d) Escape from phagosomes-Some microbes escape and circulatory collapse leading to death.
from the phagosome into the cytoplasm of the host (b) Exotoxins- They are heat labile proteins which
cell before the fusion of phagosome with the lysosome are secreted by certain species of bacteria. They
e.g. Rickettsiae are believed to escape by an effect of diffuse readily into the surrounding medium. They
phospholipase A on the phagosomal membrane. are highly potent even in minute amounts and
constitute some of the most poisonous substances
(v) Bacterial toxins known. Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous, it
Bacteria produce two types of toxins, endotoxins and has been estimated that 3.0 kg of Botulinum toxin
exotoxins (Table 10.1 ). can kill all the inhabitants of the world. Exotoxins
~ xotoxms
Protein (polypeptides) M .W. 10,000 to 900,000.
Endo toxins
Lipopolysaccharide in nature.
2. Heat labile (>60°C). Heat stable.
3. Actively secreted by living cells into medium. Form integral part of the cell wall; released only on
disruption of bacterial cell.
4. Highly antigenic; stimulates formation of antitoxin which Weakly antigenic; antitoxin is not formed but antibodies
neutralises toxin. against polysaccharide are raised.
5. Converted into toxoid by formaldehyde. Cannot be toxoided.
6. Enzymic in action. No enzymic action.
7. Specific pharmacological effect for each exotoxin. Non-specific action of all endotoxins.
8. Very high potency. Low potency.
9. Highly specific for particular tissue e.g. tetanus toxin for CNS. on-specific in action.
10. Don't produce fever in host. Usually produce fever.
11. Produced mainly by Gram-positive bacteria and also by some Produced by Gram-negative bacteria.
Gram-negative bacteria.
1. The host-parasite relationship is determined by the interaction between host factors and the infecting microorganism.
Health or disease depends on the equilibrium between the two.
2. A parasite is a microorganism which lives on a living host and derives nutrition from the host, without any benefit
to the host.
3. Commensals live in complete harmony with the host without causing any harm to it.
4. Cross infection acquired in hospitals is called nosocomial infection.
5. Bacterial toxins contribute in virulence of bacteria.
6. Endotox ins are lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in nature while exotoxins are heat labile proteins.
7. Exotoxins can be converted into toxoids e.g. tetanus toxoid.
1. Describe the factors predisposing to microbial pathogenicity.
2. Tabulate the differences between exotoxins and endotoxins.
Answers (MCQs}:
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b)
- - - •++---
14. Antigen-Antibody Reactions .... .... .... .... .......... ........ .................................. 105
I. Innate Immunity
A. Types of Innate Immunity B. Factors Influencing Innate Immunity
C. Mechanisms of Innate Immunity
II. Acquired Immunity
A. Active Immunity B. Passive Immunity
Ill. Miscellaneous
A. Combined Immunisation B. Adoptive Immunity
C. Local Immunity D. Herd Immunity
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88 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immunology
evident from the observation that homozygous twins normal resident flora may lead to invasion by extraneous
exhibit similar degrees of susceptibility or resistance to microbes and thus causing serious diseases. Clostridial
tuberculosis. In contrast, such correlation is not seen in enterocolitis following oral antibiotics is one such
heterozygous twins. example.
When an infective agent invades tissue, an exudative Fever also stimulates the production of interferon which
inflammatory reaction occurs by accumulation of helps in recovery from viral infections.
phagocytes at the site of infection and deposition of
fibrin which entangles the organisms, to act as a barrier 6. Acute phase proteins
to spread of infection . Phagocytic cells ingest these Following infection or injury, there is a sudden increase
organisms and destroy them. These phagocytic cells are in plasma concentrations of certain proteins, collectively
classified as called acute phase proteins. These include C reactive
(i) Microphages e.g. polymorphonuclear leucocytes protein (CRP), mannose binding proteins and many
(neu trophils) others. CRP and some other acute phase proteins
(ii) M acrophages e.g. Mononuclear phagocytic activate the alternative pathway of complement. They
cells are believed to prevent tissue injury and promote repair
Phagocytic action can be divided into four stages: of inflammatory lesions.
chronic infections, organisms can multiply and survive in (c) Bacterial products
phagolysosome i.e. intracellular parasitism (tuberculosis, Tetanus toxoid for tetanus
leprosy) and in viral infections (Herpes simplex). Diphtheria toxoid for diphtheria
(a) Live vaccines It is transferred from the mother to foetus or infant.
BCG for tuberculosis Transfer of maternal antibodies to foetus transplacentally
Ty 21a for typhoid and to infant through milk (colostrum) protects them till
Sabin vaccine for poliomyelitis their own immune system matures to function.
MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, rubella
17D vaccine for yellow fever Artificial
(b) Killed vaccines It is through parenteral administration of antibodies.
TAB for enteric fever The agents used for artificial passive immunity
Killed cholera vaccine are hyperimmune sera of animal or human origin,
Salk vaccine for poliomyelitis convalescent sera and pooled human gammaglobulin.
Neural and non-neural vaccines for rabies The oldest method is to employ horse hyperimmune
Hepatitis B vaccine sera. Antitetanus serum (ATS) is prepared by injecting a
1. The Immunity is defined as resistance exhibited by the host against any foreign antigen including microorganisms.
2. Immunity may be innate or acquired.
3. Acquired immunity is of two types, active and passive.
4. Active immunity is subdivided into two types, natural and artificial.
5. Artificial active immunity may be produced by vaccination.
6. Passive immunity is also subdivided into two types, natural and artificial.
7. Artificial passive immunity is through parenteral administration of antibodies (antiserum).
8. Herd immunity refers to the overall resistance in the community.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (d)
I. Types of Antigen
A. Complete Antigen B. Haptens
II. Factors of Antigenicity
An antigen is a substance which, when introduced into character of simple haptens, whereas complex haptens
a body evokes immune response to produce a specific are polyvalent. It is assumed that precipitation occurs
antibody with which it reacts in an observable manner. when antigen has two or more antibody combining
Proantigens are low molecular weight substances
I. TYPES OF ANTIGEN which do not induce antibody formation but can cause
They may be classified as delayed hyper-sensitivity reaction e.g. dinitrochloro-
A. Complete Antigen benzene (DNCB).
B. Haptens/Incomplete Antigen: Complex haptens; Simple Antigenic determinant (epitope) is the smallest unit
haptens. of antigenicity. Antigen possesses a number of these
determinants. Each type of determinant induces a specific
A. Complete Antigen antibody formation . The size of antigenic determinant is
These are substances which can induce antibody around 25-34A O and a molecular weight of about 400-
formation by themselves and can react specifically with 1000. The combining site on the antibody molecule,
these antibodies. corresponding to the epitope, is called the paratope.
B. Haptens
Haptens are substances unable to induce antibody II. FACTORS OF ANTIGENICITY
formation on its own but can become immunogenic The exact basis of antigenicity is not clear but a number
(capable of inducing antibodies) when covalently linked of factors have been implicated which make a substance
to proteins, called carrier proteins. However, haptens antigenic. These factors are:
can react specifically with induced antibodies. These
antibodies are produced not only against the hapten but 1. Foreignness
also against the carrier protein. 2. Size
1. Complex haptens can combine with specific antibodies 3. Chemical nature
to form precipitates e.g. capsular polysaccharide of 4. Susceptibility to tissue enzymes
pneumococc1. 5. Antigenic specificity
2. Simple haptens combine with specific antibodies but 6. Species specificity
no precipitate is produced. This is due to univalent 7. Isospecificity
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94 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immu nology
1. An antigen is a substance which, when introduced into a body evokes immune response to produce a specific antibody
with which it reacts in an observable manner.
2. Antigen may be classified as complete antigen and hapten/incomplete antigen.
3. Heterophile antigens are closely related antigens present in different tissues of more than one species. Antibodies to
these antigens produced by one species cross react with antigens of other species.
4. Weil-Felix reaction and Paul-Bunnell test are based on the presence of heterophile antibodies.
1. What is an antigen? Discuss briefly about various factors of antigenicity.
2. Write short notes on: (a) Haptens (b) Heterophile antigens.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (a)
- - - •++---
I. Antibodies
A. Properties of Antibodies B. Structure of lmmunoglobulin
C. lmmunoglobulin Antigen Determinants D. lmmunoglobulin Classes
II. Abnormal lmmunoglobulins
A. Multiple Myeloma B. Heavy Chain Disease
C. Cryoglobulinaemia
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98 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immunolog
/ \
sI H-chain /
/ ''
,,/ \
s ..... ,," ',
Fd-=:l r=
s region 1
! + , ,, , ,,
NH 2
(Aminoterminus) ====1
=1 F(ab')2
Fragments of Fe
t D. Immunoglobulin Classes
Characteristics of five immunoglobulins present in human
sera are shown in Table 13.1.
(v) It is distributed equally between the intravascular (xiii) It is protective against those microorganisms which
and extravascular compartments. are active in the blood and tissues.
( vi) IgG appears late but persists for longer period. It
appears after the initial immune response which 2. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) (Fig. 13.5)
is IgM in nature. (z) IgA is the second major serum immunoglobulin
( vii) It participates in precipitation, complement fixation (about 10-13% of serum immunoglobulins). The
and neutralisation of toxin and viruses. normal serum concentration is 0.6 - 4.2 mg/ml.
(viii) IgG binds to microorganisms and enhances the (ii) Half life is about 6 - 8 days.
process of phagocytosis. (iii) IgA occurs in two forms, serum IgA and secretory
(ix) Extracellular killing of target cells coated with IgA.
IgG is due to recognition of Fe receptor of IgG (iv) Serum IgA is a monomeric 7S molecule (MW
by killer cells bearing the appropriate receptors. 160,000), while IgA found on mucosa! surfaces and
(x) The catabolism of IgG is unique in that it in secretions (secretory IgA, MW 400,000) is a dimer
depends on the serum IgG concentration. When formed by two monomer units joined together by
level of IgG is raised, as in myeloma or kala- a glycoprotein named the J chain (J for joining).
azar, the synthesis of IgG against that particular The J chain joins the two monomer units at their
antigen is catabolised rapidly and may result in carboxyterminals. Secretory IgA and J chain are
deficiency of that particular antibody. Conversely, produced by the plasma cells situated near the mucosa!
in hypogammaglobulinaemia, IgG antibody given or glandular epithelium. J chains are also present
for therapeutic purpose will be catabolised slowly. in other polymeric immunoglobulins such as IgM.
(xt) Passively administered IgG suppresses the (v) Secretory IgA contains another glycine rich
homologous antibody synthesis by feed back polypeptide called the secretory piece or secretory
mechanism. Based on this property, isoimmuni-
sation of women is done by administration of
anti-RhD IgG during delivery.
(xii) Four subclasses of IgG (IgGl, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4) L-chain---
component. The S piece is not synthesised by (vi) IgM is mainly distributed intravascularly (80%).
lymphoid cells but by mucosal or glandular epithelial (vii) It is the earliest synthesised immunoglobulin by
cells. It attaches two IgA molecules at their Fe foetus in about 20 weeks of age.
portion during transport across the cells. The S ( viii) It appears early in response to infection before
piece is believed to protect IgA from denaturation IgG. IgM antibodies are short lived, and disappear
by bacterial proteases in sites such as the intestinal earlier than IgG. Hence, its presence in serum
mucosa which is rich in bacterial flora. indicates recent infection.
(vi) IgA is the principal immunoglobulin present in (ix) It can not cross the placenta, presence of IgM
secretions such as milk, saliva, tears, sweat, nasal antibody in serum of newborn indicates congenital
fluids, colostrum and in secretions of respiratory, infection. Its detection is, therefore, useful for the
intestinal and genital systems. It protects the diagnosis of congenital syphilis, HIV infection,
mucous membranes against microorganisms. It toxoplasmosis and rubella.
forms antibody paste on mucosa. IgA covers (x) The valency of IgM is 10 which is observed
the microorganisms to inhibit their adherence to on interactions with small haptens only. With
mucosal surfaces. larger antigens, the effective valency is 5.
( vii) IgA does not fix complement but can activate (x i) It is very effective antibody in agglutination,
alternative complement pathway. complement fixation , opsonisation and immune
(viii) IgA is mainly synthesised locally by plasma cells haemolysis. It is more efficient than IgG in these
and little is derived from serum. reactions. The greater efficacy is due to the
(ix) Two subclasses of IgA (IgAl and IgA2) are known. binding of complement to several Fe regions of
IgA2 is predominant (60%) in the secretions but pentameric IgM simultaneously, thus initiating
constitutes a minor part of serum IgA. IgA2 is complement cascade and target cell lysis with a
devoid of interchain disulphide bonds between H single molecule.
and L chains. (x ii) IgM provides protection against blood invasion by
microorganisms. Its deficiency is often associated
3. Immunoglobulin M (IgM) (Fig. 13.6) with septicaemia.
(i) IgM is a pentamer consisting of 5 immunoglobulin (x iii) The isohaemagglutinins (Anti-A, Anti-B),
subunits and one molecule of J chain, which joins antibodies to typhoid 'O' antigen (endotoxin),
the Fe region of the basic subunits. rheumatoid factor and WR. antibodies in syphilis
(ii) Each H chain of IgM has four CH domains rather belong to IgM.
than three as seen in H chain of IgG molecule. (xiv) IgM (monomeric) appears on the surface of
(iii) It constitutes about 5- 8 percent of total serum unstimulated B lymphocytes and acts as recognition
immunoglobulins. The normal level in serum is receptors for antigens.
0.5- 2 mg/ml. (xv) Treatment of serum with 2-mercaptoethanol
(iv) Half life is about five days. selectively destroys IgM without affecting IgG
(v) It is heavy molecule (19S) with a molecular antibodies. This method is utilised for the differential
weight 900,000 to 1,000,000 hence also called the estimation of IgG and IgM antibodies.
'millionaire molecule' . (xvi) Two subclasses (IgMl and IgM2) of IgM are
described. These are differentiated by characteristic
H chains i.e. µ 1 and µ2 H chains.
4. Immunoglobulin D (IgD)
(i) IgD resembles IgG structurally.
(it) IgD is present in a concentration of 3 mg per
-L-chain 100 ml in serum. It is mostly intravascular in
(iii) Molecular weight is 1,80,000 (7 S monomer) .
(iv) Half life is about three days.
(v) Like IgM, it is also present on the surface of
unstimulated B lymphocytes in blood and acts as
Fig. 13.6 1gM mo1ecu1e
recognition receptors for antigens. Combination of
cell membrane bound IgD with the corresponding
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102 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immunology
C. Cryoglobulin aemia
Role of Different lmn u•;sh t ulm (. [.1sses It is a condition in which there is a formation of precipitate
IgG - protects the body fluids on cooling the serum, the precipitate redissolves on
IgA - protects the body surfaces warming. This is due to presence of cryoglobulins in blood.
IgM - protects the blood stream Cryoglobulinaemia is often found in macroglobulinaemia,
IgE - mediates reaginic hypersensitivity systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and myelomas. Most
IgD - recognition molecule on the surface of B cryoglobulins consist of either IgG, IgM or their mixed
lymphocytes precipitates.
1. Antibodies are substances which are formed in the serum and tissue fluids in response to an antigen and react with
that antigen specifically and in some observable manner.
2. Chemical nature of antibodies is globulin and they are named as immunoglobulins.
3. An antibody molecule consists of two identical heavy and two identical light chains.
4. There are five different classes of immunoglobulins namely lgG, lgM, lgA , lgD and lgE.
5. IgG is the major serum immunoglobulin (about 80% of the total amount). It is the only immunoglobulin that is
transported through placenta.
6. IgA is the second major serum immunoglobulin (about 10-13% of serum immunoglobulins). It occurs in two forms,
serum JgA and secretory lgA.
7. Serum IgA is a monomeric while secretory IgA (found in mucosa! surfaces and in secretions) is a dimer formed by
two monomer units joined together by a glycoprotein named the J chain (J for joining).
8. IgA is the principal immunoglobulin present in secretions such as milk, saliva, tears, sweat, nasal fluids, colostrum
and in secretions of respiratory, intestinal and genital systems.
9. IgM is a pentamer consisting of 5 immunoglobilin subunits and one molecule of J chain, which joins the basic
subunits. It constitutes about 5-8 per cent of total serum immunoglobulins. It is heavy molecule with a molecular
weight 900,000 to 1,000,000 hence aslo called the 'millionaire molecule'.
10. IgM is mainly distributed intravascularly (80%). It appears early in response to infection before IgG. It can not cross
the placenta, presence of IgM antibody in serum of newborn indicates congenital infection .
11 . IgE is mainly produced in the linings of respirtory and intestinal tracts. Serum contains only traces (a few nanograms
per ml). It is mostly distributed ex travascularly. It is heat labile whereas other immunoglobulins are heat stable.
12. IgE mediates type I hypersensitivity reactions.
1. Name the various classes of immunoglobulins. Describe the structure and properties of IgG, IgA and IgM.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) IgM (b) Secretory IgA (c) lgE
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)
- - - ++• ---
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106 Unit II: Immunology
although IgM may have five or more combining sites. is the highest dilution of the serum which shows an
Antigens may have valencies upto hundreds. observable reaction in the particular antigen-antibody
reaction. Antigens may also be titrated against sera.
C. Stages
The antigen-antibody reaction occurs in two stages: II. TYPES OF ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY
1. The Primary Stage A. Precipitation Reactions
The initial interaction between antigen-antibody is rapid Precipitation
but without any visible effect. This reaction is reversible. When a soluble antigen reacts with its antibody in the
The binding between antigen and antibody occurs by presence of electrolytes (NaCl) at an optimal temperature
the weaker intermolecular forces such as Vander Waal's and pH, the antigen-antibody complex forms an insoluble
forces, hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds, rather than by precipitate and it is called precipitation. The precipitate
firmer covalent binding. This primary interaction can be usually sediments at the bottom of the tube. Precipitation
detected by estimating free and bound antigen or antibody may occur in liquid media or in gels such as agar, agarose
separately in the reaction by a number of methods. or polyacrylamide.
• ••
Antibody excess Optimal proportion of
antigen and antibody Antigen excess
(zone of equivalence)
Fig. 14.2 Prozone phenomenon
- j
r- (o)(O @r::_
i) to 0 1.)
Anti:~:~:;ell ----1---~....,-c > o~
0 0
Electric current
Agar gel
on a slide
0 +
I~ Antigen components
separated by
(antibody) in
agarose gel
1 strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Fe portion of IgG the fixation of complement, an indicator system consisting
molecule binds to proteinA whereas antigen combining of sheep erythrocytes coated with amboceptor (rabbit
Fab terminal remains free. When the corresponding antibody to sheep erythrocytes) is used. Complement
antigen is mixed with these coated cells, Fab terminal can lyse these erythrocytes coated with antibodies. If
binds to antigen resulting in agglutination (Fig. 14.13). complement is fixed and utilized in the antigen-antibody
This test is used for detection of bacterial antigens in reaction, there is no free complement to act on the
blood, urine and CSF. N gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus indicator system and hence no lysis of erythrocytes, which
pyogenes and H. infiuenzae antigens can be detected by indicates the positive complement fixation test. Lysis of
this method. erythrocytes indicates that complement was not fixed in
the first step and therefore, the serum is negative for
antibodies (negative CFT).
+ 2. Procedure
The serum (to be tested) should be inactivated by heating
Cowan 1 strain of lmmunoglobulin
Staph. aureus at 56°C for 30 minutes to destroy any complement activity
the serum may have and to remove some non-specific
inhibitors of complement. The antigen may be used as
soluble or particulate. Fresh guinea pig serum is used
as source of complement. Complement activity is heat
labile so it is used as fresh. Alternatively, the serum is
preserved either in the lyophilised or frozen state or with
addition of special preservatives.
Controls should be included in the test. Antigen
and serum controls are included to ensure that they are
not anti-complementary. Complement control is used
Agglutination to ensure that the desired amount has been added, and
cell control to make sure that sensitised erythrocytes
Fig. 14.13 Coagglutination
(erythrocytes coated with amboceptor) do not undergo
lysis in the absence of complement.
C. Complement Fixation Test (CFT)
1. Principle (Fig. 14.14) 3. Standardisation of Complement
The antigen-antibody complexes have ability to 'fix ' The guinea pig serum is titrated for complement activity.
complement. This reaction has no visible effect. To detect One unit of minimum haemolytic dose (MHD) of
I Negative CFT I
Complement Sheep erythrocytes coated with Lysis
amboceptor (Indicator system)
I Positive CFT J
T +
Antigen Antibody
+f -i::+
Complement Compement is fixed
in Ag-Ab reaction
Indicator system
No lysis
(As complement is not free to act on indicator system)
complement is defined as the highest dilution (smallest cause agglutination of sensitised sheep erythrocytes if
quantity) of guineapig serum which lyses one unit volume these are combined with complement, this process is called
of washed sheep red blood cells in the presence of excess conglutination.
haemolysin (amboceptor) within a fixed time (30 to 60 First step : Antigen + Antiserum (positive)
minutes) and at a fixed temperature (37°C). + Horse complement - complement is fixed
Second step : Sheep erythrocytes with conglutinin -
4. Titration of Amboceptor No agglutination occurs because complement is not free
The amboceptor is titrated for haemolysin activity. to act with sensitised erythrocytes.
One unit of minimum haemolytic dose (MHD) of
No agglutination- Positive result
haemolysin is defined as the highest dilution (smallest
quantity) of the inactivated amboceptor which lyses Agglutination -Negative result
one unit volume of washed sheep red blood cells in
the presence of excess complement within a fixed time OTHER COMPLEMENT DEPENDENT
(30 to 60 minutes) and at a fixed temperature (37°C). SEROLOGICAL TESTS
Normal saline with added calcium and magnesium is 1. Immobilisati on Test
used as diluent for titrations of complement, amboceptor When live motile Treponema pallidum is mixed with
and for CFT. patient's serum in the presence of complement, the
organism becomes non-motile. This is the principle of
INDIRECT COMPLEMENT FIXATION TEST Treponema pallidum immobilisation test.
Certain avian (e.g. duck, parrot) and mammalian (e.g.
horse, cat) sera cannot fix guinea pig complement. Indirect 2. Immune Adherence
complement fixation test is used for testing such sera. The antigen-antibody complexes in some bacteria (V.
Test is done in duplicate and after the first step, the cholerae, T. pallidum) adhere to particulate material such
standard antiserum known to fix complement is added as erythrocytes or platelets. This bacterial adherence to
in one set. cells is known as immune adherence.
First step: Antigen + test serum (negative for antibody)
+ guinea pig complement 3. Cytolytic or Cytocidal Tests
Second step: Standard antiserum will react with When a live Vibrio cholerae is mixed with its antibody
antigen and fix the free complement. in the presence of complement, the bacterium is lysed.
Indicator system: No haemolysis because This forms the basis for measurement of anticholera
complement is not free to act on indicator system. antibodies.
In a positive test, antigen would have been used up
by serum in the first step and standard antiserum would E. Neutralisation Test
not be able to fix the complement which remains free to Bacterial exotoxins are capable of producing neutralising
act on indicator system resulting in haemolysis (positive antibodies (antitoxins) which play a role in protection
result). against diseases such as diphtheria and tetanus. The
First step: Antigen + test serum (positive for tqxicity of bacterial endotoxins is not neutralised
antibody) + Guinea pig complement by antisera. Viruses may also be neutralised by their
Second step: Standard antiserum cannot react with antibodies and these are named as virus neutralisation
antigen becaµse antigen has been used up by antibody in tests.
the first step but complement is free as it is not fixed. Toxin-antitoxin neutralisation can be measured in
Indicator system: Haemolysis occurs because vivo and in vitro.
complement is free to act on the system.
D. Conglutination 1. Toxigenicity Test
This is an alternative method for systems which do not Toxigenicity test is done for detection of toxin of C.
fix guinea pig complement. Horse complement (non- diphtheriae. It is an intradermal test to inject bacterial
haemolytic) is used. The indicator system is sheep toxin in animal previously protected by antitoxin of
erythrocytes sensitised with bovine serum. Bovine serum C. diphtheriae and a test animal without antitoxin. No
contains a beta globulin component named conglutinin, biological effects of toxin are observed in the control
which acts as antibody to complement. Conglutinin can animal but test animal (unprotected) dies.
Unknown Antigen
E3 +
Known Antigen
+ r1i _~. . . . . . .
Patient serum antigen Flourescein Fluorescence under
containing antibody + labelled UV light
antibody antiglobulin (positive test)
Example :
Treponema pallidum + Serum of syphilis patient + Fluorescin Fluorescence
(containing anti-treponemal labelled (Positive)
antibodies which is globulin antiglobulin
in nature)
for detection of antibodies. was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of RIA
Antibody test. This test can detect antigens up to picogram (l0- 12g)
+ quantities.
RIA is based on competition for a fixed amounts of
Antigen specific antibody between a known radiolabelled antigen
+ and unknown unlabelled (test) antigen (Fig. 14.16). This
Labelled antibody competition is determined by the level of the test antigen
present in the reacting system. After antigen-antibo dy
H. Radioimmun oassay (RIA) reaction, the antigen is separated into the 'free' and
Berson and Yallow (1959) first described the test 'bound' fractions and their radioactivity is measured. The
radioimmunoa ssay (RIA) and since then it has been concentration of test (unlabelled) antigen is calculated
utilised for quantitation of hormones, drugs, hepatitis from the ratio of the bound and total antigen labels,
B surface antigen, IgE and viral antigens. In 1977, Yallow using a reference curve (Fig. 14.17).
For antigen detection in a specimen, the wells of microtitre
plate are coated with specific antibody against the antigen
to be detected. Specimens to be tested are added in
.0 coated wells. If antigen is present in specimen, it binds to
coated antibody. To detect this antigen-antibody reaction,
antiserum (antibody) conjugated with an enzyme is added.
This conjugated antiserum binds to an antigen already
.0 attached to coated antibody. A substrate is added to know
0 the binding of conjugated antiserum to antigen-antibody
a: complex. In case of binding (positive result), an enzyme
acts on substrate to produce ~olour, intensity of which
Concentrtion of unlabelled antigen
can be read by spectrophotometer or ELISA reader.
Fig. 14.17 Reference curve Colour detection can also be seen by naked eye. This
type of ELISA test is also known as sandwich ELISA
The standard dose response or reference curve has (Fig. 14.19). Positive and negative controls should always
to be prepared for calculations. This is done by running be included in the test. At every step of ELISA test,
the reaction with fixed amounts of antibody and labelled incubation and washing is done to wash off unbound
antigen but with varying known amounts of unlabelled reagents.
antigen. The ratio of bound: total labels (B:T ratio)
plotted against the unlabelled antigen concentrations INDIRECT ELISA
gives the standard reference curve. The concentration For antibody detection, the wells of microtitre plate are
of antigen in the test sample is calculated with the help coated with antigen. Sera to be tested are added in these
of B:T ratio-of the test by using standard dose response coated wells. If antibody is present in specimen, it binds to
or reference curve. coated antigen. To detect this antigen-antibody reaction,
a goat antihuman immunoglobulin antibody conjugated
I. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) with an enzyme is added. Enzyme conjugated antihuman
ELISA has been applied widely for detection of a variety iromunoglobulin binds to antibody (immunoglobulin in
of antibodies and antigens. It is simple and nearly as nature). To detect this binding, a substrate is added and
sensitive as radioimmunoassay. It requires only microlitre enzyme acts on substrate to produce colour .in a positive
reaction. This procedure is also named as indirect ELISA
It has been used for detection of HIV antibodies. Positive
result shows no colour whereas appearance of colour
indicates a negative test. Like radioimmunoassay, there
are two specific antibodies, one conjugated with enzyme
and other present in serum (if serum is positive for
antibodies). Competition occurs between two antibodies
for same antigen. The microtitre plate wells are coated
with HIV antigen. Sera to be tested is added to these wells
Fig. 14.18 ELISA test and incubated at 37°C and then washed. If antibodies
Colour (Positive)
Colour (Positive) No Colour (Positive)
Enzyme (tagged to conjugate)
is not there to act on substrate
are present, antigen-antibody reaction occurs. To detect Human immunoglobulin immobilised at a spot on the
this reaction, enzyme labelled specific HIV antibodies are membrane serves as a control, as shown by development
added. There is no antigen left for these antibodies to of colour at that site. ·
act. These antibodies remain free and washed off during
washing. Substrate is added but there is no enzyme to Uses of ELISA
act on it. Therefore, positive results show no colour (Fig. It has been used for detection of antigens and antibodies
14.19). If serum to be tested is negative for antibodies, of various microorganisms. Some examples are
antigen is there to combine with enzyme conjugated (i) Detection of HIV antibodies in serum
antibodies and enzyme acts on substrate to produce (ii) Detection of mycobacterial antibodies m
colour. tuberculosis
(iii) Detection of rotavirus in faeces
CASSETTE OR CYLINDER ELISA (iv) Detection of hepatitis B markers in serum.
It is a simple modification of ELISA for testing one or ( v) Detection of enterotoxin of Escherichia coli m
few samples of sera at a time. The test is rapid (about 10 faeces.
minutes) as compared with the 2-4 hours taken for micro-
ELISA The result is read visually. J. Immunochromatography
Cassette ELISA is being used for detection of HIV Immunochromatography or lateral flow immunoassay is
type 1 and 2 antibodies. Specific type 1 and 2 antigens one of the most popular form of rapid immunoassays. It
are immobilised on the nitrocellulose membrane in the can detect both antigens and antibodies. It has advantage
cassette. Test serum is added on the membrane. In positive of being a one step test. It can be completed within
serum, antibody will bind to the appropriate antigen. After 30 minute. It is a strip based test. The strip contains
washing to remove unbound antibody, conjugate (enzyme a chromatographic pad with three zones: sample pad,
labelled antihuman immunoglobulin antibody) is added. conjugate pad and capture line (Fig 14.20). The conjugate
It is washed again to remove unbound conjugate and a pad may be having colloidal gold, dye, or latex beads
substrate is added. A positive result shows a coloured spot. as conjugate which produces signal. The specimen is
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118 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immunology
i TT
i 'in 'i ~
H ~ 'i'i'i'i~ lr
I 7
applied to the sample pad and flows laterally by capillary as clumps. This method is applied in some viruses such
action. Upon reaching the conjugate pad, it may bind to as hepatitis A virus and viruses causing diarrhoea.
conjugate if antigen or antibody is present in the specimen
and forms antigen antibody complex. This complex then 3 lmmunoenzym e Test
flow laterally to reach capture line. Here it is captured Some enzymes such as peroxidase can be conjugated with
by antigen or second antibody present in the capture antibodies. Tissue sections are treated with peroxidase
line. The presence of colour line is a positive test. There labelled antisera to detect corresponding antigen. The
is a positive control line also to check that the test was peroxidase bound to the antigen is visualised under the
properly performed. electron microscope.
1. Antigen combines with its specific antibody in an observable manner and the reaction between antigen and antibody
is specific. These antigen-antibody reactions in vitro are known as serological tests.
2. There are various types of antigen-antibody reactions. Some of these include precipitation, agglutination, complement
fixation test, immunoftuorescence and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
3. When a soluble antigen reacts with its antibody in the presence of electrolytes (NaCl) at an optimal temperature
and pH, the antigen-antibody complex forms an insoluble precipitate and it is called precipitation. When instead of
sedimenting, the precipitate is suspended as floccules, the reaction is called flocculation. This is a modified form of
4. Flocculation test, radial immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and rocket electrophoresis
are different types of precipitation reactions.
5. Agglutination is an antigen-antibody reaction, in which a particulate antigen combines with its antibody in the
presence of electrolytes at an optimal temperature and pH, resulting in visible clumping of particles. It differs from
precipitation in which soluble antigen is present in contrast to particulate antigen of agglutination.
6. Slide agglutination test, tube agglutination test, heterophile agglutination test and passive agglutination test are different
types of agglutination reaction.
7. Passive agglutination reaction is a precipitation reaction which has been converted into agglutination test by
attaching soluble antigens to the surface of carrier particles such as latex particles, bentonite and red blood cells.
8. Latex agglutination test, haemagglutination test and coagglutination are examples of passive agglutination reaction.
9. Immunofluorescence test is of two types: direct immunoftuorescence test and indirect immunoftuorescence test. The
antibodies tagged with flourescent dye (i.e. , labelled antibodies) are used in these tests.
10. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been applied widely for detection of a variety of antibodies and
11. Different types of ELISA include sandwich ELISA , indirect ELISA and competitive ELISA.
12. Detection of HIV antibodies, mycobacterial antibodies, rotavirus in faeces and hepatitis B markers in serum are some
examples where ELISA is commonly used.
1. Name various antigen-antibody reactions and describe the principle and application of precipitation reactions.
2. Define agglutination reaction? Discuss the principle and application of agglutination reactions.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (b)
I. Complement
A. Components of Complement B. Classical Pathway
C. Alternative Pathway of Complement Activation D. Biological effects of Complement
E. Regulation of Complement Activation F. Biosynthesis of Complement
G. Quantitation of Complement
II. Deficiencies of the Complement
Cl --------;• EA
C4a C4b
Chemotatic and /'-..__
anaphylatoxic /
properties -+- C3a C3b
the cells for lysis by CB and C9
them susceptible to lysis
-+- ca
-+- C9
and Cls. The activated Cls is an esterase which splits range of substances (activators) are known to activate
C4 into C4a and C4b, of which C4b joins the cascade. alternative pathway. These include bacterial endotoxins,
C14b in presence of magnesium ions act on C2 and forms yeast cell walls, IgA and D , the cobra venom factor
C2a and C2b. The larger fragment C2a attaches to C4 and the nephritic factor (a protein present in the serum
to form C42 which has enzymatic activity and is called of glomerulonephritis patient). The binding of C3b to
CJ convertase. The other C2 fragments possess kinin like an activator is the first step in the alternative pathway.
activity and increase vascular permeability. C42 splits C3 Although C3b is present in the circulation but in the
into C3a and C3b, of which, C3b joins the cascade. C3a free state it is rapidly inactivated by the serum protein
has chemotactic and anaphylatoxic properties. C14b2a3b factors H and I. However, bound C3b is protected from
has enzymatic activity and is referred to as C5 convertase. such inactivation.
It acts on CS, to split it into C5a (anaphylatoxic and The bound C3b, in the presence of Mg++, interacts
chemotactic) and C5b which joins the cascade. C6 and C7 with plasma protein factor B forming C3bB. The factor
join to form C567, some of which binds to cell membrane B portion of C3bB complex is split by factor D into
and prepares the cell for lysis by C8 and C9. Most of Ba and Bb. Bb fragment binds to C3b forming C3bBb.
C567 absorb to unsensitised 'bystander' cells making them This C3bBb is C3 convertase of alternative pathway (Fig.
susceptible to lysis by C8 and C9. In this way, C567 serves 15.2). This enzyme is extremely labile. The properdin or
to amplify the reaction. The unbound C567 complex has factor P helps to stabilise the enzyme C3 convertase. C3
chemotactic and leucocyte activating properties. The lysis convertase splits more C3 to C3a and C3b. The newly
is done by producing 'holes' approximately 100° A in formed C3b binds more factor B. The alternative pathway
diameter on cell membrane. This disrupts the osmotic then proceeds from C3 to C9 in the similar way as that
integrity of the cell membrane which results into release occurs in the classical pathway.
of the contents of the cell.
D. Biological Effects of Complement
C. Alternative Pathway of Complement 1. Bacteriolysis and Cytolysis
Activation Complement mediates immunological membrane
The activation of C3 has the major role in the damage. This results in bacteriolysis and cytolysis.
complement cascade. In the classical pathway, C3 Neutralisation of certain viruses requires the participation
activation occurs by classical C3 convertase (C142). This of complement.
activation of C3 without help of Cl42, is known as the
'alternative pathway'. 2. Amplification of Inflammatory Response
The alternative pathway contributes to antimicrobial C3a and C5a are anaphylatoxic by degranulation of
defence without requiring specific antibodies. A wide mast cells to release histamine and other mediators.
They cause increased vascular permeability and are also inhibitors which bind to complement components and
chemotactic. C567 is chemotactic and also brings about halt their further function , and inactivators which destroy
reactive lysis. complement proteins.
1. The complement refers to a system of some non-specific proteins present in normal human and animal serum,
which are activated characteristically by antigen-antibody reaction and subsequently lead to a number of biologically
significant consequences.
2. There are nine components of complement Cl to C9.
3. Complement components react in a specific sequence as a cascade either through the classical or alternative
pathway .
4. Classical pathway is triggered by specific antigen-antibody complex; the alternative pathway can be initiated by
endotoxin, lipopolysaccharides or zymosan (yeast cell wall).
5. Deficiency of complement leads to poor host resistance against bacterial and fungal infections and collagen
1. Discuss briefly the classical pathway of complement activation.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Alternative pathway of complement (b) Biological effects of complement.
4. First component of complement which binds to antigen-antibody complex in classical pathway is:
(a) C lq (b) Clr
(c) Cls (d) C3
5. Which component of complement is present in the highest concentration in the serum?
(a) C l (b) C2
~O ~G
6. Factor B and Factor D are important components of:
(a) Classical pathway of complement (b) Alternative pathway of complement
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b)
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128 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Unit II: Immunology
their life span, the lymphocytes are classified as short lived produce certain activation products (lymphokines) and
(10-12 days) and long lived (three years or more, or even induce CMI, while stimulated B-cells divide and transform
for life). The short lived lymphocytes act as effector cells into plasma cells which synthesise antibodies and induce
in immune response, while the long-lived cells are store HMI.
houses of immunological memory and act as memory
cells. The long-lived lymphocytes are mostly thymus DIFFERENCES BETWEEN T AND B CELLS
derived. 1. T cells bind to sheep erythrocytes to form rosettes
(E rosette or SRBC rosette) while B cells do not. T
LYMPHOCYTE RECIRCULATION cells bind to sheep erythrocytes by CD 2 antigen.
Lymphopoiesis occurs at three places- the bone marrow, 2. B cells also form rosette (EAC rosette or Erythrocyte
central lymphoid organs and the peripheral lymphoid amboceptor complement rosette) but with sheep
organs. The lymphocytes of these three sites mix together erythrocytes coated with antibody (amboceptor) and
in the process known as lymphocy te recirculation. There is complement. T cells are unable to form EAC rosette.
a constant circulation of lymphocytes through the blood, B-cell surface has C3 receptor which binds to
lymph, lymphatic organs and tissues. This recirculation complement of EAC.
of lymphocytes from one site to another ensures that 3. T cells have thymus specific antigens on surface, which
lymphocytes of appropriate specificity would reach the site are lacking on B-cells.
during their careless wandering, following introduction of 4. All T cells have CD3 receptor on their surface.
antigen. Most of the recirculating lymphocytes are T-cells. 5. B-cells have immunoglobulins on surface and surface
B-lymphocytes tend to be more sessile. receptors for the Fe fragement of IgG. These are
Lymphocytes which are 'educated' by the central absent on T-cells. Instead T cells have T cell receptors
lymphoid organs become immunologically competent (TCR) composed of two chains of polypeptides,
cells (ICCs). They are fully equipped to deal against an linked to CD3.
antigen. They serve the following functions: 6. Blast transformation of T-cells occur with mitogens
1. recognition of antigens ('R' for recognition). such as phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or concanavalin
2. storage of immunological memory ('R' for A (ConA) while B cells have similar transformation
rememberance or memory). with bacterial endotoxins.
3. immune response to antigens ('R' for response). 7. Viewed under the scanning microscope, B-cells possess
The nature of immune response depends on the numerous microvilli on their surface while T-cells are
type of cells stimulated by an antigen. Stimulated T-cells free of these projections (Table 16.1).
Memory T cells
T lymphocytes / Cytotoxic
T (Tc)cells -----,),• CMI
T helper (CD4) cells
Memory B cells
Fig. 16.1 Interaction of T and B lymphocytes
are specially involved in the presentation of the antigens (All of these are present within HLA-D
to T cells during primary immune response. region of HLA complex.)
Class III - Complement loci encode for C2, C4 and
Factor B of complement system and
II. MAJOR HISTOCOMPAT IBILITY tumour necrosis factors (TNF) alpha
COMPLEX (MHC) and beta.
Transplants from one individual to another member of A locus is the position where a particular gene is
the same species ('allografts') are recognised as foreign located on the chromosome. HLA loci are multiallelic i.e.
and rejected. Gorer (1930) identified the antigens the gene present on the locus can be any one of several
responsible for allograft rejection in inbred mice that alternative forms (alleles). Each allele determines a distinct
led to the discovery of the major histocompatibility antigen. There are 24 alleles at HLA-A locus and 50 at
complex (MHC) . He identified two blood group antigens HLA-B. HLA system is very pleomorphic. Every
in mice. Antigen 1 was common to all strains of mice individual inherits one set of HLA-genes from each
while antigen 2 was present in certain strains only and parent.
was responsible for allograft rejection. This was named The nomenclature of the HLA-system is regulated
H2 antigen. The H2 antigen was found to be the major by official committee of WHO. They have officially
histocompatibility antigen and to be coded for by a closely recognised alleles and their corresponding antigens by
linked multiallelic clusters of genes called the major the locus and a number e.g. HLA-Al, HLA-DR7 etc.
histocompatibility complex named as H-2 complex. The
MHC in humans is known as the human leucocyte antigen 1. Class I MHC Antigens (A, B, C)
(HLA) complex. The major transplantation antigens of The MHC class I antigens are present on the surface of
man include carbohydrate antigens of erythrocytes (blood all nucleated cells. They are involved in graft rejection
groups) and glycoprotein antigens of cell membranes and cell mediated cytolysis. The cytotoxic T cells (CD8)
(HLA system). In 1980, Snell, Dausset and Benacerraf recognise MHC class I antigens for their action.
were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on MHC
and the genetic control of immune response. 2. Class II MHC Antigens (DR, DQ and DP)
They have a very limited distribution and are principally
A. The HLA Complex found on the surface of macrophages, monocytes, activated
Histocompatibility antigens mean cell surface antigens T-lymphocytes (CD4) and B-lymphocytes. They are
that evoke immune response to an incompatible host primarily responsible for the graft-versus-host response
resulting in allograft rejection. These alloantigens are and the mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR). The immune
present on surface of leucocytes in man and are called response genes (Ir) in mice are identical to MHC class
human leucocyte antigens (HLA) and the set of genes II genes in man. The antigens coded for by the Ir genes
coding for them is named the HLA Complex. are termed the Ia (I region associated) antigens.
The HLA complex of genes is located on short arm
of chromosome 6 and is grouped in three classes (Fig. 3. Class III MHC Antigens
16.2). Class III genes encode C2, C4 complement components
Class I HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C of the classical pathway and properdin factor B of the
Class II HLA-DR, HLA-DQ and HLA-DP alternative pathway.
.. -.
Fig. 16.2 HLA complex
1. The lymphoreticular system is responsible for immune response and it consists of lymphoid and reticuloendothelial
2. The lymphoid cells (lymphocytes and plasma cells) are responsible for specific immunity.
3. Lymphocytes which are 'educated' by the central lymphoid organs become immunologically competent cells (ICCs).
They are fully equipped to deal against an antigen.
4. The nature of immune response depends on the type of cells stimulated by an antigen. Stimulated T-cells produce
certain activation products (lymphokines) and induce cell mediated immunity (CMI), while stimulated B-cells divide
and transform into plasma cells which synthesise antibodies and induce humoral immunity.
5. The surface antigens on the T-cells can be detected by monoclonal antibodies. These thymic antigens are designated
as CD (clusters of differentiation) .
6. On the basis of functions, T cells can be classified into T helper ( CD4) cells and T suppressor ( CD8) cells.
7. Histocompatibi/ity antigens mean cell surface antigens that evoke immune response to an incompatible host resulting
in allograft rejection. These alloantigens are present on surface of leucocytes in man and are called human leucocyte
antigens (HLA) and the set of genes coding for them is named the HLA complex.
