The Personal Diary of Rev Hale
The Personal Diary of Rev Hale
The Personal Diary of Rev Hale
Entry 1
Elizabeth Proctor had been taken tonight for the charge of
witchcraft and attempted murder of Abigail Williams. So have Rebecca
Nurse and Martha Corey. These arrests have shaken me. I tried to defend
the court as these times are new. We cannot flinch to those who accuse,
as the devil is alive in Salem. We all know that Rebecca is the brick of
this church and Martha is the woman closest to God within this entire
unstable town. These women are innocent, and the courts will find them
innocent, but after what John had said, I don’t know if they will. Nobody
is truly clean in this world and the accusers are not always right. These
are a very stressful time, and I pray the courts find none of those women
guilty, if they are then this town has already fallen to the devil and soon
the world.
Entry 2
I met with the women in jail the night I quit the court, to see for
myself if they were truly with the devil. Through my examination of
them, they were all in the light of God. Most of these women are kind
ones, they know not of the devil and haven’t signed his book. The court
has taken to believing the hateful pleas of wild children and a whore.
These accusations had even a man such as John Proctor say God is dead
in a fit of rage. These children are ruining Salem by passing blame out
like its water. Abigail Williams certainly won’t get what she wants. I
believe she is to blame here for the continuation, her entourage might be
doing it for their own gain or to protect themselves. Could this have
been Abigail’s plan from the start, or is she just taking of this situation
that’s been handed to her on a silver platter.
Dear your excellency,
I beg of you to release those accused and who have denied any
relation with the devil. They have done nothing wrong, and yet you
spare the lives of those who confessed and wish for mercy. All of them
wish for mercy, believing those wicked children has given the town a
taste for blood. Why do you look for confessions? Those who haven’t
confessed have done nothing wrong. Your excellency, I beg please do
not kill those who haven’t confessed. If you won’t pardon them or given
them an extension, then I will come of my own volition to try and save
them with their confession if that’s what you desire from these people. I
am not coming to rejoin your court, but in the name of the people to save
those accused.
-Rev. Hale