1. Differentiate between T and B cells in a tabulated form .
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Subsets of T lymphocytes (b) B-lymphocytes
(c) Null cells (d) Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (b)
6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
---- • .. ----
I. Introduction
II. Humoral Immune Response
A. Primary and Secondary Humoral Responses B. Fate of Antigen in Tissues
C. Production of Antibodies D. Theories of Antibody Formation
E. Monoclonal Antibodies F. Factors Influencing Antibody Production
Ill. Cell Mediated Immune Responses
A. Induction of CMI B. Cytokines
C. Detection of CMI D. Transfer Factor
IV. Immunological Tolerance
host reaction (GVH), and mediates the pathogenesis of
delayed (type IV) hypersensitivity and certain autoimmune
diseases. It also provides immunological surveillance and
immunity against cancer. Both AMI and CMI usually
develop together, though at times one or other may be Fig. 17.l Primary humoral response
the predominant type.
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Ch 17: Immune Response _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 137
4. the phase of dec/ine- Catabolism exceeds the phase'. It is followed by an increase in antibody level
production and the titre falls. exceeding the initial level. These effects of repeated
antigenic stimulus forms the basis of secondary humoral
A. Primary and Secondary Humoral Responses response.
The primary humoral response has a long lag phase and
low titre of antibodies that do not persist for long. In B. Fate of Antigen in Tissues
contrast, the secondary humoral response has a short or Antigens introduced intravenously are rapidly localised
negligible lag phase and a much higher level of antibodies in the spleen, liver, bone-marrow, kidneys and lungs.
that last for long periods. (Fig. 17.2). The antibody formed About 70-80% of these antigens are broken down by
in the primary humoral response is predominantly IgM reticuloendothelial cells and excreted in the urine. On
and in secondary humoral response IgG. The duration the other hand, antigens introduced subcutaneously are
of the lag phase depends upon the nature of antigen, its mainly localised in the draining lymph nodes, only small
amount, route of administration and species of animal. amount being found in the spleen.
With some antigens such as diphtheria toxoid, the lag Antigens are presented to immunocompetent cells in
phase in primary humoral response may be 2-3 weeks, two ways- by macrophages and by the dendritic cells in
while with pneumococcal polysaccharide, it may be as the lymph node follicles. With many antigens, processing
short as a few hours. by macrophages appears to be a necessary prerequisite
for antibody formation. Both macrophages and dendritic
cells present the antigen, native or processed, at the cell
surface. Macrophages modulate the dose of antigen
Secondary response
presented to lymphocytes so that it may be optimum to
induce immune response.
C. Production of Antibodies
Antigens are presented to immunocompetent cells
Primary response by antigen presenting cells (APC) (macrophages and
dendritic cells). With many antigens (T cell dependent
antigens such as proteins and erythrocytes), processing
by macrophages is essential pre-requisite for antibody
receptors, a plasma cell secretes an antibody of a single the receptors. As a compensatory mechanism, there is
specificity of a single antibody class (IgM, IgG or any an over production of the same type of receptors which
other single class). However, in primary humoral response, circulate as antibodies.
plasma cells initially secrete IgM and later switching
over to form IgG. Following antigenic stimulus, not all (ii) Natural selection theory
B-lymphocytes get converted into plasma cells. A small This theory was proposed by Jerne (1955). He postulated
proportion of them develop into 'memory cells' which that about a million globulin (antibody) molecules were
have a long lifespan and can recognise the same antigen formed in embryonic life, which covered the full range
on subsequent exposure. The increased antibody response of antigens. When an antigen is introduced, it combines
during secondary antigenic stimulus is due to the memory selectively with the globulin molecule that has the nearest
cells induced by the primary contact with the antigen. complementary 'fit'. The globulin, with the combined
Antibody production by B lymphocytes is regulated antigen, stimulates antibody forming cells to produce
by T cells. Helper T cells (TH) stimulate and suppressor T same kind of antibody.
cells (TS) inhibit antibody production. Optimum antibody
response depends on the balanced activity of these TS (iii) Clonal selection theory
and TH cells. This theory was proposed by Burnet (1957). The theory
states that during foetal development a large number of
D. Theories of Antibody Formation clones of immunological competent cells (ICCs) bearing
There are two broad groups: specific antibody patterns are produced by a process of
1. Instructive theories somatic mutation of ICCs against all possible antigens.
2. Selective theories Clones of cells with immunological reactivity with self
The instructive theories postulate that an antigens are eliminated during embryonic life. Such
immunocompetent cell (ICC) is capable of synthesising clones are known as 'forbidden clones' . Persistence of
antibodies of all specificity. The antigen instructs ICC to forbidden clones or their development in later life by
produce the complementary antibody. Selective theories, somatic mutation lead to autoimmune processes. Each
on the contrary, postulate that ICCs have only a restricted ICC is capable of reacting with one antigen or a small
immunological range. The antigen selects the appropriate number of antigens. Contact with specific antigen leads
ICC to synthesise an antibody. to cellular proliferation to form clones synthesising the
antibody. The clonal selection theory is widely accepted
1. Instructive Theories nowadays.
(i) Direct template theory
According to this theory, the antigen (or the antigenic E. Monoclonal Antibodies
determinant) enters the antibody forming cell and serves 1. Principle
as a 'template' against which antibodies are synthesised Antibodies that are usually produced in response to a
so that they have combining sites complementary to the single antigen are heterogenous as they are synthesised
antigenic determinant. by several different clones of cells i.e. polyclonal. A
single antibody forming cell or clone produces antibodies
(ii) Indirect template theory directed against a single antigen or antigenic determinant
This was proposed by Burnet and Fenner (1949). According only and such antibodies are called monoclonal antibodies.
to this theory, the antigenic determinant enters into the In multiple myeloma, antibodies are produced by a
ICC so that a 'genocopy' of the antigenic determinant is single clone of plasma cells against a single antigenic
incorporated in its genome and transmitted to the progeny determinant and hence the antibodies are monoclonal.
cells (indirect template). The method for production of monoclonal antibodies
against any desired antigen was first described by Kohler
2. Selective Theories and Milstein in 1975. They were awarded Nobel Prize
(i) Side chain theory for Medicine in 1984.
According to side chain theory, ICCs have surface
receptors capable of reacting with antigens which have 2. Technique
complementary side chains. When foreign antigens are Antibody forming spleen cells are fused with myeloma
introduced into the body, they combine with those cell cells to produce hybrid cells (hybridomas). The resultant
receptors which have a complementary fit. This inactivates hybridoma retains the antibody producing capacity of the
spleen cells and the ability of myeloma cells to multiply indefinitely while unfused myeloma cells are killed
indefinitely (Fig. 17.3). The details of technique are as by aminopterin in HAT medium.
follows: (v) Clones that secrete the desired antibody are selected
(i) Animal (usually mouse) is immunised with the for continuous cultivation. These hybridomas can
desired antigen and lymphocytes are harvested from be maintained indefinitely and will continue to
the spleen. form monoclonal antibodies. They can also be
(ii) Spleen cells (lymphocytes) are then fused with grown as tumours in the peritoneal cavity of mice
mouse myeloma cells, grown in culture, which are by intraperitoneal inoculation and monoclonal
deficient in the enzyme hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl antibodies are obtained by harvesting the ascitic fluid
transferase (HPRT). Fusion is done by incubating produced. Hybridomas may be frozen for prolonged
these cells in the presence of polyethylene glycol storage.
(iii) The fused cells (hybrid cells) are grown in basal culture Mouse monoclonal antibodies, however, proved
medium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin and unsuitable for human therapeutic use because of strong
thymidine (HAT medium). antimouse immune response. Human monoclonal
(iv) Only hybrid cells having properties of both the antibodies have been developed by modification of
splenic lymphocytes (HPRT +) and myeloma cells the original technique. Genes for particular antibody
(HPRT-) can grow in culture. The enzyme HPRT is fragments have been fused to bacteriophage genes. Large
necessary for nucleic acid synthesis and is provided quantities of the desired antibody can be obtained by
by the splenic lymphocytes in hybrid cells. Splenic infecting bacteria with the appropriate bacteriophage. Such
lymphocytes alone (unfused) cannot replicate antibodies hold great promise for immunotherapy.
Polydooal aotl,e: m
3. Applications 7. Adjuvants
(i) Diagnostic Use: Many commercial diagnostic systems Any substance that enhances the immunogenicity of an
use monoclonal antibodies for identification of antigen is called adjuvant. A number of substances such
bacterial, viral and other antigens. Direct fluorescence as aluminium hydroxide or phosphate and incorporation
and enzyme-linked assays utilise monoclonal of protein antigens in the water phase of a water-in-oil
antibody conjugates. emulsion (Freund's incomplete adjuvant), delay the release
(ii) Pure antibody : Large amount of pure antibody of of antigen and prolong the antigenic stimulus.
defined class can be prepared.
(i)Types of adjuvants
F. Factors Influencing Antibody Production (a) Depot: Aluminium hydroxide or phosphate, alum and
1.Age Freund's incomplete adjuvant (water in archis oil).
The embryo is immunologically immature. Production of (b) Bacterial: Freund's complete adjuvant is the Freund's
antibodies starts after the development and differentiation incomplete adjuvant along with a suspension of killed
of lymphoid organs. During embryonic life clones of tubercle bacilli.
cells that have specificity towards self-antigens are (c) Chemical: Bentonite, calcium alginate and silica
eliminated. particles.
Immunocompetence is not complete at birth. However,
full competence is acquired only by the age of 5-7 years Action of adjuvants
for IgG and 10-15 years for IgA. (a) Sustained release of antigen from depot
2. Genetic Factors (b) Stimulate lymphocytes non-specifically
The immune response in different individuals to same (c) Activate macrophages
antigen varies due to genetic factors. Persons capable of (d) Stimulate CMI
responding to a particular antigen are called responder Freund's complete adjuvant develops delayed
and those who do not respond are termed nonresponder. hypersensitivity in addition to enhanced antibody
The Ir (immune response) genes control this property. formation. This adjuvant cannot be used in humans
because it produces local granuloma.
3. Nutritional Status
Protein calorie malnutrition suppresses both humoral and 8. Immunosuppressive Agents
cellular immunity. These agents inhibit the immune response. They are
useful in certain situations such as transplantation
4. Route of Administration when it becomes necessary to prevent graft rejection.
There is better immune response following parenteral Immunosuppressive agents include X-irradiation,
administration of antigen than through oral or nasal radiomimetic drugs, corticosteroids, antimetabolites and
routes. antilymphocytic serum.
Together with the tumour necrosis factor (TNF), it which help to destroy NK resistant tumour cells. This
is responsible for many of the hematological changes in property has been used in the treatment of cancers.
septic shock. IL-2 was previously named as T cell growth factor
2. Interleukin-2: Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is the major (TCGF). It is produced by T cells.
activator of T and B cells and stimulates cytotoxic 3. Interleukin-3: IL-3 is a growth factor for bone marrow
T (Tc;) cells and NK cells. It converts certain null cells stem cells. It is also known as multicolony stimulating
(LGL) into lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells factor (multi-CSF).
4. Interleukin-4: IL-4 acts as B cell differentiating factor. 2. Macrophage activating factor (MAF): It restricts
It activates resting B cells. It also acts as growth macropha ge movemen t and increases phagocytic
factor for T cells and mast cells. It augments IgE activity.
synthesis and therefore may have a role in atopic 3. Macrophage chemotact icfactor (MCF): It stimulates
hypersensitivity. It enhances the activity of cytotoxic chemotax is of macrophages.
T cells. It was formerly known as B cell growth 4. Macrophage stimulating factor (MSF): It stimulates
factor-I (BCGF-I) . macropha ge migration to the site of action.
5. Interleukin-5: IL-5 causes proliferation of activated B
cells. It was formerly known as B cell growth factor-
II (BCGF-II ). C. Detection of CMI
6. Interleukin -6: IL-6 is produced by stimulated T and CMI can be detected by following methods:
B cells. It is also produced by macropha ges and 1. Skin tests for delayed hypersensitivity
fibroblasts. It induces immunogl obulin synthesis by 2. Lymphocy te transform ation test
B cells and formation of IL-2 receptors on T cells. 3. Migration inhibiting factor (MIF) test
7. Colony stimulating factors ( CSF): They stimulate the 4. Rosette formation
growth and differentiation of pluripoten t stem cells 5. Detection of T-cells by immunofluorescence technique.
in the bone marrow. They are named after the types
of cells they induce- for example, granulocyte (G), 1. Skin Tests for Delayed Hypersen sitivity
or mononucl ear (M) CSF. IL-3 induces growth of It is useful to detect delayed hypersensitivity to commonly
all types of haematopoietic cells and thus known as encounter ed antigens. Tuberculin skin test is commonly
multi-CSP. They are responsible for adjusting the rate used. Other antigens used for skin testings are l % solution of
of production of blood cells according to requirements l-Chloro-2 , 4 dinitrochl orobenzen e (DNCB) or
e.g. massive granulocyte response is seen in pyogenic dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB).
8. Tumour necrosis factors (TNF): The tumour necrosis 2. Lymphoc yte Transform ation Test
factor occurs as two types namely alpha and beta. This is in vitro test which detects transform ation of
TNF-alph a is produced principally by activated cultured sensitised T lymphocytes on contact with specific
macropha ges and monocyte s. It resembles IL-1 in antigen.
having a very wide spectrum of biological activities
such as its role in the manifesta tions of endotoxic 3. Migratio n Inhibitin g Factor (MIF) Test
shock. It also has immunom odulatory influences Human peripheral leucocytes are incubated in capillary
on other cytokines. TNF-beta is formed principally tubes in culture chambers containing culture fluid. In the
by T helper cells. Its actions are similar to those absence of antigen, the leucocytes migrate out to the open
of TNF-alph a. TNF-beta was formerly known as end of the tube to form a fan like pattern. When an antigen
lymphotoxin. to which the individual has CMI is introduced into the
9. Interferons (IFN): There are three classes of IFNs, culture fluid, the leucocytes are prevented from migrating .
alpha, beta and gamma. IFN-alpha is produced by By compariso n with the control (without antigen), it is
leucocytes, beta produced by fibroblasts and gamma by possible to make a semiquantitative assessment of the
activated T cells. IFN-gamm a increases the cytotoxicity migration inhibition.
of NK cells and macrophages. It has inhibitory effect
on malignant cells. Interferons also have antiviral 4. Rosette Formatio n
activity. Most T cells form rosettes when incubated with sheep
Cytokine productio n is regulated by exogenous erythrocytes. Rosette is a lymphocyte to which three or
factors such as antigens, as well as by endogenous factors. more sheep erythrocytes are attached. T cell rosette is
They also regulate each other by positive and negative called as E-rosette. T cells can be estimated by counting
feedbacks. IL-1, 2, 3, CSF and IFNs have already found E-rosettes and thus help in detection of CMI status.
therapeuti c application.
5. Detection of T cells by Immunofluorescence
Lymphok ines Technique
1. Migration inhibiting factor (MIF): It inhibits the T cells can be detected by immunofluorescence technique
migration of normal macrophages. using monoclon al antibodies.
1. The specific reactivity induced in a host following an antigen stimulus is known as the immune response.
2. Immune response is of two types: humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.
3. Humoral immunity is due to antibody production while cell immunity is because of sensitised T cells.
4. There are many theories of antibody formation but the clonal selection theory is widely accepted.
5. Antibodies that are usually produced in response to a single antigen are polyclonal, i.e., synthesised by several different
clone of cells.
6. A single antibody forming cell or clone produces antibodies directed against a single antigen or antigenic determinant
only and such antibodies are called monoclonal antibodies.
7. Hybridoma technique is used to produce monoclonal antibodies.
8. Many commercial diagnostic systems use monoclonal antibodies for identification of bacterial, viral and other
antigens. Direct fluorescence and enzyme-linked assays utilise monoclonal antibody conjugates.
9. Cell mediated immunity (CMI) plays an important role in delayed hypersensitivity (type IV hypersensitivity),
transplantation immunity, immunity in infectious diseases caused by intracellular organisms, immunity against cancer
and pathogenesis of certain autoimmune diseases.
10. The biologically active substances are responsible for various manifestation of CMI. These are named cytokines.
These include lymphokines, monokines and interleukins.
11. Immunological tolerance is defined as a state in which contact with an antigen specifically abolishes the capacity
to mount an immune response against that particular antigen when it is administered subsequently, the immune
reactivity to other antigens being unaffected.
1. Discuss primary and secondary humoral responses.
2. Discuss briefly about:
(a) Theories of antibody formation
(b) Production of monoclonal antibodies and their applications.
3. Write short notes on:
(a) Cytokines (b) Adjuvants (c) Transfer factor
(d) Immunological tolerance (e) Clonal selection theory.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a)
6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d)
- - - ••• - - -
I. Primary Immunodeficiencies
A. Humoral Immunodeficiencies B. Cellular Immunodeficiencies
(B Cell Defects) (T Cell Defects)
C. Combined Immunodeficiencies D. Disorders of Complement
(Both B and T Cell Defects)
E. Disorders of Phagocytosis
II. Secondary Immunodeficiencies
A. Depression of Humoral Immune Responses B. Depression of Cell-Mediated Immunity
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Table 18.1 Primary Immunodeficiency Syndromes and unable to differentiate into plasma cells and secrete
their Classification immunoglobulins. Increased suppressor T cell and
A. Humoral Immunodeficiencies (B cell Defects) decreased helper T cell activity have been proposed as
1. X-linked agammaglobulinaemia a cause of this disorder. In this condition, the total
2. Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy immunoglobulin level is usually less than 300 mg per 100
3. Common variable immunodeficiency ml, with IgG level less than 250 mg per 100 ml. Treatment
4. Selective immunoglobulin deficiencies is by administration of gammaglobulin preparations
5. Immunodeficiencies with hyper-IgM intramuscularly or intradermally.
6. Transcobalarnin II deficiency
B. Cellular Immunodeficiencies (T Cell Defects)
4. Selective Immunoglobulin Deficiencies
1. Thymic hypoplasia (DiGeorge's syndrome) In these conditions, there occurs selective deficiency of
2. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiency one or more immunoglobulin classes, whereas the other
C. Combined Immunodeficiencies (Both Band T Cell Defects) immunoglobulin classes remain normal or elevated.
1. Cellular immunodeficiency with abnormal
immunoglobulin synthesis (Nezelof's syndrome) (a) Selective IgA deficiency
2. Ataxia telangiectasia
There is absence or near absence of serum and secretory
3. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
4. Immunodeficiency with thymoma IgA in this most common well-defined immunodeficiency
5. Severe combined immunodeficiency diseases disorder. These patients exhibit increased susceptibility
6. MHC Class II deficiency to respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Atopic
D. Disorders of Complement disorders among IgA deficient individuals are high. Anti-
1. Complement component deficiencies IgA antibodies are present in many of these patients.
2. Complement inhibitor deficiencies
E. Disorders of Phagocytosis (b) Selective IgM deficiency
1. Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) Selective IgM deficiency has been found to be associated
2. Myeloperoxidase deficiency with septicaemia due to meningococci and other Gram-
3. Chediak-Higashi syndrome negative bacteria.
4. Leucocyte G-6-PD deficiency
5. Immunodeficiencies with Hyper-IgM
There is low levels of IgA and IgG with elevated IgM.
normal and delayed hypersensitivity to tuberculin can be Some of these immunodeficiencies are X-linked and
demonstrated. Treatment consists of routine injections some inherited as autosomal recessive. Patients are
of normal immunoglobulins. vulnerable to infections and autoimmune disorders such
as thrombocytopaenia , neutropaenia and haemolytic
2. Transient Hypogammaglobu linaemia of Infancy anaemia. Some patients develop malignant infiltration
This is due to an abnormal delay in the initiation of IgG with IgM producing cells.
synthesis in some infants. It may occur in infants of both
sexes. Maternal IgG is slowly catabolised and reaches 6. Transcobalamin II Deficiency
a very low level by the second month. Ordinarily, the It is an autosomal recessive disorder. These individuals
infants start producing their own IgG by this age. When show metabolic effects of vitamin B12 deficiency
there is a delay, immunodeficiency occurs. Treatment with including megaloblastic anaemia and intestinal villous
gammaglobulin is not recommended in this condition, as atrophy. Immunological defects include plasma cells
it may contribute to prolongation of immunodeficiency depletion, diminished imrnunoglobulin levels and impaired
by a negative feedback inhibition of IgG synthesis. phagocytosis. Treatment with vitamin B 12 may restore
haematopoietic, gastrointestinal and B cell functions but
3. Common Variable Immunodeficiency not phagocytic activity.
This is also known as late onset hypogammaglobulinaemia
because it usually manifests only by 15-35 years of age. B. Cellular Immunodeficienc ies
It is characterised by recurrent pyogenic infections. This (T Cell Defects)
may also be associated with an increased incidence of Abnormalities of T cell development results in viral,
autoimmune disease. B cells may be present in circulation intracellular bacterial, fungal and protozoa! infections
in normal numbers, but they appear defective and are rather than acute bacterial infections.
1. Thymic Hypoplasia (DiGeorge's Syndrome) rejection. Transfer factor and foetal thymus transplants
This is a developmental defect affecting the third and have been tried with limited benefit.
fourth pharyngeal pouches, which leads to aplasia or
hypoplasia of the thymus and parathyroid glands. T cells 3. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
are deficient or absent in the circulation. The thymus It is an X-linked recessive disease characterised by
dependent areas of spleen and lymph nodes are depleted eczema, bleeding and recurrent infections. Most of
of T lymphocytes. Delayed hypersensitivity and graft the affected children die due to complications such as
rejection are depressed. The humoral immune response bleeding, infection or lymphoreticular malignancy during
is largely unaffected. childhood. The bleeding occurs due to thrombocytopenia,
Patients show enhanced susceptibility to viral, eczema from elevated IgE level and recurrent infections
fungal and bacterial infections. Most of these infants from abnormalities in cell-mediated (thyrnic hypoplasia)
usually show other associated developmental anomalies and antibody mediated immunity. B cells are unable
such as cardiac defects particularly involving great to respond to polysaccharide antigens. Treatment with
vessels. Neonatal tetany is present. Transplantation of transfer factor and bone-marrow transplantation have
foetal thymus tissue has been reported to restore the been found to be beneficial.
immunological functions.
4. Immunodeficiency with Thymoma
2. Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase (PNP) This syndrome consists of a benign thyrnic tumour, impaired
Deficiency cell mediated immunity and agammaglobulinaemia. It
Inherited deficiency of enzyme PNP occurs due to a occurs usually in adults. Antibody formation is poor and
gene defect in chromosome 14 which results in impaired progressive lymphopenia develops. Patients have been
metabolism of cytosine and inosine to purines. These shown to have excessive suppressor T cell activity.
patients show decreased T cell proliferation leading
to decreased cell mediated immunity and recurrent or 5. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases
chronic infections. These include many syndromes with severe combined
deficiency of both humoral and cell mediated immunity.
C. Combined Immunodeficiencies (Both B and T They are inherited in the autosomal recessive mode.
Cell Defects) Many distinct patterns of this immunodeficiency have
1. Cellular Immunodeficiency with Abnormal been described.
Immunoglobulin Synthesis (Nezelof's Syndrome)
There is depressed cell mediated immunity associated (a) Swiss type agammaglobulinaemia
with selectively elevated, decreased or normal levels of Such persons are born with lymphoid stem-cell defects
immunoglobulin. Patients are susceptible to recurrent and lack both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. They
viral, fungal, bacterial and protozoa! diseases. The thymus have agammaglobulinaemia and lymphocytopaenia. The
is small and peripheral lymphoid tissues are hypoplastic. basic defect is presumed to be at the level of the lymphoid
Autoimmune processes such as haemolytic anaemia are stem cell.
common. Bone marrow transplantation, transfer factor
and thymus transplantation have been used for treatment, (b) Reticular dysgenesis
with success in some cases. Adequate antimicrobial therapy This is the most serious form of combined
is essential for the treatment of microbial infections. immunodeficiency. Here the defect is at the level of
multipotent bone marrow stem cell. There is a total failure
2. Ataxia Telangiectasia of myelopoiesis. The individual is born with lymphopenia,
This is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, where neutropaenia, thrombocytopaenia, anaemia and bone
combined immunodeficiency is associated with cerebellar marrow aplasia. The condition is invariably fatal in the
ataxia, telangiectasia (dilated capillaries), ovarian first week of life.
dysgenesis and chromosomal abnormalities. Death occurs
due to sinopulmonary infection early in life, or malignancy (c) Adenosine deaminase deficiency
in second or third decade. The majority of p.:!iP-nts lack Adenosine dearninase (ADA) is an enzyme which catalyses
IgA and IgE but some patients possess antibody to IgA. the conversion of adenosine to inosine in purine metabolic
Cell mediated immunity is also defective which results pathway. In these patients, ADA levels are low in all the
in an impairment of delayed hypersensitivity and graft tissues, including red blood cells. The mechanism by which
this deficiency causes immunological impairment is not as enzyme deficiency and extrinsic defects may be due
clear. It is, however, believed that deficiency of ADA to deficiency of opsonin antibody, complement or other
leads to accumulation of adenosine and deoxyadenosine factors promoting phagocytosis. Phagocytic dysfunction
triphosphate, which are toxic to lymphocytes, particularly leads to increased susceptibility to infections.
T-lymphocyte lineage. There is greater loss of T-cell
immunity than that of B-cell. The immunodeficiency 1. Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
varies from complete absence to mild abnormalities of It is a fatal genetic disorder in which there is a deficiency
B and T cell functions. Infants with these severe immune of NADPH oxidase. In these patients, polymorphonuclear
disorders are vulnerable to all forms of infections and leucocytes phagocytose invading bacteria normally but are
most die during the first year of life. unable to kill ingested microorganisms because engulfment
of bacteria is not followed by activation of oxygen-
6. MHC Class II Deficiency dependent killing mechanisms. The bacteria involved in
It is an autosomal hereditary recessive disorder in which the recurrent infections are catalase positive organisms such
failure to express MHC II molecules on the surface of as staphylococci and coliforms. Catalase negative bacteria
antigen presenting cells (macrophages and B cells) results are handled normally. Leucocytes from these patients fail to
in a deficiency of CD4+ T-cells. This is due to the fact reduce nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) during phagocytosis.
that T-cell (CD4+) development is dependent on positive This property has been used (NBT test) for the diagnosis
selection by MHC class II molecules in thymus. Thus of chronic granulomatous disease.
MHC II deficient infants exhibit the deficiency of T
cells (CD4+ ). The lack of these helper T-cells results in 2. Myeloperoxidase Deficiency
deficient antibodies. In this rare disease, leucocytes are deficient in
myeloperoxidase. Patients are liable to develop recurrent
Candida albicans infection.
D. Disorders of Complement
1. Complement Component Deficiencies 3. Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Genetic deficiencies of almost all complement components It is an autosomal recessive disorder. Polymorphonuclear
have been detected in man. Deficiency of Clr and C4 leucocytes in these patients possess large lysosomes. These
is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. The abnormal lysosomes do not fuse readily with phagosome.
most severe abnormalities of host defences occur with Thus leucocytes possess diminished phagocytic activity.
C3 deficiencies which result in increased susceptibility to Patients suffer from severe pyogenic infections.
pyogenic infections. Deficiency of C6, C7, C8 is associated
with neisserial infections. 4. Leucocyte G-6-PD Deficiency
The defects of all these complement components are Leucocytes are deficient in glucose-6-phosphate
transmitted as autosomal recessive traits, except that of dehydrogenase and show diminished bactericidal activity
properdin which is X-linked recessive disease. after phagocytosis. Such patients are vulnerable to
microbial infections.
2. Complement Inhibitor Deficiencies
Hereditary angioneurotic oedema is due to a genetic II. SECONDARY IMMUNODEFICIENCIE S
deficiency of Cl inhibitor and this defect is transmitted as an These can occur secondary to a number of disease states
autosomal dominant. Normally, Cl inhibitor is involved in such as metabolic disorders, malnutrition, malignancy or
inactivation of complement system and other pathways, like as a consequence of certain therapeutic measures which
clotting, fibrinolytic and kinin. In Cl inhibitor deficiency, depress the immune system. Secondary immunodeficiencies
these systems may be activated. Activation of factor XII are more common than primary immunodeficiencies.
(Hageman factor) leads to formation of bradykinin and
C2 kinin. These kinins act on the post-capillary venules A. Depression of Humoral Immune Responses
causing contraction of endothelial cells and formation This results when B-cells are depleted as in lymphoid
of gaps that allow the plasma leakage and production malignancy, particularly in chronic lymphatic leukaemia;
of oedema. when excessive loss of serum proteins occurs as in
exfoliative skin disease and in protein losing enteropathies.
E. Disorders of Phagocytosis In multiple myeloma, there is excessive production of
Phagocytosis may be impaired either by intrinsic or extrinsic abnormal immunoglobulins but normal immunoglobulin
defects. Intrinsic defects are within phagocytic cells such level is decreased .
1. Immunodeficiency diseases are conditions where the defence mechanisms of the host are impaired leading to repeated
microbial infections and sometimes enhanced susceptibility to malignancies.
2. Primary immunodeficiencies result from abnormalities in the development of immune mechanisms.
3. Secondary immunodeficiencies are due to consequences of some other disease, malnutrition, drugs and other processes
that affect the normal functioning of the mature immune system.
4. These immunodeficiency diseases may involve specific immune functions- humoral immunity, cell mediated immunity
or both-or nonspecific mechanisms such as phagocy tosis and complement.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a)
- - - - . .• - - - -
Chapter 19
I. Classification
A. Type I (Anaphylactic) Reaction B. Type II (Cytotoxic) Reaction
C. Type Ill (I mmune Complex) Reaction D. Type IV (Delayed or Cell Mediated) Reaction
E. Type V (Stimulatory Type) Reaction
II. Shwartzman Reaction
Immune response is generally a protective process but it hypersensitivity. The term 'allergy' means an altered state
may sometimes be injurious to the host. Hypersensitivity of reactivity to an antigen, it may include both protective
refers to a condition in which immune response results as well as injurious immune response. This term allergy
in excessive reactions leading to tissue damage, disease was originally coined by von Pirquet (1905).
or even death in the sensitised host.
Hypersensitivity occurs in individuals who have I. CLASSIFICATION
had previous contact with the antigen (allergen). The Hypersensitivity reactions are classified into two main
initial contact sensitises the immune system by priming types, 'immediate' and 'delayed' types based on the time
appropriate B or T lymphocytes. It is known as 'priming' required by sensitised host to develop clinical reactions
or 'sensitising' dose. Subsequent contact with the same upon exposure to the shocking dose of the antigen.
antigen causes hypersensitivity. It is known as 'shocking' The major differences between the two hypersensitivity
dose. These allergens may be complete antigens or reactions are shown in Table 19 .1.
haptens. Coomb and Gel (1963) classified hypersensitivity
Allergy is most commonly used as a synonym for reactions into four major types, types I to IV.
I. Onset and duration Appears and recedes rapidly Appears slowly in 24-72 hours and lasts longer
2. Immune response Antibody mediated Cell mediated (T-lymphocytes)
3. Passive transfer Possible with serum Cannot be transferred with serum but possible with lymphocytes
or transfer factor
4. Desensitisation Easy but short lived Difficult but long lasting
5. Induction Antigens or haptens, by any route By antigen injected intradermally or with Freund's adjuvant or by
skin contact
+ lgE +Allergen
0-0 0
Mast cell 21
of other species) but not IgE which is homocytotropic site of injection within minutes. The special affinity of
(can fix to cells of homologous species only). IgE (reaginic antibody) for skin cells forms the basis of
PK reaction. As reaginic IgE is homocytotropic, the test
5. Atopy has to be performed on human skin. This test is not
The term 'atopy' (atopy meaning out of place or done nowadays due to risk of transmission of serum
strangeness) was first introduced by Coca (1923) to refer hepatitis.
to familial hypersensitivities which occur spontaneously in In-vitro methods for detection of IgE include
man. It is typified by hay fever and asthma. The antigens radioallergosorbent test (RAST), ELISA and passive
commonly involved in atopy are pollens, house dust and agglutination.
foods. These atopens induce IgE antibodies, formerly
termed as 'reagin' antibodies. Atopic sensitisation occurs
spontaneously following natural contact with atopens. 6. Anaphylactoid Reaction
Predisposition to atopy is genetically determined, probably This reaction resembles anaphylactic shock clinically and is
linked to MHC genotypes. provoked by intravenous injection of peptone, trypsin and
some others substances. It has a nonspecific mechanism
(i) Features of atopy involving the activation of complement pathway with
1. Atopy runs in families. These individuals have release of anaphylatoxins. It has no immunological basis.
tendency to produce reagin antibody in unusually The clinical resemblance is due to action of same chemical
large amounts. mediators participating in both reactions.
2. Reactions occur at the site of entry of the antigen,
inhalation of pollens affect lungs (bronchial asthma),
ingestion of fish, milk, eggs, drngs etc. (gastrointestinal TYPE II (CYTOTOXIC) REACTION
disorders or cutaneous eruptions) and contact leads Cytotoxic reaction is mediated by IgG (or rarely IgM)
to local allergy (conjunctivitis). antibodies directed against antigens on the surface of cells
3. It is IgE mediated hypersensitivity reaction. IgE is resulting in cell damage. Antibodies bind to an antigen
homocytotropic i.e. species specific. Only human IgE on the cell surface and cause (i) phagocytosis of the cell
can fix to the surface of human cells. through opsonic or immune adherence (ii) cytotoxicity
4. Induction of atopy is difficult artificially because by natural killer (NK) cells (iii) lysis through activation
atopens are poor antigens. of complement system (Fig 19.2).
Opsonic adherence
concentration of foreign serum. Antibodies to foreign
and phagocytosis Immune adherence serum reach high enough titres by 7-12 days but still
some excess antigen remains in the circulating blood.
surface of a cell Complemen~1
C56789 complexes damage the tissue in the same way as that
in Arthus reaction. Serum sickness is characterised
Cytotoxic action by
NK cells
1. Hypersensitivity refers to a condition in which immune response results in excessive reactions leading to tissue damage,
disease or even death in the sensitised host.
2. Hypersensitivity reactions are mainly of four types: type I (anaphylactic) , type II (cytotoxic), type Ill (immune complex)
and type IV (delayed or cell mediated).
3. Type I, II and III depends on the interaction of antigen with humoral antibodies and are known as immediate type
reactions. Type IV reaction is mediated by T-lymphocytes.
4. lgE is involved in type I hypersensitivity reaction. Type I reactions occur in two forms, the systemic form called
anaphylaxis and the localised form called atopy.
5. Type II reaction is mediated by antibodies that react with antigens present on the surface of cell or other tissue
components resulting in damage of the cell. Examples of this reaction are autoimmune anaemias and haemolytic
disease of the new born.
6. Type III reaction is caused by antigen-antibody complexes. These complexes may be deposited in tissues causing
immune complex disorders. Two typical type III reactions include Arthus reaction (localised) and serum sickness
7. Type IV reaction is mediated by T-lymphocytes. The antigen activates specifically sensitised T-lymphocytes which
lead to the secretion of lymphokines, with fluid and phagocyte accumulation. Two types of delayed hypersensitivity
reactions include the tuberculin (infection) type and the contact dermatitis type.
1. Classify hypersensitivity reactions. Describe in detail about type I hypersensitivity reactions.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Arthus reaction (b) Serum sickness (c) Delayed hypersensitivity reaction
(d) Atopy (e) Anaphylaxis (f) Type II hypersensitivity reactions.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (c)
6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d)
I. Introduction
II. Mechanisms of Autoimmunity
A. Hidden or sequestered antigens B. Antigen Alteration
C. Cross Reacting Foreign Antigens D. Forbidden Clones
E. T and B Cell defects
Ill. Classification of Autoimmune Diseases
A. Haemocytolytic Diseases B. Localised or Organ Specific Diseases
C. Systemic or Non-Organ-Specific Diseases
IV. Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases
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Viruses and other intracellular pathogens may activity of T helper and T suppressor cells. Enhanced
induce alteration of cell surface antigens leading to function of T helper cell and decreased T suppressor cell
autoimmunity. function are suggested as causes of autoimmunity.
Another hypothesis is polyclonal B cell activation.
C. Cross Reacting Foreign Antigens An antigen generally activates only its corresponding B
Sharing of antigens by different organisms is the basis of cell but certain microorganisms and their products can
'cross reacting antigen' theory. Streptococcus (M proteins) cause polyclonal (i.e. antigen nonspecific) activation of
and heart muscle share antigenic characteristics. Repeated B-lymphocytes to produce antibodies.
streptococcal infection can therefore induce the immune Nonspecific antibodies are formed in some infectious
response which damages the heart. Nephritogenic strains diseases, such as antihuman erythrocyte cold antibodies
of streptococci may lead to glomerulonephritis due to in mycoplasma pneumonia.
the antigenic sharing.
Injection of Semple rabies vaccine may elicit an
immune response against sheep brain antigens. This may
lead to encephalitis due to cross reaction between human
and sheep brain antigens. Autoimmune diseases may be classified as
A. Haemocytolytic diseases
D. Forbidden Clones B. Localised or organ specific diseases
According to clonal selection theory an innumerable C. Systemic or non-organ-specific diseases.
number of clones of immunologically competent cells
(ICCs) bearing specific antibody patterns are produced A. Haemocytolytic Diseases
against all possible antigens. Any clone of cells carrying a These conditions involve various cells present in blood
pattern reactive against self antigens is destroyed during circulation. Haemocytolytic diseases include autoimmune
embryonic life. Such clones are known as 'forbidden haemolytic anaemias, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia.
clones'. At the time of birth only cells against nonself
persist. Persistence of forbidden clones or development in B. Localised or Organ-Specific Diseases
later life by somatic mutation could lead to autoimmune In these diseases, specific organs are targets for
diseases. autoimmune reactions.
IV. PATHOGENESIS OF like SLE, myasthenia gravis and Grave's disease. In SLE,
deposition of circulating immune complexes in glomerular
Autoimmun e diseases may occur either by humoral
response or by cellular immune response against self basement membrane results in tissue damage. A third
antigens. Autoantibodies are more easily detectable than mechanism in autoimmune diseases is by type IV reaction
T-cell assessment for cellular response. Antibodies may (delayed type of hypersensitivity). Humoral and cellular
cause damage by type II (cytotoxic) or type III (immune immune responses may act together in some autoimmune
complex) hypersensitivity reactions. Type II reaction diseases. Experimental orchitis can be induced only when
is important in autoimmun e haemolytic anaemias in both type of immune responses are in action.
which autoantibod ies alongwith complemen t destroy Progress of autoimmun e diseases can be arrested by
erythrocytes. Type III reaction has a role in diseases immunosuppressive therapy.
1. Autoimmuni ty is a condition when the body produces autoantibodies and immunologically competent T-lymphocytes
against its own tissues.
2. Autoimmunity can occur in certain conditions such as hidden or sequestered antigens, antigen alteration, cross reacting
foreign antigens, forbidden clones, T and B cell defects.
1. What is autoimmunity? Discuss the various mechanisms of autoimmunity.
2. Classify autoimmune diseases and describe their pathogenesis.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (b)
- - - - +++ - - - -
I. Transplantation
A. Types of Transplants B. The Allograft Reaction
C. Histocompatibility Antigens D. Histocompatibility Testing
E. Prevention of Graft Rejection F. Graft-Versus-Host Reaction
II. Tumour Immunity
A. Tumour Antigens B. Immune Response in Malignancy
C. lmmunosurveillance D. lmmunotherapy of Cancer
and the graft sloughs off by the sixth day. This type cultured together. Donor cells are irradiated to prevent
of rejection is known as 'second set response'. In this, DNA synthesis and proliferation. A radioactive DNA
antibodies play a dominant role along with cell mediated precursor is also added to the mixture of donor and
immunity. 'Second set response' is seen only if the second recipient lymphocytes. If the class II antigens are foreign,
graft is from the same donor as the first. Application of the recipient cells will be stimulated to divide. As these
the graft from another donor will evoke only the first stimulated recipient lymphocytes replicate their DNA,
set response. they incorporate the radioactive precursor. The amount
of radioactivity incorporated can be easily measured.
C. Histocornpatibility Antigens
Histocompatibility antigens are specific for each individual E. Prevention of Graft Rejection
and are under genetic control. When the recipient 1. Immunosuppression
possesses all the antigens present in the graft, there Immunosuppression is produced in the recipient so that
will be no immune response and the transplantation is the transplanted tissue survives for a longer period.
successful. Rejection of graft depends upon the antigenic Irradiation, corticosteroids and antilymphocytic serum
differences between graft and recipient. The term 'major (ALS) are employed for immunosuppression in clinical
histocompatibility complex' (MHC) is a system of cell transplantation. Fungal metabolites such as cyclosporin
antigens that are responsible for allograft rejection or A and repamycin are also used. They show specific T cell
acceptance. The MHC in man is the 'human leucocyte inhibitory activity.
antigen (HLA) system'. A description of the HLA system
is presented in Chapter 16. 2. Transplantation in anatomically protected sites
There are certain privileged sites where allografts are
D. Histocornpatibility Testing permitted to survive. These include cornea, cartilage
Procedures used for matching donor and recipient for and testicle grafting. Lack of vascularity prevents graft
transplantation are described below. rejection in case of corneal transplants.
The foetus can be one example of an intrauterine
1. ABO Grouping allograft as it contains antigens which are foreign to the
ABO compatibility is essential in all tissue transplantation mother. The reason why the foetus is exempt from rejection
because blood group antigens are strong histocompatibility is not clear. Various explanations are as follows:
antigens. (i) The placenta produces certain hormones which
are locally immunosuppressive.
2. Tissue Typing (ii) The placenta produces mucoproteins which coat
(Detection of MHC Antigens) foetal cells, thus masking HLA-antigens and
The HLA antigens of class I type on leucocytes are prevent recognition.
identified by means of antisera obtained from multiparous (iii) The mother produces specific blocking antibodies
women, from persons who have received multiple blood to foetal antigens and thus blocking immune
transfusions, from individuals who are repeatedly skin recognition.
grafted and from volunteers who have been immunised (iv) The high concentration of alpha-fetoprotein may
with cells from another individual with a different HLA protect the foetus against immunological damage
haplotype. Monoclonal antibodies are now being used from any maternal leucocytes entering foetal
instead of these antisera. Following methods are used: circulation. This is due to immunosuppressive
properties of alpha-fetoprotein.
(i) Cytotoxic test (v) P1-glycoprotein, of foetal origin, has been shown
Lymphocytes are incubated with a panel of standard sera to inhibit maternal cellular immunity.
for HLA antigens (class I MHC antigens) in presence of These factors depress the immune system of
complement. Cells carrying antigens corresponding to the the mother and its response is localised in the
HLA antiserum are killed. These can be detected by the uterus.
addition of trypan blue which stains only dead cells.
F. Graft-Versus Host Reaction
(ii) Mixed lymphocytes culture (MLC) Graft rejection is generally due to the reaction of the host
MHC class II antigens are identified by this method. to the grafted tissue (host- versus-graft response). Contrary
Lymphocytes from both donor and recipient are to that, the graft may mount an immune response against
the antigens of the host this is known as the 'graft-versus- specific. All tumours produced by one virus will possess
host (GVH) reaction'. the same antigens, even if the tumours are in different
The GVH reaction occurs when the following animal strains or species.
conditions are present:
1. The graft contains immunocompetent 2. Tumour Associated Antigens (TAAs)
T-lymphocytes. MHC antigens of recipient activate These are present on tumour cells and also on some
transplanted immunocompetent T-lymphocytes normal cells. These include:
which lead to the production of lymphokines, Tc (i) Tumour associated carbohydrate Antigens (TACAs):
cells, antibodies etc. They attack the recipient cells They represent abnormal forms of glycoproteins and
leading to manifestations of GVH reaction. glycolipids such as mucin-associated antigen detected
2. The recipient possesses HLA antigens that are absent in pancreatic and breast cancers.
in the graft. (ii) Oncofetal antigens: These are foetal antigens which
3. The recipient's immunological responsiveness is either are present in embryonic and malignant cells, but not
destroyed or so impaired (following whole body in normal adult cells. The best known examples are
irradiation) that he cannot reject a graft. alpha-fetoprotein in hepatomas and carcinoembryonic
The GVH reactions are predominantly cell antigen (CEA) in colonic cancers.
mediated. The manifestations of GVH reaction consist (iii) Differentiation antigens: CD 10, an antigen expressed
of splenomegaly, fever, rash, anaemia, weight loss and in early B-lymphocytes, is present in B-cell leukaernias.
sometimes death. Neonatally thymectornised animal Similarly, prostate specific antigen (PSA) has been
receiving an allograft of spleen or blood lymphocytes do used as a diagnostic indicator in prostatic cancer.
not grow normally but develop a fatal wasting syndrome
known as runting disease. B. Immune Response in Malignancy
Both cell-mediated and humeral responses can be
demonstrated in malignancy. The sensitised T-cells attack
II. TUMOUR IMMUNilY the 'foreign' tumour cells and tend to limit its growth.
When a cell undergoes malignant transformation, it Of all the T-cell subsets, delayed-type hypersensitivity
expresses new surface antigens and may also lose some T (Td) cells play a significant role in tumour killing by
normal antigens. The tumour associated antigens are means of lymphokines that they release. The natural killer
immunologically distinct from normal tissue antigens. (NK) cells can also kill the tumour cells in absence of
The host recognises the tumour associated antigens antibody. In addition to direct lysis of tumour cells, NK
as "nonself," therefore, tumour can be considered cells also participate in antibody dependent cytotoxicity
as an allograft and is expected to induce an immune (ADCC). Thus NK cells may provide the first line of
response. defence against many tumours.
Humoral responses may also participate in tumour
A. Tumour Antigens cell killing by activation of complement and induction
They can be classified into two groups: of ADCC by NK cells.
1. Tumour specific antigens (TSAs)
2. Tumour associated antigens (TAAs). C. Immunosurveillance
It is believed that malignant cells arise by mutation of
1. Tumour Specific Antigens (TSAs) somatic cells that occur frequently. It is postulated that
Tumour specific antigens are present on the membrane the immune system keeps a constant vigilance on these
of cancer cells and not on the normal cells. They induce malignant mutation of somatic cells and destroy them
an immune response when the tumour is transplanted in on the spot. Inefficiency of the immunosurveillance,
syngenic animals. Such tumour specific antigens reject either as a result of ageing or in congenital or iatrogenic
tumour transplants in immunised hosts, these are termed immunodeficiencies, leads to an increased incidence of
as 'tumour specific transplantation antigens' (TSTA) or cancer. The development of tumours represents an escape
'tumour associated transplantation antigens' (TATA). from this surveillance. The mechanisms of such escape
In chemically induced tumours, these antigens are are not clear but various possibilities have been suggested.
tumour specific. Different tumours possess different These are as follows:
antigens, even if they are induced by the same carcinogen. 1. Modulation of Surface Antigens: Certain tumour cells
In contrast, the TSAs of virus induced tumours are virus may shed or stop expressing the surface antigens thus
making the tumour cells immunologically invisible. injected directly into certain tumours may lead to tumour
2. Masking Tumour Antigens: Some cancers produce a regression. Antitumour effect of BCG is believed to be
mucoprotein called sialomucin. It binds to the surface due to activation of macrophages and NK cells. BCG
of the tumour cells. Since sialomucin is a normal has been reported to be useful in malignant melanomas,
component, the tumour cells are not recognised as bladder cancer, lung cancer and certain leukaemias.
foreign by the immune system. Corynebacterium parvum has been reported to be
3. Production of Blocking Antibodies: Certain tumour beneficial in various types of lung cancers and metastatic
cells invoke immune system to produce blocking breast cancer. Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) has been
antibodies which can not fix and activate complement tried in squamous and basal cell carcinoma of the skin.
resulting in prevention of tumour cell lysis. Levamisole, originally introduced as an antihelminthic,
4. Fast Rate of Proliferation of Malignant Cells: Due has been tried for stimulating cell mediated immunity
to the fast rate of proliferation of malignant cells, and macrophage functions.
tumour cells may be able to 'sneak through' before Other nonspecific immune modulators include thymic
the development of an effective immune response hormones to restore T-cell function, interferon to stimulate
and once they reach a certain mass, the tumour load NK cell function and IL-2 to stimulate killing of cancers
may be too great for the host's immune system to by Tc cells, NK cells and macrophages.
5. Suppression of Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI): Some 2. Specific Immunotherapy
tumours may form cytokines like Transforming This has been attempted by vaccination with tumour
Growth Factor (TGF-~) which suppresses CMI. antigens, treatment with 'immune RNA' and transfer
factor. Monoclonal antibody to tumour antigens may
D. Immunotherapy of Cancer be administered, either alone or tagged with a cytotoxic
Immunotherapy of cancer is of two types: drug, will bind to and specifically destroy only cancer
cells. Lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells obtained by
1. Non-Specific Active Immunotherapy treatment of natural killer (NK) cells with interleukin-2
This activates the immune system in a generalised manner (IL-2) have been tried in the treatment of certain
which destroys the tumour cells. BCG vaccine when malignancies, such as renal carcinomas.
I. Transplantation is a useful procedure for replacement of diseased tissues or organs which are irrepairably damaged.
The tissue or organ transplanted is called transplant or graft.
2. There are four types of transplant namely autograft, isograft, allograft and xenograft.
3. Rejection of graft depends upon the antigenic differences between graft and recipient. The transplantation (HLA)
antigens are responsible for graft rejection or acceptance.
4. Graft rejection is generally due to the reaction of the host to the grafted tissue (host-versus-graft response). Contrary
to that, the graft may mount an immune response against the antigens of the host this is known as the 'graft-versus-
host (GVH) reaction'.
5. It is believed that malignant cells arise by mutation of somatic cells that occur frequently. It is postulated that the
immune system keeps a constant vigilance on these malignant mutation of somatic cells and destroy them on the
spot. This is known as immunosurveillance.
6. The development of tumour represents an escape from this immunosurveillance.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (b)
The ABO system is the most important of all the blood Table 22.1 Distribution of ABO Antigens on the Red
group systems known and its discovery made blood Cells and Isoantibodies in the Serum.
transfusion possible. The other blood group systems Blood group Antigen on red cells Isoantibodies in serum
include Rh, MN, P, Lutheran, Lewis, Kell, Duffy, Kidd,
A A Anti-B
Diego, Yt, Kg, Dombrock and Colton. The ABO and
Rh systems are the major blood group antigens. B B Anti-A
AB AB None
I. ABO BLOOD GROUP SYSTEM 0 None Anti-A and Anti-B
The ABO blood group system was originally described by
Landsteiner (1900) and now contains four blood groups. H Antigen
In 1930, Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize for The H antigen (H substance) is present on red cells of
the discovery of human blood groups. The blood group all ABO blood groups. It is the precursor substance
is determined by presence or absence of two antigens A on which A-B-0 genes operate to produce A and B
and B on the surface of the red cell membrane. Red cells antigens. Due to universal distribution of H antigen, it
of blood group A carry antigen A, cells of blood group is not ordinarily important in blood grouping or blood
B antigen B and cells of blood group AB have both A transfusion. However, Bhende et al (1952) from Bombay
and B antigens, while blood group O cells have neither reported a rare instance in which A and B antigens as
A nor B antigens. These groups are also distinguished well as H antigens were absent from red cells. This is
by the presence or absence of two distinct isoantibodies called as OH blood group or Bombay type. Sera of these
in the serum. The serum contains the isoantibodies for persons contain anti-A, anti-B and anti-H antibodies,
the antigen that is absent on the red cell. The serum of therefore, they can accept the blood only from their own
blood group A individual possesses anti-B antibodies, group (OH or Bombay type).
blood group B has anti-A antibodies, and blood group A, B and H antigens are glycoproteins. H antigen
0 both anti-A and anti-B, while in blood group AB both is structurally L-fucose, A and B antigens are formed
anti-A and anti-B antibodies are absent (Table 22.1). by addition of N-acetylgalactosamine and galactose
Anti-A and anti-B isoantibodies are called natural respectively to H antigen (L-fucose) . In addition to
antibodies because they are seen to arise without any erythrocytes, these antigens are also present in almost
apparent antigenic stimulation. all tissues and fluids of the body.
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Ch 22: lmmunohaematology _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 169
II. RH BLOOD GROUP SYSTEM 2. ABO incompatibility between foetus and mother:
Landsteiner and Wiener produced an anti-Rhesus serum In faeto-maternal ABO incompatibility, the foetal
by injecting rabbits with red cells from Rhesus monkey. cells entering th.e maternal circulation are destroyed
Anti-Rhesus serum agglutinated about 83% human red rapidly by the mother's incompatible anti-A or anti-B
cells. This type of antigen was then named Rhesus antigen antibodies before they can induce Rh antibodies.
or Rh factor. 3. Number of pregnancies: The risk increases with each
Of all the Rh antigens, antigen D (Rho) is the most successive pregnancy of mother with Rh-positive
potent antigen. Rh positive or Rh-negative blood depends foetuses. The first child usually escapes damage
on the presence or absence of D-antigen on the surface because sensitisation occurs only during its delivery.
of red cells respectively. Among Indians, approximately Rh isoimmunisation can be prevented by administration
93% are Rh positive and about 7% negative. The Rh of anti-Rh IgG immediately after delivery. To be effective,
factor can be detected by testing the blood with anti-D this should be employed from first delivery onwards.
(anti-Rh) serum. The passively administered lgG antibody may prevent
In contrast to ABO system, there are no natural isoimmunisation by a negative feedback mechanism.
antibodies against Rh antigen. Rh antibodies arise in
serum only in consequence of Rh incompatible pregnancy ABO Haemolytic Disease
or transfusion. Most of these antibodies belong to the Due to maternofoetal ABO incompatibility haemolytic
IgG class, and being 'incomplete antibodies', they do not disease may occur in the newborn. Persons of blood
agglutinate Rh positive red cells in saline. A minority are group A or B possess IgM natural antibodies in blood,
complete (saline agglutinating) antibodies of lgM class. which cannot cross the placenta to harm the foetus. But
These are not relevant in the pathogenesis of haemolytic persons with blood group O contain predominantly lgG
disease of newborn as they do not cross the placenta. antibodies in blood. Hence ABO haemolytic disease is
The IgG class incomplete antibodies can be detected in seen more frequently in O group mothers having A or B
the maternal blood by indirect Coombs test and in cord group foetus. As ABO haemolytic disease is because of
blood of newborn by direct Coombs test. naturally occurring maternal isoantibodies, it may occur
even in first birth, without prior immunisation. ABO
III. HAEMOLYTIC DISEASE haemolytic disease is more common than Rh haemolytic
IN NEWBORN disease but is much milder. The direct Coombs test with
When an Rh negative person gets transfusion with Rh foetal erythrocytes is often negative but indirect Coombs
positive blood or when an Rh negative mother carries an test with neonatal serum (cord blood) is more commonly
Rh-positive foetus, antibodies to Rh are produced. positive.
The haemolytic disease of the newborn occurs most
commonly when the mother is Rh negative while the IV. COMPLICATIONS OF BLOOD
father and foetus are Rh positive. The mother is usually TRANSFUSION
immunised at first delivery and consequently the first child The complications of blood transfusion may be of two
escapes damage (except when the woman has already been types, immunological and non-immunological.
transfused earlier with Rh positive blood). During first
delivery, foetal cells enter the maternal circulation in large 1. Immunological Complications
numbers and induce Rh antibodies. During subsequent Following an incompatible blood transfusion, the red cells
pregnancy, the Rh antibodies (lgG class) pass from the undergo intravascular haemolysis or they may be coated
mother to the foetus and damage its erythrocytes. The by antibodies and engulfed by phagocytes, removed from
clinical features of haemolytic disease of newborn may circulation and subjected to extravascular lysis.
vary from erythroblastosis foetalis to intrauterine death Some transfusion reactions may be due to processes
due to hydrops foetalis. other than blood group incompatibility. These are due to
However, the incidence of haemolytic disease of the recipient being hypersensitive to some allergen present
newborn is much less than the expected figures which is in the donor blood. Patient develops rigor, urticaria and
probably due to the following: other manifestations.
1. Immunological unresponsiveness to Rh antigens: Some
Rh-negative individuals do not form Rh antibodies 2. Non-immunological Complications
even after repeated injection of Rh-positive cells. The most important is transmission of infectious agents
They are called 'nonresponders'. The reason for this during blood transfusion. These may include viruses,
unresponsiveness is not known. bacteria and protozoa. HIV and hepatitis viruses are of
Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1 and HIV-2) 3. Protozoa
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Plasmodia
Hepatitis C and D viruses Leishmania donovani
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Tox oplasma gondii
1. The A BO system is the most important of all the blood group systems known. Another important system is Rh blood
group system .
2. Transmission of infectious agents is an important complication of blood transfusion. HIV and hepatitis viruses are
of great concern among all the infectious agents associated with blood transfusion.
1. Name various blood group systems and describe Rh blood group system.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Haemolytic disease in newborn (b) Complications of blood transfusion.
An swers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (d)
- - - - ++• ----
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I. Species
A. Staphylococcus aureus B. Staphylococcus epidermidis
C. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
~~loco ccus aureus
_k'Morphol ogy ~re
._.....G:-13iochemical Reactions .rr.-Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Toxins and Enzymes
G. Pathogenesis H. Typing Methods
I. Antibiotic Sensitivity J. Epidemiology
K. Laboratory Diagnosis L. Treatment
M. Control
Ill. Other Coagulase Positive Staphylococci
IV. Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CONS)
A. Staphylococcus epidermidis B. Staphylococcus saprophyticus
C. Other coagulase negative staphylococci
V. Micrococci
Staphylococci are Gram positive cocci arranged in of Staphylococcus, that produces lemon yellow colour
,grape-like clusters. They are the commonest cause of and named it as Staph. citreus. Since pigment production
suppuration. Sir Alexander Ogston (1880) a Scottish is not a constant character, this classification is now
surgeon, established the pathogenic role of coccus in obsolete.
abscesses and other suppurative lesions. He gave the name
Staphy lococcus (Staphyle, meaning a bunch of grapes,
kokos, meaning a berry) from the typical arrangement
of the cocci in grape like clusters. He also observed that The genus Staphy lococcus c ains various species but
staphylococcal strains from pyogenic lesions produce the medically important pecies are:
golden yellow colonies while those from the normal ~)J-<\C } ~
skin produce white colonies on solid culture media. A. Staphyloco ccus aureus '1J ,..--
Rosenbach (1884) named them Staph. aureus and Staph. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogenic staphylococcus that
a/bus respectively. Passel (1885) described a third strain causes pyogenic infections in man.
6. Milk Agar
This medium is prepared by mixing sterile n u t ~ r and
s t e r i ~ . Colonies of Staph. than
those on nutriept agar and pigment production is enhan~ ---
2. Peptido glycan
Tellurite reduction C~ ,-:~
__~-~'" 'i Peptidoglycan is a polysaccharide polymer that provides
r=,,;~;.:;_.=....,,.._~reduces tellurite to tellurium producing rigidity to the cell wall. It activates complement and
black colonies, when grown in a medium containing evokes production of inflammatory cytokines.
potassium te urite (e.g. Potassium tellurite blood agar
used for C. d!!!f;Jheriae). 3. Teichoic Acid ( /U lo~ lt0)
It is a major antigenic determinant of all strains of Staph.
Other biochemical tests aureus. It is the group specific libitol teichoic acid of the
Staphylococci hydrolyse urea, reduce nitrates to nitrites, cell wall. It facilitates adhesion of the cocci to the host
are indole negative and are MR and VP positive. Most cell surface and prot~cts them from complement medjated
strains are lipolytic and produce a dense opacity when opsonisation. It is associated with the peptidoglycan in
grown on egg yolk medium. These tests are of lesser an insoluble form. It is absent in Staph. epidermidis. The
importance. latter contains glycerol teichoic acid. l
D. Resistan ce
Staphylococci are !,ru)Te. resistant among the non-sporing
4. Protein A l
It is a cell wall compon ent of most strains of Staph.
~ - They survive in dried pus for 2- 3 months. Most aureus (especially <;::owan I strain). It js chemot acticy-
of the staphylococci are killed at 62°C for 30 minutes ~nti~ocytic, anticomplementary and elicits platelet
but some may require 80°C for one hour. Heat resistant Protein A has ability to bind the Fe portton of
strains may even grow at a higher temperature of 45°C. immunoglobulin G (IgG). Binding IgG in this manner
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_ _ _ __ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
176 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
~ p Infections
(i) Slide coagulase test These include QSteomyeljtjs, tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
Slide coagulase test detects bound coagulase. A few sinusitis, p~eumo'ititis.,__empyema, endocarditis, meningitis.,
colonies of bacteria are emulsified in a drop of normal bacteriaemia septicaemia and aernia. ,,-- \.JT[_
saline on a clean glass slide and mixed with a drop of They may caus~rina tract infecti specially in
undiluted rabbit or human plasma. Prompt clumping of association with local instrumentation or diabetes.
the suspension occurs with coagulase positive strains.
False positive results may occur in cases of citrate utilising ,,..J-Food Poisoning
bacteria (Enterococcus and Pseudomonas). Some strains Staphylococcal food poisoning may follow 2- 6 hours
which are negative for bound coagulase but positive after the ingestion of contaminated food which contains
for free coagulase gives false negative results by 'slide preformed ei1terotaxin af Staph
coagulase test'. Hence, these should be confirmed by 'tube
coagulase test'. --CNosocomial Infections ...-----'
They are important cause of hospital acquired infections.
(ii) Tube coagulase test
Tube coagulase test is done for detection of extracellular ~ in Exfoliative Diseases
free coagulase. 0.1ml of an overnight broth culture or an These diseases are produced by the strains of Staph.
agar culture suspension of the organism is mixed with aureus that produce epidermolytic toxin. Stripping of the
0.5 ml of a 1 in 5 dilution of human or rabbit plasma. superficial layers of the skin from the underlying tissue
Diluted plasma alone in a second tube serves as a control. occurs in the various exfoliative syndromes caused by
The tubes are incubated in a water bath at 37°C for three staphylococci (bullous impetigo, pemphigus neonatorum,
to six hours. In case of a positive test, the plasma clots f[itter's disease). )staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome ~JJ
and does not flow when the tube is inverted. If clot does (SSSS) is one example of exfoliative diseases in which
not appear it is left overnight at room temperature and toxin spreads systemically. It is seen, but not exclusively,
is re-examined. On continued incubation, the clot may in small children.
be lysed by production of fibrinolysin by some strains.
Controls with known coagulase-positive and coagulase- 6. Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
negative cultures must be included with each batch of It is caused by toxin shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1)
tests. and characterised by high fever, hypotension, vomiting,
diarrhoea and scarlatiniform rash. Although TSS became 2. Other Typing Methods
widely known in association with the use of tampons by Molecular typing methods such as DNA fingerprinting,
menstruating women but it occurs in other situations also. ribotyping and PCR are used. Pulse field gel electrophoresis
Subsequently non-menstrual associated TSS has also been (PFGE) and sequence-based typing methods are now used
reported in both males and females as a complication in investigating of an staphylococcal outbreak.
of staphylococcal abscesses, osteomyelitis, post-surgical
wound infections etc. I. Antibiotic Sensitivity
Most of the strains of Staph. aureus were sensitive to
H. Typing Methods penicillin originally. Soon after penicillin came to be used
1. Bacteriophage Typing clinically, resistant strains began to emerge._Penicilliq_
Strains of Staph. aureus may be distinguished by resistance in"- staphylococci is_.,due to the following:
their susceptibility to different bacteriophages. An 1. Production of beta lactamase (penicillinase) which is
internationally accepted set of phages is used. A set of plasmid coded and transmitted by transduction or
23 bacteriophages is employed. The strain to be typed conjugation. The same plasmid may also carry genes
is grown on nutrient agar to produce a lawn culture. for resistance to other antibiotics (erythromycins,
After drying, the phages of basic set are applied in a tetracyclines, aminoglycosides etc.) and heavy metals.
fixed dose (routine test dose, RTD). After overnight J3eta Jactamase inactivates peni9illin by splitting the
incubation, the culture will be observed for lysis by the bet_a )actaru ring. Four types (A to D) of penicillinases
phages. The phage type is designated according to the are produced by staphylococci.
phages capable of lysing the bacterial strain (Fig. 23 .3). 2. Methicillin resistant staphylococci: There is reduction
Thus a strain of phage type 52/80/94 is the one that in affinity of penicillin binding proteins of the
is lysed only by phages 52, 80 and 94. Phage typing is staphylococcal cell wall for P-lactam antibiotics. This
important in epidemiological studies of staphylococcal change is normally chromosomal in nature. This type
infections. of resistance also occurs in beta lactamase resistant
penicillins such as methicillin, nafcillin and oxacillin.
They may cause outbreaks of hospital infection.
These strains are called methicillin resistant Staph.
aureus ( MRSA ) . These are i~portant cause.-of-
pos_!9perative wound infections and other hospital
acquired infections. They may also cause epidemics of
hospital cross infections. {yancomycin]or Jeicoplanin
is used for treatment of infections with MRSA.
Methicillin resistant strains of Staph. epidermidis
(MRSE) have also been described. As methicillin is an
unstable drug, oxacillin is used for sensitivity testing.
These strains are resistant to all P-lactam agents and
often to other agents such as aminoglycosides and
Fig. 23.3 Bacteriophage typing of staphylococci
fluoroquinolones. Methicillin resistance correlates
with the presence of the resistance gene Mee A that
The reference centre for staphylococcal phage typing codes for a unique penicillin binding protein PBP 2a
in India is located in the Department of Microbiology, (or PBP2') not affected by beta lactamase resistant
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. penicillins. This gene is transmitted chromosomally.
Typing set of staphylococcal phages Although predominantly a hospital pathogen,
MRSA is becoming more common in community.
Group I 29, 52, 52A 79, 80
These MRSA strains are named community acquired
Group II 3A, 3C, 55, 71 MRSA strains (CA-MRSA). MRSA strains restricted
Group III 6,42E,47, 53, 54, 75, 77, 83A, 84, 85 to hospital settings are named hospital acquired
Group IV MRSA strains (HA-MRSA) . Hospital personnel
harboring MRSA have been implicated as the chief
Group V 94, 96
source of nosocomial infection. These strains can
Not allocated 81, 95, cause minor and systemic staphylococcal infections.
MRSE has been recognised as important agents asal and perinea! swabs are collected for detection
of nosocomial infections in hospitalised patients of carriers
who have undergone prosthetic heart valve surgery.
Eradication of colonised sites (e.g. nose or skin) with 2. Collection and Transport
topical agents is often indicated for reducing the risks Specimens should be collected in sterile containers
of cross infection in hospital. under all aseptic conditions. Sterile swabs should be
The following measures may be adopted to control used for collection of specimens from sites such as nose
staphylococcal infections in hospitals. or perineum. In case of urine, midstream urine should
• To isolate the payents with open staphylococcal be collected. Blood should be collected in blood culture
lesiorls. bottles comprising of glucose broth and taurocholate
• Detection of staphylococcal lesions among hospital broth.
staff and keeping them away from work till they . Specimens should be transported immediately to the
are treated for their lesions. laboratory and processed.
• Strict aseptic techniques to be followed.
• Hand washing, the most effective method to control 3. Direct Microscopy
hospital infections. Direct microscopy with Gram-stained smears of pus or
• In case of out-break of staphylococcal sepsis, a wound exudate is useful, where Gram positive cocci in
search may be made for carriers among hospital clusters may be seen (Fig. 23.4). This is of no value
staff Carriers detected should be treated with local for specimens where mixed bacterial flora are normally
application of muprocin or chlorhexidine. present e.g. sputum.
3. Bacterium may also develop tolerance to penicillin,
by which it is only inhibited and not killed.
' Human patients and carriers are the commonest source
of infection. About 10-30% of healthy persons carry
the bacteria in the nose and less often in skin, axilla,
perineum and throat. In hospital, more than 50% of
nursing staff are carriers of Staph. aureus. Staphylococcal
disease may be exogenous or endogenous. It spreads by
contact, either direct or through fomites or by other
vehicles. Staphylococci are the commonest cause of
hospital cross infections. These bacteria are often antibiotic
resistant strains. These hospital strains spread from the Fig. 23.4 Staphylococci in stained smear of pus
h~tal staff or other patients. The postoperative wards,
operating rooms, intensive care units, newborn nursery 4. Culture
and cancer chemotherapy wards are at the highest risk The specimens are inoculated on following media:
of these infections. !-Blood agar
-Peptone Water
K. Laboratory Diagnosis Specimens where staphylococci are expected to be
1. Specimens scanty or outnumbered by other bacteria (e.g. faeces,
These are collected according to the nature of lesion as swabs from carriers), are inoculated on selective media
follows : such as:
Specimen Lesion • Salt agar
Pus Suppurative lesions • Salt milk agar
Sputum Respiratory infections c;-,Robertson's cooked meat medium (RCM)
Blood Septicaemia or PUO containing 10% NaCl.
Urine Urinary tract infection The inoculated media are incubated at 37°C for
CSF Meningitis 18- 24 hours. Next day, culture plates are examined for
Faeces Food poisoning morphology of bacterial colonies and other characters.
Food or vomit Food poisoning
Uniform turbidity is produced in liquid medium such
as peptone water. Gram staining~_ colony on blood in the community. Other typing methods include
agar and hanging drop preparation from peptone w?tter antibiogram pattern, plasmid typing, ribotyping and
are done to further charactense the DNA fingerprinting.
non-pathogenic) are catalase nositive. This test
distinguishes Staphylococcus from Streptococgis
2. Detection of carriers among hospital staff, their
isolation and treatment.
3. Sterilisation of instruments.
(ii) oagulase s : It is positive in Staph. aureus 4. Detection of staphylococcal lesions and their
but ative ·n other staphylococci. It helps in treatment.
differentiating a pa g ic strain (Staph. aureus) 5. Stop misuse of antibiotics.
from non-path--~,. ., strains. This test has been
described in detail on page no. 181 of this chapter.
Other tests which are positive in pathogenic strain
(Staph. aureus) and distinguish it from non-
pathogenic staphylococci are described below. Certain strains of coagulase positive staphylococci do
(iii) Mannitol fermentation: Acid production witho~gas not possess all the characteristics of Staph. aureus. These
(iv) Gelatin liquefaction: Positive ,,,,_ organisms are called Staphylococcus intermedius. They
(v) Tellurite reduction: \._..,/"' are mostly of animal origin. Staph. hyicus is another
( vi) Production of enzymes phosphatase and coagulase positive staphylococcus but does not infect
deoxyribo ~e: Both are positive. humans.
Besides mannitol fermentation, other carbohydrates
may also be fermented but are not helpful in diagnosis.
·· 7. Bacteriophage Typing Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) form the part
It is done for epidemiological purposes to trace the of the normal flora of the skin. They are opportunistic
source of Staph. aureus jnfections. It is especially useful pathogens, which cause infection in debilitated or
in food poisoning in large number of persons affected immunocompromised patients.
Table 23.1 Differentiating Features of Three Species of Uniform Often staining is not
staining uniform
I µmin size Larger than
Feature Staph. Staph. Staph. staphylococcus
a11re11s epidermidis saprophy ticus
Colony characters Colonies are Colonies are
l./4gulase test + golden yellow in generally white in
colour colour
~ ol +
fermentation Coagulase test Positive Negative
Progi.wtion of Breakdown of Fermentatively Oxidatively
L------'D N Aase + carbohydrates (O/F
Phosphatase + - /weak+ test)
a - lysin + Negative
Aerobic acid Positive
Protein A in the + production from
cell wall glycerol in the
presence of
Sensitivity to +
Sensitivity to Sensitive Resistant
Novobiocin +
lysostaphin (200 µg
Pathogenicity Primary Opportunistic Opportunistic
Furazolidine Sensitive Resistant
susceptibility (JOO µg
of furazolidone disc)
C. Other coagulase negative staphylococci
Bacitracin (0 .04 unit Resistant Sensitive
Staphy lococcus haemoly ticus may cause wound infection, disc) susceptibility
bacteraemia, urinary tract infection and endocarditis.
1. Staphylococci are Gram positive coci arranged in grape-like clusters. They are the commonest cause of suppuration.
2. Medically important species of staphylococus include Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and
Staphylococcus saprophyticus.
3. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogenic staphylococcus.
4. Pathogenic strains (e.g. Staph. aureus) have certain characteristics like production of enzymes coagulase, phosphatase,
deoxyribonuclease and their ability to ferment mannitol.
5. Based on production of enzyme coagulase staphylococci are classified as coagulase positive (e.g. Staph. aureus) and
coagulase negative (e.g. Staph. epidermidis, Staph. saprophyticus).
6. Mannitol salt agar is a selective medium for isolation of Staph. aureus.
7. Haemolysins, leucocidin, enterotoxin, toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSTT), exfoliative toxin are some toxins produced
by Staph. aureus.
8. Staph. aureus also produces a number of enzymes, coagulase, phosphatase and deoxyribonuclease.
9. The test for coagulase is done by the slide and the tube method. It is done to differentiate pathogenic (Staph. aureus)
strain from non-pathogenic strains.
10. Staph. aureus is an important pyogenic organism and lesions are localised in nature. They may also cause food
poisoning, nosocomial infections, scalded skin syndrome and toxic shock syndrome.
11. Strains of Staph. aureus may be distinguished by bacteriophage typing.
12. Penicillin resistance in staphylococci may be due to production of beta lactamase (penicillinase) which is plasmid
coded and transmitted by transduction.
13. Methicillin resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA) may cause outbreaks of hospital ~on.
14. Coagulase negative staphylococci form the part of the normal flora of the skin. They are opportunistic pathogens,
which cause infection in debilitated or immunocompromised patients.
15. Staph. saprophyticus is novobiocin resistant which distinguishes it from Staph. epidermidis and Staph. aureus.
16. Micrococci are saprophytes and commensals. They may rarely cause opportunistic infections.
17. Micrococci differ from staphylococci in attacking sugars oxidatively.
1. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by Staph. aureus.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Toxins and enzymes produced by Staph. aureus.
(b) Toxic shock syndrome
(c) Staphylococcal food poisoning
(d)Coagulase test
(e)Clumping factor
(f)Bacteriophage typing
(g)Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.
3. Write briefly about:
(a) MRSA
(b) Coagulase negative staphylococci
(c) Micrococci
(d) Antigenic structure of Staph. aureus.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a)
6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (c)
I. Classification
A. Alpha Haemolytic Streptococci B. Beta Haemolytic Streptococci
C. Gamma or Non-Haemolytic Streptococci
II. Streptococcus pyogenes
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance ..-- ' \ (Uf
E. Antigenic Structure F. Toxins a n d Q
G. Pathogenesis H. Epidemiology
I. Laboratory Diagnosis J. Treatment
K. Prophylaxis
Ill. Other Haemolytic Streptococci
A. Group B Streptococci B. Group C and G Streptococci
C. Group D Streptococci
IV. Enterococcus
V. Viridans Streptococci
Streptococci are Gram positive cocci which are arranged anaerobic streptococci are described in chapter on
in c;hains. They are part o""f the normal human flora. 'Nonsporing anaerobes' (Chapter 30). Aerobic and
So~ hem are important human pathogens causing facultative anaerobic streptococci are classified on the
..,pyogenic infections. They grow poorly in simple media but basis of their haemolytic properties. Three types of
their growth is enhanced by the addition of fermentable haemolytic reactions (a, and y) are observed on blood
carbohydrate (e.g. glucose), blood or serum. agar medium.
The name streptococci (streptos meaning twisted or
coiled) was given by Bi/froth (1874). Rosenbach (1884) A. Alpha (a) Haemolytic Streptococci
coined the name Streptococcus pyogenes for the organisms They produce , a greenish discolouration around the
which he isolated from human suppurative lesions. colonies. This is due to partial haemolY.Sis. The zone of
lysis is small (1 or 2mm -;ide) with presence of unlysed
I. CLASSIFICATIO N (FIG. 24.1) erythrocytes which are detectable microscopically. Alpha
The streptococci are divided into aerobic streptococci, haemolysis is seen with viridans group of streptococci
obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes. Obligate and pneumococcus.
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Ch 24: Streptococcus and Enterococcus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 185
Streptococci ._.,,A
I 0 2 requirement
Obligate anaerobes
e.g. Peptostreptococci
Serological typing
(M Protein)
B. Beta (~) Haemolytic Streptococci 1, 2 etc.) based on their surface proteins (M, T and R).
These streptococci produce a clear, colourless zone of Serotyping of isolated strains is useful in epidemiological
complete haemolysis (2-4 mm wide) around the colonies, studies.
within wfocfi erythrocytes are completely lysed. The
lysis of erythrocytes is due to the production of two II. STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES [ ~'f-
types of streptolysin by the organisms: streptolysin O A. Morphology
and strfl}tolysin S. The former is destroyed by oxygen The individual cocci are spherical or oval, 0.5 to 1.0 µm
and the latter is oxygen stable (S for stable). Streptolysin in diameter and are arranged in chains. Chain formation
S is responsible for surface colony haemolysis. Since is due to successive cell divisions occurring in one plane
most strains produce both types of haemolysin, they only and daughter cells failing to separate completely
can usually be recognised by haemolysis of surface (Figs. 24.2 and 24.3) .
colonies. Most of the pathogenic streptococci fall into this
group. Streptococcus pyogenes is the most important and
is responsible for many important human infections. r-.N
... /"
C. Gamma (y) or Non-Haemolytic Streptococci ...\.. .. I. " .," .. \
......\ ..... ..
fl' ....
They do not produce haemolysis and Str. faecalis is a •-:
I :
typical example.
.y···: / , .........
The beta haemolytic streptococci were classified by
Lancefield (1933) serologically into a number of broad
,. . \I.. \....... =•• :
groups based on the nature of a carbohydrate (C) antigen
on the cell wall. These are known as Lance.field groups, 20
of which have been identified, named A-V (without I and Fig. 24.2 Streptococci
J) by precipitation reaction performed with appropriate
sera. Majority of streptococci that produce human
infections belong to group A named as Streptococcus Larger chains are formed in liquid than in solid
pyogenes. These are further subdivided by type specific media. The length of bacterial chain has no relevance
antisera into approximately 80 Griffith serotypes (type to virulence or other properties. In fact, non-pathoge~
C. Biochemical Reactions
Streptococci are catalase negative, unlike staphylococci
which are catalase positive. They are not soluble in 10
per cent bile, unlike Str. pneumoniae. Hydrolysis of
pyrrolidonyl naphthylamide (PYR test) and failure to
ferment ribose are useful to differentiate Str. pyogenes
from other streptococci. Str. pyogenes produces the
Fig. 24.3 Streptococcus pyogenes enzyme L-pyrrolidonyl-~-naphthylamidase (Pyrase).
This enzyme hydrolyses L-pyrrolidonyl-~-naphthylamide
strains such as Streptococcus salivarius forms the longest to p-naphthylamine which produces red colour in the
chain. .,.,,,,--- _.,,.- presence of ~-dimethylamino cinnamaldehyde. PYR-
Streptococci are Gram positive, non-motile and non- positive bacteria produce a deep red colour whereas
sporing. Some strains of Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A) PYR-negative organisms produce a slight orange colour
and group C have capsules composed ofJiyaluronic acid. or no colour change.
while members of groups B and D show polysaccharide Several sugars are fermented by streptococci
These capsules are best noticeable in very young producing acid but no gas. These are of little value in
cultures. laboratory identification.
B. Culture D. Resistance
They are aerobes and facultative anaerobes, growing Streptococcus pyogenes is a delicate organism which is
best at a temperature of 37°C (range 22-42°C). These inactivated by heat at 56°C for 30 minutes. It dies in a
are most exacting in nutritive requirements, growth few days in cultures but can be stored in Robertson's
occurring only in media containing blood, serum or cooked meat medium at 4°C. It is rapidly inactivated by
'sugars (fermentable carbohydrates). On blood agar, after antiseptics. It is more resistant to crystal violet than many
overnight incubation, the colonies are small (0.5- 1.0 other bacteria, therefore this dye is used to prepare selective
mm, pin point), circular, semitransparent, low convex media for the isolation of streptococci. It is susceptible to
with a wide zone of j)-haemolysis around them (Fig. sulphonamide and many antibiotics. Unlike Staph. aureus,
24.4) . Growth and haemolysis are promoted by presence it does not develop drug resistance. Sensitivity to bacitracin
of 10% CO2 in the environment. Mucoid colones are is employed for differentiating Str. pyogenes (Group A)
formed by strains which produce large capsules. Selective from other haemolytic streptococci. Str. pyogenes 1s
media containing 1:500,000 crystal violet (crystal violet resistant to SXT (trimethoprim-suphamethoxazole)
blood agar) permit growth of streptococci but inhibit
other bacteria especially staphylococci. Another selective
medium is PNF medium (horse blood agar containing E. Antigenic Structure
polymyxin B sulphate, neomycin sulphate and fusidic 1. Capsular Hyaluronic Acid
acid) used for isolation of streptococci. Capsule may be present on groups A and C streptococci.
The capsule when present inhibits phagocytosis.
2. E'3Jfmes .---, produce serum opacity factor (SOP) which has been
J:irStreptokinase (fibrinolysin) described earlier in this chapter.
It promotes the lysis of h~man fibrin doL by catalysing
the conversion of plasminogen (plasma precursor) into G. Pathogenesis (Table 24.1)
..12lasmin ...!t is protein. in nature and antigenic. Neutralising Str. pyogenes produces pyogenic infections with a
antibodies (antistreptokinase) appear in convalescent tendency to spread locally. Non-suppurative seguelae
sera which may be estimated for retrospective study of !,ocal infectious include acute g)omern)onephritis and
of streptococcal infection. Streptokinase facilitates the [ rheumatic fever'._)
s read of infection b f e fibrin mer Table 24.1 Streptococcal Diseases
Streptococcus Lesions
of which, type B is tbe m.m,t aJ:1.tigeoic in man. These ~ a t o ry tract Acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis (
enzymes liquefy the highly viscous DNA that accumulate
in thick pus. DNA present in pus is derived from the ~ i n infections
t1;-;'-oat), scarlet feve;-
in rheumatic fever and is indicative of prior streptococcal hippuricase (also called hippurate hydrolase), which
infection. hydrolyses sodium hippurate to form sodium benzoate and
ASO test is a ~utralisation reactim;k,here antibodies glycine. This reaction can be detected by adding ninhydrin,
to streptolysin 'O' (ASO) are neutralised with streptolysin which reacts with glycine to form a purple colour. Another
'O' antigen. ASO titre is usually found in .b igb levels test to identify group B is the CAMP reaction (Christie, '
in rheumatic fever but in glomerulonephritis, titres tend Atkins and Munch-Peterson), which can be demonstrated
to be low, therefore, anti-deoxyribonuclease B (anti- by the production of accentuated zone of haemolysis
DNAase B) estimation is more reliable. Titres higher (as butterfly appearance) when Group B streptococci are
than 300 or 350 are significant. This test is very useful inoculated perpendicular to a streak of Staph. aureus grown
for retrospective diagnosis of,1 J)lfoder.rpa., on blood agar (Fig. 24.6). Group B streptococci produce a
for which ASO is of less vallie. Antihyaluro1ildase is CAMP factor that enhances the lysis of sheep erythrocytes
another useful test for pyoderma infection of streptococci. by staphylococcal ~-lysin. Other two methods to perform
The streptozyme test, a passive slide hemagglutination CAMP test include disc method and rapid CAMP test
test is a sensitive and specific screening test. It becomes (or spot CAMP test). In disc method, a disc impregnated
positive after nearly all types of streptococcal infection, with the ~-lysin is used on the plate containing growth of
whether of the throat or the skin. Group B streptococci. There is an enhanced haemolysis
around the disc but it is not of butterfly appearance as
J. Treatment disc is round. A third method, the rapid CAMP test,
Pen jci]]iu G is the drug of choice. In patients allergic to a drop of extracted ~-lysin is placed on the growth of
penicillin, erythromycin or cephalexin is_ used. Antibiotics suspected Group B streptococci in the culture plate. It is
,bave no efThcton established glomerulonephritis and then incubated at 35°C for at least 20 minutes, enhanced
rheumatic fever. haemolysis is observed.
K. Prophylaxis
Prophylaxis is indicated only in the prevention of
rheumatic fever. This prevents streptococcal reinfection Butterfly
Staph . aureus
and further damage to the heart. Penicillin is administered streak
for a long period in children who have developed early
signs of rheumatic fever. ~-haemolytic
Besides Str. pyogenes, haemolytic streptococci belonging Fig. 24.6 CAMP reaction
to other groups like B, C, D, F, G and rarely H, K, 0
and R may also lead to human infections. Besides hippurate hydrolysis and CAMP test,
/ ~r/v resistance to sulphamethoxazole (SXT) is another test
A. Group B Streptococci (GBS) /I · in identification of Group B streptococci. This test can
Str. CfJalactige is an important pathogen of bovine be performed by applying SXT disc on the growth of
mastitis in cattle. In recent years, it has been recognised Group B streptococci. Resistance to SXT can be observed
as the single most important pathogen in neonates causing in case of Group B streptococci.
neonatal septicaemia and meningitis. It may also cause Nine capsular serotypes of Group B streptococci have
septic abortion and puerperal sepsis. Str. agalactiae is a been identified.
commensal of female genital tract from where bacterial
infection in neonates occur. Other Group B infections in B. Group C and G Streptococci
neonates include osteomyelitis, arthritis, conjunctivitis, The species Str. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis is usually
respiratory infections, endocarditis and peritonitis. isolated from human sources. The clinical spectrum of
The presumptive identification depends on their ability disease caused by this species resembles infections caused
to hydrolyse hippurate. Hippurate positive bacteria produce by Str. pyogenes. It may cause human infections like
a deep purple colour whereas hippurate negative organisms pharyngitis, skin infections, endocarditis, septicaemia and
produce a slightly yellow pink colour or fail to produce meningitis. Str. dysgalactiae subsp equisimilis resembles Str.
any colour. Group B streptococci possess the enzyme pyogenes in fermenting trehalose but differs in fermenting
ribose. Most isolates of this species possess either the mannitol and sorbose, and arginine hydrolysis. Enterococcus
Lancefield group C or group G antigen. However some faecalis and E. faecium belong to Group II.
strains containing Lancefield group L or A antigen On MacConkey's medium they grow as tiny deep pink
have been reported. Similar to St,: pyogenes cases of colonies. On Gram's staining, enterococci appear as pairs
glomerulonephritis and acute rheumatic fever have been of oval cocci and short chains. The identification of the
reported following Str. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis species is based on biochemical reactions. Enterococcus
infections. St,: equi subsp. zooepidemicus may also cause faecalis is the most commonly isolated enterococcus from
human infections. It possesses Lancefield group C antigen. human sources. Other enterococci are E. faecium and E.
Str. dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae and Str. equi subsp. durans. E. faecalis can be identified by fermentation of
equi are animal pathogens. Both species possess Lancefield mannitol, sucrose, aesculin and sorbitol, and by producing
group C antigen. Another group is Str. anginosus group black colonies when grown on tellurite blood agar.
which can harbour the Lancefield group antigen A, C, E. faecalis is frequently isolated from cases of urinary
F, G or none at all. tract infection and wound infection. They may also cause
other infections like subacute bacterial endocarditis,
C. Group D Streptococci septicaemia, peritonitis and infection of biliary tract.
Streptococci belonging to group 'D' are classified as Strains resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics occur
enterococci (faecal streptococci) and non-enterococci frequently. Vancomycin is the primary alternative drug to
(non-faecal streptococci). They are usually non-haemolytic penicillin for treating enterococcal infections. Vancomycin
while some strains may be alpha or beta haemolytic. resistant enterococci (VRE) have also been isolated.
The enterococci group has been reclassified as a separate Resistance is most common in E.faecalis and E. faecium.
genus called Enterococcus. Non-enterococci of group D Seven types of resistance to vancomycin in enterococci
(Str. bovis group) are inhibited by 6.5 per cent sodium have been described. These seven types of resistance are
chloride. These are now named as Group D streptococci. encoded by seven genes namely Van A, Van B, Van C,
Both Group D streptococci and enterococci are positive Van D, Van E, Van G and Van L.
for bile-aesculin hydrolysis test. They can grow in Enterococcus can be differentiated from Group 'D'
40% bile and hydrolyse aesculin to form aesculetin streptococcus by a number of tests as shown in Table 24.3.
which combines with ferric citrate to give a black
complex. Aesculin and ferric citrate are present in the Table 24.3 Differences between enterococcus and Group
bile aesculin agar slant which is used to perform this D streptococcus
test. The test is named as bile-aesculin hydrolysis test. Test Enterococcus Group 'D'
Group D streptococci may cause genitourinary streptococcus
infection or endocarditis rarely. They are susceptible to .....L..-i'Jlle-aesculin + +
penicillin. "I...-' hydrolysis test
group contains many species. Str. milleri and Group F and gastrointestinal tract. They cause endocarditis
streptococci are now included in Str. anginosus group. in persons with predisposing factor such as valvular
This group can possess Lancefield group antigen A, C, disease of the heart, congenital heart disease and cardiac
F, G or none at all. surgery. Following some dental procedures such as tooth
They are ordinarily non-pathogenic but on occasions extraction, they may cause transient bacteraemia and
cause disease. The viridans streptococci are associated get implanted on damaged or prosthetic valves or in a
with dental caries and subacute bacterial endocarditis. congenitally diseased heart, and grow to form vegetations.
Dental caries is caused by Str. mutans. It breaks down Prophylactic antibiotic should be given in such persons
dietary sucrose, producing acid and a tough adhesive before tooth extraction or other procedures. Viridans
dextran. The acid damages dentine while the dextran streptococci are generally penicillin sensitive but some
binds together food debris, mucus, epithelial cells and strains may be resistant. Hence, antibiotic sensitivity
bacteria to form dental plaques. These plaques lead to of these bacteria must be determined for appropriate
dental caries.About 40% of subacute bacterial endocarditis treatment of endocarditis.
is caused by viridans group of streptococci.Members of Important laboratory tests for diagnosis of different
St,: mitis group are the predominant agent in urogenital groups of streptococci are shown in Table 24.4.
C or G
SIi: agalactiae
and other enterococci) growth in the presence of 6.5% NaCl; PYR infections
positive; resistant to SXT
(ii) Non-enterococci (Str. bovis) Bile aesculin test positive; no growth in Genitourinary infections
6.5% NaCl; PYR negative; sensitive to SXT
Not typed Viridans streptococci (Str. Optochin resistant; species diffe rentiation on Endocarditis; dental caries
salivarius group, Str. mutans biochemical tests
group and many others)
I. Streptococci are Gram positive cocci which are arranged in chains. They grow poorly in simple media but their growth
is enhanced by the addition of fermentable carbohydrate (e.g. glucose), blood or serum.
2. Three types of haemolytic reactions (a, and y) are observed on blood agar medium.
3. The beta haemolytic streptococci were classified by Lancefield serologically into 20 Lancefield groups named A-V
(without I and J). These groups are based on the nature of a carbohydrate (C) antigen on the cell wall.
4. Streptococcus pyogenes belongs to Lancefield group A.
5. Crystal violet blood agar is a selective medium for isolation of streptococci.
6. Haemolysins and pyrogenic exo tox ins are the toxins produced by Str. pyogenes.
7. Streptokinase, deoxyribonucleases, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase (NADase) and hyaluronidase are important
enzymes produced by Str. pyogenes.
8. Str. pyogenes produces pyogenic infections with a tendency to spread locally. Sore throat (acute tonsilitis and/or
pharyngitis) is the most common of streptococcal diseases. Non-suppurative sequelae of local infections include acute
glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever.
9. Group B streptococci are important pathogens in neonates causing neonatal septicaemia and meningitis. CAMP
reaction is used to identify Group B streptococci.
10. Enterococcus faecalis is frequently isolated from cases of urinary tract infection and wound infection. Heat resistance
test is positive for E. faecalis.
11. Viridans streptococci produce alpha haemolysis on blood agar. They are commensals of mouth and upper respiratory
tract. They are ordinarily non-pathogenic but on occasions cause disease. They are associated with dental caries and
subacute bacterial endocarditis.
1. Classify streptococci. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of streptococcal sore throat.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Antigenic structure of Str. pyogenes
(b) Toxins and enzymes of Streptococcus pyogenes
(c) Non-suppurative complications of Str. pyogenes infections
(d) Lancefield grouping.
3. Write briefly about:
(a) Group B streptococci
(b) Group D streptococci
(c) Enterococci
(d) Viridans streptococci
(e) CAMP reaction
(f) Heat test.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (a)
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Variation
G. Toxins and Other Viru lence Factors H. Pathogenesis
I. Epidemiology J. Laboratory Diagnosis
K. Treatment L. Prophylaxis
Pneumococci are normal commensals of the upper slightly elongated cocci arranged in pairs (diplococci) with
respiratory tract. They are important pathogens of the broad ends in apposition. Each coccus has one end
pneumonia and otitis media in children. They are broad or rounded and other pointed (flame shaped or
reclassified as Streptococcus pneumoniae because of lanceolate appearance) (Fig. 25.1) . They are capsulated
its genetic relatedness to streptococcus. They differ and the capsule encloses each pair. The capsule may be
from streptococci in their morphology (diplococci), demonstrated as a clear halo in India ink preparation
bile solubility, optochin sensitivity and by a specific (Fig. 25.2) . In old cultures, the capsule is usually lost.
polysaccharide capsule. They are non-motile and non-sporing.
A. Morphology Pneumococci have complex nutritional requirement
Pneumococci are Gram positive, small (1 µm diameter), and therefore grow only in enriched media especially
-· - c9 0
0 a(S)
Fig. 25.1 Str. pneumoniae in pus Fig. 25.2 India ink preparation to show pneumococcus capsule
supplemented with blood. They are aerobes and facultative due to production of beta lactamase, but alteration in
anaerobes and their growth is improved by 5- 10 per cent the penicillin binding proteins on the bacterial surface.
CO 2. The optimum temperature for growth is 37°C (range These strains are also resistant to multiple drugs.
25°C to 42°C) and pH 7.8 (range 6.5- 8.3). Pneumococci are sensitive to optochin (ethyl-
On blood agar, after incubation for 18 hours, the hydrocuprein hydrochloride) in a concentration of
colonies are usually small (0.5- 1 mm), dome shaped, with 1/500,000. When a 6 mm optochin disc (5 µg) is applied on
an area of greenish discolouration (alpha haemolysis) a blood agar plate inoculated with pneumococci, a wide
around them. On prolonged incubation, the colonies zone (14 mm or more) of inhibition occurs on incubation.
become flat, with raised edges and central umbonation This is very useful test to differentiate pneumococci from
(due to autolysis occuring at centre) which creates a other streptococci which do not show zone of inhibition
draughtsman appearance (concentric rings are seen when by optochin disc.
viewed from above). Some strains such as those of serotype
3 and 7 form large mucoid colonies due to production E. Antigenic Structure
of abundant capsular polysaccharides. Pneumococci are The most important antigen of the pneumococcus is
typically alpha haemolytic but under anaerobic conditions capsular polysaccharide. Other antigens are somatic
colonies show beta haemolysis due to liberation of oxygen M protein and a group specific cell wall carbohydrate.
labile pneumolysin O by these bacteria.
In liquid medium such as glucose broth, pneumococci 1. Capsular Polysaccharide
produce uniform turbidity. These cocci readily undergo Capsular polysaccharide is type specific. Since this
autolysis in cultures due to the action of intracellular polysaccharide is soluble in tissue and culture fluid, it diffuses
enzymes. Autolysis is enhanced by bile salts and into the culture medium or tissues and infective exudates,
other surface active agents. This property is helpful to hence, it is also called the soluble specific substance (SSS).
differentiate it from other streptococci. Pneumococci are classified into types based on the nature
of the capsular polysaccharide. More than 90 serotypes
C. Biochemical Reactions are recognised. These are named 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Pneumococci ferment several sugars with production of Serological typing of pneumococcus is carried out
acid only. Fermentation is tested in Hiss's serum water. by three methods.
Fermentation of inulin by pneumococci is of great value (i) Agglutination of organisms with type specific
to differentiate them from streptococci. antiserum.
Pneumococci are soluble in bile. When 2% sodium (ii) Precipitation of capsular polysaccharide with
deoxycholate solution is added to a broth culture at type specific antiserum.
neutral pH, the culture clears due to the lysis of the cocci. (iii) Quellung reaction or capsule swelling reaction
Alternatively, if a loopful of 10% sodium deoxycholate was described by N eufeld (1902). In this reaction,
solution is placed on a pneumococcus colony, lysis of a suspension of pneumococci is mixed on a slide
colony occurs within a few minutes. Bile solubility test is with a drop of specific antiserum and a loopful
an important diagnostic test to differentiate pneumococcus of methylene blue solution . In presence of the
from other streptococci. This test is based on the presence homologous antiserum, the capsule around
of an autolytic enzyme amidase in the pneumococci. This pneumococci reveals an apparent swelling,
enzyme cleaves the bond between alanine and muramic sharply delineated and refractile under the
acid in the peptidoglycan. The amidase is activated by microscope. The Quellung test can be done either
bile salts, resulting in lysis of the bacteria. in sputum or in culture, and used to be a routine
Pneumococci are catalase and oxidase negative. bedside procedure in olden days.
D. Resistance 2. M Protein
Pneumococci are delicate organisms and are destroyed M protein is characteristic for each type of pneumococcus.
at 52°C for 15 minutes. They are more sensitive to usual It is not associated with virulence and antibody to M
antiseptics. protein is non-protective.
They are sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics including
penicillins, erythromycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, 3. Cell Wall Carbohydrate (C-Substance)
vancomycin and clindamycin. Penicillin resistant strains Pneumococci contain a species specific carbohydrate
first appeared in 1967. It may be due to mutation or antigen which is named as C-substance. It is present in
gene transfer. The drug resistance to penicillin is not all pneumococci. The C-substance is precipitated by an
abnormal protein (~-globulin), that appears in the acute infections of the respiratory tract. Any serotype of
phase sera of cases of pneumonia but disappears during pneumococcus can produce bronchopneumonia. Other
convalescence. It is also detected in blood of patients causative agents responsible for bronchopneumonia
with some other illnesses. This is known as the C-reactive include Staph. aureus, K. pneumoniae, Str. pyogenes,
protein (CRP). It is not an antibody of C substance. It H. influenzae, Fusobacterium species and Bacteroides.
is an 'acute phase' substance, produced in hepatocytes.
Its production is stimulated by bacterial infections, 3. Meningitis
malignancies and tissue destruction. CRP is used as an It is the most serious of pneumococcal infections. Str.
index of activity in rheumatic fever and certain other pneumoniae is the second most important cause of
conditions. CRP is routinely detected in serum by latex pyogenic meningitis after Nmeningitidis. This disease is
agglutination test. commoner in children. Pneumococcus spreads from the
pharynx to the meninges via blood stream. Other bacterial
F. Variation agents of pyogenic meningitis include N meningitidis,
Pneumococcus is virulent in capsulated (smooth) form but H. influenzae, Str. agalactiae (group-B) and Listeria
non-capsulated (rough) forms are avirulent. On repeated monocytogenes.
subculture, a smooth to rough (S-.R) variation occurs.
R forms arise as spontaneous mutants and outgrow the 4. Other Infections
parental S forms in artificial culture. Such R mutants are Pneumococcus may also produce empyema, pericarditis,
eliminated in tissues by phagocytosis. otitis media, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, peritonitis and
Rough pneumococci of one serotype may be made suppurative arthritis, usually as complications of
to produce capsules of the same or different serotypes, pneumoma.
on treatment with DNA from the respective serotypes
of pneumococci. This transformation was discovered by I. Epidemiology
Griffith (1928) as the first instance of genetic exchange The source of human infection is carrier and less often
of information in bacteria. patient. Pneumococci are transmitted by inhalation of
contaminated dust, droplets or droplet nuclei. Infection
G. Toxins and Other Virulence Factors usually leads to pharyngeal carriage. Disease results only
Pneumococci produce an oxygen labile intracellular when the host resistance is lowered by factors such as
haemolysin and a leucocidin. The virulence of pneumococci respiratory viral infections, malnutrition etc.
is dependant upon its capsule which prevents or inhibits Lobar pneumonia is usually a sporadic disease but
phagocytosis. Non-capsulated strains are avirulent. The epidemics may occur. The incidence of bronchopneumonia
antibody to the capsular polysaccharide protects against is more when an epidemic of influenza or other viral
infection. Due to the abdundance of capsular material, infections of the respiratory tract occurs.
the virulence of type-3 pneumococcus is enhanced.
Pneumolysin, a toxin produced by penumococci, is J. Laboratory Diagnosis
another virulence factor. It has cytotoxic and complement 1. Specimens
activating properties. It is immunogenic. Clinical samples, such as sputum, cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF), pleural exudate or blood are collected according to
H. Pathogenesis the site of lesion. Blood culture is useful in pneumococcal
Str. pneumoniae is one of the most common bacteria septicaemia.
causing pneumonia, both lobar and bronchopneumonia.
It is also responsible for acute tracheobronchitis and 2. Collection and Transport
empyema. All the specimens should be collected in sterile containers
under all aseptic conditions. They should be processed
1. Lobar Pneumonia immediately. In case of delay, CSF specimen should never
Pneumonia results only when the general resistance is be refrigerated but kept at 37°C (H. influenzae, another
lowered. Common infective types of Str. pneumoniae causative agent of pyogenic meningitis may die at cold
include types 1- 12 in adults and types 6, 14, 19 and 23 temperature).
are responsible in children.
3. Direct Microscopy and Antigen Detection
2. Bronchopneumonia Gram staining of smear reveals a large number of
It is almost always a secondary infection following viral polymorphs and typical organism. In case of meningitis,
presumptive diagnosis may be made by finding Gram Inoculated mice die in 24-48 hours. Heart blood and
positive diplococci which may be intracellular as well peritoneal exudate of the animal shows pneumococci.
as extracellular in CSP smear. Capsule swelling may be The test may be negative with occasional strains which
observed under microscope, when pneumococci are mixed are avirulent for mice (type 14 strains).
with type specific antisera.
Capsular polysaccharide antigen can be demonstrated 8. Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
by counterimmunoelectrophoresis. This has been employed It is especially useful in strains which are resistant.
in blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Antigen may
also be detected by immunochromatographic assay, latex K. Treatment
agglutination or coagglutination. The antibiotic of choice is parenteral penicillin.
Cephalosporin is indicated in case of penicillin resistant
4. Culture strains.
Specimen is inoculated on blood agar and incubated
at 37°C for 24 hours in the presence of 5- 10% CO 2. L. Prophylaxis
Typical colonies develop with a - haemolysis. Organisms Immunity is type specific and is associated with antibody
from the isolated colony are identified by Gram staining to the capsular polysaccharide. The existence of more
and biochemical reactions. than 90 serotypes makes prophylactic immunisation
impracticable. But, as a limited number of serotypes cause
5. Colony Morphology and Staining most of the pneumonia cases, vaccination is possible.
Colonies are usually small (0.5- 1 mm), with alpha Three pneumococcal vaccines are available.
haemolysis around them. On prolonged incubation, A polysaccharide vaccine containing prevalent
colonies have draughtsman appearance. serotypes (23 serotypes) is administered by a single dose
On Gram staining pneumococci are Gram positive, injection. Such vaccines are used only in those persons
small (1 µm diameter), diplococci, They are flame who are at enhanced risk of pneumococcal infection.
shaped or lanceolate in appearance. The capsule may These include persons with absent or dysfunctional
be demonstrated as a clear halo in India ink preparation spleen, nephrotic syndrome, sickle cell anaemia,
(Fig. 25.2) . multiple myeloma, hepatic cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus and
immunodeficiencies including HIV infection. Vaccination
6. Biochemical Reactions is contraindicated in lymphomas.
Important biochemical tests are inulin fermentation and The heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (7
bile solubility tests. Another test which has a great value is serotypes) is composed of purified polysaccharides of
optochin sensitivity test. Details of these tests have already seven serotypes conjugated to a diphtheria protein is now
been described. Str. pneumoniae can be differentiated from available for use in children from two months to two years.
Str. viridans by various characteristics (Table 25 .1). More recently, a new 13-valent vaccine that contain six
additional serotypes was approved for young children.
7. Animal Pathogenicity Test However, protection would depend on the principle that
From specimens where organisms are expected to be serotypes prevalent in the community and serotypes used
scanty, intraperitoneal inoculation in mice may be used. in the vaccine are the same.
I. Pneumococci are Gram positive, small, slightly elongated cocci arranged in pairs (diplococci) with broad ends in
apposition. Each coccus has one end broad or rounded and other pointed (flame shaped or lanceolate appearance).
They are capsulated.
2. They have complex nutritional requirement and grow only in enriched media especially supplemented with blood.
Their growth is improved by 5-10 per cent CO2 .
3. On blood agar, the colonies are usually small, dome shaped with an area of greenish discolouration (alpha haemolysis)
around them. On prolonged incubation, the colonies become flat , with raised edges and central umbonation which
creates a draughtsman appearance (concentric rings are seen when viewed from above).
4. Pneumococci differ from streptococci in their morphology (diplococci), bile solubility and optochin sensitivity.
5. They may cause pneumonia, meningitis, empyema, otitis media etc.
I. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of pneumococcal infections.
2. Differentiate between Str. pneumoniae and Str. viridans in a tabulated form .
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (c)
____ ____
I. Neisseria meningitidis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Antigenic Structure
E. Resistance F. Pathogenesis
G. Epidemiology H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Treatment J. Prophylaxis
II. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Antigenic Structure
E. Resistance F. Pathogenesis
G. Epidemiology H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Treatment J. Prophylaxis
Ill. Non-Gonococcal (Non-specific) Urethritis
A. Causative Agents B. Treatment
IV. Commensal Neisseriae
V. Moraxella catarrhalis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Pathogenesis
VI. Moraxella lacunata
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical reactions D. Pathogenesis
E. Treatment
The genus N eisseria consists of Gram negative, aerobic, other species. N meningitidis and N gonorrhoeae are two
oxidase positive, non-motile diplococci (arranged in important species causing human infections.
pairs). They may be classified into pathogenic and non-
pathogenic (commensals). The two pathogenic species I. NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS
are N meningitidis (causes pyogenic meningitis) and N (MENINGOCOCCUS)
gonorrhoeae (causes gonorrhoea). The non-pathogenic Meningococcus was first isolated by Weichselbaum m
species include N fiavescens, N sicca, N subfiava and 1887, from the spinal fluid of a patient.
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202 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
7. Slide Agglutination
Direct slide agglutination of the organism may be done
with specific antisera.
8. Serological Diagnosis
This may be attempted in chronic meningococcal
septicaemia where no organism has been isolated.
Specific antibodies to capsular polysaccharide may be
demonstrated by haemagglutination test.
I. Treatment
Meningococci are uniformly sens1t1ve to penicillin.
Chloramphenicol is used in persons allergic to penicillin.
Penicillin G in high doses is given intravenously or
intrathecally if necessary. Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone are
as effective as chloramphenicol and the possibility of
blood dyscrasia may be avoided.
J. Prophylaxis
1. Chemoprophylaxis Fig. 26.3 Gram-negative intracellular diplococci
It is indicated for close contacts of patients for (N gonorrhoeae)
T3, T4 and TS. Type 1 and 2 produce small brown gonococci. There are two variants of protein I, named
colonies and possess pili. These are autoagglutinable and IA and IB. Any one strain carries either IA or IB but
virulent strains. Type 3, 4 and S form larger, granular, not both. 24 serovars of type IA and 32 serovars of type
non-pigmented colonies and are non-piliated. They form IB have been demonstrated.
smooth suspensions and are avirulent. Tl and T2 are also
known asp+ and p++ respectively, while T3, T4 and TS (ii) Protein II (opa)
are named as P-. One part of protein II is in outer membrane and the
rest is exposed on the surface of bacteria. This protein
C. Biochemical Reactions takes part in adhesion of bacterium and its attachment
N gonorrhoeae is oxidase positive. Gonococci ferment to host cell. Type II protein is present in those strains
glucose (with acid production only) and not maltose. which form opaque colonies, therefore, it is also called
Rapid carbohydrate utilisation test (RCUT): These the opacity associated (OPA) protein.
rapid tests also detect acid production from various
carbohydrates. These are based on the presence of (iii) Protein III
preformed enzymes for carbohydrate utilisation rather than It is associated with protein I in the formation of pores
on bacterial growth. They take 2-4 hours rather than 24 to on the cell surface and hence plays a role in the exchange
72 hours required for the conventional carbohydrate tests. of molecules across the outer membrane.
perineum') In females, the primary infection may spread be examined. Centrifuged deposits of urine is examined
from urethra and cervix to Bartholin's glands, uterus, in cases where no urethral discharge is available.
fallopian tubes, ovaries and may cause pelvic inflammatory
disease resulting in sterility. In some patients, who develop 2. Transport
pelvic inflammatory disease, there is inflammation of All the specimens should be transported and processed
liver capsule (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome). Occasionally immediately. If this is not possible, specimens should be
hematogenous spread of bacteria may lead to septicaemia, collected with charcoal coated swabs and transported to
endocarditis or acute purulent arthritis. the laboratory in Stuart's transport medium. Another
transport medium is Amies medium with charcoal.
2. Ophthalmia Neonatorum Several commercial transport systems such as JAMBEC
It is a nonvenereal gonococcal conjunct1v1tJs m the plates (James E. Martin Biological Environmental
newborn through infected birth canal. Chamber), Bio-Bag, Gono-Pak, and Transgrow, contain
selective media and a carbon dioxide atmosphere to provide
3. Gonococcal Vulvovaginitis optimal conditions for the specimens during transport.
In adult women the vagina usually is resistant to gonococcal
infection because of the acidic pH of the vaginal 3. Direct Microscopy
secretions, but vulvovaginitis can occur in prepubertal girls. Gram staining of smear provides a presumptive evidence
of gonorrhoea in men. Gram negative intracellular
4. Other Infections diplococci are found in smear of at least 95% cases of
Sometimes the disease may involve rectum or oropharynx acute gonococcal urethritis in males. In females, diagnosis
following rectal intercourse or by orogenital contact of gonorrhoea by smear examination is unreliable as some
respectively. Involvement of oropharynx may lead to of the normal genital flora have similar morphology.
gonococcal pharyngitis. Fluorescent antibody tests are more sensitive and specific
methods for diagnosis by microscopy especially in females.
G. Epidemiology
Gonorrhoea is an exclusively human disease. The only 4. Detection of Antigen or Nucleic acid
source of infection is a human carrier or less often a The gonococcal antigens can be detected by ELISA in
patient. Asymptomatic infection in woman makes them clinical specimens. Nucleic acid can be directly detected
a reservoir to spread infection among their male contacts. in urethral discharge using DNA probe.
The mode of infection is almost exclusively venereal.
Ophthalmia neonatorum is a non-venereal gonococcal 5. Culture
infection. The specimens should be inoculated directly on preheated
plates immediately on collection. Chocolate agar is used
H. Laboratory Diagnosis for culture of the specimens and incubated at 35°C to
The diagnosis is readily made in acute stage, as urethral 36°C under 5- 10% CO 2 for 48 hours. In chronic cases,
discharge contains large number of gonococci. It is where mixed infection is usual and in lesions like proctitis,
difficult to detect gonococci from chronic cases or from selective medium such as Thayer-Martin medium
patients with metastatic lesions such as arthritis. or modified Thayer-Martin medium is used. Typical
translucent colonies appear on culture medium.
1. Specimens
Urethral discharge and cervical discharge (in females) are 6. Colony Morphology and Gram Staining
collected in acute urethritis. The meatus is first cleaned On solid medium, colonies are small, round, grey,
with a gauze soaked in saline. A sample of the urethral translucent, convex with finely granular surface. They
discharge is then collected with a platinum loop or by a are easily emulsifiable. Smear is made from the colony
sterile swab. Calcium alginate and some cotton swabs have and Gram staining is done. Gonococci are Gram negative
been shown to be inhibitory to gonococci, so Dacron or cocci arranged in pairs (diplococci) with adjacent sides
Rayon swabs are preferred. In women, cervical swab is concave (pear or bean shaped).
collected in addition to urethral discharge. High vaginal
swabs are not satisfactory. 7. Superoxol Test
In chronic urethritis, urethral discharge is observed Superoxol test is helpful in rapid presumptive identification
only in few cases. In these cases, some exudate obtained of N gonorrhoeae. Superoxol is 30% hydrogen peroxide
after prostatic massage or morning drop of secretion may (not the 3% solution used routinely for catalase test).
N gonorrhoeae produce immediate brisk bubbling when uncomplicated gonococcal infections. Coinfection with
some colonies of this bacteria are emulsified with 30% C. trachomatis is common in patients with gonorrhoea
hydrogen peroxide reagent on a glass slide. In contrast, therefore dual therapy is frequently recommended. Dual
both N meningitidis and N lactamica, produce weak, therapy includes ceftriaxone/cefixime (for gonorrhoea)
delayed bubbling. and azithromycin/doxycycline (for C. trachomatis).
8. Biochemical Reactions
They are oxidase positive. They breakdown glucose with J. Prophylaxis
acid only by oxidation. They do not catabolise maltose Control of gonorrhoea consists of early detection of cases,
unlike meningococci. tracing of contacts, health education and other general
measures. Vaccination has no role in prophylaxis.
9. Serology
It may not be possible to isolate gonococci in culture
from some chronic cases or from some patients with III. NON-GONOCOCCAL (NON-SPECIFIC)
metastatic lesions such as arthritis. Serological tests may URETHRITIS
be of value in such cases. Complement fixation test, It is a condition of chronic urethritis where gonococci
immunofluorescence and ELISA tests have been used cannot be demonstrated. It is known as non-gonococcal
to detect antibodies. However, no serological test has urethritis (NGU).
been found useful for routine diagnostic purposes.
A. Causative agents
I. Treatment 1. Bacterial
The organism is sensitive to large doses of penicillin • Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common.
(intramuscular) or doxycycline. • Ureaplasma urealyticum
• Mycoplasma hominis
Two types of penicillin resistance have been observed: • Gardnerella vagina/is
1. Low Level Resistance • Acinetobacter lwoffi
The bacterial strains are sensitive to higher concentrations
of penicillin and are not related to beta-lactamase 2. Viral
production. The resistance is chromosomally determined. Herpes virus
These resistant gonococci are designated as 'chromosomally- Cytomegalovirus
mediated resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae' (CMRNG).
3. Fungal
2. High Level Resistance Candida albicans
It is due to production of enzyme beta-lactamase by the
bacteria and is plasmid coded. In such cases, the strains 4. Protozoa[
are totally resistant to penicillin. It was first recognised in Trichomonas vagina/is
1976. Since then these penicillinase producing Neisseria
genorrhoeae (PPNG) strains have spread widely. B. Treatment
In penicillin-resistant gonorrhoea, cefotaxime, Tetracycline is effective for both C. trachomatis and
ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, tetracycline or spectinomycin Ureaplasma urealyticum infections.
are used.
In 1985, plasmid mediated high level tetracycline
resistance was recognised. These gonococci are named IV. COMMENSAL NEISSERIAE
as 'tetracycline resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae' (TRNG). This group of bacteria inhabits the normal respiratory
Chromosome mediated spectinomycin resistance has tract. These commensals (N fiavescens, N sicca and N
also been known in gonococci. This is a high level subflava) are differentiated from the pathogenic Neisseriae
resistance due to mutation. In 1991 'quinolone-resistant by following methods.
N gonorrhoeae' (QRNG) was identified. Mechanism of 1. Commensals can grow on ordinary agar not enriched
resistance is mutation. with blood or serum at 22°C.
Currently a single dose of ceftriaxone intramuscular 2. Their primary isolation does not require presence of
or cefixime orally is recommended for treatment of CO 2 .
A. Morphology B. Culture
Gram negative diplococci, 0.6-lµm oval with adjacent They require blood or serum for growth and are strict
sides flattened. aerobes. On loeffier's serum slope, the colonies form pit
or lacunae (hence the name lacunata).
B. Culture
It grows on ordinary medium like nutrient agar. C. Biochemical Reactions
It does not ferment sugars and is oxidase and catalase
C. Biochemical Reactions positive.
It does not ferment any carbohydrate but hydrolyses
tributyrin-a test for its identification. It is catalase and D. Pathogenesis
oxidase positive. Moraxella are parasitic and their habitat includes mucosa
of upper respiratory tract, genital tract and conjunctiva.
D. Pathogenesis M. lacunata causes catarrhal conjunctivitis (angular
It causes lower respiratory tract infections, especially in conjunctivitis). A few species of Moraxella occasionally
adults with chronic obstructive airway disease. It has also give rise to septic arthritis, meningitis and endocarditis.
been isolated in cases of otitis media, less commonly in
meningitis, endocarditis and sinusitis. Some strains of E. Treatment
B. catarrhalis produce beta-lactamase and are resistant M. lacunata is very sensitive to zinc salts. They are
to penicillin. sensitive to penicillin and most other antibiotics.
1. The genus Neisseria consists of Gram negative, aerobic, oxidase positive, non-motile diplococci.
2. The two pathogenic species are N meningitidis (causing pyogenic meningitis) and N gonorrhoeae (causing
3. They grow on media enriched with blood or serum. Chocolate agar is the commonly used medium. Modified Thayer-
Martin medium and New-York City medium are selective media used for their isolation.
4. N meningitidis is strict aerobe and cannot grow anaerobically. A moist environment with 5-10% CO 2 is must for
growth to occur.
5. Both N meningitidis and N gonorrhoeae are catalase and oxidase positive. N meningitidis ferments both glucose and
maltose but N gonorrhoeae only ferments glucose.
6. N meningitidis has been divided in 13 serogroups (A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z, W-135, 29E, H, I, Kand L) on the basis of
immunological specificity of the capsular polysaccharide. Serogroups A, B, C, 29E, W-135 and Y are responsible for
the large majority of meningitis.
7. M eningococcal vaccines prepared from polysaccharides of serogroups A, C, W-135 and Y are available. Single dose
is given intramuscularly.
8. N gonorrhoeae is pear or bean shaped. It is more difficult to grow than N meningitidis. It is aerobic but may grow
anaerobically as well. It can grow on all those culture media used for growth of N meningitidis.
9. Penicillin resistance in N.gonorrhoeae may be due to production of enzyme beta-lactamase (penicillinase). It is plasmid
coded. These strains are named penicillinase producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PPNG).
IO. Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) is a condition of chronic urethritis where gonococci cannot be demonstrated.
11. Non-pathogenic species of Neisseria include N. flavescens, N. sicca and N. subflava. They are commensals and inhabit
the normal respiratory tract.
1. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis,
2. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhoea.
3. Write short notes on:
(a) Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) (b) Antigenic structure of N.gonorrhoeae
(c) Moraxella catarrhalis.
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Chapter 27
I. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
A. Morphology B. Cultural Characteristics
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Toxin
E. Resistance F. Antigenic Structure
G. Bacteriophage Typing H. Pathogenesis
I. Laboratory Diagnosis J. Prophylaxis
K. Schick Test L. Treatment
II. Other Pathogenic Corynebacteria
Ill. Diphtheroids
Corynebacteria are Gram positive, non-acid-fast, non- shaped due to the presence of metachromatic granules at
sporing, non-motile bacilli with average size 3 µm x 0.3 one or both ends. With Loeffier's methylene blue stain,
µm. They frequently show club-shaped swellings (coryne granules take up a bluish purple colour and hence they
means club shaped). The most important member of the are named metachromatic granules. These granules are
genus is C. diphtheriae which causes diphtheria in humans also called volutin or Babes-Ernst granules. These are
but other species are increasingly assuming a pathogenic composed of polymetaphosphates and represent energy
role particularly in immunocompromised individuals. storage depots. The bacilli are usually seen in angular
Bretonneau (1826) called the disease 'diphtherite' because fashion resembling the letters V or L. This has been
of leathery pseudo-membrane produced in the disease called Chinese letter or cuneiform arrangement. This
(diphtheros meaning leather). The diphtheria bacillus was typical arrangement is due to incomplete separation of
first described by Klebs (1883), but was first cultivated by the daughter cells after binary fission (Fig. 27 .1 ).
Loeffler (1884). It is also known as Klebs-Loeffier bacillus. Special stains like Albert (malachite green and
Roux and Yersin (1888) discovered diphtheria exotoxin. toludine blue), Neisser or polychrome methylene blue
The antitoxin was discovered by van-Behring (1890) who are used for staining the bacilli. The bacilli look green
was awarded the Nobel Prize for this work. and metachromatic granules appear bluish black when
Albert stain is used. They are non-capsulated, non-acid-
A. Morphology
These are thin, slender, Gram positive bacilli (but tend to B. Cultural Characteristics
be decolourised easily) and measure approximately 3- 6 C. diphtheriae are grown best on media enriched with
µm x 0.6-0.8 µm. They are pleomorphic. They are club- blood, serum or egg. Growth is scanty on ordinary
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Ch 27: Corynebacterium _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ 211
It may also help to differentiate mitis biotype which shows • haemorrhagic oedema and, often, necrosis at the site
haemolysis. of inoculation,
• swollen and congested lymph nodes,
(iv) Colony morphology and staining • congested abdominal viscera,
On Loeffier's serum slope, the colonies are small, circular, • peritoneal and pleural exudate.
white or creamy. Diphtheria bacilli grow as black or grey
coloured colonies on tellurite blood agar. (b) Intracutaneous test
Smears are prepared from suspected growth from Two guinea pigs (or rabbits) are injected intracutaneously
various media. These smears are stained with Albert and with 0.1 ml emulsion from growth on Loeffier's serum
Gram stain to confirm the morphology of C. diphtheriae. slope, one of these animals is protected with 500 units
Albert staining shows green bacilli with bluish black antitoxin the previous day (control) and the other is given
metachromatic granules. Gram staining reveals Gram 50 units of antitoxin intraperitoneally four hours after
positive bacilli that tend to be decolourised easily. the skin test, in order to prevent death. If the strain is
Diphtheroids cannot be decolourised as easily as C. toxigenic (virulent), the inflammatory reaction at the site
diphtheriae. of injection, progresses to necrosis in 48 to 72 hours in the
test animal but there is no change in the control animal.
(v) Biochemical reactions An advantage in the intracutaneous test is that 8 to 10
Hiss's serum water is used for testing fermentation of strains can be tested at a time on a pair of animals and
carbohydrates. Biochemical reactions of C. diphtheriae the animals do not die.
are as follows:
Glucose Lactose Mannitol Sucrose (a) Elek's gel precipitation test
A This is an immunodiffusion test described by Elek (1949).
Maltose N0 3 reduction Indole Urease A rectangular strip of filter paper soaked in diphtheria
+ + antitoxin (1000 units per ml) is placed on the surface of
phosphatase Catalase Oxidase Glycogen* a 20% horse serum agar plate while the medium is still
+ + fluid. When the agar solidifies, the test strain is streaked
Starch* at right angle to the filter paper strip. The positive and
+ negative controls are also put up. The plate is incubated
*Only Gravis biotype is positive at 37°C for 24 to 48 hours. The toxin produced by the
bacterial growth diffuses in the agar and produces a line
2. Virulence Tests of precipitation where it meets the antitoxin at optimum
These tests demonstrate the production of exotoxin by concentration (Fig. 27.3) . Non-toxigenic strains will not
bacteria isolated on culture. Virulence testing may be produce any precipitation line.
done by in vivo or in vitro methods.
(b) Tissue culture test
IN VIVO TESTS This is done by incorporating the test strains into the agar
Guinea pigs and rabbits are susceptible to toxin produced overlay of cell culture monolayers. The toxin produced
by C. diphtheriae. Two types of test are used viz. diffuses into the underlying cells and kills them.
subcutaneous and intracutaneous.
(c) Other tests
(a) Subcutaneous test Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and
The growth from an overnight culture on Loeffier's serum immunochromatographic strip assays are also available
slope is emulsified in 2- 5 ml broth and 0.8 ml of this for the detection of toxin. These are rapid tests.
emulsion is injected subcutaneously into two guinea pigs,
one of which has received an intramuscular injection of (d) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
500 units of diphtheria antitoxin 18- 24 hours previously C. diphtheriae tox gene can be detected by PCR. This test
(this protected animal acts as a control). If the strain is can also be applied directly to clinical specimen.
virulent, the unprotected animal will die within 2 to 3
days with evidence of haemorrhage in the adrenal glands J. Prophylaxis
which is the pathognomonic feature. Other features which 1. Active Immunisation
can be observed at autopsy are as follows: One attack of diphtheria provides life long immunity.
(iv) Combined reaction doubtful agent for mastitis. Many of them cause infections
The initial reaction is similar to that of pseudoreaction. in immunocompromised patients (Table 27.2). C. jeikeium
Erythema disappears in the control forearm within four is an important pathogen in neutropenic patients and
days but it progresses in the test forearm to a typical those receiving antibiotics. It is usually multiresistant and
positive reaction. It indicates that the individual is responds only to vancomycin.
susceptible to diphtheria and hypersensitive to bacillus.
It is necessary to immunise such persons but the vaccine Table 27.2 Medically Important Non-Diphtheria
may likely induce reaction. Corynebacteria and Diseases Caused by these Organisms
Disease Organisms
L. Treatment
C. diphtheriae is sensitive to penicillin, erythromycin 1. Acute pharyngitis C. ulcerans
and other antibiotics. Diphtheria patients are given 2. Cutaneous infections C. jeikeium
a course of penicillin, to stop cases from becoming
3. Lymphadenitis C. pseudotuberculosis
carriers. Erythromycin is more active in the treatment
of carriers. 4. Infective endocarditis C. jeikeium
The antibiotics are of little value as these cannot C. xerosis
inactivate the toxin already present in patient's body. C. bovis
When a case is suspected as diphtheria, antidiphtheric 5. Shunt or cannula infections C. jeikeium
serum should be given immediately as the mortality C. xerosis
rate increases with delay in starting antitoxin treatment. C. bovis
In moderate cases, the dosage recommended is 20,000
units intramuscularly and in severely ill cases 50,000 C. minutissimum and C. tenuis are associated with
to 100,000 units are injected, half the dose being given superficial skin infection.
intravenously. Some bacteria which were initially in genus
Corynebacteria include Arachnobacterium haemolyticum
(formerly C. haemolyticum) and Rhodococcus equi
II. OTHER PATHOGENIC (formerly C. equi). A . haemolyticum may cause pharyngitis,
CORYNEBACTERIA peritonsillar abscess, cervical lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis
C. ulcerans is a bacillus related to C. diphtheriae, which and brain abscess. R. equi is found in soil. Human
can cause localised ulcerations in throat, clinically infection is rare,although an increased incidence in
resembling diphtheria. It resembles the gravis type but immunocompromised patients, especially AIDS patients,
it liquefies gelatin, ferments trehalose slowly and does has been reported.
not reduce nitrate. It is PYZ-negative and urease positive.
It produces two types of toxins, one is identical with
diphtheria toxin and the other resembling the toxin of III. DIPHTHEROIDS
C. pseudotuberculosis. It is pathogenic to guinea pigs, Commensal corynebacteria are normally present in the
the lesions produced are similar to those produced by throat, skin, conjunctiva and other areas. These may
C. diphtheriae . It causes infections in cows and human sometimes be mistaken for C. diphtheriae and are called
infections may occur through cow's milk. Some consider diphtheroids (Table 27.3). The common diptheroids
C. ulcerans as a variant of diphtheria bacillus. Diphtheria include C. x erosis (found in the conjunctiva! sac) and
antitoxin is protective. C. pseudodiphtheriticum ( C. hofmannii) which is found
C. pseudo tuberculosis (Preisz-Nocard bacillus) also in the throat. In general, diphtheroids possess few or no
referred to as C. ovis causes pseudotuberculosis in sheep metachromatic granules and are arranged in palisades
and suppurative lymphadenitis in horses. It is PYZ- (parallel rows) rather than in Chinese letter pattern.
negative and urease positive. It produces a toxin which Some diphtheroids are indistinguishable from diphtheria
differs from that of C. diphtheriae. The toxin kills guinea bacilli microscopically and require to be differentiated by
pig in 24 hours. C. bovis, commensal of cow's uddar, is a biochemical tests and more reliably by virulence tests.
1. Corynebacterium diphtheriae are bacilli usually seen in angular fashion resembling the letters V or L. This has been
called Chinese letter. These bacilli contain metachromatic granules.
2. Special stains like Albert, Neisser or polychrome methy lene blue are used for staining the bacilli. The bacilli look green
and metachromatic granules appear bluish black when Albert stain is used.
3. C. diphtheriae are grown best on media enriched with blood, serum or egg. Loef.fier's serum slope (LSS) and potassium
tellurite blood agar medium are employed for cultivation of this bacillus.
4. Potassium tellurite blood agar is a selective medium. The organisms grow slowly on this medium and form grey or
black colonies due to reduction of tellurite to tellurium.
5. C. diphtheriae causes diphtheria. The pathogenicity is due to production of a very powerful exotoxin. The toxigenicity
of the diphtheria bacillus depends on the presence of a beta phage which can be transferred from one bacterium to
another by lysogenic conversion. Diphtheria toxin acts by inhibiting protein synthesis. It inhibits polypeptide chain
elongation by inactivating the elongation factor, EF-2.
6. Virulence tests demonstrate the production of exotoxin by bacteria isolated on culture. These may be done by in vivo
or in vitro methods. Guinea pigs and rabbits are susceptible to toxin produced by C. diphtheriae. Two types of tests
are used i.e. subcutaneous and intracutaneous. In vitro methods include Elek's gel precipitation test and tissue culture
7. Triple vaccine (DPT) is used for active immunisation. This vaccine contains diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid and
pertussis vaccine.
8. Commensal corynebacteria are normally present in the throat, skin, conjunctiva and other areas. These may sometimes
be mistaken for C. diphtheriae and are called diphtheroids. In general, diphtheroids possess few or no metachromatic
granules and are arranged in pallisades (parallel rows) rather than in Chinese letter pattern. C. xerosis and C.
pseudodiphtheriticum are two examples of diphtheroids.
1. Name the different species of genus Corynebacterium. Discuss in detail the laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Diphtheria toxin
(b) Schick test
(c) Corynebacteria other than C.diphtheriae
(d) Diphtheroids.
(e) Toxigenicity tests of C. diphtheriae.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c)
I. Bacill us anthracis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigens F. Toxin
G. Pathogenesis H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Treatment J . Prophylaxis
II. Anthracoid Bacilli
Ill. Bacillus Cereus
A. Types of Food Poisoning B. Pathogenesis
C. Diagnosis D. Treatment
E. Control
Sporogenous, rod shaped Gram pos1t1ve bacteria are 1. It was the first pathogenic bacterium to be seen under
divided into two groups, the aerobic Bacillus and the microscope (Po/lender, 1849).
the anaerobic Clostridium. The spores of Bacillus 2. The first communicable disease to be transmitted by
(unlike the genus Clostridium) are of the same width inoculation of infected blood was anthrax (Davaine,
as that of bacteria and do not produce a bulge in 1850).
the bacterial cell. Members of the genus Bacillus are 3. It was the first bacterium to be isolated in pure culture
ubiquitous, present in soil, dust, air and water and are and shown to possess spores (Robert Koch, 1876).
frequently isolated as contaminants in bacteriological 4. B. anthracis was the first bacterium used for the
culture media. B. anthracis, the causative agent of preparation of attenuated vaccine (Louis Pasteur,
anthrax, is the most important pathogen of the group. 1881 ).
B. cereus can cause food poisoning. They are generally
motile with peritrichous flagella except the anthrax A. Morphology
bacillus which is non-motile. Bacillus anthracis is a Gram positive, non-acid-fast,
non-motile, large (3- 10 µm x 1- 1.6 µm), rectangular,
I. BACILLUS ANTHRACIS spore forming bacillus. The spores are refractile, oval
It is the causative agent of anthrax, a disease primarily of and central in position and are of the same width as
animals, and man gets infected secondarily. Considerable the bacillary body so that they do not cause bulging of
historical interest is attached to the anthrax bacillus due vegetative cell (Fig. 28.1) . In infected tissues, the bacilli are
to the following reasons: found singly, in pairs or in short chains, the entire chain
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220 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
collected from intestinal anthrax. Laboratory personnel 1. For presumptive identification of anthrax
should take additional protective precautions against (i) Large gram positive bacillus with the general
infection while handling the material. morphology of anthrax bacillus and non-motile.
(ii) Non-haemolytic on blood agar and cultural features
of anthrax bacilus.
2. Microscopy (iii) Catalase positive.
Gram stained smear from the specimen shows often chain
of large Gram positive bacilli. Capsule appears as a clear
halo around the bacterium by India-ink staining. 2. For initial confirmation
Direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA) for capsule (i) Lysis by gamma phage.
specific staining and for polysaccharide (cell wall) antigen (ii) Direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA).
confirms the identification.
3. For further confim ,
McFadyean's Reaction (i) Polymerase chain reaction.
When blood films are stained with the polychrome
methylene blue for 10- 12 seconds and examined under I. Treatment
the microscope, an amorphous purple material is noticed Doxycycline and ciprofloxacin are used for treatment.
around the bacilli. This represents the disintegrated Antibiotics are ineffective once toxin is formed, although
capsular material and is a characteristic of B. anthracis. it may reduce the case fatality rate.
This reaction is employed for the presumptive diagnosis
in animals.
J. Prophylaxis
Prevention is mainly by general methods such as
3. Culture improvement of factory hygiene and proper sterilization
Specimen is inoculated on nutrient agar medium and of animal products like wool. Carcasses of animals
incubated at 37°C for overnight. Medusa head colonies suspected to have anthrax are buried deep in lime.
appear on the medium. Smears made from these colonies Animals are to be protected by active immunisation.
show typical Gram positive spore bearing bacilli. As spore is the common infective form in nature, Sterne
Gelatin stab culture shows inverted fir tree vaccine contains spores of a non-capsulated avirulent
appearance. mutant strain. This avirulent mutant strain is obtained
by loss of two plasmids (p x 01 and p.x.02) which encode
4. Animal Inoculation the anthrax toxin (p.x.0l) and capsular polypeptide
White mouse or guinea pigs are injected with exudate or (p.x.02) production. The animal is protected for a year
culture. Animal dies in 36-48 hours. Smears made from with a single injection of spore vaccine. It is extensively
heart blood and sputum show bacilli. used in animals, however, it is not safe for human use.
Anthrax vaccines have been used in persons
5. Serology (Ascoli's Thermoprecipitin Test) occupationally exposed to anthrax infection. There are
The tissues are ground up in saline and boiled for 5 two types of vaccines used in humans, namely cell free
minutes and filtered. When this extract is layered over the protective antigen (PA) vaccines and live attenuated
anti-anthrax serum in a narrow tube, a ring of precipitate vaccines. In PA vaccines, protective antigen (PA)
appears at the junction of two liquids within five minutes component of the anthrax toxic complex is either adsorbed
in a positive case. It is mainly used for rapid diagnosis (AVA) on to aluminium hydroxide or precipitated (AVP)
when the sample received is putrid and viable bacilli are on to aluminium potassium phosphate. Both AVA and
unlikely to be found. AVP vaccines are given by intramuscular route. Five
doses (0 and 4 weeks and at 6, 12, and 18 months) are
6. Polymerase Chain Reaction administered in case of AVA vaccine while four doses
It is used for confirmation of anthrax bacillus. are given over a period of 8 months for AVP vaccine.
In the wake of bioterrorism experience in the USA Annual booster is required in both the vaccines.
in 2001 , the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have Live attenuated vaccines contain spores from
prepared guidelines for identification of B. anthracis as attenuated strains of B. anthracis. Two doses are
mentioned below. administered subcutaneously (Table 28. 1).
Table 28.1 Anthrax vaccines for humans spores survive cooking and germinate into vegetative
Types Vaccines Doses bacilli which produce enterotoxin that cause food
Cell free PA • Anthrax vaccine Five doses, one po1sonmg.
vaccines adsorbed (AVA) booster.
• Anthrax vaccine Four doses, one A. Types of Food Poisoning
precipitated (AVP) booster 1. Short Incubation Period Type (1-5 Hours)
Live vaccines • Russian vaccine Two doses It is characterised by acute nausea and vomiting, 1- 5
• PR China vaccine hours after the meal. Diarrhoea is not common. It is
usually associated with consumption of cooked rice,
II. ANTHRACOID BACILLI usually fried rice from Chinese restaurants. B. cereus is
Aerobic spore bearing bacilli resembling B. anthracis present in large numbers in the cooked rice as well as in
are called anthracoid or pseudoanthrax bacilli. Some faecal samples of these patients.
of them are frequent laboratory contaminants and have
to be differentiated from B. anthracis. B. subtilis may act 2. Long Incubation Period Type (8-16 Hours)
as opportunistic pathogen, causing eye infections and It is characterised by acute abdominal pain and diarrhoea,
septicaemia. B. licheniformis has also been incriminated 8- 16 hours after ingestion of contaminated food. Vomiting
in patients of food poisoning. Spores of Bacillus is rare. The faecal samples contain small number of
stearothermophilus are used to test the efficiency of B. cereus.
sterilisation by autoclaves. Some species of bacillus are
important as producers of antibiotics such as bacitracin, B. Pathogenesis
tyrothricin and polymyxin. Most of anthracoid bacilli The disease is due to enterotoxin production. The
can be differentiated easily from the anthrax bacillus, but long incubation type (diarrhoeal disease) is caused by
some, like non-motile strains of B. cereus may resemble serotypes 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 or 12 while the short incubation
B. anthracis. The main differentiating features between type (emetic type) is caused by serotypes 1, 3 or 5 of
anthracoid bacilli and B. anthracis are shown in Table 28.2. B. cereus strains. Isolates from the diarrhoeal type of
disease produce an enterotoxin which resembles heat
III. BACILLUS CEREUS labile enterotoxin of Esch. coli. Strains that cause the
B. cereus has assumed importance as a cause of food emetic type of disease produce a toxin which resembles
poisoning. It is widely distributed in nature such as soil, staphylococcal enterotoxin. Two mechanisms of action,
vegetables, milk, cereals, spices, meat and poultry. Some one involving stimulation of CAMP system and the other
independent of it, have been described for the enterotoxin antibody conjugate. It produces lecithinase and ferment
of B. cereus. glucose but not mannitol.
C. Diagnosis D. Treatment
Suspected food, faeces and vomitus are cultured on Disease is mild and self limiting, requiring no specific
ordinary media or a special mannitol-eggyolk-phenol red- treatment.
polymyxin agar (MYPA) medium. Spore bearing Gram
positive bacilli may be seen on smear from colonies. B. E. Control
cereus is a motile bacillus, non-capsulated, not susceptible Adequate food hygiene is to be maintained while storing
to gamma phage and does not react with fluorescent cooked food especially rice and reheating should be rapid.
1. Members of the genus Bacillus are ubiquitous, present in soil, dust, air and water and are frequently isolated as
contaminants in bacteriological culture media. They are sporogenous, rod shaped, aerobic, Gram positive bacteria.
2. B. anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, is the most important pathogen of the bacillus group. B. cereus can
cause food poisoning.
3. B. anthracis is a capsulated organism and McFadyean's reaction is positive. It grows as 'Medusa head' appearance on
nutrient agar medium.
4. Ascoli's thermoprecipitin test has been used for rapid diagnosis of anthrax.
5. Alum precipitated toxoid has been used in persons occupationally exposed to anthrax infection. It is given in
three doses intramuscularly at intervals of 6 weeks and 6 months. A booster dose may be given after one year.
6. Aerobic spore bearing bacilli resembling B. anthracis are called anthracoid bacilli.
7. B. cereus causes food poisoning usually associated with fried rice from Chinese restaurants. It produces enterotoxin.
The diseases is mild and self limiting, requiring no specific treatment.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of anthrax.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Anthracoid bacilli. (b) Bacillus cereus food poisoning
Answers (MCQs):
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d)
I. Classification
II. General Features
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Toxin
Ill. Clostridium perfringens
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Classification F. Pathogenesis
G. Laboratory Diagnosis H. Prophylaxis
IV. Clostridium tetani
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Classification F. Toxins
G. Pathogenesis H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Prophylaxis J. Treatment
V. Clostridium botulinum
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Resistance D. Classification
E. Toxin F. Pathogenesis
G. Laboratory Diagnosis H. Prophylaxis and Treatment
VI. Clostridium difficile
A. Morphology B. Toxins
C. Pathogenesis D. Laboratory Diagnosis
E. Treatment
The genus Clostridium consists of anaerobic, spore is derived from the word 'Kl oster' (meaning a spindle).
forming, Gram positive baciJli. The spores are wider Most species are saprophytes found in soil, water
than the bacterial bodies, giving the bacillus a swollen and decomposing plant and animal matter. Some of
appearance resembling a spindle. The name Clostridium the pathogens (e.g. Cl. tetani and Cl. perfringens) are
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Ch 29: Clostridium _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 227
commensals of the intestinal tract of human and animals. media is incubated at 37°C for 2-3 days. Most clostridia
The genus contains bacteria that cause three major produce colonies surrounded by haemolysis on blood
diseases of man- tetanus, gas gangrene and food poisoning. agar.
Clostridial pathogenicity is mainly due to production of a Liquid media like cooked meat broth (CMB)
powerful exotoxin. Cl. botulinum is non-invasive, Cl. tetani or thioglycollate media (containing reducing agent
is slightly invasive and clostridia causing gas gangrene thioglycollate and 0.1 % agar) are very useful for growing
are not only toxigenic but are also invasive. clostridia. CMB contains unsaturated fatty acids which
Most species of the genus are motile with peritrichous take up oxygen, the reaction is catalysed by haematin in
flagella except Cl. perfringens and Cl. tetani type VI which the meat and also sulphydryl compounds which lower
are non-motile. All clostridia are non-capsulated with the down the redox potential. Growth appears as turbidity
exception of Cl. perfringens and Cl. butyricum. in the medium. Proteolytic clostridia turn the meat black
and produce foul odour whereas saccharolytic species
I. CLASSIFICATION turn the meat pink.
Clostridia of medical importance may be classified on
the basis of diseases they produce: · C. Biochemical Reactions
A. Tetanus Cl. tetani Most clostridia ferment a variety of sugars and hydrolyse
B. Gas gangrene protein.
1. Established Cl. perfringens
pathogens (Cl. welchii) D. Resistance
Cl. novyi The vegetative cells of clostridia do not differ from other
( Cl. oedematiens) non-sporing bacilli in their resistance to various physical
Cl. septicum and chemical agents. The spores exhibit a variable resistance.
2. Less pathogenic Cl. histolyticum Spores of Cl. tetani persist for years in dried earth.
Cl. fa/lax Cl. perfringens spores are destroyed by boiling for less
3. Doubtful pathogens Cl. bifermentans than five minutes, but spores of some strains (type A) that
Cl. sporogenes cause food poisoning survive for several hours. Spores
C. Food poisoning of Cl. botulinum are not killed completely even at 105°C
1. Gastroenteritis Cl. perfringens for less than 100 minutes. However all spores are killed
(Type A) at 121 °C within 20 minutes (autoclaving). Halogens and
2. Necrotising Cl. perfringens glutaraldehyde (2%) are very effective in killing spores.
enteritis (Type C) Aqueous iodine solution (1 %) kills spores within three
3. Botulism Cl. botulinum hours. Spores are resistant to phenolic disinfectants.
D. Acute colitis Cl. difficile Formaldehyde is not very active.
Clostridia are susceptible to metronidazole, penicillin,
chloramphenicol and erythromycin but are resistant to
II. GENERAL FEATURES aminoglycosides and quinolones.
A. Morphology
Clostridia are Gram positive, spore forming rods, usually E. Toxin
3- 8 µm x 0.4-1.2 µmin size and are highly pleomorphic. Most clostridia produce one or more protein toxins which
The shape and position of spores varies in different species are responsible for pathogenic effects. Toxins of Cl. tetani
and is useful in identification of clostridia. Spores may and Cl. botulinum attack nervous system and are called
be (1) central or equatorial in Cl. bifermentans (2) sub- neurotoxin. The gas gangrene clostridia toxin attacks soft
terminal in Cl. perfringens (3) Oval and terminal in Cl. tissues and is known as histotoxic.
tertium (4) spherical and terminal, giving a drumstick
appearance, in Cl. tetani.
Clostridia grow well on ordinary media under anaerobic The organism was originally cultivated by Achalme (1891)
conditions. Inoculated culture (e.g. blood agar) is placed and was first described in detail by Welch and Nuttal
in anaerobic jar (McIntosh Filde's jar) from which air is (1892). Cl. perfringens is the most important and common
removed and replaced with a mixture of nitrogen and aetiological agent of gas gangrene (60%), followed by Cl. ~-
carbon dioxide. The anaerobic jar containing culture novyi (30--40%) and Cl. septicum (10-20%). Cl. perfringens
also produces food poisoning and necrotising enteritis In litmus milk, lactose fermentation leads to formation
mman. of acid, which changes the colour of litmus from blue to
Cl. perfringens is a commensal in the large intestines red. The acid coagulates the casein (acid clot) and the
of man and animals. The spores are commonly found clotted milk is disrupted due to vigorous gas production
in soil and dust. and this is known as stormy fermentation.
A. Morphology D . Resistance
It is a large, stout, Gram positive bacillus measuring Spores are usually destroyed within five minutes by
4--6 µmx lµm with subterminal spore (Fig. 29.1) . It boiling but those of the 'food poisoning' strains (type
usually occurs singly or in chains and is pleomorphic. A and certain type C strains) resist boiling for 1- 3
Involution forms are common. It is capsulated and non- hours. Autoclaving at 121 °C for 15 minutes is lethal.
motile. The spores are rarely seen in artificial culture or Spores are resistant to commonly used antiseptics and
in tissue and their absence is one of the characteristic disinfectants.
features of Cl. perfringens. Spore formation can be
induced only on special media. E. Classification
Cl. perfringens produce at least 12 distinct toxins but
on the basis of production of four major toxins (alpha,
beta, epsilon and iota), these are classified into five types
A to E.
1. Type A strains produce alpha toxin.
2. Type B strains produce alpha, beta and epsilon
3. Type C strains produce alpha and beta toxins.
4. Type D strains produce alpha and epsilon toxins.
5. Type E strains produce alpha and iota toxins
Type A causes gas gangrene in man and some
strains of type A produce enterotoxin which causes food
Fig. 29.1 Clostridium perfringens
Alpha (a) Toxin
It is produced by all types of Cl. perfringens but
B. Culture most abundantly by type A strains. Chemically it is a
It grows on blood agar, cooked meat broth (CMB) and phospholipidase (lecithinase.C) and is responsible for
thioglycollate broth within 24--48 hours. It grows best in profound toxaemia in gas gangrene. It is relatively heat
carbohydrate containing media like glucose blood agar. stable, lethal, dermonecrotic and haemolytic. The toxin
It is anaerobic and grows over a pH range of 5.5- 8.0 is haemolytic for red blood cells of most animal species,
and wide temperature range of 20°C- 50°C. The optimum except those of horse and goat. The haemolysis is of the
temperature for growth is 37°C. hot-cold variety i.e. best seen after incubation at 37°C
On blood agar, colonies of most strains show a target followed by chilling at 4°C. The toxin splits lecithin, an
haemolysis, resulting from a narrow zone of complete important constituent of mammalian cell membrane. This
haemolysis caused by theta-toxin and a much wider specific effect of toxin is utilised for rapid detection of
zone of incomplete haemolysis due to alpha toxin. In Cl. perfringens in clinical specimens (Nagler reaction).
cooked meat broth, the meat pieces turn pink but are
not digested. Nagler reaction
Cl. perfringens is grown on a medium containing 6% agar,
C. Biochemical Reactions 5% Fildes' peptic digest of sheep blood and 20% human
Cl. perfringens is predominantly saccharolytic but also serum or 5% egg yolk in a plate. Neomycin sulphate
have mild proteolytic action (gelatin liquefaction). It may be added to the medium to make it more selective
ferments glucose, lactose, sucrose and maltose with the by inhibiting aerobic spore bearers and coliforms. To
production of acid and gas. It is indole negative, H 2S one half of the plate, antitoxin is spread on the surface.
is formed abundantly. MR is positive and VP negative. The inoculated culture plate is incubated at 37°C for 24
Most strains can reduce nitrates. hours. Colonies on the half plate without the antitoxin
will be surrounded by opacity while colonies on the other actions. The delta (8) toxin is lethal and haemolytic. The
half with antitoxin shows no opacity, due to specific theta (0) toxin is oxygen labile and is antigenically related
neutralisation of the alpha toxin (Fig. 29.2). Alpha toxin to streptolysin 0. The kappa (K) toxin is a collagenase.
(lecithinase C) splits lecithin into phosphoryl choline The lambda (A) toxin is a proteinase and gelatinase. The
and a diglyceride (lipid). The lipid deposits around the mu (µ) toxin is a hyaluronidase. The nu (v) toxin is a
colonies resulting in opacity. deoxyribonuclease.
Some strains of type A produce enterotoxin which causes
diarrhoea and other symptoms of food poisoning.
No antitoxin
Antitoxin present Other Soluble Substances
Haemagglutinins, neuraminidase, fibrinolysin, haemolysin
and histamine are produced.
F. Pathogenesis
Fig. 29.2 Nagler reaction Cl. perfringens produces the following human infections:
3. Necrotising Enteritis
appearance Group B A severe and fatal necrotising jejunitis (enteritis
streptococci necroticans) is caused by type C strains of Cl. perfringens.
Active immunistation with Cl. perfringens type C toxoid
Cl. perfringens
offers protection against this condition.
4. Other Diseases
These include gangrenous appendicitis, urogenital
Fig. 29.3 Reverse CAMP test infections, brain abscess, meningitis, panophthalmitis
and puerperal infection.
produce a swarming (thin spreading film) growth on Tetanospasmin is a good antigen and 1s specifically
blood agar. However, on horse blood agar, they produce neutralised by the antitoxin.
ex-haemolytic colonies which subsequently develop into
~-haemolytic, due to the production of a haemolysin G. Pathogenesis
(tetanolysin). Cl. tetani has little invasive power. Tetanus develops
following the contamination of wound with Cl. tetani
C. Biochemical Reactions spores. The source of infection may be soil, dust, faeces
Cl. tetani has slight proteolytic, but no saccharolytic etc. Infection strictly remains localized in the wound.
property. Gelatin liquefaction occurs very slowly. It does Germination of spores and toxin production occur only if
not ferment any sugar. It forms indole but is MR and VP favourable conditions exist, such as reduced 0-R potential,
negative. H2S is not formed. Nitrates are not reduced. A devatilised tissues and foreign bodies. Pathogenic effects
greenish fluorescence is produced on media containing are mainly due to tetanospasmin (neurotoxin) of Cl. tetani.
neutral red (e.g. MacConkey's medium). The tetanus toxin specifically blocks synaptic inhibition
in the spinal cord. The toxin acts presynaptically. The
D. Resistance abolition of spinal inhibition leads to uncontrolled spread
The resistance of Cl. tetani spores to heat vary in different of impulses initiated anywhere in the central nervous
strains. Most of the strains are killed by boiling for 10-15 system. This results in muscle rigidity and spasms due to
minutes but some resist boiling for three hours. However, the simultaneous contraction of agonists and antagonists.
autoclaving (at 121 °C for 20 minutes) kills the spores
of most strains. Spores are also killed with Iodine (1 % H. Laboratory Diagnosis
aqueous solution), hydrogen peroxide (10 volumes) and The diagnosis of tetanus should always be made
glutaraldehyde (2%) within a few hours. The spores may clinically and laboratory tests are done only to confirm
survive in soil for years. it. Laboratory diagnosis may be made by demonstration
of bacilli by microscopy, culture or by animal inoculation.
E. Classification Specimens generally collected are wound swab, exudate
Ten serological types (types I to X) of Cl. tetani have been or tissue from the wound.
recognised based on type specific flagellar (H) antigens by
agglutination test. Type VI strains are non-flagellated. All 1. Microscopy
the types produce the same toxin, which can be neutralised Gram staining may show Gram positive bacilli with
by antitoxin produced against any one type. drumstick appearance but these are indistinguishable from
morphologically similar non-pathogenic bacilli like Cl.
F. Toxins tetanomorphum and Cl. sphenoides. Hence microscopy
Cl. tetani produces two distinct toxins- tetanolysin alone is unreliable but diagnosis by culture is more
(haemolysin) and tetanospasmin (neurotoxin). dependable.
1. Tetanolysin 2. Culture
Tetanolysin is a heat labile, oxygen labile toxin which Specimen is inoculated on freshly prepared blood agar
causes lysis of erythrocytes of several animal species, and incubated at 37°C for 24-48 hours under anaerobic
especially the rabbit and the horse. It may act as a conditions. The incorporation of polymyxin B in culture
leucotoxin but its pathogenic role is not clear. medium makes it more selective as clostridia are resistant
to this antibiotic. Cl. tetani produces a swarming growth.
2. Tetanospasmin The specimen is also inoculated in three tubes of cooked
Tetanospasmin is a heat labile, oxygen stable, powerful meat broth. One of these tubes is heated at 80°C for
neurotoxin and rapidly gets destroyed by proteolytic 15 minutes, the second tube for five minutes and the
enzymes. It is protein in nature. It is plasmid coded. third left unheated. Heating for different periods is to
This is responsible for clinical manifestations of tetanus. kill vegetative bacteria, while leaving tetanus spores
On its release from the bacillus, it is autolysed to form undamaged. These cooked meat broths are incubated
a heterodimer consisting of a large polypeptide chain at 37°C and subcultured on blood agar plates daily for
(93 ,000 MW) and a smaller polypeptide chain (52,000 upto four days.
MW) joined by a disulphide bond. It is lethal to mice and Gram stained smear from culture shows typical Gram
guinea pigs in minute doses (0.0000001 mg for mouse). positive bacilli with drumstick appearance.
poisoning. It is a widely distributed saprophyte and is hours to kill. Type A toxin is the most potent. Botulinum
found in soil, animal manure, vegetables and sea mud. toxin is the most toxic substance known so far.
The toxin is relatively stable, being inactivated only
A. Morphology after 30-40 minutes at 80°C and 10 minutes at 100°C.
It is a Gram positive, non-capsulated bacillus about Preformed toxin in food is destroyed by boiling for 20
5 µm x 1 µm , motile by peritrichate flagella and produces minutes. It is a good antigen and can be neutralised
subterminal, oval, bulging spores (Fig. 29.5). specifically by its antitoxin.
The toxin acts by blocking the production or release
of acetylcholine at synapses and neuromuscular junctions.
Death occurs due to respiratory failure.
The toxin production is probably determined by the
presence of bacteriophage.
F. Pathogenesis
Cl. botulinum is non-invasive and its pathogenicity is due
to the action of preformed toxin, the manifestations of
which are collectively called botulism. Botulism is of three
Fig. 29.5 Clostridiurn botulinurn
types- foodborne, infant and wound botulism.
into the blood and the symptoms similar to foodborne exposed to the risk, two injections of toxoid may be
botulism occur except for the gastrointestinal components administered at an interval of ten weeks, followed by a
which are absent. Type A has been recovered from most booster dose a year later.
of the cases studied.
G. Laboratory Diagnosis
Cl. difficile was first isolated from the faeces of newborn
Diagnosis may be confirmed by demonstrati on of the
infants. It was so named due to unusual difficulties
bacillus or the toxin in suspected residual food or in
involved in its isolation.
1. The genus Clostridium consists of anaerobic, spore forming, Gram positive bacilli.
2. This genus contains bacteria that cause three major diseases of man-tetanus, gas gangrene and food poisoning.
3. Clostridial pathogenicity is mainly due to production of a powerful exotoxin.
4. The shape and position of spores varies in different species and is useful in identification of clostridia, spores may
be subterminal in Cl. perfringens and drumstick appearance in Cl. tetani.
5. Clostridia grow well on blood agar medium under anaerobic conditions. Liquid media like cooked meat broth (CMB)
is very useful for growing clostridia.
6. Nagler reaction and reverse CAMP test are useful in identification Cl. perfringens, a causative agent of gas gangrene
and food poisoning.
7. Cl. tetani produces two distinct toxins-tetanolysin (haemolysin) and tetanospasmin (neurotoxin). It is the causative
agent of tetanus. '
8. Tetanus toxoid is used for prophylaxis of tetanus.
9. Cl. botulinum forms a powerful exotoxin which is responsible for the disease botulism.
10. Cl. difficile has been found to be responsible for antibiotic associated colitis.
11. As clostridia are toxin producing bacteria, antitoxins are used for passive immunisation in the diseases associated
with them. Anti-gas gangrene and human antitetanus immunoglobulins (HTIG) are two examples of antitoxins used
in gas gangrene and tetanus respectively.
1. Classify clostridia. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of gas gangrene.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Nagler reaction (b) Laboratory diagnosis of tetanus
(c) Tetanospasmin (d) Prophylaxis against tetanus
- - - - ++• ----
I. Introduction
II. Anaerobic Cocci
A. Peptococcus B. Peptostreptococcus and Others
C. Veillonella and Others
Ill. Anaerobic Gram Positive Bacilli
A. Eubacteri um B. Lactobacillus
C. Bifidobacterium D. Propionibacterium
E. Acti nomyces F. Mobiluncus
IV. Anaerobic Gram Negative Bacilli
A. Bacteroides B. Fusobacterium
C. Leptotrichia
V. Anaerobic Infections
VI. Laboratory Diagnosis
A. Specimens B. Direct Microscopy
C. Culture D. Other Anaerobic Techniques
VII. Treatment
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238 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
Table 30.1 Classification of Nonsporing Anaerobes infections such as pleuropulmonary disease, brain abscess
A. Cocci and puerperal infections. Peptostreptococcus anaerobius
is most often responsible for puerperal sepsis. Finegoldia
1. Gram positive cocci (i)Peptococcus
(ii)Peptostreptococcus magna (formerly Pst. magnus) is commonly isolated
(iii) Parvimonas anerobic cocci from wound infections. Peptoniphilus
(iv) Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus (formerly Pst. asaccharolyticus),
(v) Anaerococcus Anaerococcus prevoti (formerly Pst. prevoti) and
(vi) Finegoldia Anaerococcus tetradius (formerly Pst. tetradius) are
( vii)Gallicola
some other anaerobic cocci commonly found in clinical
(viii) Atopobium
(ix) Blantia
(x) Ruminococcus Anaerobic cocci are present in large number in pus
from suppurative lesions, so a Gram stained smear may
2. Gram negative cocci (i) Veillonella
(il) Acidaminococcus be helpful in diagnosis. Infections are usually mixed, the
(iii) Megasphaera anerobic cocci being present along with clostridia or other
(iv) Negativococcus anaerobic Gram negative bacilli.
(v) Anaeroglobus
B. Bacilli C. Veillonella and Others
1. Gram positive bacilli (i) Eubacterium
Veillonellae are small (0.3- 2.5 µm), Gram negative cocci,
(i1) Lactobacillus occurring in short chains, pairs or clumps. They are usually
(iii) Bifidobacterium non-pathogenic but occasionally invade blood stream.
(iv) Propionibacterium Other important genera of anaerobic Gram negative cocci
(v) Actinomyces include Acidaminococcus and Megasphaera.
(vi) Mobiluncus
2. Gram negative bacilli (1) Bacteroides III. ANAEROBIC GRAM
(ii) Prevotella POSITIVE BACILLI
(iii) Porphyromonas
A. Eubacterium
(iv) Fusobacterium
(v) Leptotrichia
Eubacterium species are strictly anaerobic and grow
very slowly. They are members of the normal mouth
C. Spirochaetes
and intestinal flora. Some species (E..brachy, E..nodatum)
(i) Treponema are commonly seen in periodontitis.
(ii) Borrelia
B. Lactobacillus
genus Peptococcus. Genus Peptostreptococcus contains Lactobacilli are Gram positive bacilli that frequently
only two species Pst. anaerobius and Pst. stomatis. Other show bipolar and barred staining. Most strains are non-
species of Peptostreptococcus are reclassified in different motile. They form considerable amount of lactic acid
genera such as Peptoniphilus, Anaerococcus, Parvimonas, from carbohydrates and grow best at pH of 5 or less.
Finegoldia, Gallicola and Slackia. Lactobacilli are normally present in the mouth, gut
and vagina. They are widely distributed as saprophytes
A. Peptococcus and ferment material such as milk and cheese. Several
Peptococci are Gram positive, non-sporing, anaerobic species of lactobacilli are present in the intestine, the
cocci that do not form chains. They are small spherical commonest being L. acidophilus, they synthesise vitamins
measuring 0.5- 1 µm in size, arranged singly or in pairs such as biotin, vitamin B 12 and vitamin K, which may
or in clumps. They are coagulase negative. They may be absorbed by the host. In the mouth lactobacilli
cause pyogenic infections of wounds, puerperal sepsis have been incriminated in the pathogenesis of dental
and urinary tract infection. This genus contains only one caries. It is believed that the mineral components of
species i.e., P niger. enamel and dentine are dissolved by acid formed by the
fermentation of sucrose and other dietary carbohydrates
B. Peptostreptococcus and Others by lactobacilli.
Peptostreptococci are small Gram positive cocci, 0.3 Lactobacilli of several species occur in the vagina and
to 1 µm in size, arranged in chains. Carbohydrates are these are collectively known as Doderlein's bacilli. They
fermented with the production of acid, gas or both. They ferment the glycogen deposited in the vaginal epithelial
are the commonest anaerobic cocci isolated from human cell and form lactic acid, which accounts for the highly
acidic pH of the vagina. They protect adult vagina from They were grouped previously in the Family
infections. In prepubertal and postmenopausal vagina, Bacteroidaceae and classified into the following genera
lactobacilli are scanty.
They grow best in media enriched with glucose or A. Bacteroides (bacilli wit/, rounded ends)
blood in presence of 5% CO 2 and at pH 6. Lactobacilli are 1. Fragilis group
generally non-pathogenic, however, they can be involved B. fragilis, B. vulgatus, B. distasonis, B. ovatus, B.
in serious infections, especially in immunocomprornised thetaiotaomicron (Sacchrolytic)
individuals. Lactobacilli are particularly associated with 2. Melaninogenicus group
advanced dental caries. B. melaninogenicus, B. oralis (Moderately sacchrolytic)
3. Asacchrolytic group
C. Bifidobacterium B. asacchrolyticus, B. gingivalis
Bifidobacteria are Gram positive, non-sporing, The new genus names for melaninogenicus
pleomorphic, non-motile bacilli showing true and false group is Prevotella and for asacchrolytic group is
branching. The name is derived from frequent bifid Porphyromonas.
Y-shaped cells. They occur as normal flora in the mouth
and gastrointestinal tract and are occasionally pathogenic. B. Fusobacterium (bacilli wit/, pointed ends)
Dental caries is the most common clinical entity in which Species are F. necrophorum, F. nucleatum,
B. dentium may have a pathogenic role. F. necrogenes
and numerous pus cells. Examination of specimen under takes time and is difficult, but it is possible to report on
ultraviolet light may show the bright red fluorescence in the following (1) whether the infection is solely aerobic,
cases of P melaninogenica. anaerobic or mixed (2) the identification of the commoner
anaerobes, particularly of B. fragilis (3) an indication of
C. Culture antimicrobial agents likely to be used. Antibiotic sensitivity
Freshly prepared blood agar with neomycin, yeast extract, tests can be done by disc or dilution methods.
haemin and vitamin K is a suitable culture medium.
Culture plates are incubated at 37°C in anaerobic jar with D. Other Anaerobic Techniques
10 per cent CO 2. Anaerobiosis can also be maintained by Gloved anaerobic chambers (refer Chapter 6) with
Gas-Pak system. Plates are examined after 24--48 hours. continuous gas flow may be used for culture of specimens.
Parallel aerobic cultures (such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa) Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilised media (PRAS) can
should always be set up to ensure the proper anaerobiosis also be employed but are not essential for rountine
inside the anaerobic jar. To verify the anaerobic conditions diagnostic procedures. Gas liquid chromatography (GLC)
in the jar, reduced methylene blue indicator is generally is also useful to identify anaerobes in specimens.
used for this purpose. This indicator remains colourless
anaerobically but turns blue on exposure to oxygen.
O ther anaerobic media, such as cooked meat broth VII. TREATMENT
(CMB) and thioglycollate broth, may also be used for Besides antibiotic therapy, most anaerobic infections
incoculating the specimens. For more details about the also require surgical intervention. Penicillin is effective
anaerobic jar, and the CMB, refer to Chapter 6. Specimens against most anaerobes except B. fragilis. Tetracycline and
should also be put up for growth of aerobic bacteria as chloramphenicol are also used. Clindamycin is effective,
in most anaerobic infections aerobic bacteria are also but is not commonly used because it is prone to cause
involved. pseudomembranous colitis. Metronidazole is the drug
D efinitive identification of the anaerobes depends of choice. It is also useful as a prophylactic measure in
on colony morphology and various biochemical tests. It large bowel surgery.
1. Non-sporing anaerobes form commensal flora of man and animals in mouth, oropharynx, gastrointestinal tract and
genital tracts. Some of these anaerobic bacteria act as opportunistic pathogens when body resistance is lowered. These
are particularly likely to set up infections where there is damaged and necrotic tissue.
2. Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus and Veillonella are some examples of nonsporing anaerobic cocci.
3. Bacteroides, Prevotella, Porphyromonas and Fusobacterium are some examples of nonsporing anaerobic bacilli.
4. Anaerobic bacteria can be grown on blood agar under anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic jar is generally used for
producing anaerobiosis. Cooked meat broth (CMB) may also be used to grow these bacteria.
1. Classify non-sporing anaerobes. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by non-sporing anaerobes.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Anaerobic cocci (b) Bacteroides (c) Propionibacterium.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b)
I. Classification
II. Escherichia coli
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Antigenic Structure
E. Antigenic Typing F. Resistance
G. Toxins H. Pathogenesis
I. Laboratory Diagnosis
Ill. Edwardsiella
IV. Citrobacter
V. Klebsiella
A. Classification B. Morphology
C. Culture D. Biochemical Reactions
E. Antigenic Structure F. Methods of Typing
G. Pathogenesis H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Treatment
VI. Enterobacter
VII. Hafnia
VIII. Serratia
IX. Proteus, Morganella, Providencia
A. Classification B. Proteus
C. Morganella D. Providencia
E. Laboratory Diagnosis of Morganella
and Providencia
Members of the family Enterobacteriaceae are aerobic catalase positive except Sh. dyseneriae type 1 which is
and facultative anaerobic Gram negative enteric bacilli. catalase negative. They are non-capsulated and non-
They are motile by peritrichous flagella or are non-motile. sporing. Their natural habitat is usually the intestinal
They grow readily on ordinary media, ferment glucose
tract of man and animals. Some species are commensals
with production of acid or acid and gas, reduce nitrates
to nitrites, oxidase negative except. Pleiomonas sp. and and some are pathogenic for humans.
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244 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
I. CLASSIFICATION tribe consists of one or more genera and each genus has
The classification of Enterobacteriaceae has been one or more subgenera and species.
controversial. There has been successive changes in the Tribe Ge11us
nomenclature. The oldest method was to classify these Escherichiae Escherichia, Shigella
bacteria on the basis of their action on lactose i.e. lactose Edwardsielleae Edwardsiella
fermenters, late lactose fermenters and non-lactose
Salmonelleae Salmonella
fermenters. The lactose fermenting property is observed
Citrobactereae Citrobacter
on a medium (MacConkey's agar) containing lactose
Klebsielleae Klebsiella, Entrobacter, Hafnia,
and neutral red. The organisms fermenting lactose form
Pantoea, Serratia
acid and in acidic pH, neutral red (indicator) becomes
Proteeae Proteus, Morganella, Providencia
red in colour, therefore, the bacterial colonies are red
Yersinieae Yersnia
or pink and those of non-lactose-fermenting bacteria
are pale. The major intestinal pathogens (Salmonella, The species are further classified into biotypes,
Shigella) are non-lactose fermenters. The ma_i ority of serotypes, bacteriophage types and colicin types.
the commensal intestinal bacilli are lactose fermenting The differentiating features of various genera of
and the most common member is the 'colon bacillus' en tero bactriaceae are shown in Table 31.1.
or Escherichia coli. All lactose fermenting enteric bacilli
(Escherichia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Citrobacter) II. ESCHERICHIA COLI
were called coliform bacilli. The heterogenous group The genus is named after Escherich who first isolated the
of late lactose fermenters was called paracolon bacilli. bacillus under the name Bacterium coli commune (1885).
Although classification based on lactose fermentation is Esch. coli is the type species of the genus Escherichia.
not acceptable yet this had a practical value in diagnostic Unlike other coliforms, Esch. coli is a parasite inhabiting
bacteriology to differentiate members of enteroba- only in the human or animal intestine.
Three widely used classification of Enterobacteriac eae A. Morphology
(Bergey's manual; Kauffmann; Edwards-Ewing) have Esch. coli is a Gram negative bacillus measuring 1- 3 µm
certain differences but the basic approach is the same. x 0.4-0.7 µm. Most strains are motile by peritrichate
The family is first classified into group or tribe. Each flagella. It is non-sporing and non-capsulated.
:.e =
a., OS
. =on
·;;; =
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·;: ,e OS a.,
·;;; ,.Q Q,l a.,
Properties Q,l ,.Q 0
e OS ,e
-= :.e
-= on ·s:
OS .§ a.,
u OS
00 ::;a
Gas in glucose + + + + + + V + + V
Acid from lactose + + + +
Motility + + + + + + + + +
Indole + + V V V + +
Urease + V + + V
PPA test + + +
Citrate + + + + + V V V
H 2S + + + +
Lysine decarboxylase + + + V V +
V, Variable
Important exceptions:
I. S. typhi does not produce gas from sugars.
2. Sh. sonnei is late lactose fermenter.
3. S. typhi, S. paratyphi A and some other species of salmonella are citrate negative.
also composed of A and B subunits. VT production is faecal flora spreading to the perineum and from there
found to be phage encoded in several Esch. coli strains. they ascend into the bladder.
Besides VTl and VT2, there is another toxin named The other commonly encountered bacteria in UTI
VT2v which is human and porcine variants. VT2v toxin are Klebsiella, Proteus, Citrobacter and those which
differs from VTl and VT2 in that it is not cytotoxic to rarely produce UTI are salmonellae, edwardsiellae and
Hela cells and is not phage encoded (Table 31.3). Enterobacter. The Gram positive organisms that can
cause UTI include Staph. aureus, coagulase negative
Table 31.3 Differentiating features of verocytotoxins staphylococci, Str. faecalis, Str. pyogenes, Str. milleri, Str.
VTl VT2 VT2v* agalactiae, other streptococci and anaerobic streptococci.
Synonym SLTI SLT2 SLT2v Rarely Gardnerella vagina/is may cause UTI. Among
fungal causes, Candida albicans may cause UTI in
Vero cells + + +
Hela cells + + immunocompromised patients. The hospital-associated
Phage encoded + + infection following instrumentation, catheterization and
*Human and porcine variants. other procedures, is mostly caused by Pseudomonas and
H. Pathogenesis
Esch. coli forms a part of normal intestinal flora of 2. Diarrhoea
man and animal. There are four major types of clinical Esch. coli causing diarrhoeal diseases are of five groups.
syndromes which are caused by Esch. coli: (1) urinary They produce diarrhoea with different pathogenic
tract infection (2) diarrhoea (3) pyogenic infections, and mechanisms.
(4) septicaemia.
Pathogenic Esch. coli strains are grouped into two (i) Enteropatlwgenic Esch. coli (EPEC)
categories, namely extraintestinal pathogenic Esch. They cause enteritis in infants, especially in tropical
coli (ExPEC) and intestinal or diarrhoeagenic Esch. countries. In past, several serious institutional outbreaks
coli. ExPEC contains two groups 'urinary pathogenic of diarrhoea had occurred in babies less than 18 months
Esch. coli' (UPEC) and meningitis/sepsis associated old. EPEC adhere tightly to enterocytes, leading to
Esch. coli (MNEC). UPEC strains are a major cause inflammatory reactions and epithelial degenerative
of community acquired urinary tract infections. MNEC changes. Common serogroups of EPEC are, 026, 055, 086,
strains cause neonatal meningitis. There are five groups 0111 , 0114, 0119, 0125, 0126, 0127, 0128 and 0142.
under diarrhoeagenic Esch. coli, namely EPEC, ETEC,
EIEC, EHEC and EAEC. These have been described (ii) Enterotoxigenic Esch. coli (ETEC)
under heading 'Diarrhoea'. These are the strains that form a heat- labile enterotoxin
(LT) or a heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) or both. They are
1. Urinary Tract Infection now known to be a major cause of diarrhoea in children
Esch. coli is the commonest organism responsible for in developing countries and are the most important cause
urinary tract infection (UTI). Most frequent O serotypes of travellers diarrhoea or turista. The name 'travellers'
of Esch. coli causing UTI include 01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 018 diarrhoea refers to diarrhoea in persons from the
and 075. These are also named as nephritogenic strains. developed countries within a few days of their visit to one
Special nephropathogenic potential of these strains of the developing countries. ETEC sometimes causes a
appears to be due to following factors : diarrhoea similar to that produced by Vibrio cholerae.
(i) Polysaccharides of O and K-antigens protect the ETEC also possess colonisation factors which promote
organism from the bactericidal effects of complement their virulence by adhering the organisms to the epithelium
and phagocytes. Strains possessing Kl or K5 antigen of the small intestine. These colonisation factors may be
appear to be more virulent. pili or special type of protein K antigens. Most strains of
(ii) Fimbriae mediate the adherence of the organism to ETEC belong to the serogroups : 06, 08, 015, 025, 027,
uro-epithelial cells. The receptor to which it attaches, 063, 078, 0115, 0148, 0153, 0159 and 0167.
is believed to be a part of the P blood group antigen The identification of ETEC strains only depends on
and therefore it is termed as P fimbriae. the demonstration of toxins. The methods available for
Esch. coli that causes UTI often originates in the the detection of the toxins are listed in Table 31.4. There
intestine of the patient. Route of infection to reach is no biochemical markers available to differentiate ETEC
urinary tract is either the ascending route or the strains from other Esch. coli. In ELISA test, plates are
haematogenous route. The ascending route is through coated with ganglioside GM 1 which is used to capture
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248 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
In vivo tests
Ligated rabbit ilea! loop
Reading at 6 hours ± +
Reading at 18 hours +
Infant rabbit bowel + +
Infact mouse intragastric test +
(fluid accumulation)
Adult rabbit skin for vascular permeability factor +
In vitro tests
Steroid production in YI mouse adrenal cell culture +
Changes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells +
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) + +•
Biken test +
• ST ELISA with monoclonal antibodies
LT if present in the specimen. This bound LT is detected EIEC outbreaks have been mistaken for shigellosis.
by adding toxin (LT) specific rabbit antibodies.
(iv) Enterohaemorrhagic Esch. coli (EHEC) or
Biken test Verocytotoxin producing Esch. coli (VTEC)
It is a precipitin test to detect LT directly on bacterial These strains cause haemorrhagic colitis (HC) and
colonies. Bacteria are grown on a special agar medium haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). It is most common
containing rabbit antibodies specific for LT. As bacteria in infants and young children but can occur in all ages.
grow and secrete LT, this toxin binds to the anti-LT It is characterised by marked haemorrhage but fever is
antibodies to form a precipitin line. not always present. Toxin responsible is called 'Verotoxin'
because of its effect on vero cells in culture. These strains
(iii) Enteroinvasiv e Esch. coli (EIEC) belong to serogroup 0157.
Some strains of Esch. coli invade the intestinal epithelial
cells as do dysentery bacilli and produce disease identical to (v) Enteroaggrega tive Esch. coli (EAEC)
shigella dysentery. These have been named enteroinvasive These strains are so named because they appear aggregated
Esch. coli (EIEC). They belong to serogroups: 028, 0112, in a 'stacked brick' formation on HEP- 2 cells or glass.
0124, 0136, 0143, 0144, 0152 and 0164. On instillation into Most of the strains are O-untypable, but many are
the eyes of guinea pigs, EIEC cause keratoconjunctivitis, H-typable. They form a heat stable enterotoxin called
this diagnostic test for EIEC is called Sereny test. Another enteroaggregative heat stable enterotoxin- 1 ( EAST 1).
diagnostic method is the invasion of HeLa or HEp-2
cells in tissue culture. This ability to penetrate cells is 3. Pyogenic Infections
determined by a large plasmid. The plasmid codes for Esch. coli may cause wound infection, peritomt1s,
outer membrane antigens called the virulence marker cholecystitis and neonatal meningitis. It is an important
antigens (VMA) which can be detected by ELISA test. cause of neonatal meningitis.
Recently DNA probes have become available to screen
faeces specimens for EIEC. 4. Septicaemia
EIEC strains are often atypical in biochemical Esch. coli is a very common cause of septicaemia in
reactions such as these may be late lactose fermenter many hospitals and leads to fever, hypotension and ·
or non-lactose fermenter and anaerogenic. These also disseminated intravascular coagulation (endotoxic shock).
resemble antigenically to shigellae. Because of their This condition usually occurs in debilitated patients and
biochemical and antigenic similarity to shigellae, many mortality is very high.
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Ch 31: Enterobacteriaceae _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ 249
VTEC can be detected by its cytotoxic effect on only species of the genus and the term tarda refers to
Vero and HeLa cells, enterotoxin effect in rabbit ileal slow or weak fermentation of sugars by this bacteria.
loop and its lethality in mouse. It can also be detected It is a motile, Gram negative bacillus, non-capsulated
by DNA probes for the genes encoding VTl and VT2. and ferments only glucose and maltose. It forms indole
PCR with VT specific primers has also been used to and H2S, utilises citrate and decarboxylates lysine and
detect VTEC. ornithine.
The demonstration of EIEC is more difficult. E. tarda is normal intestinal inhabitant of cold
It can be detected by sereny test. Simpler tests using blooded animals. It has been recovered occasionally from
HeLa cells or HEp2 cells have now been standardised. the faeces of healthy persons. It is an occasional cause of
Monolayers of these cells are exposed to suspension of wound infection in man. However, its role in causation
organisms. After an appropriate infection period, cells are of diarrhoea, meningitis has yet to be established.
examined microscopically for the presence of intracellular
EAEC can be detected on HEp-2 cells which are These motile, Gram negative, citrate positive bacilli
exposed to Esch. coli strains and 'allowed' to adhere to are normal inhabitants of intestine. They grow well on
these cell monolayers in-vitro. The pattern of adhesion ordinary media producing smooth convex colonies, 2-4
is observed by microscopy of these exposed cells. mm in diameter. On MacConkey agar, they form pale
An aggregative adhesion gene probe has also been colonies. They ferment lactose late or not at all. They
used as a rapid means of screening these strains. are indole positive or negative, MR positive, VP negative,
For more details on diarrhoeal diseases, refer to urease weak positive and do not decarboxylate lysine but
Chapter 70. most strains decarboxylate ornithine.
Citrobacter has three species. C. freundii, C. koseri
PYOGENIC INFECTIONS ( C. diversus) and C. amalonaticus. C. freundii gives typical
The specimens are usually pus and wound swab. Cultures reaction with production of H2S whereas C. amalonaticus
are made on MacConkey's agar and the isolate is identified does not form H 2S.
by colony morphology, staining, motility and biochemical Some strains (Ballerup-Bethesda group) exhibits
reactions. extensive antigenic sharing with salmonellae and may
lead to confusion in diagnostic laboratory. Vi antigen of
SEPTICAEMIA Bhatnagar strain of citrobacter is serologically identical
Diagnosis depends on the isolation of the organism by with the Vi antigen of S. typhi, and S. paratyphi C.
blood culture and its identification by colony morphology, However, these citrobacter strains can be distinguished
staining, motility and biochemical reactions. from salmonellae by their negative lysine decarboxylase
and positive KCN reactions.
Alkalescens-Dispar Group Citrobacter may cause urinary tract, gallbladder and
A group of non-motile bacilli associated with dysentery middle ear infections. C. koseri may occasionally cause
were called the Alkalescens- Dispar (AD) group. They neonatal meningitis.
were believed to be related to Shigella. These are lactose
fermenting (similar to Sh. sonnei) but are indole positive. V. KLEBSIELLA
Antigens of AD group appear to be identical with those The genus Klebsiella consists of Gram negative, capsulated,
of Esch. coli. The AD group is now considered as non- non-sporing, non-motile bacilli that grow well on ordinary
motile anaerogenic Esch. coli EIEC. It is now named as media, produce pink mucoid colonies on MacConkey's
Esch. coli inactive. agar. They are widely distributed in nature, occurring as
commensals in human and animal intestines and also as
E., e ·c11fo lber~ll saprophytes in soil.
It is a new species and has been associated with diarrhoeal
diseases in Bangladeshi children. It ferments mannitol but A. Classification
is indole negative. It was previously classified as Shigella The classification of Klebsiella has undergone various
boydii serotype 13. modifications. They have been classified into K pneumoniae,
and K oxytoca (Table 31.5). K pneumoniae is further
III. EDWARDSIELLA subdivided into three subspecies, namely, pneumoniae,
Genus Edwardsiella is separated from Escherichia by ozaenae and rhinoscleromatis. Unlike other subspecies,
its ability to produce hydrogen sulphide. E. tarda is the K oxytoca is indole positive. A third species Klebsiella
granu/omatis has been included. This was previously 2. Somatic (0) Antigen
known as Calymmatobacterium granulomatis. It causes Klebsiellae contain five (01-05) different somatic or 0
donovanosis and has been described in Chapter 48. antigens in various combinations. Four of these (01 , 03 ,
04 and 05) are identical or closely related to O antigens
B. Morphology of Esch. coli.
These are short, plump, Gram negative, capsulated, non-
motile bacilli. They are about 1- 2 µm x 0.5-0.8 µmin size. F. Methods of Typing
Phage typing, biotyping, bacteriocin (klebocin or
C. Culture pneumocin) typing and resistotyping have been tried.
Klebsiellae grow well on ordinary media at optimum Many Klebsiella strains produce bacteriocins known as
temperature of 37°C in 18- 24 hours. On MacConkey's klebocins or pneumocins which show a narrow range of
agar, the colonies appear large, mucoid and pink to red activity on other Klebsiella strains. Klebocin typing can be
in colour. Mucoid nature of colonies is due to capsular done by the help of liquid preparations of bacteriocins.
material produced by the organism. Klebocin typing and capsular serotyping together may
be very useful for epidemiological studies.
D. Biochemical Reactions
They ferment sugars (glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol)
with production of acid and gas. They are urease positive, G. Pathogenesis
indole negative, MR negative, VP positive and citrate K pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae is the second most
positive (IMViC - - ++ ). These reactions are typical of populous member next to Esch. coli of aerobic bacterial
K pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae. flora of intestine of humans. It is responsible for severe
bronchopneumonia, urinary tract infections, nosocomial
Glucose Lactose Mannitol Sucrose infections, wound infections, septicaemia, meningitis and
AG + + + rarely diarrhoea. Klebsiella pneumonia is a serious disease
Indole Urease Citrate MR VP with high case fatality. Positive blood cultures can be
+ + +
obtained in about 25 per cent cases of pneumonia. It is
very important pathogen causing nosocornial infections of
E. Antigenic Structure the lower respiratory tract. Some strains of K pneumoniae
1. Capsular (K) Antigen isolated from cases of diarrhoea produce an enterotoxin
On the basis of capsular (K) antigens, the klebsiellae have similar to the heat-stable toxin of Esch. coli.
been classified into 80 (1 - 80) serotypes. Identification of K pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae has been associated
these capsular antigens is usually done by capsular swelling with atrophic rhinitis, a condition known as ozaena. K.
reaction with capsular antiserum. Serotypes 1- 6 are found pneumoniae subsp. rhinoscleromatis causes a granulomatous
most frequently in human respiratory tract infection. disease of the nose and pharynx called rhinoscleroma.
1. Members of family Enterobacteriaceae are aerobic and facultative anaerobic Gram negative enteric bacilli. They
are motile by peritrichous flagella or are non-motile. They grow readily on ordinary media, ferment glucose with
production of acid or acid and gas, reduce nitrates to nitrites, oxidase negative and catalase positive except Sh.
dysenteriae type I which is catalase negative.
2. Some important genera of family Enterobacteriaceae include Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Proteus,
M organella and Providencia.
3. Escherichia coli forms pink colonies (lactose fermenter colonies) on MacConkey's medium. It ferments most of the
sugars (glucose, lactose, mannitol, maltose) with production of acid and gas. Typical strains do not ferment sucrose.
Indole and methyl red (MR) reactions are positive but Voges-Proskauer (VP) and citrate utilisation tests are negative
(IMVIC ++- ).
4. Toxins produced by Esch. coli include enterotoxins, haemolysin and verocytotoxin.
5. Enterotoxigenic strains of Esch. coli (ETEC) produce one or both of two enterotoxins, a heat-labile toxin (LT) and
a heat-stable toxin (ST).
6. Urinary tract infection, diarrhoea, pyogenic infections and septicaemia are the diseases caused by Esch. coli.
7. Midstream urine specimen (MSU) is collected for diagnosis of urinary tract infection.
8. Esch. coli causing diarrhoeal diseases are of five types namely Enteropathogenic Esch. coli (EP EC), Enterotoxigenic
Esch coli (ETEC), Enteroinvasive Esch. coli (EIEC), Enterohaemorrhagic Esch. coli (EHEC) or Verocytotoxin producing
Esch. coli (VTEC) and Enteroaggregative Esch. coli (EAEC).
9. Klebsiella is a short, plump, Gram negative, capsulated, non-motile bacillus. It forms large, mucoid, pink to red
colonies (lactose fermenter colonies) on MacConkey's agar. It ferments sugars (glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol)
with production of acid and gas. It is urease positive, indole negative, MR negative, VP positive and citrate positive
(/MVIC - - + +).
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infections caused by Esch. coli.
2. Describe in detail the laboratory diagnosis of diarrhoea caused by Esch. coli.
3. Write short notes on:
(a) Antigenic structure of Esch. coli
(b) Enterotoxins of Esch. coli
(c) Verocytotoxin of Esch. coli.
4. Describe the various mechanisms by which Esch. coli produces diarrhoea.
5. Write briefly about:
(a) Citrobacter (b) Klebsiella pneumoniae
(c) Enterobacter (d) Serratia.
6. Write short notes on:
(a) Classification of tribe Proteeae (b) Dienes phenomenon
(c) Genus Morganella (d) Genus Providencia.
13. Which of the following genera are included in the tribe Proteeae of family Enterobacteriaceae?
(a) Proteus (b) Morganella (c) Providencia (d) All of the above
14. Which of the following has/have positive phenyl pyruvic acid test (PPA test)?
(a) Proteus (b) Morganella (c) Providencia (d) All of the above
culture media?
15. Which of the following methods can be used to inhibit swarming of Proteus strains on solid
(a) Increasing the concentrat ion of agar in the medium
(b) Incorporat ion of chloral hydrate in the medium
(c) Incorpora tion of boric acid in the medium
(d) All of the above
16. Dienes phenomen on is useful to find out the identity or non-identi ty of two strains of:
(a) Proteus (b) Escherichia coli (c) Citrobacter (d) Shigella
17. Which of the following Proteus strains is/are used in Weil-Felix reaction?
(a) Proteus vulgaris OX2 (b) Proteus vulgaris OX19
~M~ ~ili~
18. All of the following are urease test positive except:
(a) Proteus vulgaris (b) Proteus mirabilis (c) Helicobacter pylori (d) Escherichia coli
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d)
17. (d) 18. (d)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (a)
____ ____
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Resistance D. Antigenic Structure
E. Classification F. Toxins
G. Bacteriophage and Colicin Typing H. Pathogenesis
I. Laboratory Diagnosis J. Treatment
K. Prevention and Control
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258 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
Sh. dysenteriae d 15
Sh. fiexneri A d 6+2 variants
Sh. boydii A d d 19
Sh. sonnei A* A A* + One
A- Acid; d- Variable; *- Late fermenter
faeces. Colonies of Shigel/a appear green with colour subgroup A (mannitol negative) from subgroups B, C,
fading to the periphery. Salmonella colonies are blue- and D (all of them are mannitol positive) (Table 32.1).
green typically with black centres. This medium contains
bile salts, lactose, sucrose, sodium thiosulphate, ferric 1. Subgroup A (Sh. dysenteriae)
ammonium citrate, acid fuchsin and thymol blue. The high It is divided into 15 serotypes. Serotype 1 is the bacillus
bile salt concentration inhibits Gram-positive bacteria and originally described by Shiga (Sh. shigae). It is the only
many coliforms. Sodium thiosulphate is a sulphur source member of the family that is always catalase negative.
and H 2 S gas is detected by ferric ammonium citrate. Serotype 2 is also known as Sh. schmitzi. It forms indole
in contrast to type 1 which is indole negative. Serotype
Enrichment medium 3- 7 used to be known as Large- Sachs group after the
Selenite F broth: Sodium selenite in this medium inhibits name of Large and Sachs who described these serotypes
coliform bacilli while permitting salmonellae and shigellae in India.
to grow. It is recommended for the isolation of these
organisms from faeces. 2. Subgroup B (Sh. flexneri)
Gram-Negative (GN) broth: Most strains of Shigella and This subgroup is named after Flexner, who first isolated
Salmonella species grow in this medium. It is very useful Sh. fiexneri in Philippines (1900). It is antigenically the
enrichment medium for the isolation of these organisms most complex among shigellae. They have been classified
from faeces. into six serotypes (1-6) based on specific antigens. Each of
these is further divided into subtypes (e.g. la and lb). In
C. Resistance addition to six serotypes, two antigenic 'variants' (X and Y)
Shigellae are killed at 56°C in one hour and by 1% are recognised, which do not possess type specific antigens.
phenol in 30 minutes. They remain viable in water and Serotype 6 occurs in three biotypes, some of which
ice for 1 to 6 months. Boiling or chlorination of water form gas from sugars (Table 32.2). Gas formation is
and pasteurisation of milk are effective and destroy the an important characteristic as all other Shigellae are
bacilli. anaerogemc.
4. Subgroup D (Sh. sonnei) host of shigellae. The minimum infective dose is as few as
Sonne described Sh. sonnei in Denmark (1915). It is 10-100 bacilli. Sh. dysenteriae type 1 causes most severe
indole negative but ferments lactose and sucrose late. It is form of dysentery usually associated with toxaemia.
antigenically homogeneous but may occur in two forms- The infection due to Sh. fiexneri and Sh. boydii are less
Phase I and Phase II. Sh. sonnei has been classified into severe and prevalent in tropical countries including India.
many colicin types. It causes the mildest form of bacillary Sh. sonnei causes the mildest form of the disease and is
dysentery. In many cases, the disease may occur as a common in Western countries like Britain. It is more
mild diarrhoea. Sh. sonnei infection is the most common frequently seen in children.
shigellosis in advanced countries. The incubation period of the disease is usually less
than 48 hours but varies between 1- 7 days. Mode of
F. Toxins infection is by ingestion of contaminated food .
1. Endotoxin The food or drink is contaminated by faeces of cases
All shigellae release endotoxin after autolysis. Endotoxin or of carriers. The organisms infect the epithelial cells of
has irritating effect on intestinal wall which causes the terminal ileum and colon and multiply inside them.
diarrhoea and subsequently intestinal ulcers. The distal parts of the colon are severely affected. Then
they spread laterally into adjacent cells as well as to lamina
2. Exotoxin properia. Inflammatory reaction develops and there is
Sh. dysenteriae type 1 produces a powerful exotoxin. It acts necrosis of surface epithelial cells. The necrotic epithelia
as enterotoxin and as well as neurotoxin. As enterotoxin, become soft and friable and are sloughed out leaving
it induces fluid accumulation, and as neurotoxin it behind transverse superficial ulcers. The organisms tend
damages the endothelial cells of small blood vessels of to remain localised in the gut wall and usually do not lead
the central nervous system which results in polyneuritis, to bacteraemia. Invasive property of Shigella is related to
coma and meningism. The exotoxin is not primarily a the presence in the bacillus of large plasmids coding for
neurotoxin. outer membrane proteins which are responsible for cell
penetration. These proteins are named virulence markers
3. Verocytotoxin (VT) antigens (VMA). VMA can be detected by ELISA. The
Sh. dysenteriae type 1 also produces a cytotoxin which invasive property can be demonstrated by its ability to
acts on Vero cells and is named verocytotoxin or VT. penetrate HeLa or Hep-2 cells.
Two verocytotoxins, VTl and VT2 are recognised. VTl is Sh. dysenteriae type 1 causes toxaemia due to
identical to exotoxin produced by Sh. dysenteriae type 1. production of exotoxin. The toxin causes accumulation
VTl comprises two subunits- A and B. Subunit B binds of fluid leading to severe diarrhoea (enterotoxic action)
the cytotoxin to cells while subunit A inhibits protein and may cause complications like polyneuritis, arthritis,
synthesis. Genes coding for VT production are located in conjunctivitis and parotitis. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
the chromosome. VTl , VT2 or both are also produced by may occur as a rare complication in severe cases. The
certain strains of enterohaemorrhagic Esch. coli causing severity of the disease varies from acute fulminating
haemorrhagic colitis. dysentery to mild diarrhoea. The term shigellosis has
been employed to include the whole spectrum of the
G. Bacteriophage and Colicin Typing disease caused by shigellae. In India, Sh. fiexneri (50- 85%)
The determination of serotype within subgroup A, B is the most common isolate followed by Sh. dysenteriae
and C is sufficient for epidemiological study and further (8- 25%), Sh. sonnei (2- 24%) and Sh. boydii (0-8%).
subdivision is not necessary. However, each serotype of Several localised outbreaks of Sh. dysenteriae type 1
Sh. fiexneri is further subdivided into 123 phage types were observed in India from 1974, followed by extensive
by bacteriophage typing. epidemics in various states. These epidemic strains showed
Sh. sonnei consists of a single serotype which can multiple drug resistance.
be further subtyped either by phage typing or by colicin
typing. Phage typing being cumbersome, therefore, colicin I. Laboratory Diagnosis
typing has been adopted by most centres. Sh. sonnei Diagnosis depends upon isolating the bacillus from
strains are classified into 26 colicin types and each type faeces.
is characterised by the production of a specific colicin. 1. Specimens
Fresh stool is collected. Rectal swabs are not satisfactory.
H. Pathogenesis The ideal specimen is a direct swab of an ulcer taken
Shigellae cause bacillary dysentery. Man is the only natural under sigmoidoscopic examination.
1. The organisms of genus Shigella cause bacillary dysentery in man. They are short, Gram negative, non-motile
2. Shigella has four species i.e. Sh. dysenteriae, Sh. flexneri, Sh. boydii and Sh. sonnei.
3. They form colourless colonies (Non-lactose fermenting- NLF colonies) on MacConkey's agar. Exception is Shigella
sonnei which forms pink colonies due to late lactose fermentation.
4. Sh. dysenteriae type 1 produces a powerful exotoxin which acts as enterotoxin and as well as neurotoxin. It also
produces a cytotoxin which acts on Vero cells and is named Verocytotoxin or VT.
5. The term shigellosis has been employed to include the whole spectrum of the disease caused by shigellae.
6. Uncomplicated shigellosis is a self limiting condition that usually recovers spontaneously.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of dysentery caused by shigella.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Classification of shigella (b) Colicin typing.
Answers (MCQs}:
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d)
I. Salmonella
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Antigenic Variation
G. Classification H. Kauffmann-White Scheme
I. Toxin J. Pathogenesis
K. Epidemiology L. Laboratory Diagnosis
M. Bacteriophage Typing N. Biotyping
0. Plasmid Typing P. Treatment
Q. Drug Resistance R. Prophylaxis
II. Salmonella Gastroenteritis
A. Source of Infection B. Clinical Features
C. Laboratory Diagnosis D. Control
E. Treatment
Ill. Salmonella Septicaemia
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Ch 33: Salmonella _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 263
F. Antigenic Variation
The antigens of salmonellae undergo several types of
Fig. 33.2 Craigie's tube
phenotypic and genotypic variations.
Hence phase 2 is called the non-specific or group phase. 15. S. newington is further converted into S. minneapolis
Phase 1 antigens are designated as a, b, c, d etc. up to z (serotype, 3, 15, 34: e, h : 1,6) by phage 34. Such changes
and after z, as zl, z2, z3, up to zl4. Phase 2 antigens are are taking place in nature which might be responsible for
fewer and termed as 1, 2, 3, etc. In some species, antigens so many serotypes of salmonellae.
of phase 1 may occur as phase 2 antigens (e.g., e, n, x
and zl5). Strains that possess both phases are termed G. Classification
diphasic while some strains (S. typhi, S. enteritidis, S. The genus Salmonella is classified broadly into four
dub/in and S. paratyphi A) occur in phase 1 only and subgenera on the basis of biochemical reactions (Table
are called monophasic. 33.2) .
A culture will contain flagellar antigens of both
phases, but generally one of the two phases predominates Table 33.2 Classification of Salmonellae on the Basis of
so that the culture is agglutinated only by one of the phase Biochemical Properties
antisera. For identification of a serotype, it is necessary to Property Subgenera of Salmonella
identify the flagellar antigens of both phases. A culture
in one phase can be converted to the other phase by
passing the bacteria through a Craigie's tube containing Lactose +
the homologous phase antiserum incorporated in the agar Dulcitol + +
(Fig. 33.2) . Malonate + +
d- Tartrate +
3. V W Variation
Fresh isolates of S. typhi carry Vi antigen that completely Salicin +
masks the O antigen. These isolates are agglutinable with KCN +
Vi antiserum but not with the O antiserum. These are
called the V forms. Organisms lost their Vi antigen either Subgenus I is the largest and the most important
partially or completely after a number of subcultures. group containing all the species that are commonly
When there is a complete loss of Vi antigen, such responsible for human and animal infections. Other
cultures are agglutinable by O-antiserum but not with subgenera have little importance in human disease.
Vi antiserum. These are called W forms. With partial Subgenera II is common in reptiles and subgenera III in
loss of Vi antigen, the bacilli are agglutinable with both lizards. Subgenera IV strains are rarely encountered and
Vi and O antisera and are called VW forms. are considered as atypical members of subgenera II. The
Other Vi containing bacilli (S. paratyphi C and S. bacilli of subgenera III, formerly designated as Arizona
dub/in) seldom have the O antigen completely masked and later included in the genus salmonella because of
by Vi antigen. their antigenic similarity. About 60 per cent of them
ferment lactose promptly.
4. S R Variation Modern taxonomical techniques have shown that all
The smooth-to-rough variations occur due to mutation the members of the genus Salmonellae belong to two
and are associated with the change in the colony species, S.enterica and S. bongori. S. enterica is classified
morphology from smooth to rough, loss of the O antigen into six subspecies namely enterica, salamae, arizonae,
and of virulence of the strain. The rough (R) variants diarizonae, houtenae and indica. Subspecies enterica
have defective capacity to synthesise somatic (0) antigen corresponds to former subgenus I. S. enterica subsp.
and loss of O antigen may be partial or total. R forms enterica includes the typhoid, parathypoid bacilli and
may be common in laboratory strains maintained by serial most other serotypes responsible for human diseases.
subcultures. S • R variation may be prevented to some According to this, the taxonomically correct name for the
extent by maintaining laboratory cultures on Dorset's egg typhoid bacillus would be 'Salmonella enterica, subspecies
media in cold or by lyophilisation. enterica, serotype 'Typhi.' Serotype name should be given
in Roman and not in italics. This classification and
5. Variations in O Antigen nomenclature is taxonomically correct but would be too
Changes in the structural formulae of O antigen may complicated for use in clinical bacteriology. Therefore,
be induced by lysogenisation with some bacteriophages, the old species names are still being used in clinical
resulting in the alteration of the bacterial serotypes. bacteriology.
Thus, S. anatum (serotype, 3,10: e, h : 1,6) is converted Salmonellae are classified serologically by the
into S. newing ton (serotype, 3, 15: e, h : 1,6) by phage Kauffmann-White scheme.
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266 - - -- - - - - - - - ~ ~- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
2 A S. paratyphi A I, 2, 12 a
4 B S. paratyphi B I, 4, 5, 12 b I, 2
S. typhimurium I, 4, 5, 12 1, 2
7 Cl S. paratyphi C 6, 7, (Vi) C 1, 5
S. cholerae- suis 6, 7 C I, 5
8 C2 S. muenchen 6, 8 d I, 2
S. newport 6, 8, 20 e, h 1, 2
Salmonellae multiply abundantly in the gall bladder diarrhoea. Salmonella food poisoning is of infective type
as bile is a good culture medium for the bacillus. These in which the organisms not only grow in the food before
bacteria are discharged continuously into the intestine ingestion but also in the intestine. Generally, there is no
involving the Peyer's patches and lymphoid follicles of bacteraemia.
the ileum. These become inflamed, necrosed and slough
off, leaving behind the typhoid ulcers. These ulcers may K. Epidemiology
lead to two major complications-intestinal perforation Enteric fever is endemic in all parts of India. Typhoid
and haemorrhage. During the course of the disease (3-4 fever is commoner than paratyphoid fever. S. paratyphi. A
weeks), the intestinal lesions undergo healing. is prevalent in India. S. paratyphi B is rare and C very
The clinical course may vary from a mild pyrexia rare. Enteric fever occurs at all ages but is probably most
to a fatal fulminating disease. The illness is usually common in the 5- 20 years age group.
gradual, with headache, anorexia and congestion of The faeces of carriers are important source of
mucous membranes. The characteristic features are contamination of food and drink rather than the frank
hepatosplenomegaly, step-ladder pyrexia with relative clinical cases. Sewage contaminated by a carrier is
bradycardia and leucopaenia. Skin rashes known as responsible for polluting drinking water. Food material
rose-spots may appear during the second or third week. gets contaminated via polluted water or by the hands of
The infecting organisms appear in stool during second carriers. Mary Mallon ('Typhoid Mary'), a cook in USA,
to third week and in urine during third to fourth week. was a famous carrier who caused several outbreaks over
'Rose spots' appear on the skin during the second or a period of 15 years.
third week.
L. Laboratory Diagnosis
(ii) Paratyphoid fever Bacteriological diagnosis of enteric fever consists of
Paratyphoid fever resembles typhoid fever but is milder. 1. Isolation of bacilli
S. paratyphi A, B and C cause paratyphoid fever. S. 2. Demonstration of antibodies
paratyphi C more often leads to a frank septicaemia with 3. Demonstration of circulating antigen
suppurative complications. 4. Other laboratory tests
Some other salmonellae have also been reported to
cause enteric fever occasionally. These include S. dub/in, 1. Isolation of Bacilli
S. barielly, S. sendai, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, S. This may be done by culture of specimens like blood,
eastbourne, S. saintpaul, S. oranienburg and S. panama. faeces, urine, aspirated duodenal fluid etc. Selection of
relevant specimen depends upon duration of illness which
2. Septicaemia is very important for the laboratory diagnosis of enteric
Salmonella septicaemia is commonly caused by S. fever (Table 33.4, Fig. 33.3).
cholerae-suis or S. paratyphi C and occasionally by
other salmonellae. Infection occurs through oral route. Table 33.4 Relevance of Examination of Different
There is early invasion of blood stream and it produces Specimens at Different Phases of Enteric Fever
local suppuration in different organs. It may cause Duration of disease Specimen examination % Positivity
osteomyelitis, pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, meningitis 1st Week Blood culture 90
or endocarditis.
2nd Week Blood culture 75
Faeces culture 50
3. Gastroenteritis Wida! test low titre
Salmonella gastroenteritis or food poisoning is caused by
3rd Week Wida! test 80- 100
ingestion of food like meat, milk, egg contaminated by
Blood culture 60
certain salmonellae which are primarily animal pathogens. Faeces culture 80
Eggs and egg products are of great concern. Salmonellae
can enter through the shell if eggs are left on faeces
or contaminated feed of chicken. S. typhimurium is the BLOOD CULTURE
most frequently isolated in food poisoning. The other Blood cultures are positive in approximately 90 per cent
common species responsible are S. enteritidis, S. newport, of cases in first week of fever, 75 per cent in the second
S. senftenberg, S. dub/in, S. heidelberg and S. indiana. week and 60 per cent in the third week. Positivity rate
The incubation period is 12 to 24 hours. The illness declines thereafter and blood cultures remain positive in
is characterised by fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and 25 per cent of cases till the subsidence of pyrexia.
It is an alternative to blood culture. 5 ml of blood is
C withdrawn aseptically into a sterile container and allowed
Q) 60 to clot. The serum is separated and used for the Wida!
_ig test. The clot is broken up with a sterile glass rod and
Q) added to bile broth containing streptokinase (100 units/
a.. 40 ml) which digests the clot causing its lysis and thereby
the bacteria are released from the clot. Serum used for
Widal test may be negative due to the early stage of the
disease but it may be useful as baseline titre against which
the results of tests performed later may be evaluated.
Salmonellae are shed in the faeces throughout the disease
Fig. 33.3 Bacteriological diagnosis in typhoid fever. The and even in convalescence, due to lesions present in
approximate percentage of positivity during different weeks of
disease A- Blood culture, B- Faeces culture C- Widal test. the intestine. Hence, faecal cultures may be helpful in
patients as well as for the detection of carriers. These are
10 ml of blood is collected by venepuncture under particularly valuable during antibiotic therapy when blood
aseptic conditions and transferred into blood culture culture shows no growth of organisms. The antibiotic
bottles (glucose broth and taurocholate broth). Before does not eliminate the bacilli from the gut as rapidly
transferring blood into blood culture bottles, caps of as it does from the blood. Faeces cultures are generally
these bottles should be thoroughly cleaned with spirit or positive after the second week of illness.
alcohol. Blood should be transferred through a hole in As normal flora is present in faeces, successful culture
a cap by inserting the needle of the syringe rather than will depend on use of enrichment and selective media.
opening the bottle, thus it avoids contamination from Faecal samples are inoculated into one tube each of
the external environment. selenite and tetrathionate broth (both enrichment media)
Blood contains substances that inhibit the growth and are also plated directly on MacConkey's agar, DCA,
of the bacilli and hence it is essential to dilute out these XLD and Wilson-Blair media. Salmonellae appear as
substances (5 ml blood into the 50 ml culture media, pale yellow (NLF) colonies on MacConkey's agar and
1:10 dilution). Alternative is addition of liquoid (sodium DCA media. On Wilson-Blair medium, S. typhi forms
polyanethol sulphonate) which counteracts the bactericidal large black colonies with a metallic sheen whereas S.
action of these substances. paratyphi A produces green colonies due to the absence
Both blood culture bottles are incubated at 37°C for of H 2 S production.
overnight. The glucose broth is subcultured on blood Enrichment media (selenite F and tetrathionate
agar and the taurocholate (bile) broth on MacConkey's broths) are incubated for 6-8 hours before subculture
agar. Taurocholate broth is inhibitory to Gram positive on to selective media such as MacConkey's agar and
bacteria, therefore, Gram negative bacilli are selected out. DCA. These selective media are then incubated at 37°C
Pale non-lactose fermenting (NLF) colonies appear on for overnight.
MacConkey's agar and are picked out for biochemical
reactions and motility. Salmonellae will be Gram
negative, motile bacilli and fermenting glucose, mannitol URINE CULTURE
but not lactose or sucrose. S. typhi will be anaerogenic Urine culture is less frequently positive than the culture
but paratyphoid bacilli will form acid and gas from of blood or faeces. Cultures are generally positive only
carbohydrates (sugars). Final identification of the isolate in the second and third weeks. After third week, only
is by slide agglutination with O and H antisera. about 25 per cent cases may be positive. Repeated cultures
If salmonellae are not obtained from the first improve the chances of isolation.
subculture from taurocholate broth, subcultures should Urine samples are centrifuged and the deposit 1s
be done every other day up to ten days before declaring inoculated into enrichment and selective media.
of saline and mixed with 20 times its volume of absolute • Fimbrial antigens: Bacterial suspensions used as
alcohol. It is then heated in a water bath at 40°C- 50°C antigens may contain fimbrial antigen which may
for 30 minutes, centrifuged and the deposit resuspended produce false positive results.
in saline to the appropriate density. Chloroform is then • Effect of treatment: Cases treated early with
added as a preservative. chloramphenicol may show a poor antibody
S. typhi 901 , 0 and H strains, are used for preparation response; if the antibody is already present, no
of antigens. Each batch of prepared antigen should be further rise in titre is expected.
compared with a standard. Wida! kits of stained antigens • Carriers: Test may be positive in many healthy
are available commercially. carriers.
The highest dilution (titre) of patient's serum in which OTHER SEROLOGICAL TESTS
agglutination occurs is noted i.e. if the dilution is 1 in ELISA is a sensitive method of measuring antibody
160, the titre is 160. against the lipopolysaccharide of salmonellae. Indirect
haemagglutination test and CIEP are other serological
Interpretation of widal test methods of diagnosis.
(a) The agglutinin (antibody) titre depends on the stage Detection of porins, the outer membrane proteins of
of the disease. Agglutinins usually start appearing in S. typhi, by ELISA method is useful for early serodiagnosis
the serum by the end of the first week, so that blood of typhoid fever.
specimen taken earlier than first week may give a
negative result. The titre rises steadily till the third
or fourth week after which it declines. 3. Demonstration of Circulating Antigen
(b) Rising titre: Demonstration of a four-fold or greater Typhoid bacilli antigens are present in the blood in
rise in titre of both H and O antibodies at an interval the early phase of the disease, and also in the urine of
of 7- 10 days is more meaningful and diagnostic than patients. The antigen can be detected by coagglutination
a single test. test. Staph. aureus (Cowan I strain) containing protein A,
(c) Single test: 0 titre of 1:100 or more and H titre of is first stabilised with formaldehyde and then coated with
1:200 or more signifies presence of active infection, S. typhi antibody. These sensitised staphylococcal cells
but that has to be interpreted with caution considering (I % suspension) are mixed on slide with patient serum.
the following factors: The typhoid antigen present in the serum combines with
• Local titre: In endemic area, low titre of agglutinins the antibody coated on staphylococci producing visible
is present in the serum of normal persons. This agglutination within two minutes. The test is rapid,
normal titre differs from place to place. Local titre sensitive and specific, but is positive only during the first
of that place should be known before interpreting week of the disease.
the results of a single test. Counterimmunoelectrophore sis (CIEP) and ELISA
• Immunisation: In immunisation with TAB vaccine, have also been employed to detect typhoid antigens in
individuals may show high titres of antibody to blood and urine.
S. typhi, S. paratyphi A and B, while in case of
infection, antibodies will be seen only against the 4. Other Laboratory Tests
infecting organism. (i) Total leucocyte count (TLC)
• H- agglutination: In non-immunised individuals, Leucopaenia with a relative lymphocytosis is found.
presence of H agglutinin in serum indicates enteric
fever or a latent infection. H agglutinin is more (ii) Diazo test in urine
reliable than O agglutinin as O antigen is common This test becomes positive generally between 5th and
in all the salmonellae. 14th day of fever and remains positive till the fever
• Anamnestic reaction: Persons who have had past subsides.
enteric infection or immunisation may develop
anamnestic reaction during unrelated fever like Procedure
malaria etc. In such cases, a transient rise in H Equal volumes of patient's urine and the diazo reagent
antibody occurs, whereas the rise is sustained are mixed and a few drops of 30% ammonium hydroxide
in enteric fever. This may be differentiated by are added. On shaking the mixture, a red or pink froth
repeating the widal test after a week. develops, if the test is positive.
many other parts of India. Resistance was originally been used as a live oral vaccine. These mutants initiate
confined to phage type Dl-N, but later to types C5, infection in the intestine but 'self- destructs' after four
A and 0. Resistance is due to a transmissible plasmid to five cell divisions and therefore cannot induce any
carrying r determinants to chloramphenicol, streptomycin, illness.
sulphonamide and tetracycline. Dose schedule: Three doses are given on alternate day.
Multiple drug resistant S. typhi is increasingly The oral vaccine (typhoral) is available in capsule form
being recognised in many countries and has become a containing 109 viable lyophilised mutant bacilli.
problem in India, too. R factors carrying multiple drug Protection: It gives 65- 96% protection for 3- 5 years
resistance have become widely disseminated among and is safe.
salmonellae. These may cause nosocomial salmonellosis
particularly in neonates as septicaemia, meningitis and (iii) Purified Vi polysaccharide vaccine (typhim-Vi)
suppurative lesions. In India, hospital outbreaks of It contains purified Vi antigen.
neonatal septicaemia caused by multiple drug resistant Dose schedule: It is injected intramuscularly in a single
salmonellae have occurred in recent years. Mortality in dose of 25 µg. The efficacy is about 75%.
neonates is very high unless early treatment is started
with antibiotics.
R. Prophylaxis Salmonella gastroenteritis or food poisoning is generally
1. General Measures a zoonotic disease, therefore the source of infection is
Typhoid fever can be effectively controlled by sanitary animal product. All salmonellae can cause the disease
measures for disposal of sewage, clean water supply and except S. typhi. A large number of salmonellae have
supervision of food processing and handling. Infected been identified from cases of gastroenteritis and food
meats and eggs should be thoroughly cooked. poisoning. S. typhimurium is the commonest species.
Other common species include S. enteritidis, S. heidelberg;
2. Carriers S. indiana, S. newport, S. haldar, S. agona, S. senftenberg,
Carriers should not be engaged in food preparation and S. virchow and S. anatum.
should observe strict personal hygiene.
A. Source of Infection
3. Vaccination The most important and frequent sources are poultry,
Vaccine is indicated for travellers or who live in endemic meat, milk, cream and eggs. It is due to ingestion of
areas. contaminated food. Food contamination may result
from droppings of small animals like rats or lizards.
(i) TAB vaccine Salmonellae can enter through the shell of egg and grow
It is heat-killed whole cell vaccine which contains inside. It happens when eggs are left on contaminated
S.typhi.1,000 millions, S. paratyphi A and B, 750 millions chicken feed or faeces. Human carriers do occur but their
each per ml and preserved in 0.5 per cent phenol. role is minimal. Cross infections in hospitals may lead
Dose schedule: The vaccine is given subcutaneously in to gastroenteritis without food poisoning.
two doses of 0.5 ml at an interval of 4--6 weeks followed
by booster every three years. B. Clinical Features
Protection: It varies from 3- 7 years with an efficacy It presents with diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain and
of 60- 80%. fever. It has a short incubation period of 24 hours or
Side Effects: Local discomfort and fever may occur less. Disease usually subsides in 2-4 days, but in some,
for one or two days. a prolonged enteritis develops.
In India, a divalent vaccine containing S. typhi and
S. paratyphi A are now in use. In Europe and USA, C. Laboratory Diagnosis
monovalent vaccine containing S. typhi is employed It depends on isolation of salmonellae from faeces and
as paratyphoid A and B infections are rare in these from food.
D. Control
(ii) Live oral (Ty 21a) typhoid vaccine It requires the prevention of food contamination. It may
Avirulent mutant strain of S. typhi (Ty 21a) lacking the be achieved by proper cooking of food and control of
enzyme UDP- galactose-4---epimerase (Gal E mutant) has natural infection in animals.
1. Salmonellae are Gram negative, motile bacilli. They grow on ordinary culture media. On MacConkey's agar and
deoxycholate citrate agar (DCA), colonies are colourless due to non-lactose fermentation (NLF).
2. On Wilson and Blair bismuth sulphide medium (selective medium for salmonellae), jet black colonies with metallic
sheen are formed due to formation of hydrogen sulphide. S. paratyphi A and other species which do not form H 2S
produce green colonies.
3. Xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar is another medium for isolation of this organism. Most strains of salmonellae
produce red colonies with black centres, when grown on this medium. H 2S negative serotypes of Salmonella produce
red colonies without black centres.
4. Selenite F broth and tetrathionate broth (TTB) are commonly used enrichment media for inoculation of specimens
especially faeces.
5. Salmonellae ferment glucose and mannitol forming acid and gas except S. typhi which produces only acid and no
6. Most salmonellae produce H 2S in triple sugar iron (TSI) agar except S. paratyphi A and S. cholerae-suis. They utilise
citrate except S. typhi and S. paratyphi A.
7. Salmonellae possess three types of antigens namely flagellar antigen 'H', somatic antigen 'O', and surface antigen
'Vi' (found in some species).
8. The antigens of salmonellae undergo several types of phenotypic and genotypic variations.
9. Modern taxonomical techniques have shown that all the members of the genus Salmonellae belong to two species
S. enterica and S. bongori. S. enterica is classified into six subspecies namely enterica, salamae, arizonae, diarizonae,
houtenae and indica .
10. Kauffmann-white scheme forms the basis of serotyping of salmonellae based on identification of O and H antigens
by agglutination.
11. Salmonellae cause three types of clinical syndrome in human beings, enteric fever, septicaemia and gastroenteritis.
12. The term enteric fever includes typhoid fever (S. typhi) and paratyphoid fever (S. paratyphi A, B, C). Infections due
to S. typhi and S. paratypi A are prevalent in India.
13. Salmonella septicaemia is commonly caused by S. cholerae-suis or S. paratyphi C and occasionally by other
14. S. typhimurium is the most frequently isolated in salmonella food poisoning. The other common species responsible
are S. enteritidis, S. newport, S. senftenberg, S. dub/in, S. heidelberg and S. indiana.
15. The faeces of carriers are important source of contamination of food and drink. Mary Mallon ('Typhoid Mary'), a
cook in USA, was a famous carrier who caused several outbreaks over a period of 15 years.
16. Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever consists of isolation of bacilli, demonstration of antibodies, and demonstration
of circulating antigen.
17. Isolation of bacilli may be done by culture of specimens like blood,faeces, urine, aspirated duodena/fluid etc. Selection
of relevant specimen depends upon duration of illness which is very important for laboratory diagnosis of enteric
18. Blood culture is very important specimen in first week of enteric fever.
19. Faeces culture may be helpful in diagnosis of enteric fever as well as for the detection of carriers.
20. Wida! test is an agglutination test for detection of antibodies in patients with enteric fever. Salmonella antibodies
start appearing in the serum at the end of first week.
21. Multiple drug resistant S. typhi is increasingly being recognised in many countries and has become a problem in
India too.
22. TAB vaccine is available for prophylaxis. It is heat killed whole cell vaccine which contains S. typhi 1,000 millions, S.
paratyphi A and B, 750 millions each per ml.
23. Live oral (Ty 21a) typhoid vaccine is another vaccine available.
1. Describe in detail the laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever.
2. Write briefly about:
(a) Vi-antigen (b) Clot culture
(c) Kauffmann-White scheme (d) Antigenic variations in Salmonella
(e) Wida! test (f) Salmonella septicaemia
(g) Salmonella gastroenteritis (h) Vaccination against enteric fever
Answers (MCQs):
I. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (d)
1I. (d) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d)
----+++- ---
I. Classification
II. Vibrio cholerae
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Toxins
G. Phage Typing H. Pathogenesis
I. Carrier State J. Epidemiology
K. Laboratory Diagnosis L. Treatment
M. Prophylaxis
Ill. Vibrio cholerae Non-01
IV. Halophilic Vibrios
A. Vibrio parahaemolyticus B. Vibrio alginolyticus
C. Vibrio vuln ificus
V. Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
A. Ae romonas B. Plesiomonas
Vibrios are Gram negative, oxidase positive, short, rigid, separate families, Aeromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae
curved rods that are actively motile by a polar flagellum. respectively. Vibrio species are susceptible to the compound
The name 'vibrio' is derived from the characteristic 0/129 (2, 4,-diarnino-6, 7 diisopropylpteridine phosphate)
vibratory motility of the bacilli ( Vibrare meaning to at strength of 150 µg , which differentiates them from
vibrate). The most important member of the genus is aeromonas species which is resistant.
Vibrio cholerae. It is the causative agent of cholera. It Genus Vibrio has about 33 species and the important
was first observed by Pacini (1854) and later on Koch pathogens of man include:
(1 883) isolated the bacillus from cholera patients.
1. Non-Halophilic Vibrios
I. CLASSIFICATION These vibrios may grow in media without salt (NaCl).
Vibrios are grouped under family Vibrionaceae which (i) V. cholerae: 01 classical and El Tor biotype
initially contained three genera, Vibrio, Aeromonas and (ii) Non 01 V. cholerae: Non-cholera vibrio (NCV) or
Plesiomonas; now a days family Vibrionaceae contains non-agglutinating vibrio (NAG) (For details refer
single genus Vibrio. Aeromonas and Plesiomonas belong to page 280)
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Ch 34: Vibrio - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 277
V. mimicus is a non-halophilic vibrio which is similar named Vibrio comma. S shaped or spiral forms may be
to V. cholerae except that it is sucrose negative. seen due to end to end attachment of two or more cells.
In old cultures, they are frequently pleomorphic.
2. Halophilic Vibrios In stained mucous flakes of cholera cases, the vibrios
They cannot grow in media without addition of salt are arranged in parallel rows, described by Koch as the
(NaCl). fish in stream appearance.
(i) V. parahaemolyticus
(ii) V. alginolyticus B. Culture
(iii) V. vulnificus V. cholerae is strongly aerobic, growth being scanty and
Heiberg (1934) classified vibrios on the basis of slow anaerobically. It grows within a temperature range of
fermentation of mannose, sucrose and arabinose. There 16°-40°C but optimum temperature is 37°C. It grows best
are eight groups (I to VIII). Cholera vibrios belong to in alkaline media, the optimum pH being 8.2 (pH range
Group I, fermenting mannose and sucrose with acid 7.4-9 .6). The organism is extremely sensitive to an acidic
production but not the arabinose. pH which kills it. V. cholerae is a non-halophilic vibrio,
Gardner and Venkatraman (1935) classified vibrios therefore, cannot grow in media with a concentration of
based on antigenic structure. Details of this classification sodium chloride more than 7%. However it can grow in
have been described under heading 'Antigenic structure' media without sodium chloride.
of this chapter.
Modern taxonomical criteria, particularly DNA
studies, have recognised that all the cholera vibrios that 1. Ordinary Media
belong to Group A of Gardner and Venkatraman's (i) Nutrient agar
classification, constitute a single species Vibrio cholerae. After overnight incubation, the colonies are moist,
This can be further classified into serogroups (or serovars), translucent, round disks, 1- 2 mm in diameter, with a
biotypes and serotypes. The present nomenclature of bluish tinge in transmitted light.
V. cholerae strain may be written as V. cholerae serovar
01 , biotype El tor, serotype Ogawa. (ii) MacConkey's agar
Phage typing can further classify these strains. Typing The colonies are colourless or pale at first, but become
of strains can also be done by molecular methods like reddish or pink on prolonged incubation due to late
ribotyping. fermentation of lactose.
2. Special Media
The special media are classified as follows:
(i) Transport or holding media
(ii) Enrichment media
Fig. 34.1 Vibrio cholerae
(iii) Plating media
TRANSPORT OR HOLDING MEDIA of V cholerae are large, yellow, convex and turn green
Venkatraman-Ramakrishnan (VR) medium on continued incubation.
It contains 20 gm common salt and 5 gm peptone in one
litre of distilled water and pH is adjusted to 8.6-8.8. It is C. Biochemical Reactions
dispensed in screw-capped bottles in 10-15 ml amount. Carbohydrate breakdown is fermentative, producing acid,
About 1- 3 ml faeces is added to each bottle. Vibrios do but no gas. It is catalase and oxidase positive. It ferments
not multiply, but remain viable for several weeks. glucose, mannitol, sucrose, maltose and mannose, but
not lactose, though lactose may be split very slowly. It is
Cary-Blair medium indole positive and reduces nitrates to nitrites. These two
This medium is prepared by adding disodium phosphate, properties contribute to the cholera red reaction which is
sodium thioglycollate, sodium chloride and calcium tested by adding a few drops of concentrated sulphuric
chloride and pH is adjusted at 8.4. It is a suitable transport acid to peptone water culture. In case of Vibrio cholerae,
medium for Salmonella, Shigella and Vibrio. a reddish pink colour is developed due to the formation
If a transport medium is not available, a strip of thick of nitrosoindole. Other indole producing organisms can
blotting paper is soaked in the faecal matter, then placed also reduce nitrates and thus give this reaction positive
in a sealed plastic bag, and sent to the laboratory. e.g. Esch. coli. It is methyl red (MR) and urease negative.
Gelatin is liquefied. It decarboxylates lysine and ornithine
ENRICHMENT MEDIA but do not utilise arginine. Voges-Proskauer (VP) reaction
Alkaline paptone water (APW) and haemolysis of sheep erythrocytes are positive in
It is a peptone water at pH 8.6. Besides enrichment ELTor biotype and both these tests are negative in
medium, it is also an excellent transport medium. classical biotype. Important diagnostic biochemical tests
of classical biotype are summarised as follows:
Monsur's taurocholate tellurite peptone water
It contains peptone, sodium chloride, sodium taurocholate
Catalase Oxidase Glucose Lactose Mannitol
in one litre of distilled water and pH is adjusted at 9.2. + + A +
To this medium, sterile potassium tellurite solution is Sucrose Maltose Mannose Indole NO 3 reduction
added to give a final concentration of 1: 200,000. Like + + + + +
Urease Gelatin MR VP*
APW, it is not only a good enrichment medium but is
transport medium as well.
Lysine Ornithine Arginine Sheep RBCs haemolysis*
+ +
*In case of El Tor biotypes, all biochemical reactions are similar but VP and
Alkaline bile salt agar (BSA); pH 8.2
sheep RBCs haemolysis are positive.
It is modified nutrient agar medium containing 0.5%
sodium taurocholate (bile salt). The colonies are similar
to those on nutrient agar. D. Resistance
Vibrio chloerae is susceptible to heat and drying. It is
Monsur's gelatin taurocholate trypticase tellurite killed at 55°C in 15 minutes. It is sensitive to common
agar (GITA) medium; pH 8.5 disinfectants and a pH less than 5. It survives for months
The colonies are small, translucent with a greyish black in sea water. In grossly contaminated water, such as the
centre and a turbid halo around the colonies due to Ganges in India, the vibrios do not survive for any length
hydrolysis of gelatin. The colonies become 3-4 mm in of time perhaps due to the presence of large number of
size after 48 hour incubation. vibriophages in this water. ELTor vibrios are hardier and
survive for longer duration than the classical biotypes.
Thiosulphate citrate bile sucrose (TCBS) agar; pH 8.6 On fruits, they survive for 1- 5 days at room temperature
It is the most widely used selective medium for isolation of and for a week in the refrigerator.
vibrios. It contains sodium thiosulphate, sodium citrate,
bile salts, sucrose, bromothymol blue (indicator), yeast E. Antigenic Structure
extract, peptone, sodium chloride, ferric citrate and water. V cholerae contains somatic 'O' and flagellar 'H' antigens.
Vibrio cholerae forms yellow colonies due to sucrose The 'H' antigen is shared by all the strains. Gardner and
fermentation, while non-sucrose fermenters such as V Venkatraman (1935) classified vibrios based on antigenic
parahaemolyticus produces green colonies. The colonies structure (Fig. 34.2).
Group A Group B
Cholera vibrios Biochemically similar Biochemically and
Common H antigen antigenically heterogenous
(Vibrio cholerae)
1 serogroup 01 f Non-01 (02-0138)
V. cholerae 0139
Modified CAMP test +
V. cholerae serogroup O 139 originated in Madras, India,
in 1992 and has led to a widespread occurrence of cholera
cases throughout India and Bangladesh. Later on V.
1. Chick Red Cell Agglutination Test cholerae 0139 emerged as aetiological agent in a series
A loopful of the organisms from an agar cultures is of outbreaks of cholera in the entire Indian subcontinent.
emulsified in a drop of saline on a slide and a drop of V. cholerae strains of serogroup 01 and serogroup group
2.5% chick erythrocyte suspension is added. Clumping 0139 cause classical cholera. V. cholerae O 139 is very
of erythrocytes within a minute indicates a positive test. similar to El Tor biotype of Vibrio cholerae. It does not
The test is positive with all El Tor strains but classical produce the O 1 lipopolysaccharide. Like El Tor biotype,
cholera vibrios are negative. it is also positive for modified CAMP test. It makes a
polysaccharide capsule like other non-O1 V. cholerae
2. Sensitivity to Polymyxin B strains, while V. cholerae O 1 does not make a capsule.
The organism is tested by the disc diffusion method using Like V. cholerae O1, it ( V. cholerae O139) also produces
discs containing 50 units of polymyxin B. All strains of enterotoxin (cholera toxin).
classical cholera vibrio are sensitive and all strains of El
Tor vibrio are resistant. G. Phage Typing
The classical strains of cholera vibrios are classified into
3. Sensitivity to Cholera Phage IV five types (1 to 5) by using Mukherjee's phages I to IV.
All strains of classical cholera vibrio are lysed by Phage IV lyses all classical but not EL Tor strains (Table
Mukherjee's group IV phage routine test dilution (RTD), 34.3). El Tor strains can be divided into six types (1 to 6)
while all El Tor strains are not lysed. This is considered on the basis of lysis by five phages (I to V). All El Tor
to be the most dependable test for differentiating between strains are lysed by phage V (Table 34.4). National Institute
El Tor and classical strains. of Cholera and Enteric diseases (NICED), Kolkata is the
International Reference Centre for Vibrio phage typing.
4. Modified CAMP Test Table 34.3 Phage Types of Classical Biotype of V. cholerae
This test is similar to the CAMP test for identification of Sensitivity to phage group
group B streptococci. It is performed by inoculating a beta- Phage type
lysin producing Staph. aureus strain onto a blood agar plate
by making a single straight line streak and then inoculating + + + +
the vibrio species to be tested in a line prependicular to it. 2 + + +
The test is positive with El Tor strains but classical cholera 3 + + +
vibrios are negative. However, 0139 strains also demonstrate
4 + +
a strong positive CAMP reaction while non-O1 and non-
O139 vibrios give a weak positive reaction. 5 + + +
Antibiotics are of secondary importance. Tetracycline In endemic areas, chemoprophylaxis with anti-microbial
is useful in reducing the number of stool and it also drugs is useful for attendants, nurses etc.
shortens the period of excretion of vibrios.
from human cases are almost always haemolytic. This medically important species include Aeromonas hydrophila
is called the Kanagawa phenomenon. It is due to heat and Plesiomonas shigelloides.
stable haemolysin. Kanagawa positive strains are being
considered pathogenic for man and negative strains non- A. Aeromonas
pathogenic. A. hydrophila is found in water. It is Gram negative bacilli
The organism causes food poisoning associated or coccobacilli. It is motile by single polar flagellum. It
with marine food . It can also cause acute diarrhoea is catalase and oxidase positive. It can reduce nitrate
unassociated with food poisoning. Abdominal pain, to nitrite. It grows well on nutrient agar, blood agar,
diarrhoea, vomiting and moderate degree of dehydration MacConkey agar, DCA and TCBS. It ferments glucose,
are the dominant features. Recovery occurs within three sucrose, maltose and starch with the production of acid
days. and gas. It produces yellow colonies on TCBS agar.
Aeromonas is resistant to the compound 0/129 at strength
B. Vibrio alginolyticus of 150 µg.
It is frequently found in sea fish and its role in human It may cause diarrhoea, wound infections, pyogenic
lesion is uncertain. It resembles V parahaemolyticus in infections and septicaemia in humans. It produces
many aspects. It has a higher salt tolerance (up to 10 per an enterotoxin which resembles cholera toxin and is
cent), is VP positive and, ferments sucrose. These features neutralised by V cholerae antitoxin.
differentiate it from V parahaemolyticus. (Table 34.5).
It has a property to swarm on the surface of non- B. Plesiomonas
selective media. It has been incriminated in marine wound The genus Plesiomonas has now been classified in family
infection. Enterobacteriaceae. It has only one species P shigelloides.
The strains of P shigelloides share antigens with Sh. sonnei
Table 34.5 Differentiating Features of and some are agglutinated by Shigella sonnei. antiserum.
V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus It has derived its name 'shigelloides' from this property.
V. para- V. algino- They are Gram negative bacilli. They are motile by polar
haemolyticus lyticus flagella usually lophotrichous. They are oxidase positive.
V.P. reaction + They grow well on blood agar, MacConkey agar but
do not grow on TCBS medium. Most strains ferment
Sucrose fermentation +
inositol with the production of acid only. They do not
Swarming + ferment sucrose.
Growth in 0% NaCl P shigelloides is commonly found in surface waters
7% NaCl + + and in soil. It has also been isolated from a variety of
+ mammals. It is rarely recovered from human faeces.
10% NaCl
Man is infected by ingesting contaminated water or
food. It causes gastroenteritis but in immunosuppressed
C. Vibrio vulnificus individuals a cholera-like illness may be seen. It may also
It was previously designated as L+ vibrio for its ability cause septicaemia, neonatal meningitis and cellulitis.
to ferment lactose. It resembles V parahaemolyticus Aeromonas and plesiomonas are differentiated from
but ferments lactose and has a salt tolerance of less Vibrio cholerae by biochemical reactions such as utilisation
than eight per cent. It may cause wound infection and of aminoacids, lysine, arginine and ornithine (Table 34.6).
cellulitis following exposure of wounds to seawater. Vibrio cholerae is susceptible to the compound 0 /129,
Following ingestion of under-cooked or raw seafood, it while aeromonas is resistant.
penetrates the gut mucosa without causing gastrointestinal
manifestations and enters the blood leading to septicaemia Table 34.6 Utilisation of Aminoacids in Vibrio,
with high mortality. Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
Organism Lysine Arginine Ornithine
V cholerae + +
A eromonas +
These are Gram negative, motile bacilli which are oxidase
positive. They are aerobes and facultative anaerobes. The Plesiomonas + + +
1. Vibrios are Gram negative, oxidase positive, short, rigid, curved or comma-shaped rods that are actively motile by a
polar .flagellum.
2. Vibrio cholerae is the causative agent of cholera. Two serogroups 01 and 0139 are responsible for the disease. Both
serogroups produce cholera toxin (CT).
3. Two biotypes of Vibrio cholerae include classical and El Tor. Three serotypes are Ogawa (AB), Inaba (AC) and
Hikojima (ABC) on the basis of minor 'O' antigens.
4. Special media with alkaline pH are required for growth of vibrios.
5. Venkataraman-Ramakrishnan (VR) medium and Cary-Blair medium are transport media for V cholerae while alkaline
peptone water (APW) is an enrichment medium.
6. Alkaline bile salt agar (BSA) and Thiosulphate citrate bile sucrose (TCBS) are two important solid media for growing
V cholerae.
7. Classical and El Tor vibrios can be differentiated by haemolysis, agglutination of chick erythrocytes, VP reaction,
polymyxin B sensitivity, susceptibility to Mukherjee phase IV and modified CAMP test.
8. Killed parenteral vaccine is widely used for protection against cholera.
9. Non-01 V cholerae are also named as non-agglutinating vibrios (NAG).
10. Halophilic Vibrios cannot grow in media lacking sodium chloride. V parahaemolyticus, V alginolyticus and
V vulnificus are some examples of halophilic vibrios. V cholerae is a non-halophilic vibrio.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of cholera.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) El Tor vibrios (b) Non-agglutinating vibrios
(c) Prophylaxis against cholera (d) Halophilic vibrios
(e) Aeromonas (f) Plesiomonas.
3. Which of the following bacteria produce yellow colonies on thiosulphate citrate bile sucrose agar?
(a) Vibrio cholerae (b) Vibrio parahaemolyticus
(c) Klebsiella (d) All of the above
4. Which of the following bacteria produce green colonies on thiosulphate citrate bile sucrose agar?
(a) Vibrio cholerae (b) Vibrio parahaemolyticus
(c) Klebsiella (d) All of the above
5. Cholera toxin resembles:
(a) Heat-labile toxin of Escherichia coli (b) Heat stable toxin of Esch. coli
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above
6. Which of the following tests can be used to differentiate Classical and ElTor vibrios?
(a) Haemolysis of sheep erythrocytes (b) Vogas-Proskauer reaction
(c) Modified CAMP test (d) All of the above
7. Stool specimens from cholera cases can be collected and transported to the laboratory using:
(a) Venkatraman-Ramakrishnan medium (b) Cary-Blair medium
(c) Strips of thick blotting paper (d) All of the above
8. Which of the following vaccines is/are available for prevention of cholera?
(a) Killed parenteral vaccine (b) Killed oral vaccine
(c) Live oral vaccine (d) All of the above
9. All of the following are halophilic vibrios except:
(a) Vibrio alginolyticus (b) V parahaemolyticus
(c) V vulnificus (d) V cholerae
10. Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from environmental sources can be differentiated from those isolated from
humans cases by:
(a) Kanagawa phenomenon (b) Modified CAMP test
(c) Reverse CAMP test (d) AJI of the above
11. Which of the following bacteria is associated with food poisoning due to consumption of sea food?
(a) Vibrio parahaemolyticus (b) V cholerae
(c) V vulnificus (d) All of the above
Answers (MCQs):
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (a)
I. Campylobacter
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Pathogenesis
E. Laboratory Diagnosis F. Species Other Than C. jejuni
II. Helicobacter
A. Helicobacter pylori B. Helicobacter cinnaedi
C. Helicobacter fennelliae
Ill. Mobiluncus
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Pathogenesis
E. Laboratory Diagnosis F. Treatment
I. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Pigment Production D. Biochemical Reactions
E. Resistance F. Antigenic Structure
G. Toxins and Enzymes H. Typing Methods
I. Pathogenesis J. Laboratory Diagnosis
K. Treatment L. Control
M. Epidemiology
II. Other Pseudomonas
Ill. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
IV. Burkholderia mallei (Pseudomonas mallei)
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. An imal Pathogenicity D. Human Pathogenicity
E. Laboratory Diagnosis
V. Burkholderia pseudomallei (Pseudomonas pseudomallei)
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Toxins
E. Pathogenesis F. Laboratory Diagnosis
VI. Burkholderia cepacia (Pseudomonas cepacia)
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Pathogenicity
VII. Non-Fermenters Other than Pseudomonas and Burkholderia
The genus Pseudomonas comprises of aerobic, Gram or wherever decomposing organic matter is found.
negative, non-fermentative, non-spormg, oxidase The genus Pseudomonas belongs to the family
positive bacilli which are motile by polar flagella. Pseudomonadaceae which contains over 200 species.
Many species produce water soluble pigments which Human disease has been caused by Ps. aeruginosa, Ps.
diffuse through the culture medium. Majority of maltophilia, Ps. ma/lei, Ps. pseudomallei, Ps. cepacia, Ps.
them are saprophytic being found in soil, water, sewage stutzeri, Ps. fiuorescens, Ps. multivorans and Ps. putida.
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Ch 36: Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Burkholderia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ 293
C. Pigment Production
I. PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA Ps. aeruginosa produces a number of pigments which
A. Morphology diffuse into surrounding medium. These pigments are:
It is slender, Gram negative bacillus, 1.5-3 µm x 0.5 µm,
non-capsulated, non-sporing and is actively motile by 1. Pyocyanin
a polar flagellum. Most strains possess pili. It is non- It is a bluish-green phenazine pigment soluble in
capsulated though mucoid strains may sometimes occur. chloroform and water. It is not produced by other species
Occasionally strains have two or three polar flagella. of the genus, hence, it is diagnostic of Ps. aeruginosa.
1. Nutrient Agar
Colonies are smooth, large, translucent, low convex,
2-4 mm in diameter. The organism produces a sweetish
aromatic odour. This is due to the production of
2-aminoacetophenone. There is greenish blue pigment
which diffuses into the medium (Fig. 36.1).
2. Blood Agar
Colony characters are similar to those on nutrient agar.
Fig. 36.1 Pseudomonas aeruginosa on nutrient agar
Many strains are haemolytic on blood agar.
N03 4. Endotoxins
0 /F test Catalase Oxidase reduction Glucose Lactose It is a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exhibiting many biological
Oxidative + + + A properties of enterobacterial LPS including pyrogenic
action etc.
Mannitol Sucrose Citrate lndole Urease H2S
+ - /+
H. Typing Methods
E. Resistance As Ps. aeruginosa is an important cause of hospital-
It is killed by heating at 55°C for one hour. It is resistant acquired infections, it is essential to type the strain for
to the chemical disinfectants and can even grow in certain epidemiological study.
antiseptics like quaternary ammonium compounds,
chloroxylenol and hexachlorophane. Indeed, selective 1. Bacteriocin (Pyocin) Typing
media have been devised for isolation of Ps. aeruginosa Three types of bacteriocins (pyocins) are produced by
incorporating dettol or cetrimide. It is sensitive to 2% Ps. aeruginosa. These pyocins are known as R , F and
aqueous alkaline solution of glutaraldehyde and also to S. Pyocin-producing strains are resistant to their own
silver salts. Due to its sensitivity to silver salts, silver pyocins though they may be sensitive to pyocins produced
sulphonamide compounds has been applied as topical by other strains. Pyocin produced by the test strain is
cream in burns. employed to assess the growth inhibition of 13 (1- 8 and A
It is intrinsically resistant to commonly used to E) indicator strains of Ps. aeruginosa. Depending upon
antibiotics. Examples of clinically effective antibiotics are the growth inhibition of these 13 indicator strains, 105
polymyxin B, colistin, piperacillin, ticarcillin, cefotaxime, types are recognised. Pyocin typing is the most popular
gentamicin, azlocillin, tobramycin and ciprofloxacin. method employed for typing of Ps. aeruginosa.
olc 1 la · \II ,tlzod hours. On nutrient agar, there is bluish green pigment
Restriction endonuclease typing with pulsed-field gel diffused in the medium. On MacConkey's agar they
electrophoresis (PAGE) is the most reliable typing grow as pale colonies (NLF). In peptone water, surface
method. pellicle and green pigment can be observed. Selective
media such as cetrimide agar may be necessary to isolate
I. Pathogenesis Ps. aeruginosa from faeces or other samples with mixed
It causes infections more common in patients with flora . As Ps. aeruginosa is a frequent contaminant,
neutropenia, cystic fibrosis, burns and those on ventilators. isolation of the bacillus from a specimen should not
It is the most important agent causing nosocomial always be taken as aetiological agent. Repeated isolations
infections. It is due to its resistance to common antibiotics would help to confirm the diagnosis.
and antiseptics that it establishes itself widely in hospitals.
Equipments such as respirators and endoscopes, articles 3 Gmm Stai 1i1tg n , I 1' 'il,t,
such as bed pans, and antiseptic or disinfectant solutions They are Gram negative bacilli and are actively motile.
may be frequently contaminated. The other common
infections caused by it are: 4. Biochemical Reactio, "
1. Urinary tract infections following catheterisation. The oxidase test is positive within 30 seconds. They are
2. Acute purulent meningitis following lumbar non-fermenter. They break down glucose oxidatively with
puncture. acid production only. Other biochemical reactions also
3. Post-tracheostomy pulmonary infection. help to confirm the isolate ( I 111 ).
4. Septicaemia in patients who are debilitated due to
malignancy or immunosuppresive therapy. 5. Typmg Method
5. Wound and burn infections. Pyocin typing is the most commonly used method. It is
6. Chronic otitis media and otitis externa. mainly used for epidemiological studies.
7. Eye infections.
8. Acute necrotising vasculitis which leads to haemorr- 6. Antibiotic Sensitivity Test
hagic infection of skin and internal organs. It is useful to select out proper antibiotic as multiple
9. Infantile diarrhoea. resistance to antibiotics is quite common in Ps.
In some tropical areas, Ps. aeruginosa has been aeruginosa.
found to be responsible for a self-limited febrile
illness (Shanghai fever) resembling typhoid fever. K. Treatment
In spite of its lack of invasiveness, Ps. aeruginosa does It is intrinsically resistant to most of the commonly
cause severe disease. The mechanisms of pathogenesis used antimicrobial agents. Ciprofloxacin, piperacillin,
are not clearly understood but it has been claimed that ticarcillin, azlocillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, gentamicin
pathological processes seen in infection are caused by and tobramycin are used in treatment of Ps. aeruginosa
exotoxins, proteases, elastases, haemolysins, lipases and infections.
enterotoxins. Exotoxin A is a lethal toxin acting like
the diphtheria toxin. Elastases may be responsible for L. Control
haemorrhagic lesions in skin infections. The enterotoxin Cross infections in hospital are to be prevented by
causes diarrhoeal disease. The slime layer acts as a capsule constant vigilance and strict attention to asepsis.
and enhances the virulence. A polyvalent vaccine made from the cell surface of 17
The organisms produce blue pus and the term recognised serotypes of Ps. aeruginosa has been claimed
aeruginosa, meaning verdigris which is bluish green in to stimulate active immunity in man.
colour and pyocyanea, being a literal translation of 'blue
pus'. M. Epidemiology
1. Cross Infection: Ps. aeruginosa is a saprophyte and its
J. Laboratory Diagnosis ability to persist and multiply in moist environment of
1 Specimens hospital wards, kitchens, equipments and antiseptics
Pus, wound swab, urine, sputum, blood or CSF or disinfectant solutions is of particular importance
in cross infection.
2. Cultu,-e 2. Epidemics: Epidemics and outbreaks of Ps. aeruginosa
Specimens may be inoculated on nutrient agar, blood agar infection have occurred amongst newborn nurseries
or MacConkey's agar and incubated at 37°C for 18- 24 and young infants in paediatric wards.
3. Risk group: These include burn patients, patients with inflammation of tunica vaginalis. This is known as Straus
immunosuppression and patients who have undergone reaction. This may be followed by death of the animal
cardiac and renal surgery. in 1-2 weeks. The straus reaction is not diagnostic of
glanders because similar reactions in guinea pig may also
be observed with Bruce/la sp., Priesz-Nocard bacillus,
II. OTHER PSEUDOMONAS Actinobacillus and B.pseudomallei.
Ps. putida, Ps. stutzeri and Ps. fluorescens are becoming
clinically relevant in increasing percentages. . Hu n Pathogenkity
Humans may become infected via skin abrasions or
wounds through contact with discharge of a sick animal.
III. STENOTROPHOMONAS Human disease may present as acute fulminant febrile
MALTOPHILIA illness or a chronic indolent infection producing abscesses
(PSEUDOMONAS MALTOPHILIA) in respiratory tract or skin. The fatality rate in glanders
This is an opportunistic pathogen, causing wound is high. The laboratory cultures are highly infectious to
infection, urinary tract infection and septicaemia. It work with.
is oxidase negative. It acidifies maltose in addition to
glucose. E. boratory Diagnosi
1. Specimens
IV. BURKHOLDERIA MALLEI Purulent discharge from the lesion.
The bacillus was first isolated by Loeffler and Schutz 2. Direct Microscopy
(1882) from horse dung of glanders (malleus, in latin). Gram negative beaded bacilli are found on Gram staining
It causes a natural disease called glanders in animals of the specimen.
(horses, mules and asses), and man occasionally acquires
the infection from animals. 3. Culture
Culture is done on blood agar.
orp o g
It is a small 2.5 µm x 0.5 µm , non-motile, Gram negative 4. Animal Inoculation Test
bacillus often giving a beaded appearance. It is done in guinea pigs. Straus reaction can be
It is an aerobe and facultative anaerobe, grows on ordinary 5. Allergy Test
culture media. Colonies are small and translucent initially Mallein test
become yellowish and opaque on ageing. Mallein is a preparation from the organism B. ma/lei
and is analogous to tuberculoprotein. Intracutaneous
C. i I' thog nki or subcutaneous injection of mallein evokes a delayed
In susceptible animals (horses, mules and asses), hypersensitivity reaction in animals suffering from
B. ma/lei produces two types of lesions: glanders.
1. Glanders
In glanders, the respiratory system is affected and the V. BURKHOLDERIA PSEUDOMALLEI
animal develops profuse catarrhal discharge from the (PSEUDOMONAS PSEUDOMALLEI)
nose. Nodule formation starts in the nasal septum and It was formerly known as Whitmore's bacillus,
later the nodules break down to form ulcers. Actinobacillus whitmori, Malleomyces pseudomallei,
Loefflerella pseudomallei.
2. Farcy It is the causative agent of melioidosis which is a
Farcy follows infection through the skin with involvement glanders like disease and epizootic in rodents in South-
of superficial lymph vessels and lymph nodes. The lymph East Asia. The name melioidosis is derived from me/is,
vessels become thickened and stand out as hard cords a disease of horses, and eidos meaning resemblance.
under the skin which are called farcy pipes. The organism was first described by Whitmore and
Intraperitoneal inoculation of bacilli in male Krishnaswami (1912) from a glanders like disease of man
guinea pig causes testicular swelling in 2- 3 days due to in Rangoon.
D. Toxins B. Culture
Two thermolabile exotoxins- one lethal and other It is aerobic and grows well on ordinary nutrient agar
necrotising have been identified in culture filtrates. optimally at 25- 35°C. Colonies appear in 48 hours.
Most strains do not grow on DCA medium. Cultures
E. Pathogenesis on blood agar die in 3--4 days. On prolonged incubation,
B. pseudomallei is a saprophyte of soil and water with a colonies become reddish purple due to formation of a
large animal reservoir. Melioidosis occurs in rats, rabbits non-diffusible phenazine pigment.
and guinea pigs. Human infection may occur by inhalation
or through skin abrasions, or by arthropod vector. Disease C. Pathogenicity
is epidemic in South-East Asia. Subclinical infections are It is a low grade human pathogen and an important
common in man. There may be an acute septicaemia, cause of nosocomial infection. It is being recognised
a subacute typhoid like disease, or pneumonia and as an opportunist environmental pathogen, particularly
haemoptysis resembling tuberculosis. Acute disease has in those with cystic fibrosis, in whom it causes fatal
a high case fatality rate. In chronic form, the organism necrotising pneumonia.It is resistant to a large number of
may localize in any tissue producing caseous necrosis or antibiotics and contaminate antiseptic solutions including
suppurative lesion. chlorhexidine and cetrimide. It can also survive in distilled
In India, cases of melioidosis have been reported water up to a year.
from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Kerala, Tripura
and West Bengal.
F. Laboratory Diagnosis SEUDO AN U
The organisms may be detected as small, typical bipolar Several Gram negative bacilli may be non-fermenters of
safety pin appearance with methylene blue stain. Small carbohydrates and may be confused with Pseudomonas or
irregularly stained Gram negative bacilli in exudates may Burkholderia species. Some of these non-fermenters are
be isolated from sputum, pus, urine or blood. Antibody to Acinetobacter, Alcaligenes, Achromobacter, Flavobacterium
B. pseudomallei may also be detected in patient's serum by and Eikinella species. Some characteristics of these
ELISA and indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA). organisms are shown in Table 36.2.
1. The genus Pseudomonas comprises of aerobic, Gram negative, non-fermentative, non-sporing, oxidase positive bacilli
which are motile by polar flagella .
2. The most important species is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is a strict aerobe and grows well on ordinary medium like
nutrient agar. It produces greenish blue pigment which diffuses into the medium.
3. Different pigments produced by Ps. aeruginosa include are pyocyanin, fluorescin , pyorubin and pyomelanin.
4. Cetrimide agar is a selective medium fo r Ps. aeruginosa.
5. Ps. aeruginosa is the most important agent causing nosocomial infections. It is due to its resistance to common
antibiotics and antiseptics. The other common infections caused by it are urinary tract infection, acute purulent
meningitis, septicaemia, wound and burn infections.
6. Stenotrophomonas maltophila is ox idase negative.
7. Burkoholderia ma/lei is non-motile. It is the causative agent of glanders and farcy .
8. Burkholderia cepacia is motile by multitrichous flagella.
1. Write short notes on:
(a) Pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(b) Pyocin typing
(c) Pigments produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
2. Write briefly about:
(a) S tenotrophomonas maltophila
(b) Burkholderia mallei
(c) Burkholderia pseudomallei.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (d)
6. (a) 7. (b)
----++ +----
I. Yersinia pestis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Pathogenesis
G. Epidemiology H. Laboratory Diagnosis
I. Diagnosis of Plague in Rats J . Treatment
K. Prophylaxis
II. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica
A. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis B. Yersinia enterocolitica
Ill. Pasteurella multocida
IV. Other Pasteurella Species
V. Francisella tularensis
These are Gram negative, short bacilli showing bipolar animals and occasionally producing human infections,
staining with methylene blue. They are non-motile except grouped under a common species called P multocida.
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica. These The genus Francisella, consisting of the single species,
bacteria are primary pathogens of rodents and men are F tularensis is named after Francis for his contributi on
accidentally infected. They were previously considered on tularaemia, caused by this bacterium .
together under the genus Pasteurella. Based on their
cultural, biochemical and antigenic characters, this Table 37.1 Diseases Caused by Species of Yersinia,
group has been divided into three genera-Y ersinia, Pasteurella , Francisella
Pasteurell a and Francisella (Table 37 .1). The genus
Genera Species Diseases
Yersinia contains three medically important species-Y .
pestis (the causative agent of plague), Y. pseudotuberculosis Yersinia Y pestis Plague in man and
(a primary pathogen of rodents) and Y. enterocolitica rodents
Y pseudotuberculosis Pseudotuberculosis of
(causes human diarrhoeal diseases). The name Yersinia is
given after Alexander Yersin, who discovered the plague Y enterocolitica Enteritis in man and
bacillus. The genus Yersinia now belongs to the tribe animals
Yersinieae and the family Enterobacteriaceae. The genus Pasteurella P multocida Haemorrha gic
Pasteurella is now restricted to several related bacteria septicaemia in animals
causing haemorrhagic septicaemia in different species of Francisella F. tularensis Tularaemia
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Ch 37: Yersinia, Pasteurella, Francisella _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 301
0 5. Ghee Broth
When the organisms are grown in a flask with oil or ghee
floated on the top (ghee broth), a characteristic growth
occurs which hangs down from the under surface of the
oil, resembling stalactites (stalactite growth).
C. i C
Y pestis ferments glucose, mannitol and maltose with the
Fig. 37 Smear of Y. pestis with bipolar staining production of acid but no gas. Lactose and sucrose are not
fermented. It is catalase positive, indole negative, urease
Pleomorphism is very common. It is characteristically negative, methyl red (MR) positive, Voges Proskauer
enhanced in media containing 3% NaCl. In old cultures, (VP) and citrate negative. Gelatin is not liquefied.
involution forms are very common-coccoid, club shaped, On the basis of fermentation of glycerol, reduction
filamentous and giant forms. of nitrate, and breakdown of arabinose; there are four
The bacterial body is surrounded by a slime layer biotypes of Ypestis. This typing is of epidemiological
(envelope or capsule). It is non-motile, non-sporing and significance because of the different geographical
non-acid-fast. distribution of the types (Table 37.2).
B. ul e isunce
The organism is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. The The plague bacillus is destroyed by heat at 55°C in 15
optimum temperature for growth (unlike most pathogens) minutes. It is easily destroyed by sunlight, drying and
is 27°C but the envelope develops best at 37°C. It grows chemical disinfectants (0.5% phenol in 15 minutes). It
on ordinary media. can survive for several months in the soil of rodent
burrows. It remains viable for long periods in cold and 1. Bubonic Plague
moist environments. As the plague bacillus usually enters through the bite of
infected rat flea on the legs, the inguinal lymph nodes
E. Antigen Structure are involved, hence the name bubonic (bubo meaning
Plague bacilli are antigenically homogenous and serotypes groin). The inguinal lymph nodes become enlarged and
do not exist. The antigenic structure is complex and suppurate. Patient develops fever, chills and malaise. Pain
about 20 different antigens have been identified. These may accompany the bubo. The infection may stop up to
include: lymph nodes, but often the bacteria reaches the blood
1. A heat-labile protein envelope antigen known as stream and gets widely disseminated.
Fraction l or F-1. It is best formed in cultures If the bubonic plague is not treated properly, it may
incubated at 37°C. It inhibits phagocytosis. This progress to meningitis (meningeal plague) after 7- 10 days
antigen is generally present only in virulent strains. of the onset of bubonic plague.
It has therefore been considered to be a virulence
determinant. It has an important role in stimulating 2. Pneu nonic Plague
protective immunity in mice and man. It is highly infectious form of plague involving the
2. The V and W proteins have been considered to lungs producing haemorrhagic pneumonia. It can be
be virulence factors as they inhibit phagocytosis. transmitted from man to man by droplet infection
These are also formed by virulent strains of (airborne route) and is virtually always fatal. Primary
Y. pestis. pneumonic plague is rare but it may sometimes occur
3. Virulent strains produce a bacteriocin (Pesticin I), secondary to bubonic plague. Pneumonic plague may
fibrinolysin and coagulase. also occur in epidemic form. Patient develops fever and
4. Other antigens elaborated by plague bacillus include cough with expectoration.
murine and guinea pig toxins. The endotoxin
(lipopolysaccharide) is similar to that of other enteric 3. Sept 1 e•11ic Plague
bacteria. Murine and guinea pig toxins are active in The presence of bacteria in blood denotes septicaemic
rodents and guinea pigs, their role in natural disease plague. This may occur as primary infection but it
of man is not known. These toxins are termed as usually occurs as the terminal event of bubonic and
plague toxins. pneumonic plague. Massive involvement of blood vessels
5. Virulence has also been associated with the ability results in haemorrhages in the skin and mucosa. Due to
to synthesise purines. this manifestation, the disease is given the name black
6. Production of coloured colonies (on medium death.
containing haemin) also appears to be associated with Mortality rate in bubonic plague is 50- 75%, in
virulence. It appears that plague bacillus possesses pneumonic plague almost 100% and with treatment it
an unidentified surface component which absorbs is 5- 30%.
haemin and basic aromatic dyes in cultured media Pestis minor or benign plague is also seen in some
to form coloured colonies. cases during an epidemic. Only clinical presentation may
be slight temperature with one or two swollen glands.
F. Pathogenesis
Y. pestis is a natural pathogen of rodents and causes G. Epidemiology
zoonotic disease called plague. Infection is transmitted Plague is a zoonotic disease and may become epidemic in
from one animal to another by the bite of flea. Two the rat population. The infection may spread to domestic
natural cycles of plague exist, the urban and sylvatic rats and man by flea bites or contact. The commonest
plague. Urban plague involves man and rodents (rats) vector is Xenopsie/la cheopis but other fleas like X.astia,
living with him. In addition cat, goat, sheep, dog and Ceratophylus may also transmit the infection.
camel are also susceptible. Wild or sylvatic plague occurs Plague is the greatest killer known to mankind. In
in wild rodents most important being mice, squirrels and 14th century, plague pandemic known as "black death" is
chipmunk. believed to have killed about a quarter of all mankind.
Plague is a natural disease of rodents and is Several pandemics have occurred between 1500 and 1720.
transmitted to man via the bite of infected rat flea Last pandemic occurred in 1894, causing more than 10
(X cheopis). The incubation period is 2- 6 days. In man, million deaths by 1918. During 1958-77, plague occurred
plague occurs in three forms: bubonic, pneumonic and in 29 countries and India remained free of plague from
septicaemic. 1967 to 1993.
An outbreak of plague was reported from India in exudates from bubo or with 24 hours broth culture. The
1994. A total of 876 cases of presumptive plague were animals die within 2- 5 days. Postmortem reveals marked
diagnosed on the basis of serological tests. These cases were local inflammatory reaction with necrosis and oedema.
reported from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Karnataka, Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and congested.
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Outbreak started Organisms may be demonstrated in smears from local
in Beed district (Maharashtra) for bubonic plague and lesions, lymph nodes, spleen and heart blood, after
Surat (Gujrat) for pneumonic plague. Of the total 54 staining with Gram and methylene blue stains.
fatal cases, 52 were in Surat. In 2002, a short outbreak
of plague was reported from Shimla, claiming 4 lives. 5. 1l11tigrn Detectio11
Plague has several scattered natural foci in many Fl glycoprotein Ag may be detected in aspirated fluid
countries. It survives in wild rodents, occasionally causing from bubo or sputum by immunofluorescence and ELISA
human infections. At least four such foci of plague are test.
known in India. These include the region near Kolar,
Bead-Latur belt in Maharashtra (from where the Surat ' ,, ltd ft<;t
epidemic started), Rohru in Himachal Pradesh (from Fl glycoprotein can be detected by dipstick test using
where the 2002 Shimla outbreak took place) and a small monoclonal antibodies. It is a rapid diagnostic test, which
pocket in Uttaranchal. produces reliable results within 15 minutes.
Laboratory diagnosis includes isolation of the P multocida is a non-motile, Gram negative rod
organisms from an excised mesenteric lymph node, or resembling Yersinia but differs from it in being oxidase
blood and demonstration of antibodies in patient's serum positive, producing indole and failing to grow on
during the acute illness. MacConkey's agar.
The bacillus is usually normal inhabitant of
B. Yersinia enterocolitica respiratory tract of a variety of animals such as dogs,
It is a Gram negative coccobacillus and resembles Y rats, cats, cattle and sheep. It may sometimes occur as
pseudotuberculosis in being motile at 22°C, but differs normal commensal in throat in humans. Human infection
from it in fermenting sucrose and cellobiose and is rare but it may cause septic wound following animal
decarboxylating ornithine. It does not ferment melibiose bites, meningitis following head injury, respiratory tract
or rhamnose (Table 37.3). infections or appendicitis. The bacillus is susceptible to
Many strains are indole and VP positive. It is aerobic tetracycline, streptomycin and penicillin.
and facultative anaerobe. Optimum temperature for
growth is 22°C. On blood agar, smooth translucent, non- IV. OTHER PASTEURELLA SPECIES
haemolytic colonies measuring 2- 3 mm in diamenter appear P canis, P dagmatis and P stomatis are other three
after 48 hours incubation at 22°C. On MacConkey agar, it important species of Pasteurella. There species have been
forms pin-point, non-lactose fermenting (NLF) colonies. isolated from humans.
Y enterocolitica has a distinct antigenic structure and
so far 60 O-antigenic groups and about 20 heat-labile V. FRANCISELLA TULARENSIS
flagellar (H) antigens have been identified. Most of the (PASTEURELLA TULARENSIS)
human infections are due to serogroups 03, 08 and 09. F tularensis is a causative agent of tularaemia, a major
It can be divided into six biotypes- 1A, lB, 2, 3, 4 and zoonotic disease of rabbits and other rodents. The disease
5 by using biochemical tests. was originally described in Tulare County, California.
Y enterocolitica has been isolated from a wide The disease is transmitted by ticks and several other
range of domestic animals. Disease occurs via faeco- arthropod vectors among the rodents. Human infection
oral route by contaminated food and water. In man it may occur by handling or eating infected meat or
may cause gastroenteritis, mesentric lymphadenitis and drinking contaminated water. It may also occur through
septicaemia. It affects children and adults of both sexes. tick bites.
The incubation period varies from 5 to 10 days. The It is a capsulated, non-motile, Gram negative bacillus
early symptoms consist of fever, abdominal pain and measuring 0.3-0.7 µm x 0.2 µm. It has fastidious growth
diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is probably due to an enterotoxin requirements and special media such as Francis blood
or invasion of mucosa by the bacteria. dextrose cystine agar is used for its isolation. Minute
The laboratory diagnosis consists of isolation of the transparent colonies appear after incubation for 3- 5
organism and indirectly by demonstration of antibodies days.
in the patient serum. The organisms can be isolated from In humans, tularaemia may present as a local
faeces, blood or from mesenteric lymph nodes. Blood agar ulceration with lymphadenitis, a typhoid-like fever with
and MacConkey agar are used for growing this organism. glandular enlargement or an influenza like infection. The
Cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (CIN) agar is a selective disease has been reported from North America, Europe
medium for recovery of Y enterocolitica from faeces. and Asia. The organism is highly infectious and laboratory
Colonies of Y enterocolitica have a bull's eye appearance infection has been quite common.
with a red center on CIN agar. Laboratory diagnosis may be made by smear
examination, culture or by inoculation into guinea pigs.
Pus from local lesions, blood during bacteraemia and
III. PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA sputum (in pulmonary involvement) are used for diagnosis.
S, CA) Patient's serum may be tested for agglutinating antibodies,
A group of related bacteria isolated from haemorrhagic a titre of 1:80 or higher is regarded as diagnostic. Since
septicaemia in various animals and birds had, in the F tularensis shares somatic antigens with both Br. abortus
past, been named according to their species of origin- P and Br. melitensis, false positive reactions may occur with
boviseptica, P lepiseptica, P aviseptica etc, but now they brucella agglutinins.
are regarded as strains of a single species designated P Streptomycin is the drug of choice. An attenuated
multocida. Pasteur developed first attenuated vaccine from vaccine is available which can be administered to persons
P aviseptica, hence the name Pasteurella. who are subject to high risk of infection.
1. Yersiniae are Gram negative, short bacilli showing bipolar staining (safety pin appearance) with methylene blue. These
are non-motile except Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Y enterocolitica. They are primary pathogens of rodents and
men are accidentally infected.
2. The genus yersinia contains three medically important species-Y pestis (the caustive agent of plague),
Y pseudotuberculosis (a primary pathogen of rodents) and Y entercolitica (causes human diarrhoeal diseases).
3. Y pestis is Gram negative bacillus, non-motile and capsulated. It grows at 27 °C but envelope develops best at
37 °C. It grows on ordinary media.
4. Envelope antigen known as Fraction 1 or F-1 is an important antigen of Y pestis.
5. In man, plague occurs in three forms: bubonic, pneumonic and septicaemic.
6. Plague is a zoonotic disease. It is a natural disease of rodents and is transmitted to man via the bite of infected rat
flea (Xenopsiella cheopis).
7. Laboratory diagnosis of plague depends upon direct microscopy, culture and antigen detection.
8. Y enterocolitica differs from Y pestis by its motility at 22 °C (and not at 37 °C), non-capsulated, urease positive, VP
positive, and ornithine decarboxylase positive.
9. In man Y enterocolitica may cause gastroenteritis, mesentric lymphadenitis and septicaemia.
10. Laboratory diagnosis consists of isolation of the organism .
I. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of plague.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Prophylaxis against plague (b) Yersinia pseudo tuberculosis
(c) Yersinia enterocolitica (d) Francisella tularensis.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (a)
6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (d)
---++• - - -
Legionella pneumophila
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Susceptibility to Physical and Chemical Agents
E. Serogrouping F. Pathogenesis
G. Laboratory Diagnosis H. Treatment
I. Prevention
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Ch 38: Legionella _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 309
l. Legionella pneumophila is the most important species of the genus Legionella.
2. It is a Gram negative bacillus, motile with polar or subpolar flagella. It stains better with silver impregnation method
but is best visualised by direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) staining with monoclonal or polyclonal sera.
3. The natural habitat of L. pneumophila is water. The organisms have been isolated from cooling towers, airconditioning
systems, showers and respiratory ventilators. These sources facilitate transmission of the organism to the human
respiratory tract by generating infectious aerosols. Legionella infection may occur in two main forms- Legionnaire's
disease and Pontaic fever , together known as legionellosis.
4. Laboratory diagnosis depends on microscopy, culture, detection of antigen and by DNA probes.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of infections with Legionella pneumophila.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a)
I. Haemophilus influenzae
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Antigenic Structure
E. Variation F. Sensitivity to Physical and Chemical Agents
G. Virulence Factors H. Pathogenesis
I. Laboratory Diagnosis J . Treatment
K. Prophylaxis
II. Other Haemophilus
A. Haemophilus aegyptius B. Haemophilus ducreyi
C. Haemophilus parainfluenzae D. Haemophilus haemolyticus
Ill. Hacek Group Bacteria
IV. Gardnerella vaginalis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Pathogenesis
E. Clinical Features F. Diagnosis
G. Treatment
The genus Haemophilus contains non-motile, non-sporing, meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis, bronchitis, otltls
Gram negative bacilli and require one or both of two media, septic arthritis and H. ducreyi is the causative
accessory growth factors (X and V) present in blood organism of chancroid.
(Haemophilus meaning blood loving).
Pfeiffer (1892) isolated the organism from the sputa of I. HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE
patients from the influenza pandemic and proposed this A. Morphology
as the causative agent of human influenza. This came to It is a small (1.5 µm x 0.3 µm) , Gram negative, non-
be known as 'influenza bacillus' (Pfeiffer's bacillus). It was motile bacillus showing considerable pleomorphism .
renamed as H. infiuenzae. The discovery of influenza virus It is non-sporing and non-acid-fast. In young cultures
(causative agent of human influenza) in 1933 established (18- 24 hours), the cells are usually coccobacillary, while
that H. infiuenzae was only a secondary invader. in older cultures, long filamentous forms may be seen. In
H. infiuenzae and H. ducreyi are the major pathogens sputum, they occur as small clumps of coccobacilli and
in the genus Haemophilus. H. infiuenzae may cause in CSF from meningitis cases, long and filamentous forms
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312 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ Unit
Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
predominate. Virulent strains possess capsule while the Staphylococci. Growth on blood agar can be improved
avirulent strains and older cultures are non-capsulated. by providing a source of V factor (Staph. aureus) . The
differential requirement for X and V factors helps to
B. Culture distinguish various species of Haemophilus (Table
H. influenzae has fastidious growth requirements. It grows 39.1). Species with prefix para-(H. parainfluenz ae, H.
better in aerobic than in anaerobic conditions. It requires : parahaemoly ticus and H. paraphrohaemoly ticus) and H.
enriched media such as blood agar or chocolate agar pittmaniae require V factor only for their growth.
because the accessory growth factors known as X ('X ' Table 39.1 Requirement of X and V Factor of
for unknown) and V ('V' for vitamin) present in blood Haemophilus Species
are essential for growth. The optimum temperature for Species X factor V factor Haemolysis
growth is 35- 37°C, some strains require 5- 10% CO 2. It
H. infiuenzae + +
cannot grow on nutrient agar which lacks the accessory
growth factors. H. aegyptius + +
H. ducreyi + ±
1. X Factor H . parainfiuenzae +
It is a heat stable protoporphy rin IX, haemin or other
H. haemoly ticus + + +
iron-containing porphyrin. It is necessary for the synthesis
of catalase and other enzymes cytochrome C, cytochrome H. parahaemoly ticus + +
oxidase, involved in aerobic respiration. H. paraphrohaem oly ticus + +
H. pittmaniae + +
Porphyrin test
The porphyrin test is an alternative method for
differentiating the haemin-producing species of Blood agar with Staph. aureus streak and chocolate
Haemophilus. This test can be performed in agar, in agar are routinely used for the identification of
broth, or on a disc. The principle of the test is based H. influenzae. The colonies are small, translucent and non
on the ability of the organism to convert the substrate haemolytic on blood agar. Capsulated strains produce
deltaaminolevulinic acid (ALA) into porphyrins or distinctive iridescent colonies.
porphobilinogen. Porphyrins and porphobilinogens are Better growth of H. influenzae is also obtained on
intermediates in the synthesis of X-factor. Porphobilinogen Levinthal's medium (prepared by boiling and filtering a
can be detected by the addition of Kovac's reagent mixture of blood and nutrient broth) or Fildes agar (by
(p-dimethyl aminobenzaldehyde). After adding Kovac's adding a peptic digest of blood to nutrient agar).
reagent, a red colour develops in the lower acqueous Satellitism
phase if porphobilinogen is present. Porphyrins can Although blood agar contains X and V factors, colonies
be detected using an ultraviolet light (Wood's lamp). of H. infiuenzae are small due to non-availability of
Porphyrins :fluoresce reddish-orange under ultraviolet V factor. After inoculating suspected H. influenzae on
~hl. . a blood agar plate, Staph. auerus is streaked across the
Species that are porphyrin negative cannot synthesise· same blood agar plate and incubated at 37°C for 18- 24
haemin and therefore require haemin (X-factor) for their hours. The colonies of H. influenzae will be large and
growth. well developed alongside the streak of staphylococci while
2. V Factor those further away from staphylococcal streak are smaller.
It is a heat labile (destroyed at 120°C in 30 minutes) factor, This phenomeno n is called satellitism and demonstrates
present in red blood cells and in many other animal and that V factor is available in high concentration near the
plant cells. It is synthesised by some fungi and bacteria staphylococcal growth and only in smaller quantities away
(e.g. Staph. aureus). It is either nicotinamide adenine from it (Fig. 39.1).
dinucleotide (NAD, coenzyme I) or NAD phosphate
(NADP, coenzyme II). It appears to act as a hydrogen C. Biochemical Reactions
acceptor in the metabolism of the cell. Ordinary blood H. influenzae is catalase and oxidase positive, ferments
agar is not suitable for the growth of H. influenzae where glucose and galactose, reduces nitrate to nitrite. It does
growth is scanty, as the V factor is not freely available, not ferment sucrose, lactose and mannitol. On the basis
being imprisoned inside the red blood cells. V factor of production of indole, urease, ornithine decarboxylase,
is released from erythrocytes in chocolate agar (heated it is divided into eight (I- VIII) biotypes (Table 39.2).
blood agar at 80-90°C). V factor is also synthesised by Majority of clinical isolates belong to biotype I to III and
E. Variation
Colonies of H. infiuenzae show a smooth to rough (S
R) variation accompanied by loss of capsule and
virulence. Genetic transformation has been demonstrated
in H. influenzae to transfer the characters of capsular
Fig. 39.1 Satellitism antigens and antibiotic resistance. Non-capsulated strains
become capsulated by genetic transformation.
type b organisms belong to biotype I. However, ,
biochemical reactions are not helpful in identification. F. Sensitivity to Physical and Chemical Agents
It is a delicate organism. It is readily killed by heat (55°C
Table 39.2 Biotypes of H. injluenzae for 30 minutes), refrigeration (at 4°C), disinfectants and
Biotype lndole Urease Ornithine decarboxylase drying.Cultures may be preserved op. chocolate agar. For
long-term preservation, the culture may be lyophilised.
+ + +
II + + G. Virulence Factors
III + 1. Capsular poly saccharide: It resists phagocytosis. Loss
IV + + of capsule leads to loss of virulence.
2. Pili (Fimbriae): They help in attachment of organisms
V + +
to epithelial cells.
VI + 3. Outer membrane proteins: They contribute in adhesion
VII + and invasion of host tissues.
- 4. IgAI protease: H. influenzae produces a protease that
specifically cleaves the heavy chain of IgAl.
two years old. This condition is always associated with (a) Latex agglutination
bacteraemia and the organisms can be isolated from Latex particles coated with antibody to type b antigen are
blood cultures. mixed with the specimen. In positive test, agglutination
3. Pneumonia
It typically occurs in infants and is accompanied by (b) Coagglutination
empyema and sometimes meningitis as well. While these Instead of latex particles, Staph. aureus is coated with
primary infections are caused by capsulated strains, antibody to type b antigen and mixed with specimen. If
bronchopneumonia may occur as secondary infection positive, agglutination occurs.
with non-capsulated strains.
(c) Counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE)
4. Bronchitis Specific antiserum is put in one well of agarose gel
H. infiuenzae is an important pathogen associated with and specimen is put in other well. Current is passed.
pneumococci in the acute exacerbations of chronic In positive test, precipitation line occurs in between the
bronchitis. two wells.
Beta-lactamase bearing strains have acquired resistance containing vancomycin as a selective agent. It requires
to ampicillin. Amoxycillin-clavulnate or Clarithromycin 10% CO 2 and high humidity for primary isolation.
is more effective. Optimum temperature for growth is 35°C for 2-8 days.
It may also be grown on chorioallantoic membrane of
K. Prophylaxis the chick embryo.
1. A purified type b capsular polysaccharide vaccine After 24 hours of incubation, the colonies of H.
is used in children of 18- 24 months. Vaccine is ducreyi are small, grey, pin point to 0.5 mm in diameter,
administered in two doses at an interval of two translucent, non-mucoid. After 48-72 hours the colonies
months. are 1- 2 mm in diameter and become semiopaque.
2. Hib PRP vaccine in which type b capsular poly-
saccharide is covalently coupled to proteins such as 3. Biochem ical Reactio ns
diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid and N. meningitidis It is biochemically inert except positive nitrate reduction
outer membrane protein. Such Hib PRP are available test.
for use in young children .
3. Rifampicin is given for four days to prevent infection 4. Pathoge nesis
in contacts and also to eradicate carrier state. H. ducreyi causes chancroid or soft sore, a highly contagious
sexually transmitted disease (STD) characterised by
tender, non-indurated, irregular ulcers on the genitalia.
The infection remains localised, spreading only to the
A. Haemo philus influenz ae biotype aegypti us inguinal lymph nodes which are enlarged and painful.
(Koch-Weeks bacillus; H.aegtJptius) Sometimes it leads to inguinal abscess called bubo. There
It was first observed by Koch (1883) in cases of acute is no immunity following infection but a hypersensitivity
conjunctivitis in Egypt and was first cultured by Weeks develops. Chancroid is also known as soft chancre.
(1887) in New York. It causes a highly contagious
form of conjunctivitis (pink eye). It is worldwide in 5. Laborat ory Diagnos is
distribution. (i) Specimens
The organism, formerly known as H. aegyptius, is now Scrape edge of the ulcer or aspirated material from
thought to be a biotype of H. influenzae. It has features bubo.
similar to that of H. influenzae biotype III.
It also causes Brazilian purpuric fever (BPF) which (ii) Direct microscopy
is characterised by conjunctivitis, high fever, vomiting, Gram staining of the smear shows typical Gram negative
purpura, petechiae, septicaemia and shock. It responds cocco bacilli.
to combination of ampicillin and chloramphenicol.
(iii) Culture
B. Haemo philus ducreyi Specimens are inoculated on chocolate agar with 1%
H. ducreyi was first demonstrated in 1890 by Ducrey in Iso Vitalex. Vancomycin is added to make the medium
chancroid lesions, a venereal disease transmitted by direct selective. Incubate the medium at 35°C in a humid
contact. atmosphere and 10% CO 2 for 2- 8 days and look for
characteristic colonies.
1. Morpho logy
H. ducreyi is a short, Gram negative coccobacillus, 1- 1.5 (iv) Colony morphology and staining
µm x 0.6 µm in size. They have a tendency to occur in Colonies are grey, small, translucent and non-mucoid.
groups or in parallel chains. They frequently take bipolar Gram staining shows Gram negative coccobacilli.
staining. The microscopic findings has been described as
resembling a 'school of fish' appearance. (v) Agglutin ation
H. ducreyi is antigenically homogeneous and cultures
2. Culture are identified by agglutination with the antiserum.
It does not grow in ordinary laboratory media but has
complex growth requirements. It requires X factor but 6. Treatment
not V factor for its growth. Primary isolation is difficult. Co-trimoxazole or erythromycin is the drug of choice but
It can be grown on rabbit-blood agar, fresh clotted rabbit resistant strains occur. Newer drugs including cefotaxime
blood or chocolate agar enriched with 1% Iso Vitalex, and and ciprofloxacin have been shown to be effective.
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316 _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
1. The genus Haemophi/us contains non-motile, non-sporing, Gram negative bacilli and require
one or both of two
accessory growth factors (X and V) present in blood.
2. H. inftuenzae and H. ducreyi are the major pathogens in the genus Haemophi/us.
3. H. inftuenzae may cause meningitis , pneumonia, epiglottitis, bronchitis, otitis media, septic arthritis
H. ducreyi is the causative organism of chancroid.
4. H. inftuenzae requires both X and V factor while H. ducreyi requires only X factor.
5. Sate//itism is an important phenomenon in H. inftuenzae.
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Ch 39: Haemophilus and Gardnerella _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 317
6. Latex agglutination, coagglutination and CIE are rapid tests for H. infiuenzae antigen detection in patient's serum,
CSF, urine or pus.
7. CSF culture is an important test in laboratory diagnosis of meningitis.
8. Haemophilus infiuenzae biotype aegyptius causes a highly contagious form of conjunctivitis (pink eye).
9. The microscopic findings of H. ducreyi has been described as resembling a 'school of fish' appearance.
10. H. ducreyi causes chancroid or soft chancre, a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease (STD), characterised by
tender, non-indurated, irregular ulcers on the genitalia.
11. Gardnerella vagina/is causes non-specific vaginitis and cervicitis, usually in association with anaerobic bacteria (anaerobic
12. In vaginosis, Gram staining of vaginal discharge shows clue cells, which are vaginal epithelial cells covered with many
tiny Gram variable bacilli.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) X and V factors (b) Satellitism
(c) Haemophilus influenzae biotype aegyptius (d) Haemophilus ducreyi.
(e) Gardnerella vagina/is.
5. Which of the following rapid methods can be used to diagnose meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae?
(a) Latex agglutination (b) Coagglutination
(c) Counter immunoelectrophoresis (d) All of the above
6. What is the causative agent of Brazilian purpuric fever?
(a) Haemophilus influenzae (b) H. influenzae biotype aegyptius
(c) H. ducreyi (d) H. aphrophilus
7. Haemophilus influenzae biotype aegyptius was formerly known as:
(a) Koch-Weeks bacillus (b) Klebs-loeffier bacillus
(c) Haemophilus vagina/is (d) Haemophilus haemolyticus
8. The causative agent of chancroid is:
(a) Haemophilus influenzae (b) H. ducreyi
(c) H. haemolyticus (d) H. aphrophilus
9. Which one of the following bacteria is included in HACEK group bacteria?
(a) Escherichia coli (b) Enterobacter
(c) Eikenella corrodens (d) Edwardsiella
10. 'Clue cells' in Gram staining can be useful in diagnosis of:
(a) Gardnerella vagina/is (b) Haemophilus parainfluenzae
(c) Kingella kingae (d) Cardiobacterium hominis
An swers (MCQs):
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d)
6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
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I. Introduction
II. Bordetella pertussis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Variation
G. Pathogenesis H. Epidemiology
I. Laboratory Diagnosis J . Treatment
K. Prophylaxis
Ill. Bordetella parapertussis
IV. Bordetella bronchiseptica
V. Bordetella avium
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320 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit Ill: Systemic Bacteriology
48-72 hours, colonies on this medium are small, smooth, 3. Heat Labile Toxin (HLT)
opaque, greyish white, refractile, resembling bisected pearls Heat labile (inactivated at 56°C x 15 minutes) toxin is
or mercury drops. A hazy zone of haemolysis surrounds present in all Bordetellae. Pathogenic role of this toxin
the colonies. Blood in the medium is apparently not is doubtful. It is a cytoplasmic protein.
to provide additional nutritive factors, but neutralises
inhibitory substances like toxic fatty acids. Charcoal or
starch or both may also be incorporated to neutralise 4. Tracheal Cytotoxin (TCT)
these toxic constituents. Charcoal blood agar medium is It is derived from the peptidoglycan of cell wall and is
an alternative medium used for primary isolation of this present in all Bordetellae. It causes damage to respiratory
organism. Commonly used charcoal blood agar medium epithelial cells and therefore makes a person more prone
is Regan- Lowe (RL) medium. It i; available both as to secondary infection.
semisolid transport medium and as a solid medium for
isolation of organism. 5. Pertussis Toxin (PT)
It is a heat labile exotoxin called the pertussis toxin. It
is present only in B. pertussis. It is a major virulence
C. Biochemical Reactions factor. It is also known as lymphocytosis producing factor,
B. pertussis is biochemically inactive. It does not ferment histamine sensitising factor and islet activating protein. It
sugars, form indole, reduce nitrates, split urea or utilize has a wide spectrum of biologic activity. It is apparently
citrate. It is oxidase positive and usually produces responsible for many of the signs and symptoms of
catalase. pertussis. It also causes profound lymphocytosis m
pertussis patients.
D. Resistance PT has a molecular weight of 117,000 and is
It is killed by heating at 55°C for 30 minutes, drying composed of six polypeptide chains (Sl to S5 with 2
and disinfectants. It survives outside the body in droplets copies of S4). PT has got two units A and B (the A
for few hours. It retains viability at low temperatures unit being the enzymatically active moiety and B the
(0-4oC). binding component). The A unit is made up of Sl while
B unit consists of the remaining five polypeptide chains.
E. Antigenic Structure Pertussis toxin can be toxoided. PT toxoid is the major
1. Agglutinogens component of acellular pertussis vaccines.
Freshly isolated strains of B. pertussis possess heat labile
antigens associated with the capsule (K antigens), designated 6. Adenylate Cyclase (AC)
1 to 14 factors or agglutinogens. All strains of B. pertussis Only one of adenylate cyclases has the ability to enter
carry factor 1 and one or more of the other factors. Factor target cells and act as a toxin. This is known as AC toxin
1 to 6 are present only in strains of B. pertussis but factor (ACT). It acts by catalysing the production of cAMP by
7 is found in all strains of the three species of Bordetella. various cells. It is produced by all the three mammalian
Factor 12 is specific for B. bronchiseptica and factor 14 for bordetellae.
B. parapertussis. These antigens are useful in serotyping
of the strains for epidemiology purposes.
Some of the agglutinogens have been recognised on 7. Filamentous Haemagglutinin (FHA)
the fimbriae. B. pertussis have eight agglutinogens; 1 to It is present on the bacillary surface. It mediates the
6, 7 and 13. These type specific antigens are under the attachment of the bacterium to the ciliated epithelial cells
control of vir gene. Agglutinogens promote virulence by of the respiratory tract. It also adheres to erythrocytes.
helping organisms to attach to respiratory epithelial cells. Antibodies directed against FHA are protective. FHA
As strains causing infection are of types 1, 2 and 3, is used in acellular pertussis vaccines along with PT
it is essential that pertussis vaccine strains should have toxoid.
factors 1, 2 and 3.
8. Pertactin
2. Lipopolysaccharide It is an outer membrane protein (OMP) present in virulent
It is a heat stable lipopolysaccharide endotoxin of the strains of B. pertussis. It is included in acellular pertussis
cell wall. It is not protective. It is common to all smooth vaccines. Antibody to pertactin can be detected in blood
strains of all the three species of Bordetella. after infection or immunisation.
4. Serology age, who are contacts of the case, should receive a booster
Rise in titre of antibodies may be demonstrated in paired dose alongwith a chemoprophylaxis of erythromycin for
sera samples by agglutination, complement fixation test, five days.
immunofluorescent test and ELISA. Acellular pertussis vaccines containing PT, FHA,
Detection of anti-pertussis toxin (PT) antibody levels pertactin, agglutinogens 1, 2, 3 of B. pertussis have been
can be detected in serum by ELISA. Immunoglobulin developed. They have fewer complications.
G (IgG) anti-PT antibodies levels of > 100 to 125 Prevention by isolation of cases is seldom practicable,
international units/milliliter (IU/mL) can be used as as infectivity is the highest during early stage (catarrhal)
recent contact with PT-producing bacteria. Paired sample of the disease when clinical diagnosis is not easy.
serology method can also be used but single-sample
serology also provides good sensitivity and specificity.
J. Treatment They are responsible for about five per cent of whooptng
The organism is sensitive to various antibiotics such as cough cases and generally produce a mild disease.
tetracycline, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and ampicillin. Morphologically they resemble B. pertussis but differ by
However, erythromycin is the drug of choice. their ability to grow on nutrient agar and pigment production
(Table 40.1 ). They are also antigenically distinct from B.
K. Prophylaxis pertussis. The pertussis vaccine does not protect against
Immunisation of infants and children with killed B. parapertussis infection.
B. pertussis vaccine is very effective. Smooth phase I
strain of B. pertussis is used for vaccine production. Three
intramuscular injections at intervals of 4-6 weeks are IV. BORDETELL A BRONCWSE PTICA
given before the age of six month, followed by a booster It is motile with peritrichate flagella and has been found
dose at the end of the first year of life. Vaccination is to cause 0.1 % cases of whooping cough in humans. It can
usually started at age of 6 weeks. Pertussis vaccine is grow on nutrient agar and is antigenically related to B.
generally administered in combination with diphtheria pertussis and Bruce/la abortus. Differentiating characters
toxoid and tetanus toxoid (DPT). B. pertussis acts as of bordetella species are listed in Table 40.1 .
an adjuvant for the toxoids, producing better antibody
response. Two types of vaccine DwPT (with whole cell
pertussis vaccine) and DaPT (with acellular pertussis V. BORDETELL A AVIUM
vaccine) are available. It is the causative agent of coryza in turkeys. It can grow
Rarely neurological complications like encephalopathy on nutrient agar. It produces HLT and TCT but does
and convulsions may occur. Children below four years of not produce ACT and PT.
1. The genus Bordetella contains very small, Gram negative coccobacilli.
2. Three important species of Bordetella include Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica.
3. B. pertussis is the main causative agent of whooping cough. It is a small, ovoid, non-motile, Gram negative
coccobacillus. It is aerobic and cannot grow anaerobically. Bordet-Gengou (glycerol-potato-blood agar) is a commonly
used medium. Regan-Lowe (RL) medium is charcoal blood agar used for growth of B. pertussis. It is oxidase positive.
4. Pertussis toxin is exotoxin produced by B. pertussis.
5. Laboratory diagnosis depends on microscopy and culture.
6. Pertussis vaccine is generally administered in combination with diphtheria toxoid and tetanus toxoid (DPT). B. pertussis
acts as an adjuvant for the toxoids producing better antibody response. Vaccine is very effective for prophylaxis.
7. Acellular pertussis vaccines containing antigens and toxins are also available.
1. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of whooping cough.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Antigenic structure of B. pertussis (b) Vaccination against pertussis (c) Bordet-Gengou medium.
Answers (MCQs):
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c)
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Chapter 41
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Biochemical Reactions D. Resistance
E. Antigenic Structure F. Biotypes
G. Phage Typing H. Classification
I. Pathogenesis J. Epidemiology
K. Laboratory Diagnosis L. Treatment
M. Prophylaxis
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Ch 41 : Brucella - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 325
is not inhibited by any of the dyes, while Br. abortus is for 10 days in refrigerated milk, for months in butter, one
inhibited by thionin and not by basic fuchsin. Br. suis month in ice cream. They die out in butter and cheese
is inhibited by basic fuchsin and not by thionin (Table undergoing lactic acid fermentation. They are sensitive
41.1). to direct sunlight and acid. Br.melitensis may survive for
six weeks in dust and ten weeks in water.
C. Biochemical Reactions They are resistant to penicillin but are susceptible
No carbohydrates are ordinarily fermented but they to streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and
possess oxidative capacity. They are catalase and oxidase ampicillin.
positive (except for Br. neotomae and Br. ovis which are
negative). They are urease positive, nitrate reduction E. Antigenic Structure
positive, citrate negative, indole is not produced and MR Two main somatic antigens of brucellae, A and M are
and VP tests are negative. Urease test is very rapidly present in different amounts in the three major species.
positive particularly in Br. suis which is positive within Antigen 'Xis dominant (about 20 times as much as 'M'
30 minutes and Br. abortus takes 1- 2 hour to become antigen) in Br. abortus and antigen 'M' is dominant in
urease positive. Br. melitensis (about 20 times of 'A:. antigen). Br. suis
has an intermediate antigenic pattern. Absorption of the
D. Resistance minor antigenic components of antiserum will leave most
Brucellae are killed by heat at 60°C in 10 minutes, hence of the major antibody components. Such absorbed A
in milk they are rapidly destroyed by pasteurisation. They and M monospecific sera are useful for identification by
are killed by 1% phenol in 15 minutes. They may survive in agglutinatation test. The antigenic structure of brucellae
soil and manure for several weeks. The organism survives is more complex. Some strains behave biochemically as
Dannish strains of Br. suis differ from American strains in not producing H2 S.
Br. abortus and serologically as Br. melitensis and vice- 2. Types of Infection
versa. The battery of other tests in addition to biotyping Human infection may be of three types:
and serotyping is required for differentiation of various (i) Subclinical or latent infection: There is no clinical
species (Table 41.1). evidence of disease but is detectable only by
Antigenic cross reactions exist between brucellae and serological tests.
Esch. coli 0:116, 0 :157; Salmonella serotype N (0:30 (ii) Acute brucellosis: It is also known as undulant fever
antigen), V cholerae, Ps. maltophila, F. tularensis and or Malta fever. It is associated with prolonged
Y enterocolitica. bacteraemia.
(iiz) Chronic brucellosis: It is usually non-bacteraemic.
The symptoms are generally related to a state of
F. Biotypes hypersensitivity.
(i) Br. abortus-7 biotypes (1 to 9, number 7 and 8 are
deleted) 3. Course of Disease
(ii) Br. melitensis-3 biotypes The bacilli after entering the body pass via the lymphatic
(iii) Br. suis-5 biotypes channels, regional lymph nodes, and thoracic duct to the
Br. suis strains which produce H 2S are called American blood stream causing bacteraemia. Brucellosis is primarily
strains and those not producing H 2S are called Danish a disease of reticuloendothelial (RE) system, hence, the
strains. organisms are localised in the RE system. Brucellae have
a special predilection for intracellular growth especially
G. Phage Typing inside phagocytic cells. Cell mediated immunity plays an
The Tblisi (Tb) reference phage is used for phage typing. important role in recovery from brucellosis.
It lyses Br. abortus at both RTD (Routine test dilution) The incubation period varies from 2 to 3 weeks and
and 10,000 RTD but Br. suis is lysed at 10,000 RTD only may extend to 6 months. The onset of symptoms may
while Br. melitensis is not lysed at all. be acute or insidious. Acute brucellosis is chracterised by
fever, chills, shivering, malaise, severe headache, bone and
H. Classification joint pains, mild lymph node enlargement and sometimes
Brucellae may be classified into six species based on CO 2 hepatosplenomegaly. The name undulant fever has been
requirement, production of H 2S; sensitivity to aniline dyes attributed to acute brucellosis because of the periodic
(basic fuchsin and thionin), agglutination by monospecific nocturnal fever that may occur over weeks, months or
sera and phage lysis (Table 41.1) . years especially in untreated cases. When the disease
persists for 6 months or more, it is termed as chronic
I. Pathogenesis brucellosis.
All the three major species of brucellae are pathogenic
to human beings. Br. melitensis is the most pathogenic J. Epidemiology
species followed by Br. suis of intermediate pathogenicity The disease is worldwide m distribution and endemic
and Br. abortus is the least pathogenic. Brucellosis is a in certain areas such as Mediterranean countries (B,:
zoonotic disease. melitensis), certain swine rearing areas of USA (Br. suis)
and Great Britain (Br. abortus). In India, Br. melitensis is
1. Mode of Infection the predominant pathogen of human brucellosis acquired
Human infection occurs by direct or indirect contact with from goats or sheep which is followed by Br. abortus of
infected animals. Brucellae are transmitted to humans cattle origin.
(i) Drinking contaminated (unpasteurised) raw milk K. Laboratory Diagnosis
or by ingestion of milk products from infected Brucellosis is a febrile disease with varied clinical
animals. manifestations and clinical diagnosis is often difficult and
(ii) Direct contact with infected animal tissues: butchers, laboratory aid is, therefore, essential. Laboratory methods
dairy workers, farm workers and veterinarians are include culture of brucellae, serology and hypersensitivity
particularly at risk. test.
(iiz) Accidental ingestion, inhalation, injection and
mucosa! or skin contamination may occur m 1. Specimens
laboratory personnel working with brucellae. Blood culture 1s the most definitive method for the
1. The genus Bruce/la consists of small, non-motile, aerobic, Gram negative coccobacilli which are strict parasite of
animals (goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, buffaloes).
2. Bruce/la melitensis, B. abortus and B. suis are the three major species of the genus Bruce/la.
3. Brucellosis is a febrile disease. Man acquires infection by contact with infected animals or through their products.
Human infections may be of three types: subclinical, acute brucellosis, chronic brucellosis.
4. Brucellae are strict aerobes. B. abortus is capnophilic, requiring 5-10 per cent CO2 for its growth.
5. The media employed for culture are serum dextrose agar, serum-potato-infusion agar, trypticase soy-agar or tryptose
agar. The three important species of brucella are differentiated on the basis of their ability to grow in media
containing aniline dyes such as basic fuchsin and thionin.
6. Brucellae are oxidase positive and urease positive. Urease test is very rapidly positive particularly in B. suis.
1. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis.
2. Write short notes on:
(a) Castaneda's medium
(b) Serodiagnosis of brucellosis
(c) Diagnosis of brucellosis in animals.
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Chapter 42
I. Introduction
II. Classification
Ill. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
A. Morphology B. Culture
C. Resistance D. Biochemical Reactions
E. Antigenic Structure F. Mycobacteriophages
G. Pathogenesis H. Immunity and Hypersensitivity
I. Koch's Phenomenon J. Tuberculin Skin Test
K. Laboratory Diagnosis L. Sensitivity Testing
M. Treatment N. Prophylaxis
0 . Revised National Tuberculosiss
Control Programme
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Ch 42: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ 331
bovis, M . microti, M. africanum M. caprae, M . canettii M. tuberculosis and M. bovis are typical tubercle
and M. pinnipedii. These species are closely related to bacilli and cause human lesions such as pulmonary
each other by antigenic analysis and DNA hybridisation. tuberculosis.
However, they can be distinguished by certain characters
(Table 42.1).
III. MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS (average 3 µm x 0.3 µm) in size. These bacilli are acid-
The species contains two major types, classical and South fast, non-sporing, non-capsulated and non-motile. Ziehl-
Indian type of M . tuberculosis. Classical type is virulent Neelsen staining is useful to study the morphology of
to guinea pig but South Indian type is attenuated in this these organisms. With this stain, tubercle bacilli are seen
animal. South Indian type is prevalent in South India bright red (acid-fast), while the tissue cells and other
and in persons of Asian-ethnic origin living in other organisms are stained blue (Fig. 42.1 ). Tubercle bacilli
countries. may also be stained with the fluorescent dyes (aurarnine
0 , rhodarnine) and appear yellow luminous bacilli under
A. Morphology the fluorescent microscope. Beaded or barred forms are
M. tuberculosis is a slender, straight or slightly curved frequently seen in M tuberculosis. They are Gram positive
bacillus with rounded ends, occurring singly, in pairs or but are difficult to stain with the Gram stain due to the
in small clumps. It measures, 1-4 µm x 0.2 - 0.8 µm failure of the dye to penetrate the cell wall.
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332 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit Ill : Systemic Bacteriology
B. Culture
M. tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe whereas
M. bovis is microaerophilic on primary isolation,
becoming aerobic on subculture. The bacilli grow slowly
(generation time 14-15 hours) and colonies appear only
in about two weeks and sometimes it may take up to 6---8
weeks. Optimum temperature for growth is 37°C (range
3~0°C). Optimum pH is 6.4 to 7.0. Tubercle bacilli
can grow on a wide range of enriched culture media
but Lowenstein- Jensen (LJ) medium is most commonly Fig. 42.2 LJ media without growth and with growth
used. This medium consists of beaten eggs, asparagine,
Table 42.2 Differentiating Features of M . tuberculosis and M. bovis
Test M. tuberculosis M. bovis
Morphology Long, slender and usually curved Short, stout and straight
Colony characters Dry, rough, tough, raised and wrinkled, creamy Moist, smooth, flat, white and friable
white or buff coloured, difficult to emulsify
Biochemical reactions
Niacin test +
Nitrate reduction +
Animal pathogenicity test
In guinea pig + (progressive and fatal disease) + (Disease similar to that in M. tuberculosis)
In rabbit - or mild lesion + (generalised lesion)
and pyrazinamide. A 0.00165 M solution of amide is which modifies the optical characteristics of the test
incubated with the bacillary suspension at 37°C and to solution from a yellow to pink. A pink colour indicates
this is added 0.1 ml of MnSO 4 . 4H 2O, 1.0 ml of phenol hydrolysis of Tween 80. M . kansasii and M. gordonae are
solution and 0.5 ml of hypochlorite solution. The tubes positive, while M. bovis, M. africanum, M. avium complex
are placed in boiling waterbath for 20 minutes. A blue and M. scrofulaceum are negative. M . tuberculosis shows
colour indicates a positive test. M tuberculosis produces variable results.
nicotinamidase and pyrazinamidase, therefore, splits
nicotinamide and pyrazinamide. E. Antigenic Structure
Mycobacterial antigens are mainly of two types, cell wall
6. Nitrate Reduction Test (insoluble) and cytoplasmic (soluble) antigens.
This test depends on reduction of nitrate to mtnte
by an enzyme nitroreductase. This test is positive 1. Cell Wall Antigens
with M. tuberculosis and negative with M. bovis. The cell wall consists of lipids, proteins and polysaccharides.
Other mycobacteria, which may give positive test, are The lipid content accounts for 60% of the cell wall weight.
M. kansasii, M. fortuitum and M. chelonei. Lipids of the cell wall particularly the mycolic acid fraction
The test organism is suspended in a buffer solution are responsible for the acid-fastness of bacteria and the
containing nitrate and incubated at 37°C for 2 hours. cellular tissue reactions of the body. The cell wall is made
Then sulphanilamide and n-naphthyl-ethylene diamine up of four distinct layers (Fig. 42.5) .
dihydrochloride solutions are added. Development of pink (i) Peptidoglycan (murein) layer, the innermost layer
or red colour indicates positive reaction (Fig. 42.4) . which maintains the shape and rigidity of the cell.
(ii) Arabinogalactan layer lies external to the peptidoglycan
7. Susceptibility to Pyrazinamide layer.
M. tuberculosis is sensitive to 50 µg/ml pyrazinamide but (iii) Mycolic acid layer is the principal constituent of cell
other mycobacteria including M . bovis are resistant. wall. It is a dense band on long chain a - alkyl and
~-hydroxy fatty acids attached by ester bonds to
8. Susceptibility to Thiophen-2-Carboxylic Acid the terminal arabinose units of arabinogalactan.
Hydrazide (TCH) (iv) Mycosides (peptidoglycolipids or phenolic glycolipids)
M. bovis is usually susceptible to 10 µg/ml of TCH. form the outermost layer of the cell wall. The
M tuberculosis is usually not inhibited by this chemical, agglutinogen antigens have been identified as the
however, South Indian strains are susceptible. sugar moieties on mycosides.
The cell wall antigens include arabinomanan,
9. Tween 80 Hydrolysis arabinogalactan and lipoarabinomanan.
Certain mycobacteria possess an enzyme lipase that splits
Tween 80 into oleic acid and polyoxyethylated sorbitol 2. Cytoplasmic Antigens
Cytoplasmic antigens are protein antigens employed to
type the mycobacteria. These include antigen 5, antigen
6, antigen 14, antigen 19, antigen 32, antigen 38 and
antigen 60. All are protein in nature except antigen 60
which is a lipopolysaccharide protein complex.
Fig. 42.4 Nitrate reduction test Fig. 42.5 Cell wall of Mycobacterum
(i) Pulmonary tuberculosis urine specimen, care must be taken to exclude commensal
Sputum is the most common specimen. It is collected in a M. smegmatis bacillus which is only acid-fast and not
clean wide-mouthed container. A morning specimen may alcohol-fast, whereas M. tuberculosis is both acid and
be collected on three consecutive days. If sputum is scanty, alcohol fast.
a 24 hour specimen may be collected. When sputum is If a large number of smears are to be examined,
not available, laryngeal swab or bronchial washings are flu orescent microscopy is more convenient. Smears are
collected. In children, gastric washings may be examined stained with fluorescent dyes such as auramine 'O' or
as they tend to swallow sputum. auramine rhodamine and examined under ultraviolet
light. The bacilli appear as bright bacilli against dark
(ii) Meningitis background. WHO has recommended the use of LED
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from tuberculous meningitis (light emmiting diode) fluorescence microscopy over
(TBM) often forms a spider web clot on standing, conventional fluorescent microscopy. Compared to
examination of which may be more useful than of conventional mercury vapour fluorescent microscopes,
fluid. LED microscopes are less expensive and are able to run
on batteries. LED microscopes can perform equally well
(iii) Renal tuberculosis without a dark room. It has more sensitivity than ZN
Three consecutive days morning samples of urine are staining.
examined. Demonstration of AFB by microscopy provides
only presumptive evidence of tuberculous infection,
(iv) Bone and joints tuberculosis as saprophytic mycobacteria may present a similar
Aspirated fluid appearance.
4. Culture (Fig. 42.6) M. bovis (i.e. growth index decreases) but not that of
Culture is a very sensitive method for detection of tubercle M. tuberculosis. This significant method has now been
bacilli. It may detect as few as 10 to 100 bacilli per ml. discontinued due to radioactivity.
The concentrated material is inoculated on two bottles of Mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) is
Lowenstein-Jensen medium. In case of gastric washings, another rapid method for detection of mycobacterial
alkali is added to neutralise the acid present in the growth. It is a non-radiometric, automated method. It
specimen and then inoculated on culture medium. Urine consists of tubes containing liquid culture media, and a
is centrifuged and then from deposit, culture medium fluorescent compound is embedded on the bottom of the
is inoculated. In case of CSF, it is centrifuged and the tube. The fluorescent compound is sensitive to dissolved
deposit is used for culture and smear examination. oxygen in the liquid medium. Thus the dissolved oxygen in
The culture media are incubated at 37°C in the dark the uninoculated medium quenches any fluorescence from
and in the light. Cultures are examined first after 4 days the compound. When mycobacteria grow they deplete the
(for rapid growing mycobacteria, fungi and contaminant dissolved oxygen in the liquid medium and allows the
bacteria) and thereafter weekly till 8 weeks. The tubercle compound to fluoresce brightly which can be detected by
bacilli usually grow in 2 to 8 weeks. Longer incubation observing the tube under ultraviolet light (wood's lamp) .
is necessary for strains originating from patients treated The result are obtained in 8 to 14 days.
with antitubercular drugs. BacT/Alert 3D system is a non-radiometric, rapid
In a positive culture, characteristic colonies appear on and fully automated. It uses liquid medium vials in which
culture medium. Smear is prepared from isolated colony specimen is inoculated. If mycobacteria are present in the
and stained with Ziehl-Neelsen technique. When acid-fast specimen, carbon dioxide (COi) is released by actively
bacillus (AFB) is slow growing, non-pigmented and niacin proliferating mycobacteria. The elevated level of CO 2
positive, it is regarded as M . tuberculosis. Confirmation lowers the pH in the medium which produces a colour
is done by biochemical reactions. change in sensor present in the liquid medium vial. This
In radiometric method such as BACTEC, the growth colour change is detected by the instrument.
may be detected in about a week by using 14C labelled
substrates. Culture media contains 14C-labelled palmitic 5. Animal Inoculation
acid. Mycobacteria metabolise the 14C-labelled substrates 0.5 ml of the concentrated specimen is inoculated
and release radioactively labelled 14CO 2 • The instrument intamuscularly into the thigh of two tuberculin negative
measures 14CO 2 and reports in terms of 'growth index'. healthy guinea pigs. Inoculation by subcutaneous route is
A growth index of 10 is considered as positive. This avoided as it causes local ulcer which may be infectious.
method can also differentiate between M. tuberculosis and The animals are weighed prior to inoculation and
M bovis. As M . bovis is susceptible to TCH, incorpora- thereafter at weekly interval. They are tuberculin tested
tion of TCH in the medium inhibits the growth of after 3-4 weeks. There is progressive loss of weight and
Growth on LJ medium
+ +
Type of growth M. tuberculosis M. fortuitum complex Tellurite reduction